#followed in actual answer order XD
dreamsinmoonlight · 4 months
(Welp the public have spoken: a sequel to Angel Cocoon will come soon
As for the person who sent me an ask, that will be coming after; it's gonna be....interesting
Feel free to keep sending me requests, I love the idea people think I'm actually capable instead of being the lump I am)
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stick-by-me · 11 months
how many new follower stickers do you have to do at the time of me asking? i admire the dedication and personalization of each one!
Thank you so much! I'm glad y'all appreciate them, they're super fun to do :] And at the time of you asking? Oh gosh golly XD. I have 7 prepped and ready in the queue and 14 more I need to investigate/pick out right now.
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livelaughlovesubs · 14 days
Heeeeya, Nini! How's it going? I can't believe its already been a year! I've been here since before that time you accidentally deleted your blog XD. Congrats! you've dominated the sub! bsd tag for forever and I'm living for it XD. For the event, can I please request Fyodor (bsd) with the prompt, 'Keeping their hands bound to make basic tasks difficult or impossible. Bonus: punish them for failing or making a mess'. Bro, I have an inability to be all that sadistic, even in fiction TwT, so for the punishment part, can I request something like tickling? Is that allowed?! LMAO- As always, feel free to delete/decline this if it makes you uncomfy, and have an awesome day. And again, congrats on one year!
AHHHHH DONT REMIND ME OF THAT TIME can’t believe how dumb I was 🥲 but thank you for being a long time follower hehe, the idea with tickling is very cute I love it
Dom!reader x sub!fyodor - reader is gn
Warning: humiliation, teasing, a tiny bit of degrading, tickling >:)
Anniversary event
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Thud thud thud
Someone was hammering on your door in the middle of the night, and they just didn’t stop. You’ve been trying to ignore it for the past minutes, but the sound only got louder.
Thud thud thud
“Ahhhh which fucker is it?!” In the end, you gave in and cursed, stomping to the front door before opening a small crack. “What is-” to your surprise you knew the person behind the door, it was fyodor, your boyfriend. “Huh?? Fedya? Why didn’t you use the bell?” You immediately swung the door open and invited him in, he gave you a bashful smile before entering. Then you shut the door behind him.
“You see…” he said, while he let his coat slip from his shoulders, revealing his hands which were bound tightly behind his back. “It proved to be pretty difficult to ring the bell three times, so I thought kicking the door would suffice.” That was the secret code you two agreed on, so that you’d know if it was him who’s standing on your doorway. “Ah…” you stared at his restricted limps, then at him, giving him a questioning glance. He didn’t provide any explanation or answers.
The male turned around to face you, who were still standing next to the door. “Well? Aren’t you going to help me?” He rushed you, but kept his soft smile. “Actually no, not yet.” You replied, crossing your arms in font of your chest. That attitude, were you mad with him? “…y/n, what do you want.” Finally he dropped the good-guy act, seemingly irritated by your behaviour. Normally you’d help without being this difficult, except when you aren’t in a good mood, something that seems to be the case here.
You walked past him and sat down on the couch, making yourself comfortable before saying, “bring me the remote.” Fyodor looked a tad baffled, though he didn’t think too much about it and walked to the shelf to the left of you, pondering for a moment on how to grab it, before using his mouth to bite the object. Then he brought it to you like an obedient puppy, right into your hand and cheeks flushed a bright shade of red. “Good job.” You praised him, scratching the underside of his chin a bit, intensifying his blush.
“Now bring me a scissor to cut those ropes. You can find it in the kitchen.” He glared at you when you didn’t stop ordering him around, especially since he found his actions pretty shameful. Nevertheless, he bit back his complains and went to the other room to get whatever you wanted. Once he found the scissor, he bit the handle of the tool, and carefully got back to your side. “That took you a while.” You chuckled, to which he scoffed, “are you done with the games now?” How furious he sounded, he wasn’t having half the fun you had huh?
You tilted your head to the side, acting like you were thinking about it, then said, “one last thing.” Before giving him a big smile. The male rolled his eyes at that, at least internally. “Bring me a glass of water, that’s my last request, promise.” After you finished your sentence, you raised your pinky finger, then said, “ah silly me, you can’t reciprocate it after all.” Fyodor mumbled, “you are unbelievable.” Then he made his way back to the kitchen. What else was he supposed to do, he needed your help.
Through much resilience and great efforts, he managed to get a cup out of your shelves. And he even managed to fill it with tap water! Afterwards he bit the handle of the cup, finding that to be the easiest course of action, and slowly walked over to you. This was now his third time running a stupid errand for you, and he really hoped this would be the last. On his way back, he accidentally spilled the water in the cup all over himself and the floor, causing him to yelp a little, “hmmm..!”
You turned your head to the source of the noise, giggling at the sight but not helping him. His blush darkened even more, and he closed the last bit of distance between you two. Without any commentary, you took the cup and put it on the table, grabbing the scissors and cutting through his binds. He didn’t expect you to not make fun of him, so consider him grateful.
Though after you were done, you got up from your seat, grabbing his shoulders as you sneered, “gosh, fyodor, you couldn’t even bring me a glass of water?” Guess he jinxed it. Even though considering the circumstances he was in, failing his task was a very possible outcome, he still felt humiliated by your words, or at least embarrassed. He wanted to argue, to try and keep some shreds of dignity when you bested him to it, saying, “shouldn’t you get a punishment for that?”
“A punishment?” As soon as these words left his mouth, you pushed him into the couch and tickled him. Attacking his stomach while responding through a huge grin, “yep! A punishment you can’t evade!” “What- ha- ahaha.. no, wait haha…! Stop!” He laughed involuntarily, kicking his legs around and trying to peel your hands off his body. “Haha.. s-stop, hahh.. really, hahaha~ I can’t-!!” Tears were forming in the corners of his eyes already, his clothes and hair all disheveled. “Hehe.. alright, the punishment is over.” You eventually said, reaching out to his face to wipe his tears away.
As if hit by the realisation, he abruptly stopped smiling, still blushing furiously as he gasped for air. When he breathing calmed down, he pouted, then wrapped his arms around your neck as he gave you a quick kiss on the lips, “you-… you better make it up to me for being mean.”
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akawrites000 · 10 months
when two people meet and they belong together on some level - a prompt list
again, this can be used for anyone - close friends, s/o, crushes. please feel free to change pronouns as you see fit :)
A and B are benchmates, and by the end of the lecture, they've managed to become more than strangers, and people with common interests. They exchange numbers - "can I have your full name?" "sure, but why?" "I just like to store the full names of people's contacts that I'm going to save."
A has never eaten out with their new friend before, so they're pretty nervous because they eat differently? compared to the locals. "i'm sorry, but can I eat with my hands? I just feel more comfortable doing it." B just smiles kindly at A, and A immediately feels at home, despite being miles away from it. "of course you can, please be comfortable!"
A introduces their cuisine to B and B absolutely loves it. "I can't believe I've never had this before!" "do you like it?" " of course! this is easily one of the best meals I've had in my life". Then they both grin at each other and continue to spend the upcoming hours in the restaurant, smiling, chatting away and having a jolly time. (the restaurant people are nice because they don't get kicked out xD)
A teaches B how to eat food from their cuisine and B follows obediently. A is so impressed by B's efforts, just looks at B with a fond smile while B is busy trying to eat the food correctly. "am I doing this right? can I eat this with both hands?"
B invites A over to their place for Halloween and A is so pleasantly surprised, that they can't believe it. "You're inviting me over? really?" "of course! I'd love to have you over if you'd like to come!" A later gets to know that B themselves was a transfer student who went to another country to study, so they can understand the feelings of an international student. A was just so touched and couldn't stop smiling.
It's A's first Halloween and B watches them smile and get excited about everything with a fond look on their face. A turns to them, almost shy, "um, i- I didn't really bring any Halloween clothes," and B has to try really hard to hold in their laugh because A was just being really cute right now. "I can help with that," - B finds a pair of cute purple socks and a headband for A to wear and A's excitement lights up B's entire evening.
"so, do you invite people often?" you seem to be a really good host." B, surprised, "ah, thank you for saying that, but actually, no, I don't." A smiles at the answer and they continue watching the movie playing on the tv, a comfortable distance between them, feeling warm despite the cold winds outside.
B watches A order their usual and smiles at them, "hot chocolate as usual?". A nods, happy with their favourite drink in hand. "What are you getting?" B points to their plate, "oh, just a plate of strawberry cheesecake, I really like these." A makes a mental note of it.
At the cafe again, weeks later, after class, "one hot chocolate and one strawberry cheesecake please!" B just stares at A, dumbfounded, "you remember!" "of course I do!"
"do you want to talk? I don't want to go home just yet." A and B walk over to a bench on their campus and proceed to talk into the evening until A had to catch a bus back home.
A spots a duck upside down in a pond and immediately texts B (who's absent that day) - "uhh, a duck is upside down and I'm worried about it." A doesn't know but B was wheezing while texting back, " that's normal don't worry, it's just feeding." A lets out a breath of relief, "thank goodness! I haven't seen a lot of ducks in my hometown." "I can tell."
A and B compare their hand sizes, after which B holds A's (much smaller) hand. "your hands are so small, no wonder you get cold easily!" A just smiles happily and holds B's hand tighter.
A and B spend the whole day together and then can't stop thinking about it after. "is it weird that I'm grinning, still thinking about how fun today was?" "no, because I'm still thinking about it too."
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abiatackerman · 11 days
If he wasn't cold hearted and had some thoughtfulness he would have remembered or talked about Farlan and Isabel in flashbacks even after their deaths. But he acts as if they never existed, let alone died. The idea of opening an orphanage and taking children from the underground was Historia's idea, not Levi's. Levi just approved and supported it. The fact that he cares more about the tasks/orders than you, erasing your importance to him, does not mean that he will only throw you to option 2, it means that he will be willing to throw you into the mouth of a titan without even thinking about you. Regardless of your opinion or consent. That's treason and considering his order follower, he'd even keep secrets from you. If that's not betrayal, what is? All this means that he is not very loyal and you cannot have a healthy relationship with him. He is also very prejudiced and high-minded. For example, he dislikes weak people and generalizes every rich person as a greedy asshole. This is not the perspective of a thoughtful and caring human being. If Levi had a romantic relationship trope, it would be toxic relationship. I think any real man or fictional man would be more considerate and loyal than Levi. This must be one of the reasons why Isayama finds it strange to even ask "women?" about Levi and women. It is pure speculation to think that he would have a healthy and loyal relationship with him. To realize that be a better person than Levi, you either have to touch the grass and meet real people, or you have to stop being stuck in a fandom and look at other series/fandoms and discover the characters there, and get to know people and characters who look stoic like Levi, but who have more realistic potential to be more thoughtful, selfless, loyal, who will value you as a priority than Levi.
I'm feeling so lazy to write a huge answer so I'll keep it short.
Isabel and Furlan were shown in the OVAs and just like how the stories of other OVAs weren't mentioned in the main anime or manga, the topic of "no regrets" OVA was neglected too. That's a commercial thing in my opinion. But the one time when Eren, Mikasa and Armin were talking about the sea and Levi was listening to them quietly with a sad mood, that represents Levi remembering them.
About the orphanage, you yourself said that Levi supported it XD, so you admit he helped Historia too even when Levi got no benefits from it.
About the next fact, I truly disagree. That's a thing Levi would never do. He saved Mikasa twice and in the female titan arc, he even twisted his ankle. He will never play with people's life, he even hated Erwin because he used to do that. He has always hated "unnecessary" deaths. He would never throw a person into the titans mouth unless the person agrees and wants to die willingly for the betterment. Imagine Erwin is planning you to die in a process and he has no intention of telling this to you (though I don't think so he would do something like this) and Levi knows about this. Do you think he'll support it? If you still think so I would suggest you to re-read the manga and rewatch the anime, you haven't understood Levi's actual character yet.
In the battle of Shiganshina, he told Erwin that he'll charge towards the beast titan, ALONE (he didn't even care about his life, he was thinking about the life of his comrades) just so the others will be able to escape easily and later he supported Erwin's plan because since that was a situation were everyone was about to die. He thought by this he'll at least be able to save someone. Saving some life is better than everyone dying. He even tried to stop Hange (silently) when they sacrificed themselves. He saved Connie and jean in the final battles and lost his leg due to the process... You would still say that he would throw you in a titan's mouth?
Also you say that hiding classified plans and information is a betrayal? That's hilarious, dear. He would do it for your safety. What if someone kidnaps you just because you know about the plans? The less you know, the better. Just because you are the girlfriend of Levi Ackerman doesn't mean you can know about all the plans and classified information. Fix your morals.
Also dear anon, did you just say he hates weak people? When he fought during his whole life just to save them, the weak humanity from the titans????? Also I support Levi calling rich people "greedy assholes" because most of the rich people in AOT were actually described as "greedy assholes".
About the last topic we both know Levi is a "Famous as hell between women" character. That's why Isamaya never mentioned anything about Levi's sexualities and romantic interests. Also dear Isamaya likes to tease us so what you mentioned isn't something important.
At last I would like to say that Levi avoids being close with people. But once someone becomes dear to them, he'll do his best to save them. Sure he won't be lovey-dovey or sweet as sugar boyfriend, but he'll definitely support you and silently will show his love for you. We all know he's bad with his words so he'll show his love through work. He's a mature person after all!
That's it anon, have a nice day!
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Headcanons on the Heroic Order
Totally a very small post about ideas related to the Heroic Order.
The Heroic Order is the jurisdiction of the Lightbearer Empire. It upholds law and order and deals with the daily tasks of sorting out problems among the citizens. It investigates crimes, arrests criminals, delivers judgment and sentences upon them, and has their imprisonment organised (or their death sentence).
It appears honorable that Valen and Hogan wouldn't arrest and hold suspects without conclusive evidence. But whether there are proper trials is unclear. Hogan does not look like he's doing much office work (in full armour, sure) despite being the magistrate, so I don't get the feeling he's actually sitting in trials, listening to two sides and then passing on judgement. I fear… until I learn otherwise… that the processing of crime is simply as follows: an initial request to kick things of, then the investigation process and if there is honest evidence to be found it is collected and presented, the criminal arrested, and without further due, simply punished accordingly. This approach is fool-proof and leaves no room for forgery and false claims. No one would ever abuse that. ;-)
Since Hogan once was the leader of the Heroic Order and has "walked into the palace with all his medals", I assume the order has its headquarters in the capital.
Of course, much like the Templars, the Heroic Order does technically accept women. But they must undergo the same training as the men and it's often very tough for them due to the natural disadvantage. It is hardly impossible, however, and even though there are none in Holistone, there is a good number employed in the capital and elsewhere. Some are out in the field, but most of them end up in a mix of administrative work and less front-line jobs. Naturally, there are some women in the Solitaries also.
I am certain Hogan learned of things during his time as leader of the Heroic Order that are far from heroic and honorable, within his ranks and the system. But he would do more damage to the common folk and the security of the Empire if he tried such a silly thing as to oppose those truly in charge, than if he did not. His loyalty to the people of the Empire is without comparison and he does consider himself more useful to them alive than dead trying to fight something worse than Maulers.
Hogan wasn't the leader of the Heroic Order for too long. Less than a decade, or a decade at most. Getting on with age and feeling out of touch with the common folk amidst the rich capital, he wanted a more quiet job among the citizens. Now he's stuck babysitting Valen. xD
Even the leader of the Heroic Order answers to higher-ups, at the very least, the king. While Hogan would have had some say in matters, particularly organisation and administration, if the King wanted the Heroic Order to do this or that, Hogan could not have prevented it.
The Heroic Order branch in Holistone is somewhere in the south-west. It's small but features a small entrance hall, an office room for report writing and file storage, a hallway towards holding cells and a courtyard to the back for training. There is also a small side building on the backside of the yard with a break room/small kitchen facility, changing room, lockers/storage for the members and restrooms with even a shower. Valen uses these facilities a lot actually.
There is a small prison as well, but it's outside the Holistone walls.
Hogan lives on the second floor of this yard building. As the magistrate, he'd actually have the right to live in another property just for that position, but it's too big for a single man like him and he prefers to be on call when needed. It's accessible from the side via some stairs leading up to it.
Most soldiers have fixed times and fixed duties (on rotation), but Valen goes beyond that. He's around nearly 24/7 and chooses his own break times. He'd never turn down an assignment, no matter how much he might (playfully) complain about it. Hogan will compensate him for it, as he knows how valuable such a man is to him. Hogan has technically also work hours, but… as the magistrate and this being his life, he's also on duty 24/7. He just tries to have certain times for certain activities, so he CAN go read a book at home eventually. ;-)
The Traveler's Light Inn is nearby. The soldiers of the Heroic Order often group up for dinner together, except for those fortunate enough to have courted a lady and go home for their wife's treat. ;-)
Also, Valen's tiny attic studio is very close to the Heroic Order AND the Traveler's Light. The landlady does some cleaning for him and takes his laundry.
It isn't a rare occurrence that children of the members come round to say hi to their dads. Newborns are always taken to the order to be shown around and receive Hogan's personal blessing. Hogan absolutely loves this. "To the future of Lightbearers!" To the fathers, this is worth more than any blessing by any god. xD
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partywithoutsmiling · 5 months
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(Hey, I am really glad you are enjoying the AU so much, but I'd prefer you'd sent blog asks and not PM me about it XD;)
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(I will answer this one for you, but it's the last time, I will not do so a third time; it honestly feels a bit too forward and kinda rude for you to PM me out of the blue, only to ask about an AU- it's usually a done thing to use the blog messaging system for that)
Anyway, as for Branch using the Strings, technically as long as they are part of his hair, he cannot?
He would need to pluck them all and put them in an instrument like the Pop Harp or the Rock Guitar- instruments specifically crafted to tune the Strings to a one genre only- and even then I headcanon that using the String is bit of a double-edged sword.
Barb didn't use them long enough to feel it, but using all the Strings to overwhelm with one genre of music comes at a cost; and that is one's Life Source and Talent.
I imagine this was one of the reasons why Pop Royal Ancestors worked to keep the not only the existence of the Strings hidden from their people, but also the details how it came that the rising Pop Empire was suddenly stopped out of sudden- after all, it's not like if they controlled everything, that just anyone would be able to get close to the Pop Emperor and steal the Strings from him
His greed simply caused him to stretch too far- until the usage of the String simply killed him. The following chaos was a perfect timing for the suddenly awakened other Tribes to snatch their String back and book it, never knowing what actually caused the Pop Emperor's death- only perhaps thinking he has been assassinated by a rebel faction
A narrative, while untrue, not contested by the Pop Trolls- especially the now new crowned Queen (Queen Poppy the First? XD), younger Sister to the late Emperor She deemed the knowledge of the power of the Strings too dangerous to know and ordered all mentions to be erased.
(Of course, there might still be some banned copies flying around- and secretly passed from Troll to Troll, under the guise of a 'Sad Book Club' -nudge-nudge-wink-wink- ;-D )
(Am I making Clay a bit of a rebel against the Crown? Why yes, yes I am)
But I digress XD
The Point is, Branch cannot use the String- they are giving him power passivelly as of now, boosting his talent, giving him the power of harmony, and make him immune towards any malicious effect of music (I'd imagine Chaz's Jazz does literaly nothing, much to Chaz's disbelief)
And even if he chose to pluck them out of his head and use them in an instrument- and instrument that would have to be custom made to contain all 7 of the strings- since he has no desire to rule over any particular Genre, I think it would be similar to the first Musical Harp, where all the Strings were equally powerful and helped all the Troll tribes to Harmonize- and perhaps inspire them in music creation
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the-sky-queen · 2 months
Waiter!!! Waiter!!!! More phantom rider mind control au please!!!!!
Also do you plan on making a fic out of this? I would love to read it!
Patience young padawan! XD Alright here's a thought I've had today:
So while scrolling through Phantom Rider stuff the other day, I came across a post proposing a scenario where Surge and Phantom Rider get to know each other and become close, with Surge not realizing he's Sonic. I'm thinking I could do something similar in my AU!
But first, I wanna clarify how the mind control actually works here. The devices on the sides of Sonic's head are kinda shutting down his free will and making Eggman the dominant voice in his head. He comes to see Eggman as the ultimate authority and will follow all of his orders without question. Sonic's personality also gets overruled, leading to a very blank slate, no nonsense, focused hedgehog. The way this works, Sonic as Phantom Rider still has a degree of autonomy where he can do things on his own, but is ultimately dictated by Eggman's desires. (That said, there is also a setting on the devices that puts Phantom 100% under Eggman's control. No thoughts. Head empty. He does ONLY what he's commanded to do. But Eggman hasn't utilized this setting yet. The current setting has been enough so far.)
So! With that said, let's talk about Surge. :) I'm not sure yet how this will come to be, but I'm thinking that Surge ends up tracking Phantom down outside of a race. There's a little confrontation and Surge tries to unmask Phantom. This fails. Overall, it's a lot less tense than you would think. Newly mind controlled, Phantom isn't feeding Surge's fire with snarky remarks like he normally would. Surge's tactic switches from trying to fight him to trying to get ANY kind of reaction out of him. In her mind, he's being so guarded for a reason. If she can get him to react to what she says, or talk about himself even just a little bit, she might be able to make some progress. Maybe use context clues to figure out who he really is.
I'm thinking that Surge keeps tracking him down (an impressive feat when you realize that no one else has been able to) and talking to him. They hang out. Surge decides to try a 'hero tactic' and tries to befriend Phantom. If he trusts her, it'll be easier to expose him. She's got her work cut out for her though!
That was a long answer. XD Anyway, your second question! I'm thinking yeah, I'd love to make a fic out of this! All the enthusiasm for this AU is making me really excited to work on it. I make no promises for when it'll happen though. I've got SO MANY different AUs that I'm working on, but I'll give you a firm at some point. XD At the end of the day, it all depends on my motivation. But don't worry, it'll happen! . . . eventually. Don't be afraid to keep asking questions! It really motivates me to continue developing things.
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Do you know this (noncanon) ADHD character?
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Evidence below the cut! (As in, an entire DSM-V diagnosis xD)
Submitter provided the following diagnosis:
HC, there is a beautiful analysis by @rena-rain as well as many posts all over the internet; over all it is a common headcanon in the fandom. out of the dmsv traits she displays:
a. Often fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, at work, or during other activities (e.g., overlooks or misses details, work is inaccurate).
b. Often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities (e.g., has difficulty remaining focused during lectures, conversations, or lengthy reading).
c. Often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly (e.g., mind seems elsewhere, even in the absence of any obvious distraction).
d. Often does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace (e.g., starts tasks but quickly loses focus and is easily sidetracked).
e. Often has difficulty organizing tasks and activities (e.g., difficulty managing sequential tasks; difficulty keeping materials and belongings in order; messy, disorganized work; has poor time management; fails to meet deadlines).
f. Often avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort (e.g., schoolwork or homework; for older adolescents and adults, preparing reports, completing forms, reviewing lengthy papers).
g. Often loses things necessary for tasks or activities (e.g., school materials, pencils, books, tools, wallets, keys, papenwork, eyeglasses, mobile telephones).
h. Is often easily distracted by extraneous stimuli (for older adolescents and adults, may include unrelated thoughts).
i. Is often forgetful in daily activities (e.g., doing chores, running errands; for older adolescents and adults, returning calls, paying bills, keeping appointments).
a. Often fidgets with or taps hands or feet or squirms in seat.
b. Often leaves seat in situations when remaining seated is expected (e.g., leaves his or her place in the classroom, in the office or other workplace, or in other situations that require remaining in place).
c. Often runs about or climbs in situations where it is inappropriate. (Note: In adolescents or adults, may be limited to feeling restless.)
d. Often unable to play or engage in leisure activities quietly.
e. Is often “on the go,” acting as if “driven by a motor” (e.g., is unable to be or uncomfortable being still for extended time, as in restaurants, meetings; may be experienced by others as being restless or difficult to keep up with).
f. Often talks excessively.
g. Often blurts out an answer before a question has been completed (e.g., completes people’s sentences; cannot wait for turn in conversation).
h. Often has difficulty waiting his or her turn (e.g., while waiting in line).
i. Often interrupts or intrudes on others (e.g., butts into conversations, games, or activities; may start using other people’s things without asking or receiving permission; for adolescents and adults, may intrude into or take over what others are doing).
Several inattentive or hyperactive-impulsive symptoms are present in two or more settings (e.g., at home, school, or work; with friends or relatives; in other activities).
D. There is clear evidence that the symptoms interfere with, or reduce the quality of, social, academic, or occupational functioning.
only feature not shown is evidence of it happening before 12 YO since the show starts when she's 13 i think?
in addition she also presents a classic case of limerance towards adrien prior to actually falling in love with him, and on-screen hiperfocus episodes, as well as a hiiiigh possibility of comorbid GAD (analysis also by gentil-minou) and a few signs that could point towards comorbid ASD
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cacodaemonia · 1 year
Thank you for answering! I would actually really love to know who to follow on tumblr especially. I cant get enough clone content on my dash it seems XD. Maybe ill be able to take strength and post my blorbos with their story. I have an intense desire to share them, just gotta figure out what to write.
Hello again! Ahh I hope you can think of something to write for them :D
*cracks knuckles* Okay, I'm gonna make a list of a bunch of folks in TCW fandom who are primarily, or at least substantially, here for the clones. I don't scroll my dash very often, so I can't guarantee all of these people are still very active or post oodles of clone-centric stuff, but they love the clones and are ship-and-let-ship.
For anyone I tag or anyone who sees this: I WILL forget people because my memory is garbage (and I know some people on discord but can't recall their Tumblrs, booo), so feel free to add to the list as long as the Tumblr user is into the clones and not an anti 🧡
Okay, in no particular order:
@lizardberries @petrifiedforests @seascribbling @carverly @flowerparrish @sexysmeagolshitposting @writegowrite @come-chaos @elismor @alamogirl80 @alamogirl80 @mock-speed @indira-korr @abelunwilling @cobaltbeam @blackkatmagic @odekiisu @oriki-miitad @arrothededushka @maplerosekisses @anstarwar @trudemaethien @marbled-polecat @valkeakuulas @three-fold-symmetry @elthadriel @coinin @the-bees-patella @imrowanartist @catawampuscorner @barbieburnanator @frostbitebakery @mis-mcgifsten @weatherbane @501st-rexster @mapleowl18 @hellsbelle8675 @hawthornsword @ladysongmaster @coline7373 @ionfusionpunk @trixree @blirzy @necrophatic @letitrainathousandflames @silverxsakura @omiomicron @wrennette @gobayern16
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boyfridged · 4 months
Oh my gosh you are writing a Jay Lives AU? :D
Also yes on Dick not becoming a cop, wooh!
Low key though if that is Jason's reaction, how does he handle being around Gordan? Is it because he's Robin in that state?
Is Tim going to be there despite having zero reason to? Sorry if you like Tim, but yeah, not the biggest fan, especially in AUs where he has no reason to become Robin XD
yes!:) its title is robin vol 2: future nostalgia and it’s a series that i have been planning for a long time, i’m just enormously slow and get distracted by other projects… i suppose semantics did come out more than a year ago now.
it roughly follows the events of canon post-jay’s death (probably not including knightfall though, because there’s so much to fit in in such a short amount of time. but i’ve been questioning it) with the obvious change being jay’s presence… i’m writing it a bit out of order but they’re all supposed to work as stand-alones… right now i’m working on an instalment adapting bruce wayne: murderer.
as the title of the series suggests, jay does keep the title of robin post-aditf. though that becomes complicated later on and a source of grief, and a crisis of faith, and also comes with lots of coming of age angst… but nevertheless, he keeps robin (in one form or… another) which also means tim has absolutely no reason to be there. i’m thinking of working in some mention to indicate what he’s up to, but that’s about that. and i suppose a version of tim from the canon-esque earth (or prime earth) appears in the epilogue/the multiverse instalment. but that’s about it.
and to answer the question about gordon — yeah, jay’s not fond of him! in fact, if i were to write robin vol 1 (a rewrite of jay’s actual tenure as robin up until aditf) i would also make him wary and uncomfortable around cops… but as it is, in robin vol 2, one of the main themes is jay’s… slight political radicalisation, that happens for the most part through his reconnection with his roots and leslie, and he ends up being rather awkward about batman-cops connections in general. (and vigilantism in itself for a moment, even.) dick actually presents his idea as “undercover” work (which he also insists on calling it as in canon, at times) but that does not make the impact any lesser.
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nerdylilpeebee · 8 months
It does mean something tho, the one who “provoked” is more responsible. Let’s be fr rn. They’re not on the same level. And by your own logic, if you can justify those actions of Israel… then aren’t you the same as the ones justifying Hamas?
I don’t agree with supporting Hamas, but Israel has been doing what Hamas does for way longer and way worse. Look at how their citizens view Palestine’s! Teenagers all smiling and purposely blocking trucks to prevent recourses being supplied to Gaza? All those video’s of soldiers and ex-soldiers laughing about r-wording (little) girls. Throwing a baby in a bakery’s oven and ordering the father to follow him? Just for “fun”. How would you justify that.
And I think it’s pointless to argue over Hamas as the only argument against Israel. Again, before you blow up, I don’t agree with Hamas. But everything they did, Israel has done to. Maybe even longer or worse. There is no weighing in what either party did in war, “whataboutism” is pointless when one has done worse. The “provoker” is in the wrong. They started it.
Also idk if they’re is something with your news outlets but they do target civilians? Small example, they 3 man dead in a hospital last week. Israel’s soldiers were disguised as women to get in?? Wtf. Tried to justify it by saying that they were members from Hamas, which turns out was a lie. One was a patient and the other two were guarding/looking over him. My country has no ties to either, it’s a neutral news outlet and I checked it myself so why would they lie about these things?
First, no they really aren't. Killing innocent civilians is not something that can be justifiably provoked. If you went out of your way to specifically target civilians, what whoever you're blaming your actions on did is IRRELEVANT. You targeted civilians. By definition innocents. By definition people who had nothing to do with whatever your excuse is. You cannot be provoked into killing innocent people.
And no, I'm justifying actions meant to defend innocent people from terrorists. People justifying Hamas are justifying killing innocent civilians. That is not the same thing.
And no, they really fucking haven't. XD I have yet to see even a single instance of them doing the same brutality that Hamas commits that wasn't lies spread as propaganda. And my oh my, some Israeli's view Palestinians poorly. Couldn't be because their government has been launching missiles at them for decades and Palestinians have literally posted videos of them cheering on the deaths of Israeli's or anything. No certainly not. They just must be racial supremacists or whatever justifies you condemning them viewing people who cheer on their deaths poorly.
And again, show me the proof of these teenagers blocking trucks from entering Gaza. Then explain how these Israeli teenagers got to Egypt, where the trucks are entering Gaza from. oh, and be sure to then explain how a handful of teenagers makes Israeli's them on the same level as people who cheer on terrorists butchering innocent people.
Feel free to provide proof of these soldiers joking about raping little girls, and again, go on to explain why that means anything. Same with them throwing a baby in an oven (a claim I've seen made about Hamas, not the IDF. Something tells me you're consuming too much terrorist propaganda).
No, they really fucking haven't. What Hamas has done, Israel did not fucking do too. And frankly, the fact that you think if they did it makes Hamas any less of the bad guy here for starting a war by killing over 1400 innocent people, kidnapping over 200 more and then using the population of a country as human shields when the country they attacked retaliates to the CONSTANT AGGRESSION being capitalized with the worst terror attack since 9/11. Atrocities do not justify attrocities. And if you answer atrocity by butchering innocent people, you are NOT fighting atrocity. You are just looking for a reason to be a killer.
And no, actually, everything I've seen about the "killing 3 men in a hospital" thing happened in the West Bank, not Gaza, and there has so far been no proof these were real Israeli soldiers acting under orders. They could easily have been extremists. As for why they'd lie, are you fucking kidding me? XD non-palestinian sources have been spreading lies about this conflict from the jump, there is every reason to assume they're fucking lying. Plenty of countries, like South Africa, are trying to use this conflict to distract from bad shit in their own countries, why wouldn't even more try to do the same?
And besides, even if they are Israeli soldiers, infiltrating a hospital to kill 3 suspected terrorists is not the same thing as mass-butchering innocent people. These are not comparable actions! Yeah, they're both wrong, but one is INFINITELY worse than the other!
It's not whataboutism. One side is a terrorist organization killing innocent people en-mass. People calling out blatant lies, misinformation and propaganda spread by pro-palestine idiots with the intention to make Israel seem Evil and thus ok to genocide while ignoring Hamas' actions is not whataboutism. Wanting you to acknowledge that Hamas is not the fucking good guys is not whataboutism. You can easily criticize Israel without spreading lies or defending terrorists.
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marshallpupfan · 2 months
Seeing just how much Marshall merch you got, I've been meaning to ask this for quite a while now but I'm too shy and didn't want to get hopes up (neither mine nor yours)... Anyway I just summoned up courage so let's go for it before I back down again:
Have you, by any chance, ever seen some kind of licensed "self-insert" book?
I know of an online Brazilian book seller who gets licenses to make these kinds of stories. The person goes over to the website, creates their character (like one of those dress up dolls, sort of, picking gender, name, skin color, height, hair, some small variety of clothes and accessories, etc) - they're like "create the child's character" because, well, the stories are aimed for children XD - and then this template-created character is automatically inserted in the chosen book from their gallery. Then, after confirming purchase and payment, the custom book is printed (hardcover, pretty big in size with around 30 pages, the one I checked had 32) and shipped. From what I've seen it's very good quality and the stories are simple but entertaining, inserting the kid into the adventure and having them help save the day in some big way.
They had 4 different Paw Patrol books for that, AND ONE OF THEM WAS A READY RACE RESCUE STORY, which is one of my favorite Marshall adventures (I grew up watching races with my dad) and I've seen somewhere you like this special too - But they're not in their website anymore. I swear it was there barely two months ago! I have some screenshots I took when I did a "let's see how it would look like if I'd buy it".
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I could send an e-mail asking what happened and if there's any chance the books will be back available for purchase again. The thing about "not getting hopes up" is just because I'm too poor to buy one of those (it's not even expensive, I'm just actually poor) but I guess I could "bridge" one for you - if they show up again, I mean XD Granted the stories are in Brazilian Portuguese, but I could send along a complete translation too.
Anyway yeah, I just wanted to know if it would be something you'd like to have and if it's a thing somewhere else too or just here??? I've never seen anything like this anywhere else before.
I meant to send all this in the DMs so it would stay between the two of us, but yours are closed (I get it, you got that annoying copycat dude onto you, I saw the post) so I hope you don't mind me sending this as an ask anyway. You can answer me through another ask if you'd like instead of publishing this, no need to follow any of my blogs just to message if you're not comfortable! Hope you're having a good day and enjoying your new merch, those are so awesome!!!
I'm not 100% sure, but I think I've seen something like this sold over here in the United States before. However, I could swear ours did things differently, in that instead of a custom-made character, it used an actual photograph of the child so their likeness would be on the cover and on the pages, itself. At least, I could swear that's what they did, but it's been years since I last seen one, so I could be mistaken.
That's pretty cool to see they used Ready Race Rescue for one of these! I'm always glad to see that mini-movie get more attention. As for why it disappeared from the site, I suspect it's because this sort of thing is a lot more difficult to publish than your typical mass-printed book. Most pages will use that custom-made character, so editing, printing, and shipping it out might take all the longer. Perhaps they just got so many orders and had to remove it for a while to catch up? I'm not sure, but hopefully it returns someday.
In any case, I'm not sure if I'd be interested in something like this for myself, since I'm typically not one to insert my likeness into something or create an original character of sorts that represents me, but I certainly appreciate the offer! I do hope that, someday, you're able to get one for yourself!
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s-creations · 10 months
26 Ways to Feel Mortal - I: Illumine
26 Chapters based around experiences that newly arrived Geno experiences while trying to find the Star Pieces.
Fandom: Super Mario & Releated Fandoms, Super Mario RPG Rating: Teen and UP Audiences Relationship: Mario/Geno (Nintendo), Mario/Princess Peach (Nintendo) Additional Tags: Rating for Teen needed for later chapters, but shouldn't be to worrisome, I'll have warnings if I'm worried, Poly relations!, Main characters will always be named, Minor characters will arrive as needed, the chapters are not in a specific order, just meets the needs of the given word, please be aware of spoilers.
Warning: It's getting a little gay in here. XD
Illumine: (verb) Light up; Brighten.
Nimbus Land was still in full swing even as the sun started to sink below the horizon. All thrilled to know that their king had not been sick and that Mallow had finally returned home. Much like the celebration at Seaside Town, there was an array of food and music filled the slowly chilling air. 
However, there were a few stark differences this time. This celebration took place in a large, outdoor dance hall. Ornately decorated and lit with the largest golden chandeliers the party had ever seen. Garro demoed his creations, each party member getting their own golden statue. Finally, Geno was actually participating this time around. 
He joyfully partook in the food that lined the large table, mainly the sweets. Even after Peach asked that he eats something sustainable. The conversations, while few and far in between, were flattering with the citizens thanking Geno from saving them. Eventually he claimed a table and chair, feeling a little overwhelmed by everything. Deciding to just enjoy his pile of sweets while he watched everyone dance. Foot tapping to the beat of the music.
“Hey you,” Mario approached, “You doing okay over here?”
Geno nodded, swallowing his latest bite before answering with, “I’m not one for socializing, apparently.” 
“That’s fine, you don’t have to. Hope you don’t mind if I join you?”
“No, go ahead.” Geno smiled as he watched Mario pull up a chair so they sat next to each other.
“So, this is, what, the second party you’ve been to?” asked Mario.
“Well, technically I wasn’t very attentive during my first one.”
“Oh, right.”
“I will note that this one is far more enjoyable.”
Mario laughed at that, Geno holding back his laughter as he’d just taken a large bite.
“That’s good to hear.”
They fell silent for a while. Geno casually follows the dancers before him. Fascinated at how people could move in such a way and make it look effortless. Some even appeared to be gliding, floating across the floor as if not held down by gravity.
“Did you want to dance?”
Geno was pulled back to Mario, the human’s cheeks holding a soft pink. “What?”
“Dance, did you want to dance?”
“Oh, uh, probably not the best idea. You didn’t see my first few steps. Not exactly graceful.”
“It’s been awhile since then. I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
Geno shifted nervously, “...I’d rather not risk ruining everyone’s good time.”
Mario frowned at that, “You won’t.”
“I’ll be safe over here. I’m okay, trust me.”
The attempt to move away from the request fell on deaf ears. As the next second Geno was gently, but strongly, pulled from his chair. His soul shivering with nervousness as Mario led him further onto the floor.
“W-Wait, Mario!”
“You’ll be fine, I promise.”
Geno’s nerves were not helped when they stopped near the center of the floor. “Are you sure about this?”
“Everyone’s enjoying themselves, no one’s even looking at us. Here, put your hands on my shoulders. And I’ll place my hands here…”
The panicked fear Geno held fell away and replaced with absolute joy as Mario placed his hands on the puppet’s waist. “O-Okay, what do we do now?”
“We just say to the beat,” Mario said easily, already moving to the music. Geno felt a little jittery when he started to move as well. Eventually falling into the same rhythm as Mario. “There, see, you got it.”
“I still feel strange,” Geno mumbled weakly, “and we’re not moving like everyone else.”
“Dancing has a lot of different movements. We’re just taking it slow. Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing.”
Letting out a slow breath, Geno lowered his shoulder to try and relax further. His eyes couldn’t remain still though. With Mario so close, Geno felt weird just staring at the human. But looking elsewhere resulted in watching everyone else dancing which would raise Geno’s worries once more.
“Have I told you that Peach attempted to teach me to ballroom dance?”
Geno’s eyes landed on Mario, who was smiling softly.
“No. I don’t think you have.”
“It was a disaster. Apparently, I can combo jumps like no one before me, But moving in an elegant formation is just not for me. Just can’t do it.”
“I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.”
“Peach couldn’t walk for a week.”
Geno couldn’t help but laugh. The sound somehow rang louder than the music playing. But he didn’t seem to notice, slowly calming down “I thought you were supposed to keep her safe?”
“Hey, I do that just fine!”
“Uh huh, sure you do.”
“Well, just for that.”
Geno let out a rather unflattering shriek as he was suddenly lifted off the ground. It quickly turned into another round of laughter as he was easily swung around. Gently being put down on the ground with Mario wrapping his arms around Geno gently.
“Don’t do that!” Geno hissed, still giggling.
“You’re laughing, you liked it.”
“Shush, I can’t believe you did that.”
“You’re still giggling.”
“Shush! I’m trying to be mad at you.”
“Oh, guess it’s time to fix that.”
The joyous laughter rang out once more. This time joined by Mario’s. Both seemed to ignore the music as they continued to rather clumsily twirl around the dance floor. Others were enjoying the display with their own, far more quiet laughter. 
This interesting dance stopped when the song started to come to an end. Both breathless from the movement and laughter, which was dying down to heavy breathing. 
“You’re ridiculous,” Geno pointed out.
“You love me for it.” Mario easily argued back.
His already furiously thumping soul seemed to leap from his body. Geno gave a nervous but please smiled as he whispered back, “I do… I really do…”
The room suddenly started to grow dim. The previous song ending with a new, slower song now starting. Following with the quiet calm, Mario silently pulled Geno closer. Wrapping his arm around the puppet’s waist tighter, having Geno rest his head on the human’s shoulder. The other hand gently gripped onto one of Geno’s.
It felt as if he soul was singing. Geno closed his eyes as he relaxed further into Mario’s hold. He hadn’t felt this comfortable, this content, this happy before. It was a confusing feeling but something that Geno was more than willing to immerse himself in the feeling. For as long as he’d been alive, even with the lowest points he’d met, he’d never felt so alive before. 
He loved being here. He loved fighting for and defending those who couldn’t. And he absolutely love and adored- 
Said puppet hummed softly.
“Are you…glowing?”
At that, Geno opened his eyes. The cracks where the joints connected had beams of lights emitting from them. The hollowed portions of his body seemed to shine from the same light. All of this was made more apparent by how dark the room had become. Geno hyper aware of how many eyes were on him. 
“T-This is new…” Geno said weakly, offering a little laugh. He looked back to Mario when he felt a hand placed on his cheek. The human looking absolutely star struck. 
Face breaking into a warm smile, Mario gently pulled the other forward to press his lips to Geno’s cheeks. 
“You’re beautiful.”
Geno was certain his Star companions could see him from their home with how brightly he shined.
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loveundrwrld · 6 months
FUCK😭 I love your writing so much, I always get giggly when I read any Tanner post, the dynamic of him with reader is always interesting. What if the reader is not all that morally good like in the other post and they only use Tanner as an obedience tool to beat people up? Would Tanner notice?
aw thank you :) i’m very flattered to hear that!
to answer your question…
i think he probably doesn't notice for quite a bit xD he often has rose colored glasses for his darling, but he's also just not the best at reading people or understanding why they do things.
i think that how he would react would depend on a few things...
whether or not tanner is guilty about how he treated you in the past or not would affect things significantly. if tanner was able to see that his darling was an anxious, traumatized person and just also happens to be a sadist, there could be a situation where tanner felt regret about his past with you but is also being used by you.
if that's the case, part of him is just glad that you’re keeping him by your side and giving him your attention. he just doesn't like that he's now further back in his progress than he thought he was.
i also assume since reader is just using him, they may not have any feelings at all for him (or actively dislike him) and thus probably are avoiding showing him physical or verbal affection. that, and the sense that the reader doesn't actually like tanner as much as he thought they did would affect him a lot more than the aspect of them using him.
after all, tanner is pretty much expecting you to use him… he quite literally asks you to do so. he wants you to let him show how strong he is and show what he can do for you, so he likes having you treat him like a ferocious guard dog on a leash that you can show off.
for him its fine if the relationship is unequal, but he does want you to actually be in love with him. so, he'll try to get you gifts or lay on the compliments more, in the hopes that that will work to get you to like him more. clearly, what he's doing now isn't working too well if you aren't already in love with him. in his desperation, he's going to become more clingy once he has a general sense of what's going on, and may try to do more impulsive things to get closer to you.
now, on the other hand if the situation is like that of the gang leader reader post, where tanner didn't really have any reason to reflect on his prior actions- then i think that he'd be a lot more impatient with the reader, and a lot less willing to follow along with whatever his darling pleases, since he's still in denial about how he acted in his past. if there's no guilt involved in how he sees you... he's going to treat you differently.
if you try to get him to act as a tool for you and you seem like you're flirting with him, he's going to be whiny when you don't initiate affection afterwards. if you ask him to do something like that again, he's just going to straight up tell you that he'll only do it for a kiss.
if you are actually verbally & physically affectionate in order to get tanner to do what you want... so long as you don't cheat on him, he may never be able to tell what you’re really doing.
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"Is Valen having a drinking problem?"
A question put forward to me, which I actually like to answer more publicly, so observers can throw their two cents at me, too.
It is unfortunate that the first thing being said to Valen is "Have you been deep in your cups again?!", prompting Valen to defend himself by explaining his late arrival being due to enemies along the way.
It suggests that alcohol is in play which keeps Valen from following orders in a timely manner.
It is also stated that Valen likes to frequent the various taverns of Holistone and is generous with drinks. That doesn't mean he's having them all by himself, but it doesn't help clear him from the accusation of drinking too much (more regularly than not).
At the same time Hogan also says that Valen is his most trusted Knight, in character and strength. Being a knight through and through usually means being in control and knowing where to draw the line. We also never really see any further remarks to his "cups" again from anyone. He wants a hot drink to warm up (which is less common to contain alcohol) and sure wishes to have a drink when on duty around Merlin, but that suggests that he doesn't have any for the entire time he is with us.
So it seems, while he does go out reguarly, he drinks less than expected. If you have 3 or 4 or even 5 nights out each week, drinking 2 beer each night… would you consider that having a "drinking problem"? If you have a beer daily for 4 weeks and then go 4 weeks without any... would you consider that a problem?
Yes, for those who don't have alcohol at all, or very rarely. But for those who are considered serious alcoholics, probably not. His general performance does not visibly suffer and his otherwise flawless appearance clearly makes up for whatever, rare occasion of having had a drink too much it was that Hogan is referring to in his first words to the Knight.
So… no, I wouldn't consider Valen to have a real "drinking problem". Doesn't mean it wouldn't come up in a conversation with him if I was his girlfriend, though. And I wager that he will be hiding a little beer belly under his belt by the time he's 40. xD
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