#father's cuddles
cloudabserk · 4 months
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who’s the strongest ninja in the world?
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tinyshinysylveon · 2 years
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miri finally getting her own room! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Bruce's love language is handing you his kids. Yes, even the 6'5 anti hero with anger issues. Lift with your back
Bruce: Isn't he precious
Martinez, struggling to hold this human tank: y..yeah ....
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sweet-bazzle-bean · 1 year
Ed listing "Orgasms" as one of the pros of living is of course hilarious, but him knee-jerk answering "Warmth" is going to haunt me to my grave.
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lolita-lollipop · 1 year
(Request given through messages: reader who is embarrassed to tell Aizawa that they cannot sleep without a stuffed animal, as it was their comfort item throughout their childhood when their parents would fight. Eventually the reader is so exhausted that they break down and cry to him. Platonic please!)
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Warnings: unmentioned stockholm syndrome, mentions of kidnapping, secondary insomnia ,yandere. You dictate what you read.
He was always able to know when you were awake.
It was the one thing that came easily for him with you after he had taken you, the one thing he was always able to do. It was especially easy after he had moved you into his room, originally he moved you because of your most recent escape attempt, where you had actually managed to leave the house while he was sleeping, you had called the police. The call had only lasted a few moments, not even seconds before he had you roped up tightly…
But you had sounded alarmed enough to have the cops of the area in a frenzy, you sounded like the missing girl they'd been looking for for months. They had come knocking at his door the next morning, asking if he had seen or heard anything the previous night. Being a pro hero he was the last person they would even remotely suspect, so it was a quick “no”, a short visit. However, a long enough one that it had him reminded him of just how fragile your relationship was, and how you being kept on a loose leash wouldnt work.
So that night, he moved you up into his room, where you slept in his bed. With him. It took away all of your sense of freedom, your only private space, the room where you had some of your own stuff, your old stuff. You had actually ended up liking your room the most in this house, he had promised that it would be a safe space for you, somewhere he would let you enjoy yourself, with the little tv and toys that he knew you liked. He also usually would let you have your alone time when you were in your room. You liked that most of all.
He was actually able to learn so much more about you than he ever had before. Sure, he had watched you sleep plenty of times before, but it had only ever been from afar. Or through the cameras in your room. Never had he been this close. Close enough to notice your habits, and what you do. The biggest thing being: you barely were able to sleep. Ever. Maybe he was just too far away to notice it before, or maybe your lack of sleep started when he took you. The thought of that made his heart heavy.
You tried, he knew that much. Every night, you would lie down in bed, on the edge as far away as you could possibly get from him, curl up, and close your eyes. And every night the same, you would squirm, and sigh, and inevitably stay fully awake and aware all night. He pretended not to notice, as you never said anything about it and were clearly closed off to conversation about it. He couldn't help you unless you asked, otherwise, you'd get upset, he had learned that the hard way.
But he saw what your sleeping habits did to you, he should've seen it so much sooner. How you trudged around the house like there were a hundred pounds heavy on your shoulders, how the purple under your eyes just got deeper and deeper as the days passed by. You were tired, but you couldn't sleep. Eventually, after a few weeks, you stopped trying entirely, instead sitting at the edge of the bed with that far-off look in your eyes.
Sometimes it would get bad enough that you would cry, but he knew how embarrassed you could get with him, how shy you were, especially when it was about your feelings, which you generally kept to yourself.
It was always bad, but it was never this bad.
The night had started like it normally did, with him helping you with taking your vitamins after dinner, then he read you a story like he always did. After this, like every night, he tucked you in his bed, giving you the extra fluffy blanket that you liked (as you run much colder than he did), and went to get in his pajamas, leaving you alone. He only took his eyes off of you for a few minutes, long enough for him to tie his hair back and get ready for bed.
But immediately after leaving the room, he could hear you crying. He liked that the walls were thin, because he could hear everything and anything at al times l. Your cries were muffled, soft, and pained in the same way you always were. But loud enough that he was automatically put into panic mode.
Making a full sprint back into the room, he was met with the sight of you, curled up in a ball sitting on the shiny wooden floor with your knees held tight to your chest. Crying, but not the loud obnoxious crying he'd seen from villains before who just wanted sympathy, this was guttural, dripping in melancholy. He saw the way your fingernails dig into the skin of your knees, you were holding yourself too tightly. How awful.
“Baby? What's wrong? Oh god come here honey- it's okay.” immediately the burly man was on top of you, pulling his muscular arm under your knees and back, and lifting you off the floor. You were shaking like a leaf, shivering with every sob that left your mouth. Unlike most times when he tried to comfort you and you would squirm like a cat and howl like a banshee, this time you just cried into his chest, melting in his arms and letting your tears stain his shirt. Your hand clutched at his long hair, twirling it in your fingers, quivering.
“What's going on? I've noticed you've been a bit… down.” He spoke, pulling you in closer and sticking his face in your hair, kissing your head, and swiping your hair from your face. You just wrapped your arms around his neck, sticking your head into the nook of his shoulder. He always smelled the same, like some crisp orange smell with something deeper mixed with it, you grew to hate it and love it at the same time. You quieted your cries slowly, mustering up any resolve or courage you had in your system to try and talk to him.
“I- uhm- It's embarrassing,” you muttered into his shoulder, closing your eyes and letting yourself relax into him.
“Oh? What is? You can trust me, baby, I won't tell anybody.” He cooed, continuing to cup your face and stroke your cheek with his thumb. Your answer had piqued his interest, yes, you had always been closed off and embarrassed about yourself around him. Even before he had taken you, you were his student, the one who was quiet and reserved, you sat in the back of the classroom and were well likable to all the other students. He could never tell what you were thinking, you kept your head down and only answered questions when called on with that timid voice of yours that he loved. But today your voice was wavering, exhausted.
“I’m just so tired. And- It's because- I just can’t- uhm- i-” Your breathing became heavy and fast, tears re-clouding your eyes. You couldn't remember the last time you'd actually cried this way, at least not with a man like Aizawa, especially not with your teacher. You met his gaze for a few seconds, staring into the way they crinkled with both age and kindness. He urged you to go on, raising a brow. God, when had you become so trusting of him?
“I can't sleep without my bunny” you rushed out, immediately breaking your gaze and flushing, oh my god what kind of idiot were you? How pathetic was it that you, a college student, couldn't manage to sleep without the help of a stuffed animal? You knew he was looking at you like you were an idiot, the way your parents used to all the time. You thought he was judging you, thinking you were pathetic, stupid.
But it couldn't be more different. Oh. my. God. you were absolutely the cutest thing he'd ever seen in his entire life. He could remember seeing that bunny in your arms now that he thought about it, when he would watch over your house while you would sleep to make sure nothing happened, you were always holding that bunny. But he had stupidly not grabbed it when he took you, instead opting for a teddy bear. How absolutely precious could you be? His awed silenced only made you feel worse.
“I- I know it's stupid- it's just since I was a kid I had trouble sleeping because my parents- my parents would fight and it was the only thing-” You took a long- shaky breath, trying to calm yourself down “-the only thing that would help me- don't be mad please I know it's dumb” You cried out, burying your head as deep into his shoulder as you could. You wanted to disappear right now. You should've just stayed quiet, oh he was judging you for sure. What kind of idiot were you? You knew that he-
“Oh my god, you are the cutest thing arent you? Baby, why didn't you tell me sooner? I knew you weren't sleeping well but I didn't know this was why. I would've been happy to get it for you, it's not embarrassing at all” he spoke, cupping your teary-eyed face and pulling it out from his shoulder, he pressed a firm kiss on your forehead and wiped the tears from your cheeks. You just sniffled and leaned in, too tired to care about anything other than the fact that he was warm and nice.
“ look hon- ill get it for you soon I promise, but we live too far for me to go tonight. Maybe tomorrow. Can we try something though? Is that okay?” he was talking so softly to you now, so kindly. Usually, you would've been suspicious of his actions, being that it was extremely different from how you'd seen him in the classroom. But your brain had essentially turned to mush the past few weeks, and you were far too exhausted to care. You nodded, staring up at him with glossy eyes, what was he planning?
“It's nothing bad. Just relax, close your eyes.” the sturdy man commanded, cupping your head as he lifted himself, along with you, off the floor again. He squeezed you tight as he made his way across the room, grabbing your fuzzy blanket before settling into the bed, you pressed firmly against his chest. You were small in comparison to him. Small enough to fit on top of him comfortably. He settled under the blanket and wrapped his arms around your waist, staring at you with those loving grey eyes he had throughout the entire process.
Staring up at him in confusion for a few moments at what he was doing , you managed to let out a small “Huh?” before he shushed you, and tightened his grip. Pulling the blanket over your shoulders, he slipped his hand up and down your back, drawing small circles around and around, leaving a tingling sensation to rack down your spine. He had you melting like putty in his arms.
“Just relax baby, Ill protect you from everything there is. Just try and sleep okay? I'm here.” At his words, you sank into his chest, letting your cheek squish on him. He usually wasn't affectionate, this was very likely for your own benefit now that you think about it, as you had obvious discomfort with being touched (due to your complete lack of physical affection growing up).
But this… his touch alone sent warm waves through your heart, this was so comfortable, so soft. So warm. The way his breathing lifted you up and down with every breath he took, the way the circles he was placed on your back melted your bones, how the blanket was so soft, how he was so soft. It was so… comfortable. The exhaustion that had built up over the past few weeks settled in the front of your head, weighing your eyelids closed. Before you knew it you had your hand clutched tightly around his shirt, and you were dozed off, letting little mutters and snores leave your mouth as you slipped into a deep sleep.
Oh, you were just so precious. He genuinely didn't think that you could be any more fragile than what he had previously believed. However, he was so so so wrong. You couldn't complete your life functions without the help of a plush-filled bunny. How cute was that? It just made him feel more attached, you were so helpless. Too innocent for your own good. You would never have to deal with anything that would require the help of your bunny anymore.
He would make sure of it
I love how I’m writing about insomnia as it is five in the morning and I haven’t slept yet🤪
Anywya the anon who requested this wanted to remain anonymous but Ily for requesting his! Thanks!
Also thanks to those reading right now, ily too!
Anyways tell me what you think, it very likely hs many grammatical errors that I will not be fixing. I’m gonna sleep now goodnight!
Have a great day! Bye!
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leupagus · 10 months
I've seen a surprising amount of David Tennant's TV work in the past few months, and
I'm noticing that this is a man who likes to play funky little guys whose idea of true happiness is hanging out with their best friend/true love (sometimes they're the same person!) and having nice meals together forever.
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diazsdimples · 6 months
WIP Wednesday
Look at me posting two days in a row! The beans are slowly returning from their disappearance, I can feel it!
This snippet of Frostpunk AU is a little longer and I probably shouldn't be sharing all of it because remaining mysterious and all that, but fuck it. I'm just proud of myself for having written something lol.
There’s a slight rustle as his tent flaps are pulled back, and Buck’s legs jostle as a weight sinks onto the end his bed, a firm hand curling around his shin. “Hey Bobby,” Buck croaks, his voice rough and frayed, like a well worn piece of material. “Hey kid. You doing okay?” Buck opens his eyes and is met with the warm, brown eyes of his adopted father, full of care and concern. Bobby cocks his head, waiting for a response. “No,” Buck says quietly, and he rolls onto his side, curling his legs up towards his body. He wraps his arms around his knees and lets out a shaky sigh. “No, I’m not, but I don’t know why. I can’t get them out of my head, Bobby! Why can’t I let them go?” He angles his head up towards Bobby, looking at him with pleading eyes, and Bobby sighs, moving to stretch himself beside Buck. It’s reminiscent of when he was younger and was plagued with nightmares. Bobby would bring Buck into his and Athena’s bed and the small boy would cling to Bobby’s chest as he whispered stories into Buck’s hair, until the trembling stopped, and his breathing evened out. “I never did tell you how I found you and Maddie, did I? You were so young, I wasn’t sure if you remembered…” Bobby says, shifting beside Buck as he gets into a comfortable position. His muscles must be in a similar state to Buck’s if not worse, so it’s any wonder it takes him a moment to settle. “C’mere.” Buck turns, his body relaxing as he sees Bobby’s outstretched arm, and he settles into his father’s side, head resting against his chest, just like the old days. “I understand how you’re feeling,” Bobby begins, his hand skimming up Buck’s arm as he squeezes him closer. “We never meant to find you and Maddie. I was out on a scouting mission with Athena, and we were looking for my fa– for some people who were lost in a storm. We’d barely made it a day out of the city before we found you two.” Bobby shivers, as though the memory were transporting him back in time. For Buck, he has flashes of his childhood before Sector 118, small moments of discomfort as he remembers harsh words, cold looks, and lonely nights. He nods, signalling for Bobby to continue. “We found you two wrapped up together. Maddie had tried to dig you into a drift to conserve heat but had gotten too tired, so she’d stopped. If we hadn’t found you –“ Bobby’s voice breaks and his grip on Buck’s shoulders tighten, pulling him in closer. Buck lets out a small noise in the back of his throat and allows Bobby to pull him in, chin digging into the top of Buck’s head. They lie there, both shaking slightly as Bobby relives the past and Buck fears for the future. Bobby takes a deep breath before he finally continues. “I didn’t leave your bedside for a week. Athena had to drag me away to eat. I barely slept. You were just some kid I’d rescued, but for some reason I couldn’t leave you. Either of you”   Bobby hums out a small laugh and Buck feels it reverberate through his chest, reminding him of how Bobby used to laugh as Buck would try and tickle him after he’d calmed down from his nightmares. It’s oddly comforting. “So I know exactly what you’re going through. There’s no rhyme or reason for it, Buck. You just have to let yourself feel it. Be there for them. We’ll all support you.”
No pressure tagging @theotherbuckley @hippolotamus @watchyourbuck @puppyboybuckley @daffi-990 @exhuastedpigeon @disasterbuckdiaz @spotsandsocks @rainbow-nerdss @wildlife4life @buckbuckgoose @bucksbackwardcap @evanbegins @cal-daisies-and-briars @fortheloveofbuddie @spagheddiediaz @steadfastsaturnsrings @loserdiaz @giddyupbuck @aroeddiediaz @jesuisici33 @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @kitteneddiediaz @elvensorceress @thekristen999 @actuallyitsellie @wikiangela @smilingbuckley @epicbuddieficrecs @underwater-ninja-13 @shortsighted-owl @loveyouanyway
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0-0kappacino0-0 · 6 months
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Palia Fanart: Maji Market Trip Side Quest
So I've been playing Palia pretty religiously for a few weeks now and I've had this image in my head since I did the Zeki side quest. I think its so funny and cute to imagine my character and Kenyatta sneaking the children out in the middle of the night to wander about a low-key sketchy magic market for the fun of it 😂😂😂
Defo recommend Palia if you're looking for a fun cosy mmo!! 😌🤌✨️
(Also tried something new with my art so)
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ryva · 2 years
just big ole pro hero Dynamight wif his little tiny baby. just this huge man with the smallest thing that brings him so much joy
just a shirtless Dynamight with this little murmuring infant laid on his chest. just thinking about the size of his hands compared to his little baby 🥺
how nervous this man is about his role as a father. he's by his little one's side at every noise. mans takes time off to be with the mini him. and say nothing, he totally didn't cry that one time the distracted baby didn't reach for him. "they don't need me anymore"
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Greeting dad
Greeting dad by Tambako The Jaguar Via Flickr: One of the lion cubs greeting his dad and the other one looking at the side.
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klaus being the blueprint for daemon Part II (bonus! soft moments)
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bruciemilf · 2 years
Clark, currently hiding behind Bruce, who's grumpy cause he got woken up from his post sex nap for this: What are you doing in my house??? whAt a re you doing in my house?
Damian, angry cause Bruce hasn't been home in two days, pointing a sword right at him: I WANT MY BABA BACK
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bonefall · 1 year
If Pinestar was the Mi of his kits, why didn’t he try to take any of them with him when he left? Like Brightsky keeping some of her litter. He knew how the clans were, he was specifically leaving to get away from it, why did he choose to leave his children behind?
It wasn't a choice. Brightsky gave birth in the home she bolted to; Pinestar wasn't going to be allowed to take his children unless he snuck out with them.
He wishes he did something, when he sees what became of his son. But he tried to be brave when he left, announcing that he would not be coming back, and where he would be going.
He thought that was the right thing to do. Unfortunately, no one else appreciated it the way he hoped they would.
If he DID though, ThunderClan would not have allowed that. They see it as kidnapping. Being Mi doesn't mean you're allowed to do literally anything you want, especially if you do have a Ba involved.
In cases of handoffs (surrogacy, secret halfclan kits being given to their other parent, etc) it's actually SUPER important you do it before 1 moon, so you can pass the disappearance off as a fading kit. There are no funerals thrown for fading kits besides the Mi and any Ba quietly burying the body, so this is the time where you smuggle the baby out.
So you need all the Ba on board with such a handoff, in addition. Cloudtail is an example of that actually! When Brightheart surrogates, he is fully aware of how many are ACTUALLY faders and who is receiving their child.
Tigerkit was like 3-ish moons when Pinestar hit da bricks, unfortunately there wasn't a way he could take him along... plus it wouldn't quite make sense with how he was having nightmares about murdering his son.
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apolloskazoo · 1 year
Ellie’s eyes were starting to feel heavy as she poked her head around the doorframe to the living in search for Joel, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. She spotted him sitting on the couch, book in hand, using the reading glasses Ellie liked to endlessly tease him about. The book he was reading was tilted slightly to receive the light from a nearby lamp, the glow the only source of light in the room, all of the lights in the house turned off to match the darkness of outside.
He glanced up and smiled softly when he noticed her, and she took it as an invitation to stumble over to him and flop down onto the couch next to him, tucking herself closely against his side. He chuckled softly and wrapped an arm around her, causing her to snuggle closer against him.
“Tired?” He asked, glancing down at her. She blinked sleepily back at him and yawned.
“Nope.” She glanced at the book he was holding. “What’re you reading?”
“Nothin’ that would interest you,” he replied, marking his page before closing the book and placing it on a nearby desk. His thumb on the hand he had around her had begun to rub small circles onto her shoulder, and her eyelids began to droop even more. He took his other hand and gently ran it through her hair. “It’s gettin’ late, baby girl. You wanna go to bed?”
“No,” Ellie mumbled, shoving her face into his side and squeezing her eyes shut. “Wanna stay here.”
“You have to go to bed soon, or you’ll be tired tomorrow,” he pointed out, his voice a comforting rumble in her ears.
“Fuck tomorrow,” Ellie yawned. “‘M never tired.”
“If you say so.” He adjusted himself so that Ellie was lying on top of him, face buried into the crook of his neck, one hand between her shoulder blades as he rubbed gentle circles on her back and the other gently playing with her hair. Ear pressed against his chest, she could hear the soft thumping of his heart, over and over again, a comforting thump, thump, thump, and soon she felt the pull of sleep draw her in.
Joel shifted slightly and Ellie clung onto his shirt, making a small noise of protest. He bent down to press a small kiss to the crown of her head and murmured, “I’m not goin’ anywhere, honey.”
Ellie relaxed against him again, and she thought she heard him whisper, “goodnight, baby,” before all of the other sounds around her began to slowly fade, nothing but the soft thump, thump, thump of his heartbeat echoing in her ears before sleep finally took her.
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lavaflowe · 2 years
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Nap time <3 tho it is a little hard when you’re successor is taller than you
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aspenstarflare · 1 year
Anakin and Ahsoka arriving on Umbara immediately after they hear all the horrible stuff Krell did:
[As they land via the gunship and the doors open they see all their men sitting/standing in front of the landing pad, all having varying degrees of mental breakdowns]
Anakin and Ahsoka: Oh force..
[Everyone single trooper in their radius snaps their heads towards them immediately and silently]
Anakin looking around noticing he doesn’t see lots of his men anywhere: Where’s Hardcase? Where’s-
The surviving members of the 501st: Buir! Vod’ika!
[They all jump at their general and commander, forcing them into a massive group hug before they two can even say anything. The boys all sniffling and crying while the two hug them back and whisper reassurances of how they’re now safe and they won’t leave them alone again]
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