#fnaf astronomy
snowe-zolynn-rogers · 7 months
Pairings: None
Word Count: 2,552 Words
Summary: The five times the daycare attendants killed an innocent Eclipse.
Warnings: Death, Murder, Child Murder, Mild Robot Gore, Child Endangerment, Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Fire, Panic Attack, Trauma, PTSD, Angst, Fluff, Sibling Bonding, let me know if I should add anything else.
The Six Eclipses
1: Annulus
The first time was the simplest. The orange and black bot woke up with no memory at all in a ball pit? Yes, the colorful round shapes meant this was a ball pit. He clawed his way out of it and giggled when the balls exploded around him as he surfaced out of the ball pit.
The animatronic decided he’d rather play, moving the balls around and playing with them, giggling the whole time. What was his name? He liked Annulus. He liked the sound of the name. He loved the nickname Annie especially.
Annulus peeked up over the castle wall as he heard voices and he watched two animatronics talking, holding onto the foam wall and smiling at the two. They looked like him and they registered to his systems as Sun for the gold and yellow one and Moon for the blue and silver one. Annulus only got alarmed when the both of them got startled seeing him.
“Moon! Moon!?” Sun screamed at the blue animatronic and Annulus cocked his head to the side in confusion as to why they were scared. Annulus looked back to see if something was behind him. But Annulus didn’t see anything behind him. Annulus looked back at the two other animatronics only to be face to face with a barrel pointed right to his face.
“Wha-” Annulus didn’t have the time to fully get the word out of his mouth before Moon fired off a laser from the barrel and Annulus’ body fell backward into the ballpit with steam rising from the scorched neck pipe where the circular head frame was missing, wires and all.
2: Penumbra
The second time he woke up with a gasp, hands feeling over his face as he remembered the last memory he had. It was a sudden flash of pain in just his head and explosion levels of heat. That life was Annulus’, but it wasn’t his own. Not this one.
He decided he would be different. His name would be Penumbra. Penny. He liked that one. Penumbra loved that name. It was cute. He was glad to not be in the ball pit, it made him terrified that he could’ve felt that again. It was scary.
Penumbra was in a pretty starry sky, it was gorgeous. This looked like indoors though, that was the ceiling!? The ceiling was so pretty! Penumbra giggled seeing it, looking over the dark pretty indoor sky. Penumbra heard someone near him and looked back to see something leer toward him in the darkness and waved. The animatronic didn’t register as Sun or Moon so it wasn’t someone scary, right?
Penumbra felt a hand against his face and screamed feeling heat charge up, grabbing the arm that was holding him and attempting to fight the hand away, the hand registering to his database as Solar. Penumbra was screaming up until Solar’s arm cannon went off and Penumbra collapsed to the floor, the remainder of his head smoking as the wires singed with sparks and flames.
3: Saros
The third woke up more slowly, groaning as he held his head and rubbed over it with phantom pains. Saros? He liked Saros. Saros was remembering slowly the past two deaths, very sudden and terrifying in retrospect. It left him shaking abut. But those were adults, right?
Now that he had time to think about things, Saros knew those animatronics were adults and he was just a kid in a way. He had no memory besides his prior deaths, really. Saros didn’t really know much, but the only adults he knew of were the ones that had hurt him before. Or…past versions of him? Saros didn’t know. But they were scary, that was for sure.
Saros wanted to ask them for help. Maybe they’d listen if he could ask them this time? Saros looked around to find he had woken up in a theater. It was a big place, actually. It was kind of pretty despite how dark it was. Saros followed the lights out of the theater and up into the concession booth, finding it was a red and orange and black bot half-asleep at the counter.
“HI!” Saros waved at him.
“Oh shit.” The bot that registered now as Solar, his killer last time fumbled a bit as he stood straight up and stared at Saros.
“Hello, my name is Saros, can I ask you if you can hel-” Saros got a shot from the arm cannon through half his faceplate, leaving him screaming as half his fragile head components had been blown to dust. Saros collapsed holding his head and trying to hold the components left of his circuit board together before he felt another blast from the arm cannon.
Saros’s body slumped to the floor with a quarter of his head left and oil dripping, catching fire in his engines just as Saros’ body was powering down, creating a fire on the floor and a mark of fire damage on the floor as well.
4: Shadow
The fourth screamed awake, alerting someone around him. Shadow had a very short existence, very confused and scared. He was in the middle of the daycare surrounded by only Sun and cleaning supplies. Shadow’s screaming alerted Sun, who immediately panicked and ripped out Shadow’s wires. Later that night, when Moon woke up, Moon put Shadow’s body in the kitchen’s trash compactor, ridding them of Shadow.
5: Astronomy
When Astronomy woke up, he was in an even more vividly colored daycare. Where was this? Lunar and Earth’s daycare? He hadn’t seen those two animatronics before. Maybe they were nicer than the other three?
Astronomy looked around and found a small blue animatronic just a bit taller than him. Astronomy was tiny, he was toddler-sized and Lunar was taller than him. Lunar looked more inviting, more kind. And he looked happy talking to someone that didn’t register as an animatronic. It was someone really tall with pretty blue designs that Astronomy didn’t hear the name of.
Astronomy hesitantly went up to Lunar and gently tugged on his sleeve, confused and afraid of Lunar turning out like the others. He was a very pretty light blue and almost glowing with nervous but kind energy. But that kind energy faded the second Lunar turned to him. But Astronomy persisted. Lunar was an adult and he needed an adult to help him.
“Mister Lunar? C-Can you help me?” Astronomy asked.
“Oh don’t play dumb, you arrogant prick!” Lunar snapped and the blue person disappeared. Astronomy looked up toward the blue person then back to Lunar, who was charged with electricity? Lightning? But he was buzzing with it.
Astronomy didn’t have time to get another word out before he felt lightning running through him, frying every circuit and blowing them out, making Astronomy scream as the lightning made scars and Lichtenburg marks across his skin, smoke billowing from Astronomy’s melting circuits before it fried his internals and his chip.
Astronomy’s body dropped to the floor like a stone, smoke billowing above him and sparks and jolts still going through him after Astronomy had already been killed.
+1. Ultraviolet
Ultraviolet woke up in the balcony room. He didn’t know why but he was there, which immediately scared him and made him run as a large blue and green animatronic that registered as Earth saw him run to hide. He was scared of the animatronics here, all of them had killed him before except Earth! He didn’t like those animatronics and Earth couldn’t be any better!
The little blue one seemed friendly and smaller like him but he didn’t want to take his chances this time. Ultraviolet had hid in the dressing room behind the theater, looking at himself in the mirror. The features he had were pretty ones. He loved the pretty black and orange. It was a pretty combination.
In the mirror, Ultraviolet saw a pretty orange and black dress meant for the theater actors and it looked small enough for him. Violet took off his clothes and changed into the frilly black and orange dress and giggled as he twirled in it, hands holding the skirt and watching it floof around him as he sat on the ground like a princess.
Violet liked that he looked like a princess, he liked the fluffy dress. He felt cute in the dress. It made him forget about Earth until he saw her turn the corner into the dressing room and see him on the ground. Earth stopped dead seeing him but didn’t make a move yet, seemingly stunned to see him there. Or maybe it was the dress?
Ultraviolet didn’t know, all he knew was that Earth was scary and it made tears of oil prick in his eyes and fall over his face, sobs unwillingly leaving his voice box. Earth had crouched down in front of him but it just made him scramble back and hide under one of the mirror desks, curling up and hiding as best he could.
“Don’t kill me! Don’t kill me, please!?” Ultraviolet sobbed out, shaking and Earth gently and slowly lowered one of her hands to touch Violet’s own hands.
“It’s okay. You’re safe. You’re a little one, right?” Earth asked, voice soft and calm. It made Ultraviolet look up that she was actually talking to him without threats or yelling or panic. “Are you alright, little one? Do you need a hug?” Earth asked softly.
Ultraviolet sniffled and shuddered with a sob before tackling to hold around her middle, wailing and burying against her as her gentle hands rubbed over his back. Earth wasn’t hurting him. Earth wasn’t making him die again. She was comforting him, holding him while he cried.
“It’s okay, little one. You’re safe.” Earth assured him, voice still soft and calm enough it calmed him enough that the wailing petered down into hiccups and sniffles as Violet cried himself out, oil wetting and maybe staining Earth’s pretty skirt but she didn’t even seem to care.
“I know it’s scary, but you’re safe. Just breathe, little one. What’s your name? Do you have one?” She asked to calm him further.
“Ultraviolet.” He whispered, wiping his eyes with his arm but refusing to let go of Earth, too scared to let go of the one adult who hadn’t hurt him.
“Ultraviolet is a pretty name. My, that’s a very good name. And the nickname maybe Violet. Oh, I love that name, it’s so pretty like you in this dress, Violet.” Earth giggled and smiled, making Ultraviolet feel a lot more comfortable. Earth sat forward and offered Ultraviolet her hands to pick him up.
Violet immediately raised his arms to be picked up, letting her arms coddle him to her shoulder and hold him there. One hand was under his thighs and the other hand over his back and head to keep him in her shoulder as Ultraviolet clung his hands around her neck to hold on tight, feeling the warmth and affection she had.
Earth stood up with him in her arms, carrying him somewhere and Violet peeked to see they were going to the daycare with her hands getting more protective. It seemed Earth had known about Ultraviolet’s prior deaths and was protecting him from the other animatronics.
“Boys! Hello!” Earth called out and Ultraviolet looked around, seeing the four animatronics that had killed him in his last five lives and one other taller adult animatronic with rays and looked nervous but kind. He registered as Ruin in Violet’s systems and he looked kind. Kinder than even Lunar.
Either way, the sight of all four of the animatronics that had killed Violet in his last five lives made him inadvertently give a whimper and begin to shake, sniffles rising back up again as he pressed his face into Earth’s neck, clutching onto her shirt tighter so she wouldn’t leave him to the mercy of the mean adult animatronics again.
“Boys, I am deeply ashamed and disappointed in you. Not you, Ruin. I understood when you four all had told me that you had killed an Eclipse that had come around as I was under the impression that you all had been threatened or attacked and provoked into killing him. However, Ultraviolet here has no more than the mentality of barely a two year old and seemingly no memories whatsoever other than the trauma the four of you have inflicted.” Earth told them, her hand on Ultraviolet’s back rubbing it to soothe him as he whimpered and cried quietly, too scared to pay attention to the conversation. He was just happy that Earth was comforting him.
“Earth, he’s not a-” Moon began.
“That being said!” Earth cut him off. “I do not condone your actions any longer in the murders of those ‘Eclipses’. As far as I am aware, all five of them were innocent of crimes as well as children. You four should be ashamed of yourselves. If Ultraviolet is a reflection of them at all, then they did absolutely nothing to any of you other than exist.”
“Earth?” Sun asked.
“No, I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to hear the excuses! Ultraviolet is a two year old with no memories of anything besides death! I will not entertain your excuses! All four of you will not interact with him until he’s ready to interact with you! Ultraviolet is a tiny toddler, smaller than Lunar even! How could four of five of you possibly have seen a toddler as a threat!?” She sounded really angry and it made Ultraviolet whimper and let out a cry, though not tears came out this time because his oil tank was too low to create more tears.
Earth relaxed and turned away from the other five animatronics, rocking Ultraviolet as she also calmed herself down. Her hand stroked up and down Ultraviolet’s spine and she shushed him, softly humming as she ran her fingers to rub his rays and that instantly relaxed Violet against her shoulder, breath getting softer and slower as he was slowly falling asleep to the feeling.
“I may be the baby sister but I am extremely upset with all of you four. Not you, Ruin. And I’m sorry if I scared you, Ruin. I know you haven’t seen me angry before, I apologize.” Earth told the group of other animatronics.
“It’s very alright, Earth. I understand.” Ruin assured her. “May I see him?” Ruin asked.
“Of course.” She smiled, sitting with Ruin as the other four went to talk to each other quietly like they’d been scolded by a parent. Earth slowly and carefully transferred Ultraviolet into Ruin’s awaiting arms and Ruin carefully held him the same as Earth had, though he sat in a rocking chair, which soothed Violet even more.
As if Ruin was an expert, the other animatronic’s rubbed and massaged Violet’s rays from the base to the tips, vanes getting Ruin’s fingers running over them and it put Violet fully to sleep from fussing slightly. Earth cooed softly as she saw little Violet go to sleep in Ruin’s arms and immediately began taking pictures and sending them straight to Monty while Ultraviolet continued to sleep, completely comfortable in Ruin’s arms getting soft fingers rubbing his back and rays to soothe away any nightmares.
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micvonmessenger · 6 months
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My First Eclipse Ever!
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lion8898 · 21 days
What is Tycho Crater The Bright Jewel of the Moon
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unnamed-axolotl · 7 months
Love how my two special interests are completely different from each other. One is a fascination with space and the science behind it, the origins of the universe and the beauty of how rare and special we are, and the other is fnaf.
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luc1dw0rld · 3 days
Do y’all want to see more post of OC’s?
I was thinking of doing like requests and stuff! You can ask my OCs questions! Maybe even scenarios!
I’m making some OC’s just for tumblr and stuff! I have two on the way sorta I just need to finish their bio!
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rosalieuwu · 9 months
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taradactylus · 10 months
Having classes about astronomy and meanwhile in the FNAF fandom's DCA part is such a satisfying yet twisted combo.
Satisfying, because with every class I just get more and more inspiration for the cute jesters, and I feel even more motivation to actually study for this
Twisted, because with every class, I also learn that our pure existence depends on so many little consequences that allowed us to get so far we can actually create stories that we hide into, because of the complex running world we created around us, and we wouldn't actually need such complex stories and comfort characters if we would've stayed more close to animals and not try to play gods.
I also found out about why the Earth can have life and why Mars can't. This class is an emotional roller coaster
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acoholicstarzz · 1 year
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Oc x Deathtrap
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worldnews360 · 2 years
Astrology enthusiasts in parts of the world gathered Tuesday to witness the last solar eclipse of the year, a phenomenon where the moon briefly casts a black shadow that blocks the sun. 
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mim0-o · 3 months
Hi everybody, I'm new on Tumblr, so this is a presentation of who I'am or something like that (?), I'm just gonna do this for fun, I don't think I'm gonna post things or something, but anyway I want to do it, so here we go! ;
Name : Mimo (this is just my nickname, any variant of this one is fine! Also, I don't like saying my real name)
Age : 15 years old (😭)
Pronouns : She / They / He (I commonly use She)
Sexual Orientation and Gender : Pansexual and Genderfae/Genderfluid (I'm still confused between Genderfae or Genderfluid😭)
Languages : Espanish or English (English is not my first language, but it is what I use the most on internet)
Fun Facts (?) : I'm learning how to play Bass and I would like to learn Piano too! I'm very shy in any way until I get more comfortable with people (I almost don't have friends💔) and I love learning new things, I am very curious!
Some things I like (there are more but I don't want to make this too long) : Will Wood, Ghost B.C., Mitski, Atarashii Gakko, Ikigusare Idols. Fnaf, Sally Face, Minecraft, Fran Bow. Any movie in The Conjuring saga or any Terror Movie. Don't hug me, I'm Scared, Spooky Month. Shifting, Astronomy, Physics, Chemistry, etc...
And well, that's it I think, sorry for my bad English, Thanks for Reading! (Also, take a representative drawing of me:3)
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cyarsk5230 · 6 months
There is only one place in Michigan where people will be able to experience the total solar eclipse.
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mymegumi · 11 months
my bf fell asleep watching an astronomy video and its like actually giving me a headache
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healthpind · 11 months
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5 posts!
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lion8898 · 21 days
tycho Crater: Bright Moon Jewel
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extremeblazeist · 12 days
Intro post
I’m Dominic, was @blazeddoomer…
Age: 15
Discord: egs_blaze
Links: Extremeblazeist | Instagram | Linktree
Tcc: Andrew, Pekka , Dylan n Eric, Nikita n Artyom, and others but mostly the ones I mentioned
Movies: Zero day, Elephant, Duck! The Carbine High Massacre, and There Will Be Blood
Interests: Nge, Berserk, Junji ito and all his works, Aot, Jiba, fnaf, Devilman, anything horror related, analog horror, astronomy and history, Ranfren, researching, !DINOSAURS!, drawing, playing Roblox, doing stupid shit with my friends, film making, and creating stuff
Languages: English, Spanish, French + learning Russian
I don’t mind making friends
but I am kinda awkward and got anxiety so sorry for any inconveniences in advance yeah yeah
That’s all, cya!
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charlottecutepie · 7 months
about me | masterlist
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hi my name is Liz, you can call me Lizzy/Beth, she/her, infp 4w5. I’m over 18 and this blog contains sexual themes, so if you’re minor don’t interact
this blog contains smut, angst, fluff, gore, violence and hurt/comfort fics. i mostly write for fnaf, although i love other fandoms too
rules: no homophobia, transphobia, racism or anything like that, otherwise you’ll be blocked. let’s be nice to each other. dont copy and translate my works and this master list too, don’t post them on any other sites, I put a lot of effort into them so it’s disrespectful. im open to blurbs and i write for fem reader. also comments and reblogs are always appreciated!!
some things I adore: night sky, writing, drawing, dancing, cinematography, dilfs, history, astrology and astronomy, spirituality, forests, unicorns, summer, chocolate, purple and blue colours, ballet, lambs, lavender, rain and rainbow, dark red lipstick, memes, poetry, deers, bubble baths, herbal tea, dogs, meadows
artists that inspire me a lot: melanie martinez, lana del rey, the neighbourhood, pastel ghost, grimes, tame impala, tv girl, marina, cults, arctic monkeys, crystal castles, cigarettes after sex, mitski, princess chelsea, mars argo, billie eilish, sidewalks and skeletons, allie x
aesthetic I love: coquette (all sort of), vintage americana, dreamcore, cottagecore, fairycore, balletcore, old money
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nsfw alphabet | deal | his princess | teacher’s pet | picnic date | strawberry jam | Valentine’s Day blurb | married!William headcanons
William Afton audio | audio 2 | audio 3 | audio 4 | audio 5 | audio 6 | audio 7 | audio 8 | audio 9
his least favourite colour | bully | nsfw alphabet
☥ Bunny meat (William Afton x fem!reader x Michael Afton) ☥
1 chapter | 2 chapter | 3 chapter | 4 chapter | 5 chapter
🎞˚ :♡· ˚₊˚ HENRY EMILY
Henry Emily audio
nothing yet. . .
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