#first Sunday in May
rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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World Laughter Day 
It boosts your mood, and even lengthens your life. Watch your favorite comedy, read a funny book, or gather some friends to tell jokes and get your diaphragm working.
Everybody knows that laughing feels good, but few realize how valuable these simple tools can be in improving our everyday wellness and wellbeing. Laughter cannot heal or solve anything, but it can help to heal and dissolve everything. That’s what World Laughter Day is for! It’s a day where people can relieve some stress and laugh. Discover a new happiness workout and learn about what happens during World Laughter Day!
History of World Laughter Day
World Laughter Day is an annual event celebrated worldwide to raise awareness about laughter and its many healing benefits, as well as about thousands of community groups around the world who regularly practice comedy that promote wellness and overall well-being. World Laughter Day is celebrated in most large cities around the world. Hundreds of people gather worldwide on that day to laugh together. It has been celebrated in Los Angeles since 2005 and has since spread all over the world as a way to express people’s love for comedy and laughter.
World Laughter Day is celebrated also by a congregation of laughter club members, their families and friends in their city like big squares, public parks or auditoriums. Laughter clubs usually have a variety entertainment program of music, dance and laughter contests. Winners are those with the most infectious, natural and effortless laughter. Laughter club members during this day participate in a peace march and carry banners and placards such as “World Peace Through Laughter, The Whole World Is An Extended Family, Join a Community Laughter Club – it’s free!” etc. During the march all chant “Ho Ho, Ha-Ha-Ha” and “very good, very good, yay!” clapping and dancing. This is known to be one of the best ways that laughter clubs help you have a good time and join a laughter club for special benefits.
Health benefits of laughter
Is there any better feeling than a deep-rooted belly laugh? Not only does it help us to connect with those we’re laughing with, but there are a number of health benefits that are associated with laughing as well. This includes the following…
Produces a general sense of well-being – One of the main benefits associated with laughter is that you’re generally going to feel better! If you laugh a lot, you’re going to be more of a positive person, and this can impact your life in so many different ways.
The release of endorphins is triggered – Endorphins are the natural painkillers within your body. They are released when you laugh. This can help you to feel good all over while easing chronic pain at the same time.
Boost T-cells – Laughter can also boost T-cells. These are specialized cells in your immune system, which are simply waiting to be activated. When you laugh, T-cells are brought to life, and they can help you to fight off sickness. So, next time you feel like you have a cold coming on, why not add some giggling and chuckling to your prevention strategy?
Improve cardiac health – Laughter is an exceptional cardio workout, particularly for anyone who is not able to do other types of physical activity because of illness or injury. It will get your heart pumping, enabling you to burn around a similar amount to the calories you would burn while walking at a slow to moderate pace.
Work your abs – One of the advantages associated with laughter is that it will tone your abs. The muscles in your tummy begin expanding and contracting when you’re laughing. This is similar to when you exercise your abs intentionally. At the same time, the muscles that are not in use when you are laughing will get the chance to relax. Is there any better way to get a toned stomach than having a good laugh?
Reduce stress hormone levels – Aside from this, a reduction in your level of stress hormones is another benefit! This helps to cut the stress and anxiety that impacts your body. Moreover, the reduction of stress hormones can cause a higher immune system performance.
Lowers blood pressure – Last but not least, laughing can lower your blood pressure. This can reduce your risk of a heart attack or a stroke.
How to Celebrate World Laughter Day
Want to have a good laugh? Go to a laughter club. Through them, you can preview new comedians and see what they have to offer in terms of comedic fun. If you want to be a comedian, learn from the best by joining comedy acts and taking part in improvisation classes. If you want, share some funny jokes on social media through the hashtag #WorldLaughterDay and have a good laugh with your friends by watching your favorite comedians on Netflix.
Here are some other ways that you can bring some more laughter to your life on World Laughter Day…
Start a Joke Jar – This is a good activity to get the whole family involved in. Simply grab a jar and get people to write a joke on a piece of paper and place it inside of the jar whenever they think of one. Next time you have a family dinner or someone needs cheering up, you can grab some jokes from the Joke Jar.
Learn to laugh at yourself – Take this day as an opportunity to teach yourself how to laugh at yourself properly. Most of us take ourselves too seriously! Learning to laugh at yourself enables you to be more vulnerable and more authentic – both are great traits to have.
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causalityparadoxes · 3 months
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Time is memory and memory is time | Tales of the TARDIS: Earthshock / The Legend of Ruby Sunday
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upslapmeal · 3 months
"but Pyramids of Mars established that Sut-" my friend this is the three-separate-explanations-for-Atlantis show, as far as I'm concerned they can have a free-for-all when it comes to real-world mythology
"but they're ruining the canon!!" buddy I got good news for you, Doctor Who canon is a buffet and you don't have to eat anything you don't want to
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cementcornfield · 2 hours
I've been with [Joe] for a long time now and I ain't never seen him fall off, feel sluggish about himself you know? I don't know if he does but I always pick him up too, doesn't matter if he's seeing it or not, I'm picking him up, he's picking me up...
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dawnthefluffyduck · 20 days
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Sunday doodle, will likely clean this up later :3
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Happy father’s day to Matsuzaki!!
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hm? what do you mean he doesn’t have kids...? the entire school is right there?
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larkral · 3 months
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Oh hello again! Twice in one week? I KNOW! Thanks for the tags @imagineacoolusername @orange-peony @thewholelemon @wellbelesbian @mooncello
@run-for-chamo-miles @roomwithanopenfire and @monbons !!! Such an active week. I love it! Excited to read the COBB stuff that's coming out, and VERY enticed by many snippets and arts being posted right now!
So, this week has been a lot, BUT I did some crafting AND I started writing my Firstprince Soulmate BS. It is now over a thousand words? I don't know. My brain works in mysterious ways. My crafting is making a lampshade. I don't know, because I am very particular about what I like? Steps one and two of about a thousand steps on the current project I'm working on, but that's more than zero!
I've also done some work on Simon's two mums this week, though not quite as much as the Firstprince soulmates. So. Have six sentences of each:
Finally (already, always):
At lunch, after I sit down, Baz sits opposite me. He grits his teeth.  "Thank you," he says. Then into his water glass, he mutters, "Sorry." "Yeah," is all I can get out.  Penny sits down and doesn't say anything about it.
First Prince Soulmates BS:
 "Sorry, I'm only used to dressing like this at fundraising galas for the British Ornithological Society." "Of course," Alex volleys back, "The natural habitat of duck jokes." She laughs again, the column of her neck elongating as her head tilts back in delight, and Alex wonders if there might be at least one upside to having to attend The Royal Wedding.  He wonders if there's any way he can ask her if she intends to continue studying the annual coloration changes in the Gadwall remicle as they relate to anatidae seasonal monogamy and whether she thinks there's really an evolutionary path by which that's related to the wrist banding mark in humans. You know, without revealing himself as both a soulmate freak and a duck sex freak. There definitely isn't.
I promise there's a good explanation for why I've made Alex someone who knows all about duck sex, even though it may never appear on screen.
Tags under the cut!
I don't know who to tag for firstprince other than the folks I've already tagged for first prince and @kiwiana-writes, so consider yourself tagged in if you're a firstprince Six Sentence Sunday person.
Also tagging my usual Simon Snow crew: @stitchyqueer @confused-bi-queer @raenestee @facewithoutheart @whogaveyoupermission
@cutestkilla @hushed-chorus @sillyunicorn @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @basiltonbutliketheherb
@ileadacharmedlife @asocialpessimist @bookish-bogwitch @aristocratic-otter @captain-aralias
@petedavidsonscock @artsyunderstudy @carryonvisinata @takenabackbytuesdays @martsonmars
@nausikaaa @nightimedreamersghost @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @ionlydrinkhotwater @that-disabled-princess
@shrekgogurt  @palimpsessed @fatalfangirl​ @blackberrysummerblog​ @valeffelees
@j-nipper-95 @youarenevertooold @emeryhall @run-for-chamo-miles @talentpiper11
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yumenari · 3 months
Hi hi! Today I’m here with a little shop update 🕺🛍️✨
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What’s new this time !!
- Sunday, Robin, Aventurine and Argenti restocked ⭐️
- Boothill and Acheron charms! 💫
- Twst mini charms, ft the Housewardens and Fellow 🍬
- Also restocked some of the Zelda charms (totk/botw Zelda and Link, Sidon and Rauru!) 🌱
http://yumenari.etsy.com 💜
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thehumanwiki · 4 months
I wonder what would happen if the Maestro from Doctor Who, who is music incarnate, knew about microtones. Like, if they saw this—
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would they explode.
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itsmaybitheway · 7 months
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Hello everyone!!! Hope you all had a wonderful week <3<3<3 Thank you @hgejfmw-hgejhsf for the tag!!!
This week a ran a poll on my page and the 8th installment of my What-If series has won it over a snippet from my Fic-In-A-Fic, thank that poll and also @gayrootvegetable for thisss 💕 Here you guys go!!!
What would happen if Alex had stumbled across Henry’s journal the first night at Kensington after Cornettos…
The black leather book looks enticingly at Alex from where it has dropped mere minutes ago. It is laying on the floor like Tom Riddle’s cursed diary and Alex is feeling like he’s going to Ginny Weasly the fuck out of it.
The urge, the compulsion to take it and snoop around is like a constant buzzing sound in his head. The evil Kermit if you will. Take it, take a quick glance. Pick it up.
Alex knows he shouldn’t. He really fucking shouldn’t. It is wrong and immoral and even if he hates Henry, he’s not going to take the leather bound journal he dropped and read it.
Sending some soft tags with no pressure attached <3<3<3 And also of open tag to anyone who wants to participate!!!! (This is my first time taging and I’m sure I’m missing many blogs I meant to tag thanks ADHD lol) @anincompletelist @affectionatelyrs @cricketnationrise @cha-melodius @firenati0n @gayrootvegetable @happiness-of-the-pursuit @indomitable-love @inexplicablymine @junebugclaremontdiaz @kiwiana-writes @littlemisskittentoes @msmarvelouswinchester @ninzied @priincebutt @songliili @suseagull04 @theprinceandagcd @wordsofhoneydew @zwiazdziarka
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Ogh!! I'm so sorry to hear that your work schedule was such poop regarding the update! If it makes you feel better, I would watch your stream regardless if I looked at the update already or not! Wouldn't say any spoilers, but I love how you perceive things regarding WH and I would no doubt love to see your reaction live regardless!
aw <3 thank you <3 i Deeply appreciate that!!
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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National Lemonade Day
Warm weather means lots of good things—but it also means more thirst! Quench it with one of the world’s most refreshing drinks, the  ever-popular lemonade.
A tall, icy glass of yellow (or pink!) lemonade is refreshing and  terrific no matter what time of year. However, it does have particular  benefits when consumed on a super hot, super sticky summer day.
National Lemonade Day celebrates the long-standing tradition of  drinking lemonade and opening lemonade stands. It encourages others to  celebrate too, by supporting these children in their business. Whether  it’s for a charity cause or for that very special thing that child wants  to earn for themselves, National Lemonade Day is all about drinking  lemonade and having a good time.
Sweet but tart, and perfectly refreshing, National Lemonade Day celebrates everything wonderful about this delicious beverage!
History of National Lemonade Day
Lemonade stands have been a traditional American pastime, but when  did this tradition start? Lemonade has always been a popular beverage  since its invention, and children benefit from lemonade stands by  learning many things about how to open and fun a business.
But it would probably be wise to go back further and start at the  beginning with the well-known fruit itself, the lemon! Lemons were  originally discovered around 1st century AD when the Romans and Greeks  established routes to India, where this yellow, tart citrus fruit is  believed to have first originated.
After its discovery in India, the cultivation of lemons began to  spread to the Middle East and throughout Southern Europe, where the  climate was still hospitable for growing the lemon trees. During this  time, lemons were considered a bit of a luxury item in cooking as well  as in decoration.
The activity of squeezing the juice from the lemon to make ��lemonade’  probably happened in the Mediterranean region during the 13th century  and was considered medicinal. And it probably didn’t taste sweet the way  we expect it today! However, because lemons are so filled with Vitamin C  and other healthy nutrients, it is easy to see why it would have been  used for its important health benefits.
Lemonade is believed to have been introduced to America by European  settlers in the 17th century. It wasn’t until the beginning of the  industrial revolution that lemonade stands would become a popular way of  teaching children about leadership and money.
National Lemonade Day was founded by Lisa and Michael Holthouse in  2007 to honor the way lemonade stands are a useful tool to teach  children about running a business. The tagline says it all: Teaching  Kids the Power of Entrepreneurship.
Lisa Holthouse was inspired to create this holiday by a time in her  childhood when she wanted a pet turtle. Her father helped her set up a  lemonade stand to raise money to buy the animal herself. Since then,  over 250,000 children take part in this fun celebration each and every  year!
How to Celebrate National Lemonade Day
The celebration of National Lemonade Day can come in all shapes and  sizes–from kids to adults! Try these ideas for enjoying the day:
Visit a Lemonade Stand ��
Support children everywhere by purchasing lemonade from their stands! Purchasing a lemonade can help build the confidence of a child, helping  them understand the value of money and even learn lessons about being  in a small business.
By purchasing a lemonade, this simple act can potentially inspire future business leaders.
Whether the money is for the child or for a charity, lemonade stands  can be a great way to give back to your community. When they experience  success children can become inspired to be amazing people. Share this  holiday with your friends and family and spread the love for lemonade!
Help a Child Set Up a Lemonade Stand  
Throughout the day, children learn valuable lessons about  responsibility, finances, and setting goals and the importance of  teamwork. People in their local communities support these children by  getting a delicious drink in hand.
If you have a child, this might be a great day to help them set up a  lemonade stand to teach them about business and money. But people  without children can get involved too!
Whether encouraging a family member or neighbor kid, helping a child  set up and run a lemonade stand teaches children planning skills, the  value of money, patience (when waiting for customers to come!) and the  enjoyment of interacting with the public.
Participation in this holiday is free and can be registered through the National Lemonade Day website.  Children in cities all throughout US territories and Canada  participate, from up north in Alaska to all the way down to Puerto Rico!  Kids can add their stand to the map so they can be found by local  people in order to drive their business.
After the day, success stories about kids who have made and met goals  can be shared on the website for encouragement and inspiration!
Enjoy a Cool Glass of Lemonade  
Even if there are no children or lemonade stands nearby, that doesn’t  mean National Lemonade Day needs to go unnoticed or uncelebrated!  Whether hand squeezing some lemons and adding sugar and water to create a  freshly squeezed glass of goodness, or grabbing a lemonade at a local  restaurant, participating with an enjoyable beverage is a great way to  honor the day!
Some restaurants even offer discounted or free lemonade on the day,  often combining the effort with donations to various charities.
Louisiana-based Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers is appreciated for  their sweet but tart lemonade, and they have been known to hold charity  events related to National Lemonade Day in the past. Red Robin is  another American restaurant chain that has celebrated by offering free  lemonade samples and giving money to charity.
National Lemonade Day is a great day to enjoy a tall glass of lemonade and do something good for someone else!
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stardestroyer81 · 3 months
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This coming weekend will mark the first year anniversary of when I first drew the Sugar Rush Squad, Rascal's rag-tag team of beatniks, altogether— and seeing how close these candied caddies are to me, I decided to draw key artwork of them in their entirety for the occasion! 🍬🧡💙🧡🍬
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icouldhyperfixatehim · 2 months
good christ but off is sexy in this role. hair styling gorgeous and accidental office kabedon. i've gone all melty round the edges 😍
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unproduciblesmackdown · 3 months
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i knowwww will's seymour will have the Nervous Fidgeting. compare pic 2 & winston gif especially. refer to the way every wrole (as there is enough visual information for) is given some such particular tense/anxious fidgeting, and it pwns
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fluttershy-weekly · 5 months
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Week 6 - Mother's Day :) 💐
A little special something for today :)
Italian Posey is my only childhood pony (and g1 for that matter, although I have 2 diff versions from Hong Kong now if that counts). This is one of the reasons why Flutters is my fav g4 pony ig. I thought this brushable FS matched Posey real good, both of them have different manes/tails, and unfortunately similar discolorations on their legs.
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