#fascinating anon
Today I had a dream about going to a Slipknot + Korn concert. I was front row and all (it was like a theater place so there were only seats?)
Corey called me up stage and he lifted me up and spun me around while I sang an opera chorus.
When Korn came up Jonathan Davis would write numbers on everybodys hand, mine said "666 13". I asked him what it meant. He said that I needed to solve the riddle myself.
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mobius-m-mobius · 5 months
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#so unserious 😂💖
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koshercosplay · 7 months
Neil gaiman is a Zionist :(
this is so funny because if you google "neil gaiman zionist" nearly all of the links are to unsourced tumblr posts or responses to a single tweet from 2015 that just acknowledges Israel's existence
I see gaiman has once again committed the heinous crime of Being Jewish When Israel Is In The News
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buckera · 4 months
Do you think about Chimney saving Tommy's life a lot? Because I do.
I think about Chimney and Tommy a lot actually.
Chim saved Tommy, because Chim is a damn good firefighter and an even better paramedic; he understood what was happening and knew that Tommy's life was in danger.
in not so many words, but Gerrard basically said that "if Tommy can't save himself, then he might as well die in there" on one hand because he didn't value Tommy more than a pawn that was only worth something because he was a straight white guy (or so he thought), and on the other hand because he didn't seem to care for anyone's expertise on the team in general and he sure as hell didn't even consider listening to someone like Chimney.
but Chimney isn't just great at his job and was great at his job already, but he is a born hero (which was so clearly demonstrated by his competence during the karaoke bar fire and in 7x06 where he was suffering from a life threatening encephalitis, yet he still jumped in to help and save lives) and he values life, no matter what.
Tommy was standing on the sidelines while Chimney listened to scathing remarks and was told to stay behind and do nothing, he was chummy with the other guys and in Chimney's eyes he belonged to their circles. but a life is a life and a team is a team, so in he went to save Tommy, despite Gerrard's ignorance.
but it doesn't just speak volumes of what kind of man Chimney is, it's also where Tommy's growth really started. because no one else went back for him, no one cared that he was passed out inside and even after being dragged out of that building, the others were making jokes at his expense — no one viewed his life as worthy of saving, not his teammates and not his chosen father figure of sorts; Gerrard treated him like he was weak for it, if anything.
so for Chimney to show that his life was worth saving, that the values he absorbed from the others at the then-118 were wrong was something brand new for Tommy — and sure he had a lot more of growing left to do after and he only started to be honest with himself and others about himself after he left the 118. but it all started with Chimney.
and probably this is why he jumps immediately to risk his job and his life, whenever Chimney asks; because the way he gets to live now and that he even gets to live is all thanks to Chimney.
Chimney was the first person to ever treat Tommy like he was worth something and that's not something you easily forget.
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canisalbus · 2 months
The Hawaiian language doesn't attach gender to pronouns, but it does have a complex set of relational pronouns, so you can use a particular pronoun to note for example "all of us (except for that guy)"
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once-in-a-blood-moon · 4 months
solomon couldn't stand your pact marks.
well, no, that wasn't the right way to put it. he was proud, even jealous of your pacts. they were one of the many admirable things about you! he just hated... looking at them. he knew what other people thought when they saw them.
when one would see those marks on your skin for the first time, they would be able to get a glimpse at your relationship with the brothers. one of trust and respect, gathered from just a glance. meanwhile, one would have to be told about his and your relationship. one look at you couldn't decipher all the time you two have shared together, filled with chatting between classes, practicing magic for hours, and endless love.
at first, solomon tried to mitigate this with his own marks upon your skin. wearing lipstick as he placed a kiss on your neck, a few stray bite marks from your time together at night. but those, while fun, were temporary. and solomon needed something permanent.
why not a ring?
(Hope you don't mind me adding on, anon. Thank you for the delicious meal! Literally so honored to read your beautiful work! 🥹)
Getting the ring was the easy part. Getting you away from the brothers long enough to propose...was not.
The lengths Solomon went through to be able to have a private moment with you might put him in a record book as the three realms' most whipped man. With the mask of his "shady" persona secured, he lets his silver tongue weave him through these seven obstacles, the sin of each dripping from it with only you on his mind.
Swallowing his pride, breathing in greed, spitting out envy...his wrath, lust, gluttony, and sloth. A vicious rinse, repeat until he's either buttered them up or grated them down until they finally gave in. But he did it. With the day cleared of any interruptions, his plans were set in motion.
He decides to have a redo of your very first date, flying you up and walking in the sky amongst the stars. It's just the two of you against the ever inky black sky of the Devildom, a place that has become synonymous with your presence. Only this time, there are no surprise gales, no surprise drones -- just the surprise of a velvet heart-shaped box in the inside pocket of his coat.
Solomon brings up fond memories of your time together as you both near the spot he's picked to pop the question. He's filled with a giddy glee that soon you'll have something that binds you to him, something to show the world you're his.
Still, there's a little voice in the back of his head reminding him that you could say no. That perhaps he's not worthy. Does he deserve to have matching rings adorned on his and your fingers forevermore? Does he dare stand by your side as your equal when you are, in fact, so far above him?
He decides it's best not to dwell on such thoughts as this is meant to be a happy occasion, as long as all goes well.
Your feet touch the ground once he lowers you both on top of a cliff that overlooks the Devildom, the moon hanging brightly above. As you take in the magnificent sight, he lowers himself on one knee behind you, waiting with bated breath for you to turn on your own volition.
The moment you do, he knows he'll have to keep this memory stored away with his magic, just staring in awe. The moon is angled just right that it shines right behind your head like a halo. Your eyes are as wide as saucers while your jaw is slacked. With the way you look, he truly wonders if he's in the Celestial Realm.
Nervously, Solomon begins his improvised speech after clearing his throat, "my dearest apprentice, it is with great honor that I'm knelt before you tonight. I have dreamt of this moment more than I'd care to admit, yet I never thought it'd come true. But here I am, willing to give you all of me, if you're willing to give me all of you. You are the sun to my moon, the air in my lungs, the very reason why I believe I've lived so long. I was always meant to find you and work side by side to protect the human realm together. And most importantly, to love you. So, please do this old sorcerer a favor...by marrying me..."
He pulls out the ring box, opening it to offer you the ring within. The blessed box is shaking as he trembles, waiting patiently for your answer.
Happy tears spring from his eyes once you say, "yes." The ring is carefully slipped onto your finger, and a single word comes to Solomon's mind.
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mcybree · 10 months
coughs. Everypony who wishes to hear about scott secret life episode 7 and is old enough to catch their own prey please gather under pride rock or whatever the fuck they say to call an emergency meeting these days. I need everyone to know why this episode is so unusual for him… I take back anything I have ever said about gem in my entire life that implied disinterest; Gem and her zombie apocalypse scared the SHIT out of Scott. NOBODY HAS EVER MANAGED TO DO THAT BEFORE.
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shepscapades · 26 days
Something I've been wondering- how do player deaths work in dbhc? Like is it a permadeath au, or does respawn work similarly to how it does in minecraft? Bit of both? I know there was the real threat of etho shutting down as a result of his injuries when he first deviated, but if respawn isn't a thing then that begs the question of how the life system works when they're on 3rd life etc
Sooo excited abt the xisuma comics btw they're AWESOME
HI good questions :D I actually rambled a bit about “damage’’ and “respawn” mechanics in This Ask Answer! (ALSO THANK YOU I’VE BEEN HAVING LOTS OF FUN WITH THEM!!)
I will add on though: i mention in that post that a “Shut Down” is most similar to a permanent death, where the android goes offline due to permanent damage, injury, or loses the ability to function some way otherwise. The android won’t be able to boot up or come back online unless it’s fixed or repaired, and because of the androids’ programmed psychological responses to pain, shutting down feels the most like dying. So, even though they can be fixed, it’s unpleasant and scary at the very least. However, I’d also like to note an exception to this concept: It comes up once or twice in the base game(dbh), but I believe that an android can actually be briefly re-activated post initial shutdown. By triggering a start-up sequence, re-connecting crucial power cords, or forcing the system to try to come online, the android will likely boot up for anywhere between a few seconds and one minute before shutting down again (due to previously mentioned injury or inability to stay functioning). This is hardly a productive state, however: the android will likely be panicked, desperate, and flooded with error messages that makes it difficult for them to function beyond basic comprehension, and the more times this state is triggered, the less likely it is that the android will be able to turn on at all unless fully repaired. It’s kind of like trying to boot up a laptop that’s out of battery— the lights will come on, blink a few times, the monitor may briefly light up, but then the system will realize it’s out of power and shut down again.
So while it’s possible to get information or answers out of a shut-down android, there are very few circumstances where it could be considered justifiable or productive to try booting them up only to put them through a few more seconds of suffering.
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Watching Miraculous, I feel that the show is written that no matter what Marinette decides to do, she would be in the wrong - she is in the wrong for not telling Chat about Chat Blanc (ignoring her own trauma in the matter), but if she told him, the show would make it the wrong choice...
The head writer has publicly stated that one of the show's guiding rules is that Marinette has to do something wrong in every episode, so I'd say that you don't just have a feeling. You've actually picked up on one of the show's not-so-subtle core tenets. It's also a core tenet that I strongly disagree with because - as I said in the linked post - when it comes to shows like Miraculous, the only characters who are always in the wrong are the villains.
If Miraculous was a different type show and Marinette's blunders were more comedic, low-stakes, sitcom-type stuff, then it could work. Two examples that come to mind are:
That's So Raven - this is an old Disney Channel show where the main character was a psychic who randomly got visions of the future. A lot of the episodes focused on her having a vision, interpreting that vision wrong, and then doing something foolish as a result. So Raven was usually in the wrong, but she was wrong in a way that rarely hurt others. If memory serves, she most just caused herself unnecessary stress.
Phineas and Ferb - another Disney Channel show about two imaginative and inventive young boys who have fun doing crazy things like building a roller coaster in their backyard. They do these things without parental permission so their older sister - Candace - is always trying to get them in trouble. In spite of this, the general viewer feeling towards Candace seems to be one of amusement, not hatred. This is probably because she never causes pain for anyone but herself, making it hard to look at her as a negative force. If Candace was written more like Marinette, then people would probably hate her, too.
While we're on the topic, it's worth pointing out that, while Candace isn't a villain, she is the antagonist. Her presence causes much needed tension. Since she's always out to ruin her brothers' fun, every episode has the low-key stakes of, "Will the boys get caught this time?" Without Candace, you lose those stakes and Phineas and Ferb becomes a lesser show because even sitcoms need stakes.
Semi-serious magical girl shows don't need characters like Candace to add stakes to the story. This is because semi-serious magical girl shows have built in stakes from the presence of villains and evil magic. It is the height of absurdity to make a rule like "Marinette is always wrong" in a show with an evil villain who is out to steal Marinette's magical earrings and use them to rewrite the universe.
The presence of the "Marinette is always wrong" rule shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the type of show they're writing. You only make rules like that in low-stakes shows like the ones I listed above. And even those shows understood that, if you have this rule, then you also make sure that the only person who usually suffers is the one making the mistakes. The writers of Miraculous really haven't done that because of course they haven't! This isn't a low-stakes teen drama. Marinette has too much for responsibility and the narrative stakes are far to high for her mistakes to come across as minor.
This is especially true because they keep picking mistakes that should lead to character growth and then not actually writing any character growth. Once again, that style of writing can work in sitcoms*, but Miraculous has way too many serious elements to be written like a pure sitcom. That doesn't change the fact that the writers are writing it like one, but it does explain why the writing leads to so much frustration for fans.
*I wanted to note that even sitcoms often make the audience hate the leads because it's hard to write anything where the leads keep making endless mistakes without making the leads look awful and sitcoms run off of every episode containing a mistake. This is why long running sitcoms tend to have a good number fans who hate at least one member of the core cast. Ted and Lily from How I Met Your Mother are great examples of this and it happens because the mistakes they make usually effect others. If the show had only been two seasons long like originally planned, then they would have been fine.
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arty-cakes · 11 months
posting quirrel fanart is always so rewarding. without fail, someone somewhere out there is going to mention the big ugly boots i keep giving him. someone is going to get so excited over his fucking kicks. his immaculate drip. it never goes unwarranted the shoes must have their limelight
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catebees · 26 days
Officially requesting Orsino. Love a mage GILF.
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I love how people just objectify this old man. You know he has a job and wards to look after. He's a scholar. He's an activist. AND he's a sexy grandpa.
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ethogirlsanonymous · 5 months
I had a not really dream but half-asleep-daydream sort of thing where I imagined Etho came out as gay by saying he was "one o' them faggots" and Cleo gave a round of applause
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perpetualexistence · 3 months
Alenoah Hypnosis Corruption AU, where after Alejandro hears Noah call him an 'eel dipped in grease', Alejandro makes a deal with Noah... If Noah lets Alejandro hypnotize him into not saying the truth about Alejandro to anyone again, then Noah won't get eliminated... However if Noah refuses to get hypnotized, then Alejandro will hypnotize Owen instead, after Noah's elimination... Noah hesitantly agrees to be placed in a trance by Alejandro... Alejandro tells the hypnotized Noah to be loyal to Alejandro! 🍥
So, funny story anon. I don't really have any more ideas I could add to this lovely idea you've presented...because you've accidentally (I hope) recreated the wheel.
You've also accidentally awoken the essayist that has realized she has the opportunity to share things she knows. So, with that in mind:
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(I don't mean for Lisa to be mad. I am genuinely excited to share these things with people who potentially don't know them. I just couldn't find a better meme.)
Feel free to read under the read more for fanfic recs followed by my own personal thoughts about the Alenoah hypnosis corruption and why I love it so. I'm basing my knowledge on what I've seen on Tumblr and on Ao3. If you feel like I've missed anything, please let me know!
First the elephant in the room: the horny fics.
Yes, the earliest examples of Alejandro using hypnosis on Noah were smut. No, I'm not about to link them for what I would hope to be obvious reasons.
To be clear, I've got no problem with people who do have hypnosis as a kink. Everyone's allowed to have or not have a kink so long as it doesn't hurt anybody. To each their own so long as consent's involved.
The problem only starts when you do things like bringing minors into the mix. For what, again, I hope are obvious reasons.
Hypnosis is something that can be used as a great plot device when used for non-horny reasons too, and that's the context we're looking at them here.
So now onto the more palatable dark, horrible things you can do with hypnosis! /aff
The one who started the most recent trend was Creative_Creatures with their fic To Reach New Heights. It's a NoCo fic they started in November 2023 and was discontinued in April 2024.
Alejandro tricks Noah into letting himself get hypnotized, and Noah starts getting more and more corrupted as he grapples with his sense of self and the version of himself Alejandro is imposing on him. Cody starts noticing something's up, and Alien Cody also gets involved in the plot.
There are some moments of OOCness that the author has admitted to. They've also stated that they no longer like the work, hence the fic being discontinued. However, I still think it's worth checking out at the very least as a fic to learn from. It still deserves the credit for being the first to try tackling the subject, even if the result didn't end up as expected.
After Creative-Creatures came Total-drama-brainrot, aka Ophe. For Ophe there's actually a linear timeline for how their fic, Snap, Crackle, and Pop, came to be.
The seed started on January 14th, where Ophe made a stray comment about how the fandom doesn't really address the fact that Alejandro hypnotized Owen, and received a response regarding the negative side effects of hypnotism that Owen could have hypothetically dealt with: https://www.tumblr.com/total-drama-brainrot/739512421490835456/i-was-thinking-more-along-the-lines-of-how-messing
About a month later, Ophe made a seemingly random ask regarding how one would write hypnosis. I may or may not have a footnote in this history as I made a comment regarding To Reach New Heights: https://www.tumblr.com/total-drama-brainrot/741634477880754176/how-the-fuck-am-i-supposed-to-write-hypnosis
A day later they unleashed Snap, Crackle, and Pop, a fic where Alejandro convinces Noah to make a bet regarding hypnosis, and takes advantage of Noah's forced compliance from then on. Though Noah is by no means helpless and finds his own ways to fight back.
The fic only has three chapters written so far with no clear idea of when the next chapter will release. Still, I highly recommend it for the writing and the exploration of the concept.
About a week later, Ayawilliams came into the picture. For those of you who don't know who Ayawilliams is, I'm going to assume you're new to the fandom. In which case, hi! Glad to have you here! They've been shipping Alenoah as far back as 2016 on Fanfiction.net from what I can tell. This was way before it started taking over as the main ship in 2021. They're still consistently writing fic every few days, and through all of this have made a name for themselves on AO3.
If you look through the comments for the first chapter of Snap, Crackle, and Pop you can see that AyaWilliams definitely did take note of the hypnosis fic, and of To Reach New Heights. Almost a week later they delved into their first foray into hypnosis fic: Passive. (Though the main inspiration for the fic is credited to a role-reversal genderswapped fic called Hexxed by lonelybrachiobrute (triceratroops)).
Passive's a role reversal one-shot where Noah is actually the one hypnotizing Alejandro to be better at the competition for just a small, tiny price.
AyaWilliams liked the idea so much they made a sequel fic set in the same universe during the London episode called Unrecognized Yearnings.
The hypnosis trend of fic came full circule on March 5, 2024 when AyaWilliams wrote A little persuasion. After London, Alejandro threatens Noah into letting Alejandro hypnotize him or else he'd do it to Owen.
Since that fic, there haven't been any new additions to the hypnosis trend for Alenoah.
Which I think is a shame, because I do rather like hypnosis as a plot device. It's a branch of mind control that needs one party to trust the other in order for it to work. It's an exploration of power dynamics, and how they can be exploited and taken advantage of.
And although none of these fics explore it, I also like considering the other side of hypnosis. With the idea that the trust is warranted, and the hypnotizer uses a power that could so easily destroy and corrupt to instead help the hypnotizee achieve a state of calm and peace they didn't know was possible. Or to help them work past their own inner demons by detaching in a safe way, with the ability to ground themselves to come to a better understanding of themselves.
Or as another, more specific, certainly not something I have in mind for one of my own AUs example: Having Alejandro who starts off with using hypnosis merely to get what he wants from people, only to transition as he grows as a person to use it to do something like bring a certain cynic out of a dissociative state induced by personal trauma. And possibly becoming open to the idea of allowing said cynic that same amount of power over him, creating a more balanced relationship founded on trust between the two.
But you didn't hear that example from me.
Hypnosis can be used in multiple ways, and how specific characters use it and react to it speaks so much about who they are as a person. Every way is neat, and I hope to see more of it!
Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk.
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frownyalfred · 3 months
"Darker, grittier, and more pessimistic, even before losing Robin." In what ways did this manifest? Was it towards people or just in general? I agree with this interpretation and also believe that Batfleck (compared to other interpretations) takes his company and employees very seriously— he's clearly not here to play lol... but at the same time, he's very much still a huge womanizer (and in this universe, alcoholic)
It's an interesting question. Two possible "hardening" events are proposed in BVS -- the Black Zero event where Bruce lost all of his Metropolis staff, and Robin's death by the Joker. Multiple bystanders in the movie suggest that Batman didn't use to act like this -- that he was more patient or fair than the version we see on screen.
But yes, I think he was already "harder" than other Batman/Bruce Wayne iterations before either of those events. He's bigger, he's more scarred, and he's more willing to use violence. He knows how to use violence.
Similarly, the Bruce Wayne we see isn't really the dumb, affable playboy -- yes he plays dumb at points, but not pleasantly. I've always thought it was because you really couldn't play it that way at 6'4 with Affleck's bulk. He's an asshole, he drinks too much, and when he plays dumb, it's with the sharpness of a rich, rich man trying to inflict himself on the world around him.
And yet. He cares about his Metropolis staff. He poured millions, possibly billions, into the recovery efforts in Metropolis. He ran in shirtsleeves and loafers toward the Wayne building to (somehow?) save his staff from certain death. He obviously cares, even after Robin's loss.
But before losing Robin, before Black Zero, I think this showed up in similar ways. Womanizing like you mentioned, alcoholism. Maybe a rougher tangle with the League than we've seen this far. Maybe it's a darker Gotham he's just molded himself to, over the years -- his quote to Alfred about good men in Gotham sticks out to me. Maybe he started out hopeful, only to see what happened to "good" men.
I think the fact that Thomas tried to fight off the mugger in the alley really set the tone for Bruce in the whole movie. The rage, the clenched fist, the huge bulk of his dad lurching forward to protect his family -- it still wasn't enough. It wasn't an accidental shot that killed him, and Martha's killing a few moments later was deliberate and awful. It was an execution.
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sukugo · 6 days
Do you think gojo makes those freaky ass feral expressions while getting dicked down?
like, pleasure looks such a specific way on satoru. we can see it in the tojigo fight, the hanami/jogo fight and the sukugo fight. they're the only moments where we truly get to see raw pleasure on him and it's that. eyes popping out and manic grin and laughter bubbling in his torso and body charged, and mannerisms especially crude.
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there's something so animalistic about it, his "human" mask slipping from him and showing him in all his monstrous glory, unfiltered and raw and like the freak of nature he truly is
and it's exactly the same thing when it comes to sex. it's all pleasure after all.
#f.ask#however likewise it's only ever when the sex is really good and he is truly engrossed in it and enjoying it fully. the sex HAS to be good.#which is....not something easy to give him. but if u are able to give it to him#then boy u're in for the weirdest (and best) fuck of your life#anon u touched on something about him that i love sooooo much#bc YES. that IS what pleasure looks like on him#and that's how i imagine it to be during sex too#jjk#gojo#gojo satoru#like i DO love satoru who's a subdued mess while getting fucked#but that's bc that's what I'M into#but this is what goes more in line with his character#and what i generally tend to imagine for him is a mixture of both#where there's moments where he's taken by it all and u'll find him toned down into muffled moans and low whimpers#that feel much too small on a being like him#but then. there's a few cracks. the bubbling pleasure gets too much for his body to hold. and it pours out of him with laughter#and a grin that's much too wide and eyes that threaten to swallow u whole.#it's pretty scary if u're not someone who can deal with that haha#but let's be honest. he's only having sex with people who can get that out of him and therefore also weirdos#(tho that's not to say they aren't at least a LITTLE offput by it)#it IS very much creepy after all#gwah! love him so much!!!!!!!!!!!!#the middle right. where he makes a throaty sound and turns to hanami is one of my fave fave moments.#but fuuuuuccck when he gets atop hanami like uuuughghghgfhdgfhgdshf#satoru's fighting style is so very fascinating to me#esp considering what his techniques actually are#and god. he's just so FUN to watch
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