#famous: oh it won't be too long! well it is
fantomette22 · 2 years
Hey, you need to remember that many ships that Exist have not been hinted at in canon - someone one day just "invented" them and other people joined! x) You do not really need community for the ship or pre-existing works, it just feels way more nice and validating if other people are into it too. Like... I for one do not get the attitude that shipping something no one else shipped yet is somehow 'awkward' if not 'cringe'. Questions like 'omg this ship is REAL?' don't make sense either... like, every ship exists as a possible scenario, for example Valtr x Eileen is as 'real' as Valtr x Yamamura, whether someone created stuff for it or not yet is not relevant. Be a trend starter! You might stay alone in this boat, yeah, but you ALSO might get other people into shipping it too, when they see how much fun YOU have talking about this ship or drawing/writing for it. Because they'll wanna have fun too! Be the change you want to see!
(Naturally I am curious what rareship you refered to x) You gotta tell us now dfhhsds I mean if you are comfortable sharing)
You're right and I 100% agree with what you just say!
It's just it's kinda the first time that this happened to me ? or at least the first time I fully realize it. That I was probably the first one who thought about this particular ship? ... but who knows. (I was tired too XD)
To talk a bit about my life, I don't really have that much ships. (even across all the fandoms I have and all, but it's something I really like as well). Of course there's plenty I found cool but only a handful of ships I like really hard/i'm really invested in (not sure if that's an aro/ace thing too lol) (half of the time it's really popular and the other half it's quite rare and except the weird stuff you can find at time I like this particulars ship so much I'm taking almost every content I can found!)
So for all the others I generally have a scale that goes from :
(my eyes!) ew not my thing ->...-> I don't really care/neutral->...-> oh that's valid/ cool-> oh that's cute (-> ship them so hard I'm taking almost ANYTHING XD)
So for Bloodborne now... that's subject is not really the focus of the game too (an I really like that aspect) but yes there's quite a few I "like" or found cool but only like 1 I'm super invest in ?
(Some people here might know who I might reference XD One day I need to actually seriously talk about it... I guess when I will just not care anymore or if someone nicely push me... I know the mutuals I got here are super encouraging about it too x) The problem, it's that I have so much different interpretations of this relationship at the same time I'm afraid it's weird (that create more than 2 AU and one character became like 2 different idk ...)
And recently I thought about another one... so hm on my last post I was basically thinking about Dores x Gate Keeper...
So who wanna join my lil boat ? XD I'm gonna develop a bit here too :
I know we don't know much about them but for me it just makes a lot of sense I guess? I don't know I just think they would be cute. (And it's funny and drama... and really sad at some point too...) Not too serious into it but cool background/minor ship
In the grave guard set description they don't just talk about Dores but about mr Gate keeper as well (and we know other people become mad because in the dungeons but it's only referencing this 2!)
They became mad like... Together ?! They might have done the most of their expedition together as well. Perhaps they help each other with their issues...they probably got the same problems at the same time and the only who could fully understand what one feel was the other... And they both stick with Willem in the end.
I begin to imagined quite a few headcanons about them too. Because well I needed that to prepare my big bb story x) especially the first part at Byrgenwerth.
I do believe in badass young middle aged (+older) woman Dores supremacy. Who is really feral, can kick& punch Pthumerians with only her bare fist. (Willem know he was right to got her by their side, Gehrman is impressed, Liam (the name I choose for mr password gate keeper) is so in love and encouraging and Laurence is just really concerned XD).
If she likes you that's great she gonna scared whoever is mean to you in the best case. If she don't... well hope you don't see her often... For Gate keeper he's usually you know, the "calm and collected one", the guy who was raised in Yharnam and didn't spend all his childhood in like... the forest... But if he needs he's not afraid to shoot people with a shotgun (especially mad pthumerians). And this 2, after Willem, act like the parents of the Byrgenwerth squad/gang at times ? (yes even Gehrman who is just a bit younger than them XD but this trio guys I swear... so much potential)
If I remember correctly there's indeed a moment where I begin to consider them as a ship...it begins when I decided to re take a look how/where you found the graveguard set.
The set is divided between the corpse of two hunters? (who appeared in the game with the yharnam's hunter set, but like the member of the church got the default black church attire in the overworld so...).
One have the mask and the other the rest of the set (I took the first pic I could find on YouTube too). They're really close, but you can't access to the mask directly after you got the rest of the set.
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And well obliviously you can wonder why this two have it? They're not Dores right? They might have take her(/their/his) role after she passed away I guess? but who are they really ? (it's highly possible it's just some hunter from Ludwig era or after, who stick with Byrgenwerth or in the lost wood/villagers for some reason or that Dores took in to help and taught them stuff ^^ it's a cute idea but I got another...)
I begin to wonder, what if... what if... this 2 are like her children/grandchildren ?? (depending on their age and this dumb timeline... also if they're the grand kids who could be the kid(s)? Well the Madras twins need to come from somewhere right? hm forget it...I'm not even settle on this they could just be friends) So um... I figure it could be cool if the other parent was like... gate keeper... 😵‍💫
Yesterday in between the G&M hugs, group hugs & the crows I draw this too ^^
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(My designs for them are like there and there too...)
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neil-gaiman · 2 years
Hi Neil, sorry in advance if this is too personal: I've been following your blogging in various formats since way back during the beginnings of the Journal and I now sort of suddenly realised that in recent years (?) there has been no mention of your youngest daughter. (I have the impression you have also stopped referring to your children by name, so I won't either.) Given that, if I remember correctly, she even took over your blog once, I just went "oh, that's right, long time no see". Not really an ask, as I don't want to pry too much. I just hope there was no horrible reason for this distancing (the internet can be a horrible place). Hope they're all well. And you, of course.
I'm off across the seas currently for Thanksgiving with both of my daughters, and the younger one who once took over the blog is waiting for me downstairs. We are about to go vegetable shopping. She's still hilarious, but now has her own social media, and, like all my older kids, would rather not live in the shadow of a famous father.
Last night, her big sister posted a photo of the two of us together, and one of her friends wrote back shocked with a "You know Neil Gaiman??". Holly's reply "He's my Dad". (My suggestion was "We used to live together." Well, I thought it was funny.)
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justlemmeadoreyou · 8 days
the date (part 2 to meet-cute)
read meet-cute here
Summary: after the smooth exchange of numbers with harry, he offers to take you on a date.
Words: 3.8k
Warnings: flirting, teasing, kissing, fluff
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"I still can't believe you left your number for me," Harry chuckled into the phone, grinning uncontrollably. "That was smooth as silk, darling."
You giggled bashfully on the other end of the line. "Well, I had to take my chance when I saw it! Couldn't very well let you slip through my fingers now, could I Mr. Styles?"
"Just Harry, please love. And I'm certainly glad you didn't - I've been kicking myself for not asking properly."
"Mmm, well luckily for you I'm a modern woman who knows how to shoot her shot."
Harry threw back his head with a deep, rumbling laugh that had butterflies erupting in your stomach despite the phone between you.
"That's my girl! Speaking of shots though...how would you feel about letting me take you out to dinner this weekend? Make it an official date and all?"
You beamed so hard that your cheeks started to ache. "Harry Styles asking me on a date? However will I contain my excitement?" 
"Is that a yes then?" You could practically hear the smirk in his raspy tone.
"Yes, oh impatient one! It's a definite yes. I'd love to go out with you."
"Brilliant! Say, Friday around 7? I'll make us a reservation somewhere nice but lowkey so we can just... talk and get to know each other better." His voice dropped an octave on those last few words, the graveled timbre making you shiver.
"Sounds perfect," you murmured, fiddling with the ends of your hair. "I'll be counting down the minutes!"
"Me too, love. Me too."
When Friday night finally rolled around, you were a desperate tangle of nerves and excitement. You'd spent far too long fretting over what to wear, determined to look your best for Harry but not like you were trying too hard. Eventually you settled on a flowy printed sundress with strappy sandals and loose curls framing your face.
"You've got this, Y/N!" you pep talked your reflexion in the mirror, smoothing down non-existent wrinkles in the soft fabric. "It's just Harry. The super famous, ridiculously talented, impossibly gorgeous Harry Styles who you've had a crush on for years and years and - oh god, what was I thinking?!"
You were seconds away from ripping the dress back off when a car honk sounded from outside. Stomach swooping with panic and anticipation, you did one last makeup check before slinging your purse over your shoulder and hurrying out.
The sleek black Mercedes idling at the curb made your heart kick into high gear. When the driver's side door popped open and Harry unfolded himself out, your mouth very nearly fell open.
Dressed in a slightly rumpled blue button-down and charcoal slacks, the man looked like he'd stepped straight out of a magazine spread. As his shoulder duster jacket fell open, you caught the peek of Gucci loafer adorning each foot. His hair looked artfully mussed with just a touch of his natural curl visible. It took everything in you not to openly gape like an idiot.
"Hi there!" Harry greeted you cheerfully as you approached, those sinful dimples peeking out on either side of his radiant smile. "You look absolutely gorgeous - take my breath away a bit there!"
Your cheeks instantly flushed to match the rosy print of your dress. "Thank you, you don't look half bad yourself," you managed to reply, willing your knees not to dissolve beneath you.
"Ahh, just 'not half bad', is it? Well I'll have to try harder than that to impress you, won't I darling?" he teased, voice dropping to that low register that never failed to make your toes curl. 
With a wink, Harry opened the passenger door for you in a gentlemanly flourish. You couldn't resist shooting back a playful, "I guess you will at that, popstar."
You were rewarded with another one of his deep, husky laughs that vibrated straight through you in the most delicious way. Harry just shook his head in amusement as you settled into the plush leather interior.
"You're trouble already, sweetheart. I dunno if I'm prepared for this..."
When Harry slid in beside you with those mile-long legs you suddenly found it very hard to breathe. There was just something inescapably sexy about seeing a man like him in such a confined space. Like his raw masculine presence took up every available inch of oxygen.
"H-Hopefully not too much trouble," you quipped lightly, trying to recover some of your banter despite your wildly hammering pulse. "I do know how to behave and use my indoor voice."
Harry fixed you with a heart-stutteringly heated look through those unfairly lush lashes of his. "Oh, I certainly hope not, pretty girl."
The two of you held one another's gazes for a beat too long, the air sparking and thickening around you. Until finally Harry cleared his throat and faced forward, fingers visibly flexing on the steering wheel.
"So! Dinner at Luigi's sound alright?"
Mutely nodding, you tried to concentrate on taking some calming breaths as Harry guided the vehicle into traffic. You hoped he couldn't sense the myriad of butterflies currently swarming frantically in your belly. Already your highly anticipated date was shaping up to be just as dizzying and delicious as you'd always dreamed.
By the time Harry pulled up to valet, you'd managed to regain at least some of your composure. Not enough to avoid staring a bit too intensely when he rounded the car and gallantly offered you his arm to escort you inside. But honestly, you were beginning to question how anyone kept their chill around Harry Styles in person.
The interior of the restaurant was dimly lit with an intimate, cozy ambiance. Soft Italian music played from hidden speakers and the scents of garlic, wine and baking bread hung thick in the air. 
As the maître d' guided you towards your private table in the back corner, Harry's hand rested securely at the small of your back. You fought not to shiver at the barely-there brush of his fingertips against your bare skin.
"This okay, love?" he murmured in your ear once you'd been seated at the small, candle-lit table. "Not too public or anything?"
You nodded quickly, struggling to find your voice for a moment. "It's perfect, thank you."
When the waiter came round with your drink orders, shockingly flagrant heart eyes and a request for Harry's autograph, you couldn't help the small giggle that escaped. Harry merely flashed the young man a tight smile and politely declined while squeezing your hand where it rested on the white tablecloth. 
"Sorry 'bout him, darling," he murmured with a slight grimace as the waiter retreated with reddened cheeks. "Not exactly the most romantic welcome, eh?"
"Oh hush, you," you swatted his arm playfully. "Although I will admit it wasn't the most subtle 'hot for Harry' look I've ever witnessed."
Harry choked out a surprised laugh, green eyes dancing merrily in the soft candlelight. "A bit familiar with those kinds of looks then, are you sweetheart? Should I be worried?"
"Well let's see...how jealous do you get when Perfect Polly Instagram won't stop flooding my feed with thirsty tongue emojis every time you so much as breathe?" You quirked one cheeky brow at him over the rim of your water glass.
Harry's grin only broadened, clearly delighted by your unexpected brashnrss. "Well now, darling, sounds like I may need to have a few stern words with Polly myself. Letting the world know in no uncertain terms just whose girl you are."
A fresh blush crept across your cheekbones at his words and the undercurrent of possession laced through them. No matter how much you wanted to play it coy and unaffected, you couldn't deny the arousing trill of satisfaction at Harry considering you his.
Before you could formulate any sort of snarky reply, the waiter arrived to take your orders. Harry gallantly allowed you to go first, regarding you intently in the meanwhile. As soon as the poor man left again, he fixed you with such an endearingly besotted look the breath caught in your throat.
"Have I mentioned lately how stunning you are, Y/N? Because you truly take my breath away."
You rolled your eyes instinctively, though a soft giggle escaped along with it. "Pretty smooth there, rockstar. Though I suspect you've used that line on a few girls in your day
Harry let out an amused chuckle, not even attempting to deny your playful accusation. Instead, he leaned back in his chair, all loose-limbed grace as he regarded you with a tender warmth.
"Can't say it's my best material, I'll admit. But then, something tells me you'd be able to see straight through any less-than-genuine flattery, darling."
You arched one eyebrow teasingly. "Oh? And what gave you that impression, Mr. Styles?"
"Call it a hunch," he murmured, gaze dropping briefly to your lips before flickering back up to hold your stare steadily. "You seem like the type who'd appreciate a man being honest and upfront."
A delighted shiver coursed through you at his words - both the graveled timbre and the implication behind them. Before you could formulate a suitably flirtatious response, the waiter returned bearing your steaming entrees.
"Ah, perfect timing!" Harry exhaled with a crooked grin, deftly switching gears. "I don't know about you, gorgeous, but I'm famished."
As the mouthwatering aroma of seafood linguine wafted up from your plate, you realized just how ravenous you were as well. You'd been so wrapped up in Harry's charming presence that you'd nearly forgotten about sustenance altogether. Shaking your head slightly, you picked up your fork with an answering grin.
"Well then, we'd better tuck in before it gets cold! I want you to have the full authentic experience."
Over the next little while, you and Harry fell into an easy flow of idle conversation and shameless flirtatious banter. He peppered you with random questions about your interests and background, seeming to hang on your every response with rapt fascination.
"How does a gorgeous, talented thing like you end up gracing this city anyway?" he asked at one point, toying idly with the stem of his wineglass. "Surely some bloke back in Cheshire should've snatched you up ages ago."
You couldn't bite back your snort of laughter. "What, you don't think I'm capable of being a self-assured, independent woman?" 
Waving a dismissive hand, you continued before he could protest. "I came down to Venice for uni, fell in love with the energy and creative pulse of the city. Never looked back really!"
Harry's dimples peeked out as his lips curved into an admiring grin. "That's my girl - chasing her dreams on her own terms instead of waiting around for someone else's validation." He topped off your wineglass with a wink. "Though I suspect you have a fair few blokes - and birds, let's be real - kicking themselves for not locking it down sooner, eh?"
You made a show of batting your lashes coyly even as warmth bloomed across your cheeks. "Well I certainly can't complain about the options in London..."
"Hey now!" Harry cut in with a laugh, pointing his fork accusingly. "Don't go getting too big for your britches just yet, missy. I'll have you know I'm quite the hot commodity meself these days."
"Oh I'm sure," you tittered, delighting in the back-and-forth. "Though sadly the panda fever seems to have passed me by. Do go on though, I'm all ears for these sordid tales of Harry Styles: Omega Idol."
Harry made a playfully outraged sound, clutching at his chest. "Omega?! Why I never...if anything, I reckon I'm more of a prime alpha specimen."
"Is that so?" You leaned forward slightly, resting your chin on one palm as you gave him an overtly assessing look up and down. "I don't know, popstar...I'm just not sure you've got the stride for it."
With a wicked glint in his eye, Harry pushed back from the table and stood in one lithe movement. He began slowly unbuttoning the top few buttons of his shirt as you watched with rising heat, finally shrugging the jacket off his shoulders entirely and letting it pool on his vacant chair.
"How's this, darling?" he purred, voice like liquid velvet as he stalked around the table towards you with leonine grace. "Giving you more...alpha...vibes now?"
Your mouth went abruptly dry, eyes riveted to the expanse of golden skin and corded muscle on display now above his slacks. Harry came to a stop directly beside your chair, towering over you with one large hand braced on the table and the other settling on the back of your seat.  
When you managed to tear your gaze up and meet his heated stare, your insides clenched with a molten thrill. Those emerald depths glittered with sin and challenge and something so magnetic it stole the air from your lungs.
"Well?" Harry's smooth baritone rumbled through you, lips curved in the most sinfully sensual of smirks. "Any other concerns about my...prowess, love?"
As if in a daze, you slowly shook your head. Your fingers itched with the fierce urge to reach out and map the hard planes of his chest and abdomen for yourself. To revel in the warmth and solidity of the man caging you in his orbit.
Just as you felt yourself leaning inexorably closer, chasing that gravitational pull, a discreet throat clearing had you jumping nearly out of your skin. You whipped your head around to find your waiter standing by with wide eyes and twin spots of color in his cheeks.
"Ahh, s-Signore Styles!" he stammered slightly, adjusting his tie with unsteady fingers. "Is there, ehm, anything else I can get for you and...and the signora?"
Harry didn't so much as spare the younger man a glance, languid eyes still burning into your flushed face with heated promise. His hand came up to toy with one of the curled tendrils framing your neck, featherlight touch raising goosebumps along your skin.
"No, mate," he rumbled, voice gone low and thick as smoke. "We're quite alright for now. Thanks though."
As the flustered water beat a hasty retreat, still blushing furiously, you let out a breathless giggle. "Poor bloke looked seconds away from a heart attack!"
Harry's teeth flashed in a wolfish grin as his fingers continued tracing idle patterns against your sensitive skin. "Can't say I blame him, love. I'd be scandalized too if I had to look at something as sinfully gorgeous as you for too long."
Oh good lord, how did he always manage to rob you of oxygen with the smallest comments? Knowing you had to regain at least a modicum of composure before this evening descended into a lust-crazed fiasco, you squeezed Harry's bicep gently.
"Right, well I'll kindly ignore your skewed vision for now, mister. But maybe take a step back before you give the other diners something to gawk at besides rugged good looks?"
Chuckling again, Harry obediently slid away, reclaiming his seat in one smooth motion. But not before dipping to brush the faintest whisper of lips across your blushing cheek.  
When he straightened, that cheeky glimmer was back twinkling in his eyes like he knew damn well the effect he had on you. Still, you welcomed the brief chance to take a few calming breaths without his intoxicating presence overwhelming you entirely.
Over the next while, you and Harry continued your flirtatious back-and-forth in between sampling bites of dessert. It was both exhilarating and terrifying, keeping him on his toes while simultaneously swooning over every sinfully appealing aspect of him. 
Mercifully, the arrival of your shared tiramisu dessert provided a temporary reprieve from the thick, smoldering tension crackling between you. Though you had to swallow down a fresh wave of want at the sight of Harry wrapping those obscenely lush lips around his first bite.
With a soft moan of appreciation, he closed his eyes briefly as the flavors melted across his tongue. "Oh darling, you have to try this...it's heavenly."
Hazily, you gave a jerky nod and accepted the offered forkful. The rich, creamy taste burst over your senses in a blend of cocoa, espresso, and perhaps just a hint of Harry's unique musk.
A slow smile curved your lips as you let out a moan of your own accord. "God yes, Harry...it's amazing."
Dinner finally devoured, you settled back with a contented sigh and studied him through your lashes. He was nursing the last sip of his wine, cheeks faintly flushed and hair deliciously rumpled. You'd never seen a more beautiful sight in your life.
"What?" he rumbled out, almost seeming to read your thoughts.
You shook your head minutely but allowed your smile to deepen. "Nothing, I'm just...really enjoying this. All of this. Thank you for tonight, Harry."
His features melted into an expression of such tender warmth your heart physically ached. Wordlessly, Harry reached across the table to thread his fingers with yours. The pad of his thumb traced slow, maddening circles over the pulse point of your wrist. 
"No, my sweet girl. Thank you." 
His voice was scarcely above an intimate murmur, vowels rasping with palpable sincerity that left you breathless. Those searing emerald eyes burned into your very soul as if entreating you to understand everything unspoken behind his simple words.   
"Shall we take a little stroll before calling it an evening?" Harry suggested softly, though his gaze never lost its ardent intensity. "Work off a bit of dinner before dessert, so to speak?"
Those last few words vibrated between you like the richest melted chocolate - sultry promises in every syllable. You gave a small, dazed nod, utterly helpless to resist this man's charms.
"I'd love that."
Outside, the evening summer breeze was balmy and scented with the rich greenery of Hyde Park across the street. Harry looped your arm through his as you began ambling the quiet paths winding through the gardens. 
For a few blissful moments, you simply soaked in the peaceful ambiance of being so intimately entwined with one another. Harry's familiar crisp cologne surrounded you, his strong bicep flexing beneath your fingers. Occasionally, he'd dip close to murmur some silly pun or observation that would have you giggling softly against his shoulder.
Coming around a bend, the two of you emerged beside a small, glassy pond with a quaint wooden bridge arching over. Tiny white lights had been strung across the handrails, casting a warm romantic glow across the entire scene.  
"Oh Harry...it's gorgeous!" You breathed out in wonder, tugging him forward eagerly. "We have to get a better look!"
Harry chuckled indulgently behind you but hurried to keep pace as you practically dragged him along. The sound of your breathless laughter and happy footfalls filled the intimate little enclosure, echoing back from the dark trees surrounding you.   
When you reached the apex of the bridge, you turned to face Harry with eyes shining brilliantly and smile beaming. A few loose tendrils of hair had escaped their soft updo to feather around your flushed cheeks. You looked utterly radiant in the ethereal lighting.
"Thank you for tonight," you sighed out, slipping your fingers through the soft hair at his nape. "It's been...everything I could have dreamed honestly."
Harry gazed at you with undisguised reverence, hands settling at the dip of your waist as he slowly pulled you flush against him.
"The pleasure has been all mine, I can assure you. Every second with you has been magical...you're magical, Y/N."
Then his mouth was slanting hotly over yours in a searing, drugging kiss. You melted into his strong embrace with a soft moan, fingers tightening against his silken locks. Harry's tongue swiped across the seam of your lips in a blatant request for deeper exploration that you instantly granted.  
One broad palm pressed insistently into the curve of your lower back, arching your body even further into his solid heat. The rasp of his stubble abraded your skin deliciously as his mouth moved with skilled insistence against yours. You could taste the lingering notes of the rich Cabernet from dinner alongside his own uniquely masculine essence.
Only when your lungs were screaming for air did Harry finally tear away, foreheads pressed together as you both panted harshly. His eyes were dark as sin, heavy-lidded and smoldering in the low light.
"God, I've been wanting to do that from the first moment I saw you with paint on your nose," he confessed in a low rasp. "Nearly drove me mad, you were so bloody gorgeous."
Shivering at the rough timbre trickling down your spine, you nipped at his jawline playfully. "Is that so, Mr. Styles? I'll have to make sure to wear more paint around you in the future then."
Harry growled out a dark chuckle, flexing his fingers against your waist in a possessive squeeze. "You ought to be careful, sweetheart. This alpha has been on his best behavior...but only for so long."
Your mouth went dry at the heated promise in his words, desire throbbing through you like a physical force. Before you could even think to respond, Harry ducked in to capture you in another mind-melting embrace, this one deeper and more demanding than the last.  
For long, hysterical moments, all conscious thought faded into a swirl of roaming hands and twining tongues. You could hardly tell where he began and you ended, your very essence tangling and melding most divinely.  
"Y/N," Harry gritted out in a low, strained tone, pulling fractionally back. The stark hunger ravaging his expression would have stolen your breath away if his searing kisses hadn't already accomplished that.  
"Yes?" You exhaled his name back like a respectful sigh.
Those mossy green irises you loved so dearly blazed into yours with naked yearning.  
"Let me take you home."
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amnesique · 1 year
Hi! Can you write a possessive Nick Leister imagine?
oh, mami — nicholas leister
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the music was roaring in the speakers, people were whistling and cheering, so that the sound of the car wheels accelerating on the asphalt could barely be heard in all this chaos.
this is how one of the illegal car races was described. the car races where all the four gangs of the city used to be present, with the well-known son of a billionaire, nicholas leister, and the dangerous ronnie being the centre of the attention.
nicholas revved the engine, and the members of his gang, the red one, whistled for him once more.
you rolled your eyes, and fed up with the lead the leister young man had on your gang member, the blue ones, you placed your hands on the cheeks of another member of your gang and pulled him into a sensual kiss, just as the red car of that one rival passed by you, causing him to clench his jaw and lose his concentration. nicholas leister would never admit it, but he let you, a member of one of the opposing gangs, get under his skin.
you continued to kiss him and and cling onto his body, under the watchful eye of nicholas, who barely managed to get back on track, only after losing his lead.
his jaw was still clenched and he imagined how many ways he could kill the one you had the courage to kiss and touch him, as he pressed the accelerator without a second thought.
meanwhile, lion, his right hand, started yelling at him, cursing, trying anything, just to get his attention. and all in vain.
after all this time, the blue gang had managed to win a race with the famous leader of the red gang, and that was only because of you.
you pulled back, grinning satisfied with your plan, and walked away from the boy in front of you, walking away, not before giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder and a playful wink.
you took a walk by yourself where you knew you'd find a toilet, and after you got out of it, you were suddenly pulled and pressed against a wall by a much stronger and better-built body than yours, a man's body.
and before you could make any sound or see anything in the darkness that surrounded you, a hand made contact with your lips, blocking your cries from being heard.
the man you were glued to moved his mouth to your ears. "i don't think this was the smartest move on your part, what do you say?" he whispered to you.
at the sound of his voice you shuddered to the core and your toes curled involuntarily, feeling your knees weaker than they were minutes ago.
you knew that voice all too well.
when he realized you had no intention of yelling anymore, the man freed you and he took a few steps back, looking down on you due to the height difference.
"nick," you whispered his name in disbelief.
"in the flesh, love," he said, full of himself, and moved closer to you again, enough to put his hand on your waist and press lightly. "how did you allow that loser to kiss those lips that belong to me?" he asked you, his free hand casually touching your bottom lip.
you quickly turned your head, making him withdraw his hand. "i wear the blues bandana, nicholas. you have no right to mess with me."
he chuckled, amused by your remark, and glared at you. "that hasn't stopped me in the past," he began and moved his head to the area between your neck and collarbone, leaving soft wet kisses at the base of your neck, "and it won't stop me now either."
a faint sound, like a silent plea, left your lips as they felt his other hand on your waist as well.
"it should," you said in a weak voice, weighing the option of pouncing him and walking away from him or the option of begging him to make you feel pleasure again, as only he had managed to do.
he moved away from your neck, only to make a disapproving sound, then to moving from your neck to your lips, like a hungry lion getting its food after a long time.
you kissed him back far too quickly, allowing his tongue to explore your mouth, while you would've barely stayed on your feet if his hands on your waist hadn't held you against the wall behind you.
his kisses were maddening, knowing how to soften any girl just the way he wanted to, and you weren't the strongest fighter against those.
he broke away from your lips as quickly as he approached it, making space to give you both time to breathe as he lifted your legs up to wrap them around his body. "did he kissed you as well as i do?” he asked you, his breathing heavy.
you were silent, going crazy with the desire you felt, as your area was throbbing against his because of the position you were in, and you threw your head back, parting your lips.
"tell me," he whispered in a more serious tone, pressing you into that wall, against his hard chest, as you did with that guy. "did that loser manage to get you as wet as i do?"
"no," you murmured, way too fast, before you could stop yourself.
"what you said?" he asked mockingly as he slipped a hand over the space between his body and hers, fumbling with the button of the illegally short jeans you were wearing. "i don't think i heard you," he added, making his way under the fabric of your jeans to cover the area where you needed him the most through the material of your underwear.
you took a deep breath, bitting your bottom lip, and you could swear you could feel how he was getting harder and harder by any action you managed to do. "he couldn't get me as wet as you do," you managed to say, while his hands could feel you even better. in this case, you wouldn't have had a chance to lie to him.
"that's what i wanted to hear,” he said with a smirk on his lips and removed his hand as quickly as he suddenly put you down, you sighing involuntarily at the lack of your body being so close to him. "now," he said as you glared at him as deer in the headlights of his car, "i hope i don't have to make sure no one comes near you with my fists, because, love, you know very well that i'm capable of doing that too."
he walked past you, winking at you, letting you yearn for him, just like you had done before with that guy.
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billwidoll · 13 days
Sweet as Cherry
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Summary: You reject yourself to be with Rafe and when he finds out about this, he was ready to make your life hell Until you get a date
Warnings: for over 18s, verbal violence, physical violence, psychological violence, Toxic and aggressive relationship
Author's Notes: This story is a little heavy and if you don't like it, don't read it
It all started on a normal Thursday afternoon, you were at college waiting for the next class to start. It turns out that there was only you in the room, you were like the nerd in the room, so you were always the one He arrived earlier. but incredibly Rafe Cameron was there too And it didn't take long for him to talk to you
"Hello... you and Y/n?" Rafe says smiling at you
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You were surprised by Rafe's greeting, he was the popular one in college and a bad boy, obviously you didn't like these types of things or these types of Boys
"Oh hi...I'm Y/n" you say with a friendly smile at Rafe
And he smiles with his smile
"Aren't you going to ask who I am, doll?" Rafe speaks with a disgusting smile
You laugh at this comment causing Rafe to hiss in confusion
"For God's sake, who doesn't know who Rafe Cameron is?" You say smiling and that also makes Rafe laugh a little.
"okay... so I'm famous to you?" Rafe speaks, sitting on a chair that was next to them.
"and...like that. But it doesn't fit that much!" You say in a joking tone.
In reality, you didn't even know why you were being so attentive to Rafe, you knew what he was like and how he treated people. Maybe he was just trying to be nice to you to just copy the homework he didn't do.
When Rafe was about to say something else, the teacher and some other students arrived at the time, interrupting them.
It was obvious that Rafe was frustrated, he was winning you over, he was feeling it. Rafe had his eye on you for a long time, but never tried anything, so he decided this was the time
You sat at a table you always sat at, but this time Rafe was your tablemate and you didn't understand because he always sat in the back, far away from you.
"ae! Y/n! How about you meet me at my house at 5pm? I have a surprise for you" Rafe says in a whisper because of the teacher
"Sorry Rafe...but I'm going to study today" you say giving him a friendly smile, you weren't lying you were really going to study
"Ah, come on? This is a chance for us to meet, don't you think?" Rafe speaks with a hopeful look
"how about another day, hun?" You speak last, turning your attention back to the books
And Rafe couldn't deny that he was very upset and sad about it, you were the first girl to not accept an invitation from him. But he wasn't going to give up
After two days, Rafe couldn't stop and think about you. He was always stalking you on Instagram or any social network, He was always going to the coffee shop you worked at.
You were at work on another normal day and Rafe ended up showing up there, you thought he had just stopped by to say "hi" but Rafe's intentions weren't like that.
"Hi Rafe! What are you doing here?" You ask, giving a friendly smile from behind a counter.
"Ah...I came to see you.” Rafe says giving you his best smile and it ends up leaving you embarrassed
"Well... I won't be able to pay attention to you now because I'm working..." You say, your cheeks turning red.
"what's your problem with y/n? Always avoiding me, always making an excuse..." Rafe speaks frustratedly to you and that makes you angry
"I'm sorry if I'm too busy a girl for you!" You shout, but then restrain yourself because you are at your workplace
"okay... and so?" Rafe says it like you and he were having a lovers' fight
"Rafe...What do you want from me, hun? I would do anything for you to leave me alone now!"
You talk already stressed to him
"A date!" Rafe says simply
"a date?" You repeat and he nods
"Yes! Me and you in a restaurant, what do you think?"
Rafe speaks, approaching you and increasing a smile on your face.
"no, I don't want to go on a date with you, Rafe"
you say, lowering your head, you've never turned down a date. But going out with Rafe was too much for you, you didn't want to be another prize in the His
When you refused Rafe's invitation his physiology simply fell, Rafe's eyes quickly darkened, he was starting to break out in a cold sweat
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"what? Are you saying you won't go out with me?" Rafe speaks sounding like a robot that was about to attack you and you were scared there
"and that's right Rafe, I don't want to go out with you now or ever, okay?" You speak harshly, ready to serve the next customers, leaving Rafe alone and angry.
After you didn't want to go out with Rafe, he decided to make your life hell. When you woke up he was there somewhere watching you and you knew it, he was making fun of you From you somewhere in college, he kept treating you like a slave when he went to his work place. But the worst part is when he followed you on the street or when he sent you gifts and love letters or Threatening
You were already tired and fed up with everything Rafe was doing to you, but the worst was going to happen on Wednesday night.
You were in your apartment with the doors locked and the windows too. Everything was calm, so you went to the bathroom to take a shower, going there you ended up taking off your clothes and getting into the hot, bubbly bathtub.
You lay down in the bathtub and closed your eyes, resting. But out of nowhere you end up hearing a voice behind you
"so beautiful...it's a shame it's not mine" Rafe says standing in the doorway smiling, this makes you get up quickly showing off your naked body
When you realize it, you immediately grab a towel that was close to you.
"What are you doing here Rafe?! Can you leave me alone!" you say, screaming desperately, covering yourself with the towel
"no, honey, don't cover yourself, I was seeing a beautiful view" Rafa says walking slowly towards you
"Rafe...please...leave me alone...please" you said with tears in your eyes and slowly moving away with each step Rafe took
"Leave you alone? Why would I leave the most beautiful girl alone?" Rafe speaks with his threatening voice and dark eyes
Now, finally you and Rafe were face to face. Looking deeply, Rafe looked at you like a predator, but you only knew how to be afraid
"...what do you want from me?" You speak with the tears slowly coming down
"I just want a date, my doll" Rafe says almost in a whisper, running his hands over your red face
"Okay, okay. And I'll go out with you, okay?" You say accepting almost desperately
"Do you understand? It's so easy to accept being my girlfriend" Rafe says, smiling like he's crazy and holding your face
"What? Rafe...and just a date, I'm not your girlfriend." You say amazed and Rafe shakes his head no
"Yes, you and my girlfriend yes, and then you will be my wife" Rafe says smiling but squeezing your face, Making you have tears in your eyes even more
"You don't want to make me angry, right? You know what I do when I'm angry." Rafe speaks clearly threatening you
Soon after, he kisses you desperately and madly, the kiss had fear, passion, love, aggression, all emotions flowed from that kiss. Now you were definitely Rafe's
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minisugakoobies · 8 months
The Rules - Part 1 | Bang Chan
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Pairing: Bang Chan x Reader Genre: smut, crack, strangers to lovers, Weddingl!AU Rating: M (18+) Warnings: drinking, kissing, exhibitionism, reader gets fingerfucked in public, dirty talk, a little bit of praise, Fuckboi!Chan has a tongue ring and a lip ring, his charisma is off the charts, reader's got impulse control problems Word Count: 4K Disclaimers: NSFW, obviously I don’t own SKZ - they just inspire me
Summary: When your cousin asked you to be a bridesmaid, she gave you three simple rules to follow. Number one: Don't be late. Number two: Don't get super wasted. And rule number three: Don't fuck Chan.
A/N: This came from a request sent by @aprylynn back in, ummmm, let's not focus on how long this took and just enjoy 😆 This is just part 1, so let me know what you think - like if you want more! 💕
SKZ Masterlist
(dividers by @/saradika)
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When your cousin asked you to be a bridesmaid, she gave you three simple rules to follow:
Number one: Don't be late. "To be early is to be on time. To be on time is to be late. To be late is to get cut out of the family. Don't think Halmeoni won't drop you from her will if I ask."
Number two: Don't get super wasted. "What if I have a bridal emergency and you're completely zooted, upchucking wine spritzers in the bathroom?" As if you'd drink a wine spritzer.
And rule number three: Don't fuck Chan.
She announced the third rule the first time you gathered with her and her other bridesmaids to discuss wedding details. Chan, it turned out, was her fiancé's "Best Bro" from his college frat days.
"Binnie was in a frat? Huh," was your response upon learning this new factoid.
Sun Hee rolled her eyes. "I know, it's weird, but he's grown up a lot since I met him. Chan, on the other hand…" she grimaced. "He's a fuckboy. Of the highest magnitude. S-class. A summa cum fuckboy."
"More like a someone's gonna come fuckboy, amiright?" maid of honor Ji-won snarked, cracking herself up, but she quickly stopped when Sun Hee gave her the evil eye.
"And that's bad because…" you drawled.
"Because every goddamn time one of my friends hooks up with his slutty ass, they completely lose their shit. And I! Do! Not! Have the time to deal with the fallout!" Sun Hee clapped her hands after each word, like a deranged cheerleader. "So keep your hands and your holes away from that man!"
At first, when you met the groomsmen at the engagement party, you thought to yourself that Sun Hee's rule was unnecessary. Apparently, Changbin only hung out with other ridiculously good-looking guys. Any one of them could probably show you an amazing time, if you so desired. 
And then Bang Chan walked in.
Out of curiosity, you'd looked the guy up, scouring Changbin's insta for old photos. Just so you could see what all the fuss was about. It was pretty easy to identify why Sun Hee's friends were apparently throwing themselves at the man, between his muscular build, his warm eyes, and his heart-melting smile. And as a semi-famous music producer, he's a star on the rise, which only adds to his allure. But holy shit, you were not prepared for the charisma.
He strolled into the room in a leather jacket like he was walking onto a stage, radiating confidence from every inch of his rather thick frame, as if expecting an audience to start applauding at his presence. Maybe that's why you weren't surprised to see Changbin and his friends light up as they caught sight of their friend.
Of course, they weren't the only ones to notice him.
"Oh damn, look at the snack that just walked in," Ji-won whispered, tugging on your sleeve. "He's tasty."
"Yeah he is," another bridesmaid, Hae, piped up. "Is it too late to call dibs?"
"Gawi bawi bo!" Ji-won suddenly yelled, but you grabbed her hand as she threw a scissors symbol into the air.
"Sorry, ladies, but the bride's rules trump rock, paper, and scissors. That's Chan."
“That’s Chan? Well, shit.” Ji-won pauses. “Okay. Dibs on Jisung!” 
“Wait a minute!”
Ignoring the horny squabbling going on beside you, you discreetly ogle Chan over the rim of your cocktail. Changbin really needs to update his insta, because you were not prepared for Chan’s blond hair. Or the lip ring. Or, fuck, you nearly choke on your old fashioned as Chan laughs and something silvery inside his open mouth catches your eye. Is that a tongue ring too?!
This man could not be more your type. Absolute catnip, and your kitty is eager for a taste.
Whoa now. Deep breaths. You can do this. You have to do this, because otherwise you’ll let your cousin down. You can practically hear her disapproving tone right now. 
“Don’t even think about it.” 
With a startled jump, you realize Sun Hee is standing next to you. 
“Think about what?” you inquire, stirring your drink super casually. Like the most casually anyone’s ever stirred anything. Unbothered little rotations. 
Sun Hee is not easily dissuaded. “Don’t play dumb. You know exactly what I mean.” 
“I promise you, I’m not thinking anything.” If only that were true. You’d give anything to be head empty no thoughts right now. 
“I really wish I believed that,” Sun Hee sighs. “We both know you have a problem with… self-control.” 
You open your mouth to argue, but she merely points to the glass in your hand, and you quickly snap it shut. You’ve only been at the party for maybe half an hour, and this is your second drink.
Sun Hee’s not wrong. It’s well known to all your friends that you have a tendency to eagerly embrace all the delights life has to offer. Maybe “eagerly” isn’t the right word. “Greedily” might be more accurate. Often, unfortunately, to your detriment. But how can you resist, when the universe is constantly throwing so many pleasures your way - especially when they come in such gorgeous packages as Chan?
“Yeah, okay, maybe sometimes I indulge myself a little, but I told you I wouldn’t sleep with him, so relax, okay? I’m not going to do anything to ruin your big day. I promise you!” 
Sun Hee squints as she examines your face. Whatever she sees makes her smile, shoulders dropping in relief. “Thank you. Now let’s get this party started!” 
As she and Changbin greet their guests, you take another long look at Chan. He turns suddenly, catching your eye. Your breathing nearly stops when his gaze sweeps over you from head to toe. Then he smirks, tongue ring flashing as he licks his lips. 
Fuck. Okay. You can do this. You just need to exert a little willpower. Reign in those bad instincts of yours. Should be a piece of cake. 
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Somehow, the god of parties is on your side. Maybe it’s the drink you spill as you look for a spot to sit for dinner that pleases them - your tipsy faux pas is accepted as an offering. Whatever the reason, you manage to dodge Chan all evening. 
He does offer you the seat next to him at dinner, but Ji-won waves you over to her table, so you refuse him with a polite shake of your head. Ji-won quickly engages you in assisting her with talking to Jisung, but all you end up saying is “Hey Jisung, haaave you met Ji-won?” before Ji-won takes over. Gal’s a talker, which is good, because Jisung’s a bit on the quiet side. Or maybe he just can’t find a place to jump into the conversation, since Ji-won doesn’t appear to need to breathe in order to speak. 
After dinner comes more cocktails and gifts. While the maid of honor hands out gifts for Sun Hee and Changbin to open, you ignore Chan’s smile in favor of writing a list of who brought what, to help your cousin with her thank you notes later. Your Halmeoni would be so proud. 
By the time the festivities wind down, you feel you’ve dodged a bullet. As everyone says their goodbyes, you linger behind, helping your cousin and Changbin carry their ridiculous haul of presents into their car. The trunk is stuffed full as you attempt to shove one more box onto the pile, only for an avalanche of ribbons and envelopes to send it clattering to the ground. 
“Here, let me,” a pleasant voice hums in your ear as your fingers extend, reaching for the box, only for it to be swept up by another hand. And, of course, that hand is connected to the man you’ve been carefully avoiding all night. Guess the party gods have abandoned you.
“Thank you,” you reply politely, studiously avoiding his eyes as Chan beams at you. Jesus, he could literally light up a room with that megawatt smile. 
“No worries.” He helps to push some of the packages back, preventing another deluge. “I’m Chan, by the way. I didn’t get a chance to introduce m’self earlier.” 
You grant him a quick smile as you state your name, then glance over his shoulder, looking for backup - someone you can excuse yourself to catch up to, pretend they’re your ride home. But of course, everyone else is gone now, and your cousin and Changbin are back inside the restaurant, settling the bill. 
“Am I holding you up from something?” 
“Hmm?” You finally let yourself meet his gaze. It’s like you’ve been hit with the full force of the sun. Chan’s smile intensifies, eyes crinkling as he laughs lightly, and it’s too late, you can already feel yourself melting. 
“You look like you’re looking for something. Or someone?” 
“Oh. No, sorry, I was just making sure I hadn’t dropped anything on the way to the car,” you lie, clearing your throat awkwardly. 
Chan nods, sliding his hands into his pockets as he leans against the car. “So… you’re Sun Hee’s cousin, right?”
You nod. 
“She told me that you live here too,” he says. “It’s been years since I’ve been in town. I was thinking - since I’m gonna be here a few times between now and the wedding, I should find someone who can show me around a bit. Let me know what’s good.” He rolls his tongue over his lip ring. “Think you could help me out?”
Every time he drags his eyes down your body, you have to suppress a shiver of anticipation. He’s being incredibly obvious about what he means by showing him what’s good. 
“I - “ can’t think of a valid excuse because you’re too busy picturing what he can do with that tongue ring. “I don’t know how much free time I’ll have, with everything Sun Hee needs me to do for the wedding. She’s gonna be so busy. So, um, I don’t think I can. Help you.” Not your smoothest response, but not the worst, either.
Chan’s eyebrow rises slightly. He looks away, nodding. “Right, of course. Can’t let your cousin down, can ya? So…” He pushes himself off the car, taking a step towards you. “What about tonight then? Any plans?” 
Not a single one. An alarm goes off in your head as he takes another step closer. “Tonight?” 
“Yeah. Maybe we could go somewhere and talk? I know I could just ask ‘Bin for suggestions, but…” he shrugs. “He’s pretty busy too. And honestly? He’s gotten all mellow on me. Too boring and settled-down, y’know?” 
You laugh at his bluntness. “Binnie’s always been this way, as long as I’ve known him. You’re telling me he used to be different?” 
“Oh, you have no idea,” he hums, winking. “The stories I could tell… why don’t you let me buy you a drink, and maybe I’ll share a few?”
It’s very tempting, especially the thought of hearing some (hopefully) embarrassing tales about Changbin. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad? One drink wouldn’t be too much, even given how much you’ve already had this evening. You’ll give him some suggestions of places to check out while he’s in town, he’ll divulge some of Binnie’s college shenanigans, and then you’ll say you’re tired and bounce. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
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And then suddenly it’s two hours and several drinks later, and you’re nowhere near home. 
You had originally suggested going to a favorite spot, a bar owned by a friend where you could drink for cheap (and also potentially have someone who could bail you out if things with Chan got a little hot and heavy), but upon arriving had found it closed for repairs of some sort. Chan’s hotel just happened to be a block away and it just happened to have a really nice bar, so you thought, why not?
Why not, indeed, you’re thinking to yourself, playing with the melting ice in your empty glass. Why not sit side-by-side in the booth, so you can hear each other better? You really didn’t want to miss a single word he said. Why not let Chan drape his arm around your shoulders, since the bar has the air conditioning set to arctic blast and your sundress is not nearly as warm as its namesake? 
Chan has been nothing but a polite gentleman since you sat down, keeping you laughing with all of his deliciously embarrassing tales, to the point that your worries about crossing the line so firmly set by Sun Hee fade from your mind. 
“And after that, we were banned from ever visiting Ikea again,” Chan finishes, a crooked grin crossing his face as he waits for you to stop laughing.
You wipe a tear from the corner of your eye. “I cannot believe Binnie did that! That is… just the greatest story I’ve ever heard,” you inform him. “Thank you so, so much for sharing that.” 
Chan nods, leaning back against the vinyl of the booth seat. “Now, you’re not gonna run off and snitch to Changbin, are you? Tell him I’ve divulged all his dirty secrets?” 
You press your hand to your chest, looking scandalized. “Absolutely not! I would never. Everything you’ve told me stays with me.” You pause. “Until I need it.” 
“Fair.” His grin returns, cheekier than ever. “If you’re gonna use it for blackmail, I will be expecting a cut. Just to warn ya.” 
A server stops by your table to grab your empty glasses and drop off the check. It feels like the perfect opportunity to bring the night to a close - thank Chan for the drinks, since he didn’t even attempt to argue with you about paying, simply dropped his card on the tray, thank him for the gossip, and bid him a good evening. 
But no. You’re you, and so instead of saying “Thank you” or “Good night,” you say,
“I think we could come to an arrangement.” 
Chan tilts his head, eyes roaming from your smiling lips down to your goose-dimpled thighs and back, and you realize you may have miscalculated a bit. Because the sweet expression on his face has vanished, replaced by a look of hunger so ravenous, your pulse quickens - the primal reaction of prey realizing it’s exactly where a hunter wants it. 
“Could we now?” He shifts slightly, the arm around your shoulders falling between you as he signs the receipt. He taps the pen on the table. “I like the sound of that.” 
You do too, which is why there are klaxons suddenly blaring in your head. You should really leave. Instead of sliding further into the corner of the booth as Chan casually leans forward, blocking your view of the rest of the bar. 
That’s when the hand that was at Chan’s side creeps its way onto your exposed thigh. 
“I…” you trail off, totally engrossed by his fingers as they roam, unable to tear your eyes away. They’re more callused than you’d expected, roughened tips catching slightly on your soft skin in an enticing manner. “I do too.” 
He’s just a whisper away now, deep brown eyes fixed on your mouth as he smiles, a warm thing that sharpens as he says, “Maybe we should hammer out some terms? Y’know, just in case? We don’t have to talk here…” His hand slips ever so slightly down the inward curve of your thigh. “We can take this to my room. For privacy. Unless…” 
Sucking in a breath, you meet his eyes, and let your legs fall open just a bit. Chan huffs out a pleased laugh and his hand disappears beneath your skirt. 
The klaxons in your brain are completely silent now, but thankfully the bar is not. The jazzy music drifting down from the overhead speakers covers your tiny whimper when Chan skims his fingers along the newly formed damp patch in your underwear. 
“Mmm, someone seems to be into the idea of being touched in public. Are you into that, love?” 
As a matter of fact, you are, and it’s one of the many vices that’s gotten you in trouble in the past. You just can’t help yourself. Just like right now, even knowing you should walk away, that you might make a mess of things, you’re unable to stop. 
You don’t want to stop, so you nod. 
He arranges himself so he’s propped his head up on his elbow on the table. To anyone looking at your table, it just looks like the two of you are absorbed in deep conversation, huddled close, but not close enough to cause anyone’s eye to linger. 
Or so you hope, biting your lip to stifle a whine when Chan’s fingers push your panties aside.
“Good. Cause I am, too.” And then he’s pressed his finger inside you, groaning quietly at how easily it glides through your folds. His tongue plays with the small hoop nestled in the center of his plush bottom lip. “Oh, shit, you really like this. So fucking wet, dirty girl.”
There’s no reason to argue with him. If it wasn’t clear by the ridiculous amount of slick between your legs, it’s clear by the way you cant your hips forward, trying to urge him to slip his whole middle finger in too as he teases you with the tip. With a throaty chuckle, he obliges. 
“There you go. Is that what you needed?” 
“Mmm,” you hum, muffling your moan with pursed lips. He strokes inside you languidly, enjoying the choked breaths that punch their way out of your throat, before adding another finger. 
You bow your head slightly, trying to hide behind Chan, who leans forward with a smirk, close enough for his lips to brush your cheek. If you turned your face a little, you could kiss him right now, but you’re too focused on the way he’s playing your pussy like one of his soundboards, tweaking and fondling just right, to do anything but try to breathe. 
“Can I tell you something?” he whispers. 
“I had my eye on you all during the party. Kept trying to get your attention, wanted to convince you to go home with me tonight. ‘M glad it worked out.” 
“Who, hnngh, who said I’m going home with you?” you manage to spit out around your groans. 
Chan’s fingers still. “Wait, you don’t wanna come back to my room?” 
“I didn’t say that.” The look he gives you makes you feel dangerous, having such an irresistible man hanging on your every word. It’s such an intoxicating power. “I just meant I’m not convinced y-yet, fuck.” 
You stutter as Chan starts tracing your inner walls, caressing your g-spot hard enough to make you curse. He’s accepted the gauntlet you’ve thrown down with surprising speed, and you suck on the insides of your cheeks, biting gently into your own mouth to keep from shouting out loud.
“Something you should know about me, love - ‘m a bit competitive. I don’t back down from challenges.” 
Chan’s fingers plunge faster and faster, alternating thrusts with strokes. The more his speed increases, the more his arm flexes, biceps rippling under his tight t-shirt. If the bartender were to just glance over, he’d see the way your head is tipped back in ecstasy, and there’s no denying the pleasure flitting across your face. You could be caught so easily.
“Look at you, taking it so well. Bet you’d look so good taking my cock.”
Your eyes fall to the obvious bulge in Chan’s lap. You just know he’d feel so good. Why didn’t you take this to his room? You could be riding him right now. 
Oh well, you’ll just have to let him keep fingering you until you cum all over his hand in the middle of this bar. 
You’re getting close now, but his plunging fingers aren’t quite enough to give you what you so desperately desire. Unashamed to beg for what you want, you gasp out, “More,” hands balling into fists as tight as the knot inside you. 
Chan smirks. His thumb finds your clit. You find the edge. And fall right over. 
“Shiiiiit,” you groan, thighs twitching together, muscles contracting to trap Chan’s hand as an orgasm overtakes you, shockingly fast. So he doesn’t back down from challenges and he’s an overachiever. 
“There you go, love,” he coos. Your abdomen shakes from the force of your climax. He slowly circles your oversensitive nub until he finally stops, and one final shudder passes through you. “Made such a mess for me.” 
Your only response is a string of curse words that would send Halmeoni right to her grave. Chan laughs, bringing his hand to his mouth, and you swear again as he thoroughly cleans his fingers with his tongue, rolling the little stud over and around.
“Have I convinced you now?” he asks, eyes gleaming, tone smug. So, so smug. It’s almost shameful how hot you find that. 
You’re definitely convinced of his skills. And if you go back to his room with him, there’s no telling what other talents he might share. 
Then again… if he works this hard to impress you now….
With a polite smile, you gently pat his arm, silently asking him to give you some space to shimmy your panties back into place. His eyebrow lifts as he waits for your answer.
“Not really.” 
Based on his dazed expression, it’s pretty evident that Chan has never gotten anything less than a rave response to his skills. How absolutely delightful. Your shoulders shake with suppressed laughter as he blinks at you. 
“Thank you for the drinks. But I should really get going, got a ton of stuff to do with Sun Hee in the morning.” Not a total lie, since you do have plans for brunch with your cousin and the other bridesmaids. But brunch never usually stops you from anything. 
“Come on, love - you really want to leave now?” He’s recovered from his shock, bringing a hand up to cup your cheek. “The night’s just getting started. That was just a small taste of what could happen.” He leans in, lips just brushing your ear as he murmurs, “Don’t you want more?”
Chan’s a fighter. Good to know.
“Mmm, maybe. But not tonight.”
He pulls back, searching your gaze. “You’re sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure.” You laugh, nudging him with your knee. Chan slowly rises to his feet, shuffling aside to let you out of the booth. The stupefied look is back. Baffled hunter realizing his trap didn’t spring. 
“Well… if you change your mind, you know where I am. Room 143.” 
He rubs the back of his neck as he speaks, and there’s something kind of sweet about it, like he’s a little unsure of himself, possibly for the first time in his life, so you place your hands lightly on his chest. Damn, he’s so solid. He could definitely rail you through the wall of this bar, if you so asked. 
But not tonight. 
“Sweet dreams, Chan.” Your words warms his lips as you cross the space between you. Even though his hands grip your hips, even though his tongue tastes like scotch, even though the moan he exhales sends shivers from your head to your toes, you break away, and head for the door. 
As you sit in the lobby, waiting for your ride, it’s impossible not to pat yourself on the back, gloating over your victory. You kept your promise to your cousin and got to tease an incredibly hot man into giving you an orgasm at the same time. But what strikes you the most was the wild glint you saw in Chan’s eye as you walked away. 
This is going to be so much fun. 
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© 2023 by minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost. I do not allow translations of my works.
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styxwanderer · 23 days
Fateful Encounter |
〖Twisted wonderland〗
[you are an exiled knight of king Hendrik, thrown away by your master as you had disagreed with his method of draining the mines out of magestones belonging to the fae]
TW: torture, implied sexual harrasment [by the human scums of course]
"OUCHHH that fucking hurts!"
you had no recollection of what had happened, but you suspect it was king Hendrik dirty play that had you beaten you unconciouss to wake up in a grass covered path surrounded by trees in the dead night. The Dawn knight had warned you about this. the last word you could hear was" if you are so adamant to defend those bandits then you should just go live with them." after years serving as the left hand for that ungrateful tyrannical king this is your payment?
" That jerk! Urgh...Where am i?"
you were in distress, a lady in distress, though that is broken as you decide that it is better if you had looked around and search for help than wailing in self-pity.
Not long you had seen a source of light from a distance. you decided to get closer, Afterall, it is better to die by the sword rather than starvation.
As you went closer and closer you begun to notice a hissing between the trees. You grown aware of your surroundings as you search around.
" HUMAN! state your purpose! How dare you try to sneak into our camp in the dead of the Night!! WAIT! IT"S YOU!! the left hand of that Bastard King! I shall have you dead!"
You raised both your arms up. " Bastard king, I kinda agree with that a tyrant too, well i don't mind, but first let me have some food first, won't you be so kind to give me a last meal?"
" hold on a second, Baur. Look at her clothes. and she is injured"
You had now became aware, you had been stripped out of your armour left with the thin materials used inside of the armour, it too had been ripped from the branches. The logo of king Hendrik kingdom too had been forcefully ripped out of your body cloth leaving a hole on your left arm. You body blotched with black and purple spots you dont doubt you lips were splited and a smear of blood is apparent below your nose. with a topping of a left black eye of course.
" Oh aren't you the general of the right?"
"ugh.. enough with the name, you are king Hendrik famous dog aren't you, state your business.. on second look... heh.. the owner had gotten tired of his dog? what happened did you bark at your master? or did you bite your master?" the general with red stripped hair taunt you.
" Haah.. I wished I had mauled him to the death, then at least he can stop his grabby hand to take whatever he wanted like a spoiled baby."
" hmm.. no that would be a real inconvenient. afterall, we fae had a fair share of grudge toward your stupid king, Human or should i say Dog."
" Okay deal.. so when can i have my meal?"
" a meal?!?"
" Aa.. well, I rather die with food rather than dying without a last meal, so before you kill me the previous left hand dog of king Hendrik would you be so kind to give me one last meal?"
"YOU!!! ---"
" hahahaha.. you are an intresting one. alright I will grant you, your wish, afterall, I have just finished making the food come come."
"But Lilia, they are a human..."
"don't worry, its their last meal afterall. khufufufu."
" I give thee my deepest gratitude for your never-ending kindness." you performed a half bow with your right hand towards your chest.
You are guided toward the camp as Baur the green-haired guy kept an eye on you, feeling very suspicious of your presence. Meanwhile, Lilia was leading the group.
once you are inside of his camp several soldiers are to rise and hiss at you only to be informed than you are Lilia's esteemed guest making them shocked as they continue to stare at you and your tattered uniform.
you are seated in a big log as Baur sat neck to you armed cross, frowning. You have to say that this guy is quite attractive even when he frowned. You look around the camp to find that the camp is previously owned by the silver fox.
Your attention is diverted as Lilia placed a strange green? brown? goop into a wooden plate and handed towards you.
"Here you go! eat up before I can slice you up!"
" ..... What is this?"
" it is filled with nutrition if you must asked. its a tradition for a fae." Lilia smirked
you took a sniff at your bowl reeking of whatever foul thing on the planet, you then take a bite deciding not to be rude to the host and also it is you whom had demanded for food, you need to eat it despite it's appearance, it might be good regarding of its look just like a few dish that you had tried before.
Your mind turned blank as you froze. Once the food had enter your mouth you could feel your gag reflex acting up. Not wanting to spit it out you hold your mouth shut. You could feel your skin turning into a shade of green. your check. you forced yourself to swallow like a good girl you are.
" What is in there?!"
" hmm.. well we have lizard tail and foot, a cow's liver.."
" BLerghhhhhhhh....urp.." you try not to let the spoonful of the goop rise up your throat.
You stare at this green haired guy dead in the eye, you had lost your fear for your live. " Is this seriously your traditional food? did you eat this everyday?"
" Quite human! this is very healthy! it is too very convenient!"
" That is true you know, I don't have time to do whatever gourme chef do, this is just enough to feed my troops."
" As beautifulas you faes are you are quite horrible with foods, ah how terrible, I feel so bad for your troops."
" If you rather die in hunger then be my guess." the general spoke.
" Haaa..." You placed the bowl on top of the log as you look around for wa mound judging by the state of the camp, the previous troop had rushed off in a hurry, there is bound to have unlooted item or burried goods around, afterall most of hendrik's troops are insufferably and idioticly selfish like their master.
"AH there it is.." You walked towards the mould as you started to dig.
" Baur Let them be.."
you pulled out a big chunk of pork meat from the ground.
" ....Lilia... i didn't know meat can grow from the ground like that.. Did you human invent whatever this is?!"
" I had no recollection in history of whatever this is. it must be a new invention?"
" HAH! i wished it is, some greasy soldier just decided that they want a whole meat for themselves and hid it here. nothing special at all."
General lilia just sighed. You walked to plants you found around as you picked few leaves and search for salt and pepper around the pouch, since there is bound to be. You started to prepare a skewered pork. Baur who was planning to interfere was stopped by Lilia as he let you do whatever you want.
" All done.." the smell of roasted meat filled the whole camp making the troop's mouth watered.
" Nutricious, convenient, and delicious! Won't you have a try." you picked a stick for yourself and one you handed in the direction of both Baur and Lilia.
" WHO WOULD WANT YOUR FOOD?! for all I know you might've put poison in it."
" Bruh.. I literally cooked right in front of you."
" Hmmm.. Then don't mind if I do.. if I found you to have put strange things into this meal I will have you chopped. we fae have sensitive tongue especially"
" geez you saw me eating this grilled meat too.. I didn't put anything alright! it would be a crime for the food itslef to have been used as a killing method. also do you really have?"
" huh?! what is that supposed to mean?"
" ah no it's just that you have been eating that good for the longest time, so i assumed your tastebuds are dead.... or something."
" Huh?! how brazen of you! it is not that bad." Lilia took the stick form your hand as he tried it.
His tongue instantly boomed with flavour, he stayed quit not wanting to admit that your food had exceeded his food and his expectation.
" not bad.."
" Is it really?"
" I had enough for your whole troops, I don't eat that much, so please have it. That greedy bastard had actually managed to hide that big chunk of meat.. i even have left over" you offered.
" Whoa.. how kind of you." Lilia said as he called on his troop who had been staring at the group for quite some time now, mouth watering.
" Baur you too have some, we will have quite a long journey after all."
" ABSOLUTELY NOT! I rather die than have a food made by humans. I am not hungry at all any way!" He huffed arms still crossing around his large chest.
Suddenly a loud roar boomed. A loud roar from the belly of the green haired soldier
Silence ensue as a hue of pink started to appear on his cheek.
" PFFFTTT... "
You cannot hold your laughter any longer as you laugh out loud. Lilia follows.
" you are hungry right?, have some come one."
" No way!"
You then have a good idea, " Fine! then i can have your portion!!! thank you for the extra food!"
" YOU.. YOU GREEDY LITTLE DOG! fine i will have it! MOVE!"
You laugh as you shoved the skewered pork to his mouth rendering him speechless and you laughing,
" Whose the dog now" you mischievously taunt.
The meat is ripped forcefully from his mouth as he chewed aggressively, " Just watch your back human! I will tear you to death!" he screamed still mouthful as you just chuckled.
" You are quite an interesting human, it's been so long since I had this much fun, rather than have you die, why don't you become our personal cook from no on? he chuckled.
" HUH me?"
" ABSOLUTELY NOT! Lilia!! but she is a human! What if she is sent as a spy for our troops?"
" Then I assign you to keep a close eye on her, simple."
" BUt --- eugh.. Yes, General Lilia."
and from then on your life from a left hand dog of the king had shift and roll and become the personal chef of General Lilia troop, the bane of King Hendrik troops. you had quite enjoyed your new role to be honest, the days are spent with teasing the stiff green haired guy. You had gotten quite close to him as he grew less weary of you overtime. even when he speak so harshly you had realized that Baur had actually cared for you and his troop. especially after that incident.
"OUCHH!" you had managed to trip yourself over a poking branch spraining your ankle.
" Y/N! What happened?!"
" ah it's just i didn't see that branch peeking out.."
" HUMAN! how pathetic a previous knight could go?! tripping over a measly branch?! "
" Hey its covered with leaves I cannot see them."
" HA.. What am I to do with you come!." He crouched down in front of you positioning himself. you are frozen shocked of course.
" o.. alright..." you are being carried by Baur in piggyback as he lead you back to camp earning a snicker from Lillia of course.
ever since then you had tried your best to show your gratitude towards him by giving him more meat or more food on his portion, when he commented that you are wasting the troops food on him you pushed through convincing him that he needed to have more food fae to reasons that is never disclose of course, a pride of a woman wont ever reveals her secrets Afterall.
You are unaware of the shade of pink that decorated the crocodile man's face. At the end of the day, He too got his own secrets to keep.
On a normal evening you had found Lilia struggling to apply the wound on his back from the previous clash with the iron clad. You decided to step in.
" Lilia I am coming in." you said as you enter the camp.
"H-hey, What is the meaning of this? i never agreed for you to enter. have you been stalking me?" his top is still on the side and he struggles with the bandage.
" Hahaha what if I am? anyway, please let me address those wounds."
" Haah? as if I need help from a ---"
"Hey I told you I don't need help!" the head strong stubborn fae huffed.
But of course, you hadn't listened taking the bandage out of his hand you grabbed an ointment, smearing it onto his back before wrapping the wound with the bandage.
"All down." he then turned towards you as he pushed you back towards the wooden cart, your escape route blocked. both hands placed on the both side of your face in a kabedon manner. is this how you die? well at least you died in an honorable way.
" How brazen of you? do you know what i can do to you? a man without his shirt to a defenseless little girl."
" huh.. beat me? either way you need to address that wound properly or it will get horribly infected Also i am not a defenseless little girl i got teeth to bite don't i?" you Feigh ignorance.
"Haa.. sometimes I wonder how you managed to reach this age, you got 0 survival skills."
" Hahaha luck I guess?" you shrugged.
Lilia chuckled as he let you go. He was a bat fae, he was always the babysitter, the one taking care of, so it surprised him so when you had taken care of him in return. He then turned around to leave you.
" From now on, I will come to you if I had any other wound, so you better be ready at all time, human." he looked back at you smirking before he left the camp. a tint of red are shading his tipped ears.
" Yes sireee."
You had become Lilia's personal medic, though to his annoyance sometimes you had also assisted other fae in his troop and Baur. making him all annoyed, " her hands should only touch my bare body." Unaware of his feelings.
The winter is coming, the lake had started to froze. Your tattered fabric uniform had little help to keep you from the cold, but of course, you do not dare to tell a single soul. what would be of you if you had complained you were too cold. All the soldier's clothes are too big on you anyway and you do not want to burden your companion with your unnecessary complains, they got pesky people to remove from harvesting the mountain dry afterall. So you push trough.
Until in the dead end of winter you had woken up shivering as your body shake and teeth clatter. The fire was flickering from the wind and do little to keep you warm, You decided to just take a run to warm yourself up. Before you can properly stand up a large hand had gripped your arm.
" Where do you think you are going y/n" his deep morning voice rang through, thankfully not as loud as his normal voice is.
" Oh me,,, I am going for a run.."
" Hoo... so you are running away?"
" NO.. I was just... warming myself up."
" Is that so.." Baur sit up and pull you back to the ground making you sit still, he pulled and extra uniform as he throws it at you.
" wear that before i changed my mind."
" OHH really?! Thank you so much!" you quickly wear the large piece of garments.
" then I will be going back to sleep." you got back to lay down.
" alright." he scoot over next to your horizontal body.
" uhm..."
" i figured a close body contact would make the hat to circulate around, it would make the both of us warmer, Dont think of futile stuff human! This is just a soldier conduct to take care of each other!."
" Yes and warm each other hohoho."
Unbeknowst to you two, Lilia who had slept in front of you both had been awakened by the shuffling as he saw the scene in front of him. Chucking to himself at the turn of event. Of course, he was going to stalk you if had went on that run and maybe force you down on the ground as he demanded your purpose on running away, but Baur had managed to caught you before he do. He felt upset but at the same time relief because you are now stuck between his fingers unable to leave him or his troop.
" ah to leave me out! such a sad guy I am. I too am very cold." he decided to break.
" Lilia you could join too.." you chuckled
"well don't mind if i do."
Baur huffed as he lay next to you, arm wrapped around your smaller body as you curled into his embrace, with Lilia on your other side spooning you, you are thanking God because not only could you sleep warmly at night you too got to be in the embrace of the hot crocodile man and the bat fae.
It was a normal day, as you enjoyed your taunts and conversation with your fellow troops, you had been accepted by the troops as their personal chefs, sometimes they even made a request of course not within the ears of Baur since he will give them an earful for being fussy and troubling you though he would never admit. You too had exchange your skill to Lilia and Baur, exchanging tactics with Lilia as you teach them the human way and them the Fae way.
The both of them had found out why you had been exiled to the wilderness, they felt enrage as to what they had done to their dog whomst had just choose to speak their opinion, even in Briar Valley, their princess is not as henious as to not let her subordinate speak their different opinion.
Both are enraged of the previous living conditions. You had been born by a prostitute and were taken to be raised as a soldier, you had managed to rise up to the king's left hand with your own strength and determination and hence your treatment is worse than that of a dog especially with the king himself treating you like his dog. You had told them that sometimes you were summoned to his chambers at night despite having a wife, though you had managed to escape or gain assistance with the kind golden haired man as he covered for you.
That story had enraged the faes, how dare those people had regarded you so lowly despite your achievements, it is simply digusting. How dare those people who are far than worthy of your presence with and a power far lesser than yours decide to grope you and mistreat you. You are a knight, always second to the Knight of dawn, Although you explained that the Knight and his father had been the only person to show kindness towards you no matter the origin of your birth. You had thought of leaving, but they had given you comfortable place to sleep and food, there is fate much worse you thought. The whole conversation had made you wonder of how the knight of dawn is doing with his duty, you hoped your brother well.
Both, Lilia and Baur, had shared a deepen felling towards you, a determined brave girl. You had managed to snuggle yourself comfortable in their hearts. So you have to worry no longer for mistreatment, The fae had deemed themselves your new owner and will treat you accordingly, such a good dog is meant to be showered in praise and gold, not thrown with a rock. Such a rare find you are, an interesting human girl, a gem. The king had let his most precious gem slipped out of his pocket and faes are quite attracted to shiny objects, the king wouldn't mind you them stealing this one will he? Afterall, he had stolen many of their magestones.
Baur surprised you with his patching skill as he sews the holes of your uniform and made them more presentable, he had done that once he found you removing the extra clothe the given you in the morning. When he enquired why you had told him that the clothe are too big and it would hinder your movement. He agreed with your point, but he would not let you dress in tattered uniform for the rest of the journey, so he had you hand over your uniform and changed into his oversized one while he patch your onesie uniformed up. He insisted you keep the cloth of course in case you had felt cold.
Lilia had sometimes assisted you with cooking as well, although it had ended with you pushing him away from the pot so as to not let him put any wierd ingredients into the pot. though you had enjoyed your time cooking as he told you tales of his adventure and his childhood. In return you told him of your past, and goals in life, you had list of stuff you wanted to try such as walking in a garden full of flowers and not those who are filled made from metal. You had shared your distaste with Lilia over their destructive inventions.
You had gone through your chores and food prep before you heard a shrill of high-pitched hiss. A fae soldier had shouted warning the camp over an incoming siege. you hurriedly abandoned your station picking up a spear given to you to defend yourself. you looked around to see Lilia and Baur now already on their mask as they ordered the troops around as they fought Hendrik's man. In a distance you could see one of the ironclads sneaking up on the crocodile masked guy, preparing to take a blow straight toward the unsuspecting crocodile.
" BAUR! LOOK OUT!" you had shoved Baur's body with yours, pushing him out of the path of danger. only for the danger to be directed to you.
"URGH!" you hurl as you your torso had taken a strong blow, knocking you down as you writhe on the ground.
"Y/N! HOW DARE YOU!" he quickly went after the perpetrator as they ran away, having failed their mission.
"Y/N!" Lilia wanted to check on you but he was preoccupied with his own fights.
More and more iron clads keeps coming by. they are throwing nets to unsuspecting fae or injured ones, You could hear Lilia telling the troop to retreat, Baur trying to get to you but unabled to as you feel a net had wrapped around you as well dragging you closer to the iron clad.
" Y/N!!!" both are trying to get to you defeating the ironclads in his way, but it is for naught as you were pulled towards the troop, they were outnumbered. They watch in desperation as they saw your injured and immobilized body being dragged, helpless to your own fate. and unable to help you, even when you had helped them.
"Hey isn't this the previous left hand knight?! The dog knight?"
" i had thought they died when she ran away from the castle?!"
'Run away? whatt ??' you thought unable to speak.
" she must've sold her body to those fae that must be why she is still alive."
" What a true bitch... must be nice to be able to use her body Hahahaha. We should take this traitorous bitch back of course, we might get a huge sum."
' no...' your consciousness fades as you no matter how you tried to wake up.
The room was dark and cold, you could feel your hand chained to your back. both your feet and been chained down at the ankle, both with a medium lenght chain connecting to the ground, enabling you to do just a few motion but on the ground nonetheless. You had been put in the castle's dungeon.
" click" the door had opened as you saw both the king and knight of dawn entered. Seeing your frail battered body the knight could only clenched as the king sneered in amusement.
" HO.. so the unfaithful dog had come back to it's owner." He sneered.
Both you and the knight had known that his words are full of bull, you are the one that had been exiled. though you are unable to speak, to tired to even lift a finger.
"ANSWER WHEN YOU ARE SPOKEN TOO!" the king throw a fit as he begun to kick you, stomping on you over and over again, pressing the purple wound on your body.
"Sire.. please, you do need to waste an energy for this one" the knight's eye widened as he tried to find a way to save you from your faith. Ah he is stil as you remembered him to be kind. how kind of you.. brother.
" I would have had away with your body, but unfortunately ofr you, those fae might have left some disease on you, such a shame. Your fair skin are no more, How is it being a toy for those bandits?" he went to grab you by the jaw forcing you to look at him, you are wincing as his grip is crushing your bone.
" But thanks to that, she might have a few information of the fae and their strategy, we should take it out from their mouth, you stil have some use afterall, GUARDS! if i am unable to use your body, then i might as well see it flogged, HAhahahha."
you had been set to be flogged until you had given them any information about the fae. But one thing the king is mistaken about; is that you are a true loyal dog. You would've rather die than to give any information to the king. Their kind had shown you the most kindness and respect towards you than your own. You could see the knight tried to reason with the king to no avail, the stubborn fool is too full of himself afterall.
It was shameful, to have your uniform thorn at the hands of the knight of dawn in command of the inspecting king. Your scarred back, a memories to your past, were shown to both of them as they begun to carve one after the other,
' Just like old times, you tried to remind yourself. You had been an orphan and a homeless, flogged daily to feed those who share the same fate as you and for yourself. Your skill had been recognized by the father of the knight of dawn, whom had trained you along with his son, Your bond is thicker than those of aristocrat siblings, having been adopted by his father you are technically his sister and he your brother. He was always concerned about you and disapproved the discrimination against you for your origins. He tried his best to dispel these acts but what can one person do? He cannot change other people mind as long as the king himself had treated you as if you are a prostitute, He was furious on his own incompetent, what kind of brother is he, unable to save you from such fate.
He was heartbroken when the new of your disappearance spread, leading to him found out about what the king had done. It sickens him that he had to serve a dirty king such as he, but it hurts his heart more to see you trying to hold in your wailings as you slowly break.
Your eyes had grown to those of a lifeless corpse as you bite your tongue bloody as to not give the satisfaction to the Idiot king.
"Hurry and tell me what they are planning their strategies!" The king who had grown impatient stomp over to your side pulling you by your hair.
You spit a mix of your blood and saliva on to his face, eyebrows furrowed. You would rather die than to sell out your friends like that.
" You bitch ! have it your way! guard bring in the iron rod!"
Your torture was far from over, the night is going to be long for you and your brother who are forced to watch as he watches your face contorted, screeching in pain from the hot iron burning your flesh.
" please my dear y/n, please drink this, it is a healing remedies."
You had lost consciousness as the third iron pressed against your skin burrning your flesh away. you felt a liquid vial being pressed towards your mouth. You frail awake as you tried to get away from the perpetrator like a scared dog.
" Shhh.. Shhh.. it's me.. your brother... please.. i will never harm you."
He went to hug your bruised body, careful with your injuries. Your body laxed as you limped into his hug. you could feel his body trembling as drips of tear fall unto your bare shoulder.
" I am sorry... I am so sorry, dear sister..." he cried. you wished you could pat him on his back but your hands are chained and you are too tired.
" brother.. Please,.... it is not your fault..." you tried to croak out words after word, as to deliver your message.
" I am unable to protect you, it is a duty as your brother, and i have failed... i am sorry.."
He had brought you warm food and the vial of healing potion and had placed your head into his lap as he smeared an ointment to your bruised. Patting your head in reassurance. The two of you conversed just like old time, catching up, afterall it had been months since you last seen your brother. it was nice
" it is time for me to go, dear sister, i was requested to accompany Lady rose this afternoon." he gently lift your head and placed them down on the ground.
With one last look , his heart clenched once more seeing your worn out and battered body. " I will see you tommorow same time. please stay strong sister."
and you are once more alone in the cell.
Days turns to week, and week turned to two, as everything had been a blur to you since you had fade in and out of your consciousness, King Hendrik is relentless, no matter how much your brother had begged, he would come to see you with your brother of the torture he had command his guards to do to you. but no matter how many time he flogged you, how many minutes you are under the water, no matter the beatings that came after and how many hot metal rod being pressed onto your flesh, you had refused to relay any information to the Spoiled king.
Your brother had begged you at, some points,to just let him know whatever he wants to know, but you ignored him, much to his concern and headaches.
You had grown to wish for your death as you refused the vial your brother gives you, begging for him to just let you be, he would have none of your nonsensical blabber of course forcing the vial down your throat. But over time he too had started to think if what he is doing is for himself or yours, beating himself for not being able to help you at all.
"My king!"
In the dead evening during one of your torture time, a soldier came barging in and whispered something to the king.
" WHAT?!! Knight you come with me! And you continue to pry information out of her, if she still had refused by dawn, cut of her tongue and present her severed head to me, a dog's head might work as a decoration." much to your brother's distressed as he stares as you with concern filling his eyes as to communicate with you before leaving, begrudgingly to follow the king.
You tried to listen to your surrounding to figured out what is happening, but all for naught as all is drowned by your screaming voice. The guards had continued to mercilessly torture your body with the metal iron, sometimes deciding to beat your body with the hot piping iron instead of just pressing it onto your exposed skin.
Is this how you will die? you haven't finished your goal yet, you haven't told Lilia how you love his kindness and that you are grateful of the day he had allowed you to join his camp, You haven't told Baur on how much you loved his passion for justice and reciprocate his kindness towards you, As bad as it sounds both of the fae had found a place in your heart as well, but it is bound to never make its way to the light of day as you were about to die. The thought had riddled your thought throughout your torture, tear stinging your eyes both from the pain and your thoughts. You could see the dusk revel into dawn, as the sun slowly raised up from its hiding place.
you had surrendered yourself to death and had chosen to die in an honorable way. If they are going to kill me then i would rather go down with my pride rather than begged for my life.
"Heh, would you look at the time, such as sad time for you, it's time to get that fiesty tongue of yours chopped of hahaha." he taunts as he grabbed a tonsil to pry your tongue from the cave of your mouth, it hurts.
he raised his knife up high as to chop your tongue.
You brace for the impact as you clenched your eyes shut..
But it never came..
you saw a flash of green as you felt the knife dropped as the head of the guards too roll on the ground letting you tongue go from the tonsil. Confussing you, eyes wideded, you tried to move your head but you are unable to as you are too tired so you fall immobilized to the ground.
You felt a hand reach under your head gently lifting you up and turning you around to face him. His normally stern eyes grew teary as he cradles you in him arm placing his head to your shoulder.
" They will pay for what they did. I will make sure of it. They will pay a hundredth times over!" His hand now cupped your face gently, snapped his watery eyes turn deadly as he furrowed his eyebrows. his expression riddled with anger as he turned to slashed the chains bounding your hands and feet using his magearm before he princess carry your bruised and weak body in his arms, resting your had to his shoulder. The smell of a burning fleash assulting his nostrils
" STOP RIGHT THER--" the poor guards were chopped into pieces by the merciless fae and his last bit of patience towards humanity has left his own soul.
The fate was shared to many other soldier standing on his way until you had felt the breeze of the dawn, finally out of your confinement after many days. You took a deep breath.
Baur upon seeing the two of you rushed towards Lilia and upon closer inspection he saw the extent of your injuries. the boisterous man had left speechless and in shock as he too become riddled with rage.
"How.. dare them.. HOw dare theyyy!!! this kingdom is out to be blown to dust! this is Unforgivable!"
He gently went over you as to inspect, Lilia handing you towards Baur. grunting as your tattered back is moved around.
" It's time for us to go home now." Lilia who had caress your cheek once more turned to grab his large magearm and readied himself to plunge to bawttle once more, making way for hima dn his troop to go as he had claimed back his prize, his gem.
The king having heard of the news forced more guards to secure around the castle to prevent you from escaping. Your brother wished you a safe journey as he thanked the fae silently in hid breathe, feeling tears of relief starting to water his eyes behind this mask.
Baur tried as gently as he could not to cause further harm as he cradled you, tears were threatening to spill from his teary eyes. But he shall do that later once you are safe and secured, now he needs to focus on bringing you to a safe place and maintainning you alive.
The blood lost had made you drowsy as you surrender yourself to the Crocodile fae's embrace.
" c'mon y/n Hold on a bit longer, we are near.."
" Pleasee.. don't sleep now. DONT YOU DARE FALL ASLEEP HUMAN!!"
His tears are flowing freely as he fastened his pace towards the camp before your weak body had grown still. He is now filled with rage and concern so does lilia as they make haste towards the camp to give you emergency medic care, They had given you emergency first aid, but they could only work as much as they could.
Your eyes are growing heavy and heavier.
" Lilia! we must make haste!!" he raced through the forest faster than he had ever ran, The Other fae had also catch up.
" y/n.."
The birds are chirping loudly as the drip of the waterfall is loud and clear.
A ray of light assaulting your eyes as you pried them open. On your right you had seen the tired bat fae sleeping soundfully beside you, and to your right the green-haired crocodile man fusing and sorting out ingredients, You had seen the blood-soaked towel in the watter filled bowl beside you. You saw your body had been covered by bandages as you are wearing an unfamiliar clothes. you shuffled around.
The green-haired man was alerted as he rushed to your side abandoning his previous job.
"Y/N!!! Lilia!! Y/n had woken up!!."
"y/n.. Y/N!." Lilia was startled awake.
you tried to sit down but their hands had swiftly prop you back down. Baur handing a glass of water to Lilia as he feed you gently.
feeling no longer parched you spoke.
"How long have i been asleep?"
" around a week."
" A week?! no wonder i was so thirsty you licked your lips."
Lilia sigh " Do you know how worried i am? must you come tattered everytime i meet you? and whats with your nonchalant attitude?"
" DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH LILIA AND I ARE CONCERNED ABOUT YOU! WE LOOK AFTER YOU DAY AND NIGHT AND YET... and yet you wouldn't wake up..." The green haired guy seems to abandoned his strict personality as his eyes watered, Cradling you into his embrace once more.
" We thought we had lost you..." he cried.
" im sorry." you placed your hands as you rubbed his back, Lilia too joined the hug, He might seem calm and uncaring but with how much grip he had on you, you thought otherwise.
" Geez how troublesome this pet is, i should get you a collar so you don't jump into danger on the first sight of it."
"ahahaha.. i'm sorry." you to had felt tears falling from your eyes as you clung to them. Of course you do not know how serious Lilia is with his previous comment. You had missed this. You thank whatever diety is there that had allow your fate to rekindle with your friend, Enabing you to experience this once more.
" I am home."
" welcome home"
"Welcome home.."
[6885 words]
<< The End >>
[ i made this because bruv the hotness and handsomeness of Sebek's grandpapa and lilia younger days are freaking blinding me and playing with my heaed!! EVEN TO MY FUCKING DREAMSS HAA?! also this is also for those who had the same resentment towards their shitty boss or those who had mistreated you, Let General lilia and Baur zigvolt nurse you back and be the cure towards that rage and depression. hope you enjoy this one, darlings!]
( :̲̅:̲̅:[̲̅:𓆩♡𓆪:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
[ Here a bandage just for you]
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notleclerc · 2 months
Too Hot
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🤍Charles x Fem!Reader
🤍summary: in which the game „Too Hot“ challenges ones desires
🤍warning: getting a little steamy here but nothing to big
🤍a/n: I got inspired by @yuwuta with the JJK version and was like „ok slay lemme try it as well“ // English is not my first language so please have mercy on me🥺
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In the heart of Monaco, where the streets echo with the roar of engines and the glitz of the Grand Prix, a different kind of heat simmers beneath the surface. It's not the scorching sun or the adrenaline of racing that sets hearts racing, but a playful game of Too Hot. And amidst the glamorous backdrop, you find yourself entangled in a steamy encounter with none other than Charles Leclerc.
Ever since Lando started to learn how to be a Dj, he‘s been throwing parties left and right, having only VVIP‘s in the club. Models, Actors, Athlete‘s - you name it. Obviously, that means the whole Grid is always welcome to join the fiesta. Charles, being the supportive friend he is, gets ready to dress up and waits for his girlfriend.
Y/n makes sure to wear a beautful red dress. God, that dress could make the devil go weak in his knees. Charles couldn‘t help but admire her.
„Tu es très belle, mon amour“ (you look beautiful my love)
he says, his voice tender with a soft look on his face.
You smile as you feel your cheeks getting warmer, giving yourself a natural blush. You give him a peck on his chin, as you are smaller even in heels.
„Merci Cha“ (thank you)
The two of you leave his appartement and go straight to his oh-so-famous Ferrari, the one that puts everyone in awe of its beauty (or the beauty driving it). The ride was smooth and no words were exchanged as the two of them enjoyed the calm and warmth.
It didn‘t take them long to reach the club, the music already indicating that Charles and Y/n were fashionably late. Charles hands his keys to a valet since he can‘t, for the love of god, park the car right. You tease him about it way too often.
„Et ils disent que les femmes ne peuvent pas se garer“ (and they say women can‘t park)
you say teasingly.
Charles chuckles and places his hand on your waist, guiding you towards the entrance. He made sure to get down to your ear and whispered softly
„Surveille ta bouche ou je le ferai pour toi, bébé“ (watch your mouth or i‘ll do it for you babe)
As you both enter, one with a smirk and the other with flushed cheeks, Lando greets the two of you with a wave from the DJ booth and makes sure to let you both know where the others are.
The party can begin.
As the night unfolds and the party reaches its peak, you catch sight of Charles across the room, his charismatic smile drawing you in like a magnet. You were dancing with the girlfriends of the drivers and having the time of your life. Your pulse quickens as Charles suddendly approaches, his confident stride sending a thrill down your spine.
"Hey there," he greets you with a charming grin, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Fancy a game of Too Hot?"
You're taken aback by the invitation, but the thrill of the challenge beckons you. "Sure, why not?" you reply, unable to resist the allure of his playful proposal. The two of you love challenges no matter what the situation is.
The rules are simple: two people kiss while keeping their hands to themselves, and the first to touch their partner loses. With a shared glance and a silent agreement, you both dive into the game, the tension between you palpable.
As your lips meet in a teasingly tender kiss, the world around you fades into obscurity, leaving only the electrifying connection between you and Charles. His touch is intoxicating, igniting a fire within you that blazes with each passing moment.
"Tu es un sacré compétiteur“ (You're quite the competitor)
Charles murmurs against your lips, his voice husky with desire.
„Mais je n'y vais pas de main morte avec toi, ma petite fleur“ (But I won't go easy on you, my little flower)
he adds playfully.
You respond with a playful challenge of your own, reveling in the thrill of the chase as you dance on the edge of temptation. Each kiss becomes a daring game of brinkmanship, testing the limits of self-control.
Time loses all meaning as you lose yourself in the heated exchange, the boundaries between reality and desire blurring into a tantalizing haze. The world outside ceases to exist as you and Charles become locked in a battle of wills, neither willing to concede defeat.
But as the game reaches its climax, a surge of longing courses through you, threatening to overwhelm your resolve. With a breathless gasp, you instinctively reach out, your hand brushing against Charles's cheek in a moment of unguarded passion.
"Je gagne“ (I win)
he whispers triumphantly, a smug grin playing on his lips as he leans in to claim victory with a searing kiss.
„Je te laisse gagner parce que c'est la seule fois où tu le fais“ (I let you win because that‘s the only time you do)
You teased him again and couldn‘t help but laugh, seeing his baffled face. He puts his hand on your cheeks and squeezes them together. He looks down at me and shakes his head softly with a certain intensity to his eyes.
„Tu veux vraiment jouer à la cochonne avec moi ? Tu sais ce que les sales gosses obtiennent de mon amour.“ (you really want to play dirty with me? You know what brats get my love)
He caresses your cheek with his thumb as he tilted his head.
Ne m'oblige pas à te faire ça, ma belle. (Don‘t make me do it to you sweetcheeks)
He goes back to squeeze your cheeks together and pulls you closer to him with a warning look in his ocean eyes. As the night draws to a close and the party fades into memory, you carry with you the lingering warmth of Charles's touch, a tantalizing reminder of a fiery encounter that ignited sparks in the heart of Monaco.
As for what happens after the party? Only the two of them and maybe the neighbour will know ;).
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Now that escalted quickly👀 HAVE MERCY ON ME!! I don‘t know how to write intimate moments aka the humpy dumpty so please take this as a chance to let your mind run freely 🥹
Reblog, comments and likes are aprreciated
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kyokutsu-sama · 3 months
Sfw headcanons
A/n: I made more headcanons, these are for Yami and julius because I love them and they're also my favorites💜
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I can imagine a certain enemies-to-lovers romance with him. Firstly because he annoys you a lot (because he secretly loves seeing you mad) and secondly because he's rough with everyone. (He tries his best so he doesn't have to act with you like he does with others, I swear)
He likes to carry you on his shoulder whenever you both cross paths, even if you try to free yourself from him, his arm is too strong for you to run away.
He helps you with your tasks and if you're short, he won't mind reaching to higher places to get something you need. (Of course he will tease you later because of your height)
He likes to train with you, he will ask you not to hold back against him and come with everything. He will probably only bring you home at the end of the day so you can recover from the whole day training.
He will ask all the members of the Black Bulls to take care of you when you arrive from a long mission or when he leaves and you stay at the base.
No one touches you anywhere because he always has an arm around your waist or shoulders and a deadly glare in the direction of those who even try to get close to you.
"Try something with her to see if I don't cut you in half"
The katana is his second girlfriend and he always makes sure to clean and sharpen it. You can't help but laugh to yourself when you see him saying something to it as if it was a person.
He likes to take you out drinking and will be happy if you can handle the drink as well as he can.
He's also a gambler, so it won't be the first time you leave a bar next to a completely naked Yami after he gamble on all his clothes and lost. You will be even more embarrassed not because he is naked but because he normally walks down the street as if he were well dressed.
You guys ended up laughing your ass off that night about that.
Despite everything, he is very careful with you. He is always available when you are sick or injured.
If you are angry or stressed about something, he lets you punch him (But only you can do that) (Besides, he doesn't feel pain because his body is too strong)
If you have a problem that you think there is no solution, remember the famous phrase:
"Surpass your limits...And if you die, I'll kill you"
Julius :
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Julius, on the other hand, is cuter and friendlier. So it would end up being a friends to lovers.
He will always be thinking of you as a priority and even if he has a lot of work to do, he always finds a getaway to escape and come to you and see you.
He obviously wants you to show him your magic and is proud of you for being so strong and dedicated as a magic knight.
He gives you cute names and even calls you his queen (Call me queen too, okay🥹👉👈?)
He likes to walk with you around the kingdom, always hand in hand. He doesn't hide his feelings in front of others and even if you are a commoner, he doesn't care. *Bonus: If you come from a foreign country like Yami, he will ask you to tell him what your homeland was like or things about it. He is a very curious man.
Julius always makes sure you're okay and if you need something because you're injured from a mission, he'll bring together a team to take care of you and if that's not enough, he'll send Marx to take care of his affairs (He'll kill him for that) and will stay by your side during that time.
He is very sweet and offers you gifts, even a simple flower he picked in the castle garden he will offer you.
"Y/n, look at this rose! It's beautiful like you, take it"
He's also protective, not deadly like Yami who kills another guy just because he looks at you the wrong way. HOWEVER, I belive that he has other methods for this person and trust me, you don't want to know. He can be dark and mysterious when he wants to...or when someone messes with his girl
He usually takes you to the top of the castle to watch the sunset while hugging you. (Oh my God, I'm going to die of cuteness)
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libraryraccoon · 4 months
I saw the Floyd request and I thought of rook hunt in hasbin hotel.
Rip Alastor his privacy he now became the hunted the both speaking French .
Imagine rook talking about angel dust his inner beauty is making him feel loved every day saying something positive.
And Charlie and vaggie getting put on romantic dates by rook and lucifer and rook seeing them ta about how beautiful love is.
Gender : GN
Pronouns : no real pronouns used(sometimes they/them)
Character : Alastor, general headcanon
Message from Raccoon : I was also thinking of a rook!reader while writing the Floyd!Reader tbh.
TW : ROOK!READER, a little suggestive
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The Demon Of Hunt, a very strong overlord who knows everything about everyone. A predator whose prey are doomed to die.
They aren't a demon you want to mess with, you don't want to be their prey.
In their lifetime a very famous hunter living in a small village, in their death The Demon Of Hunt, the hunter everyone is afraid of.
He met you when he was still killing overlords.
“Now, isn’t that a rather crude way of killing ?” You asked behind him.
How long have you been behind Alastor ? He has no idea.
“Oh ! And what a beautiful deer tail you have there ! C'est magnifique !” You say, touching Alastor's deer tail; ignoring the fact that you had just seen him kill an overlord.
He straight up hated you.
But he also found you interesting, especially when you could see through all his attacks.
Boring, but entertaining.
After that, you didn't let him go.
You followed him, stalking him, wherever he went.
Like a predator with its prey, observing it before killing it.
When he left for 7 years, he finally thought he had lost you…
You followed him.
For 7 fucking years he had to stay with you.
Even 8V>× didn't want to make a contract with you after seeing how weird you were.
Not to mention all the times you talked about love…
*add a disgusted Alastor*
You interfered in his life and never left, even though he tried to reject you.
And let's not even talk about your strange comments…
"Oh ! I wonder what red deer would taste like for dinner ! Or maybe a red wendigo ! Qu'en pense tu, Alastor ?"
“Red deer ?” *remembers that he is, technically, some sort of red deer/wendigo as a demon.* "Ha ha ! Stay 100km/h away from me."
When you arrived at the hotel, Alastor finally felt free ! After all his years of being the stolkant, you finally left him alone !
Well, not always, after all you would never leave your prey friend alone for too long, but you weren't with him all the time.
Alastor won't lie, not being with you 24/7 after so long was weird…
He finally had privacy-
100% complained to Rosie about you.
“And they never gave me space !” -Alastor
"Really ?" -Rosie
"Well, I'll give him some time alone. For the bathroom." -Rook!Reader, arriving out of nowhere behind Alastor.
Although Alastor considers you as a menace, there are times when he is grateful to you and to be your friend.
Like those rare times of weakness, when you helped him feel better, reassured him. It was the rare times he was grateful to have you as a friend.
I just know that when you want to talk about something private/you don't want others to hear you, you speak French.
Although sometimes you just do it to piss off other people.
"Mon cher cerf préférer ! Al' ! Je viens de découvrir quelque chose sur Vox, tu vas pas y croire !"
"Je vais préparer le thé, après tu me racontera."
You turn all Overlord meetings from boring to interesting meetings.
During meetings, you had the habit of telling everyone's secrets (except Alastor's secrets, bestie privilege), and always the most interesting ! Like this time you said you saw Carmilla decapitate an exterminator !
*After the song Respectless.* "Actually, mes chers amis, it is possible, or not, that I saw Carmilla decapitate an exterminator with her shoes. C'était un combat splendide !"
General Headcanon
You don't let anyone have privacy.
They know it, but they can't say anything.
Angel Dust suffered the most of that, he saw you during one of his shoots watching him in the shadows.. It was terrifying.
“Just try to be sexy.” -Valentino looking at Angel Dust during a shoot.
"Oh, mais mon cher, he's sexy enough like this ! Take off the underwear and people will love it !" -Rook!Reader behind Valentino, coming out of nowhere.
"MOTHERFUCKER-" *Add Valentino's scream of terror.*
You comforted Angel after each shoot, cheering him up in a more or less suspicious ways.
You call Angel Dust by his real name, Anthony. You are the only one in the hotel who knows his real name and calls him like that.
Angel Dust is sort of happy that someone thinks of him as Anthony and not Angel Dust.
Valentino hates you, as do all Vees and all the demons.
Lucifer found you weird the first time he meet you, and knowing your reputation, it was normal, but in the end you got along really well.
You 🤝 Lucifer = make Charlie and Vaggie have romantic dates by candlelight.
“Ah, youthful love ! Que c'est beau !”
“I miss the love of youth..” (in a dramatically way)
Did I mention that you and Lucifer are and always will be drama queens ?
You and Lucifer are just THAT bestie duo that everyone wants to be.
I can so see you having these dinners for two in fancy restaurants while being platonic. You say the most romantic things, speaking in French, and Lucifer joins you in those moments, doing the same.
"Oh, mon chéri, you look beautiful tonight ! Even more brilliant than usual !"
"Oh, I should be the one to tell you that ! You look beyond stunning tonight in that costume !"
You are trending on the networks.
Every. Fucking. Days.
On the networks, there are 3 teams; those who ship Lucifer x Rook!Reader, those who ship Alastor x Rook!Reader, and those who say you are a hopelessromantic and/or aromantic.
They have hilarious debates that you love to join for just fuck all and everyone.
"Well, it's true that Monsieur Alastor is quite handsome, but Lucifer ? Oh, je ne sais même pas ou commencer a son sujet !" -Rook!Reader on the networks screwing up between the teams, always changing the place between Lucifer and Alastor.
You are a star in all the circles of hell fr.
One day, Charlie asked you if you were dating her father after seeing what you were doing/writing on internet.
You answered some shit like "As much as I would love to be with him, je ne pourrais qu'en rêver. He is far too good and handsome man for a simple sinner like me."
Vaggie doesn't trust you, not in a million of eons.
Sir Pentious asked if you had a death wish after he saw you touch Alastor's deer ears…
"Oh, to die by the hand of such a magnifique et servant gentleman ! What an honor that would be !"
Sir Pentious has never seen Alastor back away from someone so fast before-
Niffty like you. You regularly complimented her on her work and her beauty.
Husk, on the contrary, doesn't like you.
He had to endure you and Alastor's shit for too long, 7 years without both of you wasn't enough.
You intrude into people's intimate moments.
And by people, I mean Husk and Anthony.
Imagine Husk and Angel Dust, just being quietly alone, a super romantic moment, and then, you pop in between the two…
But sometimes when you compliment them (one time per day), they like you.
I like to think that the Tik Tok hell version is like the one of the living, with people doing random ship. And Rook!Reader live for that.
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renjunphile · 1 year
if my wishes came true, it would have been you | mark lee
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PAIRING ✧ nct's mark lee x female reader WORD COUNT ✧ 12.0k TAGS ✧ idol!mark x idol!reader, exes!au, exes to lovers!au, really quite angsty, happy ending, fluff, non-linear narrative
PLAYLIST aka SONGS BY YN ✧ the 1 by taylor swift ; 21 by gracie abrams ; i miss you, i'm sorry by gracie abrams ; champagne problems by taylor swift ; in between by gracie ambrams ; somebody by hwasa and loco ; i know it won't work by gracie abrams, dancing with our hands tied (acoustic) by taylor swift
SUMMARY ✧ persist and resist the temptation to ask if one thing had been different, would everything be different today? (alternatively, every single time you and mark get a chance to talk about your breakup, it never goes as planned)
MAY 2021
"NCT are here."
You hum along to the track blasting in your left ear through the singular airpod. It's the first day of your comeback promotions, and while you should feel confident from the many months you'd practiced the song every single day for multiple hours, no amount of time could ever erase the nerves you feel each comeback day.
You're already finished with your hair and makeup, being the first to sit in the chair to give your members some time to wake up from their naps in the van. Though you should all be bright, awake, and preppy for your comeback stage, the reality was that all of you were obliteratingly tired from the near all-nighter in the practice room. Your makeup artists are true magicians for the way they cover up all signs of tiredness even under all those harsh, bright stage lights.
"Unnie, did you hear me?" your youngest member Kali poked your arm incessantly.
"Kali, stop," you whine, pushing her finger away, "I heard you."
"So why didn't you react?"
"Why should I?" you sigh, pausing the track on your phone.
She pauses for a while, choosing to craft her words before replying too hastily, "We should still go and say hi. Haechan is asking if we wanna film a TikTok with them."
"You know they only post with SM idols," you remind her.
"You were in SM too. It's just for fun," she mumbles, "You know how many idols feature on Haechan's private account. Please come."
"You're up to no good, Kali," you squint at her suspiciously, watching the room carefully to see if anyone had overheard. It wasn't really a big deal; all your managers were well-informed, just like your members, and your stylists were basically your friends.
"I already talked to our manager and Haechan talked to their manager," Kali wrapped her fingers around your wrist delicately, but pulling to encourage you to stand up, "Let's go."
The walk to the hallway where the NCT members agreed to meet the two of you wasn't exactly a long one, but the rumblings of nerves bubbling in your stomach made it feel like a million years. You weren't stupid; you knew exactly what to expect and you wouldn't put it past your maknae to meddle in a time like this.
"Oh look, they're here already," Kali was biting a grin behind her words as 3 figures came into view. Haechan gives you a warm smile and a famous bear hug before he was shoved away. 
"Noona," you resist a pout as one of the boys you had been taking care of since you were younger wrapped you up in a big hug, "Haven't seen you in so long. Missed you."
"Missed you too Ji. You grow an inch every time I see you," you also resist the urge to ruffle up his perfectly styled purple hair out of fear of getting hunted by his hair stylist, "I like this purple on you."
He gives you an appreciative grin and somehow you still see him as the tiny, shy boy running energetically around the halls of the company building after being chased by his fellow trainees. Jisung moves on to greet your member, who was still in conversation with Haechan.
It's definitely not that you dread having to face Mark Lee. It's totally not the fact that he's your ex-boyfriend. Or the fact that you're still in love with him. Or the fact that he's still in love with you. No, none of that.
"You look really pretty, Y/N," he begins slowly, taking in your appearance in front of him, having not seen each other for a few months.
Mark Lee stands in front of you stoic, hands by his side and feet together. It's almost like he's fighting his instinct to wrap you up in his arms like he's done most of his life because you sure know you're having to fight that instinct too.
"Thanks, Mark. I like your blue hair," you smile softly, "How are you?"
"I'm good. Amazing, even. I guess," he's mumbling, running his hands through said hair you just complimented and you can tell he's nervous, "I love the song. And the whole album. I can tell which songs you wrote. You always make me so proud."
Ouch. It stings your heart whenever he says things like that. How could you have let go of someone so sweet?
"Thanks. Congratulations on your first album and coming back with Dream."
"Ah, thanks. I fought so hard to come back to the group and I'm really happy they finally listened to me," he began, "You know how much I love them."
"Yeah, I know."
You're barely meeting his eyes, but when you do, it feels like he's hesitating in his words.
"Happy birthday by the way," he rushes out, "For yesterday. I'm sorry that I didn't text. Or call."
"It's okay," you reassure him, knowing that that was probably easier for you both that he didn't.
"How did you spend your birthday?"
"The members got me cake. Coffee, my favourite," you recount, "I did a live for a bit, but other than that we were practicing all day for today."
"Oh, I'm sorry. That really sucks," he frowns.
"You know how it goes. I'll have more birthdays to celebrate anyway-"
"But you didn't celebrate last year either!" he protests.
"Maybe next year, then," you pull your lips into a tight smile, "It's okay Mark. Don't worry about it. I'm not really fond of my birthdays anymore and 22's not a big deal."
He sighs while looking at you, "You deserve to celebrate your birthday no matter what. I hope you can find some time to do something  for yourself."
You chuckle lightly, "That'll be hard to come by. I don't know how you've done it with multiple groups all these years, Mark. I've only been debuted for three years and it's never got any easier. You were really stretching yourself thin, huh?"
"I guess," he's playing with his fingers, so you know he has something to say.
"Just say it, Mark. Whatever you want to say."
You can read him like a book and you've always been able to. It's not your fault that the book is wide open, as compared to the way you've always been- shut, bound, and locked.
"I just wanted to say I miss you. That's all. I just wanted to see how you were doing."
Thanks to the secluded hallway that Haechan had found and led you to, the coast was clear enough for you to close the distance between you and Mark even just by a bit more. His breath hitches as you place a hand on his arm.
"Thanks for caring, Mark. I miss you too."
He smiles at you softly and the two of you are so engrossed in each other to notice that Kali, Haechan and Jisung had disappeared a while ago. You know it's time for you to go back though.
The worst part of the whole situation wasn't the breakup itself. Of course, the breakup hurt both of you for a long time and you don't even think you're recovered. It did happen over a year ago, but that wasn't the worst part.
The worst part is knowing that every time you meet again, walking away hurts more each time. It's the fact that there's nothing you can do but listen to your heart break with each step you take away from each other. It's the fact that there's nothing you can do about the fact that you still love each other more than anything else in this world.
Mark Lee was known to be SM's golden child. In the future, he'd be known as the most over-worked in the company, due to his talents and resilience, but now, he's just Mark Lee, second to you.
You'd done everything before Mark. You were born first. You moved to Korea first. You beat him joining the company by 6 months and you beat him getting announced as part of SM Rookies just by 7 days.
None of that mattered because it was always just you and him together, wherever. Sure, you trained and practiced separately, but lunchtimes, downtimes, company gatherings- it was always the two of you attached to the hip. There was really nothing the company could say- the two of you were barely 15 so what was the worst you could do?
"How long do you think it'll be before your debut?" the two of you are lying down on the grass in a park a few minutes away from the building. His hands are rifling through the blades, yanking them up every so often, while you made daisy chains quietly.
He hums in response, "I don't know. Soon I hope, but I've only been here for like just over a year. Realistically, I'd say like 2 years. Don't tell anyone I told you, but I heard Johnny hyung talking to the manager about some kind of project that the company has been thinking of for a while. Something about having a group with infinite members!"
Your eyes widened at the thought, "Wow, really? EXO debuted with 12 and I thought that was a lot!"
"Yeah, right? But there are only like 9 of us in SM Rookies right now. How many do you think they'll start with and how am I going to get lines in a song if there's so many of us?"
You nudge him, "Well, with your awesome talent and writing skills of course. I can't wait to see what ends up happening to you guys- oh yeah, by the way, how's that new trainee you guys are training with? Donghyuck, right?"
"New?" he sat up with wide eyes, twisting his body to look at you, "He's been here for like 5 months and it's been the worst 5 months of my life! He's just so infuriating. His voice is amazing, sure, but he never listens and is always talking and hanging off me! I told him that he makes me want to leave the company."
You laugh at his frustrated expression, "Ha, you'd never leave the company. You'd never leave me behind. Plus, I bet you'll be best friends in a few years. Opposites attract and all that."
"Hm, but you and I are quite similar. Don't you think?"
There were definitely some traits that you shared to both be enduring the same path. Resilient, hard-working, brave, and enduring were all ones. After all, it's a big leap of faith to train to have the chance to be an idol just at 12 or 13 with no guaranteed future.
When it came down to it though, you'd like to think that there were also traits you each had that weren't always necessarily opposites all the time, but traits that complemented each other.
Mark liked to talk; you liked to listen. Mark was optimistic and would always be the one to cheer you up on your particularly moody days. You were Mark's calm through it all. Mark loved to rap; you found your passion in singing. Mark liked carrots and would take them off your plate in the cafeteria and swap them with his peas. Mark's hands were calloused from his guitar-playing, while yours were smooth and soft when he held them.
"No, I think we're the perfect example of opposites attract."
"Well then that's why you're my best friend," he grinned over at you while you slid a daisy chain bracelet onto his wrists, "Forever and whenever."
"Always," you grinned.
"What are you doing here?"
"No happy birthday Mark?" he teases, holding a bouquet of flowers and a grocery store plastic bag in his hands on your doorstep.
"Come in before anyone sees you," you pull him inside your dorm, sticking your head out the hallway to see if it was empty, "How did you get here?"
"Relax, Y/N. My manager drove me and I was in all this," he pulls out a mask and a beanie from his pocket to show you.
"Oh, good. Happy birthday, I guess, but what are you doing here?" you question him again, looking at the contents in his grasp.
"Well, it all started when Hyuck said that we were throwing a birthday party for me. Then Jisung invited Kali and obviously, you too. And your members, of course. Then you said you couldn't come because you're busy," his eyes dart to the episode of Modern Family on your TV and the blanket lazily thrown on the couch, combined with your pajamas, "So I didn't want to come to the party anymore."
"But all my members are at your dorm," you frown, "There's still a party?"
"Yeah, I guess. Gives Jisung an opportunity to spend more time with his crush, which I'm sure Kali appreciates."
"So they're hosting your birthday party," you hum, "Without you? And you came here to what? Check that I'm busy?"
"I know you're not busy. Erin told me so, which I suspected anyway. I know it's kind of rude for me to come to force you to spend time with me when you didn't even want to come to my birthday party in the first place, but I thought I would try." he shrugs, "Is that okay?"
Mark is adorned in a white T-shirt and grey joggers. He's clearly not dressed for a party and your member clearly told him that you're staying inside and moping to your comfort show while you try to avoid your ex-boyfriend on his birthday. Plan failed, you guess.
Here's the thing: you've always been the worst at saying no to Mark. The one time you did, the world crashed around you. You would've thought it would have got easier to say no to him after already experiencing the worst-case scenario, but looking into his slightly pleading chocolate eyes shows you otherwise.
"Of course, Mark. You're the birthday boy," you finally say after a period of silence where Mark felt like his heart was thumping out of his chest.
"There's no one else I'd rather spend my birthday with," he hums lightly, even though his words are loaded, "Here, a big bouquet for missing last year too."
The tradition started on his 15th birthday in 2014. Even though it was his birthday, he had got you a bouquet of flowers to thank you for being his best friend of one year and making him feel all the more comfortable in his first year in Korea. You were his dance partner, his classmate, his fellow English speaker, and his best friend. He got you flowers again the next year, then the year after, and again and again for being his partner through everything.
The last birthday you shared with Mark before the two of you broke up was his 20th birthday in 2019 and he had prepared his own bouquet that year, choosing all your favourite flowers and colours and wrapping it all up himself. Mark was selfless like that- thinking of other people even on his birthday.
"It's beautiful," you examine the flowers- pink and red camellias and carnations, white primroses, pink peonies, red roses and baby's breaths. Taking that flower language course with Mark back when you were both 17 comes as a regret now, with the messages he's sending you through the bouquet. You hope it's just a coincidence.
"Anyway, I brought us- or I made my manager buy us- some Oreo ice cream, peanut butter chocolate, some ramen, and chicken and mushroom pastries," he grins as he pulls each one out of the bag, "And I brought cake, obviously."
You hold yourself back from saying what you would say every time he presented your favourite pastry from your childhood home to you- 'you know the way to my heart'.
"I haven't had one in so long," you gasp, taking it from him and preparing your plate already, "Thanks Mark. Why are you so considerate on your own birthday?"
"I like to celebrate the people I love on my birthday too. I wouldn't be me without them," he plops himself on the bar stool at your breakfast bar while you sigh hopelessly. He'll never leave your heart alone, "I wanted to soften the blow too."
You turn to him slowly, "Soften the blow?"
He sees the panic in your eyes and lets out that melodious laugh you've always loved, "Oh, nothing like that. Nothing to tell you. I just wanted to bribe you to talk to me on my birthday. I thought after over a year you might be ready to talk?"
"About what?"
You thank the manufacturers of the heavenly pastry slice that only takes 90 seconds in the microwave. You set the plate down in front of Mark and take the seat next to him.
"What did you want to talk about?"
"Are you still my best friend?"
"Mark, come on," you began warily, knowing the difficult conversation you were about to have.
He meets your eyes and you feel the pain reflected in them, "When we decided to give our relationship a try when we were 16, we pinky swore that no matter what happens, we'll always be best friends. Always. Right?"
You find the power to break his gaze and stare down to your hands on your lap, "We did."
"So, why can't we go back to being friends? I know, I know when you broke up with me, you said that you don't think we could stay friends. I understood, of course, and I wanted to give you some space. Well, at least initially, but it's been over a year now and I really miss us. Your friendship meant everything to me even if I can't have you as my girlfriend." his tone is heartbreaking in the way that it's vulnerable and pleading.
"I told you when we broke up that breaking up was the hardest choice I'd ever have to make. It blew the choice to leave SM out of the water. I didn't want to break up, but it felt like I had no choice," you explained slowly, "When we first started dating, I knew I already loved you, but growing up together and debuting and going through everything I went through really taught me what real love in real life looked like and I could never have predicted at 16 how I felt for you at 20. Mark, you're everything to me, I hope you know. I said I didn't want to be friends when we broke up because how could I have lived with myself seeing you and talking to you still knowing I had you in the way that I did and knowing I loved you that intensely but not being able to show it anymore? How could I live with myself still having you around knowing I let go of the greatest thing that's ever happened to me?"
Mark Lee was brave at 16 when he kissed you for the first time and asked you to be his girlfriend against all the bans and rules. Mark Lee was brave at 18 watching you walk away from everything you both knew at SM Entertainment and for not running after you to stop you because you both knew it was for the best. Mark Lee was brave at 20 hearing you sob through the phone while you were halfway around the world because you just couldn't do this anymore. Mark Lee is brave at 22, taking your warm hands in his, and Mark Lee is brave when he lifts your chin up to meet his gaze and asks you this:
"Why can't we just get back together? This year apart is hurting us more than it's benefitting us."
People say that the eyes are the windows to the soul- that the eyes say everything someone can't say. Your eyes are filled with tears, yes, but also love and fear and all the emotions in between.
The problem was that your brain always rules your life, keeping your heart's true desires always suppressed deep within.
"Mark," you trail, before he cuts you off.
"I don't see the problem, Y/N. Both our companies knew we were dating and you're not a rookie in the industry anymore. I mean, we dated through your whole rookie era! I acknowledge everything you said and felt when we broke up and I wanted to give you time to work through those emotions, but I'm asking if anything has changed. Has it?"
"I've never stopped loving you, but I'm still scared Mark. I'm even more scared now as your career grows," you say quietly, "I don't want to hurt you. If anything gets out, it won't just hurt you or me, because I could take it if it only hurt me, but it's our members, Mark. You know how fans feel about idols who date and it's never ever as simple as 'if they're a true fan they'll be happy for me'. That's not how the industry works."
He squeezes your hands, "Then we'll get better at sneaking around! You know the boys love you so much and they know how much our relationship meant to me and they'd never ever get in the way of that. Or we can just text and call and I don't even have to see you in person when it's risky. I just want the chance to tell you that I still love you every single day as I promised."
There it is again, the sound of your heart breaking at the most loving boy on the planet.
"Will you let me think about it? At least about being your best friend still? I'm sorry that I can't give you an answer right now on your birthday," you murmur. The confessions from Mark came as no surprise, but he never fails to leave you speechless with no clear thoughts in your brain and your heart always full.
"I'm just asking for a chance. Just for anything you can give me," he smiles finally, "How about we eat all this and continue your Modern Family? It's still my favourite show, so I couldn't dream of a better way to spend my birthday."
"I'd like that."
"I'm debuting," Mark barges into the near-empty practice room, huffing and panting like he just ran a marathon, "Y/N, oh my God!"
You're sat cross-legged on the floor with your phone propped up in front of you. Your eyebrows are stitched together tightly, indicating that you were probably either criticising yourself on a recording or trying to learn a choreography. The moment you realise that it's Mark, your whole body unclenches and you relax as you pause the video. You don't comprehend the weight of his words until he says them again.
"Y/N, Y/N, I'm going to debut!" he's practically screaming in joy as he belly slides towards you and crashes into you, wrapping his arms around you.
"Oh my God, Mark! Really? Tell me everything right now!" you squeeze him back, pride bursting in your chest.
When you both joined SM, you came with the obvious dream of being an idol entertainer. Sure, the company can make all these empty promises to you at the start, but with the way the industry works, nothing is really ever truly for certain. For you, the company had not given you any time scale or idea of what direction they wanted you to go in. You weren't even really that hopeful, considering the company just debuted Red Velvet one year ago, but you were still enduring.
However, it was almost time to debut a new boy group since it had been 3 years and counting since EXO broke into the scene. You were always certain that Mark was always a part of that plan.
"So, do you remember last year when I told you about the infinite boy group idea? It was true! The company gathered all the male trainees and showed them their idea- it's called NCT and it's so cool, trust me! So it's like they're going to debut groups within NCT like different members in each group!"
"Mark, that sounds amazing. Which group are you going to be in?"
"Uh, they said all of them?" Mark frowns in confusion, "Like the first is going to be this unit where members can switch out anytime and it only has a comeback whenever it wants to, and then the second one is like a normal permanent group which I think I'll be with Hyuck and the hyungs, and the third one is a group where we graduate once we hit 20! But I don't think that one's fully confirmed with members yet."
He's running out of breath explaining it to you and his eyes are going crazy so you just laugh and hug tighter, "That's a lot of information, but it still sounds amazing. See Mark, I told you that you're going to be the most important person in this building! You're literally the best."
Mark nudges you so that you break away, "Psh, shut up Y/N. It's still a few months out anyway. We're going to be writing and practicing the debut song for the first unit really soon though."
"And I'm so proud of you," you tell him sincerely, knowing that there are not many people who you can say have worked harder than Mark to achieve their dreams, "Do you feel scared at all?"
He swivels his body so that he's sitting in front of you and he starts playing with your fingers like he always does, "Naturally, I guess. Debuting is a whole new world and being an idol too, but this is what I've been working towards so why shouldn't I be more excited? I've been waiting for this day, but I guess it's human nature to have fear of the unknown."
"It's definitely not wrong to not be scared. I'd be over the moon if they finally tell me I'm going to debut," you sigh dreamily.
"And you will! They can't keep you hidden here any longer and you know that the company loves you so much! You've given everything for them so you deserve it all back," Mark is now rubbing circles with his thumb on the back of your hand, "I can't wait until we achieve our dream together. No matter how long it takes, we'll both be standing on that stage together as idols. It's so close now, Y/N."
You smile softly at the boy, ever the optimist, "I can't wait for it too, Mark. Don't let the fame get to your head so quickly and don't forget me when you're famous okay?"
"You're so silly," Mark laughs, "You'll always be my best friend- wait scratch that-"
"I won't always be your best friend?"
"No! You will! But this is literally the best day ever and I have all this adrenaline and energy right now and if I don't say it now, I don't think I ever will, but all I'm saying is that I've been by your side for nearly 3 years now and you're literally my other half and it's so goddamn obvious that I like you so much and I really want to be your boyfriend. Okay, exhale Mark."
Your eyes widen at his confession and you slide away from him in shock, "Wait, really? You like me? You want to be my boyfriend?"
He looks at you like you just grew two heads, "Y/N, that's literally exactly what I said. Do you like me back?"
Shyness begins to creep out of you while your whole face flushes red. You've never been the type to be shy around Mark, even in the times his words and actions make you feel giddy.
"Mhm, you're my first real crush that developed when we met. I thought I'd grow out of it, but it kept getting stronger the closer we got," you admit.
The first day that Mark Lee walked into the practice rooms and got introduced to the trainees, you thought he was the cutest boy in the world. He was dorky and shy at first, but when he performed in front of you, he turned into a completely different person that made you fall for him even more.
The two of you were the same age and he was your deskmate in Korean lessons. Though Mark had grown up speaking Korean, he had never lived in Korea speaking it almost 100% of the time, so the company thought it would be good for him to join your lessons, especially to get training for the language he would be using as an idol.
The two of you became very fast friends and by the end of the month, you were chasing each other in the cafeteria and sharing food in corners with your own inside jokes.
His face breaks out into a grin, tackling you into a hug, "Aw, my little Y/N likes me back!"
You roll your eyes playfully and shove him off your body, "First of all, I'm 3 months older than you, and second of all, you have been spending way too much time with Donghyuck."
"Yeah that little devil rubs off on people," he sighs, "Whatever. Does that mean we're boyfriend and girlfriend now?"
"Wait, wait, wait. We have to consider the implications! Especially if you're debuting soon! Are we going to tell the company? How is this going to work?" you bombard him with questions, playing your part as the realist in this friendship, "Is this a good idea."
"I mean, half the hyungs have secret girlfriends so we can ask them for help and at least it helps that you're in the company with me so if they do find out it's easier to protect the both of us," Mark replies, "I've actually spent a lot of time thinking about this, believe it or not. You keep me up awake at night sometimes."
"You're so cheesy," you mumble, turning away to hide your blushing face, "But I guess I do want to be your girlfriend- but what if we break up? I don't want to lose you as my best friend!"
"How about this then," he extends his pinky out to you, "Let's pinky swear that even if we break up and this relationship goes horribly wrong, we'll be best friends still. Forever and whenever."
His words are dripping with sincerity and it surrounds you like a blanket. There's no one in this world that you trust more than Mark Lee when you entwine your own pink around his and smile at him, "Always."
Your pinkies are still attached a minute later when he's looking at you with a goofy smile.
You glare at him, "What's going on in that big head of yours?"
"If we're dating, then does that mean I can kiss you?"
The thought of kissing Mark had admittedly crossed your mind more than you could bare to say out loud. You wanted to play it off cool- shove him and roll your eyes or something, but truthfully, you really did want to kiss your dorky best friend Mark Lee.
"I mean, I guess," you shrug, "If you want to."
"Ha ha, I do," he starts leaning in closer and your heart is beating faster.
This was it. You were going to kiss your best friend-turned-boyfriend in the middle of a practice room. He was going to be your first kiss too!
Mark's face is so close that you can feel his breath on your lips. You can tell he's never done this before with how slowly and nervously he's advancing, but you can see the hope in his eyes.
Your eyes flutter shut. Your lips are almost touching, just ghosting over each others.
"Wait!" you groan as he opens his mouth, "If I'm your first real crush, then who's your first crush overall?"
You smirk, "Jongin-oppa. Duh."
This was the biggest concert of your career. Playing the Olympic Stadium had always just been a distant daydream - something to dream about just to amuse you or occupy time. You'd never thought that you would actually live to see the day when that dream came to fruition.
It wasn't even a realistic dream. No girl groups had ever played their own concert at Jamsil Olympic Stadium, but your group was going to be the first.
Cameras were pointed all around you backstage as you prepared to go on for your opening.
"Leader, give us a pep talk," your bandmate Yana whines while nudging you. You gather in a circle, pretending you're not deafened by the noise of your fans screaming just past the partition, where they're waiting in anticipation.
The 5 of you lean closer, putting your heads together and your hands in the middle. Before that, you make sure to look at their faces carefully and examine each member's expressions.
Jian is a year older than you, but she's nervous as hell and can barely get any words out. You're not worried because she's proven time after time that she's born to be on stage and that she completely transforms in front of an audience showering her in love. Yana seems nervous too, but she's better at hiding it and it comes out through rambles of sometimes unintelligible speech. Erin is gripping her microphone tightly with a poker face, probably recalling all of her raps in her head quickly, even though you know it comes second nature to her. Your youngest, Kali, seems the most excited. That kid is the most fearless idol you've ever met and you're grateful for someone like her on the team.
As for you? Well, you're a mix of all of your members. It's coming up to a decade now since you started training and you still have to take everything that this career throws at you one by one. The feeling backstage is not exactly overwhelming- it's more pride and joy and excitement to be out there and perform the best concert you have to give.
"No one can ever take this away from us. We're the first freaking girl group to host a show here! We've worked so hard for this and we absolutely deserve it. Everyone out there is here for us, so we should give it our all and play the best show ever. Don't let your nerves get to you. Just relax and be the amazing and talented performers I know we all are," you breathe out, "I'm really thankful for you guys and I'm so happy to have you by my side with me for this. We're exactly where we should be. I really love you guys so much. Let's kill it, yeah? 3, 2, 1, Fighting!"
Your members release a chuckle and you all wrap your arms around each other in a group hug. Soon, your cues begin in your in-ear monitors and you break up to take your positions on the platform that will lift you up to the stage.
The concert starts off without a hitch. Everything is perfect and the energy you get as each song progresses is nothing like you've ever felt. The sea of fans is expansive and blinding and you still have to check you're not dreaming every few moments. You eventually settle into the stage and the concert slows down a bit with your solo performances.
Your company had encouraged you all to perform something of your own choosing and while you had a vast repertoire of songs tucked away on your GarageBand, they were mostly unfinished, too personal or waiting to be adapted to your group to go onto your future albums. The song had to be something that would only ever be just for you, but something you could bare to release into the world for everyone else to hear.
Okay, so maybe you let your emotions rule you and get the best of you. Maybe the song you chose was the wrong one to invite your fans to insert themselves into. Maybe it was too personal to sing a song about Mark Lee in front of the biggest crowd you'd ever played in your life, but when else could you?
The baby grand piano is gleaming in the centre of the stage and your blue dress is sparkling from the way the lights hit the crystals adorning the whole slip. You're admittedly more nervous about this, but you think it's more to do with the fact that you know Mark Lee is in the stadium, somewhere.
Your company had warned you that if you wanted to sing this song, you had to do a little speech before that would throw them off your scent, "Hi guys," you pause for their screams, "I know you guys enjoyed Kali's energetic dance and Jian's amazing original song! For my segment, I thought we could have a little chill time and not to dampen your spirits, but I wanted to show you guys this heartbreak track that I wrote after watching too many sad rom-coms. I really hope that none of you guys can relate and if anyone ever breaks your heart, just send them my way, okay? I hope you guys enjoy it. This is '21'."
You let out a deep breath and remind yourself that this was the right choice. Your fingers glide over the keys perfectly like it's muscle memory from the year you've been working on the song. You send a prayer to higher beings that Mark won't kill you as you begin the first lines.
"I missed your 21st birthday. I've been up at home; almost tried to call you, don't know if I should. Hate to picture you half-drunk, happy. Hate to think you went out without me. I'm sorry if you blame me, if I were you I would. Thought you'd see it coming, but you never could. I still haven't heard from your family, but you said your mom always loved me."
Mark celebrated your 21st birthday with you. Public dates were not a thing in your relationship, but this man made every effort to make the best out of your situation. He kicked out your members from your dorm after enlisting their help to decorate the place top to bottom in rose gold banners and balloons. After taking cooking lessons for weeks previously, he had then covered your dining table with expensive cloth and filled up two glasses with wine to go with the steak that he had perfectly cooked all for you. He then took you to the couch and serenaded you with a love song about how much you mean to him and how thankful he was for you. On top of all that, you had boxes and boxes of presents to unwrap that were all thoughtful, beautiful, or meaningful. Mark Lee was the perfect boyfriend.
For Mark's 21st birthday, you were sat cross-legged on your sofa with your phone placed on the table in front of you, face up. It was as if you were waiting for him to be the one to call when you were the one who broke his heart just a few weeks earlier and asked to not be friends.
You were drinking the wine that he poured for you on your birthday and you were half-drunk, punching in his number on your keypad, because even though you deleted his number, you already knew it off by heart. There was just something in you that refused to carry it through. You were a coward and Mark Lee celebrated his birthday without you for the first time in 7 years.
"I see the look in your eye and I'm biting my tongue. You were the love of my life since I was young. When the night is over, don't call me up I'm already under. I get a little bit alone sometimes and I miss you again. I'll be the love of your life inside your head. When the night is over, don't call me up I'm already under."
Later on that night, you're lying wide awake and staring up at the glow-in-the-dark stars that you and Mark had decided to plaster all around your ceiling when you were bored one day. The crowd seemed to love the song thankfully and it was easy to get their energy back up. People placed meaning into everything idols did, so you weren't surprised at the people who were making guesses about your love life and the subject of the song. Whatever, they'd never get it right, anyway.
Your phone ringing cuts through the silence and you curse, hoping it won't wake up the other girls in the dorm. They're probably dead asleep from the high-energy concert anyway.
"You're still up?" his voice is grainy through the speaker.
"You're the one that called. Did you not want me to answer?" you quip back, "It's the adrenaline, I think."
"Touché. I was going to leave a voicemail, but this is better, I guess," Mark uttered, "The concert was amazing, by the way. I'm sorry we didn't come and say hello backstage, but we really enjoyed it."
"Thanks, Mark and thank the boys for me too, okay?" you instruct.
"Mhmm, of course," he replies, "That song you wrote was good, you know. But you might've as well called it 'Mark'."
You're laughing softly at his comment, "I should've changed the number, I know. But shut up- if you know it's for you, then why don't you follow my words? I said don't call me tonight."
"I've never been good at following rules when it comes to you," Mark sighs, "Plus, there's not a lot of times I can just call you up like this. At least I had something to say to you."
"You can always call if you want."
"Would you always answer?"
You pause to think, but Mark takes that as confirmation.
"Have you thought about what I said? 6 months ago when I asked if you wanted to be friends again? Or even get back together?"
"That question keeps me awake every night," you joke, "But today, when I was just looking out at the fans and greeting the idols that came backstage after the concert, it really made me think about how much I wanted to be doing all of this with you. I've always regretted what happened between us because it wasn't a choice I wanted to make. There are no words to describe the way that love manifests in front of you from the fans. I always find myself wishing you were still here by my side."
"Hm, cryptic. Is that an answer to my question or do I have to wait another 6 months to call you up and ask again?"
"How long are you going to keep asking?" you uttered, the feeling of disappointment taking over your body as you still couldn't find the courage to finally give in and allow yourself to be happy.
"Until you say yes again."
JULY 2020
The world was still shut as you knew it, yet you were halfway around the world from the place you grew to call home. Your company was generous to give you two months off to spend with your loved ones, and you chose to spend some time cooped up in your parents' house and your childhood home because even though there were so many quarantining requirements to get between the two countries, you hadn't seen your parents in almost 3 years.
Of course, you missed your members, but you lived with them and would continue to see them nearly every day for as long as you could keep your career going. Of course, you missed Mark, but it's not like you could go and see him anyway with the tough restrictions imposed on the Korean citizens.
There was also one big- scratch that- giant problem looming over your and your company's heads. The bane of your existence and public enemy number 1 Dispatch had dangled over your heads the threat of releasing the photos they had grabbed of you and Mark abroad in Vancouver at the start of the year. It wouldn't have been damning evidence considering it was the only photo set they had acquired of the two of you, but you were holding hands with your eyes clearly in view. 
Your companies had threatened to sue, of course, but Dispatch has never been scared. Then, your companies tried to play the guilt-trip card and interrogate them on why they would care to do such a thing when the world was suffering enough as it is. Alas, nothing got through to Dispatch. Eventually, your companies surrendered to pay a preposterous amount to get rid of the problem and it probably didn't even make a dent in SM's savings, but it surely hurt your growing but small company even if SM took the majority of the bill. 
It was completely eating you up and tearing your insides to know that because of your slip-up with Mark, the trainees in your company had to get their debut pushed back by a good probable few years.
Mark had been the perfect boyfriend, supporting you through your change to your new company and your short training period before your debut. Mark had been there to metaphorically hold your hand as you got to know the other girls and make lifelong sister bonds out of it. Mark had been there to cheer you on in the early mornings when you were doing your first few stages. Mark had been there when your first comeback did even better than your debut and propelled you to the top of the industry.
So why, oh why, were you thinking about whether being together is good for everyone involved? There you found yourself in a dark room, the phone next to your head as soft cries and hiccups escaped your lips.
"Baby, please tell me what's wrong. I hate when you cry and it's really hurting me that I'm not there with you right now. Do you want me to come there? Cause I will! I'll say I'm sick or something." he's rambling through the phone and you can hear that it's raining heavily in Seoul.
"Mark, you know that I love you right?"
"Of course I do," he coos gently, "And you're my once-in-a-lifetime great love. I love you too, baby. What's wrong?"
You don't even believe the words that come out of your mouth when you whisper them, "I can't do this anymore Mark. I think we need to break up."
"What? Y/N, this is not funny," his voice instantly turns serious.
"I'm sorry Mark, but I'm serious," you're sobbing at this point and you're surprised he can even still understand you, "I really don't want to do this but-"
"So why are you doing this? Look, let's just talk when you get back, okay? You're coming home soon, right? Or I can take a flight there, but baby, don't make these rash decisions- we're just missing each other."
"The guilt is eating me up, Mark," you confess in hushed tones, "I feel like I don't deserve to be happy. And every time I'm with you, I feel only this sense of anxiety about being caught together that I can't shake. I love you so much, Mark, but I don't know why I feel like this."
"Y/N, we've dealt with so much over the years and we've fought through everything together! We can work through this together, I promise. Just give me some time to think about what to do and everything will be okay-" he's crying now too and it breaks your heart to hear it because he barely ever cries, "I'll get the company to pay yours back what you paid to those assholes. Come on, baby."
"Mark," you whimper, "I ruined the company. I don't want to hurt my members either. Even if we admit to dating, imagine the hate that my group will face! I don't want to let them down any more than I already have."
"I'll tell the fans to not hate- Y/N just tell me what I can do to stop whatever this break-up idea in your head is. We're meant to be, Y/N. We're each other's perfect match."
"I don't love you any less, Mark. Please remember that. I need to do this for my members and for my company that took a leap of faith in me. I don't want to walk away from you, but I don't see any other choice. I don't want to hurt you or your members either. I can't be seen with you."
His voice is small and strained, "You're breaking my heart, Y/N."
"And I'm never going to forgive myself for it."
EARLY 2018
This was definitely the hardest decision of your life and it wasn't one that you took lightly either. It was something you had been thinking about for over a year and more intensely when the company started to press you on extending your exclusive training contract.
Herin Seo had entered SM just before you did and she lived and trained with you. She was your best friend outside of Mark and it broke your heart when she left the company only after 4 years in 2017. There were only a few months left on her contract, but she was desperate to get an out and an idol survival show finally gave her the motivation to break free.
Right now, she's taking the seat in front of you after setting down your favourite drinks from your favourite cafe that she still remembers, "Iced vanilla matcha latte for me and an iced oat latte for my best friend."
"You're the best Herin! My treat next time," you promise as you take the first sip. It's been a while since you've come to the café since it hurts to go when it used to be your spot with Herin.
"Well better be soon because I'm leaving in 5 days," she pouts, "I'm sorry I could only come to visit for a short time."
"It's okay. I'm glad to see you anyway after all these months," you grin, "How's settling back in Manchester?"
"I mean it's always been home but it took me a few months to really get to grips with the fact that I wasn't leaving after a week like I did when I would visit during my training. It's really weird to know England is now my permanent home and that I'm going to start school again there," she looks outside the large window that overlooks the river, "I really really miss Seoul."
You take her hand and muster your best comforting smile, "I'm really sorry that things didn't turn out how we wanted them to."
"Ha, it's not your fault Y/N. I mean, you're in the same boat; what are you planning to do with this contract thing?"
You sigh at the age-old question that's been plaguing your mind for months. In fact, your meeting with the company to decide your future was tomorrow and you still had no concrete idea of what you wanted, "I really don't know Herin. SM has been everything I've known for 5 years and everyone I love is at the company. I don't even know how to switch agencies or what happens at other agencies. At the same time, I know they're planning for a group soon, but I have this feeling that I can't shake when I think about it. I look at Jimin and Minjeong and my sweet baby Yizhou and I don't think I'm what the company wants."
"But they've invested so much time and money into you!" Herin furrows her eyebrows, "Surely they're building a group around you, Yizhuo, Koeun, Lami, and Hina! We were a pre-debut team! They can't just disregard all of you guys, right?"
"I wouldn't put it past them," you're fiddling nervously with your hands, "They've been good to me, but they're a business at the end of the day. I'm so torn up and I was thinking you could help me. How did you know that you wanted to leave the company?"
She thinks for a while before answering your question, "Well the survival show was just the reason why I left before my contract was up, but I already knew that I wasn't going to stay on and re-sign. For me, it just felt like I had more to give, but the environment I was in wasn't letting me grow anymore. I felt like there was nothing more I could give to SM. Even though Idol School didn't work out for me, I was still glad that I went."
You nod along to her story, "I haven't told anyone about this Herin. Mark's been bugging me about my terms for re-signing my contract, so I don't think it's even fathomable for him for me to leave."
"It's about you, Y/N. This is your story, your career, and your decision. There are going to be a lot of people that are going to be hurt or angry, but they will never understand what you're going through. Especially not the people who already debuted," Herin advises, "Look, talk about it with Mark tonight, and don't leave it until after your meeting because that might hurt more, but if he really loved you and wanted what's best for you, he would trust in your decision."
"You're right Herin. Thanks for being there for me."
So, you called Mark later on that night to come over. You had cooked up a few dishes for you to share and asked your dorm mates if they could give you a few hours for some alone time. Telling Mark was definitely going to be hard, but you couldn't imagine the conversation with the girls, who were going to be the most hurt. You remember when Herin left- you weren't angry, but you were overwhelmingly sad about the thought of the girl you started your journey with not being there anymore. That was when you started to question if you should still be there too, but you were scared to instill this thought in your other younger trainees that maybe thought they still had a chance.
"Hi baby," Mark is beaming when you open the door to him. He quickly shuts the door behind him with his foot and wraps you up in a tight hug, making sure to plant a kiss on your lips and then all over your face, "I missed your gorgeous face so much- oh my God the apartment smells so good! What did you cook?"
"Just some beef and rice," you lead him over to the dining table with the food set out already.
"Oh my gosh, you're so amazing," Mark smooches your cheek affectionately and takes his seat on the table. You had lived at the dorm for your whole time at SM and along the way, Mark had chosen his own seat at your dining table for when you had dinners inside, which was almost every date you shared.
You start with small talk, letting him eat and enjoy his meal before you inevitably break a little bit of his precious heart. You hadn't seen Mark for a few days since he was busy with some schedules, so he tells you all about the boys and what they've been up to recently. They're working on the biggest project NCT has ever done so far- a full 18-member release- and it's going spectacularly well. The album itself was a few weeks out, but each unit had been dropping some songs along the way.
"Babe, the company is throwing a release party when the album drops in a few weeks! Isn't that so exciting? They actually asked us what food we want at the party so we're all going crazy. I think Hyuck asked for a fondue fountain, so I'm dying to see if they'll actually give that," he's chuckling, halfway through his plate, "Do you have any special requests?"
Okay, deep breath. Now's the time. It's all or nothing.
"Actually Mark, I invited you over to talk about something," you begin and the smile on his face drops at your warning tone, "Please don't be upset with me."
"Ah, what's wrong?" he's pouting and you have to look away to get the strength to say what you need to. If you looked in his eyes any longer, you would find some reason to convince you to stay just for him.
"My contract meeting is tomorrow," you gulp, "I'm going to leave the company, Mark."
The sound of his chair scraping against the floor makes you cringe, "What? Y/N, what? What do you mean you're leaving the company? Where are you going to go? Why didn't you tell me?"
"I just made up my mind today, Mark. I'm sorry I didn't confide in you, but this was a decision I had to make for myself," tears are welling up along your lash line, "I spoke to Herin today and I realised that the only thing making me stay any longer was you."
"But you're so close to debut!" he's arguing pleadingly, crouching beside you and holding your hand, "Babe, I can't imagine this company without you."
"I'm not Mark. You know that I'm not any closer to debut than I was when I joined 5 years ago. You're indispensable to this company, but I'm really not," you expressed, "I don't want to leave and I love you, your boys, and my girls, but I think this is what's best for me."
"But where are you going to go?" Mark sniffles, "I love you so much Y/N, but what's going to happen to us?"
You shake your head at his insinuations, "No, Mark. Don't worry. Nothing's going to happen to us and I'll make sure that whatever company I join will know about us and protect us. I hope you'll find it in you to forgive me for this."
He stands up and wraps his arms around you from above, "I'm sorry for reacting this way Y/N, but there's nothing for you to be sorry for. I trust you, okay? I love you and I want you to do what's best for you. I know I can't make decisions for you, but I'll try my best to support you however I can."
You look up at him with adoration dripping from your eyes, "I love you, Mark. We're going to be okay, yeah?"
He brings his head down and connects your lips in the most love-filled way that your heart explodes in that familiar overwhelming feeling that Mark always seems to do to you, "We're going to be okay, baby."
LATE 2022
The world was playing a sick joke on you- it really was. There was no way your whole career wasn't just some April Fools' prank or that you weren't just the main target of some joke show.
You always prided yourself on being close with the company's staff and higher-ups. As a leader of your group, you felt that it was integral to your success that you were able to communicate your wishes and worries to the company and this gave you more creative freedom too. Apparently, the company too was getting more comfortable with you.
"What did you just say?" your eyes were incredulous, peering towards your sheepish CEO, "That's actually the worst idea I've ever heard in my life."
"Look, Y/N, you wanted a feature on your song," your CEO chuckles at your response, "I think this is an amazing idea."
"You're literally giving Dispatch a green light to release those photos. Do you want me to email you a picture of me and Mark making out so you can just tweet it from the official account?" you counter, "Why in the hell would having my ex-boyfriend feature on my solo debut title track be anything short of a terrible idea?"
"Mark is incredibly famous and incredibly talented," she begins, counting with her fingers, "You have high standards. We have a good relationship with SM Entertainment. Your fans love shipping the two of you together since you're in the same age group."
"He's also my ex-boyfriend. Is that not extremely problematic? Everyone will hyper analyse every interaction we have or have had and then they're actually going to figure out that we dated." you ponder, "The worst part of this all is that I know he would say yes if his company lets him."
"Exactly- he's your ex-boyfriend, not your current one. By all logic, he's now just another fellow idol or colleague that you can collaborate with. Anyway, SM will definitely say yes; look how many of their idols are in relationships or at least feature on tracks."
"This is all Crush and Joy's fault," you groan, looking at the pleased expression on your CEO's face knowing that she had won the argument.
When your company proposed the idea of having a solo debut to you half a year ago, you had vehemently declined the opportunity, citing it wouldn't be beneficial to your group as a whole and that you wanted to be known for your group and not your individuality. Your members, on the other hand, had different ideas and talked you into at least hearing out the company. You had really only agreed to the debut when they told you that they would give you full musical freedom and the help that you personally requested. It only seemed like a good idea when you realised that someone in the group needs to be the one to start doing solo activities so the rest of the group can follow suit. You've always known that Jian has been curious about acting.
So you find yourself swiveling in your chair in the studio, waiting for Mark to find his way to the room. It's your first time working together for your solo debut and the last time you had spoken to him was a text he sent you asking if you actually wanted him to feature on the track before he gave a response to his company. You begrudgingly replied a yes because even though you still didn't think it was a good idea, you couldn't imagine yourself working with anyone other than Mark. The industry was crazy sometimes.
The knocking on the door snapped you out of your thoughts and you jumped up to open it to Mark Lee holding two cups on the other side.
"Hey pretty. I got us some coffee," he pushes a cup into your hand and you move aside to let him in, "How are you?"
"Don't call me pretty," you mumble as you turn away to hide the blush starting to appear on your cheeks, "But I'm okay. It's getting busier with the holidays coming up, so you know how that is, but the company thought this time was a great time to work on my debut."
"I feel you," Mark grimaces, taking a seat on the other spinning chair, "Don't tell anyone but Dream is actually having another comeback. It's going to be out just before Christmas."
"Another one?" your eyes widen in shock, "But you just released 2 Baddies and I know you definitely have a repackage soon!"
"Yeah, it's hard to be part of both units," he sighs, "Cause our new album will be over 6 months out from Beatbox, but only 3 months from 2 Baddies. Whatever, you know I love what I do."
"Doesn't mean you don't get tired," you cross your arms, "Now I feel bad having you on this track. You are way too busy, Mark! Why didn't you or your company say no?"
He shakes his head to reassure you, "Nah, trust me Y/N; you're exactly the break I need from the boys. Besides, I've never had the chance to formally work with you, so why would I give up the opportunity when it comes? We always made a great team back then."
You smile fondly, thinking about all those times when you and Mark were young teenagers and would huddle up in the practice rooms writing songs together and creating melodies on your guitars.
"I guess we did. Anyway, have a listen to this track. It's just something I wrote a while ago, but it always seemed unfinished so I thought that a feature would complete it," you hand him a pair of headphones and gesture over to your laptop with the track already loaded up, "If you like it, you can do your part in the second verse, but otherwise we can start from scratch."
You watch his face as he listens to the song and you're endeared to find out he still carries the same habit of letting his face do all the talking whenever he's listening to something new. His head is bobbing up and down as he nods along to the song and you can easily tell which parts he likes.
"So, what do you think?" you inquire.
He has a grin on his face, "I love it! Honestly! It's a cute song about a crush, I guess?"
"Yeah, I didn't want to go with any song that's lyrically strong for my debut. This song's pretty unassuming and you know how important it is to the companies to have a general public-friendly song," you shrug. They didn't really explicitly give you guidelines, but you knew what the company was really looking for- a hit, "Can you work with that beat? I'll send you the song of course and you don't have to rush or anything."
"I'll see what I can do," Mark teases, "Can I get an insider sneak peek at the rest of the album? You know, feature perks and all of that."
You flush even redder than when he complimented you earlier, "I'm going to be so honest Mark, the whole album is about you. Every song I've written is about you."
He shrugs casually, "I would've figured. You're a big inspiration to my writing too. Is that a no, then?"
You decide that there was no point shying away from Mark's request, considering that he would end up hearing each and every song whenever your album came out anyway. Plus, the two of you were artists and you understood being each others' muse- good or bad. Mark had seen you in every vulnerable state possible. Showing him your songs that you were comfortable enough to release to the public anyway was nothing to you.
"You can listen."
You don't bother giving Mark any explanations for any song- he's the one that lived through these experiences with you. You leave him with your tracklist on the laptop and tell him you would leave him for a few moments to grab some lunch for the two of you in the company cafeteria. You were hoping it was going to be a quick trip down and back up, but you had run into a producer you were also working with on the album, and that gave Mark at least 5 songs worth of time alone.
What you hadn't expected upon returning was to find Mark crying softly, his sweater paws rubbing at his eyes.
"Mark? Are you crying?"
Your surprise caused him to jump up and frantically wipe away his tears, "Ha. That's a really sad album, huh?"
The guilt continues to eat you up from the inside out, "I'm not going to release all of them, I think. A few sad songs and fill the rest in with inconspicuous tracks."
"Well your songs are beautiful anyway," he gives you a pained smile, "You're an amazing writer. I just wish I wasn't the cause of your pain."
"Hey," you scold softly, bumping his arm with yours, "Don't say that. You were nothing but amazing to me. You made me so happy. It was just the circumstances around us."
He chuckled bitterly to himself, "If we weren't famous- if this industry wasn't so vicious, I would still have you?"
"Mark," you warn, but he cuts you off.
"Have you thought about what I asked you?" he interrupts, "It's been a year, you know? I still miss you."
"Mark, it's not that easy," you counter, "Nothing's changed!"
"It's either you want to be with me or you don't. Don't skirt around it and just tell me the truth, okay? It would really make working together easier if I know where we stand. I won't stop fighting for us until you tell me to stop, so tell me what you want, Y/N," Mark pleads, standing up to face you, "I'm sorry for springing it out of nowhere, but I need to know. I can't move on until I know to let you go."
You hate yourself for what you did to Mark. He was the boy that taught you how to love and how to love patiently, sincerely, and passionately. He was the boy that held your hand and rubbed your back when you cried and the boy that celebrated every success with you. He was the boy that told you how proud he was of you, even every time you felt like the world was collapsing around you. He was the boy who would lay kisses on your forehead and whisper sweet nothings in your ear whenever you faced another setback. He was the boy that made flowers bloom out of your heart from his kind gestures and the way he showed you how much he loved you. And if nothing else, Mark was the boy that made you happy.
You remember a conversation with your youngest member the night before. You had confided in her how nervous you were to work with Mark and she lectured you on finally letting yourself be happy. You were already a 4-year idol and Mark was coming onto 7 years. You weren't rookies anymore and you had solid fanbases. It was clear that the companies weren't extremely opposed to revealing that the two of you were dating back then, so she told you that it would be fine now. Kali told you, rather cliché-ly, that the heart wants what it wants and your heart has been screaming and begging from Mark since the second you ended that phone call with him all those years ago.
"Mark," you meet his eyes and melt all over again, "It's you, Mark."
Mark wraps one arm around your waist and pulls you tighter. The other hand reaches up to your face to brush your hair out of your face and cradle your cheek as he brings it up to his own face. Your noses are almost touching as Mark lays it all bare for you, "Do you love me or do you not, Y/N?"
"I do," the feeling is cathartic when you finally tell him and when he finally presses his lips in a searing kiss that sets off all the fireworks in your heart. The feeling of Mark is familiar, but the kiss is longing and hopeful and you can't get enough.
You're both panting when he breaks the kiss and he rests his forehead against yours as he laughs softly in relief. He's been waiting to do that for over 2 years.
"I need you back, Y/N. It's been the worst 2 years of my life," he whispers against your lips, "Please come back."
You smile when he opens his eyes. They're that shade you grew to love all those years ago and they're sparkling like the day he first asked you to be his girlfriend.
Nothing's changed in your environment, that's for sure. What you're also sure about is that each time you see Mark again, you feel a little braver and more courageous. Each time Mark tells you that he loves you even though you shattered his heart like glass, you feel like his love can get you through anything. Maybe you needed those 2 years to see what you were missing or maybe you were just stupid.
Whatever. All you know now is that even 2 years on, Mark Lee is still begging for your love and your brain is losing out in its battle against your heart. It might've taken you two years, but now you see that all you need is Mark Lee by your side to get through the torrential storm that was heading your way and that you were going to get out on the other side to a bright and sunny sky, as long as he was holding your hand and leading you.
You place a kiss on his lips that tells him all he needs to know, "I'm here, Mark. It's always been you. You've always been the one. Always."
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naturesapphic · 5 months
Halloween request! Nat and femRs Halloween with their baby daughter (first Halloween where she understands). Nat doesn't know what the costume is until she comes home and it's something totally silly and she won't give in until she sees her baby come out in something so cute. My first thought is a bumblebee and r and Nat are flowers lol.
Halloween surprise
Mom!natasha Romanoff x Mom!fem!reader
Warnings: fluff :)
“Honeys I’m home!” Nat said raising her voice so you could hear her when she entered y’all’s shared home. You went down the stairs and immediately jumped into your wife’s arms, wrapping yourself completely around her. “I see that someone missed me. Where’s Emily?” She asked you and you gave her a smirk. “She’s in our room waiting for her other mama to get into her costume so we can all go out for trick or treating.” You simply stated and nat gave you an unimpressed look. “I’m not dressing up in anything until I see what I’m getting myself into.” She said, standing her ground.
You groaned. “But it’s supposed to be a surprise! I wanted us to get dressed first then you can see our adorable daughter!” You begged her and she shook her head no. “Nope. I wanna see our baby in her costume first.” She demanded softly and you pouted. “Fine. But this means that you have to dress up with us.” You told her sternly and she rolled her eyes playfully at you as you dragged her upstairs to y’all’s shared room. “Yeah yeah whatever. We’ll see.” She said and you opened the door to the bedroom and emily came running over to Natasha and hugged her legs. “Look mama! I’m a bumblebee!” She exclaimed and Natasha started laughing at how cute her daughter looks and picked her up in her arms.
“You are a bumblebee pumpkin! The cutest one I know.” Natasha exclaimed and Emily giggled at her mamas compliment. “Thanks mama! Mommy said that you two will be flowers!” Emily said excitedly and Natasha gave you a blank stare and you gave her a sheepish smile in return. “Only for Emily.” She suddenly stated and you pouted. “What about doing it for me?” You said as you poked your bottom lip out and gave her the famous puppy dog eyes. She mumbled under her breath and put Emily down onto her feet. “Yeah yeah you too. Now here’s the costumes? I’m ready to get this over with.” Natasha grumbled out and you sent her a big smile which caused her frown to turn into a little smile.
You and nat went into the bathroom to quickly change as Emily was drawing on the floor, waiting for her mommies to get done getting dressed. You opened the door and skipped out excitedly, showing the costume off to her daughter as Natasha followed behind you with a grumpy stern look on her face. “Look Emily! We are flowers! Now we all match!” You exclaimed to her and Emily giggled as she saw you two together. “Hehe you and mama look silly!” She laughed out and you gave her a smile while natasha gave her a playful glare. “Come on my babies. Let’s go our treat or treating!” You said happily as you picked up your five year old daughter and carried her on your hip as you went down the stairs with natasha trailing behind you.
“Oh! I almost forgot!” You said suddenly and took out your phone to take a quick picture of your family. “If you post that I will kick your ass.” Natasha threatened you lightheartedly. “Mama said a bad word!” Emily said pointing at her mother and gasping out. “You’re right Emily I’m sorry. I’ll go put a dollar in the no swearing jar.” Natasha reassured Emily and went into the kitchen and came out a few moments later. “Now…let’s go out and have some fun!” You said excitedly as you went out the door with your wife following behind you. Tonight will be fun.
A/n: I hope the anon who requested this likes it and I hope everyone else does too! Sorry this took so long to post. I will be posting some of my other Halloween requests as well on my other character books. Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all! :)
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shuxiii · 1 year
Love at first web— Hanni Pham x reader
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synopsis: Hanni desperate for a hit news was ready to do anything to have a brief interview with the one and only friendly neighborhood spider-man. Yet it didn't seem like an easy task when you're swinging out of reach of her, so she does the ordeal.
Note: is my obsession getting obvious for the Australian-Vietnamese girl now because i think its getting chronic each day
''Hanni, you can't just do whatever you want without facing the repercussions,'' Minji, my long-time best friend and my boss.
''I can make it up to, i can—''
''Hanni, you've caused too much problem and it's causing harm to our resources; why don't you focus on less challenging news?'' Minji says ''well like um,, oh! like that protest against—''
I was too driven by my thoughts to even care to listen to her rantings, I couldn't bear to be held back I've dedicated my life to journalism, just a few rough patches won't stop me.
I need to think, i need something big. something that will give me back Minji's trust in my work, I look at the little spider on the wall hanging on its web quietly weaving its spider web, and it hits me.
''so like i was saying han—''
''I can talk to Spider-girl'' I say.
Minji takes a pause and stares at me perplexed.
''i can get an interview with spider-girl themselves,'' I suggest hesitantly. and that didn't go unnoticed by Minji.
''really? how exactly?'' she asked.
crap. think of something.
''well, i have contacts that will get me through spider-girl myself,'' I lie ''so if you just let me do this, just once I'll make it up for those mistakes.''
''Hanni—'' I gaze at Minji's conflicted thoughts, she knows me well. she knows i don't just give up. and eventually, she sighs.
''fine, but if i don't get any progress by the end of the week, you're halted with any bigger works.''
I jumped in triumph, hugging Minji tightly.
''okay don't get ahead of yourself, you still owe me an interview with a superhero'' she giggles.
i rejoiced too soon, now i was in a cornered wall.
lying was easy, but making it real was difficult
Let's be real how exactly will I get a hold of a human swinging from buildings to buildings like it's a normal Monday morning.
It was deemed so impossible but what do I have to lose? Yeah, my job. Exactly.
If I don't get this interview, then I’ll question myself if I was ever suited for journalism, I don't care if it takes a train to stop me, I'm getting that spider.
I knew exactly how to get their attention. It's simple put myself in to trouble.
🕸️ 🕸️ 🕸️ 🕸️ 🕸️
And as smart yet stupid as i was, i decided to get mugged in an alleyway.
It was easy, carry an expensive-looking bag while appearing naive and vulnerable. You’ll have all the eyes of every burglar you get in Manhattan.
I go down a dark alleyway, hearing faint and slow footsteps behind me, and as I reach the end of the street, I glance back to see two buff males wearing balaclava masks approaching me.
And, like every comedian's punch line, they speak their six legendary lines.
“Give us all you have, miss”
And of course I try to stall.
“I don't have anything with me,” I say.
I heard a scoff at the other guy much more shorter than the other one.
“Then what's in your bag?” He says “Nothing?” He laughs.
I take a step back and with every step they inch closer. Yet no signs of that famous red suit spider.
The consequences of my impulsive choices has started to bite back at me, and the fear has started to set in.
“C’mon miss, you don't want to make this harder than it already is” the taller one says.
He grips on my wrist, tight enough to make me wince.
“Let go of me!” I try to push away his hand but he was twice as big as me, and it didn't budge at all.
raspy laughs echoed through the dark alleyway, and he grips me tighter.
“This one's a fighter eh?” He smiles, putting his face closer to mine, smelling the horrible stench of cigarettes and alcohol.
“My, I couldn't take a good look at you but aren't you a little too pretty to be here? He says “We definitely hit the jackpot.”
I look back at him in disgust. And even though I tried to hide my dread, I felt confined and terrified more than I ever had before.
“Why don't you entertain us huh?” He grins with a gleam of darkness in his eyes.
I felt tears drop against my cheeks as i imagine the worst to come.
I close my eyes in fear.
“Hey jerry help me here” he says.
Yet the silence was only heard.
“Jerry!” He yells louder “ are you fucking deaf?”
“What the fuck!”
I open my eyes to see the shorter guy webbed against the wall, muffling.
"Hey now, that's not very chivalrous of you," the one and only says as the guy collides with the wall in the blink of an eye.
A loud thud was heard, as the burglar falls inside the steel wheelie bin.
And just like that the two burglars were webbed and knocked out.
I stood there in both fear and relief.
Suddenly she went up to me placing both her hands against my cheeks,
“Hanni? Are you okay?!” She says with quaver in her voice, like she was scared.
“Are you hurt, did he hurt you?” She gently brushes the part of my wrist the guy gripped.
“Yeah—I’m okay,” I say yet the shake in my voice said otherwise.
She looks at me and suddenly her lenses became bigger, like she just registered what she said.
And I gaze back at her, my benevolent savior, perhaps momentarily questioning the disparities between her identities.
“Wait…Hanni?” i say.
We stare at each other in awkward silence.
“Wait—how do you know my name?” I ask.
“What—I mean no—uh” she stutters “I’ve seen you in new reports! You’re quite a renowned reporter…hahaha”
“Anyway,” she coughs “What are you doing here? Don't you know it's not safe being out so late?”
Yeah what was I doing here? Right. Getting myself in trouble to get an interview from you.
“I was going home but these guys followed me and led me to an alleyway” I lie.
“Uh huh,” she pauses, slightly unconvinced “Well um I better get going”
As she was about to swing out my sight, i grab hold of her wrist.
“Wait!” I shriek.
She looks back at me before looking at my hands holding her wrist.
I quickly let go.
“Um—I was wondering if I could get an interview from you?” I ask, hopeful.
“Uh,” she says “Look, I’m a little busy with my fans at the moment aka my enemies you know? I don't think—“
“It won't take a minute” I pleaded.
“I'm not sure…” she scratches her nape.
“If you don't, well I’ll have to keep putting myself in trouble” i blurt out.
“Keep putting yourself in trouble?” She ask “did you—did you put yourself in trouble, to talk to me?” Did
I seriously don't know when to keep my mouth shut, do I?
“Don't you know how utterly dangerous that is?” She inches closer to me “You could hurt yourself or—or even worst!”
i felt like a kid again scolded by their parents except it was a superhero giving me an earing lecture.
“There are so many ways but you decide the most reckless one?” She continues “what if I’m not here when you get hurt?
She was meters away from me and one push was all it needed, maybe if the mask was removed it would have been.
She awkwardly blinks and freezes, noticing the gap between us.
She stiffly backs away from me. Shes one awkward hero.
“Sorry totally forgot personal space existed” she stutters.
“You’re just like someone I know” I say, giggling.
“What?” She asks, taken aback.
“You’re just like someone I know, her names Yn.” I tell her “She’s always nagging about these kinds of stuff.”
I smile at the thought.
“Really, are they cute? She ask “I m-mean like are they hot, or pretty maybe cute, maybe all of the above?”
I look at her, laughing.
“What—did I say something wrong?”
“Then why are you laughing?”
“Its just a little odd for a superhero to ask such question,” I say.
“Oh, Im sorry—“
“Yeah, they’re cute.”
“I said they’re cute.”
“Oh wow—uh so um,” she says “so do you like them?”
I hesitate and smiled at her.
“Yeah, I like her.”
"Like—like them?" She glances back at me, and even with the mask covering her eyes, I can tell she was looking at me intently.
Something about her gaze that hid behind that mask felt so recognizable, almost as if it was a recurring gaze I would see, but I couldn't place my finger on it.
"Why does it seem like you're the one interviewing here?" I ask, smiling back. "How about if you let me interview you, I'll answer all your questions."
She pauses for a moment, considering the deal. And I give her the best beseeching eyes, something I would never do but if it takes a cute girl to allure a man, then I’ll do everything it takes to get a sweet yes.
But this is a hero, a person who has gone through many things I don’t think being seductive would work but it won't hurt to tease, won't it?
“Do you want me to kiss you?” I say, teasingly “Does a kiss seal the deal?”
“W-What?!” She stammers “did the guy hit your head ?”
“Haha very funny one, no he didn’t,” I say, “ it’s just taking you so long to answer, and you aren't denying the kiss, I won't mind either, you have my consent.”
She stays quiet, and i took a few step closer to her.
Her lenses widen as she puts her hands in defense.
“Okay, I-I agree you don't need to do that!” She sputters.
I squeal in excitement, hugging her. I'm not sure whether I'm hallucinating, but the way her body fits in my hold, it had this familiarity to it. it felt like I've hugged her before like I was grown to it, it felt like I was in the arms of someone I love.
“That kiss was just a joke if you didn't get the memo” I chuckle as I let go of the embrace, but the feeling stayed against my skin.
“Y-Yeah i knew it was a joke” she crosses her arms between her chest.
“Well then, how about we meet on the rooftop of the Daily Bugle? Tomorrow, sounds great?”
“Um yeah sure sure, grool” she says.
Grool? Who says that these days.
“Alright” i laugh.
She timidly shoots me a quick wave as she backs away from me still looking back at me.
“Y-Yeah,” she says “see you later”
''Wait! Look ou—'' I winced as she stumbled backward after hitting her head against the steel pole.
“Are you okay?”
“I did that intentionally,” she says “ and it didn't hurt at all”
Before she decides to leave completely, she says something that makes my heart feel soft to this day.
“And Han, please don’t do this again,” she says “I don’t want you to be hurt.”
A nickname only I knew who would always call me and suddenly the same familiarity started to dwell on me again, and the questions that lingered in my head started to be answered.
It all became clear.
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I think its time some of the creeps got some fluff :D
Puppeteer, Hobo, and Kate experiencing some wholesomeness with their S/Os? Mayhaps? Snuggles and cuddles oh my!
I tried to make it winter themed because it's that time of year :)
Listen, he's already pretty clingy over you, but once winter hits you basically never get rid of him. He always gets worried that you're gonna get too cold out there and get sick, and so he tends to hover over you, making sure you're dressing well and that you're staying warm enough in all of this winter weather. Winter is also the time of year when he starts (insisting) suggesting that you wear his clothes because they'll keep you warmer. He'll bundle you up in his sweaters, or a scarf of his, or a nice thick jacket, claiming it's totally necessary when really half of it is just that he thinks you look incredibly adorable when you're wearing his clothes, and so he gets super excited whenever you do so during the colder months. If you ever tease him and say that if you wear all his clothes he won't have any left for himself he will go out and buy doubles of his outfits so that you can't use that excuse anymore. Also, Pup never wants to let you out of bed in the mornings. He just wants to stay curled up beside you, cuddling with you, and spending the day resting with you because he feels much weaker and more tired because of the cold, so his solution to that problem is to get a good grip on you and just cuddle you until you can somehow manage to escape him about an hour later than normal.
Hobo is probably one of the cuddliest creeps, and you'll find that could pretty early on in your relationship with him. Nothing makes this poor touch starved bird boy happier than being able to get some love and affection from you, and luckily you're always happy to provide it. Nothing beats lazy mornings with you both sprawled out in bed, your body wrapped up in his arms and wings, the two of you content to lay there for as long as you'd like, in no rush to do anything else. Although, with it being winter, sometimes Hobo likes to get outside with you and spend some time exploring in the cold. He's never gotten to have fun with people out there before, and you're always excited to give him a chance to experience that. He's often entranced by the falling snow, spending hours just watching it fall. He'll sit out there with you, a wing protectively draped over you so you don't have to worry about it soaking into and chilling you. After you've spent some time outside, head in and make the two of you some hot chocolate, curl up in front of the fire or on the couch, put something on the TV, and just relax together underneath a blanket, and you'll have Hobo thinking he must be in heaven with how relaxed and content he feels beside you. He's a simple guy, and it doesn't take much for him to feel fully cheery and at ease beside you.
Kate absolutely loves wintertime, and she loves it even more when she gets to spend it with you, her favorite person in the entire world. I'm talking about building snowmen together, having snowball fights, making snow angels, fuck it, she might even ask if you want to put in the time and energy to build an igloo together. Kate just absolutely loves being outside and fucking around and exploring, and all of that is even more fun when you're out there with her. If you get too cold she's more than happy to go in with you, but she loves spending as much time as possible with you running around in the snow. When you finally go back in, she'll make the two of you some of her famous homemade hot chocolate, complete with marshmallows and whipped cream if you'd like it, and she'll sit by the mansion fireplace with you, laughing and telling jokes and stories with you to pass the time while you warm up together. After that is a nice warm shower, and then throwing on your pajamas and jumping into bed to snuggle up together. She'll make a blanket fort or just drown the two of you in a big pile of blankets, snuggle up to you, and just lay there and relax with you in utter bliss until both of you are too sleepy to stay awake any longer. Kate never thought she'd be lucky enough to have someone to do things like this with, so it makes her so incredibly happy to be able to have you by her side. 
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noroi1000 · 8 months
Hello Noroi ! I’m the anon who requested vengeful love. it was amazing i loved it. i hope you’re doing well. Could i get a gojo oneshot where it’s like biker!gojo and a part time model reader who’s very famous in the campus. so like they’re in university. so the main plot could be fake dating w gojo but then it’s kinda different where gojo falls first but harder too lmao ? yeah. but yeah no smut really needed BUUUUT you could add suggestive flirty moments where gojo is the shy one :P. ( sorry i’m a virgin bitchless gojo preacher forever ) also for attitude of reader it can be similar to the reader in vengeful love but more extroverted/outgoing and a little mean in a playful/harmless way. Yeah that’s all ig
Have a good day Noroi 🌻 lots of love ur way
Popular boy who looks at you
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Summary: There was this one popular boy who suggested you go out fake. But for as long as you can remember, you've seen the way he looks at you. How he gets distracted around you. Because this "playboy" isn't really one.
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You remember these people's words from the beginning of school. "Gojo Satoru is looking at you!"
Who exactly was Gojo Satoru?
He was that popular boy at school who had been keeping an eye on you since your first day here.
Your friends squealed when they saw him. They bought magazines with his photos.
A man who has a part-time job as a model. And not just any model... The model of the largest companies!
He is a student at the same university. As far as you know, his family is rich. He drives his own motorbike wherever he likes. This dark blue bike with purple lightning bolts on the side. All you had to do was walk past this bike and you felt like you were standing next to a beast. Two large motorbikes standing next to each other, and no one will even dare to go there and touch the expensive vehicles. Blue and purple and black and gold with a dragon. Didn't they, some friends, become a bard?
You and your best friend only had the same key chains on your bags.
To be honest, you weren't the queen of the school. But people respected you and liked you. That was the most important thing.
But since blue eyes are constantly focused on you, you make other girls jealous.
Gojo Satoru who often bumps into someone because he is looking at you and not the road in front of him.
Gojo Satoru who even hit a pole in his path because he was watching you talking to your friends.
But why should you care about some high school playboy who supposedly "has had so many girlfriends that their number is greater than the number of students at your university?"
Oh yes, you could believe it, but you weren't entirely sure. After all, he talked about how he had so many relationships.
Even though there were school speculations that he was lying.
However, there was one thing that became true.
That popular boy who had been looking at you for so long, he asked you if you could be his fake girlfriend.
Your brain was like "wtf?!" But your friend has decided. She convinced you to do it.
And you became the fake girlfriend of the most popular boy in school.
His reason was that his parents wanted him to have a girlfriend who didn't just want his money. You were nice, and he didn't think you were. Plus, you weren't empty like the others.
And his parents... They believed in your relationship! They were so happy! It was so nice to see the smile of the woman who was his mother. But there was doubt in you. Because at some point your fake relationship has to end.
He knows you and you know him. This was for you the most important thing. You could keep this game going as long as you need. But you're tired of playing his girlfriend.
Even though he looks at you with that look, he avoids it when you return the look. He turns away from you.
Is he bored with this game?
Even better for you. You won't have to worry about him, you'll just find a boy who will truly love you!
Can a person who plays badboy and playboy really fall in love with you? You didn't want to hurt his mother who was happy about your 'relationship'...
But unfortunately, on the day you wanted to end it, or even tell his parents the truth, you didn't have the heart to do it.
Because before you could do anything, your heart clenched as you learned the truth about Gojo Satoru.
Gojo Satoru, the playboy from school. A model, someone who often even causes trouble. There were rumors that he would be a good fit for the mafia. Despite this, he had exemplary grades and excelled in exam results.
But in reality, Gojo Satoru is a boy who can flirt, but he is a loner by nature.
You learned everything from his mother.
After all, you are his 'girlfriend'.
Since he was born he has been a special child. But he had to grow up fast. His childish behavior is manifested by the fact that he began to play like a child at an older age. Addicted to sweets... He didn't like people who assumed they were weak right away. Everything he does works for him. His appearance is the reason that he became a model to start doing something. Slowly he was on the covers of magazines. He seems very confident, and he is. However, there was never anyone in his heart. He only has one friend who really understands him. There are no people who understand him. Because the world (physical and mental) he lives in makes it impossible for them to keep up with him.
However, his mother saw the change.
There is no longer Satoru whose smile is unwavering. He most often embarrassed someone. He was having fun, irritating someone, teasing someone. Always without a changeable smile. Gojo Satoru knew no fear. He didn't care what people thought of him. He only cared that he was a person who was different from everyone else and no one could threaten him.
Well, it was true. He was the best at everything...
Even though you weren't afraid of him, you felt small next to him. Just because he's tall and muscular.
And then you found out something that made you giggle or be surprised.
He never had a girl to bring home...
And he...
"Gojo Satoru is a Virgin?!" your friend screamed, almost choking on her drink.
He put a finger to his lips to silence her and looked around to see if anyone was watching or listening to you.
You're not cruel enough to spread rumors about your private life. Everyone thinks you're together.
"Shh! Maybe it's funny, but keep it to yourself! I do not know if it's true!"
If it were true, you could laugh at him just like when he laughed at you for feeling embarrassed to kiss him at school...
But then you got angry and you pulled his clothes to kiss him passionately.
So what if people were watching? You kissed him so suddenly to spite him. To at least try to embarrass him. And when you pulled away, you didn't see much of a change in his face. But it looked like he was holding something back. And his ears were pink...
Earlier you wondered why he left so quickly...
Isn't he embarrassed to kiss someone and be dominant, and when someone dominates him in a kiss, he suddenly starts blushing?
Don't say that... Gojo Satoru has that virginal innocence that shows when a girl initiates intimacy?!
Could it be that he likes to see others blush? But it's when you're direct and sudden with him that makes him blush?!
Can you shame him?
Isn't he sweet...?
"Earth to (y/n).” your friend called out, waving her hand in front of your eyes.
"Did you look like you were starting to smile? Are you thinking about your handsome virgin boyfriend~?” She laughed.
"... Tell me... When did you know that you and Kento were in love?" you asked.
"... You know, Kento is different from Gojo... Kento is a serious, but internally soft person! That makes him perfect!"
"Did I see that Gojo may have fallen in love with you? Yes! Girl, can't you see the cute little steps this guy is making?! Who would have thought that a guy as confident as him would be shy as shit when he falls in love with someone!
"Wait wait! This is not a real relationship! It will end the moment he realizes that this is the case!" You said quickly.
"I don't see him ever wanting to end it~." She wagged her eyebrows. "A proposition for you, take the first step and he won't be able to stand it and will confess everything to you! You just know... Take care of the situation and he will admit everything ~."
"Does this sort of thing work on Nanami–."
"These are my secrets! Take care of your boy because I think you like the thought of this big guy as your sweet boy who is madly in love with you." She whispered in your ear before walking away, leaving you with your thoughts wandering.
All you could think about was what had just happened. Does she really see what's going on between you?
Gojo is often weird! But you can't say anything else about you... You're weird because you agreed to become his fake girlfriend.
And now you find out that he fell for you?
What were these events in your life?! It didn't make any sense! It was supposed to be an ordinary arrangement that could never last forever! So why do you feel like this arrangement between you is no longer real?
This has been going on for... Almost a year, right?
His family treats you as one of them... He acts so naturally around you...
And then there was the matter of why he chose you as his candidate for a fake girlfriend...
It was also something you might have wondered about.
There are so many girls like you or even better! Why did he choose you?!
The narrator is rushing you to answer now.
Because ever since he saw you, he felt his heart start beating faster. Your smile when you talked to your friends. Your slight dark side which clearly showed that you are not a shy girl. You're not afraid to get a little carried away. But you weren't the kind of girl who would do anything for fun either.
You were just perfect.
What's more, you didn't pay attention to him like others did.
He was the most popular at school. Every girl had hearts in their eyes when they saw him. But not you.
Sure, you thought he was handsome. But it wasn't like adoring him for nothing. You were nice and natural to him.
Everything you did was beautiful. You were beautiful.
That's why he couldn't take his eyes off you.
That's why he wanted you.
But despite this, he pretended to be unfazed by what was happening between you. He was trying to do this to see if you could like him as much as other girls.
His plan to play macho almost backfired when you were one step ahead of him, making his cheeks begin to blush.
It's a different feeling kissing someone just like that and kissing someone you have feelings for. This is something completely different.
That's why when he got a boost of self-confidence, he went to you.
He knew you were talking about something with your friend who later left. He paid no attention to her. Because he was thinking about what he had to think about. About what he should do and say.
But when you didn't turn around once as he walked towards you, he felt that this might be a little harder than it seemed...
Standing behind you, he placed a large hand on your head, waiting for you to look at him.
With his eyes almost closed, he saw your eyes move to his. And he gave you a big smile.
"Hey, baby. Shall we go for a ride?" he asked, pointing his thumb at the school gate.
You knew what that meant.
And to clear your mind you had to agree.
The motorbike engine wasn't so loud when you were thinking about something else.
His helmet was on your head while he was riding without it. Your arms wrapped around his waist as you didn't even pay attention to the flashing lights around you.
You didn't even know where he was taking you.
But you thought you could do a little test.
Your hands slid lower, drawing small patterns on his stomach before moving down to his lower abdomen.
"(y-y/n)...?" He called out loud enough for you to hear him.
"Focus on the road." you said, pressing one finger on the muscle above your belly button.
Did you have the impression that he really started breathing differently?
Did his heart beat a little faster when you held your cheek on his back?
It was sweet...
You couldn't see much from this angle with you being behind him. But you were sure he wasn't unmoved.
Because Gojo Satoru blushes when you're direct.
You may not have seen it, but his face became nervous and red. Your smaller fingers rubbing his stomach? You touched him as low as ever! And you've never even had sex with him!
He was almost unfazed when he saw women on the beach in very revealing swimsuits. But the one time he saw you in your underwear, he had a pants party...
He couldn't stop thinking about you until he put his hand down his pants and went to the bathroom.
But he still remembers the sight of your body in black underwear you had. He didn't even come into the room while you were changing, only he saw a small fraction of it.
But after days of fantasizing about you, when he finally saw you in person, his reaction was intense.
Because this high school playboy is so in love with you that the fact that you are closer to him for a little while will make him do somersaults with happiness.
But it doesn't change the fact that he is surprised by your brave gestures. Especially when you do it specifically to irritate him.
Just like now your fingers were massaging his stomach.
It would be easier if you accepted his true feelings! Then he could act as he wanted as your boyfriend! And now you have established boundaries! He didn't want it this way! He wanted you to be his girlfriend and his closeness would be there for you anytime and anywhere! He would provide you with everything!
Once you accept it...
For a year he has been showing his area at school. For a year he has been marking the territory that other boys can enter. And he is highly respected at school.
No one could approach you because he was with you and yours.
Like a guard dog.
He was dangerous to protect you. But with your sweet words and touch, he became a puppy. So eager for what you have for him. He melted. He was a mess.
Cheeks slightly pink when you complimented him or touched him.
Maybe it was weird, but it was the real Gojo Satoru. A man who loves your attention too much. Even though he was dangerous all around, because he fell in love with you, he became a shy boy who brings a gift to his crush.
And you... You were his love...
Seeing a three-second gap between the moving cars, he accelerated and took a sharp turn into a smaller street, driving there as if he had known this road for years.
The higher you were, the more trees you saw. And that seemed as weird as it did cool to you.
Your arms were wrapped around him as you began to look to the sides, realizing that you were higher up, in a small forest.
Until suddenly he stopped and turned off the engine.
"Where are we?" you asked, taking the dark helmet off your head.
He nodded towards the open space to your left.
You got up from the bike slowly and walked to the metal barrier to see the panorama of the city in the sun.
"I didn't know there was a place like this here." You told him, looking at the distant buildings.
"Maybe we should spend more time together then. I know a lot of places you don't know about." He said.
Looking at him, you saw his small smile as he leaned against the seat of the bike. His dark glasses low on his nose.
"We already spend a lot of time together and you've never shown me anything!" you laughed and took a few steps towards him.
His hands reached for your waist and he moved to him, placing your legs between his knees.
"I want more." He replied, looking into your eyes.
"You want more?" You hummed and leaned down, grabbing the collar of his red t-shirt.
Suddenly you kissed him and then pulled away. Your fingers stroked his chest.
You giggled at the sight before you. Running your thumb over his lower lip, you licked your lips.
"You look quite cute when your cheeks are rosy." you told him, and then he realized that he was blushing.
Yep... It's when you're direct that it makes him a mess.
His mind processed your words for a few minutes before he blushed a little more.
And your hands rubbed his thighs.
You were alone here. Could you...
His face became redder and the muscles in his thighs trembled under your touch.
Even though he seemed a little against it, his body was showing you that you could do whatever you wanted.
He wanted your first intimate encounter to be at some romantic moment. In a moment of euphoria. And not when you just want to have fun.
But he couldn't say no to your touch. Because your hands felt so nice on his body. Always been like that.
You fit his arms perfectly. And your smaller hands always felt so good on his body. Even though all you did was accidental touches, holding hands, hugging, sometimes kissing. He felt something like that.
But he could imagine your hands roaming all over his body, without exception.
How would you react to his body?
Your index finger stopped just above his belt buckle and you stepped back, looking at his red cheeks and ears.
Just like you thought, you touching him like that means a lot to him.
"(y/n)..." He murmured and reached for you with his hands.
"First tell me what you want from me now." you said with a small smile.
You didn't know what exactly to expect.
But you couldn't have expected what he actually said.
"I want you to be my girlfriend." He said, looking straight into your eyes.
"...I'm already?" you laughed lightly.
"No no. I want you to be my real girlfriend."
He must be joking, right?
You feel good with him and you don't have any intrusions when he is your boyfriend. But did he of all people have to say it?
You thought he might say he wants sex now...
"I want you to be with me for real. Because I love you…” The small pink in his cheeks didn’t fade as he waited hopefully for your response.
With a small smile, you leaned into him, placing a kiss on his forehead.
And before you saw the disappointment in his eyes, you kissed his lips, letting him hold you as close as he wanted.
Love is not a hare, it will not run away. You are sure that you will love it as much as he truly loves you.
And he showed it to you in these little steps from the beginning. To now finally show you all this in three words.
This is the end of your fake relationship with the popular boy at school who looked up to you.
He fall in love with you. So you can fall in love with him. And this will be really quick.
Because you already started loving him.
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drconstellation · 6 months
Goats, Crows and The Flood
Or why Crowley turns the goats into crows in the Job minisode
If you're reading that and thinking "eh, what's the Flood got to do with it?" then read on. It wasn't done just so Crowley got to change his name. It's never as simple as that. C'mon now, this is the GOmens AU, I'm not going to write a meta about something like this and not give you at least three if not four layers as to why, now, am I? Certainly not, and this one won't be any different.
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Recently I picked up a book that has been sitting for far too long on a pile near my kitchen that needs sorting through called Parallel Myths* and in it is a section on Flood myths. (It's got lots of other good bits as well, but the Flood myths are what I want to talk about here.) The Flood is a wide-spread myth, with stories all around the world from India, to the Greek myths, to the Incas and Aztecs and in North America as well.
There are four stories that include crows as messengers who are sent to look out for land. The first is our familiar bible story. Oh, did you miss that bit? Yeah, I know, you keep getting told about the dove that represents the holy spirit that came back with the olive branch. Why would they want to tell you about a dirty old crow? And why is that crow dirty anyway? Ah, hold that thought...we'll come back to that shortly.
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Another very famous story that include a crow being sent out to look for land after a great Flood is in the epic story of Gilgamesh. While on a journey Gilgamesh meets an old man named Utnaptishtim who tells the hero how he survived a great flood by building a boat after being warned by the gods to do so, and then floating for several days before coming to rest on a mountain top. At first he sent out a dove, but the dove returned. Then he sent out a swallow, but the swallow returned also, so he knew there was no land yet. But the third bird he sent out was a crow, and it didn't come back, so Utnaptishtim knew it was finally safe to leave.
There are also crows mentioned in two North American Flood myths, with the Cree and the Algonquin, and in both stories they are also sent to look out for land.
So why am I telling you this? Because of this:
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Which is, as we know, is a bit of a play on words, but it establishes the association between the ungulate offspring and the human offspring when we run into the next occurrence of the innocent being killed on the Almighty's fickle whim in the Job minisode in S2. And we know our favourite demon is just not going to take that lying down that without some kind of protest.
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So after delivering his open monologue to the goats, which gives an insight into himself, then being confronted by Aziraphale, and revealing he has a permit, from the Almighty Herself, no less, he turns Job's goats into crows.
(And if you've missed the bit about why the goats, and not the sheep, which the archangels kept going on about, its because sheep were seen as more "Christian" as the rams were considered faithful to their ewes, as good followers should be, but goats were observed to just do it with any-nanny, with no sense of commitment, if you get what I mean, so they were considered more "demonic" in nature.)
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The bible seems to have a bit of a love-hate relationship with birds. On hand they can be used for food or sacrifices, on the other hand they are metaphorical demons! There is an association made between "birds of the air" and demons, waiting to pick off the weak (of thought) and young before they can be enfolded into the "safety" of the church.
Even the noble eagle is frowned upon in a way, as it eats carrion, or rotting meat. And that is something ravens and crows are known to do as well. This eating of dead animals, and humans on the field on the ancient battlefield, led crows to be associated with death and the afterlife, and by extension, transformation from one form to another.
(I can't help thinking at this point about the Sandman's assistant crow helper that travels between worlds, but also I've written a couple of metas about both Crowley and the Bentley being facilitators for the crossing of thresholds between different worlds.)
If you've ever had a close association with a crow or two- and I have, over several years, they can be wily opponents! - you come to respect their intelligence and adaptability, no matter how they might be frustrating you! **
The raven is also mentioned in the Book of Job 38:41
Who provideth for the raven his food? when his young ones cry unto God, they wander for lack of meat.
We didn't hear this line delivered to Job during the minisode, though we certainly heard some of the other lines from verses 38 and 39 that come before and after it. God is in the middle of telling Job about the universe, the earth and the creatures upon it, and how She looks after them. The line Jimbriel speaks about the morning stars all singing together is Job 38:7, for example. Just before mentioning this loathsome bird, She mentions that most noble of animals, the lion. But look, She also cares about ugly croaking raven fledglings that seem to get kicked out of the nest as soon as they can fly. How do they fend for themselves? It is seen as the mercy of God that she provides for each of the creatures of the Earth, both the lion and the raven. (Well, there's some interesting metaphorical links riiiight there...I hope I don't need to spell them out....)
So where are we? We've gone from a crow being a messenger for Noah, to kids/goats from the Flood scene in S1E3, to demon-associated goats being transformed into demon-associated crows in the Job minisode in S2E2, just before Job's human kids are saved from destruction by being transformed into geckos - which is also a significant symbolic creature for resurrection (which I explain in another meta.)
You know, I wouldn't be at all surprised if we loop back for a longer look at the Flood in S3. Kids, crows, a transformative experience...
Va-va-voom, here we come!
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*Parallel Myths by J. F. Beirlein (1994) A Fascinating look at the common threads woven through the world's greatest myths - and the central role they have played through time. ISBN 0-345-38146-7
**I know there are corvids all around the world, and they can be shy, important birds in the ecosystem but here in Australia they can also be big bullies who know they are bigger than the other birds and throw their weight around accordingly and then do gross stuff like dirty up the backyard bird bath by finding discarded sandwiches and dog bones or even Lego blocks and drop them in to "soften" them for later consumption and just leave a filthy mess there for everybird else. yyyiikkk.
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