#ffs these boys are so stupid i can’t
tbosasgunsandroses · 4 months
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chaoticace2005 · 3 months
(By Velvette, the only competent of the Vees)
(Her list for Valentino here)
1. He’s just not into you
2. We have better things to do than allocate company time to this.
3. He makes you look stupid
4a. He makes US look stupid (and Valentino already does that enough)
4b. Seriously how are we supposed to stop your boy toy from chasing whore around town when you can’t do the same with your ex? We need to set a (gag) good example for him.
5. What do you even see in him? Tacky coat. And that voice is so old-school.
6. You have two people who (reluctantly) want to work with you. Why spend energy on a guy who doesn’t?
7. This was seven years ago babe. Give it up.
8. I’m tired of finding your Alastor Body Pillow around the penthouse
9. Speaking of the body pillow, did you really have to spend 5k on it?
10. Company money should be used for COMPANY things. The fact we even have an “Alastor” budget is stupid. HE DOESNT EVEN GO HERE. ( @onesidedradiostatic )
11. He fucked off once, he probably will again.
12. Do you really want to fuck with someone who has the princess and king of Hell on his side?
13. It makes Valentino insecure about his sexual prowess, which is not good for anyone.
14. I have to LISTEN to him complain about it.
15. No matter how hard you try, nobody will ever beat “Susan” for #1 rival in that man’s heart. (Which is valid cause Susan SUCKS.)
16. Also you’re wasting company time by having Val put together shitty-Alastor look alike porns? Angel Dust does NOT look like Radio Demon ffs, I though Val was the blind one not you.
17. Your screens keep crapping out whenever you think about him, and we’re running out of ones in storage.
18a. I don’t want to keep having to go to overlord meetings for you because you’re having a breakdown over of he’ll be there or not.
18b. Speaking of breakdowns, STOP MAKING THE WHOLE CITY LOSE POWER.
19. You’ve taken over the entire office space with your Alastor-shrine. It’s not really an inconvenience, just creepy.
20a. Not to kinkshame but I walked in on you and Val fucking with Alastor-wigs on, REALLY?!
20b. Also I think you’re making Val insecure about his lack of hair.
21. STOP asking me to design Alastor-cosplay clothes for you. I don’t want anything to do with this.
22. I already have to deal with one pissbaby
23. Seriously, he isn’t into you. Maybe it’s cause you’re a mess. Maybe it’s cause he’s AROACE. Who knows.
24. You keep interrupting channels to brainwash people into hating the Radio Demon, when we should be brainwashing them into other things.
25. We can all hear you talking to yourself in the shower when trying to come up with shitty comebacks.
26. You display your dreams when you sleep, and while it was funny at first at this point it’s so boring. Val and I want to watch something actually interesting for once rather than the same shit.
27. You keep glitching out in bisexual whenever he comes up and it’s annoying waiting for you to put your shit back together again.
28. I’m sick of movie nights where we just watch your self-made compilations of “Alastor’s Epic Fails” or just watch security footage of him at the hotel.
29. Why do you even try and film him? Your shitty cameras can pick hardly anything up.
30. Honestly this whole thing is just pathetic.
31. Like it used to be cute but now?
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Weekly Jungkook Fanfic Recs:
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Some fine JK fics for your reading pleasure. Please show your appreciation to all the wonderful authors :)
Cuddling Costs Extra: It was an utterly stupid idea to hire a prostitute to cuddle on movie nights. But perhaps something good can come out of it after all. https://www.wattpad.com/story/116193428-cuddling-costs-extra-j-jk-ff
Man-Eater Hunting: Namjoon is never very aware of what he says when he’s drunk, and this time is no exception to that rule. Unknowingly, Joon creates a chain of events that lead to his youngest member actively chasing his best friend. All under the pretense that you’re an untouchable, unpleasable, man eater.  https://httpjungkookcom.tumblr.com/post/692893845087830016/man-eater-hunting-jjk-m
Run: Jungkook doesn't want you to leave him for some stupid karaoke party so he tries his best to make you stay. Although his intentions start out playful, they quickly grow corrupted, especially after your somewhat hurtful words. https://www.tumblr.com/idekhowtodothis/702653565156589568/run-jjk
Tales of Eros: Eros learns love is calculated, deliberate and a tiding storm when no amount of arrows can take him away from you. https://inkedtae.tumblr.com/post/642609445901352960/tales-of-eros-jjk
Golden Gills: Reader taunts Jungkook for being the new Teacher’s Assistant for her history class. She simply can’t stand a teacher’s pet. Jungkook can’t help but make her one.  https://inkedtae.tumblr.com/post/615555776590888960/golden-gills-jjk-m
Apodyopsis: Jungkook is a nude model in your art class. https://jeonsjiddies.tumblr.com/post/618504144757620736/apodyopsis-m-jjk
Take Me To Church: You can always tell when something is bothering your boyfriend, despite how hard he tries to hide it - and you have creative ways to get him to talk.  https://illneverrecover.tumblr.com/post/614946305251360768/pairing-jeon-jungkook-x-reader-genre-gangau
Youngblood: "I don’t care if he’s got the potential to be the next big thing. I’m done trying to chase a story that doesn’t exist. You’re going to send me to five of his concerts and I can already tell you how each one is going to go. He’s a wannabe bad boy who jizzes his pants when he sees a girl looking at him. Assign me someone else.” https://jinned.tumblr.com/post/188618632439/youngblood-jungkook-m
Glitter & Disquiet: Poised to inherit Korea’s largest gaming company in a few months, the world looks at Jeon Jungkook as a symbol of envy. Why wouldn’t they? He has everything, riches, power, and according to the rumour mill, endless women. Little do they know that his father’s company is on the verge of downfall, he barely has respect of his employees, and regardless of the rumors, he’s just a virgin saving himself for true love. https://joheunsaram.tumblr.com/post/652203565366083584/glitter-and-disquiet-jjk-1
Happy Birthday Loser: After three years of simping over your roommate, you give him one hell of a birthday celebration. https://jungk0oksthighs.tumblr.com/post/694133180600664064/happy-birthday-loser-jjk-x-reader-18
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hannie-dul-set · 11 months
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p — PARK SUNGHOON x gn! reader. g — fluff, humor. w — swearing, one absolutely horrendous dad joke, the secondhand embarrassment is even worse this time i'm not sorry at all, the rest of the en-kids are also losers. 1.3k words.
note — listen, who am i to deny the public from their needs and wants? i have no idea how rizzless hoon became such a hit, but ask and you shall receive. i'm sure this won't be the last you'll see of this loser. PART ONE. if you enjoy loser! hoon, you might also enjoy this other series of mine.
also tagging those who were asking for a part two hope u all don't mind! — @gyulune @jngwnlvs @snowysab @miercerise @karinasswifee @cerealdreamwriter @dinonuguaegi @tyongff-ff
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for the past five days, you have been routinely returning to the skatepark at the same time without fail. this has obviously attracted questions from your friends considering the first time you tried out a longboard, you crashed and scraped and bruised your chin within seconds, but you can’t exactly tell them the truth about your endeavor— that you’ve been trying to catch a glimpse of mr. kuromi bandaid with the rollerblades again, and being left disappointed every single time.
he hasn’t shown up. not even once.
it’s day five, and there’s still no sign of him nor his lollipop. it’s day five, and you’re just about to give up until you spot from your peripheral a familiar group of boys that scared the shit out of you the other day— except this time, they aren’t staring at you like maniacs, and they seem to be one person less.
“are you fucking stupid?” you overhear as you hesitantly approach their circle, cautious steps because they’re still as intimidating as you can remember. they all look so serious, two individuals glaring at each other while the rest simply watch, both unconcerned and amused. “oh yeah? you really think you can beat me? wanna duke it out right now, dickwad?”
cold sweat breaks out and you freeze in your tracks, expecting them to spiral into a fist fight.
“my dragonite will sweep your fucking team, loser.”
“your dragonbitch doesn’t stand a chance against my tyranitar!”
nevermind. you really shouldn’t be so quick to judge them again.
you regain the bounce in your step and race up before they could metaphorically kick each other's asses.
you flinch when the six heads suddenly snap towards you. your smile twitches, discomfort  lasering into your skin from the half a dozen set of narrowed eyes leering at you so intently and so intensely. “who are you?” the one previously bragging about his dragonite asks.
“dumbass.” another one smacks the former on the backside of his skull. “it’s shoelaces.”
the nickname sets a few lightbulbs off, and a pair breaks away from their violent staring at you to give each other knowing glances. “oh, shit!” this time it’s mr. tyranitar who exclaims. “right. the dude hoon absolutely decimated himself in front of. poor guy. he’s still going through the five stages of grief.”
hoon must mean sunghoon. you want to open your mouth and present your business about the missing individual, but it’s not so easy to butt in when they’re busy conversing amongst themselves.
“what do they want?” 
“how should i know? i’m not them?” 
“no fucking shit. but what do you think they want?”
“maybe it’s about hoon?”
“no way. that guy’s done for.”
“hey, don’t be too harsh on him! he’s grieving!”
“what if it’s because we‘re being too loud—”
“what if they’re here to have a pokemon batt—”
“you do realize they can hear you, right?” 
light-haired guy is right. you can very much hear them, and they’ve all finally quieted down, slowly turning their heads to you once more but with a dampened intensity this time. they’re waiting for you to speak. you can’t believe you thought they were scary. you can’t believe you were intimidated by a group of nerds.
“sorry for the intrusion,” you smile, pressing your palms together. “i noticed one of your friends hasn’t been coming around lately. is he okay?”
a cough. a nudge. a silent conversation between the six pairs of eyes. “he’s been sick these past few days,” dragonite owner finally says. “sickeningly unbearab— ow!” 
your smile disappears. “oh no.” he’s sick? he already didn’t seem that strong when you met him the other day, collapsing into the ground and all.
“i think you can help him get better— ouch! jungwon, what the fuck?” one of them gets hit again. you’re sure it’s been the same guy hitting the rest of them since earlier.
“why are you asking about him?”
the nicest looking one squeezes out of their group while asking his earnest question, fishing out the answer from you with bright, curious eyes. “ah,” you sound out. “i just wanted to tell him that i also think his shoelaces are really cool.”
they stare at you, then stare at each other. and then someone spews out, “is that a new pick-up line, or some shit?” before getting hit again, and the light-haired guy comes forward to block the squabble happening behind him, and to tell you that they’ll be dragging their friend tomorrow at the same time (isn’t he supposed to be sick?) so you can compliment his shoelaces in person(?), and that they are looking forward to welcoming you to their family (whatever the fuck that means).
as promised, they do drag the sick man into the skatepark— literally dragging him because the guy who introduced himself yesterday as jake is pulling him forward by the sleeve while jungwon pushes him from behind as the wheels of his roller skates make sure that sunghoon keeps on moving. he looks like he’s ready to move on into the afterlife. your eyes light up when they drag him closer.
“c’mon, hyung! just a little bit more— a liiiiittle bit—
“i told you, i’m never coming back here again!“ you hear him groan, attempting to break away from his escort team. “never ever. never again. this is is where half of my dignity is buried. my pride. my shame. my—”
and then he freezes.
sunghoon gets frozen by an invisible force when your eyes meet, frozen but his cheeks are set ablaze. his friends did a great job in escorting him to you, encasing him and in consequence his view of his surroundings until you’re within an arm’s reach so he doesnt run away. the heat from his face thaws him back into movement, panicked and angry expressions sent to his friends and they all look pretty stupid trying to talk with just their eyebrows, but it’s cute nonetheless.
“hey!” you finally chipper in, causing sunghoon to freeze once more, creaking to meet your gaze. 
“h—hello. hi.”
sunghoon’s greeting comes out as a choke. jake and jungwon send each other signals before hurling the poor boy at you.
it’s like he’s suddenly forgotten how to skate. he can’t control his muscles, sliding over the short path at a dangerous speed that mimics his racing heart and oh shit— oh shit, oh shit. how does he stop again? how does he make a turn? how does he not fucking crash into you like a meteor being sucked into the earth’s orbit?
like all of his (very limited) interactions with you, sunghoon crashes and burns. it’s inevitable. but this time, he crashes and burns into you. you’re both on the concrete and his hand feels like it got crushed between the hard ground and the back of your head, but that pain quickly subsides into a numbing buzz, pumping his arteries with nectar, burning his veins with gasoline, because holy crap—
“you’re right, that was a close call,” you breathe out. “i could’ve cracked my skull open.”
“i— i mean, close, you’re— you’re too close.”
does he realize that you can’t exactly move underneath him? he probably doesn’t, not when you can practically see the smoke emitting from his head and the panicked swirl in his eyes and you can’t help but laugh. “ah, sorry.” that was a mistake. sunghoon’s face flushes warmer and like a hammer to his skull, the realization hits and he and slowly pries himself off of you.
“it’s fine.” you sit up and brush the dust off your clothes, stretching out your legs as you nudge yourself closer to him on the ground. “your friends told me you’ve been sick. are you feeling better now?”
you’re not sure why he’s confused, but he looks very confused before turning his gaze to his friends. you find jay snapping out a thumbs up and sunoo’s stern face somehow reading don’t fucking blow it. he turns back to you with a lot more sweat on his neck than prior. “oh, yeah i was sick, i was so sick, ahaha—” he stammers. “a—anyway, what’s up?”
“i just wanted to see you again. it’s not everyday that i get a compliment on my shoelaces, you know?” you smile. “what about today? aren’t they prettier than the last ones?”
you wiggle your shoes to show off, laced in a complicated pattern that you’ve been practicing for the past five days, and you expect to receive another compliment for it, but sunghoon is oddly quiet. 
he’s quiet. you’re sure you chose a cool pair of shoes this morning. you’re about to be disappointed, until you notice that he’s actually thinking. he’s thinking very hard he’s thinking of something, and that something comes out of his mouth in the form of a badly timed pun.
“...what about...toe-day...”
park sunghoon only knows how to crash and burn. all his friends are a witness to that. they’re a witness to this events that transpired this afternoon, but what they didn’t expect is for you to have an affinity for disasters. you’re laughing at his dumb joke. you’re actually laughing. they’ve been shitting on sunghoon for being hopeless, but maybe there’s something wrong with you, too.
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© hannie-dul-set, 2023.
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needlereads · 2 months
Makes You Unsteady
Bucky Barnes x agent!Reader
Warnings: fem!reader; anxious Bucky; soft Bucky; not canon compliant at all
A/N: oh boy, first time posting a Bucky Barnes ff. I've been scribbling these little interactions of Bucky loving a SHIELD agent, and finally decided dammit I'm going to post them.
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He paused at the end of the hall. This was stupid. You were asleep by this time. What had he planned on doing, knocking on your door and disturbing you? You probably wouldn’t appreciate that.
Before James could turn back towards the elevator, he heard a click and the motion sensing hall light around the corner came on. Peering past the corner, he was surprised to see the very woman who had been occupying his mind, very much not asleep as he had presumed. You leaned against your doorframe, loitering for a bit.
What were you doing up?
You finally turned, your steps would take you further from him. He knew Darren’s room was a couple of doors down from you.
Your name escaped his lips before he could think properly about the consequences. You turned, squinted at him with tired eyes.
“Where you headed?” He strode towards you, as if it was normal to be making rounds in these private quarters.
You rubbed your eyes. As he drew closer he could tell you were growing more alert, though still adorably dazed from a lack of sleep.
“Oh, just over to Darren’s.” Your best friend was always the default destination when you didn’t want to be alone.
“Is something the matter?” He didn’t usually try to pry. But he couldn’t just stand still and let you walk away, couldn’t bear to watch you seek comfort in someone else when he was physically in your reach and ready to give comfort himself. Maybe he was tired out of his mind too, to disregard his usual inhibitions, let alone the chance of you asking him why he was wandering the building barely an hour after getting back from a mission.
“You just got back. You’re early.” Your eyes climbed down his body and up again. “Are you hurt?”
“No, I’m not.” Was it selfish that his heart glowed warmly to see you so concerned over his well-being? “Is something the matter? How come you’re up?” he asked gently again. Locks of bed-swept hair framed you face. His fingers twitched with the instinct to sweep them back and trace down you braid.
“I couldn’t sleep.”
“I could sit with you.” God what was he saying? “If you want, that is.”
James held his breath as you replied.
“I’d like that,” you said.
In your room, you both settled on your two seater sofa.
“Has it been like this for a while? Not being able to fall asleep?”
You shrugged. “It’s not so bad. I had a nightmare,” said, almost amused. “I don’t usually dream vividly, but tonight…”
He waited, hoping he wasn’t invading your privacy.
“It was the plane crash. The one my parents were in.” You had not been there for it, but your mind conjured images for you anyway. “As if I had been there too, like I had made my mom give up the window seat and then snuggled up to her side. I…was such a baby with her.” A breathy laugh left you. “Can’t even have the decency to be traumatized by something I actually went through. Like the burning building, or the explosion at the compound.” You didn’t catch his frown.
James swung his legs up, sitting criss-cross to face you. “Can I share something?”
You nodded.
“Sometimes in my sleep I feel like I’m falling and I can’t stop. It creeps me out and I can’t wait to wake up and stop falling.”
“The train,” you whispered.
He nodded. “But worse than that, worse than the nightmares about shooting on command, or the war battles that I don’t remember…I dream about my mom and sisters being killed. My mind convincing me that Hydra found them and shot each of them in the street, or that they drowned, or that they just…stopped breathing in their sleep.” He shook his head. “None of those things happened but I wake up and I want to throw up. I want to go back in time and hunt every Hydra piece of shit and kill them a hundred times over. I want…”
You stopped him with a hand over his metal one. “Don’t. Please.”
He was about to say he wanted to not wake up from his sleep either, and he could tell you had somehow heard those thoughts. He was pathetic, to break in front of you. He had no right to manifest such darkness in front of you. But your pleading eyes left him more breathless than the shame.
Anything, he would do anything you asked.
He woke alone in your bed. Lifting his head towards the door separating your bedroom from the living room, covered with a navy blue patterned cloth. He made out your voice and footsteps on the other side. He really couldn’t be blamed for being able to hear you talking on your cellphone, especially when his name was brought up.
“- totally forgot to text you and then James and I both fell asleep. I’m sorry. Don’t be mad?”
A tinny laugh reached his ears. If he strained a bit he could hear the person on the other end of the phone. Probably Darren.
“I’m not. Just glad you didn’t try to ride it out alone. I was wondering when Barnes would finally make his move.”
You sighed, glancing at the door to your bedroom and stepping away, lowering your voice just short of a whisper. “He wasn’t – there was no move.”
Your friend uttered your name, exasperated. This wasn’t the first time he teased you about being in denial of love knocking on your doorstep.
“Hon, you deserve to love and be loved.”
“It’s not that.” You hesitated.
“Then what?”
You tugged at your hair. “Just…for someone who’s had so much taken from him, and who’s given up so much. I can’t…can’t ask that of him. I can’t be another burden for him.”
Darren was not happy with you. “You’ve gotta be kidding me. First of all, that’s not what you are. Second of all, it’s his choice to want you. Just like it’s yours to want him. Don’t even try to deny it.”
“I’m not denying it,” you said firmly. “But that’s all. Just a want. I…I can’t.”
You heard your name and whipped around to find James standing in the middle of the living room. You swallowed hard, trying to keep your breaths measured.
“Darren, I’ll see you later.” You ended the call.
James felt each pulse of his blood in his veins as he tried processing what he’d heard. He knew his hearing couldn’t be mistaken. The way you looked at him, with a quiet honesty, urged hope to bloom inside his chest.
“James.” You paused, and he swore the world slowed on its axis. “I…”
“You want me?”
You felt helpless under his full attention. His eyes searched you, so vulnerable and earnest. You refused to lie to him.
Despite what you said to Darren, now, oh, your single word of confirmation sounded so clear and sweet to him.
“You think you’re a burden to me?”
He had quietly closed the distance between you.
You lowered you gaze. “I’m trying not to become that to you.”
He dared to touch his finger to you chin, encouraging you to look at him.
“Let’s agree right now, that you won’t refer to yourself like that again.” His palm curved around your cheek. He wanted to touch every inch of you.
He held you through the night. Not sleeping, and not tired; just relishing in the contact of your skin on his, your warmth bleeding into his.
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fedzkun · 10 months
DadMight Speak Amplifier 🔊
BNHA Ch. 396 Spoilers
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All Might: “The only person who’s been able to prove you wrong is Midoriya My Boy, Nighteye. So I’m emulating him because fuck your dreams, fuck your nightmares, and fuck your stupid prophecies. I’M GONNA LIVE.”
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All Might: “Fufufu, I can’t wait to show Young Midoriya how I defeated All For One and won again! Hercules, make sure you capture everything in eight different angles. My boy needs several copies of my win from various perspectives, you hear me?!”
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Tsukauchi: “FFS. For ONCE IN YOUR LIFE, can you be sane when it comes to Midoriya?”
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Please appreciate the All Might and Izuku parallels of pointing out how their opponent leads with the same ol’ predictable attack that’s been used to torment them for years.
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All Might: “I made a Very Important Promise and my god am I gonna goddamn keep it.”
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*reserves his son’s move for the actual Smash attack*
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 09
Thanksgiving dinner really wasn’t that bad. It’d been years since FF had been to one as lively as this.
Kevin is loud and demanding when it comes to what needs to be on the TV and the exact perfect schedule to catch all of the Exy games being played. Wymack brought bourbon and has put it on the highest shelf in Abby’s kitchen right next to where Abby put the second pie for the exact same reason: Keep Andrew out of it. The Monsters and FF all get roped into helping Abby prep the meal.
He’s told that usually there are more people staying over Thanksgiving but this year more had gone home or gone to friend’s homes to celebrate. The only ones there are the Monsters, FF, and Jack.
Jack sits sullenly on the couch no matter what task Abby tries to give him.
Eventually, potatoes are mashed, turkeys are carved with appropriate knives, corn is creamed, macaroni is cheesed, canned cranberries have been de-canned, and the stuffing is…there on the table.
“Dig in!” Abby says not bothering with grace.
It’s good.
FF still misses his grandma’s cooking. It’s nice to have this loud Thanksgiving like he used to get but there’s something special about helping his grandma in the kitchen and the two of them sitting down to eat.
He definitely misses his grandma’s company when Jack starts to loudly complain about every last food item that Abby has so graciously laid out for them.
Wymack & Captain Neill both tell him to knock it off and threaten grueling exercises when practice starts back up while Andrew just threatens him with a knife multiple times to shut him up but FF can see Jack looking in the kitchen as he sits in silence after Andrew not so stealthily held a knife to his ribs.
Jack is looking at his grandma’s pie up on the top shelf.
Jack is going to complain about his grandma’s pie.
He looks at the Monsters and knows that there is only one person at this table who can POSSIBLY stop him is the person that FF fears the most.
He figures Andrew owes him a final request before he’s murdered in a basement, secondary location or (a new option he thought of on the way over to Abby’s in Andrew’s absurdly nice car), a secondary location’s basement.
“I want you to stop Jack from having any of my grandma’s pie.” He says in German drawing the attention of Aaron, Nicky, and Neil. Andrew blinks at him but says nothing so he continues. “If he says something mean about it then I’ll lose it.” He says.
FF means that if Jack insults his grandma’s pie that she had managed to get to him through some sort of grandmotherly wizardry then FF will burst into tears. He’s got what doctor’s call leaky eyes and there is no cure for these bad boys. He knows he’ll try to defend his grandma’s pie from whatever issue Jack will take with it but he also knows that he will be sobbing during that defense.
Andrew hears that and thinks that he might finally get to witness what FF looks like when he’s angry. From Kevin’s screaming, to Jack’s taunts, to Andrew’s own barbs, he has yet to see FF get mad. FF’s ability to stay in his own lane and regulate his emotions is one of the reasons that Andrew considers him a friend. He thinks about the bags under FF’s eyes and how desolate he had looked staring down at the ‘CANCELLED’ notification on his phone.
Andrew is getting into the art of doing something nice. For a friend.
He gives FF a singular nod and pulls one of his knives out of his arm bands and makes his way over to the pie. He ignores some various questions from the other, irrelevant.
“I want a slice at least!” Nicky demands and he nods as he cuts up the pie into seven normal sized slices. He puts each on a plate and Neil, every understanding of Andrew’s intentions, hands them out to the Monsters, FF, Wymack, and Abby.
“Good, finally get to try this stupid pie.” Jack says and Andrew levels a knife that has an apple slice slowly sliding off of it at Jack’s face.
“People who can’t appreciate the free dinner don’t get to have dessert.” He says and watches as Jack’s face goes through an entire range of emotions, “You saw what I could do to a turkey. I have no problem doing it to you if you try anything.” He says and Jack goes white before he trudges out of the dining area entirely.
Andrew watches him go before picking up the remainder of the pie (nearly a quarter) and making his way over to the fridge.
FF pipes up, “Try it without the ice cream first.” He says because even if he likes his pie à la mode the first bite has to be pure pie.
Andrew shrugs and eats the apple pie filling off of the knife.
It’s immaculate.
It’s the best pie that Andrew has ever tasted in his life and he has tasted some pies.
He has no idea what Jack would have complained about other than the fact that FF had an entire one of these all to himself. This pie had travelled across the continental United States and tasted like this. Andrew can only imagine what it is like when it is coming fresh out of the oven.
He grabs the ice cream from the fridge and watches everyone else try the first bite of FF’s grandma’s pie.
“I want to meet your grandma and shake her hand.” Wymack says eyes closed even as his hand reaches for some bourbon.
“I want to your grandma to adopt me.” Nicky says.
“She can adopt both of us if it means pies like this.” Aaron agrees.
“This is good.” Kevin says as he continues to eat it.
“Really good.” Neil agrees.
“Maybe she could share the recipe with me. I’d love to make this.” Abby says as she drinks a glass of milk.
“Thanks, she’ll be happy to hear it.” FF’s shoulders loosen as he puts away his own slice quickly.
There is some grumbling as Andrew hoards the rest of the pie himself and only gives bites to Neil. “I wonder if we should get the whipped cream out for it?” Neil asks him in Russian.
Andrew frowns and considers it for a long moment, “We have plans for that whipped cream tonight and the stores will be closed.” He says back in the same language. FF has paused in eating the last of his slice. “Problem?” He asks.
“Last bite.” FF responds back immediately and Andrew lets it go unaware that FF had spent 2 seconds wondering how whipped cream would play into whatever torture device Andrew was going to shove him into the second they arrived in Columbia before realizing that it was a sex thing.
He lets his hand go into his pocket and rub the paper of his grandma’s note to him.
It’s not a bad last meal.
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Per your requests:
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metalnecklace · 10 months
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Pairing: Javier Peña x Reader (plus size)
Words: 3234
Warnings: Sunburns (don’t be dumb, use sunscreen and reapply ffs), Established relationship, Fingering, Edging, Dirty talk, Javi is gentle and so soft, Javi is also firm and knows what he’s doing, Begging, Use of y/n.
Notes: Yeah I got a pretty bad sunburn cause I was dumb a few weeks ago, writing this was my way of getting through it. There will absolutely be a second part, it’s already in the works. Takes place sometime back in Texas. Of course a sweaty Javi is needed for this too.
Summary: Reader gets a sunburn, Javi teaches a lesson
Part II - Tanlines
I fucked up.
I fucked up big time.
I had remembered to apply sunscreen that morning right before I went outside to the community pool. However, I was too caught up in relaxing to remember one very important rule.
My skin was practically screaming at me as I turned in the bathroom to observe how bad my new burn was in the mirror. It wasn’t the worst one I’d ever had, but it was still a doozy.
“Fuck,” I said, the word punching out of my lips.
“What’s wrong, baby?”
Double fuck. Javier was home.
“Nothing! It’s alright, I’ll be out in a second!” I called through the locked bathroom door, my voice bouncing off the walls.
“Okay, whatever you say!” He called back before his footsteps retreated down the hallway.
There was no way I was going to be able to hide my mistake, my skin was pink from my head to my toes. Plus I needed some help putting on the aloe lotion, especially on my back where I couldn’t reach. I took a deep breath and raised my chin. I could do it.
The door cracked open just enough for me to poke my head out. “Javi? Baby?”
“Yeah?” He called out from the kitchen. I was surprised he heard me from the next room, considering my voice wasn’t very loud. I was too nervous. His footsteps sounded on the floor as he came over to the hallway. “What’s wrong?”
“I did something stupid,” I confessed.
He came closer with an eyebrow raised. I took a moment to admire his t-shirt that he changed into from work and his jeans that were not as tight as they were in Colombia. His father made enough comments about whether or not he could breathe properly with them on. I didn’t mind either way, the man could fill out any pair of jeans he wore.
“I may have gotten a bit burnt.” I lowered my head so I was looking at the floor, hoping he didn’t get too good of a look at my pink face.
“I’m sure it’s not that bad, (Y/N),” he said softly. I raised my head and he stopped in his tracks. “Oh. Oh boy.”
“I told you,” I groaned while stepping back into the bathroom.
He opened up the door and let his eyes roam over my aching skin. “Oh, baby, look at you. You poor thing.”
I sighed and looked in the mirror, poking my forehead to watch the white shock of skin under my finger immediately turn red again.
“Did you wear anything at all? You know you’re not used to this kind of heat and sun here.” He stepped forward with his hands up but lowered them when he realized I would be in pain if he touched me.
“I did! I swear.” I reached into the bag I had brought home from the store and pulled out the brand new bottle of aloe lotion. “I just forgot to reapply, that’s all.”
“That’s all? You must be in so much pain!”
“Not yet, no. It’s starting to settle in, but it’s not too bad. I’ve had worse, it just really sucks is all.” I turned to face him, bottle in hand. “I can put this on, but I need your help with places I can’t reach. I also need a super loose shirt, which I have plenty of, but may need your help to get it on.”
Javi shook his head, sighing, but took the bottle from my hand. “I’ll help you, but you gotta promise to be more careful.”
“Ugh,” I groaned, rolling my eyes. “I promise. I’m uncomfortable enough, just please hurry.”
He instructed me to turn around and face the mirror, and when I did I distracted myself from the inevitable pain by watching him. It was touching how careful he was being as he looked me over, then slowly started to undo my bikini top.
“I didn’t think undressing me was part of this,” I said.
“You need lotion everywhere, plus I doubt you’ll want this on when your skin starts to swell.” His voice was soft, but I could hear the warning in it. He wasn’t unhappy with me, more concerned and slightly disappointed in my poor choices.
“You have experience, I see.” I laughed, imagining the roles reversed. I’d feel pretty bad too but just thinking of the pout he’d adorn while I tried my best to be careful made a smile tug at my lips.
He finished untying my top and slowly lifted the strings off. I could already feel my hot skin starting to swell around the fabric as it was peeled off of me.
“Of course, I lived in Colombia for how many years? Just because Bogotá is cooler doesn’t mean the rest of the place is, trust me.” The bottle cap popped open. “Now hold still.”
I hissed when I felt the liquid make contact with my skin. It felt like ice even though I had heard him rubbing his palms together to warm it up a bit, and his hands felt like sandpaper as he slowly rubbed a generous amount of lotion onto my back and shoulders. My lungs burned as I let out a breath, not realizing I hadn’t breathed since he had opened the bottle.
“There you go, baby. You gotta be more careful, this is not pretty.” Javi’s voice was soothing, and I felt like he held me in the palm of his hand.
“Not pretty?” I pouted.
He chuckled, the sound soothing my nerves now that he was closer. “You’re always pretty. The pain isn’t though, is it?”
I shook my head no. My eyes fluttered shut as his hands moved up my shoulders to my neck, then down to my shoulders and arms. If it didn’t feel so sharp I would’ve been a puddle on the floor, but the pain kept me from fully relaxing.
“Turn around,” he said. “I’m gonna put some on your face and chest.”
“I can do the rest, Javi. It’s alright.” I turned and tried to take the bottle but he held it out of my reach.
“Let me take care of you.” His big, brown eyes widened slightly, and I knew I was a goner. I could never say no to him.
“Okay,” I whispered. “Just please be gentle. It hurts the most on my chest and tummy.” I shifted so I was standing closer and winced. “And the tops of my thighs.”
“I know, cariño, I got you.” He was gentle, but I still closed my eyes at the sensation. It was not comfortable, but my skin did start feeling a bit better with the lotion soothing it. Javi’s presence was very helpful as he smoothed his hands over my shoulders, chest, and arms, while also being respectful of my naked upper half. “There I think I got what I can from here, why don’t you go lay down and I can get the rest.”
“But our bed will be all yucky,” I said.
“I’ll grab a towel, and you can put on a shirt and some loose shorts. How about that?” He waited for my answer with a raised brow.
Slowly I started nodding. “Okay. That sounds like a plan.”
I walked to our room and searched my drawers for some clothes while Javi laid out a towel on the bed. When I turned he was already watching me with the bottle of lotion in one hand and the towel situated on the bed so I’d have my head on a pillow. He really was too good to me.
He placed the lotion on the bedside table and walked over to me. “Here, baby, let me help you.”
I raised my arms to help him slide my shirt over my head and relished in the gentleness of his hands as he pulled it down over my torso. It was basically a nightgown since I had bought it two sizes up and with comfort in mind. I never thought it was the sexiest thing I owned but Javier loved the fact that he could stare at my legs and easily run his hands up my thighs whenever I wore it.
“Let’s do shorts after, because I’m going to have to get lotion pretty much all over your thighs, cariño.” His voice seemed to drop in pitch as he eyes the skin that would need lotion next. “Get yourself comfortable on the towel.”
I did as he asked and crawled onto the bed. My skin felt heated as I made my way over onto the towel, and not just because of my burn. When I laid down on my back I looked up to find him watching me with pupils blown. A glance at his tightening jeans told me everything I needed to know.
“Javi,” I sighed. “Hurry up, please.”
“I’m sorry, baby, but you know those legs drive me crazy.” He walked over so he was standing over me at the side of the bed.
“Why don’t you get a bit more comfortable then?” I batted my lashes at him, feeling the heat from my skin start to bloom within my belly. “You don’t want to get any of that stuff on your jeans. They look too nice.”
“Nice try, but I’m taking care of you,” he said, a sly smile painting his lips. “I can wait. But you can get more comfortable.”
I huffed, but slid off my bathing suit bottoms and relaxed against the bed for him anyway. He popped open the bottle and squirted some lotion onto his hand, then placed it back onto the table before rubbing his palms together. He climbed onto the bed so he was between my ankles and leaned forward to smear the lotion onto the tops of my thighs. I sighed in both in relief and slight discomfort as his hands smoothed over to my hips, then to the crease leading to my stomach. My shirt lifted slightly as he rubbed higher until my entire lower half was revealed.
As he grabbed more lotion I wiggled my hips. I could feel wetness starting to gather between my legs and wondered if he would notice. The smirk that adorned his lips when he resumed rubbing my skin told me he definitely did.
“Cariño, you’re getting turned on from this?” He teased, moving his hands further up the tops of my thighs until his thumbs were spreading the soft inner skin. He pushed my legs further apart until I was spread out for him. I blushed but doubted it would make a difference in my already pink cheeks. “Fuck, you’re so wet and I haven’t even touched this pretty pussy.”
I groaned, throwing an arm over my eyes. “I just like when you touch me.”
“Good, because I like touching you.” I squeezed my eyes shut against my arm while he rubbed his hands over my thighs, reaching higher and higher until his thumbs were spreading my lips apart. “I want you to look at me, (Y/N).”
Reluctantly I removed my arm and looked down to see his big brown eyes watching my every move. I almost felt nervous, but the comfort he brought me smothered that feeling. Arousal shot through my veins as he concentrated on his actions. His thumbs kept moving closer, spreading me apart for his eyes, but never touching where I needed him to touch me most.
“Javi, please,” I moaned softly. “I need you to touch me.”
“Yeah? Does my pretty girl know what she needs?” He stopped moving his hands and looked at me. “I don’t think she does, or she wouldn’t be this burnt.”
Mean. He was so mean. “Please,” I groaned.
He shook his head, looking back down to where his thumbs massaged the creases at the base of my inner thighs. “No, I don’t think so. I’ll take care of you, but you’re going to have to be patient.”
My head pressed back into the pillow and my eyes squeezed tight in annoyance.
He pinched my thigh, making me wine as I brought my attention back to him. “And you have to look at me. You’re going to watch me, so you can see how to take care of yourself.”
“Okay, Javi.” I gave in so easily to him. I always did.
“Good girl,” he cooed as he slid back on the bed and laid down on his stomach between my legs.
I made sure to keep my eyes on him as his fingers danced along my thighs, making me squirm. All I wanted was his fingers on my clit or fucking into me, but he was taking his sweet time.
Finally I felt air hit my wetness as he spread me open yet again with his thumbs. Then he slipped a knuckle up my slit and dragged it over my clit. I whined and writhed on the bed.
“Lo sé, lo sé, cariño, I got you.” His voice rumbled through my skin and shot through my veins.
I felt sweat start to bead at my hairline and on the back of my neck while I tried my best to be patient. Javi was right, he did know how to take care of me.
He wiped the lotion off of his hands on the towel and then his thumb pressed just outside my clit, moving in a steady circle around the sensitive nub. My whole body was lighting up as my orgasm started to approach a lot quicker than anticipated.
“Javi, I think I’m gonna-“ I started, but was cut off with a whine as he pulled his thumb away.
“Not yet, baby,” he said, staring up at me with his lips curled up on one side. “That’s way too soon. Take a deep breath.”
I groaned but inhaled, filling my lungs to capacity before emptying them back out. My limbs melted even further onto the bed. Javi nodded and resumed circling my clit.
I could feel the coil in my belly start to tighten again, but held off as long as I could. He pulled away once more.
“Javi,” I panted.
“I could feel you tightening up, baby. Not time yet, I barely got started.” He was fully smiling, and it was probably because of the pout that was on my face.
“Not yet.” He continued locking his eyes with mine as he resumed his actions.
It took a bit longer than before for my orgasm to start building again. I moaned and tried to push myself closer to him, but he held steady with the same movements and praises.
“You’re doing so good for me, I know it’s sensitive, I know you want to cum.” His eyes were locked onto where his thumb pressed closer and closer to my clit, my nerves completely on fire. “Do you want my fingers, pretty girl?”
“Yes, yes, please, Javi.” I was babbling, only knowing what I wanted.
He slipped his thumb down from my clit and slipped two of his fingers inside my entrance. I moaned his name and threw my head back at the pleasure that lit up my senses.
He pulled his fingers back out.
“Now, now. What are we supposed to be doing?”
I hadn’t realized I had squeezed my eyes shut until they snapped open to stare at the ceiling. “Sorry, Javi,” I said quickly while lifting my head to look back at him. “You just feel so good.”
“You’re so good for me, baby. I’ll let it slide this time.” He smiled and pushed his fingers back in, opening his mouth in a gasp at the same time I did. “But don’t do it again.”
“I won’t, I promise, I’m sorry, Javi,” I continued to babble, my head fuzzy with trying to think straight.
“My pretty girl is so good to me, isn’t she? And so so wet for me. Listen to this pussy,” he said, leaving a pause long enough that the obscene squelching reached my ears. “So wet and so sensitive. I know you want to cum, but you can take it, can’t you?”
“Yes, Javi, I can take it.” I was panting, my mouth hanging open while trying to suck in as much air as my lungs would allow.
“I haven’t even tasted you yet, fuck,” he groaned, his eyes following the way his fingers fucked in and out of me. “Can I, baby? Can I taste you?”
“Yes!” I cried out, trying to hold myself back from cumming when his thumb started circling my clit again. “Please, Javi, please.”
He leaned forward and latched his lips over my clit. With the pressure of his fingers curling into that blinding white spot while his tongue rolled over my clit I felt like I was going to break at any moment.
“Javi, please, can I cum?” I asked, tears prickling in the corners of my eyes. “I'm so close, please, Javi.”
He pulled his lips away. “Cum,” he growled against my wet skin before sealing his lips over me again.
I cried out his name, my hips snapping against his face. My orgasm was blinding, a white hot electric current shooting into my fingers and toes. My throat was raw with how loudly I moaned for him, his name falling from my lips over and over until my back finally relaxed back down onto the bed.
“Javi,” I moaned again, my eyelids heavy and hooded over my eyes.
He kissed my clit one last time, my body jolting at the sensitivity, then he pulled himself away. I reached my hands out and tried grabbing at him to pull him closer to me. He smiled and crawled over me, kissing me. I moaned into his mouth as the taste of me mixed with his spit slid over my tongue.
I whined when he stood up and I tried to pull him back down.
“No, no, baby, I have to get your shorts on.” He leaned over the bed and grabbed them, helping me lift my legs and hips to fit them on.
“But I want you,” I said, my eyebrows furrowing.
“Not tonight, cariño.” He leaned down and lightly kissed my burning forehead. I closed my eyes at the comfort he brought despite my burn. He stood back up. “Next time.”
“Please fuck me, Javi. I want you so bad,” I whined. “I need you, please.”
He shook his head, standing over me. “I don’t want to hurt you, baby. Your skin is too sensitive.”
I pouted. “It’s not that bad, I promise. You can hurt me, I can take it.”
“No, (Y/N).” His voice was firm, making my body freeze in place. “Maybe you’ll learn to take care of yourself next time.”
I whimpered his name, but he just smiled sweetly as if he wasn’t torturing me. “When you’re feeling better I’ll show you what good girls get.”
With that he turned and walked out the door of our bedroom. I sighed shakily, my limbs feeling heavy.
“Come eat supper!” He called from down the hall, as if he didn’t just make me a complete mess.
I groaned and peeled myself off of the bed. At least while I suffered from my mistake with the sun I could focus on all the ways he’d get his hands on me when my tan settled in.
I froze and sighed, remembering one embarrassing thing about having a burn.
The fucking tanlines.
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Taglist: @sullyosully
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nesmeyart · 8 months
High school AU
I was so inspired so I wrote a small ff please read it and let me know what you think ))))
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For the first sight Sasuke is a typical school bully, but deep in his heart he keeps memories, how Naruto once shared his umbrella when they were kids. Sasuke was never paid attention by his parents because they have his perfect elder brother Itachi who also doesn’t care about him. So the boy lived by himself in the hatred of the whole world until he met sunny boy Naruto.
Naruto parents were missing since his birth so he was adopted by Jiraiya and Tsunade, they became his grandparents. Naruto asked about his parents past but Jiraiya and Tsunade kept saying that they can’t tell anything. Sometimes he missed his parents but he have never told about it. He was always a sunny boy.
The first time Naruto met sasuke he was leaving the school. It was raining hard but there was a black haired boy slowly walking down the street lowering his head. Naruto immediately ran to the boy and shared his umbrella starting to chatter some stupid stuff. Sasuke looked at the sunny boy like it was an idol.
«What’s your name?» - naruto asked when they came to sasuke’s house. «Let’s be friends! We’ll play together…» but unfortunately sasuke didn’t know how to express his feelings to someone who was kind to him so he pushed Naruto’s hand and ran away. Since that day Sasuke and Naruto have become rivals. And though Sasuke was always rude to Naruto deep in his heart he remembered his look of appreciation when he shared his umbrella.
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bubblegumnnebula · 23 days
Boy oh boy, this is the last thing I’m gonna say. First off, I hope the person who I was talking with is reading this. If you are, hey. I’d message you or reblog again, but to protect myself, I’m not gonna interact with you cause lord knows I’m gonna get called a child groomer.
Anyone who writes nsfw content of a minor anime character aged up is not a pedophile. (Can’t believe I have to say that.) The character is a drawing in a screen, voiced by an adult. The character looks nothing like a real child or human in general. There are no victims when it comes to this content. No minors are being harmed. So there is generally nothing to worry about.
The nuance of the discussion comes in on whether you believe it is predatory or not. There is a huge difference between pedophilia and predatory . Calling people “gross” or insinuating they are the former because they choose to interact with such content is very insulting and straight up factually incorrect. You 🫵 can think it’s weird, but that’s your opinion. But stating something as a fact when it is not, is stupid and counterproductive.
Making a generalized statement is harmful and misleading, because actual real-life minors need to know what to actually look for when protecting themselves from actual real-life predators. Pointing fingers at an innocent author is not helping anyone.
You can’t be patronizing and insulting and expect people not to retaliate. You wanna be in an adult discussion, you’re gonna be treated like an adult.
[Before anyone runs up to my ask and calls me anything, I actively avoid minor character ff. It makes me uncomfortable. But I shut my mouth about it because I know no one is being hurt so there’s no reason for me to be outraged]
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sharky-the-idiot · 2 months
ffs since j won’t listen tell her to just get rid of that stupid motherfucker. She is confused and won’t ever actually be a fucking ‘boy’. Plus, she’s only gonna bring you guys down, both look wise and mentally.
she’s so fucking ugly I can’t anymore. Have you seen her teeth?? Her hair?? Who does their hair like that??? How fucking atrocious her smile is????
literally never speak to me again you troglodyte. He's a boy. Cry about it. Send me another ask and I'm going to force you to watch all of Story of Undertale while high out of your mind. Say anything else about Ink "not being a boy" and "being a stupid motherfucker" and I am popping between your eyes. Get the fuck out of here with that shit.
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ellssbellss · 2 years
Lavender Roses ~ Kyoya Ootori X Reader
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pairing- Kyoya Ootori x Reader
In which a rational head hides a generous heart, but you have always known how to see past his walls and help him bloom into the gorgeous rose he is.
Enjoy a slow burn between an honor student and our beloved glasses character!
summary: You were almost impressed at their acting skills. If they weren’t such a pain in your ass. 
word count: 9.7k
(f/a) = favorite anime
(f/s) = favorite scent
see masterlist!: masterlist
taglist: @abbysblogsstuff @sunukissed @kisskissshutmydoor @idonia-dovahkiin 
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The Twins Fight! (pt. 2)
Splotches of pink hair dye surround you as orange hair rakes through your gloved fingers, transforming from a deep ginger to a bright shade of bubble-gum. You heave another frustrated sigh as Hikaru once again turns his head from his seat below you in favor of telling you about this anime he has started watching recently. You sit on the bed above him as he rants about dragon-slayers and how the character had the same color hair as the dye splattered onto your fingers. 
“Hikaru, I need you to stay still, or else this won’t be even.” You interrupt him in the middle of his sentence, and he pouts and sharply turns back to the front of his room. It wasn’t like anything you had expected a teenage boy’s room would look like. It was clean, surfaces sparkling from their marble surfaces and the duvet on the queen sized bed was kept a pristine white. Nothing was scattered across the sheep’s wool carpet, and every one of their possessions had a place. It was obvious their maids were incredibly thorough, but there were still little figurines and color patterns that made this room unique to the brothers, orange and blue accenting everything it could find. 
“Whatever. You clearly weren’t even listening anyways.” His gravelly voice states, arms crossing over his bare torso. You both opted for the ‘shirt off’ approach so that none of the dye accidentally stained one of the immensely expensive clothes his mother designed. 
“This Natsu guy was your inspo for your hair color?” You ask, disproving his statement.
You can feel his face twitch slightly at being proven wrong. You laugh a little at his immaturity as he gives you the silent treatment. “You can talk. You just can’t be flopping around like a fucking fish.”
Ever the defiant twin, Hikaru shakes his shoulders, rolling them back and forth, imitating a koi fish that has leaped out of its pond. It rains pink dye as he messes around, and you suddenly want to kill him.
You throw your hands up so as to not get any dye where it doesn’t belong and wait for Hikaru’s poor impulse control to settle. 
“I hate you.” You groan as his whipping hair showers droplets of pink onto your leggings. He turns around and puts a hand to his mouth, poorly covering up his snickering laugh. 
In retaliation, you take the brush you were using to spread the dye over his strands and make one short swipe down the middle of his back. 
“h-HEY WHAT THE FF-” Shivering from the sudden coldness on his skin, Hikaru stands up quickly, turning around his left shoulder over and over again in order to get a good look at his graffitied back. Despite his best efforts, he was just spinning in circles. 
Belly laughs came from deep within you as you watched him resemble a dog chasing his own tail, his hair split down the middle with orange and pink. The mischievous twin stopped at your laughter and deadpanned at you, only making you laugh harder.
“Oh-Oh my god!” You try to speak through your absolute guffaws. “You look so stupid, hA!” 
“You’re literally the worst person I know.” His gravelly voice spouts an insult into deaf ears, as you were still too occupied by giggles to even care. 
As your laughter died down, the door opened, the creaking noise distracting you from the annoyed twin. 
Kaoru walks into the room, a plastic shower cap wrapped tightly around his head. He walks out holding his phone. The timer on the screen is going off, his favorite song playing lightly out the speakers. 
“(Y/n), can I wash this stuff out now? It burns.” He goes to fidget with the clear cap, spinning it around his newly dyed hair, the blue complimenting his golden eyes. 
“In a second, Kaoru, I need to do Hikaru’s otherside.” 
The sneakier twin pouts as he fully walks into the room. Kaoru’s eyes are drawn to his brother’s back, seeing it stained with pink. He lets out a laugh similar to the one he expressed in the club room this morning, his shoulders shaking with each breath. 
“Oh wow, Hikaru, love the new look.” A mocking tone laces his higher pitched voice, making Hikaru roll his eyes. 
“Like you have room to talk, nerd. Who would choose blue over pink?” 
“Blue is better than pink by far, you asshole, everyone knows that.” 
Hikaru scoffs and turns to face his brother head on. “Since when? I don’t know Kaoru, it seems that ever since you decided to dye your hair, you’ve somehow gotten even more stupid than before.”
Kaoru growls as he stomps closer to his brother. “You’re the stupid one! Who the fuck only dyes half their head?”
Hikaru matches his brother’s annoyance. “(Y/n) hasn’t finished it yet! And it’s going to look even better than yours when she’s done. Ya know why? Cause it’s pink!”
“Blue is better!” Kaoru steps even closer.
“No, it’s pink!” They are nearly nose to nose now.
You calmly raise a finger as you watch them argue. “Have you guys ever seen Sleeping Beauty?”
“Shut up!” They shout in unison, their adrenaline carrying over to you. 
Your hands fly up to a surrender position, not wanting to be brought into the middle of anything. “Shutting up.”
They continue to argue back and forth. You rest your head on your wrist, careful of the pink and blue dye on your fingertips. They’ve been arguing ever since you got here. They fought over who would answer the door, who would get their head dyed first, and how long the dye should stay on for. It was so aggressive and over the simplest of things, almost as if coming from nowhere. Like they were looking for something to fight about. 
When Kaoru asked you to come over to their house to help him with his hair, you thought you might be able to act as a mediator and help them work through whatever was going on between them. But then Hikaru wanted to piggyback onto Kaoru’s hair dye idea, and when you couldn’t dissolve that conflict, you knew you were an under qualified buffer for the two of them.
A ringtone rang through their bickering. They both froze in the middle of intense stances to turn to your phone vibrating on one of their nightstands. You hold your hand up in a ‘one-moment’ formation and walk over to check who it was. 
The twins watch in frustrated silence as your face lights up from seeing the caller ID. The light off the screen shines upon a soft but bright smile, the grin reaching all the way to your eyes. 
“Hey Kyoya.” Your smile only grows wider at his name, and their eyes squint in suspicion. You nod your head along to your conversation. Sometimes you compliment him, sometimes you bit your lip, sometimes your fingers even twiddle with the ends of your hair. They look back at each other with a knowing look, rolling their eyes in the process. 
“Yeah, no, that’s what I was thinking.” You speak into the receiver, your voice taking a delicate, calm tone as you speak to their director. Their assumptions are only confirmed when you laugh at something the Shadow King said on the other end. 
To them, there was only one reason that anyone would think Kyoya-senpai was funny. 
“Okay, yeah, bye. I’ll see you tomorrow.” There might as well have been a heart emoji plastered at the end of your words with the way a sigh unknowingly passed through your lips as you ended the call. 
They almost gagged as you looked like you were riding on air from just hearing his voice, dazed and zoned out in your own little fantasy. 
“Who was that, (Y/n)?” Hikaru and Kaoru speak in unison in a monotone voice, their eyes sliding to each other and back to you. 
Snapping out of it, you turn to them once more and smile slightly before standing and dusting yourself off. “It was Kyoya. He was just asking about our project.” You sigh, and the twins could swear there was romantic glitter shuffling off your shoulders. 
“You ready to get rinsed?” You say, turning to the twin with the shower cap. 
Kaoru nods and follows you out of his room, but not without turning back to his brother. A silent conversation passes between them as they meet eyes  before he disappears through the doorway. 
Find out what she’s hiding. 
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“Is that too cold?” You say, taking one of the hand held shower spouts and aiming it towards Kaoru’s hairline, water cascading down his hair and dripping off the ends. 
“No, that feels fine.” Kaoru closes his eyes and sighs, enjoying the feeling of your fingers twining through his hair and the lukewarm water on his scalp. 
He nearly forgot his mission. 
Peaking one eye open, he decides to go for a more subtle approach.  
“Hmm?” You hum, concentrating on the task in front of you. 
“Have you ever liked someone?” 
At his question, you give him a side eye as you work more towards the back of his head. Shrugging, you don’t really think about it too hard. 
“I mean, yeah. I’m pretty sure everyone has.” You chew on the inside of your cheek awkwardly, not wanting to shoot down this abrupt change of topic in case it was something Kaoru needed to get off his chest. “What about you?”
The blue-haired twin can’t really shake his head from his posture on the rim of the bathtub, his bare back pressed against the porcelain as he leans his head back over the rim, allowing the stained water to rush straight to the drain. 
“Nah, not really.” He tries his vulnerability tactic, hoping that it will pull on your heartstrings and push open the drawbridge to the secret you’re so clearly hiding from them. “I mean, it’s always been Hikaru and I for as long as I can remember. We didn’t have a lot of time for anyone else.”
You nod, and he sees a sympathetic look crease your face. Good. 
He sighs, “But now that we’re fighting, I was thinking of branching out a little bit more. Finding someone else to take the asshole’s place.”
You roll over your reply in your head a million times, trying to find the right words between ‘yes, broaden your horizons’ and ‘but your brother is your best friend for a reason.’ But before you could say anything else, Kaoru directs your thoughts with another question. 
He tries again. 
“Do you like anybody?” 
You freeze your movements and turn to him fully. 
“Uh, no? Why?” 
Kaoru raises an eyebrow, and when you motion for him to sit up from the edge of the bathtub, he keeps his stare as he slowly leans forward, sitting in a criss-cross position in front of you as you kneel on the opposite side.
Your pupils scan him accusingly as he sits, and you notice his eyes widen a little too much to keep up his nonchalant, innocent façade. 
You roll your eyes as you throw a towel at him, figuring out why his questions were so sudden and direct.
“You really got to work on your act, Kaoru.” You say as he freezes with the towel in his hands. He huffs when he realizes you found him out. “What do you already know?”
You study him as a small smirk plays on Kaoru’s face as he sucks on his tongue, trying to choose the words that won’t scare you off right away. He raises the towel to the top of his head to begin to dry his hair. 
“Nothing, yet. Is there something that I should know?” 
You give him a ‘really?’ look as he stays true to his character, keeping his cards close to his chest. 
You hum a light note, busying yourself with packing up the dye and throwing away the stained plastic gloves. 
“No. I guess if you haven’t figured it out yet, then there isn’t.” You squint your eyes at him as he towel dries his hair, and suddenly you two are at a standoff. 
This wasn’t uncommon, the two of you waiting for the other to crack. Kaoru’s patience was miles long compared to Hikaru’s, and you both could go days beating around the bush and acting like you know nothing, until the other breaks. 
It was petty, but that was one thing you and the twin had in common. 
His jaw clicks once more before shrugging and standing to hang the towel on the rack posted on the wall and grabbing his shirt that hung right next to it. 
Kaoru looks at you once again and holds his hand out, offering to lift you up from your position on the pristine tile. 
“I guess there isn’t.” He says, and another smirk slithers onto his lips. 
You take a deep breath as you accept his hand, knowing that he sees right through you. His patience drives his technique, letting you slowly open up to him second by second, like a hunter watching its prey. It was a different kind of slyness compared to Hikaru’s, but it was slyness nonetheless. 
You and Kaoru go to walk out the door, but when you open it, Hikaru trips into your view, the door that he was just leaning on swinging out from under him. 
This motivates another eye-roll from you as you make eye-contact with Kaoru. “Were you eavesdropping, Hikaru?”
Having caught himself, and still only half his hair dyed, Hikaru gives you a brief ‘caught-with-his-hand-in-the-cookie-jar’ look before going back to his usual visage. 
“Whatever.” He says, and completely walks away from the two of you, crossing his arms as he re enters his bedroom. 
“So you know nothing, then?” You ask Kaoru fleetingly as you pass him, following Hikaru into their space. 
Kaoru grumbles at Hikaru’s stupidity as he follows you. 
You laugh as you walk, their failed plan to catch whatever they were trying to get out of you clearly failing right before your eyes. 
But that’s when you got to thinking: since when were they making plans together? 
“Hold on.” You spin once you are fully back into the room, both boys who fell into step behind you freezing in their place as you point at them.
“Did you two just work together on some sort of scheme, or whatever? Some sort of set up?”
Still frozen, they look at eachother, then back at you before taking a step to either side, growing the distance between them. 
“After a whole day of fighting, did you two just coordinate?”
Mirroring each other, they both spin, turning their backs to the other twin and raising their chin in disgust. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You groan as their voices blend into another perfect unison, confusion utterly apparent in your expression. “One minute, you're at each other's throats. Next, you’re conspiring together on how to mess with me. Can one of you tell me what the fuck is going on?”
Hikaru and Kaoru both chew over your question as they each take a look over their shoulder at the other. Twin telepathy happens right before your eyes as they come back close together, an arm wrapping over a shoulder, while another comes behind a hip. 
“We will tell you our little secret, but only if you tell us yours.”
An exasperated exhale falls out of your mouth as you look at the irritating boys in front of you. 
You deny them immediately. “Absolutely not.” 
But they didn’t let up. 
Immediately, the twins joined you on the bed that you sat upon, resting their heads on your shoulder, and you whined as you felt Kaoru’s dripping wet hair and Hikaru’s fresh dye soak into one of your favorite t-shirts. 
“Tell us, (Y/n).” They pleaded, and you swore they batted their eyelashes.
“Get off of me.” You stood, knocking them away from you as you paced. “Why would I tell the two of you who I have a crush on?”
“Ah ha!” Hikaru jumps from his spot and points an accusing finger in your direction. 
“So you do have a crush on someone!” Kaoru finishes, mirroring his brother’s position. 
A blush runs to your cheeks when you realize what you just admitted. “Okay fine! But it’s none of your business who it is!” 
“Tell us, tell us, tell us…” They begin to chant repeatedly as you become more and more annoyed with their immature antics. Can’t they just let you have one thing to yourself?
“I’m not telling you guys anything.”
A sigh emits from the boys. “Then I guess..” Hikaru starts.
“You’ll never know.” Kaoru finishes as they each cast a fake sympathetic gaze, looking at you like you were a poor soul. 
You scoff and brush past them. If they didn’t want to tell you, fine. That kind of line might’ve worked on Tamaki, but you were better than that. 
“Forget it. Here.” You reach over to grab the remote to the TV, being careful not to touch it too much and stain it with the dye on your fingers. “Let’s keep watching (f/a). What episode were we on?”
“We don’t want to watch anything, (Y/n).” Hikaru whines.
“We just want you to tell us.” Kaoru finishes, sulking as they make their way towards you once more. You are sat on the edge of the bed now as they look down at you. 
“You can trust us, ya know.” Hikaru grumbles from your right, half his hair still wet from the processing dye job you haven’t been able to complete. 
“It’s not like we are gonna tell anybody.” Kaoru puts a hand on your shoulder in earnest, but you squint your eyes at them, not sure if you can trust them or not. 
Of course you could trust them. No matter how much they annoy you, Hikaru and Kaoru have always been in your corner. No one else could irritatingly terrorize you but them. That was what they always said. 
You grasp your bottom lip in between your teeth, breaking your gaze from the twins and zoning out on the wall behind them as you roll over how you could turn this around. You did want to tell them, but only for the greater good. 
The greater good. A smirk develops on your face as you glance back up at the boys, and their genuine looks turn into something cautious. 
“How badly do you wanna know, hm?” You ask, leaning forward slightly, an eyebrow arching on your forehead as your canines peek out from behind your mouth.
“Bad enough to share your secret first? Before hearing mine?”
Both their chests hitched, air caught in their throats at your proposal. You just gave them a bet where there wasn’t a 100 percent chance of winning. There was no guarantee that you weren’t going to leave them hanging after giving away the plan that they have been playing out for the past 24 hours. There was nothing stopping you from blowing their cover, or using it as blackmail, all without giving them a single hint of what you had promised.
They would know. They’ve done it before. 
To you. 
“Awe, c’mon guys.” You nearly laugh at their calculating expressions as you parrot their persuasions back to them. “You can trust me, ya know.” 
Hikaru and Kaoru both deadpan at you, before looking at each other, connecting their twin-telepathy once more. 
“And there is no other way…” Kaoru starts, giving you another displeased look.
“...That we can get you to talk?” Hikaru ends, sighing out an annoyed exhale.
“Nope.” You reply as you shake your head, popping the ‘p’.
A clothed Kaoru and a shirtless Hikaru seem to weigh it more in their minds before sighing and sitting down next to you.
The bed creaked as they settled on either side of you. You gave them each an expectant look as they prepared their statements.
“It’s not a big deal or anything.” Hikaru prepped you for the news, and at this point, you knew exactly what was coming. 
“We’re faking the fight going on between us.” Kaoru admitted nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders. 
Your jaw clicked as you exhaled another sigh, letting your head tilt back so much so that you inevitably flopped onto the comforter behind you. 
The twins leaned back onto their palms while you groaned. “I really hoped I was wrong.” You looked at both of them as they chuckled at your defeat. “I mean, of course I’m right, but I really hoped I wasn’t.” 
You flop your hands out in front of you as a way to punctuate your next question. “But why?”
They meet eyes before shrugging their shoulders and looking down at you again. “Meh, we were bored. It’s been fun so far.” Another groan emits from your throat as you put your hands over your face. 
“We’re surprised you didn’t catch on sooner.” Kaoru said as he opted for laying on the bed, propping his head up with an elbow as to not let his freshly dyed hair stain his duvet.
“Yeah,” Hikaru followed, mirroring his brother’s position, “seems like you’re kinda dense when you’re distracted by someone else.” A ginger eyebrow arches over a golden eye as Hikaru gives you the perfect segway to hold up your end of the deal. 
A strained look is apparent in your features as you actually consider just up and leaving the bedroom altogether. But that would break a trust deeper than some stupid crush, and that’s not something you were really willing to lose.
“Fine…” You cross your hands behind your head, stretching to prepare for your confession.
“I have a teensy, tiny, itty bitty, completely temporary crush on Kyoya.” 
You close your eyes immediately after speaking the ravenete’s name, wincing as you feel the bed shift around you as the twins process your news. 
But, when you open your eyes again, the twins are looking down at you with soft simpers. 
“Yeah, no shit, (Y/n).” Hikaru says, laughing at your confused expression. 
Kaoru is chuckling along with him. “We kinda gathered that.”
Your mouth opens and closes, but no sounds come out except an occasional bewildered squeak as the boys stretch themselves back into a seated position. 
You whip up, feeling completely betrayed. 
“You knew already? Why did you make me confess, then?” 
Laughing once more, they both turn towards you, pointing at you in a way that younger siblings tease their older sister. “Because look how much you’re blushing!”
A dry whine escapes from your lips as you slap your palms onto your cheeks, proving the twins were right as you feel heat on your cheeks. 
“You guys are the worst.” You moan, but a small smile escapes you from their antics. 
Their laughter dies down as they sit back down next to you, bumping their shoulders with yours as you hide in embarrassment. 
“It’s cute though.” Kaoru assures you, making you look up from your fingers and turn to your right. 
“Yeah, now that I think about it.” Hikaru points a finger up in the air as you turn to the left. “You and Kyoya together actually makes sense.” 
“You really think so?” A gentle, anxious expression takes over your features, and the twins giggle. They swing their arms over your shoulders, giving you a bear hug as you're sandwiched between them. 
“Of course!” Their antics cause you to laugh as well, and the air feels lighter around you as your friendship grows even closer than it was. 
A grateful grin glides over your cheekbones as you look at them, and you’re reminded why they are your chosen family. 
You get a glimpse of ginger hair and you remember why you were invited over here in the first place.
You playfully shake them off. “Ew, gross, get off of me.” Chuckling through your words, you reach behind Hikaru to grab the discarded bowl and brush. “Go ahead and sit down, Hikaru.” You say as you gesture to the floor in front of you. “I still have to do your otherside. With that split dye, you look like an off brand Todoroki.” 
Hikaru’s mouth twists into a frown as Kaoru chuckles. He shoves his brother before making his way back in front of you, rolling the tension out of his shoulders as he still feels the coolness of the dye on his back from where you brushed it onto him.
“Fuck you, bro.” He mumbles as he settles, and you and Kaoru laugh again. The atmosphere becomes lighter as Kaoru picks up the remote. 
Shaking his head, Hikaru pulls his knees to his chest, elbows circling his calves and pulling them closer. Kaoru sits next to him, copying his brother’s position.
Kaoru presses play, and you slowly brush the bright pink onto Hikaru’s scalp, smiling a little. As the twins’ shoulders touched, you realized it was nice to see them sit together again. Be normal again. 
And so, as you all watched the anime and secretly stained each other with pink and blue dye, there were a few moments of peace. A rare thing in the Hitachiian household. 
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Walking alone to the cafeteria was a weird experience for you. Sometimes, you and Haruhi would meet up and eat lunch in the music room. Or you, Honey, and Mori would group up before walking down the cafeteria. Other times, Kyoya would be waiting outside of your classroom and walk you down to the refectory himself so that he has time to go over the bills and the numbers with you before the club meets in the afternoon.
But, because you had stayed late in one of the computer labs to work on the coding for your up and coming invention, it left you no time to catch up with any of the club members as they made their usual way to the cafeteria. You just hoped Kyoya had gotten your message about running late. 
You pushed open the large, wooden doors to the cafeteria. This refectory was built with such an elegant intention, the sparkling peach tile paired with white pillars and molding. The dishes that were served with the lunches were made out of decorated porcelain, and the students here were literally fed with silver spoons.
Such a delicate, graceful place. 
So how in the world was it so chaotic?
Your flinch as a bowl of soup flies past you and crashes against the wall.
And just as you try and face whatever madness is going on in front of you, your face is suddenly covered in icing as cake splats across it. 
Oh. My. God.
Even though you can’t see due to the icing that is covering your face, you still feel the presence of five hosts suddenly appearing in front of you. You stand frozen as they watch you, holding your boxed lunch in front of you with bits of dessert slowly drooping from your head onto the tile below you. 
“Oh, you poor thing.” Tamaki’s voice resonates as hands grasp your shoulders and turn you slightly to the left. 
“What the hell is going on?” As you open your mouth to talk, strings of icing form as you part your lips, the sugar falling onto your tongue. 
“(N/n)-chan! You have to stop them, they’ve gone crazy! I tried to offer them cake, but I didn’t know who wanted the strawberry, and they got mad at meee~!” You heard the tears in Honey’s eyes and your eyebrows crinkle in confusion and sympathy.
“Who’s ‘them’?” You ask, but, unfortunately, you already know the answer. 
“The twins. They are still fighting.” Mori’s deep voice echos against the formerly pristine walls of the refectory. The same pair of hands that were originally on your shoulders, cradle the right side of your face as another wipes something over one of your eyes. 
Of course the twins would start a literal food fight in one of the most public places to make a scene. 
Last night, you were sworn to secrecy on grounds of both trust and blackmail. If you told your friends that it was all an act before they were ready to give it up, the brothers had full freedom to tell your secret to anyone they wanted, even Kyoya himself. 
The very thought made dread take over your entire body. 
Speaking of the ravenet, as your vision is restored when the icing is wiped away, gray eyes focus in front of you. Kyoya switches to your chin and your forehead, using one of his pocket squares to clear the most vital aspects of your face, still holding your face with his fingers.
“Because this square is made out of silk,” he begins, cupping the ball of icing that was accumulated from the accident into his palm, the pocket square becoming the only barrier between his skin and the chunks of pound cake. “It wasn’t really all that absorbent. The icing is still smeared every which way.” Kyoya gives you another observing glance, trying to see if he at least got most of it out of the way. His smirk turns into an amused one when he takes in your sugar-covered state. 
“But at least you are able to see.” With another charmed look, he folds his pocket square up and you’re alarmed to watch him throw it away. Only he could be so okay with ruining such an expensive piece of fabric like it’s nothing. 
Bringing a hand up to your face, you touch your cheek to still feel a film of the icing on your skin, but most of it was cleaned by the Ootori son.
He meets your eyes again, and something courageous sturs in him as he makes a horrible pun. “Looking sweeter than usual.” 
“Thank you, Kyoya.” Your heart warms at his words as you laugh slightly, but your attention is quickly grabbed by the noodles that whiz past your head.
“Here, Tamaki, can you hold this? It seems there is a situation that needs to be taken care of.” You shove your boxed lunch into his arms and march towards the twins. Unbeknownst to you, Tamaki’s eyes glaze over as he stares at your wrapped box, and then they glance at Haruhi’s, whose lunch looks almost identical to yours. 
She was the one who taught you how to make them, after all. 
The theater in Tamaki’s mind goes rampant with images of Haruhi making him one, and his train of thought goes off the rails as one thing leads to another. 
“I don’t care if my boxed lunch is in an embarrassing heart-shape!” The blonde suddenly bursts out into a dramatic pose, gesturing an open palm to Haruhi, who was currently caught in the middle of a Hitachiian food fight, and nearly dropping your lunch. “I will eat it!”
Kyoya catches the toppling lunch from his grasp and holds it securely in his palm, watching Tamaki critically from behind his glasses. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, but it’s evident that your fantasies are completely incoherent.”
Shaking his head, he turns his attention back to you. He watches as you walk to the twins, your palms balled into fists from the tension in your expression. The food fight is still going on, and the interactions that ensue remind him of a comic strip, your depictions suddenly becoming more and more animated the further you are away from him. 
From a distance, he sees you tap one of the boys on the shoulder, and the blue haired one looks back. Kaoru jumps and they both stop throwing things at each other, scared at your angry face. 
Then, you’re scolding them. Kyoya isn’t an expert lip reader, but based off of previous interactions with you and the twins, he assumes you’re yelling at them to stop and ‘shut the fuck up.’ You have quite the mouth when you’re around them. 
You make a sweeping gesture with your hands as you make them notice the destruction they’ve caused, but of course, the twins aren’t listening. 
Hikaru’s mouth moves as he points to your face, most likely noticing the crumbs of vanilla cakes scattered across your eyelashes and cheekbones. 
Oh dear. 
Pink and blue heads jostle as the twins begin to laugh at you, breaking the last of your patience. Your lips move in what can only be described as a growl, and an irk appears above your forehead. Moving around to a frozen Haruhi, you pick her up and push her towards the club, moving her out of the splash zone.
As the twins laugh at you, Kyoya observes the stealthiness of your movements as you reach over and grab some soft food from their plates with your bare hands, and chuck each of the handfuls into their faces. 
This receives an amazed look from the Ootori son – as expressive as it gets for someone like him – and the cafeteria falls silent as they watch the three of you. 
Both Hikaru and Kaoru blink, their golden irises shining through the mushed grain/potato/whatever it was. Time froze as you each held a stare, daring the other to move one inch closer to the trays of food in front of you. 
All three of you call the others' bluff as Kyoya works to avoid the sudden onslaught of food that erupts from your table. Soup, pastries, fruits, smoothies, sandwiches, salads, hot tea, all being hurled into every direction. 
The ravenet’s jaw ticks as he makes eye contact with Tamaki, who meets his gaze as they give each other a ‘we-should-have-expected-this’ look.
Haruhi appears in front of the duo with her lunch in hand, an exhausted look on her face as she deadpans at the three of you from over her shoulder. 
“I think I’m gonna go eat in my classroom after all.” She says tiredly, and hurries away, leaving Tamaki and Kyoya to rush into the food fight head first and peel you three off of each other. 
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Steam seeped into your lungs as you tried not to slip on the tile below you. Warm water cascaded down your collarbone and over your hips, collecting crumbs and splashes of various sauces from your skin. You inhaled a deep sigh before turning the shower dial to the right and stepping out of the small cubicle that your school calls a bathroom, grabbing the towel you rented from the receptionist off the rack. The floor shined with moisture and new polish as you made your way to one of the lockers, grabbing a new uniform from the shelves. 
After the food fight in the cafeteria, Kyoya had ordered an emergency club meeting to talk about the twins behavior. You were worried, to be honest. There wasn’t much that wasn’t your fault based on the events from this afternoon, and your head hurt from the absolute chaos that seems to follow the twins wherever they go. Or at least, more chaos than usual. 
So it was nice when Kyoya suggested that you get cleaned up before the meeting tonight as he picked leaves of spinach from the stained collar of your suit jacket. The steam and the (f/s)-scented soap helped you clear your mind from the stress of keeping the Hitachiian’s secret, and prepare you for the consequences of engaging in a food fight with the twins. 
You rolled down your shirt sleeves as you stepped out of the bathroom, your jacket draped over one elbow as you adjusted the cuffs. But someone in front of you cleared their throat, breaking your attention away from your apparel. 
“Hey.” You say lightly, a smile on your face your heartbeat picks up just a little over its usual speed.
“Good afternoon.” Kyoya looks at you over his black book with his usual sharp gaze, and you don’t miss how his gray eyes quickly scan your figure. He leans against the wall adjacent to the entrance to the women’s locker room. You get flashbacks to your physical exam, how he waited for you when you needed to return his jacket. 
He seemed to have a habit of leaning up against walls and waiting for you so you two could walk back together, and you weren’t complaining. 
“It seems the extra uniform suits you well.” He says as he closes his notebook, tucking it under his arm as you fall into step with him. 
“It does! I was surprised we had a spare.” You say brightly, maybe a little too eager to be talking to him. 
Once you realized that you had a crush on the ravenet to your left, you’ve had trouble acting normal around him. You take note of every stutter, flutter, and blush that appears in your persona whenever he is around. Your stomach turns as you pray that while Kyoya is extremely at reading other people like the back of his hand, his lack of romantic experience would keep him from picking up on your unintentional, embarrassing mannerisms. 
“After the Princess Ayanokoji incident., I felt it would serve well to have multiple spares of every kind of uniform in case we ran into another incident that was similar.” He smirks as he remembers the food fight. “I’m glad I was more prepared this time.” 
You laugh, and your body and mind calm down as you fall into the comfortable banter that is familiar when it comes to your best friend. 
“Me too. Although this shirt is clearly new…” You stretch the collar of your shirt, pulling the itchy, starchy fabric away from your skin. “It hasn’t been worn down at all.” 
Kyoya’s eyes drop down again as you fiddle with the fabric, squinting as they fall onto an oddly colored patch on the back of your neck. 
“(Y/n)...” His tone drops deeper as he tries to keep his composure. His jaw ticks as he gently moves your hands, shoulders tensing as he moves the white shirt farther away, revealing a pink splat on the side of your neck.
He’s seen the movies, and Hikaru and Kaoru have bragged on and on about the multiple dates that they’ve taken girls on that resulted in this exact kind of thing.
But who…with you?
He swallows. He thought that you had been acting differently in the past couple days because maybe, just maybe you had realized his feelings for you. The way you bounced up to greet him or the way you two would catch each other’s gazes during late night study sessions. 
Clearly, as usual, he was reading into it too much.
He cursed himself as his mouth ran dry. “Is this a, uh,” He cleared his throat again, forcing the words to be as calm as he could make them. “Is this a hickey?”
He tries not to stare at it as his thoughts uncontrollably spiral. Of course you were involved with someone else, of course he hadn’t done the best he could to-
A nervous laugh cuts him off. 
“What?!” You sputter, craning your neck and nearly turning in a circle so that you could try to get a view of the spot that was forever going to be out of your line of sight. 
“What are you talking about?” You ask the ravenet, turning back to him to see his shoulders slump lower than they were and a sigh escapes him at your immediate confusion to his question. 
It couldn’t be a hickey if you didn’t even know what he was talking about. 
Which means there was still a chance he wasn’t reading into things. 
“There’s a pink spot on the side of your neck.” Kyoya will forever know how to dig himself out of a situation where he was wrong; to confront it dead on. It was a rare occasion, but it still happened nonetheless. “At first glance, it looked like a bruise, but that seems to be the wrong assumption.”
Now that he took a closer look, the color was too bright of a pink to be produced from the skin. It was too artificial. 
He scolded himself for letting such a strong emotional reaction motivate his thought process. 
You breathe a sigh of relief and laugh. “Oh my god. I was really concerned for a second there.” You shake your head and move to one of the windows that both of you were passing, moving the collar of the shirt once again to glance at what your best friend was talking about. 
“Oh, I see what you mean.” You fix your shirt and continue walking by his side. “It’s hair dye.” Holding up your fingers, you feel a tingle under your palms as you invite him to scan the spots of pink and blue that hid under your fingernails and the sides of your knuckles. 
“The twins asked me to help them dye their hair, and things got a little out of hand.” Another giggle escapes you. “Clearly, they’re only way of handling arguments is to throw things at each other, and I was caught in the middle.”
Kyoya feels his ever increasing heartbeat slow when you explain yourself, relief flooding through his nervous system.
He smirks as you both round a corner and begin climbing the stairs to the music room. “You seem to be around them quite a bit lately.” 
“Yeah, it’s exhausting.” You watch his Adam's apple bob as he swallows a laugh from your joke while you sigh dramatically. “I was just trying to see if there was anything I could do to get them to form some common ground, but, uh…” The other night flashes back into the front of your mind, an image of the twins holding their finger over the call button on Kyoya’s contact spurring you to not give away their secret. “I guess I couldn’t get through to them.”  
“We still need to find some sort of solution.” The Ootori son states as he reopens his black book, tilting it over slightly in order to give you a better view. “The club can’t afford to lose its Brotherly Love package.” 
Black ink scribbles across the page as equations and dollar signs scatter the paper. It was clear that Kyoya had been busy creating and calculating different solutions to the absence of the twins’ services. But, despite his efforts, you find red ink circling obscene numbers. Numbers that the club definitely could not come up with on its own. 
You meet his gaze and as much as he debates you on how much he cares for this club, you find a sense of worried alarm churning in his irises. 
“Give them a few more days.” You assure him, giving him your most comforting smile. “I’m sure they’ll get bored at some point, and everything will go back to normal.” 
And if it didn’t end soon, you would make it end. 
Kyoya gives a grateful smirk at your attempt to calm his anxieties about the budget as he pushes the door open. He holds it open for you as you pass through it, and the megane watches you walk past him, not being able to tear his gaze away from you.
You turn back to look at him, and although he could never show it, his heart lurches in his chest. 
A closed mouth smile follows the thought that he couldn’t let this club fail, because then where would he be, if not with you? 
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Biting your lip, you look around the club room. Because you and Kyoya had been the first to arrive, you were able to continue working on your project while Kyoya typed on his computer. You both talked about everything and nothing, enjoying the comforting silence of each other’s presence and only talking when you felt motivated too. 
You had been sanding down the plastic on the shell of your invention when the rest of the host club walked through the door, save for the gingers in question. Haruhi and Honey sat next to you, intrigued by the peculiar mechanics you had laid out across the table as you waited for everyone else to show up. Tamaki sat at the head of the table while Mori took the seat across from you. 
But even as all of your friends showed up, the silence still remained. Honey kicked his legs below the table as he watched you work, sadly placing his head in his palm. His cheeks spilled over his hand, and there was a distant look in his eye. Tamaki also wasn’t pleased, and when you glanced over at him, sympathy filled your heart at the exhausted look that overtook his entire posture.  
You were about to say something, but Kyoya cleared his throat. 
“Looking at the numbers, if this situation isn’t resolved, I’m afraid we are going to have to stop offering our Brotherly Love package.” He pauses to look around the room, noting the absences of each twin. “We’re down one pair of loving brothers.” 
His eyes land on Haruhi as she sits to the right of Honey, unexpecting of the passive aggressive host smile that has taken over his face. “Oh, and Harurhi, I just want you to know there is no reason for you to feel responsible.” The Ootori son looks back to hsi computer, his tone too light and too forgiving to be genuine. “Even though it was your tactless comment that started this whole feud between the twins in the first place, right?” 
You gawked at him while Haruhi sweatdropped, both of you clearly picking up his sarcasm. You kicked him under the table, but he just rolled his eyes, not caring about what drama he may have stirred up. If you wanted to work with Kyoya, you had to deal with all of the blunt confrontation that comes with him. 
Haruhi looks down at her feet, still deadpanned. “Clearly he blames me for this.”
“Clearly, he’s stressed, and trying to find a scapegoat for a problem he can’t solve.” You assure her, still pointing a warning gaze to Kyoya. Just because you liked him doesn’t mean you couldn’t call him out. 
His jaw ticked, but there was no back-handed comeback. A white flag of surrender. 
As you returned to your work, Honey’s pout deepend. “It’s weird for Hika-chan and Kaoru-chan to be fighting like this. It’s never happened before.” The lolita boy has made a game of gathering the dust from your sanding into a small mound and drawing shapes into the particles. 
Haruhi lifts her head. “They’ve never fought before?”
You shake your head, focusing desperately on a sharp edge that won’t dull. “I’ve only known Hikaru and Kaoru for a couple of years now, but I’ve never seen them not together until now.”
“I’ve known them since preschool.” Honey pitches in, his high voice carrying back into the conversation. “We weren’t in the same year, so I never really got to talk to them. But I remember that the two of them always played together.” 
“It’s true.” A sad sigh blows out form Tamaki’s lips as the blonde leans his elbows onto the mahogany below him. “I mean, I met them in middle school, and they always stood out. It seemed like they kept everyone at a distance except each other.” 
You look back to the other night as you pause your engineering, how comfortable they felt around you, how easy it was fitting into their small circle. 
“They’ve really come a long way. Sounds like they were even more warped back then.” You say, meeting the blonde’s violet gaze. 
He nods, and you notice the absence of typing as Kyoya tunes more into the conversation. 
“But when you stop to think about it,” The prince continues, brightening up just a little bit. “Maybe this whole thing is good for them.” He shrugs, his hands and shoulders moving into a hopeful shrug.
“Maybe it means that the twins are broadening their horizons a bit!” His voice lilts at the way you turn your head slightly to look at the table in front of you. “We should really just leave them alone.”
Kyoya doesn’t miss the way your brow furrows. 
“What’s wrong, (Y/n)?” The ravenet’s voice ripples through your hesitance, and you look up to see the club staring at you with worry.
“I just…” You start, but you pause to take a breath. You know the twins are faking, and yet you haven’t done anything to stop them. Seeing it affect the club so much is frustrating, and as you notice Kyoya’s under eyes and Tamaki’s misshapen head of hair, you begin to worry. If you leave them alone, then how long would it be till they ‘made up’? The twins are so stubborn, how long would this last until they got bored?
You try to steer your friends in another direction. “What if they don’t fix it, ya know?” Please take the hint, you internally beg. “I mean, they’ve never fought before, do they even know how to make up?”
Haruhi nods beside you, drawing your attention. “They probably need someone to tell them when it’s time to give in and call it quits.” She gives you a stern nod, as if she’s already decided to take on the responsibility. “We’ll give them another couple of days.”
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Your head pounded. 
Your face in your hands, you couldn’t see the absolute chaos going on in front of you, but you could hear it. The creaking of chairs and the shattering of porcelain as the twins toss objects back and forth, catching them and throwing them back to the other. 
The pulse at the forefront of your skull got larger, swelling and deflating dramatically as their pitches got more sporadic, and the light from the chandeliers floods through the cracks of your fingers as you find Honey at the top of the pile the brothers have formed in the center of the room. 
A disapproving face crawls it’s way onto your face as you groan and let your head flop forward on the table, the impact worsening the pain in your head.
To your left, Kyoya types on his laptop, and you turn your head to see his eyes drooping slightly, another effect of the twin’s escapades. The poor manager already didn’t get enough sleep as it was, and now all hope was lost for your crush.
And to his left, Tamaki slouches. Slouches. The man who believes that the quality of posture is directly related to his class and elegance bends his spine into the shape of a cashew, his cheeks bulging over his palm. You two meet eyes before you fold your head back into the crease of your elbow, welcoming the darkness after the light magnified your budding migraine. 
A weak, princely voice tries to break through the noise. “Don’t you guys think that maybe it’s time for you guys to stop fighting?” Another whine breaks from his lips. “It’s driving me insane.”
Hikaru turns to the boss, a vein nearly popping out of his forehead from the sheer effort of chucking chair after chair. 
You were almost impressed at their acting skills. If they weren’t such a pain in your ass. 
“It’s driving you insane?! You’ve gotta be kidding me! How do you think I feel right now?” The pink-haired twin’s voice grated against his vocal chords, his tone rougher than usual. “Everytime I look in the mirror I see his face! I’m sick and tired of being mistaken for you Kaoru! The truth is, I hate your guts!”
Your head spins as you whip it up, staring at the brothers. You knew they were acting, but those were harsh words. 
Kaoru scoffs, eyebrows cinching together as he yells back at his twin. “You took the words right out of my mouth!” 
His blue hair shuffles as he reaches into his jacket pocket. “In fact, I hate you so much, I brought this!” Kaoru whips his hand out, a familiar looking doll in his grasp.
You stand too suddenly, your headache increasing tenfold. “Beelezenef the curse doll?!”
Tamaki also stands, and his face goes white as he remembers his past with the club of dark magic. 
Kyoya pauses his typing at your sudden outbursts, watching the blood drain from both your faces.
A wicked smirk curls onto Kaoru’s lips as he pulls a sharpie from his pants pocket. “I’m going to complete the curse, Hikaru. I’m going to write your name on his back!” Evilly, he begins to scribble on the back of Beelzenef. “From this day forward, you’re going to experience nothing but misfortune and sorrow!”
Footsteps sound across the floor, strides too large to be seen as anything but urgent. You and Haruhi are one, a power duo as you finally reach the twins and do something you both have been wanting to do for a long time, even if you never admitted it. 
You each picked a twin, and as you stepped up to blue and Haruhi appeared in front of pink, you punched Hikaru and Kaoru in the face. 
The twins toppled, losing their balance from the force and tumbling to the ground below them. Behind you, you heard a princely gasp and a laptop slam closed. 
“Will you guys knock it off?” You say, seething from both ears. “What do you think you’re doing?!” You reach down and pluck the doll out of Kaoru’s hand. “You don’t bring something like this into a petty fight!”
Haruhi is as angry as you are. “Both of you are at fault, but what is really sad is that you’ve brought everyone else around you into your big mess!” 
“Yeah!” You chime in, trying to tell them off without revealing that you knew about this whole thing. “Look around you. Everyone is so sick of this.”
Haruhi points a motherly finger to the boys. “Now apologize to each other!” She takes a breath. “If you don’t make up right now, I’m never gonna let you come over to my house! Have I made myself clear?”
Oh fuck.
You whip around to your best friend as she fumes, unknowingly sealing her fate. 
Haruhi, you lovable idiot.
If the twins were only fighting to fill their boring lives, they needed something else to entertain them if you wanted them to stop. 
Who better to entertain them than their new toy?
The twins’ shocked expressions morph into twisted smiles, and their golden eyes flash with a sense of victory.
“So what you’re saying is…” They leap up, and you can imagine the whiplash your friends experience as they move in perfect sync, wrapping their arms around Haruhi’s shoulders as you’re pushed to the side. “...if we make up, then we can come to your house?”
The doll in your hand feels heavy as you turn it over, the Japanese script for “BLANK” written on the back.
“Not like this.” You whisper as you show the honor student. 
Her face blanches. 
The Hitachiian’s embrace suddenly, caressing each others faces passionately, rubbing the fact that they were able to make up so easily into everyone’s face. 
“I’m so sorry Kaoru, even though I was only following our script, I said such awful things to you.” The pink-haired brother sniffs. “I’m not fit to be your brother.”
Kaoru shakes his head. “Don’t say that Hikaru! I was so worried. I couldn’t live with myself if I ever hurt you!”
The overacting was too much, but you were glad the chaos had finally stopped. 
Honey walks over to you, the rest of the club having seen everything from a distance. “You’re kidding me! You’ve been faking it this whole time?!”
The twins, to your annoyance, just shrugged. “We were bored!”
Your eye twitched as you dropped the doll onto the floor. “Twins with too much time on their hands are the devil.”
“So,” A deep voice sounds behind you as you watch the club activities. “How long did you know?”
You spin to see your favorite megane appear next to you. A teasing smirk is lightly placed on his face as he looks down at you from the corner of his eye, his glasses reflecting the sunlight streaming through the windows in the club.
Around you, the club bustles, the previous tension from the twins fight completely dissolving as they get back to work, much to the guests’ delight. 
You debated denying it, but from the knowing simper on his face, you couldn’t find the use. 
A guilty smile made its way onto your face. “Only a couple of days. Dying hair is a bonding experience.” 
A rumbling hum passes through his chest as he looks at you. “And you didn’t tell me?”
Shrugging, you looked around the room. “I figured you already had your suspicions.”
“I don’t appreciate being kept in the dark, (Y/n). You owe me another favor.”
Exasperated, you turn to him. “Wha-! I didn’t tell you because I physically couldn’t! That isn’t fair.”
His raven eyebrow arches. “Why couldn’t you tell me? Did they blackmail you?”
You blow air out from between your lips. “More or less.”
Kyoya almost laughs. He couldn’t think of anything from the background check he had done on you a year ago that would be bad enough for blackmail. “With what?”
“If I told you, that would defeat the entire purpose of me keeping a Hitachiian secret.”
Kyoya swallows, a new glint in his eye. A secret? About you? This would be fun. “Who knew you were so mysterious?” 
You laugh, and he sees you sparkle in Music Room #3. “I try to keep people on their toes.” You say, teasingly. 
Your eyes shine even more as you watch Haruhi correctly choose which twin was Hikaru even though they had you re-dye their hair last night, this time with swapped hair colors. 
“Haruhi is really making her way into their world.”
“She’ll be good for them. They need a star in their night sky.”
Just like Kyoya had found one in his. 
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Next Time on Lavender Roses!
“Rejoice Haruhi! You’re going to have an underclassman! Someone new wants to join the club!”
“But he’s in elementary school.”
“I wonder what he’ll be like, all grown up.”
The Grade School Host Is The Naughty Type!
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joyswonderland1108 · 1 year
I know i said that my biases are Jimin and JK but i never said i wasn’t a big fan of 3J which means that if Hobi is being disrespected imma snap your head in half!
Every time i come here to talk about something nice there’s a whole mess going on that at this point my blog is turning to a rant blog ffs. When did this fandom become like this? When did the toxicity became huge to the point where you can’t go a day without something disgusting being spread online? 
So by now everybody knows that Hybe posted an announcement about Hobi’s upcoming enlistment that he started the procedure already, we saw that coming but it’s still upsetting of course, we still felt sad knowing how real it’s becoming that Hobi is leaving for MS too. So we’re trying to come to terms with it and another announcement only this time it’s a happier one:
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We were also able to see our Sunshine live 
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(Credits to Dalto on Twitter)
Now i believe you see where this is going right? So Hope on the street is a single set to be released on March 3rd, key word here : SINGLE. One song. But of course dickheads have a thing to say right? Saying how he is interfering with Jimin’s solo if he couldn’t release it before why choose now bla bla bla rat language.
I’ve mentioned in my previous post that even one song can take a while let alone many, some artists spent 2 3 years on one song, it’s called perfectioning it, working on every possible flaw so that the end result is something that lets the artist feel satisfied with the hard work he put in it. So to answer the “why didn’t he release it before?” simply because he couldn’t “why won’t he release it later?” simply because he can’t. 
Now saying that he’s interfering with Jimin’s solo.. There are 20 days between March 3rd and March 24th (not including both dates) and again am going back to the key word, it’s a SINGLE it’s only one song how tf is that interfering with Jimin’s solo? There’s enough time to give attention to Hope on the street and also be ready for FACE.
It’s actually funny to see people try to make it a competition between none other than Jihope like.. Be so fr right fucking now! It’s not like y’all are legally blind to not notice how close those two are, they’re besties, and more than anything they are happy for each other so for a bunch of low-life strangers trying to put their 2 useless cents of thoughts on the matter.. y’all just shut the fuck up
Now if Hobi just decided to enlist without dropping anything, people would be saying how he’s not appreciating Army he just left like that or why did he wait all that time to enlist if he doesn’t have more work to do or or or.. Of course there’s always something to complain about, this fandom is never satisfied and would you look at that, the boys still think about this stupid fandom and dedicate their work to them. 
Honestly there should be a whole separate new fandom for our boys, a private one that is, Vip or whatever you wanna call it, like you can’t get into that fandom unless you pass the morals test, the personality test, etc.. Army be fighting with that other fandom (not mentioning the name but y’all already know who, no hate to the girlies they’re cool, can’t say the same thing about their fandom tho) when they’re no better, creating shit INSIDE the fandom to begin with. 
It’s seriously getting tiring and sickening how people were just allowed to become this hateful, it’s like they forget that they got into this fandom that was started because of BTS like.. THE WHOLE BAND! Yes these 7 men are all different and unique but they’re also part of the same band whether you like it or not and if they wanted to go solo like many of y’all are dying for it to happen they would’ve done it a while ago it’s not the first time idols leave their band to go on a solo journey. If y’all have no respect for these boys as a band at least have respect towards your favs and what they want, what they wish for and the people they love. 
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m3yme · 1 year
—The end of a cycle
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Genre: Angst, Comfort, short ff
Pairing: Beomgyu x fm!Reader
Warnings: Toxic ex relationship, hints of abuse.
Synopsis: Somehow you have ended up in a toxic relationship, where endless fights and break-ups seemed to be your destiny. Like an endless cycle that wished to be broken but never could be, until the cafe worker seemed to get involved.
Note: Hi! This is my first ff so I’m sorry if it’s not that well written. I’m not super happy with how it turned out but I thought I’d just post it anyway. This story reminded me of a ex-relationship that seemed to be a endless loop for me. I would always imagine scenarios like this and so I just wrote one down. Hope you don’t find it too badly written!
You can’t help the heavy sigh leaving your lips as you feel a lump form in your chest, making your breath feel heavy as rocks. You’ve were sitting at a cafe with your boyfriend, or rather ex-boyfriend. As a matter of fact he had broken up with you countless of times but every now and then asked you out again. It was an endless cycle , but you couldn’t bare to say no to him, your feelings being way too in deep for any sort of self respect. He sat in front of you shaking his head and yelling words that you were too tired to pay any attention to. You knew it all to well, It was bound to be another breakup today. You look around the cafe to insure not too many people were witnessing your vulnerability. Lucky for you it was almost closing time, which meant that it was pretty much empty. You looked up at the man you loved so much, with a blank expression. Honestly speaking, you had stoped reacting a few breakups ago, too drained to let any sort of reaction show. When he finally ottered the words “i wanna break up” all you could do was lower your gaze as a simple “ok” left your lips. With your head lowered, you held ur breath until you could hear the bell from the door ring, signaling that he had left. Finally you let out a heavy breath. You sat there quietly for a few minutes until you could hear a cup being placed on your table. You look up to see a tall browned hair boy wearing a brown apron and a mask towering over your table. “Sorry, I didn’t order this” you quickly say thinking that the worker had given you somebody else’s order by mistake. He shook his head as to gesture that it wasn’t a mistake. “You can’t keep going back you know, it’s not good for you” he said with a low pitched voiced, raspy probably from talking to customers all day. You were about to question how he would know your routine but soon realized that this cafe was your exes favorite place to break up. Looking quickly at the boy you noticed his name tag “Beomgyu”. All you could do was sit quietly and let the tears run down your checks. Feeling embarrassed as even strangers seemed to see how pathetic you were. The tall boy sighed and left a handkerchief on the table before walking away.
Three weeks has passed, and Beomgyu had everyday anticipated to see you. He didn’t know why but he felt anxious, not knowing if you would enter the cafe again with your good for nothing boyfriend or not. He really couldn’t wrap his head around why you were willingly hurting yourself in that way. As if on cue, the bells of the cafe doors ring and you walk in. Beomgyu almost felt relieved until he saw the angry man that followed behind you. Sitting down at your usual table Beomgyu tracked your features scared that your old routine was about to be displayed again. While watching you he couldn’t help but notice the dark circles under your eyes and how pale your face looked. Despite your tired state he couldn’t help to feel mesmerized by your looks. You on the other hand payed little to no attention to your surroundings. Your eyes felt heavy reminding you of the countless of sleepless nights, staying up to hear your boyfriend scream at you through the phone about how imperfect and stupid you were. Nothing was new as the same scene played out again. Beomgyu ccouldn’t help himself from approaching a nearby table pretending to wipe it down in order for him to hear your very one sided conversation. “You know, if you could just be more quiet and behave better maybe I wouldn’t have to break up with you so many times.” Your boyfriend said with a stern voice. In order not to break down in tears your eyes traveled around the cafe, as if to find something that would take your mind off of the situation. They quickly stopped as you meet the gaze of the browned haired waiter. He gave you a sympathetic look almost snapping you out of the spell of your ex. It gave you a little courage as you turned to face the man in front of you. “Listen, I’ve had it with this draining relationship. Can’t you see that I’m not getting any sleep cause I have to listen to you complain all night about how bad I am. I already know about the girl you’re texting but I choose to stay quiet because I fucking love you. Please stop this back and forth game and just break up with me for good I really can’t take-“ you didnt get to finish your sentence as you felt your check go numb. Had he really just slapped you? Although your relationship was very toxic, violence was never used before. Before you had any time to react you heard a familiar voice speak. “Hey, it’s time for you to leave now or I’m calling security.” This time his voice sounded stern and angry compared to his previous southing one. Your ex decided to stand up muttering a quick “whatever” before walking out the door.
Beomgyu turned to face you.
“Come on, is it that hard for you to see how this man is actually hurting you? How many bruises and scars is it gonna take?? I really don’t understand why you can’t just fucking snap out of it already? I mean-“
He stopped his rant as he noticed the tears falling down your cheeks.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it that way, I just don’t like seeing someone getting used that way” he quicky said.
It stayed quiet for a few minutes as you noticed Beomgyu sitting down facing you.
“What you’re saying is true it’s just-“ you start not really knowing how to continue. You look up at the Brunette that is sitting in front of you anxiously waiting for what you would say next.
“He’s my first love” you whisper almost hopping that he wouldn’t catch it.
Beomgyu’s eyes soften. “Hey listen, I understand it is hard but please for the sake of yourself don’t continue, I mean look what he just did. Imagine how much more could happen to you.” He placed his hand on yours, which somehow soothed you. All you can do is nod your head, as it felt like all your problems were temporarily solved.
The rest of the evening you spent at the cafe as Beomgyu had asked you to wait for his shift to be finished. You didn’t know why but you couldn’t keep your eyes off the boy as he continued to work. A state of confusion but also relief filled you, as you thought about your situation. The weird thing being how a cafe worker seemed to have been able to finally break the shambles of your broken relationship. You found comfort in him. Maybe this was due to the fact that he was the complete opposite of your ex. Not only was he calm in his demeanor, but every thing he did he seemed to do with grace. While you were looking at him your eyes met for a brief second before he turned them back to the counter he was wiping. “How did you even fall for him in the first place” he asked breaking the silence. You thought for a minute about how to answer him, all while he stopped wiping and patiently waited for an answer. “To be honest I don’t know, I think I just felt happy in the beginning when we were both in love and caring. But somewhere along the line that changed I guess.” You say thinking back about the first dates you two shared. A sad smile plastered your face. “I guess I was too much of a wimp to leave him after thing s changed.” You added. “Loving someone with all you’ve got doesn’t make you a wimp, in fact I think it makes you really strong. I mean it couldn’t be easy to love someone so much that you’re willing to hurt yourself in the process.” Beomgyu said with a fierce look in his eyes, as if he was fighting to get the meanings of his words across. You were left a little stunned, mostly at how he again had known exactly what to say to make you feel better. It felt good. “Thank you Beomgyu” you said with a soft smile on your face. Beomgyu felt butterflies in his stomach when he saw your smile. All he wanted to do was to protect you from any harm in the future and to be by your side. You had a similar feeling of comfort in him, that you felt over time would be the softness your life needed.
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darkfictionjude · 6 months
MC's schoolmates are so fucking dumb ffs 🤦🏼‍♀️ if they really believed MC was a murderer they wouldn't dare to provoke them like that. What makes them trust that MC won't snap and try to stab them with a cafeteria fork? 🙄
As for the interactions with the ROs:
— interesting, this is the start of Imre and MC's detective collaboration. This won't absolutely backfire on them later /j I like that even if we choose the friendly romantic choices there's always a sliver of doubt in MC's mind questioning his motives. [ To add to this, I'm looking forward to his route even more because imagine the students' reactions seeing the most popular boy dating the 'murderer'??? Priceless. Let's see if they can keep badmouthing MC around him. ]
— Nia 🥹 my MC misses her bestie SO much. All the complex feelings with this one, what with the hurt feelings at being 'abandoned' by her for people MC will never get along with. It's going to be an uphill battle to even return to what they were, but it'll make it all the more worthwhile, you know? [ Seriously considering making another MC to romance her... Choices, choices and more choices, huh. ]
— Lorcan is so awkward it hurts but like... he may be the one thing in the goddamn town that hasn't changed much since MC left. With him, MC can act like they've always had, so in a way his bickering is a good thing for them. And the book thing? Made me smile and think 'how cute'. [ I'm more determined to replay for the sake of making a save for his route. Can't resist a good enemies to lovers narrative at all ]
I love this play by play reaction 💜
Yeah and high schoolers aren’t the smartest people in the world. But also teenagers think they’re invincible, they think something won’t happen to them. Drink driving? Not me. Getting robbed? I won’t be that stupid. Getting killed? I’m built different. It’s an odd cognitive dissonance that I find so utterly fascinating 😭
And yes I was like even if mc is friendly with Imre they aren’t stupid and they can tell he’s searching for something from them or in them.
And I can’t wait for Nia and mc to finally sit down and really talk but they’ll be some definite pushback from Nia that’s why she’s maintaining a distance (also that she isn’t interested in the missing girls nor believes in anything supernatural, but she will join the team entirely annoyed about it 💀)
And yeah oddly enough Lorcan is like a fresh breath of air. Everyone has changed but he’s still an idiot who spends his days obsessing over mc.
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034463 · 2 years
Maxiel fanfic rec
yes thats right you heard me a maxiel fanfic reclist because apparently im crazy and ive been reading so much maxiel tht i can make a reclist now. its all so very catered to my taste soooo have fun
1. With The Sun In Our Eyes by screwstyles | T, 36k
“A fake dating AU set in 2025: It’s bad enough that Max is outed by an ex in the middle of racing season, and then his team suggests he pretend to date Daniel to soften the blow. It’s as bad an idea as it sounds.”
a maxiel classic, theres just something about fake/pretend relation ship that just gets me. also a lot of miscommunication so heads up for that”
2. you pick me up and take me home again by wintrs | M, 28k
“It feels like a dream, seeing Daniel again after all these years. It's a second chance Max knows he doesn't deserve, and he isn't going to waste it.Or: Max isn't racing in 2027, although he couldn't tell you exactly why. But it isn't a big deal. He's fine.”
max deals with his feelings and also his past trauma. very very angsty.
3. Little Drops of Anguish by semperama | E, 45k
“After a crash in Baku 2021 leaves Max unable to race, he's left trying to figure out what to do with his life—and with Daniel, who doesn't seem to want to let him go.”
also like fic no 2 max cant race and must face the fact tht theres a life beyond racing and daniel showing him that.
4. well we can settle down by tiredtiredsharl | M, 24k
“Sometimes Daniel watches the tapes back and he thinks: shouldn’t I be jealous of this kid? Or: Max drives the way we all aspire. Or: Christ, I’m in the presence of someone who will go down in FIA history.He never says any of that. Because after he watches Max stumble through an interview with a journalist who quotes Toto, he realizes that the pressure is the last thing Max needs.Max is one bad race away from combusting. Or going into the wall again. And Daniel can’t handle either of those options. For reasons he can’t examine right now. Or ever.”
dont remember much of the plot except that i found myself finishing the ff at 6 am in the morning and the light were coming through my window. amazing shit
5. The Dog's Home by dm3rv | M 33k
“Max Verstappen liked dogs. Max Verstappen loved cats. The jury was still out on people.Max has spent years climbing the ranks at an Animal Welfare Charity, moving from volunteer to intern to Animal Care Manager. The dogs and cats he cares for are his life - if only he didn't have to spend so much of his time putting up with 'VIPs'; entitled celebrities and donors with image-based agendas. Daniel is going through an image and identity crisis after an uninspiring season with McLaren. Keen for an image overhaul, he gives his time to a local animal shelter. What he doesn't expect is the prickly Animal Care Manager who has been assigned to look after him. Animal Shelter AU.”
THE BEST! max vet au youre crazy and dog boy daniel scared of dogs? good content also dont forget to check out the side galex. also good shit.
6. The Drive Of Your Life by  littleprism | ?, 70k
“Daniel is a semi-known actor. Max just got his second WDC a few months ago. There was absolutely no reason for them to meet.
Until a fateful crash in testing changed that.”
b list actor danny and racer maxy playing in a movie together. theres some plot holes but if you dont really think about it its soo good. 
7. anything to get to the rush by kingsguarding | E, 18k
“It’s so stupid, that’s the thing.Every year, the World Champion gets to choose another driver to … celebrate with. It’s an old tradition, apparently. As old as the sport itself. Part of the prize of winning, part of your reward.Max has never understood it.”
the ff that made me realize im soo deep in maxiel lore that i will sink w this ship. basically two emotionally stunted boys doing emotionally stunted boys thing
8. MV33 by Whippasnappa | E, 14k
“Daniel finds out Max is on Grindr. He's curious. He's just going to download the app, just to see. Just to look at Max's profile. He's curious how Max picks up men, curious if Max puts his real face out there. He's definitely not going to message Max. He's definitely not going to do that. He messages Max.”
9. Happier than Ever (so why are you crying with blue-sky eyes) by Whippasnappa | E, 30k
“From the first time they met at RedBull, Max knew he never wanted to be without Daniel. A look through their relationship as Max tries (and fails) to keep his feelings for Daniel hidden, as Daniel leaves for Renault, then McLaren, as Max tries to hold himself together.”
it hurts but it hurts so good. retelling of their whole history
will be updated as i
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