#five star fury
kid-of-chaos · 5 months
run/{Do I have to join..?}.txt
For the reason of showing off my oc to people that are cooler than me… yes.
run/{This’ll go horribly.. Ah well. I need the experience anyways…}.txt
Gizmo (unwillingly) decided to try out the @kirbyoctournament.
Name: Gizmo (Formerly Circuit)
Reference Image/s:
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Notes on Personality: By nature, he’s a pragmatic. Doesn’t trust easily, and keeps to himself. Waddle Dees and Puffballs stress him out, DESPITES KIRBY, and is a bit of a show off when it comes to his tech. Doesn’t like to be compared to his Brother or Meta Knight.
Has a thing for sweets, primarily chocolate and Fruit Pies.
Backstory and Lore: I made a whole post purely for Gizmo lore, check it out!
Trivia: The reason he’s able to canonically defeat the Star Allies is that he uses their fights against them. He analyzes his foes strengths, weaknesses, and moves ahead of time, so when he fights them, 90% of the time he has a plan on how to either defeat them or tire them out. That and, you know, the Wishing Star Fragments themselves give him a boost of strength. He also has Star Holders for his Holo-Cuffs, which are used in holding the fragments, or more commonly, Silver Stars that are imbued with the energy of Copy Abilities. (Star Holders are Optional btw-)
run/{Hello internet dwellers, Gizmo here. Quick note on Spy’s behalf, but if anyone wants to ask me questions, I’m up for it. Don’t have much going on anyways. Oh- and one more thing, Spy is suffering from burnout plus their autism, so propaganda for me will probably not happen unless they reblog art already made.}.txt
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rivnedell · 6 months
My Favorite Ships Part 2
Gifs are not mine, all credits to the makers !
MCROLLINS !! Steve McGarrett & Catherine Rollins - Hawaii Five 0 💙 'Hey Sailor'
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Hanleia, Han & Leia - Star Wars 🌌
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Mikai, Kai & Mika-San (海と身化さん) - 47 Ronin 🤍
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Tiva, Tony & Ziva - NCIS 🩶
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Clawen, Owen & Claire - Jurassic World ❤️‍🔥
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Neotrin, Neo & Trinity - Matrix 💚
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Gomez & Morticia, The Addams Family 🖤
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Gwenter, Peter Parker & Gwen Stacy ❤️‍🩹
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Georgina, Nina & George - Being Human UK 🐺
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Bonus :
Furiosa x Max, Mad Max Fury Road / I wish they kissed so many times 💛
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Hope you'll like part 2 ; more otps/couples/pairings are to come (animation, bromances...) ✨
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bookishlyvintage · 5 months
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Quarter One Favorites:
The Fury, Alex Michaelides The Book of Doors, Gareth Brown The Last Lost Girl, Casey L Bond The Death of Jane Lawrence, Cailtin Starling
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splooosh · 8 months
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The Summoning Part 2
George Perez - Jerry Ordway
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beasanfi1997 · 10 months
In Secret Invasion, Qi'ra meets Mace Windu and Orson Krennic in the Dead Realm. Mace Windu told at Qi'ra to help Ezra Bridger to fight against Thrawn on Naboo during the Battle of Endor and She accept it
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redflagshipwriter · 2 months
Mamabat Chapter 11: the trap snaps shut
Five vans peeled into view, rocketing around the curved road fast enough that they visibly tilted through the turn. They all bristled with weaponry.
Cass felt her lips press into a faint line. She glanced at Dannybaby: scared. I knew it. Here they are.
They didn’t have to talk about it. The three adults stepped out and put their backs to ring Danny, facing outwards to the threat.
“Shoot the racks,” she commanded. The mounted weapons. She didn’t like that. She pulled out a batarang herself and squinted to find her aim. The construction? Sloppy. Exposed wires. Weakness.
A gun cocked. “Aye aye, captain.” Jason hefted a gun in each hand and started shooting as the vans screeched to a stop in a circle around them. Bang! Sparks flew where he hit. Cass and Dickiebird did the same with quieter precision, slicing wires and leaving projectiles sticking into the metal monstrosities. Electricity sparked. Just in time: machines whined as they were powered on. One gave out with a huge bang!  The van attached to it jolted as the machine punched a huge dent into the roof. White smoke floated away, clouding the nighttime scene with a chemical stink.
“Whoa,” Danny breathed.
She felt a twinge of satisfaction.
Jason hit the last set-up with a bang! Bang! Then his foot scuffed across the pavement to knock against Danny’s. Check, you’re here, you’re safe, you’re little.
“They’ll come out!” Danny warned.
He was right. Doors clicked unlocked all around them and men in white suits piled out, futuristic looking guns aimed at the little group. 
She felt a twinge of disbelief. “Can’t shoot,” Cass said. No way. So dumb. They were in a circle. Friendly fire, new concept to losers??
They shot. She hit the ground in a roll and trusted that everyone else would. They did. She turned her head to see that one agent was down from friendly fire. There was no blood as he was lifted off his feet and blasted backwards against the van he came out of.
“Ghost scum!” howled one of the suits.
“We knew it!” 
The victory in their voices set her blood boiling. Cass launched herself to the closest opponent and took him down with a nasty hit. She whirled on the next one, two mean hits. Go, go, clear the area! She heard feet scuffling and weapons whining as they fired, fired, fired on the boys.
She took number 4 down as the smoke was starting to clear. She heard a pained oof from the center, where Jason and Dickiebird were blocking Danny.
“Jason!” Danny said. He sounded very young. “Oh, shit.” Cass cast a frantic glance over at his posture and sucked in a breath even as she bulleted towards the next opponent. Determined. I have to do this. Here we go! 
No, no!
Jason was down. Dickiebird was darting between Jason and the man actively firing. Danny was pale. He opened his mouth. He put his palms out. He flashbanged. 
She blinked away stars and slammed a man’s head into a van before he could aim at her. Slam, slam, drop. She stole another glance. Danny was- Danny had white hair now and he was flashing green light at their enemies. Hm. She couldn’t afford to watch. Cass bared her teeth, angry. 
Air sizzled: GIW firing wildly. Guns fired: Jason was still conscious. Danny yelped: what? 
Cass didn’t dare look more. She moved faster than Batman could ever, brutally taking down these criminals with disdainful ease. They had nothing but numbers and lasers. 
Green shot past her vision. She traced it back: Danny! Her eyes went wide. Wow. He had some kind of organic blast, like Starfire. Very useful! 
 It wasn’t enough. Danny screamed. She heard him hit the ground. Sizzling.
She howled, wordless with fury. She tackled the next agent and cracked his head against the pavement. Only two more. She flung a batarang down the barrel aimed at her and then yanked the weapon away to brutally jab the air out of the agent’s diaphragm. Cass tossed it at him as he fell. Solid thunk. It hit his head.
The last man tried to say something, white teeth flashing in the gloom. Her ears were closed to it. The only language she spoke right now was violence. She used it to get him down and wrench him into zip ties. She could hear Dickiebird talking his soothing sounds at Danny baby. Cass wanted to go there. Cass wanted to soothe him. She wanted to see his hurts. 
But she had to secure the area. She rushed around to the groaning and crying men she had put down. She immobilized them. The foolish ones tried to get up as she approached. The smart one (and there was only one) held his hands out, eyes wide in the night. He talked at her. Beseeching, reasoning, she just doesn’t understand. You’re like me. Not like them.
Cass snarled. She understood just fine. She pressed his face into the ground harshly, fingers digging into his jaw. “Shut up,” she gritted out. She left him with effort, ignoring the mean impulse to smack him. 
All the boys were on the ground. There was no blood. Eyes open. Not dead.
Something in her gun unclenched.
Dickiebird looked up at her from where he was supporting Jason, sitting halfway with a grimace as he holstered his guns. Hands shaking. “He’ll be fine!” Danny pressed his body against Jason like he was trying to absorb his body heat. His hair was black again and his eyes looked tired. “He, uh, it’s shock,” Dannybaby babbled. She knelt to rub at his back, silently encouraging the explanation. “They basically zapped his ecto, stopped circulation. It should start up again in a few minutes and he’ll feel fine.”
“Get off,” Jason grunted. He shoved at Dickiebird. Weak. “I feel fine.”
“I feel drained,” he admitted. “But fine. Just weak. I can stand.” He struggled to stand, biting his lip. He swayed only slightly. “Man,” he cursed under his breath. Jason cast an unhappy look at the 14 agents groaning on the ground, on their bellies like the worms they were with hands ziptied at their backs. “Not my best showing.”
“Next time, you could dodge,” Dickiebird suggested lightly. 
“You’re lucky it got him and not you,” Danny snapped. “Didn’t you see that guy go flying?”
Tense. Dickiebird paused. Smile. Soothe. “I’m only teasing,” he said. “It’s fine, Danny.”
“None of this is fine!” Cass swiveled her head to make sweltering eye contact with the scumbag who was cutting in. He was bold, for someone with his cheek digging into the rocks and cement. “By the authority of the US Government, you are required to submit these ecto-entities for testing and capture into our custody. Release us, or face dire consequences!”
Cass looked at him. She felt hate. Disdain. You’re nothing, you’re a worm to me. 
“They’re telling the truth,” Danny whispered. “It’s, uh, it’s legal.” He looked haunted. He rubbed at his chest: some memory of sharp pain.
Dickiebird snorted and slung an arm over Danny’s narrow shoulders. “Maybe by US laws, but Oa has jurisdiction that supersedes. This was a clear case of assault.” He gave an unpleasant smile. Big brother. Big angry. Guard dog at the door. “I’ll make a call.” 
The next minutes felt very long. Cass pressed Danny’s face into her shoulder so that he didn’t have to make eye contact with the fallen agents. She stroked his hair with her free hand, boiling inside with fury. 
Dickiebird called. A Green Lantern answered: coming.
They waited. Jason said he felt better. His body said: mostly better. But strange. They ignored the threats and complaints from the GIW men on the ground.
Hal Jordan came, with one more Green Lantern that Cass didn’t know. He gathered up prisoners in a green veil. He talked with Dickiebird. He nodded, and left.
“I wanna go home,” Danny said quietly. “But I think that we need to get Jason to my doctor. He’s really not right. It’s… It might be time sensitive.”
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To Bicker & To Love
note: forgive me if this fic is not a smooth read, trying to get back in the saddle again (hehe).
warnings: suggestive/fluff.
pairing: Sihtric x fem!reader
summary: You had to travel with Sihtric, by the King's orders.
word count: 2.4k
Reblogs & comments are immensely appreciated.
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You just couldn't believe it. The way your horse had gotten a scare and in response ran off into the early sunset, the saddle still on his back to which the pouches that held all your herbs, seeds and bottled ointments were attached. You felt defeated, tears welling up in your eyes when you realised all that was valuable to you had just disappeared in the blink of an eye. All because the man you were forced to travel with, from Eoferwic to Bebbanburg, had not listened to you when you had told him to not eat like a starved boar moments before the unfortunate incident. 
The man's name was Sihtric, and he had been sent by King Aethelstan to find you; the best healer in what would soon be an united England. You were called to help the Lord Uhtred, who had suffered grave wounds during the battle of Brunanburh and was seemingly close to his death. You didn't quite trust the rugged looking Dane, but since the King himself had requested you, you wasted no time packing your tools and fetching your horse. And so you had left on horseback only hours after Sihtric had found you, determined to save a brave man's life.
The journey wasn't a short one, with some luck it would take roughly five to six days. That was at least when you both still owned a horse. Because now, after your horse had fled, you had no idea how much longer it would take since Sihtric's horse would have to carry two people from that very moment. But before you could even allow yourself to be concerned about that, you lashed out at Sihtric, who was sitting next to you as he recovered from the terrifying coughing fit he just had experienced that had scared off your horse.
'I told you!' you shouted, fighting your tears, 'I told you to not gulp the bread down like that! I warned you that you could choke on it, that I had seen men twice your size inhaling the crumbs and suffocating because they couldn't cough it out anymore! And yet you continued to shove it down like that! And now look!' you angrily pointed towards the empty horizon where your horse had vanished mere seconds ago, 'you almost choked and scared my horse! My horse, you fool!' you shouted and punched Sihtric's shoulder several times, 'my horse is gone with everything I had!'
Sihtric accepted your fury while he still gasped for air, his face red while tears stained his cheeks after he had nearly choked on the bread you had warned him about. He had been eating greedily, he couldn't deny that, all he wanted was to eat fast so the journey could be continued after a short stop. You had been travelling for two days already, getting little sleep, so the moments you got to rest to give the horses a break and to feed yourselves was always a small treat, but never a long lasting one.
'I'm sorry,' Sihtric wheezed, his voice still hoarse from coughing and gasping for air.
'You are sorry?' you yelled, 'sorry won't bring back my horse! Nor will it bring back everything I need to help Uhtred! I have to make everything all over again, and I do not know if we will find everything I need on our way!'
'I can assure you that everything you need will be found in Bebbanburg,' he said in between lingering coughs, 'you will be able to make new ointments, I promise.'
'You promise,' you scoffed and kicked the man's leather boot, 'and a horse? Will you promise me a new horse too as soon as we arrive?'
'I will,' Sihtric half lied.
He was not entirely sure if he could fix you a new horse immediately, but he was terrified of you so he would surely try everything he could to satisfy you. The way you spoke about healing and the magic of nature and the stars, Sihtric believed you to be a sorceress of sorts. And despite the fact it had been many years since he had encountered Skade, he was still wary of any lady who seemed to possess certain powers he could not explain, and he was convinced that you too held powers that could possibly curse him.
'Speaking of arriving,' you then groaned, 'is your horse strong enough to carry us both to Bebbanburg?'
'You question the strength of my beast?' Sihtric asked, offended, 'yes, he will hold,' he said snappy, 'besides, we will pass Dunholm and make a stop there,' he said as he got up, 'and I will see if I can help you to get a new horse there.'
Sihtric walked into you on purpose, bumping your shoulder and shoving you out of his way as he went to look for a private place to empty his bladder, so the journey could continue to the nearest village where you would stay one night to rest after the dramatic event.
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'You are bruising my ribs,' Sihtric huffed back over his shoulder.
'I am barely holding you!' you snarled as you sat behind him.
You had only been sharing the same horse for an hour and it had been all but great. You didn't want to wrap your arms around Sihtric, but you had no other choice than to cling onto him since he was in a hurry to reach the nearest tavern, spurring his horse to gallop faster and faster as darkness was quickly taking over the lands.
'And stop squeezing my thighs between your legs!' Sihtric added.
'What did you expect?' you snapped, 'I am wearing a dress, Sihtric, I cannot give you any more space without shoving my skirt up further and completely exposing myself!'
'No one will see you anyway,' he mumbled, loud enough for you to hear.
You bit your tongue, wanting to curse him as much as you wanted to smack the back of his head. You had to remind yourself you were on your way to hopefully save a man's life, so you had to deal with Sihtric as long as was needed in order for you to do your job and be forever in favour with the King.
By the time you arrived at the nearest tavern, which was awfully coincidental named The Lost Horse, you were both tired and agitated. And as if things couldn't get worse, Sihtric informed you that the tavern only had one room left which didn't have two single beds. You made a face at the thought of sharing a bed with him, and it was not like Sihtric was any more excited for the night ahead. Because sharing the sheets with a sorceress was not something he was looking forward to, but he wouldn't show you his fear, being well aware you could use it against him.
You both reluctantly went up to the second floor of the rather quiet inn. Since it had been an eventful day it didn't take long before you were both left in your undergarments and sharing the thin sheet in a small and darkened room that stank of ale and moist wood. You tossed and turned as the drunk chatter of men outside your open window kept you up. And so you kept Sihtric up too, as you continued pulling the blanket off Sihtric's bare chest each time you moved, and he had enough of it after a short while.
'Stop it,' he said calmly but firmly, his hand wrapped around your arm to keep you from moving again.
'I cannot get comfortable,' you hissed in the dark and pulled your arm away from him.
'Neither can I if you keep moving!'
'This is all your fault anyway!'
'I'm sure it is,' Sihtric mumbled and turned his back to you.
He kept his brave composure while he already knew he would be sleeping with one eye open tonight, while you were unaware of his fright for you, which was also something you would never even find out about until years later, when he confessed it after you married him.
'I am cold,' you complained after a long silence.
Sihtric sighed in response and asked what you wanted him to do about it, because he was certainly not going to give up the whole blanket as it was indeed a chilly night, and the open window could not be closed because the stench in the room would become unbearable.
'Figure it out,' you huffed, 'you caused this situation.'
Sihtric inhaled deeply and turned over to find you with your back turned to him. He sighed quietly and then gathered the courage to wrap his arm around you, so he could pull you against his warm chest. You felt your face burn up when you were pressed against him, as it felt more comfortable and safe to be this close to him than you liked to admit. And while Sihtric gradually warmed you up like that, you both began to warm to each other's presence too.
And a short while later you tangled your fingers together with his, for a reason you couldn't explain, but it felt almost natural to do so. The same way it felt natural for Sihtric to rest his face against the back of your neck and push away your hair, only to then drag his lips faintly over your skin. His lips felt warm and soft as he began to kiss tenderly up your neck, and soon your breath hitched in your throat when he slowly added more pressure with each kiss he left. You lightly squeezed his hand while you gripped the sheets with your other, trying to control your sudden need to taste him and feel him inside you. But once you felt Sihtric's arousal press against your buttocks, you both gave in to the urges that had made you both snappy the past few days.
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The next day you and Sihtric acted as if nothing had happened. As if he hadn't begged for you to say his name when you climaxed, and as if you hadn't woken him up a few hours later for another good humping, which he had gladly done in his drowsy state.
The journey continued that morning, and you were off to Dunholm in the hopes of getting a new horse. And during your travel on horseback together you would never admit how you enjoyed inhaling his scent as you sat close behind him. And Sihtric in turn would never admit how he enjoyed the feeling of your arms wrapped around his waist. But even though you were both quietly getting lost in each other more and more as the days progressed, neither of you had forgotten about the task at hand and its urgency. So when you had made a stop in Dunholm that turned out to be futile, for no suitable horse was currently available, you both turned back to your old selves again and started to blame each other for the delays you continued to suffer.
You bickered as the journey continued the next few days while sharing one and the same horse. And each stay in a village's tavern you stopped at for a good night's rest turned into another passionate and steamy night, during which you both only got little sleep and explored each other further and more eagerly.
Once you finally reached Bebbanburg you indeed were provided with everything you needed in an attempt to save Uhtred, who wasn't looking too greatly. But after a few days of good rest and your healing ointments, he started to get some colour back in his face again and he slowly became more aware of his surroundings too. Sihtric had continued to keep an eye on you, both out of interest and still his slight fright for you, and you had noticed his lingering eyes on you plenty of times. But it wasn't until the King had thanked you for your help and allowed you to travel back home that you would talk to the Dane again.
'A horse,' you said, startling Sihtric as he had been lost in his thoughts while feeding his own horse, 'you promised me a horse.'
'And I will get you one,' he said with pride, 'I actually have gotten you one already.'
Sihtric smiled and nodded to the impressive beast behind you, a beautiful black mare, one you would never be able to afford on your own account so you gladly accepted without hesitating.
'To  make sure you get back home in good health,' he continued, 'I will accompany you on your journey home.'
'I don't think so,' you chuckled while you were already mounting your horse.
'King's orders,' Sihtric lied, which caused you to not spur away immediately.
You could not dismiss the orders of a King, you just didn't know yet that Sihtric was never tasked with such a duty, but you wouldn't find that out until later that night.
'Fine,' you rolled your eyes and signalled your horse to walk, 'let's go.'
Sihtric was fast to get on his horse and caught up with you moments later. He thanked you for your help and apologised for the loss of your horse and belongings. You accepted his apologies and also gave him an apology of your own for being rather cold towards him at times, which made Sihtric smile cockily. And when you had your first stop in another small village that evening, once again sharing a room and ending up in the same bed for another impressive and sleepless night, Sihtric finally confessed his feelings to you and so convinced you to travel with him to Dunholm to stay with him.
'Stay and become my wife,' Sihtric whispered and smiled softly, a faint blush coloured his cheeks as he still recovered from his climax moments earlier.
'Your wife?' you chuckled and pushed a strand of hair that had escaped his braids behind his ear, your cheeks just as rosy as his, 'you are expecting me to marry you? Why?' you taunted, 'because you happen to satisfy me in ways no man has ever done before?'
'No, because… King's orders,' Sihtric smiled and winked, then pulled you in for a sweet kiss which would be followed by another few satisfying hours convincing you to stay with him, even though you never really needed to be convinced.
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taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama
@lexeirikrleif @sigtryggrswifey @skyofficialxx @djarinsgirl27 @m-a-s-h-k-a
@verenahx @mrsarnasdelicious @diiickbrainn @little-diable @maii777
@urmomsgirlfriend1 @dixie-elocin @elle4404 @bubblyabs @ylvie50
@hb8301 @willowbrookesblog @apolloanddaphnis @jennifer0305
@carnationworld @justanother-sihtricgirlie @stark-head @reidsbookstore @thenameswinter99
@deathbluestar113 @ladyinred2248 @zaldritzosrose @maryelle-cats @penumbrie
@solinarimoon @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @yungpoetfics @stupiddarkkside @sleepjam @ewanmitchellfanatic @itbmojojoejo @lady-targaryens-world @errruvande
if you want to be added to/deleted from the taglist, message me 🖤
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kid-of-chaos · 3 months
[G1ZM0 log entry #182:
Log Name: Basement Dweller.]
So far, I immediately lost. As expected. If I’m lucky, I’ll be out of this tournament soon.
And yet, for some odd reason.. I want to stay. It might be my desperation for a victory, of any kind or magnitude, but I secretly want to stay in.
And yet I know that won’t happen.
Because I am just a copy among the real. And copies are less than their original.
… I hate that. But I’m powerless. Is this what a “impasse” means? To want something that you know you can’t achieve?
Minor notes: That Valfrey seems to be acting like my caretaker, occasionally bringing me food so I don’t starve while I work. And Dotty.. sometimes watches me when I code. But this is only a temporary thing. As soon as I lose the Losers Bracket, I will be alone again.
… a ironic twist of fate.
I want to get out of my bunker, and yet I can’t escape the feeling of being shadowed.
Perhaps this “Phylas” was right, maybe I am a basement dweller no matter what…
… I’ll miss the kindness, but I won’t be able to repay it. What can I even do, anyways? What can I even make? Tech is everywhere, and they have more important people to care about. I probably don’t even make a ripple.
If sprite is a corrupting force, then is loneliness.. one as well?
Because I can’t escape it. … I think I’ll hide in the crates again. I’m too sad to work again, and they can’t see me at my lowest.
End Entry.
[Entry saved to folder < @kirbyoctournament >]
<Mentioned Tournament Participants:
Valfrey [Reborn Butterfly, Apparently] @gethoce
Dotty [Unknown Being, but Possible Ally] @cauli-flawa
Fylass [The one that THEY forgived] @george228732
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loviestyless · 5 months
Whispered Temptation*
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Summary: Nova simply couldn’t help herself but test Harry’s patience, pushing him until the tension between them got too much. Just how she had planned. (rockstarry x oc)
Warnings: drugs, mean harry, smut, dom!harry, bratty sub, oral (m receiving), public sex, praise kink, slight exhibitionism
A rhythmic tapping of heels against concrete echoed backstage as Nova allowed the excited chatter of the crowd to wash over her while she awaited the cue to hit the stage. Nervous energy flooded her veins, making it almost impossible to stand still while she toyed with her outfit and messed up her curls. Bending over slightly to get a closer look in the mirror placed perfectly in her view, Nova found herself pushing her tits up in her shirt so more cleavage was on display and tidying up her red lipstick that had smeared slightly in her rush to leave her dressing room on time.
Five minutes until show time and Nova LaRoy felt fucking invincible. She didn't care she was merely the opening act, the crowd would be hanging off her every note just like they did each night without fail. They may have bought the ticket with the sole intention of seeing Harry Styles but they would leave this venue tonight seduced by Nova's talent.
The thought alone made a cocky smirk tug at the woman's lips. Everyone fucking loved her.
"That fucking bitch!" A deep voice rumbled in the distance, thundering footsteps hurrying with purpose in Nova's direction. The darkness dripping off his words should have made Nova nervous, knowing full well the type of anger this man could harbour, but instead, it simply made her snicker to herself as she continued to admire her reflection.
Crew members scurried about backstage, their actions turning into a fearful frenzy as they made themselves busy to avoid getting caught up in whatever was about to take place. Nova found herself suddenly alone, microphone in hand as the minutes until her cue ticked away.
Her bandmates had already taken to the stage, messing around with their instruments to pass the time until the curtain rose. Just the right amount of anxiety settled Nova's stomach, making her jittery and determined to put on the best show of her life. Her cherry red guitar was propped up on the stand by the stage, ready and waiting for her grand entrance and Nova found herself itching to stomp across the stage and strike the first chords for the screaming crowd to enjoy.
Suddenly the waft of cherry perfume flooded her senses as Harry's reflection appeared in the mirror behind her. His cheeks were flushed with fury, matching the fire in his eyes as he located the person to spark such emotion deep within him.
Judging by his appearance - black leather trousers left partially unbuttoned and the absence of a shirt - Harry had been in the middle of getting dressed into his stage outfit when he'd discovered what Nova had done.
"You!" Harry spat, dark eyes locking on Nova's honey brown as she spun to face him, not realising he was closer than she first thought. His tall frame towered over her, their bodies inches from touching. But she didn't shrink back like he wanted. Instead, she made herself stand taller, chin held high as a devilish smirk played at her painted pink lips.
"It's me..." She teased, acting oblivious to what was inspiring such rage within the man in front of her. His inked chest heaved with heavy breaths as he struggled to contain himself and Nova found herself forcing her gaze to remain on Harry's, not trailing down the expanse of his toned torso emphasised by the red hue of the stage lighting.
From the very first day she met Harry Styles, it had not been lost on her how attractive he was. He was effortlessly pretty in the way that only rugged rock stars could achieve and Nova often found herself wondering if she would have fallen for his natural charm if it wasn't for his huge ego. After mere hours on the road, the woman quickly discovered that there was a side to the famous rockstar that his fans were kept from seeing.
Everything had to go Harry's way and if it didn't, there would be hell to pay. Trashed dressing rooms and pathetic temper tantrums followed in Harry's wake and it became very clear that if the rockstar didn't like you, then you'd better stay out of his way. His snarky attitude and diva-like temper were fuel to Nova's sharp tongue and no matter how many times Harry expressed his dislike for her, she couldn't help herself but purposefully piss him off.
As one can imagine, it caused a lot of tension on the road.
"Give it back." His words were stern and dripping with authority. Harry was obviously under the impression that being the star of the show every night gave him the right to boss everyone around. Most people did as he said, knowing their lives would be easier to avoid upsetting him. But Nova was never one to do as she was told.
"No idea what you're talking about, honey." Sweetness oozed from her lips, the playful nickname only winding the rockstar up even more. His sharp jaw clenched, left hand moving to cup her chin tightly to keep her attention on him instead of the crew member that had appeared to try hurrying her onto the stage. Her band was watching from the stage, rolling their eyes when they realised that she was being held up by yet another petty argument with Harry fucking Styles.
"My coke. Give it now." A hint of desperation tainted his words, barely detectable but Nova could sense it as he demanded she give back what was stolen.
She knew he depended on bumping a few lines before his set, unable to battle his crippling stage fright without a little help. It wasn't as if she had planned to steal the drugs from his dressing room but the opportunity was right there for her to take when the door was left wide open with no one inside. Besides, if he didn't want someone to take something he was so reliant on, perhaps he shouldn't leave the white powder out on the coffee table for anyone to snatch.
"Oh!" Nova suddenly gasped, hand on her chest in mock realisation. "This is your coke. My bad."
Instantly, her fingers dipped into her bra and fished around for the little baggie of crushed bliss she'd placed there for safekeeping. As she did so, Nova didn't miss the way Harry's eyes drifted across her chest, lingering on her breasts in her low-cut top for longer than needed.
Heavy bass suddenly flooded through the speakers, causing a round of screams to ring out through the entire arena and forcing Harry to remove his grasp from Nova's jaw. She had around thirty seconds to go bounding onto stage or her band would be forced to improvise the opening song.
"Oops, that's my cue. Gotta go!"
"Don't you fucking dare?" Harry snarled, his fingers gripping Nova's wrist and tugging her harshly so she stumbled into his body. Their faces were mere inches apart as fury blazed in Harry's eyes, brows knitted together in a harsh frown.  "Give me the coke, sweetheart."
"Come get it, honey." Her voice oozed seduction as she pulled the top of her thong above her mini skirt slightly, stuffing the drugs between the cotton material and the heat of her skin, revelling in the swirl of emotions making the air grow thick between them. Harry's brows raised slightly, a little taken aback by her bold action and what it implied - especially considering she had never given him such implications in the past.
Taking her opportunity, Nova stepped back once again, this time able to grab her guitar and prepare herself to run out in front of the crowd before her band got too pissed off by her antics.
"You think that will stop me, sweetheart, you've got another thing coming," Harry smirked, no doubt a plan forming in his mind on how to get Nova back for this. "I always get what I want."
"Is that a promise?"
Blowing him a kiss, Nova sauntered onto the stage, ignoring the ache between her legs at the promise of what would be awaiting her when she got off stage.
Cigarette perched between her lips, Nova found herself leaning against the side of her tour bus as the night air cooled her flushed cheeks.
Heavy rock music floated through the air, drifting from an open fire exit and serving as quiet background noise in the otherwise peaceful parking bay. The small walkway between her and Harry's tour bus offered enough privacy that she doubted anyone would be able to find her until she was ready to socialise again. Her bandmates were no doubt in the middle of sweaty mosh pits, enjoying Harry's show like they did every night while crew members were too busy sorting through endless piles of equipment ready to pack up the stage the moment Harry went back to his dressing room.
Having stepped offstage almost two hours ago, Nova found herself needing to unwind alone - the screaming crowd still ringing in her ears as she processed the insane night she'd had. Every time she took the stage it never truly hit her that she was finally living out the dream she'd been working so hard to achieve for years.
It all became a little overwhelming in the time between her set and hitting the road to the next venue and she found reflecting on her life while chain-smoking a pack of cigarettes was the best way to process everything.
Tonight, however, all that consumed Nova's mind were those dark green eyes glinting mischievously with lust as she made her way through the setlist.
As the final song of Nova's set rang through the arena, the singer could feel Harry's intense stare watching her every move and knew that she had to make this song count. Sweat glistened on her chest as the heat of the lights bore down on her and Nova found herself using it as an excuse to tug her top over her head so she was strutting about the stage in her black lace bra and leather mini skirt.
Sure, it was a little excessive but it was all part of her charm. And it most definitely caught Harry's attention judging by how she caught him sneakily trying to adjust himself in his pants as he watched on from the darkness of the side stage.
"I was in your wet dream
Driving in my car
Saw you at the side of the road
There's no one else around"
The atmosphere of the crowd was electric, singing at the top of their lungs as they recognised the lyrics from when Harry covered the song a few months prior. Her messy curls clung to her sweaty forehead, a taunting smirk tugging at her lips as she swayed her hips with every step across the stage. She forced herself to remain focused on performing rather than glancing over to assess whether Harry was still watching what she was doing.
"You're touching yourself, touching yourself
Touching your, touching yourself
Touching yourself"
As the lyrics left her painted lips, Nova slowly trailed her hand across her chest and squeezed her tits - earning screams from the crowd that made her smirk with confidence. The song continued with Nova feeding from the energy of the crowd, chuckling slightly at some of the signs people were holding up in the front row and waving to those she recognised from previous shows.
"You climb onto the bonnet
And you're licking the windscreen
I've never seen anything so obscene"
Her singing became lighter as she acted as if she was breathless, taking her opportunity to tease Harry by getting onto her knees, spreading them just wide enough so that her skirt rode up her thighs but didn't expose the material of her thong underneath. Leaning back slightly, she rocked her hips slowly as her honey-brown eyes locked onto Harry's darkened green. His amusement had disappeared, completely taken over by lust.
"It's enough to make a girl blush
It's enough, it's enough to make a girl blush"
Her fingers trailed down her sweaty body, tantalisingly slow while she teased the crowd and the rockstar side stage as she inched closer to the waistband of her skirt.
"It's enough, it's enough, it's enough, it's enough
It's enough, it's enough, it's enough, it's enough to make a girl blush"
Harry's eyes never left Nova's and suddenly everything faded around her as she focused solely on the gorgeous tattooed rockstar giving her his full attention. Her fingers grazed over the material where his coke was currently hidden in her thong, breathy moans tainting the lyrics drifting through her lips and Nova didn't fail to notice the flush dusting Harry's cheeks at her action.
Forcing herself to remove her seductive stare from Harry before she sparked rumours neither singer wanted to deal with in the morning, Nova returned her attention to finishing the song. Getting back up on her feet, Nova reigned back the sexual display she was putting on and returned to a level of professionalism required of her to do her job.
As the final notes of the song echoed through the arena, Nova dared one last glance side stage and found Harry had promptly left. Most people would assume this was so he could prepare himself for taking his place on the stage in half an hour.
But Nova knew he was biding his time until he could make her pay for her little performance.
"Did you enjoy yourself out there?" Harry's deep voice cut through the silence that now hung in the air. So engrossed in thought, Nova hadn't realised the music had stopped and distant chatter filtered through the streets as streams of people made their way home.
Leaning against the end of his tour bus, Harry's silhouette loomed in the walkway between the buses - the limited lighting casting intimidating shadows across his sharp features. Nova remained silent in Harry's presence, instead taking another drag from her cigarette as she awaited for the man to pester her for his coke. The absence of a smart remark was enough for the rockstar to continue taunting Nova, taking slow steps towards her in the darkness as he tried to earn a reaction.
"Acting like a slut for thousands of people to see." There was an edge to Harry's words and Nova had to refrain from smirking to herself when she picked up on it. As much as he tried to maintain his usual angry demeanour, it was obvious he was currently being fuelled by sexual frustration.
"You sound jealous." Nova purred, nonchalantly taking a final drag of her cigarette while she watched Harry slowly approach her. She flicked the butt of her cigarette onto the concrete, squashing it with the heel of her boot before speaking again. "Need some attention, honey?"
The rockstar's trademark cherry perfume flooded Nova's senses once more as his presence loomed over her. One minute he was a few metres away, the next his arm was leant against the tour bus, pinning Nova in place with his body mere centimetres from hers. His green eyes glinted mischievously as they locked on her honey brown, causing Nova's breath to hitch slightly in anticipation of what he might be planning.
"What I need is for you to return what you stole, sweetheart." His voice was rough from a mixture of lust and the strain from performing, sparking a wave of desire to roll through Nova and settling as a throb between her legs. His thumb came up to her mouth, lingering on her bottom lip as she pouted playfully. Opening her mouth, she allowed him to push it in further with the silent demand to suck. Nova wasn't one to do as she was told but she also wasn't one to pass up an opportunity to tease the sexy rockstar with his body pressed against hers.
A soft moan rumbled in the back of her throat as she set to work, ensuring Harry knew exactly what she could offer the moment she got on her knees for him.
The cold night air suddenly turned thick as Harry's eyes trailed down Nova's body, lingering momentarily on the miniskirt riding up her thighs and threatening to expose the thong keeping his drugs in her possession. Nova smirked as she noticed this and decided to get things moving - her core was aching and Harry wasn't moving fast enough for her liking.
"Like I said before, come and get it." She shrugged, her brows raised slightly as she dared Harry to follow through with what he was implying. "You know where it is."
Immediately, Harry's fingers ghosted down her stomach, toying with the waistband of her skirt while his lips attached themselves to her neck. Nova found herself relaxing under her attention, the tension that had been building all night finally starting to uncoil as the promise of release was on the horizon. Tangling her fingers in Harry's long curls, she tugged gently as he busied himself marking up the pale skin of her neck and was instantly rewarded with a soft groan.
Nova felt Harry's hand dip past the waistband of her skirt, teasing her cunt over the fabric of her thong and letting his fingertips graze the small bag of coke hidden close to her dripping sex. It took everything in her not to moan, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing what he was doing to her.
"Fuck, sweetheart." He breathed, finally stepping back after retrieving what was stolen. "You're fuckin' trouble."
The pair shared a soft chuckle in agreement, Harry's shaking hands desperately working to open the baggie to get the drugged-out bliss he was denied before his show. Right as he was about to tip a line out on the back of his hand, Nova snatched the bag out of his grasp.
"What the fuck-"
"Call yourself a fucking rockstar?" She scoffed, rolling her eyes as she tugged down the neckline of her top, exposing the lace bra Harry had been admiring hours prior. "You won't even snort coke off a pair of tits."
His eyes widened slightly at the realisation of what she was suggesting, curse words tumbling from his lips as he rushed to help her unclasp her bra. Her nipples hardened against the cool air the moment Harry relieved Nova of the lace garment, allowing her chest to be on full display. Being hidden between both tour buses while everyone else was still inside the area had its perks and luckily for Harry, it meant he could bury his face in a gorgeous pair of tits without being interrupted.
"Shittin' hell" He cursed, lustful gaze admiring the way Nova squeezed her tits slightly just to tease him. She wasn't stupid, she knew he was a man who was easily distracted by a woman with a nice rack - as had been demonstrated a few times tonight.
"Go on then," She purred, tipping a messy line of white power along her right breast, brown eyes watching Harry with anticipation. "Indulge yourself, honey."
"With fucking pleasure" Not needing to be told twice, Harry pressed his lips to Nova's in a lustful kiss before moving expertly south to snort the line without hesitation. Tipping his head back, he let out a loud groan that sent waves tingling through Nova's body. Not even bothering to wipe his nose, Harry allowed himself to indulge in more than just the coke, sucking at the sensitive skin of her chest with desire.
His free hand toyed with Nova's left breast, squeezing it softly and toying with her nipple all while he marked up her right with hickies that would last for days. Hot breath tickled her skin and Nova leaned her head back against the cool surface of the tour bus, whimpering with pleasure as she let Harry do what he wanted.
His hips pushed harder against Nova's body as he switched to suck her other breast and a quiet gasp filled the air as she felt his hard length on her thigh.
"Perfect, darlin'" He hummed quietly, more to himself than anyone else. "Perfect fuckin' tits, sweetheart. So sexy."
"That's all I'm good for?" She teased, curling her fingers in his hair and pulling him away to look her in the eye. Blown pupils, swollen lips and white powder dusting his nose made him look dazed - a lazy smirk tugging at his lips as pleasure filled all his senses.
"What's wrong? Happy to act like a whore but don't wanna be treated like one?" Harry immediately bit back, snaking his hand around her neck and squeezing slightly to keep her focused on him. Her smart mouth was pissing him off just like Nova had planned, all she needed was to push him a little more and she'd get the rough fucking she was after.
"I'll let you in on a little secret, darling." He whispered, bringing his face closer so their lips were practically brushing together. "Bad girls don't get fucked like princesses."
"Fuck-" She breathed out, the wetness collecting at her core practically dripping down her thighs at his words. As much as she hoped she appeared more composed than she felt, Nova just needed to feel relief. Her whole body was on fire and judging by the flush in Harry's cheeks and the bulge in his leather trousers, he too was feeling the tension.
"Give me back my coke and get on your fucking knees, baby." Harry's voice was sharp with authority and paired with the squeeze of his fingers on her neck, Nova knew the time for teasing was over. Silently, she obeyed. Harry shoved the coke into his back pocket and watched in slight disbelief as Nova sank to her knees and waited patiently for her next instruction.
"Good girl." He praised and a smile curled at Nova's lips. "Now put that mouth to work and suck my fucking cock."
"What's the magic word?" Her voice was playful despite the tight fist the rockstar had on her messy curls.
Nova's fingers immediately tugged at the zipper of his trousers, her eyes locked on Harry's who watched her every move. She worked expertly to tug down his trouser just enough so that his cock would spring free from its confined, brows quirking upwards when she noticed he had been commando all night as if to ask: 'Really?'
All he did was shrug his shoulders in response, his chest heaving with anticipation as her delicate touch curled around his thick length. Adjusting her position slightly, the concrete dug into her knees as she let a string of spit drop onto Harry's tip, collecting it with her hand before slowly working his length to make sure he was fully ready for her mouth.
"Shit-" Harry's head tipped back with pleasure, small grunts filling the air as he tried to keep his composure. "Feels so good."
Taking this as the indication to go further, Nova took him into her mouth with a soft moan, revelling in the salty taste as she worked him slowly. Her hand covered what wouldn't fit in her mouth, making sure to give him her full attention.
"Nova. Fuck-" Harry's hips bucked forwards unexpectedly, causing her to gag at the feeling of his length hitting the back of her throat before she was ready. As soon as Harry noticed, he backed off a little with a small apology but Nova was unfazed.
Instead, she took it as a challenge. She willed her throat to relax and took him deeper into her mouth, making sure to swirl her tongue over his tip as she sucked to make him squirm. Gorgeous moans tumbled from Harry's open lips and Nova peered up at him through her lashes to see his eyes had fluttered closed and brows knitted together with pleasure.
The sight alone was enough to get Nova soaked and she found herself in desperate need of relief, something she wasn't currently getting from Harry. It was time to take matters into her own hands...literally. Taking advantage of Harry being too wrapped up in his pleasure, she trailed her free hand down past the waistband of her thong and began to tease her clit slowly.
Her rhythm never faltered on Harry's cock as she continued to toy with her clit, her soft moans only adding to the rockstar's pleasure. It was only when she pushed a finger past her folds that her attention slowly became focused on herself, something that Harry was quick to pick up on.
"Just can't help yourself, can you?" His voice was husky with lust as his fist tugged Nova's hair hard enough that she was pulled off his cock with a soft pop. A playful smile brightened her features all while she continued to work herself deeper towards the blissful waves of an orgasm crashing over her. "Always have to misbehave."
His rough hand snaked back around her neck, squeezing a little as he demanded she get back on her feet. Reluctantly, she did as she was told, the fire in his eyes persuading her to go along with his instructions so she could finally get the dick she'd been dreaming of for days.
Without warning, Harry had spun her around and had her pinned against the tour bus with his tall frame. Her bare tits were pressed against the cool surface of the bus, serving as a welcome relief to her burning skin as Harry's hot breath ghosted her neck. Dragging his tongue against her fevered skin, the rockstar nibbled and sucked his way upwards until his teeth tugged at her earlobe.
"Need me to teach you a lesson? Hmm." His tone was dripping with arrogance but Nova didn't care to bite back at this moment. For once she was going to keep quiet and let him take what he wanted. A small nod was all she gave him, unable to trust her voice from wavering the moment she opened her mouth but this earned her a sharp tug on her curls in reprimand.
"Use your words, sweetheart." He purred, rolling his hip against her ass to remind her of what she could have if she did as she was told. "Lord knows it's never been an issue before."
Harry's foot gently nudged Nova's legs further apart as his arm wrapped around her waist, waiting for verbal consent before touching her aching cunt.
"Please, Harry-" She whined desperately, pushing her hips backwards slightly in an attempt to get him to do something, anything, that would ease the ache between her legs. "Fuck me, please."
Harry's fingers slowly began to circle Nova's clit over the fabric of her thong while she spoke, his movements just slow enough to keep her on edge and drag this out for longer. He could tell she was holding back a little, perhaps unsure how far Harry wanted to take this, but he was determined to make her feel comfortable.
"You can do better than that, darling." He demanded, "Fuck, you're so wet."
"Harry, just fuck me. Teach me to be your good girl, please." Nova's breathless whines got Harry's cock throbbing with need, a bead of precum collecting at the tip as he pictured all the possible ways he could truly teach her a lesson. But they were outside where anyone could catch them at any moment. He had no idea how much time had passed since he'd walked offstage but he did know that the crew would soon be wanting to hit the road for the next stop.
If he wanted to take his time with Nova, it would have to wait until he had a night in a hotel. For now, they'd just have to fuck out the tension between them and Harry was more than alright with a quickie after a night of so much teasing.
"Need to be quick, sweetheart. Don't wanna get caught." Harry panted, peppering lazy kisses against her skin as he took his thick length in his hand and began to drag his tip along her clothed cunt.
"Don't care, just need you inside me." But when Harry continued to tease her, she quickly added. "Please, honey."
"So polite." A chuckle rumbled in his chest as he pulled her thong aside. Without hesitating, he entered Nova with a groan of pleasure, his mind completely overwhelmed by the feeling of her tight cunt taking him so well as his thick length stretched her out. "Fuck, baby. So fucking perfect."
His fingertips dug into Nova's hips as he slowly began to move, heavy breaths and pretty moans of pleasure rang through the air as Harry took control. It took all of Harry's strength to keep her right where he wanted, pinned tightly between his sweaty body and the cool surface of the bus as she squirmed with desire. As much as she knew they needed to be quick, she wanted Harry completely - she needed him to kiss her, to fuck her, to give all of himself to her. Their current position made it almost impossible for that to happen but she supposed that was what she'd asked for, to be taught how to behave.
As Harry had alluded to, bad girls don't get what they want.
"H-Harder, need more." Nova moaned and Harry growled in response. His hips snapped sharply upwards, causing his cock to brush against her g-spot as he fucked her as she demanded. But it still wasn't enough. She wanted to see him, to watch him fall into the depths of pleasure while he fucked her - this wasn't her.
Never had she been so needy, so desperate to be so close to someone during a quick hookup. Harry was different, she wasn't sure why but he was, even with such a horrible attitude.
"Harry-" She went to speak up, but it seemed as if he was feeling the same.
"I know, sweetheart." He nodded in understanding, pulling out quickly and allowing her to face him once more. "Wanna watch as you fall apart."
His strong arms gripped her thighs, helping her jump slightly so he could wrap her legs around his waist. Their mouths met in a heated kiss as Harry pushed her back against the bus once more - Nova's moans being swallowed by Harry as he made sure they wouldn't get caught. Nova's hand tangled itself in his curls, tugging hard enough to make his eyes close with satisfaction, the other wrapping around his cock to guide him back inside her.
From this new position, she immediately felt him hitting the perfect spot with every thrust.
"So deep." Her words were breathless, her mind going blurry as waves of pleasure began to build within her. "Needed you so bad."
"Oh yeah? Needed me to fuck you like the slut you are?" Harry taunted, sweaty forehead pressed against hers as he continued fucking her with a surprising amount of energy considering the long day he'd had. "Fuck you raw, fill you to the brim with my come?"
The sound of skin slapping and fevered moans filled the air as Harry picked up the pace, his rhythm never faltering as his lips attached themselves to the soft skin of her neck once again, making sure she was marked up just to his liking.
"Yeah, baby. I want it all. Need all of you." Everything was starting to become a little hazy as she succumbed to every feeling rolling through her body. Harry knew exactly how to please her and her body was responding accordingly. Her toes curled in her boots, eyes rolled shut and lips fell open as she felt the wave rising in her lower stomach.
"Look at you, such a good girl taking me so well." He praised, smirking as Nova let out a loud moan, tight cunt clenching around his cock with approval. "Can't wait to take my time with you, spread you out on my bed all night."
His hips began to falter, every thrust bringing the pair of them closer to release. Neither of them cared how loud they were being, whether any lingering fans could hear them from the other side of the arena walls.
"Harry." Nova's head fell back against the bus as she threatened to topple over the edge and Harry jerked his hips harder as he chased his own orgasm.
"Go on, baby. Let go f'me."
And with that, Nova's orgasm hit her instantly. Her hips bucked in time with Harry's as he helped her through the waves of pleasure that crashed over her, his own release following soon after as she clamped around him tightly. Thick come painted her insides as Harry rested his forehead against Nova's chest, both of them panting quietly as the night air stilled around them once more.
Minutes ticked by as they remained embraced in the shadowed privacy between the two buses, neither one of them wanting to separate.
"That was-" Nova started only to get cut off by Harry who seemed to share her thoughts. Realising it must be time for the crew to nearly make their way back out to the buses, Harry pulled out so both of them could tidy up their appearances to look presentable in front of anyone close by.
"Fuck, why didn't we do this sooner?"
Both of them chuckled lightly, Nova pulling her skirt back down against her thighs as Harry zipped his trousers back up. There was no awkwardness between them, their little escapade had only served to bring them closer together, all the tension between them now out of their systems.
"We could always go for round two." She suggested playfully, wrapping her arms around Harry's neck to peck a soft kiss on his lips. After being so close to his warm body, she found it hard to face the possibility of spending her night alone in her bed.
"My bus or yours?"
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bookishlyvintage · 8 months
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The Fury by Alex Michaelides
☆☆☆☆☆ || full review
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nasa · 1 year
5 Years, 8 Discoveries: NASA Exoplanet Explorer Sees Dancing Stars & a Star-Shredding Black Hole
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This all-sky mosaic was constructed from 912 Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) images. Prominent features include the Milky Way, a glowing arc that represents the bright central plane of our galaxy, and the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds – satellite galaxies of our own located, respectively, 160,000 and 200,000 light-years away. In the northern sky, look for the small, oblong shape of the Andromeda galaxy (M 31), the closest big spiral galaxy, located 2.5 million light-years away. The black regions are areas of sky that TESS didn’t image. Credit: NASA/MIT/TESS and Ethan Kruse (University of Maryland College Park)
On April 18, 2018, we launched the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, better known as TESS. It was designed to search for planets beyond our solar system – exoplanets – and to discover worlds for our James Webb Space Telescope, which launched three years later, to further explore. TESS images sections of sky, one hemisphere at a time. When we put all the images together, we get a great look at Earth’s sky!
In its five years in space, TESS has discovered 326 planets and more than 4,300 planet candidates. Along the way, the spacecraft has observed a plethora of other objects in space, including watching as a black hole devoured a star and seeing six stars dancing in space. Here are some notable results from TESS so far:
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During its first five years in space, our Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite has discovered exoplanets and identified worlds that can be further explored by the James Webb Space Telescope. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
1. TESS’ first discovery was a world called Pi Mensae c. It orbits the star Pi Mensae, about 60 light-years away from Earth and visible to the unaided eye in the Southern Hemisphere. This discovery kicked off NASA's new era of planet hunting.
2. Studying planets often helps us learn about stars too! Data from TESS & Spitzer helped scientists detect a planet around the young, flaring star AU Mic, providing a unique way to study how planets form, evolve, and interact with active stars.
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Located less than 32 light-years from Earth, AU Microscopii is among the youngest planetary systems ever observed by astronomers, and its star throws vicious temper tantrums. This devilish young system holds planet AU Mic b captive inside a looming disk of ghostly dust and ceaselessly torments it with deadly blasts of X-rays and other radiation, thwarting any chance of life… as we know it! Beware! There is no escaping the stellar fury of this system. The monstrous flares of AU Mic will have you begging for eternal darkness. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
3. In addition to finding exoplanets on its own, TESS serves as a pathfinder for the James Webb Space Telescope. TESS discovered the rocky world LHS 3844 b, but Webb will tell us more about its composition. Our telescopes, much like our scientists, work together.
4. Though TESS may be a planet-hunter, it also helps us study black holes! In 2019, TESS saw a ‘‘tidal disruption event,’’ otherwise known as a black hole shredding a star.
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When a star strays too close to a black hole, intense tides break it apart into a stream of gas. The tail of the stream escapes the system, while the rest of it swings back around, surrounding the black hole with a disk of debris. Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
5. In 2020, TESS discovered its first Earth-size world in the habitable zone of its star – the distance from a star at which liquid water could exist on a planet’s surface. Earlier this year, a second rocky planet was discovered in the system.
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You can see the exoplanets that orbit the star TOI 700 moving within two marked habitable zones, a conservative habitable zone, and an optimistic habitable zone. Planet d orbits within the conservative habitable zone, while planet e moves within an optimistic habitable zone, the range of distances from a star where liquid surface water could be present at some point in a planet’s history. Credit: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
6. Astronomers used TESS to find a six-star system where all stars undergo eclipses. Three binary pairs orbit each other, and, in turn, the pairs are engaged in an elaborate gravitational dance in a cosmic ballroom 1,900 light-years away in the constellation Eridanus.
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7. Thanks to TESS, we learned that Delta Scuti stars pulse to the beat of their own drummer. Most seem to oscillate randomly, but we now know HD 31901 taps out a beat that merges 55 pulsation patterns.
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Sound waves bouncing around inside a star cause it to expand and contract, which results in detectable brightness changes. This animation depicts one type of Delta Scuti pulsation — called a radial mode — that is driven by waves (blue arrows) traveling between the star's core and surface. In reality, a star may pulsate in many different modes, creating complicated patterns that enable scientists to learn about its interior. Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
8. Last is a galaxy that flares like clockwork! With TESS and Swift, astronomers identified the most predictably and frequently flaring active galaxy yet. ASASSN-14ko, which is 570 million light-years away, brightens every 114 days!
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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lovewithmary · 1 year
most of the pictures I use for my stories are not mine and are credited to whoever owns them! the pictures are used to entertain and I do not claim any of them!
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one shots:
max verstappen (MV1): cooking disaster
lando norris (LN4): wrong driver
alex albon (AA23): childhood friends to... already lovers?
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The Engineer | A MCU X FORMULA ONE Crossover
one summary: where mick schumacher and viviana stark are best friends, unbeknownst to most.
two summary: where daniel riccicardo is star(k)struck
three summary: where viviana stark is a traitor
four summary: where max is less than pleased.
five summary: hell hath no fury than a woman scorned. or, where viviana is pissed.
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(Not) Moving On - A Poly!Max Verstappen x Stark!OC x Charles Leclerc Series follow #(not) moving on for chapters and me answering asks
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g0j0s · 6 months
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turning 25 is so strange. i feel like i’ve lived so much yet everything seems to have just started. i remember being five and frolicking through my dada’s khet, climbing trees and playing lukka chuppi. my dadi would apply surma on my waterline & mehendi on my palms while humming folk tunes. 10 was even more fun as we moved away from my ancestral home into a bigger house of our own. i would spend my days watching senseless television with my sisters getting to know them even more closely. out on our terrace we wish upon shooting stars like kajol from some movie. i’m glad i didn’t know this then, that after 12 a girl is no longer a girl but an entity. as an incomplete being, she travels towards a different reality. but it’s not until a decade passes that she becomes whole and gains that kind of agency. by 15 things had changed drastically. the world became very bleak and constantly changing. my girlhood was slipping from my fingers and everyone was teaching me to be more careful. a rage had started to brew in the pit of my stomach. with that kind of fury, i could’ve burnt villages and cities. 20 was tormenting. i was almost a woman but still a girl. love and hatred claimed me equally as i swayed from one side to the other constantly. a lot of lessons and choices were thrown in my face until i dealt with them diligently. but 25 has arrived in all its glory. liberation permeates through every part of my being. finally, the colors have returned, bringing along an array of fragrances and melodies. i realize now that everything that happened was just to bring me to this moment. oh, how glad I am that it did!
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dirtyvulture · 1 year
Natasha Romanoff x Sergeant!Beefy!Reader
Set in my Sergeant Beef universe
18+ only, read at your own risk
Requested by anon: sgt beef getting deployed and not coming back 
:( poor nat 
AN: The people asked for angst, so I delivered! 😈
No pronouns used.
Natasha holds her handkerchief in a death grip, the white fabric drenched through with her tears. Steve sits next to her, his presence a familiar comfort and anchoring her to the present when all she wants to do is stand up and scream, run away and never look back.
This wasn’t supposed to be how she saw you after your 12-month deployment. She was supposed to greet you at the airport, running into your strong arms and trying to pour one whole year’s worth of love into a kiss. She wanted you to carry her back to the car, take her home and make love to her until the sun came up.
But that never happened. In fact, it was only three months into your deployment when General Fury authorized the high-risk operation that cost you your life. Your six team members came home to their families, but you came home in a box.
Natasha doesn’t listen to the speeches. She hardly reacts to the gun salute. She sobs silently into her handkerchief once more when “Taps” is played on a bugle. Steve puts his hand on her shoulder as they watch the flag on your casket neatly folded over 13 times, into a blue triangle with the white stars showing outward.
Sam Wilson approaches Natasha, kneeling and holding out the folded flag to her. 
“Sergeant Romanoff,” he says, and Natasha forces herself to look at him. He was quite possibly the last person to see you alive, as you had sacrificed yourself to enemy gunfire to give him and the other five soldiers time to escape. Natasha knows she can’t blame Sam for surviving when you didn’t; she sees the heartbreak in his eyes and knows he will carry this guilt for the rest of his life.
“On behalf of the President of the United States, the United States Army, and a grateful nation, please accept this flag as a symbol of our appreciation for your loved one's honorable and faithful service.”
Natasha hesitates, as if not accepting the flag will mean you’re not really gone. She doesn’t want this flag. She wants you. She wants you standing next to her, making a dumb joke that has her laughing and cringing at the same time. She wants to spend the rest of her life with you by her side, exploring the world, trying new things, starting a family. But now that was a fantasy that would only exist in her head.
“Natasha,” Steve whispers next to her.
With shaking hands, she extends her arms and Sam gently places the flag in them. He stands and gives her a salute. Natasha clutches the flag to her chest, hastily wiping away her tears so they don’t drip onto the fabric.
Steve stands and walks with her to your casket. He maintains a respectful distance away as she shares her final moment with you.
Natasha leans forward and says the three words you never got to hear while you were alive.
“I love you.”
AN: This is not canon to the main universe. But I still screamed and cried while writing this. :)
To read the canon version, click here! 
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loserboyfriendrjl · 17 days
“Sirius should be, out of the two of them, the one who joins his ranks.” Orion Black’s voice echoed down the hall, as he stepped down the long corridor.
“Categorically no.” Walburga Black snapped.
“It’s the Dark Lord’s wish. He believes Sirius would be an asset to them.”
“Considering the possibility that he does join, which he will not, because I will not allow it, if he dies, what will we do? Make Regulus the heir?”
“Precisely. He would be the better heir, either way; he’s much more obedient and malleable.”
“However obedient he is, Sirius possesses the qualities a heir to our house needs; determination, resilience, strength and intelligence, above all, which would make him the suitable candidate.”
“Are you implying that Regulus is not appropriate enough for the role, Walburga?”
“I am implying Regulus resembles you entirely, Orion,” She hissed.
Sirius attentively listened to his parents’ conversation from the tapestry room. His eyes were fixated on the wall, his gold-woven ancestors looking at him from the tapestry. He rolled his eyes. His previous namesake scolded him.
“That is not the appropriate behaviour for a bearer of our noble name,” He said, tutting.
Sirius got up from the dark, velvety cushion and pulled the curtains over his great-grandfather’s portrait, who let out an indignant noise.
His parents entered the room. His father had walked in first — he was a tall, slender man, with black hair down to his ears, and he was dressed as if he was about to leave the house. Sirius’ mother stood behind him, a willowy woman with pale skin and long, straight black hair, falling down her back. Her neck was adorned with her necklace with the family crest, and the skirt of her dress brushed the dark, polished floor.
“What are you doing here, boy?” Orion demanded.
“Observing,” He answered, standing up and making his way to the tapestry. “Am I not allowed to do that now, either?”
“Your brother announced us that you snuck out of the house last night and ventured out to Muggle London.” His mother’s voice was cold, yet she was no longer intimidating to Sirius; even on her heels, he was quite taller than him. “Is that so?”
“No.” Sirius lied through his teeth. “And even if I did, Regulus has the habit of not minding his own business. Maybe you should teach him that, father, since you mind your business so much you’re not often around.”
Sirius and Orion shot each other poisonous glares. He stood about five centimetres taller than his father, yet their eyes met with the same raging fury.
“You insolent—”
“Orion, I thought you said you had to meet Abraxas Malfoy,” Walburga sighed.
His eyes turned into slits. “We will have an important conversation later. I expect you to be home, not anywhere else, by the time I return from the Ministry.”
Sirius nodded, as his father left the room. His mother’s eyes lingered in the tapestry, right where her family’s names were; Walburga, Orion, Sirius, Regulus. Stars and saints.
All sinners.
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staylovesmiley · 4 months
Collision— Chapter 3
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ᯓᡣ𐭩Pairing; Stray Kids × afab!reader
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩Summary; You've known him for years but you never would have guessed the charming guy you've been online gaming with has been an idol this whole time. (masterlist here)
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩Warnings; implied afab reader (only they/them pronouns used for reader), mild angst?, pls I haven't written fanfics since 2018 patience and kindness is appreciated
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Soft sunlight filtered through a small gap in the gamer’s blackout curtains, shining against your eyes as you stirred from your slumber.
Eyes opening slowly, you grimaced and turned your back to the window, thus becoming face to face with a still sleeping Lee Felix.
He looked so peaceful like this, up close you swore you could count each individual freckle across his features. You couldn’t help but reach out gently to brush a strand of hair from his face which unfortunately caused him to wake slowly. Eyes fluttering open, he inhaled deeply. “Star- good morning.” Felix smiled, the deep rasp of his morning voice causing your heartbeat to quicken as you took in the close proximity to the other.
The blonde didn’t seem to mind as he pulled you closer, snuggling into your hair and breathing in again. “Your shampoo smells nice, ya know.” He said with a grin evident in his voice. “Um, thank you?” You giggled as you relaxed against him. This was something you felt you could get used to, you thought to yourself before mentally pushing the notion to the side. “What time is it? We should probably get up-“ before you could finish the words the door slammed open and in marched a groggy looking Hyunjin. The artist went to flop onto the bed beside Felix as he whined about missing him until he stopped cold in his tracks to take in the sight before him. A playful smirk grew on his face, Felix’s eyes widening at the implication. “Hyune wait-“ he started, struggling to get out from the covers to grab the elder male but before he could Hyunjin was already out of the room in a fury of laughter shouting something in Korean you couldn’t quite make out. “Uh….Lix? He doesn’t think what I assume he thinks- right?” The Aussie didn’t reply, only launching himself out of bed and taking off after the other while yelling for him to stop.
You sat up in Felix bed and rubbed at your eyes, somewhat lost as to what was going on until Minho came in and gave you a warm, yet slightly mischievous smile. “So, you did stay the night….I thought Hyunjinnie may have just been teasing Lix but he was right.” Eyes widening, you quickly jumped to defend yourself knowing good and well what he was insinuating. “We didn’t do anything but sleep!”
It was Leeknow’s turn to laugh as he shook his head, walking over to offer you a hand. “Oh trust me, we would have heard if you did.” You let him help you stand out of bed before giving him a look of disbelief. “And what makes you think that?!” You almost shrieked, pulling your hand back from where he had helped you. More laughter followed and the elder leaned in close to whisper in your ear. “Because our dear Lixie doesn’t know how to keep quiet, if you get what I mean.” He practically purred before pulling back leaving you there shocked, making his way back to the door. “Well, are you coming? Breakfast is going to get cold.”
You stood there for a moment longer, brain malfunctioning at the knowledge just bestowed upon you. “Right- coming!” You called out to him before making your way to the small dining table by the kitchen where four out of five men currently in the apartment were sat.
Seungmin was on one side, cheeks puffed out with where he was eating his breakfast and effectively stuffing his face. Across from him sat poor jeongin who had a lap full of Hyunjin as the elder snuggled up to him as he attempted to feed the younger much to his dismay though he allowed it nonetheless. Beside them was your friend, Felix, whom you couldn’t make eye contact with at the moment due to Minho’s cheeky comment.
Speak of the devil, he came out from the kitchen and thrust a plate full of food into your hands. “Go take a seat, yeah? I’m gonna drive you back to your hotel to get changed then we’ll meet the others at the company and go over a game plan for finding you a more permanent place to live.” You nodded, not sure when these plans were decided on your behalf but grateful that some of the weight was being taken off of your shoulders. “Thank you, really you guys are being such a big help.”
All five of them turned to give you a smile. “Anything for Felix friend~” Hyunjin teased with a giggle as the blonde began swatting at his arm. “Ya! I already explained that nothing went on- we just had a normal, PG sleepover okay?” The boys all gave each other a knowing look before nodding to their aussie friend. “Okay, fine I’ll drop it…for now.” The artist smirked, sending a wink your way before returning to his (and Jeongin’s) breakfast.
After an eventful breakfast where Minho only had to mildly threaten Hyunjin once to get him to give their maknae some peace, you were sat in the passenger seat of the older man’s car as he drove you back to your hotel to change and grab anything you needed.
The radio played softly in the background and you began to zone out, listening to the man beside you humming along contently. It wasn’t a long drive to your destination, and though it was done mostly in silence it was peaceful and much appreciated after the chaos that had been that morning.
Upon arrival at your hotel, Minho pulled to the front expecting you to just hop out and go in alone. “Um, did you wanna come in and wait in the room while I get ready? Im sure it would be more comfortable than sitting in your car-“ You suggested, giving him a friendly smile. Leeknow returned the smile and began pulling into the parking garage instead. “I didn’t want to invite myself in, but if you insist.” There was a hint of mischief in his eyes that you didn’t miss, filing it away under caution in case there was any meaning behind the look.
Once you both made it into your room, you motioned for Minho to take a seat on the bed while you started to dig through one of your suitcases for something to wear. On your trip over here you had only brought one large suitcase, a duffel bag, and a backpack. You figured that would be enough to last you and if you needed anything else you could always go shopping while living here.
Coming up with a pair of distressed black loose fitting jeans and a light colored loose crop top that ended just at your waist you nodded to yourself in approval and headed into the bathroom. “Hey Min do you think I have time to take a shower?” You questioned, not wanting to keep everyone waiting for too long. “Only if you’ll let me join you.” He said, face deadpan and you stared with wide eyes until he burst out laughing so hard he almost fell off his spot on the bed. “Teasing! Gosh- you’re gonna have to get used to me, cutie.” He said with a wink as you rolled your eyes, blushing nonetheless as you closed the bathroom door and started the shower.
After cleaning up and getting dressed you came back out into the bedroom and sat by your suitcase to put on some socks and your black high top converse. “Enjoy your shower despite my absence?” The older teased with a smile akin to the Cheshire cat, you rolled your eyes at him once more and moved to stand by the end of the bed. “Yes, very much so. Hopefully I didn’t keep you waiting too long.” He shook his head and stood, offering his arm politely with his signature smirk. “Not at all, shall we head out?” You nodded and took his arm, walking back with him to the car.
Another quiet ride later and you found yourself walking into the JYPE building hand in hand with Minho. He waved to the people at the front desk before leading you into the elevator. “Never in my life did I picture I’d ever be here…” you said somewhat breathlessly as you took it all in. Leeknow chuckled, shaking his head at your awestruck expression. “I was like that when I first became a trainee…it will wear off over time.” You shook your head at him, looking into his eyes with curiosity. “Over time? You mean this isn’t just a one time thing?” The older smirked, nodded the affirmative as he gave your hand a squeeze and pull you out at your stop and down a long corridor to their main practice room. “Like it or not but you’re stuck with us now, cutie.” You blushed slightly but scoffed, looking at him with disbelief. “What, like your mascot or something?” “I was thinking more like our pet, but mascot is funnier.” He teased causing you to gasp and hit his shoulder. Minho was laughing at the appalled look on your face as the two of you entered the room, causing the seven men inside to look at you with curiosity. “Bangchan get your child-“ you huffed, pulling your hand away from a cackling Leeknow and making your way to Felix, plopping down beside him and cuddling into his side to pout from the second oldest males relentless teasing. Your poor introverted heart couldn’t take much more lest it explode in your chest.
“Oh god what now? Do I wanna know?” Chan groaned, looking to where Minho was finally calming down. “I was only joking around with them. They fluster so easily it’s too much fun not to.” He said with a smirk and wink thrown your way before sitting by Jisung and whispering something to him causing the younger’s eyes to widen comically and his cheeks heat up considerably.
Once everyone settled down, Felix turned to face you while taking your hands into his own. “So- while we were waiting for you we went ahead and started looking up apartments nearby that are available. We just need to see if any of them meet your needs?” You hummed, deep in thought. “Well somewhere that has the option to be fully furnished would be nice considering I don’t have any of that stuff and don’t really wanna go through the trouble of having to buy an apartments worth of furniture so soon after moving here.” They all nodded and voiced their agreement. “That’s a good idea! I wouldn’t have thought of that-“ Seungmin spoke up, scooting closer to show what he had found on his tablet.
The rest of the afternoon was spent creating a list of places to check, making appointments to view them, and then breaking off into a group to go see few you were able to schedule for that day. Chan, Minho, Felix, and Seungmin being the ones chosen to go with you while the others went shopping for dinner later that evening at the 3racha dorm (Han specifically was sent home to make sure things were presentable for guests).
Once you were done with the tours you were able to take that day you all met back at the dorms, Chan and Leeknow getting started in the kitchen while the rest of you sat in the living room playing games on the switch or chatting.
Somehow Hyunjin had managed to pull you into his embrace, your legs draped over his lap while he cling to your torso and played with your hair absentmindedly as he conversed with Han about a new drama he had started and thought the other would enjoy. Felix sat on the other side of you, your back partially leaning against his side as the two of you looked at where you had genshin pulled up on your phone. Everything felt domestically blissful and you felt yourself acclimating into their group nicely. How long you would be allowed to stay in their company like this you weren’t sure but one thing you did know was that you were going to cherish these moments while they lasted.
After dinner, Felix tried to bribe you into staying over again but you turned him down with the promise to meet up with him again for lunch the next day instead.
Minho offered to drive you back again but somehow you ended up in the passenger seat of Chan’s car instead. “Uh- not to sound like I’m ungrateful for the ride, just confused um wasn’t Leeknow the one taking me back to my hotel?” Laughter rang from beside you, the Aussie pulling out carefully onto the road towards your destination. “He was but I wanted to get some alone time with you. Is that okay?” The older glanced over to you at a stop light, flashing you a charming smile before turning his attention back to the road. You felt a warm blush creep onto your face and shrugged. “That’s okay, yeah-“ you stammered out before the cafe fell into silence slightly less comforting than when you were with the second oldest, perhaps due to the awkward nervousness you felt over how you had spoken about the individual sitting to your left previously. “So….Wriothesley, huh?” This caused you to choke on air, making Chan laugh hysterically. “Oh my god Felix I’m going to KILL you-“ you groaned with embarrassment and hid your face into your palms. “Really? It’s not that bad….no worse than the things stay have said.” He chuckled, his laughter finally calming down though an amused look still stayed on his face. “Still- I can’t believe he told you what I said that is so embarrassing….” You sighed, turning to look out the window with a soft pout before looking back over to him. “I’m sorry if what I said made you uncomfortable….I didn’t mean anything by it is was just-“ Chan cut you off, rather boldly. “I wish you did.” You froze, mouth shutting so quickly your teeth clicked together audibly. The oldest smirked at effectively shutting you up as he pulled up to the hotel. “Here we are. Let one of us know when you’ve made it to your room safely, yeah?” He said, smiling at you innocently as if he hadn’t just implied he wished you had feelings for him only seconds earlier. “Right….uh th-thank you again for the ride. For everything today really-“ and with that you quickly exited the vehicle and dashed towards the front door, making sure to turn around at the last minute to give a short wave then disappear into the building.
As he pulled away, Chan smiled smugly to himself and spoke to no one but himself. “This is gonna be fun…”
It was about a week later that you finally settled into your new apartment, one only a twelve minute walk to JYPE and even closer to the dorms. You were sure the boys pulled some sort of strings to be able to keep you so close by so soon but you weren’t about to complain. Just as life was starting to quiet (as much as it could having a group of eight men as your main clique), you had started going to classes and even arranged for some more of your personal belongings to be shipped from home in the states by your family so you could make things at your new apartment feel more personal.
The members seemed to always be over, or you at theirs. You never did bring up what Chan had said in the car that night and neither did he, so you assumed it was more teasing like Minho had been doing as well and decided to forget about it all together. Speaking of the teasing it never let up, as he said you were going to have to get used to him. It took some time but eventually you began to open up, though you were still too flustered to ever create a good comeback.
One night, marking your third week in Korea and your second in your new apartment, you were over at the cuties dorm for a movie night. Seungmin was out with some of his friends outside of the group, and 3racha were still in the studio working late, so that left you with Danceracha and half of Vocalracha for the evening. “Lix how much longer until the cookies are done?” Hyunjin asked for the millionth time as he sat on the floor with his face pressed against the oven window eagerly awaiting the sweet treats promised to him. “A watched pot never boils.” You said with a sing song tone as you passed by him with the dirty dishes from dinner, patting his head lightly. He huffed, looking up to glare daggers at you. “You’re supposed to be on my side! Traitor.” You just laughed and started washing the dishes.
“Woah there what are you doing?” Felix questioned as he came and started to push you out of the way of the sink. “I’m washing dishes what does it look like?” You asked, tilting your head to the side in confusion. “Nope you are our guest how many times do I have to say?” He scolded, successfully pushing you away and taking over what you had started. “Well then what am I supposed to do?” “You could come keep us company!” Shouted Minho from the couch, patting the spot between himself and the maknae. Shrugging, you made your way over and sat in the spot offered to you. “What are you up to?” You asked the youngest.
Jeongin was currently scrolling through his phone, eyebrows scrunched tightly together. “Looking for where to stream the movie we were thinking of watching-“ he answered, eyes still glued to the device. “Oh? What was it you guys settled on?” Minho was the one who answered, leaning over so his chest was fully flush to your back so he could whisper in your ear. “Something scary. But don’t worry, you can cling to me if you get scared~” he purred and you felt a shiver run up your spine. “Oh- that sounds fun I don’t think I’ve seen a scary movie in a while.” This was an understatement, you’re sure you had never seen a scary movie as you were well…scared to.
Once the snacks were done and the lights turned off, you pulled a blanket over your lap before hugging your knees to your chest. Not even halfway through the movie and you were doing just as he said, clinging to the dancer and hiding your face in his shoulder. “Geez, Cutie I didn’t think you’d be this scared…are you gonna be okay?” He asked, concern laced throughout his tone and tied to his words. “Y-Yeah I’ll be okay….sorry if I’m bothering you too much holding onto you like this-“ “No! I mean, I told you to so you’re just listening to what I said. I should have known you’d follow orders well.” He suddenly became smug, teasing you to hopefully distract from your fear but also to watch the blush he loved so much color your features for him.
Just at the height of the movie, the door swung open and a tipsy Seungmin stumbled In successfully scaring you so badly you jumped onto Leeknow’s lap and wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your face there as you screamed. The older held you tight, surprised at first but then as he rubbed your back to calm you down he shot a glare at the second youngest. “Hey! Try to be a bit quieter when you return, please? You gave our Star a heart attack I’m afraid.” You whined, clinging tighter but now to hide your embarrassment. The others let out quiet chuckles thought they had been almost if not just as scared as you were by the puppy’s sudden arrival.
“I think nows as good a time as any to call it a night….do you want me to drive you home or would you rather one of us walk with you?” Minho questioned you. You pulled back to look at him, then the others. “Anyone wanna walk with me or am I letting the cat drive?” You asked, causing Leeknow to hit your shoulder lightly. “I should take offense to that but cats are the superior beings. So thank you.” You rolled your eyes and Hyunjin jumped up. “Since you four are already home so to speak I’ll walk Star home!” You smiled and stood, apologizing for jumping into Minho’s lap in the first place which he waved off with only some light teasing before bidding you both a goodnight.
On the walk to your apartment, the two of you had your hand interlocked, swaying them lightly. “So…how are you liking things here?” The artist asked, glancing down at you to his right. “I think I’m enjoying it here too much….I won’t want to leave when my visa is up in a couple of years.” Hyunjin frowned at the mention of your eventual departure, shaking his head like an etch a sketch to get rid of the troubling thoughts. “I’m glad you are having a good time…I hope that at least is partly because of us.” “It most definitely is! You guys have been so kind, I’m really lucky to have friends like you.” You replied, smiling brightly up at the other before looking ahead to see your building coming up. “Friends like us…yeah.” He sighed, the phrase barely a whisper so you didn’t quite catch what he had said. Once you made it to the front gates you bid him a farewell, insisting you could make it inside just fine.
Reluctantly, he agreed but waited until you were safely inside before heading back to his empty dorm.
It was roughly four fifteen in the morning when you woke to use the bathroom, rubbing the sleep from your eyes and turning to get out of bed. Upon your feet hitting the ground you were shocked wide awake by the wet feeling that shouldn’t be there.
Frantically you grabbed your phone and turned the flashlight towards the floor to see a few centimeters deep of water covering everywhere. You quickly turned on the lights and saw that it wasn’t just your room but your whole apartment had been flooded. The culprit was the waterlines connected to your refrigerator. You groaned, still a big groggy from your interrupted sleep and still needing to pee. You put in an emergency maintenance request, taking pictures of everything as you went for documentation as well as making sure all valuables were safe from damage or at least any further damage. Once you felt a little more in control of the situation the gravity of it all fell on you like a ton of bricks and you started to cry. First, a few tears slipped past unnoticed until soon you found yourself on the middle of your bed with your head in your hands and shoulders shaking with the force of your sobs. Crying only made you feel worse in that moment, the ringing of childhood bullies calling you crybaby echoed through your mind causing you to wipe furiously at your face to get rid of the tears. Once you had calmed down slightly came the next course of action….where are you going to stay now?
Hesitantly, you opened your contacts and dialed the only person you thought may be up at this ungodly hour who could come to your rescue.
“Star? Is everything okay? Are you crying?” The sounds of your sniffling made it through the phone before you could even speak. You thought you had calmed down enobut hearing the concern in his voice only caused the emotions to bubble up again. “Chris? I-I need your help….my apartment is-“ you choked a bit on a sob, causing the other to panic more. “Hey- it’s okay it’s gonna be okay, baby. Can you take a deep breath? I need you to be able to tell me what’s going on so I can help.” You could hear some rustling in the background, what sounded like Bangchan speaking to Han and Changbin while you took a few deep breaths at his instruction. “My apartment is flooded….like completely flooded and I don’t know what to do I already put in an emergency request but I don’t know what to do now do I just go back to bed is it safe to sleep here for right now I’ve never had anything like this happen I don’t know what to do-“ you began to ramble, nerves fully taking over your body and Chan had to speak over you at first to grab your attention. “Hey hey listen to me, Star? Hey- listen. Deep breaths,remember? Relax.” You heard the sound of a car door and then an engine coming to life. “I’m on my way to get you, okay? Grab whatever you’re going to need at least for a few nights you can stay at the dorms and we will figure out where to go from there. It’s gonna be okay, yeah? I’ll be there soon.” You nodded, taking a minute before realizing he couldn’t see you, “o-okay…thank you, Chan. I’ll see you soon?” “See you soon.” And with that he hung up the phone.
Not even ten minutes had passed and you heard his knocks at your door. You had your duffle slung over your shoulder as you made your way through your drenched apartment and to the front door where you opened it only to immediately be enveloped in the leaders warm embrace. The sobs started again, only softer this time as once again you felt an overwhelming sense of dread over the whole situation and now feeling like a burden to your friends for them having to take you in, even if they offered and it was only temporary. “Hey, everything is gonna be okay….I’ve got you, don’t worry.” Was all he said, rubbing small circles on your back as he let you sob into his chest.
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author’s note: sorry for so much skipping around in this chapter involving the apartment hunting situation and the mini timeskip- I had started writing more details about the whole process of acquiring the apartment but it just felt so boring and like it wasn’t super idk necessary so I just skipped a bunch to keep things flowing a bit more- I hope you all don’t mind! Again, please let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list for this series and do let me know your thoughts I absolutely love reading you guy’s feedback it gives me the fuel to keep going I swear! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧ also if you have any feedback you’d like to share or perhaps any suggestions you’d like to see for what may happen in the series please do share I absolutely love listening to others ideas and it helps get my creative juices flowing at well so please feel free to send those my way (might even see them pop up in some capacity if I feel like it could fit well with where I want things to end up heading) ᕱᕱ⊹₊ ⋆
tag list; @softkisshyunjin @coastinglove @palindrome969 @amara-mars @whiteghostt @silverstar-1117
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