#fall monthly planner
digitalgoodsf · 5 months
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🗓️ Seamlessly organize your month with our Fall Digital Printable Monthly Planner! From important dates to daily tasks, stay on top of your schedule with customizable layouts and vibrant designs.
Stay focused, stay organized, and unlock your full potential! 📝✨
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unbulletjournalbanal · 11 months
Le calendrier du mois de novembre, un indispensable pour bien s’organiser. ⌛️
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junkjounral · 1 year
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September monthly spread
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maliha-lili · 2 years
Etsy listing available in my shop
Check out this item in my Etsy shop https://www.etsy.com/listing/1317488803/fall-personal-weekly-planner-weekly-pdf
Get a fall themed weekly planner from my etsy shop.
I would really appreciate your support guys🥺
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raspberrysmoon · 3 days
idk what specific thing i want to ask but. Anything about grace in itcd? Please? Does the wording make this question sound weird?
oooo i can use this for fun facts !!! grace fun facts!!!
- shortest of the group. ruth is exactly an inch taller. there'll be a scene canonizing this fully pretty early on
- her memorial to the other three is a stainless steel necklace. she refuses to get a tattoo. steph custom ordered it, and several copies just in case.
- horrible horrible migraines, completely unrelated to her newfound connection to blinky. still blinky-related tho
- fainting issues post summoning. theyre mild compared to steph and pete.
- the only way she can regulate herself for several weeks post-summoning is overstimulating her senses. im talking candles, scented soap, sour candy, alternating ice and heat, four bajillion songs and videos and movies, etc. pete has to leave the building.
- very much falls into dressing up and over-buying clothes. steph gives her a credit card that her dad had set to refill monthly. she becomes a big outfit planner and wears items till theyre unsaveable. it takes maybe a month and a half per item
- also big into research. she becomes doctor-level at just about every body or medicine related topic she can. its how she knows filing petes horns could be dangerous.
ok im. thats all i got i think. idk :(
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seiya-starsniper · 1 month
I wish you would write a fic where...
…Hob is a little insecure about his body in comparison to Dream. Dream is wondering why his love only wants to have sex in the dark…
I need some hurt/comfort 🥹
Oh man friend, I started writing this thinking it wouldn't be super long and then 9.7k words later...😅
Still gonna post the whole thing on tumblr since this IS a tumblr prompt, but it's probably best read on AO3 for length reasons lmao. I hope you enjoy this angst train!
Cruel Summer - AO3
Also tagging @dreamlingbingo as I'm using this fill for my free space!
The first time it happens, Dream doesn't think too much about it. There's not a lot of thinking going on period, not really. Dream's only focused on the touch and taste and feel of Hob Gadling’s body against his as they drunkenly make out against the latter’s front door.
They’d been out tonight celebrating with their friends, all of them having finally achieved some hard earned life goal. Matthew and Jessamy were engaged, and planning a marriage out on Cape Cod the following summer, Lucienne had gotten promoted as an archivist at Harvard, Mervyn had finally launched his own cybersecurity firm, and Dream had just signed a publishing deal for the novel he’d been working on for the past two years. His editing team was even based out of Boston, even if their main headquarters was in New York, which made Dream’s life much easier. 
Hob…well. Hob’s celebration was more muted than the rest. He’d just landed a job at Harvard as well, working as a professor, so he and Lucienne were now technically coworkers. And while it was a fantastic opportunity with decent pay, and mostly free summers, it had come at the cost of his relationship with Eleanor, his longtime girlfriend. 
Eleanor had accepted a job across the country working as a marketing lead for a lifestyle clothing brand based out of Seattle. She’d wanted the position more than anything, but Hob hadn’t wanted to move, so they broke up. Hob insists it was all amicable, and that he’d miss everyone too much if he’d actually left, but they all knew Hob had been thinking about proposing.
Dream knows all this, and yet, when it had just been the two of the left at the bar and Hob had started openly flirting with him alone, instead of just playfully flirting with every single one of their friends, Dream had decided, “why not”, and matched the other man’s energy until they were suddenly making out just outside the bar while they waited for the Uber Hob called for them. It’s still the beginning of summer and not terribly hot outside, but Dream’s still grateful for the cool AC of the car that eventually comes to get them to drive the short distance back to Hob’s apartment.
When Hob finally unlocks the door and they practically fall into the front hall, Dream messily kicks off his shoes and works his way towards undoing Hob’s belt in between kisses. Hob wrangles them down the hall and towards his bedroom and Dream thinks vaguely about turning on the lights when they finally cross the threshold. But then Hob pushes him down into the mattress and Dream stops thinking about anything at all. 
The second time that it happens, a little over a month later, Dream is helping Hob clean up his apartment after their monthly movie night with their friends. They had all decided on rewatching Jurassic Park after Mervyn and Lucienne had gotten into a debate on whether or not dinosaurs looked stupid with or without feathers. But it had taken the group some time for them to even start the movie, since they had mostly gotten wrapped up with different bits of work and life gossip. It was rare that they were all able to get together like this, so the movie was a secondary concern for them.
During the movie, however, Matthew and Jessamy’s wedding planner called them about something that needed their attention immediately, and though they said it was fine to keep the movie running, they’d paused it anyways. Not even ten minutes after they wrapped up their call, Mervyn had to take a work call from a client suffering from some server issues. 
Needless to say, it was nearly midnight by the time they finished the movie, and since only Dream and Hob had nothing to do the next morning, Dream had offered to stay late to help clean up and then crash on Hob’s couch for the night.
That is, at least, the story they tell their friends. The dishes and the food end up abandoned as Hob pushes Dream into the couch cushions and palms his cock through his black jeans. Dream moans and ruts beneath the other man, wrapping his arms around his neck and pulling Hob in for a desperate, filthy kiss. They make out like teenagers for what seems like hours, the taste of buttery popcorn and overly sweet margarita mix mingled in every kiss. Dream isn’t nearly as drunk as he was that first night, but he’s got a pleasant buzz going, which really only adds to the whole illicit nature of what they’re doing. Neither of them had mentioned the first time they’d fucked to any of their friends, they’d barely talked about just between the two of them, really. 
Dream had figured maybe they could talk about it tonight after everyone had gone home but well. He’d gotten distracted with Hob’s mouth.
When they finally move from the couch to the bedroom, Dream turns the lights on, but then Hob turns them right back off as Dream’s getting undressed. 
“Are you one of those people who prefers to have sex in the dark?” Dream asks, laughing as Hob crawls on top of him, shedding his shirt and underwear along the way. 
“Mmmm,” Hob says, putting his mouth on Dream’s neck instead of answering the question. Dream gasps as the other man bites down on that one sensitive spot just below his ear. “Don’t wanna get up later to turn them off.”
Dream hums, and that’s the end of that conversation as his mind floats away to far more interesting pursuits.
The third time almost feels like a date. Almost. They don’t exactly plan to get together, just the two of them, it just sort of happens because Matthew had gotten sick, and Jessamy hadn’t wanted to leave him alone to fend for himself. She also wasn’t entirely sure if she was contagious herself and wanted to be safe. Mervyn was on call for a client this weekend so he wasn’t going out with them anyways, and Lucienne had decided she’d rather stay at home and catch up on some of her backlogged work rather than attend the Oktoberfest event they’d all bought tickets to. 
Hob had texted Dream individually and suggested they go out anyway, just the two of them, and Dream’s heart had stuttered in his chest when he’d read the message. Hob had suggested a new restaurant that had opened up near his apartment, and while it wasn’t necessarily a first date sort of place, it was still a bit nicer than any of the places they’d go with their friends for just drinks or a quick bite to eat. 
Dream agonizes for over an hour on what he should wear, before he ultimately defaults to what feels most natural to him, black jeans and a solid black polo instead of his usual band t-shirt, which he then pairs with a charcoal gray blazer, just to look a little nicer. But not too nice, just in case this isn’t a date. 
Hob, much to Dream’s disappointment, is in his regular outfit of a graphic tee and sweats when Dream arrives. He’s not terribly out of place in the restaurant, but he’s clearly not dressed to impress. He eyes Dream very appreciatively though, and doesn’t comment on why Dream’s a little more dressed up than usual. What he does do, however, is spend the evening whispering into Dream’s ear about how he’d like to peel that blazer off Dream and make him wear it while they fuck.
They only make it through a single round of drinks before they leave, with Hob leaving their server behind a more than generous tip for wrapping up their bill so quickly. 
Hob wastes no time divesting Dream of his blazer and tossing it down the hallway towards the bedroom before turning his attention back to kissing Dream senseless. He sinks to his knees and Dream moans as the other man then works at peeling his jeans off so he can blow Dream right in the front hall, up against the front door where anyone can walk by and hear. It makes everything that much hotter.
Later, when all Dream is left wearing is his blazer and nothing else, Hob gets up from where they’re kissing on the bed to turn off the lights and Dream frowns.
“You can just leave the lights on,” Dream says, before he coyly spreads his legs and shows off his best seductive pose to tempt Hob back to bed. Hob stares, transfixed at Dream’s posturing, before he huffs and then clicks off the lights anyways. Dream groans in annoyance and Hob laughs before he kisses Dream again.
“Sorry, just easier with the lights off,” Hob says, not sounding sorry at all. “Don’t worry about it too much.”
But Dream does worry. He doesn’t in the moment, but he does later, when they’re lying beside each other, Hob snoring away while Dream thinks and thinks and thinks. He thinks about how Hob always wants the lights off, and how he never cuddles with Dream after sex. He thinks about how they really only ever get together when it's convenient, but they've never made plans on their own, at least, not since Hob and Eleanor have broken up. 
Dream realizes, with a growing dread, that maybe Hob still isn't over Eleanor, that maybe all there is between them is sex, and nothing else. It makes an awful sort of sense; in the dark, Dream can't tell if Hob’s thinking about someone else, hoping for someone that's not Dream. Eleanor and Dream couldn't be anymore different but that hardly matters to a man with a broken heart. A warm body is a warm body after all, and Dream's the only other single person in their friend group.
If Hob's a little bit confused as to why Dream is a bit short with him in the morning he doesn't show it. Somehow that makes the pit in Dream's stomach worse.
The fourth time—there isn’t a fourth time because Dream fucks it all up.
Dream had met with his publisher earlier in the day, and the meeting had gone rather…poorly. His editor had straight up told him that he’d needed to make significant changes to the book, and Dream had argued until he was hoarse but to no avail. He’d then been told to go home and sleep on things, effectively being dismissed like a petulant child who’d thrown a tantrum in public.
Dream knew he had a good story. He also knew that some of the suggested changes were good ones, while others would fundamentally change the story he was trying to tell. But still, the sheer amount of changes had overwhelmed him, and Dream had lost his temper. He already knows, with a growing dread, that he’ll have to make some apologies the next day.
He’s about to go home, but Dream decides instead he’d like to get as drunk as humanly possible to wash the bitter taste of the day from his mind. He texts the group chat, and since it’s a Friday night, they all respond with enthusiasm to blow off some steam for the weekend. Everyone except for Hob, who says he’s not feeling like socializing tonight, but he’s sorry Dream had such a shitty day. 
Dream tries not to be disappointed that Hob won’t show up. He wonders if he’d just invited Hob by himself, instead of texting their group, would he have come out, just for Dream? But they don’t do things like that, even with how long they’ve been friends. Before they started sleeping together, Hob and Dream had always just sort of existed together in the same circle of friends. Dream had actually met Eleanor first, and Hob only when they started dating. Dream has never spent any amount of alone time with Hob before now, and he still doesn’t know what sort of relationship they even have, if any at all. 
Dream’s worries leave his mind when the others show up. Mervyn stays for only one round of drinks, and Matthew and Jessamy only two before they head out for the evening. They have an early appointment with the planner the next day to do some cake tastings. Lucienne stays the longest, though she really only nurses the same glass of wine the entire night. She talks Dream through his frustrations with his editors, and his overall story. She’s been with him every step of the way to getting this publishing deal, and Dream hasn’t told her yet, but she’s going to be the front page of his acknowledgements. 
He’s so tempted to unload on her about Hob as well, but before he can gather the courage to broach the subject, she gets a text from someone and blushes furiously when she reads it. Dream pokes and prods until she admits she’s started seeing someone. Johanna. She’s not sure if it’s serious yet but well. They’re definitely physically compatible, and while she won’t show Dream her phone, he already knows she’s been sent something particularly provocative. So Dream lets her go, and then debates between ordering another drink or going home. 
He does neither of those things, and instead pulls out his phone and texts Hob, outside their group chat. The alcohol has more than loosened Dream’s inhibitions and right now, he’s lonely and horny. Lucienne’s reserved but still elated expression as she had happily explained Johanna had made Dream miss Hob. So he texts the other man and tells him he’d like to come over.
Hob’s response isn’t what he’s hoping for: are you drunk?
Dream frowns at his phone and then his initial message: aree tou busy?? Can i comeocer?
Okay, maybe he was a little more drunk than he realized. He asks Hob if it matters, being careful this time to make sure he types everything out carefully, and then closes out his tab while he waits for a response. Nothing comes. Dream’s annoyed and disappointed, but not surprised, so he starts to make his way to the train platform to head home. 
While he’s waiting, he finally gets a response back from Hob: okay. come over.
Dream changes platforms immediately and heads in the direction of Hob’s apartment. 
When he arrives, Hob pushes a glass of water towards him, which Dream drinks down greedily. When he’s done, he joins Hob on the couch and crawls into his lap to kiss him, but Hob pushes him away after only a few moments. Dream lets out an annoyed noise when Hob does it again. 
“Dream, not tonight,” Hob says, pushing him away when Dream tries to kiss him again.
“What do you mean?” Dream asks, now confused. 
“I don’t want to have sex right now,” Hob replies, before he pushes Dream off of him and back onto the couch, going back to watching whatever crime drama he’d had on before Dream arrived.
Dream stares, open mouthed and hurt, as Hob decidedly ignores him for Netflix. He gets up angrily and stomps around the kitchen, tearing open the cabinets looking for something to eat, and also more water because now he has a pounding headache as his body struggles to sober up now that he’s no longer drinking. 
“Dream!” Hob exclaims, getting up when Dream slams more than one cabinet door closed. “Come on, don’t be like this.”
“Like what?” Dream sneers, stuffing a potato chip into his mouth angrily. “I came all this way just to fuck you, didn’t I?”
“You’re drunk,” Hob points out.
“I’m always drunk when we have sex,” Dream argues, crossing his arms, chip bag still in hand. “You’ve never had a problem with it before.” 
“Yeah well, I’m not drunk now, and I’m also not in the mood,” Hob replies angrily. 
“Then why the hell did you invite me over?” Dream growls. 
“I don’t know!” Hob exclaims, throwing his hands up in defeat. “I wasn’t thinking, obviously,” he adds, then gestures to Dream. “How was I supposed to know you’d be like this?”
Dream huffs, then carelessly tosses the bag of chips onto the counter. A few stray chips scatter across the counter, but Dream doesn’t care. Clearly Hob didn’t want him around, not for sex, and definitely not to comfort Dream after the awful day he’d had, so there was no point in staying. 
“Fine, I’ll go,” Dream says, moving towards the door where he’d kicked off his shoes. He decides he’ll check the train times on the walk over.
“Dream,” Hob says, grabbing his arm before he can make it to the hallway. “It’s late. Come on. Let’s go to sleep.”
“I can get home on my own just fine,” Dream argues, raising his chin defiantly.
“No,” Hob replies, his voice stern as he grips Dream’s arm tighter. “Come on, let’s just go to bed. You need to sleep this off.”
“I can sleep on the couch,” Dream says, yanking his arm out of Hob’s grip. “Since you’re not interested in fucking my bad day out of me.”
“Dream, stop being so fucking difficult!” Hob yells, shocking both of them.
The echo of Hob’s roar hangs tensely between them, and Hob steps back from Dream with a hand over his mouth, clearly horrified at what he’s done. Dream also feels the prick of tears in his eyes as he processes just how angry Hob actually has been with him all night. 
How the hell had this night gotten worse? Dream doesn’t know, but what he does know is that he needs to leave before he starts drunkenly crying in Hob’s apartment, and Hob is the last person Dream wants to see him like this. 
Dream tries making his way towards the door again, but Hob seems to regain his senses and physically blocks him. Dream tries to push him, then tries to hit Hob’s shoulder to make him move, but Hob grabs Dream’s wrist to stop him. 
“I’m sorry,” Hob says, his voice much softer this time, laced with regret and pity. Dream hates it. “I lost my temper, I shouldn’t have done that,” he adds.
“Fuck off!” Dream yells, and oh. No. No, no, no, no. Dream furiously blinks back the tears before they can start falling, even if he can’t stop the pained hiccups that betray his emotional state from leaving his mouth.
“Just—” Dream gasps, then forces himself to breathe, slow and deep, and then counts to five. “Let me go home. You don’t—” his breath hitches again, cutting off what he wants to say. Fuck. He couldn’t even string together a full sentence if he tried.
“Dream, please,” Hob replies, his voice practically begging now. “Don’t leave. I don’t want you going home alone like this.” Dream turns to meet Hob eyes, and his anger dissipates slightly when he sees how devastated Hob looks. 
Despite how awful Dream feels, even he knows it’d be a mistake to go home in his current state. He’s highly emotional, drunk, and likely wouldn’t be paying attention to his surroundings. He could get mugged, or worse. 
“Fine,” Dream finally relents. Hob lets out a sigh of relief, and hugs him. Dream doesn’t hug him back. He’s still angry after all. 
But Dream lets Hob wrangle him down the hall to the bedroom, and then he strips down to his underwear to sleep, since he doesn’t have any of his own clothes here. And why would he? It’s not like they’re anything other than an occasional hookup after all. 
Hob does offer Dream a shirt and pajama pants to wear, but Dream tosses them away from him without so much as a second glance. Hob sighs at Dream, and then shuts off the lights, turning away from Dream without another word to sleep. He’s clearly still frustrated with Dream too.  
Dream lies there next to Hob, feeling cold and rejected and lonely. He hates everything about this. Hates that Hob let him come over and make a fool out of himself when he could have easily just told Dream to fuck off and go home instead. Hates that Hob even came onto him in the first place, all those months ago, and now they’re here, in this weird in-between state where they're together but not together. 
Dream realizes too late that he really hadn’t cared if they had sex or not either. He’d wanted comfort more than anything, comfort from Hob specifically. But the only comfort he knew that came from Hob was sex. And that’s the worst part of it. Dream knows now, without a doubt, that he has feelings for Hob. That he wants more out of this than what they’re doing now, but he’s not sure Hob does. At this point, he’s too afraid to ask. 
Hob’s bedroom suddenly feels like a suffocating prison as all of Dream’s feelings hit him at once. He’s going to cry again if he stays, and he really doesn’t want Hob to see him like this. He doesn’t want Hob to know just how badly he’s gotten under Dream’s skin. 
Dream realizes he needs to leave. He’s stone cold sober now, having laid here in the dark with nothing but his thoughts and his third glass of water now emptied on the bedside table. He listens carefully for the evening out of Hob’s breath, then shuffles around in bed to see if any of his movements disturb the other man. When he’s certain that Hob is deep in sleep, Dream hurriedly dresses himself, checks to see that there’s still trains running this late at night, and then rushes out when he sees the next one is in just 15 minutes. Hob lives about 12 minutes from the nearest station. Dream can make it if he runs. 
The front door slams loudly behind him as he leaves, but Dream doesn’t care. Hob probably won’t even notice that he’s gone. 
Dream makes it to the station just as the train is pulling into the stop. As he’s getting on, he hears yelling and frantic running, the sounds of someone about to miss the train.  Dream considers holding the doors until he sees just who's rushing towards the train.
It's Hob. Hob who is barely dressed, and running down the steps to the train platform in nothing but sweatpants and slippers. He catches Dream's eyes and waves frantically to get his attention. Dream’s heart flutters momentarily, and he imagines that maybe he was wrong about everything after all. That maybe there’s more to what’s been happening between them than just rebound sex.
Dream gets on the train anyways, and the doors shut just as Hob reaches the platform, and the train pulls away. 
They pretend like nothing is wrong after that night. Hob had texted Dream the next morning to ask if he’d gotten home okay, and Dream had left him on read. He had far more important things to worry about that morning, like his pounding headache and the fact that he needed to talk to his editor at some point.
When he finally fights off the last of his hangover, Dream has a much more pleasant conversation with his editing team, who he apologizes to for losing his temper. His team apologizes to him as well, which he doesn’t expect, but they reassure him it’s their job to encourage him, not discourage him from writing. They have a candid conversation about communication, and then agree on a plan to move forward with his book.
Dream happily shares the good news with his group chat, still ignoring the direct message from Hob. He credits Lucienne for talking him off the ledge the night before, and the flood of positive and congratulatory messages flows easily after that. Even from Hob. 
Dream sighs when he reads the other man’s message in their group chat, then flips back to their private conversation. He really should apologize for his behavior as well, but he has no idea how to explain himself without revealing more than he’s comfortable with. So Dream turns off his phone, and goes back to working on his novel, hoping that maybe he’ll come up with something to say later in the evening.
He never does end up replying. Hob doesn’t privately message him either after that.
It’s trivia night at the White Horse, and Dream would normally be excited to go and show off his arcane knowledge, but tonight he’s dreading the occasion. It’s been a month since he and Hob had last seen each other and he really has no idea how he’s supposed to act around the other man. Do they pretend like nothing ever happened between them? They haven’t spoken since, so things were clearly over between them. 
Dream’s still trying to tell himself it’s better this way. They were hurtling towards disaster, and Dream should’ve really known better, should’ve known that he really can’t do casual after all, and now he’s probably permanently fucked up his friendship with Hob because he couldn’t keep his own feelings in check. He still hasn’t apologized, he doesn’t know if Hob even wants an apology from him at this point, or if he just wants to forget about everything that ever happened between them. 
So when Dream’s sister texts him and tells him she’s in town for a few days, Dream jumps at the opportunity to meet her and cancel on trivia night plans. He receives a variety of boos and ‘we’ll lose without you!’ responses, all of which make him smile despite himself. Even Hob laments the loss of Dream’s knowledge for the evening. 
When Dream arrives at The New Inn later that night, it’s not only his sister that greets him. Eleanor is with her. Dream hasn’t seen her since she and Hob broke up. When she’d moved across the country, she left the group chat and hasn’t really talked to anyone since. Dream had missed her, if he were being honest with himself. Even though Hob had said the breakup was amicable, and that Eleanor had only left the chat because she couldn’t be part of their plans any longer, Dream was still sad to see her go. He realizes he could’ve tried harder to keep in touch with her, but then everything with Hob had happened and well.
Dream wants to hug Eleanor and also scream at her. Wants to unload what a horrible last month he’s had, and also wants her to never find out he’d been sleeping with her ex. It’s not her fault that Dream fell into bed with Hob knowing he wasn’t over his relationship with her yet. It’s entirely her fault for being so perfect, however, that there’s no way Dream could ever compare, and that’s why Hob won’t look at him when they have sex. 
When they had sex. Dream and Hob have barely spoken since that night, and only in their group chat. He’s pretty sure Hob doesn’t want to even be in the same room as Dream right now, for how ugly Dream had acted over what was supposed to be just a casual hookup.
“Not that I’m unhappy to see you, Ellie,” Dream says, giving both her and his sister a hug before taking a seat across from them. “But what are you doing back in town?”
“Dream—” Didi starts, but then Eleanor places a hand on her shoulder and stops her.
“We’re dating,” Eleanor says bluntly, moving her hand from Didi’s shoulder down to her hand. Their fingers interlace and Dream’s eyes boggle as he looks between them, shocked.
“When did this happen?” he asks, settling himself in for what must be an extremely interesting story.
Eleanor and Didi take turns recalling the story of how they met through a local meetup for knitters in Seattle, and how Didi had recognized Eleanor from one time she’d come out drinking with Dream and his friends years ago. Happy to have a familiar face, Didi and Eleanor had become fast friends, and they both realized they had a lot in common too.
Before either of them knew it, Eleanor was inviting Didi out everywhere as they explored their new city together, and Didi became accustomed to calling Eleanor after every shift at the hospital. One thing led to another, and then another, and now they’re practically attached at the hip. Didi even shyly admits they’ve talked about moving in together. 
The two of them beam at him when they’re done with their story and Dream wants to congratulate them. Wants to be happy that his favorite sister is dating one of his oldest friends. He wants to make plans to visit them in their new home, maybe even help them move if he can work out the logistics. He hasn’t been out to Seattle in some time, and he really could use a vacation.
“I started sleeping with Hob after you left,” is what Dream says instead. 
Eleanor spits her (thankfully white) wine all over Didi, who freezes in place, staring at Dream in shock. Dream stares back, horrified both at what he just said, and what followed after. He braces himself, expecting Eleanor to explode on him, to call him a slut, a bad friend, a terrible human being.
Instead, Eleanor starts laughing. Didi does too eventually.  
“Oh my god, of course he did,” Eleanor wheezes as she doubles over in her seat. Their server rushes over, bringing some extra napkins and Didi excuses herself to the restroom to wipe off the rest of the wine. Dream and Eleanor are left staring at one another in silence, before Eleanor breaks the tension with another giggle.
“I’m sorry,” she apologizes. “I’m not laughing at you, really, just the whole situation. Imagine if you brought Hob with you tonight?” she practically squeals.
“I—you’re not mad?” Dream asks, more shocked than anything. Eleanor just shrugs and drinks from her water glass this time, instead of her wine.
“I mean, did Hob at least wait a day before he tried to make a move on you?” Eleanor asks. “Not that it matters really, we were broken up before I left but well, you know. Respectful turnaround time and all that.”
“I—” Dream stutters, trying desperately to recall when that first time with Hob actually happened. “I mean, I think it was a few weeks after you left?”
Eleanor snorts. “Good enough, I guess.” 
“Sorry,” Dream says, shaking his head as Didi returns and sits back down next to Eleanor. “I’m still trying to wrap my head around this. Did you know he wanted to—?”
“Oh no, no,” Eleanor says then starts laughing again. “Our breakup wasn’t planned or anything, don’t worry. It’s just that, well. He told me he wanted to stay with you guys more than me, so I’m not that surprised?”
“What?” Dream says, dumbly. “But you both said the breakup was mutual.” Eleanor sighs.
“I mean,” she replies. “It was technically mutual. But Hob wanted to stay in Boston, and I didn’t. And one of our last arguments before I left was about abandoning our friends.” She shrugs again. “I love you all, don’t get me wrong, but I really love living out in Seattle more. Especially the company.” She smiles at Didi, who kisses her on the cheek. “It kind of sucked that Hob really didn’t want to move, but it wouldn’t have been fair to ask him to do it all just for me and my career goals.”
“Oh,” Dream says dumbly. “Yeah, I guess that makes sense.” Dream wouldn’t have wanted to leave Boston for any reason either, so it makes sense, he thinks. Boston is just that. It’s home.
“It’ll make double dating a little weird, though,” Eleanor adds, and Didi laughs. 
“I think we’ll be fine though,” Didi adds, then turns her focus to Dream. “So tell us about you and Hob,” she says.  
“I—we’re not,” Dream stammers, unsure of how to proceed further with the conversation. Eleanor and Didi’s expressions both fall.
“Oh, Dream,” Didi says, reaching out to take his hand. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to put you on the spot.”
“It’s fine,” Dream says though he feels anything but. “I don’t—it didn’t last long between us,” he admits. 
“Wow, he fumbled the bag on you?” Eleanor interjects, shock clearly painted on her face. “My god, he really is an idiot.”
“No I—we had a fight,” Dream says, unsure of why he feels the need to clarify. “It was my fault really. I shouldn’t have—he wasn’t ready to commit.” 
Eleanor makes a confused face. 
“That—doesn’t sound like Hob,” Eleanor says after a moment, and Dream huffs in annoyance.
“You only knew him while you were dating, how would you know that?” Dream retorts.
“Because he told me he’s never done casual,” Eleanor replies. “When we first started seeing each other, he basically said just that. That’s what I liked about him, he wanted to do the whole commitment thing right away, even if it didn’t end up working out.”
“Well maybe he’s changed,” Dream says, far more grumpily than he intended. “He’s never said shit to me about anything, and still hasn’t, so it doesn’t matter.”
“Dream,” Didi says gently, squeezing his hand. “Are you okay?”
“It’s fine,” Dream insists, not wanting to go into the details of how he’d terribly fucked up his situation with Hob. 
“You don’t sound fine at all,” Didi replies.
“Maybe we shouldn’t have this conversation at dinner though?” Eleanor interjects, looking concernedly at him. Dream huffs and then pouts. Eleanor was always hyper attuned to when people were upset, especially Dream.
But Dream does want to talk about it, even if it is a bit awkward, all things considered. Eleanor seems to at least be willing to hear Dream out, if nothing else. 
They wrap up their bill quickly, taking some of their dinner to go, and find their way over to Dream’s apartment, where he spends the rest of the night wrapped up in a blanket while he recounts the past six months to his sister and Eleanor. There’s also, perhaps, a lot of wine involved. Solely because Eleanor had decided it was also girls night and they needed a lot of wine for a proper one.
“I’m going to murder him myself,” Eleanor says, holding up her bottle of wine when Dream finishes telling her everything that had happened up until now. 
“El, no,” Dream whines. He’s really more embarrassed about the whole situation now than anything. Talking things over with the two of them had really helped, and Dream wonders if he should’ve talked to Lucienne, or even Jessamy and Matthew to start. Maybe he wouldn’t have let things go so far the way they did between him and Hob.
“Nah, he deserves it,” Eleanor replies, taking another swig from her bottle. 
“It’s really my fault,” Dream tries to insist, knowing it’s useless to defend Hob to his own ex. “I knew he wasn’t over you and I—”
“No, Dream, listen to me,” Eleanor says, taking Dream’s face in her hands. “He never—” she turns away from him suddenly and then burps. Dream laughs, despite himself. 
“He never what?” Dream asks when Eleanor turns back to face him. She sighs.
“He never told you why he turns off the lights, and that’s on him,” Eleanor tells him. 
“I—what?” Dream says dumbly. Hob turned off the lights with Eleanor too?
“Yeah, he—” Eleanor hiccups and then starts giggling. She releases Dream’s face and then falls back onto Didi, who’s sitting behind her on the couch. “He’s sensitive, you know? About—” she gestures at her front, “All the hair he has. Hates it when people see it. I think we had sex with the lights on like, twice, at most.” She pauses and then regards Dream, her expression sombering. “I thought you knew.”
“Why would I know that?” Dream asks, dumfounded. Hob had never given any indicator that he was sensitive about any part of his body, and no one in their friend group had ever commented on it.
“Because,” Eleanor replies, gesturing wildly. “Think about it. Whenever we went to the beach or anything together, did you ever see him take his shirt off? Or at the pool at Matthew and Jessamy’s place?”
“I—” Dream filters through his memory, which is an especially difficult task considering how drunk they are. He realizes that Eleanor’s right. 
“Shit.” Dream groans. “I think I fucked up.”
“No, no, he did,” Eleanor insists. “I always told him I didn’t mind all the hair,” she adds then sighs. “I mean it’s a lot, but it never bothered me, you know?”
“It’s never bothered me either,” Dream admits. He’d rather liked the differences in their bodies actually. Hob was broad where Dream was lanky, naturally tan and sunkissed where Dream was pale. Dream had never had an opinion on chest hair before, what little hair he’d had it was so fine and thin that his chest looked bare anyways. But Eleanor was right. Dream had never really seen Hob casually uncovered. And while he was always eager to undress Dream when the lights were still on, Hob almost never fully undressed himself until after he’d shut them off. 
It seems so obvious now, in retrospect. But Dream had been caught up in his own insecurities to really notice that Hob had any of his own to address.
“I honestly thought he didn’t want to look at me when he turned off the lights,” Dream confesses. “That maybe he was hoping he could pretend I was someone else in the dark.”
“Okay, I’m with my girlfriend,” Didi says suddenly, a murderous look in her eyes. “I’m a doctor, I can make it look like an accident,” she adds, holding up her weird hand mixed cocktail that has hot sauce in it. 
“Didi!” Dream exclaims. “No murder,” he orders, then laughs at the absurdity of the entire situation. They all start laughing, and Dream feels something unwind in his chest when they do. He thinks about texting Hob, but ultimately decides against it. What he wants to tell him, he wants to do it sober, and in person. 
Dream wakes up the next morning extremely hungover, and orders breakfast for delivery. Didi and Eleanor try to insist on paying him back, but he waves away their money, and tells them they can buy him dinner when he flies out to see them move. They both hug him fiercely on their way out and make him promise to see them at least one more time before they fly back to Seattle.
A week after his conversation with his sister and Eleanor, Dream is outside Hob’s apartment door, pacing nervously as he rehearses everything he wants to say to Hob. His apology. His request to start things over, if Hob still wants to try. How he’s really been feeling about their whole not-relationship status.
Really, he’s just stalling knocking on Hob’s door. What if Hob doesn’t answer when he sees it’s Dream? What if he tells Dream to go away without even hearing him out? What if—
Dream groans and then mentally slaps himself. He needs to stop worrying himself unnecessarily. Either Hob will want to hear him out or he won’t. But Dream needs to at least try.
He’s about to raise his hand to finally knock on the door, when suddenly he hears Hob’s voice, distinctly from not inside the apartment. 
“Dream?” Hob asks. Dream turns in the direction of his voice and finds Hob standing at the end of the hall, groceries in hand. Dream realizes he’s been an idiot standing in front of a completely empty apartment. 
“Hi,” Dream says, every rehearsed speech and romantic gesture he’d just been rehearsing evaporating from his mind like wisps of smoke.
“Hi,” Hob replies, his voice flat. He looks tired, but not angry at least, to see Dream. “Did you need something?” he asks as he walks slowly towards his front door, eyeing Dream a little suspiciously. Dream can’t really blame him. Their last interaction had ended rather poorly.
“I—can we talk?” Dream asks, stepping aside so Hob can put his key in the lock. Hob sighs and his shoulders droop, like he’s been dreading this exact situation. 
“Sure,” Hob replies, putting on a fake cheerful demeanor as he opens the door to let himself and Dream in. 
“Do you need help with anything?” Dream asks, trailing Hob towards the kitchen. 
“If you want,” Hob replies, setting the groceries down onto the counter. But before Dream can start unpacking anything, he sighs again and groans. 
“Actually, Dream,” Hob says, turning around and facing him head on. “Let’s just talk now.” 
“Uhm—okay,” Dream replies, now feeling incredibly nervous. Hob looks at him expectantly, crossing his arms as he waits for Dream to gather his thoughts. 
Finally, Dream says, “I wanted to say I’m sorry. About everything that happened last time I was here.”
His apology seems to surprise Hob, who suddenly straightens up from his leaning position against the counter.
“Oh,” Hob replies, sounding dumbstruck. “I—I’m sorry too,” he offers, uncrossing his arms and running a hand through his hair. Dream realizes it’s longer than the last time he’d seen it. “I shouldn’t have lost my temper at you that night.”
“To be fair, I was being an ass,” Dream admits, even though it pains him to do so.  
“Yeah but you had a reason to be,” Hob says. “I was just feeling sorry for myself for no reason and I took it out on you.”
“I still took my shitty day out on you,” Dream replies, shrugging. “So I guess we were both not at our best that night.”
“I guess not,” Hob accepts, with a small smile. “We’re okay then?”
Dream nods. “Yes,” he says, offering a small smile himself, then stepping towards Hob. “Why were you feeling sorry for yourself?” Hob’s expression shutters closed again, and he shakes his head. 
“It’s not important,” he says, turning away and refusing to meet Dream’s eyes.  
“Hob,” Dream says, taking another step closer and reaching out to take the other man’s hand in his. “It’s important to me,” he adds.  
Hob sighs, and then turns his eyes to the ceiling. When he meets Dream’s gaze again, he looks pained. 
“I’m not good at being casual Dream,” Hob tells him bluntly, and Dream feels a sense of deja vu run through him like a live wire. “If we’re going to keep doing…this, I want there to be a commitment. It’s not just sex to me.”
It’s almost identical to what Eleanor had said about Hob to Dream a week prior. Dream suddenly feels wretched for not noticing sooner, but also indignant, because why had Hob assumed that wasn’t what Dream wanted as well? 
“Hob,” Dream says, as calmly as he can manage, before he squeezes Hob’s hand tightly. “What made you think I didn’t want the same things?”
Hob’s face falls. He looks intently at Dream’s face, and whatever he finds there only seems to upset him further. 
“I—I don’t know,” Hob admits, before he groans and places his free hand over his face. Dream finds it a bit comforting that he hasn’t tried to remove Dream’s hand over his other one.
“I’ve read this whole thing wrong, haven’t I?” Hob says through his hand, before slapping his forehead. “I’m a fucking idiot.”
“You’re not,” Dream says, before he takes Hob’s free hand as well. “And to be fair,” he adds, “it’s occurred to me recently that I may have, as well. We’ve never talked about—about this,” he gestures between them. “Us. We just sort of skip to the sex.”
“Well, we have been drunk every time,” Hob replies. “You said so yourself.”
“Not—every time,” Dream says. “After Matthew got food poisoning, when I thought that you had invited me out on a date, we only had one drink each that we didn’t finish.”
“Wait,” Hob stutters, his whole body going rigid. “You thought I had invited you out for a date? That’s why—,” his eyes widen suddenly. “That’s why you wore the blazer.”
Dream blushes furiously and now it is his turn to look away from Hob’s scrutinizing gaze. “You don’t have to rub it in.”
“No I’m not I—,” Hob groans again, and then, unexpectedly, pulls his hands free before dropping his head down on Dream’s shoulder. Dream startles when he feels Hob’s arms suddenly wrap around his waist shortly after.
“I had no idea. None at all,” Hob confesses, then groans again. “God I would’ve taken you somewhere nicer if I knew you wanted it to be a date.”
Dream shrugs, then reaches up to pat Hob on the back. “It’s fine. Really.”
“Not really, but we can agree to disagree,” Hob replies, before he tilts his head slightly up to look at Dream “Can I get a do-over on that then?” he asks. “Take you out on a proper date?”
Dream wants that, he realizes. Desperately. So he nods. 
“I do want that,” Dream says honestly. “But—”
“Oh God, there’s a ‘but’,” Hob groans before he straightens and untangles himself from Dream. Dream already misses the warmth of Hob’s body. 
“It’s not a bad ‘but’,” Dream replies. “But there’s something that’s been bothering me since we—since all this started,” he finishes. “I want to make sure we’re really on the same page.”
Hob nods. “Okay, sure. What is it?” he asks.
Dream takes a deep breath to brace himself, and then looks Hob directly in the eye. Now or never, he supposes. 
“Why do you turn off the lights?” Dream asks. 
Hob blinks, slow, then suddenly blushes a furious red before he buries his face in his hands.
“Aw, come on Dream,” Hob sighs. “It’s really embarrassing.”
Dream softens a bit, but remains resolute. Eleanor had told him what she thought had been the problem all along, but he still needs to hear it from Hob himself.  
“I need to know, Hob,” Dream insists.
“Why?” Hob asks, then sighs again. “I mean, I don’t know, it’s pretty obvious isn’t it? I’m not really much to look at, you know,” he says, gesturing to himself.
“Not much to look at?” Dream asks, unable to keep the disbelief out of his voice.
“I know, it’s stupid,” Hob sighs, running a hand over his face. “But I mean, Dream, look at you. You’re gorgeous and I’m…I don’t know, not that?”
“I’m still not following,” Dream says, still confused but also growing more and more uneasy about what Hob is implying. “Did you…did you really not think I was attracted to you? At all?”
“No, I—I just—,” Hob stutters. “I don’t know what I thought, honestly,” he says, looking guilty. “I just—I’m not as confident as you about how I look naked,” he adds, gesturing to his front, and Dream’s heart sinks at the confirmation of yet another thing Eleanor had told him. “I thought…maybe you’d change your mind about being with me. If you saw, well— everything.”
“Everything,” Dream replies flatly. 
“I mean, you know I’m really…hairy,” Hob says, before he winces. “And well, I’m not really in shape or anything like that either…” he trails off, looking even more guilty with every new word that comes out of his mouth. Like he’s only just realizing now that he pushed his anxieties about his body onto Dream, who clearly hasn't noticed any of the things Hob's insecure about.
“So…what?” Dream says, suddenly feeling indignance and hurt creep into his voice. “You just assumed I wouldn’t find you attractive unless I was drunk and we had sex in the dark?”
“Wait, what?” Hob exclaims. 
“Am I really that shallow sounding to you?” Dream continues, already feeling his emotions start to get the better of him.
“No, oh god, no,” Hob replies immediately. “Dream, I don’t know what’s brought this on, but swear it had nothing to do with you. I was just stupid and insecure about myself, and I wasn’t thinking properly. I’m sorry, I really had no idea it bothered you so much.”
A somewhat tense and awkward silence falls between them. Dream mulls over what Hob has told him, feeling wretched about how deeply they’ve both misunderstood one another. But he had come here to clear those misunderstandings after all. Hob had admitted his insecurities. Now Dream had to as well. 
“I actually thought—” Dream says, then takes a shuddering breath to calm himself. “I thought you turned the lights off because you didn’t want to look at me,” he finally admits.  “Because I wasn’t who you really wanted to be with.”
Hob’s eyes widen, first in shock, then horror. “Wait you thought that I—”
“Was using me as a stand-in for Eleanor?” Dream finishes. He wraps his arms around himself and then looks away, refusing to meet Hob’s eyes. He feels like a coward for doing so but Dream knows he’ll lose his resolve to admit everything he’d been bottling up if he does. “The first time we slept together, I assumed you were only looking for a rebound. And when we never talked about it after, or told our friends I—”
“Fuck, Dream,” Hob interrupts, grabbing him suddenly and hugging Dream to his chest. “I had no idea, I—fuck, I’m so sorry I made you feel like that.”
Dream sniffles, wrapping his own arms around Hob, shrugging helplessly. 
“I should have said something sooner,” Dream says. “But I let it—fester instead. I had no idea that you thought you weren’t attractive to me either. But Hob,” he adds, turning his head to meet Hob’s eyes again, hoping he looks as serious as he feels. “I don’t just sleep with people I’m not attracted to. Regardless of how much alcohol is involved.”
Hob nods. “Yeah. I—I’m still sorry about everything though.”
“Me too,” Dream replies, then adds, a bit more quietly. “I like the hair, actually.” Hob chokes out a noise that seems half between a laugh and a sob. 
“You don’t have to say—” he starts but Dream shushes him.
“I mean it, Hob,” Dream says, before he works a hand between them to pet the small patch of hair peeking out from beneath Hob’s shirt. “I think it suits you. And I would like to be able to fully appreciate it.”
When he looks up at Hob, the other man’s eyes are a bit watery. But then Hob blinks rapidly, and sniffles, before he hugs Dream even more tightly to himself.
“Stay the night?” Hob asks. “Not for—not for sex. Just stay with me?”
Dream nods against Hob’s shoulder. “Okay.”
Hob makes a decision to order takeout instead of making dinner like he originally planned, citing that he’d rather spend time talking with Dream anyways. They still put away the groceries, which helps release a lot of the emotional tension that had built up between them, and Dream enjoys the warm, domestic feel of the activity. 
Once their food arrives, they settle on Hob’s couch and talk late into the night about everything and nothing. Hob catches Dream up on what missed during trivia when he was out with Didi, and Dream shyly admits that Didi had not been the only person he’d talked to that evening. Hob stares at him, equal parts awestruck and mortified, as Dream recalls his conversations with Eleanor and Didi, and how he found out they were dating. 
“So what you’re saying is, I’m lucky to have my bits still attached?” Hob jokes. 
“Hob,” Dream chastises him, bumping their shoulders together. “That’s not nice.”
“You didn’t date Eleanor,” Hob retorts. “She’s terrifying, do you know how many serial killer documentaries she used to watch?”
Dream did, in fact, know this. He had been subject to many episodes of Cold Case Files growing up with Didi, and his knowledge had been how he and Eleanor had first become friends. Dream suspects Eleanor’s deep passion for them is actually one of the reasons why she and Didi get along so well.
“Hob,” Dream says, a new worry now crossing his mind. “Are you—okay—with all of this?” he waves vaguely. “With Didi dating your ex while we—?” He trails off. They still haven’t really decided on what their official relationship status would be going forward, and Dream doesn’t want to presume.
Hob nudges Dream with his shoulder, and then kisses the top of his head. 
“Yeah, I am,” Hob answers sincerely. “I mean—it’s never not going to suck that we broke up,” he adds. “But we had our time, and if she’s happy then I’m happy too.”
Dream nods. “That’s good to hear,” he says. 
“Are you okay with it?” Hob asks. Dream hums. 
“I am,” he answers, then huffs a laugh. “I did offer to help them move into their new place, though.”
Hob groans. “Does this mean I have to help too as part of my good boyfriend duties?” he asks.
Dream’s potsticker falls out of his mouth mid chew, hits his knee, and then falls to the floor.
“Shit!” Dream exclaims, putting his food on the coffee table before bending down to pick up the stray dumpling. 
“I—did I say something wrong?” Hob asks, worry now clear in his voice. Dream shakes his head and then flops against Hob’s shoulder.
“You said nothing wrong,” Dream says into Hob’s shoulder, his face now flushed with embarrassment. “I was just surprised, is all. You—you said it so easily.”
“Boyfriend, you mean?” Hob asks, now in a teasing tone. “Do you like it?”
Dream nods, feeling ridiculous about being done in by a single word. But Hob doesn’t seem to mind.
“I like it too,” is all he says, before he places a hand underneath Dream’s chin and kisses him.
As they’re getting ready for bed, Dream feels a thrum of excitement, even though they’ve still agreed that sex is off the table for the night. They’re both far too tired and emotionally drained from the evening to put in the effort anyways.
But then Hob is holding out his arm for Dream to snuggle into, and Dream feels like a teenanger as he curls up against Hob’s chest and rests his head on it. 
“Fair warning that you’re going to wake up sweaty if you stay here all night,” Hob tells him. Dream knows he doesn’t mean to sound so self-deprecating, but now that he knows just how deep Hob’s insecurities run, it breaks his heart a little. 
“That’s fine,” Dream says, pressing himself even closer. He can feel Hob’s chest hair poking through the thin material of his undershirt. Dream rubs his face into it, enjoying the rough, scratchy texture against his check. Hob laughs at Dream’s actions, and Dream hums in contentment. He really did like the feel of Hob’s chest hair. It was surprisingly soft in certain places, and warm. Maybe Dream would wake up because he’s too warm in the middle of the night. Maybe he won’t. He’s just glad that now he gets the opportunity to find out. 
“You don’t have to pretend to be enthusiastic about it,” Hob says as Dream nuzzles him again.
“I’m not,” Dream replies, rolling his eyes. “It feels…nice.”
“Sure,” Hob replies. “Say that again in the morning.”
Dream does in fact, say something similar to that effect in the morning. He says it while he sits atop Hob’s lap, Dream gripping the thick pelt of hair for purchase as he ruts himself desperately against Hob. 
They’ve never had sex in the morning. In the bright light of day. Somehow it’s even more intimate than what Dream imagines having sex with the lights on must feel like and he loves it. Hob is looking at Dream like he’s something divine, like he can’t quite believe that what they’re doing is really happening. Dream thinks he’ll never let Hob turn off the lights again when they do this. He never again wants to miss a single second of seeing the way Hob looks at him, at how stunning Hob’s entire body looks and feels when pressed against Dream’s. His new goal, for however long it takes, is that Hob never questions Dream’s attraction to him ever again.
When they’ve both reached their peaks, Dream collapses on top of Hob, uncaring of the sticky mess between them. Hob’s chest is warm and broad, and Dream finds himself slowly drifting back to sleep. Hob groans after a while, however, wriggling beneath the weight of Dream's body, and disturbing his otherwise peaceful post-coital rest.
“Okay, this is sweet and all, but now I’m the one that's too hot,” Hob whines, pushing gently at Dream’s shoulder. Dream laughs, a brazen, awful honking noise that he’s always been insecure about. But Hob had told him the night before that he loves Dream’s laugh, and Dream can see now that the other man wasn’t lying. He’s looking at Dream softly, so full of affection that Dream nearly forgets he needs to move and just stares at Hob for a while.
“What?” Hob asks, his eyes crinkled with happiness.
“Nothing,” Dream replies, smiling back before he moves off of his boyfriend’s chest.
Hob gets up from the bed once Dream rolls off of him and heads towards the bathroom. He comes back with two warm washcloths to wipe themselves off with. When they’re both done, he tosses both cloths in the direction of the hamper, missing his target by mere inches. 
“Close enough,” Hob says. 
“That’ll leave a wet spot on your carpet,” Dream tells him, already seeing his prediction start to come true. 
“I’ll get to it later,” Hob replies before he kisses Dream, languid and slow and perfect. “I have more important things to do today.”
109 notes · View notes
starsandhughes · 1 year
Guide to Penalty Box: Sissy Lore, Character Relationships, Bits, History
i reread all of penalty box so you don’t have to! this post is mainly for my benefit, but also for anyone new to the series <3
General Masterlist — 22-23 Season — 23-24 Season
Basic Things About Her:
She is NOT legally a Hughes! She grew up with them and they took her in when they moved to Michigan for Jack when he went to USNTDP. They call her their sister, she calls them her brothers, and calls Jim and Ellen mom and dad
Her birth parents were neglectful and mentally abusive. She often stayed at the Hughes house even in elementary school. They put a bed in their game room for her before the move where she got her own room
She is an event planner and has her own business!
Very, very obsessed with The Hunger Games series
She will quote it, reference it, and force everyone to watch it any chance she gets
She's a runner when she's drunk!
The whole group has air tags they use for parties because of this, and even then someone is normally physically attached to her
A story of her running away is in Cruel Weather (Part Two)
She '146' tattooed on her wrist. The 1 is for Trevor, the 4 is for Quinn and Luke, and the 6 is for Jack (and later, Jamie)
She'll joke around with Jack if he gets her on her nerves that the 6 is only for Jamie now
She has the date she moved in with the Hughes's on her collar bone in Roman numerals
She's a sleepy girl! Can't get ahold of her? She's most likely sleeping
She has many sons. Most of the UMich team 101 is a fatherless child, but some have fathers!
Fatherless children: Dylan, Mark, Adam, Luca, Seamus, and Rutger (Fathered children are listed under their father)
She's a bitter! Everyone is used to it, but any time it happens for the first time with someone new, someone has to explain that it's her little deranged way of showing love. Ethan will stick his arm out if she bites Luke (or anyone) to demand love
She goes under people's shirts when she's overwhelmed with emotions. When she does it, you know she trusts you
Sissy & Co are big fans of game nights and she is very, very competitive! They have monthly game nights in whatever way can
Every teammate, on all the teams, adore her and she loves them so much
She gives the teams (mainly the Ducks, obviously) good bags after each game! The more she learns at each player, the more personal the bags
She calls Troy and Dani Terry mom and dad, and she also calls Shatty mom
She's a huge Dallas Stars fan! Her favorite is Robo, and she always (with slim exceptions like if Quinn and Trevor etc play each other) flies to see any of her friends play against them.
She will drop everything if anyone, anyone needs her
She's terrified of storms
She's picky about who gets to call her Sissy and will fight over it.
Sissy exceptions: Dylan because he's known her so long, Cole gets a once a month pass, and Spencer Knight can anytime
Gives creative insults and has no filter
She's a Pink Whitney girly
She has weekly face times with Petey and Matty
She's so clumsy. Extremely so. She is frequently bruised because of it
She's really touchy and will cuddle and fall asleep on anyone
She's a Slytherin
She keeps scrapbooks! For literally anything and everything!
She loves poetry, and frequently uses Atticus poems
Random Lore:
She will leave at any given moment and tell no one. And not just to go out, she'll hop on a plane to see any of her boys. She won't even tell the person she's coming to see. She'll just show up. None of this out of spite, she's just forgetful
Once, she missed Quinn and spontaneously got on a plane to go see him while Trevor was gone without telling anyone. Not Trevor, not Quinn, no one. There was a big freak out. (This was not the first time)
She rented a minivan out of spite during the 2023 development camp so that she could take some of the Ducks boys out after it to get them know them better (it did not take long for the under 20s to call her mom)
In high school, she made her own NTDP hoodie with Jack's, Trevor's, Cole's, and Alex's numbers on the back and wore it every game
She'll occasionally give out gold star stickers (she's basically pavloving them) and once Jack annoyed her and she took his back
She gets her boys a trophy for their first goals of the season
There's a yearly tradition where the day before training camp begins for everyone, Sissy and the Hughes boys (and whoever wants to join) get together to work out together. Sissy is forced to participate but she does not do it for long before she taps out
Brock calls her Princess Hughes and she calls him her Blonde Princess
Frequent Gags:
She gives, and receives, penalties of various minutes for random things. It started from the Shoulder Check Showcase where Trevor did not get a tripping penalty (when he def should have)
Putting someone on probation
Telling someone they aren't friends/sons/etc for a random amount of minutes
Teasing between anyone is done if a "big" word is used. College dropout jokes are made
Random hashtags
Sap is said a lot. At any given opportunity. No one can stay serious for long. Also Simp, but less frequently
"Who's Sissy's least favorite Hughes" "Quinn" (this a gag with random commenters)
Various contracts will be mentioned. Mainly the Best Friend Contract and the Princess Treaty. I have no real explanations or full components of said contracts
Trevor protesting not being able to call her Sissy
Any mentions about high school or senior year. It's all a mystery. It is frequently said that she was crazier.
Most common insult is human dildo
She'll occasionally create the comment section herself and tell the boys to say nice things or specific things
What Jerseys She Wears:
Ducks: She rotates between Trevor's and Jamie's
Ducks vs Canucks: Trevor, Quinn, and Jamie have to play air hockey to decide. If there's no time before, they play iMessage games
Ducks/Canucks vs Habs/Kings: Trevor's or Quinn's
Devils vs Canucks/Ducks: Quinn's or Trevor's
Devils vs. Habs/Kings: Jack and Luke play rock, paper, scissors
Habs vs Kings: Alex and Cole play iMessage games
Panthers vs Anyone: Matty and Spencer play rock, paper, scissors when Spencer is playing. Otherwise, she wears Matty's (except for Canucks and Ducks)
Anyone vs Stars: Jason Robertson's (Robo)
Nicknames: Z-Baby, Sweet Boy
He had a crush on Sissy since the moment her saw her
First Date: March 16, 2018 (Junior Year)
They also say their first real kiss was that day, since the other two were practically forced by their friends
Officially Dating: March 22, 2018
First time they said I love you: July 18, 2018
Engagement Date: April 14, 2023
They'll cuddle in any way possible (post on gen. masterlist)
Sissy will "train" with him. And by train I mean she's more like his personal cheerleader, but she'll do some things with him on a lower level
Big PDA couple
They'll sleep anywhere when they're drunk. Counters, tables, closets, horizontally on the bed, anywhere. It phases no one anymore
Sissy will take any and all of his clothes, so all of their clothes are mixed together in their closet. She'll steal clothes from anybody, so sometimes he's accidentally put on someone else's hoodie with their perspective team on it
There's a tradition on his birthday where everyone (that can be there) has a sleepover in the living room. They make a giant fort and watch movies and it's pure chaos
They have matching tattoos of otters on their hands so that when they hold hands, it looks like the otters are
They call each other sweet girl and sweet boy
He kisses her to wake her up. She calls it "Disney Princess style"
Leo is their first and only adopted son
More headcanons are listed on the general masterlist!
Nicknames: Quinny Baby, Quinny, Huggy, Quinnjamin
He's not only her big brother, but he's also Sissy's best friend in the entire world
They have a Best Friend Contract
There is a rule that everyone knows that they do not let go of each other until they're both ready. No one else is allowed to touch her, and no one can take her away from him. Not even Trevor
Her going under shirts started with him (blurb: here)
Her and Quinn's son is Cole McWard! (blurb: here)
Trevor asked him for permission before he asked Sissy out. He's officiating their wedding, so it's like it has come full circle. (Fic: here)
She cries every time he leaves, especially after games when she barely gets to see him
He is a professional "Sissy catcher" because she will stand on surfaces that are not meant for standing on
He's the one that bought her Robo jersey
She gave him a "Best Big Brother In The Universe" trophy when they were kids and he still has it
He has a list of random things Sissy says when she's lovey clingy drunk
They officially became best friends when she was in 4th grade
Before Trevor, she had a boyfriend in freshman year. The breakup was hard for her because it was her first one, so Quinn drove down from UMich to be with her for a couple of days
She’ll call him anything under the sun, but she often uses Quintin when she’s upset or in pain (sometimes randomly). She used it a lot in middle school
Nicknames: Jacky Boy, Soulmate, Howdy Rowdy, Twin
She met everyone through him. They were in kindergarten together and were thrilled to live near each other
They have the same birthday (hence twins)
Jack often jokes he's older than her because he was born 4 hours and 36 minutes before her
They tend to make bets. Everyone had an "intervention" to stop them and limit to Ducks vs Canucks games, but they do not listen
They spontaneously went to Vegas in the peak of the bets starting. Only Trevor knew.
They have a special connection. They know what the other is saying with just a look. They call it "Hugheslepathy"
Sons: Luke and Ethan (He's her first officially adopted son)
Luke is a son because he accidentally called Sissy mom during the one month her and Jack dated (they decided it was too weird and broke up) (it was before the move)
She gives him a painted puck every year on their birthday, and he gives her a charm for her charm bracelet. When he knows it's full, he gets her a new one. (Full imagine: Sweet Sixteen)
She's changing her middle name to Rowden after her and Trevor get married to match him
They will wrestle each other, but he's always careful to make sure she doesn't hit her head on anything with how clumsy she is
They are THE unhinged duo
Sissy cried and slept in Jack's bed for weeks after Quinn left for USNTDP
Nicknames: Lukey Moosey, Moose, her son
He was the one that first called her Sissy
She's very protective of him and always feels the need to stay strong around him. When they were younger, she'd hold it together if she was upset or hurt in front of him. She also did it in the hospital after the car crash.
Just like with Quinn, if he needs her physical touch, she doesn't let go until he's ready. It's just a rarity.
Cute childhood Luke story in his Debut post!
Luke walked in on Sissy and Trevor making out during the spring break they first got together. He had a talk with Trevor alone warning him not to hurt his sister, despite him being so young at the time
Nicknames: Jamie Baby, Ex Husband
Him and Sissy are very close and very supportive of each other
When he got hurt, she left the stands to be with him. She stayed home from games while with him to take care of him when it was the roughest
They used to be "husband and wife" and she calls him her favorite ex-husband
They had silicone rings and everything
They used to joke that Trevor was their kid (he hated it) until they got engaged
It took him a while to fully warm up to her because he's so quiet, but they easily became as close as she is to the other guys when he did
When Sissy and Trevor fall asleep on the couch, he'll carry her up to bed and then wake up Trevor so he can go to bed himself
When he learned why she goes under people's shirts, she made sure to tell her that it was okay for her to do it to him
He sat on the floor and held her hand while she did an online interview to work an important event because she was anxious about it
It was her idea for Jamie to move in with her and Trevor
Nicknames: Coley Woley
Known as Best Friend Number Two (fic: here)
She'll call him Best Friend Number One to mess with Quinn sometimes
Sissy's man of honor for the wedding
Has a once a month pass to call her Sissy
They've kissed, but it was more of as a joke. Full story on the Engagement post
Sissy, Cole, and Alex have a yearly "Best Friend's Weekend" with no boyfriends/girlfriends or brothers. It started in high school
In high school, Sissy would often go to Cole and Alex's room to smoke, vent, etc
Him and Alex 100% knew Sissy liked Trevor before she really knew herself
Sissy is the nicest to him at all times. He hardly gets the aggressive but loving teasing and belittling (also out of love)
Just she like was there for Jamie, she flew out to see Cole and help out after his surgery in the 22-23 season
Nicknames: Turc, Turcs, Lexi
Her main smoking partner after high school (especially since he lives so close)
He stole her bong and will not give it back
Sissy, Alex, and Cole have weekly movie nights where they facetime and use watch parties
Once when she fell asleep on him, Quinn threatened him to not move even though he had to pee until Alex was "about to pee on her"
He calls her Girly Hughes
Matthew Tkachuk
Nicknames: My Rat, Matty Ratty, Matty, Rathew (rare)
Sissy had the biggest crush on him in middle and high school and talked about him all of the time
She'll often joke to Trevor that she'll him for Matty when he's on her nerves (lovingly)
She begged Quinn to invite him to her sixteenth birthday party and she got so excited she fell over the couch (fic: here)
He calls her Little Mouse (occasionally sissy)
They have adopted Mackie as their son! It happened when the team went to Universal Studios (Oct. 4, 2023) when Sissy flew out to them without telling anyone (again)
She facetimed him angry when she found out through twitter he played with a broken sternum (and also cried. she's a crier)
She flew out there after and yelled at Brady in person
Spencer Knight
Note: he has not been in the series until the summer before and preseason of 23-24
Nickname: Spency
He had a big part in the egging on for Trevor and Sissy to have their first kiss at a party (full story: Knight in Shining Armor)
He has Sissy pass, and it's not limited. There's not really an explanation for it, but he wasn't as close in the group like the others, so she let him as a way for them to be closer
She was THRILLED when he got drafted to the Panthers, and called him when Matty got traded saying that he was going to love "Her Rat"
She flew to Boston without telling anyone for his first game during Trevor’s rookie year. That’s what started her thing of randomly going to see someone without telling anybody
Hughes Childhood/HS Things
When Quinn first went to USNTDP, they all would have facetime sleepovers. Quinn built his own fort in his dorm, and Jack, Luke, and Sissy built their own. This is still done today, but anyone can be involved
Forts are a big thing for them. They built a fort at any given opportunity (and still do)
They have a yearly "Brothers Weekend" with Sissy where it's just them four
Quinn walked her to class in elementary school. He always made sure her hair was how she wanted before he left to his own class
He gave her hoodie when he left while she was in middle school so he was still "walking her to class"
There's a yearly twister game at the Lake House every summer and has been since they first started spending summers together
"Hugheslepathy" isn't just for Jack and Sissy, theirs is just the strongest. They can all practically read each other's minds
Quinn officiated a wedding between Sissy and a poster of Finnick Odair. Everyone was forced to attend. Luke was the flower boy.
more will be added as the series develops!
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golden444manifest · 11 months
How I Stay Organized
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Task Management
Task application in Microsoft Teams
Keep track of important emails by flagging the email in outlook and using tasks in team to keep up with sub tasks and important notes
Also one off items I need to keep track of
Create templates for routine processes
It helps to ensure I am completing all the steps without having to remember them.
Helps with visualizing my tasks
Inbox Zero!!
Used to ensure my inbox is not insane and ensure I am resolving emails
I have folders pertains to routine tasks
A monthly Folder to archive misc items that do not fall into a specific category
Color coding my Outlook calendar
Pink = In person meetings
Green = Audit
Yellow = Walkthrough
Orange = Important Meetings but are virtual
Purple = Team meetings
Physical Planner
Catch all for important dates and deadlines. Personal and work related
Has a spread for monthly intentions, goals and bills due
Weekly review
Clear out my inbox
Look at Calendar for the upcoming week
Ensure all tasks are logged in teams
Clean out folders on desktop and get rid of files I no longer need, place items in the correct folders
Clean up inbox in OneNote
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mochademic · 7 months
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100 Days of Productivity [Day: 66] || 100 Jours de Productivité [Jour: 66]
reading, writing, thinking, thriving
somehow it’s March & I have no idea where the time has gone. this week is going to be the busiest I’ve had since the holidays & I’m hoping that I can keep it from falling into complete chaos. transposing written work into a second language has become a regular enough thing for me that I should feel confident in my abilities, but at the same time there’s always a nagging at the back of my mind that I’m missing something.
a dear friend is getting married in just over a month, & I’m emotional thinking about how much they’ve grown & how far they’ve come. I hope my silly little speech does them some justice.
notes re-written
seminar sorted
calls/emails returned & meetings arranged
project critiques reviewed
monthly planner updated
flights booked
currently listening // For You by DXXDLY, JÖST
lire, écrire, penser, s'épanouir
Nous sommes en mars et je n'ai aucune idée du temps écoulé. Cette semaine va être la plus chargée que j'ai eue depuis les vacances et j'espère que j'arriverai à ne pas sombrer dans le chaos le plus complet. transposer un travail écrit dans une deuxième langue est devenu une activité suffisamment régulière pour que je sois confiante dans mes capacités, mais en même temps, j'ai toujours l'impression qu'il me manque quelque chose.
Une amie très chère se marie dans un peu plus d'un mois, et je suis émue en pensant à leur croissance et au chemin qu'elles ont parcouru. J'espère que mon petit discours stupide leur rendra justice.
Notes réécrites
Séminaire organisé
Appels/courriels renvoyés et réunions organisées
Critiques de projets révisées
Mise à jour du planning mensuel
Réservation de vols
chanson // For You par DXXDLY, JÖST
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21oclock · 2 years
Start the New Year Now.
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Dear Twenty-Ones,
As we all know, the year 2023 is less than 20 days away. Almost everyone who celebrates feels the need to turn a new leaf. We create a list of resolutions or goals that we would like to achieve in the new year. But many people lose sight of what they want almost a month in. They fall back into old habits or stick to the same old routine.
Yeah… let’s not do that and work for what we really want.
Here are some ways to get started or prepared for the new year 2023🧧
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Create your resolution/goal list now. This will allow you to sort through and identify how you would genuinely like your new year to be. Take your time with your list and be honest.
Perform mirror work. Stand in front of the mirror each morning and tell yourself positive affirmations. This will get you in the grove of loving yourself intently and can build your confidence for the new year!
Do at home workouts for the remainder of the year. Many people wait for the new year to begin to get a gym membership. Reasons can vary such as not wanting to be billed the annual payment for this year then subsequently the next. Workout at home to build up strength for the gym.
Set your clock 15 minutes earlier each day. Many people list waking up earlier as a goal for the new year. You can work yourself into doing just that by training yourself. 15 minute increments will allow you to ease into it and build that routine.
Drink 2-3 L of water a day. Wanting better skin for the new year? A healthier lifestyle? Go ahead and drink more water. Add some lemon and mint for a refreshing taste and to detox.
Try out new skincare products. It’s not a secret that Korean skincare has been running the market for the last couple of years. Some suggestions: Soon Jung, Cosrx, The Face Shop, Innisfree. Non-Korean suggestions: Paula’s Choice, CeraVe. I will withhold specific product suggestions for now as to encourage you to do research for your own skin type. But I promise, they work!
Use Gua Sha morning or night. Using the tool can help reduce puffiness in the face. Research different methods on how to use it and get started. If you cannot get a tool, YouTube has many videos about facial hand massages.
Create vision board for 2023 on Pinterest, Tumblr, Canva, etc. Creating your vision board now will help you sort through your goals and ideas for the new year. You can also print it out sooner and post it in places you will be able to see everyday.
Create a bill planner to sort through monthly finances. By using a bill planner, you can determine how much of your money or paycheck you will need to save for monthly bills. In addition to this, you can determine how to use the remainder. For personal use? For vacations? Groceries and projects? Let’s get our finances right in 2023!
Start manifesting. To get started, purchase a small journal/notebook. Write down your manifestations and gratitude. This can be done in the morning or at night, however setting your intentions earlier in the day can help you feel more positive.
Au revoir,
21 O’Clock Blog
“A woman who masters the energetics of DESIRE can have anything she wants.”
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digitalgoodsf · 5 months
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🖊️ Plan your month with precision using our Fall Digital Printable Monthly Planner! With customizable sections and easy-to-use features, it's the ultimate tool for organizing your life.
✅💻 Stay ahead of deadlines and maximize your productivity!
0 notes
syysyys · 3 months
♡𐙚 iso new planner, any recs? ✉⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨୧˚
hii im trying to decide what planner to get for classes in the fall.. here are my preferences, if you have a suggestion pls pls pls share, i'd appreciate it sm ૮꒰ ˶ ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
weekly spreads > monthly spreads
weeks start on monday
only need it for the academic year (august-may), but more months okay
smaller size, 5" x 8" ideal but smaller okay!
i like lines but no check boxes, and must be dated
love plain neutral colors or floral designs, esp pinks and blues
last year i used a blue sky weekly planner (from target), and in the past i've used a hobonichi techo weeks! i love my bluesky sm but i wanna see if others work better!
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kanerallels · 6 months
I finished another prompt for @monthly-challenge! Today's prompt is "crown" and I worked on another original story for it!
The day Judah Kelthan met his best friend also happened to be the worst day of his life.
It had been a hard past year as it was. His mother had passed away, five years to the day after his father had died and he had inherited the crown of Harrowdale. Judah hadn’t dreaded being king. Truth be told, he hadn’t worried about it too often, even as he obediently learned all he could to prepare for it. His father had been strong, powerful. He’d ruled his country, tumultuous as it was, with strength and dignity. It had seemed impossible he could ever die.
But die he did— not in one of the frequent skirmishes between them and Alcea, their neighboring country with whom they were often at war, nor in any form of battle. He died, the doctors had told Judah and his mother, peacefully. His heart, which had always seemed so strong, had simply given out. And then, days later, Judah was king.
It hadn’t been what he’d expected. Less helping people and more wrangling the powerful and greedy baron council that helped govern Harrowdale. But he hadn’t been alone. He’d had Maelys— his wife, daughter of one of the barons who worked alongside them. 
Maelys was smart. Not just normal smart, but the kind of smart that could pick apart motivations, and send the conniving barons into a confused spiral with a few words. She’d always helped Judah— who preferred to believe in the kinder nature of men— navigate the more treacherous waters of politics.
Everyone saw her cunning. Fewer saw her kindness, her gentler nature. But Judah did. And he counted himself lucky for it every day, to have fallen so hard for a woman he’d married out of duty.
They were happy. Them and their children, Alex and Sabrina.
And then his mother was gone. And, not three full months afterwards, so was Maelys.
He still couldn’t wrap his mind around it. Around the sight of his wife, lying crumpled where she’d fallen down a flight of stairs, blood streaming from her temple. No one was sure if it was an accident or not, and right now, Judah couldn’t even begin to think about that.
He hadn’t even really gotten to say goodbye. And now, all Judah really wanted was to fall apart. To weep until he could weep no more, to scream at whatever had taken the woman he loved from him.
But, as king, he had duties that extended beyond his own wishes and the pain twisting in his chest. As his father had often reminded him, “A crown is a heavy burden. And we cannot just set it aside when we want to. Instead, we must carry on.”
And so Judah carried on. He held his head high and ordered the organization of a funeral and accepted condolences that were really threats veiled in saccharine words, because he didn’t know what else to do without Maelys.
He, who was supposed to be an anchor for his people and his children, was adrift.
That didn’t mean he could give up, though. So he kept moving, afraid that he’d sink if he stopped. He forced himself to work with the funeral planner. Though everything in him wanted to scream for them to stop, there was no way this could be real, because surely Maelys was just around the corner. Surely she was still alive, waiting for him somewhere.
None of it felt real. But it was.
The day of the funeral came. It was a nice service, he was vaguely aware. His son, Alexander, stood at his right side, his face set and his eyes sparkling with unshed tears. Sabrina clung to Judah’s side— his sweet daughter hadn’t spoken since they found Maelys, and wept silently through the proceedings.
He gave a eulogy. A speech had been prepared for him, but Judah didn’t read it. This was his last chance to say goodbye to his wife. Politics couldn’t come into it, not even if they should.
So he spoke of how when they’d met, it was an arranged marriage. Neither one of them had expected anything from it other than to do their duty, and Judah had accepted that. But then he’d met Maelys, and he’d known, almost immediately, that she was special. That she was brave and smart and kind, and she would make an amazing queen. An amazing wife.
He’d been lucky to have her as long as he did, and he said that, too, striving to keep the tears from leaving his eyes. It didn’t take away the pain of losing her, but it was still good to speak about her, with people in the crowd who knew her. Her brother, Lucas, had been there, and his children as well as Judah’s. After the service, Judah made certain to find him, first of all.
Lucas saw him coming, and moved to meet him. “I’m so sorry, Judah,” he said, his voice torn with the same pain Judah felt. It was almost enough to break the wall that Judah had been constructing over the past few days, trying hard to keep it together.
Apparently, it was obvious. Wordlessly, his brother-in-law stepped forward and pulled him into a hug. “She loved you so much,” he said, his voice muffled. “Never forget that.”
“I won’t,” Judah promised, gathering what strength he still possessed about him as Lucas stepped away. “And she loved you, too, Luc.”
Lucas nodded, grief clear in his eyes and his every move, and Judah reached out and grasped his arm. “If there’s anything you need—”
“I should be saying that to you,” Lucas said. “But I know. Same to you.”
There was a brief pause, and Judah took a quick breath. Time to be the king again, and the host. “How long are you staying?” he asked, but Lucas shook his head.
“We’ve already been away too long. The borders need watching— Alcea’s Coronation Tournament is approaching. And with a new ruler comes new problems. We have to be vigilant.”
He was right, though it hurt Judah to hear he was going already. He didn’t show it, though, just clapped a hand on his shoulder. “What would I do without my best general?”
“Very little,” Lucas said, his smile shadowed in sorrow. “I’ll see you soon, my king. Stay strong.”
“You, too.”
And then he was gone, just like that. Just like Maelys. And Judah was alone again, facing the crowds of politicians.
Well, not completely alone. He had his children, whom he would never take for granted. Alex stood by his side with all the seriousness a sixteen year old could muster, watching the guests who Judah spoke to with a skeptical and protective air. Sabrina stayed with them for a while, but she hated crowds, and the day had taken a lot out of her. Before long Judah sent his ten year old back up to her room with her governess.
It was odd how it affected him to have even one less ally. But without Maelys, it was becoming sharply apparent just how many of the barons he could consider genuine friends. The Council of Nine, who helped govern the country, were not among the friend group. Most of them barely counted as allies, although not all of them had even come.
Some of the lesser lords and ladies were less conniving, but there was a superficialness about them. Like the words and condolences they offered were naught but pretty lies. And the underlying disdain, the distaste at the emotion he was showing, weighed him down. It piled onto Judah’s shoulders and soured his stomach until his legs almost gave out beneath him.
“Are you alright?”
The man’s voice barely penetrated the haze Judah had succumbed to, nor did his firm grip on his hand. But Alex’s concerned voice did. “Father?”
Rousing himself, Judah looked first to his son, who was frowning at him, and then to the man who was next in line of the guests. He didn’t recognize him, which was a little odd. He’d lived in the palace all his life and did his level best to know by face, if not name, all the royals and the staff.
But this man was totally unfamiliar. He was dark haired and dressed in fine black clothing, and wore a mustache that he was obviously a little too proud of. He was also studying Judah keenly, like he could look straight through him.
“Forgive me,” Judah said, not hastily. It didn’t suit the king to rush. “I’m fine.”
“That seems rather unlikely.”
Judah’s eyebrows shot up, but the man didn’t seem at all perturbed by his own blunt manner. “I mean, who would be?” he said, casting a look at the royals milling around. “Dealing with such… lovely folk at a time like this. Personally, I’d want to pitch the lot out on their royal rears. But that’s just my indelicate opinion.”
Absurdly, Judah found himself almost wanting to laugh. Alex scowled at the man. “Who are you?” he demanded. “And how dare you speak to my father like that?”
Putting a hand on his shoulder, Judah said gently, “Alex, it’s okay.” Directing his gaze back to the man, he said, “I’m afraid I don’t recall your name, sir.”
“Most likely because we’ve never officially met,” the man said with a wry smile. “Alphaeus Black. My deepest condolences on your loss, Your Majesty. I… truly cannot begin to imagine how you are feeling right now.”
There was a note of raw honesty in his voice, which was smooth and held a lilting accent that came and went. “Thank you, Mr. Black,” Judah said, surprised to find he meant it. “I appreciate that.”
“I realize now is a difficult time,” Alphaeus Black continued, “and so I won’t trouble you more now. But when you have a moment, in the near future, I should very much like a word.”
And there it was. Back to the job— but his grief didn’t mean this man had to wait. “Of course,” Judah told him. “If you’ll reach out, I will happily arrange an audience.”
“Excellent. I appreciate it, Your Majesty.” Giving the two of them a quick bow, Alphaeus Black turned and strode away, soon lost in the crowd.
Glaring at his back, Alex muttered, “Opportunist scum.”
“For some people, a state funeral is the only time they have to reach out to their rulers,” Judah told him gently. “It might be poor timing for us, but for them it could also be the only timing.”
“He didn’t really seem like he was suffering, Father.”
“Hmm. Maybe.” Casting another look after the man, Judah wondered what exactly it was that he’d wanted. I suppose I’ll find out eventually. At the moment, he wasn’t sure he had enough energy to care.
The rest of the day dragged by in a grayish blur, and by the end, Judah was too exhausted to remember Alphaeus Black. He was too tired to do anything but tip himself into his bed, which seemed far too big now, and sleep.
And so he began life without his queen. It was… hard. Harder than he’d expected. He’d come to rely on Maelys— her judgment, her cunning mind and ability to parse out and handle the low handed remarks and ploys the barons enacted. Judah was better at focusing on the people who needed help, not the ones who wanted to trample the lower ranks. Now he had to do both in a way he hadn’t really ever done before.
In Alcea, their neighboring country, all positions of power were handled by two— one man and one woman. Often the pair were married, but not always. They took the words in the First Books seriously, that man and woman were to work together in partnership. They would compliment each other, and make each other better.
Judah wasn’t Alcean. But he saw now, more than ever, the value of that tradition. Their country was less without Maelys’s cunning on the throne. He knew it, and worse of all, his barons knew it. The Council of Nine had never cared for his way of ruling, and had always worked to undermine him at all cost. Maelys, as a daughter of a former member of that council and a woman who was, frankly, far smarter than all of them, had combated them with ease, even in their increasing corruption.
And now that she was gone, they were free to act as they wished. And while Judah did his best to fight back against them, he didn’t have the subtlety of mind for it. He knew they were undermining him in the courts, that they were overruling his decisions and talking behind his back. But what could he do to fix it?
Without Maelys, he didn’t really know, and so the first months without her wore on and on. By the third month, he truly had no idea how he was going to do this.
It was after a particularly frustrating meeting with the Council that the answer started to present itself. He’d been working on an initiative to support the veterans of the wars with Alcea. But as Judah spoke with the Council about it, they one by one stepped forward and flattened it. It was too ambitious, they said, and far too naive— not that His Majesty was naive, of course. It was money they couldn’t afford to use elsewhere, and frankly, the veterans probably didn’t want their help. They might be insulted.
Judah knew what they were doing, knew they were lying. But whenever he faced them it was like he couldn’t speak fast enough to combat them. And the heavy cloud of grief that still hung over his shoulders didn’t help much.
So he tabled the discussion for the day, politely excused himself, and headed for his chambers. Sabrina was in her lessons, and Alex was at swordsmanship practice, so he would be alone. Which was what he wanted.
Or rather, it was what he wanted and knew he could have. What he really wanted was far out of reach.
Reaching his chambers, Judah stepped inside and closed the door gently behind him. He let out a long breath, dropping against the door, and closed his eyes. Then he plucked the crown from his head and threw it across the room with all the force he could muster.
It hit the wall with a ringing clatter. It wouldn’t dent, of course. The kings of Harrowdale wore bronze crowns, far sturdier than the gold ones of Alcea. But a thread of guilt did go through Judah at the action. He should be more responsible, he couldn’t go around throwing temper tantrums, he—
“You looked like you needed that.”
Judah’s eyes snapped open at the voice. Bewildered, he turned to see a man sitting at the table where he usually had tea with his family. The table was set with tea and a tray of cakes, and Alphaeus Black was calmly watching him from the chair Alex usually sat in.
“Maybe,” Judah agreed slowly. “Why are you in my room?”
Nodding, Alphaeus said, “Direct. I admire that about you, Your Majesty. I’m here for our meeting.”
“I wasn’t aware we’d scheduled one.” Now that he thought about it, Judah hadn’t heard a thing from the man after Maelys’s funeral. He’d assumed— well, truth be told, he hadn’t really thought about it, what with everything else.
“Oh, I did, Approximately two weeks after we first met. But then you were busy, and then you had to postpone, and then it was an important meeting, and then it was made very clear to me that His Majesty didn’t speak to just any vagabonds coming in from the street. Even well dressed ones.”
Judah snorted. Alphaeus was, indeed, dressed in an immaculately tailored suit— black, with gold highlighting. Then he frowned. “Wait. I heard nothing about any of these meetings.”
“Oh, no, you weren’t to be bothered,” Alphaeus said conversationally. “One of your charming Council members handled it. A rather reddish-faced fellow by the name of Calrick, I believe.”
Calrick. Of course. He was one of the worst of the lot— smooth tongued, with an amazing talent for making you feel like an idiot for just speaking your mind. Maelys had always enjoyed taking him down a peg or two. Pressing his eyes shut, Judah sighed. “Well, Mr. Black, I do apologize. Baron Calrick is simply… overly concerned for the crown’s time.”
“Overly concerned for his wallet’s more like it,” Alphaeus remarked, sounding amused. “In any case, I thought it best to arrange a meeting on my own terms. Tea? You look like you’ve been hit by a train.”
Now that he mentioned it, Judah did rather feel that way. Leaving his crown where it lay, he moved over to his usual seat, dropping down across from Alphaeus. “Mr. Black, I’m going to be very honest.”
“Call me Alphaeus, and I would prefer that,” he said, serenely pouring a cup of tea for himself, then one for Judah.
“I know you’re probably in need, but I don’t know that I can help you,” Judah said, hating himself for the words. Hating that he had to turn away someone in need when that was the last thing he’d ever wanted to do.
“Oh, I don’t need anything.”
Judah blinked at him, startled. “You… what?”
“Well, I suppose I’m asking for one thing,” Alphaeus mused. “But I’m mostly not here to ask anything of you. Sugar?”
“Just a little cream, please.” Judah watched rather dazedly as Alphaeus poured a rich ribbon of cream into the cup, then passed it to him. Accepting it, he said, “Then what do you want?”
“To ask you that exact question,” Alphaeus said, adding a few spoonfuls of sugar to his tea, then taking a sip. Setting it down, he met Judah’s gaze evenly. “And then to execute said request as smoothly as possible.”
Slowly, Judah took a drink from his tea. It was good— warm and rich. One of his favorite kinds, and he wondered if Alphaeus had known somehow, or if the kitchen had sent it up. “You’re going to have to expand on that a little more.”
“Gladly. May I speak with utter honesty?”
“That seems wise.”
“Good. Your Majesty, your kingdom is shambles. Your barons are corrupt, and your Council is slowly claiming as much of the kingdom as they can manage. They’re spreading the rumors that your wife’s death broke you, that you are no longer fit to rule.”
Judah would have laughed if it hadn’t been so very not funny. Looking down at his tea, he said softly, “I don’t know how much of that is rumor.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” Judah looked up sharply. Alphaeus’s expression was dead serious as he said, “Your Majesty, you’ve clearly had an awful day. Yet, upon finding a stranger in your quarters, instead of throwing him out on his tail like he deserved, you sat down to see how you could help him. You are fit to rule. You’re the best king this country has ever had. Therefore, since we have a Council full of morons, they’re trying to destroy everything you're working for.”
This time, Judah did laugh. Rubbing at his forehead, he said, “You make a compelling case, Alphaeus. Alright, continue.”
“Thank you.” Pausing for a sip of tea, Alphaeus said, “Your only real problem— well, you’ve got a few. But the first one I’m here to solve is the fact that you’re simply too nice.”
“Too nice? I’ve fought in wars, Alphaeus.”
“And here you are, having tea with an intruder.”
“Point taken,” Judah said wryly.
“Thank you. Now, your wife was an impressive woman in many aspects. And while I am sure she was kind, she was also formidably cunning, and had a better grasp of court politics than you do. Am I incorrect in any aspects so far?”
Shaking his head, Judah said, “Other than the fact she was far better at the political side of things… you’re about spot on. Now, please don’t tell me you’re about to suggest that I marry again.”
Arching an eyebrow at him, Alphaeus said, “I am many things, Your Majesty, but an idiot is very rarely one of them. Of course not. I was actually thinking of an advisor of some sort. Or, barring any kind of authority, just someone you come to when you need things fixed.”
“Which would be you,” Judah said slowly.
“Well, I am adept at fixing things.” Pausing, Alphaeus’s expression grew serious. “I know this looks like a grab for power. Trying to manipulate the grieving man into giving me his ear.”
“It could be seen that way,” Judah agreed. “But I have a feeling there’s a but in here somewhere.”
Alphaeus nodded. “Yes, Your Majesty.” A hint of that raw honesty from the first day they met entered his voice as he spoke. “You’re a good man, King Judah. Anyone with eyes in their head can see that. You deserve the chance to be that with a throne, to help people who need it. People who’ve run out of chances, only to be granted one more. People who are lost. My only goal here is to serve you, and help you do that. Be it from behind the scenes or at your side.”
Judah stared at the man. Despite his appearance, despite the manner in which he’d appeared… he believed him. There was nothing but truth in his voice. “Why do you want to do this?” he asked.
There was a brief pause, as Alphaeus seemed to consider. “I’m repaying a debt,” he said eventually, his voice low and somber. And Judah knew it was the truth.
“Alright,” he said. “Let’s say I give you a job. What exactly do you intend to do with it?”
Alphaeus shrugged, the easy demeanor returning in a flash. “Oh, a few things. Begin a long game to preserve your heirs, eradicate corruption from the Council of the Nine, and overall return your country to you.”
“Oh, just that?” Judah said, lifting an eyebrow at him. “That doesn’t seem at all ambitious to you?”
“Very ambitious,” Alphaeus agreed. “But, Your Majesty, go big or go home.”
“I can’t argue with that,” Judah said.
“Excellent. Step one is to gain the trust of your Council, and then we’ll see where we go from there. If I can convince them I’m on their side, that will open quite a few windows.”
A thought hit Judah, and he smiled. “Certainly— but a mere advisor won’t gain their attention. You’ll need a unique title. Something that implies that I trust you above all others, making me easily manipulated by you.”
“You catch on quick,” Alphaeus said approvingly. “What did you have in mind?”
The very next day, Alphaeus Black was appointed Royal Vizier to the court. King Judah gave a public speech announcing his trust in the man, that he was wise and would assist their country greatly. Alphaeus stood at his side, looking dashingly evil in black embroidered robes and a black cane set with red jewels.
The barons watched with undisguised curiosity and suspicion. Little did they know that every word Judah spoke in his speech was true. Perhaps he trusted too easily. But Maelys had loved that about him, and Judah couldn’t change who he was. It was good to have an ally, however strange and mysterious he might be.
And maybe, just maybe, he could help fix things.
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starsbegantofall · 1 month
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Check out my August bullet journal layout at my blog here!
I'm pretty happy with this layout even though I noticed some mistakes now (didn't finish the background behind Princess Vivi). I included a bunch of stickers, stamps and washi tape from the Log Pose One Piece planner project which included such gorgeous art that finally got a chance to shine here.
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luxinyourlife · 2 years
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I’ve been using a Passion Planner for my weeklies since January 📚 (I still use my BuJo daily for trackers, collections, important pages)
It took me a solid month and a half to really settle in to using a new planner system, but I’ve been really enjoying it as of late. I will absolutely get another for fall semester. A good goal for me for the rest of March into April will be to utilize my monthly more. This January monthly was probably the most “used” so far! 😄
Excited to share my weeklies with you!
IG luxinyourlife
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queeriboh · 9 months
I'm trying to decide between 2 different planners for this year. usually I just get a dotted notebook and make my own week by week w stickers and everything, but lately I've been falling off really bad and missing months at a time /: /:
so I want to get just like, a ready to go one instead this year. I can still decorate it with stickers and stuff, but i don't have to do all the exhausting setup and stuff.
but I can't decide if I should get the cheaper, more basic one or the one that's $7 more but has like, reflection pages and guided monthly goals and different colors for each month and the Works
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