imagineyouricon · 9 months
anyway I will say this: buy android phones. learn to mod android applications. learn android app dev and adb. use developer options to disallow ANY APPS from using your camera and mic without you knowing. use FOSS appstores like f-droid for better apps. learn networking and how your router works. put a DNS-based VPN filter on your phone or buy a raspberry pi and turn it into a pi-hole for your wi-fi network if you truly can't let go of apple. you will be happier with your mobile devices, at least.
apps are gonna keep tracking you whether you want them to or not. tos is going to wrap itself more and more into your data, digital footprint digital identity whatever. and if you care for your data and privacy (and you really, honestly should) you need to at least protect yourself from these kinds of things. it's only going to get worse. thanks.
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ollies-moving-castle · 8 months
Ok just a question but is it normal to stim when you’re not neurodivergent cuz I realized today how much I stim I just got very very overwhelmed and I was like flapping my hands and scrunching my whole upper body at points which does happen when I get like that a lot and I read that that’s a stim? I don’t know if it is but I just wanna know if it’s like normal or if it just figity or something cuz a lot of people have told me both things that it’s stimming and that it’s just me being figity so I don’t know at this point
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toxooz · 1 year
Me looking thru pics of Arthur Morgan like a smoke break 💀
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Tic tac salsa
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aloof-isayla · 4 months
i hate when my ears plug up and I can hear my breathing and heartbeat 😭😭😭
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bornsexyesterday · 2 years
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radiodust-heart · 27 days
Alastor being the cuddly one. He adores being the little spoon, curling up around angel and nuzzling in his fur. Angel also likes it. Its better on his back to be the big spoon to be the chair Alastor sits on instead of the other way around. Plus hes figity with his hands and gets to play with Alastors hair and pet his ears this way. Rub his back and just hold him. Hold something tangable.
Its one of the few times Alastor sleeps and dreams. He dreams of dark grass and deep blue skys and a cabin in a meadow covered in vines and flowers. Its soft and warm just like angel
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mysticwolfshadows · 1 month
Taken - Zutara - Part 12
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True to his word, Katara wakes just before dawn to find the Fire Nation ship buzzing with activity, already pulling out of the make shift dock. She sees Zuko standing near the bow, watching her as she races out onto the snow.
Inhaling, she calls out, hoping the ship isn't so far out that the icy wind snatches her voice away.
"Come back soon!" She shouts, waving her arm, just in case they can't hear her. "Be safe! I'll be waiting!"
On the ship, Zuko seems to stiffen, though it's hard to know for sure with how far the ship is quickly getting. Behind him, soldiers call back, a cacophony of sound, a few waving their own arms. Katara smiles, watching as Zuko turns, seeming to snap orders at them. He always had difficulty controlling his temper. It seemed the position of authority on a ship had done little to temper it.
For a while, Katara watched as the ship disappeared into the distance. Then, she watched the smoke trail slowly dissipate, waiting until there was no sign left of them.
She was determined to make Zuko know he was welcome in the South. Even if the village as a whole would always be wary, she would welcome him. He would have a home in the South, if he ever decided he couldn't return to the Fire Nation.
It was only three months before Zuko returned. The black snow was still fresh in the tribes mind from his last visit, and many looked to Katara as she beamed. There was no panic, only caution, as the ramp came down and Zuko led the way down.
Katara ran out to meet him, giving him a tight hug, noticing how the soldiers behind them were nudging and elbowing each other. They stopped as soon as she stepped back, acting as if it had never happened. She would have pointed it out, only...
Zuko had an odd look on his face. It was a bit red, and a bit pinched. For a moment, she wondered if something was wrong, but then her father and Bato were coming forward, distracting the prince. Iroh came forward to join them, and Katara tried to follow, only for the hopeless medic to come begging for help. Apparently there were a few injures that the man just didn't know what to do with.
She spent a good portion of time sitting in her hut, absently healing minor injures and peering out into the village. A few boxes and barrels were taken off and put in the tribes storehouse. In turn, a few barrels and sacks were taken out and moved to the ship. She asked one soldier about it, but all she got was a shrug and a vague answer about some kind of deal having been made between her father and Zuko.
When the soldiers are patched up, and Zuko is done with whatever secrets he and her father were sharing, she trudges through snow to find her wayward firebender.
"What were you talking about?" Katara demanded, as Zuko was left standing in the snow by the village gate. "And what was with all the boxes?"
Zuko wasn't a very figity sort, but he looked close to starting. "We have a trade agreement. Apparently, before... the raids made it difficult to, Earth Kingdom merchants would travel down to trade. Apparently most of the parts from things like octopus whale and whale walrus are very valuable in the Earth Kingdom. So he sends me with a bit of their excess, like the extra lamp oil and bones, and then I take it to Earth Kingdom and trade it for things your father says the tribe needs. Food, equipment..."
The odd look was back, and she wondered if there was something more. For now, not sure how long she would have, Katara was fine with letting it go. There would be time for more later.
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Ally: Dru’ugo the Shoalworm
An adventurer’s desire to explore isn’t the sole province of those born to the land, as the seas contain just as many if not more secrets waiting to be explored.
A naturally curious creature, Dru’ugo has always been fascinated with artifacts left behind by ‘bovers, those mysterious folk who live beyond the scintillating surface of his watery world, and has spent his youthful decades exploring wrecks, salvaging from ruins, and collecting whatever ( often erroneous) gossip the merfolk see fit to trade him. Fittingly, this makes him one of the best contacts the party can ally with when trying to explore the sea, as the shoalworm is happy to share his findings and provide water-taxi services if the party will explain to him things like agriculture or share the stories of the places they explore together.
Adventure Hooks:
A sea beast has been menacing ships throughout a high-trafic trade channel, forcing them to veer widely off course in order to avoid a confrontation. Tired of profits lost after shipments are delayed by days, the local commerce commission offers an open bounty on the beast’s head after a reputable crew of leviathan hunters very publicly turned the job down. As it turns out this “beast” is just Dru’ugo, excited at having found a reliable place to try and make contact with ‘bovers and ask them questions, rearing up before their ship and trying to mime out what he needs with fins and tail.
Due to a tragedy of anatomy and never having attended a non-fish based school, Dru’ugo is incapable of speaking the common tongue, and his chances to learn to understand it are sparse. This has forced him to be reliant on a friendly mermaid by the name of “Opportunity-bubbles-up-from-below” ( or Ublup for short) to serve has his translator. For her part, Ublup gets figity when her friend makes her play mouthpiece for too long, as she’d much rather be out manta racing with the other deepsea layabouts.  If the party could somehow find some means of breaching the language barrier, whether by using telepathy or devising some enchantment, they’ll earn themselves a friend for all time, provided they can handle the ensuing barrage of the shoalworm’s questions.
Some time after their first excursion with the shoalworm, Dru’ugo gets word to the party that he’s found another ruin, and would love to explore it together in order to hang out with them once again. Drawn in by the prospect of looting a sunken city in good company, the group and their sea-noodle ally don’t notice that the place they’ve exploring are occupied by a cult of marrow dedicated to a terrible goddess of the deep ocean. Angered above all at Dru’ugo for helping these land-dwellers to trespass into the goddess’s domain, the high priest of this cult calls down a curse that transforms the mostly harmless shoalworm into a rampaging leviathan. While Dru’ugo struggles in vain against the curse in order to give them time to escape, the party must break for land and devise some means of subverting the goddess’s wrath, before they’re forced to slay their transmogrified buddy as he mindlessly rampages along the coast.
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royjamierot · 9 months
You know how Jamie is naturally figity? Someone needs to teach that boy to crochet. Or knit. Or do crossstich.
ABSOLUTELYYY i bet simon teaches him how to knit and then next year the team gets scarves and hats and sweaters for Christmas... he makes roy sweaters that are low-key obnoxious because he knows roy will wear it because he made it for roy... the team start betting on how far jamie can go before roy doesn't wear one of his sweaters
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forestgoblinvibes · 1 year
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Task force 141 x Male!reader(oc?) (platonic to start)
Hello!! So this is my first time writing on here in a very long while! This post will be more of a get to know me/setting up the AU to what I’ll be writing as well as a starter for people to get to know the MC.
I want your opinions before I post the first chapter so this is just an info pamphlet?
But I, like many others have fallen down the rabbit hole of Modern Warfares 141 men. So a few things to start for the future.
My writing is 18+ not because of smut (I may or may not write this) but because of dark themes such as writings mentioning PTSD, gore, violence, weapons, death and so on. Each chapter or one shot will be given warnings in according to what there is.
My idea for this story is an AU. It won’t follow the video game exactly (gives me more room for creativity) but all characters will be from MWII. And while I know some of the characters lore I’m not an expert. This is simply my interpretation of characters but I’m more than happy to accept criticism and help.
The au will be mainly for the character (you) who’s less then human, not over powered as they have no actual magical powers unless you consider shapeshifting. For this Au shapeshifters are a dying breed, and while not unknown there aren’t many full blooded shifters left in the world. And while shifters have the same rights as anyone else, not many join the military because of the dangers and their dying numbers.
You are born to a kind and loving family, but while they supported you, they weren’t all to happy when you decided to join.
Your like the 141’s Guard Cat, loyal to the bone and protective to all hell. But of course you weren’t just immediately placed on 141
Training was hell. While trained besides humans, being the only shifter in your unit meant the higher ups gave you a hard time and pushed you further. You were naturally stronger than the average human, and growing up a bit spoiled meant you needed to hone all your skills. But you prevailed in close combat and stealth training. And you were too figity for sniper training.
Being a shifter in military training had its highs and lows. Some highs being you finally felt useful, you enjoyed being able to constantly train and push yourself to new limits as your home life was full of high society socials and studying. You enjoyed the rush of training and making a few memorable friends. But the downside, training didn’t teach you how to handle a comrades death, didn’t teach you that after your first mission you could be plagued with nightmares. That after being captured the light you held would be sniffed out like a dying flame.
Now I don’t wanna spoil the first chapter and I want to wait for some feedback if I get any. But some background information for the characters you read as.
Will mainly be addressed by their call sign, Kitty (gained after their first mission), Chirps (has not gained this call sign yet), Red and Chaos (not yet received.
The only prominent features to be discribed would be their dark hair and honey brown eyes and any scars the rest will be left to your imagination:).
But yeah I think that’s it, please ask any questions before the first chapter and please do give feed back!
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superchat · 4 months
I really dont wanna talk i wanna be left alone and im all figity and stressed and id rather just focus on getting this thing done myself but my boss really wants to talk and tell me old work stories and have me stop what im doing and listen and i just. bro please. its an hour before work ends im losing my mind rn holy shit
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brw · 8 months
hi i want to know more about ur guys... if you're up to it, the people asks for any of potentates... (also i just want 2 hear more about all of them [esp the imperators and potentates bc !!!!] in general, PLS tell me more about them the names Fascinate me)
OUAGH THANNK UUUU.... ok SO. the Potentates are the ruling class of Bronze Eden, a theocracy where they have near total power. They used to be very active in the lives of the citizens of Bronze Eden but after Potentate Magnus' third wife Gloriana almost succeeded in a coup to overthrow the throne, they have become much more secluded, with Magnus haven't been seen directly for many years. This got worse after his eldest son Augustus was assassinated. Even his own children see him rarely, and his grandchildren almost never. I'll do the person asks, and descriptions for each of his kids and what sector they've inherited is under the cut!
👁️ EYE - what colour are their eyes? do people notice their eyes? is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical...)?
Magnus - light pale blue, often unfocused but once very intense. Very lidded and heavy, he's 105 years old. A bit too small for his face.
Augustus - light reddish brown. Not as intense as Magnus, but certainly not soothing either. Erratic, anxious.
Boris - dark brown, slightly downturned, warmer but always kind of sad like a cow about to be slaughtered
Salvatore - lighter brown, also a bit small for his face, noticably large pupils, missing eyelashes.
Felipe - light pale blue, large, wide, with a few flecks of brown. Intense, often darting all over the place, not knowing but confident.
Clymene - slate grey, downturned, calculating, sort of humourous, like she's laughing at you.
Zephyr - slate grey, downturned, hazy, uncomprehending, almost innocent. Still childlike despite being middleaged.
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
Magnus - very good liar, because I think he himself believes everything he says. His main tell is that everyone close to him knows he got to where he is by lying and manipulating, but you wouldn't know that without direct contact with the man.
Augustus - Bad, relies on the idea that a man of faith wouldn't lie, otherwise gets very figity with his hands and licks his lips too much.
Boris - Pretty good, just because he always looked so sad and wet that nobody really had it in him to doubt his word, which to be fair was true most of the time. probably why he did what he did.
Salvatore - Good in the sense that you always think he's lying so you never know when he's ACTUALLY lying, because he's so exaggerated and over the top already that he kind of constantly sounds like a used car salesman.
Felipe - Bad, blinks too much, always avoids saying things directly so he has plausible deniability when he eventually gets caught out because he's so accustomed to being caught in a lie.
Clymene - Alright at lying, but isnt good at practicing lies and excuses because she makes too much eye contact always.
Zephyr - good. everyone believes the baby.
👻 GHOST - do they believe in ghosts? what are their "ghostly experiences", if any?
N/A they're all haunted by the spectre of holiness and of Boris' suicide and the deaths of Magnus' many wives.
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Magnus - problems with every big emotion and he will make it your problem.
Augustus - couldn't handle feeling powerless ever, which being a religious figurehead helped with. Needed to feel like people were hanging onto his every word to have self worth etc. He also needed to be watched and seen and paid attention to at all times.
Boris - uhm. he couldn't deal with them unfortunately.
Salvatore - blows up very easily if he feels his opinions or his ideas are being challenged in any way, sort of like a fascist Walt Disney
Felipe - similarly to Augustus powerlessness is something he doesn't know how to deal with. Gets violent if he thinks someone thinks he's stupid, which he is.
Clymene - probably has the best handle of her emotions of any of them because she's always been taught from a young age as a woman if she gets too emotional she's hysterical so she has a very stiff upper lip. Plus the whole thing with her mother. Gets angry though when people act like she's stupid and doesn't understand the division she's in charge of.
Zephyr - Never quite figured out to deal with the grief of his mother being executed and is very sensitive over that. Disappears around the week of her death without fail.
😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
None of them cry easily but Salvatore.
👊 PUNCH - are they quick to violence?
Magnus - yes and his family live in fear of his
Augustus - no
Boris - no
Salvatore - yes
Felipe - yes
Clymene - more than you would think
Zephyr - yes but he throws a weak punch
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
Magnus - his uhhhh everything.
Augustus - pauses many conversations to write down a speech, basically treats every conversation in fact as an opportunity to try out a new line or snappy dialogue
Boris - first thing he did after waking up and last thing he did before going to sleep was look at the stock market and latest bank figures.
Salvatore - Covered in pieces of paper and ink and leaves smudges everywhere because he's constantly thinking about and updating his most recent project
Felipe - very paranoid about assassination attempts so has a very methodical routine every morning and evening
Clymene - extremely anal about her schedules and her appearances at events
Zephyr - sometimes just disappears for a bit without saying anything
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
these guys r all family
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
Magnus - fight
Augustus - flight
Boris - flight
Salvatore - fight
Felipe - flight
Clymene - fight
Zephyr - flight
💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
I don't think any of them ever sleep easily except for Felipe, who is always very assured of himself. The rest always have memories and things that haunt them to some extent even if they pretend otherwise; Magnus is always thinking about his glory days. Augustus thought always about his next big speech his next move his next fight for political and religious power. Boris was chronically depressed and never slept well. Salvatore was only 4 years younger than Boris and remembers him a lot I think, when he's alone with his own thoughts. Felipe as I said sleeps well because he regrets nothing. Clymene is always thinking about her next scientific project and sometimes is working on it into the night. Zephyr only sleeps with the aid of whiskey.
emoji ask game
Potentate Augustus was in charge of overseeing the church, as the oldest child. One of the main things he did was create small splinter groups in different areas of Bronze Eden to better represent the different ways people in the fields and at the coast worship compared to those in the city. The biggest of these is the Brothers of the Magpie, the only one to survive after his assassination as many of these groups were cut down. There are rumours his assassination was an inside job by the Potentates as these splinter groups arguably endangered the Empyrean Temple's power.
Potentate Boris was set to take over the business sector, and killed himself at a very young age, only 22. He's become canonised as a saint, as he was known as a very kind, very comforting individual before his death. He had dark hair but it's depicted as blonde in portraits of him to further give him the angelic cherub vibe.
Potentate Salvatore is in charge of arts and education. He's kind of seen as more harmless/fun-loving, and has built up an exaggerated, campy persona, in spite of all the agiprop he has invested and prioritised, and the heavily segregated rich / poor education system that's grown under his eye. He funded various theatres over Bronze Eden, including the People's Theatre and was deeply saddened when it closed, not because of all the people that died but because he had a personal hand in the way it was built and designed and wants more people to recognise his genius in architecture.
Potentate Felipe is in charge of military and internal security, and is currently staging a mini war against anything to do with Nod or Nod culture or what he percieves as Nod culture. There's a slight sexaul fixitation? to his fascination with Nod and his hatred of it, something he's definitely tried to pass down to his children and neices and nephews. There's something comedic about his outbursts and hatred, until you remember he is actively getting people killed over it. I imagine him if Boris Johnson was like the head of the CIA.
Potentate Clymene is in charge of sciences, but was initially set to take over the healthcare. She switched with her younger brother, Zephyr. She and Zephyr are the only children of Gloriana, the failed coup queenie. They're so close and look so similar they're often mistaken for twins. Clymene is the most nonreligious, least interested in the power struggle of the family's internal politics, but obviously presents as religious to save face. Probably the most actually involved in her sector than anyone else, attending various events and keeping updated with all the latest advancements and fledging bright minds in Bronze Eden.
Potentate Zephyr is the youngest, in charge of healthcare. Neither ambitious, power hungry or particularly intelligent he has been forgotten largely by his family and is mostly considered a forgotten grandchild by Magnus as opposed to his youngest son. He was set to take sciences but freely admits that Clymene is more intelligent than him and cites that as why he traded so easily. Very close with his big sister.
And that's the main family! there's more grandkids and stuff but these are the main people the citizens of Bronze Eden know and who's names they remember! thank you so much for sending this i love talking about my guys very much hope this wasnt too much text!!!
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debbeh · 7 months
He is literally austin powers in that he is a raging pansexual but is all for consent
He really just loves people
That being said his has killed a man
He'll only prank people if there is an audience, otherwise he's secretly really nice- but for the sake of his legaseh, it's the best way he can get all attention on him
He and Mike sometimes play tik-tak-toe on Mike's phone
One time his daughter came to visit the house to sponsor adding solar to the roof` and Jullain was able to leave little notes about how proud of her he is.
Even though he's a ghost, he still sneezes if it's dusty enough and his sneeze sounds like that Horrible Histories scene where he keeps going "WAZOOO"
Alison left Walace and Grommit on once and Jullian is obsessed (specifically aboutt the whole being addicted to cheese thing)
He and Robing platonically share a room ever since they got scared in the woods that time.
He likes the smell of breakfast foods so much that every morning, he and Pat go to the kitchen just to smell bacon and eggs.
He and the Captain are constantly fighting over Pat's affection
Since Pat is only in shorts too, they often huddle up on the couch on cold days to keep warm.
Jullian always tried to learn a bit of the languages of countries he would visit just before going just so he could flirt with people.
He doesn't know what laisez-faire means but he does know how to say tiddies in 13 different languages.
He hates how uncomfortable business suits are and always tries to wear the least amount of clothing as possible while still looking formal.
He's figity af but disguses it as just a polititian thing (the news-night thumbs and what-not)
His favorite of the ghost meeting are when Fanny makes everyone sing old Christmas songs because he actually really likes singing and has a nice voice <3
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a-gastly-trio · 10 months
How does one take care of younger ghost types? Their powers are figity at best as they can float off, phase through, or outright disappear accidentally/anytime they please. So how does one baby proof a cute whining poltergeist?
Actually yes~! You are absolutely correct that baby ghost-types are NOT easy to raise. In fact, ask my dear brother- he had to help raise myself AND Raven! (Thanks absent parents~)
Nice... segway there? Great job (Thank you~!) Anyway... Yes, ghost-babies are very unpredictable with their powers, which is why you have to teach them at an early age how to use their abilities. Until then, you just have to keep a good eye on them. However, most babies aren't even aware of their powers, so newborns are usually fine, but once they hit a year old thaaaat's when it starts getting crazy. There's special gloves and blankets that are ghost proof, that prevent phasing and invisibility (the gloves are usually for a non-ghost type raising a ghost though). Weighted toys so they can't float away, and... ghost-proof baby harnesses, to er- prevent them from floating away.
Technically, there's baby proof items for every type. Some are just a bit harder to raise than others.
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oumaheroes · 2 years
I can imagine that Australia is the person that has to move while learning. What are your thoughts about different learner types? (moving, doing something that they want to learn or listening for an example)
Hmmm this is a good question!
There are so many nations so I'll stick to the ones I think about the most:
England/ Australia/ Scotland:
Learn by doing. They (Scotland and England) can learn by other methods just fine but doing the thing and learning as they go with practical application work best for them.
This is one of the only ways that works for Australia, self guided study via reading or listening where he can't move really doesn't work for him at all, he's too figity and needs to apply what he's being taught instantly for it to go in.
For all of them though, none of them want to talk about it- let's just get on with it. Philosophical debates and theorising feels redundant and pointless, they want answers and they want to achieve the goal and do it now (although Scotland less so. Give him a topic he likes and he'll talk your ear off and enjoys pondering over it)
Canada/ New Zealand:
Learn by watching. Both have the very clever ability to watch someone do something and then be able to reproduce the behaviour almost perfectly because their sharp eyes have taken in so many details and memorised them. They don't need to do it themselves for the new information to go in, they can watch and understand how something works and then keep the information for later. Talking about it doesn't work at all as they need something visual to go off, so learning via doing also works very well
America/ Prussia:
Learn by reading/ self study. Both are the kind of people with this huge, insatiable thirst for knowledge and really enjoy learning and finding out as much as they can. Have an incredible ability to hyperfocus and can lose themselves in learning simply for the joy of it.
France/ Ireland:
Learn by talking about it. Debating, discussing, arguing and a nice healthy back and forth is these two's prefer way to learn. They like turning a topic upside down and talking it inside out to find all the holes and points of view. Works a lot better with abstract ideas than it does practical application so for more physical things they're still easily able to learn by doing or watching, but still prefer to discuss and debate and ask questions about alternative ways of doing something as they go (this drives England mad)
Both learn best with someone to bounce ideas off, so they struggle alone
Wales/ North:
All of the above. They don't really have a preferred way to learn- different things require different methods at different times and they're happy to do them all as and when
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