#fic: arms tonite
i fell hard in your arms tonight (it was nice) (3/?)
His body is heavy and hot and there seems like very little reason to keep fighting the heavy droop to his eyes. Except, there’s this strange tugging somewhere deep in his chest. Like an anchor settled just behind his ribs, reaching back out of his body towards something Eddie can’t place. And it keeps pulling at him. Not painfully, but insistent. Stay awake. Stay alert. Tug. Almost there. Pull. Safe. Calm.
Eddie Munson wakes up from his expedition into the Upside Down to a broken guitar, some new scars, and Steve Harrington’s voice in his head.
AO3: (X) First: (X) Previous (chp. 2): (X) Next (chp. 4): (X)
3. if i can't make it right (then i won't make it worse)
It’s dark outside as Eddie climbs out of the car with Steve. It’s a real car this time, not just the floating inside of one like the last time he was in a car with Steve, and it’s normal Steve, not little kid Steve, so he doesn’t think he’s dreaming, or whatever it is that keeps happening to him. But he has no idea why he’s with him, or where they are. Steve has a frantic energy and blood all over his face and Eddie can’t bring himself to leave him alone. He acts as if he hasn’t realized Eddie is with him, stumbling up the creaking wooden steps of the porch.
Eddie lives in a trailer park, so he usually isn’t one to judge, stones in glass houses and all that, but this house definitely looks like it’s seen some better days. Part of the front wall is boarded up and all of the visible windows have been covered or painted over with something. He has no idea what Steve is doing here.
“Jonathan!” Steve yells, banging at the door. “Man, I just want to talk. Look I know I screwed up.”
It must be Jonathan Byers they’re here to see. Except, no, that wasn’t right. The Byers moved out west to California or something. They shouldn’t have a place here anymore…Right?
Eddie gets a strange feeling that he’s forgetting something again. Had they moved back?
Steve continues yelling and banging on the door until it opens a crack, but whoever is there blocks his way. Eddie can’t see around him into the house, but he hears the distinctly feminine voice and the way Steve’s tone changes slightly, so he knows, somehow, that its Nancy who answers the door. Steve’s still got that manic edge around him that makes Eddie nervous to look away, like when he looks back Steve will have changed into something new, or maybe, worse, something old. Something dangerous in a way Eddie didn’t think he was anymore. At least, not to them.
“Did he do that to you?” Eddie hears Steve ask and then suddenly, he’s forcing his way into the house. Eddie scrambles after him, slipping inside just before Nancy closes the door on him.
The inside of the house is furnished and feels like it used to be homey, but now is not in much better shape than the outside. It smells like gasoline, the strength of it nearly overpowering. He’s almost nervous to walk on the carpet, like one wrong move and just a spark of static electricity will send them all up in flames. There are also Christmas lights everywhere.
Steve’s nail bat is on the coffee table, though he’s looking at it and gesturing like he’s never seen it before and also possibly thinks they’re insane for having it and suddenly he’s arguing with Jonathan as the smaller man tries to force him back out of the house and then Nancy is pulling a gun on him.
Eddie scrambles back away from her and throws his hands up on instinct, even though no one has yet to even acknowledge that he’s there.
There’s more shouting and arguing, Eddie’s head spins trying to keep track of who’s saying what. Somehow this whole experience feels about a dozen times more chaotic than his trips into the Upside Down. The lights start flickering and the entire room flinches as one. Nancy and Jonathan seem to know what the flickering means, their attention shifting immediately from Steve, who seems just as lost as Eddie now, to looking around the living room.
And that’s when the ceiling caves in, tearing a hole between the real world and the Upside Down as an ungodly, nightmare creature crashes to the floor and turns on them.
“Holy shit. Holy shit. Ho-ly shit!” Eddie thinks about making a mad dash back to the door. Frankly, he thinks they should all be making a mad dash to the door and then to Steve’s car to get as much distance between them and this hellish thing as possible. “Is that what the kids have been calling a fucking Demogorgon?” Eddie shouts. He thought the fucking bats were bad. Jesus Christ.
The Demogorgon rises out of the debris on two (hind?) legs. Even in its hunched position, it towers over them all but then its face opens into five obscene petals with rows of razor-sharp teeth. Eddie feels something like his last little shred of hope shriveling up and dying inside him at the blood curdling howl the creature gives just before it leaps at them.
It moves insanely fast, especially for something of its size. Nancy shoots wildly at it, no regard for ammo or the others in the room, but not a single hit drops the thing. Jonathan grabs the bat, shoving at Nancy and Steve to get them moving down the hall. Eddie scrambles after them, not willing to be left behind with that thing, but they’re all screaming and yelling and stumbling over each other and Eddie just happens to look over his shoulder at the right – worst possible – second, and sees it grab him.
Jonathan drops to the ground as the Demogorgon slashes and grabs at his legs. He tries to swing the bat, but the angle isn’t right and the Demogorgon easily swipes it out of his hands. There’s a horrible thump as it hits the wall, embedding itself in the cracking drywall and the crack of Jonathan’s arm breaking from the hit. Nancy and Steve turn around at the sound and Nancy screams, shooting at the Demogorgon again, but it never even looks up from Jonathan as it tears into his abdomen.
Eddie throws up.
Nancy keeps shooting and screaming long after Jonathan is most definitely dead and Steve just…stands there. Eddie can’t believe it, though at first, he’s more preoccupied by his own dry heaving than Steve’s inaction. But eventually he looks up, wondering what the actual fuck Steve is doing. The empty click of Nancy’s gun, out of bullets, echoes next them. Surely the Demogorgon was going to grow tired of its current prey and move onto the living targets any minute now.
Steve was watching this all with a kind of blank horror Eddie has never seen on his face before, but when Eddie looks up, it’s like he’s snapped back to attention. Steve meets his eye across the hallway, finally acknowledging Eddie’s presence.
“This isn’t how it happened.”
Eddie doesn’t even get to finish his question before the world tilts sharply, and they all stumble to the side. When the world rights, Eddie is standing next to the car as Steve marches towards the house.
Steve starts up the porch steps once again, and Eddie rushes after him, stumbling up the steps just as Steve starts banging on the door.
“Jonathan!” Steve yells. “Man, I just want to talk. Look I know I screwed up.”
Steve keeps banging on the door until Nancy opens it, again. He forces his way in past her, again. Eddie barely manages to slip in before Nancy slams the door in his face. Again.
“I’m doing this for your own good,” Nancy says, leveling the gun at Steve’s face. Somehow her voice cuts over Steve and Jonathan’s argument and they stumble away from each other, both staring at her is horror as she starts counting down.
“What the hell is going on?” Steve demands, even as he raises his hands and takes another step away from Jonathan. Eddie would really like to know that too.
The lights begin to flicker and they all flinch again.
“Where is it?” Jonathan and Nancy ask in an unnerving chorus, circling around each other, searching the room in a frantic panic. The flickering gets faster, some of the lights making an odd little clicking sound as if they’re seconds away from going out.
“Where is what?” Steve demands.
The lights flicker faster still. Picking up into a chaotic flashing that stings Eddie’s eyes, until, with one last big flash, every single light in the house glows a bright, burning white and explodes.
They all shout, ducking against the shattering glass and plastic raining down around them from all sides. The house is horrifyingly dark now. Eddie can barely see a foot in front of his face as he stands up, looking around.
“Is it gone?” Jonathan asks nervously.
“Is what gone? Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?” Steve asks again. His voice is taking on an edge of desperation that, once Eddie recognizes it for what it is, he’s surprised by how long it’s taken for it to come out.
Eddie hears a wet, slithering sound to his right, but it’s too dark to see. It takes just a second for him to realize what it probably is, but it’s a second too long. He hears a thump as someone drops and a yelp – Nancy. There’s a metal clank as the gun hits the ground, clattering away from them.
Someone swings the bat at the Demogorgon but Eddie can barely make out the movement in the dark. Whoever is swinging the bat is screaming just as much as Nancy is as the Demogorgon tries to pull her through the house.
“The trap!” someone swears, pushing around him to rush down the hall after her. There’s another metallic clang followed by a horrible scream. Eddie can’t figure out if it’s Nancy or the Demogorgon.
Suddenly, Eddie can see in the dark. Steve is standing in front of him, even though Eddie is positive no one was there a moment ago. He reaches out as if to touch Eddie’s arm, but never makes contact.
“This isn’t how it happened.”
Eddie is only marginally more prepared for the way world tilts again. The world rights, spitting Eddie right back out by the car.
He doesn’t know how many times they march up the path to the Byers house. How many times Nancy waves a gun in Steve’s face or how many times they get chased down that narrow, far too short hallway by the Demogorgon. He loses track of the different ways it kills them.
Eddie realizes eventually that, for some reason, he’s a passive participant. Nothing he says or does seems to get a reaction out of the others until Steve tells him “This isn’t how it happened,” and Eddie gets spit back outside. He can’t tell if his actions ever change the outcomes; if when he speaks up changes how the Demogorgon appears in the living room or if where he stands changes who dies that time around.
But the exhaustion of reliving this nightmare over and over is catching up with him. Eddie feels himself getting tired, getting slower. He’s not sure if the Demogorgon can catch him, no one else seems able to touch him or interact with him, but he’s not so tired that he’s willing to lag behind and test this possibility.
Except, he trips over the bear trap. And honestly, he’s surprised that’s the first time that’s happened. But then Steve stumbles over him. Nancy was ahead of Eddie when he fell and Jonathan had managed to slip past him, but Steve’s foot bumps his and Steve stumbles against the wall.
Steve looks around the hall for a moment, confused, but then his gaze focuses on Eddie and something behind his eyes seems to clear.
Eddie holds his breath, waiting for those same words to come. For Steve to tell him this isn’t how it happened, whatever the fuck it is, and then the world to spin and leave Eddie stumbling against the car door in the Byers’s driveway.
But Steve blinks at him, as if Eddie’s presence here is somehow the most confusing part of this hellish cycle, and says:
This time, when the world spits Eddie back out in the past, he lands on his ass in the dirt, slamming a hand against the car as he flails to try and catch himself.
And oh, that can’t be a sign of anything good.
On the other side, Steve slams the car door shut and starts for the house again.
“Steve,” He calls. He doesn’t know what he wants to say. Stop this? Don’t go in? Can you tell I’m here or not? But Steve doesn’t acknowledge he’s said anything and marches right back up the porch steps and starts shouting.
Eddie scrambles to his feet, running to catch up with him. He goes through the same motions, waiting for Steve to force his way into the house and the yelling to begin. The house still smells like gasoline. Steve and Jonathan argue. Nancy points her gun at them.
No one ever looks at him again. No one says anything to him or listens to anything he says. No one says his name.
Like the first time, the ceiling caves in with the flickering Christmas lights still all around them and the Demogorgon rises to its monstrous height above them. They run down the hall together, but its Steve at the back this time, not Jonathan or Nancy. Not Eddie.
Has Steve never been the last in the hallway before? He suddenly can’t remember. That can’t be right, right?
Eddie reaches for him, trying to push him further, faster, anything to get him away from the horrible creature, but Steve once again acts like Eddie isn’t there.
“Jump!” Jonathan says, frantic. “Jump!”
And they all barely make it over the bear trap in the hallway. But then, the Demogorgon makes it over too.
“Steve, c’mon!” Nancy pleads, throwing open a bedroom door.
But Steve stops in the doorway, looking back down the hall.
“Jonathan!” Steve yells. And even though neither Eddie nor Nancy seem to know what the hell he’s doing. Jonathan must understand because he throws Steve the nail bat in a surprisingly well-aimed underhand toss.
Steve catches it out of the air easily, spinning the bat in his hands.
“Steve,” Eddie says, pleads, but once again he isn’t heard.
This isn’t how it’s supposed to happen.
Or maybe…maybe it is. Maybe this is what Steve has been trying to tell him.
Steve walks away from them, back towards the steadily approaching Demogorgon. It’s slowed its approach, as if already knowing its prey was cornered. They meet in the middle with a sickening, wet crunch as Steve swings the bat and makes contact with the thing’s head. It reels back, stumbling with the force of the hit and Steve swings again. Marching the creature back down the hall until clang – it steps right into the bear trap.
“Now! Now!” Nancy says, frantic, her and Jonathan falling back into the hallway. Jonathan fumbles with a lighter, flicking the striker but gets nothing besides a few empty clicks.
Steve is waving his hand frantically, his back still to them to keep the Demogorgon back. Finally, Jonathan gives up, tossing the lighter to Steve too, but it falls almost a foot too short. Eddie moves on instinct, diving for it. He swipes it off the ground and flicks a flame to life.
He throws.
It happens almost in slow motion. Eddie watches the lighter fly though the air and realizes it’s the first time he’s been able to help. It’s the first time he’s not been a passive observer.
The lighter hits his target dead on, flames bursting to life in the center of the monster’s chest. But Steve is watching him, not the Demogorgon as the lighter hits its mark. So, he isn’t ready to block a direct hit and the Demogorgon, flailing in screaming pain as the flames crawl across its body, puts its large, unnervingly human-shaped hand, directly through his chest.
“Steve!” Eddie screams, they all scream, as the Demogorgon lifts his limp body into the air. The flames are rising even more, foul smelling smoke curling through the air, and the Demogorgon’s pained screams drowning out their calls for Steve or any pained sounds Steve might have been making.
No, this isn’t how it’s supposed to happen. It can’t be.
The flames start reaching for Steve as well, and desperate, Eddie charges. He picks up Steve’s dropped bat but then he hesitates before he swings. He doesn’t want to hit Steve. He doesn’t know if he can make the monster drop him without making things worse. The fire is spreading to the ground.
Steve looks up, so suddenly Eddie expects to hear the snap of his neck. But it’s just Steve. Wide, brown eyes staring at him, unblinkingly.
“This isn’t how it happened.”
“Oh God. Oh please.” Eddie is ready for this nightmare to be over any damn time now. He waits for the world to tilt and the scene to reset. He’ll go back to the car, back to the porch. He’ll stop Steve from even coming inside somehow. Or get Nancy and Jonathan out. Whatever. He won’t be a passive audience anymore just please, stop this.
But the world never tilts. The walls start to deteriorate around them, crumbling away into nothing, then the floor, then the ceiling. But the burning, screaming monster and Steve’s bleeding, twitching, dying body stay in horrifying clarity in front of him.
“This isn’t how it happened,” Eddie repeats. “Okay. I get now. So, show me how it happened.”
“You cannot stay like this,” Steve says. “You need to wake up now.”
“Wait. No. What? What are you talking about?”
But it’s too late.
Steve blinks out of existence, taking the Demogorgon and the flames with him. Without the light of the fire, the darkness closes in around Eddie, suffocating him. There’s nothing there but the acrid smelling smoke burned into his nostrils and the image of Steve, slumping forward, a grayish-green hand thrust through his chest repeating in Eddie’s mind.
That internal Steve-voice echoes in Eddie’s skull like a shout. Like a summoning.
Eddie opens his eyes, and he’s back in his hospital room.
It’s dark, the only light a sliver spilling across the floor from a crack in the door and the occasional flash of light on one of the beeping machines.
Steve is hovering over his bed, one hand wrapped around Eddie’s wrist and the other curled around his shoulder as if he had just been about to shake him awake.
“With me again, Munson?” Steve asks in a whisper.
That tugging is still going behind Eddie’s ribs. One of these days, he thinks it’s going to pull his heart right out of his chest.
Calm. Calm. Calm.
The easy steady tone is the complete fucking antithesis to how Eddie’s feeling, or the images that keep flashing behind his eyes. But its working, somehow. Despite everything, he can feel his heart rate slowing, his breathing evening out.
“What are you doing here?” Eddie asks. He doesn’t bother to try and whisper. His hoarse voice barely comes out as it is.
He doesn’t totally remember when he fell back asleep, though he’s positive now that he must have been asleep before this. He had been going in and out of it since Dustin and El had come to visit. He faintly remembers Mike and Lucas coming by, possibly trying to introduce him to Will, but the memory is so fuzzy he might have imagined it. But he knows at some point an overhead announcement declared visiting hours were ending soon, and Wayne only got a special pass to stay, he assumes, because he was in such bad shape – or maybe because Hopper still had some weight to throw around and got them a pass. He was too tired to try and ask many details.
But Steve was definitely not around. And considering how little light was coming through his window, it was way too late for visiting hours to still be going on. Or too early for them to have started up again. Whichever.
“You were having a nightmare,” Steve says softly. He pulls away, his hands hesitating over Eddie just for a moment, as if he was scared to let go, before he shoved them in his pockets.
Eddie doesn’t know how to explain the immediate, desperate longing for Steve to touch him again. Like that touch was grounding him back in this moment and without that contact he was going to be back in that horrible cycle.
“I don’t have dreams,” Eddie argues weakly. He’s not sure he even believes that, because what the hell else was just happening to him? Some kind of fucked up visions of the past? But he can’t help the knee-jerk response that slips out.
Steve arches a disbelieving brow. “Maybe not before, but nightmares kind of come with the territory, dude.” Steve’s expression changes in an instance, like he just realized how miserable that sounded and felt bad. “Sorry.”
Eddie grimaces at the idea. He was actually pretty content in his mostly dream-less life up until now and was not looking forward to the implication that not only were they now an inevitable part of his future, but they weren’t even going to be pleasant.
He sees that last image flash behind his eyes again for a moment – Steve and the Demogorgon, and the fire and smoke curling around them like a hellish shroud – and he feels nauseous. He lays back more firmly against the bed, as if pressing his whole weight against the mattress would ground him back in reality.
“That still doesn’t explain why you’re here,” He eventually says.
The shift is subtle, barely noticeable in the poor lighting. In fact, even in proper light, Eddie’s not sure he would have picked up on the change if he hadn’t spent way too much of his limited free-time lately watching Steve Harrington until he had practically all of his facial expressions memorized. But Steve’s expression shutters and closes off. He pulls his arms in closer to his body and hunches over more, visibly shrinking himself before his eyes.
Alarm bells start going off in his head. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, man. I mean, besides the obvious, with you…with you and Max in here. With…everything that happened.”
Eddie tries to sit up, but his arms are still weak and sore and his efforts mostly result in him slipping against the loose hospital sheet and straining his side. Steve reaches over again, pressing Eddie gently back against the mattress until he lays still. This time, he leaves his hand on Eddie’s shoulder and Eddie hates how much it instantly relaxes him. Even more than the mantra echoing like a whisper in the back of his mind, that touch is grounding, humanizing.
“We uh, we’ve all been keeping watch over you guys – I mean, me, Robin, and Nancy. The kids are home in bed where they belong at this time of night. But we’ve been keeping shifts.”
“And it was your shit luck to be stuck with me right now?”
“Uh, yeah.” Steve’s eyes jump around the room for a moment, but it doesn’t feel like his usual hypervigilance kind of looking around. It feels like he’s avoiding Eddie’s gaze. It feels like he’s lying. “I mean, just that it was my shift. Not shit luck. We all volunteered for this.”
“How could you tell I was having a nightmare?” Eddie asks suddenly. His voice stronger than it has been all day.
Steve is lying to him and he wants to know why.
Steve glances nervously at the cot in the corner, but Wayne’s quiet snores are steady. “What?”
“How could you tell I was having a bad dream?” Eddie asks again. The mantra picks up in intensity until it’s not just a soothing spell in the back of his mind but insistent, like a command.
Calm. Safe. Pull. Sleep. Peace.
The effect, unfortunately, is undercut by the tinge of anxiety in the words. That thread of anxiety thrums through him, nearly vibrating the steady tugging sensation in his chest. He doesn’t know where that anxiety is coming from. Is it just nerves born from Steve’s cagey behavior? Residual fear from the Upside Down he was just too tired to be aware of before? But he latches onto the sensation. He’s going to follow it to some fucking answers.
For someone involved in, supposedly, multiple government-level secrets, Steve is a horrible liar.
“I don’t—man, what—I…”
“How could you tell? Was I screaming?” Eddie doubts that. Wayne is a pretty deep sleeper, but especially after the stress of the last few days, he couldn’t really picture his uncle sleeping through that. “Was I crying? Thrashing around?” Another unlikely possibility. Most of his body is still so sore he doubted he could have moved around much, even involuntarily while he was sleeping.
That fucking mantra, Steve’s fucking voice, grows desperate in his mind, nearly overpowering.
Peace. Safe. Sleep. Tug. Please. Sleep. Sleep. Pull. Sleep.
Steve turns away from him, dropping his hand away from Eddie’s chest. But with a shocking display of agility, given his…everything at the moment, Eddie catches his hand before it can fully pull away from the bed.
That pulling in his chest, tucked right up against his ribs. It was always going out away from Eddie’s body. But he realizes it was not just going away, outside of himself. It was going towards something. Towards Steve. He can feel the tether like a vice around his heart, pulled taunt at their distance.
He’s squeezing Steve’s hand with every last bit of strength he can muster but Steve won’t look back at him.
“Steve, what-”
The hospital door creaks open slightly. More light from the hallway spills through, just for a moment, but it’s enough for Eddie to take in Steve’s disheveled look more clearly. His sweatpants and loose t-shirt. He’s in his pajamas.
“Thank you for staying with him for a moment, Steve,” Nancy whispers, closing the door behind her and crossing over to him. Her eyes settle on their connected hands and she follows the length of their arms back up to Eddie. Her brows arch, surprised, but she doesn’t comment on it. “Eddie. You’re awake. How are you feeling?”
Eddie’s not sure what kind of expression he must have made then, or how much of it she could even see in the dark but Nancy winces.
“Right. Stupid question. Sorry.”
She turns back to Steve just as he shakes off Eddie’s grip on him. “You should go back home. You need to sleep.”
“I’m going to go check on Robin, see if she needs a break or anything.”
“And then you’re going to go home?”
Impossibly, Steve curls in on himself even more. Even in the dark, Eddie can see Nancy’s body language soften. “There’s a cot in Max’s room that her mom isn’t using. She went home after visiting hours to get ready for work,” Steve’s scoff covers part of Nancy’s next words and she half-heartedly pushes at his arm. “What I’m saying is, its empty right now. If you won’t go home, at least try to get some sleep over there. You’re dead on your feet right now, Steve.”
“Right, I’ll try.” A pause. “Thanks, Nance,” Steve leans over to press an achingly gentle kiss to Nancy’s temple that makes Eddie feel simultaneously immensely, disgustingly fond of the both of them and this strange found family he’s squeezed himself into the middle of and also like something ugly and dark is going to crawl right out of his chest. “Good night.”
He starts to walk away, without a second glance back at Eddie, but Eddie’s having none of that.
“Harrington! Steve.”
Nancy looks between the two of them, rightfully confused.
Desperate, but unsure of what else to do short of trying to throw himself bodily out of the hospital bed, Eddie closes his eyes and imagines that tether anchored just behind his ribs. He images grabbing hold of that invisible cord connecting him to Steve and pulling.
Steve literally stumbles, as if Eddie had actually, physically yanked him back into the room. He turns to look at him over his shoulder with wide, disbelieving eyes.
Eddie is too satisfied, nearly pleased, by actually getting results, that for a moment the true implications almost don’t register to him.
“How are you in my fucking head?”
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ralvezfanatic · 5 months
ralvez angst idea will not leave my head but i cant write angst so amhdhahahhs
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remma-demma · 14 days
Never change YouTube.
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Reminds me of when I was like 14 listening to 8 tracks about davekat or whatever and I thought “Arms Tonite” was sooooo romantic. Aww. They’re sad they’re not together because one of them is dead. How sweet and sad.
And Lyn had to stop me and be like “it’s a sex metaphor”
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garoujo · 1 year
hiiiii !!! what are your thoughts on reader bumping into ex!gojo at a party, after not having seen him for years? his unboxing has taken a toll on me i’m patiently waiting for anyone to write fics for him 🤸🏻‍♀️
✩ ˛˚ . GOJO SATORU — you don’t realise how much your heart still calls for your ex until you see him again, years later.
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ஜ ˖ ࣪࿐ྂ contents! sort of angsty but mostly fluff! ex!boyfie gojo, ex’s to lovers sort of vibe, very much right person wrong time ♡ ˖ ࣪࿐ྂ note! i’m so sorry this took me so long to get to nonnie, i’m also sorry this turned out sad snifle! i wrote it to this song so i blame that! i’m sorry i just had to post for him tonite!
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maybe you should’ve just stayed at home, you think despite the way you know you don’t mean it, as you let the drink in your hand swirl around it’s cup a few more minutes longer. it’s lost its bubbles slightly, it’s leaning more towards an hour old— still untouched as you lean yourself against the kitchen counter while your friends catch up around you.
it’s been a while since you’ve seen everyone like this, a few years atleast you’d assume and it was fun, recalling back the memories— the drunken nights and the time you spent together, the seasons you experienced. there’s a sentimental sort of feeling to it all, you realise.
everyone’s different now, not only in looks— in spirit maybe, married and settled down, running their own business or jet setting abroad. your childhood bestfriend is taller, she smiles softer now— maybe it’s the ring on her finger or the love in her life. it suits her.
“hey! you still with us?” she calls to you, just as you hear the apartment door close again— alerting you to more guests despite the way there’s probably around fifteen of you here already. you jolt slightly, sending her a smile before you’re placing down your glass and excusing yourself to the bathroom.
you allow yourself a few breaths to relax before you smile at yourself in the mirror, it’s nice being able to see everyone again— not realising how much you’d missed them and suddenly you realise that you’re so happy to have lived.
you pat yourself on the cheeks as you give yourself a silent little nod, soft sort of smile in place as you push your way through the bathroom door again— maybe a little too determined to seize the night when you send yourself into a hard chest as you clumsily leave the room.
“ah! sorry, are you okay?” you begin as you try to steady yourself but there’s hands there to keep you from falling before you even realise you’re on your way down.
“oh? it’s been so long you’re jumping into my arms already?” familiar, you think as the teasing response sounds smoothly and you can’t help the way your body seems to stiffen at the sound— like instinct. you look up and there’s a warm sort of squeeze on your heart at the crystalline gaze that looks back, cheeky grin in place.
you should’ve expected to see him here after all, gojo satoru had always been a constant in your past, up until a few years ago. he was your now ex-boyfriend after all.
he always had this air that seemed to follow him around — this noble sort of presence but he was even more handsome now, unfortunately. he’d grown a little more in height but he filled it out better now. his hair is longer but his gaze is just as pretty, as breathtaking when it meets yours.
you’re pretty sure if this were a movie there’d be a trail of women at gojo’s feet — back of their hand against their forehead and fawning for his attention.
you can still recall the nights you cried on your kitchen floor for him.
“hey, after all these years, you’re getting shy on me?” you didn’t realise you’d zoned out until you blink up to see gojo looking at you, teasing tone and his long fingers flicking gently at your forehead until you’re sending him a cute frown. he remembers that look all too well.
“no, shutup! i just didnt expect to see you.” you fall back into the dynamic quickly, like he’d never left— both of you parted ways gradually you think. it’s not that the love wasn’t there, but you just felt like your life had taken you down separate paths.
gojo satoru was your right person, wrong time is what you’d tell strangers at parties.
“are you sure? it seems you had an attack planned for my arrival, pretty suspicious i’d say.” he goads, teasing you again and you roll your eyes before you’re shoving playfully at his chest.
“you’re still so annoying.”
“hm? are you just embarrassed i figured you out? did you really think you could catch me off guard with a move like that?” you wish you could say you hate gojo, truly. but it’s been years and instead you realise that it’s quite the opposite, because he’s already got you laughing like you’re both teenagers again.
sometimes you wish you’d known him sooner, even just so you could love him longer than you can now.
“yeah right, i could totally beat you if i tried.” you laugh again, teasing as a cheeky grin settles on your expression and gojo squeezes at your shoulder playfully before you’re both finding yourself returning to the group. but the laughter doesn’t falter.
“you want a beer, satoru?” your friend asks as you both enter the lounge and you cast the snowy haired man to your right a glance before he answers. he won’t take one, he never was a drinker.
“nah, aren’t i fun enough already? it wouldn’t be fair.” he jokes, you all laugh. like old times.
the night continues and you catch yourself looking in your ex boyfriends.. in gojo’s direction a little more frequently than you’d like to admit. but you’re having fun, you realise as you all exchange jokes— even going as far as to pull up videos from your old phones, little vlogs from your days at the beach, shopping trips and more.
you breathe again, nestling back into your place on the couch as the rest of your friends get up to dance to one of your old playlists from a few years ago. you remember it well, like the soundtrack to some coming of age movie.
you allow yourself to look at him once more, to take in the cut of his features— the way his lips still upturn at the corners when he grins and the way he still talks with his hands. you think it’s cute that he still wears his hair down, still doesn’t do the top button of his shirts— you wonder if he still takes four sugars in his coffee.
you feel something twist in your chest with the thought before you look away again. you think it’s embarrassing in a way, the way you’re wanting must show when you look at him. maybe it’s because you already know the feel of his hand on yours or the soft voice he’d always use to call you out of sleep, the taste of his coffee on his lips when he’d kiss you as the sun woke up.
you liked the now, but then you remember how gojo satoru loved you and it’s like you’re aching all over again.
you breathe deep before the couch cushion to your left sinks as someone sits down and you know it’s him when it grounds you.
“you’re not dancing, gojo?” you begin before he can say anything, giggle despite the turmoil in your mind, your heart, and he sends you a soft sort of look before he chuckles.
“oh no, after all those times you told me i was a terrible dancer? it broke my heart so much, i’ll never dance again.” still a drama queen, you think to yourself as you watch him press his palm to his chest — throwing his head back against the back of the couch as he sighs.
“yeah right, you had a great dance partner to level you out back then though.” gojo laughs at that one, nudging his thigh into yours slightly when he does, but neither of you seem to pull away at the touch.
he settles down and you let the silence hang in the space where you both take a breath before he speaks again,
“satoru is fine, you know. i was always satoru to you, no?” gojo questions gently, although still trying to make it more lighthearted than awkward, and you feel the tension leave your shoulders when you exhale.
“okay then, satoru.” comes more naturally than you’d like to admit, but you’re not ashamed of it either when you notice the soft sort of glow in gojo’s eyes when you speak it with fondness.
he looks at you, nods like he’s smug, then pushes himself up to stand. emphasising how tall he is as he sends you a cheeky sort of grin, followed by his arm outstretching to offer you his hand.
“well oh great dance partner, i may need your expertise. you wouldn’t want me to embarrass my handsome self infront of all our old friends, would you?” gojo whines playfully as he bows towards you, free hand on his heart like he’s begging you for his life.. just his pride this time though.
“‘toru..” you begin, a soft sort of breathe and you wonder if he can hear the hope in it— your own hand twitching by your side.
“come on, for old times sake. you said it yourself, i cant dance without my partner there to lead me, right?” gojo satoru had always been terribly convincing, you realise as you recall all the other moments he’d whisked you off into other great things. memories that you still look fondly back on now.
“fine, for old times sake, satoru.” you finally answer before your hand is resting on his, noticing that is palm still feels warm when he pulls you to your feet.
for the love that once was, and the love that remains. 
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© 2023 GAROUJO. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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thegoldencontracts · 3 months
This is a little compilation of all the twisted wonderland works I personally recommend. Feel free to DM me, or comment anything you think should be added. If you're on this list and I haven't commented on your fic, I'm so sorry! I hope my words of praise here can somewhat make up for it.
Bold Fics/Creators are/make X Reader!
Italicized ones are ones I find underrated, so I highly recommend checking them out!
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Kisses - by @thehollowwriter, a fluffy OC X Azul fic that made me sqeee aghhh it's so cute <3
Azul, Idia, and Riddle With A Flirty Reader - by @etheries1015, tooth-rottingly fluffy tsundere!twst xreader, I love it sm. Ft. Azul, Riddle, Idia
Ashes - by @thehollowwriter, Azul angst and it BROKE my heart, trust me it's painful in the best way.
Untitled Azujami Drabble - by @poisoned-pearls, and though they're popular probably I still think this awesome little fluffy masterpiece is criminally underrated aghhhhh
Ace, Leona, Azul, and Jamil With A Talented Baker - by @atierrorian, super fluffy and I absolutely adored it.
Group Hug - by @whats-it-mean, Ace, Floyd, Jade, and Azul all in a group hug with the reader, it's such a funny premise and yet so well done.
Arms Tonite - by @thesunshineriptide, I honestly believe it is the gold standard for hurt/comfort fics, it's absolutely amazing and honestly one of the best twst fics I've ever read.
Please Don't Leave - by @just-patchy; octatrio poly (no twincest) hurt/comfort, it is so good, don't listen to the a/n saying the writing's bad trust mee.
Azul + Anniversary - @cloudcountry; azul x reader and it's so cute ashdhfdhsfkdlj I'm dyinggg
Coin-Flip - @pomefioredove; this one was so cuteeee azul x reader, it was so fun seeing him get all flusteredd fhjdfkjh
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and who'll love me if i'm not the top of my school - by @idia-shroud-is-tmasc/shatteredcoll on ao3; heart-wrenching riddle angst fic in the absolutely best way. If you're a riddle fan, seriously I recommend checking it out.
Of Rosy Snapshots and Deep Dives - by bedtime_at_four_am on ao3; I may be biased but honestly I love all their works, seriously recommend reading it's such a good azurido fic and even if you don't like the pairing you'll find it hilarious.
Rock and a Hard Place - by @thateldribitch/ThatEldriBitch on ao3, it's such a short but sweet fic and honestly I've reread it so many times I've probably ended up skewing the stats HELP-
Fungi Makes A Fun Guy - by Foxyexy on ao3. Azul x Jade and It's sooo cute aghjfdjdk I'm dying I'm deadd-
Business Soulmates - by Mell(MelMystery) on ao3. Platonic octatrio; It's so perfect imo, and one of the few twins meeting azul fics i like.
Indebted - by Midnight_Archives on ao3. So cute, and it's SO underrated, especially compared to other Jamiazu longfics.
Misc. (Follow Recommendations):
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@malletsum - hilarious tweets and banger malleus + twst takes imo
@dailytwsttweets - Absolutely fucking hilarious every tweet of theirs is a banger imo, never forgetting "yaoi pills"
@thehollowwriter - banger takes and a bunch of good fics!
@poisoned-pearls - SO MUCH GOOD JAMIAZU STUFF it's actually insanee
@skyephobic - Banger art absolutely EDIBLE imo
@traumxrei-archive - Everyone probably knows them but they write SO MUCH good flustered Azul content it's insaneeee
@luciferzstar - Underrated Azul artist imo, lots of great memes <3
@pomefioredove - Great fic writer imo SHJFDJHKFKJFDS
@jovieinramshackle - Great artist for Azul content, I love their ocs <3
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outoftheseine · 7 months
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forever in love with this grumpy old man <3 | note: please be aware of the authors’ warnings before reading. fics include canon tw’s like: violence, death, grief. most of these fics are age-gap relationship and some have 18+ content so minors please DNI.
part 1 | main masterlist
love in the middle of a fireflight | part 2 | part 3 • joel miller x fem!reader
↳ by @babydin
your bear | part 2 • joel miller x daughter!reader
↳ by @rrickgrrimes8 (very angsty, hurt/comfort)
a helping hand • joel miller x fem!reader
↳ by @teacupcollector
a lover's pinch • prof!joel miller x fem!reader
↳ by @hier--soir (smut, au, angst, secret relationship)
i will be home for christmas • joel miller x fem!reader
↳ by @punkshort (no outbreak, fluff, smut, angst but happy ending, hurt/comfort)
lavender • joel miller x fem!reader
↳ by @justagalwhowrites
seeing you, seeing me • joel miller x fem!reader
↳ by @amywritesthings (slow burn, smut)
fate, after all • joel miller x f!oc!reader
↳ by @honeyedmiller (fluff, smut, no-outbreak)
ambush | part 2 • joel miller x reader
↳ by @huntergarrity (angst, violence, hurt/comfort)
seams • joel miller x reader
↳ by @fuckyeahdindjarin (self-conscious!joel, shy!reader, fluff, slow burn, explicit)
soft!joel collection • joel miller x fem!reader
↳ by @cavillscurls (smut, fluff, angst, soft and domestic!joel)
daisy, give me an answer • joel miller x fem!reader
↳ by @dilf-din (fluff)
take this moment • joel miller x reader
↳ by @mylostloversbookmarks (post-outbreak, fluff)
ground me • joel miller x reader
↳ by @huntergarrity (fluff, comfort)
clouded judgement/clear mind • joel miller x fem!reader
↳ by @bluebeary-jay (violence, angst, hurt/comfort)
keep your eyes on me • joel miller x fem!reader
↳ by @mgparker (angst, violence, protective!joel)
daydreams • joel miller x fem!reader
↳ by @morning-star-joy (grumpy x sunshine, fluff)
i hope you are happy • joel miller x reader
↳ by @blissfulbarbie (very angsty, no outbreak)
grays • joel miller x reader
↳ by @softlyspector (domestic fluff, insecure!joel)
sweet creature • dad!joel miller x reader
↳ by @rocketrhap3000 (so fluffy)
lacy • joel miller x reader
↳ by @toxic-seduction (angst but happy ending)
bloodshed, crimson clover • joel miller x fem!doctor!reader
↳ by @morning-star-joy (slow burn, angst, violence)
arms tonite • joel miller x reader
↳ by @motherjoel (angst, reader gets hurt, happy ending)
skater • joel miller x platonic!gn!reader
↳ by @rrickgrrimes8 (angst, hurt/comfort, father figure!joel, tw: drowning)
be my daddy • joel miller x fem!reader
↳ by @bastardmandennis (no outbreak, smut, fluff, slightly angsty)
how the cookie crumbles • joel miller x fem!reader
↳ by @egcdeath (no outbreak, fake dating, slow burn, slight angst, fluff, idiots in love)
day after tomorrow • joel miller x reader
↳ by @familyvideostevie (no outbreak, fluff)
it’s your turn for choosing • joel miller x reader
↳ by @familyvideostevie (modern au, fluff)
i’m a feminist obviously • joel miller x reader
↳ by @toxic-seduction (protective!joel, violence)
softness • post outbreak!joel miller x fem!reader
↳ by @joelsgreys (fluff, joel is a dad, tw: premature birth)
as long as i have you • jackson era!joel miller x fem!reader
↳ by @beskarandblasters (very fluffy, slight angst)
sweetheart • post-outbreak!joel millet x fem!reader
↳ by @joels-shitty-puns (fluff, light angst)
are you mine? • joel miller x fem!reader
↳ by @eupheme (protective and soft!joel, fluff, light angst)
a forever thing • husband!joel miller x pregnant!wife!reader
↳ by @honeyedmiller (fluff)
the revenant wife • joel miller x fem!reader
↳ by @pettyprocrastination
butterfly • joel miller x black!latina!reader
↳ by @stargirlfics (angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, slow burn)
unlikely friends • joel miller x reader
↳ by @sweetercalypso (fluff)
mischief nights • joel miller x fem!reader
↳ by @jupiter-soups (fluff, slight angst)
all my casualties of love • joel miller x reader/oc
↳ by @agentmarcuspike (smut, grief)
a matter of timing • joel miller x baker!fem!reader
↳ by @lavenderursa (angst, smut, comfort, neighbours to lovers)
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radiocurrency · 17 days
Hi, my name is Jay and I like to write gay vampire smut.
My AO3 account is brandedforeverlame
I am currently publishing a Devil's Minion fanfic series entitled 'If You Had Life Eternal' :
All Rated E. All with Armand x Daniel as the main pairing.
1. Loving You's A Bloodsport
(4016 words)
Post 2x08 turning fic.
After Louis leaves the apartment in Dubai to head to NOLA, Armand decides to reveal all to Daniel.
2. Lestat and Daniel's Grand Adventure (Lessons In How To Provoke Your Maker)
Currently WIP, multichapter, Lestat and Daniel friendship buddy fic.
It's been one year since Daniel was turned and he still hasn't heard from his maker.
Daniel decides (against his better judgement) to reach out to the only other immortal he knows besides Louis for help to track down Armand.
Also please check out the absolutely awesome fanart my lovely friend Anna @once-delight made for this fic right here. Anna is also the official beta reader for this fic.
3. My kingdom for a kiss upon his shoulder
(3,788 words)
San Francisco, 1978:
Daniel makes a spur of the moment decision and Armand reacts accordingly.
4. Arms Tonite
(4,760 words)
Yes. The fisting fic -
It lay on their kitchen bench, framed in golden light which streamed in through the window of their Tuscan apartment.
“Uh… whose arm is that?”
Daniel has never been fisted and when Armand offers to change that, Daniel can't help but make a comment that brings out the Gremlin™️
5. To All Besotted Souls
(2,564 words)
The first time Armand and Daniel have sex during the chase years.
Pompeii Ruins, Naples, 1976
And now he was here - waiting on this strange demon with whom he was pretty sure he was in love with.
Could you fall in love with the monster under your bed?
Could you fall in love with a guillotine blade as it hung over your neck?
And there's plenty more on it's way. I'm almost always writing and love to talk to any fellow DM writers. Please feel free to follow/ask/dm me :)
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sorencd · 8 months
hellooo can you write a fic about todd comforting reader after a fight w her parents please? thank youu
ARMS TONITE— i fellll in your arms toniighhtt
todd x reader drabble , idk how long this is , angst/fluff , im like so sorry this took so long tho lol
todd was always the person you’d run to when you know you couldn’t keep the tears in anymore. sometimes, when you’re having a bad day, a hug from him was all it took for you to have a smile on your face again. a gentle squeeze of reassurance from him was all you needed to gain a bit more confidence in whatever problem you were facing. his glance, always full of love, was all you needed to get throughout the day.
and today, you needed all of it at once. your hands, resting behind his back, squeezed and gripped his sweater as you poured your heart out. tears that had sorrow and disdain laced in them fell on the soft fabric beneath your chin, painting it with wet patches, but it was never a problem for todd.
“i just don’t understand, n-no matter how many times i tell them i’m not comfortable yet when it comes to talking to them about how i feel, they always take it as a sign to be offended?” you furrowed your eyebrows, furiously wiping your tears away in a moment of anger.
“they’re just so… hard sometimes, but i love them so much, i love them too much. i love them to the point that they could scream at me like i’m some annoying bothersome street dog and i’d still look at them with love.”
now you were full on crying, snot and everything. and todd just held you, in his arms, in his warm comfort, just being there for you. he understood where you were coming from. and he wanted you to know he’s there, listening. he rubbed circles on your back and gave you time to speak your mind, todd knew how much unsaid feelings and emotions you were bottling up.
“and it always hurts. that every time i have to conform to what they said and agree that they’re right. and they have this… talent. the ability to move on like it was nothing to them so i’m forced to just do the same. it’s tiring, you know?”
your voice was so small, barely even above a whisper. you were amazed at yourself for being able to form a coherent sentence with your choked sobs. and it hurt todd. it pained him— seeing you cry, seeing your face so full of dejection, cheeks all red and tear-stained, eyes puffy from relentlessly crying and a vice-grip on his back.
“yeah… parents are sometimes too much. i-i sometimes too just wanna run away from it all, not have some dumb responsibility looming behind me or-or when i’m mad at them too for getting shouted at because of the littlest things. i understand where you’re coming from, (y/n).”
you parted from where your face hid on the crook of his neck begrudgingly and rubbed the back of your hand against your eye, trying to wipe off the tears as todd pushed away and stray hair that was blocking your vision.
“thanks for listening, todd.”
“of course, i’ll always listen, i’ll sound like a broken record at this point, but i’m so glad that i’m one of the trusted people you tell all of this to-“
“the only person i tell all of this to.”
he softly laughed, “the only person you tell all of this to, and i just want you to know, i’ll always be here for you, okay? even if i’m… fighting off charlie or on the other side of the world, i’ll always find a way to be here, to wipe your face dry and make you smile.”
“you’re really so sappy sometimes. will you ever not be?”
“i love you too, (y/n).”
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stevebabey · 2 years
RUBY congrats on your milestone!!! I'm extremely happy for you, you deserve it, you always post amazing fics and your blog is SO COOL AND FRESH, ugh I love it!! Sending a lot of kisses and hugs your way ♡
So I'm here to request, I hope it's okay!!
❤️‍🔥 5 and 6 from the first prompt list with steve, I just know you are going to do something sooo fluffy and cute that will mark me forever!!!
HI HI !! thank you so much ur so sweet i am SWOONING over here <3 COOL AND FRESH!!!?? ULTRA TOP TIER COMPLIMENTS MY DUDE!! ahh many kisses and hugs right back at ya ! and omg da first of the blurbs.... it is fluffy as hell im feeling clingy tonite and i hope u luv <3 (ur lucky to get in early they probably won't all be this long hehe)
You're surprised you even managed to convince Steve to come to this party. They're not exactly his scene anymore, especially considering his history with them, but it was a bit more of a familiar friendly crowd — Eddie's band, some of Robin's own friends from band, plus the merry bunch of you that were practically fused together since '83.
Besides, you're sure the fair amount of eyelashes fluttering helped too, lips pouting and eyes sweet.
Steve had even narrowed his eyes, jabbed a finger at you like he was about to say 'that's not fair!' like he had a thousand times before. Some whine about how he was powerless when you gave him those eyes.
Tonight, he had just sighed and folded, any annoyance melting away at your glee.
Parties were better with Steve. If you both had a ride home, he'd get himself into the G&T's until he was loopy and draping himself all over you. Absolute mumbler he was while drunk. It was all you're so pretty and how'd i get so lucky? between wet kisses anywhere he could land them. You not-so-secretly loved it.
Tonight, however, you're the lovesick one.
Like it's your fault; he's wearing one of his button downs that's tight on the arms and a few buttons too low. A hint of chest hair peeks out, flush against tan skin that's riddled with moles you've kissed a dozen times over each. Even without the extra beers tonight you think you'd be in a mood.
The extra alcohol just gives you confidence.
Steve's talking when you approach, his back to you, and you take no mind to distract him from his conversation. Silently, well as much you can while tipsy, you sneak your arms around his middle and slump.
You hear a rumble of surprise through where your head presses into his back, a pause in the conversation, then he places his warm hands over both of yours. You delight with a grin. Then, keeping his hands in place to keep you where you are, he's twisting to look over his shoulder. You dig your chin in to meet his eyes with a doozy smile.
"Hello trouble," He says, all too fond. God, he looks so sweet, amber eyes all sweet and smile all too mischievous. Thank God he's yours.
"Hi." You say back, a grin curling at your lips. You think about tucking your hands under his shirt, just to hold him closer. You're sure he'll get the mental messages you're sending him much better if there's skin-to-skin contact —though, you needn't worry, Steve can tell you love him just from the look on your face.
"All good back there?" He asks, mainly as a joke but you nod very seriously and then tilt your head towards his conversation partner. Some dude who had graduated the year after him, friends with Robin he thinks. It's small talk.
"Yup." You smile wide, a bit dopey, and press a kiss into his back. "Y'keep talking Stevie."
He can tell you mean it so he does, turning back around and adjusting his grip over both of your hands to hold them both tighter. You hum happily. The conversation resumes. It takes all but a minute for your attention to crawl away.
You shift your hands slightly, wriggling out of Steve's grip and you miss how he frowns down bemusedly at your wandering hands. He silently hopes you aren't heading for his pants, mainly because there's a spectator to your strange but endearing behaviour. You don't, instead just tucking them under his button up and pressing your icy fingers against his tummy.
Steve snorts a quiet laugh and tries not to shiver, but apparently, that's too much movement for you.
"Tch, stop moving!" Your voice draws out, dipped in annoyance. You thump your head against his back and Steve laughs again, a bit pink in the face when the dude moves away with an awkward goodbye. Steve doesn't blame him, with your roaming hands, though he's fairly sure you're actually just looking for a cuddle.
Steve stills himself. "Why—"
"You feel amazing in my arms," you say, muffled by your face in his shirt. You squeeze him a bit tighter, a hug that actually squeezes his heart too because fuck, if he doesn't feel adored right now.
"Baby," He starts, prying your arms off just enough to turn and face you. You whine a bit but it dies down at being able to lean your head against his chest, chin planting between his pecs. You gaze up at him and blow a half-hearted raspberry. Steve thinks about dipping you sweet and kissing you there, just to see if you'll get warm enough in the face that he'll feel it too.
"D'you wanna go home?" He asks.
You shake your head but tighten your hold. Steve sweeps a hand across your forehead, pushing back stray hairs with a loving hum. "If we go home, we can cuddle, yeah?"
You seem to only just realise this as he says it and it sways your decision in an instant. "Okay, yeah, yes please," you murmur as you bury your face back into his chest. Your please sounds like peas and Steve thinks his heart might ache a little softer because of it.
If you had told sophomore Steve that in the future, he'd be ditching a party early, just for some cuddles, he's sure he would've scoffed at himself. Steve thanks the heavens above for change and let you drag him out the door, footsteps giddy and kisses abundant.
join the celebration!
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springwitch26 · 8 months
Are there any songs you like to listen to when you write for Melissa?
love this question because i'm so fucking serious about my music 🩷
- two songs by sir chloe: animal and center. both are about sapphic sexuality, but they have completely different styles and moods. my most popular fic is named after animal. i saw her perform these songs live in a weird underground garage in my city and it was magical
- bloom by troye sivan. so sweet and makes me think of melissa x younger, less experienced reader. one of your girls (absolute hit tbh) also works for this pairing, but reader is more confident and openly flirty.
- heaven by mitski. girlfriend!mel would give you the world and then some. all sweetness and bliss.
- arms tonite by mother mother... touching yourself in your lover's arms is sexy, and even hotter when your lover is melissa. and you know she's so into it.
- i wanna be yours by arctic monkeys. reader definitely has this playing in her headphones while she freaks out over melissa's every move.
- bad idea by girl in red. self-explanatory.
fics will be back after i take my law school admissions exam this week!
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Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, The Party (Stranger Things), Eleven | Jane Hopper Additional Tags: The Party as Family (Stranger Things), Alternate Universe, Mind Reading, Canon-Typical Violence, Explicit Language, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Platonic Soulmates Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington, Touch-Starved, Dream Sharing, Mutual Pining, Nightmares, Recovery, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary:
His body is heavy and hot and there seems like very little reason to keep fighting the heavy droop to his eyes.
Except, there’s this strange tugging somewhere deep in his chest. Like an anchor settled just behind his ribs, reaching back out of his body towards something Eddie can’t place. And it keeps pulling at him. Not painfully, but insistent.
Stay awake. Stay alert. Tug. Almost there. Pull. Safe. Calm.
Eddie Munson wakes up from his expedition into the Upside Down to a broken guitar, some new scars, and Steve Harrington's voice in his head.
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I’m on a roll! Enjoy part deux, and let me know if you want to be tagged for this Rhea Ripley x lady!reader fic
Warnings for this section: Cannabis (weed)
Absolute Smokeshow (Part 2/?): I Call Shotgun!
Considering how your evening had started, things were looking up; you’d gone into the night an anxious mess and despite all odds, now there was a beautiful woman on your couch. Rhea sipped at the cup of water you‘d brought her, looking around at your apartment as you brought out the bong, most of a bowl packed and ready. You sat down next to Rhea and pointed the mouthpiece in her direction, “Want to start us off?”
Her eyes widened and she seemed uncharacteristically hesitant, “I’m not used to- I’ve never…”
“Used a bong?” you pull the piece back onto your lap, “No worries! I can shotgun a hit for you?”
Rhea nods, relaxing visibly as you light the bowl. The piece filled with smoke as you took a deep inhale, looking closely and stopping when you could no longer see your thumb on the other side of the neck. Pulling out the bowl, you expertly take in the entire contents of the bong in one uninterrupted breath.
Turning to face Rhea, you almost forget what you’re doing. This is the first time you’ve really looked each other in the eyes in decent lighting and she was closer than you expected her to be. She arched a dark eyebrow at you, lips parted, waiting for you to keep going. Hoping the warmth in your face isn’t showing, you lean forward, stopping an inch in front of Rhea’s mouth before opening your mouth slightly and exhaling.
An almost electric feeling surged through your body at the sensation of soft lips suddenly pressed against yours, heart beating in your throat as almost all the smoke in your lungs is taken in by Rhea. There’s no doubt in your mind you’re blushing, not moving an inch even after she pulls away suddenly, violently coughing out smoke. A few short buzzes from your phone give you momentum again, the need to check it automatic. You were grateful for something to do that made you seem more casual as your lips tingled and the woman next to you coughed and chugged water. It was the group chat of friends you’d gone out with tonight, and what you read actually ended up making it more difficult to act casual.
Every message seemed to be addressed to you:
-“Did you really go home with a girl tonite??? Glad one of us is getting some!”
-“Isn’t Rhea supposed to be super mean?? Text if you need help!”
-“Congratulations on picking up a lady from the bar! Who knew you had moves? (Seriously, did anyone know this?)”
-“If you have sex with Rhea Ripley, youNEED TO TELL ME”
“You must have lungs of steel,” the sound of her voice made you slam your phone face-down on the couch next to you. Rhea has composed herself, but seems to be unaware of your flustered behavior. “How are you not coughing?” she’s looking at you like you have superpowers, her sharply-lined eyes pinking up. You can’t help but giggle at the genuine awe coming from someone who - as far as you knew - was difficult to impress. “I’ve had this piece for a while now, so I’m used to it,” you answer, bringing it up to your lips to take another hit.
Rhea watches the smoke move through the water and glass, putting a hand up and shaking her head when you offered her more. “It’s definitely hitting me,” she tells you.
“I can see it in the pinks of your eyes,” you joke, letting billowing clouds escape as you spoke.
“Shut up!” Rhea laughs and playfully slaps your arm.
It feels impossible to keep yourself from grinning at the sight of that dazzling smile.
“Feeling better?” you ask, putting the lighter and bong aside and relaxing into the couch. Your guest follows suit, leaning back and stretching out her muscular arms before folding them behind her head, “For now.”
The ominous nature of the statement makes you pause and look up at her, just in time to see her peek at you through one eye. She grins and your collective laughter fills the room.
[end part two of ?]
Part 3: https://www.tumblr.com/specialinterestshows/723477939705053184/absolute-smokeshow-part-3-when-the-bong
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(Red songs are ones I feel fit the best, some song are more vibes than anything.)
So I went through every single song I’ve ever downloaded (It’s A LOT, like, it’s a playlist over 30 hours long.) and grabbed all the ones I maladaptive daydream Wukong and/or Macaque to. So, without further ado, I present:
💞✨An Overly Long Wukong/Macaque “Playlist”✨💞
People Eater and Misery Meat by Sodikken
Sober by FIDLAR (makes me think of a v angsty shadowpeach fic from SWK’s POV)
Rät by Penelope Scott
Scrawny by Wallows
Nowhere To Run by Stegosaurus Rex
I’m Gonna Win by Rob Cantor
Poor George by James Supercave
Candle Queen by GHOST
Copycat by VocaCircus
Bury A Friend by Billie Eilish
Can’t Be Erased by Coda
Ghosts by Jacob Tillberg
Maniac by Conan Gray
Snowcone by Rei Ami
OH NO! and Are You Satisfied by Marina & The Diamonds
Good Enough by Atsuover
Two Birds by Regina Spektor
Bird Song by Florence + The Machine
Suki Suki Daisuki by Jun Togawa
Saint Bernard by Lincoln
I Can’t Decide by Scissor Sisters
Ghosting, Wrecking Ball, Hayloft (+ Hayloft II), Arms Tonite (YES IK WHAT ITS ACTUALLY ABT SHUP UP😭), and Problems by Mother Mother
Everybody Loves Me by OneRepublic
Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes
Violent by Carolesdaughter
Troublemaker by Olly Murs
Sweet Tooth and Devil Town by Cavetown
Bust Your Kneecaps by Pomplamoose
Cupid’s Chokehold by Gym Class Heroes
Cloud 9 by Beach Bunny
I Can’t Fix You by The Living Tombstone
Hot N Cold by Katy Perry
Applause by Lady Gaga
She Wants Me Dead by Cazette
Backstabber by Kesha
Hell’s Comin’ With Me by Poor Mans Poison
Paparazzi Murder Party by Vain
‘Cause I’m A Liar by Mcki Robyns-P
Everything Stays by Adventure Time
I / Me / Myself by Will Wood (Idk y, it just feels so wholesome shadowpeach-y 2 me)
Worst Case Scenario and Goodbye MR A by The Hoosiers
Anything You Want by JAWNY
Stalkers Tango by Autoheart (listen… listen man… just think abt it)
Bad Day by Darwin Deez
Fuck You by Lily Allen (bitter exes💀)
True Love FT. Lily Allen by P!nk
Feels by Calvin Harris
Change The Formality by Infected Mushroom
I Just Threw Out The Love Of My Dreams by Weezer
Villain by Stella Jang
Washing Machine Heart by Mitski
Ghost Busters (bcz I think it’s fun E, just imagine SWK & others like ‘who ya gonna call’ & 6EM is the ghost)
Pride X New Magic (I MEAN C’MON “Loves gonna get you killed, but prides gonna be the death of you.” IDBSIXGSINSEIH, the edit audio ever)
Sucker By Jonas Brothers
Bloody Nose and Kitchen Fork by Jack Conte (this song has the vibes that just scream the past tragedy part of their relationship 2 me, idk how 2 explain it)
Passing Through by Kaden MacKay
Karma by AJR
One Way Or Another by Blondie
These Boots Are Made For Walking by Nancy Sinatra
Bad Idea! by Girl In Red
Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo
Them Changes by Thundercat (same reason as the Jack Conte songs tbh, but it’s more the present tragedy part)
C’est toi qu’elle préfère by Alice et Moi
Break My Heart by Dua Lipa
Jesus On The Telephone by Machinery Of The Human Heart
Too Close and Michelle by Sir Chloe
Another Believer by Rufus Wainwright
Dancin Closer To The Edge by JOHNNH GOTH
Julie VS. Robot Julie by Arthur
She Wolf by Shakira
I Don’t Want To Set The World On Fire by The Ink Spots
Plug Me In by Lil Soda Boi
Run, Rabbit, Run! by Flanagan & Allen
Youth by Daughter
Stay Calm by BonBun Films
Exorcism FT. Cyber Diva by Creep-P
Step On Me by The Cardigans
Girl Anachronism by The Dresden Dolls
I’m Not The Only One by Sam Smith (it’s prolly just me tbh)
Shit by Bo Burnham
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lynxindisguise · 2 months
have you written any wolfstar fics with spooky ooky ghost action? 🥺 i see the tag in your pinned post but i can't figure out which fic has it, or maybe i'm just really tired
alternatively, do you have any ghost wolfstar fic recs?
alsooo have you heard the song arms tonite by mother mother? 👻
I haven’t written any long fics, but I did write this microfic with spooky ooky ghost action! the spooky ooky ghost sex agenda really just started out as a theory of how a living person could fuck a ghost, and it became a movement ✨👻
I can’t think of any ghost wolfstar fics but would love suggestions!
and I hadn’t before this but now I’m absolutely adding it to the spooky ooky ghost sex playlist!!!
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crying like a baby over a fic that should've won the 2022 nobel prize for literature while listening to 'arms tonite' by mother mother will never not be one of the things to do
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daincrediblegg · 6 months
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why? Ah there it is. Pandora's box. The Atom Bomb. It's Fitzier. You know it's Fitzier, I know it's Fitzier, we all know it's Fitzier. So here I will air my grievances. Because listen. Canon stuff? I love that shit. I eat that subtext up for breakfast. I cry about the cairn scene just like anyone else and it really is such a sacred scene to the show and I'm always going to be in love with it. It's really wonderful how well Francis and James' relationship holds up a mirror and a beautiful foil to Hickey and Gibson and in more of a queerplatonic way that I really deeply admire David Kajganish for putting all of this thought work into this series because it is so vital to the deconstruction of colonialist ideas that the historical event represents, not to mention the modern day implications on masculinity, and really pays homage to the gothic literary subtextual queer men who came before them. My main issues with it are how fanon has spun it into the end-all be-all of queer romance (which I've always been chronically allergic to since. forever), and admittedly (obviously) I'm a little bit more biased towards Francis in a way that is against a lot of the tropes that folks tend to spin in fitzier fics and art that I just can't get behind.
And before I go further, I want to preface the rest of what I'm about to say with this, because I know I have a lot of friends, mutuals, and followers who do ship it and I want them to know that this isn't reflective of them and that what I say I should hope to only be taken as pissing in the wind : because the world is hard enough to fucking live through right now as it is, and finding joy in anything they can is what I want for everyone. This one just isn't for me tho, and that's ok. But I've been given the opportunity to be a hater publicly and you will pry that out of my cold dead hands. Like ok. The main issue I have though is that I just want nice things for Francis, ok? James always gets all the emotional attention in this pairing and I'm sat here like... Emotional support for Francis, king? Mutual love and support during the breakdown of identity for Francis? Attentions to Francis' oppression as an irish man living in victorian england tonite??? Like. Call me crazy but I think he deserves to be with someone who doesn't fundamentally misunderstand him from the outset, someone who can still challenge him of course, and can challenge him in a lot of ways that he hasn't considered being challenged before, but still with an undercurrent of love beneath it, and someone he can be outwardly affectionate with as a result (because I KNOW he's capable of that). Like fighting for each other with love, rather than being outright antagonistic the way James is with him (and then subsequently the way it is woobified into enemies to lovers hate sex tropes. which again, sure. fine. can be fun sometimes. but. I'm sorry I have more wholesome gothic romance tastes in my own writing I guess. and that I also want better things for Francis. like. having sex with someone who isn't going to call him daddy or hates him. Like sorry has anyone -other than blanky of course- made him guffaw with laughter? made him comfortable enough to be truly honest with himself and raw and emotionally vulnerable? where he's not *just* giving someone else space to do that? that's what he deserves to me, and this ship just ain't hitting. case closed.)
🖤: Which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think? Edward Little. he's got that racial panic rizz that everyone else but me seems to like, but I haven't forgotten about the whole 'but what if they seek retribution' shtick that he had going on that contributes to why he lets toze get away with handing out arms later in terror camp. (I say this fully aware that my own blorbo has his own issues regarding the inuit folks that they interact with, but also he has a much more nuanced position in the narrative that makes it fun to get introspective about and it's much more complicated than just a flat line of typical time period shit. Ed is just. a bloke in an un-fun way. who needs to quit his job and go home. and also I would really like to think the real guy was much less of a wet rag irl than he was in the show (and from what I've read from may we be spared to meet on earth crozier actually respected him lmao). All this to say, it just doesn't turn me on)
💕: What is an unpopular ship that you like? Oh I have a lot of niche bastards that I really enjoy. Idk if we would call it super niche but Francis/Blanky I enjoy a lot. And there are TONS of others, a lot of which were pondered at the behest of the no longer with us kittensmctavish (RIP, but their fics are still on ao3 and I cannot recommend them enough), but we were talking a lot about a really cool Irving/Gibson canon re-write concept at one point that I thought was really neat and I still think about it every now and again. Also Irving/Koveyook. I think that it's really class.
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