#fanfic should not be on etsy
sweetiecutiedarling · 7 months
Quick reminder to be very clear, because I write fanfic and have been reading fanfic for nearly two decades: You cannot sell fanfiction. You cannot bind it and sell the bound book. You cannot sell your fanfic ebook. You cannot sell your fanfic audiobook. You cannot sell someone else's fanfic. (Seriously why does this have to be said.) You cannot profit from fanfiction.
Fanfiction is only legally protected because money is not exchanged.
This means that you cannot buy fanfiction either. Most commonly- Don't buy a bound book or an ebook (re: ebooks - AO3 has a download feature and there are third-party apps to download off of websites like FanFiction.net). "I didn't know any better." Fair enough- you do now. "But I want a bound book." Learn to bind it. "But I can't." Hashtag me neither, bad hands gang unite- find someone to ask to do it just like the fanfic author wrote the book for you for free. "That's not feasible to me because xyz." I don't know what to tell you. You can't always get what you want. It's rough like that. You're contributing to the problem when you purchase fanfiction. Don't do it.
It is more than this though, though those of us who were here when Anne Rice was attacking fanfic authors viciously (or even shortly after) know how important this is. The culture of fanfiction, which is so valuable and unique that it has been studied by universities, is built upon the premise of free fanfic works. They are a gift, a personal project, a love letter to the original work, or to what the author believes the original work could have been. (Shout out to the Twilight community for universally hating their author more than any other fandom I've seen, so proud of us.) That's why we don't offer unsolicited critiques, we scroll on. It's why collaboration is so common. It's why we can leave up our old fics, or indeed post them when we know we are at the beginning to learning to write, without the same level of concern that we have to have when we officially publish our writing. There is something so pure about posting and sharing art because we love to do it, why would we risk that?
* By mixing creative work and profits, things get messy and the original intent of the art is often distorted. Example: The difference between Korra and Asami's relationship in the Legend of Korra tv series vs the comics has been cited as due to what could or couldn't get approved in the network.
Writing is an art form like any other and fanfiction is a lovely little bubble that remains relatively unharmed by capitalism. The second we start profiting off of it we run the risk of losing our fanfic websites, facing personal legal consequences, and destroying the incredible community we're in.
Stop. Selling. Fanfiction.
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tishinada · 7 months
Probably not necessary in my case, but for anyone subbed to me on AO3 and who got a crap ton of notices about updates: I just went through and added a disclaimer to all of my fanfics today on AO3 due to the issue of someone(s) simply printing out other people's fanfics, binding them, and selling them on Etsy. It's bad enough that they're stealing what was a gift (not legal in several ways since even fanworks are protected by copyright), but by doing it this way with the writer's name still on it, it can easily be interpreted by the owners' of the IP that the writer is the one trying to sell a fanwork.
If you don't know why that's a problem, you haven't been listening to fandom elders. At the very least, some writers may have to deal with legal hassles to prove they did not consent and were not trying to financially profit.
And if you really need a self-interested reason to be outraged, the result is that some writers are already pulling their works from AO3 to try to protect themselves. I'm guessing they're the writers of the most popular fanworks, meaning some of your favorites are about to evaporate. AND I'd guess most of them won't be publishing new works, so you're also losing the potential from the most experienced writers.
Y'know, there are always people who have to piss in the public pool. But in this case, some greedy shits are, well, shitting in it.
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wyrmwright · 6 months
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Your AO3 history is between You and God but have some fun showing off your preferred sort and filter settings on this 2x2 glossy and durable sticker!
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smolvenger · 1 year
Reunion (Loki x fem! Reader Oneshot)
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Summary: The sacred timeline is destroyed. And your missing, mischievous lover has returned. A confrontation and a fear of abandonment and betrayal with his return still bring about the passion you have for each other.
Word Count: 3K
Warnings: Smut! Smut! 18+ (P in V sex, dirty talk, doing it in an office). Discussions of the fear of death, abandonment, and being cheated on- but don’t worry Loki is faithful to reader and would never. The Loki and Sylvie relationship is made platonic as it should have been all along for the sake of the fic. Not as super revised as usual but it's not a rough draft, I just wanted this out quickly while we had the first episode as our main focus.
Comments, reblogs, dms, and asks about my work are always appreciated!
Taglist: @evelyn-kingsley @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract (smut starts at the line "Too long- Too long" and ends at "At once, he pulled himself up" for your comfort, bestie) @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @muddyorbsblr @meowmeow-motherfucker @marvel-fanfic-lover @animnerd @twhiddlestufftuff
@goddessgirl143 @lunarnights95
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
A/N: With all the gifs out, I got the inspiration from the first episode. Wanted it out before the rest of the series makes me disappointed so I can go to delulu land again here. I hope you like it!
“OB! Better hurry up before your latte gets cold!” you called out. In your hand was a paper bag with the warm food and the other was a cup holder with the big cup of coffee. It’s a sweet smell just under your nostrils. 
It was a messy room with clutter on the floors and tables. They were all broken gadgets- more than you could name. All for that circular little room like OB’s circular little glasses. Well- it was understaffed. Only dear Ouroboros, or OB as everyone called him, fixed all that technology for the TVA. He was on the other end of the room piecing together a broken tempad. He then jumped around, grinned, and began to prance over to you from his main desk. The man was as happy as a squirrel it never occurred to him that he was lonely, overworked, and sleep-deprived. He insisted on working constantly without breaks- so you always thought he could use some caffeine and a bite to eat. 
“Oh! Y/N! Hello! Let me hurry over!” he chirruped.
 You set the bag and the cup on the desk before him, glad to see him so happy over your delivery.
“Here- it’s a large vanilla latte but I added two shots of espresso. I know you always pull all-nighters. And here- here’s your breakfast. I added a pastry in as well too. You could use the sugar rush.”
He peeked into the bag. He pulled out the food and began to unwrap it, his smile going up to his ears.
“Oh my gosh! A ham and egg on toast and a chocolate croissant!? My favorites! Oh- thank you, Y/N!” he said.
You smiled up at him, placing your hands on the desk.
“No problem- anything for the hardest worker here!” you responded.
He took a first sip, his eyes always bright. He let out a satisfied exhale from the delicious taste. Then he peeked over up at you, both hands on the warm cup.
“How are you, Y/N!? I don’t mean to pry but there’s this rumor I heard from B-15! Is it true? I heard you have a boyfriend! You never told me a word about thim-how is he?!”
It hit you like a kick in the ribs. You paused. Letting out a deep breath-suddenly the mood darkened. But, you could not pretend, even with OB, that you were worried about your lover. Your mischievous, divine lover. 
“OB, I know you’re not going to believe me. I know it’s kind of frowned upon- but it’s allowed. But my boyfriend he’s…he’s a Loki.”
“A Loki?” he repeated.
“Yes- The Loki. The one who tried to invade Loki- the one we all caught. I mean- he’s been here a while. I got to know him and…well, we fell for each other,” you explained. 
“Oh! Wow! Well-how does it work, an agent and a Loki?” he questioned.
“We- we find a way. I’ve just been-been worried about him. He had to go- go take care of something. You know the whole thing about timelines being messed with and the other Loki running around causing trouble? Something is up- something serious. He’s been gone for a bit- it’s been a few days. I haven’t heard anything directly from him. He could be dead by now. And there’s something else. The other thing is…is…”
You put a hand over your mouth, the gripping, biting urge to cry hitting you. But it was too strong. Your anxieties were a dam long contained and here they were out. OB set down his coffee to listen to you. Then you continued, the most private fear of yours confessed. 
“The Loki is a woman Loki. He’s with her to take care of this issue. That’s all I know. But it’s been a while- he’s still with her. And she’s powerful and strong and pretty and good at everything and perfect…. and how could I ever compete with her- and he’s-he’s already tossed me aside by now and left me for her by now and-”
Your voice cut off. You felt yourself about to cry. You squinted your eyes shut and looked down, putting your hand to your face-hot and tight. Finally, you lowered your head to the desk and began to cry.
“Oh- Y/N! It’s okay! There-there! You know even that kind of betrayal is low for a Loki! I don’t think most would even think of doing that- their trust is hard to earn! It will work out- shh, shh” he consoled, patting a hand on your back.
You returned up from the desk, tears streaming down your face.
“Oh- Y/N! Here- have some tissues!” OB offered. 
He got out a little plastic box from the corner of the desk. You pulled out one of the white tissues and wiped your eyes.
“Oh, Y/N. No wonder you’re worried. If you ever get sad about him or scared- you can visit me!” he offered.
“Even with all your work?” you asked, sniffling. 
“Oh, even with all my work! It’s nice to have company sometime!” he answered, nodding his head.
“Okay, I will…”
“Worst Case Scenario- I can fix a taser and just do it on him!” he offered. 
“Thanks, I’ll aim for the balls,” you replied.
Both of you broke into a bit of laughter. Then you said your goodbyes, and OB went back to work on the tempad with the sandwich in his free hand. 
You went about. Wiping tears off your hand. Maybe it was good to do just some office work. Focus on that- yes. It was comforting- to have something to consume your thoughts, your worries. If there was still a heart beating in his lover’s chest or if it stopped. Or if he abandoned your bed for the embrace of someone else. 
But then you heard- Kang was killed. The sacred timeline destroyed. It was an emergency, yet every single agent was running like a chicken with their head chopped off. 
Everything was going into chaos. The sacred timeline was destroyed. Everything was now free and open. Every timeline was shattered and now anything and everything could happen. Ravonna shoved paperwork into your chest.
“Here- Y/N! Take these and get them to HR! Now!” she requested. 
You clasped a file full of paperwork. Then you set off, clutching it to your chest. The view of the tall buildings, statues, and everything always makes your chest soften with its beauty. The bright lights. The sheer size of the place. You let in a deep breath to admire the sight. 
There was a noise. Footsteps. Intuitively, you turned your head for the sound. And the source ran before you.
His shirt was a little torn in his rolled-up sleeves and his eyes wide, but it was him. His shirt was sweaty and tight. Buttons askew. His curls wild and free. He was more beautiful than you had ever seen him before. 
He paused, screeching his steps to a halt. You let out a small scream in spite of yourself, dropping the papers to your feet. Down they came in a cascade to the floor. You covered your mouth.
“...Y/N…” he panted out.
“Loki…is it…is it you…”
From the back, there was a voice crying. “There he is! Get him!”’
He looked in a panic and then turned around.
“Y/N- I’m-I’m-I missed you. I love you-but-but-but-”
More charging footsteps. He looked over at the balcony.
“Meet me down there!”
In a heartbeat, he threw himself over the balcony. You ran over.
“Loki- no!” you cried.
You looked down and saw him fall down through the air- but you knew the air would land him. It would be soft. Mobius ran by you- eyes wide. The agents, armed and ready. You peeked as he fell down, down, down. 
Not after- no- not after this time! To lose him again!
You ran. You chased him until you were breathless. Things were falling. TVA agents went after him. But you were steadfast- your heart racing in your ears. What mattered more was him. Timeline be damned- it was already. There was nothing else to do now, that mattered- but him!
You sprinted down the steps. Ran harder and faster. Tears threatening to come out.
He’s back- he’s back- he’s back!
“Loki! Loki I’m here! Don’t you-don’t you dare you fucker- you bastard, I’ll-” you cursed, breathless as you reached the last steps and got out to the floor. 
You looked around the place- searching, searching everywhere. Technology was malfunctioning- sparks flew from computers and screens. Agents everywhere still scattering. Alarms still went on, blasting into your ears. Agents were running all over the place. You looked around-seeing everything. Checking every room as people ran about. As a group gathered to watch the timeline break into pieces on a screen- you didn’t hear him behind you.
You felt two strong arms grab around you and pull you to a corner- a hand over your mouth so you couldn’t scream. Someone got you! But you could smell his sweat, his scent. Your eyes turned over-it was none other than your beloved Loki. 
“Y/N- here- we have to hide!” he said.
He practically dragged you over to the next room, shutting the door and locking it. It was a smaller, private space. A TVA office room was abandoned. Nothing but desks full of papers and computers but not a soul. Only the giant screen above detailing the sacred timeline’s downfall. Though you still heard alarms. The bustle of people from just outside. So much going on. But it was background noise to you now. You stood your ground, your hands gripping the skirt you wore for work. 
Loki went over and hugged you, your hands went up to embrace him back but were frozen mid-air.
“I needed to help the timeline!” he cried, releasing the hug. 
“You are needed here!” you insisted.
“Kang is at the loose- he has variants! I’ve been betrayed-”
“You think you’re the one betrayed!? What’s this I hear about a woman Loki you’ve been with?!”
“Wait- you mean Sl-”
In a heartbeat, you raised your hand and slapped him hard across the cheek. His head switched to the side, and the click of your hand hitting hard against his face echoed in the empty office. He caught it and nursed it with his hand. Tears fell down you again.
Then he quickly leaned over and grabbed yours. He pulled you to him, forcing you to look him in the eye. The red light of the alarms all over the office- turning red, then the familiar wan yellow of work. It glowed against his white skin, making him seem even more beautiful. 
“Y/N, I swear to you on my mother’s grave-she is no more than a sister to me! We worked together. No more than that. She kept telling me to shut up about you. Because-because I missed you so much and kept telling her how wonderful you were! I thought we could work together- but she didn’t. She did the one thing I begged her not to do- she broke the timeline- And now- now everything’s fallen apart-”
“I waited all this time and not a word from you!” you shouted. You didn’t care if it was petty. If it was being a helicopter girlfriend. You had stuffed your worries inside you for too long, and now it was out in the open. “Loki- I Was scared for you! You could have died and I would have never known!”
He put both his large hands on your face. Looking right at you.
“Y/N- with all of my heart- I am so sorry I vanished.” 
You had no words. He kept speaking to you, soft despite the chaos. Your mouth opened a little, but you had no words. You saw Loki was crying a little too as he continued. 
“If I could write to you- teleport to you- drag myself to your feet and beg for you I would! If I could even teleport to look at you- one tiny glance at you. To say one word to you- I would. It was impossible. But the stakes were high. I had to hurry. I did this because I feared for the safety of every person here- and most of all for you! Do you understand how scared I was when I saw how powerful Kang is!? That his variants could hurt you?! Norns- thank norns. I’m alive to see you again. To see you, hear your voice, touch you- Y/N, you’re safe-that is all I want. For you to be safe. Can you forgive me?”
You raised a hand to touch his.
“Loki, I…I…I’m so sorry I yelled-I…I forgive y-”
You never finished. His lips cracked onto yours.
 He groaned and you settled into it. He was needy- desperate. Too long, too long. You had forgotten how much his lips, his touch made you weak and craving more every time. His hands all over you. He turned you around, so you felt his erection against your covered ass. So he could kiss you, touch his hands over your breasts. He was kissing every bit of your neck he could, almost like biting into you- devouring and savoring you all over again like the first night you joined. He pressed his hips a little further so you could feel his hardening and you let out a gasp.
“Hel, do you feel what you do to me-even now-they’re all out to prune me again, to catch me, and all I want is your sweet warmth inside me-”
There was a slight explosion upstairs. The building shuddered. He kissed you further. Grinding a little into your hips. You felt your own panties suddenly dampen as if you stepped in a lake. You let out a gasp. He kept kissing you- his hands all over your nice, professional blouse and dress. Fingers wide to touch you, memorize you again. You turned around tugging at him-kissing him so much. Feeling his holster on his back-running a hand through his soft, beautiful curls you loved so much.
“Y/N-Y/N please-please-take me inside you- now-It’s been too long-”
“Yes- Yes, I will,” you voiced.  
The floor was shaking a little, there was a rumble like a small earthquake. People’s desk decorations, plants, and photos, were beginning to wobble if not fall over. He gathered your skirt up.
“Quick- be quick darling-they’re looking for me. We don’t have time,” Loki rasped.
He pulled you down. Holding you so that he laid down and you were on top. You clutched at his buttons. Hands shaking, ripping them apart- displaying his body, so pale, muscled, beautiful. His large hands went up to your hems, your tights. He grabbed your legs so hard- so close to him. Never to leave. Fingers digging into your skin. 
“Gods- my beautiful, desperate goddess- come on, dear- just spread your legs-now- hurry-”
You could hardly breathe as he took your skirt and bunched it to your hips. Exposing you to him. You began to grind on him- keeping yourself in the heat of your desire for him. And his for you, nearly ripping it further. He then took his hands over your breasts, your shirt-ripping buttons that came off-they splattered on the floor. Your chest exposed like his.  He kissed and touched your breast. Then in a split second, his hands went to your soaking panties.
“Nrgh- this- now this is what I need-no-no time- forgive me-again-”
 He then moved his hands up and his strong arms flexed as he ripped your panties in half.t- ripping so that your pussy was out and exposed. With trembling fingers, you went down to his pants. Quickly unbuttoning it. He adjusted his hips so that he was out.  He adjusted himself quickly, so his cock came free- so large and hard.
“Darling-just-just let me- let me-here-” he breathed out. In a second, he pushed your hips down so he sheathed inside you. You let out a gasp- he fit well- already all of him in. 
You spread your legs and got on him. Immediately setting at a pace. Fast, desperate. There was another shudder and papers flew. He began to thrust. Your breasts bounced in turn- it was hitting the right spot, a deep spot. So quick and deep, you were letting out moans. But with the alarms and cacophony of sounds you blended in. 
“L-L-Loki-I-I-” you breathed out.
He thrust thrust thrust so fast in you- it was so out of control. You were losing your breath. Another sound of electric and you let out a moan. You took a trembling hand. You found one of his daggers, despite the pounding into your bouncing body. You took it out-holding the blade to his throat, still thrusting. 
“If-If you ever- ever cheat on me I will-I’ll kill the both of you!” you hissed. 
He only smiled as he felt the blade.
“Yes- Y/N- to be killed by-by-fuck- you. Even- Even a god would want to die like that.”
He then gripped your arm and tipped it around so that it was thrown out of your hands onto the floor. Then he gripped your hips, thrusting still at that pace. Keeping you there. His hands move to feel your skin, memorize you.
“Yes-yes-Yes there-there, sweet girl- you’ve missed this cock- I’ve missed this sweet pussy of yours-wet and desperate-”
He groaned as he thrust into you. Your breasts in your bra bouncing, almost coming out. You reached a hand down- feeling his shoulders- his exposed chest with the little hairs. His hand reached down. Your clit was swollen and ready. He began to play with it- meeting the wild, desperate pace of his thrusting. Papers flew from the desk over the floor. 
“Lo-Loki I- ah! Yes, I- ah- fuck-just-just keep…keep going yes-”
He groaned, his neck straining-
“Yes- little goddess here- I-do -I-I I- fuck-what about you and those men at the TVA-shit-leering at you- can they-nrgh- give you pleasure- no other agent- no other person- can- can dare-dare touch you-you’re mine, all mine-none can fuck you here-yes- keep-dammit-dammit- just cum, cum, my dear-just-”
He pounded you into a fury- you bounced around, so much it was getting too much, your pleasure going up, you could feel it building- you gripped onto his shoulders, feeling everything about to clench. Rising up, up, as wild as the alarms blaring around you. 
‘Yes-Yes-Loki- I’m-I’m goingtocumI’mgoingto-”
Your voice kept hitching up high, then higher. Like little gasps, almost small screams- the near release. He kept at his pace.
“Yes- yes, my dear- go-go I’m about to-yes-go with me darling- cum now, cum sweet gril-Cum, dammit-CUM!”
With a high gasp, it broke on you. Everything in your muscles released. You got dizzy. You felt his own cum shoot out inside you. Your breath was held and you felt him relax beneath you. He pulled out of you.
 At once he pulled himself up, touching your forehead. All the noise had gone- there was just the two of you now. Not wanting one bit of you apart.  
“Y/N- I promise. Nothing is going to keep my little pet away from me. Whatever happens now- we face it together.”
You nodded, nuzzling into him. It seemed the panic had settled. The alarms and lights went back to silent normalcy. Even with the chatter and footsteps, here in the little office, things seemed peaceful.
“Loki- I understand. You have great, important things. You’re doing the right thing- but…if I can be with you- if there is anything I can do to help- I’ll do it.”
“I love you so much- and I’ve missed you so much, my Y/N.”
“I’ve missed you too,” you replied. 
Getting up, you helped each other readjust your clothes. Button back each other’s shirts. He kissed you again and you both hurried out clutching hands. You didn’t know what would happen next, but his hand was in yours. That was all you needed for now. 
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olderthannetfic · 1 month
Genuine question here, I know there's been discussion on this blog (and on fandom tumblr in general!) about how it's shitty to refer to entertainment mediums as "content." I was not aware that this was a faux pas, and not to be completely stupid, but like, what's the alternative? yeah if you're doing something SPECIFIC (ie reading a book, listening to music) you should probably use those specific words anyway, but genuinely, what's a good umbrella term for "listening to music/podcasts AND reading AND watching films/shows/theatre AND playing games AND AND AND"...
(not "and" as in "doing all of those at the same time", but moreso an inclusive word that serves as an umbrella term.)
My main hobby is fandom, like most people here. Maybe I'm just a lazy POS but oftentimes it's legit easier for me to just say something like "wow, i have a great taste in content" when thinking about how awesome my interests are.
Is it ok to say "media" instead of "content"? I know a lot of people also don't like the word "consuming", but genuinely, what is a good word that can mean reading OR writing OR playing a game OR watching to something OR listening to something OR other things that I'm forgetting?
Cannot believe I am here, in the middle of my workday/workweek, asking a question about the political correctness of how to refer to fandom-ing, but, yeah! It's just that I truly do not know what a catch-all term for "doing an activity that involves some form of pop culture/the entertainment industry/etc" that isn't just...'media consumption.'
This depends on the exact context. If you combine 'consume' with 'media' in most contexts, people will find that relatively neutral. There are plenty of times that 'content' will also sound neutral...
But in a lot of specific contexts, combining 'consume' with 'content' will sound like influencer drivel.
Try not to sound like those clowns selling other people's Reylo fanfic on Etsy and you'll be fine.
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genericpuff · 6 months
saw a post criticizing lore rekindled a while back, and one of the points made was "it's unfair to rachel that someone else can profit off and make money off her work"
do you profit off lore rekindled??? i don't remember if you ever said that you were monetizing lore rekindled, so i'm unsure where this piece of information came from
I literally do NOT profit off Rekindled in any way shape or form, it's a Tumblr comic that's free to read, zero subscriptions, paywalls, or ads.
I did just recently open a Patreon and apply my Twitch channel to become affiliate, but 1. my Patreon doesn't have any paid members yet , 2. my Patreon won't be offering rewards that limit the reading experience of Rekindled (it's gonna be like random doodles n junk), and 3. I haven't even streamed since I applied for Affiliate and people are watching the streams for art and lo-fi, not for any sort of exclusive reading experiences that wouldn't also be accessible on Tumblr (you just get to watch me slowly work on Rekindled while playing FF XIV LMAOO) All of these restrictions I have in place is to prevent exactly what folks assume or accuse me - profiting off Rachel's IP. At the end of the day I just wanna create an AU fanfic project, even if it's created out of disappointment for what could have been.
I *do* spend a few hundred a month though for my assistant. So I'm working on Rekindled completely at a loss, out of my own pocket. So in that regard, even if I were to monetize any part of Rekindled... it wouldn't be for my own profitable gain, I'd maybe be able to cover some of my assistant fees 🤣 (but that's just hypothetical food for thought, because as I said above, I don't want to monetize Rekindled because of the potentially legal and ethical issues in doing so. Making money is also just not why I'm making Rekindled because it's something I wanna just do for fun! Money complicates things, turns shit into a job :'0) And let's be real, in that hypothetical scenario, I don't think any money I could generate on my free to read Tumblr project would come anywhere close to threatening Rachel's bottom line 🤣
And this isn't to throw anyone under the bus but when people get suspicious of Rekindled profiting off LO, I can't help but think of the actual fans of LO selling handmade LO merch on Etsy and LO-style adoptables and other arts and crafts dedicated to their favorite comic. And I'm not gonna judge them for that, more power to 'em if people wanna buy their cool stuff (and some of it is really REALLY cool, like I wanna buy their stuff too LOL), I just think it's ironic that people separate the two because... I'm not a diehard fan? Or because Rekindled has gotten popular here. Beats me. All that "popularity" is still just a niche remake of a niche comic in a niche medium. It's not Spiderman Lotus levels of big 🤣 but I know it probably feels that big to people who are engaged with this fandom and spend a lot of time in it.
There's an opposite side of being a yes man that perpetuates similar behavior on the other side - when you come up with reasons to rag on someone just for the sake of it because you can't rationalize them NOT being the all 100% pulp of evil LMAO (and I see people do this even to Rachel and it's not fair imo, like people who use the Lolita thing as a way to accuse Rachel of being a legitimate pedophile? Like no, I don't think we should be normalizing serious accusations like that. I think she's just misinformed in a lot of ways at worst and suffering from dark romantasy porn brainrot at best LOL).
Like, as an example, I've also seen people claim stuff like I'm in the fan spaces telling people not to read LO and to read LR instead? Which like... why would I do that, LR isn't for the fans anyways and I don't gain anything by being a dick in their space 🤣 If my own readers are doing that, that's out of my hands (but respectfully don't do this please!!! there's a reason I don't use the standard LO hashtags and only stick to the anti ones!!!!) but again (and this is a big assumption so take with grains of salt) I think people just like to claim these things because they feel it's just naturally the right thing to do when someone who has opinions they don't like actually puts them into action. Because now they can't say shit like "well if you think you're so much smarter than Rachel why don't YOU write the story!" and "you don't know what it's like to manage a comic!" so they grapple onto whatever other argument they can even if it's misconstrued or entirely pulled out of thin air and not backed up with any legitimate evidence.
Their perspectives make sense to them. My perspective makes sense to me. I don't blame people for being suspicious when they see someone like me pour this much time and effort and money into a project like Rekindled, they assume it HAS to do with something they can rationalize from their own point of view, like wanting to "steal" Rachel's work or profit off it or take it for myself out of "jealousy".
Sorry to disappoint y'all with a boring answer, but I'm just someone who was once a huge fan of LO and couldn't let it go. I'm just someone who's way too hyperfixated, with a lot of passion for making comics and experience to match. I'd still be making it even if I didn't have an assistant. I'd still be making it even if I was stuck working with nothing but paper and pencil. Because I love making it and I love what it means to me, and I love that it makes other people feel the same way I do about it.
And that's really all I have to say on that.
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aealzx · 9 months
I should make things easier to navigate since custom domains aren't as common as ye olden days |D
I'm part of the FluffyHutofOwls group shop on Etsy. We also have a tumblr and instagram you can follow for merch updates and previews.
Original Content:
All of my artwork can be seen under the (#my art) tag.
Rizen (#Rizen): My original story about an amnesiac cyborg and his two brother/uncle/dads trying to figure out who turned him into a cyborg and why. It's easier to read on my sub blog for it, aealrizen.tumblr.com
Lullabies of Frozen Tears (#LoFT): Bits and pieces of my oldest RP OC, Trance. The story is written along with my best friend Awa/NaBa
Trinity Log (#TL, #Trinity Log): Content from my project with my best friend Wys featuring our OCs Emiris, Morrin, Ishka, Mavis, Azre and Basim mainly.
Fan content:
Phantom Rogues (#Phantom Rogues): (Update Post) A brain rot fic about Team Phantom getting stuck in Gotham and having to steal and avoid authorities to take care of themselves and a comatose Danny. They get picked up by team BatFam. First post. And also on AO3.
Better Genes (#Better Genes): A short comic + writing mix of ROTTMNT based on the episodes Good Genes from TMNT 2003. Got interrupted by CDK.
Cross Dimension Kidnapping (#cross dimension kidnapping, rise + 2003 crossover, #CDK): A crossover illustrated fanfic between ROTTMNT and TMNT 2003. Posted both here (first post) and on AO3
Tethered Timeline : A fic about the adult Rise boys being sent back in time as spirits who are tied to their younger selves. AO3 only for the writing, but some images are under the tag #tethered timeline
🗝️Kingdom Hearts:
Heart Transplant AU (#htau, #heart transplant AU): A modern setting AU of Kingdom Hearts where Sora, Roxas, Ven, and Xion have all had open heart surgery. The posts aren't linked together very well, so there's a masterlist page over here.
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 2 months
Eyyo, I thought maybe I would share this here because this is the best fanfiction recommendation and appreciation blog on this website (and I will accept no criticism otherwise) so I thought you might find this interesting at least in a passing, but I finished binding a fic today! And it was my first ever cloth bind! (I have previously done 3 bindings with paper covers, but the cloth feels more fancy)
I just love having a physical copy of one of my favorite fics thatvi can read in public and have it look as cool as it feels to read it! I think having physical copies of fanfics rock!
Note, the only way you should ever have a physical copy of a fanfic is if you print it out yourself. Do not buy fanfic. This probably cost me about $20 in new materials, and probably about $60 if I count the cost of what I bought complete, because I bought cheap stuff and diy-ed a lot of it. If you are planning to shell out ~$100+ for a fic on Etsy, just do it yourself. There are a million and one free tutorials, and let me say, holding a book I my hands after having put things together myself feels at least 187% more satisfying than holding any of the books I have bought.
Anyways, sorry for the tangent at the end, I'll dip and leave you be now!
I LOVE BOOK BINDING (says the guy who's never done it)
It's just so cool
I don't remember what any of them were, but there have been a couple fics where I've thought "hey these would be cool as a physical book." I also really wanted to bind these three non-fanfic short stories into a book a while back but the third story doesn't exist, like, anywhere? I'd have to buy a collection of a bunch of the author's stories and copy it down if I wanted it and. No.
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vpyre · 3 months
New pinned post! Finally!!
Haven’t made one of these in a while, but I’m a good deal more active nowadays so I think it’s a good idea to introduce my blog and stuff. I typically just reblog things, but I do write the occasional fanfic and draw the extremely rare fanart.
I made a little get-to-know-me strawpage thing :3
My Linktree with my etsy, twitter, instagram, tumblr, and ao3 :D
Posts by me are tagged #vpyre’s verbosity, my writing is tagged #my writing, and my art is tagged #my art (most of it is old and kinda shit, but eh whatever). I try to tag different fandoms, so feel free to block tags you aren’t interested in :)
I made a Discord server for people who love Copia! It also has channels for anyone who likes the other papas and the ghouls :3
I have a new sideblog if any mutuals/followers wanna join me over there! It’s @vpyre-hornyposting and it’s where I’m gonna be posting my NSFW thoughts about whatever characters I’m into and receiving asks from anyone who wants to share in the horny.
My AO3 page is here. For ease of access, I’ll also individually link all my fics (both the ao3 and tumblr versions) and headcanons in a masterlist here:
Black Butler HCs
Grelle Sutcliff/switch!fem!Reader smut hcs (June 2024) || Tumblr
Ghost Fics
A Quick Taste (August 2024) - gn!Reader/Copia smut fic || Tumblr • AO3
Can You Feel Me Longing for You (forever) (July 2024) - gn!Reader/Copia smut fic || Tumblr • AO3
Good Things Come to Those Who Wait (Oct. 2022) - Dewdrop Ghoul/transmasc!submissive!Reader smut oneshot (request) || Tumblr • AO3
Hannibal Fics
The Taste of Iron (May 2024) - Hannigram smut ficlet || Tumblr • AO3
The Truman Show Fics
all i want is to take care of you (July 2022)- gn!Reader/Truman Burbank smut oneshot || AO3
Five Nights at Freddy’s (and related franchises) Fics
Closer (Feb. 2022) - trans!gn!Reader/transman!Michael Afton smut oneshot || AO3
When In Doubt, Ask Him Out! (Nov. 2021) - transman!Michael Afton/Charlie Emily oneshot (request) || Tumblr • AO3
What Makes a Monster (Nov. 2021) - Felix Kranken & William Afton horror (kinda) oneshot (request) || Tumblr • AO3
If Holding You Will Heal You, I Never Wanna Let You Go (Nov. 2021) - extremely angsty hurt/comfort (cut me some slack here, I was a teenager lmao) nonbinary!Reader/Michael Afton oneshot || Tumblr • AO3
Dress-Up Makes Everything Better! (Nov. 2021) - transman!Michael & Elizabeth Afton cutesy sibling fluff oneshot (request) || Tumblr • AO3
The One You Should Not Have Killed (Nov. 2021) - Cassidy & William Afton horror/angst oneshot (request) || Tumblr • AO3
‘cause everything else is a substitute for your love (Nov. 2021) - gn!Reader/transman!Michael Afton smut fic (two chapters) || Tumblr • AO3
The Wrong Smile (Oct. 2021) - very dark and angsty fic/thinkpiece hybrid thingamajig about the missing children || Tumblr • AO3
Black Butler Fics
No Matter How Tremulous the Flame, the Ice Will Always Melt (May 2021) - Grelle Sutcliff & William T. Spears hurt/comfort oneshot (request) || Tumblr • AO3
Stick Around (Apr. 2021) - Othello & Grelle Sutcliff fluffy-ish oneshot (request) || Tumblr • AO3
The Geek Division (Apr. 2021) - Othello & Grelle Sutcliff slightly angsty/fluffy lighthearted oneshot || Tumblr • AO3
From Above and Below, Face to Face and Behind (March 2021) - Reader/Grelle Sutcliff smut oneshot (my first finished fic ever!) || Tumblr • AO3
I think that about does it! I might add more to this if I think of something later, maybe some old WIPs if anyone is interested in that (I think it’s just some Reader/Astarion stuff I never finished).
Oh also!!! Fic requests ARE open! Go absolutely ham on my inbox pls I beg!
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divinerivals · 7 months
*disclosure: I did get permission from Sillycranes to post a ss of their tiktok and the curated messge for reports on etsy.
Okay, so for those of you unaware, people have been selling commissioned bindings of fanfic, binded copies of fanfic and pdfs of fanfic on all various platforms (etsy, mercari, Amazon, Google books, eBay, tiktok, insta). This is illegal and downright disgusting especially when authors have specifically stated they do not give permission. People are changing $140 us dollars and up for fics that us writers published for free. We use our personal free time. Dedicate endless hours of writing and research to create fics for free. Without profit in mind because we love our fandoms and our ships we want more stories with the characters we love.
These individuals are putting all of this at risk, over the past couple years fanfic has grown in popularity. Which should be a good thing it's unfortunately not because people just dive into without any thought and think it's okay to use however because its on the internet. That's simply not true. Per the Copyright Act it is illegal to sell fanfic.
You can bind it, with permission for your own personal collection, you can also gift binds but you cannot sell it. There are so many talented book binders on both tiktok and Instagram who will teach you.
At the present moment, the only fics/fandoms I'm seeing selling minded fics are from the Dramione/hp fandoms, and the acomaf Rhys Pov fanfic. Even if you're not in those fandoms or ship those ships please report these accounts and listings. If you see any fanfic being sold, please report.
Yes, in fandoms we argue over ships, characters, plots, whatever. We also hold fanfic very close to us. We all know how much appreciation we have for fanfic and I hope we can put things like ship wars aside and stop these assholes from potentially ruining this for us.
Below is a SS of tiktok account sillycranes. The third image is a list of accounts that still need to be taken down. If you could please report them.
If you don't know what to say when reporting Sillycranes had another tiktok with a message. Feel free to copy and paste the below passage:
I am writing to bring to your attention that this seller is selling fanfiction which is illegal under the U.S. Copyright law, specifically the Copyright Act of 1976. Fanfiction is considered a derivative work, and as such, it infringes on the original work's copyright. Additionally, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and the Lanham Act also prohibit the sale of fanfiction.
*prior to this post, it looks like Novabindery has been shut down. The other two remain. There's also these Etsy stores that needs to be shut down.
Illyriantremors (to my acknowledgment this isn't the illyriantremors it's some using their name to sell their fics)
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weirdmorefics · 8 months
Unmasked Chpt 4
AO3, Etsy Shop, Youtube,
Chpt 1 Chpt 2 Chpt 3
TW-Gore, Horror
A/N- So sorry for not keeping up with chapters I am really suffering from fanfic writer curse LOL. Been to the hospital twice this week.
Taglist- @bunbunbl0gs
Word Count- 1,478
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Spencer's stares will not cease but he doesn't speak.
"I didn't want to tell you, I knew you would freak. I'm fine you're fine! You will continue to be fine if you get the hell out of Woodsboro!" I rant.
Spencer furrows his eyebrows at me, "You are the one who should be off this case! You are entirely too close to it! I am calling Emily right now."
He tries to pull his phone out of his pocket but I am quick to grasp his hand, "I am doing this with or without the BAU! Would you rather I do it by myself? Trust me, I prefer you out of danger- I mean the whole BAU out of danger. I don't want any more people killed because of me. So please don't make this more difficult for me than it already is!" I say in a mix of begging and anger.
He slides his phone back into his pocket, my hand still grasping his, "I won't let you do this alone."
I am unsure how to feel. I would have died of pure joy if Spencer had said this to me in any other situation but right now, it just makes me more scared. The more I care the more likely Ghostface will kill him.
I clench my fist to suppress any emotion Ghostface is always watching.
"Jill," Sid shouts out concerned.
" Stay away from me," she cries.
The father of the poor girl runs into the house full of worry and is quick to console Jill. I understand why Jill is scared of us she should be I think everyone should be scared of the curse of the Prescott's. Hell, even I am.
The father of the girl leads Jill out of the house and Jill's friend enters the house in a run. I can hear her friend whisper comforts to her but they are probably doing nothing as she sees what her future looks like through the eyes of Sidney.
The cops run back in saying there were no signs of Ghostface outback.
"Call the coroner, the body is upstairs," I relay to the cops and run my hand through my hair practically pulling it out of my skull.
Spencer puts a soothing hand on the small of my back, "We have to talk to the team."
I nod just thankful he isn't trying to push me off the case. We exit the house the cops and Sidney in tow.
The neighbors are shouting wretched things at Sid and me.
"This is all the Prescott's fault."
"You two are just like your mother!"
"They bring death wherever they go!"
"No wonder Y/n's an agent! Must be easy when murder follows you!"
"I thought this was over when they left!"
"You two never should have come back!"
I bite my lip, I want to be angry at their words but it's all true. I feel Spencer's hand move from my back to my waist as he grips my hip protectively.
I look up at him to assure myself he doesn't mean it, it was probably an accident. Instead, I find his eyes glaring daggers into the passerbys shouting harsh words.
"Clear the area," one of the cops shouts.
"You shouldn't have to deal with this," he mumbles.
"It's fine... it's not like what they are saying isn't true," I sigh.
Spencer's head quickly turns to face me and looks at me with serious eyes, "Y/n none of this is your fault."
"Sure," I say unconvincingly making Spencer sigh.
Sidney sees Jill off to the paramedic and I watch them closely ignoring my own surroundings. I just need to protect my family, and my team, I don't have time to worry about myself.
Spencer's hand touches my cheek and I swear I jump five feet in the air.
"Y/N," he keeps saying my first name instead of my last. It gives me butterflies each time the way he says my name with such care. I am totally overthinking it though he is only calling me by my first name because he doesn't know if he should call me Prescott now or continue with the fake one. I don't have time for these trivial thoughts. Spencer is making things so much more difficult. I can't focus around him.
As if he notices my mind drifting he repeats my name once again and my eyes meet his I could get lost in his eyes forever.
"This is not your fault, these people should not blame you. I would yell at them right now if I didn't think you would use it as an opportunity to run off and try to solve the case on your own." He states seriously, he wants to be sure I believe him.
I smirk, "You know me too well, but don't try to pretend you wouldn't do the same in my situation."
"Hiding things from the team is what got me into prison in the first place, we are better as a unit." His eyes darken and I am shocked he would bring up his time in prison to me without me forcing it out of him.
I shake my head desperately, "That wasn't your fault! It was entirely Cat's fault she's insane!"
"I shouldn't have given her the ammunition," he frowns.
"You were doing what you thought was right for your family, you should not feel guilty! It's what makes you, you, and I wouldn't want you to be anyone else." I look determinedly into his eyes.
I swear I see him flush but it's probably just all the police lights.
"Then why don't you want me to help," he smiles at me.
I am taken aback, "what does that have anything?"
"You don't want me to be anyone else? You don't want me to stop doing what's right? Helping you is what's right Y/n," he steps closer with each sentence.
I am so flustered I swear my body is on fire. I feel the urge to fan myself with my hand to help extinguish the flames. Luckily the moment is broken as Prentiss jumps out of the van with the rest of the team.
"So much for getting some rest at the hotel before the case," Luke mumbles out.
Prentiss looks like she is in full-blown mama bear mode, "What the hell happened?"
Dewey follows close behind, "I was just about to ask my officers that as well."
They seem to both already know each other they must have been going over the case together at the precinct. I am glad Dewey isn't as closed off as Sid is.
The local officers that were on the scene started relaying how they tried to cut him off in the backyard but missed him and compared him to a ghost.
I sigh and clench my fist that's the stuff I bet Ghostface would love to hear to be compared to the supernatural.
One of the officers turned to me with suspicion, "How did you manage to get the jump on him Y/n?"
"This isn't my first rodeo, "I growl.
He puts his hands up in defense, "Hey all I am saying is it's weird that you have survived three Ghostface killings and willingly come back here when the murders start again."
I am clenching my fists so tightly that I think all the bones in my hands may break. I can't believe this is what the people I've known my whole life think of me. I am trying to take a deep breath, I am trying to remain calm.
The thing I wasn't expecting was Spencer stepping in front of me and barely remaining calm and not remaining civil at all.
"You can't speak to a federal agent here to save your ass like that," he states his tone so low it sends chills down my spine. My eyes widened did Reid just swear and not only that did he swear on my behalf?
Prentiss turns to Spencer her face full of professionalism but eyes full of fury, "Reid! Van now!"
Dewey looks at his men as well, "You two get outta here as well."
"Yes sir," they look to Dewey with respect which is nice but also felt odd seeing it. He didn't get much of that when Ghostface first arrived but he just started being a cop then, and now he's the boss. I'm proud of him and I won't let Ghostface take him away.
I see the coroner roll out the poor teen girl's body and breathe in deeply. This won't happen again I won't let it. I don't want to be powerless again... but I am worried that my feelings for Spencer make me powerless. My feelings for him are just another weakness Ghostface can use against me but I don't know how to stop them.
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smolvenger · 10 months
A Court of Mischief and Purpose Chapter Thirteen (Loki x fem! Reader Hiddlesverse Crossover Series)
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Series Summary: Based on Sarah J Mass's A Court of Thorns and Roses series with the Tom Hiddleston characters. You are a woman of 1885 in Aldwinter in Essex, England, dying of tuberculosis. Never to be married to the local Lusty Vicar. When Loki appears to you and offers to heal you...if you spend a week of every month with him.
Chapter Warnings: You and Loki journey to Jotunheim to find the orb. But when events turn for the worse...you decide to ask for help.
Chapter Warnings: Using an oldie but goodie fanfic trope (Court of Mist and Fury does it, so I decided to use it too), some insecurity and mutual pining, and mentions of past cheating with a character who isn't Loki. Fluff and Angst.
A/N: I am not 100 percent certain about the cannon world of Jotunheim, so I threw my hands in the air and cried "fuck it! Give them horses". The next chapters are coming in fast since work was slow and I used the time to write some first drafts. Hence the fast posting.
Series Masterlist
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
Taglist: @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @fandxmslxt69 @skittslackoffilter
Dressed in your warmest coats and sheathed with daggers, you both went through the portal.
Jotunheim was still as bitter cold as ever. If only Loki could just create a portal within Jotunheim to land you right in the cabin! But no- that wasn’t in his abilities, as he kept reminding you whenever you began to complain. You had to travel through the blasted tundra. You trekked through the sharp wind and snow with Loki for a few hours. Thank goodness your fire floated in your hands and the movement gave you warmth. But you had yet to sense out where the cabin was. And now it was getting dark.
You used a certain creature to travel through- horses only known in Jotunheim. Like a regular horse. Only this one was a little bigger than normal. Bright white as the snow and that had crystals of ice on him. The Jotunheim Horses were immune to the cold- it was where they thrived. In fact, it grazed to eat the snow, swishing its blue tail and mane.
When you both got tired of walking, he used some of the money you had brought to rent a special horse of Jotunheim from a village. Like a regular horse that had crystals on them. Horses that were immune to the cold- it was where they thrived. Only barely larger than normal. You eyed the saddle nervously.
“I never even rode a normal horse before,” you said.
“Now, don’t be nervous my dear- here, I will show you how...” Loki guided.
He helped you up onto the saddle, you in front and him behind. You swung your legs to the side like you saw horsewomen in photographs back home do. He guided the reigns and as you both rode, gave you small instructions- keep your heels down. Stay calm. Flick the reigns to make them go faster, tug to make them stop or go slower. He even let you practice riding it for a couple of miles forward, the horse trotting at a calm pace.
“We’ve traveled for hours…but we cannot lose our place…” Loki said.
He checked the book again.
“It should be close…but it means it’s several hours of riding…”
He looked at you shivering.
“And we’ll need to stop…”
There was a city nearby. Some of the Frost Giant people gaped at you, but you ignored their starings. You checked the few inns in town. But it seemed many were full due to Starfall and those traveling to celebrate.
Finally, there was the third and last inn You both went inside, going up to the innkeeper at the wooden desk in the lobby. Her blue skin seemed to shine in the light and her red eyes were bright.
“We have good news, there is one room available for the night…” she announced.
“Oh, wonderful!” you cried.
She looked between you both.
“However, there is a problem…” she began.
There was only one bed. One comfortable, blanketed, bed in that room.
It was far too cold to lie on the floor for hours. You both would have to sleep in it.
Your heart raced a little- something so intimate! Something you would have never agreed to do a year ago…but now, what choice did you have?
Loki had nightclothes conjured for both of you. You fought back the memory of seeing him sleep semi-naked. You both had warm, thick nightgowns that were as white as the Jotunheim snow. You felt your eyes continue to flutter down to see the V of his own nightwear. The little bit of hair that poked out of his chest. But then forced them away.
Once it got dark, you both got into the bed. You and Loki turned around, him staring at the window and you at the wall.
The wind whistled sharply. Outside there were constant flurries of thick snowflakes. The cold air seeped through the room. Contrasting with the warmth of the blankets…and of your bedmate. Turning about, you had not fallen asleep yet. Your mind refusing to shut down despite the long day.
You kept thinking back, despite yourself, remembering the day you first spoke to him. The day he saved you at a price. But there was one little thing he said that still kept bugging you like an itch you weren’t allowed to scratch.
“Loki… are you awake?” you asked.
“Yes,” he answered. “Why aren’t you asleep by now?”
You heard him flip over and you followed suit. His dark curls out of the way of his face. Both of you on your sides, facing each other.
“Because I was thinking of the day you appeared to me when we made the bargain.”
“Oh yes…and what made you recall that?”
“Well, the fact we keep ending in each other’s rooms in one way or the other!”
His own eyebrows briefly shot up, and there was a smile on the verge of a little laugh on his face, yet he remained quiet.
“It happened when I first met you- not counting when you were a cat…but there’s one thing you said I still muse on…it still makes me a little mad!” you blurted.
“Which one? My dear, I’m sure I said several things that enraged you back then…” he prodded
“That you were surprised I could talk back just because I’m a woman from my time.”
The other thought that was floating in your head was the memory of the letter to Cora you found- that one phrase that seemed like being stabbed in the gut. The one phrase that solidifed her superiority over you-“You are truly not like other women!”
Loki said no reply but merely listened.
“We’re people, like anyone else. We have feelings, like anyone else. Did you assume Just because we embroider and wear corsets that it means we’re boring or weak? We don’t enjoy being pushed around! We don’t like being mocked or hurt. And perhaps we aren’t all warriors, but that does not mean we are unworthy of respect! You should have seen my mother. I think she was far more in charge of our family than Papa ever was. Even Stella-Stella-said so to me that she wants Grendel and his army to, and I quote, ‘burn in hell.’”
“Norns above…” Loki muttered in reply.
“I can’t blame her after what they did to her…” you commented.
Loki furrowed his brow. He kept listening as you continued.
“It’s usually those who don’t know us who make such judgments. Who won’t even try to get to know us it…it…it’s comments such as these that make me so mad that I…I…”
The rest of the words failed you, and you paused. How much were you ranting about what he said…and how much were you ranting at the phrase in the letter? Perhaps he could tell. You were quite sure your shield was down. Loki only looked at you- realizing he had permission to speak.
“You were right back then. When I met you, I knew Thomas…but I never got to know a woman from your time. I made judgements and even jokes about it…but I didn’t truly know you then. I’m sorry,” he apologized.
“Thank you. I forgive you, Loki,” you replied.
You turned around. Facing the wooden wall with a chair and table on the other side. The fireplace in the room was a mere, dying ember. The smoke was so thin, it was nearly invisible.
“I hate to disappoint you, Loki, but there is not much to me other than my magic. I’m just like every other woman…” you said.
You tightened the blanket around you, your knees hugging up to your chest. A lump in your throat. But you heard the trickster god shift forward. His voice right near your ear and his warm body against yours. Part of you fell stiff, yet also…comforted.
“There’s nothing wrong with that,” he consoled you.
You turned back over to look at him. You accepted his closeness as you faced each other. His nose mere centimeters from your own. His eyes were as blue as the skies of Asgard. You could smell your dinner on his breath.
“There are far worse things in life to be…but…”
His voice went back to that of teasing, a small smile on his face. He had to be at least a little mischievous while he was still awake.
“You could still improve your taste in wedding gowns…” he poked.
You cocked up an eyebrow.
“That’s rich coming from someone who wears ruffled blouses with his tuxedoes!” you shot back.
You both burst into laughter. You could still hear his rich baritone voice in his laughter. You could feel the rumbling in his body, his chest seemed to vibrate with the mirth.
“What can I say? I enjoy dressing with a little bit more flair...” he sad.
You shot him a smug grin.
“Well, if I can wear a ‘monstrosity of lace’ as you called it, you can wear your foppish tuxedoes!” you teased.
He laughed a little more. Then his voice became gentle.
“Though you did look lovely at the ball the other night,” he said.
“As did you,” you replied.
So close…he was so close. You could have just wrapped him in your arms. Perhaps you should have. His closeness made his warmth radiate toward you. Your own thoughts and memories were spoken, and your concerns were heard like the breaking of a long-held dam. And now that it was released, you began to feel sleepy.
You curled up next to each other, merely brushing each other’s skin. Warm and safe despite the howling wind. You whispered goodnight and turned around to your other side. At once, you drifted to sleep.
When you woke up briefly, it was still dark. Perhaps it was early in the morning. You were facing the wall on your side, but something felt different. Something solid and heavy was draped over your waist. Too heavy to be the blankets.
You looked down and realized with a small jolt of your nerves that it was Loki’s muscular arm.
He wrapped an arm around you while asleep.
Dammit, dammit, dammit, you kept repeating silently.
Should you move him? Wake him up? Oh dear lord, you felt his chest and stomach against your backside. If he was asleep it was likely he wouldn’t be…well, aroused. You would be in the uncomfortable position of feeling something against you that you didn’t want to right now. No- it was a sleepy, chaste embrace from behind.
You heard his small snore. Like that of a cat. It was adorable, you had to admit. So no…you didn’t have the heart to move. You felt in his arms that you were safe…no, more than just safe…wanted. Wanted so badly that his subconscious needed you close.
No, YN that’s an illusion, you mused.
And yet…
This is what my life could be…yet he’s a trickster god and full of mischief and flattery, if I became his beloved, he’ll betray me for another…I’m so…so horrible that even a vicar would break what he preaches for another woman’s bed just to get away from me. If that’s what he did, then, what would a god of mischief do!?…and yet-
It was warm and comfortable. If it was an illusion, One that felt real- one that was only real. If only for a few minutes. The embrace was known to husbands and wives and lovers when they slept with limbs entangled. An embrace you were destined to never know… except for now.
Pretending like it was that domestic, loving comfort…you found your own eyes drooping. Back asleep you fell and deeply.
When you woke up that morning, you saw the window on Loki’s side. You felt no arms and no weight anymore on it. It was empty, save for you. The sun seemed especially bright with the snow reflecting off it. It shot into the window, making you squint.
Shifting over in the bed, you realized Loki was already wide awake. Sitting on a chair near the bed, concentrating on the little vanity with a shiny red apple he placed there. With a flick of his hand, the apple vanished in green smoke. Then it would reappear in the next corner. He gave you a smile in greeting.
“Good morning,” he greeted.
“What are you doing?” you asked.
“Practicing, my dear. It’s one thing to make a portal. It’s another thing to make something just vanish and take it somewhere else,” he answered.
“You’re working on it?” you cried.
“Practicing all morning. The furthest is four things that are not me. They can be sent several miles away…”
You felt the soft blanket, pulling it up to your chest.
He then used magic to have the apple reappear. He then placed it in his hand, shined it on his clothes, and took a bite with a loud crunch.
“It’s actually pretty easy. If I do it enough, I can do it without thinking.”
“Hmmm, It’s impressive…but please save an apple for me.”
He conjured one and threw it over to you. You caught it with both hands and thanked him.
After gathering more food, both of you mounted the horse and continued your long ride to the cabin. Stopping when needed, especially to check the map.
By now it was the late afternoon. But since Jotunheim was a land of eternal winter, the sky was dark. The snow kept falling and the cold wind kept howling at your side. But Loki’s company made it seem not as bad.
You finished the last of your bread and wiped the crumbs off of your mouth when you dismounted. Loki smiled as he showed you the map.
“Here- it’s not far…we’re almost there,” he promised.
You got out a carrot. The horse perked its ears. You offered it and the creature bit into it. It seemed that carrots were the universal favorite food of any kind of horse. You smiled and patted his long nose.
“What do you think of riding, my dear?” he asked.
“It’s a little nerve-wracking being on a living animal…but it can be fun. I’d like to learn more about it- I’m rather new and here we are.”
“When we return, I should let you practice with the horses we have. Perhaps I could show you how to ride with your legs over or even bareback! I’ve had years of training, you can trust me as an adequate teacher,” Loki proposed.
“Oh, Loki tell me- What kind of lessons does a prince have? What kind of classes or education? It must be interesting!” you commented.
He smiled at you. Going up to lift a hand to gently stroke the horse, brushing against the smooth ice crystals on its body.
“Well then, I remember there were etiquette lessons. Which is as fun for a little boy as you can imagine, but I managed to do well. Then we learned about how to use a sword and then we had to learn all of the history of-”
An arrow landed near your feet. You jolted with a small cry of surprise. The horse let out a cry with a raise of his front legs. Loki grabbed the reigns to try to calm him.
“Where did that come from?!” you cried.
You turned around and saw the answer.
Behind you were four men on Jotunheim horses of their own. The sadistic smiles on their faces and the dark armor on their clothes made your stomach heavy. They continued to ride, as one reached behind to get another arrow for his bow.
The breath stopped in your chest.
“Grendel’s men,” Loki breathed.
At once he threw you onto the horse and then got up himself. It was everything in you not to panic on the spot.
The horse galloped and held onto it for dear life. Looking back at the laughing, already triumphant soldiers with terrified eyes. Then you gritted your teeth in defiance of them. You let out a shaking hand, and the next arrows that were fired, you burned to ash to vanish in the wind.
But they were still gaining speed. The hooves of their own horses are like that of the drums before an execution. Loki kept urging the horse forward, too focused to create a duplicate or an illusion.
As all of you raced, you gained some distance away from them. Then they then fired another arrow. Faster than your flames could catch it.
Loki let out a yell of pain. You screamed out of instinct- an arrow landed in Loki’s right shoulder. It was black, full of grey smoke out of it like it was burning.
“YN, get it out! Quick!” he urged at you.
You let out a gasp and a small cry on instinct. But he kept riding. You turned around, and swiftly jerked it out, Loki letting out another groan of pain.
He then looked at the arrow in your hand, its swirling magic around it. His jaw dropped.
“No!” he exclaimed.
“What is it?” you asked.
“t’s a Kunnigr arrow! They are known for eventually draining one of magic!” he explained.
“What?! No!”
Loki shot out only a little green light from his hands.
“It’s still there, but it’s running out…”
He then suddenly stopped the horse. He at once pulled you down to your feet.
“Loki- what are you doing?!” you cried.
He looked at you. Sadness and resolve on his face. Your heart beat hard in your chest. He then grabbed your shoulders and looked you in the eye.
“Quick-listen to me- listen to me, YN darling! While I still have a little magic- I’m going to send you far from them. Go. Go find the Cabin. Find the Orb. Here-”
He gave you a pocket watch from his pocket, placing it in your hand.
“When you do, Get a signal to Asgard. Someone will see it- and they will get you.”
“Loki- no! Just transport yourself too! I’m not leaving this realm without you!”
An arrow was shot, and you both narrowly dodged it. But a few inches and- you realized with dread- it would have hit you.
“I am armed, I can fight them- but we’re outnumbered. Their arrows could make you lose your magic. And they won’t stop until they have at least one of us. I only have enough magic to save the horse and the brave woman I made a bargain with. …”
Deep in your gut, you knew he was right. And you hated it. His smile was so beautiful, so sad. You felt as if your heart was both being ripped into pieces and bursting at once.
“This is for you…I’m proud of you, my little mortal.”
“Loki-” you voiced.
He lifted a hand and flicked the wrist.
With the last bit of magic he had left, green smoke appeared around you. The horse whinnied as the smoke surrounded it too And you vanished from the scene.
The Green smoke surrounded your vision. Then at once it drifted away and you were far off into a snowy woods in Jotunheim. It was lined with fur trees full of beautiful snow around them like necklaces. Only some were normal trees where they settled on their branches in blankets. You heard the horse trotting around, brushing its lips and shaking its mane.
You felt light headed You were safe, alive. A far distance off.
Then a few uncontrollable tears began to stream down your face, feeling like they could turn to ice against your skin. You felt like there was a hole in your chest. But your senses were alerting you…the cabin was close. Wiping your nose with your sleeve, you took the reigns of the horse and you both walked forward. It wasn’t too long- only ten minutes of walking, despite the frigid wind paining your face…
And there it was. Sure enough, there was the cabin.
The door was unlocked. Already there was a blazing hearth in fireplace, a warm bed full of thick quilts, and a table full of food that was still fresh. Chopped wood for the hearth sat in a pile next to an iron pot to use for cooking. When you walked over to the hearth, you could tell, right in the fireplace was the orb glowing bright orange. The source of this light and comfort, though you were certain no one lived here.
You got out the pocket watch from your side… you knew you should alert them. You knew you had it. It was what he told you to do…but could not make it to twelve to give the signal.
Loki…Loki…it then hit you, the weight on you. What he did…for the mission. And for you.
He was armed. He could fight them. The training he had all of his life couldn’t have been for nothing. But he was outnumbered. But still…without magic and outnumbered! Perhaps killed already!
You couldn’t stand it. You couldn’t abandon him…and that was if he was still alive.
Despite your shaking, and your crying, your senses reached back. There was a mountain nearby. A familiar mountain…
And someone who would know if Loki still breathed.
You gathered a bundle of firewood and put them in your bag. Then you mounted the horse, both legs swinging off the saddle. Despite your nerves, your determination shot you forward. You were going to learn of Loki’s fate.
If he was dead, then you would go back to Asgard. It would be too risky to get his body. Tell the AllFather and AllMother of his last deed. So at least after his life, he would finally be seen as an equal, as a hero. And if he lived…you would do whatever you could to find him. Get him back.
You led the horse towards where you sensed the mountain and found the entrance. The place where the Jotun Prophet lived.
You rushed inside the cave. You down some of the wood and lit it with your fire. It crackled against the cave in echoes, its light illuminating the dark cave.
“Prophet! Prophet! Here’s my offering! Hurry! Please! It’s an emergency! I must speak with you- now!” you begged. Your voice echoed off into the infinity of black inside.
Sure enough, there were blue lights that glowed on the wall. And out walked the Jotun Prophet. Still with his proud, knowing smile.
“Oh, Mortal Lady, it’s you again…have you gained the wisdom to become engaged to an ugly priest this time? As you must have figured out by now, They don’t get half the attention from other women as the handsome ones do!”
You took a few steps forward. His red eyes remained calm and his smile remained gentle.
“This isn’t about any of that! It’s about Loki! He’s in danger! He could be hurt- or worse! Grendel’s soldiers ambushed us and he used the last of his magic to send me away! Please, Prophet, tell me one thing at least- is Loki still alive? Or are they going to kill him? Is this how he dies?”
The Jotun Prophet scratched his chin.
“Hmm, a god in distress...” he mused. He accepted the firewood. With some magic, it floated up in the air.
“They might have killed him by now- please! I’m begging you! Is Loki alive?”
The Jotun Prophet held up a hand as if to get you to calm down.
“They have abducted him. They’re tormenting him…but he is alive. There is nothing they love more than toying with their victims before they kill. But Loki is too valuable a prisoner for them to end his life just yet. They could use him to bribe the royal family of Asgard, hold him for the price of their domination of the kingdom or an alliance…so at least no killing yet. Even the most foolish of Grendel’s men know that.”
You breathed a sigh of relief, the dizziness washing down you. Your vision blurred from the high and then returned back. The Prophet wasn’t retreating- so you asked another question.
“Tell me where he is! Where have they taken him?” you pleaded.
“They are…southeast from here, a few leagues.”
The Prophet lifted a blue finger and pointed in that direction.
Once you journey down there, you will sense where they are clear as day. They are camped at the ends of another great mountain. You will see smoke- a fire they made there. There you may find Loki. There you may save him. What a lucky coincidence you found that cabin…just take him there after. Let him rest his injuries..”
New tears came down your face, tears of deep gratitude.
“Thank you…”
You began to turn to hurry off. But after a few steps, you heard The Prophet call out.
“Oh! Mortal Lady! One more thing!”
You turned right around, nearly skidding on your feet. He walked up to be closer to you, the firewood floating by his side.
“Brunhilde flowers,” the prophet said.
“Brunhilde flowers?” you repeated, tasting the words in your mouth.
“Named for the strength of the renowned Valkyrie. They grow in Jotunheim. You can find them growing outside the cabin. It will restore strength and even magic to anyone. The petals and bulb are very bitter to the taste but crushed up and steeped in boiled water, it makes a decent tea. To make it work faster, It should take two days and one cup of tea or one flower per day. Along with long hours of rest. If he exerts himself, it will slow the healing down. Then his magic will return in its entirety. So be patient,” the Prophet explained.
He began to turn and walk into the dark. But you took one step closer to where he walked.
“So all I do is find the flowers and give it to Loki?” you questioned.
The Prophet paused. Then he turned around, with a small, if not mischievous smile.
“That is, if you wish to complete your True Love’s healing.”
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🍉 “I’m afraid to speak up about Palestine.” — Alright, let me help you!! 🍉
So, speaking up can be scary especially if you are in a situation where if you speak up any perceived risk of speaking up for people in safe environments, supportive family members, supportive schools is amplified for people in unsafe environments. So let’s start. What things can you do that don’t directly put you in the line of fire?
1. Boycott! Easy one. Boycott Starbucks, McDonald’s, Disney, Sodastream etc.
2. If you can, Email your government ! If you are Canadian, I suggest looking at https://www.wikihow.com/Contact-Justin-Trudeau ! Or if you are American: https://www.wikihow.com/Contact-the-President-of-the-United-States
3. Call out behaviour using anonymous asks on tumblr! This is handy because if you see Israel propaganda being spread you can anonymously call it out!
4. Use code: 🍉 (The watermelon emoji.) is a common sign that someone is supporting Palestine! You can use Palestine colours, art etc.
5. Change your account names! Especially on AO3. As AO3 has removed a volunteer for having a status as “From the River to the see Palestine will be free.” - (https://x.com/bearsys_/status/1728638469021257797?s=20 evidence.) change user to similar things. Also there has been several Palestine x Israel fanfics on there which is absolutely deplorable, and all sides of the proship and antiship should absolutely not stand with that.
And there’s more you can do! Secretive PFPs, Joining Pro-Palestine discord servers, doing art, donating if you can, buying something from ETSY that the seller has promised donations, create your own Etsy listing where you donate proceeds to Palestine!
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
I always get ticked off from people who keep trying to push for the monetization of AO3 because that's my favorite thing about the site, honestly. 1) No one here, i don't believe, said fanfic/fanart isn't real art. 2) Fan-made products are taken off of etsy all the time. Every single day this exact thing happens. Etsy shop owners get their shops taken off the site for this! exact! thing! 3) Japan has different copyright laws than in the USA, where AO3 is based. Doujinshi does get some creators in copyright trouble in Japan if they try to create new characters based on the pre-existing work. It happens fairly often. 4) Writers always improve the same way: they write often, read often, edit, repeat, over and over again. We expect writers to break into commercialization the same way the people before them have: you write a novel or a short story anthology, edit, rewrite (rinse repeat), send queries to agents, wait for agents to come back with good news from publishers, then market the hell out of your book along with the publisher (if the publisher has the money to do it). And if none of that is your thing, self-publish. You don't get to monetize your fellow fans' labor just because you're too lazy to figure out how to market your work to let people know it exists. It's easier than ever with the internet. And I wish entitled crybaby fans would get this through their heads: no👏🏽one👏🏽 has the right, or should have the right, to make money off of someone else's story, hard work, or imaginative work. If you're a writer, create something new and do the market research to figure out how to best market it. No one has the responsibility to fund your creative dreams but yourself. Why should anyone care to follow a writer of original works who's most known for writing derivatives of others' IP? Now that we're in the age of IP and copyright ownership of art, why does this need to constantly be repeated? AO3 is free and open for everyone to use. If you want to market yourself and your work, you'll have to do it somewhere else. The internet is vast. Stop being lazy and put in the work like other writers do. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Yeah. Fandom is where I honed my craft.
That's the great thing about fandom! People read so much kind of half-baked stuff and genuinely enjoy it. They wouldn't give that same leeway to commercial products. There's also more space for niche interests. That allows a writer to figure out what they actually like instead of just chasing the thing that someone else says sells best.
Lots of people who go pro, including me, write very fandomy stuff. You pick up almost any m/m self- or indie-pub book, and you know in five minutes this is a fic writer. But if we're any good, we can build enough scaffolding for our own worlds and characters. Change the names. Beef up your own setting. Write a complete plot that doesn't rely on being a missing scene from something else. It's not that complicated.
Frankly, if someone "needs" to sell fic, that makes me think they aren't confident in their writing being attractive to others without a major crutch.
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sharpth1ng · 2 months
hey again!! thank you for answering my ask, and for the clarification! i figured you probably had it all sorted out because you're a grown adult and seem to know your stuff but i still said something anyways just in case haha
i should have been more clear with my original ask but i myself still find all this stuff quite confusing so thats my bad sorry 😞 basically it has nothing to do with the labour of printing or if the company publishes it or not, it’s because fan fiction is already grey area, it’s ok when no one is making money off it. as soon as at any point someone makes any money off it, like these printing companies, or commissioning someone on etsy, or even just going somewhere local to get the pages printed, it now becomes illegal - fanworks infringe on the creator's intellectual property and you need a licencing agreement if it's not public domain etc blah blah blah you get it lol
as soon as the word "pay" comes in, it's illegal - you can't pay for anything, even if you are the one that wrote the fanfic (which fucking sucks). but your merch and stuff is completely fine because the references are based on your original writing, like theyre not gonna be like "how dare you sell this tshirt with a bloody B on it thats illegal!!" bcs that whole thing is entirely unique to your work and has no ties to the original property 👍
but thats just my understanding of it, and the specifications of it can get really confusing!! same thing happens with fanart too, technically you aren't allowed to sell fanart - that's why people often only sell it irl at cons to avoid copyright strikes. but then again there is people selling fanart on redbubble and in fanzines etc so like, i honestly don't know how that side of it works as well?? i think its under a different law since it’s a transformative work maybe...??
its all very confusing i wish clarification was more clear 😭 but you sound like you've looked into it and know what you're doing so thats fantastic, and i'm glad to hear. thank you again for answering so quickly i dont mean to be a bother. ur a talented writer and i loved debaser, keep it up 😊
Yeah no problem! I do appreciate the effort to give a heads up. And like to be fair I’ve done my research but I’m not a copyright lawyer or a legal scholar and the law on this stuff is very confusing to me.
In terms of the fanart stuff my understanding is that it is illegal to sell but for the most part fan Artist are too small for copyright holders to go after, it’s just not really a thing that’s done for the most part. There’s even a number of situations where selling fanart led to those artists being directly employed by the copyright holders. I think it’s very rare for fan artists to get sued for copy right and the only examples I know of are from Disney.
For the most part fanart sold is illegal, but it’s similar to torrenting content where its not really enforced so people do it anyways, and often at a pretty large scale. The stuff on red bubble and in fanzines is also illegal as far as I know, it doesn’t count as transformative.
Honestly I think it’s very unlikely that anyone printing my work would get targeted like that, mostly because this fandom is small and I’m even smaller. I only have a little over 1000 followers here and while that’s more followers than I’ve ever had before in my life it’s pretty much microscopic on the internet. Beyond that there’s less than a handful of printed copies as far as I’m aware.
Honeslty I have a lot of issues with copyright law- obviously it needs to apply to things like generative AI which is essentially a very environmentally damaging collage machine, but in terms of fanart and fanfiction I really don’t see how it could be construed as taking away profit from copyright holders.
People for the most part only read my work because they were already into scream, and a number of people have even told me my work got them to watch scream so if anything I’ve created profit for them. Fandom is the reason these original works have the legacy they do, and fanworks are a massive part of that because you can only consume the original content so many times before you get bored.
Beyond that we wouldn’t have some of our most highly acclaimed cultural works if copyright law had existed hundreds of years ago. Like, Shakespeare would have been fucked.
Alright lmao rant over. Tl;dr I’m doing my best to do this all in a legal way, but it’s good for folks to be aware that there may be an issue with the legality of printing my work even if they aren’t paying me. I think it’s unlikely any of you will face repercussions because this fandom is miniscule but if you’re worried maybe don’t post on Tumblr- but feel free to dm me or post in my discord 👍
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greensagephase · 7 months
The Miguel box came today and now my entire family knows about my obsession 😭 the box had his name and spider symbol on the front and I wasn't home when the mail came lmao.
The rapture perfume that's based on him smells good! It's a little chemically smelling and not quite what I imagined for him, but it's pretty close.
The mug also has his spider on the back of it! At this rate, I may as well have a shelf dedicated to him because of how many figures I have 🤣
Hii, I hope you're doing well!! I'm so sorry for how long it took me to reply to your ask!!
Haha, not this box exposing you to your whole family!! I feel that!! My entire family knows about my Miguel obsession and I get teased so much 😭 my parents don't even know I write fanfic for him, so I can only imagine how much more teasing I would get, especially from my mom if she found out!
I'm glad the rapture perfume smells good!! I think it's creative that they gave it a chemically tone to it just because of the rapture concept, but I agree that I don't imagine that being his scent. I can't describe it but the word chemical definitely doesn't come to mind when thinking about his scent. If you don't mind me asking, what do you imagine his scent as? I've been thinking about this for a while ever since I first wrote about his scent in the chapter in which reader looks after him when he got hurt. I just know he smells good, period, no questions asked, but I can't find a conclusive scent, it's kind of mixed up!
I remember seeing the mug on the etsy post, and it was so cute!! I'm thinking of buying one (a different one because I don't think the seller for the box has the box available anymore; I'm also broke right now lol) so I'll have to look and see!! And omg, you should definitely set up a shelf just for him!! I've seen a lot of people's and they're so cute!! I'm looking to expand my collection but first, I need a new bookshelf because mine is already struggling with so many books (I've ran out of space, actually 😭), so I need to do that before I go on and buy more figures/items. I would really like to buy the lego figure and a plushie!!
But I hope you enjoyed your box and that your family didn't tease you about it, haha!! I hope you're having a great week so far, and take care!! ❤️
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