#finance is confusing! and the more we get the message across
patrice-bergerons · 1 year
Quick FAQ on Tumblr, "Value", and the Proposed Crab Day
Motivation: I see a lot of misinformation circulating on the dash re the proposed crab day and I wanted to offer a simplified and judgement free perspective using core principles of finance.
Q: We keep being told that tumblr's been making nothing but a loss for years, and yet, if it is so unprofitable, then why is no one is shutting the website down? Is it really in need of our money if it's already owned by a multi-billion dollar corporation?
This is in fact not as much of a paradox as it appears to be because "value" in corporate finance terms is a function of present and expected future profits (adjusting for the fact that profits you expect to be earn in the near future are worth a lot more than equivalent profits expected to be earned much later in time).
This means that you can have a company or a product that is currently making a loss (i.e. costing a lot more to run than the income it generates) and it might still be worth some (or a lot of) money as long as you expect it to generate enough profits going forward. Uber for example has been making a loss for years and is still valued at billions of dollars because people think it will eventually generate a lot of profit.
Q: What does all of that mean for tumblr, specifically?
Given how unprofitable tumblr has been historically it's actually a pretty good sign that management has a plan to try and make it profitable because it means they haven't thrown in the towel yet!
But if they fail or if they decide that no matter what they do tumblr will remain unprofitable, then they wouldn't have much business incentive to keep running it. This is why participating in crab day or spending some money on tumblr in general is a good idea, if you can afford it and if tumblr is a service you would like to keep enjoying into the future. And if the answer is no to either of those questions, that's ok too--don't let anyone guilt you on this.
Even more questions-and-answers under the cut! My inbox is also open for any (good faith) questions you might have.
Q: But we all use tumblr religiously--isn't that enough?
Not quite. Tumblr's current state means that the existing userbase is not enough to make the site profitable. For that to change, either the existing userbase needs to become more profitable, or tumblr needs to get a lot more new users--or have a combination of both.
Q: Can crab day really solve all this?
Once again, not quite. A one time cash-injection is not equal to sustainable income, which is what tumblr ultimately needs. This means tumblr will still need to court potential new users and that entails some change to the design and/or the perception of the site. (I love tumblr but guys, if we are real for a second, last time I told my coworkers that, they asked me if I also had a myspace account.)
Q: So why participate then?
Because it will still help. While some change is inevitable and necessary, if we the existing users put our money where our mouth is, it would send a strong signal to management that we value the service they offer and that they should take our preferences into account in designing the site's future also. Also some cash, even if it is a one time deal,
Q: I heard people who came up with the idea are transphobic Christian fundies--do you really want to associate with people like that?
I don't. But who the blogs behind this idea, as people, are has no bearing on the merits of the idea itself.
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highpriestess13 · 11 months
If you would like to book a reading with me, here’s the link ⬇️. If you’re unable to purchase from my website due to finances, you can message me and we can work out a plan. Please do keep in mind that these messages are for the collective, with that being said, not every message is going to resonate with you, if you’re feeling lost/ confused with a reading then more than likely the message/ reading isn’t for you & that’s alright! Take things with a grain of sugar! 😊
Water Signs
Embrace the lessons that are teaching you in this current moment and lessons from the past. Some of you are meant to be spiritual teachers, how can one teach if they’re not apply what they’ve learned? One of the main lessons that you had to learn was to remain ground and rooted especially during times of distress (it could be with anything). You were meant to learn this lesson to teach someone else or others. If there’s an Earth or Air sign in your life currently, they are teaching you this valuable lesson, if there’s a fire sign in your life, they’re teaching you how to express yourself and to give in to the pleasures of life… this could also be about embracing your sexual and passionate energy. The people you come across are no accident nor coincidence, they’re there for a reason whether it’s a lesson or a blessing. But that’s not to keep in the front of your mind, you’re being asked to go with the flow. There are some rules, restrictions and/or conditioning from a father figure that you’re needing to release and let go of. Some of could’ve been in the military or this person is militant in some way… I’m hearing “grandfather”. They may have preferred certain things to go their way, could’ve had OCD too. There’s forgiveness here, this person could’ve passed or is on the verge of it but forgiveness is what’s needed. If this is something you’re wishing… or them, that wish will most certainly be granted in the days to come. Doesn’t matter if they’re here physically or not. For others, this masculine has something to give/ offer you, it’s a beautiful gift, I’m hearing “ancestor”. It’s a gift that’s aligned with your purpose so treat it as such. I’m seeing everything coming together for you and with this gift comes happiness and celebrations… maybe even collaborations but on a more spiritual level. Someone around you is trying to make themselves look good… or this may be you. This situation or person is very low vibrational and toxic. If you’re facing addictions at this time, you’re needing to confront them and stop lying to yourself or this may be someone around you denying that they have an addiction… especially if it’s a drinking addiction, I’m hearing “something needs to be stopped”. There’s also someone doing something dirty and/ or underhanded and this also needs to be stopped, start taking spiritual baths or learn how to do them on your own. Someone could be at risk of a heart problem whether it’s a heart attack or stroke, but dealings with the heart is significant. Someone is in needing of counseling or healing. I’m getting “sit this one out”. There’s new love here but you could be feeling as though you’re needing to sit this one out due to previous experiences/ trauma. 77 is your confirmation. Be careful of peer pressure, if you say you quit, then let it be just that… don’t be easily fooled nor tempted. Someone could be paying the dead respect whether it’s ancestors, passed loved ones or other beings. If you have an alter, make sure you’re tending to it, someone could be wanting money or some kind of earthly gift put on their alter… could also be food. Some of you, it’s time to venerate your ancestors and build a space for them (that’s entirely up to you but know that your body is also an alter for them as well). Someone is also going to be paying death a visit, so there may be someone passing away soon but I see something good coming from it though, especially if this person has done wrong by you. Someone could be getting reincarnated soon or someone could be finding out the truth on how someone died but for some, this could be you finding out how you may have died in the past life. You’re being psychically protected at this time so don’t worry about anything just focus on what you’re creating… which goes back to the spiritual bath that I mentioned before.
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megumisbimbo · 3 years
Iced Americano*
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Kuroo and Daichi x fem!reader
warnings: smut, fluff, oral (both receiving), protected sex, kuroo and daichi being hot
word count: 2.5k
minors pls don’t interact!
all characters are aged up!
a/n: this was very self indulgent...
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Another boring day behind the counter of your college’s local coffee shop. Classes were hard but financing said classes was harder and you ended up having to take a part time job to pay your apartment rent. You didn’t hate it, it was nice meeting new people everyday, and seeing regular friendly faces. But there was one face in particular that never failed to catch your attention.
“What can I get for..you.. the usual i’m guessing?” You say, a shy smile playing across your face.
“Good to see you again y/n, and yes the usual please.” He responds, reciprocating your smile.
He was gorgeous and part of you thinks he knows that too. The way he carried himself with such confidence. He must know the effect he has on you.
“Iced Americano for Kuroo!”
He comes back to the counter and picks up his drink. He notices your eyes on him and flashes his award winning smirk. He slips a napkin across the counter and winks. You glance down at the napkin and read the small message he’s left for you. A simple “call me” with a winky face and his number below it. You couldn’t lie, you were a bit nervous to take the offer, but deep down you really wanted it. As soon as your shift ended you messaged the number.
me: Hi! Is this kuroo-san?
kuroo: It is. Is this the lovely y/n?
me: haha yes it is
kuroo: I’m a bit busy right now y/n, but don’t worry i’ll make a reappearance at the coffee shop tomorrow ;)
me: can’t wait!
Your heart was racing. This small encounter was more than enough to send butterflies rushing through your stomach. Months of pining for the handsome stranger finally paying off. For the first time in a long time, you were really excited for your early morning shift.
The next day finally rolled around and you were happy as can be. Even your coworkers noticed your chipper mood.
“y/n you’re awfully happy today. Something good happen?” Your coworker Yamaguchi asked.
“Hm I guess you could say something happened.”
“Spill. now.”
You giggled as you explained to him all that took place the day before, and how you’re super excited to see him again today. He seems a bit older than you are but you don’t mind. You’re pretty mature for your age, at least you think so.
“Is that him over there?” Tadashi asks, eying a tall “spiky haired man” that just walked in.
“Yes! That’s him! I’m gonna head to the register.”
“Hi Kuroo-san! The usual?” You ask, your eyes falling on the shorter man standing beside him.
The man smiles at you and you can’t help but notice how handsome he is as well. Two handsome men right in front of you. What a lucky day.
“Yes usual for me and a Cappuccino for him. How have you been y/n. Sorry I couldn’t talk very much yesterday, work has been hectic.” He asks leaning over the counter just enough so that you can feel his hot breath on your nose.
You smile and answer back making small talk as you punch in their order.
“Babe, can I get a muffin as well?” The shorter man asks, catching you off guard.
“Yeah which one?”
You stare at Kuroo, a confused look painting your blushing face.
“Oh y/n, this is my boyfriend Daichi by the way. Daichi this is y/n, the girl I was telling you about.”
“It’s nice to finally meet you y/n, Kuroo talks about you quite a bit.” Daichi responds, nudging Kuroo in the side.
“y/n...if you’re free tonight..we’d love to have you over for dinner.”
“Dinner?” You ask, contemplating his extremely confusing request. The man was already in a relationship and he was asking you out on a date with him and his boyfriend in front of his boyfriend?
“Um.. Kuroo-san should you really be asking me out..when your boyfriend is uh..right there?”
“He’s interested as well. Unless you aren’t into that kind of thing! If not, we totally understand and we can pretend like this conversation never happened.”
That kind of thing? I mean a poly relationship isn’t something that has ever crossed your mind, but you weren’t against it you suppose.
“Sure I’ll join you two for dinner.” You respond, the smile Kuroo fell for playing across your slightly blushing face.
“Great! I’ll text you our address. We’ll see you tonight y/n.” He responds, giving you yet another wink. Those winks are deadly. They both walk away from the counter and over to the table across from the register, giving them both a clear view of you working.
You stand outside the door of Kuroo and Daichi’s shared penthouse apartment. The building was big, beautiful, and very expensive. Your hands shake as they clutch onto the strap of your crossbody bag. You decided to wear the black bodycon dress you had bought for a blind date you never ended up going on. You were glad it was finally being put to good use. You awkwardly stand as your shaking finger presses the doorbell.
Quickly the door is opened, and the sweet face of your regular customer appears.
“Y/n! Glad you made it safely. The drive was not too long was it?”
“Actually I walked, you guys live pretty close to my apartment.”
“Oh well...that’s convenient. Come in, Daichi just finished making dinner.”
You follow Kuroo into the penthouse, your eyes taking in the sight of his multi million dollar home. You had no clue what these two did for work, but you were eager to find out. You get to the dinner table, which has been decorated with different types of food. Your mouth watered at the sight.
“Did Daichi-san make all of this?” You ask Kuroo.
“He did. He’s quite good in the kitchen, unlike myself. I can barely make a piece of toast.”
“More like he almost burnt down the building trying to make a piece of toast.” Daichi says, coming into the dining room with another plate of food.
“This all looks so amazing Daichi-san!”
“Thank you y/n, I’m glad you’re here tonight. Tetsurou has been especially giddy today.”
“Has he?...well I guess..I have been as well. I mean it’s not everyday you get to have dinner with two handsome men.” You say, blushing again. You bite your bottom lip nervously and Kuroo swears he could take you right then and there.
“So what do you two do for work, if you don’t mind me asking.”
“Of course not, I work for Japan’s Volleyball Association. I’m in the Sports Promotion Division. Daichi here is a firefighter.” Kuroo explains.
Your eyes widen in wonder. They were both quite successful and obviously rich. You felt lucky they decided to ask a broke college girl out.
“So y/n, are you a full time student at Tokyo University?”
“Yes, but I also work the coffee shop job and I do a few odd jobs here and there. For the college and apartment expenses that is. My scholarship wasn’t enough to cover everything.”
You three continue the small talk, you talk about your school life and clubs you were into. You find out they met while playing volleyball in high school. Once they graduated, Kuroo mustered up the courage to ask Daichi out and of course, Daichi said yes.
Once dinner was over, you offered to help the boys out with the dishes and they insisted you relax on the couch while they finish. You obediently sit and scroll through your phone. Kuroo comes out first and sits beside you. He was close, closer to you than he’s ever been before. He turns his head towards you and meets your fear filled eyes. His eyes land on your lips as he subconsciously licks his own. A hand lands on the skin of your thigh and slowly inches it’s way up. You tense slightly at the action.
“Don’t be scared, I would never do anything you didn’t want me to y/n. But I can’t lie, I wanted to take you right there at that dinner table.”
He pushes your hair behind your shoulder and slots his face in between your neck and shoulder. He places small kisses across your shoulder leading up to your neck, finding the sweet spot that always makes you squirm.
“Kuroo-san wait- what about Daichi-san.”
“He’ll join us in a minute..y/n...may I?”
His hand slides across your lower back and grips your waist as his lips continue sucking on your neck.
“...yes Kuroo-san, please...I want you.”
Something inside Kuroo snapped upon hearing your words. His fingers find the zipper of your dress and slowly he unzips, taking in every small gasp that comes through your parted lips. You looked divine, the most delicious dessert he could have ever asked for. Soon you feel the couch dip on the other side and you whip your head around, Daichi’s sweet smile greeting you.
“Can we make you feel good y/n? We’ll be gentle.”
Daichi immediately latches onto your mouth, his tongue prodding at your lips begging for entry. Kuroo trails kisses down your back, following the trail the zipper makes.
“Let’s take this to the room.” Kuroo suggests, both you and Daichi nodding in agreement. You follow the pair down the corridor and into a dimly lit room, a king sized bed adorned with red silk sheets sitting right in the middle. The room was minimally decorated. They must not spend much time in here, that or they’re busy...doing something else.
Kuroo leads you to the edge of the bed. You stand in front of it as Kuroo slips off the rest of your dress. You’re wearing a black set of lace lingerie underneath, and both men are enamored by how stunning you look splayed out on their dark red sheets.
“I want her pussy first.” Kuroo growls.
You sit up quickly as both men crawl towards you as if you were prey and they were starved predators. You felt Daichi’s body against yours first. You scoot back into his chest and lean your head against him. Kuroo’s fingers lock onto the waistband of your little lace panties, which are already thoroughly soaked. He pulls them down and off of you. He bunches it up and stuffs it into your mouth. A finger swipes up your unclothed pussy and you moan into your panties, drool pooling in the bottom of your mouth soaking them even more. Daichi’s hands find purchase on your chest. He gently massages your breasts as you throw your head back onto his shoulder, moans spilling out of your stuffed mouth. Kuroo continues his attack, licking long stripes up your entrance. His lips latch onto your clit sucking and massaging it. His tongue dips into your entrance as the coil in your stomach tightens. The stimulation was overwhelming. Between Daichi fondling you and Kuroo’s work on your pussy, you release faster than you had ever before. Their soft lips and big hands were much better than your small, unskilled fingers. Kuroo diligently laps up your release and sits up. He leans toward Daichi and gives him a sloppy open mouth kiss. You watch in awe as the two make out, Kuroo pulling away first.
“Can you taste her on my tongue?” Kuroo asks, smirking at both of you.
“She’s delicious.” Daichi responds, kissing your neck. He takes a bit of your skin in between his teeth and bites and sucks until he’s sure he’s made a lasting mark. You moan, leaning your head against him, his hands still groping your sensitive tits.
Kuroo leans forward and takes the panty stuffed into your mouth with his teeth, spitting it out on the bed next to you. He slides a condom over himself and lines up his cock, pushing it slowly into your slick entrance. His cock was not very thick but it was long, and it didn’t take very long for him to bottom out completely. Kuroo presses your stomach, feeling the outline of his cock.
“Can you feel that y/n? Can you feel how well I fill you up?”
“S’good Kuroo-san- hngg too much-“
“You can take it baby. I know you can. You wanna be a good girl for us right?”
His thrusts were slow but forceful, each one perfectly hitting your g-spot. The way you clamped down on Kuroo’s cock sent him into a euphoric whirlwind. He gave a few more thrusts and spilled his seed into the condom as your second release gushed around him. Daichi was drooling at the pornographic scene unfolding between his legs. Kuroo pulls his softened cock out, and you whine at the loss of contact. You lean back onto Daichi’s shoulder once again as he leans down to capture your lips in a sloppy kiss.
“Daichi-san..wanna suck you off-please...”
Daichi chuckles at your eagerness and obliges. With the help of Kuroo, you turn around and lean down into his lap, his hardened cock standing tall and leaking beautifully. Kuroo’s arm wraps around your waist keeping you steady, as his lips leave a hot wet trail down your spine. You give the tip of Daichi’s cock a few kitten licks, eliciting a deep groan from the back of his throat. You take the tip into your mouth, your tongue swirling around it while Daichi’s hands grab a fist full of your hair.
“Just like that y/n-mmm...such a good girl.”
Daichi ruts up into your mouth, the tip grazing the back of your throat causing you to gag. Your nails dig into the flesh of his massive thighs, the pain only adding to his pleasure.
His cock feels hot and heavy in your mouth and each bob of your head makes his balls tighten. The feeling of your hot mouth around him sending him over the edge, he can’t take it.
“hnggg- y/n m’coming.”
Soon your throat was painted with thick ropes of hot cum. You swallowed as much as you could, licking your lips as some dribbles down your chin.
Your body went limp landing flat on Daichi’s chest. His hand rakes through your hair as you start to fall asleep.
“We gotta clean you up y/n, don’t fall asleep yet.” Daichi says.
“Let her sleep, we’ll wipe her down for now and wash her in the morning.”
A warm damp cloth meets your sore body as Kuroo wipes you down. Daichi diligently wipes away at your face and mouth giving soft kisses on your hair. Once clean, you were laid down in between the soft silk sheets you were previously clutching. Both men get in on either side of you, massaging the sore muscle of your hips and thighs. Looks like you’ll be skipping class tomorrow.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
8 Anti LO Asks
1. tbh i just think minthe's design just looks better for a queen. she genuinely looks intimidating and regal, meanwhile persephone just looks like a baby who cries at the drop of a hat. thats not to say baby-faced people cant be taken seriously, but rachel has made her too immature and childish looking (as well as canon making her stuck at 19-but-looks-even-younger forever with an even more childish personality) that i just cant buy her as any sort of authority figure.
2. i think thats also it. rachel really wants there to be drama, but at the same time she also refuses to actually let them suffer, so it just comes across as shallow. persephone wont see punishment for killing mortals (who were at fault for being killed, very cool), she was only on the run for maybe a day or two but is now living it up with hades, only like three people dont support hxp, etc. LO wants to be a dramatic epic without having the stakes, so it just ends up as superficial instead.
3. to that one anon about an LO stan saying apollo was obsessed with some princess or whatever: there is a version of that mostly known by parthenius of nicaea which was just combining the daphne and hyacinthus' myths together to make it No Homo™️ to have apollo only love daphne and basically every mythology editor and historian sees that version as some odd ball take that isnt legitimate in the greek myths. im not surprised an LO stan takes it as fact tho, they think LO is factual too.
4. there are bad apples in every fandom, but LO fans in particular seem convinced Greece doesn't exist anymore and RS get free reign to claim the mythology and remove it from its entire culture because "its theirs now" and I can't stand that mentality. It's should be seen as an honor she gets to play around with the stories, not claim it as her own for her to do as she pleases, and it's awful the fans encourage it, especially since LO is a damaging piece of work even outside of mythology circles.
5. its silly LO set up persephone's trauma via demeter as this deep set horror (the locked greenhouse esp was setting it up as that) and yet when we were actually shown demeter's "torture" it was them bickering over her going to college and thats it? like demeter is actually a super doting mother and only failed in making her daughter a spoiled brat and never letting her face consequences, and yet she's framed as evil for this, but hades does the same thing and he's romantic for it? please 😒.
-----FP Spoilers-----
(Please read the message at the bottom)
6. ya know if hades is lying that hes known persephone longer than a few weeks isnt that him knowing this relationship is bad and theyre rushing things but hes trying to save face? like idk maybe its just me but if your relationship is built off lusting after her in a submissive position, yourself controlling the woman including her finances and where she lives, and lying to others and keeping things from her so she never questions you, then the relationship is a no-go 🤷🏿‍♀️
7. if hades literally has to lie that hes known persephone longer than a month to try and excuse his relationship to her and to try and get her out of trouble then 1) thats an automatic admittance of guilt that hes refusing to acknowledge, but also 2) lying on the stand is illegal. like what lawyer is he if he just lies to get her off?? thats not showing he cares, it shows hes a corrupt person who should also be stripped of power along with her.  i wouldn't want a liar as an absolute king, TBH.
8. im kinda confused tho? why would he lie about the time? zeus was right there when hades saw persephone for the first time? unless they mean the tapes the fates got them? which even the most dedicated LO fans didnt like since it was a bit of a stupid retcon (also im not sure persephone was even over the age of 18 then so thats concerning) also they apparently forgot each other right after that meeting anyway so?? whats the point??
Regarding #6-8
I've been trying not to say it out right because fp spoilers but a lot of people are confused so I'll explain while trying to avoid more spoilers:
Hades says to Apollo that he's noticed that Apollo has been brutalizing his wife (aka Persephone) for months. Apollo calls him out on that by saying something along the line of "She's your wife now?". Hades then says he misspoke (by calling her his wife). Either they got married of screen or he genuinely misspoke which is still very suspicious.
By months, Hades probably just overexaggerating. LO takes place over the span of March - early April so that also might be why he says months. However, he really should’ve said weeks.
I highly suggest using zahard/./top (remove the slashes) if you want to read the fp for yourself and don't want to pay.
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ofcloudsandstars · 3 years
May Magical Forecast
This month is going to be an incredible spiritual ride. There are a lot of aspects encouraging our spiritual growth and that actively want us to pursue deep emotional healing in order to align us to a better path. The Taurus New Moon is all about inner healing and nurturing to achieve growth. That Lunar cycle will bring us two retrogrades (Saturn and Mercury) along with the climax of the Lunar Eclipse at the end of the month. It's time to heal, shed old beliefs and welcome in new opportunities that can open doors!
1 - ☾♑   Spring Crossquarter | Beltane Disseminating Moon | Moon Trine Sun
Today will feel celebratory with the moon trining the sun! This beneficial aspect gives a day of abundance and generosity as the sun and moon are aligned in a harmonious aspect. It will feel extra lovely with it being the pinnacle of Spring! This crossquarter marks the day where we are halfway through Spring at it's height before it blurs into the summertime. It's a lovely day to connect with nature, drink floral tea, appreciate all that is blooming in your life and take advantage of this fertile time to set some intentions!
Week 1 
2 - ☾♒ Mercury in Taurus trines Pluto rx in Capricorn Venus in Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces Moon enters Aquarius
A wonderful day for deep introspection, creativity and shadow work. With Mercury in a beneficial trine with Pluto retrograde we can tap into a deeper layer of our consciousness, uncover truths and come to face with some powerful underlying emotions. Our mind and inner power are aligned and we can accomplish a lot if we set our minds to it. With Venus in a lovely sextile with Neptune our sense of beauty, values and pleasures want to work together with our creativity and spirituality. It's a lovely day for art, exploring sensual pleasures and applying that spiritually perhaps through aesthetic rituals or making art that reflects and or explores our beliefs and inner world. With the moon in Aquarius we may feel some minor shifts in our inner world. With the Pluto rx and mercury trine we may feel like changing deep seated habits or changing our physical intimate spaces such as our bedrooms to suit this shift. With the venus and neptune sextile we may feel like expanding our perspective and trying new sensual pursuits that takes us deeper into our spirituality or helps us to escape in wonderlands.
3 - ☾♒ Last Quarter Moon Mercury in Taurus squares Jupiter in Aquarius Sun in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius
The Last Quarter moon is a wonderful time for self reflection and meditation. This is a time to review what intentions we've set on the Aries New Moon and what we've released or ended on the Scorpio supermoon. Have our efforts been worth it this cycle? What have we learned? What can we improve on? What can we wrap up before the next cycle begins? With the last quarter moon in Aquarius the themes can be about our freedom, expressing our individuality and making progress with our goals. Are our Aries new moon intentions realized yet? How can we help them progress? The Sun will square Saturn making the day feel slow, repressive and heavy. Our responsibilities can feel like burdens and we can feel restricted by them no matter how hard we work towards them. Though squares build up tension that make us crave action, it is best to process them through reflection. With the Sun and Saturn square we must reflect on what work we have to do and how to best strategize our time to tackle these goals. This can tie into the last quarter moon with reflection and wrapping up any work that needs to be done. With the last quarter moon in Aquarius symbolizing our freedom we can dream up strategies to free ourselves from the burdens of unneeded responsibilities and see what habits or stressful obligations we must cut off if we want to move forward.
4 - ☾♒ Mercury enters Gemini
Mercury enters it's home sign in Gemini!! Mercury the planet of communication, our minds and ideas is naturally at ease in sociable Gemini. For this cycle we will feel our mental energy heighten as we get more curious and chatty. We may find more people socializing and see it in harmony with the lovely spring hastening into Summer. We may also come across a lot more information, both sparking our curious interest but also overwhelming and potentially confusing us. Mercury is a trickster energy so beware of all the information you consume. There may be more gossip at this time, more fake news, more deceit and double sides to everything. However if you are aware of this and have good discernment then this transit will bring a lot of fun conversations and mingling for the next three weeks!
5 - ☾♓ Balsamic Moon | Moon Sextile Sun Moon enters Pisces
The energy will feel great today with the moon sextiling the sun. The two energies will want to work together in order to help wrap up any pressing tasks on our mind or to focus on our home or inner life and apply our energies there. When the Moon sextiles the sun it's a good time to clean your intimate space, cleanse it from the energies built up before and banish anything unwanted from your life. With the moon in Pisces it's a lovely day for bath magic and to take a cleansing shower purifying yourself of energies you no longer want to take with you into the next cycle.
6 - ☾♓ Venus in Taurus trines Pluto rx in Capricorn
We may feel deep and powerful emotions surrounding our values, possessions, relationships and sense of love and validation with Venus in a trine with Pluto in retrograde. Venus and Pluto trines are intense transits which can bring the thing your soul desires the most towards you if only you are aware of this energy and work with it. However with Pluto in retrograde it may bring up past memories of the things/people/situations you desired and your emotions surrounding that along with potential feelings of obsession or depression depending on how those situations went. It's a good day to either journal or set intentions through writing and visualizing what you want. However before you dive into the intentions it's good for self reflection and shadow work to help clear any emotions that may be clouding deep subconscious feelings surrounding certain desires. Do you really feel that you need that in your life or do you obsess over it to have a sense of control or power? Do you really need that control or power in that area of your life or is it stemming from insecurity? Pluto's energy loves to empower but if you try to use that power for manipulation and let your hunger for control cloud your judgement then Pluto easily takes it all away in it's game of sudden death.
7 - ☾♈ Moon enters Aries
The day will feel more energetic as the moon shifts into Aries. When the moon is in Aries it's a good day to go after what you want, channel mars, do fire based magic and practice various exercises that help you connect to your body from dance to martial arts or even yoga.
8 - ☾♈ Venus in Taurus squares Jupiter in Aquarius
Today will feel fun yet gluttonous with Venus in a square with Jupiter. Once again Squares are an aspect that causes tension kind of like if we have a desirable or impulsive thought that is enticing us to take action over and over we can feel restless and frustrated if we cannot get those needs met. When we do take action because this aspect causes tension we can often be met with opposition if we just act on impulse without thinking. Therefore this aspect is great for reflection and strategizing before action. Pay attention to what Venus squares Jupiter makes you crave. Do you want to socialize more? Indulge more? Play more? You can definitely fulfill these desires today and today will feel incredible if you let yourself loose however with this unstable aspect it can easily put a strain on your finances as you may indulge too deeply. However if this aspect is stressing you out to the point of FOMO and you feel like compensating with retail therapy this is when it's time to stop yourself and apply that reflection/strategy. Is there another way you can fulfill these needs of socializing or enjoying pleasures without impulsive reactions like buying a bunch of shit online for a quick dose of serotonin only to realize you wasted your money and don't really need any of those things?? Is there another outlet you can enjoy yourself instead??
Week 2
9 - ☾♉ Venus enters Gemini Moon enters Taurus
Today will feel fun and flirty with the moon entering sensual Taurus and Venus starting a new transit in Gemini. With Venus in Gemini we may feel more flirtatious in this period as our curiosity motivates us on romantic and social levels. We will feel more inclined to want to go out, spend time socializing and trying things out on a superficial level. This can be a fun time to experiment (not just in dating but any fun experiences you always wanted to try) and mingle but not do anything too serious. We may find beauty more in words and attraction in flirtatious messages as we tend to bond more readily on a mental level while Venus is in this air sign. The shadowy part of this aspect is it may tend to bring out people's flakey sides as you may notice more ghosting if people's curiosity fails to be satiated.
10 - ☾♉
There are no notable transits today other than the moon in Taurus. When the moon is in Taurus it's a good time for exploring your sensualities, green magic and taking time to rest and indulge.
11 - ☾♉ New Moon in Taurus Mercury in Gemini sextiles Chiron in Aries Mercury conjunct North Node in Gemini
It's a powerful day today with a new lunar cycle starting in Taurus. As the Aries lunar cycle has come to it's end we've set intentions revolving around our sense of courage to maintain our freedom and fight for what we want. Now this lunar cycle asks us to stay on course, commit to our goals, yet not in an arduous grind kind of way. This cycle wants us to tend to our goals gently to allow them space to bud and grow. The themes of this new moon will be highlighted by some powerful aspects hosted by Mercury the planet of our mind and communication. Mercury will be in a beneficial sextile with Chiron in Aries which will make our minds want to focus on our healing. It will be a nurturing time where we will feel inclined to make space to focus on anything not working in our life or past painful experiences and try to remedy them or create better habits moving forward. Mercury will also be conjunct the North Node in Gemini which is aligning our minds towards the collective karmic growth. This day may make us review how we have been nurturing ourselves and how we heal and if we can align ourselves to be in harmony with our current paths. (Additionally Chiron will also be sextiling the North Node as well so this energy is adding to it). On this New Moon some good questions to ask yourself for this new cycle is how you can commit to nurturing yourself, valuing yourself and healing bad habits/mindsets moving forward? With Uranus in Taurus there will be some aid to help break up the stubborn signs energy and help change old habits. (At one point the moon will conjunct Uranus too so the energy of change will be in the air). You can set intentions to aim to change old unhelpful habits and tend to yourself, your healing and your goals more.
12 - ☾♊ Mars in Cancer squares Chiron in Aries Mars in Cancer sextiles Uranus in Taurus Mercury in Gemini trines Saturn in Aquarius Moon enters Gemini
Today's energy is great if you are aware of how to use it. Otherwise it can cause a lot of pain. Immediately I must warn of the Mars and Chiron square as that is a dangerous combination that can warrant a health hazard or cause physical pain and even traumatic fights. Be aware of your space, your body, your boundaries and how others could be processing the energy. Please be careful.
However on a good note, though the energy today may feel initially stressful it can be the gun powder to help shift some good change in your life. Mars is in a sextile with Uranus in Taurus which fuels our drive to want to create a change or work towards freedom no matter the challenge or obstacle. The thing is with the Mars and Chiron square that motivation may come from us trying to heal issues or run away from pain or the past in order to find freedom of it. However like all squares they really need reflection instead of impulsive reaction (which Mars is too good at). Instead of acting on impulse without awareness of this energy- which could potentially cause accidents- it would be best to reflect on what the source of pain is that you would want to change and strategize on how to change it before immediately taking action. Then you can make wiser decisions. Two planets that are willing to help with this are Mercury and Saturn in a beneficial trine. The planet of our mind and responsibility are in a harmonious aspect which will allow us to review our tasks with maturity and process information/exercise decision making with wisdom and patience. Together this energy can help us make the best decisions and take on any hard tasks mentally which can guide us to make positive change in the future and help heal. With the moon in Gemini we can pick apart our emotions with details and help have a more objective understanding of our inner world, however this energy can create distractibility so it's best to organize your day with a list or do whatever is best to tackle problems in an organized way that suits you.
13 - ☾♊ Jupiter enters Pisces Sun conjunct Lilith in Taurus Sun in Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces
Today we ascend into the spiritual realm!! We will feel a powerful yet dreamy energy shift today with some incredible ingresses and aspects guiding us into the more magical side of things. First Jupiter is entering Pisces!!! This encourages us to expand our spirituality, expand and explore our magic!! Adventure upon our spiritual and magical paths, expand upon our creativity and really explore our compassion and empathy for the collective. Jupiter will have a retrograde this year returning it to Aquarius and then go back into Pisces for a longer while but this transit will last through the summertime making Summer 2021 a dreamy magical time to spiritually explore ourselves. Today's shift will be amplified by the Sun sextiling Neptune which means the themes of the day want us to focus on our spirituality, creativity and compassion. We will feel inclined to tap into our magical side and do something about it!! The Sun will also be conjunct Lilith in Taurus (also making Neptune sextile that point as well). This will be an interesting combination to add as Lilith is a bit like the dark side of the moon as this point represents our repressed emotions and shadow side. With Lilith in the mix it's like the imps are out the play in the fairyworld we are about to enter. The themes wants us to focus on our shadow side and work with our shadow in order to understand our repressed sides and potential unmet needs. With Neptune in it's sextile it may encourage unhealthy escapism which could lead to substance abuse. This is a great day for shadow work and being aware of anything you could have buried in order to heal it. There are many transits aligned with your healing to help you address these issues in order to have inner harmony and evolve. Also being aware of this make sure to protect your space from others that may not be aware of their shadow side so that you are protected. Neptunal energy loves to dissolve boundaries and now with Jupiter the expansive planet in Neptune we may have more boundaries breeched than ever before. It's good to protect your energy and your space.
14 - ☾♊
There are no notable transits today other than the moon completing it's transit in Gemini. When the moon is in Gemini it's a good day to explore topics that pique your interest, try new things, read articles and books, practice air based magic, sound based magic (such as meditating to binural beats or sound bowls), practice bibliomancy and journal new ideas.
15 - ☾♋ Moon enters Cancer
The moon enters it's home sign of Cancer today. It's a lovely day to take a moment to focus on your personal space, your emotional state, tidy your space and nurture yourself. --------------- 16 - ☾♋
There are no notable transits today other than the moon in Cancer. When the moon is in cancer it's a good time to practice any form of cottage magic such as kitchen magic, bath magic, self care, reflecting on your emotions and practicing shadow work and taking personal time to rest and recoup.
17 - ☾♋ Waxing Crescent | Sun Sextile Moon Sun in Taurus trines Pluto rx in Capricorn
Today is a good day to act upon any plans or work towards any goals and intentions set during the Taurus new moon. When the Sun sextiles the Moon the two energies want to work together and gives us a boost of energy to get things done. The Sun will also be in a lucky trine today with Pluto retrograde giving us a deeper sense of power if we are aware of how to tap into it. Some themes we can encounter today would highlight our power or how we can empower ourselves. Alternatively it can help us untangle our subconscious fears (which can surround around lack of power) and help with healing. Either way this day wants us to work towards our goals and explore new paths and areas of interests which can help us on our journey.
18 - ☾♌ Venus in Gemini sextiles Chiron in Aries Moon enters Leo
This lunar cycle is really about healing as we have back to back aspects forcing us to do shadow work and heal within. Another aspect we will be influenced by will be Venus sextiling Chiron in Aries which is a beneficial aspect that makes us want to heal our relationships, reassess our values and address any trauma in areas of romance or partnerships. It will feel less moody and contemplative and more proactive as the sextile will push us to make action in order to heal. We may feel more inclined to mend the relationships in our lives. With the moon in Leo the flavor of the day may feel a bit more dramatic with everything going on but this placement will make us aware of our needs and urge us towards self love.
19 - ☾♌ First Quarter Moon
This first quarter moon is a good time to reflect on your New Moon in Taurus intentions and what you have learned and worked towards so far during the waxing crescent lunar phase. Is there anything not working? Any challenges you could be facing in your journey? This first quarter moon is a rest stop to examine your previous choices and strategize for the future. It's not good to take action now or else you may come face to face with resistance. It's good to reflect. The first quarter moon was highlighted by the Venus x Chiron sextile the day before. In the journey of this Taurean lunar phase asking us to commit to our self love and growth we may find under this Leo moon how we have been honoring and loving ourselves and our projects during this cycle so far. If you do not feel like you have been making progress with your growth in certain areas it's time to reassess and find out how. This is a good day to plan barrier breaking and road opening magic to break down obstacles in your way or bring new opportunities towards you when the moon turns into it's waxing gibbous phase.
20 - ☾♍ Sun enters Gemini Venus in Gemini trines Saturn in Aquarius Moon enters Virgo
Gemini season begins!! This is the last chapter of Spring when the air gets noticably warmer, the eve of Summer is on our doorsteps and we are feeling more social and mingling than ever. This is a great time to explore interests, make new acquaintances and share/explore ideas. This time is also very flighty and full of confusion with a pinch of (fun) chaos. As long as you manage to have fun during this season it's always a good time. Today we may feel inclined to work on our relationships and finances with a more mature approach as Venus forms a lucky trine with Saturn. This is a great time to organize your finances, put aside savings and also address any self love/self worth or issues with partnerships in a mature way. It's a good grounding start to a typically messy season. What will add to this is the moon in Virgo helping us to organize and solve any issues we are facing in our daily lives.
21 - ☾♍ Sun in Gemini squares Jupiter in Pisces
Today is all about expanding into the deep! With the Sun in a square with Jupiter there is built up energy ready to explode into fireworks!! Jupiter wants us to follow this enticing nudge to dive into our creativity, explore our spirituality and consume all that piques our curiosity in these areas. However it's good to have some discernment when exploring your spiritual interests and to have some moderation if you feel that this pull is making you interested in escapism instead. It will feel like an intensely magical day and a great day to do magic! If you are feeling like you are in a spiritual or magical slump it's a good day to mark to do something fun or discover something new.
22 - ☾♎ Waxing Gibbous | Sun Trine Moon
Today is the lucky transit between the Sun and the Moon which adds a boost of luck to our day if we are aware and tap into it. It's a good day to review what you've strategized on the first quarter moon in Leo and go for it. If you still feel blocked it's a great day for road opening and barrier breaking spells. It's a fantastic day for attraction magic and bringing opportunities your way. As the moon is in Libra spells that would get a boost would be for love, any partnerships, harmony (diffusing conflict) and justice.
--------------- 23 - ☾♎ Saturn enters Retrograde -until Oct 11th! Mercury in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces
Saturn enters Retrograde today until the 11th of October! When this planet moves in reverse it's a karmic time fusing our past and present. If we have been slacking or avoiding issues this retrograde will dish out a lesson or encounter which will cause us to face the consequences. If we have been dutiful and responsible then this retrograde will bring great luck and alignment. Saturn retrograde energy is very much like the big bad wolf coming to blow down your house and your house is your past efforts. If you took time to build a brick house you have little to be concerned for now, in fact you can take a break. If your house isn't sturdy, well.. brace yourself. Saturn just wants us to work hard and be the best we can be so take this retrograde as a time of reflection and making time to address your obligations and sorting things out. If you have a few tasks you have to take care of and are feeling frozen in place, make a to do list and make a smaller bullet point list of what to do for each step so you can have a clearer idea of your path.
Another transit today is Mercury and Neptune in a square. This tension can make us a bit cloudy and confused and very prone to daydreaming or escapism. The combination with Saturn retrograde could make the day feel uneasy, however that may really depend on how you've handled past responsibilities. This square can let you take it easy and daydream or can make you feel more confused than ever. It's still a good idea to protect your boundaries and make sure you set time aside to get what you need done then enjoy the rest of the transit fulfilling your creativity or escapist needs.
24 - ☾♏ Moon enters Scorpio
There are no other notable transits today other than the moon entering Scorpio. When the moon enters scorpio it's a good time to dive deep, banish and do some shadow work.
25 - ☾♏
The moon is wrapping up it's transit in Scorpio today.
26 - ☾♐ Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius
The Eclipse chapter begins! The Sagittarius Full Moon asks us to see the bigger picture in the day to day details and align ourselves with our truths and authenticity instead of getting distracted by any interesting piece of information or ideas that don't entirely serve us. It's nature is because the Sagittarius moon is opposite the Gemini sun so it's merging two sides of the same coin to get a grander perspective on the lesson that this zodiac season is trying to guide us through. However Eclipses are all about endings and transformation. Lunar Eclipses are best for undoing obstacles and banishment (where as Solar is best for inner death/transformation/rebirth.) This Eclipse chapter will take us from this Full Moon Sagittarius eclipse into the Gemini New Moon Eclipse. From Full to New Moon Eclipse the journey can be about overcoming tests and challenges, doors closing while new ones opens and obstacles finally getting out of your way as you enter the new karmic chapter in your life. Eclipses activate the lunar Nodes which is why they feel so karmic and help align you to your destiny.
The theme of this eclipse may be felt on a more mental and spiritual level. Sagittarius is pushing for us to find the truth, knowledge, enlightenment and elevate us from just focusing on the details or irrelevant information. What will add to this is Neptune squaring the eclipse that can help dissolve all the boundaries as well as limiting beliefs we've put on our minds to help us push towards freedom and higher truths. (Neptune squares can cause delusion though but they can also bring divine messages.)
It's a good day to review what mindsets and fears you want to break free from and shed what is no longer serving you.
Charging items on an eclipse or making moon water can be tricky business. This is not the same energy of a Super Moon (when the moons orbit is closest to the earth as it becomes a full moon therefore making it huge)- where the lunar energy feels doubled. Eclipse energy is undoing type of magic which is fantastic in a lot of spells especially barrier breaking/road opening and hexing but if you want to charge crystals or magical tools that help promote energy you may be asking your tools to absorb energy that seeks to undo. As long as you are aware of how this energy acts out you should be fine in deciding what you'd like to charge or not, but just keep in mind that eclipses are a different energy.  
27 - ☾♐ Venus in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces
Today we may really feel the unstable eclipse energy with the Venus and Neptune square exacerbating things. It may be best to take some time to yourself and protect your boundaries. With Venus and Neptune in a square there can be paranoia with our relationships, feelings of emotional fog, desires for sensual escapism, a lack of motivation to work, deception from other people and confusion in our spiritual values. It is a good time for reflection but even so the reflection can be met with inner confusion. It's a good time to understand that the world (and possibly yourself) is going through a lot of changes and not act rashly. It's also a good day to process emotions through art or journaling. Also taking time to nurture yourself and take plenty of naps.
28 - ☾♑ Moon enters Capricorn
There are no other notable transits today other than the moon entering Capricorn. When the moon is in Capricorn it's a great day to tackle tasks and focus on responsibilities, practice boundary setting, mineral and earth based magic, ancestral magic and working on something you've been putting off.
29 - ☾♑ Mercury enters Retrograde -until the 22nd June Mercury conjunct Venus in Gemini
Today our minds and hearts are fused as one with Mercury and Venus aligned in Gemini. We may feel very reflective on our friendships and possible relationships with our siblings or close ones as Mercury will enter retrograde today. Following the themes of the eclipse we may wonder if the people we currently surround ourselves with share our like minds and ideas or if they turn out to be not so great for us and steer us away from who we are supposed to be.
This Mercury retrograde wants us to reflect in our areas of close friendships, our mentality and how we communicate our ideas. It is a very reflective mental journey following the eclipse that may want us to align with our authenticity by getting rid of beliefs that are not good for us and instead focusing on ideas that help us grow.  
--------------- 30 - ☾♒ Moon enters Aquarius
There are no notable transits today other than the moon entering Aquarius. When the moon is in Aquarius it's a great day for meditation, learning something new, weather magic, techno magic and making personal changes to your space.
31 - ☾♒ Disseminating Moon | Moon Trine Sun Mars in Cancer trines Neptune in Pisces
We end the month with the Moon trining the sun. This beneficial aspect makes the day feel lucky and brings an extra boost of harmony to our lives. We may feel more generous and sociable under this transit. Another beneficial aspect is Mars trining Neptune which is lucky energy if we remember to tap into it. Trines can be so harmonious we hardly realize them passing by. However if we want to apply energy or work towards our creativity, spirituality and arts we will find a lot of success today due to the Mars and Neptune trine. It's a lovely day for creativity, art and practicing magic.
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hrtiu · 4 years
@luoiae​ thank you for the prompt! “Boba realizing fennec's cyborg tummy gives away her true emotions 8DDdd.”
AO3 link.
“Drop the rifle and walk away or I’ll shoot!” the Human assassin yelled, the barrel of his blaster pressed to Boba Fett’s temple. “I swear I’ll do it!”
Thoroughly unimpressed, Fennec Shand stood across the audience chamber from them, rifle trained on the assassin. “Do it. He means nothing to me.”
The mechanical innards of her torso hissed and cranked, and the assassin’s eyes grew wide. “What… What are you?”
“Rotta didn’t even tell you what you’re up against?” Fennec said with a tsk. “Amateur.”
Boba narrowed his eyes at his partner, unconcerned by the blaster held up to his head but confused by the clanking. He knew he’d done a good job creating her cybernetic torso, and it had never made that noise before.
The assassin didn’t know that, though, and he was terrified. “S-s-stay back! I’ll shoot!”
“You already said that,” Fennec said flatly. “Maybe try a different tactic.”
The would-be assassin panicked and turned his blaster on Fennec, squeezing off five or six wild shots. She, on the other hand, only shot once.
Boba shoved the assassin’s smoking body off of him, dusting himself off and striding across the room towards Fennec.
“You were lying, when you said that,” he said.
“Said what?”
“When you told him to shoot me. That I mean nothing to you.”
Fennec furrowed her brows at Boba. “Are you serious?”
“Your stomach made that funny sound.”
Boba Fett considered her for a long moment, a theory coalescing in his mind. Fennec stared back. She was one of the only people who could manage that.
“Let’s get this place cleaned up,” he said finally, gesturing to the body on the floor. “We can’t have my palace looking a mess.”
“We certainly can’t.”
Boba had to engineer an opportunity to test his theory with a game of sabacc. Fennec rarely gambled, so it took a few solid months of casual suggestions before he finally coaxed her into a game.
They played for small stakes. Boba knew the infighting and conflict that could come from serious gambling debts within a crew, and Fennec didn’t seem particularly interested in the thrill of potentially losing her life’s savings. The credits weren’t the point, anyway.
“Five credits,” Boba said, tossing his credits into the pot. He had a green three of circles and a red two of squares—a decent hand.
“I raise you ten credits,” Fennec said, stone-faced, pushing her credits in.
Boba looked at her from over the top of his cards, eyes narrowed. “Have a good hand, do you?”
She shrugged, but said nothing. That wasn’t going to work for his experiment.
“I’ve got plus one,” he said, leaning forward across the table. “Can you do better?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
He shook his head. “There’s no way you’ve got better than a plus one. Convince me otherwise.”
“I don’t know what to tell you, Boba. I have a good hand.”
The hissing rattle of metallic parts emanated from Fennec’s stomach, and she froze. A slow smile crept across Boba’s face as he stared down his opponent, a weakness spotted.
“I raise you fifty credits,” Boba said, pulling the extra currency out of his pocket.
To her credit, Fennec’s face betrayed nothing. Unfortunately for her, her body had already given her away. “I fold.”
Boba smirked as he gathered the credits to himself. He’d won something much more valuable than credits this game. He’d won information.
“I can’t resolve this if you won’t tell me what’s wrong,” Boba said, trailing Fennec as she stormed through the lower levels of the old Hutt palace. 
She’d been in a fowl mood ever since their last excursion to Mandalore, and Boba couldn’t figure why. It had been a simple mission—helping a sister-in-arms out with some Pyke Syndicate thugs. Everything had gone smoothly, but Fennec’s silence had felt sullen and off these last few days.
“Nothing’s wrong,” she said, but her gut gurgled away the truth.
“Just tell me! You’re obviously upset about something.”
“No, I’m not.”
“Your stomach says otherwise.”
Fennec rounded on him, her impassive expression broken for once into a nasty snarl. “Look, if I wanted to tell you why I’m upset then I’d tell you.”
Boba took a step back, caught off guard by her sudden anger. Part of the reason they worked so well together was the uncanny way they seemed to understand each other’s moods and temperaments, but this was a version of Fennec he’d never seen before.
“Fine,” he said, feeling strangely hurt. “Why don’t you take off for a few days. Do whatever you need to sort yourself out.”
“Fine,” Fennec snapped, then she stormed from the room.
“I’ve brought the Rodian, as requested,” the Mandalorian woman said, shoving the smivelling creature in question in front of Boba. “I want 10,000 credits for him.”
“The bounty was for 5,000,” Boba said, leaning back into his throne and looking her over. She was from the old class of Mandalorians—simple bounty hunters, a breed after Boba’s own heart.
“The bounty was for 5,000, but then nobody caught him for six months. So I upped the price.”
Boba brought a hand to his chin, considering. 10,00 was steep, but the Rodian in question had tried to sell him out to Rotta the Hutt. The twerpy little Hutt kept coming for Boba and wasn’t likely to stop any time soon, so Boba needed to send a message about loyalty. And he had to admire the bounty hunter’s nerve.
“Alright. Collect your 10,000 from my treasurer,” he said, waving her in the direction of the bespectacled, nervous looking man Boba kept around to look after his finances.
She nodded and Boba signalled for his guards to take the Rodian away, rising to his feet and leaving the audience chamber without truly registering the screams of protest echoing down the halls. Fennec followed after him, ever in his shadow.
They made their way through the subterranean hallways of the old palace, but once they were well away from the crowds Fennec stopped. She huffed, and the barely-audible sound might as well have been deafening, coming from her.
“What is it, Fennec?” Boba asked, turning to her.
She pursed her lips. “You gave that woman much more than that bounty was worth. You’re always soft on Mandalorians.”
“No, I didn’t.”
Fennec crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at him. “Come on. We asked for 5,000. Maybe you can give her more because he was harder to catch then we expected, but double?”
Boba felt a twinge of guilt at Fennec’s frustration. She’d started as his guardian, bound to him by a life debt, but over the years they’d become something more like partners. And yet he hadn’t considered talking over the bounty hunter’s proposal with her first.
The guilt only irritated Boba more, activating his defense mechanisms. “You’re acting like a jealous lover,” he snapped.
“No I’m not,” she said, her sharp features accentuated by the heavy shadows of the dark hallway.
Her stomach popped, a cranking, rattling sound hissing out, and Fennec froze. Boba blinked stupidly at her for a long moment, his brain taking longer than it should to process this new information.
“Are you... interested in me?” he asked, incredulous despite the evidence before him.
“No,” Fennec said firmly, her arms crossing over her stomach. Unfortunately for her, her arms couldn’t stop the hissing and rattling of her abdomen.
He stepped closer to her, feeling a strange sort of hope paired with uncomfortable nervousness. “Are you sure about that?”
“Yes,” she said, louder now to cover the insistent burbling.
He took another step towards her, and she didn’t back down. Slowly, with the patience of a man who’d survived years on his own in the desert, he inched closer. He brought one hand to her cheek, his thumb resting along the curve of her cheekbone. His forehead touched hers, his nose nudging the bridge of her nose. “Do you want me to kiss you right now?” he said, quietly, intently.
“No…” Her protest was barely audible over the rattling of her midsection.
“Fen… this is something you have to tell me with your words,” Boba said, looking right into her dark eyes.
Her eyes were wide with something he’d never seen in her before. Fear, nerves, hesitancy—whatever it was he knew it was a privilege to bear witness to in a warrior such as Fennec Shand.
A decision was made in the set of her jaw, in the steel of her eyes. “Yes,” she said firmly.
Boba closed the distance between them and pressed his mouth to hers, his fingers sliding into her hair and her arms looping around his shoulders. She held on tightly and he could feel the gurgling of her stomach settle down to a contented peace. One of her hands moved up to his face, memorizing the lines of his scars and honoring each one. He let one arm fall down to her waist, marvelling in the strength contained in a body so small. 
She pulled away some time later, breathless and flushed. She prodded Boba’s chest with a finger, her jab as sharp as a knife. “If you let anyone know I have such an obvious tell, you’re dead.”
He smiled at her, pulling her into his arms again. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
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eerythingisshaka · 4 years
Ficmas Day #9 “Rio rings, are you listening?”
[Rio x Reader]
Word Count: 1.4k
Tumblr media
Across the street from the church, you grow more and more hesitant.  It has been a while since you stepped foot in one and even longer since you practiced any faith.  You take a minute to look up at the steeple, illuminated by the warm glow behind colored glass in the window.  Your breath creates quickly dissipating clouds in front of your face as the wind whips in your direction.  You push your hands deeper into our pockets, looking both ways before stepping out into the street.
Your boots crunch over the salt rocks scattered over the concrete steps as you make your way to the heavy wood doors.  Even through your mitt, you can feel how cold the brass handles our as you pull it open and step inside.
The atmosphere is instantly quieter once you pass the threshold and the door closes with a low tone thunk.  Looking around you see an effigy of Jesus on the cross with a spotlight on him.  Your eyes cast downward at the sight, feeling instantly judged and fearful that lightning might strike you down for presenting yourself this late in your life.  Walking down the pew lined aisle, you look around at the candles that line the windows, decorated with faux holly leaves.  You take a seat in the middle of the right side, squeaking under your weight.
Breathing in deeply, your nose catches a faint smell of frankincense in the air, bringing back memories of blessed oil and healing.
“Well, I’m here,” you say out loud, at first to know one in particular but looking up, you remember your audience.  “Or I guess you know that already.”
Looking down at your mittened hands, you have many thoughts but none of them fully prepared to come out.
“Good evening.”
You hop up out of your seat as you look to see a man in all black walking across the front of the church slowly, hands behind his back and looking down.  His voice did not match his stance as he sounds very strong and commanding.  
“Hi!  Uh, I just was looking for somewhere quiet to sit awhile,”  you explain.
He stops in front of you, rows of pews separating yourselves from each other.  
“Are the library’s closed?” he asks.
“Yes.  I mean, no?  I don’t know actually, I can leave though if-”
He raises a hand.  “No need.  Take a seat.”
“Yes, Reverend.  Or Priest?”  You struggle to get his proper titling down.
“You can just call me Rio.  For now.”  
The rasp in his voice seems calming and also violent, as if he just got through yelling at someone or is just about to at any moment because his vocal cords have been worked out.  Preachers do enjoy a stirring sermon to work a collection plate flow.
“Ok, sure.”  You sit down again, even more uncomfortable than before.  Rio looks over the altar, peering up at Jesus for a while.  You can’t help but to stare, curious if he’s going to remain here with you.
“Are you a member of this church?”  Rio asks with his back to you.
“No.  I was a while ago, but I don’t think it counts now.”
Rio looks back at you.  “I don’t think God has a re-registration process for His sheep, right?”
You shrug.  “I think that’s when it’s up to interpretation.”
Rio shakes his head with a small smirk.  He starts to slowly walk his way up the aisle, looking around the sanctuary.
“If it’s how you interpret it, then that is based on what you feel you deserve.  Your inner bias creates that narrative you think is true,”  Rio states.
Biting your lip, you take this in.  “Still, I think there is something to be said about not giving Him the time required to fully show one’s devotion.”
Rio sits in the pew on the other side of the aisle, right across from you.  He stretches his leg out, leaning on the end armrest and looks curiously at you.  For the first time you notice some marking on his neck.
“So you decide to spend your holiday having a religious debate instead of spending it with family?”
“Oh, yeah.  Anywhere is better than having to deal with the mess they bring into my life.”  You say this half heartedly, looking to Jesus at the front again.  
“Then why are you at your childhood church?”
You scoff.  “Do I look that young that you assume I was a child here?”
RIo smiles, looking away.  “Maybe.  Just a guess.”
“You’re right.  And I came here to try and resolve some things.  My family doesn’t know I am here yet.  They will be here tomorrow for Christmas service and I got curious what the place looks like now while...searching for some spiritual courage.”
Rio nods.  “You and your family separated on bad terms then?”
You nod.
“I see.  Then I give you credit for coming up in here even thinking about them.  You seem to be doing alright for yourself, you could just go on and work on yourself without them.”
You turn to him, stretching your face in confusion.  “I am really surprised you would say that.  First, thanks for thinking that.  Life is trash, but you can’t tell so yay!  And two, I thought you would be like I need to keep family close and repair and reach out.”
Rio shakes his head.  “Cuz I wouldn’t say that.  People think too much about how what they do affects others when you have to think is what you do better for them in the long run?  If they don’t respect you or try to, you showing up is going to be disrespectful.  But if the peace is kept between you while you’re gone, stay gone.”
“I can’t help but think that’s pessimistic.”
Rio shrugs.  “Maybe it is, but some pessimism gotta be healthy.  It’s looking at the world for what it is and accepting what you can’t change then adapting.  Just because you’re away doesn’t mean you can’t love them or they love you less.  But some people just can’t get along.  It’s water and oil.”
You sit there flabbergasted by this man of God’s advice.  Have you been looking at this completely wrong?  Has the spirit of Christmas made you think of an artificial means of reconciliation that you aren’t prepared for and may never will be?
“Hey, Rio…” you ask in mid-thought.
“What’s up?”
“Before I head out, I just gotta know, what are those markings on your neck there?”
Rio reaches for his collar, holding his neck with a smile on his face.  “I don’t think you need to see this in a church.  I’ll let you guess though.”
You squint your eyes at him.  “If I had to guess, I imagine it’s something from...a past life?  Maybe you used to be into somethings and you got a...tattoo?”
Rio puts a finger to his lips with a wink.  “Past lives never really are the past though.”
You sit back intrigued.  “Wow, I have never seen someone in church...like you.”  You laugh nervously, enjoying his smile back at you when a man from a back door comes out in a jean jacket, skinhead with more tattoos you can see.  Rio stands up, smoothing out his shirt.
“If you’ll excuse me, I have some business to take care of.  I have to help the preacher prep for tomorrow’s service.”
Your eyes widen with surprise.  “You’re not the preacher?  Oh man, I’m sorry!  I just assumed, being in all black and I thought you were here alone.”
“It’s ok.  Black is just more professional.  It’s my color.  It’s powerful.  You can consider me the preacher's assistant with...finances.  But I’m glad we got to have a talk while you were here.”
You stand up, reaching out a hand.  “Me too.  It’s nice talking to someone with their head on straight.  I’ll think about all you said.”
Rio takes your hands firmly, looking down from it to you.  You feel exposed under his gaze but unwilling to turn loose from it.
“I hope I’ll see you tomorrow.  Should be a good turn out.  Good message from the big man.”
He lets go of your hand and you’re only sad you didn’t take your mitt first to know how soft or rough they were.  He makes you want to know more about him but the night is getting later.
“Ok.  I’ll be here.  You have a good Christmas Eve.”
“You as well.”  Rio nods to you as he joins his counterpart in the backroom.  You walk toward the doors you came from, looking back at the empty sanctuary, leaving with a feeling you didn’t think you’d have but is as close to a holiday spirit than you ever had.
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natexarnoult · 3 years
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hey all!! my name is mads and i’m 23, use she/her pronouns, and live in mst! i’m so excited for y’all to meet nathan - he’s a char i’ve had in mind for a while and i’m stoked to finally bring him to life! i’ve included some main points about him under the cut, along with his bio and a couple extras for him - please message me if you’d like to plot :D 
Nathan comes from a single-mother household... at least, until he was in high school.
Nate knows who his father is and is trying to build a relationship w/ the man but is still hurt from his mother hiding his father’s identity & not hiding the truth.
He is very much a ‘trust-fund’ kid but is working hard to distant himself from his parents’ wealth and build a name that isn’t connected to his parents.
Nathan truly is a sweetheart but has a hard time expressing this to those he cares about - he grew up in a home that wasn’t welcoming to affection and is still trying to break this habit.
He’s been in Heartsdale for several years and I’m so open to creating some pre-existing connections with him! Friends, ex friends, exes, enemies - anything! Please just message me so we can chat :)
He graduated from UCLA with an art history degree but is more interested in actually making art than learning about it - he travels a lot as he likes to make his show room diverse and brings in pieces from all around the country.
Nathan lives above his gallery but spends most of his time outside of both his gallery and his apartment - it’s either a midlife crisis and he regrets his choices or he’s just trying to meet new friends, who knows?
His pinterest is here and is constantly being update; please follow me if you feel so inclined!
Annnnnd: bio here as well:
Nate’s parents met while his father was on a school trip. A senior studying art history at Harvard, he’d taken the trip as an excuse to ‘see the world’ - if that world meant England, sure. His mother was the manager at a museum they visited on the trip & his father found himself returning to her canvas filled institute daily. They spent hours talking, sharing their love of paintings and critiquing some of the pieces her museum had chosen to display. Neither of them wanted to admit that their time together would be coming to a close - his trip was only for 3 weeks over the winter holidays - but on his last day in the country, Nathan’s father left a note within her bedside drawer, his address and phone number scrawled sloppily across a spare receipt & he snuck out before the sun was up. Saying goodbye would be too hard.
He returned to the States. He graduated. He got a job. He went years without hearing from the woman he’d met. One day, when his father was leaving The Met - he’d become a director of programs - his eye landed on a woman who looked so familiar, her hand clutched by a child, no older than 10. That moment was Nate’s first memory of his dad.
He remembers sitting in his dad’s house, a wide and bright space that was 20 minutes from where they’d met on those huge steps. This man had given them a ride and was now setting tea in front of his mother, but Nate was playing with his dog. He remembers snippets of the conversation - his mom was apologizing a lot. Apparently she hadn’t wanted to see him. They were in the States to visit her sister, Nate’s aunt. He remembers that this man kept looking between his mom and him & he looked so confused. Finally, he remembers a silence falling over the room and the man asked a question. Nate couldn’t make it out but his mother’s response was clear, definite; “Yes. He’s yours.”
At the time, Nate had no idea what that meant. He hadn’t yet been given the talk and his mother didn’t explain her relationship to this man. She introduced him - Nathan couldn’t remember his name - and said that he was an old friend from college. But soon, he found himself with this man more often. His mother invited him to join them at his aunt’s birthday party. When they flew back home to England, his mother would often be stuck on the phone with her old friend from college. One day, a year or so after their New York trip, his mother was picking him up from school, nervously pressing her thumb nail into the steering wheel. She asked if he remembered her friend from college, the one they’d seen while in New York. Nate did. She asked if he’d like to take another trip to New York to see his aunt, to see her old friend from college & maybe stay longer this time - like maybe the whole summer holidays?
They stayed the whole summer and when fall came around and it was time for Nathan and his mother to return home, he was sad - he was going to miss his aunt, he was going to miss the excitement of living Stateside. The rest of his year was almost a blur - his school year went by relatively painlessly, though he had begun to feel the hurt of being one of the only brown kids in school - and eventually spring had returned. His mom, again, sat him down and began asking questions. Eventually, and now Nate was smart enough to see where this was going from the start, she asked Nate how he would feel about moving to the States, about living with his aunt for a while. The move itself was quick and before he knew it, Nate and his mother settled in the States. He spent his days at school and his afternoons in extracurriculars - his new school had an art program that Nate was excelling in. They spent nights hanging out with his aunt or his mom’s college friend and for the first time in his young life, Nate felt comfortable. His mom’s friend had begun taking him to the museums, explaining the complexities of the canvas hanging on the walls and asking for his opinion on the work.
When Nate was about halfway through his junior year of high school, his mother and her college friend were both in the car when he was picked up from school. It wasn’t entirely all that weird - he wasn’t dumb enough to think that they weren’t dating, but Nate did always wonder why his mother never broached the subject with him. It’s not like he was a little kid anymore, for fuck’s sake - if your kid is old enough to date, they’re old enough to know who you’re dating. Nate probably couldn’t tell you the rest of what happened that day. He remembered getting home and grabbing a snack, as he always does, and he remembered getting told to sit down by his mother, that she had something important to tell him.
Nate’s life split into the before and the now - before Stephen was his father & now. While typically a rather well-mannered teenager, Nate was furious. Sure, his mom didn’t have to disclose her love life if she didn’t want to, but to know that Stephen was his That they’d known since the start and never told him? He thought back to their first visit to New York, when they ran into Stephen on the steps of the Met - he remembered his mom was surprised, thrown off her guard, but never uncomfortable, never not wanting to be around this man.
He slammed the door on his way out of the house, hopping on his bike and riding off. That night was the first night he ever acted out - Nate made it to his friend’s place out in the suburbs and snuck in their basement window. The rest of his friends, along with a couple girls he knew from his English Lit class, were circled around a small table, upon which sat a small tray & a bong. Nate welcomed the small act of rebellion, in the face of such shocking news, & spent his night testing his limits.
His parents, as he now so affectionately referred to them as, soon regretted telling Nate at such a volatile age. He soon spent all his evenings with his friends, sneaking into the house after midnight (if he’s early) and going straight up to his room. They tried not to push it and Nate was torn between appreciating being left alone and pissed that no one cared how he felt. His mom had tried to address it a couple times but Nate always shut down, refusing to give her more than a two word response.
It went on like that for 2 years, silence, short answers, tension. At 18, Nathan found himself going off to college, moving across the country to attend UCLA. He lived off his parents money, figuring the least they could do after years of absconding from the truth. And he lived lavishly - drinks on him every time his friends went to the bars, new clothes, new shoes, everything he could want.
He graduated with minimal rule infractions, an MIP here, possession of controlled substance there. But his parents always paid for a lawyer, flew out for the week and handled everything for him. After college, Nathan bounced around for a year, spent a couple months in LA, three in New York, and another 6 or so in a van his parents had financed, driving around the US.
Six months on the road proved to be exhausting, however, and Nathan found himself back in one of his first stops at the start of his trip, Heartsdale. It wasn’t long before he signed a lease on an apartment downtown and spent his days as a barista at Legal Grounds. He didn’t necessarily need the job - his parents still financed his whole life - but it was nice to have something to meet people in town. After a while, however, being a barista became boring. Nate spent his time admiring the local work they had pinned for sale on their walls, admiring the fine line work and critiquing in the way he’d spent four year training to do. On a walk, he found himself fantasizing about owning his own gallery, having his space to curate an experience. Nate’s eyes caught on every single ‘For Lease’ sign downtown, pausing and forcing himself not to take a peek inside. It wasn’t reasonable, he told himself. Irrational, at best. He had no experience managing anything, no experience building something from nothing.
And yet… he couldn’t help. One brisk morning, the sun was bright against a For Lease sign, practically screaming the numbers at him. His fingers were typing the numbers into his phone before he even realized what he was doing. It was 4:23am, the downside of an opening shift at a coffee shop, and he wasn’t expecting anyone to pick up anyway. “Morning, uh,” he paused - was he really doing this? “My name is Nate Arnoult and I’m interested in the space you’ve got on 1st and..”
Moving in was quick, it only took 6 months before Nathan settled in the space above the retail spot. He spent his first night with his friends, drinking and dancing. His friends, just as ecstatic as he,  commended him - Nate had been hemming & hawing about opening a gallery space for months and to finally have a space, a place to start… Nathan was on cloud nine. And it went better than he thought it did. The art scene extended out of his small town and he was able to show pieces from all over Georgia. He even flew out to other states, offered small artists a space in his show room.  The rest, he supposed, is history. He’s been living a comfortable life and still maintains contact with his parents, despite their rocky past - not friendly, but not fatal either.
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everybodyscupoftea · 4 years
Ooo yes a part 2 for that new pike Jj
for sure for sure, gonna fix it!
(i know i said it’ll be up “in a bit” hours ago but time isn’t real anyway)
5 times she makes him suffer and 1 time they talk it out
same warnings as before :)
so you were pretty hurt, understandably so, jj had invalidated your feelings and, in your eyes, showed you exactly where your friendship ranked on his priority list. not a stellar night for the frat boy.
sunday mornings were for brunch. jj picked you up and the two of you drove to a diner near campus. you’d been doing it for so long that all the workers knew you both by name and your normal orders. it started as a hangover thing freshman year but quickly turned into just a normal event.
that sunday, you got a text at the usual time, that read outside.
normally you’d go downstairs, but instead, you texted him not hungry and left it at that. your feelings were still pretty hurt and you’d rather have some space than possibly yell at him if he tried to push it under the rug or ignore that it happened all together.
before you had time to reconsider, he sent back i said i’m sorry
that strengthened your resolve and you put your phone down with an eye roll. he still seemed to be missing the whole fucking point.
studying or doing homework in your room was never really the best option for you. for one thing, your desk was full of clothes and random shit, so anytime you wanted to do work, it had to be done on your bed. secondly, everything in your room became infinitely more interesting when the other option was homework.
so, you really tried to move around between the library and some coffee shops in the area to do your work and study. unfortunately, jj knew all of your study spots, and you still didn’t really want to see him.
it wasn’t even really about revenge, you really wanted to be the better person, rise above, all that jazz, but you were so scared you’d lash out and ruin things more than they already felt. plus, you wanted to make him suffer a little, and the dorm was the only of those places he couldn’t get into.
you’d told jj that you weren’t going to be in the library that afternoon, but he called you anyway.
“hello,” you answered, a little coldly.
“hey,” he sounded hesitant, “i got coffee and our table.”
“i cleaned my desk off so i’m just going to do the last bit of my homework here.”
“yeah, so i’ll talk to you later,” you said, trying to end the conversation.
“see you in class?” he asked, hopefully.
“yeah, sure.”
so maybe you were still feeling a little petty. but to be fair, it was still fresh. you always beat jj to class, it was your first of the day and he had one before. the girl who sat directly across the room from you was sitting in the hall when you walked up, and you got an idea.
sliding down next to her, you cleared your throat, “hey, um, are you particularly attached to your spot in the room?”
she gave you a weird look, “i mean i’m not ready to marry it, but i like it fine enough.”
you laughed, “yeah, i was just wondering if you’d be willing to switch for the day.”
her eyebrows shot up, “depends on why. aren’t you and that blonde kid really good friends?”
with a sigh, you answered, “yeah, but he kinda blew me off the other day and it hurt my feelings. just trying to get back at him.”
she nodded, look of understanding crossing her face, “got it, we’ll switch for today.”
“god, you’re a lifesaver.”
reaching out to squeeze your shoulder, she said, “anytime.”
it was actually kind of nerve wracking waiting on jj to show up. you watched his look of confusion at the girl sitting in your normal seat next to his and then him scanning the room to find you. his face absolutely fell when he saw you sitting and you averted your eyes, not wanting to be caught staring.
the entire class you could feel him staring at you, and every time you looked up, he was pouting. you had a class across campus right after that one, so as soon as the professor dismissed you, you were packed and gone before jj could get across the room.
since you’d pretty much locked yourself in your dorm room outside of class and jj couldn’t find you, he’d resorted to blowing up your phone.
hey we still on for lunch today?
guess not about the lunch...library later? i need some help with finance
wait, what problems do we have to finish for stats
want me to bring you some coffee tomorrow morning, i can swing by dunkin on the way to class
eventually ending with one that pulled on your heartstrings a little.
are you ever going to talk to me again?
you typed how’s it feel asshole into the message before thinking better of it and deleting it without sending. 
about halfway through the week, doing homework in your room just wasn’t cutting it anymore. you couldn’t focus and every time you sat on your bed, you immediately grew tired. eventually, you decided to just face the music and head to the library.
you were kind of hoping jj wouldn’t be there and that your table would be empty, but it wasn’t and he was. freezing, you ducked out of view before he could look up and see you. your options were very limited of places you could go without having to actually walk past him.
with lack of better plan, you sank to the ground and leaned against one of the stacks of books, pulling your stuff out to get some work done. it wasn’t comfortable, but you already felt more productive than in your room.
and then he found you, sitting on the ground, crouched in a weird position, trying to do some history work. he cleared his throat, arms crossed in front of him, “comfortable?” he asked.
he rolled his eyes, “you’re really going to sit on the floor instead of sitting with me?”
“for the time being.”
“come on, just give it up.”
you cocked your head, glaring at him, “give it up? give what up?”
jj sighed loudly, “you know what i mean, this is getting ridiculous.”
straightening your shoulders, you ignored the pain in your back, and glared at him, “my feelings aren’t ridiculous. i’ll see you around, maybank.”
+ one:
you finally decided to air things out four days later. jj was sitting at your usual spot outside the chick-fil-a, not paying attention, when you sat down across from him. he looked up, clearly ready to say something, and froze when he saw you.
“haven’t seen you in a while.”
“i’m ready to talk about it,” you told him, unwrapping your food.
he nodded, “okay, i’ll start with an apology. it wasn’t cool of me, i’m sorry.”
you raised your eyebrows, “not cool of you seems a little understated.”
with a little laugh, jj added to the apology, “yeah, i got distracted and i forgot what day it was.”
“it happens i guess,” you told him, “but i was mostly upset because it made me feel like an inconvenience to you. i know your life doesn’t revolve around me and i know studying on a saturday afternoon isn’t as fun as a party, but a little heads up would’ve been nice.”
“it’s not that,” he defended, “you know i love spending time with you right? no matter what we do it’s fun because it’s us. i’ve never had a bad time. and by the way it took me five hours to do my finance homework without you.”
you laughed, “yeah, it was hard. and look, i don’t want you to lie to me, it’s okay if you didn’t want to come. just tell me next time.”
“i know this seems like a cop out, but my phone was in my room charging, it died around when we started drinking and by the time i was drunk, i’d forgotten i’d moved it in the first place.”
“i believe you,” you told him with one last sigh, finally letting it go.
“hugs?” he asked, standing and holding his arms out.
you smiled and stood, walking around the table to hug him. he squeezed you close, burying his face into your neck, and whispered, “there, best friend position restored.”
“yep, my best friend,” you responded weakly, heart sinking a little at the last word.
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kweebtrash · 4 years
Streamhearts Timestamp 12:47am
Title: Nakie Stream
Pairing: Camboy!JohnnyxCamgirlOC (Rem)
Word Count: 4.2k
Genre: Smut
Features: recording sexual acts, daddy kinks, pet names (good girl, bunny, etc), Soft(ish) dom Johnny, use of sex toys, blowjobs, some finger sucking, anal/vaginal fingering, teasing/whining, shy sub OC, anal fucking, choking, swallowing/messy cumshot
Though Rem is a smart business woman she hides behind a computer screen all day designing websites for large companies. However, when her day is done she’s still behind a computer screen but now showing the world how hard she can cum. She never wanted to be a camgirl but when financial duties called she took it upon herself to make it. The spotlight (and money) got to her and she expanded to showcasing her nerdy side; livestreams, lewd cosplay photoshoots, let’s plays, subscriptions, review, vlogs, tutorials, you name it. Her streams catches the attention of a fellow cammer, Johnny, who on a whim decided to message her. Both aren’t the sexed up dolls they pretend to be in the online life and instead ease their way into a relationship with not so perfect sex, mistakes, and total confusion.
A/N: This used to be on my Kofi which im closing down and just putting everything up on here. This isnt continuing.
Masterlist     Johnny Only Masterlist
"It's time for Nakie Stream!" I giggled as I looked into the camera hooked up to my computer. Dozens of people had already logged on and the number was slowly creeping into the hundreds. I blew kisses and greeted the new arrivals as I showed off my boobs and bounced them a little. Even as I stood around and posed I was getting a few tips. This was all I did it for. I didn't really enjoy it nor did I want to continue doing it for the next ten years of my life. But for now it was another addition to my finances.
I slipped on my pink kitty headphones and connected the bluetooth. The ears lit up, twinkling neon. They were my favorite and I spent some time talking about the specs. Many people would rather just watch me fuck myself but some were actually interested in the fact that I was a "gamer girl™". I hated that title but whatever sold the aesthetic. The truth was that I was indeed a nerd. I had a master's degree in computer sciences and web design, I created websites for companies under an alias and different VPN so nothing would be connected to my other life. The other life, this camgirl/cosplayer/social media influencer/let's player, was my home. I wanted to travel across the country to show off the cosplays I engineered and get my foot in the door to speaking with video game companies through my let's plays. I could sail on that life and would never have to step foot in a retail store or office space again. I would have my own freedom.
I signed softly as a saw a drop in viewers and stopped talking about the headphones. This was the hardest part, being the stupid sex doll for the ones who were only interested in getting off. I turned on the video capture and started up the game so I could properly start my stream. I was just about ready to sit in my gaming chair when I felt warm thighs beneath me. I jumped up and turned quickly, surprised by my boyfriend. He pulled me into his lap, a poised erection parallel to his stomach. He had helped me gain confidence in performing on camera and he was my safety net when we made videos together. I was much more comfortable and relaxed when he touched me. "JJ is joining me today." It was his stupid online nickname because he couldn't think of anything else. "Hope you don't mind. He challenged me to a bet. If I win a few rounds while he's fucking me he will buy me whatever I want, no matter the cost. If I cum or get distracted too much and fail then I get punished in anyway he wants and he'll upload that on his page. I think I can win though. I've spent days awake during releases and playing games straight through so this is nothing."
Johnny scoffed. "You say that now, but just you wait." He set his hands on my hips and turned me away from the camera and let my ass be the center of attention. I bent over and cupped his face gently to plant kisses over his lips while his hands shifted to spread my cheeks apart and show off the heart shaped gem of the butt plug that was nestled inside me. He grabbed a hold of the gem and pulled the plug out slowly, not all the way but just enough to work up some thrusts. I moaned softly, the headphones capturing the sound loud and clear so I could hear it as well as the viewers. The familiar ping of a notification that I received a tip racketed one after the other and Johnny smiled before whispering under his breath. "Blow me for a bit. That'll stall us and give a chance for more people to log on."
I nodded, following his advice and kissed down his bare chest until I reached the junction of his happy trail to the hair above the base of his cock. He turned the chair slightly to adjust the view from the camera and used the small remote beside my computer mouse to move the lens and zoom in more to focus on my face. He was an expert on camera mechanics and even helped me get better equipment for my set up and I had seen my following grow substantially.
I lowered myself to my knees as he spread his thighs apart. Grabbing the base of his cock, he tapped the head against my lips a few times, chuckling on the outside but both of our eyes showed annoyance. We hated doing certain things for the camera but sucked it up anyway. He found the motion stupid while I found it to be a turn off but with my attraction to him outweighed all our discomfort. I parted my lips and slipped his head into the heat of my mouth. The soft moan he let out was definitely a real reaction and I instantly flicked my eyes up to his. His own had closed and his head leaned back against the chair. Gripping what I couldn't fit, I held him steady as I bobbed my head. I swallowed around him and tightened my throat as a slight buck of his hips moved him deeper.
Another moan came, this time from me that was muffled by the invasion. I upturned it into a drawn out exaggeration to add to the stream. Johnny set his hand on the back of my head and kept me close, forcing me to breathe through my nose. "More, baby girl. I know you can do it." He encouraged. I furrowed my brow and tried to calm my gag reflex as I wiggled down more of his shaft. "That's good." He groaned. "That's my good girl."
My cheeks tinged with rose colored fire at the compliment. I held on as he pushed his hips up, dictating a rhythm I was forced to follow as he fell into controlling the situation. I was at his mercy and he knew how to test my limits without going overboard. Deep throating was just another thing we were trying to check off our list but I still struggled to take down his length. He was so perfectly thick and long, nothing over the top or short of disappointment. It was enough to challenge my small body without me crumbling under intense pain. Our size differences, both in height and ratio of his cock to my hole, drove him absolutely stark raving mad. There had been plenty of times where he had to reel himself in before he devoured me completely in a rush of brutal thrusts. But that was exactly what I wanted.
He pulled out of my mouth just as I felt the first drop of precum fall on my tongue. I licked my lips to disconnect the saliva from us-another thing I hated but knew sloppy blowjobs were another aesthetic cash grab. "Get the lube." He commanded with a hard spank to my ass that made me squeak. I trotted away from my desk and rummaged through my nightstand drawer to get the large bottle of lube I had. "And your favorite toy." He added.
I smiled to myself as I pulled out the elongated orb shape of a vibrator that Johnny could control through an app on his phone. He disappeared from the camera view to retrieve his phone before taking his place back in my gaming chair. He guided me to sit on his lap, resting my feet on the armrests so I was spread open. I hid behind my controller a bit as I was too shy to be so splayed out with everything visible. Johnny shoved the controller down right away though, not letting me hide for even a second. I pouted and looked back at him, glaring. He only returned the stare, adding a "what did i tell you?" kind of expression. I exhaled through my nose and pressed start reluctantly. As I was flicking through the menu and character selection I found Johnny's long fingers creeping towards my mouth.
"Open." He demanded and my jaw lowered to accept him again. During a loading screen he thrusted his fingers, pinching at my tongue and stroking the sensitive area at the back of it. My toes squirmed as i wanted to gag but he pulled his fingers forward just before the sensation could worsen. A few more thrusts and he removed them completely, showing off the now glistening skin. He moved between my legs, stroking along my slit and just barely circling my clit. Small tingles started to form in my legs but i was able to concentrate as my battle started. It was nothing special as of now. He just wanted to work up one hole before the other so by the time he was shoved deep in my ass i would be more relaxed. The vibrator always helped in that aspect.
He squeezed a single digit in inside me, his honey eyes looking over me to gauge my reaction. My breath had sped up a little but i kept playing even when his tender lips began decorating my neck in the softest of kisses. I loved when he destroyed me but when he was so gentle it drove me more crazy. His kisses gave my tummy butterflies and I tried to squirm away. His finger only plunged deeper and his other hand gripped a fistfull of hair to keep my head straight, making me wince slightly. My eyes widened and brows furrowed just after as I dodged an attack that almost depleted my character's health. I grew irritated at my lack of assistance from the online players. "FUCKERS!" I shouted. "Do I have to do everything myself?!"
"You're so cute when you're irritated." Johnny chuckled.
"Oh piss off." I scoffed. I wasn't cute, I was dead set on capturing the target come hell or high water.
Johnny didn't seem to like my response as he shoved in another finger quickly. He curled them and fucked me faster then he had been and i almost dropped my controller. I swallowed back a moan and tried not to close my shivering thighs. He would hate that even more. "Make noises." He said into my ear. "Remember what I told you."
"Y-y-yessss!" I hissed. That wasn't faked at all. His fingers were magical and I dug my nails into my controller, scratching into the rubber hand grips.
"What was that?" He smirked as the sound of my wetness started to grow louder alongside the tip notifications. "Use your words."
"S-stooppp." I whimpered and paused the game as I squeezed my eyes shut.
"Giving up already? I've barely just started."
I shook my head quickly and renewed the game,keeping myself determined at the sudden reminder. I thought about what I wanted him to buy me, my end goal and reason for this stupid bet. "N-no. I-im not! I'm not giving up!"
"Oh?" He scooted the chair closer to my desk, still making sure to keep the camera poised perfectly. Reaching for the bottle of lube i had collected, he dabbed a little onto his fingertips. I barely noticed his movements until the cold gel was being circled and pushed inside me. I continued to command myself to ignore it. I had to. I exhaled slowly in an attempt to steady my breath but it hitched as soon as i felt the pressure of the vibrator slowly sink into me.
He didn't turn it on right away. Instead he wrapped his arms around my waist and squeezed me tight while he buried his face into my neck. It garnered more kisses and occasional nibbles that gave me just a few moments to get back to the game. Slowly, he moved his hands to cup my breasts, giving them both a good squeeze before capturing the nipples between his thumbs and index fingers. Gently, he tugged them into stiff peaks and rolled his fingers over the raised flesh to send small jolts of electricity down my neck. Quiet noises were held in by my lips pressed together though Johnny impatient at the fact i wasn’t letting them out. "You're still not making noises." He growled lowly.
"I can't help it! Im not loud!" I nudged my elbow back into his ribs, trying to squirm away as much as I could. He gave a light tap to my clit and pinned his arm around my waist again. I wanted to move now and I was too afraid to as i saw him make a grab for his phone. The familiar graph like control screen popped up and Johnny pressed his thumb to it. A cursor appeared beneath the pressure and at first he kept it low. That was simple enough for me to handle. He faced his phone to the screen, showing what he was doing to the audience. He chuckled as he read through some of the comments in the chat box.
"Even they think youre gonna lose." He said. "You're doing such a shit job, Remmy."
"Shut up! I'd like to see you try it! Maybe you should be the one trying to play while i fuck your ass." I pouted and crossed my arms as it took longer for my dead character to respawn.
"You're always wanting to fuck my ass." I felt the vibrator increase the intensity and my stomach clenched tight. "Maybe we could do another bet and that could be the stipulation but i don't really see you winning that one either."
"It's not over yet! I can still win!" I said with slight uncertainty.
"We'll see, bunny. I'm gonna take the plug out now." Johnny warned as he wrapped his fingers around the gem base. I nodded and leaned into him, begging for a kiss. He satisfied my craving as he slowly pulled the plug out of me, leaving my gape to flex around the emptiness. He tossed it onto the desk with a hard clunk before gripping my chin firmly. My jaw dropped open as he intensified the kiss, forcing his tongue to fill my small mouth completely. I held onto his shoulders to try and support myself as I got light-headed from the lust clouded thoughts that were spiraling in my head. He parted from me with a quick bite to my lip then reached for the bottle of lube again. He repeated the same motion of swiping it inside me as his fingers worked to stretch me even more.
I could relax around two fingers but he soon added a third which stretched me farther than the plug had. With his clean hand he increased the speed of the vibrator on his phone and I yelped helplessly. I saw him smirk through the video feed on my computer and wanted to wipe it off his face. With shaking hands I gripped my controller and resumed my pathetic attempt at playing the game. The vibrations would send sharper shocks throughout me every once in awhile as Johnny made sure i would feel comfortable taking his cock.
My bottom lip was starting to swell as my teeth kept digging into it. My toes were curling against the armrest and my controller vibrated with each bit of damage i was taking. The toys' own vibrations increased and I was nothing but a squirming mess on his lap. "Are you gonna give up, bunny?" He cooed in my ear. "Are you gonna give up and let daddy win? Please be a good girl for me, ok?"
"N-no! That's not fair! I d-dont wa-wa-nnghh-!" I clenched my teeth tightly as I felt a sudden urge to cum wash over me. He was being relentless with his thrusts now, plowing faster and making lewd sounds as the lube squelched against his fingers.
He made the vibrations spike again and I tossed my head back onto his shoulder, begging him to just slow down a bit. He nuzzled against my cheek and kissed my neck. "Look how loud you're getting for me." He turned my head to the computer monitor as he swiped his thumb across my clit. "Show the viewers how pretty my baby is when she wants to cum, hm?"
I flicked my eyes to the screen, embarrassed but wanting to comply so i could cum. If not i'd be stuck in this hell forever. Hundreds of comments were pouring in and i was able to see a number in tips i had never seen before. I swallowed hard and looked at Johnny. "It's going so well." I whispered.
"See what happens when you listen to me?” I nodded, upset that he was right but at least I could pay my bills with the money we earned. “Are you ready for me?”
I swallowed hard as my heart rate escalated. “I..um..” His erection pressed harder into the center of my back. He felt so swollen and even though I wanted to stay strong, the sub in me wanted to take care of my daddy. I nodded and felt his fingers slid out slowly. With his hands on my waist he was easily able to hoist me up with enough space to guide him towards my hole. Carefully, we worked together, me moving down while he thrusted upwards, to have him fill me entirely. My game kicked me back out to the menu screen as I had died again and it questioned if I wanted to continue. It stayed in limbo, not receiving my decision as my ass had touched the top of Johnny’s thighs and his lips had overcome mine. He scooted down in the chair, giving himself more ease of access to thrust.
The first few motions were careful, paired with a plucking of my nipples and an occasional clit rub. It wasn’t until I started grinding back on him did he increase his speed, pulling out almost completely before shoving himself back inside with a harsh speed. Our whimpers and groans were muffled by our tongues colliding over and over. In between the warm presses of his lips, his tongue would slip out to lap at mine or he would place love bites against my bottom lip. With dreamy and heavy lidded eyes I watched the small contortions of his facial features as his pleasure increased. When his mouth would drop open slightly to release nothing but a strained sound or when his brows furrowed with the intensity of my grip around him, i would drink it in, in love with everything about him.
As I squeezed my walls around him tighter, his hand ascended from the softness of my belly, to between my breasts, and finally to wrap around my neck. My muscles went rigid and my breath strangled. His fingers were formed into a grip that was growing tighter and tighter. I dropped my controller, letting it fall to the floor and found solace in dragging my nails into the plush pads of the armrests. The sound it created seemed to echo in the headphones as my mind transformed into lusty swirling thoughts. The dull burn of his girth inside me started to disintegrate but my stomach still churned with the fantastical feeling of his cock shoving against my insides. “Roll your hips.” He commanded me.
I couldn’t nod but showed my submission by moving my feet onto his thighs and lifting my body slightly. I circled my hips around the head of his cock, concentrating all the strength I could muster into the most sensitive of places. “Fuck, that’s good, angel.” His head fell back and his fingers pulsed their strength around my neck, giving me moments to hiccup in tiny breaths. My thighs burned and my knees buckled as my hold on the armrests made my knuckles splatter with the white color of straining. As he saw my body buckling he wrapped his free arm around me and hauled himself onto his feet. With the hand on my neck he tossed me into the gaming chair, making it skid across the floor a foot or two.
My eyes watered as i looked up at his; darkened and dilated with the idea of ruining me further. The veins in his arms dispersed beneath his skin, deepening into a soft blue hue as he clenched his fists around the armrests now, keeping the chair in place. He pulled the chair forward allowing him to slam back into me. The sound I left out was a mix between a squeak and a scream giving the satisfaction of me being loud on camera like he wanted. Ignoring the way a few tears streaked along the tops of my cheeks from the overwhelming stimuli, he rolled the chair backwards, repeating his motions of dragging me forward to fall into a pattern of ruthless thrusts. I had never regretted getting my gaming chair until this very moment. How he found the simplest household items to torture me with I’ll never know but he sure knew how to make sure I wouldn’t be able to walk tomorrow. I held onto his arms as my back arched and body squirmed and I was unsure if I could hold back any longer. “Give up?” He chuckled darkly. “Just say the word. You’ve already barely played a round and kept dying so I think it’s a given that I’ve won.” he taunted.
If this was the torture during the bet I feared what his punishment for me would be later on. It was too late to change the way I felt and I was already falling into a subspace that needed to be filled with his cum. “D-daddy…” I cried softly.
“Say it.” He worked in another rushed thrust. “I wanna hear you say it.”
I pressed my lips together and clawed at his forearms. My stomach clenched harder and my toes curled, pulling the tendons taught and shooting cramps up my legs. “Fine! Fine! You win! Please let me cum!!!”
Johnny turned to the camera and stuck his tongue out, adding a peace sign, in victory. “Guess you guys get a little punishment video soon.” He leaned down and gave me a soft kiss. “Go on, bunny. It’s okay.”
I let out a small sigh of relief and imagined he would continue his thrusts but instead he reached for his phone one last time. He turned the vibrator up on full strength and I gave in then, growing louder as my cum showered the seat of the chair and onto the carpet below. The tense contractions of my orgasm caused the vibrator to crash to the floor, the buzzing rattling against it. Johnny shut it off completely and waited until i was curled up and suffering from aftershocks to grab a fistful of hair and pulled my head up. “Ahh.” He said.
“I want it in-inside.” I shuddered.
“Nope, that’s for girls who win bets. Open.”
I reluctantly opened my mouth, unhappy with his choice, and watched his large hand stroke over his heated skin just above my tongue. His fist worked faster and faster and his eyes fell shut. He kept my head in place and the sweet heat of his cum covered my tongue, sliding down my chin and dripping onto my chest. I swallowed and licked up as much as I could, even lapping at his slit to make sure he gave me everything he had. Once he relaxed, my hair was let go and i sat back in the chair. I swiped my finger across my chin and licked the last bit of cum that I missed. My legs fell as my body slumped; I better get a bath and cuddles after this, I thought, a pout sprouting on my lips. Johnny made up some quick exit greeting and shut off the cameras and bright ring lights. “You ok?”
“I’m sleepy and sore and want cuddles and a bath.”
He smiled and picked me up from the chair, wrapping my legs around him. “I will make you a bath and give you all the cuddles you want, okay?” I nodded and buried my face in his neck as he walked us to the bathroom. “But to be honest, you were such a good girl today. I’m proud of you for being louder and showing your face more.”
I squeezed my arms around his neck, trying to hide as much as I could for my cheeks were burning crimson. He could be rough but also sweet and docile when he took care of me. I loved him so much it almost hurt. “Can you say thank you?” he asked as if I was a child that had forgotten their manners.
“Thank you, Daddy.” I mumbled against his skin.
He rubbed my back before setting me down on the toilet seat cover. “I’ll let that one slide. I can tell you’re sleepy.”
“You’re gonna stay the night, right?”
“Of course. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but with you.”
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toplinetommy · 4 years
You Bring the Moon and Stars to Me (Part One) - Tyson Jost
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gif by @pavszacha​
Synopsis: A Soulmate!AU where your soulmark only appears once you fall in love with your soulmate
Word Count: 3.5k
series playlist
January 2017 – University of North Dakota
It was your senior year at NoDak, and you couldn’t believe that you had somehow made it through nearly four years of school already. You of course had the help from your roommates who doubled as your best friends, and the hockey team to keep you sane from everything that comes with being a student studying purchasing management. If you were told freshman year you would be buddy-buddy with any D1 sports team, you would’ve laughed.
That’s kind of how you ended up where you were today: a student-athlete tutor. You were a marketing major, loving it so much and needing some extra money, you had decided to tutor the first level econ and marketing classes when you were a second-semester sophomore.
You were in the middle of tutoring a few of the guys that were all enrolled in Intro to Economics when a guy you had never seen came barreling in the room.
“Hey, Boes, do you know when the bus leaves tomorrow? I didn’t write it down and no one sent it in the group chat.” The curly headed brunette spoke. You figured he was on the team with what he said combined with the green UND hockey shirt he wore.
“Uhh 10:30, and don’t be late you saw what happened to Cam last week.” The blonde in front of you chirped. The brunette scoffed as he rolled his eyes, exiting the room just as quickly as he entered.
“Who was that?” you ask the guys surrounding you, bringing your Yeti to your lips for a sip of water.
“Why, you think he’s cute?” Brock smirked, causing both Tucker and Andrew to laugh. He was one of the guys you had been tutoring since freshman year, so you had a closer bond to him then some of the other guys on the team.
His chirp had you choking on the last bit of water in your mouth, “What! I can’t just ask who a guy I’ve never seen before is?”
“Name’s Tyson, he’s a freshman from Canada.” You nodded, noticing the slight accent he had when he spoke earlier. “I think he’s only here for the year though, he was a top 10 pick in the  draft.”
At that, the boys all went back to taking their notes and working on their case studies as the new boy’s face stuck in your mind for a few more minutes.
“By the way, are you coming to our next home game? It’s next Friday.” Tucker said as he put his laptop into his backpack. “I’ll even let you wear my alternate jersey.”
You laughed at this, the boys always making jokes on who’s jersey you got to wear whenever you went to games. “Only if you finish your econ stuff before then.” He agrees, and you and the boys all make your way out of the common room.
A knock on your front door startles you as you eat your sandwich, and before you can get up to go see who it is, Tucker is walking into your apartment, green sweater in hand.
“Okay, so I might not have washed my jerseys still, so here’s a different one.” He admits, tossing the sweater in your general direction. You unfold the jersey seeing the number 17 stitched onto the sleeves and the name Jost on the back.
“Tuck, I literally have no idea who’s jersey this is?”
“Oh! It’s Josty’s, the freshman. We’re also playing a prank on all the new guys tonight so we stole all of their green jerseys so they think they're missing.” The brunette in front of you laughs to himself. You agree to wear it, only because you don’t really have anything else to wear and you’d thought entertaining this so-called prank would do no harm.
It’s a few hours later and the mystery-man’s jersey looks like it was made to fit you with how it drapes over your shoulders. You’re sitting with two of your roommates that you had to drag along as well as one of their boyfriend’s. One of the many perks about going to a school like North Dakota was that there was one sport everyone bonded over: ice hockey.
Warmups had just started and you finally spot #17 on the ice and that’s when it hits you. Jost. Tyson Jost. Number 17. The freshman, the guy that you had met for the first time just a few days prior. The guy that you thought was kind of cute. No scratch that, not kind of, but definitely cute.
“Dude, Allison,” You nudge your roommates shoulder. “I don’t think the team is playing a prank on the freshies, I think Tuck is playing a prank on me.”
Allison quirks her eyebrows in confusion, urging you to keep talking. “If they were gonna steal their jerseys why would they hand them out to people and not just hide them?” You groan, and Allison doesn’t think too much of it, not knowing the ins and outs of the team like you do.
The game ends with a win, the arena shaking with excitement. You knew the boys would be excited with the win, especially coming after a tough loss earlier in the week.
You and your friends make your way back home and you text the group chat you’re in with the guys you tutor letting them know they played great.
Dumb Jocks + 1 Y/N: great game guys 🤩 *Brock loved the message* Andrew: thanks y/n! Andrew: also party at the house 10pm Y/N: might drag the roomies and make an appearance. and tuck, im ripping you a new one when i see you Tucky: just for that i decided its going to be a jersey party 😈 *Brock laughed at the message*
It’s two hours later when you walk through the front door of the NoDak hockey house. You were probably one of the handful of people there that actually spend time there both sober and when the sun is shining. This gives you much more confidence navigating your way through to the back of the living room, finding the small group of guys you actually know on the team.
The group consisting of Tucker, Andrew, Brock, and Johnny, cheers as you approach them. You walk straight up to Tucker, giving him a hard clap on the shoulder to say hi to him. “Hey, Tucky, you gotta real nice jersey on you there.” You chirp, gesturing to his Drew Doughty jersey. “It’s almost like you play hockey or something.”
Tucker shakes your hand that’s still resting on his shoulder off and points it back towards you. “I think the real story here, bud, is the jersey you’re rocking tonight.” You hadn’t bothered changing out of the green sweater between the game and now, opting to show school spirit. Besides, how often did you get to wear a player’s jersey, right?
You roll your eyes as the other boys look to see the commotion between you and Tucker. The boys snicker at the sight of you two upon seeing the green #17 sweater still adorning your body.
“Tucky, I didn’t know you actually got her to wear it!” Brock emphasized, going into to dap up his teammate. Your head snapped towards the blonde, shooting him, as well as the other boys all a glare.
“Anyways, I’m here to get drunk and win some flip cup, not be patronized by a bunch of dumb jocks.” You joke, looking over your shoulder to see where your other friends went. You say your goodbyes, letting them know you’ll see them around throughout the night.
You’re standing near the staircase with your friends, about halfway done with your third drink when the freshman brunette walks up to your group.
“So that’s where my alternate jersey went, eh?”
You scoffed into your cup, your friends laughing at the confrontation. “Yeah, I guess so.”
An awkward silence falls over your small group, the unintended snarkiness of your tone being felt by everyone. Your few friends leave the two of you, mentioning that they needed refills.
“Sorry about the jersey. I can wash it tomorrow and bring it the next time I tutor the guys.”
Tyson leans against the wall across from you, “It’s no problem. I don’t think we wear them again until next month anyways.”
Silence falls between the two of you again, the one common denominator between the two of you being the jersey hanging over your shoulders.
“So, uh, what do you tutor the guys in?” Tyson pipes up, hiding his expression behind the Bud Light in his hand, bringing it to his lips for a swig.
“Mainly econ, but I help some of the guys in specific classes depending on their major. Like, Johnny and Tucker, for example. They’re both in finance and econ, and I’ve taken a lot of those classes.”
“You’re an econ major then?”
“Oh, no,” you laugh. “My minor is econ, but I’m a marketing major. What about you? Have you decided on a major yet?”
The question pulls a laugh out of Tyson, confusing you. “Yeah, I’m pre-athletic training, but I don’t see myself finishing that out.”
You swallow the rest of your drink and decide to chirp him a bit, “What? Too big of some hockey hot-shot to get a degree?”
That comment elicits another laugh from the Canadian in front of you, and that’s when you decide you could definitely get used to hearing that sound.
He gets ready to answer when Tucker yells at the both of you from the kitchen, “Josty! y/n! We’re about to start flip cup, let’s go!”
Tyson chugs the rest of his beer before setting it on a nearby table and grabbing another one from the case in the fridge. He takes a spot across from you on the other side of the table as you guys jump into the game.
As the games continue, your level of sobriety starts to deteriorate and a light dizziness falls over your body. The current game of flip cup being played is elimination style and your team had lost, the other team electing to have you kicked off your team.
You move to the side, leaning against the kitchen counter to continue watching the game unfold in front of you. You pulled out your phone, trying to figure out where some of your group had disappeared to, seeing that one of them had already left to go hookup with one of her usual hookups.
You start to type back to her, letting her know that you’ll text her when you’re home when you feel a presence next to you. Turning your head to the side you see Tyson reappearing next to you.
He notices the mix of drunkness and tiredness on your face, asking if you were all good. You nod your head, going to scratch the discomfort you feel at the back of your left elbow. “I think I’m getting ready to go home soon, just trying to make sure my friends and I all leave at the same time.”
Tyson nods, tight-lipped, and offers to help you find them. As you walk around the house gathering your friends, the discomfort on your elbow only grows.
April 2017 – University of North Dakota
You’re standing in your apartment, waiting around on Tucker and Brock to come pick you up before the banquet, staring yourself down in the mirror hanging on the back of the bathroom door. You get dressed up often, but never quite this dressed up and your nerves are getting the best of you. You don’t think anything can prepare yourself for the dinner you’re about to go to: the North Dakota men’s hockey senior banquet.
As you put your earrings in, you hear a knock on the front door and the boys shouting that they were here. You yell back that you were coming, heading to the kitchen to grab your flask and purse.
“You excited for your first hockey banquet?” Tucker yelled into the kitchen. You had known him for the past two years, regularly tutoring him, and over the course of those years he had somehow become one of your best friends.
Walking out into the living room, where the two boys were sitting, you let them know that you were excited and ready to go.
“Damn, y/n, didn’t know you were such a rocket.” Brock whistles. You roll your eyes at them, but specifically him, and gesture towards the door.
You sit with Tucker and some of the other guys you know from tutoring, and get through dinner barely speaking a word due to all of the speeches being made. The dinner was good, it was a nice break from your cooking and the fast-food you were used to eating on a regular basis.
You got more involved in the conversations as the seniors got to make speeches, asking Tucker what some of the inside jokes and chirps were all about. Lots of laughter and snuck-in alcohol later, the boys and their dates were ready for their bar crawl.
Your large group walks into to the first bar, the boys going straight up to the bar to get drinks as no-one really pregamed. The group ends up all back together for the first bit, taking over one of the front corners of the balcony that overlooks the rest of the bar. You guys were clearly over dressed for the dive bar located right off of campus with all the guys in suits and ties and the girls in dresses and heels, whereas everyone else was dressed for the cold April weather.
Tucker finally makes his way back to you, two drinks in his hand, as he hands one over to you. You thank him loudly and quickly jump into conversation.
“You sad I’m leaving you guys soon?” You yell, with a wide smile on your face. Tucker, Andrew, Brock and Johnny all laugh at you. You were the oldest of the group, as everyone else was either a junior or younger.
“I’ll be sad not being here, but I won’t be sad that I’m finally done with school.” Brock admits, to which he earns a few eye rolls from the other guys. Both Andrew and Johnny weren’t really on a clear cut path to the NHL, instead just playing for the fun of it at this level.
The conversations start to slow down in the group as the music gets louder and more drinks are consumed. Tucker and Brock get pulled away by some of the other guys for a little bit, leaving you alone with some of the girls as well as Andrew and Johnny.
You’re in the middle of a story being told when you hear Brock and Tucker’s booming laughter not too far away from you. When you turn to look at them, they’re standing with Tyson, who looks as if he’s speaking into both of their ears so they can hear him properly. Tucker is grasping his chest as he spots you looking at him, causing him to only laugh harder.
A light flush falls on your cheeks, confused as to why the sight of you makes him laugh more. You put your straw in your mouth, biting down on it as a nervous habit, and look down at your dress making sure nothing was spilled on you.
When you look up again, Tucker is no longer where he was standing and his voice startles you as he appears next to you. “You will never believe what just happened,” he starts, a hint of laughter still laced in his tone. “Tyson just asked me if we were together.”
The accusation makes you laugh, too, the both of you starting to lose your breath at the crazy thought. The both of you had become such good friends over the past 18 months that he was more like a brother than anything else.
The laughter dies down, and a realization hits you. “Why the fuck did he want to know if we’re dating?”
“I think the kid thinks you’re cute.” Tucker smirks, raising his eyebrows before downing the rest of his drink.
Your face flushes again, and as you finally go to respond to the statement you see the culprit of the previous conversation heading your way. Turning to your friend for an escape, you see that he has made himself seemingly disappear into the crowd. By the time you spot the tall brunette he’s out on the dancefloor talking to some girl.
You turn back around, trying to find someone new to start a conversation with when there’s a tap on your shoulder. Looking over your shoulder, you see that Tyson finally made his way over to you.
In light of the new information Tucker has given you, you sheepishly greet the freshman in front of you. His just as shy response gives you a little boost of confidence and you decide to mess with him a little. “Aren’t you a little too young to get into American bars?”
“Perks of my status, I guess.” He shrugs with a hint of cockiness in his tone, a new found confidence showing on his face.
“Oh, the big-shot Canadian hockey player status?”
He laughs pointedly “that’s the one.”
You were trying to figure out how to articulate your words about what he was laughing about with Tucker earlier in the night, when a wet substance pours down your back. Your jaw drops open, shoulders shrugging in both shock and discomfort. The back of your light blue dress is completely and noticeably soaking wet.
Tyson watches everything unfold in front of him. He watches your bright eyes and smiling cheeks do a complete 180 into a scowl. You whip around to whoever spilled their drink on you, ready to give them a piece of your mind. As you open your mouth, getting ready to tell the guy off that he hadn't noticed what he had just done, a large hand wraps around your stomach pulling you back.
“Hey, it’s not a big deal. He’s probably plastered and didn’t mean to spill.” Tyson assures lowly into your ear, causing the hair on the back of your neck to stand straight up. The hand not holding your drink goes to hold where Tyson’s hand is placed on your stomach, using his warmth to bring you back down to earth.
You take a deep breath and try to swallow your embarrassment before turning back towards him. You rest wrap your hands around his biceps as he continues to rest his free hand on the small of your back. Looking back up at him only makes you feel embarrassed again, realizing he’s touching the gross substance that was dumped all over you.
“I want to leave.” You let out in a whisper.
“You sure? We can find the other guys and stay if you want and try to have a good rest of the night. I don’t think anyone will care.” Tyson says, caution laced in his soft tone.
Shutting your eyes and tightening your grip on him, you continue, “I care and I just want to go home and shower.” You turn out of his grip for a moment to try and spot either Tucker or Brock in the crowd. You find them rather quickly, both with girls, causing you to sign heavily. “I’m going to call an Uber.”
You start to walk away towards the door but Tyson catches up to you quickly. Grabbing your hand he pulls you back into him slightly. “I had two beers, y/n, I can drive you back.”
You nod your head and thank him for the offer, leading him out of the bar and towards the parking lot. You follow him to his car and as you get to your door, he opens it for you. You thank him and he runs over to the driver’s side, jumps into the driver’s seat, starts the car, and turns the radio down.
His car finally pulls into the parking lot of your apartment complex, and you lift your head from the car window to turn to him. “Thank you for driving me, I really appreciate it. Sorry you had to miss out on the senior bar crawl for this.”
“It’s no problem, at all. I would’ve wanted to leave under those circumstances, too.” He admits. You give him an awkward tight lipped smile to say goodbye as you hop out of the car. As you open your front door you turn back to wave at him, yelling another thank you.
When you’re in the shower a little while later, you can’t seem to shake the comfort you felt when he pulled you away from the guy that had spilled his drink on you. Smiling to yourself, you turn the water off, dry off and put lotion on your elbows noticing how dry and itchy they both were towards the end of the night.
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Happier (4) | T.H.
Summary: Y/N & Tom speak to each other for the first time in 3 weeks! Tom is in talks of doing a new movie. Lots of yelling, painful pictures being sent. Harrison and Harry go on a trip. Does Kate finally tell the truth to Y/N?
A/N: Hmmm....seems like Natalie & Matt is everyone’s favorite/hated suspects. More theories lets hear em!!!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
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Its a word often used to protect those within a troubling world. For some it’s a church, a home, sometimes a family and friend. For Y/N and Tom, sanctuaray was no where to be found. Three weeks it’s been since the world felt like it collapsed on Y/N and Tom. Three weeks of feeling left in a troubling space that they could not get out of...until now. As soon as they heard each other’s voices on the phone, it gave them a moment of relief, but only for a moment.
“So...how are you?” Tom asks nervously. He wanted to pick his words out carefully in hopes that he wouldn’t upset her.
“Im okay.” Y/N responds quietly as she looks back at her phone. No message yet, maybe she was in the clear and that gave her a small boost of confidence. It was going to be okay. “How about you?” She asks back, not really sure how to carry the conversation. In any case, how does one continue talking to an ex without making it awkward? Let alone how does one talk to someone without the fear of being blackmailed.
“Yeah Im great...really great.” Tom lies and chuckles nervously.
Y/N could tell by the tone of his voice how nervous he was. A habit she always found to be adorable for him. Y/N rolled her eyes with a slight smile before she questions him in a serious tone “Why did you call Tom?”
Tom closes his eyes, letting out a stressed sigh. “I miss you Y/N and I dont care what you say or what you said to me that night, but this wasn’t supposed to happen.”
“I miss you too but things happen beyond our control, Tom. Sometimes it just can’t be helped.” Y/N responds nonchalantely, staring at her phone again. No messages still.
“Thats a load of bullshit and you know it. We were supposed to get through anything. Fuck the rumors fuck everything! This isn’t like you Y/N!” Tom vents out every feeling and thought he had since she left. “You say you miss me but then what are we doing? Why are we continuing to hurt ourselves like this?”
Y/N shakes her head, knowing deep down the reason why but could never say. Not unless she wanted to ruin his dream. She could never. “It’s not that simple.” She croaked.
“We would have found a way to get through it, but you gave up so easily. I know for a fact my Y/N never gave up without a fight.”
Y/N looks again at her phone, and no messages were to be found. Maybe she could tell him, and they wouldnt know, but Y/N knew better. Somewhere out there there was someone always watching her every move. “I cant do this right now. Goodbye Tom.” Y/N hangs up as she continues to cry herself to sleep. So much for sanctuary.
Its the morning after, and as Y/N heads downstairs, she hears soft laughter and conversations echoing through the halls. For a second it almost sounded like Tom’s, and she hurried toward the room only to be disappointed. In the living room was Matt and Kate as they made small talk awaiting for Y/N’s arrival.
“Y/N! You’re awake!” Kate exclaims as she gets up from the seat to give her a hug. “Look who decided to drop by!”
Matt looked up at Y/N and gives her a shy smile and wave. He’s dressed in his navy blue LBI shirt and cream colored shorts. It was typical high school Matt...nothing had changed with him.
“Yes I see that....I’m sorry did we have plans and I forgot?” Y/N asked confused.
“No actually uh I invited him over because I knew you wanted to catch up with him after last week..so I pulled some strings.” Kate whispers.
“You..what?” Y/N asked annoyed, her eyes glaring and her brows furrowed. If there was one thing Y/N hated it was blind dates. She had stressed that over and over throughout the years that she hated it, especially with people she used to have romantic feelings for. The keyword..USED.
“Cmon Y/N. Remember this was the time for you to move on and forget. Plus you wouldn’t want to send him away after he came here just to see you!” Kate tries her best to sell it, she had to...there’s wasnt really a choice.
Y/N looked back at Matt and groaned silently to her best friend. “Fine I’ll go, but this is the last blind date you’re ever setting me up on AND you’re doing the dishes.” She emphasized as she got ready and grabbed her purse.
To say Y/N was surprised was an understatment. For sure, she had a feeling this was going to be awkward in so many ways like any other first dates, but this...wasn’t too bad. Though she realized it wasn’t a date this was just two old friends catching up from the past.
She learned a lot about him and how his younger brother Steven was working on becoming an engineer and how his little sister Emily was also grown up and working towards becoming a physical therapist. As for Matt, he was working in the city too as an accountant for a finance firm. While they continued to eat their lunch at Chelsea’s Market, she couldn’t help but make the comparisons.
Matt didn’t dress up like Tom, didnt make her laugh like Tom does, didnt make her blush the way Tom does, didnt smile like Tom, and when he touched her hand...she didnt feel the goosebumps the way Tom would. It was clear. He wasn’t Tom and could never be Tom.
The date came to a close, but Y/N hadn’t really gathered much from it since she was so focused on Tom. Every word Matt had said to her barely made it through. She’d be lying if she didnt say the date was okay but she’d be lying even more if she had said she’d enjoy it.
She looked into his blue eyes as he looked into hers. Matt tried to lean forward to give her a kiss, but Y/N moved away. She couldnt. Not when Tom was still present in her thoughts and her mind. “Im sorry...I just got out of a serious relationship and well —” Y/N whispers feeling guilt in her heart.
“No no. It’s fine really. Maybe I was too forward with this and I had no idea....I’m sorry.” Matt laughs, feeling heavily disappointed. “I’ll uhh I’ll see you around?” Y/N nods as she waves him goodbye.
The next day, Tom wakes up in his bed still praying that this whole phase was just a nightmare he’s still having trouble waking up from. Today was not that day. He got up and dressed appropiately knowing that today would be a meeting for his upcoming project. He had forgotten all about it especially with everything going on. When he arrived and entered the room with Harrison, Natalie also appeared sitting in one of the chairs with a smile and coffee on hand.
“Jesus you’re like everywhere now.” Harrison speaks out taking the seat across from her, while Tom takes the seat next to Harrison.
“Well I mean I do live with you guys temporarily until my flat gets fixed, and I did get cast in the same movie as Tom.” She laughs pointing out the obvious.
Tom looked up, his eye wide open and brows raised. He completely forgot the fact that she was going to be playing his love interest for the film. He tried to recall if he had told Y/N about it before and if maybe that’s why she was also mad. Maybe if he told her now, that would make her feel better? Tom was lost in his thoughts he didnt hear the other publicists in the room calling out to him. “Tom are you listening?”
Harrison quickly hits his best friend to wake him up from his thoughts. “Huh? Uh..no sorry.” Tom confesses, looking down at the table.
The publicists, both roll their eyes in annoyance. “We’re telling you that you need to do a lot of PR for this movie in order to boost the sales, and recoginition for both you and Natalie. This means..you’re going to have to pretend you’re in a relationship for some time.”
Tom and Harrison are now fully attentive and furious. “What?! Im not doing PR for this. That is low for the both of us. We shouldnt have to fake a relationship to get our work across” Tom yells out fury burning in his brown eyes.
“I know Tom, but no one watches it for the films nowadays it’s about the image, and right now we’re trying to help both of yours and Natalie’s. You’ve been looking liek a depressed bloke this past month and Natalie is trying to get some exposure in the business.” The publicists expalin. “Harrison, help us out here.”
“Look mate, Im just his assistant. It’s up to Tom if he wants to do this or not.” Harrison speaks out as he points to his best friend. He faces Tom and whispers, “You don’t have to do this mate, there are other projects out there.”
Tom nods, as he looks at the room of people. He closes his eyes, but all he could see was Y/N. Deep down, Tom knew he couldnt do this to her. “I..I don’t think I can do this.”
Natalie and the publicists’ eyes shot up in fear, unhappy with the response given. They knew there was only one thing they could do now. “Ah I understand. It’s because of a girl isn’t?” Natalie’s publicist speaks out. Tom looks at her and then down at the table, as he slowly nods his head. “Yes well Natalie’s told me all about her. Seems like a bright girl, but believe Tom she doesn’t love you as much as you thought she did.”
Tom’s eyes dart towards the publicist as his eyes continue to stare down in anger. He was angry, pissed off that they could ever make that assumption. “Fuck you! You don’t know anything!” His tone set in anger.
“Oh..but we do. See you think Y/N is remaining as faithful as you after a breakup, but why is she already out with another guy.” The publicist continues. She hands her phone to Tom as he swipes through the pictures of Y/N and Matt’s date. He saw Y/N smile at Matt, laugh with him, and touch his shoulder. Yet, the one picture that broke him the most was the one where Matt almost kissed Y/N. While Tom didn’t know the backstory, he could very well imagine how it went. Everything in him shattered, and his eyes started to well up.
“Mate..there’s gotta be an explanation for all of this. Y/N wouldn’t move on from you that quickly. You know her..she wouldn’t. This is all rubbish.” Harrison tried to reason to his heartbroken best friend. For once, he couldn’t rule out Natalie. She didn’t blackmail Y/N, someone else did.
“Fine. I’ll do it.” Tom grumbles as he gets up and walks away.
The world was quiet for the next two days, and it almost seemed like a break from all of it. Back in the New York, Y/N was minding her own business in the apartment with Kate, when she got a text message.
Answer the next phone call. ❤️
Y/N’s phone rings and it’s Tom. Her hands are shaking, afraid of what was going to happen. “Y/N.” Tom says shortly, tone filled with disappointment.
“Tom” Y/N replies, her voice shaking.
This wasn’t sanctuary anymore. This was hell.
“Tell me it’s not true.” Tom speaks out, needing to hear the truth. “Did you go out with another guy?”
Y/N hesistated for a moment, unsure of what to say. She could either lie or tell the truth but it didnt matter at this point she was fucked either way. “Yes.” She breathes out. “But — ”
“It’s not what I think? Right?” His tone getting louder. “So it’s okay for you to judge me with Natalie, but not okay for me to judge you with some bloke you’re with?”
“Matt is my friend and I had no choice in that matter!” Y/N yells out, unhappy with how Tom was confronting her.
“Did he threaten you?”
Y/N hesitated for a moment, not him but someone was threatening her. “No.”
“Then you did have a choice.”
As soon as Y/N was going to speak, she got a new message. This time it was a picture from Unknown. One of Tom and Natalie getting cozy as they walked out of a building. Natalie was smiling and Tom had his arms wrapped around her shoulder. “Yeah, guess you made yours too with Natalie.”
Tom was in shock, did she know about the him and Natalie. “Y/N it’s not what you —”
“What? What I think? Yeah that makes two of us, but you want to make assumptions? Fine. You look like you already moved on yourself, but moving on with a girl you know I can’t stand...that’s an all time low for you.” Y/N hangs up and throws her phone across the room. Kate quickly comes to comfort her best friend.
“He...he moved on.” She sobbed quietly in Kate’s arms.
“I know...it’s going to be okay.” Kate whispers. Tears started to also fall on Kate’s eyes as she saw how much pain her best friend was in. She looked at her phone and quickly deleted the pictures she had taken of Y/N and Matt. “Im so sorry. I..have to tell you something.”
Y/N had fallen fast asleep, exhausted from crying. Just when Kate was ready to tell the truth...the door rang.
“Kate!” Harrison and Harry said spoke out in relief as they hugged her.
“Hey..what are you guys doing here?” She asked surprised but also relieved.
Harrison and Harry looked at each. “We want to help find out the truth.”
@hollanddolanfangirl​ @ifilosemyselfagain @hevjadams @averyfosterthoughts​ @fangirl-with-a-mission @drishtisikarwar @eridanuswave​ @ifntelyinspirit​ @trumpettay @astridcommings @parkershoco
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massivedrickhead · 4 years
I love your work and I’m so happy your inbox is open. Could you maybe do something with one of them being catfished? I have more specific ideas but I don’t want to limit your creativity so let me know if you want to brainstorm or what ever but you can totally take your own spin on it too! Thankssss! You’re awesome!!
Okay. So. A few things.
1. I’m sorry this has taken so long to get to :(
2. As you know, I’ve never seen the show Catfish, and also someone did a Catfish prompt very recently.
3. So, as we discussed, this isn’t catfished based but more getting stood up based? Basically, I’m sorry, this fic is nothing like the prompt but I hope you like it anyway 🙈
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Chloe tapped her fingers against the bar, playing the melody of the music that was playing, pretending she was sitting in front of her piano.
She was full of nerves, and took a large gulp of her white wine to try and combat them.
She checked her phone for what felt like the millionth time.
Her date was late. No calls, no texts, nothing. 
“Can I get you another one?” The barmaid asked, nodding towards Chloe’s now empty glass.
“Uh,” Chloe glanced down at her phone, wondering how much longer she should wait. “Sure.”
“Might as well give them another ten minutes, huh?” The barmaid said with a smile and a wink. “Same again?”
“Please,” Chloe said, paying attention to the barmaid properly for the first time. She was cute. Very cute. And she didn’t look like she belonged in a place like this. This was a classy bar - way too classy for Chloe - and this barmaid’s heavily pierced ears and dark eye makeup stood out. 
She focused on her phone again, and decided to call her date, hoping it would be a simple misunderstanding. Maybe Chloe had gotten the time wrong, or the location?
But even as she dialled and held the phone to her ear, Chloe knew that wasn’t the case. She could be a little ditzy, but she didn’t forget things like this. She might forget her keys every time she left her apartment, but if someone tells her to meet them at 7, she’s there at quarter to.
The call went to voicemail.
“Hi, you’re through to Charlie! Leave me a message-”
Chloe hung up with a huff of annoyance.
This was the second time Charlie had bailed on what was supposed to be their first date. 
“No luck?” The barmaid asked.
“No,” Chloe replied, feeling embarrassed. “I should probably just call it a night.”
“Or,” the barmaid said, with a grin, “you could stay? Tonight doesn’t have to be a write-off, right?”
Chloe felt herself grinning too. “Are you trying to get tips out of me?”
The barmaid placed a hand against her chest in mock offence. “Never,” she said. “I just feel bad for you, I don’t want your night to be ruined. Plus I never get to talk to interesting people who are under 40 and don’t work in finance.”
“How do you know I’m interesting?” Chloe said.
“You’ve been playing piano on the bar for the past hour,” she said, and Chloe felt herself blush. “You’re a very talented musician.”
“Shut up,” Chloe said, laughing. “What’s your name?”
“Nice to meet you Beca,” Chloe said, holding her hand out. “I’m Chloe.”
“Chloe,” Beca said, smiling and shaking her hand. Chloe liked the way her name sounded coming out of Beca’s mouth. “Would you like a fun drink, Chloe?”
“Here comes the up sell,” Chloe said, unable to stop herself from grinning. “Here I am, happily drinking the cheapest wine on the menu, and you come along and try and get me to order a $20 cocktail.”
“Damn, you got me,” Beca said, laughing. “Seriously though, this place doesn’t have fun drinks on the menu. Let me make you something. On the house?”
“Sure,” Chloe said. “Come make it in front of me though.”
“Smart girl,” Beca said. 
“Won’t you get in trouble for giving out free drinks like this?” Chloe asked, watching as Beca added dashes of liquor from different bottles into a shaker.
Beca shrugged. “My dad owns the place so as long as I don’t steal from the cash register or anything I don’t think he cares. Plus everything on this menu is like triple the price of what it should be. No one’s going to miss a couple of shots of this or that.” 
“Ah,” Chloe said, “so it was nepotism that got you here?”
“That’s right,” Beca said, laughing. “He thought I needed a real job. That’s the only reason I’m here. What do you do?”
“I work in finance.”
Beca laughed and Chloe’s face broke into a grin before she could stop it.
“I’m in veterinary school,” she said.
“You’re a student? You definitely can’t afford to drink in here,” Beca said, sliding a glass across the bar. “Here you go.”
Chloe took a sip and her eyes widened. “Oh my god, it tastes like Christmas!”
“I take it that’s a good thing?”
Beca laughed again. She saw another customer approaching the bar. “Be right back,” she said, and she went off to serve them.
Chloe watched her leave, and tried not to stare. She took another sip and felt the warmth of apple and cinnamon spread through her again. She checked her phone and saw no new messages or missed calls.
The heat from the drink soon morphed into the heat of embarrassment and annoyance. She had been stood up by Charlie again.
She decided to text them.
Chloe: Hey, I’m guessing you aren’t coming. Please give me a text or just to let me know you aren’t like hurt or something. We can probably go our separate ways after that.
“Uh oh,” Beca said, returning to see Chloe scowling at her phone. “You aren’t texting him are you?”
Chloe looked up, confused. 
“Your date,” Beca said. “Never a good idea to text under the influence.”
Chloe turned her phone around so Beca could see her screen. “I’m a good drunk texter.”
“Damn,” Beca said, reading it. “Look at that, you’ve got commas and everything.”
“Told you,” Chloe said, grinning as she pressed send on the text.
“He’s an idiot, by the way,” Beca said. “What kind of fool would stand you up?”
“She’s an idiot,” Chloe said, smiling at the way Beca’s eyes seemed to widen, her eyebrows raising ever so slightly.
“Well,” Beca said. “If I was her, I wouldn’t stand you up.”
Chloe bit her lip and grinned. “Prove it.”
Beca smirked, and reached into her apron for a pen. She scribbled her phone number on a napkin and handed it over. “Name a time and place, Chloe.”
“Are you woking tomorrow?”
“Nope,” Beca said.
“Absolutely,” Beca said, grinning again. “Not here though. Do you know, um, Coopers?”
“Yeah,” Chloe said. “I love it there. 7 pm?”
“It’s a date.”
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downwiththeficness · 3 years
In the Bond-Chapter 11
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Summary: Lilah often wished she’d never said yes to working with the Gecko brothers—usually while dodging gunfire. At no time was she regretting that decision more than when she’s hanging upside down from the ceiling, staring down a group of hungry culebras and one (1) extremely powerful sun god.
Word Count: ~5,400
Warnings: Smut
A/N: This is an AU of my Story In the Blood, which can be read here. Basically, this fic explores what would have happened if Lilah had met up with Geckos before she met Brasa.
Start from the beginning   Previous Chapter   Next Chapter  
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Taglist: @symbiont13  
The bar was empty when Brasa and Lilah arrived, though that wasn’t surprising. The sun was not yet set, would not set, for several hours. Lilah followed Brasa to his room where she set down her bags. Her buzz had worn off over the hour drive and she was feeling more tired than she should have, given that it was still early afternoon. She attempted a soft smile when Brasa eyed her carefully, his mouth pulled down.
He touched her cheek with a gloved hand, “You should rest. Javier is waiting for me.”
Lilah held his gaze, “You’re insane if you think I’m not coming with you.”
He hesitated briefly, then nodded, taking her hand and leading her through to his public office where, as expected, Javier was waiting. Today, he was dressed in a deep crimson, accented with black and gold. The cane he periodically carried was hanging loosely from the crook of his thumb. When he spotted them, he stood and buttoned his jacket.
“My lord,” he said, with reverence.
Brasa acknowledged him, his expression serious, “Have you found them?”
“I have,” Javier answered, already moving towards a tablet. He tapped it awake and ran his finger over the screen to pull up the map, “They’ve dug into the old tunnel system. Here, and here.”
He handed the tablet to Brasa, who took it and scanned the places Javier had indicated on the map.
Brasa smiled in way that made Lilah’s eyes narrow. It was too satisfied, too confident, “Two groups?”
Javier ticked his head to the side, “Yes, and no. Two groups, same leader. Benny rotates between them—perhaps to keep us guessing.”
Brasa set the tablet aside and moved to sit down in his chair behind the desk. The languid movement, the stretch of muscle as he leaned back, made Lilah’s stomach twist in a way that she absolutely did not need in that moment.  They were supposed to be planning a coordinated manipulation of a dangerous group of predators. She couldn’t be mooning over him right now, a fact that didn’t stop her.
He was looking at Javier—a level, focused expression in his eyes. Brown eyes that not an hour ago were sparkling at her conspiratorially as they schemed. Like before, when they were just discussing finances and trade deals, he’d listened to her, assimilated her opinions and thoughts. Lilah had found herself fighting back a smile as she watched him think, her own mind circling back to the primary thing that occupied her attention.
The last two days had solidified things between them in a way that Lilah, three months ago, would have found utterly infuriating, if not terrifying. And, here she was, fine with it—maybe not fine. More fine than she had been. Which wasn’t saying a lot. Fuck, but she still felt the conflict within herself. Everything was going too fast, and yet she couldn’t seem to make herself slow down. She wanted it too much.
She had spend a lot of her life alone, without real, solid relationships. And then Seth had walked into that bar. And Lilah had learned to be friends and to trust. And then she’d fallen through that goddamned roof and right into Brasa’s arms.
The kind of trust she needed to have in Brasa far exceeded anything she’d ever experienced. Lilah congratulated Brasa for his patience, and he had been patient. She still had a long way to go, but progress was progress. Lilah might be moving at a glacial pace, but she was still moving, and that had to be enough for both of them.
“Do we know where he is now?”
Javier smiled unkindly, “We do.”
“Good,” Brasa announced, rising as he pushed his hand through his hair, “Then we meet him as he wakes, with the others.”
“Perhaps,” Javier edged, “We should just...eradicate them now, while they rest.”
Lilah felt that fuzzy feeling in her stomach drop. For all the diplomacy that she’d witnessed between them, all the political manipulation, the bargaining, the negotiation...underneath it all, this was exactly how they’d remained in power for so long.  Complete domination of their enemies. Utter genocide, if necessary. She acknowledged the effectiveness, but knew that the method would produce the results that Brasa wanted—he wanted the population to buy in to a new way of doing things, not merely give their compliance with directives in an attempt to keep from being slaughtered.
Brasa shifted on his feet, pushing hands into his pockets, “We discussed another option.”
Chuckling, Javier said, “Of course.”
Lilah didn’t like the way he said it, as if he were humoring his boss, as if he knew that the plan would fail. She was no expert on culebras, but Lilah knew people. The plan could work, if everyone stuck to it.
“I think we start with that, and then…” Brasa trailed off, indicating that simply killing them was always on the table.
She didn’t know how she felt about it, but Lilah was at least mollified that Brasa would look to the solution they’d discussed first. It would buy her time to work on back up plans, when the shit inevitably hit the fan.
Javier nodded deferentially, “Understood.”
“Good,” Brasa said, moving around the desk. “Its been a long trip home. I’m going to get cleaned up and I’ll meet you at the bar at sunset.”
Javier hesitated for a second too long, but eventually said, “Yes, my lord.”
Brasa once again took her hand, leading her back to his rooms. Inside, he pulled off his gloves and sat on the bed to untie his shoes. Lilah sat next to him, her weight leaning into his body comfortably.
“You should rest,” he reiterated as he shucked off his socks, “I’ll shower and get changed while you sleep.”
Lilah very nearly offered to shower with him, but the mattress beneath her was calling her name, the last few days catching up with her. She smiled at him as he stood and leaned down to kiss her on the forehead, watching as he headed for the en suite and shut the door behind him.
Lilah reached into her bag and pulled out her phone.  She had several new messages to answer, her thumbs sliding over the screen. Hitting send, she tapped open the clock app and set and alarm for ten minutes before sunset. Lilah had no intentions of sleeping through that meeting with Benny.
Sliding up towards the pillows, Lilah kicked off her sneakers and toed off her socks. Her sweatshirt went over the side of the bed and, after a moment of deliberation, so did her jeans. Rolling onto her side, she reached up and flicked off the light. Snuggled into the covers, she drifted off easily.
Lilah awoke an indeterminate time later, blinking groggily into a pitch black room. Even in the dark, she could tell that he was lying next to her. Feeling brave in her half conscious state, Lilah shuffled over to him and laid a hand on his chest. Saying nothing, Brasa lifted an arm and gathered her to him with a contented little sigh. She wondered how long he’d been resting near her, awake and listening to her breathe.
As she ran her hand over and down to his side, along the angular plane of his body, Lilah’s brows drew together in confusion, “Did you get fully dressed just to lay in bed?” She felt around a little more, “On top of the covers?”
“Sunset is in an hour,” he answered, the words coming out slow enough that she knew he was choosing them carefully. “I did not want to get too comfortable.”
It was the way that he said the last two words that cued her, an emphasis that did quite match his normal speech pattern. Lilah grabbed onto them, mentally, and felt herself smirk.
Rising to her elbow, Lilah rested her head on her palm and teased, “Do you think that if we got ‘too comfortable’, we’d miss the meeting?”
He drew in a breath, “That’s...possible.”
Fingers tracing up the line of buttons on his shirt, she lowered her voice a little, “I set an alarm. It would have woken us. And, I’m pretty sure you can tell where the sun is, being a sun god, and all.”
The last part was pure conjecture, but Lilah felt fairly confident in her analysis of his powers. Though, to be fair, she had probably only skimmed the surface of what he was capable of doing.
The arm around her waist tightened, “Yes, I suppose you are right.”
When she walked her fingertips up towards his neck, Lilah found that his face was turned towards her. Beneath the pad of her thumb, his Adam’s apple bobbed. He was warm, the kind of warm that told her he wanted something. She was inclined to give it to him.
“You barely slept last night, traveled across two countries over the last few days, you’re stressed, this is your bed—why would you not want to be comfortable, to sleep in your own bed?” The smirk that had been on her lips during the conversation widened, “Unless you thought we might not be sleeping.”
He flinched. Oh, this was too good not to dig into.
As warmth wafted from his body, Lilah felt an answering heat bubbling in her belly, “What did you think would happen?” Her voice dropped to the smallest whisper, “Did you think that if we got too comfortable, we’d end up fucking?”
The answer to that question was a sharp inhale and a low rumble. She was absolutely correct.
“You did!” She exclaimed in mock surprise.
He said her name, a warning in his tone as he moved to sit. Lilah chuckled as she put weight on him to hold him still, satisfied when he relented. She wondered why he hadn’t pressed his advantage the night before, and again on the plane. It left her with a question borne of insecurity.
“Do you...want to?”
He scoffed, “Of course I do. I would have taken you to bed that first night, if you were willing.”
He had a point. She had been desperate to get as far away as possible—not exactly receptive to seduction. Still…
“You had other opportunities.”
Like when she’d most recently thrown herself at him.
“Yes, and those opportunities have usually been after we’ve had an argument.”
Lilah wished she could see his face. His tone was so matter of fact that her confidence faltered. She quickly shored up her last bit of bravado.
“Point.” Then, “So, you have thoughts…”
In a smooth flex of muscle, Brasa had her rolled beneath him, his mouth hovering close enough that his lips brushed hers as he spoke, “Lilah, it would be fair to say that the multitude of ways I want to have you takes up a significant portion of my thoughts.”
She preened under those words, her hands coming up to rest on his shoulders, “Care to share with the class?”
He huffed out a laugh, and she felt him shake his head.
“I mean,” Lilah continued, allowing that teasing tone to seep back into her voice, “You already got to act on at least one of those thoughts last night—which reminds me, I think I left you hanging a bit.” When he made a sound of question, she added, “I got to come so hard I passed out and you didn’t get to.”
Brasa’s bare hands, which had been trailing over her skin, stilled, “I...did.”
Intrigued, and not a little bit titillated, Lilah urged, “Do tell.”
She didn’t have to be able to see him to know that he was about to balk, so she cut off the intention with a sound kiss. Swallowing his groan, she ran her hands down his chest and pushed so that he rolled to his back.
Lilah kicked out of the covers, stretching her body out beside him, “Please? You could start at the point where I lost consciousness.”
Brasa cleared his throat, fingers tangling with hers as they lay on his chest, “I carried you to bed and went back downstairs to sit on the couch. Your scent was everywhere, I could still taste your blood.”
Lilah licked her lips, “Then what happened?”
Breaths coming in faster, he said, “Your scent, it was on me. On clothes, my hands. I just wanted a taste, and…”
He drew in another deep breath, the words coming out of him in rapid succession, “I licked my fingers, sucked them clean.” His hand squeezed reflexively, “It was so good, Lilah.”
Drawn by the desperation in his tone, she rose over him and kissed him deeply, her tongue dipping in to run along his lower lip. He grasped her by the back of her head, holding her steady so that he could nip at her with teeth that were now very sharp. He shifted, leveraging his greater weight to put her on her back once more. Lilah went willingly.
In between kisses, she prompted him, “What did you do next?”
“I,” he started, cutting himself off with a needy moan that melted into a series of panting breaths against the skin of her neck.
Once more, her hands caressed down his chest, continuing down to palm him through the fabric of his pants. Brasa’s body bowed as his hips tilted forward, a hiss sounding from between his teeth.
Lilah stroked him languidly, “Did you touch yourself?”
He nodded, hands grasping her wrists and pulling them away to pin them to the bed. Lilah writhed beneath him, working her tangled legs free and using her calves to pull him into the cradle of her hips. He let go of one of her wrists, tracing down her body to grip the back of one thigh. Lilah thought he might pull away, put some distance between them. Instead, he hitched her leg higher so that he could grind against her, a choked sound coming from the back of his throat.
Her breath stuttered as he slid against her clit, only the material of her underwear and his pants between them. She groaned his name loudly, earning another hard, steady grind. Even in complete darkness, she saw stars.
And then she had an idea, “Do you want another taste?”
His unequivocal ‘yes’ was out of his mouth so quickly that Lilah could only chuckle, her hand pushing beneath the waistband of her underwear. Brasa lifted up at bit to give her room, a pleased growl vibrating from deep in his chest.
The sound of her fingers sliding through her slick was almost embarrassingly loud. Lilah pushed her fingers inside one by one, rotating her wrist to coat them at thoroughly as possible. When she offered him her hand, she expected him feel his tongue running along her skin instantly. What he actually did was sit back on his heels to yank her into his lap. Only then did her suck the first two digits into his mouth.
He whimpered, and Lilah could feel his cock pulsing beneath her. She wrapped her free arm around his shoulders and tried to keep her mind focused enough so that she didn’t melt into a puddle in his arms. When he had licked her skin clean, Brasa dropped her hand and pulled her in for a kiss. It was messy, frantic, tainted with the taste of venom.
He held her tightly, forehead pressed against hers as he worked to catch his breath. Lilah tried to kiss him again, but he pulled away with an airy laugh. Lilah’s eyes narrowed in the dark. He was not going to tease her now.
Shoving one hand into his hair, she yanked his head back, sucking what she hoped would be a deep bruise onto his neck. He snarled, dislodging her hand and throwing her onto the mattress.
Following her down, Brasa let most of his weight fall against her as he hissed into her ear, “Don’t test me, querida.”
Stubborn, stubborn man.  Lilah would have to try something else.
Nudging along his jaw, she picked up where she’d left off before, whispering, “What did you think about when you were making yourself come?”
His answer was cut off by her alarm sounding. Brasa gave her a short kiss before levering himself up and over to the nightstand where he dismissed it. A moment later, he turned on the light. Lilah had no idea what she looked like, but if his appearance was anything to go by she was more than a little rumpled.
Black eyes wandered all over her, lingering on her exposed thighs. Clearly, he liked her a little rumpled.
Lilah took a breath, “You didn’t answer my question.”
Brasa’s head cocked to the side, his mouth tilting upwards in a smirk, “You’re right.”
He crawled over to her, all sinuous movement that should not have been possible with such a large frame. Arms bracketing her body, Brasa leaned down and fixed her with an intent gaze.
“I thought about you taking my bite as you come all over me,” he murmured, his hand cupping her cheek, “I thought about pumping you full of venom and making you come until you’re begging me to stop. Does that answer your question?”
Lilah blinked owlishly up at him, her mouth open in shock. She fully expected him to say something along those lines. But, actually hearing the words, seeing his face so full of conviction, it made her shiver.
Brasa leaned back and away, “I need to go. Javier is likely waiting for me.”
“You mean waiting for us.”
His jaw set and Lilah could hear the argument before he’d even started. With a frustrated sigh, she pushed from the bed and dug around in her suitcase for her work attire. Brasa busied himself with pulling on his gloves and pushing the tail of his shirt back into his pants.
As she pulled on her jeans, she asked, “Did you think I was kidding when I said you’d be insane to think I wasn’t coming with you?”
Brasa stood and ran his hands through his hair, raking it back and away from his face, “I had thought you might see the sense that there is a potential for a nasty fight.”
Lilah rolled her eyes, “Who helped you come up with this idea?”
That was a solid argument, and she could tell the Brasa knew it. He looked away, his arms crossing.
She shrugged on a sweatshirt and pulled her hair into a ponytail. He was silent while she strapped her knife and gun to her body, rolled on a pair of socks, and stepped into her sneakers. When she was finished, Lilah moved closer to him and dared him to argue further with a lifted brow.
Brasa sighed, relenting, “If you go with us, you must do something for me.”
“Okay,” she agreed readily, surprising herself.
Hands coming up to grasp her shoulders, Brasa looked her squarely in the eye, “I need you to let me in. Relax into the bond so that I can communicate with you, if necessary.”
She frowned, “How do I do that?”
“You’ve felt me before, just reach out to me.  Feel for me.”
Lilah’s frown held, but she closed her eyes and concentrated on that little tingle at the back of her brain that always went off whenever he was around. Shoulders dropping, she did exactly as she asked. She reached out to him.
Nearby, he inhaled sharply, “There. Just like that. Keep your mind open while we’re out there.”
She nodded.
A while later, Lilah was riding in the back of an SUV with Brasa next to her, Javier navigating effortlessly on roads that were nearly non-existent. As requested, she had left the bond open. Lilah could feel Brasa’s mental presence as surely as she could feel his hand resting on her thigh. It was warm, like him. She resisted feeling too happy about how easily he fit into the space.
Brasa was not exactly nervous. Lilah could feel an unrelenting calm from him, but there was a faint vibration underneath it. Curious, she touched on it, drawing back when he turned his head to look down at her.
“Sorry,” she said, embarrassed that she’d been caught.
Brasa took her hand, the leather of his gloves soft in her palm, “Don’t be. I welcome your curiosity.”
“You say that now,” Lilah murmured, “But when I’ve asked you the thousandth question of the day, you might think differently.”
Shifting a little in his seat, Brasa lifted his arm and wrapped it around her shoulders, with his free hand, he twined his fingers in hers, “I would rather you ask questions than run away.”
Lowering her eyes, Lilah felt the censure for what it was. Her instinct was always to cut and run at the first sign of trouble. It had been what had saved her life many times before. Lately, it had not suited her purpose quite so much. She settled further into his body, idly watching the road.
Eventually, they came to what looked like a cave in the face of a cliff. Lilah eyed it as she ambled out of the car, her hand reaching down to pull open her holster. Brasa walked ahead of her, stopping just short of the entrance.
“You’re sure he’s here?”
Javier nodded, “I have a source from the inside.”
Brasa looked back at Lilah. In the moonlight, his body covered in shadow, he looked right at home. She took a breath and stepped up beside him, her eyes turning to the darkness ahead.
“You know where we’re going?”
“I do,” he replied easily, “I know the way.”
Lilah glanced at him sidelong, “Okay.”
Using her cell phone as a flashlight, Lilah followed Brasa, Javier behind her. The floor of the cave was smooth, too smooth to be natural. A few niches were cut into the sides of the path, rounded little pods. At the back of the cave was a door. Wooden, no lock. Brasa opened it and looked down—literally down. It was a hole that dropped about fifty feet or so. No ladder, no hand grips. Just smooth stone all around. The circumference was fairly large, the edges rounded in a way that told her it had been well used at one time.
Reaching back, Brasa pulled her into his body, “Hold onto me.”
Lilah slipped her phone into her pocket and wrapped her arms around his neck. His hands ran down her sides and under her ass, leverage that he used to pull her up and into his arms. Lilah didn’t have time to give him the laugh that threatened to jut out of her throat as she was suddenly falling, the wind pulling at her hair.
They landed audibly, dirt skittering around Brasa’s shoes. Lilah blinked in the dark as he helped her ease her legs down from around his waist.  He steadied her, his hand at the small of her back.  
Lilah left her arms where they were, her muscles having loosened from where she’d clenched them on the way down, “How many more of these are there going to be tonight?”
She could hear the smile in his voice when he answered, “This is the only one. At least, for tonight.”
“Good to know.”
Javier dropped down next to them, and Lilah wondered if he’d gotten dust all over his sharp suit, or he’d come out of this as crisp and clean and put together as he usually was. A light clink echoed, his walking stick tapping the ground.
“Through here,” Brasa directed.
Lilah grabbed for her phone, lighting the way so that she didn’t trip over her own feet. They moved to another door, same as the other. There was a faint light beneath it. Without preamble, Brasa opened it and strolled inside.
A hand at her elbow stopped her. Lilah looked back to Javier, who pulled her to a stop.
“Wait a moment. We didn’t announce ourselves. These kinds of surprises are usually unwelcome.”
He wasn’t wrong. Lilah heard voices rise, snarls and growls following. She craned her neck, peering into the room through the doorway. A body went flying across her line of sight, followed by more yelling. It took about two minutes for things to die down, Lilah fidgeting the whole time. Beside her, Javier rested both hands on his cane, his expression serene.
“This happen a lot?” she asked, her ears straining to hear.
Javier shrugged, “From time to time. Lord Brasa rarely makes personal visits. I imagine this is quite the shock.”
Lilah nodded, distracted by the shadows moving in the room.
In the next moment, Javier was moving forward, saying to her, “Please stay close to me. My lord would be unhappy if you were hurt.”
Face scrunching in confusion, Lilah followed him in. There had...clearly been a fight. A few angry, bleeding members of the group littered the room. Brasa stood near the middle, looking relaxed. He wasn’t even breathing hard. Lilah made an effort to control her face as she filed in behind him.
The group was pretty rough looking. Clothes that were torn, dirty faces and hands, hard stares, teeth bared. A few had their game faces on. Lilah’s hand hovered near her pistol.
At the far end of the room was another door, open. Voices could be heard filtering down the hall. They’d gone to get Benny. As expected, he appeared from the darkness. He looked much the same as he had in the bar. Kind of a douche. Lilah noted that his skin was clean, his clothes worn but not tattered. He looked well fed.
“The fuck are you doing here?” he spit at Brasa.
“Making an offer,” was the response—cool, calm, polite.
Lilah remembered when that tone of voice had grated on her nerves, made her grit her teeth in an effort to keep from lashing out.
Benny’s glare deepened, “We don’t want anything you’re offering.”
“Even if its food?”
That got a lot of the group’s attention. Lilah watched their eyes spark with interest. How many of them were hungry? And for how long?
Benny shook his head, “Yeah. Food. If we play by your rules, if we stop hunting.”
Brasa’s head cocked to the side, “Why would you need to hunt if you’re fed well?”
This was the argument that they’d agreed on. Lilah was glad he was sticking to the script. Benny wasn’t buying it, as she suspected would happen. His snarl was near constant, and one look at the others in the room told her that they were going to feed off his energy. Everything about this could get out of hand very quickly, if Brasa wasn’t careful.
“Look at you,” she cut in, letting just the tiniest bit of derision drip into her tone, “You’re living like animals. You’re not animals.” The last three words were enunciated, sharp, and clear.
Benny’s attention turned to her, and Lilah caught Javier moving subtly in her periphery. She did her best to remain relaxed, but her body’s natural reaction, the adrenaline, kept her heart beating harder than she wanted.
“Look at you,” Benny echoed. Then, sarcastically, “Did Lord Brasa bring us a snack along with his ridiculous new world?”
Lilah closed her eyes as Brasa’s growl sounded so loudly that her ears rang.
She took at step forward, making sure to look straight on at Benny, “You know that starting a fight is bad news for every one of your people here,” Lilah asserted, her hands waving to the faces that were watching the interaction intensely. “We’re only here to talk.”
Benny’s expression—half amused, half enraged—held, “We don’t talk with humans, we eat them.”
The challenge in his voice, in his expression, told her exactly what she would need to do. In this hierarchy, she was the more powerful, despite her species. Every single culebra in the room would need to know that, and to honor it.
“You’ll talk with me.”
Now or never, she thought.
Lilah drew herself up, “Because I am Lord Brasa’s bondmate, and because I am literally the only person in here that can ensure you’re still alive when we leave.”
Benny laughed, his fangs reaching out towards her from where they’d fallen past the seam of his lips. She grit her teeth and waited, knowing that this was delicate and that she needed to get through the rest of this as they’d agreed. From across the bond, she felt Brasa soothe the edges of her worry.
“You kill me, you’ll only make me a martyr,” Benny asserted, though Lilah could see the faint tremor in his mouth as he spoke.
“Not a matyr, not really. We’re here to talk, you start a fight, you’ll lose. Every one of your people will die.”
This was very fucking true. There were maybe fifteen of them, and they didn’t look well trained. Add the obvious hunger, and they didn’t stand a chance.
Another laugh, another sneer, “We’re ready to die to keep our way of life.”
She lifted a brow, “Running, hiding, starving. You’re willing to die for this?”
Benny drew back, his eyes narrow. He worked his jaw, and seemed to think. Ahead of her, Brasa shifted his weight. Lilah glanced at the back of his head, noting the relaxed stance. Her brows drew together as he turned in a slow circle, his eyes lifting to the ceiling of the room.
“Do any of you know where these tunnels came from? How they were made?”
Lilah felt her mouth tighten, tension rising in her arms and in her hips, her body readying to react. This wasn’t in their script. What the fuck was he doing?
Brasa looked back at the group, smiling, “We made them. A long time ago.”
“Bullshit,” Benny spat, “Just like everything else about you.”
Brasa chuckled, “No bullshit. There’s a hundred kilometers of tunnels that all lead back to a central room. In it is an altar.” He paused, fixing his attention on Benny, “And a door.”
Lilah watched the reactions of the others, catching a few look at each other, the details confirmed with involuntary micro-expressions. Meanwhile, she worked hard to contain her own misgivings. This wasn’t in the discussion—had this been what he’d been doing while she slept?
“I know what it is that you want,” Brasa continued, “You want to open the door between this world and Xibalba.” A coy smile, “What did they promise you?”
Benny flinched. Lilah felt herself involuntarily inhale. Brasa was right.
“It doesn’t matter,” Brasa said easily, “I know what will happen. You will try to open the door. If you’re successful, which I very much doubt, you’ll bring more Xibalbans into this place. They will take your people as sacrifice, and enslave the rest. You might live to see yourself speared by a pike and burned to ash on the next sunrise.”
That was...a pretty damn effective argument. Lilah felt herself kind of impressed by how cleanly he’d laid it out. From the back of her mind, she felt the warmth of his gratification, it drifted down over her neck and nestled in the space between her shoulder blades.
“He’s lying,” Benny spit as he looked around him. “That won’t happen.”
“So you do want to open the door?” Lilah asked.
The silence that followed was enough to convince everyone in the room that this was, at least, part of his plan.
Javier dropped his cane loudly on the stone floor, “We have a steady supply of blood. We have warm beds. We also have a need. Our operation is growing. Some of you have skills that would help us ensure that no one goes hungry, that we don’t draw the attention of hunters, that we coexist with humans for centuries to come.”
Here was the offer, as they’d discussed. All of these things were true. Brasa could only do so much, even with Javier at his side. There were logistics that needed to be carefully monitored to keep the supply running and to keep it off the radar of the authorities. In this world, the power of the hunt became the power of achievement, possibly a more potent lure for anyone unhappy with the status quo.
Lilah kept her attention on the group, looking for signs of breaking with the pack. A few looked promising.
Javier rested both hands on top of his cane, “Who’s in?”
To Lilah’s left, a woman with dark skin, hair, and eyes, raised her hand.
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retvenkos · 4 years
stuck with you // davey jacobs
Newsies - Modern!AU, Davey x reader, fluff
Summary: Davey’s eyes flicked to your hair, and he picked out some of the mess of debris that was stuck there. “I’m guessing you're just as lost as I am?
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In the first grade you sat in between two best friends - David Jacobs on your left, and Jack Kelly on your right. Every Friday afternoon, without fail, your teacher passed out fun worksheets that had little to do with the topic of the week, something challenging, but in a way that made it feel like a game. Mazes were a common brain teaser that he gave out, and it was in your first grade class, sat between two best friends, that you learned a most important lesson:
There comes a point in every maze where you just need to carve your own path.
You used to do it in purple gel pen, then, and you never really thought the lesson would generalize very well, but now, standing in the middle of a corn maze, the slowly falling sun staring down at you mockingly, you figured it was high time to take your own advice. 
At least you knew you the general direction that the entrance was in, right? You could cut a straight path through and make it out of this twisting, confused maze eventually. 
This was all Jack Kelly’s fault, really. He was the one with directional skills, and, naturally, the one to propose the idea of a maze. He had always been the one to get the two of you out of any corn maze you had ever taken on - and in record timing, too. If it hadn’t been for Romeo needing extra cash to get some caramel corn at the maze’s entrance, he wouldn't have turned around and you would be out, by now, throwing popcorn at the rest of your friends as they slowly made their way out of this wretched maze. But no! Romeo couldn’t keep track of his finances and Jack was the biggest dad friend you had ever met...
How many times had you walked in circles?
You fished your dead phone out of your pocket, pressing the button as though some kind of miracle would turn it on, but when it flashed an angry red, dead battery icon, you weren’t surprised enough to make a fuss. Just your luck, right?
You sighed and slipped it into your back pocket. “Well...”
You stared at the wall of corn in front of you for a moment, as though it might take pity on you and bend to your will, carving some divine path that you could follow to freedom. Nothing happened. The wind came by, swaying the tops of the corn stalks, and carrying just enough of a chill that you pulled your hoodie tighter around you. That was your cue, wasn’t it? Pulling down your sleeves, you started to push your way through.
Blazing your own trail sucked. Why did little kids do it for fun? The stalks snagged in your hair and pulled at your clothes, scratching the palms of your hands and getting in your mouth. You had only pushed through 5 walls of corn, and already you were contemplating just sleeping here for the night. Jack would come and find you eventually, right? Maybe Race would get completely lost and stumble upon you? You were walking to the sixth wall of corn when a familiar voice called out, just a little shocked at finding you.
“Davey!” Your relief was almost comical, and the way to jogged up to him sealed the tone of his arrival. “You have no idea how glad I am to see you.”
“Yeah?” Davey’s eyes were big, just a bit of a blush dusting his cheeks. It was all the more beautiful in this light, the sun on the other side of the maze, the sky full of oranges and reds. Davey’s eyes flicked to your hair, and he picked out some of the mess of debris that was stuck there. “I’m guessing you're just as lost as I am?”
“You wouldn’t believe,” you scoffed, pushing your hands into your jacket pockets, “and my phone’s dead, too. I was debating whether I should push my way through or camp out for the night.”
“That’s a terrible idea.”
“The stars would be great out here, though.” Little bursts of light were already peeking out of a darkening sky, far more than you ever saw in the city. Davey tilted his eyes upward to look with you, and for a moment it was quiet. The wind blew to disturb the silence and you rubbed your arms for warmth.
Davey stuck his hands in his jacket and looked at you, his mind racing for what to do.
He offered his arm to you. “We’ll freeze if we don’t make it out of here, soon.”
“You know the way?”
“We’ll find it together, right?”
A smile slowly spread across your face, and you took his arm in yours, missing the way his eyes lit up like the stars above. The two of you set off, taking a left at your first fork in the road. “I’m trusting your sense of direction, then. I’ve been walking in circles from the moment Jack abandoned me.”
Davey froze beside you, stopping in his tracks. “Jack left you, too?”
“Too? He told me he was going to help—”
“Romeo to get a pretzel.”
“Caramel corn.”
Both of you seethed, and when you met each other’s eye, you laughed.
“The least he could do was keep his story straight.” Davey rolled his eyes and the two of you started on the path, again, following the corn maze as it winded in a completely new direction, taking you to a bit of the maze you hadn’t seen before. “Although I wouldn’t be surprised if this was Romeo’s plan, all along.”
“Whoever’s idea it was, I’m glad they did it.” You looked over at Davey and smiled conspiratorially, making his cheeks heat up, once more. “I’d much rather be stuck with you.” 
-- taglist: message me if you want to be added to a taglist!
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jawritter · 4 years
Broken Me...
Ch. 9
Summery: The Dallas Convention couldn't have come at a worse time for Jensen. His world fell apart earlier that morning, but was expected to just act like everything was normal. You and a friend were at the convention for her birthday. Life hasn't been that great for you either, but a forced meeting on stage changes two worlds. Will you be able to put this broken man back together again...
Series Warings: Cheating, shitty marriage, Danneel is a bitch, I unfortunately have to put that as a warning because some people tend to get turnt up about it if you don’t... Smut, Crying, Suiside Attempt, brief discription of suicide attempt and recovery, depression, hints of self loathing, language. I think that’s it... Suicide Trigger warnings will be placed over each chapter!
Chapter Warnings: Sick!Jensen, vomiting, Jared being a little bit of an asshole.. Language.
Word Count: 1650
A/N: BINGE READ TIME!! As always all mistakes are mine! Please do not copy my work! Feedback is gold!! Hope you all enjoy this one!!
Want More? Check out my masterlist!!
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Jensen's POV:
It had been three months since Jensen had met Y/n at the Dallas convention.. 
During those three months he’d spent the majority of your time working for two weeks filming in Vancouver, then flying home for a weekend to see you. 
He hated being alone in Vancouver. While he was in Vancouver the two of you skyped every night before bed, and every day on his lunch break, even if it was midnight.. He’d fallen hard, harder than he ever thought he’d fall for anyone again, and fast.. 
Separation just came with the territory as far as his job was concerned, and he knew that, but that didn’t make it any less tough to be away from you… He’d been thinking about  asking you to move to Vancouver permanently with him while he was filming…
Danneel had given him back his house in Austin, although he hadn't been there yet. So the two of you could both stay there when filming was over. It was just a matter of getting up the nerve to ask you.
The alarm clock was going off loudly next to the bed in what felt like only minutes after he’d fallen asleep.. Rolling over he slapped at it blindly. Not wanting to leave his warm bed. The hours he worked while filming are brutal, and this morning he felt it worse than others. 
Yesterday he did nothing but 9 hours worth of fight scenes all day long. This morning when he stood out of bed his whole body ached like he’d been run over by a mack truck. Before making his way to the shower he clicked the coffee pot on, and grabbed his phone sending you a text message like he does every morning..
Good morning beautiful😘
Turning on the hot water Jensen stepped inside the shower, hoping that the hot water would beat away some of the soreness in his muscles, but only about five minutes in he started to get a light chill deposit, the warmer than normal temperature of the water... 
'Stupid Vancouver winter.' He mumbled to himself, getting out of the shower and quickly getting dressed to head to the studio.. All he really had to do was shower and brush his teeth, the girls in hair and makeup would do the rest for him.. Grabbing his coffee in a thermos he ran downstairs and made his way to the parking lot where Jared and Clif were waiting for him.
By the time he’d made it from the front door of his apartment building, to Cliff’s SUV he was shaking so hard he could hardly hold on to his coffee. 
"Hey man you okay. You look Casper white." Jared said, looking at Jensen like he might drop dead any second, Clif turned around in the driver’s seat, getting a good look at him as well..
"I don't know man. I feel like a truck hit me, and I can't stop shaking." No sooner had he gotten the words from his mouth a wave of nausea hit him. 
Ripping the door open Jensen fell out of the car onto his knees in the parking lot, and vomited violently. Jared and Cliff were by his side in an instant. He stayed on his knees for a moment after the heaving finally stopped. Struggling to stop the dry heaving his stomach was doing.
Jared placed his head to Jensen’s forehead before Jensen could swat it away..
"He's burning up. Maybe we should call an ambulance." Jensen heard Jared tell Cliff, but he couldn't respond, still trying to get the violent shaking under control. A few moments later an ambulance pulls up and the EMTs load him onto the stretcher, and into the ambulance.
This was just perfect…
Just when he thought his luck couldn’t get any worse, the universe obviously felt like it was time to challenge that theory..
Your POV:
The alarm went off obnoxiously on your night stand, rolling over you, silencing it and grabbing your phone, squinting at the bright screen in the dark room as if you were staring into the depths of the sun..
Per the usual a goodmorning text from Jensen was waiting for you. You couldn't stop the smile that spread across your face as you opened your text app to reply back. 
You had only been seeing each other for three months, but it had been the best three months of your life so far. Jensen was far from perfect, and just like yourself had his share of problems and issues, but that did nothing to stop the way your heart would leap in your chest every time he walked through the door.
You could spend days with him, and never get tired of him, and you didn’t see yourself ever getting tired of him… He was your person, and that much you were sure about if you were sure of nothing else...
Before you could type the first letter in your text box the phone started ringing in your hand. It was a number you didn't recognize...
You normally don't answer calls from numbers you don't know. It's usually just some telling your car warranty that you've never had is about to expire. This number had the same area code as Jensen's. For some reason that made your stomach drop. So you decided it was better to answer it..
"Hello?" You said, still not functioning at full brain capacity. Being the not so morning person you are..
"Y/n? This is Jared. I need you to fly to Vancouver. Jensen was taken to the hospital this morning. We're not sure yet, but we think it might be just a flu. Either way, he needs someone to stay with him while he recovers. He really doesn't have anyone else in his contacts I could call." 
You sat there for a moment completely numb... 
All sleepiness gone... 
How the hell were you gonna afford a plane ticket to Vancouver?
"Jared.........I don't know if I have enough money for the plane ticket...." You start to tell him, embarrassed about your finances, but he cut you off.
"Don't worry about that. It's already been taken care of. I'll text you the information when I get off the phone with you. You need to be at the airport in an hour. Cliff will pick you up once you're here." 
With that he hung up the phone. Right after the text with your airline ticket information came through.
You sprang into action. Not even grabbing a cup of coffee. You throw your bag together as quickly as possible. Chunk some clothes on you, and literally run to your car. You wanted more than anything to get to Vancouver to see that Jensen was okay. Jared NEVER called. So that means it wasn't a good  situation.
A little over a short four and a half hours later you were sitting in the back of a very nice black SUV driven by Cliff. 
Jensen had just been released from the hospital. It was influenza type A. He still didn't need to be left alone. The fever was down when they got back to his apartment, but Cliff said it was already starting to climb again by the time he left to come get you from the airport.. 
All you wanted was to see him. It had been almost three weeks of pure torture since you'd seen him last, and the phone call this morning made you all the more anxious to see him...
Walking into the apartment you find Jared leaned against the bar with his phone in his hand. 
"He's in that back room there. We didn't tell him you were coming. Figured it could just be a surprise." His voice was as cold as his stair as he walked towards the door.. 
"Jared, why do you hate me?" You blurted out without thinking, stopping him in his tracks. He turned around facing you. His face was unreadable. 
"I don't hate, but I also don't trust you. Don't take that too personally. It's just you two jumped into a serious relationship with each other the literal day after he told Danneel he wanted a divorce. He didn't even give himself time to really recover." He said, glaring at you.
"I would never do anything to hurt him." You said flatly, feeling a little hurt that he would even suggest that you might hurt him... 
"Then prove it." He said, turning around and heading for the door. 
You knew he felt that way, what he said was no shock... 
Still it stung... 
You brushed it off, and headed toward the room Jared had pointed to, right now Jared’s opinion of you didn’t really matter, what mattered was making sure Jensen was okay, that’s why you were here in the first place.. 
Opening the door you find Jensen laying on his back, seemingly asleep. Sweat formed on his forehead. He looked pale. His hair was a mess.
You let your bag slide down to the floor, and walked over to the bed. Slipping in next to him you wrap your arms around him. He was hot. They weren't lying about the fever. He looked up confused for a moment until he caught up with what he was seeing.
"Y/n what are you doing here babe? I'll get you sick." He said, voice low and hoarse. Wrapping his arms around you, and pulling you closer to him. 
"Jared called and said you were sick. Did you really think I was gonna leave you all the way in Vancouver alone where I couldn't pamper and spoil you? I've already had the flu. So I'm pretty sure I'm fine." You tell him. Settling the covers around the two of you as he made himself more comfortable against you.
"I don't deserve you." He mumbled, falling back into his fever induced sleep.. 
tag list: @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @thecreatiivecorner​ @aflamboyanceofgays @deanwanddamons​​ @imabitch4jensen​​ @rvgrsbrns​​ @bi-danvers0​​ @onethirstyunicorn​​ @i-love-superhero​​ @akshi8278​ @alanegaming @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​ @squirrelnotsam​ @hobby27​ @spnbaby-67​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @defenderrosetyler​ 
binge tag: @sarahbaker2010​
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