#fabian stop cursing in the tags
insteadoflight · 4 years
the soap
bar on my desk looks like candy, and i wonder if 
lately i’ve been feeling happy, in a way where the emotion isn’t a bubble about to pop and slam me hard into concrete but rather a swell of a wave, bringing me to sea, and when i’m riding it i forget drowning is imminent. 
i am riding the wave and i feel alive and--
nothing, nothing, nothing can stop me and 
i can bite it, and it is very soft,
is not as bad as a crash into asphalt, since there is no pain, no breaking bones. just slow drifting, surrounded by bubbles and salt and fading sunlight. 
and my teeth leave an imprint, and why not bite through the whole thing?
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angelaiswriting · 3 years
Undercover | Bandit x fem!reader
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[video by Yogendra Singh from Pexels]
✏️ Pairing: Bandit x fem!reader
✏️ Summary: In which Dominic realizes he's fallen too hard for a woman during an undercover mission and he doesn't think he's fit to work for Rainbow anymore.
🎁 A/N: I wrote this for @kind-wolf​‘s birthday but she gave me the okay to post it, so hopefully y’all will enjoy it too 💛
✏️ Warnings: slight angst, 18+ only? idk (the sex is generally only implied but there are some paragraphs in which it’s a little less implied), also a dash of fluff?
✏️ Word-count: 11,555
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There was something about early-morning runs that just calmed his nerves, even with music blasting in his ears. There was something in the way his trainers would rhythmically slap against the ground; something in the burning in his lungs, in the way the wind would blow against his face every now and then…
The British countryside expanded to infinity on his runs and it erased anything Hereford Base inevitably brought along—training sessions, mission calls, even more simulations, and then endless tests to pieces of equipment that he surely had not missed while on his last undercover mission.
He didn’t think much about it. About the mission. He always tried his best not to, although he did so unconsciously, probably more out of habit than anything else. It was never easy, to go back to a daily routine that didn’t feel yours anymore, to a routine you couldn’t recognize after having pretended to be someone else for the past six years. Some things just get to your head at some point, and going back to who you had once been feels like being reborn completely, and into someone you can’t recognize. You wake up one day, and you find yourself being forced to put on yet another mask, with the only exception that this is no mask. This is your face. Who you are. Or who you’re supposed to be, at least.
And although most likely unprofessional, this was how Dominic Brunsmeier still felt, six months after his mission had come to its end. He woke up every day and for the first, endless minutes he simply lied there, staring at a ceiling he had problems recognizing, with the reality that he was thousands of miles away from Germany hanging like Damocles’ sword above his head. His ears still subconsciously strained for the sound of two dogs’ nails ticking against the tiles of the floor to come to say good morning, and his left hand still stretched out to feel for someone who wasn’t there—who would never be there again.
That’s why running helped. It emptied his mind—and it also filled his lungs with the smell of wet grass and dirt. And although he still turned around to check behind his back every few minutes in search for furry snouts—one of the habits he had developed in the past life he had been forced to leave behind—, it was getting better, and the music in his ear pods seemed to be starting to do the trick.
Sometime later, when he got back to the Base, he was somewhat ready to be a Rainbow operator once again. At least for that day.
The truth was, he had somehow grown almost detached from anything and anyone Rainbow. He would do something, and then he’d mentally compare it to how he did it before. The way his morning coffee would taste; the way her laundry detergent would smell fresh and somehow cozy; how peaceful car trips would feel, almost as though he could lose himself into one of them for the rest of his life. Now his coffee was just Marius’s boring blend, and the detergent they used in the laundry at the base had no scent. And when he did end up tagging along on short weekend trips, there was no dog whining ecstatically in the back of the car and trying to lick his neck.
“How was your run?”
Monika was looking at him from above the file she was reading—a mission report, a test session report, he didn’t know and he also found himself not caring. That life still felt alien to him.
He shrugged. “Good.” He had somehow become a man of few words, and he had also started to realize that maybe undercover missions weren’t for him. Not anymore, at least. Maybe he had let this one get to him a bit too much, and everyone he had met had grown under his skin without him wanting so and he still did somehow feel like he had betrayed his family, sent them all to jail.
It was a stupid thought—he tried to remind himself of that every time that feeling came up, but maybe he just wasn’t cut for long undercover missions anymore. He didn’t remember when it had become difficult to tell right from wrong, but it had happened, and every time his mind stopped on that period of his life, he found himself growing homesick for a home he never had, not there.
“Just good?” 
Elias was there, too. Of fucking course, he would be there. He had been keeping an eye on him for a few weeks now, and Dominic was too much of an expert not to notice. It hadn’t been a surprise to see him enter the kitchen a minute or two after he had.
“Just good,” he nodded
There was some staring, then. Dominic stared at Elias because he wanted to be left alone, and Elias stared at Dominic because he wanted to understand what the problem was, so that he could help his friend. It was all useless, though, and they both knew it: one had closed off too securely to let on anything—or let anyone in, and the other was too stubborn to just stop caring about someone he loved.
That afternoon, though, he was running some errands in town with Marius when a dog stopped right in front of him to sniff his pants. It was a lovely animal, with fur of an almost bronze-red color and a tail that never once stopped wagging.
It brought him back in time, and for a moment he stood there, frozen and rooted to the spot. He could almost still feel the rain on his skin despite that exceptionally bright sunny day. But then, the Irish setter’s owner called Bonnie, let’s go! and Dominic was back to the present day, a bag with stuff he had bought at the hardware store just on the other side of the parking lot in one hand and a bunch of keys in the other.
“Everything alright with you?” Marius asked when Dominic reached him. He had been waiting for him, leaning against the door of the truck, and he hadn’t missed the way his friend had grown rigid. It didn’t matter how much pride Dom felt at the idea of being good at hiding feelings: there was always someone that saw right through his shit. And called him out on it.
“I used to have two dogs,” he blurted out with a smile on his face before he could stop himself. They were both loading bags into the trunk of the car and he hadn’t even felt the words slip through his lips that they were already out there in the open. But the memory had hit him with the same force of a freight train, and he had found himself basking in that warm feeling that had started to blossom inside him at the memory. After all, he loved those two pests like his own kids.
He looked up, the feeling of being caught red-handed quickly seeping in, and he found that Marius had a weird look in his eyes as he watched his every move.
“You had two dogs?” his friend quoted, one hand reaching up for the back door of the car. He closed it shut, and the frown didn’t leave his face for a second. “Back during your mission, you mean?”
“Forget about it. It doesn’t matter. I shouldn’t have said it in the first place.” It had always been custom for him to not open up about his undercovers—the person he was when he was on one wasn’t the person he was when he came back to his real life, and that’s how things had to be.
“To hell with your bullshit!”
The first five minutes in the car, however, were spent in silence.
Dominic was still cursing himself mentally for opening his damn mouth—or his memory vault, for what it mattered. It had been the first time he had mentioned anything about her since his return—his return home his friends had cheered him with six months ago, but that homely feeling still had to make an appearance. She had become taboo, and he had done so to protect her—and himself, in a way, for not having to bring her up had seemed to be the most sensible way to forget all about her, at least back then.
But now here he was, catching himself just in time before worsening his case.
“Where are those dogs now?” Marius used the excuse of a red streetlight to speak again and when Dominic looked at him from the corner of his eye, he found his friend already staring.
A shrug of his shoulders will do the trick, or that was what he hoped. Unsuccessfully.
“You’ve barely put full sentences together outside of missions since you came back from Germany. And now you mention two dogs. That you owned, apparently.”
“I didn’t own them, they weren’t mine,” he corrected.
“Whose were they, then?”
The first time Dominic sees her is on a chilly early-April morning. It’s pouring rain outside, and she’s walking two dogs with nothing to shield her from the rain but an old sweatshirt.
It’s half past five in the morning and his first thought is: What the fuck is this girl doing out here in the rain?
He almost slows down his truck when he drives past her. Probably he should be a good person and ask her if she needs a ride, but this side of town is new to him and he doesn’t want to risk anything that would have Fabian put him on his boss’ black book the month after having been fully accepted into the gang.
She’s in his rearview mirror before he has the chance to think his civilized deed through. He finds himself staring for two seconds at most—red sweatshirt, jean shorts that are a tad bit out of season now, and two happy dogs that walk on either side of her without the need for a leash. Then, he’s pulling over and stopping the truck right before the closed garage door of his new two-bedroom house. He still has to fix it—along with other things inside—but Christian has been keeping him busy with errands and whatnot, and he’s lacked the time.
He’s barely out of the vehicle when there’s barking—short, quick barks in succession coming from two different dogs, defying the sound of the rain and the otherwise silence of the early morning. When he turns around, the girl’s dogs are running across the empty street, their owner right behind them, and they’re aiming at him, tails wagging happily and tongues lolling out from open mouths.
They don’t jump up as he expected them to, but they still do take their few seconds of freedom to sniff him up. His shoes, his legs, a hand—and all the while he’s getting soaked through just as much as the girl running over with two leashes in a hand is.
“Hey, buddy,” he coos, almost involuntarily, as he presents the bigger dog with the open palm of his left hand.
It looks like a nice mutt, the fur a shade of brown streaked with white and black, and it excitedly licks his skin after a moment of indecision.
“I’m so sorry.” When he looks up, the young woman is panting, a hand on her side as the other comes up to wipe the rain from her eyes. “C’mon, Otto, come here.”
The white dog with a chocolate-colored stain on the left side of his face is quickly put on his leash, and he sits still by his owner’s feet as she pries Rex from his hand.
“I’m sorry they’ve bothered you,” she offers, and then groans when she can’t seem to attach the leash to the ring in the dog’s collar. “They’re usually well-behaved.”
“No problem,” he smiles.
Rex lunges forward one last time to get a good-bye caress on his head before he eventually chooses to behave and steps back.
“They didn’t do anything but smell me up a bit, it’s all cool.”
She smiles. He smiles. Rex barks happily and turns back to nudge Otto, and both their tails are wild whips against the soaked grass-less ground of his short driveway. Then, she’s gone.
He stares as she runs down the street, thunder finally rolling up high in the steely sky, and he smiles when he hears her laugh and call for the dogs when the rain starts pouring stronger. Then he turns, walks around the back of his truck and up to his door, and leaves the world outside.
That night Dominic sat at the desk in his room. His things had been relocated to a smaller one while he had been away on his mission and although he would have probably complained once, he found that this new accommodation somehow suited him better now. It felt much more secluded and since it was in the newly-built dorm area where his buddies didn’t reside, it felt much calmer. It didn’t give him much need to lie.
And it didn’t give his friends the chance to see that most of his stuff was still in cardboard boxes he had yet to unpack. The mere thought seemed to overwhelm him somehow and even that night, all he did was stare at them for endless minutes before eventually begrudgingly opening his laptop.
The brief and vague chat with Marius that afternoon had given him that sort of push he needed to finally pull out the hard disks and SD cards he had hidden away but that still contained all the files he had to organize. It was nothing major, of course—that kind of stuff had been transferred onto Rainbow servers the moment he had set foot onto British ground, one could say. But he still had private stuff, videos and photographs he had never thought he’d one day keep, back when he had first taken them, but then again, here he was.
Part of his brain did know that wasn’t the smart thing to do, but when he plugged in the black hard disk with that owl sticker she had slapped on it one night after tipsy sex, he found that his hand hesitated on the mouse.
He had chuckled—even now, he could still hear the sound in the otherwise quiet room. It had been at the beginning of that thing that had slowly—and then more and more quickly, like an avalanche effect of some sort—turned into a relationship. Why? he had simply asked, putting his lighter back on the nightstand when she gave it a disgusted look. And she had laughed, too, and he had stared at her sweaty skin glistening in the light of his bedside lamp, at the way her messy bangs stuck to her forehead, and he thought that fuck, what the fuck was he doing? Because I felt like it, she had answered with a shrug and he had laughed deep in his chest before pulling her back over his body.
Maybe he could keep what was in there. He did not have to look, but maybe he’d keep those files stored away in some folder-in-a-folder kind of thing, hidden away from his eyes and hopefully from his mind, until he’d forget all about them. Until he’d stop being a spineless dick, murmured a mean voice in the back of his head.
“Fuck it!” he groaned, finally opening the main folder and watching as his old laptop loaded everything.
There were some pictures he had never stored away in their respective folders, and he suddenly remembered now that it was because he loved them. Loved those two dogs piled up on each other as they slept in his armchair. And loved the way she’d scream song lyrics using an almost-empty beer bottle as a microphone.
Those were memories—and damn good memories at that! There was no reason to shy away from them. Just as a reminder, he reasoned—something to keep for a long time so that it could remind him to keep his head on his shoulders next time he’d be assigned on some other undercover mission. Something that could tell him not to fall for a chick he’d eventually have to leave behind forever. Something that could prove to him that yes, he could enjoy things while living a lie, but that no, there were things he could not bring back home.
Like Rex and Otto.
Or like Y/N.
He meets her again two weeks later, when Fabian drags him along to a club to have fun and maybe get some pussy. Dominic’s not exactly in the mood for pussy for once, still exhausted after having come back from a quick ‘business trip’ to Austria with two other guys, but he doesn’t want to be the buzzkill. He’s also not been in the city long enough, so he’d rather fly low and not risk making even the slightest doubt arise.
So he goes. He dresses up in an all-black combo of pants and shirt, and meets his friend outside one of the clubs Christian owns. The air is warm, and the night traffic buzzes behind his back as Fabian leads him all the way up to the entrance while recounting the weird-ass trip Alex had the first time he did acid. Domi laughs along in all the right points and for a split second, before Julian lets them in without a question, he finds himself thinking that it isn’t so hard after all, to pretend to be someone he’s not every time Fabian’s around. The dude is chill, five or so years younger than he but just as crazy, and there’s this tiny voice in Dominic’s head that seems to whisper to him that they could actually be great pals if the situation and the setting were different.
“What’s your poison?” his friend of sorts asks as he takes him through the place and then to a table—not right up under the stage, but a bit in the back.
“Just beer,” is his reply. He didn’t think he’d be seeing girls perform when he left his house, but now that he’s here and he gets a glimpse of a redhead beauty before she disappears offstage, he’s not exactly opposed.
Fabian’s face is contorted into a grimace of confusion before it opens up into a grin as things seem to clear up in his head. “Oh, yeah, as a warm-up, I see!”
He laughs, leaning back against the seat before he shakes his head. “One of us gotta stay sober enough to take you home when you’re shit-faced,” he bites back, subtly implying to that one time, three months after Dom had officially become a rookie, when Fabian had ridden himself into a tree on his bike. The others had made him look after and take care of the younger idiot, and he had had to swallow down his pride and cater to any and all silly needs he had been presented with and that had felt like a setback in his undercover path.
A girl hurries by then, a serving platter with drinks in hand as she flags down another waitress and mouths something over the music of the new performance, and Fabian is quick at grabbing a hold of her forearm. When she turns around, an expression on her face that makes it clear she would be more than ready to throw hands, it takes Dominic half a minute to recognize her in this new setting.
“Come back to us later, Baby,” Fabian says, his hand moving to swat at her ass before she grabs a hold of it and presses down hard enough to make him wince.
“Don’t make me kick your ass.”
Dominic turns around when she walks past him and watches as she serves drinks at a table. She’s all smiles as she replies back to something she’s being told, and steps back a little when one of the men tries to stretch a hand out and touch her.
“Is that how you act with women?” he asks when he turns back around.
His friend laughs over a text he’s sending—probably to one of the other guys they’re supposed to meet here tonight, or probably to someone else entirely—Dominic does wonder about it, just as he wonders about many things when it comes to the Club, but he voices none of his thoughts. He never does.
“It’s not what you think,” he shrugs, grinning at him before glancing at the brunette performing on stage. He stares for a long while, and Dominic has the time to study some more of the details in the snake tattoo that crawls up the side of his neck and disappears into his hair. “She’s a friend.”
“She’s still not excited about you slapping her butt, though,” the girl in question chimes in when she finally reaches their table again, her serving platter now held securely against her abdomen. “But Fabian’s— Hey!” she grins, stopping mid-sentence when she seems to recognize him from that rainy early morning of fifteen or so days ago. “You’re the new guy on the block.”
“You know each other?”
“Sorta. The boys ran up to him when we were on a walk a few days ago,” she nods, eyes trailing down to where Domi’s left the first two buttons of his shirt undone, tattoos on full display underneath, before moving back to meet his.
Fabian’s pout distracts the both of them, and when she sets her eyes on him, he’s quick at letting out a childish complaint. “You never smile at me like that.”
“Don’t be a douche.” And then, to Dominic: “I’ll pay you real money if you drag him out of here.”
“Geez, women!” Fabian scoffs. “Anyway. Nic, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Dominic.” He watches briefly as they shake hands before continuing. “She’s off-limits, unless she’ll somehow consider you worthy enough of her and her p— I’m just kidding, Angel!” he pleads, leaning away from her hand as she slaps at his shoulder. “C’mon, be a good girl.”
“You be a good boy and I might not spit in your drink.”
Dominic’s still thinking about her sometime later, after some of the guys have joined him and his company for tonight. They’re watching girls perform, but he’s unfocused. Even the beer in his hand has been forgotten for a while now, as his gaze finds itself being attracted back to the bar—or to wherever she is at the moment.
He stares, and even blatantly so, half listening to Fabian’s words echoing in his mind, and half ignoring them. She’s close to Christian, that’s what he knows: she used to be his sister’s best friend before the girl passed away a few years after finishing high school. And, as Fabian has half-heartedly complained more than once, she’s not that friendly with gang members—if you know what I mean, Nic. Not that he’s thinking about that with her! He barely even knows her. What he does know, however, is that there’s a file, back at Rainbow, that he has to fill with pieces of information he finds out here, and he’s starting to wonder what she could know.
And sometimes—every once in a while and almost covertly—she glances back and meets his eye, and when she finds him staring, she seems to stumble over her words for a heartbeat before the smile is back on her face and she turns her attention back to whatever patron she’s tending to.
He’s back the next Friday night, and the week after that, and on the third week, it starts becoming a habit. Fabian’s with him sometimes; sometimes it’s someone else, but more often—because he starts hanging out at the club on whatever free nights he has during the week—he goes on his own. He drinks, spends money on women, and goes as far as paying for personal dances—and maybe it becomes a bit too often, because one day Christian asks him—through Alex, because Christian’s too busy with a rival gang to do it in person—and mentions something about it.
But the more he sits in there, the closer he somehow seems to get to Y/N—and the closer she seems to get to him. It’s just smiles at first; even when he goes up to the bar to order drinks, she’s always too busy to focus on him only. But then they start exchanging a few words—and in the meantime they wave at each other from opposite sides of the road they live on, when they pass by—and then a few puns, until at some point, probably three, almost four months into his habitual trips to the club, she starts actively seeking him out. And if by any chance he’s absent on one of his regular nights, he finds her politely asking whether everything’s alright on the first night he’s back.
He missed that—missed his club nights and the dancers, even the waitresses. Y/N, of course, although he always did his best not to allow his brain to bring her up. But sometimes, out of the blue, the most random things would make one of the many memories he had stored away out of sight resurface and he found himself thinking about her. It would start subconsciously—with something someone said or did, or maybe it was something he saw in the window of a shop, or in one of the girls he’d find himself dancing with when his friends dragged him along. And then, when he caught himself red-handed, it was hard to stop. His brain would fixate on a memory and the more he willed himself to shift the focus of his attention onto something—anything—else, the harder it was to actually do it.
So, he turned his strategy around. He did that when he transferred all his secreted files onto his laptop—and then onto a new one yet again, when the old thing slowed down too much for him to be able to do work-related things on it. The reasoning was, if he kept those memories where he could easily reach them, then maybe they’d lose that hue of exceptionality and he’d get so used to them that it would finally be easier to coexist with them and all they had once meant.
And the next time Marius asked, tried to pull things out of him the same way he’d done with shards of glass after that one assignment in Bosnia, Dominic found himself loosening up. With him only, no one else for the time being, but it still felt liberating. Marius would listen, and he wouldn’t try to guilt-trip him the same way Domi had done to himself. He’d listen, and chime in every now and then, and then he’d stop asking when it was clear his friend wasn’t comfortable with continuing for now.
Y/N hadn’t come up yet. He told him about the dogs, and the guys—about Fabian most of all, and Markus, the two he had bonded with the most. He talked about the club—and he won’t lie, about the women there and the ones he had ended up in bed or against a wall with, as well. Not many, but enough to make Marius tease him for a while before he eventually relented.
But then one day, when most operators had been sent off on various missions, they decided to go on a trip. They took a Jeep car, loaded it with backpacks and food and tents, and took off for a week to spend camping far from the Base.
It had been quite a long couple of months—with training and simulations and tests, and even weeks spent abroad. And meetings in Harry’s office so that the Agency could see where Dominic’s loyalty lied, and how he was doing, how he was settling back into his old routine, now almost ten months after having come back from Germany. Which he… was, in a way. Settling back into his old routine, that is—everything was normal when he was working, at least.
But opening up to his Director wasn’t the same as opening up to his friend. And probably even Harry knew, or had at least come to that conclusion, for he had relented in his questions and had given him more free time, away from his Rainbow responsibilities.
“So, you were telling me about Fabian the other day.”
Marius’s voice shook him out of his thoughts, and Dominic found himself blinking a couple of times at the pale light of the sun that still had to fully rise. He felt almost as though he had dozed off, his tongue still heavy and laced with the slumber he had been forced to wake up from at two.
“What?” he mumbled, fumbling with his seat belt when he realized his friend had parked the car and it was now time to get out.
He had been sleeping poorly the past few days, with endless thoughts incessantly mulling around in his mind and keeping him awake. Stuff about Germany, but also stuff about Rainbow—missions and briefings and that upgrade he was helping Elias come up with for his shield. It all slowed him down, left him less reactive than he had been in a while, always dozing off when he was supposed to do something else. Even his morning runs had stopped being that nice a distraction.
The cup of coffee Marius pushed into his hands was hot, almost comforting in a way, and it sent a shiver throughout his whole body as they stood there, in the low, late-March temperatures. It was supposed to get warmer as the day progressed, or so the forecasts seemed to promise, and he surely found himself hoping for that to be the case.
“You were saying about how Fabian introduced you to this Angel dude,” Jäger insisted sometime later, when they had heaved their backpacks on their backs and locked the Jeep. They’d be back in a week—or that was the plan, but they both knew that if the weather would take a turn for the worst, they’d be back much sooner, neither of them willing to deal with storms and cold temperatures when they could feel warm somewhere else.
“Angel’s not a dude,” was Dominic’s chuckle.
The sun had finally risen and its light, although still pale, filtered in through the foliage of the forest, casting shapes on the ground and on their faces alike. The temperatures had gone up a bit, but Dom was still glad he had listened to Lera’s advice and had taken off with thermal clothes on.
“Angel is— was,” he quickly corrected himself, casting a quick glance at Marius, walking by his side, “my girlfriend… I guess.”
“You guess?” His friend frowned, not even taking his eyes off of the path they were currently trekking on. They still had quite a few kilometers to go before their next stop and he had absolutely no intention of spending them in silence, not now that Dominic seemed like he had slowly regained his ability to talk and let his tongue loose, although not in everyone’s company. But progress was progress, and he didn’t want to risk and ruin it.
Dominic shrugged. “I’m not sure Y/N and I ever officially defined the relationship.”
“Y/N… Angel, you mean?”
“Yeah, we called her that most of the time. Those dogs I told you about… they were hers.”
Marius nodded. Dominic had started to introduce him to bits and pieces of his undercover life—the clubs, the gang, the dogs, the speed races at night, the way Fabian would often crash on his couch when his partying got too wild and out-of-hand, or the way Markus, three years his junior, would often trail behind him like a lost puppy. It was never a chronological recollection of events, with some kind of thread that would link them together. Sometimes he’d ask questions, making sure to remain as vague as possible when it came to enquiring about someone’s life, and Domi would reply with what came to mind.
But now… Now he had slowly started to piece all those memories together, bit by bit, and he was seeing that it was not all black and white, the way some back at the Organization would make it out to be, but more like grayscale. The good and the bad would mix together in the same bowl, and it would make it hard for anybody to draw absolutes.
“Tell me something about her.”
Dominic’s sitting in Christian’s backyard for the first time in two years and a half. It’s something new, but at the same time it feels so familiar, in a weird and convoluted way, as he’s surrounded by people he knew nothing about just three years ago. He laughs at what his friends say, and even whistles with them when the girl Fabian has shown up with leaves in a hurry after printing the fingers of her left hand across his cheek.
“You truly can’t keep them for more than a week, can you?” Christian laughs, taking a sip from his beer as he and Marcel flip the meat on the barbeque.
Fabian groans. “Always pointing out the details, gee. Anyway!”
Some bickering ensues, and Dominic sits back against the seat of his plastic chair with the rim of his beer bottle grazing his lower lip, barely containing his laughter, but still trying his best because he’s usually the one taking Fabian’s sides—even if just out of pure sarcasm.  It all only settles when Franziska walks out of the house, a bowl of salad in each hand, saying something about leaving the poor child alone, what are you? Five? before Marcel pulls her into his side for a kiss.
They’re cute—it’s a weird and intrusive thought as Dominic watches, eyes glinting with a badly concealed smile, but it’s also the truth. Franziska and Marcel are like opposite sides of the same coin, but they somehow fit so well together… He’d tell Marius that, years after that day, and he’d recall the way she’d look up into her lover’s eyes with such emotion that, before Y/N came along, it would have made him feel the pangs of jealousy stab his stomach.
“Ugh, lovebirds.” Markus rolls his eyes, and when Dominic turns his head to look at him, he adds a snort and a wave of his hand.
“Kids.” Marcel shakes his head at Domi, almost as though he knows just how Markus and Fabian can get, and Dominic’s the one who’s spending the most time with them. “Always moaning about what they don’t have.”
But no one’s that serious. They all sort of envy what Marcel has, but they cherish it most of all, and although there’s often some playful mocking during gatherings, Marcel still knows they’d all jump in front of his woman without batting an eyelash if that meant keeping her safe.
There’s commotion coming from inside the house, then. The old dog that had been snoozing by Christian’s feet lifts her head, barking low in the back of her throat, still sleepy, before two dogs dash outside and she’s suddenly chasing them on her three paws, long fluffy tail wagging.
The guys cheer the new-comers and although the white one—it takes Dom a while to recognize Otto, Angel’s dog—jumps and huffs to play with Christian’s Stella, the loud and cheering voices send the other one in a frenzy. Rex runs back and forth, tail wagging as hard as a whip, tongue two meters out of his snout. And it’s such a hilarious sight that it sends Dominic laughing with his other friends as the dog almost trips Eva and that jar of cold lemonade over.
Then, when Dominic’s regained enough breath to stop the wheezing and wipe the tears from his eyes with a hand, he calls him over. “Hey, Rex! C’mere!”
He has no time to see the surprise flash across his friends’ faces, for it’s all downhill from there. Rex stops dead in his tracks, front paws down on the grass to his elbows and butt up in the air, his tail still wagging wildly—and really, he doesn’t know how he hasn’t sprained it yet, or how he hasn’t taken off like in some cartoon. His head turns here and there for half a second before his caramel eyes zero in on him. Before Dominic has the time to beg Stop!, the dog is on him: The impact sends his empty beer bottle flying backward as the chair tips back, a leg snaps, and he’s suddenly half-laying, half-sitting almost horizontally with an ecstatic Rex licking his face and his beard, barely able to keep still in his arms.
The other two dogs are quick to join them, and before Dominic can turn his head to the side and see the way Christian kisses Y/N’s cheek hello or hear the way she groans out a fuck! before she can intervene, two more wet snouts blind and sniff at him.
Sometime later, as Markus is complaining under his breath about the ladies’ ‘rabbit food’, Dominic turns towards Fabian and half-says, half-asks: “I thought she didn’t do members.”
“Huh?” Fabian looks up from where he’s stuffing his face with pork ribs and Franziska’s salad, moaning for a second about how much I love fucking onions, God. But he’s quick at looking where Domi’s quick tilt of the head is pointing.
Y/N and Christian are sitting next to each other, heads close as they discuss something before she feels them staring and sends them a quick smile.
“Oh, no. No.” Fabian coughs as he tries not to choke on his food when he picks up with what Dom’s implying—Jeez, no, shit, Angel and Christian? He laughs, still breathless, and chugs down the glass of lemonade Verena’s poured him. “Nah, she’s like a sister to him. Same for her. It was hard for a while after Mia’s death. The gang…” But he shrugs, cuts himself off and trails his gaze back down on his plate. “It was rough. And they’ve grown real close, but there’s nothing more than fraternal love between them.”
Dominic nods. “Oh, okay.”
He’s thinking nothing of her—or is he? They’ve been hanging out quite a bit these past few weeks. He’s been over at her house for a leaking sink just last Saturday afternoon, and she’s made him stay longer so that they could eat dinner together, watch the wrestling match on TV. He’s not… into her like that, he thinks—yet. Because, really, he wouldn’t mind being.
“Why?” There’s a suggestive smirk growing on his friend’s face. “You thinking of—”
But he’s cut off when Christian calls Dominic and steals his attention. No one discusses business during this kind of gatherings, but there’s a look on the man and his right hand, Marcel’s faces that just makes him think he’ll be hearing from them not long after going back home that night. He’s already made great progress on his undercover assignment, but this truly does start feeling like a step in the right direction.
When the party’s over, that night after dinner, he ends up sitting in Y/N’s car as she takes both of them home. Her dogs would be all up in his neck if it weren’t for the shield provided by the passenger’s seat, and she’s apologizing—although with a grin on her face and a tone that doesn’t make her apology come out that sincere—about their behavior.
“I just don’t understand why they like you so much,” she muses. “Rex most of all.”
He shrugs. “I didn’t even know I was that good with dogs before these two.”
Years later, he’d tell Marius Streicher how pretty she looked, with her make-up slightly smudged and the hair locks that had escaped her now messy bun. How accessible she felt—and not even in a bad way, but more like, he could reach a hand out and poke her cheek with his fingertips, or trail his index along her hairline, down the curve of her ear and touch her piercings, or even just lean back against his seat and just, look at her. How peaceful the interior of her car felt.
He’d tell Marius how Rainbow didn’t exist back then. How it was just him and the wrong waitress he had started falling for. And at the same time, how he still had this thought in the back of his mind, constantly nagging him—what if he ended up blowing up his mission in smoke?
“You’re staring,” she’s saying, smiling, eyes still on the road ahead.
“And you’re blushing.”
If there’s one thing he’s learned about her during his countless nights at the same stupid club, then it’s that she doesn’t blush. Not when his eyes are glued to her. He has stared at her much more lewdly than he’s doing now, most of all with a few drinks too many in his stomach and in his system.
She shrugs, and when she stops the car and Dominic turns back around, he notices they’ve arrived at her house. “You should come in,” she says instead, already getting out of the car and opening the back door to let the dogs out. “You don’t have to,” she adds quickly when he gets out, too. And he can’t see her face now that she’s unlocking her entrance door, but he knows she’s still blushing. “Only if you want.”
He wouldn’t tell Marius how her lips felt against his, nor how the drinks they had in her kitchen tasted when her tongue brushed against his. How she felt in his lap, one of her hands on the back of his head and the other up his shirt, against his tattooed chest. How she ground her hips down against him just right and tore a grunt from deep inside his belly and that vibrated against her lips, making her smile.
He’d tell none of that, but his friend would still understand.
What he did tell Marius, however, as they laid under the starry sky, was that, somehow, no one had felt like her again. Not his random hook-ups, the ones he was guilty of picking either because he needed a distraction or because they reminded him of Angel, and not even Katie, that kindergarten teacher Seamus had introduced to him and with whom he had hung out for a month or so. Nothing serious, and he hadn’t even exactly put effort into it, but a part of him still had tried. More for Seamus’—or even just Katie’s—sake than his own.
It was exactly Katie that Marius brought up with a yawn. And when he asked what had been wrong with her—or, well, maybe not wrong per se but more, I don’t know, brother… Amiss?—Dominic had found himself scoffing.
Katie’s not her—but he didn’t say it out loud. He didn’t say how he had fallen for the way Y/N fought in the ring, how she grimaced or grinned, the way her braids would slap against a cheek or a shoulder when her movements would be too abrupt. He’d go to her after the fights, and sometimes still sweaty and bruised, she’d straight up fuck the living sanity out of him—a hand around his throat and the other on his chest to keep her balance as they went at it on either his or her couch.
“Katie was…” He thought it over, fighting with his words and his brain’s ability to pick the right one. “Too nice.”
Y/N hadn’t been just black or just white—she was a whole spectrum of grays, ranging from one end to the other of it. Soft and kind on any day; but then also fearless and strong when she needed to be, ready to raise hell and fight God when she had to.
Dominic would have never been able to picture Katie on a ring, taking blows and also giving them back, because that wasn’t who Katie was. And although there was absolutely nothing wrong with that, nothing wrong with being who you are, it just… wasn’t the same. He never found himself with his wrists tied to the headboard of Katie’s bed, with a blindfold over his eyes, almost holding his breath to see—feel—where she’d touch him next. Or how. Or even with what.
And probably that was why he couldn’t take Angel out of his mind—because he knew, deep down, that he wouldn’t be able to have her again. That she was gone, lost in a chapter of his life that he had reached the end of, and that he had left in the past. And although he did often go back to reread it, that was exactly all he could do—read, but never change a word of it.
“You still have time to add something more, though.”
He had almost dozed off to sleep, the exhaustion and exertion of that day’s worth of hiking catching up with him and his tired limbs. And it was only when Marius uttered those words that he realized he had spoken that inner monologue out loud into the darkness of the night.
The stars were blinking down at him, almost winking at his powerlessness in that situation. He wasn’t scared that she might cut his balls off and feed them to the wolves; nor that she might pull her hair back into two braids and teach him a lesson or two.
What stopped him from working was the very last voicemail she had left him, when she had called his German number for the last time. He had seen her cry—cry with laughter at some stupid joke, or sob her lungs out that one time they watched Marley and Me together, the mere idea of one day losing her dogs tearing her up from the inside out. But the way she had breathed into the phone, trying to hold back the sobs, and the way her voice had broken on every other syllable—Please, Domi, pick up. I don’t understand what’s going on, but I know you’re not with the others—it still wrecked him.
He had listened to it so many times that not only did he know every word by heart, but he could hear her voice—the way it cracked, when she’d sob, when Otto would whine in the background. And what was worse, was that he could see her with his mind’s eye—sitting in the empty tub, or on one of the stools in the kitchen, or even behind the wheel of her car. So strong and resolute… crumbling apart because all he had had to offer was a lie.
Or maybe not all—he had been honest with her. Honest the first time he had told her he loved her, and honest the last time he had professed his love. That hadn’t been a lie. The way he’d hold her at night, when she’d sleep with her head on his chest, or the way he had always been ready to pounce on way-too-daring customers at the club, or when he told her she was the light of his life—none of that had been a lie.
But everything surrounding that? His loyalty to the gang? To the guys? To Christian? His made-up past before he settled down in the city? The real reason he’d sometimes love to go on solo trips and enjoy some peace, when he was in fact meeting up with people from his real life?
“I had my chance,” he decided to say instead, closing his eyes against the night sky. He’d been out stargazing with her, once, the first time they had fucked. It had been sweet and peaceful, until it had turned hotter and messier and sweatier. If he stared up at those stars one minute longer, he knew it, he’d be back on that field, with her trapped between him and the plaid blanket, clothes strewn haphazardly all around. And that was the last thing he needed. “And I wasted it.”
He didn’t say how he wasted it by coming back, but the implicature was still out there, heavy and acrid in the otherwise fresh air of the mountains.
But there had been no backing out of it. Rainbow would have come; something would have been done anyway. At some point in his staying, things had moved too forward before his heart had been able to pick a side, and there had been nothing else he could do. He had broken her heart, but he had also broken his own, and that had been inevitable. A fate he had had zero chances escaping. They had found each other too late, and he’d probably die regretting anything about that case.
There was absolutely no going back there, but he had also started to think that his future didn’t lay in Rainbow anymore, either. It had become too much—and also too little, all at the same time. Gang life surely wasn’t for him, but he was starting to realize that his last undercover mission had ended up messing up with him a bit too much, and although it didn’t exactly interfere with the way he acted in Rainbow, it did with the vision he had of it—and of himself as part of it.
“I think I need a break from this,” he muttered into the night, eyes closed both out of tiredness and that lingering sort of embarrassment he felt any time he addressed how inadequate he now felt. “It’s almost been a year and I still haven’t been able to stop long enough to think.”
He didn’t know if Marius had turned to glance at him in the semi-darkness, before they turned off their torches to sleep, but he knew he had heard.
“What Angel? You’re a little minx,” Dominic chuckles, still out of breath, his chest burning with exhaustion every time it rises and falls. His sweaty back sticks to the leather seats of the car, and he knows the sensation she must be feeling can’t be much different.
But he doesn’t turn to look at her. His gaze is glued to her lace panties, hanging from the gear shift in the front. If he didn’t feel too boneless to lean forward and take her phone from the passenger’s seat, he’d for sure take a picture.
“Who are you calling little?” Her laugh is breathless, and when she moves around like a contortionist to sit up straight, her lips brush against the side of his neck, making his skin break out in gooseflesh and the short hair on the nape of his head tug. “I’m still taller than you with my heels on.”
Laughter rumbles deep in his chest, and he lets her pull his head back when she tugs on his hair with a hand. “Details, pretty doll.”
She doesn’t remind him how she’s kicked his butt just a couple of weeks ago during training and part of him is happy because all they’ve been using that accident as is some sort of foreplay that always ends up with her straddling him, making him tremble with the unexpected touches his blindfold always seems to heighten.
When her finger traces the underside of his cock, however, that chuckle dies on his lips and he gasps almost inaudibly in the back of his throat. Suddenly, his suit pants pulled down to mid-thigh feel constricting and he knows that if she keeps it up, he’ll be hard again soon.
“Don’t.” He didn’t intend for it to come out that way, but his prayer is soft on her lips, when she turns his head to the side to stare into his eyes. “We’re running late for the party.”
She shrugs—and he thinks that fuck, if this car didn’t feel this cramped, he’d fuck her brains out, party or no party, not even when it comes to his boss. “You made me come twice,” she replies, matter-of-factly, not at all moved by his begging or by his breath hitching in the back of his throat when her fingers move down to his balls. “I think it’s just fair I pay back the favor, no?”
His chest and neck are still flushed when he walks into the villa Christian has rented out for his New Year’s party. The initial surprise of Y/N caving in for a member has quickly subsided, and no one whistles in their direction when they see them walk in hand in hand.
They greet their friends, exchange quick hugs, and before long, they’re all drinking and chatting.
“You were late,” Christian says. The expression on his face is serious, but the left corner of his mouth is slowly twitching up into a smirk he manages to hide when he tips his head back and downs his shot.
Dominic shrugs, gaze wandering back to where Angel is catching up with Franziska and Verena, one leg crossed over the other, left bare by the slit in her dress. “Yeah,” he clears his throat, trying not to think about how her panties are still hanging from the gear shift of the car. “We had a setback.” He hesitates on that last word, for he tries to come up with something that could at least sound unassuming, but by God, the crotch of his pants feels like it’s growing tighter and he just knows kissing her won’t be the only thing he’ll be doing when the clock strikes midnight.
Christian laughs. “If my car smells like sex—”
“We rolled the windows down. We’re not animals,” he replies with a snort.
“Just… get it cleaned before you give it back.”
Y/N glances back at them then, eyes twinkling and lips still kiss-swollen and bruised under the lipstick she reapplied before getting out of the car, he’s sure. But before she can call him to her or he can walk up to her a bit stiffly of his own accord, Christian speaks again.
“We still have some time before dinner. There’s a meeting in the other room. Marcel has news on that seemingly lost package.”
Dominic turns around, brows furrowed in confusion, before his brain manages to quickly piece everything back together and he follows the other man down a corridor and into another room. He’s almost forgotten about the new cargo coming in—it’s been a feat lately, to remember he’s not actually one of them but an undercover agent trying to blow a gang up. It’s harder and harder, and he knows the lines aren’t blurred—not yet, at least—but it’s become way too easy, to lose himself in his new friendships and in the unexpected love he’s found here.
But when reality strikes back, it’s hard to distract his mind again.
Anton’s there—and while he isn’t the boss, he’s high up enough to be one of Rainbow’s main concerns. The oldest in the group, he’s rarely there, he rarely shows up. He does work behind the scenes, but that’s where he’d rather stay—away from the kids’ stupidity, or that’s how he always jokes about it.
He’s tall and strong—a whole wardrobe of a man, but Dominic’s still been promoted to be his bodyguard and he can’t help but feel a pang of something deep in his brain, and there’s this unsolicited thought bubbling up that makes him feel all sorts of ways. Maybe someone’s had some suspicions about him, and this is all a test—or this is what he thinks before Anton moves the wrong way and he’s forced to explain that the reason for that agonized groan is the extent of the injuries he’s incurred into not too long ago.
But then they’re all back for dinner, and Dominic doesn’t have time to bask in that wave of relief washing over him when he figures out there’s nothing to fear. They eat and drink and play stupid semi-drunk games, until it’s half an hour to midnight and Y/N has dragged him into a bathroom and unbuckled his belt.
It’s quick and messy, and his fingertips dig hard into the flesh of her hips as they stare into each other’s eyes in the mirror.
“I was thinking,” she hums, wrapped tight around his arm as he walks back with her at five minutes to midnight—enough time to make her come once more, or maybe twice, but Alex has promised a great pyrotechnic show and neither of them wants to miss how he almost gets himself blown up like last year.
“My thoughts are still in that bathroom and you tell me you’re thinking?” he chuckles, pressing a kiss to her cheek before he gives her hand a squeeze, almost as though he’s telling her to just continue.
“You dork,” she laughs. “But yes, I was thinking. Why don’t you move in with me?” she asks. “You’re already there most of the time, and your house is always messy and your couch not comfortable enough for…” She shrugs, trying her best to hide her smirk. “Plus, I’d really love to have you there.”
He feigns thinking about it, but when she gasps in mock shock, he pulls her in for a kiss—and that is when their friends must see and whistle. “I’d never say no to that, Angel.”
Her smile is bright and in the moment, he doesn’t even realize he doesn’t have forever with her, although that’s what he’s come to crave for.
He didn’t know how he let Marius convince him to go back to Germany and see her. He really had no clue, just as he didn’t have a clue about many things—what he’d tell her, how she might react, what he’d do after. How he’d feel after—relieved? like he’s finally had some closure? and how would things be once back in Hereford?
There were a million and one thoughts in his mind as he sat there, on his hotel bed. Harry had offered to let the organization pay for it, but Dominic would have felt too bad if he had let him. This was personal, and there was no saying if his heart still lay within Rainbow schemes. He’d probably keep in touch; he’d probably always be available for anything, really, but the more time passed, the less he thought that was still the right place for him.
Düsseldorf was still buzzing with life despite the torrential rain when he walked out into the street. Y/N—he feared too many emotions and memories would resurface if he let himself think of her as Angel—had moved from the city three years after her lifetime friends had ended up in jail, sent behind bars by none other than her lover. They wouldn’t stay inside forever—he knew how these things worked, he didn’t live a delusion.
He had called her, the day before he had booked his flight. If there was one thing he owed her, it was at least that—let her know he’d be coming… if she wanted him to, that is. If she didn’t want to meet up, then so be it: he’d go on with his life the way he had done throughout the past year and try not to regret too much stuff he had been forced to do because of his job.
But when she had picked up the phone—he had called her old number with his old number—things had felt… well, not normal, of course—he had disappeared overnight without leaving a note or a text or a simple word that could let her know what the fuck had been going on during the past six years of his life—of their life. But she had picked up the phone and she hadn’t killed him through the device, and although she had remained silent for most of the call—and he had done the same, truly, not even knowing what he wanted to tell her, for the words just wouldn’t come—she had eventually agreed to meet up.
Not at her new house, although Harry had done some digging and knew where she lived—a nice apartment in a nice part of the city, but Dominic hadn’t wanted to know where, exactly, when his Director had offered to share the knowledge. She had picked a café, a nice and cozy place he had looked up on the internet, but still popular enough that the awkwardness of their date of sorts would be easily drowned out by the other patrons’ presence.
She was scrolling through her phone when he walked in and spotted her in the far left corner. It was secluded enough to guarantee them some privacy, but still not enough to cut them off from the rest of the world. He figured it was just perfect.
“Hey,” he greeted when he walked up to the table she had picked and he tried not to sigh when he noticed she had pulled her hair back into two braids.
She looked up at him—she didn’t glare the way he had expected her to, but she also didn’t smile. “Hey.”
He sat down, and they both stared at each other until a waiter came up and Y/N called for a coffee and an orange juice before glaring the guy away.
The awkwardness of it all quickly filled the space between them, and wrapped them up like a blanket, but it wasn’t just that. She was pissed, and angry, and probably murderous, but under all that he could still see the heartbreak in her eyes.
“Well, I’m here,” she said. “Say what you wanted to say. It’s the least I deserve, I think.”
Dominic opened his mouth to speak, but then the waiter came back and he closed it again as he watched their order being placed on the table. His cup of black coffee and her glass of juice seemed to put even more distance between them and he had to resist the impulse of passing a hand over his shaved head the way he did when he was nervous.
“I’m sorry,” was what he sighed, lowering his gaze first to the table and then back out of the window and the rain-washed street outside.
She leaned forward and took a sip from the straw before crossing her arms and sitting back against the cushioned back of the booth. “That’s it? You came all the way from wherever the fuck you’ve been hiding to just say I’m sorry? No explanation whatsoever?”
Another sigh, but before he could open his mouth to speak again, she cut him off.
“Was any of that real? Was there at least a crumb of truth? I opened up to you and you just—” Her voice trembled, but whether it was out of tears or pure anger, Dominic couldn’t tell.
“It was real.” He was quick at biting back, probably a bit too aggressively than he had any right to be. “It was real,” he repeated after a moment, voice much quieter and eyes boring into hers. “I did love you.”
“Love’s too big a word for the things you’ve done.”
“It was work,” he tried to reason. “I got sent here on an undercover mission—”
“I know that. I’ve been interrogated by the ones who didn’t go in. They suspected me. Because of you. Because I had been fucking the snitch for almost five years.”
He gaped at her for a moment before sighing in defeat. “I loved you,” but he didn’t say I still do, or You’re still on my mind day in and day out, and not even I still see your panties on the gear shift of Christian’s car. “That wasn’t fake, it wasn’t part of the mission. I told myself I wouldn’t fall for you, that it would mess things up, that it wasn’t fair to you. But I still did. Every I love you I said was real. Every single one of them.”
She was silent for a minute before she scoffed and shook her head. “You’re so full of shit, Dominic.”
It was different this time. She had told him that he was full of shit many a time, always laughing, always joking, but this time those words cut deep—deep enough to rob him of his breath for a moment.
“I trusted you,” she continued then, much quieter, voice barely audible above the sound of the music and of the other people chatting. “I thought you’d be my forever. How stupid I was…”
He looked down at his cup, his throat too knotted to even stomach the idea of drinking his coffee. “That makes two of us. I thought that I—”
“Don’t you even dare—”
“That I’d have more time,” he continued unrelenting, shaking his head with closed eyes for a second before opening them and staring at her again. “That I could buy more time. I kept on hoping I’d fuck up somehow, that things would go wrong and that I wouldn’t have to complete the mission. Or that I could have the time to make you hate me before it was all over.”
“Well, I do kinda hate you now.”
“Breaking your heart was never in my plans, though.” He almost moved his hand on the table to place it over hers, but a last-minute realization made him understand that that was most definitely the worst thing he could do at the moment. And not because she could snap his wrist easily, but because he had no right to. “I really did love you. I wanted to take you back with me. I tried to tell you.”
There was a spark of recognition in her eyes, then, and he knew what memory his words had brought back. The two of them relaxing in the bathtub, her back against his chest, her damp hair tickling his neck and cheek. Come away with me, he had told her, fingers trailing up and down her arms, making her shiver. Let’s go far away, where no one can find us.
“I didn’t want it to end,” he confessed. “Any of that.”
“You built everything on a lie, Dominic.” A scoff. “If that’s even your real name, that is.”
“It is.”
It seemed to take her off guard and erased the words she had been about to say.
“My name’s Dominic Brunsmeier, not Neumann. I work for an international unit of elite agents that fight terrorism. I was assigned on this mission because we were informed Anton was doing more than simply dealing drugs. I went undercover with a Hells Angels chapter in the past, so the GSG-9 called me back for this one,” he confessed, voice flat and almost professional. He would have never thought he’d one day be making such a speech out loud, but there he was, in a busy café, in front of the woman he still had the nerve to love but who didn’t love him back anymore. “And my love for you could’ve never been a lie.”
She nodded once and turned her head to the side and to the city outside. He was trying to gauge what she might be thinking, what might be going on inside her head. But she remained unreadable and distant. “They’d kill you if they knew you’re back,” she eventually said, glancing at him from the corner of her eye, her chin still resting on the palm of her hand.
He shrugged. “I’ve been close to death too many times to be scared today. This past year…” He couldn’t tell her it had been rough; he didn’t think he had the right to when in her eyes he had gone back home. “I knew I had to see you, even if it was for the last time. I didn’t think you’d agree to meet up, but I’m glad you did.”
They were silent after that. They drank their beverages, and all without speaking a word. But then, when they paid and left, she let him accompany her home.
“I thought you’d break my bones,” he confessed with a chuckle as he stood outside her apartment complex and she picked the right key to open the building’s door.
“I thought I would, too.” She was pensive, lost in thought, and it took her a couple of minutes before she pushed the door open. “But the truth is, I probably could never.”
They stared at each other, and before he could have the time to chicken out, he said, “I know it’s too much to ask, but… We could still have time together.”
She looked at him for a moment longer before she stepped into the building and closed the door behind her back.
Later that night, as he sat on his hotel bed once again, on a phone call with Marius, he couldn’t stop thinking about the last words she told him.
Yes, we could.
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Feedback is always welcome if you want to drop old me a line 💛
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32 notes · View notes
1949: Born - Molly Prewett.
1950: Born - Arthur Weasley, Alastor Moody.
1951: Born - Bellatrix Black, Rita Skeeter.
1953: Born - Andromeda black, Ted Tonks
1954: Born - Lucius Malfoy, Amos Diggory.
1955: Born - Narcissa Black.
1959: Born - Sirius Black, Alice Fortesque, Fabian and Gideon Prewett.
1960: Born - James Potter, Lily Evans, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, Frank Longbottom.
1961: Born - Regulus Black
• 1st year - Molly Prewett, Arthur Weasley, Alastor 'MadEye' Moody.
1962: 1st year - Bellatrix Black, Rita Skita
1964: Born - Gilderoy Lockhart
1965: 1st year - Lucius Malfoy, Amos Diggory.
1966: 1st year - Narcissa Black
1967: Born - Bill Weasley
1968: 7th year - Molly and Arthur Weasley
1969: 7th year - bellatrix black, rita skeeter.
1971: 1st year - James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, Alice Fortesque, Fabian and Gideon Prewett, Frank Longbottom.
The Marauders find out Remus is a werewolf.
1972: Born - Charlie Weasley;
• 1st year- Regulus Black;
• 7th year- Lucius Malfoy, Amos Diggory.
1973: Born - Nymphadora Tonks;
• 7th year - Narcissa Black
1975: Born - Percy Weasley
The Marauders become Animagi
1st year - Gilderoy Lockhart
Sirius was disowned by his family
1976: the prank – during the full moon, Sirius tricked Severus Snape into sneaking down to the whomping willow, where he'd discovered Remus Lupin was actually a werewolf, James saved Severus Snape from being attacked by Remus.
Only a few weeks after the infamous Prank, the Marauders and Snape fight by the black lake, resulting in Snape calling Lily Evans a 'mudblood', which quickly ends their friendship.
1977: Born Fleur delacour, Cedric Diggory
Regulus Black becomes a death eater, he is 16 years old at this time.
• 7th year - James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, Alice Fortesque, Fabian and Gideon Prewett, Frank Longbottom.
After Graduating, the marauders quickly join a secret organisation; the order of the phoenix, hoping to stop Voldemort.
1978: Born - Fred and George Weasley
1979: Born - Hermione Granger
1980: Born - Draco Malfoy, Dean thomas, Neville Longbottom, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Seamus Finnigan.
The Potter's go into hiding as the prophecy is revealed to Voldemort, who learned from Snape. Then, Snape warns Albus, he only tells Albus about Lord Voldemort's plan to attack because he didn't want Lily to die. (He didn't care about James or Harry).
Peter Pettigrew became the Potter's secret keeper, everyone else believed Sirius Black to be keeper.
Regulus Black denounces his loyalty to Voldemort and steals Slytherin's locket in an attempt to destroy it... sadly, this causes his death.
Peter Pettigrew betrayed the Potters to Voldemort. (Its unclear when he actually became a Death Eater, but I assume his loyalties began to waver back when they were still students at Hogwarts, as Peter was more of the tag along than brother)
1981: Born - Ginevra Weasley
• First Wizarding War ends
Voldemort attacks the Potters on Halloween night, but the Death Curse backfires and he accidentally kills himself. Harry Potter becomes the boy who lived, the only person known to have survived the killing curse.
Sirius Black is framed for killing thirteen muggles and Peter, then Sirius is sent to Azkaban prison, this happens two days before his birthday. Making him 22 the day of his arrest.
Peter fakes his death, and he goes into hiding as Scabbers, the Weasley's rat.
• Died - James and Lily Potter, Fabian and Gideon Prewett, the McKinnon family, etc.
Harry is sent to live with his Aunt Petunia, her husband Vernon and cousin Dudley... they loathe magic. Harry lives a tragic childhood of isolation and neglect, up until he turns eleven.
Alice and Frank Longbottom are tortured to insanity by three Death Eaters; Bellatrix LeStrange, Rabastan and Rodolphus LeStrange and Barty Crouch Jr. They all get sent to Azkaban prison.
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88missmarauder88 · 5 years
Sirius x Reader / Remus x Reader -- Part IV
SO SORRY for the delay. Already working on Part V, so it won’t be far behind! And if I’ve forgotten anyone in this tag list, please message me and let me know!
Tag List: @ideas-nocturnas , @evyiione , @a-hopelessly-imaginative-girl , @intense-sneezing , @ghostlyrose2 , @peasantview , @la-fille-en-aiguilles , @toasterking , @too-involved , @onthebroadway , @comebackanothertime , @hfflpffs-shit , @actually-a-tree , @ohhowthetableshaveturnedd , @justducky0423 
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"I'm really not in a party mood, Lily."
You slumped against the railing at the top of the staircase leading to Gryffindor Tower. For someone who'd been unconscious for the better part of two days, you were exhausted. All you wanted was to crawl into your own bed and stay there. Possibly permanently. Or at least until Sirius and Remus were both graduated and married. Not that they'd ever be able to find girls good enough for them, of course, but-- Merlin's pants, were you actually jealous of fictional girls now?
"Don't frown so, my dear!" the Fat Lady chirped. "You'll develop wrinkles!"
"No offence, but that could not be lower on my list of concerns right now," you grumbled.
"Y/N, I know how you feel, I really do. On all accounts," Lily sighed, leaning over the railing beside you.
"Then please just tell them I'm ill. And cursed. And transferring to Beauxbatons."
"You know better than I do that if I said you were ill, they'd go into nursemaid mode again, and I will not have Sirius Black playing harmonica in my dorm room. Besides, it's not just them. The whole House is waiting."
You groaned. "All right, here's the plan. We go in, you shout that Marlene's about to get her kit off, and I escape while everyone's distracted."
"No. For two reasons. Firstly, because Marlene would actually take that as a cue to get her kit off, and secondly, because you have got to talk to Sirius. The longer you let it go, the worse things are going to get for the two of you and for Remus. And I know you don't want to hurt Remus, Y/N."
"Oh I do adore a triangle amoureux!" the Fat Lady gasped. "But you'll of course choose the Lupin boy... such a fine, polite lad. That Black, on the other hand--"
"Do you mind?" you snapped.
"Well!" the portrait sniffed. "Forgive me for attempting to offer my counsel as someone older, wiser, and--"
"Nosier, yes, we know." You turned back to Lily. "And no, I don't. The last thing in the world I want to do is hurt Remus. But what if I'm wrong about all of it, Lily? I'll just end up making an arse of myself, and they'll both never look at me the same way again."
"And what if you're right? All the wondering and worrying will be over, and by tomorrow, you could be looking across the breakfast table at the love of your life."
You desperately did not want to allow yourself to get carried away by daydreams, but you couldn't ignore the slight flutter in your stomach at the thought. Maybe you were just misreading Remus. Maybe his odd behaviour was a side effect of his more difficult transformations. Maybe he was nervous about whether or not the boys' animagus plans would work, or that you'd find out what they'd done and be angry.
Maybe Lily was right, and in a few hours, you could finally look into those maddening grey eyes and not be terrified about what they might see in yours.
You turned to Lily with a shrug and a grudging smile you couldn't quite fight off. "Your eternal optimism is contagious."
"Hooray!" she cried, bouncing on the balls of her feet. "Now we just have to figure out how to get you two alone in a room full of people."
"One of those people being Remus," you said, your brow furrowing again.
"Ignore the remainder of my sage advice if you wish, but you truly must stop scowling, child," the Fat Lady interjected. "One cannot hope to achieve a pleasing visage by constantly giving one's countenance over to gloom. Surely you've noticed my flawless complexion?"
"Which I reckon has nothing at all to do with the fact you're a painting."
"My but aren't you a cheeky sprite. Perhaps you're a bit more suited to the Black boy after all..."
"Oh, Sir Cadogan! The Fat Lady was just telling us how she'd love to hear the tale of your triumph over the Wyvern of Wye again!"
"Why, you little--!"
"KNICKERBOCKER GLORY!!" Lily shouted. The Fat Lady huffily swung aside, and Lily shoved you through the hole in the wall and into the Gryffindor common room.
"Honestly, Y/N, you and Sirius do give that poor woman more grief..."
"She started it!" you began, but you were quickly cut off.
The entirety of Gryffindor House bellowed out their greeting in unison, and you couldn't help but smile. All the turmoil within your group of closest friends had cast a shadow over the joy that usually accompanied returning to Hogwarts for a new year. But the warm, familiar faces who came rushing over to pat you on the back or pull you into a hug put you unexpectedly at ease, and you found yourself thinking you might just be in a bit of a party mood after all.
You scanned the room and found three-quarters of the Marauders introducing a large crowd to a table laden with butterbeer and firewhisky. Lily, meanwhile, had made a beeline in that direction, and she and Remus were now engaged in frantically attempting to snatch bottles and cups out of the hands of wide-eyed first and second years.
"Some seeker you are!" Gideon Prewett grinned, ruffling your hair.
"Right!" his twin, Fabian, chimed in. "How are you ever going to spot that wee little Snitch if you can't even see a bloody bludger heading straight for your noggin!"
You wrapped an arm around each of the Gryffindor chasers' necks before giving a sharp tug, knocking their heads together. They joined you in laughter, and you allowed yourself to be led off to the sofa in front of the fire, where you proceeded to drown your anxiety in blissfully uncomplicated chatter with the Prewetts, Marlene, Frank, Alice, and Emmeline. This was the Hogwarts you'd been missing, and you sank back into the soft cushions, determined to enjoy it while it lasted. No decisions, no choices; just the firelight, reflecting off the Prewetts' collar-length ginger hair till it danced like the flames themselves as they took turns doing rather spot-on impressions of Slughorn and Kettleburn. Just Marlene, endearingly loud and brash, vying not-so-subtly for one of the Prewetts' attention... or both, you couldn't rightly tell. Frank and Alice, stealing glances and touching hands when they thought no one was looking. Worst-kept secret at Hogwarts, but it was sweet the way they still assumed nobody knew. Emmeline, shy and quiet, but always beaming, enjoying the company.
After a half-hour or so, however, you felt a light tap on your shoulder.
"Could you give me a hand over here, Y/N?"
Reluctantly, you joined Lily at the base of the staircases and, with effort, fought down the urge to sprint up to your room and away from whatever was about to happen. You'd been contemplating telling her to forget the whole thing, that getting involved with any of your friends was a daft idea and you'd changed your mind. But watching Frank and Alice, you couldn't help but think... was it so bad to want something like that for yourself?
"There he is," Lily whispered, bumping her elbow into your side and nodding towards the far window. Two armchairs sat facing it, and over the back of one, you could see the top of Sirius's head. The other, you noted with a hint of nausea, was empty.
"You're not going to get a better opportunity."
"I know."
"Are you ready?"
"How do you feel?"
"Like I've just been hit by the Knight Bus."
"Well... none of that is good, but I don't think it's going to get better until this is over, so... break a leg, love."
"I'd much rather."
With a deep breath, you somehow prompted your cold, numb legs to carry you towards the window. Dropping onto the empty armchair, you sat stiffly on the edge of the cushion, staring into the darkness beyond the window. Your limbs felt like they'd been starched, but you did your best to assume a casual position, realising you probably looked more like someone had tossed aside a marionette instead. Your throat was parched, and you glanced longingly at the drinks table for a moment before biting down on your bottom lip and clutching the arms of the chair in an attempt to focus. You were a right mess, and you couldn't go on like this. It was now or never.
You turned towards Sirius, who was looking at you quizzically, his eyes dark in the dim light. You forced your voice to manifest, and it sounded just as croaky as you'd figured it would. Fuck.
"Hey, you."
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James turned from the crate of butterbeer he was unloading in time to see you smiling at your assembled classmates. He immediately glanced to his right and left.
Sirius had a bottle of Blishen's in his hand; slowly, he lowered it to the table, his eyes fixed intently on you. Sighing, James turned to Remus, who had dropped the empty cups he'd been trying to fill with punch before Sirius could fill them with firewhisky. Pity he didn't know Sirius had already spiked the punch. Remus looked as if he were about to hyperventilate as he stared at you, and James rubbed his eyes wearily with the heels of his palms. It was going to be a long night.
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Remus barely registered the sound of the stack of empty cups he'd been holding hitting the floor. You were smiling, and you were beautiful when you smiled. Not that you weren't beautiful when you didn't smile... you were beautiful all the time and... a bit extra beautiful when you smiled?
Well, that clinched it. He was not cut out for this.
Worse than that, he felt like he'd already ruined things between the two of you without even saying a word. You were his best friend, for Merlin's sake. If this were last year, he'd be bounding over to you right now, scooping you into a bear hug, and the two of you would spend the rest of the night laughing and swapping chocolates and taking wagers on when, where, and after how many firewhiskys James would pass out. Instead, you were chatting with the Prewett twins, and he was standing here like a numpty and sweating.
At least you looked happy to see everyone; Remus had worried you'd just want to go to bed after finally getting out of hospital. Frankly, he'd wanted to do the same after confessing his feelings to the lads. The walk back to the castle had been unusually quiet, but James had seemed adamant that if Remus intended to let you know how he felt, the sooner would be the better.
Remus jumped, startled out of his thoughts, and inadvertently kicked a few empty cups across the floor. They were immediately snatched up by a delighted-looking pair of fourth years, who dunked them into the punch and began guzzling. A bit of a line had formed at the punch bowl. At least some people appreciated a nice, simple beverage. He glanced up to see Lily rushing towards him.
She pointed angrily to Remus's right, and, as per usual, Remus found James and Sirius at the end of that finger. They were cheerfully waving everyone over to the drinks table like social directors on a holiday cruise.
"The third years can have butterbeer -- to a point -- but they can not have firewhisky, and the first and second years can't have anything other than punch..."
Remus didn't in the slightest feel like spending the evening playing cup-and-bottle cop, but neither did he want to let Lily down. He glanced behind him as he plucked a firewhisky out of the hands of a second year to see you making your way towards the sofa, arms around the Prewetts, whom Remus suddenly and irrationally hated.
On second thought, he could use a distraction.
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Sirius halted midway through filling a cup with firewhisky to watch as the irritated look on your face when you first entered the common room slowly melted into a smile.
You had rather a lot of smiles. This one was genuine; you looked a bit relieved and happy to see everyone, and Sirius was glad of that. He hadn't figured you'd be in a party mood, but you were good at adjusting when the situation called for it. Then there was the polite smile you reserved for professors and casual acquaintances. The slightly pained smile when you wished someone would go away but were too nice to put it out there. Two others were high on his list of favourites: the truly delighted one always lit up your eyes and reminded Sirius of the girl he'd met five years ago; the wicked grin that usually preceded a great prank idea excited him for a growing variety of reasons.
But there was one smile in particular Sirius liked to think was his and his alone. At least, he'd never seen it directed at anyone else. It was rather like the childlike one but mixed with a complete sort of ease that seemed to indicate you were precisely where you wanted to be in that moment. He'd almost started to let himself believe that, just maybe, where you wanted to be was with--
"Finished with that, mate?" James asked, studying Sirius's face as he gently took the bottle of Blishen's from his hand. Sirius blinked a few times, then grinned.
"Yep. All done with it."
He cast a glance your direction and made a quick mental note to put itching powder in the Prewetts' Quidditch gear tomorrow. Then he spread his arms wide.
"Come and get it, lads and lassies! Drinks are on the Marauders tonight!"
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James popped open another butterbeer and surveyed the common room.
Remus was sitting on a desk near the portrait hole, pretending to listen to Peter, who was on another rant about his failed attempts to use Engorgio to make himself taller. Remus's heels were battering nervously off the legs of the desk as he stared at you on the couch, and he looked as if he might vomit at any given moment. Fantastic.
Sirius was sitting alone in one of the armchairs by the window. He'd forgone the cups and was drinking directly from the last bottle of firewhisky. He'd kicked off his boots, and his hair was a mess. He looked like a rock star coming off a weekend binge. Marvelous.
Meanwhile, the number of little kids passed out in various spots and positions around the room was increasing. Hilarious.
James flopped onto a nearby chair and downed the rest of his butterbeer.
"I hope you're pleased with yourself."
"I generally am, Evans."
Sadly, he didn't have the energy to tack an additional pithy remark onto that. He barely had the energy to lift his eyelids, but he made the effort just to see her glaring at him, one hand on her hip and the other clutching her wand. She was adorable when she was angry.
"Children, drunk. Rubbish, everywhere. About ten school rules, broken. And as usual, you're all present and accounted for when it's time to make the mess, but you'll be nowhere to be found when it's time to clean it up."
Evans was saying something prefect-y, but James's thoughts were louder. Mess. That's what it all was, and he couldn't deal with it by himself anymore. He hadn't had any bloody time to think between what happened in Honeydukes' cellar and now. There was too much to sort out, and he needed help.
"Potter, are you even listening to me?"
"Not in the slightest. Hey, Evans, I need a favour."
"The nerve of you! You are the most selfish, arrogant git I have ever encountered."
"Absolutely right."
"Never giving a fig for anyone else until you need something, and then we're all supposed to jump to attention because the great James Potter snapped his fingers."
"Completely inexcusable."
"You're drunk, aren't you."
"Tremendously, but look, Evans, I'm serious. Will you please at least hear me out?"
Lily looked torn for a moment, but slowly, the redness began to fade from her cheeks, and she sat down primly with a dramatic sigh.
"What do you want, Potter?"
"I know something about some people, and it's some people you know something about too, but you know your something from someone else, and you only know half of it, but I know the other half, so if we put it all together, we might be able to do something."
Lily stared at him, one eyebrow raised. "I can't even put that sentence together."
James sat up in his chair and slapped himself on the cheeks a few times. Not only was this his chance to get another perspective on his problem, it was the first time he could recall that Evans had spent more than a minute talking to him without hexing him and/or storming off. He couldn't blow this.
"Sorry, let me try again. I know that you know that Y/N fancies Sirius and Remus fancies Y/N."
Lily's eyes widened in shock.
"I... erm... well, she... wait -- how do you know I know that?"
James held up his hands, very conscious of the fact she was still holding her wand.
"Please do not hex me. I was asleep in here when the two of you came in, and when I woke up, you were already in the thick of it. I tried, but I couldn't not hear you."
"So you were spying on us!" Lily's wand hand twitched.
"No!" James said quickly. "I told you, I tried not to hear. Either way, though, she's one of my closest friends, Evans. You know I can't abide her hurting. All I want to do is help."
Lily took a deep breath and nodded. "Go on."
"I decided to see if I could suss out how Pads and Moony felt. If it wasn't like she thought, I would've let her know. But it turns out, it's almost exactly like she thought. Remus is definitely in love with her. But... I think Sirius is too."
Lily rubbed her forehead for a moment, eyes squeezed shut, before looking behind her at Remus and Sirius, then back at James.
"She didn't want to get her hopes up about Sirius. And mind you, I'm not a fan, and I don't at all see the appeal, but if it's what they both want... maybe it'd do them both some good. The problem is, she can't stand the thought of hurting Remus."
"That's not the only problem. Apparently, Pads can't either. Moony told us all how he felt earlier, and Sirius said he should go for it with Y/N."
"Perfect," Lily groaned. "Who knew Black was actually noble. So has Remus told her yet?"
"Have you seen him? It's a wonder he hasn't bloody combusted and taken Pete with him."
"Then we have to let Y/N talk to Sirius, Potter. If he decides after hearing her out that he still wants to step aside for Remus, then at least Y/N knows where she stands. I don't want anyone to get hurt either, but it's up to them now. And if Black and Y/N really are in love, they'll find their way to each other no matter what happens next."
James hated feeling like the whole thing was out of his control, but Evans was right. After a moment, he nodded, and she stood and headed towards the couch before pausing and turning back to him.
"It's... very nearly human of you to care so much."
James thought his grin might split his face in two as Evans walked off, calling over her shoulder, "Now clean up some of this mess, you irresponsible oaf!"
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Why "Hey, you"? Of all the idiotic things you could have said... should you run? Maybe you should just run. He'd think you'd drunk yourself ill, and you could both forget the whole thing. Then again, judging from the empty cups on the floor around him and the nearly empty bottle in his hand, he had an impressive head start on you.
"Ah, the girl of the hour!" Sirius said, raising the bottle of firewhisky in your direction. You took the opportunity to snatch it from his hand and drain the remainder of its contents. Liquid courage and all that.
"Hey, that was--"
"The last of the firewhisky, yes. Sharing is caring."
Sirius gave you a lopsided smile and dropped back into his chair. He was fairly well sloshed, but maybe that was a good thing. You could find out how he felt, and chances were better than average he wouldn't even remember it tomorrow.
"Sirius, can I ask you something?"
"You just did."
Well, this was off to a rousing start. Before you could think of a new angle, a pair of sixth-year girls sauntered past on their way to the drinks table, eyelashes fluttering and lips pouted in Sirius's direction. You looked over to see him watching them; he nodded, and your heart sank. What were you thinking? Every girl at this school but Lily fancied him. Not for the reasons you did, of course... not because they'd peered into all his dark corners and found his truest self hiding in them. But at the same time, would they not give their right arms to be in your position? After all, you were the one sitting next to him as he paid an unusual amount of attention to a hole in his sock. You were his friend. What would you do if you lost that? What if love in this case meant just knowing when to leave well enough alone?
Lily's voice interrupted as clearly as if she'd been whispering in your ear. 
"Love is worth taking all the risks in the world for."
"I need to ask you something else. Something important."
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Sirius just wanted to go to bed.
The fun of watching Polly Prefect Evans handing out glasses of spiked punch to the first and second years had faded quicker than he'd hoped, seeing as it was the only distraction he had. Now, it was just him and firewhisky, and his head already felt like a swarm of Billywigs was infesting it -- had done ever since Remus blurted out those words in the cellar.
In that instant, Sirius had felt nothing but anger and pain. At first, he'd been angry with Moony. Why did he have to fall in love with you? You were already his best friend; the two of you spent loads of time together, reading, re-reading, talking about bloody reading. Why wasn't that enough? But Sirius was angrier with himself, for getting his hopes up. He'd been telling himself for two years now that whatever changes he thought he was sensing in his feelings for you were nothing but a recipe for disaster. A good way to fuck up friendships. But every time he thought he had himself convinced, that other little voice in his head would bleed through: But what if...?
What if you felt the same way? Surely he wasn't imagining the little glimmer of something in your eyes that hadn't been there before whenever you looked at him... though, considering how quickly you usually looked away, it was hard to tell. But he definitely hadn't imagined the flush in your cheeks in the hospital wing... though, you could have just been self-conscious knowing the lads were staring.
Sirius kicked off his boots and ran his hands through his hair in agitation before taking another long pull off the bottle. This "maybe this" and "except for that" bollocks was driving him round the bend, and just when he was finally thinking he'd worked up the courage to take a chance, here came Remus. And it would be Remus, wouldn't it? Probably always had been. He was the best friend. The book reader. And Sirius was just-- no. It wasn't fair to pretend he'd ever felt beneath Remus in your eyes. You'd never been anything but kind to him. You made him feel valued and understood and accepted. The hang-up was his, but it was one he was beginning to think he'd never get around.
Sirius the devoted friend and confidant would love you till the day he died. Sirius the heir to the House of Black would never put you in the path of the insanity that entailed. Especially not if there was an alternative. Someone who'd be better for you.
Sirius's heart shot into his throat as you tumbled stiffly onto the chair beside him. What the fuck? Was he putting out some sort of misery tractor beam? He quickly took a few more swallows of whisky. You were fidgeting awkwardly all over the chair, clearly nervous, and Sirius had to fight with all the sobriety he had left not to reach over and hold you still. And then never let go.
Instead, he stared dumbly at you until, finally, you glanced over.
"Hey, you."
Shit, did you just say something? His ears were ringing so loudly he couldn't tell... quick, say something back, moron!
"Ah, the girl of the hour!"
What the hell was that?! And did he just toast you?! Merlin's saggy--
You plucked the bottle out of his hand, and all Sirius could do was mumble, "Hey, that was--"
"The last of the firewhisky, yes. Sharing is caring."
Banter. Banter was good. Sirius tried to force a convincing smile onto his face and fell backwards against the cushion; it was either that or fall forwards onto his face at this point. He had lost all control of his motor skills.
"Sirius, can I ask you something?"
"You just did."
That was not the correct use of banter. Fuck. Just don't say anything else. Nonverbal communication only. Bloody hell, was that a hole in his sock? How was he supposed to take care of anyone else if he couldn't even take care of himself? Sirius's train of thought was derailed by a couple of sixth years prancing by, but he nodded, hoping you'd take the prompt to go ahead and ask your question. He also hoped the older girls' faces would stick in those stupid expressions they were wearing. All this rapid blinking and lip puckering... you never did frivolous nonsense like that.
Sirius looked over at you in time to catch that something different in your eyes again and froze.
"I need to ask you something else. Something important."
Not that. Anything but that, Y/N. He couldn't give you the kind of uncomplicated love you deserved. He couldn't keep you safe. And Moony... he'd always been afraid, consumed by that "someone like me can never have a normal life" bullshit. For him to want to tell a girl he loved her was huge. That was the sort of love that was worthy of yours.
Sirius's heart felt like it was shattering as he looked at you. How much fucking firewhisky did it take to not feel anything at all? Don't let her say it. You can't let her say it.
"Can... can it wait till later?" he stammered, tearing his eyes away from yours. "I, erm... I've got a date."
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jamiebluewind · 5 years
Charatcter Descriptions and Summary 2.13
As always, let me know if I need to edit or add anything and tag/ask/PM me about art and stories so I can check them out! I'll try to add warnings later. Also, we have 8 episodes left including this one, so the last one should be number 20.
Dusk Moss
Hallucinogenic moss with very few alchemical properties that puts the user into a state of lucid dreaming where they are also concious of waking world (basically fantasy marijuana)
Is a flammable powder that cannot be unlit once lit
Crumpkin said his brother swears by it and that everyone should try it at least once.
It will even you out if you take a little bit and a quarter of teaspon will send one of them on a trip all day (so what about the size and race of the person?)
Can buy in a massive block from Tinkerer's Hall where a dose of the powder can be shaved off the block to use
Mystery Rune
The rune was abjurative magic: metamagic school (instead of protection, wards, and shields) which shapes the nature of magic itself. Specifically, the rune involved curses and a way to mask powerful curses and spells. One can take a tremendous amount of spellcraft (or the ability to cast multiple spells), put it into a curse, and have the curse ride under other curses. In other words, if connected to an object, the object would have been "cursed" to be a vessel for a wealth of other spellcasting (flash drive), but hidden under another curse (advanced encryption and a virus).
The larger and more permeable the curse, the more able it is to ride under another curse.
The curse on top (dummy curse) works best the more widespread, static (can't be easily ended or doesn't have random frequent spell effects), ambient, and passive it is like using a magical landscapes or creatures instead of a spell made by a spellcaster.
PCs With Datemates
Took a picture on her crystal of the unknown goddess mural (originally wondered if it was a tequila advertisement)
Kissed Tracker and the tree she was hiding behind
Wanted rosé with the cold fratatas, but thought it was weird that he put both kale and spinach in them (as did Tracker)
Looked through the medical papers Adaine and Riz found and figured out how to cure the Kalina infection (greater restoration due to studying records or a tinsure that requires dusk moss, the alchemical supplies Gorgug got from the tinkerers, some things Adaine can pull from her jacket, and one or two things they'd only be able to find beyond the wall)
Her and the group decided on the tincture method despite the risk of curing behind the wall as she can only cast greater restoration once per day (only one 5th level spell slot and 5 infected: Tracker, Sandra Lynn, Ragh, Riz, and herself), but the option of using greater restoration on herself and Riz while leaving the others behind or inside Van was discussed (side note: could she team up with any of the locals bards/clerics/druids/artificers/celestial warlocks who know greater restoration and teach them the specifics of the altered spell while they wait on the others to get back?)
Suggested they pretend they all died after they take the tincture in order to give them an advantage due to Kalina thinking the party was cut in half (all but Adaine agreed)
Owns little handcuffs with her and Tracker's initials on them
"I don't know why I'm saying this, but Go Ball."
Assumed that the team in hell were just stuck in a waiting room, possibly drinking pina coladas
Investigated where Aelwen, Adaine's mom, and Killian entered the briar wall. It was much more tangled, far from Arborly, up a cliff with difficult rocky terrain between them and the temple. It was a place where they wouldn't be looked for, but it would take them longer to get there.
Said the thing with Vraz made her werewolf issue with the Shrine of Thorns the second weirdest thing that's happened
Started transforming after glancing at the uncovered mural image of the unknown goddess, growling as half her head transformed as she fought changing before rolling off and hiding behind a tree (per Kristen's suggestion)
Couldn't go to hell because she couldn't enter the shrine
Got springs put in his shoes by the gnomes which gave them thick rubbery soles (Spring Coiled Sneakers of Bounding) and also asked for shock thing from tinkerers which would have a spare the dying effect (unknown if he got it)
Wears size 19 canvas shoes
Looked through a big log book with the alchemic ingredients in tinkerer's shorthand before buying the same alchemical ingredients that Killian bought (magnesium, antimony, and mercury which are used in magical candles) for 350 gold. Killian also bought two huge blocks of dusk moss incense (600 gold for both which he split cost wise with Fabian), but he was nervous about buying it (dusk moss details above).
Explained cell towers to the tinkerers
Considered jumping into space to either get to or place a satellite
Found a picture of his parents launching their satellite into space (Wilma and Digby giving double thumbs up, the van tipped on it's nose with it's back doors open to launch the satellite from the back of it, a lot of papers and a mobile desk in van's glovebox) and found space tech-esk routing info for the satellite in Van which allowed him to make a satellite phone
Originally left his crystal and the info with the tinkerers (original timeframe 1-2 days), but came back to help which speed up the process
Was curious why Gilear wasn't infected by Shadow Cat like Sandra Lynn and was later sorry he brought it up
When they found out they couldn't enlarge/reduce Van, he considered making a massive vest with massive pockets he could wear that everyone could jump in before they used enlarge/reduced on him, but the idea was scrapped
Suggested that if they played dead after taking the tincture to not warn Gilear so he wouldn't be acting when they "died".
"Hey, this is based on nothing, but I feel like Gilear is dead."
Believed that hell wasn't as bad as people said it was, just unfamiliar and like 5 degrees hotter
Ran into the briars after the portal closed
Likes a hot hot tub because warm ones just makes him wonder what's cooking in there
Was up all night sweating with his hoodie off (first time in a long time) working on his phone before finishing up the crystal pack (made his phone into a satellite phone). He felt pretty good about making it work.
Got a slew of unread messages once he turned his phone on (few old ones from Zelda, some from his parents checking in, and tour stuff)
Called Zelda with a video call, putting his hoodie back on as it rang and rang (most of the call is in Zelda section)
Told Zelda he loved her for the first time (after she said it first). Said he wished he was there, but hadn't figured that technology out yet and admitted that he might not have service once they went into the forest ("I'm here to communicate")
The gnomes erupted into cheers over the crystal working, but he was equally exciting over Zelda saying she loved him. They popped some gnome wine (pink fizzy champagne that smelled like cloying sweet strawberries) and shared it with him in celebration
Got a bunch of DMs from the other seven maidens saying "Way to go big guy"
Was at Ostentata's house at night for a party (everybody was telling the story of when Gorgug jumped the fire elemental there and when he backyard wrestle smashed the beer pong table while time was stopped) when Gorgug called
Told her adventuring party he was calling before she went outside, but they followed
Answered her phone while still wearing her earbuds and assumed he was back, but was told he figured out how to make his phone work. He did it because he felt like it was important to be able to talk to her, the world, and her (not because it was part of the quest). She asked if they had cell towers, but Gorgug said that he had been working on artificer stuff and used his parents' satellite.
Started crying over Gorgug doing a whole bunch of new science to make his phone able to call back, apologized to him over getting upset, and said she missed him and he was the best
Was embarrassed by the other maidens eavesdropping (they called out "Good lookin out Gorgug! Stand up thing to do! You did it!"). Gorgug went on speaker and said "Well hello guys!" before she shooed them off to talk to her boyfriend
Made sure that Gorgug's friends weren't in danger over him working on his project, but was reassured that he was having down time and it would also help them in the long run
Told Gorgug that she loved him for the first time and freaked out (insulting herself) before he said that he loved her too. This was followed by her saying "oooh I just wanna... I just wish you were here."
Said the Red Waste was super hard, but they were done and thought they would get a good grade on it
Called Gorgug cool (and was called cool by him). Said what he did meant a lot to her. The call ended with one last quick I love you from Gorgug.
Subpoenaed to be a witness for Gortholax before a tribunal due to him being negligent for his infernal domain (after his 9th and final request for appearence lapsed). The print of her subpoena got so fine that it was mostly illegable without a magnifying glass. It was also in infernal (which she can read)
Asked Vraz if she could leave the door to hell open with them following later (left open, but was yelled at)
Considered disguising herself as Gortholax and offered to disguise herself as a famous lawyer from billboards to help Gilear
Wanted to know more about law so she could defend Gortholax domain and yelled "THE CHOSEN ONE!" when she discovered that Gilear knew the law
Wanted to start a grass roots campaign about the demons working with the nightmare king (as devils hate them both)
Asked her mom why Gilear wasn't infected and discovered her parents had slept together many times, but not in the last 3 years
Got upset with Riz over his opinion on devils (quote in dialogue link)
Had to be the first through the portal to hell, but straddled the flaming doorway with Riz on her back to try to keep it open
Tied a rope around Hangman so she could wakeboard while smoking a clove, library card behind her right ear
Thought Gortholax's home was tasteful and knew the door code.
Blamed herself for the quality of Gilear's life (quote in dialogue link)
To Vraz "What going on with you? Do you need a hug?"
Lit a cigarette in court, told them that Gortholax was trapped in a gem, put her feet up, and said Kalina the Shadow Cat used a proxy to trap Gortholax with the assistance of demons (but was able to hide the fact that she was the proxy from Vraz)
Asked for help getting into the forest of the Nightmare King, but got yelled at because calling a recess does not mean the trial is over
Cut her arm and offered the tribunal her blood as proof she was Gortholax's daughter, but the blood sizzled when it hit the ground and either summoned or created an imp which served as proof
Told Adaine what the rune was (details below)
Still working on plane shift
Got upset over Fig getting sucked into hell, insisting that they had to go rescue her "Well, we should do whatever we can to make it happen as fast as possible because I'm going to get another kiss, whatever happens"
Said Fig's lips are the softest things she's ever felt (grossing out Adaine) and "If I don't smell Fig's hair again, I'm going to incenerate"
Asked Adaine for advice as the Oracle, wanting to know how many potential futures there were were Fig wouldn't want to kiss her or be around her anymore and if they could be avoided. She was also worried that Fig might have kissed her, but not felt attracted to her.
"If we kissed a bunch of times over the course of an hour, does that mean we are girlfriends or wives?" (potentially but ask to clarify)
Was worried that she would look sad, weird, or not normal from a social standpoint for asking Fig to clarify if they were girlfriends (to which Adaine said she was not and was in face very very cool).
Worried about her mind being foreign to other people and despite not being the same as Adaine, felt better after talking to someone who understands not being like everyone else.
Told Adaine "You're a very special person to me and your friendship means the world to me. I hope we study magic together for a long long time" and that she loved her.
Has notes on how her brain works and built an entire friendship section in the library because she was so lonely.
Went to the Synod to be alone because she lived "on a dirty pirate island"
Other PCs And People In The Party
Released an aura in the crime scene and might have put on gloves
Found the non detection runes her mother had placed (to keep elves off the trail) and the remains of two rituals, one to kill Killian and one to put the Devil's Heart (with Gortholax) inside Killian. The rituals happened 24 hours appart, meaning they left the night the teens arrived or her mom knew to kill Killian before Aelwen arrived.
While looking for something in the room (something nice her mom might have said about her), she found a blank piece of parchment on a small desk and revealed a message using "the pencil trick" ("Aelwen is with me. You are betrayed. You have no other choice darling. Come with us.") which she believed was probably for her dad. Later got the original copy (wrote out for a sending spell) by using mend on ashes she found in a trashcan
Suggested a cold fratata picnic
Pulled beautifully printed pamplets out of her jacket for Fig's grass roots campaign, but they had a typo so she tossed them
Told the group to give a thumbs up to someone who had the message spell (currently only Fig and Adaine) if they had something to say to keep it from Kalina
Was caught by briars and ejected from the hell potral, keeping her from entering, but decided that heaven and hell were just reflections of each other so she wasn't worried
On dusk moss, said "I've heard it's good for anxiety." and suggested that they all got high while waiting on their friends to return from hell (but was unable to convince the others)
Discovered that the unknown goddess' spellbook had a distinguishing mark on it, an occult rune that was in a lot of stuff at Compass Points (which Ayda would have studied) and on the coin given to Kalvaxus (more info under mystery rune)
Liked a hot tub that started off very warm at first and then got more comfortable
Messaged Ayda late at night for help "Avast ye scurvy devil. How is plane shift going? Also, need info on rune. It looks like [x]" (answered back "I'm not a scurvy devil. Let's use the synonym. Right jacket pocket.")
Found a key made of glowing blue crystalline energy in her pocket as the keyhole on a nearby door started glowing slightly blue.
Was given a scroll with a first level spell by Ayda that granted her access to the Synod of Spyre which is a meeting place for wizards
Told Ayda "I think your great",  made her laugh by telling her that curses were "ten a penny", and told her that she enjoyed talking to her about their magic as Ayda is someone who gets it and is not mean to her
Asked Ayda to tell her everything (about the kiss), but then realized that she didn't want or need to know everything. She did say (about Ayda and Fig) "I support this. I am happy about it. I am amazed. Oooo she's secretive!" and that while on a macro level, some people will kiss without caring, Fig wouldn't because she cared about everybody (she did kiss those two older guys though?)
Admittedly that being oracle only let her help out a little every day and occasionally she got a terrifying vision, but she doesn't know when the event will occur or what will cause it
To Ayda, "If you like a person and they like you and the relationship is good, it shouldn't matter how other people feel about it? I think."
"I want to be alone and also surrounded by my friends at all times."
Worked the crime scene in the Owl and Harp with Adaine (putting on gloves before starting)
Found that the rituals were specifically to get Kalina into Silvar by bypassing the need for permission from a devil authority by using petrismosis to move from an infected creature into a gem to commandeer the devil within it
Petrismosis: The body's ability to start having elements of the magical gem within it to start permiating orgainic membrane; the process of an organic body and gem to become one which includes osmosis of blood to gem (ragh mom constrantly fights against the being within her gem using her rage, blood, and soul)
Told Adaine "It's great to fin- be around someone who just focuses up. Me and you? Everybody else is super horny. Super emotional. But me and you? *slaps hands together* No emotions between the two of us." (she was looking for something nice from her mom)
Discovered that Adaine's mom had packed WAY more rations than they needed to get to the temple, some alchemical ingredients, and all primary work, leaving only hints behind as well as some research and medical diagrams (which Adaine and Riz took). The medical diagrams were extremely old velum grave robber level medical stuff written in a character based pictogram language (think hieroglyphs, almost like emoji) that was most likely centaur. One medical diagram was of a disected and dismembered centaur with dark, very scary looking cat symbols (refered to as the disease or infection) behind eyes, in ears, on tongue, deep in sinuses, and on spine. It also showed that the brain was carefully taken apart and looked at, but the infection was not present there.
He and Adaine deduced that Kalina could only look through one person at a time using their senses and couldn't get into their brains, but could cause paralysis. The only safe place would be the moon haven/Kristen's hallow, but Kalina might be able to ride one of the infected into the haven if she was actively trying to do it. They could however talk anywhere using telepathy (such as the message spell).
Was worried about going to hell while infected, but later said "I meantioned that I was concerened about going to hell and her possibly being able to see the trial, but hell is also bad so I don't really care if they end up fighting and killing each others. Let's just go to hell. Also, they're super far along already. They have Gortholax and they're in. So it's not like... yeah."
Might have internalized racism/goblinphobia and has bias towards devils (both from his reactions in this episode and his reaction to Gortholax in season 1)
Suspicious of devils and doesn't think they should be super cool with them (quote in dialogue link), later becoming upset over what Hangman said about goblins ("Oh like goblins have such a great reputation.") and the others reaction to his and The Hangman's statement.
Road into hell holding onto Fig's back.
Upon seeing Gilear knocked out, said "See I told you that hell was bad! I mean, this is awesome, but this is bad." Pointed out the irony of Gilear getting mad at him a long time ago for stealing the first aid kit that gave him the healing feat.
After Hangman said the evil souls were murderers, thieves, and liars, he started sweating and said "Liars huh?" (side note: Riz has actually done all three)
Grabbed Gilear's face and investigated him to figure out why he was so confident (he said no to an offer from Sandra Lynn). Hissed at Gilear and then apologized, saying they were in hell, it was weird, and the things said about goblins earlier made him feel kinda crazy
Hissed at Vraz repeatedly, even after she threatened him.
To Vraz "Well I'm Riz The Ball and I'm just gonna ROLL WITH THIS! We're here! We're here for your trial thing! *hiss*" Is held back by Gilear while Fig tried to push him forward towards Vraz (told her to stop it)
Hissed at Vraz again (when she was mean to Fig) saying Vraz calling somebody in the middle of a trial was weird before the pair got in another hissing/screaming match. Asked The Hangman to hold him back and got his foot run over.
Ownes 250 to 312 pairs of shoes (depending how many have been thrown away or given to childen), has size 5 feet (and is self conscious about it), said he had delicate feet and was lithe and dexterous, and his father had small feet and mother had normal sized feet
Said "god damn it" when he discovered Krumpkin wore the same size shoes as him, lied and said he had big toes and wore a 5.5 because he didn't to exchange shoes with a gnome, and quietly said "...let's go" when Gorgug asked if he wanted little bells on his shoes (side note: was he teased in the past?)
Completely confused by tinkerers logbook, so he deferred to Gorgug. Tried to help by rubbing his sheet on the gold coins they were buying supplies with, but nothing happened
Was nervous about buying or using dusk moss, saying he knew a guy who tried it while wearing a hat and now he always felt like he's wearing the hat. Told the rest of the group "We bought so many drugs." when they dot back.
Fabian's bardic "You feel the power of Fabian's support and care for you" (the explanation of his new stats is linked below)
When asked if he wanted to stay in the Tinkerer's Hall, he answered "Absolutely. With all these weird little men and women. No thank you. Ragh, let's go!"
Has a bunch of private stuff on his phone that he doesn't want anybody seeing
Tried to ride Hangman into hell, but caught by the briars and ejected as the portal closed
Told Hangman "You are literally the sweetest meanest thing ever."
Mutters "Go off The Ball, go off" while Riz was in a different dimension from him (yelling at Vraz in hell)
Said he didn't worry about his father as he was thriving, but he missed him. When told he could get word to him, originally assumed Bill would be busy, then agreed but asked Hangman not to be needy about it, then tried to pretend that he was cool either way and that he didn't need it and it wouldn't fill him with joy, then admitted that it would fill him with joy, and finally just asking "yes please do it"
Likes a warm hot tub due to it being better for his skin and he can stay in there longer
(Multiple quotes can be found in the dialogue link below)
His presence (a devil) closed the portal to hell, seperating him from Fabian. He could still talk to Fabian telepathically, but freaked out. When asked to turn it down, he replied "I can't turn it down, I'm sad!"
Said that the portal was created for the dark tribunal and afterwards the devils are required to deposite them from where they came from
Gave Gilear his mark by making his eyes glow dark red pinpricks and etching an infernal ruin of blood and fire on his forehead
Got pissed off over Gilear having to ride on him, but did it to stop his complaining. Meanwhile, Riz also road on him (with a "Huzzah!") and Fig tired a rope around him so she could wakeboard on her skateboard behind him
Approved of Riz hissing at Gilear
Said the souls falling into The Bottomless Pit were evil and of murderers, theives, and liars
Got the tribunal to allow them to stay at The Bottomless Pit (as Fig was both Gortholax's daughter and she had passage there) instead of prison
When he was told only Fig was going to go in the hot tub, he pouted and said "I want to go too!"
Offered to send word to Bill Seacaster for Fabian
Made fratatas (with both spinach and kale) immediately, but they all got very cold due to the teens being away for hours (were so cold that they thought he put them in the freezer)
He was not "the face" when he worked in Fallenel at the elven counsel (where he said he was a glorified paralegal), but was still an expert in international and interplaner law
When Fig told him that it was his moment and she needed him, he immediately replied with "Nope!". He eventually gave his word to help, but was confused about how they got into trouble in Arborly, discovering the trial was both in hell ("what? what? oh no.") and delivered by a really keyed up woman who was probably working through something ("I...what have you done?")
From Adaine's jacket, was given a barrister wig from Fig ("None of the cultures I've worked for use these wigs"), a gavel from Kristen, and a black robe from Adaine
Found that the subpoena had no clause concerning ther souls, but hell would send people to get Fig if she didn't go
Wears boat shoes and had a powerful aura of disease coming from his feet (again Gilear DOCTOR! or have a healer greater restore!)
His bald spot was hit by a bit of fire before a blast of fire hit him and knocked him out, setting his wig on fire. He was healed by Riz, but left with burns.
Was given the Mark of The Hangman, which was an infernal ruin of blood and fire etched on his forehead which caused a red force field to appear that protected him from the fire as long as he was with The Hangman
Noticed how Fig was acting (library card behind ear) and started asking her questions, but she dodged them until Riz confronted him about his confidence and got him to confess "I got confidence because Sandra Lynn asked to sleep with me and I said no!" Said that he and Sandra Lynn talking until morning and towards the end she made an offer, he said "No. Thank you", and everyone was still happy and fine afterwards
Told Riz he was very scary and intense sometimes, resulting in Riz hissing at him
Did not actually help during the trial due to fear.
(Has multiple quotes in dialogue link.)
Sandra Lynn
Covered for the teens messaging by talking about finding where Adaine's mom entered the forest as the teens nodded along
Had to explain to her daughter that her and Gilear slept together, but she could have gotten the Kalina disease anytime in the last 3 years and Gilear wouldn't have been infected ("I love you. It's weird. Sorry for all this weird info.")
On Kristen attempting to handcuff her "So help me god Kristen Applebees. I understand that I work for you, but so help... wow."
No longer with Jawbone, but ended on good terms
Was very kind to Gilear the first night in Arborly. She offered to sleep with him at one point and was turned down.
When she asked what the teens were messaging about (dusk moss), Kristen said Spring Break and suggested Sandra Lynn have a spa day with a hot tub soak and a massage with cucumbers on her eyes. Gorgug suggested cucumbers on her ears. Fabian said they should get the weird gnomes to pound her (dear god Fabian! XD) with Kristen saying "gnomes all over your body", Adaine adding that they would walk on her back, and Fabian adding that the little shoe bells would be meditative
Asked for a lost spring from the tinkerers
Wears a size 17.5 shoe (quote in dialogue link)
Was paranoid about buying dusk moss (ARE YOU A COP!?), but after Crumpkin's reaction, he grabbed Fabian and Gorgug's arms and said "I think drugs are legal here"
Took a solid chunk of dusk moss and was found staring at his hand ("My hand is just little animal on the end of your arm")
Came into the van later, shirtless and looking like he'd sweat ten gallons. Said "Everything in the world is connected", (on Adaine thinking of trying it) "Adaine, for real? I can never be anxious again because I don't even know if I can ever be fully in my body again.", and (response to Fabian saying it sounds scary) "No no. I'm part of the universe dude" before drinking a glass of water and going off to go to bed.
Crumpkin Springbill
Head Tinkerer of the Tinkerer's Hall of Arborly
Confused as to why anybody would be mad about people buying or using dusk moss
Told Gorgug that it would take a long time and a lot of materals to build a cell tower
Size 5 shoes (but likes a little toe room) with curled toes so he can puts little bells on them (sounds like the general style of shoes for the gnomes there as well)
Said hello to Zelda enthusiastically over a video call
Polly Pullypad and Osmand Wobbletrouble
Accidentally flew into where they stacked all the old pots and pans (Polly)
Brought Gorgug his altered shoes back and bowed to Gorgug
Asked to examine Gorgug's crystal in exchange for the spring shoes (Osmand)
Suggested they try to skip building a cell tower and connect directly to a satellite
(Unnamed Twins)
Shallower cone hats with tufts of fur on the ends of springs
Took gorgug shoes off his feet
Vraz the Mean
Sarcastic erinyes with a +13 insight and a beautiful but uncannoy vally porcelain face with a beauty mark
When Fig and Kristen asked if she could leave the door open so they could follow "Are you guys having a fun time? BECAUSE YOU SEEM PRETTY FUCKING GLIB! Keep your sass to yourself!", but still left the door open
Got hissed at by Riz a lot (multiple quotes in dialogue)
Said she is having a bad time between her title (Vraz The Mean), species (Erinyes), running hell, and her title (Arch Secretary)
Called the tribunal into order (with her two co-jurors in a room with a small 3 seat judges bench), stating that it concerned the issue of Gortholax's infernal negligence
Tried to call her boss Blozo, but he couldn't come due to traffic
Found that being trapped in a gem counted as extenuating circumstances and he would not be punished, but they needed a new regnant for the Bottomless Pit so they called a recess while they consulted the bylaws.
Yelled at Fig for asking for help after the recess saying (in a durr voice) " *points at temple* Do you know what words mean!? Do you know what words mean!? *jacking off motion* Huh?"
Was going to imprison "the mortals", but was convinced by Hangman to put them under house arrest at The Bottomless Pit
Kystrona (Ky-stron-ah) The Chained
Vaguely humanoid figure that is just like
A person with chains coiled where arms would be as well as the torso and head, making a massive mound of chains
Moved with a lot of strain (including trying to shrug) and voice is muffled from all the chains
Lorzug (lore-zug) The Impaled
Bone thin naked person with incredibly pale skin and translucent vains all over
Impaled through the stomach about 10 feet up a jet black iron spike as they kick and scream
Only responded with screams
Retch Rot
Tiny blood red imp with a scorpion tail summoned by Fig's blood (calls her mistress)
Might look like a red Boggy with really long legs for his size (Ally wondered if he looked like "a really famous mouse", including suspenders, but I personally give Emily's description more weight as she is in fact in hell as Fig)
Valet to Fig while in the Bottomless Pit
Wanted to show them to their quarters and the many doors of The Bottomless Pit (but had to make it clear that the doors were just rooms in the pit and not portals)
Other Stuff From 2.13
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[To be added]
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futurewriter2000 · 6 years
Please, Mr. Jailer - Pt. 2
A/N: So, I’ve finished it. Finally. I’ve been having this in my drafts for so long but I’ve finally finished it. I’m finishing all my fics I’ve started writing but never finished. Some of them are getting a whole rewrite. 
REQUEST: Omfg please mr. Jailer was spectacular I can't believe it I'm buzzing and asdfghjkl!! Could you please pLeAsE tag me? I'm so frickin excited I can't breathe xx
It was a laugh, honestly. The whole chase was a laugh and you couldn't help yourself but feel your mouth curve into a wider smile as you ran through the woods.
"FOR GOD'S SAKE, (Y/N)! JUST STOP!" he bellowed after you, sending a few red flashes as he did.
And you laughed because it was funny. You turned left and hid behind an enormous tree trunk, placing your hand over your mouth so you don't let out another giggle.
"BOLLOCKS!" he shouted as he finally stopped running and took a breath.
And that was your chance. 3, 2, 1! " STUPEFY!" you shouted, pointing your wand at him and letting its tip let out a red flash, making the black haired Auror fly on the other side of the woods, hitting his head pretty hard.
He opened his eyes slowly, his head banging and voices ringing in his head.
"Just go. I'll be up there in a minute." a whisper came from the upper floor as the door shut and steps started to become louder.
His eyelids were so heavy he barely lifted them up to see. Soon as he managed to do that he looked around and felt the tight rope around his wrists and ankles.
"Bloody hell." he groaned and rolled his eyes, starting to look around the room.
"Not so great, is it?" you smiled as you pulled yourself a chair and sat right opposite of him. "Being tied up in some dark room, not knowing where you are."
" You must be overjoyed." he sent you a fake smile before trying to woggle his wrists out of the ropes, jumping with the chair and his feet somehow glued to the floor. "What the...?"
"Oh I used Colashoo on you." you pointed at his feet. "Just being cautious."
"You gotta be kidding me." he let out another groan as you let out a chuckle and stood up.
"Nope. And it's only Monday, so get comfortable."
"I hate this-" he wiggled in his chair. " And I hate this stupid chair-" he wiggled again. "And this stupid room-" he paused, taking a deep breath before continuing." And ARGGHHH!" he let out a desperate scream.
" You really don't fancy being in a dark room," you said as you sat on the stairs with a bowl of cereal in your lap.
"Let. Me. Go," he growled, his dark curls blocking his ferocious grey eyes.
"I could..." you stood up and walked over to him. You put one hand on his chair and leaned forward so the two of you were dangerously close. " But I won't." your expression suddenly fell and you had the same fire in your eyes as he did. " You thought I was going to use the Killing Curse on you back at your place." you glared and he stared, not changing his expression at all. " That is why you were relieved, weren't you?"
"With a Rosier blood like yours, I had nothing else to expect." he snarled and you felt your heart spiked my a small tip of a dagger.
But you shook it off. "Remember Sirius...you are a Black, not a Potter."
He started to shake the chair again, fury burning inside of him. "ARGHHH!!!" he screamed again, glaring at you. "I SWEAR! As soon as I get out of this I'LL KILL YOU AND YOUR COUSIN!"
" Bye, Black!" you started to walk away, his shouts screaming behind you.
"Get back here! You little-!"
He was finally able to step, barely lifting his weight of the chair as his stomach gave a growl.
He was prepared. A silver pocket-knife in his hand as he slowly made his way upstairs. He was feeling furious with you, prepared to finally take you down and escort you to the Ministry.
He unlocked the door, the voices slowly becoming louder...
" And so he hopped his way on the path to his grandfather, meeting his friend Otto the canary. " you smiled and continued to read as the little boy beside you slowly started to drop his eyelids. " ' Hello there Hopper. What are you doing on this dark path?' the canary asked and Hopper answered. ' I am going to see grandfather, to give him honey and milk.' " you started to drop your voice and looked as he started to breathe a bit fainter. "Come on, young man. You need to go to bed." you took his arms and wrapped them around your neck.
"But what if daddy comes home and I miss him?" he spoke sleepily, not even trying to fight back the sleep that was taking over him.
" You won't. I promise." you whispered and started to take him upstairs, not realizing the man hidden behind a wall...shocked.
As you put the little boy to bed, you made your way downstairs and found a known man sitting on your sofa, wand in his hand.
You raised your arms and stepped away. "Sirius, just leave. I'll go to the Ministry but you can't-"
"Is he yours?" he asked, cutting in and looking at you with his guilty eyes.
" Fabian?" you furrowed your eyebrows, deciding whether to tell him or not. "No." you finally decided to answer.
" Evan's?" he asked, his expression soft and calm.
You looked at the ground and lowered your hands. " He had him right after he graduated. He can't take care of him while he's running from the whole Ministry. Someone has to take care of him."
"Rosier? Reproducing?" he looked confused, almost as it was a miracle.
" Believe it or not, we are people." you rolled your eyes and started gathering the pillows from the sofa.
" Really? I always thought you resembled something more of a Ghoul it not." he joked around and you looked at him, gaping.
"How!" you threw a pillow at him, smiling. "Dare you!" you threw another pillow at him. "You dated me in Hogwarts." you pointed your index finger at him while squinting your eyes.
He grabbed the index finger and leaned forward, grinning. " I also lied a lot in Hogwarts. "
"You!" your eyes were wide yet your mouth beaming at him. He chuckled and let go of your finger, walking around the room and finally sitting down on the sofa.
"I'm hungry. Do you have anything to eat?"
“ It feels like old times.” you smiled at him, taking another scoop of ice cream and licking the spoon.
“ Bloody hell, that turns me on.” he grinned and winked as you put the spoon out of your mouth and into an ice cream bowl.
“ Exactly like old times.” you smiled and pushed the bowl away from you, sitting in your criss-cross position.
“ Come off it. Just like old times?” he scoffed. “ I’m supposed to bring you to the Ministry and here I am having ice cream with you.”
“ Isn’t that better than chasing me through the woods or either of us being tied down to a chair.” you winked, getting up and taking ice cream back to the freezer. “ Tell me.” you turned around and started walking back to him. “ Why did we break up?” you looked at him and he chuckled.
“ What?” he smiled.
“ Well, I feel like there is more to that break up that you led on.”
“ There’s not.”
“ You keep saying that but you’re the one that stormed out after mentioning it when I was being tied on that chair.”
“ Oh..” he looked at the ceiling dreamily. “ Good times.”
You laughed and threw another pillow at him. “ Come on, Sirius.” you continued to laugh. “ You got the answer while I was with the Deatheaters. Because of Fabian then just tell me why did we break up?” you were now looking at him seriously and he kept avoiding your eyes.” Sirius?”
“ I really liked you.” he smiled up to you and frowned immediately after. “ I really liked you and I didn’t want to end it with you so soon.”
“ But you did. I didn’t ask you to.”
“ And you took it so well.”
“ Took it well.” you scoffed. “ I was furious at you.”
“ Yeah right! You dated that McLaggen boy right after.”
“ Oh, I wonder why I would do that.” you pressed your index finger against his forehead. “ Why do you think?”
He stared, wheels in his head turning until he finally realized, making his grin immediately reappear. “ You tried to make me jealous!” he spoke triumphantly.
“ And apparently it worked.” you laughed, making his triumph quickly disappear.
“ But you liked me back?” he continued to smile, ignoring what you said before.
“ No, dumbass. I dated you because I date everybody I hate.” you retorded sarcastically.
“ WHAT!?” he started laughing out loud, hugging and hitting all the pillows you threw at him before. “ I knew it! I KNEW IT!” he pointed his finger at you and continued to taunt a bit.
“ You knew bullshit, Sirius.” you rolled your eyes and he hugged you from behind.
“ I knew it.” he smiled next to you and kissed your cheek. “ Though, one way or another I had to break up with you.”
“ And why’s that? “ you started to get more serious.
“ Because you’re a Rosier.” he spoke calmly, not even re-thinking the words that came out of his mouth.
“ Excuse me!” you started to get furious, pointing your finger at the door. “ Get out!”
He shot his head to you and his smile faded. “ What? Why?”
“ Get out!” you screamed more intensively now.
“ (Y/n). Honey...” he started to speak more sweetly to you, his hands trying to take a hold of you. “ It’s just that-”
“ No, you know what, Sirius. I don’t give a damn anymore. I told you why I talked to my brother. I told you who Fabian is, now you have to get out!” you snapped at him, staring at his blue eyes that you now despised.
“ But aren’t we going to talk about-”
“ No, we won’t. You’re not staying here to talk down on my family- My blood. You are not here to feel superior or to feel better. I don’t care anymore how you feel towards me or how you felt back in Hogwarts. All of that is over the moment you broke it off. And the reason for me being a Rosier is the most cowardly excuse!”
“ I-”
“ Leave!” you cut him off.
“ You don’t understand-”
“ LEAVE!” you screamed louder so that you heard something crack at the stairs.
You turned around and saw little Fabian peeking through the stair fence.
“ Hey, Fabe.” you now changed your voice completely. “ What are you doing up so late?”
“ I thought it was daddy.” he spoke innocently as a child that he was. His eyes though were stuck on the man standing behind you. “ Who’s that? Is he here to take you away from me?”
“ No, no-”
“ HE CAN’T TAKE YOU AWAY FROM ME!” he shouted in your face, tears streaming down his cheeks as you moved away for a bit, realizing what he said.  He threw himself into your arms and kept squeezing you tightly. “ I won’t let go of you! I won’t let him!”
“ Hey, hey..” you hugged him as well. “ I’m not going anywhere, okay? He’s just someone from my past. Nobody important.” you continued to comfort little Fabian. You pulled away from him, watching his adorable, teary eyes let go of few tears before brushing them off with your sleeve. “ Now, why don’t you get back upstairs and I’ll come to tuck you in.” you bumped his nose and he giggled.
“ Okay.” and he was bolting upstairs.
“ Okay,” you whispered before turning back to Sirius and walking closer. “ Sirius, I don’t want any trouble. I just want Fabian to be safe.”
“ Nobody important?” he stared at you, tears holding back as he spoke to you.
“ Sirius...”
“ Yeah, I’ll leave.” he sniffed and cleared his throat, grabbing his coat and wand and walking towards the door. “ I’ll-” he stopped, not even turning around. “ I’ll tell them you’re in the clear, so you don’t have to worry about Fabian.”
You quickly put your hand on his shoulder, before he ran away from you yet again. “ Thank you,” you spoke softly, not even thinking of the fight the two of you had not so long ago. “ And Sirius.” you moved closer and hugged him from behind. “ You were and still are important to me. It’s just too complicated.” you whispered and let go of him softly.
He stood there at the threshold, breathing deeply and squeezing his eyes shut. You stared for a while, tears gathering, heart squeezing seeing him go.
His hand touched the doorknob but instead of twisting it he let go of the coat in his arms, the wand in his hand, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you into a long-lasting kiss.
You’d have to admit you were surprised at first but you didn’t hesitate to think twice to kiss him back, your hands finding their way into his hair and your fingers gripping his curls.
It was a kiss, different from all of those you received from him in Hogwarts. It felt honest, pure, right.
“ Screw too complicated. It was complicated back then it’s complicated now. For all I know I could die tomorrow regretting not kissing you, regretting not telling how much I have thought about you since I left Hogwarts.” he whispered, his lips an inch apart from yours.
Your hands fell to his cheeks and you barely looked away from his gorgeous plump lips. “ Don’t you ever try to get away from me like that.”
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pldubrahs · 4 years
I hate to counter, but Fabian/Lou has established for a while now his feelings that weren't exactly healthy for Aelwyn, so I don't really know WHAT to tell you, but nobody forced any ship on anyone. If anyone did it was Lou lol
that is IT im adding a tag to the original post because i am TIRED of people talking to me about fabian in the replies!!!! i am begging all of you to please stop talking to me about fabian’s part of the fa*lwyn dynamic! blah blah fabian likes aelwyn because he has daddy issues blah blah it’s not healthy for him blah blah aelwyn is gonna be mean to fabian I DON’T CARE ABOUT ANY OF THAT ALRIGHT. I’M TIRED OF TALKING ABOUT FABIAN
in this house we are upset about aelwyn and how brennan had her outright ask for a relationship that was going to be detrimental to her further healing and recovery because i love aelwyn abernant and coping by getting into toxic sexual relationships is actively harmful and i’m upset that she’s doing that. i’m tired of talking about fabian. 
also, just to reply to your reply: we were in the epilogue and brennan not only brought up aelwyn talking to fabian in the first place but also had her be one to proposition him after he did his whole “i used to have a crush on you” speech. they’re both “at fault” (for whatever value of at fault exists here) bc they both agreed to it, but it absolutely wasn’t lou forcing anything in My personal opinion
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Ωrion - Sirius Black x Reader
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Request: Can I request Sirius x reader where Sirius finds her intimidating bc she’s so perfect and confident, and so she feels insecure bc he never flirts with her, but actually he’s super in love?🌸🌸🌸thank you gurl🌸 I wrote this while listening to this (that can explain the title)  Warnings: I don’t even know. My English. Not that great?  Gif isn’t mine. Credits to its original owner. Masterlist
You were oblivious to his stare. Or the reasons behind it. You were talking to Lily about how immature she was acting about the whole ‘James-thing’. Not that you were any better. And then you heard it. The annoying sound of another girl’s laugh. It made your heart squeeze in pain. “You’re so funny” she said.  How cliché. You wanted to bang her head against a wall. Multiple times. You had turned your eyes and your entire attention towards him- and her. You didn’t know this but once he noticed that, he flirted back even though he didn’t really want to. “Did you sit on a pile of sugar? Cause you have a pretty sweet ass” he said seductively. Now, you wanted to bang his head against a wall. She giggled. Your mind was filled with venom. “Hey, hey, Y/N, loosen up, love” you heard Fabian telling you. You furrowed your eyebrows but you realized that you were holding his arm in a rather tight grasp. You let go and apologized immediately. He shook it off like it was nothing.  "So, how is it to be perfect?“ he flirted with you after a while. You laughed because in all honesty, you never considered yourself to be perfect. You may were a good student and you may had many date invitations but none of it mattered. “Stop trying to seduce me Prewett. It’s not gonna work” you said trying to eat your lunch in peace. The truth was that you were indeed trying to be confident and to appear strong and carefree but intact as well. However, you knew you were none of those things. You weren’t confident at all. You never believed that you were worthy of anything great and that was somebody’s fault. “Stop being intimidating” Lily whispered to you. Intimidating?  You couldn’t possibly believe that someone -anyone- would be intimidated by you. You raised an eyebrow at her, questioning her very statement. “Yeah, that’s exactly what I am talking about” she said before she turned away, continuing her lunch. You were ready to fire something back when you heard him using another awful pickup line-and her(whoever she may be) giggling.  Great. 
It had been almost a month. A tortuous month. He had gone off the rails for his little game. He had flirted with every girl in the school-except you. He never flirted with you. Ever. He wouldn’t even talk to you anymore. You had started to believe that t you had done something to annoy him, offend him even. He wouldn’t look at you. Whenever you were engaged in a conversation with the infamous Marauders, he would come up with an excuse-a ridiculous one- and leave. And it hurt you deeply, but you never showed it. You had truly become intimidating. You had focused your anger towards classes and you thrived on all of them. Even Potions. Slughorn thought it was his teaching but really, it was you trying not to murder a certain raven haired boy. You were currently in the middle of your Care of Magical Creatures class. The professor had asked something that nobody knew. You, however, since you had studied almost the entire book, knew exactly what the answer was. (A/N credits: Harry Potter Wikia!) “The Nundu is a large East African beast that resembles a leopard. It moves silently, despite its “gigantic” size, and is considered by some to be the most dangerous creature alive. The breath of the Nundu is toxic and filled with disease so potent that it can wipe out entire villages of people. The Nundu is extremely hard to subdue and has never been defeated by less than around one hundred wizards working together. Compared to the Dragons that are stunned into submission by around ten wizards, the prospect of this rare beast is truly terrifying” you said, proud of yourself and earned your house twenty points. At least, something good could come out of this situation. You turned at the sound of a sigh coming from the desk right behind you, only to be surprised when it turned out to be Sirius the one who sighed. ‘Really?’ You thought to yourself. You locked eyes with him. For a second he just kept looking at you but then… He blushed and lowered his gaze. He blushed? You were left puzzled. You returned your gaze to your professor but not your attention. Why was he acting like that?  You tried to eavesdrop. You knew it was low of you but you needed to know. “Is Sirius Black blushing?” you heard James teasing him. “Shut up, Prongs” he fired back, not giving any sign that that meant something. You stopped. ‘Okay, okay, pull yourself together!’ You silently reprimanded yourself. You cursed the moment you had let your heart fell for him. And all the other members of your body. He wasn’t even your friend. You didn’t want him to be your friend. “Miss Y/L/N, do you know who was the first to capture the creature?” your professor asked you. Thankfully. “Eldon Elsrickle, sir” you answered in a haze. Another thief, you thought. But he had just stolen a creature. The thief sitting behind you had stolen something far more valuable.
You were running like your life depended on it. Maybe it did. You were late for Transfiguration. The next thing you knew, you had bumped into someone and you had fallen down. Today wasn’t your day. “Well, you literally fell for me, didn’t you?” you heard him saying arrogantly. When he helped you up and realized it was you, he froze, let you go and lowered his eyes. “Oh,Y/N,  I didn’t know it was you. Are you alright?” he breathed out. Yes, of course, he hadn’t realized it. You glared daggers at him and mouthed a forced ‘great’ before you walked away. You had just turned around the corner when you heard them and you halted. “Really, Pads? Really?” James asked amused. “Well, I got distracted” he answered defensively. You could hear the eye rolls.  "By what, Padfoot?“ Remus teased. “Her!” he said breathlessly. You froze. What?  “She is like - perfect and beautiful and smart and all the things I am not and I can’t even flirt with her. I am worse than Remus when it comes to her” he exclaimed in a dreamy but despaired state. You couldn’t help it. Your lips we’re forming a grin and your heart was beating faster. Merlin, save me.  "Ask her out already” Remus said and from what you were guessing, not for the first time. “She would never say yes, Moony” he said a bit gloomy. You revealed yourself from your hiding spot but he had his back turned on you. “Why don’t you ask her? ” you softly questioned. His friends were smirking. He didn’t move or talk or… Function like a human being. James rolled his eyes and took initiative.  “Will you go out with my idiotic friend?” he asked you on the verge of bursting out laughing. “I would love to” you said melodically. He turned around. His eyes were wide and his mouth was starting to form a smile. “You are worse than Remus” you mumbled underneath your breath. But you loved it.
tags: @starsepot
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dc-warfare · 7 years
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Lord Voldemort doesn’t stop for nothing, not even for the one who’s making themselves call CORD. He gave the Death Eaters a very specific mission, and on this day, September 25th, such task has to be fulfilled. 
First, the trap was set. A little box containing a curse, and an irrelevant magic object inside - that was the bait. A curse breaker, specifically selected. Dedalus Diggle had enough contacts among the Aurors to let everyone know about the lonely Death Eater that broke into his office and threatened him. He was supposed to open the box and leave it at a certain place behind the Leaky Cauldron. A murdered sister, to make it look more real; such is the way terrorism works. The distraction was set. 
Second, the real mission. To infiltrate inside the Ministry and erase all records of new muggle borns born that year, so they would never know about the Wizarding World. 
Three groups. One inside the place, two outside. Divide and conquer, that is the philosophy the Death Eaters are sticking to today. This is only a battle, not the war. Who will win? Who will lose? Who will survive? Who will die?
(find what happened to your character under the cut. events are for the most part interconnected, so it’s recommendable to read all the text until the end even if your character isn’t tagged.) 
@yaxleyx you’re in charge of the second group, the one’s who’re supposed to intercept the Aurors that show up at the back of the Leaky Cauldron and guide them slowly to the front of the Ministry. The trap goes as planned, you manage to rule the battle for a while until you reach the Ministry and some more people start showing up. You assume they’re part of the Order of the Phoenix. Your group takes @flowerswakefield as a hostage. @ohitslucius, @evnroxier and @rcokwood you surround her and torture her multiple times. @thundrstorms and @countingbodieslikesheeps hold the front with Andrew, challenging whoever wants to rescue her. 
@diggleded, @coffeedisorder, @amesbones, @eddieboners, @vforoctavia are caught in battle with this group of Death Eaters. At first it feels like you’re losing, then you gain ground, and that’s when they decide to take Florence as a hostage. You immediately charge to rescue her. One of the masked people is especially fixated on you, Lily Evans. You don’t know it, but it’s Andrew Yaxley. He overpowers you eventually, shooting an unknown curse at you. You fall down, convulsing on the floor. Thorfinn Rowle, you take care of Dedalus Diggle in a particularly violent way. Gashes, burns - you lose yourself for a little bit there. Dedalus you fall, only to recover consciousness seconds later, feeling the blood running down your torso. Edgar, Amelia and Octavia manage to get to Florence and retrieve her unconscious body. Not without consequence. Lucius fires a curse towards you, Amelia. Octavia you see how your trainer embraces his little sister, taking the hit for her. He can barely stand before the Death Eaters vanish and make their retreat; but not before you get to strike one of them.
Lucius Malfoy, you get hit by Octavia’s cruse. Bleeding and weak, you crawl to @narcissab. Narcissa you don’t know who’s able to sneak into your room like that at this hour, with the many layers of security Black Manor has up. You find your future husband, bleeding on the floor, asking for help he never thought he would. 
@abouttonks you see this whole thing happening and rush to help, selfless as you are. Nothing could have prepared you for how vicious these people are, though. You get caught in the crossfire, hurt your leg pretty bad. @pandcrica and @lovexgood are hiding when they see this happen. Risking your own security you both go out an aid the man lying on the floor, rushing to St. Mungo’s.
@fenriirgreyback your task in charge of another group of Death Eaters is to cause general chaos and destruction going down Diagon Alley. You choose for your team, of course, the havoc makers. @cxrrxw-girl, @smallerstrange, @xcarrow, @sophiadarling, @verdantmeadow all go with you. You scatter, so you don’t find much of an opposition. Both Carrows witness as Sophia and Sabrina sneak towards Knockturn Alley, even though that place was supposed to be off limits according to your superiors’ orders. Sophia Wilkes and Sabrina Greengrass, you find your objective soon enough. The explosion at Borgin & Burke’s entrance and display will be reported later as part of the attack, or so you seem to think. 
@pxdfxot, @fairbornstar, @hextiajones, @peterpettigrxw, @icecream-headaches you try to chase down the scattered Death Eaters down the alley but soon enough you find yourselves at a loss. You retreat to the Ministry to help the others, only to find that the group has left. Lily Evans is still shaking violently on the floor, hit by an unknown curse. Sirius you pick her up, tears running down your face, and take her to St. Mungo’s immediately
@bonfireofthevcnities, @lorcantonedeath, @katrinawyns, @cxnstncerosier you find yourself in the middle of the alley when the chaos starts. Katrina steps up, managing to break into the shop were Emma works, and hiding everyone under the counter. No one gets severely hurt, except for a few scratches. Katrina Selwyn, being a hero leaves an acid taste in your mouth. Lorcan you choose to hide, but something insides you craves for the terror outside.
@firewxrkprewett and @frxckledprewett both of you are caught in a strange situation. Your father has come to St. Mungo’s to visit Fabian when the Patronus charm calling you both arrives. You tell him to stay, he follows after you anyway. Even if you don’t know it, Rabastan Lestrange hides behind the mask that fires the killing curse at him. His body falls like a puppet in between you two. You are petrified. 
The third and final group in charge of infiltrating is formed by @magnuslupus, @asderanged, @pennshingleton and @dvlohovs. They lock the record and documents’ office down, taking six employees as hostages. “Have fun with them, but don’t kill them, we’re taking them alive.”, Rodolphus Lestrage says. Bellatrix and Antonin you both look at each other silently planning on ignoring the command. Penelope you’re frightened. This is the most important task of all, and you need to make a good impression. The destruction begins, but things go out of hand. One of the employee rebels, and you  - the eldest Lestrange - snap and lose control. Penelope you hear Rodolphus approaching you. “Torture him”, he says. “Focus your anger, he’s going to ruin this if he keeps talking, show him who is the boss here. Make him suffer.” And you do, oh how you do it. And this is a sign for everyone else. Play time for you Antonin, who have been itching for this and for you Bellatrix, who look at your husband with satisfaction as you both start ending the lives of these soon to be corpses, one by one. 
By the time @mister-moody, @jamesprongster, @imbeingfrank, @queenoficing arrive there, the hostages are completely blasted and you all force the Death Eaters to escape. Part of the Muggle Born records can be saved, but most of them burn in the ground. You return to the rest of your people, counting your loses and your winnings. 
@andromedablackism, @theflowxrqueen, @mary-macc you are in St. Mungo’s and are left with the consequences of the attack. Andromeda you see two people helping Ted in, and your cousin comes to you as well, carrying Lily Evans along with Marlene McKinnon, Emmeline Vance and Peter Pettigrew. Daisy you see Edgar Bones, barely standing, brought by Octavia and Amelia. Mary you see the Prewett twins, devastated, carrying the body of their father. You three see tons and tons of wounded people caught in the middle of the attack, some of them without possibility of salvation. And you wonder, is this all worth it?
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insteadoflight · 4 years
broken glass
is on the floor in the kitchen, so please wear 
this room is fucking freezing. the windows don’t work right, don’t keep out the chill. my fingers are ice, dusted with flour, and there are cold hands gripping my shoulders. 
five ten twenty five minutes ago i was shooting up happy and now i’m falling down sad, crashing through clouds and wispy hands of smoke hoping to stop me from smashing into the dirt below and 
s  h   a     t       t      e     r   i  n  g
music plays on the radio and guitar chords are an afterimage 
and in five ten twenty five minutes i will be sitting empty, cracked glass on the floor. 
shoes and someone get the vacuum or your feet’ll be cut.  
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The first sign that something is wrong is when the music stops suddenly. There’s a crackling over the loudspeakers, and silence. Aurors and guards prepare for a fight; something is definitely wrong.
The intro for the WWN Special Emergency Broadcast plays over the loudspeakers.
Something happened. Something bad must have happened. No one moves. Everything is completely still as they wait to hear what’s happened.
                        “Good evening, listeners.”
Tobias Greenhall’s voice booms from the loudspeakers.
“This is Tobias Greenhall, coming to you live from the WWN Headquarters in Hogsmeade.”
“Something’s not right,” someone whispers.
                                             “He doesn’t sound right.”
                                                                        “He sounds scared.”
“Many of you who listen to my program know that I have been in complete support of the recent law passed, the Wizard Protection Act. I have spoken out many times on my show about the current war happening, and I… I have always done my best to tell the truth. Or what I believed to be the truth. B-But I cannot continue something which… which is so clearly… I can’t do this. I-I can’t do this, please–”
                             “AVADA KEDAVRA!”
A scream goes up, not just in the party but over the radio. There is a crash from over the speakers, and the sound of several people trying to stifle their tears as there is a shuffling. Aurors are hurrying towards the doors to the club.
              Someone needs to help.
                         Someone needs to stop this.
       “Read it.”
There’s muffled crying over the loudspeakers, and a man’s voice. A girl starts crying, and then she speaks.
“If the Ministry w-w-wants to target people w-who are making this world worse, if they want to protect their people, then it should not— s-should not be inward that they turn their gazes. It should be outward, t-towards those who have tainted the pureblood lines w-with their muggle blood.”
There is a pause, and everyone waits with their breaths held for the sound of the killing curse before a boy starts to read.
“They should be looking at the vigilantes taking the law into their own hands, who run around without masks like it is their right a-and their responsibility to decide which of us are fit to be a part of the wizarding community.”
Another girl begins to read.
“We are your guardian angels, not your enemies. We are here to bring you justice, we are here to bring you purity. W-W-We are here to put an end to those who threaten the end of the wizarding society. If you are p-pure, you do not need to fear us.”
“You are the last hope for our line, for everything t-that should be most precious to our world.”
                                       “We are not your enemies.”
                            “We are the only thing that can save you.”
   “Years ago, the muggles burned our magical brothers and sisters for their gifts.”
                                 “Let us see how they face the fires--”
There is an explosion, and shouting over the loudspeakers. The Aurors have made it there, and chaos has erupted. Everyone listens, terrified of what they could hear. Terrified that the Aurors won’t be able to save everyone.
The connection goes quiet, and the club is in complete silence.
                     It doesn’t feel right to call it peace.
People are shaken, spirits shattered. It is impossible to feel any semblance of calm in the club any longer. The party ends, and the doors are tossed wide. People flood out onto the street, search the crowds for loved ones. The horror is over now. It’s time to go home and try and recover some small piece of the calm that lasted during the celebrations.
The peace does not last long when people start to see the smoke in the sky rising all around the city. The radio station was only a distraction, something to pull the main focus away from the real action. All over London, the houses of many muggleborns are set ablaze; houses of pro-blood equality halfbloods and blood traitors have their windows smashed in. The successful arrest of the Death Eaters at the radio station seems a small victory in the wake of the chaos which follows after it. The fires are put out, the windows and buildings are cleaned up, and repairs begin.
But nothing can take away the feeling that things are very close to a turning point.
                 And it is not one that everyone will make it out alive from.
Under the cut you will find descriptions of where each character is and what they are doing during the incident. While no new threads may take place during the party, you may write drabbles that do, and all starters take place after the party. If you have any questions about this, feel free to message us, and we will be more than happy to help you out and clear things up for you! There is also a list of what damage was done to residences; again, if this is incorrect at all or if you have any questions, send us a message!
Please include “Until the Other Shoe Drops” in the title of all starters related to the plot drop, and tag things related to this plot drop with the tag “ofc: until the other shoe drops” so that others can find them.
---------- DURING THE INCIDENT . . .
Things at the radio station go horribly wrong when Death Eaters barge in and commandeer the place. Everyone is forced to sit against the wall except for Tobias Greenhall, who is forced to read out a message written by the Death Eaters. After he is killed for disobeying, the rest of the hosts from the Quidditch World Cup Sendoff broadcast finish reading the message before the Ministry gets there. In the ensuing conflict, BENJY and TILDEN both attempt to stay out of the way and help the other employees of the station get to safety. They are the last two of the employees to get out of the room, and both are injured in the fight before the Death Eaters are subdued. They are both brought to St. Mungo’s Hospital to be treated.
The hitwizards are the first to move when the radio comes on, and it is agreed quickly that they are the ones who will go while the Aurors remain behind to keep order at the club. ODELLA and several other hitwizards on duty at the party hurry towards the door to the club, when Tobias Greenhall is killed over the radio. The voice that begins to read next is Tilden Toots’. FRANK and ALICE both quickly join the hitwizards, and Head Auror Alastor Moody sends JOHN along with them. LILY and JAMES, overhearing Alastor’s commands, are determined to help, and quietly tag along. The group apparate to Hogsmeade, where they enter the radio station. A fight ensues, and there is a struggle before the Death Eaters attempt to escape. JAMES and LILY, who split off to cover back exits from the building, block the Death Eaters when they try to flee, and duel them until FRANK and ALICE catch up. The four of them subdue the Death Eaters and detain them. There are no escapees, and apart from Tobias Greenhall, there are no deaths, though several members of the radio station staff were severely injured in the fight. ODELLA, JOHN, and ALICE both go to St. Mungo’s with the station employees to be treated for minor injuries, while FRANK and JOHN bring the Death Eaters to a detainment facility with the assistance of the other aurors and hitwizards. JAMES and LILY hurry to St. Mungo’s to try and find their friends.
Keeping the crowd from turning into a mob or a target is the most immediate thing to focus on, and those on security detail are quick to move to action. ALASTOR calls up the nearest Order members he can find– GIDEON, EDGAR, DORCAS, and MARLENE– and quickly tells them to cover all exits and make sure that no one leaves, and that no one is getting in either. They leave to do a quick sweep of the building, but find nothing, and return to help keep the crowds as calm as they can. The party falls into panic when the radio goes dead; ALASTOR climbs up onto the stage and demands that everyone stay calm. ADOLPHIS, to give the appearance of being helpful, joins him on stage and assures everyone that it will be over soon, and they will all be able to go home. Sensing a call to help, GWENOG, GALVIN, BILIUS, and STEFAN all hasten to help keep the panicked crowds calm, while VERA, MAFALDA, and APOLLINE help with foreign dignitaries and Ministry officials. STUBBY and LORCAN are both hurried to a place of safety along with Celestina Warbeck and the other performers until the trouble is done.
The party floods out onto the street quickly, and when people see the smoke rising up all around London, few are quick to jump to action. FABIAN, CLAUDIA, and CARADOC head in one direction and begin putting out fires, pulling those unlucky souls who were still in their houses when the Death Eaters set fire to the buildings safe of the chaos and treating them as best they can until on-duty mediwizards arrive. CHARITY, VIOLA, DIRK, and RUDRA form up another group and hurry off in the opposite direction to do the same. REMUS, SIRIUS, and MAGDA form up another group to help, as do AMELIA, ANDROMEDA, and TED. MARGOT hurries to help those who are injured, and accompanies them to St. Mungo’s. CLAUDIA, CHARITY, and CARADOC all receive minor injuries during the rescue, and are brought to St. Mungo’s to receive treatment.
The signal is given only moments before the radio broadcast begins, and those chosen few selected by Voldemort himself quickly and discreetly sneak out of the party. Donning their masks and cloaks, they split into groups and begin setting houses ablaze and wreaking havoc– EVAN, ANEIRIN, and ANTONIN form up one group, and are responsible for attacking houses belonging to halfbloods, breaking windows and marking the doors to their homes with “DIRTY BLOOD” written in blood. WALDEN, AMYCUS, and ALECTO are tasked with doing the same, to see if they can keep themselves under control and do as they are told, which begrudgingly they do. BELLATRIX, RABASTAN, and RODOLPHUS are tasked with setting muggleborn houses ablaze, and they head in one direction while CASSANDRA, DARIUS, and ATTICUS head in another. The four groups manage to reach nearly every house they were told to, though a few are missed as they are forced to return to the party to ensure that no one noted their absences. Discarding their masks and robes quickly, all of them return to the party and blend once more into the crowd gathered outside of the club.
Those few left behind have a much simpler task than their brothers-in-arms, and when the chaos breaks out, they hurry through the crowds, covering for those who are off doing the Dark Lord’s bidding. Aurors trying to get a count of every person who hasn’t fled the party are confused and disoriented by the conflicting reports; REGULUS claims that he was standing with Cassandra Black until the crowds began to hurry towards the doors, and he lost track of her, BARTY and SEVERUS claim to have only just seen Evan Rosier and Walden MacNair a moment ago, VINCENT says he and Antonin Dolohov were together by the bar, BRONTE insists that she had been dancing with Aneirin Nott when the radio broadcast had begun. The covers are maintained until the others return, and once they are all integrated into the crowd once again, LUCIUS leads them in a peaceful demonstration of the good will of the purists, and they and the others remain patiently behind until the crowd has dispersed so that the Aurors know that they were not involved at all.
Family is the first thing on the minds of many, especially those with young ones at home. ANNABELLE and MOLLY are two of the first people out the doors, and both apparate home to check on their families. AMOS, DAVEY, and CORNELIUS all hastily check on loved ones at the party before they too apparate home. GARRICK and LAVINIA head to Diagon Alley to ensure that Ollivander’s and the family house are both safe before they return to look for their friends. ANNABELLE and DAVEY both go to St. Mungo’s to be treated for minor injuries received trying to fix the damage done to their homes.
The crowd is quick to turn into a mob outside, and many are caught up in the frenzy of the group. It is nearly impossible to wrestle one’s way out, and those who try and move against the flow are in danger of being trampled. People are desperate to find their friends and loved ones; ISABELLE and VIVIENNE find each other and then search the crowd until OSIP finds them with MIROSLAV, who is disoriented due to a head injury sustained when he was knocked into the stage by a group of panicked partygoers after the broadcast. The four of them attempt to work their way out of the crowd, and eventually manage it. JONATHAN finds MARY and DORIS, and the three of them wait next to the stage so that they aren’t trampled until the crowds have dispersed outside before they hurry to St. Mungo’s. GLADYS finds LUCRETIA cowering in a corner, and the two of them try and make their way through the crowd safely. They run into ADAMMA and LIHAU, and the four of them make it outside. PANDORA, DAISY, and MAXIN are jostled around by the crowds as they all try to make it outside, and the three of them sustain minor injuries being knocked into things on their way out. ALAIN and ARIANNE attempt to search for their friends, and sneak backstage to try and find Lorcan D’Eath. They eventually head outside to search for others in the dispersed crowds.
---------- DAMAGES DONE . . .
These are some of the first houses reached by people trying to put out the fires, and the damage to them is minimal. There is some minor fire damage, and the windows in each residence have been smashed, but there is no severe damage.
These houses are not as fortunate, and the damage to them is more severe because of the fires. Moderate fire damage is done, and some property cannot be salvaged from the flames, but once the fires are put out, most of the damage can be undone. Alternative accommodations may need to be found for these individuals until the damage is repaired.
These are the houses that were not reached as quickly, and the fires set had plenty of time to cause severe damage. Many personal items are lost in the fire, and even when the fires are finally put out, the damage remains severe. Individuals living in these residences will need to find alternative accommodations while the damage is repaired.
Each of these residences are marked with the words “DIRTY BLOOD” written on the door in blood. Halfbloods are part of the problem, after all, they are a symbol of pure blood mixing with muggle blood, living reminders of the decay of the pureblood lines. No other damage is done on these homes, however, though residents discover that the words on their doors cannot be removed.
Each of these residences are marked with the words “DIRTY BLOOD” written on the door in blood. Halfbloods are part of the problem, after all, they are a symbol of pure blood mixing with muggle blood, living reminders of the decay of the pureblood lines. There is some minor property damage done to these homes as the Death Eaters marking them fled; windows are broken, and residents discover that the words on their doors cannot be removed.
These residences, for one reason or another, were not touched in the attacks, even though they have halfbloods living in them.
These residences all belong to public blood traitors, but were left untouched. This attack wasn’t focused on them, after all, and if they join the right side, then there’s no need for violence towards them.
It makes for a convenient excuse for the purists and the Death Eaters that purebloods were not targets of this attack, and so it makes sense that none of their homes were damaged in the attacks. These residences were left untouched.
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insteadoflight · 4 years
rise from the other bed as my 
tired runs beyond feeling and into a state of being. my mother asks me for help after dinner and i respond i
“am so tired. too tired to be around people”
and she looks at me across the table with sympathy in her eyes and wishes she can do something other than stare and whisper, “okay. another time, then” and i go upstairs to my room where i will lay on my bed until now, when i am falling awake at five am and wondering where all the tired has gone.
brother sleeps through the night in the way that i cannot. 
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