#for context feel free to roam my tag >>
triona-tribblescore · 4 months
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Its just a bike man 🙄
(The promised biker angel update uvu I redrew this thing like 3 times and am STILL not totally happy with it, so plz forgive its chaotic look TwT)
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other-peoples-coats · 2 years
Thanks, @dodger-chan for the tag! sorry it took uhhhhhhh time to get around to actually doing it. rules: post the first lines of your 10 most recently published AO3 stories. if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics. Hilariously, I have 11 posted fics, so like. missed by one. also this is going by update date in terms of the ongoing stories because I'm lazy and ao3 makes it annoying to see post date vs update date easily.
(10) What I want when I'm wanting
"Cody, darling, this is the best thing to happen since the six o'clock swill."
(9) Ain't it a gentle sound
In her hands, the clippers hum; outside, the rain patters steadily against the window.
(8) Ghost at the back of your closet (which is an ongoing fic, and the first part of a yet to be posted series)
The first time Bail meets Ben, he’s in a cell on the edge of the mid-rim, rather expecting that he’ll come out of the situation with far more scars than he went into it, if he makes it out at all.
(7) The small dark corners
Later, he will say it was a calculated choice, that he looked at the odds and looked at the clones and decided that better the Jedi he didn't know than the Sith he did.
(6) Be that monster you've been wanting (which is an ongoing fic! and also the first part of a series)
Qui-gon Jinn officially meets his lineage brother when the younger Knight murders Qui-gon's mission partner in the bowels of the Theed Generator Complex, before saluting Qui-gon with an almost playful Makashi flourish and flipping backwards to escape down the reactor pit in a flutter of dark tunic and tabards.
(5) The paths we used to roam (which is sort of a sibling fic to see a dying star less; bc same universe and more vibes. this is a warning)
He dies on the Death Star, that monstrous creation a twisted shrieking cacophony in the Force echoed only by the still reverberating horror of Alderaan, the far distant past Knightfall.
(4) The wind and the land
Bail wakes up to the smell of baking pastry, and allows himself to grin like a little child for a moment before hauling himself out of bed.
(3) Set the hounds on my tracks (part of the same series as be that monster you been wanting; set in about chapter 7 of that fic, so couldn't say if this makes sense outside of context)
"Why is it that banthashit scientists always hole up in the worst, shittiest place on the most backwater planet they can find." Quinlan bitches, and beside him Master Jinn snorts dryly.
(2) See a dying star (sibling-ish fic to paths we used to roam; less bc same universe and more vibes. this is still a warning.)
The first time through, when everything is new and immediate, he trains four Padawans.
(1) We are kneeling at the river's edge
There is only ever one Stewjoni Jedi in the Knight corps at a time. 
no pressure tagging @glimmerglanger, @elwenyere, @lttrsfrmlnrrgby and @frostbitebakery; if anyone else wants to join in feel free to consider yourself tagged!
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lonsdalewrite · 1 year
Monthly Writing (and Adjacent) Summary - July 2023
Word count: 114,730
Words written: 21,005 (😮)
Chapters finished: 5
Mailhairer handed it [the hot dog bun he didn’t want to eat] to Ash. As she savoured it, she found herself tracing the little felines on the blanket with her free index finger. “It would be nice if we knew a weretiger,” she said. “Then we could eat together on this blanket and match the pictures.” “Truly, it would be,” Mailhairer agreed. “I’d love to know for certain if there’s more ailuranthropes in the world.” “Hey, you didn’t guess I existed until you ran into me. There might be a weretiger roaming around somewhere out there.”
Notes / Accomplishments:
Accomplished the goal I set for Camp NaNo!
Reached my word count goal on all but four days! And it was higher than usual - I bumped it up from 400 words/day to 525, then to 600.
I’m so proud of myself!
Goal for August: Finish the first round of edits for Part 1. (I’m taking a two-week break before I start edits.)
On the flip-side of news: unfortunately, I still didn’t manage to get this one published 🥲 I’m really, really sorry - some hard personal stuff’s been holding me back (don’t want to get into it). Haven’t even managed to make an account with the self-publishing service I want to use. I will announce things when there is something to be announced…
(Note: I decided to cut the previous Chapters 2 and 3 and the ending portion of Chapter 1, hence the inconsistencies with last month’s writing summary.)
Draft: 1
Words written: 4,244
Word count: 8,719
Chapters finished: 3
Current chapter: 3 out of 25
(Context: Cameron is a cursorial / high-speed-running-adapted altered human. He can run both bipedally and quadrupedally.)
Cameron loved to run, to feel his body work in the way the Tachytely had designed it to. Sometimes he wished he could keep doing it forever. Just launch into a gallop and never stop. Make it so that there was nothing except the ground flying by underneath him, punctuated by the drumbeat of his hands and feet. It was the best when he was out in the forest. True, he had to be much more careful, and that slowed him down. But what forest running lacked in speed and losing yourself in the gallop, it more than made up for in… he didn’t even know what to call it. Connectedness was the closest word he could think of. He was made in the flawlessly-calibrated way of the tachytelic force, as were all the forms of life that surrounded him, closing in on him with carmine leaves and bumpy roots and tiny fluttering wings. They were all born of the same parent, siblings in the invisible force weaving through the world.
The new POV characters are so much fun to write.
Goal for August: Get to 20K.
Draft: 1
Words written: 1,609
Word count: 31,609
Chapters finished: 1
Current chapter: 9 out of 9
Snippet: Unfortunately, pretty much everything I wrote this month is spoilers…
Hit a slump on this one again 😞
Finishing The Claws of the Ounce kind of took up all my energy, and while I’m proud of everything I did, my other projects suffered for it. At least I topped my previous goal of “words written for a specific WIP” by a good ~7,000.
Onwards into August! Let’s see what the final month of this hyper-productive summer has in store…
Tag list: @ashen-crest @writeblrfantasy @edj-writes @emwhyarentyouwriting @kirsten-is-writing @chayscribbles
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sarahlizziewrites · 2 years
Find that Word tag
I was tagged by @mikaharuka to find:
sweet, mystery, deliberate, context, bloom, stairs, drag, surface
Here goes! cw: death of a loved one (below the cut)
Sweet: (The Adventures of Sitora Lux, Chapter 16)
The figure-hugging dress Trix wore accentuated the curve of her hips as she stepped towards Sitora again, the dazzling silver fabric adding to the effect on her normally boyish figure. That was to Sitora’s advantage - in her boots and breeches, she had dressed more for climbing clock towers than sweet-talking influential guests at a party.
Mystery: (The Adventures of Sitora Lux, Chapter 11)
“We aren’t going to be able to figure this mystery out by any…” he hesitated. “Legitimate means.” Sitora looked at him, questioning. Lance shifted himself up slightly in his seat. “Think about it. What would Master Aaren say? If you’re going to catch a criminal, you can’t think like a Paladin.” He held his hands up towards Sitora, palms framing either side of her. “You have to think like a criminal.”
Deliberate: (The Adventures of Sitora Lux, Chapter 3)
“Illusion -” A soft voice suddenly broke the silence, coming from the back of the classroom. The students turned all at once to see the Master standing at the rear of the room, hands clasped inside their huge sleeves. The figure by the blackboard dissolved into nothingness. “- is a powerful tool used by those wishing to deceive and hide.” Master Aaren took slow, deliberate steps towards the front of the classroom.
Context: I checked 100k+ words of writing and somehow this word isn't in it!
Bloom: (The Adventures of Sitora Lux, Chapter 9)
“Enchanted?” “So that they’re always in bloom. I guess the residents of this area like the spring flowers, so they infuse the orange trees with magic so they always have blossoms.” Sitora thrust her staff forward, firm foot in front. “They’re nice.” “Yeah…” Raelynn began, her own staff swinging around her body to come around for a side-swipe at her invisible opponent. “But I don’t know. I think that spring is only beautiful because of the winter that comes before it.”
BONUS: 'Blooms' from Grey-Sky Lark because this bit makes me cry and I knew it would come up as soon as I saw the word:
When he takes his last breath, I wrap him in his sheet and carry his body to the top of the hill I descended all those years ago. I bury him where he will always be able to feel the sea breeze, and look out over the valley where his sheep now roam free. Summer wildflowers grow here, and I know that soon, his grave will be overtaken by tiny pink and yellow blooms.
Stairs: (The Adventures of Sitora Lux, Chapter 12)
She reached the stone floor, and found she had to crouch a little in the low-ceilinged room. The space at the bottom of the stairs was a narrow atrium, lined with three of the gravestones Lance had written about in his note. She peered at the names. One of the inscriptions was entirely in elvish script. Another named ‘Birinus Harwood’; a plain, round-topped stone, decorated solely with a single carved ivy vine. None of the graves had the magical shrines that Lance had described. The rest of them must have been further in.
Drag: (Chrissie's of London)
Jacques gives a little wiggle under the suds, and my eyes dart somewhere they shouldn’t against my will. I drag my gaze back to his face, swallowing around my suddenly dry throat. “I’ve got to go to work. Don’t drown, old chap.” Best to get out of here before my body betrays me any further.
Surface: (The Adventures of Sitora Lux, Chapter 14) - I found no less than 18 instances of 'surface' in this draft! This was my favourite.
A lantern hoisted above the large wooden table lit the room, deepening the cuts in the surface of the table to canyons. Sitora set the bag of flour down on the table, casting loose flour into the air. She watched it settle rather than look at Lance as she spoke.
Tagging: @moonandris, @athemarina, @neshamahs, @islanded-in-a-stream-of-stars, and anyone else who would like to! As always, no pressure, this is a pretty time-consuming tag game lol.
Your words are: settle, wiggle, stone, years, firm, sleeves, framing, guests
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she-toadmask · 11 months
No context spoilery things from the FNAF movie
(I enjoyed it, my amica and I were one of maybe 10 people in the theater which was great because it meant less likely to disturb someone with the Autism)
BB jumpscare
*looking at TVTropes after the movie* his name tag says NESS oh my god
Me in the theater: Bon-Bon, go get 'em!
Attack cupcake
Who is that supposed to be
Oh she isn't dead. Neat.
After-movie not-really-argument: Freddy or Golden Freddy
Feel free to add your autism
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lovingrosewho · 4 years
Fake Dating (pt. 1)
Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5
Hello again! I’ve been really busy with this one, I was bored/tired of not finding a lot of tropes involving Crowley that were SFW, so I decided to write my own :-) This has pretty much every major trope I can think of; Winchester!reader (although it’s not specified and you can decide that), fake dating, sharing a bed (sort of), lack of heat, etc. Maaaybe the last chapter will be NSFW but I haven’t decided that yet (if you have any thoughts or suggestions on this I’d appreciate them a ton) anyways, I’ll shut up now and let you read, PLEASE, if you have any feedback it’s gladly welcomed! I lately realized that I put a looot of dialogue into fanfiction and perhaps not enough context, so I tried to fix that <3 Usual disclaimer: English is not my first language, bla bla bla :-) Ly!
Pairing: Crowley x Reader
Rating: T. I guess fluff/crack?
Word count: 1.2k
Summary: Sam and Dean Winchester need your help with a case, which involves pretending to date the King of Hell.
Warnings: mild innuendos, summoning?
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“Nuh-uh, I’m not doing it” you declare turning your back on the boys. Dean runs to you and gently grabs your arm without you stopping.
“(Y/N) come on, you’re the only one who can do it” he begs, which gains a sigh from your mouth and you finally stand still, tilting your head at him as a prompt to keep talking “It’ll just be a couple of hours, just until Sammy and I are able to get to the house and hide from those two jackasses before they get there”.
“Are you actually asking me to have dinner with a couple of psychos... pretending to date him?” you question Dean sincerely, a look of concern and disbelief plastered on your face. Said petition, coming from the most protective Winchester brother, was a true surprise.
“You know I wouldn’t be doing it if it wasn’t our only option. (Y/N), please” he supplicates one more time.
It had all started when Sam and Dean screwed up at catching the shape shifters you were after, it was a simple job, but of course, they went in guns blazing, walking into a trap, a set-up, and when they realized, the monsters were gone. Funny enough, they turned out to be quite the art collectors, which seemed logical, given the circumstances under which they were killing and stealing from. But who could possibly know a pair of loonies like that? Even better, be friends with them? Exactly.
The King of Hell.
It wasn’t as if Dean were asking the world from you, it was a simple date. A risky one, sure, but you’d had it worse and with far worse men. The plan was straightforward, you entertained the shifters pretending to be Crowley’s girlfriend, whilst Dean and Sam got to turn down the security system of the house and hide, surprising the shifters the moment they entered.
“Fine” you mutter after a few minutes considering your possibilities. Dean immediately lifts you up the ground and kisses you all over the cheeks and forehead repeating again and again a series of ‘thank you’. You sigh for what seems to be the eleventh time this day and follow Dean towards the dungeon where Sam is waiting with the ingredients. You nod over at him to let him know you’re ready.
“Et ad congregandum, eos coram me” Sam proclaims as the blood from his ripped open palm runs across the dagger and through his fingers, dripping inside the summoning bowl.
A strong tug shakes the earth beneath you, and a low thunder sounds in the distance as the King of Hell himself, presents before your eyes.
Crowley looks directly ahead at the three of you, and then brings his gaze down, rolling his eyes in annoyance at the sight of the devil trap.
“Hello, boys” he salutes politely “(Y/N)”.
Your legs falter at the sound of your name in his voice, his lips savoring each and every syllable as your core twitches and you’re forced to bite your lower lip down not to hum in response. You had always been attracted to him even if you didn’t know how to act around him, it wasn’t as if they taught you in any manual nor hunter school how to make a move on the King of Hell.
“Aren’t we a little past the whole devil trap deal?” Crowley asks bringing you out of your musings “What is it that you want this time?”
“The shape shifters you were talking about the other day, the art collectors” Dean starts and is interrupted by the demon.
“What about them?” Crowley says with a bored look until his glare lands on yours. You arm with courage and mentally scold yourself for being such a nervous fuss, giving a brave step forward and speaking.
“We need your help to trick them” you tell him and catch an interested shine in his eyes.
“And why exactly would I help you with that? Mind you, they’re my personal acquaintances, very important, and very dangerous acquaintances” he exclaims, his stare not dropping yours “What’s in it for me?”
“A date with me and the three of us not kicking your delicate ass” you declare, crossing your arms in your chest, trying to maintain your tone neutral and your mind in place. Crowley’s eyes finally leave yours to roam throughout your body.
“Threatening, aren’t we, sexy?” he speaks at you, clicking his tongue. Dean takes a step forward, demon blade in hand and angry stare, you stop him right in his tracks grabbing him from the hem of his jacket and yanking him back again “Lucky for you, those shape shifters have been meddling in a... particular, and highly important, business of mine, so, I’ll gladly help”.
The three of you stare blankly at him.
“Just like that?” Sam asks him, which causes Crowley to roll his eyes once again.
“I’ll happily deny until you have something else to offer if that’s what you want, Samantha” he affirms and causes the youngest Winchester to frown in response and raise his arms in surrender.
“So it’s settled then” you declare, exhaling a breath you didn’t even know you were holding.
“Text me the details, will you love?” Crowley pronounces softly. You nod quietly and walk towards the devils trap to free him, but when you’re near enough you trip over some ingredients that were still on the floor, breaking the seal either way. Crowley catches you and holds you tightly by the waist.
“Eager much, (Y/N)?” he purrs in your ear and you feel yourself melting at his touch, but you readjust just fine and separate from him when you catch sight of Dean beginning to sense something odd. Crowley raises an eyebrow at your impassive glance, but says nothing, instead, to your surprise, he brings out your cellphone from his suit jacket.
“How did you...?” you start, looking into the side of your jeans you thought you had it in.
“Not so hard to pickpocket you, darling” he expresses, curiously eyeing you “I have very talented hands”.
You gulp as you turn to stare back at him, just to see him typing something on your phone, his smug smile not going unnoticed by you.
“I guess I do affect you at some level, don’t I?” he mutters so only you are able to hear him. You stay still, not saying a word, biting your lip down as he handles back your phone to you, his fingertips delicately brushing your hands, vanishing the moment the electronic touches your palm, the lights of the archive room seeming to fade at the singular contact and light up again when he’s gone. You check your phone to see what he did, the words “My King” read on the top of the screen and the number “666” at the center. You roll your eyes and put your phone back in your pocket.
“And? What’d he do?” Deans asks expectantly. You make a dismissive gesture with your hand.
“Nothing. It’s done” you declare turning to the Winchesters, proceeding to leave the room with both brothers looking at each other like questioning, what did they just miss?
Part 2
MASTERLIST (If anyone would like to be tagged you’re free to tell me! <3)
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mattholicguilt · 3 years
cats in the cradle by Duck_Life
Fandoms: Supernatural [Gen, No Archive Warnings Apply] Words: 1,745
Tags: Claire Novak & Patience Turner, Cats, Psychic Abilities, Grandparents & Grandchildren, Friendship, Found Family, claire novak will see a stray animal and be like, is anyone gonna project onto this, and not wait for an answer
Summary: Claire helps Patience hone her abilities. Patience helps Claire track down a cat.
Written for SPN Women Week Day 1. Prompt: "skills"
Bub is missing again.
“Bub” is the name of a mean stray cat missing a chunk from his ear. Claire’s been leaving cat food out for the ugly old thing for weeks now, and whenever he doesn’t come running she panics.
So, for the third time, Patience finds herself enlisted in the search for a cat that Claire doesn’t even technically own. “If it’s gonna bother you this much every time,” Patience says, “why don’t you just take it in? You know, get him his shots, a collar, a microchip.”
Claire makes a face at her before turning back to look at the road. She’s been driving around the neighborhood slowly, scoping out every shrub and checking under every parked car. “Bub doesn’t want to be chained down,” she explains. “He’s a free spirit.”
Alright, well, Patience is too tired to unpack that right now. She lets it lie and looks out the passenger’s side window, alert for any signs of movement. “Maybe he was never a stray at all,” she tries, “and his owner finally tracked him down and brought him home.”
“Do you know that?” Claire asks.
Claire’s always asking if Patience knows things— what happened on Jody’s date last weekend, what Dean’s middle name is, whether or not Alex is the one who ate the last ice cream sandwich in the freezer. Patience keeps trying to explain that she can only see the future. “Psychic” might be a misnomer— her abilities are precognitive, not telepathic.
She basically gets previews, little spoilers about what’s to come. And though she’s been working at it, she can’t seem to get her psychic abilities to do the kind of reading and divination her grandma could do. She gets glimpses with no context, no backstory.
Missouri Moseley could walk into a room and feel every ounce of heartbreak, grief, hope and faith in the people standing there. Patience can barely pick up on it when Alex and Claire are pissed at each other.
Still, Claire brings her along whenever the cat goes missing. Seems to think her ESP can home in on missing animals. Patience keeps telling her otherwise, and yet here she is, once again. That’s the trouble with having no social life and no better plans.
Maybe she should join a book club.
Claire rounds the corner, eyes darting around for any sight of the mangy cat. The first time Bub vanished from Claire’s sight, all the neighbors seemed intent to help. They explained they hadn’t seen the cat, but hoped Claire would find him soon and offered baked goods and platitudes in the meantime.
But these things have an expiration date. You can only lose the cat so many times before the routine gets old and the neighbors lose interest.
“My educated guess ?” Patience sighs. “The cat’ll come back when it gets hungry. Just like before.”
Claire makes a tch sound and mouths “educated guess” under her breath. Apparently, because Patience is psychic she’s supposed to be omniscient. “So which is it?” Claire says. “Is he back with his ‘real’ owners or is he going to come home when he gets hungry?”
“Don’t be a jerk,” Patience says. “I’m here, aren’t I? I’m helping you.”
“... Yeah. You are,” Claire says, ducking her head. “Sorry.” Her eyes scan the road ahead, looking for the telltale streak of a cat darting out from under a parked car or vanishing around a tree trunk. Still nothing. “Hey, Patience the Pet Psychic,” Claire says. “You should write that down, that’d be a great children’s book.”
“Very funny,” Patience says, rolling her eyes. She’s silent for a few moments and then says, “Cla-aire the Monster Slayer.”
“That doesn’t really rhyme.”
“Sure it does.”
When the sky darkens and the streetlights flick on, Claire drives them back to the house, Bub-less and dejected. “I’m sure he’s fine,” Patience tries.
Claire bunches her shoulders, the collar of her leather jacket looking like a cat’s raised hackles. Maybe, Patience thinks, that’s the connection— Claire in many ways resembles an angry cat. She and Bub might be kindred spirits.
“I’m just tired,” Claire says, yanking the keys out of the ignition. “We’ll try again tomorrow.”
Patience considers pointing out that Claire could at least ask instead of just assuming , considers reminding Claire that she has her own life outside of playing “pet psychic.”
But she doesn’t actually have anything to do tomorrow. Or the rest of the week. And as futile as it feels riding around looking for a runaway cat, it is something to do. And it makes Claire feel better.
And… straining her psychic muscles to pick up on any trace of the old tomcat is at least better than doing nothing and letting her abilities degrade. Over the last year, she’s been trying to find ways to train her brain, shape her psychic visions into something useful.
Jody’s supportive, but she, like most people, doesn’t know anything about being psychic. Kaia’s got a fraught relationship with her own special skills and usually chooses not to talk to Patience about seeing the future, and Alex is so entrenched in nursing and hunting that the few “normal” moments she gets at home are devoted to unwinding and relaxing.
Which makes Claire Patience’s most ardent supporter in developing her psychic abilities. A very grouchy, blonde and mostly clueless Yoda. What she lacks in background knowledge she makes up for in persistence.
“Hey, Patience, guess which hand?” Claire will ask, holding the last fortune cookie behind her back. “Hey, Patience, what number am I thinking of?” Claire will ask, perched on the arm of the couch. “Hey, Patience, heads or tails?” Claire will ask, flipping a coin to catch it in midair.
That’s not how it works. That’s not how any of it works— Patience can’t predict things at will. Her psychic visions operate on a schedule of their own, with no concern for Patience’s own convenience or comfort. One minute, she’s watching shitty reality TV while Alex nods off on her shoulder. The next, she’s watching Jody narrowly avoid being bitten by a vampire.
It’s a lot different from just guessing a coin toss. Still. Patience can’t help but think that her grandma would’ve passed all of Claire’s little tests with flying colors.
That night, Patience doesn’t dream about anything— at least, not anything useful. She has an anxiety dream about being lost in Aldi, roaming the aisles with increasing frustration. But nothing about the future. Nothing about Bub the cat.
She’s pouring herself a bowl of cereal when Claire stomps inside, the porch door swinging shut behind her. “Still gone,” she says darkly, grabbing the cereal box and her own bowl. “Food hasn’t been touched.”
“Claire,” Patience says, “why don’t we just go to the SPCA? You can get yourself a cat that’s not, you know—”
“What? Not damaged? Not a lost cause? Not hard to love?”
Whoa, Patience wants to say. “A cat that’s not missing ,” she finishes. “We can get him his shots and a collar and everything.”
“I don’t— I don’t just want some random cat,” Claire says. “I want to find Bub. I want… I want to find him and bring him home. I have to bring him home.”
“I know,” Patience says, and just like that she does . She does know.
She knows everything, feels everything, the aching loss in Claire’s bones that’s both recent and so, so old. Memories of Claire hitchhiking and stealing and conning her way through the country, desperately chasing a mother who was desperately chasing a dead man. Jimmy Novak’s voice in her head, his face seen through Claire’s eyes, Please, Castiel, take me. Just take me. Again, his forehead pressed to hers, Take care of your mom, okay, bub?
Patience looks at Claire. Sees her, in a way she hasn’t been able to see anyone before. “Bub… ‘bub’ is what your dad used to call you.”
Claire squints at her. “Uh. Yeah,” she says. “Wait, I didn’t… I didn’t tell you that.”
“No,” Patience breathes, meeting her eyes across the kitchen, “you didn’t.”
Slowly, a grin spreads across Claire’s face. “Holy shit , Patience, you just… ? You just did that. You, like, read me.”
“I, uh, I didn’t know. That I could do that,” Patience says, caught between marveling at this new development and feeling self-conscious at intruding on Claire’s emotions and her past.
Claire doesn’t seem put off at all. She’s actually bouncing with excitement. “We gotta test this out. Oh my God. It’s like a whole new Pokemon evolution for you.”
“It’s not really. Like that. In any way.”
But Claire is already humming the Pokemon theme song. She grabs her car keys. “Alright, well, let’s go look for that cat. I’ve got a good feeling about today.”
“I read you, Claire, that doesn’t mean I can read the cat,” Patience reminds her.
“Yeah, yeah, but you can still help me look,” Claire says. “I don’t need your third eye, just the two on your face.”
“That’s… yeah, fine,” Patience acquiesces. To be honest, she’s buzzing with the knowledge of what she can do with her powers. If Claire’s happy to be her test subject, she’ll spend all day with the girl. “Just let me grab a coffee.”
“Ooh, me too. Wait!” She wiggles her fingers toward Patience. “Do you Know how I like my coffee?”
“Half-and-half. And enough sugar to kill you,” Patience reels off. “But that’s not because I’m psychic. I’ve just seen you fix yourself coffee before.”
“Y’know, I think the line between ‘psychic’ and ‘observant’ is thinner than you might think.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Patience says, and then pretends to stumble backward toward the table, overacting the part. “Oh, oh, I’m having a vision… I see you … making coffee for us…”
Claire rolls her eyes, but she dutifully sets her keys down and busies herself with getting the travel mugs out. “That’s not gonna work for everything, you know.”
“Aaah I see you bringing Jody’s suit to the dry cleaners next week. I also see you driving me to the science museum.”
Patience smiles at her. It’s nice to have someone else get excited about her powers. It’s nice to be allowed to be excited about this, to learn a new skill and have it mean something good to someone besides herself. She doesn’t feel like a freak or a failure. She just feels… like a psychic.
She feels like her grandma would be proud.
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sparklingchan · 4 years
The Prince and I || Jeong Yunho(Ateez)
Pairing : Reader (fem.) x Yunho.
Word count : 9.2k+
Warnings : Cuss words, minor injuries, Yunho BEING A FLUFFBALL!!
Genre : Fluff, angst, Arranged marriage au, Royal au.
Description : Your marriage to Prince Yunho feels like nothing less than a fairytale - but a fairytale is incomplete without a villain, right?
A/N:  This fic took longer than I thought it would lol  
This is a part of the holiday treats event conducted by kafenetwork.          This fic is for the lovely Anna! I hope you like it and I hope it didn’t disappoint. I’m sorry I cannot tag you here because this site always decides to eat up my posts with tags in it :((
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"This wedding dress is a little expensive, granny."
The silky cloth slips away from in between your fingers, as quick as sand. You hadn't ever touched a piece of cloth as beautiful and smooth as this one, really. In fact, you'd never ever seen anything like the dress presented before you at the moment. And well, as much as you want to buy it, you knew you couldn't. Not unless you use up all your life's savings.
"I'm sure Ms. Claire here could find us something less...royal." you mutter again when your Grandmother doesn't respond.
Ms. Claire, the owner of the elegant boutique you find yourself standing in this morning, smiles at you sheepishly. "Oh, what nonsense! You will be married into a royal family, y/n. I cannot have you wear a normal wedding dress."
You sigh, turning away from the mannequin that donnes your dream wedding dress and crouching down to speak to your granny, "Granny, we won't have any money left if we buy this."
Your grandmother has been in the wheel chair for as long as you could remember. But she has more energy and life in her than most young people out there, including you. She's like this ball of sunshine who adores you to death. And now that the most important event of your life is slowly coming close with every passing day, you find her enthusiasm increasing likewise. She would wake up every morning and coax you to work out and do your skin care routine every night before bed. Today too, she forced you to allow her to tag along on your last shopping trip before your big day. Though you never say it out loud, your grandmother is nothing short of an angle. And you'd do anything to make her happy.
"I have saved up enough money to buy three such dresses, y/n." Your grandmother says as you lean down , "Miss Claire, pack this one up please."
Miss Claire nods and smiles at your granny, "Surely, madam."
Her assistant takes away the mannequin to get it packed up and billed.
You sit on the small couch present in the room as your eyes roam around the room full of pretty dresses and veils and shoes. It feels surreal all of a sudden, as if you were in a day dream you'd often think about as a teenager.
"What? Do you want anything else? I have enough money for that too." Your grandmother chimes in, rolling the wheelchair a little towards you, "Should we buy one for your mom too?"
Your mom, though equally excited for your wedding as your grandmother, was more on the realistic side. She'd give you a reality check ever so often - about husbands and in-laws and everything surrounding it. You're also not very sure your mom would appreciate spending so much money on dresses in a single day, especially when your wedding stands only four days away.
"No, granny, mom has enough dresses." You run a soothing hand through her grey and thin hair, "Aren't you tired? We've been out for a long time now."
"Do I look tired to you? " she raises an eyebrow, her eyes wrinkling up as she smiles at you sweetly. She's such an adorable little woman that it makes your heart melt everytime she looks at you.
"No," you roll your eyes, "Guess we can go and pick up Maya's dress while we're at it."
"Maya as in your best friend? The annoyingly loud girl from your college?" You snort at your granny's choice of words to describe your best friend.
You hear Miss Claire call you towards the payment counter and before you could move a finger, your granny races you to it.
"Come on, girl, what are you- eighty?" She teases you with a loud chuckle.
And still, you may not say it out loud , but your granny is your whole world. And when you are married off into the royal family of your father's old hometown, the only person you'll miss badly is probably your sweet old grandmother.
Later that evening, after dropping your grandma back home, you decide to walk to your best friend's apartment which is located just a few blocks away from yours. You carry her dress with you but deep down, you know that's not the only reason as to why you wanted to visit her this late at night.
"I need advice. "
"About what?"
"Marriage and life. "
Your best friend's eyes widen at your words. Her lips part as if she wanted to comment something but then stopped herself. "Maya, dude please. I'm terribly scared and I can't talk to anyone else at home." You admit, playing with the hem of your dress. A sudden sense of embarrassment and shyness washes over you but you push all that away before they get the best of you.
Maya puts down her dress on the bed.
"Y/n, I could give you all the advice in the world but believe me, you won't be able to apply it practically. I married a normal man from a normal family. We live in a cozy apartment in a city. But for you, it's different. You'll not marry a common person- you're marrying a prince for God's sake. A Crown Prince on top of that. You'll be living in a castle far away in the mountains. I don't know how my advice would be of any help here, y/n." Maya says, her hand gently patting yours.
You shift in your place, the bed creaking softly beneath you.
Maya is unarguably right - her advice won't be useful in your case. In fact, no one's advice would be useful to you unless they've had a first hand experience with an arranged marriage and a royal life. Yet these facts do little to comfort your growing fear and anxiousness.
"I haven't even met him in person yet. I only saw him over a few stupid video calls and in his pictures. I don't know what to expect." You say.
His Highness Crown Prince Yunho is a pretty busy man it turns out. So busy that he hasn't even been able to take some time out of his duties and come visit his fiancé for a few hours. He's a beautiful man, you have to say. Elegant and stylish and well mannered and everything about him screams Royal. He often texts you in his free time and calls you once in a blue moon. He seems like a nice man indeed, the kind you'd love to marry even without his royal heritage. But being his wife and a Crown Princess is a challenge you'd have to face completely on your own.
"Your granny thinks he's a good man, y/n. Maybe you should trust her judgement. Old people have that in themselves, you know." Maya says with a small smile, "Plus he's a Prince. You'll live a luxurious life, y/n. Don't be so pessimistic! I'm sure things will turn out great."
You give your best friend a tight hug for trying to cheer you up and helping you forget your fears even if it's just for a few hours . That night, as you toss and turn in your bed, trying to keep your mind free from thoughts about your life after marriage, you realise how big of a change this one thing will make.
And you're not very sure if you're ready for that change yet.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
The weather is quite pleasant today, the sun shining softly through the thin curtain of clouds and the humidity deciding to be a little forgiving today but too bad you're stuck inside your room, folding clothes and making sure all your necessities are packed in the luggage.
"Well, this is not how I expected my last day at home to turn out, " you complain to your mother who sits across from you on the bed, helping you pack your things, "But it is what it is, I guess."
Your mom chuckles, placing your folded clothes into huge black suitcase spread open on the floor. "This isn't bad. You're alone with your family and friend, what more do you need?"
A fancy Bachelorette party with your friends and a few male strippers didn't sound like a very appropriate response so you decide to just shake your head.
"Aren't you angry though? Even just a little bit?" She asks. You scowl at the unexpected, out of context question. You are scared and anxious and nervous but angry? Not at all.
"What do you mean? Why would I be angry?" You reply, crossing your arms in front of your chest, "I'm fine."
She sighs, momentarily pausing her actions to face you. Her eyes are a little moist, you notice, and her lips pressed into a sad line. "Your grandmother betrothed you to Prince Yunho when you guys were just nineteen. It is an arranged marriage, to a person you don't know and a family which holds so much power. She didn't give you freedom to choose your own partner. Aren't you angry about that?" She elaborates.
You feel a soft tug in your heart at her words. You've been so preoccupied with worrying about how you'd handle yourself after marriage that you never really thought about this. Even so, when you really think about it, you can't find it in yourself to be angry at your grandmother.
"Granny and Prince Yunho's grandmother were best friends, mom. They made a promise and I respect that. Plus granny never forced me to say yes. I did that on my own account. " you explain yourself, your hand slowly reaching over to squeeze your mom's shoulder, "Don't worry about me. I'll manage. I always do."
Its rather funny how you were the one needing assurance from Maya a few nights ago and here you are, repeating the same words of encouragement to your mother. A part of you is obviously still terrified of the future, but that's not your mom's problem to deal with. It's entirely yours.
Your mom sniffs, but a tear manages to roll down her cheek, "I'll miss having you around. Why couldn't she have arranged your marriage to a normal person who lived in the same city?"
And then it finally dawns on you. It really is your last day at home. Your last day in the city you so dearly loved, your last day in the house which has seen you grow from a little baby to a beautiful, young woman. It's your last day as y/n y/l/n, your parents' only child and your grandmother's favorite grandchild. Tomorrow, you would be a Princess, a wife, a person of political importance. And your heart breaks a little at the thought of never getting this life back again.
"Mom.." you mutter, your eyes tearing up as well. Words fall short when it comes to describing how much you'll miss everyone and everything here. Starting from your friends to your family to the smallest of decorative items in your room that you've managed to collect over the years. It's like a piece of you would just cease to exist. As the night grows darker and the day crosses over to the next one, you hold your mother close as the both of you let out the quietest of sobs and realise that this might be the last time she'd have you all to herself.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡   
The journey from your parents' old house to Prince Yunho's ancestral palace is short - not with respect to time but with respect to the fact that amidst tearful eyes and memory flashbacks, the car ride gives you little to no time to settle your hurricane of thoughts.
As your dad's car slowly pulls over in front of a huge black metal gate, you are welcomed with a view that seems right out of a fairytale. The Royal palace is located in the most beautiful locations you've ever been to, a place you never thought could exist in real life. It almost feels like you are in a dream. With the beautiful backdrop of lush green mountains in the back, the Palace stands tall on the foothills of the mountains. The pastel pink walls and the carefully carved window panes look ethereal with contrast to the tall black gates that securely surround the palace. A group of servants are rowed in front of the man main entrance, with warm smiles and trays full of welcome drinks.
But you're far too mesmerized by the place to bother consuming anything at the moment.
This place - this breathtakingly gorgeous palace with the biggest gardens and tallest fountains- would be your home. For a long time, home meant your crammed little apartment which always smelt like cinnamon and bread. It had no big gardens, no servants, no fountains but it was your home. Your safe place. You wonder if this place could ever feel like home.
"Geez, y/n, I'm so jealous." Maya whisper-squeals in your ear as the servants lead you inside, "Do you want to exchange husbands?"
You nudge her gently with your elbow, "Shut up. Or I'll have you thrown out."
You are made to walk through a quiet hallway that has a huge wooden door at the end. On both sides of the hallway, pictures and paintings and vintage weapons are displayed like in museums and the marble floor beneath you shines like water under the sun. Every nook and corner of this place is a treasure waiting to be discovered, you realise.
The servants open the wooden door and lead you inside into what appears to look like a Throne Room. Now, you'd never really been to one before but movies and books have taught you that this is what a Throne room probably looks like - with a Grand Throne placed at the very center and numerous chairs placed on either side of it. The walls in this room are graced with more pictures and paintings of kings and queens and common people and soldiers. You wonder if your picture would ever be up there somewhere in the future.
"Oh, hello lovely people!" A manly voice booms through the hall, "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."
A few quick taps of feet on the floor and there stands in front of you a very familiar face - as if you'd almost seen him in a dream.
Black tuxedo, perfectly styled hair, a walkie-talkie in his hand, the man before you looks right out of a James Bond movie. "I'm Choi San, Prince Yunho's personal secretary and the royal family's representative for the day."
He claps his hands together, "Her Highness the Queen Regent, Her Highness the Queen Mother and His Highness Crown Prince Yunho sadly couldn't be here since they have some important charity event to attend. I deeply apologize for that. In their place, allow me to welcome you to the Jeong family's Grand palace!"
"You'll all be taken to your rooms now because you must be tired from the journey. If you need anything, just tell one of these servants."
The servants nod at San and signal you and your family to follow them.
"Uh, lady Y/n. Mind if I have a word with you?" San interrupts.
Although surprised, you nod as you let your family walk off to their rooms.
"Yes?" You ask San.
San's eyes are focused on your frame - every movement, every expression, every word - he's observing you as if to make sure you're the right person for Prince Yunho. You feel self conscious all of a sudden.
"Yunho did say you're a charming person. I just didn't think I'd agree with him before, but now..I definitely do." San giggles, offering you his hand, "I'm Choi San at your service, madam. Your wish is my command."
You bow gently at him, "I'm y/n y/l/n. It's nice to meet you too, sir."
San chuckles, "Please don't call me that, your Highness. I'm your employee. Besides I have something important to talk to you about. "
The last few words form a tight knot in your stomach, fear finding it's way through your veins.
"You have a coronation ceremony tonight. I hope you know that. We've already hired a stylist who will take care of all you from now on. She'll meet you immediately after lunch." San explains, "And here's my business card. Contact me if anything comes up, okay?"
You gulp as you accept the shining business card from him, "Thanks. I'll do that."
San smiles sympathetically, as if he understood the fears swimming inside you. He offers you a gentle, encouraging pat on the shoulder.
"I know how you feel. A palace is a scary place, I won't deny. But if I can survive here, so can you. Plus you have Yunho. He's the nicest man a person could ever ask for, I'm sure." San says.
Your whole body relaxes a little as a soft breeze of comfort washes over you with the words leaving San's mouth. This is what you'd been wanting to hear for a long time - a reassurance that you'll be safe and okay as a member of the Royal family and that Prince Yunho might be a person you could love. But for now, you focus on keeping your self calm.
"Now, do you mind walking me to my room? I find myself a bit lost." You giggle.
San finds himself chuckling in response, "Of course, your majesty."
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
When San had told you that you'd have your own personal stylist, you did not expect this . Even in your wildest dreams, this is not something you'd catch yourself wanting.
The beautiful blue gown clutches to your upper body at just the right places and then flows down your waist like a beautiful waterfall under the sunlight. A diamond necklace graces your otherwise empty neck complimented with matching earrings. The stylist - Alisa - puts your hair up in a pretty bun and then places a beautiful diamond tiara on your head. And when your eyes finally land on your reflection in the mirror, your mouth hangs open with no words but just air slipping out of it as response.
"Do you like it, your Highness?" Alisa asks with hopeful eyes. Her shy smile giving away the fact that she wants you to like what she's done, her efforts and ideas.
You have to blink hard for a few more seconds before coming to terms with the fact that you look so beautiful right now. A part you is in denial while a part of you is jumping around, doing a victory dance in happiness. You weren't used to seeing yourself look this good. Your heart leaps at the thought of Prince Yunho seeing you like this - almost like a princess who's lived in castles all her life. And then you realize that you would be one ; in only a few minutes.
"I love it, Alisa. You're brilliant!" You exclaim, wrapping your arms tightly around the stylist in happiness. By Lisa's stiff response, you are sure you'd taken her by surprise. Royals do not go around hugging normal stylists yet this hug was a symbol of your thankfulness towards her for putting so much effort into you, to make you feel special. Alisa's proud smile reaches to her eyes as she quickly works on placing the brooch pin in the right place on your dress.
A knock on your room's door attracts your attention and you are quick to fix yourself in case it was someone from the Royal family.
"I'll get that." Alisa jogs quickly towards the door.
When the door creaks opens, you see a familiar face standing there - familiar enough to know it was your fiancé, the most handsome man you'd ever laid eyes on, with the kindest smile and brightest eyes. Your heart stops beating for a dangerous second.
"Oh, hello your Highness. " Alisa greets him, bowing slightly, "Miss y/n is ready to go."
And when Yunho looks at you, your soul as if escapes your body. "H-hi, Prince Yunho."
He walks towards you with warm, red cheeks and perfect black hair and a stylish black tuxedo and offers you his hand, "It's nice to finally meet you, my lady."
How does one ever respond to that? How does one ever behave in front of an actual, real life prince, who also happens to be your fiancé? He presses his lips to your fingers ever so gently.
The butterflies in your stomach go wild.
"Shall we go now? Everyone's waiting for you, my lady." He asks.
You nod, wrapping an arm around his, "Yes."
The short walk towards the throne room is mostly filled with a comfortable sense of silence, except for the times when Prince Yunho points at some random picture on the wall and talks about it. Your eyes seem to be following every movement of his, and everytime your eyes meet, you find yourself melting under his gaze. You are smitten by him and there's no denying in that.
On entering the throne room, all heads turn towards you - ministers, relatives, your family, Yunho's friends, San and all servants present there observe you as Yunho walks you down the flowery aisle leading to the Throne. You could feel everyone's eyes on you, scary yet exciting, they follow your every movement and every word and every expression.
And when they bow down slightly as you stand on the right side on the Throne, you realise these people weren't just bowing at Yunho, there were also bowing down at you. Because you'll be his wife tomorrow, a princess, a figure that should be loved by the people. The only thing keeping you grounded is Yunho's gentle hand softly clutching yours. It's as if he could sense your inner turmoil before even you do it yourself. "Are you nervous?" He whispers in your ear.
"Yes, a little. "
"Don't be. I'm here with you."
The main door to the hall opens and two women walk inside, at least ten soldiers walking in front and behind them, guns at ready and eyes critically scanning all the faces.
The older woman, who you assume to be the Queen Mother and Yunho's grandmother, wears a sweet smile and walks as gracefully as ever even in this senile age. She waves gleefully at the crowd bowing down to her. On her left stands a slightly younger woman, Yunho's aunt and the Queen Regent who has been the ruler of this kingdom after Yunho's parents passed away in a tragic accident ten years ago. Rumor has it that the Queen Regent is a strict, emotionless ruler who has no mercy for criminals and is harsh with all the employees of the palace. You notice her serious gaze fixed in your direction and shudder in fear even though you've barely ever talked to her before.
"May the Queen Mother live long! May the Queen Regent live long!" Someone chants and the others follow suit in the blink of an eye.
You suddenly feel as if you are in some period drama.
The Queen Regent takes her place on the throne while the Queen Mother takes a seat on the left side of the Throne. A single wave of the Queen Regent's hand and the crowd goes completely silent.
"Hello to everyone gathered here today. I am very, very glad to welcome a new member of the family - lady y/n y/l/n. She is to be the wife of my beloved nephew Yunho and the future Queen of this kingdom. Please give her a warm welcome!"
The hall erupts into claps and cheers and your name being repeated as if in a chant. Your grip on Yunho's arm tightens.
"I'm there, my lady." He says again, "Don't be afraid."
San brings out a huge sword and places it in the Queen Regent's hands. This sword is what you assume to be the Jeong family's old, sacred sword used by generations and generations of brave kings and queens to protect themselves as well as the citizens of their beloved country. This sword is a symbol of pride and victories. And a lost history.
"As per ancient traditions, I will now be crowning miss y/n as a princess before her wedding with the prince tomorrow. From now on she will be called her Highness Crown princess Y/n. She is an important member of our family from this day forth."
"Y/n, go on and kneel in front of my aunt." Yunho whispers, nodding at you with a proud smile, "You're doing so great already."
You comply by his words and kneel in front of the throne, your head hanging low and eyes squeezed shut with anxiousness of what is to come.
"Welcome to the family, y/n." You hear the Queen Regent's voice before she gently taps your right shoulder with the tip of the sword and then the left one. You feel a few droplets of water being sprinkled on your face.
"Rise, Crown Princess. Face your people and let them welcome you with open arms."
It is done. You are a princess now. This can never be undone, this name, this title will stick with you till the end of time. You're no longer a normal girl with small dreams and basic requirements, you're a future Queen now.
Rise, Crown Princess.
And you do.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Every person has dreamt about their own wedding at least once in their life - whether it is in the peak of their teenage or in the innocent wonders of their childhood or the wildest dreams of their adult years, this thought found itself in everyone's mind.
You had one such dream too.
But your dream had always been very simple. A nice man, your closest friends and family, a cheap and beautiful wedding dress, a small party with limited people - that is all you've ever wanted. You didn't want a gathering of four hundred people who you barely knew, the new reporters shoving their cameras into your face, heavy make up or expensive jewelry, or a husband who you barely knew. But guess that is what the Gods had written in your fate. And you have no option now than to accept things the way they are.
You don't remember much from the wedding ceremony or the huge party that follows, really ; you only remember Yunho's lips pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead when the priest asks the groom to kiss the bride(probably the best part of the day), your grandmother's tears of happiness and Alisa and San winking at the two of you after the ceremony was over. Everything else felt like a blur, as if your head had been underwater all this while.
An hour or so into the party, Prince Yunho asks you to walk with him. Alone. Though reluctant, how could you ever say no to those innocent eyes? The discomfort from being surrounded by hundreds of unknown people slowly disappears as the two of you walk around the garden, your eyes never meeting but a sense of familiarity settling between the two of you.
"I'm not used to this, you know." He says with a shy smile.
The sky is beautiful, decorated with stars and a full moon but nothing compares the glow on Yunho's face when he turns to glance at you.
"Used to what?" You enquire, "Having so many people here?"
He shakes his head, "No. I'm used to having a lot of people here. That's all I've ever seen. What I'm not used to is this. Having a partner or someone else live in my room with me."
"I'm happy about it. I really am. But I know you're new to this royal lifestyle and we barely even know each other that well but I hope you don't regret this marriage. Because I'm sure that I won't. " Yunho sighs, "And if you ever feel like it's not worth your time anymore, you are more than free to leave. Forget about everyone else, do what your heart says. "
The last phrase catches you off guard. It is very, very rare to find people who give you this sort of freedom in any arrangement. The fact that he opens up his thoughts to you makes your heart leap with happiness. And a little sadness too that he'd think you'd leave him so easily.
"Hey," you pat his arm, "I'm not leaving anytime soon. I promise. We made a vow, didn't we?"
Yunho blushes at your words, but under the bright moonlight it goes unnoticed by you.
"Do you mind if I hold your hand?" He suggests after a few seconds of silence.
The butterflies in your stomach are seemingly having the time of their life these past few days.
"I don't." You slide your hand into his and your fingers intertwine almost instantly. His warm palm presses against your cold one, bring a sense of comfort you never thought you'd ever experience. In the midst of a chaotic royal gathering and the paparazzi trying to sneak in through the gates, you and Yunho find a small world for yourselves that no one else can ever have access to.
And for the first time in months, you realise that this marriage might be worth more than what you thought it would be.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
You've always wondered what the people in royal palaces do. Do they spend all their time greeting the citizens and walking in the gardens? Do they keep dancing in the ballroom all the time? Or do they busy themselves with war conspiracies?
Sadly you realise that royal life sounds very exciting and extravagant only when you're not the one actually living a life like that. And this conclusion dawns on you only after ten days of the wedding.
The first week is packed with activities, alright. Visiting the common people and distant relatives and going to various public events. Your curiosity was at its peak till a few days ago, but now here you are, sitting on the edge of your soft bed, phone in lap and eyes drooping with sleepiness, wondering how to keep yourself occupied.
"Y/n?" The door creaks open as Yunho peeks inside shyly, "Can I come in?"
You nod, "It's your room, Yunho. You don't need my permission to enter."
"Oh, I was just making sure you weren't doing anything you didn't want me to see."
Oh. Your cheeks turn into crimson fruits as his words finally hit you.
"Anyway, I actually came to get my file. But I saw you sitting here. Are you bored?"
Are you? Heck, yes!
"Yes." You reply almost guiltily.
Chuckling, he leans down to press a loving kiss on top of your head, "Come on. I'll show you something."
You took pride in the fact that after only a week of staying here, you knew the palace fairly well. The corridors and paintings and artifacts and the workers weren't as foreign to you anymore. Yet the path Yunho takes you to seems weirdly unfamiliar.
Guess new surprises await everyday.
Soon enough, your steps halt in front of a huge wooden door labeled as ' library '.
Rows and rows of books welcome you the moment you step inside, Yunho leading the way into the most beautiful library you'd ever seen in your life. As always, paintings grace the wooden walls and a huge crystal chandelier hangs from the middle most point of the ceiling.
"Yunho...is this..what heaven looks like?"
The smell of old and new books hit your nostrils as you run a gentle hand over the book kept in the shelves, feeling the various materials of book covers brush past your fingertips.
"Maybe." Yunho responds with a grin.
Yunho's heart feels full with adoration and content at the sight of you dancing around the books shelves, gleefully taking notes of the books you plan to read on the days to come. Your eyes curl up into crescent moons as your toothy smile seems to have taken Yunho's breath away. Beautiful is what you look. Simple and elegant and so innocent.
All his life he's spent among royal people, people with political intentions and lots of money. But you make him feel differently. Being with you feels like a breath of fresh air for Yunho. And who wouldn't like that?
"Earth to Yunho." You click your fingers in front of his face after you catch him staring at you. Not that you didn't like it, but you had to do something before you turn into a mush before his eyes, "What are you thinking?"
"Oh, um..nothing." you. He was thinking about you, "How about I ask the workers to bring my office stuff over here? I can work here while you read. I don't want you to be alone."
A shameless grin plasters over your lips.
"I'd like that, Yunho. I'd like that very much. "
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
"How's the married life treating you?" Your granny asks you this question every damn time she decides to call you. 
And surprisingly somehow, you always answer positively to her query.
"Well, good. I think so at least. " you smile to yourself, remembering the soft kiss Yunho had placed on your head as he left for an official trip this morning. Even in your half asleep state, your cheeks had turned bright red, "Prince Yunho is a nice man. "
"Oh, of course he is! I wouldn't have asked you to marry him otherwise, you idiot." She yells at you although you know she's smiling through the phone, "Anyway, I can't talk for long today. I have a doctor's appointment so I'll need to dress up for that."
That comes as a surprise, "What? Are you sick ?"
"God, no. I'm not a weakling, okay? It's the regular check up. Don't worry." She says, "Bye now. "
The line goes silent.
Sighing, you put your phone down on the night stand. On times like this, when the room is too quiet and you are too lazy to walk out and talk to other people, you start missing home. A lot more than usual. Your house, though only consisting of four people was way too noisy from sunset till sundown and somehow, you'd gotten used to it. The quietness has yet to grow on you.
A slight knock on the door attracts your attention and you immediately allow whoever it is to come inside.
"Oh, Alisa. It's you!" You exclaim as relief washes over you on seeing a familiar face.
"Yes, your Highness. How have you been?" She bows down to you, "Are you able to adjust to this new life?"
"I've been okay, you could say. Still a little overwhelmed whenever I have to face people but I think I'm getting there." You laugh a little.
Alisa gives you an understanding nod, "I totally understand. But I'm glad you're feeling more comfortable. By the way, I came here to ask you if you wanted to visit my boutique in the town nearby. It's a new one and I wanted you to come see it before the inauguration. "
Your heart jumps at the offer. You remember back in your college days, you would often go shopping with Maya, especially on weekends. The two of you would wait for months for a sale or special offers because online shopping sometimes just doesn't do it for you. You smile, nostalgic, "I'd love to go."
"And then maybe we could go and eat in the pizzeria nearby. It serves the best pizza in the world, I swear."
This is just beyond tempting at this point, a literal trap to have you step out of the role of a royal Princess and embracing the careless city girl inside of you and who are you to keep her hidden for too long?
"What are we waiting for then?"
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Yunho surprises you every now and then.
On the outside, he is a strict man with the sharpest of brains and the most observant eyes. The title of being a crown prince sits heavy on his shoulders and with every passing day, the weight just get heavier.
On the contrary, the Yunho you get to see everyday is very different. Soft and cheerful and smiley, he's the literal embodiment of the sunshine and your heart doesn't seem to rest everytime you see him.
It must have been roughly a month since the wedding when he makes an impromptu plan of visiting your city and your parents' house since it had been a long time you last saw them.
"Heard you were going to your parents house?" You had gotten ready to go before Yunho did, so instead of sitting in your bedroom, you decided take a short walk outside in the gardens. And as you strolled around aimlessly among the flowers and bushes, deep in thoughts, you had come across the Queen Mother sitting by the water fountain.
"Yes, your majesty." You reply, rather intimated by her aura.
It's hard to accept sometimes that this person is best friends with your grandmother, when the both of them are as different from each other as the two poles! Your grandmother is the ever so sweet, smiling, supportive person. You would never see her angry or upset. But on the other hand, the Queen Mother is uptight, very quiet and rarely ever smiles. Just like her daughter, the Queen Regent. Maybe it's a royal thing but you're glad you don't have to see this serious side of Yunho on a daily basis.
"Good. The farther from here, the better." She mumbles.
You are alarmed at her words, "I'm sorry?"
She sighs, her walking sticking tapping the marble wall of the fountain, "Y/n, I adore you. I might not show it but I'm glad my grandson has someone like you to make his life less lonely. But you have to be careful. Not everyone is appreciative of a person of common birth being crowned as a Crown Princess. "
Fear slowly clutches you in its palms. You had gotten very occupied with Yunho and being a crown princess and making new friends, you admit. So occupied that you let your guard down. And the Queen Mother's words sound more like an advice than a threat.
"Should I be worried?" You ask, your skin going cold at the thought of someone actually wanting to hurt you.
"Not yet, no. But be very, very careful. You cannot trust anyone here. Not even me. The only person you can lean on is Yunho. Why? Because he might be as much in danger as you."
Have you ever seen how people start panicking when any sort of alarm goes off? Yeah, thats exactly how you feel at that moment.
"Y/n, let's go!" You hear Yunho call you from the front gate, already taking his seat inside his car.
You bow at the Queen Mother before jogging towards Yunho, your heart no longer into the trip as it were a few minutes ago.
Yet seeing your parents and granny after so long did comfort you.
They had prepared this small barbeque party in your backyard, your dad playing guitar and purposely singing badly to embarrass you while your mother shows Yunho your childhood pictures. And the food, oh, the food! The five star chefs from Yunho's palace could never replace this comfort food you had at your parents house. It might not be well decorated with garnishes or spices or fancy plates but it made you feel like everything will eventually be okay - which is exactly what you needed at the moment.
The entire evening you try hard to talk to Yunho but when your house is full of three excited adults, it is hard to do that. Around one am in the morning, you finally find yourself in your old bedroom, Yunho's fascinated eyes roaming around the room that feels like it were straight out of some teenage romance movie. Where in reality you'd honestly been too lazy to change the room's layout once you outgrew your teenage obsessions and interests.
"You seem to be liking my room a little too much. " you chuckle, scrolling aimlessly through your phone, your face partly squished into your favorite pillow.
The boyband posters, old polaroids from your school functions, romance novels stacked up neatly by the nightstand - all of this is as foreign to him as his palace is to you.
Yunho lies down beside you, still in awe of the room, "Yeah, it literally mirrors your personality. "
"I can't explain it, you know," he clicks his tongue, "But everything in this room screams y/n. Like everything here is made only for you."
You raise your eyebrow at his words. He's very observant, that you've noticed, but the fact that he knows you this well in barely a month warms your heart.
"What about our bedroom in the palace? Is it not made for me?"
"Oh, it is. Of course it is. But you're staying there because you have to, right? Because we're married and all that." He replies.
"No, I'm not. I told you Yunho - I'm staying there because I want to." You say, now no longer in a mood to joke around.
Suddenly, the words from The Queen Mother swim back into your mind, as you start seeing her words in a completely different light.
Yunho has somehow always expressed how he is unable to believe your presence around him and how he acts like you're doing a favor by doing that. And you find yourself wondering if Yunho knows what she'd said to you. The danger that looms above both of your heads must not be as much of a secret to him than you thought it would be. So instead of confronting him, you decide to comfort him.
"We'll be fine, Yunho. " you drag your hand towards his, your body relaxing the moment he squeezes it back, "Both of us."
Yunho looks at you with love and desire clear in his eyes, his free hand slowly dragging towards your face. You could see it now- the loneliness from the loss of his parents and the negligence from his aunt and grandmother throughout his childhood still very much exists behind the mask of a happy prince. You do not know the language of royal people or politics but you do know the language of love and more than a stupid gold crown, he needs someone to love him. And thats exactly what you intend to do.
Was it too soon? You didn't care anymore. And you know for a fact that he didn't either.
You lean in close and press your forehead to his, "You're not alone anymore. Okay?"
You see him smile from your hooded gaze, your breath mixing with his in an intoxicating mixture. "Thank you, y/n. You have no idea how much I appreciate it."
And that in itself are a combination of words much more heavier than a simple 'I like you.'
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
"The Queen Regent wishes to see you."
San runs up to you the first thing the next morning, right after breakfast.
"Why?" You ask, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
You had a plan to accompany your granny and the Queen Mother to their small tea party in a nearby Farmhouse but you couldn't obviously say no to meeting the Queen Regent. Because well, she's the Queen.
"I don't know, your Highness. I try to stay away from her as much as possible but whenever our paths do cross, she always assigns some work to me." He whines, "Go on, I'll tell the Queen Mother that you're occupied. I will be heading out with Yunho right now anyway."
Shaking your head in annoyance, you make your way to the Queen Regent's office.
Her office smells like expensive cigars the moment you step inside, and the full ashtray on her table only feeds into your conclusions.
"You asked for me, your majesty?" You ask in a low voice.
When she looks up from writing in her journal, your heart skips a few beats in fear. Her eyes hold no resemblance to Yunho's angelic ones or even The Queen Mother's serious ones. They look like two deep, bottomless black holes that swallow everything and anything in its vicinity. Her long hair is tied in a braid and her lips quiver passively upon seeing you.
"Ah, yes." She replies, "Please have a seat."
You take the chair in front of her desk, uncomfortable at the close proximity between you and the one person who everyone tries to avoid.
"How are you?" She begins, closing her journal and keeping her pen inside the drawer, "How are things going with Yunho?"
"I'm good, thank you for asking. And yes, things are going well with Yunho."
Her question seems odd, but you let it pass.
"Okay. That's really great to hear. Anyway, I met your husband a little while ago. And he asked me to tell you that he intends to see you on the rooftop alone later tonight." She raises an eyebrow, a gentle smile playing on her lips, "Looks like he has a date planned."
Her words seem too far fetched to be true. Too unrealistic. Not the date part though, but the part where he specifically ask her to pass on the message to you. He could have easily asked San or Lisa or even told you in first person, so why would he choose the Queen Regent out of so many people when he you've barely seen him talk to her?
But you're a Crown Princess, and she's the Queen and you cannot question her. "Okay, I'll be there." You get up from your seat and bowing gently, "Thank you for letting me know, your majesty. By the way, did he mention what time I am to go ?"
"Oh um...Around seven in the evening?" She's fumbling on her words, and you're sure she's lying about something.
Still you suppress your doubts and walk back to your room, hoping to find the truth behind her words this evening at seven.
The entire day goes by in the blink of an eye, but to you it feels like an eternity. The curiosity has you sitting at the edge of your bed, ready to make a run for it if any danger ever comes your way.
Yunho, who was out with San for some official work has surprisingly not texted you today at all. And it only adds to your doubts of the Queen Regent being a liar.
And when night finally falls, you find yourself tense up more than you'd done the entire day.
The night is quiet, calm but beautiful and as you step into the terrace and the soft wind kisses your face, you almost believe the Queen Regent's words. Maybe Yunho did really plan a surprise date for you. Because this is everything that Yunho likes. A beautiful night and a company he loves.
The terrace stands high giving you a beautiful view of the entire palace complex, the gardens and everything beyond. And for a moment, your worries diminish as you step near the railing, inhaling the fresh air and you feel safe.
But, you see, that's where you are wrong. This imaginary cloud of safety that you'd thought was around you was never there in the first place. Since the first time you stepped into the palace, all eyes have been on you - on every action, every activity, every word. You'd always been swimming in a dangerous sea. One wrong move, and you realise the shark is right behind you. And just how the Queen Mother had told you, you were only ever safe with Yunho by your side. But he isn't here anymore.
So it doesn't come as a when a pair of rough hands give you a single, harsh push, sending you falling right down five floors.
"You will never be our queen." Is what you hear before your vision dissolves into a black hole.
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
When you were six years old, you fell down your bike once while trying to copy some stupid stunt you'd seen people on television shows do. The excruciating pain that followed the fall was something which you thought you'd never have to experience again. That was the kind of pain which hurts you down to your very bones, sending waves of shock through your body with a single movement of your hands.
And that is exactly how you expect to feel the moment you open your eyes and come face to face with a familiar ceiling. But all you feel is sore, like how you feel the morning after exercising after a long while.
The bandages on your arms and abdomen indicate that your fall wasn't as bad as you thought it'd be but it was, nevertheless, a fall which was very much done on purpose.
"Y/n, honey, are you awake?" You hear Yunho's groggy voice coming from somewhere near the foot of the bed you lie on.
"Y-yeah. What happened?" You manage to sit up even though your body feels heavy with fatigue, "How did I fall?"
Yunho appears by your bed side in the blink of an eye and your heart clenches with relief when he bends down to kiss your head.
It feels like you hadn't seen him in days, years, where as it had only been around two days since you passed out. Yunho had rushed back home the moment he found out about it, leaving all his stupid official work for some other day. Hell, he would happily give up all his responsibilities if it means he could see you and keep you safe. He'd cried for nights and days, never leaving your side even when the nurses would change your clothes or bandage dressing. The mere thought of you never waking up again was too dark for him, especially when he'd found such a happy place in you. You are the owner of his heart and everything else that he could give you. You are, literally, his only family member. His whole world. And if he loses you, he would lose himself with you.
"A-are you okay?" He sits down on the bed, holding your hand so tight as if he was afraid you'd disappear if he let's go, "does it hurt anywhere?"
"Just a little bit, but I'm okay. I feel fine." You say, smiling through your busted lips.
Your smile as if breaks a wall he'd been holding onto for days, and his eyes immediately tear up.
"I'm so so sorry, y/n. I should have been there. I should have been protecting you. I keep forgetting I'm not a stupid guy with a normal life and that people I associate with might get into trouble anytime. I'm so sorry, I should have protected you from my Aunt and Alisa. I'm so fucking sorry."
Aunt? And Alisa? What is he taking about?
"Yunho, what are you -"
"They planned it. The entire thing. They purposely sent me and grandma away so no one would doubt them. Aunt had supposedly promised my hand in marriage to Alisa a long time ago but Grandma got us married instead. They were angry. So angry that they went ahead and tried to k-kill you. " he sobs into his hands, the tip of his nose turning bright red, "Alisa was the one who pushed you. They forgot to remove the CCTV footage."
You freeze for a second, Alisa's betrayal hurting you worse than The Queen Regent's. You almost thought you could find a friend in her, just like Maya. You trusted her. You felt safe around her when in reality, she'd only been a time bomb - waiting to blow up.
"Alisa did?" You mutter, your lips drying with fear, "I-I don't know what to say. Yunho, I- I can't believe Alisa would do this."
"I didn't either. But both of them have admitted to it. The police took them. I'm so sorry, y/n. " Yunho rubs his tears away, "I talked to your granny and parents. They said you could move back in with them. The divorce will take about a year or so to get finalized but you don't have to stay here till then. You can go back home whenever you want."
Your heart crushes in your chest. The fear of abandonment Yunho carries within himself yet he has the guts to let you go is something you would forever admire and hate in him. How could he think this way, especially after you've reassured him countless number of times that you're here to stay.
"I didn't agree to a divorce. What the fuck are you even cooking up in that mind of yours?" You say, stern and angry.
He looks up at you, his guilty eyes making the pain in your chest more painful.
"Y/n, please, you cannot stay with -"
"Shut up. Just shut up. I don't care. I don't care what you think. I am an adult and the crown princess of this kingdom and I will do as I please. " you almost yell, "I am staying here, with you, for better or worse. I told you I wouldn't leave. "
Yunho bursts into tears, wrapping his arms gently around you, hiding his face in the crook of your neck as you gently pat his back, reassuring him that you'd always stay. No matter what.
"Y-you might get hurt again, y/n. I don't want you to stay and get hurt again." But his tight hold on your body tells you otherwise.
"We're both in danger for the rest of our lives. Does that mean we stop living?" You whisper, pulling away from the embrace only to grab his chin, "Does that mean we stop loving?"
He shakes his head as his lips curve down and a shaky sob escapes his mouth, "Nothing will ever happen to you again, I swear. I will keep you safe. You will not have a reason to complain again."
You nod, dabbing his tears away with your thumb, "I know. I believe you. "
You stare into his eyes - his beautiful eyes made of the finest stardust that make your brain go hazy every morning that you wake up and find them right beside you. And that's exactly how you choose to wake up every morning till the end of your days.
"Is this the part where we kiss or what, because I've waited a long time -" he cuts your blabbering off by finally placing his plump, peachy lips on yours ever so tenderly.
He steals all the air from lungs, driving you breathless and crazy with every movement of his lips on yours and the gentle touch of his fingers on your face only adds to the unbounded euphoria you feel at the moment. He's beautiful. Even with your eyes closed, you know that he is beautiful. And not just with his face, he is a beautiful man inside out. He is yours and nothing in this world can ever change that. So when he pulls away, panting and out of breath, and gently kisses your forehead, you say, "I love you, my prince."
These words. These damn words that he'd waited for months to hear, nights he spent dreaming about hearing them. And he has to mentally slap himself to make himself believe this all to be true.
Stealing a quick kiss from your lips again, he whispers, "I love you, too, my princess. "
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nexyra · 3 years
Okay so This is just a way to let out some frustration so I can put it out there and stop mulling on it bc I'm bad at this sort of stuff - Feel free to ignore it
I'm putting this under Read More; if your fav past-time is to call anyone who likes Ironwood's character or was disappointed by his V8 turn to villainy a stupid bootlicker who "should have seen the signs he was always a tyrant !!" please don't interact with this post. You're ultimately free to think what you want but honestly I see enough of that in the main tag when left alone, I don't need it on my blog it doesn't make me feel good.
Anyone else... well you can read if you're interested but you don't have to either. Feel free to respectfully disagree though, I'm not that bullheaded that I can't partake in a friendly argument =) I'll just be listing some things about Ironwood's reading by the FNDM who get old or draining as someone who doesn't like the V8-characterization they went with
Can people please stop just... copy/pasting real world issues on a world/characters that have nothing to do with them or a completely different context ?
Like,, I genuinely try to educate myself on real-world issues. I know I'm rather privileged so I try to listen and hear out people who speak out about the issues they live through day by day. I know why the "ACAB" moniker exists. I understand the problem that lies within the american police system (and likely other countries as well). I see why the army, on our blue planet, is criticized & its many failings. Etc, the list can go on...
But I'm sorry to say, Remnant isn't OUR Earth. Their Army's primary job is to fight actual evil soulless monsters, not people. The Ace Opps or Huntsmen are not an organization directly inherited from slave-hunting groups. James Ironwood isn't the US army general bombing Middle East. Clover Ebi isn't the racist cop you want in prison. So WHY are they treated as such by so many people ? Stories are not a 1-1 where you can take everything you know and just apply it to a completely different world.
Has Atlas been presented as a country that suffers from racism & classism ? Certainly. Has it be shown this way ? That's already more debatable since the only racist arguments we got were in Mantle (which is the city we're supposed to be rooting for so that's a weird choice but eh it's whatever). Are the characters, as persons, shown to evoke these issues in a way that deserve our scorn ? Not really.
Is Ironwood depicted as particularly racist for example ? I wouldn't say so seeing as one (or more considering Tortuga) of his Ace-Opps are Faunus & it seems perfectly accepted; and he hates Jacques Schnee's guts. So why does he get to shoulder all of our real-world issues as if he was responsible for them, in a context where (pre V8) his army had most likely never killed anything else than Grimm and was shown to elicit very positive reactions from most of the population (V3) ? (In direct contrast to the polarization that the US army might evoke for example.)
You can totally hate Ironwood because of the feelings he evoke, the trope he stems from or the parallels to be made. That doesn't mean however, that he IS truly guilty of every one of OUR world issues (pre-V8)
Just because classism is prevalent in Atlas society does not make Ironwood the figurehead & leader of this issue.
Is classism an issue in Atlas ? Yes. That's been made clear because of Mantle's state as well as Jacques Schnee entire existence & even Cinder's backstory. Does that mean every single one of Ironwood's decisions reeks of classism ? NO
Trust me, as someone who found Ironwood's V8 characterization not... well-executed & too much; there's nothing more annoying than being assaulted by posts about his fall going "it was so obvious !! look at -" only for them to then list reasons in a really biased way or even headcannons based on (again) irl problems. An exemple...
Reasons his turn was good that I see thrown around : "Ironwood left Mantle behind because he only wanted to save the rich. He's a selfish coward & an asshole !"
What we were actually given : "Ironwood suffers from PTSD, and faced with Salem's imminent arrival, he tried to save what he was CERTAIN to be able to protect aka the flying city and all the people on it including Mantle evacuees. There is absolutely no text backing the idea that he wanted to leave with Atlas because it's rich. We could even suppose that he would have left with the 'poor' Mantle if it was the flying city and rich people were hanging safely on the ground. There is indeed an issue with Atlas & Mantle disparity, but Ironwood isn't directly responsible for it."
Does that make his decision to leave Mantle behind a morally right one ? That's of course NOT what I'm saying. The situation is still very ambiguous. But the classism theme has NO place here.
"Ironwood leads Atlas & Mantle. As such, he inherently holds responsability for the issues plaguing it." THIS is an acceptable reading according to me. I would probably argue that even if Ironwood's the only Atlas leader we're shown; he actually only oversees the military & academy (where we haven't ever seen classism issues), so putting Atlas' classism issues on him still doesn't sound fair to me. However the idea & argument is sound.
Acknowledging only how his actions look/the tyrannical surface reading and not the reasonnable justifications or glimpses we were given (pre-V7) of Ironwood being more than his trope
I'll probably stop after this one, but the last thing that is both tiring & annoying after too much of it; is seeing people boil down all of Ironwood's character to the most basic summary, inherently written to paint him in a bad line. And then saying that everything led up to his downfall by using these watered-down versions of the show's events to justify it. Or worse (imo), saying that people who are not satisfied with his V8 characterization that THEY don't understand how good a character he is and don't really appreciate him.... All the while only ever highlighting his characters flaws. Please stop this.
"Ironwood brought an army to the peace Olympics why are you surprised he turned out this way ?" ==> Ironwood brought an army to a country where the civilians visibly have no issue with said-army, to protect a peaceful event that he KNOWS to be targeted by foes. It's definitely overzealous & his conviction that threats should be dealt with by blunt force IS one of his flaws; but pretending that he did it for fun or because he's a tyran is just as misplaced.
"Ironwood said he'd shoot Qrow if he were one of his men why are you surprised he shot Oscar ?" ==> Do I really need to flip through every joke in this show and consider it as absolute truth & proof that the character would enact these words if given the occasion; even when we're shown with certainty that they actually don't mean it ? (IW hugging Qrow to welcome him, refusing to attack Qrow when he's certain Qrow IS attacking him...)
"Ironwood has his military all over Mantle, there's a curfew, all of this is tyrannical why are you surprised he's also down for genocide" ==> Damn, it sure is criminal to have Mantle defended from the litteral monsters roaming inside & out, and to make sure with a curfew that the people are not at risk during the night. I wonder if any recent events could make us reconsider our stance on how evil a enforced curfew is. Mhmmm maybe a pandemic ? Nah I must be imagining things. For real though, at what point did Tyrian's framing/lies (IW has his soldiers all over Mantle because of politics/he's a tyran who refuses opposition) became the truth of the situation for the FDNM too ? Again Mantle's situations SUCK, and that's a problem in itself. Making up problematic reasoning for the situation is dishonest though.
To end this, I'll just make clear. I do not condone any of Ironwood's actions post-V7. I don't think he had to be the big hero of the Atlas arc. Nor that he was without faults. I merely think that he'd have been a better antagonist than villain. And that it'd have been nice to keep the ambiguity/morally greyness that surrounds him; the knowledge that he's TRYING hard to do what's best for everyone; that he has good intentions. That he cares about individuals too to a lesser degree, and that he had people who cared about him as a person.
For short... Ironwood as an antagonist with understandable issues, flaws & failures; making questionable choices but with good intentions ? Hell yeah. Ironwood as a villain, more irredeemable than Hazel, willing to kill people for NO reason or even wipe out a city ? I'm not convinced.
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kbstories · 4 years
I usually do a fic rec list of personal favorites every year on Fanfiction Writer’s Appreciation Day (August 21st) and I realized I didn’t do one in 2019 so here’s a list of my personal
One Piece Fanfic Favs 🏴‍☠️🌟!!
Keeping up with the tradition, this list exclusively features works that could use more love thrown their way! OP is a pretty big fandom, so I set the limit at max. 300 kudos. Please enjoy and leave plenty of kudos & comments if you can (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ
Previous rec lists: Metal Gear / The Witcher
burn before the fire by shishiswordsman (@shishiswordsman)
Kicking this list off with one of my absolute favorites. This is a Wano Arc look into Luffy’s headspace through Law’s eyes, and it’s amazing. Stellar characterization, great pacing, I truly adore this fic.
(Sneaky double rec with shadow rises (and you are here) by the same author because my god do I burn for the Luffy-used-to-be-a-slave AU and this is my favorite rendition of it hrghhh my heart)
Stasis by ImperialMint (@imperialmint)
Pure Strawhat nakamaship hurt/comfort goodness. This was one of the first fics I read for this fandom and it scratches an itch for Luffy sacrificing himself for his crew and his crew taking care of Luffy in turn so wonderfully. Please mind the tags, though!
At The End of The Day by Artificial_Starlight
Bending the 300 kudos rule for this one because it’s a longfic and it’s criminal how few kudos this has. This is a true feast of a LawLu Modern AU if I’ve ever seen one. I adore everything from worldbuilding to plot to characterization. It’s one of those stories that makes you run to AO3 whenever it updates. You won’t regret catching up with it, I promise.
Scrapyard by Milo (@musasuchus)
SCREAMS FROM THE ROOFTOPS this is the first kidkiller fic I came across and it lit a fire under my ass for this ship y’all I can’t even describe it. It’s a collection of snapshots from Kidd & Killer’s lives with an ace!Killer HC I?? adore?? Anyhow if I could delete my memory and read it with fresh eyes I would hhhh
The storm ended already (so you should stop shaking) by Amazaria (@amazaria)
Listen. This fic has everything I needed from a post-Water 7 scenario and more because it’s focused on Usopp & Nami and I just. I’m so soft. This made me so soft. It’s so good. Please read it.
Illness on the High Seas by mydetheturk (@mydetheturk)
I’m one of those idiots who is so focused on the Most Popular Boys that I get tunnel vision from it and then there comes a fic that shows me what a monumentally stupid move that is. Myde writes those fics by the regular and I adore all her writing but this fic specifically is so very good and so very underappreciated. It’s a Coby-and-Brook story about shipwide illnesses and those who keep things together. It’s sad and hopeful and wonderful, my heart is so full.
sacrifice by wbtrashking (@quillifer)
This one is a swift but deadly roundhouse kick to the heart. It delves into an aspect to Law’s powers that makes me anxious to even think about in the context of Wano (or any fight with high stakes, really) and Ash sharpened that potential to its best possible effect. Straight to the point, absolutely heart-wrenching, join me in Law feels hell please!!!
(Ash also wrote a kidkiller one-shot called familiarity for me and I’m aware this will sound very biased but it’s the best thing I’ve ever witnessed with my own two eyeballs. Timeskip Kidd & Killer being soft around each other, my crops are forever watered... thank you...)
Breathing Easy (And All Its Associated Complications) by Trixree (@trixree)
This fic gave me a lot of emotions I didn’t know where the fuck to put, it’s just so good and unique and my soul burns just thinking about this. I never really considered the monster trio as an OT3 constellation before this but I certainly am since I read this. Pre-timeskip figuring out of feelings and polyamory, my god my heart aches.
Scrapyard Remnants by threesipsmore
Another kidkiller classic in my eyes. It’s an exploration of pre-canon Kidd & Killer, how they grew up and came to be and I just love this a lot. It was written before the Wano revelations of late, and I can’t express enough respect for tackling these characters in such a believable way with how little we knew of them back then.
toragara by Origamidragons (@oriigami)
This is one of those tattoo-it-across-my-body-this-is-amazing kind of reads where every line is so good and hits so deep and it stays with you for a long time. It’s an AU where Zoro is a tiger shifter... person roaming Goa where Luffy stumbles upon him, and I’m a little mad it’s not actually canon because it’s so unique and I adore the idea. Anyhow. Read it or die by my sword(s).
God’s gonna trouble the water by hongmunmu (@dragonkov)
Reading this is an experience that’s so visceral it’s hard to describe. It’s a what-if scenario for Water 7 where Usopp dies before he can grab Luffy’s hand and escape with the crew, and it’s exactly as emotional and harrowing as that sounds. This author’s grasp on Usopp and the entire crew is unparalleled and I literally haven’t stopped thinking about this fic ever since I read it.
That’s it for now! Feel free to add to this list if you like and as always a huge THANK YOU to the writers of this fandom for their amazing work c:
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sector-i-closed · 4 years
Requested by anon "nerd!hongjoong smut please and he's a switch 💖💖💖 thanks" I hope you like this anonnie
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Also thank you all for 2k followers milestone I thank you all for following me! 💖
Tagging @mirror-juliet @atiny-piratequeen @atinybrew @yunderland @kissmecaptain @toppklassik @beankeeper37 many thanks to all of you for inspiring me
Warning: Smut, choking, overstimulation and outdoors sex and still no cut
The library was nearly empty as you watched quietly with a broad smile spreading across your face as your secret crush dozed at the table where his book sat open midway through its multiple pages.
Kim Hongjoong looked adorable to you and secretly you wished that he knew how you felt about him, though your reputation as the heartbreaker at school kept you from reaching out to him.
He was considered a nerd at school and most of the nerds would steer clear of you, even though there were times when you would see Hongjoong unwittingly looking in your direction in the school hallway as if there was something that he desired to say but then his eyes would shift to something unreadable and you took it to be as amusement of you thinking that you could even have a chance of being someone to him.
This afternoon you made up your mind that you would watch your crush as he slept which was a rare thing to witness you felt, though you had a sad feeling that you would never get to watch him sleep in your arms but you could still dream.
Abruptly your heart dropped to your stomach when your crush began to rouse from his unintentional nap and it was too late to move away and pretend that you were only meandering about the library. Your breathing became irregular as his spectacled deep brown orbs settled on your lingering form, a quizzical look reflecting in his eyes.
"Y/N? Why are you standing here at my table?" Hongjoong eyed you with a suspicious aura surrounding him, an air of disbelief coloring his voice.
The sound of your name falling from his lips prompted a bright, effervescent sensation to bubble through your veins and settle in your stomach, gripping you with a wild surge of adrenaline at the simple use of your name.
"I was watching you sleep." You smiled, watching the male frown at your words.
"I- I wasn't asleep!" Hongjoong's cheeks flushed a bright shade of vibrant crimson which in turn caused you to smile at his unintentional adorableness.
"I'm not blind, Joongie." You chuckled, stepping up to him and tousling with his hair in an annoying manner.
"You must be when you can't even see what's in front of you." He groaned quietly, attempting to resume reading his still open book.
"What do you mean?" You quirked an eyebrow, wondering if you were looking into things too much.
"What context were you thinking in?" Hongjoong gave a vague smirk as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his, appearing far more smug than you remembered him ever looking.
"What context was I intended to think in?" You asked, glancing down and smirking slightly as you noticed the male discreetly stroking himself or he had thought he was being discreet.
"Whichever context you choose. You are free to have your own interpretation of any given subject." He glanced up at the clock on the wall before smiling at you warmly, "So you decided that keeping me company is more enjoyable then studying for the project, hm?"
"Well you wouldn't be wrong." You smile, maintaining confidence even though butterflies were wrecking havoc on your stomach.
"Would you like to hang out with me at the park after you're finished researching?" The question slipped past your lips before you even processed the question mentally.
"I would love to. If you're sure that you want to." His voice sent tingles resonating throughout your bloodstream.
"Of course I want to." You gave him a reassuring smile and watched him stand stiffly as he collected his book to return to it's designated shelf.
A brief glimpse at the crotch of his pants caused you to grin but you averted your eyes, though you were unaware of the redness tinting the male's cheeks because he knew of your roaming eyes.
"So what made you want to come out here with me?" Hongjoong eyed you with glimmers of suspicion residing in his dark brown eyes, his handsome face was a sight that consistently caused you to lose your breath and you could scarcely believe your luck in sitting next to your crush on the park bench, sitting in the shade while listening to the birds chatter softly while a warm gentle breeze blew, kissing your skin and mussing Hongjoong's hair.
"I never had the chance to be around you much so I thought it would be a good opportunity for that now." You shrug and smile softly.
"I've seen you look at me a lot but never could tell for certain what you thought about me." You boldly place your hand over the top of his hand, testing his reaction and judging weather or not you were being too forward with your actions.
Hongjoong didn't seem to mind the physical contact and even seemed to welcome it despite his fingers trembling slightly beneath your touch.
"I liked the way you kneed that guy that time." Hongjoong chuckled at your bewildered expression, shock replacing the serene feeling that you were experiencing seconds earlier as you had a flashback of the time when you thought that you were alone on the school grounds and one of the meanest, disrespectful bullies at school had jumped you.
You had dodged the bloke's punches effectively since the fellow was uber confident and landed a knee right in his balls that caused a scream of excruciation to erupt from his lips. In spite of the ruckus no one ever came to check on the noise and you thought no one knew of the incident, though little did you know that Hongjoong was silently watching you as he sat alone.
"I thought no one knew of that..." You felt a flush of embarrassment cover your cheeks and you couldn't stop the surge of excitement that bubbled in your chest.
"So it really did happen?" Hongjoong smiled with a vague undertone of slyness coloring his expression as he tilted his head in faux curiosity.
"You're so annoying." You huffed, frustration replacing the excitement that you felt prior.
"It must have happened-" Hongjoong was cut off by your lips crashing into his, finding a way to shush him as you caressed his lips with your own pout.
A sweet, unexpected feeling of hot lust circulated through your blood and to your surprise your crush seemed to be unconsciously encouraging you to continue the kiss.
"I've always wanted to know what your lips would feel like." Hongjoong mumbled against your lips before cupping the back of your head and drawing you in closer to deepen the heated kisses.
You purposely bit his lip, coaxing an unbelievably sweet whine from his mouth that sent chills down your spine.
"D-do you want to...?" You stammered breathlessly, pressing kisses down his neck and suckling a red marking at his collarbone. Hongjoong surprised you yet again by pulling away from you, sending you into a panic that led you to believe that he was rejecting you.
Your mouth opened to speak but no words came out as the male took your hand and led you away from the park bench where occasionally a person would probably gawk at the two of you.
Your crush promptly led you to a secluded part of the park that you were unaware of and you were pretty certain that other people were unaware of this area as well. Slowly you assessed the brush and the vegetation that surrounded you and in turn you felt a sense of safety with Hongjoong.
"Tell me to stop if you don't want me to do something, okay?" Hongjoong breathlessly pressed you against the trunk of a nearby tree and promptly attacked you with kisses to your neck that made your entire body tingle in anticipation.
"Y-yes..." You were taken by surprise by the male's boldness and was effectively disarmed by the caresses and the bites to the neck that made your knees weak.
A loud, choked sob of pleasure broke the silence of the park, the vulnerable sound being followed by several loud whimpers that begged him to do something to you, anything to relieve the intense ache that throbbed deep inside.
"Please..." You breathed, feeling yourself collapsing and was gradually lowered to the ground while Hongjoong hovered over your body, peering past his glasses and looking into your eyes in wonderment of being able to take you apart so easily.
"Please I need you, Joongie..." Your pitiful whines becoming muffled by Hongjoong's mouth capturing yours in a passionate kiss.
"How cute, the little badass is begging me now." He purred in a seductive tone that made your hair stand on end all across your body. Heat was prominent in your stomach and you felt like you were swimming in desire as you lied still in the grass beneath Hongjoong.
"I am begging you, I want your cock inside of me." You whined softly, grinding your sex against his crotch to make your point clear.
"Are you sure of this? I don't have a-"
"I'm sure. I'm on contraception anyway and I want this, I want you." You eagerly speak up while frantically unbuttoning his shirt, exposing his skin so that you could freely run your hands across his warm flesh.
A low groan rumbled in his throat as you touched his skin with light, ethereal touches, his pupils dilated upon hearing you saying that you wanted him and his demeanor seemed to shift before your eyes.
"Strip Y/N, so I can see your beautiful body along with your face." Quickly you did as you were told, stripping down and exposing your skin to the light wind that kissed your skin.
"So exquisite." Hongjoong's gaze raked across your body, drinking in every curve of your body and adoring your shape. In turn the male made fast work of ridding himself of his garments and promptly inserted himself between your legs.
A choked moan escaped your lips at the thought of his cock being merely inches from your heat, which was yearning for him to fill you with anything that he had.
"Mm please..." You shuddered, feeling him press kisses across your collarbone while the tip of his cock slipped between your folds, massaging your clit in circular motions that teased you to the point of being unable to hold back any longer.
"I'm f-fuck!! Ah ah~" You whined as the unexpected orgasm came over you. Your entire body shook beneath Hongjoong as the waves or your orgasm subsided, sheepishly you looked up at him and shrank back in response to the cocky smirk that accented the amused look in his eyes.
"That felt good didn't it baby? You couldn't wait to feel my cock inside of you before cumming could you?" Hongjoong smirked devilishly as the head of his cock dipped down to your entrance, slowly dragging against your slick hole in a teasing movement that made your eyes roll back in your head and a whine of lust to be vocalized.
"Imagine how hard you'll come when I fuck you with my cock." He chuckled as he pushed himself inside of your heat, his girth stretching your hole to accommodate him completely.
Already you were writhing beneath him as you already sensed your second orgasm approaching and he hadn't even began to stimulate you yet.
"About to come again so soon?" Hongjoong smirked, feeling your walls flutter around his length and clench as he began to thrust into you deeply.
"Oh god y-yes..." You moaned and shivered beneath him, scarcely able to believe that your crush was actually fucking your sopping wet heat.
"You sound so pretty. I never thought a badass girl could sound so vulnerable." He growled, thrusting into your sex harder and you could only cling to him.
His hand traced your neck, touching your Adam's apple tenderly as a sudden sharp intake of breath shook your being.
"F-fuck J-joongie please, please ch-choke me..." You sobbed out, feeling your second orgasm almost washing over you.
Hongjoong peered at you curiously and smiled at you slyly, his fingers wrapping firmly around your throat and cutting off your airflow as your second orgasm overwhelmed you, leaving you choking for air as weightless bliss came over your senses.
Hongjoong released inside of you with a broken moan, the sight of his fingers around your neck adding to your pleasure being more than he could endure and his sloppy thrusts finally came to a stop.
"You did well, precious." He kissed your lips gently and lied down beside you in the grass.
You hummed in contentment as you moved, pulling his length from your body while you changed your position, desiring for something more.
You rested your weight on your knees as you brought your face down to his softening length. A soft whine left his lips as your tongue licked across his tip, collecting the salty taste of his cum mingled with your juices on your tongue.
"Mmm s-sensitive..." He moaned out, his voice urging goosebumps to arise on your skin.
"Y/N..." Hongjoong whimpered, his cock twitching in response to the sensation of your tongue caressing the smooth, velvety skin of his cock seductively.
Slowly you eased your mouth down, taking his length into the warmth your mouth and sucking hard. You glanced at Hongjoong and almost choked on his member, the way he watched you intently with his fucked out face made your body yearn for him all over again but this time you wanted to taste him and feel his cum filling your mouth.
He mewled and reached for your head, entangling his fingers in your hair and digging his nails into your scalp.
"F-feels so good but I can't- I can't s-stop..." Hongjoong tugged at your hair, throwing his head back and moaning out loud in a pitiful cry that encouraged you to bob your head at a pleasurable rhythm that produced even more pleasant sounds from him.
You added suction to the mix, feeling his length twitch in your mouth, followed by his breathing becoming even more irregular in pants that were a struggle for him to inhale.
"Y/N... I'm gonna c-cum..." Hongjoong's voice came in a strained whisper that morphed into a moan of intense pleasure as he came inside of your mouth, filling your cavern with ribbons of release that slid down your throat.
You moaned in pleasure as you helped him ride out his second climax, the sound of his cries raised the hair on the back of your neck as you pulled off of him and went to him to cuddle.
"Are you okay baby?" You asked softly, pulling him against your bare chest to cradle tenderly. "Yeah I feel fine with you." Hongjoong smiled, kissing your messy cheek in adoration.
"I still want to know what context you were speaking of earlier." You giggled, snuggling into his warm and bonding with him.
"I think you already know what context I was speaking of, baby."
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myqueenjudeduarte · 5 years
Something Like Trust: Chapter 1
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Here it is y’all... the fic you’ve been waiting your whole lives for... a 10k word first chapter of Jurdan BDSM. 
Post-The Wicked King
Tags/Warnings: Slapping (in a sexual context), references to spanking, teasing, orgasm delay, uhh angst and emotional fuckery, BDSM obviously, alcohol, also alcoholism because Cardan is present, kind of exhibitionism, I can’t accurately prepare you guys for this fic so just don’t read it if you aren’t comfortable with BDSM relationships. The later chapters will have a lot more intense stuff so just... be warned. OH also warning for them both being COMPLETELY out of character like honestly y’all this is DISGRACEFUL.
Summary: “I was thinking of an arrangement which would allow you moments of powerlessness. An arrangement in which I would take the control, allowing you to experience the feeling of an utter lack of responsibility, a feeling in which I am in command of all and you have no worries to speak of.”
Word Count: 9,426 I’m sO SORRY
Let me know if you want to be tagged in my fics!
Everyone who knew Jude Duarte came quickly to realize that what she sought, above all else, was power. Control. Influence. That she had long felt powerless, and that she remedied this through a combination of scheming and working to rise to the top.
And rise to the top Jude had.
There were few higher places for an 18-year-old mortal girl to be than by the side of the High King of Elfhame, ruling a kingdom with him. And there were few people more profitable to be close to than the High King himself.
There were times, though, when Jude — though she would never admit it — craved above all else a respite from the power. The control. The influence. Craved, in fact, a moment of return to that place of powerlessness, when the worries of the kingdom had been anyone’s but hers and she was free to rest and roam rather than reign.
And there were moments, now, after nearing 6 months since Jude’s return to Elfhame and eventual semi-reconciliation with Cardan, when Jude imagined herself as powerless once more and still imagined Cardan by her side, not ruling together, but simply being together.
When these thoughts struck Jude she would roughly and with decisiveness shove them to the back of her mind and pretend she had never experienced them. Jude could no more afford a break from her power than she could afford to become emotionally involved with her fellow ruler. These were thoughts she had no choice but to keep to herself, as she did most of her thoughts and all of her feelings.
Until tonight, when Jude was drunk.
Jude was, to be quite transparent, far past drunk. Jude was heavily intoxicated, and, she reasoned, through no fault of her own. She had overheard several subjects of Elfhame debating how, exactly, they were expected to take seriously a queen who was not only mortal, but didn’t even drink. The King, of course, drank his fill — why was the queen so serious all the time? How could she ever expect to fit in with faeries if she wouldn’t even let loose at a revel?
Jude, of course, wanted nothing more than power, and power was a child, born of respect and fear. She rationalized, then, that to fit in in Elfhame more fully would be to earn respect, and with respect, power. She gained from this the idea that she had no choice but to drink.
And drink she did.
Cardan looked on from his throne in bewilderment and something akin to amusement as Jude danced and drank with the people of Elfhame. He wanted nothing more than to join her in her drunken fun, but felt that this was something, strange as it was, she needed to do on her own.
When Cardan was falling asleep on the throne and the sun was beginning to make the day known, Jude finally approached the dais, stumbling and smiling and so, so stunning — at least, that was all Cardan could think of as she draped herself over her throne, positioned beside his.
“Cardan, I danced,” she said. Cardan made a most concerted effort to school his face into seriousness, or at least not to laugh at her. He didn’t want to ruin this.
“Yes, Jude. I watched,” he said in a low voice.
To Cardan’s surprise, he saw a faint blush spread over Jude’s cheeks.
“Did you?” she said, and pushed herself with some difficulty closer to him. “Would you like to watch me further? Perhaps in my chambers, and perhaps wearing less than we are now?” Jude whispered the words, but Cardan was still taken aback. It was rare — unheard of, really — of Jude to be so forward, or forward at all.
Cardan and Jude were no strangers to sleeping together, but Cardan usually initiated it, delivering smirks and pointed remarks until Jude rolled her eyes and almost admitted to having desire of her own. Now, though, Jude was too drunk to care that her want could be used against her as a weakness.
As strongly, though, as Jude’s words and posture affected Cardan, he was loathe to do anything with Jude that she would regret in the morning, or that he would regret as taking advantage of the woman he had begun to admit to himself that he had feelings for.
“I think, my dear Jude, that you have had too much to drink for me to consider your admittedly delightful proposal.”
Jude merely smiled and closed her eyes, swaying slightly. “I love it when you call me dear,” she said softly.
Cardan felt a pressure on his chest, the sensation that his ribs might break and puncture his heart and end his immortal life right here and now.
“And I love that you’ve told me that, but I think I should return you to your chambers before you say anything else you will hate yourself for in the morning.” The words were sad, and so was Cardan as he considered what Jude would likely do to herself for even that small admission.
Jude and Cardan didn’t share chambers, and certainly not for Cardan’s lack of trying. Jude refused to become closer with Cardan than sex and a rare moment of shared silence afterward, than discussing the workings of the kingdom. Cardan had asked — near begged, really — Jude to move in, but she had steadfastly refused to assent.
“Your chambers, today, I think,” said Jude, her voice low. Cardan felt his blood heating despite himself, but pushed the thoughts away — now was not the time to lose himself in his passion for her.
“My chambers, then, but to sleep.”
Jude positively pouted. “You’re no fun. Why are you no fun? I’m supposed to be the no fun one.”
Cardan smiled at that. “Yes, those are our usual roles, aren’t they? But tonight, you’ve had a little too much fun, so I am saddled with the role of the serious.”
Jude continued to pout. “Are you gonna take care of me?” she asked, brightening slightly at the thought.
“For the night,” Cardan said quietly, before standing and offering Jude his hand. “On any other, you would run me through for the barest implication that you needed caring for.”
Jude laughed. “I wouldn’t run you through. You’re Cardan!”
“So I am,” he replied.
“I wouldn’t run Cardan through. I’d miss him.”
Realizing that Jude seemed to have forgotten with whom she was speaking, Cardan led her in silence to his chambers, still mulling over her words. It was nice, at the basest level, to hear that she had no desire to kill him. Even that small mercy took him by surprise. “My ruthless girl,” he thought, and then corrected himself. She was not his girl, after all.
When they arrived in his chambers, Cardan helped Jude into bed before lying down beside her. He may have been unwilling to engage in anything sexual while she was in her present state, but he had no qualms about taking advantage of it to be close to her. The morality of his behavior had improved over the past months ruling with Jude, but he adopted no pretense of being perfect.
To his shocked delight, Jude snuggled close to him, tucking her head against his chest when he rolled toward her. He tentatively placed an arm over her side, and she hummed happily. Jude and Cardan had shared time, shared kisses, shared rule of a kingdom, but they had not shared true intimacy since the night they were married. Until, that is, this moment, a moment Cardan placed quietly into his heart to cherish in the days, weeks, months of cold that were sure to follow this night.
He thought this was the end of the happy moments, that Jude would drift off to sleep and that he would face an angry, hungover mortal the next day, but instead, Jude spoke.
“I know I’ll be too afraid to say this tomorrow,” she whispered. “I’m not so drunk as to forget my own nature.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t—“
“I’m cruel to you anyway, Cardan, wouldn’t you rather hear what I have to say now and face my wrath tomorrow?”
Cardan remained silent.
“Sometimes I don’t want this power,” Jude spoke, slowly, softly. “Sometimes I want to feel powerless again, to feel like the weight of a kingdom doesn’t rest on our shared shoulders. Like we’re kids again, like you’re treating me badly during lessons on warm evenings in the gardens. Or like we’re older, and you’re kinder, and we have time to be away from all of this. Can you imagine if we had the space and time to be powerless, even for a second?”
Jude sighed. “I know it makes no sense,” she said, “I know you think that everything I am seeks power, but there’s something else there, inside me. Don’t forget that there’s something else, ok?”
Her words grew more desperate, and with the desperation, more slurred, as she continued speaking. But Cardan barely noticed her fading — an idea had come to his mind, one he could not release despite its insanity, despite the fact that all would be lost when they woke.
“It makes perfect sense, Jude,” he spoke as she drifted off to sleep. “And I know exactly what you need.”
“What is it?” These were the first words Cardan heard upon waking. He had slept until nightfall, they both had, and he could see the rays of the setting sun outside the window, the pink and purple hues of the night-turning sky. For a moment, he didn’t even process the question.
“What?” he asked sleepily, beginning to sit up only to find a hand on his chest pinning him to the bed.
“I asked you what it is,” Jude said, voice nothing more than mildly annoyed despite the harshness of her actions. “What is it that I need?”
“You remember that?”
Jude rolled her eyes. “I may have been mildly intoxicated, but I still remember the morning, Cardan.”
Cardan smiled at what she termed “mild” intoxication. “Do you truly want to know?”
“Yes.” Her voice was solemn now, almost nervous, as if she could sense that his answer would not be an easy one.
It wouldn’t.
Cardan’s smile turned to a smirk as he looked up at her, hair and clothes rumpled from sleep, eyes wide with anticipation. She was beautiful, and he was glad to be telling her this, despite how she would surely react.
“I was thinking, my Jude, of an arrangement of sorts.”
“What kind of—“
“Let me finish, Jude.”
She was quiet.
“I was thinking of an arrangement which would allow you moments of powerlessness. An arrangement in which I would take the control, allowing you to experience the feeling of an utter lack of responsibility, a feeling in which I am in command of all and you have no worries to speak of.”
“You would take charge of the kingdom?”
“I would take charge of you, Jude.”
There was silence for several moments, utter, complete silence as Jude studied him. He expected at any second for her to yell, hurt him, get up and leave, or in some other way snap. It would be worth it. But, to his surprise, she merely said,
And explain he did.
“I would take charge of you — specifically of your body, and specifically sexually, but your mind would follow, I expect. My every command you would follow, or risk punishment. This could be situational or constant, depending on your level of comfort. That means that we could either have assigned stretches under which these conditions are met — you obey me, I care for you, and the focus is on the sexual — and the rest of the time we would be the same Jude and Cardan we are now, bickering and never once obeying the other, unless forced to do so” (this he said with a pointed look, reminding Jude of their past arrangement). “Alternatively, we could have a constant arrangement, one in which you always obey my commands or you are punished. In this way, you could both have power and powerlessness simultaneously, depending on the situation. Both of these, I assume, sound far outside your comfort, but Jude, I implore you to at least consider what I suggest, even if you do no more. Consider what it would mean for you.” With this last desperate plea, Cardan fell silent, awaiting the stormy anger he expected from Jude. This time, his expectations were met.
“Do you think,” she said in the deadly calm he had learned to fear in their time together, “that I trust you, Cardan?”
“No, but I think that you need to.”
“For this? For your deranged sex idea?”
“For this, for our ruling together, for our marriage, for your health.”
“Our marriage has been a sham since you exiled me,” she spat, bringing up wounds Cardan had never been so bold as to think healed.
“I should like it not to be.”
There was a moment of silence before Jude spoke once more.
“What kind of punishments?”
Cardan felt acutely the whiplash of this conversation.
“Some physical, some lack of privileges, depending on the intensity of the relationship. Some pleasant and playful and some less so.”
“Would you ever hit me?”
“Only with your explicit permission and desire.”
“Hit me. I desire it.”
Concentrating on the effort not to let his shock and his own desire show on his face, Cardan brought a hand up from where it had rested on the bed, reached to where Jude still hovered over him, and slapped her thigh, hard. She still wore her dress from the revel of the night before, allowing his hand to connect with bare skin.
Jude gasped in surprise, then rolled onto her back beside him.
“And what if I did obey?” was her next question, asked tentatively.
“I would reward you.”
“What kind of rewards?”
“Would you like me to demonstrate those, as well?”
Jude’s silence served as assent, and Cardan rolled onto his elbow to hover over Jude’s frame.
“I might start like this,” he said, trailing his hand across the high neckline of Jude’s dress, over her throat.
“And move lower,” he added, running his hand over her chest to cup her breast gently. “Like this.”
Jude bit her lip, rubbed her missing fingertip against her thumb, the tell-tale sign of her nervousness. Cardan continued.
“I might tease you a bit, even when you had been good, because the important aspect of this is that you are subject to my desires. No matter how good you’ve been, if I want to punish you, I may, and if I want to reward you, I will do so at my leisure.” As he spoke, he grazed his fingertips over her breast, studiously avoiding her nipple. She wasn’t wearing a bra — she must have removed it in her drunken sleep, and he could see the peak of her nipple under the thin fabric of her dress.
When, after several long minutes, he finally brushed her nipple with his knuckle, Jude breathed a sigh of pleasure.
“Here,” Cardan said, pausing his ministrations, “I might give you an order. I might tell you to be quiet, or not to move, or both, and if you break the rules...” he slapped her thigh hard once again. “You might find you rather dislike the results.”
Cardan could see the effect he was having on Jude and pushed forward, wanting nothing more than to convince her that this was what she needed. He had never expected to get this far on a subject he expected her to shut down immediately, and he would not sacrifice the opportunity.
“Next, I might move lower...” he slid his hand down over her stomach, felt the softness there that covered hard muscle.
“Down to here, perhaps,” he said as he reached the junction of her thighs. “And since this is a reward, I would likely not make you wait too terribly long for what you would so desperately, desperately want.”
As Cardan’s hand slipped under Jude’s dress, he felt the wetness between her thighs and knew his words and actions had their desired effect.
“I see that this is already what you desperately, desperately want, my dear Jude?”
Jude’s hand darted out and clasped Cardan’s wrist, pulling it out from under her dress. He could never hope to be stronger than her, so he waited in anticipation for what she would say.
“Yes,” she said breathlessly, and Cardan relaxed slightly. “Alright, Cardan. Let’s try. You have tonight to convince me that this is anything other than a horrible idea.” Here she paused, and he saw a shadow come over her face, knew that whatever she was about to say was hard for her.
“I don’t trust you, Cardan, and maybe I never will—“
“But,” she said emphatically, “I’m willing to try. To see how it goes. And besides, I suppose that I trust you more than most people in my life, okay? That’s something.”
Cardan felt the familiar chest-crushing feeling as he gazed at her in the wake of that admission, one that would have been small had she been anyone but Jude Duarte.
“Does my time start now?” was all he replied, not wanting to get emotional and ruin this moment.
“I suppose,” she said, feigning a lack of care when Cardan could tell she was still flustered from his actions.
Cardan leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to Jude’s lips. To his continual surprise, she didn’t pull away- instead, she reciprocated, deepening the kiss slightly. This, if nothing else, revealed how aroused she was, and Cardan couldn’t help but smile at her willingness and desperation.
When he finally pulled away, it was because Cardan had business to attend to before they could truly begin the day that might change everything.
“There are a few things we need to discuss, and they happen to be the type of things that are best gone over with paper and pen.” He moved to retrieve both of those items, and to his delight Jude remained still on the bed, awaiting his return. Perhaps, he mused, she would be more obedient during this whole endeavor than he ever expected.
When he returned, Cardan sat cross-legged on the bed as Jude drew a knee up on which to rest her chin.
“The first item we need to discuss is your limits. These are the things I am absolutely, under no circumstances, allowed to do to you or to order you to do. These can be sexual or not, and this list can be edited at any time as you think of more.”
“I don’t...” and here Jude paused, taking a moment to overcome embarrassment over what she was about to say. “I don’t think I know enough about the things we might be doing to know what my limits would be.”
“And that is utterly acceptable,” Cardan said, rushing to reassure her. “They can be anything. For example,” and with this, he ran a hand down the side of her arm, leaving goosebumps in its wake, “you’ve made it abundantly clear that you have no qualms about being slapped. If you did, we would add it to the list. But if it helps you, I can list some things I may do and you can enlighten me as to how you would respond to them.”
Jude nodded, and Cardan steeled himself against his arousal, driven higher by the prospect of listing potential acts, to focus on the task at hand.
“How would you feel,” Cardan asked, “if I made you wait to orgasm for, say, 2 hours as I teased you?”
Cardan could see, feel the change in Jude’s posture as she became more aroused.
“I’m sure I would not feel good about that in the moment,” she replied, eyebrows raised, “but hearing about it, it sounds... appealing.”
“And if I made you wait for a day?”
Jude snorted. “As if you have the time as High King to take an entire day to tease me.”
“Nothing would be stopping me from ordering you to tease yourself when I was otherwise occupied.”
Jude flushed now. Cardan had been trying, to little avail, to help Jude become more comfortable talking about sex. They were doing it, after all, but outside of the act itself when Cardan brought it up Jude often became irate or uncomfortable.
Maybe, Cardan mused, some part of that was to do with the fact that he, as frequently as possible, brought it up loudly and in public.
Still. This conversation was a significant step towards growing Jude’s comfort in the topic, and Cardan planned to milk the opportunity for all he could.
“And if I didn’t have the time?” Jude asked at length, returning to the conversation.
“You might be surprised,” Cardan said, lowering his voice and leaning closer to Jude’s ear, “how easily you can slip out of a meeting and into a closet when the threat of my hand on your beautiful ass looms over you.”
Jude tried to jerk away from Cardan, but he held her chin tightly and pulled her back.
“You forget, I think, that we have already begun. You will not pull away from me, do you understand?”
Jude flushed hotter and grumbled something that resembled, “okay.”
“That was your first and only warning. Back, now, to the limits. Answer my last question.”
“Yes, I think I would accept waiting a day.”
“And a week?”
Jude’s eyes grew wide. “I... would prefer not to, but it isn’t a limit.”
Cardan, alert to the smallest minutiae of Jude’s actions, noticed as she shifted near imperceptibly closer to him. He smiled inwardly. What this small action conveyed to him was that his plan to make Jude desperate for his attentions, both sexual and non, before they even began was beginning to work.
“And if I wanted to brand you?”
Cardan grinned, having known, of course, that this would be the answer.
“And there, my dear, is an example.”
Jude rolled her eyes. “I’m sorry that I needed to make clear that ‘permanent disfigurement’ is off the table.”
“You need to make everything clear, Jude, to reduce the possibility of my doing something that genuinely distresses you. And,” he said, growing serious, “I will allow it for now, but when we are done with writing and discussions and begin in earnest, I will expect a more respectful tone from you than that.”
“And if I don’t, you’ll punish me?”
Cardan could hear in Jude’s voice that her reply was no form of backtalk, but one of apprehension and excitement.
“Yes, Jude,” Cardan said, leaning closer once more. “I will punish you, and you will not enjoy it.”
“And if I do?”
Cardan frowned. “It is... a complicated line, to answer you with honesty. I want you to enjoy all that we do, because that is the main purpose of all of this. My role, above all else, is to protect and care for you while putting you in positions of vulnerability, and to make sure that the things we do while I am in control serve you well. However, a part of your enjoyment and powerlessness will be the knowledge that when you transgress, you will be corrected, and that the correction will make you want to avoid repeating the offense. So while I want you to enjoy the process, I do not expect you always to enjoy the particular instance of punishment. Confirm whether or not that makes sense to you.” This was Cardan’s attempt to help Jude grow used to following orders, and it succeeded as she obeyed without question on this small matter.
“Yes, it makes sense.”
Cardan saw Jude rub her legs together, almost too lightly to be noticeable, and smiled.
“Growing a bit desperate, are we?”
Jude scowled, then realized herself and schooled her face into neutrality. Cardan smiled wider at this indication that she was beginning to behave.
“Are you trying the teasing thing now? Trying to make me desperate?”
“Oh, Jude. If and when I tease you, I strongly suspect you shall know. No, when we finish this,” and he waved the paper and pen, “I will make sure your desperation is alleviated.”
“Then let’s get back to work.”
Jude scoffed again, then looked guiltily at Cardan. It would take some time to break her of these habits, and Cardan fully expected to enjoy every moment of doing so.
“You are free to try to make me beg,” she replied, opting for a neutral statement that still conveyed her derisiveness.
Cardan smiled. “I love a challenge,” he retorted, “thought I doubt that it will be one after I have brought you to the appropriate headspace.”
“What does that mean?”
Cardan set down the paper and turned toward her for this section of the explanation.
“Sometimes, during arrangements such as the one we’re forming-“ At this, Jude raised her eyebrows, reminding him that this arrangement was far from settled.
“The one I hope to form,” he corrected himself. “During these arrangements, there is a certain state of mind you can enter. I have done it at the hands of others- it is a most wondrous, delightful feeling, as though everything in the world is taken care of and the person in control can do no wrong. I tell you this in advance of its happening because I want you to know that I in no way am provoking this state in you for my own gain, or so that you will think more highly of me. I do it because I want you to feel that incredible feeling, and to feel that you are safe and cherished. Do you understand?”
Jude nodded, but then a shadow passed over her face, as though thinking of something she would rather not.
“How do you know all of this? Who made you feel that way? Have you made others feel that way before?”
The jealousy present in her tone was uncharacteristic, and Cardan couldn’t help experiencing a rush of pleasure as he heard it.
“I have a good deal of experience with the topic, and a good deal of knowledge in how it can go poorly,” he answered with a sad smile. “There was a time when, in search of that feeling, I would entrust myself to anyone willing to help me. Many of them took advantage of the situation to cause me pain, not that I can say I didn’t often deserve it. But this is my promise to you, Jude - I will cause you pain, but it will never be more than you can tolerate, it will never be emotional pain, if I can prevent it, and it will never be for the reason that I want you to genuinely suffer. If I punish you, it is to correct you, and if I hurt you because I want to, it is for both of our pleasures.”
“But to your other question. Yes, I have made others feel this way, but never one who I... cared for, as I care for you. It will be entirely different. I hope you can believe that.”
“Nicasia?” was all she replied, unwilling, of course, to acknowledge the depth of feeling in his statement.
“Among others.”
Jude nodded, apparently satisfied for now with his answers.
“I think I understand the limits now. I would not like to be permanently disfigured,” she said with a pointed look, “nor would I like to be overly disgusted by anything we should do.”
“Elaborate.” He knew this would be a challenge for Jude, to speak explicitly about her likes and dislikes.
“I would not like... spit,” she said, “if that was even an option. Nor would I appreciate an excess of any fluid to touch me. I would like to remain relatively clean. Is that—“ Jude caught herself about to ask if that was acceptable and stopped there, frowning as it came to her attention that she had already begun to enter a place of asking his approval.
“Yes,” Cardan answered, as if she had finished the question. “Very good. Lie on your back.”
Jude tentatively did as instructed.
Cardan leaned over her, bringing his mouth to her breast and pressing light kisses along its top, still working through the fabric of her dress. His tongue moved lower to circle her nipple before he sucked it into his mouth, hard. Jude gasped in pleasure and Cardan hummed against her tender flesh.
He pulled back, but left a hand lingering on her cheek. “When you do as you are instructed, you are rewarded,” he said lightly, before returning to the paper. Jude tried to sit up with him, but he held up a hand.
“I want you in that position until I indicate otherwise.”
Jude lay back down.
“Good,” said Cardan with a smile. “Now. Any other limits you can think of currently? It is completely understandable if not, and we can add more at any time.”
Jude shook her head.
“Then we will move on to apprehensions. What are you apprehensive about going into this?”
Jude thought for a moment before replying.
“Vulnerability,” she said slowly. “Putting faith in someone other than myself, not that I even have too much of that in myself lately.” She turned her head away after speaking, realizing she had shared more than she meant to.
Cardan reached over to take her hand gently. “Keep going.”
“Being without weapons, without defenses. Being in a situation where I need to be protected. Being in a situation where I can’t protect you.” The apprehensions came out of her in a rush now, to Cardan’s relief.
“I’m also apprehensive that I will be bad at this, that I won’t be able to bring myself to be obedient and that you will quickly tire of trying to correct me.”
“Oh, Jude. I will never tire of correcting you, and you never need worry that you will be too disobedient. You have already shown me, given your actions of tonight alone, that you will be good at this, not that there is even a way you could be bad.”
Jude shot Cardan a quick grateful look before continuing.
“I’m apprehensive that this is going to make me seem weak.”
“To me?”
“To you, to the kingdom. To anyone who knows.”
“No one will know without your express permission, Jude. Besides, who would I tell?” Cardan spoke the words with some bitterness, reminding Jude that he had few people in his life besides her. The thought crossed her mind that she should endeavor to treat him slightly more kindly, as he had her.
“Those are all of my apprehensions for now,” was all she said. “What else do you need to write down?”
“You need two words - one which stops everything we are doing completely, and one which signals me to make sure you are okay before we continue.”
“Nicasia and Locke.” She answered without hesitation.
“Fitting,” Cardan said, amused. “Our ex lovers.” He hurriedly wrote down her answers before continuing.
“What shall you call me?”
“Cardan, perhaps?” she answered sarcastically.
Cardan frowned at her.
“A name which denotes respect, Jude. May I suggest ‘My Lord’ or ‘My King’? I won’t make you go so far as to call me master.”
“My Lord,” Jude replied after a brief moment of consideration.
“Good. For the rest of the night and day, from this moment on, you will address me as ‘My Lord’. You will respond to my questions with answers like ‘Yes, My Lord’ and ‘No, My Lord.’ Is that clear?”
“Yes, My Lord.” Jude said quietly. Cardan leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her lips.
“Good. That concludes the information I need to gather for now. I will store this sheet safely for future use.”
“You seem quite confident that there will be future use.”
Cardan raised an eyebrow but let the disrespect in her tone slide. “I think you need this, Jude, and I think you will come to realize that by the end of the time you’ve allotted me. Another thing to note is that from this moment forward, I will not take your disrespect quite so lightly.”
Jude nodded once, and Cardan seized her chin in his hand once more.
“Say, ‘yes, My Lord’.”
“Yes, My Lord,” Jude replied, averting her eyes, still unable to believe she had put herself in this position.
Cardan smiled. “So far, you have been fairly obedient, and completed all that I’ve asked of you with a minimum of complaint. Frankly, I’m impressed, and I do plan to reward you.”
Jude shivered.
“But first, I want to address something you said earlier, about my viewing you as weak. Jude, to submit to my control will be the ultimate show of strength. I know what it would take from you, and how bold you will have to be in order to do so. I will never, never think you weak for giving up a small piece of your power. I will see you as all the more powerful for it, do you understand?”
“Yes, My Lord,” she said quietly.
“Good. Then let us begin.” With that, Cardan returned his mouth to Jude’s breast, licking and sucking over the fabric of her dress as his hands inched the bottom upward, baring her upper thighs. He finally pulled back to remove her dress entirely and stayed hovering above her, gazing down at her near-naked form.
“Tell me what you think of your body, Jude.”
Jude blanched, and Cardan could see the panic in her eyes, wondered if he had gone too far. Then, though, she reminded herself of his prior words - that this was strength, power, not weakness and defeat.
“I think it is strong, and serves its purpose, but is out of place among those of the faeries. You are all so... well, thin, and I am not. I have always wished to look as you do, despite knowing I never can.”
Cardan nodded, having suspected exactly this response.
“And would you like to know what I think of your body, Jude?”
“Yes, My Lord.”
“I think your body far surpasses the beauty of that of any faerie I have ever seen. I think there is nothing more attractive to me than your muscles and flesh. I think that the more of you there is for me to touch,” and he touched her, “kiss,” and he kissed her, “and caress the more I will be satisfied. And I think that your body gives you life, and that is the most beautiful thing of all. After the undersea, when you had so little flesh on your bones, I was terrified. I would never want to see you like that again. I am grateful for every day that you have enough to eat, and I count myself lucky to share the bed of someone strong enough to snap my body in a heartbeat.”
Jude laughed at this. “I meant what I said, though. I wouldn’t kill you.”
Cardan put his hand over his chest and said with mock sincerity, “and you have no idea what that means to me,” but they both knew it was far from sarcasm.
“Thank you,” Jude said softly, “my lord, for what you said.”
“I speak only the truth, unlike some,” he replied, touching her face lightly. “Anyway, Jude, would you like me to return to the task at hand?”
“Very much so — my lord.” He heard her stumble, forget herself for a moment, and resolved to push her deeper into the headspace she so desperately needed to enter.
He started by kissing his way down her stomach, running his tongue along the bones of her hips, the line of her pelvis. He nipped the skin of her inner thigh gently, causing her to yelp, and grinned against her.
Finally — finally — he attended to her burning need, pulling her remaining underwear down her legs and situating himself between them. He heard her give a sharp intake of breath as she realized what he was going to do, as she did every time they did this, and smiled once more at the familiarity of the situation.
With one hand, Cardan spread Jude before him, as he pressed his tongue against her folds.
“Spread your legs for me, Jude, dear,” he muttered against her, and she squirmed even as she did as he asked. Demanded.
When she had obeyed, he resumed his actions in earnest, licking and sucking with vigor, trying to bring her to the edge as quickly as possible. He entered her with two fingers so suddenly that she gasped in surprise, and he pulled back to grin up at her and gaze at her flushed cheeks and half-closed eyes.
“Your nipples. Touch them,” he commanded, and she did as instructed, pulling and rolling them between her fingers, moaning lightly at the sensation and more loudly as he curled his fingers inside her, still watching.
“You are stunning,” he said simply, before resuming the work of his mouth against her. He flicked her clit with his tongue, slowly at first, but increased speed with his tongue and fingers until she was on the edge, crying out that she was about to go over it.
He stopped all motions, pulled back, and said, “hands at your sides.”
“I thought this was a reward,” she said, anger flashing in her eyes even as she obeyed.
“It is,” he replied. “The reward is the fact that I’m touching you at all. And I don’t appreciate your attitude. Spread your legs.”
She had snapped them closed in the wake of his motions ceasing, but opened them again now. Cardan pushed them farther apart roughly.
“In the future, know that it is my right to stop touching you at any time, and that you have no leave to contest my decision. I won’t fully punish you now, because this is a first infraction, but I will give you a small reminder of your place.”
With those words, he slapped her directly on the junction between her legs, one of his many rings hitting her clit. While he congratulated himself on his excellent aim, Jude cried out in shock and pain.
“Car— My—“ she sputtered, trying to find something to say that wouldn’t provoke another slap. Cardan merely raised an eyebrow, waiting for her decision.
She stayed silent, biting her lip against the desire to protest and the residual stinging between her legs.
Cardan looked down at her. “Next time, your punishment will not be so easy to bear. And before I forget, there is a rule I want to set for the future- you ask me, rather than tell me, when you are close to orgasm. Do you understand?”
Jude closed her eyes briefly before responding. “Yes, My Lord.”
Cardan could see the struggle in Jude, sense the way she worked to control the impulse to resist him, and found himself impossibly proud.
He lay down beside her and began steadily stroking a finger in circles around her clit, so slowly that there was no risk of her coming from the stimulation. Jude bit her lip and moaned.
“Normally, at a time like this, I would be waiting for you to beg,” Cardan said conversationally, as if discussing the weather in Elfhame. “But, as circumstance has it, begging will do nothing for you here. I plan to let you come—“ with those words, Jude’s wide eyes shot to his, but he continued with a small smile “but not for some time.”
Jude’s face fell, but lacked the spark of anger it had earlier held. Good. That meant she was beginning to accept that she had no choice but to allow Cardan to do what he would with her pleasure.
He continued his gentle ministrations on her clit, listening for small moans and breathy sighs as she wished for more stimulation, for several minutes. Then, without warning, he rose.
“Get dressed,” he ordered.
“Why?” she asked, even as she stood from the bed.
Cardan raised an eyebrow by way of answer, and Jude paled.
“I will, My Lord.”
Cardan knew that Jude was likely still allowing this sort of behavior from herself by rationalizing that it was only for the night, but it still pleased him to see signs of her growing obedience.
Jude had dresses in one of the many closets contained by Cardan’s chambers, for those times when hers became rumpled and dirty and she didn’t want anyone to know what she had been doing or with whom. She pulled one on now, not bothering to search for a bra, knowing Cardan would likely stop her anyway. She did, however, pick her underwear back up from where Cardan had carelessly discarded it earlier, but he tsked and plucked it from her hands.
“Not tonight,” he said decisively, and she had no choice but to obey.
When she was dressed and had smoothed down her hair enough to be presentable to... wherever it was they were going, Cardan led Jude from the chambers and into the halls of the palace. When they reached the throne room, a horrible thought occurred to Jude. Surely, surely, Cardan didn’t expect her to spend hours on the throne as she usually did at night, watching revelers and hearing complaints from the citizens of Elfhame. Surely he wouldn’t be so cruel, when she could still feel the wetness between her thighs and knew her clit remained as swollen as ever.
But he was so cruel, and in they went to settle on the twin thrones, side by side, perhaps an inch of space between the two seats.
“Bring a table,” he ordered loudly to the room, “with a cloth.”
Cardan was quickly obeyed, and a table was set before their thrones on the dais, covered in a white cloth that reached to the floor. To Jude’s shock, Cardan actually thanked the faeries that delivered the table. He was clearly on his best behavior in an attempt to convince her that this was a worthy arrangement.
Jude had no idea why Cardan would request a table when, again to her shock, he did not appear to be drinking. His reason soon became apparent, though, as his hand slipped across the space between their thrones and under her dress once more, blocked from the sight of the room’s revelers by the cloth on the table.
She realized at that moment that Cardan planned to keep her on the edge of orgasm for the entire duration of their time in the throne room, and closed her eyes as a flush began to rise on her face.
“My lord,” she said, too quietly for anyone but Cardan to hear her. “I don’t know if I can do this.”
“You can,” he responded, “because I know your limits, and because I am telling you that you can, and because you want to please me.”
Jude was surprised to find that she did, indeed want to please him.
“My lord,” she started again, “you aren’t drinking. I was just wondering why.”
Cardan’s face grew serious. “As greatly as it pains me to go a night sober, I don’t believe in engaging in this sort of... activity while intoxicated. One of my main responsibilities is to ensure that I can read you well enough to know your limits, and I can’t easily do so with an alcohol addled mind.”
Jude nodded, touched and realizing for the first time that Cardan’s role in this was as difficult, if not more so, as hers.
“So, in the hypothetical and far from plausible situation that we made this arrangement permanent...”
“I would still drink on occasion, but any rewards, punishments, commands, or otherwise would wait until my sobriety.”
Jude found herself slightly disappointed. She wouldn’t admit it to him, but she worried about his drinking, about the fact that his drunken state seemed the only time he even bordered on happiness. Not that she did much to help with the misery he experienced in life.
All thoughts shattered in Jude’s mind as Cardan brought her nearly over the edge once more.
“My Lord, can I-“
He pulled away.
Had they not been in the middle of a room full of faeries, Jude might have cried out in frustration.
They passed the next hour in silence, Cardan bringing Jude to the edge again every time she got far enough from it to be comfortable. She spent the hour in misery, near writhing in her seat from the arousal. She knew she would have a damp spot on the back of her dress when they finally left the throne room, and couldn’t bring herself to care. She couldn’t even care, in fact, that all of this was happening publicly, and that someone could rise too high on the dais and see what Cardan’s hand occupied itself with at any moment.
“Alright, Jude,” Cardan said loudly, finally taking pity on her. “Let us retire for the rest of the night.”
Jude sighed in relief and stood, following Cardan out of the throne room. When they reached his chambers, Jude had no time to react as Cardan pinned her to the wall, holding her wrists above her head.
“You’re mine, Jude,” he said, stroking her wrists with his thumbs. “I love having you as my own, to do what I will with. You have no idea how deliciously appealing you looked on the dais, sitting in your throne and letting me touch you like the slut you are quickly, beautifully becoming. Tell me - are you enjoying yourself?”
“No, My Lord.”
“Are you lying?”
“Yes, My Lord.”
Cardan smiled. “It’s not nice to lie, Jude.” He slapped her in the face, hard enough to sting and take her by surprise but softly enough not to leave a mark. Jude exclaimed in surprise.
Cardan knew he had taken a risk, that face slapping was something they had not discussed and something with which Jude might be wholly uncomfortable, but she said nothing, merely looked at the floor in guilt.
And she did feel guilty — guilty for lying to him about her enjoyment in one last, desperate attempt to pretend this wasn’t exactly what she needed, that she couldn’t already feel a glimmer of the feeling Cardan had described, that she wasn’t close to total surrender.
“Look at me,” Cardan said softly.
Jude looked at him, biting her lip gently, willing him to forgive.
“There’s something important which I neglected to tell you.” He continued stroking her wrists in small, reassuring circles. “After I have punished you for whatever infraction you’ve committed, it’s over. I harbor no more negative feelings about it, and you have no more repentance to do unless I explicitly tell you otherwise. A punishment is an absolution.”
“Yes, My Lord,” Jude said, lifting her head in an attempt to push the conflict from her mind. “I will not lie again.” She meant the promise.
Cardan bowed his head. “Noted and appreciated,” he said, before looking up at her, sternly but with mischief on his face.
“Now. Get on your knees.”
Jude dropped to her knees immediately, growing more and more eager to please, and reached up to undo the buttons of his breeches.
“No,” he said, and stilled her hands. “Take off your dress.”
She obeyed, sliding it over her head eagerly and casting it aside, leaving herself naked before him once more.
Cardan cast his own shirt over his head and undid his breeches himself, much to Jude’s disappointment, before sliding off the remainder of his clothes.
“Start slowly, and using only your mouth.”
Jude obeyed, leaning forward to kiss her way up and down the length of him, pausing to give particular attention to the head before moving back down. Cardan braced a hand against the wall behind her.
“Lick me. Stay slow, but be thorough.”
Jude did as instructed once more, licking and gently sucking her way around his cock, over the head, pausing to swirl her tongue around his balls.
After several minutes, Cardan gave his next order.
“Pull as much of me as you can into your mouth. You may use your hands now, and do go a bit more quickly.”
Jude smiled, hearing the effect she had on him in his voice, and proceeded to do as told, sucking him into her mouth and blowing him in earnest.
Cardan’s sounds were like a reward, as they always were on the rare occasions that she did this, and she smiled as she worked on him, desperately wanting to bring him over the edge, desperately wanting to please.
“Jude,” he groaned, “yes, yes, like that.”
Quickly, Cardan went over the edge, spilling come into Jude’s mouth which she swallowed diligently before wiping her face with her hand. She smiled up at him when she finished, a mixture of sweetness and wicked pleasure on her face.
“Evil, talented girl,” was all he said before pulling her to her feet and pushing her across the room, onto the bed. “It’s my turn now.”
Jude did not point out that Cardan had, in fact, taken many turns already, merely lay on her back awaiting him. When he arrived, he quickly got back to the task at hand, spreading her legs and using his tongue to work her clit, alternating speeds to keep her from coming to the edge too quickly.
Still— after hours of torment, it was a matter of moments before she was at the edge, legs trembling hard beneath Cardan’s hands.
“May I come, My Lord, may I come?” she pleaded, close to begging, desperation evident in her voice.
“Yes,” he paused just long enough to say before resuming his ministrations.
He didn’t stop, nor even slow down, as she came, crying out and tangling her hands in his hair, chanting his name and “my lord” and “god, god, god” intermittently. Nor did he slow down when she came a second time, writhing beneath him. By the time she neared a third orgasm without a break, Jude had tears of pleasure and overstimulation in her eyes and was pleading with Cardan alternately to stop and keep going. He chose to continue, and she came four times before Cardan finally slowed to a stop and pulled back to look at her.
Cardan moved to the top of the bed and pulled Jude into his arms, head resting on his chest. She let out a slight whimper of protest, a part of her uncomfortable with this level of intimacy, but was too spent and needed to be held too badly to resist.
“Are you in a space where you can listen to me, my darling Jude?” Cardan asked, so heartbreakingly gentle in voice and touch that she felt as though her chest was cracking.
“Mm hmm,” she said in assent.
“Another important thing to remember about what we’re doing is that you must allow me to care for you. This is undeniably important. This sort of... play, if we might call it that, can only happen with the knowledge that I will care for you afterward. You cannot protest when I pull you into my arms after whatever we’ve been doing, whether punishment or pleasure. You cannot prevent me from tending to any injuries I may have caused or ensuring your safety, health, and wellbeing. If it is my responsibility to correct you, and to keep safely your power, then it is also my responsibility to care for you, and I take it quite seriously. Do you understand?”
“Yes, My Lord, I understand,” Jude tried to say, but it came out more like “hmmlord derstand.”
Cardan smiled tenderly down at Jude, and knew in that moment that he was much farther gone than he had ever suspected when it came to his feelings for the woman he held.
Jude, for her part, was terrified. Since her return from exile, she had never allowed herself this kind of intimacy with Cardan, and she was shocked by how desperately she desired it. She was mentally and bodily exhausted and wanted nothing more than to fall asleep in his arms, but her mind would not allow her that, setting off all the warning bells of the danger she could be getting herself into by allowing this, and with him.
But she had promised to be honest, and knew that he would consider keeping her thoughts a secret when they needed to be shared a lie of omission, so she spoke.
“I’m afraid,” she said.
“I know,” he replied, and for a moment they were silent. “I don’t want to put pressure on you, but if you’ll give me the time to do this right, I’ll prove to you that you have nothing to be afraid of.”
Jude opened her eyes. “I want to,” she whispered, as though saying something shameful. “I don’t want this to end, but I don’t know if I can do it.”
“I do. I know.”
“Where did this resounding faith in my strength come from?” Jude’s words were teasing, but her sentiment was genuine.
“I’ve had it for a long time, I think. Since I’ve known you. I was cruel to you in part because it was easier than acknowledging my feelings and in part because I saw strength in you where in myself there was only weakness, and I hated you for that.”
For reasons Jude could not understand, the reminder that Cardan had ever hated her nearly brought tears to her eyes at this moment, but she remained silent as he continued.
“I now see that hating you for your strength was the solution of a child. You have my apologies and my regret.”
They both were silent, unspoken emotion crackling between them, for several minutes.
“Why can’t this be easy?” Jude said at last.
“It’s not too late,” Cardan whispered, and kissed the top of Jude’s head, the mortal curve of her ear, the tip of her nose. “Jude, admit that you need this.”
“I do, but that doesn’t mean I get to have it when it feels like giving up all that I’ve worked for.”
Cardan closed his eyes in frustration. “You’re giving up nothing, Jude! You would only be gaining a new form of freedom. You lose nothing by surrendering.”
“I lose the war between us.”
“What war!” Cardan exclaimed, raking his hands through his hair. “The war of children? The war of two people who have been horrible to each other and now have a chance to be good? There is no war for me, Jude - not any more.”
Jude was choking back tears now, impossibly distressed at having gone from the sweetness of a few moments ago to the harsh reality of their situation and of Cardan’s frustration with her.
“I’m sorry,” she started, but then Cardan was there and he was holding her again and comforting her and kissing her temples and oh god, Jude had never been so overwhelmed by emotion and sensation and desire.
“No, Jude, do not apologize. It was my responsibility to keep myself calm after putting you into that emotional place and I failed. The responsibility is mine, and I am truly sorry.”
Jude didn’t cry, not any more, but she came close now, squeezed her eyes shut to hold back the tears, and finally, finally assented.
“I don’t know what I can commit to, and I don’t know that I won’t back out at any moment, because I’m terribly, terribly afraid. What I do know is that I want this, and I’m willing to try.”
“That’s more than I expected from you, Jude,” and she could hear the grateful tone behind his words.
“We can try it all the time, if you still want to.” The words came out of Jude in a rush of nervousness, and Cardan took her trembling hands in his own.
“I would love to, Jude. Go get the paper and pen from earlier.”
“Yes, My Lord,” she said, already relieved to be back to this, showing her just how badly she did need this arrangement.
She returned with the paper, which Cardan quickly signed at the bottom.
“Sign this when you’re truly ready to begin,” he said. “I won’t rush you. You can take all the time you—“
With decisiveness, Jude signed the document.
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mystic-scripture · 4 years
#2 for your darlings Spendy ❤️
Aww you enable me so! ❤️️😘❤️️😘 (Also fully gonna admit I don't usually write smut so we'll see where this goes.)
2. moving around while kissing, stumbling over things, pushing each other back against the wall/onto the bed
Wendy paced her living room in a panic when a mere twenty minutes ago she had been peacefully sleeping. In fact, she was still in her pajama's, despite her impending company, but she didn't care, instead her mind was reeling. She thought they were past this, that he'd was clean. There hadn't been any incidents in weeks. Then she gets a call at two in the morning saying he needs to see here, no context, no explanation, just a can I come over and the dial tone after the affirmative. How could she not have said yes? He sounded so vulnerable, so worrisome, she had to make sure he was okay.
At the sound of hesitant knocks on her door, Wendy turned, effectively pausing her thoughts as she went to answer it. Standing in the door, was a panting, and panicked looking Reid. Her coworker, that yes upon occasion she slept with, but that was just to keep him off the drugs and for the two of them to let of steam from their exorbitantly stressful job. Though this week had been pretty laid back, mostly desk work, and a couple of smaller, happier ending cases.
Wendy was abruptly ended in asking after him, instead met with both hands cupping her face and his lips meeting her feverishly, slowly moving them into the apartment. Blinking away her surprise, not so much at the kiss itself, he was known to be quite dominant in that field, but the fact that there was silence before hand. She barely allowed him to make it through the doorway before shoving him to the side, hastily closing the door and leaning against it cautiously.
"What the hell, Spencer?" This was a rule, they never started things this way, they talked first, tried to find other ways of curbing the mental roller coaster that told him narcotics were the answer. She watched as he finally caught his breath, having lost any air he'd gained in the kiss.
"Right sorry, wasn't thinking." He shook his head, taking his own turn to pace the room, though unlike Wendy he could cross it in a mere few paces were it took her twice as many.
"The great Dr. Reid not thinking? Didn't know that could happen." She scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest and rubbing at the sleeves of her sleepwear. "Want to try that again?"
"Uh yeah...sure." He stopped, moving to the couch and settling there.
He didn't say anything at first, his hands dancing along his knees as if trying to write out what he was going to say beforehand. Normally, she was fine with that, it was part of his personality, but tonight, it was taking longer than usual. This caused questions to stick and stir in her mind. Was he calling it off? Had someone from the team found them? Or worse: had he found her out? Had he discovered the secret she'd hidden from herself far longer that she'd been hiding it from him? The silence took so long that she slowly crossed the space between them to sit on the coffee table in front of him. Still not garnering a response, she placed a hand over his, effectively stopping he tic.
"Hey, it's me." She murmured, using her other hand to direct his chin and gaze to her. "Since when could you not talk to me?"
"Talking to you's not the problem, Wren." He answered, slipping into his pet name for her; another rule broken. "Well it is, but it's more of the lack of talking we do and how after a while I've-"
"Since when do we not talk?" She pulled away, growing more and more weary of this conversation. "First you call me at two o'clock in the morning, making me panic, now you're spitting nonsense, what's going on?"
"I'm attracted to you." He stated, deadpan and without a trace of emotion in his face. "Like, really attracted to you."
She couldn't stop the bubble of laughter that burst from her lips, waving her hands in front of her to try and salvage the situation. "I know that, silly. It's what makes this whole friends with benefits thing works."
"And do you know the statistics them?" He asked, "Of those relationships?"
"Of course I do, I wouldn't have suggested this if I hadn't done my research." Wendy scoffed, the dread sticking in the back of her throat. "Is that what you called me for? To discuss stats and logistics at two am?"
"Not exactly..." he licked his lips, leaning forward to look deep into her eyes. "I know the odds, and I know what we said, but I can't leave until I know where you l stand in them. Based on what I've gathered, I think I already know my answer, But I need to hear it from you."
"Spencer, what..." She stood, moving away from him to stand at her door, hand on the knob. No way was this happening tonight, not when she wasn't read, and certainly not when she was in her pajamas. "If all you're going to do is speak in riddles, then you can leave, not everyone here can operate at all hours of the day. I mean seriously, did you chug an coffee on the way here?"
"Not needed." He shook his head, standing and stalking over to her. "The anticipation alone kept me up."
The gleam in his eyes was intoxicatingly familiar, but she knew it was a trap. The Spencer on the phone was nothing like the one she welcomed into her house. He had played her, and she fell for the trap; hook, line, and sinker.
Spencer stopped just short of her, looking down at her as he used his towering height to his advantage. Usually at work she at least had the heels to help, but instead, she was flat footed, and shivering from the sudden heat that came with his proximity. She gulped, quirking an eyebrow at him to goad him on, not trusting the strength of her voice.
"You answered after the second ring, inviting me here without hesitation." He started, his tone becoming smug as he analysed her. "And while you initially pushed me away, you barely waited before finding a way to touch me again. There's also the fact that you always seem to be wearing one of my shirts whenever I find you in pajamas."
"God damn it it is too late, or too early for this!" She burst out, her breaking point rearing it's ugly head out of nowhere. "Either get to the point or leave!"
She brushed pasts him, making her way to back to her bed, hoping to just go back to sleep and realize this was all a strange fever dream. However, the tight grasp of Spencer's hand around her wrist hurt just enough for know it wasn't. Pulling away, she swung around to face him. Before she could demand any answers, his expression softened, closing the distance between them slowly, his hand tracing the fibers of her-correction his- shirt.
"Just tell me, Gwen..." He pleaded, his voice returning to the desperate tone from the phone. "Do you have feelings for me?"
Finally done with feeling powerless, Wendy pushed his hands away from her, balling up both fists in the chest of his shirt. "Ya know for someone who plays the shy smart guy, you are one hell of a narcissist."
And then she kissed him, not giving two shits if it contradicted her statement. Reaching up on her toes, she pulled him down roughly to meet her lips. The jig was up, he'd figured it out, and honestly it felt damn good not to hold back anymore. Soon, hormones took over, and he responded instantaneously , hands on her hips as he guided her backwards. Neither of them were looking anymore, lost in the sensation of the other. Her hip bumped a bookshelf, and his shoulder knocked a hanging plant, but nothing stopped them.
Her fingers detangled themselves from his shirt only to brush the cardigan from his shoulders, and fumble at his buttons.His hands found her neck, cupping it in the span of both hands, and pulling her closer to him. She stumbled into the door frame of her room, grunting in pain, which only served to grant Spencer access to her tongue. Fighting against him, trying to gain some for of control for once, Wendy swiveled roughly, turning him so that she was now the one leading, taking the three steps before shoving him, his knees colliding with the bed.
He let out a puff of hair,his back hitting the mattress, but he barely had a chance to shift before Wendy crawled over him, placing kisses where she'd managed to expose his chest, and giving small nibbles along his skin as she moved closer to his face. The feeling of that paired with the cold chill from her small hands created a feral groan deep in his throat, his hands tucking under her arms to flip them, quickly replacing them at her hips to keep her pinned. She let out a small squeak of surprised, but was soon letting out gasps as he moved to kiss at her thighs.
He nipped at the skin, causing her to tremble under him, which only encouraged him more, his hands drifting to the hem of her shirt. Taking the hint, she lifted her arms to help him remove it, her hands searching for him, goosebumps erupting from the cold of his absence. Taking her hands in one of his, she held them above her head as he slowly kissed his way up her stomach. He left open mouthed kisses everywhere, kissing and licking his way up to her neck where he stopped to pay special attention to her pulse point. 
Wendy took his distraction with the task to twist her hands free, finishing the job on his shirt and letting her hands roam in s sides and back. Soon they both were trying to remove any and all space between them, him by pulling at the small of her back, and her by digging her nails into his shoulders. Soon what little clothing of hers was gone, and she’d managed to remove a decent amount of his. They stayed like that, entwined together, and melting into each others touch when she finally pulled herself away. 
“I uh...I don’t know if you noticed.” She gasped, struggling for air as she brushed some of his hair from his face. “But the answer is yes.” 
“Yeah.” Spencer smiled, his face brightening with the expression. “Yeah, I think I figured that out.” 
Send me a pairing and a fictional kiss! 
Wendy Tag: @kcnobls @perfectlystiles @raging-violets @curious-kittens-ocs (let me know if you wanna join the tag!) 
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letitrainasunnyday · 4 years
What do you think of Shinichi's relationship with his close ones? Sometimes it seems to me that he only looks for them when he needs something from them and not because he really needs their friendship or closeness. Eg, Heiji, whom he calls when he needs collaboration but in any other context is annoyed, Haibara, who he looks for when he needs an antidote, or his parents, whom he almost never remembers unless they can serve a case. Outside of that, any other interaction with them bores him.
I think this ask is a little insulting to my man Shinichi Kudo who I’ve always defended cares more about the people he loves than he cares about himself. Please feel free to roam my Shinichi tag to find all the answers to your question
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hes-writer · 6 years
Harry would rather much hang with his ex
Prompt; Soo maybe you could write that Harry is dating a new girl and they are going to a club or something like that and there is Kendall Jenner and Harry is totally ignoring his girl for her. But at the end,l he apologizes and he asks her to be his official girlfriend. @coldnightfun
Y/N and Harry were exclusive at the moment. They’ve been seeing each other for a while after being introduced through their mutual friend. Met each other at a wedding, hit it off and soon went on their first date in which they were both absolutely nervous for but nonetheless, it worked out just fine since they went on a consecutive second and third date.
So maybe Harry hasn’t asked Y/N out officially, but it sure does seem like they had eyes only for each other. Attached to the hip, some would say. But Y/N would much rather have the assurance that she and Harry are on the same page and that her feelings are being returned at the same level. He just needed to actually say it to her and she’ll be good.
When Harry’s good friend, Alexa Chung, sent invitations out for her birthday party, Harry instantaneously took the chance to ask Y/N out as his plus one. Y/N hesitated on saying yes since it wasn’t really her type of scene. Somehow, his charm got to her and she was currently spritzing setting spray on her meticulously done makeup. Her hair was done in a high ponytail, making sure to brush the baby hairs out of her face. All she needed to do was put on her dress and heels.
“You look beautiful, love” Y/N jumps a little, not expecting Harry to be standing at the doorframe of her apartment so early. She’d given him a key recently, insisting that he needs it in case there was an emergency.
“Jesus Harry! Don’t scare me like that,”
Harry chuckled before strutting over to his love and admiring the beauty in front of him.
“You look absolutely amazing, Y/N. Probably won’t be able to take my eyes off of you,” He pecks her forehead instead of her lips which had Y/N yearning for him to ask the golden question.
As soon as they arrived at the party, Harry was whisked away by the one and only, Kendall Jenner. He wasn’t literally taken away from her, per se, his attention was just not on her. Kendall greeted Harry with an enormous hug and a peck on the cheek to which Y/N squints her eyes at in uncertainty. She gets herself in control, though, figuring out if there were any recurring feelings going on between them. When she concludes that there weren’t, she relaxes. At first, Y/N was alright with it figuring that the pair probably needed some time catching up as Y/N recalls Kendall saying,
“I haven’t seen you in so long, Har!”
To which Harry retaliates with, “Don’t worry, Kenny. We can catch up, are you free for lunch tomorrow?”
And usually she wouldn’t be bothered by Harry making plans with his friends, but this is Kendall Jenner they’re talking about, his ex-girlfriend. Maybe Y/N was just a bit biased since all her previous relationship ended badly except for one, and she figures that being friends with your ex was a one in a million possibility.
The three of them set out to find their designated tables, Y/N visibly sulking when Harry’s hand reaches up at Kendall's lower back leaving Y/N to try to grasp a the cuffs of his leave. Harry doesn’t notice and continues walking at Kendall’s pace, leaving Y/N approximately two steps behind.
When Harry and Y/N find their dinner table with the accompanying name tags, Harry was deeply saddened to find out that Kendall’s table wasn’t near close to theirs–or his, Y/N could do just fine without her around. He leans over to hug her goodbye before reminding her of their lunch plans for tomorrow. Kendall walks off to sit at her table and Y/N sighs in relief. She and Harry could finally have some time to chat.
That wasn’t the case, however. Or maybe it was–it’s just that Harry keeps getting distracted by his phone. His thumbs tapping away at the illuminated screen while Y/N speaks about the paper she’d written for class.
“And then the professor said that citing your papers is the best way to ma–“
“Uh huh, mhm” Harry mumbles, a sure proof that he wasn’t listening to her at all since she didn’t even finish her sentence yet.
“Are you even listening to me?”
“Yes, n-no I’m not sorry,” Harry looks up from his phone apologetically, “Kendall’s just telling me about this new place that opened downtown. Thinking we might go there tomorrow.”
Y/N purses her lips, a crease forming between her brows. She feels left out by the way he’s and she’s not sure if she should feel this way since Harry and her were exclusive, so technically he can still go out with other people. But should he really?
“Anyways love, what were ya’ saying about your prof?” Harry urges her to go on, clicking his phone off and turning to her completely.
Just as Y/N was about to open her mouth, Harry’s phone buzzed in his hand and he immediately looks down on it, laughing. Y/N looks down at her lap, feeling disinterested in her own story, losing the motivation to actually tell it.
The PA squeals from the static before Alexa’s voice was heard throughout the room.
“Hello all, dinner will be served in ten minutes,”
Y/N tummy growls a little growing hungry as time passes. She makes small talk with the people on the table and genuinely enjoys some of the conversations. That, until Harry, taps her shoulder.
“Hey Y/N, I’m going over to Kendall’s table for a bit,”
Before she could reply, he was fast-walking towards the direction of Kendall’s table.
Dinner was about to be served and Harry had still not come back yet from wherever he drifted off to. The waiter sets a plate full of food in front of her and one asks if there was somebody sitting beside her. Deciding that she should probably look for Harry, Y/N shoots him a text about his whereabouts. Harry replies,
“Sitting w kenny for dinner
is that ok?”
Y/N’s mouth drops agape. Did he really just ditch her on her first party amongst big names?
harry come back here please”
She receives no reply from him and she’s forced to say no to the waiter. So much for being exclusive.
The whole evening, Y/N has not heard from Harry. Her phone remains notification-less and she walks off to the mini bar by the side of the room. She asks for a glass of wine before sighing, letting her eyes roam around the room in hopes of catching a glimpse of Harry.
And, oh boy, did she find him. Not only him but Kendall with her skinny figure grinding against Harry. She turns back around to the counter, downing her drink in one go, deciding that she’s had enough of him. She gathers her purse, standing up and walking towards them.
Y/N taps his shoulder, being blown off twice before her consistent patter annoys him and he eventually turns around.
“I’m leaving,” she says dully. Y/N watches as his face turned from a look of annoyance to recognition, to confusion.
“Wha-why? We just got here,”
“We got here three hours ago, Harry. And I’ve been with you for less than half of that time. I’m going home,” Y/N crosses her arms over chest, turning on her heel and strutting away towards the exit. She almost makes it out. Almost
“Y/N! Y/N wait!” Hearing her name, she picks up speed and makes it outside the street, preparing to holler for a cab before a hand takes hold of her elbow.
She turns around to see Harry panting, hands on his knees in front of him.
“Why are you leaving? Have I done something wrong?”
She scoffs at his cluelessness. Had he done something wrong? He’s really gonna ask that?
“I know I’m not as popular as anybody else here tonight, but I don’t deserve to be treated like trash or some kind of irrelevant to be put at the back burner by you for the whole night!”
Harry blinks at her owlishly, lips forming an ‘o’ but obviously still not getting the gist of the situation.
“I’ve been waiting for you for hours, Harry. You left me alone at our table to sit with her and you’re asking me if you did anything wrong?” She gasps out incredulously.
“And I know that we’re exclusive and definitely not official but seeing you so close to her hurts me. I don’t know if you’re as serious about me as I am to you but if not, then we shouldn’t waste our time anymore,”
It takes Harry a bit of time to fully comprehend the contexts of situation; how Y/N felt that whole night, Y/N putting her lovely self down all because he decided to pay attention to somebody else, and most importantly, Y/N essentially saying that a relationship between him and her is out of the question especially since he probably saw her grinding with Kendall on the dance floor. Y/N patience wears thin and she grits her teeth, preparing to catch a cab late at night once again.
“Wait Y/N, don’t leave. Please don’t leave,” Harry begs. She scratches her head, palms opening and closing to relieve the tension coursing through her body.
“What do you want now?”
“I-I know that we’re exclusive and I’m an absolute idiot for doing what I did back there,” His head flicks towards the house. “But I really really like you Y/N and I want you to be mine. I see a future with you and if you feel the same way, I hope you’ll say yes,”
He gnaws on his lip, nervous about the response he’ll get from Y/N.
“You really hurt me, Harry”
“I know, God, I know and I’m so sorry Y/N. I hope you can forgive me,”
She sighs before nodding, how could she ever stay angry at this man
He smiles widely, arms opening for a hug. He engulfs her in his strong arms while she weakly pats his back. His face buried itself in her hair, he mumbles,
“Will you be mine?”
LMAO @ the ending I’m sorry it sucks
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I Put A Spell On You- Roger Taylor x fem! OC
A/N: Hello @benders-diamond-earring​ ! It is I!!! Your Secret Santa revealed!!!
This is my HalloQueen gift (plus a smol moodoboard!) for @dtfrogertaylor​ Halloween celebration. It is a gift for @benders-diamond-earring​ AKA Cora! In her honor, I’ve made Cora my muse and namesake for the OC. Read and enjoy Cora (and everyone!)
Words: 3245
Some angst and lots of fluff!
Context: Cora is in love with her friend Roger, but he’s constantly flirting with other girls and totes not interested or is he??????? So Cora enlists some...supernatural help.
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London, 1976
“I’m a freelance, love, I don’t do cheap. But there’s a two-for-one sale with potions so pick what you want.” The witch explained over her counter.
Cora scowled a little at the prices, then shrugged. Witch shops of high quality took effort to find, even in a big city.  
It was a medieval building with a low ceiling and grey stone walls held up by wooden beams. Books and potion bottled filled up the bookshelves. A black cat hopped up to the small table full of cauldrons and bowls of snake skins. It eyed her carefully, still as a statue. Several larger cauldrons bubbled in each corner as if someone was boiling water for four pots of tea.
Mentally blocking the price tags of the potion jars, she studied the labels of each potion bottle she saw. If she was going to go through with this, she had to find the perfect one.
What other choice did she have at this point?
Just the other night at that bar she noticed how Roger was flirting with what seemed any gorgeous woman clicking by in heels and swinging purses by their side. Not that he didn’t have a knack for it. But it felt different that night.  
They laughed intensely. They batted their eyes and hooked onto him like koala cubs. It was just a simple band gathering. Cora could have talked to one of the other members or do some flirting of her own. But envy shut her throat tight. She clutched onto her glass, gulping it down and ordering another. Just wanting to forget.
Only she hadn’t forgotten at all.
If she didn’t act, at least one girl would stay for longer than just one drink. That girl had to be her. No matter what means.
“Are your potions…effective?” Cora asked. Peering into a cauldron of green stuff, she almost heard a voice singing from it.
A bit of Cora’s ashy blonde hair got a little too close to some purple liquid bubbling on a shelf under a little heater and the witch bolted from her counter to brush the strand out of the way.
“It’s magic, love, of course it’s effective. Everything you read on there will happen. But be cautious, it will happen!” the witch boasted. She gestured with long, pale hands with soft, clean nails.
Cora squinted at the witch as she walked back to the counter. She had black hair cut into a pageboy bob and brown eyes. She was older than Cora, but not too much older from the light in her eyes and lightness of her steps. If the flowy, black, maxi dress she was wearing was a different color, one would mistake her for a hippy.
None of the potions on the counters were exactly what Cora needed. She let out a little huff and drove straight to it.
“Where are the love potions?” she asked, her eyes directly into the witches.
“I thought so! That’s what at least a hundred girls come in for!” the witch giggled. She pulled open a squeaking door from behind her counter.
“Well, now it’s a hundred and one,” Cora replied.
She rolled her ball into fists and curled her toe impatiently. She just wanted to be in and out as soon as possible. Especially if someone noticed.
The witch turned under the counter and brought out a small pink jar. One might think strawberry flavored tea was inside it.
“If you whisper the name into the jar and press it to your heart and then have the person take a sip of it, they will kiss the ground you walk on. I hear it tastes like lemonade. More than you can say for some of the others.” she explained with a wink.
“That’s perfect! I’ll have that” Cora answered. She grabbed the jar and cradled it on the crook of her arm.
The witch looked around at the other jars along with her shop lining up on bookshelves.
“Alright, want to pick another one?” she offered with a winning smile. “Buy one, get one, you know.”
Hesitantly, Cora looked at each one. There was another jar that was in a rather large bottle with a long neck and glowed like honey. Its liquid was the color of honey, too, and ran like water when she swirled it around. It had one mere word in cursive, purple ink on its label.
“Confidence” Cora read softly.
She dropped the love potion on the counter and moved the confidence potion next to it.
“I’ll take that one too, please!” Cora insisted.
“I hope you like the smell of cinnamon, it’ll waft up the place” the witch added with a small nod.
She began to add up the price and tax on feather pen on a sheet of crinkly paper.
“I must warn you. My love spells are powerful but…they are just a spell, at the end of the day. Not a real feeling. It’s like you’re giving your victim lines to read and play, but it’s just the spell talking.” She warned grimly as she handed over the sheet with the price.”
“Thanks for your concern, but I’ve made my decision,” Cora answered, looking into the witch’s eyes.
“Fifty pounds, then.”
 Cora shuffled through to her little flat. It was small, with yellow walls and a red, raggedy carpet. She saw her flatmates gathered around the television engrossed in a comedy with its garish colors and ghostly laughter. She prayed they would be too hypnotized to crave a snack.
She tiptoed over to the kitchen and dropped her heavy brown paper bag on the counter facing as far away from the hubbub as possible. Immediately she lifted the pink jar and set it down with a clump.  
Cora unscrewed the top quietly, clutching it in her free hand. She bent down, inhaled it’s maple tinted perfume and whispered the softest, tenderest, most desperate whisper of a name into the jar. She quickly reattached the lid as if she had opened a firing canon. She hugged it tightly to her racing heart for almost a minute,
What was she even doing? Was this a mistake?
Well, too late to go back now. I’ve started this and I’ll finish it!
She almost wanted to kiss the top for luck. Shaking her head from such an adolescent idea, she pushed the potion aside and crept to the black telephone on the wall. She made some calls to her intended victim and his friends. It would be on the Friday before Halloween and she wanted to have a little get-together for the holiday. Her flatmates would be out of town or out. Of course, drinking would welcome.
She put the love potion on the fridge and pushed the confidence potion to the corner of the counter to hide it among the other jam jars and beer bottles.
Deaky arrived first, as usual, with Freddie and Brian rushing after. Cora stuffed her gripping fists into her pocket to pull off an air of a relaxed hostess. Until there were five unmistakable knocks on the door and she nearly leaped into the ceiling.
Roger arrived last, dressed in his denim blue jacket and his blonde hair a little windswept.
“Cora, love! How are you! Not too late, am I? The tube took it’s bloody time!” he greeted with a small hug.
Cora laughed a little and shook her head once he started to release.
“Oh no, we just started- make yourself at home!” she said.
She could still feel his arms around her still pressed lightly on her arm like that of a ghost once he let go.
Roger strutted over to the couch and plopped himself down on the couch next to Freddie. The two began talking about some ridiculous fashion choices the neighbor had made and were cackling.
With a friend like Cora, the band always felt like it was a tiny haven. No press. No managers. No pressure to top. Only relaxation and each other.
“God, I’m starving! Can I help myself?” he asked Cora. She nodded her yellow head.
Brian wandered to the kitchen, filled with pumpkin-shaped sugar cookies on platters. He smiled- not the usual “Skull” meatballs on platters like the typical Halloween party he had been invited to. He helped himself to one and opened the fridge for drinks.
Of course, the good stuff was on the very bottom. Near his calves.
“All the beers are at my feet! I swear, Cora, you’re a pixie!” he complained, crouching down.
“My flat, my rules!” Cora retorted from the corner of the kitchen. She kept one eye on the top of the fridge, just in case.  
Brian closed his eyes, shot up his eyebrows in admittance of defeat, and nodded his head. He did not see the pink jar or if he did he wasn’t interested. He got the chilled wine and set it on the table, near the other cookies, caramel apples, and orange buckets of popcorn.
The television buzzed with noise as Deaky fiddled with the knobs, flipping through channels. The knobs were so small his mammoth-sized hands almost crushed them.
“There has to be some Halloween program somewhere” he muttered.
Roger meanwhile stretched out his legs and looked up at the decorations of orange streamers hanging from the ceiling. His sapphire eyes turned to the beige walls where black cats curled over pumpkins with triangle eyes and toothy grins. The small balcony of the place had glass windows looking out to London amid another dark, autumnal evening. White paper ghosts with pointy hands and small, delicate facial features roamed over the glass, held on by tape. Far too detailed to be any of the dime-a-dozen plastic cats and witches at shops.
“Those are gorgeous!” Roger praised, his head turning to Cora.
Cora sucked in a bit of breath and wiped her sweaty hands.
“D’you make these?” he asked.
She shook her head.
“I did, she asked me to” Freddie burst in.
He had already grabbed a bottle of the cheap champagne from the kitchen that had been out for him and a black ceramic cat with a witch’s hat. He set the bottle down on the coffee table and waltzed back to the kitchen for five glasses, the ceramic cat still under his arm.
Cora’s eyes darted back to the fridge. They had to stop doing this if her blood pressure would last the night. The pink jar was still untouched.
“Don’t you know my designs by now, Rog?” he said. He stroked the cats back as if it was real fur.
“Shut up!” Rog teased with a little pout.
Cora snuck a look and bit of a smile.
“Or shut in!” she added, throwing an in-joke.
Roger looked at her with gleaming eyes. Since she learned about the infamous cupboard incident, she labeled him a shut-in. He hated it at first, but it grew on him secretly. Now he allowed relentless teasings from Cora.
“You shut in!” he added. The others just stared blankly until it stopped.
Deaky kept turning until he found a channel showing the original Dracula film right as it was starting. Freddie practically hopped in his seat and begged him to let them watch it and Deaky relented, laying on the floor and watching.
The black and white movie continued and the three began their commentary over it. Brian was discussing how the crew pulled off the effects, and how the script compared with the book. Freddie was cooing over the capes and how amazing Bella Lugosi was. Roger was busy telling the victims in the box that they were obviously with a vampire and should flee instead of conversing with him “like dumb gits!”. Deaky quietly watched, mesmerized. Cora was secretly wishing it was something a little more current. And scarier.
“Is there any whiskey to drink? I want something strong” he asked Cora.  
“Let me make you some whiskey with lemonade!” Cora insisted. Her pulse was starting to pick up as she eyed the potion on top of her fridge and smiled as it still seemed invisible to everyone else.
“A bit too sweet for my taste, but it’ll do!” Roger said, giving her a smile that could have melted a glacier.
She shot up and walked to the kitchen. As Cora pulled out her stool stood on the top and reached for the jar her mind was half blank. It was when she got the glass from her cabinet that shivers hit her stomach.
This was it. One drink, one small drink, and all her fantasies would come alive. Roger would be at her heels. Glamourous dates, erotic midnights, and the warmth of his hands on her would all come true. He just had to take a sip.
She swallowed her fear and unscrewed the lid, ready to tip it over.
But she couldn’t pour it in.
One pour, one pour, a sip, and he’ll be all mine…and I’ll have a reason not to worry at night or cry…or feel angry inside when some girl or groupie hangs around him…
She tried again, but couldn’t pour it in. The witch’s words came again, clearly to her brain.
“I must warn you. My love spells are powerful but…they are just a spell, at the end of the day. Not a real feeling. It’s like you’re giving your victim lines to read and play, but it’s just the spell talking.”
She thought of him after the drink. Eyes glazed. Words that while romantic were severely robotic. She could practically feel his hands. But they weren’t warm. They were cold and tense as a stone.
She sighed and re-capped the bottle. She shoved the love potion to the back of the fridge with the leftovers.
“Flatmates drank it all, so how about Southern Comfort- I’ve smuggled it from them” she suggested. A plastic smile smudged her face and hurt her cheeks.
“Not a problem at all! I need to walk anyways” Roger answered, he hopped out of his seat to grab it himself.
Cora stopped him with her hand and retrieved a glass of Southern Comfort from inside the fridge’s back corner, pouring out two small glasses.
She watched the movie with them covering the commentary with sarcastic remarks and other light conversations while sipping drinks and eating. Close to the end of the film, she noticed Roger get up from his seat and walk over to the kitchen.
“I need another shot of that stuff…” he mumbled.
His shoes trotted over the kitchen floor and stopped right at the counter where the bottles stood.
“What’s it doing in the corner? Untouched? Whatever!” he commented, opening the bottle with a pop.
Cora’s memory jolted.
The confidence potion was still out.
And it looked exactly like the Southern Comfort bottle-glass, and all.
Cora got up and ran, but it was too late.
“Aw! Is it a new bottle for me, Cora? Hiding a gift, eh? Thank you!” Roger said as he swigged from the bottle in a millisecond before he could be stopped.
His face changed from pale to red to purple. Then he charged up at Fred, tackling him with open fists.
Freddie’s boxing origins kicked in and he dodged each punch gracefully, preparing his fists for a jab-cross-hook at Roger’s chiseled jaw.
Brian and Roger at once fled over and began to protect Freddie and push Roger away. Cora pulled Roger back by the shoulders.
“Roger…Roger of course it is! You need some air, let’s go outside!” Cora demanded, practically dragging him there.
They went out to the balcony. Cars could barely be heard skimming the streets. More stars stretched over the sky, not threatened by the cities blaring, yellow lights.
“Roger, calm down!” she ordered.
Roger blinked at her for a moment.
“Cora, I’m calm…I’ve never felt this calm in ages!” he insisted. He began to lick his lips a little.
Cora cursed herself for immediately feeling woozy. Maybe it was the whiskey. She folded her arms and continued her reasoning.
“Roger, you love Fred more than anything and you know it! And the song’s already on the B-side…everything’s worked out” she insisted.
“Not everything” Roger answered. He sat down on the green, steel chair placed outside, cold with nothing but the constant chill around it.
“What do you mean?” Cora asked. She placed her hands on her hips to look even taller than him now.
 “You have everything you could ever want right now! Two years ago, you could barely afford beans and now you’re getting to be a rock star with hit songs, money, and girls at your feet.”
“Well, I don’t want those girls. They don’t matter if they aren’t you” Roger confessed, the cinnamon scent of the potion still wafting from his breath.
Cora felt as if she was dropped from the sky and plummeted to earth. She got dizzy and almost felt like she would teeter off the building but caught herself on the railing of the balcony.
“You’re joking!” she said.
“No, I’m not!”
“Did you have any of that pink stuff I had?”
“What pink stuff?” Roger asked.
He looked down, took a deep breath, and then took her hands. Cora felt them sweat slightly. He pulled her a little closer, so despite how short she was, she stood over his sitting frame. Roger looked up, his face soft with reverence and his eyes getting wide and his smile gentle.
“It’s that I just…I’m normally so nervous around you. I feel my heart picking up and I start sweating” he said quietly.
“What about those girls?”
“I used to devour them but lately… I like to use them as a warmup so I could be ready to ask you out sometime but…none of them were anything like you. They want my talent or that I’m a drummer in a band or something…they didn’t care about me…like you do” he said.
Winds picking up, the clouds above in the night sky moved further away. More stars dotted the sky like freckles on a face.
“But now, I feel…at peace. And I fancy you. And I’m not afraid anymore to say I fancy you...and…”
He bit his lower lip and Cora felt her body get hot.
“I always had a soft spot for blonde girls.” He added cheekily. Cora had to look down at the floor for a second to regain herself another time.
“There, I said it.” Roger finished, he tossed him arms and slumped back in the chair for a release.
She smiled coquettishly and went up to embrace him. He almost jumped from surprise. How could someone so strong, so radiantly beautiful, so brave, so confident, and awe-inspiring like obnoxious old him?
She sat on his lap from the hug and touched his face with both hands. Both of their eyes seemed to get a little misty.
“I fancy you too.” She answered. “I’ve fancied you for a while.”
“Do you…d’you wanna go out with me? Like, not as friends, but you know…”
“I will if you kiss me first!” Cora teased, biting her lip.
His lips were tender, and his breath had the sting of the southern comfort still on it, but it was a passionate kiss. One only witnessed by the stars in the sky.
That and three curious bandmates quietly staring through the glass. Brian cursed and slipped Deaky five pounds.
“Told you they’d be together” Deaky hissed.
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