#fly high Mr C
athenepromachos · 2 years
“You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.”
Henry taking flight in Man of Steel - Our Superman 💖
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writerswall26 · 7 months
My Sweet Cairo (Part 1)
Synopsis: The Ravens' Soccer team Captain fell in love for Cairo Sweet
Warning: Slight cursing, other than that, none that I know of (but feel free to correct me)
Words: 3.1k
Masterlist | Next Part
A/N: This is the first time I'm posting here, I hope you enjoy it. Happy Reading
Final year of high school was somewhat a bliss for a student athlete like Y/N. Everything should be perfect from then on. Grades, soccer games, even soccer practice needs to be perfect. If she wants to go to her dream university in California, she needs to do everything by the book. Be a model student, win games as a Captain of the soccer team, be everything. Being strained in a small town in Tennessee after moving a couple years ago, she did not expect to be where she is in life right now. It's too early to tell but she knows what she wants and she will get there however means necessary.
She was not rich by all means but their family got by. Her mom inherited a huge house in Tennessee from her father, then an incident happened and next thing she knows, she's flying from Australia to a place she's never heard of.
"Great job, guys! That's all for today, now go wash up and go to your class." Coach Boris Fillmore dismissed them.
Y/N was the first to the locker rooms. She has literature with Mr. Miller and she's somewhat excited when it comes to that class so she did not want to be late. Unfortunately for her, she's a few minutes late.
"Good Morning, Mr. Miller. I'm sorry I'm late." She said, panting while she sat beside her classmate Winnie Black, a girl from last semester.
Their teacher, Jonathan Miller turned to her with a smile.
"I was just starting, Ms. Y/L/N." He said, and he started the class.
"You smell nice." Y/N heard Winnie whisper beside her. This girl has always been a flirt, especially with their coach.
She turned to Winnie with a smile before flicking a paper in her face. "Stop hitting on me, you creep." She joked, hearing the girl giggle before their attention went to the front to focus on whatever Mr. Miller was teaching them.
"That's all for today's class, I expect your reviews on my desk first thing in the morning before our next class." Mr. Miller dismissed them, clapping his hands together to remove the remnants of the chalk that were stuck in them.
After Y/N finished putting her things inside her bag, she stood up and went to the front to speak with their teacher.
"Hey, Mr. Miller?" Y/N called out, making their teacher turn to her with a smile, he was always smiling.
"Here's an excuse letter for all the soccer team. Game's on the night before passing. I can pass the assignment earlier." Y/N said, handing out a paper to Mr. Miller who scanned it.
The older teacher nodded as he raised his head to look at her. "I'll be here. You can pass it before or after you win us that game. Good luck."
"Thanks, Mr. Miller. Have a great day." Y/N said before she started to walk back when she bumped into someone, making their things fall to the ground.
"Holy shit, I'm so sorry." She apologized but immediately stopped when she saw who she bumped into.
Short girl, tanned skin, freckles on her face, brunette hair, and her captivating brown eyes. Cairo Sweet.
"I'm sorry." Y/N said once again before she stooped down to grab all the books down the floor.
She heard a small giggle before Cairo stooped down to help her pick up the books that fell. "Better watch where you're going next time, superstar." Cairo said, smiling as Y/N handed her the books.
Y/N couldn't help but smile. She's had the biggest crush on Cairo since she's first seen the girl walking to school. Their houses are just a few blocks away. Since then, she would always ride her bike to school, hoping to catch a glimpse of Cairo before she got to practice. And without fail, she would pass by Cairo on the road and that would make her entire day.
"We have a game on saturday night. Do you think you could come and watch?" Y/N asked, getting all shy.
Cairo smiled. "I'll check in on my schedule."
Y/N nodded before she walked back, still smiling as she stared at the brunette girl and ended up bumping into someone again. Y/N immediately apologized before turning to Cairo who was already giggling.
"See you saturday night, Cairo." She reminded before she ran off to save herself from further humiliation.
"You're all smiles and shit." Jasmine, a friend from her soccer team said as she sat down in their physics class, taught by their coach Mr. Fillmore.
"I finally talked to her." She informed her friend, her smile not leaving her face.
"With who?"
"Cairo Sweet."
Jasmine howlered before slapping her hard on the arm which made her groan as she rubbed the soar place. "You finally did it!"
"I finally did, huh?" She said, grinning like a crazy love sick girl.
"Y/L/N, Smith, eyes up front!" Coach Fillmore called which made them straighten themselves up, but their knowing looks were there.
Before saturday, Y/N is back in Mr. Miller's classroom to pass her essay. She wanted to be a good student and not take advantage of being a star athlete. Her father always told her to focus more on being a student than being an athlete and she kept that in mind until now.
"You're early." Mr. Miller greeted her as soon as she stepped inside his classroom.
"Good morning, sir. I'm gonna pass my essay since Coach would excuse us the entire day for training. It's semis and it's a huge deal." She said, handing the teacher her polished essay.
Mr. Miller nodded. "Make sure you win us that championship or I'd fail you and tell Coach Boris to do the same in your physics class."
She chuckled. "No, you won't."
"Yes, I will."
"No, you will not."
"Yes, I will."
"Nah, you don't have the balls to do it, sir." She jokes which got her a howler from the incoming Coach, with coffee and biscuits in hands, and a laugh from their literature teacher.
"Training starts in ten, what are you doing here Y/L/N?" Coach Fillmore asked, handing Mr. Miller his coffee and laying down a biscuit on the front table.
"Mr. Miller here is threatening to fail me if we lose the championship, he's dragging your ass out to do so."
Coach Fillmore gave his friend a look before laughing. "That's not gonna happen."
"That's what I'm saying. Because I'm gonna make sure we win that championship and wave that cup in Mr. Miller's face together with my MVP cup." She said confidently and jokingly, making the two older men laugh.
"You're a cocky one, get your ass out here." Coach Fillmore said to which Y/N nodded. "And get a biscuit on the way out, you're gonna need that."
Y/N did get a biscuit and smiled at her two favourite teachers. "Later, Mr. Miller. Be ready to be humiliated when we get that championship."
"She's still not done?" She heard Coach Fillmore say.
"I'll be waiting here in my classroom." Mr. Miller followed.
By Saturday night, Y/N's nerves are on the roof. Their opponent is one of the strongest in the high school league and they're legacy. They've won 4 back to back championships and they were hard on Y/N since she came.
"I'm gonna go get some air before we start." Y/N told Jasmine who nodded.
While she was out praying and pacing, she felt a small tap on her shoulder. And what greeted her made her forget the nerves, only her smile and the presence of the person mattered from here on.
"You came... and you dragged Winnie with yah." Y/N said, glancing at Winne who had a teasing smile as she waved her fingers.
"Actually, Winne dragged me here with her, I did not intend to come."
"Why are you here?" Y/N asked Winnie who rolled her eyes.
"She wanted to watch Coach Fillmore in action." Cairo was the one who answered.
Y/N turned to Cairo with furrowed brows. "Coach Fillmore's not playing."
"But he will be out there frustrated and hot." Winnie finally spoke, making Y/N roll her eyes.
"Lay off him, will you? He's happy, contented."
"He hasn't had me yet." Winnie said with a flirtatious grin, her brows wriggling.
"That's disgusting. How about I hook you up with some of my jock friends? That's more appropriate."
"Mm-mm." She heard Cairo, making her turn to the brunette. "She doesn't like smelly cocky jocks."
"They're all rough and sweaty. I want something delicate and gentle."
Y/N made a face of disgust. "That's incredibly disturbing. And you're public enemy number 1 for me."
Winnie snorted. "You're just saying that because you don't want Cairo to have the same thinking as me."
Y/N kept quiet about that statement. But Winnie just laughed. "Oh boohoo, everyone in this school knows you're whipped for Cairo. Since sophomore years."
"Hence the reason you're public enemy number 1." Y/N said, not caring if Cairo's staring at her with this new found information. The shyness and shame is far out of her body at this point.
"Whatever you say, superstar. Go back in there, I can see my man looking for you." Winnie said, staring at a distance.
Sure enough, Coach Fillmore is out there seemingly looking for her.
"I gotta go. You two look for seats. Thanks for coming, Cairo." Y/N finally said, starting to jog back to the dugout.
"You're whipped!" She heard Winnie shout.
"And you're on my hit list!" She shouted with a smile.
"Good luck!" She heard Cairo saying which made her giddy inside.
"Where the hell have you been?" Coach Fillmore said as soon as she got to him. "Get your ass inside."
The two of them walked back to the dugout for a motivational speech from the coach. When Coach Fillmore was done, she got her stage.
"One thing, I got a girl I really really want to impress seated in one of those stands. And if we lose, I will make you all regret it." She threatened, which got her a whistling and howling from her teammates.
"That's not our problem, Cap." One of her mates said, chuckling.
"Oh, but it will be. If we lose this game, you're gonna get it from me." Coach Fillmore said, making everyone groan. "Now, get your ass out there and get us that win."
"How come you have coach on your side?!" Jasmine whined as they got out to start their game.
Y/N just shrugged as they focused. The announcer called both teams to the field and even without going out, they could hear the loud cheering and stumping. They all lined up side by side with the opponent team to have the anthem before the game started.
The first 30 minutes was a play of getting the ball and staying on the field for sheer amusement. It was boring for most people but for some, they can feel the heat starting to as the halftime comes.
"Y/N!" Jasmine shouted and passed the ball towards her. It's a free goal, she got the ball, ran her ass out and kicked it for the goal.
"And that's the first goal of the night from the Ravens' team captain Y/N Y/L/N!" The commentator shouted as the stands erupt in cheers.
She slid her way and did her celebratory dance with her teams, the cheering getting louder.
"Come on, come on!" They heard Coach Fillmore shouting as well.
The rest of the first half was them defending their post until halftime.
"That's was a great job, guys!" Coach told everyone as they cheered on the locker room for their ten minute halftime.
"They're seething. I saw them glaring at us before we went back." Y/N told their coach who nodded.
"That is why you're gonna be subbed out." He said.
There was a series of complaints but the Coach blew his whistle and they all shut up.
"Coach, you can't let her sit this second half down, they're gonna chew our asses out! We barely managed to defend them!" Jasmine said, as a matter of fact.
"Do you trust me?" Coach asked them, looking at them one by one.
There was a series of humming and yesses.
"Then you have to let me do what I do best. That is to coach you." He assured them.
"We're gonna get our asses handed to us in the second half." Y/N told their coach who walked to her.
"Do you trust me?" Coach Fillmore asked one more time but Y/N turned her head away from the older man. "Do you trust me, Y/N?"
The Captain looked at this coach, reading him. Then she nodded. "Yes, sir." Her Aussie accent coming out.
Coach Fillmore nodded as he tapped her shoulder. "Now, this is going to be the longest 40 minutes of your lives. They're gonna play whatever play they can to win and get back that point. And I want you all to give it your best shot to defend that goal post and that point you all so painfully got."
They did their team hands before they went back to the fields where Y/N sat her pretty ass down, or not. She was standing beside Coach Fillmore, watching her teammates struggle to defend the ball.
"And that is a goal for the Sharks! Great play from their team captain Trish Hudson!" The announcer exclaimed which Y/N groaned in annoyance. It was an easy goal.
The team was right, they did get their ass handed to them not less than 20 minutes in the game. Y/N was pleading to their coach but it fell on deaf ears.
"And that's another goal for the Sharks!" The commentator said.
Y/N was about to go all Lucifer on it when she noticed something from the other team's captain.
"She's limping." She said, making Coach Fillmore turn to her.
"What?" He asked curiously.
"Their star scorer, she's limping. Look." She said, nodding at the other team's captain and sure enough, she was celebrating but she was limping on her right leg.
"You're right. Why is that?" Coach asked, turning to her with furrowed brows.
"Someone rough housed her."
"One of our own? Why do you think so?" He was sceptical
"I know so. They're kinda holding out on a thread out there. An accident maybe?" She said, shrugging her shoulders.
"What did I tell yah?" He said, smiling widely at her.
"Call for the time out, then." She said with a smile and he did call for a time out.
"Alright! We're subbing Y/N back in." He informed their team with a smile.
"Finally!" Jasmine cheered as she let her head fall back.
"What made you change your mind, coach?" One of the teammates asked.
"She's limping." Y/N answered.
"What? Who?" Someone asked.
"Hudson, she's limping. Who rough housed her?" Y/N asked, looking at them one by one. "Come on, no one's blaming yah, she's a machine."
"How would we know? They're boxing us out, if we happened to kick their sheen, it would be an accident." Jasmine reasoned.
"Point taken. Now, go get us that win!" Coach said after the time out and in goes Y/N again.
She was defending the other team's captain and when the ball got to her foot, she immediately ran to the post, was about to kick the ball when she felt a sting on her left leg, making her fall. It was a bad slam.
She immediately stood up but it was still stinging from the cleats. The player got a yellow and a free ball was given.
"You got this Y/N/N!" She heard her team shouting as she closed her eyes, focused on the post, AND GOAL!
"What a wonderful hat trick from the Raven's captain Y/N Y/L/N! This seemed like an overtime coming up!" The commentator said as they celebrated.
"Let's go!" She shouted despite the aching on her left sheen but she did not mind that one bit.
Then the game continued, with 3 minutes remaining on the clock and everyone was doing their hardest to keep the ball alive, no one scoring and the defence was tight.
It was in the Ravens' possession and they were trying hard to get to the post but they were being boxed out. So when Y/N found a hole, she got the ball from her teammate and ran it like there's no tomorrow. She was being chased by 2 players but she mind nothing. The next thing she knows, her left leg was being slammed on, her face was bleeding and the ball was in Jasmine's possession...
"And goal! Right before the clock! The Ravens' take the win for the semi finals! What a goal from Jasmine Smith!" The stands erupted as everyone cheered.
Cairo has been holding her breath since the last five minutes, she's seen how the other team was playing dirty and they're aiming at Y/N. Her heart almost stopped when Y/N fell to the ground right before Jasmine scored. Even with the loud cheering and all, her eyes never left Y/N who pushed herself up and limped to her teammates, her face bleeding.
"That seemed like a bad cut." Winnie said worriedly, but Cairo still never left her gaze on Y/N who got body slammed by her teammates.
When everything was calmed, Cairo pulled Winnie with her to the lockers to check on Y/N and sure enough, she was just done getting patched up.
"That looked like a bad fall." Cairo said, walking towards Y/N who had an ice bag on her left leg and a few butterfly band aid on her right eyebrow.
Y/N's face immediately lit up as soon as she saw Cairo standing in front of her.
"Hey. Did you like the game?" She asked, fixing herself.
"It was boring." Cairo answered with a shrug.
"She was holding her breath the entire time you were out on the field." Winnie chimed in, making Cairo glare at her.
"You were?" Y/N asked, her smile widened at the thought.
"Don't be all cocky, now." Cairo rolled her eyes.
Winnie let out a playful gagging sound before she walked out. "I'll leave you two lovebirds in here while I go find Coach Boris."
"Lay off him!" Y/N shouted again but it fell on deaf ears.
Y/N shook her head before she turned to Cairo who was watching her with a small smile.
"So this is what you do huh?" Cairo said, walking towards her until she was in front of Y/N who was looking up. Despite her sitting down, she's still almost as tall as Cairo. What an adorable sight.
"Since I could remember, yeah."
With hesitation, Cairo held a hand on Y/N's cut, caressing it gently. The taller girl leaned in to the touch, her body relaxing despite her heart pounding in her chest, she thought it was gonna jump out of her body any time soon.
"Is it bad?" Cairo asked softly, making her open her eyes to look at the lovely brown eyes staring at her.
"Nothing I can take." She whispered.
Cairo smiled sweetly before she let her hand fall on her side as she stepped back. Y/N was disappointed and aching to bring that warmth back but she stayed quiet.
"Congratulations on the win. You did great out there." Cairo said with a smile, her cute dimples showing leaned down to give her a sweet kiss on the cheek.
Y/N watched as the brunette turned around and started walking. "Will you be watching the finals? I could use a little energizer."
Cairo turned her head to her with a smile. "I'll think about it." She said and she was out the door in a blink of an eye.
"You're gonna be the death of me, Cairo Sweet."
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toruro · 2 years
## last updated ...
— 11/19/23
## indicators
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choi seungcheol
— ✧ exes and oh's
— genre. smut (18+), angst, ex-friends to lovers, fluff ish — w/c. 15.8k
— ✧ the cake in the back 🌻
— genre. smut (18+), fluff, dilf!cheol, baker!reader — w/c. 3.8k
escapades (m)
sweet (like candy) (m)
take care (m)
yoon jeonghan
— ✧ can’t you see me? — coming soon
— genre. smut (18+), fwb, brother’s best friend, angst, fluff — w/c. estimated 10k+
choking + thigh riding (m)
hong joshua
— ✧ mr. nice guy 🌻
— genre. smut, neighbors au — w/c. 5.3k 
— ✧ isohel 💐
— genre. modern royalty au, slowburn, angst, fluff — w/c. 26.2k
— ✧ 00:00
— an alternate ending to isohel — genre. angst — w/c. 850+
take (all of it) (m)
too much (not enough) (m)
pup (m)
untitled (m)
[14:39] (m)
gentleman (m)
wen junhui
make me a mess (m)
one bed (two hearts) (m)
like crazy (w/c: 1.6k) (m)
fucking in your childhood bedroom (m)
untitled (m)
[19:44] (m)
kwon soonyoung
— ✧ crazy stupid love
— genre. smut (18+), f2l, fwb, minor angst, fluff — w/c. 3.6k
— ✧ bark (like a dog) 💐
— a part of new rules — genre. smut (18+), mafia au, minor angst, — w/c. 7.3k
drive me up a wall (m)
impurities (show you my impurities) (m, f)
riding him on the couch (m)
untitled (a, m)
jeon wonwoo
— ✧ love you twice — pt.1pt.2pt.3 (m, f, a)
— discontinued — rewrite being considered* — genre. smut (18+), fluff, teacher wonwoo, single mother reader, minor angst
— ✧ desperate 🌻
— genre. smut (18+), established relationship, fluff, minor angst — w/c. 3.7k
— ✧ scrawled in sand
— genre. smut (18+), break up au, angst — w/c. 2.8k
threesome w/ mingyu (m)
light a flame (m, a)
[18:55] (m)
lee jihoon
[7:34] (f)
[20:56] (f)
side by side (m) 💐
lee seokmin
thigh riding (m)
kim mingyu
— ✧ to the brim 🌻
— genre. literally just smut (18+), husband mingyu — w/c. 2.9k
— ✧ back to december
— genre. smut (18+), best friends to strangers to lovers, angst, fluff — w/c. 4.3k
angel — pt. 1 pt.2 (m)
bday fun (m)
overstim (m)
trust (fall) (m) 🌻
what a view (m)
too hot (m)
[16:09] (f)
xu minghao
— ✧ the letter 💐🌻
— genre. slowburn, fluff, angst, childhood f2l, idol au — w/c. 26.6k — smut posted separately and not relavent to the plot
— ✧ red (k)nights
— genre. smut(18+), royalty au, fluff — w/c. 6.7k
— ✧ oh my!
— genre. smut (18+), fluff — w/c. 13.6k
— ✧ devil by the window
— a friday the thirteen special! — genre. smut (18+), enchanted forest au, fairy reader, demon hao — w/c. 4.6k
— ✧ flight of the starts 💐
— genre. smut (18+), f1 au, angst, fluff, racer minghao, physiotherapist reader — w/c. 13.3k
— ✧ idubilu
— genre. smut (18+), ceo & husband minghao, fluff — w/c. 2.8k
holding hands (m, f)
flying & fucking (m)
untitled (m, f)
[21:03] (f)
blade of hearts (m) 💐
[22:34] (m)
do not touch (m)
mile high club ... ? (m)
boo seungkwan
sweet things (m, f) 💐
corruption kink (m)
chwe vernon
untitled (f)
[10:12] (f)
lee chan
— ✧ crybaby 💐
— series. 2/3 completed — genre. smut (18+), tattooist chan, crybaby reader, fluff, minor angst — total w/c. 13k
push and pull (m)
untitled (m, f)
take it (m)
[21:14] (m)
messy messy messy! (m)
nectar of the gods (m, a)
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do not repost, copy, or modify my work.
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percervall · 1 year
play the cards
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Pairing: Lando Norris x fem!reader Words: 1605 Warnings: smut, public sex, improper use of playing cards, fingering, dirty talk, praise kink, pain play (is that a thing??) a slightly subby!Lando
In which you and Lando join the Mile High Club
Dating a professional athlete sure was an adjustment, you had discovered. Of course you knew going in your boyfriend’s schedule would be gruelling, but that didn’t mean it made for an easy adjustment to figure out how to merge both your worlds. The upside, however, was that there were days like today where you get to fly on a private jet provided by some sponsor. While Max and Jon managed to fall asleep as soon as the jet reached altitude, you had never been able to sleep on planes. So Lando had offered to keep the both of you entertained with a card game he had learnt from one of the other drivers when they were still in Formula 2. 
“You’re such a dork,” you mutter, but snap the photo anyway as you fight the grin that’s tugging at the corners of your mouth. Lando couldn’t believe his luck when he noticed how he had managed to draw both the four of hearts and the four of diamonds. 
“But I’m your dork,” Lando replies, smiling this dopey smile that makes your heart flutter. You chuckle at that, dropping your cards on the little table in between your chairs and climbing on to his lap instead. 
“Mm, you very much are,” you all but purr, before kissing him. Lando hums into the kiss, dropping his hand of cards as well to rest them on your hips. Breaking the kiss, you unbutton the top buttons of his shirt and pick up one of his discarded cards. 
“What’s the plan now, Mr Norris?” you murmur, and gently run the edge of the card across his exposed neck. The sharp intake of breath makes you look back at his face. He’s staring at you eyes wide, but what strikes you is how the green of his eyes almost gets swallowed up completely by the black of his pupils. You drag the card down his collarbone as you roll your hips against him and feel almost drunk on the whimper he lets out. 
“You like that baby?” you whisper, teeth sinking into your bottom lip as you feel him throb against you. Instead of answering your question, Lando lets out a strangled noise that sends a jolt down to your pussy and has you clenching around nothing.
“Mm, I’ll take that as a yes,” you murmur, running the edge of the playing card across the other collarbone. 
“Please,” Lando manages to get out, chest heaving underneath your hands. You lean in closer, pressing your aching core against the hard outline of his cock in his jeans. 
“Please what, baby?” you whisper in his ear, hand removing his baseball cap to run your fingers through his curls. You gently tug when he doesn’t reply, drawing another moan from him.
“Keep going,” he whispers back, swallowing thickly, eyes unfocussed as he looks at you. 
“You gotta be quiet tho, wouldn’t want to wake them,” you say softly, nodding to your left, “Such a shame, really. You always make the prettiest sounds for me.” 
Lando gasps at this, eyes fluttering closed. Not being able to stop the smirk, you drag the playing card down his neck once more, applying the slightest bit of more pressure. This time the card leaves an angry red mark across his delicate skin that you can’t help but sooth with kisses. Lando bucks up into you, your name falling from his lips like a broken prayer as his fingers dig into your hips. You hear the hitch in his breath, smirk once more against his skin and move your lips to his ear. Lando is teetering on the edge and you fully intend to send him flying. 
“Are you gonna be a good boy, are you gonna cum for me baby?” you whisper before sucking on the spot behind his ear, surely to leave a mark. Lando tightens his grip on you, a shudder running through him. You can tell he is trying so hard to hold onto that last shred of self control. Sliding a hand into his curls once more, you tug as you grind down on him.
“You always look so pretty when you cum,” you coo, capturing his lips with yours and swallowing his moans when his control snaps and he comes without you even having to touch his cock. You lift your hips off him, lavishing his flushed skin with kisses.
“My pretty boy,” you murmur, taking in your handiwork. The skin across his clavicle is littered with red marks, and a few hickeys are starting to appear on the skin of his neck. Sitting back you look at him, watch him come down from his high. 
Lando licks his lips, and swallows hard. A look of embarrassment replaces the bliss on his beautiful features as the realisation dawns on him.
“Fuck..” he mutters, “s-so sorry-..” 
You shake your head, and take his hand in yours, guiding it underneath your skirt. Watching his face intently, you drag two of his fingers over your underwear. Lando’s eyes first widen before heating up as it dawns on him that watching him come undone is the biggest turn on and he feels just how wet you are because of him. The grin he gives you makes your stomach flip and you fight the urge to squeeze your thighs shut.
“Yeah?” he asks, running a finger along the seam of your panties.
“Yeah,” you breathe out, steadying yourself on his shoulders. 
Lando pulls your panties to the side and drags one long finger along your folds.
“Fuck, sweetheart..” he murmurs, drawing a slow circle around your throbbing clit. You roll your hips, willing him to finally put those fingers where you’re aching for him. Lando seems more than happy to just take his time, drag this out for as long as he can. 
“Please,” you murmur, desperation settling in the pit of your stomach, keenly aware that you only have so much time before the plane will either start landing or the two men asleep across the aisle will wake up. 
“Already begging, must be a new record baby,” Lando teases you, sliding just the tip of his finger into you before returning to rubbing circles. 
“Fuck you, if you won’t give me what I want I’ll do it myself,” you sulk, earning you a chuckle from your boyfriend.
“Oh, I’d love to see you try sweetheart, would love to see you try and find that spot,” Lando says, corner of his mouth turned up in a sly smirk. Gritting your teeth, you have no other choice but admit defeat. Unfortunately for you, you had told him you had never been able to reach it yourself with your fingers and Lando is now more than happy to help you remember this. Secretly you love this back and forth, where he is more than happy to let you take control only for you to relinquish it just as willingly. So instead of arguing, you lean forward a little to kiss him.
“Please Lando, please make me cum,” you whisper, moaning quietly as he finally gives in to you and slides two fingers into your dripping pussy, curling them and immediately finding that spot that always has you seeing stars. You rest your forehead against his, whimpering as his palm applies pressure against your clit while he fucks you with his fingers. 
“Always so good,” you murmur, eyes fluttering closed as you roll your hips against his fingers. You can feel him smile as he moves his lips to your jaw, down to your neck where he sucks hard enough to leave a matching mark behind your ear. The sting only adds to the orgasm that’s rapidly building. 
“Can’t wait to fuck you, to sink my cock into this wet cunt of yours,” Lando whispers against your skin. 
“Yes…” you hiss out, back arching as the coil in your stomach tightens until it snaps. Lando pulls you closer by your neck, kissing you to try and keep you quiet as you climax around his fingers. Your whole body trembles with the aftershocks as you come down from your high, heart beating hard against your ribs. Lando carefully pulls his fingers out, and the sudden loss has you whimpering. He smirks, sucking both digits into his mouth. You watch him breathlessly as he savours the taste of you as if you were his favourite dessert. Unable to stop yourself, you kiss him once more, moaning when you taste yourself on his tongue. Lando puts your panties back in place, looking up at you with so much love and affection, it squeezes your heart. 
“Love you,” you whisper, nuzzling into him and tucking your head against his shoulder. He smiles, drawing lazy patterns on your shoulder.
“Love you, too, sweetheart,” he whispers back, setting off butterflies in your stomach. You feel your body relax into him, sleep pulling at you. 
“Are you two quite finished?” You’re on the verge of falling asleep but Max’ comment has you wide awake again. You feel Lando freeze underneath you, hand stilling on your shoulder. 
“Yep,” Lando manages to say, voice strained. 
“Thank fuck,” Max breathes, pulling the hood of his hoodie down and getting up. You watch him walk to the back of the plane before quickly glancing over to where Jon is still slumped in his chair, snoring quietly. Lando’s eyes meet yours and the both of you need to fight back laughter.
“I think this might be the last time Max flies with us,” you whisper between giggles. Lando hides his face in your shoulder as his body shakes with silent laughter. 
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Uhm, so this is what happens when @kostasstsimikass feeds the Lando brain rot. I started this at 7pm last night and finished it when I woke up this morning. There was only one logical outcome of those photos 🙈
Hope I managed to capture Lando in this, please let me know what you think!
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londonfog-chan · 4 months
Eddie Munson x Reader: Ulterior Motives
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Warnings: Minors DNI, 18+. Mentions of smutty things and pot. Also mentions of being high if that doesn’t sit right with you. Please use your better judgment and be safe out there with edibles y’all.
I fucking told you all this shit would happen one day. I told you I was working on that Ulterior Motives fic. Here it is babes.
It was the sexy beat of the drums that probably caught you off guard.
The wet sound of his tongue against your neck intermingled with the sinful sounds blaring on the television. You tasted like Betty Crocker chocolate.
And then the keyboard came… Maybe a Yamaha or Lowrey.
The sexy percussions…
He couldn’t hear you, fumbling for the fly of his jeans as your underwear went sailing over the couch. An unintelligible groan rippled through his throat as the actress on the flick began to sound off, and then the vocalist came on…
“-ing in yo… yes make me realize...”
“Eddie get off I can’t hear!”
You pushed Eddie Munson off you abruptly and his head smacked hard into the coffee table, making him yelp in pain.
Clutching the aching part of his skull and ruffling the messy waves of his brown locks, he looked indignant to see you crawling out from under him on all fours. Your pathway was clear ahead: straight for the glow of the television that beckoned in the dark room like a forbidden idol against the teal carpet and wood panels of your family’s home. The haze of pain sadly didn’t allow him to admire the curvaceous view he currently had of your behind as you crawled on hands and knees. Which was a shame, because you were clad in nothing but his Black Sabbath shirt, and the view from the back was spectacular.
But for you to push him off that quickly… Maybe he did something wrong?
“I’m sorry!” he began quickly apologizing, pulling up his underwear and zipping the fly of distressed Levis quickly as though someone had just walked in, “Sorry! I guess I just got carried away and I thought you wanted…”
Eddie froze. His face contorted further into worry. He thought you were going to tell him you heard the characteristic car door slam of your mother’s 1979 Dodge Aspen from the adjacent garage. Evidently the last thing on your mind was hearing anything except for the television. You were pressed against the speaker, trying to listen in to something, although he doubted it was the wet noises or the groaning currently playing out.
Guilt and dread filled his chest. It was all going to shit. This had all been his idea and the whole experience had been one long string of bad luck altogether.
Originally it was a simple plan concocted after you finally passed Mr. Mundy’s remedial math final with a C. Weeks of struggling through understanding your homework and your boyfriend’s high proficiency help finally paid off. Eddie had taken you out to Palace Arcade to spoil the shit out of you with as much time as you wanted on the new Elvira pinball machine, but he felt that treat was just too tame in comparison to achieving such a big goal. Considering Mundy was the last obstacle standing in your way for graduation with him, Eddie thought of something more enticing to welcome you into the ranks of those who would walk for their diploma.
He'd proposed the idea when you called him to tell him your mother had to leave for a few days on business. A different scenario was pictured then: a fun night in with a sleepover at your place with some greasy burgers and crinkle cut fries from Big Top, homemade Munson Special Treats, and a suspiciously obtained copy of one of his favorite porno flicks, Angels of Passion, for the evening’s viewing pleasure. Concluding the evening with a stoner’s nightcap and eating everything the two of you could get your grubby hands on afterwards.
It had been going well up until you flipped out on the shitty music.
“Baby… are you ok?” Eddie asked, rubbing the back of his head as he sat up.
He got scared when you didn’t respond at all. Hardly acknowledging he was there.
“Oh fuck me Freddy… Green out babe? You’re not having a bad one are you?!” He asked, his heart racing with fear. “Was it too strong for you? I told you to tell me if you started feeling-…”
You turned around with a scowl, putting your finger to your lips as you shushed him harshly. Whether it was Eddie’s ‘special treats’ working their magic or it was the actual shitty pop that Eddie hated, you were simply unmovable. The tune wasn’t Eddie’s style at all, then again if he was watching an adult film he wasn’t really paying attention to whatever out of tune noise the director chose for music. But you seemed fascinated.
You hummed softly along to it, and when the scene ended, you immediately rewound the tape.
“Woah… ok, what are we doing here baby? What are you listening for?” he asked, crawling over to sit next to you as you worked the Betamax.
“What is this melody?!” you asked, using a mocking British accent that you often took on for your rogue character during Hellfire’s current Battle for Baldur’s Gate Campaign.
“… the shittiest stock music known to man?” Eddie responded, and it took him a while to formulate a coherent answer that was both kind and not outright laughing at you, “It’s porno music babe. If it ain’t metal it means nothing to us.”
“Holy fuck…” you hissed through your teeth, “This song… it… it’s really fucking awesome?!”
Okay… Now what the fuck else were you eating besides badly made pot brownies from Uncle Wayne’s tiny kitchen?!
“… You’re kidding, right? Baby… it’s a POP song! Since when do we listen to pop?! Bad pop at that, some of the shittiest music imaginable and you’re here acting like it’s Mr. Crowley.”
Eddie was flailing his arms, almost hurt with you for turning against his strict metal only code in his presence. Normally you had varied tastes, and he tolerated it to a point; the only rule was nonmetal did not exist in your shared van, but anything goes on your Walkman where you could plug in your headphones and Eddie could blast something else on the cassette deck of his 1971 Chevy Van.
“Yeah that’s it… you’ve had way too much.” Eddie said, beginning to try and pull you away from the television, “No way would you find this crap enjoyable if you weren’t completely baked and tone deaf.”
“Eddie no, you don’t understand this is… how the fuck is a porno song this good???” you hissed to yourself.
It had to be the brownies… Had to be… What the hell else could it have been?! Pulling at his hair, Eddie reasoned you had to have eaten too much against his advice. Admittedly he’d bitten off a little more than he could chew today as well, and he could feel it settle in the longer he tried to pull you away from the tv. He usually could pull off pregaming a joint before a treat and still maintain some modicum of law and order of the two of you, but you’d never done this before. You had insisted earlier you would be fine, but he suspected you had bitten off more than you could chew. Definitely on the verge of a green out if your taste in music was declining this badly.
“Eddie this is so good… how the hell did they get like actual musicians to perform for a porn?” you asked, almost desperate. “I wish I could hear the rest of it… if this stupid bitch wasn’t moaning her little bimbo head off…”
“Sweetheart, that’s the whole point of the flick…” Eddie said, holding you against him as he looked deeply into your eyes. “It’s just something to have on in the background while the lead gets plowed like a cornfield. Doesn’t have any other kind of special meaning beyond that.”
You weren’t even paying attention. Completely transfixed, possessed even, as you began to hum along with the song, shaking your backside slightly with the beat. When you began to sing, Eddie had a moment where his brain began to short circuit. You had quite a captivating voice, deep and contralto, although he could never convince you to sing for him beyond screaming along to Rainbow in the Dark while parked out at Lover’s Lake.
“… everyone knows that… ulterior motives… what the hell did he say…?” You muttered, trying to follow along with the lyrics.
You rewound the video at least eight times, each time ignoring Eddie complaining and trying to get you to stop. The music was so bad, he didn’t even notice that after a while, he started feeling like maybe he’d also had a little too much. Shit! He definitely fucked up and pregamed a little too much in anticipation of your sleepover. He should have been paying attention. There was a point where he’d thought he’d rolled tobacco and not the reefer, and cautiously ate a little more of the brownies when after an hour he hadn’t felt the high, but he certainly could have just checked better and stayed with eating only half.
Each time you rewound the tape, you learned a little more of the song, until you perfectly memorized the lyrics that you were able to hear.
“Oh my god Eddie…” you said, completely out of your mind. “Holy shit… I think this is the best song ever written?”
“Jesus H. honey… What, are you a little preppie cheerleader that listens to Madonna now? You a jock?!” There wasn’t much lyrical genius that he could make out above the obnoxious moaning of the actress currently being engaging in the illicit acts. “Listen babe, let’s forgo the porno, okay? I’ll put on our album instead and we’ll listen to real music. You want that baby? I know you love Holy Diver?”
“Eddie just… Just trust me… ha… haha…” you suddenly had a fit of giggles, excited and tickled that you were able to learn the lyrics so quickly. You could hardly talk. And Eddie could hardly even get himself together enough to just shut the damn tv off.
But what happened next suddenly changed everything: you stood up quickly, and began swaying.
“Oh good God above now you’re dancing, babe, come back here…!”
At first Eddie scrambled to his feet, he was afraid the love of his life was going to fall and crash into the entertainment center, but you seemed to really be dancing, following the rhythm fairly well for being baked out of your mind. Your dance was sloppy, wild and reckless, you gyrated your hips mostly, dancing like you were the only one in the room.
Eddie froze. He was almost transfixed, more so on the way you danced rather than the fact that you were transfixed on the song still.
“Eddie watch just… just listen to it again…” you stopped to have a fit of laughter.
“I don’t like this...!” he said, more cautious than curious at this point.
“Eddie! Just trust me! Let me listen to it again, one more time…! Please?”
He hesitated. Every fiber of his being screaming about the dangers that having both of you out of your minds could cause. The logical part of his brain screamed danger, saw it lurking in the sharp corners, odds and ends and angles of the room. He should get you both to bed before one of you got hurt. He should be the responsible one for once in his goddamned life instead of being the bad influence…
“God dammit…” he growled, wiping the final remnants of shame from his face. “Fine. One more time, and then we’re shutting shit down.”
You couldn’t press rewind fast enough. The scene began all over again with the drums, a soft ‘oh yeah’ from the blonde star being worked over by some stud, honestly at this point Eddie had seen the blonde get railed under the giant Coca Cola poster so many times and was getting so high as time marched on he couldn’t even find it in himself to get hard. He was utterly desensitized to the scene, until he saw you begin to dance again, and you were looking at him like you were starving.
“Something in your eyes makes me realize… how strained this feels...” your voice was smooth, a low alto so unlike anything he’d heard in his life. Although you weren’t practiced, and still very high, something about the way you seemed to just be enjoying yourself, letting loose… through the floating giddy feeling creeping up on him, Eddie was just completely captivated watching his beautiful lover have unabashed fun dancing to terrible music.
You reached out to Eddie, fingers beckoning him to dance with you, hips swaying as you continued to sing along.
Now how could he resist you like that? All hot and bothered, needy for him, beckoning him in for a dance…
He moved automatically in, moving slightly to the beat as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pressed against him while singing the chorus, sweet little voice softening when you sang ‘tell me the truth’ in a cadence that lilted up at the end, as if you were trying to flirt with him. It was actually very endearing… and Eddie was finding the longer the song went on, he didn’t actually mind the song so long as it was you singing to him.
The longer you danced together, closely pressed against one another, the greater the intensity of the passion was as the raw sexual tension built up. You slowly slid your hands down Eddie’s body, massaging and teasing him as you then slipped your hands into the back pockets of his jeans. You gave him a firm, loving squeeze. Your eyes were watery, squinting up at him in the dark, but to him you looked like an angel.
It had to be the sounds from the television getting to you both on some subconscious level, because the next thing he knew Eddie was being pulled backwards until you both hit the couch, Eddie pinning you to the cushions as you continued to dance, swaying and moving against one another. He didn’t know when it started happening, just knew that at some point the Levis were pooled at his ankles and there you were. Surrounding every sense all at once. Buried in warmth. He was so consumed by a passion that burned hot and heavy, following a rhythmic pattern of give and take, soft and wet, hot and heavy all at the same time, the once terrible music becoming a symphonic masterpiece as you and he made music of your own.
When he pulled away from you, after the most earth shattering peak of enticement, he noticed you were staring at him with stars sparkling in your eyes.
“Best song ever written, right?” you asked, mouth hanging open as you both panted in the aftermath of love.
“Yeah…” he breathed, trying desperately to catch his breath as you took it away with your beauty. “Best song ever written babe…”
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orobaxis · 2 years
No. 20 for Ominis? I really loved the oneshot you wrote c:
thanks a lot professor black
ominis gaunt x reader arranged marriage au
summary: your crush on ominis gaunt comes to a head when professor black uncharacteristically gives ominis advice.
word count: almost 3k!
also a prompt: "it hurts me, just how much i ache for you."; slytherin!reader
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you like to think that your crush on ominis gaunt isn’t that obvious. after all, he only knows you because of that arrangement your families decided on when you were kids. the only times you had interacted with him were when you asked him a couple of time if anne was around (she is your friend and partner in some classes), and when he would say a polite “hello” to you in herbology (your potting stations are across each other). some interactions too whenever anne would drag you around, but you wouldn’t consider yourself friends. he was very particular to people he considers friends, and for now, it was only the sallow twins. even lucan brattleby was just an “acquaintance”. now, you are starting to think that either: 1) anne is a seer, or 2) your crush isn’t as inconspicuous as you previously thought.
anne sends you a knowing smile whenever he and sebastian enter a classroom or sit close to you in the great hall. always nudging you with her elbow and waggling her eyebrows teasingly whenever ominis opens his mouth to talk. snaps her fingers in our face when you would stare absentmindedly at the boy who doesn’t know better.
“are you some sort of seer?” you ask anne, who laughs at that. you now walk to transfiguration, where you and anne share a desk and sebastian and ominis share a desk beside you. you try not to make it too obvious when you try to catch glimpses of the gaunt boy, often finding yourself smiling whenever he and sebastian mutter something to each other and snicker (much to professor weasley’s chagrin).
“why do you ask?” anne questions. “is it because i know of your infatuation with mr. ominis gaunt?”
“hush, you!” you scold her, feeling heat rising from your neck to your cheeks. she laughs at how flustered you must look. “i would have denied it but you always tease me whenever he’s around.” you pout and she nudges you in an attempt to console you.
“come on, y/n,” she says, “i think ominis is the only one who cannot see how much you like him. but only because he literally cannot see you staring.”
you purse your lips and say nothing. the silly little schoolgirl crush started when you were just in your first year. your parents wrote to you that your betrothed also started school at hogwarts as a first year, and that he and his family are renowned for being direct descendants of salazar slytherin himself. you were so excited when you found out, hoping to catch a glimpse of your betrothed and intrigued more than ever knowing his family background. he must be some stoic and powerful wizard then, you thought to yourself. someone who takes his family name seriously, top of the class and able to do very advanced magic.
nope, you first found ominis and sebastian sallow (his best friend) in the courtyard, crouching on the ground in concentration. curious, you approached them and he and sebastian let out a shriek in surprise when you piped up, “what are you doing?”
“ah! we didn’t notice you!” sebastian exclaimed! “ominis, why didn’t you notice her?”
“i was concentrating!” ominis, short and with a high-pitched voice at eleven, whined, “we were trying to catch bugs, you know!”
anne had hopped to your side by then, watching as her friends stood up, not wiping their robes that were partially covered in grass and mud, “what were you going to do with the bugs?”
“well, levitate them of course!” ominis answers excitedly, “we wanna see them fly!”
your eleven year old self was so confused, trying to come to terms with the fact that ominis was…not what you thought he was. you imagined him to be a powerful wizard, but he was just…like you. he was just a kid. you apologized for disturbing them, now feeling bad for distracting them.
“you can make it up to us by helping us find some,” ominis suggested, “two heads are better than one.”
“technically four heads are better than one,” sebastian commented.
you and anne exchanged looks before grinning, settling yourselves on the grass to find the bugs that ominis and sebastian desperately wanted to find.
it was during the third year when you were shocked to see ominis again. no longer was there a short and high-pitched sounding little guy, he somehow got stretched during the summer, now taller than you and anne (sebastian also stretched a bit and now stood tallest of the trio). his voice got deeper and he started to style his hair. you remember staring at him in shock as you sat across him at the great hall, a chicken leg on your hand stopping halfway to your mouth.
sebastian must have noticed your staring, teasingly cleared his throat, “y/n, we were asking how your summer was.”
“oh,” you shook your head, trying to dispel the thoughts and daydreams, “it was good. your…your voices sound different.”
ominis grins at that, “mine is. sebastian’s voice cracks.”
“no it doeSN’T,” his voice cracked halfway and you four laughed. you bit a chunk out of your chicken leg, still eyeing ominis. his beauty marks look prominent now. he also started walking a lot more differently–confidently. and his smiles–
you coughed, choking on your chicken. anne laughed and started patting you on your back hard. “focus y/n,” she continued laughing.
the current week is getting a bit hectic. you have many things to do, lots of essays to write, and because of curfew, you cannot be in the library for as long as you wanted. this leads to you trying to finish all your work in the slytherin common room, hunkering down with other students, mostly other fifth years, as you prepare for your O.W.L.S. after a few late nights, you found out that you need a lot of food to keep your mind stimulated and make sure that you don’t fall asleep until you finish whatever you need to get done. so you had taken it upon yourself to stop by the kitchens after dinner to stock up on as many sweets, pastries, and other delicacies as you can to bring to the dungeon. you tickle the pear, which laughed and turned into a doorknob, and go into the kitchens, expecting to see nothing but house elves floundering about. while you know that the location of the kitchens is not exactly a secret, you are still surprised when you find ominis inside. he is chatting with a house elf, who is carrying a tray of cupcakes.
“mistress y/n!” lorry, a house elf you had befriended, pops next to you, carrying a hefty tray of assorted goods. “lorry has prepared lots of food for mistress y/n who needs to study for O.W.L.S!”
ominis turns to you and lorry, his eyebrow raising. “i didn’t know you knew where the kitchens are.”
you wound your hands together, turning pink. very rarely do you get to talk to ominis alone, and despite knowing him for five years now, you still find yourself nervous. “oh, yes…i accidentally found it in our second year when i got lost.”
he grins, “i found it during our first year.” the elves excuse themselves as they return to their work and you are about to also excuse yourself to leave and return to the common room, but ominis is already standing beside you and greeting the elves goodbye. “thank you for the food,” he tells them.
“of course master ominis sir!”
you swear he flushes at that, and he ducks his head with a smile as the door closes behind you. “i notice that you stay up late in the common rooms. are you busy preparing for O.W.L.S?”
you hum in confirmation, “yes. and we have so many assignments to be done soon.” you sigh, “i haven’t even started on the herbology assignment.”
he pipes up, “me too, i haven’t started it either.”
the descent to the common room is followed by a comfortable silence. you relish the moment now, knowing that you will be thinking about this tonight. you are walking close together that you can smell him, feel the swishing of his robes, and hear his breathing. oh he is so close to you that you can just grab his hand and–
you blink, and notice that he is tilting his head in your direction. he must have asked you something!
“oh! sorry, what was that? i’m just…distracted.”
ominis’ smile is soft. “i asked if you would like to work on the herbology assignment together tomorrow. we can go to the greenhouses.”
your breath hitches at his words. together? just you and him? or you and him and the sallow twins? ominis asked you to work with him tomorrow? trying not to scream out loud in excitement, you try to sound as nonchalant as possible, “sure. we can do that.”
“i’ll see you tomorrow then.” he nods at you, a smile still on his face. one, two, three, four…he has so many beauty marks, who knows that they look so good on his face. are they beauty marks because they make him look so beautiful? or are they just marks that now look beautiful because they are on his face? the smile he wears on his face makes him even more attractive, you just want to squish his cheeks and–
focus, y/n, focus!
“good night y/n,” he bids you with a grin and a small bow before proceeding to his dormitory. you stand there in the middle of the common room, mouth agape, heart racing, head pounding, and so so infatuated and in love.
the next morning, you find yourself and ominis on your way to the greenhouses when you see the headmaster strutting in your direction. “headmaster black is coming!” you whisper to ominis beside you. he frowns, his wand up to guide him, and wonders to himself, “the headmaster? here? what could he want?
“mr gaunt! miss y/n,” the headmaster exclaims, you try to look as passive as ever while your mind wonders what he is doing here talking to students, “where do you two think you’re going?”
“i beg your pardon sir,” ominis starts politely, “we’re simply on our way outside.”
the headmaster scoffs, “taking the day off to go on dates, eh?” you shake your head at that, quickly turning redder than a tomato at this suggestion, “typical students, wasting the hours away.”
“headmaster,” you chime in, “we–we actually have to write twenty pages on dittany and its uses. we were just heading to the greenhouse.” you don’t know why you try to vehemently defend yourself against headmaster black’s accusations, but the implication that you two are on a date still rings in your head.
“ah, yes,” black assents, “mixed with…um…bubotuber pus…makes a fine…er–mustache paste.” he glances at you and quickly clears his throat, “yes, mustache paste…i find.”
you scratch your head in confusion, while ominis’ frown deepens, “are you alright, sir?” he asks the headmaster. “you don’t seem yourself.”
you remember hearing from anne that ominis’ family along with other prominent pureblood families all know each other. ominis has probably met the headmaster outside of hogwarts, in house parties and whatnot. you wonder how your parents managed to make an arrangement with a family as prominent as the gaunts, then, seeing as your family is not that well-known, nor does it come from some powerful bloodline.
“i assure you i am quite healthy, gaunt,” black sticks his head up in annoyance, “if i need a medical diagnosis, i shall head to st. mungo’s.” turning to you, he huffs, preparing to leave, “better keep your future husband in check, l/n, lest he gets too nosy.” he straightens his coat and speeds off.
now that makes you even more embarrassed. you have always been afraid of even thinking about the betrothal around ominis, especially when you found out that he and his family do not see eye to eye. you think you are both forced into this predicament, and knowing that he doesn’t approve of his family’s views, it also goes to show that he is not happy about the arrangement. so despite telling the twins, you begged them not to bring it up with ominis, afraid that he will all be reminded of this precarious engagement and pull away from you. you cringe as you and ominis quietly walk away, afraid that he will excuse himself and never talk to you again.
“something is very wrong with professor black.” he exclaims, and you deflate at his words, wounded. you open your mouth to apologize, when he continues, “dittany and bobutuber pus? mustache paste?”
you cannot help the giggle that escapes your mouth at his very confused expression. “maybe he was giving you some advice on how to properly care for your mustache should you decide to have one when you’re older.”
ominis grunts at that. “i don’t know if i want a mustache, or want to look anything like professor black.” he chuckles at your teasing, “when i start growing a mustache and beard when we’re older, you’ll help me shave it off, won’t you?”
you feel yourself almost spontaneously combusting at the thought. he just gave you a very detailed picture that sends you right into a daydream: you and ominis, finally wed, you laughing as you lather his face with shaving cream and slowly shaving him while he rests his arms around your waist. you cough loudly which startled ominis, and begin fanning yourself as you start sweating and getting hot in embarrassment.
you are eight pages into your dittany essay when you find yourself staring at him. after five years, it is safe to say that you are now helplessly inlove with ominis gaunt. however, the nagging feeling in your heart is telling you that it may not work out, because you know that he disagrees with his family. he more than likely does not approve of your betrothal.
“i…want to apologize,” you tell him.
he hums questioningly, looking up from his parchment to look in your direction. “why? did you finish your assignment before me?”
“uh, no.”
“are you leaving?”
not unless you want me to. “no, i’m not done yet. only 8 pages.”
“oh,” ominis smiles, “then what are you sorry for?”
swallowing quietly, you take a deep breath. you respect ominis too much to not apologize. for black’s remark, for your family arranging a marriage between you and him at a young age, for everything. “well…for one, i apologize for what professor black said.”
“about you keeping me in check?” he raises his eyebrows.
despite not seeing you, you still turn away from him in embarrassment. “yes. i’m sorry. i know you probably don’t want to talk about the…o–our arrangement–the betrothal, i mean. and i’m sorry that he brought it up.”
you exhale, still turned away. you wonder what he is thinking about. will he forgive you? or will he finally let you hear a piece of his mind. ominis is quiet for a moment, and you think he decided to ignore your comment, and you sigh, about to resume your work in silence, when,
“why…why do you think that i don’t like being betrothed to you?”
“well,” you clear your throat as you turn to face him away (he looks so gorgeous, even with the confused look on his face, eyebrows knitting together and lips pursing), “our families decided on our fates at such a young age. and i…i know you don’t share the same sentiments as your family. so…i know you don’t like me, and i just…i’m sorry that we’re both in this predicament.”
ominis nods slowly, taking in your words. you anxiously wait for him to speak up. your parchment is now smudged as the ink falls down from your quill in silent drops.
he mutters something so quietly that you didn’t catch it. “what?” you ask him, noting the boyish smile on his face, “what are you smiling at?” what is so funny? is he finding you pathetic, for voicing your insecurities? is that why is he laughing?
shaking his head, he chuckles, “you’re silly.”
“if i didn’t want the betrothal, i would have forced them to dissolve it by now.”
one, two, three, four, five, six beauty marks on his face. you blink rapidly, trying to process his words. “wait…what? ominis…what are you saying?”
you try not to hope. but you also pray that you understand what he meant by his words. heart now pounding hard against your chest, you feel your breath being rushed out from your lungs when ominis extends a hand across your potting station, reaching you slowly. his hand is careful, methodical, trying to feel the air and listen to the sounds of your breathing (you know that he can hear your quiet panting).
his hand stops when he touches your cheek. it’s rough, warm, and much bigger than yours. you gulp, eyes wide as you find your eyes glued to his face, unable to look away, captivated by the teasing, mischievous grin on his face. “it means, y/n, that as long as you’re okay with it, i would want you to help shave off my beard and mustache when we’re older.”
his grin widens when he feels your smile against his hand, and you bring a hand up to cup the hand on your cheeks, “i’d like that.”
he sighs, relief evident in his laughter, “it used to hurt me, just how much i ache for you. now,” a thumb caresses your cheek and you close your eyes as you bask in his presence, “now, it’s not so bad.”
anon, you're the very first one to send me a message and im so sorry for putting this off for so long! this went into a totally different direction, i had like a 5k+ and counting story on this but i didn't like the direction it was going so i abandoned it and wrote this!
i hope you all like it! pls let me know your thoughts! <3 once again, thank you for all the love and support!
tala <3
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tojiscumdumpster · 8 months
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀✧ summary page
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 Something fucking hits my chest hard when I watch Y/N from afar, waiting for me by the sit-down restaurant where we agreed to meet. 
 She’s just casually sitting there, scrolling through her phone with a soft smile on her face, and I could bet money that she’s watching animal videos. Something I learned about her. Fucking obsessed that woman is. 
 I’ve never had social media before meeting Y/N, but I solely made an account so she could send me those videos of owners washing their dogs or naked cats fighting each other. 
 But what I’m feeling right now is burning the living shit out of my body… in a good way.
 We’d video chat a couple of times throughout the week, and if our schedules align, meet up on the weekends. I know what Y/N looks like. Her face is engraved in my head. But right now while I’m looking at her, I can get over how fucking pretty she is.
 The fresh loose braids that fall to the tip of her ass. The natural glow she has when she sits under the sun, bringing out the brown of her complexion. The fucking floral-printed dress she’s wearing that she sent me a photo of this morning that had me ripping the skin off my cock, holding tight around her waist and flowing down a little past her knees. 
 Everything about Y/N is fucking perfect. 
 Perfection is a myth. A bullshit concept, but for her it’s not.
 Can’t think of a single flaw when it comes to that woman.
 She’s too good.
 For me.
 That’s what my mind will always tell me, and I’ll believe that shit, too.
 When she finds out the real me, she’ll leave. Probably forget we ever happened. Still, the time she’s giving me now, I’ll take it.
 Like on cue, feeling someone staring at her like a damn creep, she looks up at me and holds contact. That huge fucking smile that spreads across her pretty lips has me thinking when was the last time someone was that excited to see me?
 Fushiguro, what the fuck? Why would you care? 
 I don’t. At least, that’s what I’m trying to convince myself. 
 It’s just a nice feeling to have, alright?
 I start walking toward Y/N and she closes the distance by throwing herself at me. Her arms wrap around my neck, and I fold one of my own around Y/N’s waist to squeeze her tight against my body. 
 So damn sweet she smells. Always like vanilla and warm berries. And soft, comforting, even. It feels almost too domestic to kiss her neck repeatedly, but I do it anyways because it’s fucking addicting. 
 “Hi, big guy.”
 “You okay?” She nods, giving me a kiss on the cheek. “You look beautiful, sweets.”
 She pulls apart from my embrace, but keeps her arms around my neck and looks at me, bashful as shit. “Thank you.”
 I pull Y/N back to me and kiss her. It’s like she was waiting for that because the minute my lips are on hers, she relaxes. 
 The taste of her mango flavored gloss lingers on me.
 No tongue. No lip biting. Just a kiss that felt warmer than our other ones.
 She grabs my face to peck my lips back to back until she feels content, and honestly, I didn’t want her to stop.
 Not when she tastes that fucking good.
 PDA isn’t my thing. I actually hate it. Y/N just makes it hard for me.
 Managing to keep my hands to myself when I see her is like expecting pigs to fly, knowing that shit wouldn’t happen. 
 “I know you feel my dick pressing against you,” I rasped. Because the more she keeps kissing me like that, the more tempted I am to fuck her.
 “Maybe I enjoy taunting you? Never crossed your mind that I’m a sadist?” She asks, teasingly.
 “You? A high school teacher?”
 “Being a high school teacher is my seven to three activities, Mr. Fushiguro. After hours is a different story.”  The sexy smile and wink she flashes me has my cock throbbing even harder than before. A fucking minx Y/N is. 
 The day I do fuck her, I’ll make her regret teasing me like this, but a slap on her ass to help that cute yelp will do. 
 After we sat down, the server came over with water and took our orders.  Our conversation was comfortable while waiting for our meals. I split my attention between listening to Y/N and being lost in my thoughts. 
 Hanging out with her feels good. Always does, but it feels so fucking foreign yet familiar. 
 I don’t do this. 
 I don’t invite women out to lunch or other dates. Don’t sit on the phone with them for hours or video chat in silence just to feel their presence while they’re grading high school papers. 
 I don’t have the urge to kiss them every damn second of the day. And I definitely don’t stare at them with a goofy smile on my face, either. 
 But I do with Y/N. Everything about her, us being around each other, feels too fucking intimate. 
 Like how she giggles while swiping the crumbs off the corner of my mouth or me calling her adorable whenever she shies away from my compliments. 
 Her playing with my hair while talking to me. It’s too fast. We’re too fast. 
 Maybe I should step back a little. Can’t grow attached because I know all this is temporary. 
 Everything good is. 
 You unlovable child. 
 Yeah, I know. The Zen’in made sure to remind me every fucking day. 
 “Toji?” Y/N calls for me, sounding like it was her third time trying to get my attention. “You okay, big guy? You zoned out on me for a second.”
 I shake from my musings and clear my throat. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Just tired.”
 “Then you should’ve stayed home and got some rest.” Her voice is soft when speaking to me. She doesn’t seem bothered from my horrible excuse to why I’m tired (I’m not). 
 Just pure concern. 
 “Nah, I’ll be fine. Wanted to see you, plus I think the kid would appreciate having me out the house.”
 “How is everything going with Megumi? Still rocky?”
 I chuckle. “Like walking on fucking eggshells.”
 Y/N rests her chin on her hand and gives a reassuring smile, still playing with my hair. “He’ll come through, Toji.”
 “Why are you so positive about it? Me and Megumi’s relationship?” 
 “Hm, because he’s a good kid and I know you’re trying to be active in his life,” she answers. “Yeah, he got suspended from school because he was fighting. And honestly, I shouldn’t be saying this as a teacher, but the reason for the fight was… valid? Or should I say understandable?”
 I raise my brows with a teasing smirk. “Miss L /N? Advocating for teens fighting?”
 “No, silly.” She returns the banter, rolling her eyes at me. “I’m just saying I see your protective nature passed down to him.”
 I quip a brow, confused. “Yeah?”
 “Mhm, one of his classmates was being picked on by the seniors and Megumi defended him. Well, I suppose calling them friends wouldn’t be far-fetched.” The shocked look on my face has Y/N just as confused. “What?”
 “He left out the part where he defended his friend.”
 “Really? What did he tell you?” 
 I throw my head back and laugh, running my hand through my hair. “That they were making fun of his English. You know he’s trying his damn hardest to convince me he doesn’t have friends?”
 Oh, I’m definitely going to hound the kid now with this new piece of information. To make it even better, Y/N tells he has three friends he sticks with throughout school. 
 Why does this shock me? Because my fifteen-year-old boy is finally making friends. A little sign to show that he won’t be a fuck up like me. 
 Didn’t have any myself when I was in school. Those Zen’in fucks were proud to make me their punching bag. It even spread around the school I went to, so no one wanted to be around me.
 Like I gave a fuck. I eventually dropped out anyway. 
 But Megumi? It’s my job as his parent to make sure he doesn’t experience the same shit I went through. He wasn’t always an introverted or shy kid. 
 When it was me, him, and his mother, he was always animated. Gave me a hard time, but always made sure to show affection to his old man. 
 Papa, carry me on your back!
 Love you, too, Papa.
 Papa… Ha, can’t remember the last time I heard him call me that. 
 Nostalgia weighs heavily on me. 
 Guess I should be grateful he still calls me Dad, at least. 
 The weight of Y/N’s stare reminds me I’m not alone. Big brown, glossy doe eyes casting the softest while looking at me. She must’ve noticed the strained expression on my face. 
 My response would be I don’t need pity, but that’s not the face she’s giving me. 
 I grabbed her chin and leaned forward to kiss her lips, groaning upon contact because she’s has the softest and sweetest mouth I ever fucking tasted. 
 A pleasurable sigh escapes her nose while our mouths become acquainted with each other, but I pull back before it deepens. 
 An old fucking pervert like me getting hard at a deli restaurant ‘cuz he’s kissing an outrageously hot woman? Yeah, calm down, big guy. 
 “I’m fine, sweets,” I reassure, answering her unspoken question before we kissed. “Just nice knowing he’s making friends.”
 “I know.” Y/N rubs the right side of my mouth where my scar sits, something she does a lot to comfort me. But never once has she asked me how it got there.
 Maybe she’s just waiting for me to open up. 
 Maybe one day I will. 
 Her phone timer goes off and she groans. “That hour went by way too fast.”
 “Too late to call in sick?” I teased.
 “Yeah, I think I’m about five hours too late.”
 We enjoy some more conversation while we wait for the server to come back with the bill. 
 But the second I was about to say some perverted joke to Y/N, some fucker interrupts us. 
 She looks up to see who’s calling her and the smile that was on her face drops like she drank sour milk. 
 “Ken? I mean, Principal Nanami. What are you doing here?”
 Principal Nanami? You mean the jackass who submitted her name to that summit crap? Her fucking ex? My posture immediately becomes rigid and I let out a deep breath. 
 I don’t know this fucker from a can of paint, but I know enough from Y/N what told me, and let’s just say I’m not a fan. 
 She never badmouthed him. Y/N isn’t that type of woman. She loves hard because even with the heartbreak he caused her, she still finds a way to stay positive.
 Not me, though. Last thing I want to hear from her is how some motherfucker broke her heart because he didn’t give her the time that she deserved. 
 And if you think I’m supposed to give a damn that he’s the principal at my kid’s school, I don’t. 
 My fist is itching to connect to his face, especially when I see the motherfucker checking her out with the eyes only another perverted ass man like me would know. 
 Y/N notices the change in my demeanor, so she begins talking to relieve the tension and silence in the air the moment her ex felt comfortable coming up to us.
 “Uhm, are you grabbing lunch?” She asks, nervously. 
 Not nervous like she’s been caught doing something she isn’t supposed to do. But nervous because she knows her ex is on my shit list. 
 One thing I can say about him is that he has balls. He feels my glare piercing his skull, but instead of avoiding it, we have a stare down. 
 “Yes,” he answers, still looking at me. “Appears that you’re leaving? You were on your free hour?”
 “Yeah. About to head back now.” She stands up and runs her hands down her dress to smooth out any wrinkles. And it only gave her ex a better look at her appearance. 
 That’s when the stare down ended. 
 “You look lovely. I’ve always admired that color on you,” he admits, like I’m not fucking here. 
 This motherfucker is really testing my patience.
 Before she responded, I stood up and interrupted. “Everything’s okay?”
 “Why wouldn’t it be?” He asks.
 I shrug, fisting my hands in my pockets.  “Don’t know much about manners, but it makes sense to speak to everyone in a setting you entered.”
 Like I give a fuck about manners. But he has another fucking thing come if he thinks he’ll talk to Y/N without addressing me. 
 “Oh,” he chuckles. “My apologies. Nanami Kento.” And offers a handshake, which I ignored.
 “Hm.” His attention returns to Y/N. “Y/N, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about the teacher’s summit. If you could stop by my office after you’re done with your classes for the day.”
 “Alright,” she deadpans. 
 “Well, I don’t want to take up any more of your time. Enjoy the rest of your hour.” Is all he says before walking inside of the restaurant. 
 Annoyance still rolls off my skin even after the fucker, but Y/N laces her fingers with mine, and surprisingly enough, I calm down.
 “That was awkward, wasn’t it?” I know her question was rhetorical. A way to lighten the mood, however, I answered it anyway.
 “No. I wanted to punch him.”
 She lets out a short giggle and shifts her weight onto one leg. “You can’t punch my boss, Toji.”
 “Boss? No. Ex? Yes.”
 “Whatever. Come on before I’m late.” Y/N began pulling me toward the street before the waiter came back, so I left enough cash to cover for food and tip.
 We walk in a comfortable silence to her car, and it’s something I appreciate. 
 I’ll never get tired of listening to Y/N’s voice. It’s calming. But just having her next to me is enough. Hand holding and all. 
 Didn’t take us long to get to her car and it made me fucking wish she parked farther. 
 “Thank you for lunch. That spot is good,” she says, breaking the silence. Y/N takes out her keys to unlock her door and I open it for her. Before she gets in, she turns to look at me. “Sorry… You know… about earlier.”
 “Why are you saying sorry?”
 “I don’t know. He was-”
 “Any fucker would act like that if they saw their ex that they clearly miss out with another guy,” I interrupted. “Me? Probably would’ve sat down and crashed your date.”
 She shakes her head, smiling. “Remind me to never break up with you.” And immediately she realizes what slipped past her mouth, trying to clean it up. “Uh, I don’t mean break up. I mean, uhm… whatever is going on between us… you and me.”
 You and me. 
 “Yeah, whatever is going on between us,” I mock softly with a small smile on my face. “Text me when you made it safe.”
 For a quick second, something changed. Y/N looks down and tucks a braid behind her ear, fumbling with her keys. Maybe she’s overthinking the breaking up comment. 
 Yeah, it threw me off, but I can’t blame her for thinking we’re together seeing how fast we’re moving.
 Sometimes I forget my damn self. 
 She needs reassurance, and of course my words are stuck in my fucking head. So I do the next thing I think would help. 
 I tipped her chin upwards and kissed her. Usually I kiss Y/N hard. Libido driven. Aggressively with the intent to make her know how badly I want to fuck her. But right now, I kiss her softly. With tenderness and longing. 
 Kissing Y/N will always give me that burn I crave whenever I need to clear my mind. 
 I sound sappy as shit, I know.
 Only for her. 
 “Text me when you made it safe. Alright?” I repeated.
 “Alright,” she answers softly with a tiny smile. 
 I give her a quick kiss on the temple and tap her ass. She shoots me a playful glare that makes me chuckle.  
 Been doing a lot of that ever since I met Y/N. 
 The only fear in my soul is to lose Megumi because he’s all I have left. But these feelings that’s been brewing in my gut about Y/N these past six weeks are scaring the living shit out of me. 
 I was convinced I couldn’t feel this way anymore, that all my ounce of decency and love I had was buried with my wife. Yet here I am, liking another woman. Probably fucking more than that. 
 And I can’t keep saying I don’t know Y/N.
 Because I do know her.
 Just don’t know from where.
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things are finally starting to pick up. i hope you guys are still with me. thank you for reading. i would love to hear your thoughts. (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) ♡
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tinytalkingtina · 3 days
WIP Word Game
Rules: You will be given a word. Share one sentence/excerpt from your wip(s) that start with each letter of that word.
Thank you @little-annie, @vthx, @hbyrde36 and @adverbally for tagging me. Really got me to start working on my Star Trek AU again! Vulcan Steve lives to see another day
L "Look, do you want to do this or not?” Sharon asked. Shit, she sounded fed up. Eddie shook his head violently. “No no no, I do, you’re really hot. It’s just—the clasp,” he managed to mumble into the semi darkness of the bedroom. (Running with the Devil role reversal fic #2) I "I would prefer if you refrained from doing that,” S’tevan said quietly into the room, not quite meeting Eddie’s eyes. (Logical Imperfection) C Carol rolled her eyes as she popped her gum. “What is it with you two today? It’s like someone shoved a stick up both your asses!” (Running with the Devil role reversal fic #2) K "Keep that attitude of yours in check next time, or else I might take my services somewhere else.” (Running with the Devil role reversal fic #1)
S Stupid trailer in this stupid town. Why’d they have to move here in the first place? He liked Kentucky, never felt so dumb and wrong in Kentucky. Dad hadn’t turned mean ’til they moved, and now he was—. (Running with the Devil role reversal fic #2) I If only that had been the last time he dreamed of Steve Harrington.(Running with the Devil role reversal fic #1) D "Don’t move around so much.” Eddie grabbed Steve’s chin to steady him. Steve mercifully fell still. “That’s it, thank you. Doing so good for me there, Big Boy.” (Running with the Devil role reversal fic #2) E "Edward,” Mrs. Click interrupted, fond exasperation on her face. “I’m glad you’re so invested in keeping up school spirit, but for now let’s focus on the Revolutionary War.” Eddie laid the bashfulness on thick as he apologized. (Running with the Devil role reversal fic #2)
F For whatever reason, S’tevan’s ears were tinged the slightest bit greener than normal. Eddie was completely lost. “You, you brought me a mug?” S’tevan nodded his head. “Yes. I received this as a trinket from my time aboard the Klingon vessel exploring the Inverted Place, however, I do not drink raktijino. You have shown an affinity for displaying them in your quarters, therefore it is logical that you may have greater use for it than I.” (Logical Imperfection) I "I once again question why we are putting our lives in the hands of a hatchling.” Birdie was grumpy, had been since she transformed back.(Soaring Symphony) R Really he should have seen this coming sooner, but then again, he had been mated for only one day. It would be really lovely if the powers-that-be could cut him some slack. (Soaring Symphony) E Eddie hugged his knees closer to his chest. Maybe if he squeezed hard enough, he would be able to feel his Mama’s arms wrapped around him. (Running with the Devil role reversal fic #2)
F Flying was, well, exhilarating. Through their bond, Big Boy’s absolute joy thrummed high and sweet, the note echoing in the back of his mind. (Soaring Symphony) R "Reasoning did not factor into my decisions. It was a serious imperfection in my logic.” (Logical Imperfection) U Underneath the mask, he could be anyone. The feeling was both freeing and a little terrifying. (Running with the Devil role reversal fic #2) I It’s not like Eddie hadn’t spent time with enthusiastic partners. But he had never seen such naked adoration in anyone’s eyes before. (Logical Imperfection) T Tommy’s not wrong, it fits him perfectly. Hides the way his t-shirt’s a little too worn. Fills out his shoulders too. Thank goodness, because no matter how many pushups he does before school, they remain stubbornly bony. (Running with the Devil role reversal fic #2)
Should you accept this mission to play too, your word is PINE. Go and share those WIPS :D No pressure tagging @augustjustice @hairstevington @griefabyss69
@pearynice @penny00dreadful @ataliagold (If anyone sees this and wishes they were tagged too just PM me and I'll tag you!)
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frodo-with-glasses · 10 months
More Reading Thoughts: A Shortcut to Mushrooms
"[Frodo] was lying in a bower made by a living tree with branches laced and drooping to the ground; his bed was of fern and grass, deep and soft and strangely fragrant. The sun was shining through the fluttering leaves, which were still green upon the tree." HELLO I WANT A BED LIKE THIS HOLY COW
LOL Pippin like "I would've eaten all the bread and not saved any for you if Sam didn't stop me" 🤣
"I don't want to answer a string of questions while I am eating. I want to think!" "Good heavens! At breakfast?" Have I mentioned that I love Frodo and Pippin—
Frodo sees his kid cousin running in the grass and singing and thinks to himself "🥺 oh I can't possibly take him and Sam into danger with me, look at them"
I love Frodo's entire conversation with Sam here. If I tried to list my favorite lines, I'd be copying the whole thing. Frodo doesn't want to put Sam in danger, because he loves him, but Sam is extremely loyal and willing to walk into hellfire for Frodo, because he loves him. It's just such a sweet exchange that tells you so much about these characters. I'm love them boys.
Also Frodo being surprised that Sam's become so philosophical haha
Frodo: "We'd best get going; we slept late." Pippin: "You mean you slept late." HAVE I MENTIONED—
Frodo: "I'm not going to take the road. I'll cut straight across country to the Ferry." Pippin: "What, can you fly??"
Pippin: "Short cuts make long delays! Besides, I was hoping to stop at the inn for some good beer." Frodo: "Well, that settles it! Short cuts make long delays, but inns make longer ones."
Also Sam stalwartly like "I'll go with you, Mr. Frodo," but also inwardly like ":-C but the beer tho"
And now we return to another hiking section, about which I have very little to say except that Tolkien's description of the natural environments of the Shire is extremely beautiful and I too would want to hike there
And now we interrupt your regularly scheduled pleasant hike for some bone-chilling horror
It's hard to imagine in the modern age—when tornado sirens and jet planes and faulty car brakes all probably make noises not unlike that of a Ringwraith's call—but to hobbits who have never heard a noise louder or more frightening than a thunderclap, a high, sustained, almost industrial screech like this must seem like the most terrifying and otherworldly thing.
(Also nobody tell Pippin about the white bellbird, which has a call like the emergency alert system at a volume comparable to a pneumatic drill)
Pippin: "Oh good, it's Farmer Maggot :-D" Frodo: "OH NO IT'S FARMER MAGGOT D-8"
It's such a shame that we know so little of Frodo's childhood, but the fact that he was a Certified Scoundrel(TM) who was prone to stealing mushrooms and got his butt whooped over it is absolutely hilarious 🤣 How ever did a naughty kid like him become the erudite sweetheart we know and love??
Pippin like "chill bro, he's a mutual friend of mine and Merry's, we're good!" Meanwhile Frodo is sweating buckets LOL
It's so cool that Pippin gets to be the leader in this section. And what a fearless leader he is! Of course he's not in any danger at all, but it just says so much about him that he waltzes down the lane to Farmer Maggot's house without a care in the world while Frodo and Sam are both terrified 🤣
Also I adore Farmer Maggot's hospitality
Sam giving Farmer Maggot the side eye because he whooped Frodo over the mushrooms years ago X-D
"I recollect the time when young Frodo Baggins was one of the worst young rascals of Buckland." I MEAN JUST IMAGINE
Farmer Maggot's story about the Ringwraith is SO GOOD. I love how much courage this round old hobbit has in him.
Farmer Maggot: "Moral of the story, ya never should've gone to Hobbiton. Clearly ya got mixed up with weird people." Sam: >:-C
Also Farmer Maggot cheerfully being like "don't worry, if they come after ya again, I'll deal with 'em for ya!" is so sweet and so ballsy X-D
Also Farmer Maggot is SO FREAKING SMART, and so generous. I think it's Merry who says later that he's got a lot more going on in his head than his genial appearance might let on, and he's right. He can see that Frodo and co. are in trouble, and he immediately offers his help. What a solid dude.
And here we see Frodo's silver tongue at work once again!
"I've been in terror of you and your dogs for over thirty years... It's a pity: for I've missed a good friend."
This line actually made me stop and think, bruh. How many friendships do we miss out on because we let the mistakes of our younger selves dictate our future?? I can think of lots of dumb things I did as a kid, and I'd be so embarrassed to run into the people that I wronged in my stupidity...but who knows? Maybe they're good people. Maybe they'd even be my best friends, if I got over myself. Food for thought.
And speaking of food, I want to have dinner with Farmer Maggot and his family and farm hands X-D
Ohhhh the suspense of the hoof-falls in the foggy lane is SOOO GOOD
And his humor is in absolute top form LOLOL
"When it grew foggy I came across and rode up towards Stock to see if you had fallen in any ditches. ... Where did you find them, Mr. Maggot? In your duck-pond?"
Also, the fact that Mrs. Maggot packed a basket of mushrooms for Frodo makes me very happy X-D
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vidavalor · 4 months
Story Analysis Meta Masterlist
I'm spring cleaning up the blog a bit here and have been making a meta masterlist. As you know, Tumblr only likes so many links per post so all meta related to Good Omens story analysis is here in this post beneath the cut. You can find additional meta related to analysis of language, characters, some theories and just silly stuff in the pinned post on my blog. Thanks. 💕
Story Analysis
A short look at non-linear storytelling & what it suggests about 2.06
Historical context of eccles cakes
Aziraphale's snakeskin patterned vest & feather boa flirting in 1941
On symbolism of coffee and America
The other S2 kisses...
Humans are ants, angels are bees... on insect analogies
Aziraphale's journal entry in 1827 says for how long Crowley was gone
One reason we needed to see where Mrs. Sandwich lives/works in S2
You Can Leave Your Hat On: On when Crowley's wearing his hat in 1941 & why
The Ball & 'The Sound of Music'
High on a hill in the Job minisode was a lonely goatherd...
You Love Trains: Crowley & Aziraphale inspired 'North by Northwest'
The wine Crowley drinks at Marguerite's and horses
On Maggie's individual scene with Crowley
I Have Confidence
"Moonlight Serenade" in S2
Gabriel's S2 bookseller outfit & the Ineffable Husbands
Underrated humorous Ineffable Husbands moment in S2
Flirting in the Job minisode at the start of the cellar scenes
Scenes showing C&A looking after each other & A helping with C's PTSD in S1
On scenes relating to C&A, touch & Gabriel
On Crowley not getting another apartment after S1 because he basically lives in the bookshop
On the trauma-related ties between Crowley pulled to Hell in 1827 and the wall slam at Tadfield Manor
Gabriel subtly mocking Sandalphon to Aziraphale in S1
Why viewing the 2.06 kiss as a first kiss doesn't work with the rest of the scenes the show has already put forth
This is the face of an angel who is going to burn this place to the ground...
The wall slam & sex games
Crowley magically drawing Aziraphale to him by his bowtie in 1827
"You look me in the eye and tell me..."
Crowley caressing in the parallel 1967 and S2 Dirty Donkey scenes
On whales, The Them and ice cream and probably some other stuff
The S2 poster with the frou frou cocktails with little umbrellas
When the Lord closes a door...
This way Up
"That'll Be the Day"
"Toast"/"It's Toasted": A nod to 'Mad Men' in S2
"Funny old world"
The Horsehead Nebula
On Maggie, parrots, crows and flying free
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waytooinvested · 4 months
Forgotten, Not Forgiven - Chapter 14
This and previous chapters are also on AO3
Lena Luthor was dangling from the side of a cliff, nothing between her and the vast chasm of space below but the small jutting nodule she was clinging to to keep from falling.
How the hell had she ended up here?
Well. She knew how of course.
Kara Danvers was how.
She blamed the movie night.
After a slightly stilted start and some back and forth over what to watch, the three of them had found the rhythm of the evening, and it hadn’t been long before Nia and Kara were giggling away together over the ‘ridiculously unrealistic portrayal of journalism’ it apparently showed (Lena was slightly ashamed to confess that despite the not-insignificant amount of time she had spent in charge of a media company, she hadn’t really noticed. She maintained however that this was due to her relative inexperience with on-the-ground reporting and had nothing whatsoever to do with being distracted by the presence of Kara beside her, not quite touching but close enough to feel the heat radiating from her body and to remember in breath-stealing clarity how it had felt to close those last few inches between them).
Given the movie theme the conversation had inevitably moved on to talking about work, and as the only one not privy to Catco’s day to day office gossip it would have been easy to find herself on the outside. But just as she always did , Kara had sought her out, drawn her in, included Lena so naturally that before she knew it she was cracking up along with the others as they once again speculated about the true intentions of Mr William Dey, and whether he was:
a. Evil b. A self serving, toadying ass just trying to ingratiate himself with the boss at the expense of his colleagues c. Trying to flirt with Kara in some weird British, deprecating way that, Kara assured them both vehemently, was ABSOLUTELY NOT WORKING (Lena tried not to examine too closely the little flare of satisfaction that bloomed in her chest at the sight of how utterly horrified Kara looked when Nia suggested that as a motivation. It wasn’t that she felt territorial over Kara. It was just that William Dey so clearly didn’t deserve her attention, and she was glad that her friend placed more value on herself than the alternative would imply).
Then somewhere in the midst of their the warm fuzzy bubble of companionship and a little too much wine , Kara had asked if they wanted to do something a bit different next time. The excess nonchalance in her tone should have tipped Lena off that whatever it was might be a hard sell, but at the time she hadn’t noticed . If pressed she might have guessed that Kara was going to suggest they go out dancing, or even karaoke if she was pushing her luck. But no. What she actually said was:
‘I’ve been thinking about going rock climbing.’
‘Rock climbing? Kara, really?’
‘Yeah, I think I’d like to try. I don’t know, there’s just something about being so high up, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it ever since I had that flying dream. I think it could be fun.’
Nia had pulled a face, shaking her head before Kara had the chance to ask directly if they would go with her.
‘Sorry Kara, I really want to want to do that with you, but I just don’t think rock climbing would be my thing. I’d love to hear all about it afterwards though.’
Lena hesitated. Rock climbing was most definitely not her thing either, and while it might not be actual flying, she did not have the greatest track record with heights. But Kara was looking at her with big imploring blue eyes, and the ‘no’ stuck unspoken to the roof of her mouth.
‘Please? You were in the flying dream too, so that proves it’s meant to be. I promise it will be so much fun, and we can go out for lunch after? My treat. We can even go to the place with the kale if you really, really want to.’
Lena had given in.
She rationalised that the continuation from Kara’s flying dream to her new desire to dangle from a great height might indicate the beginnings of a bridge between her conscious self and her locked Supergirl memories, and maybe it would lead to them returning naturally in a way that didn’t cause her mind to respond defensively.
It was definitely a possibility worth exploring, but in truth Lena would have given in anyway. There were activities that were so far outside her comfort zone that she would turn them down at the expense of getting to seeing Kara’s hopeful half-smile blossom into a joyfully radiant beam, but between the happy scrunch of her nose and the exuberant little wiggle of excitement that bounced the couch cushions enough to slosh wine over Lena’s fingers when she said yes, she had had some trouble thinking of any specific examples in the moment.
And alright, so maybe it wasn’t an actual cliff.
It was really just the climbing wall at the National City Indoor Sports Centre, and technically speaking she also had a harness to keep her from falling. But somehow Lena hadn’t been prepared for how real this would feel, or how little faith she would have in absurdly narrow rope that was supposed to take her weight if she lost her grip.
Kara on the other hand didn’t share her hesitation in the slightest, and had launched herself at the wall almost before the instructor could finish securing her harness and giving them the safety speech, her face lit up in a giant goofy grin the entire time.
To begin with Lena stayed at the bottom, just watching as Kara whizzed up the first route, swinging her way past other climbers and recklessly skipping half the handholds as if gravity was still an optional thing for her. It had been pretty amazing to watch. The way her feet seemed to find purchase on the tiniest bump without the slightest hesitation or fumble. The taught muscles flexing under her tight tank top as she reached and leapt. On the ground Kara sometimes seemed a little physically awkward, as if she was having to be constantly aware of how her body was moving and keep it in check (which, with superspeed and superstrength enough to break just about any item she came into contact with, Lena supposed wasn’t far off the mark); but in the air she was all grace and flowing lines, and it was easy to believe that in another moment she would let go of the wall altogether and simply fly.
Lena actually wondered once or twice if she might, when Kara made a leap for a hand hold that was so clearly out of her reach, or when she reached the top and launched herself right off the wall in triumph without even a flinch of instinctive fear of falling. But each time her hand or foot would find purchase somewhere on the wall again, or the rope would catch her and she’d hang for a moment before rappelling back down to join Lena on the ground, breathless and laughing.
‘This is so much fun! We have to try the big one next! I’ll race you to the top?’
‘Well that’s hardly a fair race! I think we both know who’ll win – you Kara Danvers are clearly part mountain goat.’
‘Oh shoot, you found me out! Okay, okay, no race. But come and climb it with me anyway? We can go slow, and it’s not like you can fall.’
Kara gestured at the ‘Defying Gravity’ logo emblazoned across Lena’s chest with a grin that was impossible not to return. The t-shirt had been a thank you present the day they had been to see Wicked on Broadway, and Lena had worn it deliberately today, half as a joke and half in the vain hope that the universe would take the hint and keep her from falling off somewhere high up when there was no Supergirl around to swoop in and catch her. Also, in spite of it being the only poly-cotton item in her entire wardrobe, she just kind of loved it. It reminded her of the time she had spent with Kara, sharing a story that meant something to her and for once allowing herself to live fully in the moment with her friend without dwelling on their painful past or uncertain future.
It had been such a perfect day. They had gone early to make the most of it, and in return for the plane ride and theatre tickets Kara had insisted on treating Lena to every single over priced tourist activity they had come across, including a visit to the zoo, a river cruise, a carousel ride, no less than four different kinds of snack foods, and a street artist’s pencil sketch portrait of the two of them grinning self-consciously over melting ice cream cones (Lena had protested at the time, but nevertheless had the drawing tucked safely away inside the planner Kara had bought for her first day at Catco, waiting to be scanned so that they could each have a copy to keep).
The show itself had been as engaging as always, but this time Lena had enjoyed it all the more despite watching less intently, because Kara had been there beside her, reacting to everything like it really had been Lena’s story. When it was over she had hugged her hard, as if she could press all the broken pieces of her back together and shield her from the world’s judgement with nothing more than the strength of her embrace. And for those few heartbeats, Lena thought perhaps she could.
The t-shirt was a physical reminder of all of that, and was something she would be able to hold onto, after.
And so when she was faced with the huge expanse of wall and Kara’s hopeful expression, she had wrapped herself up in that feeling, and begun to climb.
It had actually had started out pretty well.
She didn’t find it as difficult as she had been expecting, and Lena had relished the physical challenge of it as she pushed herself up from handhold to handhold, keeping her eyes fixed on Kara above her as they got closer and closer to the top of the wall.
Then… something changed.
Maybe it was the glimpse she caught of the blue lino floor unexpectedly far below her.
Maybe it was Kara looking down at her and inadvertently calling out the same words she had once used in a very different context (climb Lena! Climb!)
Maybe it was just the temporary glow of their moment on the ground wearing off.
Whatever the reason, Lena tried to shrug it off at first. She focused on the practical – where to place her foot next to get the right angle of thrust, or her hand to keep steady while she manoeuvred, or how much further there was to go until she drew abreast with Kara above her. It worked for a while, but the higher she got, the more Lena’s legs seemed to be shaking beneath her, her breath hitching into a pant that wasn’t at all warranted by the level of physical exertion.
The wall blurred in front of her as she struggled to get enough oxygen into her body. She closed her eyes tight against the sight of it, trying hard to compose herself even as her lungs became bellows fanning the flames of her mounting panic, and-
-She was in the broken half of a plane as it plummeted towards the reservoir, and it was either her or the city. The only chance to save herself was to climb, but this time she just couldn’t . Her muscles had seized up entirely, and all she could do was cling to the wall with her eyes scrunched tight shut, waiting for the inevitable moment when Supergirl gave up on her and let her fall…
She was in a helicopter as it span out of control and tumbled from the air, the sickening blur of sky-building-ground making her giddy as she tried to brace for an impact that could come from any direction...
She was free falling from her office balcony, dropped over the edge as easily as a stone into a lake, and with as little chance of floating back up again as the dark night swallowed her whole...
Her plane was going down and she wasn’t going to make it. They were going to crash and this time it wasn’t just her that would die, because Kara was here too. Kara was going to die and it was all her fault...
Then a strong hand was holding Lena’s, wrapping gently around her white knuckled grip on the absurdly small nob of plastic that was all that stood between her and falling. The hand was warm and slightly calloused, and so rock steady that Lena almost believed it could keep her up all by itself.
‘Hey. Lena? Look at me. It’s alright. You’re alright.’
Lena managed to crack one eye open, and caught a glimpse of the dizzying drop below. She let out a little whimper and closed it again.
‘No, no don’t look down. Just look at me, okay? I’ve got you sweetheart, it’s alright. Do you trust me to get you down safely?
The gently spoken endearment was just distracting enough to give Lena the courage to force her eyes to open properly, and when they did she found the same face looking back at her that had always been there for her in these moments. This same steady hand that now held hers had caught her tumbling helicopter, held up the plummeting halves of Edge’s plane long enough for her to jump free of it, scooped her up as she fell from the sky again and again. Lena had almost died by falling so many times, and on every single one of them Kara had been there to catch her, even if she hadn’t known it was her at the time.
And now somehow, even without her powers, she was doing it again.
Lena’s hyperventilations slowed, enough at least to let her answer the question without gasping like a 50-a-day smoker on a mountain hike.
‘I do. I trust you.’
Even as she said them, the truth of those words resonated in a way she hadn’t expected them to. She trusted Kara to get her down from here safely, yes. But she also just… trusted Kara.
She couldn’t say with certainty that that would still be true once Kara was Supergirl again and all the complications of conflicting interests and messy history came back into play, but she was no longer sure that it wouldn’t be either.
She wanted to stop and think, to consider how she felt about the sudden realisation , and maybe spiral a little over how vulnerable this c ould leave her if things went wrong again, because she wasn’t suppose d to trust Kara . Part of her wanted to panic about it , to retreat behind her defenses and stok e the dwindling flame of her fury until she felt safely invulnerable again , but right now she had no room in her mind or body for any more panic than she was already experiencing, and the dread for this new knowledge simply would not come . Instead a warm surety lodged itself somewhere deep in her chest, putting down roots that she suspected would be difficult to weed out even once she got down from here ...
...If she ever did get down.
She might be breathing steadily enough that she was no longer seeing black spots swimming before her eyes , but she was still fixed grimly to the wall, completely incapable of unlocking her muscles from their rigid posture enough to actually attempt a descent .
But Kara was there. She was right there, and gazing steadily at Lena with a look of such gentle assurance that it was hard to doubt her as she went on speaking, her words low and soothing and just for Lena.
‘Good. We’re going to do this together, alright?’
Lena managed a jerky nod, and Kara manoeuvred her way over until they were hip to hip, then, somehow keeping her balance using only her feet, let go of the wall with both hands and wrapped them snugly around Lena’s torso like a second harness, bringing their bodies together until they were so close that Lena couldn’t be sure anymore how much of her thundering pulse was due to fear and how much was the fact that Kara’s cheek was against hers, her front pressed fully against Lena’s back and arms cradling her in what would, in any other circumstances, have been an incredibly intimate and decidedly non-platonic embrace.
‘Here we go.’
The arms around her tightened a little more, then Kara kicked off the wall, and Lena let herself be pulled away from the handhold she had been clinging to as they swung out into space. It was exactly what she had been afraid of when she had seized up, and yet it didn’t feel like falling. Not when Kara’s arms were holding her close and her steady breath was tickling the back of her neck. It was just like it had always been. She was safe in these arms.
Kara would never let her fall.
Kara rappelled them both carefully back down until at last their feet found purchase on the ground, and Lena sagged with relief.
‘Thank you.’
‘Of course. I’m so sorry Lena, you should have said you were scared of heights, I never would have made you go up there with me.’
‘I’m not. At least… I didn’t think I was. I’ve been in high places plenty of times before and nothing like that has ever happened.’
She tried for a laugh, but could tell it didn’t quite land, and looked down at her (brand new, and now probably never to be worn again) climbing shoes instead.
‘I’m sorry, I must have made such a fool of myself, and you were having such a good time. You should keep going, I can just meet you later for lunch when you’re done.’
‘No, nope, not happening. We are getting these harnesses off, and then we’re going to go and find somewhere quiet to sit down until you feel better. We can talk about it. Or not talk about it. Whatever you need.’
Kara stayed endearingly protective after that, getting between Lena and the employee who came over to tick them off for their unorthodox descent, then keeping her arm firmly wrapped around her as they walked out, as if she thought she might still need the support to stay up right.
She didn’t, really. Almost as soon as her feet were back on firm ground the brief panic attack had dissipated, and she felt more embarrassed than anything. But- well, it felt nice to have Kara holding her so close, and Lena couldn’t quite bring herself to put a stop to it. Her own arm snuck around Kara’s waist in return, and she let herself feel anchored by the contact as they turned their backs on the scene of her public humiliation and stepped out together into the sunshine.
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best-tv-theme-song · 11 months
Round 1 is over, full results below!
Round 2 will start on Monday.
What are your most devastating losses this round?? Mine are Milo Murphy's Law, Gilmore Girls, That 70s Show, and Reba. (No respect around here for a single mom who works too hard who loves her kids and never stops)
Group A
The Addams Family vs. Fairy Tail
Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat vs. Goosebumps
Wizards of Waverly Place (S1-3) vs. Ed, Edd n Eddy
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood vs. Only Murders in the Building
The Backyardigans vs. Downton Abbey
Naruto vs. The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
Dexter's Laboratory vs. Kenan & Kel
Parks and Recreation vs. Jujutsu Kaisen
Danny Phantom vs. Pippi Longstocking/Pippi Långstrump
My Life as a Teenage Robot vs. My Hero Academia
Sabrina the Teenage Witch vs. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (S4-7)
Little Einsteins vs. The Benny Hill Show
Teletubbies vs. Ted Lasso
VeggieTales vs. Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Lizzie McGuire vs. The Proud Family
Steven Universe (Original Theme) vs. The A-Team
Group B
Doctor Who (New S1-2) vs. Charlie's Angels
Thomas & Friends vs. Bob's Burgers
Community vs. The Brady Bunch
Adventure Time vs. Ever After High
Seinfeld vs. Ranma ½
Batman vs. Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. One Piece (2023)
Friends vs. Rocko's Modern Life
Sesame Street (S1-23) vs. Saved by the Bell
Total Drama vs. Monk
Full House vs. Winx Club (We Are the Winx)
Looney Tunes vs. Murder, She Wrote
M*A*S*H vs. South Park
Pinky and the Brain vs. Happy Days
One Day at a Time (2017) vs. The Suite Life on Deck
Pokémon (Pokémon Theme) vs. The Andy Griffith Show
Group C
Gravity Falls vs. Milo Murphy's Law
Horrible Histories vs. Leverage
Neon Genesis Evangelion vs. Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers
The Simpsons vs. Samurai Jack
The Golden Girls vs. Wonder Pets!
Merlin vs. El Chavo del Ocho
Victorious vs. CSI: Miami
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic vs. Smallville
Good Omens vs. Good Luck Charlie
House, M.D. vs. Pride and Prejudice
LazyTown vs. The Big Bang Theory
Bob the Builder vs. Wild Kratts
New Girl vs. Infinity Train
Arthur vs. I Love Lucy
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs. The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
The X-Files vs. Pucca
Group D
The Fairly OddParents vs. X-Men: The Animated Series
Sherlock vs. Monster High
Spider-Man vs. Revolutionary Girl Utena
Orange Is the New Black vs. Hunter × Hunter
The Office vs. Angel: The Series
Law & Order (SVU) vs. Arcane: League of Legends
BoJack Horseman vs. Wonder Woman
Jeopardy! vs. Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody vs. Taskmaster
Totally Spies! vs. Yellowjackets
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia vs. Ouran High School Host Club (Japanese)
Yuri on Ice vs. Samurai Champloo
Ducktales (1987) vs. Charmed
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood vs. Shaun the Sheep
How It's Made vs. Tokyo Ghoul
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! vs. The Emperor's New School
Group E
Kim Possible vs. Once Upon a Time
The Great British Bake Off vs. The Legend of Vox Machina
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power vs. Gilmore Girls
Animaniacs vs. Pretty Little Liars
Zoboomafoo vs. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire
The Umbrella Academy vs. The Muppet Show
WandaVision (A Newlywed Couple/Ep 1) vs. NCIS
Reading Rainbow (1983-1999) vs. Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Hannah Montana (S1-2) vs. Gilligan's Island
The Mandalorian vs. Dragon Ball Z (Cha-La Head-Cha-La)
What We Do in the Shadows vs. Inspector Gadget
Big Time Rush vs. Barney & Friends
Power Rangers (Mighty Morphin) vs. Young Justice
Futurama vs. Spy × Family
Succession vs. Bluey
iCarly vs. Code Lyoko
Group F
The Magic School Bus vs. Jackie Chan Adventures
Digimon Adventure (Butter-Fly) vs. The Last of Us
Star Trek: The Next Generation (S3-7) vs. Soul Eater
Zoey 101 vs. Xena: Warrior Princess
Dora the Explorer vs. We Bare Bears
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend vs. Carmen Sandiego (2019)
Star Trek: Enterprise (S1-2) vs. Mr. Bean
Sailor Moon (Japanese) vs. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (S1-2) vs. Red Dwarf
Death Note vs. Phil of the Future
Yu-Gi-Oh! vs. El Chapulín Colorado
The Flintstones vs. His Dark Materials
Game of Thrones vs. Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure
The Nanny vs. Haikyu!!
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends vs. Frasier
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air vs. Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji
Group G
Bill Nye the Science Guy vs. The Facts of Life
George of the Jungle (1967) vs. Veronica Mars
H2O: Just Add Water (S1) vs. Star Trek: Voyager
Star Trek: The Original Series (With Vocal) vs. Hawaii Five-O
Drake & Josh vs. Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman
Puella Magi Madoka Magica vs. Cowboy Bebop (1998)
Lilo & Stitch: The Series vs. Torchwood
The Twilight Zone vs. Wander Over Yonder
Rugrats vs. Columbo
The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius vs. The Walking Dead
Hey Arnold! vs. Psych
Twin Peaks vs. Voltron: Legendary Defender
Dragon Tales vs. How I Met Your Mother
Stranger Things vs. Mission: Impossible (1966)
W.I.T.C.H. vs. Daredevil
What's New, Scooby-Doo? vs. Tiny Toon Adventures
Group H
SpongeBob SquarePants vs. X-Men: Evolution
Fraggle Rock vs. Stargate SG-1
Firefly vs. Scrubs
Codename: Kids Next Door vs. Inuyasha (Change the World)
That '70s Show vs. Bear in the Big Blue House
Cheers vs. American Dragon: Jake Long
A Series of Unfortunate Events vs. Black Sails
The Powerpuff Girls vs. Darkwing Duck
That's So Raven vs. Grey's Anatomy
Ben 10 vs. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Cyberchase vs. Reba
Malcolm in the Middle vs. Shake It Up
Teen Titans (2003) vs. Mob Psycho 100
The Owl House vs. I Dream of Jeannie
Assassination Classroom (Question) vs. Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake
Phineas and Ferb vs. Batman Beyond/Batman of the Future
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orphanheirs · 3 months
WIP Questionnaire
Thanks for the tag, @transthadymacdermot!!
What’s the first part of your WIP that you created?
The characters. They existed as deviantart ocs that I used to roleplay with in chatrooms before any semblance of a story existed. This was back in high school.
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
I'll give a few examples here because there's a lot of songs I think fit the vibe of the story (I have a 4-hour long playlist of "soundtrack" songs)! All of these are based on pure vibes, not necessarily lyrics. For a TV show, I think a folk revival type song like "Over Again" by Stick in the Wheel or "Cannily Cannily" by Maddy Prior and Tim Hart would be sick. If it was a short instrumental intro song, an eerie tune like "More Bones to Sort" from the OTGW soundtrack or this song would work well. To get more general Rasputina is an artist whose overall sound is something that would work great for the story. If you don't know them they're a band that makes rock music with cellos and is very weird and goth about it.
What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
I love them all, but right now I have to admit my favorite is Tristan. It's definitely partially because he's the most developed right now, but also because he's the reason I revived the story after dropping it almost 10 years ago. I remembered him and thought he had potential and fell in love with him all over again. Coming up with ideas for his arc and his backstory got me excited for the overarching story again, and I changed him from a side character to a main character. I have a lot of fun with his personality and I relate to him a lot on a personal level.
What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share?
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow, Over the Garden Wall, Labyrinth, possibly Interview with the Vampire? and people who grew up with things like Hocus Pocus and A Series of Unfortunate Events. Maybe fans of Neil Gaiman? It's kind of hard to say though; I have no idea how the story would be marketed because it's..pretty weird lol.
What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
Not sure what the biggest of them all is, but my big three I guess would be plotting, research, and actually writing. I feel like I'm hitting my head on a wall when I try to outline story beats or whatever, so I think I'll just have to fly by the seat of my pants and plot as I go. Research also feels like a hurdle I need to get past because I want to base the story itself on actual mythology and folklore, and root the "real-world" parts of the story in the real historic regency period. Right now I know enough to share fun facts in a conversation, but in reality I don't know shit. I have a lot of work to do in that regard. Actually writing has been a challenge due to a combination of annoying factors including having very little free time in my life, executive dysfunction, and being? scared? of writing? because what if it comes out bad? Which I know is silly but it blocks me from writing a lot of the time nevertheless.
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
Right now I'm thinking Crispin has a pet bat named Sparrow. Crispin named the bat Sparrow because he literally thought it was a sparrow, that being the only flying creature he knew of at the time. Now he knows better, but Sparrow is still Sparrow. I haven't thought much about it, but I think Crispin's keeping of a pet is one of the things that indicates he's different from his family/species, i.e. he experiences empathy and longs for companionship. The demon Tristan summons can shapeshift, and takes the form of many different creatures throughout the story.
How do your characters travel/get around?
Considering the time period, the options are limited. There's a lot of walking in this story, but also getting from place to place by carriage or cart. There's likely to be some horseback riding as well. In terms of the supernatural, Crispin can "teleport" himself from point A to point B using magic--but not very far. I still need to figure out the specifics of that though. Tristan is greatly aided in getting around by the demon he summoned, who transforms into a flying black steed Tristan can ride on.
What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
Right now I'm bouncing around and writing snippets of scenes that come to mind/interest me most. I'm considering everything experimental at the moment, and not committing to anything actually being in the final novel. This is helping me get over my fear of writing, and I like it because sometimes I end up liking what I write more than I thought I would. I also *might* write the story in novella form first, try out some things with that, learn from it, and then expand and/or rewrite it as a full novel. Other than that I'm researching and brainstorming and drawing (which is part of my process)!
What aspects (tropes, maybe?) will you think draw your audience in?
Hmmm I think the fact it's a dark fantasy/horror story and the fact it's set in the regency period will attract people. The regency period and fantasy are both really popular right now (as far as I can tell). Also the fact that it has found family, which seems to be a popular trope. The fact it has queer characters might be appealing too. Other draws might be the Halloween aspect, and the deal with the devil trope. And if anyone likes enemies to friends and twist villains. There's also heavy use of gothic tropes and subverting them/combining them with folk horror tropes. Regency media (cough cough Jane Austen) tropes will also go under the knife of subversion.
What are your hopes for your WIP?
I hope to make it a published novel! Ideally traditionally published, but who knows if that'll happen lol. I also want the book to be illustrated, and to illustrate it myself. Besides that, I'd love to do some comics featuring the characters and maybe even short animations. (She said as if she had endless free time...)
Tagging: @ceph-the-ghost-writer, @finchmomentwrites, and @kaylinalexanderbooks !
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knifefightandchill · 6 months
who do you think would ultimately when in a fight?
saddler, simmons, or wesker?
I know this is a joke ask, but I’ve legitimately put thought into this. Also coming from your armand blog makes this question so much better. Also the fact that you said when not win.
I’ve been wracking my brain over this all night long, because every time I think I have a solid answer, something changes my mind.
Because there are so many different factors and scenarios that could come into play. Especially when it comes to Wesker. Like are we talking just prototype virus? His injections in 5? full blow Uroboros Wesker? Does he have any resources? Like he’s a wild card. Is this DBD? Do I have to think about eldrich horrors??
So, let’s break this up into multiple parts; Saddler vs. Wesker, Saddler vs. Simmons, Wesker vs. Simmons, and the massive mess that would be all 3 at once.
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Before we get into the the fun part, I wanna go over like their respective abilities and mutations ahead of time to make it simpler.
Starting with Lord Saddler.
(and I will be taking RE4R into account.)
We’ve got his human form, his final boss form, and the giant wreathing tentacle mass that is his final final form. He's also able to mutate parts of himself on a whim, and quickly go back.
With his human form he’s extremely fast, has a healing factor that allows him to not only heal literal headshots in a matter of seconds, but shoot projectiles back at assailants. When he wants. He’s very resilient. and terrifying.
His ability to call and bring in novistadors in both his human and final boss form makes for some really useful backup.
In his final boss form he’s slower, but massive, and can jump pretty fucking high. He's got sharp points at the end of his spider-y legs and those sharp boney tentacles at his disposal. Sure his weakspot is out in the open, but he can also crush people with the pincers(??) on his head.
The final final form is a massive immobile mass of writhing leviathan sized tentacles. Those can pack a punch by simply slamming down into things. Granted, he's the most vulnerable in this form.
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Now onto Mr. Bolo tie, Simmons.
With enhanced C-Virus, Simmons has the ability to mutate indefinitely, and without the need to turn into a chrysalis like with regular C.
He can shift/shuffle back and forth to his human form regardless of a couple of his forms. which is both useful and a really really big disadvantage. Makes it easy to kick the shit out of him.
So, that being said, his notable mutated forms are beast/centaur, gigantosaurus, and the giant fly. The first being very fast, and able to shoot projectiles. Plus claws and all that. The second is well, a big ass B.O.W. dinosaur. He's big, has some bone plating, and has some really big teeth. Imagine dinosaur things, he can do those.
Without zombies or something to consume in order to heal and mutate further, I don’t think his giant fly form is applicable. Though maybe he could eat novistadors? if it came to that? But regardless, it has its sheer size going for it. we need really really big fly tape.
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And now the ball of worms that is Wesker.
After injecting the Prototype virus, Wesker gained super human abilities. He can move so fast that it looks like he’s warping. He’s strong enough to punch a hole through a person’s chest, and catch and hold back rockets. What were the developers of RE5 on.
Being very skilled in both armed and unarmed combat, his melee is just as strong if not stronger than weaponry. If we look at him in Mercenaries, and Rev:2 raid mode, he’s a force to be reckoned with. especially with that big knife.
Throw Uroboros in the mix and things really start heating up.
It makes him bigger, even stronger, and gives him so many worms. Err, tentacles?? Tendrils?? Uroboros is one of those nasty viruses that consumes all organic matter it comes in contact with, and uses it to grow.
Wesker, however, doesn’t really use it in that manner? But I imagine it’s painful for others just getting touched by it.
Uroboros also makes Wesker extremely resilient and resistant to most damage. This man had to take a rocket launcher to the face in order to die, despite sinking in literal lava. So this generally unstable virus gives him one hell of an advantage. But does he really need it to be a threat in this fight?
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So lets get into it finally !!
Saddler Vs. Simmons;
So ultimately, I think Simmons would win.
They’re relatively evenly matched, I don’t think it would be hard for Saddler to handle Simmons’ centaur form. He has the speed, the ability to throw his projectiles right back at him. Doing enough damage would cause Simmons to shuffle back to normal, which makes him really vulnerable. Even if Saddler had to mutate, his final boss form could deal with him easy. But Simmons always comes back.
Gigantosaurus Simmons has the upper hand. Most of his head is just a giant mouth with some big teeth.
He also has a lot of bone on him, which helps him get some defense. Final boss Saddler is all limbs and tentacles. One good bite from Simmons can cripple him. I think it’d take more than one bite to rip off a piece of him, but biting and tearing is still going to do damage. Sure, Simmons’ weak point is in his mouth; but aiming for that comes with the risk jaws closing around said tentacles.
If Saddler is able to do enough damage to cause Simmons to shuffle back into a human, then he could crush him or impale him easily. However, it’s a matter of can he do that much damage fast enough? Before he goes down? Or is badly hurt? The odds would be super close. BUT. He keeps coming back.
Saddler wouldn’t be doing too hot by the time he turned into a fly, and sure, that form isn’t as strong, Simmons’ attacks are really meh. But it’s fresh, it’s at full health, and I think our dear lord would be limping into that fight.
It’d be bloody and long and close, but I think Simmons would come out on top. Based solely on his dinosaur form and having whittled Saddler down over time.
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Saddler Vs. Wesker
Against Saddler’s human form, Wesker could hold his own without weaponry. It wouldn’t be easy, Saddler’s ability to heal alone would be a massive pain. With weaponry, even if it was just a gun and a knife, he’d do infinitely better. I do think Saddler would be able to get the drop on him like he did with Ada though, in the right circumstances. Then he can dangle him and lure chris into a fight.
As far as final boss form goes, Wesker can hold his own for a while without weaponry, but he wouldn’t win. Saddler is too big, and too strong. Honestly, it’d be a really long game of cat and mouse. With weaponry, even just a knife and a handgun, he’d win. Listen, if Leon could do it, Wesker can do it easier and better.
If he was infected with uroboros, then it would be a more intense and interesting fight. Both have ranged attacks involving tentacles/tendrils. Despite still being a lot smaller than Saddler’s boss form, his amplified physical strength would put him on same level regardless of body size. Not to mention he becomes much more resilient against attacks. It’s a matter of out-surviving the other one.
I think Wesker would ultimately win. He’d find a way regardless.
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Simmons Vs. Wesker.
The same thing applies when it comes to him vs. Simmons. If Leon can do it, Wesker can do it even better. Granted in this case, Leon needed help. So I’m keeping that in mind. Without uroboros, Wesker would need weapons of some sort and a way to use the environment to his advantage. Especially against the dinosaur form. Because it does have that armored plating, and only has one weakpoint.
His speed would help him dodge centaur projectiles, as well as rush attacks, also any stomping done by the dinosaur form. But doing damage to his stronger mutations is where he falls short. Or at least, doing damage quickly. Uroboros would put him on equal footing. He’s a smaller target than Saddler, a bit harder to get. Has some good ranged attacks that can chip away at his defenses. And the best part? Simmons can bite off his tendrils. It wouldn’t hurt Wesker. Sure he’d have to reabsorb the pieces, but it wouldn’t hurt him. Hell they could start truing to consume Simmons if he doesn’t spit them out.
And once Simmons shuffles back down to a person? He’s going to get wrecked. Even if he manages to reach his fly form. It just might take Wesker a little longer.
All 3 of them in one giant fight;
It’d be one giant mess, and honestly someone should just nuke the whole thing. Wesker wouldn’t win, he’d get away to survive. Saddler and Simmons? That’s a fight to the death. A big bloody fight.
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In conclusion;
Wesker is OP. When I started writing this whole thing I didn’t think it would be Wesker. In fact I was almost certain it would be Simmons. Sorry Saddler :c ily. but after looking into things, Wesker really stood out.
A great litmus test for this is if Leon can kill it, it’d be a lot easier for Wesker to do so.
Ultimately, I’m no expert. I’ve confused myself so many times while writing this, and I’m sure there’s contradictions. But I still had fun with it and put some thought and research into it.
If you made it this far thank you! I hope you enjoyed it, or found it interesting.💕💕
I really love questions like this, and sharing my thoughts. (even though I go overboard.) And if anyone wants to weigh in with their thoughts, opinions, headcanons and all that, please do! It’ll be a fun conversation. I’m also down for more asks like this ngl xD
dividers are by saradika-graphics who can be found here!
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carbondioxda · 5 months
Instincts and lovebirds (p.1)
Sokka x firebender!OC
c/w: swearing!! this is my first time writing an oc x canon so this may or may not be the worst thing you’ll ever read??, basically Sokka and Zuya making fun of Katara’s crush on Jet. This is also pretty long by the way. Written in third person and I usually avoid using adjectives that have informations regarding looks but I want you to have an idea of how Zuya looks like.
a/n: first time writing in the atla universe<33, english isn’t my first lanuage, please tell me if I make any mistakes
also just like in my previous posts, my way of writing dialogue might be different than what you’re used to.
I haven’t introduced my oc Zuya on this page at all, so maybe I’ll do it in a separate post. I hope you like her.
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This whole encounter was weird. First, Sokka swore on his instincts that they all should walk instead of flying on Appa and then suddenly they’re being saved by a bunch of kids from being ambushed. Yet somehow, even though they were saved, something didn’t feel right. Zuya felt as if they were still ambushed or captured in some way. It was plainly uncomfortable.
Jet, Smellerbee, Longshot, Pipsqueak, Sneers and The Duke. They didn’t seem like a usual vigilante group. More like, wild children mixed with pirates. Zuya noticed some dirt on their necks and hands, they must’ve hardly ever bathed. Only Jet seemed to vaguely know what hygiene is. Even if Sokka’s instincts proved to be incorrect, right now the bad gut feeling he had was shared with his friend, Zuya.
- Psssst. - the brunette hissed to Sokka, while Jet’s friends were looking through the fire nation’s supplies.
- I’m right next to you, idiot. - he hissed back, but louder. - If you wanna talk shit about them I’m here for it, just don’t hiss like a wild animal. - the boy crossed his hands, looking at his friend.
- Okay, okay I just wanted you to get the goddamn hint.
- I know what you’re gonna say. - he begun.
- They look suspicious as hell. - they both said at the same time. Zuya tried her best not to point it out, so that he wouldn’t feel too special about guessing what she had on her mind. That would get into his head. Everything goes right into Sokka’s head, actually.
- Katara doesn’t think so. - Zuya choked out, pointing her head to the girl’s direction. Katara was thanking Jet for their help. Sokka seemed to run out of ideas on commenting this whole thing. He rolled his eyes. - I mean, it’s nice of her to thank him but her voice is high pitched and she’s kinda getting red.
- What? What do you mean? - Sokka squinted his eyes to see better, as if that was supposed to help in any way.
- Seems like your sister has a little cruuush. - Zuya teased, twirling her dark hair around her finger to mock Katara.
- Hell no, why this freak of all? Why couldn’t she perhaps, I don’t know, have a crush on Haru?
- We were in that village for two or three days, it’s better for everyone that she didn’t.
- We’re not gonna be here much longer either.
- It’s best if none of us has a crush. Any kind. It would only slow us down.
- Same thing! This whole Jay, or whatever his name is, isn’t all that. Just look at him. What the hell is that in his mouth? A straw? Grass? Is he a cow? - Sokka tried to come up with a creative insult.
- You’re just bitter because your life-saving instincts didn’t work. We should call them life-ending instincts, cause you know…cause we were ambushed.. - Zuya giggled. Sokka’s glare was digging into her. Even if he wasn’t very intimidating, she wasn’t going to test his limits right now. - No, but seriously. We should get out of here before we even have the chance to meet those guys closer. I know the type of mr. nonchalant, it’s not gonna end well. It’s for Katara’s own good.
They followed the group, because Katara and Aang wanted to see their secret hideout. It was pretty obvious their spot wouldn’t be on the ground, given that the trees were the tallest they’ve seen and tents or houses would be too easy to spot. However, Sokka didn’t really think about it.
- Soo, Zuya, right? Are you from the Earth Kingdom? - Jet asked. She was in the same attire she left her village, Kyoshi. She was taken in by the village’s members when she was just a young child, nobody really expected her to grow up to be a firebender.
- Yeah, I’m from The Kyoshi village. - she replied.
- Are you an earthbender?
- Actually she’s- - Katara begun.
- A non-bender! Just like Sokka. - Zuya corrected her quickly. The rest of the gaang didn’t question it.
- A, nice to know. Explains a lot. Hey, you two, grab those handles. - Jet suggested, turning to the ,,non-benders”.
- What does this thing d- - Sokka was cut off, being plunged into the air. Zuya couldn’t react in time, sharing the fate with her friend and soon grabbing onto the thick branches for dear life.
- Look, shit, look! - Zuya tugged on his arm.
- What?! - he asked, just now getting his head out of the leaves. She grabbed his chin and pointed him to look down, where Katara and Jet where smoothly flying upwards to the hideout. - I’ve had enough, we’re getting out of here as soon as possible. - he commented.
- They’re having their movie moment in there. - she said, noticing how Katara’s face is constantly red from all of the blushing. - How cute.
- You seem to be having a moment too. - Aang startled them. They didn’t notice him flying up. It slips their mind that Aang can literally levitate.
- A moment? We’re having a moment of hanging onto a tree branch. - Zuya said loudly, still recovering from the Aang jumpscare. Sokka turned away and climbed onto the wooden plank attached to the tree that led to the hideout.
They caught up with the group and Jet showed them around, talking about how amazing his ,,freedom fighters” are in being a pain in the Fire Nation’s ass. Sokka looked like he was in agonizing pain the whole time, and even more when they sat around the fire. That’s when Jet did his whole inspiring speech.
He sat down, separating Sokka and Zuya from Katara and Aang.
- Hey Jet! Nice speech.
- Thanks. By the way, I was really impressed with you and Aang. That’s some great bending back there.
- He’s great, he’s the avatar. - Katara explained. - I could use some training. - she was blushing again.
- The avatar? Nice. Very nice. - Jet seemed to be so pleased about that fact, it made them pretty uncomfortable. Sokka’s instinct must’ve worked at that moment.
- Sorry, but we need to leave tonight. - he said, cutting their conversation short.
- Yup, we should’ve left earlier, we can’t slow down. - Zuya added to back him up.
- Sokka! Are you kidding, I needed you for an important mission! - Jet whined.
- What mission? - Sokka’s ears perked up, even if he didn’t get too excited. A mission was enough for him to be convinced, knowing him.
- Tomorrow, we have to do a patrol and make sure The Fire Nation doesn’t attack or anything. - Jet tried to bribe him. - You could use a good night’s sleep for once.
- True. We’ll get to the North Pole, Sokka, let’s just use this occasion. - Aang spoke up.
- Only for one night. We can’t stay longer. - he gave in. - I’m going to sleep now, if you don’t mind. Me and Zuya stayed up all night to guard the supplies. We’re tired, right Zuya?
- Right. Exhausted.
- You can go to the hut on the left. - Jet said. - Goodnight!
- Goodnight. - Sokka spat out, before taking Zuya by the wrist and leading her away from the group.
- There’s no way you agreed to stay just to go on a mission, Sokka. - she hissed at him again. - It’s not even that important!
- Oh shut up, I’ll finally do something for once. Maybe they’ll give us some supplies for that.
- They won’t give us shit.
- Let’s just go. - he said, entering the small hut they were given to sleep in. They tried their best to ignore how annoying the newly met people were and just got ready for bed.
- Why did you tell them you’re a non-bender? - Sokka suddenly asked, when Zuya was brushing out her long hair. She usually wore it in two long braids, but this evening was a good occasion to brush it all out and distract herself.
- Gut feeling. They hate the Fire Nation.
- You’re not from the Fire Nation though?
- And how would they know that? It’s better to tell them the short version instead of explaining myself. I’m not planning on using fire here anyway.
- Good point. - he put his hands behind his head and laid down. - I’d love to see you firebend the hell out of them, though. - he added with a smug grin. It made her smile.
- Maybe I’d do that if I could firebend better. I only know a few moves. I think I might’ve noticed something. Sokka? Can you braid my hair?
- Yea…what did you notice? - he positioned himself behind her. Gran gran taught him how to do Katara’s hair when their mom died, he never really forgot how to do it.
- All of the ,,freedom fighters” have strange outfits. They’re so mixed. Jet has parts of the Fire Nation attire mixed with the Water Tribe’s clothes, or The Duke? He has everything in green and yellow, traditional Earth Kingdom colours.
- So, what are you saying?
- I’m just saying…don’t get into any trouble tomorrow. - she sat while he braided her hair. - Or your outfit might be worn by one of them soon.
- Thieves are the last thing I wanted to encounter. Still, why would I get into trouble? I’ll just pretend to be their friend or somethin’- he asked, already aware why exactly.
- You know damn well why. You’re going without us on that mission, don’t try to act like a smartass.
- I won’t. I’ll try to, at least.
- Promise me you won’t. I don’t wanna have to run to save your sorry ass again.
- Again? Excuse me. - he tugged her hair on purpose.
- Ow! Yes, again. If I wanted go count all of the times where I had to drag you out of someone’s hands I’d run out of fingers. - she grabbed his hand to stop him. Sokka scoffed at that. - Can I braid your hair too?
- No, my head is pounding when you do my braids, they’re too tight.
- I’ll be more gentle? - she smiled, just as he was finishing her own braids. He sighed.
- Just this once. - he finally agreed. - Don’t make them so tight.
- I’ll try.
- You don’t look exhausted. Is Sokka hitting on you again? - Katara asked when she entered the hut with Aang. She was in a good mood, who wouldn’t be if they found themselves a love interest?
- Not today. - she pretended to be let down. Or she wasn’t pretending.
- Just for the record, I’ve never done that. Focus on hitting on Jet, Katara.- he insisted.
- Stop moving so much or else I’m making the braids tight.
- You can’t deny it. Back in Kyoshi, Omashu and when pirates tried to take us. - Aang counted on his fingers and then shoved them into grumpy Sokka’s face. - And that one evening?
- You forgot the boat thing. - Katara reminded.
- Right, boat thing too. - Aang smiled like the cute kid he is.
- It wasn’t intentional. My charm is unbeatable, what can I do about it? Happens on it’s own.
- All of you should go to sleep. - Zuya said, carefully making small braids on Sokka’s head. She finished up and for the rest of the evening, thankfully nobody brought up the topic of Jet and his friends.
Zuya was abruptly waken up by Sokka, right when he came back from the mission. Katara and Aang must’ve already gone somewhere.
- Wake the hell up Zuya, they’re psychos! - Sokka shook her by the shoulders.
- Stop shaking me! - Zuya’s green eyes were barely open and the boy was still blurry in her vision.
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misterah13 · 1 year
All SpongeBob characters
SpongeBob SquarePants
Gary The Snail
Shelley The Scallop
Patrick Star
Squidward Tentacles
Sandy Cheeks
Mr Eugene H Krabs
Sheldon J Plankton
Karen Plankton
Mrs Penelope Puff
Pearl Krabs
Larry The Lobster
The Flying Dutchman
King Neptune
Queen Amphitrite
Princess Mindy
King Neptune’s Mother
Mermaid Man
Barnacle Boy
Pyrite Ponderer
Miss Appear
The Elastic Waistband
Captain Magma
The Quickster
Madame Kassandra
Madame Hagfish
Squidina Star
Bunny Star
Cecil Star
Herb Star
Margie Star
Grand Pat
Uncle GrandPat
Inga Star
Ed Star
Sam Star
Silly Star
Confused Star
Hungry Star
Janet Star
Marty Star
Patrick Nonstar
Ice Cream King
Elephant Snail
Moose Snail
Squilliam Fancyson
Ma Cheeks
Pa Cheeks
Granny Cheeks
Randy Cheeks
Rowdy Cheeks
Rosie Cheeks
Sue Nahmee
Man Ray
Dirty Bubble
Harold SquarePants
Margaret SquarePants
Grandma SquarePants
Grandpa SquarePants
Todd SquarePants
SpongeBox’s Holographic Doorman
Burger Beard
Craig Mammalton
Rosy Cheeks
Kenny The Cat
Regigilled The Octopus
Wise Kraken
Goth Whale
Doctor Marmalade
Professor Percy
Lord Reginald
Atomic Flounder
Jumbo Shrimp
Sinister Slug
The Octopus King
The Moth
Breakfast Monster
Kelp Thing
Clam Head Candy Cad
Jeff Tentacles
Kevin C Cucumber
Gordon Plankton
Cletus Plankton
Mama Plankton
Plankton 2.0
Betsy Krabs
Redbeard Krabs
Mr Doodles The Worm
Krabs Senior
Mrs Tentacles
Granny Tentacles
Jeff Tentacles
Plankton’s Ancestors, Cousins and Family
Granny Plankton
Spot The Amoeba
Chip Plankton
Lighthouse Louie
King Poseidon
Tony The Sea Turtle
Sea Turtles
Anchor Man
Wonder Whale
Robot Mantis
King Jellyfish
Queen Jellyfish
Blue Crested Blaster Jellyfish
Speckled Squirter Jellyfish
Two Fisted Jumper Jellyfish
Gold Throated Singer Jellyfish
No Name/Friend The Blue Jellyfish
Ol Bessy The Jellyfish
Dopey Dick The White Jellyfish
Bat Jellyfish
Moon Jellyfish
Jellien Leader
Sea Urchins
Jennifer The Sea Anemone
Comb Jelly
Stan The Manta Ray
Gulper Eel
Professor Percy
Dr Marmalade
Lord Reginald
Fuzzy Acorns
Mystery The Seahorse
Sea Whelks
Sea Snails
Miss Marigold The Sea Snail
Penny Pinchers
Alaskan Bull Worm
The Sneaky Hermit
Hermit Crabs
Yeti Crabs
Federico The Waiter
Brine Shrimp/Sea Monkeys
Johnny Krill
Sea Slug
Stanley S SquarePants
Captain Blue SquarePants
BlackJack SquarePants
Bubbles The Talking Dolphin
Janitor Bots
Ancient Warrior
Manatees/Sea Cows
Earless Seals
Bubble Buddy
Black Scallops
Karen Plankton 2.0
Abominable Snow Mollusk
Mermaid Teenager 1
Mermaid Teenager 2
Mermaid Teenager 3
Mermaid Teenager 4
Mermaid Teenager 5
Mermaid Teenager Incidentals
Mermaid 1 (The Cosmic Shake)
Mermaid 2 (The Cosmic Shake)
Mermaid 3 (The Cosmic Shake)
Sir Urchin
Snail Fail
Tooth Fairy (Character)
Narlene Narwhal
Nobbert Nobby Narwhal
WillyBob The Narwhal
Ma Narwhal
Pa Narwhal
Mr Eugene Krabs’s Three Nephews
Captain Of The Sea Ship Atlantis
Lord Royal Highness
Atlantean Royal Guards
Worm Hogs
Rolly The Dinosaur
Sea Dinosaurs
Sea Tigers
Sea Elephants
Sea Cows
Lucky The Sea Cow
Sea Giraffes
Sea Bunnies
Sea Bears
Sea Spiders
Sea Chimps
Sea Monkeys
Sea Rhinoceroses
Sea Baboons
Sea Hippos
Sea Snakes
Sea Mules
Sewer Snake
Sea Monsters
Sea Monster
Fifi The Worm
Robot (Character)
Spotted Glistening Meadow Worms
Mrs Wormsley
Wormsley Children
Peanut Worms
Rex The Worm
Atlantean Citizens
The Greek Chorus
French Narrator
Goofy Goober
Mayhem Machine
Mr Sun
Patchy The Pirate
Potty The Parrot
Stephen Hillenburg
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