#fanfiction q&a
rookieoneil · 3 months
I’ve been getting a lot of questions about secrets of the season so I’ve decided to make a little Q&A post for the story. So I’ll post it tomorrow before I update the book. So if you have ANY QUESTIONS feel free to message me or submit an anonymous question on my page
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demiboydemon · 10 months
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You can decide for yourself who’s the husband and who’s the wife here
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madaqueue · 2 months
gn!reader - 18+, MDNI (fluff but minors still shoo)
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suguru waters your plants for you.
you didn’t notice at first - you always just figured you weren’t good at keeping them, that flowers always wilted and succulents managed to die when they were doomed to your care.
when he came into your life, it wasn’t even particularly salient - sure, the bouquets of daisies lasted longer, the ivy growing in the corner more green than it was before.
for him, it was easy, an action without a second thought. he cared for them as he cared for you. you, the one he needed to remind to drink water; you, the one he needed to remind to take your meds every morning; you, the one he needed to remind how much he loved you.
(if he could bring the rain inside to nourish your bones, he would; if he could bring the sun inside to warm your skin, he would)
when he opens the cupboard, grabbing a mason jar before filling it with water at your kitchen sink, you barely notice. when he walks to the pothos hanging from your ceiling and gently, carefully pours the water into it, it finally catches your attention.
“w-what are you doing?”
his hand doesn’t shake despite the weight of the glass in it. “watering your plants?” it’s almost rhetorical, obvious - of course he would do this? he’s not even sure what you’re really asking.
sprinkling the last bit of water onto the soil, he places the empty jar into the sink. “because you care about them.”
again, it’s obvious.
but did you care about them? he remembers the tears that threatened to spill over your lashes when you were forced to throw away a dead monstera; he remembers the way you mourned the loss of an orchid your mother had given you; he remembers the way you honor the fallen petals from the rose bushes outside.
of course you care about them.
(he remembers, even if you don’t)
in your silence, he continues. “the jade in the bedroom probably needs to be repotted soon, and i think the aloe in the office is about to start flowering.”
he kept track of the way they grow.
“i didn’t even notice.”
he smiles.
“thank you, suguru.” and you smile back, bright like the sun.
he takes care of them, just as he takes care of you.
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a/n: inspired by the pothos i had to throw away bc i managed to kill it after being told they can survive anything :'/
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pathologicalreid · 10 days
I'm a terrible writer but always get good ideas lmao
Idk if you've ever seen friends or not but there is this one scene where Rachel and Ross go to a sonogram appt and she has a whole breakdown cause all she saw on the sonogram was a blob and not a baby. (I'm pretty sure it was like their first appt or something idk)
I'm a sucker for dad!spence and you're one of my favorite writers for him.
Feel free to totally ignore this if this is trash lol💓
amorphous | S.R.
your first appointment goes exactly how you expected it to, but not at all how you wanted it to
who? spencer reid x fem!reader category: fluff w/ comfort content warnings: pregnancy, ultrasounds, doctors, pregnancy symptoms, emetophobia warning word count: 795 a/n: i have never seen friends but i hope that this fic does your request justice. ilysm.
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You put on a brave face as you accepted your appointment card from the secretary, thanking her for her time before sliding the card into your pocket, trusting that Spencer would remember the date and time of your next appointment.
Everyone had tried to prepare you for this appointment. At eight weeks, all you were going to do was confirm that you were actually pregnant and make sure that you were measuring accurately. The internet told you that was going to happen. Spencer told you that was going to happen. Your OB told you that was going to happen.
None of that prevented the sheer disappointment you felt while leaving the obstetrician’s office. You lagged behind Spencer, taking the steps to the parking lot considerably slower than he was.
It didn’t take him long to notice, keenly aware of your every move as if he had developed a paternal superpower, your husband waited for you at the bottom of the steps. “What’s wrong?”
You opened your mouth to respond, gesturing over to the building before shrugging, “I thought it would help,” you confessed, sticking out your bottom lip in disappointment.
Spencer’s gaze softened as he ushered you off to the side and out of other people’s way. He knew you had been struggling with the lack of visibility that early pregnancy had. You hadn’t told friends and family yet, the only people who knew – aside from medical professionals – were the two of you.
“I just wanted to see it,” you mumbled, looking sheepishly to the ground. “I thought it would make it feel real.”
He nodded in understanding, using the pads of his thumbs to deftly wipe away any stray tears on your cheeks, “You saw the screen though, right?”
You thought you had been looking at the screen, but maybe you had been so distracted by the transducer that your brain hadn’t processed what you had seen. The baby hadn’t been in a good enough position for you to hear the heartbeat.
“Here,” Spencer said, setting his hands on your upper arms before guiding you over to an empty bench. Once you were sat, he dug through your purse and produced the sonogram images that you had been given.
Suspiciously, you eyed the black and white pictures that Spencer had gently set in your lap, “It just… it’s just a little white blob.”
Maintaining your attention, Spencer pointed at the picture, “Do you see this part here? That’s the head,” he dragged his finger over slightly, “There’s the body,” he showed you. Guiding you through the sonogram, showing you every part in hope that it would console you.
“I just…” you faltered, looking at the photos as you tried to see it as a baby instead of a blob, “I don’t have a bump, we couldn’t hear the heartbeat, I guess… I guess I wanted some sign that they’re okay in there.”
Crouched down in front of you, Spencer cocked his head to the side, “Honey, what’s the first thing you did this morning?”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “I showered?”
Spencer shook his head, “Even before that, the very first thing you did this morning,” he encouraged you.
Your face warmed as your eyes flittered up to his, “I threw up.”
“And do you know what made you so sick?” He asked pointedly. Smiling timidly, you looked down at the photos with a newfound fondness, “The baby.”
He nodded, “Every morning that you wake up nauseous and every time you’re tired in the middle of the day are all little signs that they’re doing just fine.”
You sniffled slightly, wiping tears from your face with the sleeve of your sweater, “I’m sorry,” you murmured, “You probably think I’m being so dramatic.”
“I think you’re scared, and it’s okay to feel that way,” he reassured you. “We’re gonna see them again, okay? Next time we go they’ll be more than three times bigger. Our little blob will have tiny arms and legs.”
You frowned down at the pictures, still frustrated that this was all you had, “Twelve weeks feel so far away.” You had scheduled your nuchal scan for the end of next month, which felt like eons into the future.
Spencer smiled at up at you, “It’ll be here before you know it,” he told you softly, “No more tears, okay? I still have an hour before I have to go to work, did you want to get something to eat?”
Nodding softly, you put the photos back in your purse before standing up, “Yeah, maybe something with raspberries? That’s how big my phone says the baby is – the size of a raspberry.”
Tilting his head back slightly, Spencer chuckled at your proposition, “Absolutely, we’ll find the best raspberry dish in the district.”
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Has anyone considered the fact that Shen Jiu burning the Qiu manor to the ground and Yue Qingyuan arriving late to find the burnt manor means that not only was he convinced Shen Jiu died in that fire, he probably went back to the sect and made a memorial tablet for him. So yea, anyway, I was thinking, what if Shen Jiu found the tablet with his name on it later on after becoming a Qing Jing disciple and realized that Yue Qingyuan probably never showed up because he thought he was dead.
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lutraviolet · 4 months
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go get em, blueberry!
based on a scene from @tastytoastz's time travel fic
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alottieluv · 2 years
mdni. not explicit nsfw but implications.
izuku who gets flustered when you walk in on him taking a piss in the bathroom, despite you having seen his dick countless times.
he’ll be mid-piss, his hero suit loose on his figure without being fully zipped and his freckled shoulders jumping when the door bursts open by you who walks in oh, so casually to finish your morning routine. he almost barked out a laugh when you had the audacity to ask, “honey, why’d you close the door?”
slowly turning away from the mirror over the sink, you look at him with a hint of a smirk in the small smile you give him. “you know there’s nothing neither of us haven’t seen.” you leave him in the bathroom, not even bothering to close the door as you move onto the next part of your routine.
if he wasn’t blushing before, the redness in his cheeks that reach up to the tip of his ears now leave no room for doubt. oh, the things you do to him.
and now he’s hard.
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attentialkane · 1 year
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Hello Islanders, please acquire your translating device immediately.
help me afford top surgery!!
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rafecameronssl4t · 19 days
Forced marriage au req… how did they get pregnant? Was it hate sex? Awkward? Vulnerable? Rough? ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
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Addressing this since SO SO many of yous have asked abt this and firstly I wanna say I won’t be writing smut simply because I am horrible at it 😭😭😭 BUT I do wanna talk about it!! Reader and Rafe do have sexual chemistry don’t get me wrong, they are for sure attracted to each other!!! 95% of the time when they are arguing, it leads to sex. Rough, angry, raw typa sex for sure, their ego still gets in the way so they do fight for dominance but it’s usually always Rafe who wins. I’d say they have sex just a bit over the normal amount of time that people who willingly are in a marriage just because when they get into a heated argument they both get turned on by one another. Reader would be pregnant just abit over 2 months into their marriage especially since readers parents high key pressure them into having children so quickly.
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kitkatt0430 · 26 days
So Voyager returns to the Alpha Quadrant, huzzah! Party time.
And Starfleet does throw a big party in their honor to welcome back. Very formal, lots of ambassadors, a lot of the Voyager crew is quietly bored with it thirty minutes in. Where's the fun in fancy hors d’oeuvres if you can't play 'guess the mystery ingredients from the most recent trade agreement/away mission?'
Anyway, the crew of the Enterprise is there because they're in their post-Dominion War Flag Waving era. And of course, Picard is expecting a number of things from a typical Starfleet party of very fancy standards. What he was not expecting was Q and Q Jr. to show up in a flash of light or for Jr. to throw his arms around the shoe-in-to-be-Admiral Janeway and exclaim 'Aunt Kathy! You made it home, and early too. That was cheating!"
Janeway sends the teenage looking Q to go hang out with Icheb, the quiet part-borg kid who has been strategically hiding in a corner with access to punch bowl and the nibbles with the most easily identifiable ingredients. Icheb proceeds to perk up and calls Q Jr. Q-Ball. Jr. calls him Itchy. Seven of Nine, who has been quietly shadowing Icheb and scowling in such a way that she has one yard of clearance on all sides at all times, unless a Voyager crew member or her aunt come over to talk to her, turns a very narrow-eyed gaze on Jr that the young Q is clearly unsettled by. (If he gets Icheb hurt again, no power on this plane of existence could save Q Jr. from Seven and he knows it.)
Q and Janeway watch fondly, chatting about the whereabouts of Lady Q and how the Continuum is doing lately and Janeway occasionally shutting down Q's attempts to flirt with her. For whatever reason, Janeway still agrees to dance with Q and laughs when he changes the music with a snap to something they can waltz to.
Picard is trying to figure out if he can sidle out one of the exits before Q notices him. As is basically the rest of the Enterprise lead staff. Finding out that Q made Janeway godmother to his son is quite possibly the most surreal part of the evening for Picard and that includes when Q gets bored with the music a few waltzes later and turns the whole thing into a disco.
Meanwhile Riker learns he was actually brought to Voyager by Q once and then made to forget it and is thus considered an honorary Voyager crew member along with Barclay. Riker decides he's cool with that and helps plan the after party with Tom and Harry. (He also tries to talk Harry into starting a jazz band with him.)
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kathaynesart · 8 months
will we ever see the moment donnie’s old visor bursts and gives him the injury?
Hm, that will probably be a short story I'll add into my Patreon once it's up and running!
Still in the plotting stages for what I'll be offering, but I think I'll mostly post summaries of events not integral to Replica's plot along with a drawing. As I get through the ones I have planned I'll probably make a slightly pricier tier where people can ask questions/request scenes kind of like what you did just now.
I already have the drawing and summary practically done for what happened in Shanghai with Donnie and Kendra so at least I have my first update ready to go haha.
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sl-newsie · 3 months
My biggest strength is my biggest curse.
For the rest of my life it will plague me.
Writing stories of passion and romance that will never be real.
Never can be real.
I spin tales of love and in doing so I doom myself for thinking I could ever be the lucky character in my own story.
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madaqueue · 3 months
18+ MDNI - gn!reader
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suguru gets off on being a little gross, pushing you to your limits just to see how far you'll let him go
the first time he comes home from the gym, his damp tank top clinging to his torso, you still wrap your arms around him and pull him into a kiss. you'd never seen him like this, his hair frayed, muscles bulging against the skin of his arms, as you breathe him in.
he smells hot, like sweat and musk, and maybe you lingered a bit too long as you buried your head in his chest, or inhaled through your nose a bit too audibly, but god you want to crawl inside his clothes and live there.
suguru, of course, just chuckles as he runs his fingers through your hair.
when his palm settles on the top of your head, you let him push you onto your knees, now eye-level with the black basketball shorts hanging temptingly low on his hips. when your eyes meet his, his suave persona falters for a moment when he sees the innocence behind your gaze; maybe that’s why he pushes you forward, leaning into his growing bulge, because how could he not when you looked so adorable, so submissive?
his breath hitches when your eyes flutter closed, breathing in his scent. when your lips part to place open-mouthed kisses along his length, a low groan rumbles in his throat. you just look so sweet on your knees, tongue lolling out as you lazily lick at him through the cloth. when he sees the growing wet patch forming, a mix of your spit, his precum and sweat, his grip on your hair tightens, drawing you forward. you nearly whine at the combination of senses: it’s so intoxicating, so him.
a sly grin tugs at his lips as he watches you make out with his hardening cock through the dirtied shorts - maybe he can push you farther than he thought.
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a/n: i'm sorry idk what this is either
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satellitespinner · 3 months
down by the bay. (e.w)
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synopsis: after a serious catastrophe you’re forced to pack up your life and move to a completely new state. far away from anyone and anything you’ve ever known. devastated, you’re ready to give up. however enduring the unknown environment of california may not be so bad after meeting a certain someone on your first day in town.
content warnings: each chapter will contain its own warnings, but please note that this fic contains mentions of death, murder, suicide, and depression. chapters containing these topics will be marked. also please take into account that reader is around 17-19 and still lives with her family.
wc: tbd
taglist: @flowersforvi @plutolovesyou @taintedpearls @saturnsdrafts @liasxeatt @adelaide013 @a-little-bit-of-everybody @elliessweetheart @pedropascalsbbg @nelzooo @r3starttt @jaeminpookie @onlinelesbo @p4ison1vy @pascals-doll @snowy-vee @diddiqueen @ellieslob @macaroni676
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𓍯 chapters.
chapter one :
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unknownteapot · 1 month
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habits (30460 words) by unknownteapot
Relationships: Angela Giarratana/Amanda Lehan-Canto Summary: “I wanna get drunk and smash his car with a golf club.” Amanda chuckled, a lump in her throat, “Then eat cake. Or shove my head in a wall or something.” “Don’t do that.” Angela scolded gently, “It’ll fuck up your pretty face.” Amanda blinked, “I can’t tell if you’re joking or flirting with me.” “Depends,” the brunette shrugged, “are you into it?”
or, an AU in which Amanda desperately needs someone to be her pretend-lover, and Angela forgets the part about pretending.
thank you @babychosen for keeping me sane, and @shesmore-shoebill for keeping me writing <3
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louissatturi · 1 year
I can finaly recomend my favorite spiderbit fanfic that is
"The Reason" by Nan_Yelo (the art is made by torrente, Yes the "regret" animatic guy)
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Its an alternative universe where cellbit still is in alcatraz prison and roier is send there to investigate cellbit and the writting is WONDERFUL but unfortunaly the author was only posting as a Twitter thread fanfic
She has now posted the fanfic on ao3 but not only that she also translated to english and spanish
PLEASE check the fanfic out
I know tumblr WILL love it and i need people to talk about this fic in hereeee
Pleaseeee give this a chance
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