#fish die-off
doctorsiren · 8 days
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I lied I’m posting the art now
Buncha doodles for a Theraprism fic I wrote up (which can be found here if you’re interested)
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skrunksthatwunk · 8 months
thinking about how eiji's a pole vaulter and how ash talks about eiji "flying" and how eiji's associated with bird imagery and how eiji's free (unlike ash) and how eiji comes in on a plane and leaves on a plane and how ash cannot fly, ash cannot be free, how nyc is ash's prison, and how ash is the leopard who dies climbing the mountain, unable to live at such elevation, how he was trying to reach the sky and be free but was always stuck to the earth, how he chose to die instead of climbing back down, how he chose to die where he could see the sky and hope and freedom almost like a bird with eiji's letter right in front of him rather than letting everything go wrong and ruin it once again, how eiji's a failed pole vaulter anyway, how a bad fall ruined his career and grounded him (physically and emotionally), how it took flying to america and meeting ash and needing to save him and skip for him to try flying again, how he landed hard and harsh and still the thought of that escape compelled ash to protect eiji at all costs because if he could fly that means something to him, even if he doesn't think he can fly, how eiji is the manifestation of his hope and how when he breaks and asks eiji to stay with him a while he folds himself over his legs and weighs him down and traps him and grounds him, how ash fights like hell to keep eiji alive not because he thinks he can be like him (hopeful, flying, innocent), but because he makes him forget the gravity of his situation, and so he can see eiji fly again. how he wants to see him escape. how eiji is a bird and ash is a wildcat and how ash never once saw eiji as prey. how eiji never saw ash as a predator. how it is eiji's naivete that first endears ash to him, how it is his freedom and flight and removal from darkness and his ability to leave that darkness that really roots eiji in ash's blood as something essential to him keeping on living in this hell of nyc. how it is that distance from the violence and that hope for the future that ash chooses to surround himself in as he dies. how ash dies in a dream because he feels more than anything that he can't fly like eiji, that he can never leave. how his violence is a part of him and will be forever, how it weighs him down. how he wants to enjoy the view from the mountainside rather than looking up from the ground below. as if they can both fly. as if he is with him up there and not grounded. eye-to-eye with what he can't have, seeing eiji's homeland: the sky. how he dies trying to reach the top because he couldn't take retreating and trying again. how ash, tired and tired and tired and convinced it will go on forever if he crawls back down the mountain, chooses to close his life deluged in eiji, in eiji's insistence that they can fly together, in eiji's hope for him and for them, in eiji's beautiful dream. how ash dies without trying to realize that dream. how ash, in dying, destroys it.
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dreamerinthemoonlight · 9 months
Request: Hii ! I hope it's okay to request Tartaglia and (a very shy) childhood!reader reuniting after many years and pining for one another? Reader knows him very well so they're not rlly shy around him...until they developed a crush on him. Which makes them timid and mildly awkward around him, and it really shows more and more. I had a thought of what if Tartaglia also has a crush on them around the same time? I hope this is okay and have a good one! ♡
Summary: Tartaglia returns home after fighting the narwhal. You try to avoid him, unwilling to face your crush after so many years, but he manages to meet with you anyway.
Note: Lisichka means little fox
cw: none
Word Count: 1081
Tartaglia x gn!reader
“Have you heard? Ajax is back.”
You’re walking around the local market when you catch wind of the first rumors. The speaker--one of the old women who spend every market day discussing everything from local drama to the contents of this month's delivery of various newspapers--speaks in a hushed voice.
“That’s only news, Marya. My husband has already been to Lev and Anya’s place. Ajax looked pretty beat up.”
If Marya’s question hadn’t caught your attention, the second speaker would have. 
You lift your groceries and approach Marya and Elizaveta.
“Ajax is back?”
Elizaveta gives you a measuring look. “I’m surprised you didn’t know. You spent so much time with the boy before Lev sent him off to join the Fatui.”
“You mean until they started avoiding him.?”
“Yes, yes. And blushing like---”
“I’ve been helping around my grandparent’s house,” you blurt. “So no, I hadn’t heard.”
Elizaveta chuckles. “In that case, yes, Ajax has come home. You should go visit him. I’m sure you’ll make his day.”
“I’m not sure he’d remember me.”
“Nonsense. I’d put money on the opposite being true.”
You sigh and tighten your scarf around your neck. “I’ll think about it. But I still have shopping to do. Have a good day, Mrs. Marya, Mrs. Elizaveta.”
Several days later, you walk up the path to Ajax’s home, a heavily wrapped pot of soup cradled in your arms.
A boy with a shock of red hair sits on the porch with a toy ruin guard in hand.
“Good day, Teucer. Is your mother around?”
Teucer looks up and grins. “Big Brother! Y/N is here!”
“Teucer,” you groan, “I’m not here to see Ajax. In fact, please give this to your mother. Tell her Katia sends her regards and that we hope Ajax gets well soon.”
You place the soup next to Teucer and hurries back down the path.
This was such a bad idea, you think to yourself. I can’t ever keep a straight face when he’s concerned.
Ajax steps out of the house, smiling into the collar of his thick, woolen coat.
Unbeknownst to you, the young harbinger watched the entire thing.
He picks up the soup and looks down at Teucer. “Did you say thank you?”
“I didn’t have a chance,” Teucer pouts. “Why are they acting so weird?”
Tartaglia laughs. “You’ll understand when you’re older.”
A few days later, you find yourself sitting on the bank of a lake. 
You keep your eyes trained on the hole you made and the line disappearing into the water.
This is the only place in town where there aren’t curious looks and questions about Ajax’s health. It’s the one place where you don;t have to be reminded that after so many years of being his friend, you’re now too cowardly to meet him face to face.
You’re so caught up in your thoughts that you don’t hear the snow crunch behind you, though the footsteps are soft enough that it could be any small animal.
“Lisichka, Lisichka. Are you done running from me?”
The familiar nickname startles you out of your reverie.
You turn, ever so slowly, to find a pair of bright blue eyes twinkling at you.
“I never ran from you.”
Ajax sits next to you. “Are you sure about that, Lisichka? I recall that before I left to join Fatui, you wouldn’t look me in the eye. And I saw you run from my house the other day.”
“Got a bite yet?” Ajax changes the topic of conversation, much to your relief.
“No. Not yet. Though I might not, now that your pretty face is here.”
“If a pretty face is all it takes to scare off the fish, you must never catch a thing.”
You open your mind to reply, only for your brain to finally register your words and his reply.
“I--- How are you feeling, Ajax? I heard you were hurt.”
This time you’re the one to change topics, though you’re certain he’s aware that it’s a desperate attempt to keep from addressing the proverbial bear in the room.
Tartaglia holds out a hand and you frown at the clear tremor. “Fontaine was a little rough,” he admits. “I don’t recommend fighting a whale for a couple months.”
“A whale? How do you fight a whale?”
“Not easily. And I lost miserably. I don’t like Fontaine’s Iudex--though I want to fight him again one day---, but I’m not sure I’d have survived if he and the traveler hadn’t intervened.”
“You were never careful with yourself,” you comment. “Even less so after your three day disappearance.”
Ajax huffs. “This wasn’t my fault. There was a lot of weird stuff going on.”
“Uh-huh. I’m sure. You know you go looking for trouble and when you aren’t it has a habit of finding you.”
“You know me so well, my Lisichka.”
“I thought we were too old for pet names like that, Ajax.”
“Says who? You were my Lisichka when we were kids. Why can’t you be now?” 
You raise your eyes to the sky, where the constellations lay hidden.
“Because if you keep using pet names like that, I’m going to get the impression that you’re not just a childhood friend.”
Ajax reaches over and cups your cheek, turning your face so that your eyes meet his. “If you did I would be awfully happy. I’ve been trying to get your attention for years.”
“You mean…”
“Silly fox, I have liked you for a while now.”
“I bet I’ve liked you longer.”
“You wanna bet?”
Tartaglia tosses your fishing rod to the side and opens his arms to you. “Will you be mine?”
You let him pull you close, brows furrowing when the movement makes him stiffen. You rest a hand on his shoulder, feeling the bandages that deform his sweater.
“Of course, but please, please be more careful.”
“I love you, Lisichka, but I can’t make that promise.”
“I know. It was worth asking.”
As you start to doze in the safety, you can’t help but ask, “Why Lisichka?”
Ajax laughs, smiling into your hair. “Because, a teenage me had no other way to flirt with his best friend and you looked so cute playing in the snow.”
You join him in laughter. “I guess you win.”
“I started running from you because I realized that I wanted it to be more.”
You yawn, eyes fluttering shut.
“Sleep, Lisichka. I will be here when you wake.”
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carefulfears · 1 year
sometimes i just want to cry over mulder’s fish and the way that we see both scully and doggett go to his apartment and feed them during the months he was missing and the fact that scully must have kept feeding them even months after he was dead and just to be loved so much that people come tend to your environment and keep your home and feed your fish long after you’re gone
and that the first thing he notices when he comes back is that one isn’t there. and how scully tried so hard, she tried so hard to find him and to keep him safe and to keep his work going and to keep those damn fish alive, and the first thing that he says to her when they walk back into that apartment is that one is missing
the way that in that scene, he says that he’s having trouble processing, that he doesn’t know where he fits in. you can be loved so much that multiple people come feed your fish and maintain your apartment after you’re buried in the ground, you can try so hard to keep everything going for someone else, but the world keeps spinning, and time goes on. fish die and baby bumps grow and answered prayers aren’t always miracles
he came back covered in scars to a clean apartment and a fish tank missing 1 molly and where does he fit in inside a world that hasn’t waited for him, no matter how hard she tried to make it stop
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leomonae · 10 months
Okay but... how much blood does a D&D vampire need every day, simply "once a day" is not greatly helpful in and of itself! Am I looking at, like... a city of 50k people to support 5k vampires sustainably where they only need a very small amount, or one of 500k going off real world blood donation amounts, or like 5 million if it's an entire person's worth of blood daily ffs, did anyone actually think through the logistics of this when they put it in the game?
I'm not actually convinced the Underdark has that many people living in it, if it's the latter. I'm not even convinced the entirety of the Sword Coast does! How the hells was Cazador feeding all these vampires enough to keep them alive for so long in the centuries leading up to the Rite?!
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orcinus-veterinarius · 6 months
Hey! I’ve seen some people I follow on insta spreading a post about how to get the SWIMS act passed so naturally I had to go and rant on my stories about it lol. I’m trying to find pro-cap studies and articles about cetacean captivity, but no matter what I type into google it just feeds me PETA bull shit. Do you have any good studies or articles you know of that I could share?
I always recommend the Cetacean Welfare Study (which is actually a collection of studies) as a starting place. It mainly focuses on bottlenose dolphins, since they’re obviously the most well-represented in aquaria, but includes belugas and Pacific white-sided dolphins as well. The SWIMS Act doesn’t target bottlenose or lags (in this iteration at least), so only belugas would really be affected by it.
SeaWorld is the only facility that still has orcas, and they already ended their own breeding program, and pilot whales and pseudorcas are not bred (in fact, there aren’t any pseudorcas left in North American aquariums). So the bill is just… stupid. Performative. It does absolutely nothing to address the issues actually impacting whales in the wild. But it does interfere with the efforts of accredited aquariums like Mystic, Georgia, and Shedd to provide research that will aid endangered wild beluga populations.
Several versions of the bill have already been shot down, and the last time it was presented, the AZA president stated that “opposition will be broad and strong to this SWIMS Act.” I don’t anticipate the act getting much further than it did last time, but I’m going to keep an eye on it.
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saturnniidae · 8 months
I want to know what Hiccups secret is. How does he not look like a lobster. What did he fucking invent viking sunscreen or some shit how is this guy not burnt????
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HIII I KNOW. A LITTLE BIT ABOUT ANNIHILATION. PERIPHERALLY. ive seen like part of it but i do NOT remember much. except that its one of the prettiest movies ive ever seen. that being said im so eyes emoji abt ur au..... r there any specific scenes frm the movie ur thinking about?? how would the character dynamics differ from either canon?? etc etc etc!!!
GOD I FUCKING LOOOOOVE ANNIHILATION. ONE OF MY TOP 5 FAVORITE MOVIES OF ALL TIME EVER. yes yes yes yes yes OK. so this is. all encompassing crossover jrwi au which means I'm pulling characters from different campaigns. which. usually im not a huge fan of but i think i pulled it off rlly well in a limited sense here bc i have very specific reasoning behind why i put each character where. u will know at least two of them and they WILL cause you psychic damage so trust me when i say the other ones will too. putting this under a cut bc im gonna ramble
BASICALLYYYYY it's gonna follow the plot of the movie pretty closely just with slightly altered character dynamics + each of their reasons for going into the shimmer. so each person on the Current Team has lost someone on a previous expedition, and basically all of them are trying to find answers for what happened to their loved ones.
im gonna talk mainly about the ones you know because youll understand where I'm coming from the best with them but just know I am OBSESSED w the roles I have put gillion and chip in here. god I miss riptide every day .
DAKOTA COLE AS ANYA. Anya is the retired paramedic !! she's the one that. hold everything. gets killed by the fucked up bear. smile. that was just a fun little coincidence for me . ORIGINALLY I was dead set on having the pd representative be william bc im biased and I love him but after rewatching the movie I just think dakota fits in anyas place so perfectly. she's the most outgoing of the group, she's the one that initially invites Lena to join their team (also side note there is a pre-existing dynamic between dakota and chip because they've had MULTIPLE interactions in various what if crossover episodes and their dynamic is one of my favorite things ever). she's also the most aggressive. she's the first one to snap into action mode after finding the body in the pool, she's the one to take josie away from it and has a very protective stance over josie for the rest of the time after that (this is going to be relevant i am gonna talk about josie next) . once the group starts arguing about whether they want to continue further into the shimmer, anya shifts into a VERY black and white mentality, pinning ventress as The Bad Guy immediately for wanting to continue. and then when Lena shows some hesitancy over what she wants to do, anya snaps into a "youre either with me or against me" mindset. she also has this growing sense of paranoia ever since they find the tape of what appears to be the previous crew killing each other, and after she learns Lena is lying to them about her connection with Kane she goes way overboard with tying them to chairs and threatening to kill them. while i don't think dakota would necessarily go that far I DID say this to jonesy when we were rewatching the movie together so. bfu connecting two dots meme
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anyway i think dakota is in the shimmer looking for william AND vyncent. parallels to the "dakota leaves for 10 months without telling them" which is why the three of them would be separated in the first place. william somehow finds out about the southern reach and his draw toward a mystery is what causes him to join the first expedition. vyncent goes with him because he can sense it's dangerous (and basically a suicide mission) and doesn't want william to go alone. I have. ideas. for what happens to them in the shimmer but they are vague at best right now and even then. dakota never finds out what happens to them before he's killed by the bear. the bear uses their voices to draw him out btw. smile. he dies protecting thr rest of the group even immediately after his paranoid breakdown.
SHILO AS JOSIE. ohhhhh josie radek one of my favorite characters in media of all time. God I love her so much. anyway she's the only one of the current expedition with no previous combat training, so she's often seen by the rest of them as someone who needs to be protected. if I'm remembering correctly she's also the youngest. (in this. au. dakota would be older than shilo. feels better in my mind. none of them would be Kids they'd all be adults at this point but I'd put shilo in early 20s and dakota maybe in mid 20s. so . still young.) shilo is in the shimmer looking for his twin brother who went missing. somehow he was able to track down the southern reach and find out emizel was part of a previous expedition, and desperately wants to get him back. he's the one with the LEAST amount of knowledge going into the shimmer. he doesn't realize it's a suicide mission. he just wants his brother back. anyway when they get to the first outpost they find the remnants of the first team's base of operations, with names on a guard patrol rotation and leftover weapons and. a video camera. with a tape in a plastic bag labeled "for those who follow". josie is the one holding the camera when they watch it. the tape shows members of the previous party in the abandoned pool, one guy tied to a chair while the others cut open his abdomen to show his intestines moving around like snakes or worms. in the movie, the guy who cuts him open is Kane, Lena's husband. the rest of the party doesn't know her connection to kane, and she knows now if she tells them they won't trust her (and is proven correct by this when anya eventually finds out her connection) ANYWAY I'm going off track. sorry this is my favorite scene in the whole movie I get distracted. ANYWAY so when they see this, josie is the most immediately horrified by it because she's the only one who hasn't seen anything as gruesome as that before. for shilo. well. he gets to see the one being cut open is emizel. and then later when they get to the pool and find the body still there (again. josie is the one to find this. she's also the one who reaches down into the old dirty water and accidentally picks up the knife. which was still left in the same place they saw it be dropped in the tape) corpse plastered to the wall by all kinds of multicolored fungus and lichen, I think shilo doesn't immediately break down, he doesn't really. process it right away. I mean it's completely unrecognizable. it's not until he accidentally picks up the knife that it all clicks into place in his mind and he realizes "that thing right there used to be my fucking brother" and completely shuts down. runs out of the complex, dakota has to chase him down because they all know its dangerous to go anywhere alone, etc. after this he loses any sense of purpose, the only reason he came into the shimmer in the first place was to get emizel back and now seeing what happened I think he just gets. hopeless. which is the beginning of the end for him . i haven't decided if his exact death is the same as josies but i want it to be peaceful in the same sort of way. "imagine dying frightened and in pain and having that be the only part of you which survives... i wouldnt like that at all" "ventress wants to face it.. you want to fight it... im not sure i want either of those things...." josie radek i am in love with you. anyway. annihilation pool scene for you because I love this image more than anything
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lesbianfakir · 6 months
Everyone shut up about toxic yaoi, nothing you write about will ever be HALF as insane as what Walter White and Jesse Pinkman had going on.
The world’s most toxic codependent relationship has already been written and it involves a man destroying everything his surrogate son figure holds dear to maintain his psychological grip on him. Walt did everything in his power to break Jesse just to get to keep him at the end of the day. He chose to let Jesse’s girlfriend die and then held him and comforted him through the grief. He risked his life to save Jesse’s and then used that as leverage to manipulate him into becoming a killer. He berates and lies to and abuses Jesse but in the quiet moments you realize he loves Jesse. Jesse is family, and Walt would do anything for his family. He despises Jesse but he loves him as a son. He’ll ruin Jesse’s life and then put his own on the line to save it. They try to kill each other but they can’t live without one another. And in the end Walt succeeded! Jesse will never be free of Walt’s shadow for as long as he lives. CAN ANYBODY HEAR ME WHY ARENT WE TALKING ABOUT THIS
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yansurnummu · 4 months
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i made drals and azandar in the sims and they live in a shitty cabin and have an extremely turbulent relationship. i love them
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hella1975 · 7 months
listened to american pie while thinking about the league of villains do NOT fucking talk to me
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Gem fusion au with a cryptid batman AND supernatural prince of Gotham Bruce Wayne.
In the eleventh hour the city is saved by the world famous demon creature finding the mysteriously missing prince and, in an act of true sacrifice and love for the rotten city, Bruce Wayne miraculously performs a perfect fusion with the monster, the glittering jewellery of status now adorning sweeping wings and fitting perfectly to the symbol in its chest, a diamond and pearl crown floating between two enormous pointed ears.
#batman#dc comics#bruce wayne#batfam#Just imagining how a cryptid batman (real or not) would combine with a literal prince of Gotham and the image struck me so clearly#I had to share#Like. Vampire king style thing#B being able to combine his royal powers and influence with his capabilities as the bat#Maybe his bat powers are FROM his royal powers#But so much glittering and swoopy silver jewellery... A clear night sky. A city skyline in monochrome.#Gotham harbor reflecting the lights of the fishing boats and tankers and cruise ships#Two people famous for never ever fusing except with a trusted handful (all the same people + supes)#Wayne refuses to talk about his experience with the bat and everyone wonders how traumatising it must have been#LOTS of white prince/dark knight fic/art from the Gotham girlies#All of it objectively stunning. They all put Bruce in white suits. He's Gothams darling. Their sunshine airhead with a heart of gold#And a spine of steel if you push him but no one really does that so it's only whispers#And the infamous half mythical batman. Black knight. Tall. Mysterious. Possessive exceptionally dangerous so very very kind and loyal too#But if he's magic he could harm superman. Supes tries to stop him from going too far on his enemy (who won't DIE but)#And the 'dark prince/vampire king fusion' almost claws his nose off for trying to get between him and the guy who pushed him that far#Someone gets a side profile candid (Tim) and it's the end of Gotham journalling it is the ONLY thing that gets printed alongside articles#Like;;;;
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bitchfitch · 1 year
i don't think the bamboo shrimp is doing too hot and they might not be around much longer. not surprising, it's been a very stressful day for them but it's still sad to see.
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crossbackpoke-check · 2 months
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deathfavor · 10 months
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i know ghost izana stuff is usually sad and feelsy but also imagine Izana just dragging people by their hair / scarf / jacket to feed his fish, or knocking shit over like a cat to get their attention. he would and you all know it. if talking isn't working then he's going to find other ways, being dead won't stop him.
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someoneintheshadow456 · 2 months
My restricted diet peeps (for religion, allergies, or otherwise) tell me do y’all play “Can Eat Can’t Eat” every time you watch those Korean mukbang videos or is it just me
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