#feel free to read
limboraptor · 3 months
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the duality of my yapping
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sarilolla · 3 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Poppy Playtime (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Huggy Wuggy & The Player (Poppy Playtime), Huggy Wuggy (Poppy Playtime) & Original Character(s), The Player & Poppy (Poppy Playtime) Characters: Original Poppy Playtime Character(s), Huggy Wuggy (Poppy Playtime), Poppy (Poppy Playtime), The Player (Poppy Playtime), Original Non-Human Character(s) Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Until a certain point but uhhh, Chapter 01: A Tight Squeeze (Poppy Playtime), Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Player semi-knew what was happening, Player knew the toys before the hour of joy Summary:
The VHS wires to life, the tape containing a conversation between two employees on their way too short lunch break.
“Hey, Lex? I don’t think I ever got what your job is.”
“It’s a weird one, I know. I… help take care of the toys, make sure they behave and are safe.”
The first voice grumbled, sounding skeptical as he spoke.
“If I were you I would have quit. How close have you gotten to losing any limbs?”
The second voice sighed, speaking softly.
“It’s fine, Richie. They’re good kids.”
Alexis Taylor was not human. That was purely a fact. They had never been, and never would be. Maybe that was why they once connected so well with the man-made horrors of Playtime Co. Now, 10 years after the second worst headache of their life, they return to the factory.
They’re still good kids. …right?
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vivid-vices · 4 months
vent rant thingy that's too all over the place for my writing blog but i have to get it out
it was the first birthday in the 21 years i've known him that my "big brother" didn't at least tell me happy birthday and i know he's probably still mad about the fight we got in last spring (and i'm still a little mad too) but that fucking hurt
i know it sounds hypocritical when i took the weekend off other than a few hours supervising some shit and am taking friday afternoon off but i'm so overworked and i haven't had time to pick a team yet and where this position was open for two years there's such a backlog of shit for me to go through and on top of that my partner is exhausted as fuck and taking every little bit of aggression out on me and NOT in a fun way. he made such a point to say that we would stay equals as much as possible but now he's being an asshole (mostly unintentionally which is almost worse) and it's almost making me regret quite a few things
my medical procedure got delayed by a week and i'm not doing so well. the pain i can handle but i can't drive at night and my vision is wonky and my balance is a little off too and i'm taking meds that make it hard to concentrate as well as i need to for everything in the last category. plus they're still talking about a more invasive brain surgery and i'm not scared exactly but i'm nervous about potential complications since i had a hemorrhage four months ago that seriously fucked me up and i JUST got back to feeling like myself
i have to move and just trying to find time to look at apartments is hard enough but my partner is all "you should just move in with me" and my bestie is all "you should just buy a house and i'll pay you rent" and i'm like i want my own space damnit i need alone time and control over my living space or i will explode
i'm so dissociated most of the time that it almost feels like i'm seeing the world in third person and none of my tricks for breaking myself out of it are working and like i know i need to be a certain level of detached just to function rn but this shit is getting slightly concerning
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elrielbliss · 2 years
i just think about blodeuwedd being similar to elain a lot
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it just all makes sense to me
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insomniaccipher · 2 years
Slenderverse(?) ARG idea (more so a ramble)
(Side-Note: This is mainly a ramble, like I've said twice already, so I don't really care about the grammar or spelling of this. Just getting my thoughts out somewhere, maybe I'll fix the it? idk)
Hi, just going to say it one more time, this a pure ramble and I'm just getting my thoughts out.
Like was around for the posting of Marble Hornets a while and basically I had an idea for an ARG late last night and to be honest while I'm not super sure if it's original or not mainly because nothing is really original nowadays and also I just like the idea, so please be forgiving.
I'm not sure what gave me the idea to be honest, since I was off in LaLa Land and procrastinating doing Uni work but, here's the rough outline:
There are three (maybe four) people, they don't know each other, they haven't even bumped into each other on the streets. Then one day one of them wakes up (Let's just call them A) and A finds a random camera recording them obviously they are like freaked out and try to get rid of it. It doesn't work and just appears again when they enter a new room this repeats for a bit before they just go "f--k it" and just take it with them, just recording their life (maybe some little weird stuff happens?). At some point (you can probably tell this is literally coming to my head as I go haha) maybe when A goes to bed or they drop the camera it goes 'missing'. But in reality it appears in one of the other peoples houses (B, C or D. I can't be bothered to think of names right now). B finds the camera, freaks out a bit, ends up just recording their day since they can't get rid of it, camera disappears at some point and repeat.
Camera appears in one of their houses -> the person takes the camera around with them (A does it with reluctance, B, C and D will all have their reasons/ motivations.) -> At some point the camera 'disappears' and moves to the next person (may be a random order) -> Repeat
There would be a YouTube channel where the videos appear. I don't really know what I have in mind for the channel I have 2 ideas. The first idea is that the people don't upload their respective video's they just appear on the channel, they have access of the channel but none of them can delete the videos. The second idea is that they do upload them as a way of just trying to make heads or tails of the situation. The one thing I'm not too sure on is the idea that they can't see the other's video's, like A can only see theirs but not B, C or D's.
To be honest this could be it's own thing and not a Slenderverse ARG, I think I just said Slenderverse cause camera's and supernatural stuff.
Still, unless I can get help or more time this will just be an idea. I think I'll just leave this here and add to it as I go. Still don't know if anyone will see this but at least I got my thoughts out there, so there we go
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aphel1on · 7 months
i have such a love for characters who descend into madness or villainy out of deep, deep empathy. characters who fundamentally cannot cope with the cruel realities they find themselves in and blow up about it in spectacular fashion. fallen angel type characters with tears of outrage in their eyes. characters who break before they bend, and break so badly they splatter blood all over their noble ideals. every variation on it gets me so good
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gibbearish · 8 months
love when ppl defend the aggressive monetization of the internet with "what, do you just expect it to be free and them not make a profit???" like. yeah that would be really nice actually i would love that:)! thanks for asking
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anccaku · 4 months
Feeling a little bitter right now and very negative.
I want to burn all of my drawings and paintings and throw all of my art supplies in the trash. Just give up on drawing.
Which is so sad, because drawing has been my favorite hobby since I was a child. I did so many extra art classes in school because I genuinely loved it.
I’ve been proud of myself for picking up drawing again after many years of not doing it due to depression. I’ve tried not to be hard on myself, but it’s difficult not to compare myself to others. I feel like I can’t call myself an artist and my art is absolute trash.
Maybe I’ll at least delete some art I’ve posted here and on TikTok…
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fulltimecatwitch · 4 months
when they said in Dune that they needed spice for space travel i thought it was used as some sort of fuel but no apparently it's just because your pilot needs to be hight out of his mind to be able to safely navigate big ships into space
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heritageposts · 4 months
I was looking at some of Bashar Murad's old music videos (he's a queer Palestinian artist), and....
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7th of August, 2021...
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rani-karenita · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fate/Grand Order, Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alaude (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!)/Scáthach-Skadi | Caster Characters: Scáthach-Skadi | Caster, Alaude (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Cú Chulainn | Lancer, Random ocs in the background - Character Additional Tags: Bikinis, yes that's it, Modern AU, CEO Skadi, Secretary Alaude, summer holiday AU Summary:
Normally, Alaude didn't look after Skadi so often like a security guard. He knew his boss had the ability to stand up for herself and had high self-confidence if she felt the need to use it. But those foxes had gotten too close to the queen, and her secretary was not in the mood to let them bother his boss for too long. Or The day Alaude realized that he had feelings for his boss, was the same day that Skadi showed off her new bikini that almost made Alaude's eyes popped out.
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bioethicists · 10 months
i genuinely have no animosity towards ppl who get upset abt not being able to read academic texts + i do think we need to expand the pathways/methods of being exposed to critical concepts so that "sit + read for 2 hours" is not the only option.
however, as someone dx with adhd + incapable of sitting still for even a minute (actually right at this moment i am writing this instead of reading the book sitting open in front of me), i do feel like a lot of ppl do not realize that not all readings are designed to be read like a novel.
as in, it's ok + normal + good to need to reread a paragraph several times, to only read part of a book, to have to research or reference words or concepts in order to grasp the reading, to skip over large chunks of text which are not relevant to your expertise, to continue reading despite not understanding a concept. this is something 'neurotypical' academics do frequently + many of these texts, especially contemporary ones, were designed with this in mind.
there are many ppl with accessibility needs that are not being met by academic texts at this time! many texts (in my humble opinion) are unnecessarily complex in order to show off or hide the fact that they have no idea what they're talking about.
i still feel like many of the kneejerk reactions on this site are based on the assumption that their experience reading academic texts should be similar to their experiences reading a nyt bestseller, rather than a process of thinking, analyzing, researching, processing, returning. some of u are telling yourself that any challenges u face while reading are a result of some internal fault u have + not an expected + precious part of the experience.
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I based these on the quotes most mentioned in the notes of that post about that telegraph article (btw jkr didn't even win the vote. Dickens did)
edit to show my tags: #i just really love books and want a collection of everyones favorite quotes#feel free to mention quotes that arent in english! it did say world literature
edit 2: I made another poll with non english quotes. And obviously you can make your own version
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magicomens · 6 months
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Happy Merlin finale anniversary to those who celebrate :)
I'm taking a small break from the comic for the holidays, see you in late January with Part 8 and a new story arc!
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altelchagla · 1 year
*gently puts it here*
So, I wrote a synopsis for this project and took a break hopping into an animation project.
I wanted to write it as a novella at first. Then decided to create a webcomic series (ideally, I see it as a movie, haha~). Anyway, feel free to read it and share your thoughts with me.
Logline: The dead horses come back reincarnated as humans to do the things they thought about at the last moment before death.
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cringefail-clown · 4 months
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post-canon/epilogues au, in which kankri, through paradox space shenanigans, gets revived and comes into his ultimate self, gathering knowledge from all of his past and future iterations - including the signless. now hes on a one-man mission to stop ult dirks plan to start another session of sburb in the bud
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