#fabiana love
nenan · 11 months
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Fabiana Love photographed by Matt Weinberger for Maison Blanche
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space-coupe · 2 years
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soledasky · 1 year
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lgbtpopcult · 9 months
Best WLW Online Content Creators and Influencers of 2023
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Anna and Soph Mosca who showed the world how two big influencers can have a healthy relationship.
Fabiola Valentín and Mariana Varela for being the married couple that fell in love in a beauty pageant aka the feminist/lesbian twist we always wanted a competition like that to have.
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Eden Morrissey for giving us the perfect a lesbian in Paris experience.
Calle and Poche for becoming the super successful wlw couple representation that the Spanish speaking audience always needed and inspiring so many others.
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Lunden and Olivia for providing all the wedding inspo we need.
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Jess & Danielle for recording their successful transition from friends to lovers for us.
Brianne Worth for being the gay reaction channel we need.
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Carla and Mariona for being the most stable wlw couple on Spanish TikTok.
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Kate Austin and her wife, the married couple who survived homophobia and parental disapproval.
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Fabiana Hernández for giving us the wholesome family tiktoks we need.
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This is kinda funny, I hope so. Aurora having a crush on Liam and having a "talk" with uncle Seb about why deserves a seat
(This is obviously set where Mick has a seat)
"Papa! I see uncle Seb, can I go to him?", Aurora asked as she sat in the garage, seeing the Sebastian walk by and wave at her. With a thumbs up from Sebastian, Mick allowed his daughter to go.
"Hello, Rora. Every time I see you, you get more grown up. How are you?", he greeted her, lacing his hand in hers and walking to where he was heading anyway. "I'm good, a little bit tired because I couldn't sleep that much. Did you know that when it's is morning here, back home it's nighttime?", she questioned him, "yes, it's crazy, right? How the world works", he chuckled at her amusement.
"Oh, I've never been here", Aurora looked around the new hospitality she was walking into. The blue and white walls were familiar enough for her to know she was in the F1 paddock, but the people who kept waving at her weren't so familiar, "this is the Scuderia Alpha Tauri, I'm here to see some people I know. Do you want me to take you back to your papa?", Sebastian asked, unsure if he had brought her to an uncomfortable situation, "no, I'm fine. Can I meet your friends?", she wondered, smiling as he helped her up the stairs.
In one of the sofas, there was one of Sebastian's friends, Aurora assumed, since he hugged him like she hugs her friends, "hello, I'm Liam. What's your name?", the driver asked, crouching down to meet her eye level, "I'm Aurora Schumacher", she said, "well, Sebastian is going to speak to Fabiana here for a bit, so do you want to draw with me?", he asked, pulling out his iPad and opening a drawing app.
Aurora kept giggling and she looked like she was enjoying herself, so much so that it took a little persuading for her to go back to the Mercedes hospitality, "Hello, my love. Did you have a good time?", you asked, allowing her to sit next to you while you bounced baby Seb on your thigh, "Yes, mama! I havr a new friend and he made a drawing with me!".
"Thanks, Sebastian, she looks like she enjoyed herself", you smiled.
Her friend Liam wasn't getting a seat for the next season. At least that was what she had gathered from the talk her papa and her mama were having, and it was not good news.
The next time she saw uncle Seb, she took matters into her own hands, "uncle Seb! Can I talk to you for a bit?", she asked, pointing to the chair next to him.
"Sure, Rora. What's the matter?", he asked her, "I heard my papa saying Liam is not getting a seat", she began, "yes, that's true", Sebastian confirmed, seeing her slump her shoulders, "I was hoping my papa had heard wrong", she tsk-ed, "well, I think it isn't a fair decision. He drives really well. He's been at the top part of the table. I may not know all of the numbers, but he was in the good places. Can't you get him a seat?", she asked bluntly.
Smiling at her antics, Sebastian joined his hands on top of the table, "well, sometimes the people who decide these things see other factors. And I don't have a day in who has a seat for next season", he explained.
"Well, you should. And then you'd see that Liam deserves to have a seat next year", she swayed her legs under the table, "Can we go and see him? I want to give him a hug", she said, pouting as Sebastian took her hand and letting you and Mick know where they were heading, "I think your daughter is having her first heartbreak over the fact that Liam isn't going to be on the main grid next year".
Arriving at the hospitality, Aurora was quick to spot Liam, "Hi, Aurora. What brings you here today?", he asked, and she felt herself grow nervous, hiding behind Sebastian's legs.
"It's okay, you can tell him", Sebastian encouraged her, "my papa and Seb told me you don't have a seat for next year, so I came here to give you a hug, because when I'm sad hugs make me happy", she whispered as Liam bent down, "it's okay, I'm sure I'll have more opportunities, but I won't miss out on a hug from you", he smiled, opening his arms so she could see he wanted a hug too.
Before leaving the hospitality, Liam signed a cap and gave it to Aurora, the little girl walking back to meet her parents and brother with Sebastian next to her, "are you sure you can't do anything about his seat?", Aurora checked again, getting a negative answer from him, "Oh! Maybe I'll ask Toto!", she remembered, suddenly walking faster and looking for the team principal.
"And why do I have an intruder in my hospitality?", Toto asked the little girl, pointing at her cap and sitting her in of the the chairs next to him, "Toto, I have a proposition for you!".
(Thank you for submitting an ask 🤍)
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hannahhook7744 · 3 months
Disney Descendants hc for Artie Pendragon please ?
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His full name is Artorius Gaius Pendragon. Of course, as a twelve year old the name 'Artie' is much more appealing.
His best friends are: Gingalain (son of Gwaine), and Stephanie and Dragonet (daughter and son of Merlin).
His other friends include Pucelle aux Blanches, Helior, Dragonet, Menw, Tom Thumb, Penpingion, Taliesin, Cerdan Jr., Mabon, Hélie, Esmerée the Fair, Thitis, and  Galeholt but he's also friends with Tulip's friends.
He goes on to marry Tulip Rossi (Tiger Lily and Lampwick's daughter) as you know.
They have one child; a daughter named 'Violet', as you know.
He is a prince and a squire.
He's a bit impatient and can jump to conclusions sometimes but that gets better as he's older.
He goes to Merlin Academy.
He's fascinated by Modern Technology.
He is the child of King Arthur and Queen Hazel (Guinevere) Pendragon and he is an only child.
Artie wants to be a brave knight and a brave king like Arthur.
Artie's weapon of choice is a white handled sword with a gold blade.
His likes include royal feasts, tournaments, climbing trees, sparring, jousting, horseback riding, dragon riding, listening to music, adventure, quests, magic tricks, hunting, swimming, and listening to Dragonet's poetry.
He has a pet dragon named 'Agathera'.
His favorite colors are red, white, black, and gold.
His favorite food is turkey legs and his favorite drink is apple cider.
His favorite season is sunmer and his favorite animals are horses, owls, and dragons.
His dislikes include: Being compared to his dad, being called 'Arthur the less', assassination attempts, Dragonet and Tulip hurt, Dragonet and Tulip in danger, people insulting the roundtable, people insulting 'his knights', council meetings, royal events, etc.
He fears: being disowned, being abandoned, losing his family, losing his friends, destiny, evil sorcerers, betrayal, etc.
Artie dislikes his foster uncle Kay and foster grandfather Sir Ector for the treatment they gave his father before they found out his status and doesn't go out of his way to respect them. But he doesn't disrespect Kay's children (Kelemon, Gronosis, and Garanwyn) and gets along with them a fair amount, as well as Kay's wife, Fabiana.
He has been compared to a squirrel on occasion, personality wise.
Artie can be quite mischievous and loves pulling pranks.
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casinotrio1965 · 2 months
Disney Descendants : Fabiana x Sir Kay hc part 7
They were always sad when they missed a chance to see the other. Like if Kay got back from a mission and had hoped to see her but she'd already gone to bed. Sometimes it sucks to have long distance periods
She loves when he gets some downtime between work. Yeah, sure, he still has to train but they get so much more family time, couple time and just time to relax and not worry about things and get stuff done at home. It's great!
Sometimes living in Camelot is a little surreal to Fabiana. She'd ended up there not too long after the merge but still. It was a big jump to go from post-merge Auradon (even one that was new) and to Camelot, which feels old even for 1800s Italy where she's from
They try to keep a weekly routine as much as they can. It's not easy with his work but they try to keep weekends for the kids and Sundays for church and relaxing. That way they feel more rested for the work week.
Kay is such a sore loser when he loses anything, most of the time. Fabiana thinks it's hilarious and loves to tease him when he pouts about losing something to her. She also tells him that it's okay and he's great at the things he needs to be good at
She doesn't like giving him important news over letters but she doesn't always get much choice. So she just asks the messengers to be extremely careful with it. She told Kay she was pregnant that way.
They like to go for nighttime strolls. Camelot is so gorgeous by torchlight and they like to spend time together in the quiet sometimes. Their lives are surrounded by the color and pageantry of Camelot so being able to take a breather is crucial
Fabiana and Kay are always excited for snow. Snow means playing with the kids, making hot cider, sitting near the fire, seeing Camelot have a blast at Christmas and New Year. It's one of their favourite times of the year.
with help from @askauradonprep
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hannahssimblr · 10 months
Chapter Seven (Part 3)
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The sun has already begun its descent behind the horizon when we all sit down to eat at three o’clock. These later December days are so short that sometimes I wonder why the sun bothers to show up at all, and why not just give up its teasing and go away altogether until it’s ready to stay and commit to a decent amount of daylight. 
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The candles in the centre of the table flicker and dance in the fading light and the lights on the christmas tree twinkle, and the sight is so cosy and festive that I suppose I don’t really mind all that much about the dusk. Uncle Sean sails out of the kitchen carrying the huge roasted turkey fit for ten, and everyone applauds with delight as he smiles as though he’s the one who slaved over it all morning. He places it right in the middle of the table surrounded by the roasted carrot batons and the crispy roast potatoes, parsnips, mash, brussels sprouts, homemade yorkshire puddings, ham studded with cloves, gallons of gravy and bread sauce, so much food that one might think it’ll last for days, but it will be gone in an hour.
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Granny makes us say a prayer in thanks for the food, and the minute we’ve finished Conor and Decky start lunging for it, taking heaping spoonfuls of mashed potatoes, great big hacks of meat and drowning it all in gravy while Aunty Catriona stares at them like they’re wild animals at the zoo. 
“Leave some for the rest of us, please.” she says to them and Uncle Sean laughs. “Sure they’re growing boys, Cat, leave them at it.”
“They’re gone past growing, sure they’re twenty six and twenty three.”
“G’way, Catriona.” Says Conor with a mouthful of honey roasted ham. “There’s plenty for us all.”
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Sean turns to Fabiana next to him as the food makes the rounds of the table. “Bread sauce, love?” He says, holding up the jug, and she pulls a disgusted face and shakes her head, and as he passes it over her to granny, Fabiana looks over at me with a little, secretive smile. I grin back, pleased that she’s chosen me as an ally among the chaos of this family dinner. 
Somebody opens a bottle of red wine and she reaches for it and then bends over the table and starts pouring it into my crystal glass, the ones that only come out of the cabinet on Christmas day. I feel my mam’s eyes on me as I have a drink from it. 
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It’s a while before anyone tries to speak, our mouths all full of food as we ravage what’s on the table. I’m so hungry now that I can’t think of anything else, the food tasting a thousand times more delicious because of how long I’ve waited for it. 
“So Michael, how’s the new job going?” Catriona says to my dad eventually, once her plate is about three quarters of the way finished. “I know you were let go from your previous one recently.”
“Going grand.” He says, patting the corners of his mouth with a cloth napkin, his movement a little bit slow and sloppy. “I work nights now in the factory, worse conditions, I suppose, but better money. No big change from the last place to be honest… we make catheters now.”
“Ah, I suppose you’ll take what you can get. That’s how the economy is these days.”
A pause. “And how’s the love life, Cat?”
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“Well actually I amn’t seeing anyone at the moment.”
“Oh right. What happened to yer man?”
“Who?” Says Sean, and my dad waves his fork around at aunty Catriona, searching for the right name. 
“The fella from accounting at her work.” He settles on eventually, and she rolls her eyes and goes back to her food. 
“Not seeing anyone.” She repeats. I take a large glug of the red wine. 
“That’s a pity, sure we were all hoping for some news about more grandkids.” My mam elbows him in the arm, and he looks at her in surprise. “What?” 
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“Dad and Fabiana are already having another baby, did you not know that?” Says Decky. “She’s seven months pregnant, like.” 
“Ah yeah but sure like…” He trails off, and I feel hot with embarrassment of him already, as clearly he’s already had a few drinks too many. His eyes are watery and heavy. I drain the end of my wine glass and Fabiana immediately fills it again. 
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“Anyone tried the brussels sprouts?” Says granny. “They’re especially delicious this year.” 
“No, brussels sprouts are sick.” Says Conor. 
“They’re very healthy for you.” Attempts Fabiana and he immediately rolls his eyes at her. 
“Yeah, alright. Can we talk about something else?” I stiffen and look from Conor to Decky, Fabiola to Sean. Clearly something is not right in their family this Christmas, and I wonder how the boys really feel about their father dating a woman young enough to be their sister. I watch her face fall and the way that she goes back to picking at her food with a bent head. 
“Tell your granny about school.” Sean says to his youngest son then, and Conor regards him with total incredulity.
“I’m graduated, dad.” 
“Are you? Weren’t we at that yoke in your university only last month?”
“Yeah. My graduation ceremony.”
“Oh right, yeah.” 
“I’m working with the county council now.”
“Forgot about that.”
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The only sounds at the table are the scraping of silverware against the plates. I take another long drink from my glass and instantly Fabiana is wielding the bottle again. I have a feeling she’s going to have me drink the whole thing, wishing it could be her instead. 
“Fabiana.” I say softly. “You’ve got to slow down. I have a hard time saying no to people.” 
“Just a bit.” She says, and then to my horror, all eyes are on me as my mam starts a fresh tirade. 
“Since when do you drink?” She says accusingly into the silence. 
“Um. I don’t know.” I say feebly, feeling like a child caught rotten doing something against the rules. 
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“She’s drank for years.” Decky pipes up unhelpfully. “Remember I saw you drinking cans of cider outside Kennedy’s pub in town after you and your friends weren’t allowed in. What age were you then? Must have been fifteen.” He’s laughing because he thinks he’s told a funny anecdote, but he has no idea how tone deaf it is. I stare at him in disbelief. What is going on at this dinner table? How did he think that was an okay thing to say? My mother’s eyes narrow at me. 
“I’m eighteen.” I squeak. “I can drink if I want to.”
“Is this what you’re doing up there in Dublin?” She demands. “Up in those pubs drinking away all of your money?”
“No, mam. I’m not like that.”
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“I’m disappointed.” She says, and then looks from me to my father with a resigned look on her face, and I know what she’s thinking. That I’m going to end up just like him, stuck to the bar in some pub all weekend until I get carried out by the bouncers and tossed into a taxi only to crash into the house at two in the morning and fall asleep on the couch until noon. Going from work to the drink and then back again in this endless, drunken spiral. 
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“There’s something about women who drink.” She announces to the table. “I think there’s nothing worse, nothing less attractive than that. You know, when you see a man, messy drunk, stumbling on the streets, it’s bad enough, but when it’s a woman it’s a hundred times worse.”
“That’s sexist.” I say to her. 
“It isn’t.”
“Because it isn’t the same, and I don’t appreciate this new bolshy attitude you have. Where are you picking up all these notions?”
“You can’t just say ‘it isn’t’ and then not have any reason why. That’s the definition of a double standard.”
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“Well it’s my opinion. What do you lads think when you see drunk women out on the street on a Saturday night?” She closes in on my cousins who look at each other and shrug, mumbling incoherencies. 
“You wouldn’t go out with someone who did that, would you?” 
“Uh I dunno.” Decky says. “Depends.” 
I feel a horrible lump in my throat and my chest hurts. I hurt. I take a steadying breath before I speak in case I cry. “Are you saying that’s the reason you think that I…” I trail off, too humiliated to finish my sentence. 
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She looks into my face then, wavering slightly but not backing down. “Boys don’t like girls who drink.”
I look at my father, drunk at three in the afternoon, lazily eating his dinner without bothering to close his mouth all the way. “So they like girls who enable their drinking instead, right?” I say and when her face falls I realise it’s too late to take the words back. They’re out there, filling the room with this dreadful, grim weight, but I continue anyway, throwing my hand up in the direction of my dad. “Is this what you want for me?” I ask her. There isn’t a sound from anyone at the table, not even a clink of glass against the delft, and my mother just opens her mouth and closes it again. I get up from the table in a hurry, the chair scraping against the floor. I throw my napkin onto my plate and rush out of the room and up the stairs towards the bedroom that granny has made up for me. 
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“Does anyone want the Christmas pudding?” I hear her murmur to the table, before I shut the door behind me. 
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missuniversequeen · 2 years
Starting to love this racist albino senju someone better send help 🆘 but eh love is blind just like Madara eyes....oh and credit goes to the respectful owner (trying to find but nowhere to be found just like Naruto dad) ❤️👍 oh wait I'm dumb there's literally owner name at the draw but eh go check em peace sucka!
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vividwritinglove · 2 years
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Guys, the incident yesterday didn’t let go off me and I had to write something down. Just happy and grateful that nothing bad happened to anyone! So here is some respectful fluff - Enjoy!
You put your hands on the headphones and press them harder towards your ears. You hear his voice. It sounds horrified and angry. This radio message goes through your spine. You have to swallow hard and your heart starts to race. Even if this incident only lasts milliseconds, it feels like an eternity to you right now.
In front of you a small screen with the footage from his point of view. You stare at it in disbelief. It's already hard for you to see anything because of the heavy rain - how must it be for him?
You lift your frozen gaze and let it wander through the garage. It's half empty, the majority of the mechanics are out onto the pitlane with a pavilion and other equipment. The remaining engineers cast perplexed glances at each other. No one can explain what just happened. You look to Pyry, who is busily packing up a bag. Before sprinting out to the pitlane as well, he briefly joins you in the visitor's area of the garage. He puts a hand on your shoulder and tries to smile encouragingly. This moment of shock did not go unnoticed by him either. On the monitor you now see Pierre heading for the pitlane. A feeling of relief spreads through you.
You sit back down on the stool and wait. You have to calm down yourself and take a few deep breaths. Your cell phone begins to vibrate. It's Pierre's mother. You quickly take off the headphones and answer her call.
She seems upset and wants to know how her son is doing. You try to reassure her as best as you can, even though you haven't had a chance to see Pierre yourself, let alone talk to him. You just tell her what you are seeing and what is happening around you. She is grateful, because unfortunately not everything is shown to her at home in front of the television and that drives her crazy.
Then you see him. His walk energetic and furious. His PR advisor Fabiana can barely keep up with him. He trudges toward the command post on the pitlane and seems to be having a heated discussion there. The monitor shows you this situation up close from another angle. He is angry and fuming. You've never seen him like this before and you actually don't know how to behave towards him.
"Cherie, are you still there?" asks Pierre's mother worriedly, since you had abruptly stopped talking.
"Oh sorry. Pierre will be in the garage in any second." you mumble, your gaze continuing to rest on him.
"I can see him on TV right now too." she says with relief, "Let's talk again later, okay?".
"Alright! I'll get back to you."
"I love you!"
"I love you too!"
As you end the call, Pierre turns on his heel and heads for the garage now. You swallow hard again as he gets closer. In tow, Pyry and Fabiana with whom he continues to gesticulate sharply. He stops immediately at his race engineer Pierre and continues his anger to him. His body language speaks volumes. You just feel out of place right now. Restlessly, you slide back and forth on the barstool as Pierre's gaze lands on you.
With all the emotions, he almost seems to have forgotten that you're watching the race from the garage today. He jogs towards you, you slide off the stool and take a step out from behind the barrier before he pulls you into a very tight hug. Your arms wrap around his middle as well. You breathe in his scent deeply and are just grateful to be able to hold him unharmed in your arms at this moment. After a few seconds Pierre detaches himself from you and puts his hands to your face. He looks at you deeply. In his eyes you see anger and sadness. He is clearly still in shock.
"You’re fine. Nothing else matters." you sigh and put your hands on his. He nods slightly and presses a soft kiss to your lips.
"I have to go back. Let's see how the race will continue." he whispers against your lips.
Out of the corner of your eye you notice some journalists and cameras standing in front of the Alpha Tauri garage to film and take pictures of Pierre and you.
"I'm going to continue watching the race from the hospitality. It's getting a little too crowded for me here." you also say quietly and now Pierre’s gaze wanders to the direction of the press.
Pierre nods in understanding. "I'll see you later." he says, kissing you affectionately again and heading back to the engineers.
You pack up your bag and leave the garage towards the paddock. You open your umbrella and head to the Alpha Tauri Hospitality. Some photographers rush after you and try to capture a reaction from you. You've gotten used to being photographed from time to time when you accompany Pierre on the race weekends. But today it was more extreme. You stay calm and don't make a face, you hurry through the rain and after a few meters you reach your destination.
You sigh with relief as you enter the hospitality. A young woman hurries up to you and takes your umbrella. You smile gratefully at her and take a coffee from the vending machine in the entrance area.
"Would you like something to eat?" asks the hostess.
"No, thanks. I'm going to Pierre's room for now."
She nods with a smile and turns her attention back to her duties and the other people in the dining area.
Quickly, you walk down the narrow hallway to his driver room. You let the door fall into the lock behind you and sit down cross-legged on the massage table. Finally, you can take a breath. Your cell phone explodes, family and friends are worried and want to know how Pierre and you are doing. You feel a little overwhelmed and decide to answer only your mother. She would surely let the most important people know.
It should’ve been a very special weekend. The announcement that Pierre would be racing for Alpine next season was about to be dropped. For weeks you have been carrying this news with you and were not allowed to tell anyone about it. Pierre is so happy and looking forward to this new step in his career. He is full of hope. Especially in this season he was often plagued by self-doubt and unfortunately your relationship suffered partly from it. When during the summer break the Silly Season broke out completely and as Alpine showed interest in Pierre, his state of mind got better immediately. You could see that in his results as well, it seemed like he was finding himself again. He could hardly wait for Suzuka to finally break the news and end the media hype and speculation about his future.
You spent some nice days in Tokyo. You went out to dinner with Yuki and some of the Alpha Tauri staff and also went to a karaoke bar. That's where the video of the two drivers singing Adele's "Hello" at the top of their lungs came from. And on Saturday morning, his transfer was finally announced and Pierre was smiling throughout all the interviews. Even the modest free practice sessions and the unsuccessful qualifying didn’t ruin his mood. He knew that better times would come for him. But today overshadowed everything. This incident would be discussed for a long time. Something has to change and blaming one another is definitely not going to help anyone.
The peace and quiet is good for you. You can take a clear thought. You turn on the TV and follow the further course of the race, or rather the delay. Some drivers are standing together and talking, others are in the garages doing exercises to keep warm, including Pierre. Meanwhile, it is also known that the incident is under further investigation and Pierre has to attend a hearing after the race.
The rain just won't stop and there is even the talk of cancelling the race, as sunset is getting closer and would only worsen the visibility more. But then the race seemed to start after all. After your needed time out in Pierre’s room, you head back to the hospitality staff in the large entrance area and join them. You had come to know and appreciate many of them over the years. You felt more comfortable around them, than in one of the many VIP lounges with some celebrities. You put a few tables together and sat around them to watch the race. Things are going anything but well for Pierre, so the mood is not particularly cheerful. You just wait together for the time to pass and talk about trivial stuff to get your minds off things. The last minutes tick away and you sigh in relief when Pierre finally crosses the finish line without another incident.
Max became world champion after all, due to a mistake made by Charles on the final meters, for which he received a 5-second penalty afterwards. You watch the podium celebration before helping the staff to set the table and chairs back. A few minutes later Pierre comes into the hospitality. He looks drained, still reeling from all the emotions that have run through him in the last few hours. You run up to him and hug him tightly. He is soaking wet, but you couldn’t care less.
"I have to go to the stewards now, then do media and finally the debriefing," he groans annoyed and tousles his hair, "Do you want to go to the hotel? It would be to much to ask for to wait for me here."
"As you prefer. I want to be there when you need me."
He smiles torturedly and brushes a strand of hair from your face behind your ear, before stroking your cheek with his hand, "I'm glad you're here. You can't imagine how much it helped me."
"I've already spoken to your mother."
"Good, I'll call her as soon as I can. Thank you, mon cœur."
He kisses you lovingly and you would prefer not to let go of him.
A shuttle takes you to the hotel and only now do you realize how cold you actually are. You take a hot shower and put on some comfortable clothes before lying down on the bed and reading more news. Pierre got a 20-second penalty and 2 penalty points. He realizes his mistake because of the increased speed, but he as well as many others can't understand why they couldn't have waited with the recovery until all cars were in the pitlane. He emphasizes several times in the interviews that he could have died today and that apparently nothing has been learned from the mistakes that were made in the past.
Another 2 hours pass before Pierre enters your hotel room. You've dozed off a bit by now and snuggled into the blankets and pillows. Pierre smiles at the sight of you sleeping peacefully and takes off his shoes. Before he slips into bed with you, he also treats himself with a hot shower.
You notice how the blanket lifts and the mattress next to you gives way. A few seconds later, two strong arms wrap around you and pull you to his warm body. Immediately his scent is in your nose and you also wrap your arms around him. He gently kisses your forehead, "I'm grateful to be able to fall asleep next to you today."
You nestle your head against his chest and listen to his heartbeat. The most beautiful sound in the world.
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driflloon · 2 years
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fabiana montenegro for pamela love
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florecienta21 · 2 months
Disney Descendents (Pinocchio): Fabiana and Lorenzo "Enzo" (My oc) headcanons part 1
*In the world of Descendents, they are siblings. (I decided to change it but in my AU they are a couple)
*Fabiana is 18 and Enzo is a year younger.
*They both take care of and worry about each other. Enzo is the most protective and is responsible for taking care of his sister.
*Enzo loved to sing and from time to time composed songs for theater shows.
*He was the one who wrote the lyrics to "I've got no strings" for Pinocchio.
*Unlike Fabiana who acts kindly and sweetly towards others, Enzo is a little serious but he is cool.
*Fabiana loved to dance but due to her condition it prevented her from doing what she liked.
*When they meet Pinocchio, they were not surprised that Pinoke could move and talk, since the other puppets could also do except that these still had strings and needed someone to handle them. (In this au, Sabina is replaced by the Dutch, French and Russian puppets).
* Fabiana believes that Enzo exaggerates too much in a situation. That's why he should stop worrying but that doesn't take away from how protective he is.
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I've been thinking about Mortal Kombat Conquest a lot lately. While it did its own thing (sometimes to comical effect) with several characters' backstories and motivations and all that, there are a lot of things that inspired the games' canon down the line. I pointed several of these things out in an article I recently wrote, but just realized I missed a couple.
Kreeya could easy be seen as the inspiration for D'Vorah. They obviously went to town on making D'Vorah look like a giant alien bug thing when they decided Kreeya should look like Fabiana Udenio (zero complaints, btw). But she had her massive, all-female warrior army who were born from giant hives.
Taja's love interest was named Tomas years before that became Smoke's real name. The character was nothing like him (fanon thinks of him as a Johnny Cage ancestor because of the moves he had in the episode but who knows).
The human who becomes Scorpion in Conquest canon (how he's brought about is laughable, I know, and iykyk) is named Takeda, again, years before the games ever used the name.
Shang Tsung and Quan Chi joined forces to try and kill the Great Kung Lao several years before they united in Deadly Alliance.
Now that's not to say the show didn't do some sus stuff (I am one of those fans who will not let go of what they did to Siro's character in the Quan Chi episode.) Their Noob Saibot lore isn't the greatest (oily man from "distant realm"). The fact that the writers introduced a sister for Sub-Zero and proceeded to name her Lisa is unintentionally funny.
But the series has its good points--great points, even.
IDK where I was going with this. Conquest was an interesting show, and was more influential imo than a lot of people realize. For the most part I liked it and remember it fondly. And I'm still bummed, 25 years later, that we never got an answer for its cliffhanger ending.
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trishyeves · 10 months
Been working to catch up on all the Boom Studios Power Rangers comics after falling behind for a few years... and it seems like folks are sleeping on Ranger Academy?
But like, I'm a fan of High School AU's and, more specifically, seasons of things that make it a school. Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Turnabout Academy, that whole sorta thing. And the cover?
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It's a great covers! These characters look cool! The pink-haired one has Vibes™
So, one issue in...
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Oh dear sweet Zordon I love this art style and this character's Vibes™ are strong
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I am.... intrigued
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Excuse me we got a pink-haired they/them sweetheart? And this premise so far?
It's a bit cliche, but damn they're fun cliches and I'm loving the execution and the art style
Mega congrats to Maria Ingrande Mora, Jo Mi-Gyeong, and Fabiana Mascolo for an excellent start
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nursemimosa · 3 months
a preview of the first chapter of my fic series; Cadence Melody- which intends to be a retelling of the Scarlet/Violet story through the eyes of two librarians of Naranja-Uva Academy...
A sway of teal colored hair stirred on the pillow until the head it belonged to rose, groggily sitting upright. A croaky yawn and stretch, and the girl got out of bed, hoping her heavy eyelids wouldn't give in to the temptation of just a little more sleep. It was another day at her internship, and she couldn't afford to skip a day, or even arrive late. As she rubbed her eyes and headed to the restroom of her small apartment, she sighed. "I had that dream about the dress again…"
A moderate breakfast consisting of a sweet round concha bun and mocha coffee, sweetened slightly to her tastes was prepared by the young woman. She was rummaging through her workbag, a woven handbag in a splash of multicolored stripes gifted to her by her grandmother; her abuela when she noticed something was off. Just then, through the doorway, a Raichu waddled over carrying in its rounded paws, an inhaler. There it was! It must have been in her room before her orange-furred companion found it.
The woman took the inhaler from the mouse Pokemon and put it in her bag. She pat the Raichu on the head and it began to rub its face into the palm of her hand, nuzzling. She took great care to avoid its electric cheek sacs. "Thank you Maribelle, I would have forgotten this if you hadn't found it."
A Rotom phone began to ring with dulcet chirping tones. The woman answered the phone and it floated its way up to face her, the screen widening, signaling to her that this was about to be a video call. Good thing she had already made herself tidy and presentable. The screen blipped until the face of an older man appeared on the screen. "Raine. Am I coming through the screen okay?" the man's voice beamed through the screen with echo-y sound quality. She nodded and the man took a sigh of relief. "Raine, have you been staying up late again?" Upon being asked that question, the woman faltered a bit, then chuckled accusingly. "A little bit.. I have been having the weirdest dreams lately and when I wake up from them I find that I can't sleep. So to answer your question-yes and no. I go to bed early but can't seem to fall asleep.."
Their conversation continued, and Raine Cadencia; the newest intern of Naranja-Uva Academy's library made her way to work. The trek through the city of Mesagoza was brisk, with the morning air lingering on, even as the thick fog began to evaporate away. It would usually take Raine a half hour to get to the center of the city when it was as empty and quiet as it was now. The long, arduous (to her) trek up the giant stairway to the school took the wind out of her, and she found herself wishing there could be an alternate way to get up there. She contemplated on using her inhaler, but after giving herself a rest on a bench on the school's front yard, she got back up and went inside.
Raine was to meet up with her supervisor. During the first week of her internship, she was paired up to work with an older woman, and while she was assured that her new supervisor was friendly, she still didn't know what to think of her. As she was told by some of her other supervisors; the librarian known as Fabiana Melodía was a peculiarity. They had spoken several times, and Raine was sometimes rendered bashful by the woman's sunshiny, outgoing disposition. From what she had discussed with Fabiana so far, Raine had learned that she was a huge fan of comics and animated media. She was somewhere in her forties. She wore her make-up in a particular way, and always seemed to have her nails done. She also loved history books and Paldea's weekly Occulture magazine.
Funny that Raine should remember Occulture…
The older woman and her wavy pink hair, stray hairs by the plenty were bouncing along with her as she was situated in front of the Occulture collection with clown-like poise. She had been poring down the pages of one of the volumes with rapt attention, a serious expression on her face. She often muttered utterances of "Hmm"s and "I see.."s. Her cartoonish seriousness was so outlandish to other outsiders, with students and staff passing by her exchanging giggles and Raine couldn't help but give up holding in her own. Was she trying to bemuse the people around her? Nobody could really tell. In truth, this was the kind of person Fabiana carried herself out to be, on the regular.
"Rainey!" the older woman beamed upon noticing the younger woman's prescence. "You found me. I 'spose it wasn't that hard; these magazines attract me to them like flies to a Vileplume." She posed, turning around briskly, hands on her hips and looked towards Raine, who was now in front of her. She asked, "What's got ya gigglin' this early?"
Raine blinked, her face mottled with a faint pink. "N-nothing really. You must really like this magazine huh?" She could hear her voice crack when she asked.
"I love me some Occulture!" Fabiana responded. "And some manga. But that's only when I can go on break during my second gig." That's right, Raine recalled. Fabiana worked two jobs. When she wasn't carrying out her duties at the library, Fabiana was at her post at the cafeteria's register. It was curious to Raine that her supervisor took two jobs, but she wasn't one to pry. A brief silent spell followed, which was soon broken by her supervisor.
Fabiana blinked, then smiled, her face inching closer to Raine's and curioisty followed her. "Oh?" Her signature red heart earrings spun as she moved. It was hard to believe they were as light and hollow as Raine was told, they sure looked heavy.
Raine blinked even more then blushed. "W-what!? What's wrong? Is there something on my face?"
Fabiana giggled. "Pardon me for starin'. It's just. You're really pretty."
Raine couldn't bring herself to words. Were they going to get to even doing their job at this point or what? "Excuse me? Miss Fabiana… um…" she asked in her characteristically soft voice.
"It kinda just occurred to me all of a sudden." Fabiana remarked. "Your skin's really clear and it looks like you take care of yourself. That's important." She said this very matter of factly. It was very apparent that Fabiana seemed to run to the beat of her own drum, bouncing off one topic to the next.
Raine was taken aback somewhat. She had always considered herself very plain, somewhat average, always blending in. Fabiana did not seem the type to take notice of girls like her. Women like her, worldly, pretty, likely to have lots of lived experience; seemed like people from another planet. Her smile beamed with bright intensity, and it took all it could for Raine not to fold by how small and meek it made her feel. "Um.."
Fabiana chuckled."It's no worries! Sorry, I tend to get distracted a lot. Ol' Feef runs to the rhythm of her own drum. The archives room needs some help since they've been re organizin' it. Why don't we pay 'em a visit?" and the two of them went off, downstairs into a concealed entranceway where students and guests wouldn't be able to see. They hauled boxes upon boxes of manila folders and old artifacts that no doubt had some significance to the academy's long storied history.
The two of them were only asked to take care of the transportation of boxes from the archives to a storage room, so when that was said and done, Fabiana gave her goodbyes to her co-workers and Raine. No doubt, she was likely heading off to "organize" the Occulture section again, or so Raine assumed.
Raine was completely unaware of how many hours had passed since the morning began. It was now well past noon and the sun was beginning to show signs of cooling down. Her shifts were considerably shorter than that of her supervisors, so she wondered if she should spend the rest of it putting back check ins, as she had grown accustomed to, or seeing if the reference desk needed anyone to cover for them while they could use a well needed break.
Just as she was about to take a step forward out to the main library corridor, a voice from below where she had stood stopped her. "You're the intern right? Could you come here for a bit?"
Evening and a golden sunset now blanketed the city of Mesagoza with its gilded shimmer. Fabiana took a yawn, stretched her arms, and rubbed her hands and forearms, they were sore from the repeated motions of shelving ad nauseum. Her curiosity got the better of a greedy her, and she wanted to know if anything of interest was unearthed in the archive room. She went down the secret stairway to the concealed hall and found that Raine was on her knees, scrubbing the floors with a wet washcloth.
"Where is everyone else?" Fabiana asked. Her entrance was so sudden to Raine, that the teal haired woman nearly stumbled backwards into the bucket of soapy water she used to dip the wash cloth in. "Miss Fabiana! I didn't hear you come in!"
"Why are you still here?" Fabiana asked. "It's past 6:30. Doesn't your day end at 4:30?" She noted the bucket, washcloth, and a mop situated in the corner of the room.
"They're having me wax the floors, but its taking me longer than I expected to clean them up to prep them." Raine took a break from scrubbing and wiped her wrist against her forehead. Fabiana crouched down to meet her; both women heard an audible crack come from the pink haired woman's lower back as she took the washcloth and scrubbed in Raine's stead.
"You're fine with this?" Fabiana asked of her younger contemporary. "It seems like they're making you do extra work you didn't ask to do."
"It's fine…" Raine said with her soft voice. "I figured that picking up some extra grunt work would do me good… I want to make a good impression." Then, with uncertainty in her stomach, "I want to make it clear to everyone that I want this job.. that I want to be a full timer when I graduate." Her mouth trembled as she stood to stretch and Fabiana stopped scrubbing.
"I don't think this- this making you wax the floor of the room has much to do with that." Her tone was unusually serious. "I know the ladies who asked you to do this, because I've seen them ask you to take out the trash and file things past your work hours. Those aren't your duties when you clock out. They're just using you."
Raine blinked, unsure of what to say next. Something about her co-worker seemed off, like she dropped a facade. Fabiana continued, "At the end of the day, a job is a job. You should be able to go home when you clock out. You owe it to yourself to voice your feelings and concerns. It's okay to say 'no' to things."
"You're being picked on for being the new kid."
Was she really? Raine had gained a new perspective she wasn't conscious of. Fabiana had her put away the cleaning supplies, and reassured her that the archival team that was originally meant to clean the room would do it.
At home, Raine went to bed, the usually cheerful woman's stern words re-playing in her mind like a tape recording. It was true. Raine had spent most of her life as a doormat. It took the realization of the quirky beauty of the library to snap Raine to reality.
But what did it matter? Her own Pokemon didn't seem to mind, but they also didn't really see her when she was at work. Unsure of what to do the next day now that Fabiana unofficially relinquished her from floor waxing duty, she grabbed hold of her Raichu Maribelle, who was already dozing off, and joined her in deep slumber…
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whataweirdfeeling · 5 months
HELLO welcome to WAWF WEDNESDAY your monthly WAWF update [1st Wednesday of each month]
Considering it is now the month of May @whataweirdfeeling favorite short film is at its 6th & final of the ongoing hexalogy that is 'CLAIR' Find out more about the film and check out what else WAWF has been up to and more
Read below to find out what else WAWF has been up to this month
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CLAIR is a bi-annual/seasonal short film by our curator @vyngak [Half released Nov 30 & half May 3] based on clairaudience and the paradoxical nature of music and history symbolically repeating itself through quicker stronger and faster natures The path of CLAIR is a journey all told as a true story of real world events intuitively experienced then reimagined in a glamorously exaggerated fictional universe All for the love of music All for the love of art Walk through CLAIR’s plethora of tastes mediums and discoveries Grow with it as it has and will continue to grow with the ever changing universe Watch and listen to each CLAIR on our curators Instagram @vyngak as we approach the official release of clVIr [lvl 6]
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Recent: Hyperdrama [Album] - Justice
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Bars ~ WE STILL DON’T TRUST YOU [Album] - Future, Cold Visions [Album] - Bladee, The Coldest [Album] - Skilla Baby,
Alt ~ All Born Screaming [Album] - St. Vincent, Teething [Album] - Porij, Your Day Will Come [Album] - Chanel Beads
Smooth ~ PARTYNEXTDOOR 4 [Album] - PARTYNEXTDOOR, Jeremy [Album] - Yung Bleu, Boundaries [Album] - Sinéad Harnett
Lowkey: BRODIE WORLD [Album] - AG CLUB
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Bars ~ My Gift To You [Ep] - Hardrock, Molly Santana [Album] - Molly Santana, BORN2BEGREAT [Single] - Untiljapan
Alt ~ Still Corners [Album] - Dream Talk, Save The World [Album] - AceMo, Dennis [Album] - Sega Bodega
Smooth ~ Two Star & The Dream Police [Album] - Mk.gee, Still [Album] Erika de Casier, Fabiana Palladino [Album] - Fabiana Palladino
Still in Rotation: 99.9% [Album] - KAYTRANADA
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Bars ~ The Life of Pablo [Album] - Ye, Whole Lotta Red [Album] - Playboi Carti, Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight
Alt ~ The Slow Rush [Album] - Tame Impala, City Club [Album] - The Growlers, Thunder [Single] - Roy Blair
Smooth ~ Blonde [Album] - Frank Ocean, “Awaken, My Love!” [Album] - Childish Gambino, Heaven or Hell [Album] - Don Toliver
Throwback: Kala [Album] - M.I.A.
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Bars ~ Stankonia [Album] - OutKast, The Shining [Album] - J Dilla, #1 Girl [Album] - Mindless Behavior
Alt ~ Contra [Album] - Vampire Weekend, The Lumineers [Album] - The Lumineers, Plastic Beach [Album] - Gorillaz
Smooth ~ 4 [Album] - Beyoncé, Corinne Bailey Rae [Album] - Corinne Bailey Rae, Comin' From Where I’m From [Album] - Anthony Hamilton
Welcome to #WAWFsmaking where you can check out new @whataweirdfeeling creations or join in on the fun
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In honor of the official release of clVIr [lvl 6] this Friday [May 3rd] @whataweirdfeeling wanted to keep it animated with the official release of the new show/mini series we have been working on.. STAY TUNED
Join WAWFie [WAWF internet Explore] on his first adventure! Through 'The Adventures of WAWFie' #WAWF will grow and learn about each and every one of the intricacies the World Wide Web has to offer..through animation of course
See Ep 1 of 'The Adventures of WAWFie' on Instagram @whataweirdfeeling and let us know in the comments where you would like WAWFie to venture in the next episode
WAWF’s Wearing
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In honor of 'CLAIR' check out our new @whataweirdfeeling x T33n Ang$t article '#WAWFt33n' styled with some specific editorial T33n Ang$t pieces similar to those of past CLAIR films
Also be sure to check out our new @whataweirdfeeling x Backtracking Film collab drop for WAWF Shop Drop 004 - 'Keep Calm and #WAWF'
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Backtracking will be showing May 4th at the Grace St. Theatre
Along with promoting/supporting growing artists like these WAWF magazine pushes fashion culture and much more
Words/Curated by
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