#food hygiene training
safetybugtraining · 5 months
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Safety first, flavor always! Join us at Safety Bug Training and let's keep your kitchens safe and your dishes delicious.
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socialdude · 1 year
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Join CrescoSafe's HACCP Level 3 Training and become a certified expert in food hygiene. Limited seat availability, so register today to secure your spot. Visit our website or call us for more details.
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isoconsultantusa11 · 1 year
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
I love telling my mom about a job opportunity I ran across and having her completely trash it. Feels good feels organic
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mainuddinhira2024 · 2 months
AAT Training Hub Your Gateway to Basic Food Hygiene Excellence
In the dynamic landscape of the culinary world, ensuring food safety is paramount. At AAT Training Hub, we understand the critical role that proper food hygiene plays in safeguarding public health and fostering culinary excellence. As a leading provider of educational solutions, we take pride in offering comprehensive Basic Food Hygiene courses designed to equip individuals and businesses with the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain impeccable standards of food safety.
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Why Basic Food Hygiene Matters
Basic Food Hygiene is not just a legal requirement; it is the foundation of a thriving food service industry. Whether you are a seasoned chef, a food handler, or a restaurant owner, understanding and implementing proper food hygiene practices is essential for protecting consumers from foodborne illnesses and upholding your reputation. Our course empowers participants with the expertise to identify potential hazards, implement preventive measures, and comply with relevant regulations, ensuring the highest standards of food safety are met consistently.
What Our Food Hygiene Course Offers
Our Basic Food Hygiene course is meticulously crafted to deliver comprehensive training that aligns with industry best practices and regulatory standards. Through a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, participants will gain a deep understanding of crucial topics such as:
Microbiology of Food: Explore the fundamental principles of microbiology and understand how microorganisms can affect food safety.
Personal Hygiene: Learn the importance of personal hygiene practices in preventing cross-contamination and maintaining a hygienic food environment.
Food Contamination: Identify various sources of contamination, including biological, chemical, and physical, and implement strategies to prevent contamination throughout the food handling process.
Food Storage and Preservation: Discover optimal techniques for storing and preserving food to minimize the risk of spoilage and contamination.
Cleaning and Sanitization: Master effective cleaning and sanitization procedures to ensure the cleanliness of food preparation areas, equipment, and utensils.
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP): Understand the principles of HACCP and learn how to develop and implement a HACCP plan to identify and control food safety hazards.
Legal Requirements and Compliance: Familiarize yourself with relevant food safety regulations and ensure compliance with local authorities to avoid penalties and protect your business.
Why Choose AAT Training Hub
At AAT Training Hub, we are committed to delivering excellence in food hygiene education. Here's why you should choose us for your training needs:
Expert Trainers: Our instructors are industry professionals with extensive experience and expertise in food safety and hygiene.
Interactive Learning: We employ a variety of teaching methodologies, including lectures, demonstrations, case studies, and interactive activities, to engage participants and facilitate effective learning.
Tailored Solutions: Whether you are an individual seeking personal development or a business looking to train your staff, we offer flexible training solutions tailored to your specific needs and requirements.
Practical Application: We emphasize hands-on learning experiences to ensure participants can apply their knowledge confidently in real-world scenarios.
Continuous Support: Our commitment to your success doesn't end with the completion of the course. We provide ongoing support and resources to help you maintain food safety standards long after the training is over.
Join Us in Promoting Food Safety Excellence
At AAT Training Hub, we believe that every individual and organization has a role to play in promoting food safety excellence. By equipping yourself or your team with the necessary knowledge and skills through our Basic Food Hygiene course, you are not only protecting the health and well-being of consumers but also contributing to the overall success and reputation of the food service industry.
Contact us today to learn more about our Basic Food Hygiene course and take the first step towards a safer, healthier future for your business and your community. Together, let's raise the bar for food hygiene standards and set a shining example of excellence in the culinary world.
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Food hygiene refers to the practice of manufacturing business to the public health from foodborne illness that contaminates from bacterial contamination. Generally, food hygiene deals with the biological aspect of keeping your food safe. A combination of practices and regulations known as food hygiene are meant to maintain your business's cleanliness and hygienic conditions.
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nicefarming · 1 year
Dogs Basic Needs: Understanding 5 Essential Needs of Your Dog
As a dog owner, it’s important to understand and meet your furry dogs basic needs to ensure they live a happy and healthy life. Just like humans, dogs have certain essential needs that must be met to thrive. In this post, we’ll explore the five essential needs of dogs and provide some tips on how you can meet these needs for your furry companion. By the end of this post, you’ll have a better…
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trainingmasters · 1 year
Training, consulting services: Part of tertiary sectors its significance
The proven and effective approach of improvising the efficiency of organizational relationship building and the performance of the staff and team members is generally achieved through systematic training either by in-house training or by enrolling in a training center. This process is an effective method to bring about positive changes in an organization. Although training and consultancy services have meanings and definitions that differ theoretically, and practically they are closely related to human resources and business management.
While training can be said to bring about changes through instruction and learning where development is associated with the progress of the organization. Features of training have connections to ancient civilizations, where certain things were taught in order to achieve and accomplish the desired goals. The next phase in the evolution of training was by the method of trial and error, that is a method or strategy would be proposed and implemented to see how it works out and modifications were later brought about to correct the flaws or it would be totally removed if it work. However, this was replaced by the semi-modern era, where new training methods such as television, computers, analysis of case studies, and voluntary role-playing came into extensive usage and became actively integrated into almost all industries. The later part of the 20 century gave way to allied research topics, and then evolved team training, cross-training, and individual bespoke training.
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Then in the next phase, the concept of analysing the impact of training was conducted to find out if the process needed any more amendments or would be good enough to achieve the desired goals. The intention of bringing into focus this aspect was to find out how the employees who underwent training perceived and implemented the concepts taught in the training programs. Nevertheless, this new concept encouraged the gathering of information for the evaluation, of the implemented training sessions. The inclusion of cross-cultural training, individual employee bespoke training led to the framing of novel and innovative training programs which grew increasingly popular, thereby influencing the employees with the concept of lifelong learning.
Training centres like the training masters further developed these concepts into more sophisticated and advanced methodologies and meticulously framed training that offers customized training in segments like WSQ food hygiene course, people and performance management, cleaning service, effectiveness management, leadership training, and much more.
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prep4tomoro · 22 hours
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Prepare4Tomorrow Main Menu
Prepare4Tomorrow because we'll never know when "the day before" is the day before. Encouraging good, old-fashioned wisdom for emergency planning, self-sufficiency and off-grid living. Be Prepared! A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences. (Proverbs 22:3) NOTE: Contents of this blog have been gathered from sources believed to be reliable but should not be considered authoritative. You are solely responsible for your own actions on how you use this information. Do your own research on topic(s) included. P4T Funding: Thank You for your support! Search P4T Tumble Postings and Contact and Follow P4T
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safetybugtraining · 8 months
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Build your team’s knowledge of food safety & hygiene with Safety Bug Training. we are recognised as a leading authority and an established provider in the field of food safety training. Start Your Online Course Today!
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socialdude · 1 year
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Take a proactive step towards success by enrolling in CRESCOSAFE's HACCP Level 3 Training program. Gain comprehensive knowledge about food hygiene and stand out in the job market. Seats are limited, so register today to secure your spot!
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elicathebunny · 3 months
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People always leave out the basics when it comes to trying to improve their looks. Prioritising health is so important before going in and tempering with your body. Your base is what you work with and you can definitely level up with what you've got naturally.
Your diet also depends on what your goals are. Someone who wants to build muscle will obviously eat differently from someone who just eats relatively healthy. So identify what your goals are and work your meals around that.
Diet not only makes you feel better from the inside, but it also reflects on your outside. Your skin is a huge display of how you eat.
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When you consume junk food, it can show up on your skin as breakouts or dullness. Your skin is one massive organ which soaks up everything put onto it and reflects everything you put inside your body. Fix the problem from the inside before getting confused about why your skincare routine isn't working.
Again, your fitness will differentiate from your goals. So work out your goals and make a plan around that. There are so many forms of fitness, some more intense than others and with different results. Working out in general is good for you, our bodies are meant to move. So even if you don't have a goal, staying active is always recommended.
Low-intensity workouts:
Yoga: Focuses on flexibility, strength, and relaxation through various poses and breathing techniques.
Pilates: A low-impact exercise method that strengthens muscles, improves flexibility, and enhances posture.
Walking: Simple yet effective, walking is a great way to improve cardiovascular health and boost mood without high impact.
Swimming: Provides a full-body workout with minimal stress on joints, making it ideal for people with joint issues or injuries.
High-intensity workouts:
HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training): Alternates between short bursts of intense exercise and brief recovery periods to maximize calorie burn and improve cardiovascular fitness.
CrossFit: Combines elements of weightlifting, interval training, gymnastics, and other exercises to build strength, endurance, and overall fitness.
Sprinting: Short, explosive bursts of running at maximum effort, often performed in intervals for cardiovascular conditioning and leg muscle strength.
Circuit Training: Involves moving through a series of exercises targeting different muscle groups with minimal rest in between, combining strength training and cardiovascular exercise.
These are just a few examples, but there are plenty of other workout styles out there to explore depending on your preferences and fitness goals. Walking every day is just a simple way to stay toned.
Sleeping is important for rest and recovery after workouts and energy-consuming activities. Sleep is needed for the brain to function, mood regulation and performance + productivity. Lack of sleep deprives you of all of these things, so getting your beauty sleep is absolutely needed.
School-age children (6-13 years): 9-11 hours per day.
Teenagers (14-17 years): 8-10 hours per day.
Young adults (18-25 years): 7-9 hours per day.
Adults (26-64 years): 7-9 hours per day.
Upkeeping good hygiene is always needed anyway. Making sure you are clean (smelling good is a plus). Make sure you always wash your hands and take daily showers to remove any dirt on your body (clean those feet and your back well, don't forget them!). Taking care of your oral health must not be forgotten. Oil pulling and brushing your tongue for a healthy mouth. Make sure your hair is also getting the attention to keep it as healthy as you possibly can make it (this also depends on diet). Doing the extra things like spending time on your nails (making sure there isn't that stuff underneath them), making them pretty.
Having a stress-free environment is obviously the best to thrive in. But clearly not even being lucky enough to live like that constantly. So make sure you have that space to be on your own and have some alone time to really recharge. Keeping your space clean for a clear mind. Surround yourself with like-minded people and really set boundaries for those who prey on your mental clarity (energy vampires). Spending time in nature is one of the best ways to detach, rest time should not equal spending time on your devices. Let go and truly let yourself decompress. Mental health will improve how you carry yourself.
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fingertipsmp3 · 10 months
Got an offer for the job I thought I’d bombed the interview for 🎉🎊🎉
#well it’s not an ‘offer’ so much as an invitation to come back for a trial shift#but they did tell me during the original interview that anyone who is successful will get offered a trial shift#which is basically to check if they like it and are suitable for the job#i didn’t even think i’d get this far tbh. i walked out of that interview and i was like ‘i didn’t get it’#i didn’t tell them i have food hygiene training; allergen training; pci/dss….. i did tell them i could do maths in my head#but i can only do that as a survival skill because the till at my old workplace was so broken lol and would error out when i was trying to#get it to calculate people’s change. so i’d be standing there with a £20 note doing theorems in my head lol#i guess maybe they’re happy with that + the fact i can bake + i live within walking distance so i’m not exactly going to be missing work#45+ applicants and i got an offer. witness meeeeeee#now to ace the trial and secure employment for this winter and beyond#and my last job contract only just ended. what type of luck do i haaaaave and when did it get this good!!!!#also this means i can turn down the weird dental job if i get offered it lol. thank goodness#i was not looking forward to being mansplained to 9 hours a day ngl#and the best part is it doesn’t clash with my coding course!!!! i’m going to learn html-css & python with my best friend 💖#well if you need me i’m going to make a shopping list because ya girl is out of snacks#personal
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coco-oats · 6 months
How to become more attractive?
For your new year glow up…
Tips for Becoming More Attractive
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• Attractiveness on the inside
You can be the most beautiful looking person on the planet, but being rude, ignorant, insecure, etc. can easily take you from a 10 to a 5.
Learn to be kind and confident.
• Smile and be yourself
This goes with the confidence and kindness point. Expressing yourself positively will naturally make you more attractive.
That being said, I am NOT telling you to smile ALL THE TIME, or laugh at every single joke, or be overly bubbly and fake. Just be happy and be yourself.
Never chase the attention of others.
If you focus on yourself, the attention and love will naturally come.
•Health is beauty
- Focus on what you put in your body (whole foods, lots of water, balanced diet, etc.)
- Exercise (strength training, pilates, yoga, biking, walking, swimming, etc.)
- Get a good nights sleep, no less than 7 hours, aim for 8-9
- Good hygiene, you want to be as fresh and clean as possible ( Stay on top of showering, skincare, hair care, oral hygiene, wearing deodorant, etc.)
Side note, but I LOVE roller oils. I use them at school, and they are so strong, they smell amazing, and I always get compliments on how I smell.
Some randoms :
• Braces - A few crooked teeth are really no big deal, I am actually a firm believer that teeth give us character, but my teeth were pretty crazy… So braces definitely helped me out + I smile way more now 😽
• Gua sha + face massage/yoga - Facial massages and yoga can help sculpt your face, reduce puffiness, and smooth wrinkles. I swear by gua sha, and feel so pretty after using it.
• Get a hair cut that suits your face shape/features - Avoid hiding your face with hair. Wear hairstyles that compliment your face, and display your beautiful features.
• Use castor oil or eyelash and eyebrow serum - My eyelashes and eyebrows have gotten so much fuller, remember to have patience, and make sure the products you use are safe/not super cheap.
• Put some thought into your outfits, and choose clothes that make you feel good + find out what body type you have
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blindmagdalena · 1 year
imagine being hired by vought to be a sort of housekeeper to homelander, doing his laundry and cooking for him in his penthouse. he’d immediately grow to love having someone to come home to, and would automatically slip into husband mode whenever he finds them doing him some wifely act of service (conveniently ignoring the fact they’re paid to be there, of course)
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Working for Vought, specifically Homelander, turns out to be an insanely simple gig. Typically, you never even see him. You're free to do your cleaning in peace, picking up after America's favorite hero. He rarely ever leaves a mess, but there's enough to keep you employed. Tidying up his towels, replacing his hygiene supplies and tooth brushes. You're trained specifically on how to clean his suits. You empty and stock the fridge. He goes through a lot of milk. You always make sure to get whole. He lodged a complaint the one time it was less than. You were told initially that your cooking services wouldn't be necessary. Homelander isn't known to be, well... much of an eater.
Still, you didn't want the food you stocked at the start to go bad, so one day you prepare a few meals and put them in containers in the fridge. You include little notes with instructions on how they should be reheated. You sign each one with a little heart simply because that's how you've always done it, and pin them to the fridge. You think nothing of it. Homelander is dumbstruck by it.
At first he's affronted that you would leave him cold food in his fridge and expect him to heat it up for himself, but there's something distinctly... loving about it. Coming home to his laundry clean and his shelves dusted never felt like that. It was nothing more than a reset, an automatic process that he didn't dedicate any thought to. But this? This is personal. This reminds him that a living, breathing person was in his home, tending to it, and that person... cooked him a meal, and left him a little note. With a heart.
The next morning you get a text that you will indeed be cooking for Homelander that evening! You're in the midst of it, staying later than you usually do, when he walks in the door. You aren't making anything fancy, just steak and mashed potatoes, but he sucks in a breath like he's inhaling the scent of a gourmet meal. His smile is broad and gleaming. It makes your heart skip a beat.
To your surprise, he introduces himself. He shakes your hand firmly, and holds your stare as you remember your manners and manage to spit out your own name. "Charmed," he says through that radiant smile, and you feel like he means it. His eyes are somehow much bluer in person. His gaze flickers to the stove, and he clicks his tongue. "Not to question your craft, but is this really enough for two?" Looking at the steak currently searing, you falter. "Oh, I'm sorry, are you having company? No one told me." "Well of course I'm having company, you silly goose. You're standing right here, aren't you?" He asks, putting his hands on his hips. It's cheesy, like a moment straight out of a sitcom, but you fluster anyways. This man has such presence to him.
"You... want me to eat with you?" You ask, bewildered.
"Be a shame to cook up a storm and not even feel the rain," he laughs, as if you're the one thinking strangely here. He's already gone to the fridge, and pulled out a second steak. He offers it out to you with that same charming television ready grin. "C'mon. I can hear your stomach growling."
Tentatively, you take the package from him. "Okay."
That night, and each night that follows, you cook Homelander a meal at the tail-end of your shift, and sit down to eat with him. It's surreal, but after the second night, it occurs to you that you've never once seen sign of him having company. There's never extra dishes, or towels. No remnants of a party in the trash. If he does have friends, they're certainly never here.
You can't help but wonder if he's lonely. The thought humanizes him from the larger than life image you had of him in your mind, and you have an easier and easier time engaging him in conversation. He's funny, if not a little strange. There are times when you don't really know how to respond to the things he says, but he often moves on quickly enough to keep things from being awkward.
Truth be told, you're starting to quite enjoy his company.
Homelander begins showing up earlier and earlier into your shifts. The next week, it's barely after 4:00pm when he strides through the door, greeting you with a chipper, "Heya!" and a little salute.
You turn off the vacuum, and despite being a little caught off guard, you smile at him. For the first time, you say, "Welcome home!"
For a second, you worry you've said something wrong. That smile slips off his face, and he stands frozen a touch too long in the doorway. However, before you can add an amendment, his lips stretch back out and he closes the door behind him. "Good to be home," he says. There's less of that showmanship in his voice, you think.
"I didn't know you'd be home so early, I haven't finished-" "Oh, don't mind me, you do your thing. Pretend I'm not even here," he insists, taking a seat on his couch.
You expect him to occupy himself in some way. A book, perhaps, or even just his cellphone. Instead, for the next hour you're keenly aware of the fact the only thing he seems to be entertaining himself with is you.
After that, you cook dinner as usual, and the two of you eat amidst pleasant, casual conversation. It's the same as any other night, and yet somehow this evening feels distinctly different. You can't name exactly what it is, but something has changed.
Homelander begins filling out your time with new requests; he's suddenly become quite fascinated with plants. You had mentioned to him before that you like to keep them, despite the work they take. Your shifts grow longer to account for your new tasks.
All the while, he's been more and more present during your shifts. Although he doesn't directly take or distract you from your chores, you're always keenly aware of of his gaze on you while you work. You try not to overthink it, but the weight of his attention is heavy nonetheless.
One day, you're sweeping up a mess of spilled dirt, struggling to maneuver around the legs of a piece of furniture, when Homelander hops up to intervene. "Let me get that for you, sweetheart," he says, lifting the entire cabinet up as if it weighed nothing at all.
You lose yourself for a moment, standing dumbfounded before abruptly remembering to sweep the dirt out from under it, your heart racing. Your mind keeps replaying the pet name, and with every echo of it, your cheeks feel redder. Homelander smiles, watching you all the while. The next day, you arrive to find an enormous bouquet of roses sitting in a vase on the kitchen counter. There's a note with your name on it, and a simple message: Thanks for all your hard work. Keep it up! The note is signed with Homelander's sprawling signature. Smiling widely to yourself, you tuck the note into your pocket, and lean in to inhale the sweet smell of the flowers. On another occasion, it's time to clean the blades of the ceiling fan in his room, but you can't find that darn step ladder anywhere. Homelander must hear the way you're shuffling around and muttering under your breath—you swear the man hears everything—because he steps in to check on you. "Everything alright in here?" He asks, peeking in from the doorway. "Oh, fine, fine, I just can't find my step ladder anywhere. Have you seen it?" You ask, feeling flustered. Getting put behind schedule never fails to trip a thread of anxiety in your chest. "Can't say I have," he answers, stepping inside. He looks around the room. "What'cha need it for?" "Ceiling fan. Uhm, it's okay, I'll get to it later, if that's alright with you? I'm sorry, I could have sworn I left that ladder-" You stop yourself, realizing Homelander is suddenly striding directly towards you. Uncertain, you begin to take a step back, but he's fast. He puts an arm around you, and without warning you're being hoisted up into his arms as easily as a doll.
"Up y'go," he says, supporting not only your weight with ease, but resting you snug against his chest. You squeeze your knees together, arms pulled in tight, as if making yourself tiny will somehow protect you from the embarrassing quicken of your breath, or the rampant beat of your heart. "There you go. Who needs a step ladder when you've got me?" He asks, grinning down at you with that familiar dazzling spread of pearly whites. His smile feels better suited to a Hollywood audience than this quiet little moment, but the only thing you can really focus on is the fresh, woodsy smell of his cologne. "Uhm, I-I still don't think I can reach-" You stop, noticing the ceiling fan is now within arms reach. "Oh." Looking down, your eyes widen. Neither of your feet are touching the ground. Instead, Homelander is hovering well above it, holding you adjacent to the fan. You can't help the nervous laughter that suddenly bubbles out of you. "Oh my god," you laugh, looking around. "You're flying!" "As I'm known to do from time to time," he says, voice dripping with satisfaction. His gloved fingers tap absently at your waist, basking in your awe over what is, to him, a wholly unremarkable feat. The sheer normalcy of you makes his every move seem a marvel. He savors your wonder. You're so enamored with the novelty of it, you remember belatedly why you're up here. Clearing your throat, you reach up with the duster, and gently spin the fan, collecting the strands of dust and the like that had gathered on each one. You try your damnedest to focus on that, and not the fact Homelander's face is less than a foot from yours. Out of your peripheral, you can see that his grin has softened into a content, absent smile. Your stomach does cartwheels as you finish dusting the fan, bringing the duster back down. You clear your throat again, pretending it's not a nervous habit. "All done, thank you," you say quietly, smiling back at him.
"Any time, sweetheart," Homelander purrs. There it is again, that coy little nickname that sends your mind into a tizzy. As if that weren't bad enough, he winks at you, floating gently back down to the ground. Your legs feel so much like jelly, you worry you'll collapse the moment you're on your feet. Luckily, even once he's set you down, he leaves a hand lingering on your back. "You got a thing with heights? Your heart's pounding," he points out, much to your mortification. You try to laugh it off. "Oh, no! No, just wasn't expecting it. I'm fine with heights," you say, fumbling with the duster for a second before slipping it back into the cover. "Good," Homelander responds, an oddly cryptic depth to his tone. His smile lingers. "That's good. Alrighty, I'll leave you to it," he says, tipping his head in a polite little nod before he heads for the door, leaving you to your own devices, and the rapid fluttering in your stomach. Later that same day, you're thoroughly perplexed when you spot the step ladder exactly where it's supposed to be, certain you had checked there a dozen times over.
Two weeks from the day you first shared a meal, he presents you with a gift after dinner. "Oh, sir, you shouldn't-" "Please, please! Don't be so formal. It's just a little thing," he says, waving his hand dismissively. "Y'know, to show my appreciation. You take such good care of me. Just wanted to return the favor." Butterflies swarm rampant in your gut as you tug loose the pretty red ribbon tied around the box. Uncertain of what to expect, you feel a measure of relief when you lift the lid, and see a lovely apron folded inside it. "You wear this print a lot, figured you could use something, you know, matchy. Feminine," he says, gesturing vaguely with his hand. "Your other one's seen better days."
You exhale a soft laugh, touching the fabric. It's soft beneath your fingers, and of excellent quality. The gift is a thoughtful one, and it feels appropriate, despite what the expensive looking wrapping made you think. "You like it?" He asks after a beat, snapping you out of your thoughts. "I do! Yes, thank you. It's very nice. I've enjoyed working for you, sir—" You stop when he points a finger at you, his brows raised, and you correct, "—Homelander." He smiles, dropping his hand. "And eating with you. I can't say any of my other clients cared whether or not I ate," you say, chuckling. You think you see his nose twitch strangely at the mention of your other clients.
"Right, well! C'mon, let's see how it looks," he says, taking you by the shoulders and guiding you over to the mirror near the floor to ceiling windows that overlook the city. Homelander takes the box from your hands and presents it to you, allowing you to lift the apron up and let it unfold. Odd, it feels a touch heavier than you expected. You sling it around your neck, but before you can reach back to tie it, Homelander has taken it upon himself to do it for you. He cinches it at your waist with a sharp little tug, grinning at you from over your shoulder as he meets your eye in the mirror. "Loooook at that, perfect fit," he purrs, tying the ends off. "It's beautiful, thank y—" Smoothing your hands down the front of it, you stop. There's something in the right pocket of the apron. Glancing up, Homelander has a mischievous glint to his expression, but his brows raise, and his lips curl down. He's playing dumb.
Curiously, you slip your hand into the pocket, and feel smooth velvet against your fingers. Wrapping your hand around a firm rectangle, you draw it out, and feel your stomach flip as you stare at the distinctly luxurious looking black box now in your hands. "Oh, geeze, totally forgot that was even in there," Homelander says. His tone is terribly unconvincing, but he does sound very pleased with himself. "Whelp, you've already accepted, so I guess it's yours now." "I—" "Go on," he urges, giving your shoulders a little shake. He's watching you eagerly through the mirror. "Open it up. It's all yours."
Swallowing, you crack the box back on it's hinges. Your jaw drops, your chest tightens. You stare at the shimmering three-stone drop diamond necklace in utter disbelief. You don't even feel Homelander let go of your shoulders, or hear him slide off and drop his gloves to the nearby table. "Oh my god," you whisper. You probably couldn't afford the box this thing was sold in, let alone a single stone on it. "I don't think I can accept this, sir," you say, slipping back into the habit of formality as your brain struggles to catch up to reality.
"Oop, too late for that," Homelander dismisses, plucking the delicate necklace up from the fabric it lay in. "Here, allow me," he says, ignoring your shellshock while he drapes the necklace against your skin, his bare fingers brushing the back of your neck as he gets it fastened.
Breathless, you tentatively touch the bottom diamond. Your mouth feels full of cotton, and your heart is racing. Is this really happening?
Meanwhile, Homelander grips your upper arms, beaming. "Look at you. You know what they say about diamonds; they're a girl's best friend," he laughs, those canines of his looking sharper than ever.
Giving your arms a squeeze, Homelander leans close to your ear. "Happy two weeks," he whispers, the heat of his breath on your neck prickling goosebumps all the way down your spine. "Thank you," you whisper back, pushing out a bewildered little smile.
Homelander lingers there a moment, the warmth of his hands on your arms seeping through the fabric of your shirt. His smile has relaxed some, and his gaze is slightly distant as he looks you up and down in the mirror. You see a flash of pink as he wets his bottom lip with his tongue. It isn't until you clear your throat that his eyes snap back up to yours, regaining presence of mind. "I should get going," you say gently. His fingers flex on your arms, and the corners of his mouth twitch. "Right," he says, lips pulling into a thin smile that doesn't reach his eyes. This is always his least favorite part of the night. With obvious reluctance, he drops his hands from your arms. "Right, ah, let me—" "Unless..." You interject, turning to face him. Homelander's brows shoot up to his hairline. He blinks. "Unless...?" "Unless you'd like me to stay," you say quietly, your stomach tying itself in knots. "Not as your housekeeper, but maybe as just... Company?"
"Company," he echoes, his parted lips slowly drawing into a smile. This one does reach his eyes. "We could watch a movie."
"I like movies," you say. The words sound dumb to you as soon as they leave your lips, but Homelander looks at you like you've just spun a beautiful sonnet. "Great, I have movies," he says, putting a hand on your lower back as he gestures you to the living room. His smile is broad now, eager and a touch boyish. You feel a little surge of endearment amidst the adrenaline. "What do you want to watch?" "Dealers choice," you say, slipping out of the apron before you take a seat at the couch. Homelander immediately busies himself with the television, flipping through Vought+'s enormous repertoire.
Still in a mild daze, you don't process any of the titles that fly by on the screen. Instead, you're hyper aware of the weight of the necklace hanging from your throat, and the lingering heat that Homelander's hands left on your skin.
So much for a simple gig.
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jkunokisu · 2 years
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