lailoken · 1 year
Famulus vs. Magistellus
Something I thought might be worth talking about here—at least for the sake of preemptive clarity, should I ever speak on the matter more—is the difference between a Famulus and a Magistellus, as they are understood within the paradigm of the Wending Way. I could try and get into the historical and etymological aspects of these terms, but that's probably a larger undertaking than I'm currently up to. Instead, I will simply explain how they are specifically understood and used within the context of the tradition I adhere to. Suffice it to say, however, that historically speaking, the terms are virtually indistinct.
The word Famulus (or Familiar Spirit) is used to describe any spirit with whom a mage has established an ongoing compact. Accordingly, a famulus can serve any number of functions—some, simple and reserved in nature, while others are more complex and personal. Examples range from things like the Alraun (a root familiar,) to things like servitors (programmed "thought-forms".) I have a couple of famuli, though only my mantic famulus is anything like a close friend and ally to me.
On the other hand, the word Magistellus (which translates literally as "Little Master") is used to describe a spirit granted to a mage directly by their Witching God(s). Magistelli are literally bound to the spirit of the mage in some way, generally following an outhbound initiation. While some might find it surprising, I am yet to be granted a Magistellus. I have been promised that, when the time is right, I will be yoked to a fitting spirit, but even after all my years of practice, that time is yet to come. And while that made me antsy at one point in time, I no longer feel hurried, and I trust in my Witching Gods to help direct me along my path in the way which will serve my highest good.
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fireheartedpup · 4 months
Can I please get some friends who want to talk with me on a daily basis like fuck I'm trying
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colourfullsims · 1 year
Lemme just
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Come on in, girl lol
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magisterhego · 1 year
Does anyone please know an app/program/link to download tumblr videos?
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Ran into @itsthebuilder Made my day! #famuly #internationalrob #rollingweavestore #foundation #legacy #Youdeservethebest https://www.instagram.com/p/CkTVLgKuux3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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turangalila · 3 months
Tomás Luis de Victoria (c. 1548 - 1611) Ut queant laxis Hymni totius anni (no. 16) [Roma: Franciscum Zanettum, n.d. 1581].
Ut queant laxis resonare fibris / mira gestorum famuli tuorum, / solve polluti labiis reatum, / sancte Joannes. // Nuntius celso veniens Olympo, / te patri magnum fore nasciturum, / nomen, et vitae seriem gerendae, / ordine promit. // Ventris obstruso recubans cubili, / senseras Regem thalamo manentem: / hinc parens, nati, meritis, uterque, / abdita pandit. // Laudibus cives celebrant superni / te, Deus simplex pariterque trine; / supplices ac nos veniam precamur: / parce redemptis. // Amen.
Tomás Luis de Victoria – Sacred Works. Ensemble Plus Ultra, Michael Noone. (2011, Archiv Produktion – 477 9747)
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Pairing: Bruce Wayne x F!Reader
Request: the wayne famuly dressing up for  halloween agianst their will beecaeuse grace said so ? headcono s? sorry for the typos my phone isnt cooopperating
Warnings: vague spoilers for the film, mentions of injury
Word Count: 1158
A/N: Happy Halloween! I actually received this request months ago, not long after I finished writing convenience, but I wanted to save it for today because I knew I probably wouldn’t have time for a full Halloween celebration this year. There’s not much to this, it’s just a fun bonus chapter for a change. I actually did flip a coin for the costumes because I couldn’t choose! Anyway, I hope you like it!!
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“Do we have to dress up?” Bruce asked, dropping down onto the sofa next to Y/N.
“You don’t want us going out trick or treating, and I can respect that with how Halloween always is in the city, but that means we have to do something at home. And even Alfred agreed to dress up if he could pick his own costume!” She shifted into his side as he opened an arm for her and angled her laptop towards him on her knees. “Which means we have to pick something.”
He sighed and pressed his lips against her temple. “What’s everyone else picked?” He raised his eyebrows as she smiled. “What?”
“Alfred is going as Dracula. I showed Grace a page of costumes and she pointed at the pumpkin dress, which I think was mainly due to the bright colour, you know because she’s two, and Dick has decided he wants to go as Batman.” She tilted her head back against his shoulder so she could watch his reaction. She was not disappointed, his lips parted and his cheeks went pink.
“Why Batman?” He said, barely above a whisper.
“Because, he’s a hero and he saves people.” She directly quoted from Dick.
“Oh.” He buried his face in her hair as his cheeks went an even darker shade of pink. “They actually sell Batman costumes? Or are you planning on building him one?”
She snorted. “I ordered him one so he can also wear it to school. Could you imagine the questions we’d get if I sent him in a completely accurate replica?”
“Yeah, that might not be the best idea.” He laughed. “So, what are our options?”
“Ash and Linda from Evil Dead, Money Heist red jumpsuits and Dali masks, Gomez and Morticia Addams, or Buttercup and Wesley from The Princess Bride.” She flicked through the tabs she had open on her laptop.
“Flip a coin?” He suggested. “Evil Dead vs Money Heist, Addams vs Princess Bride, and then flip for the winners?”
“Sounds good.”
“Pretty!” Grace squealed, and Y/N was unsure if she was referring to herself or to Y/N.
She chose to go with the former as she swept Grace into her arms. “Yes you are.”
Grace giggled and wrapped her arms around Y/N’s neck. Y/N smiled and smoothed out Grace’s pumpkin dress before straightening her headband.
“Shall we go see everyone else?”
Grace nodded enthusiastically and Y/N smiled before walking out of her and Bruce’s room. She balanced Grace on her hip and used her other hand to lift the hem of her red dress far enough off the floor so she would not trip over it while walking down the stairs.
Dick was doing a one handed hand-stand at the bottom of the stairs, his costume cape hanging around his head. “See I told you I could do it!”
“Consider me proved wrong.” Bruce said with a smile.
Y/N put Grace down as Dick flipped himself back the right way up. The Batman costume she had found was a pretty good fabric imitation, but she could point out several inaccuracies with it (not that she would ever say that out loud). Bruce’s costume was pretty accurate; black trousers, boots and shirt. It had come with a mask, but they had both decided it was probably best if he did not wear it, just in case someone got hold of the photos further down the line and drew the similarities between him and Batman.
“Black is your colour.” She said with a smile as he walked over to her.
“Red’s yours.” He said, glancing down to take in her dress.
She ran her hands over his shoulder. “Though next time, I think you should also dye your hair blond and grow a tiny moustache.”
“As you wish.” He nodded his head slightly in an imitation of Wesley and her smile grew wider.
“I don’t think the kids have any idea who we are.” She glanced back to where Grace was giggling as Dick did a cartwheel.
“I think the film is age appropriate for Dick, maybe not Grace. I’m not sure she’d like the blood.” Bruce smiled.
Y/N hummed. “You’re probably right.”
“So what’s the plan?” He asked, glancing at the minimal decorations her and Alfred had put up (the penthouse was already gothic enough without them).
“Alfred’s making bat and pumpkin cookies, we’re going to help the kids carve pumpkins, and then we’re going to watch kid appropriate Halloween films.” She told him before dropping her voice. “When are you planning on going out tonight?”
“I’ll head out after the kids go to bed. GCPD should be able to deal without me until then.” He said.
She hated that her mind flashed to the Mayor’s murder and everything that followed. It had been three years since everything with the Riddler had happened, but the city was still feeling the effects of the aftermath. Some of it had been good; everyday crime levels had dropped slightly and the last two Halloweens had been much calmer. But Falcone’s successors were starting to fill the power vacuum and reinstate most of his businesses.
“Hey.” Bruce said softly, reaching out and pulling her hand away from where it had been tracing the scar on her collarbone; she had been so far in her own thoughts that she had not noticed she was doing it.
She swallowed down the memories. “Be careful tonight.”
“I will be, I promise.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“Cookies are in the oven.” Alfred said as he walked in form the kitchen. The look he gave them told them he was also thinking about three years prior.
“You make a good vampire.” Y/N smiled.
Alfred had slicked back his hair and dribbled fake blood down his chin and over one of his older white shirts. But the best part was the cape he was wearing; Y/N recognised it easily as one of the first ones she had made for Bruce, before she integrated the flight suit. From the frown on his face, she was pretty sure Bruce had recognised it as well.
“Thank you. And I must say you and Bruce make a good Wesley and Buttercup, but maybe not as much as Dick makes a good Batman and Grace makes a pumpkin.” Alfred smiled at the kids and scooped Grace up into his arms, balancing her on his good hip.
Dick gave a typical strongman pose as Grace giggled.
“Right, everyone into the drawing room, I want a family portrait!” Y/N announced.
Alfred carried Grace in as Dick started up again with the cartwheels. But Bruce caught Y/N’s arm before she could follow.
“I love you.” He said, cupping her jaw to get her to look at him.
She smiled and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “I love you too.”
Taglist: In the reblogs
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camille-lachenille · 3 months
I have lots of big feelings tonight and I wanted to tell you about about someone.
This someone is Lamberto, one of my second cousins once removed. He is - was - one of my dad’s cousin son and, even though we barely knew each other, he was family.
Lamberto was born with severe disabilities that had him extremely vulnerable to a lot of things, unable to speak and in a wheelchair but, from what little memories I have of him, he was always smiling and happy to meet people. He loved music a lot, too, and everyone who met him agrees that he was an incredibly kind and gentle soul.
Last time I saw him, one of the last time I went to South Italy to see my famuly, I was about 14. Lamberto was the same age as me, give or take a few months. And now he is dead.
My cousin died from a cold, because he was too fragile and the cough was too much for his lungs. He just… stopped breathing. And I can’t really process this, because we are -were- the same age and had fun listening to music together as children. But now he’s gone, and it’s so stupid and banal and unexpected… it was a mild cough.
I didn’t attend the funeral. In fact, I learned about Lamberto’s death over a month after the facts because I was going through a stressful time and my parents didn’t want to distress me even more (which I am grateful for). And even though I barely knew him, I will miss Lamberto, and I am having so many feelings about his sudden death I want to scream.
I don’t even know the point of this post, I just needed to get it out of my chest and let the world know that my cousin was a ray of sunshine for everyone he met, always overflowing with affection and happiness…
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sayitaliano · 5 months
As you know, le 7 note musicali in italiano sono: Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si
But do you know from where they originate? You can find them in the Latin "Ut queant laxis", the so called Inno di San Giovanni (inno liturgico dei Vespri for the celebration of San Giovanni Battista on June 24th). Written by the poet and monk Paolo Diacono, the idea of making the start of every line the name of a note was by another monk and music studious, Guido D'Arezzo in 1033 (some also mention Pope Gregorio Magno as the original creator: thanks to the 100 "cantiche" he collected in the Antifonario, the first "compilation"/archive of the only cantiche that people could use, Guido could in fact name our notes).
«Ut queant laxis Resonare fibris Mira gestorum Famuli tuorum Solve polluti Labii reatum Sancte Iohannes»
Ut was substituted in 1536 by Do, easier to pronounce during sol-fa, after the noun "Dominus" in a Latin text by Pietro Aretino (for some time it was thought to have been an idea of another music studious, Giovanni Battista Doni, who decided to use the first syllable of his surname. But he arrived later).
As for Si: since medieval/gregorian music didn't have that kind of note (it was more likely a Sol), it was in 1482 that Bartolomé Ramos de Pareja, mathematician and music composer, used this note and thought about taking the first letter of each word of the last line to call it (Sancte Iohannes).
(source + more infos)
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gimme some jocelyn famuli fun facts. or silly facts. go wild lemme know more abt ur blorbo <3
i thought really hard about this i think a fun fact is that she's the party's cook . she bought a cookbook and is applying that knowledge to monsters... like in the village they already ate the most normal-looking ones (they're all stupid) so she just asks her party's monster specialist which parts are edible. also the monster specialist is a kobold so she gives him the poisonous bits (kobolds have a resistance to poison). what they eat looks like shit compared to senshi's stuff and if they ever met up in the dungeon he'd probably pass out
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aztarion · 5 months
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daily-smallishbeans · 2 years
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Day 49- chrimmus famuly
stop having children you whore
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hellospriggan · 7 months
I had a really great day on Monday and got so much done. I think I inadvertently used up all my spoons, the rest of the week has been awful. D:
To be fair our basement flooded again Tuesday night
That didn't help
But also: current events. I had to turn my phone off for the whole day yesterday to curtail my doom scrolling. It helped. And yet, the crushing knowledge that the world is flawed, and people are flawed, and that there is suffering and sadness and hate, remain...
I'm trying so hard to remind myself that there is beauty and love and good, too. I'm trying to lean into appreciating the small things, because they are the most important things I have. Like the way my daughter's voice sounds when she greets her dad when he gets home from work; the fact that my son is learning to read and write, and is writing just for the fun of it, things like, "This is my famuly and we love eechuver."
I hope I can be a good enough person, a good enough mother. I hope my kids will be good and loving.
I also really hope my artwork can cheer people up when they're down. I'm going to try to post more of it, I've been trying to do more small sketches and doodles. Probably won't be reblogging much of other people's work for a bit, as I go back into hibernation mode and try to avoid The Sads.
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e-icreator23 · 8 months
Other Info on Persona's/Likes;Dislikes
With both, they likes the same things like drawing, making shirts, writing. They also are the Creator's way of showing who they are both on how they want to look sometime in the future and on the inside WITHER: Wither again is more of the chaotic side of things so is more seen than EI due to this. They also can't really eat right since uh the mouth thing so yeah. Does like head pats EI: EI is again how they really want to be, confident, carefree, and love for themselves and not being judged for who they are. DO NOT TOUCH THEM WITHOUT WARNING! Hugs are ok and often wears baggie clothes
Both dislike the same things as in hate/homophobic things, bullying, being yelled/hearing yelling (causes panic in them), running, and being hit (physically) Family Connections/friends: Family: is more starined since most are homophobic and are unwilling to change. Some say that they are ok with it yet make fun of others for being just like them. Some cousins are cool with them and are in the same boat as them. Due to family, it has caused a fear to get too close to someone, only for them to leave as well as ever having a child/children and this also has affected them in how they interact with friends Friends: They are more like family than their real ones but is hesitant to let them get really close/depend on them due to famuly trama and past friends. This is the main reason why people like Foxalone, susartworks, nova2cosmos, Parinathedevil [all absolute amazing and lovely people so please do follow and support them] and others can be hard to talk with since the fear eats them up and is unable to get professional help with it.
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eira-kuso · 1 year
Two of my friends broke up because one of their famuly are evangelic and the other one was catholic, and then the evangelic said "well, i would never let my kids be catholic." and really strange stuff at Easter w.
I feel like the relationship ending there was deserved in part of the evangelic, because buddy. Pal. There is almost no difference. Evangelic, catholic or protestant, they believe in the same thing. It's all christianity.
My family has had a religion that people has been literally killed and called devil, while you are worried that your children might not follow the way of Christ the same way you do.
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murphbees · 2 years
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