#for anyone still following me here I'm very into this game rn
crystal-lillies · 11 months
a rambling retrospective on the last year as a new Critter
So, it's been about a year (a little over) since I fully dipped into the Critical Role fixation.
Last year around this time, we got the other Halloween episode in Whitestone, just before the Mighty Nein Reunited two-parter, and gee, we just got a Halloween episode in Whitestone and we're about to go into a Mighty Nein Reunion this week! And a LIVE show at that, the first one since pre-COVID!
And last year at this time, I was just starting into a work D&D group and I'd just gotten my first set of dice at a renaissance festival, and I'd just bounced around a bunch of compilation videos, several oneshots, and some out-of-context Campaign 2, along with The Legend of Vox Machina season 1. I was just barely dipping my toe into the wider CR + TTRPG world.
So much has happened since then.
Every Thursday since that Halloween in Whitestone last year with Bells Hells, I've been tuning into the stream (despite the ET time difference) and sometimes even making it through all the way (for some exhaustion points that are still worth it). I watched more of the oneshots (the Call of Cthulu one and Nautilus Ark being particular favorites I've seen in 2023). I've also watched a lot more of Campaign 2 and even went back into Campaign 1, bought myself some merch (I'm actually wearing the Hot Topic Ashton shirt, haha), and I got friends into The Legend of Vox Machina before and after Season 2 dropped on Amazon.
I even wrote a little fic when Matt slammed us all with the Apogee Solstice on the 8th anniversary session :)
And, as anyone who's been following me has noticed, I got the Exquisite Exandria cookbook and have been making the recipes from it whenever I can, and that's also been amazing.
Plus, I've watched some Dimension 20 (Mentopolis was incredible and Burrow's End rn is fascinating) and dipped into Worlds Beyond Number thanks to that.
My work D&D group has since dissolved, but I took a leap of faith and I joined a pickup oneshot game of D&D5e in April, and around late June/early July, the DM of that game invited me with a few others to a campaign set in that homebrew world the oneshot was based in.
We started playing at the end of July, and I've been having such a blast. Each session is so much fun and the highlight of any given week we play. I cannot believe I went so long in my life without having D&D until this point, honestly. But I'm so glad I have it now.
All of this to say, a lot has happened in the last year, and I'm so glad to have stumbled into the Critter community and gained knowledge of Critical Role and the wider TTRPG sphere as a whole. The fandom has been so welcoming and supportive in a way I haven't felt from many fandoms in my experience. It feels like it's been more than just a year of being invested in Critical Role, but I suppose that the fervent intensity of the story and the people involved and the genuine excitement in front of and behind the cameras.
I guess, just... thank you for everything. And here's to many more years of Critterdom to come :)
Love y'all very much, and is it Thursday yet?
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
oh my GOD I love your isekai warriors au.... I love that the isekai trope is becoming a lot more popular, especially in anime... please tell me more about it!!
shaking ur hand rn hello fellow isekai anime/other mediums fan :3c FIRST lemme go on my tangent about this genre and my main inspo because wow this got way too long lol
isekai is total comfort food for me haha it's my go to genre of manga/manwha/webcomic reading whenever i'm feeling down and while i generally feel the genre is getting bloated and somewhat stale in anime, i still enjoy it quite a bit. It's a cute idea with a lot of potential, i just wish less of the shows went for the wish fulfillment route of things since we have so many by now.
mine is very inspired by a lot of korean manwha style stories in which the protag gets trapped in a show/game/book/etc. and has to deal with it, specifically what if you became the villain of a story. A lot of them play off the trope of the one dimensional evil villainess and how an average person would have to deal with coming into the body of someone like that and dealing with consequences. That, or it's the tragic villain, someone's who's life is marred by tragedy usually of their own doing.
The most interesting ones are those that play on how character archetypes would actually work in the story. The cold bad boy is just a shitty abusive guy, the shy guy who follows the girl is kind of a stalker, and so on.
One of my bigger inspirations was a plotline that also stuck out to me: a teen girl who died too soon and got reincarnated as the mother of the protagonist. obviously she has no clue what to do, she's a kid who wants to go home! And the only way she thinks she can is by ensuring the story goes as planned (and this of course is doomed from the start, unbeknownst to her, the villain is a reincarnater too and has already made tremendous changes). She dies and the reader never knows if she gets to go home or not. It's kind of this rough around the edges gem of an idea that I love and obviously had to steal for myself.
note for anyone getting intrigued by my descriptions uh a lot of these stories tend to be pretty shallow in their exploration. this subgenre consists a lot more of wish fulfillment/revenge fantasies comparatively to like a deep dive of "oh my god i've fucked up the narrative". Not to say they don't have interesting ideas! many are super interesting. just like. temper your expectations if you're going in
originally the story was gonna be set in a canon arc but that felt boring so i decided to just make up a whole story for it
The story is meant to be a (loving) poke at old fanfiction, common tropes in the aforementioned subgenre of isekai, and just a general ""cliche"" Warriors series (in the human universe here, I figured it's call Battlers/Battle Cats or something stupid lmao). In this story, Frostblaze is born into [ONE OF THE FOUR FAKE CLANS I HAVENT FIGURED OUT NAMES YET IM SORRY]. She's the born to an unnamed mother who tragically died of illness when she was just a young baby and has no clue who her father is.
She's isolated from her peers due to her eyes which some believe are an omen of her unnaturality. This only worsens when she is apprenticed to their Clan leader and causes Honeypaw, the daughter of the Clan leader, to become enraged with jealousy. She is one of Frostpaw's worst tormentors in the early parts of the book and eventually, during a battle, tries to off Frostpaw herself....but is killed by Frostpaw's love interest, the dashing and handsome (if a bit stupid) Eaglepaw of [INSERT RIVAL CLAN HERE].
The two hit it off (Honeypaw is an after thought at this point) and work together to stop the eeevviilll leader of uuhh eviiiiilll clan. They win, live happily ever after, Frost is actually their Clan leader's daughter and Honeypaw is her half-sister and blah blah blah.
At least, they're supposed to. Honeypaw, out hunting, is hit by a truck at the same time a human is. Human wakes up as a cat about to be buried because everyone thinks Honeypaw is dead and freaks the fuck out.
A lot of the plot points are kind of just me working through my gripes of the subgenre lmao:
"the person who is reincarnated is more adept and cool and better than their character and everyone loves them" -> Honey is awkward, neurotic, and can come off as rude to those who don't know her. Even her coolest trait, her wrestling ability, is off-putting because oh my god why are you putting a cAT IN A SPIDER GUARD THEIR SPINES DON'T BEND LIKE THAT HONEY PUT HIM BACK TO NORMAL-
She reread the story before she died but, because she has no pen, no paper, and sadly of all, no thumbs, she's unable to write it down to keep remembering it when she gets sent to this world. It's awful and she desperately wishes she had thumbs back.
she stands on two legs, makes weird comments alluding to being a human, and just is a bit of a weirdo. Honeypaw was isolated for being mean, Honey is isolated for making everyone uncomfortable (unintentionally). However, her isolation allows her to slip under the radar and do some more investigating, as she's noticed that some of the details in the story aren't adding up...
The story is strange and the characters aren't as she remembers now that they're in the flesh. Of course, her main priority is to thwart Honeypaw's assassination attempts, the spirit being intent that the way to get her body back is if she dies again. It's only from a near death experience that they realize that that's not gonna work and have to work together to change the story so they don't die!
and, as many people have pieced together, they're not alone.
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transfemlogan · 8 months
For the fandom ask game; 2, 10, 16
Positive Fandom Ask Game
a headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like!
that janus is loveless. i will say my hesitance didn't last very long and wasn't really hesitance, it was more "oh loveless janus is a hc? i can see how people can dislike it, but i love it." (so this option doesn't really count but i quite literally cant think of anything else)
there is a headcanon that janus is loveless/cannot feel love/doesn't love because he is a snake and snakes don't feel love. and as a loveless aromantic I absolutely love this headcanon.
i know people don't like this headcanon because people tend to view love as an inherently positive force and if you don't love or refuse to love that it's negative and offensive. & because people will try to use the lack of love to demonise janus, an already very demonise side. which... the demonising janus one is a valid reason to dislike it, the other reasons aren't.
i only ever consider patton to be loveless and i never see loveless hcs in fandom so knowing there's already a hc for janus being loveless makes me so so so so happy. i think there's something so sweet about janus not feeling love or choosing not to love or being critical about how society views love, but still being compassionate & caring towards the other sides & c!thomas*. that whether or not he loves them that doesn't control how he treats them. that his care isn't controlled by one singular feeling, but a multitude of feelings or opinions; he cares for the sides & thomas, because he knows they need it. & that idea means the world to me.
*obviously, loveless people can care & be compassionate. im loveless & im so compassionate to the people around me. but i mean more that, choosing janus 2 be loveless when he is literally self preservation & cares so much about the other sides & their health is soooo smart & beautiful. i know it probably originated to demonise him (or write aus where he "thinks he loveless but finds out he CAN feel love" eugh), but i like that you can switch it on its head & go "he doesn't feel love but that doesn't mattwe & wont ever matter. he feels so much compassion for the others" & choose not to demonise him.
also janus 100% would be loveless in the sense that he's criticising how society views love as the most "important thing" or as an inherently positive thing , as if people don't do horrible things bcuz of their love.
a blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter
i was gonna go thru & explain why they r on my list but thats 2 much effort so im just gonna rapid fire:
@sankiisides , @warnadudenexttime , @intrulogical , @edupunkn00b , @lovecorepatton & everyone i know on instagram. i was gonna list blogs that im not mutuals with but i am so tired & couldnt remember anyones blogs . ill just come back (<- is lying & wont come back)
the one blog i am not mutuals w/ that i can list rn is @we-all-horny-here :3
a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
PERHAPS A REALLY SMALL DETAIL, but the way remus pauses & actually thinks about what is being said to him when logan is talking to him at the end of working through intrusive thoughts
maybe im crazy & insane & making things up bcuz i want them to be friends so bad BUT thruout the entire ending scene w/ logan & remus, remus is shown turning his back and reading a book and taking a cockroach out of his ear and eating it. very actively ignoring him.
logan tells remus how he can see how remus can be helpful (albeit. thru gritted teeth.) & then asks him, "but perhaps, you can also see the merit in what I'm trying to do?"
& remus pauses.
he hesitates.
you can see him sit there and actually think about what logan is saying. & ofc he immediately goes back to ignoring him but it makes me crazed that logan tells remus that he can see why remus is doing what he is doing & that it can be helpful & then asks remus, straight forwardly, to try & see what logan is trying to do & remus stops in his little schemes and thinks about that. he has a little moment of hesitation.
though it could also be remus going "hmmm should i eat the tongue lollipop first or should i do the cockroach?" /j
im ill . im ill. im ill. im ill.
Positive Fandom Ask Game
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youredreamingofroo · 7 months
a bit of a message talking about inactivity and my possible hiatus. I dont know if this counts as a cw but i talk about depression here and there at the beginning (nothing graphic) and as usual, its a rant
im gonna be straight honest rn, i'm probably not gonna be active on tumblr for these next few days, ive been super up and down depressed and im just unmotivated and too tired to do anything, im still gonna check in here and there but dont expect me to reblog or reply to many posts, if at all. This could mark the beginning of a hiatus, but with mood swings and up and down depression, i could be back, active as ever tomorrow. Ever since ive uninstalled Sims 4, i did feel a weight lift off my shoulders, but simultaneously made me depressed due to the lack of... well... doing something, i dont... really know how to put it into words, its just something in my brain that i just cant explain, i guess a good way to put it is playing sims 4 gave me the motivation to stem off into other mediums, blender for example, gave me something to do, something to learn, and while i can still use blender, i just get progressively slower and slower at doing stuff in it because of my limited resources, some scenes i want to do require specific outfits and i dont have the facilities to make those outfits... i mean i probably do but i just dont feel motivated to do all that. I still play other games, ive been playing a lot of slime rancher 2 and have been trying to branch out to other games (indie games and bigger games), I want to post gameplay but if youve seen me rant about tumblr before, one of my biggest gripes is just how fucking annoying it is to upload images, so i just get completely unmotivated to post images/gameplay especially if its just some silly post. if uh if anyone is still reading this, ill be honest, i havent even been motivated to write about WAS at all, probably havent touched the planning doc in about 2 weeks. This... 'spiral'... has been noticeable for me for the last week as my sleep schedule gets swapped around from sleeping at night and awake during the day... to sleeping during the day and awake at night, this is all my fault, but its also just something that happens rotationally for me, i go from sleeping VERY early in the evening (6PM at the earliest) and waking at VERY early times in the morning (4AM at the latest) to sleeping VERY late in the morning (6AM at the earliest) and waking up late in the evening (3PM at the latest), i dont really know what causes the shift, but it happens, and i often blame myself for it even though i dont know what causes it...
anyways sorry, this will probably mark a very iffy hiatus, like i said ill be active but not... super active, i didnt check tumblr at all yesterday/monday, so thats kind of the pattern to expect from me depending on the day. In the meantime... i might try to get back into older sims games, ive mentioned this before, but i do have sims 1 on my laptop so maybe ill post stupid little gameplay posts from there (granted i havent played in like... a month 😐). I'll probably put up a poll after this post for people to vote on which sims game i should play- i KNOW i did it once before but im probably gonna do it again cuz i cant find the post and i have over 1000 posts 😭
if you read thus far, thank you for sticking around, if your a random person who read this for no reason... thanks? if your a follower of mine and cant understand where im coming from with this lengthy post, see yourself out or deal with it 🙃 otherwise, thank you all and i will be lurking about
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Intro Post :>
Hello! This account used to be dedicated to my long furby, Flashlight, but I abandoned it and have since returned to Tumlr just wanting a place to post whatever.
I have a tiktok and an instagram (both under the username pigeonpawz) where I post art, and I *may* post art here, but that's kinda unlikely since I already have accounts for that elsewhere.
About Me:
-I'm an artist and animator! I wanna be an animator/writer when I graduate (kinda like Alex Hirsch!) Wish me luck LMAO (probably gonna end up living under a bridge with the way the industry's looking rn 💀)
-I am a furry and a therian (Crow and questioning another theriotype, this one's either a canine or feline of some sort). My fursona is a pigeon/griffin named Pidge.
-I have 2 long furbies now! I'm still very much into furbies and I only stopped posting about them because there's only so much I can post about with them. The second one was made by theoddbody on Etsy and is Frutiger Aero themed! I love both of my furbies very much (and have been thinking about fixing up Flashlight, as I made a few mistakes while making them).
Anyways uhhh idrk what I'll post. Sorry if you followed me for furby stuff bc I won't post much about that anymore. I'll leave up my old posts tho.
-furry and therian haters fuck off
-misogynists, homophobes, transphobes, racists, and whatever other fuckass forms of bigotry yall invented
-anyone trying to sell me shit
Fandoms I'm in:
Bojack Horseman, Moral Orel, House M.D., Gravity Falls, Warrior Cats, anything made by Nathan Fielder, Smiling Friends (PLZ INTERACT WITH ME IF UR A FAN OF THESE :3)
Shit I like but idk if it has a fandom/i don't rlly interact with the fandom:
Books: Crime and Punishment (Fydor... uhhh i cant spell his last name), Misery, The Shining, The Stand (Stephen King), Cider House Rules, The World According to Garp, A Prayer for Owen Meany (John Irving), A Doll's House (Henrik Ibsen), Watership Down (Richard Adams)
TV Shows and Series: Inside Job, Hilda, Maniac, End of the Fucking World, I Am Not Okay With This, Tear Along the Dotted Line, This World Can't Tear Me Down, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, You, The Good Place, F is For Family, Centaurworld, Sex Education, Sweet Tooth, Baby Reindeer (watched those on Netflix), Clarence, Rick and Morty, Barry, Regular Show, South Park, How To With John Wilson (watched on HBO Max), Daria, and Bluey :3
Movies: Detachment, Rango, Rio (but NOT Rio 2 all my homies hate Rio 2), Arlo the Alligator Boy, Whiplash, Jumanji (1995), O Brother, Where Art Thou
Games: Omori, Class of '09, Cattails, Path of Titans, Mincraft, Webkinz, Rayman Origins, Rayman Legends
goddamn i like a lot of tv shows
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Stardew Mod Ideas I'm Working On
(And a few I'm thinking about)
1. Skylar NPC (WIP)
This is just me adding my farmer OC into Stardew as a friendable NPC. I started it as a personal thing for fun, but then people convinced me to actually share it so
Completed Things
Ridgeside Village Compatability
Generic Dialogue
A basic schedule
Gift Tastes
Festival Additions
Festival Dialogue
Dynamic Outfits (Seasonal/Location Based)
Sprite Animations
Things I need to add
Movie and Concession Tastes
Movie Dialogue
Dynamic Dialogue
Dynamic Schedule (don't want them hanging out in their friends' houses if you married their friends)
Schedule/Animation Dialogue
Heart Events (Still working on backstory/storyline details)
A map for their farm house (Sky just lives with Victor right now)
Compatability with East Scarp?
Compatability without Ridgeside Village (I made it to work with both Expanded and Ridgeside Village. Expanded is necessary, but RSV shouldn't have to be)
Future Plans
Adding Rhys the Fruit Bat as an NPC (I see many of you are fond of him)
Adding an event with Abby post her family event
Dynamic Festival Dialogue
Compatability with following mods
2. Foods I really want rn
(Call it a working title if you will.)
This mod is me adding foods that I like to the game. Most of it being Asian dishes + a few drinks I like.
Spring Rolls
Summer Rolls
Bánh Mi
Bao Buns
Tofu (not sure if this is part of another mod already or not)
Green Bean Cassrole
Lychee Jelly
Potato Soup
Hot Chocolate
Peppermint Hot Chocolate
Peppermint Mocha
Peppermint Tea
Crops I'll probably need to add
Soybeans (Maybe? Might also be in another mod)
Cocoa Bean
That's all I've got for that one. It will take me a lot of research so it's very much on the back burner for now.
3. Rival Heart Events
I've gotten kind of fond of these for other characters so I figured it would be fun to do it for mine.
Sam and Sky
Lance and Sky (Don't expect anyone to use this. I mean why wouldn't you want to date him yourself)
Sam, Lance and Sky (don't expect this to be used for the same reason as above)
Victor and Sky (but Queerplatonically)
Each of these contains a few events and schedule/dialogue changes for the characters involved, eventually resulting in them moving into Sky's farmhouse.
4. Add Lance to Festivals (WIP)
I know Lance joins festivals when you're married, but since I'm making rival heart events, I think it would be cool to add him in once he reaches 6 hearts like some of the other NPCS.
This also leaves him open for more dynamic dialogue.
Generic Dialogue
Dating Dialogue
Engaged Dialogue
Married Dialogue
Rival Heart Dialogue
Addition to Resolution of Embers Festival
Commentary from Skylar
Here are some images from when I was testing. (Please ignore their incorrect positions and the fact they Skylar's sprite is wrong lmao)
Skylar's Spirit's Eve Dialogue
Tumblr media
Lance at Festivals Dialogue
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
5. Skylar to NPC Adventures (Almost Complete)
I know I've talked about this one before, but adding Skylar as a companion for the NPC Adventures mod!
Featuring dialogue for multiple locations including Vanilla Areas and Expanded.
Currently working on adding dialogue for Ridgeside and East Scarp, and determining if Skylar should be a spiritual pacifist (keeps monsters from attacking for a period of time) or a warrior to help with combat.
6. Kent to NPC Adventures (low-key abandoned wip, but I might pick it back up)
Same thing as above tbh, but for Kent because he's a member of the Adventurer's Guild and my dad and I want to go on expeditions and fish, and he deserves it! [End rant]
Things I still need to do
Write dialogue for more locations (difficult because I don't see Kent as someone who talks a lot)
Add a fishing animation (idk how to do this, someone please help if you know)
That's all I have going right now. I hope this was enlightening for anyone who was curious.
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emcads · 1 year
hi again :) i read that you’re on hiatus right now so hopefully i’m not bothering you, but a while back i sent you a message about potentially joining potc rp here /rp in general and i’ve decided to try it out! info is still in the works, but i plan to have two blogs out very soon. anyone i should follow when the time comes?
thank you for the motivation and just an fyi i’m literally dying to yell about (the magnum opus) tpof to someone and not uh — a wall. it’s hard out here lol. have a wonderful day!
AHHHHH hello !! you are not bothering me at all. i remember, and I'm so glad you decided to join us in the insanity, welcome <33
gosh i have so many blog recs. um potc / pirates specific ? @norringtxn ; @criticalfai1ure ; @starsmapped / @hcrnblwer; @betterto-die-thanto-crawl ; @paddyfuck ; @himbohotel ; @quitethepirategal ; @horizontouched. but also crossovers is the name of my game, so like ... @retrograderesemblance @unmaxed @aworldofyou @historiavn @cagesings @godblooded @dracharenae @dimitresca @marisetcaelum @finalslay all of @notsodeadmikaelson's blogs. and more
as for yelling about tpof to another person, i feel yah. i have (temporarily) turned on ims from non-mutuals, feel free to hit me up there or ask me for my disco :''') i'm still mostly in ds mode rn lol but im always happy to chat about my favorite beloved prequel novel. OR, there's lots of tpof appreciators around. (lots is a strong word. a sizeable handful).
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mayorasmusings · 1 year
So I was randomly surfing tumblr on the persona tag and I’m pleasantly surprised to find someone with Persona 2 on their list. I swear this is rarer than a 4 leaf clover, and the fact you have DDS up there as well. I’m gushing at this rn, truly a rare find.
I also saw your previous post, what would you say were your first impressions on the Cast of IS and what you think about them now? (Anyone really if you only do one but I was super curious)
- ☕️
I'm really happy to read that!
Persona 2 and DDS have a very special place in my heart.
I played DDS before I discovered that there was a game that was banned for homosexuality and Hitler. As an edgy teenager, I burned a copy of P2:IS with the translation patch and played it on my hacked PSone. Those were the times!
But, then I cried buckets, while playing this game, got obsessed with it, discovered how actually queer and traumatized I fucking was - and until this day, I am still in love with it 🥲
But without further ado:
First impression
Maya: bubbly, annoying manic pixie dream girl with a weird outfit making her big tiddies look bigger than they already are, but she has a goddamn pretty face.
Yukino: the butch friend, who shows off her toughness.
Tatsuya: he's too cool for school and is that bad boy every girl is after
Lisa: She's that "I-can-change-him!1"-girl, who goes after a boy who obviously has other things on his mind. She's sweet though.
Eikichi: annoying guy having a rivalry with the bad boy, all the girls are seemingly after.
Jun: he's too sweet for this world. I really feel sorry for him. Especially the way he was manipulated.
Impression now
Maya Amano: I love her very much. She's that fun, loving big sister everyone would want to have. Even if a little insensitive, here and there. Especially when telling that a stuffed animal would laugh at someone expressing their emotions healthily, but I blame it on her dad and the time, this game came out.
Yukino: she has a heart of gold and deserves so much better.
Tatsuya: he's caring, sweet, protective, and like everyone else, has wonderful voice-acting (Takehito Koyasu ❤️). Also, he's quite insecure and vulnerable. I really feel sad for him, having to bear the burden of knowledge in the parallel universe in EP.
Lisa: she's so sweet, caring, smart, and talented. Also, it surprised me, that she uses drugs and prostitutes herself. Her character was an interesting take, on how Westerners view Japanese people and how dehumanizing it can be, to reduce Japanese women to that submissive, demure, and prudish stereotype. Also, interesting to see her dad resembling Steven Seagal in that context.
Eikichi: having a father like this, I don't wonder about anything. He's creative, loving, and has more depth to him than he lets on.
Jun: unchanged. I really love the way he interacts with everyone and how elegant and delicate he is. Though, I do see someone with a barbed tongue, if called for, showing that he also got something from his mom's attitude. Not only from his dad's sweetness. Also, all those TatsuJun-feels 🙈
All in all, it is a very well-written cast I adore and really like to return to. I wish there was an anime or any type of follow-up to where everyone is grown up, but I'm also fine, with being left to my own imagination. Which I will unabashedly share with you.
In my AU, everyone gets to live.
Maya, Shunsuke, and Yukino open up their own little PR agency.
Needless to say that Yukki and Shunsuke are happy together.
Maya starts dating Katsuya at some point and it's quite a chaotic, but loving relationship.
Tatsuya becomes a social worker for homeless young people - being a cop wouldn't really help anyone, he decides. He is a great streetworker, who empathizes with the rather unruly parts of society. At some point, he starts working in a prison, helping the inmates with their problems.
Jun, with the backing of his parents, owns a flower shop. He and Tatsuya are happily married.
Eikichi has a successful band and is still together with Miyabi.
Lisa becomes a cut-throat-businesswoman and works as a boss of a casting-agency for pop-music. Dating hot dudes, she drops, whenever they get too annyoing.
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nilesmoon · 7 months
Hi, I loved your post about the family vacation with Ichi and Sawashiro. And I'll just say that I didn't have a problem with Sawashiro's role in IW... until the very last second. Because they get a freaking helicopter for Kiryu, but no one even went to look if Sawashiro was ok?? They just leave him in the chair while tending to Kiryu. BOTH of them are dying.
Like holy shit, Ichi would have gone to him in a second. He would have stopped Ebina's monologue instead of just standing there without even knowing if he was alive or not. That was for me the most disrespectful moment. I loved how Ichi believed in him at the beginning of Chapter 10, and then I was expecting some kind of reunion at the end but he f*cks off to Hawaii, not even a "Please save the Captain" to Kiryu or anything. That's what made me the most mad
I really hope they pay us off in Y9, he better come back with a cool eyepatch and join the party
Omg I didn't really expect anyone to read that post let alone get an ask about it but I'm so glad that you loved it!! And huge same if he's not coming back as a party member or dying in a meaningful way, there's no point bringing that asshole back.
Me, being the Arakawa family tragedy enjoyer that I am, was overjoyed to see Sawashiro back for 8 and while he did have a few banger moments, the ending really did ruin it all for me. Me bitching abt it under the cut bc I need to puke out my anger Somewhere
Like I keep going back to think about how Ebina calls Ichi, tells him that he's got a bone to pick with him, tells him that he's holding Sawashiro captive bc what better bait to dangle in front of Ichi than the possibility of someone he cares for getting hurt??? And lets be real here the rest of the cast has no reason whatsoever to care about Sawashiro other than him being someone important to Ichi. (I think Tomi says something like 'i dont know this guy but if he's being used as bait he's gotta be important to you' iirc)
Then Kiryu walks in and is like "leave Ebina to me" bc Ebina's plotline is suddenly something personal Kiryu has to deal with??? (my feelings about kiryu being a protag in this game is a whole diff can of worms that I wont open rn but keep in mind how its mostly negative) So Ichi leaves that to him and doesn't really state what he's feeling about all the new info that gets dropped on him (this could be a 'Ichi putting others above himself' moment but i still hate it bc whats the point of Ebina's '''plot twist''' if Ichi was not even a part of it????)
And my god Sawashiro at that last scene. I think my live reaction of that scene is still on twitter where I just bitch for an hour. Even before the scene happened I was like "If they kill Sawashiro without Ichi present it'd make no sense. just like how killing Hanawa without Kiryu present was a Bad Choice".
When that chair turned... I think I tuned out the rest of Ebina's monologue bc I kept thinking the same 3 things: 1. none of this would've happened if sawashiro came with me to hawaii, 2. there's absolutely no reason for this to happen with This Cast (i dont think they even react outside of gasping or something) and 3. when will this masato clone wanna-be shut the fuck up so I can beat his face in (One thing I'll give to that chair scene was how it was a direct parallel to Hoshino's corpse. I think it was a very sexy thing rgg did.)
And then they're like "look!! he's not dead!!!" but at that point I was not sure if that was a 'last words' or a 'he's still alive!' moment. and I'm gonna be honest I Still Do Not know bc just like you said anon, NOONE DOES ANYTHING ABOUT HIM??? (nor about ebina for that matter) AND THEN THERES NO FOLLOW UP WHATSOEVER????? and all this makes me see it as sequel bait tbh
and I'm not even going into how he doesnt even get to meet Akane again. Thats a whole other topic on its own and I think I already typed out enough lol.
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glitchyred · 11 months
hey, a friend let me know you were looking for OG glitchy red thread. i might have the screencaps and a bunch of old creepypasta lost media on my old hard drive if you don't mind waiting a few weeks for my partner and i to finish going through his storage unit. i wanna say someone on deviantart originally posted the screencaps somewhere? i was into pokemon in 2010/2011 and was following the original /vp/ thread. i also remembered the supposed OP posting a screenshot of his firered game glitching and if i'm right and it's not archived then that really sucks, even if photoshopped it added a lot of immersion to the story. it was 4chan and all anon though so who knows. :( there was also anon ("drawfag") fanart in the thread that someone claiming to be OP approved of and i will eat my own hat if i'm wrong about that because i vividly remember it! it was glitchy attacking fire!red. there were also a lot of wholesome (by 4chan standards) comments about how some people only turned off their game after they got their protag to a pokemon center or somewhere safe, which i vividly remember bc it was the whole reason i kept up with the thread lol. feel free to ask any questions. i'm seriously freaking out right now, i had no idea anyone else was even still into this stuff!! i follow the fnf mod community and didn't even know there was a whole pokepasta mod at ALL!
sorry this is all i can offer for now, i haven't even used tumblr in like 10 years but thank you for the nostalgia! should i play false red? if i don't respond it's because you lost me to hypno's lullaby.
Holy SHIT thats awesome!!! I would love if you shared anything you find so much!!!! I lament over how much lost media there must be in old creepypasta forums so often, this fandom is smth I'm so passionate about. Also I could be totally wrong (I wouldn't be surprised if there's multiple pieces depicting The Nightmare Scene) but it would be crazy if you're referencing My Favorite Glitchy Red Art lol. My tablet's download folder is super unorganized so it'll take me forever to dig it up but I know I have it somewhere I'll upload it with reblogs off if I find it. Also that bit abt the wholesome comments is adorable NDKWJJD
Anyway yeah!! The pokepasta community is very small but thriving. FNF: Lullaby isn't the only FNF mod for Pokepastas (I can't. Remember the names of the others off the top of my head but you should be able to find them easily lol) and it's where the majority of the fandom is at rn! I don't hang out on that side of the fandom much but I love. The Lullaby song for Strangled Red it's So good. Also I would recommend False Red for anyone who likes Glitchy Red, it's very much a spiritual successor intentionally or not. It can be a little hard to track down these days so here's a download link if you or anyone reading this needs it.
Tysm and keep me updated!!
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norskheks · 2 years
two tag games for the price of one
@froggierboy tagged me ages ago and I forgot til now lol 💕💕
sign: Leo... I looked up the minor ones once and promptly forgot, can you tell I'm not into astrology?
height: 5'2.5"
time: 15:34 as I'm answering, 15:52 as I'm posting
birthday: I'm not saying here but if you have timestamps enabled you can figure it out lol
fav band: The Beatles
last movie: I think it was The Banshees of Inisherin
last show: finally caught up with Sex Education
when I created this blog: 2011 I think? Whenever TeamCoco joined lol
what I post: fandom shit (mainly Schitt's Creek and OFMD), political shit and queer shit
do I get asks: rarely, and when I do they're usually those really nice "spread positivity to blogs you love!" ones that I appreciate but never pass on because I can't pick favorites
followers: 174
average hours of sleep: probably 7-8ish?
instruments: I played the trumpet for 10 years, and I'm starting again in a band this year!! I'm very excited. I also taught myself some guitar in high school, and I still have my guitar (no amp though), but no immediate plans to get back to it. Maybe when I get my own place.
what I’m wearing: a soft knit navy dress (with pockets ofc) and navy tights
dream job: psychophonological research but without the publishing complications of modern capitalist science
dream trip: Cần Thơ, Vietnam
favorite songs: "Imagine" by John Lennon is a permanent favorite, I don't really have one I'm obsessing over rn
3 ships: Gentlebeard, David/Patrick, PB&J
first ship ever: the pink and green(?) ranger in Might Morphin' Power Rangers
last film: see above
last song: I had All Things Must Pass on while falling asleep last night, and the last song I remember hearing was "What Is Life" (George Harrison)
currently reading: suchgreatheights' Gentlebeard AU WIPs
currently watching: nothing, I just finished Sex Education, and I'm thinking about starting Reservation Dogs next. Or maybe People of Earth.
currently consuming: this is very vague and I don't think I'm consuming anything I haven't already mentioned
currently craving: something crunchy. Like, chocolate covered pretzels. Crunchy, salty, sweet. I am very hungry right now.
tagging: I never tag anyone and I'm not about to start, if you feel like doing it, consider yourself tagged!!! 💕💕
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kalims · 2 years
how long have u been on tumlr
uhhh good question! from my horrible memory I atleast remember discovering tumblr around 2020 (where I was embarrassingly scouring everything for itachi content,, I liked him a lot haha) I wrote for naruto (THE HORROR no one can absolutely find any of those because I've permanently deleted them and god forbid if anyone else here still remembers it)
though I doubt anyone does because those posts were about years ago I guess? and I was a newbie fanfic writer so I don't believe my old writing was anything to stick around for. I actually didn't use tumblr much other than reading fics and I was in absolute HEAVEN when I found the app
anyways I practically milked out the itachi x reader tag from how bad I was obsessed with him but we don't talk about that anymore... I got into genshin around february and i think released my first post of it around june? which I say, BLEW UP and the set of notifications was like me on cloud 9 so I immediately got into it
cause let's face it. it feels nice for ur works to be appreciated (by the way reblogs help a lot! cause the ratio of likes and reblogs makes me want to jump off a cliff, it's not that hard to click a green button 😁)
yea I started writing fanfiction again around june 2021 and is heavily deep in twisted wonderland rn 😞 the way the followers got me so far makes me not wanna leave. plus the fandom is very sweet to me compared to *coughs* genshin, and speaking of that I'm not actually into the game anymore
like I'm FAR behind the lore, and when I do quests I barely know anything cause i just keep skipping for the sake of a new open world area or just primogems in general
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Hey congratulations on 900 followers!! So happy for you! I wanted to request a romantic game of thrones match up.
I'm 5'3, use she/her pronouns, pisces with long curly black hair and black eyes, an INFP and I am doing psychology rn. I'm questioning right now so you can ship me with anyone. I enjoy listening to music, especially the kind that's intellectual yk, that challenges you and makes you learn something. Currently I'm pouring over Arctic Monkeys' discography but I also love Hozier, Ruelle and Billie Eilish. My favourite colours are black, white and red. I am a bit dreamy, always kinda lost in my head so I love everything fantasy related. My favourite movies are Dune, Tenet, La La Land. In series I love Arcane and ATLA. I'd mention books but I couldn't choose more than the GOT series and the death of vivek oji. I'm pretty indecisive and an overthinker. Can't decide on something without considering all the pros and cons in super detail. I also enjoy writing. Sometimes when I think of a creative sentence I write it in my notes app.
I hope this is enough hehe. Thank you. And congrats again! ❤️
thank you for participating :)
since you have no gender preference, i’ll tell you which of both the boys and the girls i ship you with. but i’ll do the full description and blurb thing for the character i think you’re a better fit for.
i ship you with margaery and robb! i’m gonna go with robb for this, i hope that’s alright :)
i think your appreciation for intellectuality would fascinate him. of course he grew up well educated, but i don’t see him having a passion for continuing his education past what the septa and the maester made him learn. he was more interested in practical things, knowing one day he would have to be a soldier and a lord. but you would prompt him to think for himself more, instead of following what other people expected of him. he’d find himself reading and expressing an interest in the arts, simply so he could bring it up in conversation with you. he’d want to impress you, and so he’d be actively bettering himself just so he could talk to you and make you smile.
he’d find it endearing that you get lost in your head and like to fantasize. i think there are times in his life where he also thought of all the possibilities he could find himself in, if it weren’t for being the stark heir. he’d have a certain appreciation for the heroics and the adventures of all the stories you’d tell him about. but fantasy can get a bit complicate, and he’d need you to explain the specifics. he might not even understand what you’re talking about, but he doesn’t care. he just likes listening to you talk enthusiastically about something.
he’d also find your indecision endearing. i think he’s a pretty logical person, and also a very stubborn person. once his mind his made up, that’s enough for him. in order to be a good leader, he can’t be questioning his every decision. it would show weakness, and potentially put his men in danger. but he’d also fear sometimes that he was making the wrong decision. he’d ask your opinion on certain matters, taking it seriously. you’d think it out better than he would, so he would really value your input on more serious matters. but for the less important things, where you still treated it like it was life or death, he’d love watching your process of making decisions. it would amuse him.
he’d find you in the library, scouring over the shelves for your next book to read. he’d chuckle at your look of frustration, it bringing a smile to his face.
“it doesn’t really matter what you read first, darling. they’re books. it’s not like they’re going to grow legs and hop off the shelf before you can get to them.”
you’d groan turning to him. “but what if the one i choose is bad? what if it’s wasting my time? what if there’s a better book on this shelf that i’m missing because i was too impatient to get to it?”
his grin would widen, and he’d pull a book down from the top shelf, handing it to you. “here. you’ll like this one, i promise. i read it myself.”
“you read this?” you’d ask, raising a brow as you took it from him to look over the pages. “why?”
he’d sheepishly shrug, shifting back and forth on his heels. “i figured you could read it and we could talk about it after. i actually enjoyed this one.”
you’d smile, your heart warming at his thoughtfulness. you’d link your arm with his, letting him guide you out of the library with your new selection in hand.
“how sweet. thank you, robb.”
he’d smile down at you, keeping you close at his side. “you’re welcome, love.”
hope you enjoyed this! thanks again for participating :)
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bilvy · 2 years
i’m sort of doing a deep dive of old bandom on here are there any still-up blogs you know of that would be good to look through? thank you and sorry to bother you!
hello anon! It depends what's your area of interest honestly? I'll tag some people and link some resources under the cut :) lmk if you need ANYTHING because I have a huge collection of media (including fbr games and videos) email me here: [email protected]
Okay so if you wanna know about Panic! pre split I would recommend going to the following blogs @souryogurt64 (Sarah has a great essay about panic! at the disco on her pinned post, plus a lot of asks and resources about fall out boy), go to @prettyoddfever they have an ABUNDANCE of pre split panic things considering they were there at that time, I also recommend looking at @pathetic-at-the-disco (they arent always accurate but...) and finally look at LiveJournal primers (also if u want ryden stuff) if you need anything else let me know :)
For fall out boy once again look at Sarah's blog she has really good resources, look at @stumpomatic-blog for good pictures of the boys! also @falloutboyfan18 (Alexis has a great archive) and @petewentzisblack1312 (they have rlly good opinions) !!! if you go into @pagesixlovers archive they have pretty solid fob lore and are always talking abt pete) once again for FOB mainly I recommend looking at resources on LiveJournal, for example fbr trash and fueled by gossip !! and primers for general info :)
For MCR there's a bunch of resources, @callmeblake has a great archive of frank centered things, @unholyverse usually knows what they're talking about with mcr lore(and I'm not just saying that bc we are friends), here's a great MCR primer, and another one also I recommend looking at @girlgerard and @gerardpilled @yourdyingwish and @awsugar. if you want to get a feel for the community go here http://www.imnotokay.net/board/
Okay so yes, for tai go here https://riorhapsody.livejournal.com/354150.html it's very detailed and if you need to fill anything in you can always ask me! @washingtonsqpark is a good resource for tai also @williamismyhomeboy has an amazing top tier archive, here's their old fansite, here's a lovely thread made by one of my twitter mutuals(hi aneissa if you see this!) I also have an archive myself just shoot me an email :) (also I think I have william's old LiveJournal in PDF form if you need it, I'm sure I have it somewhere I used to save all his shit)
For anyone else apart of FBR/BANDOM in gen a primer on them should be here (yes there's cobra too I just don't feel like dealing with gabe saporta rn but I know like everything about the man)
also, here is a great flow chart made by one of my besties connecting everyone to fall out boy :) (@peteisacreep is the bestie in question)
also if you want something to old bandom "drama and/or forums there are @bandwhoresanon and @waterparksdrama (its like new wave bandom) but fbr gossip is STILL active on LiveJournal :)
if you need anything else just let me know<3
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nishymoon · 3 years
Are requests closed rn? I couldn't find any post that said so. Platonic headcannons for a new player in Borderland hanging around Chishiya to learn his tinkering skills. That taser was amazing!
Teach Me || Chishiya x Reader
Tumblr media
How did you get here? Standing, leaning against a wall waiting for Chishiya to return to The Beach after his game. That boy intrigues you but at the same time.....you are almost afraid to ask him something. To ask if he can teach you something. You two played a game together a few days ago, the Five of Spades, the game that prompted you to speak to him for the first time. He was so....calm while everyone around you was worried, scared.....he was standing still, listening to the music while he was loading a taser. That Taser. You absolutely wanted to create one for yourself and you wanted to ask him to teach you. You didn't have time to open your mouth because he noticed you were staring at him, so he took off a headset and asked if you needed anything. You took your chance and approached him, trying to kill the shyness within you. You told him that you too live in The Beach and if he could teach you how to build the Taser he had brought with him. He snorts amused at your request, a raised eyebrow as the voice of your cell phone begins to dictate the rules of the game. Without answering you. After that game, you haven't had talk to him anymore and you don't give up easily, you want him to teach you and you want an answer. The noises of the cars returning makes you guess that some members were returning to the beach victorious. You look out the window and you see that among the participants there is also a blond boy. It's time. Go down the stairs trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, you have to look like a simple person who is going towards the pool. As soon as you see Chishiya climbing the stairs, you too do it behind him, trying to stay away to given't him the impression that you are following him. Although....that's your plan. Follow him. And maybe it will be a failed plan because he will notice it. After all, you just want to figure out what his room is so you can knock on his door in the morning. Walk down the corridor and Chishiya takes the right turn. You try to walk faster to reach him and as soon as you turn right, Chishiya has vanished. How could he have been that fast? - Are you following me? - You freeze in place because you know exactly who that voice belongs to behind you. How did he appear behind you? Now you are even more curious than before. You turn around, the look of someone who has just been caught in the act. - N-no, I was on my way to my room an- - Liar. - He walks up to you, hands in his pockets and a mocking smile on his face. Your mind is looking for a phrase, anything to tell but.....you know the truth is the best thing to say. - Ple....please, Chishiya, teach me how to make a Taser, I'm sorry I followed you is that....I never have a way to talk to you and I had no idea where your room was... - - I don't take students. - - I know but.....it's...so stressful living here okay? Niragi continues to annoy anyone along with other Millitants, I just want....to be able to defend myself. - Chishiya's expression changes, it seems that he is studying you to understand if you are lying to him, but your face, the way you hug yourself, the way your voice trembles, as if you were vulnerable, makes him realize that you are very scared. And how to blame you? It doesn't have to be easy for a person to live without weapons in a place with people like Niragi. - Please Chishiya....Teach me. -
He nods as the cat smile returns to his face. You are too happy, you will learn a lot from him and you already know this. - But....don't chase people if you want to ask something, it's very...creepy. - - You're right, I'm sorry, it's just that I tried to talk to you during a game but you didn't answer and i- - I didn't answer you because the game was starting. - Ok, now you are super embarrassed because you thought he hated when in reality the situation was very different....and you are just feel stupid for not thinking about it before. - I'm sorry...- - I'll teach you, okay? - Your eyes shine because now he has the confirmation that he will teach you something. Most likely he won't teach you everything he knows, maybe just the basics but that's enough for you. - Thank you, thank you, thank you so much! - He approaches you, decreasing the distance between you two and you instinctively lower your head, backing away. - Are you afraid of me? - You don't have the courage to look him in the eye and you don't understand why. Up until a few minutes ago you were chasing him and now you don't answer him? Chishiya takes a step back before continuing to speak. - You don't have to. - Finally take courage and look up, meeting his eyes. You see him take a hand out of his sweatshirt pocket, taking out his Taser. - If you have time, I can already teach you something tonight. - He turns to walking towards his room. With all the enthusiasm you have in you body, you reach him and follow him. -Thank you...Chishiya. -
——————————————————— Thank you for your request! ♡ I apologize for the wait! Hope you like this mini fanfiction! ♡
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queeriboh · 3 years
Okay then, what’s your Mokuba deep character analysis? 😗
Also, are you talking DM version or manga version or both lol. I’m assuming DM but idk
omg I definitely didn't expect anyone to actually ask wow!! okay! well personally and like, for my RPverse, I like to blend canon from the manga and anime. like prioritizing manga first and fleshing it out with anime details that dont directly contradict anything. I feel like the s0 manga sets up everyone's characters in such an integral way that without it, the anime versions of the characters all fall a little bit flat and some of their motivations aren't very clear.
but I specifically I was just thinking about Mokuba's character and development in the early manga and how its too important to ignore because it shows just how jaded and corrupted he was by Gouzaburou and Seto's hatred and how much he's willing to grow compared to his brother and step father. like he started out following his brother so closely and blindly that, as an actual child, he poisoned and watched Joey writhing in pain and just laughed, but by the end of the next year, he was going behind Seto's back to try and get help for Joey after he lost to Marik.
( which!! I'm absolutely obsessed with the headcanon of Joey becoming a better brotherly influence in Mokuba's life post canon. to the point I have a very strong headcanon about Mokuba using a Red Eyes centric deck but this post is already long so I won't over explain that rn ))
I think about how he was so ready to be cruel, to be vindictive just to hear his brother praise him once. how he wanted so badly to win their bet and outshine Seto, because that was the only way he could see worth in himself was by making his brother proud.
I 100% believe that Mokuba is the more intelligent Kaiba Brother. he is constantly out performing his brother on all intellectual, strategic, mechanical, and even social aspects for his age, but everyone is so impressed by Seto's new accomplishments that no one notices Mokuba growing and learning at a much faster rate.
I think that if Yami hadn't had his own moment of growth and decided to pull Mokuba out of Seto's holographic penalty game, Mokuba could have become just the most unhinged (and hilarious) villain. but I love that his change in attitude wasn't an immediate 180. like sure he instantly decided to do the right thing and go save Honda, and after Yugi won he told him their origin story and everything. but when they meet again at Duelist Kingdom, Mokuba swears he still hates Yugi, and points a lot of the blame for Pegasus getting the opportunity to even try his evil plan at the fact Yugi put Seto in a coma and, by the way, when IS he going to wake up, Yugi??? I like that he's still got that grudge months later, and that he does finally try and let it go after Yugi saves not only him, but Seto too.
and that kid has ?? so much trauma oh my god. these are all just headcanons but. he's claustrophobic from the capsule monsters penalty game. he thinks about how willing he was to kill someone, and spends nights wondering, what if I'd really done it? he sleeps with a light on after duelist kingdom because waking up in a dark room takes him right back to the dungeon.
okay I rambled a whole lot without really saying anything I think so I'm going to just cjejdjesbwj stop here but s0 makes Mokuba SUCH a fascinating character to me like he's just the perfect blend of unhinged, tragic, and unbelievably hilarious that I spend a lot of time at work thinking about how he's going to grow up. I have like 800 different post canon aus just depending on things like. if he takes over Kaiba Corp and finally focuses on building theme parks for underprivileged children instead of card games and revenge. or does he resent the corporate life eventually and sell the company? or does he destroy it completely?? how much of his own interests, goals, and personality did he sacrifice for his brother and how much of it can he ever get back???
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