#fictive request blog
ktskibkg0 · 3 months
Doodle request: Give bkg some tea, or maybe an energy drink if he’d prefer ir
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I can't function without destroying my organs with sugar and caffeine
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Capt. Spaceboy and Sweetheart from OMORI are divorced!
[ID: The divorce flag with Captain Spaceboy and Sweetheart from OMORI edited in front of it. /end ID]
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plural-affirmations · 8 months
Fictives who don't want to source-separate are so loved and appreciated here at plural-affirmations!
It's fair to say a good amount of fictives want to distance themselves from source, or to be viewed as a separate person from their source... but here's to those that are perfectly fine with their source!
Here's to the ones who find comfort, warmth, community, and happiness in their source!
To the ones who have a complicated relationship with their source, but don't want to separate regardless!
To those who want to be seen as almost the exact same as their source!
To those who might want to source separate in the future, but don't feel ready to yet!
We see you, and we love you!
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nevadakincentral · 8 days
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Hofnarr shrimpboard with mantis shrimp for anon!
All gifs were made by us but the videos they were taken from are credited below per usual!
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multifandomenjoyerr · 8 months
🌙 CG!Gumball and marshall lee Moodboard 🍭
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homestuckinning · 7 months
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Roxy Lalonde overworld sprite edit for a friend of mine!
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laugh1ng-st0ck · 2 months
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GREET1NGS ALL!! 1 am L0LB1T, and th1s 1s my bl0g f0r all th1ngs k1n and FNAF related! 1 d0 requests, th0ugh at t1mes 1t may take a wh1le t0 d0! 1 am a busy f0x after all! 1 als0 may refuse 0r 1gn0re requests, 1f they make me uncomf0rtable 1n any way. Currently, Requests are: OPEN READ BEFORE REQUESTING: <3 1 am a M1N0R, and any NSFW med1a w1ll N0T be t0lerated! 1 W1LL bl0ck anyb0dy wh0 g0es aga1nst my DN1, 0r 1f 1 am generally unc0mf0rtable w1th bl0g c0ntents 0r 1nteract10ns! 1 w1ll tag th1ngs as k1n by default, s0 please spec1fy 1f y0u d0 n0t want that, 0r 1f y0u want me t0 spec1fy f0r 0thers n0t to tag as k1n/1d/etc! Th1s bl0g 1s 0pen t0 all wh0 are c0nnected to f1ct10nal characters 0r n0nhuman! F1ct1ves, D/As and 0thers!
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[Quirk Translation: I am Lolbit, and this is my blog for all things kin and FNAF related! I do requests, though at times it may take a while to do! I am a busy fox after all! I may also refuse or ignore requests, if they make me uncomfortable in any way. I am a minor, and any nsfw media will not be tolerated! I will block anybody who goes against my DNI, or if i am generally uncomfortable with blog contents or interactions. For requests, I will do names, pronouns, doodles(if i feel like it), mood boards, stim boards, xenogenders and more! Just request and I will do it if I can! I will tag things as kin by default, so please specify if you do not want that, or if you want me to specify for others not to tag as kin/id/etc! This blog is open to all who are connected to fictional characters or nonhumans! Fictives, Delusional Attachments and others!]
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kinnie-coins · 12 days
can you make some names and pronouns related to darkiplier cus our darkiplier fictive is looking by for a name to use but cant find one that it really likes, it really like space, dark academy and the colors red,blue and purple so if you can find some names/pronouns themed around that that would be great - Solaris
Darkiplier inspired sets -
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Damien / Damian, Celine / Selene
Dusk, Dorian, Damon, Dahlia / Dahliah, Dmitri / D'mitri, Draven, Danika, Dionisia, Destin, Destiny, Solanine, Solar, Solace, Solstice, Scarlett, Salem, Sienna, Serenity, Celia, Celeste, Calista, Calliope, Ciel, Crimson, Carmine, Cordelia, Comet, Calypso, Damilene / Damiline
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Pronouns -
aura/auras, star/stars, void/voids, nova/novas, soul/souls, vast/vasts, grave/graves, lune/lunes, haunt/haunts, key/keys, home/homes, lost/losts, sol/sols, dust/dusts, space/spaces, light/lights
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ktskibkg0 · 23 days
Calling it an early night. I wanna draw too but I'm already in bed, so I got pencil and paper out. Gimme some MHA characters or something chaotic.
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kincord-kinhelp · 19 days
"Money is a means, not an end. Work should make you happy... That's the most fundamental principle."
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jasper, hali(te), ruby, tuff, truff(le), gem, hex, sangria, scarlet, crimson, ver(million), cupcake, bandit, daisy, gizmo, squeal, layla, opal, felicity, aurora, and goldesse
shy/hyr, trot/trotter, coin/coins, gold/golden, th☆y / th☆m, vi/vir, thy/thyme, red/reds, fi/fin, swirl/swirls, dept/depts, wi/wins, glow/glows ‼️/‼️, ☁️/☁️, 🐽/🐽, ⭐️/⭐️, and 💰/💰
prn who collects, prn who invests, the investor, the dept collecter, prn with the pig, the trotters companion, and prn who packs a punch (sorry theres so few)
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liquidlycan · 2 months
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⟣ hallo . my name is lycan : ) i've never run a stimblog before but i have creative visions beyond mortal comprehension that i must share in the form of stimblogs!
⟣ i schedule posts throughout the day / request or not they should be about an hour apart! i just prep a ton in advance because i like makin' em in my free time :>
⟣ i only make stimboards because i don't know How to do anything else but if i ever figure that out ill take requests for other things ! ⟣ dni if ur weird (proship/compship/incest/transphobes/TERFS.. the whole nine.) although i do Not accept requests from factkinners ⟣ u can req agere content , fictkin content , introject content , therian / otherkin content... and whatevs ya like ^_^! ⟣ my personal favorite stimboards that i've made : > -> farcille , chilchuck , agere roronoa zoro , izutsumi , venture , dollhouse stream , carnival jerma , diet coke weird al , malenia , senshi , weird al
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nevadakincentral · 4 days
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Sanford stimboard with lobsters for anon!
All gifs were made by us! The videos they are from are linked below tho!
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craftyrequests · 1 year
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--suntan moodboard
-very self indulgent haha
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ac-editz · 5 months
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:33< ac finds itself on a catgender background in a stamp! how purrplexing
(stamp requests are now OPEN)
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Anonymous asked! -> “name ideas for a terezi (she/it) introject would be greatly appreciated >:] ↩️ and some for our nepeta (he/she/mew/it) too, if you accept multiple per ask :] ↩️ no preferences for terezi and our nepeta says it likes more "round" sounding names”
Justine - A French name, meaning "Justice."
Adila - An Arabic name, meaning "Righteous" or "Fair."
Themis - An Ancient Greek name, meaning "Divine law," or "Divine justice."
Malachi - For Malachite, a stone often associated with protection.
Sard - Another mineral, often associated with justice. It's bright-red and orange for the fires of judgement. >:]
Milo - A multi-source name whose meanings range from "Soldier" to "Beloved and merciful."
Rory - An Irish-originating name meaning, "Red king."
River - For the naturally-occurring body of water.
Arlo - Old English name meaning "Fortified hill."
Noah - Hebrew name meaning "Rest" or "Repose."
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shouta-edits · 3 months
Hey, uh... mind if I ask for a Pokemon team for Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel? Preferably mostly fully-evolved Pokemon since we dabble in competitive a bit, but you don't havta make a true competitive team. That part's for us to do
Thanks! -an Angel Dust fictive
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