#finally brave enough to put this stuff out in the world (I kinda did on discord too but)
tired-reader-writer · 11 months
I finally got some concrete details nailed down for my Ascendance of a Bookworm OC and the AU she's in, the AU features queerplatonic aroace-ish Ferdinand/OC with Myne as their adoptive daughter born in Werkestock, and Benno as a broke-ass Werkestock merchant due to the economy being wrecked by the civil war.
I'll put it under the cut:
Horaia was born in the Adalgisa Palace as one half of a twin set— the other half being a boy that looked just like her. Due to their mother having given birth to twins, their mana level was lower than was expected of the offspring of the flowers there, and so to compensate for the lower quality feystone her brother would produce, and because she too didn't have quite enough mana to be considered up to snuff to be either a collateral royal or a flower, it was decided that she would be raised as a seed and her feystone be shipped together with her brother's.
She recovered memories of her past life during this childhood in the Palace, or was supposed to, but due to being exposed to trug constantly her head was a mess and that affected the memory recovery process— she doesn't remember in the sense that Myne does, rather it's... fragmented. Hazy. Something familiar deep down on a gut instinct level but doesn't know why. She craves for things she doesn't know the name or shape of, the clack-clack-clack of the keyboard as she typed, even if she can't remember what a keyboard or a laptop is. Her instincts, reflexes, her morality, they're influenced by her past life but she doesn't know for sure where these instincts or moral compass are coming from. She'd do or say something and then be like “wait why'd I do that”. Though that level of awareness would only come after she's away from the Palace, while being stuck inside it and constantly inhaling trug her ability to tell whether she is [REDACTED] or Novem is severely compromised, and so she... floats through the days as [REDACTED] rather than the child she is supposed to be. As I'm assuming the Adalgisa Seeds are raised communally (if that's not the case in canon I'll just say this is an AU thing) “Novem” has the opportunity to... befriend? develop a potentially codependent dynamic? with Quinta, the boy taking solace in the “imaginary world” and “made-up stories” Novem would tell.
Things get spicy when the girl's twin, the other half of the singular “Novem”, somehow ropes the girl half into killing him and absorbing his feystone. Granted, the children didn't know for sure it would work, just that if they're gonna die anyways there's nothing to lose anymore and if he is to die then he wanted it to be by his sister's hand. So... she did. While her mental capabilities were hella compromised under trug. And somehow took her brother's feystone and swallowed it whole, basically cannibalizing her twin brother. The stone was actually absorbed into her, and the consequence of that was...
A surge of mana, his blending with hers, almost enough to kill her spontaneously, and... and inherited memories.
They won't be whole, of course. This was a very crude way of pulling this off, and in the end the girl is unable to tell who died and who survived— whether this current consciousness is the one that killed or the one that was killed taking dominance in the subsequent fever, whether she was the one who reincarnated or her brother was. Hell of an identity crisis.
Eventually Aub Ahrensbach, Gieselfried, takes her out of the villa just as Quinta (Ferdinand) was by Aub Ehrenfest, Adelbert. The reasoning I haven't pinned down yet, but the tentative one I have so far is that because she displayed the abilities beyond what an seed of Adalgisa should possess (I doubt they were taught or educated, seeing as they're supposed to be products, born to die, born to be export feystones). She is baptized as the first wife's (who is from Drewenchel) daughter.
Though Gieselfried likely thought he was bringing a son home only to realize that nope, that a girl my dude.
Horaia's gender identity shenanigans (and by the Seven does she got gender identity shenanigans) will be explored later perhaps in another post. For now though I'll just use she/her.
Horaia and Ferdinand reunite as first years in the Royal Academy, and whoopsie-doopsie their codependency might've ratcheted up to an eleven. Basing this on my own experiences as a child stuck inside a... shitty family and household with no escape in sight, the thing that gave me solace was stories. My grandmother's stories about her time spent in Russia, stories found in books, stories found in myths and comics and all that bullshit. It was a bit like escapism. I asked my grandma to tell me about her time in Russia again and again because it gave me comfort— that was the base inspiration for the early dynamic between Ferdinand (or rather, Quinta) and Horaia (or Novem) back when they were still stuck in the Adalgisa Palace, just Quinta taking comfort in the picture Novem's stories painted. And then they both escaped (as outlined above) and... well. Ten-year-old Ferdie isn't gonna be as much of a callous hard-ass shutting everyone out as thoroughly or harshly as his adult self, and so... well. They end up latching onto each other al la Ducky Syndrome™ and it's only reinforced by the time they spent together year-round at the Royal Academy without going home.
(The original plan was for her to be an archnoble not an archduke candidate so that she could more easily marry into Ehrenfest without being vetoed by Sylvester's parents for fear of Ferdinand obtaining a better match than their son so I made her take the scholar and knight courses because it made sense for her character— someone who's really interested in the scholarly pursuits like history and magic but loves moving her body loves being athletic to some degree both from the influences of her past life where she wanted to be a writer and historian and played volleyball in high school and while ditter isn't volleyball it's the closest thing to athletes they got in the academy but then I overhauled the AU and now Ferdinand is the one marrying into Ahrensbach to an archduke candidate so uh I accidentally made Horaia take three courses???? Whoops. But it makes sense for her character so I'm not gonna change it, even if it makes her a little OP. Yolo, booyah! )
Oh yes.
She is a ditter-head.
Dunkelfelger loooooves her.
“Wanna ditter?” “FUCK YES LET'S DITTER”
It's to the point Dunk wanted both her and Ferdinand in the duchy, and so they wrestled two betrothals: Ferdinand to Magdalena, Horaia to Werdekraft buuuuut we all know what Magdalena did so Ferdinand's betrothal was cut off.
And since one of the reasons why Horaia accepted marriage into Dunk was because Ferdinand's safety would be guaranteed and she can keep an eye on him better (remember, codependent ), she declares groom-taking ditter on Ehrenfest and wins, securing a betrothal to Ferdinand instead.
Groom-taking because Ferdinand consented.
Again, codependent.
And that's how Ferdinand marries into Ahrensbach.
They decide to go check on Werkestock because the place is in shambles and y'know, doesn't the Temple help w that??
So they go to the Temple (mostly Horaia's idea tbh) and help around with filling the land w mana via chalices or whatever
And accidentally stumble upon Werkestock's Foundation whoops dunno what its consequence is yet but it happened
Somewhere along the line Myne regains her memories and is going on a paper/craft/food rampage as one does, which catches Horaia's attention when she's downtown under disguise as a young man.
Don't ask. Or do. I did say she's got some gender identity shenanigans going on here.
So Myne gets adopted! This time willingly (Horaia convinced and explained stuff to her, this is relevant to the AU's themes and shit but my brain is starting to shut down so it'll have to be a topic for another day) and without the contract that bars her family from treating her as theirs. They regularly meet up in secret.
Much of Horaia and Myne's bond would be built on the fact that they make each other feel... a little less alone, if that makes sense. Less alone in their grief, less alone in the yearning for a home you can never go back to, less alone in having to cope with the dissonance between your previous world and this one. Solace in the fact that, despite how they most likely didn't grow up in the same society (Horaia is unlikely to have been Japanese, even if I have yet to decide where she's from) there's still someone who knows. What has become utterly meaningless in Yurgenschmidt isn't so worthless or meaningless to each other. A lot of “Well this matters. To me.” bouncing back and forth between each other. Someone who can at least partially understand what Myne is on about and how she differs from Yurgenschmidt nobility's paradigms, where she's coming from, and attempt to bridge the gap.
They're also horrid little gremlins undoing each other's domestication and enabling each other's nonsense, much to Ferdinand's vast dismay.
Meanwhile Ehrenfest may or may not be imploding. You tell me.
Little things about Horaia's past life:
She wanted to become a novelist and a historian. Has a lot of Feels™ about both of her interests.
Had a totally healthy (lying) appreciation for libraries.
She was younger than Urano Motosu when she died.
She submitted one of her drafts/manuscripts to a publisher, but died before she got a response back.
She feels that her writing and the story style she does probably wouldn't be appreciated in Yurgenschmidt and that... bothers her more than she'd admit.
Horaia is Ahrensbach's current Knight Commander.
Myne is also on the aroace spectrum in this AU. Fight me bro (don't actually, I just got out of another fight on this matter and I'm tired okay?)
Myne's noble name in this AU is something different, I'm liking “Enheduanna” a priestess and the first known author in Earth history iirc, but we'll see if I find another one I like.
And here we have a sample writing thing from Horaia's POV while stuck in Adalgisa Palace :3
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livvyofthelake · 5 months
what were the biggest differences btwn the book + the movie and did you feel like there were parts the movie did better than the book + vice versa 😋
girl from the summer i turned pretty tiktok sound voice oh my gosh i love this question!!!!!! ok. obviously the MAJOR difference between the novel and the film are the like. tenses with which the story is presented. and by that i mean the book is very past tense and reflective where the movie is very present tense and focused on the ephemeral moment. which is SO AWESOME btw. literally genius choice for adapting. many are not brave enough to do such a thing but thank god luca guadagnino was of our world would look very different. could you imagine if that movie came out and we had to read all that discourse for a movie that was also BAD? like i’m always saying this but at least no matter what we can always look back on that horrible era for being online and think well at least the movie wasn’t bad. but it could have been Very Very bad. can i drop a horrible piece of trivia on you all. actually i don’t know if we’re ready for that nevermind. anyway we move on. so the initial idea for the film was to have a narrator and i cannot even express how glad i am they didn’t do that. i think it makes the performances so much better that they did it all without the crutch of narration. which is not to say narration is always bad but in a lot of book to movie adaptations it really is a crutch and it sucks a lot of the time and it would have sucked a lot here so i’m glad the movie took the approach it did. like. in a book you can get into the protagonist’s mind a bit easier than with a movie but i think the movie makes it easy by really grounding the story in the moment. it’s summer and the world is beautiful and people are hard to connect with and it’s scorching outside but water is suddenly the best thing you’ve ever tasted in your life!! it’s a good movie guys trust me i wouldn’t lie to you. and i don’t even like armie hammer (me and my 12 year long beef i will never let go of. i don’t even know what’s happened with the man recently i know there was some kind of Cancellation or whatever but i don’t even care. he was cancelled to ME already before his career ever even meant anything). who narrated the audiobook which i listened to btw. so we’re all aware of the direness of the situation and just how forgiving and saintly i am. he unfortunately did kinda slay the audiobook it must be said. as much as it pains me to say.
as for other differences. a huge one to me is that in the book when elio cums in that peach oliver literally eats it. the movie was LAME AS FUCK for only having him joke about eating it. literally make him put that thing in his mouth i’m not kidding. another one is how the movie did part three and four, essentially cutting a lot of it for the sake of keeping the story present which we already talked about. but also there was just a lot of crap that happened in those sections that was boring and i liked that the movie was just like yeah they went to rome <3 like real say less! and the goodbye scene in the movie was also muchhh better for the movie i feel… i understand why the book didn’t get into it, because it was meant to feel like they weren’t actually saying goodbye and felt they would in many ways always be with each other if only in memory or whatever. but i liked the finality of it in the movie being this whole Event and he has to call his mom to pick him up from the train station bringing you back down to the crushing reality that he’s still only 17 and despite getting to like play grown up for the summer with oliver he literally still has to go back to high school in a month and he’s sad and he wants to call his mom to take him home… like that was crazy stuff wowie… i love it when timothee chalamet cries in a car. you guys should watch hot summer nights. it’s a terrible movie <3 i digress.
ANOTHER change i wanna talk about is that frankly the movie never gave misogyny vibes to me with how it treated the women in the story. where the book. well i said this earlier but. i don’t think andré cared about any of those women he wrote. elio’s mother in the book is so nothing and i loved how the film made her more of an active participant in both her son’s life and her own marriage. like she’s not perfect and she was never the weirdly omniscient figure her husband is but she’s presented in the film as very loving and kind and real where the book i swear literally forgets she exists. and then there’s marzia, elio’s sort of girlfriend sort of friend. it’s complicated. it’s not like he ever cheated on her that would imply they had an exclusive relationship understanding that was literally never real. that being said her involvement in the book was like. purely sexual and it was odd. now. this is a book about sex in many ways that must be acknowledged like. elio is like. incredibly horny the entire time and he’s so fucking annoying about it and i love him dearly. but marzia is reduced to a Female Body in a way oliver is never quite reduced to a Male Body and it comes off strange. like oh my god elio we get it you’re bisexual shut UP people like you are why people are biphobic jesus christ. that was a joke but also so real. marzia’s involvement in the movie is a lot more like. she’s a person with her own inner life. which i love naturally because it literally makes a narrative more interesting and juicy when the side characters are also human beings. not all men understand this.
my FAVORITE change from book to movie however. the “is it better to speak or to die” scene…. here’s the rundown. there’s a book elio reads about a princess and a knight who are friends but also in love, and she asks him “is it better to speak or to die?” wondering if he would rather die in peace and honor before getting to experience the love story they could share, or speak the truth and face consequences but finally have it known that he loves her and maybe get to experience even a brief moment of being truly known and loved. you guys all get it. you must submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known to get the rewards of being loved!! anyway so elio reads this book and then talks about it with oliver as a subtle reference to what’s between them as friends with the potential to be more. this is like an act one scene btw i should have clarified that earlier but you understand. anyway in the book it’s just that elio reads this book and tells oliver about it and then they spend the day together inching towards Talking About The Implications before they finally get into it. in the movie the book is read TO elio by his mother, which functionally changes nothing about the plot but EYE like way more because we get elio saying to her “i’d never have the courage to ask such a question” and then we cut to him trying to ask it but skirting around it and using the pretense of just making conversation about a book… also i think the movie’s way of doing that whole deal goes harder because we actually get to see oliver react to it. where the book is very elio focused the movie can have a lingering shot on oliver’s face as he reacts to what elio says from ten feet behind him… it’s my favorite part in the movie genuinely but it was kinda lame in the book… if it had been shot in a way that lent itself to the timeless video it would have been in the timeless video but alas :( like that scene is the whole reason they made it into the timeless video for real…. like IS it better to speak or to die!!??? let’s get into it!!!
something i liked about the book though that’s not in the movie is the inclusion of this character who’s like a little girl that lives near them. and she has like cancer or some horrible illness sorry to her i do not remember but she was friends with oliver, and frankly it made him in the beginning so much easier to forgive for the way he acts there. to be fair this was intentional she’s literally written to personify his redeeming qualities in the midst of elio’s hatred in the earlier stages. where the movie didn’t need her because film has the ability to show things a book can’t. but i liked having her hanging around :) her bailey the sisterhood of the traveling pants realness!
i probably have more to say but these are the big things i’m thinking of right now and this is already so long wow. i literally TOLD y’all i was gonna have boatloads of shit to talk about !!!
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flareish · 3 years
kuroo x reader
summary: you hide your anxiety from basically everyone including your boyfriend, until he finds out for himself
genre: hurt/comfort
warnings: Emetophobia Warning! description of nausea/vomit, anxiety, bit of angst but ends in fluff
word count: 2.0k
a/n: I tried to make this as close to my anxiety since I hadn’t known anyone with my kind of anxiety(symptom wise) until I was seventeen, which was a good ways into when I realized I had anxiety. So here is some nausea anxiety representation!
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You tap your fingers in a mindless rhythm. Alternating the fingers and repeating them back and forth, trying to make it a game, a challenge. You did this over and over again to distract yourself from that all too familiar sinking feeling. That feeling like your stomach has managed to twist and knot itself a million times. Each bump of the bus made acid crawl up your throat. You crunched a mint in your mouth hoping the peppermint would soothe some of the nausea. It didn’t, but the thought was there. You just will yourself not to throw up on the bus, anything but that. The thought in itself makes you even more nervous, and in turn even sicker.
You don’t even know why you are anxious. Today is Kuroo’s big game, but it isn’t yours. You’ve been to a hundred of his games before but never before did you feel like this. Normally you get cute little butterflies, not an angry swarm of bees. The worst part is, there is Kuroo sat next to you happy as can be, completely oblivious. He keeps trying to drag you into conversations but you fear if you open your mouth for too long, all that will come up is vomit. So you keep your mouth firmly closed only smiling tightly or shaking your head at his prompts.
It's not exactly his fault though. He doesn’t actually know you have anxiety. It’s not something you really like to talk about. You are all for promoting the acceptance of mental health but you just find every time you tell someone the dynamic changes. Either they flat out don’t believe you since you “don’t seem like the type with anxiety”. Well duh, I don’t have social anxiety, I have situational anxiety. Like here in this situation. That or they suddenly treat me like I am incapable of handling myself. That whenever a slightly stressful event comes up, I am going to melt into a puddle of pure anxiety. Sorry but I’ve made it this far, I may have to throw up a few times on the way but I am still making it. 
So you just haven’t told Kuroo. You're just nervous that it will change the dynamic. You also don’t want to steal his spotlight. Today is supposed to be all about him. It's his big game. To suddenly speak up and tell him that his game is giving you anxiety would be selfish. So like you always have, you put a brave face on and face it head-on.
“Hey, are you okay?” Kuroo asks you, now facing you, “You look a little pale.”
“Hmm?,” You also turn to look at him, “Oh I am just a bit tired that’s all. I will be fine in an hour or so.” You hope at least. He nods relieved it's not something worse. 
You finally pull into the stadium and everyone is pushing their way off the bus. Luckily Kuroo is right by you to make sure you don't get accidentally pushed down the bus stairs and trampled. The team makes it’s to the bulletin board where they are given their matchups. Nekoma is paired with a pretty hard team. Suddenly, out of nowhere, you dry heave. You knew at the point you were going to throw up and within the next few minutes. 
“Hey I think I left something in the bus I’ll be right back.” You say to Kuroo before dashing off. He goes to reply but you are already gone. 
You make it around the back of the building before you throw up. At this point you’re kinda out of it, your mind is occupied on emptying your already empty stomach. Then you feel someone pull your hair back and gently rub your back. You don’t even have to look up to know it’s Kuroo. When you finish he hands you his water bottle.  You waterfall it and rinse your mouth out of that acidic taste. 
“What’s going on are you okay?” Kuroo asks full of concern. You hesitate for a moment, thinking of telling the truth. Then you remember this is supposed to be his day. 
“Sorry I must have caught a stomach bug.” He doesn’t completely buy it so you quickly add to it.
“I didn't feel great on the bus but I just thought it was because I was tired.” You feel bad lying, “I also don’t want to distract you before your game.” At that Kuroo quickly pulls you into a hug, “Your not a distraction, I just want to make sure you’re okay.” Your cheek is pressed against his chest and your hands grip the front of his shirt. 
“We should probably head back.” You mumble.
“Yeah.” He leans down to kiss you but you duck away. He looks incredibly offended and hurt at this.
“Dude I just threw up I don’t know if you want to do that.” 
The two of you head back inside to the team, you feeling much better after throwing up. Before you know it, the competition has begun and Nekoma has won. You run down and celebrate with the team and it’s a happy day.
On the bus ride home Kuroo has a strange energy about him. Not like he’s mad more just like he’s just realized something. You nudge him and smile hoping to break him out of his little funk. He immediately smiles back and goes back to celebrating with the team. His reaction was almost like putting a mask on. You watch him for a moment before slipping into a conversation of your own.
When you make it back to school you go your separate ways. Him going to shower, and you to get home before it gets too late. A big hug before pushing away. You still refusing to kiss him after throwing up earlier in the day. 
You are laying on your bed, exhausted. Anxiety really takes a toll on your energy. Your thoughts are broken when your phone chimes with a text.  Leaning over to grab your phone off your bedside table you see it is from Kuroo. 
“Can you come over? I want to talk.”
No cute pet names. No slowly easing into it. Actually using proper grammar. Nothing in that message was a good sign. Just “I want to talk” was enough to make the acid begin to crawl again. You knew it had to be about today. Especially after you saw him zoning out on the bus. It had to be your anxiety episode. You knew he wouldn’t be happy you lied but going to this extent. Like he just found out you have anxiety and this is what he hits you with? The world’s most nerve-wracking text message. The only worse place than this would be “we need to talk”. That’s when you have really screwed up. So maybe you’ve only minorly screwed up since he said want not need. Does that mean you have the choice to say no? That was kind of tempting but you knew you would be tossing and turning all night thinking about what might be wrong. 
“Okay.” You reply to the text. Short and sweet. Putting on some shoes and grabbing a hoodie, you quietly slip out of your house. Kuroo’s house wasn’t too far but it was far enough. Enough to continue to stir in your intrusive and unstoppable thoughts. You eventually make it to his house and head in going straight for his room. Before you reach the door you hesitate and gather yourself. Preparing for whatever was about to come. 
When you go in you find Kuroo sat on the floor of his bedroom, back pressed against the bed. He jerkily looks up and you and gives you a tight smile. None of this is giving good signs. Something is very heavy on his mind. You sit down across from him, your back against the wall your feet almost touching. 
“So what was it you wanting to talk about.” You break the silence. He doesn’t respond for a moment. Just as you are about to try again he speaks up.
“Do you still love me?” Your face drops into confusion.
“Why wouldn’t I love you anymore?” You ask, suddenly realizing this wasn’t the conversation you were prepping yourself for. 
“You’ve been distant lately. You don’t tell me things like when you don’t feel good. I thought about it when I got home and I was wondering if you weren’t actually sick but just making the excuse because you got caught.” He’s very serious at the moment and his words hold a cold edge. 
“What do you mean get caught?” You match his tone. You weren’t planning on fighting but something about how he said it just set something off in you.
“You didn’t want to be there. Ever since this morning you were quiet and reserved. Even after the game, you wouldn’t even kiss me-”
“Yeah, cause I threw up! And how could I be faking it when I literally threw up.” You snap.
“You’ve been like this before though! Like last year’s big tournament you would barely talk to me.”
“That’s not true!” Although it kind of was just not the reason he thought.
“Oh yeah? What about at training camp you wouldn’t talk to me then either, you didn’t even eat with us you just sat on your own.” He threw back.
“Yeah, cause I have anxiety!” The words left your mouth before you knew it. Kuroo looked taken back.
“What?” His brow furrows, “Since when?” He’s not sure what to believe. You’re not surprised since you have worked very hard to hide it from everyone, accidentally sabotaging your own relationship without even knowing it. 
“Since forever. I just never told anyone.” You quietly say, ducking your head down.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” You didn’t even need to look up to see the hurt on his face, it was apparent in his voice. You start playing with your finger, tapping them in rhythms.
“I wanted to,” You mumble, “But whenever I do stuff changes and I didn’t want anything to change.” He shifts forward and you think he’s going to leave. Instead, he grabs your hands, stopping the pattern you had going. You look up.
“Did you think I would judge you?” He was staring straight into you, willing the truth to come out.
“Whenever I tell people they either don’t believe me and brush it off or treat me like I’m incapable of handling any amount of stress. I’ve never seen anyone react any differently so I was scared you would fall into one of those reactions and I didn’t know how I could handle that. I didn’t want my anxiety to be the thing to tear us apart. But I guess it still was.” By the end of your speech, your gaze has returned back to the floor, unable to hold eye contact for that long with him staring at you so strongly. You hear him sigh then you are pulled forward and into his arms. 
“I want to be your pillar of support. I want to be that third reaction that is one of acceptance, one that doesn’t drive you crazy.” He strokes your hair soothingly, his words making you tear up, “When you are ready I want you to tell me everything. From when you first noticed it, to where it is now, to how you deal with it, everything.” By now you are fully crying, absolutely collapsed into his chest. “I love you so much.” It gets muffled in his shirt but he hears it.
“I know, and I love you.”
It would take some time for Kuroo to get used to this change but slowly but surely he will be different from the rest and he will support you no matter what. Although he also respects your strength and knows you can handle your anxiety on your own, he is always there when you need it. He becomes the third unexpected and unheard-of reaction; acceptance.
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daydream-disposal · 3 years
Steve is laying on his bed wearing his pyjamas, his eyes droopy and his mind hazy with tiredness but still, he insists on texting his friends. A normal tuesday, it appears.
Until suddenly, a big blue ring light starts to shine out of nowhere in the middle of his room. Steve sits on the bed, eyes wide. Suddenly a person gets out from inside the light. A boy about his height, his big honey eyes hiding behind his dark hair that was covering almost all of his freckled face. He was wearing black pants, a white button up and a coat. He looked drenched but still, he looked very handsome.
Is Steve too sleep deprived? Is he dreaming? Is he imagining this? He doesn't know.
"Oh thank god, it's you" the boy holds Steve's shoulders and kisses his cheek quickly, dropping a little device on the bed beside him.
"Um. Hello? W-who are you?" Steve freezes, trying to understand what just happened. He's not imagining it then, since the kiss felt very real. He would've blushed if the situation wasn't really scary.
"What? It's me. I guess I might look a little different, I've been traveling around for a while. Ugh my clothes are gross. I'm just gonna change real quick, okay?" the guy rambles walking to Steve's closet and opening the door. He searches for something, getting all his clothes out of the way. Steve frowns. What the fuck is this dude doing?
"Did you move my stuff again?"
"I literally don't know what you're talking about." Steve slowly gets up and walks towards the door.
"C'mon Steve, stop messing around, they were right here" he half laughs and keeps searching. A shiver goes down Steve's spine. He knows his name. Is he a spy? An alien? Is he here to harm him? Steve grabs his bat carefully and places it on his neck.
"I'd appreciate if you stopped messing with my stuff and left. I don't know who you are and why you're here! Just leave me alone!" he says with a rough voice.
Eli turns to face Steve, ready to laugh and ask 'what is this, a prank?' but his smile drops as soon as he sees Steve with the bat and a serious expression.
"Steve, calm down! It's me, your best friend, Eli Pepperjack. Do you seriously not recognize me?"
"Wrong! My best friend is Jim Lake and everybody knows that. I've never seen you before in my life!"
Steve and Jim being best friends??? Something is definitely Not Right. Eli looks around in disbelief. Now that he notices, Steve looks... younger. The room looks different too. It's the same style, but the colors are all wrong. He peeks outside the window and the street is slightly different too. Oh my god.
Did he just travelled to a parallel universe? One that Steve doesn't know him? He knew the wormhole could do that, but only on command! How did it malfunctioned so badly??
Steve adjusts his hands on the bat, getting Eli out of his thoughts.
"Wait! Wait! I can explain! I can prove that I know you!"
Steve considers, still not moving from the position he's in. The boy seems scared but somehow his eyes are shining, inviting. Steve sighs.
"Ok. Go on." he raises an eyebrow, curiously.
"Your favorite color is blue. You favorite food is pancakes. You can't have spicy food. You had a crush on Claire Nunes"
"Those are really basic and you could easily be lying. Or spying on me! And everybody had a crush on Claire!" Steve shouts, losing his patience.
"Okay, look." Eli reaches for his back pocket, taking out his wallet and handing Steve a picture of them hugging and smiling, doing the Creepslayerz hand gesture to the camera.
"You like nerdy movies like Gun Robot and Earth Invaders in secret because you don't want people to know. You don't know basic math but that's alright because you're a really great actor and you're very good at sports. Sometimes you let your insecurities get to you and that's why you act like you're superior to everyone else. But you're actually a really nice person. You care a lot about people, so much that you saved my life a thousand times before. You're funny and brave and I love you for that" Eli blurted out without even thinking.
"Wow, okay, that's scary. How is all of this possible?" He puts the bat down and stares at the picture, not believing what he's seeing.
"It's possible because I was traveling through that thing" Eli points to the wormhole device on the bed. Steve reaches it and throws it his way.
"Thanks. It's a wormhole, it's extraterrestrial technology. I've been living in another planet but I try to visit as much as I can. It malfunctioned this time. I'm guessing I ended up in a parallel universe" Eli says matter of factly, clicking the device on his hand. A blue hologram appears in front of them. Steve doesn't recognize the language on it.
"Hold up, are you telling me I'm dating an alien?"
"I literally just told you I'm from another universe and you decided to focus on that?"
"Well yeah" he shrugged.
Eli sighed, smiling.
"No, I'm human. I'm Earth's ambassador on the planet Arkiridion-5."
"Ok but are we dating...?" Steve blushes at him.
"Yes. We are."
"Oh sweet! Point for the Palchuk!" He punched the air. Eli laughs through his nose, shaking his head but still focused on the device.
"Can I ask you some questions?"
"Yeah, go on"
"How did it happen... How did we even... do it?" Steven didn't know how to ask this, but as if he was reading his mind, the brown haired boy answered quickly.
"Well, when we started getting close people just assumed. But our families are okay with it, if that's what you're asking"
"Cool. Alright." Steve knew he was bi for a long time now. He was just afraid of telling his family and friends. What if they got disappointed? What if they couldn't love him? What if he was left behind?
"How will I know if they're like this here too?" Steve asked in a quiet voice after a few seconds of silence and just the bleeping of the device.
"I'm pretty sure they love you in every universe. I know I do." Eli sinceraly stated, not even looking up. Steve had a hard time believing someone cared about him and loved him enough to say something so soft like that. He looked at the picture on his hands again. They were sharing a smile so genuine, their eyes meeting in such a sweet way, like they meant the whole world to each other.
"And how did we meet?" he leaned on the closet, crossing his arms. Eli just kept clicking away.
"At school. We didn't like each other at first, but we figured it out" he exhaled. "Took a while, but we did."
"Why? What happened?"
Eli thought about the years his Steve used to be mean at him and shove him into lockers. It was sad, but he knew there was good in him. Maybe this Steve could do it differently.
"Just... be nice."
"I am nice!" Eli stopped what he was doing, raising an eyebrow on Steve's direction. "Alright, I'll be nicer."
"Good. What year is it?"
"Woah, okay, I'm so far off." he clicked a few more times, the big blue ring light popping up in the middle of the room again.
"Wait, you're leaving already?"
"Yeah. My Steve is waiting for me at home."
"But I still have so many questions!"
"Don't worry, it's gonna be alright. Nice to meet you. I hope I see you soon." And with that, he disappeared with the light, leaving Steve alone in his room. He looks down to his hands, still holding the picture strongly. He smiles.
"I hope so too."
Steve didn't remember his name. He tried to think back but at the time he was panicking at the thought of "CUTE BOY IN MY ROOM!" and focusing too hard on the fact that said boy was from another universe. So of course his ADHD brain would forget his name.
But this didn't keep Steve from looking. He was never this excited to go to school before. He started paying more attention to his surroundings, hoping he would spot the mysterious boy somewhere.
Instead, he spotted a fight. "Just be nice" he thought. The older boys being mean to the smaller ones does seem like a good moment to be nice. Also, it was just not fair.
"Hey, why don't you pick someone your size?" Steve approached the bully, tapping him on the shoulder with his eyebrows pinched.
"Ugh. Why do you always have to ruin the party, Palchuk? You had potential but you insist on being on the wrong side" he tries to push Steve, asking for a fight. Steve scoffs and holds the boy's wrist.
"Just let them go. You know you can't win against me." The bully grunts and shakes his wrist from Steve's hold. He nods to his friends and they leave, muttering amongst themselves.
Steve turns to help the other boys out of the ground, offering a hand. The first boy refuses, getting up fast and running away. And that's when finally, Steve sees him. He looks smaller than the boy in his room, his hair is shorter and he was wearing nerdy glasses. But it was definitely him. He would recognize that smile and those eyes anywhere.
"Thanks. Steve, right?" the boy said, holding his hand and getting up. Steve was at a loss of words. He nodded, smiling.
"That was very nice of you. I'm Eli, by the way." he shook his hand. He was real and he was right here, holding hands with him. Ok, this is happening!
"Nice to meet you. That was no problem really, if you ever have any trouble with them again just tell me" Steve blunted out nervously, scratching his neck. Eli smiled, picking up his books and leaving.
"Again, Steve?" the teacher asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm starting to think you're not even trying. Go to detention!"
Steve sighs, walking with his head down in shame. But this time, when he enters the classroom he sees someone that make his eyes light up.
"Eli! Hi!" Steve sits on the table behind him, excited.
"Oh, hey Steve"
"What are you in here for?" he asks confused.
"I was breaking in. And you?" Eli says as if it's a normal occurrence.
"Woah what???"
"I was trying to study at the lab during recess."
"I didn't know that wasn't allowed"
"Well... I kinda was using their equipment to try and communicate with aliens... Which isn't allowed..." Eli says a little embarrassed.
"Oh" Steve laughs, finding the story very endearing. "So you like space, huh?"
"I do. Imagine if I got to do it. It would've been so cool!" he exclaims, and Steve has to hold back the urge to tell him about the parallel universe.
"It really would. Don't lose hope though" he winks at his direction.
Eli smiles and keeps working on his assignment.
"Y'know, I didn't expect you to be here. You're very... um... nerdy?" Steve admits after some minutes of silence.
"Oh so we're doing stereotypes? Alright, jock. Why are you here? Got into a fight?"
"What? No. I'm a nice person! I just didn't do my homework. Again."
"Because you didn't want to or...?" Eli asked confused, tilting his head. Steve had a genius idea. He felt like those cartoons when a little lamp lights up.
"I'm having a lot of trouble, actually. Are you any good with math?"
"Of course. Why?"
"What do you say you help me with homework and I help you by staying on look out when you're in the lab?"
Eli considered, as he heard the bell ring. He gathers his books and hands Steve a piece of paper before leaving.
"Sure. Text me later so we can talk about it"
"Sounds good" Steve smiled. If this went anything like he wanted to, he better start cleaning some space in his closet.
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repo-net · 2 years
Heyo Repo! I was wondering if you could write a one shot thing with Nagisa and masaru? Like how you did the Nagisa and Kotoko post.
I hate that it took me a long while to get to this request, but I finally found the right time and motivation to fulfill the idea I have for it. Sorry about the delay again! I hope you enjoy the read.
"If Monaca is still trying to do something, I want you to stop her. But please, don't be too hard on her. She's a friend. At least, she used to be."
He heard the sound of approval from the other side of the phone, and promptly gave them his thanks as he hung up, sighing as he put it away in a pocket inside of his polo, looking at the wrecked city from the hotel room he had taken refuge in, a pained and tired feeling in his eyes.
It had been some time since Nagisa and the other Warriors of Hope had been caught up in the trouble that was the Demon Hunting game. Which, funnily enough, was their own doing. They got wrapped up in their delusions that a paradise for kids really could come true, and now, the consequences hit them. They couldn't let themselves be seen unless they want to be attacked by either Monokumas or revenge-seeking adults, and the city they had used to stay in became a war grounds that was barely livable in.
As far as Nagisa was concerned, unless they were able to come up with an escape plan to somewhere far away, they were going to be gone from this world eventually. People are either going to find where they're hiding and take them where they're comfortable, or they'd run out of food and be ambushed when they're trying to scrap for resources again.
"... How'd it end up like this? Not one thing has ever gone our way, I swear..."
Nagisa placed a hand on his chin, elbow on the armrest as he felt the presence of someone walk behind him, the reflection of a boy in messy red hair and a messy state of clothes assuring him of who it is.
"Y'could say that again."
"You're back already? I thought you three had gone to go look for food and drinks? Wait, why are you so dirty and bruised?!"
It only occured to him when he turned around and saw Masaru standing before him with scratches and ragged up clothes along with Kotoko and Jataro slowly unpacking stuff out of a plastic bag in the corner of his eye in the kitchen the state the other three were in.
"Uhhh, some Monokumas went and attacked us when we found this abandoned grocery store with a bunch of canned goods and stuff. So we kinda ended up fighting a little, hehe."
"I told you already that we're in no shape to be fighting them off! Your lives are far more valuable than some near-expired tuna from the broken stores here. That was seriously reckless of you!"
"Hey, come on now! We're fine, aren't we? I mean, come on, nobody gets past the Li'l Ultimate PE teamed up with his trusty sidekicks Fighter and Priest backing him up, y'know. There were a bunch of rocks in there that I used like baseballs that I threw into their stupid robot eyes. You should've seen it! It was cool!"
"Again with this childish- ugh, whatever. What's important now is that you're alive and well. Are there any injuries that need to be treated? I told you that first-aid kit would come in handy eventually..."
The former social studies expert walked up to a shelf in the corner of the room, pulling out a first-aid kit and looking for bandages and disinfectants, though noticing a needle as part of the kit did make him feel a little uneasy. He'd hide that feeling of uncomfortableness though.
"I don't feel that bad, to be honest. I'm fine, really!"
He knew Masaru had a tendency to hide his pain to try and come off as "manly" or "brave" or any other terms that Nagisa had in his head.
Honestly, Nagisa was self-aware enough he had no right to judge the guy for that. He can still remember all the times he's told them that he's okay even after working for hours straight without any proper sleep and living off of coffee alone.
Despite that though, he'd rather it's only him who has to go through that instead of someone who still has a healthy body like Masaru does.
"I'm serious. Do you have any injuries that need treating? And where are they? Don't hide your pain. If it's left to get worse, you'll be the one to blame."
The redhead pouted, practically spitting out his next words out of annoyance that Nagisa was being so pushy.
"Maybe just some stuff under my shirt... and a couple of scratches on my elbows and face. That's it. Promise."
"Good. Get on the chair, I'll deal with it."
The sports boy sat on the chair Nagisa was previously sitting on, as the blue-haired boy took out some cotton and disinfectant from the kit, wiping it on some of the scratches on his friend's body, a wince coming out from the redhead.
"Oh- did that hurt?"
"N-No... hmph, nothing hurts. I'm just letting you do this 'cus I knew you won't shut up about it otherwise."
"That's... I'm not gonna say anything more."
Nagisa applied bandages on some of the more visible and hurtful wounds that were spread around Masaru's body. There were more that he wanted to give attention to, but with the limited amount of bandages that he had and the fact that the other two had wounds of their own to treated, he had to save the resources as best he can.
"Heh, for a sage, you sure know how to use healing magic. As leader, I reckon maybe you deserve some sort of promot-"
"Could you cut it with the leader stuff already?"
Nagisa snapped at Masaru, not yelling at him or anything, though his tone was firm and serious enough that the message got across.
"Pfft, what? Are you jealous that you're back to being second in command again behind me now that I'm here? Come on Nags, that's just childish! In your own words, at least."
"That's not what I mean. You and I aren't the leaders of anything. The Warriors of Hope are gone."
"Gone? We're right here, aren't we? What's that supposed to mean?"
"I'm done playing those silly roles like our life's still some sort of roleplaying game... I can't stand being made to remember what we used to be when we're in the state we're in now, barely surviving with our only help from two adults we used to try and kill."
That seemed to quiet down the sports freak. Nagisa continued speaking.
"I hate to say it, but we might not have ever been the Warriors of Hope at all. After all, if the goal we were chasing after was apparently all for raising despair's successor, then was it really hope we were spreading? ... I had doubts about what we were doing before, but when everything came to light, it was then that hit me just how bad our odds really were. We got beaten in the same game we created. That's it."
"When you put it like that, then... ugh, it's all that stupid Monaca's fault...! I hate her, I hate her so much...! Why'd you tell them to go easy on her anyways? What if she lives and tries to kill us all again? Have you thought of that?"
"Of course I have... but even despite everything, even if her feelings for us were fake and she only wanted despair... I think the memories we've made with her are real enough that I want her to at least be safe. If I were to choose between believing in a hope that Monaca could reform, or let her be swallowed by despair on her deathbed... then I think I'd rather take the chance. It'd be the first 'hope-aligned' thing we've done, honestly. Even if the chance of it happening is 1%. But if a time comes where Monaca tries to go after us again, then I'll take the blow."
"There you go again, talking all cool and stuff. You know that won't get you noticed, right? Seriously, what's with you? It's not your fault Monaca turned out the way she did."
"That's true. Still... she used to be a friend. And she was still in the same dire situation we were in, having been hurt by the people she was supposed to be raised by. It wouldn't sit right with me letting someone like that get hurt."
"Guess so..."
Nagisa put the last of the bandages on Masaru's face, sighing as he stood up with a small and weak smile.
"If it makes you feel better, when you went missing, I really didn't believe you were dead. I wanted to have it looked into, but... well. She told me otherwise. Sorry."
"Hah, so you do care about me after all! And here I thought you hated my guts or something. But nah, I'd never die! Masaru Daimon would never fall to kids weaker than him! You really are a massive dork underneath."
"And you're a sports freak. What's your point?"
Nagisa chuckled, looking over to where Kotoko and Jataro were unpacking stuff, a fixed up and enthusiastic Masaru following behind him.
"Hey, you two. Get over here, I'll treat your wounds too.''
"No no, let me do it! Come on, just one time, please?"
"Seriously? Alright then, you do it. Just don't do anything stupid, and don't waste too much of the disinfectant."
"Yeah yeah, whatever. Hey, Jataro! Get over here, let me clean your face!"
Maybe the four of them never really were the Warriors of Hope after all.
Whatever the case is, neither of them are leaders of anything anymore. Without that burden to share between them anymore though...
Maybe it's time they treat themselves less like allies and more like friends from now on.
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aka-indulgence · 4 years
Take Me by the Hand
So I wanted to post this on valentines (it’s not exactly valentine-themed, I just wanted to put something out hjdsk), but decided it was better to post now -w- this is a little fluff fic for @yeosin-n!! She has a really cool au called underwaves, and of course she makes just wonderful wonderful stuff and i love them all- and then its an undertale au!!!! in the ocean!!!!! ahdjkshd I kinda instantly fell in love with it... and UW Sans (Naut) as well, so uh!! Here’s a fluffy self-indulgent fanfic!!
Naut (UW!Sans)/Reader :D!!
"heheh, ya look like a big duck, darlin'."
  You try not to make a frustrated noise at him (lord knows he's already having WAY too much fun with you) and choose to simply mumble to yourself quietly as you take step by heavy step towards the innocently splashing waves, as if taunting your predicament.
  "I'd appreciate some help right about now, I could do without the remarks." You snap (softly) at him as you waddle your way over the sand, your heavy diving equipment jostling a little with every step.
  Naut had been helpful enough to put all the weight on you, and you wanted no more than to strangle the grin off the bastard's face.
  He's lucky you're dating him and love him too much to do that.
  Naut only chuckles for a bit, in your face, and you're about to throw your flippers at him when his laughs finally die down.
  "sorry, sorry," Naut lets a few more chuckles out as he wipes the "tears" away from his top set of eyesockets.
  You could swear you saw his lower eyelights turned into hearts for a second…
  "couldn't help myself. ya sure are a cutie," he says, and you would've made a sound of indignation if you didn't see the flowers happily popping into existence near the hole in his skull, floating down as if a slow waterfall was carrying it.
  You're the one with the happy little flowers, you want to tease, but at the same time, you didn’t want him to hide it. It was cute and pretty, you loved seeing him happy and relaxed.
  Without realizing what he's trying to do, Naut's already by your side, going behind your back. Before you could ask him what he's doing, you make a "hup-!?" Noise when he hoists your tank up.
  He was.. helping you carry your equipment.
  "Y-yeah!" You startle (you're not sure why, but the fact that he's actually helping you makes you feel.. sentimental).
  "ok then, let's keep going,"
  With the help of Naut, the journey to the water’s edge wasn’t as painful as it was when you started trudging down the sand, and you eventually got about chest-deep in the water.
  Naut let go of your tank, keeping you steady while you fit your dive boots into the open heel flippers. You fit your mask onto your face, and Naut starts drifting into deeper waters, now bobbing in the waves (how do skeletons float…? Of course he came from the ocean but… it’s like he has invisible floaties on!). He snrks a little. You make a face at him (well, as much of a face you could make with a mask covering half your face).
  “heheh… nothing. ya just… ya kinda look like a fish? with the goggles…” He makes two C-shapes with his phalanges, bringing them up to his sockets. “oh glowing waves above, i just wanna pinch you.”
  “H-hey! Stay focused!” you fluster, holding your hands out to him as if he was going to bite you. 
  Naut chuckles. “yeah, you’re right… i can always pinch ya later.” he teases, and before you could protest more, he gestures with his hand. “ok, check your second stage first, and let’s swim slowly…”
  You give the purge button of your second stage a couple of times, before attaching it to your mouth, floating towards your sea-lover. You release the air from your BCD, and Naut takes you by the hand, gently guiding you into the water.
  Everything feels different as soon as you are completely submerged, the sounds around you switching from air to water; your surroundings turning blue in an instant. For a few moments, you can only hear the sound of your breathing, the bubbles burbling around you.
  “you doing ok?” Naut’s voice snaps you out of your momentary awe, sounding practically as clear as he does outside the water. “don’t forget to equalize the pressure in your ears.”
  The sand slopes down, and you tilt your head this way and that, giving Naut the ok signal when you think you’re good.
  He’s dropped his teasing and playing around as he slowly brings you away from the surface; you vaguely feel like someone with a blindfold on while someone else’s pulling you somewhere to show you a surprise. He has to keep looking behind him to make sure he doesn’t run into corals or sharks or whatever.
  Your world completely changes around you- not that you’ve never seen ocean scapes before, but actually being in it to see it for yourself sure is a special experience. You see your first fish, catching your eye as it darts away from below you. The sandy bottom keeps going down, and down, and down….
  … Until eventually, you reach a spot where it stops, turning into a plain of sand.
  Naut sits down- just, sits down on the sand, and it's so weird how he just so casually sits, legs apart below you, underwater. He tugs you a bit, pointing to the sand.
  You descend, knees hitting the sand with a soft ‘pwsh’... your hands inadvertently fall onto Naut’s ribcage.
  You see all four of his eyelights looking down, then lighting up, and you have no idea if he can see you blushing underwater-
  But thankfully, Naut knows to set his priorities straight, and right now it’s making sure your diving goes smoothly and safely.
  For a second, seeing Naut completely at home in this environment, you nod your head without thinking- shaking your head before giving him the ok sign.
  His grin grows and he laughs.
  Damn. Even underwater he still sounds smooth as hell…
  “heheheh… ok, bubbles. let’s get started then, shall we?”
  After about a minute of buoyancy practice, Naut kicked off the sand with his slippers (how did they stay on his feet under- you know what? Maybe you shouldn’t question the physics of underwater monsters so much), letting you follow him in your own pace.
  Not too far from the water’s edge, corals started sprouting out from the sand, and no longer than that, more sea life appeared. A rainbow of fish were milling about, shrimp and crabs skitter over the ‘living rocks’, and a sea turtle lazily swims by.
  Naut easily backpedals towards it, and it circles around him.
  Your eyes are taking in the underwater scene all around you with splendor; if you could smile, you would. It was all just so pretty, and your boyfriend’s over there becoming some sort of disney princess, as a few cleaner fish swim towards his skull. You don’t need to hold in your laughter on account of the regulator in your mouth, but your metaphorical smile gets bigger as you watch the tiny striped fish look around his crack while he’s completely unaware… he looks like he’s about to say something when his eyelights go out, as one of them starts nibbling.
  He flaps his hand like he’s swatting a fly away, and maybe you’re being tortured right now because you just want to let out a raucous laugh, purposefully shoving it in his face.
  “oh, of course, you’re entertained.” Naut lids his sockets a little, feigning annoyance, though the cute little flowers only continue to flow out of his skull.
  You want to gesture a “sorry (not sorry)” at him, but without knowing sign language, the most you could do is open your hands for a hug. He’s been wonderfully non-teasing the whole way down, and you think he deserves some credit, especially showing you… all of this.
  You’re thinking about how thankful you are to have him with you when you see his eyelights dart somewhere else with his grin turning mischievous. He points to the turtle still swimming nearby and asks “hey, what kind of turtle do you think that green sea turtle is?”
  … What.
  You blink at him a couple of times, trying to convey your “what kind of question” emotion you’re feeling right now, knowing he’s smart enough to realize what he just said-
  “hahahah, i’m joking i’m joking, i know it’s Chelonia mydas. c’mon, i’m no loggerhead.”
  Loggerhead. Loggerhead sea turtle.
  You raise your fist at him, and you hope he could hear your internal screaming at him. Looking at the way his sockets crinkle and his grin practically stretching from non-existent ear to ear, you think he can.
The dive was relaxing and pleasant, with Naut completely in his element, giving you the reassurance that you’ll be alright with him. He brought you to different parts of the reef, highlighting some of the animals similarly as to how he addressed the sea turtle.
  He brought you swimming closer to the seafloor, showing you clownfish in their stinging friend-homes, and with a straight face he said, “keep your friends close,” he put a ‘friendly’ arm around the carnivorous invertebrate, “keep your anemones closer.”
  You swam away from him then, closer to whee the sand starts sloping again. You met a singular jellyfish there, to which Naut poked away from you- it could just fit in your palms. You watch with mild glee as he gently poked it around… you know it’s a living creature… but wow did you want to bounce it and play around with it like a toy. He moved it away from you and sent it bobbing in the direction of the open ocean, and he turned to you to say “are you jelly you didn’t get to play with it?”
  You wanted nothing more than to show him a flat face, if you were brave enough to take the regulator off your mouth. You followed him back towards the reef, swimming through a large school of fish that parted as you did.
  “how you feeling seastar? i’m feeling fin-tastic.”
  He turned around to gesture at the school. “aren’t they like living artwork? so beautiful. i like to consider myself sofishticated, you know.”
  You almost couldn’t focus on the reef around you as you were both delighted and desperately trying to hide it from him, that you’re enjoying a diving buddy/instructor that could talk to you as you dive.
  You swam leisurely ahead of him, looking for more “landmarks” (sea… marks…?) to look at before you run out of gas, when you heard a rush of water behind you.
  You almost let the regulator out of your mouth when you see a huge eel flapping about near you, with Naut holding its tail end and keeping it from coming at you. He reeled it in towards him, holding its head.
  “don’t know what got into this guy. maybe your fins surprised him.”
  He goes silent for a while.
  “but i guess thaaat’s a moray for you.”
  Old jokes!!! He’s too much!!!
  You wished you could’ve said something to him so you weren’t simply being subjected to his continuous puns, but at that point it looked like you might just get that; when you saw that your pressure gauge showed less than 100.
  Naut quickly looked to you when you made a wave at him, giving him a 9-0 signal, trying to convey an “up?” as best you can.
  “oh. oh yeah let’s get you up, bubbles.” He said as he swam towards you.
  It was like- he had a switch for professional diving instructor and ‘regular Naut’. He quietly guided your ascent, slowly and steadily, making a stop below the surface to decompress, before finally swimming all the way to the surface and inflating your BCD.
  “Blah!” you ungracefully spit the regulator out, letting it sink into the water and take the mask off your face. “My teeth always feel weird afterwards…”
  “cus’ you’re clenching it all the time.” he floats towards you, putting an arm around you. “how you feeling, gull friend?”
  You open your mouth, only to stop when you realized what he said- as if on time, a seagull keows above you.
  You give him your best attempt at a seething glare, but you take a breath and smile, putting an arm around him as well. “You know what? That was really nice. I haven’t had this much fun in a while. … or really, I didn’t do that much before I met you. I liked this, Naut. Thanks for taking me out here with you.”
  You watch with satisfaction as Naut’s lazy expression and smug-ass grin fade away, his main sockets becoming wide and a light blush colors his cheekbones.
  Ha, gottem.
  “o-oh. you- yeah. i… you're welcome. anything for you, seastar. i’m glad you liked it.” his eyelights shift away from you.
  “Yeah… though not gonna lie, you really were a sun of a beach down there. Punning when you know I can’t say anything to you- it was like, water you doing!”
  “ha, yeah i know, it was-” Naut paused. And then he turned to you, seeing how smug and proud you looked of yourself.
  You watched how his eyelights dilated in his sockets, sparkling like sun rays dancing in the water.
  “heh… heheheh….” he chortled, “oh… don’t be mad now… it’s not a good idea to get too tide down to your emotions.”
  “Well- high tide or low tide, I’ll be by your side.”
  “better make sure you weren’t pier-pressured into that.”
  “Nah. I’m a girl who just wants some sun with my bonefriend!”
  He was smiling like a downright lovable idiot right now, eyelights shining like the sun.
  “hhhhoooh my god, i want to kiss you.”
  You give him a smirk.
  “Oh! So you’re feeling… naut-y?”
  Your grin weakens a little when Naut stops grinning, and his eyelights shrinking back to their regular sizes, shimmering. For a moment you worry if you said something wrong somehow, but your worry was unfounded- just moments later you watch as cute little hearts start coming out of his skull, with four of his eyelights turning into the same shape.
  “i don’t know why kissing’s naut-y, but it’s in my name-ture to be.”
  You’re smiling just as wide as him, ignoring how far he had to reach to make that pun. He closes his eyes and you let him lean in towards you, meeting him in the middle. He wraps his arms around you and kisses you while you reciprocate happily; bobbing in the waves under the sun.
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anime-life0 · 3 years
@hajimekotaro05 you've got mail!! It took a long time but the boys from free! finally finished writing you their letters! They wanted to make sure that it got to you before your school started and they didn't rest til they were sure that it would! So, here they are! Hope I didn't disappoint. Enjoy! <3
PS while I was editing it, something went wrong with Tumblr and it kinda jumbled some of the words/paragraphs so sorry in advance if ever done of the stuff are confusing! 🙏
Hello my dearest ^^
How are you doing today? Eating well? Studying and giving your best still? I hope you are. I wouldn't want you to get sick or anything. You should promise me that you take care of yourself. Can you promise me that? Whenever I'm not there with you, whenever we aren't together, please take care of yourself. I know you can because I believe in you. I really love you and I know that you can do anything you put your mind into!
It's been a while since you've talked about it but I know that you're still struggling with a lot of problems that you can't seem to solve. I know the feeling, it's okay. I may not know exactly how you feel but, whatever you're feeling whether it's happiness, sadness, anger, confusion, or anything at all, you know that I'll always be here to let you know that you aren't alone. That's a promise!
Did you know that you remind me of a little kitten? Yeah. You're just like a little kitten. A kitten who's afraid of this world that you don't know if it'll accept you or not. I know you're vulnerable most times and I want to help you. Just like a kitten, I want to always snuggle and cuddle with you and just overall protect you. You're really cute and cuddly too so that's a plus for me.
I wish you could have more confidence in yourself though. If you could see what I can in you then you'd be surprised and amazed even! I really think you're amazing. So, trust me and be yourself so everyone can see how wonderful you are! You do trust me don't you?
It's okay to feel down sometimes and confused even but, you know that I'll always make sure that at the end of the day, you're happy and secure. I love you so much and I can't say that enough.. you're beautiful. Please don't forget that. And, never feel that you're a burden because, baby, you're my number one priority. You're more important to me than anything and anyone else. Now smile and be happy alright? I'm here for you. ( ◜‿◝ )♡
- Makoto
Hey, what's up my lovely~!
How's it going? What're you up to these days? Say, I know I haven't exactly been the best boyfriend ever but, I'm still trying! Gotta stay positive for my one and only after all.
Hey boo? I just want you to know that no matter what anyone says about you or what you think about yourself, you're always gonna be number one in my book. You're always number one in my heart boo! My baby boo is awesome and really, I do believe that I'm the luckiest man in the world! Don't you think so too? I mean, what were the odds that the two of us would meet and that you would actually take a second of your time to actually get to know me? And the greatest miracle of all is that you actually liked me! I know I'm a bit lively sometimes and I might even come off as annoying but, who knew that you'd like me! It makes me so happy y'know. You make me so happy and I want to make you feel all the happiness that you give me too. It's only fair~
There are times that I know you feel like giving up and I know that it's hard. Some things get me down too and at times I just wanna run away from it all but, we can't even if we wanted to. We gotta work for our own selves. We gotta keep moving cuz if we stop, we'll have nothing left. Won't you keep moving for me?
The hard times won't just magically fade away in an instant no matter how much we want it to but even so, I'm here to be with you through all those times. If you're scared, I can be brave for you! If you're sad, I can infect you with joy! And if you're insecure and unsure of yourself, I'll be there to tell you how much you make my world shine. You always seem to make me smile so I want to make sure that you know that you're special and all. Believe me, you really are. I'd never say something I don't mean so, just trust me when I say that you're super special and that you have an awesome personality! You're also extremely pretty, did you know? Yeah, I think about it all the time, how pretty you are. You're smile, your laugh, the way you sneeze. It's funny and cute at the same time! You're pretty and amazing inside and out. If someone says otherwise then screw them, they don't know what they're talking about, hmp. It's too bad that they won't see how wonderful you are.
I love you, my precious baby boo. You're the greatest thing that's ever happened to me, I mean it and it's no exaggeration.
Oh, and along with this letter you will find lots of love and hugs and kisses too so that you will feel my love as you read this<3 I love you, my adorable baby!
- Natsuya
Well if it isn't the most wonderful person in the world... How is my one and only lover doing this fine day?
Do you have anything special planned for today?? Anything I should know about? Y'know, as your boyfriend? Haha! Alright, alright, enough with the teasing~ how are you? I'd love to hear about your day and everything! Lay it all on me! Tell me everything that's on your mind! I don't care if it's something you're insecure about, cuz I know that you struggle with that a lot, or something good that happened, I'll listen to it all!
Speaking of insecurities though, has it gotten better or worse? Your insecurities, I mean. It sucks to have those problems y'know, that's why I'm on a lifelong mission! A mission to eradicate all insecurities and self doubt that my lovely darling has! Whether they're doubts about your appearance, abilities, skills, personality, or whatever! I'll make sure that you won't ever have to worry about it again! Y'know why? It's cuz you deserve a break. Yeah. You deserve a break from all these thoughts that cloud your mind and put you down. Let me handle it, cuz you deserve to rest. I'll handle it from now on okay? I'll make sure that you won't ever have to worry about anything again! That's what I'm here for! And I'll always be here as long as I live! Will that make you less anxious, my one and only? I hope I can make you feel at least a little better.
I know there are things that even a positive attitude won't change but there's no way I'm giving up. And you shouldn't too. You need to get up and start believing in yourself! You've got all that it takes to survive in this world so all you really have to do is overcome that fear of yours and take a leap of faith~! Take a leap of faith with me! Let's be brave together and fight side by side everything that comes our way! To be honest, that sounds pretty amazing. Facing this world alongside you would be absolutely awesome! Don't you think?
Hey, I'm always gonna be here okay? Trust me! Since when have I failed you? Never, right? So what makes you think that I'd fail you now? Promise me that you'll try your very hardest and always, always keep that pretty little head in an optimistic mindset, alright? That's what I do to keep going even though things don't go my way~ life's not gonna wait for you, neither is it gonna change the way you want it to when you want it to. So don't just wait for an opportunity or when you're ready. You gotta make your own opportunities and go at every turning moment you can! Gotta live life to the fullest, am I right?
I got your back so don't look back. I'll always be here so just focus on what's ahead! We can get through this together! And never mind all the haters and vibe killers, okay? Let them be. It's not like they have a cool boyfriend like me on their side anyway, so what are you worrying for? Nothing! So make sure you never give up and do your best all the time! I love you!!
- Asahi
This letter is brought to you by the most loving and caring boyfriend in the whole entire universe.
Haha, hey my cutie! I miss you! I just wanna run to wherever you are right now and tackle you into a bear hug! I don't think I can help myself y'know? But anyways, how's it going~? Anything good happened lately? My siblings are nagging me to get you to come over and visit y'know. Would it be too much to ask if you could come over for us? Pretty please? Puppy dog eyes and pouty lips please??
Just kidding, I'd never force you to do something that you don't want to or can't do. And besides, I don't want my siblings to be all over you again. I love them but, boundaries are boundaries. You're mine and I don't wanna share! It's all because you're too cute darn it! I mean, I'm not complaining but, since you're too cute for this world then I always have to keep an eye out for anyone making you feel uncomfortable or frankly, being weirdo jerks to you who just to try to make you insecure about yourself and stuff.
Yeah, I know. People make you insecure about yourself right? You do know that they're only doing that cuz they see how cute and perfect you are that they're afraid that if you were too confident, you'd outshine them right? It's kinda obvious and sometimes I pity them for being so horrible. But then I remember that they were mean to you so I loathe them all anyway. I mean, how could they just mess with my cutesie! They're not allowed to!
Things like that happen though. I know they're unavoidable sometimes but darn. I just can't sit still when I know that you're feeling insecure about yourself. I just wanna comfort you and make sure that you're okay. I just get this urge to hold you, y'know?
I want you to feel safe. I want you to know that I'll always be there for you no matter what. And I want to make everything better. I don't wanna sound like a brat but I really want them all. I want you. I need you. And that isn't gonna change.
I love you and I want you to always be happy. I want you to enjoy being you and feeling comfortable in your own skin. Because you're amazing. You really are! Believe me, I know a cutie when I see one! But that's besides the point! I love you so much and I'll always be here to tell you that and make you feel all the love that I feel towards you. Count on it! And don't you worry your pretty little head cuz I've got you covered! I'm your personal motivation/optimism/happiness boy! I'll never get tired and I'll never ever stop giving you all the happiness and love that you need. I love you, forever and ever and ever!
- Seijuro
Hello my sweet princess,
It's Kisumi here, how are you? I was wondering if you were doing good and I don't know to be honest why I suddenly decided to write you this letter. I mean, I'd love to write to you all the time but don't feel pressured to write back okay? You need to rest every once in a while you know?
Anyway, I hope that you're taking care of yourself. I really miss you and I wish that we can be together right now. Do you miss me too? I hope you aren't losing feelings for me while we're not together haha. You'd tell me if you didn't love me anymore right?
That's besides the point though, I wasn't writing this letter because I was having doubts about our relationship, I'm writing to ask if you were doing fine. I don't want to seem nosy and all but what have you been up to lately? Tell me everything that's on your mind, I wanna just listen to you ramble on and on about anything. It's relaxing and you're super adorable when you do.
Oh, by the way, have your insecurities been a problem lately? I know that you still struggle with them despite the many times I tell you that they're just thoughts. That's why I was asking to check up on you. Y'know? To make sure that you're okay and everything.
You've struggled and fought every single time the anxiety and insecurities hit you. Let me just say that I'm proud of you. Yup! I'm proud of you, my pretty princess! You are an absolute queen for handling all those problems like a total boss! But, as much as you're used to handling everything on your own, I don't want you to. I'm here for you still okay? Always by your side is what I always say right? I still mean that and it isn't gonna change.
I'll hold you forever in my arms if that's what it would take for you to smile. I'd even cuddle with you and get all your favorite comfort foods too. Wouldn't that make you happy? I'd give anything to see your smile, really.
You do your best and keep on going despite all the negatives that come your way. You may or may not want to but regardless, you still do. And I want to say that you're amazing. I really think that you're super cool considering you've come this far. You can go even farther right? I believe in you.
I love you so much, and I want you to see how precious and wonderful you are. You're extraordinary and I think you should be proud of that. Let's meet soon okay? I'll take you out on an expense free date so you can unwind and relax. Just the two of us. Doesn't that sound fun?
- Kisumi
Hello darling,
Heard you've been having a rough time lately, is everything alright? Are you okay? Do you need anything? Can I do anything to help? I really worry about you a lot y'know. I always wonder if you're having a hard time or struggling with problems that you try to conceal. I wish you'd open up more and have more confidence in yourself. There's no reason why you shouldn't be. You're stunning and every little thing about you makes my heart race.
I love you. I don't tell you this enough but please always know that I do. I care about you deeply and I would do anything for you. I want you to be happy. You're an amazing person that even saw the best in me. And for that I am eternally grateful. Now let me return the favor and make you feel like the queen you are. You can do anything you want to. I know you can. Believe in yourself because I do, darling.
Your problems are real, they're difficult sometimes, I know. But don't ever think of giving up. Never stop trying to be better. You're beautiful. Don't let anyone or anything make you feel like you aren't. I know you more than anyone could ever. And that's enough for me to claim that you're someone that I'm proud to call mine. My one and only lover.
I never thought that I'd fall for someone but you changed it all. It's because you're adorable. And because your personality shines like the sun that brightens up even the darkest days. I am so lucky to have you.
No one in the world could ever compare to you. You're unique and I love that about you. Pleas don't let his world and your insecurities change you one bit. I love and accept you just the way you are. Especially when you smile. Your smile changes everything for me. It makes me happy. And no matter what you say, I still think that it's really cute how your lips curl up when you do. The sparkle in your eyes also makes my heart flutter every single time. You have such an effect on me and I'm glad that it's you that I've fallen for.
I wish you would see how I could see you. Every little thing that you're insecure of are things that I absolutely love about you. You overthink too much y'know. But I guess you can't really help it, can you? I know that being in you is hard and I get it. The thoughts just invade your mind and take over you. So I'm here to be your safe space. I'm here to comfort you and tell you everything is gonna be alright. I'm here to make sure that it'll be all okay in the end of every day. You're worth it and I will never get tired of telling you how important you are to me. I won't ever stop being here to make sure that you won't give up. I'll make sure that you're always loved and cared for. You need and deserve it after all.
I love you, darling. Please always know that you're enough. More than enough, even. And you will always be perfect to me.
- Sousuke
Hi baby,
First off, I know you're struggling with a lot right now and I get that. I know a lot has been happening lately and it's all just gushing at you all at once, right? I know the feeling. It's okay to feel upset when things like these happen. You just gotta hold on and work your absolute hardest to get to where you wanna be! I can help you with anything y'know. I'm always gonna be here.
Times like these are difficult. I've been through a lot of difficult times myself, you know. Sometimes I look back on those times and remember all the pain and suffering I've went through. But even if I could go back in time and change it, I wouldn't. Because those times were what made me become who I am today. Those times, those struggles, made me stronger. And they'll make you stronger too. These experiences will only push you to become better. And it's not like you'll break, right? You're like, the strongest person I know!
You know, I think that you're amazing. Really. You're such an amazing person and honestly, no one could ever compare. You may think that you aren't so great and all but I see it. You've got all that it takes to be the best! And I'm not afraid to claim that you're gonna go places, meet lots of awesome people who accept and love you, and become who you want to be. I'm sure that some day you will. That's a fact.
Just these words won't make everything better, I know that, baby. But I'm still gonna try and make you feel just a little bit happier. I want to be your happiness just like you're mine. You're my everything and I'd hate to see you down or upset about something. That's why I always want to be with you. I want to be with you to make sure that you're always the best you can be and that you're always comfortable in your own skin! Why shouldn't you be? Being you is like, anyone's, if not everyone's, dream. They just don't know it.
Please, always know that you're loved and that you are important. If no one thinks you're important then they've got another thing coming cuz you're my number one and absolute priority! I'd cross oceans for you just to see your smile! I'd really do it if I had to! So, give me a smile and stay strong, baby! I love you.
- Rin
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xWicked Romance : Chapter 4 : He’s cute.
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Character : Mob!Steve Rogers x Retired Assassin Female Reader
Summary : Steve was hoping to meet the right one until he met her. But is he ready to be with her? He thought his life already dark because of his job. He wouldn’t able to find a woman that strong enough to face the hardship to stand beside him. Turn out his life is nothing compared to her. 
Warning : No smuts, since I don’t know how to write it. Peace y’all.
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Steve woke up because he felt someone softly brushing his hair. He opened his eyes, finding her hand stopped. Both of them are lying on his bed.
Her head still laying on his arm, he move her body closer to feel her warmth. He bury his head into the crook of her neck and mumbled "Don't stop."
“That’s a nice way to wake me up.” His voice sounded deeper and raspy. 
(Y/N) chuckled softly when she heard his voice. “You’re too excited last night.”
She suddenly turned her body and jumped off the bed. 
“Where are you going?” Steve was surprised that she's easily escape from his arms.
“Stay there; I’ll be back.”
When she left the room, Steve noticed she was wearing his shirt and boxer. 
The smell of bacon and pancakes made him look at his door. She came in, bringing a tray filled with food, a glass of water, egg, bacon, pancake, and coffee. It's been a while since he had breakfast in his own house. 
Steve is confused if today is his birthday or not? He never got pampered like this. Usually, it was him the one who did this kind of thing. Not the other way around. 
He sat up, the blanket only covering his waist this time. (Y/N) gently put the food tray on his lap. She saw Steve had a confused expression on his face.
“You need a big breakfast to start your day.” (Y/N) said.
“How did you manage to do all of this?” Steve asked after he finished drinking water. 
“Because I woke up too early. I made breakfast for both of us.” (Y/N) said, walking in with another tray of foods. She sat beside him and kissed his side lips. “You completely tired me out last night.”
Steve gave a loud laugh; he never could imagine a girl like (Y/N) not just brave but also good at cooking. He didn’t notice she was able to slip out from his arm. Because of his habit he got from the military, Steve could get awake so easily even with a small voice and movement.
Both of them enjoy their breakfast together, a few dirty jokes there but not much since it’s still early in the morning. After that, they have another hot session in the bathroom. (snu snu time.)
The time they spent together (Y/N) told Steve he is free to ask anything from her. She’s pretty sure if she tells him everything about how she grows up, he wouldn’t believe any word that came out of her mouth. 
Steve doesn’t mind it; he prefers her life to be mysterious. She never failed to give him a surprise. He likes her spontaneity. Perhaps some day she could give him a heart attack. 
While they put on their clothes (Y/N) phone vibrates with a pop message from Peter saying he’s downstairs to pick her up. 
“Do you have to go?” 
Steve felt the time was not enough when she told him that she needed to go. 
“Come on, just stay a bit more,” Steve asked her with a pleading tone. He holds her wrist when she is ready to go out. (Y/N) saw his puppy eyes couldn’t help blurting out, “So cute.” 
Steve get worried; no one would dare to call him the mafia boss cute. At the moment, he questioned his masculinity. In which part she saw him cute. 
“I have too.” Her finger caressed his cheeks and touched his beard. “Let’s have dinner tonight. Okay?”
Steve answered, “Alright, see you tonight.” Before he released her, he gave a surprise kiss on her lips. 
With hazy eyes, he pulls away while (Y/N) is still shocked with the kissed “Wow.”
Steve chuckled and winked at her. “That’s a sneak peek for tonight.”
(Y/N) smiled, she doesn’t want to light a fire from Steve. She closed the door and left the house. 
When she walked out, (Y/N) saw two older couples get out of a car. She knew who it was. They are Steve’s mother, Sarah Rogers, and the former mafia boss Joseph Rogers. 
She looks at them as a couple; they look lovely together. But (Y/N) noticed when Sarah looked at her, she became a scary mother in law like on the TV. 
Sarah walk like a lady and stop infront of her. She told (Y/N), “Listen carefully. Regardless of what happens between you two. I can’t accept you. I know you are different from any other woman. Even if you can stop Brock with just one bullet, I’m not going to let some girl use my son again.” 
After she said her words, Sarah turned and left (Y/N) alone while Joseph finally followed her. 
Sarah walks too fast; she turns and talks to her husband, “Is she still looking?”
Joseph glanced through his shoulder “Yeah, and she’s waving at us.”
Sarah was bewildered. “What kind of woman Steve got into this time?” She thought the woman would get angry, but it turned out she’s still there and waved at them. 
“First, it’s a C.I.A then a journalist. Now what?” Sarah sighed. 
Joseph also feels the same way as his wife. Their son picks a girl that always reveals their business. It’s pretty funny seeing his wife getting so worked up. 
“Alright, don’t get mad. Let’s meet our son.” Joseph hugged his wife's shoulder. 
When the bell rang, Steve hoped it's (Y/N) the one who stands in front of his door. He didn’t even check the monitor; he quickly opened the door. 
"You're back…." Steve didn’t even finish his speech. His smile dropped when he saw his parents.
"Stevie." Sarah hugs him. 
"Mom? Dad? What are you- AHHH!!!” 
Steve hissed when his mother pinched his chest. He looked at his father with a look of ‘What’s all that about?’
Joseph answered, “We met her when we arrived.”
Steve finally understands why his mother became moody this morning. 
“I can see why you like her. She seems different.” Joseph whispered at his son while Steve nodded all the time. 
Sarah suddenly jumped in. “Are you sure she’s good for you? What’s her job? Please don’t tell me she’s a lawyer or a judge?”
Steve patted her back to calm her down. “Mom, calm down; I’m not dating from that side this time. She’s an analyst in automotive for a private company.”
“Ooh, that explains the nice car,” Joseph murmured. Sarah glared at her husband. 
“I hope you don’t get a heartbreak this time.” Sarah felt pity towards her son, Steve could be scary when he’s mad, but when he’s sad, he looks like a golden retriever puppy. 
He understands why his mother asked him this cause she saw how broken he was when his relationship ended with Peggy. 
From day one, they have obstacles because of their jobs. Peggy stands to abide by the law while he already saw how corrupt and hypocritical the government is. He saw his comrade die for nothing. 
His world almost crumbled when he found out that Peggy was ready to put his family into jail. And the most hurtful thing is that she did that to get a promotion. 
'What am I to you?' He asked her this question. She was unable to give him the answer.  
But behind the thunder, there’s a rainbow; his mother, Sarah, she used to not give a damn about what Steve and her husband did in mobster stuff. When she found out her son got used, she went livid. 
She told her son to make them regret treating him like that. Sarah knows her son is a mobster, his life is always related to dark stuff, but he always makes sure to treat his own woman like a queen. 
And right now, he knew he moved too fast with (Y/N), but he felt like she shares the same value with him. 
In the afternoon, Steve is in the car with Sam and Bucky. They’re heading to the hospital right now. 
Steve was looking at the window; he could see his reflection. He suddenly remembered what (Y/N) said in the morning, “Guys.”
Bucky and Sam ‘Hmmm’ at the same time.
“Do I look cute?”
Sam stops the car abruptly. Suddenly everything became silent. While Bucky cursed, “What the f#%* Steve?”
“Alright, the answer is pretty clear.” Steve scoffed, he doesn’t want to continue; their reaction is enough for him. 
Sam and Bucky are confused because their friend just asks them nonsense questions. 
“Well, we have arrived,” Sam said; he looked at Bucky. “You follow him; I will stay here. Make sure he doesn't get plastic surgery.”
Steve rolled his eyes and got out of the car with Bucky. 
“Is she the one who said you’re cute?”
Steve nodded.
“Hmm, you completely whipped. Well Steve, I completely understand,” Bucky tells him they’re in the same position since he’s with Natasha. 
Both of them stopped at the V.I.P patient room. They saw two bodyguards standing in front of the door. The bodyguard steps away when Steve approaches them. One of the bodyguards opened the door for him. 
Steve turns to Bucky. “Wait here.”
Steve walked into the room; he thought Brock still fainted. It turns out he’s awake and eating. 
Brock was wearing a neck brace, his two legs wrapped in a cast, his left arm also wrapped in a cast, and his elbow fractured. 
Brock lifted his head when he saw Steve. He clicked his tongue. 
“Your girlfriend almost killed me.”’
“Huh?” Steve responded. 
Steve didn’t know that (Y/N) visited Brock before him. 
What happened 4 hours ago 
It was Peter who picked up (Y/N) at Steve’s place with her car.
She gets into the car and puts on her seatbelt. “Let’s go back to my apartment first; I need to change my clothes. I have to meet someone later.”
“A friend, he got into an accident last night.”
When they arrived at her place, Peter asked, “Let me guess your sick friend is Brock?”
Peter shook his head. “Poor guy.”
At the hospital.
Brock is feeling drowsy because of the painkiller. Because of the car crash, his neck got the impact. 
He saw a shadow figure in front of him, “You!!!”
“Good afternoon Rumlow.”
“Hmph!!!” Brock wants to strangle her; he remembered her from last night. 
(Y/N) walked closer to his infusion bottle; she took out something from her pocket. 
“You see, Rumlow, I kinda like Steve, but the Tom & Jerry fight between you and him has to stop. I don’t want you to appear and ruined the romantic moment like last night.”
Brock finally could see what she’s holding in her hand. (Y/N) notices he is looking at the syringe that she has.
“What inside this syringe could put you to sleep forever. You know what I’m capable of, right?”
Brock cursed, “#$%^*!!!”
(Y/N) nodded. “Correct, so if you still want to leave, just stay 1 million km from us, okay?”
Brock defeatedly answered, “Okay.”
“Great, go back to rest.” She opens the cap of the syringe and injects it into his infusion bottle.
“Relax, it’s just another painkiller for you.” After she said that, Brock eventually fell asleep. 
When he woke up, his bodyguard gave him a food container with a small note 'I'm sorry, she’s pretty scary.'
Back to the present
“Really?” Steve was astounded.
“Your new girl is crazy.” Brock clicked his tongue. He can’t imagine having a girlfriend like (Y/N).
In Steve’s mind, her threat towards Brock is nothing. His heart fluttered when he knew what she did for him. Never in his life, a woman would threaten his rival for him. He never get spoiled like this. 
Steve chuckled; he got up from the chair and mumbled on the way out of the hospital ward, remembering what (Y/N) had done for him “My cute devil.”
He finds it cute, though; he never had a brave enough girlfriend to threaten his rival. He used to be the one who protects his girl. 
Steve wants to meet her again; lucky for him, she texts him first and gives her location. 
Steve arrived at the high-end restaurant that, even for him, it’s difficult to book a table. She won’t stop giving him a surprise. He saw her wearing a dress that fitted her figure. She looked beautiful and confident.  
(Y/N) raised her face gently, the corner of her lips moving upward when she saw him. 
Steve felt like he could drown in it. Both of them had dinner together. While they’re eating, he needs to say something important to her. They were having wine when he grasps her hand. It made her look at him. 
He has to say it to give her the chance to walk away “(Y/N); I like you. I feel a connection between us. But being with me means sometimes you will be facing unexpected things. I know you are strong, but I don’t want you to get hurt.” 
She tilted her head a little and looked at Steve in front of her. She pinched his chin lightly. “Steve, I don’t care how many enemies you have.”
“I will kill them one by one.” 
She wasn’t saying a flirty line towards him instead of a deadly one. Everyone said she’s scary, but for him, she’s a great blessing in his life. 
“You know that I’m capable. I don’t mind working as your partner. Not just as your girlfriend.”
‘Thump!’ Steve's heart fluttered when he heard that word.
“You don’t want to?” (Y/N) raised her eyebrows. 
Steve quickly answered, “Please be my girlfriend.” It would be crazy to decline it; he wants to show the world that she belongs to him. He’s afraid if he’s too late, she will slip away from his finger. To put it more plainly, Steve may not have met another woman like (Y/N). 
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A/N: Thank you for the likes and reblogged my post. 
To my followers and people who liked my post, I hope you don’t mind if I tag your name:
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mamabearcat · 3 years
Proposal fic + hair (braiding/brushing) InuKag
Ooh thanks Nonny 😘
Okay, I'm gonna revive an AU I've never actually written but it's been loitering around in the back of my head forever. I may even write it one day if I feel like doing a longer AU full of comedy fluff. The first bit was posted on Tumblr forever ago, but now it gets to be continued!
Inuyasha wasn’t quite sure how he fell into it; who would have thought you could make a career out of being a model for romance covers for fuck’s sake?! Apparently his half-demon heritage that had blessed him with his father's long thick white hair, amber eyes that glowed in the darkness and pointed dog ears gave him an edgy look, whatever that meant. His ability to retain a lean muscular build no matter what he ate didn't hurt either.
But, the money was very good, even if he had to fight off the occasional stalker, and hide from screaming female fans trying to stuff underwear in his pockets when he went out to buy milk.
His manager Miroku was a total letch, and Sango had been slacking on security - waking up to find a strange woman in his kitchen making coffee in nothing but an apron was more than a little surprising. He actually had more than a sneaking suspicion that something was going on between those two.
But the best part of being a model was Kagome. His photographer, his best friend. He'd known her for years now, and there was no one he trusted more.
Their first photo shoot three years ago had been memorable. He’d accidentally called her Kikyo, and she'd exploded at him. How was he to know? They looked kinda the same, and they were both photographers. It did kinda suck that her cousin Kikyo had possibly ruined her chances of having a serious career in photo journalism, but this gig she was doin’ paid the bills right?
Why did she have to be so serious anyway? He’d abandoned any thoughts of self respect long ago. When you knew what it was like at the very bottom, didn’t know where your next meal was coming from, you understood that self respect was a luxury.
Ah, but Kagome. He couldn't help but love her. Even though this wasn't what she wanted to be doing, she put her whole heart and soul into her work, wanting it to be the best. He knew all her little mannerisms by heart - the way she blew upwards into her fringe when she was feeling frustrated, the way she jiggled her legs under the table when she was feeling fidgety, the way her eyes lit up when she got a good idea for a shot.
He'd always said he'd do anything for her, would gladly take a bullet for her. He'd already blocked a knife attack for her, that had to count for something, right? He'd never been more terrified when she'd been threatened, and the thought of what might had happened if he'd left just a little earlier still broke him out in a cold sweat sometimes.
They'd been closer after her life was threatened, so much closer. He'd been hopeful, but pretty sure she still only saw him as a friend. I mean, how cliche was it for a model to fall for a photographer? He was pretty sure she'd think he was joking, and laugh right in his face. And then on the steps after the trial against that stalker she'd kissed him. And it had been like the heavens had opened and angels had sung.
Kagome had always wanted to be a photo journalist. She'd dreamed of it since high school, starting her career with the local paper, gaining notice when she won a world renowned travel photography competition. That was the chance that should have got her a job with a top magazine, the chance that should have made her career. But it had been stolen by her cousin Kikyo.
Kikyo, who had been her flatmate when they finished high school, so they could share their passion for photography and help support each other in their move to New York as they tried to achieve their dreams. Kikyo, who had taken the message about the year long internship she had been offered after they saw her winning photo. Kikyo, whose features were similar enough to her own that they were often mistaken for each other, if you didn't know both of them that well. Kikyo, who had turned up for that internship and somehow convinced them that she'd used a different name for the competition.
Her cousin had milked that experience for everything it was worth. And now she was the one working for a world renowned magazine, and Kagome was paying rent doing cover photos for romance novels. She may be the best one in her field, but it wasn't quite what she'd dreamed of. It's not like she'd wished upon a star when she was five and asked if she could be the one to discover the next Fabio.
The best thing about her work was spending time with Inuyasha. She'd been so angry at him the first day they'd met all those years ago. Fresh from a weekend at a family event where she'd had to hear once again that Kikyo couldn't make it because she was overseas, doing some big story, and they were all so proud of her. And he'd called her Kikyo, because he'd seen some article recently and mistakenly thought she was her cousin. After she'd calmed down, she couldn't really fault him. They had the same last name, same initial, even looked similar enough.
But he'd grown on her. And it wasn't just his good looks - he had those in abundance, but he didn't really seem to care about that. He was rough around the edges, a little rude, definitely obnoxious, but very funny, charming, brave, and also... kind of sweet?
That day she'd had that terrible cold but had still come to work because they'd had a deadline, he'd given her his jacket and then rushed out to the supermarket at lunch time so he could make her a sure fire cold remedy his mother had taught him. It had tasted absolutely feral, but surprisingly, she'd felt a lot better the next day.
Just a few weeks ago, they had finalised the court case with Inuyasha's stalker. For some reason, Jakotsu, one of Inuyasha's most ardent fans, had bizarrely seen Kagome as a threat, even though it was obvious they were only friends.
At first it was just strange letters delivered to her workplace, which she'd ignored totally. She'd only begun to be worried when weird notes appeared in her own letter box at her apartment. And then the late night phone calls had started.
She'd managed to keep it from Inuyasha until Jakotsu had slashed her tyres, and then he'd been furious. Angry at her for not telling him what was happening, and incandescent with rage at the stalker.
After that he'd been there for her whenever she'd been afraid, so protective and caring. When Jakotsu had snuck up on her late one night in the parking lot, he'd blocked the attack, stepping in front of her in the nick of time, taking a slash to his arm that was originally aimed at her face, then knocking out Jakotsu and holding him until the police arrived.
He'd been the one injured, with nearly 20 stitches in his forearm, but he'd been worried about her. Thank goodness for swift youkai healing. She'd been devastated that he'd been injured, but he'd just shrugged it off, telling her he was glad it was him and not her.
After that, she'd finally admitted to herself that her feelings for him were more than just friendly. Had been for such a long time now. He was gorgeous, but she wasn't the kind of girl that slept around. She needed to be friends first, be comfortable, and there was no one she was more comfortable around than Inuyasha. He was her first thought in the morning and her last at night. But wasn't that a little cliche, a photographer falling for a model? She'd thought he'd probably think she was joking and laugh in her face.
But that moment after the trial and they'd been standing out in the sunlight, she hadn't been able to help herself. She was just so happy, so grateful that he hadn't been injured worse. So she'd practically crash tackled him and kissed him. No tentative pecks. No warning. She couldn't bear to let another day pass without him knowing how she felt. And when he'd kissed her back, with Miroku and Sango cat calling in the background, yelling at them to get a room, it had felt like heaven.
"Where's Yura this morning?" asked Inuyasha, glancing around the make up room, as if she would suddenly appear out of nowhere with her ever present combs and scissors.
"She's called in sick, so you've got me on double duty today. Aren't you lucky?" Kagome teased, poking her tongue out at him.
"So, you gonna model with me too?" he grinned, wrapping his arm around her waist and holding her close to rub his nose softly againt hers. "Who's gonna take the happy snaps?"
"You wish. It's a new model today, Tuva, we haven't met her before. This is for the viking one, so we needed someone with fair hair and pale skin. The photos in her online portfolio are gorgeous. And the agency recommended her, so she should be fine."
Kagome gave him a quick peck on the cheek, laughing at his pouting face, then patted the chair in front of the mirror. "Sit down already will you? I called her earlier to let her know what was going on and she offered to get her own hair and makeup done at the studio there, so now I've just got to do you."
Inuyasha couldn't help the flutter down low in his stomach at her statement, even though he knew she'd meant it innocently enough. She began by brushing his long hair and he closed his eyes, feeling the regular pull of the brush on his scalp, her fingers gently protecting his ears from the rough bristles.
Damn that felt good. If he were a cat he'd be purring, and it took every inch of self control to not let out a deep rumbling growl of pleasure when she ran her hands through his hair, pulling the top back and securing it in a rough pompadour with a ponytail behind his head.
Then her nimble fingers were making small cornrow braids near his temples, adding little leather thongs and silver charms. The gentle tugging of his scalp felt so good. He squirmed in his seat a little, keeping his eyes closed.
"Sorry, am I pulling too hard?"
"Nah, feels so damn good. You're a natural at this. Wanna change careers and become my hairdresser?"
She pretended to think a moment, then giggled.
"Maybe. You're hair is fun to play with. It's much prettier than mine."
He opened his eyes, watching her as her deft fingers twisted his hair together.
"Nope. Untrue. Have you ever seen your hair in the sunlight Kagome? The way it shimmers almost blue? It's beautiful."
Her cheeks pinked, and she glanced at the mirror, her eyes fluttering downwards again when he caught her eyes.
"Stop. You're the one that's the freaking model, Inuyasha. Let me concentrate on this or we'll be behind schedule."
"So Ms. Higurashi can take a compliment about her photography skills but not her person? That's kinda weird don't you think? Especially when you're so pretty."
"C'mere", he said, tugging on her arm to move her into his lap, ignoring her squawk of protest. "Why can't my pretty girl take a compliment from me, huh?"
"I can! But we're at work right now Inuyasha!"
"Alright, prove it. Look in the mirror and say what I say, and then I'll let you go." She squirmed but he tightened his arm around her waist, pinning him close to her. "Gotta do what I say Higurashi. Gotta keep the talent happy!" She smacked his arm, still trying to wriggle out of his hold, doing her best to hold in her smile, but failing miserably.
"So, how should I keep the talent happy Inuyasha?" she smirked. "You were pretty happy when I left your apartment last night."
He moved his head to rest on her shoulder, looking at her reflection in the mirror.
"Ah, but that's where you're very wrong pretty girl." Kagome's face fell.
"You didn't enjoy last night?"
"Oh I did. Very much", he grinned, bucking his hips underneath her, then kissing a path down the arch of her neck onto her shoulder. "But then you left. And I was in that big empty bed all alone, with no one to keep me company."
"Oh, poor you. You know why I left Inuyasha. You needed to have a good night's sleep before the shoot today, and you know what would have happened if I'd stayed longer. There wouldn't have been much sleeping going on."
He nuzzled into her neck. "Maybe not, but this talent would have been much much happier. I don't want you to leave anymore." Kagome froze.
"You... you want me to move in with you?"
"I want you to move in", he said, his teasing face now serious. "I want you to be with me always. I know we've only been going out for a month Kagome, but I love you. I've loved you for years. And that's not going to change."
She turned on his lap so they were now facing each other, cradling his cheeks in her palms. "I love you too", she whispered. "So much."
"Would it be crazy if... if I said I wanted even more than that?" he asked softly, his eyes searching hers. "Would it be crazy if I said I want to be more than just your boyfriend, that I want more than you moving in. That I want us to belong to each other? And tell the whole world about it?"
Kagome's eyes widened, and her heart began beating wildly in her chest.
"That sounds an awful lot like a marriage proposal Inuyasha."
"That's because, maybe it is. We wasted so much time Kagome. I don't wanna waste another second. Please say yes."
"How could I say no to those puppy dog eyes of yours?" she giggled wetly, her eyes filling with happy tears.
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jay-and-dean · 4 years
More like him
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Dean x reader
So I had this request :
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I loved it, but it was a real challenge because I thing it wouldn’t be really “Dean like” to go on a diet. It took me months to manage to be satisfied by it. I really hope you like it. Oh, and I added a little Smut, couldn’t help it.
For me this fic is kinda part of the Become that Girl “saga”.
Warning : Swearing. Sassy Sam. Suffering and mentions of unhealthy behaviors and drinking. Jealous Dean. Insecurities. Smut. Unprotected sex (you’re smarter than this). Angst. Fluffy Fluff.
This is both in Reader’s Pov and Dean’s Pov
Words : 10.3 k (yes. You asked for it.)
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Dean’s Pov
             A grunt and a yawn. I turn around, a little pain in my neck from sleeping on the same position for hours.
           I drank too much last night, again. My arm blindly searches for a bottle of water in the deep dark of my windowless room to fight the intense dry feeling in my mouth, but I find nothing.
           One more night in a shady bar, one more hangover, and one more woman I won’t remember.
           I frown with my eyes still closed and think of her, my stomach gets sick. She was among the prettiest girl I have been with, and she was a little too young for me, I’m sure she wasn’t twenty-five yet. I remember her friends, young and fit boys and girls, celebrating a birthday.
           It’s really something how you see things differently when you’re drunk and when you are not. Maybe that’s why I drink so much : the sober truth gives me the creeps. Yesterday, I was feeling lucky, honored that a beautiful woman had laid her eyes on me, amazed by how confident she was. It felt like I had won the lottery of life, sex life at least. I was on top of the world, I could barely walk straight, but I didn’t care.
           This morning is different. I lay here, nausea making me sweat, disgusted by my own smell and the taste in my mouth, wondering how I came home. I drove Baby drunk like Hell, I could have hurt someone, or damaged her.
“Shit” I grunt again.
How pathetic it is to go look for a college girl to feel alive ? How pathetic it is to spend the whole time we spent together too focused on trying not to be too old or too drunk to actually enjoy any of it ? How pathetic it is to think of another woman, the very second my eyes open ?
I need coffee.
           I get up and make my way to the bathroom to pee and take a shower, I can’t stand the smell on me : alcohol sweat, the detergent of the cheap motel room I took not to bring her to our secret home, and, well, shame.
           After brushing my teeth, I drink all I can from the sink and wonder if she is here. I really hope she is.
The woman I call my friend. The person that have actually been my closest friend with Benny and Cas, maybe even closer. If she’s in the kitchen, she will make fun of me, she will make loud pan noises just to make my headache worse because she says hangover is not enough punishment for hurting my body like that. But in the end, she will probably order pizzas and spend the day with me in the Dean cave not really watching movies while talking about any kind of stuff from hunts to music, from social matters to memories, food -she talks about food a lot, with sparkles in her eyes-, movies, sharks during shark week, horror movie clichés, her childhood, mine, and really intimate things like Hell, Purgatory, like my mom, her dad, our dreams...
I didn’t know I had so much dreams.
           I put on underwear and the grey robe, then shuffle my way to the kitchen in the slippers that makes her call me grandpa.
           Sam is there. All energetic, dressed with those black sweatpants and this ridiculously tight shirt, he's pressing oranges or whatever, and it's noisy as hell.
"Can't you be quite in the morning ?" I groan with a pained frown, sitting with my coffee in front of me.
"Morning ? It's noon, Dean. So, how was last night ? I guess it must have been great considering how late you came back."
"You heard me come back ?" I ask, wondering how late it actually was.
"No, but Y/n waited for you, and around five a.m. she thought you weren't coming home at all, so she went to bed. That's why we haven't been running yet, she barely slept."
I look at him but he's now turning his back on me to fill a bottle with water.
           She has to stop doing that, waiting for me. I told her a few times already but it's like she was a worried mom or something. Y/n is always like that, she worries too much, every cut on Sam or me is a mortal wound, every yawn is a sign of exhaustion. And even if I secretly love this way more than I'll ever admit, I can't let her wait for me all night.
"Hey Dean" her voice catches my attention and I turn to meet her tired eyes.
How can she smile like that after the night she had ? How can she give me that kind smile? I really don't deserve it. I'm disgusting, damaged, violent even... Look at her.
           She walks in and I can't help but drift along her naked legs, strong and soft. She's wearing her working out shorts, the ones torturing me some days, those tiny grey shorts holding her waist, that makes it impossible to not linger on her thighs. The t-shirt she wears is one of mine, or was, since she never gave it back. It's a plain back worn out t-shirt that has really nothing special. She says it's the comfiest.
"Hangover ?" she asks, handing me a slice of her apple.
"Yeah" I grunt, taking it.
I don't like rabbit food and she knows it. So instead of telling me to eat some, like Sam constantly tried for a while, she just gives me little bites of hers. A piece of apple there, a bite of banana, a little of spinach on her fork... and I always let her feed me, maybe just because she does with that adorable kind of smile each time.
"You came back late" she states, turning her back on me.
There is not an ounce of reproach in her voice, but something slightly sad. Maybe she pities me. If she had seen my evening, she would for sure.
           A flash of that girl from yesterday saying my tattoo is weird and old fashion comes to my mind and I rub my face.
"Is there a hunt ?" I ask.
I really need a hunt, I really need some action and to get out of here.
"No" my brother lightly shakes his head.
"I thought I had found one" Y/n adds. "But it turns out it really was a bear this time !"
Her chuckle warms my heart.
"Movies in my room ?" I offer, trying to sound like it doesn't really matter, but the truth is, this perspective is what got me out of bed...
 Reader's Pov
             I cut another slice of apple with my hunter knife and give it to him.
"Hum, maybe later" I answer, looking away. "Sam and I planned on running to the lake..."
"The lake !" he almost chokes. "It's like twelve miles away !"
Sam chuckles and puts a hand on my shoulder, to inform me he's ready to go. He has been waiting for me a long time already, but I needed to check on Dean before I left for the day.
"Yeah..." I mumble. "And I want to practice my gun skills after, of fight skills if Sammy is not too tired from the running."
"I could help you practice too" he states and I give him a knowing smile.
           Dean is not interested in training me, he never was. And, unlike me, he barely needs practice himself anyway, so why should he care ? He's just the best, that's natural. He's Dean Winchester, the best hunter in the world, the best man, the best everything actually. Between the ladies waiting in line to get a piece of him and his friends, the parties, but above all, constantly saving the world... He doesn't have time for me. We're not made of the same wood, I'm from those who have to work hard to keep up. And I never want to be a burden for any of them.
"What ? I could !" he grunts and his brother laughs.
"Yeah right, Dean" Sam mocks him, giving me my bag. "You would probably get a stitch from just stretching with Y/n ! She's getting good !"
"Don't listen to you brother" I assure Dean with a little smile on the corner of my lips.
           I walk out of the bunker with Sam's back in front of me and bite my cheek, trying to ignore that sharp pain in my chest.
           That pain that fell on me again while I was waiting for him, trying to not imagine what he was doing, that dread burning my guts ; and the other, even worse, pain that kept me awake once I was finally sure of what he was doing.
Once outside, the tall hunter stretches a little, humming at the soft spring breeze.
"Why did you wait again" he finally speaks, earning only a sigh from me. "Y/n... I know you need to make sure he's safe but you're hurting yourself. Talk to him..."
"We already talked about this" I just shrug before I start running.
 Dean's Pov
             I stay in the kitchen, my heart pounding in my head, my liver struggling.
           Of course she won't spend the day with me. Why would she ? She waited all night and I was busy partying like those pathetic guys who didn't understand college is over.
You didn't even went to college...
Sipping at my coffee, I think of my brother’s hand on her shoulder and shiver, not really understanding why. I mean, he’s her friend too, a good friend actually, but something changed lately. They are close, more and more every day.
She used to spend all her time with me and now that I think of it… She does with him now. It started with morning runs, then there were going to the grocery store together. They cooked, Sam never cooked in his life, she taught him a few “healthy” recipes while I was making fun of them. Several times I found them talking until late in the library, or sending each other texts during hunts, when they were apart the whole day.
Maybe I’m missing something coming slow… Maybe the woman I think of the second I open my eyes in the morning thinks of Sam.
Why wouldn’t she ? My brother is better than me in every ways.
Sam is smart and educated, went to college and all. They can probably talk about things I have no idea of…
Sam is brave and fair. He’s the best man I know, and if I think of one man that would deserve a girl like her...
What are you saying ? There is no other girl like her.
But above all… Look at him. He just grew old way better than I did. All those healthy craps I always made fun of, in the end he’s right. While I was drinking beer for breakfast and eating fat crap, he was running, practicing. And yes, during hunts we're equals, because I was raised in this life, but if I had to catch him running, I would have a heart attack before he breaks a sweat.
I never cared about all of this. About having abs, comparing my body to my brother's, or about being healthy for that matters. Because let's be honest, I never really cared about myself. And girls like me…Right ?
What girls though. It was a long time since Cassie, since Lisa... And lately the one-night stands have had a bitter taste.
Sex with stranger was fun at first, for years it was. New body, new voice, new taste, and skin and preferences... I guess a guy feels pride by having sex with a lot of different women.  But most of the time it's far from great and I’m tired of starting over every time.
I just wonder how it feels to actually get to know someone intimately, to learn what makes them squirm, their secrets, to wake up next to a friend... Love must be so nice.
The only person I can think of is her, Y/n. The woman that is my friend and the only one I want tell my secrets, the things that make me squirm...
My Y/n.
I grunt, my heart beating too fast because of hangover, my skin still smells alcohol despite the shower.
I'm such a wreck and she's so pure. That woman overcame bad things, and I have seen her so depressed that she barely could move at all for days in the beginning of our friendship. And yet, here she is, smiling, running and dancing in the library at night, making me want to be better every day, to think more, be less self-destructive, to feel pride more than shame. Pride for helping people, pride for my little brother that I helped grow up, and pride for being her friend.
She’s always there, smiling when I need a smile, listening even when I can’t talk, rolled up asleep on a little corner of my bed when I had a night of nightmares. Her hand was in my back when mom betrayed us and chose to leave, like it was the only thing keeping me up…
I can’t imagine her gone, impossible. And I’m realizing, I can’t imagine her in the arms of another man. That’s selfish, but I have to admit it now. I love her. And I want her, I need her.
Yet all I do is pushing her in my brother’s arms. In my brother’s strong and fit arms…
 Reader’s Pov
             I’m running, my feet hurt and I have a stitch on my left side, my thighs are already sore and my skin and lungs are burning. But I ignore them. I run.
           I run to ignore my imagination and the images it brings. Dean laying on his back, giving his precious body to a blond girl that doesn’t even know who he is, how lucky she is. Dean grunting when she swallows around him. Dean grabbing her hair, biting her neck, coming inside her. Dean with two girls, why not…
           I run.
“Y/n !” Sam’s voice interrupts me. “Wow, easy tiger.”
Out of breath, he puts his hands on his knees and frowns at me.
“You know the point of all of this is not to faint ? It’s about endurance, not a sprint or a race.”
“I’m sorry, Sam” I sigh, my body screaming at me even more now that I stopped.
“Is this about Dean ?” he asks, making me roll my eyes.
“How running too fast could be about your brother ?” I grunt.
“You know perfectly why I say that” he shrugs, drinking from his water bottle. “Avoiding him won’t prevent the hurt.”
“It avoids the nausea from smelling cheap perfume on him at least…” saying that, I sit on a bench that is close in a huff. “I just…” I sigh, burying my face in my hands. “How do I avoid the hurt then ?”
“Talk to him” my friend says, joining me on the bench to sit next to me, his tall shadow wrapping me like angel wings, hiding me from this world I hate right now.
“Don’t be ridiculous” I scoff. “Hey Dean, could you not have sex with anyone ? It hurts me. Thank you.”
Sam lets out a chuckle and bumps my shoulder with his giant arm.
           A woman in an elegant sports outfit runs pass us, her tall form bouncing on her thin legs with grace, making her shiny hair fly. Dean would like her, he would totally sleep with her… Oh wait, we’re in Lebanon, there aren’t many girls that pretty around here, maybe he already did…
“How about ‘I have feelings for you’ ?”Sam suggests with puppy eyes and a childish adorable shrug.
I sigh, rubbing my face. Why doesn’t Sam understand ?
“Yeah so it can make our friendship awkward forever, with pity and shit” I look down at my hands. “Or so he chooses to erase my memory like he did with Lisa ?”
A silence falls between us.
           Sam knows what I think of this, how angry it makes me. Of course I don’t want to see him with Lisa, in fact my heart arches each time I think of what they had together, but take those memories from her… It wasn’t his choice to make. I happened to put myself in her shoes and hated it. I would rather long for a single smile from him all my life than being amputated of the only part of me I cherish : My love for him.
           The second reason I hate it is because of what it says about him : Dean is really convinced that he is not good enough. For anything, for anyone.
           During one of our nights in the Dean cave together, not really watching movies and drinking whiskey, he talked about it. And I know how much Lisa and him were meant to break up eventually. She wasn’t a hunter, and she didn’t really want to know about this life, even if she respected it. He was holding on to her like she was his only chance at happiness because, in his mind, happiness can’t come with the hunter life.
           Erasing her memory was not only a way to “protect her”, it was a closure for him. Away of closing the normal life door forever and throw away the key.
“You know he doesn’t think he deserves…” Sam starts but I cut him.
           I am a hunter. And despite the fact that I am desperately in love with my friend and going crazy with jealousy, I am pretty happy.
I am happy with my life, my heroic, never boring, full of magic life. I mean, they lost a lot, but do they think people with an apple pie life don’t ? Before I became a hunter, I went to so many funerals that the funeral home employees knew me personally before I hit puberty. And when you lose your family to cancer and heart attack, or suicide… You don’t even get to know for sure they’re in Heaven.
           But I am a hunter now, and I know. I am relieved and I feel safer, because magic exists, Heaven exists, and angels, even if they are quite different from what I had imagined.
“I just want Dean to be happy” I sigh and Sam’s giant hand rubs my back.
           That’s the truth. I wish with all my heart that Dean would realize he can be happy now. That the horror he has been through is over, and that the hunter life he can’t quit doesn’t mean he has to be miserable.
           And that is the reason I have to be the best friend I can. That’s the reason I have to swallow that jealousy that is making me bitter, to just love him, as selflessly as I can.
“Can we go home ?” I ask and Sam nods.
 Dean’s Pov
             I close the bathroom closet and swallow the pill, bending to drink water from the sink, then stand in front of the mirror.
           I never really thought of it, but I’m a little pudgy. My hips are not straight and firm, is my butt a little large ? I frown, making my wrinkles appear and sigh. And those freckles… I never really paid attention to them until that college girl said something about it. Something with a kind smile but her mean girl voice betraying her : “I guess it’s cute, but it always kinda look like the skin is dirty, you don’t have too many on the face so it’s okay”. Why do I have so many freckles ? Dad didn’t, mom either I think, not on her face anyway, and Sam… Sam’s skin is darker than mine, and perfectly smooth. Y/n must like that too.
Stop whining like a teen.
           I walk to my room and sit there, trying to ignore the voices in my head saying Y/n likes my brother. Does he like her too ?
           I take my headphones and turn the music on loud, closing my eyes, too bad for the headache, the silence is worse anyway.
           I’m in Hell, tied up like Alastair used to chain me, but I’m not hurt. Sam enters and points his finger at me.
“You will never be as good as me” he says. “Dad was better, I am better, and the woman you love ?” His laugh is terrifying, evil.
He puts his finger on my stomach and pushes it harder and harder on me, until it hurts.
Until it hurts a lot.
“You’re soft” he says, covering my whines of pain, that come out with my child voice now. “Dad was right, you’re too soft. Your heart is soft, your body too. You couldn’t say no to Alastair, like you can’t say no to a burger” his finger is so strong, like metal, and it feels like it is going to go through my skin and muscles any moment. “You have no self-control. You’re pathetic, Dean… Dean ? Dean.”
           I gasp, half sitting when I open my eyes.
“Sorry” Y/n says, and I look up to find her next to my bed, her hands up in a peace gesture.
“You’re back ?” I ask, still slightly panting.
The sight of her worried face makes my heart slow, and I notice she’s wearing that comfy pajama of hers, the very loose t-shirt draping lazily from her body, embracing her sweet curves.
“I got tired of running” she smiles kindly, finally plunging her hands in her sweatpants pockets.
I grunt and look at my watch, I have been sleeping a few hours, and I think the hangover is gone.
“I came to ask you if you were hungry and… You didn’t seem well” she nibbles at her lips. “Sorry if I scared you.”
I rub my eyes and give her a weak smile.
“You didn’t” I state. “I’m super hungry, yeah.”
I am. When I drink like that, I often skip diner.
I get up and grunt, rubbing my eyes. I thank her, walk to the kitchen with her and sit at the table in a sigh.
“So” she says with that radiant smile on her face. “I was thinking of making burgers. I know I don’t cook them as good as you, but !”
She turns around and shows me her phone screen, moving it too much in her enthusiasm for me to see anything. I chuckle and grab her wrist to still it, enjoying the softness of her skin under my fingers. On the phone, a recipe. “The best burger possible”, with descriptions of how to make the onions crispy, and to make the best sauce…
“Maybe I will finally make burgers as good as yours or close” she states, taking her hand back to read the recipe.
“You know you’re cute ?” I state, but I can’t give her the tender expression I intend to, as my dream comes back to me.
Maybe I should learn to say no to a burger.
“Not as much as your sleepy head” she chants.
“You know…” I clear my throat. “Maybe for once, we should eat what you like and not my greasy crap, like Sam says.”
She stops and turns to me with a pan in her hand and a surprised look.
“But” she pouts. “Me like burger.”
I look down, trying to think of something to say, she actually looks a little disappointed. She was so proud of what she had found… That woman is like a ray of sun.
           When I’m about to tell her that I would love to taste her burger, regretting having made her beautiful smile fade, she puts her phone on the table before me and starts looking in the fridge.
“I get it Dean.”
“Really ?”
“Too much alcohol, your grandpa stomach is fragile” she chuckles and I wonder how she seem to never show real hurt, annoyance or disappointment at anything I say. "Okay, you asked for it, I prepare the same for you as I do for Sam and me."
“Yeah…” I mumble.
           My eyes fall on her phone and my heart flutters. She forgot to lock it, and it’s the first time I see her wallpaper picture. It’s us. Just me and her. I remember that day.
           It was last summer, we were hunting a Wendigo that attacked campers, and had to camp ourselves in the wood for a night to find it. It was a beautiful night. When the photo was taken, I was telling a story, standing with a large smile on my face and a beer in my hand. Y/n came close, I don't remember why, and she wrapped her arms around me, holding my waist with her head on my shoulder.
           The picture really looks like we were a couple. She's staring up at me while I tell the story, her face inches away from mine. Behind us, that beautiful lake and a part of her blue tent. I don't remember who took this photo, and I think this moment must have been very short, or I would remember it. Maybe she just came that close to tell me something in the ear, maybe it was one of those quick hugs she gives me when I say something sad or mention being hurt.
           Why would she have that on her screen ? Before I can think of it further, her phone locks by itself and becomes black.
           I look up, her back is still on me, she's cutting something. With a discreet finger, I touch her phone, trying to make the photo appear again but her lock screen makes me sigh.
           Sam, of course Sam. It's a selfie they took together, simple and cute, both looking at the phone my brother is holding.
"I'm afraid you'll still be hungry after th-" she turns around and her eyes fall on my finger on her phone. "But if you are, there is pie" she states, taking her phone to put it in the back pocket of her jeans.
Like she needed to hide something, like she was embarrassed that I saw that Sam is on her screen.
           She arranges her salad or whatever she's making, puts a plate in front of me, and two others for Sam and her.
"Sam !" she calls and I look down at the plate.
I must say my it is pretty, all colorful. I recognize avocado, tomatoes... But as pretty as it is, it doesn't make me hungry, rabbit food never does.
"Oh wow, Dean is grounded or something ?" my brother chuckles, entering the kitchen.
"Leave him alone" she answers before I can make a comment. "His stomach is still upset."
Sam gives me suspicious look, I never ate this kind of veggie plate in my life, if my stomach is really upset, I wait an hour, and the second it's better, I fill it with beef jerky.
           I can see my brother is waiting for me to make a comment, complain. But when I don't, he just shrugs and starts eating, talking to her about something I don't listen to. I take a piece of avocado with my fork and when I look up to her, she's staring at me, her beautiful eyes searching my face.
"You can change your mind Deanie. I can still make bacon" she smiles.
"N-no really I'm okay" I state, eating a green thing without enthusiasm.
"Oh wow" Sam sneers. "Dean says no to bacon !"
           I swallow the lump in my throat and feel my cheek redden despite my effort to be as stern as possible. I don't need his smart words, and I don't need to see them being so perfect with each other. Getting up, I put the fork down.
"You know Sam, I actually can say no from time to time."
Leaving the room, I rub my face.
 Reader's Pov
             I stay still, my eyes on the kitchen exit where Dean just disappeared. Something is wrong, really wrong.
           I have seen Dean sad, grumpy and pushing people away, but this is new.
"I should go check on him after diner" Sam says. "He obviously have something on his mind."
My phone buzzes, it's him.
Hey Sweetheart, I'm sorry for leaving without eating what you prepared. Please tell Sam to not check on me. I'm going to bed, I'm just tired.
Dean is never "just tired".
Okay Deanie. Don't worry for the food. Please if you need something, remember I'm right here.
Tumblr media
           Dean didn't come out of his room at all.
           I waited a little in the kitchen, finishing that stupid show I had started the day before, when he was out with yet another woman. I was hoping maybe he would show up to eat something, and then I could talk to him, but he didn't.
"Y/n" Sam's voice makes me jump slightly, frowning at the too bright light. "Did you fell asleep out of bed again ?"
I look around, my laptop battery died, I don't know how long ago and I have no idea of what time it is.
           My friend lets out a deep sigh, offers me his hand and closes my laptop. I get up and follow him, a new ache in my back.
"What was it this time ?" he asks opening the door to my room. "And don't say it has nothing to do with him."
I frown, close the door and sigh letting myself fall sitting on my bed.
"He didn't eat" I mutter and Sam rolls his eyes. "What ? You admitted yourself that something is off."
"Can I sit ?" he asks, taking place beside me on the bed when I nod. "Your crush for my brother, it was cute at first..."
I can see him hesitate, and I know I won't like what he has to say.
"But ?"
"But this is getting unhealthy" he looks down. "You know I love my brother, b-but I think he's not a good thing for you in the end."
My eyes get wet but I keep listening silently.
"Dean is... We all are damaged. You can't stand seeing him angry or hurt but, you know, he is most of the time. Y/n you can't keep spending your nights on wooden chairs just in case he need a freaking sandwich. You're a hunter, a warrior !"
I want to protest, it's not that simple. But nothing come out of my mouth. When tears roll on my face, he opens his arms, welcoming me against him.
           I can't love Dean less, he knows that. But for the first time, he's telling me that he disagrees ; and that changes everything. Sam was always the one kindly making fun of me or taking pictures discreetly for me to stare at on my phone at night. What if he decides he has to talk to Dean ? What if he gets tired of me, his best friend ? And what if he's right ?
"You have to talk to him" he states, making my fears cut my air supply for a moment.
"I-I can't" I sob, half panicking.
"You know he really loves you..."
I let go of his arms, not really wanting to hear more but he keeps holding me.
"What are you so afraid of ?" he sighs.
Dean's Pov
             I'm hungry. My stomach is gurgling and I feel a little dizzy, I need to eat, it's not like I was going to be more like Sam by starving or skipping meals anyway. I will never be like him. More like Sam is not only a muscle thing, he's also taller, smarter, better...
           Coming out of my room, I rub my face, thinking of her pretty face a little shocked when I left. I should apologize.
           After a very quick shower, I put on my grey robe and slippers again, walking to her room slowly.
           I rarely felt that weak, after my heart failure years ago, or after a big blood loss... But hunger like that, I didn't feel it since that week dad left and I lost the food money. I was ten or eleven... I remember feeding Sammy with stolen food, and eating only the leftovers, a piece of fruit, a crust of bread... Sam was starting to realize something was odd. I was so tired...
           I am so tired.
           I ate eggs at lunch the day I went out, then nothing on the evening. And yesterday... Nothing either. I haven't eaten for like forty hours, not even the crusts of Sam's sandwich or three gummy bears he forgot on the nightstand this time. And I'm starting to shake.
           It's enough. I will apologize, make coffee and breakfast for both of us, and ask her to come to my room to continue our "What you haven't seen that ? It's a classic !" marathon movie.
           Just when I'm about to knock at her door, it opens.
           My brother comes out of her room... in the morning ; his perfect pecks showing through his t-shirt and his arms covered of superman veins.
"Dean" he says, surprised.
Then he closes the door behind him, not letting me in, and I feel my blood go down on my feet, making me dizzy.
"Give her a minute" he states, and leaves.
           I stay in front of the door, looking at it like I could see through it. A minute ? What, is she still naked ? Panting ? Dirty ?... I shake my head.
I can't.
She's my Y/n, how can he touch her ? How can he ? I need her, I need her for me... I can't...
           My breath is short and I try to fight the crushing wave of emotions almost making me fall on my knees. Sam is better, I'm a grunt, I'm damaged, dumb, unworthy... And I'm freaking fat !
           The door opens and Y/n bumps on my chest jumps, very surprised to find me here.
"Dean ?" she give me a well faked smile but it fades the second her eyes meet mine. "Dean... Are you okay ?"
I nod but I know the devastating hurricane raging inside of me is showing. And I'm not sure to feel my heart anymore.
"Deanie, did something happen ?"
"N-no" I state.
"Let's get breakfast" she frowns suspiciously. "I told Sammy that I wouldn't run this morning."
Why ? Are you tired ? Sore ? Did he hurt you ?
"I'm not hungry" I state.
The truth is I can't swallow anything right now.
"Not angry ?" she bites her lip. "What is it Dean ? Are you going on a hunger strike ?"
"No" I say and realize my tone is defensive.
She sighs and looks down, licking her lips, probably to taste my brother here...
"I'm worried" she whispers. "You didn't eat at all yesterday, and I know for a fact that you didn't get up for food."
"How can you be sure ?"
Her eyes are suddenly wet, and now I know what that fake smile was hiding : tears. It's enough to make me forget in a second about my own pain, about the crushing feeling on my heart.
"Because I slept in the kitchen again" she says a little coldly before walking pass me.
 Reader's Pov
             I have to hide my face. I can't deal with Dean telling me my love unhealthy too, or with his questions. And I can't cry before him, I wouldn't know how to explain it.
           I enter the kitchen and take eggs and bacon from the fridge. Hungry or not, he will eat a little, he needs it.
Not hungry... Is he sick ?
"Y/n..." he sighs behind me, but I don't answer, breaking the delicate eggshells against the pan edge. "Why did you sleep there ?"
"I don't know" I just say. "Why aren't you eating ?"
"I eat, Y/n."
"Not lately, no. S-so now I make you a real breakfast, like you like it, with meat and fat."
"Maybe I should stop eating that..." he mumbles for himself, but I hear him and turn around.
"What ?"
His whole body language changed. He doesn't stand with that confidence and dominance he usually has. He's hurt, hurt bad. He looks tired and pale, but not only...
"What is going on between Sam and you ?" he asks, low.
"Sam ?"
I slightly shake my head in confusion.
           I don't understand his question, I don't understand the pain on his face. Something happened when he went out, did someone hurt him ?
           Suddenly, a smell of burn come to my nose : the eggs ! I turn and try to save them but Dean's strong wrist grabs mine, making me turn to him.
"Answer please."
His voice is more somber than angry, but his gesture is firm and he's shaking. I can see the fire raging inside of him.
"What do you mean going on ? Dean... The food" I try to turn.
"I DON'T CARE ABOUT FOOD !" he suddenly yells, my heart racing and eyes wetting instantly. "I HAD ENOUGH FOOD FOR AN ENTIRE LIFE !"
           His vise fingers suddenly lets go of my wrist and he takes a step back, fear on his features, like he was afraid of his own emotions. Dean is an impressive and dangerous man, but I will never be scared of him.
           I wipe the tears that escaped my eyes and, on the surface calmly, turn off the fire under the burned eggs. Then I get closer to him and take his hand, way softer than he took mine a second before, under the slightly too long sleeves of his adorable robe. I decided I would be a better friend, it's my chance to be.
"If you precise your question, Deanie, I will answer. I just don't really get it" my eyes are on him, kind but firm, like I was taming a wolf.
He doesn't manage to finish his sentence, the gearwheels of his mind visible behind his sparkling eyes. If I don't help him, he will run away, and burry it forever.
"What do you think is going on between Sam and me ?" I ask, noticing his lips are really white, even more than before. But I know he won't agree to eat right now, not until we fix what is bothering him. "Do you think, we're hiding something ?"
That would explain why he was staring at my phone yesterday. Sam and him have been deceived so often, lied to...
"Are you together ?" he cuts my thoughts. "Or is it just casual ?"
"What ? No !" I frown, letting go of his hand just a second. "Dean... Sam is my friend."
"He's perfect" he whispers.
You're perfect.
"He's amazing" I nod. "Sam is one of the best person I know..."
"He's handsome" he cuts me.
I search his face, and he nervously licks his lips. I take his hand again shyly, just the tip of his fingers. He will close again because he regrets those words. I have to answer quickly even if I'm really wondering what this is about.
"H-he is" I state. "Not really my type but he really is a beautiful man."
"You're always together... He... He slept in your bedroom" he says, taking back his hand. "You guys do what you want, but don't take me for a fool."
           I take a deep breath, I won't get out of this without saying a little too much. I little of what I don't want to say. But Dean seems to need answers, and what Dean needs...
"He didn't sleep in my room, I told you I fell asleep in the kitchen. He found me, and bought me back there, tried to convince me to sleep but I was worried... and sad. Why those questions ?"
"Sad ?"
I don't want to answer now, so I continue.
"And... I spend a lot of time with him because he's my friend and..."
Being with you sometimes hurt.
           He doesn't answer, and looks down at himself. Is he jealous that spend time with Sam ? We indeed used to be even closer, before my love for him started being out of control. Does he feel like that third friend the others forget a little for the fun things ?
"Dean, are you upset because I went running with Sam instead of watching movies with you yesterday ?" he looks away. "Does this have anything to do with the fact that you're not eating ?"
"I... I don't know" he sighs. "I'm a little dizzy."
"Sit Dean" I say, guiding him to the table. "Tell me what's going on with food. Please. You know I hate to see you bad."
           He rubs his face with both hands, his scruff audible under his palm. How I wish I could kiss this jaw, how I wish I could show him how much I love him, how I know who he is, not like those girls.  
"It's ridiculous..." he tries, but I sit facing him, and wait for him to talk. "I'm not... like Sam."
"Like Sam ?"
"You know... Abs and..." he motions his body. "All."
"Wait" I blink a few times. "Dean you're perfect."
He scoffs so bend a little to make him look at me.
           How can he compare himself to his brother ? Where do that come from ? I know Dean struggles with serious self-hate, but would never have guessed it would reach that subject, of physical appearance... Maybe this is about a woman.
"Dean. You're the most beautiful man I have ever seen." My mouth starts freeing itself from truth I kept locked, and I can't stop it. "I'm serious. Your face looks like some masterpiece with perfect proportion, y-your eyes are ridiculously green, your jaw could cut glass, your lips..." my eyes fall on them and my words get lost. "You're tall and broad..."
"You're making me blush Sweetheart" he says, he voices back to its usual low hoarse tone. "Still I... You know I'm... a kid when it comes to food, I never exercise..."
"Never exercise ?" I smile. "Three days ago you climbed inside a house then dug a six feet deep hole on the ground, and the day after you chased a monster, fought him, and carried his body to a place where you can burn it... I say you deserve a burger."
His face seems to light up a little, but his pretty pillow lips are still too white.
"But it's not working out, like Sammy."
"Dean... Your brother likes it, he need it to focus, to think" my smile grows and I speak lower, I know my admiration is showing, and it honestly feels liberating. "And he needs that to keep up with you."
"He doesn't" he almost chuckles, finally warming my heart.
"Well, you're the best. It's natural for you, but we have to work, especially me."
"You two are better than me" he states.
"We're not. And... Dean not eating isn't going to make you feel better about yourself. It's going to wear you out, make you weak..."
"I know" he sighs.
"Can I make you a breakfast ? The color of your lips makes me want to draw a salt circle."
He chuckles fully this times, wrinkles appearing on the corner of his eyes.
           I gently pat his shoulder as I get up, still not believing Dean could have insecurities like those. I throw away the burnt cold eggs and make some new, with bacon.
"I hear comments sometimes you know..." he says like it was easier now I'm not looking at him. "The things you said, that my face is nice..."
"More than nice" I admit, turning a little to him, but not fully to keep watching the pan.
"It happened that girls expect more under my shirt" he looks down. "I know it's ridiculous... I just, I don't know, maybe I feel disappointing."
"It's not ridiculous" I state under my breath, grabbing a plate to finally give him food. " Here, eat this, all of it."
"Like with the whole FBI look or with my seductive smile" he stops and grunts. "I feel like a teen."
"Hey, nothing like that between us, you know that. I told you about very embarrassing stuff" I reassure him. "And, what you're saying is interesting, men endure the social standards too."
"I... I don't know I didn't age like a model, I'm... soft."
"You know..." I start.
I pour two coffees and take a chocolate bar for myself, watching him before I keep talking, to make sure he starts eating.
"Delicious" he states, putting big pieces in his mouth.
"One of the reason I work out with Sammy is... Precisely because I don't want to look ridiculous next to two total models."
"Now that's" he starts, opening his mouth too big at how hot it still is. "That's kinda ridiculous. You're the prettiest girl ever !"
"I'm not" I whisper, softly blowing on my coffee.
"What ? You are Y/n" I lift my eyes on him, his lips are still a little light but shining with grease.
"I'm not like the girl you go out with."
           I don't dare looking up, but see he stopped moving. His robe is now totally opened, the belt got loose, and my eyes are lost in the black of his shirt.
"The girls I go out with" he repeats. "You're way better than those girls."
"Oh listen to you, that doesn't sound cliché at all" I say a little too coldly, a shocked expression appears on his face. "I... I'm sorry."
"You know... the girls I go out with, that doesn't really mean anything."
"I know" I cut him to make him understand I'm not asking him to justify himself.
But he keeps talking anyway.
"I have been with divorced single moms, witnesses... college girls" he says the last one with something bitter and I take this occasion to make it about him again, and not me.
"Two day ago" I ask, although it's the last thing I want to talk about. "It was a college girl, Deanie ? Did something happen ?"
"Yeah... no" he states, answering my two questions. "I just... I just realize it wasn't really what I wanted, not anymore. And that it didn't... didn't really make me feel good about myself."
"Too young for you ?" I try to joke, giving him a piece of my chocolate bar, feeding him like I always do, with everything I have in my hand.
"Kinda yeah" he answers seriously. "I don't know... She... I wasn't frat boy enough for her I guess."
"Yes, that's exactly the idea, that you're not that !"
"I didn't really, you know... enjoy it" he says and I fight the images coming in waves in my head. "I was too focused on trying to prove something" a dark chuckle escapes his lips. "I don't even know who I was trying to convince. And she... She didn't like the tattoo, the scars, the freckles..."
"Whoa whoa ! Who's that bitch ?" I lift my hands in the air, sincerely shocked, I never knew some women would be able to not appreciate Dean.
He smiles kindly but looks at the bottom of his coffee.
           Silence. I wish I could make him see who he is, I wish I could speak more, ask questions, but just talking about that stupid college girl that had him, but on top of that made him feel bad about himself...
"You look sad again" he cuts my thoughts.
"Sad ?"
"Yeah, it happens often. You start thinking deeply and you get sad" he says. "Listen... You're the most amazing friend, and woman, there is..."
"But" I whisper, echoing the conversation with Sam in my head.
"There's no 'but'" he shakes his head. "I was just going to say that I want to be a better friend, and man, for you."
"You already are the best" I smile but he doesn't smile back at all, his green eyes searching mine.
"I'm not. I let you down several times. I get why you would rely on Sammy more. I left you at this bar after that hunt when that witness was hitting on me. And I cancelled movie night twice to go out, just to feel... I don't know desired, loved maybe ? I know how absurd it is" When I'm about to talk, he doesn't let me. "And I worry you... coming home drunk as fuck in the morning." He rolls his eyes a little. "And with Baby..."
"I'm not your mom, I have to stop being so protective, Sam is right..."
"Sam ?"
           That's it, the moment I say so much I regret it my whole life. But I promised my best friend I wouldn't go on like this, that I would either talk to Dean, like he wants me to, or at list try to work on my feelings to move on. It's time to stop hiding everything from the man I love and make our friendship pure again.
"Sam says..." I clear my throat. "That... I have to care a little less about you, to care a little more about me" I don't dare looking up and let out a dark chuckle. "Won't be easy... I care a lot about you."
           When he doesn't answer, I finally look up, fearing what I will see on his face. He's just staring at me with an expression I never really saw on his face. His gorgeous lips are pink again, and the scruff on his cheeks, a little darker than usual, highlights the radiant light of his big beautiful eyes.
           He half gets up, bending on the table. And before I can realize what's happening, he puts his lips on mine in a soft, warm kiss.
           My whole body responds to it. The thin hair on my arms stick up, my heart starts beating my chest and my thighs get moist with a thin layer of sweat.
           I stay frozen for a second, looking at him in disbelief, playing the quick kiss again and again in my head as he sits back.
"I just..." he clears his throat and sigh, getting up. "I'm not Sammy."
Before he can leave, before this moment becomes a memory I will struggle to think as real, before I find myself in that hole of secrets again, I get up. But he's already walking to his room.
"Dean !" I run after him, meeting him at his bedroom door. "Dean. You're not Sammy. You're you, you're perfect in every ways."
           My heart is pounding. Let's do this, he needs this. Dean needs to be loved and I didn't know he needed reassurance. No one can to this better than me, because I worship him. I always said I wanted to show Dean he can be happy, and loved without changing his life for good. This is my shot at it, I may not be enough, I may not be what he wants or needs, but at least I can share with him. My devotion, my love, my body, all he wants.
           And If my heart breaks, let it be a happy sacrifice.
"Your freckles are like stars in a summer sky" he frowns when my fingers come up to graze his cheek. "I already liked freckles but yours... You make any other skin look plain and boring."
His face is so close, the delicious smell of his skin reaching me. His pupils are large, just circled with that green that could make me cry.
"Your lips..." I say a little lower, looking at them intensely.
From here, I can see the few freckles that made their way on them. Then I see his tongue, slowly wetting them before he bends again, catching my lips softly, his nose bumping mine when he opens his mouth to capture my upper lip, once, twice...
           I open my mouth and wrap my arms around him, deepening the kiss with a shameless hunger, and all my love in it. Something blows up inside of me, something strong : need.
 Dean's Pov
             No drunk groans, and no shame anywhere. I kiss her like it was words, and take her inside my room.
"Your smell" she says and I feel emotions rush in every one of my veins, but it's not disturbing like it usually is. "I could bath in it, live it."
I bend to burry my face in her neck, inhaling deeply.
           And I take my time, I have no reason to hurry, nowhere to go, no woman to come back to. She slips her fingers between the strands of my hair, letting me hold her close, drowning in her smell.
           I want to cry, and I don't really know why. Probably because of how right this feels. Because of that relief : She not with my brother. She is not with Sam...
"Dean..." she whispers, her nails gently grazing my scalp. "Can I see you ?"
I put a kiss on her neck and murmur a tender 'yes' against it.
           Her hands leave my hair to go down along my neck, sending shivers down my spine, and push my robe, making it fall like a cape at my feet. That’s how she makes me feel, like her hero.
           Her chin goes up without me leaving her neck, and she gently rubs her cheek on my jaw. In a soft moan, I open my mouth to leave wet kisses on her skin.
Maybe she can be mine...
"Sometimes your voice makes me shiver" she whispers in my ear. "Just your voice... It's so deep."
Somehow her words send electricity to my crotch and I can feel my boxers getting tighter.
           My hands grab her ass, pressing her against me and when she moans, I feel my cock twitch.
"You're beautiful in everything" she continues, her hands slipping under my shirt to stroke my back, her voice slightly weaken by arousal. "But when you wear henleys or just a t-shirt..." she kisses just below my ear. "I can get wet by just looking at you."
My cock twitches and I groan.
"Are you wet now, Baby ?"
She nods and I let go of her ass to cup her face, kissing her like I always dreamed of, deeply and hungrily, not caring of being in control of myself, not caring if I seem desperate.
           She starts to walk, making me take a few steps back until my calf hit the edge of the bed and I sit on it. I tug at her shirt to make her straddle me, but she takes a second to take off her shorts, revealing her beautiful thighs, and her white panties.
           When she finally straddles me, spreading her legs, I spot a wet stain on her panties and a low growl leaves my chest.
"Fuck... You are..." I say, my hand coming down to cup her sex through it, feeling the tip of my finger get wet.
Her body immediately contracts, and, with my middle finger pressed against her entrance, I can even feel her walls clench around nothing.
"How can you be so reactive" I groan.
"It's you..." she moans, rolling her hips just a little to feel my hands more. "Dean... No men can do this to me."
��          My other hand comes up to take that worn out black shirt she stole with impatience, because I notices she wasn't wearing a bra underneath.
"Oh baby..." I let out, bending to kiss her breasts, my other hand teasing her more.
           I'm burning up, my back sweating, my cock painfully hard. I don't remember being that turned on in my life by so little. She hasn't even touched me yet.
           Her head falls back and her nipples point at me, begging me to suck at them, so that's what I do. Mouth open, I take one in my mouth, along with the most of her soft breast I can.
"Ah..." she moans and squirms above me. "Dean !"
My cock twitches at just hearing my name like that, my real name on top of that.
           I slip my hand in her panties, desperate to hear more, feel more. She's soaked, her thighs contracted and her hips rolling against my hand. She doesn't form words, but her body is begging for more.
           So I slip a finger inside her and feel her squeeze him, hear her gasps. I can't wait to be inside of her but that's not my only purpose... Oh God when she will clench around me ! I’m panting now.
"Please Dean" she whines, one of her hand going behind her to find balance on my knee, her beautiful body arching back.
I give her what she needs, another finger, pumping slowly at first, then going a little stronger, and my thumb on her clit, gently circling. I look at her with my mouth open in awe, a devouring pleasure making me high.
"Fuck" I pant.
           I should try to focus, make that coil inside me calm, make my heart slow. I don't want to be aroused like a teen, or I won't last at all... But I can't, and my free hand comes on my crotch to touch myself through my boxers a little, desperate for some friction.
"Dean ! Dean..." she cried out, now joining the movement of my fingers with her whole body. "I need..."
"Come for me" I order. "Show me how much you want me Baby, clench those fingers."
And just like that, she does.
           Her whole body shakes and her thighs crush me, her walls trying to milk my finger for what they can't give her.
My cock twitches so hard it's painful, I bend on her chest to not see her face longer, and try to hold back as hard as I can.
"Baby... fuck..." I whine, my whole stomach contracting and my cock pulsating.
But when she grabs my head to hold it against her and start rolling her hips hard to prolong her powerful orgasm, I can't hold back...
           In a very loud frustrated grunt I come in my pants, feeling my cum drip along my twitching cock.
 Reader's Pov
             My bliss makes me high, but my senses are at their full power, so I can feel what’s happening. I can feel Dean squirm beneath me and shake, I can feel his hand unable to move and hear his gasps.
           He’s coming.
           My walls clench even more at the thought and he whimpers against my breasts. So I hold him, I just hold him.
           When I finally can have the control of my body again, I look down at him and he withdraws his fingers slowly.
“Y/n…” he whispers. “Fuck I…”
“Did you came ?” I ask with the largest smile I ever had on my face.
“I… yeah… I’m…”
He seems embarrassed.
“Dean, that’s the sexiest thing I have ever experienced” I assure him, bending to kiss his lips. “No one ever wanted me that bad.”
“I still want you” he states, his hands stroking my back and going down on my ass. “I… I think you’re all I want actually.”
           My eyes get wet. In my head : every single moment in my life that made me fall in love with Dean, every day, every moment I craved for a touch, for his smell, every time he laughed and cried… Everything.
“Then you have me Dean, you can have me forever if that’s what you want.”
“Yes, I do” he says, taking off his shirt.
           With a large smile I push him back on the bed, letting him drag both of us higher on it. I look down at him, and a tear falls on his chest. His hand comes up to wipe my cheek, we don’t need to talk for a moment.
           My hands go down his sides, enjoying his firm chest and the soft line of his stomach, my thumbs massaging it a little on their way up, feeling the strong muscles underneath and the silky-smooth skin.
           I bend to kiss his collarbones, and his tattoo, palms still roaming everywhere like I always dreamed of, like I will always dream of.
“This tattoo” I say, drawing its contour with my finger. “It’s so you, it has a story, and it protects you. I love it.”
“And I love you” he states without a hesitation, his chin almost on his neck to see me.
A tiny emotional sob escapes my lips, making him frown a little and wrap his strong arms around me.
“Hey baby…” he whispers. “Y/n…”
           My hand goes down to push his underwear down, and my panties to the side. He searches my eyes while I do, and licks his lips in a moan when I grab his cock to guide it at my entrance.
“I love you” I say, slowly sinking down on him. “I love you, I love you…”
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Forever Tags : @parinarain @animegirlgeeky @mogaruke​ @masterof-agony​ @rainflowermoon @tftumblin​ @deans-baby-momma​ @roonyxx​ @thefaithfulwriter​ @vicariouslythruspn​ @emeow1496​ @daryldixonandfrogs​ @holylulusworld​  @cocklesbelli​ @sandlee44​ @screenchingartisancashbailiff @donnaintx​ @stormchasingchick32​ @akshi8278​ @magssteenkamp​ @sister-winchesters99​ @neii3n​  @lyss-dw79​ @im-a-shrub​ @sadwaywardkid​@hopelesslydevotedtoyou1912 @slyqueenj​ @i-love-superhero​ @waywardsisterandpie @sunsetsandbooks​ @fangirlxwritesx67​ @mrspeacem1nusone​ @stylesismyhubs​ @deanwanddamons​ @jawritter​ @peridottea91​ @chelsea072498 @chocolateheart​ @vicmc624​ @teresa-67​ @nihilismworld​
Text divider by the amazing @talesmaniac89​
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with friends like these
Summary: Apollo gets his wisdom teeth out, and Clay babysits.
Link to AO3 in the notes.
"Apollo, buddy. Buddy. You gotta lie back down."
Apollo blinks owlishly at Clay, swaying in place in the middle of the kitchen. God, Clay would feel better if he at least had the sense to lean against the counter. "But I want coffee."
"No coffee for you," Clay says, forcing himself to be stern despite the dreading anticipation of the way Apollo's expression falls, comically sad. AJ always looks younger than he is, as a big brave twenty-year-old, but the sad little pout while he's out of his mind on painkillers, cheeks swollen from surgery? He looks like he's twelve. Adorable. Clay feels bad for him, he really does—he got his own wisdom teeth out last year and he remembers how much it sucked—but the little baby pout just makes him want to smile. "You'll wind yourself up something good, sunshine."
"It's not that much caffeine," Apollo tries to say, even as he lets Clay catch him by the arm and pull him, stumbling, out of the kitchenette. "An' it would make me feel more awake."
"You don't need to feel more awake, you need to rest."
"But I've got stuff to do," Apollo says, mournfully. Clay manages to wrangle him back over to the couch and nudge him back down onto the cushions. Apollo makes doe eyes up at him while Clay grabs the nearest blanket to wrap around his shoulders. "I gotta work on my readings—"
"It's winter break, you don't have readings."
"But next semester."
"You don't have any advance readings yet. You checked and told me so before the surgery."
"I have to stay ahead," Apollo says. His eyelids droop. "I gotta be good at my classes so I can be a good lawyer."
"You're gonna be a great lawyer. But you aren't a lawyer yet, and you don't have any classes right now, so just take it easy, okay?"
Apollo opens his eyes again to peer back up at Clay. "My mouth hurts."
"I know. Sorry, buddy. Not time for more painkillers yet. You want me to grab you the ice pack again? Get the rest of your shake?"
Apollo nods, still looking glum. Clay dutifully returns to the kitchen to retrieve an ice pack from the freezer, which he wraps in a kitchen towel, and the rest of Apollo's post-surgery chocolate shake out of the fridge. When he gets back out to the living room, Apollo has toppled over to be horizontal on the couch. Clay puts the necessities down on the coffee table and scoops Apollo's legs up onto the couch so he isn't twisted all funny. The last thing the poor thing needs is unnecessary strain making him uncomfortable. He ruffles Apollo's hair. Apollo leans into the touch. Aww.
"Anything else I can grab you?"
"Can you sit with me? I wanna watch you play games."
"Aw, sure. What do you wanna watch?"
"I dunno. Anything's fine."
"Let's play some Odyssey, then. I'll go grab the Switch."
Apollo brightens, just like Clay thought he would. He always did like playing on Clay's Switch when they were kids. Even for Clay, it's hard not to be transported back to sleepovers, hushed giggles as they tried not to tip Clay's dad off that they were staying up late while they played games under the covers, whenever he picks it back up to replay something. He knows the memories are even more precious to Apollo, who spent so much of his adolescence struggling through foster system bullshit.
"Okay, sit tight."
When Clay comes back, Apollo has propped himself up enough to try to drink more of his shake. It dribbles out of his mouth.
"Oh, man. You got a little, uh—"
Apollo looks frustrated. "Did I miss again? I still can't feel my lower lip."
"Yeah, no, it's, um—you're fine, just let me—" Clay grabs a tissue off the box on the coffee table and wipes Apollo's face. "There you go."
"Thanks," Apollo says. He smiles, wobbly but true. "You're the best."
"No problem, sunshine," Clay says, smiling. He moves around the room, getting the Switch hooked up to the port so it will show up on the TV, before he lifts Apollo's upper body out of the way so he can slide onto the couch with him. Apollo's head ends up propped on his thigh. He helps Apollo adjust himself so there's no pressure on his cheeks, and he can easily hold the ice packs in place while seeing the screen. "Here we go."
"Let's-a go," Apollo says, in a terrible Mario impression. Clay barks out a laugh and starts the game.
They don't get very far into the game before Clay is pretty sure Apollo starts to doze beside him. His breathing evens out and his weight goes limp. That's fine. He's warm and cozy, and Clay likes being someone he feels comfortable enough with to sleep around. If this is helping him feel a little better while he's in pain, Clay's satisfied. It's not like it's a hardship to sit here and play video games and be his pillow.
But the fact that he thinks Apollo's mostly asleep does mean Clay almost gets the shit scared out of him when Apollo says, suddenly, "Clay."
"Jesus!" Clay fumbles a jump and Mario goes plummeting to his doom. Oops.
"Yes, hello, hi. I thought you were napping, buddy. What's up?"
"You know you're my best friend, right?"
"Yeah? Of course."
"You know?" Apollo rolls so he's mostly on his back, looking up at Clay with big, sad doe eyes again. Clay stares back down at him, befuddled. Of course he knows. "Cause I—I know I'm kinda bitchy sometimes—"
"Aw, Apollo—"
"An' I can't help you with your smart science stuff a lot—"
"That's not—"
"An' I get really anxious and you have to babysit me sometimes an' I yell at you for it—"
"But you're really important to me and it would suck if you didn't know just 'cause I'm stupid."
"You aren't stupid," Clay says. He ruffles Apollo's hair again. Apollo's eyes slide closed, lips tugging back into the miserable little pout. "I know I'm your best friend. You're plenty nice to me. Just 'cause you're a little prickly when you're stressed doesn't mean you don't make it obvious that you care about people."
Apollo sniffles. Oh, no. Case in point, though.
"And you don't have to worry about not helping me with science stuff," Clay adds. "I know I'm not that helpful with your law stuff, either. You're way better at helping me review than I am at helping you review."
At least that makes Apollo smile a little. "Jus' easier to read formulas off notecards than legal definitions."
"You can say that again." Clay will take astrophysics over civil law any day. "Besides, you're the best hype-man I could hope for. Who else is gonna get me super pumped to go to space even though it scares the piss out of you?"
"It's so high up," Apollo whines, making Clay cackle. He never thinks about fear of heights as an issue with spaceflight until Apollo mentions it. "An' there's the whole vacuum and no air and you're just going in a tin can—"
"Don't talk about my girl Hattie like that, she's perfect."
"An' even Mr. Starbuck is nervous about it."
"And you help Sol get psyched for it too," Clay says. He pats Apollo gently on the shoulder. "Which is exactly what I'm talking about."
Apollo sighs.
"I know we're best friends, sunshine," Clay adds, more gently. "Come on. You think I would agree to live with you if I didn't know you liked me? I bet you could pull some real passive-aggressive roommate pranks if you wanted to."
Apollo huffs out a tiny laugh. "Maybe."
"There we go. We're fine, yeah?"
"Say it with me. We're fine."
"We're fine."
"You're Apollo Justice and you're fine."
"I'm fine!"
"That's my boy." Mario has fallen asleep standing up on-screen. Clay is considering whether or not he should keep playing or encourage Apollo to go take a real nap when Apollo shifts beside him. Clay lifts his arms out of the way on instinct, holding the controller aloft, when Apollo braces himself on shaky arms to turn and crawl the rest of the way over to plop himself down in Clay's lap. "Wh-oa, buddy. Hi there. You want cuddles?"
"Yeah," Apollo mumbles. He drops his head onto Clay's shoulder. Clay carefully shifts his weight and settles down against the back of the couch, letting it take both of their weight. He doesn't think of Apollo as a big guy, because he's not, but geez. A whole adult human does kind of weigh a lot. Good thing Clay's been beefing up for his training. "Are you at the moon yet?"
"Nope. Only at the gardens. It hasn't been that long."
"You're gonna get to the moon someday," Apollo says, with loopy certainty. Clay almost bites down on a grin before he remembers that Apollo can't see him anymore and he can smile as much as he wants, safe from scrutiny. "You're gonna be a kickass astronaut."
"Aw, thanks, bud."
"You're really smart. And good at solving problems."
"Flatterer," Clay says, grin spreading wider. God, he wishes he'd thought to grab his phone and start recording this. Yeah, he does know he's Apollo's best friend and Apollo loves him and all that, but he sure as hell doesn't get this mushy often. It's really cute.
"You deserve it. You're the best friend in the world, Clay," Apollo declares, and promptly passes out on Clay's shoulder.
"Anyway," Clay finishes. He knocks back the rest of his mocha. "That's what AJ was like when he got his wisdom teeth out, so like I said. Don't be too embarrassed about it."
Klavier is laughing so hard he's almost crying, a hand slapped over his mouth to muffle the sound of it. Apollo's in the kitchen right now, cooking the three of them brunch. Hopefully the sizzle of frying eggs and sausage covers the sound of Clay's indiscretions out in the living room. Clay's dead meat if it doesn't.
"He never mentioned," Klavier manages to get out, when he finally gets himself under control. "How cute."
"It was pretty great," Clay says, fondly. "But please don't tell him I told you about that. I don't want to die before I make it to the moon, and he will actually kill me for realsies."
"Your secret is safe with me." Klavier props his chin on his hand, grinning. "Has he ever gotten quite so affectionate other times?"
"If he's drunk enough, yeah."
"I'll have to keep it in mind, then."
"S'why I told you," Clay says. He considers the sly, affectionate curl of Klavier's smile for a second before he adds, "But don't bully him too hard afterwards, or you will lose drunk Apollo privileges. Only moderate mortification allowed."
"Would he be taking the privileges away or would you?"
Clay lets his own smile go sharper. He likes Klavier just fine, and he doesn't really believe he'd be that mean to Apollo, but... well, Apollo's Clay's best friend, too. He has obligations if Apollo's boyfriend is an asshole to him. "Fuck around and find out."
"Fair enough, Herr Astronaut," Klavier says. There's a clatter of plates in the kitchen as the sizzling dies down.
"Food's ready!" Apollo hollers. Clay casts Klavier a glance; Klavier mimes zipping his lips, winking. They both push away from the table to wander into the kitchen. Apollo bustles around fixing a plate of food, a pile of hashbrowns and sausage and eggs. Klavier creeps up behind him and puts his hands over Apollo's hips. Apollo startles, almost knocking him away. His cheeks go pink.
"What do you think you're doing? Clay's literally right there."
"Don't mind me," Clay says, cheerfully. He loves having ammunition to give Apollo hell over later.
"I think he already has an inkling that we're dating, Liebling," Klavier murmurs. He leans down to kiss the top of Apollo's head. Apollo gently elbows him in the gut, pushing Klavier away as his cheeks go even redder.
"Yeah, and he's already insufferable enough about it without you hanging off me in front of him. Come on, back off."
Klavier obligingly steps back. He and Clay begin to fix their own plates. Hovering nearby, Apollo asks, suspiciously, "What were you two gossiping about out there, anyway?"
"Oh, nothing," Clay says. He smiles sweetly when Apollo narrows his eyes at him. "By the way, AJ?"
"You're the best friend in the world."
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ok this is pretty rough but i just felt like posting something, it’s been too long. also this is just what i’m longing for today, lazy summer evenings just messing about in the park with friends, and it still  being light out, so that’s what this is
David felt on top of the world. He'd won. Every single match. Sure he was in pain and exhausted, but he also felt like he could run miles, fight some more, take over the world. He loved summer, it had always been his favourite time of year, but this summer was special. This summer he felt more like himself than he'd ever felt before. He felt right. He felt strong and powerful. He felt unstoppable. This summer was never going to end, because when August rolled around he would be going to school with his friends. He was going to school as himself and no one was going to question it. Just as it should be.
He skipped along hand in hand with Matteo who seemed to have caught some of his energy. He was bouncing too, chattering away, whooping and cheering. The other boys were just as energetic, going over details of the fights, reenacting the best bits as they all descended on the park. It was deserted, due to the late hour, but David was wide awake. they all collapsed by the water and gratefully took the beers Abdi handed out.
"Quite the display there," Carlos said, clinking his bottle against David's.
"The fight?" David asked, knowing how well he'd done, how impressive it must've looked. Matteo had already told him so.
"The kiss," Abdi clarified.
David just laughed, it had been a hell of a kiss. He wasn't one for such dramatic displays of affection, but he'd won and Matteo was looking at him so proudly, with so much love and adoration in his eyes, what could David do except jump out of the ring and kiss him senseless? He kissed him again now for good measure, causing the other boys to whistle and cheer.
"So you two finally sorted yourselves out then?" Carlos asked, genuinely excited about this new development.
Not that it was new, this had been inevitable for years now, it was just David was more comfortable with himself than he'd ever been before. But he'd also realised there was no right way to do this, there were no rules, they would figure this out together. What mattered was what they meant to each other, and that was everything. And Matteo too, right now he seemed to accept that David wasn't going anywhere, that he deserved his love. David knew that would change, there would be days when he wouldn't believe it, but David was ready, he would convince him.
"Yep," he said simply, they didn't need to know anymore than that. He didn't need to justify the speed at which they moved.
"Nice," Jonas said, high fiving him.
David just grinned, so content.
Matteo shuffled where he was still laid against him. He pulled a little baggy out of his pocket and started rolling a joint.
David tangled his fingers in Matteo's hair, pulling it tight and tilting his face up to look at him.
"What's that?" David said pleasantly, his tone mostly teasing.
"You know what it is," Matteo mumbled.
He did. He hadn't known Matteo smoked weed, but at the same time it didn't surprise him. Years ago it would've bothered him, that Matteo had these things that David didn't partake in, but he found he didn't mind. Matteo was his own person and as long as he was ok, David was happy.
"Did you ask permission?" Carlos asked.
David rolled his eyes and huffed.
"Shut up Carlos," he muttered.
But he realised Carlos was serious. Which was stupid, Matteo didn't have to ask his permission to do anything. He told them all as much.
"Sure dude," Abdi said.
"Ok but can I?" Matteo asked, destroying his argument.
"What?" he asked innocently, putting the joint to his lips and lighting it.
"I'm not bossy. I'm not," David insisted.
Jonas just nodded.
"I'm not bossy!"
"You kinda are though," Abdi said.
If David wasn't so comfortable with Matteo in his lap he would have tackled him.
"He's not," Matteo said quietly. "Well he is, but not when it matters, he's stubborn sure-"
"He's super stubborn, but in a good way, he always encourages me to speak up, he never lets me get overwhelmed by my doubts and stuff. I feel so brave when I'm around him.
"Fuck Matteo," David whispered, shuffling back so Matteo's head was resting on his stomach and he could look at him properly.
He watched him continue to smoke, watched his face in the soft glow of the late summer twilight. Watched as Matteo's edges started to soften a little and his eyes became a little glazed. He watched the smoke pass his lips as he exhaled. David he was mesmerised. Matteo just smiled softly at him. David had never seen him like this, serene, it was beautiful. He offered the joint to David but he shook his head. He didn't want to smoke, he wanted to kiss him. He told him so and Matteo just continued to smile. Slowly he got up from where he was laying and crawled over David. David let his hands drift to Matteo's waist to steady him. But Matteo didn't kiss him. No, he took another hit, but this time he didn't exhale, he gently cupped David's face and leant in. He waited. David realised what was happening and nodded. When Matteo’s lips were millimetres from his own, he parted them and breathed in the smoke.
It should have been the hottest thing they'd ever done. But of course he had to spoil it. He coughed and spluttered in Matteo's face and all the boys laughed at him.
Matteo ignored them. He was determined to do it right.
"Breathe in slowly, as I'm breathing out, don't try, just relax," he said, voice low and quiet. "Just breathe and relax," he repeated.
David took a breathe, then another, watching Matteo inhale again. This time he was ready, this time he matched Matteo, not quite in sync like they usually were, but out of step. He breathed in the smoke and when his lungs burnt, he didn't panic, he just let it go again. He smiled at Matteo in the hazy light. Fucking hell he was cute. David didn't care about the smoke, he wanted a proper kiss, so he pulled Matteo against him properly. There was no resistance, Matteo just melted into him, kissing him back lazily. This was nice, he'd never really kissed Matteo like this, slowly like that. he liked it. he kissed him again and again. then  He took another hit. Matteo seemed to like it too, his eyes were dark and heavy.
Jonas just huffed and snatched the joint from Matteo. Which was fair enough. Neither of them cared about it anymore.
Matteo just pushed David down and relaxed into him, never breaking the kiss. David revelled in it, being kissed so freely by Matteo. Yes, this summer really was the best one yet.
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Ginny Weasley Twin HCs
Warnings: mentions of death
Word Count: ~2,4k
Request: Okay can I get some Headcanons about the reader being Ginny's twin sister and while (at least book) Ginny is brave and courageous and really badass, she's just really shy and small and silent and loves flowers and all that and (just because the gist of it) she's still in Gryffindor (she is extremely Loyal (which is kinda more hufflepuff), but because she'd immediately jump in to save everyone she's in the house. And long story short how the fam and the trio (who all see her as a smol sister) 'deal' with her and maybe what would happen if she'd fall in love with someone you choose (idk, malfoy, neville, Luna, you decide)
Requested by my sweetheart honeybee queen
A/N: I got tired towards the end but here you guys go
Before Hogwarts:
when Arthur and Molly got you two they were over the moon
they told each other they would stop getting children when they had a daughter and now they got two beautiful baby girls at once
but also they lowkey hope you don’t turn out like your rambunctious older twin brothers
So first of all you two get absolutely adored by your older brothers, especially Bill and Charlie
those two will carry you around the whole day long and talk to you and play with you, adorable
when Percy starts learning how to read he will read to you two every evening and he won’t take a no from his parents
getting older Fred and George saw new victims for their pranks and Ron being the closest to your age got annoyed by always having to play girl stuff with you two
from a young age on you were quieter than your siblings and often shied away from the activities they did, you wouldn’t even interact with other children that lived close by
Molly and Arthur were concerned about this but let you be, they thought that you would eventually get around to it and boy were they wrong
you were always more interested in nature, the flowers and plants and what different traits and effects they had
besides that you also started learning how to read fairly early on thanks to our favourite family nerd Percy and stuffed your nose in every book that your tiny hands could grab
cooking and baking with your mother was also high on the list of things you enjoyed
honestly your more laid back and quieter demeanor was a blessing for Arthur and Molly
but whatever you did you could never run away from your sister
Ginny was still able to drag you into her stuff
stealing your brothers brooms and going for a ride, putting spiders in Ron’s bed, making tea out of plants that give weird side effects… you did it all and never got blamed for it. i mean, Fred and George usually did those things after all
Hogwarts 1st + 2nd year:
when Ginny and you went to Hogwarts it was quite a surprise for you and your family that you were sorted into Gryffindor
okay hear me out for a second, everyone in your family got sorted there so why would it be a surprise? well you were always far more loyal and hardworking than brave or courageous and your family knew that. besides that the sorting hat took literally five minutes to sort you in because he was in a Hufflepuff/Gryffindor dilemma but non the less here you were standing as a Gryffindor
your first year was far too eventful for your liking and it all started with Ron and Harry driving your fathers car to school on the first damn day, then there was the whole heir of Slytherin thing, students being paralyzed, Ginny being dragged into the chamber of secrets and almost dying, and Harry and your older brother Ron getting down there to save her
what kind of shitshow was this?
after everything that happened in this school year and your siblings getting in danger you promised yourself you would become strong enough to protect them and with that in mind you went into your second year
second year went… better than the first
i mean if you ignored the fact that a mass murderer broke out of Azkaban and the school being guarded by dementors
but at least you now had a competent Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher, I see this as a win
you spend most of your time learning and hanging out with your sister and friends you made, one of them being Neville Longbottom, a gryffindor boy one year above you
you two became quick friends during your first year at Hogwarts over your shared love for herbology and you bonded over being shyer individuals
with him you had the most fun and talked was by far the easiest no matter the subject
another friend of you made was Luna Lovegood, a ravenclaw girl in your year which was a more weirder individual but still a lot of fun to be around
and because of Ron your circle of friends expanded to Harry and Hermine
Harry thought you were a really nice contrast to your siblings and Hermine immediately adopted you as her little sister, no questions asked
shortly said, they loved you as well
the year went by mostly uneventful which was nice, then the third year came
Hogwarts 3rd and 4th year:
it started absolutely fantastic even before the school year started because your father and siblings went to the Quidditch World Cup which got run over by Death Eaters at the end of the day while you were at home with your mother
that already warned you about the year to come
at Hogwarts Dumbledore announced the Triwizard Tournament which your school would host that year, which also brought students of two different schools with it, great
also, hahaha, your new DADA teacher was absolutely terrifying in your eyes, good luck
but thankfully stuff went as normal as it can be
then… “Come on Y/N why don’t you help as for once!” “Yeah nobody will know anyways!”
“I am not going to brew you two a bloody aging potion so you can put your names in the goblet of fire and enter that stupid tournament! People have died in it! Besides that if you don’t stop pestering me I will tell this professor McGonagall.”
“You would rat your own brothers out?” “Nobody likes someone like that,”
you blankly stared at them for 20 seconds before they got scared by your expressionless face and left
they left you alone after that, idiots
two months later, the champions got announced, the first task was over, which made you able to see your brother Charlie for a few days, and then the yule ball got announced which meant you got dancing lessons by non other than your head of house professor McGonagall
after the lessons you and Neville would go hang out in one of the green houses and take care of some of the plants, just like now
“It’s so unfair, you are allowed to go to the yule ball but I don’t and I still have to take the dancing lessons.”
“But what if a fourth year asks you to go with him?”
“Oh please Neville nobody would want to go with me!” 
“I would like to go with you.”
cue silence and intense blushing
well if he says it like that…
the evening of the yule ball became yours and Neville's first date and many came after that and so also the start of your relationship
your dates mostly consisted of trips to Hogsmead, picnics and walks along the Hogwarts grounds and study dates
it was amazing
and your first kiss happened in March during one of your many walks
none of you knew how exactly it happened and who made the first step but it was very sweet and innocent
also cuddling while the two of you are on your own is a must, nobody can stop it
you and Neville decided to keep your relationship a secret for the time being and it worked, nobody knew, not even Ginny
then the school year ended and you had to say goodbye for two long months
it was also the time when the order of the phoenix came back and your parents and two oldest brothers became a part of it
you moved into the headquarters at Grimmauld Place and everything got turned upside down
you weren’t supposed to tell anyone about this, which you didn’t, but you couldn’t resist writing letters to Neville
and then someone found out, a little shit by the name of Sirius Black
i mean sooner or later it would have happened but it was a surprise that it was nobody from your family
did he tease you? yes, but he promised not to tell anyone and gave you really good advice on relationships and how to handle problems and fears you might have
Sirius quickly became someone you could confide into about almost anything you could talk about with your family and for you he became part of the family
you even called him ‘uncle Sirius’ the day you left for Hogwarts again and boy was this man in tears
with that one of the worst years in your life started and all thanks to one person
Dolores Jane Umbridge, not one word was bad enough to describe her because the word was still better than her
if someone was the bane of your existence it was her
you finally wanted to stand up for yourself and you did but then detention came and threw you back down
your siblings, Neville, Harry and Hermine quickly noticed the shift in your demeanor and how you became closed off which you never were before
shy and held back but not closed off
they soon found out what happened and “The Y/N Protection Squad” was founded, be ready to get bothered by them at all times, you never going to be alone
then the DA came around and you of course joined alongside your siblings, friends and boyfriend Neville
it was one of the best things that happened to you in months
finally you could show what you got in you
you and Ginny became a power duo, your brothers were shocked to say the least
and you and Neville finally decide to make your relationship official 
your siblings, shocked that their pure innocent sister has had a boyfriend for over a year, but not surprised it’s Neville
protective annoying older sibling squad activated
but you nor Neville cared, you were happy and as long as you two stayed that way everything would be okay
then you went to the Ministry of Magic with Harry, Ron, Hermine, Ginny, Neville and Luna
everything turned upside down when you got attacked by the death eaters and when they got a hold of you all
you were afraid, but you were more afraid of your siblings and friends than yourself
especially when you saw that Bellatrix LeStrange had her grip on Neville
he told you about his parents and he even wanted you to meet them but now you were afraid that it might never come to it
insert Sirius and the rest of the order of the phoenix, they saved you but a price was paid in the form of him dying
it changed you in so many ways that you had to question yourself and the things you knew
Hogwarts 5th and 6th year + Battle of Hogwarts:
your fifth year went pretty much as normal as your third for most of the time
school was finally quieting down and you had more time to process what happened at the ministry and all the years before
you concentrated more on school and your still building relationship with Neville, being able to walk through Hogwarts while holding hands and hugging and kissing him whenever you wanted
it was nice, you also found more time you could spend with Ginny and Luna which was much needed
but all good things had to end
the death eaters made their way into the castle and wreaked havoc
they destroyed everything they saw, they made Hagrid's hut go up in flames, they killed Dumbledore and after that put the dark mark up in the sky
changes happened quickly after that
thankfully the summer break came and with that the wedding of Bill and Fleur
even after everything that happened towards the end of the school year and when the order brought Harry to the burrow it was relieving to have something as exciting and somewhat normal as a wedding in these dark times
you helped where you could and you were allowed to invite Neville
it went amazing for most of the day but bad things just seem to come your way
Harry, Ron and Hermine left to find the horcruxes Voldemort made and you had to get back to school
it was different than before, everything was and you should have been used to it but you weren’t
this was the most tiring school year of all and it took a toll on every single student
then the day came and the moment you saw your brother and friends again you knew you would be doomed but it didn’t hinder you to sprint towards them and give them the longest and strongest hugs you could muster up
the battle started only a while after that and you gave all that you got to fight them off with the others
it was long and tiring but in the end the dark lord got defeated once and for all but there was nothing to celebrate
many people died and under them your brother Fred, you broke after that
Neville held you in his arms the whole time until you fell asleep
After Hogwarts:
you continued and finished school with good grades and started training to become a potions master
it just fitted with your love for herbology and your interested in the different effects they could have when put together and made into something entirely else
Neville upgraded from boyfriend to husband only a few months after you graduated
you two knew the other was the one for you and nothing would change that so why don’t put a label on it to say that one is mine for forever
Neville became the new herbology teacher after professor Sprout and you became new potions teacher after professor Slughorn
you just couldn’t be separated from each other
the future brought also two beautiful twin boys your way and a lot of chaos but with the family you already had you were used to it
Neville was not
you still manage it just as you do with everything
and with your other siblings getting kids as well family meetings were getting much more crowded to say the least
you stared at your nieces, nephews and sons while they were running around playing games and screaming at each other
“honestly love, I am regretting being pregnant again.”
“you aRE WHAT?!”
oh what a sweet life
Taglist: @satans-bae-and-queen
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
Awwwwww SHIT. She cannot be stopped, folks. 
So I thought about making this an Epilogue to “Helpless”, but I MIGHT turn it into a sequel, if that’s something you guys want. I have so many ideas!!! 
Anyway, here is a “Helpless” SEQUEL ONE SHOT as of now. 
TBH I love it so much. I was listening to the song and I just couldn’t get this idea out of my head. OH RIGHT, if you haven’t heard Demi Lovato’s “Warrior”, listen to it now. And/or as you read this. I listened to it the entire time I wrote it. Hell I’m still listening to it. LOL.
“Please, Liv?” 
Barba was begging his best friend, on his knees in his own office. 
“This is ridiculous, Rafa. You’re a grown man. Stop begging,” 
“Then promise you’ll do it,” 
“I..wha...WHY do you need me to take your girlfriend out?”
“Look she just went through a traumatic event--” 
“Um it was pretty traumatic for me too, if you couldn’t tell,” 
“Right. I know...Liv, you know I love you,” He put a hand on her shoulder. “But she ALSO lost the one person in the world that she’s had for most of her life. She has no one now,” 
“She has you, obviously,” 
“Well yeah sure she has me, but I--I can’t be her whole world. She needs friends. And she doesn’t meet anyone because she had to quit her job at Fazzoli’s. So she’s just been my Personal Assistant for the past month until she can find something else, and she’s just…. around, ALL the time,” He explained the past month of your lives.
“Sounds like you’re getting sick of your little hustler,”  Liv chuckled. 
“DON’T, call her that.” Rafael warned her. 
“Why? It’s what she did,” Liv scoffed.
“Olivia...look,” Rafael rubbed his temples. “You are my best friend in the entire world, and I love you. But you have GOT to let this little...grudge against Y/N go,” 
“Grudge? What-- She--” Olivia protested, but Rafael cut her off.
“Whatever happened, it’s in the past. We’re putting it behind us, and so should you,” 
“Whatever….” Olivia rolled her eyes.
“If you want to keep being my best friend,” 
“Is that a threat?”
“It’s a plea, once again,” He took her hand. “If you truly love me, you will help me help her,”  He gave her those puppy dog eyes, the ones she could never resist, even if she wanted to. 
“Oh that is DIRTY, Barba,” She pushed him away with her hand over his face. 
“Again though, I don’t know what you want me to do. She obviously doesn’t think we’re going to be friends, and all of my friends are your friends-- also, they’re all adults,”
 “She’s an adult,”
“....Sure she is,”
“Okay okay, I just...Oh you know what, I could ask Lucy if her and her friends want to come,” She picked up her phone and flipped through it.
“See? You’re brilliant,” Rafael smiled.
“Whoa there counselor, I’m not sure how excited she is going to be to drag her friends out with her BOSS, her friends and your pet---girlfriend,”  She quickly corrected herself, but Barba heard it anyway. 
“You’re unbelievable,” He sighed. 
“Look I said I would ask her, I didn’t say it would be happy about it,”
“Alright, alright,” He nodded. “Thank you, Liv,”  he gave her a small hug then she turned to walk out. 
“Don’t make me regret this,” She eyed him. Just then, you came up behind her in the doorway.
 “Regret what?” 
 “Uh...my lunch plans, Rafael suggested a place I haven’t tried,” Olivia pushed her hair behind her ears nervously, looking everywhere around you but your eyes. Classic lying tells, but you really didn’t want to deal with her stuff right now so you left it alone.
“Oh, well have fun detective!” You gave her a cheery smile as she walked out of the office. You handed Rafael one of the two coffees you had brought in.
“Fuel for my baby,” You smiled, kissing him on the cheek. You could see the screaming behind his eyes when he smiled back at you. 
“...What?” you raised an eyebrow.
“What, what?” he asked, acting oblivious.
“Rafael, you know I know something is off,” 
“Wha… no, not--” he started but you gave him a knowing look. “You said you weren’t going to do that anymore, Y/N,” he was suddenly stern, referring to using your ‘superpower’. 
“And I told you, I can’t turn it off!” You reminded him, you had said it in your very first conversation. 
“Okay but you can...y’know pretend you don’t see things,” he pointed out.
“Or, you could just tell me why your eyes are screaming for help right now,” you crossed your arms.
“Wha--that--Good lord,” He sighed, taking a swig of his coffee. 
“I’m around too much, aren’t I?” You finally stated the obvious, tired of ignoring it anymore.
“No! No no no…” He put a hand to your face. Overly repetitive denial, meant yes. 
“I’m sorry, I can’t help it. I don’t have anywhere else to be,” You bit your lip and looked down at the floor. You hated being this helpless, relying on him for everything. Ever since he had left the hospital, you’d moved in with him and took care of him while his shoulder healed. And then when he went back to work, you told him you had to quit working at Fazzoli’s because it was just too hard to go there every day after everything that had transpired there. You really had tried, but you just kept having flashbacks or panic attacks that Arianna would come walking through the door and take you away again. 
Rafael was totally understanding, as usual. He told you that you could be his Assistant for the time being, which really just meant you followed him around all day like a puppy. And he was paying you with his salary, so he was basically just giving you money. You hated it; you were used to being completely independent-- sort of. 
Sure Arianna ‘protected’ you, but it wasn’t like you were a baby bird. You had been through so many horrific things in your short life, all on your own. You knew how to survive in the mean streets of NYC, making your own money. You were like a bulldog, and now you were a lap dog. 
“Hey,” Rafael picked your head up back to face him. “I know. I’m not blaming you for anything,” 
“But you are sick of me,” 
“I just...I think you need more people in your life, that’s all,” he stroked your hair.
“Yeah, I know,” you shrugged.
He was right, but you weren’t used to having more than one person looking out for you, or vice versa. You didn’t really know what it was like to have a normal friend, and your serious trust issues really didn’t help the situation. Rafael had tried to get you to go to therapy to work through your “issues”, but you didn’t trust your therapist, which made the whole thing moot. 
“...Wait, so what were you actually talking about with Liv?” 
“She told you, I was--” 
“Can we not do this again,” You rolled your eyes. 
“....Alright fair enough,” He sighed, giving up. “I asked Olivia if she knew of any girls that might want to ‘hang out’ with you,” 
“Oh my god, Rafa!” You were humiliated. 
“God now I’m like that weird kid in class who eats paste, and her parents have to to talk to the teacher who makes the other kids be her friend,” 
“....That’s a weirdly specific scenario,” he raised an eyebrow.
“...Yeah, well-- not my first time,” You shrugged sadly.
“Aw honey,” He half laughed, taking your into his arms and kissing your forehead. “I would’ve been your friend, no matter what you ate,” 
“Yeah well considering you were probably in high school when I was in elementary, I doubt it,” You smirked.
“Ooof, below the belt,” He put both hands over his crotch with a pained expression.
“I’m sorry,” you stuck your tongue out with a smile. “But you kinda deserve it, trying to beg people to be my friend,” 
“I didn’t BEG…” He started, but saw that look in your eyes. “Okay but it worked,” He came clean. 
“Oh Olivia and I are gonna have a girls night? Are we gonna braid each other’s hair and talk about boys we like? OH WAIT,” You made sarcastic gestures. “We like the same boy!” You rolled your eyes. 
“I mean, I can’t blame you. He’s pretty awesome,” He smirked.
“And so not full of himself,” You pulled on his collar towards you.
“Not at all,” He kept smirking, as he placed his lips over yours. 
Just then Barba’s phone vibrated-- a text from Liv. 
 “Uh….well, I guess you might be right?” He showed his phone. It vibrated again, another text came in as your were reading it.
 “Well, she is just lovely,” you handed it back to him with a roll of your eyes. 
“Hey, at least she’s trying,” he texted a reply to Liv.
 “Can you try as well? Please?”  He asked you while looking at you with the same puppy dog eyes, Liv wasn’t the only one who couldn’t resist them.
“Fine…” you sighed, and he rewarded you with a kiss.
“I need something to wear,” You batted your eyes, to which he rolled his own and pulled out his credit card. 
“See? I’m leaving you alone, it’s working already!” You giggled, walking out of the office to go shopping.
That night, you and Rafael showed up to a place called TOP5.. It was a fun, trendy hipster  restaurant. There were several booths, some tables, even a few couches for people to chill. And in front of everything was a huge stage, with a piano next to it. But there was also a DJ, spinning records. 
Rafael noticed Olivia waving to him; he lead you to a giant half booth half table where Olivia, Rollins, Fin, Carisi, and four young girls you had never met before sat with drinks in their hands. 
“How did you get these guys out?” Rafael gestured to the squad.
“I asked them nicely,” She smiled.
“Yeah, if ‘nice’ means  it was either this or catching up on paperwork all night,” Fin rolled his eyes. 
“This is Lucy, my nanny,” Olivia pointed the young girl next to her, who gave a small wave. 
“And these are my friends Riley, Lexi and Brianne,” Lucy pointed to each of her friends, who also did a wave as they heard their name. 
“Rafael Barba,”  he nodded to the girls. “And this is my--”
“Y/N,” You interjected, introducing yourself. You were determined NOT to just be “Rafael’s Girlfriend” anymore. 
“So we were looking through some songs, I don’t think anyone’s brave enough to go up there though,” Lexi informed you, gesturing to a huge black binder in front of her and her friends.
“More like not drunk enough,” Lucy laughed.
“Hey we can fix that!” Brianne giggled, calling for shots from the bar.
“Great idea Barba, it’s like we’re chaperoning,” Amanda whispered to Rafael, who rolled his eyes and nodded to a waiter for a scotch. 
“May I?” You asked Riley, sliding the book in front of you. You flipped through a binder, until a song stood out to you. It was like it was screaming to you from the page.
You had heard so many “therapeutic” mantras over the past month, people trying help you get over your trauma. Talk it out, they said. You need to get it out. 
Well, this was one way. 
You excused yourself and walked up to the DJ, whispered something to which he nodded, and went to the mic. 
“Alright alright, looks like we have our first vict--I mean, superstar!” He joked. You seriously thought about punching him in the face for using “victim” as a joke, but you knew that was the trauma talking. And you were to fix that, not indulge it.
 The music started, and you just let the words spill out:
This is a story that I have never told
I gotta get this off my chest to let it go
I need to take back the light inside you stole
You're a criminal
And you steal like you're a pro
All the pain and the truth
I wear like a battle wound
So ashamed, so confused
I was broken and bruised
Thoughts of you and Arianna’s life together ran through your mind like a movie montage as you sang. The words were so scary accurate.
Now I'm a warrior
Now I've got thicker skin
I'm a warrior
I'm stronger than I've ever been
And my armor, is made of steel, you can't get in
I'm a warrior
And you can never hurt me again
 That first chorus felt like you were letting out a huge breath you had been holding in for God knows how long. You wanted Olivia, Rafel, the squad...EVERYONE to know, that you weren’t this helpless little lamb they had seen for the past month.
 Out of the ashes, burning like a fire
You can save your apologies
You're nothing but a liar
I've got shame, I've got scars
But I will never show
I'm a survivor
In more ways than you know
'Cause all the pain and the truth
I wear like a battle wound
So ashamed, so confused
I'm not broken and bruised
 Now the flashbacks of the real trauma you had been through came pulsing through your mind. Horrors that still kept you up at night; you’d have night terrors sometimes but had hidden them from Rafael so far. He didn’t need to know just how fucked up you truly were. None of it mattered now anyway, you were a survivor. And you had the scars to prove it.
 'Cause now I'm a warrior
Now I've got thicker skin
I'm a warrior
I'm stronger than I've ever been
And my armor, is made of steel, you can't get in
I'm a warrior
And you can never hurt me
 There's a part of me I can't get back
A little girl grew up too fast
All it took was once, I'll never be the same
Now I'm taking back my life today
Nothing left that you can say
'Cause you were never gonna take the blame anyway
 You thought of everything Arianna had taken from you. Sure your childhood was shit, but you were fairly young when she convinced you to run away with her. You could have stayed in your small town, found a decent job. Lived a normal life, with normal friends. But she sucked you into your life of crime and deceit, all while telling you it was perfectly fine, and that she loved you. But it was all bullshit, all of it. You saw that now. And now if she ever came back into your life and tried to convince you of anything, you wouldn’t fall back into her lies.
You took a breath before the last chorus, suddenly feeling your face getting wet. You realized you had started crying while you were singing, but for some reason you weren’t ashamed of it. It actually made you feel stronger, like letting your tears wash the pain and shame from yourself.
 Now I'm a warrior
I've got thicker skin
Now I'm a warrior
I'm stronger than I've ever been
And my armor, is made of steel, you can't get in
I'm a warrior
And you can never hurt me again
You finished the song in a whisper as your head dropped to looking at the floor. You were exhausted from the mental journey that song had taken you on. You had never felt so...free. Before you could even look up, the room erupted in applause. 
You lifted your head to see everyone in the room giving you a standing ovation...even Olivia, who you could swear had tears in her eyes. 
You gave a sheepish smile and a curtsy, quickly getting off the stage and returning to your booth, where not a face was dry. 
“...Aww, guys...,” You didn’t know what to say; you had never been that open and vulnerable to ANYONE before, and here you had gone and ripped your soul open in front of a group of strangers.
“That was--” 
Olivia came around and hugged you, a genuine hug. It lasted uncomfortably long, so you had to break it with a confused smile. 
“I’m sorry I judged you,” She apologized, and you saw the absolute sincerity and guilt written all over her face.
“It’s fine, if I were you I would’ve judged me too,” you gave her an understanding smile.
She nodded, giving Rafael an apologetic look as well, to which he took her hand and pulled her into a hug. 
“So, who’s next?!” You smiled, pushing the binder to the middle of the table. Protests and laughs began at the table, bickering about who was drunk enough to follow you. 
Rafael leaned over to you, whispering in your ear over the noise of the crowd.
“You’re the bravest warrior I know, Y/N” He wiped tears from his eyes, kissing your cheek.
“Yes. Yes, I am,” you smiled, wiping the rest of his tears as you kissed him. 
And for the first time maybe ever, you believed it.
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arvandus · 4 years
Touch (Pt 2)
Pairing: Dabi x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS: 18+ only please!  Drug abuse/withdrawal, adult language/themes, heavy angst, past trauma/abuse, anxiety/panic attacks, PTSD, fluff, pining, slow burn, eventual emotional SMUT. *please pay attention to the chapter tags as these warnings will apply at different times*
Synopsis: When you first joined the LOV to lend your healing quirk, Dabi  terrified you.  Not interested in attachments, he wanted to keep it  that way.  That is, until he needs your help. (Slow burn, soft Dabi).
Time Frame: Right before the League meets Overhaul
Additional notes: I took some liberty in giving Reader a backstory that fits in with the BNHA world and is important for the story.  If that bothers you, I apologize - just think of it as role playing!  Also, this’ll probably be broken up into 8-10 parts, roughly.  JUST KIDDING - this has now turned into an epic (roughly) 40 chapter series.  Oops.
Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future chapters.
Recommended Chapter Song: Cradles by Sub Urban
Part 1
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Artwork credit to @hellowon31​ on Twitter (https://twitter.com/hellowon31)
Part 2 - A Crack In The Armor
The pain came back, just as you said it would.   What you didn’t mention was that the numbness would gradually fade away.  It might sound nice to some, but Dabi hated it. He felt like he was driving towards a cliff in slow motion, waiting for the crash, unable to turn the wheel.  He had no control.  He hated this feeling of helplessness and traded it for anger instead. Why did he even ask for your help to begin with?
His answer was given to him as soon as your quirk’s effect finally stopped.  Dabi stared angrily at the empty pill bottles. It was amazing how quickly the brain adapted, his body acting as if he’d never had to deal with his damaged nerves before.  He had half a mind to hunt you down and demand you take care of it. He didn’t, of course, pride the deciding factor.  The scars were his, a series of choices made, a patchwork flag he wore into battle.  They were his burden and a reminder of his fight; he wasn’t going to give that up so easily.  Still, he couldn’t deny the temptation that surrounded him like a cloud, even if all he did was entertain the thought. 
Dabi waited all day for your visit until finally your characteristic knock on his door rewarded his patience.  He stood from his bed and cooled his features into their typical mask before opening the door. There you stood, keen eyes already assessing him.
“Can I come in?” you asked. Like the day before, he stepped aside just enough to let you pass.  He had discovered yesterday that he liked having your presence close to him… it gave his pulse a little rush.  He caught a whiff of your shampoo as you gingerly passed him and felt the softness of your shirt as it brushed against his own like a whisper.  His grip on the doorknob tightened.
As soon as Dabi closed the door behind you, you got started.  You were determined to be strictly business.  “How’re you feeling?” you asked, keeping your tone even, the perfect balance of concern and professionalism.  Dabi wanted to laugh.  Were you always this serious?
“Like shit.” He grinned. “That quirk of yours is potent stuff.”
You couldn’t help but let a grin escape in response to his candid words, a fracture in your hastily built armor.  “Not sure if that’s a compliment or an insult.”
“It’s a compliment.” He stated.
You felt your throat go tight.  Stay on task.  Stay on task.  You cleared your throat slightly as you averted your eyes from him.  “Well, let’s have a look.”
With a little less flair than yesterday, he removed his jacket like before, followed by his shirt as he turned around to display his back for you.
You could see that the bandages were seeped through.  You had laid them on thick since you knew you wouldn’t be able to check on him as often as you’d like – he was still going out to do Shigaraki’s bidding and you had others to look after as well.  You were planning on seeing him daily, but it looked like he’d need more. 
Your little checkups were far from over.  You couldn’t help but wonder what he thought about that.  You honestly weren’t sure what you thought about it yourself.
“I’m going to use my quirk and then change your bandages.  I’ll check on you again tomorrow morning before you leave.”
“How often do we have to do this?” Dabi asked.  His tone was difficult to decipher.  Concerned? Annoyed? …Hopeful?
You cleared your throat again, desperate for a glass of water, as you began to remove the soiled gauze. “I’ll probably visit you twice daily for the first week, then reduce it to once a day or every couple of days for the second week.  We’ll see where we are by then.  It’ll take at least a few weeks before it’s fully healed.  That’s only if you’re good though, and don’t go out and use your quirk for a bit.”
“I won’t make any promises.” He replied.
You sighed.  “Well, at least your honest.  Really though, you should at least try not to use it.”
“That’s up to the Crusty Hands.” Dabi replied.  “He’s the one sending me out there to try to recruit members and gather intel.”
You rolled your eyes at the nickname for Shigaraki.  “Couldn’t you ask him for a break then?” You asked, your head tilted. “No point in making you hurt yourself over lackey work.”
The question was innocent enough, but Dabi turned around and stared at you like you grew a second head. Ask Shigaraki for time off? The thought made Dabi bristle for so many reasons.
You quickly caught on to his shift in mood and tried to repair your previous statement. “Look.  I get it if that’s an issue for you. Maybe I could be the one to ask him.  I can make it a medical request, since I’m the healer.”
That option almost seemed worse.  He didn’t need to be excused from his duties like a child with a sick note. And he most certainly didn’t want you putting your neck out for him.
“Look, I know your still kinda new here.  So, let me break this down.  There is no ‘sick time’ in the League of Villains.  No vacation, no hazard pay.  We all got our jobs to do.”
Now you bristled, your shoulders tensing up and your arms crossed in front of you defensively. “Yeah.  And my job is to make sure you crazy idiots don’t kill yourselves before we complete our mission.  You know, the big long-term one where we change the world, not the pointless dirty work Shigaraki’s got you doing.”
“Pointless dirty work? That dirty work is how we reach that long-term goal, sweetheart.”   Dabi grinned devilishly.  “I didn’t realize you had such strong opinions about how we do things here.”
“Just the part about using your talents for recruiting street thugs.  Most of them are idiots that can’t tell Stain’s message from an anarchist bumper sticker.”
You were right, of course. Dabi chuckled.  You were more interesting than he thought.
“Look,” you said, your voice quieter as you uncrossed your arms.  “We’re all in this together come hell or high water, and I’m really hoping we can all see it through to the end.  If that means taking some time off to let your body recover, then I’d think that’d be worth doing.”
Dabi stared at you silently while something tightened in his chest.  Your need to hold everyone together like glue was admirable and almost… endearing.  He felt a sinking feeling in his gut.  He knew there was a high likelihood they wouldn’t all see the end of this, if the end ever even comes.  Did you know that but stubbornly hold onto your optimism?  Or were you really that naïve that you believed there was a chance that everyone could come out unscathed?  When the worst happens – which it inevitably will – will you blame yourself?
The thought bothered him.
For the first time Dabi’s mask slipped, and for the briefest of moments you could see the pity in his eyes.
“Thanks for the concern doll, but I got it under control.” Dabi said, his voice unusually calm. “Besides, if I took time off every time I hurt myself with my quirk, then I’d never be any use.”
Between his eyes and his words, there was no room for discussion, so you let the topic drop. 
You let out a defeated sigh. “Well then, let’s get started.” You placed your hands on his back.
Once again, the sweet balm of your touch spread across his skin, bringing back the relief he had missed. His body responded instinctively. His breathing slowed; his muscles relaxed.  He closed his eyes, relishing in the sensation.  You noticed the slightest drop in his shoulders and a pang of sympathy washed over you like a wave.  You wished you could do more for him, but you had to conserve your quirk for the others too.
You cleaned his wound quickly and applied fresh bandages without any more talk.  As quickly as it had begun, it was over.  Without missing a beat, he pulled his shirt back on while you packed your items.
You turned to leave, but paused for a moment before turning back slightly, your eyes bravely locking with his.  “Try to get some rest… it’ll help your body heal faster.”
Dabi didn’t respond with his usual quips.  Instead, his electric blue eyes stared at you in a way that made your blood pulse in your ears and the air burn in your lungs.  You stood captivated for a moment, locked in his gaze, before finding your way out of the maze of his eyes and left his room, hearing the quiet click of the door behind you.
 Without a word, Dabi sat on the edge of the bed and stared at his hands.  His brow furrowed in confusion.
This was supposed to be a game.  A game of walls and mazes and misdirection. He was the ‘Asshole,’ full of snarky comments and flirty quips all while withholding his true self.  He didn’t need friends, just coworkers so he could carry out his mission and bring Stain’s vision to life before his quirk killed him.  But your magic hands dismantled his walls, allowing you to walk right in and get in his head with your stubborn heart.  He had cared. For the briefest of moments, he cared.
It was his game.  Why did he feel like he was losing?
Part 3
Taglist: @lemonfvck​ @vs-redemption​ @inanabsentia​ @sheedaabee​ @toshiuwuu​ @marydragneell​ @chillinwithmybakubros​ @genuinelytodorokisbitch​ @sam-i-am-1025​
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Actually, the ends weren’t that bad (a TPN/TOA essay)
There are two series that ended recently and which had a lot of impact for me but also a very controversial end, like there are some wars between fans who argue about if the end was good… or not.
And me ? I really want to believe that The Promised Neverland (the manga, obviously) and Trollhunters have very coherent ends.
You’re probably wondering « why putting these two together ? » and I have a reason, multiple reasons actually. Of course, there will be spoilers of The Promised Neverland and the entire Tales of Arcadia saga (Trollhunters, 3Below, Wizards and the movie Rise of the Titans).
First, Promised Neverland. 
And mostly the character who made a lot of people cringe even before the last book : Emma. Cringe because, for some fans, she isn’t someone you can relate with because she isn’t realistic… in every sense of the word.
She is too perfect or at least too perfectly programmed for the plot whisky is not entirely true ! « She is too kind ! » well… maybe not ? I don’t think all her actions were driven by kindness. 
She is too clever to be the naive kind of kind. 
And don’t tell me that if she was that clever, she would have noticed that her orphanage was a farm because… she probably was in denial. Also, how would she imagine that monsters were waiting for them outside ? Maybe she didn’t see, maybe she didn’t want to see. But anyway, when she discovered the truth, her first thought was to get everyone out. EVERYONE.
Of course, there are her family, she won’t let them… but she did have to let some of them because it would have been too complicated, so that prove that she isn’t just a naive idealistic.
She wanted to fight, first for her family, then for every kid of every farm, because that wouldn’t be fair if her kids stayed alive and not the others. Then she also want to save every monsters, because that wouldn’t be fair since they didn’t choose to have to eat meat.
This is not about being kind, this is about being fair. This is about responsibility and guilt.
Emma doesn’t want to save everyone because everyone deserve to be saved or something cute like that, she would have killed less people or monsters otherwise.
She wants to save everyone because she doesn’t want to feel as bad as the people, as the monsters who hurt her and her family. She doesn’t want to be a monster.
When she understood, and ONLY WHEN she understood what it means to hunt, she realized how thin was the line between her enemy and herself so she doesn’t want to live knowing people lived horribly because of her. 
She didn’t want to live with that on her conscience.
And… I think this is kind of selfish ? She doesn’t do that because it’s right, she does that because she wants to be better… I don’t know. She took a lot of risks, for her and for a friends just so she won’t feel that guilt.
But the others don’t care that the mutants die, only Emma who is really clever like I said before understood and was like « yeah so no we need to find a solution or it will haunt me for the rest of my life ». This is more like a perfectionist thing that a kind thing.
Which is… logical for a character like Emma.
Really the characters in the manga are very well-written, especially Isabella who has such a dignified way to die. It was a good end for her, very symbolic, even if I’m very sad about it. When she betrayed the blond guy, I was pleasantly surprised but at the same time it made sense like, it’s very consistent, everything is consistent even if we started with a complex project. Ending the meat industry ? Save all the children ? And Isabella’s end shows how the real villain of the story are the one who benefit from the system (which says a lot about our own society).
But Emma, actually, became « queen » of the system when she made the new treaty, she literally created a new system so… welcome responsibilities while she was only 14. Will she benefit too ? Or even take advantage ? But how could she after everything she learnt, and mostly after so many people sacrificed their lives so she could reach her goal ? Did she deserve it ?
How could she live with that on her conscience ?
The answer is : she can’t. She isn’t that strong. She isn’t that positive. She isn’t that perfect.
And destiny (haha) gave her a solution on a silver plate. Not by surprise like a Deus Ex Machina since we knew there would be a counterparty which won’t be too violent because Emma cleared the path. This was an equivalent exchange. THIS IS LIKE FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST ! (By the way, why does everyone think TPN’s end was too easy while in FMA, the best manga of all time, the solution to get Alphonse’s body back was in Ed’s hands… LITERALLY !).
The demon offered to lose her memory, thinking she would refuse because she would be alone, separated from her family which is… euh… stupid… I mean… have you seen Your Name ?
People who are meant to be together will find each other.
Moreover, Emma was so relieved because it was solving all her problems : nobody dies, everybody goes to the other world, nobody sacrifices themselves, and the guilt she was afraid to live with ? Gone. I think Emma was also relieved to be like « yes, I have a second chance, now I will live a normal life ». And it was selfish because it seemed like she said « so guys I will send you to another universe I know nothing about after I brought you into this mess but now you will deal with it yourself everyone ! ». That was… a little cowardly ?
And the worst was that every encounter she made, every lesson she learnt, she lost them…
Well, thinking about that…
Trollhunter’s end was… hard. And gave me a bitter sensation since not only we said goodbye to our favorite characters but we also genuinely said goodbye to the show. Even if we wanted to watch the show a second time, it was kinda deleted (along with Anton Yelchin acting…) ? 
Yes, it’s hard… but isn’t it ballsy to do a scenario like this ? And we could have expected this, it’s not the first time we talked about time travel in this saga. And for gods sake at the very beginning of the movie there were a lot of things that shouldn’t happen. The train’s crash in New York, the Titans probably crushing people, the bridge being destroyed, and all that jazz… Can you imagine how Jim should have lived with all of this besides everything else he had lost ? And then, Toby died (which affected me more than I imagined).
But it’s not Toby’s death that made Jim want to change everything, it was just the last straw. The last thing that wasn’t supposed to happen. After all, if it was written that Jim was given another chance, if Naru saw that Jim would have to get back, to go aaaaall the way back, there must have a reason, or multiple reasons. Do you think humans could live normally after everything that happened ? Do you think humans and trolls could coexist ? I’m not sure, not after that kind of damage. And Arcadia was destroyed ! The HeartStone, the center of the universe, was destroyed too ! I think even if Toby survived, the end wasn’t that bright…
And the time-travel wasn’t a Deus Ex Machina either because otherwise it would have been a « and then BOUM everything is back to normal and everything is ok » situation, which isn’t… 
We don’t know what will happen. 
Jim will do everything so it’ll be okay but maybe he will make some mistakes. Vendel may not survive, maybe they will take more time to kill Gunmar, Aaaaaargh may be turn to stone again… we don’t know. And I think everyone in the fandom is pissed because of that. Because we don’t know. And I do understand : this is not the end, not a conclusion, not a great finale, more like the beginning of something we won’t get to see (like a legacy?), which is both great and very very sad for us. I hope Dreamworks will do comics or books…
But also, I doesn’t mean that nothing will be like before. There is a lot of things Jim has no control of. For example, what happened to the extraterrestrials, Jim knew nothing about it so he can’t change a thing. And for the wizards too. And when you think about it, what happens in « Wizards » has to happen. Jim won’t be a troll during that arc but it will happen anyway, it’s supposed to happen because it’s the creation of the Trollhunter, the creation of the Amulet ! And Jim has no idea of what will become because he wasn’t really there.
What is supposed to happen will happen.
Friendship or love, it will happen. Even the relationship between Jim and Blinky, even if Jim isn’t the Trollhunter. OH, SPEAKING OF WHICH.
Choosing Toby as the new Trollhunter is a super idea. Toby will accept his role right away. Toby will love his new destiny. And since he will have Jim’s help, he will be okay. Jim doesn’t want his friends to get traumatized again (I mean it’s cool to learn stuff but do you really need to suffer for that?)(I’M LOOKING AT YOU AGAIN, EDWARD ELRIC), so he will do what he can so things don’t get too heavy. And you know, maybe he want (AND DESERVE) to give a bit away. He probably give the Amulet to Toby because he knew Toby is brave enough to fight even without powers… and because he was tired to bear the Amulet ? Anyway, like I said, everything that is supposed to happen will happen and if Toby isn’t the right Trollhunter, the Amulet won’t choose him.
AH ! And don’t forget that Jim doesn’t need the Amulet to be a Trollhunter ! This is literally what the show wanted to teach us, guys ! If you forget it, it proves that it’s not only the characters who had a reset…
A reset…
Holy guacamole this is exactly like Undertale. This is Undertale’s principle. Jim is Frisk who after taking a Neutral Route wants to do a True Pacifist Route ! This is so cooooool !
Except that, exactly like in The Promised Neverland finale (well, not exactly but like a reversed version of it), Jim decides that everyone forgets everything that happened and take the guilt off their shoulders, as heavy as an armor. He erased everyone’s guilt, except his. That is far from being selfish or cowardly.
It’s the opposite ! These two shows which don’t have a lot in common have finales being negative pictures !
And Jim’s end isn’t perfect either because he still has the world on his shoulders (a little less because he isn’t the Bearer of the Amulet, but still a little more because he knows what happens if it goes wrong). 
He is still the Young Atlas because even if the characters in the shows won’t live the same thing, they will still be the characters we knew, the characters we saw growing, the characters as brave and as strong as we used to see : like in Undertale, « despite everything, it’s still you ».
And to everyone who says to me « yeah but it will go wrong because when Merlin shows Jim the future where he isn’t the Trollhunter, it was shit », well : NO.
Jim stays a Trollhunter, he said so ! And I mostly think (since the moment I saw this episode) this all thing was an illusion, not a real future, because Merlin is a real piece of garbage and I was only sad for Douxie when Merlin died (otherwise, I would have celebrate it). And I think Jim knows it too, that it wasn’t real.
By the way, I hope they will find another way to not say « For the glory of Merlin » anymore, I loved the new version of the Amulet in the movie (AND JIM LOVED IT TOO).
All of this just to say that : these endings, even if it’s very frustrating, make sense.
Of course, saying goodbye to so many things I cared about for years make it difficult to assimilate it, but that also means that I really loved it.
And in the end, it showed these two characters flaws, these perfect, pure, way-too-nice characters with too many responsibilities and a huge desire to survive, but who are being selfish for once by taking a clean start.
But they’re doing it with their pockets full of determination… proving how humans they are.
And I really will miss them.
Ready ? Set ? Go !
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