#flora colossus
ohfugecannada · 4 months
Flora Colossi Headcanon 4/?: poison immunity
Due to thier extremophile adaptations, Flora Colossus are immune to most poisons and toxins that would be normally deadly to other beings. However, some certain toxins, while not deadly to flora colossus, can induce altered states similar to drugs such as alcahol or psychedelics in humans. (This, technically is canon in the Telltale game, as there’s a part of the game where Groot straight up trips balls after falling into a patch of alien plants and eating one of them)
On the flip side of this, drugs such as alcohol have little to no effect Flora Colossus. A fact Groot has secretly used to his advantage in multiple drinking games against his friends.
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hikikomorialice · 28 days
This is a semi-Loki merch post.
Funko is releasing a bunch of Groot cosplaying as other Marvel characters in the 'We Are Groot' set, Celebrating 85 Years of Marvel', and one is of Loki.
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There are 6 total, set for a July release in the US and up for PO on Entertainment Earth.
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They're pretty cute, tbh.
I'm 50/50 on getting the Loki one , but the Wolverine one has me sold - look at the wittle tough guy~
(Side note: I also collect Wolverine Pop!s, he was my og Marvel obsession)
There are 2 more, Funko exclusive, Avenger-Groots - Dr Strange and Black Panther
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unclekoopus · 1 year
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My Groot Design (2017)
Randomly sharing my old drawings of my extra himbo hunk Groot. Also him at various awkward, twinky, and adorable ages with a bonus papa Rocket.
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blankdblank · 2 years
All –
@jesevans​,  @theincaprincess​, @lilith15000, @devilishminx328​​​​
X Marvel-Cast - @theincaprincess​​
Brother Dearest -
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jasposeyblog · 1 year
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Artist gift to me. Groot by Erik Fidel
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kayas-kosmos · 3 months
Solarpunk Colossus.
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When the ancient ones awaken to help out humanity with their climate problem.
This was a piece I've been wanting to do for ages and @stimpunks helped me make this a reality! So thank you so much for this commission! All of my neurospicy friends should definitely check out Stimpunks and give them a follow!
I just wanted an excuse to blend Solarpunk with fantasy art really.
The idea is that an environmental research facility was unwittingly built upon the back of a sleeping earth colossus due to the unique flora and fauna of the area, only for the colossus to suddenly awaken. The behemoth made an agreement with the scientists that they may stay on its back, but only on the condition that they treat the isolated ecosystem with respect and that their research will help heal nature and bring about a world where humans and nature live in harmony again.
The research facility itself is constructed from entirely sustainable materials and is a blend of iron-age and modern architecture. The scientists must stick to strict limestone paths so not to erode any of the earthy areas. Some locations cannot be accessed by foot and are therefore drone-only. The entire facility is powered by those airborne turbines (I probably added more than there needed to be but they look pretty haha).
Here's some concept art for the colossus. I made him a lot less grumpy in the final piece. He has six legs on account of him being extremely front-heavy and he has little tiptoeing ungulate feet. I also worked a lot of fossil motifs into his design, plus I imagine the wooden structures that make his antlers are so ancient that they have started to petrify. I want this creature to feel truly ancient. His face is also inspired by "the green man" a little bit.
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The scientists have nicknamed this colossus "The Wean" (Wee one) on account of him living off the coast of Scotland.
Oh and before anyone asks... yes, this was at least a little bit inspired by "Shadow of the Colossus." I'm not going to hide my influences ^^'
If you want to see more Solarpunk or fantasy art from me, please consider donating a Ko-Fi! Even a small amount really helps, especially with how difficult things are for artists right now.
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raccoonfallsharder · 3 months
I just found out Rockets VA can sing (really good actually) do you have any headcanons based on that?
mmmmm. sorry for the delay, i got distracted by rocket prompt week and also by thinking about rocket crooning in your ear.
he’s always humming, you know? (this is not a headcanon — it’s in the movies.) he’s often humming while he works. and that scene on berhert? where he’s sort of purring along with the music while plotting severe injury to the incoming ravagers? i…
sorry. focusing.
im sure the first few times you hear him mumbling lyrics under his breath, you damn near need to excuse yourself. you know you can’t call attention to it — in a best-case scenario, he'll stop singing entirely. you say nothing, and your silence is rewarded: rocket's mumbling a tune — so low your toes curl in your boots — almost whenever the two of you are working quietly on some project or another. most of the time, he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it. the rest of the time, he thinks you can’t hear him.
once, while the entire crew was dicking around in the common room and rocket started humming under his breath, pete had commented on it. you'd shot him a murderous look but it had been too late: rocket’s ears had gone flat and his tail had tucked between his ankles and his eyes had swiveled around the room. he'd been shifting and snapping out harsh words so frantically that you were sure he was scarlet under his fur. you’d had to go a miserable dozen cycles before you’d stumbled across him lilting low to himself again in the engine room one night.
fuckin pete. you still haven’t forgiven that guy.
but things get easier — at least between you and rocket — after that. there's a day when rocket looks up and realizes that you can hear him — maybe you're swaying slightly to the sound of his voice, or lightly tapping the soft pads of your fingertips like raindrops on your knee. he stumbles to a fumbling halt. you don’t say anything, though: you just pass him an encouraging half-smile before returning to whatever you were doing. you’ll hang out with him regardless of whether you get to lull yourself to the sound of his deep, pretty voice or not, you figure.
it happens again — and then again. and eventually, rocket stops stopping. he sees you walk into the otherwise-empty common area while he’s clanging away on some new cannon, or you slide into the seat next to him while he’s piloting the bowie alone — and he tosses you a little smirk and keeps going, keeps humming those bars or rumbling those words up over his ribs and out the corners of his mouth.
you’re not the first person he’s sung to, of course.
there’s a reason groot loves music. when he was just a sprout, rocket would carefully place groot's small pot right next to where he lay his own head, and he’d croon a lullaby from star-lord’s library of songs. this was how the little flora colossus first learned to fall asleep — and how he woke up — every rotation for the first dozen cycles of his life. even when groot got a little bigger and could leave his pot and run around chasing orloni, he’d still drift off sprawled on rocket’s shoulder or across the top of his head: dozing to the sound of his father clinking away on aero-rigs while humming some melody or another.
even before that — i think rocket probably sung to groot the elder, too, at least once or twice. maybe the first time rocket had seen the big guy lose his limbs, before he'd learned that they would grow back. rocket had promised tibius lark that he’d look out for the flora colossus, and now here's groot — mutilated and in pain. rocket had tried to soothe the groaning, moaning groot to sleep, wracked by guilt before eventually realizing the big idiot was just a giant frickin’ crybaby with limbs that would essentially regenerate.
still, rocket hadn’t minded singing to his friend too much after that.
maybe even earlier, too. maybe there had been a time, after explaining music to his cagemates but before telling them about flying machines. maybe he’d hummed for batch 89 too.
they would’ve thought his childish voice was the most comforting, lovely thing they’d ever heard, i think. sometimes, as you might guess, the members of batch 89 would have nightmares or be in too much pain to close their eyes and rest, and when those nights happened, rocket would have hummed them back to sleep, all low and slow and sweet.
floor would have begged for songs every chance she got. teefs would have marveled at how beautiful rocket had sounded, and lylla — lylla would have told him, very solemnly, that he had a gift.
rocket doesn't think about that very often — tries not to think about those days at all, if he's being honest — but eventually, as you know, his past comes out. it's long after he’s gotten comfortable with you, of course — and raised his son, and saved half the universe, and purchased the skull of a god, and freed himself from the high evolutionary for the last time, and become a captain, but now—
now, he remembers lylla's words.
the star children descend from the arête and different households try to take them in, but it only takes one or two failed sleep-shifts across all of knowhere before it becomes apparent that none of the kids can rest. the children have nightmares — of course they do — and they’re used to sleeping shoulder-to-shoulder with each other in cages, on hard floors. they're used to whispering stories and comforts to each other, listening gratefully to the quiet words of their siblings, small hands gripping small hands in the darkness.
it takes a while to figure out, but eventually arrangements are made — at least until the kids can adjust. spaces are shifted so the children can nest together, and it helps — mostly. drax tries telling stories. cosmo recommends warm milk. howard suggests a quarter-shot of ginsky for each kid (you promptly put the kibosh on that one). nebula comes one night to tell the kids in great detail how she’ll destroy anyone who dares to harm them. you’re so happy mantis went on her journey to find herself but sometimes, when you see how exhausted and hollow-eyed the kids are in the morning, you just wish she were back so she could help them sleep.
and then suddenly it's a few cycles later, and you realize you haven’t heard any more concerns about the kids’ night terrors. you look around and realize they’re bright-eyed again, cheeks glowing, chattering at breakfast. curious as to what ended up working — if it was the indigarran lavender satchets sent by one of kraglin’s ex-wives or it it was the broker boring them with the droning details of the histories of various artifacts he’d once had in his shop on Xandar — you come visiting one night on tip-toe, just to check in.
rocket’s there — curled up on an old armchair someone had brought in for the neverending parade of storytellers and caregivers. his voice rolls over the sleepy children, and their eyelashes droop while he lingers on some notes and skips up and down others. the sound of it curls around them — and you. his voice nestles into the shadows, practically plucking up the edges of the blankets and tucking the kids in all on its own.
you watch as, handful after handful, they drift: eased deeply into dreaming by the power and protection of the captain’s voice, all on its own.
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ohfugecannada · 1 year
The movie design for Groot is cute and all, but I love the 2008 versions of Groot/the flora colossi that look like big freaky Kaiju beasts.
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awkwardgtace · 4 months
Guardian au Lore Drop
Three public classes of guardians
9ft-150: Giant
150-250: Titan
250-400: Colossus
Private classes may or may not exist above 400
Media inspired classification of Kaiju
Media is guardians fighting monsters inspired by the larger fauna on the planet
Some have improved senses
Better scent, sight, hearing
More sensitive touch and taste
Some keep base senses
Degree of struggle interacting with human sized people varies
Receive more training and usually have aids to help with hearing and sight
No rule for when the senses are better. Could be someone 30ft tall with vastly greater senses or 400ft tall with senses equivalent to average human
Guardians have specific roles in society
Construction in the human size cities
Gathering materials near and around human size things
Mediation between the average human sized person and other guardians. This is especially common for a max height giant class in regards to any colossus class
They have better strength on average which leads to more physical roles in relation to all sizes.
Manage food for society. This is mostly processing and shipping it.
Go out to clear dangerous fauna and flora from areas near cities
Construction for housing for guardians. Yes, even colossus class houses.
Mining and such in farther locations from human cities.
Some work as peacekeepers usually partnered with a colossus when possible.
Usually go out hunting for larger size species to help supply food for titans and colossus classes.
They keep farms with crops of varying sizes. Sometimes titan or giant class guardians will be recruited to help with harvesting. Technology has made it easier for the most part where most farms are run by one single colossus guardian.
Largest ones with ties to average sized humans are often placed in a sort of peace keeper role. Not everyone is going to play nice once they’re bigger.
Kyrie takes on a peacekeeper role in the biggest human settlement. He has an older partner to handle interactions with most average humans. (it’s byssal and byssal is a minimum size Titan class so 150ft)
Exceedingly rare. Most often it seems there’s a set amount of colossus class at any time. This means that if there’s a new one, another has most likely died.
Anyone taller than 330 is exceedingly rare. Kyrie is 360 still. He a tall boy
Humans were one of the smallest creatures on a planet built for roughly the three sizes (some areas are bigger)
Eventually some humans started to grow bigger and showed intense protective instincts over others
They were called guardians and treated like a gift from the gods
As time passed humanity understood more and that it wasn’t the gods, but general genetics
Something sort of unlocked in the ones who grew to make them big full understanding is lacking even at the time of our story
Government knows a lot more than the general public is told. Some information would cause panic if widespread.
Government information Melody has learned and shouldn’t know
Guardians actually can’t remember their life at a normal size without being that size frequently. They’ll see all memories proportionate to their current size and won’t even register a problem unless actively focusing on it
The government sees Kyrie as a threat and most of the tests for a better medicine are finding ones that will debilitate him enough to capture if he becomes dangerous
The size altering medication only works when ingested as a pill. Any other form will at best make the guardian a little dazed
The ones who suffer pain when taking the medication are actually resistant to its effects. When Kyrie takes it if he wanted to fight it he could easily maintain his size. Kyrie is unaware of this, but Melody has said she knows he’d be his real size again if there was ever any danger around so she isn’t worried when he takes it. Melody hasn’t told him the truth because she knows him well. If Kyrie knew he’d take it and avoid her which is worse than taking it and seeing him in pain. At least she can help soothe his pain when he lets her be close to him.
Guardians struggle to see themselves as humans. This causes some to take horrible turns of personality. Also the reason they see Kyrie as such a threat. They don’t have any nearby colossus class who could fight him if he changes.
Common jobs for normal humans to work with guardians
General tech management and development (original goal for Melody until her internship and finding out Kyrie changed)
Relations between guardians and average humans. (Current job where she works from home a lot. Sort of like a mediator. There are times she physically goes to locations that have been having issues. Also Kyrie’s original job goal.)
Some average humans partner with peacekeepers to be a kind of go between and to draw out problems that are pretty big
There is a police force that’s sort of an extension to peacekeepers that comprises mainly giants and average humans. Peacekeepers are called in when the police can’t handle it.
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mrwolfhare · 3 days
Hellooooo, fellow Rocket Raccoon and Groot enjoyer.
Salutations my dear procyon lotor and flora colossus connoisseur!
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tinkertoysdamn · 11 months
Fic: Escape (oh god, not this song)
“I think for this task,” Loki said, looking over their planning boards, “we’re going to need a Thor variant.”
Mobius, coffee in hand, glanced over the same materials.  He was doubtful.  “But who’s going to help us?”  He took a pointed sip.  “You aren’t exactly the most,” he paused, glancing over his paper cup, “trustworthy.”
“True.”  Loki wasn’t foolish enough to deny it, “but according to this device,” referring to the Tempad, “we may have a possibility here.”  He showed Mobius the coordinates.
The other man shrugged, surprisingly cool and collected in the face of existential uncertainty.  “Sure, worth a shot.”
Once ready, they teleported to the coordinate points, and were surprised to find themselves on a spaceship.  There was no Thor, but a motley crew of aliens and one Midgardian woman all lounging about.
The Midgardian woman, a brunette with wavy hair in her late thirties, glanced up from the comic she was reading upon sensing their arrival.  Loki was surprised at how unperturbed she seemed at their sudden appearance.  
��What do you think?” the Midgardian asked her compatriot, a creature that looked like a raccoon.  “Asgardian?”
“Yeah,” the raccoon said, wrinkling her nose.  She was clad in a jumpsuit, with tiny fingerless gloves gracing her hands.  “He’s got that hoity-toity look most of ‘em got.”
“Sorry,” the MIdgardian said with a grin, “we’ve got a one Asgardian at a time policy on the ship.  Afraid I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”
“I can throw him out the airlock,” a blue man with cybernetic implants and a husky voice suggested.  
Another male alien with antennae and big dark eyes clapped his hands in glee.  “Can I do it?”
“What about me?” Mobius asked.  “I’m not Asgardian.”
“Where are you from?” the Midgardian woman asked.
“Earth.”  Then Mobius added: “Hoboken.”
The Midgardian woman grimaced.  “Jersey?  Yeah, he might need to go out the airlock too.”
“Hold it!”  Loki held out his hands in silent command.  “I am here to see Thor.  I request an audience.”
“‘I request an audience,’” the raccoon mocked him.
“Rocket,” the Midgardian admonished her friend before turning her attention back to Loki.  “What do you want with Thora?”
Thora?  Interesting.  “I am Thor’s brother,” Loki explained.  
The aliens all looked at each other, seemingly coming to the same conclusion: they didn’t believe him.
“Funny, Quill,” Rocket said, addressing the Midgardian, “I don’t remember Thora mentioning a brother, outside of the God of Death one.”
Quill, the Midgardian, regarded Loki.  “You the God of Death?”  The smirk on her face almost made it seem like she wanted it to be the case, that she was itching for a fight.  
“No,” Loki explained, “I’m the God of Mischief.  I’m—”  He decided to lay it all out of the table lest this crew make good on their airlock threat.  “I’m from another timeline.”  
The grin slipped from Quill’s face to be replaced with a grim resignation.  “Oh god, one of these.”
The alien with the antenna placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.  He soothed her by suggesting, “We can still shoot him out of the airlock.”
“Nah,” Quill took to her feet and rolled her shoulders, “I’ll take them to Thora.  Can someone tell Draxa to be on standby?”
The antennaed alien stood as well.  “I’ll wake her from her nap.”
The blue one glared as Loki and Mobius moved past as if daring them to step out of line.
Quill waved for the Time Agents to follow her.  “Thora’s holed up in her room,” she explained.  
Mobius quickly looked up some information on the Tempad as they walked.  “Apparently these are the Guardians of the Galaxy in this timeline,” Mobius whispered.  He scrolled over some pictures, giving Loki names to faces: Rocket the raccoon, Nebula the blue one, Mantis the one with the antenna, Draxa a hulking Kylosian woman, Groot the Flora Colossus and the Midgardian, one “Star-Lord” Brandy Quill.  
Quill paused in front of a metal door, knocking with a modest tap.  “Hey, I’ve got some weirdo claiming to be your brother out here,” she said.  
A muffled feminine voice came from the other side of the door.  “My what?”
“I’ll let you guys talk.”  Quill pointed at Loki and Mobius in turn, her voice low and threatening.  “You make her cry and I’m throwing you out the airlock.”
“What is with you and the airlock?” Mobius asked.
“Piss me off and find out,” Quill said with false cheeriness.  She walked off shouting to her crew, “Put on some music, we’ll give them privacy.”   
A second later, a breezy guitar number started over the loudspeakers.
I was tired of my lady We’d been together too long
Mobius looked horrified.  “Did she, did she just Pina Colada us?”
The door to the cabin opened, revealing a giant of a blonde woman in a fluffy bathrobe.  Buff and with long flowing locks, she was a goddess in early retirement.  She stared out at Loki and Mobius with anticipation and then disappointed confusion.  “Oh, who are you two?” she asked.
“I am Loki,” Loki explained, “and I presume you are Thor?”
“Loki?”  Thora, Goddess of Thunder, frowned.  “Prove it, do something Loki-ish.”
He should have anticipated the request, especially since several variants of Loki were dead, the one in this universe might be gone as well.  He thought it over for a second and then shapeshifted, becoming a feminine version of himself with long black hair.  
To his surprise, Thora immediately enveloped him in a hug.  She was taller than him, her head rested easily on his shoulder.  “It is you,” she said.  She sounded so desperately sad that Loki felt his own heart twinge.    
“I assume I’m gone here?” Loki asked, afraid of the answer.
“Yes,” Thora said, obviously reluctant to pull away.  “Thanos killed you, I couldn’t stop her.”
Loki swallowed down his discomfort.  It seemed that certain things were the same.  “I notice your friend,” he said, trying to change the subject, “is very protective.”
“Oh, Quill?”  Thora disentangled herself, wiping at her eyes.  “She’s been kind, letting me join the Guardians.  She’s given me a home and a purpose.”  Then, as if she couldn’t stop herself, “She lets me make out with her when she’s sad.”
Mobius’s eyebrow arched all the way up to his hairline.
Thora, horrified at what she just said, grasped Loki’s shoulders and shook him.  “Do not tell her I said that.  She might not allow it again.”
Loki’s head wobbled back and forth, Thora’s strength was more than comparable to the Thor he knew.  “Are you serious?” Loki asked, somewhat disgusted.  He remembered the great beauties his brother had pursued.  This Quill was perhaps cute but worth this much energy?  Ugh, what was with Thors and Midgardians?
“Her lover had been killed by Thanos and then a version from an earlier timeline came back but he doesn’t remember her,” Thora said, explaining too quickly.  “When she gets sad about it I comfort her and–” She made a gesture that Loki simply could not interpret.
Variation or not, Loki was not going to sugarcoat his feelings on the matter.  “That is incredibly pathetic.”
The expression on Thora’s face shifted, becoming less open and friendly.  “What do you want, brother?  You did not come here to discuss my love life.”
“We’ve got a big mission,” Mobius said, uncertain how useful this version of Thor would be, “the life threatening kind but you seem to be busy–”
That changed Thora’s attitude instantly.  She perked up, like the promise of battle was a lifeblood.  “Let me get dressed.”
Although their purpose was recruitment, Mobius was still confused.  “I just said this is life threatening.”
Thora went back into her room and tossed off her robe, grabbing her clothes and armor with no regard for modesty.  “How life threatening?  Can I get injured a little?”  She was pleased as punch.  “I can have Quill play nursemaid, it would drive her crazy.”
Loki and Mobius shared a look.  “As long as she’s strong,” Loki said, under his breath, “I can overlook her–”  He tried to think of how to put it.  “Everything else.”
Thora slammed the door behind her, dressed for battle.  “Come,” she said with great enthusiasm, brandishing a mighty axe, “to glory!”  
If you like makin' love at midnight In the dunes on the cape Then I'm the love that you've looked for Write to me and escape
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guardian-angel12 · 5 months
What if you’re wrong? (Fanficlet)
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"I am Groot." Groot said, squirming in his chair.
"Tinkle in the cup. We're not looking. What's there to see?" Rocket told him without turning from his gazing out the window into space. "What's a twig? Everybody's seen a twig before"
"I am Groot!" Groot's voice was increasingly panicked.
"Tree, pour what's in the cup out into space and go in the cup again," Thor said, turning to the wriggling sapling.
"You speak Groot?" Rocket asked, turning around in his captain's chair.
"Yes, they taught it on Asgard. It was an elective."
"I didn't know the language existed outside of the flora colossus species." Tess said.
"Knowledge was a very valued thing in my childhood, something many civilizations have deemed a lesser need."
"I am Groot," Groot said, now bored that he was no longer panicked about needing to pee.
"You'll know when we're close.” Thor answered. “Nidavellir's force harnesses the blazing power of a neutron star." He stepped away from the window and sat down wearily on a step, his head hung low. "It's the birthplace of my hammer. It's truly awesome." Rocket spun back around, hearing the flatness of his voice and met eyes with Tess as she noticed the same.
She bit her lip and then walked over to Thor, Rocket watched for a few long moments before turning back around.
"Not once have I heard you debate this mission," she said softly, sitting down beside him. "Can I ask what's driving you?"
He looked up slowly to her. "I swore to Thanos he'd pay for what he's done, and I mean to fulfill that promise."
She was quiet, understanding what had happened. "Who was it? Who did he kill?"
"My best friend. And then... my brother."
Her legs quivered and it felt like something squeezed her heart into her throat. "When he retrieved the space stone?"
"Yes. My brother tried to fight him... a foolish attempt but, he did it for me."
"I'm so sorry." She placed her hand on his. "I don't blame you, for wanting revenge, if someone killed my brother I... I don't think I'd come back from that."
He nodded. "Well, he's been dead before, but this time I think it really might be true."
"What about your parents?"
"Both dead."
"My sister took my eye, and my home, then died."
Tess stopped herself from exhaling. "You sure you're up for this?"
"Absolutely." He brushed off her concern with a breathy laugh she knew was fake. "Rage and vengeance, anger, loss, regret. They're all tremendous motivators, really clear the mind, so I'm good to go."
She watched him carefully. "I understand, the regret, the anger... but they don't really help in the long run. I went down that path, of vengeance. If it weren't for my brother I'd be dead right now."
"I have to do this."
"I know, but... my father told me that when you think too much, you go too much on what's right in front of you instead of look inside before you act, you get killed. He said you need to be focused, controlled, and let the rage be your fire underneath."
Thor thought for a moment and nodded slowly. "Your father sounds like a wise man, I should like to meet him."
She swallowed and looked down. "He was."
Thor’s intense blue eye watched her, then he asked softly, "What happened to him?"
Her voice was breathy, even after all these years of feeling like she was getting to be able to talk about it normally, and not break down when she had to remember that day. "He was killed saving my brother. By a celestial."
His eye flickered, then went back up to hers. "I'm sorry."
She nodded. "It was a long time ago, but it's still so fresh."
"I definitely understand all that. And your mother?"
"I don't know her. My father... he wasn't my blood father, he saved my life and raised me afterwards, but neither of my brothers were by blood either."
He nodded in understanding. "Family is more than blood."
As Tess studied him, she realized more and more how alike they were. Both had lost so much, both had been beaten and broken by the world and now as she sat with him, she didn't feel so alone.
"I've known Thanos' kind before," she said quietly. "But this is him, with almost every infinity stone. Are you sure you can do this?"
"I've fought many an enemy who would have defeated me, all failed. Thanos will be no different because fate wills it so."
"And if you're wrong?"
"If I'm wrong then... what more could I lose?"
She swallowed, looking down. She could lose people still, Rocket and Groot here with her, Peter, Gamora, Mantis and Drax. Kraglin. She could lose the world and handle it better than him.
She met eyes with Rocket across the pod, and knew in that moment he was thinking the same thing.
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skylarinfinity · 1 year
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*gamora, groot and m/n just move to earth*
neighbour : okay if i understand this correctly, you guys all from different species?
m/n : *bored* yes if you use your eyes, you can see that already.
gamora : *pinch m/n thigh and whisper shout to him* m/n behave!
m/n : *hish* ouch! what that fo-
groot : *whining* i am groot!
*m/n takes groot from gamora shoulder*
m/n : i just gonna take this little guy to the swing
gamora : *nods to m/n and continue her conversation with the neighbour* yes we're, i'm zen-whoberis m/n asgardian and groot is flora colossus.
neighbour : you guys weird as family... but love is love *shrugs*
gamora : *gamora look at m/n who make sure groot don't hurt himself* yeah love is love.
tags : @sonicqaulan
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wordsalso · 11 months
List of Entities in The Harvest
Below the cut I'm going to insert images from the Secret Invasion finale and my thoughts on each.
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Abomination: What's the point in having the DNA of Abomination AND The Hulk? Also, wasn't this DNA supposed to have come from the Endgame battle? Abomination was in jail per She-Hulk, right?
Captain America: What's the point in having the DNA of Captain America AND Winter Soldier?
Captain Marvel: So you can just transfuse infinity stone powers with DNA? Ooookay
Chitauri: What's the point of having Chitauri DNA *period*?
Corvus Glaive: What's the point of having Corvus Glaive without his, y'know, glaive?
Cull Obsidian: Back when it seemed Secret Invasion was going to replicate the Fantastic Four Super Skrull, this character made sense as a The Thing facsimile. But now? Duplicative of Abomination/Hulk.
Drax: Come on.
Ebony Maw: Ebony Maw fucks. No notes.
Flora Colossus: He is Groot.
Frost Beast: I genuinely looked forward to them trying to make this seem like the Invisible Woman but that never happened. Cool (ha) power tho.
Gamora: WHY is Gamora.
Ghost: Another very cool power set, but, wouldn't have been at the battle. I get she's going to be in Thunderbolts so maybe they have their DNA from that...honestly now this makes me wish the final battle was a Thunderbolts v "Super-Skrull" situation. Would have been more interesting. Anyway much like with Captain Marvel how does taking her DNA give you powers?
Hulk: Covered
Korg: Demonstrably weaker than Thor
Mantis: Now this is a fun addition!
Outrider: I had to look this up. I assumed those were just Chitauri?
Proxima Midnight: Also not sure what's special about her without her spear
Thanos: Them just throwing Thanos in here is IMO the 2d wildest choice.
Thor: So when Gravik died, did he go to Valhalla?
Valkyrie: Ibid.
Winter Soldier: Covered
Also not given his own screen but shown on the side is Black Panther, which I think is THE wildest choice. Because this means Fury has had T'Challa's DNA? You think maybe Wakanda would want that? I am team Do Not Recast Chadwick, but, you didn't even have to list him, guys. He has a semi-duplicative power set. If you want to do something fun, list Howard the Duck. This just made me sad. Just weird choices all around for this.
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zenwhoberi · 1 year
What is an aspect of one or more gotg characters you wish was explored or touched on more in the comics or other media?
Like, for example, I wish we got to see more of groot’s species, the Flora Colossus. They seem like a fascinating race with lots of story and world building potential, yet we usually only get brief glimpses of them on groot’s origin story(s). I guess it makes them and groot more mysterious but idk…
youre right about the flora colossus! i know a lot of versions choose to have groot as the last of his kind. just recently finished replaying the eidos game and that goes with his planet being wiped out during the galactic war. it would still be nice to know more. i haven’t read it yet but there’s still a chance that the current groot mini by dan abnett might shed light.
one thing that i often bring up regarding peter is that at the beginning of the team he got mantis to tamper with their minds. the rest of the team seem to have forgiven him for that (yes it’s comics and things are forgotten but still. he’s always around). but then there’s mantis. i would like mantis to be involved with the team more directly (gotg2023 don’t interact) and would like to know how the others feel about her. sure, it was peter’s plan, but she acted on it. she could have chosen not to. it’s been so long it’ll likely never ever be addressed but still, that was the last time she was a direct member of the team (GOTG2023 DO NOT INTERACT!!!!!). her precognitive and telepathic abilities are also super underused in the last what? 13 years? so it would be nice to have her around and explore all of that. I just think she’s neat!
i thought the gamora mini (it’s called thanos but let’s be real, it’s called that so it would sell, it’s her book) from a few years back by tini howard was really solid and i wouldn’t mind more looking back on gamora’s childhood/young adulthood and actually delving into her relationship with thanos in a way more complicated than it has been portrayed in the last couple of years. since the mcu it’s something that has definitely been looked at with a more black and white lens which is just so uninteresting. that book showed there’s potential stories to tell there.
other than that, i guess the most batshit insane stuff happens to them all the time!!! and i like it when writers don’t just brush it off like it’s nothing and things start taking their toll. guardians of the galaxy (2020) #6 where rich begins therapy is just fantastic and i would love it if the others got that amount of love and care from writers. obviously not having them all in halfworld therapy but just. having it acknowledged in universe that the stuff that happens to them? kind of fucked up. star-lord by chip zdarsky also did this with having peter have (recurring?in context of the annual) nightmares. at the end of the day it’s a comic book and i don’t want psychological drama but equally i hate it when it’s like a planet blows up or whatever and then the next months issue they’re just like OH NO!!! anyway.
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raccoonfallsharder · 6 months
if ur still taking requests, can u write about rocket stopping me from picking at my clothes? kinda hyperspecific but I've ruined many shirts by pulling at the stitching until my sleeves are split in half and the bottom of my shirt is all frayed
so sorry this took me so long, nonnie-honey. i really, really hope this is helpful and that you feel loved. ♡♡♡
✩࿐࿔ stop destroying your frickin clothes. [new 12/18]
smut-free| no use of y/n | gn reader | drabbles | word count: 1,209.
✩࿐࿔ take what you need.
࿔ eat somethin. at least grab a frickin’ snack. (wc: 576) ࿔ go to frickin bed already. (wc: 737) ࿔ get outta bed & get your shit done. & stop doomscrolling (wc: 925) ࿔ take a damn bath. (wc: 1,375) ࿔ leave your frickin skin alone. (wc: 1,579) ࿔ take a fuckin study break. (wc: 1,020) ࿔ drink some goddamn water. (wc: 1,209) ࿔ stop destroying your frickin clothes. (wc: 1649) for this sweet nonnie. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ ࿔ just buy the damn thing already. for sinikettu [est 1/1] ࿔ get some goddamn sunshine ࿔ did you take your meds today?
take a minute. where are your hands? are you pulling apart your clothes (or something else you'd rather not be pulling apart)? let's try to find something else to do for a little while.
this is about as wholesome as it gets (for me) i think. can be read platonically or romantically. mcu-based, meant to take place post-volume 3, but headcanon however you want ♡
“All right.”  You nearly jump out of your skin, eyes wide and guilty when Rocket slams a bundle of cloth down onto the low coffee table in front of you. You’d been lounging in Groot’s apartment, waiting for the Big Guy to come home from whatever task Rocket had him doing today. The Flora Colossus has been begging you to play a new game he’d gotten, and you’d finally found the time to stop by.  Unfortunately, time not spent busying your hands with something else means time spent demolishing the seams of your clothing. Little threads here and there, plucked and unraveled. Loops and pockets detaching themselves from you, seemingly at random — floating off somewhere into the ether, and leaving only holes and gaping tears behind. “You were doing it again, weren’t you?” he asks. There’s no reason you should have to answer. He already knows. You flush and look guiltily at your fingers, lacing them together to keep them hostage.  “All right,” he repeats briskly, not bothering to prod you once he realizes you’re not going to say anything. “C’mon. Got a job for you.”
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if you find any of these at all helpful, they're meant for you.
feel free to ✩ request reminders ✩ via reblogs, asks, and tumblr or ao3 comments if they would be helpful for you. it may take me a hot minute to get to them depending on life n stuff, but i will do my best
if you’d like to join my fanfiction taglist, please comment or send me a message or ask! ♡
@suicidalshitstick ✩ @glow-autumz ✩ @evolvingchaoswitch ✩ @wren-phoenix ✩ @pretty-chips
(total word count: 9,061)
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