#finished this game yesterday and it’s a huge mixed bag
heloflor · 3 months
Me playing Mario vs Donkey Kong: Man this game is so janky! I’ve got so many unnecessary deaths because of it! How are you supposed to do some of this stuff?!
Also me playing Mario vs Donkey Kong:
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#Super Mario#Mario vs Donkey Kong#Flor talks#got to this amount at world 6+ if you’re wondering#and tbf most of my deaths in the first 6 worlds (and 6+) are in levels that give you a life; so it’s easy not to lose many lives#tho I NEVER would’ve reached 99 lives had the time attack mode made you lose them for each failure#finished this game yesterday and it’s a huge mixed bag#fun enough to finish 100% but it’s definitely going to end up in the pile of never-touched-again completed games#thing is I do like that it’s difficult and that enemies can one-shot you#but a lot of deaths are due to jankiness rather than a skill issue; which gets very frustrating very quickly#a lot of times I considered going into casual mode; which I ended up doing for two challenge levels#those levels being the long bob-omb one bc their hitbox is the worst thing about this game#and the vertical ghosts shy-guys one bc how the hell are you supposed to get all presents without getting hit ???#now I did complete those levels on time attack but also time attack doesn’t have presents to get#on that note my favorite things about this game are time attacks and the ‘plus’ worlds with mini mario#I think the fact you don’t lose lives for time attacks removes some pressure and allows you to experiment (and die) a lot#it’s also a very satisfying mode; the time is tight so it requires skill and having to learn a level; I really like it !#As for mini Mario his movements are incredibly janky but it’s a cute little guy; I love them so much they’re adorable !#So doing levels with one of them is great ! Lots of ‘don’t talk to me or my son ever again’ vibe too
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Consolation Prize
Summary: Jacques' super great plan to cheer up Josée after their TDRR loss.
Rating: K+
Warning: Mild cursing
AN: I've been meaning to write this for YEARS, but alas… a funny, evil hah-hah drabble. Wrote on Docs on mobile 😵‍💫
Everyone cheered with congratulations as confetti and sparkles rained down onto the stage—everyone, except for the Ice Dancers. Jacques and Josée both sneered at the Cadets, who were living it up by throwing their newly acquired million dollars into the air to mix in with the confetti. 
Jacques hated them. He hated the Surfers. He hated Don. He hated all of the stupide, ugly people here. The only person here that he didn't hate, was Josée. His eyes drifted to the side to check on his partner again, but she was too busy glowering at the back of MacArthur's head to notice.
Stupide MacArthur who saved her life not even a day earlier. 
What did she want for it, a medal? It didn't matter that they would have been guaranteed fourth place without her help, it didn't matter that Josée could have… died, without her help. It was still a competition, and she didn't have any right to be all mad at Josée for playing the game as soon as the moment was over. 
Jacques huffed. Maybe he was just bitter. This whole damn race was a huge waste of time and a fantastic pain in the butt. He and Josee were so close to total reconciliation back in Montreal, and then they participated in this dumb race. They'd been pushed to their limits, had their absolute worst brought out, and fought with each other so much. And then that fiasco in the Bahamas… Ugh…
"Yes, throw all your money on the ground, very smart." Don chided the Cadets with a host-appropriately peppy side-comment. 
Jacques looked to Don, then back to the Cadets two rows ahead of them. Stupide pompous pigs, stupide…
His eyes settled lower, specifically onto the ground between the vegan Mile's sandal-clad feet in front of him. Along with the colorful confetti and some loose bills, a fairly thick clip of hundreds laid there innocently on the floor. Jacques eyebrows raised, mouth dipped low. 
Don just finished giving the season outro, and everyone yelled again, save for himself and Josée. No one was looking at him. No one was looking at anything besides the camera at the end of the stage.
Jacques did his best to not smile as he stepped his sneaker on top of the bills, a plan already forming in his bitter, handsome head.
"Jacques, hurry up." Josée called back to him, but her voice had lost all of its bite. 
Jacques lugged their matching pink duffle bags, one on each arm, as he walked to keep up with her. They didn't have to wear their uniforms anymore, and the straps from their bags kept pulling at his undone jacket every few steps. He stopped at the end of the line beside Josée, and stuck his lip out in thought while he looked over her tired face. Even after a night to sleep off their loss in one of the JFK Memorial Airport's hotels, Josée still looked worn out. His poor Josée, he was sure she must have a lot on her mind.
"Mon chou, why don't you go and sit by the TSA booth? I'll get our tickets and luggage taken care of." Jacques offered sweetly.
Josée looked up at him questioningly, a little miffed by his relaxed attitude after such a horrible finish yesterday. But she turned her head to the very, very long line ahead of them, and figured there was no reason that both of them needed to suffer through it.
"Fine, sure." Josée answered, still annoyed sounding. 
Jacques watched her go with a sneaky smile. He felt a little bad for not letting her in on his plan—seeing as she was so put out—but the surprise would be worth it. He felt like he needed something big to boost her spirits, and a surprise like this was a great way to do it.
"A'kay! All ready to go." Jacques smiled and offered her ticket to her. 
Josée took it from him and got up from her seat, trailing behind him as he walked them to TSA. As they waited in line, Josée looked over her ticket absent-mindedly, only to lose her bored expression to shock. Jacques did his best to look off, as though he hadn't been waiting for her to notice. 
"Jacques!" Josée yelled up at him, and he turned nonchalantly to her.
"What is the mat—"
"—You got us the wrong tickets!" Josée berated him, smacking the little paper against his arm. Honestly, was this so hard? Did she need to hover over him for even the simplest things? He knew she was in no mood for little screw-ups like this!
"I diiid?" Jacques asked, feigning ignorance. He took a look at his own ticket. "Ah! Sill-y me, I accidentally booked two first-class tickets for Honolulu!" 
Josée's mouth slumped to the side at his moronic grin.
"How do you even mess that up!" She steamed. "Go back over there and fix it, and make sure you get a refund! Do you know how much first-class tickets to Hawaii cost?"
"Ah, oui, I do." Jacques smiled at her smugly.
"...So go!!" Josée threw her arms to the side, in the direction of the ticket counter, but Jacques didn't make any movement to do as he was told. Josée felt like she was going to burst a blood vessel—was she going insane? He looked so damn smug, despite sounding dumber than a bag of bronze right now. 
Just when he was sure Josée might actually pop if he pushed her buttons any longer, Jacques raised his hands and patted Josée's shoulders, smoothing out her anger along with the fabric of her blouse.
"Ah ah, Josée! Not to worry, we are not paying for it." Jacques assured her. His smile morphed into something more mischievous when she shot him a confused squint.
"Those pigs are picking up the tab." He smirked, and pulled his jacket to the side just enough to reveal a neat clip of hundred dollar bills tucked into the inside pocket. 
Josée stared at the money in surprise, then back up to Jacques as he closed his jacket again. It took her a moment to realize what he was getting at, and she smiled apprehensively.
"Jacques…" Her smile grew a bit. "...where did you get that?"
"Ahh, I cannot remember!" Jacques replied, hand laid against his temple. "It was so confusing yesterday, you know, with everyone yelling, and them throwing their money all around…"
He winked at her and Josée squealed quietly. She threw her arms around his neck in a hug, and Jacques wrapped his arms across her back, his eyebrows bowed up contently. He hadn't heard her laugh at all since yesterday.
"Jacques, that is so underhanded!" Josée pulled back, smiling wide.
"Psh! They don't need it. They probably won't even notice." He rolled his eyes and set a hand onto her back as they walked to move with the line. "But we need a vacation, non?"
Josée looked up at him giddily, just like she had in Argentina. It felt like forever ago, for both of them.
"Oui, I think we do." Josée affirmed, and hugged onto his arm as… professionally as possible. 
Jacques beamed with pride.
They hadn't suffered so many losses so close together in years, and then placing third in the finale stung like bullet ant bites. But this was not ice dancing, and this was not for any medal or trophy, so he could convince himself (and then maybe Josée later) that these losses didn't matter. What mattered was that after all the losses and fighting and threats, that they were still together, side by side, arm-in-arm, and always would be. If Vancouver couldn't break them, nothing could.
He snuck a peak at Josée, who was still smiling brightly at nothing in particular. Jacques' lips curved up in admiration. Returning that smile to her face was worth more than the million ever would be.
(But a free trip to Honolulu wasn't bad, either.)
AN: Hawaii was special to them, and now it's tainted by cursed lava rock memories. They need some new ones! ;)
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doctorguilty · 2 years
Finished with the audition! It wasn't a huge group of people like i was expecting (they're doing 3-4 different aution dates) which made me feel more relaxed. We mostly did improv games (as expected), everyone was super nice (including the other applicants).
I was approached afterwards about my resume, they were impressed with my cosplay photos and said they're very much in need of a costumer and already forwarded my info to the person in charge of that. So my journey yesterday to pick up my nice color prints from ups was well worth it eUe I said I'm very much interested in doing a mix of acting and costuming if possible but not opposed to exclusively doing one or the other!
I might actually have this in the bag ahhhh!!! This could make a HUGE difference when I apply for the apartment later in the month, having an income to put down more than just etsy
Oh man oh man
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the-widow-sisters · 3 years
Tracing My Love
Summary: When Yelena is bored one day, Natasha asks Yelena to lay her head on Natasha's lap. Yelena is confused until her sister introduces her to a gentle activity that fully satiates the touch-starved beast within Yelena. Just innocent sister fluff.
Word Count: 2093
  “I’m bored,” Yelena whined, drawing the last word out in a much too dramatic fashion. She could feel Natasha’s gaze upon her as she looked up from the book that she had stuffed her nose into.
  “Go for a run,” Natasha suggested, and Yelena shook her head from her position on the other side of the couch, just groaning loudly.
  “It’s too hot and miserable for that,” Yelena informed her, looking at her older sister and taking in the unhidden grin spreading across the redhead’s face.
  “You could get one of those nasty slushie things you like,” Natasha spoke, and Yelena scoffed immediately in reply.
  “The store is not open on Sundays. Besides, the slushies are a delicacy. Second only to vodka,” Yelena informed her, and Natasha just grinned a bit wider, a laugh rising in her throat, and Yelena felt quite satisfied with herself for bringing such emotion to the redhead.
  “So that must be why you like them,” Natasha suddenly piped up in response. Yelena shifted her gaze to her in slight confusion.
  “What?” Yelena asked, suspicion in her voice as she noted how smug and pleased that Natasha sounded with herself. She had to admit that it was quite nice to have the privilege of hearing Natasha’s voice in such a pleasing, happy tone.
  “You must be mixing vodka in so you can’t taste the actual slushie,” Natasha told her, keeping her voice perfectly level, and Yelena narrowed her eyes a little in a playful glare. Natasha’s light greens were sparkling with mirth as she glanced up from the book.
  “Ha,” Yelena just faked a short bark of laughter.
  “There’s food in the kitchen,” Natasha suggested, and Yelena just pouted a little in response to the statement.
  “There is no sour cream and onion chips,” Yelena shot down her sister’s proposal,
  “I bought some for you yesterday.”
  “Yeah, about that… I finished the bag yesterday,” Yelena admitted with a slight grin, completely unashamed of her feat, and Natasha’s eyes widened a little
  “Seriously?!” Natasha questioned, some surprise in her voice as she looked up from her novel once again to gaze at Yelena.
  “What?! I’m a growing girl, you know!” Yelena defensively declared, and Natasha just shook her head with mock disappointment.
  “If you keep downing a whole bag of potato chips all at one time, you’re going to grow. Not sure if you’re going to like how you do, though,” Natasha commented, raising her eyebrows.
  Yelena brought her foot up, gently kicking Natasha’s arm that was holding up the book. However, she overdramatically did it, so it looked like she was putting more effort into it than she actually was. Natasha skillfully kept her hold on the book, just trading hands as she kept reading.
  Yelena groaned before scooting over closer to Natasha, her eyes locked onto the side of Natasha’s face. She eased ever nearer to the redhead, and she finally was close enough to rest her chin on Natasha’s shoulder as she lazily raked her gaze over the words inside the book, not truly reading any of it. Natasha raised an eyebrow, craning her neck slightly and looking down at the blonde.
  Yelena just shifted her honey-green eyes upward to meet Natasha’s.
  “What are you reading?” Yelena questioned curiously, and Natasha huffed a little. She delivered a swift, soft kiss to the center of Yelena’s forehead before looking back down at the book.
  “Probably nothing you’re going to find interesting.”
  “Try me,” Yelena challenged, and Natasha simply looked down at the younger girl with blatant skepticism evident in her stare.
  “I will have you know that I am very educated in the world of literary… ness,” Yelena proclaimed, her voice a little uncertain despite the bravado she forced into it. Natasha just chuckled fondly, shaking her head a little.
  “It’s Gone with the Wind,” Natasha told her, and Yelena wrinkled her nose with disgust. She tilted her head, trying to get a better look at the cover. She scoffed as she spotted a man and a woman on the front in a loving embrace.
  “Are you sure this is appropriate reading material?” Yelena asked, trying and failing to hold back the laugh in her voice. Natasha raised an eyebrow with slight confusion, not exactly understanding Yelena’s mirth.
  “Yeah. Why wouldn’t it be?”
  “It looks like it has some… adult themes,” Yelena suggestively spoke, waggling her eyebrows ridiculously, and Natasha finally flipped the book to actually take the time to look at the cover. She quickly caught on, just laughing at the younger girl. Yelena chuckled but awaited an answer.
  “No, no, none of that. Just pure romance. Not anything too out there.”
  “Ick. Sounds sappy,” Yelena blew her off, her chin still resting on Natasha’s shoulder heavily, and she noticed out of her peripheral vision that Natasha was rolling her eyes in reply to her.
  “Natashka, I’m bored,” Yelena drew the words out tiredly, unable to think of anything she wanted to do and hoping that her awesome big sister would think of something. Natasha finally put down the book on the table nearby, pursing her lips ever so slightly as she grew lost in thought.
  After a painstakingly long moment of this, Natasha seemed almost as if she had settled upon something or came to some conclusion or another. She looked at Yelena and shifted slightly so that Yelena would raise her head from its place on her shoulder. Yelena felt the need to complain about the loss of her comfy place, but she held her tongue, curious as to what Natasha was coming up with.
  Natasha looked at her for a long moment before finally speaking.
  “Lay down,” Natasha patted her lap, and Yelena started to do it without question, eager to take advantage of her sister’s offered affections. However, she quickly paused in the middle of her movements, looking at Natasha skeptically.
  “Wait… Why?” Yelena asked, and Natasha rolled her eyes fondly, nothing but warmth in her eyes.
  “Just do it,” Natasha told her, and Yelena hesitantly complied, not sure what to expect but trusting Natasha nevertheless. She was not sure if she was being lured into a tickle trap so she carefully kept her arms clamped to her sides once her head was in Natasha’s lap.
  “Relax. No tickle fights,” Natasha assured her, and Yelena loosened, hearing the genuineness in the redhead’s voice. She hesitantly slid her arms up so that they were resting on either side of her head and across Natasha’s lap.
  To her surprise, Natasha rolled up the back of her shirt, and Yelena stiffened just barely. She quickly loosened up, though, trusting Natasha wholeheartedly. Before she could ask what the older woman was doing, she suddenly felt feather-light touches raking across her back gently.
  She almost shivered from the feeling, and her eyes were open wide as Natasha’s digits tickled barely along her back, tender across her skin.
  “I’m going to trace a word on your back, and you’ve got to tell me what it is,” Natasha explained, her voice soft and quiet, and Yelena just nodded barely, worried that if she even breathed wrong that the attentions would stop. The ministrations were unlike anything she had ever felt, and it made her mind completely overload with the sensations of the most trusted person in her life touching her so lovingly and so gently.
  Natasha stopped once she had spelled it out, and it took Yelena a painfully long moment to respond to the redhead as she tried to get her thoughts back in order from the overwhelmingly kind touches.
  “Yelena,” Yelena answered softly, finding herself eager for the next word that would be traced if only to feel Natasha’s gentle fingers running across her back.
  “Good job,” Natasha softly praised, and Yelena felt her chest constricting with something that was so purely the love of an adoring little sister that thought her older sister’s praise was as valuable as the air she breathed. Of course, she would never admit this to herself, but it nevertheless was an emotion that was coursing through every fiber of her being.
  “Two words this time,” Natasha explained quietly, and Yelena almost impatiently awaited her sister’s tender touches.
  “Sweet girl?” Yelena asked, almost embarrassed as she uttered one of Natasha’s special nicknames for her.
  “That’s it,” Natasha quietly agreed, and Yelena felt herself melting even further with the love in her voice.
  It was all that Yelena had ever wanted in her life. She had just wanted her sister’s affection, approval, and love. While she felt ridiculous on one hand for finding such satisfaction and pure happiness from a silly game like this, on the other hand it was something she craved deeply.
  Natasha soon started writing again.
  “Lapochka,” Yelena affirmed, feeling a slight smile coming to her face, and Natasha chuckled warmly.
  “Thought I’d switch languages and make it a little more complicated,” Natasha told her, and her voice was filled with nothing but affection. Yelena felt herself inflating a little with the loving, proud tone in Natasha’s voice. She knew she had really accomplished nothing significant, but it was still a huge deal to her that Natasha approved even of something as dumb as guessing a word right.
  Natasha traced another word on her back, and Yelena concentrated on it carefully.
  “Rooskaya,” Yelena acknowledged, and Natasha swept a hand across her back as if she were erasing the word. Yelena closed her eyes, enjoying the contact from someone that she trusted so deeply.
  “I,” Yelena read once Natasha wrote and paused for a while. It was confusing to her, and she did not know what exactly Natasha meant by just one letter.
  Natasha swept a hand across her and started again. Yelena furrowed her brow as she felt the letters across her back.
  “Love,” Yelena spoke, and Natasha started writing again, her finger moving carefully along Yelena’s skin.
  “You,” Yelena finished, and she quickly realized that Natasha had written her a message. Goosebumps covered Yelena’s back, and Yelena moved her head so that her chin was on top of Natasha’s leg. She looked up at the redhead, feeling her heart overflowing with pure adoration. Natasha was looking down at her softly, her eyes warm with care.
  Yelena felt her lips tugging down at the corners just a little, and she valiantly fought the tears of love, happiness, and awe that were threatening to come over her. She moved a bit closer to Natasha, burying her face into the redhead’s stomach and wrapping her arms around Natasha’s waist slowly and tightly.
  She ordinarily would not have cried at her sister telling her that she loved her, but somehow, this time felt so much more meaningful. It was through that physical contact and affection that Yelena so craved and needed, and the fact that Natasha had somehow combined verbal and physical methods to tell her how she felt was almost more than Yelena could take.
  “Ya tebya lyublyu, Natashka,” Yelena spoke against Natasha, and Natasha ran her fingers through Yelena’s hair before gently pulling Yelena’s shirt back down over her back.
  “Ya tozhe tebya lyublyu, milaya devushka,” Natasha reciprocated, and Yelena just pressed herself against Natasha harder, feeling her body as it moved with her breaths.
  After a long moment of this and when Yelena was sure she could trust her voice again, she pulled away from Natasha and rolled over so that she was laying on her back with her head in Natasha’s lap.
  “Wait… Isn’t it your turn?” Yelena questioned softly with a slight quirk of her eyebrow, trying to convey more chill about this whole thing than she was really feeling. Natasha chuckled a little, reciprocating the eyebrow raise.
  “Sure,” Natasha replied easily, and Yelena sat up from her place in Natasha’s lap and straightening her legs on the couch so that Natasha could lay across her. Yelena just watched her expectantly, and Natasha smiled softly before laying her head down in Yelena’s lap carefully, her arms brought up so that her hands could gently hold onto Yelena’s leg.
  Yelena softly pulled back Natasha’s shirt and looked down at the slightly scarred canvas before her. She quietly thought for a moment before a wicked smirk came onto her face. She began to trace the word.
  Natasha was quiet for a moment, and Yelena finally reached the last letter, waiting eagerly for Natasha’s response. Sure enough, Natasha quickly caught on, and she spun on her side, looking up at Yelena with mock offense.
  Yelena just cackled.
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years
I Only Swim Free: Chapter 2
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Pairing: Bela Dimitrescu x (Fem!)Reader
Summary: You’ve done swimming all your life. You’ve gotten to your dream college on a scholarship for your outstanding freestyle technique back in high school. Relationships never crossed your mind however, that was before you met your swim team captain: Bela Dimitrescu.
Warning: Alcohol/Drinking, Introverted-ness (At Parties), jealousy/slight-heartbreak
A/N: Rather than having this be a one chapter story, I decided to make this thing a whole series!
“This Photo assignment is due next class, make sure there is no slacking off,” Your Photo professor announces, “Now, that will be all for today, I can’t wait to see what you students will come up with.”
As you finish up your last class of the day, you grab a quick bite to eat before you headed off to the sports facility for practice.
The Assignment: You are to create a collage of photos taken on your DSLR camera. However, they need to be edited in some way. The theme and the way of editing is entirely up to students. 
You go down the list of options in your head as you get yourself changed into your new swimsuit. You feel a slight tap on your shoulder, making you lose your train of thought.
“Hey y/n,” Bela smiles, “I just want to apologize for not letting you finish yesterday. My boyfriend he’s- the worst at timing. What was it that you wanted to ask me yesterday?”
A date... I want to ask you on a date Bela...
“Oh don’t worry about it,” You lie, “It was nothing important anyway.”
“Okay,” She says, “Hey do you have any plans tomorrow night?” 
“No, don’t think so... Why?” You ask
“My boyfriend’s fraternity house is throwing some huge party and I was wondering if you would like to show up... With me,” Bela explains
“Wouldn’t that be a question for your boyfriend?” You ask out of pure curiosity
“He’s apart if the fraternity silly,” Bela giggles, “I don’t want to be showing up alone. so, how about it?”
She’s going to be the one leaving you alone for her boyfriend... Won’t she?
“Okay,” You answer unconsciously
“Great,” she smiles, “I’ll pick you up around six tomorrow.”
You watch her walk up to the coach and you follow the rest of the girls to begin practice. 
After practice that evening, you only rinsed out your hair in hopes to avoid Bela. However, once you had just gotten out of the shower, you realized you unconsciously did your “post-swim shower routine”. So you didn’t rush out of there.
“You okay y/n?” Bela asks
She was wearing her undergarments that time so you were slightly thankful.
“Yeah-yeah,” You sigh
“Are you sure?” She asks
“Yeah, practice is different from high school,” You say, changing the subject, hoping Bela wouldn’t notice how you felt about yesterday
“Oh- I just remembered,” Bela says, reaching into her bag
You look over and notice that your hoodie is in her hands. You had too many already... 
“Keep it,” You say, “You make it look good better than me anyway.”
“Even if my name isn’t on here?” She asks
“Definitely,” You smile, holding the locker room door open for her, “Besides, doing indoor percussion for almost nine years now gets you to own too many hoodies.”
“Nine years?!” Bela asks
You nod, “Fun fact, after high school swim season for the girls’ team, I’d turn to music and participate in indoor percussion.”
“Do you still do it? Indoor Percussion?” Bela asks
“Yeah,” You say, “I currently have a contract with a top tier world class percussion ensemble for this coming season.”
“That’s awesome y/n,” Bela smiles, “I’ve never been to one of those kinds of shows.”
“Well, I juts might bring you along,” You suggest, “It’s fun to watch.”
“I’ll take your word for it,” She smiles
Her boyfriend yet again pulls up to the both of you. You watch her drive off with him as your heart sinks again. 
Why are you feeling this way when you clearly know she has a boyfriend? Grow up kid...
You walk to your car once more and decide to treat yourself out for something to eat.
Once you got back to your studio apartment, you felt your phone vibrate. When you open it up you see a text message from an unsaved number.
Hey, it’s Bela. This is y/n’s number right?
Hey, yeah. That’s my number.
Despite knowing she has a boyfriend, you enjoy talking to her. Like friends. Right?
The next day you focused on school work however, putting off the photo assignment as you haven’t gotten a clue on what to do. However, you see your phone’s screen light up again and see a message from Bela.
Hey, just a reminder, just dress like you’re going to the club.
Okay, got it.
You stand up from your couch, declaring that was enough homework for the rest of the night, you go through your closet and spot an outfit; red crop tank top/lace bralette combo, ripped skinny jeans, dr. martens and a leather jacket to top it all off. 
Perfect. Wait until Bela sees you.
When you finally put on your leather jacket, you decided to put on some dark red lipstick to give more ‘oomf’ to your look. When you had finished applying it, you hear your phone ring. You look over and see Bela’s icon on the screen. You unlock your phone and hold it up to your ear.
“Hey I’m here,” Bela says from the other end of your phone
“Great, I’ll be down in a second,” You say, hanging up the phone
You exit the bathroom and grab your apartment keys and exit your apartment; locking your door. You almost rush down the stairs when you see Bela’s cark park out front. You weren’t sure how Bela reacted to you when you stepped out of the apartment door however, when you got into the passenger seat, Bela was looking at you.
“Take a damn picture if you’re going to stare,” You flirt
She takes out her phone and snaps a photo. You didn’t think she’d actually do it. But, you weren’t complaining though.
“You-oh wow,” Bela say, breathlessly, “Since-since when do you dress like that?”
“Whenever I decide to look like a hot lesbian,” You say, sitting back into the passenger seat
The both of you didn’t really say much after then as Bela was focused on driving. When the both of you arrived, You get out first, just to open the door for her.
“A lesbian and a gentleman,” Bela flirts
You follow close behind her as you enter the fraternity house Bela talked about the evening before. You didn’t expect it to be packed. By the time you had fully processed a college party, Bela was no longer in front of you. Instead, in the arms of her boyfriend. 
“You look like you could use a drink,” One of the fraternity boys tries to flirt with you
“No thanks,” You brush him off immediately
You begin walking away, hoping to find a spot in the party to just think. 
What did we tell you kid? Now you’re alone... At a college party. You should have just lied kid...
By the time you decided to step outside it was packed too. You turned your heel and began to walk right back into the house. You had decided to avoid the party entirely now that Bela had left you for her boyfriend, yet she showed up with you, took a photo of you and flirts with you, you found a closet. 
You shut the door and take a seat. Luckily you brought your own kind of music to listen to when you want to feel isolated. You weren’t sure how long you sat with your knees up to your face. But you sure as hell wanted to stand up because you could no longer feel your arse. Feeling slightly confident, you decided to go back downstairs where the main party was happening, hoping you could have some time with Bela. You didn’t see any of your swim teammates, so she was the only one you felt that you could talk to. 
You were only halfway down the stairs when you spotted Bela’s hair in the bright light. Lips locked with her boyfriends’.
Aaaaaand we are going back up the stairs.
You had never went back up a set of stairs so fast in your life. However, you didn’t want Bela to see you looking heartbroken. You were easily seeable from the part of the stairs you were standing on. You rushed back into the same closet. Once you leaned against the wall, you realize it wasn’t a wall. It was a ladder. You took the opportunity to limb onto the roof. You were sure it wasn’t allowed but it would be better to be banned rather than watching your now crush making out with her boyfriend. You open the hatch and inhale the fresh, crisp scent of the evening air. Once you found a suitable spot along the rooftop, you scroll through your phone. 
Ahhh, This is the song to listen to when all you want to do is fall apart.... Or stargaze, or both.
“All the Stars” - Kendrick Lamar/SZA
A Classic. 
Although you had a whole playlist just for moments such as this one, All the Stars gave you a mixed vibe when all you want to do is to fall apart and stargaze. You turn up your music, shutting out the rest of the world. You didn’t care, you had your thoughts, your music and the whole night sky to yourself.
Bela’s POV She didn’t realize how much time went by until she looked out the window.
Oh shit it’s getting late. I have to find y/n...
“Hey babe, I’m going to look for y/n,” She says
“I’m sure the kid’s fine,” He says, drunk, “Stay baby. Please. Your boyfriend needs your attention.”
“Your boys can take care of you for now,” She says, standing up
Before she could depart from him, he forcefully grabs her wrist. In a panicked state, she draws her hand back.
“Not. Here.” Bela growls, turning her heel and leaving her boyfriend by his lonesome
She walks into the kitchen, seeing some party-goers playing beer pong.
“Have you guys seen a girl wearing a red crop top, leather jacket?” She asks
They all shake their head ‘no’. Bela rushes into the gaming area. The same response from them as well. Panicking, she checks nearly every area there was in that house. However, when she reached the top of the stairs, she barely heard anyone there. So, she checks each room to see if you were in any of them. To her dismay, no luck. 
“Where did you go y/n?” she sighs, “I shouldn’t have left you alone...”
Genuinely feeling guilty, Bela picks up her phone and speed dials your number.
Y/n’s POV You groan in annoyance when your music suddenly stopped playing. However, when you looked at your phone, you freaked. Bela’s name and icon showed up. Not knowing what to do, you panic and let it go to voicemail. Hoping she would give up, you just go back into your vibe.
“Isn’t she persistent,” You talk to yourself, seeing her name and icon once more
You, again let it go to voicemail.
Bela’s POV Bela was pacing along the second floor, trying to get you to pick up but each time leading to voicemail. She was beginning to get to the point that she thought you had left. However, when she looks over to an open door, a faint light shining down. She walks into the closet and noticed the ladder leading up to the roof. She decides to check the roof as the last place to see if you were there. As soon as she poked her head through the open hatch she gasps as she sees you lying down.
Y/n’s POV You were too focused on the stars in the sky however was now blurred. As your eyes adjusted to the new darkness, you could hear Bela.
“There you are y/n I was looking for you,” She says, “You will not believe what- hey, are you okay?”
Still having your music on loud blast, you turn your head towards the horizon line; where the land meets the sky. You didn’t want her to see you like this, you had nothing to be jealous of... But here you are; jealous of Bela’s own boyfriend.
“Hey, y/n look at me,” Bela says calmly
You began feeling like melted butter as soon as Bela’s fingers gently caressed your jawline and cheek. You let her turn your head to look at her.
“What’s wrong?” She asks
You don’t say anything but you only take out one of your earbuds and hand it to her. You couldn’t find the words to tell her how you were feeling. A new song had popped on.
“Too Afraid” - MARINA
She puts in the earbud just as the song begins. One of her hands wraps around your neck while the other lingers on your cheek. You gently put your forehead against Bela’s as the both of you listen to the song together. Your hands hold onto Bela’s forearms as it hit the chorus line. 
The both of you were up on the roof listening to your music for god knows how long. The both of you were lying down at that point; Your leather jacket wrapped around her, her resting against your shoulder, stargazing with you, still listening to your music together. 
She’s the first one to actually listen to music with you... 
“Hey, Bela,” You finally say, breaking the silence
She perches herself on her elbow, looking down at you, “Yeah?”
“Won’t your boyfriend be suspicious?” You ask, “I’d hate to see something happen to you if he-”
She places her finger against your mouth.
“Forget about him right now,” She says, “What matters more is that I need to make it up to you for leaving you alone.”
“Bela- you don’t need to do that,” You say sitting up to meet her face
“No, I want to,” She says, “That reminds me, have you eaten at all?”
You both hear your stomach gurgling from the lack of nutrient consumption.
“Guess that answers your question,” You chuckle
“I know a great 24/7 diner, wanna go?” She asks
“I’d like that Bela,” You smile
You finally had the courage to walk back into the fraternity house. Bela’s boyfriend was nowhere in sight. However, Bela doesn’t seem phased at the fact as she drags your arse out of the party and back to her car. 
When the two of you arrive there, you sit in a booth near the window.
“Now would you want to tell me why you were basically gone almost all of the party?” Bela asks
“I don’t know,” You lie, but it was also the truth, “I’m not very much a party person... Especially with a bunch of strangers.”
“Then why didn’t you say so? We could have done something else,” Bela says
“I didn’t want you to have to leave your mans just to make time with me,” You sigh, sipping on your milkshake, “Besides, you looked like you are the life of the party. I.. I also can’t say no to you.”
You didn’t realize how upset you sounded when you told her how you ‘didn’t want to interrupt her time with her boyfriend just to make time for you’ bit.
“What’s your ideal ‘party’?” She asks out of the blue
“Oh? well, just having three to four friends over, we just drink, eat junk food, play super smash brothers, watch a movie watch youtubers or all three. Not in that particular order though,” You ramble on, “That’s pretty much it. Nothing special.”
“When was the last time you’ve had one of those?” She asks
“Too long,” You answer, “Why?” Are you going to do something like that one of these days?”
“Something like that yeah,” She says
After the two of you had diner food she drops you off back at your apartment.
“Thanks Bela,” You say, opening the car door
Before you could step out of the car, you could feel her hand coil around your wrist and you felt her other hand turn your face towards hers and your lips meet each other halfway. She pulls away for you to process the fact, however, you lean forward even further and your lips meet hers once more. 
“Goodnight Bela,” You whisper when you pull your lips away
“Goodnight y/n,” She replies
You finally step out of her car. You don’t fully process what happened until you got into your apartment. 
You just fucking kissed Bela Dimitrescu...
Chapter 3
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broadstbroskis · 4 years
thanksgiving | jeff skinner
a/n: it’s here!!! this is like 4k that i threw together in like a week after i took it as a personal challenge from @blueskrugs after i asked why we don’t write more thanksgiving fics. a huge shoutout to her and @danglesnipecelly, for inspiration and cheering me on for this, as well as literally anyone else who’s cheered me on to finish thing, you’re all the real mvps and i love you all 💚
Jeff shrugs, and from across the table filled with pizza, beer, and a bunch of other things that are most definitely not on his approved list of foods, you stare at him.
“I dunno. I don’t really have plans, I guess? Probably just sit at home, relax a little?” He says. Your jaw drops. He has...he has what now? “You're going to your parent’s right?” You nod slowly, still stuck on the fact that he’s going to sit at home and do nothing on Thanksgiving, the best of all holidays. Not spend the day with some teammates, not make a quick trip to his family, nothing. “That’ll be fun!” Jeff grins, dimples popping. “What are you-”
“You’re doing nothing?” You get out finally, the words coming back to you.
Jeff’s smile falters, but only slightly, and he nods. “Yeah? I mean, there’s no practice, no games. I’ll just…” He trails off for a second and then shrugs. “Rest.”
“You’re not going to go, like, visit your parents? They’re right across the border!”
“It’s a Thursday.” Jeff says patiently and you abruptly remember that his Canadian-ness is the whole point of this conversation.
“Thanksgiving is the best holiday! You can’t sit at home alone on it; I forbid it!” Jeff’s smile grows again as he laughs and you try and fight your own grin as you shove at his shoulders, to no avail. “Come home with me!”
“What?” He laughs again, but this time, it’s more like disbelief.
But the idea is already growing in your mind. “Come home with me! You know my parents love you, they won’t mind at all!”
“I can’t just invite myself to your Thanksgiving!” Jeff protests.
You wave him off. “You’re not, I’m inviting you! Come on, we’d love to have you!” He still looks hesitant, so you add, “Our Thanksgiving is huge anyway; one extra mouth to feed isn’t going to put anyone out, Jeff.”
“Alright.” He caves, and you grin, pulling your phone close to you to text your mom and let her know. “But ask your mom, okay? Like, really ask her, don’t just, like, tell her I’m coming.”
“Too late!” You say cheerfully, showing him the text you’d sent in your family group chat, telling them you were bringing Jeff with you next week. Your mom’s already responded with a string of happy face emojis and your younger sister with a How I Met Your Mother gif about Canadian Thanksgiving. “Be prepared for a lot of Canada jokes!”
“Is that supposed to be different than any other time I see your family?’ Jeff deadpans, but you’re pretty sure he looks like, at least 50% more relaxed, so you count this as a win and ignore him completely, already mentally planning for the best holiday of the year.
The drive back home to your parents takes about an hour longer than you’d like, stuck in the same godawful traffic as everyone else trying to leave Buffalo on Wednesday so that they can get back home in time to go out that night. 
When Jeff finally pulls his car up in front of your childhood home, you can already see that it’s bustling with activity, getting ready for tomorrow. Most of your siblings have already arrived- only your older brother, with his wife and daughters will come in tomorrow, with the rest of your family- but your younger brother and sister have already come home, a fact that’s even more evident when you and Jeff walk in the front door and immediately trip over three pairs of sneakers.
“Liam!” You cry, grabbing onto Jeff so you don’t fall. “Motherfucker, move your shoes!”
Your brother pops his head out of the living room, AirPods in his ears. “I’m on a call!” And just as you're marveling at the fact that your brother is a real person with a real job taking real work calls, said real person with a real job spots Jeff and lights up. “Jeff! Bro! What’s up, man?”
“I thought you were on a call.” You snap at him.
“I’m on mute.” Liam slaps his palm against Jeff’s pulling him in for a ridiculous handshake-bro hug combo, before he finally comes over and lifts you off the floor. “Yo!”
“Yo!” You repeat, honestly unable to believe you’re related to this kid. If the two of you didn’t look exactly alike, you’d probably think he was adopted. “You still coming out tonight?”
“Hell yeah, this is my last call. I’m ready to go.”
You snicker, looking down at his sweatpants and dress shirt combo- he must have taken a video call at some point today. “Yeah, okay, bud.”
He ruffles your hair, in that annoying way he’s been able to do ever since he grew taller than you. “Don’t you worry, I will be.”
You laugh, ducking under his arm, to let him get back to it. You’ve got no doubts about that. Liam’s always ready to party. “Finish your call so we can start pregaming.”
He grins, like you knew he would. “Now we’re talking.” And then he ducks back into your dad’s office.
Jeff is laughing when you look back at him and you give him a look. “What?”
“Nothing, just forgot how the two of you were when you got going.”
“Yup, and you’re stuck with us for next two days!” You grin.
Jeff rolls his eyes at you, but he’s still smiling when he follows you to the kitchen, in search of your mom. She’s at the counter, rolling dough for biscuits, her only other contribution to the annual Thanksgiving dinner that she hosts, besides the turkey; a holiday that she’d taken over hosting once it had become too much for your grandmother to handle, but only on the caveat that everyone began contributing food toward the meal. It’s been a potluck style holiday ever since.
She’s ultra-focused, the volume on her favorite playlist high (this wild mix of 80’s pop and today’s hits that’s actually kind of a banger), so you sneak up behind her and wrap your arms around her. “Hi!”
“Jesus!” Your mom jumps, elbowing you in the process, but you’re laughing too hard to care. “Don’t do that!”
“Just excited to see you!” You beam at her, squeezing her once more, before pulling away. “Where do you want the pie?” Jeff lifts the pie you’d made yesterday, showing your mom.
Your mom purses her lips, studying the kitchen around her. “Leave it on the counter for now; I’ll have your dad clear some space in the garage.” She gestures with her elbow. “Hi Jeff!” 
“Hi!” Jeff pulls out his best smile, a real one, dimples super popped. “Thank you for having me-”
Your mom cuts him off before he can finish, like you knew she would. “Oh, we’re so happy you could make it! You’re welcome anytime, Jeff!” She assures him.
“Is the guest room ready?” You ask. “We’ll throw our stuff upstairs before Dad sees it at the bottom of the steps and has a fit.”
Your mom fights back a laugh at that- a statement that everyone in your family knows all too well-but then looks almost apologetic as she finishes, “It is, but we gave it to Katie.”
“Oh, Katie’s here too?” Your sister’s roommate at college was, at this point, basically another sister to you. She hardly went home for breaks within the semesters, usually came up for at least a month during the summer, and more often than not came home with Abby when she was back for anything. The “guest room” really was more like Katie’s room at this point. 
“Where else would she be?” Abby appears, right on cue, with Katie right behind her, practically matching in leggings and oversized sorority shirts. “It’s Thanksgiving; she’s ready to rage tonight.”
You actually can’t wait for the babies to be hungover tomorrow-both were 21 for their first Thanksgiving Eve and you know they’re going to be in a super rough spot tomorrow-but you keep that thought to yourself. 
“It didn’t even occur to me!” Your mom says apologetically. “I just gave Katie her usual room.”
“No, it’s cool. Jeff and I can share. He doesn’t mind, right?” But you barely even wait for his shrug and nod in agreement. It’s not like you haven’t before, when you’re either too lazy or too drunk to go home. You’re both adults, it’s no big. “I’ve shared a bed with you before; I’ll spare Katie the bruised shins.” You tease your sister.
Katie cracks up as Abby sputters out how rude you are. “It’s a hazard!” Katie agrees, dodging the swat your sister sends towards her. It sets the two of them off, which you take as your cue to grab Jeff’s hand and drag him (and your stuff) up to your room.
Of course, usually when you’re sharing a bed with Jeff, it’s a king sized bed, or at least a queen- definitely not the double that your parents just shoved in your old room to replace the queen bed that had been in there until you moved out and took your furniture with you. You hadn’t realized how small it was though, not until today, until the idea of actually having to share it with someone, with Jeff, who might not be a giant, but isn’t tiny.  “Sorry.” You apologize, almost unsure of what you’re saying.
Jeff shrugs. “Well, at least you don’t kick.” He smiles, as then it’s like everything’s back to normal, that awkward feeling that was growing over you gone as quickly as it came. 
“She’s a bruiser, don’t let her tell you otherwise.” You throw your bag down, rifling through it for the sweater you were planning to wear tomorrow, to hang it up so it isn’t too wrinkled.
Jeff laughs. “I’ll take your word for it.” He’s holding up his shirt, a button down and a tie. “Where can I hang this?”
“You can’t wear that!”
He frowns, likely at the vehemence you’d just spoken that with. “Uhh, why not?”
“You’ll get roasted.” Seriously, you’d told him it wasn’t a dressy affair. God, what part of not dressy does he think requires a tie? “Don’t you have, like, a sweater?”
“I mean, yeah, but-”
“Sweater and jeans, that’s fine.”
Jeff gives you a look. “That doesn’t seem-”
“Sweater. And jeans.” You repeat. He’ll thank you tomorrow, when your uncle doesn’t ask him when tea is. When your cousin doesn’t talk to him only in a fake British accent for the entire night. 
Jeff hands over a sweater, a soft thing you’ve seen him wear on many occasions, and you smile your thanks at him, hanging it up next to yours. “Meet your standards?” He asks; you think he’s aiming for teasing but he kind of misses the mark, sounding a little more nervous than joking.
“Perfect.” He smiles back at you and you laugh. “Come on, you dork. Let’s go see what’s for dinner tonight.”
“Don’t wake me up when you come in tonight!” Your dad calls, as he drops the five of you off at Mel’s, the bar for Thanksgiving Eve. Your friends are already at the bar, you’re anticipating a high school reunion for sure, and you’ve warned Jeff of this, even though he assured you that he could handle it, and he was just excited for a nice, chill night.
You’d actually laughed out loud at that. Oh Jeffrey. 
“Pshh.” Liam waves your dad off. “I haven’t done that since I was like 16 and still having to sneak out.”
Your dad gives him a look. “I was talking to your sister.” He looks over at Abby, who ignores him completely, in favor of taking a SnapChat with Katie, and he sighs resolutely. You all absolutely know she isn’t listening to a word he says. “Have fun, be safe. Uber home.”
Liam salutes him. “Will do.”
Inside the bar, the night starts exactly as you and Liam have started your last few Thanksgiving Eve’s-with a round of shots at the bar as you’re ordering drinks, before splitting off to find your respective friends to start the evening.
Jeff fits in with your friends fantastically, laughing and joking around with them like he’s known them forever, even though you’re sure the only one he’s met is your oldest friend, Ashley. But he greets Ashley and her husband, Brian, like old friends, and quickly joins conversations with all your other friends, and soon hours have passed before your brother is sliding up behind you. “Heads up.” Liam mutters as he passes. “Douche at 3 o’clock.”
You tense as it takes everything in you not to turn and look over. “Hey.” Jeff nudges you, concern clear in his eyes as he looks at you, and you’re not sure what he pulled himself away from, but you must look pretty bad. “You okay?”
You nod, kinda spacily, but leaning in closer to him, and he takes the cue to curl in toward you- you’re not really interested in shouting to the entire bar and you’re really not interested in drawing attention to yourself. “Yeah, just- my ex is over there.”
Jeff purses his lips for a minute and then schools his face back to neutral. “I take it things didn’t end well.”
“No.” You say, thinking of the demise of your relationship with Dylan. “It did not.”
You hadn’t even realized that Jeff grabbed your hand until he’s squeezing it gently. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” You shake your head. “It was...definitely for the best.” It might have taken you a while to see that, but you can now, even if the rare instances you still see Dylan sometimes rattles you. “I thought I was going to marry him, at one point, but I’m so much happier here now.”
Jeff smiles. “Good.”
You squeeze his hand once more, a thanks for his comfort and care, before both of you rejoin the conversation, and you forget about Dylan entirely for the next hour, until you physically run into him coming back from the bar with another round of drinks for you and Jeff.
“Hey!” Dylan beams at you, goes right in for a cheek kiss, like you’re still that familiar, and once again you stiffen up.
“Hi.” You return politely, ready to sidestep around him and return to Jeff and your friends.
“No, wait.” Dylan steps with you, blocking your path. “I haven’t seen you in forever. Let’s catch up a minute, what’s new?”
“No offense, Dylan, but I’m not really looking to catch up with you.” You say flatly.
He opens his mouth to respond, but before he can another voice cuts in. “Everything okay here?” Jeff asks politely, stepping very purposefully next to you, and Dylan’s eyes immediately fly over to him.
“Mhmm,” You nod. “Was just on my way back to you.”
“Good.” Jeff says, in a tone far more harsh than you usually hear him take. “Let’s get back.” He positions himself again, clearing a space for you to easily slip past Dylan, and then steps closely behind you, catching up quickly.
“Thanks.” You lean against him, gently, not looking to spill either of your drinks, but Jeff solves that problem by taking his.
“Any time.” Jeff says softly and you don’t have much else to say on the matter so you just nudge him once more in thanks and walk back toward your friends with him at your side.
When you wake up the next morning, you’re warm and comfortable and only a little hungover, which you count as a huge success. There’s not too much noise going on downstairs yet, which means you definitely have some more time to sleep, so you curl back into your pillow, humming contently when it pulls you in closer.
And then your eyes pop open abruptly, because pillows don’t do that.
Except they do when they look like Jeff Skinner, who looks just as soft and warm and comfortable as you feel right now, still sleeping judging by the evenness of his breath. 
It’s just...it’s a really nice way to wake up, with Jeff’s kind-of smiling face, looking super soft and cozy as he breathes just on the wrong side of too loud, but not so loudly that it drives you nuts. 
It’s a little too early to unpack that, and your hangover might not be that bad but it’s definitely bad enough that you’re not ready to think on that, so you close your eyes and let yourself curl into Jeff and fall back asleep.
When you do finally get out of bed, Thanksgiving morning is its usual chaos, running around with last minute errands, cleaning, and helping your mom in the kitchen. The last to shower for the day, by the time you arrive downstairs, the Lions vs. Bears game is well underway, your notoriously early grandparents have already arrived, and your grandmother is already asking your mom where that one turkey decoration she bought her one year is.
You bypass the kitchen entirely and move toward the living room, where you find your dad, grandfather, Jeff, and siblings all gathered, just as you’d expected. You slide down on the floor next to Jeff, knowing that it’s only a matter of time before more of your family arrives and you’re offering your set up anyway, and wait for the next round of chaos to begin.
It doesn’t take long. Your aunts, uncles, and cousins start pouring in and then it’s just introduction after introduction, as you wrap up showing off Jeff to one group just as the next arrives. You are absolutely confident he has no idea who anyone is, but it’s fine, because he’s still laughing and joking around with all your uncles and cousins that have joined you in watching football. 
The kitchen is its own brand of chaos, when you make a quick stop in on your back from a beer run, but chaos has never stopped your aunt before and it certainly isn’t today. “Oh my god!” She exclaims, after you’ve pressed a smacking kiss to the top of your grandmom’s head. “That boy!”
“What boy?” You ask, like an idiot, which is immediately clear from the looks you get from everyone in the kitchen, even your usually oblivious uncle, who’s doing...something...with the ham they’d brought. “Who, Jeff?”
“Yes.” Another aunt stresses. “He’s cute!”
You shrug. “Yeah, I mean-”
But your grandmom cuts you off this time. “And so friendly! Just the nicest boy! Oh, you couldn’t have found anyone better!” She exclaims.
“Well, I haven’t.” You announce, watching all of their faces fall. “So sorry to burst that bubble.”
“Why?” One of your older cousins frowns. “Girl. Get on that. You are not going to do better than that boy in there.”
“I truly don’t know if that was meant to be a dig at me or you all think that highly of Jeff already, but regardless. We are just friends.” Now everyone in the kitchen is giving you a look. You gather the beers and retreat, distributing them as you return to your spot on the floor near Jeff.
He’s giving you a look as you pass him his, but whatever’s on your face must not be too bad, because he just thanks you as you pass him the bottle, and you nod in return as you try to find the same comfortable spot as before, leaning against his thigh.
Your dad catches you a bit later, as he’s coming back with beers this time and you’re coming out of the bathroom, and he nudges you carefully as you take a few bottles from his hand. “So Jeff?”
You groan. The tone of that statement was far too loaded. “Jesus, you too?”
Your dad laughs. “Who else?”
“Well maybe that should be your hint.” Your dad says teasingly, but also not? There’s definitely some seriousness to this. “That Jeff’s pretty perfect for you.”
You stare at him. “You’ve met Jeff, like, a hundred times. Why’s this coming out now?”
“I always thought you were my smart kid and that you’d figure it out yourself.” He muses. “Now I realize you’re only book-smart and you’d never figure this out on your own.” And then he leaves you there in the hallway, with your jaw dropped and too many thoughts, as he continues on, laughing at you.
When the call to come serve yourselves echoes into the room, the usual mad scramble follows immediately. It’s only as you’re getting into line behind your brother that you realize that Jeff’s not with you anymore, and you abandon the long line waiting for food, in favor of seeking out Jeff.
You find Jeff upstairs, in your room, just kind of lounging on your bed, and you lean against the doorway. “Hey! Food’s ready.”
“Yeah.” Jeff nods, the smile he sends you back in return far too tight and forced to be genuine. “Be right down.”
But he doesn’t move, so you step in and climb into your bed next to him. “What’s wrong?”
Jeff laughs; it’s kind of hollow and doesn’t sound anything like his usual loud laugh or his giggles that you love. “What- nothing. Nothing’s wrong.”
“Jeff.” You say softly. “Come on.”
He sighs. “Why did you bring me here?”
That...was not at all what you expected. “What?”
“Why did you bring me here?” He repeats. “Why did you bring me home, to your family? I thought, maybe, finally…” He trails off for a minute. “Except, there’s like ten other randos here too!” He laughs again, that hollow thing that you’re already hating. “Everybody in this family just brings people home, and that’s awesome, okay? Please don’t ever change that about yourself. I just-I thought we had something special, is all.” He says, sounding almost sad? Melancholy? 
“You are special.” You hate this. Jeff should never be sad; he should always be happy and smiling and joking. This is worse than seeing him after losses, worse than seeing him at low points in the season, that one game when he realizes that shit’s done and they’re just playing to keep playing now, that playoffs won’t be coming this year, again. “Jeff, you’re-”
“I’m in love with you.” Jeff says and it’s so straight-up, matter-of-fact, like it’s never not been a fact for him. “And I’m sorry I’ve fucked things up here for tonight and made this so awkward. I just- being here with you and your family just made me want you that much more.”
There’s so so so much you want to say to Jeff, but it’s like time is frozen. You can’t speak, can’t move, can’t do anything except look at him in awe, until he starts to move off your bed, when you reach for him, finally, resting your hand on his thigh, relieved when he looks back at you. “My dad thinks I’m an idiot.” You blurt out and Jeff just gives you a look. “I’m sorry; that wasn’t what I wanted to say.” You take a deep breath, trying to gather the jumble of thoughts in your head. “Or at least, not the only thing. He thinks I’m an idiot because he thinks you’re perfect for me and I didn’t see it. My whole family thinks you’re perfect- cute and friendly and nice- and god, Jeff, you are! You’re all those things!” He’s still watching you, with like, barely the smallest hint of a smile on his face. “I just-didn’t realize you were perfect for me until we came here.”
Now he’s full on beaming, dimples showing, and you don’t even realize that you’re returning the grin until his hand comes up to your face, thumbing at the corner of your lip. “I’m sorry I’m a dumbass.” You finish lamely, too busy smiling at Jeff. “Please kiss me so we can make sure we get biscuits.”
Jeff hums. “I don’t know if I can kiss you now and just...stop.”
“Well I’m not going down to eat until you do.” You say stubbornly. “And you’ve been hyping up those biscuits since breakfast.”
“Fair enough.” Jeff laughs and then you’re smiling into the best first kiss you’ve ever had, tangling your hands into his hair and wondering if you may actually end up missing the meal this year.
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imaginesmai · 3 years
With all my heart (IRONDAD) - Chapter 1
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Hey there! I’m back with a full fic! ❤💕💕💕 This is an irondad/bambi/The game plan AU! It’s finished, so it will have two updates every week, or more (if you guys like it a lot!) Make sure to follow me on instagram:@ irondadiscanon to know when I update, more irondad content and fic recs!
SUMMARY: Tony Stark isn't the best dad - distant, cold, almost neglectful. But when his ex-wife dies, he has to take care of his son; 5-year-old Peter, a boy with too many allergies and that can't talk to Tony without stuttering. Follow the path of two hurt people, a man and a boy, who learn how to love each other through thick and thin.-A Bambi AU (Disney) that @buckets_of_stars inspired me into writting that I've mixed with The Game Plan.
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Tony has a tight smile on during the funeral. He knows he has no right being there, that most of the people around him, even if they are strangers for Tony, were closer to Mary than him. He shifts uncomfortable in his black suit, fighting the hangover from last night. On his right, Mary’s sister is crying her eyes out, looking at the coffin as its lowered on the ground. From what he has heard, the man besides May is Ben, his husband, and both of them have made a long journey to come to the funeral. It makes him feel bad, because Tony was the one arriving late and he lives barely thirty minutes away.
 But the news hit him hard. 
For six years, he has been doing just fine. He gets drunk, sleeps around with anyone that catches his eye, bosses around and goes to sleep really, really late. It’s not something to take pride of, but Tony likes his life – now, his past life. There is another thing that has been a constant for the last five years and a half; monthly cheques to his ex-girlfriend account. Since he lost any type of right over his son. Five and half years ago.
 Now, Mary is lying eight foot deep in a coffin. He received a call yesterday, and found comfort in his liquor cabinet. He shouldn’t have, he’s sure of it, because he knows that there has to be new changes on his life from now on; but he still kept a small place of his heart for the brunette girl with big, doe eyes that had a contagious laugh. Tony tightens the grip on his left wrist, trying to control the shaking of his hands. 
When that doesn’t work, he tries next looking at the small figure gripping May’s legs, close to Tony. It’s not the first time Tony has seen Peter Parker, because once or twice every two months, he gets to spend a weekend with his son. He has a room on the tower, as dull as a white paper, and Tony is listed as his second emergency contact. It doesn’t matter how much he tries to distance himself from Howard. Most of the times the kid is with him, Tony is reminded of the lost chance of raising him. Peter sees him as a stranger, and Tony drinks.
 Peter sniffles softly, and May runs a careful hand through his curls. Taking after Tony, he’s short and skinny. The father doesn’t know much about him – that he likes science, is asthmatic and has a list of allergies, dyslexic, and his favourite colour is blue and red. Mary made sure to keep him away from Tony, and she wasn’t wrong. Because Tony is the worst influence the kid can have.
 It doesn’t matter, though, because May and Ben are both active workers that are barely home, and Peter doesn’t have any other family left.
 He turns around, and shamefully discovers that almost everyone is gone now. Only May, the priest and Peter remain. The last one is still hiding between May’s legs, hiccupping every now and then. Tony blinks and coughs the awkwardness; he tries to clear the wetness around his eyes, and thanks himself for getting dark glasses before leaving that morning. May, always the kind woman, gives him a soft smile, and squeezes his forearm gently. His husband doesn’t like Tony that much, but it seems that May sees something not even Tony himself can see.
 “We have to arrange some things. Custody papers and legal documents” she says.
 “Yes. I’ll – My driver is just there. He will take us to the notary. He has enough space for all of us. And don’t worry, Happy is discrete. He won’t – “
 “Ben and I can take care of it just fine” May interrupts him. He pushes Peter forward, but the boy doesn’t look up. “Peter hasn’t slept much, and he hasn’t eaten since yesterday. I thought that, maybe, you could take him home and rest a little. It’s been hard for everyone.”
 “Happy can take him”
 “Peter needs his father”
 It’s her stern voice. He has only heard it twice; once, when Peter was born and he was late for the birth, and Mary decided she didn’t even want him to meet his son. May had used her stern voice on her and Tony had held Peter close, as the boy latched on his little finger. The second time was directed at him. He was ready to give up the custody of Peter, he didn’t want to go to the trial; and thanks to May, who dragged him out of his ear, he got to see Peter every two months. Even if he hadn’t known how to do it right.
 Peter looks up at Tony, and the man notices the tears still falling from his eyes. He has the same look he always carries around Tony; as if he wasn’t his father, just an authoritative stranger that he had to respect.
 “I think a nap will do you some good” Tony lowers his voice, and tries to give Peter a reassuring smile. “Did you pack your bag already?”
 “No” he answers in a small voice. “Uncle Ben said I c-could do it later”
 “We can bring it later. Maybe have a last dinner together before we leave?” May suggests, and Peter nods vigorously. “We have to leave tomorrow morning. But we are only a few hours away. If he gets sick or needs anything, we’ll be here as soon as possible. And that goes for you too Tony. You can call me anytime you want”
 “I think we’re gonna be just fine. Right, Peter?”
 Tony holds his fist so that Peter can bump it, but the kid just stares at it. Possibly, it’s not the best place to do something like that. Reluctantly, he lowers his fist. He remembers the first time Peter was brought to him as a conscious human being, not a baby. Mary had been on a trip with him for three months, and Tony got to stay with Peter for a week – and in that moment, when Peter didn’t call Tony daddy but ‘Mr Tony’, Tony realized that Peter didn’t see him as a father. As a dad.
 It hurts him that he hasn’t known how to be there for his son. Some of the dates Mary and him set for Peter to stay with Tony were spent poorly; Tony out drinking and Peter with Pepper or with a nanny. Tony missed some of them because he liked to party, and the man wasn’t there when the kid had his first asthma attack and ended up in hospital. He wasn’t even there for Peter’s fourth birthday, because he was lost somewhere in Monaco drinking expensive liquors and losing consciousness.
 Selfishly, he thinks that this is his chance to make things right. Peter has to stay with him, because there is no chance that he lets the boy in the system, and staying with his aunt is impossible. So, he tries to bury his hurt and keeps the kind smile on.
 “Give me a call when you’re finished” he tells May, who nods. The woman kneels in front of Peter, and cradles his cheek.
 “We can come whenever you need us. Ask Tony to call us or use the phone mom got you, it’s in the bottom of your bag. You remember Ben’s number?” May asks. Peter doesn’t answer. “Come here, give me a big hug”
 Peter launches himself to his aunt’s arms, letting out a chocked sob. May hugs him tight and lets him cry on her shoulder. As most of the times he’s with his son, Tony feels misplaced. Like he’s watching a show he’s not a part of – like it isn’t his family. It’s not, his mind supplies. They break the hug before Tony can dwell on the thought for too long. If someone expected Peter to hug his father next, they get a huge disappointment. Peter moves to stand close to Tony, and quickly dries his tears so Tony doesn’t notice them.
 “No peanuts, walnuts, cashews or hazels. That goes for Nutella or other chocolate sweet that could have hazels” May remembers him, although Tony has JARVIS programmed to keep up with Peter’s allergies. “There are epinephrine injections in his bag, with the instructions. He has to take his vitamins every morning. After breakfast”
 “And I have to be careful with lobsters and oysters, because they upset his stomach”
 “You have to cut the crust off the sandwiches, and Peter doesn’t like cheese sandwiches. But make sure to put extra cheese on his pizza”
 “He also likes mac and cheese, I know” Tony says with a bit of annoyance. “He’s my son. I know him better than what you think”
 “You better take care of him, because I don’t care how much money you have or how important your last name is” May takes a threatening step forward. “If I have to drag your sorry Stark ass to court, I will. Without blinking once”
 Tony briefly remembers the conversation he has had with May before the funeral. Mary said it in her will, Ben and May knew they would have to change their life style if Peter came to life with them, and Tony was the most capable person, in materials and financial terms, to take care of Peter. But still, she had offered to take him. And Ben had threatened Tony. The man hopes he can live to everyone’s expectations.
 He reaches a hand and brings Peter closer. In a soft whisper that only comes out every now and then when he’s with his son, he tells him to go and wait in the car. Peter gives a quiet ‘yes sir’ and hugs May one last time. Tony doesn’t miss the glassy eyes May gets when Peter wraps his skinny arms around her waist and squeezes her tight. He has never received a hug from Peter.
 Not like he feels worthy of them.
 Peter waves at her and drags his feet to the car. The boy likes Happy, or at least he likes him as much as he can like someone from Tony’s life – he gives the man some rare smiles and actually answers to his questions. He watches as Peter disappear inside the car, and closes the door behind him. Then, he turns to May.
 “You can’t say those things in front of Peter” he argues. “He’s gonna think I’m some kind of monster that it’s gonna eat him at night”
 “He already thinks that. Why do you think he wanted to spend the night with us in the hotel instead of going with you? Peter is afraid. The only memories he has with his father are you sitting on a couch drinking, hiding in the lab or giving him away to nannies” May points a shaky finger at him. “He spent the whole night crying and sobbing, but when he comes here, he tries to hide it so you don’t see him. Trust me when I say he knows where he’s going”
 “And what am I supposed to do? If he hates me so much, then maybe you should take him!”
 There is a second of silence in the lonely cemetery.
 “Peter doesn’t hate you, Tony. He thinks you don’t want him” she says sadly, and Tony thinks he preferred the idea of Peter hating him. “All he knows is a cold man with a hard face, that didn’t make an effort to love him when he went to see you”
 “I really don’t know how to fix that, May” he admits. He realises his own eyes are getting misty behind the glasses, but he doesn’t feel strong enough to wipe them. He only wants to go back home and lock himself in the lab with a bottle of whisky, maybe two.
 “You and I both know you love him. You did things wrong, but so did Mary. So just – show him you love him, now. Consider this your chance to be a father to Peter, a real father”
 May surprises Tony by dragging him into her arms, and he goes rigid. He doesn’t like behind handed things, he doesn’t like shaking people’s hands, he doesn’t like touching anyone and doesn’t like being touched unless it’s Pepper. He has ignored Rhodey’s calls and Happy attempt to comfort him, because he knew that no matter how much he hated physical touch, he would break down.
 So, Tony breaks down in sobs, and hugs May Parker back. The woman is tall but skinny, yet is almost as strong as Tony. It’s the touch he needs, because it manages to keep him together. Tony thinks of Mary, of how beautiful everything was before he fucked up and she left, pregnant without knowing. He thinks of her sweet smile and dimples, of her brown curls that fell loose on her back. And he sees her in the boy in the car, in the way he pretends to be collected but wears his heart on his sleeve.
 A raindrop hit him on the nose, and when he looks up, he’s met with another on his left glass. He tears away from May who doesn’t bother wiping the tears away from her cheeks. They share a short nod and a few words, then Tony walks towards the car. He tries to make the small distance to it as long as possible, because he doesn’t want to meet the doe, bambi eyes that will stare at him in the car.
 Because Peter does that a lot – staring at Tony. Not talking, not smiling. Staring at Tony as if he’s looking for something that he doesn’t have. That’s part of the reason why he avoids the boy so much, because if he can’t be what Peter needs, then what good can he make?
 Apparently, he’s about to find out.
Want to read more? Check out my side blog @imaginesmaimasterlists, where I keep all the masterlists! Feedback is always appreciated
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sophlubbwriting · 3 years
Shifting to your arms - 03
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Summary: This is a slice-of-life series where you, the reader successfully shifted realities with the goal to spend time with Loki. Nothing too intense.
A/N: I didn’t have that much time to write this week, but I finally finished editing it (an hour to late, hope you don’t mind).
Feel free to shoot me a request and I'll see what I can do!
Taglist: @gingerspicetalks​ @adoreyou976​
Feedback is always appreciated!
Chapter Summary: A nightly meeting with the god of mischief and an intense discussion after a mission briefing where you finally come clean.
Chapter warnings: slight angst, spiders, Loki being Loki
Word count: 1871
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One might think your muscles would get used to the way they are strained by the training with Loki, but your muscles decided to be sore and stay sore. Great way to be woken up.
The sun was nowhere to be seen yet, the dim light entering the window however was alluding to its already anticipated arrival.
Turning around in your bed again, your back felt like it was stabbed – which has woken you up and was almost, what had happened yesterday. The god of mischief figured it would be a great idea to show you, how to defend against an attacker who uses knifes and, of course, he never even considered using dummy-knives.
“I would never do so much as to wound you fatally, mortal.” he had assured you and oddly enough, you had believed him. You had to. Everything the god of lies told you sounded true, albeit might be caused by his velvety voice. Somehow, he had been picking up on the effects it had on you. Ever the observer.
As you struggled to stand up, you let out a heavy groan. For as much as you wanted to just sleep it off, you deemed sleeping as impossible. Not with muscles this stiff and not with how much you usually moved while asleep.
With every step you took your thighs stiffened. Stretching might seem like a good idea, but you already knew it would hurt like hell and quite frankly, you didn't have the energy to try it. You've heard somewhere, magnesium would help with sore muscles and as for now, you were more than eager to test your hypothesis.
Usually stuff like that is kept in the kitchen, right?
The oversized T-shirt you wore instead of a regular pyjama reached just above your knees, concealing not only your body shape but being unbelievably comfortable too. Who in their right mind would be awake in these ungodly early morning hours anyway? Changing clothes now was no use.
While the magnesium tablet was dissolving in a glass of water, you saw a box of cocoa powder just waiting on the top shelf above the stove. It towered there, tauntingly, staring down at you because it knew you weren't able to grab it.
A hot cocoa mix. That's what you needed  right now.
Determined, you took a step back and looked at the situation in front of you. There was one rather obvious solution to this:
Your legs were protesting, but you didn't care. You needed that cocoa. Maybe that's the tiredness speaking, but you couldn't live another moment without it. Hot chocolate.
You checked twice that the stove was both turned off and cold, so you wouldn't accidentally burn yourself if you happened to step on it and proceeded to swing a leg on the sideboard. Your shoulders were burning, but you didn't stop as you slowly pushed yourself up. You couldn't let the box win.
Once you managed to balance yourself out and fully straightened up, your eyes were barely below the surface, the box was prominently placed on, but that wasn't an issue. You, unlike the box, had hands, which you would put to use now. Reaching out, you snatched the box and inspected it. After reading all the nifty details from the back of the box, you wondered what the artwork on the front would look like, but you weren't able to look at it.
There was a huge spider, clinging to this side of the box.
Frightened you threw the box away from you and stepped backwards, only to lose your footing on the sideboard. Bracing for impact, you closed your eyes.
But nothing happened.
Confused you slowly opened your eyes back up. There he was, your deus ex machina. His face being mere inches away from your face, the god had hold you in a close embrace to stop you from falling. This in and of itself made it hard enough to keep your composure, but the following conversation only heightened the stakes.
There it was again. That damned voice.
“Oh my, are you falling for me?”
Together with his smirk, this was a deadly combo which short-circuited your brain.
Your thoughts raced faster than you could control them. I have been ever since I first saw you. You wanted to let him know, how you felt.
But you couldn't.
Instead, you opted for a cheeky grin and for the line “you wish”, although in all reality, you were the one wishing. This was torture, being this close to someone you wanted to be even closer with but not being able to be.
What if he would reject you? What if he wouldn't feel comfortable with you being around him any more? What if...
He carefully set you back down on the floor, almost as if he was afraid to break you if he were to drop you too harshly. You were still gazing into each others eyes, lost in the moment and although the spider should have scared you wide awake, this magical moment felt like a dream.
Being lost in his eyes, you stopped taking in anything else but Loki. You didn't notice how soft raindrops were clashing against the windows, you didn't notice how the sun was rising or how bright it had become.
And you most definitely did not notice, how the scary spider was dissolving into green mist.
After Tony had laid out your mission, you didn't quite know how to react. You were being sent on a real mission, together with the god of mischief. Just the two of you, only 48 hours left to prepare and your thoughts were racing.
Meanwhile, Loki looked unfazed by the mission, although he shot you a quick look. He knew you were capable of defending yourself and others, but attacking someone else was something different. Whenever you had tried to surprise him with an attack during your training, he had told you how you weren't ready just yet.
You had to think about possible excuses, not to go on this mission. Tell them the truth? You weren't sure how they would handle it. Would they call you an imposter? Imprison you? Besides, a literal god would be fighting right next to you. Everything would be okay.
“You seem rather nervous, my dear. Is everything alright?” The god of chaos averted your attention back to the conversation.
He spoke with the same nonchalant tone he used if someone different than you was within earshot, but if you weren't mistaken, there was a hint of concern hidden behind it this time. Before you could calm him down, the rich kid chimed in.
“Opposed to you, Reindeer Games, our sweet agent here has been on multiple missions similar to this already. It should be smooth sailing, even if you decide to turn on us and abandon both the mission and your partner.”
Oh no.
You saw over to Loki whose smirk was filled with amusement as he was declaring to Tony how he would never betray anyone in his life. He would soon realise something didn't add up. How could you have been on multiple infiltration missions without being able to fight?
At least you didn't have to make an effort and control your thoughts around him any more. Whenever there had been a small thought you weren't able to contain, he didn't seem to notice it, so why try to keep up a facade if no one would even realise it was there?
You left the room while Tony was still trying to threaten Loki out of betraying anyone. Your feet lead you to the gym where you planned on meeting the god of mischief once got bored of talking with Tony and you anticipated it to take five minutes, tops.
After spending some time beating up a punching bag, you heard someone walk in. You didn't have to turn around to know it was him.
“Explain yourself” the voice demanded harshly. He didn't even try to sugar-coat his words, he was disappointed. Probably hurt.
But you couldn't confront him with the truth, could you? You weren't ready, so you feigned innocence.
“What do you mean?”
It was no use. As you turned around and saw him standing there, visibly sad. He knew, although not everything. He knew you lied to him and that was enough to break both his and your hearts.
Loki didn't deserve this.
“You know exactly what I mean.” he looked like he barely kept himself from crying, but his voice was now steady and... cold? Now your heart felt like it was being shattered. “How have you done multiple missions, some of which were solo, despite being barely able to fight? What is the truth, mortal?”
Gone were the pleasantries you were used to, gone were the words 'darling' and 'my dear'.  Now you were just called 'mortal', one of many, easily exchangeable to him. You never thought words this small could hurt this bad.
“You wouldn't believe me.”
That was all you could mutter now, the only thought consuming your mind. He wouldn't believe me. The god of lies however insisted he would believe you, provided you told him the truth. This was your last chance to come clear and you both knew that.
“I-” you started insecurely, looking left and right in hopes of finding the right words to use somewhere in the room.
“I am not...”
Your eyes were slowly filling up with tears. This was harder than expected.
“I'm not... from here.”
In a poor attempt to hide your tears you looked down at the floor, but you were sure he saw them since one or two drops managed to fall from your eyes onto the floor.
“Neither do I”
This simple response made you chuckle, what in turn calmed your nerves. You looked up again and your eyes met his. Maybe he would understand.
“I mean... I am not from this reality.”
Silence. Loki didn't ask any questions, but you were sure he had plenty. Who wouldn't?
Fidgeting around with the seams of your shirt, you decided to elaborate a little bit more. “It is... kind of a long story which I feel like I couldn't explain properly, but I managed to shift realities so I can be here.” A heavy weight was dropped from your shoulders as you proceeded to tell him about how life was in your reality and, most importantly, how the Avengers are non-existent.
The last part caught Loki's attention and he thought for a few seconds about it. “So, am I just a mere work of fiction, too?”
You hesitated with your answer and he noticed. Of course he did.
“In... in my reality, yes, but in this reality you are very real.” You gave him an encouraging smile and he nodded understandingly.
“I think therefore I am. So, my dear, why did you... shift realities?”
His prying eyes saw right through you, it was almost as if he already knew the answer. He just wanted to hear you admit it.
“I did it so I could see you, Loki.”
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Darkwing Duck Quadruple Feature! (Beauty and the Beet, Whiffle While You Work, Jurassic Jumble, Something Fishy)
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Welcome back! It’s been a bit since I visited St. Canard and my march to watching Just Us Justice Ducks by watching one episode, with the exception of Megavolt the first chronological appearances of, each member of the Justice Ducks and Fearsome Five. The Megavolt exception was so I could, by comission, cover the one and only appearance of the OTHER Negaduck if you were curious.So far besides Negsy and Volty, i’ve covered both of Morgana’s first chronological episodes, Liquidator’s and (SIgh) Gizmoducks. But with only 6 left to go.. I put the seires on hiatus to work on ride of the three cabs and my minty fresh retrospective of life and times. At the TIME it didn’t seem like a bad idea, I could get to this any time and what not.. but in hindsight.. yeah putting an almost finished project on hold till two much larger projects, that at the time of this review have 10 and 13 installments left, WHILE also starting two more projects... was not my best move, especially since I have a comission, and an episode needed to properly review that comission AND a valentine’s day episode to review.. all of which come AFTER Just Us Justice Ducks chronlogically and 2 of which involve Negaduck. So yeah I whiffed it bad on this one and this mini-marathon is my way of fixing that, finsihing up the last few episodes before the big event. The episode i’ve waited almost a decade to watch and one of the most loved in the series history: Just Us Justice DUcks, which is coming up next week. Then LIfe and Times will be right back where it was and I promise to get that out weekly. But yeah with logisitcs out of the way and 4 episodes to go, I don’t know how to go slow so let’s get dangerous shall we?
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Beauty and the Beat:The Misplaced Batman the Animated Series Villian
We open with one of the first Darkwings I watched via my old Darkwing Duck DVDS, rewatched a while back and easily one of my faviorite episodes and the first apperance of my faviorite Darkwing Duck Villian, though Liquidator and now Quackerjack are giving him a run for his money. But yeah I love Reggie and part of it is he’s something far diffrent than what Darkwing normally fights. 
While he still fits in with the Rouges gallery: someone with either powers or a good gimmick whose intresting, engaging and most importantly to this show, Reggie is still diffrent in that he’s an inherently tragic figure. While the rest of the rouges have sympathetic qualities theier still not really good people: Quackerjack chose to lash out at what drove him out of buisness instead of starting over again, Megavolt is your standard wants money bad guy, and Liquidator was a massive asshole. And if you add in the other villians i’ve covered, Taurus Bulba was basically Marvel’s Kingpin as a bul and Splatter Phoenix while having a noble goal of funding her arts does so via framing an innocent child and stealing. They aren’t unsympathetic, some of them anyway, but they are still ruthless because they choose to be.  Reggie.. didn’t get that choice. We see from the start of this episode his life has just been being everyone elses punching bag: His boss dosen’t respect him, his cowowkers not only don’t respect him but actively bully him and only the newsest researcher has ever paid him the time of day much less told the two assholes, Gary and Larson, a nice shout out, to stop. And given I reviewed Wonder Woman 84 yesterday i’ts NICE to remember a version of a “geek becomes a supervillian’ story that’s.. actually good. This is basically the same sorry, a disrpsected scientest trnasforms and gets revenge.. just you know done right. 
And SOMEHOW Reggie’s life only gets worse as asshole one and asshole two sabotage his work, he gets fired and is forced to experiment on himself. While that’s a classic mad scientst and supervillian trope what’s notable is Reggie didn’t go immiedtly to world domination. He just wanted to cure world hunger and get some respect. He just wanted to be treated like a human being for once. Instead he got turned into a plant and despite this being a miracle.. he gets MOCKED by gary and larson and runs away, feeling like a freak. And since after that the transformation has clearly made his brain unstable.. he goes from a sweet, put upon guy who just wanted help to people.. to an obsessive plant monster.. who still just needs HELP. He needs therapy and a warm blanket and to turn his life around. And his motivation.. is just not being alone. While his kdinapping of the one scientest who liked him, and he assumes has feelings for him, is bad, and selfish.. it’s clear by that point Reggie is just not himself anymore. He’s Bushroot now. He’s lost himself and were this a diffrent show maybe he could’ve gotten the help he needed and some empathy.  But what adds to the tragedy is Darkwing himself. This episode really showcases one of Darkwing’s biggest weaknses: his inablity to see crime other than in black and white terms. To him it’s just a game of heroes and villians. Nothing more nothing less. Villians can become heroes, as he hopes for Morgana, but to him there’s just good guys ,him and bad guys, everyone breaking the law. For someone whose often seen as an outlaw himself.. he still can’t see things in any other terms. However instead of just being lazy writing... it’s a clever character quirk, at the center of this episode and our final one, as well as one that pops up a little in Stegmutt’s first apperance. It nicely parodies/deocnscruts the whole good guy badguy dynamic by making it clear that sometimes while the person may be doing bad things.. they have a reason for it and sometimes the law just dosen’t work. It’s something I do wish they’d dug into more but given this was more of a comedy, I get why they didn’t, but what they did with it is great and it adds to this episode tremendously: Darkwing just sees Reggie as another villian to stop and not as a very unstable man who needs his help, but also needs tobe stopped for his own good. It’s why this is such a good episode, besides some great comic set pieces: it has a really tragic and moving story that , with some tweaking woudln’t of been out of place in batman the animateds eires. It’s still a bit goofy in places, as it should be giving the show it’s in btu at i’ts heart it’s just a relaly godo really tragic supervillian origin story. 
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Whiffle While You Work: The Saving Grace of an Okay Episode This one’s more of a mixed bag. For the good... Quackerjack is fucking awesome. While I already loved him from the comics, I hadn’t met his more lightehearted tv counterpart yet.. but boy was he a delight. From his it’s play time catch phrase which despite being repeated a LOT never got bored to his really invenitve use of toys. While a vilian with a toy gimmick is not new, Toyman has been around for.. 80 years? Damn. I should do some Superman TAS episodes this year to commemerate that. Point is between him and the joker the gimmick isn’t “New” but Quackerjack still feels unique from using actual jacks, to a motorized hula hoop, to a GIANT CRYING BABY DOLL TO FLOOD A CITY. Jackie is just a delight every minute he’s on screen, and his motivation is solid: wanting to get revenge at the Whiffle Boy video game and i’ts insuing phenmonin and merchandise deals for squeezing him out of buisness. It makes him mildly symathetic enough to be intresting but not enough to override his terrible actions. He’s just fun to watch, and Micheal Bell is phenominal in the roll. easily one of my faviorite vilians thus far and it’s easy to see why he showed up quite a bit. 
Sadly the rest of the episode.. is not very intresting. It starts with your standard “Adult gets child away from the video game only to play it” plot which is belivieble, my dad was a gamer back during my childhood and probably still plays games ocasionally to this day. He fucking loved Starcraft, Ultima ONline, Super Metroid, Warcraft II and III.. and swearing. He really loved swearing at the games. And the idea of the episode isn’t bad, Drake is jealous that Gosalyn is in the limelight for once.. the issue  being a grown man competing with his own daughter just makes Drake really unlikeable. He at one point tries to use his parental authority to take her out of the contest, lies about being in the competition, and dosen’t apologize or learn enough to make up for his being a dick about this. THe episode really suffers from Launchpad not being around to be a buffer between the two and as ssuch it’s just uncomfortable. Hell Gos threatens to reveal Drake’s identity to .. someone.. but she still comes off sympathetic as when Drake presses her on it.. it’s very clear she made the threat on the spur of the moment out of hurt. 
Also the whole Whiffle Boy game craize extending to a city is delightfully batshit, and plausable given i’m pretty sure if nintendo could afford their own city we’d have it over in japan and for a video game episode in the 90′s, this one isn’t all that bad. It actually seems to get games on SOME level, and seems based more on an arcade game, which drake plays whiffle boy on at one point and the 80′s arcade competition craze, and since arcade comeptitions were still a huge thing in the 90′s, it’s very clear this si written by people who actually know what a video game is and don’t just fear it as some strange doodad their kids are into. Trust me I’ve been around animation so long this plot has become tiresome. So not a BAD episode, just held back by drake being written even more dickishly than usual.  P.S. there’s apparently an ultima level to the game.. so either Lord British is finally putting Chuckles down or someone needs to know what’s a paladin. 
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Jurassic Jumble: Two Great One Shot Characters that Taste Great Together Well okay Segmutt does get one more episode but this is still his only episode on his own just like Neptuina next, so I count it well enough. Point is this episode is pretty good. It does have some weaknsses: It starts with Drake not beliviing Honker’s theory about a recent theft of acountants, one he’s only on the scene for because he happens to really need help with his taxes because, contrary to what Wesley Snipes thought, Superheroes still need to pay taxes. He dosen’t belive it’s dinosaurs.. he dosen’t belivie it’s dinosaurs despite the foot prints, honker being smart and HAVING FOUGHT A DOG MADE ENTIRELY OF WATER. 
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I just get annoyed when superheros in a superhero universe don’t hav ea logical reason for dismissing something.. or random citizens.. it was fine if reptitous in the stan lee days because it’d been 20 years, at the time, since superheros were active and people can be stupid but it gets grating when someone says somethin’gs not possible in a superhero universe. Given we’re currrently dealing with an outgoing president who refuses to accept an election is real and his followers who think masks are a polical issue i’ts not exactly unrelasitic, dosen’t mean it’s enjoyable to read or watch. 
Still it works here because it splits the plot nicely and Gosalyn’s disbleif is less grating as she just wants it to be martians and dosen’t bully her friend or anything over it, just makes a few snyde remarks. The episode also wasn’t helped at first by the fact there’s a really reptitive bit where Darkwing bungies down to investigate the crook he thinks is responsible, but is actually just chilling at his minium security prison. It’s just not funny and takes up too much of the episode. But the episode picks up towards the second half when we meet our dinosaur: Stegmutt, a dumb but kind and friendly child like former janitor turned stegasaurs, whose unwittingly kidnapping people for his “friend” Dr. Fossil, the professor who turned him, and genuinely is not a bad soul and likes gosalyn and honker. He’s just clumsy and destructive and working for someone he dosen’t know is evil.  Speaking of which.. Dr. Fossil is really damn awesome and i’ts a shame he never came back in the comics or cartoon and hopefully Frank does him better in the reboot. Seriously he’s enjoyable, a bit nebbish but delightfully insane, deciding to wipe out all non dino life because he’s tired of getting panicked screams in the street and of all the dino merchandise like those puzzles with the pieces missing. He’ sjust delightfully nutty, with his love of saying bin bang boom and his having to put up with Stegmutt’s antics, as well as the whole joke that he TURNED HIMSELF INTO A DINOSAUR, yet gripes about being a dinosaur and acts like it’s humanity’s fault , balking when Gosalyn suggests he just.. turn himself back. Plus Ptetrodacytl’s are awesome so tha’ts a bonus. Seriously his showing up turns the episode from okay to fucking amazing. Seriously bring him back for the reboot.. and get Rich Fulcher to voice him. Seirously Bob Fossil as Dr. Fossil... it’s too perfect NOT to do casting gag wise, and he frankly perfectly fits the charcter down to the nasily voice. Plus Rich does voice acting quite a bit, so he’s already likely in Frank’s Rolodex. 
Stegmutt himself is also not too shabby, your standard child like moron, but he’s got a sweetness and niceness to him and we get some good gags like his habit of breaking off handles, his opening sodas with his tail and Fossil getting rid of him by telilng him to check if he left the bathroom light on...
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And the climax with Darkwing.. turning.. into this
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I don’t get it either but i’ts still a fun climax. Also forgot to mention Dr. Fossil can do that blow you away by flapping his wings thing Storm Eagle can do. Neat. All in all while not the series BEST outing, it has some flaws holding it back, it’s a damn fun one and one I highly recommend. Okay one more. 
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Something Fishy: The Better Submariner This is a simple but good one: St. Canard beach has gotten trashy.. literally there’s trash everywhere. And while Drake is ambilent to it, Gosalyn is taking up the crusade to take out the trash and the garbage people... and gets her dad beaten up over it by dumping trash on some guys head but frankly, he deserved it.  Things go up a notch though when some sea creatures invade and .. clean up the beach and beat up darkwing. And while they destroy some property.. they aren’t exactly wrong? This is where that flaw I mentioned comes in though. Drake just.. can’t see things in shades of grey and insits he must be the good guy and whoevers doing this must be stopped.  However it becomes clear when we meet the antagonist that while her methods are wayy to extreme.. she’s in the right. Neputina is an awesome character, easily one of the series best and esaily horribly underulitized. She was a simple fish who thought a toxic waste barrel was a new friend.. and learned the hard way by becoming a sexy fish woman. Yeah I said it. But her motive is understandable thanks to her origin and just how BAD it’s gottne, with piles of trash all underwater and the laws Drake cites agianst this sort of thing not doing squat. It’s a nice take on the old enviornmental message , something I dreaded going in as it makes a valid point; sometimes diong things the “right” way isn’t enough.. but it still dosen’t justify harming innocent people in the process, as Nep’s ultimate plan to flood the city would.  Launchpad ends up being the voice of Reason as drake is too caught in his games of good guy bad guy to get Neptuina ISN’T a bad person, just one fed up with people hurting those she cares about. Neptuina is a unique villan in that unlike Morgana, who while having a sympathetic motive was out for herself, Stegmutt, who didn’t reailze he was on the wrong side, and Gizmoduck.. wellll
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Neptuina.. is just misguided. She has the right idea but the wrong methods and Darkwing’s too stubborn to admit it.. but he’s also seen as in the wrong with Launchpad realizing DW just.. isn’t the good guy this time, but in the best scene of the episode talking Neptuina down by pointing out innocent people will get hurt. It’s a good, nuanced episode about envrionmetnalism with a throughly charasmatic and intrersting, acted wonderfully by Sussan Silo, antagonist. Neptuina is a better version of Marvel’s namor the submariner: she goes against humanity.. but I don’t want to punch her and dosen’t have one of her constnat character traits as “I want to bank your wife richards BANG YOUR WIFEEEEE”
So overall.. a good batch of episodes. Only Wiffle While You Work was all that weak, and even it had it’s charms and Quackerjack. It shows the series overall quality: even the just okay episodes here are still really fun to watch. It’s just a solid show overall and whie not without flaws is a classic to this day for a reason. Next week we’ll wrap this up with JUST US JUSTICE DUCKS! Until then stay safe and goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. 
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taeslovehandles · 4 years
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The time was near. Jimin and Jungkook would be turning 21 soon which meant their hybrid genes would slowly start to activate and transform their bodies accordingly.
Their friends - which had turned a few years earlier - looked majestic. Namjoon was a lion hybrid and grew a beautiful mane in his 20's. Jin and Hoseok both had different mixes of dog hybrid in them which sometimes caused issues with Yoongi being a cat hybrid. Taehyung had strong tiger hybrid genes. He had turned just last year with 20 and was an early shifter.
Jimin was excited to see what hybrid genes he would be having. Maybe another dog breed? Maybe something exotic?
Jimin started to feel his nipples tingling and becoming really sensitive and swollen. The more days passed the bigger they grew. After they started to lactate Jimin was truly confused and embarrassed.
Jeongguk started to get hungry 24/7, nothing and no one could get him out of the kitchen. He gained a lot of weight and was unhappy about his changes without being able to control himself gorging on food. After he started to spot a little curled tail the youngest couldn't hold back his tears. Why must he be a pig hybrid from all the amazing genes he could have had?
Will the both of them be able to accept their hybrid genes and what happens when Jungkook and the the other members slowly get addicted about Jimins delicious hybrid milk?
[Read More]
Finally. After 21 years it was finally time. Jimin and Jungkook were sitting at the table and blew their candles out, around them were their members gathered. With loud cheering and clapping the two had successfully become fully fledged adults. 
It would take their bodies around one to two weeks to fully develop their hybrid genes they had carried in them since birth, but no one knew what hybrid type they would be getting. It was always an exciting time to guess and find out. Some families even turned it into a guessing game with little rewards for whoever got it right first.
“Congratulations to maturing boys!” Namjoon cheered, patting the two boys shoulder supportively. 
“Wahh, I can’t believe you are already 21 now! My little brothers are growing up so fast. I think I have to cry. Awooo!” Hoseok added while hugging Jin, who was howling as well.
“Congrats. I’m going back to sleep.” Yoongi replied. It’s not that he was in a particular bad mood but he hated it when Hoseok and Jin started howling. His cat ears turned back in irritation, he smoothly walked out of the room and disappeared into his room.
Taehyung smiled his boxy smile and hugged the two boys affectionately. “Congraaats! It’s going to be so much fun to finally see what you guys are going to be! Any feelings yet? Pressure on your head, does your butt tingle? Mhm? Mhm?”
“Stop bothering them and let their bodies prepare and shift in peace Taehyung. You are making the poor boys nervous. Ha Ha!” Namjoon shoved the younger aside gently.
“Now eat your cake and enjoy these two weeks! I’m sure you’ll turn into beautiful hybrids. We couldn’t be prouder of you two!” With a last pat on their backs Namjoon grabbed Taehyung and moved into another room. Hoseok and Jin following behind.
Jungkook’s mouth was watering just looking at the huge cake in front of them. He grabbed a plate and fork and began to dig in. Jimin had already grabbed a piece of cake and was enjoying himself. One half was chocolate flavoured while the other one had strawberry flavour -Taehyung had ordered the cake-.
It was Hybrid tradition to let the shifting ones in the family eat as much as they wanted before the rest grabbed any leftovers. If the shifting hybrids managed to eat the entire cake it meant good fortune and exceptionally hybrid genes! And Jeongguk was not a quitter.
The both of them dug in and took big bites. Jimin was enjoying the sweet flavour of the chocolate mixed with strawberry and ate a lot faster than normally. However that was nothing in comparison to his sitting partner. 
Jungkook was literally stuffing his face faster than he could swallow it down at this point. Giving off soft moans of enjoyment as he did so. His fork, almost not big enough for the huge chunks, the youngest put on it. “Hyung this is such a good cake, my god!”
“Yeah, but don’t forget to breath Kookie!” Jimin giggled in between bites.
The younger craved a refreshment that went well with cake and scooted over towards the fridge grabbing a pack of milk. “Do you want some milk too Jimin-ah?”
“Yes please, thank you!” Jimin replied while chewing. Jungkook sat back down and took a huge sip of the milk. He hadn’t brought any glasses, the two didn’t mind sharing the same pack of milk at all. 
Jimin reached for the milk and took a big sip. He shifted his head to the side, face looking confused. “Doesn’t it taste weird for you?”
“The milk. Are you sure it’s still good?” Jimin took another small sip and decided to grab a glass of water instead. If he’d drink anymore of that pack of milk he might throw up.
“Hyung Yoongi opened that pack yesterday and he seemed fine today. I don’t think it’s bad.” Jungkook replied with his mouth stuffed to the brim.
It didn’t take them long. After half an hour the entire cake was gone leaving a stuffed Jimin and Jungkook leaned back in their chairs rubbing their bellies to ease the tension.
It wasn’t particularly that the both of them ate the same amount but more like Jungkook finishing almost 80% on his own. The cake was just too damn good. Jimin had been eating the entire time too but Jungkooks speed was unbelievable.
After another appreciative round of clapping and hugging the two shifting boys the members cleaned the dishes and pampered the two until the day came to an end. 
Jeongguk woke up in the middle of the night, covered in sweat and breathing heavy. What was going on? The younger felt his throat being dry and decided to go downstairs to grab a glass of soda. 
Jimin woke up hearing noise coming from the kitchen. His bedroom was downstairs closest to it. He stood up with a slight headache and decided while he was checking out who was making so much noise in the middle of the night to go and grab some medicine for his head as well.
Jimin squinted into the kitchen. The lights were turned off, only the light from the opened fridge showing a silhouette sitting near the kitchen counter moving their hands quickly. He could hear wrappings moving around, crunching and eating sounds. Who was eating in the middle of the night? Jimin decided to reveal the silhouette and turned on the light.
“Jung- Jungkook?” Jimin looked surprised. “What are you doing here in the middle of the night?” That was definitely a first. The light revealed a slightly more chubby Jungkook snacking on leftover pizza and multiple empty wrappings around him. His shocked face was covered in crumbs from various dishes.
“I- I uhm.” Jungkook tried to make the best out of the situation and wiped the crumbs from his face and chest before answering a confused Jimin leaned against the kitchen wall.
“I wasn’t feeling so well and woke up at night. I was really thirsty and went down to grab some soda and somehow I ended up eating. I don’t know what happened. I guess I just got hungry.” 
Jimin didn’t think too much about it. It could happen that you woke up and craved something in the middle of the night. He especially did that with vanilla ice-cream when he felt sad but Jimin had never seen Jungkook doing it.
“Just, make sure you clean up when you’re finished okay? Our hyungs will scold you if you start to not clean up after yourself again.” Jimin grabbed a glass of water and medicine before going back to his room.
Was he imagining things? Jungkooks frame looked a lot more chubby. Maybe he didn’t see right, it was in the middle of the night and he had been talking to Jungkook in a constant squint.
The next few days couldn’t have been weirder. Jungkook kept gorging himself on food non stop. His mouth filled with food almost 24/7. The only time the boy was not eating was when he passd out from a food coma. His sleeping schedule was messed up by constantly eating and sleeping afterwards to digest.
The members didn’t mind and encouraged Jungkook to eat to his heart's content. They fully understood how exhausting it was when your body started to shift and adapt and for each hybrid their way of coping with it was different. Yoongi for example became really possessive about random objects in the room and scratched anyone getting close to them. The only way you could stop him was to give him loads of milk. Even till today Yoongi loved milk way too much. With Namjoon, Hoseok, Jin and Taehyung it had been meat. The first two weeks of them changing ended up in mounds of plastic wrappers of various meats. Raw meat at that.
Jimin and Jungkook still remembered the terrible smell the kitchen had been in everytime one of them was in a shifting phase. After Taehyung shifting last year the boys were glad it looked like none of them were having predator genes. Gladly. Another two weeks of smelling raw meat everywhere would have been terrible.
To Jimins surprise his body hadn’t given him much info on what genes he was having. His body was fine, his eating habits were normal and he also didn’t wake up in the middle of the night sweating uncontrollably and feeling the urge to stuff himself in the kitchen like the youngest had. Besides occasional headaches around his sleeves Jimin couldn’t see or feel any differences. He slowly started to worry something was wrong. He wanted to shift too and it was disheartening that Jungkook went through so much change while he was still looking like a non-hybrid.
“Ggukie, want some takeout?” Hoseok asked the youngest. What a question. Jungkooks eyes went towards the big bag filled with fast food and almost yanked it out of Hoseoks grab. Without saying anything towards the  golden retriever hybrid he maniacally ripped open the packages and wrappers to dig in aggressively. He had stopped using plates a long time ago. The younger had also found out that using his hands was a lot more effective to shove food into his mouth than using small forks or spoons.
“Woah!” Hoseok was startled at the aggressiveness of the youngest but didn’t mind it at all. He was understanding and added with a giggle. “Looks like someone was really hungry! Let Hyung know if you need anything else, okay?” no response, Jungkook was too busy eating.
You’d have to be blind to not notice just how much weight the youngest had put on over the week. None of his clothes fit him properly anymore. His panda kept rolling down his wide ass greeting the members with his asscrack while sitting. His belly was resting on his thick, chunky thighs and he had developed a constant double chin. His fingers were chubby and connected to big, flabby arm wings.
Jimin slid into the kitchen to grab some food for himself. At least that were his intentions before he noticed there was literally nothing left to eat. The only food that was in the house right now was Jungkooks bag of fast food. Jimin looked at the fatty burgers in disgust, he felt sick to the core. The smell was terrible… had burgers always smelled so bad?
He decided to put some outdoor clothes on and go shopping. 
Jimin went back to his room to take his pajama off. His chest had been sensitive since yesterday. He wasn’t quite sure why all of a sudden and didn’t think too much about it. What had Jimin startled was the way his pants seemed to fit but also not?
“What the-” Jimin pulled his pants up and besides small, chubby love handles that had been growing on his sides his pants fit fine. He had no problem buttoning them up even with the little squishy belly he had gotten over the week. But he couldn’t zip his pants up.
Jimin was in no way fat, maybe a bit chubbier now but nothing more. In comparison to his body posture the chubby flesh hanging over his dick was concerning. He had started to grow a fupa. The fupa was pushing out of his pants and Jimin was unable to close them.
“Shit.” He cussed. Jimin decided to simply put a long shirt on, the ones that hung down to your knees to cover his unzipped pants up. 
He took another pill against his headache and went out to go grocery shopping.
While on the way to the market Jimin took a deep breath. Their house was close to farmland and he loved the smell of the grass outside. It had been raining recently giving off that smell of wet, fresh grass and Jimins mouth was almost watering thinking about it.
He craved some vegetables and salad… and maybe some sweets.
Jimin arrived home to chaos. He could hear Yoongi hissing, ears tucked back and his tail moving left and right aggressively. Yoongis claws were showing which meant nothing good.
“Jungkook stop! You are making it worse.” Jin yelled. What in the world was going on here?
“Stop that! Just give it back to him Ggukie!” Taehyung added, holding Jungkooks arms behind his back trying to stop the youngest.
Jimin put his bag of groceries down and watched the scene develop in the kitchen. Jungkooks face was covered in crumbs like always, while Yoongi looked like he was about to claw the youngest.
“What is going on in here?” Jimin asked, shocked. It’s been some time since Yoongi acted up like that - and he never did without reason either -
Jungkook tried aggressively to get rid of Taehyung ,and now Namjoon as well, hands on his back that held him in place. It was quite hard for the two cat hybrids to keep the big boy in place. Even Namjoon struggled and he was the strongest of them all. 
Yoongi was standing in front of the kitchen counter protecting something behind him. Jimin moved his head towards the right and noticed it was a pack of milk. Ah- no wonder Yoongi was on edge. Jungkook had been continuously drinking his milk not leaving anything behind for the poor cat hybrid. It was just a matter of time until Yoongi was done with Jungkooks bullshit and lashed out.
“Jungkook please. We can buy more for you if you want milk but this is the last pack. Let Yoongi have it, okay?” Hoseok tried to convince the youngest to stop resisting.
Jimin slowly moved towards the boys and rummaged through his bag of groceries. He hadn’t asked the boys if they needed anything but Jimin being considerate had bought some food for Jungkook and the members as well, figuring they’d need more anyway.
“Kookie look, I got you some potato chips and sandwiches. Help yourself mhm?” Jimins voice was gentle as he was holding the items out towards a really angry Jungkook.
The youngest eyes locked onto Jimins hands and with a speed Jungkook yanked the food out of Jimins hands, sat on the floor and started digging in. Jungkook was in a feeding frenzy. It didn’t matter where he was eating or what, he just needed food.
Everyone seemed to take a deep breath after they’d just avoided a fight between Jungkook and Yoongi. “It’s okay, go take the milk with you.” Namjoon carefully moved towards Yoongi who was still on edge. The older hissed at Namjoon, grabbed the milk and ran off. The door banged loudly.
Everyone was looking at the youngest who had finished the bag of chips already and was moving onto the big bag of sandwiches shoving an entire sandwich into his mouth and chewing quickly as if he had been starving for days. Jimin couldn’t remember the last time he had heard the younger speak. It seemed like such a long time ago even if it had just been a week.
Namjoon wiped some sweat off of his face and the members seemed to slowly calm down again. Jimin offered them some food he had bought for them and went back to his room to eat in peace. The last thing he needed now was Jungkook finishing his bag of sandwiches faster than expected and trying to eat Jimins food, he was starving at this point.
Jimin opened the package of salad and started to eat it eagerly. God it was so delicious, he had made sure to grab one without any meat pieces in it as he seemed to dislike the smell and taste of it now. Jimin was glad he went to buy food when he was hungry as it looked like he would eat everything he bought in one go. 3 packs of salad were quickly eating together with a pack of cookies and a can of soda.
The boy rubbed his belly and burped once before his head started to hurt again. God he wished this terrible headache would stop soon. After taking another pill to erase the pain Jimin had decided to give the pack of milk, he originally had bought for himself to go with the cookies, to Yoongi instead. Jimin had forgotten that the last time he had tried to drink milk it didn’t taste good either, there was nothing to lose giving it away.
A knock on the door and Jimin carefully went inside the olders room. Yoongi seemed to have calmed down as well and Jimin smiled while offering his milk. “Hyung do you want some more milk? I don’t need this pack and before Jungkook sees it…” Yoongi grabbed the milk and stared at Jimin.
“Is something wrong Hyung?” Jimin asked, confused at the intensity of Yoongis stare around his torso.
Yoongi pulled himself together and shrugged it off with a “No, nothing. Close the door when you leave.” And opened the pack of milk to take a few sips. 
Jimin woke up in the middle of the night to loud sounds coming from the kitchen again. At this point he knew who it was and didn’t care to check anymore. It was the same picture every time. The only difference now was that Jungkook wouldn’t even acknowledge Jimins presence anymore if he wasn’t offering food to him.
Jimin was in pain, his stomach hurt like someone was burning a hoe through him. His headache hurt terribly, throbbing almost and his chest was hot and tingling. He stood up to get out of his shirt, it was too hot.
Jimin went into the little bathroom attached to his room and washed his face until he noticed two small bumps on his forehead. The skin around the bumps were slightly grey colored and his ears looked a bit longer too? If his head didn’t hurt so much he’d have probably ran to Hoseok or Namjoon to talk about his changes but the pain was too great.
“God, what is this?” Jimin held his stomach to somewhat try and get rid of the pain without success. His groin area felt hot and he decided to take off his pants as well. To his shock his fupa had grown even bigger over the night. It was completely covering up his dick by now hanging over it with a soft pinkish color. 
Jimin poked his fupa and instantly regretted doing so. A sharp pain went through his entire body by doing so and he avoided going near it for now. A hand moved towards his chest until he noticed his nippled were red and swollen. Fully erect, Jimin touched one of his nippled expecting some kind of pain. A pain that never came, instead Jimin started to rub both of his nipples in a constant rhythm. It felt too good to stop, almost addicting.
A soft moan escape Jimins throat as he continued to rub his swollen and sensitive nipples.
Jimin couldn’t stop even if he wanted too and after a few minutes his entire body started to tingle in pleasure. Jimin experienced a dry orgams from rubbing his nipples? That was new. Not that he minded, his headache had seemed to calm down a bit too. At least too much for the boy to get back to bed and continue to sleep.
The days continued without much changes towards Jungkook besides his ever bigger growing body. He had started to grow floppy ears and a small twirly tail. His nose had gotten bigger and wider as well. The members knew by now what his hybrid genes were but Jungkook was so out of it, still not speaking and only eating and sleeping, there was no point to try and tell him right now. They’d have to try after the second week was over.
Jimin had finally started to change too. He had grown small, little, grey horns on his forehead, his ears had become longer and covered in white fur. Jimin would have welcomed these changes, if it were the only ones. Unfortunately his body was not done with it#s shift and the more days went by the more unhappy Jimin got.
His once flat chest had turned into moobs with overly sensitive nipples that were always tingling and swollen. The constant stimulation from jimins shirt caused him to uncontrollably feel heat in his groin and lust. It wasn’t like him and he hated what his body did to him.
But even with these changes he could have lived on and found a compromise. The part of his body that had changed the most was his nether area. His once really big fupa had grown twice as big, not a single pair of jeans fit the poor boy anymore and he had only two pairs of loose pants left that could hold “that thing” inside -as Jimin called it in disgust-.
His fupa had not only grown in size but also turned more pinkish with four big mammary glands. It was a weird feeling for Jimin to walk properly with that thing between his legs. He had to waddle around the room to properly move by now which irritated him. If he wasn’t irritated his udder caused him unwanted arousal depending how full it felt.
Jimin could feel his udders growing bigger per day but no rubbing or stimulating them caused them to lactate and he was slowly going crazy at the amount of pressure he felt with them slowly filling with milk.
While the one thing Jimin did not to lactate were his moobs. Everything seemed to go the wrong direction for the small little cow hybrid. Jimin hated it.
It was Saturday, second week into shifting, and Jimin was sitting on his bed looking down on his chubby belly. He had gained quite a lot in the past days as well. His once slim frame was gone and he was greeted with a soft apron covering his body. His moobs had gotten so big and heavy from filling up with milk it hurt Jimin to walk around the house. He poked his udder and watched it jiggle with his chubb. A tear flowing down his chubby cheek which flew down his slight double chin. 
It knocked on the door and before Jimin could tell them to not come in, the door had already been opened. Jimin was greeted with a concerned Hoseok. “My poor baby, why are you crying mhm?” Hoseok sat next to Jimin rubbing his shoulder.
“I hate this… look at me. I’ve gained weight and I hate the feeling by body forced on me with this damn thing down there and my moobs.” Jimin replied with a cracked voice, ready to burst into ugly crying.
“Oh baby, don’t say that about you. You look wonderful dear. Having cow genes is really rare too, we are all jealous about it! You should be proud of your hybrid side, not discard it like that.” Hoseok wiped the tears from Jimins face before getting up again. “We cooked lots of food, if you feel like it please join us. You’ve been in your room more often than Yoongi, we miss you baby.” Hoseok kissed Jimins forehead and left.
Jimin couldn’t deny how hungry he was. He had starved himself after he noticed the constant weight gain even though he just ate vegetables and salad. Maybe Hoseok was right and it would all turn out for the better. The little cow hybrid put on his largest pants he had and tucked his udder inside. He had stopped wearing boxers for obvious reasons - still not fully used to the weird feeling of everything dangling around in his nether region -.
With the door to Jimins room closing quietly he was looking at the members all sitting around a large Jungkook spilled out on the couch, his face turned towards seats and hands covering his face. He was crying, his entire body jiggling with the motion.
Jimin walked towards the members to somehow help the youngest. It wasn’t his fault how he had behaved the past two weeks, he knew and the members did too, it made him sad seeing the youngest ugly crying.
“Oh Ggukie, you are beautiful. Jimin and your genes are really rare, you know?” Jin patted the youngest back.
“I’m a fucking pig. From everything I could have been I became a pig hybrid. I’m fat and ugly.” Jungkook sniffled, his pig nose adding a few squeals here and there which did not help the situation.
“Oh baby…” Hoseok tried to cheer the youngest up. “Don’t say that about you. You are making Hyung sad you know? We all love you, don’t be sad okay? Pig hybrids are known to be smart and high on demand for high profit jobs, you should be proud!”
“Exactly!” Taehyung added with a purr. “You and Jimin may have changed the most, body wise, but that’s a good thing! You both look so adorable if I could I’d hug you all day. You guys are so soft and wonderful.”
Even Yoongi was there. He may have a bad temper and didn’t show his affection much but that didn’t mean he wasn’t sad when any of the members were crying or didn’t care.
“If you keep crying and saying you are ugly I’ll give you a reason to cry for real.” It was Yoongis way of saying , don’t cry, you are perfect the way you are. 
Jimin had walked around the couch to see Jungkooks, in tears, covered face. “Kookie, don’t cry. I know how you feel. I mean I grew two lactating moobs and an udder… do you think I’m happy about it? We gotta see the positive side and be proud we got such rare genes and use it to our advantage!” Jimin rubbed Jungkooks shoulder.
Sniffle. Jungkook mumbles something no one was able to identify. “What did you say dear?” Namjoon asked.
“I grew three rows of teats too…” The youngest mumbled. The members tried to not giggle at the frustration in Jungkooks voice but Jimin saved them by saying “So what? That means you will be a great mom one day. At least they don’t lactate 24/7 do you want to switch with me?” He elbowed the youngest with a big smile.
It had worked and Jungkook slowly heaved himself up from the couch and was now sitting comfortable with his belly resting in between his legs, hanging down. With a chuckle and a last sniffle Jungkook added “I’d rather keep my teats, thanks.” 
Another two weeks passed and Jungkook had grown a bit bigger. He had stopped to constantly grow and came to a halt just last week. He was enormous either way but content in his weight by now. It was great that he got to eat as much as he wanted now without having to care how he looked.
Jimins moobs had turned into fully fledged boobs and his udder had been growing a bit bigger as well. He had learned to move around comfortably without constantly feeling aroused. Which didn’t mean he didn’t want to be humped once his circle was close and his udder and boobs were uncomfortably full and needed to be milked before it drove Jimin crazy.
At first the Jimin had milked himself but it always ended in him having to stop mid way because of his arousal taking over his body. Then the members milked him with a speciyl cow hybrid machine but Jimin didn’t like the aggressive feeling of being sucked out.
In the end it turned into a weekly gathering of all members -mostly saturday- when they’d all form a row to each suck one an available nipple to drink Jimins delicious milk. It wasn’t even comparable to the milk out of the packages and the boys got used to Jimins flavour and only wanted his milk after starting.
Jimin felt in bliss every time they had a milking session, he got lucky that three of his boyfriends were feline hybrids who already liked milk anyway. Jin and Hoseok started to enjoy his milk too, which -as a cow hybrid- filled Jimins heart with pride.
Jungkook and Yoongi drank most of Jimins milk and you could see that in their bodies. The only reason Jungkook was still growing wasn’t because of his pig genes continuing to develop but the fact that Jimins milk was really rich in calories and fattening.
Yoongi had turned from the smallest feline hybrid into the chubbiest one. Taeyhung and Namjoon had gained quite a few pounds too but Yoongi was twice their size now. They often caught Yoongi nippling on Jimins boob whenever he could mid weekend.
Yoongi was told to stop as he developed an addiction which was so great he was caught drinking Jimins milk in the middle of the night from the sleeping boy with Jimin waking up in the morning utterly confused at his bed sheets and shirt covered in milk from the stimulation Yoongi had given him.
Jimin was patting Yoongis head, who was eagerly drinking from his left boob. He smiled and rubbed Jungkooks head with his other hand, who was drinking from his right boob. Jimin was happy and couldn’t wait to see what the future would bring.
As promised the little shortstory of the draft I shared. Hope you enjoy <3
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nyisles · 5 years
Magic In The Hamptons
~ part two, be kind ~ 
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part one
Player: Mathew Barzal 
Words: around 3.3k 
Warnings: language?
Notes: wowowow, part one was so well received that I honestly just pray you folks enjoy. Anywho, she’s here and she’s unedited :-) 
Now it was just a game. How long does one wait to text someone back after they disappear for three weeks? You hadn’t thought much of it after week two. The first week you were a little down on yourself, spent a little too much time wondering what exactly was the problem? It was a constant topic of conversation amongst you, your girlfriends, your work friends, and Reese who all seemed to love to talk about your nonexistent love life. They also didn’t quite understand the magnitude of ‘professional hockey player’ who ghosted, it cut a little deeper than your regular ghosting. You felt like maybe the Islander wags’ advice wasn’t even worth it, you should’ve just gone home with him. Maybe he felt rejected, but you never outwardly said no? Right now you wished you had Grace’s number. An SOS text was what you really needed, and she seemed to really be clued in on Mat. This absolutely sucked, he decided after three weeks you were worth the text and it didn’t give your ego a boost at all. Something that Mat didn’t fail to do when you were together at the wedding. You were a big self love, forget about those who don’t want you kinda girl, but God you couldn’t help but want to text him immediately. Your heart sped up and the butterflies in your stomach kicked into overdrive after you saw the text. It wasn’t even a drunk text. It was a casual 3pm text message, which made it hit a little different.          “Maybe you could wait like...a week?” Reese said laying back on the couch in your studio apartment scrolling through his phone, not paying you any mind. He was great at getting you into this whole mess, taking you to a wedding you weren’t even invited to. Now he was here and unable to give you any sort of boy advice. At this point in your friendship you should’ve known, but you had no one else who understood the scenario. He was one of your best friends. His legs hanging over the armrest dangling along as you paced back and forth of the apartment, fuzzy socks sliding along the hardwood floor. “You know, I think this whole thing is dumb. Just answer the guy. He texted you for a reason.” The pout on your face said otherwise, you didn’t find this dumb at all. This was a serious matter. “I need more female friends. You are no help. Yesterday you called me a 6 with a personality!” You exclaimed, pushing his legs off the side of the couch making room for yourself to sit down. Throwing yourself onto the couch you feel into a slumped position. “I need someone well versed in hockey boy, you just aren’t cutting it.”        Within seconds Reese grabbed your phone off of the coffee table in front of you, unlocking your phone with great ease. It was moments like these where you regretted letting him know all of your passwords. The next moment happened in what felt like slow motion, but as soon as he picked up your phone you knew you were doomed. Reese was always like an older brother figure, someone who could embarrass you in less than a minute. Watching his fingers type away, you attempted to lunge for the phone but it was too late, you never thought he’d follow through with the action, but he did, locking the phone throwing it back at you on the couch. “Six’s with personalities deserve love too.. Or at least a hot hookup.”        (Y/N): three weeks and all you got is ‘hey’?        You shrieked reading over the text message Reese had sent to Mat in your honor. “Why would you do that? Are you stupid? Is your brain the size of a literal pea?” With that you saw the beginning and end of your short little fling. This was not part of the advice you got from Grace or any of the other girls. In no way would you ever text any male this, except for maybe Reese because he was an absolute moron. Best friend sabotage is what this would be considered. “Reese, I’m going to close my eyes and when I open them I want you to be out of this apartment, and you can only come back after you’ve bought me lots and lots of apology fries.” Eyes closed you heard footsteps, then your front door open, and close. All of it almost distracted you from the small ding that came from your phone with the screen lighting up to show one new text message. It’d hadn’t even been five minutes from ‘your’ original text. Your eyes sprung open, and that funny feeling in your stomach returned. Heart pounding, you picked the cell phone up off your lap letting out a deep sigh. Facial recognition unlocked it within seconds, but it wasn’t really fast enough. In your head you could only imagine the rude things Mat would say about how it was kind of him to even send you a text, or maybe the text would spring back at you because he decided to block your number.        Mat Barzal: haha, what r u up to?        Mat Barzal: down to chill?        You tried not to be instantaneous with your answer and play it a little bit cooler than his double text, which honestly brought a huge grin upon your face. Suddenly you felt as if your apartment was getting warmer, was it the flush brought upon by the texts or were you just getting more and more nervous? The idea of having to pick out a cute outfit and getting out of this old ratty hoodie seemed nearly impossible which added a special level of stress. Counting down from 60 very slowly you decided you would be able to answer his text, enough time had gone by to not seem overly interested. Internally rolling your eyes at yourself for thinking waiting a whole minute was some sort of accomplishment, slowly typing a reply.        (Y/N): sure, whats the move?        Mat Barzal: finishing up @ the rink, rly craving ice cream if ur cool with that?        (Y/N): lol cheat diet already? Sounds perf.        Mat Barzal: kk cool, drop me a pin. See u in an hour?        After sending Mat your location you liked his message letting him know that worked for you. You felt like you couldn’t really waste time trying to have a conversation through text when you needed to figure out how you were going to go about an ice cream date without flashbacks to any corny and horrible middle school date you had. Just be cool was all you could tell yourself before rummaging through your closet trying not to be the dramatic girl in movies that would say she had nothing to wear with piles and piles of clothes surrounding her. Settling on a pair of your favorite “ass flattering” jeans and a plain white t-shirt. It was only ice cream, you had to remind yourself. There was no reason to do anything more, but you still added a simple necklace and one of those fancy velvet headbands they sell for way too much money after spending a solid 10 minutes scrolling through Sydney Esiason-Martin’s instagram trying to figure out what looked cool.        It was almost scary how perfectly exact Mat’s timing was. Right after an hour on the dot you heard a buzz come through to your apartment, letting you know you had a visitor. “I’ll be right down.” you voiced over the intercom, grabbing your keys and bag. It was a five floor walk up to your apartment and you didn’t want to put this boy through any more torture after a practice. You tried not to keep him waiting too long, but you also went at a slower than normal pace giving yourself enough time to breathe. It was just a boy you’d already been out with. How could this be so bad, you tried to remind yourself. He was just a silly boy dancing around shirtless at a wedding. He stood in the entryway of the apartment building looking around at the paintings on the walls, they were cheap and not well done but it gave the appearance that maybe people with money lived here. He was in a blue and orange islanders hockey t-shirt and sweats, his hair was slicked back and damp, clearly from a post practice shower. Since the last time you saw him, he was clean shaven, no little stubble that had scratched your cheeks during sneaky kisses. His hair was also freshly cut, you liked it, but you also found the long hair to be endearing. To be honest you were just so nervous and excited that you couldn’t even tell which hair you liked better, and you didn’t have time to contemplate it as he called for you. “(Y/N).” Mat said catching your eye, he stepped closer to you, bringing you in for a warm hello hug. He smelt like mint mixed with the kind of bar soap you get at hotels, yet at the same time he smelled familiar and homey. “So I was on yelp and there’s this homemade ice cream spot in and I thought maybe we could go and hang for a little.” A smirk slid upon your face maybe a little too soon, “Yelp?” you joked with Mat. Rolling his eyes, he stuck out his hand for you. “Well are we going or not, (Y/N)?” disregarding your subtle dig. Placing your hand in his you followed his lead out of the apartment lobby. Have you ever been on a first date where someone wanted to hold your hand? Maybe at the end of the date, but this was the beginning. You just silently prayed your hand wouldn’t get sweaty in the meanwhile.        It was a short drive in Mat’s white cadillac, which you had learned was the butt of many jokes. He let you take the aux cord and play whatever you wanted, which was your current September 2019 playlist. Mat was bopping along to it which gave you little butterflies in your tummy. The way his short hair flopped around and the goofy grin on his face just made your heart melt. This was a boy who in such a quick period of time made you feel like you wanted to be near him 24/7. He had an infectious personality. At one point during the car ride you thought he was singing along to Lizzo, but you didn’t want to call him out. Mat was clearly in his element and so comfortable with you that it all just felt fun and exciting. At a red light, he looked over at you and just smiled. He said nothing, but just moved his hand over to yours. Someone needed to let you know how this boy was driving with one hand, while the other was holding onto your own as his thumb traced back and forth. “Alright, I have two rules for us. First being you need to send me this playlist, and any future playlist you make. Second, don’t let me get anything larger than a medium.” You scrunched up your facing almost saying ‘are you really sure about that’ without any words “And I’m now instituting a third rule… Don’t make that face, it reminds me of my mom.” He said letting out a giant cackle. The one you had originally heard at the wedding. It was so stupid, but you liked hearing it and knowing you were the reason for it. You couldn’t help but laugh along with him. - - -        “So I’m thinking two large sugar cones, one for you and one for me. I want cookies and cream, I’m not sure what you plan on having.” You said bumping your hip into Mat as you both stood overlooking the ice cream counter as the teenage girl behind it patiently waited for the official order. “I know you want it and ugh, look.” You said letting out a moan pointing at the barrel of mint chocolate chip. “It’s calling you.”        “Shut up, ice cream whisperer.” Mat chuckled bumping you right back, “We’ll get two large sugar cones. She’ll get cookies and cream, I’ll take...hm.. Buttered pecan.” The girl behind the counter just nodded and went to work as you turned to look at him letting out a small laugh. “Buttered pecan? Grandpa is that you?” you said turning up the banter with Mat. If there was something he seemed to appreciate, it was the way you were able to joke around with him. He was a hockey player for God’s sake, he loved to be chirped. “Oh for sure, I’m the hottest grandpa you’ve ever seen. Have you seen my ass in these pants?” Mat said taking his hands and lightly giving his tush a squeeze for dramatic effect, before being cut off by the now very embarrassed girl serving you ice cream. She mumbled the price and before you could even open your purse to grab your wallet Mat had already paid for it. “I’d say you’ll get it next time, but you’re a bad influence, I don’t know if there will be a next time for ice cream.” You just smiled taking a lick of ice cream, finding a table in the back corner trying to give you both a little bit of privacy so you both wouldn’t embarrass each other any longer. It was like those few weeks with no conversation between you two weren’t a thing, everything flowed naturally between you two. From conversations about your job, to what you’d rather be doing than working and him training, to what you both were currently binging on netflix. “The office is just so good. I end up crying because I’m laughing so hard just about every episode.” Mat said finishing off his ice cream. “I need to show you this episode, you have to come to my apartment.” And with that you were whisked away to the Barzal apartment. - -        It was surprisingly homey, it was all neutral toned except for bits of a royal blue that would peek out in a throw pillow or picture frame. You couldn’t help but wander the apartment (with Mat trailing), looking at the photos he had hung of his family and friends. “I like this one.” you said pointing to a picture of Mat as a kid, making some sort of silly face with who you presumed was his sister, she was practically his twin, but blonde. “You look the same, haven’t changed a bit. Still as goofy looking.” Mat’s face rolled his eyes once more, rubbing his cheeks with the palms of his hands, then reaching out for your arms holding your wrists gently as his eyes pleaded with you, “Why do you hate me?” he gently shook your arms playfully. A small giggle escaped your lips, “Has your mother ever told you when a girl makes fun of you she likes you?” you said quite boldly, taking a step closer to Mat with his hands still wrapped around your arms. He was so much taller than you, and you hadn’t really noticed until just now when you found yourself looking up at him. His eyes were this piercing green you couldn’t look away from, and you just stood for what felt like forever hoping he would get the hint and kiss you again. It only took him a second before leaning in to place a much gentler kiss than those you shared at the wedding and after party, probably because you were completely sober this time. The soft kisses turned into more passionate ones as he moved the both of you from you standing in the hallway of his apartment to lying on his couch in his living room, him gently on top of you careful not to weigh down his whole body’s weight on yours. Maybe you went on kissing him for ten minutes or hours, you couldn’t tell exactly the time. It was kind of mesmerizing, you were totally lost in this boy, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck that wasn’t as long as you had once noted. His hand slowly tracing up your side, slipping underneath your shirt. God it was only the second date, (Y/N), you tried to tell yourself, but you didn’t pull away, nor did you really try.        “Barz? Mat?” was all you heard bringing you two out of your dazed kisses. Pulling your lips away from him as the two of you sat up trying to look as innocent as possible. You didn’t think he had a roommate, but you weren’t quite sure. He really didn’t get that far, and you thought you knew all of his friends, or at least teammates you’d met at the wedding. It was an unfamiliar voice, but a shorter boy with lighter hair walked into the living room with a stupid grin on his face. It would’ve been cute if he hadn’t interrupted. Completely not even noticing you on the couch, he continued to speak, “You’ll never fucking guess who texted me today asking about you...” With that you saw Mat’s face tightened, the happy smiley Mat had disappeared within seconds and you needed to make a mental note of that. Almost as if Mat knew what the boy was going to say. “Tito…” He said distinctly to the boy now standing in front of you two on the couch, it’s like he had seen you with his peripherals but was far too excited to take note of the other human in the room. You couldn’t help, but look down at yourself trying to fix your t-shirt making sure you didn’t look silly… if the boy was to ever take note of the stranger inside Mat's apartment. “No Mat, for real, she said she wanted things to be different, she was thinking of surprising you here.”        “Tito” Mat now spoke a little bit louder and firmer than before. It was almost as if it brought his friend from the cloud of happiness that drifted on. Honestly you could tell this was a conversation you weren’t supposed to hear, and it made you a little sick. Another girl? Surprising Mat? Nothing about this sounded promising in the slightest. And it really only got worse for your feelings. “Whitney clearly fucking wants you back. You sat around all summer practically crying to me and now what…you fucking get her back!”        “Tito, this is my friend, (Y/N).” Mat said bringing this Tito character out of the clouds and back into Mat’s living room where the three of you were. Tito’s eyes just widened, face getting red. “I-uh, Hello.” He said softly unsure of what more to say.          “Mat, this was fun, but uh… I think I’m going to go now.” You said politely standing up, feeling your stomach take a turn. You didn’t even have a ride home. God, it didn’t even matter, you just wanted to leave. Clearly there was some other girl in the picture and it almost disgusted you to know that Mat could act this way with someone when he was clearly interested in some other girl. You reminded yourself once more, boys are disgusting and not to be trusted.        “(Y/N), let me give you a ride home.”        “No. I’m ok.” You said swiftly showing yourself to the door making sure not to look back at the two boys you had left in the apartment. You honestly weren’t sure how you had gotten to your apartment. It would’ve easily been a twenty minute walk, but you were in such a daze that you sat back on the couch somehow back in your own apartment, surrounded by apology fries from Reese as he tried to coax the story of your date. Maybe you should’ve just seen it coming, it was only the second date and it all felt very silly, you were crushing way too hard. You needed something like this to bring you down to earth.  As your thoughts were flying a mile a minute, a ding came from your phone. Your day ending just how it began, with a text from Mat.        Mat Barzal: hey.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Notebook or Post-It - [Chapter 3] - (Kamjie) - Black_Magic
Hey, guys! Chapter 3 is here! I’m a week late, but that’s not important. Enjoy the chapter.
I woke up hearing someone open a door and walk away. I felt around for my phone, but I couldn’t find it. Then I remembered what happened last night. I smiled and felt a ball of excitement form in my stomach. Did that really happen? I sat up and rubbed my eyes. From the small amount of light that came into my room, I saw the space beside me in my bed was empty. Where did he go? Was it really a dream? I turned on the lamp that hung above my bed. I looked around and saw my clothes were in a pile. I dragged myself out of bed to my pants. I grabbed my phone to look through the notifications. It looks like Vanjie texted me.
I looked at the time. It was 8:24. I sighed and went to the bathroom for a shower. I turned on the water to let it warm up. While I waited, I texted back a few other people. After that, I sat my phone on the sink’s counter before stepping in and letting the warm water soak me.
It did me good to get a shower. I can clean myself off properly and think about last night. I thoroughly enjoyed every second I had with Vanjie last night. Eating the wings. Staring into his beautiful eyes. Playing Mario Kart. The hot sex. I don’t know why we did. I have wondered how good of a kisser Vanjie is. I got my answer last night.
I grabbed the little hotel shampoo bottle to squirt some on my hand. I rubbed my hands together and stepped away from the warm water to wash my hair.
When I think about it, Vanjie is hot in and out of drag. That makes me think about why I was compelled to screwing my friend. Was it looks? Was it because we were meant to? I know I flirt with some of my friends, but I felt like what happened was genuine. I don’t know. I haven’t had a date in a long time. Haven’t had a good hookup in awhile either.
I tilted my head back to rinse off the lemon scented shampoo. As the soap and water run down my face, I came to the realization of what I need to do. I need to talk to Vanj about last night.
I put the finishing touches of my small amount of boy makeup for the day. I did a tongue pop and grabbed the essentials: my phone, wallet, and key card. I hurried out the door so I could make it on time. I looked at my phone for the time. I had four minutes. I ran to the lobby doors and walked from there. As I made my way to the kitchen to get food, I spotted Vanjie. He already had a plate with a huge waffle on it. I went into the kitchen to grab my own breakfast. I grabbed a plate and filled it up. I grabbed an omelet, a blueberry muffin, bacon, sausage, and a bottle of water to wash it all down.
Satisfied with the variety of food on my plate, I joined Vanj. He looked up at me and smiled. “Hey, Kam.” He had on similar clothes as me. A pair of jeans, a sweatshirt, and sneakers. He looked comfortable, which contrasts the rest. His eyes revealed to me his exhaustion from last night. The way he sat looked awkward, although I know exactly why.
“Hey, Vanj.” I opened my water so I could drink some of it. “How are you?”
“I’m good, just sore. I expected as much, though. We really went at it last night. How are you? Probably just fine, you bitch.” I smirked, knowing that’s true. Other than the fatigue from yesterday, I’m good. It’s mostly from the performance and a small amount from when Vanjie and I were together.
“You’re not wrong. I do feel exhausted, but that’s just a mix of things.” He nodded to me and we fell silent. I dug into my breakfast. It was good and much needed to get me started for the day. I can see it would be good for others too. I just saw Violet come through, see what I did there. She looked wrecked. I can almost feel her pain. She looked hungover. I kind of feel bad.
“Hey, can we talk? About last night?” I nodded, knowing we have to. I want to. I just didn’t know how to start this conversation. “So, last night happened. I know I enjoyed it. I know what can happen now. I’d like to hear your side first before we decide.”
“I liked it too. I don’t know what lead to it, but yeah, it happened. I tried to think about it this morning myself. I couldn’t come up with anything. A normal person would brush this off and move on.“
"We aren’t normal people, Kameron."
I nodded and wiped my mouth with a napkin. "No, Vanessa, we are not normal people. That’s why I need to know. Are we going to make something out of this, or let it go?”
I watched the gears turn as he thought about what he wanted. I know him very well. We are so much alike. We get attached easily. If we are shown affection, it’s game over. We can form feelings for someone within the snap of a finger. That can be good every once in awhile. It’s mostly bad. Especially because the feelings can be for the wrong person. Now, hold up! I’m not saying Vanessa Vanjie Mateo is the wrong person. I’m saying she’s not the right person. She’s not right or wrong. Am I making sense?
“If you think we could make something out of this, I’m in. I don’t think it can be long term. Maybe a small relationship?"
"That’s not a bad idea. You’re suggesting a tour fling?” He nodded with a smile. He looks so proud of himself, it’s cute. “Then it’s settled. We should set some rules. None of the fans can know. Certainly nobody who would reveal this.”
“I feel a but coming in. What is it?”
“We have to tell someone we trust. The only person I trust is Michelle. That woman should be a detective. She knows everything that happens with the rest of the queen’s on tour. Either she finds out herself, or we tell her now."
Vanjie took a deep breath. It’s not a big decision. The hard part is telling Michelle. Michelle doesn’t agree with everything, especially the color green. What I know she will say is to be careful and to be honest. That’s what she always asks of all the girls. "Ok, we can tell her. Can we do it later? We have to pack up and get into the bus in a few hours.” That should give us enough time to mentally prepare.
Now that we’ve talked and finished eating, we went our separate ways to our rooms. I’m glad we had two hours to back because I only had fifteen minutes to spare. I gathered everything up and the key cards and made my way to the lobby. I checked out and brought my bags to the bus. Looks like everyone else was scattering because they were all running around.
I made it over with my bags and dragged them in. I picked a random bunk and sat them down with a huff. I walked to the couch out front and plopped down, acting like I was dead. I closed my eyes since I heard someone coming in. “Oh bitch, you really asleep already?” I nodded my head and opened my eyes. Vanjie stood in the doorway while the others came in.
“I’m so tired. I could sleep forever.” Vanjie softly laughed at me.
“Not if I have anything to say about it.” I barely had time to brace myself before he jumped on me with a Vanjie style battle cry. I grunted from the impact and laughed with him. We were laughing pretty loud, to the point where Michelle had to shut us up. “Sorry, Michelle.” I sat up to make Vanjie get off. We can’t have anyone grow suspicious of us. Anyone but Michelle finding out isn’t an option. We looked at her, then at each other. “Should we tell her now?”
“Yeah, do it now before we have to leave. Stay here and I’ll get her.” Luckily everyone else was either still inside, or making sure they have all of their precious luggage. “Hey, Michelle.”
She spun around and met my eyes. “Yes, my love?” That just warmed my heart. She is such a mom, and I love it.
“Can we talk to you on the couch?” I pointed to Vanjie and got a nod from Michelle. She followed me and sat opposite to us. I felt my heartbeat pick up in speed. My hands were shaky too. I was so nervous about this.
“What’s the matter?” We looked at each other, then back to Michelle for the second time. Luckily Vanjie is a fast thinker and talker. She started for me, which I’m thankful for. It gave me time to breathe and calm down.
“Something happened last night. It was after you left. We had a drink and then went back to the hotel. We played some Mario Kart and joked around. That lead to other things.” Michelle crossed her arms.
Before Michelle could cut in, I finished what we had to say. She should know everything else that happened last night. “We basically had a fun night.” I said, trying to lighten the mood. Then, that woman raised an eyebrow at me. I thought I was done for. “To be fair, you left us unattended.” I heard Vanjie’s attempt to not laugh. It was contagious enough as to where I had to contain my laughter too. Michelle sighed, so I looked up. She had a smile on her face. At least I got a smile out of her.
“So, let me make sense of this. You feel like you had a moment. You drank enough to be buzzed, then left the bar. You returned to Kameron’s room and played Mario Kart. Finally, you teased each other, then had a kai-kai session. Because of all that, you felt the need to tell me.” We both nodded to her. She paused for a moment, no doubt to think about what she was going to tell us.
“Yeah, we talked about this earlier. We knew we had to tell you. If we didn’t someone would have found out and told you. We didn’t want you to be blind sided by this.” I said before she could respond.
“I hope you two realize I can read in between the lines. Somewhere between last night and now, you decided this was going to lead somewhere. I strongly recommend not going for it. Being in the limelight like you are, it’s dangerous. You know the fans can be wild. They want so many of their desired pairs to be together. After Sharon and Alaska split up, the fans went wild. They didn’t care what went on behind the scenes. They wanted Shalaska to be an item again. Vanessa, you know this first hand. The world wanted you and Brooke Lynn to stay together. When they found out about the split, they reacted the same way.”
“I know, Michelle. We’re making sure the fans don’t find out. This will all be private and a secret. We talked about a little tour fling. Just so we can have each other and not have to worry about any strings attached. Just coupley stuff here and there and hooking up when we need it.” When Vanj puts it like that, I think it could work.
“Sweetheart, I realize you want this. Think about it. You still feel for Brooke. Both you and Kameron get attached easily. Do you really believe a tour fling will be enough? I don’t think it’s a good idea.” She isn’t wrong. I looked at Vanjie. He had the same disappointed look as me. “I can’t stop you. Just do me a favor. Promise me you’ll be careful?”
“I promise, Michelle.” I said immediately.
“Me too, I promise.”
“Thank you, ladies.” Michelle kissed us on the forehead and joined the girls in the back. Wow, that was easier than I thought. Now for the next step. Not screwing this up.
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yminie · 6 years
vaunt (m) | jeon jungkook
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pairing: Jungkook x Reader genre/warnings: college/fratboy!jungkook, fratparty!au, smut, porn with bare minimum plot, oral(male and female recieving), unprotected sex(stay safe kids), squirting, creampie, jungkook has a “huge wang”(phrasing by @gimmesumsuga 2k18), all the good stuff y’know. words: 9387 summary: Every weekend Beta Tau throws a ‘little’ party to help students relax and let loose and frat resident Jungkook has a big mouth that talks a lot of big game. You finally get sick of the lack of relaxation on your end and set out to see if he’s all talk.
a/n: I literally thought this up yesterday at 4am after some lazy(unrelated) porn watching so, enjoy!
Even the fifth pass of the vodka bottle around the circle wasn’t building your tolerance to the conversation across from you, but you doubt anything could.
“Wait, it wouldn’t fit?” Jimin leans forward, smacking the younger on the leg with a disbelieving yet bright grin stretching his cheeks.
“My dick literally wouldn’t fit. Yet another girl I’m too big for.” You blink slowly down at the alarmingly fast emptying cup in your hand just before you take another swig, tongue dragging across your lower lip to catch any stray drops.
“Like, too long?” You can’t help but frown in mild disgust as all the boys within the circle shuffle closer to the boy, eyes alight with intrigue.
“Too long and too thick. I really thought Momo would give me a decent run for my money, but no such luck!” Jungkook leans back, legs spread and arms propped behind him against the back of the couch, and the cocky smirk tilting the corners of his lips curves even further as Taehyung whoops and claps a hand against his shoulder.
“Shit man, unlucky! Did you end up getting to finish or was she stingy?” Really? Is this how boys regularly talk about the girls they fuck, or is it specially reserved for parties sat with people that really don’t want to fucking hear about e.g me?
“Nah she was decent, gave a good attempt at blowing me until I convinced her to just sit with her mouth open while I jacked myself. I spent enough time eating her out, she owed me that much.” The boys sat around the cocky youngster all hoot with laughter, owls perched on tree branches, and the ones closest lay into him, hitting him good naturedly while they grin and sneer. Boys are fuckin’ gross.
“Are they for real?” Irene whispers, leaning in close until she’s resting back on your shoulder, and you roll your eyes with a huff, reaching out to snatch the last dregs of the Absolut before Yoongi could get a hold of it, and he quickly fixes you with a squinty glare you shamelessly return, emptying the bottle into your cup.
“That was my fuckin’ shot.” He’s still glaring, but there’s really no venom in his voice. Unless the slurring covers it up.
“I’m sat here listening to your little brother talk absolute shit about whatever monster cock he’s dreamt up, so you owe me a little more than a shot of alcohol.” Irene giggles beside you, head tipped back against your shoulder and almost colliding with your jaw, and Yoongi’s expression lightens to a fuzzy grin.
“Oh, you’re not impressed?” You merely raise an eyebrow, lifting your cup to your lips to drain the last of the too-sweet-too-strong mixed drink before promptly flicking the empty plastic towards him, which he essentially ignores other than a further upturn of his lips.
“I need another drink.” You drag yourself from the couch, Irene in tow, and quickly rehydrate yourself.
When you return, your spots been taken by strangers and the boys have disappeared, but you pay it no mind, simply finding somewhere else to sit as you down another cup; this time in peace.
Same day of the week.
Same stupid frat house.
Same old dingy couch.
Same obnoxiously loud dick talk.
Why do you come to Beta Tau’s again?
Oh yeah, free alcohol.
“So she dislocated her jaw?!” You bury your face into Yoongi’s arm, pawing at his jacket as you groan in disgust. He chuckles, taking another drag from the joint perched between his thumb and forefinger, and simply holds the freshly opened bottle of Absolut towards you. It’s Raspberry this time, sweet enough that one swig burns your nose with sugar, but unfortunately it doesn’t burn your eardrums.
“No, no! She thought she did!” Jimin hiccups as he giggles at the absurdity, correcting Hoseok sharply even as he sways from side to side. “Her jaw cracked or something, right Kook?” “Yeah she worked like the head and stuff in, but when she tried to go further her jaw clicked. Nearly bit my dick off but I pulled out pretty quick.” Jungkook is blasé about the whole memory, sipping smoothly from the red cup Jimin hands him and only scrunching his nose momentarily from the toxicity. Now that’s something to impress – Jimin’s drinks are like ingesting straight poison and it’s baffling how one tiny person can devour so much alcohol and not die. “But you didn’t get to try and fuck her?” Namjoon pitches in, lazed back in a random bean bag off to the side as he occasionally dissociates, and you digress Jimin’s probably mixed him a drink or two tonight. “Nah, she skipped out after that like I spooked her. I honestly don’t think she believed it was going to be that big. The mood was kind of killed afterwards anyway, and I ended up levelling up on Overwatch again that night instead so it’s all good.” Jungkook is sporting the same old cocky grin that makes your stomach roll in disgust, and you continue to ignore just how tightly his leather pants are stretched across his thighs. Fuck, I’m hammered. “Damn, Tzuyu’s a looker too. Fuckin’ shame.” “It’s a shame you lot won’t shut the fuck up.” You wish you had the strength to say it loud enough to be heard, but at this stage you’re just tired. Cheek mushed against Min Yoongi’s shoulder as you wave the smoke from his joint out of your eyes, you simply grunt to yourself just loud enough for only the two people next to you to hear. Irene muffles her giggles with a closed fist over her lips whereas Yoongi lets his dry chuckle loose, coughing slightly when the smoke in his throat gets caught and chokes him a little. The cold glass of heavens escape is still cradled against your chest, and you look up to reply to Jimin’s look of desire with an almost predatory scowl and tightening of your hands around the bottle neck, and he sensibly makes no move to take it from you. Maybe one day you’d be able to get through a frat party without the desperate need for more, more, more alcohol. Until then, no one’s getting between you and these bottles you ‘borrow’ off Yoongi once he’s three or four joints in. Bless his heart. __________ “Have you finally managed to get it in yet, Kook?” Jimin cackles as Jungkook settles beside him on the lounge and the rest of the boys break out into laughter loud enough to have your head aching. I’m so not drunk enough for this. “No.” He whines repulsively and reaches a hand down to brace over his crotch, fingers flexing and moulding to his junk. “Worst fuckin’ blue balls I’ve ever had.” “Who was it now?” You could swear these idiots hadn’t eaten in days with how starved they were for Jungkook’s bullshit gossip, and you roll your eyes so hard you swear you glimpse your brain. “Suzy.” Tongue-in-cheek, Jungkook drops the name of his latest ‘attempted’ conquest to a chorus of gasps and you arch a brow. Boys are dumb. “You’re fuckin’ lying!” “Suzy? You’re joking right?” “Mate, she’s untouchable, how the fuck did you get anywhere near her?” Jungkook leans forward with a shrug, sipping from his cup. “Girls talk man.” “So she did it to see if the rumours are true?” This earns another shrug from Jungkook and the way the boys get more and more excited makes heat boil under your skin. How many more times would you be subjected to this? “Guess so, I didn’t exactly ask her.” “Mate, are her tits as perky in person as they always look in those tight tops?” Jungkook grins against the rim of his cup with a quirk of his brow towards Namjoon and it sends the group into another excited fit. “Fuck! But you couldn’t get it in?” He shakes his head. “When I tried she started to tear up and told me she really, really wanted to, but I was gonna tear her pussy if I went any further. Had to stop.” That’s enough. “Oh my god, you’re so full of shit! Will you lot shut the fuck up already!” The words you’d been thinking pointedly towards Jungkook’s forehead burst forth, and if it weren’t for the heavy bass ringing through the house from the next room you could probably have heard crickets from how silent the circle fell. “You don’t believe him?” Jimin leans forward, a soft pink swell to his cheeks from the alcohol as pure entertainment swims in his eyes. “No. I don’t. And I’m sick of sitting here every week listening to the complete bullshit this kid is coughing up. I can’t believe you lot do believe him.” Like a broken faucet, once you start the words just continue to flow out. “He’s lying! He couldn’t possibly have a dick that big. He only brings it up because of the way you all start to jump up and down and beat your chests like a pack of wild gorillas. It’s, quite frankly, sad to watch. Grow up.” Irene is silent on one side of you while Yoongi is soundlessly vibrating with laughter on your other side. You’re panting for air just a little after your rant, and you turn your gaze to Jungkook to find him even more amused than Jimin. “That sounds like a challenge.” Jimin grins wider, patting Jungkook on the shoulder before pushing him as if motioning to stand, but Jungkook stays sitting, vision locked with yours. “Yes it does.” You lift an eyebrow, chin tilting expectantly. He’s full of shit, absolute nonsense, and you don’t believe him for one second. “Go on then, show me I’m wrong.” You gesture towards his lower half and Jungkook laughs indulgently, chuckles being echoing by his harem of ‘bros’ and you clench your jaw. “Out in the open like this, babe? Now I’ve heard some girls are into that but I’ve yet to meet one.” You can feel your eye twitching slightly at his gall, but you swallow down the annoyance as you continue to wait patiently. “If it stings less to only be caught by one person in your lie, we can head up to your room and you can show just me instead, Kook.” The group sat around him ‘oooh’s’ but you suspect it’s not entirely in your favour. Regardless, you stick to your claim and shuffle yourself towards the edge of the couch cushion below you, propping your chin expectantly into your palm and you rest your elbow against your knee. “What are you getting yourself into?” Irene whispers from beside you, but you ignore her, keeping your eyes on the kid in front of you as he continues to sit in silence until you’re convinced. “Thought so-” “Let’s go.” Jungkook downs the rest of his drink as he stands, throwing the empty cup down before tucking his thumbs into the pockets of his incredibly tight leather jeans – you know the pair far too well by this point. Your brows lift in slight surprise momentarily as the boys roar a cheer around the two of you, but the defiant heat in his eyes has your competitive side humming with the need to be right and you’re standing before you can think twice, tugging your skirt down from where it’s ridden up and flipping your hair back behind you. Jungkook doesn’t move to touch you, doesn’t speak, and offers you no more than a tilt of his head before he’s off, winding slowly between dancing bodies and drunken groups of friends towards the staircase. You ignore his hollaring friends and the way Irene gapes at you, the loss of filter that had enabled you to speak up inevitably still driving you, and you quickly slip through the crowd to follow him up the stairs and into the semi quieter hallway. As he trails down the hall, you stare at the back of his head and think back to the first time you met Jungkook. Something like three or four years ago, barely about to be a high school graduate and a least a foot shorter than he is now. Definitely not as broad or as built as he’s become, and it’s almost hard to put the two together as one person. You’re focusing so hard that you almost don’t realise he’s come to a stop in front of you, and you have to catch yourself on the wall to your right before you fall as you stumble to avoid slamming into him, and you don’t miss the way his cheeks lift in amusement even as he hides his smile. “Last chance, babe. You can turn back now and forget about this, or you keep going and leave my room a changed woman.” You cross your arms, raising your eyebrows in mild shock. “Yeah, are you done?” He shrugs, stubborn smirk still on his face, and you roll your eyes. “Are we going in or what? I’m not here to be glamoured into sleeping with you, I’m literally just here to catch your ass out. Got it?” “Okay, whatever you say.” Jungkook raises his hands in mock defeat, grinning from ear to ear as he finally turns the knob and opens the door. He leads you inside into darkness, closing the door behind the two of you and completely abolishing the last light source and leaving you blind. A hand against your lower back makes you jump and you almost slap the appendage away before you realise he’s guiding you to the bed. You sit, albeit somewhat reluctantly, and moments later a click sound fills the room with a soft golden glow. Jungkook is surprisingly close, only about a foot away, and with the dimness of the room he looks even broader. “Ready?” He regards you with wide grin and you smirk back, crossing your legs as you lean back onto your hands. “You’re really sticking to this aren’t you?” You have to admit, his commitment to the facade is admirable. “Nothing to stick to other than the cold hard truth. You’re really sticking to the idea that I’m lying? Or was this some sort of grand plan to get into my pants? Because I can assure you, all you had to do was ask.” His eyes rake over you, up your legs and pausing over the short hem of your skirt before trailing up towards the dip in your top. One hand comes to rest over his front and his fingers squeeze confidently, massaging himself in front of you. And liar or not, you couldn’t help but feel yourself start to heat up at his actions. “No grand plan, just purely sick of hearing your bullshit when I’m trying to get drunk and relax.” He laughs at this, and you feel your lips quirk slightly, but you hold your composure. “Maybe I can help you relax then?” He raises an eyebrow in question, taking a step closer and tilting his head as he gazes deep into your eyes. His knees are touching yours now, and you know if you look down there’s a decent chance of seeing his stirring erection. “Maybe you can stop procrastinating so I can be on my merry way back downstairs to disappoint all your friends.” You feel a twinge of annoyance when his expression only turns more amused. “Do those girls know you talk about them like that?” “Does it matter?” His hand drops from his crotch to swing gently at his side, and you force your eyes to hold steady locked with his and not move elsewhere. “Those girls talk about me just as savagely, pick me apart. It’s all part of the game, babe, no need to be so concerned.” You’re about to say more when he suddenly shuffles forward, denim grazing the outsides of your thighs and knees pressing into the bed until he’s straddling you, forcing you to uncross your legs. “You came up here for a reason. Should we cut to the chase?” Your mouth is suddenly dry with his proximity, not expecting him to get so close, but Jungkook seems to take no notice as leans even closer and reaches for your hand. “What are you doing?” Your voice shakes slightly, and you clear your throat quickly as you watch him bring your palm closer to the bump at the front of his jeans. “Don’t you want to feel how big it is?” Jungkook’s eyes sparkle in the lamps soft light and he tilts his head just so to watch your expression carefully. You somehow feel quite exposed under his gaze, but your reluctance seems to die on the tip of your tongue as the heat of his body over yours starts to seep into your bones. Jungkook, whilst he is incredibly douchey, somewhat arrogant and entirely too self assured, is still a very handsome young man. And you’re going to continue to blame your raging hormones for the reaction your body is experiencing at the idea of touching him. “I thought you were just going to show me.” His teeth catch his lower lip and he halts the pulling of your hand. “I’m not trying to force you if you’re uncomfortable.” You can’t help but chuckle, discomfort being the furthest thing from your mind. “Don’t tell me you’re still putting it off? You’ve come so far.” His sweet gaze turns deadly, eyes narrowing in to yours, and he releases your hand for a moment to flick open the button of his jeans, dragging the zipper down and hooking his thumbs under the waistband to push the tight fabric down to his thighs. Trim, black briefs come into view and this time you let your eyes drop to follow his movements, abandoned hand still sitting loose in your lap just inches from the sizable bump. “Doesn’t seem like anything special to me.” He’s decent, that much you can easily tell just by the sheer bulk of his front, but the size isn’t quite what you’d call impossible and you relax as you take this into account. “I’m not even hard, you’re not exactly making this easy for me.” Jungkook does it again, reaches down to glide his hand over himself before cupping his balls gently, rolling them in his fingers. “It’d go faster if you helped.” You stare up at him for a moment, contemplating while you chew on the inside of your cheek. Basic stubborn insistence had quickly turned into a sudden want and your mind was so hazy it was hard to comprehend what was a rational though versus what was very, very irrational. But you couldn’t care less even if you tried. Placing your hand in his, you sit up straighter and firmly brace yourself on the one hand propped behind you. Jungkook gives you a once over, tightening his grip on your fingers, before pulling your hand gradually closer until your digits meet the soft skin just above his waistband. Fingers firmly locked around the entirety of your wrist, he mimicked his earlier actions on himself, grazing down the thin cotton of his briefs before curling your palm and moulding his cock against your hand. You can feel the way your eyes visibly widen but you manage to catch your lower lip before it can drop open, and your teeth dig almost painfully into the sensitive skin as he pushed himself further into your palm. The tips of your shaky digits are grazing the swell of his head, and your core throbs when you note he’s already a handful and he really isn’t hard – not that it takes him long. Jungkook grinds against your fingers until you gradually take initiative, spreading them even further to cup around the edge of his balls, and his head rolls back as you give him a firm stroke. His dark gaze returns to you, further shadowed with the way his just parted hair falls down and into his gaze, and you automatically press yourself closer to his warmth, thighs coming together beneath him. You’re so in awe, the way his cock continues to grow under each stroke of your fingers making your mouth water, and just when you think he’s done growing under your touch, you feel him harden and thicken a little more. You briefly think back to past moments you’d bothered to glance between his hips, and you’re astounded at the way he’s managed to hide such a large amount of length and girth in such tight pants. And then thinking back to not ten minutes ago, you grow sheepish, almost embarrassed, over your outburst. He must be able to see the realisation in your eyes, as Jungkook’s grin quickly returns, and he bucks his hips even harder against you with a dangerous roll that has even your own hips flexing against the bed below. His hand lifts to glide over your collarbone until he can push your tee collar to the side and follow the curve of your shoulder. He regards you carefully as he leans closer, the heavy scent of his cologne mixed with a hint of raspberry from the vodka on his tongue and even the musky sweetness of the weed he must’ve sampled at some stage throughout the night, all comes together to make your head spin. Your lips part in a gasp when his own finally graze against the dip in your neck, and your fingers twitch to grasp firmly around his shaft as your head tips back, lashes fluttering. Your fingers don’t even touch wrapped around his girth, and your mouth salivates more at the feeling of just how thick and heavy he is in your palm. You’re still in disbelief at the sheer size of him. “Now do you believe me? Or do you wanna see it properly?” The heat of Jungkook’s breath washes over your skin and leaves goose bumps in his wake, a shiver vibrating up your spine. When his lips press open against the softest spot beneath your ear to allow his tongue a leisurely swipe across your skin, your digits curl into his waistband and the sticky slick of his precum slides across your fingertips as they meet his tip. Jungkook hisses in a gasp and the thick thighs planted either side of your waist tense and hold you momentarily hostage, the rippling muscle beneath the leather rolling against your ribs and making you twitch. You pull your dewy fingers from his cock and start to pull the plain briefs down, eager for a first look at his impressive length, and you surely aren’t disappointed. His shirt slightly raised to just above belly button gives you a glance at honeyed skin stretched firm over generous muscle, and the tops of his thighs are just as delectable, thick and meaty with just enough give when your fingers squeeze in. But all of that aside, you’re immediately drawn to the throbbing, dripping tip of his cock as it’s released from his briefs and slapping against his stomach. The lamp light catches on the streak of moisture the weeping of his length leaves shining on his skin, and you swallow reflexively with the want to clean it up with your tongue. What was it about a cock this big that made you lose all inhibitions and let go of your pride? How did he make you lose control so easily? And why does it feel so good? “So, does it live up to your expectations?” Jungkook’s lips quirk on one side and you jump a little when his teeth nip at your sensitive skin. “I-I-” you’re not quite sure what you’re trying to say, and the huff of breath that escapes him is a throaty chuckle, muffled by your neck. “I think you might owe me an apology. You wanna try and show me how sorry you are?” You’re nodding before you can stop yourself, tongue peeking between your lips to moisten them. Jungkook’s hands fly up to press against your shoulders and before you know it, you’re lain back and he’s shuffling further up over you. Taking a firm hold of your wrists, he pulls them down to your sides as he kneels around them and you automatically lift them to press palms against the dips in the backs of his thighs. His belt buckle clinks as he pulls it from the loops of his jeans and it hits the floor with a thud, Jungkook’s shirt quickly following it, and you soon wish your arms weren’t pinned so you could graze his strawberry pink nipples with your fingernails. The leather of his jeans is pulled so far that you’re thinking it might burst, but he lifts one leg to tug the pants from his body, quickly stripping the other as well, and you’re panting below him, eyes greedily absorbing all the freshly exposed skin. The dim glow coats his skin like honey and a light sheen of sweat from the humidity rising in the room shines in the valley of his chest and right along the curve of his brow. To be quite frank he looks fucking delicious and when his fingers twist behind your neck and into the back of your hair, your nails automatically dig into his skin to form crescent moons. “Open wide for me.” Jungkook creeps a hand down to flick over your lower lip, and you’re tempted to chase the digit with your tongue as you comply, lips parting and mouth opening for him. “Little bit more baby, otherwise I won’t fit.” Your jaw, almost pushed to its limits, gives a sharp ache of complaint when you stretch as far as comfortably possible, and your tongue pools with what can only be described as drool when he wraps his long fingers around himself and thrusts into his fist slowly. A bead of precum builds quickly at his tip before gliding smoothly to the underside of his cock and hanging directly above your mouth. You fix your stare on the tiny dew drop, fingers tightening against his skin and he bites down on his lower lip with a smile at the hunger in your gaze. He knew you wanted it. The head of his cock is like velvet, gliding smoothly across your lower lip, and your tongue lifts immediately to greet him as he presses against your mouth. Jungkook moans gently, fingers tugging slightly as he tilts his hips and presses forward harder, and you stretch your lips until the head of his cock glides in and sits heavy on your tongue. You pull him closer by the hands you slide from his thighs to his ass and you groan as he stretches your mouth wide open. “That’s it, just like that.” Jungkook pants above you, moving his hips slowly as he thrusts into your mouth. Your teeth just miss his length as he pulls back further and pushes in harder, and pleased surprise lights up his eyes as he watches more and more of his cock disappear into your mouth. The first nudge of his head finding your throat has you flinching, fingers squeezing his flesh and lashes fluttering as you try your best not to choke. “I’m impressed, you can take more than most.” The glare you send him would be far more threatening if it weren’t for the tears that bud in your eyes, nose sniffling as you try to keep your breathing even when he fastens his pace. Your hands fly from his ass to his hips and you urge him on, pushing yourself past the comfort barrier and down onto his cock as hard as you can. Jungkook cries out in surprise, head falling back as his hips stutter and both hands are soon buried deep into your hair. He pulls from you quite suddenly, still perched above you, and the glossy slick of your saliva and his precum makes him look even more imposing, cock flushed red and rock hard. You gasp for breath, licking the last of his flavour from your lips as you stare silently up at him, and he only pauses for a moment before his composure breaks. Hands hook under your arms and pluck you easily from the bed, throwing you back to land with your head against the pillows, and you can’t help your squeals of surprise when he immediately tugs you down towards him in the opposite direction, sliding into his stomach and pushing your skirt up your hips as he pulls your knees over his shoulders. He doesn’t bat an eye at your cotton panties, simply hooking his finger beneath and pulling them to the side to expose your dripping core. Jungkook has his mouth on you in seconds, greedy moans leaving his lips as he runs his tongue straight up over your folds and comes to a stop on your clit. Rolling his tongue, he sucks the sensitive nub between his lips and catches the skin between his teeth, and your legs immediately attempt to clamp shut around his neck as you cry out, but they don’t get the chance. He pushes your knees up off his shoulders and close to your chest, keeping his lips tightly in place as he rolls your clit against the backs of his teeth. The sharp bite has you arching up into his efforts, grinding your core harder against his tongue until the tip slips deep inside and you completely freeze up, gasping at the sudden intrusion. Fingers twisting painfully into the sheets beside your head, you start to shake with the intense pleasure, and the way you twitch and whimper under his tongue drives him to double his efforts. “God, Jungkook!” Every gasp for air is immediately stolen from your lungs as he pulls moan after moan from your lips. The way he eats you is messy, but the slick that pools in the cleft of your ass and shines on your inner thighs only turns you on more, and the way his lips look so perfectly kissable whilst covered with your wetness makes you positively weak. “Fuck!” He grunts against the innermost part of your thigh when his fingertip glides over your leaking hole, feeling the way it tightens under the barest of touches echoed in his cock as he shamelessly rolls his hips against the bed. You already seem so tight, so small and ready to be ruined and he hasn’t even put anything in yet. “Please!” The absence of his tongue on your clit makes you ache with the need to release and you quickly find yourself begging, one hand falling down to slip between the strands littering his forehead while the other glides across your chest to wrap around one tight rosebud. “Please fuck me with your fingers!” “That’s right, beg for my fingers baby. Tell me how much you want it.” You whine even louder, uncaring of the risk of getting caught by any party goers as you lift your hips to roll against his mouth. “I want it so bad! W-want you to stretch me out for that massive fucking cock!” Jungkook chuckles gently against your hip where he’s pulling the skin between his lips to lift cherry bruises to the surface, and you burn with a blush when he peeks curiously up at you. “Didn’t know you had such a dirty mouth, baby.” You pout when he doesn’t follow the urging of your hand in his hair to rewrap his tongue around your core.
  “Didn’t take you for such a tease. Thought you wanted me to come up so you could show me that it’s so big it can’t fit inside my pussy.” He nips at your skin a little harder until you yelp but any complaints die on your tongue when he lets a finger graze your entrance, coating it in your slick before slowly easing just the first half inside you. “With a pussy this tight it’s definitely not gonna fit, baby.” His words are muffled as he kisses and licks his way up your body, thumb replacing his tongue and resting just above your clit as he pumps the soaked digit deeper into your walls and once he’s close enough you grab at him, nails finding comfort in the short hairs on his nape as he buries his face into your neck. “Stretch me out then. Get me ready for your cock.” You breathe against his skin, and he shudders with a groan as he finally connects your lips. One finger is easily turned into two and you only give a light gasp in response to the slight stretch. Jungkook curls his fingers now, pressing deep and searching until you buck your hips with a loud cry and press yourself even closer to his chest. Your core starts to tighten, pleasure building and your hips jerk rapidly under his ministrations. The incessant throbbing deep within grows larger and hungrier the harder he grazes against your sweetest spot and soon enough he’s pulling wrecked whimpers from your lips as you buck and grind wildly against his hand. The gush of wetness that signals your orgasm is bordering on excessive, and you can’t help but muffle a scream into the blankets beside your head, recovering from the aftershocks as Jungkook continues to slowly pump his two fingers in and out of your entrance, a third finger grazing just the side of your folds but feeling imposing enough to make your skin burn with nervous excitement. “You want me to stretch you out a little more?” His cock is still there, burning hot and hard as a rock against your hip, and when he pulls the two digits from between your folds to momentarily gaze at the slick coating his hand, a certain heat shining in his eyes, you feel the same heat burning inside your core. “Yes, please!” Fingers glide over your pussy lips before sliding back inside you, and Jungkook is still smirking as he gently presses the third finger to your hole, already coated from your orgasm. It slides in deep along with the others, a delicious burn stretching your entrance but it’s only momentary, the hunger deep within automatically accepting his fingers with the want for even more, and you know you won’t be content until you’ve had his cock – or at least tried to. “Such a good girl.” His praise has you keening, face turning to connect your lips with his until he starts to thrust, pinpointing the tips of his fingers to batter your sensitive walls skilfully, and you quickly bury your face in his neck as you cry out. You’re still so sensitive from your earlier orgasm, and you’re thankful he’s choosing to avoid your clit for the time being. “Please fuck me.” You’re wailing, holding him tightly to you even as you feel yourself start to sweat, skin sticking to skin, and the blood pumping in your veins is like lava. Jungkook doesn’t seem to mind, the hand not on your pussy wrapped under your shoulder and cupping the back of your neck as he pulls you just as close. “I’m not gonna fit in your tight little pussy baby, not yet.” Somehow his lips are cool as they press to your flushed skin, pouting softly against your cheek and his teeth nip at your skin as he glides down to your jaw. “I may very well rip you in half if I try.” “I don’t care! I want it! Tear my pussy apart, use me please!” You’re getting close again, all semblance of control over your mouth flying out the window as you curl into him, thighs shaking with the effort of not closing them tight around his wrist. Jungkook doesn’t say anything to that, but presses his tongue onto your skin with a deep growl, and he hovers over you quickly, fingers insistent as he pounds into you and the heel of his palm smacks against your clit with each motion. Forced to release your grip on his hair, you grope desperately for something to dig your nails into and soon locate the pillow above you, fabric groaning with protest as you squeeze it between your fingers. “Cum for me.” The thumb of his free hand is lifted to his lips to greet his tongue before he plants the moistened digit against your clit, rolling the sensitive nub nice and hard as he finger fucks you even faster than before, and you’re seeing stars. “Fuck!” Your orgasm is blinding, and you feel your eyes roll back under your lids as you pull the pillow down and sink your teeth into the cotton. Jungkook yanks the corner down so as to see your face and when you finally open your eyes there are tears pouring from the corners. Your jaw aches from how hard you’re clenching your teeth on the pillow and your fingers complain with tiny pangs of pain when you finally straighten them. You hold the cushion there until you can no longer breathe properly and you finally throw it back to the side only to discover the entirety of your lower half is showered in generous drops of liquid, and your face heats when you note the wetness of the comforter beneath you. “So fucking hot.” Jungkook mumbles, drawing your attention back to him, and his very drenched fingers run through the tiny puddles littering your skin. The idea is dirty, the sticky, wet feeling even more so, but it does nothing to assuage the post coital high that’s sunk into your bones. You shiver under his roaming fingertips, and he grins again as your legs vibrate, hooking his hands under your knees and pulling them over his hips. “Are you gonna fuck me now?” You’re still breathing hard, and you cover his hands with yours when they glide over your hips. “You still want more?” He chuckles, thumbs massaging across the soft dip beneath your navel and you squirm in response, the heat of his cock pressed against the back of your thigh reminding you just how long he is. “I want it all.” You roll your hips up and over his cock, and his grip tightens before falling lax and he meets you with a thrust of his own. “Do you think you can take it?” He’s still self indulgently thrusting his cock against your pussy, the underside of his shaft coated in your wetness. “Why don’t you put it in and see for yourself?” You’re talking big, but you still feel a modicum of nerves at the sheer width of his cock, and already feeling the ache from his fingers having stretched you open, you can only imagine what him even just trying to get inside you is going to feel like. “Careful what you’re asking for.” His hands run from your hips up to the bunching fabric where your skirt sits bundled around your stomach. Pulling it down, he snags your panties in the process and strips you of both smoothly before gliding his fingers up to the hem of your shirt and you arch your back to help him as he lifts it up and over your head. Your bra doesn’t stand a chance and soon you’re completely naked in front of him, such stark contrast to less than a minute ago. “You’re very confident in yourself for someone who apparently never actually gets it inside. Is that why you’re so good at the the foreplay?” Jungkook’s hands freeze on your waist, and you hold your breath for a moment as he stares down at you. The heat reigniting in his eyes makes your insides clench and you know he can feel the way your heart batters inside you chest with his hands on your ribs. “Fuck I hope I get it in, gonna make you shut your smart mouth baby.” Hands flip you and you land on your stomach with a squeak of surprise, and Jungkook is none to gentle about the way he lifts your hips into position. The swipe of his tongue across your core catches you even more by surprise and you moan when he soaks you further with his saliva, fingers spreading the mixture of his mouth and your pussy until you feel it gliding in rivulets down your thighs. Catching the drops, he spits noisily into his palm and the slick noise of his hand pumping his length fills the air. You clench in anticipation and he must see the way your hole flutters because he groans, palm catching the swell of your ass with a wet smack before the first brush of his tip meets your core. You gasp as he presses closer, and even just the tip of him is so thick that you start to doubt whether he’s going to fit. He runs the head of his cock up to swirl in your wetness, and you feel your hole release another little gush of moisture as he brushes past your clit. The hand not guiding his cock cups your left ass cheek and pulls it aside to get a clear view of your entrance and he squeezes your flesh with a hiss. “So tight and wet. Can’t wait to fucking wreck you.” You feel the burn before you notice the increase in pressure, and you bury your face in the comforter as he pushes against your entrance. You can feel the way his stickiness mixes with your wet slick and the velvet feel of him brushing against you makes you tighten even further. “Deep breath baby, relax for me.” You do as he says, breathing deeply and focusing on nothing else for a minute, and the slight pop of his tip pushing into your core catches you off guard, and you immediately clench around him, and he swears loudly into your back. “Fuck, holy fuck you’re so tight.” An odd sense of pride is swimming in your blood at just how shaky his voice is, and once again you’re reminded of the things you’d heard him say about the other girls. When was the last time he felt a pussy wrapped around his cock? “Oh my god.” You whimper as he presses forward with an involuntary push of his hips and his fingers glide down your spine as he shushes you gently, ignoring the way even he is out of breath and shaking. The burn continues as he presses forward even more, and you can’t help but lift a hand to hold his hip back from going any further as you gasp for breath. The swell of his shaft just below his tip is the thickest part and you’re being pushed way past your limit. You can feel the heat of his breath on your back and he rests his forehead against your shoulder blade, a gentle kiss following. As the pain starts to dull you carefully draw back before sinking down again, and you can feel the way Jungkook’s hands are shaking from holding himself back. Pleasure blooms along with the burn the next time you sink back, the tip of his cock brushing a particularly sensitive spot inside you, and you cry out, nails digging deep into his skin. “How are you so fucking big, oh my god Jungkook.” He laughs a little, kissing your skin again before finally sitting up to watch the way you stretch around his shaft, a thick rivulet of slick dripping down from where the two of you are joined, and he moans breathlessly. “You feel so good, baby.” You moan right back as you swivel your hips, slowly sinking further down his length and each inch you work inside yourself has his fingers tightening and breathing coming faster. But even now you’ve still got at least two inches to go and you’re not sure if you’ll make it all the way, surprised you’d even gotten him inside to begin with. “I can’t believe that fucking thing is going inside me right now.” Jungkook’s hips surge forward and he sinks another inch before hitting your cervix and you arch your back at the sharp spike of pleasure and pain that takes over your body. “J-Jung-ah!” One thrust turns into two and soon enough Jungkook is smoothly gliding in and out of your core, and you can do nothing other than lay with your face buried into the comforter while you bundle the fabric in tightly closed fists. He draws back until just the swell of his head is stretching your hole before sinking back in with a fatal roll of his hips. “So tight, so fucking good baby.” You can hear the strain in his voice, and he gives a slightly higher pitched moan in response to the way you tighten around him. “Your pussy looks so good stuffed full with my cock, does it feel good? Huh?” “Y-Yes!” You sob, the bite of pain as he slams into you as deep as he can only sweetens the pleasure of his tip finding your gspot and tears spring in your eyes as you feel your legs start to shake with every pound. “F-feels so g-good!” “Not talking so much shit now, huh?” His blunt nails bite into the cushiony flesh of your ass before his hand rears back and another smack lights up your skin nice and pink, and you know he can feel that way your walls flutter with every hit. “In fact I think you’re so drunk for my cock you won’t even be able to think up one of your silly insults.” “Ha-ah!” Your cheeks blush pinker than your ass and you try hard to formulate a response but he’s so right. The only thing you can focus on is the delectable way the mix of his precum and your wetness is gradually tickling its way down your inner thighs and the wet smack his balls make on your clit with each stroke. You’ve never been pushed this far, never been filled so good, and you’re starting to feel lightheaded with the sheer amount of conflicting feelings battering your body. “Pussy is so greedy it’s sucking me back in every time I pull out. Are you this hungry for every cock you take?” Jungkook decorates his words with extra deep thrusts and your legs start to give out beneath you, shaking and sliding on the comforter, but he holds you steady regardless. When you don’t answer he creeps a hand between your thighs and lands a decent smack over your clit and you buckle and fall instantly. “Answer me!” “Ah! N-No, only yours! Only your cock!” He lets you flatten over the mattress, following you down easily and planting his hands beside your shoulders. You can feel moisture dripping onto your back, sweat from somewhere on his body, and your tongue starts to crave the salt that’s collecting on his skin. His thighs hold your legs open as he fucks you even harder into the comforter and now you’re well and truly devouring the fabric in an attempt not to scream out loud. “Only my cock?” You mewl a yes and, feeling his breath on the back of your neck, turn your head in an attempt to kiss him, but the way he has you pressed down under the weight of his thrusts makes it impossible. Seeing your struggle, he grinds deep into you for a moment before pulling away, and when his cock slips from your hole a surge of wetness follows him. Gripping your hips again he pulls your tired frame from the bed and up onto your knees again, assisting you to turn over onto your back, and when you’re finally relaxed with your knees hooked up around his waist he covers you with his body and kisses you hard and deep. His tongue glides along yours, sharing the faint taste of your flavour that still lingers in his mouth, and you’re sure he can taste himself as well. Your arms are numb but you lift them anyway, hooking around his neck and holding him to you as he presses fully against you and you love the way his skin slides against yours, sticky and smooth all at once. You can taste the sweat on his upper lip and you follow the flavour down his cheek and under his jaw, lips and tongue sucking hard when he jerks at a particularly sensitive spot, and you can feel the way his neck vibrates when he moans deep. When you release his neck, kissing the bruise you leave behind, you lock eyes with him and your lips part to moan as he slips a couple fingers over your core to test your wetness. “Still so drenched. All for me?” “All for you.” You whisper the words, dry throat protesting while you swallow numbly and Jungkook presses pouted lips to your just for a second and he lines himself back up to your entrance and surges forward again. The second breach of your walls is naturally far easier than before, but the change in position means the way his cock is curved lets his tip hammer straight into your gspot, and you’re instantly arched up and moaning as he thrusts again and again. “F-Fuck yes, right there baby!” You don’t notice that you’re pulling on his hair but he loves it anyway, forearms pressed on either side of your head as he tangles his fingers into your hair and slides his tongue across your parted lower lip. “Right here?” His extra hard roll of his hips against your spot has your nails digging into his shoulders as you gasp for air, and you nod weakly, broken moans escaping as your brows furrow and he knows you’re about to cum again. All for him. “Cum for me baby – will you squirt for me again? I love it when we’re covered in your cum, dirty girl.” You sob, teeth clamping down on your lower lip as tears pour from your eyes, and you can feel your walls tighten with release, and a strong pressure deep inside. “There it is baby.” The first wave of your orgasm hits and your eyes roll back, thighs squeezing him tight, but when you think he’s going to continue to fuck you through it, he pulls out instead and uses the thick head of his cock to rub messily at your clit, and then you feel it. Little drops of release shower over the two of you, and each wave of your orgasm becomes more and more intense as you continue to cum, drenching the both of you and the bed without pause. He only stops when you reach down and grab the hand holding his cock, and you pant for air as your thighs lift and press together, shaking violently. He’s biting his lip, smile tilting the corners of his mouth, and he helps you hold your legs together while you catch your breath, fingers stroking your skin softly. “You good?” You nod, swallowing thickly as the blood rushing between your ears calms and the feeling returns to your fingers and toes, letting your thighs fall open once more. Jungkook immediately leans down to capture your lips, shaft pressing against your folds and soothing the ache in your walls with the pure heat radiating off of his cock. He’s still leaking profusely, precum puddling just below your navel where his head nudges your skin, and you take pity on him, having held himself back to ensure your pleasure. Breaking away from his lips, you let one hand drop to stroke over his cock, and he releases a shuddered breath into your mouth, humming a moan against your cheek when you lift your hips to stroke his tip against your entrance one more time. “Cum in me?” The jerk of his hips as his eyes shoot open in surprise pushes his tip just past your folds and into your heat, and when he pulls back to look at you he’s forced to hold back a moan at the pure unadulterated pleasure on your face. “Oh, fuck yes!” You brace yourself, hands pressed against his chest, as he presses harder and further into your pussy. The stretch is a little tighter, evidence of your recent orgasm, but the lingering wet mess leaves no room for resistance and he slides right in. “I won’t last long.” Voice tight, Jungkook starts to thrust, and the smooth velvet of your walls gliding around his sensitive tip has fire burning in his blood. No longer needing to hold back his orgasm, he relaxes into you, lips caressing your neck and chest pressed against yours, feeling the pebbles of your nipples graze across his skin with every thrust. If he’s honest with himself, he’s wanted you for a long time, and you look even better laid out beneath him like this than he ever could have imagined, your hair fanned out so prettily on his bed and your lips cherry red from the kisses you’ve shared. You pull him even closer as his breath starts to come quicker, hips moving a little clumsy and his fingers tightening in the blanket beside your head, and he swells even more inside you, throbbing as he gets closer and closer to release. With one last burst of energy, Jungkook rears back onto his knees, hands planting on your waist, and speeds up until the only sound either of you can hear is the loud smacking of his hips meeting your ass. Your lashes flutter, core tightening slightly at the discomfort of overstimulation, but it’s all worth it to watch the way his eyes roll back and his lips pout in concentration. He cums surprisingly noisily; sharp, high moans hitched with gasps of pleasure, and you moan in reply as he fucks the first pump of his seed deep inside your core. “Fuck, baby.” He pats your ass as he leans forward to catch your lips, twitching with the last drops of his cum leaking slowly out of your core, before slumping forward to cover your body with his own. You stay there for a moment, enjoying the heat of his body even as the discomfort starts to sink in and the moisture on your skin quickly turns sticky and gross. Jungkook continues to lay over you, relaxing even further to make you grunt under his weight, and you groan when you feel him chuckle, amused by the way you wriggle under him. “Told you it was big.” You snort, punching his side and he dissolves even further into laughter. “Get the fuck off me or I’ll tell everyone the opposite you fuckin’ weeb.” He chuckles, rolling off to the side and finally letting you breathe. You sigh in relief, turning towards him and pulling a pillow down to rest your head upon. “You don’t want people thinking your boyfriend has a little dick, right?” You can’t help but stare at him in shock, eyes wide as you freeze and roll his words over in your mind. “What?” Heat least has the audacity to look sheepish, averting his gaze from you to scratch at the back of his neck. “Y’know… We’ve known each other for ages, and I think you’re great.” You start to relax back onto the bed, a small smile spreading across your face. He’s really quite cute when he gets flustered. “I mean only if you want to, I just thought maybe we could hang out or-” “Jungkook are you… trying to ask me out?” He looks back at you, calming slightly when he notices the smile on your face, and you grin harder when he nods slowly. “You’re such a dork.” Rolling closer, you hook an arm around his neck and pull him closer to plant your lips hard on his, and he makes a noise of surprise before returning your embrace and holding you close with an arm around your waist. “You better stop your shit talking at parties or I’m dropping your nerd ass so quick.” He laughs against your lips, nodding, and you lay your head against his chest, relaxing as his fingers glide up and down your spine, the noise of the party fading into the background.
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antiquechampagne · 5 years
Divine Inspiration
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The morning breeze carried the honeyed scent of the nearby roses mixed with fresh earth through Barbara’s open window. She woke early, just as the sun warmed the horizon to get a start on the day’s baking. Taking stock of her wares, she realized a trip to the trader was in order. After the first batch of pretzels was out of the oven and cooling, she made her way over.
“Good morrow, Barbara! What do you need today?” Kornelius saddled up to the table laden with wares.
“Can I get a bag of flour, please?”
“Sure thing. Anything else? Maybe some salt? Sugar?” His words had a bit of a sting to them and he knew it. Barbara’s reputation preceded her, as it did everywhere in Pribyslavitz.
She huffed.
“Just the flour, then.” Groschen quickly changed hands.
Barbara headed back to her shop, her cheeks burning.
She puttered around the shop, keeping her hands busy while her mind stewed. Sugar! Really?! She could bake dozens of pretzels faster than anyone around could and they tasted exquisite… but there was one thing that eluded her. One prize that seemed forever out of her reach… she could not for the life of her bake a proper biscuit. Every time she tried, she would end up with a lump of pallid flavorless dough or a burned chunk of coal. She had all but given up ever figuring out how to create a sweet treat.
The bell above the door rang as a familiar customer entered. Barbara managed to have a smile by the time he greeted her.
“God save you, Tom.”
“And you.” He eyed her wares while stroking his luxuriously thick mustache. If it wasn’t for all the dice he played, Barbara would have considered Tom to be quite a catch. She forced herself to focus. No use getting distracted in front of a customer.
He picked up a fresh pretzel after haggling for a minute. As he popped a corner in his mouth, his finger raised up as if remembering something important. “Just a fair warning,” He mumbled in between bites. “The bailiff might be on his way. I saw him walking down the road.”
Barbara’s heart sank. She thanked Tom for his patronage as she ushered him out of the shop. Peeking beyond her door, she saw the Bailiff’s silhouette far down the rutty road. His armor shone as he waved a greeting to the people passing him in the street.
Barbara slammed the door shut, pressing herself against the wood. She wasn't ready to endure the bailiff and his incipient disappointment again. It was like this endless ritual. He would burst through her door, scrutinize her offerings and then leave in a huff over the lack of sweet confections—day after day.
She couldn't deal with it today—it was just too much. Barbara opened the door a sliver to spy the Bailiff jovially entering another shop across. Now was her chance. She slipped out and bolted the door behind her.
Her nerves were raw. Perhaps a nice walk in the woods could soothe her. The minutes trickled in a steady stream. She felt that the farther she wandered from home, the calmer her spirit became. She knew not to ramble too far. Bandits and Cumans hid in the woods to attack unlucky travelers. The sun rose high in the sky, its warmth pressing its balmy weight on her shoulders.
At an intersection, a familiar conciliation cross greeted her. Needing a rest, she sat on a nearby log. She thought long and hard about all the biscuit recipes she had tried over the year she had been the baker in Pribyslavitz, and each time she failed. Barbara offered a heartfelt prayer that God would somehow grant her the grace to finally create an eatable confection.
Rested, she rose to continue her stroll when her foot caught on something in the grass. Stumbling, she landed on her knees.
"Damn it." At least the bailiff wasn't around to see her fail again.
Before she could rise to her feet, her eyes fell upon the object that had tripped her. To her surprise, she spied a wooden box wedged beneath the log where she had sat. Intrigued, she tried to pull it free, but it refused to budge. After giving the log a good shove with her shoulder, she managed to free the box, pulling it onto her lap.
Barbara felt compelled by some outside force to open it. Luckily, the lock had long since rusted away, leaving it easy to pop open with a deft thump with a nearby rock. Lifting the lid, she found a single book. Its leather cover was intricately carved ivy with tufts of feathery wheat intertwined. In the center, crowned with a buzzing beehive, was a stately oven surrounded by loaves of bread, cakes, and buns.
Barbara delicately opened the book to pages filled with beautiful script and dotted with numerous detailed illuminations.
She cursed under her breath. She had no bloody idea how to read.
By the time she had returned home, she was exhausted, though more mentally than physically. Opening her shop, she soon found a rush of people through her door. She figured most were trying to finish their daily shopping and she had become their last stop to get a few loaves before heading home for supper. Happily, Barbara realized as she closed for the night that the bailiff seemed to have better things to do than food shopping.
Her mind returned to the mysterious book. She turned the pages absentmindedly as she ate her own dinner of lentil mash and hearty bread, studying the drawings to see if they held any clues to the contents of the pages. Unfortunately, none were forthcoming.
Discouraged, Barbara pondered about who might help her decipher the text... without charging too much. She spent the remainder of the night cleaning the shop before heading to bed, the book tucked neatly beneath her pillow. She would have to find a safer hiding spot for such a valuable item, but until then she wasn't going to leave it too far from her side.
As the pale moon arched across the sky, Barbara began to dream. She found herself in a quiet chapel in the woods surrounded by dozens of frozen figures, stately frescos staring at her with their unmoving eyes.
The belching blast of an alien-sounding trumpet abruptly broke the silence. Startled, Barbara looked up to see the wall glowing with a golden light. Out stepped a figure.
“Quiet, Boris,” it said. “And go and get a tissue.”
“Who are you?” Barbara blurted.
“I am Saint Honoratus of Amiens!”
Barbara quickly crossed herself as she knelt, bowing her head. God had truly sent her a boon in the patron saint of bakers. In their right hand, they held a golden baker’s shovel.
“Glory be to God! He has sent me a sign!”
"To be honest, we thought the recipe book would be enough. We normally don't send anyone on a personal intervention like this but someone forgot to check if to see if you could read."
The trumpet emitted an annoyed-sounding blurt. Barbara looked away confused, feeling she might be intruding on some otherworldly spat.
"But that is neither here nor there," the saint continued. They lowered the golden shovel to reveal a trio of perfectly round pale biscuits. A small heart cut in the middle exposed a red center. "These, Barbara—Baker of Biscuit Town—are Jammie Dodgers. These are God's gift to you."
A holy hand burned Barbara's forehead.
Barbara woke with a start, gasping as her mind buzzed and churned with godly knowledge. Even though the sun had yet to start to rise, Barbara began to prepare. She found her larder filled with every ingredient she needed, even though part of her knew she had never seen some of them in any market. As the town woke around her, she hardly noticed the bustling outside her windows as she stirred and mixed, kneaded and baked.
She pulled sheets and sheets from the oven, soon realizing she had nowhere to place the hot biscuits to cool. Looking around, the only place to put them was her display tables... which were still filled with yesterday’s leftover pretzels. In a fit, she opened a shutter and tossed them all into the street, her only worry the creation of these divinely perfect confections.
Like a woman possessed, she worked tirelessly, forgoing food and water in her quest. She wiped sweat from her eyes as she positioned each faultless biscuit on her table.
Suddenly, the bailiff burst into the bakery.
"It's I, Henry! Bailiff of Biscuit To-" Henry stopped, his boisterous entrance arrested by a wall of sweet-smelling treats. His eyes went wide as scanned the table laden with row after row of shortbread framed red hearts.
"Barbara?" he gasped. "What are these?"
Barbara puffed up with pride. "Why, Sir Henry, have you never seen a biscuit before?" She couldn't help but direct a small jab at the bailiff, but he seemed too shocked to notice. He stood, unmoving. "Well, try one, good man! You shan't leave me in suspense any longer!"
Henry carefully took a bite, crumbs catching in his bushy beard. Barbara held her breath. In her fervor, she had forgotten to actually taste the biscuits as she was creating them.
A huge grin spread across Henry's face. "At last, we have a proper biscuit in Biscuit Town! God be praised!"
Author’s Notes: I wrote this fic for a wonderful Youtuber (Sexy Biscuit) who does a great job of showcasing Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Their channel is amazing, as well as the game. They bemoaned that there was barely any fan fic out there for KCD, so I wrote them some. I hope they enjoy it!
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shankmeharder · 5 years
Daily Goodie Box(free and full of treats)
Daily Goodie Box is a lovely service that, once you sign up for it, awards free goodie boxes(a new box every month) to its subscribers. The best way to get picked for a free box is to be active on their social media and generally be very open with your opinions. After doing just that, I was awarded one for this month. Now one of the great things about this box, is that (as they love to remind you)  It's more than just Free Samples! The fullsize products they include(in addition to a couple sample size ones) allow you to make the fullest use of the product and really see if you like it, and want to add it to your routine,kitchen, or cleaning roster. I’ve decided to put my own assessment out there and after a week of testing, the reviews are in. The links for each product, or their brand website, are listed below their respective reviews.
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Starting with the snacks.
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First we have Sweet Potato Puffs by Spudsy in the Crunchy Cinnamon Variety.Now these I can see being a bit polarizing. First bite is not a great indicator for potential. You get a puff of cinnamon that slowly cedes the stage to the texture which is a bit like a rice puff but a tad less springy, not necessarily super appealing. However, in the spirit of giving it a fair shake, I gave it another go. By the fourth (tiny) puff, I was actually pretty delighted with them. They are not overly sweet, they don’t have any kind of unfortunate aftertaste, and it becomes easy to go through them.My daughter and  I finished the teeny sample bag before i knew it, and were a bit crestfallen when we realized it. I would definitely recommend these as a toddler or childrens’ snack, as they do remind me a bit of those other very popular puffs and may provide a similar and appealing texture to the young ones.I know my Bean was absolutely enamored of them. https://spudsy.com/collections/sweet-potato-puffs
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Next, we have the Gluten-Free Granola by Bakery on Main. This is the Cranberry Almond Maple variety, and let me tell you, I did not have high hopes for this product. I am not a huge granola person, a lot of them are too sugary or too dry and they just don’t appeal. This blew me out of the water. The maple flavor is very present but it doesn’t overwhelm everything. The bean crisps were a wild card for me and I found them delightful, just enough crunch and chew, and they were complimented very well by the tart dried cranberries. The almonds and seeds are lovely, nothing to write home about, but exactly what you would hope for in the Granola/ Trail mix hybrid. My only fuss, I wouldn’t mind a slightly higher cranberry to bean crisp ratio. This is honestly delightful, and the 1.1 oz bag is actually the perfect size for a quick snack on the go, or a little workout energy boost. https://bakeryonmain.com/shop/cranberry-almond-maple-granola/
Now on to the tea
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For our beverage offering we have Tipson tea in, Honey&Lemon Matcha Infusion. I will cop to the fact that I tend to be more of a coffee person, but lately I’ve been trying to cut back, drink more water, drink more tea. However, I am a sucker for homey and lemon, so this was providence. I’m not the biggest Matcha fan, but again, I give everything its fair trial before i pass a verdict. I brewed a cup to have with our previously mentioned snacks. The tea is definitely lemony, probably one of the most overtly fruit flavored teas, short of something pre-chilled and sold in a tall can, that I’ve ever had.The honey, however, loses its way and is hard to taste behind all that lemon. The matcha, being that this is a “matcha infusion” is also pretty hard to get, which is fine with me. I prefer subtle matcha. After my initial taste, I fixed it the way I normally fix my tea, with milk and (extra) honey, and it was lovely. I would recommend using honey if you want to taste it, but it is a lovely tea, nonetheless, and I’ll be enjoying each of my twenty-four remaining cups. https://www.amazon.com/tipson
First up in health and beauty is the face mask.
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Here is the detoxifying peel mask by Que Bella. I’ve made it no secret that this is the item I was most excited to try. On opening the packet, it seemed there was not an overabundance of product, and I feared I might have to use both packets for one mask. My fears were mostly allayed, when one packet proved to be just enough for one layer. The smell of the mask is quite pleasant, not overwhelming, in fact you become used to it quite quickly. The consistency is a bit thinner than I was expecting, but I smeared it on and geared up for the slightly painful peeling to come. The mask started to tighten within about three minutes of finishing the application, and it was lovely to sit in front of the fan with it on, like sticking your face into a cool mountain spring. I opted to wait the twenty-five minutes it suggests on the package, as I am the type of person that will keep poking and prodding and checking to see if it’s dry, unless I rein myself in.The peeling was not nearly as painful as some of the others I have tried, but i attribute that in part to my artful avoidance of my hairline, and how very thin the mask was. It was also quite a quick ordeal, and none of my peach fuzz got yanked out, so I call that a win. Upon removal, my cheeks continued feeling the “mountain spring” sensation for quite a while, probably fifteen minutes or so. My cheeks were noticeably smoother, as was my nose. My skin didn’t redden excessively, or puff up like I’d  been stung, so on all accounts, I’d give this mask two thumbs up. https://www.quebellabeauty.com/product-page/que-bella-professional-detoxifying-intense-black-peel-off-mask
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In our health selection, this month we were sent Napz, a drug free, non-habit forming, sleep aid. To preface this review, I am a nocturnal hermit gremlin and I almost never fall asleep before 3 a.m. In my (almost) week of usage, I found these were better for kicking my butt in the last hour before succumbing, than forcing myself into premature sleep. They do create a subtle drowsiness, but like most herbal remedies and aids, I think you must be very receptive to it, and do what you can to maximize its efficacy. The directions recommend taking an hour before desired bed time for best results. On the nights when i took it at midnight I did fall asleep 1 to 2 hours earlier. But taking it any earlier than that did me no good, as I just was not close enough to sleep. Would I recommend this to an insomniac, or someone with a preternaturally screwy circadian rhythms like me? Probably not, at least not in an attempt to “normalize” a sleep schedule. Would I recommend this to someone trying to get an extra hour before exams, or even just for relaxation? Hell yes! https://www.napz.com/
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This month we were provided with QuickStop! bandages by Curad. Wooo bandages! No sarcasm, I go through these like no ones business. Between blood thinners, a compulsion to pick my fingers, and an adventurous toddler, I constantly have plasters on, and my daughter goes through a couple a week. They are usually some cute design that I either bleed through, or that falls off within an hour, so anything that claims to stop bleeding faster, and stay on my damn fingers/toes/elbow/daughters knees. is a beacon of hope for me and my blood-stained button-ups. Now these were a interesting test, as I literally had to wait for myself to bleed, and like a watched pot, my finger refused to boil-I mean- you know what I mean. Yesterday I finally had an excuse to use them, oddly enough on a paper cut, and a needle prick. Apparently my self control was great this week, probably because I was thinking about it so much. Now when one is on blood thinners, they bleed a bit longer and a bit more than usual. Typically we are just instructed to apply more pressure and be patient, but if I get cut while dealing with a crying toddler (as is my luck) I may not have a free hand to apply pressure while trying to prevent a nuclear meltdown. Indeed, I didn’t need one. It was story time before bed, she was fussing and fighting sleep with the best of them, and wouldn’t you know it, my finger slips and I get a massive, (honestly, a little scary) deep, paper cut on my thumb. The Bean sees this and starts to cry more because Baba/Mama is bleeding and oh my gosh this is terrible. I pull a bandage out of my stash in her dresser and pop it on. No bleeding through, no leakage, immediately my thumb is story ready and suddenly there is no more reason to cry because “ooo mommy, what’s this?”.Despite her best efforts she couldn’t tear it off, and I got a toddler to bed without getting blood all over the sheets. Win-Win. The needle prick was less dire, but it happened while sewing a teddy bear up last night, and it lasted through my tossing sleep, and all this typing, so, again, I’ll call it a win.  http://curad.com/quick-stop/
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Pertaining to health and hygiene, the goodie box bestowed upon us...an oral rinse? I’m game, in fact I was sort of looking forward to this one, as I’ve just changed toothpastes and was considering adding another component to my routine. I don’t particularly care about the whitening aspect but on all other accounts I’d like to have a good rinse in my arsenal. This is unfortunately not it, at least not for me. It is described as “peppermint” but it more of a lemongrass/torture flavor. There is no tingle or sensation of freshness that comes with it, in fact it makes me want to rinse my mouth with something stronger. After a week of usage with my brushing routine(evenings only for this product) I did not notice a change in whiteness, and there seemed to be no breath freshening component, my toothpaste was pulling all the weight there. Maybe to someone who follows the “pristine protocol” with the recommended line of products, this would be useful. However, just throwing this into your routine, as far as I can tell, will not cause a noticeable change in dental hygiene or emotional fulfillment.  https://essentialoxygen.com/products/organic-brushing-rinse/
Last on our list of goodies we have our only household item.
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Ode to Clean cleansing wipes. These are billed as “all-purpose” wipes and claim to be skin safe and cruelty free, so what do i have to lose? Answer? Maybe my old wipes. I love these, I have finicky skin, I can’t get poison ivy, but i can get chemical burns from a couple drops of gasoline. So I never know what I’m in for with “skin safe” products. In this case, no reaction to be recorded. No welts, hives, rashes, etc. I tried them out on dried liquids, liquefied solids, and even some caked on semi-solids (I have a toddler, a lot of messes get made). They work like a dream. The scent is a bit citrus-y and a bit herbal, certainly not bad, but also not what you might be used to. They don’t leave behind too much of the scent, which is just fine with me, and they take all the mess with them, too. The only downside? I don’t have a full pack of them. 
Well there you have it, July’s Daily Goodie Box in a nutshell. If you would like the opportunity to to be awarded a future box with more full and sample size goodies, simply sign up at dailygoodiebox.com and start making yourself heard on their social media. They give out tons of boxes every day, you could get one next.
Have a great day, my little void children.
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aureliasaid · 3 years
Four Dalmations
Croatia June 14-22, 2019
Quick summary - 7 days in the Dalmatian Coast - 2 nights in Spilt, 2 nights in Hvar, 3 nights in Dubrovnik. Weather was incredible with blue skies every day, highs in the 80s and lows in the 70s. Much warmer than I expected as winds were nil. See final thoughts after.
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Saturday, 6/14
Landed Dubrovnik after a new direct flight from Philly (which apparently is a big deal as all the Croatians knew about and asked us about it. Maybe the only direct flight from the US.) We were driven to Spilt to start our journey. About a 4 hour drive (and through the odd little stretch of Bosnia, which is a pain for passport checks,) it is very picturesque along the coastline seeing the water the entire time, the oyster “fields,” the agricultural valley, and vineyards all along the way. Also lots of open mouth naps en route.
We arrived to a very crowded Split...can’t imagine July and August. We were staying at the Hotel Vestibul, which is a unique and modern very small hotel carved out of the vestibul of the Diocletian Palace, a huge walled former palace of the Roman Emperor Diocletian, built around 230 AD and now Spilt’s Old Town. In the Dark Ages, it became a village within the walls and remains the old town today full of narrow passageways and charming nooks and piazzas. You can dodge the crowds once on the interior away from the Dalmatian singers, cruise ship crowds, weekenders, and waterfront. Once inside, you will find a sophisticated and hip world full of restaurants and shops and millions of sobe (rooms.) The Croats are not dumb with every enterprising option possible for travel to the islands, activities, açaí bowls, etc.
Tip - I’m not an AirBnB person, but Europe apparently is a great place to do it as they are all supposed to be quite nice.
A mix of all its past history, Croatian food illustrates this as evidenced on the menu. Lunch was the highlight after long travels and the hotel suggested Uje Oil, clearly a modern enterprising owner (tapas like olive oil bar) where we landed at an outside table for a perfect meal of trying the Croatian favs including Italian-like arugula pesto pasta, sausages showing the Hungarian influence, and pasticada, the traditional stew over gnocchi for a mix of the two. Known for its wines, fun fact is that Croatia has been traced as the origin of the Zinfandel grape. We dove in with a light white from Istria, the Malvasia grape. Perf. nap. Eat again at Brokeria, a very hip, casual buzzy spot inside the palace walls. A sparkling rose from Istria from the Tehran grape, octopus on the grill, pasta with truffles (in season and not crazy expensive like in Italy,) smoked seafood risotto and sea bass over a cauliflower mash. Nice. (Others to consider are Zoi and Paradox.)
Sunday, June 16
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Maja #1 (pronounced Maya - 30 letters in the Croatian alphabet with lots of consonants) met us at 10am for a historical tour of the Diocletian Palace and surrounding area which was quite interesting taking you from the evolvement of all of the Croatian history from the late Roman Empire, to the Dark Ages of the Barbarians to the Middle Ages of the Christians to the Renaissance of the Venetians Empire, through to a short stint of the Napoleonic French through the Austrian Hapsburgs. (Oh and home to some of the Game of Thrones filming.)
Afterwards, we went to the Kozjak Mountain slope around the Kastel township for a private lunch. Most interesting was listening to Maja talk about where she lived. Her family was originally from the area, but her parents had left and moved to Sarajevo for better work opps. Their summer home was still in the area. When the war broke out with Serbia in 1992 invading first on the Dalmation coast, they told family to move to Sarajevo. That was poor advice as then the Serbs invaded Bosnia and Sarajevo. Her family escaped Sarajevo back to the coast. In this area, you typically lived in good size homes, but of several apartments with other family members, with your own bit of olive trees, maybe fruit trees (cherries in season now,) small vineyard, etc. Enough to make your own of each (or have small producers make for you.) Lunch setting was in a peaceful (Biblical) park with a vineyard and church backdrop. The weather was gorgeous, but hot. The five course meal was remarkable with local pairings of wine. Most notable was the Zinfandel and various types of posip and plavac mali wines.
Back for down time, which Relia and I spent in Zara before we reworked our plans of going to Dvor restaurant on the coast and hiring a boat to take us to Trogir, Croatia’s Little Venice. An small island about 30-40 minutes by car and the same by 20’ center console boat, it is a large marina area, much like the old town of charming limestone mass of buildings and not quite as crowded. The recommended restaurant of TRS was booked, so we landed at Trogar, our chef of the day’s restaurant. It was marginal at best, surprising given the sophisticated and creative meal at lunch, but Robert made us welcome with his final offer of carob rakija liquor. (Other restaurant options suggested was Alka and Marijana.) Back to Split by Uber, plentiful and cheap and always an unusual sensation to me at home and really strange overseas. To bed.
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Monday, June 17
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Thomas, the Atlantic Marine outfitter skipper met us at the town port just in front of the main gate and Hotel Vestibul entrance in a 25’ motor boat. A two hour ride to the Pakleni Islands off Hvar Island for sun and fun. First swim spot was Stonica, (loved the circled up catamarans pumping pop music for a week of partying. On then to Palmizana Island that has 3 restaurants - we chose the Langanini Bar for lite bites, cabanas, bean bags, and tree cabanas. Most expensive meal yet! but a great change up of Asian food. We headed for Havr Grad (town) to check into the Adriana Spa Hotel, right on the main harbor riva (promenade.) Quite modern, perhaps OTT and thus lacking in some practicalities and maybe Fodor’s is right that it sometimes misses on the 5 star with just small hiccups.) BUT still very lux, sleek and incredible views. We didn’t spa, but it seemed top notch if you like that. Serious breakfast buffet included.
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Met our guide at 5pm for an 11k walk to the abandoned village of Malo Grablje for a special dinner at the “home” of a former resident’s whose son opened a restaurant here 10 years ago. The hike was beautiful along the coastal path, but could be shortened by taking a car to the path rather than walking from the hotel. Also would be cooler at this hour since the road is exposed to the afternoon sun and rather toasty. Eat a snack before you go and it is rocky so sturdy shoes. The village was just left by all the inhabitants in the 1960s and now too many family members own the buildings, so they can’t agree on selling anything.
The meal was spectacular with the traditional one pot dish slow cooked in the coals of Peka made with veggies, meats (ours was lamb and veal) or seafood, house made wine and warm just-made sugar coated almonds with Proshec (carob liquor) to finish. Taxi home for sure.
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Tuesday, June 18
We met Filip, +385 99 8097 097, our new skipper who was funny and confident with incredible English learned from gaming on War Craft. Off to the Blue Cave, which is a grotto from the volcanic island of Bisevo of incredible blues from the light seeping in under the rock formations. Beautiful and unique, but skippable. Its crowded, though they move the small touring boats along quickly.
We were ready to escape the crowds and swim, so we toured rugged and cave areas of Vis and then to Stinivia cove for a swim. Fairly crowded and the water some debris since its a cove, but still the Adriatic color and temp is totally refreshing. The bathing suit and nationality watching is unending entertainment.
Though there is a small cafe there, we bailed and headed to the port town of Vis Grad which Filip described as large, but was actually small and rather sleepy. He made quick reservation at Tavern (Konoba) Vatrica, which was perfect. Covered terrace on the waterfront, casual with ham and cheese, grilled prawns, salad with creamy feta, Vis rose...perfect. Back for a few more swims at yesterday’s caves by way of the WWI tunnels and lookout plus the WWII submarine tunnel hideout since it was an allied base. The Yugoslavs took it over as there military areas post war.
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Cleaned up and a drink in the Hotel Top Bar for the views, a few hands of cards and then a walk to the sunset and apres beach scene at Hula Hula. Def. a scene with bride tribes and more. Canceled our dinner at Gariful - tired of sit down spots and headed to Filip recommended Lola, a small, back street, alley outdoor cafe of excellently prepared “street food”, action packed with the young and DJ thumping remix 90s tunes. Filip also recommended Passarola, a cool and hip looking restaurant off the town square alley with several terraced garden spaces. Would have been perf if we wanted a less casual spot. Back for a rooftop finale round of cards...can’t get enough of the view.
Wednesday, June 19
Yay! Back in the boat with Filip to head to Dubrovnik by way of Korcula, Orebic, and Ston. Korcula, home of Marco Polo and the Silk Road, is a charming town and would be a great place to stay a night or two. Then onto Orebic, on the Peljesac peninsula, considering the best wine growing region in Croatia. We had a stop for a wine tasting at Korta Katarina, a winery estate and lux hotel started by Americans. It was interesting, but unless you are really into wine, skippable. On to Ston, home of the best oysters in the world. A short boat ride to an oyster farmer’s private island to learn about how the oysters are grown, and then a delightful starter of oysters and huge pot of mussels alla buzzara (in white wine, olive oil, garlic and onions) under the shade by the water. Also homemade wine and myrtle berry infused grappa, a very typical aperitif throughout. D.I.V.I.N.E.
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Back in the van for an hour trip along the coastline to Dubrovnik. If you thought Spilt was crowded, wow. Though a much smaller city than Spilt, it feels WAY more crowded and much more intense because of being located on the hillside as well as the old city attraction....not to mention the Game of Thrones/Kings Landing magnet.
A reservation mix up which had us for 3 nights at the Excelsior Hotel, switched us to their sister hotel Bellevue. Our Croatian travel agency Calvados Club upgraded our rooms significantly as a result and while it is a 20 minute walk to town vs. a 5 minute walk, it is a smaller hotel, larger rooms and totally renovated on a gorgeous cove that made it feel very private (despite the public beach - all Croatian beaches are public.) Lovely indoor pool, unreal views, very hip and cool. We may have turned out better in the long run.
Poor planning on our fault when we booked the Michelin starred restaurant in Dubrovnik - 360 - for dinner after the oyster and mussels fest. But we were ready and it was quite the gastronomic affair with delightful views and service.
Thursday, June 20
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Maja #2, met us to take us to the 3 hr kayak tour from the old city by Fort Lovrijenac around the island of Lokrum and back. Very fun. A few dips and viewing of the nudie beach...a head shaker for me. We walked home so Will could grab a recommended xxxcici sammy while the rest of us ate at the Bellevue beachside cafe and lounged Adriatic style at the Bellevue carved out private beach with umbrellas and chaises, and beach boys while watching the cliff jumpers and reading on the rocky beach. The water temp is just perfect and the water is incredibly clear. I am a huge Adriatic fan.
Maja picked us up at 4 pm for a walking tour of the Old Town concluding with the one mile walk around the city walls for amazing views of the yachts, charming houses, islands and Adriatic. Ready for another break from traditional food and restaurants, we hit a bar on the water built into the walls before having “CroAsian” food at Azur in one of the back/side streets. It was casual and delicious. Highly recommend.
Friday, June 21
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Off to the Konavle valley, also known for its wineries and vegetable fields, and fruit orchards to Grude for biking through the countryside and vineyards. Gorgeous backdrop of the stone mountains, cypress trees and once gain crystal blue skies. This area was so named for its system of canals used to irrigate the crops....Roman aqueducts brought water to the area. Very bucolic and well known for its wine and history. A two hour on and off road before meeting Maja to go to a local farm in Cilipi at the home of Marin Vukorep ([email protected]) for a delightful meal very similar to Malo Grablje, but maybe more fun with everything consumed from the farm (prosciutto, goat cheese, bread, olive olive, vegetable purée soup, peka, red and white wine and over 10 homemade rakija varieties with fig, walnut, apricot, etc. Lots of fun - gorgeous setting, relaxing, interesting and another gorgeous day. Debated going to the seaside town of Cavtat, but too full and sleepy!
Back for more Adriatic indulgence and a regroup on dinner (again) after such a large lunch. Bailed on Posat wanting a casual place and discussed Bar Bota for mussels, Kamenice, Tabasco pizzeria, Taj Mahal Bosnian food and Levanat in the Lapad area, but ended up at Mea Culpa pizzeria in the Old Town which was perfect. And that’s a wrap.
Saturday, June 22
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Well, not quite as William and I were awaiting the Fort opening at 8am to check it out since we could still use our wall ticket. Check. So long for now.
Final thoughts - We loved everything we did, where we stayed, food and history. The two things we might have changed were the Blue Cave and wine tasting. Everything else was great with enough time to sightsee and yet enjoy the summer time water activities. We might change a few things, but it really depends on one’s MO. We might have stayed in Trogir or Hvar and done a day boat trip to Spilt and Trogir for at least 3 or even 4 nights in the islands perhaps with an overnight in Korcula and maybe just two nights in Dubrovnik. The history is incredible dating back to the Greeks and Romans and throughout right up to modern day with the too recent Yugoslav wars. Mid June is already packed and I would not even think about going in July or August unless you stay on a boat or in the islands. May would be too early for me to enjoy water fun, but Sept should still be very good. Plus July and August would be really hot. Climate is just like NC - hot and humid with lots of the same vegetation. The Croatians are very proud of their country and really do tourism well. It is not a sophisticated 3rd world country like Italy, though there probably is still lots of government corruption and low wages. It is a energized and modern that is savvy about its tourism.
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