#fangirling about Overhaul again
isabeauwolf · 2 months
I know there are a lot of reincarnated into My Hero Academia, you can either go join the Heroes or The League of Villains... but there isn't that many about Joining The Shie Hassaikai.
Yes, I know it's probably a bad idea. I can't help it! I wouldn't mind being his mob wife X/////x All of the perks, hell, I'd wear the Shie Hassaikai's emblem on my clothes with pride!
Give him all the love and attention he wants, spoil this touch-starved birdman, tease him playful while giving him forehead kisses. Running my fingers through his short hair or down his back while he cuddles and tries to smother himself into my chest, humming a song with a smile on my face.
Yes, he gives his everything for Pop's approval, the revival of The Shie Hassikai's former glory and reputation, pulling their pride as Yakuza from the depths of a cruel world filled with Heroes, Villains, good and evil, and quirk users. Choosing to throw everything away that makes him human, his name, his past and human heart to become the "monster with no heart" as Pops says.
He has a heavy burden on his shoulders as the young head, but at the end of the day, who's taking care of Kai's mental well-being, comforts him after a stress-filled day, gives him true genuine kindness and love? That's right, I would!
Would he be a cold-hearted and act all tsundere in-front of his men or out in public, while being overly possessive and protective, absolutely. Behind closed doors, he would be gentle and needy, not leaving his bedroom until I'm covered hickies and love bites, marking me as his woman.
Sorry again for the rambling that probably was too long and made no sense XD Again, whoops.
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challaball · 2 years
Can we get a Show inspired by Lady Gaga's Judas?
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Let me begin with a disclaimer: I am neither christian nor grew up christian So I don't know much. I also sort of think of the bible as a collection of stories that are sometimes interesting narratively... That I also don't know shit about so bear with me.
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Ok so hear me out. I don't exactly mean the song, I mean the music video. There's this whole background narrative world of a very direct and literal Jesus and co (I think Lady Gaga was supposed to be Mary Magdalene,) in a biker gang in this whole underground biker society.
The choices of how each member was visually represented was super cool (and Jesus is incredibly hot.) Watching the video again 11 years later I kept finding myself watching the clips of theatrical scenes going "wait go back I want to know what was happening there!" For example there's this ongoing scene that get's briefly clipped to that both looks like a worship party but also Judas in separate instances is making out with girls and gets choked out in a fight???? From what I can tell it's like a gathering that turned into a riot and they all end up having to flee. I wanna see more of that don't you?!
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There's a whole unspoken world here! and it would make for such a good show! Imagine the story of Jesus and Co. told as if they are a part of biker society that's forced into the underground by the police state. Via poverty and desperation they turn on each other, forming gangs, territories and turfs to each defend their own. Jesus is trying to unite all those forced into the shadows to reclaim their place in society and rise up against their oppressors.
Jesus slowly grows more followers as he sews alliances and preaches of an uprising and overhaul of the status quo, unintentionally garnering a cult-like following as stories are passed and exaggerated. (IDK maybe he could be allowed actual super powers but I like the idea that he's just a dude trying to overthrow they system and some people got a lil too excited.)
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Meanwhile, shitty dude Judas is a grifter who's here for riding the coat tails of Jesus' rise to power but is too caught up in his own toxic masculinity and the idea of biker toughness to truly be down with the ideals of societal revolution.
[Again: I don't know shit about the bible, IDK if this is the actual narrative or no]
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The primary narrative music video would even make a dope sub plot. Mary's internally conflicted about having feelings for shitty dude Judas despite knowing he is indeed shitty dude Judas and is trying to be faithful to Jesus. As he faith wanes she learns about Judases intent to betray (again) and has a Come-To-Jesus moment where she realizes she'll have to confront Judas in public in order to protect Jesus. (I think that's what's happening, this music video is wild now that I've turned on fangirl brain.)
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Just look at these visuals! Cinematography and costuming! You can't tell me that this doesn't look like shots from a gritty HBO show.
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I just really want this to be a show and event better that would make this music video retroactively look like a shipping MV or something which would also be hilarious and fantastic.
I know this will probably just be lost to the void but if anyone at HBO sees this, y'all are sleeping on gold.
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malleleothreesome · 5 months
ERICA?! MAL? LEO?! I’M NOT SURE WHAT TO CALL YOU BUT THAT FELLOW SNIPPET WAS SCRUMDIDDLYUMPTIOUS AND SCREW EVERYTHING BECAUSE IT WAS A SNIPPET BUT ITS STILL STUCK IN MY HEAD! AND I CANNOT IMAGINE THE REST OF THE FIC IN MY HEAD AND safe to say it is and will remain rent free for the next couple of days, months, years, and I’ll probably forget and reread it again when my two keychains of fellow and playful land come in and fangirl all over again over your fic from Stage sex to this snippet it’s like my favorite song that i want to have the experience of listening to for the first time again after replaying it so many times, that’s how i feel about your fellow writing. Your single-handedly feeding the fellowives thank you
Referencing this post
I've been having a real hard time writing lately... some of yall might have seen a poll where I asked if I should post a work now or after it was completely finished. Welp, I was about to post it, and then I realized through rereading it and also getting my fiancé to proofread it, it totally sucked bad. Like it needs a complete overhaul, and that was after I spent the whole weekend working on it and thinking that what I was writing was really great. There are a lot of great parts to it IMO, but it doesn't make sense as a cohesive story. I've been too ambitious lately with my writing endeavors. So, I had to take a break from that, and I feel like I haven't had any successes lately or anything worth posting (besides the snippet you're referring to!)
So, thanks to this ask, this weekend my goal is to keep working on that snippet and hopefully get it to a point where I can complete it and post it! And then, I'll start working on Stage Sex Part 2, since I know everyone is waiting for that with bated breath.
I am so happy to continue feeding the fellowives, I will keep this man alive until October when we hopefully get more official Fellow crumbs.
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yellowbluemoonshine · 3 years
Bnha 335; Opinions
I wanna talk about a few things that i found interesting.
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First of all, this panel. When allmight talked about Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, Afo. Afo doesnt look different than how its shown in this panel but Shigaraki, Dabi and Toga? They look extra crazy.
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Compare this panel with later scenes. Dabi doesnt look ‘crazy smillng monster’ as heroes imagines, he just looks tired and done with everything. And even Toga, she looks far away from ‘happy blushing monster’ and Shigaraki is full of angry, struggling on ground, not look like an empty guy who doesnt have emotions.
Again and again, we sees heroes dehumanizing villains as possibles as they can, in their mind. Except Deku’s ‘he looked like he needed saving’ feelings, Shouto’’s ‘he is me’ scene and Uraraka’s realization of Toga’s suffering/crying, except those three, every other heroes seem to ready to destroy villains without second thought. Hopefully, we will get to somewhere with those three and others.
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Another detail i found interesting is its like....we returned back to the start with Shigaraki. His hatred of Allmight came back, no surprise since he is with Afo again. He seems to stopped pushing Afo, after the battle with Allmight fangirl Star. But here’s the thing, Shigaraki probably learnt Twice’s death sicne he is awake with Toga and Spinner. Remember the overhaul arc or mva arc Shigaraki, his main focus would be revenge of Twice but nope, here’s all Shigaraki have is hatred of Allmight, just like usj arc Shigaraki. The fact that we didnt get much reaction (to Twice’s death) from Shigaraki is not a good sign. He desperately needs to separated from Afo.
So league’s sitution; Mr compress and Kurogiri are captured, Twice is dead, Dabi’s tired and focus on his revenge, Toga seems calm down, probably cause she finally returned back to her family but we probably will see her anger when she will fight against heroes again, Shigaraki is controlled by Afo again, Spinner seems to be the only one who is aware of somethings? Like the things with Afo and all so i expect something from him.
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And here’s theory of future chapters. Since we probably get another fight between heroes and villains, i think Deku’s ‘i will save Shigaraki’ thoguths will be tested soon, we might even see Shigaraki’s killing Allmight since hatred came back so things can be brutal again but this time (unlike war arc, hopefully), i think we might see more realization and character development with hero students when they encounter with villains. I dont think saving villains part will happen soon and i hope author doesnt rush to story cause there are a lot of things that needs to happen.
And cant wait to learn traitor’s story.
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mysterylover123 · 4 years
BNHA Chapter 294: The League of Hotness is Blasting off Again
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Oh god look at all the damage though. (Is GT still alive?)
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Oh God Deku do you even have arms anymore?
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YES IIDA. HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU GOTTA SAY IT. Also is Bakugou’s hero name that entire line? Aoyama couldn’t have “I cannot stop twinkling” but he can do this? That’s some hax right there. 
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OH GOD NO. Kacchan if you really die this arc I’m gonna kill you.
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Oh god Touya looks in bad shape. And Toga’s still crying. Holy crap the league really did take a beating this arc.
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Spinner’s doofy face here is distracting me from the pathos of the moment.
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HOLY EFFING SHIT the Totally Metal LOV strikes again! (Hori what do you have against arms, huh? What’d they ever do to you?
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What do you mean your turn? You kidnapped Bakugou, dude. You blew up that car, took one of Overhaul’s arms...you’ve had plenty of badass moments!
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lOL MLA you think you’re part of the squad? It’s the Core 5 from now on!
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HOLY CRAP he wasn’t kidding with that remark a few weeks back. He really is related to someone important! I read this theory a week or so ago so I guess I got to theorizing just in time.
Also I guess this means from now on every single Secretly Related theory is just gonna be canon. We can call it. Bakugou is now related to Muscular, Momo is somehow related to both Overhaul and Shigaraki, and Deku’s dad is somehow simultaneously All for one, All Might, Dabi and Endeavor (don’t ask me how that’s supposed to work). Literally every related theory, now totally true.
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OH GOD BACK TO THIS. WTF do you mean ‘sorry’? “Sorry bro I’m not gonna kill you today, I know you’re disappointed.” Do you think everyone has as much of a death wish as you dude? Also Shoto screaming his name is giving me feels.
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I honestly can’t tell who just got burned alive by who here. i think Dabi burned shoto? but the art is a little vague. Anyway what do you mean can’t break him? You JUST SET HIM THE FUCK ON FIRE DUDE. Though his face appears fine. because he’s a bishonen anime boy. His face is made of effing titanium. Also wow, he can’t do it unless Endeavor is watching? Huh. I still have no idea what to make of this sibling dynamic. I think Shoto still sees his Big Brother, though its hard to say how well they knew each other if at all; Touya seems to have some weird affection for him (depending on how last chapter’s dialogue can be interpreted) but also wants to kill him. I guess I interpret it the same as how Azula feels about Zuko or vice versa. Like it’s the Zuko resentment of “she was born lucky, I was lucky to be born” and the Azula motto of “I’m gonna kill you but I also care enough about you to help you through your angst in the Beach”. (wow I gave like a whole paragraph to the Todoroki Fam and like nothing to anyone else. You can really see where my priorities are)
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Ah, no Compress! I never thought you were just a background character! I just figured your backstory would come eventually. Also now that it’s out and you’re officially a Fleshed Out LOV member, which Class A kid are you planning to sign on for as your archnemesis? I think Momo, Jirou and Tokoyami are still available, Everyone else has one! Get on that!
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So yeah I guess the entire LOV is officially hot now.  Yet another addition to the League of Villains Shirtless Scene arc. Compress being like “I’m tired of being the only LOV member without fangirls/boys, I want my share!”. Anyway damn it looks almost like he’s been cut in two in this panel. Are you dead or something dude? Like “I’m gonna reveal my backstory and strip but then immediately die”? Dude we already lost Twice, possibly Gigantomachia, the doc, Kurogiri and the MLA members too, are we seriously gonna lose another villain?
OK well that was a fast chapter! Not a lot went down really but we finally got Compress’s backstory, possibly just in time for him to die, and it looks like the LOV is actually escaping now. Which means, with the “Last Stage” title, that this arc is almost over! Well, that makes some sense, since it seems like everyone’s had their moment. Everyone ‘cept Iida and Spinner actually. Quick you guys! Renew your nemesis vows real fast and then we can call it a wrap! Also DEKU AND KACCHAN AND TODOROKI HAD BETTER BE FUCKING OK. Like HOLY SHIT at this point I’m not sure which of the Wonder Trio is more Should be Dead. (Also all the pros in that angsty montage, holy crap.)   I’m not sure how I feel about this arc ending here, since it feels like we’re still missing a bit of closure (watch the next chapter kill off someone important just to accomplish that and break my heart) but hey, if this is where the arc closes out it does seem fitting. Everyone got a moment, hero society is properly in shambles, and the entire LOV all have backstories now! 
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hoochy-coo · 3 years
I just had to chime in and say that re: that last ask about Shawn, how weird/creepy it is to say that the success of who is essentially an attractive white male is based on whether he is "available" or not, or with a woman whom fans/the audience deems worthy, therefore is the deciding factor on whether they are successful or not. Obviously the quality/accessibility of the music they put out is a factor, but I am lately finding a real problem with the concept that these (1/? - soz on browser)
- male artists need to cater to the idea that they have to be single in order to capture the attention and interest of fans in order to still have enough "stans" to support their careers. Like, why? I get the whole parasocial thing, the y/n fanfic where they could possibly date them, etc. But to me it feels almost... abusive? Like the only way they can maintain fans is via some marketing concept of "MY BF OMG" because jealous fangirls can't handle that they have a personal life that fangirl fantasy of them spotting them in the audience& finding their HEA. While everyone claims they are just here for the music, I call BS the second I see someone say that Shawn tanked his career because of his GF,or Harry b/c of Olivia. Etc etc etc. Yes, I GET it. It's part of marketing and the persona. But I sure would like some fans to look at themselves critically & examine why they demand this level of essentially fanservice - ie no personal longterm relationships. It's inhumane tbh
If we’re speaking in broader terms, then it’s because the relationship between the artist and their fans are transactional. The fans are invested in the artist in some ways, sometimes it’s purely the quality of their art but a lot of the time when you’re dealing with a younger fanbase, they’re invested in your PERSONAL life. In the case with the latter, it’s hard to stay invested in someone’s personal life if you can’t relate to them or agree with their decisions. I understand that takes away from an artist’s autonomy but that’s why we see pop male musicians slowly distance themselves from a certain image once they hit a level of success. Idk about Shawn to speak on it, but there’s clearly the intention to rebrand here and I think his team understands and is fully prepared to lose fans along the way in order to establish a whole new audience. It’s a fair that comes with an image overhaul imo. Like you said, it’s inhumane but sometimes these male artists and their teams have set them up for this type of relationship with their fanbase by feeding into it to sell records
In the case of Shawn and Camila, I have no doubt that he’s lost fans due to his relationship/association with her. One, it’s like you said that Camila’s place in his life has ruined some of these fangirl’s fantasy. Two, she’s got a racist past that most people don’t believe she’s atoned for. Shawn (from what I understand) marketed himself as earnest and honest and kind and gentle. His stans were happy to accept that because it makes them feel like they understand/know him as a person so when he decided to get with someone like Camila, who has somewhat of a ‘problematic’ past, it was a shock to the system because they didn’t expect him to date someone who isn’t PC. Which brings me back to my point that some fans are more invested in their fave’s personal life than their actual craft so they can’t justify supporting them if they view them as ‘immoral’ because they think it reflects on them as a person. In the case of Harry, his fans always go ‘fuck him, I’m unstanning’ whenever he gets a gf and comes back once the relationship ends or he drops new music so he’ll be fine. I honestly think it will be the same case with Shawn tbh. Like I said, if he drops another album that sounds like his sophomore or self-titled then he’ll go back to topping the charts again.
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babyybitchhh · 3 years
Alrighty, then. This post has been a long time coming so lets get right into it.
After much deliberation, I've decided not to push the self destruct button. I thought about it. Oh, when I say I was SO damn close to deleting this entire blog and all my fics right along with it. I'm frustrated and angry with myself, and I can't exactly say I'm doing well atm, but I know when things start to get better I'll want to write again, in earnest, and then I'd have to start over from scratch. Egg all over my face. Clown shit. We don't know her.
BUT. I think its clear to any and all that this is not working. It's just not. I expect too much of myself, for starters. And when it feels like others expect a certain level of performance from me that I just can't nail consistently due to my own ineptitude, my brain powers off. Is it some kind of executive dysfunction? Is it a fear of failing? A fear of success? Plain old anxiety? Who knows! I certainly don't. Whatever it is, it's hanging over my head like a guillotine. I'm beyond stressed and barely staying afloat irl, but then when I turn towards what should be a fun and therapeutic outlet all I see are expectations.
"When will you post the next chapter" on works that I WANT to finish but yet fear putting out a subpar product for and disappointing people.
"Will you write a follow up piece" for works that I WANT to expand on but don't know how to in a way that will make everyone else happy, let alone myself.
"Are you working on my request" for WIPs I have partially drafted and yet no way of knowing if that person - or anyone! - will even enjoy it.
I honestly feel guilty working on my own ideas instead of the multiple prompts in my inbox. I'm pretty sure that's part of my malfunction with my Ogun fic and others like it that are close to being done but remain unfinished simply because I'm thinking about what everyone else wants. It'd be one thing if I could just churn out content without a second thought but I can't. Like, it genuinely upsets me thinking that people are stuck in limbo waiting because I'm too chicken shit to just go with the flow instead of obsessing over every single line of text to the point of nausea, all for the sake of putting out "quality" content. I feel bad. I want to enjoy the writing process again, just like I did when I first got back into it with OsoSan. I shouldn't have started taking requests if I wasn't going to deliver, I know, and I sincerely apologize for my lack of foresight but it is what it is. I can't change the past. But what I CAN do is start fresh. So, long story short, there are going to be some changes coming to this blog.
A total revamp. I'm going to do an overhaul on the whole thing so don't be surprised when it starts to look different. I'm going to work primarily on navigation and organization, and try to tidy up a bit.
I'm turning off anon. Both because people looking to have a go with writers aren't so brave when that's no longer an option and also because I want to get as far away from those expectations as possible. I wont be reading or responding to comments on AO3 anymore for that same reason. I love you guys, and you're more than welcome to talk to me in DM's if you're more comfortable that way, but the long list of asks wanting to know wtf I'm doing in my spare time if not writing this or that is doing more harm than good.
I'm getting rid of the requests page and also purging any that I haven't already started working on - hopefully once I get into a better groove I'll actually be able to finish them, because I genuinely would like to. I really am sorry to everyone who's been waiting for their request to be fulfilled but I'm clearly not talented or confident enough to juggle my own ideas with someone else's. Maybe at some point in the future, when I'm a better writer, I'll start taking them again and we can all be happy.
And finally, I'm going to start experimenting with my writing method. As in, you're probably going to see shorter, less obsessively curated pieces popping up on my page that may not always be sexual in nature. I just really need to buckle down and work on this - all of it - and I'm determined to improve my skills even if it kills me. I have the urge to write every single day but it's hard when I'm the way I am and I've backed myself into a corner like this. I need to learn how to stop overthinking everything and just DO it. I know my productivity would increase and, with it, so would the overall quality of my work so I'm going to be focusing on different areas that need improvement. Not everything I put out will be good but that's part of the process, right? Right.
I totally understand if I lose followers for any of the above reasons, or even just personal ones, so don't hesitate to do so if you feel like you can't jive with this blog anymore. I appreciate you taking the time to read all this and I hope you understand my reasons for needing to do a reset on this page. This is exactly why I didn't want to start taking commissions and I would once again like to apologize to anyone I've let down.
P.S. I've had this distinct feeling that certain people in the writing community are not happy with me for a while now and although I'm not entirely sure what I've done wrong, I would still like to issue a formal apology for any toes I might have stepped on. That was never my intention. I can't claim to be a saint by any stretch of the imagination, but I have no ill will towards anyone. If its about the patreon I subscribed to and then left a month later, it had nothing to do with the author in question. I just belatedly realized I had more money coming out of my account than I could handle at the time and yes that weighs heavy on my shoulders. If its about the way I suddenly disappear in private chats, that's also something that shouldn't be taken personally. I genuinely have a hard time keeping up conversations with people, and I feel like a bother more often than not. If it's about the discords I join and then never participate in, see the above. If its about the way I fangirl or enthusiastically support some writers but not others, I never meant any harm by it. I just can't conceivably read everything that comes across my dash and, yes, my favorites are prioritized. Either way, whatever the grievances may be, anon will remain on until I start the revamp process some time tomorrow night so if whoever wants to air out their problems go for it. I probably wont post them but I will read them and try to learn from them, so have at it.
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humangerbil · 3 years
Thoughts on Eri’s Rewind Quirk
This quirk rant is sparked by @that-darn-fangirl​ who said, “So theoretically couldn’t Eri be used by the heroes to rewind AFO to before he started stealing people’s quirks” on another post of mine. The short answer is no, I don’t think she could rewind him to the point where he didn’t have any of the quirks he stole. The long answer well…
I think we need to touch on Chisaki’s quirk, Overhaul. I am going to refer to the person as Chisaki and the quirk as Overhaul. I know “Overhaul” is also his villain name but clarity and all that.
Overhaul allows Chisaki to take matter and deconstruct and reconstruct it as he sees fit. He can just deconstruct it, as we see when he kills people. He can reconstruct them into exactly what they were before, though on people this may come with a side effect of removing any ailments, as we see with the Reservoir Dogs. He can also combine matter into something new as we see him do several times over during his fight with Izuku. Chisaki combines himself with other people and is even able to use another’s quirk when he does this.
There are several different aspects to Eri’s quirk that need to be detailed out and named for clarity. 
Age Rewind
Everytime we have seen Eri use her quirk it has been the Age Rewind aspect. She can revert that living being to a previous state. This appears to be chronological and has a speed element she can (after practice) control. She can only move things backwards.
Evolutionary Rewind
We never see Eri use this potential aspect of her quirk herself, which leads to some interesting questions about it in general but those will be addressed later. We only see this aspect through the quirk-erasing bullets. Through injection of Eri’s DNA the people affected have their quirk factor damaged or fully destroyed. This leads to a few interesting conclusions. 
First, current quirked humans (and possibly all humans existing in the bnha universe) are not homo sapien sapiens but something new, a new subspecies within homo sapien. (I don’t have a name for them but if anyone does have a name they would like to use please let me know! It would make it easier for future quirk rants.)
Second, this is part of Eri’s quirk that either she has no control over, which is possible considering how little control she has, and/or it requires the subject to have some of her DNA injected. Consuming her DNA, similar to the OfA transfer, is likely to work but again, we have no information. 
Third, Chisaki was able to do something to her DNA to make it so this part of her quirk activated by itself. Eri did not consciously do anything to cause the Evolutionary Rewind aspect of her quirk to trigger on those hit with the bullets. Chisaki was working on this for years. If it was just a matter of shooting her DNA into someone he would have had it sorted pretty quickly. This means something pretty major had to be changed for the bullets to work.
We know Eri’s quirk is a stockpile quirk that increases over time but what exactly does it stockpile? “Time” seems like the obvious answer but it doesn’t actually add up. We know the size of her stockpile is expressed through her horn. We see her use up her stockpile during the battle with Chisaki to heal Izuku as he breaks himself over and over. She completely exhausts her stockpile and this fight couldn’t have been that long, even when taking Shounen-time into account. Her horn was a similar size and she exhausted it when she rewound Mirio to get his quirk back and that had been 6 months, a much greater amount of time somehow used the same amount of stockpile.
I would argue her stockpile isn’t time based but differences based. Izuku breaking himself over and over had a greater number of differences than Mirio did between when he got shot with the quirk erasing bullet and the current state he is in when she rewinds him.
Okay, now that we have all the starting information we can start to get into some theories.
The first big thing is the entirety of the Evolutionary Rewind aspect of her quirk. We never see her use it, it is only ever used through the bullets. We know that Chisaki did something to make this possible and when you consider Overhaul it seems very likely that he could possibly remake her quirk. Which is terrifying. Imagine if Chisaki was aware that he was able to alter quirks! In theory he should have been able to erase quirks by remaking people in a specific way. 
The best argument I have for the Evolutionary Rewind aspect of her quirk existing but never being used is her lack of control, a possible need for a DNA related connection, her father’s disappearance, and Erasure. Eri is six in canon, the likelihood of the normal accidental DNA transfers between caretaker and child are much less at this age and, Aizawa likely shuts down her quirk anytime she is not in control. She has been practicing but they focused on the Age Rewind aspect. This is also the aspect she is known to be familiar with since it is what she has used in the past. 
We have been told when she was three she rewound her father into non-existence. I don’t think that is actually the case. Instead, anyone who has watched a three year old can tell you there was likely some DNA transfer while he was watching her, assuming this is required. Sticking her hand into her mouth and then rubbing his face, or something along those lines. This allowed her to use the Evolutionary Rewind aspect of her quirk when it went out of control. She didn’t rewind him into non-existence, she turned him into something far enough back on the evolutionary chain that he was no longer human. 
Considering the bullets the Evolutionary Rewind aspect either uses a lot less of her Stockpile than the Age Rewind does or doesn’t use it at all. Overhaul is capable of altering people in downright insane ways, so maybe Chisaki was able to alter the DNA in the bullets enough to not need the Stockpile within Eri or, more likely, he was able to embed some of the Stockpile within the DNA in the bullets. This would explain why the earlier versions weren’t fully effective. It took him time to be able to embed enough of the Stockpile into a single bullet.
The Evolutionary Rewind could also use less of her Stockpile to create what appears to be greater changes because the actual changes are less. Rewinding from an adult to a baby may be a larger change and use more of the Stockpile than going from an adult homo sapien to an adult homo erectus in the same physical condition and so on backwards down the evolutionary line.
To answer the starting question I don’t think Eri could use the Age Rewind aspect of her quirk to remove all of AfO’s quirks. He has been alive for far too long and suffered too many injuries and changes. Even removing the damage from All Might is likely outside of her Stockpile’s allowances considering what we have seen. 
I do however think she could use the Evolutionary Rewind aspect to render him a quirkless human, if not a monkey. Unless that entire aspect of her quirk was made via Overhaul.
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hkshirayuki · 4 years
Overhaul x Thief Reader
Genre: Fluff
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Slither a. K. a  Y/n l/n is a well known thief on the underground organization, as she can be an Ally or an enemy. She stole precious information or expensive stuffs.
Her Quirk was still a mystery as they only know about the thief is that it's gender.
A grand party was held for all leaders of the underground. As there will be meeting and auction. Overhaul the young boss of the Shie Hassaikai.
Shie Hassaikai is one of many Yakuza groups that ran the criminal underworld in Japan. A man known only as "The Boss" originally lead this organization and raised Overhaul into it. The Boss believed that gangsters would only follow a boss with a code and morals. Following the former boss of the Shie Hassaikai way. Overhaul expand his territory using brute strength and power. He overpowered them. 
“It was a Great honour for us to be in your presence, Overhaul-sama” Someone Clearly trying to buy his favour.
“...” Overhaul didn’t respond. As his subordinates only understand.
“My Apology Gentleman, but Young master doesn’t want you around him, Mind leaving us alone?” Chrono said with a smile but quite threathening as the man who talk casually just try to stay calm not trying to show that he was scared. Overhaul only give him a look that could make everyone shiver.
“Excuse myself” He lastly said before leaving in a rush.
“Tch...that guy should know his place”Mimic said.
“Remind me, Why are we here again?” Shin asked.
“To attend a meeting, Remember” Chrono said and Overhaul just look at there way to quiet down. Which they all shut there mouth.
“You All, are too loud” Overhaul irritated said as he was clearly uncomfortable.
He requested a room which is less people in it. Which they comply as they wanted to be in his good side. He was known of having a germaphobia, Which he gets hives from any physical contact that he think is dirty. 
“What the hell do you mean! someone just steal it! what are you idiots! doing here then! Go look who the rascal took it!" The leader of the auction said as he ordered his men to capture the thief.
“Yes Boss!”
Slither have steal the ancient jewelry that supposed to be an item for the Auction. As they get alarm from the sudden disappearance of the Rare item they have. Slither just thought of how she should slip to there tight security.
But she doesn’t know that someone who is Quirk can see who is guilty. After she was track down easily. Now they are chasing her down. 
That’s how she cross paths with Overhaul who just happen to bump with her.
“What the—Kiss me” Overhaul said but he was interrupted by Slither as he doesn’t know what’s going on. He was sure, he get himself some hives from the sudden contact from a stranger but in a blink of eye. In a corner of the place, His mask is remove and his lips is attach to the person he bump into. 
He didn’t get any hives from the touch as they share a passionate kiss, But what the hell is this kissing a Stranger. Overhaul just hold one of her legs and pull her close to his. Overhaul is staring the person who is he kissing and thought. He is under some kind of spell. Well his not that wrong, He is currently under the Quirk of Slither. Her quirk is Command words, which she command and there is no way, the person who she command can break it off. 
That’s why she always careful with her words, When she bump into Overhaul who is ready to hurt her, She is not aware of how dangerous is the person she is currently kissing. 
This is her first kiss, She never expect that to escape from the people, who is chasing her down, She have to sacrifice her first kiss. 
“Well at least, I’m lucky to get a Good looking guy as my first kiss” She thought as she is still focus on keeping up on how good he can kiss her. 
Overhaul kiss her as what she command, Slither just put her arms around his neck as Overhaul used his hand to support her in the waist and the other is still holding her leg make the gown she is wearing who have a slit on it, Revealing her leg. Those who is chasing Slither just saw them sucking faces and notice it was Overhaul so they didn’t dare to disturb,
"Search somewhere else!"
"The thief is not here!"
"Yes sir!"
They know that Overhaul is Someone they never wanted to mess with. When they were gone, Slither was going to command him to stop but then there something between them that they keep going on. But Slither know it will only last for five minutes. But they been kissing for like a minute and it’s getting out of her control. Overhaul who is having his first kiss get carried away. 
“So this is how it feels like kissing someone, She have a delicious soft lips” Overhaul thought as he is looking at Slither. 
Slither and him just made a eye contact. 
“His eyes is beautiful like gold” Slither thought to herself. 
The two just stare at each other and then Slither was the first to snap from it, She have her mask around her faces. She only put back Overhaul’s mask to where it is and whisper to his ear. 
“Your a Good Kisser Goldie” She said and left him. 
“Goldie!?” Overhaul thought to himself. 
“Who the hell you calling Goldie!?” Overhaul wanted to say, but he is very aware he is restrain by your quirk. 
Slither fucking leave him still unable to move from the sweet rendezvous they both shared. When Chrono found Overhaul, He never saw a disheveled appearance of him. Before.
“What the hell, Happen to you, Overhaul-sama” chrono and follow by the rest. 
Slither who slip from the security, thanks to Overhaul help distracting them. 
The pursuers of slither just reported that they lost her.
“We saw Overhaul making out with someone, and didn't check that person, We got distracted, We’re very sorry boss” they say cause only Overhaul's kissing partner is the person they couldn't check on.
“YOU BUNCH OF USELESS PEOPLE!!! GETTING DISTRACTED BY SOMETHING LIKE THAT!” There boss just throw a good fit of tantrums at them.
When Chrono was still questioning Overhaul.
“Let’s go back to our Headquarters” Overhaul said, He was never been humiliated like this and when he get home.
“Oh? what happened to you, This is very rare to see you in this kind of state, Kai” His old man said to him. Seeing his clothes full of wrinkles.
“...” Overhaul didn’t respond to him. He just thought of cleaning himself. Cause your lips still lingering. Every part of his body. Your lips, chest, legs. he is now more irritated at you.but his much more irritated by how his body reacts to a Stranger like you.
When Overhaul remove his mask that cover his face. His old man and Chrono and the others just have a widen eye expression.
“Did you just kiss with someone, Kai!?” His Old man asked.
“What no!” Kai denying said.
“Don’t go denying it, Why do you have a smeared lipstick in your lips then?” 
They never seen there young boss who is always aloof and calm just make a face that he was caught red-handed. 
“Our Young boss just got laid!!!” Mimic said.
“I never expect someone have able to touch you, Much more a very heated kiss!?” Shin said. 
“HAHAHA” There former boss just laugh at Chisaki Kai also know Overhaul, For some reason he found it  funny to see his Son. Definitely got harrass by someone and also How?
"OUR VIRGIN OVERHAUL-SAMA HAVE FINALLY SHARED HIS FIRST KISS" Chrono his childhood friend and right hand man. Just shout and teasing him to no end. There former boss, of course, didn't let it slide.
"Finally my Son have found someone he is interested in"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Kai annoyed and irritated said to his group who only smile sly at him.
"so that's why you requested a room, Never thought of you being a bold type, Overhaul-sama" Mimic said.
"So you two did it in the room?" Shin asked.
"I never thought this day will come"
"say one more thing, and I kill you all" Chisaki said threatening them. And left to take a shower. Slither's perfume was rub to his chest. As he can still smell you. While taking a shower his mind just play the memories of the heated first kiss. He touch his lips and quickly remove it.
"Tch... I find you, Woman and make you pay for this humiliation you put me into" he said while scrubbing every inch of his body.
Two months later
"y/n!" Camille said as she was pointing at someone. Y/n who is currently undercover just look at her friend. And where she is pointing at.
"what is it?" Y/n asked as she is still staring at where her friend pointing at.
"isn't that guy, looks to hot?" She said while y/n thought indeed he is, but I don't have time for fawning on someone.
"yep, he is?" Y/n carelessly said to her friend who is currently fangirling at the guy.
"Look at that body posture, is he a model or something?"
"yeah, sure" y/n said still cleaning.
"Oh My God! His entering our shop!"
The guy that Camille fawning around just entered there shop.
"Good morning, sir, how may I help you?"
He just look around the shop.
"Good morning, I'm wondering if you have a brand Windex for cleaning?"
"Oh it's over here, sir" y/n taking to where it is. She admit his handsome. But Goldie is more handsome, that's the nickname she made up for the guy her first kiss is.
Y/n observe the man, he was a slim man with short, light-colored hair that he wears parted with bangs hanging down his forehead.
"I will buy, all of this, how much for all of this?" The man asked. While y/n was surprised but then assist him. Of course Camille, who laid her eyes on the guy, was jealous that y/n is the one assisting him not her. But y/n just sigh at her and let her assists the gentleman.
"Good morning, sir! I be the one assisting you" Camille said and the Gentleman just raise one of his eyebrow at her.
When shin was busy, Overhaul just entered the shop as what shin said it have the brand he wanted. Y/n who welcome her customer.
"Good morning sir, how may I help you?" She said with a smile. But when Chisaki and y/n's eyes met.
She will never forget that Beautiful Gold eyes.
Chisaki Kai just narrowed his eyes on the person that greeted him. As he feel he heard that voice and much more her eyes.
Suddenly the kiss flashback to his head. And it click that eyes and voice is all to familiar.
After two months always haunting him in some way, Finally he will hunt you down.
Chisaki Kai just go to find Shin.
"Chisaki-sama" Shin said.
"Shin, I want you to do something for me" Chisaki said.
Chisaki just thought of making you confess if it really it's you.
So he tell Shin to used his Quirk on you. Camille just fawning around the two guys who is a eye candy for her.
"I would like to pay for this" Shin who smile at y/n. She feel uncomfortable as she saw Goldie.
Her mind was occupied when Shin asked her something.
"Are you the one who kiss Overhaul-sama, Two months ago at the grand party?" Shin asked after he gesture to Chisaki standing in front of you.
"yes" y/n bluntly said. Wait what's going on. She thought.
"then you are the one, well-known Slither aren't you?" Shin continue asked.
"Yeah, I am" y/n said saying her secret identity to a subordinate to Goldie. This is bad.
"that's enough, Shin, we should take her with us" Chisaki said.
"As you wish, Overhaul-sama" Shin said as you finally snap out of it.
"What was that for Goldie!" Y/n said and Chisaki just glare at you.
"Don't call me Goldie!" Chisaki said.
As he grab you and carry you like a sack.
"y/n! Where are you taking her?!" Camille said as she watch in horror.
Of course they threatened her that she agree immediately not to tell anyone.
Y/n is abducted by Chisaki Kai, Shin was surprised and shock that Overhaul is holding you.
"Let me go! Goldie" y/n demand asked that he stop and put her down.
"what did you do to Overhaul-sama!" Shin asked using his Quirk on you.
"I used my Quirk on him" y/n said.
Chisaki know that you have a Quirk that you put them under your spell.
"what kind of Quirk do you have?"
"Command words"
"what does it do"
Y/n tried to stop herself by uttering the info about her Quirk.
"S... St.. op.. u.. sing.. yo.. ur.. quirk... On.. me" y/n said and now two of the guys is under her Quirk.
Shin obeyed her and Chisaki is still standing while y/n pat herself. Not noticing Chrono behind her that put a handkerchief on her nose that have a chemical that make her lose consciousness.
"Who is this?" Chrono asked and Chisaki and Shin is free from the Quirk.
As you are unconscious.
"take her to the headquarters" Chisaki said as he try to play it cool.
"Is this the lady you share with your first kiss?" Chrono asked and he was answered by a glare and he only tries to stop his laugh.
"Better stop that or Overhaul-sama will be pissed off" Shin said to Chrono.
Chrono was going to carry you, when Chisaki hated the thought of Someone else touching you. He only snatch you from Chrono and carried you near the office and of course put a gag on your mouth. He have notice that your Quirk is Similar to Shin.
"Have you seen that, Shin? Overhaul-sama just carried someone in his arm, by himself?!" Chrono disbelief asked and Shin agree at him.
When y/n woke up, she found herself in a place, she doesn't know. she can't used her Quirk on anyone as she is muffled by the Gag that Chisaki put.
"Good, your awake" Chisaki said while staring at her.
She have a handcuffs on her wrist and a gag. His old man sudden enter to see y/n in that state.
"Kai!? What are you doing to this young lady?" He asked with a Stern tone.
"Pops, We need to put restraining stuffs on her, or she will escape" Chisaki said.
His old man just sigh and sit infront of you.
"you shouldn't treat your Woman like this"
"She is not My woman!" he said.
"whatever you say, Chisaki Kai"
Y/n just watch them talk to each other.
She was trying to talk, but Chisaki glare at her.
"Use your Quirk on me again, Your dead" Chisaki threatening said as he give her a sample for her to see how capable his Quirk is.
"try and you be like that" he said. Y/n know when to fight or not. So she just nods at him. Removing the restraints off her.
"First, your name" Chisaki said.
"y/n, l/n" she said.
"I see... So Y/n-chan, are you the one who kiss my son? Two months ago?" Pops asked and y/n was surprised.
As Chisaki was irritated on why they keep bringing up the past.
"What's your purpose abducting me?" Y/n asked and His old man approved her.
"I like her, Kai, she got guts and beauty, You got good taste on picking a girl, Son"
"Pops" he sternly said making him chuckles at him and excuse himself.
"alright, alright,I leave you two, and I want a grandchildren as soon as possible" he said and y/n blush at that statement and chuckles.
"Don't Tell me, you fell in love with me from that kiss? Goldie?" She said.
"No, I didn't, I'm not stupid, and don't call me Goldie, how many times do I have to tell you that"
"Well I already tell my name, and you haven't so..."
He sigh and said "Overhaul"
"Overhole? I prefer Goldie still"
"Sass me more and your body will be splattered everywhere"
"okay, okay, I shut up now, Mister"
Now Overhaul have no idea, why did he abducted you as well, Just like what you said. You two sat down for good 30 minutes. No one doesn't make any noise. until y/n speak.
"You seriously don't know, why you kidnap me, seriously?" Y/n said.
"..." Chisaki really is thinking so hard.
"I'm sorry for stealing your lips, Mister, but that's only one time, Ever heard of one night stand? That's how our relationship is" y/n said.
"That was my first kiss and personal space, you occupied, don't think a simple sorry could save you"
"... Really?! Your first kiss, cause it doesn't look like that, you were a good damn, Ugh kisser, Honestly that was my first kiss not you " y/n annoyed said as she recalled keeping up on there heated kiss.
Chisaki just smirk under his mask but clearly in his eyes, he was.
"That! Was my First kiss though" he said.
When he insisted that fact, y/n started to laugh.
"you telling me, you good looking guy, never kiss Someone before?"
He got irritated at how you say that, is it normal kissing someone and much more he kiss a total stranger.
You were still laughing.
"Never thought, you are a virgin, Goldie-sama" y/n said and that was the last straw of his patience.
"Wanna fucking test it on the bed?" Chisaki sound like he want to prove that he can do it, Even without experience.
Y/n stop laughing as now she look like a deer caught in traffic light.
"whoa, whoa, easy there" y/n said. 
"What's this? Awhile ago, you were laughing at me, now your running away? Scared?"
"pfft...for your information" y/n tries her very best to not fall to his taunting, As she is very aware she be drowning.
“For your information what? Your mocking me being a virgin, when you, Yourself also a Virgin” He said with a smug smirk plastered in his face. Y/n just sudden feel embarrassed by this guy. 
“Well Mister Goldie, I have my own reasons, Why I stay virgin”
He only chuckles at you.
“Never thought of the well known Slither have no experience at all”
“Don’t laugh about it, You may hurt yourself too”  
“The Well known Thief is still a virgin and pure, Unbelievable”
Y/n just frown at him, This is so childish, It’s not like he isn’t the same boat, When Even himself is a virgin. So why he keep mocking her.
“Your also Unbelievable, Your the same boat as I am”
“I have my reasons”
“Same goes for me, End of topic” 
“You really quite a sassy type, Slither”
“I don’t know, what’s your main reason of abducting me, Goldie”
“I said it’s Overhaul to you, I don’t know, If your playing dumb or you are dumb”
“If I’m dumb then your Childish” Y/n said as she just want to win the conversation they have. Forgetting that part of this person, she is talking with is her kidnapper who is also dangerous.
Never ever Chisaki Kai thought in his life he will have a conversation like this, It’s so silly and casual. It’s very different from all conversation he have. 
“Oh come on! you two aren’t kids anymore, Go ahead and suck faces already” Rappa sudden said and make the two glare at him.
“Do we look like doing that shit!” They both said in sync.
“And how long have you guys listening to our conversation?” Overhaul fix himself.
“Well your guys topic is quite stupid, You are both Virgin period” Rappa said.
“Hahaha, he doesn’t mean it, Overhaul-sama” Tengai said as always babysitting the big guy. While Chrono was struggling to contain his laugh along with pops, Who really found y/n funny and well match with his son.  
“Y/n-chan, Right?” Pops asked and the others quiet down. 
You just nod and feel mentally exhausted. 
“Can you be his bride?”
Y/n just look at him with a look “You gotta be kidding me”
While Chisaki reaction massage his forehead, Questioning his old man decision for him.
“I don’t want her as my wife, Shitty old man” He curse at him which is very rare of him and pops just smile at you and smirk at his denial son.
“Well you never find someone like her, And beside isn’t only her have touch you once and you didn’t get hives” 
Now that he remind that incident, He want to test out, why he doesn’t get hives from your touch.
“Hives?” Y/n asked as she listen to them.
“You see y/n-chan, my boy here have a germaphobia which he dislikes physical contact, So we are surprised your still alive after kissing this boy, Who will go berserk from a simple touch” The Old man said as he mess with Kai’s hair.
Y/n sudden feel the pressure of danger from a kiss.
“If I know then, I haven’t drag him to do that and used my Quirk on him” Y/n thought. she regretting that move, Now she is in deep thought of how to escape from this Yakuza gang.
“Oi, Give me your hand” Chisaki said as he wanted to know,Why he isn’t bothered by your touch.
Y/n was startled by the sudden suggestion but know she can’t decline the man who can kill her anytime he want. So she just play along and give her hand to him.
They look amaze on how Chisaki didn't have his usual Pop, Ta-da Hives... Like that.
"Maybe, your phobia is already healed" Chrono said with a uncertain tone.
"Chrono, Come here and touch kai" Pops said and Chisaki just agree.
As soon Chrono almost touch him, Hives come Popping out to his skin where Chrono almost touch.
"Seriously!?" Chrono thought to himself. If he get hives, he thinks your dirty.
"Tch... How filthy, Shower, I need to take some shower now!" Chisaki said as he leave the room in rush. Leaving y/n to his comrades that interview her in such a friendly way.
"so how did you do that?" Chrono asked.
"beside the kiss, did you do it?" Pops asked.
"Finally our Virgin young boss got laid by a pretty person" Mimic said.
She was used to serious intimidating people interrogating her. But this kind of approach is really unexpected. For her. They approach her very friendly and quite frankly, childish with no interest to threaten her life, Just why did they even kidnap her for, so even they are like that, she didn't let her guard down. They keep asking Silly Question
"Are you two have a thing for each other?"
"Is he a Good kisser?"
"Tell us how Young boss react?"
There Questions are all related to there Boss, Who make his subordinate worried since he never interact with opposite gender before.
"Were glad you came, we thought maybe our boss is g—" Chrono whisper said.
"Is what Chrono?" Chisaki threatening said as he entered the room the moment he is finish taking a shower and hearing how lively they are. To a stranger and they are asking stupid question. Put him into a foul mood.
"You mean Goldie is Gay?" Y/n asked not really oblivious but it's funny.
"I'm not and Fuck you" Chisaki calmly said.
"We haven't done that, we only did French kiss, You know Goldie" y/n retort back and you can hear a quiet Ohh.
"Tch... I don't have time for Filthy person like you, Slither"
"Then why did you even kidnap me?"
"Still doesn't know? Why? Are you sure you didn't fell in love with me? Or something Goldie?"
"Will you stop Fucking calling me like that, My name is Overhaul"
"My bad, Overhole"
"Are you deaf and stupid, It's Overhaul not Overhole"
The Subordinates and pops who watch the two argue just thought they are match made in heaven and Funny. So they trying there best not to laugh.
"Man, I really like this Lady to be your wife, Kai" pops said. And they both stop arguing and look at Pops.
"Are you insane? Old man/Pops" Chisaki and y/n both said.
He only chuckle at the two who spoke in sync.
"Maybe, I am, cause I can see, how you two are in sync"
Chisaki just massage his forehead, Y/n just sighs and doesn't want to argue back to someone who Kidnap a person, without a reason.
"this is must be one of his hobby" y/n thought to herself.
"Your staying here and that's final" Chisaki said.
"what?! You can't just do that"
"but I already did"
"your really childish, Goldie" y/n last said before shin took her to a guest room.
"this will be your room" Shin said and left soon he is done with his duty.
Y/n just thought she can't escape cause they are guarding her.
She stay with them for a week. Until Chisaki barge in her room.
"Accompany me"
"Huh?" Y/n respond as she thought to herself, "he can't just come to me after imprisoning me here for a week and sudden tell me to accompany him somewhere"
"I said, Accompany me" Chisaki said.
"so are you going to finally let me go?"
"No, were going somewhere" Chisaki said, These past days your image never left his mind and keep distracting him. Chrono and his pops always speak about you. He was frustrated about it, just what the hell did you do to him. He even can't let you go. He just reason himself that if he let go of you, It will tarnish his reputation as a cruel person.
Y/n just narrowed her eyes and sighs to herself, she just thought that she did accidentally stole Goldie's heart, without her knowing. But, wait a second, outside it won't be heavily guarded. This is her chance to escape!
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zuffer-weird-girl · 3 years
It’s been a while since I’ve been here, I’ve basically been here since you started the family au but after a while I started to lose interest in kai and moved on from mha , but now .... omg I was refusing to go back into my overhaul fangirl phase, I EVEN GAVE MY FREIND ALL THE MANGA THAT COVERD THE OVERHAUL ARC 😭just because I got over mha and didn’t want to do anything with the community because I was embarrassed to say that mha was one of my favorite anime’s :1 ...But anyways I was obsessed with your blog back than and I’m starting to get that feeling again 😋 I MISSED YOU SO OMG OMG I LOVE YOU AND YOUR WRITING 🌸💐⚡️💖✨ also I remember didn’t you used to do like the family reacting to some people questions, like I remember one that how would overhaul react to his s/o being a yandere in the past. I remember someone asked that but I can’t find it in your blog because it’s all, ALL the way down, but do you still do thoes ? Also omg Chrono when he has his daughter but the mother was in jail did you ever do a writing where he found love again and him along with his daughter were happy ?
An old follower since i created the Chisaki family au?
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Cant believe it!!!
Also about the reactions sure i do!
But I just am not as active as before for personal reasons and... haters 🙄
About Chrono? In the family au I had planned to make Hari as a single asf father but I can make an au inside of that that he find love again... kinda of. Haru's mother was just a hook up.
But I wouldn't be opposed to it!
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Dreams Can Come True: Chapter 2 New Home
Chapter 1-Chapter 3
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After Y/n’s shift at the daycare was over, she quickly made her way home and changed into more presentable clothes for her ‘interview’. She made her way out of her home wearing shiny black heels, a form fitting black pencil skirt and a loose, comfy white blouse. Y/n made her way into the café and immediately spotted her friend from this morning. 
She walked over, “Hi Kurono, I hope I didn’t take too long, I wanted to look presentable for meeting your boss!” Chrono took a moment to look at Y/n, and she looked good. If not for his keen control on his emotions he was sure his face would have gone red, but he kept his composure and simply nodded. “I’m sure he’ll appreciate it. The man lives in button ups and slacks, so I’m sure you’ll make a good first impression.” Y/n then took a moment to notice what Chrono was wearing, he too, had changed into something nicer. He was now wearing a white button up and dark wash, not skinny but not super loose fitting, jeans. Dang, the man cleans up nicely. Unfortunately for our little Y/n here, she doesn’t have the same control over her emotions as the stone cold gangster, so her cheeks may have flushed a *little* pink. Chrono noticed her change in appearance and inwardly flushed at the thought of her blushing at him. Being 20 he knew he was in his ‘prime’ or whatever, and most people would have expected him to have a girlfriend by now, but dating wasn’t exactly easy in his position. Sure, he had a few girlfriends before, but they either just got in the way, only dated him to get close to Kai, or in the most unfortunate cases, weren’t exactly faithful. He just didn’t really see the point in dating if he was just going to get hurt in the end, or have to hurt someone in the end, I mean he may be a ‘heartless’ mafia but he does have one. There was also the fact he had a six year old to take care of, and in all aspects of his life, she was his priority. He had always wanted kids, and a wife. But if he could have at least one of those things, he couldn’t complain, right? He snapped out of it, and led Y/n back to the private room his boss had gotten for the night seeing as the Hassaikai had special ties with the owner. As she walked in the room, she noticed a young, fairly tall and built young man sitting down at the head of the table. Chrono led her to her seat at the opposite end, and took his seat to the right of his boss. To Overhaul’s left was another young man. Y/n polite fully bowed her head and introduced herself. “Hello sir, I’m Y/n L/n.” He nodded his head in acknowledgement and motioned for her to take a seat. It was now she paid attention to what the others were wearing. The man at the head of the table was wearing a black button down shirt with black pants and a white-gray tie. The man beside him dressed in all black, wearing a cape like top and a black bowler’s hat. Most peculiarly about the two however…is that they were wearing plague masks. While the one dressed solely in black wore one that covered his whole face, the one seated at the head of the table wore a burgundy and gold mask that covered only half of his face. Wait a minute…You knew who these people were. “Good evening Ms. L/n. I’m sure by now you’ve figured out who we are, yes?” “I have an idea..” Y/n then noticed Chrono had slipped on  white medical mask. “You’re probably wondering what the Shie Hassaikai wants with a daycare worker, Hm?” You simply nodded your head. “I don’t know how much Chronostasis has told you, but we are in need of female caretaker for the little girl you met today. We’re offering you a spot as not only her caretaker, but as a respected member of the Shie Hassaikai. Join us, and I assure you, you will be taken care of.” Y/n took a moment to think about it.
~Chrono POV/ Narrator POV~
I really do hope she says yes, having her around would make taking care of Eri a lot easier, ad it’d be nice to have her around. “Okay, I’ll do it” Yes! “But…” But…? “I don’t want to kill anyone. It’s true I’m not the biggest fan of heroes, but I’m not exactly pro villain either, I just want to take care of Eri, if that’s okay.” Seems fair to me. I didn’t really want her to have to kill either, a girl as pretty and nice as herself shouldn’t have to go through that….wait what the heck am I thinking?! “Those terms are acceptable, welcome to the Shie Hassaikai, L/n. Now, if you don’t mind, we’d like to ask you some more…personal questions.” Oh boy, here we go again, I already know what he’s going to ask, 1. What’s your quirk. “Tell me, what is your quirk?” Knew it. “Telekinesis, I can control small objects and bring them towards me, or place them wherever I can see.” Overhaul just nodded. 2. Any family/friends who would question your disappearance? “Do you have any family or friends that might find your absence…suspicious?” Strike two “Just my aunt Hina, although I’ve been moved out for two years now, so it shouldn’t seem too suspicious.” Overhaul nodded again, “Very well, tonight we’ll go ahead and move you into your new home, since you’ll be a permanent caretaker for Eri, you will need to live in the base.” Y/n simply nodded, “That’s fine with me.” Overhaul stood up, and threw on his coat. “It’s been a pleasure working with you, L/n. Chrono, take her home and help her get what she needs, I’ll have Mimic send the other precepts over to move her out.” “Yes sir.” With that, chrono left the café with Y/n. When they exited, Chrono took off his mask. He really hated wearing it, but it was kind of important. Due to his villain attire, no heroes or police knew what he looked like, so unlike some of the precepts, he could pretty much just waltz around a free man. “So, Mafia, huh?” Y/n teasingly pointed out. “Yeah…sorry about not being completely honest earlier, but I didn’t want to scare you off too quickly.” Y/n simply nodded. “It’s okay, although I doubt it would have, like I said, I’m kind of indifferent towards heroes and villains, so I at least would have heard you out first.” “Thanks…most people aren’t as understanding.” Y/n just hummed and kept walking with Chrono. “So, how did you get the name ‘Chronostasis’, does it have something to do with your quirk?” “Yeah, actually it’s the name of my quirk.” Y/n looked at Chrono with wide eyes, “What does your quirk do?” “Well, you see my hair?” He pointed to his head. “Yeah” “Okay, well you see how the ends are pointed like clock needles?” “Mhm.” “Well, I can control them, but I have to be completely still, and they’re really sharp. So, if I struck someone with the hour hand, they’ll be slowed down for an hour, If I strike someone with the minute hand, they’ll be slowed for a minute.” Y/n’s eyes widened in amazement. “Its not really that flashy…or that useful.” Chrono awkwardly looked away, hand rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. Y/n quickly shook her head. “Nuh-uh, not at all I think it’s really cool!” By the enthusiasm in her voice he knew she was being sincere. He softly SOFTLY smiled and shook his head. “You really think so?” “Yes!! They look really cool, and most people don’t have defenses against being slowed, so I think it’s super powerful!” “Thanks Y/n.” No one had ever told him they genuinely really liked his quirk. Most people just left it alone, or thought it was weird. But here was this bubbly, sweet daycare worker who was practically fangirling over it. “No problem, you shouldn’t put yourself down like that, especially when there’s nothing to put yourself down for…” Y/n averted her eyes to the ground, a soft smile still present on her lips. “Well, here we are. It’s not much, so it shouldn’t take too long.” Overhaul had already called the landlord and arranged for Y/n to be let out on the lease early. (Turns out Yakuza bosses have a bit of power over people.) Chrono and Y/n entered Y/n’s small apartment/house. Chrono looked around, for someone who’s so young, he could tell y/n put a lot of work into her house. “Okay, give me like, five minutes and I’ll get what I need.” Because Y/n only had the one room in the hassaikai, she packaged up all of her valuable collections. Pictures of family and friends, irreplaceable things and gifts, etc. She packed up her clothes and brought a small bag of essentials to get her through the night. “Okay, I’m ready to go!” With that the two left for the Hassaikai base, but not before Chrono called Nemoto to bring the car, since it was going to be a longer drive and it was pretty late. After they got back to the base, Chrono led her into the traditional looking house, got to a door and stopped. He punched in some code, and the door opened to a stair case. This is where the main part of our base is, its where all the stuff goes down. Oh, it’s also where the bedrooms are.” They made their way down the stairs and started walking down the hallway. “Don’t be intimidated by all the guys here, you’re probably going to be pretty popular for the first few weeks, other than Eri you’re the first female to be down her. Also, ignore the petty flirting, most of these guys can count on one hand the number of women they’ve ‘talked’ to, most probably on one finger” “Really?” “Uh-huh, as you can imagine we all stay pretty busy, so no one really has time to go out and meet anybody new, let alone date.” Y/n nodded her head, she knew what that was like. Working at the day care and helping her aunt out once in a while kept her pretty busy. She had dated in the past, but none of her relationships lasted. In fact she hadn’t even attempted any relationships after him. Him being her ex, who she dated through high school, and even for some time after before she caught him cheating on her with her best friend. Chrono then walked her to a door and stopped, well this is it. It’s not much, but it’s better than nothing.” He pushed the door open and Y/n followed him inside, he then helped Y/n unpack the few things she brought with her. “Alright, hopefully that’s good enough till tomorrow, the rest of your stuff should be here by then.” “This’ll be just fine, thank you for your help…for everything really.” She smiled at him, and he gave a half smile back. “No problem, We appreciate you coming to help…I appreciate you coming to help.” There was a silence between them, although they didn’t know what kind of silence, it wasn’t an awkward silence, more like there was something there…but neither one knew what it was. “Well, anyways, I’ll get out of your hair. The bathroom is that door right there, and the living room and kitchen are just down the hall. If you need anything just text me, you’re probably going to get lost at least once, it’s pretty much a maze down here. Uhm, yeah. Oh and you’ll meet Eri again tomorrow. Her room and my room aren’t that far from here.” “Okay, I will. Thanks again Kurono. Goodnight.” “Goodnight Y/n.” An with that, the young second hand made his way out of her room and towards Eri’s room to put her to bed, seeing as it was about 8:30 pm and he didn’t want her to be cranky when she met Y/n again tomorrow. *Knock Knock* “Eri? Can I come in? It’s daddy.” The door quickly opened and Eri tackled Chrono in a hug. Eri then led him inside and sat on her bed. “Alright kiddo, it’s time for bed. Tomorrow your going to spend the day with someone new.” Eri’s ears seemed to perk up at the mention of someone new since not many new people come around here. As Chrono was getting Eri ready for bed, he started to explain the new circumstances to her as best he could. “Do you remember the nice lady that helped you today at the park?” Eri nodded her head. “Well, she’s going to be your new caretaker.” He realized he definitely should have worded it differently when he stared back at him with big wide scared eyes. “ W-what do you mean daddy? A-are you g-going to leave me?” It then clicked that it sounded like he was being replaced! “No! No sorry Eri! I’m not going anywhere I promise!” He held her in a bone crushing hug before leading her to the bed and tucking her in, looking for a book to read before she went to sleep. “She’s just gonna help me take care of you is all. Not replace me.” “Oh.” Eri seemed to understand. “So she’s gonna be my new Mommy then?” If chrono had been drinking water he was 1,000% sure he would’ve choked. “U-um yes and no? For now, let’s just call her Ms. Y/n, okay?” He could hear the fear in his voice of her asking any more difficult questions. “But why is she here? I thought you took care of me?” “I do pumpkin, but especially because you’re a girl, you should have a girl influence to look up to.” “Because I’m a girl? But why?” Shoot. He thought he could avoid THIS topic for at least 6 more years. What is he supposed to tell her? Yeah, in about 6 years give or take your body is going to turn on you and try to kill you once a month? Not exactly something you tell a 6 year old. “H-how about we talk about it tomorrow pumpkin” If the squeakiness of his voice didn’t give him away, his red face sure did. “Daddy? Is something wrong? You’re being weird.” Chrono just shook his head and tried to compose himself. “Yeah, daddy’s just being weird. Hey! How about we read that book now.” “Okay.” Chrono then read her the book and tucked her in to sleep. Making his way to his bedroom and collapsing on his bed, tired from the events of the day.
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isabeauwolf · 1 month
“My princess” and it’s a fictional man with an insane criminal record.
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Found this on Twitter, and figured, I'd share it here we well as my answer. XD
Of course, I'm going to choose both Trafalgar Law, The Surgeon of Death, and Kai Chisaki, Overhaul!
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chidoroki · 3 years
Head empty, pre-TPN season 2 thoughts only.
Normally I don’t even bother with hiding spoilers but since the new season is so close I’ll put everything below a cut (if tumblr cooperates) because I do want anime-onlys to enjoy the season with as little knowledge to what madness is about to happen as possible. This is just a bunch of notes that filled my head over the past couple days.. weeks? A long time.. and if I didn’t write them all down somewhere I wouldn’t stop thinking about them.. so if you understand this whole mess, then kudos to you.
So, here’s your post-season 1/ch37+ spoiler warning.
Demon language:
With Mujika and Sonju making their grand first appearances, I hope actually implement the demon language this time?
The only word spoken in the language in season 1 was the demon god’s name, which was just changed to “Him” (sub) or “The One” (dub), so ignoring it there was fine.
Granted, our demon friends don’t say much in their language during the upcoming arc, aside from this moment in ch48, but I can see the anime passing it off as a mere whisper between the two of them just so they don’t have to worry about it.
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I don’t recall any of the GP poachers using the language though.. right? Pretty sure they don’t..
Anyways, all I’m saying is that they better figure something out by the Ayshe shows up way later in future seasons.
Episode count? 24?
Short answer: I don’t think so? Did once, but stuff happened. Anyways..
Season 1 ended in March 2019, which is also when we learned we were getting a second season and once we found later on that S2 was originally going to air in October 2020, I immediately thought we were getting about 24 eps.
I thought with all that time between seasons, 24 eps would be reasonable and that S2 would end at ch101. S1 managed to adapt 37 chapters, so 64 chapters in a season twice as long sound decent enough, right?
By the time we reach ch101, it would give us the demon forest, shelter B06-32, Goldy Pond and the short trip to Cuvitidala. (all of which would make this long wait for s2 sooo worth it btw.)
By this point we learn a bunch about the outside world, Norman being alive, what happened to Phil, and the demon bastard himself.
I bring up ch101 as a stopping point because it’s the last chapter before the two year time skip and.. I honestly can’t see them doing a time skip mid-season?
I mean, they could if they wanted to, I guess? Having everyone age up suddenly between episodes via a montage, a quick summary or even flashbacks of what we missed.. but maybe at the start of a season? Not in the middle.
Right now we know anime original scenes are going to be included into season 2 so I’m kinda hoping that once we do eventually reach the time skip we learn more about the search Emma’s group went on for T7W/golden water/temples.
I counted. If S2 does indeed get this many episodes, ep23 (or 22, if there’s a break in between somewhere or whatever) will land on my birthday and you can bet I’ll be beyond happy
HOWEVER! all the hope I once had about a 24ep season vanished due to the clusterfuck that was 2020. Thanks to the worldwide pandemic, many anime were put on hold and pushed back several months, with TPN airing this month rather than the original October date.
It was a bummer hearing about the delay at first but I never complained about it. I much rather have the studios prioritize their employee’s health over production.
Even if S2 did reach ch101, or even Goldy Pond, they would need to find a ton of new voice actors, and with how the world is working now.. eh, I have some doubts.
Cloverworks also has two other series airing this month aside from TPN so needless to say they’ll be a bit busy, especially if employees are still working from home, social distancing, or however they’re managing to produce these anime.
So, episode count.. 12?
The main reason I have a hard time grasping the idea of another 12ep season at all is because.. I don’t know where it’ll be a decent place for it to stop?
S1 ending at ch37 with the kids escaping? Perfect. You can’t question that decision. But now? When a whole bunch of craziness is about happen? How do you choose another perfect moment to end a season with?
No matter how many anime original scenes they have planned for the demon forest, I believe we’ll at least reach B06-32, which will get us to ch52.
Could they go farther? Sure. Perhaps ending at ch59-60? It would leave us off with Emma & Ray leaving the comfort of the shelter to follow Yuugo into yet another demon infested forest, much like how S1 left off, as the escapees left their once safe, comfortable life into the unknown world.
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Or end at ch64? After Emma gets snatched by the poachers? It could work. It would certainly leave everyone wanting more, especially us manga readers because goddamn the GP arc would be SO close!
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Perhaps ch74 after seeing Norman alive? Just so it’s not a big darn secret anymore to those who are going into this season blind? (how do people manage to stay anime only? i’m not trying to make anyone feel bad.. i’m just impressed? i caught up to the manga right after s1 because i didn’t have the self control to wait!)
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Ending on that chapter would be so bittersweet to me.. because you know what appears in ch75 and it’s literally one of the only things I care about.
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S2 preview trailers already teased some of the demon forest scenes I’m most excited about, so the only things left that will truly excite me are Yuugo and that darn outfit. (seriously, whenever we do get to see emma in her gp outfit for the first time, someone better scream at me so i can die from happiness.)
Okay, and all the GP kids too.. especially their trio!
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Could they fit the Goldy Pond arc into a 12 episode season along with every other event that came before it? I.. seriously hope not? 
Compared to s1, which was very dialogue heavy, GP is about as action packed as we’re gonna get in the near future, and those scenes are going to fly by once they get put into motion.
Quick example (because it was recent and i can’t think of something else atm): the Overhaul arc from My Hero Academia. Off the top my head it was about 40 total ch? That arc took up half of the show’s S4, which was a total 25 eps.
So with the GP ending at ch96, it’ll give us about 20-30 chapters (depending on where you personally see the start of this arc I guess? once yuugo leads the duo through the forest, when emma gets snatched or when the battle actually starts)
If GP were to happen in s2 where there’s 12 episodes.. literally everything would be so fast paced and I don’t want them to rush anything or leave stuff out?
Other options?
It’s very wishful thinking and I would be getting my hopes up for nothing, because I know it won’t happen, but I could possibly see them fitting GP arc if S2 was made up of 18eps?
6 eps for the demon forest, 6 for Goldy pPond, the remaining 6 to accommodate B06-32, Cuvitidala and any other anime original scenes as they wish.
Although fitting about 64 chapters into 12-18 episodes sounds a bit much.. but not really? I seriously have no idea at this point how much story we’re going to cover this season.
Could I perhaps place all my hopes towards a second cour later this year? Like for the summer.. or would I be expecting too much?
This all could’ve been avoided if they just tell us! Seriously, I’ve been thinking about episode count since last year.. and now you have to deal with this mindless chatter of mine.
I’d honestly be okay with another 12ep season though. We waited this long that I’ll just be excited to see all the children again.
Anime-only scenes:
Those 3 days the children spent learning from our demon friends? Yes please! Did you know Emma not only learned how to use a bow and arrow but a freakin’ harpoon as well? Like.. hello?? I must see this!
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Perhaps they’ll even adopt some of the extra pages from some of the chapters, like they did in S1 with the flashback of Norman being sick in ep10.
I know this will be such a high hope, but I remember in ch177 how Emma claims that after they escaped, they all remembered how kind Isabella really was, so if they decide to adapt the extras from ch41-42 & ch45, I’ll cry.
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And these pages? Cloverworks, please..
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I’m literally begging here..
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Especially these two! Even though I still doubt we’ll reach Goldy Pond if we get 12eps.. but in the future! Please!
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Other random nonsense:
I may or may not get emotional upon seeing Isabella at the very start when she goes to confront Grandma Sarah. If her hair is kept down as it was at the end of S1 then I’ll give the anime staff my sincere thanks.
We only heard 15 seconds of “Identity” and yet it has been living in my head rent free ever since that trailer dropped. I need to hear the full song sooo damn badly, y’all have no idea.
Here’s hoping they don’t cut out the inner monologues again. At this moment I don’t remember any specific ones from the demon forest I want to see but I’m sure they’re present.
I’m ready to die at every cute Chris moment they give us.. and this entire scene where the kids scold Ray. 
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Literally every scene with Emma & Ray. They’re my top 2 favorites from this series okay? Of course I’m going to fangirl over them. (they already showed the hug in one of the trailers and i damn near cried)
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If we see him, (which i’m sure we will, but i still have tiny some doubts) I hope they give Yuugo a fantastic voice actor.
Also, his nicknames for everyone!! Literally everything about that man I’m hyped for.
Again, very doubtful we’ll get GP in a 12ep season, but whenever that arc decides to grace us with its presence, “63194” better play on full blast when ch92-93 gets animated.
Speaking of music, while I’m completely excited to hear the new OST that Obata has in store for us (thank god he’s doing this season again btw!), I hope we hear some of those unused tracks from the first season, specifically “Their Own Thoughts.”
Every time Emma mentions their future, their goals or how her family will always be together, I’ll cry. (thanks demon god and your stupid reward)
Yes I’ll be doing those reaction posts (if you follow me i’m sure you’ve seen them by now) after every new episode as I do with other series I watch.. once I survive the usual long day at work, avoiding anything TPN related so I can watch in peace and quiet when I finally get home.. damn it, im already so anxious, help.
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Like how overhaul is top of the list ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Fine then chisaki nsfw. Is he a total dom as we all suspect or are there moments he can switch? What is he not willing to do? I can sense he won’t ever try anal.
Me, an obvious slut for Kai, pretending like I did it on accident: OwO?
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I feel like more canon Overhaul is a total dom. If you end up in the situation with him, and he actually wants to touch you then he's going to wanna take it at his own pace. This'll result in him being in control nearly all of the times you end up having sex together. Like, nearly ALL. He might let you take over to give him a little oral but once he gets too riled up (which is quick because of his lack of doing this type of stuff) then he's going to take over again. Plus, I feel like canon Overhaul definitely likes the thrill of being a dominant man.
As for my little fangirl heart, headcanon Overhaul is probably a definite switch to me. Like take turns with him. Make him shiver under your touch. Tell him what to do, how bad he's been lately. Torture him with orgasm denial until he can barely take it anymore, then let him go. Other times (when he's more dominant) you had better be waiting for him on your hands and knees like the naughty girl/boy/partner that you are. As soon as he gets done with work, he's going to come ruin your ass.
As for anal...never. I mean, I just cant see him doing it in any universe (but it's still fun to think about that!)
TIp Jar: https://cash.app/$YuTakeyama
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rwby-redux · 3 years
Hi from someone who's just a liiiiittle hyped over the fact that tumblr means you can like. talk to the people who make awesome content. just walk in and go "yo I would lay down a minor character's life for you because holy crap your blogs are amazing and smart and funny and I might have a celebrity crush on you aaaaaah" :P [1/5~]
The Redux so far is fantastic and I was somewhat overjoyed to find your blessing on people using your stuff for their own works, because I’m ALSO in a RWBY RP and have been semiconsciously incorporating your ideas into backstories and headcanons, because canon really doesn’t give us much to work with. Hopefully that’s okay? Though I of course plan on attributing everything to you, it’s not public so I can’t really link it. [2/5~]
I’ll definitely link any fanfics I might write if you want, though - sub-fics of the Redux AU, I guess they’d be, lol. In addition to writing educational and entertaining metas, you *slay* with your fics and in-world texts - I may or may not have spontaneously sung Crocea Mors multiple times. [3/4~] (wait oops this is four posts not five I can count)
While I’m here dumping gratitude on you, please know that I will probably read to death anything you write here, and don’t at all mind the long posts you apologize for. (Speaking of trimming down content, though, I’m trying very hard not to creep you out with my fangirling, so I apologize dearly if I’ve failed in that lol) [4/4~]
You have nothing to apologize for! Trust me, you couldn’t be any further from creepy if you tried. And I’ve also been guilty of leaving novel-length messages in people’s inboxes, so I’m no stranger to fangirling. (My laptop is very accustomed to keyboard smashes whenever I get excited and words are inadequate.)
Oh my god? Yes? Thank you? Please use any of my ideas in whatever project you see fit. And if you ever write a fic based on them, I would love to see it! There’s no pressure, obviously, but I want it stated for the record that I 110% fully endorse you and anyone else who decides to put those ideas to good use. Godspeed, you magnificent bastard.
But seriously, thank you for leaving me such sweet messages! I’ve been showing them off to my mom and sister all day and preening about it. The idea that someone out there was singing to one of my poems is just, like, I can’t even. My face has been stuck in this :D expression for the last 24 hours and I have you to blame for that entirely.
I’m glad that you’ve enjoyed all of my other RWBY fics thus far! I can’t wait until you get to read the actual Redux proper, which is going to incorporate all of the worldbuilding I’ve done (along with the modified character backstories and massive overhauls to the plot that I’ve made). It’s downright painful resisting the urge to spoil everything. Unfortunately, it’s going to be a while before I’m ready to begin the actual writing process. Then again, a lot of my other RWBY fics are fairly Redux-adjacent; they borrow a lot of the same ideas that’ll eventually appear in the Redux. The Almighty Maker Him Ordain, Slings and Arrows, and All in the Job are probably the best examples of that, so I guess if you wanted to get a feel for how the Redux will look, those three would be the most telling.
Also, you’re always welcome to shoot me a message and ask questions or just nerd out over stuff (no manslaughter necessary). xD
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tokusashi · 4 years
Wonder Duo Rising // !!!SPOILERS!!!
This post cotains spoilers for the movie “BNHA: Heroes Rising”.
You’ve been warned.
Ok so.
I’ve FINALLY watched “BNHA/MHA: Heroes Rising” (subs were awful, but still- quality of the video was A++++ so I’m not complaining).
And what I have to say? Well...
1. This movie is my favourite among those made for shounen anime. Like, I don’t give a damn for “Naruto” movies, or “Bleach” ones. Like: Neh, they exist, it’s ok I guess? But is “Heroes Rising” a flawless movie? Oooooof course no.
2. Like, I feel that this movie was too short and plot overall was too easy. 
3. I have problems with Kacchan. Or rather, with OFA Kacchan. Like, if he had LOST his quirk, then inheriting OFA from Izuku would have more sense, and yeah, I know that Izuku passed it to him because they needed “Two OFA’s” but isn’t the whole thing in Katsuki about “beating All Might” about doing it with his own power? It would be great to see how Izuku and Katsuki are winning with great plan and even greater cooperation, using together OFA + Explosion.
4. ... Still I love Kacchan’s face when he realized that Izuku’s going to sacrifice his quirk and hero life, about which he always dreamed. Like, bro you do care a lot, and I’m fangirling with this bromance.
5. My best friend said that their “lightning-struck-me” OFA design looks kinda lame and... I agree? Their eyes were weird, and while I understand why they were looking like that but... We don’t need this saiyan sht here. At least I don’t. 
7. Also in this house we respect our girl Ochaco. If you think she’s useless like “Naruto’s” Sakura then come here and fite me. She was totally amazing and I’m glad she got screentime she deserved.
8. Also I wanted to adopt Mahoro and Katsuma right away. Adobrs little bbys. I joked like, a lot about them being BakuDeku children (to my bff’s “SIIIIGH”) but I think that they were great example and good bros for the kids.
9. I love WonderDuo content to the extreme. And while I do not ship those two romantically, I totally understand why BakuDeku shippers were and are screaming about this.
10. Like, come on, it was SO WEIRD BUT REFRESHING to see how Izuku and Katsuki have actually NORMAL conversations and how Katsuki is almost CALM around him just like around Kiri and Denki. My “I need them to be friends again” heart is happy af.
11. Also Nine is basically Squalo from KHR but calm.
12. Still, when WILL UA learn that sending 1-A ANYWHERE is a REALLY bad idea? Oh, island with people living in peace 30 years already? Yeah, let us send there those kid’s who are like a bait for death and destruction. I wonder what will go wrong.
13. Have I said how I love that noone was useless there? Like, ok, Mineta was... Mineta, but Ojiro? My baby Aoyama? Everyone else? You did AMAZING job my kids. Let me hug ya’ll!
14. So I’ve made a post few weeks ago about Bakugo forgetting about inheriting OFA: “I think the ending of the new movie is logical.After all in manga we have Bakugou that doesn’t remember sht, so if they would make him remember that he got ofa it would be “? ? ? ? ?”.Also we still need a big WonderDuo moment in manga, so yeah. It would be just bad if they would solve all of their problems in the movie.“ and while the movie IS A FILLER I still think it’s very reasonable FOR ANIME.
15. I mean it’s NOT rare for anime to mix a little fillers with canon content, so I guess it’s an “open door” for the future mixing in anime seasons. After all Nine is/was canon character.
16.  I’m still sad that there was no Aizawa content we all need. And no 1-B. Me sad.
17. Finally I think it was wrong to use MIGHT+U ost in season 4 for Overhaul vs InfiniteOFA moment. Like ok, it was great but it stole the effect of “woah” for me, when I saw final battle betwen 2 OFA’s and Nine, since I saw the season 4 first, and movie just yesterday. I think it would be a LOT BETTER If MIGHT+U would be “only for movie” OST.
Soooo yeah, I was hyped and I’m glad I watched this. Still I hope that third movie will be better than this one, if there will be a third one, that is. I really liked the fights and the animation, screeentime for every 1-A student. I had some problems, and yeah this movie is still not in the area of Hayao Miyazaki masterpieces (not even close tho). But it still was worth to watch, and I still would love to see this in cinema.
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