#fandom: white collar
polyamships · 1 year
by E_Greer
Blinking slowly, Neal pushed a brochure over the table. On the cover was the latest model of a supposedly tamper-proof GPS tracking anklet. “It's never been skipped on.” Neal looked down, thick dark eyelashes covering his startling eyes, a pale blue that was almost steel in the harsh light. “I won’t run.” “Won’t you?” Peter felt his dick begin to harden at the thought of chasing Neal down again, laying his hands on that slender body, holding him tight. With a touch of asperity in his tone, Peter continued, ”I don’t trust you for a second with an electronic anklet.” “Please,” begged Neal, eyes wide. “I’ll be good.”
Words: 15596, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: White Collar (TV 2009)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Elizabeth Burke (White Collar), Peter Burke, Neal Caffrey
Relationships: Elizabeth Burke/Peter Burke/Neal Caffrey
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Protective Peter Burke, POV Peter Burke, Top Peter Burke, Peter takes Neal home with him, Elizabeth is here for it, dubcon, BDSM, Elizabeth Burke/Peter Burke - Freeform, Corset, Collars, Chains, silk ribbons, Nipple Play, enemas (but not the sexy kind), Neal Caffrey Needs a Hug, Spanking, Bodily function control, There are 3 rules and Neal learns them., Shower Sex, Praise Kink, lip gloss, Blowjobs, PWP, much less angsty than this sounds, Elizabeth is plus size and Peter fucking loves it, Caretaking
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contumeliouscorvid · 2 years
Fills a Year of Whump’s March 5 prompt, “Don’t you know, I’ll always know where you are” and @badthingshappenbingo square, “flashbacks”.
Fandom: White Collar
Summary: All Neal could remember was danger, clear and sharp, like the edge of a blade glinting in a room too dimly lit to see anything else. He needed to run. Stay on the move. Find a safer place to hide, at least. Call Peter, he thought, but his cell wasn’t in his pocket or on the floor nearby. It wouldn’t hurt to lie low just long enough to catch his breath, come up with a plan.
Rating: General Audiences
Word count: 1393
Read it here on Ao3!
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its been a while, my lovelies, but if there’s one thing that can bring me back to this account its REVIVAL NEWS BABEY!!!!
i’m so excited for this new chapter and VERY curious how they’re gonna bring it back 👀
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saulwexler · 1 year
white collar goes so hard because they will stop at NOTHING to close cases that usually dont matter at all. like, enjoy the steep fine i hope forging antique bottles was worth it 😈 the stakes have never been lower. its about the journey
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harbingerofwhump · 2 months
Also Peter going from "if we always treat him like a criminal he'll always think that he is one" to saying to Neal's face "you're also a criminal. I forget that a lot" was so cruel of the writers actually, jail for 5000 years (I love them forever, gimme the angst)
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white collar (2009) and the man from u.n.c.l.e (2015) fusion fic... napoleon solo the art thief gets released into agent illya kuryakin's custody to help him solve cases... i'm cooking tell me i'm not
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sanhaoche · 1 year
i'm in my white collar rewatch era for like the 293854 time and this show is THE show of all time. it's so good. what if i was a straight-laced FBI agent locked in mutual obsession with the dashing conman i put away. and i was the only man who could ever catch him and then he put himself entirely in my hands. and we became best friends and every day our lives depended on each other as we risked it all to give some rich guy a big fine. and he was like my son and my prize show pony and he showed me the flaws in the system i'd devoted my whole life to. and i fell in love with him and so did my beautiful wife to whom he is weirdly similar. and i trusted him with my life but also stayed up all night watching his GPS tracking dot move around New York in case he lied to me about going grocery shopping instead of robbing a museum. and every so often in moments of high tension i entered a fugue state where my body and mind were possessed by a higher force intent on using and explaining the random features on my car to my friends lovers and colleagues.
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nostalgia-tblr · 3 months
stopped reading a fic just there because it was insisting that thor & co went on many violent adventures pre-movies but of course left poor feeble loki behind cos he's a) feeble and b) blessed with a better understanding of imperialism than the rest, and there are a thousand other fics that also think this is obviously what happened but i think i may just have hit my limit on this one :\
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butterflydm · 16 days
this is random but i just remembered that ages ago i saw an ask game for asking fic writers their 5 favorites/ones they're most proud of of their own fics, and i would love to know yours if you're up for it! it would be so interesting to hear a Butterfly Career Retrospective haha
feel free to be flexible on the number and discuss as many or as few fics as you feel like, and to count a whole series as a single entry (like voice, although if you have any particular favorite installments or interludes within that that you'd like to note i'd be curious to hear that too!)
This took a while but I finally got it done, @markantonys!
I have written a lot of fics, so this was a difficult challenge. I am somewhat helped out by the fact that old fics tend to fade out of my memory… but then if I reread a bit of them, I tend to remember why I wrote them and what I loved about them. I did not limit myself to five fics (I tried!) but these are roughly in reverse chronological order of when I posted them.
not in the stars, but in ourselves - trying to bob and weave and make something that feels narratively satisfying out of the mess that is Mat Cauthon's late series arc has become something of a hobby of mine! This is fic is one of several where I narratively examine parts of the canon that didn't work so well for me and try to rearrange them into something that feels like it rings true for the previous characterization and choices.
This fic in particular really made me see how the roadblocks that existed in each of the character's main plotlines was so much easier to solve if they had access to the other main characters (and I suspect that's part of why Jordan kept them so unnaturally separated during these arcs).
I also really enjoy the romance in this fic, and how the characters interact with prophecy in more unexpected ways, and how Rand and Mat help each other through their traumas, and how each of the members of the polycule bring their own perspective to the relationship.
the caffrey exception in White Collar fandom - this fic languished mostly unfinished on my harddrive for a long time before polyweek gave me an excuse to finish it up and post it! I wasn’t really in White Collar fandom, was the problem, and I always write and post more consistently when I have fellow fandom people to encourage me. I also was originally watching WC with my (now ex-)girlfriend and I stopped watching after we broke up, iirc, so I didn’t actually finish the show until years later. And by the time I was writing it, I didn’t feel like there was all that much visible fandom around. But it had a nice little response during polyshipweek, so I was really happy with how it all turned out. Makes me think that one day maybe I’ll finish up and post that RENT fanfic that’s been on my harddrive for eighteen million years.
negotiating with the truth in The Wheel of Time fandom - you can tell I got fancy with this fic because I gave the chapters titles, lol. This fic leans hard into Mat being an unreliable narrator and playing around with that, and it was a lot of fun to focus on and explore that part of him. I do love a lot of the fics I've written in WoT so trying to narrow it down more was tough (and I still only managed to narrow down to three!) but I really loved writing this one and exploring the differing ways that Mat and Rand were approaching this relationship of theirs and how they come to a compromise in the end. I think I really liked that they genuinely do have different wants and desires that need to be navigated.
voice interlude: feels like falling for the first time in The Wheel of Time fandom - this is, a little bit, subbing in for the Voice series as a whole, but I wanted to pick out a complete story and not something still in progress. I am pretty hopeful that Voice will get finished (there are three more main fics in the series, I think — one that mostly spoils through bk9: winter’s heart; one that mostly spoils through bk12: the gathering storm; and then one with whole-series spoilers) but I have some fairly long unfinished works in past fandoms, so eggs and hatching & etc.
What makes this fic in particular stand out to me is how I was able to really take this one moment in time in the series and expand on it so that I could deep-dive into Mat’s characterization and what he was thinking and feeling, and it’s such a revelatory moment for Mat. I enjoy showing characterization via writing about sex, and the interludes in the Voice series really allow me to do that.
my mouth (your lips) my hands (your hips) in The Magicians fandom - This fic where Margo and Eliot approach Quentin on this more equal ground (of them competing to see which of them can land him first) and it developing into a true polyam relationship… I really loved exploring how messy but ultimately loving it was. I also loved delving into Margo as an aromantic character in this fic, and how the great love of her life is her best friend.
A lot of my own fears and pains and worries made it into the three main characters in this one, though all in ways that make sense with their own base characterization, I think. There’s this one line that Eliot thinks - “he had always been better at self-preservation than bravery” and that is 100% canon Eliot but… yeah, it’s also me. One of the things I am working on in therapy is loosening the stranglehold of my self-preservation so that I can be a little braver when it comes to reaching out to other people.
If you like my poly fics in WoT fandom, you might also enjoy my marqueliot fics (but I wouldn’t recommend the show tbh. Or, well, I might rec it up until the episode “All That Hard Glossy Armor”. That’s a good one to end on. And it’s a Margo episode!).
searching for a sound (we hadn’t heard before) in The Magicians fandom - I wrote some serious fix-it fics in this fandom. But this fic was me taking the kind of ridiculous angle on a plotline that I think that the show might have actually pulled off, if it had been so inclined. This fic was also me balling up all my frustration at the poor writing choices and lobbing it at the show’s forehead. It was very cathartic to write. And I think it’s pretty funny too, so that’s a bonus.
(I’m Not Calling You A) Liar for Steven Universe fandom — I am cheating here and including a vid. This vid is… if I sliced up my heart (Hannibal style) and laid it out on a plate, it would look something like this vid. I actually started watching Steven Universe because I saw the “Stronger Together” clip with Garnet but soon after I started watching… holy shit, Pearl and her deep heartbreak over Rose just grabbed me by the throat and did not let me go. Watching her slowly process and begin to resolve her grief was a very healing experience when I was watching the show. There was something very much intensely yearning about Pearl at the start of SU, and how she was trying so hard to hide it (from Steven but from the other gems as well). But she can’t move on until she confronts and heals!
My favorite of the vids that I’ve made, I think, and the one I’m proudest of. There is maybe one single clip that I would change now if I went back to edit it again, but that’s it. I’m fully satisfied with the rest of it; and this is not the case with most of my vids. My Yuri! On Ice vid is probably the other one that comes closest to feeling like I wouldn’t change anything now.
Enyo’s Daughter in MCU fandom — so I am a bit of an odd one out in MCU fandom, because the ship that I liked the best, over any other… Tony and Natasha. Iron Man and Black Widow. It’s a complex and thorny ship, but I liked exploring it. Tony and Natasha both get to be messy and fucked up and exploring situations like that can be interesting. It was written pretty soon after the first Avengers movie came out, if I recall correctly. I never did finish the sequel to this fic, which I am kinda sad about.
Any fandom where canon is currently developing can be kinda tough for me to stay ahead of, in terms of writing any big fic series(es) — this is also why my big Star Wars WIP is destined never to be finished, tbh. I started writing it before a lot of the current canon even exists, and trying to go back and finish it would be difficult because the new shows & movies have changed so much and it can be hard to mentally reconcile what I knew back then vs what I know now when it comes to canon. Once the new MCU movies after Avengers came out, this fic was kinda doomed to never get the sequel finished, alas. And this is why WoT having a closed book canon has made writing fic for it easier, I think.
Melt into Time from American Idol RPF — time-travel fic! I’ve attempted it from time to time, but this one I actually finished. I don’t remember the actual process of writing this anymore, because my memory is for crap, as I mentioned at the start, but it is probably my favorite fic that I wrote in this fandom overall. It deals with second chances and a lot of yearning and people being emotionally messy (a theme for me, for sure).
Justice, Be Not Blind from Dexter — my one and only Dexter fic. What I remember most about writing this fic is that despite how short it is (less than 1k), I did so much research. Miguel Prado was hands-down my favorite character who ever appeared on Dexter and so I wanted to write a fic for him, but I wanted it to sound as true to his character voice as possible. I don’t even really remember the extent of the research that I did and it’s been so long that I couldn’t tell you anymore whether or not the character voice is accurate, but I remember how much I wanted to get this right and how much work I put into trying to get Miguel to feel genuine.
Travelers Without Map or Compass for Doctor Who fandom - cute romantic fluff, but I’m very fond of it. It captures a sort of vibe in the Doctor & Rose relationship that was very appealing to me, and I enjoyed exploring and expanding my thoughts on some of the rooms in the TARDIS.
Another Nameless Planet in the Star Wars (Prequel) fandom — I wrote longer fics in Star Wars fandom but honestly I think I captured Anakin best in this small fic that’s not really about anything in particular except Anakin wanting to be treated as an equal (by Obi-Wan specifically).
I have fics that I wrote before this point, but most of them I genuinely don’t remember writing to the point of going, “huh, oh, wow, I guess that was me, huh?” lol. But going back over my fics… man, it really is like having the deepest yearnings of your heart spread out in front of the world sometimes, isn’t it?
Thanks for sending me on this journey to the past! I hope you enjoyed it. <3
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Guess what time it is??
Time to put on your creative hats, that's what! And why?
Because we are just about six weeks away from the 2024 Caffrey-Burke Day!
And this year, October 23rd is something of a milestone, as we celebrate FIFTEEN YEARS of White Collar!
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So go ahead--paint us a picture, write a story, sing us a song . . . whatever your creative outlet is, if it's about our favorite guys, we want to see it! You've got lots of time to get your creative groove on, and then be ready to share your fabulous work on the fifteenth anniversary of the show's premiere, October 23, 2024.
We've got an AO3 collection where you can post your work (it'll be unrevealed until the big day), and of course, we'd love to see you share your works around on all your socials. (With our hashtags, natch!)
We can't wait to see what you come up with this year!
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polyamships · 1 year
by cheride
Nobody: You can’t write a future OT3 genfic where the 3 don’t even share a scene and Mozzie’s the star.
Me: Challenge accepted!
OR, Neal gets asked out. Mozzie has thoughts.
Words: 4382, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: White Collar (TV 2009)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Mozzie (White Collar), Neal Caffrey, Peter Burke, Elizabeth Burke (White Collar)
Relationships: Neal Caffrey & Mozzie, Peter Burke/Elizabeth Burke/Neal Caffrey (Future)
Additional Tags: Friendship, Protective Mozzie (White Collar), Future OT3, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Let's pretend S6E6 never happened, MozzieMania
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official-impravidus · 4 months
a brief history of the white collar/dc crossover
i was talking about this on my other server and thought i'd share it here!
basically from 2015-2020, quinis was the one who carried the fandom. she had written most of the fics from that time, though there were some scattered through the years, not as consistently as her. she was the one who really coined the whole neal caffrey is dick grayson thing and also neal is bryce larkin AND dick grayson
in 2020, BabyGenius started writing for the fandom, writing the 10 fic series "A Bat in A White Collar," a quick burst of new fics for what was a pretty nonexistent fandom. then elijay, CastIntoFlames, CheetahLeopard2 and Spnfandom8 started writing for the fandom, in late 2020, early 2021
onto my personal lore. i got into the fics through quinis's chuck crossovers and reached out to CheetahLeopard2 on tumblr when i was outlining my first fic. we became friends and ended up making the white collar/dc server. i began Cranking Out Fics and so did a lot of the aforemention renaissance writers (what we refer to this new wave of white collar/dc fics)
while this is happening, people are joining the server which was very passionate. something that especially added to how much content was being made was our prompts-for-taking channel where people were sharing prompts everyday and the writers were writing them, inspiring more prompts and more fics which brought new readers to the server. the server and fandom grew faster than any of us could ever imagine. and in just a year, had written over 1,000 fics for the odd crossover
i had also hosted White Collar/DC Week 2021 which had gotten over 200 fics written for it which made so many people curious about the, frankly, absurdly large burst of fics for such a strange crossover.
there were so many writers from that period who were so passionate about white collar/dc but it wasn't just about the writers. it was about the readers and the way we all encouraged each other and the stories we were creating.
there is now a wave of new writers and readers for the fandom who didn't even know there was a server and i find it so fascinating how it continues to live on and evolves with the new writers and readers. it makes me so happy to see something i personally and others had lost the love for live on in its own way.
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aherowhowashappy · 2 months
okay so i've started to get into batman/the batfamily as a whole/gotham city adjacent heroes + villains and as a born and raised chicagoan (NOT the suburbs) i definitely picture gotham as the DC universe version of that because it seems like the people from outside of gotham think it's this insane crime and death place and the residents are like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ only one robbery, pretty good for a tuesday
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takiki16 · 12 days
okay but can we get your white collar fic recs?
Beloved moots, I need YOUR GUYS’ RECS. I missed the White Collar bandwagon in the heyday of early naughts procedural, but I know that ao3 tag is deep as hell. I’m reduced to sorting by kudos and bookmarks, like a n00b. This OT3 is practically canon, I can TASTE it. FLOOD ME WITH THOSE SEMI-DEFUNCT GEOCITIES AND LIVEJOURNAL REC LISTS, MY COMRADES!!! I AM HERE FOR MATT BOMER AND HIS EERILY PERFECT SCULPTED FACE!!!
(god. This era was by no means perfect but the longform rhythm of this writing feels so GOOD. There are so many little CHARACTER MOMENTS. There’s FILLER)
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huntersent · 4 months
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What a beautiful day. If only Devastator wasn't at his shit 9-5, he could be out there. Bro wants to frolick
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chronicly-ill-girl · 3 months
RULES: Make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone’s favorite!
Got tagged by @oliocelottafanfics this was fun, thanks for tagging me!
@raccoonwriterao3 @taxi-cab-to-slowtown @stevietheghostie @leymonaide @emptybeb
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