lnbeep-art · 7 months
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When I wake in the morning…
"How am I blessed to be the sole captive audience to your morning’s rebirth? To be the one who lays beside you when you rest under the moonlight? I know all of you, and yet I find myself jealous; jealous of how the sunlight knows you before I do. My breathtaking and wondrous phoenix.
"If I held the world, I would stop its axis if it meant a few minutes more here under these duvet covers. Where we are not Queen and King of our kingdom. But even as we start our day, I know we will do this again. I will then become your moon to bid you a good night, just before you close those stars you call your eyes.”
Liliana belongs to @amayagt; Remy is mine! The cheesy blurb above is meant to be read interchangeably in either of their voices… They are both head over heels for each other.
Felt like drawing something to go along with the bottom two pics Fae did for us. 🥺
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angrelysimpping · 5 months
what would briar bailey eden and remy do if they found a fairy pc
oh my god SO
Contents: bodily harm; farm shit; Eden being the fucker we all know and love; dubcon; probably noncon tbh
standard "Fairy"
oh so little
fuck it, they don't care, not really
just wants to figure out how to make money off the situation
otherwise, they couldn't give a shit
are there more of these fuckers? do they have to, like, call pest control or something?
oh interesting
they're sure they can use you in the brothel
surely there's some perverts out there willing to pay a pretty penny to see something like you, maybe even try to fuck something like you
and you're oh so tiny, can you really fight anyone off?
don't think they're not above clipping your wings
rip fairy pc
threatens to clip your wings a lot, will do it
this fucker will rip your wings off if you keep leaving them
doesn't like you leaving the cabin, like, at all
will okay you going into the clearing around their cabin after a while but keeps an eye on you
has to really like you to even bother with keeping you, tbh
a lot of work goes into keeping your tiny ass safe and Eden has a lot on their plate already
Alex's Farm
the fuck is this?
they're going to have their men target you during raids
crush you literally
also tries to make money off you
you produce fairy dust like tinker bell from the disney version of peter pan? prepared to get shaken up every night
tries to cow-ify you
fairy cow, cute
would like to keep you in like, a jar on their person, i think?
show you off, yknow?
this could be my wishful thinking, though
def has Harper look over you
keeps you quarantined for a while from the other farm goers, just in case
also a wing clipper
Riding School
no, they're not teaching you???
go away????
you're gonna get crushed and they're not dealing with that mess
The Fae
can't lie
can't touch iron
shouldn't accept their gifts
doesn't like being told "thank you"
name stealer
oh, they do not wanna get near you
tries not to interact with you as much as possible
wears iron
fuck you
they don't want to deal with fae contracts and they're doing their best not to
but, well, they will if they can make a good bit of money off it
but they're not enjoying it for a single second
tbh, i think they'd like it
they like trying to outwit you, make loopholes for themself
wants you to work at the brothel, of course
pretty thing like you, you'll attract crowds
doesn't mind too much if you trick customers but don't drag them and the brothel into it
you make a contract with a customer? you take their name? well, that's on them
don't steal their money tho
knows a good deal about the fae
careful around you, wears iron for a long time until they trust you
this does not stop them from fucking you, btw. iron chain across their neck burning against your skin as it hangs down while Eden is on top of you, iron rings stinging against your thighs where their fingers squeeze
keeps iron across the doors and windows until they trust you, too
also knows a bunch about the fae
Alex, Eden, and Remy know the most about the fae, i think
not in that order
Eden and Remy might be tied, but maybe Eden a little over Remy
then Alex
(maybe Sydney after that, from reading purely though, they don't believe any of it)
Alex's Farm
oh, fuck you
hates having to deal with you
doesn't want to even talk to you
again, has their men target you during raids
they want you out of the picture, asap
breaking in cattle speed run
don't fucking talk to them
will lose their shit if you escape
wears iron
has iron around your stall
so pleased if you become an obedient beastie
your milk is so sweet, so thick and creamy
the best of the best
might keep you extra close to them, just in case
Riding School
wants to refuse service
can't figure out a polite way to do so
lets you in as a student but tries to keep their interactions with you to an absolute minimum
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longsightmyth · 1 year
“You’re not sleeping on the bed?” she asked.
“No,” he said resolutely, his voice tinged with sleep. “This couch is perfectly comfortable.”
“But that bed is . . .” Remy said, looking over the bed again. Somehow she knew it would feel amazing to slip her tired body beneath those smooth sheets and rest on the soft pillows. Surely Hale would want the same.
“Do you want me to join you in bed?” He peeked out from under his arm at her.
“Oh, um . . .” Remy stumbled, and Hale laughed.
“You take the bed, Remy,” he said, chuckling. “I get to sleep on beds like that all of the time.”
She had forgotten that.
Fae dude is... considerate? Fae dude... not being creepy and pushy? Lady not being creepy and pushy either? People respecting BOUNDARIES?
Woc lead not being portrayed as Sexy Siren but as a pretty girl who the fae dude respects?
@bookishfeylin I'll report back later but I'm a third of the way through and this still seems on the up and up?!
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lordoftheshrooms · 2 months
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First comic lol
Two Different Worlds: A collab with Rem Rem ( @getaloadofthisloser) go see the other half!! If you don't I will bite
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grandwretch · 30 days
i knew that Renwick had witch blood from the beginning (he's just as much a foil to Rua's experience as Aneryn is) but the twist of him getting his nickname of Witchslayer is because he was killing witches to stop them from being forced to sell out Remy........ ohhhhhh my God. That literally made me cry like a baby.
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vanillashusband · 2 months
this isn't prompted by anything but my rewrite of fo.p is better than canon /hj hfhgdhdgs
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creativia10 · 1 year
Emile in the Garden
Emile didn't have much choice in running from the village he had always lived on the streets of. However, he did not expect to stumble into a fae garden in the woods in his haste. Nothing about this goes the way he would have expected. For once, that might not be a bad thing though.
Pairings: Emile and Everyone, Emile/Remy, can be platonic or romantic you decide
Warnings: One line implying attempted sexual assault (can be skipped), implied past neglect, mistreatment, threats of violence, Let me know if I'm missing anything.
Word Count: 7389
Notes: (Title may change.)I found myself wondering how Virgil would react to a desperate human stumbling into a fae garden the way he had. Now that he is one of the fae.
I might end up writing a similar version to this that is more from Virgil's perspective. I had less of Virgil in this than I initially thought I would. Inspired by @a-small-batch-of-dragons Unwanted fic series
Emile ran through the woods as fast as he could. He tried to avoid the branches, but that was harder than he thought. He laughed as he ran, which was unusual for him. It had been a while since he’d laughed like this. It was not exactly an expected reaction for someone running from something. Remy had suggested turning it into a game though. And well, it certainly made the action more fun after they went for it.
Emile reveled a bit in the fact that he was so much faster than Remy. He figured the other wasn’t that far behind.
It wasn’t that long ago that Emile caught the fellow street dweller in an arm lock. Remy had been attempting to steal some bread from Emile.
“All you had had to do was ask,” Emile had said. Remy gave him a bewildered look which stayed there while Emile broke the loaf and shared it with them.
“It’s hard enough getting by on your own. Might as well help each other when we can.”
Emile wasn’t sure if Remy had agreed with that statement at the time.
Yet now they were both running from the same people. Those who wanted to run street dwellers like themselves out of town. He supposes he should have expected as much would happen eventually. Especially since it was hard to get Remy to follow the laws while in the position they were in. Maybe that acceptance made it easier for him to let Remy try to make something else out of their fleeing.
He didn’t blame Remy, not really. Emile hadn’t done too well on his own. Neither of them had. It was easier to deal with this way of life, as little choice as they had in the matter when you weren’t alone. So, maybe Emile had cared more about companionship and not wanted to risk losing Remy. So he didn't insist that they kept from stealing.
No matter how often Emile had to beg or dig through trash and abandoned items, it was still humiliating.  Not to mention inconsistent with fruitfulness. Also, Emile knew how often Remy had to flee towns before they met. So he suspected this could end up being the case eventually. Not that Emile had any attachments to the town anyways despite how long he had been there. People could be mean.
It may be for the best in Emile’s case to be farther ahead in the forest despite the many trees. His pink hair didn’t exactly blend in well. It was better to not be anywhere close where a pursuer could point it out.
So yes, his focus was on trying to get as far as he could. Remy would want him to do so anyway. He could just only hope they’d be able to reconvene once they got far enough away. Then maybe they could come up with a plan on what to do next. Emile didn’t really know how to start over after all.
Emile could have been paying attention more. But despite his laughter from their attempt at a race, his flight instincts had kicked in. He barely took in his surroundings and panted. A continuing chant of Run. Run. Run, going through his head.
The sudden lack of any barrier after so much dodging around branches has him gasp. Tripping over his own feet, his momentum pitches him forward. Well, that wasn’t good. Why would they just disappear though? Emile had seen enough of the forest ahead to know he was nowhere near close to the end.
Emile took in a breath and struggled as he stood up again. When he looked forward again he winced at the sudden brightness. How strange. He squinted and shaded his eyes with a hand to see better. He was in a clearing?
He looked around the area, a bit thrown off. He should probably keep going, but he wanted to get his bearings. Something was off about where he was.
This area seemed almost unnaturally gorgeous. The plants have a soft glow. Overall the colors around there are vibrant. These features struck Emile as familiar to stories he may have overheard in the village. He wished he could recall more details about it, as it seemed important now.
 Another reason to despise the type of life he had grown up in. Surely children safe in homes with parents to care for them heard such cautionary tales of the woods. They would know better not to let themselves get into such a situation as he may have been in then.
Something told Emile he had to get out of there. But he was running away, so was there a way to go around? Emile started to look around for a way to distinguish the outline of the garden.
“Oh, what’s this?”
Emile gasped and spun around in the direction of the voice. A figure leaned against a tree. He had an other-worldly style of clothes and snake scales covering half of his face. This man, his human half almost too perfect looking, had to be connected to what was off with this garden. This strange place and strange man.
The figure smirked at him and languidly pushed off the tree to walk toward Emile. It took Emile too long to get himself to take a shaky step back. But then the figure practically wooshes forward so he’s right in front of Emile now.
“Careful now,” An arm catches Emile around the side of his waist.
 “You look like you’re about to fall over,” The creature now holding him drawled out.
The term from what Emile thought this figure may be was at the tip of his tongue. Fae?
 Emile made a muted sound much to his embarrassment.
The Fae chuckled.
“What’s the matter, dear?”
Emile was finding it hard to do much of anything right then. This was too much. A lot to process. He was in some sort of magical garden with a too pretty-man who had to be a fae. Emile did not know how to deal with that.
The fae hums.
“For a moment, I thought you might be another fae,”
Oh, shoot.
The fae brings one of his gloved hands up to stroke through Emile’s hair. Emile gasps at that.
“This isn’t exactly a typical hair color I see among mortals. But your reaction to me is all human,” He said and twisted Emile’s hair through his fingers.
It’s not like Emile knew why he had such an unusual hair color. He didn’t know enough about where he came from to get any more of a clear idea about it. It hadn’t exactly been great when he was already in a vulnerable position as someone living off the streets. Not when village people were known to be superstitious and paranoid.
He wouldn’t have even minded the color if it weren’t for the negative attention it got him. It’s certainly possible he got some sort of magical blessing once as a child. But knowing Emile’s luck though, it was unlikely. Closer to a curse more than anything
“So what do I do with this?” The Fae continued.
Emile whimpers and trembles slightly.
“Now, let’s hope there’s no need for that. Are you able to tell me why you’re here?”
He wants to. Gosh does he want to now. The last thing he needed was for this fae to think he was challenging him just by showing up in their territory. Emile starts to open his mouth, but he’s still too overwhelmed by the fae’s presence to be able to respond. Not to mention it was hard enough not to stare at a pretty guy even when they weren’t magical.
The fae before him tsks.
“I really don’t expect such adorable creatures to stumble into my garden,”
“Mmm,” and now Emile was blushing. Of course. It was inevitable.
The fae laughs. “Well it’s true. I would certainly not lay on the charm so thick if I knew it would make getting answers out of you harder. No matter. I have other ways of finding out.”
Wait what?
“Don’t worry.” The fae cups Emile’s chin.
How was he able to do that? Emile still felt the hands on his waist and head. With the hand cupping Emile’s chin, he tilts his head up to look up. A branch snaps nearby. The fae then pauses and sighs. He lets go.
“There is certainly no need for anyone else to be over here,” The fae says out loud. It would seem towards someone else. Emile wouldn’t think it was Remy, because when Emile’s friend got protective, there was no way he was quiet.
“Especially not given some people’s history when there is a stranger among us.”
It was quiet for a moment then another rustle.
“Ah yes, you are certainly one for subtly my dear. Just head on back. I got this.”
Despite the scaled fae’s words, the other came towards them. The first fae narrowed his eyes at the other.
The second figure, who wore dark-colored pants and purple tunics, shuffled in place.
“I was just curious.”
“Oh? You’ve never been curious enough to risk yourself before.”
The other looked up then with a pout. Oh, this one had to be fae too. His eyes were purple.
“I’m not really risking myself with you here.”
“Oh, how flattering.”
“Besides, you had already pretty much said that I was here. There was no point. And I’m getting better at handling myself now.”
“Mhm. Anyways, you really don’t need to be here. This shouldn’t take long.”
Oh, Emile didn’t like the sound of that.
The scaled fae cupped his chin again and brought it up to gaze at his eyes.
“Pay the other no mind, my dear. Just look into my eyes.”
Oh. There was something mesmerizing about the mismatched eyes. He feels himself mentally sink into somewhere. He inhales sharply as he’s thrust into memories.
The streets. Dirty. Looking down. Trying to keep away from anyone who looks scary or dangerous despite being unable to hide his fear.
A distant voice he barely recognizes anymore warning him of how to stay safe while stuck in this way of life.
Being shoved. Ignored. The grossness he hated and had to deal with. Begging and being met with cruelty. Barely being able to struggle with stronger figures who wanted his body. Trying desperately to get a job and not even being given the time of day. Cold.
Rough hands grabbing, pulling at his hair. Dodging the scissors thrust towards his hair without consent. The scowls and doubts of his status as a street dweller due to his physical appearance. Developing light sleeping patterns to protect against surprise attacks on his hair. For when they tried to catch him unawares.
Remy. Seeing Remy steal. Authorities pointing at them. A promise to look out for each other. And then just so much running. Fearing it will never stop. Not knowing what will come of them. So much fear.
Emile’s breath hitches as he is released suddenly from the memories, going limp. The scaled fae before him catches him. The fae’s mouth is twisted, but then he gives Emile a softer look.
“Oh, you poor thing.”
And he then…hugs Emile? With multiple sets of arms. Emile blinks, not sure how to respond.
The purple-eyed fae looks at the two of them with wide eyes.
“What? What happened? J, is he alright?”
J hm?
Something twitches behind the purple-eyed fae, but it’s hard for Emile to tell what it is.
J hisses and looks up back at the other fae.
“I do so love how you’re calling me that in front of a stranger.”
The purple-eyed fae looked down and shuffled in place.
“…sorry. But still, is he ok?”
J hmmed.
“That is to be determined.”
J pulled away enough to look at Emile again, arms still wrapped around him.
J looked over Emile then back to the other fae.
“Did you want to see?”
The other fae’s eyebrows rose and then he fidgeted in place. This time the movement behind said fae is a little easier for Emile to see.
Were those some sort of black appendages coming from that fae’s back?
“I uh, well, is it okay for me to see that?”
J hmmed.
“I suppose we didn’t exactly give you that choice, did we? Then again, we barely got you to speak at all, the scared thing that you were.”
Wait what?
The spider-like fae frowned and looked down.
“It’s okay, my dear. You know we don’t blame you for that. It could be scary.”
Emile was just confused and starting to feel like he might as well not be there. Should he try to leave now? Moving still seemed like a challenge.
More steps came over.
“Why is a mortal still here? Oo, is he another cute one? And why is our dear V here?”
And now there were three here.
V, apparently, crossed his arms.
“I was just curious about what was going on. I haven’t really been on this side of this situation, after all.”
The new fae threw his head back and laughed. Oh, he was quite handsome. They all were really. As to be expected from what little Emile knows of these too-perfect creatures.
This new one wore a getup like a prince from a fairytale.
Emile makes a muted sound when he sees him. The prince gives him a winning smile and makes his way over.
“Oh? Another stunnable one, hmm?”
He puts his hands on Emile’s shoulders.
“Can I see?” The Prince asks. J sighs and turns Emile around.
“Maybe I wanted to hug him,” The prince whines a little. But that doesn’t stop him from lightly tapping along Emile’s shoulders. The prince continues to caress along Emile's sides and up around his face. Drawing forth all kinds of embarrassing flustered noises. People don’t really touch him, okay? Remy was physically affectionate. But it had still been years before of Emile not really being touched much by anyone. Not in any gentle way. And even when Remy did, it wasn’t like this.
The prince cooed at him.
“Oh, you’re so adorable.”
V’s lips purse, his face unreadable. The prince glances to the spider-like one.
“Don’t tell me you’re jealous? I can fluster you anytime.”
V sputters and huffs. Crossing his arms and looking away. The prince tsks.
“Did you want to come over and try?”
Wait what?
V looks back at Prince with an eyebrow raise.
“I still want to know what caused snakey over here to hug him so soon.”
Prince hmmed.
“I’m curious now too. Why didn’t he just share it already?”
J sighs.
“I was getting mixed messages.”
Prince narrowed his eyes at J in confusion.
“I dunno, okay,” V said.
This was a strange conversation. Not what Emile would have expected from these creatures. He was beginning to feel like he had been still too long though.
“Clearly his intentions aren’t a concern if he is still here with our snake here,” A new voice said as he joined them.
Really? Another?
The other fae turned to him.
“I’m surprised you’ve come over. We usually have it handled,” J said.
This new fae, who wore a dark blue suit and glasses similar to Emile’s own, hmmed and gestured to V.
“I could feel his concern through our connection.”
Their what now?
The other fae turned to V. V was now blushing and looking away.
“Gosh, it’s not like a big deal or anything. We don’t need to freak the poor guy out. Besides, L is right. Although I wasn’t trying to bring him over.”
“Oh, it’s fine,” L said with a wave.
“As we learned from last time, Prince and the snake can get distracted from questioning the mortal.”
The two L mentioned both scoffed at that, but L paid them no mind. L walked over to Emile and shot him a small smile before looking at J still holding him.
“May I?”
J huffs.
“In my defense, he was about to fall over.”
“I don’t doubt it,” L said. “Just stand behind him. We’ll catch him.”
J nods. Then he slowly releases Emile carefully.
Emile still wobbles a bit in place, but he doesn’t fall over. L comes closer.
“Shh, it’s alright.”
Emile had realized it by this point, but every time a new fae came over he woe-ed at their attractiveness.
“May I touch you?”
He was actually asking this time? Emile opened his mouth to respond, but somehow still found it difficult. L nodded.
“That’s alright, I will refrain for now. Can you speak?”
Emile worked his mouth, and then let out a strangled,
L nodded again.
“Good. Good, now, how did you get here?”
Emile immediately stiffened and his chest tightened. A reminder that he really shouldn’t have stayed still. He didn’t know how he was supposed to keep going when he ended up here though.
“I uh, I don’t know. I was running through the forest a-and I wasn’t looking where I was going when I stumbled into here. I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to intrude.”
The other fae behind L exchanged looks with each other.
“It’s quite alright. It happens,” Prince said.
“Why were you running in the forest?” L asked.
Emile hesitated. He certainly didn’t know anything about where fae stood ethically. Would they care that his companion had been caught stealing?
“Is it easier for me to show them?” J asked. Emile gave him wide eyes.
“It’s ok,” V said then, coming over to them. “They’re not going to hurt you.”
“I’m surprised you’re saying so,” L said to V. V shrugged.
“As you said, I trust J’s judgment.”
Apparently, that was all J needed. He reached for Emile’s hand. Emile looked at him and didn’t fight it, not really knowing what the other was doing anyways. Then J opens Emile’s hand and presses the palm side against L’s chest. L feels cool but in a nice way. J holds Emile’s hand there for a moment. All the other fae around them inhale sharply and then exhale. Emile looks around in confusion. What was happening?
“Oh, you poor thing,” Prince coos. And now Prince was hugging him. Whoa, he was very warm. And it actually felt really nice. Emile melted against him, eyes drooping. Prince continued to coo over him and rubbed circles against Emile’s back.
“J shared with us the memories he saw from you earlier,” V said and stepped closer without crowding him.
“Looked rough.”
“I’ve never understood how some mortals could treat their fellow man so horribly,” Prince said. He continued to rub Emile's back and then leaned his head against Emile’s.
“I don’t suppose you know how far off your pursuers were?” L asked. “We can likely help you. Perhaps stay here for a bit until we know they’re gone if it won’t be long.”
Emile wasn’t sure about that offer, as nice as it sounded. Before he could answer, they heard fast rustling coming from outside the garden. The Fae who weren’t holding Emile immediately stood at attention. Prince stood back with him, probably not wanting to let go yet. V had stepped back as well, almost hiding behind a tree again.
A familiar fella stumbled into the garden, his arms flying around to regain his balance. Emile smiled in relief when he saw who it was. Emile tapped Prince’s arm and then walked away from him to go to Remy. Once he had regained his balance, Remy looked up and his eyes widened.
Emile ran to him and immediately crushed his friend in a hug. Remy oofed but then hugged him back just as hard.
“It’s good to see you’re alright. But wait, I thought you should be way ahead of me.”
Emile laughed a little nervously.
“Yeah, stumbling into here kind of threw me off.”
“What do you mean?” Remy looked around and immediately furrowed his brows. “And who are they?”
Remy stepped protectively in front of Emile.
“Stay back! Something ain’t right about them. I don’t know what you lot were trying to pull here with us, but it ain’t gonna fly.”
Then Remy pulled out a knife that Emile didn’t even know Remy had. Although he supposed it made sense. Emile gasped and touched Remy’s arm. Remy just nudged him back again.
“Don’t say my name, around them. I know you’ve heard the stories about fae and names.”
“-Rem, put that thing away. It’s not necessary. In fact, they were just offering to help.”
Remy frowned and scoffed.
“Yeah, I’m sure. We stumble in here and all they want to do is help? I don’t buy it. Look you lot, you can just let us go and no one gets hurt, kay?”
Emile makes a distressed noise at that. Well, the fae were certainly much tenser now.
“Your friend is right. We wish you no harm,” L said.
Remy took a step back with Emile.
“Right. So I’m really expected to believe you’ll just let us go, no strings attached.”
“Of course.”
Just then an unnerving cackle came from behind the other fae in the garden.
“Oh, but they didn’t make any promises about me.”
“Duke, no!”
It happened fast. A man in green, who seemed to resemble the prince, came from out of nowhere and rushed forward. He got held back by Prince and another fae Emile hadn’t met yet. The Duke fought to keep going with a snarl.
Remy and Emile had both taken quick steps back, but Emile tripped backward and fell over. Except someone caught him. Emile looked up to see L helping him and Remy back up.
“O-okay,” The new fae, also wearing glasses like Emile’s, croaked out.
“I think everyone needs to calm down, a bit, alright?”
The duke continued to snarl. Emile jumped as his eyes were covered.
“Sorry,” V said. “I’ve been told Duke can be blinding when he goes feral.”
“When he goes, what?” Emile asked.
“Yeah, I had trouble with that too. It’s kinda hard to explain?”
“It is caused by an extreme state of protectiveness,” L said.
“…oh-ok,” Emile got out.
“No need to worry. It is not directed at you,” L continued.
“Bitch, uncover my eyes!”
Emile heard Remy exclaim from next to him.
“It is for your own protection,” L said.
Remy scoffed.
“Yeah right. And what the hell happened to my knife!?”
“I nabbed a hold of it,” J said.
Emile heard Remy shuffle back but there was someone behind him stopping him from going far. Remy cursed.
“Easy now. We will uncover your eyes as soon as the duke calms down.”
Remy huffed, and Emile could still hear the rustling from Remy struggling.
“It just occurred to me, we didn’t get what we should call you,” J said.
“Don’t tell them shit, Em!” Remy yelled.
“Em hm?” J said.
Remy cursed again.
“Is this your companion from the memories, Em?” L asked.
“Wait what?” Remy asked. “Did they poke around in your head or something?” The rustling increased.
“You bastards don’t get to poke around in our heads!”
“Rem, it’s ok,” Emile said.
“Yeah right, it is,” Remy said. 
“I had just stumbled into their territory, and I was too stunned to speak. It’s only fair to want to know why I was there to assess whether I was a threat.”
“Gurl, I know you ain’t trying to defend these magic fae prodding into your head without consent. Unless you want to tell me you gave them permission to do so.”
“…Well, no,” Emile admitted.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
“I’m sorry for us doing so,” L said, “Justifications aside, it was a breach of privacy.”
Emile could see in his mind’s eye how Remy probably narrowed his eyes at them.
“We will refrain from doing so anymore,” L said. Somehow, Emile could imagine him giving the other fae a stern look at that. Or maybe it was just for the one who prodded initially.
“That doesn’t take away from doing so in the first place,” Remy continued. “I mean, if yall are all-powerful fae, what threat could one human possibly be to ya.”
There was a pause.
“You might be surprised,” Prince said.
“Besides,” J then added. “From first appearance, even that wasn’t clear.”
Remy didn’t respond to that, but Emile figured out what his friend must be thinking. About what Emile had to deal with from his unusual hair color. Emile felt fingertips brush against his arm, which startled him.
“…it’s just me, Em,” Remy said. Emile nodded. L let Emile free up one of his arms to be able to hold Remy’s hand back.
“We don’t know why he looks like that,” Remy said, a bit softer this time, “But he has never been a threat to anybody. No matter what idiots think.”
“I believe you,” J said, “And there is nothing wrong with his hair being like that. I’m sorry other humans have ruined that for you.”
“Duke,” The new fae called gently, “It’s ok to calm down now. These new humans aren’t a threat. And they’re not going to do any harm to V.”
Duke scoffed.
“Yeah right. Do you see the second human right now? Who knows what he would be doing if J hadn’t nabbed his knife.”
Remy growled at that.
“We are much stronger than them, though,” J said.
“Besides,” V said, “The first one, Em, is certainly not a threat. And they seem to be a pair. The second just wants to keep them safe. Something I can understand, the survival instinct. I feel safe enough with you all here. Plus, I can tell there is a big difference between these two and the humans who have hurt me before. So it’s okay to calm down a bit. It will be alright.”
There was quiet for a moment except for Duke’s ragged breathing. Then he let out a stuttered exhale.
“Alright. I trust you, V,” Duke said.
“Are they good now?” V asked.
After a moment, “Yes, I believe so,” L said.
Emile blinked as his sight returned. Remy, who hadn’t really stopped moving, stumbled a bit when his eyes were uncovered. L reached to help steady him but Remy pulled away.
“Stop touching me!”
L stepped back and held his hands up in surrender.
Remy stepped sideways, closer to Emile, and wrapped an arm around him.
“Now can I have my knife back?” Remy asked.
“Hmm, no,” J said.
“Ex-squeeze me?” Remy demanded.
“Perhaps if I may,” L cut in. “Let’s put the weapon away from either of us while both parties are still here and tensions remain.”
Remy huffed, but J followed L’s instruction.
“So,” the latest fae who shared Emile’s glasses started. He wore a pastel blue cloak.
“What should we call you?” He asked.
Remy raised an eyebrow. “Now I know you don’t think I’m going to fall for that. And we don’t exactly have time for an introduction circle.”
L hmmed. “Yes, that does seem to be the case. We were just offering to help keep Em safe from your pursuers when you happened to stumble in. After all, it is on us that you’ve been still so long.”
Remy huffed and put his free hand on his hip.
“Oh yeah? And what was this so-called, ‘help’?”
“…well, we hadn’t gotten there yet. But I was suggesting you stay here until the pursuers have passed.”
“Yeah, and stay in a fae territory longer than we need to? That doesn’t sound like a good idea.”
“…very well. Was there something else we could-“
“No. Not interested in making a deal, thanks. I like my ten toes exactly where they are.”
L blinked and tilted his head. “I’m not sure I follow what the location of your toes has to do with an offer to assist.”
V sighed and went over to whisper something in his ear.
“Oh. Of course, we wouldn’t ask for anything ridiculous from you,” L said.
“Mhmm. Sure. We definitely have a reason to believe you. Right now, I just want to get our cute butts outta here. Without adding any more complications to our situation.”
“Rem-“ Emile started but paused. Quick footsteps came their way. Oh, shoot. Emile immediately turned to speed on out of there, but someone stopped him with gentle hands. Why would they do that? There was stillness next to Emile as well. One of the fae must have stopped Remy as well.
They were coming too close for comfort. Emile was starting to freeze up. Unfortunate when he knew that wouldn’t do him any good. He had the strange desire to hide behind these faes though. V was hiding behind a tree, Emile noticed. Duke stood by it and glared out towards where the sound was coming from.
“Rotten thief.”
“Street trash.”
“Whoa, wait!”
The steps came to a stumbling halt.
“The hell, what!?”
“I think that’s a fae garden. Best not to go in there.”
“The way they were running, bastards probably went straight on in. Unless they were smarter than we thought.”
“That’s unlikely.”
“We seriously came all this way chasing those brats just to stop now!?”
“Did you want to deal with upsetting some fae?”
“You know what, yeah. That’s not worth it.”
“We could try and go around?”
“Yeah, I’m not chancing being anywhere near here.”
“We already wasted so much time chasing the lowlifes. They ain’t worth putting in more effort for.”
“Especially if they could be dead or worse.”
“Good riddance to them.”
Emile stayed quiet until well after the steps had walked away. Their previous pursuers grumbled all the while. When it felt safe to, Emile let out a breath of relief.
“Well, that answers that then,” L said. Emile glanced at L with a confused look. But then he turned back to Remy who hadn’t reacted since hearing their pursuers. Remy was still frozen, his expression hard to read. The sunglasses didn’t help, even if Emile was used to seeing the other wear them by now.
Then Remy burst from the other’s arms and caught Emile in a crushing hug. Remy was casual with physical affection, but he didn’t usually initiate hugs the way Emile did. Emile returned the hug back.
They stayed like that for a moment, reassuring each other that they were okay. They were away from their pursuers for now. Not thinking about the uncertainty of their situation around the fae for the moment. But alas, they would have to face the music eventually. And neither was comfortable enough to just stay embraced like that. Not while they were still in such an unknown situation.
Emile suspected Remy was more used to adapting to changes than he was himself. But Remy likely hadn’t encountered the magical kind like this before.
The two of them continued to hold hands as they looked back at the fae present.
“Did they hurt you?” The latest fae with the glasses asked.
Emile looked to Remy to see, who shook his head.
“Not yet,” Remy said.
Patton nodded.
“We’re not keeping them,” L said looking over some of the other faes there.
Wait what?
Prince pouted.
Duke hmmed.
“Keeping us?” Emile asked, his voice shaking a little.
“Not like that,” V said, hands raised. “It’s like, I was a human once. I also ran away from people who wished me harm. They gave me a place among them to stay because I had nowhere else to go.”
“But it is not something we try to get in the habit of,” L said, “We’re not really meant to. V’s situation was different of course. Not that we are unsympathetic to your situation.”
“Oh,” Emile said, understanding now. “Oh, that’s not necessary. Honestly, just being safe here temporarily was enough. We really appreciate it.”
“Although,” Remy started, “It should be noted that in no way did we officially agree to such a thing,”
Emile almost gave Remy a stern look. But he could tell by the way they held Emile’s hand tighter that Remy was still pretty freaked.
J nodded. “Of course. No official deal was necessary. If you are worried about owing us, there is no need.”
“Yeah,” The new glasses one said. “We would have helped ya out anyways.”
Emile had a feeling that Remy still didn’t trust it. Not that he blamed his friend.
“Well anyways,” Emile said, “We very much appreciate it.”
“What would have happened if they caught you?” L asked.
Emile and Remy shared a look. Emile wasn’t entirely sure but he had a feeling Remy knew. Remy swallowed and shook his head.
“They probably would have punished us for being brats,” Remy said.
The new fae frowned. 
“Punished?” L asked.
Remy waved a hand.
“Oh you know, however they treat crooks not deemed to garner any respect. Not like anyone would care what happens to us after all.”
Emile frowns and looks down at that. Remy wraps his arm around Emile again and squeezes Emile’s side for comfort.
Prince frowns.
“I will never understand how humans can treat their fellows so awful,” He said.
Remy scoffed. “That’s just the way it is.”
J hmmed, “It doesn’t have to be. We can always make things better.”
Remy narrowed his brows and took a step back again.
“What do you mean?”
“J,” L said, “I hope you’re not saying-“
“I don’t know what I’m saying yet,” J said, still looking at Emile and Remy.
“Do you have a place to stay?” The prince asked.
Emile tilted his head. “Well, we hadn’t figured that part out yet.”
Remy gave him a look as though to say, ‘why would you tell them that?’
“What do you mean?” L asked.
“Well,” Emile continued. “Our first goal had just been to outrun our pursuers. Until either they tired or we found a good enough hiding spot far enough ahead of them. Ideally in another village.”
“Oh, you won’t find another village for a while,” J said.
“There used to be a closer one,” The duke spoke up, “But well…it’s not there anymore.”
“So,” J continued, “Unless you were prepared to camp out in the woods for a while, that’s quite an inconvenient stay.”
Emile had not known the former village was no longer there. He had a feeling Remy didn’t either.
“What do you mean it’s no longer there?” Remy asked. Remus cackled maniacally at that. Emile was pretty sure Remy was ready to bolt soon after that, not that he blamed them.
“Would we be able to find the former location of that village?”
J shrugged, “Possibly. There’s not much left there that would be any good.”
Emile’s eyes widened at that. V sighed.
“For context,” He began, “The villagers were cruel to me, and were going to keep coming after me. Having believed I was a demon of some sort due to their own ignorance.”
“Even though you never did anything to them,” The new fae added bitterly.
V nodded. “Exactly. I don’t know where they fled to, but it’s for the best that they are no longer where they were.”
Emile wasn’t sure about that, more for their own survival. Even if those villagers sounded worse than the ones from Remy and his most recent village.
“So, how is it just not there anymore?” Emile found himself asking anyways. It was a habit for the pair of them to work with what they had, so Emile needed to know exactly how little was left.
“Because we burned it to the ground,” Remus said with an unhinged smile.
“That made absolutely sure they couldn’t stick around,” J said.
Emile sighed. Things did not look good for the two of them going forward. The fae being nicer than expected didn’t do anything for what the pair of them would have to deal with next.
“We can still help you,” Prince said.
“How?” Emile asked.
Prince smiled and wiggled his fingers with red sparks.
“My brother and I are good at creating things with our magic. Perhaps we can create a home for you to replace the former village location.”
Emile’s eyes widened. That was almost too nice. He certainly wouldn’t have expected an actual home to stay in. Emile didn’t know if he’d ever really lived in an actual house as long as he could remember. That was aside from the times he had to sneak into rarely occupied buildings. During particularly brutal winters, for the sake of surviving.
Remy pursed his lips. Emile was sure even his friend knew it was a good offer.
“Why would you do that for us?”
Prince shrugged. “You seem worth helping. We’re not going to just kick you out in the cold to fend for yourselves against other would-be cruel pursuers.”
“That’s nothing we’re not used to though,” Remy said.
“That doesn’t mean you have to just keep doing so if we can do anything to help,” L said.
Honestly, Emile was willing to take up such an offer. He was just so tired. He knew Remy was valid with their reservations. But his friend was likely tired too. They didn’t have a lot of good options.
“Can we at least see where and what you had in mind?” Remy asked. The fae nodded. Prince clapped his hands in excitement.
“Oh!” The new fae with the glasses exclaimed. “I just realized I didn’t introduce myself!”
He held out a hand in front of them.
“You may call me Pat!”
Emile smiled hesitantly and shook his hand. Remy was more reluctant, but from the enthusiastic handshake, Emile had a feeling his friend was warming up to the bubbly fellow.
“Now let’s get to it!” Prince exclaimed.
Wow. Emile looked at the large expanse free of trees, aside from some that were growing in. There really wasn’t anything left.
Most of the fae from the garden went over there with them.  Even though the prince and the duke were the ones creating this for Emile and Remy.
“Okay!” Prince clapped his hands and waved over for them to look.
“I was thinking- Duke if you would?”
Duke nodded and cleared the space with a wave of his arm where Prince gestured.
“A house around here, big enough for the two of you. Unless you wanted your own houses.”
“Not that’s fine-“
“We don’t need two-“
Emile and Remy said at the same time. They paused and looked at each other.
“I mean, if that’s fine with you?”
“Not to impose, but if that’s what you want?”
They said at the same time again.
Pat giggled at them. Remy and Emile both cleared their throats and looked away from each other.
“…so, one house the size for two is fine?” Prince asked.
Remy and Emile both nodded enthusiastically.
Prince and the Duke shared a look before they both brought their hands forward and slowly lifted them up. A house began to appear level by level, rising up with their raised hands. When the twins were done, Emile could see that the house looked similar to the ones he had seen in the village. Except this one was bigger.
“Would you like to take a look inside?” Pat asked.
“We can add in anything else you’d like,” Prince added.
Emile looked to Remy. Remy had his arms crossed.
“You don’t need my permission to look at it Em,” He said.
Emile frowned.
“Don’t you want to see it though?”
Remy sighed. “Yeah, I do. And I ain’t letting you go in alone with some fae anyways.”
Emile nodded. Prince threw open the door with a grand gesture.
The room they entered had a good amount of space, with beds in the far corner. There were walls and doors that sectioned off a kitchen area and a room for cleaning. Both were currently open to show the rooms.
“Wow…” Emile said, walking in almost in a daze. There was a fireplace not far from the door. The house didn’t even have a whole lot, Emile would imagine. But it felt like so much. It was cozy and it felt safe.
He walked over and touched the bricks of the fireplace. That alone would mean so much for the Winter, which was usually so rough and uncomfortable. That was always the scariest season with the way he lived before.
“I think you know by now where we are,” Prince said, “So let us know if you ever need anything else.”
Emile nodded.
“We don’t have the same easy access to your cabinet as we do to V’s,” Pat said,
“but on occasion, we should be able to send some food your way if you need it.”
Emile turned around to him with wide eyes.
“Really?” He asked.
Pat nodded, “It’s the least we can do. It sure seems like getting food could be difficult. Without a proper existing village around.”
“Food from the fae?” Remy asked.
Emile wouldn’t be surprised if Remy was asking such things more because he thought he had to at this point. Always the protector he was.
“We can help you get food from around here,” Prince added with a scoff. “It’s just an option. You can even consider it us owing you from stopping your flight away from your pursuers. So we wouldn’t make any claims if we were making it up to you.”
Remy hmmed.
Emile almost collapsed but arms caught him. He was gently guided over to the closest bed where he could sit more comfortably. His savior came into view to reveal it was V, who was looking at him with concerned purple eyes. Remy quickly made his way over with wide eyes.
“Em! What happened? Are you ok?”
Remy immediately started fluttering his hands around Emile and felt his forehead. Emile started to laugh hysterically, much to the others’ confusion. Emile nodded, tears starting to leak from his eyes.
“I’m more than okay. But I don’t know what I am.”
“You’re not used to receiving so many good things, are you?” said V quietly. Remy looked to V in slight surprise and then back to Emile. Curiosity and understanding in his own look.
Emile nodded again, the tears coming down.
“I don’t know what to do with this. I have never been given anything. Always had to fight for it. Even my friendship with Rem.”
Emile shook his head and reached to grab Remy’s hand. Remy immediately gripped back.
“No, it’s ok Rem. I don’t blame you. And I wouldn’t change it, because that’s how I got you in my life.”
Remy shook his head, but he was smiling.
“Em, you incredible sap.”
“I know I am,” Emile said with a watery laugh, “I’m allowed to be. I just got gifted a house for the first time, by some really nice fae.”
Remy sighed.
“Yeah, I guess you have that right.”
Emile giggled and pulled on Remy’s hand to get him to join Emile on the bed. It wasn’t made for two people, but Emile figured when they pushed their two beds together there would be more room.
When Remy was sitting, Emile leaned into him and looked around at the others in the room.
“I appreciate all of this, so much.”
 The others smiled at him, even the Duke.
“We’re glad to help, kiddo,” Pat said.
“I definitely understand what you’ve been through,” V said. V hesitated and then sat on the other side of Emile. Emile smiled up at him.
“I hope we can all be friends still even though we’re not in your realm?”
Remy huffed but didn’t protest. The fae around them smiled and nodded.
“Of course!” Prince exclaimed, “We may not be keeping you, but you can be just as much our humans!”
The others nodded.
“I’m sure L and J would agree as well,” Duke said. Those two were the ones who had gone back to the fae garden realm.
“Oh?” Emile asked. They nodded.
V leaned into Emile and pressed a kiss to the top of his head. Emile’s eyes fluttered and he melted slightly into the spidery fae. V huffed out a small laugh and lightly rubbed against Emile’s side.
For once, Emile truly did believe that everything would turn out alright.
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besides the fae, roman, and thomas, is everyone else in the group neurotypical?
Corbin has generalized anxiety, Kai has brain fog connected to his chronic pain, and Remy actually also has ADHD but he's been diagnosed and had meds since early childhood, so its not as noticeable. i have like 25% of an idea that Remy assumes Roman knows about his own ADHD and is just not medicated because witchy reasons
which isnt honestly that far out of the realm of possibility, the witches are very hard to medicate - theyre immune to most poisons, and well, most medications can be poisons if prescribed incorrectly. it makes them difficult to dose properly. its why they mostly use herbal medicine in the family, because combining the mundane chemicals with the magic spell makes it play a little nicer
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tulipanthousa · 2 months
does virgil even really know what being trans is or does he just assume remy and kai have vulvas like as a coincedence?
he has some understanding of trans as "someone who transitioned from one gender to another" and that gender has... something (?) to do with genitals also (tho "genitals determine gender" would be such an uterrly foreign concept that he most definitely thinks the gender one is assigned at birth causes the genitals, not the other way around). mostly because he's picked up on the fact that humans require some sort of Tab A Slot B set up to reproduce via context clues, and that most of the Tab As are male and most of the slot Bs (ie pregnant people he's seen) are female
however. fae can just... do that. like they dont call it "trans" because theirs no cultural baggage associated with doing it, but if a fae reaches puberty and is like "eugh" about however their body is starting to grow their body will just. stop doing that. and start growing in the correct/comfortable direction. they dont need transition care because their body just does it on its own
which is to say he's gonna see Kai and Remy's junk and be kinda like "wow it takes humans a really long time to grow a new dick :( no wonder its so dysphoria-causing :( theyve both been trans so long and they only look halfway done :( i need to make them more prosthetics [undertale determination sound]"
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pluralcultureis · 4 months
Plural Culture is alters having much more complicated genders than the average person. The Host, Loki? doesn't have preferred pronouns, but specifically has he/him as undesirable pronouns. Me? æ/xe/they pronouns. Moss? they/he/xe/she/fae (in order of preference.) Even the most tame of genders in our system is a binary trans woman (she/her), and for much of the country we live in, that's "too much." -Remi
We've got Coffee, who collects xeno and neo pronouns life wings life depends on it. That list is STILL growing
I just use he/him
Our host (ex host??) Uses they/he/it/xe/harp/harpy
Our gatekeeper only uses it/its
Gender is funky as a system
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cssns · 1 year
CSSNS23 IS A GO!!!!!
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Alright y’all!!!! Get ready!!!! Sounds like there’s still PLENTY of interest in another year of the Captain Swan Supernatural Summer!!! I have to admit, I’m AMAZED AND SOOOOOO EXCITED!!!! 
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So here are the deets...
Sign ups will be open from February 20- March 1.
Get To Know Me’s will start dropping in late April or early May.
Posting Dates will be in July, stretching into August if needed.
For those new shipmates not familiar with the Captain Swan Supernatural Summer, this is an event I created back in 2018 to address the woeful lack of Werewolf Killian fics. And we have succeeded many times over!!! The event is open to everyone. The only requirement is the fic or artwork has to be CS focused and supernatural in nature. In past years we’ve had werewolf, vampire, fae, selkie, soulmate, shapeshifter, witch, ghost, and many, many others!! 
All of the past years fics can be found on ao3 here.
Any fic length is fine, from a 100 word Drabble to a 250,000 word epic MC. Any rating is fine. Any type of artwork is fine, from using traditional mediums of paint and drawing, to digital artwork to videos to gifs. Artists can elect to do their own original artwork and/or they can be paired with a fic writer to do artwork for the fic being written. And we certainly hope to have enough artists sign up that we can pair every author with an artist that wants to be paired. So please! SPREAD THE WORD!!!
Signups open a week from tomorrow, and this post will be reblogged daily on this blog as well as this years mods’ blogs in order for the most people to see the announcement!!
Any questions, you can leave an ask here, or get in touch with me or one of our other mods- @kmomof4​ @winterbaby89​ @jrob64​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @stahlop​ - either on Tumblr or discord.
Come join us!!! It’s gonna be another great SUPERNATURAL SUMMER!!!!
Tagging all former participants to help spread the word!!! Under the cut unless Tumblr ate it.
@kymbersmith-90 @hollyethecurious @hookedonapirate @searchingwardrobes @emmaswanchoosesyou @justbecauseyoubelievesomething @shireness-says @the-corsair-and-her-quill @youre-not-a-cat-youre-a-rat @everlastingcaptainswan @resident-of-storybrooke @donteattheappleshook @artistic-writer @winterbythesea @awkwardnessandbaseball  @branlovestowrite​ @natascha-remi-ronin @distant-rose @pirateherokillian @flipperbrain @snidgetsafan @thejollyroger-writer @seriouslyhooked @doodlelolly0910 @courtorderedcake @delightfully-difficult-pirate @nerdyhuntress @rouhn @drowned-dreamer @stubble-sandwich @its-imperator-furiosa @technicallysizzlingcloud @spartanguard  @captainstudmuffin @andyousaidtruelovedidntexsist @wordsmith-storyweaver @snowbellewells @initiala @ilovemesomekillianjones @jarienn972 @coaldustcanary @gingerchangeling @blessed-but-distressed @mahstatins @jennifer-morrison @polarbearmorgan @teamhook @totheendoftheworldortime @stubble-sandwich @winterbaby89 @lenfaz @yayimallamaagain @tehgreeneyes​ @cocohook38 @eastwesthomeisbest​  @allons-y-to-hogwarts-713 @forestiyari @abeylin1982 @shipsxahoy @seastarved​ @wingedlioness @the-irish-mayhem @katie-dub @shady-swan-jones @bleebug​ @blackwidownat2814​ @darkcolinodonorgasm @djlbg​ @emeraldwitches @faerytold @huffleporg @idristardis @lassluna @let-it-raines​ @lizzyc807shipscaptainswan @wistfulcynic​ @thislassishooked @ultraluckycatnd @welllpthisishappening​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose @wyntereyez​ @demisexualemmaswan​ @imlaxdris71​ @ohmightydevviepuu​ @shardminds​ @thisonesatellite​ @stahlop​ @lovelivingmydreams​ @iamstartraveller776​ @goforlaunchcee​ @carpedzem​ @mariakov81​ @clockadile​ @eirabach​ @thesschesthair​ @tornadoamy​ @justanother-unluckysoul​ @killianjones-twopointoh​ @veryverynotgoodwrites​ @everything-person​ @myfearless-love​ @zaharadessert​ @deckerstarblanche​ @killiansprincss​ @wefoundloveunderthelight​ @th3capta1n​ @sotangledupinit​ @grimmswan​ @motherkatereloyshipper​ @mie779​ @o-wild-west-wind​ @whatevenisthisbloganymore​ @romanceapologist​ @undercaffinatednightmare​ @tintedfl0wers​ @tennant-the-tigger​ @piinfeathers​ @freechoicedreamer​ @purplehawkcaptain​ @jonesfandomfanatic​ @jrob64​ 
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warnadudenexttime · 2 months
Hello weird ask but I'd like to ask if you wrote or know a fic that I'm looking for here on Tumblr.
It's an analogical, modern but with fantasy elements, Logan is a fae working as a barista at the cafe Remy owns and Virgil is a human.
When Virgil orders he refuses to give his name, he tells him to call him Anxiety, Logan wants to know his name tho and they start a bet. If Logan learns Virgil's name first, they go on a date, if Virgil learns Logan's name first he gets whatever he wants (I think).
This was before we got Remus and Janus's name. I think it's name was "What's in a name?" But I can't find it. Do you know it? Sorry if I bothered you.
Not a bother at all, Anon! Sadly I don’t know the fic you’re talking about :( but if anyone could help anon plz do!
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agardenandlibrary · 3 months
Things I'm enjoying in the Five Crowns of Okrith so far:
each book focusing on a different character, one that has already been introduced and given some focus, now given their own book which allows us to have a broader perspective on the world. Plus it gives the previous characters a chance to relax a little and enjoy life after Going Through It.
*points* These women are all friends! the MCs in the first two books are both women of color! Many of them are queer! They're having relationships with multiple people without being shamed for it!
a male character is? bad at something? a male fae love interest character? TRULY STUNNING. (It's Hale. He sucks at cards and everyone makes fun of it.)
The multi-cultural everything. Most characters have parents from different courts, or were born in one court and raised in another. The courts all rely on each other for trade and that's important! In book 1, Remy thinks "Oh, they plant this part of the forest for logging"!! WHO'S DOING IT LIKE THEM.
The way the fae try to keep the witches and fae as so clearly separate when they're already so intertwined. I do wish Mulford would add some human focus! Maybe that'll be in the next books. The Rua and Remy books are rightfully very fae/witch centered.
Love interests doing things to help the MCs without being overbearing. Just like "I did this thing bc I thought you would like it" and not any "I did this thing you expressly told me not to, but the narrative is making it clear that I was in the right"
The number of times Rua is like "leave me alone" and Renwick does. And Rua and Remy turning to other people for comfort and friendship, not just her love interest!
Things I could use less of:
the smirking
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hannahhook7744 · 8 hours
Isle Representative Group Chat! (Part 3);
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Usernames: Captain/Theeleganthannahhook/Captain Elegant= Hannah Hook, adoptive daughter of Zarina the pirate fairy and Captain Hook. livelaughfuckyou= Zee Snoops, daughter of Madame Medusa and Mr. Snoops. theisleshottestprince= Lucas ‘Luke’ Tremaine-Westergaard, son of Prince Hans Westergaard and Drizella Tremaine. Gothbitch= Darcy Aoratos, daughter of Hades and Narissa. thegoddessoffear= Skia Aoratos, daughter of Persephone and Hades. Dashadowman= John Facilier, son of Ursula and Dr. Facilier. Clever= Kailani ‘Clever’ Athanasiou, daughter of Ursula and Dr. Facilier. Flamingkaratemaster= Treycor Fae-Aoratos, son of Maleficent and Hades. Princess Peach= Peachy Gothel, daughter of Mother Gothel and Captain Flynn. Yellow devil= Remi de Vil, son of Cruella de Vil. Gothmermaid= River Le Beak, son of Lord Fathom and Beatrice Le Beak. WarriorBri= Shan Bri, daughter of Shan Yu. Thescarletking= Aaron King. Redbitch= Anna King. Thephantomstabber= Alexander ‘Alex’ Procrustes Aoratos-Sinclair ||, son of Helga Sinclair and Hades. Sunshine boy= Noah Aoratos, son of Persephone and Hades (he's 8).
Chapter 6: Damn it, Julie.
Trigger warnings: sibling on sibling violence, stress, anger, swearing, threats of knife violence, etc.
Co-written with @igetthedisneybox as usual.
6/01/2024 at  12:20 PM.
livelaughfuckyou: that would be our elegant captain
theisleshottestprince: Why are you trying to sleep, it's noon?
Thephantomstabber: Fuck you. Fuck your mom. Fuck your whole family!
theisleshottestprince: Well, someone's cranky.
theisleshottestprince: No wait that's how you always are.
Thephantomstabber: Do you want to get shot?
Princess Peach: No threats in the GC Alex!
Thephantomstabber: You're not the boss of me. 
6/01/2024 at  12:30 PM.
Sunshine boy: Whys Luke laughing?
Sunshine boy: And whys Alis swearin?
thegoddessoffear: Luke is laughing because Treycor smacked Alex because he was being a dickhead–don’t repeat that word–and Alex is sweating because Treyocr smacked him. 
Princess Peach: Noah’s in the chat, nobody’s allowed to swear starting now!!!!
Redbitch: How long has he even been here????
Gothbitch: His mom gave him a phone, remember?
thegoddessoffear: I forgot mom did that.
theisleshottestprince: I thought that happened weeks ago?
Sunshine boy: It did!
Sunshine boy: I was just tryin’ to think of something to say!
theisleshottestprince: Darcy, babe, I'm adopting your brother.
Gothbitch: The fuck you are! 
Gothbitch: You have more siblings than I do and my dad is literally a god . Go adopt your own siblings!
theisleshottestprince: But your brother is adorable!
theisleshottestprince: My siblings, minus Dizzy and the triplets, are just annoying. Or dead. 
Thephantomstabber: I was being attacked and none of you did anything?! 
Gothbitch: We all agreed to stay out of siblings’ arguing. 
Thephantomstabber: BITCH YOU'RE MY SISTER!
6/01/2024 at  12:40 PM.
Princess Peach: Treycor! Stop hitting Alex!
Flamingkaratemaster: Wasn't me this time. 
livelaughfuckyou: so we jus gonna ignore that h is still screaming or
Gothmermaid: oh, Julie Foulfellow just brought one of her contracts again.
Gothmermaid: *broke.
Thescarletking: that and her dads won't stop approaching children and breaking their contacts. 
livelaughfuckyou: i see. continue on w ur argument spawns of hades
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cloudcountry · 1 year
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Dating a goofy model.
With an academic rival.
With a plus-sized Fem!S/O who doesn't like her weight.
Remy from Ratatouille helps their S/O make them dinner.
With a Male!Detective Yuu.
MC has trouble saying his name.
Taking riddle to his first carnival.
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S/O overblots.
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With a drama queen.
With an affectionate tomboy s/o.
With a S/O that isn't used to praise.
With a S/O that has a weak immune system.
With a magical girl S/O.
With a S/O reading a horror novel.
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Dating a goofy model.
With an academic rival.
With an affectionate tomboy s/o.
With a plus-sized Fem!S/O who doesn't like her weight.
With a S/O that likes sweet lolita fashion.
Remy from Ratatouille helps their S/O make them dinner.
Hugging him in his merform.
MC has trouble saying his name.
With a S/O reading a horror novel.
The Octatrio on your legs.
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When Male!MC wears a dress.
With an eel apologist.
Hugging him in his merform.
The Octatrio on your legs.
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When Male!MC wears a dress.
With an eel apologist.
Hugging him in his merform.
With an overstimulated S/O.
The Octatrio on your legs.
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When Male!MC wears a dress.
Remy from Ratatouille helps their S/O make them dinner.
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With an affectionate tomboy s/o.
With a S/O that has a weak immune system.
S/O overblots.
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Dating a goofy model.
When Male!MC wears a dress.
With an affectionate tomboy s/o.
With a plus-sized Fem!S/O who doesn't like her weight.
Singing with Vil.
With a magical girl S/O.
MC has trouble saying his name.
Reacting to MC with her little sister.
Dating Neige's Sibling.
With a S/O reading a horror novel.
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Dating a goofy model.
Remy from Ratatouille helps their S/O make them dinner.
Teaching his crush archery.
Reacting to MC with her little sister.
Dating Neige's Sibling.
S/O overblots.
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Reacting to MC with her little sister.
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With an affectionate tomboy s/o.
Remy from Ratatouille helps their S/O make them dinner.
With a S/O that has a weak immune system.
S/O overblots.
You broke up with your boyfriend.
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With a plus-sized Fem!S/O who doesn't like her weight.
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When Male!MC wears a dress.
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backless dress
with a fae!reader
a fearful waltz
cozy autumn days with him!
crying in front of him.
rambling to him.
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With a GN!S/O who is hyperfixated on fairy tales
With a GN!S/O who acts with him.
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With a S/O that's just as catlike as he is.
With a touchstarved S/O.
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kissing him.
braiding his hair
first kiss with fellow
falling for honest
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Introduction!! 💜🌙
(Because I keep forgetting to post it lol)
First and foremost, the owner of this blog stands with PALESTINE. #FREEPALESTINE🇵🇸
Hi! I’m Fable, but you can call me fae if we’re close :] I’m fifteen and I’ve been a fander since 2017-2018, so about…6-7 years? I’m glad to be here :))
Artists I love:
-Lana Del Rey
-Ethel Cain
-Taylor Swift
-The Weeknd
-MCR (My Chemical Romance)
-I Prevail
-Fall Out Boy
-P!ATD (Panic! At The Disco) (read: I do not support Brendon Urie)
{You’ll probably see me reblogging Taylor and Ethel Cain related posts most often :D}
Fandoms/Fanbases I am in:
-Sanders Sides
-Daughters Of Cain
-MRIH (My Roommate Is Hades)
Things I’m fine with being tagged in:
-Sanders sides x Reader (angst or fluff either is fine :D)
-Prinxiety/Analogical fanfic and/or one shots, etc.
-Remy and/or Emile fanfic/art/oneshots/etc.!! I love finding these kinds of posts considering they aren’t core sides
-basically anything sanders sides related EXCEPT for ANYTHING NSFW and/or RemRom
-people that ship/interact with RemRom content (ew)
-basically if you’re just a bad person who supports horrible things/causes, DNI.
Please interact list:
-Inclusionary Feminists
-people who love music
-orange side theorists!!
I’ll usually post/reblog:
-sanders sides theories/opinions
-funny incorrect quotes
-art (sometimes sanders sides related sometimes not)
-quotes (again, sometimes sanders sides related, sometimes not.)
-totally fine with DMs as long as you’re fine with my response being few and far between, I’m not good with small talk or starting conversations and I need tone tags sooo
-totally fine with spam liking/reblogging! I love seeing that people like what I post :DD
-please please do not criticize my writing! I haven’t written in a very long time and I’m just now starting back up again, please bare with me!
Writing masterlist<3
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