#for being ‘an angry child’ or ‘back talking’ when. it was always defensive. I never started it. ever.
void-tiger · 2 years
Warning: Sandman Spoilers.
(I’d plop a Read More here except I can never remember how to do that in mobile, mobile is much friendlier in layout to how my brain functions than the full web-on-computer will ever be, and Readmores flatout break my ability to edit, say, tags after I hit that Post button.)
Right. Okay.
…I think what irritates me about the Endless Siblings?
Delirium Can Do No Wrong Because She Baby (which is true. We dunno what shit happened to her that forced her to shift from Delight to Delirium, but we know it was BAD) even when she torments mortals for her Games (just less maliciously than Desire and Despair; it’s debatable if she’s fully Aware of the consequence of what she’s doing), even when Delirium’s (understandable!) demand to have Destruction back actively kills people!
Or Destruction—who LEFT and almost demands the others to leave as well despite Not All Of Them CAN Leave (and to be frank? Him abandoning his post despite having Creation as his counter-domain is probably why, say, warfare became SO destructive SO rapidly followed by a technological boom)—and literally planted what might as well have been BOMBS in his closest friends if any of his siblings tried to find him.
Or Desire—who fucks around and NEVER has to find out. Who actively targets Dream and blames Dream for their bad relationship with their older brother…and never takes any accountability for their own part in it and continued active antagonism and actively trying to DESTROY Dream either by spilling family blood and igniting the Kindly Ones’ Wrath and using Dream’s Own Function against him…or by risking Dream shifting into something Not Dream Any Longer. (And the absolute Irony of Desire being the one (1) sibling to EVER help, then gets pissed off and antagonizes further. Gee, Desire. I wonder why Dream doesn’t ask and if he asks you he asks you last!)
Or Despair. Who plays games beyond her function, and this aspect of Despair seemingly ignoring her counter-function of Hope, and is a co-conspirator albeit passive co-conspirator in Desire’s torment of Dream in much the same way as a pair of school-aged Mean Girls
Or Destiny. Who so rarely shows that he cares, uses his Book as a Defense Mechanism Excuse in a similar way as Dream does his Pride (and being prickly by-nature but most of his standoffish-ness is honestly a defense against Holding ALL Of Subconscious + His Family’s A Bunch Of Assholes (Too)). And if he does anything “outside his Book” or “finally acts within the Book” …he denies it’s because he cares. It’s to berate for showing up in jeans or someone else leaving their stuff in his room (even when someone else left it)
Or Death. Who had her own Edgelord Phase that lasted for eons before her younger siblings even existed. Who never once actually came to help yet berates Dream for not asking her when he wound up in Serious Trouble…again. (And not by his own fault, unless you want to count fixing a past mistake seriously draining him to the point he could he snared by Desire’s (and Despair’s but mostly Desire’s) Trap.)
…They’re ALL Assholes, Jared!
But only ONE of them is held to a standard none of the rest of them even bother to live to and gets actively punished for it at every turn, even when he tries to reach out, do better. (And yes, Morpheus!Dream has some serious fuckups. But. So do the rest of them. And he’s kinda the only one held accountable for them + some things that really aren’t his fault or are actively traumatic and he doesn’t really have a way to safely recover from without, y’know, affecting the Dreaming and all the dreamers! And it’s not for a lack of trying or continuing to try, despite his natural stubbornness, prickliness, introversion, and avoidance!)
#sandman spoilers#endless siblings#tiger’s roar#…possibly morpheus!dream apologica but fuck it#I was reflecting on WHY I’m so defensive of Dream and. well.#it’s kinda because of how my own family and school environment treated me#for being ‘an angry child’ or ‘back talking’ when. it was always defensive. I never started it. ever.#and. like Dream. what made the difference? people Actively Showing that they loved me and cared#that despite ‘not handling things as well as I should’ I still didn’t deserve THAT#and learning that having Bad Days with my mental health where everything ‘sets me off’ doesn’t make me a bad person#as long as I didn’t. y’know. take it out on anyone#I may be responsible for my own self#but others are responsible for not deliberately trying to hurt me or my trust or my boundaries#I Am Not Responsible for them choosing to hurt or disregard me!#…honestly I wish I could just take morpheus!dream#give him a hug (if he’d allow it). reassure him that being grouchy or depressed etc isn’t a bad thing. it just Is#let him Finally grieve and cry and rage in a place that WON’T flood or raze or affect everyone’s dreams#encourage him that it’s okay to grow and do better#(and fuck anyone who takes advantage of that and his sensitivity)#just. the guy needs therapy!! allowed to feel things without Instant Subconcious And Literal Consoquences!!#think there’s a term in family therapy for Dream: diagnosed problem.#(if I’m remembering Jono’s Terms in CinemaTherapy/MendedLight correctly)#and well. Even When! the Diagnosed Problem is ‘doing better’ things are STILL Fucked Up#because guess what! they weren’t the (only) problem at all!!#and well. him feeling things So Deeply and He DOES Care Actually (but clamping things down into a ‘resting bitch face’)?#WHAT A FUCKING MOOD.
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hughiecampbelle · 29 days
The Boys Preference: Being Becca and Butchers Child
Requested: Firstly HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL!!!!!! ゚+.ヽ(≧▽≦)ノ.+゚. Secondly, could u write like some headcanon about being Butcher's child (like who is two years older than Ryan) and how other members from the boys (+ maybe Soldier boy, cause of season 3 and how he would interact with them :3) - anon
A/N: Thank you my love!!! In the headcanon I made reader 10+ years older so they'd be at least 18 by the time they found out about Becca and Ryan, I hope you don't mind!! That way they can be part of The Boys and grow up with them, if that makes sense? I also had a very similar request of a headcanon so I'm basing it off that so there's some background :) I love this request!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
Headcanon Pt. 1 / Headcanon Pt. 2
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Butcher knew he couldn't take care of you. He was getting drunk every night, picking fights at bars, searching the city for your mom. Your perfect grades were slipping, you were getting into fights at school, you were emulating him. He knew how dangerous that was. First with your Aunt, then your Great Aunt, until you tracked him down all these years later. He still has a picture of you in his wallet, a baby picture that's creased and faded. You and Becca. You've grown up since then, though. And you're angry. He insist you go back to Judy, pretend you never saw or heard what you did, but you refuse. You want to pick a fight with him. You want to yell and scream and get out eight years worth of grief. He understands where you're coming from, he does. He never wanted to be like his father and yet, in so many ways, that's exactly who he was. Your relationship will never be what it is. That's not possible anymore. You have to learn to deal with one another now, in the present, instead of the happy kid you used to be, instead of the dad he used to be. It hurts you both to think about the past, who you could have been instead of who you are.
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Hughie isn't really sure what to do with you. There's no doubt you're Butcher's kid. He's still relatively new to the team, so he just assumed this was something else Butcher hadn't shared with him. When he realizes no one knew about your existence, he's shocked. You, like your father, gravitate towards Hughie for reasons you can't put into words. You'll let him sit next to you when you're watching TV and maybe even talk to him if you're in the right mood. You don't shoot daggers at him like you try with everyone else. Similar to a cat, he's someone you can stand to be around. He comes to your defense a lot, especially when you stumble in drunk and pass out for the day. He's sure if any of them had been raised by Butcher, or at least the outside relatives, they would have turned out exactly like you. He can't blame you for being angry, or pissed, or hurt. He can see the hurt better than anyone else no matter how much you try to hide it. He thinks you just need some time and empathy to get straightened out. The least they can do is offer that, right?
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Annie has no idea what to do with you. She tried smiling and talking to you, but you didn't want anything to do with her. She reminds you too much of your Aunt. She always said you should be happier, bubblier, that you were so smiley as a kid. You couldn't live in the past like her, with her. Too much had changed. Hughie assures her it's nothing against her, you're just getting used to things. She thinks it's sweet how you're attracted to Hughie. He's the only one you mildly respect and even, once in a blue moon, listens to. She doesn't take it too personally considering you're ready to rip your fathers head off. It could be a lot worse. Over time you see that Annie and Hughie are together and that definitely earns her some points. Annie can't imagine what your life must have looked like, all those years mourning your mother and father, all those years spent with relatives just doing their best. She understood why you were so angry all the time, so cagey and spiky. She doesn't hold it against you.
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M.M. feels conflicted. Betrayed isn't the right word, but it's the closest thing he can come up with. He never 100% trusted Butcher. He was always going behind everyone's backs, doing what he wanted despite the good of the team, etc. He was destructive, combative, and spiteful. But, he thought they knew each other better than that. When he met you he couldn't deny you were Butcher's. Your mannerisms, the crazed look in your eye when you were upset, it all matched your father. He can't help but see you like how he sees Janine, even if you're much older: a victim of Vought. A generational curse. You're stubborn, and angry, and distant all because of what's been done to you, all because of Homelander. If your mom had been around, if Homelander had never done what he'd done, you'd still have your perfect family. He feels this need to protect you the same way he does with your father, even if you both fight him on it, even if you don't want or deserve it. He can't help it.
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Frenchie doesn't trust you the same way he doesn't trust your father. He especially doesn't like that you and Kimiko are so close. She doesn't tell him anything about your conversations, knowing it would completely break your trust if she did. He believes Butcher would hide something as big and important as a child. He knows what your family can be like. Lying, drunken, selfish, vengeful. You're only a few of those things, not that he can tell the difference. You know Frenchie isn't your biggest fan, so you love messing with him, teasing him, rubbing it in his face that you and Kimiko are close. Similar to your father, Frenchie thinks this isn't the kind of place for you. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into. M.M. might feel fatherly towards you, but Frenchie sees you as a Mini Butcher, just another handful no one on the team can deal with. You yell and scream and fight and drink. That proves to him you're still a child despite it all.
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Kimiko adores you. Despite the difference in circumstances, she sees a lot of herself in you. Ripped from your family, angry and hostile and doing everything in your power not to get hurt again. Besides Hughie, you'd warm up to her second. You're actually incredibly smart despite never applying yourself and pick up the signs pretty quickly. Whatever you can't sign, you write to her, wanting your conversations to stay secret. You show her the pictures of your mom that you kept all these years, telling her all about the good times you had before she disappeared. When you see Butcher you instantly grow hostile, angry all over again, and the person she saw, the person she was just talking to who was kind, and thoughtful, and smart totally disappears. When you blast your angry music she never minds. In fact, she quite likes it, adding it to her own playlist. She doesn't look at you like you need fixing or, worse, need to get out of here.
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Bonus! Homelander always knew about you. Becca was more than willing to talk about you and Billy to co-workers. He even remembers taking that picture with you that one Christmas. He's kept an eye on you through the years, but you never seemed like the vengeful type. You never knew what happened after your father abandoned you. He does, however, use it as leverage against Becca. Remember the kid you left behind? Seems like she's got favorites. Becca agonizes over leaving you, but she was caught between a rock and a hard place. He uses you to keep her there, in her place. He gives her updates, usually to make her feel bad. You're kid drinks way too much, did you know that? Of course you didn't. He loves to tell her that Butcher abandoned you all those years ago. He loves to see that it absolutely kills her. He's not worried about you coming after him. You've got to work through your issues before you get to him and therapy for a lifetime couldn't get you an Butcher on the same page.
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Bonus! Soldier Boy would actually get along with you. I think you'd have a Worst Dad Competition and though you're close, you definitely think you win. You two share a drink and you tell him all about your dear old dad. "No wonder you turned out like this." Ben says, pouring you more. Hughie urges you to slow down, but you have a high tolerance. Ben, to piss of Butcher, will always take your side in arguments and uses what you told him against him. "You dumped them off and never looked back. Now you're parenting?" Butcher absolutely hates it. You tell him about your mom, how much she loved you, how she was killed. You don't mention Ryan though, knowing Ben's go to answer would be to seek revenge. You have a lot of complicated feelings around your brother, but you still have a burning Hatred for Homelander. You make Ben promise he'll kill him. He does, even if it means killing his son. You two bond really fast. Neither Hughie nor Butcher trusts it or him, but you do.
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genshin-obsessed · 3 months
Hey there! Nice to meet ya! Could I request Kaeya, Diluc, Childe, and Wriothesley's s/o crying when she sees how bloody, battered and bruised they are?
Howdy! Nice to meet you as well! Thank you for the request, I hope you like it ^w^
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Your boyfriend wasn't entirely reckless, but there were times when you wondered if he tried hard enough to... you know, not get hit? Normally, you're the one patching him up, and for the little wounds, you manage. But the days he comes back looking like he barely escaped with his life, you can't help but feel that deep seated fear reeling it's ugly head to remind you of the awful reality that one day, he may not come back.
Those are the hardest days for you.
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"Ow- hey, gentle." Kaeya said with a soft hiss as he felt the rushing pain through his wound, making the other parts of his arm hurt.
"Oh? Can't handle that?" You asked with a slightly frustrated tone as you kept cleaning the wound, not being much gentler. Kaeya frowned and let out a soft sigh as he turned to look at you. He was silent for a moment as he studied you- you looked angry but he could see you biting your bottom lip a little to keep it from trembling. Not to mention the excessive blinking to keep those tears back.
"I'm... ok, (y/n). I promise. It's just a small scratch. It doesn't even hurt that bad, I was just joki-"
"Stop lying to me." You said sternly, your hand pausing as your gaze met his. You could see the guilt lingering within. "I know it hurts. I know you were scared. I know... so stop lying." Kaeya reached up with his calloused hands and gently took yours.
"I'm sorry. I know I tend to worry you a lot. I'm really sorry." He murmured honestly, watching as your defenses broke and the tears filled your eyes. "Don't cry- please, don't cry." He said with a frown as he hugged you against him tightly. Blood slowly trickled down his arm but he didn't care. At the end of the day, it really didn't hurt that bad because you were taking care of him. But he did vow to be much more careful, seeing the toll it was taking on you.
✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼
Diluc sat there silently as you cleaned up the wounds. He didn't say a word or even flinch. You were just as silent, soft sighs escaping you when you turned away from him. He didn't say anything, but he definitely heard them. Once you finished up, you turned away from him, gathering the bloodied towels and tissues that lay around you two.
It was odd. Usually, the second he'd come through the door, you'd begin to scold him and the entire time you cleaned and dressed every single wound, even that tiny scratch that wasn't bleeding, your scolding never stopped. But tonight, you didn't say a single word. Not only that, but you avoided meeting his eyes which just sent a wave of discontent through him.
He waited and waited and waited, but you never spoke. As his crimson eyes watched you gather the cotton and tissues, he finally found his voice and called out.
"I'm... sorry."
"You're always sorry." You replied after a moment of hesitation. That was true. Diluc often got injured and would really just have an apology to give you. No assurances or anything. None that mattered anyway. Before you could leave, his arm shot out and he caught your wrist. Ever so gently, he pulled you back to him, turning your head so that you were looking at him.
"I know. I know, I don't have much other than a sorry to give you. But... I need to know if you're ok. I can tell when you're upset and I know you may not want to talk to me right now. But-" before Diluc could finish his sentence, you broke down. Tears filled your eyes and streamed down your cheeks and you fell against him. Without hesitation- without a word- his arms engulfed you in a warm embrace. So, you weren't ok and he could tell, he wasn't an idiot. But when you sighed and said you were fine, it brought him some form of comfort. But this? This was more painful than any wound on his body.
After that night, you saw less and less unnecessary wounds on him.
✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼
His bruises and bloodied wounds almost always started some sort of argument between you two. You just never understood why he was so careless. Fine, whatever, he liked fighting. But why was he always getting hurt? Not only did he get hurt, sometimes it was bad. Stitches bad.
"You keep frowning like that and your face is gonna get stuck like that." He joked, only for you to glare in his direction. He always did that, he always trivialized the worry you felt for him as if it was unnecessary.
"I'm not a kid, stop it. You know this worries me. Why do you always end up this badly hurt?" Childe actually kept a lot hidden from you, especially when it came to his work as a Fatui. It's not that he didn't trust you- no way. It was just safer for you to not know about his work. Having knowledge was already dangerous, so he just... lied.
"Listen," he began softly as he grabbed your working hand, making that frown on your face deepen. "You're right, ok? I should be more careful and sometimes I'm not. But please don't be too angry with me. Not for my sake, but your own. I don't want you to be sad all night."
"Look at you, Ajax," you said, your voice beginning to shake with the emotions you were so desperately trying to contain. "Look at yourself and t-tell me how I'm n-not supposed to be sad." The tears filled your eyes and when you attempted to blink them back, they just spilled. Childe didn't speak. He just pulled you against him, holding you tightly.
"They're just surface wounds, love. I swear to you- with everything that I am- no one is ever going to take me away from you. I'll always come home to you." And he kept that promise. He was a lot more careful though, doing his best to avoid frivolous fights. It was definitely a big change for him, but your tears that night, they hurt more than any wound he'd ever sustained.
✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼
“It’s not that bad.” Wriothesley said as his gaze remained focused on your face. “It barely hurts, really. Can’t even feel it. I guess I’m just strong— Ack!”
You didn’t say a word, your eyes just shot up to Wriothesley who just sheepishly chuckled. Your silence was just the worst. He’d rather you yell at him, throw things at him, insult him— whatever. Just don’t stay quiet. Not that you've ever resorted to any of those, but he finds anger more manageable than silence.
“Come on, I’m ok. It hurts a little but what wound doesn’t? I really am fine.” He sighed after a moment and leaned back in the chair when you once again refused to speak or even look at him. He knew and understood why you were so upset with him. But it’s not like he could’ve helped it. He got into fights, he had to sometimes. If he backed down, he’d lose respect. It’s not like he fights every meathead out there, he just needs to teach certain people lessons. Doesn’t mean they won’t hit him back.
A small sniffle from you made his icy blue eyes shoot to you. They slowly widened as he felt a small droplet land on his arm.
“Hey, come on, don’t cry. I’m fine. I swear.” He said as he sat right back up and tried to grab your face. You brushed his hand away and kept cleaning the wound before he grabbed your wrist. “(Y/n), please look at me.” He murmured, finally making you stop.
“I don’t care if it doesn’t hurt you, it hurts me.” You didn’t have to say much after that as Wriothesley engulfed you into a tight hug.
It put things into perspective, that one little sentence. Those last three words. There was a drastic shift in his behavior after that day. He was more careful and avoided fights unless it was necessary. Even then, he’d try to push back. Did people question him after that? Of course they did, but Wriothesley only fought those who really required it.
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laura1633 · 15 days
Imagine that when omega Max is having anxiety or thinking too much the best way to make him feel better and calm is by Charles fucking him or even just being inside him while he hugs him , or fucking his throat
So one day Charles was arguing with him that’s he shouldn’t go by himself at late hours of night because it’s dangerous for an omega, and because Max used to be called weak a lot when he was a child he becomes defensive and feels hurt by what Charles said thinking that Charles thinks he’s weak, he insists to go outside by himself stubbornly and they fight till Max shout’s I don’t need an alpha to protect me and Charles was angry so he shouted back without thinking “ Yes you do you need me!!”
He realizes what he said after seeing the angry tears in Max’s eyes and tries to apologize but Max says that all the Alphas are the same and leave to his Mother’s house, he refuses to talk to Charles for days and Charles tries a lot and because Max refuse to hear him or answer his calls or read his texts, he went to put a letter he wrote in Max’s bag but then he sees a vibrator the same size as him and he doesn’t know why a vibrator makes him feel this hurt , he knows that Max needs to be fucked and filled for his anxiety and overthinking, but seeing this makes him feel he’s being replaced that Max really doesn’t need him and doesn’t even want him , Max enters and sees that Charles is looking inside his back and he blushes and gets angry and embarrassed but before he says anything he see the tears in Charles eyes
He leaves everything and runs to ask what’s wrong and Charles says in a shaky voice “ You’re replacing me?” And Max is confused “ what ?” And Charles can’t help the tears from falling and reply” You really don’t need me .. you’re using a vibrator you never did when we were together you don’t love me anymore you-“ and Max interprets him holding his face “ No no no Schat I’m not replacing you what?! I’m sorry I’m sorry don’t cry baby I love you I would never stop “
“Then why-“
“ Nothing replaces you Charles!! I used it only when I can hug your clothes and imagining it’s you and it’s never like you but it helped a little!
I do need you I’m sorry I was scared that you think I’m weak that’s why I got so angry Im sorryyy , those days were so hard for me I cried a lot I always want you and need you but I don’t want you to think I’m weak you’ll get tired one day of protecting me !”
Charles holds him tight and says “ I’m sorry too baby you’re not weak you’re strong I’m the weak one Max I can’t bear the idea of you being hurt even a little, I need you more than you need me I don’t know what would I do if you got hurt and I couldn’t do anything “
They kiss passionately and this time Max is the one calming Charles to make him feel better by riding him
Oh this line 'I don’t want you to think I’m weak you’ll get tired one day of protecting me' Max 😭😭😭 Poor baby, he is so scared of being too much of a burden despite Charles loving him so much.
Charles just being so afraid of losing Max or something happening to him and Max just being scared that Charles might leave him one day. Poor babies, I am glad they worked it out, they are so adorable together 🥰 and Max is definitely not weak but I bet Charles loves being able to look after his omega.
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Imagine Being Namor's Daughter and Choosing Wakanda over him after Queen Ramonda's Death
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Okay so walking straight into enemy territory after your father just drowned the country's beloved leader in front of her daughter wasn't your best idea. But how could you continue to stand with by Namor's side with his merciless actions. Your whole life you had always been daddy's little girl. Namor gave you the world and treated you like the Princess you were. When you expressed your desire to be a warrior he didn't turn you away.
He taught how to fight, how to move with your wings, and how to control your ability to manipulate water. Whatever your heart desired is what he gave you. Except this time the feud between Wakanda and Talokan was getting out of hand. You had begged your father to proceed with caution when he returned from his meeting with the Queen to find. Both Shuri and Riri had been rescued by the country.
You grabbed his arm and dug your feet into the hard cavern floor. Holding on for dear life your desperate pleas were the last line defense for an inevitable war on the horizon. You had considerable strength thanks to being his daughter, but Namor was still stronger. And when he turned around to shrug you away that one small action sent you flying back to the ground. You landed on your butt hard and looked up at him in shock and fear.
Namor's eyes widened as it hit him what he just did. His intention wasn't to hurt you that was never his intention. Regret flashed across his face but was quickly replaced with his hard resolve. You recognized that look all too well. He wore it whenever Namora and Attuma came to him with news of human ships getting to close to Talon's vibranium supply.
His mind was made up and no amount of reasoning would change it. He would attempt to make amends with you later, but soon Namor would discover this time he went too far in your eyes. Unlike your father you never shared the same hatred for the surface world. Especially for a nation of people who were in the same position as Talokan, and while Wakanda had surely made some mistakes. Nothing justified what he was doing. This wasn't the way to build an alliance, and you had to do something. If such a thing could still be possible.
You rose up out of the water in the heart of city floating outside the palace. At the same spot where your father launched his attack on Queen Ramonda. You got the chance to speak with her after news reached you that her daughter and the scientist got captured.
"You have a lot of nerve to show your face here" Queen Ramonda seethed.
You appeared on the same beach your father had approached them at knowing it would be heavily guarded. Indeed you were met with sharp end of multiple spears wielded by women dressed in red and silver armor. "I come in peace I request an audience with the Queen."
"And why should we grant your request?" One of them spoke up walking forward forcing you to step back. In order to avoid being pierced with her weapon.
It was a power move to establish control and dominance. You knew it and knocked the spear away with a simple strike. "Because my father has taken your Princess and the scientist hostage."
That was all they needed to hear and the leader of the army ordered them to stand down. She regarded you in suspicion. You had no weapon attached to your body, and didn't look a day over eighteen, but your eyes told a different story. You were a force to be reckoned with just as much as your father. Funny thing you never introduced yourself as the Princess of Talokan, but she was able to figure it out. With the way you walked and talked showing absolutely no fear.
"I know you are angry your Highness and you have every right to be. My father went against his word and betrayed you, but I promise you no harm has come to your daughter." You told her.
"And I'm just supposed to believe you. The child of my enemy who threatened my country" She shot back with a humorless chuckle.
"I might be his child but I am nothing like my father I came to reassure you and-" You cut yourself off in hesitation.
"And what go on" Queen Ramonda encouraged with a wave of her head. The elderly people seated in a circle of the throne room nodded as well. They were captivated from the second you walked through the door. The wings on your ankles, the pointy ears, and the large circular vibranium bottle that sat on your hip. They wondered what was in it, and you reassured them it was only water. But none of them knew of your ability to control it.
"I'm here to offer myself up as your prisoner until your daughter and the young scientist is returned safely." You finished straightening your body out to stand tall. Your eyes locked onto hers to show her just how serious you were about this proposition.
Queen Ramonda waited for a few seconds as if you had just told a joke, and she was waiting for the punchline. But you showed no sign of retracting your offer or regret. "Will you really be so foolish child?"
"Its not foolish it's a fair trade in my eyes. My father took the Princess of Wakanda, so you guys get the Princess of Talokan" You told her.
"Queen Ramonda we should accept her surrender. It will finally give us the leverage to get him to surrender." A elder woman spoke up.
"My father doesn't surrender ever" You corrected her. "But this will keep him in check, and make him more inclined to negotiate."
A dark skinned burly man dressed in furry clothing got to his feet. "Maybe we don't want to bargain with the fishman. What if we want to kill him?"
Your gaze darkened at the clear hostility that his demeanor was giving off. "Then I would pray to whatever you humans believe in these days, because that's a fight none of you stand a chance in surviving." You sneered taking a step closer.
The man raised an eyebrow at you. "Oh so you do have a bit of fight in you after all. How much of a warrior did fishman make you?"
"My father's name is Namor and you should do well to remember it" You said with your voice getting considerably lower. There was a dangerous tone to it.
Queen Ramonda must have recognized it and knew it matched the same one as Namor. When he made his threats and she didn't like it. "M'Baku stand down at once" she ordered pointing a finger at him.
M'Baku looked as if he wanted to argue but thought better against it, and took his seat.
"Great now that the furry man is done with his idle threats. I want to make it clear I'm only surrendering to you and no one else your Highness." You said your voice returning to its normal tone of neutrality.
"Ayo prepare a hovercraft" Ramonda announced.
"Forgive if I overstep my boundaries my Queen but for what purpose" Ayo asked, slightly confused at her decision.
"We're returning the Princess of Talokan to the beach" The Queen answered getting to her feet. A collective sound of gasps filled the room at her words. Then everyone burst into speech trying to talk over each other.
"Are you serious?" You asked her with narrowed eyes. As you pondered rather or not this was some sort of trap. Somehow your voice carried over everyone else's.
"Yes I am and we shall discuss my decision on the way. Now come child" she said taking a gentle hold of your shoulder to nudge you forward.
On that trip Queen Ramonda revealed to you that despite all your father's transgressions against Wakanda. She had no intention of involving his child in the affairs of the two nations. You argued that it was your decision, and she hit you back with. The classic you're a child and clearly not thinking straight.
"You remind me of my Shuri in someways y/n and if I can I want to protect you from the horrors of war."
Guilt tore through your body as you flew through the gaping holes where there use to be glass. You weren't present during the war only because your father ordered you to stay behind, and left a few of his guards on watch duty. If he was smart he would've left Namor or Attuma the only soldiers in your army that could hold their own against you.
Your feet touched the cold brown floor, and it felt as if the pain and grief from the events that took place here. Just a day ago or so was still swirling around in the throne room like a spirit clinging to what little life they have left. You could feel it in your bones and it nearly put you on your knees. Until your ears picked up a the faint sound of footsteps approaching you from behind. Then a low whistling noise followed and you brought your arm to block the blade with vibranium wrist guard. It glanced off the green metal and sent your attacker stumbling back.
You whirled around to face the person. It was a lone man by himself dressed in dark clothing. His face was covered with a mask covering the bottom half of his face. Out of nowhere two more came to his aide taking their place on either side of him. "Don't be a fool take to the Princess."
"What do you want Talokanil? A familiar voice demanded from behind. You glanced over your shoulder to see it was none other than Ayo with small change in armor. Instead of a silver neckline hers was now gold.
"I want to speak with her" You said your main focus going back to the men just a few feet away.
"For what reason I know you wouldn't be dumb enough to surrender yourself to her. In the state that she is in you will find no mercy here" Ayo warned.
"I'm not seeking out mercy I want to assist her in defeating my father" You revealed. Not needing to see her face to hear the hitch in her breathing. Once again you had surprised her.
"She doesn't want your assistance" One of the man cried out lunging at you. He swung his sword in wide arc aiming for your face.
"No" Ayo yelled holding out a hand. She might not be your biggest fan right now, but if your blood was spilled Namor would become even more unhinged.
His movements were erratic and sloppy. You caught by the wrist and forced his hand down while swinging his body around at the same time. In one swift move the man was rolled to the floor gently. It happened so fast that the others barely witnessed your counter. Ayo eyed the sword attached to your back wondering why you didn't draw it instead. You would've been within your right to do it.
"I'm not looking for a fight with either of you. I'm sorry for the loss of your leader. She was great woman and didn't deserve what my father did to her. I know I can't bring her back or right his wrongs, but I can help bring this war to an end. Before more countless lives are lost please just let me do that." You pleaded your case looking over at Ayo in desperation.
She let out a huff knowing what she was about to do could only end two ways. Either Wakanda was going to gain an ally with unlimited knowledge on Talokan's army, or there would be no peaceful to all of this will your body turned up in the ocean. She prayed to Bast the Princess could bury her emotions to at least hear you out.
"Come on then she is in her lab" Ayo finally agreed and motioned for you to follow her. Which you did walking instead of flying.
The elevator ride down was filled with more awkwardness than tension, and you appreciated it. Knowing it would change in just a few more seconds. Ayo was wary of your intentions yet somehow you were still able to convince her of your honesty.
Shuri wouldn't be so quick to believe you heck it wouldn't matter to her if it did. You had to consider the possibility she would be consumed by vengeance already. The elevators doors finally opened to a massive space with a giant circular ramp behind you. There were many levels to it each one filled with various workstation and clear screens. On the outside you could see through the glass a multiple trains traveling at a blinding speed across the vast cave system. You were wandering over to truly take in the sight. When a hand stopped you with a firm grasp of your shoulder.
"We didn't come here for you to sightsee Princess let's go" Ayo reminded you.
You nodded and followed her around the ramp. Just a few feet away stood a group of four women huddled together. You recognized all of them having run into them all at some point. The one named Okoye stood beside Shuri with a comforting hand on her shoulder. Nakia sat beside the Princess and cradled her head on her shoulder. Riri stood a few feet away fiddling with her hands keeping her gaze on the floor.
"Now might not be the best time" Ayo whispered.
"Its now or ever I leave now my father will not permit my return. He has his ways of keeping me locked up." You whispered back stepping forward. Ayo shot you a look picking up on the subtle hint of distress in your confession. There was a story behind your words.
"Princess Shuri" You called out her name softly trying carefully not to shock her too much.
She pulled away from Nakia as all of their heads snapped in your direction. Okoye moved to stand in front of the Princess protectively knowing that even without a spear. She was still one of Wakanda's best warriors. Riri scrambled backward and inched her over to stand beside Shuri who was on her feet. Ayo took stance in front of you with a single hand raised. Nakia did the same placing herself in front of Okoye and Shuri.
The woman with beautiful locs that were a deep red color pulled back pointed the long gun at the Talokanil woman. Who had Shuri by the shoulder with a blade to her throat. The mysterious stranger and the Princess spoke their mother tongue. But before she could fire off a shot you walked into the room with calm pace. Holding out either of your arms to ward both your solider and the woman.
"Lower your weapon and I will order her to stand down" You reasoned.
She looked at you a bit unsure. "Who are you?"
"Y/N Princess of Talokan daughter of Namor" You answered not missing the look exchanged between her and Shuri. "Obviously neither of you were aware of my existence until now. But that hardly matters your Queen knows me and delivered me back home. I owe her a great debt so I will allow the Princess and the young girl to leave with you without a fight. All I ask is that you lower the weapon."
"Princess" the soldier called out in a worried voice.
"Let her go you will be fine I promise I will not let death befall you" You swore turning to her. She gave you a slow nod and released Shuri before taking a step back.
The woman slowly pointed her gun at the cave floor. She motioned for Shuri and Riri to come to her keeping her eyes trained on you.
You let both of them pass by you without lifting a finger or a word.
"Thank you" Shuri said as the woman yanked on her hand.
"You're welcome I will do my best to keep my father at bay" You replied waving goodbye.
Nakia didn't know why you were here, and while she couldn't be sure this wasn't a trap. That action right now made her want to give you the benefit of the doubt. "Let's all just relax."
"You told me you would keep him under control y/n what happened?" Shuri demanded. Her voice distraught filled with pain.
You opened your mouth but no words came out.
"You let him kill her my mother is gone because you failed." She continued pushing past Okoye only to be held back by Nakia.
"Get her out of here" Okoye ordered.
It would seem positions didn't matter as Ayo turned to grip you by the arms pushing you away. "Let's go."
"No just let me try." You stood your ground planting your feet, and your body didn't budge another inch.
"Take her to a cell Ayo" Shuri ordered. A venom in her voice now replacing the pain.
You cursed in your language under your breath running a hand through your hair. You knew this outcome was a possibility, but was hoping it wouldn't come true.
"Shuri you act with haste without thinking maybe we sh-" Nakia began, but was silenced with a glare.
"She is Namor's daughter and his only blood. My mother was the only family I had left in the world. She is lucky I don't order her death right where she stands. After what her father did."
"No child should pay for the sins of their parent" Nakia told her.
"Killmonger did" she shot back.
"He paid for your father's sins as did T'Challa look how all that played out sister." Nakia continued to push.
"Stop defending her" Shuri shouted breaking free of her grip. "General I told you to take her away."
The use of her positional name got her attention, and the warrior shot you an apologetic look. You nodded and turned around letting her lead you with a hand on the small of your back.
Two Days Later
You lost track of time laying down on the cot provided to you in the decent size cell. There was no windows in the room letting you know when day came and night passed. But at least you were comfortable and somewhat fed thanks to Ayo and surprisingly Nakia. Both brought you food leaving it outside the bars.
Your father had to be worrying himself to death by now, and it was a miracle he hadn't come for you yet. Which meant your plan to throw him off your real location worked. You asked one of the few guards truly loyal to you more than your father to lie, and tell him you ran away to one of the old kingdoms. There a great deal of them spread across the oceans from all the times Talokan had to be moved in order to avoid discovery by humans. Some were still in great condition and was actually fun to return to. While others that weren't built by vibranium had succumbed to the nature of the water.
You would journey to them often just to reminisce the past. Namor hated it whenever you did disappear on your little adventures.
The main entrance door opened and the last person you expected to visit you walked through it. Riri Williams.
"Did you come here to gloat?" You asked sitting up with your back against the wall.
Riri shook her head holding up something in her hand that you couldn't really make out. While the cell wasn't completely shrouded in darkness. It lacked a significant lighting source. "I brought you some snacks the best on Earth if you ask me." Riri stopped at your cell and took a seat on the floor. She pushed some items towards you the paper crinkling, but you made no move to get it.
"You know I actually did feel sorry for you at first but then I thought about it." Riri began opening a candy bar of her own.
"And" you said in a lazy voice.
"I just thought what dumbass would walk straight into enemy territory trying to negotiate. After her father killed the leader right in front of her daughter and closest friends. I mean I know not everyone is as smart as me but I just thought it would be common sense to anyone to steer clear. After something like that like do your people not believe in that or something. I'm serious did daddy not give you the political breakdown of war."
You couldn't help but burst out into laughter at her ramblings. It should have offended you to some degree, but the face that you and her thought the same thing of. Your reckless actions amused more than anything, and you needed a good laugh. Eventually when your laughter died down you crawled forward to take the strange snacks. "You know what if this is poison I don't think I mind at all."
Riri grinned. "Its chocolate and chips not poison well how do you feel about calories?"
"I love them" you replied eyeing the substance covered in dark brown wrapping with the word Hershey's on it. The name tugged at a long forgotten memory in the pit of your brain. "I think I had this before."
The young scientist raised an eyebrow at that ready to question you. When the door opened again but this time it was Shuri in a Black Panther Suit.
One look was all that the young girl needed to get the memo. She got up with a small wave and left the two of alone.
"No handcuffs" Shuri mused.
"I would've broken them" you told her breaking off a piece of the chocolate bar. You let it the sweet flavor of the candy coat your tastebuds melting on your tongue.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you?" Shuri demanded.
Her question didn't faze you in the slightest. "Because you need me Princess."
"I figured out your father's weakness on my own I have no use of you" she said shrugging her shoulders.
"You shouldn't go down this path Princess it won't do you any good in the long run."
"Oh please" Shuri scoffed with a look of disdain. "How would you know?"
You got to your feet and walked to the front of your cell placing both hands on the cell bars. Leaning your head forward to look her in the eyes. "My father didn't always hate humans you know. My mother was one."
The bomb you just dropped on her made her trip over her own feet despite her new abilities. She shook her head in disbelief. "No Namor said his name stood for no love because he has no love for the surface world. Your father hates all humans you're lying."
"No I'm not I just take more after him than her. He always said it was the effect of moving underwater and drinking whatever concoction his advisor whipped up for me. A very long time ago my father fell in love with a human woman, and they had me. She opened his eyes to the beauty the surface world had to offer. Before my father was only indifferent to humans and knew it was crucial that the governments never discovered our existence. But my mother was slowly changing his perspective."
Shuri was a bit interested in the story even if she wasn't sure if she believed it or not. "Go on what changed."
"My mother was murdered." You told her in a monotone voice.
Her eyes widened and for the first time Shuri regarded you with sympathy.
"I was only a toddler when it happened. I don't remember how it happened or much about my mother till this day. Namora had to tell me the story because my father refuses to speak of it. Men raided the village my mom lived in on this island near Talokan at the time. She was running with me tucked to her chest, trying to make it to the ocean. Some of my people believed she prayed to my 6 he heard it, but she was struck down with two bullets right as she reached the shore. Dad arrived a few seconds short of being able to save her, and he watched as the love of his life died in a pool of blood. Cradling his child in her arms that were reached out towards the water like a desperate plea. That was the day the man, without love, was born."
"How long ago was this?" Shuri asked in a hazy voice as she tried to process your entire story.
You gave your shoulders a small shrug. "I can't really remember Princess."
"How old are you?"
"Not as old as you think but not as young as I look" You answered.
"Can't you give me a real answer?" She asked in exasperation. "Look I'm sorry about your mother but that doesn't excuse your father's actions."
"I never say it did I was just pointing out how he let the decision of a few bad men influence his whole view on the entire world. The surface world doesn't deserve my father's rage, as my people nor do I deserve yours. But if you can't see that because you're blinded by rage. Nothing I say will convince you to spare me Princess Shuri." You explained leaning backward for a second.
"But Namor doesn't" she declared angrily.
"I never said he didn't now did I?" You shot back.
"You wouldn't seek out revenge if I killed your father" she chuckled in disbelief.
You fixed her with a hard look before answering. "I watched as vengeance consumed my father and turned him into a man I can hardly love sometimes. I watch now as it consumes you and makes you act with such haste not considering your very own people. The ones you wanted so badly to protect when you visited Talokan and tried to reason with my father. Do you really think I would be foolish enough to let it do the same to me?
Shuri knew you were making good points but could hardly fathom the idea of. You not trying to kill her if she took Namor away from you. "You have no love for him."
"He is the most precious person to me in this entire world, but not more so than my people who I swore to protect and care for. Talokan would fall without a true leader" You reminded her.
"They would seek out war as well" she argued.
"Not all of them nations aren't just made up of people but civilians who can't fight as well. Some of the army will stay loyal to me, but yes others would seek out vengeance."
Shuri took a deep breath turning her back to you as she contemplated everything you had said. Wakanda's armies were ready to go at sunrise to put the plan in motion. But she had to figure out what to with you first. Nakia pushed her too hear your proposition at least. And now she was regretting it as you made her question all of her decisions.
"Princess I only want peace that's all I ever wanted" You whispered knowing she would hear you.
"I use to want that" she murmured blinking away tears.
"Come here" you called out to her softly.
You wasn't sure if she was going to listen but curiosity won out, and indeed she walked forward to the cell bars. There was about an inch of space between your bodies. Your hand reached through the bars and rested on her chest palm forward over her beating heart.
Shuri looked up not pulling away from the contact instead she locked eyes with you. An overwhelming feeling of warmth invaded her body betraying the storm trying to continue to rage. As your eyes bored into hers breaking through her defenses.
"Deep down past all the steel walls you built after losing your brother and mother. Past all the hatred you harbor for the world and my father. You still want peace Shuri I know you do sometimes when my father looks at the only picture of my mother in his possession. I see the man he was before the world took his love away from him. A man I never met but I know exists inside of him somewhere. The same way I'm seeing the person you were before the world turned against you as well. She is happy, kind, has the most beautiful smile in the world, and wants to help people in her own way."
Shuri took a step back with tears falling from her eyes at the way you spoke so softly. She wasn't going to let you take this away from her. "I will release you and allow you to provide us with aide. But you will not interfere with my fight with Namor understood?"
You nodded with a saddened look. "You and my father must find your own way back. If one or both of you die. I will mourn but I will not seek vengeance."
Shuri moved forward to slip the key in and open your cell door. You took a step out and began to follow her back into the palace.
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salemshotspot · 4 months
Shawn Michaels x Reader
DESC: Shawn punishes his partner
Gender Neutral Reader [They/Them]
WARNINGS: Implied Smut//Spanking//Shouting//Not Proof Read//I Think There’s A Swear Word But I Can’t Remember//Degrading [The Word Brat]
TAGS: @azeliashorridstuff902 @simpin4pixels
Ever since y/n and Shawn met, Shawn had the more dominant energy of the two; in every aspect of his life he was always confident and found pleasure in taking charge, which is why it didn’t surprise y/n when Shawn wanted to introduce ‘unconventional’ practices into their relationship. Shawn has always believed in strict discipline in order to ensure continued good behaviour which is why Shawn has took it upon himself to ensure that his lovely y/n gets the disciplining they need when they break a rule which Shawn has only put in place ‘with their best interest at heart.’
A recent rule which Shawn had put in place for y/n was they had to cut down on the amount of energy drinks they have because quite frankly it was becoming a problem; Thursday had rolled around and y/n had already had their weekly allowance of energy drinks and they were craving another one, one more couldn’t hurt right? It was a victimless crime as Shawn was going to be out later than usual as he had a meeting at work. This was enough to convince y/n to go over to the fridge and grab their favourite energy drink before taking it back over the to couch to continue watching whatever happened to be on.
‘This is nice’ y/n thought to themself, but of course nothing nice lasts forever, they were about half way through their drink when they heard the sound of a key being inserted into the front door echo through the house and before they could even think about trying to hide their drink they heard Shawn’s voice excitedly shout throughout the house.
‘Y/n I’m home, the meeting didn’t run over for as long as I thought-‘
Shawn stopped in the door way and furrowed his eyebrows at his partner as his eyes darted between the can set on the table, seemingly sweating from the condensation dripping down the side of the can, and his partner who seemed to be mimicking the can with a bead of sweat trickling down the side of their head.
As y/n grabbed for the can in an attempt to hide what Shawn had already seen, he stepped further into the room and, in an assertive tone, Shawn said to y/n ‘don’t bother.’
Shawn was willing to overlook this misdemeanour on account of the fact that he had a more than fine day at work and he knows everybody makes mistakes; he was ready to completely ignore y/n's disobedience in favour of a simple conversation.
‘Y/n’ Shawn started, ‘we need to talk about you and your disobedience’ he continued.
However Shawn’s problem of constantly appearing angry and disappointed mixed with y/n’s pride was never going to be ideal. Y/n felt a combination of both embarrassment and guilt from betraying and being caught by Shawn caused them to immediately grow defensive.
‘I’m an adult Shawn I can make my own decisions’ they snapped back at the older man, causing him to accusingly raise an eyebrow at his partner.
In a voice more dominant than a moment earlier Shawn replies ‘watch your tone y/n and remember who-‘ Shawn couldn’t even finish his sentence before y/n abruptly stood up and practically shouted ‘I’m not a child Shawn.'
With that y/n stormed into their shared bedroom and locked the door to hide the shame they felt, y/n was overcome with immense shame, they don’t know why they shouted at their boyfriend but they were too embarrassed to apologise to Shawn right now, they just needed some time alone.
‘Brat’ Shawn muttered to himself before sighing in both confusion and worry about their partner before attempting to open the bedroom door.
Shawn loudly knocked on the bedroom door and began speaking once again; ‘y/n you’re going to open this door now’ waiting for his partner to do as he says, however upon hearing no response his demeanour changed, it softened for a brief moment.
‘..baby’ he began. L
Before Shawn could continue y/n reluctantly opened the door, shrinking away from the older man, feeling guilty. Relieved they were ok, Shawn gently pulled them closer and placed a gentle kiss on their head, before relief could wash over y/n, Shawn stated in a low register.
‘Somebody’s attitude is in need of fixing isn’t it sweetheart?’ causing y/n to frown.
Shawn smirks; ‘don’t get shy on me now darlin’ that won’t work on me’ before leading them over to the couch and sitting down, leaving y/n stood anxiously before him.
Y/n knew what was coming, that didn’t stop their eyes widening in fear and it certainly didn’t stop them from biting their lip in anticipation as Shawn beckoned for them to lay their frame over his unnervingly inviting lap.
Once y/n had lay on Shawn’s lap he grabbed their hands and stretched them out in front of his partner before taunting ‘are you going to behave and keep those arms there like a good brat hm?’ to which y/n shyly nod, causing Shawn to smirk.
Shawn gently rubbed his hand down his partner’s back until he reached their coveted ass, to which he raised an eyebrow before, admittedly roughly, ripping the fabric, causing y/n to whimper as their bare behind was exposed to the cold air.
Shawn made a mental note to buy his partner some new pants before smugly mocking their reaction to the swift temperature change; ‘are you cold brat? Well let me warm you up.’ Shawn announces before striking their left cheek, causing y/n to wince from the sensation of shock and pain, causing their hands to desperately grab at the couch cushion.
Striking the same spot again, Shawn’s voice bellows across the house ‘you know what you did to deserve this punishment don’t you.’ Y/n took too long to answer, prompting Shawn to strike the untouched cheek hard.
‘A-ahh’ y/n whined loudly 'yes Shawn.’
Shawn swiftly lowered his head to his partner’s ear ‘use your words brat and this time use my name’ he spat the words down their ear canal.
Already throbbing from their punishment, y/n didn’t want to provoke Shawn to upgrade his punishment ‘I’m sorry sir’ they started ‘i’m sorry I disobeyed you.’
As y/n spoke Shawn gently rubbed their throbbing right cheek only to strike it once they stopped speaking.
‘What else’ Shawn barked.
Upon feeling Shawn’s usually gentle hand assault their cheek y/n instinctively attempted to crawl off of Shawn’s lap only for Shawn to grab their legs to hold them in place, striking them again to punish their Insubordination.
‘Don’t you dare brat.’
Whimpering at the sensation y/n continued ‘..and I’m sorry I gave you attitude, I was just upset I upset you’ they said in a whisper.
This revelation caused Shawn’s heart to momentarily sink, he hated seeing them upset but he couldn’t back out of the punishment now. His demeanour once again momentarily softened ‘good baby we’re nearly done, for each energy drink you’ve had this week, each cheek gets a spank.’
Y/n nodded defeatedly and braced for impact before Shawn continued.
‘Count out loud for me brat, I want to hear you learn your lesson’ Shawn says as he brings his hand down to y/n’s left cheek.
‘One’ they choke out.
With the same force Shawn smacks his hand down; ‘two’ y/n says in a tearful whisper.
‘Three’ y/n yelps as Shawn relentlessly uses his hand to make their cheeks glow.
‘F-four’ y/n cries.
‘Five’ they say with a gulp before Shawn moves over to the right cheek.
‘You’re doing so good for me baby, you’re nearly there’ Shawn says, his breathe hot on y/n’s ear.
Y/n blushes, the prospect of their punishment nearly being over mixed with the pain turning to pleasure causes them to forget to continue counting for Shawn.
‘Don’t make me change my mind y/n I can start again without a blink of the eye.
‘S-sorry sir, one’ they practically shout, causing Shawn to smirk at their desperation.
Another strike to the raw cheek has y/n crying, ‘two’ they whimper.
Shawn decides to pick up the pace, the next two strikes coming in quick succession; ‘thre- four.’
Biting his lip at the sight of his whimpering partner’s raw, inviting ass, Shawn strikes them for a final time, through hitched breathe they cry out ‘five.’
With the final strike, Shawn delicately pulls his partner up to sit them on his knee, the feeling of their their throbbing behind coming in contact with Shawn’s knee causing them to yelp and Shawn to softly chuckle.
Upon feeling pain surge through them y/n instinctively buries their face into the crook Shawn's neck, desperately seeking comfort. Shawn pulls them closer and whispers into their ear ‘I hate having to hurt you sweetheart, why don’t you let me make it up to you baby, don’t think I didn’t notice the heat growing between your legs as I smacked it into my thigh.’
Y/n blushed burying their face further into Shawn’s neck, they nodded at his suggestion and softly spoke against his neck.
‘My heartbreak kid.’
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platonicallylovesick · 3 months
Let just say, Katsuki's mother is my BIGGEST op
I mean like.. Endeavor too. Obviously the shit he did was WAYYY worse, but at least Shoto had a good role model too, his mom, and so Endeavor didn't completely get to him.
Besides, you're SUPPOSED to take the abuse seriously in Shoto's backstory, Katsuki's abuse gives me the sickening sinking feeling that its supposed to come off as a joke. Maybe it would for people who haven't lived through similar shit. But I just felt angry and a little sick through the whole thing.
cw for the actual abuse being talked about and shown under the cut
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First of all, she casually hits him. Its the first thing we see her do. Its HARD, not a light smack at all, and she doesnt even fucking blink. She does it with a smile, she does it while cheerfully talking about how much she wants him out of her house and into a dorm room.
He responds as anyone raised in a volatile household would, and yells back at her. "You hag! Hit me again and I'll kill you!" To which she hits him again, visually and AUDIBLY harder than the last time.
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This time she throws in that he was so weak he got caught. Found out where his obsession with being the strongest came from. I actually clocked him for this a long time ago. When I started the show I assumed his father beat him for being "too weak" and "not enough of a man" and that his mother was an alcoholic. Turns out his mother is the physically abusive one that thinks he's too weak, and his father is a pathetic coward of a man, since he mostly just stands by. Obviously he's also being abused, but he's the adult in the situation, its disgusting that he just stands by and lets his child get hit.
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What's important to me here though is that he stops fighting back, he leans away from her and puts his arms up defensively. We've literally never seen him actually take any real defensive stance at all any other time in the show. Not when he was being suffocated by the sludge monster in episode one, not a single time when he was fighting All Might, not when he was kidnapped and surrounded by villains. But when his mother hit him and yelled at him, he pulled back.
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Then there's this shot, where Kasuki's mother has him by the cheeks and he's trying to get her hands off of him. The father stands by and addresses the teachers instead.
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She hits him again, and then holds his head down while turning to tell the teachers that she would be grateful to have him out of the house and in a dorm instead. "People are always fawning over him whether he deserved it or not." Emphasis on the not.
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Absolutely disgusting how she demonstrates why he ended up the way he did while blaming it on him getting undeserved praise from his peers. Listen, could this line be referring to how she developed a more physical approach to interacting with him AFTER he developed an explosive personality? I mean I guess its possible, I know of cases where that's happened, where the mother has to get on her unruly son's level. But that's usually because the child learned the behavior from outside influences, like running in bad circles at school, doing drugs, gang activity, ect. That's Not what we see happening here, being told your Quirk is pretty cool by your friends on the playground and being admired by your peers doesn't instill such hatred in a person. Abuse does. Especially since he was a good kid, he didnt just throw his weight around, he stood up for his friends against older kids, we see it in a flashback scene in season 2. He only became angry at Midoriya specifically when he tried to help him up out of the river, which got him so angry because of values INSTILLED IN HIM BY HIS ABUSIVE MOTHER. He internalized the idea that Midoriya thought he was pathetic and useless and weak because he must be if a Qurkless kid thought he needed help. That's not something a 6 year old just assumes, that's something that's already been beat into him by his mother.
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This part hit me in the feels. He walks outside for just a few moments to ask All Might what Deku is to him, since he's observed a lot of the direct mentoring All Might's been giving him. For once he doesn't yell or threaten or anything, he's very uncharacteristically quiet. His mother yells at him from inside the house that the police told him not to go wandering off alone, and after a minute he turns to go back inside. "Yeah sure. If you don't want to tell me, that's fine. Oh and, thank you." Before getting yelled at again on his way inside. Thanks for coming to have him moved into a dorm, and out of that household.
I didn't really like Bakugo so much before this episode, at least in the beginning I thought he seriously needed to chill out and thought that he was just written like that for the sole purpose of having a loud and explosive bully for Midoriya to rise up against as the main character. I had looked at a few reddit posts that came up for the search "Why is Bakugo like that" and also asked my sister (who frankly turned out to have an awful memory, since her reasoning was that she was pretty sure his father had gone to get milk, so to speak) and nowhere did I find mention of him literally being abused, or even being in a toxic and dysfunctional household. The only deeper meaning for his character that I could find was that he felt pressured to live up to this image of himself that everyone else had, the aforementioned "Everyone thinks my Quirk is cool and that I'm destined to be a hero, so I HAVE to be the strongest and I HAVE to be the coolest, otherwise I'm absolutely nothing." But again, that's not really the full story since we see his mother reinforce the same message with a side of physical abuse. I mostly joked about the "I bet your father beats you and your mother's a drunk" shit before because I really didn't think they'd have actually written it in. Now I highkey feel bad.
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Please enjoy this bonus paragraph about how Bakugo being so independent kinda made me think. Now im going to go and lose my mind over more of this show see ya
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radiant-reid · 2 years
ohmygod cate!! okay so ive been thinking, could u pLEASE do a blurb or a oneshot with an angry love confession? i live for that trope and like imagine the reader puts herself in danger for spencer and then he acts all petty and rude the whole day and then reader is completely done w his shit and then they have an argument and BAM
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okay so this is incredibly cliche but i love this concept and UnitChief!Reid
He's not talking to you in the car, and you're terrified about what it means. What he is doing is gripping the wheel tight enough to turn his knuckles white and his jaw clenched in a way that's somehow attractive and scary.
It was hard enough to get on the team, let alone be in law enforcement as a woman, and you get hit with the need to say something and defend your actions. "Spencer, I-"
He doesn't let you get a word in. "No." He cuts you off in his authoritative tone. "Don't even bother trying to justify your actions with a weak apology."
Ouch. You expected him to be harsh, but that was mean. Even though he's your boss, you still consider him a friend.
So you sit in silence. No music and not even the humming of the air conditioning. It's a strategy, you assume, probably why he insisted on only you going with him in the SUV.
You have to shove the feeling of dread in your stomach down when you get to the hotel and out of the car. He still takes your bag out of the trunk with his because he always does, but he's furious, barley looking at you.
You're fucked, truly fucked, and able to do nothing but dwell on your behavior in the elevator.
Instead of handing you your bag at your door and calling it a night so you can go and cry, he walks in behind you like it's his room.
He almost caves when he sees the tears in your eyes because he knew from the day he met you he never wanted to see you crying, but then he remembers the feeling of his stomach dropping in his chest when you ran in there and he's the fear shifts to fury.
"So?" He asks, staring flatly at you.
You don't really have a right to be, but you're mad. "You're ready to let me talk now?"
"Don't be insolent." He demands.
You huff out a dry, insincere laugh as you cross your arms across your chest defensively. "You're not my mom, you can't tell me how to act."
"I am your boss." He reminds you. "And I will not tolerate behavior like that on my team."
"What? You don't want agents that will do the right thing?" You keep pushing the boundary instead of backing down.
He raises his eyebrows like he's unsure if you're serious. "I'd rather agents that listen to my direct instructions."
"Maybe I should transfer then." You offer, although there's no chance you will. You love everything about the BAU, expect Spencer being mad at you.
"Okay. Have the paper on my desk on Monday and you can be gone on Tuesday." He snaps coldly before he can think it through.
You throw your hands up in the air in frustration. "Fine! I will. It's not like you care about what I think."
"Don't start with that." He warns, genuinely hurting you feel like that. But he's not in the mood to talk it out with you, instead, his anger flows out. "You're listened to equally!" You've never heard him yell like that before and it's so unnatural it's uncomfortable.
"Not my take-down ideas." You remind him like he could forget the past hour.
He huffs loudly. "Not when they're stupid and nearly get you killed!"
You seriously do not understand it. You've seen other members of the team do it, and it seems like bullshit that you're being treated like a child.
"Everyone else has done it!" You shout back, blood pumping through your veins.
"I don't love them the way I love you! And I can't even tell you that because I'm your boss! So when you do stupid shit like trying to get yourself blown up, I'm going to be angry!." He reveals before he can stop it, not taking a breath. He cannot have that happen again.
His hand comes to cover his mouth when your eyes widen. Your brain is racing and you're so confused. "Fuck, Y/n, I'm so sorry." He quickly tries to save face, hoping you'll let it slide, even though he's not an idiot and he doesn't believe that. He's already preparing for the meeting with Barnes who will be even more pissed than he was.
Then it's all quiet.
Your heart stops beating in your chest for a second before racing even faster, but with a different emotion. "What?" You ask, voice cracking and so much fainter than before.
He folds, immediately. Seeing you cry feels worse than being scared for your safety. His embarrassment is genuine and he talks. "I shouldn't have said that and I should have yelled at you. I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable." You don't say anything while you process it, but he takes that as his answer. "I'll go."
Before he can slip passed you, you reach out to grab his hand, stopping him before squeezing it. "I love you too." You tell him truthfully.
"You really don't have to say that." He assures you, still in shame of what he did.
"Spencer Reid, I love you." You repeat, catching the smile he knows is too inappropriate to fully show. "And I hate you being mad at me." You're close to tears thinking about just a few minutes ago.
"I hated you being in danger." He admits. "And I'm really sorry for yelling at you."
You shake your head, unable to imagine how horrible you'd feel if he did something similar. "I'm really sorry for doing something dumb."
"Please don't cry." He begs, pulling you into his chest in a hug that you definitely need.
You do cry against his shirt, but they're not sad tears.
"Hey." He says when you pull away after an entire minute of hugging and he cups your cheeks. "I thought I told you not to cry."
"I'm not very good at listening to you, though." You joke, earning a chuckle from him that makes you smile. "Are we good?"
"Yes." He assures you. "But you should get some sleep."
You nod before realizing what that means. "No, stay with me, please."
"It would be my pleasure." He agrees easily, omitting saying, I've been dreaming about it for months.
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zarcsobsession · 11 months
Leon Headcanon
These things came to me while chatting with @coffeebrownn ! I only ask one thing! If you don't like how I see the character, please leave! don't comment with hate and other nonsense just because it's not the way you want it! Thank you! If this behavior continues, I will have no qualms about blocking anyone! ______________________________________________________________
-Its "origins" are all Italian 100%, but when he was a small child he was kidnapped, by people who wanted money from his parents. By these people it was moved to different countries, until it arrived in America! where his "parents" changed his name and surname so as not to be chased back, suffering something like Stockholm syndrome towards his kidnappers, starting to call them parents and thinking that they are his real family, he doesn't remember the real one , and no longer cares about them, if anyone ever discovers the truth.
Leon is an excellent cook, who is interested in cooking and knows how to cook a really good Italian dish, if he is not drunk and has nothing to do, he could spend whole days on the sofa scrolling through videos of recipes and how to make them. - he has always been a motorbike enthusiast, but he had never had the funds to fix them up, or buy one of his own... if you remember the motorbike from the Vengeance film, great! know that it is in one of his garages to be fixed and refurbished, he felt guilty when he literally threw it at Arias and zombies in general.
Leon owns several houses spread across America! Many are completely empty, and unusable. The house he uses the most is in Alaska! and it's a gift from President Graham, to thank him for bringing his daughter back safely! it is one of those villas that on the outside you wouldn't give it a cent, but on the inside it leaves you stunned, with a modern design, but always taking into account the place where they are located, therefore using original materials, such as wooden parts etc.
Leon remained friends with Ashley! Often if she feels like talking about letting off steam etc, Leon will offer to listen and support her, when he's not in the middle of a mission.
Leon suffers from depression and alcoholism! Chris is there to help him take all his medications and get him to stop drinking!
When he returned from Spain the government forced him to take other medicines, such as suppressants and hormones, due to pieces of plaga left in his body from Luis's machines.
Because of these drugs, Leon trains a lot in the gym to stay in normal shape, without pumping himself up too much, becoming Ethan's training tutor for a short time.
Ever since he returned from Spain, Leon began to have a greater interest in sweet foods, when he was in company with others, he often stole Rebecca's coffee and drank it without being noticed, he was always ashamed of this thing which left him the plague.
If alcohol makes him irritable and angry, and on missions he seems to joke about everything, Leon's true character is a quiet boy, who listens, taciturn, but always ready to support those in need. He uses the jokes and pranks during the mission as a defensive weapon for his psyche. - He's not attracted to sex! but only sentimentally!
Owns a Maine coon cat! a gift from Claire when they met again, and as a joke she gave him the name Albert Whiskers (sorry but I love this idea too much and I want to have a cat with that name too). also owns a dog, named Luis in his honor.
He remembers every date when people dear to him died, often taking days off work to go to their graves to put new flowers and talk to them for a while.
After he argued with Claire, Leon felt guilty for not telling him the truth, and that he did it to protect her, he still regrets the fight, and often when he is sad, his mind takes him back there.
He has a strange relationship with Chris and Ethan! Chris and Ethan are a couple (now it's canon for me!), Leon is also in this relationship, Chris being the one who has to take care of him and remind him of his medicines (Ethan once he saw the medicine cabinet of Leon made a joke like: "but are they in a pharmacy or in a bathroom?!", to help him with his alcohol addiction. Leon is not interested in them in a sexual way! Except that he gets along well with them and is afraid of losing them.
He always sleeps with a duvet or two, lots of pillows, and if he's hot he turns on the air conditioning, but he will never remove the duvets from his bed.
Minimalist in home decorations, meticulous in cleaning weapons! He has a room with all the weapons he found in his adventures, and he takes Krauser's knife and Luis's red nine into great consideration.
He's fucking pissed at Ada, ever since he discovered that the mercenary, sold his favorite sheep's coat to the merchant, Leon loved that coat and it was his favorite!
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hughiecampbelle · 1 year
Succession Preference: Giving Them The Silent Treatment
Requested: hi hi! I've been loving succession, I think Tom and Kendall are my favorite characters <3 Could I request a preference for the siblings (+ Tom or Greg if you're comfortable, totally understand if you don't wanna add them) making it up to their S/O after an argument? Maybe their S/O has given them the silent treatment and they wanna fix things?? Or something like that, it's totally up to you <3 - @meltingsandwhich
A/N: Shai!!!! I love this idea!!!! Thank you for requesting!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
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Connor would want to rip his hair out. The thought of you being angry and hurt enough to give him the silent treatment kills him. Forgotten and ignored as a child, the silent treatment doesn't sit well with him. It reminds him too much of his father, ripping open old wounds. He gives you the space you need, but eventually it becomes too much. He has to talk to you and he needs you to talk to him, to acknowledge him. He apologizes profusely, desperately, the people pleaser in him coming to life. You're still upset, but you realize immediately what you've done. You did what Logan has been doing to him his entire life. You apologize, too, putting into words why you were so upset. Your relationship isn't perfect, especially after a fight, but you know you cannot do that to him again. You have to talk it out, you have to address things, you have to break the cycle. Connor is more than happy to do so, hating the long stretch of silence.
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Kendall, I think, would be just as petty at first. When you stare at him, mouth closed, anger radiating out of you, he realizes what you're doing and tries to beat you at your own game. He can only last a few minutes before his own insecurities devour him. Why aren't you talking to him? Is it over? Did one fight murder your whole relationship? He can't listen to the quiet anymore, finding any way to fill it. He screams and yells and begs, but you're stubborn. One too many times he has broken his promise to you, he has broken your heart. As far as you're concerned he deserves to suffer. You want him to. Not forever, not forever, but in this moment? It's all you want. He kicks furniture and makes a mess, yelling, angry, hurt. You can't keep it in anymore and you stat yelling, crying, telling him all your pain. Everything he's put you through. He promises to do better, to be better, that this will never happen again. You're not sure if you believe him. You're not sure you'll ever believe him again.
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Shiv sorta pretends nothing happened. She asks you if you want to order in for dinner after a few days of not speaking. You can't believe it. It makes you even angrier, causing you to give her the silent treatment. By not speaking, you're forcing her to address it. You just stare at her as she goes through the drawer of menus. What? Are you seriously still mad? This frustrates her, causing her to become defensive. You're being irrational. You're being insecure. Funny, you say, you're starting to sound like your father. That hits hard. The fights you have are volatile and downright cruel. Afterwards you have to nurse your wounds, you take a few days, before going to one another. There isn't necessarily an apology spoken from either of you, but it's as close as you're going to get. You go back to normal after that. You're sure one of your fights will be the downfall of your relationship one day, but that day isn't this one. You know Shiv doesn't mean it, and neither do you, it's just the kind of thing you were raised to do: go for the throat.
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Roman feels incredibly anxious when you give him the silent treatment. He can't stand it. He tries to fill the silence with jokes, but it doesn't work. His one defense mechanism isn't working nor is it appropriate. When is it ever? You break him down with your blank stare. He feels jittery and nervous and nauseous. Finally, he asks you what's wrong. Is this about our fight? Fuckin- seriously? He can't believe you're still upset. Of course I am, you say. He senses your frustration and he braces for the worst, flinching when you step closer. You explain to him, yet again, that though you're upset, you would never dare hurt him. He kinda wishes you would, at least then it would be all over and you wouldn't have to talk about it. You don't care that it makes him uncomfortable, you don't care if he squirms the whole time, you are going to address what's wrong in your relationship. He's not sure where to start, relying on you. You make up by talking it out in a serious manner, so that he understands.
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Bonus! Tom is a big gift giver after an argument. Though he didn't grow up with money, he's quickly learned that if you throw enough of it at a problem, it'll go away. He knows you typically get quiet after a fight so he lets you be. In the morning he'll have something expensive and thoughtless wrapped up in a bow. You've learned that there's typically a double meaning to what he gets you and it often leaves you more hurt than you already were. You don't want something that cost a lot of money, you don't want something wrapped in a bow, presented to you like it's a million fucking dollars, you want him to change. You want to stop having the same arguments over and over again because, though he promises you he'll be better, he never is. That's what you want. You know if you said this though, it would fly right over his head. He doesn't want to change. He likes himself just the way he is. That's what you can't stand, that's why you go silent.
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Bonus! Greg is pretty much oblivious to your silent treatment. He thinks, after your fight, which is less of a fight and more like a tense conversation when it comes to Greg, that everything is cool. Everything is going to go back to normal. He comes home after work talking about how Rome punched him in the arm and he thinks he's getting somewhere with Mencken when you ignore him. Sore throat? Are you coming down with something? No Greg, you say, frustrated, you're still mad at him. Oh. He didn't think you would be. He thought you got all you needed out when you were talking to him. You have to explain that the conversation you were having was actually a fight, that he participated in it, and he said some pretty hurtful things. Oh. He apologizes, but there's always a "but" in there with an excuse. That's what you're talking about. He's learned from the best at Waystar how not to take accountability.
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pixiedoll2 · 1 month
Tw: long vent post about my relationship with my mom
This might be a mess of words or really jumbled...I just really needed to talk about this
The way I feel like I can't live without my mom ,the content fear over my mom's well being, the constant people pleasing ,it's exhausting me ....
I hate being the "helper " of the family, the peace keeper ,the glue or whatever else you want to call it . I hate feeling like the family will fall apart if I'm not around, ,I hate being my mom's therapist for her relationship to my dad ,I hate the co dependent relationship I have with my mom( the only reason i know this is becausemy therapisttold me that me and my mom werecodependent)
.... I hate the mixed signals, passive aggressiveness, the tears, the fights . the way that I feel like I constantly have to please them to feel loved and welcome. the way I always had to help when I was younger . The making me feel like I'm simultaneously keeping the family together yet tearing it apart .
the way that if I try to be my own person ( figuring out my gender identity) she will get upset and tell me I'm wrong, or if I come to her with a problem like if she said something that hurt me she will defensive and deny she ever said it /say that it didn't happen that way or if I have different views than her she will get upset and angry at me ( well both my parents will ,my dad has actually threatened to kick me out onto the street before )
The way her actions don't match her words like the way she handled my trauma with my brother ( abuser) ...she says she wants me to feel safe but will continuously let my brother back into the house or how she said that me telling my family about the abuse " is a situation that could've tore the family apart " ....yet she says that she loves me and wants me to be safe and feel happy .
I don't know I have so many confusing feelings about my family.... they hurt me but I can't live without them ...
I'm like emotionally mature but also extremely immature and dependant on my mom to make decisions about literally anything I do and constantly look for her validation and love
My dad is emotionally immature and constantly walks on eggshells around him and I constantly feel like my mom is treating me like a therapist for their relationship problems and as well telling me things about their relationship that I shouldn't let my dad know that I know because it'll make him very very mad .... basically trauma dumping to me then have me keep quiet about it
I constantly feel like a parent and helpless child all at the same time and I want to scream and cry. I want to run away and never see my parents again while also being terrified of being an adult an wanting to cling to my mom for help at all times ,for all decisions .
I don't know how to get out ... I feel like im trapped with no escape from trauma or hurt ...like I'm helpless and hopeless ....
There's other problems I deal with and other forms of trauma I've gone through that make this all the more complicated and complex but it too much to explain....this is just me venting about my parents, mostly my relationship with my mom and the "helper " label that's been put over my head since I was a little child .
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marcholasmoth · 4 months
OSRR: 3596
today was my momma's birthday! she turned 70 today.
today i ended up going with momma to walmart and getting a bunch of stuff. we walked around the store and i had an increasingly hard time walking because - you guessed it! - my heel hurt!
honestly i don't know why i don't just have it in my file to never see that doctor. she doesn't listen to me. ever. it wastes my time and money and it's fucking terrible. i practically couldn't waste that money worse than this - if i gave it to just about anyone else it'd be beneficial and not a waste! god i hate that woman. what's the point of being a doctor at all if you're not going to fucking listen to your patients???
while we were out, though, mom and i were walking along the back wall past the shoe section, and we spotted some slider sandals, the first of which that caught my eye were DBZ. my mom first saw the spongebob ones, but since i would rather have my retinas disconnect again than own spongebob merchandise, i was happy to point out the other kind i saw next to them - naruto ones.
so mom got me naruto sliders which are wicked comfy and will be great if my foot doesn't heal the way it should.
mom and i spent the afternoon watching some more episodes of the flash, before i went and made us dinner and brought it back up. we watched the end of a season of the great british baking show and then plopped the flash back on before it was time for bed.
nothing from joel today, but the man (1) needs his space and (2) usually has a game on tuesdays. i let him breathe. he lets me breathe. living together full time will be interesting, but nice - i'll get to cuddle with him and talk to him even on work nights because eventually i will be working a job with normal hours. inshallah i will get a normal hour job.
below is a bunch of stuff about my relationship with my mom. you don't need to read it if you don't want.
it was nice to just spend time with my mom without any other pressure or whatever. i think it's fun to spend time with her. she's silly. i love my mom a lot. yes our relationship at its core is complicated, and yes there are a lot of things that she's done that i resent. i won't deny that. and i know the argument of "but she's my mom" isn't always a good one because of one thing or another, depending on the situation. but even after all of that, i still love my mom. our relationship has improved since i've been out of the house more and more, and i'm confident that's why this is my perspective. but i love my mom. i like spending time with my mom. no she won't know everything unless she gets real cool with a lot of things real fast, but having a good relationship is a damn good start.
the older i've gotten the more i understand her actions, the choices she's made, the decisions she makes, the more i understand her as a person. which is nice to be able to do. understanding and relating are two different things but i can translate what she says and does into something i can understand - usually. of course the differences in communication leave her angry and me overwhelmed because she's NOT clear when she communicates and i am trying to bridge the gap she leaves, but i often do an okay job. but she has a short temper when it comes to asking questions and getting answers and then the answers i give are unsatisfactory. which is frustrating. "what do you think of _____?" if i don't say anything i am thinking??? what do you want me to do, keep useless information and analysis on file??? nah. "do you want chicken parm for dinner?" no, because i don't like chicken parm. i never have. i have been your child for 31 years. you should know that i don't like chicken parm.
so it's shit like that that drives me fucking bonkers. and if i'm short back she gets defensive which is also fucking annoying, so whatever, it is what it is. i try to control my tone as best i can. whether or not it works is a different question.
this turned into a long discussion of my mom and that's not really what i was aiming for today, but it is what it is.
in spite of all of it, i still love my mom. i'm glad she's still here to help me, when i have hard times or when i need advice. and i'm glad i can be present to temper her attitude toward others because good lord that woman is a nightmare of judging.
so i continue to keep the peace. 31-and-a-half-plus-years running.
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justalexisfine · 4 months
Hello again! Random, but, if you want, I'd like to hear you rant about something, anything you'd like. I hope that doesn't sound weird, I'm just, quite bored right now and preparing for a nap but until then I want to talk to my mutuals. /lh, nf
it doesn't sound weird, actually. /gen. plus, we kinda need to take our mind off of something right now.
so let's see, what can I rant about?
for one, that memory that I always bring up with my wolf/monster side. I can try to recall most of the details. so let's start from the beginning.
I was idly stalking the forest when I heard some sort of scream come from the north. it was the kind of shrill scream. like a child being startled by something. I'm a relatively curious creature, so I head over there to see why a scream so high-pitched had assaulted my ears (/lh). I stay in the fog, but I could see some sort of faerie. a fæ? no. it was one of those dark faeries that would use humans as muses. and apparently, the child tickled their fancy. they were terrorizing the child with various illusions of monsters and creatures of the dead. I remember feeling a bit angry, though it wasn't until the faerie advanced toward the child like it was getting ready to attack. now, I'm not a fan of trespassers (humans) in my territory, but that child was... small. small and weak. they had a soul of a gem, though. something you wouldn't find anywhere. how do I know about their soul? I vaguely remember my vision.. switching for a moment or two. the dark faerie and child were replaced with a silhouette of their figures. I couldn't see the dark faerie's soul, so they must've had it safeguarded. though, when I looked at the small child about to be attacked, I saw light. a pure soul can't be found easily, that's for sure. but here they were. so, being on a completely different level of the faerie, I stepped in front of the child and got into a defensive stance. the only way I could describe it is how a mother creature protects its young. I think I snarled at it, but I'm not sure. the faerie quickly backed off, so I turned to look at the child. curious, they were. they almost immediately calmed down when I chased the faerie away. the only thing I saw that was sitting in front of me was rare innocence. again, something that shouldn't be wasted. the child looked up at me and said something in a language I couldn't understand, but I do remember that one of the faeries said that it means, "thank you." the child's parents must've heard the scream and arrived as I was looking at the child. I quickly faded back into the forest and continued on my journey that I've taken many times before.
and that's all I really remember from that memory. of course, I can't tell whether it's made up, partially made up, or what actually happened. but I can tell you this: the child took an imprint on me, I think. I think that they're one of my successors, though I can't really tell through the haze of my mind.
also, another thing: I've been finding it a bit weird that I've taken a liking to golden wings with my star side. I've never felt a connection to golden wings in art pieces before, so why now? (/nav) it's just a little strange to me. /lh
(ack this is really long- TvT" /lh)
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loosesodamarble · 6 months
Hey it's 🖤 anon
What about 13 for Nacht an 16 ,17 and 25 for black clover
Oh 🖤 anon, you don't know what you're about to unleash upon the poor souls who come to my blog.../lh
13) Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
Unpopular opinion about Nacht, huh?
Not sure how unpopular this is/could be but I firmly believe that he never directly insulted Grey. His comment about "if you don't want to be judged for your looks, don't look the way you do" was directed at Zora and Magna, not Grey. Heck, even when you look at the original manga panel, Grey's reaction isn't to tear up or bow her head in shame. She just stares straight ahead in awkward silence because she's an awkward person and Nacht very coldly shut down her defense of her squad mates. So I even doubt the idea that she was hurt at all.
If she was upset by it, I don't think it was intentional. Grey's hang ups stem from her self-image and so a remark about appearances in general could get to her. So it could be that Nacht is guilty of upsetting Grey, but only on accident. I will forever insist that Nacht only dissed Magna and Zora's appearances (because they look like delinquents which reminds Nacht of his delinquent past which he hates), and Grey was only coincidentally hurt by his remark.
I say this as a fan of Grey myself. She is a sweetheart and I see part of myself in her. I get why people want to defend her when Nacht remarked about appearances in a response to Grey. But I don't stand by the idea that Nacht was actually talking about Grey, she just so happened to be the one to defend Magna and Zora so she got Nacht's harsh reply.
16) If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
Is it wrong of me to answer "mine and my friends' ocs are now canon to the series"? Because like... That is something I'd like to change.
Alright, I won't make that my final answer. So instead my answer is that I would change the writing/trajectory of the Silva family's arc.
Instead of Nozel treating Noelle harshly and telling her that her lack of magic control makes her weak and shameful, he treats Noelle like a fragile, helpless child. He obsesses over her safety. Nozel would've scolded Solid for bullying Noelle in childhood and snapped at anyone who dared to blame her for Acier's death. Nozel would be smothering towards Noelle. He'd insist that she not become a Magic Knight because she'd just endanger herself. But she stubbornly refuses to back down. So she still ends up with the Black Bulls because Nozel deemed it the "safest" squad as they don't get decent (a.k.a. dangerous) jobs.
Nebra and Solid's part in this is that they are no longer bullying Noelle. Seeing Nozel's protectiveness of Noelle, Nebra and Solid are scared into distancing themselves from their younger sister. Nebra in particular feels a pressure as the eldest daughter, that she's failing to be Nozel's right-hand in the family and squad. She uses illusions and dirty tactics to make up for Mist Magic's lack of raw force as she's desperate not to fall behind and become weak. Solid stills show animosity towards Noelle, but it's not blind hatred. Solid is angry that Noelle got all of Nozel's attention and he got in trouble whenever he tried to simply play with her using magic (Nozel got overprotective at times).
Noelle feels a lack of warmth from her family because she took Nozel's words very harshly. Even if he never said her weakness was shameful, he never ever suggested that she could become strong. And because Nozel is so strict with how people interact with Noelle, Nebra keeps a cordial distance while Solid always appears irritated but also scared to interact with Noelle.
This change in dynamic would seriously shake up how events play out. Like at the capital banquet, I imagine Solid's pent up anger at Noelle being Nozel's "favorite" would peek out and he'd taunt her saying "looks like you're no longer Brother's favorite if he booted you to the Bulls." Nebra would chime in with "Noelle, you really shouldn't be playing at being a Magic Knight. It's more trouble than it's worth." Solid is more blatantly antagonistic but Nebra isn't exactly being kind. Asta still stands up for Noelle and asks why Noelle own siblings aren't supporting her. Nozel would then step in to say that Noelle was never meant to be a Magic Knight (because he's scares of her being hurt) though Noelle and Asta interpret it as him saying that Noelle doesn't deserve to be a Knight (because of her weakness).
I could go on and on but I really would like to rewrite the Silvas to still be horribly dysfunctional without them being cartoonishly cruel and bullying towards Noelle.
17) Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
Instead of Yami continuing to be oblivious of Charlotte's feelings during the 15 month time skip and wait for Finral to spell it out for him, I would have made them sit down to have a chat about Charlotte's confession.
Oh wait. I DID HAVE THAT HAPPEN! I wrote a fic about it.
Char and Yami would have that convo, Yami would be aware of Charlotte's feelings and over the course of the timeskip, he'd assess his own feelings. Yami would grow to love Charlotte and he'd let her know. I think Charlotte can still be a bit flustered around Yami but not in the sense of "oh no oh no oh no! I like Yami! AAAAHHH!" More like "oh, how do I go about this flirting and dating thing?! I've been in love for so long but I don't know how to be in love!"
So instead of dragging out the YamiChar confession, I would have made Yami and Charlotte an adorably awkward, trying-to-figure-it-out couple before Lucius shows up.
25) How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
First change I make to the final arc: boot Yami from the fight with Morgen. I know he's incapacitated now but we don't know if he'll get a second wind and rejoin the fight. But screw that. Yami and Nacht already tag teamed against Lucifero. Let's freshen up the team up options. I'd still keep Ichika in the fight so she can witness two siblings at war and re-evaluate her complicated dynamic with her brother. I'd also throw in Finral and Langris because it'd be very cool for two previously troubled, now reconciled brothers to help Nacht reconcile his troubled relationship with Morgen in the midst of battle.
Second change I'd make: all the Silvas vs. Acier. Not just Noelle jumping in to 1-v-1 her momma! Nah! Get all the Silvas in there fighting as a family. Noelle can certainly take the lead with Leviathan but her elder siblings should be there to support her. Nebra can make misty illusions to hide Noelle's presence. Nozel can use his Mercury Magic to shield Noelle if she slips up. And Solid can add his Water Magic to Noelle's for some extra oomph!
And let me quickly bullet point the rest of the ending I'd like to see: -Fuegoleon achieves Spirit Dive to fight alongside Mereoleona -We see Leopold again. Tabata forgot our boy! -Jack lives. -Lucius is defeated and Julius regains his body -Morgen and Acier are un-Paladin-ified -Morgen and Acier stay alive even without Lucius in control -Julius retires as Wizard King for all the trouble he's caused -Time skip -We get snapshots of what various characters are doing --Nacht and Morgen are seen traveling the continent together (devils in tow) --Acier is happily kicking the butts of training her children. --Mereoleona has left the continent to find adventure elsewhere (and Yosuga has left his position in Hino to tag along) --several (of my personally preferred) ships are confirmed to be canon --Noelle is leading the Silver Eagles, now Silver Dragons --Leopold is head of the Crimson Lion Kings --Yuno is in Spade as heir apparent but also working on establishing a Wizard King equivalent for his nation --The elves in Elysia are open for visitors, mainly William -The final scene is of Fuegoleon, as the royal king, proudly conferring the title of Wizard King upon Asta. All his friends and allies are there to watch. And once Asta has his title confirmed, he looks to Noelle and goes "every King needs a Queen, right?" as his way of proposing and she accepts.
I like ending on the proposal because the very first scene with Asta (there's a bit of world set up before we first see Asta's face) is of a failed proposal to Sister Lily. I'm bookending (get it, cause the chapters/anime episodes are called "pages") the series with a proposal~!
... That's definitely not how Tabata ends the series. He won't make it that easy. But a girl can dream, can't she?
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
THAT is the McCall Pack we know and love!!!
EVERYONE IS OKAY!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I took a while to react, so order of events, shall we??
I mean, it means you're gonna get the really long babble about Scott and the McCall Pack first, but I DON'T CARE, because it was AMAZING!! <3
When Kira and Stiles first ran in, I was convinced that they were gonna try to hit that romantic cliche and have Kira be the one that brings him back, especially after Stiles tried and Scott immediately hit him down (which, ow, my heart).
But then, they went with platonic/familial again, and in the BEST WAY, because it was F*CKING LIAM!! (Because, don't get me wrong, I LOVED Stiles saving Scott in 3x6, and you know I always love me some Sciles, but doing that again would've been a little cliche, so to change it up like that was PERFECT! <3)
And with that AMAZING PARALLEL with that AMAZING LINE!!
"You're not a monster. You're a werewolf, like me."
Because that's his BETA. His LITTLE BROTHER. His CHILD. And he is reciting back to him the exact same thing that Scott said to him all those episodes ago.
Like, I don't think you understand how much I LOVE THAT!! There are sooooo few shows and movies out there that truly understand how important platonic relationships can be, and Teen Wolf freaking NAILS IT!!
And BECAUSE OF THAT, Scott gets out, and he immediately pegs Peter, because he just KNOWS.
And the way that Malia backs up, because if there's anything the McCall pack has taught her, it's loyalty, and THAT is a betrayal.
And everyone in the pack tries to come to his defense, to get at Peter before Peter can get at Scott (especially Kira <3), but he tells them all to back off, because this fight is between him and Peter, and they both know it.
And then the FIGHT SEQUENCE. Scott trying so desperately to pull his punches, but trying so hard to stay alive, all while Peter is telling him that if he wants to win, he's gonna have to kill him.
But he DOESN'T, because killing him would be EXACTLY what Peter has been asking for and trying to prove, and that's not who Scott is.
And he's trying, and he's losing, and then it's F*CKING LIAM AGAIN!! Liam, stepping forward because his Alpha/Big Brother/Dad is in trouble, and Peter just RIPPING ONE at him to keep him at bay.
And the way that Scott and Liam LOOK AT EACH OTHER (there are so many meaningful glances in this episode I cannot <3 <3)!!! The way Liam looks so scared, but also so clearly angry and protective, and Scott sees that, and he gets back up, with a new strategy and new determination, because this isn't just about protecting himself--it's about protecting his pack.
It's about being an Alpha.
And then he's on the defense, and he's using his wits and strategizing until he can get the upper hand, and his pack is watching him in awe and pride, because THIS IS THE SCOTT MCCALL THAT EARNED HIS TRUE ALPHA STATUS!!!
And he WINS!!
Because he's SCOTT F*CKING MCCALL!!!
And then we get that LINE!!!
"You were never an Alpha, Peter. But you were always a monster."
And then that SHOT.
The lighting, the framing, the almost holiness--
You wanna know what's so special about Scott, Kate?
F*cking THAT!!
THAT RIGHT THERE is why Scott McCall is the best, and why no one can defeat the McCall Pack.
F*cking try us.
And then there's DEREK!
Derek, who we all thought was gonna die, who somehow...evolved?? And can turn into a FULL BLOWN WOLF now. JUST LIKE HIS MOM!!
Oh man, I can't WAIT to hear more about that, because that is so cool, and Derek's whole arc this season has had so many interesting moments, and I can't wait to see where they take that next.
And then there's PETER!
Peter, who finally gets the justice he f*cking deserves.
Not death.
Not Alpha status.
F*cking prison.
With what we have now established as the worst person you would ever want to interact with in Eichen House for a cellmate.
He's not dead.
But he's gonna wish he were.
And THAT'S exactly how I like it.
F*ck you, Peter.
You f*cking deserve it.
And they did SUCH a good job of wrapping up all of the elements of Season 4 while still setting up for Season 5, and we got alllll these small little character moments and meaningful glances, and I am just HERE FOR IT!! <3 <3 <3
The Chris and Kate conversation about Allison, and what truly caused her death, and the fact that he still couldn't kill her, because it's still his sister, but he knows deep down, just like he said, that there's no more saving her.
The Chris and Scott conversation, where we find out Chris agreed to find and hunt down Kate with the Calaveras if it meant they would leave the pack alone, because he loves those kids, and he doesn't want anything to happen to them.
The little side hug and affectionate look between Scott and Kira, now that they're both finally safe and together again.
The meaningful look between Scott and Stiles, saying so much about how worried they both were, and how they know it's not the end of their struggles, but they're glad they're both okay and still here for each other, because that's what they do.
The way that Scott and Derek looked at each other in that silent conversation (also quick aside, LOVED Braeden's concern for Derek and excitement when he was alive), and with that little nod, acknowledged that they'll always have each other's backs, and they're both okay, and alive, and HERE, and they're grateful for it.
The hug between Stiles and Noah when Stiles and Malia finally make it back safely. The way Malia gets brought into the hug, even in all of her awkwardness. The fact that, as happy as Noah was to see both of them alive, he got the ultimate payback in the only way a Stilinski can by handcuffing his son to the desk. "Bring me back a slice?" XD
The fact that Kira GOT HER FIRST TAIL, and she got it from the obsidian that ultimately saved her life, and she's getting better and stronger and even more amazing by the second.
The reactions from absolutely everyone as Liam desperately tried to explain to Coach why they missed practice, with Coach not believing a single word they were saying, and Scott and Stiles dropping their heads down at the same time (I know where that gif is from now!!) because they wouldn't believe it either, but frankly, they don't have anything better.
The SMILES that Scott and Liam give each other (bonus points for Stiles's ever-present annoyance XD) when Coach tells them to make sure they look out for each other and have each other's backs, because YOU KNOW THEY DO!! ALWAYS AND FOREVER!!
And then last, but certainly not least, the fact that Lydia gave Parrish the Bestiary, and is gonna do everything she can to help him figure out what he is and what he can do.
Look. I said it before, but I am going to reiterate it.
With the writing, the storytelling, the acting, the cinematography, and just the general amazingness of that season, it is a VERY close second, and if it had just a FEW more Sciles moments that were higher on my "Best Sciles Moments” list, it would've won out as the favorite season, because holy sh*t was it AMAZING!
As terrified as I am for Season 5, because I KNOW the pack gets split up, and I DON'T WANT THAT GOSH DARNAT, I am also VERY excited to see all those little character moments and storylines and writing and acting and beautifulness develop even further--even if I have to get through a LOT of whump and angst to get there.
What a season.
What a ride.
Season 5, here we come (but...after I get some sleep lol).
As many gifs as I can fit, because there was soooo much beauty there and I want to express ALL OF IT!! <3 <3 <3 <3
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P.S. This is a super random aside, but can we just appreciate that neither Scott nor Liam has seen Star Wars?? Oh boys. I love you both so much. 😂❤️
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toaverse · 2 years
I can imagine some of Mira friends (or even Bruno to make it more satisfying) confronting Alma, Isa and Pepa being like "You call her selfish, ha! Look who are talking, the tia that was asking A CHILD to take care of a baby instead of ENJOY HER CHILDHOOD, the sister who always BULLIED and NEVER cared for her when she was in her darkest days and the abuela that only wants her back AFTER she is finally sucessful and happy. Yeah, what she did was selfish but it was for her own sake and it actually didn't hurt anybody, I mean, you are actually fine, right? You just want your poor punch bag back. If you wanna blame someone for her making the decision to leave you behind, IT'S YOU!"
Oh, yes!
Note: Mirabel is 21 when this takes place, just to be consistent with the timeline.
One day, when Mirabel and Bruno are just enjoying their weekend, the former's phone went off.
Mirabel checks to see who it was, and it is an unknown number.
Regardless, Mirabel picks up.
"Hola, Mirabel." It's her Abuela's voice... "We heard from Isabela and Dolores that you were in Bogotá two weeks ago, and-"
Mirabel's expression changes into a shocked one.
"Who is it?" Bruno asks out of curiosity.
Mirabel moves her phone away so that her Abuela doesn't hear her. "It's Abuela..."
Bruno tenses, though his expression turns to an angry one.
"Give her to me." He says, already having his hand out. He has some things to say...
Mirabel nods, and gives her phone to her Tío.
"Mirabel? Are you still here?" Bruno can hear Alma ask.
"It's Bruno." He says, a hint of fury in his tone. "Why the heck are you calling?"
"Bruno..." Alma says in a scolding tone. "Can't I check up on my Nieta?"
"You didn't treat her as such when she told you about her dreams!" Bruno can't help but yell.
"I was only helping her-"
"No! You tried to force her to study and become something she didn't want! You tried to force her to become a therapist, the family's therapist!" Bruno yells, not bothering to lower his tone. "And now you want her back to be a part of your family because she's finally successful in your eyes! Don't bullshit me, Alma!"
The matriarch didn't have a chance to answer, as another voice came to her defense.
"How dare you yell at our mamá like that!" Pepa yells in her mother's defense.
"Don't act like you're any better, Pepa!" Bruno yells. "You dumped your youngest son on a child to babysit! Mirabel was ten!"
"We needed childcare!" Pepa spat. "That brat was our only option!"
"Your only free option!" Bruno yells at his sister. "You had enough money to hire a proper babysitter! But instead you dumped Antonio on your 10 year old sobrina!"
"It's the only thing that waste of space was good for!" Pepa yells.
"Once again, you could've hired a proper babysitter to care for Antonio, but you used a child instead." Bruno says as if it is a fact, which it is.
But he isn't done.
"Oh, and we can't forget about the time where you and Félix took all the kids on a vacation to Ecuador except Mirabel, leaving her behind so that she could care for your pets?! Or all those times where you purposely forgot her whenever the family ate dinner at your house?! Or when you let Isabela carelessly bully her all the time, even on her darkest days?!"
"Unlike Isabela, Luisa and my children, she's useless! Talentless!" Pepa yells, defending her favorite sobrina.
"That sounds like a you problem." Bruno says, calming down a bit. "Mirabel is the most talented and wonderful kid I have in my life and my family."
"You're playing favorites, Bruno!" Alma yells, taking over the call.
"Just like you have?" Bruno asks, pointing out his mother's hypocritical logic.
"That brat is just like you, leaving the family for your selfish and miserable dreams!" Pepa yells.
"Well, at least we're happy." Bruno says, smiling at Mirabel who's listening. "Have a nice life."
Before Pepa and Alma can yell another insult, Bruno hangs up.
"Are you okay?" He asks Mirabel, who slowly nods in response. All those insults and moments of being left out still hit her... "Don't worry, they won't be able to contact us again, or I'll drag them to court from across the country."
Mirabel can't help but smile at her Tío, appreciating what he had said to her Abuela and Tía.
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