#feeling awful feeling dizzy and i hate everything
unusualshrimp · 2 years
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assassinsblade · 5 months
Forget Me Not | 5
It is your turn to experience guilt and regret, while Azriel takes some time to himself.
WC: 4.4k
Warnings: TW: SA, brief mentions of suicidal thoughts/ideations!!! Please do not read if this is triggering for you. Angst, feelings, we are all sad but we are taking a turn for the better!
a/n: All of the comments and responses to Part 4 were seriously incredible. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday tomorrow if they celebrate!!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6
Azriel's shadows surrounded him before he could command them to do anything else. Darkness swallowed his vision, his chest, his heart, gods, he was dying wasn't he? Was this what dying felt like?
He felt like he couldn't breathe. Pain was searing through his chest as if a fiery sword was sticking from his ribcage, and he barely felt his knees crashing to the ground underneath him.
He didn't know where he had subconsciously winnowed to until he heard his brother's voice, filled with shock and confusion.
Hands were pushing his shoulders back, trying to get him to unfold from himself, to stop grasping his chest. His chest, his chest, his chest, it burned-
"Feyre, get Madja."
Azriel tried to shake his head, but he was so dizzy he couldn't tell if he made the movement or not. He vaguely heard Feyre's movements shuffle to a halt. Rhys must have stopped her at his attempt to say no.
"What happened?" Rhys questioned, voice strong despite the panic slowly making its way in.
Azriel was sobbing. He didn't know when he had started, but he knew he had broken. His own chokes and cries echoed in Rhys' office, his tears falling onto the cold marble floor beneath their knees. Pain laced across his skin from his fingernails digging into his own flesh, and he felt Rhys trying to pry the grip away.
"Kill me," Azriel sobbed. "Please, kill me. Do something, just make it stop-"
Rhys dove for his brother at the words, pulling him into a tight hug. The embrace did little to help with the overwhelming torture raging within the shadowsinger. He was going to die, he wanted to die.
He had never hated himself more, hated how it felt like his body was going to eat him alive if he took one more breath.
The constant memories shooting behind his eyes like poison: his mother mistreated by the Illyrian men while his hands burned, Mor left naked and alone in that forest with a sign punctured to her womb and him not arriving until hours into her pain, Rhys walking into a trap because he hadn’t seen it and hadn’t stopped it, Gwyn violated and tortured because he hadn’t been aware enough to spoil the plot or get there soon enough, and then you — your bloody body being carried in Cassian’s arms, clothes torn off, having been forgotten by him.
"Don't you dare say that." The male trying to keep him together spoke with such command, but the shadowsinger's pain persisted.
"I can't do this, Rhys. She-"
He couldn't stop crying, he couldn't stop hurting, he felt like he was screaming...
"Feyre," he heard Rhys call distantly. Everything was blurry, everything was awful. His head was pounding, his body was giving up on him, and then he felt delicate hands on his cheeks, a soothing feminine voice, and then nothing.
As darkness swallowed him whole, he saw only the glinting gold swimming inside his chest, reaching like a rope into darkness.
It was quiet for a bit. Safe, surrounded by nothing but shadows so much like his own, and the small golden light flickering inside of him. He would be content to stay there forever. To no longer live as the monster he’d become, to be able to pretend he was nothing, no one, just a fluid existence stretched through space. Like the embodiment of flying through the skies of Velaris, wings splayed wide and air crisp and free all around.
Unfortunately though, Azriel’s peace was short lived. Before he could truly bask in the quiet, he was being pulled out of his mind and back into the present.
Bright light hit his face, shining through the window of his bedroom at the House of Wind. His shadows immediately swarmed the opening, pulling at the curtains until he was once again draped in darkness.
He sighed and sat up, running his hands down his face. He felt overly fatigued, his entire body weighed down with guilt, self-hatred, and the words you had spoken to him.
He did let everyone he knew down. He already knew that, reminded himself of that every single day, but that didn't make it hurt any less coming from your lips.
Rhys, one of the many people he had failed, had not stopped staring at him. Azriel knew his brother was waiting for him to break the silence.
His voice sounded broken to his own ears, weak and cracking even when spoken in a low volume. “I don’t know what to say.”
He truly didn’t. What should he have said? Hey Rhys, thanks for tucking me in after I had a complete breakdown, you can leave now.
“You can start by explaining why you came to my office and begged me to kill you.”
Yeah, Rhys was not happy.
Azriel sighed, feeling his chest pinch at the memories. He wasn't happy either.
You’re no hero. You’re a joke.
Your hands are the ones hurting me.
That’s all you're good for: inflicting damage.
“Azriel.” Rhys interrupted his thoughts.
He swallowed, feeling himself tear up again. He hadn’t cried this much since Rhys went under the mountain.
“She’s my mate,” he finally spoke, voice quiet and chest cracking open at the confession.
Rhys didn’t even blink. Azriel couldn’t meet his gaze though.
Rhys knew who. Based on Azriel’s reaction to the information alone, he knew.
Azriel didn’t answer the question, knowing it was unnecessary. Instead, he gazed at his scarred hands resting in his lap and said, “I went to train, and she was already in there. The bond snapped before she even turned around.”
“Does she know?”
He shook his head, focusing on the sting in his arm. “She wouldn’t have missed if she did.”
He felt Rhys eyeing the slash against his bicep, already weaving itself back together. Then his friend studied the rest of Azriel's body language. The way his shoulders were curved in on himself, the way his fingers traced over the scars on his hands, the ghostly look in the male's hazel eyes despite them glistening with tears.
"What did she say?" Rhys ended up asking after his silent observations.
His brother didn't let Azriel brush him off though. "Whatever she said, she didn't mean it, Az."
Azriel scoffed. "Look into my mind, see how she looked at me, and then you try to tell me she didn't mean it."
"She is angry and grieving, and you are the only person available that she can blame and take it out on. Her anger," Rhys suddenly grabbed Azriel's arm, positioning it so he could nod to the reddened gash, "that anger, is because she cares. She's hurt because she loves you."
Azriel shook his arm out of his friend's grip. "It doesn't matter. I fucked up, and I can't take that back. The damage has been done, Rhys."
"I used to think that too." Violet eyes met his. "Feyre hated me, in case you forgot."
Azriel didn't budge, so Rhys continued. "I know what you're feeling right now. That it'd be alright if she hated you, as long as she's safe. But it still hurts, knowing she thinks poorly of you, and that feeling builds up. But your journey with her is not over. She is a forgiving person, you just need to give her grace while she heals. And you need to give yourself grace, because you're in a painful position too."
He nodded, letting a few tears fall. His palm automatically reached for his chest, rubbing it in an effort to soothe the ache there.
“How did you do it? How did you live with it hurting this bad? After Feyre said…”
Rhys sighed, letting out a small breathy laugh — a genuine one. “It wasn’t easy. I left for those days before Starfall, ignored her letters, sorted out my thoughts. Came to the conclusion that even if Feyre never loved me, I would always love her and I’d be happy to do so. And I have a family who I love dearly, who also loves me.”
The pointed look he gave Azriel was obvious, reminding him that his family was there and worried about him too. They had seen the way he’d turned into a shell of himself, barely sleeping in case you had a nightmare and needed him, barely eating or training, his entire reserve of energy being put into monitoring your safety and wellbeing. And he knew they cared, he really did.
Cassian had been trying to get Azriel back into the swing of training again, wanting him to express some of his heavy emotions in the ring, or at least talk to his brother while sparring and practicing. Instead, Azriel was seclusive and pulled the punches he threw the Illyrian’s way.
Rhys had given Azriel time off from his missions, delegating the work to those under the spymaster to take some weight off of Azriel’s shoulders for a bit. Azriel had at first refused but had given in when Rhys had pointed out that time and attention needed to be focused at home anyway, what with the Illyrians’ growing mistrust of Cassian, Azriel, and himself, the threat of an uprising ever present.
But now with what you had said…
“I think it’d be best if I went away for a bit.” His voice was quiet, resigned, lifeless to his own ears.
“By yourself?” Rhys asked, clearly not liking the idea.
He shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. Just — I think some space from her would be good. You even said you needed that when Feyre had hurt you.”
His brother’s violet eyes softened with understanding. “You’re right. I did. But I do think this is a bit more complex. What if you went with Amren or Mor to see Jurian and Lucien? See what they have been up to for a bit? You can leave some of the work to them, but have something to distract you should you need it.”
Azriel was quiet as he considered, but Rhys cut in before he could agree too soon. “But you come back. And you come back within the month.”
Azriel nodded. “Okay,” he relented.
“Okay,” Rhys repeated. His hand clasped Azriel’s shoulder in support, giving his brother a meaningful look. “I know I sound like an asshole, but it will work out. I know it. You two are too special, in general and to each other for this not to work out.”
He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to shut out the pain that came with his brother’s words.
He swallowed, composing himself before meeting his friend’s gaze with teary eyes of his own. “Tell Mor I’ll meet her on the border in an hour.”
You skipped training the next night, too emotionally drained to make it out of your room. Cassian hadn't come to find you, either. Maybe he had even heard of your argument with Azriel.
Instead of going to the training ring, you tried to read your books (pushing away the reminder that Azriel had gotten them for you), took some long baths, tried to write, and listened to music.
Nothing kept your mind distracted from what you had said to Azriel, though.
The instant relief that had coursed through your veins when the anger had seeped into the air, draining from where it had hardened in your chest and allowing you to feel lighter, changed over the course of the day into something just as volatile.
You felt guilty. So, insanely guilty.
You kept remembering the look on his face when you had mentioned Mor, Rhys, Gwyn, his mother…
The way his hands clenched and fiddled with themselves when you had told him you see them hurting you in your dreams.
The tears that streaked down his cheeks silently as you just kept on coming and coming, attacking and attacking.
And he had let you. He had stood there possibly from shock, guilt, care, and just let you tear into him without any retaliation.
You had never uttered words so cruel to someone.
And you hadn’t even meant them.
Sure, you had been so angry at him. You had felt so hurt and demeaned, that you wanted to do the same to him. But did you actually blame him for what had happened to his friends? Did he hold the responsibility for the entire world in his scarred hands?
Of course not. But you knew that he thought so. And you had used that against him.
Azriel had never meant for you to get hurt. You, on the other hand, had intentionally hurt him.
Did that not make you so much worse?
You cried yourself to sleep that next night, your actions sending you into a downward spiral of shame. Despite taking the tonic Madja had provided you for sleeping, you found yourself at the mercy of your guilt, your mind tormenting you with Azriel’s hurt and your own mistakes.
If you had known this dream would have taken a turn for the worse, creating a scenario that would haunt you even more than the memories of that night, you never would have closed your eyes.
It had started the same as the others: the snow, the alleyway, the blonde-haired male licking up your neck and reaching for your middle. This time though, when you brought the dagger down into the male’s neck, a familiar choking sound echoed into your ear.
The same noise that had escaped his lips after your weaponized words stabbed into him.
Then his hazel eyes met yours, the snow falling from Velaris’ night sky dusting his black hair. And there was so much pain, hurt, and betrayal in his gold and green irises that you felt sick.
“No-” you panicked, reaching out for him as the bright red blood poured down his neck and over your hands.
No, no, no. Not him. How could you have done this? You were hurting him, you were killing him.
Your hands moved quickly, pushing against the wound as sobs loudly slipped past your lips. "Azriel-" you started to say.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. His eyes tried to get your attention, but he was already weak, slipping through your hands and falling onto the pavement below.
When the dagger fell from his neck, you saw the charcoal-colored aggressive waves adorning the top of the hilt and nearly collapsed.
You had killed Azriel with his own weapon. The weapon he had lent to help you, you had taken and stabbed him in return. His support, his offer to make amends, his kind-hearted generosity toward you, turned around to tear into his lifeline.
You killed him.
And hurting him did not feel as good as you had imagined in that training ring, both then and now, snow falling onto his tan skin in the alleyway.
As you stared into his empty eyes, somehow still sparkling with the stars of Velaris, you couldn’t help but scream.
Waking from the nightmare was nearly as difficult as wading through it in your sleep. Your ears were ringing, throat sore, and mouth dry. You were so nauseous, your stomach gurgled as if it was warning you its contents could come up at any time.
You didn’t go to the library to read or run yourself another bath in an attempt to relax. Instead, you found yourself throwing the blankets off of yourself, still trying to catch your breath, and making your way hastily to Azriel’s door.
It seemed so similar to that first week after the assault, when you had sought out Cassian before relying on Azriel for a night. Only this time, as you stumbled through the hall, your only thought was on passing Cassian’s door and finding yourself in front of Azriel’s.
You felt so scared, so anxious, and for the first time in months it wasn’t for your own safety.
Your heart pounded in your chest as your toes padded down the cold floor. But it completely stopped when you noticed the difference in the House of Wind.
Azriel’s door, always left cracked with the light on since your first nightmare after the incident, was now closed, with nothing but black on the other side.
You nearly caved into yourself.
Who could blame him? You had been a terrible person. And despite what he had done to you, it was understandable if he never wanted to see or talk to you again.
Just the thought of him being in pain because of you behind that door…
You hesitantly stepped closer, bringing your fist up to the wood.
“I’m sorry,” he had whispered in your dream.
You knocked softly, waiting a few moments before calling out his name. When no response came, you couldn’t help the anxiety that coursed through you, bringing scared tears to your eyes.
Shaking on your toes a bit, you knocked again. Blood flashed across your mind, his lifeless eyes, his look of betrayal.
"Please," you whispered, calling out to him gently.
But you couldn't wait any longer. Your hands slowly twisted the doorknob, your mind not even thinking of the consequences of entering a spymaster's room unsolicited.
You would just see that he was alright and safe, and then you would go back to your room. Plus, his shadows would let him know you were entering, they would warn him of your presence and could push you out if need be.
At this thought, you suddenly noticed the lone shadow that had trailed you for months was no longer at your side. The darkness behind his door swallowed you whole at the realization. He was gone, done, and you along with him.
You spiraled further, pushing into the room and daring to look around.
It was empty. Darkness shaded the clean room, but there was no shadowsinger, no living presence occupying the space.
Was he on a mission? Did he leave without telling anyone?
His choking noise permeated through your mind again, and you found yourself becoming dizzy with panic and anxiety, the guilt and regret spreading so far into your gut you were sure it was physically damaging you.
Stumbling over to his bed, you collapsed onto it, first sitting before bringing your knees up to your chest and allowing yourself to seek out his warmth and scent in the duvet and sheets. He was okay, you told yourself. He was always okay.
But the lack of your shadow friend spoke volumes. He was done with you. Done trying to prove himself, done trying to be your friend. And it hurt just as bad now when he actively decided to leave you compared to when he did it unintentionally.
Because despite it all, you did love him. You had just become so hurt and destructive that you ruined yourself further in the process, striking out at him as collateral.
You buried yourself deeper into his covers, not even caring when your tears soaked into his pillow. And maybe you imagined the footsteps you heard outside Azriel’s door, the way Cassian’s door had opened and closed and a presence had hesitated outside of the shadowsinger’s room as if they were listening and contemplating.
You surely imagined Azriel coming home and allowing you to speak with him, and in these hopes you understood how he felt this whole time. The silence, the darkness, the guilt and self-hatred. And the never-ending fear that you had done something you could never repair. That you weren’t good enough or redeemable enough to repair.
The last image that crossed through your mind before your swollen eyes succumbed to sleep was Azriel’s face when he had seen you that first day in the kitchen with Rhys. His nervous and devastated but hopeful expression.
You hated yourself.
In the morning, Feyre paid you a visit.
She did not comment on you leaving Azriel’s room, but the look she gave you was observant.
The conversation had started out small with her asking how you were doing, checking in on your training progress, if you had been reading anything good lately, if you had tried the meal Cassian made last night for dinner.
Then it was silent, and she hesitated before steeling herself like the High Lady she was.
“Azriel left the other night. Whatever you had said to him, whatever had happened two nights ago, I’m not sure he deserved it.”
You didn’t want to ask about the state she had seen him in. You didn’t want to know how deep the damage you had dealt went, because if you pictured his hurt expression one more time, you thought you might actually shatter.
You stared down at your hands in disappointment and shame, gritting your teeth to stop yourself from crying. You weren’t the victim this time around; you didn’t deserve to cry. And your eyes hurt so bad from crying so much.
“I think you two should talk. Your relationship has become so destructive I’m not sure either of you will come out at the end. Talk.” She demanded, her voice firm.
You nodded in agreement, swallowing the lump in your throat down before asking what you had been wondering since last night. “Where did he go?”
“To the mortal lands with Mor. He needed some time.”
Of course. Of course he needed time, and you would give him that. But you needed him to know that you were at least sorry, because you had no idea when he would be ready to return.
“If I were to give you a letter for him, would you make sure he receives it?”
Feyre sighed, thinking about the consequences of the action, before finally softening and nodding. She understood the need to reach out after such an incident, and you noticed her eyes flicker as she doubtlessly thought back to when Rhys left for a bit before Starfall and ignored her own letters.
“Sure. But you must be kind.”
You nodded again, that pang of disappointment and shame flaring to life again in your chest, and you thought of all the things you needed and wanted to say to Azriel.
But when you actually went to put pen to paper later that night, you found yourself second-guessing everything.
You had gone too far in punishing him — for something he was not even completely to blame for — and he probably didn’t want to hear from you. You should let him breathe, give him time to think and unwind without your existence constantly ruining him.
But then you thought of him standing in the training ring, hurt, crying, alone, and your hands were moving.
Azriel, you started the letter. I know you probably don’t want to hear from me, but I think I would regret not sending this to you, not telling you everything you deserve to hear. And I don’t want to regret anything else.
First, I need to apologize. Profusely. You don’t need to forgive me or give me another second of your time, but I am begging you to know and understand that I did not mean a word I said the other night. I could name a thousand reasons why the words went past my lips, but they will never unspeak them. I will forever regret that night, more than any other night in my life.
Please know that even in the times when I am carried away by anger, when I am less than human, less than any of you deserve, I have always admired you. Sometimes I think that made the anger worse, twining together with the care I have for you until it became some kind of warped emotional weapon.
I do think you are a hero. And redeemable and brave and a savior. And I’m sorry for ever trying to put in your mind that you are anything but. You have saved me more times than I could mention in the size of this letter, just in the time I have known you. Please know that.
I have no right to ask, not after everything we have gone through the last few months, but when you are ready, I would really like to sit down and speak with you. About everything.
Maybe we can find a way forward. Or at least a way to exist together without any pain.
You don’t need to respond. I will be here, and I can wait as you’ve waited for me to be ready to talk.
Be safe. If not for me then for yourself and your family.
Then you stopped. Because how were you supposed to sign this off? You pictured his frown at reading the letter, at your words he no longer trusted or felt warmth from. You hated that frown, the sadness you had seen from him so much as of late.
In the meantime, you wrote, I will read the books you left me, continue to purchase those tart pastries from near the Rainbow, and find comfort in your bedroom light remaining on, if not just to remind me of your kindness.
I appreciate your help, even when you are not near. And then you signed your name.
You would wait for his response (or lack of) and for his return. And then you would have the chance to talk. You would be able to hear his own thoughts, emotions, apologies, and curses before letting out your own.
Strength was what you needed until then. The strength to self-reflect on the blame you had placed on him, the words you had thrown around so carelessly. Strength that would get you through the oncoming storm, the marching warriors coming for Cassian, Azriel, and Rhys. The Illyrians wishing to overthrow the high lord and his enforcers, coming to take them down in any way they could.
Their marching was coming, the stomps matching the pounding in your chest.
You’d be strong, and you would wait for him to return. You would hold your ground, dagger at your side and heart hesitantly ready to be displayed.
And maybe, if all went in your favor, you two could finally have that talk.
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rogueddie · 7 months
Eddie couldn't take his eyes off of the ugliest, evil looking polo top that he's ever had the misfortune to lay his eyes upon. It's everything he hates in one piece of clothing, so horrible that he'd gagged at it when he'd first seen it.
His friends had laughed, agreeing that the top is an abomination and crime against humanity.
But Eddie couldn't stop looking at it.
It's the exact type of thing that Steve would wear. It's the type of thing he would love and brag about.
Even though the party, with the help of Robin, have been trying to 'fix' Steve and his taste. They're currently targetting his wardrobe and they're almost wearing him down enough to get him to stop wearing so many polos.
It's making Eddie feel... conflicted.
He agrees that Steves taste is horrible. He listens to bad pop music most of the time, he has no sense of fashion and loves romance so much that he thinks awful rom-coms are the height of cinema.
But it's Steve. Those things are what make him so... Steve.
He sneaks back to the top when his friends aren't looking, crouching behind racks to get to the till and quickly buy it. He buries it in the bottom of his bag, ignoring the bored and judgemental look the staff are giving him.
"There you are," Gareth squints at him when he rejoins them. "Where did you go?"
"Fainted," he sneers, throwing an arm around Jeffs shoulders. "All these neons and pop are making me dizzy."
They laugh, quickly moving on.
After dropping them off, he goes straight to Steves house. He doesn't want the ugly shirt on his person longer than necessary and the last thing he needs is someone finding it in his closet.
He nearly cheers when he pulls up to Steves house and his parents car isn't parked out front.
They'd only caught him in their house once, when they'd come home early, and he's sure he only escaped with his life because the entire party was there too.
"Eddie?" Steve frowns when he opens the door. "What are you doing here? Are you ok?"
"Yeah, fine, just..." he huffs, rubbing his eyes. He digs through the bag, grabbing the offending shirt, and throwing it at Steve. "Got you that. I thought- whatever. There. Good night."
"Woah, woah," Steve quickly catches his arm. "It's ok, man. If the others ask then I'll say I got it. It's... this is really nice, Eds."
"It's ugly."
"Sure," Steve snorts, looking back to the shirt. "But it's definitely my style. This really means a lot to me. I think it looks cool."
"Uh, yeah, I guessed," Eddie shifts, squirming with how genuine Steve is being. "It's just a polo."
"No, it's not. It's special to me."
"Right, because you think that pattern is 'so-"
"You saw it and thought of me. Like, you hate it, but you knew I'd like it and... it just means a lot to me, that you're thinking of me."
"Alright, it's just a shirt, calm down."
"No, I don't think I will," Steve gently tugs him inside so he can shut the door. "I get it if this is difficult for you but I'm getting impatient."
"If- what?"
"Do you need me to make the first move? Or- is this a move? Is your love language gift giving or something?"
"You've lost me."
Steve huffs, putting his hands on his hips and giving Eddie a look that he can only describe as 'disappointed parent'.
"We've been flirting for months and you haven't done anything about it." Steve falters quickly when he sees the shock on Eddies face. "Or... am I missing something? Is it the whole, like... keeping it secret thing? Because I don't mind! It's not safe to be out in Hawkins, I know, and I'm not expecting a big date at-"
"You knew that I was flirting with you," Eddie interrupts. "This whole time?"
"Well, yeah, I was also flirting with you."
Eddie stares at him for a moment. "And you've been waiting for me to make a move on you?"
"Exactly. Was I not being obvious enough? I didn't want to out you or anything..."
"No... in retrospect you were being very clear. All of Robins cryptic advice makes so much sense now. Oh, God, even Wayne figured it out."
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mitsies · 8 months
❊ shootin' hoops! - childe . . ajax can't get enough of you. meanwhile, you've definetely had it with him.
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ajax is 19 when he falls in love with you.
he meets you in his second year of college, in a stupid, annoying, lame sociology class which he's only in because it's a requirement to his major. why else would he be in a dank room at 8 in the morning? oh, he hates it. the class is slow-paced. his professor is even slower. an old, little man. ajax bets that he could bench his weight. and maybe a little more than that, too, without breaking a sweat.
the class sucks, and it's not even hard, and he would probably skip every single one and pass with a hundred and ten percent. and he really, really considers this course of action, too. until, he sees you in the back of the classroom. he doesn't think he's seen you before. he'd remember if he did.
wow, you look pretty. wow, you're cool. and wow, maybe he'll stick around for the lecture tomorrow after all. ajax grins to himself. and maybe he'll bench his professor, too, if you'd think that was cool. would that make him look strong, and show off his muscles? then he might really try.
after the class lets out (which takes light years, he's convinced) he makes a beeline to where you're packing up your notebook and stationary. "lame class, huh?"
you turn at his words, eyes wide as you take him in. ajax smiles with his teeth, and he can imagine all the girls and guys in the class swooning, he can practically hear their thoughts; 'oh, who's that cute guy? his dimples are so adorable! oh, wow, i should ask his number. he looks like he would be the star player of our college's basketball team! so muscular, and cool!'
and if they're all thinking that, oh, he can't even conceptualise what you must be thinking. he feels butterflies, and a little dizzy, and a lot anxious— but in a cool way, of course— when you open your mouth to respond.
"i thought it was cool, actually."
he's breathless for a second because wow, woah, oh god, your voice is just as nice— no, it's better, than he'd imagined it. and then he registers what you'd just said and it takes everything in him to stay composed as his brain short-circuits looking for something to say in response. so-long to his ingenious plan of bonding over mutual hatred of your professor. hm. he's kind of backed himself in a corner. oh, well, it seems like he'll have to rely on his massive charm to get him through to you. not a problem!
"really? you've got awful taste."
your face sours. his heart thunders— oh, you're so, so cute. he likes it when you look at him like that. actually, he likes it when you look at him in general. he likes the way your eyes crinkle at the corners when you're irritated. the way you look like you've tasted something bitter makes him think— would your lips taste sour, too? like lemons, and limes? like biting into a cardamom pod?
before he can think about it too much, you speak again, and he's entranced— again. "just my thoughts."
"well clearly, you don't think much."
you blink at him. your eyelashes frame your eyes so nicely, too. he wonders if there's a colour that encapsulates the shade of them. ajax thinks that your eyes are like the rest of you— indescribable. and then you scoff, and walk away with your bag slung over a shoulder, and he can't wait to see you tomorrow.
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three weeks go by. ajax doesn't think he could be more in love.
he's showed up to sociology every single day, just for the sake of seeing you. lighting up like a match the second you show up in the doorframe, and going out in a similar fashion once you're gone. he relishes every single second in your company. he carves every half-smile and every grimace, and every time you purse your lips in confusion and every time you nod along to the professor when you understand. oh, he's in love. and it's bad. it's so bad.
"don't tell me you're actually doing the extra credit work," he says, staring at open laptop on your desk. it's work time, and while ajax could hypothetically leave, you're staying, so he's staying too.
you glance up at him. lord knows how you've put up with him for so long. he's annoying, he's bothersome, he does not leave you alone, not for a second. the only time he sees you is sociology so he's got to make the most of it. "i've got nothing better to do, ajax."
oh, he loves, loves, loves it when he says your name. it might be his favourite sound in the world. "you could leave. it's a free class."
you raise a brow— "you could leave too."
"i could. but what'd you do without me?"
you laugh the littlest bit, and he feels a dozen times lighter. maybe your laugh is actually his favourite sound, he can't decide. "probably be a lot more productive."
he likes what you have. he likes this friendship-ish kind of thing. he likes that you only hate him sometimes, and that you can stand to be around him other times. that's not to say he's satisfied. oh, not even close. 3 weeks were enough for ajax to imagine it— a lifetime. he imagines holding your hand at graduation. and he imagines movie nights turned sleepovers, and he imagines what colours you'd choose for the bedsheets of your first house together. he imagines lists of names. he imagines forever. but this is a good start. you're 50-50 now, he's just got to work on that hundred percent.
and, in his opinion, 3 weeks is a long, long time. that's 7 whole days of 24 whole hours. and only god knows how many minutes are in those hours. way too many, he thinks. he's smart enough to know that good things take time, but he doesn't think that he can be only your classmate-sometimes-friend for any longer. he wants more. needs it.
you speak before he can reply, "you really have nothing to be working on?"
he probably does. a lot of business homework, something math related undoubtedly. but that wouldn't take him too long. so he opens his mouth to say as much when he remembers— he likely wouldn't have time later tonight. oh, but he's already not been doing his work— would it be embarrassing to start now? would you think he's stupid? he's so cool, and he'd hate if you didn't agree. in any other situation, he'd pop open his notebooks and get to work. but you make him all conscious, and nervous, and hot in the face. and how long has it been since you asked? he should probably respond. you stare expectantly and he feels warm all over, maybe almost as hot as he looks. (you'd agree. right? you would.)
"maybe just a few small things," he grins at you, "but i can squeeze them in before my game tonight."
you hum in response. "i forgot there was one tonight. against our rivals, right?"
his heart warms— you remembered who it was against. you might've forgotten about it in general, but you remembered it. that must be a good sign. oh, he's got this in the bag.
"yeah. at 7."
you smile at him. he thinks he might die right there. "well, good luck. i'm sure you'll do great."
he beams at the compliment, heart thundering like a caged bird between his ribs. compliments always meant more from you. he could probably definitely recall every single one you've ever spoken to him, if he tried. (and probably even if he didn't.)
ajax doesn't miss a beat, this time. "i'd probably do a lot better if you were there cheering me on."
he doesn't miss it. he doesn't miss the way your mouth twists a little bit in surprise, because this was really not what you were expecting. and he definitely, doesn't miss the way your eyes slide over to your hands, and your fingers which are suddenly all too fidgety. he's embarrassed you. his boyish grin grows tenfold. "don't tell me i've got you going shy on me."
you roll your eyes in mock annoyance, and he knows you well enough at this point to know you're trying to hide your bashfulness. "oh, you wish."
"you're right. i do."
you freeze. he doesn't think he could hide his joy at your embarrassment even if he wanted to, even if he tried. it's hard for ajax to pinpoint his favourite one of your feelings— he thinks you're cute all the time. he thinks it's funny when you're disgusted, or annoyed. he thinks you're adorable when you're happy, and especially so when you're sleepy. but he's beginning to suspect that he's especially fond of you when you're flustered like this.
the professor speaks. ajax's mood is instantly a little more sour because god, even the man's voice is slow and boring. the free class was officially dismissed, and students were free to go. under any other circumstances, ajax would be happy about this. but he really does have to go. he wishes you could come with him. he wishes you could come with him everywhere, really.
"are you serious?"
your question catches him off guard. you're looking at him again, with those pretty eyes, and you have a familiar expression on— it's one he recognises as confusion. you're confused. he softens, more than he thought possible. it takes everything in him to resist pressing a kiss to the apple of your cheek, the crease of your furrowed brows, the corner of your lip where an unconscious pout makes itself known. and he realises he might've been unclear with his advances. so he meets your eyes and says, "of course i am. i'm serious about you if you are about me, yeah?"
it's some kind of consent, or acknowledgment. that what you both have can and probably will evolve. you're smart enough to know that he knows, and he's smart enough to know that you know. and you nod softly, and smile like flower petals, and he decides he'll never get over you. he'll never need another.
"i'll see if i can go tonight. but if not, i'll text you."
he thinks he's the happiest person alive. he could kiss you right then, right there, but your wrinkly old dustbag of a professor is still in the room and he won't entertain the geezer. "i'll see you."
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he doesn't see you until the final quarter of the game, but you've been there the whole time.
his team is winning, of course, because they have him, but he's been out of it all game. any moment he can, he's scanning the stands with a watchful eye. it's one of the biggest games of the season. he knows he should be laser-focused, but he's not and it's all your fault. there must be hundreds of faces pressed together and he can't seem to find yours. until he does.
you're closer to the ground than he thought you'd be. hiding in plain sight. and when he sees you, he swears he might start floating. there are flowers in his chest, blooming an ache deep inside. something so disgustingly sweet, so addictingly sickening is awoken at the sight of you in his team's colour. he thinks you'd look beautiful in his spare jersey. he smiles, and it's all teeth. a vicious kind of adrenaline fills him as the next play is called to begin. he thinks he'll give it to you after he wins.
and wins he does. with flying colours, really— the other team didn't really stand a chance to begin with, not as soon as he saw you there cheering him on. his teammates flock to him like sheep, piling on him and shouting things he can't really hear over the general public's applause of the home team's victory. and everything is happening; his coach is slapping his back, his teammate is dragging him somewhere, someone's handing him water, people are screaming his name, yelling about his winning shot, and all he hears is his breathing, and all he sees is you, standing with your hands clasped and lips pressed together in a smile. all he sees is you, so you're the first person he runs to.
since you're in the first stand to the bottom, it's easy for him to clear the guard rail and get to your side. someone in the background shouts his name. he doesn't care. the people who were previously next to you are shoved aside— he doesn't care at all. he's right there with you.
"you came," his breath comes raspy, dry. "you came to see me."
you shrug nervously, "i guess i did."
so he kisses you. ajax is 19 when he falls in love, for the first and last time. ajax is 19 when he kisses you, and he's young, and he's stupid, and he will never regret this, not ever, not when you kiss him back almost instantly, pulling him close by his jersey. it feels so right, it feels too real to be true. he's got to be dreaming. any second now, he expects his daft old professor's voice to scold him for falling asleep during a lecture. but the voice never comes, and you really do taste like lemons and spice, and he hears phone cameras clicking and cheering grow tenfold and he doesn't care because he gets to kiss you.
at some point, you break away. your face is red-hot and he can feel the warm blood flooding your cheeks with how close your faces remain. he ikes it when your lips are swollen because of his. he likes it when your eyes are fixed on him. he likes you. he thinks he was doomed to like you from the start.
when the background finally fades back in, he sees his teammates cheering and ooh-ing like stupid junior high boys. you seem a little disoriented, so he laughs and pulls you away from the stands, helping you climb down the safety rail with a hand in yours and another on the small of your back.
ajax hates his sociology class. he hates the lectures, his professor, the subject— but something good came of it. because he really loves you. with your cardamom tongue and smile lines, and the crease of your eyebrows when you're annoyed, and all of it, and more. he loves you the most. more than anything.
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flowers chosen: small sunflower & pink camellia . . adoration & longing for you
❊ send a request! ❊ 5k masterlist ❊ event info ❊
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sunflowersteves · 11 months
Could you write about Carmen getting your name tatted on his chest ? 🫶
yes I can, babes 😌
warnings || tattoos, absolutely pure fluff, making out, mentions of anxiety, not edited
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Carmen let out a deep breath, nerves prickling his skin, as he started to open the door of your apartment. His fingers from his other hand nervously tapped against the side of his thigh, all due to the anxiety that settled into his bones.
What if you hated it? What if you found it disgusting? Would you hate him?
The endless questions and unknown reactions flooded his head. It started to make him dizzy as he padded off into the living room.
“Baby?” He called out. His voice had a edge to it that made him want to cringe.
“In here, lovebug.” Instantly, he could feel his shoulders relax. The soft, caressing sound of your voice had silenced almost all of those trepidatious thoughts. Almost.
He barely moved an inch from where he stood. He knew your voice echoed from the bedroom, but his body refused to move. As always, his flight or fight response wanted to hone in on flight.
He took another deep breath. “Carmy?” You say. It was so soft and sweet that it melted his insides. Concern was evident by his lack of appearance and response.
This is so stupid. He was so stupid.
His mouth clamped shut. It was as if his body couldn’t quite catch up to his brain—which was racing a mile per minute. His finger continued to tap the side of his thigh.
You found yourself walking out into the living room, eyebrows furrowed. “Carmy baby, what’s the matter?”
You gently caress his jaw and it takes everything inside of him not to reach out. He wants to sit lovingly on the couch with your body on top of his, all while you watch some show.
More than half of the time he’s not even paying attention. His mind is either concocting a new recipe or thinking about how good your weight feels on top of him. His thoughts are all food or you.
“I have s-something to show you.” He curses inwardly at the stuttering of his voice. He hated how nervous he was for this.
It’s just you. Miraculously and amazing you.
Your eyebrows are furrowed once more, but your soft touch never wavers. He forces himself to take a big breath, eyes avoiding your stare.
He slowly takes off his white t-shirt. His hands shake as he pulls it over his head. His gold chain thumps against his chest and your eyes lowered. Then they lower again.
You let out a gasp. It was loud and shocking as it echoed against the apartment walls. “Oh, Carmy.” You whisper.
He sucks in a breath—anxiety toppling over as he spills his feelings. “W-well, uh, I know I said I was getting that arm piece. Like-like we talked about, you know? But then I-I started thinking and all I ever really wanted was you. So-so, yeah.” His hand was furiously pushing through his curls through the entire speech.
Your eyes are just glued to his chest. He gulps, hating the complete silence. However, you were just in awe.
Right on the center of where his heart is supposed to be was your initials in black ink. Your initials. The tattoo outlined in red from the irritated skin.
“Do you like it?” He says. He thought it was going to seem confident but the waver of his vocal cords say otherwise.
You finally look up into his eyes. You could’ve sworn you could stare at it for years. You open your mouth to reply but nothing comes out. Your heart pounds against your ears—his too. Having to wait for your response was torturous.
Instead of words, your body flings itself onto his. Your mouth slides over his and molds together as one. Your hands find themselves into his hair and pull. It was as if there was some switch that went off in your head. All you wanted, needed, and cared for right now was Carmen.
He pours out a moan when his tongue pushes between your lips and collides with yours. He could taste the leftover peppermint soufflé that you had after lunch. God, you tasted like fucking heaven.
You pull away before getting ahead of yourself. Carmen needed to go back to the restaurant for the night rush, but you wanted to pounce on him right then and there—give him kisses for a life time.
He laughs, which causing a chuckle to bubble from your own chest too.
“I fucking love it, Carmy.” You huff out. You were quite breathless from the kiss.
His eyes sparkle as his hands squeeze your waist. “Yeah?”
You nod, eyes looking glossed over. You were drunk on him—on Carmy.
“Yeah, lovebug. I might have to get one for myself. A C.B. just for you.”
He finally smiles, bright and toothy. His heart beats faster than ever, but now, it’s for a different reason.
“Sounds perfect, baby. Just perfect.”
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shrenvents · 8 months
My Bounty.
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Warnings: Smut. Vaginal, unprotected sex, force play. Minors dni
Pairing: Clone Wars (single) Anakin Skywalker x Bounty Hunter reader
Summary: Anakin Skywalker goes above and beyond to make your life difficult, taking whatever he wants without explanation. So when reader confronts him, things don’t go exactly as planned.
Word count: 1.7k
The meddling nature of the Jedi was nothing compared to the nature of Anakin Skywalker. His darkness seeps its way into everything. His dark robe, gloves, boots, curls, eyes. He was the darkness enveloping me in a dizzying spiral of hate and desire. And he did it again. He stole my bounty just so he could give me that dark look.
His gaze observes the way my fists clench and how I chew my bottom lip. A wicked smirk dances on his face as clones praise and pat him on the back. He knew exactly what he was doing, watching me with an intensity, that had me shaking.
Finally, Anakin’s eyes move away from my figure, beckoned by his Master. He stalks towards Obi-Wan Kenobi and his mocking facade breaks instantly. I nearly scream at the sight. What was he hoping to achieve? Stealing my potential profits is certainly an interesting pastime, not one you would expect from “the chosen one.”
I huff out my frustration, deflating my tense shoulders. With his back now turned, I relax. Pivoting on my heel, I hurry away from the scene. On to the next hunt, before Skywalker gets the chance to take it from me.
Frankly, I have no clue how it started, his fixation with making me miserable. I almost feel paranoid, as if I’m making up the whole debacle. But from the way he looks at me, unspeaking, I know this truly is my reality. Anakin Skywalker hates me.
Now glaring at my reflection within the confines of my room, my restraint runs thin. I’m not gonna do it. I’m not gonna do it. I’m not gonna do it. I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna confront him because that sort of thing always goes well.
I head out towards the Jedi temple where Skywalker is most likely training his Padawan. While marching over, I contemplate the arguments I will bring up when face-to-face with him. How I will look into those comet-like eyes and not get distracted by his plump lips.
Moral of the story, I’m going to put an end to this one-sided game we play.
Once my vision connects with his broad back, his name escapes me without hesitation, “Anakin.” Saying it takes me by surprise, seeing as though I’ve never said it before. But clearly, it shocks him more, as when he turns around, his eyes are vaguely wider than I’ve ever seen them. “Y/n,” he says back flatly, face becoming neutral. Now I’m really taken aback by the way my name rolls off his tongue. Quickly, I collect myself and remember my well-thought-out points.
“What are you doing?” And out the window they go.
Anakin quirks his head quizzically. His silent reply to my rather stupid question ticks me off further. I’m practically vibrating with rage. “That was my mark you stole today Skywalker, you realize that?”
As if he’s finally understood my inarticulate speech, his lips part dumbly in “awe.” There he goes pushing my buttons, silently watching me unravel. “You think I wouldn’t notice?“ My face flushes red as I elaborate. “All the crooks you’ve miraculously caught are always the bounty that I’m after.”
There's a beat of silence where he inspects the way my chest heaves in exasperation. Then he speaks. “About time you did.” He states matter-of-factly. My jaw drops. “Excuse me? What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means I’ve been waiting for you to notice,” he remarks with a bored look.
“Notice what?” I spit out, scowling at him.
“Me,” he finishes plainly. Silence engulfs us again and I take note of how close we’ve become. “Why would you want that?” I question, utterly perplexed.
“What do you mean?” Anakin’s brows furrow.
“I mean you’ve never spoken to me before.”
“Neither have you.” He counters. My fists tremble.
“Why then? Why do you need me to notice you?” I demand.
“What other reason can there be?” He grumbles while giving me a once-over, and then something clicks. My face falls.
“Those looks you give me-”
“Say just how much I want you, more than words ever could.” He ends my sentence, his face remaining stoic. My heart hammers wildly. I suspect he’s now waiting for me to make a move, to say anything, maybe even reject him. Instead, I hastily circle my head around, surveilling for bystanders before frantically grasping at his robe and pushing him into a nearby room. His facade flatters once again and I see puzzlement consume his face.
After I awkwardly turn the door knob and take us into the empty room, I shove him away. Anakin staggers back, looking completely disoriented, almost regretful. “Y/n?” He trails off. My anger is radiating off my body, and I know he can feel it.
“You should’ve said something,” I assert, seething.
“I’m-“ Anakin is abruptly cut off by my lips smashing against his. With my arms reaching around his neck, I can feel his body freeze. After a short moment, I start to peel away, dejected by his stillness. But Anakin instantly chases after me, no longer shying away.
He gropes my waist, and one arm pulls around it, while the other slides up my spine to rest between my shoulder blades. A moan evades my throat and is met with a deep groan.
His palms carve out my figure and fist at my clothes. Whines rush out my mouth as his tongue mingles with mine. He vigorously makes work of me, and I have to pull away. Though his lips instinctively follow me, I’m out of reach, so he settles for my neck. Sucking fervently, one may fear the spots he’s making, but in this moment, truthfully, I couldn't care less.
“Ani,” I whimper, and he growls against my nape in response. “Fuck, I need you,” I whisper. I feel his movements lurch and he mumbles something, but I can't seem to hear it over my haggard breathing.
He tears himself away from my neck, still keeping my body pressed against his. He then shifts his gaze around the room. “There’s no furniture here, I’ll just have to fuck you standing.” An audible gasp flees my mouth as Anakin slings my body around his torso, legs straddling his hips. His hands clench around my thighs as he hoists me up, securing me in place.
Fortunately, the short gown I threw on this morning made it easy for Anakin's crotch to caress my core through his pants. I push down on him and he groans at our proximity. "I was wondering when you would snap," Anakin mutters into my ear as his grip tightens. I whimper. "Screw you."
"Be patient. You will." He soothes. Digging my front teeth into my bottom lip, I drop my forehead to his shoulder as our lower halves grind against one another.
The sounds of our moans crowd the room and I can't take it anymore. "Kriff patience, I'm done waiting, General," I command in the most sensual voice I can muster. Evidently, my attempt to provoke him works because one of his hands leaves my thigh and clutches my hair in a fist, tugging my head back so his lips can crash into mine again. His other hand shifts down to his slacks. His breath hitches when he releases his cock, and so does mine when it springs up to my clothed clit. "Oh maker," I just about scream, head falling back.
His hands make quick work moving my underwear aside, and his member brushes against my folds. I shudder and screw my eyelids shut. I feel Anakin's gaze fixate on me. "Look at me." Hearing his order, I immediately obey.
Eyes fluttering open, I look into his lust-filled ones. Getting flustered by their heat, I squirm. "Y/n." He hushes, breath blowing across my face. Glancing at his features briefly, I nod, communicating what we both desperately need.
We both hold our breaths as he brings me down on his length in a slow glide. His cock pierces my entrance, and I clamp down on my incoming yelp. He was big. I hear him distractedly repeat my name, face buried in my collar. My eyes look to the ceiling in prayer.
His movements dissipate midway, and I feel his stomach clench. "You take me so well." He mumbles almost to himself. All I can do is bob my head in response. In this short pause, the pain disperses and all I feel is him - pleasure, darkness. His arms snake around my waist while mine harden around his nape.
Suddenly, he plunges into me, filling me up completely. My cry echoes throughout the room and I instantly sink my teeth into the cartilage of his ear. The growl that leaves him is next to primal. His rhythmic pounding begins to pick up speed, and I can barely keep up with each stroke. "Kiss me," he stammers out. Reeling back, I lock eyes with him before diving my tongue into his mouth.
His hips snap into my own, over and over. His stomach clenches once more and he pants into my mouth, "I'm close." Though I feel incredible, I'm not quite close to my limit, and he senses it.
One of his palms unravels from my body, steadily hovering over my center. Thinking he's going to touch me, I arch my back away from his embrace to allow space for his digits to meet my slit. But, as I wait, an unexpected pressure attacks my core. I gasp away from his lips and I peer down, leaning my forehead on his.
His hand isn't physically touching me, yet I feel as though I'm close to climaxing. Bewildered, I shoot my eyes from his floating hand to his lewd expression. His grin is strangely smug as he watches me. Then it registers: he's using the force to make me cum. Completely stunned, I simply bore my eyes into him, mouth agape.
Our orgasms come at once and wash over us at his charge. He puffs out a loud sigh of relief and continues to hold me, pumping slower than before, til the action ceases.
"Maker," I huff, "Next time, just use your words, and I'm yours." A smile forms on his face. He sheepishly nods, "Next time."
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amourtoken · 21 days
some Noah thoughts for you on this lovely Monday morning
this has no structure so don't hate me lol literally just emptying my brain
*NSFW below the cut, MDNI*
cw: spit, oral, dom/sub themes, anal, dirty talk, raw sex (again don't do this irl), breeding, cum play, belly bulge, choking, mentions of recording, sex toys, ect.
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♡ God he's fucking gross and I love him
♡ he's an insatiable mess 99% of the time and could tell you he loves you more than life itself and intends to spend every single day he has left in his life with you cause no one else fills his heart like you in one breath, then tell you he's going to fuck a baby into you and fill you up so good you can't sit for days in the next. He's a completely different creature in bed than he is just being your softie lil boyfriend, it's like he has a seperate personality meant for fucking you.
♡ this man refuses to shut the fuck up ever. Chatterbox in bed, constant yapper. Allow me to give some examples of the things he says whilst balls deep inside of you:
"Who's fuckin' pussy is this? Yeah- that's fuckin' right. All mine. Say it."
"Fucking take it- fuck- take this dick baby-"
"Feels good? Hm? Use your words baby I wanna hear how good this dick makes you feel."
"Awe you close? You can fuckin' hold it. You can't cum till I say so baby"
"You take this cock so good it's like you were made for it, fuck"
"Gonna fill this pussy up so fuckin' good, want me to put a baby in you? Yeah? Beg for it."
"Love how dumb my dick makes you."
"Shhh, you can handle another one. Gonna cum as many times as I make you."
"That's fuckin' right baby, pray for me, I'm your fuckin' God."
"I'll make it fit."
"Aw, you look so fuckin' pretty when you cry, this dick feel that good?"
♡ loves to fuck you from behind while holding you up in a headlock. He loves how strong he is and especially when he gets to show it off, knows you love his arms and will exploit that kink of yours as often as possible. He's also a big fan of choking, those big tattooed hands wrapped around your throat until you're dizzy and pliant for him.
♡ speaking of hands, he can't keep his fingers out of your mouth. He lovessss having you sit between his legs and suck his fingers while he uses his free hand to stroke his cock. Tries to see how far down your throat he can get them before you gag, praises you immensely for how good you take him. You get so messy during this, but it just aids as extra lube in the future and is an easy warmup for you before he ends up fucking into your mouth.
♡ loves rubbing the tip on your lips and smacking it on your tongue before fucking your throat, and on occasion when he wants to get extra messy, will cum all over your pretty face just to rub it in with his cock. He's gross, but it's cause he loves you and can't get enough. If he cums in your mouth, makes you open and stick your tongue out to prove you swallowed everything (also might have multiple pics of you with his cum covering your tongue but yk that's his secret.)
♡ he's big in every way. Big hands, tall asf, big cock. That being said, when he's fucking you, you can see the outline of his dick through your lower stomach and he's relishes in it. It drives him up the fucking wall. He'll press his hand on your belly just to feel himself rut against his hand through you and he'll cum harder than ever. Also loves stretching you out pre-fuck with his big fingers. Loves how he can feel you tighten up around them before he makes you cum all over them. He could spend literal hours between your legs if you'd let him and has before.
♡ munch. I said it and it's the truth. The man is obsessed with pussy.
♡ loves a good 69, especially in which you're laying back with your head off the bed and he's standing above you at the edge. He'll wrap his hand around your throat while he's got his cock stuffed down it just to feel himself fucking into you. He's enamored, let him play with you.
♡ fucks you to the point of tears frequently and God forbid you have neighbors, they'd be terrified he was murdering you from the way you sound. Screaming, crying, pleading, moans and whimpers, this man fucks you like he hates you but he loves you with his whole heart.
♡ back on that nasty shit, will absolutely spit in your mouth and rub it into your tongue with his fingers. Especially enjoys doing this pre-blowjob and claims it's "extra lube" but rlly just likes doing it. You'll literally do anything he says so he takes advantage of that (consensually ofc, you guys have a color system and safe words just incase)
♡ he's an ass man, ass and thighs for sure. Loves watching your ass bounce against his hips when he's fucking you in doggy and is no stranger to anal either. It took a while to work up to being comfortable with it but he's incredibly patient and would never force you into it. This led to a pretty big collection of pretty plugs and beads for you, before you were actually ready to take his cock. When you are ready, he cums so fucking fast.
♡ yes he's a gross nympho but as I said in the beginning, when you're not fucking, he's the perfect sweetheart bf. This applies to after you fuck. He's the king of aftercare. Will break the scene after you've caught your breath to press light kisses all over you and check in. He'll help you clean up and get you water or snacks if you need then cuddle you in bed till you pass out. He's so in love with you it causes him genuine pain sometimes.
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somber-sapphic · 5 months
Cooking With A Cold
〖500 Follower Prompt: “Oh sweetheart, you’re worse than I thought” + “Sorry, I can’t stop sneezing” + 🏥〗
〖Summary: You hurt yourself while trying to cook a romantic meal for your girlfriend.〗
〖Word Count: 1.5k〗
〖Pairing: Natasha x Sick Reader〗
〖A/N: Hello! So, some of you may know there was a bit of a "situation" last week which threw me off a bit and I decide to postpone posting this. I know, it's been months, but I really needed to recompose and regroup which changed my plan. Sorry, I know this is a bit long but I hope you enjoy!〗
☾Masterlists☽ ☾500 Masterlist☽
Natasha had just gotten home from a long mission and when she had come into the kitchen you’d screeched at her to get out, not wanting to ruin the surprise. She’d left laughing and was currently sitting on the couch in preparation for what she didn't expect to be an incredibly fancy dinner. She knew that you hated to cook and assumed you’d just thrown a few frozen things in the oven and mac and cheese or something on the stove. 
Instead, you had taken it upon yourself to make her favorite dinner and a dessert to go with. Over the two weeks that she had been gone, you’d been watching cooking videos and practicing in your spare time. There was a lot of spare time. You had decided to make her a medium-rare steak with baked asparagus and sauteed mushrooms. Following that there was a cheesecake in the fridge that had come out much better than you’d expected.
When planning this fancy meal that you very much didn't know how to cook, you had been so excited. You were thrilled to get to spend real time with your girlfriend and you wanted her to tell you everything about the ocean and beach and blue skies. It hadn't been a particularly dangerous mission, and you were sure that she’d be happy to tell you all of the more fun details. 
So of course, your body had decided to throw something at you. Maybe it was the long nights spent awake wishing you weren't alone in your bed, maybe it was the fact that one of the Avengers (Clint) seemed intent on spending time with you even though he was clearly sick (it was probably the second one), but the cause didn't matter because you were sick. Sick sick. 
You didn't have a little sniffle that you could push through with a dose of cold medicine and a few tissues, you had a full-on everything hurts, whole body feels hot and cold, stuffy and runny nose, dizziness, chest cough that won't let up kind of cold. Or maybe the flu. You weren't sure, but that didn't particularly matter to you either. For now, all that mattered was you staying upright for long enough to finish this meal. 
Between breaks of sitting on the floor and about one million tissues, you’d managed to get down to the last stretches. The steak was done, and ready to be cut. The mushrooms were sitting on the stove covered by a pot lid to keep them warm. All that was left was the asparagus sitting in the oven and the timer for those had just gone off. 
You pulled yourself to your feet and stumbled slightly, the world shifting quickly around you as your center of gravity changed. It was all you could do not to grab the hot stovetop and stumble into the counter instead, hoping that you hadn't made too much noise. You may have felt awful, but you didn't need Natasha to know that. 
With your brain on autopilot, you stuck your hands into the oven and grabbed the metal pan with a bare hand. You were so out of it and ready to be finished cooking dinner that you hadn't realized you had forgotten the oven mitt until you felt white-hot pain shoot through your hand. 
You pulled back with a strangled gasp, catching the back of your hand on one of the oven racks as you did. Tears of pain clouded your vision momentarily and you clutched your hand to your chest, unsure what to do. The gasp led to a fit of coughing that left you doubled over and panicking. If you just kept standing there your dinner would burn, but you were pretty sure that your hand was useless. And the room was still spinning.
Now you’d have to get Natasha and she would be upset because not only had you ruined dinner, but she’d also need to take care of you. You stood there frozen, and to your utter horror, you began to cry. The frustration of it all was too much. All you’d wanted to do was make a nice hot dinner for your incredibly busy girlfriend and now you needed her help. 
“Hey Nat?” You called out in a watery voice, congestion seeping into your worlds. You sniffled and brought your tightly clenched hand up to wipe your nose on your sleeve, doing your best not to disturb the burn. A tiny part of your brain was telling you that you should probably be running it under cool water or at least stick it in the fridge, but it hadn't quite caught up to the part that was shutting down the pain. 
Natasha, bounced into the room, her smile lighting up her eyes falling as she saw the twisted expression on your face and the protective way you were holding your hand. You could feel your lower lip quivering and your nose might have been running again but you weren't sure, you were just humiliated. To be safe, you swiped your hand against your fist and sniffled. 
“Oh dorogory, what happened?” She asked, rushing over to wrap her arms around you. You laid your head against her shoulder and let out a whimper, wishing that you didn't have to admit to your failure out loud. This was all so humiliating. 
She pulled back for a moment and cupped your cheek, lips pursed, and eyebrows furrowed. She glanced back at the half-open oven, then at your hand, then back into your eyes and you watched her face go from pure terror for your safety to understanding concern. 
“Show me please?” Nat murmured, not wanting to force your hand open and risk hurting you more. You started to nod, but quickly wrenched away to sneeze into your elbow. One sneeze turned into four which turned into a bout of raspy coughing which made you glad you’d managed to turn in time. You didn't want to get her sick too. 
You extended your hand at the end of the fit, revealing the blistering burn across your palm. 
“Oh, Y/n, I could tell you were sick, but sweetheart, you’re worse than I thought!” She exclaimed, studying your burn intensely as she flicked her eyes up to your mess of a face. You wrinkled your nose and sniffled again, blinking rapidly at her. Black dots had appeared in the corners of your vision in these last few seconds, and you were beginning to wonder how much longer you’d be able to stand up. 
“Shit, okay. Let's get you sitting.” You didn't have to say a word, Natasha was right there wrapping her arm around your waist and leading you to the living room. She even managed to turn the oven off as she practically carried you out and set you down on the sofa. 
You leaned against the arm of the couch and rested your head on the cushion, another low rumbling cough echoing through your chest. It hurt to breathe, and you could hear a slight wheeze that might be more audible to those with less clogged ears. 
“Okay. This hand really doesn't look great baby and I don't like the sound of your breathing. You’re going to hate this, but there’s an Urgent Care a few minutes away and I think we need to go. They might be able to get you something for the pain and something to open up those lungs, okay?” She didn't bother to sugarcoat (much) and her tone made it clear that she wasn't asking. Whether you wanted to or not, you had earned yourself a trip to Urgent Care. 
Instead of answering you sneezed again, barely able to direct the sneezes to your lap rather than in her direction. You knew it was gross, but you couldn't seem to make your limbs cooperate the way you wanted them to. Lifting a pinky felt like lifting a thousand tons. 
“M’sorry. I can’t stop sneezing.” You mumbled, hoping those words were enough to convey just how sorry you were, not just for the sneezing but for everything. Natasha kissed the top of your head and pressed a tissue to your nose, guiding your uninjured hand to hold it there. 
“No apologies my love, just sit tight. I’ll get your shoes and your favorite blanket then we’ll head out, okay?” She soothed, running your fingers through your hair as she talked.
Her voice was the sound of summer rain on a warm night, slow rolling waves on a white sand beach, and birds chirping in a lush green forest. It was every comforting thing anyone could think of plus ten more. She was all that. She never failed to make you feel safe, loved, accepted, and, most importantly, worthy of feeling all of those good things. 
You nodded wearily and let yourself melt against the couch as she moved around you, turning off lights and gathering whatever she thought that you would need. You were dreading whatever might happen at Urgent Care, but if she was there you knew that it would be okay. She’d make sure that it was all okay. And when you felt better, you’d make her that damn dinner. 
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cheriladycl01 · 1 month
My love, is mine all mine - Max Verstappen x Norris! Reader x Charles Leclerc Part 5
Plot: Norris' Twin sister is also a driver in the 2021 line up and is in her rookie era. Not only do the commentators struggle to now talk about the pair in the race, but they also struggle to talk about talent. What happens when two drivers find her eye-catching.
A/N: I've brought Luisia into things because of the timeline and it being 2021. Don't hate on her, or the fact that i've brought her into my writing please!
Credit to countingstars-17 for the GIF
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Charles stayed on the yacht with you all for a few days. He ended up sharing a room with you in the two single beds.
You spoke all night… every night and for the most part it was pretty platonic. But there was some wavering moments where he was looking at you for extended period of time. Or you’d accidentally looked from his eyes to his lips and back to his eyes and he’d shifted in the bed.
But nothing more than that, you’d gone around Monaco sightseeing and shopping and Lando finally told everyone he had a girlfriend. Which was a massive shock to the media.
You guys continued your holiday. Charles left, about two weeks before you and Lando. You had spa days with Luisa and then you would all go to the club at night.
But there was one night, one to the end where Max and Pietra had come from London and you were kind of the odd one out. The only one on their own.
So you danced with as many random people as you could. Some random guys who were probably twice your age, some respectable young Monacan bachelors and even just big groups of girls who were all there for fun.
You were happily at the bar having a really loud conversation with the waiter about your life and everything that had been happening in the last few months.
He seemed genuinely really interested but that could have been all the alcohol you’d drank.
“So then … Max you know Max right?” You say with wide eyes to the waiter.
“Yeah… I think I’m familiar with Max Verstappen” he chuckles loving the doe and excited expression on your face.
“Yeah so he comforted me when Charles, you know Charles too right?”
“Yeah I’m also familiar with Charles Leclerc” he chuckles pouring you another drink, one that you’d been having all night.
“Yeah so he was comforting me after he kissed me, and I was really confused. And I thought he was being so sweet and I - THEN, he was with my best friend!” You say with a shocked expression on your face.
He fakes a shocked look as he slides you your drink.
“No way! That’s just not on!” He plays along with you.
“Right? and I don’t even know what to do now” you whine and the waiter just laughs before wishing you well and moving on to someone else.
You sit there and drink until you feel a hand on your shoulder and you look round in shock.
“Max?” you ask seeing the Dutch man.
“Hey Y/N” he says a hand still resting on your waist.
“Wh- what are you doing here?” You ask, looking at him before your eyes panic dart around the room trying to find anyone to help you.
No-one was around. They weren’t in the booth they’d been in and they weren’t on the dance floor. You gulp the alcohol now getting to your head and making you feel dizzy.
You felt awful …
“I live in Monaco Y/N” he laughs as if the two of you are okay, like nothings happened.
And you hated it.
“I have to go… I’m here with people” you voice getting down of the chair stumbling a little as you do making him catch you in his arms.
“I’ll help you, can’t let you go alone somewhere in this state” he admits, and yes it was probaly just him being honest and wanting to help you but it almost felt like a diss to you…
“I’m fine, I’m just going to go find my brother” you say pushing his hands off you!
You walk away walking through the crowd, not knowing Max is following closely behind you. You walk through the club, pushing past the sweaty body’s trying to find anyone that was in your group.
Your eyes darted round looking for Lando, Max, Pietra or Luisa. But none of them were here. They’d vacated the club. You walk out and find the bouncer.
“Erm hi” you say tugging on the shirt he was wearing. He looks down at you. He was a big man. Way taller than you and way bulkier than you.
“You okay?” He asked, he knew who you were. Not because you came to the club often but because you are Y/N Norris and your are kind of hard to miss.
“I was just wondering if you’d maybe seen my brother and his friends out here?” You asked, hoping they’d just come out for some fresh air or maybe one of them, hopefully not Lando had picked up smoking.
“Yeah they left around 45 minutes ago. You need me to call you a cab?” he asks and you nod. Max again was watching on, the bouncer noticed, worried it was a random at first. But once he noticed it was Max just making sure you were okay, there was a silent not between them.
“You’d do that for me?” You look up at him with tears in his eyes.
“Yeah come on hand me your phone” he says and he plugs in the last coordinates that were there which happened for be the marina.
“You on a boat?” He asks and you nod.
“Okay. It should be here soon” he says hanging back your phone.
You were angry and upset that the group had just upt and left you. And no matter how much you’d had to drink it was something you’d be remembering in the morning and you of course were going to be petty as fuck.
And as for Max, you didn’t realise he was watching you, but he was just concerned for you.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @daemyratwst @lauralarsen @the-untamed-soul l @thewulf @itsjustkhaos @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @summissss @gulphulp @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @youcannotcancelquidditch @tallbrownhairsarcastic @ourteenagetragedy @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @dark-night-sky-99 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @laneyspaulding19 @malynn @viennakarma @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @seomako @urdad-hot @tinydeskwriter @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount @styl1shl1v
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footiehoefics · 7 months
Another one?
Hi! The dad Mase fic won (ofc) so here it is! I promised i would post a fic before I left for trip so I doubt I will be able to post another one on the weekend but I will leave you with this one! :) I hope you enjoy it! TW:non, Angst/Fluff, 3.7k words. My last fic is here! and my masterlist here!
gif: @doinggreat
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“I feel like Miles has grown so much since I last saw him” you heard Lauren say to you while she had your baby boy on her lap.
“I know, it’s been so long since we’ve seen you guys.” you told her, sad that it had been way too long for liking not seeing Lauren, Declan and their son Jude. “Jude also looks like a big boy now I can’t believe it.” Lauren smiled at you, placing Miles back on your lap. 
It had been a nice evening, you had made the drive down to London for 2 days to pick up some stuff from your old house. You wanted to stay a couple days to catch up with Lauren, Dec and some other friends as well. You felt like you hadn’t socialized with anyone ever since you moved to Manchester 3 months ago. 
You had been busy taking care of Miles, making sure you had everything you would need in the new house, unpacking everything and buying a bunch of stuff. Of course Mason had helped you, but when he was at training it was all you. You didn’t complain though. This was the life you had always wanted. Being a mother and having the love of your life as your husband. 
It wasn’t the best start for Mason and the team but he had you and he had Miles to comfort him. 
Miles was 2 years old and he was the best thing that has ever happened to both of you. In all honesty, he was not planned. You remember vividly how you found out you were pregnant. You were scared about having a child, about the whole pregnancy and especially about what Mason would say. Both of you were not married at the time so having children together was not something you saw in the near future. However, when you finally told him, Mason assured you he fully wanted this with you and no one else. 
He was so excited about being a dad. He would read books about fatherhood, he would talk to your bump every single night, before every game and after every game no matter if it was a bad game or a good game.  
It melted your heart, seeing him put so much effort and taking this very seriously, not just winging it. Besides the excitement and all the research he did, he also took amazing care of you. 
The pregnancy was hell, to put it lightly. The first couple of months felt almost the same as normal. The only thing you felt sometimes was fatigue and you felt like you got tired very easily.
 When your bump started showing more and you were further along, that’s when things started getting rough. Puking every morning, sometimes at the crack of dawn. Mason would have to hop in the shower with you because of the dizzy you got. Your emotions were all over the place. Swollen feet. Backache. You felt like every side effect you had read about, you had it. 
Mason hated seeing you unhappy some days because of your pregnancy. It was supposed to be one of the most beautiful experiences in your life and it was the complete opposite. Every day you could not wait to pop that baby out and he knew that. 
When he had away games, that is when he felt helpless and felt awful for leaving you. You also hated it. You missed him but you also needed him. What if you got so dizzy you fainted in the shower? What if you can’t put your shoes on because the huge belly was on the way? What if you couldn’t roll over the bed to go throw up or pee at night? 
There were a lot of things he helped you with and when he was away it scared you. Luckily his mom would visit him frequently and help a lot. You were lucky your friends also didn’t live far away, you could count on them if you need to. 
“Is this handsome boy getting a sibling any time soon?” Lauren cooed at Miles and smirked at you. 
“Jesus” you laughed at her comment. 
Having another baby was definitely not on your list after your pregnancy. The thought of going through nine months of hell again, scared the shit out of you. Especially now with a 2 year old. 
“Declan and I are already trying for the second one.” Lauren spoke up again, smiling. 
“Trying for what?” you heard your husband say, approaching you, Lauren and the babies in the living room. 
“Another baby of course.” Lauren said, looking at him. 
“Oh wow, you just openly say you and Declan are having sex all the time?” Mason responded, making you roll your eyes and laugh. 
“Oh my god, don’t be rude in front of the kids.” Lauren replied, laughing along with you. 
“Anyways enough about my sexual life with Dec when are you two having another cutie like this?” Lauren said, pinching Miles' cheek. 
“Wow why are we talking about our sex life?” Declan said right after Lauren. 
Lauren’s question made you uncomfortable. You had not talked about this with Mason. You knew he wanted more than one kid, and he knew you wanted more than one kid too. However, after being pregnant with Miles that changed a little, and you never mentioned it to your husband. 
“It’s not about sex, I’m asking when they are planning on giving Miles a little baby sister or brother.” Lauren replied, taking the tea Declan had just made her. 
“We need to start soon, I don’t want them to have a big age gape.” Mason said, as if it was the obvious answer. 
You were still silent, not wanting to say anything yet. This conversation had to be between you and Mason. 
“Yea, that’s why Lauren and I started trying a couple months ago.” Declain told you, laying back on the couch so he could get comfortable with his son. 
Mason placed his arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer to him. “We can start trying tonight…” he whispered in your ear so only you could hear his comment. You smiled a little, but not convincingly, and Mason caught that. 
“Babe, you know what I heard is not good to eat when you're pregnant? Papaya, I read it today.” Lauren said to you. “We don’t have to eat it when we get pregnant again.” You didn’t like how everyone was just assuming you were going to get pregnant again. If someone were to ask you right now, you would immediately reject it. 
“Well that’s if we have another baby…” you said whispering the last part. “You don’t want Miles to have a sibling?” Lauren asked.
“I mean, no…I um-” you got uncomfortable again. You didn't want this to turn into a discussion with Mason right and you could see from the corner of your eye he had a confused look on his face. “I just I’m not thinking about that right now you know?” you finally replied. Lauren noticed you got uncomfortable so she changed the subject. 
Mason removed his arm from your shoulders and headed to the kitchen to grab a drink. He was confused, he thought you always wanted more than one kid. Why would you change your mind now? The thought of you not wanting more kids was eating his mind up for the rest of the night. He was not as talkative and cheerful as he was 30 minutes ago. 
Once it got a bit late and Miles was on the verge of falling asleep, you decided to go back to the hotel you were staying. The drive wasn’t long but the entirety of it was silent. 
It was awkward between you both and there was tension. You didn’t know how to start that conversation but you knew you had to. You were also staying at a hotel, it wasn’t like you could just avoid each other. Miles had his little bed in the suite and then it was your space, that was it. If the conversation ended up being an argument, you could not just leave to the guest room and sleep there or cool off downstairs in the kitchen. 
You got back and noticed Miles was already asleep in his car seat. You carefully grabbed him out of the car and carried him to your room while Mason grabbed your purse and Miles’ bag. 
Once you got to your suite, you carefully placed Miles on his bed, making sure there were enough pillows around him and gave him a little kiss on his forehead. 
Still radio silence between you and your husband. You turned on the lamp beside your baby’s bed and headed towards the bathroom. You started by taking your clothes off, putting your pj’s on and then doing your skincare routine. Once you were applying your last product, you saw from the corner of your eye Mason entering the bathroom. You couldn’t read his face. 
He came up to you, hugging you from behind. You melted at his touch. You both hated being at odds with one another and giving each other the silent treatment. 
“Can we talk?” Mase whispered in your ear. You nodded your head and turned around to face him. 
“I’m sorry it was awkward today, I just didn’t know what to say…” you replied looking at him. 
“It’s not your fault babe…” he told you. “I’m just confused, I mean I thought having another baby was in the cards for us and that we were on the same page.” 
“Mason” you sighed, closing your eyes, dreading to tell him how you really felt about it. 
“Have you changed your mind?” he asked you, again confused. 
“I mean, I don’t know, maybe? Being pregnant was really hard, it wasn’t like what i thought it would be and what people told me it would be like. I don’t know if I want to go through that again.” you said, with a sad expression on your face. 
“Baby, pregnancy was never gonna be easy…and I will be there for you again, like I was with Miles.” 
You understood his point, but it bothered you that he didn't get yours.
“I know Mase but, it’s also just not the right time. We just moved to Manchester and Miles is getting bigger by the second. It was kind of easy to cope the first time because he was our first child. But what about now? I can’t just decide to nap in the middle of the day if I get dizzy, I have Miles.” you explained to him. 
“My mom can drive up for a couple of days each month-” he tried saying before you cut him off. 
“Mason, stop. We can’t have your mom driving every couple of days just to help me.” you said getting irritated he was not getting your point. 
He let go of your waist and stepped back a little, noticing your change in mood. 
“I'm trying to offer solutions Y/n.” he replied more sternly. “We had always said we wanted a big family, we promised each other that-” 
“Yea but people change their minds okay?!” you said, raising your voice a bit more.
Mason walked towards the bathroom door to shut it. He didn’t want your argument to wake up Miles. 
“We both grew up with siblings and we both know how much we needed them and how much fun it was, we really won’t give that life to Miles?” he asked you, with more frustration in his voice. 
He was right. Your siblings meant the world to you. You always dreamed of creating that little family and your kids having the same dynamic you had with your siblings. 
“Do you think I’m so selfish that I don’t want to give that life to him? Of course I want to, but I don’t know if I can go through that again, do you understand? You weren’t passing out in the shower, you weren’t getting crazy mood swings, you weren’t throwing up everyday, you didn’t feel tired all day, you weren’t carrying a 7lbs baby in your tummy.” you replied more annoyed. 
“Yea, but I was there in the shower with you, I was giving you back rubs and belly rubs, I was holding your hair up and getting you all the medicines you needed for your dizziness and nausea, I was making sure you were okay every single second of the day. Don’t you dare make this as if it was only you. I understand my body is not the one that changes, but I was part of it too. I was there helping you through everything and I want to do it again because you are my wife and the mother of my son and I love you more than anything.” he said, almost without taking a break to breathe. 
You never liked when he snapped at you, it was rare. You felt awful for now for making him feel like he wasn’t a part of it. He was the best help you could’ve asked for. The best daddy and partner. He made you feel like the sexiest woman ever when you were pregnant even though you felt like you were a whale. 
“I am trying here okay? We can go to the doctors and ask what to do so you don’t go through the same things next time, we can hire someone to help us around with Miles, Anouska and Luke are our neighbors they can help, there are so many ways we can go about this but you have this tunnel vision in your head that it will be the worst experience of your life. I want to make it easy for you, but you just won’t let me.” 
Mason hated raising his voice at you but he wanted you to understand how he could help this time and other people could too. 
It made you tear up a bit. You didn’t want to upset him. He opened the bathroom door to go back to the suite, leaving you with a lump on your throat and teary eyes. 
You dried the tears on your face and went back to the suite. All the lights were off except Miles' little lamp he had to have beside his bed because he was scared of the dark. 
Mason was already laying down on the bed not facing your side. You hated sleeping like this. Not being cuddled up to him. He was pissed and you respected it by giving him his space. 
Did you sleep well last night? Absolutely not. Miles woke up twice, and you felt nauseous the whole night. You didn’t know if it was that feeling of guilt or hurt from your argument with Mason or if it was actually nausea. 
When you opened your eyes, you could see the sun peeking through the curtains. Mason was still not facing you. 
You suddenly felt the urge to throw up. You got up from bed quickly and ran to the bathroom. Your footsteps woke up Mason, making him turn around and see you were not by his side anymore. 
He was confused, but then he heard you in the bathrooms and knew you were sick. 
He got up quickly and rushed to the bathroom to help you. He didn’t care about last night, you were his wife and he needed to help you and make sure you were okay. 
“You okay baby?” your husband asked you, kneeling down and holding up your hair.
“I’m fine, I don't know why I got nauseous.” you replied.
You flushed the toilet and stood up to brush your teeth. Mason still had a concerned look on his face and didn't leave the bathroom until he knew you were 100% okay.  
“I’m okay Mase, I promise.” you told him, turning around to look at him. 
Even though you were not on good terms, he leaned in and kissed your cheek. 
“I’ll shower so we can get going.” he said to you.
You opened up the curtains and woke your baby up to get him ready for the road trip ahead. 
The whole drive back to Manchester was not as awkward as yesterday, but there wasn’t much conversation between you and Mason. 
You used it to think about everything. You felt like you were overthinking but, after connecting the dots, feeling nauseous, throwing up in the morning, your period was supposed to come in today, you started thinking you might be pregnant. 
You and Mason weren’t exactly avoiding pregnancy. You weren’t on birth control and sometimes you didn’t use a condom. Of course there was a possibility of you being pregnant. 
“Can you pull over here please?” you asked your husband.
“You okay? Do you need to throw up?” he was concerned now. 
“No, no I just need to pee and I’ll get something for Miles.” 
Mason pulled over and you got out of the car, making sure you took your purse with you as well. 
You did need to pee but you wanted to also buy a pregnancy test. The thought and curiosity you had was eating you alive you just wanted to know. 
You bought what you needed, bought Miles a little snack and headed back to the car. 
You were already only 20 minutes away from your home so soon enough you would find out. 
You got back to your house safe and sound. Miles was awake by the time you got there so it was perfect timing. 
You got him out the car seat, brought him inside the house and placed him on his play set in the living room to keep him entertained while you and Mason unpacked everything else from his car. 
It was still very weird between you two. It felt weird not talking to him and joking around. 
Once everything was unpacked, he closed the door and followed you to the living room where your son was. 
“Can we stop doing this?” Mason said out loud, making your head turn to him. 
“Stop what…?” you asked back
“Not talking to each other? Ignoring each other?”
You paused for a minute, thinking of what to say to him. You felt his stare. 
“I think I’m pregnant…” you mumbled. 
“What?” Mason asked, he clearly did not hear you since you said it almost just to yourself. 
“I think I’m pregnant.” you replied, this time looking up at him. 
He knelt down to the ground so you were face to face. You were sitting on the couch with your hand on your lap. 
“Are you serious? Or is this just a joke?” he was confused.
“I’m serious, I really think I am” you said with a concerned look on your face. 
He was just looking at you, taking in what you said. What if after last night something changed for him as well? 
You started tearing up a bit. 
“That’s why I asked you to pull over, to buy this,” you told him, pulling out the pregnancy test out of your purse. “I didn’t know what you would think after last night.” tear spilling from your eyes. 
“Come here baby.” he grabbed your hand and placed them over his shoulders so he could hug you. 
You hugged him back tightly, tears still falling and gentle sobs coming out of your mouth. 
“I’m sorry Mase,” you sniffed and pulled back from the hug to look at him and apologize. “I’m sorry for making you feel like you weren’t a part of it, and I’m sorry for upsetting you.” he was looking at you with a sad face. He didn’t want you to feel like shit because of an argument. 
“I don’t want to disappoint you, I’m scared of having another baby. I promise you having our little family is the most important thing to me, I just felt overwhelmed, I don’t want it to go the way it did before.” 
He grabbed your face with his hands, wiping the tears with his fingers. 
“You will never disappoint me, my love.” he told you looking into your eyes.
“It’s okay to be scared babe, I’m scared too.” he said, chuckling a bit making you smile lightly. 
“If you are pregnant, we go through it together yea? We are a team and I will be here for anything that you need okay?” 
You nodded your head. He leaned in and kissed you. 
“I’m sorry too about yesterday, I don’t like arguing with you.” he told you once he broke the kiss. 
“I know.” you whispered and kissed him again. 
“You should take the test…” Mason suggested. You nodded your head and headed to the powder room near the living room. Mason stayed with Miles, watching over him and waiting anxiously for the result. 
You came out of the bathroom with the test covered. “Okay we have to wait 5 minutes.” you told him, sitting down again on the sofa. 
Mason sat down next to you, pulling towards him so you were cuddled up. 
It was 5 minutes of silence. The only thing you could hear was Mason’s heart beat and Miles playing with his toys. 
Your timer went off and you immediately got off Mason. 
You uncovered the test, “PREGNANT” it read. 
You smiled with tears in your eyes and turned around to look at Mason. By the look on your face he knew it was positive. 
He pulled you back and hugged you tighter than he ever had before.
“We are having another baby” he said to you. 
“Yes we are.” 
You were still hugging, both with tears on your faces. 
Once you pulled apart, you saw miles just staring at you both making you laugh. 
“Look mate,” he told him while holding up the pregnancy test “mommy’s pregnant.” 
“Baby?” Miles mumbled 
“Yes!” you chuckled. “Here in my belly” you told him, touching your belly. Miles wobbled towards you and touched your belly smiling. “Baby” he repeated, making your heart melt. 
You looked over at Mason. He was crying. He had his whole life infront of him. 
He leaned in and kissed you while Miles was hugging your belly. “I love you, more than anything” he said to you in between the kiss.
“I love you more.”
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sweetracha · 9 months
Can i request a smut and fluff of hyunjin where he fucks her for the first time? So he is her first. But his cock is really big so he asks her if she really wants to do this. After she said yes he started to fuck her, but after he went a few times in and out she is begging him to stop with tears in her eyes cause it hurts her so much. He stops and gives her kisses. As they saw that blood was on the condom she was trying to apologize cause she was embarrassed but he wasn't bothered and cleaned up everything. After that they cuddled a bit until she fell asleep with tears in her eyes on his chest. Are you feeling okay to write this? I would be happy if you do it, but if you don't feel comfortable then drop it.🩵
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Hello Honeybun!
Sorry, this request has been sitting for a while! I believe I understand the ask, so hopfully I did it justice.
Pleasure Doesn't Have to be Pain: Hwang Hyunjin
Sugar Content: Sugar Sweet (Fluff), Spicy Sweet (Smut)
Allergy Warning: Mentions of Blood, Painful Intercourse, Reader blaming herself.
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The setting was something out of a movie. Vanilla bean and cedar candles lined the ledges of the room. Soft lights twinkled through the sheer curtains. A small opening in the window lets the music of the city escape into your private haven. A safe place where you and your lover were tangled up in cold silk sheets that soothed your flushed skin. Hyunjin's fingers danced along your body like it was his own. Every touch was a part of his carefully executed choreography. Paris was the city of lovers. You wondered if it was named specifically for you two.
"My muse, look at you. Your skin is blushed. I don't think you understand how beautiful you look right now." Hyunjin spoke in a soft cadence as his lips trailed your neckline.
"Hyune, please." Your back arched off the bed as you begged for more of him.
"Shhh darling" large hands sunk your hips back to the sheets. "Let's not get carried away. It would be a shame to end the night so early." Your brain was dizzy from his kind yet condescending tone.
Slow hands removed what little clothing you had left. Your legs were spead for you and your ankles were held in place. Hyunjin just stared in awe for a moment. Before you could speak, he did.
"Such a tiny pussy. It amazes me every time." One long finger began to move up and down your slit, with no intention of pleasure, rather testing the water. He smirked at the gasp that left you when his pointer hooked your clit.
"Desperate thing. My desperate thing"
To follow his statement, Hyunjin claimed you by sliding in two fingers. He could already feel the stretch but the way you whined was telling enough. This was not new territory for you two this was quite common. Tonight however you finally wanted to feel him. You wanted to be fully intertwined with him. You wanted to be loved by him.
"More." A quiet request ghosted past your lips. Hyunjin looked up to see if it was you speaking. "More, need more"
A third finger started to poke at your entrance but was quickly stopped.
"No Hyunjin! That's not what I want!" You sounded like a brat but in reality, you were already overwhelmed by him.
"Words Darling, I need to know what you are talking about" He pushed deep inside you and began to stroke your favorite spot.
"You. I need your cock. Please"
Hyunjin was shocked by your statement. His fingers curled unexpectedly and slammed into your sweet spot. You cried out and shook on his hand while completing your high. When you opened your eyes, you saw a very dazed lover.
"Muse, I don't think this is a good idea." He hated that he could see tears welling in your eyes.
"Please! I can take it. I know you've been stretching me out each time. I'm ready." The poor boy was embarrassed that you knew his secret.
"Okay okay, shhhh. Pretty baby, we can try, okay? But you need to promise me you'll stop me if it hurts."
"I will-"
"No, I need words"
"I promise, Hyunjin"
A kiss to the lips and a silent thank you was the last exchange you two had before his covered tip was at your entrance. Just the head alone felt heavier and had more girth than what you were expecting. It slipped in with ease but Hyunjin haulted at your gasp. He searched your eyes for discomfort before moving a bit more. Behind the pain of the stretch laid a feeling of pleasure. You kept thinking to yourself, pleasure is pain. You had to endure to feel good. That's what you always heard.
Then he got halfway. A searing ache ran from your cunt to your lower stomach. You wanted to double over and cry, it was something you never felt before. Hyunjin instantly knew something was wrong, your body clamped around his cock, denying it any more access. To be honest it hurt him too but he was only focused on you.
"Oh Darling, shhhhh it's okay. No more. Just breathe." His hand cradled your tear-streaked face.
"No please, I can take it."
"No, you can't muse. It's okay. I'm not mad. No one is mad here, baby. Relax a bit for me, I'm going to pull out now." When Hyunjin retreated we saw a thin line of blood on the condom. He knew it wasn't anything bad but he didn't want to know what it would have become if he were to continue.
"The night" You were able to stumble out in despreate breathes.
"The night? Muse, what do you mean?" Hyunjin pulled you into his body and situated you sideways in his lap. He cradled you while rocking slowly. His hand brought your head to his bare chest while sweetly nosing your hair.
"It-" you began to hiccup as your breathing slowed. "It ended--early" A single tear fell from your eye and soaked into his skin.
"That is where you are wrong little muse." Hyunjin hummed as he spread your legs and gently began to wipe you clean.
"I get to spend the whole night taking care of you."
The Sweetest Batch: @goblinracha, @xx3rachaslutxx, @j-onedrabbles, @lixiesweetbrownie, @marrivmel,@lyramundana, @lixiestarryhallows, @raaaaaaahhhh
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yourlocalmerchgirl · 7 months
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Is it ok if I call you mine? Part One
Part 2 Part 3
Soft!Joel Miller x Neurodivergent/ anxious F!reader
Summary: When Joel sees you having a hard time outside of a concert he tries to make sure your alright when he scares you on accident he can’t stop thinking about if your actually ok or not until a couple weeks later he runs into you. Both of you let down your guard and form a unlikely bond
Soft! Joel miller x neurodivergent reader AU (outbreak never happens)
Warnings: soft Joel, concerned Joel, protective Joel, neurodivergent, audio overstimulation, anxiety, self inflicted angst. Best friend Tommy, falling in love. Acceptance, low self esteem.
A/N: I’m so nervous to start posting this story. This story is very near and dear to me and I’ve been pouring my heart into this story, I hope you all like going on this journey with me. This will be a multi part story.
There’s not a lot of descriptors about reader other than eye color but they can easily be changed.
You didn’t want to be this way- in fact you hated it at times if you’re honest with yourself. Sometimes you could see it coming. Other times, one minute you were fine the next your brain felt like it was drowning out at sea while your body looked for it in a flimsy life raft.
You just wanted to enjoy your night out with your best friend seeing your favorite band, you had felt really good today.
As you sat there waiting for the show to start the chatter of the group sitting behind you became more intense and you started zoning out, trying to focus on anything but as their chatter turned into them shouting back and forth over each other, it became to much. Everything sounding jumbled, you felt lightheaded as if your head was swimming, the overwhelming anxious feeling taking over your body.
“I-I ne-need get out of here and get some air” you shouted abruptly standing, grabbing your seat to steady yourself as the dizzys worsened.
“Do you need me to go with you?” Stacey asked concerned, she knew all to well how awful things could get for you sometimes.
“No…no I’ll be ok, I just need to breathe, need some air. I’ll text you if I need you”
Once outside you slid down, sitting on the sidewalk under the awning of the venue, the small round lights that lined the bottom of the awning offering just enough light in the night sky. You sat with your back against the building, your knees pulled up to your chest as you felt the cold fall air fill you lungs, easing the weight on your chest slightly. God the air felt good on your over heated face.
“Y’alright miss?” You hear an unfamiliar muffled voice. There’s other people around surly he’s talking to someone else.
“Miss y’alright?” You hear the soft husky drawl. You try to ignore it. Please be talking to someone else.
“Darlin’ y’alright” you hear with a light hand on your shoulder. Fuck. Your head snaps up, eyes wide as your gaze locks with a pair of big brown eyes. Flinching away from him you snarl “dude I’m fine”
“Sorry didn’t mean to startle ya, was just concerned.”
You don’t say anything back, you barely even acknowledge him.
“I-I’m Joel” He offers with a kind smile
“Look Joel I’m sure you’re nice and all but I clearly am having a rough go and don’t want to be bothered” you snapped back standing quickly and hurrying back inside the venue.
“Sorry Darlin” he softly called after you.
“What was that about?” Tommy asks Joel, only witnessing the tail end of what was happening.
Joel lets out a defeated sigh “There was this girl curled up sitting on the ground, clearly going through something, I asked her if she was a’lright. I think I scared her when I touched her shoulder, she got up angry and ran inside.”
Once inside you run into the bathroom rubbing cold water on your face, you feel a rush of instant guilt. You hated the way you came off to people sometimes, your tone coming off harsh and aggressive, often not matching how you were feeling. People would often tell you you needed to control your emotions or regulate your tone but you truly couldn’t control it, it’s just how you were. You weren’t good with people, you didn’t like small talk never really knowing how to engage in it, you often either shared to much to fast or you’d say nothing at all, mostly just observing people, just being in the background of most situations and that was when you were invited to gatherings which wasn’t very often.
“There was this guy outside tonight”
“He was trying to check on me, to make sure I was alright and I snapped at him, I was actually pretty rude to him”
“I feel so bad” you said with a deep sigh.
“Don’t let it bother you, I’m sure he didn’t think much of it” Stacey said trying to ease your mind.
“Joel…he said his name was Joel.”
“Shit…I-I think that’s the guy from the other night” you say looking up from your sandwich.
Stacey whips around “Who Joel? The guy from outside the show? Which one is he?”
“The one with the scruffy beard, and messy hair standing with the guy with the dark curly hair at the counter, I think he was there too.”
“He’s handsome, you didn’t tell me he was so handsome”
“Well I didn’t realize it either, I was to busy being a bitch to notice” you say nervous laughing.
“I’m sure he won’t remember me, but I still feel so guilty”
You have no idea yet how wrong you are.
Joel notices you instantly as him and Tommy are looking for a table.
The feeling of relief washing over him seeing that your ok. He hadn’t stopped wondering, no he hadn’t stopped worrying if you were ok.
Tommy noticed Joel acting nervously, continuously looking over Tommy’s shoulder at something or someone.
“Y’alright man? Y’acting weird, w’do you keep looking at?”
“It’s the girl, the one from the other night at the show”
Tommy turns to see you and Stacey recognizing you from the other night.
“I’ve seen her friend here before, think she’s seeing the guy that runs the place”
“But the girl, she looks like she’s alright” Tommy says softly, turning to see Joel’s smile at his comment.
“And I know you been worryin’”
“Huh? It that obvious?”
“I’m your brother I know things, also ya keep mentioning it, why don’t ya go talk to her?”
“M’pretty sure I scared the shit outta her, she ain’t want me talkin’ to her.”
“I-I should apologize to him”
“So let’s go talk to them”
“Ugh your not supposed to agree” you laugh.
“You keep talking about feeling bad, and I know you, you’ll just keep thinking about it, if it would make you feel better let’s go talk to him”
Stacey’s surprised when you get up from the table slowly and nervously start walking over and she follows behind.
“Ah shit, there…she’s coming over here I think” Joel says nervously
“I-I’m sorry this is kind of random but are…are you Joel?” You ask as you nervously fiddle with the hem of your shirt, unable to maintain eye contact.
“Yes ma’am”
Tommy watch’s your body language intently, understanding more about you than you even realize or notice.
“I ah, you probably don’t remember me”
“Course I do”
“You do?” You ask completely shocked
“Why wouldn’t I? You were outside of the State theater, was worried about you”
“A-bout that, I’m so sorry for snapping and being so rude to you. I know you were just trying to make sure I was alright. I was just having a rough go and I’m just um not very good with people sometimes an-d my tone doesn’t um ugh it doesn’t matter….I just wanted to apologize.” You said, getting more nervous and flustered the more you talked. Damnit why am I like this? Why the hell is he gonna care about my problems just stop talking.
But it did matter, it mattered to him. He wanted you to go on, to hear about what was bothering you. He wanted to be able to ease your mind, to make you feel better.
Tommy noticed your body language, how anxious you were, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt while looking at the ground. He knew this feeling all to well, anxiety hadn’t been his friend since he’d came back from the army and seeing Joel go through it when he lost Sarah he just wanted to make you feel comfortable.
“Well since my brothers not going to introduce us, I’m Tommy. What’s your name darlin’?” Tommy says holding out his hand to shake.
“ shit..sorry I’m (y/n) and this is Stacey.”
You turn to Joel, your hand out stretched.
“It’s nice to meet you properly Joel” you say offering him the warmest smile. You just had this feeling about them, about him in particular that you couldn’t describe.
Joel is surprised but moved by your action, taking your hand offering you the kindest smile back. He takes this opportunity to study every part of your face, as if he was committing it to memory.
“Y’all have fun at the show?” Joel asks
“Oh were you guys there for the show too?” You ask, your face turning the lightest shade of red.
“ well, I dragged him there” Tommy says gesturing to Joel chuckling
“But yea we were there”
“Yeah… umm other than my episode we had a blast…they’re my favorite band”
“Hey! No way they’re mine too” Tommy exclaims “my first time seeing them”
“I’ve seen them 3 times, they’ve been great every time” you exclaim.
Joel watches as your body language relaxes a little bit. He takes pride in him and Tommy being able to ease you even if just for a moment.
“Y’guys want join us?”
You’re immediately flustered by the question, feeling like you’ve lingered too long making them feel like they had to ask.
“Oh no that’s ok, I don’t want to bother you guys, you’re clearly on your lunch break.” Your eyes trained on your shoes, pulling at your shirt. Fuck you hated being like this- an awkward overthinking mess as people would tell you.
Pulling your gaze back up to Joel with a nervous smile on your face.
“I just wanted to apologize, sorry to bother you guys”
Before either of them could say anything you turn on you heels and hurried out the door.
“Wait (y/n)” Joel calls after you calmly, not waiting to scare you.
As you and Stacey turn around you see Joel smiling at you as Tommy comes out of the cafe behind him.
“Here I ah wanted to give your our numbers” Joel says rubbing the back of his neck.
You reach out taking the piece of paper.
“No pressure just if you ever wanted t’talk”
“I’m not a fan of talking on the phone, makes me anxious but I-I’ll text you sometime if that’d be ok?”
“Yea, that’d be more than ok darlin’”
Joel wasn’t much of a texter but he’d do anything you’d be comfortable with if it meant he’d get to talk to you again.
Y/n: Hey! It’s y/n I saw our favorite band is coming back in a couple months and playing in Dallas!
As soon as you sent the text to Tommy you regret it. What if it came on to strong? what if he thinks I’m asking him to go? Who am I even to think he wants to talk to me?
Your thoughts only spiraled like water going down the drain the more that time passed with out hearing from him.
Tommy: Hey sweetheart! Sorry for the late response, we had a crazy day at work today.
Tommy: shit no way, we should all go, I’ll talk to Joel about it and snag tickets for everyone.
“ oh shit y/n texted me saying the bands coming back in a couple months, playin’ Dallas. We should all go, have a road trip down there.”
“Oh…s’he texted you?”
“Oh shit sorry have ya not heard from her?”
“No, no it’s ok. I’ll go though if she wants to go”
“I’m sure you’ll hear from her Joel, she only texted me about the show”
Joel’s just relaxing or trying to relax, because let’s face it he’s never been very good at just taking a breath and resting without trying to do a 100 other things at once.
He hears his phone vibrate on the night stand, caught off guard by the butterflies he feels before reaching for his phone. He thinks it must be you, Tommy’s downstairs the only other person that would text him.
His smile reaches his eyes before he can even think about stoping it when he sees it is infect you.
Y/A: Hey! It’s y/n. I’m sure Tommy told you I messaged him. Hopefully you don’t think I didn’t want to talk to you, was honestly working up the courage to message you.
Fuck…what the hell am I doing?! Did I just say that.
Y/N: Jesus…I’m so sorry that was awkward haha
God. You were so cute. Joel just found you so endearing as he finds himself completely taken by you.
Joel: Hey darlin. No worries at all. Im happy to hear from ya.
Joel: how’s your night goin? Hopefully it’s treating you well.
Y/N: it’s going good, I’m just curled up in bed watching one of my comfort shows.
You and Joel went back and forth for a couple hours, chatting and unknowingly making each other light up and feel comfortable with each other.
Joel: I don’t want to put any pressure on you so don’t feel like ya have too…but would you want to grab a coffee together tomorrow? That is if ya don’t already have plans.
You’re torn, on one hand you’re overjoyed that he asked you out to coffee and on the other hand you can’t help but feel like he feels like he has too, that you might of come on too strong. But here goes nothing…
Y/N: Sure, that would be really nice. I’d like that.
You hit send before you can think about it too much.
Y/N: if it’s ok could we go later in the day after lunch? It’s less hectic and pretty quiet around then.
Joel doesn’t give why you asked to meet then much thought, because the reason didn’t matter. He wanted to do what ever you were comfortable with and if that’s when you were comfortable going then that’s what he’d do.
Joel: Sure that sounds good to me darlin. I’ll meet you there.
As you make your walk over to the cafe you can’t help but wonder if this is a joke, if Joel actually wants to hang out? If he asked because he felt like he had too.
You wish you didn’t have to say you used to it but you are. You’re used to people just putting up with you, inviting you some where because they feel obligated too, only hearing from them when they want something from you. The amount of times you misjudged a friendship or relationship was staggering. You had no idea how wrong you were.
The longer Joel sits at the cafe, the more nervous he becomes. He doesn’t think he’s ever been this early or nervous for anything in his life, not even the day Sarah was born. Part of him is worried you won’t come, that he made you feel like you had to say yes. The other part of him is over joyed at the idea that you wanted to come, that you might actually want to spend time with him.
Joel hears the baristas greet someone excitedly. When he hears the voice that greets them back he knows it’s you, your voice already burned into him memory. Your tone is bubbly and happy today, he can hear the smile in you’re voice before he even sees you. When you finally come into view, his heart melts when he sees your smile, your big beautiful smile.
You glance over meeting his gaze, giving him a little wavy and smile as you make you way over to him.
I can’t believe he’s here already and here I was worried about being to early.
Joel hopes you don’t notice the way he wipes his sweaty palms on his pants as he stands to greet you.
“Hey sweetheart good t’see ya”
“You..you actually came. It’s so good to see you too” you say offering him the same smile you walked in with.
“Is it alright t’give ya a hug?”
“Yes of course” you said after hesitating briefly.
Joel wraps you into the most comforting hug you’ve ever had. Coming from someone who doesn’t like to be touched or have people in their personal space abruptly. But there was something different about Joel, something comforting and natural that you couldn’t quiet out your finger on.
Joel pulls away when it sinks in what you said.
“Wait…why wouldn’t I show up?”
You feel embarrassed that you said it out loud, but you also wanted to be honest with him.
“It just wouldn’t be the first time I misjudged someone inviting me somewhere or the first time someone forgot that we had plans.”
“I’m just a lot for most people and it’s ok, I’m used to it”
“You shouldn’t h’ave to be used to that sweetheart but quiet frankly I think your awesome, to awesome to be wantin’ to hang out with me so I thought you might not come.”
You and Joel sit and talk for a couple of hours at the cafe. You talk to him about some of your disorders related to being neurodivergent and about your life before coming to Texas. Joel listens intently, letting you talk freely without interruptions or judgements and doesn’t press for more info than you’re comfortable telling him. The only questions he ask are about things he can do to you help when things get bad or how he could offer support if you needed it. Almost as if he’s saying he wants to spend more time with you with saying it.
Joel tells you more about himself, the contractor business that him and Tommy run and about Sarah, his daughter who he lost a few years ago. Joel is surprised how intently you listen to him, how he has your undivided attention. He’s never had anyone other than Tommy listen to him in that way, free of judgement and full of compassion. Never pressing him to share more than he was comfortable with.
“Hey I-I I don’t if you and Stacey have plans tonight but Tommy and I are gonna have a movie night and get some pizza if you guys would like to come.”
“Oh I think Stacey and Jared are having a date night tonight”
“Well you’re still welcome, we’d love to have you”
“Don’t feel like you have to invite me, I wouldn’t want to impose on your night.”
“Not at all, you could never impose. I’m having a nice time with you and honestly would love to spend more time with you. I know Tommy would love to have you too.”
Joel senses your hesitation, but not because you don’t feel comfortable it’s because your worried you will be in the way, like you’d be intruding where you weren’t wanted.
“As long as it’s ok I would love too, honestly I’d like to spend more time with you too” you say offering a warm smile.
Joel’s hand ghosts over your lower back as you guys leave the cafe. Normally you’d be put off by this or flinch away but something about Joel was immediately comforting.
“Oh I walked here so I just need to go grab my car, we live around the corner”
“If you’re comfortable with it I could drive us and bring you home later.”
“Ok” you say smiling warmly, letting him know your comfortable with that.
“Let me just text Stacey so she’s not freaked out when my cars there but I’m not.” You say as you guys walk to his truck, his hand still lightly on your lower back as you walk.
“ here let me see your phone” he says leaning against his truck.
“I typed my address into your message for her to have, that way you can feel safe knowing she’s knows exactly where you are.” He says handing you back your phone.
His gesture speaks volumes to you, it’s almost as if he can read your mind.
“Thank you….I’ve honestly never had anyone do something like that for me before.”
“Here let me see your phone, I’ll give you her number incase you ever need to get ahold of her.”
“Was gonna ask but I didn’t want you to think I was being weird”
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence as you make your away across town to Joel’s house, truly just enjoying each others company.
When you guys arrive at Joel’s he gets out and runs over to the passenger door opening it for you.
“Tommy! We have company for movie night tonight” Joel calls out as you enter the house.
Joel barely gets the words out before you hear Tommy’s foots steps padding down the hall.
“Hey there sweetheart! Happy to have ya here” Tommy exclaims as he pulls you into a hug, huge smile across is face.
“Now my brothers not given you any trouble is he?” Tommy asks jokingly making the cutest laugh bubble out of you. The sound of it warms Joel’s soul, he’d do anything in his power to hear it again.
Joel sighs “Really Tommy?”
“What? I’m just joking around” he smirks
“No, he’s not, not yet anyways” you chuckle smiling at Joel.
“Here darlin’ come look at the menu, gotta know what you like before we order”
“Oh I’m easy to get a long with. I like cheese, but honestly I’ll be happy with what you guys get, you don’t have to order special stuff for me”
“Nonsense gotta make sure you’re happy too” Joel smiles
Tommy comes back from the other room “alright I placed the order but I ordered a shit ton of food, like probably too much” he says chuckling.
“But I w’anted t’make sure everyone had somethin’ they liked.”
“I can go with you to pick it up, to help you grab it all if you’d like” you offer with a nervous smile. Trying your hardest to be helpful and figure out your place in this dynamic.
You don’t see it but Joel smiles at your gesture, loving your caring nature.
“Sure I’d love that sweetheart, plus I can give you pointers on how to annoy the shit outta my brother”
You catch a glimpse of Joel rolling his eyes.
“O-only if that’s ok with you?” You say nervously.
“Oh darlin’ of course, I wasn’t rolling’ my eyes at you” he says lightly resting his hand on your lower back.
Joel’s eyes are comically large when you and Tommy get back to the house, both with arm fulls of food.
“Jesus you guys leave any food for the rest of the city?”
That laugh Joel loves so much bubbles up out of you again, his heart beating faster the minute he hears it.
“Uh don’t look at me he’s the one that ordered the food” you say pointing at Tommy.
“Don’t look at me, the sweets we’re all her idea” Tommy says as Joel takes the bakery stuff out of the bag.
“I mean the least I could do was buy us desert” you shrug
Joel glanced up at you as he pulls out a second box from the bakery”
“But I-ah might of gotten a little carried away” you laugh at the sheer amount of stuff spread out over the counter.
The three of you all fill up plates with various items and sit down to bond over dinner.
You learn that Tommy is staying with Joel while he works on remolding the house he bought on that weekends.
You all grab your drinks and head to the living room.
“Make your self at home and sit where ever you’d like darlin’” Joel says as he plops down on the couch.
“Do you guys normally have particular places you sit. I-I don’t want to take anyone’s spot”
To Joel you’re so cute and considerate in this moment.
“Nah not really, sit where ever you’re comfortable”
You think for a moment about what do to before you sit next to Joel on the couch.
“I-I it ok to sit here? If you want more space I can sit on the other end.”
“Absolutely it’s ok sweetheart” Joel says with the kindest smile as his big brown eyes meet yours.
“Was hoping you’d feel comfortable sittin’ next to me”
Tommy follows a few beats behind the two of you juggling the bakery treats and his beer before snagging what he wanted and plopped down in the recliner next to the couch.
You and Joel bump hands reaching for the same treat, an over sized chocolate chip cookie loaded with big chocolate chunks.
A nervous giggle escapes you. “ where you going for the giant cookie too?”
“I’ts ok go ahead”
“Oh no it’s ok”
“Really darlin’ I insist”
You grab the cookie breaking it in half.
“Here I’ll split it with you” you say holding out half of it to him.
“Sweetheart you don’t have to do that”
“Really it’s ok, if I didn’t like you I wouldn’t share” you say nervous chuckling.
Fuck. I can’t believe I just told him I liked him. Way to be weird.
Taking the half and laughing Joel retorts “ It’s ok, if I didn’t like you I wouldn’t have taken it” as he nudges you with his shoulder.
Joel glances over at you part way through the third movie to see you curled up and passed out on the couch next to him. You look so peaceful and comfortable in this moment that he can’t help but smile fondly at you as he pulls a blanket from the back of the couch over you.
Tommy catches a glimpse of Joel tending to you and he can’t help but smile. It’s been a long time since he’s seen his brother like this, seen this happiness in his eyes and a genuine laugh come out of him. Joel’s been a different person since Sarah passed away, more guarded and closed off. But he sees a small change in him since he met you. He can see Joel starting to peek his head out of the gate to the fortress he’s built around himself with you around.
Joel: Hey. It’s Joel y/n gave me your number incase I ever needed to get ahold of you. Just wanted to let you know she fell asleep during movie night on the couch. I covered up and left a water on the coffee table for her. Just didn’t want you to worry if she didn’t turn up tonight. I’m gonna leave her a note next to her phone on the coffee table so she’s not scared when she wakes up.
Stacey: Thank you for texting me Joel. Because I would have been worried if she just didn’t show up. Thank you for taking care of her. Please never hesitate to reach out if you need me.
Joel: Have a good night sweetheart
Stacey: oh Joel one more thing
Stacey: she doesn’t trust people easily. She also doesn’t just fall asleep just anywhere like this….actually she has a hard time sleeping in general. This means she’s comfortable with/ trusts you. Please don’t take this for granted.
You wake up to the smell of coffee and the sound of hushed chatter.
“ Jesus Tommy, be quiet your gonna wake her up”
As your sitting up slowly from the unfamiliar couch it hits you. Fuck, you fell asleep at Joel’s.
You notice a note next to your phone
“Don’t be scared, nothing happened. You just fell asleep during the movie so I covered you up and left you be. I’ll make you breakfast in the morning
You only have a few moments to enjoy the thought of Joel caring for you before the embarrassment comes crashing down.
You fell asleep on a date, who does that!
And further more there’s actually no way this is a date. Why would this man want to date you?
You get up shoving the note in your pocket, gather your things and slowly and quietly make your way to the kitchen.
Tommy notices you standing awkwardly in the door way when he looks up for pouring his coffee.
“Oh would ya look at who woke up, mornin sweetheart” he says offering you a sweet smile.
Joel turns around from his place at the stove, eyes lighting up when he sees you.
“Morning darlin’ would you like some breakfast or coffee? I just s’tarted cookin’”
“N-no…I should go, it’s ok. Um Tommy c-could you give me a ride home?” You manage to squeak out, your voice sounding almost strained as you fight to hold back the tears trying to breach the dam.
You look away, unable to take the disappointment in Joel’s big brown eyes.
It was only a matter of time before he figured out you were a disappointment anyways.
“Oh um ‘course I can sweetheart no problem. Go ahead, I’ll be right out”
Joel just looks at home, eyes filled with defeat.
“It’s ok brother, I’ll talk to her. I can tell she’s feelin a bit anxious”
“I-I feel so bad, I hope she’s not embarrassed. I was happy to have her here, but I know it’s jarring waking up in someone else’s house”
Tommy finds you sitting in his truck, hunched over with your head on your hands and a small piece of paper in your lap.
“What’s that in your lap?” Tommy asked
You don’t even look up as you had him the small note. Tommy noticed the small wet stains in the note as he takes it from you.
A few beats of silence pass. “ oh sweetheart you y’dont have t’cry, this note is truthful”
“It’s not even that”
“I just want to go home”
“No problem sweetheart…just know you can talk to me bout anything anytime. Joel too.”
The ride across town back to your place is silent, your head rested on the window, blankly staring out. You’re mind feels like a hurricane swirling around, thinking of every situation that could happen from you falling a sleeping, thinking of everything you could of said, should of said. You’re zoned out so much you don’t notice that Tommy has pulled into your drive way. When you stay still and don’t get out Tommy breaks the silence.
“Y’alright sweetheart? Y’want to talk about anything? I’ll sit here all day if I need too.” He says, placing a hand on your shoulder.
You’re silent for a few more beats.
“I really fucked things up. Who falls asleep on a date? And before you say anything, no I don’t really think we were on a date because someone like your brother doesn’t want to date me. I’m just so fucking embarrassed. I might as well just prepare myself now for the fact that I likely won’t see either one of you much after this, before I get attached and think you guys want me around because I have a habit of misreading situations and peoples intentions.” You manage to choke out before the tears start flowing.
You go to open the door but Tommy stops you.
“Aww sweetheart hold on a minute. Breaks my heart seeing you like this and I know it would break Joel’s too.”
“It’s ok, Tommy… I know I’m not for everyone. My disorders drive most people away, I’m pretty used to it at this point in my life.”
“ I understand more than you might think… when I came back from the military, I was much different than when I went in. I have PTSD, my anxiety and depression were at an all time high, I can’t do most loud booming noises and the weirdest things trigger me and I spiral into a flash back. The one person who’s been there for me through it all and never once left my side or complained is Joel. Even when he was going through the most horrific moment of his life when he lost Sarah, he never once wavered in his support when I needed it. Long story short, he’s not put off by you or by you falling asleep or by any of your issues. He thinks your awesome, and so do I. Neither of us are messing with you. And I don’t want to speak for him but I’m pretty sure he was hoping last night was a date” Tommy says nudging you playfully at the last part.
“But seriously sweetheart if you ever need to talk. I’m here for you.”
“Thank you Tommy, truly. That means the world to me. I know I really should be kinder to myself but I’m just used to people being around when they want something or it’s convenient for them.”
“Do you wanna come back to the house with me?”
“I do but will it be weird? Will Joel want me to come back?”
“Sweetheart I’m pretty sure he’d let you stay as long as you were comfortable, but I can text him”
“Ok… I’d like to run inside and get changed if that’s ok?”
“I’ll wait as long as you need”
Tommy: y/n and I talked for a while, she’s alright. She’s just embarrassed and having some trouble but she’s not freaked out by you at all.
Joel: I feel so bad she feels that way. But I’m glad I didn’t freak her out. She’s such a sweetheart.
Tommy: I offered to bring her back to the house to see you and she seems to want to, she’s just concerned you wouldn’t want her to. She’s just inside changing her clothes, I said I’d text you and give you a heads up.
Joel: if she wants to come back with you please bring her back. I want to see her.
Tommy: don’t tell her I told you but she called last night a date than took it back because she got scared calling it that but I told her you were hoping it was a date so do with that what you’d like.
Stacey is standing right inside the door peeking out the window, which jumps you as you swing the door open.
“Why’d he bring you home? I though you were going to be hanging out with the other one?”
“Oh…Tommy lives with Joel”
“Wait…are you ok? Have you been crying?” Stacey says concerned as she reaches out grabbing your arm.
“Yea ugh I’m alright, I fell asleep last night during movie night and woke up and was really embarrassed and asked Tommy if he could give me a ride home because I just couldn’t face Joel.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t text you, sorry if I worried you”
“Well I would of been really worried but Joel actually texted me, to let me know you were alright and that you had fallen asleep”
“Wait… he did?”
“He was worried that I’d be worried if you didn’t come home. The dude seems like a stand up guy”
“Wait so why is Tommy still here?”
“Well I had a break down on the way here and him and I had a good talk, he asked if I wanted yo go back to the house with him so I’m going up go back over there and talk to Joel. I just wanted to change.”
“Y’know it’s been along time since I’ve seen Joel light up t’way he does when he sees you. Losing Sarah really took a lot outta him, but I see his old self startin’ to come out when he’s around you.”
Tommy says turning to you at the red light.
Tommy sees you smile from the corner of his eye as the light turns green again.
“I-I honestly don’t know what to say to that.. and not in a bad way. I guess I’m just surprised. But honestly there’s just something about your brother, something that I can’t really explain. Sigh. Like I just knew right away that I could trust him, I mean I knew right away I could trust you too. But there’s just something about him that’s calming like I’m relaxed and at ease when I’m around him almost as if he sees me, like really sees me for who I am.”
When you and Tommy pull into the drive way Joel comes right out on to the porch, you can’t help the huge smile that tugs at your lips when you see him. You light up when your close enough for him to see you smiling and offered you a cute wave as Tommy puts the truck in park. Joel comes right down the steps and opens the truck door for you.
“H-hey sweetheart…m’happy you came back”
“Well I’m happy you wanted me to come back”
You barely get the words out of your mouth before Joel’s wrapping you in a tight embrace, you don’t hold back hugging him back just as tightly. It’s hard to tell who needed the hug more, you or him.
“Y’know y’can talk to me bout anything, whatever’s going on at any moment. I’ll never judge you. I want to be there for you.” Joel says just loud enough for you to hear, even though Tommy had already gone inside.
“I know, and I want you to know I do trust you. I just get really in my head sometimes because I’ve thought of every way a situation could go wrong instead of seeing the good, sometimes all I can focus on are the what ifs.”
“I’ll be as patient as you need sweetheart, never feel pressured and if there’s something your more comfortable talking to Tommy about in the moment I know he’d be there for you too.”
All you can do is tilt your head up, your glossy hazel eyes meeting his big brown one. It’s almost as if time stops in this moment. Joel wants to kiss you, my god does he want to kiss you and never let you go. He wants to wash away all your fear and anxiety. To hold you and give you the world.
Tag list:
@kalllistos @justasadbean @bcon24 @its-dee-lovely @fishingforpike @macaroni-artist @gengar-neutral @xybil @morgaussy @sailorsophiee @samarav @dionysusinparis @arlovesper @fandomsohmyohmy @lovelyladiess @lovelyladiess @lovebandrry @joelmillersblog l @pinkbowsandcoffeestains @pascal-is-punk @thatgirlpeaches @alyhull
@fandomwhored @hiddenbabynyc l
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earl-grey-teacake · 1 month
hi, i’m currently sick and it got me thinking about baby loscar when they’re both sick? are they like really well behaved and just miserable or is it just constant tears? i can totally see baby loscar both refusing to take their medicine and just causing their parents grief.
Awww I hope you feel better! 🥰
They are both but just at vary degrees. Oscar is more quiet and miserable. His eyes are constantly glassy like they are on the verge of tears but he doesn't cry as much. He does most of his crying at night when he a combination of hot/cold and his nose is stuffy and sleeping is practically impossible for him. He definitely causes his parents grief since the poor child just looks miserable constantly and they can't do anything about it.
Logan is more constant tears. He's hot, his body aches, and everything around him makes him incredibly dizzy. It's awful for him. His wailing can be heard throughout the home and he has to be held constantly since he'll cry for so long and so violently that he can sometimes choke. He becomes a lot more quiet and just weepy as the night goes on but the sudden change from loud to quiet really freaks out his parents.
Both babies hate their medicine. I have never met a baby that liked their cold medicine. The cold medicine given to babies tends to be grainy and saccharine so it really isn't a pleasant experience for children. Giving them cold medicine is a two person job with one person holding the baby tightly while the other dispenses the medicine and making sure they don't spit it up. Usually the person who is least swayed by their child is the one holding them since the babies will cry and plead and stuff their face into their parent's shirts in hopes of salvation.
However, once the children have recovered, all the parents get sick and the children get sent to their grandparents.
Thank you for the ask! ❤️
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sequinsmile-x · 1 month
The Albatross
The dizziness she’d been trying to ignore suddenly takes over, her vision turning into a pinpoint before disappearing entirely. She falls, narrowly missing hitting her head on the corner of her desk, and she slips out of consciousness.
Her last thought is of her family, their happy faces staring down at her from the picture on her desk.
A reimagining of Route 66, in which Emily experiences complications from an old injury.
Part 1/2
Hi friends,
This is based on a message I got over on twitter from the lovely Suu <3 As soon as she sent it to me I couldn't stop thinking about it and here we are.
I settled on this being a two parter, and part 2 will be up over the weekend!
I really hope you like it, and I will anticipate the yelling. <3
(Also, lets appreciate the fact it took a week and a half for me to use a TTPD song as a fic title. That's growth haha)
Words: 2.6k
Warnings: injury, canon compliant themes
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
She feels awful the moment she wakes up, her limbs impossibly heavy as she forces herself out of bed, pain in her abdomen pulling a groan out of her as she stands up. She takes a moment to try and blink away the discomfort, briefly dizzy with it as she hisses and rubs her stomach, only driven forward towards the door when she hears her son cries from the next room. 
“I can go get him, sweetheart.” 
Emily smiles as she turns to look at her husband, shaking her head as she continues walking out of their room, “You get all day with him, I need my snuggles.” 
She winks at Aaron as she leaves the room and heads towards the nursery. She groans again as nausea rolls through her and she pauses, leaning against the wall as she breathes through it. She’d felt off-kilter the last few days, nausea, exhaustion and pain that she put down to her periods and hormones still being out of sync after she’d had Issac six months ago. She knew she was still adjusting post-pregnancy but she hated that she still didn’t feel in control of her body. She blows out a breath and walks into the nursery, a smile spreading across her face as she looks at her son, a sympathetic whine leaving her as she walks him over and picks him up, his cries immediately muffled by her skin as he buries his face against her neck.
“Oh tell me all about it, sweet boy,” she says, pressing a kiss to his temple, patting his back soothingly as she settles into the armchair, “Mommy’s got you.” 
Issac grabs at her shirt and presses his face into her chest. She chuckles and adjusts her shirt, expertly unbuttoning it and unhooking the cup of her bra with one hand, a trick that months ago, when Issac was tiny and seemingly endlessly fragile, felt impossible. Aaron had told her that she’d be a natural, patiently talking her down from every edge her anxiety pushed her towards as her due date drew near, a loving smile on his face as he told her that she was already an amazing mom to Jack, and part of her was furious he was right. A stubborn streak in her that she’d never been able to get past that she felt bubbling in her gut whenever he’d smile at her, a hint of I told you so pressed into his dimples whenever he watched her with Issac. 
She rests her head on the back of the chair as he latches on, her eyes closing for a moment as she hums to him. She looks down at her little boy and sighs contentedly, everything else disappearing for a moment apart from the two of them. She runs her knuckles down his cheek as he feeds, his skin still as soft as the day he’d been born, and she feels familar love warm her from the inside out. 
“Mommy has to go to work today,” she says quietly, tracing her fingers over his dark hair. She hears the floorboard outside of the nursery creak, a specific spot they’d avoid if they knew Issac was sleeping, and she smiles, “But I bet if we ask really nicely, Daddy will bring you in for lunch so I can see you both.” 
She looks up as the door opens and Aaron walks into the room, just like she knew he would, and he smiles widely at her, “I’m sure we can manage that.” 
Before they’d even started trying for a baby they discussed what would happen with their careers. It hadn’t felt right to either of them for them both to continue working at the BAU. After a lot of back and forth, and more than one argument, they’d settled on her staying and him moving on. It felt right for them, and she knew Aaron had been keen to do it - wanting to learn from the mistakes he’d made in the past. In the end, he’d decided to leave the FBI altogether, content to stay at home whilst Issac was still so young. He taught a class at the academy a couple of times a week to stop himself from going completely insane, but she knew he enjoyed it. In her worst moments, she was almost jealous of the time he got with the boys, but she wasn’t ready to leave her work behind yet. And for the first time in her life, she had what she’d always wanted - a family to come home to. 
The last thing she’d anticipated was that Strauss would offer her the Unit Chief position. Aaron hadn’t been as shocked as Emily had been and she later found out he’d been the one to recommend her, something that she’d briefly been mad at him for, not wanting anyone to think it was just because she was married to him. He’d assured her, as had Strauss, that it was nothing to do with that, that her history and skills spoke for themselves. She’d returned to work in her new role when Issac was three months old and, despite the added stress, she loved it. 
“Good,” she says, looking down at Issac as he pulls away from her, smiling softly at him as she passes him over to Aaron when he reaches for him. She winces as she lifts her arms, the ache in her abdomen turning into a sharp pain as she hands the baby over. She tries to cover it with a smile as her eyes meet her husbands, “I’d miss you too much otherwise.” 
Aaron frowns at her, concern licking at his insides as he rests Issac against his shoulder, patting his son’s back as he looks his wife up and down, “Are you okay?” 
She clears her throat and nods, standing up and clenching her teeth as the dizziness returns, her head hazy as she steadies herself on the crib for a second, “I’m fine.”
He sighs, stepping towards her, “Em-”
“I said I’m fine,” she snaps, immediately feeling guilty as she cuts him off. She sighs and closes the gap between them, her hand on his arm as she squeezes it, leaning in to kiss an apologetic kiss against his lips, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to snap. I’m fine. I’m just tired.” 
He isn’t sure if he believes her, but he knows not to push her, not now anyway, so he nods, kissing her back, “You should get ready, you don’t want to be late.” 
She nods and kisses him once more before she kisses Issac’s head and leaves the room. She rubs her eyes and pinches the bridge of her nose as she walks back into the master bedroom, the start of a headache pressing at the back of her eyes. 
She tells herself that she’ll be fine once she has a coffee and she gets ready, taking time to say goodbye to her boys before she leaves, making sure Jack has the homework she’d helped him with the night before in his bag. 
It’s gone 11 am by the time she accepts that she isn’t well, the morning dragging by like syrup, time slowing down around her as her headache and stomach ache gets worse, her vision blurry with it as she tries to do her paperwork. She knows she’s taken her bad mood out on the team, her door and curtains closed as she sought out solitude in her office after complaining about how behind they were with their paperwork. 
She eventually gives in to the fact she needs painkillers and she stands up to get them from her purse. The dizziness she’d been trying to ignore suddenly takes over, her vision turning into a pinpoint before disappearing entirely. She falls, narrowly missing hitting her head on the corner of her desk, and she slips out of consciousness.
Her last thought is of her family, their happy faces staring down at her from the picture on her desk. ___
Aaron readjusts his hold on Issac as he steps into the elevator, chuckling as he turns his attention to his son who was seconds away from trying to put his father’s visitor badge in his mouth.
“I don’t think so, buddy,” he says, unclipping it from his polo shirt and moving it out of Issac’s reach, smiling when the baby frowns at him, a look written all over his face that Emily would always say was all him. He tickles Issac’s stomach and smiles as the baby giggles, a sound that never fails to make Aaron’s heart swell in his chest, “You excited to see Mommy?” 
Issac babbles in response as the elevator doors open onto the BAU’s floor and Aaron sucks in a breath as he steps out into the hallway that he’d once walked every day. 
It was strange being a visitor in a place that had been so significant in his life. He’d built his career here. He’d lost his first marriage to this place and met the love of his life here too. A constant give and take that had formed decades of his life. He’d known horror and joy and gut-wrenching sadness in between these walls, and he knew he could never regret a second of it, not when it had led him to the life he had now. 
“Hotch and Little Hotch,” Derek says, his smile wide as Aaron walks into the bullpen, the nickname for Issac that Emily hated slipping free easily when she wasn’t in earshot, “What are you guys doing here? Where’s Medium Hotch?” 
“Jack’s at school,” he explains, ignoring his eldest son’s nickname too, “Issac and I are taking Emily for lunch,” Aaron says, frowning when he looks at his wife’s office, the closed door and shut blinds unusual, “Is she in a meeting?” 
Derek shrugs, “I don’t know man, she’s not in a good mood though.” 
“She isn’t?” He asks, thinking back to that morning, how she’d snapped at him before immediately apologising, something that hadn’t happened since the early days of Issac’s life when they barely slept at all.
Aaron feels the concern he’d felt earlier return, a churning in his gut that he doesn’t fully understand, an instinct he can’t ignore that something was wrong with his wife. She’d not been feeling like herself for days, he knew that, but she’d pushed him away whenever he mentioned it. She claimed it was her period regulating after having Issac, or that she was tired after a long day of work. 
Derek shakes his head, “She told us all we’re behind on paperwork and then shut her office door” he says, reaching out and ruffling Issac’s hair, smiling when the baby giggles, “You’d better put your cutest face on Little Hotch, be a good boy and cheer up your Mama for the rest of us.” 
Aaron chuckles politely and then nods towards Emily’s office, “We’ll go cheer her up, right buddy?” 
He smiles as he almost walks into Dave on the walkway, a wry smile on the older man's face, “You’re here to cheer up our fearless leader I assume?” 
Aaron hums and nods towards Issac, the baby getting fussy as if he could tell his mother was near.
“I brought the big guns,” he says, knocking briefly on Emily’s office door before he steps in, “Hi sweetheart…” 
He drifts off as he takes in the scene in front of him, time slowing down as he looks at the scattered papers and the chair jutting out at a strange angle. For a moment, as he looks at his wife lying on the floor, he can’t quite take it in, his breath caught in his chest as he stares at her, a ringing in his ears that he can’t shake off, memories of finding Haley laying in their old bedroom years ago flashing across his vision. A grim showreel as it feels like his past collides with his present. 
His senses come back all at once as Dave steps into the room too, his gasp pulling Aaron back to the present, time returning to normal speed so quickly it hits him square in the chest, making him breathless. 
“Emily,” he says, his voice shaking as he hands Issac over to Dave, grateful when his friend takes his son, his hands already out and waiting. Aaron doesn’t feel pain as his knees hit the floor, doesn't feel the ache spreading through his joints as he touches Emily’s slack face, trying to wake her up with nothing more than his touch, “Emily, sweetheart, I need you to wake up.” 
His nerves fray as she doesn’t respond, her head lulling to the side as he tries to gather her against him. Panic swells in his chest as he hears Dave yell out for someone to call an ambulance, the chaos from the team in the bullpen driving Issac to burst into tears, his cries only increasing when Dave thwarts his attempt to get to his parents. 
Aaron looks up at Dave, his eyebrows furrowed as JJ and Derek enter the room too, the latter getting on the floor with Aaron, kneeling by her side like he once had in a warehouse in Boston. 
“The ambulance is on its way,” Derek says, his voice tight, the pleasant nature of their conversation just minutes ago feeling like nothing short of a lifetime ago.
“How long has she been like this?” Aaron demands, looking back and forth between them, anger flaring in his chest when they all shake their heads, guilt and panic painted across their faces, “When did any of you last speak to her?” 
“She asked to be left alone,” JJ says, her voice shaking as she takes Issac from Dave, doing her best to calm the little boy down, “We didn’t…we didn’t know.” 
Aaron clenches his teeth, desperately trying to make sure he didn’t lash out at his friends, that he didn’t say something he’d later regret. He turns his attention back to Emily, his hand tightly around hers, lifting it to kiss her knuckles, his lips grazing her wedding rings.
“Sweetheart,” he begs, not caring who was there to listen, who was there to watch the cracks form in his once impenetrable facade, “Please, wake up.” 
The silence he gets in return is deafening, overriding the panic in the bullpen and his son’s whimpering cries from the other side of the room.
Emily groans as she wakes up, her head spinning as she tries to make sense of what’s happened, of where she is. 
She looks around the street she finds herself in, at first unsure when she’d even left the office, and she frowns as she spots a movie theatre, finding herself drawn to it. She pauses outside, the familiar feeling of being watched burning at the back of her neck, goosebumps making her shiver as they spread throughout her body. 
“Hi Emily, it’s been a long time.” 
She freezes at the sound of the familar voice. One she’d heard on tapes more than she’d ever heard in person, the joy that would always flow from it in family videos so different to the last words she’d ever spoken. Words Emily had heard down a phone line back when Aaron was just her boss and Jack wasn’t her son. 
She sucks in a breath as she turns around, her eyes wide as they meet the hazel ones their son had inherited. 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks , @ptrckjcne , @lyds102 , @glockleveledatyourcrotch , @hotchnissenthusiast , @danadeservesadrink , @ssamorganhotchner , @emilyprentissisgod , @notagentprentiss , @freesiasandfics , @emilyshotchniss , @thecharmingart , @paulitalblond , @hancydrewfan , @camille093 , @whitecrossgirl , @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess , @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife , @ms-black-a , @beebeelank , @aubreyprc , @zipzapboingg , @psychopath-at-heart , @criminalmindsgonewrong , @fionaloover , @kinqslcys , @prentissinred , @ccmattis-22 , @denvivale317 , @thrindis , @hotchsguccitie , @cmfouatslota77 , @alexblakegf , @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch , @emobabeyy , @victoiregranger , @stormyweatherth , @wanderingdreamer009 , @ssablackbird , @luhwithah , @lex13cm , @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me , @mrs-ssa-hotch , @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream , @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield , @canuck-eh
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bleucaesura · 3 months
“Let me get this straight,” Fizzarolli sat down next to Blitzø. “You just LEFT? Without saying anything?”
The two were sitting on a chez lounge in Fizzarolli and Asmodeus’s bedroom. Fizzarolli had scrounged up some First Aid supplies and was fixing the mess the rain and street sludge had done to Blitzø’s wounds and bandages.
“Well…” Blitzø cringed at Fizzarolli’s prodding. Everything was really hurting again. “I mean… Yeah…?”
“And at no point since then, have you even considered TALKING to him?
“Why would I?” Blitzø turned his face away. “It’s clear he wants nothing to do with me anymore.”
“IS it clear?” Fizzarolli yanked a bandage tight and slapped some tape on it.
Blitzø yelped in pain and glared at him.
“Is that REALLY what you take away from this?” Fizzarolli crossed his arms and glared back.
Blitzø faltered.
“What…” Blitzø shrank into himself. “What do you mean?”
“Blitzø. Play close attention.” Fizzarolli stood and turned to look out the window into the rain. “The day I was kidnapped, Stolas had an appointment to see Ozzie.”
“He did?”
“Why?” Blitzø was trying to sound uninterested. But mostly he was trying to stay focused. He was in a lot of pain.
“Well if you shut it,” Fizzarolli looked over his shoulder. “I’ll tell you.”
Blitzø stared blankly back at Fizz with his mouth clamped shut. Fizzarolli nodded.
“Turns out Stolas came to Ozzie looking for his help. Stolas wanted help for you with your business”.
“What do…”
“Seriously!” Fizzarolli stretched and coiled around until he was face-to-face with Blitzø. “Shut it! And let me finish!”
“Cheese and hot sauce, Fizz… Alright!” Blitzø went cross-eyed trying to look at Fizz so close up. Thankfully he uncoiled and retracted back to looking out the window.
Blitzø felt dizzy and nauseous.
“Ozzie turned Stolas down when he asked for one of Ozzie’s crystals because of how I felt about you…” Fizzarolli crossed his arms, and looked down at the street, feeling awful. “I hated you. Because of how things were between us at the time.”
Blitzø looked away, ashamed.
“After you got me home safe, Ozzie fixed me up. Then he and I talked. About everything.” Fizzarolli looked over his shoulder at Blitzø, “And I told him to give Stolas the crystal, because I said you’d earned it.”
Blitzø peeked at Fizzarolli and smiled shyly.
“Sooooo…” Fizzarolli coiled his body up like a tall, stretched spring, bent back to look at Blitzø. “When Ozzie let Stolas know he could have the crystal, they talked a bit more about why you’d need the crystal.”
Fizzarolli uncoiled, turned to face Blitzø and stretched over from the window so he could slide onto the chéz lounge on his tummy. He lay there like a schoolgirl looking up at Blitzø with his head in his hands, and his feet kicking playfully in the air behind him.
“You know. Like, for instance, the question of how you were getting to the human realm right now, so on and so forth.” Fizzarolli looked at Blitzø and waggled his eyebrows.
Blitzø blushed. Fizzarolli grinned.
“Don’t worry. That bit of law breaking won’t leave our lips.” Fizzarolli reached over and booped Blitzø playfully on the nose. Blitzø batted at Fizz’s hand with his free hand and looked away.
Fizzarolli sat up. “Point is. Stolas got the crystal for you because he doesn’t want you to be obligated to be with him - in any way.”
“Wait, WHAT?” Blitzø whipped his head around to face Fizzarolli.
“Satan’s taint, my head hurts” he muttered.
Fizzarolli looked at him with concern, but Blitzø just waved him on.
“Stolas loves you, Blitzø. And he wants to end whatever arrangement you two have so that it’s not an obligation for you to be with him anymore.”
“I… It wasn’t… I didn’t…”
“Stolas wants you to be able to do your job. With or without him. But he desperately wants you to love him and to WANT to be with him, no strings attached. He told Ozzie that he’s never thought of you as a contract. You’ve always been his equal, his best and only friend and his lover. He doesn’t care about titles. He wants to be your family.”
“That bastard”
“Excuse me?” Fizzarolli was shocked.
“Who says I don’t?… That I didn’t?… Why didn’t he just f*cking… Oh Satan f*cking damn it!… My head can’t take this sh*t”
“You’re not an easy person to have an honest heart-to-heart conversation with, Blitzø.”
“Well, I never!” Blitzø gasped dramatically and feigned a southern belle swoon into Fizzarolli’s arms.
Fizzarolli rolled his eyes and dropped Blitzø on the floor.
Blitzø lay there and looked up at the ceiling.
“You’re right, Fizz.” Blitzø sighed. “I spit bullsh*t and keep my feelings inside because I’m afraid that if I let them out… I’ll just massively f*ck s*it up again and hurt the ones I love the most.”
“What exactly do you mean by that?”
“The last time… ah f*ck me…” Blitzø sat up and rubbed his closed eyes between his finger and thumb. His head was throbbing. He was seeing stars.
“Fizz… There’s something I’ve got to tell you.”
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somber-sapphic · 5 months
Snow Daze
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〖Summary: Shoveling snow while sick is a nightmare combination.〗
〖Word Count: 2.1k〗
〖Pairing: Wanda x Sick Reader〗
〖Notes: Sorry it took so long to get this done, I got sick and couldn't write for the life of me. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this and feel free to send me an ask if you'd like to read anything!〗
Waking up to fresh snowfall brought different reactions for everyone. Some felt joy upon seeing their ordinary world coated in white, they loved the whimsy that came with the weather. To others it was more frustrating. It was a chore that had to be dealt with as early as possible to make room for the day. You fell into the latter category.
When you woke up on what was supposed to be a lazy Sunday morning you were less than thrilled to see a blanket of snow covering the yard, driveway and cars. It wasn’t like you didn’t enjoy the snow, you loved watching it fall in large fluffy flakes and every so often you would have a snowball fight with the avengers. Really you loved the snow, but you hated the cleanup. You hated it more with a stuffy nose and a dull ache in your body that clearly indicated that you were getting sick.
There was this little competition among the heroes about who could shovel the most snow, it was their way of turning a chore into a fun workout. You didn’t find it nearly as fun as them. You would rather just get the damn job over with without all of the smack talk and teasing, but they insisted on it.
Wanda had gotten so tired of their antics that she’d dubbed herself ‘maker of the hot coca’ to get out of it. Natasha loved it, she felt great when she could beat the superhumans at anything and generally just enjoyed competition. You participated only because you were a relatively new member of the team (compared to the others) and didn’t want to make yourself look weak.  
Staring out at the vast expanse that was the Avengers Compound driveway you couldn’t help but feel a bit of self-pity. You had just woken up and you were already feeling awful. Your nose was so stuffy that you couldn’t breathe through it, but it was also running. Your throat burned every time you swallowed, and you were sure that the cough that would be coming would make it hurt even worse.
It wasn’t like you had much of a choice though, you could hear Steve beginning to yell at everyone to get up and dressed for 20-degree weather. With a harsh sneeze you began to get ready, pulling on the warmest clothes you could find which included doubles of everything. Even with the two layers you were shivering hard, unable to get warm.
You stared at yourself in the small mirror, studying the dark smudges under your eyes and the sickly pallor of your face. Your nostrils were already rimmed red from rubbing them and your lips were badly chapped. Whatever this was it was hitting fast and hard.
A loud knock startled you out of your daze and back into reality. You shuffled to your door, hindered by the extra layers and your own dizziness. Opening it revealed an excited looking Steve with a big smile on his face and wearing winter clothes.
“You ready Y/n? It looks heavy!” He greeted, grinning at you. His joyful tone was baffling, but you were determined to prove yourself as an individual with no powers and far less experience than the others.
“Lets do this.” You croaked, confirming that you sounded as bad as you felt. Steve’s eyebrow twitched and his expression morphed into one of concern, but you brushed it off with a quiet cough and a smile.
“Sorry, my throat is a little dry. I think I need to talk to FRIDAY about increasing the humidity in here.” You said, offering an easy explanation for what could easily be a fluke. The cough had done wonders to clear your throat and you didn’t sound quite as awful. A bit nasally, but not like death.
Cap nodded enthusiastically, too focused on the idea of what he was sure would be an intense workout to really notice the state you were in. If you said you were fine, he was in no place to question you.
“Lets do this!”
You grabbed your coat and followed the superhero out of your bedroom where you practically ran into a very tired looking Wanda. The witch wasn’t sure why it was so important for her to be awake as she was only making cocoa for everyone, but the boys had refused to give her peace.
When she saw you, her eyes went wide, and you couldn’t help the blush that spread across your cheeks. The way she looked at you with worry and love, it was just something you’d never seen before meeting her.
When you first joined the team, she had been incredibly kind to you, she’d understood your fear and done everything to make you feel welcome. It hadn’t taken long for you to fall head over heels for her. Thankfully she could read your mind otherwise you never would’ve gotten the courage to ask her out.
“Y/n, are you okay? You look…not great.” She said softly, not wanting to attract the attention of anyone else. You smiled again and nodded slightly, wondering if she could tell that you were lying. You had always been good at it, but you knew that she could sense emotions without trying if they were strong enough.
“I’m fine. I just woke up, that’s it. Will you put marshmallows in my hot cocoa?” You asked, leaning in to peck her on the cheek. The brunette hummed quiet concern, but nodded after a moment and squeezed your hand.
“Of course, baby. Come inside if you need a break, okay? No need to put yourself at risk for a chore, it will get done.” She kissed you, her soft red lips brushing gently against yours. You did the best you could to return the kiss, but it was everything you could do not to fall apart. The last place you wanted to be was outside in the freezing cold, you wanted to be with Wanda who was comfortable and warm. Later you’d find yourself wishing that you gave into that want.
A chesty cough bubbled from your lips as you threw another shovel full of heavy wet snow over your shoulder, but this time you did nothing to suppress it. You no longer cared if someone heard you, you were tired and cold. It had been two hours of moving piles of incredibly heavy snow and you were barely halfway done.
Natasha glanced over at you but said nothing. She’d been watching you deteriorate for a while now but didn’t want to force you inside when you were being so stubborn. She had internally decided that if you didn’t go in soon, she would get Wanda to come get you.
 The boys were getting even more competitive as they got bored, and Clint had started throwing snowballs. You were thankful that you were on the other side of the driveway away from that nonsense.
One thing your slightly feverish brain hadn’t considered was that the others might retaliate. What had started as one man throwing a few snowballs had turned into a full-blown snowball fight in less than a minute. You tried to avoid your teams’ antics and just continue with the snow removal, but it was too late for that.
Before you could think to react one very well packed snowball slammed you in the face and another hit the back of your head. You froze as icy slush slid down your back and chest, bypassing your jacket to soak into your soft cotton undershirt. You stared at Steve who had thrown the one that hit your face with an expression of shock and anger that was barely masking tears.
You threw the shovel down and whipped around, a wave of spots dancing in your vision as you began to march back toward the front doors. You glared daggers at Clint who had thrown the other snowball and flipped them both off as you trudged your way through the snow, hot tears beginning to drip down your freezing cheeks.
When you got inside you didn’t even bother taking off your boots, you just stomped through the foyer and to the elevator, pushing the button you knew would get you to the kitchen and your girlfriend.
“Mx. Y/l/n, your vitals indicate—”
“Shut up FRIDAY.” You snapped, coughing aggressively into your elbow as you waited the few seconds for the elevator to get to your floor. You didn’t care what the AI had to say, you knew that you were sick, and you were so angry that all you really wanted to do was scream.
When you finally made it to the kitchen the snow had begun to melt. You stood in front of Wanda dripping and shivering, doing everything you could to keep yourself from sobbing.
“Oh love, you’re freezing.” The brunette breathed, shaking her head as she rushed to comfort you. She began to take off your coat and you just let her. The tears coming faster as her aura of compassion washed over you, reassuring you that you weren’t alone.
The young Sokovian woman set your coat on a chair and pulled you in for a hug, giving you silent permission to break down. You did just that and buried your head in her shoulder as you began to sob out your frustration at the world. Wanda held you like that, crying coughing and sneezing for probably five minutes before she pulled away, seeming not to care that you’d ruined her shirt.
“Come on Y/n/n, let’s get you in bed.”
When she said that you expected to be brought to your bedroom, but instead you found her leading you to hers. Once there she helped you change into her softest pajamas and tucked you into her bed without a second thought.
The whole thing happened so fast that your fever clouded brain barely had time to catch up when Wanda left you alone only to return a moment later with a mug of tea.
“Here you go sweetheart. Drink this for me, it’ll warm you up.” Wanda said gently, pushing a mug into your hands. She had never made you any cocoa, she knew that you were getting sick and decided that tea would be best.
“Thanks.” You rasped, not sure what else to say. You’d never really been taken care of before and being sick around your girlfriend was strange. The relationship was still on the newer side, so you were worried about doing something wrong and messing it up.
The witch kissed your forehead and took her seat beside you on the soft bed. She wrapped a blanket around your trembling shoulders and made quiet noises of concern as she fussed, something you found yourself enjoying. It was nice to feel cared for and she did it better than anyone else.
“How about we watch a show while you warm up?” She suggested reaching for the remote on her bedside table. You nodded silently and wiped your nose on your sleeve, your throat hurt, and you weren’t really up to talking anymore. Wanda tilted her head at your action and placed a box of tissues in your lap with a little smile.
“Use these instead.” She directed, turning her attention to the TV. You obliged and grabbed a tissue to blow your nose which was definitely better than just wiping it.
Wanda flipped through channels and began to play with your hair as she did so, dragging her nails in patterns across your skull. The effect was amazing, you instantly felt calmer and settled against her even more, practically melting into her side.
You focused your eyes on whatever show she had put on; it was brightly colored and animated. It didn’t really matter to you what she decided to watch, you were too sick to pay attention to it.
You took a sip of the hot tea, relishing the way it soothed your throat and warmed your insides. The snow had been hell, but you were finally able to relax thanks to your amazing girlfriend. You vowed silently to repay the favor the next time she got sick and go above and beyond to take care of her the same way she was doing for you.
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