#father din :D
eaudecrow · 4 months
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So Kilter has a new tsundere
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hinderr · 1 year
23 3 22 ask game either or?
(Ask Game!)
3. Screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
Ooh one thing that comes to mind specifically was right around pre-s3 finale era where people thought the Armourer was going to betray Din and the mandalorians because she....(checks notes)...has horns on her helmet. And on that note anything that's like 'she's evil!' also because of the horn issue. Like okay...what are you getting at...
22. Your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Very loose 'everyone' because im seeing more and more people talk about this now (!!!! HOORAY!!) but like Grogu as an actual Person with thoughts and wants and dreams instead of like, haha funny green magic baby yoda. Back when I first posted the father's son series there was almost NOTHING about grogu specifically or from his point of view. This is also a vague memory so take it as a grain of salt but if i recall some modern aus went so far as to make grogu like, din's pet. Wild to me
23. Ship you've unwillingly come around to
Mmmmmmnnn im fond of most ships and the one i'm more especially fond of have earned my honest respect and affection. I guess closest would be dinluke, and it's not really the ship itself it's more of how (most) dinlukers are atrocious about it lmao. But i'm watching ot now and im getting to know luke skywalker a lot more, and i DEFINITELY see the ship's appeal. I'm just feeling very cautious abt really delving in
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syn0vial · 3 months
saw a delightful post about how the dent in boba fett's helmet probably indicates that his armor isn't 100% beskar, and one of the conclusions the post draws it that din djarin's armor is almost certainly better/more expensive than boba's. i want to say that this is even more the case if we're comparing din to expanded universe boba, whose armor is 100% durasteel. no beskar in that bad boy at all. it's literally the shittiest mando armor money can buy and when boba becomes mand'alor, his mandalorian friends basically corner him and block the door until he lets them swap it out for actual beskar.
no concrete explanation is given for why EU!boba buries his father's armor plates (which presumably contained at least some actual beskar) instead of just using them himself, but my personal headcanon is a combination of:
he doesn't feel worthy of wearing his father's armor
shitty durasteel armor was all he could afford when he was a teenager, which appears to be when he started wearing his trademark durasteel plates
he just likes having armor that shows battle damage. medrit, his armor-smith friend, even teases him about this, saying he can paint scuffs and dents onto his new beskar armor if boba would like.
related to the above: every single dent and scar on his armor is like a little message to the outside world saying, "i lived, bitch," and fett's reluctant to give that up :`D
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fanfictasia · 2 years
Flufftober Day 21
Kiss for Good Luck 
Spoiler: This is an excerpt from Shadows of Tomorrow
Marr is more than a little surprised when his twin gets back, with Din in toe, who’s holding a tiny green creature in a satchel.
A green creature who looks suspiciously like a tiny Yoda.
“So, how’d the mission go?” he asks, raising an eyebrow. They’ve been gone for over a month already with whatever they were doing. He didn’t expect it to take this long.
“We’re marrying,” she replies cheerfully, “Meet our new son.”
He blinks. “You’re crazy.”
“Thanks for the congratulations,” Anastasia snips.
He shakes his head slowly, looking between them, then decides to risk the embarrassment. “Is she serious?” he asks, turning to Din.
The helmeted head turns, light reflecting off it as he looks at him. “Yes. We … are.”
He blinks, continuing to stare at them. Um. Okay. “I – don’t mean to disrespect your beliefs, but –” he looks back to his sister, “How are you planning to marry someone when you don’t know what they look like?”
“Who said I don’t know what he looks like?” she retorts with a devilish grin.
Marr wacks her arm. “I do not have any interest in knowing if you’re implying something.”
She snickers. “It may have started with a good luck kiss –”
“Shut up, you maniac.”
Din just… stands there. He’s strangely quiet, by nature perhaps. Or he finds them both crazy. Not like that would even be a hard conclusion to reach.
“After spending a month with her, I’m surprised you can still tolerate her,” Marr says flatly.
“I think Bo-Katan could say the same,” Anastasia shoots back.
“So, who’s this… baby?” he wonders, stepping closer to get a better look. “Where’d you find him?”
“It was the bounty that we adopted, because apparently it’s sentient,” she replies.
“He,” Din corrects.
A light, curious presence briefly brushes against Marr’s mind, and he stills, eyes widening. He’s – he’s Force-sensitive. Is that really
Grogu?! He remembers now, there’d been an Initiate of Yoda’s species at the Temple, who’d he’d met very briefly a couple times, but –
“Grogu?” Marr asks, and the tiny being perks up immediately, making an adorable squeak.
“Grogu?” Din repeats. It looks up at him, with wide eager eyes.
“That’s his name,” Marr replies.
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the girl next door 9
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
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You don’t go straight home. You don’t want to upset your mom. So, you wander the suburbs, walking around cul-de-sacs, some you’ve never been down, and circling around the avenues. You pass mothers and fathers with strollers and children running and yelling on green lawns. It’s as if you’re walking through a utopia, floating by like a cursed wraith. 
You glance down at the book in your hand. Maybe you should try some lighter reading. Your mind tends to go to dark places. 
When at last you let yourself go back to the house, you do so cautiously. You don’t see Steve or your mom. As you come to the front door, you wonder if you should knock. You quietly let yourself in, gently closing the door as you stand on the mat. You leave your shoes on the low rack and tiptoe down the hall. Your mom can’t be mad if she doesn’t know you’re there. 
“Hey, kiddo,” Steve’s voice as you tripping over your own feet. You turn to the archway as you pass and peer in. Your mother’s in her recliner, her eyes closed. Is she sleeping? You watch her warily. “How was your walk?” 
“Um,” you blink and shrug, “fine.” 
He stands by the window, his hand on the wall beside it. Did he see you come up? You hadn’t noticed him behind the curtain. 
“Breakfast for you in the oven. Won’t be very warm but if it’s no good, I can start a new batch,” he offers. 
“Don’t bother with all that,” your mother grumbles and shifts in her chair, groaning as she shakily rubs her cheek. Her eyes open only slightly. “She can warm ‘em up.” 
“Always better fresh,” Steve stands straight and faces you fully. 
You leave them with the single word. You feel like an intruder. You stop by your bedroom and hover in indecision. You just want to hide but you would hate to be rude. Steve went to all that trouble and you know, even as your mother says he’s already done too much, she’d be even more upset if you wasted his effort. 
You put your book on the foot of your bed and go down to the kitchen. You take out the pancakes, content enough to have them cold. There’s a bottle of real maple syrup. Steve must’ve supplied that; you can’t afford the pure stuff. You don’t use very much, mindful of the expense of the sugary nectar. 
You grab cutlery and bring the plate to the table. You sit alone. You can hear the hum of the ceiling fan from the front room and the dulcet song of birds floating in through the windows. Steve’s low tone rolls through the din but you can’t make out his words. You mother answers his with short mutters. She’s not having a very good day. You're surprised he stayed this long. 
The pancakes are good, even at room temperature. They’re fluffy and taste richer than the frozen ones you get a bargain on. Is that blueberry too? With each bite, your hunger clenches your stomach tighter, mulching down the food greedily. When you finish, your body growls and aches. 
You wash off your plate and put it in the tray. The lull of the house thickens as you pad down to your room. You slow as you near the door frame. Had you closed it? You can’t recall. 
You turn into the room and let out a noise of surprise. Steve looks over as he stands over the folding table, his hand on your sketchbook, a page half-turned. Your heart drops as you clasp your hands together. 
“Sorry, er, didn’t mean to...” he rescinds his hand and lets the page flutter down, “It was open and...” you don’t know whether he means the door or the book. “You’re really talented.” 
Your forehead crinkles and you charge towards him. You step around him and shut the book, swiping it up. He leans back on his heel. 
“I didn’t... I wasn’t trying to...” he sputters, “I just wanted to pass something by you.” 
You hug your sketchbook at you face him. You stare at this chest. You feel violated. Not just that he’s in your space but he touched your stuff. The one thing that’s really yours; your drawings. 
“Me and your mom were talking, you know, and she said it would be good for you to get out, maybe make some extra money,” he explains, “and I’ll be around so you won’t need to worry about her so much.” 
You frown. You and your mother have had this talk a billion times. Get off your ass and get a job. It’s not like you haven’t tried. 
“So, I got some work you can do. Like I said, I gotta get that pool open,” he continues, “and there’s little things around the house. You got a good hand so maybe some painting here and there.” 
You push your shoulders up. You don’t think you can say no, especially if he’s already said as much to your mom. You half-suspect this is her doing. 
“Complementary milkshakes?” He offers breezily. 
You’re quiet. You have no choice. You know as much. 
“You know,” he softens his tone, “if I’m gonna... hang around with your mom, we should get to know each other. It’s a good opportunity for us.” 
“Fine,” you answer. 
“Fine? So that’s a yes?” He asks. 
You close your eyes and flick them open, “yes.” 
“Great. Well, when can you start? How about tomorrow? Supposed to be another sunny day.” 
“Okay,” you agree, “tomorrow.” 
He doesn’t move. You want him to leave. The conversation is over. He got what he wants and your mom too. He’ll pay you dimes to clean the pool and your mom will reap the profit. 
“You know, I draw a little too,” he points to your sketchbook, “maybe if we have time tomorrow, I can show you.” 
“Maybe,” you mutter. 
“Ah, uh,” he chuckles bashfully and rubs his neck, “right, I'm in your way. Well, er, I’ll leave ya be.” He turns and struts to the door. He stops just inside the frame and looks back, “oh, how were the pancakes?” 
You take a breath and stay staring at the wall, “good.” 
“Great, did you have some of the syrup? It’s Canadian.” 
“Yeah,” you turn and tuck your sketchbook into your dresser draw. “Thanks.” 
“No problem, sweetie,” he taps the wall and the door closes with a click. 
You sit on your bed and hunch over to hold your head. It’s still heavy from the night before and now you’re even more tired than before. You don’t know if it’s from being out in the sun or all the walking you did, but your eyelids feel dry and seem to cling with each blink. You yawn and bring your legs up, curling your body up near the edge of the bed. 
You know you shouldn’t sleep in the middle of the day, but you just can’t help yourself. 
You wake up in the haze of the late afternoon. Your eyes hurt and your limbs are achy. You lay on your back as the curtains stir with the lazy breeze. You look over to find them open but you don’t remember pulling them apart. You barely remember anything past your awkward morning stroll. 
It takes you a while to push through the stiffness. You never sleep on your back; it leaves it racked and your ribcage hurts. As you stand, you notice the door. It’s slightly open. 
You get up and go to it, pull it inch by inch. The house is quiet but for a soft rumble, rhythmic and rocky. You putter down the hall and look into the front room. Your mom’s asleep in her chair. She’s almost peaceful as she snores in the recliner. 
The scene strikes you as odd, almost dreamlike. Your mom’s never been much of a napper. In fact, she always nagged you about the habit. You think of waking her but think better of it. She won’t be happy to be awoken, even if she might be irritated later to know she slept away the day. 
Steve is gone. You search each room to be sure then go to the kitchen. It’s clean and everything is put away, even the dishes you left in the tray. The large bottle of syrup is gone as well. 
You mutter and go back to your room. Another soft wind drifts in. You stumble over to your bed and fall back onto it. You yawn again. Gosh, you’re so tired. 
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wannab-urs · 2 months
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Pedro Pascal Character Fic Recs | Vol 39
AO3 | Kofi | Main Masterlist | The Spreadsheet Masterlist
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Howdy folks!
Welcome back to the Spreadsheet Digest! It's been.... a while. In order to make up for that, I have a nice long list of fics to rec. Also, surprise! I'm posting this on thursdays now.
All tags and summaries provided by the authors unless they didn't provide one, in which case I filled it in.
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Wildest Dreams a Dave York series by @janaispunk
You meet your father’s new friend for the first time, but he’s a lot different than you expected.
explicit smut (18+ only, mdni), dbf!Dave, unhealthy relationship dynamic (reader becomes very dependent on Dave), dom/sub dynamics, angst, feelings, daddy issues, secret/forbidden relationship, corruption kink, able-bodied reader, reader has hair, no use of y/n, divorced Dave, Dave doesn’t kill people in this
the hitman’s guide to getting the girl a Dave York seriesby @kiwisbell
It's just another job, until Dave York decides to kidnap an enemy’s wiseass daughter. It’s just another job, until he falls in love.
kidnapping, murder, violence, the world being horrible to women, reader having a very terrible sense of self-preservation, unprotected piv, oral sex (m and f receiving), dave york finding his second calling as a pussy-eating god, pining, possessive sex, jealousy, daddy issues, (stockholm syndrome?), dirty talk, actually filthy talk, hitmen and politicians, revenge, scary man with a soft spot for his woman, philosophical foreplay, tramp stamp worship (you'll see), a little sprinkle of breeding kink if you look hard enough, obsessive behaviour, anal fingering, anal sex, implied age gap, light dom/sub vibes, light bondage
Obscenery a Dave York/Tim Rockford series by @sin-djarin
Dave is worried about the day ahead and Tim offers him some advice.
M/M, Established D/s dynamics, edging, orgasm delay, these two come with their own warnings - in particular Tim's mouth and how much Dave really likes it.
Heaven is Hell a Dieter one shot by @inept-the-magnificent
Writing prompt: “I don’t get it,” says the demon, “This person’s lived a perfectly good and virtuous life. Why are you sending them to hell?” The angel nervously rubs the back of their head. “Honestly? We’re pretty sure they’d be happier in hell than heaven.”
demon!Dieter, Angel!marcus pike, mild angst, fluff, mention of drugs, alcohol, orgies, etc. The usual dieter rabble.
Scars and All a Din series by plaidamoosette (AO3)
Hidden away in the desert land of Jakku, you are slowly chipping away at the debt that you and your mother had accumulated following the death of your father to the horrible Denga Niima. But, after the recent passing of your mother, the debt has fallen on your shoulders. Using your skills as a mechanical engineer, you accumulate wealth for your slave master in the hopes that one day you will be free. Free to explore and live as your parents had always wished for you. But things change when you meet a certain bounty hunter when he comes to you to repair his ship. But, nothing is as it seems, and as the lies that were built around your life begin to crumble, you find yourself sucked into a journey of truth, betrayal, and... love.
Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Eventual Romance, Eventual Smut, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst, Drama, Deceased Parents, Indentured Servitude, Soft Din Djarin, Soft Dominant Din Djarin, POV Alternating, Din Djarin Removes the Helmet, Protective Din Djarin, Intimidation, Male Masturbation, Touch-Starved, Loss of Virginity, MC doesn't know how to take care of herself, Female Masturbation, Burried Trauma, Readers knows how to fight back, Mandalorians (Star Wars), Mandalorian Culture & Customs (Star Wars), Some Canon material, A whole lot of other made up stuff
Just Can't Say Goodbye a Din one shot by @saradika
a final night is spent in the arms of your bodyguard, before your arranged union the next morning.
sorta medieval vibes, references to antiquated societal expectations, mentions and references to virginity, arranged marriage, technically infidelity because of said arrangement, light angst, sneaking around, first time, fingering, PiV, creampie
Back to You a Din series by @kyberblade
You’ve been friends with Mando for years, and he drops by your hole in the wall bar from time to time to catch up. This time, however, he’s carrying an extra little green passenger with him. They are on the run, which is unsettling because Mando doesn’t run from things. Things run from him. A tracking fob, a dead body, and a confession later, all three of you set out to help the child find it’s kind. (Aka: a really typical Din x Force Sensitive reader plot, but instead of the going from stiff scary Mando to friendly Mando it’s gonna kinda go the opposite way. Not in a bad way but she’s gonna finally get to see what exactly he was running from all those times he came back to see her.)
Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Angst, Humor, Friends to Lovers, Introspection, Friendship, Friendship/Love, Romantic Friendship, Emotions, Grogu | Baby Yoda Being a Little Shit, Din Djarin Needs a Hug, Protective Din Djarin, Good Parent Din Djarin, Soft Din Djarin, Force-Sensitive Reader, Feelings, Feelings Realization, Spicy thoughts, but no smut
Familiar Strangers an Ezra one shot by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin
When your boyfriend's band opens for Familiar Strangers, you get the chance to meet the lead singer. A man whose work you've long admired. A connection sparks a flame that may change your life forever.
Rockstar!Ezra, Infidelity, reader's boyfriend is a huge asshole and deserves it though, Smut, Mildly Dubious Consent, everyone is consenting but they are impaired by alcohol
Brat a Frankie one shot by @freelancearsonist
You've been torturing Frankie, so he decides to return the favor.
short and filthy lil giflet, unprotected p in v sex, power dynamics kind of
Down the Hall a Frankie one shot by @frannyzooey
Your bedroom, just down the hall from his own, proves too tempting for Frankie to resist - even if he is your mother's boyfriend.
age gap, explicit smut, mom's boyfriend!frankie
All Through the Night a Jack one shot by @baronessvonglitter
after it's made clear that you're not welcome as a Junior Agent for the Statesman organization, Whiskey takes you under his protection for an unforgettable night
18+ Only! Mature and Explicit, mentor/mentee relationship, forbidden relationship, vandalism, nightmares, 'only one bed', first time, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected p in v sex, no use of y/n
Is Joel Okay? a Joel one shot by @djarinmuse
Based on this edit that @/iamasaddie shared, and the tag by @/wannab-urs, thanks Gin for the input "#Joel has a menty b and shaves his head". Reader is there for him. No idea who did the original edit but thanks.
Joel cuts his hair, the utter horror of that alone. No explicit smut but 18+ physical intimacy. Depressed Joel, soft Joel. Established relationship but no background given.
Unearth a Joel one shot by @ezrasbirdie
When your normally strict parents go out of town for two weeks and leave you on your own for the first time with little warning, you're left reeling and afraid of being on your own for so long. Luckily, Joel Miller, your father's best friend, very generously offers to let you stay with him. Your long time crush on him shouldn't be a problem at all.
smut, yearning, Joel is a little manipulative, loss of virginity, dad's best friend, nice big age gap (reader is 21, Joel is 40), liberal use of baby girl, religious trauma of the Christian variety (no denomination noted), reader wears a sundress, shaming of sexuality, bad relationship with reader's parents, insecurity, flirting, trouble orgasming, pussy pronouns (she/her), humping/grinding, masturbation, unprotected PIV, oral sex, references to early 00s media, soft Joel
What it is to grow a Joel one shot by @burntheedges
Joel knows he can't keep running from it – from Her – forever.
angst, hurt/comfort, hope, mentions of the canon depths of Joel’s depression (pills, alcohol, darkness, etc.), canon character death (Sarah), AU with Greek lore/gods & goddesses in the TLOU universe, character study
Birthday Boy a Joel one shot by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin
Even with a house full of party guests, Joel can't resist when he finds a moment alone with you in the bathroom.
Masturbation, Frottage, light d/s, orgasm denial. Just general Joel Miller filth. There's like a smidge of plot right at the end.
Duality of a Man a Joel series by @wildemaven
A woman shows up at your door looking for your boyfriend
Mentions of food, Mentions of killing, death, birth, birth trauma
Consider it a Favor a Joel one shot by @chaotic-mystery
Your AC breaks in your car and the one person around to help is your neighbor, Mr.Miller.
Age gap (Not specified but I put Sarah in college) DILF Joel mowing his lawn, reader is able-bodied and is wearing a swim suit/coverup, reader has hair Joel can pull, kissing, swearing, (1) blowjob, size kink go brrr, pet names (good girl, sweetheart, baby) facedown ass up, babey, a little manhandling, unprotected penetration (don't look at me okay, the whore in me jumped out), dirty talk, Joel hyping up his ego, pussy ownership, creampie, a little glimpse of aftercare and what really happened to your AC.
Absolution a Joel series by @pedgito
Moving in with your soon-to-be stepfather under the roof of his brother, Joel, ends up being a turning point of change in your life.
DDDNE - stepcest, religious trauma, parental trauma. addition warnings: no outbreak, step-uncle!joel (reader's mom is engaged to marry tommy) age gap (20/late 40s), inappropriate relationships/behavior, slight dubcon (voyeurism), eventual smut (will tag with specific on each chapter), skewed morals, joel using alcohol to cope with life and loss, reader is in the depths of deconstruction.
Imperfect for you a Joel one shot by @joelscruff
you never thought joel miller would accidentally call you baby.
age gap (joel is mid 40s, reader is 23), fluff, very brief instance of blood, tending to a wound, joel is eepy, soft kisses, cuddles
rotten a Joel one shot by @alltheirdamn
Sharing land with Joel Miller has always been infuriating, but when your bad attitude finally gets his attention...things get messy
No-Outbreak AU, banter and arguing, explicit language, brat taming, semi dark!joel, dubcon elements, degrading, choking, rough spanking, hair pulling, face slapping, throat fucking, touch of dacryphilia, rope/bondage, rough unprotected piv sex, hint of a subspace moment, orgasm denial, squirting, creampie, no aftercare because joel is an old, grumpy asshole
Lost Cause a Joel one shot by @Joelalorian
Joel thinks you shouldn’t waste your time on him. You disagree.
Explicit MDNI; Jackson-era Joel; canon-ish but also not; drinking; mentions of cigarettes, drugs, dark thoughts, and death; unprotected p in v; oral (m and f receiving); interesting use of red wine; unspecified age gap; despair and hope
rosemary by the garden gate Joel/Tim Rockford/Dio series by @marisferasiop
(set in an approximate late nineties/early aughts timeline) Shane, turned out by his family after being outed, is sleeping rough when he is abducted by a sex trafficking ring. Joel is Tess' lead enforcer in her gang. His twin brother, Tim, is a highly decorated detective in Major Crimes for the NYPD. Together, they help Tess and her investments navigate both sides of the law. When Shane is given to Joel one evening at a truce meeting between Tess' gang and their rivals, a human trafficking syndicate, he calls Tim to initiate a bust on the opposition. His one request: he wants the kid. Problem is, once Tim meets him, so does he. Most importantly: what does Shane want once his freedom is granted? Or does he even want his freedom, if these two are holding the reigns?
dead dove!! Human trafficking, unhoused gay minors/unhoused gay youth, abuse (physical, sexual, mental/emotional), sex trafficking, sex work, homelessness, food insecurity, stealing to survive, abduction, sex slave trade, gagging/choking (later consensual breathplay), rough oral, "painal" kink, non-con drugging, enemas, forced sex work, bondage for sex and for binding/imprisonment, non-con sex/rape, mafia-esque work and associated unpleasantness (gore and violence), mean but soft Joel, face slapping, spanking as foreplay, caning as punishment, orgasm delay/control, spitting in mouth, body modifications, marking, cum play, all the soft life-affirming gay sex after rescue (Joel and Tim are twins and don't fuck e/o but they do fuck Shane together at one point) a mention of the Meat Rack, the gay sex worker alley where serial killer Des Nilsen abducted his victims.
Win a Date With Javi G + Part 2 a Javi G/Jack Daniels/Reader series by @absurdthirst and @wardenparker
You and your best friend are huge fans of Spanish pop star Javi G, and she managed to convince you to enter a contest to win a date with the singer himself. No one is more surprised than you when you actually win. / Going home with Javi and Jack after the Grammys might be the most important decision you've ever made...
Cursing. Food/alcohol. Pure fluff and flirting. A little dirty talk/dirty flirting toward the end./ Dom/sub dynamic. MMF threesome. *This story features an established MM relationship!* Sex toys, collaring, dirty talk, enthusiastic use of 'Daddy', oral sex (f and m receiving), hand job, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, dom!Jack, sub!Javi, cumplay, rimming, light choking, spanking, double penetration, double vaginal penetration, after care, exploration of power dynamics.
Waffles and Cigarettes a Javi P one shot by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin
After you are attacked during a night out, your ex boyfriend comes to your rescue
Attempted sexual assault (not Javi), violence, descriptions of blood and injuries, fingering, spit as lube, unprotected PIV, kinda rough sex, creampie, angst. absolutely feral, protective ex boyfriend Javi
Midnight Rainstorms a Javi P one shot by @thundermartini
Javier is coming home late, escaping from a storm. You’re trying hard not to drown in the incessant rain.
no y/n, female reader, reader is not physically described (except she has long hair), javier and reader are married, mentions of anxiety, mentions of trauma, mentions of guilt, mentions of narcos plot but it’s a blur, nightmare so it may be triggering, grief, no beta.
Crawl a Max Phillips one shot by @proxima-writes
Gym owner Max Phillips offers to let you use the sauna. In return, he uses your mouth.
explicit sexual content (18+ MDNI), no use of y/n, able bodied reader, dirty talk, crawling, oral (m receiving), no aftercare, semi-public sex.
Dancing Phantoms on the Terrace an Oberyn one shot by @janaispunk
You show up to Oberyn's party
(somewhat) modern!Oberyn, able bodied reader, reader has hair that wind is "whipping through", no use of y/n, alcohol consumption, once again it's all aboard the angst train i'm sorry babes
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Happy Reading!
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actuallytalldumbass · 1 month
The brainrot is going hard so let me introduce you to my Alex Rider and The Mandalorian crossover idea :DDDDD
Yassen would be Din(mando) and Alex would be Grogu (Yassen and Alex focused fic)(duh)
SCORPIA could be the guild. (Yassen goong against them to protect Alex because of his father(HOLY SHIT MAYBE JOHN BEING A MANDALORIAN TOO?)(Yassen being saved by John and joining the Mandalorians)(And Alex being taught the way of mandalore while also training with his jedi powers, SO DOPE)(AND I COULD FIT IN SO MUCH OF THE MANDALORIAN CULTURE)( them (y and a) running from Scorpia)(road trip across the galaxy yay :D)
Blunt/MI6 being Moff Gideon/The Empire (them wanting to use alex for his force and because of his father)(Yassen breaking out Alex after delivering him to them cause he realizes he wont just let himself do that)(not to Hunter's child)
That moment where Din's name is revealed could be Yassen's name revealed to be 'Yasha'
Alex would have so much fun with the force. He'd be a MENACE and Yassen would need the patience of a SAINT(John and Ian having the force too??)
Jack being Peli? OHH OR MAYBE CARA DUNE??? or smth?? IDK
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thewriterowl · 1 year
Luke Skywalker is Mand’alor
Now that season 3 is done and I was able to stew over it, I find myself liking it more than the initial watch (not in love but I know it is that final scene that has made it loads better/worth it)...but I LOVE the idea more on Luke is the rightful ruler of Mandalore due to the ridiculous line of defeat of the Darksaber
Can you imagine?? We’ve had so much fun watching Din “my god let me just be a side character in my own show” Djarin do his thing...but Luke?? The guy who keeps getting pushed as the center of the galaxy? The poor guy. He already has to deal with being a “shared” Chosen One with his formerly very evil father, seen as a galactic hero who “single handedly” (he keeps saying this is not the case) took out the Empire, reviving a culture that was genocide-d basically on his own (his aunt seems to not be very involved in his life???), going on near-death missions still after doing his Chosen One duties...and now is a king by some weird technicality??
Do you know how DONE he would be???
Because he defeated his father, who defeated Kenobi, who defeated Maul? Or because he defeated his father who defeated the Emperor who defeated Maul? OR  because he defeated his father who defeated Ahsoka who defeated Maul? 
Luke would try to say, “The Emperor defeated me!” or “I didn’t win against my father, technically!” or “Weren’t at least one of those previous matches a draw or something???” or “Surely with all the hands it’s been passed around to the line was officially broken?????”. And like all of them have a counter-argument that still leads back RIGHT TO HIM because, even IF Anakin defeated the Emperor who defeated Luke, he still ADMITS that Luke defeated him by saving him from the Darkside with like his dying breath!! Or, even better because it is the words from Din in the season, he defeated the enemy who defeated/captured/cornered Din & Bo-Katan on the cruiser--cause, within the scene, it is heavily implied they were all about to die (aka be defeated) if he hadn’t shown up!
There is like literally no escape from it!
He literally just wants to be a teacher, like a pre-school teacher at this point and do fun flips over rocks while doing things to make people happy and not kill any more.
And he is made to be a king of a “cursed” planet of a former enemy.
Because of COURSE a Skywalker would have that luck.
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corazondebeskar-reads · 9 months
well it's love, make it hurt: The Life Day Special
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well it's love, make it hurt series
bonus: The Life Day Special
series masterlist
(This takes place several years after the series epilogue.)
dom!Din Djarin x sub!f!reader
Words: 5.1k
Summary: You, Din, and Grogu return to Batuu for your first Life Day celebration as a clan.
Warnings: bdsm, d/s dynamics, enthusiastic consent, preestablished safeword etc, dom!din djarin x sub!reader, soft din djarin, din djarin is a good dad, vaginal sex, author plays god with the timelines (sorry), canon adjacent?, canon divergence?, no use of y/n, tooth-rotting fluff, Life Day Fluff
also on ao3
dividers by @saradika-graphics
12 ABY - Autumn
You kept your apartment.
It wasn’t home, not anymore, but something in the back of your mind wouldn’t relax its jaws and release the safety. So you kept it.
Which is how you end up winning the argument and taking Grogu to Batuu for his first Life Day celebration (since meeting Din, at least).
“You never cared about Life Day before,” Din complained half-heartedly. He’s getting a little too good at faking his expressions now; you miss the early days when his exposed face was an open book. But the sulking doesn’t reach his eyes, so you roll yours exaggeratedly.
“They love Life Day at the Outpost. It was hard not to get involved.”
"Involved" meant too many themed drinks at the Cantina and then feeling bad for yourself in your quiet apartment, but Din didn’t need to know that.
All he needed to know was how your heart had ached, watching the families under the soft glow of the celebratory blue orbs. How you sat alone at the bar as whoever got stuck behind it for the night told you of sharing joy and harmony with their families during the day.
It was enough to convince him. He couldn’t begrudge you Life Day with a family.
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So here you were, dusting off the counters in your old flat, Grogu bouncing on the couch with absolutely terrifying stunts.
You know now of his abilities, but that doesn’t mean your heart doesn’t skip a beat when he flips through the air. Amid his squeals of joy and your thorough cleaning, you hadn’t noticed Din leave the room.
You find him in the bedroom, sitting on the edge of the mattress he had just made up with clean bedding. The blinds in your apartment are all drawn, and none of you don your armor inside.
Your first thought is how small he looks. You’re used to seeing him in just his underclothes now, so the sight of him in the fitted black flightsuit shouldn’t be jarring. Maybe it’s the way his lips are pursed, or brows scrunched together. Maybe it’s the way he’s clutching the baby’s vibrant red robe in both hands.
“You don’t have to wear one.” You try for a light tease, but it just sounds a little anxious.
He looks up, alarmed at your tone. But it’s not him you’re afraid of. It’s whatever’s got him looking so sad. He can read it, though. You’ve always been an open book to him.
He sighs, eyes closing for a moment, and you feel something catch inside your throat.
“C’mere,” he says, patting the bed. You take your place beside him, slipping an arm around his warm body. He leans against you, head resting on your shoulder, and you press your lips to his hair.
“What’s wrong, cyare?” you whisper.
“Nothing’s wrong,” he says, but you’re not convinced. “I just… I don’t remember them a lot. My parents. I should, I think, but there isn’t much there. My father covered in flour in the kitchen. My mother laughing at him. Just… glimpses.”
You don’t dare say a thing, but you do run your hand up and down his arm, humming acknowledgment when he pauses.
“I’m not upset. Don’t go feeling bad,” he says, and you look at him to parse the warning. “My last memories of them were in robes like these.”
“Oh, Din—”
“I told you not to feel bad. It can’t really hurt me anymore. I just haven’t thought about it like this in a long time.” He takes another deep sigh, tugging you with him to lie back on the bed. He rolls to his side and pulls you close.
“I don’t think they were for Life Day, just that they were red. I had one, too. Their hair was dark, like mine. But I can’t remember anything else.”
You let the silence sit for a moment. You watch each other’s eyes, deep and shadowed. You get it. You stopped being able to see your ghosts long ago.
“They’d be proud of you,” you whisper.
“Yeah,” he scoffs. “A mercenary for a son.”
You shake your head as best you can with the bed against your cheek and reach up to push errant curls behind his ear. Your hand slides to cradle his face. “No. An honorable man. A strong warrior. A loving father.”
Something is churning in his eyes, something he can’t let in right now, not today. He blinks it away and kisses you, winding his hands into your hair and shirt, drawing you as close as he can until the grief is replaced by need.
You’re not sure how he ends up on top of you, but his lips never leave yours, and he licks inside like he can swallow you whole. You’d let him, of course. You give him what he needs: a soft, pliant outlet for his pain.
You do stop him, though, when he goes to tug off your flightsuit.
“Put that on the docket for later, riduur. We’ve got a tree to see.”
He whines but stops trying to peel you bare. He does not, however, let you get up, the hard line of his cock pressing against where you’re burning for him. One hand dips into the mattress while the other comes up to hold the back of your neck and draw you into a deep kiss.
He grinds against you as he licks into your mouth, making you cry out into his.
“Din,” you whine, weakly pushing at his shoulder. Your heart’s not in it, but you feel obligated to try.
He smirks into the kiss, and the cockiness of it just about does you in. Which is, of course, when he pulls completely back. He goes from having you pinned and nearly coming in your pants to standing at the side of the bed with his head cocked.
“What’re you doing lounging around, cyare? I thought we needed to leave?”
“I’m gonna kill you,” you groan. “C’mon, please?”
“We wouldn’t want to be late,��� he chides, already halfway through the door to the living room.
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The town is dark, amber lights dimmed or extinguished in preparation for the ceremony. The warm breeze carries the low chatter in and out of the streets as people mingle and relax.
The tree is set up in the open rotunda of docking bay seven, the usual tables shoved against the walls. The restaurant is open, and people are drifting in and out of the cantina.
It’s weird to be back. You feel like a holo, flickering in and out. You see faces you recognize, but of course, they don’t recognize you. Not behind the steel.
In the end, you’re glad. Not having to feel obligated to make small talk about everything that’s changed over the years is a relief.
Until you see Moshi holding a little red bundle that looks suspiciously like an infant.
You let go of Din’s hand and go over. “Who trusted you with a baby?”
Moshi startles, and you remember the helmet. But he pauses and squints. “Is that you, kid? What’s with the bucket?”
“I asked you first.”
But he doesn’t need to answer. The hood of the baby’s Life Day robes falls back, and their little antennae pop free.
“Is that—”
“Yeah. We got married.”
You bite your tongue. You want to ask, but you don’t want to be rude.
“Yes, all three of us,” Moshi takes pity on your politeness.
“That’s wonderful. Congratulations,” you say. Then you laugh.
Moshi looks taken aback.
“No, I’m sorry. I just realized we both got married and have little green babies,” you say and wave Din over.
You visit for a few minutes after everyone has been introduced before breaking off to wander toward the tree.
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Din has Grogu in the birikad facing outward, but he still wraps an arm underneath and another around him. He’s bouncing him a little; you suspect it’s unintentional. His head is ducked down so he can murmur, letting Grogu hear him without the modulator picking it up.
The three of you had read a holobook together in bed last night about the meaning of the holiday, and you’d bet all the credits in your pouch that Din’s pointing out the things you saw in the illustrations.
It makes your chest feel weirdly tight, and you hang back a few steps so you can soak in the sight.
So this is what you’ve been missing out on. All those years spent yearning without really understanding. Joy, family, harmony. Your throat tightens as you watch your little clan.
The thing is, you know Din wants more kids. He’s never said it. But you know.
You’re just not ready.
And with the stupid hilt that hangs on your riduur’s belt, you’re not sure it’s a good idea. It scares you a little.
Okay, it scares you a lot.
But you’ve agreed not to discuss it until after this little vacation, so you avoid looking at it and thinking about what comes next.
You find your way to them before the lighting ceremony. One of the prominent Wookie community members gives a little speech, each sentence followed by their translator in Basic. The local schoolchildren put on a little performance.
It’s all cute and quaint, and you wonder, not for the first time, if that’s the life Grogu deserves.
You never wonder for long. He’s a Mandalorian; he’s not suited for this calm and quiet. This is not the life for your family, and that’s okay.
Din slides his arm around your waist, and you reach up to hold one of Grogu’s hands, the other of which is wrapped around his father’s glove. You look at your riduur and know he’s smiling back at you behind the visor.
Neither of you watch the lighting, too busy watching it reflect in Grogu’s wide eyes, the way he gasps when the orbs begin to glow. He reaches for them, and both of you whisper, “Grogu, no!” before he tries to summon one.
He blinks, eyes rapidly tearing up, so you take the chance to offer him a sweetbread.
“You spoil him,” Din teases like he hadn’t done the same thing earlier.
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Late that night, when you’ve wandered the market and taken in the crafts and wares, you pick up boxes of kaadu sliders and warm, buttery five-blossom bread before you head back to the apartment.
The baby, who’d been snacking all night, is asleep against Din’s chest, head flopped back against the beskar, and little limbs dangling from the holes in the carrier. Clutched in one hand is a little toy orb in a jute net.
(“You spoil him,” you had mocked in a poor imitation of his voice when he handed over far too many credits to the vendor.)
You carefully help undo the fastenings so Din can ease him into the pram. When he’s settled, and the lid closed, Din lifts his helmet off and places it on the counter next to the food.
He looks ravenous.
You are, too, but when you’re reaching for the takeout and he’s reaching for your beskar’gam, you realize you’re hungry for different things.
It only takes a second for you to get on board with him, though. You each unlatch the others’ armor with reverence, setting it on the long island that separates your kitchen and living room. He has far more pieces than you, but it gives you the chance to drop to your knees to remove his thigh and shin plates.
You hand each piece to him, your mind already filling with a quiet hum. When you look up at him, his fond gaze is almost worshipful, and you start to look away, the intensity curling in your stomach.
He catches your chin, holding it firmly. You squirm under his silent focus but don’t pull away. Finally, he grants mercy with a small smile and a stroke of his hand against your cheek before he helps you up.
His hands never leave you, sliding to your neck to pull you in for a kiss before grazing down, brushing the side of your breasts, tickling over your ribs, and landing on your hips. You press your foreheads together—something he loves even helmetless.
“Thank you,” he murmurs, “for tonight. I’m glad we came.”
“Me too,” you whisper before you’re unable to resist and catch his lips for a decidedly unchaste kiss.
He walks you backward to the bedroom, closing the door behind him without breaking the kiss. He peels you out of your flightsuit, stripping you until the only thing left is the thin chain around your neck.
He leaves the overhead lights off but indulges in one of the sconces near the door—ever since you were married, he hates to fuck in the dark, hates to have any part of you hidden from him.
You don’t mind. It means you get to see every time his eyebrows rise and fall or his lips twitch from pleasure and mirth. The way his face crinkles with laugh lines and age.
And his eyes. You don’t think you’ll ever get enough. He can hide nothing behind them, laying himself bare for you to greedily drink in.
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You correctly assume he’s up to something when, instead of groping you, he digs through his bag.
Except—”Hey, that’s my pack. What’re you looking for?”
He doesn’t respond, but you can see enough of his profile to watch the smirk sprawl out. It’s positively devious, and you shudder a little.
When he walks back to you, he hands you… your pajamas. You look up at him with a furrowed brow, clutching the soft shorts and tank top in your lap.
“I thought—”
He holds a finger to your lips. “Get dressed.”
You obey. You don’t fail to notice he hasn’t given you undergarments.
When you finish tugging the tank top down over your stomach, he wraps an arm around your waist, drawing you close.
“I was thinking about the first time we met here,” he says. There’s a preternatural glint in his eyes. Or maybe it’s just the glare of the sconce, but it feels unnerving.
“What about it?” Your voice wavers a little. You just know he’s up to no good.
“Oh, I don’t know. Just that, if there hadn’t been the extenuating circumstances—”
(a funny way to think of the time you thought he was dead and also tried to kill him, but okay)
”—it might have been fun. You know, catching you like that.”
Your brain catches up. “You want to hunt me.”
His responding chuckle is dark and rough. He’s already looking at you like prey. “I do. I want you to run from me, sweetheart, and then when I catch you, well. I suppose you’ll find out.”
Your heart has kicked up twice as fast, and your cunt aches. “What if I want to be caught?”
“I know you do. But you’re going to be a good girl and play this little game for me. You’re going to try very hard to evade me, so it’ll be all the sweeter when I get you.”
Shit. Kriffing stars. You’re burning so hot you think you may combust. “You can’t just say things like that,” you whisper, voice cracking.
He laughs, full out this time but not any less intimidating. “Like what? That there’s nowhere you can hide from me, pretty girl? That once I catch you, I’m going to help myself to a reward?”
You’re dripping; you know you are. You have to be, with the way all your bones have turned molten and your whole body throbs with need.
It’s not lost on him. “Better get your wits about you, ner lened’ika. Whether you get to cum or not depends on how hard you try to get away.”
It takes you a moment. You’re more or less fluent, now, but sometimes your brain gets tripped up by modifiers.
“Lene… lened’i—hey. That’s not playing fair.” You’re burning, the flush spreading from your ears to your chest rapidly.
“Am I wrong? You’re not my little target? My quarry?”
You bury your face in your hands. “You gotta lay off if you want me to be able to do this.”
He laughs. “You on the edge already, cyare?”
“You know I am.”
“Alright, fine. I was going to give you a ten-minute headstart. You can have fifteen.”
You open your mouth to complain, but he quirks an eyebrow. “Thank you, sir,” you grumble.
“Better get your shoes on, sweetheart. Timer’s about to start,” he goes to stroll back into the living room to collect his helmet.
He stops and turns back to you, brows knitted with worry.
“I want some rules.”
The concern falls away, chased by the return of his smirk. “Okay, I can give you some rules.”
“No. I want to make some rules.”
“I’ll hear them,” he grants.
You’re a tempestuous sea of excitement and frustration. He’s not wrong, this sounds fun, but his cockiness is driving you to a boil. The innate obedience only he can draw from you is still in control, but stars do you want to just act up and get fucked.
“If I don’t get armor, neither do you. Just helmets,” you start with the most reasonable of your demands.
He nods.
“No jetpack.”
He has to pause and consider that one. “Fine.”
“You can’t bring any tools. No climbing hooks, no grappling line, nothing.”
“Fine—except these.” He holds up his set of binders, and the sight goes straight to your cunt.
You gulp instead of responding, wide eyes trained on the cuffs.
“Is that a problem?” he asks, with the smuggest grin.
You just shake your head. He already knows how little of a problem it is. Instead, you give your final demand.
“I get thirty minutes.”
“Try that again, and you’ll get five.”
Fuck. There’s no way you’re making much longer than your fifteen. You’re already sweating and trembling a little.
“Don’t make it easy on me,” he warns. “Or I’ll make it easy on you.”
That shouldn’t be an effective threat. But here you are, whimpering at the idea of him not roughing you up a little.
“I know,” he says, oozing fake sympathy at your whines, “you’re always easy for me, huh?”
You narrow your eyes, reaching for your helmet. Right before you put it on, you give him a sweet smile and say, “I’ll see you back here in the morning.”
You slide it over your head in time to enjoy the way his eyes darken, and his mouth draws thin. Before he can retort, which you can see brewing in the way the tip of his tongue ducks out to wet his lips, you throw open the door and run.
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Your first thought is to stay in town. There are many hiding places, and it’s your home turf; you’d have a clear advantage. But you don’t want him to have to wait, to drag you back to privacy.
No. You’re hoping he fucks you on the ground wherever he finds you.
Instead, you’ll need to lose him before you climb the spires. You know the best area to cross them, but that’ll mean nothing if he follows you right there.
It doesn’t take much time to get out of town and past the old ruins to the river. You let your boots stick in the mud just a second too long when you enter the stream, leaving silt and whatever isn’t washed away on the rocky bank on the other side.
You take the trail to the edge of the towering trunks where your prints would fade and then use the infrared in your visor to backtrack carefully. There are a couple of sloppy spots, but you’re hoping his dick will be too hard for him to catch them.
When you get back in the river, you pull your boots off and carry them, wading through until it takes you around a bend and near the waterfall.
This is where you hesitate and lose time. The waterfall would be a good cover, but you’ll have to get fully wet to hide behind it. Also, the cavern there is rough and not really where you’d like to be stuck if he finds you.
But if you climb up, you won’t be able to use the river to hide anymore. Going against the strong current wasn’t much of an obstacle to this point, but a misstep up there would have more severe consequences.
In the end, you tuck your boots away behind a rocky outcropping at the base of the falls and sneak off barefoot along the hillside toward the ancient petrified forest. Maybe if you hurry, the wet footprints will dry.
When you reach the top of a spire and settle on the other side, you chance a look around, hoping his shiny head will give him away.
But you don’t see anything. Not with any of the scopes in your visor, either. There’s no way it was that easy. No way he hasn’t caught up.
Unless he’s already found you, and he’s hidden, making you sweat. Fuck.
That’s when you realize your foot stings, and you look down to find a cut on your heel. You must have scraped against the bark. It’s not a serious wound, but it poses a bigger problem as you peer down and verify that, yep, there’s blood on the side of the spire.
You wipe the blood off your foot and onto your shorts before putting pressure on the cut for a minute, trying to decide the best path forward. Once it’s not actively seeping, you descend the spire, keeping the hurt side of your foot as far away from the surface as possible.
You know it’ll start bleeding again when you start running, but maybe you can put distance between the initial drops and yourself.
You’re running out of options. It’s tough to admit to yourself, but you knew the risk when you abandoned your boots.
It’s harder than you thought to climb a tree with three limbs, but you don’t want to risk rubbing blood against the bark. Once you’re high enough into the branches, you cross over into another tree, and another, and another until you’ve put some distance between yourself and the spires.
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You startle when the comm inside your helmet crackles.
“Are you hurt?” he demands without greeting.
Shit. “I’m fine. Why?”
“Don’t lie to me, cyare. I saw blood.”
Does it count if you don’t lie again? Was it even technically a lie? “Lots of creatures out here, Din. Carnivorous ones, even.”
He huffs but doesn’t push. “Ready to give up yet, sweetheart? You sound out of breath.”
“Aw, can’t find me?” you tease. “Thought I was always easy?”
He growls, and you’re sure it was something threatening and hot, but you’re distracted by the fact that you could hear it. Without the helmet.
Which means you’re trapped. He doesn’t know where you are, but he’s close.
Your visor shows blood droplets on the ground and, sort of hilariously, along the bottom of a spray of leaves from when you had swung from one branch to another. Hopefully, it’s random enough to throw him off.
You’re holding every muscle still, letting the only rustle through the trees remain the light breeze. It’s not long before you hear the crunch of his boots.
He knows you’re close. For a man that can move silent as a snake to be making that much noise—well, he’s taunting you for certain.
He may know you’re close, but he’s not found you yet. You breathe with the breeze and hold quiet when it's still. It’s one of those awful moments where you watch as he comes up right beneath your branch just in time for a droplet of blood to roll off the sole of your foot.
With the forest as tense as your muscles, there’s nothing to divert its path. It slides right down his visor.
You don’t wait for him to look up. You launch yourself out of the tree on the opposite side, hitting the ground hard but rolling out of it. Dodging the thick trunks is difficult when all you can focus on is the sound of his pursuit.
He’s faster than you. It’s just the truth. You can outmaneuver him and maybe even outlast him, but when it comes to these short bursts of speed, it’s not even a close call.
So you’re ready when he tackles you. Well, when he tries to. Din is not a small man, and so he hurtles past you onto the ground when you dodge to the side and bring yourself to a sudden halt. You peel off in another direction while he springs to his feet.
This is such a different game of lothcat and womprat than you’re used to with quarry. You and Din are so in sync and so intimately familiar with the other’s movements that there’s no better match in the world. And at the same time, it’s so fucking infuriating.
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The next time he comes close, he actually gets one cuff around your wrist, but you’re already twisting out of his grasp. You think you’re getting away, but before you put enough distance, he catches you off guard.
He fucking binds himself with the other cuff. It’s maybe the hottest thing he’s ever done; it was so clever you kind of want to suck his dick about it. But, of course, that would be giving in. So, instead, you use your free arm to wiggle the pin out from your hair at the nape of your neck and try to stick it just right in the lock.
By the stars, it actually works. You’re off before he realizes what happened.
“Hey! You said no tools!” he yells, his voice echoing through the empty forest.
You didn’t, actually. You said he couldn’t bring tools. But you don’t waste the energy to remind him.
Also, you hadn’t exactly planned it. It was only accessible since you had none of your normal clothing or protections in the way. But he didn’t need to know that.
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It’s over the next time he catches up to you. After taking off, you hadn’t heard him follow. He’d gone back to being the silent predator and come at you from a different angle.
He tackles you from the side, and after a brief bout of wrestling, he pins you on your stomach and clasps the binders around both wrists. He’s using his whole body weight to hold you down, and your eyes roll back when he rolls his hips against you just right.
He’s so fucking hard; you feel your arousal gush in response.
He sits back, straddling your thighs, and lands a harsh smack to your ass. “Giving up?” he teases.
You squirm under him, but it’s no use, and you both know it. He laughs, and it sends a chill down your spine that’s somehow molten by the time it reaches your cunt.
He spanks you a few more times for good measure, sharp and strong, before he lifts just enough to yank your shorts down.
“Fuck, I can’t wait for this cunt,” he groans. And he doesn’t. He pulls out his cock, already swollen and leaking with need, and drives it right to your core.
No matter how slick you already are, it’s a glorious stretch. You cry out, and he reaches over and turns the volume on your helmet off.
“Scream for me all you want, sweetheart. Fuck, you take it so well.”
You’re still struggling a little, more out of instinct than desire to get away. Your brain protests being captured, but it changes its tune fairly quickly when the thick head of his cock knocks against something blissful.
“Yield, lened’ika,” he snarls, pushing one broad hand between your shoulder blades to pin you against the soil.
“No,” you try to snarl back, but it doesn’t come out quite as intimidating as you hoped, breaking on a moan.
He yanks your hips up a little, fucking up into you with no mercy. You’re so full, so stuffed with him, and each movement batters against your walls and sends sparks across your hazy eyes.
“Yield,” he snarls, smacking his hand against the side of your ass and then helping himself to a fistful.
You actually consider it, but the only sounds you can make are soft little huffs as he knocks the air from you on each thrust.
He reaches around and rubs your clit. Your hips jerk uncontrollably as he grinds the pad of his finger down.
You let out something akin to a sob.
“Gotta yield first,” he says.
“I yield,” you whimper.
“What was that, cyare? I didn’t quite hear you.”
“I yield,” you moan as he pinches your clit. “Please, you win, please.”
“Good girl,” he groans. “Alright, give it to me.”
You cum as he rubs two fingers against your clit, flicking in opposition of each other in the way he knows will make you fall to pieces.
He draws one orgasm after another until you’re limp, dirt smudged across your visor. Your hips still buck weakly back to his.
He pulls out and flips you over, pinning your bound hands underneath you. He straddles your waist and tugs at his cock until he cums over the front of your helmet.
You gasp, and though it turns into a moan, you’re indignant. “Did you really just—”
He laughs. “It’s not as nice as when it’s on your pretty face, but it still suits you,” he teases.
He doesn’t miss the way his comment makes you squeeze your thighs together. He rubs a hand over your tits, pinching at your nipples until you whine.
“C’mon, cyare. Let’s go back, and I’ll clean you up.”
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He does. When you get back, thankfully unseen and having retrieved your boots, he plucks your helmet off. He really did mean to polish it right away, but you kiss him with such hunger that he takes care of the rest of you first.
Once you’ve gone boneless and mindless from his tongue, he reluctantly leaves the bed to clean up. You join him a few moments later, having foregone the soiled pajamas in favor of the tunic he was going to sleep in and a pair of panties.
You wrap your arms around his waist from behind, leaning against his broad back and pressing kisses against the warm, scarred skin.
“I think I’m ready,” you say.
He hums in question.
“To get rid of this place.”
He turns around to wrap his arms around you. “Here I was just thinking it has its perks.”
He rests his forehead against yours. “Yeah. It’s been nice, don’t you think? To have somewhere familiar.”
You search his eyes and find only a soft warmth, like the flicker of a hearth.
“Let’s keep it,” he whispers against your lips. His hand winds into your hair to bring you in for a kiss.
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eaudecrow · 3 months
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Outfit swap!
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kalak · 2 years
Luke skywalker centric fic rec list!
Before I rec: this is a self indulgent rec list, with fics that I personally liked. The tags before the summary are mostly from the ao3 tags, but some are added by me after having read the fic. Enjoy and let me know if something is amiss!
◇Lighthearted, humor, fluff
Small Talk by starshipsilmaril Luke Skywalker & Leia Organa & Darth Vader, child luke, fluff, 1k finished. On the annual Imperial Life Day ball, Luke and Leia are left unsupervised by their nanny. Of course, they promptly go and find their father, interrupting his conversation.
halfway, and before I even argue by OldEmeraldEye Luke Skywalker & Leia Organa, 182 words finished. Being from a desert planet, Luke lacks a certain degree of experience with seafood. Leia is happy to help.
no one can stop me, not even gravity or nasa by magneticwave Leia organa/Han Solo, humor, 8k finished. “Fuck you,” Leia says. “Who said anything about getting married? Did Luke say anything about getting married?” “Luke is not involved,” Luke says, not looking up.
An Unwelcome Guest by bornofstars Luke Skywalker & Leia Organa & Darth Vader, child luke, fluff, 5k finished. Two thieves break into an innocuous looking apartment in Imperial City, expecting an easy raid. To their surprise, (and horror) they find it occupied with an infamous Sith Lord, and his two young children.
Fan Mail by evilmouse holonet, fluff, humor, 4k finished. Jedi Master Luke Skywalker answers some questions for his fan club. What could possibly go wrong?
A Little Help, Here? by vader_incarnate Luke Skywalker & Han Solo, humor, 1k finished. There’s a lot of things you just don’t learn, growing up on Tatooine and then spending young adulthood as a fugitive. But isn't that exactly what friends are for? Or: Han is flummoxed by Luke's lack of driving knowledge, but Anakin can commiserate.
Worlds Apart by StupidFatPenguin Luke Skywalker/Din Djarin, fluff, humor, dimension travel, 5k finished. Owing to a failed attempt at clairvoyance through the Force, Luke is sent into an alternative universe where everything is the same... except, there are two toothbrushes in his refresher and a Mandalorian in his bedroom.
Civic Duty by rosepetalfall Owen Lars & Luke Skywalker & Beru Whitesun, Biggs Darklighter & Luke Skywalker, worldbuilding, 1k finished. Teenage Luke Skywalker grudgingly sits through one of Anchorhead Freeholding's bimonthly Council meetings and does his civic duty.
The Emperor Skywalker Conspiracy by loosingletters humor, outsider pov, memes, 3k finished. (Note: a media centric fic, so it's longer than 3k.) The Emperor is dead and so is Darth Vader. So. Uh. Who exactly inherits the Galactic throne? Or, the Holonet discovers the existence of one Luke Skywalker and promptly makes it a meme.
you knock me out, i fall apart by nintendoes Padme Amidala/Anakin Skywalker/Obi-wan Kenobi, fluff, slice of life, 64k unfinished. “The falling out, the drama, the violins playing in the background…” Ahsoka lays another card on the table. “He gets it all from Anakin.”( rather: non-linear moments in the lives of the skywalker clan. )
The Force Does Not Pick Favourites (Except When It Does) by PrinceJakeFireCake Luke Skywalker & the Force, grandpa force, fluff, 3k unfinished. Part of my Anakin Skywalker being a stay-at-home dad series, but separate so people who don’t want to read my strange theories on the Force being a grandparent don’t have to read it :D
Sith Lord Swell by AMournfulHowlInTheNight Luke Skywalker & Ben Solo, crack, time travel, outsider pov, 42k unfinished. "Well, looks like we're all Sith Lords, now. I hope you've all been practicing your most menacing laughter for our first run in with the Jedi Council." Why did Jedi politics and time travel have to be so difficult?
Darth Vader Has A Thing for Me? by captainofbrooklyn Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, crack, 2k finished. “Vader's disgusting, that’s what it is. I can’t work with a man with his...tastes.” “What tastes?” In which Luke Skywalker believes Darth Vader has a crush on him.
Waves by gayspacecowboy Luke Skywalker/Han Solo, fluff, 1k finished. Luke sees the ocean for the first time. Han has a startling realization.
A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away (series) by Bopdawoo Luke Skywalker/Wedge Antilles, fluff, slice of life, 1k finished. In the Skywalker-Antilles household, Luke is the one who deals with all the creepy-crawlies.
ferned habitation by deniigiq Luke Skywalker/Din Djarin, emotional hurt/comfort, humor, 5k finished. Loth-cats were the worst idea. Din should have thought this out better. He should have gone back to the Tuskens and asked for the runtiest runt that ever had runted among the massiffs. At least those things had respect for their fellow cohabitants. These cats? Not a damn lick of respect to be found.
Sitting Ducks by SpellCleaver Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, humor, outsider pov, 2k finished. There is a Rebel outpost on Naboo. Luke Skywalker has never seen wildlife the likes of which Naboo has to offer before. Somehow, that becomes an Imperial spy's problem.
◇ Angst, Hurt/comfort, character study
L.D. Helmet: The Early Years by Seasider Luke Skywalker & Red Five Helmet, 3k finished. L.D. (aka Red Five's helmet) has stories to tell about his former pilot-head and about the fateful day on Yavin when he meets his new head, Luke Skywalker. He's immediately feeling protective about the floofy blond hair.
From Orbit by astolat Luke Skywalker/Leia Organa/Han Solo, 4k finished. “You’ve got to quit doing this,” Han said. Luke glanced at him. “What?” Han made a wide impatient sweep of his arm. “This. Standing in the bay staring out into the void. It’s creepy, kid. Come on, it’s dinnertime. The fleet can make it into hyperspace without your personal supervision.”
After the Last War is won by Tenshi (external link) Luke gestured with his left hand, the other lost in the folds of his cloak, and perhaps in his mind he saw the former glory of the Temple, and not a maze of toppled columns, disfigured statuary, and sprawling Huttese graffiti. "It's where I belong."
for a hundred miles through the desert by wreckageofstars Luke Skywalker & Han Solo, angst, 6k finished. [“There's no water, on Tatooine,” Luke said finally. “I mean, no large bodies of water, like you have on other planets. Pools, lakes. Oceans. So,” he said, face carefully blank, like it so often was these days, “I never learned how to swim.”] Han has a hard time coming to terms with Luke's fall to the dark side during Dark Empire; so does Luke.
Luminescence by vader_incarnate Luke Skywalker & Leia Organa, sith luke, major character death, 2k finished. They call him the Sun Lord, because he will not let them call him Emperor. After the Endor disaster, Princess Leia meets her brother for the last time, and the cycle begins anew.
That Place Where Darkness Dies by DragonflyonBreak Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, hurt/comfort, whump, 10k finished. Weeks ago, Luke Skywalker vanished without a trace.
Thaw by spqr Luke Skywalker/Din Djarin, angst, hurt/comfort, 6k finished. That’s what hope does to you, Luke remembers now. It lingers at the back of your mind, whispering maybe, maybe, so that knowing a plan is stupid isn’t enough to keep you from trying it.
Same Heart, Same Blood by loosingletters Luke Skywalker & Mara Jade, Luke Skywalker & Cody, angst, suicidal thoughts, 8k finished. The Emperor made a clone of Luke Skywalker, who died as a mere five-year-old. The rest, as they say, was the Will of the Force.
fire building up inside by imadetheline Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, hurt/comfort, 6k finished. He’s not sure how long he stays in a daze, watching the ship spark and burn in the shallows, sand and smoke burning his eyes and lungs. Or: Luke crashes, and the planet's atmosphere is not exactly conducive to his survival.
Rat-at-at by FoiblePNoteworthy Luke Skywalker & Leia Organa, dark, psychological torture, 4k finished. "You do not wish for my company,” Vader said. “I understand. I’ll leave you alone from now on.” “Wait!” Luke turned towards the door, nauseous horror seeping into him, just as it slid shut.
Mind Games by FoiblePNoteworthy Luke Skywalker & Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, pov outsider, torture, 33k finished. Two truths and one lie: Luke Skywalker is still loyal to the Rebel Alliance. Luke Skywalker was gravely injured protecting them. Luke Skywalker is a spy.
the death of luke skywalker by peradi Luke Skywalker & Leia Organa, Rey/Finn/Poe Dameron, major character death, 6k finished. Years after the revolution, some stories end. Others begin.
Waiting for The Love of a Traveling Soldier by Duck_Life Luke Skywalker/Biggs Darklighter, major character death, 1k finished. Biggs asks for Owen's blessing.
undeserving fall (this kind of sunlit love) by loosingletters Luke Skywalker/Sheev Palpatine, crack treated seriously, 9k finished. A Naboo proverb says that it takes seven steps to fall from grace or climb towards glory. Sheev had never understood why the fall wasn’t considered a victory, when he had fallen towards the dark side with laurels adorning his head. And then a Jedi Knight, who should be nothing more than a nuisance, accompanies him on a mission and Sheev finds himself wanting. (Note: the ship might make you raise an eyebrow but hear me out. This fic is actually great.)
A Hungry Growing Boy by FoiblePNoteworthy Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, monster luke, child luke, 3k finished. General Veers surveyed the latest roadblock; some sort of creature guarding the entrance to the smugglers’ lair.
◇Just the right length (around 10k words)
listen, there's a hell of a universe next door by storm_petrel Luke Skywalker/Din Djarin, bamf luke, 12k finished. Luke Skywalker solves a number of life-or-death problems, makes some new friends, falls abruptly in love, and gets shot into space, all in the same day.
Master Skywalker: The Absolute Worst by PrinceJakeFireCake Luke Skywalker/Din Djarin/Boba Fett, humor, 8k finished. Din got to his feet. He patted Boba on the shoulder affectionately. “You should watch the recording of Skywalker fighting the death troopers,” he said. Boba watched the recording. He was pretty sure he would never be the same again. He was positive that he never wanted to meet Skywalker ever again.”
Plain Sight by planningconquest Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, humor, 11k finished. Luke is hiding from Darth Vader in the best place possible. Plain sight.
got my love jumpstarted by lacecat Rated E, Luke skywalker/Din Djarin, alternate universe - modern setting, 9k finished. Din frowns. “What are you talking about?” “I’m kind of famous,” Luke admits. (in which Luke is a celebrity, Din is not, and they both assume the same for the other)
Close Quarters by planningconquest Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, sickfic, fluff, 10k finished. Luke and Vader trapped in a subterranean city to wait out a snowstorm.
Professor Bug by spqr Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, alternate universe - academia, cults, 7k finished. “I saw your notes for your lecture on the Jedi Order,” Luke says quietly. “And I know you’re very good at what you do, babe, but I want you to know that like half of it is wrong.”
Tired Agents (series) by planningconquest Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, humor, outsider pov, 15k finished. Spies are personable and agreeable, and hate the fact that their targets get into more trouble than they can handle. Also, gossip magazines have a better intelligence network than most intelligence agencies.
Relatively Forceful by planningconquest Luke Skywalker & Wedge Antilles, eldritch luke, 9k finished. Being the offspring of the Force means more than anyone thought it was. Being half of an Eldritch being means being related to more than one Eldritch being. On a routine mission for the Alliance; Luke Skywalker runs into a semi-distant relation and a not so distant relation.
A Warrior Dance by twoseas Luke Skywalker/Din Djarin, misunderstandings, 14k finished. Luke reacts strangely to Din’s bared face and an overheard conversation leads the Mandalorian to believe the Jedi thinks he’s ugly. Things spiral out of control from there.
Lurking Hunger by planningconquest horror, eldritch luke, 9k finished. Captain Tagett intends to collect the bounty on Luke Skywalker...provided they all can survive the night.
Separation by atamascolily Luke Skywalker/Callista Ming, daemon, 5k finished. Soft wings brushed against his face, then faded as Vel crawled down his shoulder. Her proboscis tickled his collarbone as she lapped at the sweat-stained edges of his coveralls, which had flopped free in his last desperate scramble from the Sand People into the unlikely sanctuary of the Eye of Palpatine's gun room. "A moth daemon?"
Five Days on Yavin by rinwins Luke Skywalker/Din Djarin, 7k finished. He’d seen so many different versions of Luke by now-- implacable knight, patient teacher, fearless pilot, loyal friend; the Jedi master who could move a starfighter with his mind and the Tatooine farm boy who laughed at his own ridiculous jokes. And they were each, somehow, still the true Luke, none of them contradictory-- all except this version, the exhausted young man asleep in the bed.
Magic Baby / Lost Child by Seasider Luke Skywalker & Tusken Raider, Luke Skywalker & Owen Lars & Beru Whitesun, child luke, fluff, 9k unfinished. It was not The Demon. It was a baby. A baby from the Other’s species, yes, but it appeared incapable of harm. She shook it hard and it made a tiny squeak. Alive and with a spirit, when it should not be. No wilding had ripped it apart and consumed it. It appeared like a gift from Her of the Desert.
Present by WhatisWithin Luke skywalker & Darth Vader, fluff, 5k finished. Luke sometimes forgot how scary Daddy was to other people. It was a weird problem to have. And a stupid one too. He should remember that kind of stuff. Everyone was scared of Daddy. After being rescued by his father from the streets of Mos Espa, ten year old Luke adjusts to life on a Star Destroyer.
The Family Tree by frodogenic Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, 12k finished. In which Luke Skywalker is stranded in a tree waiting for a flash flood to recede. Too bad he's got company...
The Monster in the Mist by SilverDaye Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, horror, eldritch luke, 10k finished. Ever since Luke first saw the image of Darth Vader on the holonews, he's been haunted by nightmares of a monster in a mist-filled landscape. He soon realizes that this monster is Darth Vader, who starts to hunt Luke in and out of the dreams.
sit down, breathe, and just listen by andfollowthesun Luke Skywalker/Din Djarin, Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker, 13k finished. “Of course we’re married.” Anakin is blinking at the camera guilelessly. “We’ve been married since before the end of the Clone Wars. What are you on about?”
Compromising by samvelg Luke skywalker & Darth Vader, humor, outsider pov, 12k finished. Five times Admiral Piett misunderstands the nature of Luke and Vader's relationship, and the one time he doesn't.
◇Solid plot, nice way to spend the evening
Repair by BananasAreForParties Luke Skywalker/Mara Jade, hurt/comfort, whump, fluff, 20k finished. Mara Jade came to Aran to trade. She acquires nutcakes, Imperials, and one Luke Skywalker, condition: damaged. (Note: ugh this one's so good)
Inherited Royalty by planningconquest Luke Skywalker & Owen Lars & Beru Whitesun, Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, angst, hurt/comfort, major character death, 42k finished. Prince Luke Palpatine flees into the dark of the night when Lord Vader mounts an assault on the Imperial Palace. Lord Vader searches endlessly for the missing prince.
Sibling Revelry by frodogenic Leia organa & Luke skywalker, Darth Vader & Luke skywalker, humor, 24k finished. After Bespin and before Endor, Darth Vader is shocked to discover that Luke and Leia are twins. Especially since Imperial Intelligence just told him that Organa and Skywalker are, erm, a tad closer than previously suspected...
Limpet AU (series) by frodogenic Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, Darth Vader & Firmus Piett, Luke Skywalker/Mara Jade, fluff, humor, 89k finished. Newly returned from the Unknown Regions with Darth Vader, Admiral Piett doesn't expect much of a welcome from the New Republic. And not in a million lifetimes would he have predicted that their very first guest would be Luke Skywalker. After all, Skywalker and Vader are still mortal enemies...right? (Note: highly recommend. This series is amazing.)
I’m Here to Rescue You by Tairona Biggs Darklighter & Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Luke Skywalker, sickfic, 29k finished. Unbeknownst to Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi has saved his life more than once. And unbeknownst to Obi-Wan, today is the day when Luke will pay him back in kind.
Strange Bedfellows (series) by celinamarniss Luke Skywalker/Mara Jade, fluff, action, 37k finished. Luke joins Mara (and her crew) on a not-date in the Penumbra Sector to watch the popular, dangerous, and very illegal Ewok swoop races. Trouble, as it always does, finds them.
I Am Almost Certain You Shouldn't Put That In Your Mouth by foldingfacets Luke Skywalker & Han Solo & Leia Organa, autistic luke, 73k unfinished. Luke has always put things in his mouth. It just felt right. When Darth Vader sees his son with the lightsaber in his mouth at Bespin, he's absolutely terrified that Luke found out Vader was his father and was going to kill himself.
Luminous Creatures by celinamarniss Luke Skywalker/Mara Jade, daemon, 30k finished. Luke is the last of his friends to have his dæmon settle. Speculation drifts through his childhood. What sort of animal do you think your dæmon will choose? asked by adults with indulgent smiles and between children as their dæmons flit from form to from in impromptu races across the desert sand.
Nub Saar by JediMordsith Luke Skywalker/Mara Jade, whump, horror, 21k finished. If taking on a derelict space station and unknown Dark presence are what it takes, he's there... except that the Darkness wants Mara, too. How far is each side willing to go to have her? They're about to find out.
Deathmark by SpellCleaver Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker & Beru Whitesun, alternate universe - fantasy, amnesia, 38k finished. In a world torn apart by magic, necromancy and war, Luke wakes up in a strange place with a strange mark on his chest and no idea how he got there. Some people recognise him and some people want to help him. Others do not.
where you plant a rose (a thistle cannot grow) by Icarus_is_flying Luke Skywalker & Obi-wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker & Leia Organa, child luke, 48k unfinished. Leia knows exactly who she is--princess, Organa, rebel in training. But when she stumbles onto a strange boy in a hidden garden, their instant connection draws her into a house full of secrets. Secrets Luke is reluctant to share.
Legally Blind and a Menace to Society by foldingfacets Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker & Leia Organa & Han Solo, blind luke, 21k unfinished. Luke Lars, a visually impaired teen, left Tatooine after landing a prestigious job as Assistant to the Royal House of Alderaan through accidental-yet-convenient means instead of trying to get into the Imperial Academy. Darth Vader is very loath to admit that he has, Force forbid, a friend -- one that he didn't quite choose but is stuck with nonetheless.
Between Flight and Longing by Sheila_Snow Luke Skywalker & Han Solo & Darth Vader, hurt/comfort, 50k finished. Attempting to find a cure for a critically ill Luke, Han travels to a backwater planet in the armpit of the galaxy, piloting an aging freighter discarded by the Alliance because it was unsafe to fly. With time running out for Luke, Han figures things couldn't get much worse. He's been known to be wrong before.
Retirement (series) by celinamarniss Luke Skywalker/Mara Jade, old married couple, outsider pov, 20k finished. Jedi apprentice Asha is sent on a quest to find the legendary Luke Skywalker. She thought he was a myth!
Under the Cover of Darkness by randomlyimagine Mara Jade/Luke Skywalker, time travel, 57k finished. (note: it's finished, but it's kinda left on a cliffhanger and continued into a sequel, which is unfinished.) Being sent back in time, getting to see the Old Jedi Order, Ben, his Father…it was an opportunity Luke had never dreamed he’d have. If only he and Mara hadn’t been pulled back in the middle of a mission where they were undercover as Sith.
nursery 'verse (series) by philthestone Luke skywalker/Mara Jade, fluff, 75k finished. Han and Leia decide to build a nursery in the Falcon. Things progress from there. AU for the EU.
In Loco Pirates by izzythehutt Luke skywalker & Darth Vader, humor, 34k finished. A down-on-his-luck Hondo Ohnaka manages to capture the unicorn of all bounties--Luke Skywalker, which sends Darth Vader, Lord of the Sith, on a painfully familiar trip to the planet Florrum to collect his prize.
Memento Mori by planningconquest, Slx99 Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, angst, 13k unfinished. After deposing of his former master, only one thing stands in Vader's way to absolute power: the young Prince Luke Palpatine. But there is a lot that Vader does not know about the prince.
◇ Long. Will make you lose track of time
The Son of Suns trilogy (series) by blank101 (Into the Storm, In Shadows and Darkness, At the Brink of the Dawn and the Darkness) Luke Skywalker/Mara Jade, sith luke, whump, angst, 148k/254k/319k finished. When Darth Vader's plan to turn Luke is rebuffed he falls back on more desperate measures and hands his son over to Palpatine, who begins to systematically take apart Luke’s life to create a new Sith, turning him against his allies, his father and his beliefs with devastating consequences for both the Empire and the Alliance, as events cascade beyond anyone's control. (Note: fucking love this trilogy.)
Force Bond (series) by kittandchips Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, teenage Luke, fluff, major character death, 858k finished. This series is an AU about Vader raising a teenage Luke. Or, Vader has his orderly expectations of parenthood repeatedly destroyed by the bundle of adventure and love that is his offspring. Luke dares anyone to suggest they have problems when his father is a Sith Lord who works for evil incarnate.
Missing and Presumed Dead by LadyVader23 Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, Leia Organa & Luke Skywalker, whump, hurt/comfort, 219k finished. Three months after ESB, Luke Skywalker is still reeling from the revelation of his parentage. When he finally cracks and tells Leia, she comes up with a plot to get Darth Vader off his back: stage his death.
What Lurks in the Dark by DragonflyonBreak Luke Skywalker & Wedge Antilles, Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, horror, whump, 89k unfinished. A simple mission to check out an abandoned weapons factory turns into a dangerous fight for survival. Trust is broken, loyalties will be tested, and dark secrets are brought to light. Because sooner or later, the truth always comes out.
The Heir by SpellCleaver Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, Luke skywalker & Sabé, angst, fluff, 105k finished. Darth Vader just killed his master and learned a galaxy-changing truth: the child Palpatine adopted, the Imperial prince and heir, is actually Vader’s son, raised by Palpatine to torment him.
Tell Me About Your Mother by OffBrandLightsaber Luke Skywalker & Sabé, 147k finished. “Luke Amidala. Is that any relation to the Naberrie family?” She asked, looking up and meeting Luke’s eyes. It's a Luke is raised by Sabé AU!
In The Faces Of Our Children by soulshrapnel Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, Wilhuff Tarkin/Darth Vader, Wilhuff Tarkin/Natasi Daala, co-emperors tarkin and vader, post-anh au, 109k finished. Surprised by Emperor Vader on what should have been a routine training mission, and prompted by a strange impulse in the Force, Luke Skywalker surrenders to save his friends. Vader seems strangely uninterested in hurting him, but Luke doesn't know how long that will last, or just what to expect. He's definitely not expecting "I am your father."
The New Sith Order by Chi-chi-chimaera (gestalt1) Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker & Various Inquisitors, dark luke, 334k finished. Ten year old Luke Skywalker has no chance of fighting back when two Imperial Inquisitors stumble across him on an accidental visit to Tatooine. His family dead and nameless as any other stolen child, the only way to survive is to excel in his Dark Side training and become a fully fledged Inquisitor.
all the echoes fade by aradian_nights Luke Skywalker/Ezra Bridger, dimension travel, slow burn, 453k unfinished. Luke's exploration of some old Jedi ruins goes terribly wrong after he meets a strange man named Ezra. He finds himself in another world where his father and mother are very much alive, and, unfortunately, so is the Empire.
Back from the Future: Episode VI The Clone Wars by Ariel_Sojourner Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, time travel, 108k finished. In which Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader travel back in time together to the Clone Wars era, have amazing adventures, and save the galaxy.
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year
Beskar Doll - Ch. 50: Home
You and the Mandalorian balance life with your family and bounty hunting. The final chapter of Beskar Doll, found in its entirety on Tumblr here.
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Pairing: The Mandalorian/Din Djarin x Female Reader
Warnings: Smut :D No use of Y/N. Minors DNI, 18+ only.
Length: 2.6k
5 years later 
“Have him sighted?” 
“Yes, Mama.” The small voice next to you was high pitched and bordering on giddy. You smiled. 
“And that’s the quarry?” You asked. 
“I think so…” she sounded unsure. 
“How do you check, Aidla?” Din asked from the other side of her. 
“See if he looks like the puck,” she said slowly, her face still pressed against the binocs. “And…” 
She paused, frowning. You and your husband both looked at her, giving her a moment to figure it out. 
“Patu,” Grogu said, sitting beside his sister on the rock your family was perched on, making two small stones float in front of him.
“The tracking fob!” She pulled her eyes away from the binocs, her face lit up. 
“That’s right, ad’ika,” Din said. You could hear the smile in his voice. She held out her small hand and Din put the fob in her palm. She held it up next to the binocs, pointing it at the man in the distance. It beeped and flashed. She smiled. 
“I found him!” She all but squealed, smiling broadly, her teeth like small white pearls. 
“So what next?” You asked. 
“We make the capture,” she said, turning serious again. 
“We make the capture,” Din repeated, voice proud. 
You smiled at him over the head of your daughter as she pushed up off the rock, careful to stay out of sight of the small settlement in the distance where you’d tracked the quarry. 
It was still almost miraculous to you, how much she looked like her father. She had his hair - thick and dark with gentle curls - that today you’d braided close to her head to keep it out of the way. She had his eyes, too - all soft, deep warmth - and his lips and his chin. It still amazed you sometimes to look at her and have the acute realization of just what she was. 
Your pregnancy had quickly become more real once you and Din had Grogu back. You returned to Naboo and visited a proper doctor, a knot in your stomach as you did. She confirmed what you were already all but certain of: you were pregnant. 
Din immediately tried to get you to stop hunting with him. 
“No,” you said simply, shrugging with Grogu on your lap. 
“What do you mean no.” 
“I mean no,” you shrugged again. “It’s a very simple word in Basic, Din, I’m surprised you’re unfamiliar…” 
“Thank you,” you looked down at the boy on your lap, his small head tilted back so he could look up at you. 
“Not safe, Doll,” he said. 
“I did plenty of unsafe things before we knew I was pregnant,” you replied. “It was fine. I’m not going to stop living my life because we’re going to have a child. I don’t intend to after they’re here, either.” 
“You’re my husband, my partner, my riduur,” you said. “Not my master or my king. I don’t fall under your command, Din.”
Eventually, you had to slow down, of course, but you hunted bounties until you couldn’t keep up. It wasn’t long after that Aidla was born on Naboo, just you and Din behind closed doors so the first time he saw his daughter, it was without a helmet. It was Din who suggested her name, her tiny head cradled in his large palm as he looked at her with wonder, your back against his chest as he held you both. He wanted to honor the woman who’d kept you close in the years you were apart. 
After she was born, it suddenly made so much more sense to take Karga up on an offer he’d made to Din before the two of you had come back together: a place to call home. 
The small house reminded you a bit of your home on Tatooine. There were three bedrooms, a small kitchen where you could all eat together, a sitting room with enough space for the children to play on the floor while you and Din watched. 
It was when Aidla and Grogu were playing there that she first showed signs of her Jedi abilities. You and Din were on the couch, your head on his lap, his fingers tracing along your arm as you read a book on your data pad. You caught it out of the corner of your eye, a bright blue block floating toward her chubby hand from a few feet away. 
Floating toys were hardly unusual in your home. Grogu was happy to use the force to get his tiny hands on whatever he desired - for better or for worse. But your son was focused on the small silver ball from the Razor Crest in his hands, not paying any mind to his sister or the floating block. 
“Din!” You sat up so fast that the Mandalorian jumped to his feet, startling Aidla, the block tumbling to the ground. Her small face scrunched and she wailed. 
“It’s alright, ad’ika,” he said, voice soothing as he scooped her up. Grogu pouted and you went to pick him up, too, kissing his little forehead and bouncing him on your hip. Aidla quieted quickly, her face buried in her father’s neck. He frowned at you. “What happened?”
“She was using the force,” you said, voice low. Not that there was anyone there to keep her power a secret from but it set you on edge. He frowned, his brows knitting together. “It was her, it wasn’t him. I’m sure of it. She’s….” 
“We figured it out with him,” he said, kissing the crown of your head. “We’ll figure it out with her, too.” 
That was three and a half years ago now and, so far, you had figured it out. Not that it wasn’t challenging having two Jedi children, especially when neither you nor Din could move things with your minds, but Aidla and Grogu bonded through it. They would have all but silent conversations in their minds, the only sound the occasional giggle bursting out of Aidla like some uncontrolled thing. 
Ahsoka had her theories about what made Aidla strong in the force. Given your sensitivity to it, it’s possible that it was inherited. That your family had carried the trait for generations, it had just never fully manifested until your daughter. 
It was also possible that Grogu’s burst of power through you at Gideon’s facility had flowed through Aidla, too. She just held onto it, built it into herself, become who she was because of you and Din and Grogu together. 
You were almost certain that Grogu had reminded Aidla about the fob. Even though she should be learning to be sure of her hunting choices on her own, it made you smile, your son helping his little sister when she ran into trouble. 
“OK ade,” you said, trying to incorporate what Mando’a you knew when talking with your children. “What are the rules when we’re making a capture?” 
“We listen to you and Buir,” Aidla sighed, sounding bored. 
“That’s right,” you smiled a little. “What else?” 
Grogu pushed an image into your mind, of him and Aidla inside a pod that Karga had made for the two of them. You nodded, still smiling. 
“Right again,” you said. “You stay in the pod.”
“When do I get to do that part?” Aidla asked as Din lifted her into the pod. “I’m a good fighter!” 
“You’re not quite big enough yet, darling girl,” you said, switching to Bothese as Din put Grogu in the pod, too. “Just keep practicing so you’ll be ready when the time comes.” 
She rolled her eyes and you smiled and shook your head as you sealed the pod. She was a skilled fighter. Of course she was, with a handmaiden mother and Mandalorian father. You and Din regularly worked with her, teaching her to fight and shoot. The beskar staff that had been broken in half by the Darksaber was the perfect size for her to use to practice and she loved to mimic your movements as you trained. 
You and Din made the capture easily, just a bail jumper who hadn’t anticipated being hunted down and hadn’t done a great job of hiding himself. Din put him into carbonite on the Crest as you settled Aidla and Grogu into the cockpit. 
“Buir,” Aidla asked from her seat behind Din, leaning forward to see the navigational charts. “Are we going to see Aunt Sosha?” 
“Eventually,” he said, starting the launch sequence. You held Grogu tighter as the ship took off. “We’re going to see Aunt Cara first, then Aunt Sosha and then we’re going to spend some time on our world before we go home.” 
“Do you think Aunt Cara will let me fight?” She asked, eager, her eyes wide. “I got better since last time!” 
“You’ll have to ask her, ad’ika,” you heard him smile below the helmet. “But I can’t imagine Cara saying no to you. Or to a fight.” 
You laughed a little as Aidla settled back into the jump seat, smiling almost smugly. You were looking forward to seeing Cara again. The two of you had become thick as thieves over the years, swapping war stories and laughing yourselves sick over a bonfire and whiskey as Din sighed, the firelight reflecting off his armor as you leaned against him. 
You and Sosha had reconnected, too, in the years since you’d gone to her for help getting Grogu back. She’d fallen in love with your son before she’d even made it out of the research facility. Sosha had been one of the first people to meet Aidla and immediately adored her, too. 
“Oh my stars,” she breathed, holding your daughter’s tiny body in her hands - one organic, one prosthetic. You smiled, tears swelling at the sight of your oldest, closest friend cradling your newborn child, your husband’s arm wrapped around your shoulders. “I’ve never seen anything so perfect in my entire life.” 
Aidla yawned, making a little coo as she scrunched her tiny nose. 
“I need one of these,” she said, glancing up at you with a small smile. “Don’t tell Pell.” 
“I’ll let you break that to him,” you smiled a little, lacing your fingers with Din’s. “These warrior men need some easing into the idea…” 
You felt Din give you a look from below the helmet and you smiled over your shoulder at him. He touched his forehead to yours, the cool metal its own form of familiarity and intimacy that you’d come to love. 
“Yes, Lady Djarin,” Sosha said softly to Aidla. “Definitely need to get one of you.” 
It didn’t take long for Aidla and Grogu both to fall asleep as the Crest went into hyperspace. Din gently lifted his daughter and carried her down the ladder to the small sleeping quarters you’d made in the corner of the cargo hold, not far from your first hiding place on the ship. He tucked her in as you brought Grogu down and put him in the bed next to her. Din removed his helmet and kissed them both before taking you by the hand and leading you to your quarters. 
He undressed you slowly, running his hands over your skin, fingers tracing along your arms, over your ribs, your breasts, your neck, your face. You pulled away his armor, piece by piece, until you were in each other’s arms with nothing between you. 
“I think we should make another one of those,” he said between soft kisses peppering your skin. 
“You really want to be outnumbered by Jedi?” You smiled a little as he pressed you back into the bed. You lay down on it, pulling him down with you. 
“If they’re yours,” he said, settling between your thighs, his weight a heavy comfort as his body swallowed your own. “It’s all I want.” 
He kissed down your body, over your chest, your stomach, his lips lingering on your skin below your navel. His mouth found your slit, the tip of his tongue tracing over your slick seam from your entrance to your clit, making you moan. He pressed his tongue into you, opening you gently and slowly, his nose against the bottom your clit. His large hand splayed out against your lower stomach, his thumb brushing and teasing the top of your sensitive nub. 
His tongue worked deeper into you, his fingers sinking into your flesh as your body got tight and hot around him, rocking your hips against him until you came with a strangled moan. 
He kissed back up your body while your limbs were still limp and pliant from your orgasm. He still tasted like you as his tongue slipped into your mouth, his fingers tangling in your hair, his hard length brushing against your dripping slit. 
“Cyare,” he breathed. 
“Yes,” you nodded, panting and aching and needy. “Yes, let’s have another baby, I want…” 
He swallowed your words, his cock pressing into you, making you moan at the stretch of him. You pressed your hips up against him until he was fully within you. He stilled inside you for a moment, his lips separating from you just enough to look in your eyes, joined with him as thoroughly as two people could be. 
Din moved in you slowly at first, so you could feel every part of him within you, your hips rising to meet his as you sank into each other. He increased his pace gradually, your body tightening around him, your fingers pressing into his back, trying to pull him as close to you as you could get. He was so deep inside you that you couldn’t remember a time where he wasn’t a part of you and you weren’t a part of him. 
“Din,” you moaned into him. “I…” 
He pressed into the soft, achy part of you that made your heart stutter and back arch, stealing the words from your mouth. 
“Need you to cum for me, Cyare,” he was panting, desperate. “Please, need to feel you, love you, need you…” 
You came, arching into him, your hands clutching him close and you felt him come apart within you, pressing as deep as he could reach inside you. 
He pulled you against his chest and tugged your leg over his hip before rolling you both onto your sides, his cock still inside you. The arm below you wrapped around you close to him as his other hand traced along the edges of your face, his eyes searching your own. 
“Think I’ll like being outnumbered with you,” you smiled. 
“We’ve made it work so far,” he kissed you softly. “We’re raising warriors.” 
You smiled, burying your face in his neck. He still smelled a little wild. Like the forest. Like home. 
It amazed you sometimes, thinking of all the places that were home to you now. Your husband and your children together. The Razor Crest where you’d first fallen for the Mandalorian who was now your riduur. The house on Nevarro that was always filled with the sound of love. The uncharted world where you brought your children and they learned to hunt and climb and you had a chance to paint. 
When you left Naboo, you thought you’d never find a home again, not really. Now, you had it everywhere, the comfort and security of it reaching into everything.
You pulled back from your husband just enough to see his face, the face of a Mandalorian warrior. Your fingers drifted into his hair and you smiled a little. In all of the galaxy you’d seen, nothing was quite as beautiful as Din and he was a sight that was reserved just for you and the family you made with him. 
“Cyare,” he said softly. “What is it?” 
“Nothing,” you smiled a little. “Just happy that I’m home.” 
This is over. I can't believe it.
This was the first fan fiction I ever wrote, the first time I ever tried to make something new from a character that wasn't my own. Even though I only started it a few months ago, it feels like I've been with Din and Doll forever.
Thank you so much for being here for this story. I hope you enjoyed the ride as much as I enjoyed sharing it with you. Knowing you were a part of it, reading your comments, experiencing it alongside you all helped make this experience what it was. It's been incredible. Thank you.
I've started a new fic set in the TLOU universe called Yearling and you can find that here.
Thank you again for spending your time with my work. It's meant the world. I hope we go on another adventure again soon.
Love you all!
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selfryedxpunk · 2 years
Another child? [d. djarin]
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word count: 1.1k (is this even a drabble??)
content/warnings: daughter & father relationship after a bit, mini Ahsoka mention (i had to), din being softer than usual bc grogu softened him up 😭, a sprinkle of angst. Italics means flashback, gif not mines, not proofread :)
“I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold.” The Mandalorian said to his daily bounty. He’s a busy man and he needed those credits now that he has a small someone to take care of. This bounty though seemed…a bit younger than usual. “Seems fun” You said with all the calm in the world.
“You’ve got 10 seconds before I end this conversation.”
“You could try but I want to get this over with.”
Mando sighed as he gripped your arm harshly. “Let’s go kid. I’m not here to play games.” “Kid? I’ll have you know I’m a grown adult thank you very much,” You said with the best “adult” voice you’ve had. You’ve been on the run after your entire world fell apart. You learned to adapt to your surroundings and environment. It’s a cruel world, galaxy even, so you’ve learned to not be the child you actually are. Mando sighed again as he threw her in the ship. “Well, wow. This is a humble abode.” 
“It’s not that impressive. It still works perfectly even though it's probably thousands of years old. Just sit down and be quiet, kid. I’m actually being generous.”
“That's probably the coolest thing you’ve said this entire time.”
Mando stayed silent as he punched in the locations. He had a sad and weird feeling that you were not the adult you say you are. He didn’t exactly want to bring you in, for someone else to potentially hurt you. The mandalorian spoke up, “Well, you don’t see many..smart..bounties, like you, kid. Most end up dying from stress.”
“D’aww you called me smart! I’m so honored” You said sarcastically. It's one of the only ways you have survived all these years, or at least how you survived for the little years you lived. “You must really like sarcasm huh?” “Oh I love sarcasm.” 
The Mandalorian continued, “Now tell me…why were you taken in as a bounty? You don’t seem too much of a criminal.”
“Well….Since I was so depressed about…something personal that happened when I was younger, I kind of had a “villain arc” you could say but..I’ve changed. Still sad about it though.” You answered sadly while reminiscing about your past. It all felt like yesterday. “Someone..killed my mother. The only piece of family I’ve had.”
It was a normal day, you were around 8 when it happened. You and your mother were collecting your daily food at the market because everyone was fleeing for their lives. The empire was about to harm everyone and everything that comes in their way, and your planet blocked their view. Your mother on the other hand though, was as calm as you grew up to be. After that, both of you rush outside to see the sky reddened. Your mother crouched down to match the height of you.
 “Dear, I love you. You know that right?” She smiled sadly. “I know, Mama.” You say somber, knowing what was about to come next. A bomb, not too far from you and your mother blew up on the ground. Everyone was panicking, trying to evacuate but you really didn’t care. All you cared about was your mother. “Baby, please. Promise me you’ll take care of yourself, find someone that’ll protect you, please be safe,” she said, tears glistening in her eyes. “I will, Mama, don’t worry. Maybe we can find eachother again!” A tear ran down your small cheek as your mother wiped it away. “I hope so.”
A sympathetic look crossed the Mandalorian’s face. Out of all people he definitely knew what it was like to lose a loved one. “I know how difficult that is. I lost mine when I was just a boy. Are you still struggling with your loss though?” Mando sounded softer than usual, he wasn’t as big and bad as he was when he first met her.
“I am…and I’m still so young. Everything happened so fast. I like to act older than I am because It makes me forget about the past. I am actually just a kid.” “I understand. Life can change on the whim of a moment. But, kid, don’t hide your inner child. The galaxy needs some more happiness in it.”
You nod as you stare at your hands, wishing you were stronger and that you were actually able to save your mother. You clench your hands in worry, and in anger. Mando notices this and felt bad for you. “Is..everything okay? Is there something you want to share with me?”  “No….it’s alright. I’m alright,” you say sadly while playing with the small ring on your finger, the one your mother gave you. “Look, I’m sorry for your loss, kid. I know you’re trying to stay safe for your sake but holding in that pain isn’t the right answer.”
“I know it’s just…I’m not sure how to talk about my feelings really. I’ve been keeping it all in my entire life.” Mando had a small idea, (eureka /j), something that would protect this young one, and control her stress. “I know just the person to help you with that. A Jedi who guided me through struggles of my own loss. You should find her someday. She can help you kid, I know it.” “Yea…but I’m not Jedi material..plus I don’t want to be one. I think it’d just give me even more stress. They probably wouldn’t be able to handle my sarcasm either” You chuckled. “You’re stuck with me now anyway, Metal man.”
Mando sighed, “So be it.” You smiled a small grin. “So what can I call you anyway?” 
“People call me Mando. It’s something I was sworn to be. I have dedicated my life to serve the clan of Mandalore.” “Woah! So your a Mandalorian? That’s so cool!” You said fairly quickly. “I’m just..alive, I guess. Sometimes I wish I was cool,” you sighed as you stared at your ring. “You are pretty cool, kid. Don’t let your past define who you are, you define that, and what future you will have. What will it be,” Mando said, actually curious.
You stayed silent as you thought to yourself. “Find someone who will protect you,” your mother had once told you. You are only 13 now, and have nowhere else to go anymore. You couldn’t survive on your own. The Mandalorian is the only one who could protect you now. “Could I maybe…stay here?”
Mando looked back at her in shock, why would she want to stay here? He thought but she was only a child, he couldn’t just abandon her. He had the same choice with Grogu and he’s like a son to him now. He patted her head, unsure of what to do. “Sure, kid. I promise I'll protect you. We’ll have other adventures also. How does that sound?”
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nerdieforpedro · 4 months
Hey Nerdie!! Doing some Pedro Scout duties this weekend and I wanna know:
which Pedro Boy is your favorite to write/read for?
Have a great weekend!
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Me at how long this ask took, not only because I’ve been busy but also because this is such a complex question! 😭😭😭 Well for me anyway. Most people can give a simple answer 😆 Not Nerdie.
As far as reading for Pedro boys, I enjoy reading about all the Pedro boys, except Maxwell Lord. He gives me the ick. Everyone else I'll read in droves. I will say.... and don't tell the others, I may have three that I both enjoy reading and writing about:
Dieter Bravo - The crazy little trash panda who may indulge in drugs, booze, and mindless sex from times to times. Also has lots of crocs and robes. Because he's into so many things and people you can write him however you like. Weird? Sure!, Wild, of course!, Sad, yes! Artsy! Of course! All sorts of things. Dieter can be all the things you want and might need, he wants to be everywhere and no where at the same time. Confusing? Yes, but Dieter's a mystery that's a hell of a fun time to try and solve. 🤗
Din Djarin - The Mandalorian in all his Beskar clad glory. Stoic, yet his compassion runs deep, Din is perfect for those who want a soft touch or not. No kink shaming here - I myself may have written about that cool beskar against the skin. But Din is also a loving father and loyal friend which are wonder themes to be explored. He also is just a badass bounty hunter rolling around the galaxy earning credits. Many things. Many things for the lovely Din. 🥹
Frankie Morales - The most grounded in reality, a veteran just trying to make it work in both in life and over the fucking Andes! A pilot with a heart of gold, a filthy mouth that does wonderful things and gives us so, so so much to work with and curls that have your fingers wanting to twirl. He might be a bit too easily talked into things, but that's fine. Most of our fics (or mine) may have Frankie talking the reader into things or vice versa but don't be fooled. Our pilot can sweet us but also be stern and have a firm hand, just because. Sometime's Frankie may have an issue with drugs, other times he's a single father. @avastrasposts has a cowboy Frankie and I for one would like to see some chaps on the man. 👀
Special mentions:
A. Marcus Pike - The first Pedro character I wrote for. He is soft, not quite as soft as Dieter or one other character to be mentioned. But he loves food, music, basketball and love. So sweet, also looks great in flannel and jeans with his gun. Also the leather jacket. 🖤
B. Javier Peña - He grew on me. I wasn't always a huge Peña fan, but now that I've been writing him again, all he wanted to love on a special someone. And to fight crime, but we saw all that in Narcos. I enjoy Javi P smut, but even more than that, I like the soft Javi different writers give us like @javierpena-inatacvest and @undercoverpena The man's seen a lot of death, violence and darkness. Let him cuddle a bit after a stiff drink or with something else stiff. 😆 (Nerdie is horrible for that joke)
C. Javier Gutierrez - Tied with Dieter for the softest Pedro boy (in my opinion) but with a bit of a temper. Javi G is a teddy bear, cuddler, movie marathons, vacations and maybe secret room vibes. What's in that room is up to you. But those golden waves will forever say summer, warm vibes and an excellent shirt collection. Also random massages - I dunno why but I just see it (for all readers). Javi G will rub sunscreen, oil or whatever else you want him to on you. Just ask nicely or not, maybe he's into it in your fic. Other times Javi might be telling you what to do because he's got the money honey. Don't look a golden bear in his mustache too close unless you're gonna work hard for that marmalade. (I will not apologize to Javi G for the Paddington references. I enjoyed myself too much 🍯 He would want me to smile to stay bonita.)
D. Pero Tovar - He's grumpy, filthy, sore, hungry, looking at his friend William like he's insane because he is and just wants to get paid so he can get the hell out of here. Pero is an entire mood. Does all of it apply? No, mainly because we're not in the 11th century and thankfully I'm not friends with ponytail clad William. Pero in his time or ours, usually is still pretty grumpy, sometimes downgraded to annoyed or surly, but usually a man of few words and a scar over his left eye. It's fun to have him annoyed and have him maybe annoy people with his gruff personality. He makes me giggle.
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Thank you so much for this ask and sorry again that it's late. I had a lot to say about each main man and the side ones. But they're not really on the side, more like side by side? Anyway,
Love Nerdie 💖
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astralisbelle · 2 years
Dead Man's Hand 10 - Dead Man's Hand
Dead Man's Hand Masterlist tags: engineer!reader, gambler!reader, loose canon timeline, eventual smut, fluff, action, casino aesthetics, touch starved reader, touch starved din, reader and din get on each other’s nerves, also they’re idiots, defrosting ice king din, cinderella vibes, everybody loves grogu
chapter summary: As she rises towards the top, she catches someone's attention -- the wrong kind. warnings: minor violence
note: two updates in one day, y'all are getting SPOILED (tbf, so am I. this fic is such an indulgence for me) thank you THANK YOU for all the likes, reblogs, and comments. I read each and every one and they fill me with such joy <3
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And then there were three. She managed to bluff out the Hutt into blowing the rest of his pot. He cursed and spat at her in Huttese before slithering off (Din was this close to blasting him for the things he said). The old gentleman drew the Mon Calamari into a trap of overconfidence and the latter decided to walk away, still pleased with his profit.
Between learning tells, catching up on the lingo, getting comfortable working with such exorbitant amounts of money, she’s feeling good. So good that when they call a temporary recess, she orders a drink from the bar before sitting back down.
“Good evening.” Taking a seat next to her is the old gentleman, a small drink in hand and a welcoming smile on his lips. “You’re the girl from Tatooine, is that right?”
“That’s right. I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”
He bows his head. “Bras Luum. I am delighted to finally speak with you. You know, I simply must thank you for taking out that Besporos lad. He has no respect for the game and I think his true hobby is spending his father’s credits.”
She laughs, nodding in agreement. “You’ve seen him around these parts?”
“Too often, I’m afraid,” he replies in his posh accent. Bras is a good player. He is subtle, but humble, and takes his losses the same as he does his winnings. Between her final two competitors, he is definitely the one to beat. “But that was a marvelous play. The Dead Man’s Hand.”
“Thank you very much.”
“You know why they call it that?” She shakes her head. “Many cultures use sabacc cards to divine the future, yes? Now, your hand, the Dead Man’s Hand, consists of The Evil One and The Endurance. Evil enduring is quite the omen, yes? Very bad luck.”
She chuckles. “Yes, but you know as good as I that luck means little in this game.”
There is a pregnant pause as he ponders it. “Indeed. People like ourselves… we don’t need luck.” He takes a sip of his drink. “So. Tatooine. Now if I recall correctly, Luke Skywalker himself was born on that planet.”
She lifts her brows. “Skywalker… the pilot that destroyed the Death Star? I… I didn’t know that.” Huh! She suddenly feels a swell of pride for her garbage desert planet.
“Yes, yes.” He nods. “So you see, great talent comes from anywhere.” The way he speaks is so charming to her, so nostalgic. “The rumor is that the Mandalorian hired you to win the beskar grand prize. Is that right?”
“Yes.” She nods, eyes fluttering to Din and Grogu for a moment.
“And the winning pot?”
“All mine.” Well… a good chunk of it, at least.
“How generous of him.” Bras laughs behind his lips, finishing his drink. “What has he told you about beskar? I’m curious.”
She shrugs. “It’s the metal of his people. It belongs to them… that’s what he’s said about it.”
Bras nods slowly, listening to her words. “Hm. So all beskar belongs to the Mandalorians. Is that right?”
“It makes sense. It was found in their mines, wasn’t it?”
Bras sighs wistfully. “Indeed. It's a beautiful metal. Blasters do virtually nothing against it. It can even stop a lightsaber.” A what? “Only beskar can pierce beskar. It's... exquisite."
"I... didn't know that. No wonder D... The Mandalorian is so keen on retrieving it. It belongs with him."
The old man nods once. "I know you are young, so I will not fault you. Especially one that is new to the expanses of the galaxy. The Mandalorian believes that the beskar belongs to him. But that simply is not true.”
Her smile drops. “What… what are you talking about?”
“I see the way you play cards. You have a keen mind, good memory, yes? Remember the image of the beskar. That perfect rectangle ingot. What was there in the corner?”
She gets goosebumps on her arms, a loud heartbeat in her ears. “The… the symbol of the Empire.” She has to turn away. “But the Empire’s gone. Wiped out.”
Bras laughs, but it doesn’t sound friendly. “The same can be said of Mandalore.” As she stares at Din, worry knitting her brows, Bras leans in and whispers, sending cold chills down her back. “Surely, child, you can see that even though something doesn’t exist, its spirit can live on. And so... do I not have equal claim to that beskar as the Mandalorians do?” She trembles in her chair, her sight darting to the identical bodyguards that stand at attention not far from Din. Her throat dries and her skin crawls as the realization sinks in.
I know what you are.
“There’s no need to be frightened, child.” The sweetness in his voice does little to convince her of its sincerity. “You, after all, are not in this for the beskar.” He rests a gentle hand on her shoulder, and yet she somehow feels more violated than when that prick felt up her leg. “Take your winnings home now and bow out gracefully. With the amount that you’ve made so far, why, it’s beneath you to do favors for the Mandalorian. You owe him nothing.”
Din turns and sees them talking. That look on her face…
She bites down on the tip of her tongue, weighing his words carefully. It’s a generous offer, she assumes, because she knows that if she refuses, this man has other ways of getting what he wants. His fingers curl into the skin of her shoulder, nails making indents. “Have you been enjoying your taste of luxury? You can make it last longer. All you need to do is step aside. This isn’t your conflict, sweet one. So don’t get in the middle of it.”
The dealer announces that it is time to resume and Bras’s hand slips off her shoulder as he readjusts himself in his seat. She, however, is deathly still. Her heart races faster than ever and her stomach churns, threatening to burst. Before Din can approach her, a casino hostess tells him that the game is about to resume.
This isn’t your conflict, sweet one. So don’t get in the middle of it.
Two cards fall in front of her and she’s still spacing out. It takes the dealer calling her name out twice before she’s responsive. Quickly, she looks at her cards and surveys the table. The Twi’lek is as stoic as ever, but Bras’s smile haunts her. “It’s your turn to call,” he tells her. “What shall it be?”
What shall it be, girl? Are you going to make me happy… or disappointed? Is what he seems to ask.
Could she do it? Could she just bow out now, take her winnings, and flee? She could go anywhere, anywhere, with that amount of money. Could is the key word. She turns her head, looking for Din and Grogu in the crowd. Her eyes close with her slow inhale. Her hand remembers being held by Grogu, her skin remembers Din’s touches, and her eyes remember that beautiful sunrise. All this money at her fingertips, but no amount of credits can compare to those wonderful feelings.
With her exhale, she opens her eyes, cold focus setting in. The numbers fly in her head and she realigns herself. She knows exactly what she wants to say to Bras and where exactly he can shove his intimidation tactics.
That beskar belongs to Din.
“I call.” She shoves a pile of chips towards the pot, her unerring glare staring right at Bras as she does. Her brazen defiance makes his eye twitch, but he quickly covers it with a smile.
His mistake costs him nearly half of his earnings. If he was angry before, he must be livid now. So hard to tell with sabacc players.
The dealer calls the final adjourning for the tournament, much earlier than last night. Tomorrow night, a winner will be crowned. She stands up quickly and picks up her skirts, fleeing from the table the best she can in those shoes. Just before she can reach Din and Grogu, someone steps in her path. “The girl from Tatooine!” says Dastiv. “My, my, don’t you clean up nicely.”
“Oh? Th-thanks. I’m sorry, I’m trying to--”
“I know you’re exhausted, but I was hoping to have a little chat.” He smiles. “Have you given any thought to your future as a gambler? You’ve certainly got the skills for it.”
“Ah… well, I haven’t had much time to think about it--”
“Splendid! One drink in my office is all I ask for. Then I’ll let you catch up on sleep. How’s that?”
She tucks some hair behind her ear, looking over her shoulder. Surrounded by his posse of guards, Bras makes his way out of the gambling hall, all the while peering at her through the cracks of his security. Perhaps this could be a key time to tell Dastiv what kind of people are gambling here. “Sure,” she says. “One drink.”
Dastiv wraps an arm around her shoulder, leading her towards the exit.
“Hey.” Din notices immediately, catching up to them. “Where are you going?”
“To his office for a drink. Then I’ll be right back.” She puts on a smile so he doesn’t worry. “Go back to the room. I’ll be there soon.”
Dastiv wheels her away before Din can object to it, yapping on how Canto Bight is the perfect place to make a living as gambler. The Mandalorian watches her go and something sits in the pit in his stomach. He can’t put his finger on it, but he doesn’t like this.
She finds herself in Dastiv’s office once more, albeit in completely different attire. Now, she looks like she belongs here. He rants on about how he would be willing to give her a penthouse if she decides to stay, what sort of money she would have to win on a yearly basis. Truthfully, she’s only half paying attention as he pours their drinks. “We like to keep the money circulating here, you can understand.”
“R-Right.” She nods along. “It’s been wonderful here. Beyond my wildest dreams.”
“That’s what we do.”
“Mm. Listen, um, I wanted to ask you about one of the players. Bras Luum?” He presents her a shot and holds the other.
“Yes, lovely fellow. Go ahead, take it.” He lifts his shot. “To you, my dear.”
“Th-thank you.”She takes the shot glass. Just one drink, then she can go. She tips it back, drinking all of it in one go. When she swallows and faces forward, Dastiv has done the same. “Now, about Bras.”
He sighs loudly. “What a shame,” he says.
“H...huh?” Suddenly, dizziness flushes through her body. Her head grows hot and she cannot make words.
“You were talking about Bras Luum, weren’t you? Yes, he’s an old friend.” Dastiv sits on the edge of his desk with a proud grin. “I’m so sorry, my dear. Neither of us expected you to be doing so well! I suppose that’s a compliment for someone like you.”
She drops the glass, hearing it shatter as she wobbles, her feet losing coordination. What’s happening to me?! The doors slide open.
“Ah, there you are. She’s all yours.”
A pair of gloved hands catch her before she falls. Din? They hoist her up, carrying her. Her vision focuses for a second, showing that it is not the Mandalorian, but Bras’s guards. No… The sight of their helmets is the last thing she remembers before it all fades to black.
Grogu’s eyes fly open, his heart pounding. He looks up at Din, attempting to convey worry in his words. Thankfully, his father understands that much easily. “What is it?” He can’t quite say her name yet (or any name, for that matter) but he tries anyway, stressing the syllables. Din’s voice darkens. “...Is she in trouble?” He doesn’t wait for confirmation.
The elevator doors open and instead of returning to their room, he turns on his heel and strides straight towards the ones that can take him to Dastiv’s office. He shoves past people waiting in line and orders the attendant to take them straight to the top floor, his voice deep enough to scare him into doing it. It feels like an eternity waiting for the elevator to reach the top, but as soon as the doors open, his hand is near his blaster and he charges forward.
The door open and the Mandalorian draws his blaster, knowing Dastiv’s guards are ready for him. He knows he can dispose them quickly if it comes down to it. “Where is she?”
“Mando!” Dastiv claps his hands together. “Quite the entrance. I have to ask you to put your weapon away, however.” His smug, unassuming smile just makes him fume even more.
“Where. Is she?”
“Are you looking for your friend? We had a drink. I’m sure she went straight to your room.”
He doesn’t believe that for a second. “Grogu. Don’t look.” The child presses a button on his pram and hides. Once he’s shielded, Din swings his blaster towards the guard on the left, opening fire. Blaster shots bounce off his beskar armor as he slides behind the guard, striking him on the back of the neck. Once that one falls to the ground, he shoots the other in the leg, bringing him to his knees with a yelp. Din kicks him straight in the head to knock him out, then he swoops towards Dastiv and seizes him by the collar.
The casino owner looks ready to talk now.
“Do I have to repeat myself?”
“No, no! I heard you! L-Listen, Mando, you better take the kid and high tail it out of here. You don’t wanna get entangled in this business.”
“If she’s in harm’s way, then it is my business. Who has her?”
“I-It’s Bras! The old man. I’m warning you, Mando. You won’t get her back.”
He tilts his head, a slight growl tinging his words. “What can I say? It’s a casino and I feel lucky. Now. Where is he?”
“F...Freight elevator. Bottom floor.” With that, he shoves him back into his seat and whips around, not bothering to ask anything else. It doesn’t matter who this man thinks he is, only that he’s a fool for thinking he wouldn’t come after her. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Mando!” Din immediately turns and fires, the shot whizzing past Dastiv and shattering a vase over his shoulder, eliciting a scream.
“That’s my warning shot.”
Din leads the way back to the elevator. “Grogu,” he says. “Go back to the room.” Grogu grumbles, his mouth frowning and making wrinkles in his cheeks. He makes a noise of defiance and Din knows that it’s futile to stop him. Where did he pick up that stubbornness? Din shakes his head. “Fine.” Let’s go get her back.”
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peachmercury6 · 10 months
Electric Pt 3 (Din Djarin x You)
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Pairing: Din Djarin x F!Reader
Summary: Chaos ensues in the classroom.
Words: 481
A|N: Slowburn anyone? :D
Previous (Part 2)
Walking to the school the next day, there is a strange sense of dread and familiarity over your shoulders. Turning around, you don’t notice anybody out of the ordinary in the regular crowd of people in Nevarro. You shake it off, heading inside the classroom, where you wait for your students to show up. Within minutes, most of them show up. Grogu is one of the first to appear, and you notice his father, Din, nodding at you as he drops him off.
You get straight to the lesson, but the same feeling as before comes over you. Ignoring it, you continue, hoping the sensation will leave.
One student, Jairbo Brilev, would not listen. Instead, he constantly interrupted the lectures, but today it seems like he wants to push your buttons. “I don’t wanna,” he says, shrugging his shoulders when you ask him a question.
You stare at him with a straight face. “You don’t wanna what?”
The student instead of responding, knocked over a pile of papers off your desk. “Mr. Brilev, get back into your desk,” you warn the student. The assistant droid flailed their arms around in a panic. When he refused once again, he stood up, running around the classroom. You weren’t quite sure how to handle a situation like this before as it never really happened.
Jairbo threw things in your direction. You close your eyes, bracing for impact but none of them hit you. The other students gasped in shock. Once you’ve opened your eyes, the items Jairbo had thrown at you stopped in midair. You glance at Grogu, who seems to have his hand out. Does he have… you think. Grogu let the items drop and collapsed in his own seat.
You let the students go for a small recess, while you have no choice but to have his father pick him up. You sent for one of the assistant droids to call Din and let him know.
Not too long after, he showed up to the classroom with the students still at their recess. “He fell asleep?” Din asks, confused.
“There was an incident in the classroom. One of my students acted up, and when he threw things, they seemed to… stop before it could hit me.”
Din looked down at the sleeping Grogu in his arms. “I see,” he says and sighs.
“He’s not in trouble. I just… I have never had a student that could use…”
“The Force?” he finishes your question. “I may have forgotten to mention it. I would prefer if we kept this conversation between us.”
“Of course. No one needs to know.” Although the children probably wonder what occurred in the classroom today, you vow not to give it too much attention to keep your promise with Din.
The parent-teacher meeting is held tomorrow for most of the day. Apart of you hopes he can make it.
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