#fitbit watches for kids
buymobilenz · 1 year
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Fitbit Watches: The Best Smartwatches for Fitness Tracking | BuyMobile NZ Fitbit watches are a great way to monitor your health and fitness. They come in a variety of styles and sizes, making them suitable for everyone from women to men and kids. Fitbit watches are equipped with features such as heart rate monitoring, sleep tracking, step counting and more. Some newer models even have the capability to track ECG readings. The Fitbit Versa 2 and Fitbit Sense 2 are two of the most popular models currently on the market, offering an array of features that can help you stay healthy and fit. We provide Genuine Items, Free Insurance, a Full Warranty, Safe Shopping and Live Support. Please visit our website:- https://buymobile.co.nz/collections/fitbit
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techdriveplay · 3 months
What Are the Top Tech Gifts for 2024?
As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, finding the perfect gift for the tech enthusiasts in your life can be a challenge. Whether it’s the latest in wearable tech, innovative gadgets, or smart home devices, the market is brimming with options that cater to every interest and need. Here’s a comprehensive guide to what are the top tech gifts for 2024. Statistics and Market…
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merakisphere · 1 year
3D Folding Flower Bracelet | $13.82 & up depending on your choice of beads.
Dress like a 90’s Nexopia Lindsay with this ancient nostalgic bracelet.
Hard temper tarnish resistant wire that's stronger than your self control to buy more Beanie Babies.
Diameter 3.0’’+,  Circumference 6.5’’+, sizes big enough for all yo mama jokes.
Transforms into dozens of shapes, for multi-use enjoyment because you gotta stop watching Rugrats in Paris for the 69th time.
Betcha didn't know these trinkets once were treasures. A once popular toy enjoyed by us 90's kids, survived the test of time as a toy for fidgeting, ornamental piece, and fashion accessory.
Visit my shop and browse my wonderfully unique and handmade convertible flower bracelets | Use code STIMBLR for free shipping!
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skylandart · 13 days
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*cries* they’re parents.
Headcanons under the cut :3
Their daughter’s name is Adelyn Jones Garcia. It was Javi’s choice because they’d made a deal.
They had her when Amelia was 27 and Javi 26. Useless piece of information, but hey :3
Accidental child.
She’s got Javi’s eyes and Amelia’s hair. And a cute little dimple near the side of her lips. And a little spacing between her teeth because when her adult teeth were growing in, she used to push them aside with her tongue just for fun. She likes the windows between her teeth. She thinks they’re pretty (they are.) and she refuses to get braces. Ever.
She has the physical Rafkonian features. She’s got the antlers and stuff, but she lacks the entire “mind reading” capabilities, the way Amelia and Aiyon do, because she is technically half human.
She’s very annoyed about this fact when she’s in her teenage. Especially because her sibling gets the mind reading capabilities without the antlers and she thinks it’s the universe being unfair.
She was also bullied as a kid because of all this. And Amelia nearly committed homicide as a result— only Javi could hold her back. And Javi…. Javi made sure no kid ever bullies Addy ever again.
They don’t let aunt Izzy find out about this tho bc if she did some primary school kids are gonna get IT.
She loves dad’s cooking. But she loves uncle Aiyon’s cooking more. Those Rafkonian taste buds make an appearance when she’s in her teenage, and suddenly her love for every single weird thing on the planet spikes up, much like Amelia.
Poor Javi. He’s now got two weird girls to take care of :3
Everytime Addy is upset, Amelia makes her muffins— except, Amelia can’t cook. It’s Javi who does the cooking, but hush, Addy doesn’t need to know that.
Javi likes to dance with her. Both of them can’t dance, really, but it’s fun to watch them stumbling about. It always cheers the both of them up, no matter what’s been bothering them.
Almost half of their home movies collection is Javi and Addy’s weird dancing. Amelia just loves recording them.
Amelia and Addy gang up on Javi every snow season, peppering him with snowballs. It’s the cause of a world war every Christmas.
Addy takes after Javi in her musical taste. Javi saw that early on, and tried to put her in music classes, but she was more of a freelancer and class timings and all of that annoyed her very much, and in the end, after three years of tantrums, they were forced to pull her out.
Javi then decides to give her home lessons. It works out much much better, because Addy likes her dad wayyyyy more than any other random music instructor.
Amelia likes taking Addy on walks. It started when Addy was five and Amelia took her out of the house for fresh air, but it evolves into adulthood and becomes their mom-daughter bonding time. They gossip about everything under the sun on their walks.
Addy has fried uncle Ollie’s computers, headphones, fitbits, and every other technical equipment, at least twice, in her lifetime.
Aunt Izzy introduces her to all the “bad” habits at the appropriate ages.
But every time Addy and her friends do stupid things, Aunt Fern is their first point of call, because Aunt Izzy tattles to the parents more.
I have more but this list has already become so long so mayyyyybe I’ll do a part two.
PS: yes. Yes Javi gets dorky dad!glasses. And yes, Addy breaks them eight times when she’s smol.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 4 months
Can I ask what is it about Otto that you find attractive? I mean he's definately got something going on.
Oh my god.
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I have answered an ask like this previously, and was about to link you to it, but then realised I'd be robbing myself of an opportunity to wax lyrical about my favourite old man. Prepare yourself. It's going to be long, and it's going to be fucking gross.
We'll get the obvious out of the way first; the physicality. Otto is the stereotypical, cookie cutter version of what I generally tend to go for in men. He's tall, he has a beard, and carries an air about him that makes you want to fall to your knees and unhinge your jaw each time he walks into a room. (Rhys Ifans actually has the exact same eye and nose shape as my husband, I'm not kidding)
That slutty little metal corset he wears as armour renders me to a state so feral I feel as though I could tear a phone book in half with little to no effort. I have to remove my Fitbit whenever I watch House of the Dragon, as every time that distinguished old prick appears on screen it fucking ruins my heartrate data. I am fairly certain I have tasted blood from the force of having to suppress audible moans.
Now, let's move on to the personality, because this is what really makes the full package. The Hightowers are one of the most affluent families in all of Westeros, and that's not by accident. Otto is clever, he's enterprising and there is nothing more attractive to me than intelligence and assertion. He has both by the bucket load. There's a reason he served as Hand of the King to so many monarchs - his brain is in high demand.
He's also Ser Otto Hightower - as if he's not impressive enough already, he served as a Knight of the Realm in his youth, so Peepaw knows how to fight, and his sense of honour is off the fucking charts. That's pretty swoon worthy, if you ask me.
He's a family man. Do you see how agitated he gets when Daemon brings up his dead wife? That man was down bad for Mrs. Hightower. You just know he was blowing her back out every night right up until she drew her last breath. He never remarries either. I can stan a man that is that cuntstruck with devotion.
Otto gets given a hard time for his treatment of his children, but in his mind he is acting in the best interests of both Westeros and his family. He has nothing to gain from his daughter being Queen - there is no situation in which Otto ever has a claim to the throne, he just wants to see his baby girl successful. His son, Gwayne, is a Knight. He pushes his kids to be successful.
The things I would do to this man, and allow him to do to me would redefine the very fabric of human indecency - they are are despicable. He invokes a lust in me so potent that I become more beast than woman.
He's also packing twelve inches. He told me personally.
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all-the-things-2020 · 6 months
Late Night Talking - Chapter Eleven
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Summary: Dieter gets busier after the movie premiere and he and Emily go to NYC for The Tonight Show
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~6900
Tag list: @rhoorl @avastrasposts @readingiskeepingmegoing @runningmom94 @gwendibleywrites @weho2kcmo
Things got very busy for Dieter after that weekend. Meetings and auditions and interviews filled his schedule. Every day I got multiple texts and voicemails from him. I called him back when I got home, but he was a little frustrated.
”If you’d gotten back to me in time, I could have gotten you invited, too,” he said the day he’d left three voicemails about a party at a Warner Brothers executive’s Malibu beach house. 
“I’m sorry,” I said. “I keep my phone locked in my desk while I’m at work. I don’t really have time to check it except on my lunch break.”
”Yeah, I know,” he said. “I just … all this great stuff is happening and I want to share it with you.”
”I’m happy for you, Deet. You deserve all of it. And I don’t need to go everywhere with you.” 
“You kind of do,” he said slowly. “Carmen says that now that we’re red carpet official, we need to be seen together. It’s good for my image. The new Dieter Bravo is sober and in a stable relationship. Someone the studios can rely on, someone the general public can relate to.”
“I get it,” I said. “But what about privacy? A lot of celebrities keep their romantic partners out of the spotlight.”
”We’ll get there,” he promised. “But right now, while I’m still working on my comeback … I need your help, Em.”
A thought crossed my mind and I didn’t like it. “You … you didn’t ask me out because you thought I’d be good for your image, did you?”
”Hell, no! This is all shit Carmen spun. I mean, she’s good at taking what really happens and spinning it. She never told me to get a girlfriend, and she actually tried to talk me out of taking you to the premiere. She thought it was too early, that I needed some time in the spotlight alone to re-establish my image with the focus just on me, but I wanted you there.”
”Calm down, Deet. I believe you.” And I did. There was just a tiny little fraction of a percentage of my brain that didn’t.
Dieter showed up at my place that Friday evening with a smile on his face and a box in his hand. “For you,” he said.
I saw the Apple logo but I already had a phone and it was too small for an iPad or MacBook. “What is it?”
”Open it up,” he said. He was bouncing on the balls of his feet like a little kid. “It’s an Apple Watch,” he said before I’d even gotten the lid all the way off. “It syncs with your phone, so you can get texts and phone calls and stuff even if your phone is in your desk drawer. This way I can always get a hold of you.”
He pulled another package out of his pocket. “I even bought an upgraded band for you. Leather.” He snatched the box out of my hands. “Get your phone and let’s set it up.”
I picked my phone up off the coffee table. I wasn’t entirely sure I liked the idea of being at Dieter’s beck and call every moment of the day, but he was so excited, I couldn't tell him I wasn’t thrilled with the gift. For one thing, it was expensive. Even the most basic version was far beyond my price range. I wasn’t comfortable accepting gifts, anyway. I always made sure to pay my friends and co-workers back if they paid for lunch, or at least, made sure I treated them the next time. I didn’t like being beholden to anyone.
Dieter got the watch set up and helped me adjust the band to fit snugly but comfortably. “It‘ll count your steps, check your heart rate, all of that,” he said. “Like a Fitbit but you get texts and stuff as well. Real Dick Tracy shit.”
He pulled out his phone and sent me a text. The watch vibrated gently against my skin and a notification popped up. “See, you can read the text right on the watch,” Dieter said eagerly. “You can even send a suggested reply. And you can answer calls.” He tapped his phone again and this time the watch buzzed rhythmically as my phone rang. “Answer it!”
I tapped the green button and said, “Hello?” 
Dieter’s voice came out of my wrist. “You ready for dinner?” I couldn’t help but smile. It really was Dick Tracy level shit. 
“Yes,” I replied.
My watch buzzed on my wrist. I twisted my arm to wake it up and  saw a text message from Dieter. 
DIETER: U need to take next Thurs & Fri off. No questions
ME: What? Why?
DIETER: Hey no questions! Call me when u can xoxo
“I’m going to take a quick break,” I told Elaine, who as always was watching me from her office. . It was a quiet time of the day, so I grabbed my phone from the back office, stepped outside where the cell signal was stronger and called Dieter.
“That was fast,” he said. I usually wasn’t able to call him during the day.
“I can’t just take time off without knowing why,” I said. “What’s going on?”
“Remember on our first date, I told you I’d show you New York sometime?,” he said. “Well, I just got booked on The Tonight Show for next Thursday, and you’re coming with me.”
“Wait, what?”
“My agent booked me on The Tonight Show,” he repeated. “It’s filmed in New York. I want you to come with me. We leave that morning, we’ll come back on Saturday. I already booked the flight.”
“Okay, okay, I’ll put in for the time off,” I said. I knew we didn’t have much on the agenda the following week and I had plenty of vacation time banked since I tended to save it up for the end of the school year when I was tired. “I’ll call you again when I get home.”
“Great,” he said. “Talk to you then, babe.”
I hung up and went back inside. Elaine immediately asked if anything was wrong. The woman had an instinct for finding out bad news and spreading it around the entire campus.
“No, no, everything’s fine. But I’ll be taking a couple of days off next week,” I said. “Excuse me, but I need to put that in the system before I forget.” I knew she was dying to ask why I was taking time off, but it was none of her business and I liked to stymie her efforts at being nosy. I hurried off to the back office to use the computer, leaving her standing indignantly at the counter.
I had my luggage in the trunk of my car, so at the end of the day on Wednesday, I drove straight from work to Dieter’s house. It felt weird to be driving in during the middle of the week again. I’d done it quite a bit during the summer, when we’d first started dating, but now that I’d been back at work for a few months, I was used to fighting Friday evening traffic. Not that Wednesday evening traffic was exactly light, but it was better than usual and I got to his house a good twenty minutes faster than I’d expected. 
“Hey, baby,” Dieter said when he answered the door. “You got here fast.” He pulled me inside, wrapping his arms around me and giving me an exuberant kiss. “I ordered dinner but it won’t be delivered for about an hour.” He raised an eyebrow. “What should we do until then?” 
“Gee, I don’t know,” I said, playing along. We both knew full well we were going to end up making out on the couch. It was our typical routine on Friday nights. He’d order food to be delivered about a half hour after I got there and we’d occupy ourselves by making up for not having seen each other for almost a week. The doorbell always seemed to ring far too soon, but this time we had an extra half hour to indulge ourselves.
I was on Dieter’s lap, my skirt hiked up above my waist and my hand down his pants when the doorbell rang. We both groaned, frustrated at being interrupted. I climbed off him, pulled my skirt back down and went to the door, since it was going to be a minute or two before he was able to walk properly.
“Dinner first or do you want to pick up where we left off?” I asked when I came back with the food. It was Thai food, and smelled absolutely amazing, but I was willing to wait for it if that’s what he wanted.
He fastened the button on his pants. “Let’s eat,” he said. “Don’t want the food to get cold, and I think we’ll heat back up better than it will.” I rolled my eyes and took the food into the kitchen, where I started to unpack it onto the island. Dieter got out the plates and flatware, took a couple of beers out of the fridge, and soon we were perched on barstools, shoveling Thai food into our faces.
“What time is our flight in the morning?” I asked him in between mouthfuls.
“Six,” he said with a groan. “We get into New York at two, so they’ll probably take us straight to 30 Rock from the airport so I can do makeup and shit before the taping.”
“Flight leaves at six, so we need to get there at what … four?” I was feeling tired already.
“Yeah, I think the Uber is supposed to get here at 3:15 or something like that,” he said. “It’s all on my phone.” He took a swig of his beer. “I hate early flights, but NBC wouldn’t spring for an extra night at the hotel. It was hard enough to get them to include Friday night.”
“They’re paying?” I asked. “I thought you said you booked the flight.”
“Oh, yeah, they pay for your hotel, transportation, all that shit when you do a talk show. They don’t pay you, because technically it’s free publicity for you. I’m paying for your plane ticket, but that’s it.” 
“You didn’t have to do that, you know,” I said, playing with the label on my bottle of beer. I still felt weird having Dieter pay for things, even though he insisted it was no big deal. I knew he could afford it more than I could, but it still felt awkward.
“I wanted to show you New York, and this was a perfect opportunity to do it,” he said. “I know how you feel about me paying for stuff, so I thought doing it on someone else’s dime might make you less likely to turn me down.” He made a pensive face.
I sat my fork down and laid my hand on top of his. “Hey,” I said. “It’s not that I don’t appreciate everything, sweetheart. I do. I’m just not used to anyone spending money on me.” 
He flipped his hand over and entwined his fingers with mine. “I know,” he said, rubbing his thumb against my palm. “I’m trying to not go overboard.” He smiled. “It’s just hard not to spoil you, babe.”
I rolled my eyes. No one had ever wanted to spoil me before and I certainly wasn’t expecting it from him. We finished our dinner in silence, playing with each other’s fingers. This was one of the things I liked best about our relationship. We didn’t always need to say anything to communicate with each other.
I washed the dishes while Dieter dumped the leftovers in the trash (no point in keeping them if we weren’t going to be back for several days) and took the trash and recycling out to the bins. When he came back inside, he had that look on his face.
“So,” he said, taking the dish towel out of my hand and tossing it on the counter. “Shall we pick up where we left off?” He spun me around so I was facing him, backed me against the counter and gave me a deep, passionate kiss. He tasted like Thai food and beer.
“We should probably go to bed early,” I said when he came up for air. “Early flight and all.”
He hummed in agreement, already busy nibbling on my neck. I pushed him away and steered him backward toward the bedroom. He bumped into the wall a couple of times, but we made it eventually. 
The next morning was all a blur. We got up at 2:30, stumbled our way to the Uber, yawned through the security lines at LAX and slumped into our seats on the plane. Dieter fell asleep almost immediately, but I can’t sleep in that sort of situation, so I only managed a fitful doze. When we landed, we were met by a team of bright young interns from NBC who grabbed our luggage and whisked it off of the hotel in one car while we were bundled into another one for the drive to Rockefeller Center.
Dieter and I were crammed in the back seat of a town car with an intern who was consulting two different phones at once. She rattled off the schedule for the evening before making a call and carrying on a conversation while texting several people on the other phone. 
“Is it always like this?” I whispered. Dieter just shrugged and put his arm around my shoulder. I stared out the window at the city passing by as we drove along the expressway. He played with my hair as the intern tapped away at her phone, oblivious to us both.
The car pulled up in front of 30 Rock, the famous building that housed NBC Studios, the Rainbow Room, and other landmarks. I couldn’t help but stare up at the towering building as the intern ushered us inside. I was used to seeing skyscrapers now and then in L.A. but nothing this huge and imposing.
Suddenly, there was yet another intern at my elbow. “Hi, I’m Stephanie,” she said brightly. “Are you Mr. Bravo’s assistant?”
“She’s my girlfriend, Emily,” Dieter said. “Take care of her, okay?”
“Got it, Mr. Bravo,” she said. The other intern was already steering him away, chattering something about getting to makeup before she got killed.
“See you later, babe,” Dieter said, pressing a quick kiss to my cheek before he disappeared.
I must have looked a bit shell-shocked, because Stephanie patted my arm. “Karen’s a force of nature,” she said. “That girl thinks the world will stop turning if she lets off the gas even a smidge. Which is why she’ll probably be running the place in fifteen years.” She shrugged and consulted her clipboard. “Well, while they’re prepping your boyfriend for camera, would you like a quick tour of the studio? The show starts shooting at five, but they start letting the audience in at four, so we have a little time before then. I can show you the set and everything, let you pick out where you want to sit during the show. Unless you’d rather hang out in the Green Room with Mr. Bravo?”
“Oh, no, I’ve never been to a taping before, I’d like to be in the audience,” I told her. She looked me quickly up and down.
“Let’s swing by wardrobe, get you a scarf or something to brighten up your outfit,” she said. “The director likes to have some color in the audience.” I was wearing my favorite jumpsuit, which was not only cute but extremely comfortable, which was important during the flight. It was also black with thin white pin stripes, not exactly something that would pop on camera.
Stephanie led me into the depths of the studio, pointing out things right and left as we wended our way through the labyrinth. We stopped in the wardrobe department, where she talked someone into loaning me an adorable electric blue blazer that set off my jumpsuit perfectly. Then she walked me into the studio where The Tonight Show was shot.
Crew were bustling around, setting up cameras and lights and prepping the set, but Stephanie took me right up onto the stage. “So here’s where Jimmy sits,” she said, pointing out a chair behind the desk. “And the chairs where the guests sit.” She plopped down in one and patted the cushion beside her. “Come on, have a seat. This is the view Mr. Bravo will have when he’s on stage. So, where do you want to sit?” She pointed at an area of the audience. “You‘ll be in his line of sight if you sit in that section.”
“Oh, um, wherever you think would be good,” I said, a bit overwhelmed as I realized that in a short time Dieter was going to be sitting right here in this chair, being interviewed by Jimmy Fallon and looking into the audience to see me sitting among the hundreds of others, watching him. How did he do this all the time? Get up in front of strangers and risk looking like a fool? I got nervous just speaking in front of five or six coworkers that I’d known for years.
“Hey, Stephanie, you warming up the chairs?,” a stagehand said as he walked past. He had a headset on and a phone in his hand. How did these people keep track of all these conversations? 
“Just showing Emily around,” she said. “Her boyfriend’s a guest; wanted to show her what his view will be.”
“Well, we need to do some lighting checks so you need to clear the set,” he said.
“Sure,” Stephanie said, jumping up. She gestured for me to follow her. “Have you had lunch yet?”
“Um, no,” I said. We’d had some pretzels on the plane but hadn’t had time to stop for anything after leaving the airport.
She walked me up into the seating area, stopping to slap a sticky note on an aisle seat two rows up from the front. “We’ll hit craft services so you can eat,” she said, “but this will save your seat for you.” We continued up to the top of the auditorium and out into a waiting area where a bunch of people were milling around. “These are the audience members,” she said off-handedly, steering me to the left. “They’ll let them in after they finish all the checks but we can take our time.”
We went through a door that Stephanie had to unlock with a key card and through two more doors and down a hallway to a long room lined on one side by tables covered with sandwiches, fruit, cookies, and other assorted food. “Take whatever you want,” she said, grabbing a bottle of water out of a bucket of ice at the end of the table. 
I was surveying the spread, trying to decide what to choose, when I heard Stephanie say, “Hey, Jimmy.” I looked up and saw Jimmy Fallon grabbing a coffee and bagel off the table.
“Hey, Steph,” he said. “Who’s your friend?”
“Oh, this is Emily. She’s here with Dieter Bravo. Thought she should have something to eat before the show starts.” 
Jimmy nodded and held out his hand. “Nice to meet you, Emily,” he said, shaking my hand. “Dieter’s still in makeup but he’ll be out in a minute. He said you came straight from the airport so I’m sure you’re starving.” He waved his hand at the food. “Take whatever you want, it comes out of Seth Meyers’ budget.”
Stephanie laughed, and so did I, even though I was searching my mind to remember who Seth Meyers was. I didn’t watch much late night television, since I had to get up so damn early for work.
“Hey,” Jimmy said, leaning toward me. “Got any embarrassing stories I can ask Dieter about? They gave me the standard, boring questions but it’s more fun if I can put a guest on the spot.”
I grabbed some strawberries off the table and popped one in my mouth to give me a chance to think. “Um, you could ask him about the scar on his butt,” I said. “Even if he won’t tell the story, it’ll get him flustered.” 
Jimmy raised an eyebrow. “Oho, that sounds promising,” he said. He grabbed a napkin off the table and pulled a pen out of his jacket pocket, scribbled a note and shoved both back into this pocket just as Dieter came into the room.
“Oh, yeah, food,” he said as he came toward us. He did pause to give me a quick kiss but most of his focus was on the food. I followed him down the line of tables as we each filled a plate and then found seats on the other side of the room. People were running around, some eating, some carrying clipboards, others just running for no apparent reason. It was organized chaos.
“You coming backstage?” Dieter asked in between bites.
“No, Stephanie saved a seat for me in the audience,” I told him. “I’ve never seen a show taping, so I thought it would be interesting.”
He nodded. “I’ll look for you,” he said, winking at me. He popped the last bite of his food in his mouth. “They’re going to call for places soon,” he said. “I’ll see you after the show. Have fun.” He leaned over and kissed me before taking my empty plate and stacking it on top of his. He tossed them both in the trash as he headed back the way he’d come.
Stephanie reappeared at my side. “Let me get you settled in the audience,” she said. “We’re about twenty minutes from the monologue.” I was surprised at how quickly time had gone by. No wonder everyone was in such a hurry.
She led me back through several doors and back into the studio. The seats were all full except for a few that had large bright yellow “RESERVED” signs on them, including mine. Stephanie ripped the sign off my seat and waited until I was settled. “Okay,” she said. “I’ll meet you in the lobby after the show. Enjoy!”
Stephanie disappeared and I settled into my seat. I had an excellent view of the stage and she was right: I was going to be right in Dieter’s line of sight. An older couple was sitting in front of me and next to me on the right was a young woman who was practically bouncing in her seat. She was on her phone and I couldn’t help overhearing her side of the conversation.
“No, somebody took it,” she said with a dramatic sigh. “No, nobody important that I can tell. Some middle aged soccer mom type. Probably somebody’s mom or aunt or something. Yeah, I was hoping for the aisle seat, but I got as close as I could. I’m going to have such a great view! God, I hope he can see the audience from the stage. I wore purple because it’s his favorite color, he’d definitely see me if I was in that aisle seat.”
It wasn’t hard to figure out who she was talking about. She was in her twenties, wearing a low cut purple blouse and tight jeans. Her phone case had a picture of Dieter on it and her purse sported a Cliff Beasts themed tag. 
“I am so glad you told me he was going to be on tonight,” she went on. “I had to spend seventy-five bucks to get a ticket off someone in line, but it will be so worth it! I mean, I’m about ready to hyperventilate already just knowing I’m in the same building he is!”
Just then my own phone dinged and I pulled it out of my purse. 
DIETER: U should have come backstage they have skittles!!
Next came a photo of a giant bowl of Skittles. I stifled a laugh as I texted back.
ME: Don’t eat them all u will be bouncing off the walls all nite
DIETER: Too late The text was followed by a GIF of Tigger bouncing on his tail.
ME: U r crazy 
DIETER: Yup. Gotta go I’m on deck, i go right after the monologue
ME: Break a leg
I slipped the phone back into my purse. If the girl next to me only knew who I was texting … The awkward high school girl in me wanted so badly to rub it in her face, especially after the “soccer mom” crack, but I knew it was petty and childish. So I kept my mouth shut.
“Ladies and gentlemen, please silence or turn off your phones and other electronic devices,” an announcer said. “Remember, photography and recording during the taping are strictly prohibited.” I dutifully powered off my phone, but the girl next to me simply tucked hers into her purse, keeping one hand inside the handbag. I had the feeling she was going to live Tweet the entire thing.
A few minutes later, the lights over the audience dimmed and a young man came out to warm up the audience. “Folks, Jimmy will be out in a few minutes to do his monologue, but first let’s get to know each other a bit better.” He started into a spiel, asking those who were from out of town to raise their hands, then those who were in New York for the first time. He walked up and down the aisles, asking questions here and there, making stupid jokes that made everyone groan. 
Then, he bounded back down to the stage, consulted with someone who I assumed was the director (she had a huge headset on, three clipboards and an iPad). He nodded, the director lifted on hand, did a countdown, then pointed at The Roots who began to play the theme song. The announcer came back on. “Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon!”
The “Applause” sign came on and then Jimmy was walking on stage. He looked taller than he had backstage, but maybe that was because instead of scrounging for a bagel, now he was standing in a spotlight, delivering a witty monologue. When the monologue was over, he said, “We’re going to take a quick break, but when we come back, help me welcome our first guest, Oscar winner Dieter Bravo!”
The girl next to me practically screamed right in my ear and I winced. The director made a signal with her hand and the spotlight went out, Jimmy seemed to shrink back to normal size and the red lights on the cameras went off. “We’re out,” the director said. “Two minutes.”
“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,” the girl next to me was muttering. Her leg was bouncing so hard I was afraid she was going to work her seat loose from the bolts holding it to the floor. 
“Back in thirty,” said a stage manager. The girl started wringing her hands and she was breathing so erratically I was afraid she was going to pass out.
“Ten.” Were those actual tears in her eyes? 
“Five, four, three, two, one ….” The director pointed at Jimmy, who was now seated behind his desk, the lights went back up and the camera lights glowed red.
“Welcome back!,” Jimmy said. “And now, let’s welcome our first guest. He won a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for Illusions and is currently co-starring in the hit film Time for a Change … give it up for Dieter Bravo!”
The curtains parted and Dieter walked out, waving to the audience, a huge smile on his face. The girl beside me was screaming, “I love you, Dieter!,” and it made my ears ring. I clapped politely.
He scanned the crowd as he walked toward Jimmy’s desk and I knew the moment he spotted me; his eyes lit up and he gave me a quick wink. “Oh my God,” the girl beside me said to no one. “He winked at me!”
I rolled my eyes but held my tongue. Dieter shook hands with Jimmy, turned to face the audience again, waved one last time, then sat down. As the applause died down, Jimmy tapped his stack of cue cards against the top of the desk.
“So, Dieter, it’s great to see you again,” he said. “I think the last time was, what, when you were in ‘Cliff Beasts 6’?”
“Yes, that seems like a lifetime ago,” Dieter said with a laugh. “Kind of was, actually.”
“Things really have changed a lot for you the last couple of years,” Jimmy said. “But this isn’t an Oprah interview, so don’t worry, I won’t ask any hard questions. Maybe.” There was laughter from the audience. The girl next to me was perched on the edge of her seat, hands clasped in front of her so tightly her knuckles were turning white.
Jimmy and Dieter chatted a bit about the film. It was standard stuff, nothing he hadn’t already said ten times before, but somehow Dieter made the same old anecdotes and platitudes sound fresh. 
Then Jimmy flicked his eyes up into the audience and I swear he looked right at me before smiling quietly. “And acting’s dangerous, too,” he said. “You don’t do a lot of action films but there are sometimes stunts involved. I think you got a scar on your elbow from a scene in Nightshade?”
”Yeah,” Dieter said. “The set had some exposed screws and nails on this one part and I accidentally fell against it. Cut me pretty bad. I had to get stitches.” He grimaced.
“But that’s not your only scar,” Jimmy said. “I heard you got another scar, more recently? In a more intimate location? Can you tell us about that?”
Dieter closed his eyes and I knew he was cursing me inwardly. He opened his eyes, gave me an “I’m going to kill you later” look and turned to Jimmy. “Yes, I do have another scar, but there’s two ways I can tell the story. One way embarrasses me, and the other embarrasses someone else, who I suspect is the person who told you to ask me about it. So … do I throw her under the bus, or do I throw myself under the bus?” He grinned wickedly and glanced up at me. I just smiled at him. It was up to him how he wanted to tell the story and whichever way he chose, I was fine with it.
“Oh, I don’t think you can throw her under the bus,” Jimmy said. “Believe me, never embarrass your significant other in public, or you’ll pay for it for years. My wife still brings up the time on our third date when I … well, I’d better not say anything else or she’ll lock me out of the house. Again.” Everyone laughed. 
Dieter sighed and sat forward, his elbows on his knees, his hands clasped in front of him. “Okay,” he said. “Here’s the story. The one that makes me look like an idiot. So … I was at my girlfriend’s house. It’s the middle of the night, we’re sound asleep, and the smoke alarm started peeping. Not going off like there’s a fire, just that annoying little ‘peep’ that means the battery’s low. And we wake up and I’m like, ‘What’s going on?,’ and she says, ‘It’s the smoke alarm, it needs a new battery.’”
“It always happens in the middle of the night, doesn’t it?” Jimmy asked. “What’s up with that?”
“Right?” Dieter said. “So, she says ‘I’ve got to get the step stool so we can reach it,’ and I, trying to impress her with my handyman skills and supreme manliness, reason , ‘Oh, no, I can just stand on the bed and reach it.’ So I get a battery out of the drawer and I stand up on the bed and unscrew the cover … feeling pretty proud of myself. And then I stepped back just a bit, my foot slipped off the edge of the mattress and I fell off the bed.” Everyone gasped. “Knocked over the night stand, which broke the lamp … and then I landed on the lamp. The broken lamp.”
Jimmy grimaced. “Oh, man.”
“Yeah,” Dieter said. “Landed on my ass right on top of a huge shard of glass from the lamp. Naked. Bleeding all over the floor. She’s freaking out, I’m freaking out —- because it hurt like hell — we rush to the emergency room at like one o’clock in the morning and I end up getting nine stitches.”
Jimmy was dying laughing by this point, laying across his desk. “Oh, man,” he said again. “That … that is … I mean, I know it isn’t funny, you got hurt, but …” He dissolved into laughter again.
Dieter laughed ruefully. “Yeah, at the time we were pretty traumatized, but now it’s pretty funny. I mean, no one wants to show up in the ER and have to tell the doctor that they’ve been stabbed in the ass … by a lamp.”
Everyone was laughing by this time, including me, and Jimmy had tears running down his face. “Oh, oh,” he gasped. “You have got to thank your girlfriend for telling me to ask you about this. This is hilarious.”
“Oh, I will,” Dieter said. “Trust me, we’ll be talking about this tonight.” 
Jimmy recovered his composure long enough to say, “We need to take another break, but just you wait … next up, Broadway’s newest Aaron Burr …” I was distracted by the girl next to me frantically tapping away on her phone, which was hidden in her lap under her purse. She was typing so hard she bumped me with her elbow.
“Oh, sorry,” she whispered. When I glanced over I saw part of her text: OMG that image him naked on the floor, so hawt, I’m gonna die
I shook my head. “And we’re out,” the director said. “Two minutes, folks.” I looked back up and Jimmy and Dieter were chatting about something, leaning across the desk to hear each other over the murmur of the audience. Then they both looked up at the same time, caught my eye and busted up laughing. I pointed at them and shook my head.
“Thirty seconds,” the call came and I realized the girl next to me had seen me pointing at the stage.
“You know Jimmy Fallon?,” she asked, her eyes narrowing. I could see the wheels turning in her head. Just how much had I heard of her description of me, and if I knew Jimmy, could I introduce her to Dieter?
“Not really,” I said. “Just met him today.”
“Then you know …?,” the light was dawning in her eyes.
“Ten seconds!”
“Shh, we’re almost back,” I said, turning my attention back to the stage.
“Five, four, three, two, one ….”
The lights went back up, Jimmy snapped back into host mode and was introducing the next guest, an up and coming young man who had recently taken over the role of Aaron Burr in ‘Hamilton’. He walked out, shook hands with Jimmy, and then with Dieter, who moved over one seat. 
I did my best to pay attention to the interview (which was extremely interesting), ignoring the girl next to me who was alternately staring at me, typing furiously on her phone and watching Dieter. Every time he flicked his eyes in my direction, she tensed up. It was extremely petty of me to enjoy it so much, but I didn’t care. 
At the next break, she turned to me, all bright eyed and smiling. “So, how do you know Dieter?”
As if you haven’t already figured it out, I thought. “He fell off my bed,” I said simply, then turned my attention back to the stage. She didn’t try to talk to me again until the show was over.
The girl followed me into the lobby. I tried my best to ignore her and was relieved to see Stephanie waiting for me. “Come on, Emily,” she said. 
“Oh, do you work here?,” the girl said, butting in. Stephanie gave her an irritated look and nodded. “Will there be a meet and greet with the guests? A stage door or something?”
“No,” Stephanie said. “I’m afraid not.” She turned away and ushered me toward the locked door we’d passed through before. “Let me guess, fan girl?,” she said as soon as we were far enough away for the girl not to overhear.
“Yes,” I said. “I thought she was going to have an aneurysm when he walked on stage.”
Stephanie snorted. “You should have been here when we had the Backstreet Boys a couple of months ago,” she said, unlocking the door. “A bunch of middle aged fan girls acting like teenagers … it was insane.” We wended our way through the backstage area again, this time going past the room where the craft services tables were laid out and through another door. “Welcome to the Green Room,” Stephanie said.
It was not green, instead a hodgepodge of browns and tans, with a scattering of comfortable chairs and couches. The table in the middle of the room held a tray of fruit and that giant bowl of Skittles that Dieter had sent me a picture of. “You can hang out here and Mr. Bravo will be out in a few minutes,” Stephanie said. “I’ll take your blazer back to wardrobe.” I handed it to her and she disappeared through another door. I sat down on the couch, grabbing a handful of Skittles.
“Ha, I knew you couldn’t resist them.” Dieter came into the room. He’d undone another button on his shirt and already mussed up his hair. He grabbed a handful himself and plopped down next to me.
“Sorry for telling Jimmy about the scar,” I said, bumping my shoulder against his.
He shrugged. “It made for a good interview,” he said. “Better than the boring questions his staff gave him, that’s for sure.” He chuckled. “QuestLove said when I write my memoirs the title should be ‘Stabbed in the Ass By A Lamp: The Dieter Bravo Story.’”
Karen popped through yet another door. “Your car is ready, Mr. Bravo,” she said abruptly. We knew it was best not to keep her waiting.
As we settled into the back of the town car (alone this time, thank goodness), Dieter let out a huge sigh. “I don’t know about you, but I’m beat,” he said. He glanced at his watch. It was almost seven. “Let’s just eat at the hotel and make it an early night, what do you say?”
“Sounds fine by me,” I said. We’d been up since 2:30 and even though we’d gained three hours and my biological clock thought it was only going on four, I was still running on fumes. 
The Benjamin wasn’t far from Rockefeller Center. Our car pulled up in front of the entrance, which was presided over by a magnificent carved owl. Everything was done in tasteful, calming browns and cream. We stopped by the desk to pick up our keys (the interns who had taken charge of our luggage had already checked us in) and rode the elevator up to our room. It wasn’t large but Dieter had warned me that rooms in New York were never big. “Real estate is precious in the city, especially in Manhattan,” he’d told me.
We ordered room service, deciding to split the Steak Frites and a Caesar salad. While we waited for the food, I unpacked our bags and explored the amenities in the bathroom, which included the fluffiest bathrobes I’d ever seen in my life. We ate dinner, then took turns in the shower. By eight thirty, we were both wrapped in our bathrobes, lounging on the queen sized bed, flipping through the channels on the television.
“Want to stay up and watch the show?” Dieter asked as he settled on a channel that was showing Raiders of the Lost Ark. We’d both seen the movie a million times but it was a classic and we didn’t have to pay close attention to it, so it was perfect for a lazy night.
“Sure,” I said. “Not like we’re going to do anything more exciting tonight.” I had rummaged in the minibar and was laying out a bounty of macadamia nuts, Toblerone bars, and tiny bottles of Chardonnay.
“Hey,” he said.
I laughed. “I mean, we aren’t going out or anything. Although I have the feeling we’ll be lucky to stay awake long enough,” I said, stifling a yawn. It really had been a long day.
We snuggled up on the bed, munching on our impromptu dessert and watching Indy’s exploits. During the commercials, I told him about the fan girl who’d been sitting beside me and I thought he was going to fall off the bed laughing when I told him my answer to her question of how I knew him.
“Oh, sweetheart” he said. “You are so snarky sometimes.” He kissed my forehead. “I love it.”
When the movie was over, we watched a PBS travel program about trains in Scandinavia before switching over to the news at eleven. I could barely keep my eyes open by the time The Tonight Show came on, and after Dieter’s segment, I gave up completely. I took off my glasses, laid them on the nightstand and slipped out of my robe and under the covers. A few minutes later, Dieter followed suit, clicking the television off and then the lamp. “Good night, baby,” he mumbled as he slid his arms around me.
“Good night,” I said, nuzzling against his chest. I always fell asleep quickly when I was in his arms. That night was no exception.
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dark-elf-writes · 7 months
Rip Reno you would have loved vape tricks and hotboxing
Rip Genesis you would have loved lush bath bars and instagram stalking ugly people
Rip Zack you would have loved neon Nike socks and Fitbit
Rip Angeal you would have loved dance moms and putting Apple AirTags in your friends stuff
Rip Aerith you would have love coquette core and hozier
Rip tifa you would have loved Tara yummy and Reddit AITA compilations
Rip yuffie you would have loved stealing from Walmart and dressing as a middle schooler for the “kids under 12 eat free” special
Rip Cid you would have loved Gordon Ramsey and arguing with flat earthers online
Rip Reeve you would have loved playing sims and commissioning furry artists
RIP nanaki you would have loved talking shit about Burning Man festivals and white people with a “Cherokee Princess” ancestor
Rip Barret you would have loved criticizing marvel movies for being military propaganda and being on an fbi watch list
The modern au we all need tbh
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notstilinski · 1 year
Abbott Elementary Starters !
Taken from season two the 2022 ABC series, Abbott Elementary! Some of these have already been edited. You can change them however you see fit! There may be some light spoilers!
“I took it as an opportunity to grow. Not physically, of course, because I can’t reach the top shelves in my apartment.”
“Sea (Name) is very different than Land (Name).”
“If this is what they expect of us, it’s can’t be unrealistic.”
“Are you about to get evicted?!”
“I thought coming into work a full adult would be my solution, but I’m drowning.”
“I get it now. I’m not not a fan.”
“Then why do I have to see Chris Pratt everywhere?!”
“Oh, I don’t do that anymore. Because I’m in therapy and anger management.”
“Oh, we don’t take bribes — That aren’t in the form of money.”
“I think she’s saying I’m a broke boi.”
“(Name), I said that I don’t want to go to a strip club with you.”
“I hope all the kids aren’t here today. Yesterday, almost everybody was in attendance and it almost broke me.”
“You don’t want to be a corny legend.”
“Ya’ll gotta stop playing God with that boy’s life.”
“I’m not in the mood to improve-d at.”
“(Name) tells me I sound like a lesbian. I’m working on that.”
“And one of those is the right side, which is mine.”
“Are you two in a fight? Looks like ya’ll in a fight.”
“Poison? You know I ain’t poisoning anybody. If I’m taking someone out, I want to watch them go.”
“I’m starting to think that I didn’t grow into the person I’m proud of because of it, but maybe I did despite of it.”
“What’s that I taste? The taste of sweet victory?”
“Who does everybody get so surprised when I say I’ll help? I’m a professional.”
“You time yourself going to the second floor?”
“It don’t count if I don’t have my Fitbit on.”
“I haven’t seen you this made since the bartender cut you off at the batting cages.”
“Disguises, crime, looking hot? These are my specialities.”
“Okay, well, thank you for the donation to my mouth.”
“I’m just one of those people where chaos really affects my mood so I’m just gonna call it a day.”
“Ghost, ghouls and new friends.”
“Oh, like y’all came tell these moderately attractive white men with bears apart.”
“You truly do have the taste of a middle aged midwestern mama.”
“And now you’ve made me an accessory.”
“I Googled it. But I like to maintain that aura of dark mystery.”
“This is cutting into my pre happy hour hour.”
“All these wasted eggs when the (Name) is in town. Now I’ve got to throw a Molotov cocktail at their bus.”
“And I want to shield them with the best defense: Positivity.”
“The emergency is… I don’t feel like it right now.”
“Merry Capitalism to you all.”
“You know what? They’re a lot like paint fumes. Small doses? Fine — Even somewhat enjoyable. But too much just gives you a headache.”
“Yeah, after I introduce myself, you know. Start dating, get super clingy, abs go through his phone he might be.”
“That’s right. Now go ahead and make Juvenile proud.”
“Is that my work husband grinding on my work nemesis?”
“I’m sorry, you look like you’re in deep thought.”
“I drink a lot of Snapple so I kind of know some facts.”
“I know plenty of people who have counted me out before and, while I have absolutely no way of confirming this, I’m positive they’re all dead.”
“Sorry, so your- You dad, he hired an actor to play his child instead of just asking you?”
“Don’t look at me like that, he gave me his number.”
“I was both the hostage negotiator and the hostage.”
“Well, I’m a pacifist. You mess with me, I’ll pass a fist across your face.”
“We are watching the first Toy Story because the third one makes me cry.”
“What in the Earth, Wind and Fire is going on here?!”
“Okay. She’s robbed a child.”
“Aw. Disposable income.”
“Do you want to pinch my cheeks? My mom says it helps.”
“Well, that was before I realized that I have an insecure attachment style. I now recognize it for the disdain that it is.”
“I don’t think an adult has ever apologized to me before.”
“I will kick your (Name)-loving Valentine’s Day ass right out of this building.”
“Shame. So hot, yet so annoying.”
“I am one minor inconvenience away from putting this whole day in rice.”
“Mandates are nothing more than fervent suggestions.”
“Just because you got a round face like the Teletubbies sun baby doesn’t mean that the world revolves around you.”
“It’s cool that no matter what I do, no one is happy.”
“Let’s say that (Name) has a bubbly personality to cover up deep-seated mommy issues.”
“The silver lining about dating is that you only have to be correct about someone /once./“
“Last night, as the kids would say, was a film.”
“That is bisexual erasure. I expected better from you.”
“You’re a dork but you’re messy.”
“Weird cash floating around? Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
“Come on. Let’s go bully some sensitive artists.”
“Now you two need to get on board. Who we fighting first?”
“That’s why Mothers Day was invented. So less mothers would leave their families.”
“Don’t give Jesus my credit.”
“Nothing good has ever come from nerds whispering.”
“It’s because you abandon people, and it’s nice to finally hear you say it out loud.”
“People had hopes for you, and they gave up on me!”
“I get why you left (Name), it just kind of felt like you left me, too.”
“My night terrors have spread into day terrors. I can’t tell if I’m asleep right now or if this is some kind of waking nightmare.”
“Why can’t you ever give me credit for a good idea?”
“My lies don’t discriminate.”
“Never have I been so happy to hear such explicit content.”
“At the end of the day, they have to decide who they want to be. And this one decided to be a jackass.”
“So what you’re going to do is pick yourself up, dust yourself off, come back here tomorrow and do your job.”
“People have thrown dirt on my name, others have given flowers. It’s all a garden to me.”
“I love the company of others. But I’m trying to like my own.”
“I’m just gonna go back to avoiding her and never asking her for anything.”
“You would beat my ass, wouldn’t you?”
“The key to never getting your ass beat? Knowing when someone can beat your ass.”
“Note to self: New way to manipulate. Step one: have a daughter. Step two: Play the long game.”
“I’m a master forager. My speciality? Mushrooms.”
“I don’t know how to leave this conversation.”
“I’m counting on those tiny fists for very precise blows.”
“Yeah. I take all your recommendations seriously — I want to know why you like stuff.”
“Uh-uh. I don’t like clanks in bags. Clank-clank leads to clink-clink.”
“No wonder your dad’s a landscaper, the way you beat around the bush.”
“You need to be better at hiding things with your face.”
“Everybody I like knows it. (Name) and Diego Luna has seen my tweets.”
“If I don’t get a smooth eleven hours, I get a little handsy.”
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aemiron-main · 8 months
It Weakens Me, It Tracks Me: Soteria vs Brenner's Fitbit
So, today, Stav @heroesbyler told me that Brenner seems to have some sort of modern fitbit-esque watch in this scene (originally noticed here on reddit) and Stav mentioned that this could tie into Brenner having some sort of advanced/alternate universe technology:
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But why would Brenner need this sort of device? Well:
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I'm wondering if that "watch" is the companion device for Soteria- if that's how Brenner is able to track Henward.
After all, it does really resemble modern GPS tracking watches...
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Now, I know that people might be saying that this is just an error and Modine forgot to take his modern watch off. And while that might be the case, I think there's also some counterpoints that support this not being a mistake. 1.) It's right there. It's center screen. How did NOBODY notice this when shooting and editing and colour grading? And it's not just a matter of "not wanting to reshoot the shot," because there's so many interviews and podcasts with cast and crew members where they talk about how particular the Duffers are and how they'll plan and reshoot things until things are exactly how they want it.
2.) There's SO much focus on watches in ST, especially in S1 (see: Mike giving El his watch and her staring at it/repeating the time while she's waiting for Mike and then El having a lab flashback), so it seems odd that they'd ignore such a key thing for Brenner's costuming (unless, of course, that IS his watch, and it's intentional that it's modern-looking)
3.) The lab (and specifically Brenner) having access to more advanced technology is not at all out of the realm of possibility- the man has a memory simulation time travel machine that he uses to brainwash kids. Getting a GPS watch is nothing. Especially considering all of the anachromisms in TFS (see: Rachel, Nevada not existing until 1978 but being mentioned in TFS, the song "Chuck E's In Love" being referenced in TFS but not coming out until the 70s), so the idea of things from the future ending up in the past is very much on the table.
4.) Modine himself is very particular about Brenner's outfits- he was the one who told the Duffers what specific type of shoes he wanted Brenner to wear, for example.
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So- was this the way that Brenner was able to track Henward? Especially when we consider the idea of multiple Henwards and that there might be a Henward (or more than one Henward) that didn't get Soteria removed. And hell, what happened to Soteria after it was removed? Did Brenner re-implant it into somebody? Did he implant it into the Demogorgon or something?
There's also something about the whole "tracking Henward via soteria" thing vs the way that the party uses the compass to find the gate in S4 and S1... something about electromagnetic fields is rattling around in my brain in that regard. Anyway! Lots to think about.
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theunstuffedpepper · 1 year
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Lovely Easter weekend 💙
Saturday morning, I took pep out for a mommy and me day before heading to my parents house.
Second egg hunt of the season - we got 12 eggs total! Kiddo loved it.
Firehouse open house. My boy loves nothing more than a good truck. He was in his GLORY.
Lunch at the local deli.
Another egg hunt at my parents house. Think this kid got enough Easter eggs?
Tucking pep in at my parents house Saturday night, there’s his little toddler bed with a guard so he doesn’t fall out. Naturally I tuck him in there. There also is a twin bed in the room, no kid-proof guards. He took an interest in that bed and fell asleep there, despite me moving him once. I snuck in after he was good and asleep and put two big comforters and six pillows on either side of the bed and was wracked with worry that he would fall out. Shockingly, he stayed in the big boy bed ALL night and mama slept (relatively) well too. He also napped in that bed successfully on Sunday. When did my tiny guy get so grown up?
What else?…
I’ve been holding off buying myself an apple watch for a while, thinking I’d buy it for my bday in June. My Fitbit though is in real bad shape and I decided screw it. Why wait? So I bought that baby this morning. Can’t wait for it to be delivered tomorrow.
I bit the bullet on scheduling my first therapy appointment with a new therapist. My obgyn practice paired me with a therapist who specializes in women’s health of course but has also dealt with people coping with infant loss. So says the lovely girl who scheduled my appointment, they deal with it a lot. More than people talk about. I understand that. The appointment isn’t til the end of June, because that’s just how long it takes I guess, but it’ll be good timing for me. By then I’ll be wanting to get the ball rolling.
Pep has been absolutely glued to me lately. I think it’s because I’m the working parent, he doesn’t just have full unadulterated access to me all the time. That being said, I only work away from home one day a week and I’m around so often for him during the day even when I am working. Nevertheless, he wants mommy to do his nap and mommy to snuggle all the time and mommy for bath and bed every single day. It was kinda exhausting me for a while but I’ve been working on my mindset and switching it around, and I’ve actually really just been leaning into it. I’ve seemed to be able to flip the switch. I enjoy my time with him so much. He’s the sweetest, funniest, cutest little babe and I wanna enjoy every second I can before he gets bigger and doesn’t wanna sit on my lap and do everything with me anymore.
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wtfuckevenknows · 1 year
19. the veggie you dislike the most?
Answered here But I also really hate corn, so 🤷🏻‍♀️
23. do you wear jewelry?
I wear a ring on the middle finger of my right hand, usually a butterfly necklace (I have a couple) or my eat. sleep. hockey. repeat necklace and sometimes I also wear earrings, I do have three holes in each lobe, but since I work with kids...
Does a watch count as jewelry? And If it does, does a Fitbit count?! 😂
weirdly specific and unrelated asks to know someone well
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buymobilenz · 2 years
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Shop Fitbit watches for men, women and kids online in NZ | BuyMobile NZ
Buy Fitbit watches for men, women and kids online in NZ from BuyMobile NZ mobile retail store.  
Fitbit watches are wearable fitness trackers that track various metrics related to fitness, health, and wellness. They are designed to be worn on the wrist like a regular watch and come in different models and styles, with various features and capabilities.
Some common features of Fitbit watches include:
Step tracking: This feature tracks the number of steps taken throughout the day and can help users monitor their physical activity level.
Heart rate monitoring: Many Fitbit watches come with a built-in heart rate monitor that tracks the user's heart rate throughout the day and during exercise.
Sleep tracking: Fitbit watches can also track the user's sleep patterns, including the amount and quality of sleep.
GPS tracking: Some Fitbit models have GPS capabilities that allow users to track their outdoor workouts and monitor their routes and distances.
Fitness tracking: Fitbit watches can track various fitness metrics such as calories burned, distance travelled, and active minutes.
Fitbit watches can be synced with the Fitbit app, which allows users to view their data and progress over time, set goals, and receive personalized insights and recommendations based on their activity levels and habits.
We provide Genuine Items, Free Insurance, a Full Warranty, Live Support and Safe Shopping. Please visit our website to see Fitbit watches for sale:- https://buymobile.co.nz/collections/fitbit
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fictionalnormalcy · 2 years
So umm, you ever just incidentally test out whump on yourself?
For a fic I want to do, I wanted to have where the whumper puts shock devices on their whumpees. But not wanting to go for the ever-classic shock collar, I went for bracelets. Although I kept questioning myself, like could the victim really receive the intended shocks from the spot of a wrist? I just, the idea is longterm captivity so haha, didnt want them to have the constant weight of collar.
Then I got a Fitbit 😅 and it has this nifty feature where you can sync your phone notifications to the watch. It isn’t as extensive as an apple watch however in that you can’t see messages and insta notifs. The only thing I could get, was phone calls. How does it tell me about the call? The watch starts vibrating.
The first time it happened I kid you not I felt the vibration to my damn shoulder. Now imagine it being a shock bracelet. Oh man this is going to work well
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eriellesudario · 5 years
Detective Pikachu made me wish Pokemon were real EVEN MORE!
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WARNING – There will be spoilers for Detective Pikachu. Also, I havent played the 3DS game where the game was adapted, but I watched a lot of the original anime series and played the original games.
We all have that fantasy of living in a world based on our fave video games. For me, the first that goes to mind, it’s Pokemon.
A few years ago, I was introduced to onepikapi. He’s an artist that draws Pokemon fan art in IRL situations. I just thought it was really cute and creative and it was an introduction to seeing what it would it be like if Pokemon existed in the real world.
I then watched Detective Pikachu and I was blown away on how real it was. I was made aware that the person who did the art was a fan artist who drew realistic Pokemon and that’s really cool to know that fans can get involved in a huge project like this. But after watching the film, it just made me rethink the fantasy if Pokemon was real that I once had before.
Thoughts on the movie
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We all know that video game movies are bad as they tend to have something missing, and I know this movie is based on the 3DS game, but this film makes it look like it was a stand-alone film. It references things from the source material (both the anime and video games).
I wonder how much acting and takes it took to make them look and move at the right direction as EVERYWHERE IS FILLED WITH POKEMON.
Nitpick – viewing this in cinema sucked as it was like watching a low-quality film. I watched Avengers: Endgame before this. Oddly enough, at the same cinema number in the movie theater. Comparing my time viewing that and this film, there was a noticeable drop in video quality (IMO).
But who cares?!? (well I do lol)… when you get to see what reality is like if Pokemon were real. And when I mean real, I mean if they actually existed!!!
Pokemon and Augmented Reality
When Pokemon GO was first released, this was our close taste to living in a world where Pokemon existed. The only downside, we never got to “interact” with our Pokemon. We never got to form a bond with them. In my opinion, you can make a much more emotional connection with your Tamagotchi than in Pokemon GO.
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My time with that one is quite a short term experience. I remember just putting my fave Pokemon in the device and take it with me whenever I walked to the markets with my parents just to collect steps. Like if you want to lose weight, just use your Pokewalker, its much more accurate than a Fitbit!
The difference between Pokemon GO and the Pokewalker is that you can actually interact with your Pokemon and it sort of feels like it’s there with you.
And that’s what good about Detective Pikachu. It helps relieve the fantasy of having a Poke-partner with you, but also see what Pokemon looks like in the real world.
I also love how each person is only seen with one Pokemon. That’s right, one partner. No 6 Poke-team! It’s a bond between a single Pokemon and trainer.
Wouldn’t it be nice???
I’d love to live in the same universe as portrayed in the film, and I assume many other fans as well. The fact they showed a bond between one partner made it seem like this fantasy is much more simple… like taking care of a pet with superpowers.
Detective Pikachu made this fantasy easier to imagine or just helped re-ignite that fantasy when we were kids. It shows the importance of the bond of humans and Pokemon. Maybe it just made having a pet more appealing.
The film was such an experience to watch. It wasn’t much of a money grab than what people are calling it out to be but it just gave a new perspective on how we view the Pokemon world.
Feel free to follow @onepikapi over in Instagram if you want to see more Pokemon art in the real world.
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Google Fitbit Ace LTE for Kids: A Fun Review from Marley's Summer Adventures
When our spunky 10-year-old, Marley, received the Google Fitbit Ace LTE for kids, it was like unwrapping a treasure chest filled with endless possibilities. The oversized promotional box not only held the Fitbit Ace LTE watch but their public relations team also surprised her with a cool hat, a branded water bottle, and a pickleball set—talk about setting the stage for an epic summer! Marley was…
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timesblogger · 4 months
The Ultimate Guide to Amazon Gift Products: Perfect Presents for Every Occasion
Finding the ideal gift can be an overwhelming errand, however Amazon makes it simpler with its huge swath of gift choices. Whether you're looking for a birthday, commemoration, occasion, or any exceptional event, Amazon has something for everybody. This guide will assist you with exploring the best Amazon gift items to please your friends and family.
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