#final art project; my neurodivergency
jestersroute66 · 6 months
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morphodae · 27 days
Gregory Violet |Headcanons
Including general, relationship (x reader), and some modern au as a bonus!
These headcanons kind of trickle down into a story/narrative so please bear with it lol (plus: these are to warm up! I have ideas for future oneshots)
cw: none
Read more P4 headcanons here: 🦉x ,🌹 x ,🌱 x
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I see Gregory coming from a well-off family. They might not have the highest rank out there (they’re probably a viscount or baron nobility rank), but they have enough to send Gregory to Weston.
Either Gregory is an only child, eldest, or youngest. I have a feeling that he may not be super close with his family; perhaps he comes from a blended family or doesn’t have many siblings.
Naturally, his talents sent him to Weston College— which is unnatural for a lot of noble, rich London boys. Most get in for status and money, Gregory got sent there for his talents. Gregory was born with talents and had great expectations placed on him while he was content to create art and do things on his own.
When he was younger, he was obviously different compared to noble boys and girls around him— or general kids of the era. Being so “different, odd, and weird” was something that bothered him in his younger years, but once he turned 18 he stopped caring about others’ opinions. He’s his own person and he couldn’t care less what others have to say about it.
As such, he’s very obviously not thrilled to go to a crowded, renown, high-end school, but thankfully he was sorted into a House that accentuates his eccentricities with others like him. Still, he tends to keep to himself (as most introverts) save for a few close friends— Redmond, Greenhill, and Bluewer.
He’s “eccentric” by many peers but if he were in modern times, he’s definitely neurodivergent at the least. Definitely not me projecting my own autism /s lol.
One misconception is that people believe him to be antisocial or too “moody” when this is not the case. Gregory has a vibrant inner world and is an excellent observer; which allows me to transition into how a relationship with him might be.
Gregory isn’t one to actively seek anyone out, let alone a significant other. For any sort of relationship to have with this artsy fellow, you’d have to either 1) be someone who stands out with the time period’s standards (like him) or 2) have to be brought into his life suddenly and stay for a while before anything remotely romantic happens.
It’s fun to see him with someone who is either a lot like him or someone who is a bit of an opposite— although mostly in external appearance and I’ll explain why.
I don’t think someone who is a polar opposite to be someone who suits Gregory.
If say, someone preferred cutesy girly things or pastel colors and sunlight, that’d be fine. However, I see a calmer personality with a lot of empathy and respect being something he’d need. Otherwise I don’t think a boisterous loud person to be someone that he’d see himself with romantically.
With that said, courting you is… a feat lol. It takes Cheslock (poor Gregory), and the rest of the P4 to really push him in the direction of you.
When it finally happens and Gregory and you are able to formally meet and court, all five of them practically cheer lol. No one thought he’d be the type to find a s/o and Gregory’s parents were concerned he’d die alone :(
Because of expectations of his nobility, I do expect he’d marry you in some way irregardless of gender. But with you, someone he’s not arranged to and someone he truly loves, he tends to view it as a romantic and passionate expression of his commitment towards you.
A relationship with Gregory is majorly spent in comfortable silence. I’d say quality time is a major thing with him. However, he, like a lot of introverts, still needs ample time to himself— so don’t expect him to be glued at your hip. Plus, for that time period, PDA and general overt displays of affection whether in public or private was generally seen as odd. Gregory, for one, doesn’t care too much for the status quo but he is still figuring out his first relationship with you and how to navigate it while respecting you.
In a modern au, he’d be a bit more clingy in private. I see him as the type to play with your hair, study its shape and color for his sketches but mostly because it feels nice to him. If you are reading or gaming then I see him the type to sit behind you with his chin on your shoulder just enjoying quiet contact. It’s very wholesome. Alternatively, whether you lay with him on his chest or he on yours, he just enjoys quiet moments where he can be close to you.
He’s very reciprocal. By this I mean; you respect him and his hobbies, he respects yours. You show him kindness and care, so does he. He’s actually quite a classically romantic guy and is one to surprise you with flowers, food, and of course, sketches and art! He definitely cares and worries about your well-being and happiness (as seen in manga with his friends too!), so he will have his moments where it seems like he’s mother-henning you if he feels that you aren’t taking care of yourself.
Don’t be surprised that one of his first drawings of you was during his pining phase before the two of you formally spoke or courted lol.
Overall a relationship with Gregory is mostly spent in quiet understanding in silence with a partner who is able to empathically express and respect him mutually. Despite being a bit of an oddball for the time period he lives in, he still is a traditional romantic who loves to look after your well-being and give you gifts 💜
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edge-oftheworld · 6 months
5sos fanblog with a twist!
hi!! welcome to the chaos :) you can call me ariel or silver and I’m a punk violist from sydney, australia, and tbh I’m still figuring out what that is.
here I post my projects: ideas, in progress, and when they’re done I’ll put them up somewhere you can hear! project requests on at all times, can’t guarantee I’ll def do it but I will always think about it and get back to you with ideas even if I can’t make it myself. I mostly make orchestral arrangements as I’m classically trained and can read too many clefs. but keen to experiment with anything! if you want me to arrange something for you to play please include your instrument and I will assign you which 5sos member or sierra or brandy I see your instrument as too for a bit of fun.
find me over at @faithfromanewperspective for less specifically music things! but you’ll find me blogging all my thoughts here too so hope u like!
FINAL EDITS: - orchestral arrangement of CALM minus no shame and easier and kmt plus ghost of you (teeth/lie to me/nitsw//lom/goy/lonely heart//old me/best years/wildflower/high/red desert) here - (nessa barrett) plane to paris orchestral
IDEAS: - vapor/lie to me/wwylm/bad omens for @ghost-of-you - efyts rock version for @ghost-of-you’s anon - something with tgwcw or os/co or airplanes idk - easier/more plus youngblood, no shame, kmt for me - red line (hornsby version) idea i got listening to ash's voice memo - (Taylor swift) dwoht/labyrinth for @speaknowtaylorsversions
COMPLETED: -only ever completed my child of the universe (delta goodrem) violin/viola duet which is what got me into this to start with!
on this account I fully immerse myself into the mood of the songs so you’ll see some heavy stuff, I use trigger warnings and tags, and reference neurodivergence and urban design and my own experiences. it’s all for the art and connection and I hope it might be encouraging for you too
p.s. check out the exclusive photo of the sunrise in sydney that’s burning for days
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radvimes · 2 months
My Phinabella Headcanon -or- Why Phinabella Wouldn't Drift Apart Before Getting Together
(edit: as a neurodivergent person, I'm probably going to just keep adding to this post, like, forever...)
I know I'm, like, almost a decade late to the party, so I don't know who's left around here to read this, but after watching most of Phineas and Ferb, including AYA, hearing other people's analysis of Phinabella, particularly in light of Isabella's bday episode, the picnic episode, the haunted house episode, NOTLP, and Summer Belongs to You, binging a large amount of Phinabella fanfics and art over the last week, and pondering on all of that, I just really feel the need to write out how I see those 2 crazy kids' relationship progressing through their preteen/teen years and into adulthood.
First off, as a technically inclined male (I'm a software engineer, and always loved tech as a kid) with ADHD/the neurodivergent grab bag who had to train himself to pick up on social cues, particularly cues from the girls in my life, I identify so strongly with Phineas. He is, in many ways, the kid I would have wanted to be growing up. Smart, capable, charismatic, with a good friend group, and best friends with the amazing girl next door. It really sounds like a dream life for an ADHD kid like me.
I bring this up to say that, speaking from experience, those relationships, particularly the ones with Ferb and Isabella, would be everything to Phineas. We see this with how he wants to include as many of his friends as he can in his adventures. We see this in the fact that his adventures and inventions almost always have to do with helping a friend/family member or are inspired by them. And, as the show progresses, we see that this is never more true than with him and Isabella. Yes, it would likely take him a few years to pick up on what Isabella's crush meant, but we can see that, even from a young age, he absolutely recognizes that she is a close friend, wants to spend time with her and do things with/for her more than he does the rest of his friends, and is frequently and regularly attentive to her needs as he perceives them. He recognizes that she is important to him, even if romance isn't consciously a part of that for him when they are younger, which is fine, because he's just a kid. He'll get there. To say it a different way, the kid is neurodivergent, and has his passion projects. Once it registers that she's important to him, that fact becomes a bedrock of his existence, of how he experiences the world. That's just how his brain works. It then becomes a permanent passion project to demonstrate how she is important to him. The important thing is that their foundation of friendship is firmly established, and he will spend the rest of his life building on it if she lets him.
On the other side of that, I think we see, through moments like during Isabella's bday, the picnic, NOTLP, and on the desert island at the end of Summer Belongs to You, that Isabella is beginning to recognize this dynamic. She's learning to accept that he's not there yet romantically, and that the things she's loves about him don't require him to be there yet. She loves his dedication, his attention, and how he brings out the best in her. He always says and does things to build her up and show that she is important to him. He depends on her in many ways, and they always have each other's back and their best interests in heart. She can meet him halfway, accept the good in their relationship as it is, and let it progress naturally. I particularly see this in the desert island moment, when Phineas, who isn't used to things going wrong pretty much ever, finally sputters out and sits down. He could have had a breakdown or an explosive fit that things weren't going his way, could have continued to frantically brainstorm with Ferb, but he didn't. He sat down and quietly sought solace in a peaceful moment alone with Isabella. You can see the mix of emotions she felt as she processed what that moment meant, and then realized that she needed to meet him halfway and inspire him to get back up and keep moving, even though she had just said that she so wanted that quiet moment alone with him. And in so doing, as he leapt back up and gave her a big hug in thanks, that really cemented their relationship all the more. While part of her would love him to reciprocate her crush in similar fashion to how she wants to express her feelings, ultimately, she just wants him to show her she's special to him via preferential treatment, quality one on one time, and words of affirmation, and he can and does do those things all the time. She is learning she can wait for the rest. Also, let's not forget that she's been to the future. She knows that she gets to be Aunt Isabella eventually! Between that and the care that she sees him give her as kids, while it might be hard to wait sometimes, I have to believe that she would stick with her best friend.
The other piece I would throw in here is that, while society often puts a big wall between being friends and being lovers, my experience is that the best romantic relationships are founded on strong friendships first, before infatuation and physical attraction ever enter into the equation in a meaningful way. As such, I think it's really reasonable to assume that their path forward is what I recently saw described as the "friends to idiots to lovers" trope. They would absolutely continue to be best friends, having each other's back and confiding in one another, for years. Isabella would continue to try to profess her feelings from time to time as we saw her do in the show, and Phineas would probably assure her that he likes and appreciates her, too. If she felt down about things from time to time, he would absolutely sense that, even if he didn't understand the complete significance of it, and he would reach out, probably with an invention or adventure or ice cream date or 2, because those things always helped her out of her funks before, and she would appreciate his attentiveness and attention.
Then, somewhere along the line, I imagine that their friendship would naturally begin to evolve into something a bit more tender, though they would both be in denial about it. Isabella would have spent so long telling herself to keep expectations low that she would have conditioned herself not to consciously read too much into anything Phineas says or does, and Phineas would be all "we're just really close friends, this is just how we've always acted". Meanwhile, they, like, eat lunch together every day, work their schedules to have a bunch of the same classes, walk/drive to school together every day, etc. They have a standing weekly movie/dinner night where, over the course of years, they now pretty much always end up snuggling on the couch while Phineas tries out fancy new massage tools and techniques he's developed because he knows Isabella gets sore muscles from sports and Fireside Girl-related activities. They stay over at each other's houses until all hours of the night, and regularly sleep on each other's couches when it gets too late. He gives her lots of hugs when she does something he really appreciates or when she's down. She gives him little chaste kisses on the cheek when he does something particularly thoughtful (the first time she did it, she thought she was pushing the boundaries a little. It quickly became habit). Lots of unconscious hand holding. Of course, regular trips to the ice cream parlor to celebrate or just for a change of scenery. Along the way, he's just always making thoughtful things for her, new sports/outdoor equipment, a custom bike/scooter/car, accessories and stationary with butterflies on them because he noticed that she often makes comments about him giving her butterflies, and he thinks it's some sort of cute inside joke. She starts regularly baking treats for him (and Ferb), and before long, it seems like there's always something she made on the Flynn-Fletcher kitchen counter/in the shed. They work together to decorate the tree in each of their back yards, and probably also each other's tree houses. Pictures of them together are everywhere, and they kind of just roll their eyes and blush a little about it. No angst is needed, because their love isn't unrequited, it's just not fully recognized. Isabella wouldn't pull away, because as soon as she did, he would notice and reach out to try to understand what's wrong, and to comfort her and raise her spirits, and I truly believe that she would respond positively to that. Love comes in many forms, after all, and they would ensure that they both felt loved. In a lot of ways, they would fairly quickly get to the point where they are a single good DTR away from officially dating, with a lot of momentum in the way of making time for that DTR. On the other hand, as soon as that DTR starts, it's gonna go for hours, because they would both have plenty to say on the topic of their relationship, and I get the sense that both of them would exhibit the neurodivergent trait that this would be a topic of particular interest for them, so they would naturally be inclined to discuss it indefinitely.
As they get older, they both vehemently push back whenever someone makes a reference to their boyfriend/girlfriend, but neither one ever ends up going on a date with anyone else. They either don't go to dances because they have other plans, or they go in a group with, like Ferb, Baljeet, Ginger, and whoever Ferb has asked out that time. Then something happens. Either there's a dance where the rest of the group conveniently goes separately, or someone new makes a comment about them dating, or Ferb or Buford or Candace or someone finally gets tired of it and starts pointing out to Phineas all things they do that are totally the sort of thing you do with a girlfriend. Phineas' immediate reaction is to deny it like always, but then something kind of clicks in his head. It's not that the kid is totally oblivious to romance and dating, he's just never really thought seriously about how it applies to him and Isabella, because they've just always been them, and it's been great. Now, though, as he thinks back, things start to recontextualize in his mind, and he starts to wonder. Some time later, maybe a while as he ruminates on it for a bit, maybe the next time he sees her, he brings it up, mentions that people keep saying they're dating, or that it might look like they are dating, and are they? Should they? What would that change? He's trying to make some sense of the social cues and the intricacies of their relationship, you see. Or maybe this conversation gets triggered by emotions running unusually high and tender at one of their movie nights or something, and maybe they were suddenly looking at each other in a new light, maybe they even kissed. At this, Isabella is shocked and delighted, and asks if he is saying that he wants to define their relationship, if he's asking her to be his girlfriend. She sees it as him actually asking her directly about their relationship for once. He probably responds "well, yeah, kinda, maybe?" She might respond that, really, nothing much has to change, they would get to keep doing what they're doing, just as boyfriend and girlfriend, except that if she's his girlfriend, she can do stuff like this: and then she leans in for a kiss and/or an intentional snuggle, etc.
After that, they are truly insufferable/inseparable. They've been unofficially together for years at that point, after all. Now, it's just open and official and mutually understood how much they really mean to each other, forever. They probably spend a fair bit of time, at least at first, reminiscing about past moments where one or both were oblivious or in denial, thinking about how long they really have loved each other. Again, no angst in these conversations, just some wistfulness about missed opportunities, and joy in their shared history and future.
Don't get me wrong, I've read many fanfics that I've loved, including "Can't Help Falling In Love", "Is This About a Girl", "Sugar Rush", and "In Two Weeks", that deal with them realizing their feelings and/or confessing to each other after some time pining/growing apart, and what it means/how wholesome it is once they are together. The thing I love most about each of those stories, though, is the way each of them taps into how important their friendship and commitment to each other is to their relationship, and how, no matter the stage of their relationship, Phineas has a singleminded determination to consistently, matter-of-factly, thoughtfully show Isabella how much she means to him through everything he does. I would love to see more stories that explored the "idiots" phase I described above, though, since most of the ones that I have come across that do explore a similar theme do so assuming that separation/pining/unrequited feelings/obliviousness must be part of it, and I don't think it has to be. Speaking as a neurodivergent person, I can say with certainty that he wouldn't be oblivious forever, and the instant he noticed a cue or emotion or comment from her that he didn't understand, or started trying to figure out his own feelings, he would be talking to absolutely everyone about it, trying to get people who understand these things to clue him in on what he's trying to understand, and venting at them about the same. People would clue him in for sure. He'd be relentless in bugging them until they did.
As such, at the end of the day, I just have a hard time seeing them drifting apart in the first place. They are far too committed to each other for either one to bear letting it happen. They embody the sentiment shared by Harry at the end of "When Harry Met Sally": "When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start right now!" That, to me, is Phinabella. I welcome your thoughts on this topic.
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rottmntsimp · 5 months
Hai!! I saw that your requests are open and you also do match-ups! I was wondering if I could request a match-up for ROTTMNT?? (Feel free to ignore this if ur busy btw ^^’)
I’m 5’5, trans FTM. I go by multiple names, but my internet alias is Mia. I have short brown hair with raccoon tails (like the 2000’s scene-kid kind) and dark brown eyes. My hobbies are art (digital/traditional) crafts, collecting trinkets or Monster High Dolls and LPS. I have autism & ADHD, and my special interests are ants and psychology. I have a big vocabulary and I have a hard time being emotionally open. My personality type or whatever it’s called is INFP-T, but I like to act dramatic and ‘mean’ for the giggles.
(Again, feel free to completely ignore this request lol.)
Hey Mia!! Sorry I took so long- [It's my first matchup so bear with me-] Also, don't know if I should add a tag list or not, so I've decided not to
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Personally, I ship you with Donnie!
💜 - Finally! Someone who he can talk to without having to dumb it down!
💜 - As for art, if you're the kind to give gifts [paintings and such] expect him to give you little trinkets to collect in return.
💜 - And yes, he will get you whatever doll/action figure you want, not only on special occasions, but on random days as well!
💜 - I can vividly imagine him just flying by on his jetpack, then comically coming to stop as he sees something you'd like through the shop window
💜 - I can not stress this enough but ✨THEATER KIDS✨
💜 - Personally, I believe Donnie's MBTI is INTP [type A or type T, I'll never know]. Seeing as you're both introverted, dates nights or just general hangouts will be spent indoors in one of you guys' homes!
💜 - Movie nights where you both quote the lines <3
💜 - The two of you being emotionally unavailable with each other might or might not become a problem depending on how you two overcome it.
💜 - You may not be openly emotional with each other, but those moment spent in silence, enjoying each other's presence, those little gifts that were traded, the info-dumping sessions spent together, they make up for it pretty well, I'd say <3
💜 - As for the autism and ADHD!
💜 - He doesn't mind, I mean, he'd be a hypocrite if he didn't date you just because you were neurodivergent.
💜 - If you're the kind to stim vigorously, he'll make sure to baby proof his lab a bit, so you don't end up hurting yourself.
💜 - But, he will probably do some stimming himself so happy little stimming sessions are to be expected
💜 - Vocal stims aren't minded either! In fact, if you're both in a good mood, he might join in.
💜 - If you like having someone do your hair, he's willing to try! He'll probably open up YouTube and follow along, and depending on the hair style and your hair type, it might not take too long!
💜 - If you guys are long enough into the relationship for cuddles, he will play with your hair, so beware-
💜 - Ants and psychology you say?
💜 - As a guy with his own special interests, he doesn't mind. In fact, he probably respects you for it.
💜 - Will put aside a project just to listen to you ramble on about either topic.
💜 - As I said earlier, info-dumping sessions are a must!
💜 - Now, if you're into psychology and plan on being a therapist and such, don't try to dig into his emotions too much
💜 - My boy takes time, and he'll open up when he's ready.
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talesfrommedinastation · 10 months
Hello from Medina Station!
Howdy, call me Dr. Meat Muffin.
I'm a busy program director and writer, with a Ph.D in science education. When I'm not writing passive aggressive emails and reviewing terrible papers, working, I like to write and draw.
'Far Past the Ring' is my epic crossover of the world of The Expanse and Star Wars' The Bad Batch.
As of November 5th, 2023, the main story is complete. Side stories will be popping up, ranging from explicit smut pieces to simple conversations between characters. Some take place in the Star Wars universe, some in The Expanse, and some, well, in between.
Watch for them :)
Read on WattPad here
Read on AO3 here
Reddit AITA written by Sjael Drummer
Side Story: Good Enough
Side Story: Tenye Fo Me, Teki
Side Story: Mi Omega
Side Story: Kom Wanya Xom
Side Story: Implants
Side Story: Showza me dem Setara
As a science writer, I really wanted to explore the meeting of the two universes that seemed to respond to physics and biology in wildly different ways.
Additionally, I love The Expanse. Like, inhumanly so. And if you like Star Wars, I hope that this inspires you to watch this amazing show.
Finally, I also wanted to write a neurodivergent love story between an ASD individual and a neurotypical individual. I hope that I have done it justice.
Some Guides to 'Far Past the Ring':
OC: Sjael Drummer, Ph.D
OC: Tanke Drummer, MD
OC: Timon Chapelle
Minor OCs
Art (there's a ton!)
Author's Note: The Indigenous Future
Author's Note: On Neurodiversity and Relationships
Author's Note: Space Living
Author’s Note: On Neurodiverse Parenting
The TechiVerse!
If you like the concept of 'Into the Spiderverse', but are still heartbroken by the last finale of The Bad Batch, well, this one's for you!
Read it here on AO3
The OCs!
The non-canon Techs!
A collaborative project between multiple content creators (@wrenkenstein @moosethren @ilikemymendarkandfictional and @techs-stitches, plus yours truly. The characters used belong to their respective authors, all of whom are tagged here in this post)
Doug Talks Star Wars
My neighbor is an irreverent Boomer from Lafayette, LA, with all sorts of ideas and thoughts regarding a galaxy far, far away. I've taken to texting him regarding animated Star Wars shows and man, his Southern sass is magical. Enjoy!
My redneck neighbor Doug's interpretations on various 'Bad Batch' characters
My redneck neighbor Doug's interpretations on various 'Bad Batch' characters: Side Character Edition!
My redneck neighbor Doug on ‘The Outpost’
My redneck neighbor Doug on 'Pabu'
My redneck neighbor Doug on 'Tipping Point'
My redneck neighbor Doug on 'The Solitary Clone'
My redneck neighbor Doug on why Tech is a Florida Man
My redneck neighbor Doug on Space Cajuns, aka Belters from The Expanse.
My redneck neighbor Doug reads my fanfiction
My redneck neighbor Doug wants to write my fanfiction
My redneck neighbor Doug wants to cheer me up with 'The Clone Wars'
My redneck neighbor Doug writes Star Wars smut/fluff
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kuwdora · 1 month
It's international worker's day and I have a 900+ word blog post wip about what it's been like watching job seekers and HR professionals adopt generative AI in this process. It's depressing and horrifying but at this point not surprising because this stuff is some of the most painful and boring business writing out there. It's still exhausting. It's hard for me to write about because I'd rather spend my time finishing one of my fics or starting a new fanvid project. But this is something I'm seeing every day and have to think about every day because I have to interact with people who are, in their eyes, trying to use these tools in good-faith. There's also the tactics people employ to 'educate/encourage' job seekers into learning and using these tools to give themselves an edge over other people who don't adopt them. It's exhausting. One day, one day I really want to finally write a series of informational resources about how to engage interview process from a place of strength (written with the neurodivergent/introverted in mind, 'cos where I'm from and I know others have had similar struggles). And what it takes to write and rewrite your resume (without ChatGPT).
It's not something I can do today or tomorrow because I'm fucking burnt out. But I've learned so much in the last few years. Things I wish I had known when I was job hunting before the pandemic, and I'd like to share this knowledge at some point because it's helped me so much. I want others to have the same kind of help. But first I'm managing my energy and time and trying not to go insane. (Writing fic and working on my art projects and coloring books is very soothing and a lifeboat for me right now.)
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eliyips · 8 months
If you're taking requests, can we get a helmet-less Xisuma..?
Hi, Anon! Thanks for the request, however, I do not intend to draw Xisuma without his helmet. This doesn't reflect negatively on you, or any artist who does draw X without the helmet - it's just a personal boundary of mine! But I'll take this opportunity to try and explain why :)
My choice to only draw X with the helmet on, or with his face otherwise obscured, is influenced by a few different things. Namely, my personal headcanons about X as a character, Xisuma's choice to not show his face on camera, and (for lack of a better word,) my feelings.
First, headcanons! This one is very simple. When drawing Xisuma, I do so with the idea in mind that he needs the helmet to be able to breathe. If I were to draw my version of X without the helmet in most scenarios... he would be suffocating! D:
Secondly, it's well known that Xisuma does not show his face on camera, or anywhere online. Part of my choice to not draw his face is out of respect for that. I do no think he would care either way, however, I personally feel kinda uncomfortable making up a face for someone who does not want his face to be known. Especially since he doesn't use a Minecraft skin with a face that I could interpret from.
Finally, maybe most importantly, a lot of this ties back to me, and my feelings as a fan artist. And as it turns out, my neurodivergent little brain has latched onto X very tight, and does not want to let go. I connect with him, and project onto him, and just overall feel a lot of feelings about him. So, when I draw Xisuma, I will often imagine he shares a lot of the insecurities that I do. I will imagine that he feels anxious about being in public spaces, and that dressing in heavy, concealing armor helps ease that anxiety. I imagine that he worries about social cues and situations, and that the helmet gives him a good alibi for if he ever doesn't emote on cue, or speaks in the wrong tone of voice. I imagine that he feels a disconnect with his physical body, and obscuring himself helps alleviate that feeling. Ultimately, I imagine that if I were in his shoes, I wouldn't want to be seen without the helmet. So, I don't let him be seen without the helmet when I draw him.
Sorry if that got a little bit personal. My Xisuma art is very personal to me, so it's difficult to avoid ^^'
As I wrap up this post, I again want to make myself completely clear: More power to artists who draw Xisuma without his helmet! Or with less obtrusive helmet/armor, or whatever else. My choice to stick to the helmet is mine alone, and I encourage others to use whatever design they please :) I just wanted to make this post to talk about my feelings on the issue, and why I will continue to draw him with his helmet. Thanks for reading, thanks for understanding!
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asktherejectsau · 7 days
It’s been a while, huh?
Hello everyone.
I apologize for the incredibly long hiatus as I did not expect to be away from this account for over a year but a lot has happened in my personal life that was out of my control and unfortunately, I was not in the correct mental state to be pumping out content in the way that I was with this AU.
While I’m not going to explain the full brevity of it here, I’ll try to put it as simply as I can without divulging too much personal information. I don’t want any further questions regarding my life irl as I want to keep that separated from this project completely. But for this update, I will say this once.
Firstly, what’s been going on?
I have been struggling with my mental health for many years, primarily because I am neurodivergent. But 2023 was what I would consider one of the worst years of my life. I was nearly made homeless by an abusive family member, my grandmother had passed away, and I had failed my 3rd year of college due to what was thought to be symptoms of an undiagnosed mental disorder, which turned out be a post-traumatic response to stress.
I tried to power through it by distracting myself via this AU and in extension, this fandom. But I have since realized what I was doing to myself was not in any way healthy nor productive.
For the longest time my “worth” was tied to my work. Up until this point in my life, I was conditioned to believe from a young age that if was not successful, then I did not deserve to live. I felt ashamed of myself for not being able to fulfill what I thought were “simple” deadlines, creating grand projects to complete in just 2 weeks or less and when I didn’t hit those goals (much like with the completion of the EP) I nearly broke down.
But once I realized how much harm I was doing to myself, I felt like I had to take a step back and reassess myself before it had the chance to seep into my art and other fandom spaces I occupied.
I apologize for not giving any notices or updates whatsoever on this project. I never meant to abandon this AU. I love it way too much to let it go for good. There were other factors that kept me away here too, such as the brief influx unwanted sexual comments made by anonymous users in mid 2023, as well as my own internal struggle with my place within the Gorillaz fandom as someone who wants to share more nuanced content with mature themes in a space that has become increasingly filled with a much younger audience than intended.
But I’ve decided I want to come back to this project so I can tell the story I want to tell. Not just because of my love for the IP but simply because I want to finish. I want to finish it as a way to end a saga for myself.
Now that I have finally been given the green light to go forward into my senior year after repeating junior year, I feel that I’m finally in a healthy enough mindset to do so.
What will happen to this blog then?
I’ll be uploading questions as I get to them. But I must make note of this again as stated in the rules. Please stop sending me NSFW questions about the characters or myself. While this AU does deal with mature themes and does contain some suggestive elements, that does not give invitation for you to ask for that type of content about the characters, and especially from me. This is not directed at any specific user as most people were incredibly kind and respectful. But I beg you if you do like this project and want to submit a question or fanart, please don’t do this. It’s made me incredibly uncomfortable every time I receive them and it overall sours the experience of answering questions and continuing to work on this project. I would like for that boundary not to be crossed so please be respectful of that.
Secondly; as it stands, the EP and Thru With U animated music video are postponed.
Thru With U will most likely stay as a storyboarded piece as I unfortunately, do not have the luxury to animate a full three and half minute long piece by myself as that takes a lot of time and money that I do not currently have. And if I wanted to hire people to help me in animating it, I would want to give them proper compensation. Which again, I cannot currently give at this time.
The EP will probably come out eventually, but I would have to do some intense fine tuning in order to get sounding as best as it could be. That isn’t to say that I won’t be making anymore music/MVs for the Rejects later down the line, but I ask that all of you please be patient with me a more of those projects come out.
With that all being said, thank you all for your support. I’m incredibly proud of the community that’s been fostered from this AU and all of you who’ve sent me fanart, written kind messages, asked questions to the characters, and have written supportive tags onto each post, it means so much.
I can’t wait for you to see what this project has in store. Stay tuned!
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itsdannycragg · 1 year
working on Neokosmos for 8 years now, the project has become a constant anchor in my life. it's mind boggling we're almost done writing the first draft of the second book. We started writing it in 2020, three years ago in March.
we'll be starting on the third book as soon as we wrap on two. The fact that THIS YEAR, within weeks, we will be working on the third and final book in the trilogy. this is fucking crazy.
if youre curious, we're going to self publish online. the piecemeal way we've been sharing neokosmos as we write it isn't particularly appealing to traditional publishers. nor is the fact that we're going to draft out the whole trilogy before publishing the first book as a way to make sure the whole series is consistent narratively and in quality. not to mention our books will be full of literally hundreds of color illustrations. Ya can't put that into print without the physical copy costing 100 dollars or cutting out the art all together.
our decision to not seek traditional publishing has really freed us from the deadlines, standards, and conventions associated with it. Too many times we have seen extremely promising books be edited to pieces to fit within a certain word count, or revised to the point of being unrecognizable from the authors vision in the name of being marketable to a wider audience.
Shelby and Brian (who do almost the entirety of the prose writing) have been so iron-willed about not making compromises like that. I really respect them for it. We are writing our queer polyamorous neurodivergent hearts out and we will not bend to the agenda of a publisher.
that said of course, we don't look down on traditional publishing or think that self publishing is superior. it's just not right for Neokosmos and never has been. (We're also not against critique, feedback, or notes from beta readers! We value it tremendously.)
i hope when we're done writing, editing, illustrating, and polishing Neokosmos that the people we were writing it for will find it.
Anyway, if you're interested in anything I said, you should join the Neokosmos Discord! You can read our novels in progress for free!
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snailythefan · 10 months
posting art that isn't dr sometimes makes me anxious bcus u know, i know most people only follow me for that but i said it on twt so I'll say it here too: it's always Snaily Variety Hour!! I'm just some guy making art of things I love!! it has always been that way and it'll always stay that way!!
and i say this just to remind myself that even though I'm genuinely happy my art is finally being acknowledged after years of posting to the void, i don't do art to get more followers (i tried it for a while and it made me sad actually!).
I just do art because I like it, and I like to participate in fandoms even if from far away!!! I just love the process!!!
Ehem, anyway. I wanted to talk a bit more about it in length so there you go.
It's a bit stressful to be an artist in the modern landscape because I feel like you're treated like a brand nowadays? But I'm not. I'm some guy. And i might never get to make a living out of art but it's the one thing I can't seem to give up on.
I love drawing, and i love making silly comics, and i love learning new ways in which to make my art better. It's a slow process for me, but hey we do our best.
I do still have um Art Dreams? Art Goals?
- I wanna sell art at a convention!! That would be super cool!! Mostly I wanna hang out with other artists at cons haha
- I want to collab on a comic with someone else (something original or not! It's just about sharing the creative process with a friend)
- I want to get into more zines!! (this one is eternal i guess, i just adore being part of larger projects with other extremely talented people)
And yeah. Yeah.
Being some guy posting art on the internet is a bit stressful sometimes, makes you overthink these things as if you needed a PR team? You gotta Market To Your Audience or whatever. But i cant seem to do that because i don't want to and also it makes me feel fake. And truly I'm just some neurodivergent guy trying to show off my cute art. U know what I'm saying? Lol.
Sigh! This turned into a rant! Anyway! That's all!!
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chaggiehearts · 3 months
Hi! Making a little introduction for my blog <3
You can call me Ruby. I’m 19 years old, I use she/her pronouns and I’m a lesbian. I’m also neurodivergent (though for privacy reasons I won’t be indicating exactly what I have). I speak both Spanish and English (with Spanish being my native tongue). I love Hazbin Hotel and this blog is entirely dedicated to this show that has taken over my life. I watched the pilot in the summer of 2020 so I’ve been here for a long while, but I didn’t get properly obsessed until the show released :)
As one could have imagined seeing my icon, header, username, blog description and general posts, I love chaggie so much, they're my favourite part of the show (as characters and as a ship). I do love the rest of the show too, they’re just my faves.
My favorite characters are, in order: Vaggie, Charlie (very unexpected top 2 I know /s, I love them <33), Lute, Emily (my other two faves!!!), Velvette, Carmilla, Rosie, Niffty and sir Pentious. That being said, I like almost every character. Though I mainly talk about Charlie and Vaggie because #brainrot, you may expect any other character too, specially the aforementioned.
Chaggie is my absolute OTP and around 80% of my posts will be about them. Some other pairings I also love are emilute, fallenwings, huskerdust, guitarspear, royalhalo, velmilla, zestmilla, qpr poly!!Vees, qpr radiorose and cherrisnake. I adore the idea of Charlie's angels as an OT4 because I love throwing all my favorite characters into a ship and imagining the chaos that would follow 👍🏻
I tend to tag absolutely every character and ship I post/reblog about, so if anything here makes you uncomfortable don't hesitate to blacklist it :)
I'm interested in many other things, namely Project Sekai!, BanG Dream!, D4DJ, Love Live!, Vocaloid (specially the Evillious Chronicles series and the Night∞Series), Helluva Boss, RWBY, Red vs. Blue, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, The Dragon Prince, The Owl House, Steven Universe, Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, Five Nights at Freddy's, Monster High, Ever After High, Rainbow High, Madoka Magica, Kakegurui, Danganronpa, Your Turn To Die, Sanrio, Cookie Run, Heathers, Les Miserables, etc. I'm not completely up to date with all these things though, uni sucks. I might make another blog to talk about this stuff eventually but I'd want to keep this blog focused on Hazbin!
I don't tend to do DNIs because I understand bigots don't tend to respect them, but well, if you're someone that discriminates others on the basis of anything and I find out, I'll block you. When it comes to Hazbin Hotel, I don't want to interact with you if you ship Valentino X Angel, Lucifer or Lilith X Charlie, Vaggie X men or Angel X women, those things really make me uncomfortable.
As a note, I’m extremely anxious and shy, so it’s difficult for me to DM people first, but I assure you I’m nice and if you wanna chat I’m extremely down for it! Please let’s talk about our favorite characters and ships and plot points and moments pspsps or even things outside Hazbin Hotel, whatever you want :)
Finally, I draw and write. You can find my Hazbin Hotel fanarts tagged as “#my art <3” (though I tend to post the actually good stuff in my art blog @elverniia and just rb them here, I only post the stuff that is unfinished or too simple/messy here). I haven’t posted fanfics yet so idk what I’ll tag them, I’ll see when I get there!
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berryliciousjam · 9 months
Life Update 2: Chaotic Boogaloo
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Yeah so—the drawing speaks for itself, which is why I had to renew my Artist ID after being inactive for more than 2 weeks 💀.
In all seriousness, I am really thankful that all of you for still interacting with my posts despite my indefinite hiatus. I really wanna give back to you guys but since it is inevitable that I will fall into the downward spiral of art block and writer's block.
Importantly, Me and my boyfriend have been making our own Transformers AU/Continuity which takes place in the Philippines and we even created our OCs(both Transformers and humans) for this particular passion project. The thing is—I am unsure if I am ready to show it to the world, especially since there is so much work to do—and it's not even final. Sure, I can softly launch it through goofy or omnious artworks and writings, or maybe I'm just worried of what people think(It's not even that serious—I think???). I guess you all can just stay tuned for it as I plan on what or when to post. All I can say is that—the Decepticons took care of a human/cybertronian hybrid and chaos ensues.💗
The million dollar question—When will I start posting again? Honestly...whenever I feel like or when I have the free time. As mentioned, I just started college and the university is notorious for the heavy workload so my neurodivergent ass gotta keep up(hopefully). I hope all of you understand and not only that, I have to slowly get back to drawing so it will take time :'3
I know it's a long post but I know some of you guys are worried about me, so it is neccessary to tell what happened throughout the weeks. It is truly chaotic and upsetting because I missed the opportunities because of a damn viral infection—It is what it is.
Thank you so much again everyone! 🫶💗✨
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ratedn · 4 months
About Me
Hi! I'm William, I also go by the name Willow and Will, use any of the above that you prefer. I will not reveal my age (except on accident if I accidentally date myself), asexual but bi-romantic and absolutely hyper fixated on the idea of love. I'm also neurodivergent (no clue where I lie on the spectrum but differently not normal) I do have ADD, and yes I do forget where I set things down. I have a deep interest in psychology and love meeting people who's brains are weird like mine!
My Interests
I have an absolute mess of interests, and they frequently change. Currently I am having a great time fixating on playing tennis, Minecraft, and acting. I am a stage performer who tends towards playing young boys or authoritarian rulers (weird, but that's theatre). I am also an aspiring blacksmith and engineer.
As far as Tv shows and other media, I am in love with all of Vivziepop's creations and absolutely adore hand drawn animation, especially when it is done by people with passion. I also like audio dramas such as Hannapocalypse, The Road of Shadows, and Midnight Burger.
My Projects and Posts
Currently I am leading work on an independently developed game called "Morti's Quest for Individuality" which is about an anthropomorphized mushroom that is separated from its colony and then has to learn what it means to exist as a singular entity. Along his journey he ends up creating his own colony which will lead to a final plot point. (Secret). It will be a two dimensional game that heavily features pixel art and dramatic story telling. If you are interested I may occasionally post art updates and (hopefully) a link to the beta at some point!
Additionally I am working on developing a TTRPG called "Hearthside Havoc" which is an adventuring game where you are always a commoner and never level up. The gimmick of the system is that death is always a real possibility and that the only way you improve is by acquiring better gear. Once I get it to the point it can be tested I may try to generate interest by posting about it here.
Finally, most of my posts will probably be reblogs of stuff I like or support, and occasionally random thoughts
Project Socials
For those interested, as my projects develop more of an identity I will link their specific pages here.
@your-stupid-face-the-book - This is the project page for my teen romance drama. It's about as cliche as it gets, but it does have a lot of queer representation
@signed-in-blood-the-book - This is the project page for my teen horror setting which revolves around Goetian magic (although the actual rituals are altered because God knows one of you would try summoning a demon). This one has several QPRs, several heteronormative relationships, and general queer representation. (We got Ace, Aro, and Aroace so tune in for some good representation!)
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thebawdybaldurian · 5 months
Going to be dumping a bunch of post-epilogue scraps that I scribbled down during the 3.5 days I had no power or heat. They’ll eventually get made into chapters of The Tale of the Tadpoles, which I’ll be resuming writing now that I can play through the game again for scene inspiration. Tried to add as much background to the unwritten or important parts of these little bits. I hope you enjoy! I ruined my pants writing it!
Summary and Background: Tav and Astarion enjoy a little afternoon dom and aftercare session, as they navigate their unexpected pregnancy with Halsin.
Tav and Astarion (unascended) have been married for several years, living in Tav’s cottage in the Lower City. Astarion exerts a little control over his wife in the form of gentle task domming, helping her maintain her busy and chaotic life with the Forgetten Realms equivalent of neurodivergency. Halsin is their occasional third when he comes to visit the city. During one of his surprise visits, right after a stressful and tight book deadline, Tav forgets her monthly moon blood tincture, leaving her vulnerable to pregnancy. The married couple do not want children, but want to speak with Halsin before making any final decisions. They have acquired a special pair of rings that allow Astarion to be outside during the day, though transferring his sunlight affliction to his lover. They changed the deed on Cazador’s palace, turning it into a refugee sanctuary for tieflings, called the Elturel Enclave. Astarion maintains an atelier for his tailoring and clothing making, an anniversary gift from Tav.
Content Warning: soft/task domming, pregnancy kink, spanking, anal and vaginal licking and fingering, anal sex, multiple orgasms, cum tasting, dirty talk, aftercare, oral sex, tickling, PIV sex, allusion to possible abortion.
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The Hither Thither staff Tav had acquired proved as useful as their blood bond rings. Astarion avoided using the rings when he could, instead utilizing the magical portals to travel between his atelier and their cottage during the day. It was a slow day in the shop and he wanted to check in on his newly pregnant wife and feeling a little frisky. Aside from his cravings for normal food, his sympathy pregnancy was making him even more amorous along with her. He locked the front door of the shop and turned the sign around before heading towards the little closet in the back room. The portal to their cottage was inside, providing quick entry into the hallway between the bath and bedroom. He locked the closet door before stepping though, giving them a little extra security if his shop were ever burgled. The entire bottom floor was quiet, Tav either up in the loft or out somewhere.
He climbed the ladder to the loft, seeing her standing in front of an easel. “Hello love,” he finished his climb and strolled towards her as she glanced back from her painting.
“Hi,” she beamed at him. “Done at the shop already?”
“I thought I’d check in on you,” he embraced her from behind, kissing his favorite spot on her neck. “What’s this you’re working on?” He eyed her new project with a raised brow.
She’d transferred one of her sketches from their figure drawing session last month onto a canvas and was applying a thick base layer of paint to it. In the sketch, Halsin was posed pressed against Astarion’s back, his hands lingering just above his half-hard cock. He remembered the moment in his mind, his cock stirring at it. He slid his hands down her sides, hovering just above her cunt like in the image.
“I do think I am going to turn some of the sketches into an erotic art book…but I wanted to do a few paintings for an exhibition as well. It could be a release party for it,” she brushed a large smear of paint across the canvas.
“Another hugely ambitious project already?” He teased her, glancing back at her still messy desk, the result of her furious book deadline last month and the cause of her unexpected pregnancy. “Are you sure that’s a good idea considering your new…condition?” He slipped his fingers under the hem of her shirt, caressing her warm belly. He wondered how long it would be before she began to show.
“Well, it’s not like I’m going to be an invalid,” she smiled. “Just pregnant. Besides, this is probably when it happened. That day.”
“You think so?” He let his fingers tease under the waist of her trousers now, which she shifted her hips against, hoping he’d move a little lower, her own loins stirring at the memory.
“I believe the night ended with me upside down, full of both your cum,” she giggled a little, grasping the arm that lingered in her pants.
She wanted him to move his hand lower and he knew it. Instead, he moved the hand still on her stomach to the back of her neck, gently resting it there, looking back at the desk again. It was his little signal that he wanted to begin a scene with her. If she wasn’t feeling it, she would just ignore the signal and go about her day. If she was into it, she would obey. She stood up a little straighter and put her brush and palette down. “Am I in trouble?” She asked in a pouted tone.
“Your desk is still a mess,” he whispered in her ear. “And yet you’ve started this new project.”
“But…I wanted to,” she purred. “I’m so horny now that you and Halsin put a baby in me.”
“That’s no excuse,” he grinned, pulling her back a little, towards her desk.
“Are you going to punish me?” She practically begged. She was already throbbing inside.
“That depends,” he finally removed both his hands from her, leaving her standing at attention. “I want you to bend over your desk and I’m going to spank you for every item that doesn’t belong there and you could’ve easily put away.”
“Of course, love,” she nodded obediently, biting her lip in excitement.
She strode over to her desk, putting her hands on it and pressing her ass out a little. “Bare-assed?” She asked with a grin as he approached her.
He nodded at her with his own grin, watching as she unbuttoned her trousers, sliding them and her underpants past her ass. She moved down onto her elbows, sticking her ass out even more. “Look at you,” he slid his hand across the warm, smooth skin of her round backside. Her cunt already glistened hungrily for him. He teased a finger into the wetness, sucking it off his finger. “What would you have done if I hadn’t come home? You’re practically dripping already.”
“Probably fucked myself in my reading chair,” she looked back at him seductively, her hips swaying, begging for him to touch her again. “Or popped in on the shop for a little fun.”
“You wouldn’t wait for me to come home?” He teased her again, using two fingers this time.
“No,” she sighed. “I can’t wait.”
If her cunt could’ve sucked up his fingers, they would have, she was so hungry for him. He gave her ass a light slap.
“You need to be patient, love,” he stroked the slightly pink skin. “You could’ve waited until you finished cleaning your desk before starting a new project, yes?”
“Yes,” she pouted, pressing her ass out even further.
“And why didn’t you?” He teased a slick finger along her asshole, making it pucker.
“Because it was boring. Because I want instant gratification from doing something I like.”
“Good girl, you’re beginning to learn,” he grinned, slipping a finger in each of her holes, making her let out a little moan. She pushed her hips back against his fingers, greedily trying to take more inside her. “Now, let’s see,” he grinned, pulling his fingers out as she whimpered. “These plates of crusts and crumbs could’ve been taken down to the kitchen.” He slapped her ass a little harder, brushing his fingers across the stinging skin after. “The same with these wine glasses, they’ll need to be soaked.” Another sharp slap across her other cheek. She arched her back, biting hard into her lip, a long trail of honey running down her thigh. He loved how much she loved this.
He unbuttoned his pants, an excited breath squeaking out of her. He looked over the desk again, wanting to tease her a little more before getting his cock involved. “These books,” he stacked them one on top of the other. “The bookshelf is right next to your desk, dear.” Another sharp slap across her pale cheeks. “Nail enamel, old lyre strings, an empty tincture bottle and a half-empty one of body oil. My, my, Tav, you’ve been a very bad girl.” Four slaps across her ass, two per cheek.
“Fuck!” she grunted at the last slap, a long string of honey dangling from her sex. He knelt so he could catch it in his mouth, slurping his tongue against her lips as she trembled.
“You like being bad, don’t you?” He teased his fingers in her again, making her arch her back even more. He kissed every inch of her reddened skin, the coolness of his lips easing the sting. “It excites you.”
“I do like being bad,” she cooed, her hips wiggling slightly against his fingers. “It does excite me.”
“Good. The first step is admitting it,” he grinned, fingering her a little more, finally pulling his throbbing cock out of his pants with his free hand. He teased the head against her slick entrance, sliding the wetness up to her asshole. “You offered me this to forget about the mess, didn’t you?” He grinned, seeing the tight hole pucker at him again.
“I suppose I did,” she looked back at him hungrily. She didn’t particularly love anal herself, but she would welcome him however he wanted.
“Well then,” he added another finger inside her ass, warming her up for his thicker cock, lubricating it with some of her honey and the convenient bottle of oil she’d left. He spread her legs further apart, teasing his cock against her again before probing it in just a little. She clenched a little in anticipation, holding in her breath. “Relax, love,” he didn’t push any further yet. “Let that breath out.”
She did, letting her breath out slowly, looking into his loving eyes. She knew he would never cause her any pain in pursuit of his own pleasure. She inhaled deeply and then let it out slowly as he eased a little deeper into her tight hole. “Good girl,” he praised her, satisfied with this depth for now, sliding slowly in and out of her.
“Gods,” she trembled, gripping her fingers into the desk. It wasn’t as pleasurable as him inside her cunt, but the fullness of him inside her was a sensation of its own.
Each slow thrust she eased a little more, allowing him more of her depth, until his balls finally met her thighs. “Fuck, you’re so tight,” he quivered against her as she took all his cock. He leaned against her, circling his hips inside her, the hand not guiding her hips rubbing across her clit.
“I need you,” she whimpered as he eased back to thrusting against her, her clit pounding. “I need you to fill every inch of me.”
“I’m going to fill you so full of cum, you’ll taste it in your throat,” he increased his pace a little, still being as gentle with her as possible.
“Yes, please, oh fuck,” she writhed against his hand on her clit, a short little climax squeezing out of her as he fucked her ass.
“You feel so good,” he moaned, his balls slapping gently against her soaked cunt.
“Please,” she breathed heavily, her climax flushing across her face. “I want to watch your cock fuck my ass.”
He smiled and eased out of her completely, her asshole gaping and still hungry for him. She grinned happily, kicking off her trousers, flipping over, and sitting on the edge of the desk so he could lift her hips. She gripped the edge with her fingers as he did, taking a sloppy kiss from his lips as he leaned over her. “Do you need a break? Water?” His tongue engulfed hers. He also knew her asshole didn’t offer much to her own pleasure and wanted to make sure she was still enjoying herself.
“Mmm,” she kissed his mouth again, leaning back and bracing herself. “I want to taste you in my throat,” she grinned, splaying her stockinged legs widely.
He grinned devilishly back at her, taking his cock back in his hand. He teased it against her entrance again, coating the head with more of her honey. She watched as he slid every inch back into her slowly. He guided her hips with one hand, returning the other to her clit, returning slowly to his previous pace. They grunted and moaned as he fucked her ass again, the tightness of her hole bringing his climax quickly, his balls vibrating against the desk as he filled her with his seed in one last thrust and groan. He kept himself inside her, looking into her eyes as she trembled, another climax ready if he pressed harder onto her clit. He pressed and rubbed her, ready to feel her muscles clench against him. “Fuck,” she squirmed, her filled asshole joined by a few of his fingers inside her cunt. “Oh fuck. I love you so fucking much,” she writhed, her legs bobbling wildly as she came again, her cries echoing up to the roof, her high pitched breaths following. “Fuck,” she sighed and slumped back against the desk, the top shelf digging her upper back. “You’re amazing.” His softening cock finally slipped out of her ass along with his cum, joining the puddle on the floor underneath them.
“I love you, even sitting among this mess,” he leaned over and kissed her deeply, gently rubbing her thighs. “Was that alright? Can I get you anything?”
“A bigger desk, for more mess,” she laughed, nipping his nose playfully with her teeth. “That was so amazing, love. I’m glad you came home when you did.”
“Me too,” he continued to massage and caress her, starting her aftercare. “I’m going to put you in a bath now and then perhaps we can go desk shopping at dusk, after we clean this all up of course. I’d like some space to be able to do some designing at home. Deal?”
“Deal,” she smiled.
He slid his fingers down her thighs, hooking them at the tops of her stockings, pulling them down her legs so he could get her fully undressed. He kissed her calves, the glistening of her cunt still distracting him. “One more, darling?” He asked, kneeling in front of her, licking his lips. He didn’t take her ass often and was always overly gracious when he did. He also hated seeing all that honey going to waste.
“Really?” She grinned, climbing off the desk, so the shelf wasn’t digging into her back. He almost always managed at least two out of her, three or above if he thought she needed more.
“It’s the time to start pampering you, my sweet, with our little elf growing inside you.” He tickled his fingers up her calves, planting kisses on her knees.
“As long as you still treat me like a dirty little slut from time to time too,” she grinned, planting a leg over his shoulder, offering him full access to her juicy cunt.
“Oh, I intend to breed you every night until you start to show,” he grinned, burying his face between her legs. He lapped up her sweet honey, catching a bit of his salty cum with it. “Do you know how to make salty honey tarts?” He grinned, his sympathy cravings returning again.
“I do,” she giggled as he left sucking kisses around her clit. “Something else you want to sample?” If he didn’t swallow any of the solid cravings he tasted, his stomach would cooperate for the most part.
“Mmmhmm,” he took another generous lap of her cunt.
“Can you…mmm,” she moaned as his mouth engulfed her, taking a handful of his curls in her fingers. “Oh…can you wait until…fuck…until Halsin gets here? Gods damn you. Uh. Fresh honey…tastes best and he..oh he always brings some…ohh.” She braced herself against the desk again as his tongue ravaged her. “Oh, Astarion, fuck, Gods,” she quivered as she came again, squeezing out a last river of honey into his mouth.
“It does taste best. I suppose I can wait,” he smiled up at her, his mouth and chin covered in her. She bent down to kiss him, pulling his face up, tasting a bit of herself on his lips.
“Did I mention that I love you?” She pinched his rosy cheeks. He got so pink when he was excited.
“When you were coming the second time,” he smiled. “Though I never mind when you repeat yourself.”
“I love you for the first one too then,” she kissed his forehead, smoothing the curls she’d mussed as she’d come. “Very ready for that bath now,” she stretched, pulling her shirt over her head. He stood up and pulled at the bow of her cotton bodice, loosening the top so she could slip it off as well. She tossed it onto her desk where she’d left her shirt, knowing he would chastise her for more clutter. Instead he circled his hands around her breasts, cupping them gently.
“Are you tender yet?” He asked, brushing his thumbs across her nipples. “They are already the slightest bit swollen.”
“Oh are you a pregnancy expert now?” her face blushed. They were a little tender.
“I borrowed a book from the nursery while we were at the enclave yesterday,” he planted a little kiss on each excited nub. “Your milk won’t come for a few more months. I’m going to have to make you a whole new wardrobe.”
“Thank you Dr. Ancunin,” She teased and gave him a gentle peck on the cheek.
“Take down your hair so I can wash it,” he requested as she headed towards the ladder to the ground floor. “I’ll get your bath started.”
She climbed down the ladder, padding to the kitchen naked to look for a snack, pulling at her messy braid. He went to the bathroom to start her bath, pulling out some bottles for cleansing her hair, scrubbing her feet, and softening her face. She would be getting a full spa day experience, he decided. He took a moment to wash his cock, the post-cum tenderness gone for it. Given their shared libidos, it would be in use soon enough. He rolled up his sleeves, testing the water temperature of the copper tub with his hand. She lingered in the doorway, chewing on a bit of dried fruit. “You’re spoiling me,” she patted his head lovingly. He was sat on a stool beside the tub, his tray of bottles set out and ready for her.
“No more than you do me,” he gently caressed her leg again.
They loved to bathe one another or together. It was a place to be naked and vulnerable and taken care of. He began to cup water over her skin after she’d climbed in, caressing her softly. He’d learned so much from her own care of him. Being able to do the same for her made him incredibly happy. “Dunk your hair please, my love,” he asked. His strict routines for her, keeping her on task and schedule just scratched that little itch of control that he needed after a lifetime with only compulsions from his master.
He massaged some shampoo into her wet hair, sudsing her copper locks and cleansing her scalp. “Mmm,” she let out a sigh as his fingers tingled her head. “Any more pregnancy facts you can share?” She grinned. She was pleased he was as invested enough in this pregnancy to be both informed and have sympathy symptoms, despite the fact they wouldn’t be keeping the child. They were almost certain Halsin would want to raise it, but they still had to prepare for the possibility.
“You might notice some hair loss,” he replied, motioning for her to dunk her head again to wash away the shampoo. “But you have plenty of it.”
“What if I go completely bald?”
“I will shine up your little head until even I can see my reflection,” he teased, moving on to her facial. He swiped the blue-tinted mask across her skin, leaving it to dry and moved behind the tub to massage her neck and shoulders. She hunched and craned her neck during her work so often, her muscles were always tight here. “You’ll be in here, a lot, between morning sickness and bladder pressure later on. So you’d better help me keep it tidy.”
“But I’ll be pregnant,” she whined playfully.
“You’ll be more emotional…than usual,” he teased, moving down to her feet as she made a face at him. He scrubbed them one at a time, massaging her soles and flexing and pulling her toes a little. “You might feel a little more stiff and sore, so you need to go easy with all your little acrobatics.”
“The wheelbarrow was probably how I got pregnant,” she grinned, the memory of both Halsin and Astarion holding her legs aloft, filling her with cum, making her stir yet again. “What about the extra horniness?”
“Throughout the duration, dear,” he bit into his lip deviously.
“The neighbors will be sure to complain again then,” she laughed as his fingers tickled her foot slightly.
“Are your feet ticklish too?” His smile twisted, his fangs showing even more. He hadn’t tickled her into a fit of giggles for a while.
“No…” she lied, knowing what that smile was thinking. “Don’t you dare.”
He seized on her immediately, tickling her soles with his fingers, making her kick her feet.
Water splashed everywhere, but he didn’t care. She was already getting pulled out of the tub eventually so she could ride him on the floor. The extra horniness was one of his most prominent sympathy symptoms too. He tickled his way up her body, his shirtsleeves soaked. She laughed and thrashed against him, yelling “but my weak pregnancy bladder!”
He relented when he reached her head, pulling her in for a kiss as she caught her breath. She pulled at his shirt, desperate to get it off. “Nine months of this?” She bit her lip as he peeled his wet shirt off, seeing the hunger in her eyes as well. He hurriedly spread a towel out for them as she climbed out of the tub, pressing him to the floor and straddling him. Her wet fingers pawed at his pants, eager for the bulge inside them. He took control of his buttons with a grin.
“Can you wipe the mask off, dear, so I don’t feel like I’m getting fucked by a drow?”
“You wouldn’t fuck Drizzt?” She teased, reaching for a small towel.
“Who wouldn’t?”
“But I am Lolth’s Chosen,” she did her best impression of Minthara’s gravely voice, wiping the mask away. Her skin was bright and radiant underneath, bringing out her freckles a little more. “You’re going to fill me full of your sticky webs and put even more children in me.”
“Alright, I want a divorce,” he joked as he made a face at her. Without even a lick of the tip, as she normally did, she managed his entire length in one quick motion of her head, angling her throat to take what couldn’t fit in her mouth. She pulled her lips slowly back, leaving a long trail of saliva on her chin as she looked up a him.
“I think all the retching has made me lose my gag reflex temporarily,” she grinned. “Still want a divorce?”
He didn’t have time to answer, the moan he made as she swallowed him again sounding more like a second marriage proposal. She sucked him until he was trembling, then climbed back up his body, mounting him without another word. This was a quick and urgent fuck, no prolonged teasing aside from her mouth. Their long, drawn out sessions were great, but sometimes they just needed to fuck. She grinded on him in a dizzying rhythm, her wet hair slapping against her skin. The soaked towels underneath them squished, as his cock swirled around her wet cunt, the wet sounds punctuated by their moans. They spoke and talked dirty during their longer forays, helping him stay present and active with her. These quickies they just listened to their bodies, moans, and breaths. They knew each other too well.
Her sharp, urgent breaths told him she was close, but needed something more, so he thrusted his hips against her a little harder. She squeezed a little more as he slid out of her, keeping his cock engaged and milking his climax closer to hers. Her flurry of swears, meant she was now there, her body going slightly slack as her head swam. Her high pitched cries told him he’d gotten her g-spot too. She collapsed onto his chest as he pulled her hips down, filling her with his seed again with guttural cries. They snuggled happily together despite the cold tile floor, slowing their breaths together. She nuzzled up his neck, reaching his lips for another kiss. “Do you think one thousand orgasms during this entire pregnancy is a reasonable goal?”
“For both or just you?” He grinned. She raised her eyebrow at him like he didn’t need to ask. “With Halsin’s help?” He smirked, pulling her in for another kiss before they dried off and set to work cleaning the messes they’d made. “Very likely.”
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vacantgodling · 1 year
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re. about
ren (or rimz for cool kids). he/him. twenty five. black. queer. neurodivergent.
i'm redoing this because i'm losing steam (thanks work) and i'm pulling back on a lot of projects to mostly focus on things that make me personally happy. as is the nature of my brain, i will still jump back and forth between projects when i lose the flow for another, but i’ve narrowed my important wips down to just three main ones. other projects are currently being shelved, or put to the side as half baked ideas that i still need to keep in the oven before i introduce them to anyone formally.
(so if you don’t see a wip listed in the wips tab, it’s either shelved indefinitely or i want to work on it on my own for a bit. you can ask me about my other wips if you know/remember them but i can’t guarantee i’ll answer about them at this time. this also doesn’t mean i won’t ramble about them when i feel like it.)
important sideblogs = no pressure to follow just fyi
@babylonsfalling -> all my fandom and other nonsense goes here
@todazzlingreading -> this is a personal checklist for things i want to read by y’all that i don’t have time or spoons to get to at the moment i see it. once i read a post there i’ll delete it from that blog and rb it over here with any comments in the tags :3
to find my art commissions, please look here: https://www.tumblr.com/vacantgodling/715216537870532608/commissions-are-open
re. disclaimers / interaction
i mainly write fantasy; it’s a broad overarching label that covers all of my interests and it’s my first love in writing. horror and horror adjacent elements always make an appearance in my works. i emphasize complex mlm relationships and male leads, and romance is a great love of mine as you’ll notice from the king of my current wips. worldbuilding is also a great love of mine. i also love writing smut and talking about my characters having sex.
as such some disclaimers: following me is a very much curate your own experience. i don’t want to hold back talking about adult and mature themes so if you’re uncomfortable with anything i talk about i’d just suggest you unfollow lol nothing personal.
i’m open to asks and talking about anything but there’s no pressure. anons are always cool. i’m probably not gonna do writing based tag games too too much bc writing has been nonexistent lately but character asks or ramble ones i will do :)
also, as a personal ask: please do not refer to any of my characters as babygirl or girlie(s). shit makes me squick thanks.
re. main wips
linked are the main tags & once i finish the wip intros for paramour and tcol (revamping them) i’ll link them as well. feel free to ask to be on the taglist for any of these (i’m going to do better with these) — taglists will be activated for all writing and official posts. this won’t include ask games or random babbling.
PARAMOUR || “saved” from an imminent social death through arranged marriage, HYACINTHUS SHRAPNEL is whisked away to The Chateau aux Aisles D’or, where an unlikely sexual relationship with his butler AMON leads to far more than he bargained for.
THE CHRONICLES OF LATHSBURY (check out the crash course HERE) || The Aegean Guild of Explorers, led by the mysterious newcomer to Lathsbury Madja Fandel welcomes its newest contingent after the guild bid: PIPER FAIRWIND a MBW with a fighting spirit and desire for money and glory, DEUX UNDERSHIELD a naive protector seeking answers for her brother’s spurn, SANDRA “SAN” DEARBORN a vicious hunter with a chip on their shoulder, CLEAR BRIGHTENDALE a medic with a host of dark secrets, and FORTE SYMPHONIA a ranger seeking his own destiny, are as ready as they’ll ever be to enter the fray, to conquer the mysterious and dangerous LABYRINTH. Forces that have been in motion since before their lives even began are finally reaching their peak, and the five of them will have to use everything they’ve learned and then some to stay alive.
re. navigation
talking -> musings and personal thoughts
about renjamin -> insight to me / who i am
ren analysis -> when i get meta about my wips
ren mix -> a treasure trove of my music taste
ren polls -> any polls i make
ren reads -> for my ramblings and analysis as i try to get back into books
friends tag -> talking with friends or boosting my friends work
others work -> boosting other writeblrs work
hall of fame -> praise / things that make me happy that i want to keep
ren writing -> all of my writing in one place
ren poems -> all of my poems in one place
ren fic -> all of my fandom related writing in one place
ren art -> all my art
q eh you eh -> queue
sex mention -> tag for any sexual content.
worldbuilding -> all of my worldbuilding notes across all my wips
find the word tag -> for this game specifically so i can find it
last line tag -> for this game specifically so i can find it
ren hot cakes -> specifically for my overly opinionated opinions
writing recap -> tracking my writing journey so i can hold myself accountable
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