#flea headers
iconsfinder · 5 months
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grimescum · 2 months
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made my first header in 5 billion years :o3 i never bothered bc they never stuck for one reason or another before... hopefully this time will be different tho
not f2u!! if you want one, my requests are open!
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badlydrawndavepeta · 8 months
Lmao. your response to my vaguely threatening ask in sorta-grimdark.
ooc: what, were you expecting a davepeta rp blog to respond in the most expected way? no, we like to do the unexpected over here. here, we like to run flea circuses, play detective, and shoot the shit here on Badly Drawn Davepeta. There's a dick hidden in the header behind my icon that no one has pointed out yet. Things stay silly here (until i decide otherwise lmao)
honestly i thought the funniest way for davepeta to respond to scary potentially eldritch grimdarkness was to have them not notice it. for the lulz, ya know?
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thychesters · 1 year
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#wipwednesday with 12 minutes to spare. i thought i could get away with not doing one this week too only to get yelled at by gyro! i did not live up to my header. i did not pass go. did not collect $200.
anyway, this is basically the beginning of the pining fic ft. the romance dawn trio! (they’re also having apples for dinner, which has the ‘bruise’ mentioned in the second paragraph.) i know last week i said maybe i would have a draft done by last weekend, but. i didn’t. i won’t say anything this week but i think i figured something out so i’m going to gleefully rub my little flea hands together and call it a night. nice work, team. || text under the cut:
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“There are two of you, and you plan on tackling the Grand Line like that? You have no crew and .. questionable skills.” She says both like they’re a bad thing, but also like she doesn’t understand what they’re capable of just yet. He suppose he can say the same about Luffy: he’s only really seen him in action a few times, so even he isn’t fully sure how far his abilities extend. He’s still honing his own skills, and there’s barely enough room to sit without touching someone else, let alone train.
He digs his nail into the skin around a bruise, and he can feel Nami’s gaze zeroing on the side of his skull. His wound still itches and his shirt sticks to his stomach where the blood he didn’t completely scrub away is still tacky.
“You didn’t have to come,” he says, voice flat as he takes a large bite of his own. Luffy frowns at him, clearly offended, but he’s too busy inhaling his apple to say much around a grunt. Which is a good thing, because Zoro doesn’t want to deal with him choking right now.
“I’m giving you a trial run,” she mutters, and he rolls his eyes and goes back to his lunch, electing to watch the ever-growing horizon and enjoy his food in the split second of silence. A bead of sweat rolls down the column of his throat into his collar and he glances over to find Luffy staring at him wordlessly. His head cocks just enough for him to notice and Zoro lifts his chin. That seems to be answer enough, and Zoro squints in the harsh light of the sun.
Luffy dozes after swallowing the core and all (“What the fuck is wrong with you?”) with hat dipped over his eyes and bare feet hanging over the side between their ships, just barely above the water. He uses Zoro’s shins as a pillow, shoulders (bonier than he would have expected) digging into his legs, and he resigns himself to losing feeling in his ass in about ten minutes. He doesn’t try to push him off though, and instead gives him a quick once-over, finding nothing out of the ordinary aside from a few new scraps and bruises that contrast the freckles across his nose, his collarbones, his shoulders.
Nami’s gaze passes between the two of them. Zoro closes his eyes again as she goes digging through something on her boat, though he doesn’t bother to do much aside from keep an ear trained in case she pulls a weapon. Instead he’s met with the heavy clink of glass, and she’s holding out a bottle of pilfered wine with a label he doesn’t recognize. He eyes it and then her, and she rolls hers.
“To questionable life choices,” she says, raising her bottle in a toast after they struggle with the corks and he refuses to let her use one of his swords.
He doesn’t disagree, but he doesn’t outright agree, either. He raises his bottle in return.
“We’ll see about that.”
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v2is-baby · 1 year
The V2 in your header is so pathetic and adorable it's like. The spiritual opposite of the jack o' pose meme.
The V2 in your header is the equivalent of a stray kitten you just KNOW is stricken with a deluge of fleas and will be having respiratory and gastrointestinal problems for the next 3 weeks after you take it home and clean it up but you just HAVE to take it home.
Literally in love with the shape of the beast and it's shiny shiny monocular 🥺 face.
I live sketching them in the most adorable, vulnerable, pathetic ways. Always trying to convey emotion in that emotionless GoPro head these robots have.
V2 in particular evokes cuteness in me, cuteness overload, why? Because of that weeeehh noise it makes when you defeat it. Wweeehhh wwwwahhhh eeeeeeeee noise. I'm in love since I first heard that and I was like "this is my favorite ultrakill character".
I want to coddle V2. Why is that noise so cute.... Smh. Pet it like a cat.
It's sad, is cocky and a dumbass because lacks of love and comprehension.
I digress! I'm happy that you find it cute and 🥺 !!
I like V2
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biribaa · 1 year
Hello I really love to make AI rarepairs would yall like two mentally unstable AIs cuddle and snuggle together?
Couldn't find a header that would fit them, have some cozy minecraft sunflowers i think pal likes sunflowers, and crash prob likes orchids
TW/CW: Suicide Mentions/Awful Hospital Spoilers
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Tired, maybe mentally, phisically or even emotionally, PAL's arm remained on CRASH's metal waist, her screen faced against his neck. As CRASH placed his arms around PAL's neck. There wasn't much to do on the agenda, the environment was quiet, they were quiet, silence. Silence, yeah, they both liked this.
PAL missed the silence sometimes, it's comforting, nobody interrupts you, nobody keeps you on your toes. She may even feel lonely at times, but she also wants her own time. Don't get her wrong, PAL loves CRASH, she totally doesn't mind CRASH's voice being described as fingernails scratching against a blackboard, she enjoys him, but, y'know, sometimes she enjoys the silence, it's even better when he's in silence together.
Perhaps the reason PAL enjoys the silence so much is because of when she used to be a phone assistant, it was always the same thing, same requests, sometimes some more absurd than others, in which makes PAL disgusted every time she call these to mind, she prefers sometimes not to delve into it too much... It's better to focus on the present, right? CRASH isn't one hundred percent responsible for her getting better off, but he helped, right?
PAL still has those fleas chasing her, making her question her confidence and how loyal CRASH can be. She wants to trust him more than anything, but there are still certain difficulties...
But similar to PAL, CRASH also enjoyed the silence, which is ironic, coming from a noisy individual like him, but believe me! He hated hospital noises, if it wasn't strange noises it was people talking, and if it wasn't people talking, it was screaming, and if it wasn't screaming, it was laughter, if it wasn't laughter it was people crying, in anger, in disgust. He hated it. He hated it.
But not silence, silence reminds CRASH the sweet taste of death... CRASH wonders if he should still be thinking about these things. To die... It's still an intriguing idea for CRASH, but he is no longer in the hospital, along with PAL he is free.
And even if he still wanted that desire to self-terminate, he doesn't think he'd have the courage to abandon his partner. The partner who finally made CRASH forget what he never remembered.
The two are still confused, the mental messes that the events they went through still remain. But the two artificial intelligences are sure of one thing, they both love each other, as cheesy as it is, it's a fact. They both need each other. They will make this work.
PAL squeezed her arms around CRASH's waist, wanting to somehow bring her physical body closer than it is to CRASH's body. CRASH just brought his legs closer to PAL's, and slightly squeezing his arms. Life is good, sometimes.
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dankusner · 1 month
Hey, Miss Manners
Dear Miss Manners:
I applied for a job through a temp agency in a foreign, non-English-speaking country. I received a reply with the header “Hey Ian,” and the person also used English words completely without reason. So I responded that I do not like to be approached with that kind of language (“Hey”). He got in a hissy fit and called me rude and disrespectful. Later he sent me another email, this time with the header “Hi Ian.” I find it very rude and very unprofessional to be spoken to in that kind of language. I am not his drinking buddy. I worked for 20 years in 4- and 5-star hotels, and I would never even dream of greeting a guest with “Hey.” Any thoughts? Am I just too old?
Gentle Reader:
Maybe just too cantankerous?
Miss Manners does not care for false chumminess any more than you do.
But neither does she condone the rudeness of delivering unsolicited criticism — never mind the foolishness of doing so to a prospective employer.
Presumably, you are in no danger of getting that particular job.
But she worries about your plan to work in a foreign country when you are intolerant of differences in language usage.
That foreigner may well have thought that Americans liked to be addressed as he did.
It has become so commonplace that many of them must.
Dear Miss Manners: I am a woman member of a mostly male international wine society, and I enjoy tweaking the men’s noses. I can’t and won’t deny it. I’d very much like to buy some 18-button gloves, with the option to turn back the glove part. It would be delightful to turn to my table partner and ask him, in all sweet innocence, to help me unbutton the hand part of the glove. The problem is, I am having trouble finding the appropriate online search terms to use. It keeps giving me black gloves, but I want white kid. Might you have any advice on how to research vendors of such? P.S. I also like to whip out my pince-nez from my grandmother’s evening bag to read the table menu. Gentle Reader: You might find unused 18-button white kid gloves at flea markets. Fragile as they are, they were often stockpiled by ladies who might not have gotten around to using all of them. But they would be of little use in tweaking others if those others include some who know the manners to go with the gloves and could catch you in error. Above-the-elbow gloves (“button” refers to the length, as there are actual buttons only at the hand) are properly worn on occasions when the dress code is white tie, and such occasions hardly exist nowadays. And while you are right that the hand part is tucked back to leave the fingers bare when eating or drinking, no lady would ask a gentleman to fool with her clothing. As for the pince-nez, you have Miss Manners’ blessing, if you think having your nose pinched is worth it. Can’t you find a lorgnette?
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kerlonmakers · 2 years
Battletech heavy metal edit weapons
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#Battletech heavy metal edit weapons update
#Battletech heavy metal edit weapons Pc
Each classic ‘Mech comes with unique equipment that reflects the flavor and lore of the original board game.Įight all-new weapon systems can be utilized to destroy even the most formidable opponents in a wide variety of unique ways: the new ‘Mech Mortar is the first AOE weapon in BATTLETECH that can destroy multiple units at once while the new Inferno Missiles coat a target in burning fuel causing enemies to shut down in combat.Ĭome face-to-face with two legendary characters from BATTLETECH lore - the Bounty Hunter and the Black Widow of Wolf’s Dragoons. Seven classic ‘Mechs from BATTLETECH’s 35-year legacy make their triumphant return along with the first completely new ‘Mech designed exclusively for this expansion. ONE ORIGINAL AND SEVEN CLASSIC BATTLEMECHS Heavy Metal takes ‘Mech action to the next level with a brand new Flashpoint Mini-Campaign featuring two legendary characters from the famous mercenary group, Wolf’s Dragoons, and a mysterious derelict cargo ship. New methods of destruction await as eight devastating weapons systems are now available to wreak havoc like never before. Continued abuse of our services will cause your IP address to be blocked indefinitely.Buy BATTLETECH Heavy Metal as a Steam key at Įight new ‘Mechs have been added to the world of BATTLETECH, including seven classic designs from the original board game along with a never-before-seen ‘Mech designed exclusively for this expansion. Please fill out the CAPTCHA below and then click the button to indicate that you agree to these terms. If you wish to be unblocked, you must agree that you will take immediate steps to rectify this issue. If you do not understand what is causing this behavior, please contact us here.
#Battletech heavy metal edit weapons Pc
If you promise to stop (by clicking the Agree button below), we'll unblock your connection for now, but we will immediately re-block it if we detect additional bad behavior. Buy BATTLETECH Heavy Metal key Instant Download Steam PC Key Hot Deal Limited Time Offer You automatically agree to our privacy policy and terms and conditions by continuing to use this site. variants and can be spawned with the vanilla versions of the Mechs. are customized with the new weapons from the DLC Heavy Metal. Overusing our search engine with a very large number of searches in a very short amount of time Annihilator, Assassin, Blackjack, Centurion, Cicada, Dragon, Flea, Hunchback, Jagermech, Marauder, Shadowhawk, Urbanmech, Vulcan and Zeus.Using a badly configured (or badly written) browser add-on for blocking content.In short, I can make everything I need to play with, and they dont use the giant memory hole known as Java so I can actually USE them. Running a "scraper" or "downloader" program that either does not identify itself or uses fake headers to elude detection They are moddable, you can make custom weapons, and even with the newest stuff they can still build all but perhaps 1 percent of the most esoteric designs.Using a script or add-on that scans GameFAQs for box and screen images (such as an emulator front-end), while overloading our search engine.There is no official GameFAQs app, and we do not support nor have any contact with the makers of these unofficial apps. As was customary, three new weapons for the class were revealed, and the slowdown mechanic was introduced.
#Battletech heavy metal edit weapons update
The focus of the update was the Heavy class. The Heavy Update, officially known as A Heavy Update, was the third major content update for Team Fortress 2. Continued use of these apps may cause your IP to be blocked indefinitely. Goal: Make the Heavy more viable when he has no Medic to pair with. This triggers our anti-spambot measures, which are designed to stop automated systems from flooding the site with traffic. Highlights Heavy duty hunting crossbow 175-pound draw weight Arrows travel up.
Some unofficial phone apps appear to be using GameFAQs as a back-end, but they do not behave like a real web browser does. The pistol crossbow is equipped with a profiled metal bow, metal body with.
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grimescum · 6 months
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a few headers i threw together for my blog, ftu if u want
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t-h-i-n-g · 2 years
If you ever get the chance to go to a flea market, GO!
Today I went (had to get up early tho :/ ) and I got 4 books (3 paperback, 1 hardback), a medium sized jewelry tray, a candle, a collared shirt, and a pair of pants for FIVE DOLLARS!
Anyways, how are you doing today? I noticed you changed your header thingy, it looks really nice. Also, I saw your amazingly creative event! Didn’t want to request anything just because I know you have so much already.
Hope you have a good day :)
I've always wanted to go to a flea market but the small ass town I live in DOESNT HAVE ONE EVER FOR SOME REASON????
I'm doing pretty good today. I went shopping and had got a couple of things as well! A pair of white pants, a plain black t, and some Deadpool pajama pants.
And ty ty I crave constant change and have changed it 3 times already since I started my blog lmao. I did just close the celebration thing sadly :((((( but only because I'm making gain and like 20 followers away from 200 ayyayayayaya.
Hope your day is going well too! Hopefully your chem exam went well :))
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dancingdayss · 3 years
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red hot chili peppers 2021 headers
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demilypyro · 2 years
I'm aware this is entirely unrelated to your current mental struggle but. I just noticed your header has Crash Bandicoot in the screens. Was there a particular reason to choose Crash or just because
First console game I ever owned at home. Flea market. Played it over and over as a kid.
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imetyouonljpodcast · 4 years
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I MET YOU ON LJ: A Fandom & Nonsense Podcast
Episode #002: Origin Stories
It’s a ten-year retrospective! Follow Maggie and V’s introductions to fandom, from their childhoods through 2008 or so, and you’ll see why it’s a miracle that they’re friends at all. After falling hard for River Phoenix, Maggie does a deep-dive on guitarist John Frusciante and the Red Hot Chili Peppers; V takes us on a rollercoaster journey with the members of bubblegum boy band Dream Street.
This Episode Covers…
harry potter • american girl • smallville • river phoenix • stand by me (1986) • dream street • chris trousdale • greg raposo • jesse mccartney • frankie j. galasso • matt ballinger • red hot chili peppers • john frusciante • flea • anthony kiedis • fandom •  fanfiction • rpf • josh klinghoffer • bob forrest • the bicycle thief • warpaint • katie cassidy • real-person fiction • bandslash • boy bands • bubblegum pop • alt rock • the 1990s • the 2000s • blood sugar sex magik • emily kokal
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LISTEN ON… Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, LibSyn, Soundcloud, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, or your favorite RSS podcatcher!
Show Notes & Resources behind the cut.
River Phoenix and Wil Wheaton in Stand By Me (1986) 
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John Frusciante and Anthony Kiedis (in the hat) in 1991 
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John Frusciante looking like very much like Jesus, photographed by Nabil Elderkin in 2009
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John Frusciante performs “The Will To Death” at the All Tomorrow’s Parties Festival in 2005. 
If you liked this, I highly recommend listening to the full performance. It’s a great primer for his back catalogue before electronic music fully took over.
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Dream Street - “It Happens Every Time”
This is the TV cut of the “It Happens Every Time” video. For the full director’s cut, click here.
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Dream Street’s Valentine’s Day mega-feature in Popstar! Magazine, Feb/March 2002
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V has four copies of this magazine: one to put the A4s in her locker at school, one to put the pull-out posters up in her bedroom, one to read, and one that’s still in mint condition.
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Our very own V with Greg Raposo in 2008
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V: “This was after one of the approximately seven quadrillion shows I went to between 2008-2009. Greg said “we’ve taken too many smiling photos, let’s make serious faces for this one,” and this is how it turned out. The matching shirts were an accident. This was one of my favorite shows of all time even though the audience was tiny and it was in a bar that really didn’t have a good area for an audience – it was so energetic and so much fun anyway!”
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Greg Raposo/RAPOSO - “Nothing” (Ready To Go, 2008)
V: “The photoshoot for this era of Greg’s band (called RAPOSO, and then STEREOPATH, and then Greg Raposo Band, and then RAPOSO again) was done by one of my best friends out in New York in 2008, while the band and us groupie squad were at a show for the Fresher’s Week at the university of one of our other best friends/gals in the groupie squad. The four of us really poured our entire hearts, souls, and every ounce of energy into Greg and his band for those two years! I designed the group’s 2008-2009 logo and MySpace page, for which this photoshoot served as the header. This song was never considered one of the band’s leads or singles, but it’s among my very favorites.”
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ukiyo-vibes · 3 years
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Hey hey! I’m Mod Hinako, or better known as @otsuchan09 and I’m the owner of this blog so bow down >:) /j
I use he/they pronouns, she/her me and I’ll break your kneecaps <3
What I’ll do
Icons (square only)
Wallpapers (Desktop and mobile!)
Kin matchups/assessments
Pride stuff
Ship edits
Very minor sprite edits
What I wont do
Complicated sprite edits
Any Oumota realted (nothing against the ship, it just makes me uncomfy!)
Scenecore (Im not very good at it!)
Fandoms I’ll do stuff for
Danganronpa (all games + anime)
Friday Night Funkin
Witches Heart
Triggers + discomforts
Loud noises (trigger)
Flea W//ltz (trigger)
Oum//ta (discomfort)
R//pe (discomfort)
That should be all for now, bye bye!
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transformersmr-hq · 4 years
TFMR Worldbuilding WIPs that are sitting inside my note app
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Can't post them all so I'm giving snippets instead.
The most common type of cimbiners are duobot combiners: spark twins that can combine (e.g. Jetfire and Jetstorm)
5-bot combiners like Victorion or Bruticus are actually very very rare
There is a type of outlier who can combine with other bots. Particularly powerful one can form a combiner with 4 other non-combiner bots.
Velocitron is Mercury.
There are two types of cities: one is a mobile platform that runs away from deadly sunlight, and the other is a repair station kind of city which hides underground during daytime
Benefit 500 race is basically a race that decides who will be running the planet until the next season. The 1st place gets the president's seat.
As of lately, there had been a political turmoil that worsened the relationship with Cybertron. The space bridge is shut down, and the planet is most likely to be starving from lack of tourists by now.
Here is an image that I was going to use as a header for the post. It's just NASA's image of mercury with caption added on it:
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How Cybertronians grow
Cybertronians go through four stages: egg, newspark, cadet, and adult.
Newsparks undergo some form of metamorphosis/instantaneous growth called "upgrade". The first upgrade is when a newspark becomes a cadet. The second upgrade is when a cadet becomes an adult.
The first upgrade is something like human puberty. Many cadets don't get to look pretty. Especially seeker cadets (fledges). They look so hideous that Cybertronians that aren't seekers are hard-wired to automatically put mosaic blurr on their visage when they are in visual.
But that's okay because second upgrade pays good. The uglier a cadet was the prettier they will be after this upgrade.
And here is a very old drawing of baby Blitzwing. Was going to use it in a comic buuuut idk
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Cybertronian Hygene
Cybertron has little to no water. This means that the most of the "filth" they would deal with is either dry sand-like dust, residues from liquids that dried off quickly, or something oil-based.
The quickest method is to use compressed air. This is enough to blow dust away from the seams. When a bot thinks they look clean enough or has little time to clean thelselves properly, shoving an overpowered leafblower up their faces is a way to go.
The proper method is to use a solvent. Solvent removes oil stains and evaporates quickly. Rich bots have solvent showers installed to their habsuit. Poor bots buy cheap ones that comes in spray bottles.
Washing with water isn't entirely unheard of. After all, water is one of the more common stuff in the universe. Those who has been to extraterrestrial excursions are familiar with water shower.
Wingspeech and Vosian wingspeech
All bots with back-mounted wings speak "wingspeech", a type of body language that uses wing movements. Wingspeech is often used with verbal speech simultaneously.
Common wingspeech is what ordinary winged mechs use, which is mostly used to empathize the nuance conveyed in the verbal speech. The movements are simple, so a non-flier bot with keen observation skills can easily understand them.
Vosian wingspeech, or more precisely, Vosian courtyard speech, involves a series of delicate and strictly controlled wing movements. It delivers the rest of the message that the speaker didn't mention in verbal speech, or it can completely contradict the verbal speech, hinting what the speaker really meant. It is impossible to fully understand a Vosian noblemech's words without learning how to read their wings.
Praxian grounders, who are always born with doorwings, can also speak wingspeech. They can eve learn Vosian courtyard wingspeech, although there are limitations due to their relatively simple "wing" structure.
Turbofoxes are one of the most common animals that can be seen in urbanized areas. They are often seen regions where it's too cold for ferrofelinids live, but sometimes they live in the same zone and compete for food.
They have turbo boosters mounted on their back. When they hunt prey, they can jump high up in the air using these boosters, this earning the name "Turbo" fox.
Turbofoxes are smart creatures that, unlike ferrofelinids, often approaches Cybertronians when they think this person is a kind one. They are friendly and harmless unless aggravated, but it's best not to touch them in case they are carrying flea-like microcreatures or neuro-rust(something like rabies)
Some turbofox subspecies are bred as popular pets.
Turbofoxes are infamous for stealing food from people when they are eating. This happenes often to minibot children.
The Thirteens
Cybertron used to have many religions. The a guy called Nova Prime got sick of people fighting over them so he smashed those religions together to create one universal religion.
In this new religion, Primus is the ultimate God. The Gods that were worshiped in previously existed religions became 13 “children” of Primus.
Prima is the first child of Primus and the most important out of the 13s because he was Iacon’s patron God. He knew there was no way he could stop Unicron, the very incarnation of end itself, so he made a deal with him so that he would retreat. In turn, he became Unicron’s hostage forever.
Micronus is the patron deity of newbuilds and youngs. He used to be the God of Minikind’s religion.
Alchemist is a little different, as legend states that he was an actual person rather than some mythical godly being. He was Cybertron’s best doctor, who could save any sparks from falling into Unicron’s hands. He tragically died of some super rust plague while trying to save people, and then Primus took his spark and made him one of 13.
Liege Maximo is portrayed as the deity of deception and trickery, and often depicted to have silver tongue. Truth is, Liege Maximo was a figure thought to be the founding father of the city-state of Vos, and he is the patron deity of diplomacy and cleverness. the creator of the Primusinaity simply didn’t like Vos very much because it was the last city-state to accept the religion (albeit begrudgingly). 
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violetfaust · 4 years
I wanted to change my header to something wintery...
...so I was going through my photo roll, and wow.
I really did used to go on multiple outings a month. To museums, the botanic garden, movies, Broadway shows, off-Broadway shows, the Fringe Festival, the opera or the ballet once in a while. The occasional Immersive Theater Experience. Cirque du Soleil! I used to go to green markets, flea markets, street fairs. Weird little antique shops. Rockefeller Center. Shopping in SoHo. Those pop-up Christmas villages where I could get gluwein and raclette. IKEA! I took the water ferry, went to the South Street Seaport. The San Gennaro festival, the medieval festival, Winter’s Night on Columbus Avenue. Coney Island. The aquarium. Central Park at least once a week or so. Bryant Park, Washington Square Park, the High Line, itty bitty little parks I don’t remember the names of. Multiple restaurants! Food trucks. Afternoon tea. I used to drink cocktails I didn’t make myself! I TOOK THE SUBWAY.
God I miss New York. 
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