#follower count and following list are hidden by default
5ummit · 11 months
Permanent Blacklists for AO3
Would you like to permanently remove fics with your squicks, triggers, and dislikes from all AO3 searches by default so that you never have to think about or encounter them again? Well now you can!
The ability to do this has actually been around for a little while but it relies on some new CSS functionality that wasn't supported on all major browsers until fairly recently (though you may still have to enable it manually on some). I'm not going to explain how this method works or how to code AO3 skins in general, as I've only dabbled in it a little and there are already some very good tutorials out there. If you want all of the details, check out these guides:
Skins and Archive Interface FAQ – The official skins guide created by AO3. Lots of good information but might be overwhelming and confusing for a beginner.
A Non-Extensive Guide on How to Start Creating a Skin for AO3 by ao3skin – Some good, fairly easy to understand, beginner info on CSS and specifically how it applies to AO3 skins.
Permablocking Specific Tags - Site Skin by Eli0t – Everything you need to know to create permablock lists. If your blacklist doesn't seem to be working as expected, check this for troubleshooting tips.
What I can offer though are some handy pre-made blacklists that you can use as-is or as a starting point to create your own so that you don't have to go to the trouble of figuring out how any of this works or hunting down relevant tags. Just copy the code, open AO3, go to My Preferences > Skins > Create Site Skin, paste it in the box, title it, and click Submit!
Note: The following lists are very specific to me and my own personal tastes. Absolutely no judgement if you love any of the things that I choose to blacklist. You do you. I just happen to like my fics fucked up and relatively canonical.
★ No Reader Fic – Hides all self-insert and reader fic.
★ No Alternate Universes – Hides anything tagged with the most common AU tags. There are so many incredibly specific AUs there's no way to list all of them and AU tagging is also extremely inconsistent from fic to fic so this blacklist may only catch 80% of AUs, but that's better than nothing. You could always exclude the entire alternate universe tag, rather than trying to list specific ones, but unfortunately canon divergence and other less extreme AUs would get caught in the crossfire, which is not worth it for me.
★ No Fluff – Hides anything tagged with the most common fluff and romance tags. I specifically left out "fluff and angst" though because sometimes that's used for things that are mostly angst with only a bit of fluff and I do love angst.
★ Bonus: No Dead Dove – This list is not mine (for obvious reasons) but I know some people may find it useful. Hides anything with the main archive warnings and many common problematic, taboo, or controversial tags. Some of these I wouldn't even classify as dead dove, they're literally just kinks, so I'd suggest reviewing the list carefully and removing any that don't apply to you.
Additional Notes:
This system doesn't work exactly the same as AO3's exclusion filters because you can't use top-level wrangled tags to block all subtags. It only blocks exact matches.
Once the blacklist is implemented you'll see no indication that anything was blocked (except for fewer fics listed on each search page); the entire blurb will be hidden. The tags and fic counts listed in the filter bar will remain unchanged. If you want more advanced features like whitelisting or adding something to indicate when a fic was removed, check out the permablocking guide by Eli0t.
Here's a link with info on which browsers currently support the new "has()" element, which this blacklist system relies on. As of right now Firefox for desktop still has to be manually enabled (for instructions see the section on flag enabling in the permablocking guide). Firefox for iOS isn't listed on this website but it seems to work fine for me.
There are other browser-specific extensions that let you permablock tags, such as this one and this one, that may be more a little more user friendly, but I've never tried them so I can't vouch for them and they may not work consistently between different devices. The good thing about doing blacklists via skins is that, after setting it up once, it should work automatically on pretty much any device (as long as you're logged in to your AO3 account).
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hey-color-palettes · 2 years
Hey everyone,
Over the next week I'm going to start blocking blogs that I think are spam blogs. In order to make things as fast as possible, I will not block blogs if they meet just one of the following criteria:
They have at least one post on their blog. Reblogs count.
They have at least one like.
Like or reblogs are hidden.
The ask and submit boxes are available.
The icon is not default.
The blog header is not default.
The blog title is not "Untitled" (in any language).
You have a blog description.
The blog colors are not the default colors.
The 'custom blog page' is enabled.
If you follow me and you are a human and your blog does not meet any one of these 9 criteria, then you will be blocked and reported. To avoid that, consider doing any of these. It takes less than a minute of your time and saves me a minute of mine. As you might image, those minutes stack up on my end.
For everyone else receiving a large number of bot followers on side blogs, there is a (temporary) solution. I also believe this solution may not work for main blogs because they're tied to email accounts and bots may be able to follow your account based on your email address. However, feel free to try it anyway.
Change your blog's url/username to something else.
Save your original url by creating a sideblog with that url.
Your url is likely on a list that is spam followed by these blogs when those accounts are made.
Because of this, the spam accounts should be redirected to your empty sideblog.
Block those spam accounts as they come in.
Wait until that sideblog stops getting followers (presumably you have been removed from that list).
Switch the two urls so that you have your original url back.
Basically, put yourself in witness protection for a bit. I don't think I'll be doing that here because I don't want to confuse anyone, but I guess we'll have to see
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lamare-sims · 2 years
Hi 👋 I love all your mods, thank you for your contribution to this community.
I’d like to ask you, how would one go about adding a new placemat to your controller? I tried replacing the mesh of existing placemats (BB and LordCrumbs) , but for some reason they didn’t show up in game :(. Thank you!
Making New Placemats Recognized by the Mod
Here's a tutorial for editing placemats to be supported by the mod. Two tutorials, actually -- for placemats with and without intricate multiple states.
Older supported placemats are checked by GUID, so you don't have to worry about them: - SPX Murray Placemat by Xiomara - Useable place setting by SimAddict99 (for tables) - BB Sage Clutter Placemat by Buggybooz
I excluded a few existing placemats from the "supported" list because they either went in slots or required to be placed off-grid to align with sim's plates. The thing is, in gameplay, to be able to tell which placemat corresponds to which plate, the mod has to know exactly where the placemat is. I went by BB's, Xiomara's and SimAddict99's way of placement, because it's the best and most convenient way for players to place placemats, in my opinion. Not all placemats are made this way, this is why there are so few of them supported.
If you know of an old placemat that is placed the same as the ones I listed, let me know and I'll add it.
If you want to create or update your placemat, read further.
Static No Fancy States Type
If your placemat doesn't have states and you want it to just fully hide/unhide, this is for you. There are 2 important steps to this.
Add a "password" BHAV Create a dummy-returning-true BHAV named "CT - I Am Static Placemat" (without quotes). If you don't know how to do that, you can download the resource I made here and add it to your placemat's package: - unzip the zip file - open your package in SimPE and click Add… - add CT - I Am Static Placemat - if your placemat's existing bhavs have group number other than 0xFFFFFFFF, change the added bhav's group to that number - make sure the added bhav's instance number (10A0) is unused in your package, it must be unique. If there's another bhav with that instance, change the added bhav's instance number to something else.
Make sure your object follows placement rules You may have to edit the mesh for this! - Freestanding at table's height (NOT in table's slot); shiftable up from the floor is also fine - On the same tile as the table; quarter tile is fine - Direction -- facing the chair - Must NOT require off-grid placement -- must snap in a way so that it's right under a sim's plate; look at how supported placemats are placed - Optional, but highly recommended: allows object and person intersection
Dynamic Type With Multiple States
This one is more advanced. If you want your placemat to work like LordCrumps', with different states and interactions, you can start by cloning it. I'm not going to cover the cloning process here, make sure to follow all the common steps like changing GUIDs and all that. I'm going to focus on things that make a placemat go along with the auto mod.
The mod recognizes multi-state placemats by calling this "password" BHAV: CT - I Am Dynamic Placemat
States are changed by running these BHAVs: CT - State - Set CT - State - Eating CT - State - Empty Here, you change materials or even models that you want to use for different states. Apart from that, you should zero out object's hidden flags and lockout count in those procedures.
What is lockout count for? It's an automatic countdown measured in ticks, about 30 ticks per sim-minute. My auto mod doesn't reset a placemat to its default state if its lockout count is > 0. You can set lockout in an interaction, so that when players manually set the table, say, to prepare for a party, it stays this way for a while (I did it for LordCrumps' placemats).
What are hidden flags for? My mod may completely hide placemats in some cases, so we have to make sure that the object is unhidden when it changes to any of the visible states.
Additional stuff. You may include conditions like time of day, presence of the party controller, or a random coin flip to determine what your object should change into. For example, create different looks for breakfast and dinner, everyday and party.
What about attributes, interactions, etc.? Our placemats use attr 0 to keep track of states and have interactions to manually change them. You can copy our code or do something else, the mod doesn't care about any of that.
The mod cares about named BHAVs, lockout count, hidden flags, and placement rules. The latter are the same as above, but I'll repeat.
Freestanding at table's height (NOT in table's slot); shiftable up from the floor is also fine
On the same tile as the table; quarter tile is fine
Direction -- facing the chair
Must NOT require off-grid placement -- must snap in a way so that it's right under a sim's plate; look at how supported placemats are placed
Optional, but highly recommended: allows object and person intersection
You may have to edit the mesh to comply!
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samiou · 2 years
How can we get more YouTube subscribers?
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YouTube is all about subscribers and one of the key metrics to measure success on YouTube is through the number of subscribers your channel has. More subscribers mean more views for your video has a big impact on your subscriber count because the more you post videos, the more people watch them. Hence, you get more engagements, likes, and shares.
However, getting subscribers on YouTube takes more than just posting videos. Here are some tips on how to increase YouTube subscribers:
Bit I've been using TubeBuddy. for a little over three years now. I originally learned about the tool from a YouTuber I follow who was raving about how much it helped him grow his channel. In this review, I'll provide my honest opinion based on my experience.
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What is TubeBuddy?
TubeBuddy is a web-based app (also available for Desktop, iOS, and Android) that analyzes YouTube channels.
JOIN The Premier YouTube Channel Management Toolkit
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The app also provides tools to help you optimize your content, grow your channel and audience, and manage your channel more effectively.
In this review, I will try to cover tubebuddy's top features and downsides so that you can decide if it's the right tool for you.
Let's start.
TubeBuddy Top Features (2022)
tubebuddy is jam-packed with features that help me save time and grow my YouTube channel.These are some of my favorite tubebuddy features in 2022:
1/ Productivity Tools
2/ Bulk Processing
3/ YouTube Video SEO
4/ Video Channel Promotion
5/ Data & Keyword Research
Let's dive deep into each of these tubebuddy.eatures.
1/productivity tools
The productivity tools help me to speed up my YouTube workflow in various ways. You may use the full list of options to include videos or playlists to your website with embed codes. YouTube offers limited embedding options, but you can do much with tubeBuddy advanced video embedding.
JOIN The Premier YouTube Channel Management Toolkit
Furthermore, you can offer canned responses to your YouTube comments with tubeBuddy. comment moderation tool. This is a great way to save time when responding to comments on YouTube.
Also, tubeBuddy. productivity tools include:
Canned Responses for custom commenting
Card Templates (Easily apply video Cards to new uploads)
Chapter Editor (Create and edit video chapters)
Comment Formatting (Format your comment on the go)
Coppa Center (Quickly identify which videos are for kids)
Default Upload Profiles (Use a different set of tags based on your videos)
Emoji Picker (Attract your visitor's attraction with emojis)
End Screen Templates (Apply video's End Screen Elements to new uploads)
Playlist Actions (Organize your playlist based on engagement, subscribers, and more)
Quick Links Menu (Navigate through YouTube without clicking multiple times)
Quick-Edit Toolbar (Navigate between videos while editing)
Scheduled Publish (Schedule unlisted videos to be published)
Sunset Videos (Schedule published videos to be unlisted, hidden, or removed)
Thumbnail Generator (Easily create thumbnails for your videos)
Video Topic Planner (Manage and get ideas for future video topics)
These are just a few of the productivity tools that TubeBuddy. provides and many more.
JOIN The Premier YouTube Channel Management Toolkit
2/ Bulk Processing
TubeBuddy.'s Bulk Processing tool helps me save time by processing multiple videos simultaneously. This feature can quickly add or remove tags, update titles and descriptions, upload custom thumbnails, and more.
Bulk Copy Cards
Bulk Copy End Screens
Bulk Delete Cards
Bulk Delete Comments
Bulk Delete End Screens
Bulk Find, Replace & Append
Bulk Thumbnail Overlays
Bulk Update Cards
Bulk Update End Screens
Demonetization Double-Check
With demonetization double-check; you can easily find videos that don't make money for you. This TubeBuddy.feature helps to save time and effort by quickly finding non-monetized videos
JOIN The Premier YouTube Channel Management Toolkit
3/ YouTube Video SEO
tubeBuddy. provides an in-depth analysis of your YouTube videos so that you can optimize them for better ranking. What I like most about this feature is that you can easily find lucrative keywords to make a video about and run A/B tests.
Let me share all the tubeBuddy SEO features:
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Auto Translator (Helps you translate your videos into other languages)
Best Practice Audit (Ensure you're following the best YouTube practices)
Insta-Suggest (See tags suggestions on the go)
Keyword Explorer (Find keyword ideas to make a video about)
Opportunity Finder (Follow suggestions based on your performance)
SEO Studio (Optimize your video's metadata)
Search Explorer (Hone the power of YouTube search)
Search Positions (See how your videos rank)
Search Rank Tracking (Track your videos ranking)
Tag Lists (Create and manage tag lists)
Tag Rankings (Instantly see where your video ranks in search results)
Tag Sorter (Re-order your videos quickly and easily)
Tag Translator (Help yourself to translate your tags as well)
Video A/B Tests (See what kind of video performs better)
View and Copy Video Tags (From any video)
As you can see, you can do a lot with video SEO feature. Not only can you optimize your videos for better ranking, but you also find lucrative keywords to make videos about.
JOIN The Premier YouTube Channel Management Toolkit
4/ Video Channel Promotion
TubeBuddy. provides everything you need to promote your YouTube channel. With TubeBuddy channel promotion features, you can easily do these things:
Know what's the best time to upload your videos.
Celebrate your channel's successes eloquently.
Run contests and more on the YouTube comment section.
Easily publish your videos on Facebook
Share your videos on multiple social media networks.
In the descriptions of all of your other videos, promote one of yours.
Boost new uploads by linking them, adding them to your email, and embedding them anywhere.
TubeBuddy. helps boost your affiliate revenue with YouTube videos if you are into affiliate marketing. You can super-promote your money-making videos faster than ever. What else do you want from a YouTube growth tool like TubeBuddy.?
5/ Data & Keyword Research
TubeBuddy. doesn't stop at offering you video SEO features. It also helps you with data and keyword research to make better videos. From monitoring brand alerts to analyzing advanced analytics, TubeBuddy. has got you covered.
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TubeBuddy. Review for Keyword Explorer
Brand Alerts (Monitor your brand)
Channel Access (Grant your channel's access to someone else)
Channel Backup (Protect yourself by backing up all your videos metadata)
Channel Valuation (Know your YouTube channel's worth)
Channelytics (Analyze your channel from Starfire)
Click Magnet (Get clicks more than ever to make affiliate commissions)
Comment Word Cloud (Get to know your fans with beautiful visuals)
Competitor Scorecard (See how your channel performs against the competition)
Competitor Upload Alerts (See when your competitors upload a video)
Demonetization Audit (Save yourself from demonetization)
Export Comments (in a CSV file)
Health Report (Monitor your channel's overall health)
Language Analysis (Know your fans' languages)
Retention Analyzer (Analyze how your videos perform at different times)
Search Insights (See how people search for your channel)
Videolytics (Analyze your channel quickly)
With TubeBuddy. features, only the sky is the limit regarding data and keyword research.
JOIN The Premier YouTube Channel Management Toolkit
TubeBuddy Review: What I Love the Most
I love all the features of TubeBuddy. without a doubt. But some of them are more important to me than others. Let me share some of the pros of using TubeBuddy:
1/ Google Chrome extension
TubeBuddy. is available as a free and premium Google Chrome extension. It means you can use the tool from your web browser without hassle. You only need a Google account to sign in and use TubeBuddy.
2/ Free-forever plan
TubeBuddy. offers a free plan to play with its basic features. Of course, it has some limitations, but you can see the best time to publish videos and pick a winner from your YouTube video comments. Have a look at other plans:
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TubeBuddy. Review for Pricing
3/ Clean and user-friendly interface
TubeBuddy. has a clean and user-friendly interface. The dashboard is well organized and easy to navigate. A beginner can use TubeBuddy without any problem and start optimizing videos seamlessly.
4/ Constantly updated
TubeBuddy is constantly updated with new features and improvements. This shows that the team is committed to making the platform even better.
5/ Run A/B test
TubeBuddy allows you to run A/B tests on your channel to see what works and doesn't. This is a great way to improve the performance of your channel.
6/ Do keyword research
Find topic ideas and do keyword research right from TubeBuddy. This is a great way to find new ideas for your videos and ensure they are properly optimized for YouTube SEO.
JOIN The Premier YouTube Channel Management Toolkit
What I Don't Like About TubeBuddy (Cons)
Every tool has tons of cons, but TubeBuddy has only one downside. And it is their one-license policy for one account. You can't share yourTubeBuddy account with anyone. And you cannot use one account for all your YouTube channels.
You need to buy a new license for each channel.
Other than that, I have no complaints about TubeBuddy It's an excellent tool, and I highly recommend it to everyone who wants to grow their YouTube channel.
TubeBuddy Review: My Honest Take On the Best YouTube Growth Tool
As I mentioned, TubeBuddy is more than just aTubeBuddy It offers a suite of features that help you with every aspect of YouTube. I personally love TubeBuddy. because it makes my work easier and faster.
You don't have to go through the guesswork anymore. TubeBuddy. tells you exactly what you need to do to get more views, subscribers, and shares.
You can quickly H-Supertools. to make videos about and track rankings to see if you're progressing.
TubeBuddy.also helps you a lot with channel promotion. You can share your videos on social media.It also helps you run A/B tests to see what kind of video works best for you.
JOIN The Premier YouTube Channel Management Toolkit
TubeBuddy has made my YouTube journey so much easier and more fun. I highly recommend it to anyone serious about growing their YouTube channel. So try TubeBuddy today, and let me know how it goes for you.
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spocksmalewife · 2 years
0 notes
infraaa · 2 years
OH sorry sorry I forgot to put it, sugar list ^^
『pertaining to this customer’s previous ask, thanks! The info is much appreciated! Let’s get to work, ah?』
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400 Follower Milestone Event — Longan Dragon Cookie
The following letters, C O Q and X from… the Sugar list! 🍡 Time to get fluffy!
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🍡 C \\ Cuddles :: What are cuddles like with them?
Longan isn’t a cuddly cookie by default— nor are they romantic in the slightest bit.
However they curse the damn ancients for fucking putting you here. Why do you distract them so??
It’s like a love hate thing with cuddling.
Longan, if not preparing for total damnation, can be found lounging in their abode, hanging with the clams and some of the floating eyeballs.
You walk up to them as they sit on their throne and pull off the best puppy dog eyes imaginable and you go,
“Longan? 🥺” “Yes? What do you want?” “Can we cuddle? 🥺” “No. 😒” “Pleeeeease?” 🥺🐶” “Y/n, I said no.” “cue whining noises 🥺😫” “ugh… fine, you win… this once.” “Yay! 🥹 😁” “Hush with that, or I’ll change my mind.”
You’ll have to initiate too. They’re lazy like that. Not because they’re trying to be, they just don’t know what to do.
Even if you hug them, if they return it, it’s kind of stiff. Slowly edge them into the warmth you have to bring. They’re the type to move in baby steps with this kind of thing anyway, despite him not even liking as much as one would hope.
But soon, they’ll warm up. It’s inevitable. Their feelings switch around on position. Sometimes they want to hold, other times they want to be held.
They like it when you straddle them, kind of hugging their head so that it rests either in the crook of your neck or your chest.
As much as they would hate to admit… they grow into it and start to take a liking to your cuddles 🧡
🍡 O \\ Oh joy! :: Do they show their feelings to their s/o before they confess? How do they court their s/o?
Longan keeps their emotions well hidden.
They believe that these feelings are a distraction, and stays in denial for a long time.
The other dragons have to piss them off so hard to make them understand. Pitaya is the main culprit.
“Oh come on, Longan Dragon! You’re in love, aren’t cha?!” “Of course not, shut your mouth.” “You actually sssat with the newbie today don’t lie to me!” “PITAYA-
proceeds to sit in their bedchamber and fucking sulk
Longan actually wouldn’t be the first one to confess either, they would wait for their s/o to do it first.
They have a strange way of confessing and or agreeing with their s/o’s feelings.
They’re s/o confesses, and then Longan returns by saying,
“I like you and anyone who gets in my way might get a handful of some shit or stay heavy hearted. Be mine and everything will be fine,” followed with a bone crushing hug.
My… how charming! 😅
They court using old customs used by all dragons— gifts.
Particularly stuff from their hoard, which is actually quite neat and tidy. They keep a lot of gold and other shiny trinkets, jewelry, that like.
They also count as possessive gifts, some of them, namely rings or necklaces. They sometimes ask you to wear something that they gave you if you two go out somewhere.
Genuinely though, most of the stuff they get you is actually real. No fake shit. Very pretty as well, they’re very selective with the stuff they choose to gift you with.
Anything with fine quality, and anything they took a liking to. They think of your reaction, your eyes, your smile, the way your cheeks glow that innocent shade of pink, your rosy lips—
They kinda get carried away and get lost in thought whole just standing as still as a board in their board.
🍡 Q \\ Quiet :: What is their confession like? Do they loudly announce it or write it down?
Very subtle.
Again, Longan is very good with their emotions.
If anything, the courting above explains most of that they do, as well as allow some of the eyes to keep an eye on you (get it?)
Their confession tho is kinda spooky…
You get a handwritten note from a clam, and it tells you to meet them somewhere.
Like you do, you would. They seem to like the nighttime ambiance, and likes the moon, so they thought it would be fitting to confess to you at night.
They don’t really do anything too extravagant, they don’t bring anything with them, they don’t prepare anything, they just want you to meet them somewhere nice and quiet.
Maybe under a tree or in a plain, under the moonlight in the grass, making causal conversation.
But, again, Longan isn’t the first to confess, they don’t really tend to make the first move. Not because they don’t want to but because they are apprehensive.
Underneath that stony exterior is the knowledge that they are immortal— a dragon. They know they will outlive you, and as a result, is scared to fall in love with you. They know you will die someday, and that you will leave them.
They really don’t want that. If they could try and find a way to keep you alive, they would. If they could find a way to prolong your lifespan, they would go to the ends of earthbread to hunt whatever that could be down.
But they’re not going to reveal that. That’s for you to find out.
In the end though, they’re very quiet about their confession (that’s rather a response to your confession if you so choose,) and would want to try and talk to you in a private space where they know they couldn’t be found or disturbed.
X \\ XOXO ❤️ :: How affectionate are they? Are they into PDA are they private with their love?
No PDA. Absolutely not. ❌
Although they can’t be bothered with things such as gossip. Longan is also a shy fellow and doesn’t really like all the attention out in public places.
After all, they’ve lived a life of seclusion for the most part, they don’t really like people besides the other dragons, and again… solitude.
So. With that laid out, Longan can get overwhelmed pretty quickly.
They prefer privacy. Lots of it.
Maybe as much as the confines of their own nest. Even then, Longan is still incredibly stiff at first, however, Longan can give in at some point in time. You just gotta warm them up to everything, make them realize that they’re gonna be fine.
The closest that Longan can get to showing any kind of affection on their own accord is by watching movies with you.
Naturally, Longan would become sleepy as the movie went on, and as a result they would unconsciously do things they wouldn’t do.
Their head resting on yours, a hand softly roaming over your own or over your stomach, hugging you to their side as they kinda cuddled up to you in their cozy state…
They might fall asleep too, that never happens. They look down on you if you do that but they? Yeah, they’re tired. To think you would fall asleep in their presence? Do you have any kind of guard up at all to sleep near a dragon?
Certainly they don’t around a cookie like you, that just proves that they trust you.
Longan is all about action, not words, as they believe actions are more powerful.
On rare occasions though, there is another way that they show affection.
An ivory and gold ballroom within their abode, decorated with the finest serpent carvings, the eyes moving around gracefully, the clams having their own glowing fountains.
True elegance— made for the one percent.
Ballroom dancing with your dragon, they certainly believe that back in the old times, this was also a proper way of showing affection.
Proffering ghlibi style music, like music from Howl’s Moving Castle, a proper strong piece for a nice waltz.
You can actually see their face, their glowing golden draconic pupils within their void scleras, their ivory skin and silvery hair, smiling… just the slightest bit…
While they take you away in your ivory dress clothes you smile back as they hold onto your waist more tenderly.
With every twirl, every turn and every step do you feel their hope, the hope that’s almost shrouded by their damnation. Of course, you’re that light that softens their demeanor, their attitude towards the cold ever changing world.
Their grip on your hand, soft yet reassuring, you’re the only thing true in this world, one of the things they don’t want to change. 🧡
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thewarnerbrothers · 2 years
drop the hot takes
so. i have to get my head together bc a lot of this is very contentious, and i know the majority of this userbase hates reading comprehension and media literacy more than twitter at times, but here we go!
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i think people in this fandom (and fandom in general) are too focused on trying to control the actions or thoughts of others, rather than having fun talking about the things we all share in common
it's effectively encouraging hate and harassment. i feel slightly hypocritical saying this because at times i think i've contributed to unnecessary behavior proliferating in this fandom. i've never sent anyone after anyone else because that's crazy, but still. i was very quick to judge people over stuff that is not really a big deal. that in and of itself is... not good lol.
there isn't really an excuse for it, and i can't take it back, but i am sorry for being so judgemental and suspicious.
some people, in an attempt to make fandom 'better,' end up making it worse.
like... if you find yourself doing the following then something is wrong:
following fans you dislike just to keep tabs on them
waiting for the moment a fan does something mildly questionable so you can jump on them
going out of your way to advertize Lists Of (Allegedly) Bad People
sharing said lists
telling people to delete posts made by people you think are 'bad'
trying to control who shares what and from whom
pressuring others to see canon/character/behind the scenes moments a certain way (god forbid someone have a different headcanon than you)
making moral judgements based on someone's shipping preferences
trying to find hidden clues that another fan is actually a horrible person (and thus should be punished for it)
keep in mind i'm talking about this in the context of fandom here.
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i cannot tell you how many times i've seen people engage in this behavior in the worst faith possible, end up hurting someone who literally did nothing wrong, and then do it all over again to a bunch of other people. no one learns anyhting, nothing's changed, and now someone has been unjustly labeled a racist/pedophile/bigot/some other horrible thing.
it's sick. it's stupid. it's completely avoidable.
and yet people just… mindlessly share callout posts and public blocklists? believe them without any sort of fact checking or evidence? it's all just gut feelings and assumptions and possibly faked screenshots? that's supposed to be good? that helps no one. all that does is create a toxic fandom environment.
it stifles fan content. it stresses people out. not to mention the majority of the things that fill up callout posts are things that could be settled in dms.
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i'm so sick of this creepy behavior being considered normal and morally imperative
you know what should be the default response to people in fandom that bother you?
blocking, blacklisting, and/or scrolling right along.
seriously. it's that easy. try it.
unless another actual human being is being harmed it literally doesn't matter. and no, someone thirsting over dark pinky or writing fic doesn't count.
i suspect someone will get pretty upset with something i've said here and try to paint me as [fill in the blank with insulting claim here] but tbh i am beyond caring at this point. the current acceptable 'default' for doing fandom 'the right way' is gross and messed up and i want nothing to do with it anymore
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*hits post*
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Hannibal Lecter x reader x Will Graham 
Hannibal Re-Write Series Masterlist
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: spoilers for hannibal, murder, mental health problems, jail, dead bodies, cancer, nightmares 
Author’s Note: This one is particularly depressing but it’s my favorite of the season so far. I think it’s really letting some dynamics fall into place and I really hope y’all like it!
I used some direct quotes from the script so some things may seem familiar 
Official Episode Summary : When a body is discovered in a meadow, the cranial cavity appears to have been turned into a beehive; Beverly secretly consults with Will on the mural killer case.
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
Tag List: @llperfectsymmetryll​  @ericacactus​ @vlightning95​
(not my gif) 
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You stood in Hannibal’s kitchen. The front door opened but you didn’t look up. You were eating some leftovers, nothing too big because you could still barely keep food down knowing what you did. It had only been a couple of days but you were still scared to go back home. You had been living at Hannibal’s despite your best wishes.
“How are the dogs?” you asked as Hannibal walked in.
“Fed well. Missing their parents.” You nodded.
“I think I’ll go back tonight,” you admitted. You looked up and ate the last piece of the leftovers off your fork. 
“You’re dressed,” he observed. 
“I’m going to see Will.” Hannibal gave you a look but you ignored it, putting the plate and fork into the dishwasher. You walked around the counter and grabbed your keys.
“I don’t think that’s the best idea. He heard about the judge, clearly,” Hannibal argued.
“I haven’t been to see him in a few days. I miss him,” you said simply. You were trying to stay in a neutral voice so as to not alarm Hannibal. You wanted desperately to see Will and you were going to do all you could to get there even if it meant fighting the only person who has been keeping you grounded the past few days. 
“Come over for dinner then.” You gave him a narrow look.
“I shouldn't.” 
“You’re just going to eat microwave noodles. I insist.” You walked to the door. 
“I’ll think about it.”
“And Y/N?” You turned around, holding the door open.
“Don’t tell him.” 
You didn’t show him your face as you shut the door behind you. 
Chilton stopped you before you came up the stairs. You gave him a look but he gave you an even more alarming one. Your heart lurched. Did he know? He couldn’t know. But did he?
“Yeah?” you said, voice barely audible. 
“Will is doing therapy with me,” he started. Your worry for yourself was quickly diminished by the worry you often had for Will. 
“He’s what?” 
“I’m only telling you because he’s probably going to tell you. And so you know that I’m doing what I think is right and Will signed waivers.” You scoffed. 
“May I see my boyfriend now?” 
Chilton let you pass and you walked down the hallway. The worry seeped right back into your heart. The worry that your hands had murdered somebody. That the past few nights you had woken up screaming and had to sleep next to Hannibal so that you could get a good night's sleep. 
You walked up to the cell and Will stood up immediately. 
“You’ve been gone a couple days.” You nodded and swallowed hard.
“And you are letting Chilton run tests now are you?” Your voice easily slipped into ‘protect Will’ mode. Perhaps it was the only mode you knew at this point. He gestured for you to sit on the white line and you did so. He sat on the ground just behind the bars. 
“I remembered more things,” he said. “Hannibal was causing me to have seizures. I got Beverly to look for details in the murders. I’m now mostly convinced that Hannibal Lecter is the Chesapeake Ripper.” 
You took a deep breath. 
“That all?” you asked, laughing darkly. You felt a stab of guilt. “Hannibal was inducing seizures on you while I was in the next room?” 
“Don’t think about it like that,” he muttered. “It was what you thought was best.” You shook your head.
“So what do you want me to do about this whole thing?” 
Your voice was piercing and Will was surprised. That was the first time that he really noticed you in a while. Of course he noticed you, he had talked to you but he felt like at that moment he hadn’t considered how hard this had to be on you. The jail thing, the finding out your boyfriend could be a murderer thing. 
And for that one moment Will knew you well again. And he saw right through you.
“What’s wrong?” he asked. You shook your head but you really desperately wanted to run over to him and hug him and fall asleep beside him. Your heart was aching. 
“Nothing,” you said but you both knew it wasn’t convincing even to people who didn’t know you as well as Will did. You shook your head. “I can’t tell you,” you whispered. Tears pricked at your eyes and you regretted coming. 
“Yes you can.” 
You pointed above your head.
“Chilton would know.”
He looked up at the hidden audio recorders and Will had never hated jail more than in that moment. 
“I’m sorry.” You shrugged.
“I’ll be okay.”
You both knew that was a lie.
You stared down at the body of the judge. His eyes were open but his body was dead. It was dead dead. You were trying to scream but nothing was coming out. You backed up, staring at the blackness around the body that became more disfigured as you stared at it. 
When you looked above it you gasped and scattered back into the darkness. Hannibal turned around and moved aside, revealing Will hanging on antlers, impaled by them. You let out a loud sob and moved forward to grab him, help him down but his body was already limp. Your attempts to scream only got more desperate. 
You woke up with a start. Tears were streaming down your face and you were finally able to let out a long scream that woke up all of the dogs. You looked around, feeling the bed for someone you knew wasn’t there. You were alone in the house. 
The noodles you had eaten for dinner sat on Will’s side of the bed, half eaten. Your shirt was sweaty, sticking to your body desperately. You kept crying. You cried for the fact that you missed Will, that you were in this bed alone. For a minute you let yourself wallow in the sadness that had engulfed your life. 
The dogs came to you but they really just wanted to eat your noodles. You got up and, still crying, got into the car.
You knocked on Hannibal’s door at 2 in the morning. He answered quickly. 
Your eyes were still puffy and you looked exhausted. Hannibal wrapped the robe around him tighter when he saw you, clearly worried.
“Nightmare?” he questioned. You nodded and just like that the tears came again. It didn’t matter that this man had mutilated a body you killed. It didn’t matter that Will was so sure that Hannibal was the man framing him. It didn’t matter that you were pretty sure Hannibal was the man framing Will for murder. It didn’t even matter that by default he would have killed so many people in the past. 
You hugged him and he hugged you and you felt safe to cry. 
“Come, there’s still plenty of hours in the night to sleep,” he whispered. You nodded and followed him into his bedroom where you both laid down. Hannibal Lecter held you in his arms as you cried yourself to sleep for another night.
You walked into the morgue. Bags under your eyes were deep and it was hard to ignore them with the makeup but you were hoping that no one would notice. Beverly stood in the morgue where you figured she would be and you walked up to her swiftly. 
She looked up, taking off her goggles and surprised to see you.
“Can I help you?” she asked. You shrugged. 
“Not sure.” 
“Let me give it a go. I’m surprised Jack let you in by the way.”
“He didn’t but my connection to Hannibal let me through security,” you admitted. She nodded and crossed her arms.
“Will told you to look for some things in the body in the color palette. Did you find anything?” She nodded.
“Actually, yes I did. But I’m not sure I should tell you, you’re not exactly authorized.” 
“Neither is Will.” She nodded, shrugging.
“You do have a point there. The stitches holding the killer to his masterpiece were hiding stitches. The killer took his kidney.” You raised an eyebrow and nodded. 
“Like the Ripper.” 
“You’re sounding like your boyfriend there Y/N.” You nodded slowly.
“I guess we’re always otherwise aligned.” 
You walked into the hospital. The air was stale and you felt gross but you had to see someone you trusted and you at least trusted Hannibal to be Hannibal. You saw Jack Crawford step outside of Bellas hospital room and you walked up to him. 
At the sight of you he closed his eyes.
“I can’t handle you right now,” he muttered. You shook your head.
“I’m not here to fight you,” you promised. You looked in the hotel room where his wife lay dying. Hannibal was talking to her quietly. “In fact, I’m sorry,” you muttered weakly. He nodded.
“Only for today Crawford.” 
He nodded and you nodded back at him and you both felt for each other. Two people who’s other half was meeting a demise that didn’t look good. Granted, Jack clearly had it worse. At least Will would live in prison. 
Hannibal walked outside and you grabbed his arm. Jack went inside the room.
“Are you alright?” Hannibal asked.
“No,” you admitted.
“You’re sounding more and more like Will every day.” You hit his arm and both of you glanced in the room where Jack sat by Bella’s bed.
“Makes you appreciate what you have doesn’t it?” you whispered. “That and the dreams.”
“Where did you go today?” Hannibal asked.
“I went to see Bev. Will told me some stuff I wanted to get backed up.” He nodded. 
“Chilton is no longer letting me treat Will. But you knew that already,” he said quietly. 
“I didn’t know exactly that. Maybe it’s for the best. Especially if he still thinks that you killed all those people,” you muttered.
“Do you think I killed all those people?” You shrugged.
“I don’t know what I think anymore.” 
Will was having a hard time knowing there was something you couldn’t tell him but still talking to you. It was clearly weighing on you as much as it was weighing on him. 
“Hannibal ate the liver,” he whispered. You didn’t even have the heart to raise an eyebrow. All you could do was think about how tired you were.
“Do you remember that day that Hannibal came to the house with the breakfast food?” he questioned. You shrugged and nodded a little bit. You picked at the white paint you were sitting on top of.
“Yeah sure. Wasn’t that the day you-”
“What about it?” Will took a deep breath.
“The breakfast he gave us…” he started and then it dawned on you. Your face showed some actual reaction this time. 
“Oh my God.” He nodded. Your mind flashed with every dinner you had at Hannibal’s. Every time he had brought you lunch from his place. “Oh my God,” you said again and felt your stomach convulse. 
Not only were you a murderer but you were also a cannibal? 
You put your head in your hands and felt the sleep deprived tears rise up. 
“Come here,” Will whispered. You looked up and gestured to the white line. “When has that ever stopped you?” he asked. You nodded and wiped your eyes and scooted over to the bars. You put your hands on the bars and pressed your head against it. 
He pressed his forehead against yours and you closed your eyes.
“I killed the judge,” you whispered, only loud enough for him to hear. He pulled back and looked at you, surprised. But as Will looked at you he didn’t see a murderer all he could see was his girlfriend. His girlfriend looked more broken than he had ever seen her. 
He moved forward again.
“Did you put him up like that?” Will asked. You shook your head.
And it went without saying that Hannibal had. Will grabbed your hand tightly and he had never been so happy to touch your skin. 
And you cried. 
You just cried.
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qvid-pro-qvo · 4 years
to navigate when you’re lost.
a long car rides with you piece. derek morgan, emily prentiss, spencer reid, & bau!gender neutral reader. 
word count: 1590
rating: e for everyone, because every team has some growing pains along the way (no trigger warnings). 
It’s Morgan who realizes it first, and you’re ashamed to say it’s… partially your fault. Not entirely, because they handed you the map to begin with, and fully expected you to have a geography or cartography specialty hidden in your file.
But the rest of it? The getting lost? Yeah. That’s all you, you’re pretty sure.
You’d just started to really get in a groove with the rest of the team, too. More and more, black-and-white words on paper about each of the men and women you got to see on a day-to-day turned into full-color portraits, with each member lighting up like neon signs as you started to really, truly get to know them.
They’d started joking with you, too, at the very least. Which was definitely a step in the right direction. It’d been the evidence of the adjustment period, and you had thought you were making strides towards full integration. 
But now, in this damn car, you’re lost, and you’re the reason the four of you are lost, and Morgan realizes it first. Which definitely throws a wrench in the whole “smooth transition” thing. He heaves out a sigh with both his hands on the wheel, glances over at you with your brow furrowed and your finger on a point somewhere west of a river you were supposed to following, and lifts a hand to rub it over his face. His sunglasses end up on top of his head, so you feel every piece of his stare. It’s not a glare. Not quite yet.
You have a feeling it’ll get there eventually, though.
“We’re lost,” he says, and you can’t help but feel your hackles rise a bit. Because you know that yes, you don’t exactly know where the three of you are, but you also know that you’re still on an actual road, so. It’s gotta be on the map somewhere.
“We’re just taking a detour,” you try to say, but Derek’s eyes hit you again and you shrink a little into the seat, just a little. Not enough to look anything more than a readjustment, you’re sure.
“One wrong turn and we’re on gravel,” he points out, and you let out a sigh.
“Like you could do any better?” It’s sharper than you wanted it to be, but Derek doesn’t shy away from it, just looks back out ahead at the landscape. It’s desert, wide and open, and you feel yourself suffocate a little at the cloud of dirt you can see in the rearview. “Sorry, but… okay, look, it’s fine. We’ll be fine, but I don’t know what made me the map expert in this car when we have someone who makes geographical profiles for fun in the backseat.”
“You’re shotgun,” Prentiss says from the backseat, piping in because she can, the smirk on her face definitely showing how much fun she’s having with this. “Shotgun navigates.”
Your jaw clenches, and once more you fan out the map with remarkable ability, considering no paper cuts have been acquired yet. Your eyes scan the damn thing, the grids blurring just a little, to find which highway is the one you’re cruising down at breakneck pace. “Well, if I had known that, I wouldn’t have sat shotgun.”
“I’m just saying that I swear I’ve seen that damn cactus three times now,” Morgan points out, as the SUV zips one with a particularly odd shape. “I think we’re going in circles.”
“We’re going in a straight line,” Reid returns, “so really that cactus just looks like a cactus.” That earns him the real glare from Morgan, and you’re suddenly sure that if Spencer was in the front seat he’d also get a thump on the head.
“Shut it, boy genius, and do us all a favor. Take the map.”
“I’m not gonna take the map,” Reid says, and you turn in your seat to give him a pleading look.
“Reid, come on, please. Let me resign as navigator and step away with dignity.” He seems to almost consider it, which means that your puppy-dog eyes have advanced a level or two, but it doesn’t finish the job.
“I’m not gonna take the map.” All of a sudden, he has three pairs of eyes on him, even Morgan’s which earns him a smack on the shoulder from you. He just looks among the three of you with indignation. “Look, I always navigate, and I don’t want to navigate this time, I was having a perfectly fine time in the backseat –”
“So just because you don’t want to navigate you’re gonna leave us stranded in the middle of the desert?” It’s Prentiss again, and her voice is so deadpan that Reid looks at her with a furrowed brow. She lets out a soft sigh, shaking her head. There’s the smallest quirk of her lips when you glance over, showing how much she’s teasing. “I don’t know, Reid, seems pretty selfish.”
The look he gives her is an open-mouthed one. “Just because the rest of you don’t know how to read a map –”
Morgan’s voice interrupts easily. “I know how to read a map, but I’m driving the damn car, Reid.”
“When you know you’re the best navigator and the destination is in the middle of a desert –” Emily tries.
“I was re-reading the case files!”
On and on they begin to go, with Morgan continuing conversations by looking in the rearview mirror, Prentiss’s eyes getting wider and wider and more and more amazed, and Reid’s voice hitting that particular pitch it does when he’s flustered. It begins a vicious cycle, and each time it goes around again your eyes just gaze at the map, trying to find new meanings in lines you’ve scanned a million times.
Your eyes scan the border, almost defaulting to that position. You wish, more than anything, that exactly where your car is would appear on the thing, but that luxury is not available to you. So the tuning out of the rest of the team happens as your eyes scan the damn map.
At first, it’s a normal recognition of numbers and letters marking out grid points. It’s the cycle you’ve fallen into over the whole trip, and you hope to find new meaning in what you see. There’s nothing new, of course, and you start gazing out the window to catch an exit sign when you glance down again. And that’s when you see it, and it hits you like a truck, makes you start laughing hysterically, loud enough to interrupt Prentiss’s cry of “excuse me.”
You sound hysterical. Bonkers, mad, senile. All of those words describe the sound that comes out of your mouth, a half-cackle, half-wheeze, half-gasp for air as you fall back against the seatback.
“Oh, you’ve gotta be shitting me.”
There’s a silence that falls over the cabin, three pairs of eyes turning to gaze at you. Well, relative silence. Your laugh is sustaining, pitch heightening, tears falling just a little.
“Were – oh, fuck me.”
There’s silence. All you can hear is tires on worn highway. The scratch of dirt and pebbles as they catch underneath the vehicle.
“What,” Prentiss states.
Your voice finally comes together for a coherent statement, after a few more seconds of struggle. “Were any of you going to tell me this map isn’t even for this damn state?”
When you start cackling again you feel the map get snatched out of your hands. There are the furious sounds of folding and re-folding as you struggle to pull yourself together, and Reid’s hands soon join Prentiss’s in finding the first part of the fold-out so their eyes can scan the words with horror. Morgan’s driving comes to a near-sudden halt, and he pulls off onto the shoulder to pause.
Your laughter is finally dying down, only so you can breathe a little bit – it’s the simultaneous realization that it is not all your fault and that it is all of your faults that had broken you so completely. When the situation is confirmed by Morgan, who just holds the map with disgust, you’re calmed down enough that you can start functioning again.
“I’ll – I’ll call Hotch,” you offer, and you reach for your phone. “Let him know that we’re, uh, running behind.”
“No,” Morgan and Prentiss say simultaneously, and their heads are shaking.
“I do not need that disapproval right now,” Morgan explains.
You can’t help your little huff, an unintentional mirror of his tone earlier. “Well. Do you have another plan?” you retort.
There’s silence while plans brew. The shoulder of the highway sits on your right, three brains on overdrive on your left. You just lean against the window, looking amongst the three of them as best as you can with your seatbelt still on.
“I’ll… call Garcia?” Reid offers next, and there’s a noise of assent from Emily as he pulls out his phone.
“Four profilers and we can’t even read the words on the first fucking page,” Morgan scoffs, and there’s chuckles from the rest of the crew. The tension is gone, leaking from the space like there’s a cracked window, leaving nothing but exhaustion and tired eyes, a half-full tank of gas and a sudden U-turn as Garcia begins navigating the four of you to the right spot.
And when the four of you arrive one more hour later at the right spot, neutrality the weapon of choice as you approach the waiting officers, you can’t help the curl of your lips as you fall into step next to them.
Derek did call you a profiler, after all.
tag list:  @genevievedarcygranger // @quillvine // @falcon-arrows // @afuckingshituniverse // @sercyan // @sparklingkeylimepie // @alexxcorona113 // @mandyandy22 // @thedeaddrop // @angelsbabey // @lolychu // @icyprincess // @gabbygabbie // @cevanswhre // @roses-and-grasses // @baadmaxx // @ssaic-jareau // @mooneylupinblack // @rachelxwayne // @dilaudidwinchester // @stylesboy // @grandpascurtains // @softbibxtch // @winterscaptain // @hurricanejjareau // @averyhotchner // @crazyshannonigans // @chelseyjoyce
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hughiecampbelle · 4 years
Temporary (Bonnie Gold Oneshot)
Character/s: Bonnie
Word Count: 1,033
Requested: anon
Prompt/s: Patchwork, Safety Pin
Tag List: @dontdowhatisayandnobodygetshurt @myriadimagines @lilyswritings @encounterthepast @writerdream22 @death-of-a-mermaid @lotsoffandomrecs @woahitslucyylu @obsessedunicorn24 @thedarkqueenofavalon @fangirlsarah16 @theshelbyclan @creativemayhems @soleil-dor @thegirlwithoutaname87 @fifty-shadesof-tommyshelby @riana-jannat
A/N: This turned out a lot darker than I anticipated, but also what's new, y’know? Idk why, but I've been struggling with this so much. I absolutely love the concept, and even wrote an entirely different oneshot, I guess I'm just feeling insecure about my writing. None of it feels right. Nonetheless, I don't think writing a third version would help lol. I hope you like this and I hope it's not as awful as I feel it is!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💖💜
Summary: The only thing keeping you going is Bonnie 💕
Gif Credit: @bills-skarsgards :)
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Mud caked feet. Bleeding, torn soles pricked by thorns, by the hard ground, wounds full, choking on soil, on maggots, infection an old friend. Mother nature, in her infinite wisdom, had never been so unforgiving. Ruthless. Demonic. Nails broken, falling one by one in a gruesome attempt to lead you back to a home burning at the stake, discarded along the path of sharp turns, blurry edges. Screaming leaves rustling in the wind, crying out, threatening to fall, to leave you, just as the world fell from under you, as the sun solemnly set. Not out of her own will, her own power. The dark of the night draped over you, the wind biting, starved, the stars nothing but a mockery, finding solace in your pain. Your golden boy, with his sweet summer air, gone. Alone. Again.
Time itself an afterthought. Days and nights meant nothing. All you could do was run. Directionless. Heartless. Cold blooded. A voice between the trees, in the shadows, hummed in the twisted tunes of the crickets when they hushed you to sleep: give up. What more was there? A life cut short. Sliced. Diced. Fucking decapitated. Hung on a cross to atone for their sins. The worst kind of ending. Give up, give in, let go. Lay amongst the woods and wait. Decompose. To be picked apart until you were nothing but a pile of bones. Pray to any god who listened with compassion. Make it quick, painless, at the least dignified. Erase those dark eyes so scared, so knowing, staring you down.
He shouldn't have known where you were, he shouldn't have been able to see you in your hidden place, but he did. He always did. One word. An urge, and edge, in his silence. Run. Before things got bad, he meant. Before the gun struck him again, before they dragged him and tied him, your golden boy made only of blood. Before he hung by his wrists. Before your worst nightmare came true. Before your death. Inescapable. Run. To safety. To somewhere else. Away. Quickly, now. It would have been easy, effortless, even bliss, but he put up a fight every single day. It was who he was. You wouldn't go easy, either. Instead, you walk now, with a limp, with aches you'll never rid yourself of. The safety pin pricking your finger, drawing blood, ironic, really. A ring, in its own right. Engagement. Bent to make the shape. He needed you so much in that moment there was no time to wait, to think. Over the fire, your linens drying, blowing in the breeze, the warmth of him wrapped around you when you say it, when you say yes. Your golden boy, fiancé, all yours, and you, his. A vow, when the time came, for a real ring, a real wedding, a real life together. The world was perfect when it was only the two of you, though.
All you had left of him, the red across your palm.
You knew the life he was chasing, the dream, the want not to be forgotten. Playing toy soldier with people like that, it was dangerous. You thought it'd get him hurt, make your golden boy a patchwork of plastic bits and pieces until there was nothing left of his sweetness, like the rest of them. Temporary, he promised. It hadn't been a lie, but the words he spoke, he found hard to believe as they cut his tongue. The uncertainty dripping in his tone. Hand on your cheek, cupping your face, holding you together. Undeserving of him, his kindness, generosity, his dreams. The things he chased, the things that lived in all his stories. His voice, a lullaby. You were alone. No one by your side, not even your shadow. Forgotten by blood, by those who promised they'd never leave, discarded in the gutter. With him, you had a place to call home and a person to come home to. Your Bonnie, baby faced, naïve, too loving for his own good, head lost in the clouds. Always would be the first thing you noticed about him. The last, too. High above the world, in life and death. Excited, proud in his own shy way. Kissing his face tenderly after every match in the ring, hoping that would cure those black and blue bruises. Even now, a part of you resisted the want to turn back, to spend your future with him the way you intended.
The good in you. The good in this world. Lost. Murdered. The shell around you growing thicker, stronger, emotionless. Regret on the tip of your tongue, in the tears you cried, the sobs you tried to quiet, as if all the bad that ever followed you, your genetic default, putting him in harms way. You weren't sure how long it'd been. Weeks. Months. Lifetimes. Found. Dragged. Hushed, cooed, the way someone would a baby. Blank. A bed. Bandages. Around your legs, feet, smaller around your finger. His ring pried from your cold hands, thrown into the abyss. Men and women in white, missing their angel wings, their halos, their clouds. Each careful, quiet, preventing anymore pain. Speaking softly, incoherently. Not a word from your own mouth. Nothing left to say. In and out, from this world into the next. Never a sign of him, though. Not a whisper, a hint, he was simply gone. Awake. Asleep. You planned, plotted. Those men, the singing, the chanting, Billy's Boys. You'd find them, whoever they were, whatever they were. You'd make them pay the way he had. Take the light from their eyes without a moment of hesitation. Put them through what they put him through. Make them repent. Nothing mattered anymore. Nothing would, not until you tracked them down, until your golden boy, with his big dreams and grand promises, could rest easy knowing they lay in shallow graves.
Even now, your mind and body healing, the need to hunt gnawing away, none if it could stop the anticipation, the wanting, to see him standing there, in the doorway, his grin lopsided in just the right places. Once again, this time with certainty, promising all of this would only be temporary.
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Back to the Beginning
Who wants a little peek into the life of our favorite musician to brighten their Monday? Look no further! I hope y’all enjoy, and as always, thank you for reading!
Image prompt 6: Ryan Brenner x reader (requested by @thisisparadisemylove)
Rating: PG due to absolute and adorable fluff.
Word count: 1946
Tag list: @dylanobrusso @obscurilicious @the-blind-assassin-12 @something-tofightfor @ms-delos @lexxierave @madamrogers @yannii04 @gollyderek @carlaangel86 @bicevans @maydayfigment @thisisparadisemylove @ladyofnaps @malionnes @thesandbeneathmytoes @crushed-pink-petals-writes
Follower event tag list: @luminex3 @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @witchygagirl @breanime
If you’d like to be added to/removed from my tag list, please just send me an ask!
This is related to (later down the line) A Familiar Face, which can be found in my masterlist.
The air in the city was dense and heavy. Before you could take anything in, to appreciate your time there, you had to train your lungs to breathe in the atmosphere; it was imperative to get acclimated to the moisture that hung invisibly around you. It was so thick, the humidity was almost strangling.
But when you hit that point where you could breathe again, to inhale that air with ease, the sensations surrounding you were breathtaking. 
The uneven, crumbling brick paving the sidewalks were littered with people: tourists with strands of colorful beads hanging from their necks, carrying styrofoam cups; older couples holding hands while taking leisurely strolls; giggling teenagers ducking into shops with signs in the windows boasting shrunken heads and Voodoo dolls. The air carried with it succulent smells from various restaurants, and dance troupes occupied the middle of narrow streets to entertain. People spray-painted in metallic tones from head to toe stood frozen like statues, so still it was as if they weren’t breathing. Depending which street you were on, the energy around you would flip between an electric buzz or a warm leisure--  the kind that was the reason behind the city being coined The Big Easy. 
But one constant in New Orleans, whether in the French Quarter, down Magazine Street, or lost just beyond the corner of Decatur and St. Peters’ expanse of the French Market—crowded with vendors selling silver jewelry or art, fresh vegetables and homemade soaps offered in booths at the farmers’ market further down the street, or finding hidden treasures buried deep at the flea market adjacent to the famous Cafe du Monde— was the music. 
Street performers playing various flavors of music occupied almost every street corner in the New Orleans area. But Royal Street— Ryan had told you it was pronounced roy-AL, like a duo of two male names sewn together— that was where the real music was, the music with heart and soul and life, no matter the sweltering heat and thick, suffocating humidity. Thirteen blocks through the French Quarter and several leading down toward Frenchman Street was the city’s epicenter of live music. It was where Ryan wanted to take you. 
“There’re all types of musicians down here, Y/N,” Ryan said, excitement apparent. Soft-spoken by default unless he was singing, full-bodied and soul on fire, Ryan’s smooth, soft drawl was a pleasure to hear, even if you had to strain to hear sometimes. But the enthusiasm of what he was set to explore with you— to share with you— added volume to his voice, thickened his drawl just a touch, and shifted his intonation to the point that his words sounded more like song than speak. “Jazz is the front-runner but you name it, and you’re goin’ to hear it.  I reckon there ain’t a place like it anywhere else in the world.”
Ryan tore his eyes from a two-story brick building, balconies adored by wrought-iron and punctuated with lush hanging plants. You’d read that most of the businesses in this part of the city hailed in structures that were built centuries ago. You smiled as your attention turned to Ryan’s face, lit up with a wide, Cheshire-like grin. His happiness was your happiness, and when he gifted you with that big, toothy, genuine smile,, you felt like a Mega Millions winner. You knew you’d hit the jackpot with this man. 
He’d ditched his pack in the bed and breakfast you’d booked days before, despite his protests.
”This was my idea, Y/N. “
“But I wanted to come.”
Slowly nodding his head in agreement,  Ryan gently pointed out, “I asked you to join me—“
“And I accepted.”
He eyed you with his eyebrows quirked, and you continued. “You let me come with you, and you let me live life your way for a few days. It’s been exhilarating and uncertain and I feel more alive than I have in a long time.” Your eyes were full of sincerity, and Ryan took a few steps toward you, only stopping as stood right in front of you. He reached to tuck your hair behind your ear. “So let me find us a warm bed to sleep in and cold air conditioning to lay under.”
Finally, he conceded. “If that’s what you want, Y/N, you know you got it. But I gotta tell you, it’s not a usual part of my way of livin’.”
You bit your bottom lip thoughtfully and narrowed your eyes playfully. “Maybe it’s your way of livin’ with me.”
He’d left his pack, but still carried his guitar case. His tattooed fingers were laced with yours as the two of you walked; you had a destination: the flea market just a few blocks away. But first, Ryan wanted to take a slight detour. 
“I really want to experience the music. Appreciate it. Take our time, if that’s alright.” 
You’d nodded immediately, agreeing with him. You wanted the same thing, wanted to be there with Ryan and join him in his elation and opinions and feel a bit of that love he felt for music. 
“And I know you want to go to the flea market—“
“I need to go to the flea market.” You interjected, and he laughed. You shrugged. and he shook his head 
“You’re somethin’ else.” The slight smell of coffee wafted through the air, and as the smell became stronger, it took on an almost sweet scent. Applause broke out from somewhere ahead of you, momentarily drowning out an increasingly loud dissonance of chatter. 
“You know, I think you’ve told me that before. Once or twice.” Before Ryan could answer, you found yourselves standing just outside the open-air, renowned Cafe du Monde. The scent, the chatter, and the perfect, faraway backdrop of a nearby trumpeter’s solo version of When the Saints Go Marching In was classic New Orleans. You felt a sense of nostalgia wash over you, and you knew at that exact moment that this city, so full of culture and history, art and Cajun food, voodoo and ghost tours, jazz and zydeco and blues and swing and swamp pop— this city meant something to you, and it was your first time visiting. 
Ryan gently led you to an occupied table, smack in the middle of the cafe. He pulled out your chair for you with a boyish smile before sitting in the chair across the small table, guitar case close by his side. He leaned forward on his elbows so you could hear over the noise. 
“The menu’s not your traditional menu,” Ryan warned you. His eyes danced from across the table, and he added, “Not that New Orleans skimps on tradition, but they do it their own way. ‘S their style.”
You found yourself leaning in as well, caught you in the cadence of Ryan’s voice as well as his words. Ryan wasn’t a huge talker, he didn’t need to be, but when he got on a roll about music or traveling or something that he was passionate about, he spoke up more than usual and you loved those moments. This was one of them. 
“ ‘Bout a half-dozen choices to choose from. It’s slim pickin’s, but you can’t go wrong with what they’re offerin’.”” Ryan had been to New Orleans many times; there was just no other place like it. He held up his left hand, calloused fingertips and vertical lines inked between mid and lower knuckles of each finger. “You’ve got coffee—cafe au lait. Fresh-squeezed orange juice, milk…”
You had started to shake your head as Ryan went on. He stopped before he rattled off a variety of sodas and coffee over ice; he knew what you were saying without words, and had known as much before he spoke. The two of you shared a smile, intimate with understanding. Opening your mouth to share a sentiment, you were stalled as a waitress appeared tableside, vibrant purple hair pulled back and piled atop her head. She was around your age and looked frazzled. You smiled at her. Many days at the diner had you in the same state at some point. 
“A cafe au lait and order of beignets, please,” Ryan said politely, inclining his chin to order while looking at the server, not just rattling off what he wanted. He was always attentive, and actually talking to someone rather than at them was something you valued at work. Ryan just did so naturally without a second thought. “Same for my girl here.” He looked at you adoringly with an expression asking for confirmation.
“You got it,” you said, meeting Ryan’s eyes for a beat of time, then looking to the waitress and nodding appreciatively. “Thank you.” 
In his typical fashion, Ryan followed immediately, offering the woman a small smile. “Thank you, ma’am.”
When she turned to walk away and Ryan’s attention was yours again, he immediately noticed the way the corners of your lips turned upward. He looked at you as you appreciated his features from across the table. 
“I’ll wait,” he teased gently. Leaning back in his chair, his long legs stretched out as much as possible beneath the table without invading your space, you nudged his knee with your own. 
“Wait for what?” It was a rhetorical question; it was all in your expression, the way you sometimes got as quiet as Ryan himself and just looked at him like he hung the moon. Ryan had called you his girl, and you supposed it was true, but to hear him say it was another thing entirely. He had you reeling. It took you a moment to get back on track. “I was just thinking about your thank you ma’am. How it sounded familiar, and how someone else is bringing us coffee instead of me bringing it to you… which, in hindsight,  is why we’re here. Together. It’s all come full circle in a sense.”
It seemed like a lifetime ago. As you and Ryan enjoyed your beignets, you relished in little memories, and that was what made your relationship so special. Ryan had taught you just how important simplicity was. He laughed as you balked, tasting your cafe au lait without adding sugar first, forgetting there was chicory in the drink. You stood from your chair to brush powdered sugar from a beignet out of the scruff on his chin. He taught you the difference between zydeco and swamp pop, and insisted on paying for your coffee and beignets. 
“There you go again, Ryan Brenner. Fighting me over sweets and tips, bringing it right back to the beginning. You’d finally made it to the flea market, but before you could walk in, he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you close, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. You let out a sigh.
“I like the present much better, Y/N,” he said, speaking into your ear. Your shoulder shrugged involuntary, his whiskers and breath tickling your ear.  “The beginning was real nice, but this,” he paused, pressing his lips to your temple, “What we have now, it’s been on my mind since that first cup of coffee.” You looked up at him with a look of awe; it was a confession he’d never made before, and it felt like the perfect moment for him to do so, there in this huge flea market in New Orleans. You had words on the tip of your tongue, but they were stuck there. 
When you didn’t reply, Ryan just smiled down at you. It was one of those small, simple, yet significant moments. You’d had so many with him. He let his arm fall from your waist to link his fingers with yours again, leading your further inside. “You make a damn good cup of coffee, Y/N.”
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bedlamgames · 4 years
No Haven 0.945
Highlights for this one include new assignments, a new race,  training being overhauled, new Ensnared Rose intro with various options, and more
Download links can be found on the No Haven page. Update notes can be found under the break.
If you don’t have RAGS and you need a copy to run it there’s one on the help page here or the one pinned on the patreon you can find a link to in the attached read me which is more up to date. If RAGS has never worked on your system despite the help page suggestions then it might be worth trying with one of the alternate players. There’s also improvements on there to the RAGS player that can also help with performance.
Change log under the break:
-Miscellaneous additions: ---Upgraded the Lago'mae trait package which was Slutty - Sex Addict - Seductive - Bimbo - Emotional to have Insatiable instead. ---Adjusted the Bimbo, Sissy, restraints, Obsessed Over, and Pariah penalties so overthrows should be not quite so instantaneous with those. Starting with Unproven as a Bimbo or Sissy could result in a day 1 loss. ---Made the favoured magic/elementalist trait in Full Custom wording less ambiguous.
-Bug fixes: ---Fix for Advanced Anal Training giving Obedient again. ---Fix for too many people having the dolled up ass. ---Fix for Nymph's not having a value. Which also fixed them getting increasingly valuable each time you estimated or examined them. ---Fix for the other reason why Nymph's weren't dominating slavers. ---Fix for Barbarous Bargains having an issue with having the wrong goals available when lacking in gold which could lead to getting stuck. ---Fix for an issue where part of the slave intros which you get before doing biomancy, corruption, making use of, etc. would be missing. While I was there I noticed that the recall bits don't really work if the slave came pre-trained like with the pirate booty so I've used some alternate wording to account for that which I've also used as a variation to the existing ones. I've also added some more text there for slaves who had previously not had specific ones like the cheerleaders.
-Miscellaneous additions: ---Added some new combined gender options for the slaver recruitment General Order. I also made 'Easy' for that more likely. ---No idea how but sometime before release the original intro that I remember being pretty good to arriving at the Marshlands following the letter got replaced by the ambush version. Also rather annoyingly it's apparently the one bit of text in the update that I didn't copy into docs for posterity, and I also can't find it in any of the backups, so I've had to rewrite it. ---Artful Whore is now an Exceptional on Corner and Pillow Talk. ---Anal Slut is now an Exceptional on Corner, Pillow Talk, Ponygirl Training, and both Anal Trainings. I've also made it so that if Anal Slut is an Exceptional on an assignment you'll get a Critical bonus for having Pleasure Enhancement-Ass or Dolled Up from the Neck Down. You don't need Anal Slut to get those bonuses but they do stack if you do. ---Added some extra ass examine description For Dolled Up Neck Down to reflect this. ---Added Crafter: Culinary (C:Cu) as a Success of Forage Supplies. ---If Dominated/Obedient will not count Submissive as a penalty on assignments. ---Sudden Betrayal and Whore Makers are no perma remove assignments with no chance of an unexpected return. ---Witches will always be permanently removed with no chance of return. ---Added an explanation of what Head Slaves do in Help. ---Added a note to Green Soul to confirm the time reduction stacking does work by having more than one. ---Despoiler's 'Reward' should now correctly count as chastity in all respects. It will also count as the belt from Quick as you Like apart from not having the morale loss. Added a chance to gain morale from that belt too, and added a bit of extra text to both results to reflect exactly why the morale is going up or down. ---Oozes will be less likely to inflict full gender transformation. Updated the Gathering Tide aspect to prevent it for all oozes entirely. ---Made it impossible to convince a golem to become a bed warmer or camp bitch. ---Slavers with slave training should now get the value estimate bonuses for having done that training.
-Bug fixes: ---Fix for the 'Say you'll handle it in private and do' dilemma choice. ---Fix for Corner of your Own incorrectly saying you can't send a female slaver when you always could. ---Fix for not being able to send a slave on the second role on Shuffled Deck. ---Fix for the slaver return piercings having the wrong spacing. ---Fix for realizing your slaver's worst fears not actually doing anything. ---Fix for succubi missing their flying mounts. While I was there I added a chance for those races with set flying mounts to be able to get a different mount. ---Fix for the Drider or Ooze skipping Catastrophic and instead getting a bonus not working like it does for Disasters. ---Fix for Centre of Attention, Gloryhole Box and Marshlands Survival not being listed in Assignment Overview. ---Fix for Unstable Change time reduction not working. ---Fix for Slaving Assignments repicking not clearing everything it should likely causing a myriad of issues. ---Fix for Scout the Deep Mountains time reduction for Flying being four days rather than the correct two. ---Fix for not being able to send a slaver-in-training on Halt Slaver Caravan or Halt Draenei Caravan. ---Fix for an issue where some traits may not have been checked specifically on certain assignments. ---Fix for Shadriel's aspect not taking up an aspect slot. ---Fix for Treachery Most Foul being listed twice in Overview Assignments. ---Fix for getting the burning crown corruption having the same text regardless of whether the character had spiritual/faith. I've also added some specific text if you get it as previously it only read right for someone else getting it. ---Fix for the Depraved trait abbreviation on Retribution for Arrogance and Arrogance Subjugated. ---Fix for Johanna von Knittlingen not getting the value bonus from her tongue. ---Fix for Elementalist: Air (E:Ai) not having a value bonus. ---Fix for missing/repeated text in Glimpse of Paradise if you get one of the hidden bonuses on the Critical Success. ---Fix for Cocksucking Natural being applied twice. ---Fix for the Aspect Green Soul not correctly giving the fully favoured bonus to being in the Ever Forest. ---Fix for Lago'Mae not always coming with Insatiable by default. ---Fix for the eight day version of Barbarous Bargains instead adding an Ample Distractions. ---Fix for Alice and Bles not showing anal training. Also not getting them Insatiable on Advanced Bimbo Training if they have Resilient. ---Fix for Dominated Slavers not showing the status effect like Slaves do. ---Some text fixes.
v0.943: New Assignments: ---The third and final part of Thornspire with a commission generously funded by a patron. Has some truly crazy potential rewards given all you need to do to get there.
-Miscellaneous additions: ---Got a comment about the lack of variety, length, and facials. After checking there were two causes for this. Facials were mainly a thing for titfucks only while most of the lengthier blowjob texts required training, obedience, or other factors so often they were defaulting to the basic result. Due to this I've adapted the titfuck facials so they can now occur during blowjobs. I've also added alternate options for when the blowjob result would normally change to the default one. Some of these are different enough they'll appear as an alternative to what would normally have been the result if the requirements were met. Also there's some other touch ups and more minor additions in there which don't just apply to blowjobs. ---Added a notification if a trait is boosted by Arcane Winds on assignments. ---Added some better formatting to highlight when getting a new assignment from an assignment. Also corrected some where it said a plural assignments when you were just going one. ---No more getting out of the Meddling Fools region debuff by just removing the assignment. ---Expert Fellatrix will no longer remove Dominant/Switch, and if so will not grant Obedient on the Critical or Submissive on the Success. So now you can put a slave through Advanced Dominance Training and then still get them to be really good at blowjobs without losing their dominance. ---For consistency you'll get the blonde demi-angel examine and not the black hair one if you're playing a demi-angel yourself.
-Bug fixes: ---Fix for the second part of Thornspire having the wrong display name. ---Fix for the first of Thornspire applying too much Xp to individual slavers on the Critical Success ---Fix for the Ensnared Rose letter turning up or the Shuffled Deck starting if you're away on an assignment. ---Fix for the slaver from the Ensnared Rose letter options having the same identifier as the last character generated resulting in duplication. ---Fix for Severina's art if playing as her yourself. ---Fix for Shuffled Deck where no one could be assigned to that one. ---Fix for the Featured Patrons text appearing when you change nicknaming. ---Fix for some total mind breaks such as from Domination not also removing Learning related traits like Educated or Folklorist. ---Fix for an issue where forced not male slavers could be generated as males anyway. ---Fix for tails being fondled twice. ---Fix for Scavenging rank up giving you Infiltration specialized slavers instead of Scavenging ones. ---Fix for everything to do with dreams being turned off. That affected the later parts of Quick as you Like, Heavenly Debauchery, Puppet Leader enforced sexy times, and being Possessed Nightly Activities. ---Fix for the no one else around check if choosing to ambush on the letter encounter. ---Fix for not getting a rare race when choosing the hardest option on Slaver Caravan. ---Fix for Keeping an eye on the slave on Price of Freedom overwriting the odds. ---Fix for Fel Tide not generating a Hold Back the Dark assignment. ---Fix for Alice not getting her training options if you get her from the letter rather than by Full Custom. ---Fix for Alice and Bles missing some training options along with adding some checks to ensure things don't go wrong if they become a slave. ---Experimental fix for armour tracking issues. Not 100% certain, but I couldn't replicate it. I also ran a tracker for pretty much everything that adds or subtracts armour and it all seemed to work properly. ---Some text fixes.
New Assignments: ---A special assignment for one of the uniques you can either start as or find on an assignment. You'll need to do something, or more specifically have something not happen, but if you can do that long enough this will become available. Has two commissions both funded by a patron and has one of the most unique uniques yet. The unique or you can gain an upgraded version of an existing aspect with a bunch more power and text. ---Advanced Anal Training. Will make the slave more likely to be used for anal and will again reduce the effects during sexy times.
Legion: ---Has a new commission for their examine which also has a version so they can now be Futanari as well as Males. This will be used for an assignment down the line so they won't be quite so tricky to find. ---Updated all the specific Legion text when they're refusing to do things. ---Updated their dialogue titles and swears. ---Significantly improved Legion starting traits to reflect their power. ---Expanded their lore page with another paragraph. ---Updated their skin colours. ---Updated their physical description which includes losing their tails.
Sable Masquerade: ---Thanks to a generous patron there's a new commission with a whopping five different variations. Specifically the assignment itself, the unique you can get on it as slaver and as a slave, a crop for the precursor to that assignment which is Treachery Most Foul. That crop is used for the unique as a slaver you can get on that assignment, and there's another version of that crop where she is a slave.
-Miscellaneous additions: ---Reworded Land Piracy Success to correct some unclear wording and to flesh it out a bit more. ---Updated the Ensnared Rose Letter Ambush text if you don't have anyone else around when you go. ---The Ensnared Rose Letter won't turn up if you're not currently able to follow the instructions such as due to being wounded. ---Lasciel Oathbreaker now gets a value bonus from both of her races rather than neither of them. ---Updated the Ooze racial to reflect the unpredictable effects of their touches on non-Oozes. During sexy times they now have a chance (increased by low condition and/or willpower) to apply one of the Blessings of Perversion corruptions (not including some of the more full on corrupting themed ones) to their partner. This can also happen on the new Special Ever Forest assignment and also on the Deluge of Oozes disaster.
-Bug fixes: ---Critical fix for the slave disappearing issues and other serious wonkiness resulting in following the Ensnared Rose letter. ---Fix for Nymph's gender limiter. ---Fix for getting more than one slaver if you find the unique on Adversarial Affairs. ---Fix for Conjured Companion not turning off if you lose Magic: Summoner (M:Su) ---Fix for Basic Anal Training Fail saying it gives the training. ---Some text fixes.
Ensnared Rose Introduction: ---Rather than available from the start, the Ensnared Rose will now be introduced early on in the first month. This will also introduce as part of normal gameplay the concepts of the Town, Tavern, Mercenaries, and the Marshlands to new players who might otherwise have missed that option. ---You can ignore it and not have access for that playthrough, or you can get a new encounter which can provide a number of bonuses to starting off. ---You can either get no strings attached gold, more gold as a loan (which can kickstart the debt storyline), a slaver (potentially one of the existing recruitable uniques if you don't take her at the start), information on some better quality assignments in all regions, or a special outfit. ---Subs, and especially those with the Exhibitionist or Pretty Maid aspects will have a much harder time not taking the outfit.
-Miscellaneous additions: ---Sissies can now have their cock enhanced by Biomancy to a set limit. So you can correct them if you accidentally make them too small and are worried about the risk of making them a full woman, but they're also not going to be challenging even an average Futa anytime soon. ---Asanei slavers will now use the Adversarial Affairs commission for their examine until I can get something less specific for them.  
-Bug fixes: ---Fix for a potentially missing skill check for unchangable attire. ---Fix for the bisected now being counted as unchangeable attire for skill checks. ---Fix for being able to get out of Ettersilk or the corrupted armour by trading outfits. ---Fix for Bimboborn still being an option on level up. ---Fix for Weald Autonomy rejecting slaves in the third slot. ---Fix for the Amazons on Barbarous Bargains nicking a big chunk of your supplies if you trade by Other Means. It also no longer takes supplies to go on. ---Fix for the drow tattooist going over the top on guys at the Tavern. She's pouting, but has promised at last to knock it off. ---Fix for the updated Advanced Obedience Training getting the races the wrong way round. ---Fix for Adversarial Affairs getting mixed up with The Elvish Art.
New Race: ---Thornheart Nymphs have been added with a new Rare assignment in the Ever Forest. Can be Female or Futanari with commissioned art for both. ---With their racial will be very powerful though they do have some definite drawbacks making them quite the double edged sword. ---Has specific text to reflect their alternate way of inflicting Domination. ---Once found via the assignment will then start appearing rarely like any other character can as both slavers and slaves. ---Can be playable if one takes over the encampment after an overthrow event, or you can start as one as one of the Promoted Slaver options (TF Edition only). If you start as one then Nymphs will be in the generator from the start without you needing to do their assignment.
New Assignments (not counting the Nymphs one): ---An Uncommon Trading Amazon themed assignment in the Ever Forest. Has four goals where it can work similarly to the standard Great Plains Trading assignment including options for an alternate payment plan other than gold or supplies. Includes special text for Submissive playthroughs even if you don't go as the alternate payment plan though there is a different special Disaster if you do. Also includes alternate text in some of the results for being Insatiable, being a wright, or having other ways to have limitless sexual energy, along with if you take  a pair of slavers who won't ask questions about what you get up to on this one. ---A reduced rarity Marauding legal themed assignment in the City of Aversol. Thank you to the patron who funded the two commissions used for this one. Includes the possibility of recruiting the hidden unique recruitable slaver featured in the art.
New Commissions: ---Decadence Like No Other. Features a new race of beastkin who will be added in a later update. Has non-female variants that will be used if you don't send a female on that assignment and will be used as slave Examines down the line. ---Zharr females. Plan is to use it for a Zharr themed assignment on the Dreadsea Coast down the line. ---Nest of Vipers, also used for Fel Tainted Lamia slavers. Has alternate versions used for Fel Tainted Lamia futanari, and Fel Tainted Lamia slaves. Also has a crop for non-Fel Tainted Lamia that I'll use for now until I can get something more suitable. Will be used down the line as a follow up to A Brief Foray. ---Drow female slavers, with a less dressed version used for Drow female slaves. Plan is to use her for a new start, and thank you to the patron who submitted this commission. ---Driders. Will be used for a new Deep Mountains assignment eventually, and does come with a zoomed version. I've also kept the Scout the City version as an Examine for Driders with Submissive. ---Fallen female slavers, with a less dressed versions used for Fallen female slaves. Also has alternate versions to replace the Demi-Angel female slaver and slavers examine to distinguish her from the unique that used the same commission. Thank you to the patron who submitted these new variations on that commission. I've kept the old Fallen placeholder art for now until I can get a commission featuring Futanari. ---Double Dicked Golems. Also has a variant for Golems doing punishment, and a zoomed in version that will alternate with the other Human Noble slaves. That version will also be used for any futanari doing double dicking.
Slave Training Review: ---Extended and improved the intro text for Basic Dominance Training, Basic Obedience Training, Orc Cum Addict, Basic Sissification Training, Advanced Sissification Training, Advanced Lesbian Training, Basic Blowjob Training, Advanced Blowjob Training, and Exquisite Fellatrix Training. Touched up some of the others to a more minor degree. ---Extended and improved the Critical Success result text for Advanced Bimbo Training, Basic Bimbo Training, Advanced Dominance Training, Exquisite Fellatrix Training, Basic Dominance Training, Advanced Lesbian Training, Advanced Blowjob Training, Basic Lesbian Training, Basic Anal Training, Advanced Sissification Training, Advanced Obedience Training, Basic Sissification Training, Heal Slut Training, and Basic Obedience Training. ---Extended and improved the Success result text for Advanced Titfuck Training, Basic Titfuck Training, Advanced Bimbo Training, Basic Bimbo Training, Heal Slut Training, Endurance Training, Advanced Dominance Training, Orc Cum Addict (including all orc, no orc, and shakko versions), Exquisite Fellatrix Training, Basic Dominance Training, Advanced Lesbian Training, Advanced Blowjob Training, Basic Lesbian Training, Advanced Sissification Training, Advanced Obedience Training, Basic Blowjob Training, and Basic Obedience Training (including Stubborn and Defiant removal versions). There's a few of the redone Successes which are now longer than the Critical Success results which I don't think I've done before, and if I have, it's definitely pretty rare for them to be so. ---Extended and improved the Failure result text for Advanced Bimbo Training, Advanced Titfuck Training, Basic Titfuck Training, Basic Bimbo Training, Ponygirl Training, Endurance Training (including adding the previously missed You version), Advanced Dominance Training (mainly the You Sub version), Orc Cum Addict (again including all orc, no orc, and shakko versions), Exquisite Fellatrix Training, Advanced Lesbian Training, Advanced Blowjob Training, Basic Lesbian Training, Advanced Sissification Training (as a bit of an experiment added some dialogue from you here), Advanced Obedience Training, Basic Blowjob Training, Basic Sissification Training, and Basic Obedience Training. ---Extended and improved the Disaster result text for Orc Cum Addict (again including all versions with the Shakko version in my opinion being the highlight), Endurance Training, Heal Slut Training, Basic Bimbo Training (Includes the alternate Obedient version for those two, the otherwise unchanged Anal Training Disaster result also uses that updated version if applicable), the generic 'Be Gentle' options (now includes versions for your doing it and for them being Obedient), the generic 'Be Brutal'/Sadist/Aggressive/Brutal/Unscrupulous options (also now includes versions for your doing it and for them being Obedient), and Exquisite Fellatrix Training where it's not either of the previous two generic options. ---Added extra morale losses for the Disaster results for Orc Cum Addict (with the all orc version being by far the heaviest) ---Being Obedient now blocks the generic nothing else applies 'more ready and willing to resist the shackles of slavery' Disaster result where the slave got a Willpower boost and there was a -10 Morale Hit. Uses the same text as the Heal Slut Training, Basic Bimbo Training, and Anal Training. ---Bimbos can now do bimbo training so you can bimbo your bimbos to an even greater degree. ---Advanced Dominance Training now has an alternate result text for slavers with Dominant (Dom), including Switch and hidden Dominants, on the Critical Success. If they don't the slaver can now pick up Submissive (Sub) along with a damaged reputation. ---Basic Bimbo Critical Success now gives Sex Addict (Sex) instead of Insatiable (Sex+) ---Advanced Bimbo Critical Success only applies Insatiable (Sex+) with Resilient (Res) and 80+ Condition. This is to make that trait more of a specific thing for Trollops and Lago'Mae rather than being quite so easy to maintain. ---Advanced Obedience Training now as text on the Critical Success if already Obedient (Sub+). I don't think that's possible given the training paths, but it's there now just in case. ---Advanced Obedience Training Critical Success only applies Obedient (Sub+) with 80+ Willpower along with Submissive (Sub) which it need before to make it trickier to get so relatively early on in a slave's training, and to make the other sources of getting that trait more desirable. There's alternate text to both versions based on Willpower if they have Submissive (Sub) going into the assignment. ---Advanced Lesbian Critical Success can give Lesbian Desires if the slave doesn't get it on Basic version. Added a estimate value bonus to Lesbian Desires. ---Advanced Blowjob Training also now can give Cocksucking Natural on the Critical Success if they didn't get it on the basic version. ---Advanced Dominance Training now removes Sympathetic (Sym) on both Critical Success and Success results. ---To replace the aspect Bimboborn which Advanced Bimbo Critical Success used to give I've added a new aspect to that result called Ditzy Doll. This aspect will also replace Bimboborn as a Level Up option so that aspect will only be available from Corruption for now to reflect the nature of that aspect being about having one of the naughtier powers watching over them no matter the trouble that they might get into. Ditzy Doll is the first aspect to scale in power with the character's experience which is an idea I like and one that I'll revisit when I get round to adding more aspects. Like with slaver gear upgrades you'll use assignment ranks up instead, and yes you can take this aspect on a Level Up unlike Bimboborn. ---To expand on the mechanic where mantras could be embedded by having someone with Hypnotic (Hyp), Dominator (Dtr), Magic: Corruption (M:Co) (also Corrupter), or Malevolence (Mal) twenty four new Critical and Success results now have the potential to ad the relevant mantras at various stages from Light all the way to Fully Embedded. ---Added a small chance for a mantra to be applied during those specific training Critical Success results even without the usually needed traits to represent an especially powerful breakthrough. ---Heal Slut Training will no longer give Lay on Hands if they already have the usual maximum of five aspects. ---Heal Slut Training, Basic Titfuck Training, Advanced Titfuck Training, and Ponygirl Training are now all counted as Obedience Training assignments for the purpose of getting a bonus from the Obedience Mantra. ---Ponygirl Training now adds Resilient (Res) on both Success results. ---Removed the feminine pronouns on the various Blowjob results that assumed the trainee was a 'her' to reflect it can be done by males too. Exquisite Fellatrix Training Critical Success now has specific male slave text so you can now have a Prince of Blowjobs to go with the Queen. ---Exquisite Fellatrix Training on a Disaster now sets the slave back to Basic Blowjob Training, though not if you treat then gently or they are Obedient. ---Updated some formatting for better visibility, and some other more minor text additions not mentioned above.
-Miscellaneous additions: ---Due to adding Thornheart Nymphs more than doubled the number of Horned One female first names and surnames for both genders in the generator including some specific ones just for Nymphs. ---Added Kitsune, Lago'Mae, Shadow Outcasts, and Asanei to the rare races table so they'll be slightly more common than before where they only had a very low chance to be found on their usual tables, and will now have a better chance to be found as higher quality characters. ---To make the Golem Commander unique commission more specific I've changed the Wastelander slave commission that uses the same art to a closer crop than before. ---Increased the Will/Condition loss for slaves if they'd get that instead of getting Shattered/Exhausted ---Adjusted the Shattered/Exhaustion calculations so the risk has more of an effect each way, if it's not for wounding/removal then being Aggressive will no longer make things worse while Fleet or Flying can no longer help avoiding being overly tired. So no longer will being able to ride a pegasus help you out in the glorybox. ---Asanei have lost their crest in favour of the hair-tentacles in the commissions, and the come in three variations. ---Updated the lamia lore page to expand it, and to ditch some obsolete information about their race. ---Made a change so Ecstatica should stack better with Fae Flying, Size Queen'd, and Sapphic High. ---Replaced Sapphic High on the Fully Embedded Sissy mantra (which they weren't getting anyway) with a new effect that allows a slaver using them to count as Dominant if it would be a positive on the next assignment. ---Changed the wording of Fully Embedded Bimbo mantra to represent they can get extra mantras later via training. ---Lesbian Hypnotic Mantra is now available to Non-Males with a different version with the same effects to reflect that. Also includes some alternate dialogue lines during sex text for when slaves have this mantra. ---Added a new Glossary page for Hypnotic Mantras. ---Standardised how extra morale loss works on assignments with a more consistent formatting display. Also removed an odd inconsistency where the third position on Hold Back the Dark was losing 10 morale less than the others. ---Added some checks at the end of corruption to prevent anyone going over 100 morale. ---By request Golems may no longer purchase the rank III Slaver Upgrades. ---Legacy Decim-Vex has sorted out her unconventional hairstyle and has gained some height in the process. ---Sea Elves and Golems will now be unable to have a secret desire to be the Spiritual Leader, and will not have a faith that they've been keeping quiet about. The new Nymphs will work the same way. ---Krystal has had a visit from the boob reduction fairy. ---Removed the deeply inappropriate witchy-looking outfit for Magic: Nature users for a new look. Also Hedge-Witch is now Wise-Woman. ---Added skin colour variation for Asanei.
-Bug fixes: ---Fix for the Best Left Sealed Asanei popping up during end of day sexy times instead of what should have been there. ---Fix for the extra Diplomacy XP not applying on Glimpse of Paradise. ---Fix for the Tavern Drow having such an obsession for a specific tattoo for the guys. ---Fix for Persuasive (Per) check only working in the suggestions for Listening to Whispers. ---Fix for Scout the Deep Mountains being claimed to only last six days rather than seven. ---Fix for High Elf not being checked correctly on assignments. Might just be Imperial Muses, but if there's others, it would have not worked for those too. ---Some text fixes.
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wolkamui · 4 years
Kamui Gaeric | LFRP
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The Basics ––– –
Age: 30 (ARR starting age) | 42 (ShB ending age)
Birthday: 5th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Race: Raen Au Ra
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Long brown hair that fades into blond. Almost always tied back into a tight plait.
Eyes: Salmon pink irises with vibrant red limbal rings
Height: 7 fulms, 1 ilm.
Build: Toned but not overly muscular, he honestly only keeps in shape for the sake and safety of others.
Distinguishing Marks: Freckles cover his entire body, but he covers up so much that you can only see the ones on his face and hands.
Scars: None (yet).
Common Accessories: His glasses and special reading gloves are never far from him. 
Personal ––– –
Profession: Librarian and Historian. Oh, and a Warrior of Light.
Hobbies: Reading, teaching youths how to read/write.
Languages: Eorzean Common, however his Echo allows him to understand other languages.
Residence: A small but cozy apartment located directly above the library he works at in Limsa Lominsa
Birthplace: Ul’dah
Religion: Non-religious, in a sense that he’s uncertain of his own beliefs.
Patron Deity: Thaliak
Fears: Losing his memories, or ability to read and write. (Also fires, but he tries to keep that one a secret)
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: N/A.
Children: N/A.
Parents: Mother is decease, but his father, Akagi, still lives in Ul’dah.
Siblings: N/A.
Other Relatives: None that he speaks to/knows of.
Pets: If you count carbuncles...
Traits ––– -
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open-Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
RP Hooks ––– –
Can I help you with anything?: Perhaps your character is looking for a specific book, or did they stumble into the library not knowing what it was? Either way Kamui will be more than happy to lend a hand. 
I suppose... so long as you don’t tell anyone...: If you’re looking for information on some supposed ‘hidden treasures’ or perhaps on a missing person, then Kamui may be of more use than he lets on. After all, books aren’t the only way to learn things; sometimes people are worth even more than the books they’re taking out.
Duty Calls!: Has your WoL/adventurer character run into some trouble and needs some emergency backup? Kamui may be a bookworm, but he’s not against using them as weapons when necessary - although he would much rather summon a carbuncle of egi where possible, of course.
Contact & OOC Information  ––– –
While I have versions of Kamui on both Twintania (Light) and Brynhildr (Crystal), and I know the full story of Shb... neither of them have even hit HW yet cos I’m constantly putting off playing qwq So if you want to RP in-game it’ll have to limited to ARR locations.
I’m most active on Discord so feel free to DM me for my handle so we can discuss RP plans in depth! I’m very new to RPing in general, so I apologise in advance and ask you to be patient with me.
I’m open to almost any sort of scene! The RP hooks I have listed are just random ideas I came up with while making this post ^^; I just ask that if you want to go into an extreme theme such as gore, or heavy topics such as death, that you ask ahead. Also please no spiders I’m a big arachnophobe so I will likely cease responding if you bring them up without warning.
Also please note that Kamui is far smarter than I am so if we go into an intellectual RP scene I may take longer to respond cos I’m trying to find the correct phrasing of correct information without sounding like a wikipedia article. Also I put in his ARR start age and ShB ending age so you can pick at what point in the expansions you’d like to RP with him! If you don’t care I’ll just default to his base 30 age.
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Email List Marketing Secrets - Building A Responsive List
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The cash is actually is incorporated in the list, so the reason for taking care of your list much like your in-laws and regulations. Simply tolerating them simply to get what you would like. Effective internet marketers realize that the hidden tips for effective list marketing begins with the caliber of your link with your list.
Effective b2b lead generation is among the most significant pieces to multilevel marketing success online. If you're not might be or otherwise taking proper care of your own house you may as well be tossing money the window. It's as easy as that. The factor is, even when you are in a position to develop a massive list.
With the much focus put in online prospecting, it can be hard to determine how to handle individuals leads once you have become them. Maximizing your profits online comes lower to creating a responsive list and when you stick to the hidden secrets I will construct for you personally, you can make every subscriber count.
Look, it required me several weeks to learn to my create a highly effective list advertising campaign and also to get my list to "respond" in my experience. I'd leads that I really didn't know how to handle. I had been scared to interact together on the personal level via email and much more scared to get the telephone and give them a call. I have had the experience, so do not feel bad if you have been neglecting your list too. It is simply that nobody trained you building your list the proper way.
Getting Began
Let us enter into the fundamentals from the list marketing blueprint. To make use of these pointers you have to really come with an list. If you're not building your list yet, get began while on an auto responder service like Aweber to handle your leads and also the messages that will get sent. You are able to join the $1 trial and begin getting them manage your subscribers as well as your messages.
Here's An Excellent Training Tutorial If You're Searching For Additional Info On Building A Listing
The key aspect to building your list would be to really determine what you would like to get away from your list. Would you like to turn leads directly into more reps for the multilevel marketing chance? Are you currently a joint venture partner marketing that's searching to advertise a variety of products as well as services inside a particular niche? Maybe you want to develop a pool of consumers. Every email you are writing must possess a specific purpose so know just what you need to achieve if your first email message.
Follow-Up Versus. Broadcast Messages
Now talking about e-mail...it's very important To not use pre-canned follow-up messages. I began building my list with several weeks of "default" messages in the prospecting system I had been part of also it literally wiped out my list. As many folks when i had subscribing I'd unsubscribing too. When I was opting directly into other marketers lists, I observed which i was delivering the same emails because they were. It clicked! When I learned hard way, you create a strong list because they build a far more personal relationship together with your subscribers. You have to enable your subscribers in and also the sooner you open the greater they'll have the ability to interact with yourself on an individual level that consequently opens them as much as having faith in your recommendations and demands.
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dcsidcrium · 5 years
FULL NAME: Nikki Eryl FAden
NICKNAME: Nik (she’s actually really fond of nicknames or pet names so like THROW THEM AT HER)
GENDER: female
HEIGHT: 5′1″
AGE: 25 
ZODIAC: Gemini
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English (main verse), beast speak (can speak to animals), a few basic things in other languages for the sole purpose of being able to communicate in those verses
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬!
HAIR COLOR:  Dark brown, teeny, tiniest bit of red in the right light
EYE COLOR: Dark blue
SKIN TONE: Tan.  This girl is always outside so she’s typically sun-kissed
BODY TYPE: Petite.  She’s got some curve thanks to her bone structure, but she’s mostly muscle and toned.  Can dip into being slightly underweight at times
VOICE: I don’t have a voice claim for her.  Fairly feminine in pitch but not soft at all with the slightest hint of an accent.  She’s loud and brash and it’s a slightly amusing contrast to the words that come out of her mouth.
POSTURE: Surprisingly good.  Mostly from wanting to make herself look bigger/more intimidating.  She doesn’t want to look smaller than she already is
SCARS: Covered in them.  Prominent scars are listed here, and some are sketched out here for placement.  A fair amount of them can be seen most of the time.  Especially in the summer due to clothing choices.  The only one she actively tries to hide is the burn scar across her lower back.  The rest are free game and on full display
TATTOOS: A hawk in flight going across her upper back.  Wings follow the arch of her shoulder, head/beak are at the base of her neck.  Looks very similar to this.  “Men cry not for themselves, but for their comrades” on the right side of her rib cage.  “A sword wields no strength unless the hand that holds it has courage” on the left side of her ribs.   It’s misaligned from a wound healing and being stitched improperly.  She has a black wolf and a snow leopard on the outer side of her right thigh. 
MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S): pointed ears (think Hylian ears, but like in later games, where they aren’t quite as large.  Easily hidden beneath hair if wanted).  Fangs.  Her canines are larger than a human’s and the tooth immediately behind it on the top row is also pointed/enlarged.  Bottom canines are also enlarged.  Not so much that they stick out form her lips, but noticeable if she smiles widely enough to show teeth.
PLACE OF BIRTH: in the middle of the woods in Oklahoma
HOMETOWN: Secluded village out in the middle of nowhere.
SIBLINGS: Dani Faden (sister), Ry (a wolf she bonded with as a child, claimed as her brother.  died when she was 16)
PARENTS: Camira Faden (mother, murdered when Nikki was 15), Aaryan Faden (father, abandoned his family when Nikki was a toddler)
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞!
OCCUPATION: wildlife rehabilitation (main verse), petty crimes/theft, bartender, odd jobs (sub verses/aus)
CURRENT RESIDENCE: a few miles outside of a city (location dependent on verse/thread)
CLOSE FRIENDS: Not counting threads, and strictly her canon universe?  None.  She has two beta wolves (Ryker and Duke) that she considers her family.  Will make friends/acquaintances, but refrains from getting close so she can leave town if need be
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single (by default, blog is multiship)
FINANCIAL STATUS: Poor.  Does better in verses with a stable job, but she’s broke and lives mostly paycheck to paycheck.  Will steal people’s wallets if needed.
DRIVER’S LICENSE: No papers on Nikki are real.  She was born in a place where they were actively hiding from humans.  Her driver’s license is a very well done fake.
CRIMINAL RECORD: Breaking and entering, theft, assaulting an officer, escaping from jail (hasn’t been caught often.  she’s good at what she does)
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞!
SEXUAL ORIENTATION:  Heterosexual, panromantic
PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE:   submissive |  dominant  |  switch
PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE:   submissive |  dominant | switch
LIBIDO: Definitely on the higher end of the spectrum.
sexual: Mostly anything that can be described as rough or aggressive.  Turned on by violence.  softer things, too, though.  she doesn’t let herself get in deep enough to see it bc feels
non-sexual: good with kids or animals, PHYSICAL AFFECTION/CONTACT, good sense of adventure/spontaneity 
TURN OFF’S: daddy kink, pet play, calling her ‘my’ anything, possessiveness
LOVE LANGUAGE: heavily physically affectionate.  shows her love through actions rather than words
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES: Overly protective, can border on being codependent.  It’s hard for her to form healthy bonds, and even harder to get her to drop her guard enough to be in a relationship.  Incredibly affectionate and maybe just a little bit clingy.
HOBBIES TO PASS TIME: Fighting, drinking, running, hiking (basically anything outdoors), exploring
PHOBIAS: Fire, snakes, abandonment
SELF CONFIDENCE LEVELS: It’s a bit double edged here?  She’s very cocky.  Confident in her physical capabilities and her appearance.  Some of it, though, is fake.  Her view of herself personality wise and as a person is very, very low.  Nikki is her worst enemy, and hates herself.
VULNERABILITIES: Silver weapons.  Can touch silver, and wear silver jewelry as long as it doesn’t pierce her skin.
Tagged by: @samuraiofice
Tagging: do the thing and @ me im still half asleep and idk who’s done this lmao
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Showbox APK 5.24 Download (Official Latest Version)
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The Showbox for Android app is now available to download from this page. Downloading Showbox APK latest version of 2019th (5.24) from our website is 100% secure. Enhance your video streaming experience with its freemium features.
Showbox Official Logo Showbox is an entertainment application which is basically designed for Smartphones or Tablets running on the Android OS. It is a standard streaming app and users can watch all HD Movies and TV Shows Online/Offline for free. No Subscription or Registration or Account needed.
Must read: What Happened to Showbox – Read Full Story (Jan 2019)
There are many services available on the web but Showbox is the best source to find the free video content. With its APK file, we can also run it on PC, Mac, and Smart TV to experience the large screen.
In the past Showbox was confined to Android platform devices only. Now Showbox can be installed on an iOS gadgets and Blackberry phones.
Showbox 5.24 is the newest version to be released and comes with lots of new features and bug fixes.
Contents [hide]
1 Download Showbox APK 2019 Latest Version 2 What are the Basic Requirements 3 Install Showbox on Android 4 How to Update Showbox With New Version 5 Is Showbox Pro APK (Ad-Free) Available? 6 What are the Key Features of Showbox Download Showbox APK 2019 Latest Version Since the Showbox is not available in the Google Play Store so we need to sideload the app manually. It is also one of the best other than Play Store apps.
In this section, I’ve provided you the current version and even older versions too. Just, tap on a black color button shown below to get the app.
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Download and Install Aptoide Store. Open the Aptoide app. In the search field, type a “Showbox” and go. Open the Showbox download page. Tap on the Install button. Done, App Name Showbox Current APK Version 5.24 License Free Updated on Jan 05, 2019 Minimum Requirement Android 4.2 or Later Before going to install the app, it would be better to check if your device to meet its system requirements or not.
What are the Basic Requirements
Android Version To run this app without parse error, your Android device should be Android 4.2 or later. You can find this information from your device’s Setting ->About phone -> Android Version.
Device RAM The minimum of 1GB RAM is required to work this app properly without hanging.
Min 200MB Storage Space The device must have 200MB or more free space. It automatically preloads a stream to watch without buffering. For that, it requires some free internal storage to save data.
Install Showbox on Android One of the major advantages in Android OS is that you can install an app which is not available on Play Store. So, it is not difficult to install Showbox on any Android-based devices.
To install the app, you need to change the settings on your Android and can’t figure out how. I’m going to explain how to do this using “Unknown Sources” feature. Please follow up our step-by-step guide below.
DOWNLOAD THE APP Download the newest version of Showbox app file from the above link. It’s working properly and use it on any Android gadgets.
TURN-ON THE UNKNOWN SOURCES To do this, go to Android Menu > Settings > Security, and tap on Unknown Sources and turn it on. This is an important step.
INSTALL ITS APK Once the download is done. pull down the notification bar and tap on “showbox.apk” download notification. Next, tap on Install and follow the next steps respectively.
OPEN THE APP Within seconds installation is complete. Now, come back to the menu and find the Showbox icon and tap to open. Have fun with your favorite films and programs.
How to Update Showbox With New Version The creators of Showbox is regularly updating with improved features, added fresh stuff, and bug fixes.
Is your Showbox won’t update? Are you getting any error and facing any issue? Don’t worry, I’ll demonstrate the how to do this without trouble.
If Showbox has a new update available then it sends a notification. A new windows with a message as “Available a new version! Please update your program from our server”. Tap on the Update. Wait for a few seconds to download a new version.
Sometime you won’t get an automatic update notification. So, you need to uninstall the older version and again re-install with the latest version manually. You can follow the above guide to update on Android or Bluestacks or any other device which is installed with this app.
Is Showbox Pro APK (Ad-Free) Available?
Are you looking for Showbox Ad-free version? Then you’re at the perfect section to discuss it. Everyone loves to watch movies without advertisements, Showbox also offers the fewer ads with YesPlayer.
Remember that, there is no separate Showbox pro version available. But using custom video players or Ad blockers can reduce the ads count.
How to watch Showbox Movies without Ads by using Yes Player:
Go to Play Store and install the Yes Player on your device. Next, open the Showbox app and tap on Menu >> Settings. Now, change the Default player to OTHER PLAYER. Comeback to Movies section and tap on any movie. Tap on WATCH NOW. Choose a Yes Player to play a stream. If you select Android Player (Default), you’ll get more ads than a VLC player. YesPlayer is specially built for Showbox and Terrarium TV.
What are the Key Features of Showbox A lot of goodies are hidden in this app. Here, we’ve rounded up the best Showbox features and functions.
Free Showbox is totally free to download and use. No Payments/Fees or Subscription/Signup required. Even there are no country restrictions to stream.
Movies Watch all old and latest full-length movies in HD of Hollywood. Almost every category of movies added including Action, Adventure, Anime, Cartoon, Comedy, Documentary, Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi, etc.
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News Stay-tune for the latest entertainment news and rumors of movies and tv right from the app.
Trailers Showbox brings the trailers or teasers of current and upcoming releases.
Favorites Make your own library with your favorite stuff by bookmark them.
Downloads Showbox allows to download its content to your app and watch them when you’re offline. Its downloading speed is high.
Custom Settings Enable/Disable the “Automatically download content”. You can set any default Player from Android Player, VLC, MX, and other.
Other Here are few more
You can arrange the content by Added, Rating, Genre, and Year. Try out different servers for best speed results. Subtitle for various languages like English, Bulgarian, Malay, Spanish, Czech, etc. Available resolutions are 360p, 480p, 720p, and 1080p. Are you found the problems by download the Showbox free app from our website? Then I recommend you to refer the page called “Fix Showbox error”. Are there any other issues not listed in that tutorial? Write a comment below!
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