xurory · 26 days
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you know how to ball, i know aristotle !
cc — dr ratio, blade, dan heng x f!reader (sp.) modern highschool au. ik that a figure skater doesn't exactly fit here but its cool ok ☹️. not proofread.
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athelete gf & student leader bf ᡣ𐭩
VERITAS, the diligent student council president of his school. academics responsibilities and such has taken over his time. like, a lot. as he was committed when it came to his tasks, which left very little room for extracurricular interests. sports, in particular, never crossed his mind. maybe once or twice during those events that he manages. in contrast to his academic oriented focus, his girlfriend was a dedicated student athlete who poured his time and energy into volleyball. but despite your different passions, your support for each other was firm. for every time he gave speeches for school events, you were there, cheering him on and appreciating his eloquence and ability to captivate an audience. whenever he achieved something, you were the first to commend him, regardless of whether it was a small accomplishment or a noteworthy triumph.
"i give my gratitude to those who helped arrange this event, and i do hope you enjoy yourselves tonight. thank you." he left the stage, relinquishing the microphone back to the principal as his official duties came to an end for the evening.
as his eyes scanned the crowd, they locked onto you standing near the stage. the sight of you in your stunning dress overwhelmed him with affection all over again. the way the fabric hugged your figure flawlessly, the gentle glow of the lights illuminating your features—it was a vision that always left him awestruck.
his heart swelled with love as he approached you, his gaze filled with admiration. "heeeyy! you look soooo good. i'm so proud of you." you said as you lifted yourself up on your tiptoes to plant a gentle kiss on his cheek, he couldn't help but let out a lighthearted chuckle at your gesture.
his eyes crinkled with affection as he looked down at you, the smile on his lips widening. in return, he bent down to place a tender kiss on your forehead, before uttering, "i could say the same for you, pretty." a soft blush colored your cheeks, and he leaned down slightly closer to brush another quick kiss on your nose.
oh how he adored the way your eyes lit up with joy every time he compliments you.
in return, he made sure to attend your practices every once in a while. during crucial games, he was always in the stands, cheering you on and offering silent encouragement. as long as you were satisfied with your pursuits and happy with the path you walked, he vowed to always be by your side.
as you rushed towards him after the victory celebration with your teammates, your wide grin shone even more brightly, a testament to all the effort and dedication you poured into the game.
he carefully dabbed a towel against your forehead to wipe away the beads of sweat, then handed you the familiar tumbler of water that he brought to your practices. "you did good." he murmured. "how 'bout i get you ice cream, yeah?" he offered, caressing your hand.
he watched as you ran back to the locker room to gr your stuff and once everything was wrapped up, he led you to the ice cream shop downtown to reward yourself after the hard-earned victory.
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basketball player bf & writer/poet gf ᡣ𐭩
by the looks of it, you already knew that BLADE was going to be the part time hot student athlete and full time campus crush. he was the captain of the school's basketball team, obviously! girls would frequently stop by during their training sessions just to gawk at him. but you weren't bothered by it. you knew damn well that he was immune to their charms because he was completely enthralled by you. during his games, you were always present on the bleachers, enthusiastically cheering him on. whenever he glanced at you, adorned in his jersey, a proud smirk would grace his lips. it wasn't uncommon for others to feel envious of your relationship since he was the epitome of perfection—the complete package.
as he took a break from his training and moved towards you on the bleachers, a chorus of squeals rang out from a group of girls on your right, but his focus was solely on you.
blade settled down beside you, and with a gentle smile, he allowed you to tenderly dab away the sweat from the side of his face. turning his head to look at you, he asked, "so, how about that restaurant you've been talking about earlier? does tonight sound good?"
"heyy, you remembered! and yeah, tonight sounds nice." you questioned. When he saw the delighted smile on your face, it only magnified his happiness. he adored the fact that even the smallest gestures like remembering your favorite restaurant could bring such joy to your features.
blade reached out and gave your hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze. "what about your plans?" he cocked a brow as he brushed a strand of hair away from your face, "no worries, i cleared my plans for the week."
with your hand still tingling from the warm, comforting touch of his, he gave it one last squeeze, a gentle reassuring gesture. finally, he reluctantly let go and turned back to his friends, who were waiting for him with smirks plastered on their faces.
you, on the other hand, had a talent for writing poetry, a way with words that made even the shortest verses hold significant meaning. whenever you shared your creations with him, it was like hearing the voice of an angel reciting beautiful thoughts. your skill in crafting such exquisite narratives fascinated him. once, you casually revealed that you had written a whole novel 'just for fun'. that night, he stayed up all night, reading your story and unable to put it down. in the morning, he discussed his thoughts and feelings about your novel.
"sooo, what do you think? do you like it?" you finished reading your poem, which was one of the best ones he had ever heard, and awaited his response while spinning gracefully on your chair.
he took a moment to absorb the beauty of your words, letting the impact of your poem sink in. he had no idea how you managed to come up with them in less than thirty minutes.
finally, he broke the silence with a slight look of awe on his face. "mhm. one of your best ones, it's nice." blade truly tried to sound invested, because he was. but you knew about how hard it was for him to express his emotions through words, and he tried, so best believe that you his efforts.
"glad you liked it ! wrote this last night when you practically passed out last night." as you giggled, your laughter filled the room with a joyful sound. blade couldn't help but show a subtle smile at the sound of your laughter, he watched as you turned back to your computer, your focus returning to the screen.
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figure skater gf & valedictorian bf ᡣ𐭩
as for DAN HENG, he chose a prestigious school for his senior year, aiming to excel in his studies and embark on a promising future. you, on the other hand, had a different path in mind. you were a young figure skater with a growing career. your school choice was not a mere decision, but rather a necessity. you attended a different school that was located closer to your homeland, as it was crucial for your skating career to have access to the resources and facilities necessary for training and competitions. meaning you and dan heng are currently in a long distance relationship. despite being miles apart, you consistently made an effort to maintain your relationship through regular video calls every night to catch up about the events of the day. moreover, you sent each other frequent updates throughout the day, ensuring that the bond between you remained unbroken.
after two years filled with hard work and dedication, the day of graduation finally arrived. and as expected, your boyfriend earned the prestigious title of valedictorian. little did he know that you had planned a surprise up your sleeve.
the car ride was long a—two-hour drive—but it didn't deter you. you made your way to his school, determined to witness his big day and give him the ultimate surprise.
as you entered the gates and hurried towards the venue, your eyes scanned the bustling crowd till you found yourself a seat in the very back. there, you impatiently waited for his moment to shine, your heart swelling with anticipation for his speech. patiently, they announced each graduate, one by one, and finally, after what felt like an eternity, your boyfriend made his way onto the stage.
with a confident stride, he stepped up to the podium table and gently grabbed the microphone, taking a deep breath to gather his thoughts. the auditorium fell into a hushed silence, all eyes fixated on him as he prepared to address the audience.
"good afternoon to all guests, parents, teachers, faculty members and especially my fellow graduates, class of 2023. before i begin, i would like to give a shout out to the love of my life because if it werent for her, i wouldnt be standing here. y/n, who has given me her unconditional love and support despite how far our distance is, i'll never forget how you practically held my head high during the times when i felt like giving it all up. she may not be here right now, but she deserves every word of gratitude for what she has given me. you've played such a big role in my life." as he proudly spoke your name, a wave of emotions washed over you, tears welling up in the corners of your eyes.
if only he knew you were there, sitting in the back of the auditorium, watching him with pride, love, and bittersweet nostalgia swelling in your chest. his speech went on for minutes 'til he finally ended it with "from the bottom of my heart, i hereby give my thanks to the class of 2023 now before we enter another beginning of our lives, thank you and good luck."
the congratulatory chatter filled the air when he stepped down from the podium, his friends shaking his hand and patting him on the back. just as he began to turn, expecting to see one of them, he felt your weight on his back, knocking him off balance for a split second. but then he saw your face—and everything else faded into the background. his initial confusion was quickly replaced by awe and disbelief as he wrapped his arms around you, lifting you off the ground and into his embrace. "congrats baaabyyy!"
after what felt like an eternity of being close to him again, he finally pulled away, his eyes glistening with joy and disbelief. his hands remained on your shoulders as he looked deeply into your eyes with pure love. a slight smile formed on his face, and before he spoke, he leaned in and kissed your forehead. "you're here." he whispered, his voice filled with astonishment. "when did you get here?"
"just before the ceremony started. ugh, i missed you and i couldn't miss your big moment." with a swift motion, he pulled you back into his arms, pressing your body close to his. he buried his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling the scent that he had missed for so long.
after your graduation that followed his, he got into the same college you applied into. which was a great opportunity that he immediately took for the same of being with you. and also to support your career. he felt the need to be there for you after years of separation. weeks into college, he often accompanied you to the rink to observe you during your training with your coach.
he stood outside the rink, watching you glide effortlessly on the ice, your focus stedied as you practiced your routine. a small proud smile was etched on his face.
tearing his gaze away from the rink, he turned his head to look at you as you skated towards him after finishing your routine. "coach isn't gonna be here today.."
"then why did we come here?"
"perhaps i wanted to teach you.. hehe." a sly grin formed on your lips. "no."
"come onnn! i borrowed extra skates for this!" after some convincing, he finally succumbed to your offer of teaching him how to skate. he walked to your locker, retrieving the skates you had kept in there and began to put them on.
his movements slow and somewhat clumsy, mirroring the reluctance he felt. he finished lacing up the skates, and there was a hint of skepticism in his eyes as he looked up at you. "if i fall, im dragging you down with me." he threatened, earning a giggle from you.
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from xumi : i love my concept on dan heng STOPP 😭
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mikaikaika · 9 months
I haven't stopped laughing about this exchange
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softsimulation · 5 months
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kit's comics, newcrest
i really wanted to make some businesses for newcrest and i thought a little comic book store & arcade would be so cute! especially for kids & teens
the mysims wall is soooo serious to me and i couldn't resist using @squea's cornelius mysims figure!!! 😭
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rugwurm · 7 months
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ah no way.. sinclair......
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robstarsupremacy · 7 days
i love zuko sm
im so normal about himm
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faaslay · 2 years
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16speed · 4 months
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rewatched the 2000s cgi films tonight
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 3 months
God I love MGS2 Ocelot he is SO.
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anrisimps · 13 days
Ch 553
It was only then that Yuder realized his own eyes had turned gold and were dripping blood.
Although Kanna was currently nosebleeding from the overload of information, her expression was intense and focused.
ch 556
Despite feeling as if the insides of his eyes were being shredded with a knife, Yuder remained unfazed and concentrated his utmost effort.
Yuder's face had turned ashen, his concentration reaching an extreme level. Drops of nosebleed trickled down, as his trembling fingers sucked the energy out of him and his vision flickered in and out.
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ashleyinky · 5 months
🫵YOU are amazing ❤️💙
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bruntalism · 1 month
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neuvistar · 1 year
im gonna combine them into one post bc i lwk feel bad for spamming ANSIDNDJ also these are hella self-indulgent gn
1) papa blade comforting his daughter for failing her exams first time and said it doesn’t matter bc grades aint the end of the world
2) papa blade having to think of a way to lie when his daughter asked how children are made LMFAO
it’s alright i acc want ppl 2 spam me abt this 😭 dw abt it knock urself out! feel free 2 spam !!
AWWW NOOO i feel like she would come home all tired, teary eyed :(( blade would probably notice this very quickly no matter how hard she tried 2 hide it n i bet he would begin to overload her with questions
“what’s wrong? did someone hurt you, who was it? was it that boy? was it your friends? what did they do?” 😭😭 hes so cute, he’s a lil worried guys! he would have his hands on her shoulder, crouched down and tryna read her facial expressions, she would slowly explain that she failed her exam n NAURR I BET SHE WOULD APOLOGIZE TOO, apologizing 4 not reaching high expectations n passing but papa blade would pull her into a hug, patting her back :( “who taught you how to think this way, princess? i don’t remember teaching you that grades mattered. atleast to me they don’t, don’t stress yourself over some paper you won’t be writing in the next few years. come, i’ll take you out so you can calm down, does that sound good to you?” HESSSSS SOOOOOO. oka…y! he’s always so firm w his advice, always tryna help ur daughter out n it’s so nice to see <33 bc he loves her sm
UHMMM hmm tbh panic would probs rush through blades veins when he heard his daughter ask: “daddy, how r babies made?” cue the flashbacks of him absolutely ruining u that one night LMFAO but MM i think blade would tell her that babies were made as stars at first, the aeons blessing them and gifting them upon each human <33 it’s such a sweet way 2 tell her
“well.. you were once a star, highhh up in the sky.”
“mm. blessed by the aeons above, your mother was one of the few to inherit this special gift, she was a lucky one. and then, you were in mommy’s belly, a little star. our little star.” MMM :(( his daughter’s eyes would watch him in awe, eyes sparkling aaaaa
“maybe that explains why you’re the brightest star in the universe, darl. you’re me and mommy’s greatest gift, to us you shined brighter than any other star there is.” AAA HES SOSOSO SWEEETTTTT <33 sobs sobs
atleast he saved himself from embarrassment!
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itzmeraven · 9 months
Achilles, Come Down by HotCocoaaa
Pls someone read this fic i need to talk to someone abt it the writing is literally 🤌
“He’d wanted to die, had been glad for it even, and maybe he can’t remember how to be human but he does remember being a god… He can’t remember how to live, when he’s spent his whole life wanting to die. ”
“Otherwise, you’ve got nothing to do but be exceedingly gay together.” - love shoko
“Satoru from spilling out of his bed like a clumpy liquid” - how i get out of bed
“It’s almost a little funny how angelic he always looks. To every unsuspecting person, he’s pretty, refined, a face seen more in a fashion magazine than one out on the street. No one who sees him in passing would ever guess at what a huge, walking annoyance Satoru makes himself out to be on a day to day basis.”
“It’s not gay if I don’t think about it,’ he chants in his head, ” - 🫣
“Tell me what you’re thinking?” Suguru asks, endearing and earnest and always a blessing, no matter how much red had been dripping from his hands. ”
“because Satoru’s just as human as him, and Suguru knows that. ”
“Where and how the leopard print tie becomes fashionable remains a mystery to him. ” - hehe nanamin
“He likes pretty people, but he is a pretty person. He likes Suguru, but that’s a given. ”
“It’s easy to take you for granted.” Suguru frowns at that, knowing how disgustingly true it is, and yet unable to find it within himself to be mad about it. Satoru is a commodity, and he’s overlooked. What else is new? ”
“He trusts in Suguru even when he’s nothing but an apparition in the prison of a body. ” - 😭
“When they’d been children sent to die; children marching off to war; children being given the blade and told to paint the world red. Nobody had ever cared that they’d only been kids. Nobody but him. ”
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ranchjustranch · 7 months
maybe i should draw klarion more
maybe that'll help with my test /hj
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robstarsupremacy · 4 months
i love him
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not-xpr-art · 29 days
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Solar - But I... (digital drawing) ~
thank you solar for releasing the absolutely ICONIC mini album 'colours'!!
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