#feel free to unfollow me by the way i have no intention of returning i won't take it personally
kyeomblr · 10 months
[ closed ]
thanks for 6 wonderful years on caratblr! <3 you can follow my culture & arts sideblog @ghalghai if you're into that (or if you just want to stay in touch). love, madi
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aquariclily · 11 months
Oops sorry. I tapped that button too early on the last post and ended deleting it. (Also sorry for the long read.)
I used to shy out on having a main/primary blog active bc few people tended to nudge me for my side/RP/ask blog stuff or treated me poorly over dumb reasons but lately I no longer care. I prefer to confront people now, gets shit done.
Anyway. Back to my point. Whether Tumblr is going to shit or not. It's probably false alarm bc not the first time, though, I still won't ignore it regardless. This will remain my main platform. I'm not leaving. I am making a return on creating content actively again, back to posting on other platforms too. I met new people that can help me with 3D stuff.
I will tidy up some blogs now, delete the inactive ones. Move some stuff around here and there. But I will also continue what I specifically wanted to continue, there are some fandoms I truly adore and want to keep interacting with.
I guess 2023 is just a burnout year. But now, despite how November is such a STRESS MONTH, I feel much happier.
Also, if anyone noticed an unfollow or anything: It wasn't my intention. Just 💜 or message me and I will follow back. Tumblr has been glitching. If I am no longer interested/Don't want to interact: I just block people. It's not even personal. I'm just tired.
Please, direct message me if you have any questions. I'm going to spend my free time into revamping my blogs. I'm going to head into busier times, so I'm working things out in a way that matches my new habits.
Thank you for reading!
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onlyplatonicirl · 3 years
hello tumblr, i have returned here as a primary social media
for a while I was scrolling twitter for entertainment and following all my favorite artists on there. It's a very large platform, so there's a lot of content on there. I did not post or reply to anyone frequently but it was still a site that I would frequent.
I'm sure you're all aware that I am a fan of the game Genshin Impact. I love the story and I love the characters, and I have some ships that I'm a big fan of. I went to Twitter thinking that I would be able to find good fan content on the website. There are many talented artists and many fun parody accounts, but I realized that the toxicity and the crazy obsessive behavior so many of these people are displaying far outweighs the good.
Today I witnessed one of my favorite artists admitting to attempting to take her life, due to the fact that she was getting non-stop death and r@pe threats, was having misinformation being spread about her doing horrible things she never did. The main reason is because a lot of her art featured m/f shipping pairs, and some of the characters she drew in these ships had popular w/w and m/m headcanons (emphasis on HEADCANONS). Perhaps there was more, but I believe her shipping choices were the main reason, and it was not worthy of that sort of behavior from others. It sickens me how people think that this behavior is normal and acceptable in any way. Not to mention that besides her, people shipping and headcanoning characters as lgbt gets its own fair share of assholes that think artists that do this are "shoving it down their throats" when they just want to reflect themselves in a character.
Scrolling on Twitter makes me so sad and upset. All those people that call twitter a toxic waste dump are 100% correct. It's nothing but negativity, and horrible people that somehow have their morals so twisted they genuinely believe themselves to be in the right by telling others to end their lives. Avoid it and all its communities if you can.
I am close to 1,100 followers on this blog. If any of you reading this post think that sending legitimate insults and death threats to someone over a pretend relationship between fictional characters is ok in the slightest, then unfollow and never speak to me again because I do not want you interacting with me. I only want my page followed by people with kindness and respect, and for people who do not feel the need to send malicious insults over minor offenses in an attempt at moral superiority. I will always remain drama free and do not believe in hating another person unless they are proven to be someone with seriously evil intentions.
tldr: if you send legitimate death threats over fictional character ships you are a sad and extremely pathetic loser with a severely distorted lens on what morals actually are.
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kogita · 3 years
                                                                ( or else i will be very ): ) i. while i do not foresee this blog being particularly triggering themes of death, death ideation, and emotional childhood neglect are present. cogita is a woman caged by her grief ᅳ death is something that constantly nips at her heels, hence making it a common topic here. additionally, i headcanon cogita to be volo’s biological mother. i plan to explain this more in an in-depth headcanon later on, but for the time being know that she raised him with emotional distance and convinced him his ‘mother’ was no longer of this world. as far as volo could be concerned, cogita was nothing more than a caretaker until he was old enough to live on his own.
ii. i’m fine with mains, but not exclusives. a main is someone whose lore is either tied-to or influences my own, but i will always adhere to fit another’s worldbuilding in the event it’s preferred over following my own. anyone that’s a mutual can ask to be my main or tie-in/take-from my lore for their own muse, but please do not ask me to be exclusives with you! i feel really, really bad when it comes to that sort of thing. i just want to rp with everyone, have fun, and make a lot of friends. ): currently, my lore is shared with / tied to @volot and @ginkgold. @kairoi is also a main of mine, which means their adaman / dialga may be mentioned off-hand in threads or muse commentary. iii. while i’m open to all manner of original characters, crossovers, and aus ᅳ there are a couple fandoms I personally do not feel comfortable interacting with. many of them are very niche, but the likes of blogs for roleplaying irl people or blogs for the dream smp are some of the more popular examples. it’s nothing against anyone, i just simply won’t follow a blog for something i’m uncomfortable with. iv. in the event of serious matters, i’m 100% pro-callout. if presented with proof of pedophillia, grooming, racism, abuse, heavy lgbtphobia, or anything else that poses a potential danger to others i’ll be more than happy to reblog a callout to help keep the community safe.  v. please softblock me when unfollowing! if someone i’ve followed hasn’t followed back in a week (but is active) i’ll typically unfollow to keep my dash clean.  vi. patience is a virtue ᅳ i’m a pretty busy person with an extra busy year ahead of me, so my activity is pretty sporadic. i’m almost always on discord and find rp there to be the simplest possible, so feel free to add me or invite me to any groups! they’re a good way to make friends and get to know the community, so i’d be absolutely jazzed to get tossed in one! if you’re worried i forgot / lost a thread feel free to let me know, just try not to do it constantly to the point it’s clearly pressuring. i don’t reply to threads in any specific order but rather do so on the basis of how my muse is currently feeling or how long the thread is, but it’s never any sort of favoritism! vii. i have a planned singleship with @ginkgold’s ginter. i’m uncomfortable with multishipping my own muses, so please do not approach me with the intention to ship with any of my muses across any of my blogs that have an established singleship. one-sided things are perfectly fine, but please know that feelings will never be returned. this in mind, nsfw will be present. i don’t write public smut but ask memes and suggestive commentary aren’t anything i’m opposed to. violence could happen too, but who wants to hurt a poor 2,000+ 40-something-year-old lady? respect your elders. viii. mun is not the same as muse, do not breach ic / ooc boundaries or accuse me (the writer) of sharing a problematic behavior that my muse has (such as, in the case of cogita, being emotionally neglectful and distant.) no god-modding, no meta-gaming, no killing/injuring my muse without permission, and ABSOLUTELY no lgbtphobia/racism/pedophilia/etc. reblog karma is practiced but not expected of others. all art credits can be found linked on my pinned post.
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kkeidawrites · 4 years
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Chapter 7
The long wait is over! Here’s chapter 7 for you lovies! Enjoy! Buckle up it’s going to be a long one!
Disclaimer: Please be aware that this chapter and the next chapter includes violence and lots and lots of murder that includes gore and blood. And language because of Trevor Belmont. If you do not like any of these things please feel free to leave this chapter, unfollow me, whatever you need to do to not want to read this anymore; I completely understand and will not have any hard feelings towards your decision. Thank you.
The cold wind blew through the air and Alia shivered from the feeling. She was glad that the wire had finally stopped tightening around her middle and peaked an eye up through her curtain of black curls to see the sun was setting.
She has been in this place for a whole day. A whole day where she’d lost her niece and nephew. The only family she was supposed to be watching after when her brother and sister-in-law were away working. If she did get out of here, what was she to tell them? How could she tell them?
She was supposed to protect them and yet here she is, locked up in a cage, bound by a fairies weakness and probably will be joining her relatives in death soon.
Tears fell down her cheek and Alia jumped slightly when she felt her cage shake. Looking up, she saw the yellow teeth of her captor outside of the cage, leaning towards the bars with an evil smirk.
“Hey there little fairy,” he mused as Alia stared blankly at him.
“You got some good news. In two days time, you will be escorted to an auction for your wings. It’s very rare when creatures like you are sent straight to the auction and you want to know the best part about this news?” He asked as Alia glared at him.
“I have the pleasure of being your escort there and I can receive the reward for bringing you there!” He laughed as Alia turned away from him as the man walked away from her prison still laughing.
‘I hope that my death is quick. I don’t want to suffer.’ Her tears fell down her cheeks as she squeezed them in anger.
‘I should have done more for Desiana and Samuel and now they’re dead!’ Her silent sobbing wafted through the quiet forest and it suddenly grabbed the attention of someone nearby.
With Alucard and co.
The golden haired man watched from two miles away of the camp and looked down at his current attire. Nobleman clothing and black hair fitted to his person as Sypha was able to conjure up a spell to change his appearance.
Alucard’s face had changed to a different one everyone is familiar with and his eyes were now a brown color. He prayed that with this spell that it will stay as long as Sypha said it would.
The five all gathered in Dracula’s study and listened intently to Lisa’s idea to rescue Alia.
“A rich man who is ‘buying’ night creatures? Isn’t that a bit to coincidental?” Trevor asked.
“Actually, from what I have read about these people is that if you are willing to offer a high price to buy even the most valuable night creature, they won’t refuse a good sack of coin. Remember this is still considered the black market. Be very cautious on how you talk to them.” Lisa told him.
“One of you will be a rich merchant looking for service in your estate and you believe that using night creatures will keep people away and not have many people ask questions about why you have monsters in your care. If they ask why night creatures, tell them you are a very private person who thinks people shouldn’t be in your business and the night creatures are your ‘insurance’ to make sure people won’t say a word.” Lisa concluded and the four in front of her mulled over the idea.
“What if they don’t believe that story? How can you insure they will believe you are a ‘rich merchant’?” Alucard asked his mother who smiled and pulled a sack out of her pocket letting it drop on the desk below.
“This is a sack full of rare diamonds that I had found when I was still traveling from town to town. This should be enough to sway them if not, give them the whole thing. When that is done they will allow you to browse the area and during that time you will be able to find Alia and get her out of there. How you go about getting out is all on you three.” Lisa said and Sypha placed a hand under her chin, thinking.
“I can make a spell to change your appearance.” She tells her two companions and Trevor immediately raised his hands in defiance.
“No way am I changing my person, I can’t act for shit.” Trevor said and Sypha rolled her eyes.
“I wasn’t talking to you anyway.” Sypha said and Alucard looked at Sypha with a raised eyebrow.
“I guess it wouldn’t hurt to change my appearance, I have to play the part.” He nodded to Sypha and the woman took a step back to get some space for her spell.
Concentrating, Sypha’s hands began to glow red and a mist flowed around Alucard’s body, sheeting him where no one was able to see his person anymore.
Once the mist disappeared, everyone’s eyes widened and their mouth became agape as the man looked down at his new clothes he looked at his friends and parents shocked expressions. He raised an eyebrow at their peculiar behavior.
“What?” Lisa was the first to approach her son and looked over his appearance. Her son basically pictured the younger and human version of her husband and she raised a black loc off his shoulder.
“Oh Adrian, you look so much like your father when he was young! You are just as handsome with black hair than your blonde. How incredible!” Lisa squeals as Alucard felt flustered by his mother’s praise.
“Mother, please.” He tells her a blush coming onto his cheeks.
Lisa then turns to Sypha who was panting a bit. This spell takes a lot of her and Lisa moved back over to Sypha to help her sit down in a nearby chair.
“So this is what you would have looked like if you had black hair, extraordinary.” His father mused. It was as if he was looking at himself a whole century ago. Even in his younger years, Vlad had the same brown eyes and long black hair his son sported and felt a bit nostalgic. Although he had changed into a vampire, there were times where he kind of missed being human.
“I’m sorry, I forget that this particular spell is very taxing on my body.” Sypha tells Lisa, who shakes her head.
“It’s fine dear, you have an amazing talent of magic, you just rest a bit.” Lisa tells her motherly.
“We should get going, who knows when and where they will be moving next and we need to get moving in order to save your lady friend.” Trevor tells everyone, his tease targeted Alucard who glared at the hunter.
“He’s right, I can still fight.” Sypha stood from her place in her seat, feeling a bit dizzy as Lisa helped her steady herself.
“But, we must be quick, this spell can only last an hour or so before it wears off.” Sypha tells them and Dracula was quick to move to the mirror where the camp was located and moved it to see a different place that looked a good mile away from the camp.
“This should be close enough to the camp to sneak into. Be careful they may be henchmen but they are not idiots.” He tells the three.
Alucard adjusted his sword at his hip and moved to stand in front of the mirror with his two companions behind him.
“Let’s go.” Alucard says and he and the others stepped into the mirror leaving Lisa and Dracula to watch after them. Lisa worries for their safety but knows they will come out victorious in the end.
Flashback Ends
Trevor approaches Alucard and the dhampir turns to the man who had a concerned look on his face.
“Sypha can’t go for too long, she has returned to the castle to recover but, she will help us from there. Your father says to return to the area to go back through the mirror once we retrieve your friend.” Trevor tells Alucard who nods in understanding.
“Let’s get going. This spell can only last for an hour or so, that should give us enough time to get Alia out of there.” Alucard told him and the two made their way towards the camp.
Their identities were hidden as best as possible. Trevor had doned his fur cloak, hiding his Belmont crest on his shirt and Alucard made sure that the both of them walked as quick as possible in order to prolong the spell. If the spell broke, their plan would be ruined.
Trevor would play as Alucard’s head bodyguard and he would be playing backup just encase things don’t go as smoothly as possible.
As they approached the camp, two men with swords by their sides stood guard at the entrance and immediately their swords were drawn when Alucard and Trevor came closer.
“Who goes there?” One of the men asked as Alucard held his hands up to show he meant no harm.
“I am here to buy a couple night creatures to serve me.” He tells the man who stared at him.
“What you need night creatures for? You a business man?” He asked Alucard who nods. A smirk plays on his lips as the guard turns to his fellow guard.
“Tell the boss we have a buyer.” He says and the second guard nods giving an apprehensive look to Alucard and Trevor before quickly leaving the area.
A few minutes pass and the second guard returned with a burly man who was quite stout with red hair and matching mustache.
“I heard from my men that you are interested in the product we have here. What you interested in buying?” He asked.
“I wanted to browse around your camp to see if the creatures you have vacant here will be what I need for my estate.” Alucard tells him.
“Hmm, your estate huh?” The red head looks over Alucard’s attire and realized he was dressed like a rich nobleman but, anyone could do that.
“How can I know that you are a buyer? I see no large coin purse on you.” The man says and Alucard lifted his palm out to Trevor who reached his left side and grabbed the large pouch of diamonds.
Giving it to Alucard, the dhampir unlaced the strings of the pouch and the diamonds on top of the pile spilled over to shine. If you looked closely, you could see the money signs bling in the red haired man’s eyes.
“Well then! I guess I ought to show you what we have in our catalog, won’t I, Mr...?” He coaxed to Alucard who fluffed out his collar to keep up his act.
“Arikado. Genya Arikado.” Alucard says.
“Mr. Arikado,” he says and then nods moving over to place a hand on his shoulder to guide him into the camp.
“My name is Henrik and I am what I guess you could say is the manager of this camp. Feel free to ask me anything as we browse through the merchandise.” He says.
He notices that Trevor is following close behind and moves to whisper in Alucard’s ear.
“Do you need him to come as well?” Henrik asks.
“He is one of my bodyguards, the best I had hired. He stays with me at all times.” Alucard tells him as Henrik nods quickly seeing that his comment made his potential future client greatly offended.
“But of course sir, you seem to be a very important man and as such must have a lot of protection and money as well.” Henrik says with a smirk as they begin to pass cages with different creatures inside of them. Alucard’s eyes scanned the cages closely and so far there was no sign of Alia.
“Yes, my family has been quite wealthy for almost forty years and quite familiar with the church of my hometown.” Alucard fibs.
“What town, I dare ask?” Henrik asks.
“Aldra. Although we lack a lot of men, we are the most prosperous city on the countryside.” Alucard says.
Money signs played in Henrik’s eyes and he licked his lips in greed.
“Then I shall show you our most exclusive creatures we have on the market that you may be of interest.” He tells Alucard and guides him towards the back of the camp where a long chain cut off the other cages nearby.
Removing the chain, Henrik motioned to Alucard and Trevor to step in first then followed behind them. Again his eyes scanned the cages and then the sound of sobs reached his ears as he turned his head right to see a pair of familiar wings and curly black hair.
“Here we have a rare blue eyed werewolf, caught him a week ago. Had a hard time bagging this one, he’s been our most asked and most popular creature on the market. Bout to be on auction in the next two days.” He explains to Alucard who clearly wasn’t paying any mind to Henrik.
“What about that one?” Alucard points to Alia’s cage and Henrik looks to where he is pointing and raises his eyebrows.
“The fairy? What could you possibly want a fairy for, sir? They are actually the least valuable ones in the black market.” Henrik tells him. Alucard’s steely glare shifts to Henrik and the red head jumps back in fear.
“But, that doesn’t mean I won’t stop you from being interested in buying! Why don’t we check the fairy out and see if she is any of your liking.” Henrik says with a nervous chuckle as he moved to where Alia’s cage was. Alucard and Trevor followed and once they were by the bars of the cage Henrik banged the bars to get the fairy’s attention.
“Hey wake up! You have a potential buyer, make yourself presentable!” Henrik yells into the cage as Alia’s slumped form jumped from the sudden banging.
She slowly shifts her body to where she was sitting on her knees and looked at Alucard with sad, defeated eyes. Alucard’s eyes widened at the state Alia was in and his jaw clenched in anger.
Her vibrant and glowing brown skin was now a pale ashen brown color, her wings were down and fluttering every now and then and it looked like every time she did flutter her wings she would winch from the pain. Her head dropped to look down at her knees and her black curls curtained her face.
Something was holding her around the middle as her arms laid trapped by her sides.
“What is that around her middle? Rope?” Alucard asked, keeping his anger out of his tone.
“That is actually an iron wire that is around her. It’s their kinds weakness and it has what been keeping her in check. Came in last night and from my sources she is part water sprite and fairy. She raises in value in the market, if they are more than one creature their value increases-”
“How much for her?” Alucard asks interrupting his rant.
“My good sir, she’s unfortunately not for sale.”
“Excuse me?” Alucard turns to the man with murder in his eyes.
“I-I simply meant that she is not allowed to be purchased right now! She’s up for auction!” Henrik explains in fear.
“I have enough here to buy your whole camp. You would dare prevent me from purchasing just one fairy. What kind of business are you running?” Alucard asked Henrik who gulps.
“I’m sorry sir, but it has already been sent to other camps that this fairy is up for auction, I can however show you other fairies that are available-”
“I said I want her. I want her. NOW.” Alucard says darkly getting close to the man. Henrik gulps heavily and begins to nod profusely.
“Yes sir, right away sir! Right away!” Henrik says and calls for some men to open the cage.
It took three men to open the cage, one to unlock the chains and two to raise the bars leading inside the cage. Alucard moved to enter the cage and approached the hurt fairy.
Alia scrambled to the edge of her prison to get away from the black haired man that he knelt in front of her. His brown eyes softened and he reached his hand out to brush away her hair and look in her scared eyes.
His hand then fell down to her cheek and gently caressed it, he then smiled gently at her and Alia tilted her head in confusion. He looked familiar.
“She’s perfect.” Alucard says and Henrik nods with a rub to his head. He knew his higher ups would be upset with him but, when he shows them how much he had for letting someone else buy the fairy they would probably let him get a higher position.
“Shall we have her packaged for you, sir?” Henrik asked.
Alucard nods to Trevor who grabbed the back of Alia’s rope and tugged her roughly towards him. Alia yelps and grunts from the pain of the wire tightening around her.
“I believe my guard has a pretty good hold on her. Now, your payment.” Alucard says.
“Yes, her original price was 7,000 coins. But, with the extraction fee, and the storage fee-”
“13 diamonds to cover all the expenses should be enough, yes?” Alucard asks as he dug inside the pouch to grab them and then toss it to Henrik who greedily caught them and inspected them to see they were indeed real diamonds.
“Of course sir, she is all yours. Pleasure doing business with you.” He bows to Alucard and the dhampir nods to the man taking his leave.
“We shall be on our way now. I will be sure to return soon for more creatures.” Alucard tells the man as Henrik escorted them out his eyes twinkling at his the treasure he held in his hands.
“Please do return soon sir, we appreciate your service here.” Henrik says.
Alia begins to struggle in Trevor’s grip and the man pulls her closer to stop her and leans his head down to her ear.
“Be still and be quiet we are here to help you.” He tells her and Alia immediately stills at the new information.
Help her? Who the hell were they?
As they were approaching the entrance, the bottom of Alucard’s long brown cloak began to revert back to its original black and slowly the rest of his outfit followed suit. Trevor quickly noticed and cleared his throat to get the dhampir’s attention.
Alucard side eyed his companion and Trevor pointed his eyes down to his cloak and Alucard realizes the spell was fading away.
Henrik noticed that his client was suddenly tense and placed a hand on his sword, thinking nothing of it, Henrik continued to guide them back to the entrance of the camp.
As they approached the front Alucard’s whole outfit was different from the one he was in earlier. He prayed that Henrik didn’t notice but unfortunately the red head did as he turned and raised an eyebrow.
“Mr. Arikado if I may ask were you always wearing that outfit?” Henrik questions.
“My attire is able to change on its own, my hometown has made a thread that allows my attire to change its appearance depending on the time of day. It’s quite extraordinary, I have went from business attire to casual attire. Now, then I must take my leave-”
“Does that also include your hair changing from black to blonde as well?” Henrik asks and flicked his fingers in the air.
“Adrian?” Alia’s breathless voice called to the dhampir and he turns his head to her with a small smile.
Suddenly, men surrounded the four of them with weapons drawn as Henrik frowns and takes a step back to allow the men to circle the three.
“You see Mr. Arikado, I don’t like to be played the fool and though you have payed me handsomely for the fairy, it would seem that you have made my interest in what you are to take you to the auction than her.” Henrik says as he smirks.
Alucard’s grip on his sword tightens as he frowns.
“Get them!” Henrik yells and the men slowly approaches the three with sickening grins.
“Fuck.” Trevor curses as he looks around the men.
End of Part 7
1// 2// 3// 4// 5// 6// 7// 8// Bonus!!
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placebogirl7 · 4 years
Why Jodie is so hated in DC fandom? - Analysis of an underestimated character and clarification about wrong assumptions
Preliminary remark: this post is just a personal opinion. No intention to start wars of any kind, I respect everyone’s opionion so I want my opinion to be respected too. If you don’t share it, it’s totally ok as it’s totally ok if I don’t share yours.
During these last 5 years I’ve been back into DC fandom, I notice all around the web many people spreading hate towards Jodie (not only here on Tumblr but everywhere, especially in forums and social media pages). It’s ok to not like a character, but you need valid reasons to hate it. If you hate it for bullshit, then it’s only hate based on nothing. And this is what I see everytime I read a bad comment about Jodie’s character. This is really annoying for a fan, to be honest. Now I want to point out some of the most popular reason why Jodie is hated and analyze them (maybe I have already explained my point of view about them in some other posts in the last years, but I will clarify them again).
1) “Jodie has become useless, she’s no more interesting and mysterious as she was at the beginning” You (Jodie haters) really notice this change only in Jodie’s character? Because I can mention at least other 10 characters who, at their first appearance, were described as mysterious and cool and whatever else, but now are “lying on the shelf” for Gosho’s choise. Jodie has been introduced in a mysterious way becase she was suspected to be Vermouth, so Gosho created the suspance around her character and made her act in a shifty way to make the readers believe that she could be one of the BO members. Once it has been revealed that she wasn’t bad, there were no more need to make her act in a shifty way. Many other character who were suspected to be Bo members but in the end were not have shared the same fate. But it’s Gosho’s decision, not Jodie’s fault. It’s not something related to her way of being, it’s a choise of the author.  She has become usless? Ok, let’s face the reality: who is useful among the characters? A very few. Let’s take all the FBI Team: Gosho has painted them as a bunch of idiots that without Akai can’t do nothing. To make Akai “shine” he has denigrated Jodie, James and Camel. Camel doesn’t do nothing of his own, he always wait for Akai’s orders; James is supposed to be the chief but actually he does what Akai says; Jodie seems to make mistakes everytime she did something, even if she’s doing it in the right way. But again, it’s not their fault because we have seen them doing even very good things and being brilliant, so they have potential: it’s Gosho who decided to treat them like dumbs so Akai can be like a God who will save all of us. Don’t get me wrong, I love Akai, but I hate what Gosho is doing to put him in the spotligh. Again, it’s Gosho’s fault, not the characters who suddenly became usless and not interesting. The hate should be towards Gosho, not Jodie.
2) “After Akai’s death Jodie has become so annoying, she’s weak and she’s always crying” Ok...question for you Jodie haters: if you suddenly lose someone you love, what will be your reaction? Will you laugh as you were watching a sitcom, will you organize a big party with your friends or will you start throwing confetti in the air? Because if you do one if these 3 things, then...congratulations, you have won the highest award for the most cool /stone-harted/ heartless person in this world! You have no rivals, not even Shuichi Akai who is now jealous of you!  Seriously...if the man you love so much dies suddenly, it’s LEGITIMATE to cry, to be desperate, to lose yourself. It’s like losing a part of you. But despite feeling lost, Jodie has been the only one among the FBI who never believed to Akai’s death since the beginning and she fought long and hard to find out the truth behind his death. Since when on the TV they show the incident at Rahia Pass and they say a man was dead burned in his car, she immediately thought that it wasn’t Shuichi and that he had surely used a trick to escape. Guess what? She was right! Do you still think she’s stupid?  Jodie isn’t weak, she just faced an emotional breakdown due to the loss of a person she loved. This is being human, not being weak. Jodie isn’t always crying, she cried when everything and everyone around her was making her believe that Shuichi was really dead. At a certain point she stopped crying, when she saw hope, a hint that Shu was still alive. She isn’t a crybaby, she just needed hope. 
3) “Since Akai’s death, Jodie hasn’t done anything interesting or exciting, she has become boring” If you didn’t notice by yourself, then I will reveal you the biggest secret of all: after Akai’s death, or better to say after the end of Scarlet Arc when Jodie and Camel discovered about Shuichi being alive and hiding behind Subaru’s identity...FBI hasn’t appeared anymore in the manga for ages, since the last files which came our recently! How are they (included Jodie) supposed to do something exciting or interesting if they don’t even appear? Gosho put them in the closet with the naphthalene and he concentrated his attention on other characters (first of all Amuro, which in my opinion deserves more hate than Jodie because of his behaviour but somehow is adored as a God in the fandom).Then one day he get up and he had the big flash of genius: “FBI still exist in my story, so better take them out of the closet and make them do something”. But in the end, as always, only Akai did something relevant. Camel has been a puppet in the hand of Akai and Jodie made a mistake. So, again, it’s not Jodie who have changed and become a worst character, it’s how Gosho is painting her and the other FBI agents which makes them appear less interesting or capable at the eyes of the readers.
4) “Jodie has become stupid” About this I made a “funny” post long time ago, so I will put the link below. I think it’s enough to explain all:
I will also add something that surely will unleash the wrath of somebody and maybe they will start complain, but I honestly don’t care because it’s nothing against someone in particular but just something I noticed. This is absolutely not an attempt to start a ship war nor a free criticism end in itself, because I reaspect everyone ship and opinion even if I don’t agree with that. The fact is that I noticed that often (not always of course, but often) these criticism about Jodie are moved by ShuKemi fans, and considering what I said above it seems that their hate for Jodie is just because Jodie was Akai’s girlfriend before Akemi and she has the possibility (if Gosho wants) to be his girlfriend again the future, not really because they analyzed Jodie’s character before spreading shit about it.  So I would like to point out to these ShuKemi fans who idolize Akemi’s character so much and tell shits about Jodie that Akemi sentenced herself to death with her own hands after making the worst and wrong choise she could have ever done in her life. I’ve seen many times Akemi being called “a hero” but chosing to death without obtaining nothing in return isn’t being a hero, it’s just being stupid in my opinion. Being a hero is another thing. You’re an hero if you sacrifice yourself with the goal to obtain something that worth your sacrifice, but if you sacrifice yourself knowing that you won’t obtain nothing apart from your death...well, that’s not being a hero at all. And before someone will say “You talk like this because you’re a ShuJodie fan”, please be aware that Akemi’s death has been shown before Jodie appearance and before knowing that Jodie had a relationship with Shu before he started dating Akemi, so I would have no reason to say these things just because of such trivial matters. The reason why I’ve never been touched by Akemi’s death since the beginning is because I think she has consciously chosen to die since the beginning of her “masterplan”. C’mon, how can you really think to make a deal with criminals? There’s a reason if they are criminals... She really thought that Gin would have kept his promise? If the answer is yes, then I’m sorry to say that but she’s stupid twice. So before saying that Jodie is the stupid one, at least analyze the things deeply and objectively. 
Now I know that this will make someone mad but I’m sorry, it’s what I think. And not because I see Akemi as a “threat” for Jodie’s relationship with Shuichi, as I always said I don’t need to spread shit on some character to covince myself and the other that my couple is better, I really don’t need this. I love my couple and stop, the rest doesn’t matter. If I don’t like a character, there’s always a deeper motivation behind, which has nothing to do with OTPs and trivial matters like that. But before saying I don’t like a character and draw up charges on it, I always analyze the character. I’m sorry that nobody do it with Jodie. 
Please also note that I used Akemi as example of character being idolized for no real reason because, as I said, I noticed that who talk shits about Jodie are often ShuKemi fans, but there are also other characters of course who are idolized when they actually have nothing to be idolized for. Another example is Amuro, I recently made a post about what I think of him.  Now if you don’t like what I think and what I said you are free to unfollow me, I’m sorry but I really needed to make this post because it has become more and more annoying to see nonsense unkindness things about Jodie.
Peace, love and Jodie Starling ♥
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k347 · 4 years
A little note for all the wonderful people who are taking a moment out of their precious time to visit this little online space I created...
(I felt the need to write this because of some 'not so great' anon asks I've been getting ever since I started here and also because I've witnessed several of both, the good and bad fandom meltdowns in these couple of years)
From My Heart To Yours-
If it isn't clear to you by the kind of things I post or if you are new to this page, let me clarify it in one single sentence. This Is A Stucky+Evanstan Blog. There will always be mostly (if not all) evanstan and stucky content posted here. If you are uncomfortable with the ship, feel free to filter the 'evanstan' / 'rpf'/ stucky tags. I completely understand why it can be bothersome, icky for people, why some of you might disapprove of it. I acknowledge, respect and understand your views, feelings and opinions, I truly do. All I am asking out of you is to not be disrespectful, dissmissive about those of mine. Please understand that you don't have to see the things/content you don't want to on your dash. The block and unfollow buttons, options for filtering tags are there for a reason. Feel free to use them if you are uncomfortable with a blog or person (including me). It'll be taking the high road and bowing out gracefully if you make a habit of using these available options instead of passing around judgements and unnecessarily cruel critisism about people whom you've never even met/ know nothing about.
Personally I adore both of these Fandom Ships. I have for a long time. But it doesn't mean I don't support you if you love/are a part of some other fandom. I don't mean to disrespect or hinder any of the other ships even if they are regarding these same characters. I try and make sure to not intrude on anyone's creative space and expect that the same attitude & decency will be returned.
This blog is my way of letting out, expressing all that love, adoration I feel. I strive to be more creative with my thoughts, my way of expression as a person with each passing day. And being a part of this fandom helps me immensely with that. I've met some amazing people online because of this. Made good friends. It is a very dear thing to me. I have talked to folks who've experienced online hate from unreasonable, anonymous sources, I've also experienced a fair share of it myself. As someone who is a psychology-enthusiast-&-student-for-life, I can assure you the (good/casual/neutral/bad/hateful) things you say to or about people leave their impacts. Not just on them, but on you too. It might seem insignificant or small, irrelevant even; but it does change the way your thoughts work in daily life. Be careful and stop before you train your mind to naturally focus more on the bad things about other people rather than the good ones. So again, I kindly request you to not be mean or hurtful to anyone you meet online (or even in real life, actually.) Offering disrespect and negativity never made anything better in the history of ever.
Lastly I would like to give my two cents about another issue (that I feel can get really toxic if we are not careful) with the fandom culture. I have made no secret of the fact that I am a fan of Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans. Yes, I have and will always post a lot of appreciation posts about them (solo and together), their works and projects, some old tbt moments. You will even find imagines, headcanons, theories, fanfics about them along with the ones about the fictional characters they have played/continue to play.
But that doesn't mean I am going to act delusionally and ignore/ unacknowledge the fact that both of them are their own person. Two actual, real human beings. I don't mean to project any of this content that I am creating on them and their lives. Making anybody uncomfortable is not my intention behind doing this, not at all. I prefer to look at it this way- "This is a world that I've created in my own mind. For fun and entertainment. Sort of like an AU. Parallel Timeline. But please understand that the stories, theories, things I'll post and write on here are pure conjecture, a lot of speculations. Hypothesis and supposition. I don't want to lose the grasp on reality and be drawned in it too much or completely, up to the point at which violation of real people's boundaries starts to become a usual routine and doesn't feel wrong."
I do not agree with the mentality of blaming, hating on people/past partners in their lives for no other apparent reason than the fact that 'they know my favs'. I completely agree that there are actions and things which people need to be held accountable for at times. Yes, you can talk about it with me but please try and remain respectful (if not that, at least be decent enough) toward all the parties involved.
Even though we as fans have invested a lot of our time, creative efforts and emotions in these two men; It does not mean they owe us, or need to explain every part of their personal/professional lives.
Please remember and don't let it be hard for you to accept the fact that these two people are not the exact fanfic versions of themselves that you read about on tumblr, they are not some experminted and perfected, flawless personalities that you've created in your own minds. It is possible for humans to mess up at times. It is only natural. Don't judge people based only on their worst mistakes, or more precisely the negative stuff you read 'online' (which 9/10 times is pure speculation and made up. fake. not facts.) Chris and Seb do not need to cater to every whim and need of the fans, they do not need to make decisions based on what people feel about them online. They can and should do whatever they want to with their lives without having to experience judgement and public scrutiny about every little step taken. Please stop putting celebrities on a pedestal and measuring them up to some impossible, unrealistic standards. If you feel too much devastation, hurt over some action of your 'fav', my advice would be to take a step back. Relax. Distance yourself from the Fandom for a bit. Do not let the 'stanning' consume you, your behaviour, rational thought process and most importantly don't let it ruin your kindness.
I love the analogy that there lives a good and a bad wolf inside every human being. Your reactions, response to things, all of it depends on which wolf you decide to feed and empower at the given moment. Choose kindness. Choose gentler responses. Choose Love over Hatred. Always.
I think the lovely @musette22 (who btw, is one of the most compassionate, talented and creative people I've met here, because of our shared love for these boys 💙) voiced this thing better than I ever could.
My apologies, if the note got too long and too deep for your liking.
I promise I am not always this boring and 'let-me-lecture-you' kind of a person 😂
On this Blog you'll also find-
A lot of silly Ramblings, Scribbles and Rants
Lot of terrible jokes and puns (you know the kind where they are so bad that they're good😅)
Fluff and smut
Q and A with the anons.
Speculations, ideas and a lot of gushing
Reblogs from all these great, talented, amazing people in the fandom
A lot of 'Marvel' things
Incorrectly placed correct quotes
Sometimes extreme use of emoticons and gifs
Running commentary, discussions about newly released information, keeping tracks, meltdowns, breakdowns, again rambling! , ocassional full doses of sarcasm
Sometimes going 'too much in detail' 😉
My attempts at writing stuff
A lot of content for Evanstan and Stucky
Drawing parallels, a lot of 'connecting the dots' between Chris and Seb content. Weaving the pieces of informations together.
Headcanons and stories inspired from that.
Low key, actually at times very very high key roasting of Endgame.
Lots and lots of love + appreciation showered on the movies in Captain America Triology.
Getting nostalgic and adoring the good old memories, Celebrating the present moments and Wishing for many more happy ones in the future.
All of you are very welcome here!
My ask box is always open for anyone and everyone who is interested. Send asks, questions, prompts, requests, suggetions, your ideas, theories anytime you want.
I am always up for conversations and discussions.
Lots of Love,
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kaspmatic · 4 years
hey everyone - long time no see. no, i am not returning to my eddie blog - but i did want to address an issue that happened roughly ten months ago and my involvement in everything that went down regarding mox. not only that, but right out the gate i want to apologize to mox for not fighting harder for the call out to not be made - NO ONE deserves to be harassed for ten months straight. having someone come to me and tell me that shit is still happening to her? honestly disgusts me. grow the fuck up. block someone if you do not want to interact. move on with your life. be a fucking adult. 
i don’t believe in dash call out culture - i believe in either; talking and handling issues like adults if they can be worked through, i believe in calling out your friends for shitty behavior one on one OR unfollowing/blocking and moving on with your life, which is a practice i have done on other blogs i have since created and briefly resided on since the drama and night in question. when the rumor mill started to churn that mox was bowie - i along with ari - sought out others to help; others who had involvement with bowie just to see if anything lined up since we were hard pressed to believe it without proof. we did not know who bowie was at the time, though had heard the name circulating in the mcu before. by this time a call out had been posed which i was against from the moment the idea was even pressed. i offered a different solution, i wanted a couple people from our group of friends to address the issue with mox one on one. i did not feel like it was my place to discuss this with mox at the time as i did not feel like mox and i were necessarily close. nor did i have enough information in my lap PROVING to me that mox was bowie. i did NOT intend this chat to be a group activity as i didn’t want mox to feel like she was being ganged up on/attacked. what i wanted and had intended was for those people that were closest to address it with mox in private. this was in no way what happened. the originator of the group invited the entire group of friends into this chat, i was at work and wasn’t talking in the group with mox. but i did call out the person off to the side in another chat that this wasn’t what i had suggested that we do; because exactly what i thought would happen, happened. by the end of this chat the call out was pressed again which the group made it clear we were against. a friendship was tarnished due to my suggestion back lashing - i suggested we just block each other and move on. but that’s not where it stopped because by then, the call out was continuing to be pressed and under the cover of darkness the call out in question began to be created under my nose and in a side chat that i was not privy to. however, i will not lie and say that i did not know about it at all. i found out about it just as the information was being put into a tumblr post; i would love to tell you what was said that caught my attention and set off the “what the fuck” meter, but i’d be lying if i said i remembered, but what was said at the time was enough to draw my attention back to the voice chat i had long checked out of. at this point, i reiterated my dislike for any sort of call out - i, along with ari, pushed for the callout to not happen at this point. at this point i felt like my words fell upon deaf ears. others involved were completely disregarded and their input disrespected as to how they felt towards it (as two people were asleep at this time and would soon be dragged into drama that they had no intention of being in). for this mox, i owe you an apology - whole heartedly - because i did not try hard enough to put a stop to it. you deserve every right to be able to thrive on tumblr as you wish and be stress free. i am sorry for everything that you have gone through since the night that call out was posted and i do hold myself accountable for not putting my foot down and putting a stop to it. you did not deserve to be treated that way in any way, shape, or form - not to mention for a whole ten fucking months. you deserved better. 
i would like to end this by saying that i denounce the entirety of that call out post. i never wanted to be involved with it but found myself dragged into it with manipulative words and bullying.
mox, i wish you only the best on tumblr and in life. you deserve every right to move forward with your life and your hobby just like everyone else does. 
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know-the-way · 4 years
About Michelle, I love her but this past week she has uploaded several town dead in Instagram. First, one joking about weight gain during quarantine (which is triggering for people with an eating disorder) and a video joking about commuting suicide. Many of her hard core fans have called her out and have felt extremely hurt and/or triggered. I don’t think she has seen it, as the posts are still up, but that’s the tea. What do you think??
Oh. When I said “what’s she done now,” I didn’t think... she’d actually... done anything.
Um. Okay.
This is certainly sticky territory. Upfront, trigger warnings for the following: eating disorders, suicide, mental health, body image.
I admittedly don’t keep up with Michelle’s instagram because insta is a scary place in general to me and the vibes just aren’t... nah. But I’ve just had a look and... I personally don’t take offense to the posts you referenced (and that’s coming from someone with recurring suicidal ideation and previous body issues), but... it’s not my right nor place to say how anyone else should feel about it. If it upsets someone, they can certainly say so - I just hope it’s done with the same tone of respect they’d expect in return.
If I had to guess, though - I’d take the posts as Michelle directing the “humor” of the posts towards herself and not intending for it to reflect how she thinks others should see things. I.e. she’s saying she expects to put on weight in isolation and she copes with the personal concern about that through humor... same for the potential of a depressingly soured marriage from being forced together sans freedom and independence for long periods of time (though previous references to her husband have indicated they get on rather well, just using it as an example).
In all honestly, I am triggered several times every day over a variety of past trauma. But my personal philosophy is that my triggers are my concern and I cannot expect nor demand the world bend itself backwards to accommodate me, a single person in a vast population, unless it is a direct intention from someone to harm me. (The only thing I can control is myself, after all.) I don’t think Michelle presumably teasing herself and essentially saying, “lol who can relate amirite?” had any intention of harming others. That doesn’t mean anyone who felt harmed is invalid in any way, but I personally find a difference between making fun of others vs. making fun of oneself in determining how damaging a “joke” is.
At the end of the day, nothing is free from criticism when posted on a public platform and I hope, if it has genuinely upset that many people (and they are being respectful in explaining that to her), that Michelle will at the very least learn and consider the perspective some see her content through in the future. I don’t think it’s fair to hold her personally accountable for each individual’s suffering, but it’s certainly reasonable to ask her to see where you’re coming from.
But if she continues to upset anyone without acknowledging it - best thing you can do at that point is to unfollow. Not everyone is for everyone sometimes. :/
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parkapetrs · 6 years
nothing personal ✎ tom holland
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summary: two years ago, before harrison osterfield, there was you.
a rising name in the film industry, he was ready to leave behind the life of a personal assistant to focus on his career—but not without a last-minute replacement.
although the bond between ex-bosses and bitter ex-assistants should never be rekindled, theory is always better than practice.
a story about exotic lunches, foreign candies, a severely overworked PA, and one pain in the ass named tom holland.
/ moodboard by yours truly
i. an offer
words: 1.6k warnings: language
I was a known strategist—I looked into the future and what I saw, I interpreted in terms of opportunities for growth and progress. 
And yet to some, I was a neurotic. 
To each their own. 
Irrespective of whatever people wanted to call it, it all boiled down to one important thing: I always had a plan. 
So when I knocked on Harrison’s door but came face-to-face with one Tom Holland, I was taken aback and, quite frankly, fairly annoyed that I had come up with nothing. 
But I, of course, wasn’t one for backing down when it came to ex-bosses.
Seeming unperturbed, I marched my way inside the flat, all the while ignoring the voice in my head screaming at me to get out.  
What the hell was I doing? 
“What the hell are you doing?” asked Tom. He was still standing at the door, seemingly frozen in time, but curiously staring at me as I casually rummaged through Harrison’s pantry. 
“What the hell are you doing?” I spat back whilst pulling ingredients from left and right. “You’re not even supposed to be here until next week. So be quiet; I’m trying to make a smoothie.” 
The words sounded strange and unfamiliar as they tumbled out of my mouth. Sass didn’t suit me and I was painfully aware of it, but so did not having a plan. 
Desperate times called for desperate measures. 
The door clicked shut behind Tom. Like a sleuth, he moved across the marble countertop where I was working up a storm, and rested his hands on either side of him as he observed me intently. 
“Been keeping track?” he smirked, his tone arrogant yet teasing. 
I hate to admit it, but Tom Holland possessed a kind of charm to him. As big of an ignoramus he turned out to be, that much he knew. Oftentimes, he used his wit and personality to his advantage—he’d won countless women over with one glance, and gotten free upgrades on flights with a simple smile. 
Fortunately, I’ve built up an immunity to his charisma from working with him in the past. The kind of job I used to have—working in such close proximity to him—was enough to desensitize me from his cruel, borderline-manipulative tendencies. 
I definitely did not miss playing personal assistant to Mr. Holland. 
“I only knew that—“ The blender whirred loudly as it homogenized the strawberries, bananas, ice, and milk before I brought it to a stop. “—because of Harrison. Don’t flatter yourself.” 
“I’m disappointed, Y/N.” Tom pouted, feigning hurt. “I arrived last week. Thought I’d surprise you.” 
Looking around, I saw huge luggages carelessly strewn across the wooden floorboards. I grimaced at the realization that true to Tom Holland nature, he hadn’t even bothered to unpack. 
“Truly, I’m surprised,” I replied, training my voice to sound bored. I grabbed a glass into which I transferred the blender’s contents. Because there was more than enough for one, and because of the sheer goodness of my heart, I asked Tom if he would like a smoothie. 
Of course the glutton would like a smoothie. 
“Actually, I’m good,” he said. “Thanks, though.” 
“I’d like a smoothie,” came Harrison Osterfield’s voice as he sauntered into the living room. A shit-eating grin was plastered on his face, and it was getting increasingly difficult not to slap off. “Hi Y/N. Thanks for coming.” 
Somehow, seeing his elaborately coiffed hair set something off inside me. How can he act so exuberant while the rest of us (read: me) were left to our own devices to deal with the insufferable (read: Tom)? I could feel steam coming out of my nose and ears and, before I knew it, I had downed my glass and slammed it on the counter with a resounding thump. 
“You can get your own smoothie.” 
Harrison held his hands up in mock surrender, but he was laughing. “Woah, there. You seem upset.” 
“Why do you think I am, Haz?” I challenged. Before he could open his mouth to speak, I pressed on, “Right. You forgot to tell me who’d be getting the door for me.” 
“You wouldn’t have come,” was his pathetic reply. My eyes followed him as he lazily plopped down on the royal-blue couch, shamelessly lounging about in the heat of my anger. 
I took the spot next to him, willing every muscle not to pounce and put him in a chokehold. “That justifies it perfectly!” 
As if he hadn’t heard a word, Harrison grabbed the remote control from the table, turned on the TV, and flipped through the channels. At this point, I was livid and fuming from his blatant lack of regard to my situation.  I was about to throw the “this is why we don’t hang out anymore” card when he pointed a finger to the TV, commanding me to look. 
At first, I was confused. Then my mouth hung agape. 
There, on CNN, was a portrait of Harrison. These days, that was no longer a rarity. Seeing as he was all over the media, picking up guest roles for established television dramas, and getting invited to countless talk shows, it was almost natural. 
No, the real shock came with the news headline at the bottom of the screen, screaming in bold letters against a red backdrop. 
“Harrison Osterfield to star in an up and coming historical drama directed by Martin Scorsese.” 
What the… 
Martin fucking Scorsese! 
“Yup,” Haz said nonchalantly, but the pride in his voice was unmistakable. “Your little childhood friend just landed his first starring role.” 
Suddenly, all hostility left my body at once. “Oh my God, Haz! That’s amazing. W-Wow. And Scorsese too! That’s been your dream since… forever.” 
“Exactly! This is huge, Y/N. Absolutely mad.” 
“I’ll miss you, bro,” came an uninvited voice. I was so overjoyed and completely thrilled for my friend that I didn’t even notice Tom had managed to wedge his head between mine and Harrison’s from behind the couch. His arms were hung over the back cushion, pinching Haz’s cheek as commendation and the other accidentally grazing my bare shoulder. I pulled away. 
“Miss him? Where’s he going?” I asked. 
“Nowhere. At least, not now,” Tom winked. “Come on, Haz, tell her already.” 
I narrowed my eyes, looking back and forth between the two boys. “Tell me what?” 
“Don’t freak out before you’ve heard the whole thing, but—“ 
“Don’t start your sentences like that!” I scolded. “Now I’m kind of already freaking out, thanks.” 
“Okay. I know this will come as a shock to you, but I need you to take your spot back as Tom’s personal assistant.” 
Harrison spoke fast and managed to get it all out in one breath, but the words echoed in my mind in slow-motion. When I didn’t answer, Haz took it as a sign to continue. 
“I obviously have other things to pursue now, and with the second Spider-Man movie filming next week, he’ll really need you.” 
“No. Stop talking. Why?! It doesn’t have to be me!” I protested when the air returned to my lungs. 
Harrison pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “Y/N, you know I wouldn’t do this to you if I had a choice. I know this is all so last-minute, but that’s exactly why it has to be you. You’ve worked with Tom in the past, and have shown your skill and competence. They trust you!” 
“They?” I raised my eyebrows at Tom, who could only shrug in response. 
“My manager.” A pause. “And me, I guess.” 
“I find that hard to believe,” I glared. “Two years ago, you fired me out of fucking nowhere so you could spend some quality time with your best friend! And now in your most desperate time, you call for me?” 
“I thought you’d be happy,” Tom hummed, but we both knew of the strain that the past had placed on whatever friendship we had. Following the events, I unfollowed him on social media shortly, and he did the same six months later when he finally noticed. We’d never reconciled since then. 
It wasn’t that I grew attached to my boss that I was so bitter about it. No, it was nothing personal. But as someone who only knew to be completely invested in their work, getting laid off for no valid reason never quite sat well with me. Not to mention the mountain of bills I had to tend to in the wake of my unemployment. 
Sensing the rising tension, Haz interjected. “Please, Y/N. At least do it for me. I won’t be able to do Scorsese if I can’t find a replacement. I don’t want to leave Tom with just anyone.” 
The softness in his eyes spoke volumes to me. I’ve always cared for Harrison deeply, and if I was the one thing that came between him and his dream, I’d never be able to forgive myself. 
Also, I was sold the moment he said, “It’s only for six months—just until they can screen and select someone else. They promised to double the pay. Triple, if you want me to pull some strings.” 
“Fine,” I grumbled. 
“Thank you!” He beamed and pulled me into a one-armed hug. “God, I love you so much.” 
I couldn’t help the smile on my face. “But I still start next week, so you can save your praise until then.” 
“Nope. You start in three hours! Tom’s leaving for LA tonight, so you’re taking him to the airport. His bags are ready,” he said, motioning to the luggages I saw earlier. “Then pick him up again next week, when he’ll start filming here in London.” 
Harrison was already barking orders at me, much to my chagrin. Had he not appeased me a while ago, I would have slapped his words right back at him. But no, I was playing nice starting now for the duration of six months. 
“I knew you’d come along,” Tom whispered in my ear when Haz excused himself to grab the itinerary. 
“You shut up,” I pointed a finger at him. “You had nothing to do with this.”
A/N: a short and sweet first chapter for you! send me a message to be tagged in this (i’ll start doing the reblog-for-a-tag in future chapters once i’ve established that people actually wanna read this lol). in the meantime, please help me by commenting and reblogging the hell out of this first one; that shit encourages us writers uwu <3 my ask box is also open for any prompts, questions, and suggestions, so feel free to drop by. let’s be friends!
if you’re still reading, send in red and blue hearts for our boi tom holland!
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braziliansnack-blog · 5 years
Mobile rules
♫ Please keep in mind that I am very selective with who I interact with, so I will give priority to mutuals. But don’t feel discouraged! If anything, hit me up so we can plot things or send a non-anonymous ask. I’m still very new with all the Tumblr rp shenanigans so I will not be as stingy in the beginning. If I follow you, means I have definitely read through all your pages and will be excited to interact - I’m not that good with starters though, so you can hit me up anytime!
♫ That said, I will follow you with the intent of interacting, but since I will always give priority to mutuals, and to not stack my dash too much, I will unfollow you if you don’t follow back in a week. I understand people have lives and all, as I do, but mostly, if I see you posting and still not follow back, then I will just assume you’re not interested in rping with me, no hard feelings. If you actually are interested but for some reason missed me following, and I have already unfollowed you, you’re free to follow, I will most likely follow back again!
♫ AU and canonverse are fine, and I’m also fine with rping with OCs, though I’m pretty picky about it. I do not mind duplicates at all, I’ll just consider it ooc/crack rp!
♫ I do not mind multifandom/multimuse blogs, as long as you have a canon Overwatch character for me to interact. I will not interact with muses from outside Overwatch universe, sorry.
♫ Shipping is also very strict, although I headcanon Lúcio being polyamorous, it’s also very hard for him to fall in love due to his celebrity status. He can be a little adventurous physically-wise, but returning feelings and setting a solid relationship will take time. If he doesn’t correspond your feelings, please don’t take it personally; it only means he may not be interested in a relationship as of now, or with your muse in particular. I’m multishipper, and polyships are more than welcome! Nonetheless, I will only ship if muse and mun have chemistry, do not force ships on me, please. I also only ship if mun is +18.
♫ I am legal of age, and I am okay with NSFW. Please keep in mind I’ll only rp such things with people of legal age too (that means 18 and up). Please do not start a thread with me with these kind of subjects if you are not, with the risk of me blocking you. Thank you.
♫ Adult themes will be approached quite often, such as sexually suggestive themes, recreational drug usage, violence and stuff like this. I strongly recommend you don’t follow if you’re a minor (or is uncomfortable with any of these themes).
♫ I’m okay with any style of roleplay, though I lean towards short-paragraph. I might fluctuate between long and short answers because I care more about the fluidity of the plot than the length of the actions. Please don’t take me as uninterested if my answer is short; fluidity would be the reason - I’ll always try to match up length, though. I also do not request fancy formatting or images while rping, and I ask you do the same for me.
♫ I do not mind asks turning into threads, just, if possible, move it to a new post instead of reblogging the ask.
♫ I do not practice “reblog karma" (tbh I didn’t even know this was a thing before putting up this blog). So please don’t expect this from me either. Do what you wanna do!
♫ I really don’t mind if you, for whatever reason, want to drop an rp thread with me. You don’t have to explain yourself and I won’t ask why. Like said above, do what you wanna do! I’m not going to explain why I dropped a thread either, but you can ask why. But the reason will probably be either lack of inspiration or something got lost in the way and I don’t know how to continue.
♫ Please keep IMs strictly to ooc interactions and only IM me if we’re mutuals. Please don’t take it personally but I’m a very anxious person and most likely won’t answer if we’re not.
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thisblackmagic · 6 years
And so it goes.
Y'know, I had this ten-page post typed out about why I'm leaving social media and breaking down all the outlandish shite said about my life, motives, character, credibility etc. flying around these past few weeks, but...nah. Nah. Because this has seriously hit some surreal, bizarre levels and I'm just not even...just...no. I cannot parse that level of cognitive dissonance, or how weird it feels to catch up on weeks of people screaming insults at anon accounts under the assumption that they're me.
Just because you've scripted my role in this doesn't mean I have to act it out.
So just a quick rundown of points because, once again, nah:
1.) Thank you to everyone who's kept in touch over the last few weeks, and who has been so kind and supportive. You've been keeping me afloat while I tried to recover my equilibrium and slogged through some pretty shitty dysphoria, and I <3 you for that. The levels of racism, transmisia, and transmisogyny I've seen here recently have been horrifying and are a tacit reminder of why I was in the closet, but it's been helpful to know there are people who care and who are trying to just...be better than this mess.
2.) This account is no longer a personal account. I just...I am not okay, and I have not been okay through a year of upheavals, changes, etc...and this place has been a large part of why. I can't be here. I'll drop by now and then--to boost y'all, to say hi, to let you know when new releases are out--but I won't stay. I can't stay. I can't stay here while people work through their growing pains at the expense of the marginalized people around them. I can't stay here while cis people decide they get to determine if my pain is real or not. I can't stay here in a space where anyone would do something so violent as to impersonate my abuser to deadname and threaten me.
I'm pretty much only here today to update my mutuals, unfollows, mutes, and blocks.
3.) For those questioning about CRIMINAL INTENTIONS, the series is still on schedule and CI S1E4 will release on 10/10; ARCs will be going out to the MOC team and former Patrons shortly. All my other standalones or series are on semi-hiatus. I'm still working on them, but my production capacity has dropped significantly because of this and I'm not going to push myself. So they're not on my release schedule, but they are in my queue, and they'll happen when they happen.
4.) To the community I've met here: it's been amazing finding a safe space to connect with other chronically ill QTPOC dealing with mental health issues and past trauma. It's been such a freeing experience to be able to speak with y'all without stigma and share our experiences, lifting the isolation these experiences often engender...but this has become a place where it's no longer safe to do so when these folk hover over us like vultures policing our community, our connections, our lives--what we can share with each other, what we can't, who we're allowed to be. Somehow in trying to get rid of one toxic weed, an entire root system took hold. This...is not what I'm here for. At all. I adore y'all, but everything comes with some good and some bad, and the bad has now far outweighed the good.
This was never about authors, readers, or reviews. This was about privileged folk using social sadism disguised as advocacy to prey on the queer book community with violently abusive behavior and actually be praised for it, then using the immunity of "but I'm a reader! I'm powerless!" to excuse unethical and even illegal actions that can and have endangered people's lives and mental health.
That excuse is an insult to actual readers who respect people's boundaries and just want to have their own boundaries respected in return. Who just want to be left alone to read their books.
These actions have real-life repercussions for the people targeted in some misguided attempt at vigilante justice that really boils down to playground wars for people who won't ever be affected the way their victims are. With no oversight, no checks and balances, there'll be missteps targeting the wrong people. This time was a massive misstep, and the frenzied attempts to misdirect and obfuscate don't erase the damage done. A few people saying someone is a jerk online doesn't compare with the tangible and lasting harm this targeting does to marginalized people's real lives. No one gets to decide who deserves to be endangered just because you don't like them, especially in a community that's already vulnerable and whom you wield power over as so-called "allies."
This is why people make anons to challenge these people policing our identities, but not to openly show their racism and transmisia to me.
It shows you who's dangerous. It shows you who they're afraid of.
This is not what our community should be.
And these are not the people who should be guarding or gatekeeping it--or our lives.
That's it. I guess this is the last time I'll be saying...be good to yourselves, my friends.
<3 you all.
X out.
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shadow-djinni · 6 years
unpopular opinion: I honestly hope Lotor doesn't return in S8
now, before anyone jumps me, I'm not condemning anyone hopeful or enthusiastic about the prospect, this isn't about shipping, and I certainly don't intend to rain on anyone's parade--this is just so y'all know where I stand on things.
this isn't to say I don't like Lotor either--I like canon Lotor a good deal. characters who fit in the overlap of a Venn diagram labeled "has my sympathy but honestly doesn't deserve it" and "would absolutely get decked on sight if I met them irl" are always interesting bundles of neuroses, and I love reading and writing about them even if I want to pummel them. canon Lotor is a fucked up, manipulative little asshole, and I love to watch him work.
so why don't I want to see him come back?
two words: the fandom.
I won't sugar-coat it, so you all can choose to unfollow me if you want, but I hate fanon Lotor, and the way a lot of his fans act drives me up the wall.
fanon Lotor is missing all of the traits that I find interesting in his canon self--his manipulative personality, his tendency towards half-truths that make him appealing to his audience while obscuring his end goals--and often gives him backstory angst that I find improbable and unnecessary. his fans like to go full woobie with him--which, as a career villain fan, I understand--but the overwhelming amount of such content is frustrating, and his fans often produce it at the expense of other characters, or with intent to mock or degrade them. that, I don't understand and find reprehensible. it's fine to like villains. however, you can do so without putting down other villains and their fans to make your fave look good, and you can like them and still accept that they are, in fact, villains.
and this is why I hope Lotor doesn't come back in S8, outside of flashbacks. his worst, most obnoxious and overdramatic fans don't need any more encouragement, and I'm fucking sick and tired of them dumping their ridiculous fanwank and refusal to acknowledge his status as a villain all over literally everything. I've had enough.
feel free to unfollow and/or block me. I have no interest in getting into a debate over having an opinion and expressing it on my blog, and anyone trying to change my mind or attack me on this will be blocked with extreme prejudice.
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demonatty · 3 years
hi!! first of all, i hope you're having a great day/evening so far. secondly, if you do have one, would it be possible for you to post a mobile-friendly version of your rules page? i can't seem to find the link on desktop >.<
hello !!! i’d be happy to post a mobile - friendly version of my rules ! i have actually been planning on creating a carrd, but just haven’t gotten around to it ! however, i’ve copy and pasted my rules below the cut for you !
and the link is right here on my theme, desktop style !
Tumblr media
SELECTIVITY. … this blog is private and selective. this means that i will only interact with mutuals. those who i follow and follow me in turn. i will follow you if im interested in interacting with you ! however, if you do not follow me back after a week, with no mention of hiatus, then i will assume that the feeling is not mutual and unfollow. however if you ever do want to interact, feel free to follow again !
i am 23 years of age ( as of 12/27/2020 ), and am very selective with admins under the age of 18. this is nothing against you or your writing ability ! it just would make me more comfortable !
PERSONALS. … i am not comfortable with personals following me. they will be blocked unless they have somewhere on their blog they have a roleplay sideblog or message me and advise of such.
DRAMA. … not interested in it. if i see that you are a major owner of the drama, then im likely to soft block you. this is supposed to be something that gets me away from real life and tension. i want to keep my blog a safe space for myself and my writing partners.
RESPONSES. … my response time is far from consistent. i suffer from numerous mental health issues and am juggling a full time job, trying to find a new job, and returning to college. i’ll reply as quickly as i can. however, if its been awhile and no response, feel free to message me and poke me. this, however is not permission to harass me.
ORIGINAL CHARACTERS. … i adore them ! bring them to me ! original characters are amazing to me, and i love to see how people inject their own ideas into a franchise or their own stories. i am a bit more selective with them then a canon character, but i do enjoy interacting with them.
CALLOUTS. … if im interacting with someone that is known to be toxic or bad, then more then likely i have no clue about it. i may have wandered in and liked their writing, or something of that nature. feel free to message me about this person and give me details in order for me to make decisions of future interactions myself privately. however, i will not participate in callout culture myself.
TRIGGERS. … i will try to tag your triggers to the best of my ability. if i slip up, please don’t hesitate to let me know. i want everyone to be comfortable with their time here.
for myself, i would request that jumpscares, eye strain, nsfw, flashing lights / images, and politics be tagged. i will message you at any failure to tag these.
repeated failure to tag my triggers will result in a soft block.
SHIPPING. … i adore it. romantic / platonic / familial. all relationships are well loved on this blog.
however, romantic ships will be heavily based around chemistry and interactions with the admins.
NAMES. … I will be refering to the characters as their english names ( ie phoenix wright / miles edgeworth / etc ), because that is how i played the games and what names i associate with the characters. however, if you choose to use the original japanese names, i will try to match. however, please forgive me for any mistakes on that end.
TONE. … listen sometimes im mega bad at tone. i'll take a joke as serious or take serious things as jokes. tone indicators are amazing, but they are not required. just please forgive me if i take things the wrong way. it's really not done with bad intent.
CREDITS. … the theme art is made by veevum. banner art is made by ashleeritson
LAST NOTES. … rules are subject to change or addition. i will be sure to notify if anything has been changed.
i’m actually really excited to meet new people here! i hope we can get along!
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getinthefunvee · 4 years
mobile-friendly rules
❔ #getinthefunvee
❔ semi-private:  will generally only write with mutuals, but very happy to meet new people.
❔ exclusivity:  is pre-pubescent and used as a cliquey gatekeeping & ostracising mechanism 99% of the time. I do not practice character or ship exclusivity; I will side-eye you if you do, and I will not tolerate it on my dash, and I will lay the verbal smack-down if I see you using it to bully someone else. I've been playing with some muns for nearly 5 years, and at least one for more than a decade; if anyone was going to be an exclusive, it would be those friends, but exclusivity = possessiveness and it's really, really not the way to roll your adult relationships. Note: if you choose to make me your exclusive Tony for any reason (ie, if you generally hate Tony interaction and want to avoid it, emotional safety reasons, whatever) please give me a heads up. Please be aware that, as stated above, I will not do exclusivity in return.
❔ basic etiquette:  human decency is expected. Do not attempt to god-mod (it's so 90s), force-ship, engage in pass-aggro nastiness, harassment, or any other asshattery. Thanks.
❔  Personals et al are very welcome to follow and 'like' RP posts and to reblog non-RP content. Please don't reblog RP threads you aren't participating in; it's creepy, and I will call you out on it.
❔ multi-muse, side & personal journals:  I will not follow you back if you run a multi-muse blog or RP from your persona that heavily features muses from fandoms I’m not familiar withl; I really need to limit dash clutter in order to be able to focus. (ADD & autism are gr8 that way.) That doesn't mean I won't RP with you on your multi-muse blog, and I'm very happy to RP with side blogs, but I will not RP with personals.
❔ OCs, female characters, obscure canon characters:  This shouldn’t need to be said, but: Yes please! I look for fully-formed characters whose creation you've put thought into; this goes for 'popular' canon characters in equal measure.
❔ crossovers:  Please check with me first to make sure I'm familiar with your fandom.
❔ cut your replies:  Please cut your replies & repost asks as new posts when replying. (note: this is not the same as 'read mores'; I'm happy to explain the difference.) I will not follow you if you never cut your replies.
❔  You must have rules or, at the very least, your age stated somewhere on your blog. I will always read your rules before interacting, and I ask that you please do the same.
❕  est Dec 2012
❕  21 or over for intermittent content which may not always be tagged; I will generally not play with you if you are under 21 as I may not be comfortable writing certain content [because I'll feel like a dinosaur]. I will not RP with anyone under 18 years old, regardless of thread content or your geographical location's 'legal age.' This is not up for discussion, though I'm happy to explain the legal ramifications (for you and your RP partners around the world) of lying about your age. tl;dr I'm not going to jail so you can have smut. Thanks.
❕ safe space:  This blog is fiercely inclusive. I make a point of avoiding ableist or bigoted language and terminology. Please come talk to me in chat or send an ask and tell me if I screw up. note: If you ever need to talk about anything, or if you're having a really bad day, I'm here for you & wouldn't want you to feel alone. Seriously. Come talk to me. I do have chat set to mutuals only thanks to the huge influx of spam messages I was getting, but you can always unfollow me after we’re done talking (I won’t be upset) or send me an ask if that's easier.
❕ triggers:  I will tag genuine triggers when asked (please don't conflate squicks with triggers). I don't have any triggers, but I prefer not to see child abuse, domestic violence, incest, or pregnancy on my dash; if you regularly include that content, I will generally unfollow. Please see below for a comprehensive list. Triggers will be tagged 'triggery thing tw' and added to the tag dump post.
❕ formatting:  usually no fancier than small text +/- 66x66 or 100x100 icon (depending on the size you use), but I will try to match your style. If you need any special formatting to make it easier for you to read, please tell me. I'm very happy to comply.
❕ pre-established relationships:  I'm happy to discuss these.
❕ readmores:  used rarely, but will always use for explicit dubcon/noncon content & graphic stuff.
❕ memes:  generally mutuals only but will always be tagged as 'mutuals only', so if you don't see that, feel free to interact. I do my best to observe reblog karma but don't expect you to; it's all good.
❕ open posts:  will be tagged clearly; generally open only to mutuals, sometimes character-specific (will specify in tags).
❕ shipping:  multiship; not ship exclusive. Shipping is dependent wholly on muse interaction and never guaranteed. Tony is demiromantic and pansexual; he may or may not be open to poly setups depending on verse. He's experimental, inclusive, and flexible. Got a kink? Bring it. BDSM? He'll want to know your safeword. Three/four/eightway? He's probably into it. That in mind, I'm on the ace spectrum (see below) so mature-content threads aren't going to be that common and will generally, though not always, fade to black.
✅  duplicates, multiple 'canon' realities, AUs, cross-fandom, What Ifs
✅  crossovers, especially within Marvel & DC
✅  AUs: love, love, love. Give me your tropey coffee shop AU; better yet, give me your research-worthy Mesopotamian AU, time-travel AU, etc. I'm utter trash for Sentinel!verse (and if you don't know what that is, come at me).
✅  plot-development, complex characterization
✅  conscious, intentional, creative abuse of grammar/syntax
✅  any gender identity/lack thereof; sexual orientation/lack thereof; neurodivergent characters; disabled characters
✅  LGBT, non-cis/het, POC, or other minority versions of canonically white cis straight Christian etc characters
✅  female versions of canonically (cis)male characters
✅  dark, edgy, angsty themes up to and including psychological & physical torture, abuse, and character death
✅  complex and conscientious portrayals of trauma and mental health issues
❎  self-insertion (omnipotent manic pixie Gary-Stu/Mary-Stu characters make me cringe)
❎  pages of ooc
❎  pages of graphic porn
❎  you RP nothing but smut of a variety that squicks me, such as (below) and don't put it behind readmores: - A/B/O, especially if it involves 'mating'/'breeding', pregnancy (esp cis male or cis female pregnancy), etc. Really major squick; - BDSM that uses an abundance of misogynistic language like 'slut'; 'daddy/mommy' themes; pet play; romanticising unhealthy abusive relationships ('50 Shades of Nope' comes to mind) by framing them as consensual BDSM.
❎  consistent grammar/spelling errors (note: ignore if English isn't your primary language; I’m happy to help if that’s something you want, and I speak a few languages so I might be able to RP in your language)
❎  lots of family/baby/child content
❎  'child of'/'sibling of' & non-canon family member/friend characters
❎  anthropomorphic, furry, or 'real people' characters
❎  SuperWhoLock, anime
❎  gatekeeping, canon-snobbery, constant negativity
❎ erasure of any minority group (ie male versions of canonically female characters; suspiciously white FCs for canonically POC characters, etc)
❎ messianic anything; proselytizing
✩  ari (aka kai), 30s, London (GMT)
✩  working in medicine, re-qualifying for med school entry; usually not around much Tue-Fri due to work (replies are sometimes queued & I'm usually happy to do short stuff like texts during the week)
✩  thoroughly spoken for; married to cap.co.vu (but thanks for asking *fingerguns*)
✩  introvert:  very social at times (I tend to 'read' as an extrovert), but I need more distance when out of social energy. Feel free to ask me about this. I will love you forever if you respect the need for space, and will not like you very much if you insta-pounce 10x daily when I've gone quiet.
✩  jewitchy = unrepentantly jewish + low-key hedge witch (observant Reform/Conservative Jew; dash of pagan)
✩  grey-a + demi, greyromantic, as impossibly flirty as Tony Stark
✩  ADD, autism (psa: you can be super direct with me), major depressive disorder, EBS (epidermolysis bullosa), mild anxiety (when out of social energy)
✩  sharp-spoken, sharply-dressed, stickler for punctuation, polyglot, menace to society, method RPer, (mostly) good human being, guaranteed at least 80% carbon-based lifeform, will use elbows on the Tube, well-travelled, great ass (thanks, yoga!), hearts horseback riding, BDSM, dismantling the patriarchy
✩  ask box is always open, Discord available by request, IM/chat is gr8
If you feel like it, send me your favourite trope as a way of letting me know you've read these. I'm not going to ask for any sort of specific symbol, codeword, etc to prove it, but I will presume you have and act accordingly. If you feel compelled to acknowledge any specific parts that jump out at you or query something that doesn't sit right with you, we'll probably be bffs.
0 notes
trcubledycuth · 6 years
how i operate.
I feel bad for constantly spamming you guys with ooc posts, but every time I’m on tumblr and talking to someone else, I get reminded of the fact that we all have very different ideas of what writing on here is like and what it all means. Obviously there are a mass amount of writers who all have different quirks and ways about handling their blogs, replies, threads, and memes. So, here’s mine, because I feel like it’s a little different than most.
I don’t do drafts in the sense of “omfg, i have 80+ in my drafts!”, hell no. That for me is easily the biggest fun sucker. Maybe I’m an asshole, but if I read a response and there is nothing come to mind, nor any excitement to continue, it gets dropped. And because of horrendous experiences on tumblr where people get way too touchy and oversensitive, I alert no one. Though sometimes, it’s legitimately a case of oh, I didn’t see that! Which is highly plausible.  If it takes months for me to get a reply, chances are my interest is straight up gone. I’m not saying I don’t understand why it takes so long sometimes, whether it be not in the mood, not enough time, whatever else there is, I get it. But that’s not what I’m into. You have to make time for writing and if you don’t, you don’t. The people that get the most engagement and activity out of me, are typically the people that have plotted up elaborate verses that I’m living for.
They’re typically people that are threading with me on GoogleDocs and people I talk todaily. They’re also the people I know in terms of what they enjoy writing and therefore, I feel more comfortable dropping things on them. Whether it be a new, unannounced verse, a big plot drop, or ridiculous as fuck memes, I know (mostly, or at least generally) they’re DTF and living for the exact same things. Simply put, we’re on the same page. It isn’t to say I don’t want to write with new people, or start new verses, or just generally interact, it’s that I’ve got a comfort zone and I know said people are also in my zone. These people typically send me a million memes because sometimes, my brain just isn’t cooperating for replies because I like to make them perfect because I’m ocd as fuck and want to ensure that my partners are actually getting replies they’ll want to reply to and hopefully replies that move our threads further along and add to the overall story. If writing on GoogleDocs and all partners agree we want to post it on here, i’ll link to it in a ‘read only’ format for people that like to keep up with the story progression of things.
If I send you a million, it’s not because I’m a needy asshole that expects/hounds for a reply (especially not instantly, so please never apologize for it being ‘late’). It’s because sometimes you get a meme and it does nothing for you. So I send a lot in hopes something will stick, but also so you’ll have something to write if you’re in the mood or feeling bored. I’m a very chilled person and I feel like because I write a lot it gives the impression that I’m not a chill person and I just never want that to seem like a thing? As it is, this inbox sits at 80+ memes and asks right now, yet I delete absolutely nothing because you never know when the mood strikes, and if you knew the amount of memes I answered from months ago, it’d probably help the whole situation. If I don’t get to your meme, trust me, it’s not because I don’t want to, it’s because nothing has hit me yet and I’d like to wait until I’ve got something awesome brewing before unleashing whatever on you. Feel free to send as many as you want, because the more options I have, the more likely it is you’re going to get something. And that’s not an ‘oh please send me memes!!!’ beg, that’s literally me being straight up as to why it seems as if some people are ‘heavily favored’ versus others.
It’s absolutely not necessary, but I’ve come to realize I’m far faster with threads on GoogleDocs than I am on here. Formatting is easier, it’s not a hassle thanks to Tumblr’s buggy as fuck activity page, and I just generally can look at my DocHome and see what needs responded to. I don’t have to struggle to find something, nor do I have to struggle with accidentally losing posts because my ass pressed off the page or my computer crashed. And yes, I’m aware I can write in a program to ensure that doesn’t happen, but formatting still is a complete and utter bitch. I also don’t have to spend ten minutes combing through and picking, nor creating an icon.
Try as I may, there are some writing styles on tumblr that I can’t seem to swallow. I want to write with everyone, but realistically I can’t. I’ve also got this thing where I turn into Ditto and slowly adapt writing styles if I see it enough (and it’s not near my own), which Idespise, therefore I’m very selective on who I follow/write with. Chances are if I’m following you, you’re in the clear but there are a ton of quality people I don’t follow thatdo follow me and I don’t want people thinking it’s because they’re ‘not worthy’ because tumblr culture is weird as fuck. It’s impossible to ignore the fact I also write a lot. This isn’t going to change. I’ll certainly try to write less by request but it doesn’t come naturally to me, therefore one liners aren’t within the realm of possibility for me, nor do I follow accounts that only do one liners because it clogs my dash and so on.
This is such an important thing for me. I lowkey like to leave no rock unturned, and as much as I’d like to ~wing it, or just write and see what happens; that seldom works for me,especially if I’m not familiar with your fandom or characters. Plotting for me isn’t ‘omg they can meet in the three broomsticks and we can see what happens!’. It’s a great scenario, but my interest is 0%. Surface level interactions are great but I’ve been writing for a long time, so what would have me pumped back then (just to be writing her), does nothing for me now because I’ve been far too spoiled and have too many incredible things going on. That’s not to say what we could do isn’t incredible, it’s just the sole fact that I need more. Or plotting, or constant snowballing of plots. It’s just how I work. I know that’s too much for some, and if that’s the case, please unfollow! I know I’m not for everyone.
I’ve come to realize I flounder with these. Like, I struggle hard. I know there’s about ten+ people I owe starters to and I want to write with you guys, but I’ve legit just been unable to produce something that I don’t classify as total and utter garbage fire. Therefore if you’re one of these people that have been waiting, please know it’s not you. If you want to throw something up for us? By all means. Wanna send a meme? Go for it. Want me to send memes? Tell a sister. Just know it’s literally not because I’m a raging asshole, but … More often than not it’s also because it’s in a fandom I know I’m going to fuck stuff up for because while I may love it, that doesn’t mean I remember all the details, and whatnot. In short, I suck, you don’t.
I’ve made a page where you can see what is currently in my drafts. Sometimes I really don’t see responses have been made, other times I drop threads. The things on my draft page are things I have full intent to reply to, though to seem like a total hypocrite of my first point, it’s taken me a while. Please know the intent is still there.
I never mean to leave anyone on read, but I have hardcore adhd. Tumblr’s IM system isn’t really the greatest for that and I lose track far too easily. I also get a lot of messages and I never want to discourage anyone that wishes to talk, but I do need to throw a disclaimer out there because I’m not very good at keeping up and often go days without checking them because they stress me out. It’s not you, it’s literally me, but they turn into an avalanche and I often avoid them. I’m also really awkward because if I sense you’re not into the convo, or we’re trying to plot and I’m not getting anything in return, I zip out and die, so it’s literally? IMS are a battlefield.
This is a sideblog, I can’t follow anyone and don’t need to be following you in order to interact with you. If I do follow you it comes from @thebrightestwltch or @wrathcfdragons. This was also copy/pasted from Hermione’s account so please excuse the hp theme.
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