#eyes care
intersectionalpraxis · 6 months
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It’s feels so insignificant to have this struggle but I’m getting my period soon and there’s no place to buy cotton/pads or the specific painkillers I get and it’s so so cold my pre cramps are already killing me. It makes me feel so helpless. [@/ Dicktator117 on X. 12/28/23.]
“Periods Don't Stop for Conflict” I remember this headline addressing women's health in Ukraine. Not a peep out of those same agencies about Sudanese & Palestinian women struggling in war/conflict zones.
#KeepEyesOnSudan [@/ RightUpMyAlley on X.]
I created a link for a gofundme happening right now to ensure Period Care reaches folks who need it in Sudan, and I will re-post this here for folks who can share and/or support:
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This link here will lead you to this post of where you can support/send funds so that period care reaches those who need it in [Palestine] and other areas as well.
One Million Sustainable Pads Campaign [Sudan]
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myultravision · 21 days
Eyes are the windows to the world. Don't let blurry vision hinder your enjoyment of the beauty around you. Focus on the world with clear vision and normal vision using MyUltraVision. Make your life better by seeing everything in clear, crisp detail.
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avarkriss · 2 months
listen. listen to me so carefully right now. (if you're in the eclipse path/planning on viewing). please don't stare directly at the sun tomorrow. i am begging you - do not stare at it. if you got eclipse glasses off of amazon/other, please put them on in your house and make sure you can't see anything; if you can still see like regular sun glasses, they are not safe for eclipse viewing, you will burn your retinas, and we cannot fix that. eclipse glasses should be iso/ce certified, and aas (american astronomical society) approved. please make smart choices and protect your eyes. please.
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sukunasteeth · 2 months
Sukuna has never said no to you.
It didn’t matter what the request was, simple or complicated, easy to fix or a days-long job, Sukuna was always at your side, completing the task as fast as he needed to to keep you satisfied. He would love to deny it, you’re sure, but evidence proves time and time again that he puts your needs and wants at the top of his priority list. 
And you were curious how far you could go with it.
The two of you are sitting in your underwear at the breakfast nook, warming yourselves in the bay window while the morning sun starts on the leftover night time chill. It wasn't quite time for breakfast, still too early for the both of you. In the meantime, you sip on your morning brews, preserving the comfortable silence. Sukuna is flipping through the day's newspaper, his eyes are groggy with sleep and he hasn't said more than a handful of words to you yet. He wasn't a morning person.
You were starting to change that.
"Kuna," You call to him, nudging him with your foot from your corner of the window bench.
"Hmm?" He doesn't look up from the paper, but his hand reaches down and grabs your foot, pulling it into his lap. His thumbs start to subconsciously knead at your muscles.
"I want these." You hold up your phone, which you had previously been scrolling through in an attempt to find something ridiculous for this exact moment. You were sure you had found it, something even Sukuna would find unnecessary. 
And yet, he merely glances at your screen, takes in the sight for all of two seconds, and then returns his attention to whatever news article he was in the middle of.
"My wallet's on the counter." He clears the sleep from his throat not sparing a second look. 
You blink at him in surprise.
"D-Did you even see what it is?" You flip your phone around to make sure you were displaying the correct thing. 
Sukuna is frowning before he looks up again, curious at your persistence. He gently cups your hand, bringing it only a minuscule amount closer to examine your screen a second time. 
You were on one of the most luxurious brand’s websites, showing him an incredibly regular pair of panties, no straps, no details, all black- with one of the most outrageous price tags you had ever seen for something so ordinary. 
Sukuna cocks a brow at you over your phone, "Can't imagine you need more panties when you're constantly stealing my boxers. But whatever, hand it over. I know my card number-"
"Kuna," You interrupt him with a surprised laugh, holding fast to your phone when he tries to pluck it out of your hands, "they're a thousand dollars."
He glances back, his eyes focusing lower on the screen where you know the price tag to be. The newspaper in his hands drops down, momentarily forgotten by what he sees. For a moment, you think you've found his limit.
"Wait, are those red one's assless?" He points just below the price, where the recommended products are depicted. "Get those too."
You drop the phone down so that he meets your eyes, which are wide with shock.
Sukuna always took care of you. Always insisted on being the provider of any single thing that you may need; a warm meal, a soft bed, anything your eyes twinkled at that was available for purchase- even if you would never think of buying or owning it. Granted, you never wanted much in terms of material possessions, so you didn't realize the true extent of Sukuna's leniency until now.
It was slightly intimidating, and part of it felt wrong. Sukuna had money, plenty of it, but that didn’t mean he should feel the need to spend copious amounts of it on you just because you could ask him to. He was giving you too much power, it felt like.
You huff through your nose, frowning at him, which only has him tilting his head further to the side in question.
You ignore it, setting your phone onto the window seat and crawling your way closer to him, until you can gather up his face in your hands and lock his gaze into yours.
He glares at you past smushed cheeks, but doesn't make a move to break free of your hold, humoring you. "The hell are you doing-"
"You know you don't always have to say yes to me?"
Now that has him taken aback. His mouth automatically opens for a witty response, but your question seems to have effectively taken the words from his mouth. You can see the cogs in his head turning, and what you wouldn't give to peer inside his mind and hear his thoughts.
It takes him a moment, but eventually that familiar confident smile stretches across his sleepy face. His hands seem to instinctively slide their way up your bare legs until his fingers grip your hip bones, pressing into you. 
He hums, "When have you ever said no to me?"
You scoff, ready to give him a prime example, but end up coming up short. The two of you loved to tease each other with disobedience, but in the end you were eager to give Sukuna anything his heart desired. You loved to please him, it was one of your favorite things to do, in fact.
"You never ask anything ridiculous of me." You remind him, smiling as one of his warm hands slides back down your waist and dips into the pair of his boxers you were sporting that day. 
"You know what's ridiculous?” His voice wraps around your throat, and suddenly has you swallowing past the delicious grip. You're folding into him before you even realize it, at the mercy of his calloused hands. "The implication that I wouldn't do just about anything for you."
You can't help but sigh hopelessly, although it comes out as a desperate noise that pleads him for more. You really were all his, just like he loved to tell you.
"Now hand me your phone." It's a whisper, coaxing you. "I wanna see you in red."
You can’t say no. 
At least it was mutual.
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zytes · 1 year
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look alive, sunshine
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hinamie · 1 month
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some quick jjk eye paintings
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tibli · 4 months
I love when arthropods have a pseudopupil. It's so whimsical and cute, and they come in so many varieties!!
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little kitty cat eyes!!!
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bombastic side eyes!!!!
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cartoon character eyes!!!!
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bigass anime eyes!!!!!
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BE NOT AFRAID eyes!!!!!
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kalisbaby · 4 months
Reposted from tartola0123 on IG
The Sudanese Diaspora Network (SDN) has launched a benefit fundraiser to provide necessary humanitarian relief the Sudanese people during this time of crisis. 100% of the proceeds from this fundraiser will go to three organizations:
Fill A Heart
Please watch the video, share the post on IG, and share the fundraiser link on other socials. Also, donate if you can. Every little bit is important and helps.
You can show support here:
Keep Eyes on Sudan 🇸🇩
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wasyago · 3 months
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whoag woeowoow
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toxxtt · 4 months
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playing around with some historical french fashions on furina (+ neuvi).. I think she should always get big silly hats
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18th+19th century mens fashion is one of my fav fav fav things is ever so this was fun 🫡 love being fashion history neurodivergent
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FNAF movie “Mike” and Vanny talk about the Mimic..
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johanpat · 1 year
CLPLOX EYE DROPS is one of the most popular eye drops that contain ciprofloxacin, which means it is related to the group of medicines known as fluoroquinolone antibiotics and it can be more beneficial to use in bacterial infection of eyes and ears in situations of corneal ulcers, external otitis, suppurative otitis media, etc. Red, watery eyes and bloodshot eyes, and pain in eyes and ears are the symptoms of an eyes or ear infection. These drops can also be used for other treatments like inflammatory ear infections such as chronic suppurative otitis media, external otitis, etc.  while they can be used by adults and children above 1 year.
Ciplox Eye/Ear Drop 10 ml contains Ciprofloxacin which has bactericidal activity. It works by suppressing the enzyme DNA gyrase, which is essential for bacterial DNA synthesis. As a result, Ciplox Eye/Ear Drop 10 ml inhibits bacterial development and thereby treats external ocular infection of the eye, chronic suppurative otitis media, external otitis, malignant otitis externa, and perioperatively in chronic otitis media.
BUY MORE PROUDES: Ciplox Eye Drops  Ciplox-TZ
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newbestinfo · 1 year
How to protect eyes from mobile and computer
We are talking about How to protect eyes from mobile and computers. You can safeguard your eyes and limit the gamble of fostering these issues. In this article, How to prevent eye damage from phones.  We will examine a few hints and methods that can assist you with shielding your eyes from portable and PC screens. 
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A few straightforward activities you can do include:
Palming: Rub your hands together to warm them up, then place them over your eyes and unwind for a couple of moments.
Eye Rolling: Gaze upward and afterwards leisurely circle your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise.
Centering: Hold a pen or pencil at a safe distance and spotlight on the tip as you draw it nearer to your eyes and afterwards farther away.
Follow the 20/20/20 Rule
The 20/20/20 rule is a straightforward strategy that can assist with lessening eye strain and exhaustion.  This decreases the stress on your eyes and allows them an opportunity to rest.
Adjust Your Screen Settings
Most screens accompany settings that permit you to change the splendour, differentiation, and various temperature. How to prevent eye damage from phones. How to protect eyes from mobile and computer. You can change these settings to lessen how much blue light radiated from the screen, which can cause eye strain and upset rest. You can likewise build the text dimension. Glasses to protect eyes from mobile screens.  At the point when you are perusing your school/school notes or even a long PDF record, change the brilliance of your PC screen to ensure that the light is neither too splendid nor excessively dull. This is one of the fundamental eye well-being tips that will go quite far to guarantee the security of your eyes. 
A few straightforward activities you can do include:
Palming: Rub your hands together to warm them up, then place them over your eyes and unwind for a couple of moments.
Eye Rolling: Gaze upward and afterwards leisurely circle your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise.
Centering: Hold a pen or pencil at a safe distance and spotlight on the tip as you draw it nearer to your eyes and afterwards farther away.
Follow the 20/20/20 Rule
The 20/20/20 rule is a straightforward strategy that can assist with lessening eye strain and exhaustion.  This decreases the stress on your eyes and allows them an opportunity to rest.
Adjust Your Screen Settings
Most screens accompany settings that permit you to change the splendour, differentiation, and various temperature. How to prevent eye damage from phones. How to protect eyes from mobile and computer. You can change these settings to lessen how much blue light radiated from the screen, which can cause eye strain and upset rest. You can likewise build the text dimension. Glasses to protect eyes from mobile screens.  At the point when you are perusing your school/school notes or even a long PDF record, change the brilliance of your PC screen to ensure that the light is neither too splendid nor excessively dull. This is one of the fundamental eye well-being tips that will go quite far to guarantee the security of your eyes. 
A few straightforward activities you can do include:
Palming: Rub your hands together to warm them up, then place them over your eyes and unwind for a couple of moments.
Eye Rolling: Gaze upward and afterwards leisurely circle your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise.
Centering: Hold a pen or pencil at a safe distance and spotlight on the tip as you draw it nearer to your eyes and afterwards farther away.
Follow the 20/20/20 Rule
The 20/20/20 rule is a straightforward strategy that can assist with lessening eye strain and exhaustion.  This decreases the stress on your eyes and allows them an opportunity to rest.
Adjust Your Screen Settings
Most screens accompany settings that permit you to change the splendour, differentiation, and various temperature. How to prevent eye damage from phones. How to protect eyes from mobile and computer. You can change these settings to lessen how much blue light radiated from the screen, which can cause eye strain and upset rest. You can likewise build the text dimension. Glasses to protect eyes from mobile screens.  At the point when you are perusing your school/school notes or even a long PDF record, change the brilliance of your PC screen to ensure that the light is neither too splendid nor excessively dull. This is one of the fundamental eye well-being tips that will go quite far to guarantee the security of your eyes. 
Read More
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rongzhi · 6 months
A winter reminder
English added by me :)
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peptide-ingredient · 1 year
Acetyl Tetrapeptide-5: The Key to Rejuvenated Eyes
Acetyl Tetrapeptide-5 is a powerful peptide that has become increasingly popular in the cosmetic industry, specifically in products targeting the delicate skin around the eyes. This peptide has been touted as a solution to puffy eyes, dark circles, and fine lines, all of which are common concerns for many people.
But what exactly is Acetyl Tetrapeptide-5, and how does it work?
Acetyl Tetrapeptide-5 is a synthetic peptide that mimics the action of a natural peptide found in the body called Thymopoietin. Thymopoietin plays a key role in regulating the immune system and has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. Acetyl Tetrapeptide-5, therefore, is thought to have similar anti-inflammatory properties, which can be beneficial for the skin around the eyes.
Inflammation is a natural response of the body to injury or infection, but chronic inflammation can be harmful and can contribute to various health issues, including skin aging. Inflammation can cause damage to collagen and elastin fibers in the skin, which can lead to fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. The skin around the eyes is particularly susceptible to damage from inflammation, as it is thin and delicate.
Acetyl Tetrapeptide-5 is believed to reduce inflammation in the skin, which can lead to a reduction in puffiness and dark circles around the eyes. It is also thought to have a firming effect on the skin, which can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, Acetyl Tetrapeptide-5 has also been shown to have a moisturizing effect on the skin. This is important for the delicate skin around the eyes, as it tends to be dry and prone to dehydration. Moisturized skin is plumper and more supple, which can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
One of the key benefits of Acetyl Tetrapeptide-5 is that it is a safe and effective ingredient for use in cosmetic products. It has been extensively tested for safety and has been shown to be non-irritating to the skin. It is also compatible with other skincare ingredients, which makes it a versatile ingredient for use in a variety of products.
So, if you're looking for a solution to puffy eyes, dark circles, and fine lines, Acetyl Tetrapeptide-5 could be the key to rejuvenated eyes. Look for this powerful peptide in your favorite eye cream or serum, and experience the benefits for yourself.
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digitalmarkcena · 1 year
Many people ignore that their damaging vision can relate them to dangerous circumstances and other health issues. So, here we are listing some of the experts' healthy tips that will naturally flourish your eyesight.
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