#felix writes fanfiction
felixcosm · 10 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: WOE.BEGONE (Podcast) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mike Walters/Michael Walters Characters: Mike Walters, Michael Walters Additional Tags: Selfcest, early mike/michael, handjobs, sexy cowboy accents, takes place after episode 44, mike is whiny, mike has a hidden kink for cowboy voices, mike has a thing for michael's grey hairs, implied spoilers for episode 78, Sad Cowboys Summary:
“Drop the accent.” Mike repeated, high off the dumbstruck look on his older iteration’s face. He felt powerful, giddy, he had done it, he’d shown the cowboy who’s boss and it certainly wasn’t the Mike Walters who couldn’t be bothered to pronounce the gs at the end of his words.
Michael laughed in his face again. Mike’s grip loosened slightly.
“Did you really think that was gonna work? Man, you’re even more desperate than I thought.” He cackled. “What was you gonna do, Mike? Try an intimidate me by getting in my face? Is that the best you can-”
The rest of his taunts were muffled by Mike’s mouth on his.
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ervotica · 6 months
marking/bruising + felix catton.!!
maybe some possessive and jealous!felix? idk just a little reminder that i'm his 💋
warnings; exhibitionism (felix fingers r publicly), marking, hickeys, heavy making out, 18+ only
a/n; this was sooo much fun to to write! hope you enjoy angel <3
The hem of your minidress is frayed and riding up against the soft fat of your thighs, almost pushing past the threshold of your dampening knickers when Felix shoves a thick fingered hand up the side of the material to palm at your bum. He's mouthing at your neck as if he's possessed, a knee driving up to knock against your clothed cunt.
You feel his smug grin when you angle your hips downward to chase the friction, a soft plea of "Felix," murmured out against the clammy skin of his shoulder. Perspiration beads across your hairline when he nips at the curve of your jaw, lips suctioning to create a blooming dark mark under his fervent touch.
The bass of some regularly played club song thrums through your veins despite the darkness that shrouds both you and your hulking boyfriend; a sharp sting sprouts in the juncture of your shoulder, Felix's teeth sinking into the delicate flesh until you're whining, rolling your hips against the rough denim of his jeans and reaching down to palm the tent that's formed there.
"You know, I like Ollie. But if he keeps looking at you like that, I'm going to deck him," he gasps, rutting into the palm of your hand when you squeeze his cock.
"Ah- Felix," you trill wetly, something halfway between a sob and a moan dislodging from your throat as he pushes your underwear to the side to nudge your swollen clit with the tip of his thumb. “We can’t. Not-not here.”
"Just got to put on a show for Ollie, yeah? Remind him who you belong to?"
His lips capture yours once more, the wet muscle of his tongue licking into your mouth when thick digits squeeze at the fat of your breast. Your head knocks back against the wall, teeth clashing with Felix's; you can feel the heat pulsing from his chest, the ragged breaths that expel when his touch scrubs across your pulse point to anchor your face closer to his.
Your jaw smarts when Felix's teeth sink back into the fragile skin, and you know when you step back into the light you'll be marred with deep bruises. You feel his lips quirk against you, the edges of his mouth pulling up into a cruel smirk when he feels Ollie's eyes boring into the scene unfolding.
"That's better," he murmurs before pulling away and leaving you feeling cold, empty without his warm body pressed to yours. "We'll finish this later, angel."
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sports-on-sundays · 4 months
Can request one where y/n is the sister of a f1 driver ( u can choose) and they find out she is dating either Fermin,pedri,or gavi because she appears at one of the games?!
found us out / Fermín López
Summary: Fermín x Sainz!girlfriend!singer!reader - Things don't blow over well with Carlo Sainz when you're caught dating a Barcelona player.
Warnings: censored cussing, a little bit of Spanish, reader being a singer isn't really important at all- i just made it a fact in order for things to tie in together and made more sense, mention of nausea, this ended up being pretty long
Requested?: Yes.
Author's Note: Boy, what a crossover! As I was reading this request I literally started giggling in excitement to write this because I knew how fun this would be. I think it's clear that this has to be the sister of Carlos, though. Always good when there's a little bit of drama.
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You exhale, fiddling with your fingers under the table as you listen to your father and your brother discuss plans.
You wish that exhaling would release not only the carbon dioxide from your body, but also all the unnecessary stress building up in your chest.
The plans they're discussing are for a small party. Of course, it's a little party that you're expected to go to. It is an entire family event. Or so you've heard...
On the surface, having a family gathering surrounded around Real Madrid playing a literal fourth-tier team (Arandina) in the Copa del Rey sounds really lame. And secretly, you do think it's really lame. But the point is looking forward to watching them slaughter the underdogs. Which is fair enough.
Suddenly you interrupt: "Isn't El Derbi next week? Wouldn't that be better for a family get together?" You're sure they've already thought of that, but if there's any possible way you could get out of this, you'd love to find it.
"Haven't you been listening?" your father questions. "Carlos has plans already. He needs to leave Monday morning, and won't be back until Friday. That won't work."
You clench your jaw. No, you weren't listening, because you were stressing out about your plans for that weekend.
You figure if you're going to tell your brother and father, right now is just as good a time as any other time. You sigh and say, "Well, I'm busy on Sunday, actually..."
Both pairs of brown eyes snap to you, and Carlos says, "What do you have going on? And the Madrid game is on Saturday, anyway- shouldn't it be fine?"
Really, why shouldn't it be fine? What lie will you come up with? Because you can't really say what you're busy with on that day. You manage out, "Some friends... we planned weeks ago to go out that day. Have some fun, you know... Sorry. I guess... Would it be fine if... Surely I wouldn't be missed...? The, uh, thing he have planned is... for Sunday night...."
Carlos sighs, leaning back. "Come on, Y/n. You can't cancel? Family over friends, right?"
But you shake your head as you finish your meal. You stand up with your plate, knowing that if you stay any longer, you'll be guilt tripped into doing what they want you to do, despite what you want to do. So you say, "What's done is done. You can still have the party without me." And you walk out of the room.
Hours later, you're laying in bed. You should be sleeping, but instead you're staring up at the ceiling and thinking.
'Family over friends, right?'- Carlos' words from earlier play through your head in the exact tone he had said it. Yeah, family over friends, Carlos. You've been seeing him and the rest of your family on and off frequently for the past month. But the one you really want to see? You haven't seen him in over a month, and you miss him, dearly. You just want to be able to see him. To surprise him.
And you know he misses you, too, by the constant text messages he sends you.
And, with perfect timing, your phone buzzes on your bedside stand next to you. You pick it up right away and smile to yourself when you see it's him. Telling you he can't sleep. Asking if you want to face time.
You don't even respond, and just call him first.
A smile immediately sneaks up on you when you see your boyfriend. His golden brown hair is all messed up, as he's leaning on a soft pillow, and he has a blanket pulled up all the way to his chin. His brown eyes look even deeper in the dim lighting, but they light up when they view you across the phone. "¡Hola, mi corazón!"
Immediately you feel butterflies fly up in your stomach at his little pet name. "Hey, Fermín," you say, much more casually. "How are you doing?"
He shrugs, and his eyes flutter down a little. "I can't sleep... I wanted to hear your pretty voice. And see your pretty face."
You smile softly, but ask in concern, "Why can't you sleep?"
But a cute little grin appears in his face, and he laughs a little. "Because I'm thinking about you."
"Oh!" you chuckle. "I see..."
You continue chatting together softly for who knows how long. But this is what you do. One of you calls and you can't help but just chat for minutes or hours or however long.
You just love the sounds of each other's voices and the sparkle in each other's eyes.
Saturday evening, just as family member are starting to arrive at the house, you walk to the door, pulling your hair into a ponytail, about to walk out. Your brother stops you, saying, "So you are really going?"
You turn, meeting his eyes as you grab your black long coat. "Yeah, I am. I'm sorry, Carlos..." you add when you see the disappointment in his big brown eyes.
He shrugs, and says what he always does: "Alright. Well, just be careful. And have fun. When will you be back?"
You hesitate. This is the very question you didn't want him to ask. "Uh... Probably Monday morning... I'll text you, though."
His eyebrows knit together even further. "Monday morning? I thought you were just having a night with your friends."
"One of them suggested we could stay at her house and spend the following day doing something else," you lie, nearly effortlessly now."
"Why not just come home?"
You sigh at the question. The truth is, you booked a hotel so you could catch Fermín as soon as possible in the morning and spend more time with him, since you'll have to get to Madrid right away again afterwards. You just want to get going. But you know Carlos only asks questions because he cares. Being nine years older than you, he's always been very protective of you. Too protective. But you know it's just because he cares.
He just cares too much, and it makes you angry. It's hard to keep secrets from his honest eyes.
"Because I was invited to hang out more and I haven't seen this friend in a while!" This one is only half a lie.
"Oh..." he slowly nods. "Well... where does this friend live, then? Far enough for you to just stay there, or... I mean, you haven't seen this friend in a while, so I'm assuming they don't live in Madrid?"
"Nothing- er, yeah, we, uh... she lives in, uh, Sigüenza! Yeah, Sigüenza! And, well, you know, she just moved there and there's uh, you know, it's Sigüenza! The cool stuff there, in... Sigüenza..." You've lost it. You're literally pulling sh*t out of thin air now.
And Carlos can tell. "You're lying. Where are you really going?"
"No, no! I am going there! My friend just moved there! There's castles and sh*t she thinks is cool and she wants to show me! And like go around like I think there's a restaurant she likes and... yeah! And then we'd probably just maybe go to a club for an hour or two or something tonight and then go back and hang out at her house!"
Carlos looks thoroughly unsure. "Is it good for you to go to a club...? Be careful..."
"Oh, come on!" You're speaking too quickly. "There'll be a few of us, and we're not stupid! You know that, Carlos! Don't worry about it, we'll be fine! I'm an adult, for God's sake!"
"Well..." he murmurs, "I hope you're not lying to me. I hope you wouldn't do that."
You swallow, but nod, and feel terrible as you say, "Of course I wouldn't. Why would I lie about something like this?"
"I can think of lots of reasons, but I won't get into it." Carlos says with that look of concern still in his eyes. "Well, be careful. I can see you're impatient to go, so I'll let you. Have fun. Te amo, Y/n."
"M-hm!" you say, and rush out the door. You didn't want to be leaving this late, but you figure you'll just have to hope you get there at a reasonable time.
Fermín nods as João (Félix) discussing the upcoming game with him, watching the Portguese man's eyes as he speaks his thoughts. So he catches it when João raises his eyes, looking over Fermín's shoulder.
You grin, bringing your finger to your lips as you walk down the hall towards the two, behind Fermín's back, making eye contact with João. João subtly nods, makes eye contact with Fermín and says, "Nothing. I was just seeing things."
You thoroughly appreciate João's playing along. And his good acting.
"Seeing things?" your sweet boyfriend asks his teammate. You reach Fermín just as he's turning around to look anyway. He he lets out a confused, "Uh- oh!?" noise when you pull him into a hug, before (pretty much) yelling, "Wait, Y/n?!"
You giggle, and nod your thanks to João, who's smiling and practically chuckling himself. He nods and gives a small wave, before turning to saunter away, a smile on his lips. "So, how's my Fermín?" you ask softly.
Your boyfriend hugs you so tight, it slightly hurts, but you don't complain. You're probably hugging him tighter. He's giggling, and starts showering your cheeks with kisses, before exclaiming softly, "Very good, now that you're here! But why are you here, huh? ¡Mi corazón!" He's so adorable about your little surprise arrival. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"
"So it could be a surprise! And so I could see you acting all cute and surprised like this!" You grin up at him, your hand on his chest.
"Stop that!" he laughs, touching his nose to yours, holding you close. But then he gets a little more serious. "How long of a drive was it? I'm assuming you were in Madrid?"
"Madrid to Barbastro? It wasn't so bad. I would drive any difference to get to you, though..."
This makes him chuckle and give you those soft little lovey-dovey eyes that you love to see. He strokes your hair as you rub his back a little, before murmuring, "You were staying with your brother? What did you tell him?"
You smile at this question. Fermín- he always thinks deeply about a situation- especially if it's involving you. He always worries and makes sure everything went well with you. He really cares. "Just told him I'm staying with a friend," you chuckle and add, "In Sigüenza!"
"Sigüenza? Have you ever even been there?" He smiles, clearly amused.
"Uh, maybe, like, once. Not sure if he completely believed me, but I got out of there. So that I could come here and see you! Figured a game like this would be better for me to come to. You know, maybe since it'll be such a small stadium, it'll be actually easier for me to just get in and hide in the crowd."
Fermín nods, gently stroking your cheek, looking into your eyes and says, "If you think so." He's just so focused on taking in your presence.
He leans in and kisses your cheek again, when (of course) Ferran Torres turns the corner, slaps Fermín on his back, and says in a teasing voice with a chuckle, "Got to get going, Fermín. Glad you're having a good time with your girlfriend, but-"
"Oh, Ferran!" you snap, pulling away from your boyfriend to glare at the older man. "Would you shut up?! We haven't seen each other in forever. But I guess you wouldn't get how it feels, since clearly you could never pull-"
"Hey, hey!" Fermín laughs, putting a hand on your shoulder. But he's grinning. He loves your spunk. "Leave the poor guy alone. He's right, corazón. I do have to get going now."
Ferran just waves as he walks off, giggling mischievously. You roll your eyes and turn back to Fermín. "So annoying." But you're grinning. You hug him a last time, peck his lips, and murmur, "I'll go to my seat now. I'm excited to watch you do great out there, mi chico guapo."
He grins and says as he starts to turn to walk the way Ferran walked a minute earlier, "You just watch. I'm going to go out there and score a goal. For you. Okay?"
You grin back and nod as you pull on your mask, hat, and sunglasses- hopefully enough to hide your face from cameras. "I'll be watching for it."
He nods, that lovely adorable little smile on his face, waves to you, blows a kiss, and walks away from you.
Adrenaline fills every cell of your body as the ball hits the back of the net. A goal. But not just any goal.
Your Fermín's goal!
Your muscles send you to your feet, and you cheer, clapping your hands together, watching your boyfriend. You're sitting in a seat very close to the pitch, and you know that if he wanted to, Fermín could come over and hug you right now. But he knows he can't. He understands and respects that you can't be being pointed out. It has to stay a secret.
So, instead, he eyes you, with all the joy in the world.
You grin back, nodding at him. You can't help but giggle.
After the game, you return to Fermín's arms immediately, as if there's a magnetic force between you and him. "Hola, mi prícipe azul," you mutter softly with a little chuckle, before squealing and saying, "You did so good! What a goal! You're amazing!"
"Stop..." he murmurs back, but is clearly loving your praise.
You smile and lean up, about to kiss him, when suddenly your phone starts buzzing and ringing in your back pocket. You hesitate, eyes locked with your boyfriend's, before sighing and leaning away. You slip your phone out of your pocket. "Oh..." you stare at the screen. "It's Carlos."
Fermín nods understandingly and leans away. "I'll keep quiet. I know you have to answer it."
You nod, sending him a grateful smile, before leaning against the wall and answering the phone with a bubbly, "¡Eh, Carlos! ¿Cómo te va?" You hope you don't sound so cheery that is sounds like you're faking it. Well, it's not like you're not happy. You are!
Carlos completely ignores your question, cutting right to the chase. "Where are you?"
"Uh...? I'm at my friend's house. In Sigüenza. Why?"
"Really?" Carlos asks slowly. "How far of a drive is it from Barbastro to Sigüenza? Because I doubt it's under fifteen minutes."
You feel your heart drop to your stomach, and you lean more heavily on the wall behind you as your knees start to shake. Fermín sees this and takes a step toward you. He opens his mouth to say something, but you prevent that with simply a shake of your head. You swallow and put on a confused voice as you respond to your brother, "Sorry...?"
"You heard me. Y/n, what the hell? Why the hell did you lie to me? Why the hell are you in Barbastro? Why the hell are you at a Barcelona game, instead of on the sofa next to me right now?"
"Listen-" you cough, nervousness pounding in your head. Your eyes sprout tears, but you wipe them. Fermín- bless his heart- puts a hand on your shoulder, and gives you the eyes that seem to say, Just say the word, and I'll stand up for you.
You give your boyfriend another quick nod before responding into the phone, lies coming to your brain naturally, on the spot, "Listen, Carlos. I'm sorry for not telling you. My friend in Sigüenza I guess is a fan, and she thought it'd be so fun for us to all go to the game together. So, you know, there wasn't much I could argue with when someone buys you a ticket to a football game. You... You know? I'm sorry for lying. I really am. I just didn't tell you because I knew you'd be upset. You know, about me going to FC Barcelona's game instead of staying home with my family and watching Real Madrid's the night before. I really am sorry, Carlos. I hope you'll... forgive me. But... How did you even know I was at the game... Carlos?" You swallow, waiting for the answer. Fermín takes your hand and give it a gentle squeeze.
"The television showed you. Over and over. The commentators were pretty fascinated to see Y/n Sainz at a Barcelona game. Especially the one in Barbastro."
"Oh, f*ck that!" you snap. "My f*cking disguise didn't even work! Why don't they get their stupid cameras out of my life for once! Ugh!" you say angrily. Fermín gently rubs your shoulder, which is at least some ounce of comfort. "So, what? How did you see it, anyway? Have you just been caught red-handed watching a Barcelona game, too?"
"No. I was flipping channels, and there you were. But there's still something that's not making sense." Your eyebrows scrunch together as your grip on Fermín's hand tightens. Was there a hole in your lies that you missed...? Then Carlos asks, "Where were your friends?"
The lump in your throat grows larger. "What do you mean?"
"You were sitting next to some fat old man with a jersey from twenty years ago and a bunch of snotty kids on the other side-" Carlos has never been one to go out of his way to compliment anything associating with football club Barcelona. "-so where were your friend sitting, then?"
It feels as if all the muscles in your body flex at this one. Your mind goes blank, desperately searching for yet another lie to save yourself from telling your older brother the truth. It's like you've dug yourself in a hole that you're desperately trying to climb out of. It feels like you've nearly reached the top-
but your hand just slipped, plummeting you straight back down to the bottom, where you started.
And you break.
Tears stream down your face, and Fermín immediately tries to grab the phone from you, but you pull it away, swallowing as you blubber into the phone, "I don't know, Carlos... Okay... I don't know..."
There's a second or two of silence on the other end, before Carlos says, now in a more tender, less interrogating voice, "Y/n, all I asked is where your friend are. Is everything okay? Are you alright? Y/n, you're worrying me..."
"Please, Carlos... I'm fine... Just... Please..."
"Can you please just tell me the truth?"
"No..." you sniff, leaning into Fermín more and more. "I can't, because you'll be mad at me... It will ruin our relationship..." You don't know if you're talking about your relationship with Carlos or your relationship with Fermín.
"This is ruining our relationship! You keeping stuff from me! Y/n, you're my little sister! I don't want anything bad to happen to you! Just tell me what's wrong, and I can help!"
"You're the one making it all wrong. If you'd just leave me alone-"
"No. Y/n, you need to be honest with me right now, okay?"
"No, I don't. I don't, and I f*cking won't." At this, you hang up and fall into Fermín's arms.
He holds you there, close to his chest, before whispering, "I'm sorry..."
You look up slowly, sniffing, and wipe your eyes. It doesn't do much, since your tears are still coming. "For what?" you whisper. "You've done nothing wrong... It's just... Everything is messed up. Nothing went how I wanted it to... Fermín, I'm scared."
His eyes are tender, and he strokes your cheek. "My Y/n... I hate to see you cry. There's nothing to be scared of." He puts his arm around your back and starts leading you down the hall. "If Carlos finds out, Carlos finds out. He loves you, and you know that. I know you've spent all your energy hiding this, but mistakes happen, okay? I'll be by your side, but what's done is done." You nod, wiping up your soaked face with your hands, and let him lead you, until you get to the street. He sighs and murmurs, "F*ck. Missed the bus back to the hotel..."
"Oh..." a wave of guilt washes over you. "Fermín, I'm sorry... Isn't your team worried about you?"
"No, no. Don't worry about it. Either they completely missed my absence, or they got the memo that my girlfriend has just arrived and I might have other plans. Let's hope it's the second one, because that would be just a tad bit too silly if they just flat out forgot about me." There's a teasing tone in his voice, in an attempt to lighten the mood. Make you feel better. "You drove here? Where is your car?"
"Oh... yeah, right..." you sigh. After all the rush and emotions, you completely forgot you had your car here. You glance to Fermín, and catch in his expectant eyes a glint of excitement, too. You smile softly, understanding completely what this is from. You roll your eyes. "And no, Fermín. I didn't pull up in a Ferrari. That would draw too much attention." You can't blame him for being excited. You have driven a Ferrari before, (and many other super sick vehicles) and you know Fermín would love to go for a spin in one (or another of the insane sports cars you've driven.)
Fermín thinks they're cool, and as the daughter of Carlos Sainz Sr. and the sister of Carlos Sainz Jr., you tend to be able to get your hands on some pretty luxurious cars, it just so happens. And it's not like your family (especially your brother) won't jump at the drop of a hat to lend you something like that. You're Carlos's baby sister, and he'd do anything to treat you. So when you take advantage of that, every so often Fermín gets to go for a ride.
And you suppose Carlos has no idea of that.
And just like that, you feel nauseous again.
When you arrive at Fermín's hotel room, you immediately both put on pajamas and get into bed. All night, he holds you close, never letting go. You lean your head against his chest, basking in the comfort. He knows it's hard. He understands what you're going through.
"Te amo," he whispers, just as you're drifting off to sleep. You never get a chance to say it back, because you're asleep before you can.
"I'm coming back to Barcelona with you."
"Lo siento, ¿qué?" Fermín asks, his head whipping up from tying the drawstrings of his sweatpants as he exits the hotel bathroom. His light pink lips are slightly parted as he stares at you, eyebrows raised.
"You heard me. I'm coming back to Barcelona with you," you repeat, locking eyes with him.
Fermín crosses the room and slips onto the hotel bed next to you, gently placing his hand on your thigh. "Mi corazón..." he mutters. "Of course I would never complain- I would love it if you came back to Barcelona with me. But don't you think that's not the best idea? Don't you have things to deal with back home in Madrid?"
You hesitate and mutter. "Sure I do. But I'd rather come with you back to Barcelona."
He frowns, nodding. "When are you going to go back to Madrid? And what will you tell your brother?"
Suddenly you snap, slipping out of bed, "I don't care, Fermín! And I don't plan to tell my brother anything! I know he'll call, but he can't make me pick up. I'm sick of him pretending like he's in charge of my life!"
"Y/n, come on. We both know he just cares about you. You know how worried sick he'll be if you randomly cut off communications and don't even tell him what happened to you. You can't do that to him. I know if my sibling did that to me, I'd be worried sick, too, and you and Carlos are very close. And he's much older than you. You know how he thinks of you. You can't do that to your brother," he tries, looking for eye contact. But you continue looking down.
"Fermín, no." You speak quietly, but firmly. "I won't. I'm scared, and I don't want to deal with him right now. And I know you said you'd be by my side, but I know you can't be. You can't possibly come to Madrid with me, and then get back to Barcelona."
Fermín sighs, and takes your chin, forcing you to look him in his eyes. "I understand you want to avoid your brother, but you can't have him worrying like that. It's just not right. He's only so concerned and protective because he cares, Y/n."
Your jaw clenches. You try to look away, but he doesn't let you. You swallow, looking at him, and murmur, realizing there's not much you can do, "Alright. Can we compromise?"
Fermín looks a little surprised at your sudden giving in, but nods. "Maybe. What are you thinking?"
You sigh. "I come back to Barcelona with you, but I still text Carlos. But I tell him I won't call, and if he wants to talk to me, he has to come to Barcelona himself and do it."
Fermín's immediate reaction is to protest with, "You expect him to drive from Madrid to Barcelona? You know how long of a trip that is!"
"Well, too bad, Fermín!" you snap. "It's what I'm willing to do! If he cares enough, he'll drive up. And trust me- he does."
Your boyfriend frowns, considering this, and finally nods. "Okay, then... I guess it's fair enough." And that's that.
You sit between Fermín's legs on the couch, watching the television as you munch on buttered popcorn and Fermín plays with/braids your hair. It's been three weeks since when Barcelona faced off with Barbastro, and since then all you've communicated with your brother is that if he wants to discuss anything with you, he's got to come to Barcelona and do it himself.
Do you miss your older brother? Yes. Yes, you one hundred percent do. Are you scared of your brother's attitude and reaction? Yes. Yes, you one hundred percent are.
As Fermín leans close, now stroking your arm with one hand, your phone buzzes in your lap. You give the bowl of popcorn to your boyfriend and pick up your phone.
You stare in shock at what you read on your phone. Fermín leans over and reads the text from Carlos along with you:
Carlos: I just arrived in Barcelona. I'm hoping we can meet somewhere in the morning, if you're not busy? I've been worrying lots
Fermín's hand gently moves to your waist, and after a few seconds, he whispers, "What will you do, my Y/n?"
"I don't know..." you sigh in hesitation.
"Can I make a suggestion?"
You look up at him from behind, meeting his eyes. You can't help but giggle at each other. He sighs, before turning serious again and saying, "Just send him my address and tell him to be around at 9:00 A.M."
"Fermín!" you snap, as though he's a complete lunatic. "You think we can just do it, just like that?!"
"Sure," he nods, cool headed. "I'm not scared of him, just because he drives cars fast and he's got big muscles. I run fast and... have slightly less big muscles than him." He grins, and you can't help but smile, too, at this. Fermín has a way of making serious things light-hearted. "Anyway, if you do it this way, I'll be there with you. Maybe it'd be easier to show him rather than tell. And I'll do the talking that you're still nervous to do. I will." He looks at you with sincere eyes.
You stare ahead, considering this for a while as Fermín slowly and absentmindedly rubs your thigh. Finally you sigh and mutter, "I guess that's the best thing... It's a shame it has come to this."
Fermín laughs softly, shaking his head, but you don't mind it. "You knew that at some point it would come to this. Y/n, you know this will be fine. It will be. I promise. Your brother loves you too much to do any of the stupid things you're scared of happening."
You frown, but then turn around hug him tightly. "Okay... Fermín." You look him in the eyes. "Okay. I know. It's still nerve-racking, though."
"I know, I know," he responds.
You sigh, take out your phone, and, despite yourself, text him.
Fermín gives your upper thigh a little pat.
You look up and study his handsome, lovely face for a few seconds, before kissing him all over. He lets you, chuckling a little. He always seems to laugh when you show him lots of affection, and you love it.
And before long, the two of you are fast asleep there.
When the doorbell rings at 9:01 A.M., your heart drops to your stomach. You knew it would happen. You prepared yourself. But you still can't help but shiver with nervous.
Fermín is trying making breakfast, and you're sitting at the island in the kitchen. He looks up from the food and is about to speak, but you say before he can, in a hurried tone, "I'll get it. You just stay here and keep making breakfast."
He hesitates for a moment, but then nods. "Alright... Call if you need me. And he's welcome to come in, too."
You nod and then head to the door. You exhale slowly, before opening the door.
Immediately, you're wrapped in a huge bear hug from your strong older brother, and he snaps, "What the hell? Why have you been avoiding me like this?! Are you embarrassed? It's fine! I've thought about it, and if you're dating a Barcelona fan that's fine... As long as he's a good guy, it shouldn't matter that much, right?"
You blink in surprise, leaning back, away from him, and meet his eyes, which are very similar to your own in shape and color. He's not stupid. Clearly he's tried to figure it out. But the concept of me dating an actual player for the club is so ridiculous, he just expects it's some random culer dude? Just this concept makes your heart (which was already in your stomach) seem to fall down to your knees. You swallow and awkwardly smile. If you could speak, you would, but no words whatsoever come to mind, and your mouth feels much too dry to form any words.
"So... I'm assuming this is his flat? Is he here? Can I meet him? What's his name?"
You allow yourself to breathe a little, and swallow. "Yes, this is his flat... And he's here... In the kitchen... You- You can meet him..." You open the door wide for him, and have to try a few times, before your voice finally allows you to call, "Fer- Fermín!"
"Fer...mín? That's his name?" your older brother asks. You nod slowly meeting his eyes again. You can't imagine that Carlos would know who Fermín is... right? It's not like a gives really any of his attention to any football club other than Real Madrid... Perhaps just the name sounds familiar? Well, it's not like Fermín has a super uncommon name or anything...
Your head is starting to hurt from all this overthinking. You swallow. "Yeah, yeah... That's his name."
You watch with dread (which you never though you'd feel at the sight of him) as your boyfriend enters the room. He has a smile on his face, but he's eyebrows are knitted together.
For a moment, the two stand there.
It's strange, for you. Here are (probably) the two people you care about most. The two people you spend the most time with, the two's whose opinions you value the most. Here they are, together. Two who you care about so much, but have always been separate. And you've always kept it that way.
It feels off, to have the two in the same room, right here, in front of you.
Their heights don't differ much, but Fermín's younger, gentler features contrast with Carlos. Fermín has lighter, nicer kept hair, while your brother of course has the same shock of dark hair you have, and right now, it's grown out a bit, curling at his ears.
You stare at the two.
You swallow as something like very vague recognition is reflected on Carlos's face. He says slowly, holding his hand out to shake Fermín's, "Hola... Have we met before...?"
You can't help but shake your head a little. Carlos, not recognizing a first team Barcelona player when he's right in front of him.
Or, pretty much first team, anyway.
A (cute) little nervous crooked smile appears on your boyfriend's face. He sends you a brief little glance with only those chocolate brown eyes, before looking back to Carlos. He shakes his hand as he swallows and says, "Well, you know, I... uh, I actually play for FC Barcelona."
Carlos opens his mouth, shuts it, and opens it again. "Okay..." he says slowly. "That... It makes sense, now... that Y/n was at the game in Barbastro..." he seems to be talking more to himself. He glances to you, and his eyes linger, before shifting back to Fermín and saying, "Fermín... Fermín Gómez...?"
That crooked little smile appears on Fermín's face again. "López."
You watch as your older brother nods, and then looks to you slowly. "Y/n, can I...?" he trails off, glancing to Fermín.
Fermín seems to get the hint that you didn't even pick up and nods, saying, "I'll go finish making breakfast. Carlos and Y/n, you're welcome to just stay here in the living room." He gives a cute little awkward smile, and walks out of the room.
Now you don't want him to go.
But your brother gently takes your wrist and tows you to the couch, forcing your eyes to wander from the doorway that Fermín just left through. You look to Carlos and swallow. Those eyes. So incredibly earnest. "You're not... mad?" you murmur softly.
"Mad? I'm disappointed you hid it from me, and didn't trust me. A part of me doesn't feel right about you dating a Barcelona player, but it's not like the club someone is playing for decides how good of a boyfriend he is, or if he's meant to be with my sister or not. I'm shocked- I was expecting it's a Barcelona fan, not a player. But whatever..." He trails off, swallows, and finishes, "No. No, I'm not mad."
"Oh... Oh, okay... I'm... I'm sorry."
He nods, not looking at you. "I forgive you. I'm sorry, too. There had to have been a reason why you didn't trust me. So I'm sorry."
You say, "I forgive you," though you're not even one hundred percent sure what you're forgiving him for.
If you thought introducing just your older brother to Fermín was just terrible, introducing him to your whole family is like actual hell.
Fermín keeps his arms tightly around your shoulders as you sit on your couch. You feel stiff and rigid as Fermín manages the awkward questions and empty small talk. Your family is always so open, but with Carlos insisting everyone meet Fermín here, it's unnatural.
Why don't they accept him? They accept other people's friends, girlfriends, etc., much easier. Fermín is acting so sweet and polite.. like he always does... What don't they like about him?
Unlike Carlos, do they really care that much about stupid football club rivalries? Gosh, there are plenty of fans of different clubs who get on just fine.
How is Fermín being a player any different?
He's a culer, just like any fan, right? I mean, I don't know what I am. Am I a culer?
Who cares? I'm Fermín López's girlfriend and Carlos Sainz Sr.'s daughter. Think that's enough for one person!
Suddenly you're pulled out of your racing mind when Fermín's hand settles on your waist and he says, "...right, Y/n?"
"Uh, huh?" you ask, looking at Fermín just as he pecks your lips with a little laugh. You blush and murmur, "Gosh, Fermín, not here."
But he pulls you tighter to his side and says with a soft, slightly defiant little smirk, "I'm so happy that you all have accepted me as Y/n's boyfriend, Sainz family." The faces of your family members span from confused to uncomfortable to (only a few of them) genuinely accepting. But Fermín adds with a chuckle, kissing your cheek, "Although, of course, your opinions, or anyone's, about our relationship doesn't matter to me." He meets your eyes with those deep brown ones.
You swallow and nod, getting up the courage in that moment to respond with, "Yeah, Fermín... You know, I think I agree with you..."
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pedrislefttoe · 3 months
Marc guiu morning sex plsss
-`✮´- ᝰ.⋆˙ ✶ .ᐟ
marc guiu x f!reader
tw: smut, minors plz dni !!, language, oral f!reader receiving, pet names: “love, princess, baby”
-`✮´- ᝰ.⋆˙ ✶ .ᐟ
safe in your arms,
you were in the middle of the most terrifying nightmare, marc could hear you whimpering in your sleep.
you felt your boyfriend’s warm arms wrap around your waist as you felt yourself getting pulled into his body. marc cuddled you into his body, it was around 8am and he had training. 
marc sat up against the headboard, you pouted when you felt his arms shift away from your waist. all you were wearing was a red, lacy bralette and some shorts with southpark characters on them.
you lifted your head from his bare chest and glared up at him with a frown, “what?” he grinned at you.
“why’d you stop..?” you muttered.
“stop what?” he asked.
“why did you stop cuddling me..?” you gazed at him as he began to smirk, his arms wrapping back around your body.
you felt one of his hands squeeze your thigh, a soft moan escaped your mouth when you felt that same hand travel in between your thighs and kneed your inner thigh. “you like that, baby?” he asked as you nodded in response.
marc sat up straight, kissing your soft lips before his lips kissed down your jaw to your neck. he sucked on your skin softly, biting, licking, kissing until there were multiple little marks on your neck.
marc wanted to make sure that when anyone looked at your neck, they’d see his marks and know you already had someone.
his wet kisses dragged themselves down from your neck to your collarbone, he flipped himself over you as one of his hands traveled behind you and unclasped your lacy bralette. marc yanked the piece of fabric off of you before tossing it on the ground. 
his other hand remained in between your thighs, holding them open as he grinded his knee against your shorts.
“marc.. you’ll be late to training..” you moaned as he kissed around your nipples before taking one of them in his mouth, sucking on it.
you moaned, your back arched off the bed as the hand that was once behind your back was now at your hip, holding you down.
“it’s not for 2 hours, love.” your boyfriend groaned against stomach, which was where his lips were now. marc’s knee retracted from your shorts as he tugged them down so he could kiss your thighs. his lips shifted to your inner thighs as he kept tugging the shorts lower and lower before he yanked them off of you.
you let out a porn-worthy moan as marc yanked your panties off of you and tossed them to the side. marc’s thumb rubbed your clit as he licked a bold stripe down your wet folds. 
“this wet just for me, princess?” marc whispered against your pussy lips which got you moaning his name. he began gently sucking on your clit as thrusted a finger into your entrance, he began thrusting in-and-out of your hole as his favorite little noises escaped your lips.
“marc..” you squeaked as he added in another finger. he pumped his fingers inside of you before curling them in you, making sure to hit your g-spot as you yelped his name.
marc pulled his fingers out of you with a pop, which made you squeal as he lined up against your entrance.”ill be gentle, baby.” he said as he thrusted his tip into you, making sure to be gentle as he slowly began to quicken his pace.
you moaned, screaming his name as you felt your orgasm coming. “marc.. im gonna cum..”
he nodded as he thrusted a bit harder, you came all over his hard, slightly veiny cock.
-`✮´- ᝰ.⋆˙ ✶ .ᐟ
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aiflvr · 3 months
me after my fav writers disappear right when i need a nice little bedtime story
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emmaloo21butwriting · 11 months
Fallen for Hook’s Girl
Peter Pan x Reader; Yandere Character | Hook x ((adopted)) Daughter Reader
Season Spoiler; Has to do nothing with anything in the show except characters, and Wendy being in a cage
Warnings; Yandere, Lying, Acting, Rum(reader does not drink it), Hook being ‘fatherly’, Hook drunk, Pan crying, Wendy, you don’t love Peter yet
italics are flashbacks
Other; Long ((for me lol)) and written out of a dumb spark of imagination that became this abomination, second part?? Maybe if it gets famous or I really want to continue, it’s kind of fever Dream ish. I POSTED THIS ON THE WRONG BLOG, I JUST NOTICED, I posted it like a week ago too. Also, this terrifies me, I don’t know if I should post it. To see original post go to emmaloo21
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Hook ended up back on Neverland, with a young girl. Pan was always intrigued by her.
“Y/n, you’re going to be a little spy, and get us Pan’s heart,” Hook said, he was drunk, everyone was, except her, “Rum?”
“I’m alright, drink some water,” she said, “I’ll be in bed.”
“Goodnight, love,” He grabbed her by the waist and kissed her head.
He thought of her as a daughter, he always had. Milah was the reason she ever was able to stay with him. So she was their daughter, to him.
“Wake up,” Hook said, Y/n opened her eyes.
“You’re going to find camp, alright? The lost boys, when you do, you find Pan and sob and cry like I kicked you off the ship. Capture his heart, and you come back to me,” he smiled, “With his heart, you’ll get everything you want. You’ll get to be a princess.”
“That’s it? Simple..” she sat up.
“I love you, sweetheart,” Hook hugged her.
“I love you, papa,” she laughed, “now, I gotta go.”
Hook knew she was a good actor, she tricked anyone, that was something he adored about her.
Y/n found the camp, no one there, but logs and an unlit bonfire.
“Hello,” Pan appeared, “You’re Hook’s girl, yes?”
Y/n turned to face him, “Not anymore,” she grumbled, trying to ‘not cry.’
“What?” Pan was confused, he had seen there bond, inseparable, he believed her.
“He.. he..” she whimpered, tears now falling.
“Hey, it’s okay, follow me,” he said, she did, grabbing his hand.
“I can let go, I just-“
“No, it’s okay,” it was so obvious he liked her.
He was vulnerable, she was curious as to why.
Felix and Pan sat together, Pan trying not to cry and crumble in front of his second. He was sure Wendy loved him, and then she shattered his heart and he locked her away in the cage. He cried as he told Felix, who was there to comfort. And that was merely an hour ago. Pam trying to heal his heartbreak.
He healed it by falling in love with her, so fast. She did not understand but it happened.
“This is my cabin, come in,” he brought her inside, she sat on the couch, still crying.
He was not going to let her leave, that was for sure. The door shut by itself.
“Do you want cocoa?” He questioned, it was cold in Neverland, being it was early in the morning.
“Please,” she whined, he brought her a mug, she took it with shaky hands.
“Let me get you a blanket, love,” Pan kissed her head, she smiled slightly, still crying.
He came back, wrapping it around her, holding her.
“Why’d Hook leave you?” He asked, she leaned into him.
“He..” she started sobbing again.
“It’s okay, it’s okay..” Pan said, “Don’t cry, please, it hurts me.”
He wiped her tears with his thumbs, she sighed.
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straylightdream · 1 year
trust fund baby - “𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐡, 𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰, 𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐈'𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦”
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𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭: hwang hyunjin x f.reader
college au
↳ Escaping the planned out future your family has for you leaves you mess. You were born with anything you could ever want and yet you don’t want the life that has been planned for you. He’s a struggling painter who was a loner all his life until he found his friends. From the moment he met you captivated by you, even when he has to take care of you. “Do you ever feel lonely in a room filled with people?”
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 18+ only, listen below the cut
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 10.8k
𝐚𝐧: this is a part of my connecting connect stray kids college au series SSFW. this can be read as one shot tho. You don’t need to read the other stories to know what’s going on. This switches pov from Hyunjin to the readers. Sections labeled Lost Boy is Hyunjin’s pov.
𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬.
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: first time sex, unprotected sex, loss of virginity, begging, oral (male receiving) names such as: (baby), mentions of alcoholism, and drugs (the mc is a hot mess)
Aloner is someone who prefers to do things alone. Hyunjin most of his life could have been referred to as a loner. It wasn’t until Sophomore year of college when he finally found a group of friends that brought him out of his shell. When he was in high school he didn’t really have friends and never went to parties or anything. He spent most weekends home in his room working on either drawing or painting. When he finally moved away for college he thought this might be his chance for things to be different. Freshman year he tried to get out of his shell some more. He found some friends and went to parties here and there.
Junior year he moved off campus and moved in with Changbin and some of his friends. Living with friends really pushed him out of his comfort zone and gave him a chance to really grow. He even became close with Felix, one of Minho’s friends.
Junior year was an interesting year for Hyunjin, he seemed lost in his art. Most of his free time was dedicated to attempting to paint a whole series painting for an exhibit. He needed to finish twenty paintings in five months. If all went right they would auction off his paintings and he could make some decent money to hold him over while he worked on new paintings to sell.
For the last week Hyunjin had been trapped in his room attempting to figure out this painting. He was only leaving the apartment to go to class. Sitting at the kitchen table next to his roommates Minho and Angel he was more tired than he normally was. His newly bleached hair was falling in his face as he stared at the cup of coffee Minho had placed in front of him. Pushing his fingers through his messy hair he sighed. He was struggling to figure out what his next painting needed to be. Looking up he found Angel staring at him, her eyebrows were knitted together as she focused on him.
“You know eating is essential to living right?” she says pushing the plate of toast that was in the middle of the table closer to him.
His stomach growled, reminding him he hadn’t eaten since lunch yesterday. If it wasn’t for his roommates he would probably forget to do basic tasks at this point. These twenty paintings have taken up all his mental capacity at this point.
“Hyunjin, you need to take a break from this project. You’ve finished four of the paintings and you still have four months,” Angel has pointed out to him before that she’s concerned with how lost he seems to get when he’s focused on one project.
“I think you need to take a break for a day or two,” Minho chimes in.
Hyunjin grabs a piece of toast and doesn’t say anything before taking a bite of the bare white toast. Minho and Angel’s eyes are focused on him as he chews the dry bread. Setting the toast on the table he sighs. “I’ll take a break for the weekend. Felix asked if I wanted to have lunch today with him. He wants me to meet his new roommate.”
“Oh yeah he ended up getting a new roommate right after winter break,” Minho says.
“Is that the trust fund girl?” Angel asks standing up.
“Felix told me a little bit about her. He said she’s sweet but kinda a hot mess.”
Hyunjin hasn't met his friend's new roommate but he’s seen you on instagram. Felix sent him your instagram when you reached out to move in with him. Hyunjin was surprised you were looking for somewhere to live half way into the school year, but according to Felix you got into a blow up with your father and moved out telling him you could live independently.
You were born with everything you could have possibly wanted, and yet it didn’t matter. Your mother came from old money and your father owns a bank. Your whole life you’ve been surrounded by so many people, and yet you felt so lonely. There were many charity events you attended with your family, and tons of people were there biting at the bit to talk to you, and it didn’t matter. You never fit into this elite society you were brought up in. Your mother was a socialite that thrived in a crowd, and your fathers ego loved to be stroked at these lavish parties.
Growing up you were a well behaved child that did everything anything your parents asked of you. Your older sister was the star of the family. She’s five years older than you, as a preteen you watched as all types of men fell at her feet. You realized in your preteen years you didn’t want to be socialite. You didn’t want people chasing after you for your money, and you sure as hell didn’t want to live as your fathers puppet. His goal was to marry off both his daughters to equally as rich or richer men.
At fifteen you attended your sister's wedding to a very rich man who came from old money just like your mother. The wedding, an event for the decade, was all the upper class could talk about when the Heiress of Brighton Banking was marrying Lee Seok Min. The pair dated for a year before they were engaged. You were fourteen when they started dating and when you first met your future brother in law you thought your sister loved him. You think in the beginning she actually loved him. When your lives have been planned out for you, it's a little hard to be happy. The engagement between them happened right after a fight led to them breaking up. You have a core memory of walking by your fathers office and hearing your sister scream at him that Seokmin didn’t actually love her, and that she didn’t love him either. Standing in the ballroom where the lavish reception was being held you watch your sister carefully. The little faces she would make as her new husband kissed her let you know that this marriage was a political move made for money and social status by your parents and the Lee’s.
After the wedding was when you started to pull back. You stopped attending most events, you threw yourself into focusing on school. You hoped that if you were able to get accepted to a good university far away, maybe you could escape your parent’s control.
Senior year of high school was when you started to rebel. You became more social that year of high school. Freshly eighteen you started doing everything to avoid any event your family attended. When all the money in the world is in your hands it’s not hard to find bad habits. Parties with people from school became your favorite pastime. Occasionally you found yourself with a popular boy who had a fondness for sex and white powder he liked to snort.
Many nights you passed out at his luxury house doing anything you possibly could to avoid going home. The sunlight would come up on Sunday morning and you would pull yourself away from his bare body. Stumbling into your house sometimes hungover and sometimes completely sober you didn’t try to be sneaky. Your parents were well aware of how much you hated being home. Your mother asked you to stop acting up once, but when you informed her your boyfriend was a popular rich boy from the Byun family and she suddenly didn’t care. There was a stinging feeling in your chest when you realized your mother didn’t love you like you thought she did. She loved the idea of you elevating your family's social status even more than your sister did.
College was your great escape, at least you thought it was. The problem was you didn’t get accepted into a university far away. Instead you found yourself at an amazing university with a great academic program near home. Freshman year you were still seeing the same rich popular boy, he had the same love for white powder and sex. Since the beginning of your relationship with him you’ve tried his favorite pastime a couple times but tried to stay away from it. That relationship burned down when you found him in bed with someone else. The beginning of sophomore year was a blur, you threw yourself into focusing on school, and occasionally found yourself fighting with your father. Sophomore year things between you and your father got worse.
During the winter of sophomore year you snapped when your father informed you he wanted you to start dating a very rich boy named Kim Doyoung who was attending the same university as you. You went on one date with the boy and quickly realized that your father fully planned on having you married to him by next winter. A screaming match ensued between you and your father. You told him all about how you aren’t some puppet you can control.
“I refuse to live in a loveless marriage,” you screamed.
“Watch your tone child,” he sat at his desk, barely fazed by your screaming.
“Wendy doesn’t love Seokmin, and I won’t marry someone just for money like she did.”
The screaming match went on for too long and it ended with you telling him you needed to move out. This is the fight that led to you getting drunk to forget how hurt you were. You lived with one of your friends from school Seungmin’s couch for a week before he helped you find a place to stay. He recommended his classmate Felix who had an open room. Using the money from your trust fund you reach out to Felix to move in.
Just because you're away from home doesn't mean your fights with your father stopped. Even away from he tried to control your life.
You quickly became friends with Felix, and he quickly realized that the stress of dealing with your father was getting to you. Two weeks into living with him you went to a party and got wasted after a screaming match with your father. You called Seungmin and he came to your rescue before taking you home. Sitting on the bathroom floor puking up all the dark liquid you had drunk Felix held your hair back and took care of you.
Friday afternoons Hyunjin normally hung out with Felix. They would normally order coffee after their lab they had together and then would go back to Felix’s house and get any homework they needed to work on done. Their homework sessions normally lasted two hours before Felix had to go to his next class during the evening.
This Friday had been going just like it normally did. Hyunjin walked into Felix’s apartment with his coffee in hand. Sitting at the small black kitchen table he worked on his art history homework that was taking up too much time.
The front door swung open and a very drunk girl stumbled in. Felix shut his laptop and immediately rushed over to you as you fell on the floor attempting to take off your boots. “YN not again” Felix drops to his knees in front of you.
“Hi,” your voice is high pitched as you sway a little bit.
Hyunjin shuts his laptop and watches unsure on what to do as Felix is talking to you. Felix helps you remove your boots that you were struggling with.
“YN how much did you drink?” Felix asks, realizing right away how drunk his roommate was. Hyunjin stood there unsure of what to do.
“I don’t know. I feel sick,” you mumbles.
Felix pushed your hair away from your face, “did you get in a fight with your dad again.” From what Felix had told him you only got drunk when you and your father got into blow up screaming matches. He said it’s only happened a handful of times.
You swayed a little before Felix pulled you into his chest. Hyunjin was frozen in place, unsure of what to do.
“Are you going to puke?” Felix asked, rubbing your back as he held you close.
“I think so,” you mumbles with the nausea feeling taking over you. “I can’t walk you,” you whined.
Felix takes a deep breath, still rubbing your back. Hyunjin moves closer so he stands right by them and Felix. “Do you need me to carry her?” He finally speaks.
Felix looks up at his friend with a pleading look in his eyes, “please I can’t lift her.”
Hyunjin squats down behind you. He pulls you away from your roommate and you look up at the beautiful boy with long bleached hair. You smile as you close your hazy eyes, unable to focus on him. Without another word he picks you up bridal style and carries you out of the living room. You looked up at him trying to focus on his beautiful lips. How would it feel to kiss someone with pillow soft lips. Reaching up you touch the soft skin that runs across his jaw. Hyunjin feels conflicted suddenly as you touch him in your drunken state.
“Who are you?” Your voice is low and barely audible.
“Hyunjin,” he says as he sits you down on the cold tile floor near the toilet.
“You’re the boy who is always leaving his painting stuff here,” you mumbled.
Before Hyunjin can even respond you start to puke up the dark liquid you drank to forget your fight with your father. Felix came rushing in and held back your hair as you threw up. He rubs your back saying it’s okay. The same sweet encouraging words he always tells you.
Hyunjin watches as Felix gently takes care of you for about thirty minutes before he excuses himself to go get you a bottle of cold water. He comes back into the bathroom handing you the bottle of water and asks for you to drink it. He asks Hyunjin to talk with him in the hallway.
“Hyunjin I hate to do this but I need to go to class. Can you possibly take care of YN until I get home. It’s my Lit class I can’t miss. The class is two hours long and I’ll come right back when I get out of class.” Felix stares at Hyunjin with a pleading look in his eyes.
Before today Hyunjin had never even met you properly and now Felix was asking him to take care of you.
Felix went to class and for a while Hyunjin sat on the bathroom floor next to you. At first he was unsure of what he should do. Sitting on the floor leaning against the wall you started to sober up as you stared at your roommate's friend.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
Bringing the water bottle up to your lips, you drink the cold water. “I’m better now.”
This is the first time Hyunjin officially met you. He sat on the bathroom floor with you for about an hour before you complained about being hungry.
Bending down, he helps you stand up. He helps guide you to the living room where you sit down on the living room couch. He goes off into the kitchen and works on making something to eat. He comes back in with a plate of toast and citrus flavored soda.
“My mom used to always give me this when I was sick growing up.” He sits down on the couch next to you holding out the plate.
Slowly you eat the dry toast hoping it will help fill your empty stomach. You move so you’re sitting on the couch with your back against the arm rest and your legs are curled up close to you.
You haven’t ever had someone look after you other than Felix while you’ve been drunk. In the short period of time you’ve known Felix he’s gone out of his way to take care of you when you’ve been a mess, but you didn’t expect his friend who doesn’t really know you to be as kind. You’ve seen him a few times in passing but you never met him. The first time you saw him in your kitchen with Felix you automatically noticed how beautiful he is. Now sitting next to him on the couch you can’t help but stare at his beautiful full lips.
The longer you sit there on the couch eating the better you start to feel.
“Do you want to talk about what you’re feeling?” he asks, holding out the citrus soda for you.
“No,” you shake your head before taking another bite of your toast.
There is something so gentle about the way he looks at you. There is zero judgment in his eyes as he watches you.
“Okay that’s fine.”
You finish the toast he made you and you work on slowly drinking your soda when Felix walks into your apartment. He shuts the door and takes his shoes off. He stops in front of the couch and looks between you and Hyunjin. He sits down on the couch next to you. Reaching over he rests your hand on your knee and gently squeezes it.
“Are you feeling better?”
Silently you nod your head.
“Thank you for taking care of her,” he looks over at Hyunjin.
“No problem.”
“I should probably head home, I need to work on my painting.” You stay on the couch as you watch Hyunjin leave. Felix walks him out before he comes back into the apartment and finds you in the same spot you had been in since Hyunjin helped you to the couch.
“Did you have a bad fight with your dad?” Your roommate hasn’t known you very long but he knows all about your struggles with your family.
“Yes,” you whisper, embarrassed that you let your fight with your father get the best of you.
The rest of the night you spent in your room trying to rest and sober up more. When the morning came you couldn’t help but feel embarrassed that Hyunjin took care of you while you were drunk. Only Felix had really ever seen you that drunk.
Looking over at the clock on your nightstand you were reminded you had class in an hour. You got up to start your day. You brush your teeth and do your hair before getting dressed in something warm to wear for the day. Walking into the kitchen you’re caught off guard when you find Hyunjin sitting at your kitchen table with a cup of coffee in front of him and his sketch pad. You instantly feel embarrassed this boy had to take care of you while you were drunk. Part of you wants to run, but before you can Felix greets you.
“Good morning YN.”
“Hi,” you awkwardly wave. Sitting down at the small table across from the beautiful boy, Felix placed a cup of coffee in front of you. Hyunjin’s eyes shift from his sketch pad to you a few times as he silently studies you. There is something so gentle about him.
Felix is humming to himself as he’s in the process of mixing together what looks to be his brownies he likes to make. You glance down at the cup of coffee Felix made for you in your favorite yellow cup.
“Thank you for taking care of me,” you whisper just loud enough for Hyunjin to hear.
“I’m glad I could help.” There is a softness behind his eyes, and the way he speaks to you feels sincere.
“How can I repay you for taking care of me?” You feel as if you owe him.
Looking up from his sketch pad again he knits his eyebrows together. “You don’t owe me anything.”
It has been a couple weeks since your fight with your dad and the cold winter air has left you feeling a little under the weather.
Luckily you had the day off from class and you could spend the day bundled up on the couch drinking tea. The front door opens and Felix walks in with an exhausted looking Hyunjin. You can’t help but watch him push his fingers through his bleached hair. Felix has mentioned Hyunjin was spending most of his time at the art studio attempting to get ready for a huge art exhibit where he was going to sell his art.
“YN, Hyunjin is gonna hang here while I run to the store for a little while,” Felix says rushing off to his room. Felix leaves as quickly as he arrives and Hyunjin is left in your kitchen sitting at the table with his sketchbook. Getting up off the couch and walking into the kitchen you find Hyunjin making a cup of tea. Looking in your fridge you attempt to find something to eat.
“Are you hungry?” Hyunjin asks, breaking the silence between you.
Turning around you find him watching. He looks so tired sitting there. He is dressed in baggy jeans and a gray hoodie.
“I think we’re out of ramen and I’m not really good at cooking,” you’re a little embarrassed that you don’t know how to cook much more than ramen.
“Did you want me to help you cook something?”
You couldn’t quite figure out why Hyunjin was always offering to help you. Before the night of the fight with your father you hadn’t spoken to him before.
“I would really appreciate that.”
Without saying a word Hyunjin starts moving around your kitchen pulling items out of the fridge and out of the cupboard. You watch him carefully wondering if you could learn to cook from him.
“Thank you again for taking care of me,” you say softly.
“No problem. I’m glad I can help.” He plates lunch for both of you and sits down at the table. You sit across from him. You take two bites of food and you can feel his eyes on you.
“You can say whatever is on your mind,” you say between bites.
“I know it’s not my place to say anything because I don’t really know you or your situation.” You know where this conversation is going. Felix and Seungmin have had similar conversations with you. “Have you thought about talking to someone?”
“Like who?”
“Like a therapist,” you were in the process of finding a therapist. Seungmin offered to help you find one.
“I’m trying to find one. Hyunjin, I want you to know I don’t drink often. There have just been a few fights with my dad that I have gotten drunk after.”
He pauses staring at you as he pushes his food around on the plate with his fork. “If you’re ever upset. You can always come to me. You are more than welcome at my apartment or I can come here.” He sounds so nervous as he is talking to you. “I would like to give you my number.”
Hwang Hyunjin is a sweet boy and too pure-hearted for you. He barely knew anything about you and he was going out of his way to make sure you knew you weren’t alone.
“I would really love to be able to see you when I’m upset. I feel like having someone to talk to would be nice.”
It’s not long before Felix comes back and somehow convinces Hyunjin to take the day off from his art project. You spent the whole day hanging out with the boys and when dinner time rolled around Felix ordered take out and put on a movie in the living room. From that night on Hyunjin became a new fixture in your life.
Since that evening you spent with Hyunjin and Felix. Hyunjin has seemed to be at your apartment nonstop. Felix often leaves him alone with you and you can’t really complain. You’ve grown to really enjoy his company. Many evenings have been spent with Hyunjin drawing in your living room with you watching him.
It’s another day and Hyunjin came over before Felix had class. You asked if he wanted to stay and hang out with you once Felix left for the day.
“What are you doing this evening?” You asked walking over to the kitchen table where Hyunjin was sitting working in his sketchbook.
“I need to go to the studio and try to finish part of my painting,” he looks even more stressed than normal.
“Would you be interested in having some company?”
He knits his eyebrows together studying you for a moment. “You want to hang out with me?”
“I like to think we’re friends so I would like to hang together” The more often Hyunjin comes over with Felix the closer you feel like you have grown to him.
“I want to hang out with you. Yeah you can come with me to the studio.”
The walk to Hyunjin studio isn’t long. The whole way there he talks about this painting he’s been trying to finish. He tells you all about how he is trying to make money off these paintings.
Walking into the studio he leads you over to a corner that he’s clearly taken over. Sitting his backpack down on the floor he pushes his fingers through his hair. You notice right away he seems more nervous than normal.
He takes a deep breath as he starts setting his supplies up. You sit in a chair by the window near him. Your eyes are focused on him as you watch him start to paint. The studio he paints in is very relaxing. You’ve heard from Felix that most of the summer Hyunjin spent here working on painting to sell. You can’t help but admire how driven Hyunjin is to make a living off his art.
“This studio is very peaceful,” you break the comfortable silence that had formed between you. He turns away from his canvas and smiles at you. Getting off the stool you walk towards him accidentally bumping a cup of paint brushes knocking them on the floor. Your cheeks burn with embarrassment as you squat down and start picking them up. He leans down squatting in front of you. “Clearly I’m the opposite of peaceful when I’m here. I’m clearly a walking disaster in every aspect of life.”
He paused, staring at you. He reaches out grabbing your hand before you could pick up another paint brush. “You are far from a walking disaster.” You don’t say anything, you just stare at him. There is sincerity behind his eyes like there always is when he looks at you.
“You have to say that,” you stand up leaving a few paint brushes on the floor.
Hyunjin picks them up and stands in front of you. Silently he reaches out pushing loose hair behind your ear. His calloused fingertips gently grazed your skin. He’s never been this close to you before in what feels like an intimate setting. “Your presence is really calming to me. I really enjoy your company.”
You’ve never felt like somebody truly enjoyed company like Hyunjin does.
“I like spending time with you-“ you pause feeling slightly embarrassed. “I like spending time with Felix and Seungmin, but things are different with you.” You’re aware you have a crush on him and you’re starting to fall for him, but you can't bring yourself to admit it out loud.
“I really like spending time with you.” His hand is lingering on your cheek as you stare at him for a moment. He takes his bottom lip between his teeth before pulling away from you. “You know if you ever want to hang out with me outside your apartment all you have to do is ask.”
“I would like to hang out more outside my apartment.”
Things between you and Hyunjin changed. He became someone you talked to every day. Even if he didn’t come over to your apartment you texted every day and sometimes you even went over to his place. You had been avoiding talking to your parents in attempts to avoid fighting. Many weekends, you find Hyunjin sitting on your couch with you hanging out and watching movies. Even a few times he convinced you to meet up with some of his friends. You quickly learned you liked Chan and his best friend turned girlfriend.
Things seemed to be going pretty good for you and you were pretty happy. Seungmin and Felix's suggestion to talk to a therapist was starting to help. Even though sometimes you felt like you were rambling on about the same thing it was nice to know someone listening.
You tried your hardest to grow and move on from the crippling feeling you were trapped under your parents hold on your life. You spent most of your time with Hyunjin these days or Seungmin, the only other person who truly understood what your life has been like.
Sitting in a coffee shop you were listening to Seungmin talk about some girl he has a bunch of classes with. For the last month Seungmin has been complaining about her. You’ve known him long enough to know he clearly has a crush on this girl.
“Enough about me and this annoying girl. How are things going with you? I feel like I don’t see you nearly as much as I used to. You’re always with Hyunjin now,” you can’t miss the smirk that plays across his lips as he mentions Hyunjin's name.
“I’m okay. Things with my dad are still bad, but I’m seeing a therapist now. Things with Hyunjin are okay.”
“Just okay?” He brings his latte up to his lips.
“He’s my friend Seungmin,” you know your friendship with Hyunjin is odd and it’s clear you like him and you’re pretty sure he likes you.
“I think you like him more than you’re admitting,” he smiles. You’ve known Seungmin for years and he’s always seemed to know what you’re thinking.
“What about you? It seems like you like this girl from your class,” you tease him knowing it will rile him up.
“(YN) you can’t change the subject.”
“He’s my friend and I think he sees me as just his friend,” you sigh.
“Maybe next time you see him you should let him know you like him.”
After your lunch with Seungmin you seemed to think about Hyunjin even more than normal.
It was a Saturday night and Hyunjin’s apartment was quiet. Changbin and his girlfriend went to a bar with Jisung, Chan and their girlfriends and Minho and Angel went out to dinner. You had a long and tiring day of studying so you decided to call Hyunjin asking if you could come over. Any time you texted him asking to hang out Hyunjin was happy. He had a huge crush on you but was too afraid to admit it. Spending time with you was really bringing him out of his shell.
Sitting on his bed he sketched you without you paying attention. You had become his muse without even trying.
You were scrolling through your phone but kept glancing up at him any chance you got.
“Hyunjin, have you had a girlfriend in college?” You can’t help being curious. Sitting your phone down on the bed next to you.
He pauses looking at you. Biting his bottom lip he studies your face. Taking a deep breath he sighs, “I’ve never had a girlfriend. I’ve never been in a relationship.”
“I’m quite inexperienced when it comes to girls.” He felt embarrassed admitting this. In his friend group he’s aware he was the only virgin and the only one who was quite inexperienced.
“What do you mean by that?”
“I'm not exactly great at talking to girls.”
“You’re fine talking to Bambi, and Angel,” you pointed out his friendship with the girls in the friend group.
“They’re like sisters to me. I’m not exactly experienced in talking to girls I would like.”
“Oh,” you stop talking. Pausing, you stared at him looking slightly hurt. “Do you see me as a sister?”
He sets his sketchbook down on his bed and looks at you for a long moment. “No.”
“But can you talk to me?”
“You’re different,” a blush creeps across his cheek.
“Is that good?”
“YN what do you want me to say here?” He’s definitely flustered by this conversation. He didn’t plan on confessing he liked you.
“I don’t know. I like you Hyunjin and I was just curious if you liked me.”
“I like you,” he’s trying his hardest to sound confident. The smile that spreads across your face is so heartwarming to him and he can’t help but get butterflies.
“Have you kissed a girl before?” Leaning forward, you get closer to him.
He nods his head. “I’ve kissed people before but haven’t gone much further with anyone.” He still feels embarrassed confessing how innocent he is. He’s managed to get through a few years of college with no sexual experience.
“Have you ever thought of doing more with someone?”
He leans in closer to you really hoping you want to kiss him as badly as he wants to kiss you. “Yes, it’s not that I don’t want to do more. I was a loner in high school and didn’t really have friends and then in college I just had my friend group and I’ve always seen Bambi and Angel as just friends.” He pauses wondering if he rambling on too much. “I’m not exactly great at flirting or letting someone know I’m interested in them.”
“You flirt with me though,” you lean in even closer.
His eyes are wide as he stares at you. He knows you’re teasing him and trying to rile him up, but he knows there’s no malicious intent behind your words. He knows you actually like him.
“Everything with you is different,” he whispers. Your nose brushes against his and it’s taking everything in him not to lean forward and press his lips to yours.
“I’m going to assume that’s good,” you whisper with your lips brushing his. “Would you want more with me?”
Pulling away you leaves him sitting there. You move, straddling his thighs as he sits with his back against the headboard. Hyunjin's head feels like it’s spinning as you sit on his thighs.
“Do you want more with me?” You repeat.
“I’m inexperienced with everything outside of kissing,” he rambles with the tips of his ears bright red.
“That’s fine. If you want more you can learn with me,” the boy below you has really broken down the walls you’ve built and you want to make him feel good.
“YN I really like you, like a lot,” his hand gently rubbed your side earning a smile from you.
“That’s good Hyunjin because I really like you.” He can’t help the goofy smile that plays across his lips.
“I want more with you.” He says.
Without saying another you lean forward pressing your lips to his for your first kiss. One hand rests on his cheek as your lips move together. The moment your lips touched Hyunjin felt the sparks he always hoped he would feel when he found the person he truly liked. His hands gripped your sides holding you close, hoping this kiss wouldn’t end.
Kissing Hyunjin is everything you wanted it to be. The way he sneaks his hand under your sweater so his hand is resting on the bare skin of your side. Your lips move together and you move your body as close as possible. Your legging cover core comes in contact with his already strained jean cover erection. Pulling away you can’t help but smile. Your fingers tangle in his blonde hair tilting his head back slightly earning a low moan from him. His sweet moans are music to your ears.
“Would you like my help with that?” You’re dying to know what it’s like to touch him.
His eyes go wide at your question and he stutters a bit before responding, “do you want to help?”
“I would love to.”
“Okay. What do I need to do?” He’s obviously nervous.
“Just take your jeans off and sit on the edge of the bed in your boxers.” Sitting on the floor between his legs you look up at him through your eyelashes. “Can you push your boxers down your hips?” He lifts his hips freeing his erection. You can’t help but swallow at the sight of him. “Can I touch you?” You want to make sure he’s fully comfortable with you touching him.
Silently he nods watching you. Reaching out you slowly stroke him the first time earning a moan. Your eyes stay locked on his dark eyes as you stroke his length. Watching him fall apart in your hand is something you’ll never forget. He bites his bottom lip attempting to hold back a moan.
You tighten your grip as both your hands work his length. His lips part and a soft moan passes his lips.
“Do you want my mouth?” You look at him through your lashes.
Silently he nods his head.
Leaning forward you lick his blush colored head that is already leaking precum. You want to know what it’s like for him to fall apart in your mouth. You run your tongue along the underside of his length and he whimpers softly. One of your hands rests on his thigh while the other helps with your ministration. He’s longer than anyone you have ever been with so you’re attempting to take him as much as you physically can. His hands grip the bedding below him.
“YN,” he whines.
Your eyes focus on him as you continue to take him in your mouth.
“I’m going to cum,” he moans. The sight of him so close to the brink of the edge is beautiful.
He tenses under your touch as you pull away. You work on pumping his length hoping he finds his release. With a moan he comes shooting ropes on your cheek and hand. The look on his face completely blissed out is something you’ll never forget.
Wiping away the sticky substance that was left on your cheek you can’t help but smile at how blissed out he looks sitting there.
“I can return the favor,” he’s still attempting to catch his breath.
“I’m okay.” Tonight isn’t about you. You got enough pleasure watching Hyunjin fall apart. You don’t want to rush things with him.
“Did you want to stay the night?” He asks with his eyes still closed as he lays back.
Standing up you walk over to the dresser where you see some loose napkins. You wipe away Hyunjin release from your hand and your cheek. He’s pulling up his boxers and laying on the bed. You can feel his eyes trained on your back.
“You never answered my question,” he says.
“Do you want me to stay the night?”
“Of course I do.”
“Did you want to have sex with me?” You’re curious if he just wants to have sex already.
“Yes I do, but I don’t want to do that tonight. I want you to stay so we could maybe watch a movie and cuddle. I don’t want to rush things. I’m new to all of this.”
Nothing else happened that night between you and Hyunjin. You laid in his bed dressed in his hoodie and a pair of shorts cuddled up next to him. The warmth of his body holding you close made you feel warm and cozy. You felt completely relaxed in his embrace.
When the morning sun rose you cuddled up even closer to him burying your head in his chest.
“Sleeping beauty are you awake?” He asked softly.
“I’m not ready to leave this bed.” You snuggle up closer to his body with your head resting in his chest.
He pulls your body even closer to yours. “You never told me what upset you.”
“I got into a screaming match with my dad and for once after the fight I didn’t feel lonely. I didn’t have a desire to drink away my sadness. I wanted to see you, because you make me happy.”
Your morning with Hyunjin was the domestic normalcy you craved your whole life. Not a single relationship you have ever been in was this simple. You sat in his kitchen he shared with his roommate while he made you breakfast. Sitting at the table you sipped on your coffee and watched him. There was a warmth in your chest whenever you thought about the tall boy with bleached hair. You had grown to care about him deeply and it was clear he cared about you.
When Minho and Angel walked into the kitchen together you couldn’t help but feel slightly nervous. Hyunjin ran off to his room to grab something for Minho. It didn’t take long for Minho to walk over and sit with you.
“YN I don’t really know you well. I can only talk from the outside looking in. I know you can be kinda a hot mess, but I think your intentions are good with him.”
“Minho,” Angel put her hand on his shoulder. Part of you feels like you should be hurt by Minho’s words but you can’t be. You know he’s just looking out for Hyunjin and you’re glad he has people who protect him.
“What Minho is trying to say. Hyunjin is a really sweet and innocent soul. Please don’t break his heart. You seem like a really sweet girl. We just are asking you not to hurt him.” You can’t take anything they're saying personally. You know they would say this to anyone.
“I care deeply for him, and he’s the first person outside of Felix or Seungmin who really seems to care about me. I don’t want to hurt him.”
Nobody can say anything else before Hyunjin comes back into the kitchen. “I don’t need you guys protecting me,” Hyunjin says. Everyone’s eyes focus on him for a moment.
“We know that,” Minho walks over patting Hyunjin on the shoulder.
His two roommates leave you and Hyunjin alone in the kitchen again. Hyunjin just stands there staring at you. You can tell he’s at a loss or what he should say.
“Don’t worry, they didn’t hurt my feelings. It’s nice to know they care about you and truly love you.”
He rests his hand on your cheek gently. He takes a deep breath staring into your eyes, “I like you so much.”
“That’s good because I like you a lot too.”
It had been a month since your first sleepover with Hyunjin and in that time he had grown to be not only your safe place, but he truly made you happy. Since that night together there had been a few fights with your parents that led to you running to him. With mascara streaming down your face he wiped away your tears. One particularly bad fight led to him asking to take a shower with him so he could wash away your tears. Standing under the hot water he used strawberry scented shampoo and helped by washing your hair. Rinsing your hair you step back so your wet back is pressed up against him. There’s a sense of comfort you feel when you’re with him. You feel erection pressed up against your lower back. He’s chosen to ignore it and not say anything so you do the same. His arms wrapped around you hugging you from being. He presses his lips to your temple earning a smile.
“Was coming here the first thing that popped into your mind?” He asks, breaking the comfortable silence that has formed between you. He was always the first thing on your mind no matter if you’re happy or sad.
“I didn’t have a desire to drink or do anything other than see you. My therapist said that having someone to talk to when I’m upset is helpful. I don’t feel the need to numb my pain.”
“Are you going to stay the night?”
Since that first night you gave him head you’ve explored other aspects of sexual relationships but haven’t fully had sex. You could tell Hyunjin was still nervous and you didn’t want to do anything that would make him unhappy. If or when you finally have sex and he loses his virginity you want it to be on his terms.
“If you want me to stay. I’ll stay.”
You finish showering and Hyunjin helps you dry off before dressing you in some of his clothes. Laying in his bed curled up next him your head is resting on his chest as he’s talking about another painting he had finished. You could listen to him talk about his art forever.
“Did you want to go to the studio in the morning with me?”
“I’ll go anywhere with you,” you whisper.
You listened to him talk for about an hour before you fell asleep in his arms.
It’s been a few weeks and Jisung was throwing a party for his girlfriend’s birthday and you didn’t plan on going when Felix invited you, but when Hyunjin brought it up while you were doing your homework sitting in his room while he was painting you couldn’t say no. You hadn’t really hung out with his friend group all at once. You had hung out with Minho and Angel plenty of times. You quickly learned they did everything together and always had wondered if there was something more between them. You had hung out with the couples in the friend group but never all of them together. You really liked Chan’s girlfriend and Chan was a total sweetheart. The other boys were sweet and the same with their girlfriends.
Hyunjin had originally asked for you to ride over to the party with him, but you had to finish an assignment so you needed to show up later. Figuring out what to wear to this party was a little difficult. You wanted to look nice but didn’t want to look like you put too much of an effort in.
Walking into the busy house you couldn’t help but be nervous. Your eyes roamed the room looking for your favorite boy. You found him standing in the middle of the living room. The moment your eyes locked he rushed over to you. He pulls you into a hug pressing his lips to the top of your head.
“Do you want anything to drink?” He asked you as he pulled away.
“Sure.” He leads you off to the empty kitchen.
“What would you like to drink?” He asks.
“Just a beer.”
Before Hyunjin can walk away you reach down grabbing his hand. You step towards him pressing your lips to his for a kiss. You haven’t really kissed him in front of people. Not even in front of Felix. He reached down resting his hand on your cheek. He smiles pulling away from him.
“I really like you Hyunjin.”
“My cherry girl, I really like you,” your stomach feels like it’s filled with butterflies.
“Can you come home with me tonight?”
“Of course,” he leans forward pressing his lips to yours for another kiss.
With a beer in your hand Hyunjin leads you off towards the living room.
Standing next to Hyunjin in the busy living room you feel so comfortable next to him. There was a time before you knew him where you could be in a crowded room and feel so lonely. But when you’re with Hyunjin you feel almost as if you’re home.
He leans down with his lips brushing your ear. Closing your eyes you smile waiting for him to say something. “What are you thinking about?” His hands gently rub your back.
“Do you ever feel lonely in a room filled with people?” You look up at him.
“I did in high school.” He’s told you before high school wasn’t the best for him.
“I did too before I met you and Felix.”
“Do you still feel lonely?”
Shaking your head you can’t help but smile, “not anymore.”
You spend the whole party by Hyunjin's side. You’ve grown to really like Hyunjin and Felix’s friend group. Everyone is really nice and even Minho seems to have warmed up to you. You’re assuming Angel might have something to do with that. You noticed very early on him and Angel seem to be closer than just friends.
After being at the party for a few hours it’s after midnight and a few people have left. You look around noticing all Hyunjin’s roommates are missing. You saw Changbin make his way out the front door a while ago taking his girlfriend with him. You realize you haven’t seen Angel or Minho in a while.
“Did Minho and Angel go back to the apartment?”
“Probably. Minho doesn’t really like parties and if he leaves normally Angel goes with him.”
“Are you ready to go back to my place?” You can’t help but be a little nervous.
Arriving at your apartment you notice Felix still at the party and can’t help but be relieved. Taking Hyunjin's hand you lead him off to your bedroom making sure to lock the door behind you.
Hyunjin stands at the foot of your bed nervously fidgeting with the sleeve of his sweater. Walking towards him you lean up pressing your lips to his for a soft kiss.
“What do you want to do tonight?” You pull away from his lips slowly.
“Um-um-“ he’s stuttering letting you know he’s nervous. “Did you want to have sex?”
You can’t help but smile as you nod. The idea of having sex with him is enough to make your body feel like it’s instantly warming up.
Leaning forward you crash your lips into his for a searing kiss. It takes very little effort for you to both work on removing your clothes. With each passing kiss you notice Hyunjin’s nerves are starting to settle.
With each kiss it’s not long before you’re both fully naked.
Sitting on your knees completely naked between his legs. Leaning forward you rest your hand on his chest. His heart is racing fast. You know he’s nervous, he’s made it clear to you he’s not experienced. You’re nervous yourself because he’s really important to you and you want his first time to be special.
“Lay down for me,” you whisper.
You’re both completely naked. Reaching forward you take his hardened length in your hand. You stroke his length earning a beautiful moan from him. Everything about the boy laying below you is captivating.
“Are you sure you want this?” He asked you. If only Hyunjin knew how much you wanted him. “You’re sober right?” The tiny bit of alcohol has nothing to do with how badly you want him. You barely had anything to drink.
“I’m sober,” you purr. You’ve only had one beer at Jisung’s girlfriend's birthday party. You move so you're straddling his lap with his dick nestled between your legs. “I only drank that one beer.”
He sits up again. His hand takes your hips rubbing your wet core against his hardened length. You moan with your lips close to him. Rolling your hips the head of his cock rubs against your sensitive bundle of nerves. A gasp passes your lips as you roll your head back. Hyunjin’s large hands roam your back as if he’s trying to remember how your skin feels. “Baby,” he whimpers, rutting his hips into yours.
“I want all of you,” you moan.
Leaning forward he presses his lips on your neck. He leaves a wet trail of kisses across your skin.“You can have all of me.” His words set a fire in your veins.
“Are you sure you want your first time with me? I’m kinda a mess according to Minho.”
Reaching out his hand resting on your cheek, “there is no one else I would rather have my first time with.”
“I’m on the pill and clean,” you say. You trust Hyunjin and you hope he trusts you. He just nods.
Lifting your hips you take his length in your hand lining it up with your entrance before slowly sinking down. Hyunjin is bigger than anyone you’ve ever slept with before. There is a long moment of silence between you and the only thing that can be heard is both your heavy breathing. The look on Hyunjin's face is something of pure beauty. His eyes are blown with lust, and his beautiful soft lips are parted as staggered breaths pass them. The burning sensation between your legs causes minimal discomfort as you adjust to his size. You could stay like this forever just sitting on him filled you to the brim as you stare at his beautiful face. You take his face in your hands and gently drag your thumb across his cheek.
“Are you ready for me to move?” You ask.
Slowly you lift your hips and slide back down his length. The blissed out look that plays across Hyunjin's face is absolutely intoxicating.
His hands roam any and everywhere they can reach. You’ve had quite a lot of sex since you lost your virginity but nothing has ever felt this intimate. Your name leaves his lips like a prayer. With each drag of his cock touching just the right spot inside you you can’t help but moan. Keeping a steady pace your lips crash into his muffling the moans that keep passing your lips. One of his hands takes your breast massaging it and earning a gasp as he tweaks your hardened nipple.
“I’m so close-“ he gasps “please- please- please,” he’s pleading desperately on the edge of finding his release. “Please tell me you’re close.”
Nodding your head you reach down to start rubbing your sensitive clit hoping to find your release with him. His lips are all over your neck leaving a trail of wet kisses as you fall apart moaning his name. He takes the leap right with you pulling you down to his lap keeping your body close to his still moaning as he paints your walls white. He doesn’t last very long for his first time, but everything about your time together is perfect. His head rests on your shoulder as he takes slow deep breaths trying to come down from his high. Pushing him back gently he lays down with you still on top of him. He’s still nestled inside you with no sign of pulling out.
“I like you so much,” he whispers before pressing his lips to your shoulder.
“I like you too Hyunjin.”
It’s been a month since you and Hyunjin’s first time. Things have been going great. You’re with him practically all the time and he makes you really happy. You’ve done your best to avoid talking to your parents. It’s been quite easy when Hyunjin is great at distracting you. You spend many evenings in the studio with him while he’s painting. You normally sit on the floor watching him while you work on your homework. You can’t help but feel proud watching him complete each of his pieces he’s been working hard on.
Today isn’t a great day for you. Your father managed to get ahold of you and your fight you had was uglier than normal. He can't seem to get past the idea of setting you up in arranged marriage like your sister was practically set up in. The phone call ended with you saying you were done. You told him he no longer controlled your life or got to make decisions for you.
Your screaming match with your father left you a crying mess. You knew when you were upset like this you needed to call Hyunjin or even Felix but you didn’t, instead you reached for the bottle of whiskey you had in your closet you hadn’t touched in a very long time.
Grabbing the bottle you head off to the kitchen grabbing a can of coke and sitting down at the table with a glass in front of you. You quickly drink the first strong concoction you made attempting to help with the anger and sadness taking over you. After multiple therapy sessions and getting to know Hyunjin you know this isn’t helping you. But right now you’re so upset it doesn’t matter.
You make a second drink and sit down as Felix walks into your apartment with Hyunjin right behind him. Felix stops in the kitchen the moment he notices you and steps aside as Hyunjin eyes locked on you. A sad look plays across his face and you instantly feel terrible.
Felix pats Hyunjin’s back and says, “I’m gonna go out to lunch with Seungmin.”
Hyunjin doesn’t say anything as he walks across the kitchen and sits down across from you silently.
The front door shuts letting you know Felix has left, leaving you alone with Hyunjin.
The silence in the room is louder than anything you’ve ever experienced. You instantly regret that you didn’t call Hyunjin the moment you hung up the phone with your father.
You take a sip of your jack and coke, and stare at Hyunjin who is intently watching you. The bitter liquid hits your tongue and your eyes never leave his. Bringing the cup down, you watch him carefully. He seems at loss for words.
“You clearly want to say something,” you break the silence that's formed between you.
He pushes his fingers through his bleached hair that is already showing his dark roots. “Why are you drinking?” He knows you, and he knows that the only reason you would be drinking at eleven in the morning is if you’re upset. Pushing your drink away from you and rubbing your face. How do you tell him that you might lose everything because you told your dad you were done.
“I talked to my dad.”
“I’m assuming it didn’t go well?” he reaches out, taking the cup away from you. You don’t say anything, you just watch him look at the cup. “Maybe you should drink less unless you want to become an alcoholic.”
His words feel like a bucket of ice water poured on you. You bite your bottom lips trying to take in what he just said. His words are harsh but you know he’s saying it only because he cares about you. He’s told you before he doesn’t like you drinking so his words shouldn’t be that shocking. “Maybe you should work less because you’re already a workaholic.”
He just rolls his eyes and shakes his head at your retort. “I’m a workaholic because I need to make money off these paintings.” He gets up walking over to the sink to pour out your drink you’ve barely touched.
You feel like an asshole for calling him a workaholic. You know why Hyunjin works like he does. He’s trying his hardest to support himself. He’s also been trying his hardest not to overwork himself. According to Angel before you Hyunjin didn’t hangout with anyone who wasn’t in his little friend group.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that,” you say softly. You want to cry again at the thought of hurting his feelings.
“YN you know why I made the comment about you drinking?” You don’t say anything, you just stare at him. “It’s because I care about you. I don't just care about you as a friend, I like you a lot and I need you to stop drinking when you fight with your dad. I’m aware you don’t drink every day, but I wish when you were upset you would at least talk to me. I thought you realized I want you to feel like you can always come to me.”
“Hyunjin I told my dad today I’m done with the family. I’m probably going to lose everything. I told him I don’t want to talk to them anymore.”
He doesn’t say anything, he just stares at you for a long moment before silently blinking. Without saying a word he stands up and walks over to your chair and holds out his hand. Taking his hand you stand up. He doesn’t say anything as he pulls you into a hug. He holds you close with your cheek resting against his chest. He rubs your back and you suddenly don’t feel hurt by your fathers words. You hold him close not wanting to let go of the boy who is breaking down your walls.
“You don’t need your fathers approval to be happy,” He pressed his lips to the top of your head. Your eyes brim with tears when you realize your whole life you’ve tried getting away from your fathers plan for you, there was a part of you that so desperately wanted his approval. Salty tears slide down your cheek soaking his tan sweater. “I’m sorry you’re hurt, and I wish you would realize that I would do anything to make you happy.”
Pulling away you look up into his pretty brown eyes. Your hand rests on his cheek, and gently you drag your thumb across his plush bottom lip. Pulling away from him you rub your face pushing away your tears. “(YN) I want you to know I love you.”
Your chest tightened for a moment at his confession. You push away your tears knowing no one will care for you like he does. He’s fallen in love with you after seeing you at your best and your absolute worst. Even seeing you crying a mess he still loves you.
“Hyunjin I love you too.” You’ve known since that night you slept together for the first time you had fallen for him.
“Please stop drinking because you’re upset with him. Just come to me when you need someone to talk to.”
“Okay.” You whispered, hugging him tightly.
The rest of the night you don’t touch any more alcohol. Hyunjin cooks you lunch and you spend the day together. You start by watching a movie in the living room before you move to your bedroom with the intention of just cuddling but it’s not long before you’re both lying in bed naked.
He’s hovering over you slowly thrusting into you. Your hands cling to his back holding him close as your lips move together. One leg is hooked over his back with your foot resting right above his butt. You moan his name encouraging him. His thrusts are slow but deep. After your first time together Hyunjin took the time to learn the perfect way to make you fall apart. You reach your hand between your two bodies and rub quick circles on your sensitive clit.
His nose rests against your as he continues his slow pace, “baby are you that desperate to cum?”
“I need you,” you gasp as the coil in your stomach tightens. “I’m so close,” you practically whine.
“Then cum baby,” he crashes his lips into yours muffling your moans.
He finds his own release shortly after. He removes himself from you and lays down next to you with his body plastered against yours. You can’t help but smile as you look over at him in his blissed out state. You’ve managed to fall in love with him without even trying.
Things weren’t always going to be sunshine and rainbows. You were still going to fight with your parents when they tried to contact you, but after long talks with Hyunjin he always told you that things would work out. Things between you were good and you were absolutely in love with him. Nobody has ever made you happy like he has.
When his art exhibition rolled around it was an absolute hit. He managed to sell all his paintings and make more than he thought he would. You can’t help but feel proud knowing he worked so hard to achieve his goal.
After a night out celebrating with all his friends at the bar he hovered over your naked body repeating how much he loved you between kisses across your jaw. There is nobody else you would have rather fallen in love with then him. You love him with your whole heart and soul, and know he feels the same way about you.
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𝐚𝐧: I can’t lie I struggled writing this and I felt self conscious with the switching pov. I hope everyone enjoyed this part of SSFW.
𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝 in any future college au stories or any Hyunjin stories 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 by filling out this form.
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miraculousfanworks · 1 month
Writing Prompt: Power Swap Fiasco
An Akuma with the power to switch Miraculous repeatedly between active holders caused the wildest, most insane battle since Catalyst's debut. Ladybug found no alternative but to put every Miraculous in the box into play, so that the odds of her foe receiving the Ladybug or the Cat was much lower... which was exactly what the villain had in mind, assuming that multiple targets holding Miraculous they weren't familiar with would make them much easier to defeat and to add to her collection!
At an interlude, the heroes gathered to take inventory.
"We think that she has three right now," the current Rooster counted. "The Ladybug is unaccounted for, I'm afraid. As is the Pig."
"Not good. Not good," fretted Marinette, in a Goat costume at that moment. "Even if we defeat the Akuma, we can't purify it. At least tell me that..."
"The Cat is still ours," a calico-clad heroine confirmed. "And we're hoping that on the next switch, we'll get the Ladybug back."
"I hope she's greedy enough to use it, yeah. If she sets it aside, I don't know if it'll get caught up in the switch effect," grumbled Marinette. "What other one is missing?"
"The Peacock."
A chill filled the room. "What?" asked the Rooster. "We lost the Peacock, but we got the Moth! That's way more powerful. Most sentimonsters aren't all that dangerous, right? So it's not a major threat..."
"Unless you happen to be a sentiBEING," an angry Fox corrected him, out of reflex. "Then you could get switched off, just like THAT!"
"Okay... but that doesn't affect any of us, right?"
As Marinette looked around the room, she saw three others sweating bullets...
Prompt by: delfin
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keepswingin · 4 months
It’s Y/N’s birthday and she wakes up to the smoke alarm going off as Felix frantically tries to shut it up 🥰
You're awoken from sleep due to a sound that you haven't heard in a while, blaring obnoxiously through the comfort of your bedroom.
Panic is the first true emotion you have, though it's followed by something less frightening when you hear the voice of your husband muttering quickly and quietly to your left, as his other hand hits against something that sounds like...plastic?
You open your eyes with a low groan, slowly sitting up and rubbing at them, the soft noises beside you slowing with a muffled curse; you're more than pretty sure the last time you heard him say such a thing was when his sister got married and nearly drunkenly divorced all in the same night.
You're not quite sure what feels funny to you, being woken up to something so silly, or the reminder of the memory, but it makes you giggle, only to be topped by the sight of seeing none other than your darling husband fighting for his life against a smoke alarm, of all things, when you as you finally glance over to your left.
Which is supposed to be nailed to the ceiling, not clutched hopelessly between his hands, and still going off shrilly as you stare at him, half in disbelief, half in shock, half thinking that maybe you really are laughing at the gravity of this, in all its entirety, because Felix is looking at you like a deer in headlights, and the smoke alarm is still going off. 
Silently, you reach over and pluck the device from between his hands, smiling softly to yourself as you flip it around to the back and pop the cover off of where it sits over the batteries, and then dump both of them out and into your awaiting palm. Sliding the cover back on is easy, and the noise finally ceases.
You hold the device out to Felix, who has been stunned into absolute silence as you stare back at him, nearly unable to hold back the new bout of laughter threatening to spill from your lips. You're exhausted from the day before, between work and meetings and everything and then some, but seeing the love of your life in such a predicament is somewhat worth this kind of wake up call, even if you find yourself doubting the full use of his brain after such a silly thing. 
Your eyes meet with his after a long moment, and it takes him less than a second to throw the smoke alarm on the nightstand beside him before he's reaching over and grabbing your hands, squeezing them in apology.
"I'm so sorry," he tells you, deep voice still tinged with the remnants of sleep, sending shivers down your spine. "I heard it go off in the hallway and I climbed up and grabbed it so that it wouldn't wake you, but then it wouldn't shut up and I panicked - " 
You slip your hands out of his so that you can reach over and tug him into a hug, a soft sound slipping from his lips as you hold him close.
He stays still for a long moment before he exhales softly and wraps his arms around your waist, warm fingers finding their way under the back of your shirt and running along the skin there. He presses a kiss to your exposed shoulder when you don't say anything, eyes slipping shut against the soft feel of him pressed against you.
You could fall back asleep just like this, you drowsily realize as its already happening, Felix giving you another kiss closer to your collarbone. 
"I'm sorry that I woke you, jagiya," he murmurs, squeezing you a final time before gently pulling away. His eyes meet your own, gleaming in the light of the early morning, flickering softly from beneath the curtains of the window on the other side of your husband.
He's soft like this, barefaced and shining, even when the rest of the world wouldn't think he was. You think it's the best gift of the universe, to be able to look at him like this because he is yours. 
"Don't be sorry," you tell him, the corner of your lips quirking into the start of a knowing smile. "Not all of us are meant to battle smoke alarms."
He laughs at that, the sound rumbling throughout your bedroom, though his eyes are still apologetic even as he helps you to lay down against the pillows again, gently tucking the blanket around your shoulders and curling an arm back around you. 
"I didn't even realize about the batteries," he grouses as you shift around, adjusting into a more comfortable position against him. Your head ends up overtop his heart, thumping contently beneath his skin. 
"That's what I'm here for," you mumble, though you're smiling again, and he's pulling you closer, and sleep tugs at your eyelids even though you know work is looming closer and closer in the distance. "I'll fight all the smoke alarms for you, aegi." 
There's a long pause after your words. You nearly drift off again, between the steady sound of his heartbeat and the silence of the home around you, the warmth of the sunlight as it covers the bottom of the bed. One of Felix's hands strokes your side, a calming pattern of shapes and words.
One of them is a string of words: I love you. 
Laughter bubbles on your tongue, a warm feeling spreading throughout your chest. 
You don't think you've ever loved anyone more.
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felixcosm · 2 years
holy shit i fucking love your fics on ao3. cannot wait for when you post chapter 2 of technical difficulties
It's coming I promise! Prepare for lots of Narrator dirty talking!
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happy74827 · 7 months
Writing for underrated characters can be both rewarding and frustrating.
Seeing comments about how thankful/grateful they are that someone is finally supplying for them is literally enough to make you want to burst into tears of joy.
But, then, you also get reminded that wow… what an empty void. How cruel.
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i4bellingham · 1 year
BREAKFAST IN BED: joão felix x reader
CONTENT: implied previous sexual intercourse, nothing to explicit, kissing, marking, making out (?), mentions of hickeys, innuendos :P + not proofread (online translated) portuguese so translations might be wrong
NOTE: i feel like shit right now because i literally went about my day without eating anything ☹️ and i was wondering why i felt nauseous and with a head-splitting headache like i’m so stupid
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João has a secret.
Well, not really a secret secret but not a lot of people know of it either.
He’s got freckles dusting the wide expanse of his broad shoulders, usually being covered by his tan when he was back home in Portugal or when he spent his break bathing in the Spanish summer. But in the cold London weather and the lack of sun to bathe his skin, his freckles were more prominentㅡ beautifully prominent than ever.
With his head laid on your bare chest, fluffy hair in a mess and shoulders so broad they nearly covered you, you have the perfect spot to see the small brown dots littering all across his shoulders up to his mid waist.
You reach a finger, touching his warm skin underneath the pad of your index before slowly connecting João’s freckles like how you would trace the stars up in the night sky.
Your boyfriend was still sleeping soundless above you, releasing a soft breath of relief here and there when your finger touched the spot on his nape.
You ran your finger from his back freckles to running them through his hair, softly massaging his scalp as he slowly opens his eyes, adjusting from the light that greeted him from his sleep.
“Good morning.” He smiles, reaching down to kiss the skin of your throat.
You rub your palm over his back, prompting him to lay down on you as he enjoys himself of the soft waking moment with you, just like he always does.
“Já é hora do almoço, meu amor.” You tell him. It’s already lunch time, my love.
He lets out a groan, adjusting his head back on his pillows before it's you who he pulls towards him, laying a hand across your stomach as he curls beside you.
“Está com fome?” He pulls the duvet over his chest, draping it over his figure to protect himself from the cold. Are you hungry?
You nod. “A little bit.”
“Should we eat out or just cook? Mas ainda não quero deixar a cama.” He groans and pats his cheeks. “E ainda não recebi os meus beijos matinais.” But I still don’t want to leave the bed though. And I still haven't received my morning kisses.
You jokingly roll his eyes at that, watching his smile widen when you lean down to kiss him on the cheek.
“Just one?” He pouts.
You roll yourself over above him, caging him beneath your rather smaller frame before leaning down to kiss his lips.
João grabs your waist, letting the white sheet fall off your shoulders before disconnecting your lips from each other as he started trailing kisses down your throat, occasionally nipping at your skin and marking the spot that he wasn't able to last night. He connects your forehead together, watching you through lidded eyes as he observes your marked-up skin, purples and reds dotting your chest, throat and neck like his perfect little canvas.
“You know what? My appetite just change, I think I want breakfast in bed right now...”
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aiflvr · 4 months
pov the fic is so off character and cringe I have to take a moment
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leiflitter · 27 days
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I did it! You're Almost Home is now available all nicely optimised for eReaders! Featuring @pyrish-art 's amazing cover and I even updated all the chapter links like an absolute beast.
It can be downloaded here:
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quick-catton · 5 months
Boy, I'm Just A Loser For Your Love
[SFW | 3K | Felix Catton/Oliver Quick, 5+1 Fic, First Kiss, Fluff, Pining, Oliver Is In Love, Felix Is Oblivious]
“You’re just jealous,” Felix says playfully. Farleigh cocks his head to the side, a cool smile making its way onto his face.
“Jealous of what? That he won’t kiss you despite you giving him fuck–me eyes all semester?” The words roll off his tongue with ease.
Or: 5 times Felix kisses Oliver, and 1 time Oliver kisses Felix.
[title from 'boy, i'm just a loser for your love' by good morning. – thank you @tessonaut for the ask prompt!! x]
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burntsaltsblog · 3 months
shiny new toy masterlist
(felix catton\reader)
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details: a saltburn inspired short story.
content warning: profanity, explicit sexual content, and mentions of abuse (physical and mental)
MNI 18+
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chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
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