#fantasy high junior year fanfic
revivif-y · 6 months
When Fabian is ten, his Papa tells him the story of how he married his mother. It’s a gory tale, one that involves a cut eye and bodies hitting the deck. He tells Fabian of a love that sent him to his knees, that leads a man like him– fearsome and powerful, the greatest pirate to ever live– to start a family. A love that gave him Fabian. --- A study on Fabian, grief, and, ultimately— love.
Huzzah! My first Fantasy High fanfic! It's Fabian-centric, hope you enjoy<3
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lucyfrostblade · 5 months
spoilers for fantasy high junior year
Lucy Frostblade held the body of her best friend in her arms. Kipperlilly Copperkettle held the body of her best friend in her arms a couple weeks later. Neither stayed dead. Even after everything, Lucy still loved Kipperlilly. It didn't change anything, not when she remembered Kipperlilly burying her knife deep in her chest; or a rewrite of my last fic burning, burning, burning, written post episode 17 with the big reveal incorporated and more of a focus on post-resurrection Lucy Frostblade. Written in second person POV.
title: and you'll never forget how the burning felt
word count: 6.9k (nice)
relationships: kipperlilly copperkettle/lucy frostblade, lucy frostblade & the rat grinders, kipperlilly copperkettle & lucy frostblade, lucy frostblade & the bad kids, lucy frostblade & figueroth faeth, porter cliffbreaker & the rat grinders,
characters: kipperlilly copperkettle, lucy frostblade, ruben hopclap, oisin hakinvar, ivy embra, mary ann skuttle, adaine abernant, figueroth faeth, the bad kids, the rat grinders, porter cliffbreaker, ankarna
read here // reblogs appreciated !!
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halcyon-autumn · 4 months
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Eight Episodes Later:
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Emily Axeford saw Wanda Childa's Dramatic Death Potential long before she had straight Kristen shoot her on Ruben's lawn
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halevren · 7 months
oh my... Imagine Fig playing with Ayda's hair for the first time while they're cuddling. Ayda is caught off guard because it's the first time anyone has done so (mainly because her hair is more akin to fire, luckily Fig is immune to fire). Ayda realizes she enjoys it and nuzzles her hand into Fig's hand, like a regular bird would. Fig happily continues to stroke her hair affectionately
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wordsimnormalabt · 2 months
“She died. She thinks she was always meant to. She’s died a couple of times, in fact. And every time she comes back, she’s a little stronger, a little better, a little wiser, and a little more hollow. She keeps dying with no funeral. No previous versions of her have been honored, and she might be the only person who mourns.”
-help, i’m still at the restaurant by massivdisaster on ao3
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unhauntng · 4 months
completely sidestepping the rat grinders redemption discourse (and please don’t infer my feelings about it based on this post) to say that my personal and funniest hope for the season was that kipperlilly and kristen would be the most toxic yuri of all time, and i’m devastated we lost that
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cxlandine · 4 months
thinking about how kipperlilly even knew who riz was or why he was important and - riz was spying on porter and jace when they were investigating the cafeteria to make sure they didn't try to cover it up. even if he didn't spot riz, porter then went to check on the bad kids of whom riz was missing. it wouldn't be suspicious at all for porter to look into the kid who randomly disappeared after the principal died, in fact very sensible to check for his guardian and address to make sure he gets home safe.
maybe he asks someone from his rogue class if she knows anything. mentions that goldenhoard seemed to be very interested about his dad. pretends he's just concerned about a kid with a tough home life witnessing a murder on his first day.
maybe in her little black-and-white mind that means he's getting special treatment. maybe that was what porter intended.
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o-vera-nalyzing · 4 months
mary ann takes gorgug on dates missions to learn how to be cunty
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roll-for-gaslight · 5 months
Hypothetically if I had written and Kristen-and-Bucky-centric fanfic exploring their religious upbringing and trauma, would anyone be interested in me posting it here?
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angelwiththeblue-box · 5 months
on religion
Blood flecks off of Kristen’s bracelets, the charms that she and the other Bad Kids had picked out one day, stringing beads and thread together to create friendship bracelets. 
There’s blood on her bracelets, blood staining the colors and drying on her skin. She shakes her wrists aimlessly, trying to get the blood off but it’s dried, it’s there, it’s not her blood it’s Buddy’s. 
Her friends are asleep on the train. Fig and Gorgug are fast asleep, leaning on each other in the seats across from her. Fabian is stretched across a row of seats, snoring softly. 
Adaine sits next to her, her eyes unfocused. Kristen can’t tell if she’s trancing or not, but she doesn’t want to disturb Adaine if she is. 
Fig had texted Sandra Lynn that they won the Last Stand and that they were coming home. She didn’t say anything other than that, the six of them figured they should tell Jawbone and Sandra Lynn in person. 
Cool hands slip into hers and Kristen jolts, looking over to meet Adaine’s eyes. 
“I could feel you thinking.” Adaine whispers. Her eyes flick down to Kristen’s bracelets and she casts Prestidigitation, the blood disappearing as quickly as it appeared. 
Her bracelets look good as new, as she jangles them once to make sure they’re back to normal, it feels like shackles removed and she drops onto Adaine’s shoulder, like strings cut all the energy keeping her up since six yesterday morning gone. 
Adaine shifts, moving her arm to wrap around Kristen, stroking up and down her arm, casting Prestidigitation, removing more of the blood as she starts to sing softly, an old Elven lullaby that Kristen remembered hearing Aelwyn singing on the trip back from the Nightmare Forest, all of them exhausted and dirty, piled on top of each other in Tracker’s Moon Haven. She wondered how Tracker was, after they all left Falinell. Kristen hasn’t texted, but she wants to. She doesn’t want to bother Tracker, though, and if another cleric dies because of her- 
Kristen isn’t alone, but sometimes she feels alone, even with Adaine’s arm around her shoulder and her face in the crook of Adaine’s neck. 
Cassandra? I don’t know if you can hear me, but I wanted to let you know that we’re okay, and we’re trying to help you. We’re going to help you, and your wife, and everything will be okay, because it has to be. 
Kristen’s eyes close as Adaine continues to sing, the occasional movement of the train sending her in and out of sleep until Riz wakes them all up an hour later as they reach their stop, pulling out files from his briefcase and spreading them out on the deserted train station. Kristen’s paying attention, but just barely, the cold of her energy drink seeping into her fingers and spreading deeper. She yawns and rests her head on Gorgug’s shoulder, content to sit back and let Adaine and Riz talk it out. 
Adaine’s lullaby plays in her head and she struggles to keep her eyes open, the sky turning from a dark blue to purple as the sun rises.
taglist: @leelovessharks @disdoorted-crows @dapper-nahrwhale @blueskiesandstarrynights @starchaserbaby @thedragonemperess @depressedtransguy (lemme know if u want to be added or removed)
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torisharp · 6 months
A Paradox for a Paramour (FigAyda)
A FigAyda prediction comic! In this AU Porter is the BBEG because it's funny. However, I don't remember what Porter looks like and i was too caught up in Fig/Ayda fluff to care. Enjoy. (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)
Some Fantasy High Junior Year spoilers ahead, but it's mostly speculation! I got to wondering what would happen if there was a TPK while Ayda's away with her dad.
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lucyfrostblade · 5 months
spoilers for fantasy high junior year
lucy frostblade cradled the dead body of her best friend in her arms. a few weeks later kipperlilly copperkettle would do the same. they love each other. it's not enough.
title: burning, burning, burning
word count: 1.3k
relationships: lucy frostblade/kipperlilly copperkettle, lucy frostblade & the rat grinders, lucy frostblade & the bad kids
read here // reblogs appreciated !!
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demontouched · 5 months
she ate an eyeball. it was oddly crunchy for something so round and squishy. it tasted like rot, but that was to be expected of many months old vulture eye she had been storing in her pocket.
the world seemed to pulse around her. buddy dawn stood in awe of her party's power, and behind him, kipperlily copperkettle.
everything froze. the roar of monsters faded into nothing as her heart leapt from her chest. the hafling held a loaded crossbow, aimed at gavin pundle. she would ruin their chances after all this work! she wanted to leap forward, to yell to her friends, anything.
and then, as if knowing kristen would stop her, kipperlily pulled a knife from her pocket. in one swift, unstoppable motion, she stepped forward, grabbed buddy dawn by the hair, and slit his throat.
and again, before she could do anything, a scaly blue hand reached through planes to take the halfling girl to safety.
she was used to combat, of course. hell, she had died on her very first day of school. but this was not combat. this was cold, calculated, filled with malice.
buddy dawn did not deserve to die, and he did not die noble. he died clueless, doing something out of the kindness of his heart, watching her friends in awe. he may have died happy, but kristen would never know for sure.
before she can really think she is falling to her knees. buddy lets out wet choking noises. he is not dead yet, but he will be very soon. there is no healing word or spare the dying that will fix this. she reaches gently into her pocket, but there are no crystals.
kipperlily took them.
"shit!" she has blood on her hands.
"our revivifier is dead!" fabian, from the field, yells to gavin. she is frantically clawing through buddy's messenger bag. she fights the memories of her own leather satchel, holding the holy book of helio.
"oh... that's... unusual." gavin pundle sends concerned looks towards her and the very dead body of someone similar to who she used to be. before the doubt, before her friends, before the pain.
doubt. she gently reaches into her pocket, pulling out crystals as red as the blood on her hands. she hasn't solved this mystery yet, but she has some of the pieces. rage, a dead god, and a kidnapped goddess.
she prays. cassandra. i know i havent been the best cleric. i know i failed to protect you. but i'm trying, and right now i could really use your help. this kid, buddy, he's just like i used to be. and i know, i know he's good. he doesnt deserve this, not like this. what she did, it's not right. she killed lucy, too. please, cassandra.
she feels her goddess, reaching desperately to heed her call, but fall just short. it was a brush of fingertips, a whisper on the wind, the faint trace of moonlight in a dense forest.
buddy dawn is dead.
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smolandweirdwriter · 11 days
Adaine seeing Nara's father actually take in something she says, listening to his daughter, caring, and thinking oh maybe it's not a high elf thing, thinking maybe it was just me, maybe i wasn't good enough and it's angst hurt/comfort naradaine do you see my vision??
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honestly qpr bad kids polycule is so fun. Smooch the homies. Adaine is dating Fabian, who is dating gorgug, and Kristen, who with gorgug are both dating fig. Riz isn’t dating anyone but he gets to sleep in the Alaska king bed too
This is how it all starts, post Freshman Year:
- Fig kisses Gorgug on Tour: His lips tingle for days where her enthusiasm pressed against him in the heat of the moment, and she forgets in the chaos afterwards and he never says anything, but can’t stop touching his lips every now and then
- (Fig remembers.)
- [[At the end of the summer, Zelda holds his hand softly, smiling sadly, and says that she needs time to figure herself out before they can truly be together. But they hang out a lot during the school year, one of the 7 maidens always dragging their feet behind Z, the two rolling their eyes at Gorgug’s moony eyes, and the utter obliviousness of the Bad Kids]]
- ((Until Penny catches Adaine and Fabian making out in a hallway and thinks there’s finally been a breakthrough))
- ((,, that blows up weeks later))
- Fabian and Adaine first kiss over the summer after Freshman year, and agree to never talk about it again (though it happens 3 more times over sophomore year)
- First: Fabian, Adaine, and Riz are gathered at his office to discuss the events of Freshman year, Riz is caught up in his board as always, and the argument between Fabian and Adaine devolves until finally (and neither knows who initiated) they’re furiously kissing- more like a battle than a sign of affection. Neither wins. They break away sharply, Adaine wiping her mouth before making a frivolous excuse and escaping. In the aftermath, Fabian smoothing out his shirt, he’s grateful that Riz was preoccupied and missed the last minute of confrontation
- (He hadn’t. Riz saw, a swooping feeling in his stomach, like falling off a cliff)
2. Less than a month into sophomore year, Fabian presses Adaine against a wall in an abandoned corridor, baiting her until she bucks against him, biting his lips more than kissing them
3. Fabian kisses her on the way to practice. She’s pouring over books in the library, and barely looks up as they turn to leave. Rolling his eyes, Fabian bend down and presses a kiss against her cheek. She swats at him immediately and he trots off, laughing. “I’ll curse you, Seacaster!” She yells after him
4. Everyone’s over at Fabian’s, and him and Adaine are alone in the yard. He says something dumb, she rolls her eyes, and he presses a thumb against her lips before leaning in. Just as their lips touch, Gorgug opens the door and calls out to them
- (He saw, and he’s worried. The two fight like cats and dogs.)
5. She’s studying in the Library when Fig and Fabian come to harass her. They tell her she’s taking this too seriously and she snaps and says they’re not taking it seriously enough. When she storms out, Fabian follows, pulling gently on her arm and trying to tuck her into an embrace. As his lips brush against the curve of her ear, Adaine pulls away and sneers at him. “I won’t be a standin for my sister again”
- (They don’t talk for awhile.)
- Adaine barges into Kristen and Trackers room later that day to ask K about something, interrupting something intimate, and just loses it. Kristen immediately runs after her and Tracker knows
- Adaine is a mess™️ but Fig and Kristen make sure to pull her out of her over-studying-self-harm sessions and the three of them hangout a lot more. One day they’re busy and shove her at Gorgug- who ends up being incredibly soothing to Adaine’s nerves so they start hanging out a lot. She comes over and studies at the Thistlespring tree. His parents love her
- Gorgug is in love with Fig. Still hung up a bit on Zelda, but he’s starting to see why they broke up (why are all his friends in love with each other and why is he the only one to see it). He doesn’t feel that way about Adaine. It’s different with her. He wraps an arm around her and pulls her into his side one night, when she starts sniffling after bringing up her family, and he knows he loves her, but he’ll never be in love with her. But that’s okay, because this is great too.
- With the girls busy and Gorgug blowing him off a lot of times at/after practice, Fabian starts hanging out with Riz more
- (Gorgug is rage. And he tries not to be, especially to his friends. So he avoids Fabian for a bit, until he can have a conversation with him without spitting at him that he is hurting Adaine constantly)
- (Fabian is hurt too. He thought him and Adaine were getting closer, he doesn’t understand what went wrong, why she’s so mad. So he starts bringing up Aelwyn again. It doesn’t make him feel better)
- Riz is,, not thrilled. (he doesn’t want to be a replacement) but he likes hanging out with Fabian. It takes time away from the mystery, but they go out and get shakes at Basrar’s and mini golf. And it’s so nice (too bad he doesn’t want you that way)
- A week before spring break Fabian jokes about getting his kisses in and Riz slams a book way too hard onto a desk
- Fabian dreams about his friends, in a circle, passing a bottle of elvish wine around a fire. In it, Adaine licks the wine from his lips before leaning to settle in against Gorgug, Kristen and Fig are wrapped together in a blanket, with Fig holding Gorgug’s hand, and Riz is leaning his head against his shoulder, and as Fabian leans down to kiss his forehead- he wakes up
Spring Break Happens. It changes everything and nothing at all (they spend way too much time being messy and misunderstanding each other, but it works out eventually)
I could keep going but I shouldn’t this is already so long lmao, canon-compliant except for Zelda and Gorgug but I could easily adjust that for a long term realization on Zelda’s part over Sophomore year / explains her jealousy yk, and then this doesn’t account for junior year much but it easily could be extended, esp bc they’re on the road so long for the night yorb… the drama continues
To recap:
Fabian is dating Riz and is also with Adaine
Adaine is queerplatonic with Gorgug, has her thing with Fabian, also has a hard-to-explain thing with Kristen
Kristen is with Tracker- who’s cool with the poly stuff (obvi they break up junior year tho so readjust that), Adaine, and Fig (esp with their connection junior year, it’s almost like soulmates who’re dating and primarily with other people)
Fig has Ayda, her and Gorgug do eventually figure it out, and Kristen (Ayda thinks it’s only fitting her paramour is with the greatest wizard of this age and someone who is the cool twilight to Fig’s burning day- if only she knew how right she was)
Gorgug’s with Fig and queerplatonic with Adaine, and knows he’ll find another partner comfortably in the future
Riz is dating Fabian, and that’s all for now and that’s okay (in another version of this him and Gorgug are together as well but that’s not what I envision. Though… hmm)
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manufacturedrainbows · 6 months
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My Fabian fanfic is going great so far
EDIT: Fanfic is up on ao3 now! ✨️
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