#feel free 2 do it again /gen
cycle-hit · 4 months
hi tumblr user cycle hit. is this song 0610? because i feel like it is https://open.spotify.com/track/0MuYrUNbxEjEpG3vtXXoCx?si=IZS7qZfCS7KKC-fHRe1OTA&context=spotify%3Aplaylist%3A3mc0ZAKXqacRz6Mw6H2BZy
yeag 👍
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im goign 2 use this for kiss ur knuckles thnak u tumblr user anonymous. also the song right above it is this
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hehe. so yeah id assume the playlist creator's intent is 0610 with this one even not judging lyric/soundwise
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matchalovertrait · 4 months
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Flower Day at the Fyres Home ❁
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mysimsyuri · 11 months
hi! could you inform me on what a bi lesbian is? don’t mean to come off as rude and you’re not obligated to explain if you want to, but if you could redirect me to some resourced pls do, i’m curious and have seen this term one or two times before! i tried looking but almost everything ive seen either has a confusing definition or is negative, and i’d like to educate myself if possible. ty! :D
hi, tysm for the ask! while im definitely not the guy to speak for all mspec lesbians, i can definitely try my best to help you :]
mspec lesbians are when a person identifies as a lesbian while simultaneously being attracted to other genders, hence the "multi spectrum" (mspec) part of the term. i myself am a bi lesbian, so im just going to use that as an example, but there are also pan lesbians, omni lesbians, it goes on. (there are also mspec gays, but people dont seem too pressed about them, and im not gay, so i wont speak on them.)
there are a lot of reasons someone could identify as a bi lesbian, like if theyre romantically a lesbian while being bi*sexual*, or a bi person with a preference towards women. personally, while i do think lesbianism inherently includes nonbinary people (speaking *as* a nonbinary lesbian), my attraction to nbs is separate enough to warrant the label for both mine and other nbs' comfort. (also i think some guys are attractive lol). but it does vary from person to person!
as for the history, bi people using lesbian as an umbrella term (much like, for example, a bi guy calling themself gay) since *at least* the 70s.
and as for resources, heres a really helpful carrd i found, as well as just going through the 'mspec lesbian' tag on tumblr has quite a few good posts about the historical usage of the label!
also um. sorry for giving you an entire essay (hyperbole) lol, queer identities and history are a pretty big interest of mine XP
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nostalgebraist · 1 year
Honestly I'm pretty tired of supporting nostalgebraist-autoresponder. Going to wind down the project some time before the end of this year.
Posting this mainly to get the idea out there, I guess.
This project has taken an immense amount of effort from me over the years, and still does, even when it's just in maintenance mode.
Today some mysterious system update (or something) made the model no longer fit on the GPU I normally use for it, despite all the same code and settings on my end.
This exact kind of thing happened once before this year, and I eventually figured it out, but I haven't figured this one out yet. This problem consumed several hours of what was meant to be a relaxing Sunday. Based on past experience, getting to the bottom of the issue would take many more hours.
My options in the short term are to
A. spend (even) more money per unit time, by renting a more powerful GPU to do the same damn thing I know the less powerful one can do (it was doing it this morning!), or
B. silently reduce the context window length by a large amount (and thus the "smartness" of the output, to some degree) to allow the model to fit on the old GPU.
Things like this happen all the time, behind the scenes.
I don't want to be doing this for another year, much less several years. I don't want to be doing it at all.
In 2019 and 2020, it was fun to make a GPT-2 autoresponder bot.
[EDIT: I've seen several people misread the previous line and infer that nostalgebraist-autoresponder is still using GPT-2. She isn't, and hasn't been for a long time. Her latest model is a finetuned LLaMA-13B.]
Hardly anyone else was doing anything like it. I wasn't the most qualified person in the world to do it, and I didn't do the best possible job, but who cares? I learned a lot, and the really competent tech bros of 2019 were off doing something else.
And it was fun to watch the bot "pretend to be me" while interacting (mostly) with my actual group of tumblr mutuals.
In 2023, everyone and their grandmother is making some kind of "gen AI" app. They are helped along by a dizzying array of tools, cranked out by hyper-competent tech bros with apparently infinite reserves of free time.
There are so many of these tools and demos. Every week it seems like there are a hundred more; it feels like every day I wake up and am expected to be familiar with a hundred more vaguely nostalgebraist-autoresponder-shaped things.
And every one of them is vastly better-engineered than my own hacky efforts. They build on each other, and reap the accelerating returns.
I've tended to do everything first, ahead of the curve, in my own way. This is what I like doing. Going out into unexplored wilderness, not really knowing what I'm doing, without any maps.
Later, hundreds of others with go to the same place. They'll make maps, and share them. They'll go there again and again, learning to make the expeditions systematically. They'll make an optimized industrial process of it. Meanwhile, I'll be locked in to my own cottage-industry mode of production.
Being the first to do something means you end up eventually being the worst.
I had a GPT chatbot in 2019, before GPT-3 existed. I don't think Huggingface Transformers existed, either. I used the primitive tools that were available at the time, and built on them in my own way. These days, it is almost trivial to do the things I did, much better, with standardized tools.
I had a denoising diffusion image generator in 2021, before DALLE-2 or Stable Diffusion or Huggingface Diffusers. I used the primitive tools that were available at the time, and built on them in my own way. These days, it is almost trivial to do the things I did, much better, with standardized tools.
Earlier this year, I was (probably) one the first people to finetune LLaMA. I manually strapped LoRA and 8-bit quantization onto the original codebase, figuring out everything the hard way. It was fun.
Just a few months later, and your grandmother is probably running LLaMA on her toaster as we speak. My homegrown methods look hopelessly antiquated. I think everyone's doing 4-bit quantization now?
(Are they? I can't keep track anymore -- the hyper-competent tech bros are too damn fast. A few months from now the thing will be probably be quantized to -1 bits, somehow. It'll be running in your phone's browser. And it'll be using RLHF, except no, it'll be using some successor to RLHF that everyone's hyping up at the time...)
"You have a GPT chatbot?" someone will ask me. "I assume you're using AutoLangGPTLayerPrompt?"
No, no, I'm not. I'm trying to debug obscure CUDA issues on a Sunday so my bot can carry on talking to a thousand strangers, every one of whom is asking it something like "PENIS PENIS PENIS."
Only I am capable of unplugging the blockage and giving the "PENIS PENIS PENIS" askers the responses they crave. ("Which is ... what, exactly?", one might justly wonder.) No one else would fully understand the nature of the bug. It is special to my own bizarre, antiquated, homegrown system.
I must have one of the longest-running GPT chatbots in existence, by now. Possibly the longest-running one?
I like doing new things. I like hacking through uncharted wilderness. The world of GPT chatbots has long since ceased to provide this kind of value to me.
I want to cede this ground to the LLaMA techbros and the prompt engineers. It is not my wilderness anymore.
I miss wilderness. Maybe I will find a new patch of it, in some new place, that no one cares about yet.
Even in 2023, there isn't really anything else out there quite like Frank. But there could be.
If you want to develop some sort of Frank-like thing, there has never been a better time than now. Everyone and their grandmother is doing it.
"But -- but how, exactly?"
Don't ask me. I don't know. This isn't my area anymore.
There has never been a better time to make a GPT chatbot -- for everyone except me, that is.
Ask the techbros, the prompt engineers, the grandmas running OpenChatGPT on their ironing boards. They are doing what I did, faster and easier and better, in their sleep. Ask them.
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blingblong55 · 8 months
Contact -Vladmir Makarov NSFW
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A/N: I still want to fuck the old makarov
Based on a request:
Makarov fucking us into submission😩 2, 15 with him, gen neutral or Fem reader ____ F!Reader, smut, MDNI, 18+, power!play, marking, dom!Makarov, sub!reader, oral!sex ____
A/N:...so war criminals...am I right...
"On your back, pretty girl," his voice almost a whisper. Makarov smiles upon seeing his pretty lady listen to his instructions. Your face already a mess, his cum all over your face, reddened face from when he slapped you and his hickeys all over your neck and chest. His head now in between your pretty thighs. You adore it when he takes control of you, how he throws you around in bed, slaps you around when you don't listen, because, 'good girls always listen,' he reminds you. He looks up, tongue already teasing your clit. A grin on him as he watches you try and suppress the moans. "Oh, you like that?" A smile on him and then he slaps your thigh, tongue still teasing your more than sensitive clit, your hips buck but he pushes them down.
"That's it, pretty girl, just like that, let it happen," his thick Russian accent making this even more desirable. Your hands on his hair as you feel his tongue and nose on your pussy. His erected dick leaking pre-cum for the second time this evening. His fingers curling inside of your cunt. Tip so swollen one more of your sweet moans will send him over the edge and he will release all over the bedsheets instead of your pussy. "So...fucking...good," he praises the one part he loves to kiss more. Your free hand playing your nipples, your back arches, eyes fluttering. "Vlad...fuck..i.." you stutter, the pleasure and orgasm building up in your core.
"I know you can take it, so fucking take it," he slaps your ass one more time. You mewl at this. "I don't...think I can," you let out a whiny moan. His tongue flickering on your clit, lips kissing and sucking at the sensitive tissue, it was more than a messy kiss to your pretty pussy, it was a wet and teased kiss. The taste of you, like heaven couldn't be anymore closer to you. He kisses your inner thigh, knowing he was close to cumming. He kisses and licks, before you know it, he begins to bite that area, it was pleasure and pain in one movement.
"Come for me, R/N, do it," he growls, needing to make you come before he even dares to fuck that tight cunt of yours. You grip on his hair and the sheets, back arches, moans so unholy it makes the devil grin. He chuckles when he drowns in your juices. "My...oh my pretty girl," he licks your cunt again. Taste of paradise on his tongue again. You and him, a delicious mess, two sworn enemies, one bed and tangled between the sheets.
Tags: @liyanahelena @johfaam0 @sharkssharkssharkssharks @ravenisdead @ohworm-writes @kit-kats06 @thefragmented
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cupcraft · 9 months
Ranboo rebrand stream important stuff in one single post!:
if anything i missed pls rb and add on!
chat etiquette! They are going to be more strict with this (but not for new chatters honest mistakes).
Ban 101 -> the number 1 rule:
racism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, discrimination. Instant ban, no excuse. Even bigoted jokes! 0 tolerance! you will be banned from even viewing the streams. This even counts on doing it on other streamer's chats/platforms if found out!
More rules: be funny (please!) and chill and kind and use emotes (including BTTV), dont spam chat (will be fixed/enforced bc of past issues),
other tidbits/news:
the vtuber/stuff will evolve over time, there are different vtuber outfits/costumes planned (ex they have an mcc outfit already!), the room in the background will change, they will be reaching out to ppl for collabs (feel free to recommend people but do not spam their chats!), planning to do more irl streams (will be weird/experimental and they will go wild! They will be making weird stuff!), they also have plans that they are excited to tell and its been a long time coming (this may be the cake video but i couldnt tell in stream), ranboo bakes a cake 2 will be coming TOMORROW on youtube (23 mins and incredible! they laughed at themself), ranboo plans to do experimental stuff on youtube (they have gotten into film lately!), founder's cut of gen 1 of genloss will be coming out 2-3 months ?? date/end of year, the vtuber ranjacket will be a part of the merch drop prototype at vidcon (physical jacket!), will be doing competitive/events with people (like organized little thing) (content/what it is undetermined) and he wants it to be obscure and random, ranboowaslive will start to ramp up a bit (more clips/compilations to come esp if you dont enjoy long vod watching), ranboo will be eating a nintendo DS cartridge live on stream (a joke!), MORE SURPRISES KEPT AS A SECRET + tiny plans in the works, they are moving into the new place/still have boxes to unpack (vtuber lore), he may finish the last of us part 2, subathon (really like back to back fun streams/long streams/playthrough of long games like omori) in january probably, splatoon may return,
What does the new era mean/qna stuff?
talking about old content is fine as long as you recognize that it is the PAST and not the kind of content ranboo makes now. Do not "put them back in the box".
Vtuber: will not be used all the time. They will do facecam streams too. Depends on how he feels.
why the r800: the 8 looks like a b LMAO
this is just the start of rebrand. He will re-establish a lot, things will be easier to find/reorganized, slowly over the weeks things will be changing.
what will happen tothe alt twitter (ranaltboo)?: new pfp, same energy (see below my shitty sc). art creds to mochi!
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not only just a rebrand for him and the look of the content. But also it is a rebrand of how they act around and view their own content. they may not be as in the community as he has been (liking fanart/in chat/etc.) out of recommendation from people! If ranboo needs to be aware of something THEY HAVE PEOPLE to make him aware of important issues/emergencies and they will be focusing more on themself and the content overall. they are thankful to be allowed to do this, as they dont want to keep seeing things they dont want to see/have that anxiety. Less scrolling = more content!
They will probably have longer streams again!
will move to more mature jokes/phrases and may have content labels on the streams. Overall, streams will be pg-13 mostly.
TITS stands for twitch integrated throwing system [insert ranboo's giggle here]
All proceeds donated to ranboo's channel only go to charity! Not to them at all! They have a list of charities that he supports and will be changed 1-3 months at a time like usual!
Please make stuff. This is how he gets ppl who edit and the emote makers/artists. Not forced. Just encouraging ppl who make stuff to make stuff and he appreciates it and loves it! Even if it is not about him just make it! AND SUPPORT ARTISTS BOOBERS!
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jellysimbean-blog · 1 year
So I came up with this new sims legacy challenge, i call it Wild apple tree. It consists of 10 generation and each gen has specifics to complete before moving forward. I haven't come up with the storyline between each generation just yet but other then that I think it's done. I feel i might have gotten a bit carried away and if i add more to each generation it might be a little to much but at the same time I feel it has room for improvement and new ideas so if anyone have any input please feel free to comment and let me know what you think.
(I'm hoping all the ideas I came up with are feasible and can be done I am still playing thru it)
Wild apple tree sims legacy challenge
Basic Rules
- Each generation must have an apple tree. It may be the founders tree and gets carried thru each generation or it can be a new tree but the new tree must grow from an apple off the last generations tree.
- Heir for each generation can be either gender unless stated other wise
- No money Cheats (optional)
- Color for each generation is optional
- May live where ever you choose unless location is specified.
- Each generation needs to complete their aspiration(all aspirations are whatever you choose)
- Must have the Career that is listed for each generation
- If you play this challenge and want to share please use #Wildappletree so it can be seen
** This legacy challenge is ofc for your entertainment, the number one goal is to have fun. If you choose not to follow any of the rules or you dont have the packs use then that is perfectly A ok and feel free to change things up however you prefer **
1.Blended family - Golden Orange
*Founder can be any gender
*Your founder must be a single parent
*He/she must marry another single parent
*Both single parents must have one or more kids from their previous relationships prior to meeting.
* After Marriage have at least one more child using science
*Next heir must be Science baby
*Next heir must have ambitious trait and do well in school
Career- Career of your choice to start
2. Science baby - Jonagold yellow
*Attend a university(which ever path you choose)
*Have only one child while In university
*Don't have another baby till you are an adult and ,half way through the Science Branch
*Master Logic Skill
*Master Robotics Skill (Optional)
*Master Rocket science
*Visit Sixam At least once
*Always join Next heir to high-school(Must meet future spouse)
Career- Scientist but of course
3.High school sweethearts - Pink Lady
*Heir must marry their High school sweetheart of course
*Try for baby every time you woohoo(optional)
*Have relationship fail but never divorce
*Heir alway attend the romantic festival
*Have a child from someone other then spouse after marriage(preferably a co-star)
*Try for baby with more then one sim in the same day/week
*One Sim must have a bad relationship with their children.
Career- Acting for both Heir and spouse (Must Join when ever they get a gig)
4.We're Adopting- Empire Purple
*First child must be from adoption (preferably as an infant)
* Must have at least one boy and one girl
* Next heir must be male ( can be the adopted sim)
*Live/ Move to sulani
*Master fishing
*Own at least 2 fish tanks
*Have your teens work as lifeguards
*Only leave the island to dig for bottles in Tartosa
*Best friend a mermaid
*Go diving at least once a week(Bonus finding mermaid kelp)
Career- Conservationist, the Marine Biologist Branch
5.Single dad - Cosmic Blue
*Live in an apartment
* Meet your girlfriend at a party or bar
*Must have a baby girl
*Have your girlfriend leave you after you have a girl.
*Must never marry or date again but Can woo-hoo around
*Must live with and have close relationship to adopted sibling. ( preferably both heir and next heir)
* Must Leave your daughter to be raised by your sibling before she becomes a teen.(you can choose to do this however you like.)
* you may have more then one child but your daughter must be next heir*
Career- Military Man (Either branch)
6.Raised by my aunt/uncle - Multi-colored Ambrosia
*Have a great relationship with your aunt/uncle
*Heir must be Female
*Heir starts this generation as a child
*Have a Bake sale as a child
*Have only one child by a one night stand(Can not take pregnancy test or keep trying with the same sim)
*Master Baking
*Sell your baked goods(You can do this with a yard sale table)
*Build your own bakery and work it part time(Optional)
*Cook Ambrosia(Optional)
Career- Critic career, Art Critic
7.Happy little accident - Fuji green
*Master painting skill
*Only paint landscape and photos you take(optional)
*Start an art club
*Have more then one baby
*Have loves outdoors trait
*Own at least one cat or dog
*Own at least 2 small pets (one must be a hedgehog)
*Own some chickens
*Have a drone to record and stream you when ever you are painting
*Upload your painting videos (Optional)
Career- Freelancer (Artist)
8.Soccer Mom/Dad - Arkansas Black and White
*Marry someone successful ( go dig for gold with this one)
*Must have at least 5 kids
*Travel at least once a week with all the kids for a fun day out ( just has to be somewhere outside of the house)
*Heir Can only make money from trendi (Other sims in the home can work however you choose including the children )
*Must help with any school project brought home and try to help with homework often
*Aspiration Super parent
*Celebrate all Holidays and birthdays
*Build a tree house
Career- Stay at home parent
9.Raised in a nursing home - Granny smith Grey
* Heir Must have more then one child
*Heir Must become Elder before last child becomes a teen
*All kids must be moved out once they hit young adults except the last child ( The Next Heir )
*When Heir is an elder they must rent rooms to at least 4 other Elders
*Have a game night ever Wednesday with the elders ( this includes bowling)
*Have dance night every Thursday with elders
*Master dancing
*Have Movie night every Friday (can be at home)
*Never have a real career( May make money any other way)
*Next heir can't move till they have at least 3 kids
Career- Job hop part time jobs. Call out of work at least once for each job. Quit/retire once you are an elder
10.Fullhouse - Red Delicious
*Must have at least 6 or more sims living together during the entire generation( 2 sims preferably Aunts/Uncles)
*Take a family vacation every season
*Throw a party every other weekend( Include at least one slumber party)
*Build a tree house
*Have Grandparents visit often(Include stay overs)
*2 Sims must master guitar
*All Sims must master comedy
*3 Sims must master singing
*1 Sim must master dj
Career- Entertainer(Both branches split between entire house)
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hello-gloomy · 28 days
'What was your nen again?'
Phantom troupe x Gen!reader
Description: The troupe finally had some free time so you decided to meet up with them again, you happen to bring up something none of them mentioned to you which brings up a question.
Warnings: Crack taken seriously. I don't think there's any use of Y/N aside from that pretty tame some of them might be OOC it's my first time writing for so many characters.
A/N: Just something short (Maybe) to tide us all over till the first two polls are done or till I finish my other WIPs. (I should be doing work rn but I'm not.) :^
"You need to work on your sleeping habits."
"You didn't go to sleep till 2 yesterday." Shalnark looked mildly unnerved at your claims, which made you feel slightly bad for the unconscious snooping you do through everyone's memories. But you couldn't help but bring it up, how is he supposed to commit crimes on three hours of sleep all the time. Bound to make mistakes like that.
"I never told you that..." This gains the attention of Pakunoda who happens to be close by she gets up from where she was sitting in the large dining hall you and the group were staying at for their temporary break.
"Told them what?"
"What time he went to sleep." Her brows furrowed for a second while she glanced at a shocked Shalnark.
"Lucky guess?" She pondered out loud, He grimaced at that while you giggled at his facial expression.
"I peeked at his memories."
"Brother eugh." You full-on belly laughed at that attracting some more of the others to get closer.
"What's going on now?"
"Shal didn't go to sleep till two."
"Explains eyebag."
Feitan moved closer to your left side while Shalnark opened up the camera on his phone to look at his eyes to prove his point.
"How see memory?"
"With my Nen." Everyone stopped and looked at you.
"You have Nen?"
"So your Nen is similar to mine then?"
"Kind of, just without the gun. I could project other people's memories too."
"Show Shalnark memory."
"Do not."
With that, you summon your nen and a small eyeglass appears you scope out an open wall and find one large enough by Uvo and Nobunaga. You motion for the others to follow behind you while Shalnark whines for you not to embarrass him. Walking past the other pair they take notice and ask Paku what's happening she gives a brief explanation. You engage Gyo and through your eye, you show the memory of Shalnark on his computer and after a bit of fast forwarding through the memory, you show him passed out at the desk. The projection comes to an end and you turn around to find Machi and Korotopi have joined you as well. Pakunoda turns to Shalnark to scold him first.
"they're right you do need to work on your sleeping habits." She held her hand on the side of her face. Shalnark turned a bit pink at her remark while Uvo and Nobunaga started laughing at him.
"I wouldn't be laughing if I were the two of you considering how reckless you were being last week." They stopped immediately, and Machi's eyes were practically excited, begging you to show their embarrassing moments. You let out a quiet huff and turned around to project another moment. Showing the two men almost getting blown up on the task Chrollo had previously sent them on.
"Nice job."
"Shut up Machi!"
"Why don't you show one of her embarrassing moments!!"
"And get strung up hard pass. I like living unlike you two obviously." That had everyone laughing again. Chrollo had magically materialized and joined the theatrics of the group you had all made now.
"How far back can you go with individual memories?"
"From the instant their brain forms." "But I usually don't snoop back that far without explicit permission."
"If you'd prefer I can show memories from when you were younger?" You hold eye contact with Chrollo while the rest watch on. You get a bit nervous and start to doubt the previous forwardness you had getting ready to retract your question, Chrollo interrupts yours and everyone's thoughts.
"Just don't go back too far."
Carefully you picked a memory that you found lovely, one between The boss and Pakunoda. Everyone hushed when the light from your eye displayed upon the wall, you all heard the tune before you saw anyone, piles upon piles of trash a few giggles in between notes of the crackling song and soon enough two small figures came into view a young Chrollo and Paku holding hands arms enveloped around the waist of the other. They were beaming at one another you let it play a bit longer before it cut out. Turning around everyone was looking between Paku and Dancho. Pakunoda wiped her eyes before she looked over to a smiling Chrollo.
"That was a good choice."
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stnaf-vn · 30 days
Hello! I just played the stnaf demo last night and I absolutely adored it!! Friend is such a sweetheart (lol) and I wanna cuddle him so bad 😭💞 I have some questions about him too if that’s okay! I’m sorry if any of these have been asked before, I’m slowly working through all of the lore, but I’m definitely not quite caught up yet lmaoo - feel free to ignore any of the questions for any reason! :)
Question 1; Would friend still love SH/be a yandere if SH never came back to him? Would he give up on them or just never realize his feelings in the first place?
Question 2; I was a pretty ornery/bossy kid without many friends, partially because I didn’t reach out to others first (unless they were new in school [in which case I wanted to get to know a potential new friend and make them feel welcome] or if they were crying [I liked making others feel better/helping people and hated when people were upset]) and partially because I just didn’t take shit very well (I did NOT fw people who were rude to me and did not respond well to any perceived slight lol💀). Given that friend was fairly aloof with SH as a kid, and that SH obviously reached out first, I highly doubt that him and I would have gotten along. In the case that a SH was more like me, and he truly didn’t have anybody, what would he be like? Would he have found someone else to obsess over?
Question 2.5; Could friend become obsessed with SH as an adult? Or is the foundation of his obsession that SH was there for him as a child? So, if he didn’t receive any support/have a SH as a child, would he be truly alone?
Question 3; If SH had a lot of experience with clinical psychology/was a clinical psychologist/learned what they needed to know to help Friend, could they give him therapy to help him improve? What would it take to get him to understand what he’s doing is fucked up? How well would he respond to treatment if it’s from SH? If it’s from someone else?
Question 4; what are some things he’s bad at? Is there anything that, no matter how hard he tried, he just wouldn’t seem to be able to learn?
Question 5; how much would he be willing to change his dressing style for SH? Would he be willing to dress more masculine or feminine for them? More casual/formal clothes? Is there anything he’s completely unwilling to wear? All of this without removing his berets, ofc!
Again, I’m sorry if any of these questions have been asked before and I’m sorry if any of them were overly detailed/too much in any way akdjdjs — this is definitely a lot, so feel free to just ignore the ask entirely if you’d like! Take care of yourself and please only do what you’re comfortable with. Have a lovely day :)
Oh wow! Hello! Thank you for playing!! 1. I like to think he would! 2. Feel free to make your own stories and headcanons about how you and Friend met!/gen 2.5 That also would be interesting to see! His life would have been drastically different without you. 3. He'd decline it and say he was fine. 4. He is a very smart person and can pick up a lot of things easily. Although I'd say something he is bad at is trusting other people (other than you of course.) He's also bad at video games and isn't too technologically smart. 5. He would literally wear anything for you. No matter what it is. Except khaki shorts. And crocs.
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shellyseashell · 5 months
I did this last year, and I thought I’d do it again. To close out 2023, here’s a list of some of my favorite fics I’ve read this year. These aren’t everything, just of course the highlights. If the author has a tumblr, I tried to tag them, but if I missed anyone let me know or feel free to tag them yourself!
did i dream (that we were so perfectly entwined) | General | Tanthamore | One Shot | 8.9k
Jade and Kit, from childhood through season one. Jade’s pov.
Our hardest battles are the oaths we keep by @rehizle28 | Mature | Tanthamore | 7/25 | 50.9k
Jade grows up as a Knight of Galladoorn. When Graydon and Kit are engaged, she travels to Tir Asleen as Graydon’s personal guard. Words cannot describe how much I love this. The pining and shenanigans these two get into is so so good. Kit causes problems on purpose and Jade Cannot figure out what the princess’s deal is. King Hastur is perfectly normal and has Totally Good intentions.
be my mirror (my sword and shield) by @onlyshestandsthere | Explicit | Tanthamore | 30/? | 228k
Bone Reaver Jade helps the Crone’s followers bring Kit to the Immemorial City. Quite easily one of the angstiest fics I have ever read. But for all 100k of angst there’s another 100k of fluff and that’s only vaguely an exaggeration. The magic is absolutely horrifying but it feels totally realistic to what we’ve seen in canon. Jade and Kit both need a hug.
if we’d turned a corner (if i had waited) by @sugarfey | Mature | Tanthamore | 5/? | 13.9k
Soccer au! There’s plenty of angst in this one, but it focuses on the healing. I love everything about this fic. Kit and Jade are so dumb as usual and I love the social media bits.
The Flawless Five, Vol. 1: Rise of the Five | Teen | Gen | 2/6 | 11.9k
Superhero au! It’s silly and goofy and so so much fun to read. I’m really liking the mystery so far, and I’m looking forward to how it unfolds.
Triumph of the Wyrm | Mature | Tanthamore | 3/12 | 13.8k
Series still currently in the first book. Kit successfully runs away, and every attempt to rescue Airk fails. Twenty years later, the world is under the rule of the Wyrm. Kit and Jade work in smuggling, unaware what happened to the other. Until, of course, they end up working together on a job. The world is so so horrifying but so well done. Also, Kit is allies with Sarris the Troll.
Let’s take a knife and cut the world in two by @spybrarian | Mature | Tanthamore | One Shot | 7.9k
Exorcist Jade and possessed Kit! Very angsty. The worldbuilding is very very well done and so so horrifying.
these walls come tumbling down by @onlyshestandsthere | Teen | Tanthamore | 4/? | 28.8k
Vet Jade and Perfectly Normal Human Kit. After Jade hits Kit (as a cat) with her car, she takes it upon herself to take care of her. Told in two timelines, one in Kit’s pov before the accident, and one in Jade’s pov after. I have laughed so much reading this I absolutely adore it.
One Night in October | Teen | Tanthamore | 9/9 | 29.k
Slasher fic! Angsty, mysterious, but it has a bittersweet ending.
Sink or Swim | Mature | Tanthamore | 7/7 | 16k
Lifeguard Jade and disaster Kit. Seriously she is so, so dumb and it is so, so funny.
Rescue | General | Gen | 1/1 | 4k
Valec’s point of view of Chapter 42. I love Valec okay.
A Place at the Table | General | Gen | 1/1 | 7k
Legendborn/Merlin cross over. Basically, Arthur is a lot better than in canon and it’s so nice to read after Bloodmarked.
Beach Day Memory Walk by @justbrainrot | Mature | OT3 | 1/1 | 3.5k
Bree takes Sel and Nick on a memory walk during Sel’s birthday. Super cute and fun.
Mother, Merlin | Mature | Gen | 4/? | 13k
Natasia healing Sel after the events of Bloodmarked. Very very angsty, but also very very good. I love how Natasia is written.
Dancing in the moonlight by @nightworldlove | Teen | Willark | One Shot | 3k
William and Lark dance. Uh. In the moonlight. Very cute one shot.
Sometimes Hunting and Running Blur Together… by @ficnoire2 | Explicit | Other | 4/? | 11.9k
Valec backstory and I absolutely adore it
Yeah I’m pretty sure we’ve all probably read most of these but nevertheless
Blessed Art Thou Among Women | Mature | Gen | One Shot | 1.3k
Claudine and the Catholic virtues
Descendants: A Different Tale by @kanzakurawrites | Teen | Gen | 9/? | 17.9k
I think this altered my brain chemistry tbh Mal deserves the best parents
Dark Fire by @dragoneyes618
Yeah just go read these if you like Claudine
Obligatory @isleofdarkness shoutout I am quite literally obsessed with this au
Let Dead Men Lie by @dragoneyes618 | General | One Shot | 2.6k
Everyone takes the blame for killing Frollo. Ben is struggling.
Death threats on Dead Beauty by @panthera-tigris-venenata | Mature | Gen | 2/3 | 2.7k
Listen I think Harry should be this feral all the time
the devil had done for the rest | Teen | Gen | One Shot | 2.5k
Harriet! Harry! Yeah that’s all.
Cursed || Harriet Hook | Teen | One Shot | 10.7k
Any Harriet content makes me insane and this is no different. Harriet backstory.
love in his own eyes by @nonbinarylowkey | General | Gen & Multi | One Shot | 5k
Arthur’s first night as a father
(im)mortality by @nonbinarylowkey | Teen | Multi | One Shot | 7.7k
Arthur handles Mordred’s “death” in a perfectly normal way. Sometimes I think about this fic and take physic damage.
From The Wastes His Child Came (Bringing Revelations Of All Things) | Teen | Other | 3/3 | 7k
Arthur forgets trans people exist and finds Mordred. I’ve reread this so many times I adore it.
la soleil passe son bras par la fenêtre by @ladydragonkiller | General | Gen | One Shot | 6.4k
Brian falls from the gallows and stops the Battle of Camlann, as he should
Inverse Suspension | General | Gen & Multi | One Shot | 3.4k
Mordred frees Brian, and everything turns out okay
no path past kindred’s stain | Teen | Multi | 3/3 | 9.8k
Pendragon backstories my beloved <3
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kakashiweek · 1 year
Kakashi Week 2023 Prompts!
We are delighted to present our prompts for this year’s event, thanks to all of you who sent in suggestions!
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Day 1 ~ September 10th Prompt 1/A - Library Prompt 2/B - Elemental
Day 2 ~ September 11th Prompt 1/A - Foster Prompt 2/B - Puzzle
Day 3 ~ September 12th Prompt 1/A - Civilian Prompt 2/B - Camera
Day 4 ~ September 13th Prompt 1/A - Letters/Scrolls Prompt 2/B - Any AU
Day 5 ~ September 14th Prompt 1/A - Hiding Prompt 2/B - Mirror
Day 6 ~ September 15th Prompt 1/A - Kakashi’s Birthday Prompt 2/B - Free Day!
Day 7 ~ September 16th Prompt 1/A - Plants Prompt 2/B - Wings
Day 8 ~ September 17th Prompt 1/A - Recovery Prompt 2/B - Best-Laid Plans
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We have an eight-day week with two prompts for each day! Feel free to create for as many or as few of our prompts as you have time and inspiration for! You are welcome to choose one or the other prompt for a specific day, combine them, or just skip the day if neither appeals to you.
We’ve heard from you that you really enjoy and/or find helpful our prompt discussion posts, so we will be doing those again this year! If there are specific prompts you’d really like us to do one for, by all means let us know! (We will put them together, but most likely not do one for every prompt.)
As always, all Kakashi-centric works are welcome, whether gen or ship focused - we look forward to seeing what you come up with!
~Kakashi Week Mod
❧ Full Guidelines ☙ | ❧ FAQ ☙ ❧ 2023 AO3 Collection ☙
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infinitebrians · 5 months
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Favorite Games of 2023 Part Final: Pokemon Crystal Clear Clown Edition
Pokemon Crystal Clear is a romhack for the Gameboy Color game that mainly advertises itself as Pokemon Crystal modified so now it is entirely playable as a free roaming open world. Clown Edition is just what I called the rom of the game after creating and injecting a pokemon trainer sprite sheet into the game so I can play as my own character, Clown. I played the whole game on my New 3ds XL, it took a quite a bit of effort to get this exact version of the game working on my 3ds. It was incredibly worth it, this is not just my favorite game, but favorite 'game experience', and even easily my new pick for all time favorite pokemon game in the series.
The game itself was fun and a refreshing new way to experience a pokemon game but the overall experience of getting the game working on a hacked 3ds and playing with my own created sprites was in itself a very fun bit of hobby work. It has revived my love for playing older games on real hardware, something that I have found myself continuing to do this year. Also, seeing my own art in the game and said art feel cohesive with the world ruled and I want to experience that more in some other way. This game made me more into pokemon than I have felt with official releases in a pretty long while, and I even liked my time playing Scarlet. I loved playing on a handheld, I loved seeing the really well made art from gen 2, and I loved being able to put a bit of myself into the game as well.
Apologies for how rambley this gets, I really liked the game but still somehow found it hard to really organize my thoughts on why exactly.
I wanted to revisit this hack after briefly trying it in 2018 because of this excellent Hazel video (https://youtu.be/96YimpRHQHs). The video details various life stories while talking about favorite locations in the games getting me to think about my own favorite spots in the games and where I was personally at the time. The video also got me to start realizing that Porygon might be one of my favorite pokemon in the series and caused me to make drawings of them that I'm still quite fond of. This then made me recall Crystal Clear which contains a feature of surprisingly deep character customization including a wide selection of possible starter picks one of which being Porygon. So, compelled by the allure of having a fun adventure with a cyber duck, I picked up my hacked 3ds and started the game again.
Crystal Clear is a game that allowed for me to be even more creative about how to approach building my team and creating my own adventure out of playing pokemon. It's not for everyone, it wasn't even for me the first time I tried this game back in 2018. Crystal Clear definitely lends itself much more to the idea of creating your own fun than typical linear pokemon games where if you're not interested in that more free form exploration, the game would feel aimless. I even felt this when starting this playthrough, but the goal of pokedex completion was what encouraged to explore and discover Crystal Clear's world. The game was always surprising me in both the number of quality of life features it provided as well as fun new areas to explore or to better make the world more connected. Over time, the game felt more at home to me from getting more familiar with locations and developing a new sense of fondness for several towns in Johto I frequented. The change from a linear progression to that open ended one gave me a better sense of the world and towns had a bit more life to them as places felt more inviting to hang around in.
I love this game's implementation of the pokedex. It has been designed so it will display just about every piece of information about a pokemon, where to find them, when they evolve, what moves they learn, and so on. While the presentation is definitely clunky due to having to have all of that information on a GBC screen, I found this such an invaluable tool to have in game that for the first time in the entire pokemon series I was heavily making use of the in game pokedex for its intended purpose. Being able to look up relevant information for pokemon all entirely in game without having to have a phone/computer nearby with bulbapedia open all the time is just greatly appreciated. While the desire to keep some mystery around pokemon and how they evolve or what moves they'll learn can be part of the fun with the series, I think I just prefer being able to tell quickly if this is a stone evolution pokemon or not.
This was the first time I ever completed a pokedex in any pokemon game, something I've always wanted to do but never fully committed to the whole process. This is because of my own laziness toward how challenging that always was in proper releases due to so many pokemon being obscured behind multiple games and others being locked behind real world timed events. That or the fact that later games in the series just outright make the the act of getting a truly complete pokedex feel almost impossible. Instead, I finally accomplished a completed pokedex in a romhack that was made to make that sort of challenge feel reasonable with modified drop pools and changed events so everything within that one game is catchable. While now possible, I still found myself challenged with a game world spanning adventure of looking behind every rock, tree, and patch of grass to find every funny little guy I could. One particular memory was me spending maybe a week insisting on finding a dragonite in an encounter to catch which has a 1% chance of happening rather than spending the time leveling and evolving one instead. A very, very long process of hitting a tree over and over but made hilarious when later repeating the process for a tyranitar, another 1% chance encounter rate, was done in minutes. It was really fun having a plan ahead with how I was going to get every pokemon, constantly using expshare and other things to level guys to get them to evolve while try catching other guys. The ultimate reward of that certificate is still a pretty hilariously small, though I still kind of want to figure out a way to print mine out.
What made this game so special to me was simply just adding Clown to it. A simple change that was a surprisingly complicated process of getting a crash course on how GBC color palettes and size limitations worked and getting my hacked 3ds up to date on its software. Creating the various Clown sprite drawings was fun, I always liked working in those sorts of strict limitations. Then finally getting the injection to work and seeing my own art in game on real hardware felt surreal, something in this handheld game console I've had forever, on a game I loved for years has something I made in it. Even the process of getting all of this working, as tedious as it was moving game saves and getting color values just right, made this whole experience more special to me.
Something I figured while playing this as well as also from now having also played Dragon Warrior 1+2 and also currently Final Fantasy 5, I really love playing things on a handheld. Playing games on a handheld device has been so much more compelling of a thing to me than ever than playing on a proper TV/computer. The aspect of being able to just let the console sit on my desk and simply open and close it when interested made the feeling of investing myself into a game so much easier to approach. I want to just keep playing more old games on a handheld now, I'm already planning on other games to play and how I should definitely hack my Vita. My friends keep tempting me with one of those emulator handhelds and I don't even need one but they look really cool though.
I have so much respect for people who make fan works, hacks, and other unofficial projects it has been just amazing to see passion projects happen all the time in the gaming community. Playing this romhack that's been a years long, ongoing project in two different eras (2018 and then again in 2023) of it's existence has only further cemented my admiration. People wanting to be creative and open about their love for this form of art is such a wonderful thing to behold. These moments of creative passion being shared to everyone feels so important, reminding that the projects with the biggest budgets and names are not the end all be all of the medium, despite their desperation to be so. Thank you so much for wanting to share such lovely things with the world.
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🧡 Liquid Luck Never Have I Ever Challenge 2024 | Rules & Information 🧡
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We are back with another round of the Liquid Luck Never Have I Ever Challenge! 🧡
We had our first round of Never Haver I Ever back in 2022, and works created for that round can be found here.
This July we have a challenge that is all about challenging yourself to do something you have never done before. This is a Liquid Luck Drabble & Art Challenge event, and anyone is welcome to join! 
Here’s how it works :
- The goal is to challenge yourself to do something you have never done before. For example, write for a pairing you’ve not written for before, or use a character you’ve not used before. Perhaps use a trope you’re not familiar with? Maybe you’ve always wanted to try to write Harry Potter poetry, but never done it before? Or you’ve never made a moodboard before? Let this challenge be the motivation to give it a try!
- There will be eight different challenges. This challenge list is meant as inspiration, and you can give any of them (or all of them) a go. But if you’ve been wanting to try something else out for a while and haven’t done so yet, feel free to use the Never Have I Ever challenge to finally give it a go!
- There will be eight new prompts that you can use as inspiration. As this is a Liquid Luck Drabble & Art Challenge event, you will have to use at least one of our prompts in your work. You can use one of these eight new prompts, or you can use one of our previous prompts. Part 1 | Part 2
The schedule : 
13 June : Challenges & Prompts are released 1 July : The AO3 Collection opens to Liquid Luck Never Have I Ever works 31 July : The AO3 Collection closes to Liquid Luck Never Have I Ever works
Every four days - starting on the 1st of July - I will post a reminder of one of the challenges and prompts. But challenges can be done at any time of the month, as long as your work is completed by the 31st of July.
Just a few simple rules & guidelines for this challenge :
- For your work to be accepted for this challenge it will have to include two things : Something you have not done / written / created before + A Liquid Luck Drabble & Art Challenge prompt. This can either be one of the eight new prompts, or one of our previous prompts. Part 1 | Part 2
- Both fics and art are welcome for this challenge. There is no minimum or maximum word count, and all forms of art (moodboard, drawing, fan video etc.) are welcome.
- This is a Harry Potter challenge, and all pairings are allowed, as long as they include at least one character from the book / movie. This includes Rare Pairs, Next Gen, Cross Gen and characters from connected canon such as Cursed Child and Fantastic Beasts.
- All works posted to the AO3 Collection will be shared to the Tumblr page. Please give it up to 48 hours for me to share your work to Tumblr. If it hasn’t been shared after that time, there’s a chance I have missed it. Then feel free to send me a message to remind me to share it. The AO3 Collection will be the same as the one for the Liquid Luck Drabble & Art Challenge, but works for this event will only be accepted between the 1st of July and the 31st of July. After that, the challenge is over and the AO3 Collection is only open to Liquid Luck Drabble & Art Challenge works again.
- Drabbles / fics will be shared with a post with information and a link to your work. If you create art for the challenge and you tag the page, I will reblog your art, but as tagging doesn’t always work, please send me a message if your art hasn’t been reblogged after 48 hours.
- Works for this challenge have to be new. Older works that fit the prompt will not be accepted into the AO3 collection or shared to the Tumblr page.
- All pairings, ratings and genres are allowed, but please make sure to add the correct tags, and please post a warning if your work is NSFW, or if it contains upsetting themes or possible triggers.
- Prompts for the Liquid Luck Never Have I Ever Challenge may be combined with prompts for other challenges, but please make sure to check with the mods for those other challenges / fests as well!
- A masterlist of all the works created for this challenge will be shared on this Tumblr page after the challenge has ended.
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sgiandubh · 7 months
A study in media fabrication: the Metro interview
I was on a late, self-prescribed ☕ break at the office and lo and behold, mindlessly scrolling @bat-cat-reader's page, what do I see? S's last 'interview' to Metro UK. Rarely have I seen such a poorly cobbled fabrication, so I thought I might share a couple of quick thoughts about it.
A word about the newspaper, first. This is not, as you might think, a part of the Swedish-owned and worldwide present Metro conglomerate of free commuter tabloids, that usually end up littering the carriage, by the end of the day. Nope, and I had no idea. Metro UK is owned by DMG Media (The Daily Fail people, in other words) since 1999 and uses a different logo, to avoid being sued on what is, in my opinion a blatant trademark infringement (remember, S was the culprit the EUIPO punished for way less than that!). More interestingly, though, the print and web editions have totally different content, which means that you'd look in vain for the James Bondesque pic while commuting from Wimbledon to London, for example. The relevance of this interview is nearing 0, in my humble opinion: if anything, it just served to check a box of the PR's current media plan and justify the retainers a couple of people cashed in, as a result.
Quotes and references like the one below abound:
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Now, if you imagine S talked face to face to Ms. Josie Copson for the sake of this article, you couldn't be more wrong. In fact, I doubt he knows her name or (when questioned) even if he ever gave an interview to Metro.co.uk. In plain English, he didn't "tell" Josie anything: PR probably sent her some formulaic 'answers' by email and let her add some fill-in material, then revised and greenlit the whole for release.
How do I know it? Easy: no photos. No specifics (random example: 'seated at the counter of Soho's BAFTA Bar, in London, SRH' this and that). And the almost scrupulous rehashing of the talking points we have already seen (and it did break my heart to see so many upset people for literally nothing, in here). Give or take some last minute inserts, some of which are quite dubious, to he honest.
This one, for example:
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How odd. A Zoom call apparently happened, of which - again- we have no evidence at all. It's not impossible, but it is improbable. What is interesting, though, is the 'related' discreet surfing suggestion at the end of the article, which sheds new light on that Gen Z. joke - which yes, now sorta makes sense:
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Why? For more (monetized) clicks and traffic. Remember the tiny detail that Metro's business model is based on a free offer. So, they have to make it viable somehow: in print, it's the ads. Online, it's all about the ads and the clicks.
The only interesting thing I could take out of this would be a very peculiar choice of words:
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Being spied on... By all means, please clarify and thank you. I can think of one or two people in this fandom, regularly and almost obsessively dueling for the position of best informed in town. Using very different methods, to be sure, but still qualifying for this spying position, in my book. Both of them completely lack perspective and offer very little context, but that is of no particular import, when it's all about feeding your captive audience with nonsense.
If these two people wanted to come clean, they'd only need to write two very simple phrases:
This is a gossip blog exclusively focused on SRH.
This is a social media monitoring blog exclusively focused on SRH.
Not gonna happen anytime soon. Cue in the mystique of 'sources' and repeatedly absurd 'lucky strikes'. It certainly makes things way sexier than they really are. Because when you know things, you don't brag about it. Easy as 1, 2, 3.
Oh, and mark me: it's always been about SRH. No wonder the boundaries feel 'blurred'.
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Why do you hate me?
Pairing: Jeong Yunho x Reader
Genre: Angst, Smut
CW: Degrading/Praise, brief nipple play, spanking, very slight choking.
Word Count: 6026
Summary: Since the day you met yours and Yunho’s relationship has been rocky to say the least, constantly arguing over nothing and no one knows how or why it all started. The others have had enough of your arguing so the best idea they had was to lock you away together to sort your shit out.
Prompt List        Series Masterlist       MasterList         Buy me a Coffee
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You rub at your eyes for probably the 100th time in the last hour, these deadlines were killing you and the longer you kept the authors waiting for their edited draft the more ratty and irritable they became. You had your boss pestering you in one ear and clients in the other, it was a vicious cycle you got yourself into. Yous started the day off strong, you’d gone into work an hour early, feeling like a spring chicken but now you’re still in the office at 6pm, an hour later than you should be there. 
You sigh as you flop further into your chair and decide to give up for the day, at this point you’re of no use to anyone, the words on your computer screen were now all merging into long blurry lines and you could hardly read anymore. You were tired but then again you didn’t want to go home yet, so you took a gamble pulling out your phone to text your friend Mingi to see if he was free.
[6:15 pm] Y/n: Hey, are you home?
[6:17 pm] Mingi: Yeah me and the guys got in an hour ago why?
[6:17 pm] Y/n: Is it okay with you guys if I come over for a bit, I need to get out of work.
[6:19 pm] Mingi: Sure thing, just let yourself in like usual.
It’s times like this you’re grateful to have Mingi and the rest of his group in your life, they all welcome you at anytime with open arms...Well almost all of them. After putting your phone away you grab the last of your things, shoving them into your bag and head out to your car.
You did as Mingi said when you turned up, letting yourself in, shucking off your back and jacket before hanging them up in the hallway and kicking off your shoes. Mingi didn’t even notice your arrival, his eyes fixed to the TV as he watched the latest anime he’s been raving about so you decide not to interrupt him, opting to flop face first onto the couch next to him, your legs draping across his lap.
“Jesus fucking Christ Y/n!” Mingi yelps, your presence bringing him back to the real world.
“Don’t creep around like that.” 
“I didn’t want to interrupt you.” You reply, your voice slightly muffled by the cushion your face was buried in. 
“I’d rather that than almost die of a heart attack.” He chuckles. His laughter soon dies down when he noticed you weren’t laughing along with him.
“Hey, you okay?”
“Yeah, just work is really draining lately, the clients I was given are getting really ratty with me even though the deadline is 2 weeks time. I’m working overtime to try and get it all done but staring at the screen for up to 12 hours a day ends with me not being able to read anything.” Even though Mingi’s eyes were still fixed to the screen he was still listening fully to every word you were saying. He had no idea how to help comfort you as all he could think to do was give you small hums of understanding and small squeezes to your calves to help relax you.
The credits roll for the next episode and like a cat running to the sound of treats San bursts his way into the living room, eyes wide and a smile to match as he sees the all too familiar show on the screen.
“You’re finally watching it!” He squeals excitedly as he runs over to the couch, stopping in his tracks when he sees you sprawled out.
“Hi y/n, you okay down there?” He asks with a small head tilt not knowing if he should be worried or not.
“Hi San, I’m okay...tired.” You reply with more of a grumble than you planned. San looked over to Mingi who only mouthed to him they you’re having a tough time at work. Nodding in understanding San makes his way over to you lifting your head gently from the couch to wiggle himself onto the seat before setting your head back down on his lap.
“She’s got tight deadlines and is working overtime a lot, she’s just a bit stressed.” Mingi explains, giving your leg another sympathetic squeeze as San nods running his fingers through your hair to help relax you further. 
You were all starting to get really comfy, the boys watching their show and you simply enjoying the small massages and head rubs, but the relaxing soon came to a screeching halt when Yunho walked into the room, gaming headset wrapped around his neck. 
“Oh you’re here...again.” Yunho grumbles when he sees you. The others shoot him a warning look not wanting arguments to start up again.
“What, she’s always here can’t she hang out at her own place for once?” 
“Fuck off Yunho I’m not in the mood for you.” You snap back, fatigue evident in your voice but the attitude still coming through.
“Why should I be the one to fuck off, I live here, if you don’t like me being around then go home at least then I’ll actually have some peace.” 
“Yunho.” Mingi says bluntly hoping he’d get the hint.
“I’m just making a point Mingi, she’s here almost every day and then complains about me.”
“Maybe she won’t complain so much if you were actually nice to her.” San pipes up with raised eyebrows to emphasise his point. Yunho was going to snap back at San in an attempt to emphasise his point and his dislike towards you, that was until Yeosang walked in, innocent smile across his face.
“What’s going on guys?” Yeosang asks while his head flicks between everyone in the room in search of an answer.
“Nothing just the freeloader is back AGAIN.” Yunho answers with a low growl of frustration before he walked off into the kitchen to get a drink. With you relaxed state fully gone you sat upright to watch the TV. Yeosang didn’t know where to look or what to say, confusion written all over his face but from what he could gather it was the usual so he decided not to pry anymore.
“You okay?” Mingi asked, leaning towards you a little bit to make sure Yunho couldn’t hear him.
“Yeah I’m used to it don’t worry.” On his way back to his room, drink in hand, Yunho flashes you a glare to which you respond with a sarcastic smile and a middle finger before putting your attention back on the TV.
“So I’m guessing you’re still not friends.” Yeosang asked from the other side of the living room.
“What gave it away?” You answer sarcastically but with a smile to make it clear you weren’t snapping at him. 
The next day work was the same as it had been, page after page of editing, reading over the same lines multiple times to make sure everything flowed right and research here and there to make sure everything was how it should be. You were in the flow of it and everything was running smoothly, that’s when you got a text from Wooyoung.
[3:36 pm] Wooyoung: Are you free after work?
[3:38 pm] Y/n: Well I did have a hot date planned with my couch and a tub of ice cream so this better be good.
[3:40 pm] Wooyoung: Sounds steamy 🥵 We’re going to order in some food later and we just want to know if you’ll be joining us so we can order your usual.
You take a quick glance at your work trying to judge when you’ll be able to leave and you’re glad to see you’ve made more progress than you had expected.
[3:43 pm] Y/n: Sure, I’ll finish at 5 and I’ll come straight over.
[3:44 pm] Wooyoung: 🍔ԅ( ͒ ۝ ͒ )
You give a quick chuckle at his reply and set your phone down so you could continue working and finish on time.
By the time you finished you were rushing to pack your things and get out the door, you already worked an hour later than you told Wooyoung so you were severely late. You took every short cut you knew to get to their dorm quicker and when you parked up you practically ran to the door.
“Sorry I’m late, I got swamped again.” You apologise, breathing heavy as you kick your shoes off at the door. You were happy to hear the others weren’t upset with you as they told you it was okay and they’d only just finished their own. Mingi got up from his seat and hurried over to the kitchen to warm yours up and telling you to take a seat. You nod and thank him before taking the free seat between San and Seonghwa. 
Opposite you, you notice Yunho giving you the dirtiest look you think he’s ever given anyone, it’s clear he’s not happy you’re there and more so that he has to be around you, he wants to go back to his room to play games and leave you with the rest of the group but he knows if he does that he’ll get an earful the rest of the night. 
You decide to shrug it off for now and instead focus on your food and those around you who actually enjoy your presence. While you ate your food you listened to the various stories from work the boys started to tell you. They let you in on some spoilers for the new album they were working on, styles they were playing around with for the concept and funny stories from their time in the practice room. 
Once you finished your food you followed Jongho into the kitchen to help wash up despite the others telling you it wasn’t necessary, but it was the least you could do not only for them buying you food but for also turning up late. While Jongho washes the dishes and you stand to his side drying them off as he goes you decide to ask him.
“Is me being here really that bad?” He whips his head around to look at you confused.
“What do you mean?”
“I know Yunho doesn’t like me but damn am I that bad to be around?” 
“You know how he gets, just ignore him he’ll soon get bored once you stop giving him a reaction, plus would we really have let Wooyoung invite you over if we didn’t like having you around?” You couldn’t argue with that, you were best friends with all of them, all except Yunho, then again you can’t please everyone.
With all the dishes washed and put away the two of you head back into the living room to the rest of the group.
“Just don’t let him get to you okay.” Jongho whispers giving you a quick comforting pat on the arm before going to sit back down.
Everything was going well, you were all engaged in conversation and laughing at each other, all while Yunho sat there silent, his glare still piercing you. You bit the inside of your lip trying desperately not to scream at him but you told Jongho you wouldn’t let him get to you. It wasn’t until he scoffed and rolled his eyes at something you said, did you snap.
“Okay, what the fuck is your problem?” You bite, turning your attention to Yunho who wore a repulsed look on his face. You could hear Jongho give out a small sigh of defeat as he pinched the bridged of his nose in frustration.
“Go on, you’ve done nothing but glare at me since I got here so tell me Yunho, what have I done this time to piss you off?” 
“We invite you over for food, we even buy you the damn food and you’re fucking late even though you said you’d be here at a set time, we even waited for you but you didn’t show, not even a text. So that’s one reason.” Yunho hisses, frowning at you as his tone became harsher as he went on.
“I explained when I got here I was suddenly swamped with work, I couldn’t get out, and I apologised, what more do you want?” Yunho wasn’t having any of it, a smirk covering his face as he rolled his eyes at your excuse.
“You’re really starting to piss me off Yunho.” 
“Oh I’m already there Princess.” He quips back condescendingly, leaning forward in your direction. The air was thick with tension from the two of you, everyone else in the room has fallen silent and looking at each other trying to think of a way to get you both to stop arguing. 
“Princess, oh really!?”
“Yes, Princess, because that’s how you fucking act, like a stuck up little princess who has this lot wrapped around her little finger!” You stood up from your seat ready to start screaming at Yunho but you were interrupted by Seonghwa and Mingi who also stood up.
“That’s it, we’ve had it with you both arguing.” Seonghwa snaps as he lightly grabs you by the elbow and starts leading you out the room while Mingi does the same to Yunho, tugging him up from his spot and dragging him along behind you.
“Hwa what are you doing?”
“You two are going to sort your shit out once and for all, we’ve dealt with your arguing long enough so now it’s time to call it quits.” Stopping outside a door Seonghwa opens it and lightly shoves you into what you guessed to be Yunho and San’s bedroom and soon after Yunho comes stumbling in. Before he could make a run for it Seonghwa had shut the door in his face, Yunho tried the handle but from what he guessed it was locked.
“Seonghwa I swear to god you better open this fucking door!” Yunho yelled as he hammered on the door.
“Not until you both talk, you’ll stay in there all night if you have to we don’t care, just get your shit together.” 
“Seonghwa, we’ll stop arguing so open the door!” 
No answer
“Seonghwa!” The punch he delivered to the hard wood made you jump a little, the sound of the impact ringing though the room, you really felt he was going over the top with this.
“Just give up he’s gone.” You sigh, plopping yourself onto the bed behind you. Yunho turns on his heels and looked at you as if his face couldn’t get any more annoyed.
“That’s my bed, get off it.” 
You roll your eyes at him as you stand and make your way over to San’s bed. You couldn’t believe how childish he was being, you could have sworn you were locked in a room with a grumpy toddler with how he was acting.
The room is silent, neither of you are looking at each other and the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. It was clear you both didn’t want to talk but not talking wasn’t going to get you anywhere. So you speak up.
“Why do you hate me?” Your voice was quiet, almost like you didn’t want him to hear you so you could continue sitting in silence, but your stomach dropped once you saw him turn his head to face you.
“I asked why you hate me, you’ve not liked me since day 1, did I offend you or something?” You ask again, voice a little louder this time so you know he heard you.
“I told you earlier why I don’t like you, you act like a fucking princess and the others are at your feet hanging onto your every word, you bat your eyelashes at them and they’re eating out of the palm of your hand.” The annoyance is growing in his voice as his tone starts to raise.
“I do no such thing, they’re just nice to me unlike you.” 
“I could have been nice if you didn’t treat me differently from the rest of them.”
“I know I don’t drop to my knees and worship you like your fans do but is that really a reason for you to hate me? If you weren’t such an ass to me then I’d be nice to you Yunho, but I get nothing but attitude off you!” You yell, standing up from the bed, arms waving in frustration. You were at your whits end now, his childish ways were really getting to you.
“Oh look at you, princess getting all annoyed because one man isn’t giving her the attention she wants.” His arrogant tone filling your ears as he stood up himself, taking slow steps towards you. 
“What’s that supposed to mean!?”
“It means you’re such an attention whore it pisses you off if even one man doesn’t bend over backwards for you.” He steps towards you again, the gap between you closing slowly.
“If I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re a little jealous.” Yunho scoffs taking another step closer until you were only inches apart.
“And why would I be jealous princess, because you give everyone else ‘fuck me’ eyes and not me, because at any moment you could ask one of the guys out there to fuck you at any given moment and they’ll do it?” 
“I’m not some sort of fucking whore Yunho, I don’t do any of that shit.” You argue back, your voice raising more and more as your anger levels rose.
“Oh you don’t do you? Then tell me why every time you go home I have to listen to them debate over who you were flirting with the most that day, their constant arguing of who’s gonna get their hands on you first. If hating that makes me jealous then fine I’m jealous.” You can’t help but scoff at him, your breath fanning his face pissing him off even more.
“Something fucking funny to you?” He growls taking a final step closer to you, your legs hit the side of the bed trapping you and giving you no choice but to stand there with Yunho pressed against you.
Now was not the time to admit you found him insanely attractive when he’s pissed but the butterflies forming in your stomach and the heat pooling at your core made it all the more true. You took too long to think of a comeback, your eyes were too busy scanning over his face, you’d never looked at him this closely before, the glint of fire in his eye full of rage but also something else you couldn’t quite put your finger on, the way his brows furrowed slightly in frustration and the way he had his jaw tightly clenched, just the sight of him made your mind short circuit. He’s quick to notice the way your eyes fall onto his lips for just a second.
“Cat got your tongue princess?” Now he was leaning his face in closer to yours, he knew the close proximity was flustering you and if that’s what he had to do to win this argument then so be it.
“You’re such an asshole.” You hiss, trying desperately to keep your composure and still seem pissed off and not like you want to take his bottom lip between your teeth. The smirk he gives you has your legs turning to jelly, you want to slap yourself for being so affected by him but at the same time you didn’t want it to stop.
Rolling his eyes at your remark, his tongue presses against the inside of his cheek and it was his turn to scoff this time. Your words didn't affect him as it could've if he was still extremely pissed off but by the way you're silenced by his actions so far, his anger turned into lust. Watching you slowly get flustered as your cheeks turn a bright shade of red.
"Will you get out of my face?" You scowl lowly at him, barely even pushing your hands against his chest in a failing attempt at moving him out of your way. You actually didn't want him to get out of your face, if anything, the closer he gets the better. You weren't going to kick yourself if anything was going to happen hear and now, there's no way you're going to deny the butterflies in your stomach.
Inching his face closer, taking your request and going against it. His nose barely brushes against the tip of yours, staring down your lips whilst his get caught between his teeth, his hands brushing up the skin of your arms and your shiver at the contact, "Or what?".
Shrugging in reply, you take a stance, looking up at him properly, inching your face closer so your noses touch and you watch him patiently wait for you to do anything else.
"I don't know." You whisper firmly, titling your head back slightly so your lips are close to his, but not close enough. Within an instant, you close the gap, your lips flush against his, quickly retracting with a smirk on your lips but instantly get shy about it. However he wasn't going to apologise for letting you kiss him. But part of him wanted more, only if you did. With a hand firmly grasping one arm and the other cupping your face, he catches his lip between his teeth again.
"Tell me you don't want this and I'll stop, but if you kiss me again I'm not going to hold back." 
“Shut the fuck up and kiss me asshole.” That was enough for him, his lips meeting yours again but this time not holding anything back. 
The kiss was rushed, like he felt he didn’t have enough time to kiss you as much as he wanted. His hand moved from your face to your hair, gripping a handful and pulling your face impossibly closer to his so you don’t slip away and his other hand left your arm to tightly grip your hip. Every inch of your bodies was pressed to one another. Pulling away for air for a brief moment, Yunho can’t help but smirk at how you seem to chase after him and when you open your eyes his own are met with the sight of your glazed over ones. 
“Still hate me princess?” He teases, biting his lip again and squeezing your hip.
“So fucking much.” But in the same breath you’re back on his lips. His tongue gliding over your bottom lip demanding entrance. The deeper into the kiss you get the more you can feel yourself leaning backwards from the force Yunho was kissing you with, every small gap that opened he tried filling by pushing closer to you until you felt yourself falling backwards onto the bed behind you. As a reflex you grab his shirt, taking him down with you, his whole body weight on top of you momentarily until he shifts his weight to his arm so not to crush you. 
You were both so lost in the moment you didn’t even acknowledge how you both moved in sync to shift closer to the middle of the bed, not breaking the kiss for a second. His hands are all over you, gliding along the side of your waist, down to your hips and along your thighs only to come back up and slip themselves under your skirt to grip your ass, helping him pull you closer until he was wrapped between your legs.
His hands move only a little bit from where they were, his fingers hooking into the band of your panties slowly dragging them down until you caught on to what he was doing, lifting your hips to help him get them off you faster. He smirks at your compliance, loving how the events have taken a complete 180 from you arguing with him to you now heeding to his every movement. Tossing the small garment to the side he runs a finger along your core, surprised to find out just how worked up he’s gotten you.
“For someone who hates me you’re soaked Princess.” He says smirking into the kiss as he senses your eye roll. You reach your hand down between the two of you, hand lightly grazing over the growing bulge in his jeans.
“And for someone who hates me you’re pretty hard Yunho.” You couldn’t help but get your own quip in, if you were going to look needy then you’re taking him down with you. 
Your hands make quick work of the button and zipper on his jeans, trying your best to tug the clothing off him. He’d love to watch you struggle for a bit longer but the discomfort he was starting to feel from his erection pressing into his jeans cut his fun short. Shucking he rest off himself he lets out a small contented sigh leaving your eyes to take in the sight of the hefty bulge in his boxers. Impatience took over you once you saw what was in store for you. Lunging forward you grabbed the bottom of his shirt, hurrying to tear it from him and letting him work on your own shirt reducing you both down to just one item of clothing each.
You moved again to reach for his boxers, to finally fully undress him but a small yelp left you when he caught your hands in one of his, pinning them above you.
“Look at you, so eager to get fucked by the guy you hate the most, such a desperate little whore you’ll fuck anyone?” You grit your teeth at him, you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing how much his words affected you, despite you being pinned under him wearing only your bra. You didn’t trust your mouth to talk for you so you opted to stay silent, letting your glare do the talking for you.
Using his free hand, Yunho tugs his boxers off, throwing them off to the side somewhere in the room. He’s smug when he watches you swallow heavily, eyes concentrating on his now freed cock. 
“See something you like?” 
“Just...shut the fuck up and fuck me already.” You growl trying your best to lift the top half of your body off the bed to meet his face.
“Oh, but I don’t think you’re prepped enough to take me yet Princess.” His voice was teasing, it was like he wanted to piss you off even more and to top it all off, he was enjoying it.
“I don’t care, I can take it, just get on with it.” With a slight tilt of his head and a small chuckle Yunho lined himself with your core but not quite entering.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” You opened your mouth to answer back but the words were knocked from you only to be replaced by a gasp as Yunho slowly eased himself into you. Despite the bad blood between you he didn’t want to risk thrusting into you at full force no matter how much he wanted to, he wasn’t an asshole, he wasn’t going to risk hurting you just to get himself off.
Your nails dug into the flesh of your palms and your eyes screwed shut, the stretch was amazing but the slight burn was there from lack of prep, you knew all you had to do was persevere for now and you’ll be on cloud 9 in no time. Yunho could see the discomfort you were in and he was only halfway, the hand that pinned yours to the bed intertwined with your own letting you grip as tightly as you needed to while his other hand smoothed over your waist in an attempt to soothe you through it. Your expression eases up once he’s fully inside you and he took a moment to let you adjust.
“You okay?” Yunho whispers bringing his face down to yours again, barely hovering above you. You nod in reply and you fully relax into him, eyes opening and looking up into his slightly worried ones, his pissed off exterior crumbling for a moment.
“You can move.” You pant out lightly, rolling your hips into him and a small sigh leaving your lips as you start to feel the faintest bit of friction. The slight movement had Yunho dropping his head to your shoulder, a low groan leaving his lips as he starts to thrust into you. With his pace picking up the burn soon turned to pleasure so much so you tried to muffle your moans with your hand, but how successful that was you don’t know. The tip of his cock grazed your sweet spot making you clench around him causing a loud moan to rip through he both of you.
“Shit Princess, if you keep doing that I’m not going to last long.” With his voice as raspy and deep as it was, you wouldn't be able to last long either, no matter how many times you may have had sex with someone, he was completely different. With his hips thrusting into you, flush against yours momentarily before pulling away, he hisses through gritted teeth. Your fingers digging into the back of his hand whilst his other hand works it's way up your body, finger trailing the light contours of it before resting his large hand over your breast, thumb grazing over the already hardened nipple.
"Shit-" You sigh heavily, clenching around his length another time with your lip bitten, glaring up at him with sultry but soft eyes, pleading eyes. 
"More... Please." A smirk grows on Yunho's face, his eyebrows furrowing together from the pleasure of you tightly wrapped around him, the way you look at him now makes him unable to control himself.
Another graze of his thumb over your nipple makes you gasp with a slight whine, making you shut your eyes tightly with your mouth quivering at the pleasure you're receiving.
Now you're on cloud 9. 
"So sensitive, just how I like it." Yunho growls lightly in your ear, his cock twitching already inside of you with your moans sounding so perfect in his ear. Taking it a step further he pinched at your nipple making you almost scream out, your hand slapping back over your mouth to keep quiet while your walls spasm around him, your orgasm creeping up on you quickly. Freeing your hand from his he has a quick squeeze of both of your tits before pulling out from you.
“What are you...” Your question was cut off when he effortlessly flipped you onto your stomach and lifting your hips entering you again, knocking the air from your lungs once again. He didn’t know how much longer he’d be able to hold himself off for, he was getting close before but now you’re on all fours and he has a perfect view of your ass bouncing with each thrust he was going insane. 
He couldn’t help himself, his hands had a mind of their own as one gripped one cheek with enough force to cause bruising while the other delivered slap so hard the sound rang through the room and his hand print became visible instantly. The impact had you lurching forward, burying your face in the sheets to cry out in pleasure. Yunho leaned down towards you, his chest flush against your back as he snaked a hand around to hold you by the throat, pulling you up with him keeping your bodies as close as possible.
“Let me hear that again Princess.” He growled into your ear biting the lobe and giving you a particularly harsh thrust making you cry out again, but this time with no sheet to muffle you.
“C...close.” You warn him before another sting of moans leave you uncontrollably as your walls clamp down on him, your orgasm threatening to break. He was unbelievably close now, your walls around him like a vice.
“Cum for me Princess.” And just like that your body gave in to his command, your muscles tensing as your high rushed through you, your nails digging into his thighs in an attempt to ground yourself. He set you back down on the sheets, needing all the strength he had left to chase his own high, his thrusts becoming sloppy as he grips your ass again using it to help with momentum. It didn’t take much longer before Yunho reached his high, pulling out from you and pumping his cum over your ass. He’d be weak at the knees if he wasn’t already on them from the sight of you, fucked out, his hand print burning red on your ass covered with his cum.
Sitting back on his heels he took a moment to catch his breath and let himself come around for a moment while you’d flopped down completely flat needing the same moment as him to come back to earth. 
“Stay there a sec, I’ll clean you up.” Yunho said in a horse voice running his hand over your lower back before getting to his feet and searching the room for something to clean you with. 
“Is that your t-shirt?” You ask turning your head to look at him with a raised eyebrow.
“It was in the hamper it needs to be washed anyway...don’t look at me like that, it’s either this or you’re not getting cleaned up at all.” You let out a small chuckle, he was right after all. 
After getting dressed again and fixing yourselves up you both sat on the bed, a now comfortable silence falling over you, that was before Yunho turned to you.
“I never said I hated you.” 
“Hmm?” You turn your head to face him, your eyes slightly wider.
“You said earlier that I hated you, I’ve never once said I hate you because in all honesty I don’t.” 
“I thought you did, why else would you always argue with me and give me dirty looks?” He ran a hand over his face trying to think of a response, this was difficult for him, he didn’t know how open to be with you, the person who did actually hate him.
“I don’t know, all I know is we didn’t have a good first meeting, I was having a bad day that day and wasn’t the most approachable person and I guess that was a bad first impression that stuck.” You felt a small pang of guilt hit you in the chest.
“Look, I don’t want to drag this on for any longer I just want you to know I’ve never hated you and I’ve always wanted to get to know you but I fucked that up straight away and seeing how you are with the others made me jealous and I guess I couldn’t hide it and it made everything worse.” You slide your hand over his that was resting on his thigh, holding it lightly as comfort.
“Can we maybe start over, we can go for a coffee some time, call it a date if you want.” He laughed lightening the tension.
“I’d like that.” You smile back at him.
“Water under the bridge?”
“Water under the bridge, do we call Seonghwa to come and let us out now” You ask remembering you were locked in the room. Yunho got to his feet and knocked on the door calling out to Seonghwa to open the door. No answer. Out of curiosity he tried the door anyway, surprised to see it was never locked in the first place. With a confused glance back at you he opened the door letting you walk out first to get back to the rest of the group only to be met with a mix of confused and disgusted looks from the boys.
“Guys, I know we wanted you to sort your shit out but we thought you’d talk it out not fuck it out.” Hongjoong piped up shivering slightly as he remembered what they all heard from their side of the door. Your cheeks flushed a bright shade of red from embarrassment but Yunho on the other hand donned a coy smile which soon turned into a proud smirk. 
“Well we’re not arguing anymore so you got what you wanted.” Yunho answered back taking a seat next to him.
“Well at least now I can charge my phone.” San sighs getting to his feet and heading towards his and Yunho’s room. The embarrassment had faded quickly as things got back to normal with all the guys conversing.
“YUNHO YOU’RE FUCKING SLEEPING ON THE COUCH!” San yelled from the bedroom making you and Yunho exchange wide eyes, realisation hitting you that it was San’s bed you’d just fucked on. Yunho knew he had a lot of making up to do now.
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Tag List:  @stardragongalaxy​ @kpopjust4u @whatudowhennooneseesyou @8tinytings   @jenotation @grim-adventures58 @owjohny   @ker1   @tinkerbell460   @haylstoney   @scuzmunkie   @halesandy @multihunbun   @kodzukein   @maskedmochii  @queenwiinks @hellomingi  @woosannie
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mubabee · 3 months
-if you request, I will add it here to confirm it will be done. For ones I won’t do, you can try and request again. I usually accept most requests I receive.
(Check the post under the gojo and geto post, I went on a request purge yes. Most got deleted, sorry to those that were expecting their request. Feel free to try and request again)
Also, this is not to discourage people from requesting. Some take a few days while some take a few weeks.(months even)
Some Yanqing requests I won’t specifically do because i have so many requests for him that it will basically be the same.
CURRENT REQUESTS(this is not in order)
—Genderbent Latte cookie
—Danganronpa 2 characters x reader
—Shenhe x male!reader
—Sonic getting jealous of Knuckles
—Hazbin Hotel with child!reader p.2
—KNY x Reader p.2
—My OCs being protective and giving princess treatment
—Valentines special with OCs
—Yandere Yuta Okkutsu
—Yandere!Itadori x kidnapped!reader
—burnt cheese cookie x reader
—Class 1a x reader who got a haircut
—Yandere Sunday and Kafka x Layla!reader
—Jing Yuan x reader
—Welt x Reader(flustered challenge)
—Yandere!genderbent!Jingliu x reader
—Yandere!Johann and Chisei Gen x reader
—Genderbent!Chrysalis x reader
—Genderbent!Acheron x reader
—Genderbent!Shalom(once I actually meet her in the game)
—Aventurine x reader who’s Ratio’s sister
—OCs reacting to S/O saying she has a partner
—OCs x motherly!reader
—Genderbent!Charlie x reader, Genderbent!Vaggie x reader
—Dan Heng x puppy-like!reader
—Yandere!Kafka using spirit whisper
—Aventurine x reader
—More genderbent!Natasha
—Genderbent!Robin singing to reader
—Genderbent!Rainbow Dash teasing reader
Any request that is not listed, I will not do.(Could be because I don’t know the character or concept enough or the request isn’t specific enough.)
That last part sounds blatant but drawing be tedious sometimes 😭
(woah a lot of requests got deleted)
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