#ff7 x resident evil
apotheosphorus · 11 months
ff7 x resident evil au!!! arklay mansion shenanigans!
you could make the argument that cloud is chris, sephiroth is wesker, aerith is rebecca, and jill is tifa
like yknow cloud/chris and sephiroth/wesker are a totally normal amount obsessed w each other as arch enemies 😩😮‍💨
what would a ff7 x re2 au look like to yalls!!!
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ninibeingdelulu · 12 days
Seeing you comforting a child…
ft. leon kennedy, cloud strife
Leon Kennedy would never dare admit it openly, but the stoic, badass exterior melted away ever so slightly at the sight of you tenderly comforting a lost child.
That time in the ransacked village, when the haunting wails of a youngster pierced the air amidst the carnage - Leon instinctively tensed, jaw setting grimly as his grip tightened on his rifle.
But then he spotted you already racing ahead unhesitatingly. Dropping to one knee, arms outstretched in a gentle beckoning posture as the little one startled then sprinted straight into your protective embrace.
Your soothing tones murmured comforting assurances while cradling their trembling form close against you. Fingers carding soothingly through tangled hair with the utmost tender care.
And Leon couldn't tear his widened eyes away from the tenderhearted display. Throat constricting over the unexpected lump suddenly materializing there.
That million-watt smile radiating from your features as you rocked them patiently until whimpering quieted was like the first vibrant blossom peeking through the ash after a nuclear winter.
An oasis of affectionate nurturing shining through the oppressive bleakness suffocating them both for far too painfully long.
Leon found his calloused finger-pads unconsciously drifting up to caress his own chapped lips as if wishing to physically absorb the tranquil serenity you effortlessly exuded.
Eyelids momentarily fluttering closed while permitting himself to just bask in the warmth emanating from your very presence like a soothing balm against all the harrowing darkness poisoning them both.
A tremulous sigh escaped between those parted lips as the barest ghost of a smile tugged at their corners for the first time in...Christ, had it really been years since he last felt anything even remotely resembling that fleeting glimmer of unguarded optimism blossoming in his chest?
The peaceful tableau you presented with the now-placid child tucked securely in your arms struck Leon deeper than any physical combat wound ever could.
Worming past every steel-plated layer of defenses, countermeasures and failsafes, straight down into the most vulnerable core of his humanity he'd sworn died an agonizing death ages ago.
It terrified yet entranced him in equal measure just drinking in the serene display. Eventually those narrowed steel-blue irises regained some of their piercing guardedness while surreptitiously cataloging every nuance etched upon your expressions and ministrations.
As if desperately searing the moment into his consciousness to be revisited and clung onto later through whatever hell awaited them next.
Thank Christ for your influence and the inexplicable balm it provided against the miasma of torment clouding Leon's withered soul more with every passing abyss they navigated together...
The uncompromising mask remained solidly affixed in place by the time you finally lifted your eyes to meet his guarded gaze, the child nestled peacefully into the crook of your neck.
Not a single flicker of that momentary softness penetrated the hauntingly chiseled granite of his features now.
Yet behind that shuttered and fortified thousand-yard stare, the barest ember pulsed with renewed tenacity suffusing Leon's frigid disposition with almost undetectable glimmers of warmth.
All because of your natural radiance and selfless compassion reminding him why they fought on through each grueling gauntlet.
Sure he'd never verbalize sentiments that unbearably raw and guileless aloud. But that infinitesimal spark continuing to miraculously smolder despite all efforts to smother it was enough to propel them onward through any escalating onslaught yet to come.
This time with a renewed fervor steeling Leon's adamantine determination from the inside out.
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The desolate, mako-tainted wastes proved no place for a child's cries. Yet the haunting echoes still pierced straight through Cloud's calloused defenses when tiny lungs unleashed their heartrending wails upon the barren landscape.
His gloved grip instinctively clenched tighter around the battered Buster Sword's hilt, jaw tensing as those predatory ice-blue irises immediately snapped towards the source of the disturbance.
Fully prepared for whatever fresh horror emerged after the merc caught fleeting movement through his peripherals.
But the cautious sweep revealed only your slender form already hastening ahead. Moving with fluid grace directly towards the sobbing bundle tucked against a crumbling wall.
His firm chapped lips tightened into a grim line witnessing you unhesitatingly drop to one knee before the distressed child without any apparent armaments at the ready.
From this distance, Cloud glimpsed your gentle features soften with bottomless compassion wholly separate from the usual battlefield ferocity.
Small hands unfurled in placating gestures exuding profound warmth and sincerity instantly easing some of the fractures riddling his own battered soul simply by proximity.
While you deftly coaxed the tiny thing into your embrace with susurrant tones and infinitely patient ministrations, Cloud suddenly found himself robbed of breath altogether.
Those glacial spheres wide and stunned at the exquisitely tender vision you presented cradling their fragility so reverently. A profound ache lodged behind his breastbone at the maternal aura emanating from your whole being.
He swallowed convulsively over the sandpaper abrasions rasping along his windpipe.
Gloved fingers betraying the slightest tremor disturbing his usual uncompromising stoicism while still drinking in every indelible detail of the intimate scene unraveling.
From the tender flickering caresses smoothed across tangled russet locks to your honeyed vocals humming soothing melodies of consolation.
All suffusing the stale, mako-saturated atmosphere with vibrant healing essences Cloud found himself instinctively gravitating closer towards.
Feather-light brushes scritched lovingly along the whimpering child's back forming hypnotic ellipses mirroring your unguarded smile radiating all-encompassing warmth across those cherubic cheeks now drenched in tear tracks.
Until finally after an eternity, the miniature form stilled in your arms. Body unlocking from its terrified rigor mortis into the very picture of youthful tranquility tucked securely against your heartbeat.
Cloud hadn't even realized he'd been holding his own respiration captive until the soft sigh expelled in a shuddering rush between lax lips.
A full-bodied flinch rattled his broad shoulders at its sudden harsh volume intruding upon the sacred tableau before him.
But thankfully, your features remained beautifully serene, wholly undisturbed while continuing to rock the now-quieted bundle in gentle rhythms.
Only then did molten sapphire pools drift up to lock with his widened stare burning with intensity across the slender lacuna separating you. A tremor not wholly attributable to anxiety skittered down his whip-cord musculature watching your radiant smile intensify directed solely towards Cloud.
As if silently communicating your infinite gratitude for him bearing witness to such an intimate and precious moment blossoming in this scorched hellscape...
Whatever parched recesses comprising the haunted mercenary's core still retained the capacity for absorbing nurturing warmth - it suddenly flooded within the confines of his barrel chest when those infinitely compassionate irises shone their benediction upon him.
Unknotting every rigid sinew and ligament hardened into a battle-tempered carapace purely through the power of your tender, life-affirming essence.
Almost imperceptibly, Cloud's chapped lips softened around the faintest half-curved suggestions budding there.
Posture unconsciously opening to welcome your pure light into his long-shadowed world while holding your loving gaze in mesmerized thrall.
As if determined to thoroughly archive this oasis of serenity and unconditional love in his consciousness so it may fortify whatever grueling battles destiny demanded they wage next.
Then in a single blink and a slight dip of your chin, the spell abruptly dissolved back into hyper-vigilance.
Yet even with the mercenary's legendary ice reformed across those exquisite Nordic features, perpetually braced for the next onslaught - a spark continued flickering in the hooded caverns of his stare.
A faint ember of something intangible yet transcendent now eternally kindled behind his armored exterior.
All because you'd reminded Cloud one of his most precious intangible dreams had been manifested into cherished reality...even under the most desolate conditions.
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crisiscutie · 4 months
This isn't a request. I just had a wildin' dream and needed to tell someone. So. So. I had a dream where Sephiroth and Albert Wesker teamed up together and shared a lover. But they were yandere af so Sharing only occurred with each other. No one else could touch or even look. 🫠
It wasn't a bad dream at all. Low key sad I had to wake up at all. Two hunky deep voiced men on each side of you, yes please. Oml.
I got this ask right when facing Wesker in Dead by Daylight, the crazy coincidence xD
But yesh yesh, 👀 I can see this. Yandere Monster Boys keeping their darling on lockdown~
Double tentacle action? Uroboros and JENOVA?
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weskin-time · 1 year
hiya folks! life’s a bitch bUT!
I’m opening up requests again!
as i’m finishing up the last of the requests i have no imma post them all so it’s time to start sending in ideas!
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yeetusdabussy · 2 years
Is there any other fandom's you guys think I should add to my blog? 🙃🙃 because ya girl getting writers block.
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drabblesandimagines · 7 months
I have decided to open some commission slots on Kofi, just to put the feelers out if there's any interest at all (also maybe I'll get scared and delete this post entirely in a few days - ha!) $12 for 500-1,000 words $25 for 1,000-2,000 words Anything with a higher word-count, please message me for a price. I *do not* write smut - only because I wouldn't do a good job! Please check out my masterlist of my work if you're unsure - I deal in fluff, angst and a tiny bit of spice. Over there, I am accepting commissions for the following fandoms: FF7 (original and remake) Crisis Core FF16 Stardew Valley (male characters only) Buddy Daddies Resident Evil (Leon Kennedy only) I love to write, so please be reassured that I will continue to write and publish on here regardless - I have lots of little ideas in my head for various things, as well as requests that have inspired me from my inbox so please never be shy to send them in. Lots of love x
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resuri-art · 7 months
Ten characters, ten fandoms, ten tags.
I was tagged by @sesshy380 on this one, thank you <3
1. Thief King Bakura - Yu-Gi-Oh
2. Riku - Kingdom Hearts
3. Crowe - FF15
4. Homura - Puella Magi Madoka
5. Lady Dimitrescu - Resident Evil
6. Kaworu - Evangelion
7. Yuko - XxX Holic
8. Kirua - Hunter x Hunter
9. Cloud Strife - FF7
10. Haruka - Sailormoon
And now to tag ten people @bakawitch @justapalspal @bastetwastaken @tenderwulf @worldendercharles @apathetic-theme-song @saijspellhart @evieeion @crush3dmary @pathtothedawn (no pressure to do it of course!)
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sapphire-weapon · 11 months
I saw how you said that you think the Leon/Ada ship has sank & I don’t know if that is true. I think Capcom will still continue with them to some extent.
The fact that people still talk about Ada and Leon to this day, 8 years after their last appearance in 2013 (not including the remakes), strongly contradicts the opinion: “It’s getting old”. (which is one of the most used arguments i hear against aeon) Their relationship is memorable and is among the most intriguing stories in RE.
I’m pretty sure Capcom is aware of their popularity as a couple and intends to keep it a mystery/ up for interpretation for a long time more. Leon is the poster boy of RE, so to finally conclude the Ada x Leon story would make his character less interesting and they wouldn’t want that.
See the Ada and Leon fan art, memes, and video edits for yourself; they need that kind of publicity for as long as they intend to keep those two relevant in the franchise. And that’ll be a long time because Ada Wong and Leon S. Kennedy are iconic names in the video game world.
RE is doing different things too now with new characters and all, so probably when the new set of characters become the new hot deal. They’ll finally put an end to the “will they will they not”.
Oh god, Aeon fandom is here.
So uh. A few things.
People talk about old shit all the time. Dudebros still have the "Asuka or Rei?" argument. FF7 fandom is somehow still debating CloTi vs Clerith, despite CloTi basically becoming canon with Advent Children in 2005. People still ship Goku and Bulma, for god's sake. I don't understand what "people still talk about it" has to do with... literally anything. At all.
Leon is not the poster boy of RE. Chris is. If you think that Leon is the poster boy of RE, you are wildly out of touch with the wider gaming community.
Springboarding off the above two points, shipping/fanart/fanfic fandom plays a very tiny role in influencing future game development. Capcom isn't listening to shippers. Capcom is listening to YT content creators and streamers and games journalists and maybe they'll read a thread on ResetEra here and there -- because those are the people who sell their products. And those people are predominantly the ones who are sick of the Aeon melodrama and hated what RE6 did to Leon's character.
Ada's name is not iconic in the video game world. At all. AT ALL. Not a single person who doesn't play Resident Evil knows who the fuck Ada Wong is. She's not Sephiroth or Master Chief or Nathan Drake or Lara Croft or Bayonetta. She's not even Jill Valentine. Hell, even Leon's name was only iconic up until about 2010 when Chris took back over and then RE6 shit the bed. When RE4 was a cultural phenomenon, people knew who Leon was. It's been eighteen years. They don't anymore. They know Chris and Jill, if they know anyone from RE at all. And Lady D. Because of course they know Lady D. If you're having trouble discerning who in the video game world is iconic and who's not: ain't nobody on the goddamn planet was clamoring for Ada (or Leon, for that matter) to be in Smash Bros.
Capcom clearly disagrees with your assertion that not having Ada in Leon's story makes him less interesting, considering that the last three original RE storylines that they released with him in it (Vendetta, ID, and DI) didn't feature or mention her at all. If Leon and Ada never met again after RE6, I don't think a single person outside of Aeon and/or wider shipping fandom would even notice.
There's not much time left for Capcom to "keep the mystery going." Leon turned 46 this year. By the time RE9 comes out, he'll be 48. Ada will be 50. How many more titles do you realistically think those two have left in them? RE9 will probably be the finale for most of the legacy cast, if not all of them. And not a single piece of supplementary canon (lookin at you, CGI movies) leading up to RE9 has been setting up Leon and Ada's relationship to be a thing that's going to be addressed at all. The conclusion of Leon's story is going to deal with his relationship with the government -- because that is the thing that's actually fueling his character arc; not Ada.
If Capcom was truly still interested in pursuing a romantic angle between Leon and Ada, then why did the Remakes turn out the way that they did? Why remove the declaration of love? Why have Leon hold Ada at gunpoint and say he never trusted her? Why create such a hostile, antagonistic dynamic between them in RE4make? Why set up Wesker to be at the heart of Ada's character arc this time around instead of Leon?
I just. I appreciate the cordial tone of your ask. I do. I recognize and appreciate the fact that you seemingly did not come here to pick a fight. And I don't want to fight with you guys, either.
But I need you guys to actually get in touch with the reality that is the games industry and understand that, despite women actually being in the majority in terms of the statistical numbers of video game players, video game publishers still largely listen to male voices in the fanbase -- because those are the people who generally tend to make it big as streamers, content creators, and journalists.
I need you guys to play video games other than Resident Evil and gain some perspective on how insignificant your ship actually is. EagleOne fandom is very self-aware about the fact that our ship, despite having a canonical romantic angle in RE4make, is never going to be pursued outside of the one title that it's featured, because it isn't important and it doesn't fucking matter. We are waiting for our Aeon brothers and sisters in Christ to join us in the self-awareness that is the fact that ships are not what sell Resident Evil games. Aeon isn't moving units -- and was, in fact, one of the contributing factors to RE6 being deemed a failure. People don't play RE for the romance. They play RE for spooky atmospheres in which they can make badass characters do sick wrestling moves on giant fucking monsters and blow shit up with rocket launchers, and if anything gets in the way of that (like Aeon kind of did in RE6), the wider fanbase wants it removed.
But what I really need you guys to do is just... let it go and let people have fun on their own time and in their own spaces. Aren't you tired? All you do is invade other people's Twitter accounts or TikToks or Reddit posts or Tumblr ask boxes (hi) and try to push some Aeon agenda that no one outside of Aeon fandom cares about. You look like out of touch boomers just clinging to the good old days. You do.
And this is coming from the queen out of touch boomers. I am basically the embodiment of the "how do you do, fellow kids?" meme, and even I'm like "you guys need to live in the now."
Like, be honest, man. Did you really think that coming into my ask box -- me, of all people in this damn fandom -- and simply stating "um actually Aeon is super important" was going to make me go "you know what, anon, you're right, and I'm stupid for not seeing it sooner"?
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Come on.
I just want you guys to be better than this. I'm tired. I'm exhausted. I don't wanna fight about this anymore or ever again. I'm here to analyze the story as it's written while taking into account wider game industry trends and practices and also provide shipping content as it pops up within the text that I'm analyzing, and that is it.
If you wanna talk about actual scripting and cinematography and the intended themes and messages of the Remakes and shit like that, I'm more than happy to have that back-and-forth with you. In fact, I would love that. I become a better analyst and critic by having those discussions with people who disagree with me.
But this? This ask?
I can't do a goddamn thing with this.
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fantasy-girl974 · 11 months
Tag nine (9) people you’d like to know better
Thank you dear @little-box-of-wonders! 💕
Last song: Why Can't I Be a Turtle? - Global Ver. [FF7 Remake] (look, this song is a bop and a mood, I can't help it agdhjgs)
Currently watching: Nothing, it’s very rare that I’m watching a serie, anime etc. (the last one was Resident Evil on Netflix last year and the last movie was John Wick 4)
Currently reading: Does fanfics counts? 😂Apart from fanfics, I’m not reading something currently. But I have a BIG back log of mangas and novels of Final Fantasy in my shelf that I really have to read *lies on the floor*
Current obsession: Horizon Forbidden West, and obviously Kotaloy *coughs* And lately I’m especially obssessed of the AU Horizon x Pacific Rim : Miracle Lines that lovely @grexigone and I are working on 👀 (Frankly I want to do a comic of the whole fic ahjgdsf)
Tagging (sorry if you were already tagged, and no pressure of course! just for fun): @murmeringwhisper / @grexigone / @chib95 / @charger-lens / @fogsblue / @y0ureviltwin / @beyondbendingsky / @pikapeppa / @koteevna
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thepancakewitch · 3 months
All Fic Ideas
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can't have SHIT anymore!!!!
Fic ideas
Aikuro x Momoko x Tsumugu
Gamagoori x Momoko
Bedazzle suit
Befriending, smooch
Also befriending, smooch
Jujutsu Kaisen
Centipede form
Human form
Curse filling
Also tongue… is this a curse thing?
done - >
Non con
Tongue…. Sigh
He looked up, eyes focusing in. "You're awake? Good."
Fist of the North Star
Toki cures depression
Shin picks out something for you, modern AU maybe?
Kengan Ashura
Rihito takes you to Tokyo Destiny Land
Reams you in the bathroom - RECENTLY CLEANED
Xia Ji Gets Owned
Risu cums on you
Risu more like UR MY SUGAR MOMMYsu
You want to be My partner?
I am not and will not fuck Hojo but unfortunately I will
Ancano and Llrium
Bimbo reader x Shigaraki
Uh oh my like, ex bf Keigo is over there??? Quick be my bf in this mall
Heavenly Peach Banquet - Momoko x Family
House of Red Clouds - Reader x Akatsuki
One Piece
Condor - Reader x Peruvian Rosicante Donquixote
Idiot llama herder
Tímido Dino - Reader x Cubano X Drake - Diez Drake
Meet him at college, he’s floored you recognize he’s latino, complains about it…..
H o r n iiiii ( fog horn noise )
Mexican Perona - the mall goth
Mexican Law - adopted in by Rosicante
Argentine Robin - studies up in the andes
Colombian Nami - heart breaker
Mixed Dominican Katakuri ( i see big mama being european, like Germanic or something )
Panamanian Cavendish - tu quieres!? Si si estoy bonito!
Resident Evil 8 - Village
Inner Workings - Heisenberg experiments on ReaDER HHAHA FNNI 0_0 haha wouldnt that be so funny!!!!!!
Alicia turns you into a husk!!!
Ace Attorney
Modern AU - barok the english professor has no time for you
Scoffs at your twilight but then talks about team jacob
Bends you over the desk to fuck you because idk that has to be a staple
Wine mom
Hunter X Hunter
Illumi uses a magic wand on you and is like :| i wanted to see your reactions
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breserker · 5 months
Top 10 pairings and/or fandoms :)
okay HONESTLY i'm a one ship wonder with a lot of fandoms, i have the flagship and then a few tributary ships so this should be pretty easy except for the fact that i think it shows my boring ass hand tbh a lot of my ships are the boring obvious ones probably because I don't consider myself a multishipper if that makes sense. Like it takes a lot for me to care, y'know.
also sorry for the delay i'm working on the giant buddha in terraria and oh god it's past midnight huh
Ulrich/Yumi (Code Lyoko) - Dude it's here because it's my first real ship first real fandom experience i understand they might be kinda milquetoast inasmuch as they were VERY popular but i really resonated with Ulrich's insecurities and totally not brewing emotional abuse victim angst so it'll always stay close to my heart Henry/Eileen (Silent Hill 4) - First...adult-ish ship? Dude i was 14-15 when i got into Silent Hill and I attached to these two immediately, idk why, but scarring and recovering is gonna be somewhat of a running theme I think Majima/Makoto (Yakuza 0) - PERFECT SEGWAY BITCH OH FUCKING DAMN not only were they my first foray into real smut writing in 2019 Makoto is one of my favorite characters of all time, i attribute at least some of my comfort with myself nowadays to this ship and I've met some LIFELONG friends through them Scully/Starling (crossover X-Files and Silence of the Lambs) - Not a big greater hannibalverse type person but these two in particular I'm still very very very sweet on. I wish I would've written more when i had the gumption but I like what I did with them at the time. Guts/Casca (Berserk) - I just. y'know. I love them, I love Guts, I love Casca, and i think my favorite gutsca moment, my favorite one, is when Skull Knight tells Guts that what he may want for her may not be what she wants in general. PEAK shipping moment for me, idk if that's weird but OH that's so good. FUCK yes independence from each other. OUGGH Anya/Dimitri (Anastasia 1997) - there was a tweet in early early 2020 that said "you don't have shipping preferences you heard Dimitri say "princesses don't marry kitchen boys" and it was decided for you" and i've never felt so fucking called out Carlos/Jill (Resident Evil 3) - i think we can blame silent hill ascension for making me so utterly pathetic and cold and betrayed that I went full force horny for valeveira out of ?????? nowhere. they're sweet, it's nice to write Carlos after so much of writing the guy in the next ship I'll list... Tseng/Aeris (Final Fantasy VII) - GOD DUDE IF I TOLD YOU I STARTED SHIPPING THEM AS A HORNY JOKE BUT NOW IT'S 350K WORDS OF FIC WITHIN ~3 YEARS LATER IT'S NOT A FUCKING JOKE ANYMORE IS IT Wolf O'Donnell/Isabelle (Crossover StarFox/Animal Crossing or just smash bros if you like) - I really really really had a fun fic for them that i WILL get back to but a lot of real life stuff got in the way and since it is a FUN fic, if you're not having fun irl it's hard to write fun irl. Also can you tell I'm grasping at straws bc I'm desperate to find other ships i care about. Yuffie/Elena (FF7) - Because I'm grasping at straws I'll end with another FF7 fic that I've been itching to make more stuff for (i've sketched a few things here or there but that's it) and it's these disaster lesbians.
Mayyybbeee there's another ship that I'm fond of elsewhere but tbh I mostly see shipping happen and I'm like "That's nice" and I move on, or even if i care about the ship caring about it versus actually WRITING or making fandom over it is a different thing. Like I loved Eadaz/Sabran in Priory of the Orange Tree, or Ammar ibn Khairan and Jehane bet Ishak in the Lions of Al Rassan, but i'm not exactly writing fic over it.
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skylitcreations · 2 years
Hey, guys, do any of you have any artists you want to recommend I follow here? I'd also just love some blogs to follow for things like:
Sailor Moon
Tokyo Ghoul
Detective Conan
Doctor Who
Resident Evil
Silent Hill
Code Geass
DC Comics (esp Jason Todd)
MCU (Loki especially)
Spy x Family
My Little Pony
Egyptian Mythology
Norse Mythology
Greek Mythology
And lots more but those are the main things I can think of right now. Anyway, my dash is too slow, please give me more content for my doomscrolling habits plzkthx
Please be okay with darker fictional content! I do not want any puritanical thought police around. And if you follow me, be prepared that I may talk about triggering things! If you need me to tag anything, please let me know!
Also please be okay with stoners cuz I totally am one thanks to chronic pain wut up guyyssss
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xxcrescent-miragexx · 11 months
(there used to be an artwork of myself here as part of this introductory post but it is old so I am working on a new one currently)
Introductory post with tags on it so you don't scroll forever to find something by me
#my art - my artwork including sketches and complete pieces
#my reblogs - self-explanatory
#hadalzone - anything else
You'll mostly find artwork about original creations of mine or fanart of my interests on my blog
You can use my art for messaging app icons if you want (WITH CREDIT). Please do not repost my art
Here are my absolutely countless amounts of interests that you will see scattered all throughout my blog. Disney ducks, Puyo Puyo, some gacha games, Undertale, and Digimon will probably be the most common thing you can expect to see
The interests:
Scrooge McDuck/DuckTales/Disney ducks in general they're all so silly I love them
Final Fantasy
Kingdom Hearts
One Piece
Atelier series/Gust games
Future Card Buddyfight
Class of Heroes
Etrian Odyssey
Rhythm games
Disgaea/most NIS games
Fashion dolls (mainly Monster High and Shadow High)
Guilty Gear
Animal Crossing
Sly Cooper
Kamen Rider
Mega Man
Ever Oasis
Animal Crossing
Puyo Puyo
Buddy Thunderstruck
Strawberry Prince/SutoPuri
Wolpis Carter
KANKAN_Sava/evie., Dongdang, Chogakusei (favorite singers)
Miyashita Yuu
Baldur's Gate 3/DnD in general
Soul Eater
Pui Pui Molcar
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
The Amazing Digital Circus
Arknights: Endfield
Sam and Max
Reverse: 1999
Ramen Wolf & Curry Tiger
Land of the Lustrous
Monotone Blue
Honkai: Star Rail
Zenless Zone Zero
Yowamushi Pedal
Mary Skelter
Call of Duty
Houseki no Kuni
Silent Hill
Resident Evil
Dead by Daylight
Friday the 13th
Child's Play
Star Fox
Ratchet and Clank
Almost everything Suzuhito Yasuda and Takehito Harada has illustrated for
List of characters I LOVE and maybe kin some of them:
Scrooge McDuck
Fethry Duck dt17
Ludwig Von Drake
Aak Arknights
Mizuki Arknights (kin)
X Reverse 1999
Harry Mason SH1
Regulus Reverse 1999 (kin)
Amane/Shirahime/Kou Arcaea
Amane Arcaea (kin)
Nio Atelier
Rika Pokemon SV
Killia Disgaea
MachGaogamon Digimon
Cure Chocolat
Copen Gunvolt
Xion/Naminé Kingdom Hearts
Stelle/Caelus/Kafka Star Rail
Billy Kid ZZZ
Mizuki Akiyama ProSekai (kin)
Miko TFP (kin)
Starscream/Bumblebee TFP
Midosuji Akira Yowamushi Pedal
Izaya and Mikado Durarara
Barret Wallace FF7
Juri Katou (kin)
Tatsuya Suou Persona
Ally Puyo Puyo (kin)
Lily WACCA (kin)
A.B.A Guilty Gear (kin)
Thank you for checking out my account and getting to know what I like <3
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magpiejay1234 · 16 days
To add more to the Square Enix financial troubles (these are becoming standard now), the current situation probably means they might take a similar approach to Resident Evil remakes, and remake FFX/FFXIII games, with the assets used in FFX/X-2 remakes being used for Nojima's FFX-3 audio drama pitch, after FF7, and FF9 remakes are over.
(Since Yasumi Matsuno is on-and-off with SE, don't expect a full budget FFXII remake.)
Otherwise, it is very likely that Sony will attempt another hostile takeover.
For others:
**FFXV remake basically can't happen, since Tabatha left the company, and game is still incomplete. Nomura will try to push his FFVSXIII ideas for any such idea, and SE executives probably won't like this, unless it is their last resort.
**FFVIII remake will likely need the same kind mid-90s/early 2000s marketing push to become as profitable as executives, and investors want. It would sell well, and get good reviews, but it needs to become a cultural event to become as important as investors want.
**FF5-6 were supposed to get remakes on DS, later 3DS similar to FF3-4 DS remakes, but that opportunity is lost now. Tabatha clearly wanted to a FF6 remake after Nomura, and co. were finished with FF7, but he is not part of SE right now, so that second opportunity is also lost.
**FF1 gets some sort of reimagining every once in a while, so it is not worth mentioning.
0 notes
Requests welcome
Hiya! I’ve been lurking here for years reading everyone’s reader imagines, so thought I’d come out and give it a go. I'd describe myself as mostly a fluff/angst writer, but I’m dabbling into darker topics at the moment too over here (18+, please.)
In my ask box currently: 98*
Anon requests are fine, but please do drop a line to let me know what you think of your request if I answer it! Reblogs, comments and likes are very much appreciated.
*I can't guarantee I will fulfil your request due to the high numbers received - it really does also depend on my inspiration levels with your request! I do, however, have a fair number in my inbox that I do want to write for, so thank you for your patience x
Happy to take requests. Previously written for  - FF7 (original and remake) - FF9 - FF10 - FF16 - Crisis Core - Potion Permit - Stardew Valley - Lord Of The Rings - Buddy Daddies - Death Note - Legend of Zelda - Octopath Traveller  - Resident Evil - Baldur Gate's 3 (Gale, Halsin, Astarion)
I write primarily fem readers, so please specify if you'd prefer gender neutral.
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Updated 11/22/2021
Leon Kennedy (RE2Make)
Survivor’s guilt
Lover boy
Rookie (In the middle of a rewrite!) - Ch.1, Ch.2, Ch.3, Ch.4, Ch.5, Ch.6, Ch.7 Ch.8, Ch.9, Ch.10, Ch. 11, Ch. 12, Ch.13 p1, Ch.13 p2, Ch.13 p3
Beautiful art a fan made for Rookie!
Carlos Oliveira (RE3Make)
Desperate Measures
Billy Coen (RE0)
Late Night
(There’s more coming for him!)
Biggs (FFVIIr)
Plenty Part 1 Part 2
Lipstick Marks
Creep (in progress) Ch. 1, Ch.2, Ch.3, Ch.4, Ch.5, Ch.6, Ch.7, Ch.8, Ch.9, Ch.10, Ch.11, Ch.12, Ch.13, Ch.14, Ch.15, Ch.16
Zack Fair (FFVIICC)
Matt Murdock (Daredevil)
Let it snow
(My first fic that doesn’t go with the rest of the blog but I’m too attached to it to delete it)
Kevin Levin (Ben 10 AF, UA)
Night terrors
Dating Headcanons
Things I will eventually get to:
- Rookie’s rewrite and multi-chapter epilogue
- RE4 Leon x Reader Series
- RE0 Billy Coen x Reader Series
- RE3 Carlos Oliveira x reader Series
- Kevin Levin X Reader Series or mini series
- Jin from Samurai Champloo X Reader series
- Spike Spiegel X Reader Series
- One-Shots for hella FF7 and FF7CC characters, Balthier from FF12, Thancred Waters from FF14, prince Zuko, Iroh II, Mako?, BOTW link, Tadashi Hamada, Until Dawn Gang, Kaim Argonar, Sonan Kusakube, Rick Flag, Jin Samurai Champloo, Spike Spiegel, and hella JJK men.
- More oneshots for Biggs, Carlos Oliveira, Billy Coen, and Zack Fair, and Kevin Levin.
Don’t expect these for another 5 years because it’s gonna be a HOT minute before you see anything more than the occasional one-shot.
227 notes · View notes