#finnish witch
eorumrosae · 2 years
Noita discord suomalaisille. K18. Servu on juuri tehty ja mietin kovasti mistä saada sinne populaa. Tuntuu et Suomes ollaa nii hajautuneita eikä oikein löydetä toisiamme kuin ripotellen siellä täällä. Pyydä kutsulinkkiä viestillä.
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yokyopeli · 24 days
@suomiplorpoturnaus innoittama tein kyselyn omista suomalaisista (mutta ei suomi-) blorboistani. Kaikki nämä hahmot ovat jotenkin suomalaisia ja minun lemppareita.
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Satu Järvinen (Malin Buska) A Discovery of Witches (2018-2020); noita Suomesta. Malin Buska on tornionjokilaaksolainen ja osaa suomea ja meänkieltä./ Finnish witch. Malin Buska is tornedalian and knows Finnish and meänkieli.
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Aikku Jokinen; New Avengers/ U.S. Avengers; supersankari POD/Enigma. Norjasta, kummatkin vanhemmat ovat suomalaisia. Naissuhteessa Toni Ho'n kanssa./ From Norway, both parents are Finnish. Superhero. In a sapphic relationship with Toni Ho.
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Nathan Wuornos (Lucas Bryant) Haven (2010-2015); poliisi Stephen Kingin Mainesta. Ei tunne mitään fyysisesti. Wuornos on suomalainen sukunimi. Lucas Bryant on kanadalainen, jonka isä on amerikansuomalainen. Näytteli myös Tyttökuningas leffassa./ A cop in Stephen King's Maine. Incapable of feeling anything physically. Wuornos is a Finnish last name. Lucas Bryant is Canadian and his father is Finnish American.
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Serafina Pekkala; Eva Green The Golden Compass leffa/ Ruta Gedmintas His Dark Materials tv-sarja. Noita Suomen tapaisesta maasta./ Either version of Serafina Pekkala. Witch from a Finnish-like country.
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Henri Jaakoppi The Selection: The Heir/The Crown; maahanmuuttaja, ei osaa edes rallienglantia. Leipuri, lempparit on omenalörtsy ja korvapuustit. Asuu Sotassa./ Immigrant to Illeà, doesn't speak any English, not even with rallienglish accent. A baker, favorites are apple pastry and cinnamon bun. Lives in Sota.
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Lotte Yanson Little Witch Academia; noita koululainen Suomesta. Mahdollisesti suomenruotsalainen ja/tai suomensaamelainen. Fanityttö. / Witch student from Finland. Possibly Fennoswedish and/or Saami from Finland. A fangirl.
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Sophia 'Valmet' Velmer Jormungand; Suomalaisesta armeijaperheestä. Palkkasoturi. Lesbo. Puuttuu toinen silmä./ From a Finnish army family. A mercenary. Lesbian. Missing an eye.
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Jukko Hämäläinen Wildstorm: Team Achilles/ Osasto Karhu; empaatti, joka tuntee ihmisten kivun kolmen kilsan sisällä (nukkuessa puolen kilsan sisällä). Kiroilee suomeksi./ Empath who can feel people's pain within about 2 miles (a quarter mile while sleeping). Swears in Finnish.
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Veera 'MK' Suominen (Tatiana Maslany) Orphan Black: Helsinki/ Orphan Black s4-s5. Autistinen klooni Helsingistä, Suomesta. /Autistic clone from Helsinki, Finland.
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Joseph Elo (Kris Kaiyala) Dirt an audio drama (2020--). Podcast amerikansuomalaisesta Joseph'ista, jonka aikoja sitten kuollut isoisä alkaa lähettää mysteerikirjeitä. Kolme kautta on ilmestynyt, neljäs/viimeinen alkaa myöhemmin 2024./ Finnish American Joseph Elo starts getting mystery letters from his long dead grandfather.
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hyena-matas · 14 days
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thishazeleyeddemon · 10 months
hi do you want some furry witches
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Khione is OPEN
Hi! I'm trying to get money for Christmas presents! I have some witches for you!
This is Khione, Witch of Winter, and Serena, Witch of Autumn.
If there's any interest in them I'll draw Spring and Summer too!
If you want them:
DM to claim
24 hour holds
Payment through PayPal
With purchase you have the right to modify the design at your will provided you credit me as the original creator
With purchase you have the right to use the character with credit as the original creator
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mask131 · 1 year
Seasonal theme: Magical summer (beginning)
This summer will be a season of wonders and enchantments, of spells and wizards - a magical summer!
Here is a list of beings, entities, objects and concepts you can check out if you want to add some magic to your summer:
In the myths, legends and so-called “real” world...
In the Arthurian literature: Merlin the enchanter, most famous of all wizards, derived from the legendary Welsh figure of Myrddin. Morgan le Fay, the ever-so-ambiguous enchantress of Arthurian mythos. Excalibur, the greatest and most iconic of all magical swords.
In Greek mythology: Hecate, the goddess of magic and witches. Circe, the divine enchantress of the Odyssey. Medea, the most frightening sorceress of the Greek legends. Lamia, a Greco-Roman bogeywoman that medieval times assimilated with various monsters and witches.
In Norse mythology: seidr, the old Norse magic, and its patron goddess Freya. Loki, expert shapeshifter and trickster supreme.
Christian legends, myths and beliefs: the Malleus Maleficarum, the unfamous manual used by many witch-hunters during the great witch hunts throughout Europe - a manual which was not accepted by the Church, unlike what many people believe. The Ars Goetia, both the art of invoking demons and the grimoire containing the secrets of said art. Astaroth, a demon often associated today with witchcraft. The famous witches sabbath, that was the great terror and fantasy of devil-fearing men of the Middle-Ages and the Renaissance. The paintings of Goya, which illustrated the various superstitions and beliefs surrounding witches in Spain.
The folklore of the British Isles: the British Grimalkin, with its cousins the English King of Cats and the Celtic Cat-sith. Lugh, the Irish Celtic god that mastered all of the arts, including magic.
Vaïnämöinen, the great bard-enchanter of Finland, and one of the sorcerer-heroes of the Kalevala alongside the magical blacksmith Ilmarinen, all fighting against the evil witch-queen Louhi.
In fairytales: the fairytales of the brothers Grimm brought many of the famous fairytale witches, from the evil queen with her magic mirror in Snow-White to the witch living in a house of bread and sugar in Hansel and Gretel. In Slavic fairytales, the great and iconic witch is the dreaded Baba Yaga. The French fairytales also brought the archetype of the fairy godmother: Cinderella, Toads and Diamonds, Donkeyskin, Cunning Cinders, The Hind in the Woods/The White Doe, Prince Marcassin... And let’s not forget Carabosse, the wicked fairy of the fairytale Princess Mayblossom, that became thanks to Tchaïkovsky’s ballet the old antagonistic fairy of Sleeping Beauty. Plus: the seven-league boots, one of the most famous magical items of French fairytales, appearing in Little Thumbling or The Orange Tree and the Bee.
The world of alchemy: the famous philosopher’s stone, elixir of life, and panacea that formed the ultimate goals of alchemists. Hermes Trismegistus, the mythological patron and ancestor of all alchemists (himself a mix of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth). Nicolas Flamel, the 14th century book-seller everybody believed to be the discovered of the philosopher’s stone.
Some famous grimoires of our world: The Book of Abramelin, a tome of sacred Jewish magic. The Lesser Key of Solomon, a demonology grimoire of the 17th century inspired by the older book of sacred spells known as The Key of Solomon. The very famous duo of French grimoires known as the Grand Albert and Petit Albert. The Book of Shadows, a type of grimoire originally part of the Wicca religion, and that became popularized in America media thanks to the television series Charmed.
Principles, beliefs, personalities and practices of our world (which, as you will note, frequently mix magic with religion and folk-healing): Nostradamus, the great French prophet. The magi of Persia, Zoroastrian priests and astronomers that gave birth to the concept of the “mage” as we know it today. The original mana - not the video game mechanic, but the supernatural force of Oceanian beliefs. The Celtic druids and the most famous of their sacred sites: Stonehenge. The marabout, a type of Muslim holy man from Africa to whom was attributed some magical powers in folk-belief. The shamans of Siberia, the ones from which the very principle of “shamanism” was codified in the West. The medecine people of the First Nations in Northern America. The sangomas of Southern Africa, one of the most famous types of African “witch-doctors”. The Haitian Vodou and the Louisiana/New-Orleans Voodoo, folk-religions and magic beliefs deriving from the Vodun religion of West Africa (not to be confused with their various “cousins”, such as the Vodu of Cuba, the Jejé of Brazil or the Hoodoo).
More general magic tropes and concepts: the magic potion. The flying broomstick. The magic wand, or its variation the wizard’s staff. The familiar of the witch. The trope of the wizard duel, which, despite its prominence in modern literature and contemporary folk songs, has roots in ancient mythological fights and legendary magic hunts. The tempestarii, or the belief in weather-influencing, weather-changing sorcerers.
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lunasilvis · 7 months
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Where would a woman be without her slippers/loafers/cozy indoor attire. you tell me 💛
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ninevehsage · 11 days
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I just started reading this very interesting Finnish book about the magickal world of plants. The first chapter explaines briefly what is magick and what is the difference between white and black magick. Now I'll continue reading the second chapter which is about plants philosophy. It's about the spiritual essence of plants, trees, allies and nature spirits. Overall this book interests me, because I want to know more about the secret powers of plants. 🥰💜🌿
Kasvien Maaginen Maailma by Sinikka Piippo
"Kasvien maaginen maailma esittelee 110 kasvilajia tai sukua, jotka edustavat monipuolisesti maagisia suuntauksia ja käyttötapoja. Mukana on tuttuja ruoka-, viljely- ja maustekasveja, luonnossa ja pihapiirissä esiintyviä kasveja ja yrttejä, puita sekä maineikkaita kasveja eri kulttuureista. Kasvien käytön, historian ja myyttisen perinteen lisäksi kirjassa opastetaan ymmärtämään magiaa ja maagista ajattelua sekä tarkastelemaan kasveja maagiselta katsantokannalta. Lisäksi piipahdetaan näkijöiden ja henkiolentojen maailmoissa. Miten kasveja voi hyödyntää ennustamisessa, unennäössä, suojelussa, puhdistuksessa, terveyden ylläpitämisessä, rakkaudessa, vaurauden ja runsauden tavoittelussa sekä puutarha- ja säämagiassa? Kirja opastaa, mitkä kasvit auttavat liikkumaan tietoisuuden tasoilla, millä lisätään paranormaaleja kykyjä ja vaikutetaan mieleen ja tunteisiin elämänlaatua parantaen ja itsetuntemusta syventäen. Olennainen osa magiaa ovat myös vuodenkierron juhlat ja astrologia."
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witchy-batsquatch · 1 year
I require some help. I have been trying to connect more to my heritage my mom is second gen american and her family came from Finland, my dads great grandparents on his dads side are from Germany, and on his moms side his great grandparents are from Scotland and Ireland. I know more about Finnish food but I’m not familiar with the folklore and folk practices of these countries.I really want to be closer to my relatives alive and dead by learning more. 
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dazzlen-the-clown · 4 months
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yaboirezzy · 1 year
Random hc:
Lotte went through an Angry Birds phase when the og game first came out
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mikael-boudoir · 1 year
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ukkosfox · 7 months
Hyvää and greetings!
I'm Ukkos fox, let loose on this site. Maybe I'll decorate this den with art and sophisticated doodles in honour of the deities and spirits. Or I might drag objects from the outside, use them in 🕯 occult rituals 🕯 (cackles manically in foxy puffs), and scribble the results on the walls. We shall see...
About me
I am an adult male of mixed Swedish 🇸🇪 and Finnish 🇫🇮 extraction. Grandma was a war child sent to Sweden during WW2. She never regained fluency in the finnish language but was able to reunite with her family in her later years. I have yet to meet them.
My ancestors probably weep at the fact that I'm gay and hence won't spread my genes further than a sock. But I'm happily married and flourishing.
I'm a practicing neopagan and focusing on the Finnish Pantheon. I am not a reconstructionist mind you.
...Oh, and I don't speak finnish apart from the basics.
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hyena-matas · 16 days
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inhalingmagic · 1 year
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usatyimysh · 7 months
The one of the first finnish wolds, that Duolingo show me is "velho"
It means wizard
Hehe, green diabolic owl
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theartofmetal · 2 years
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58. Hexed - Children Of Bodom (Melodic Death Metal, 2019)
Art by Denis Forkas
This post is also an ode to Alexi Laiho, rock on!! †
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