#for every ship other than her and Riley I tend to only like them with her as the protag
sydchan · 6 years
Gameverse!Dawn for the meme?
- My NOTP for themNone, all ships with Dawn I’ve seen have potential - My BROTP for themLucas/Dawn.  I really like the idea of them growing as friends over the course of the game and then that friendship continuing for the rest of their lives (plus since I’m a hardcore Lucas/Barry shipper, I like to make Dawn and Lucas BFFs in AUs). - My OTP for them Riley/Dawn. It use to be none, but my fankid AU made me super fond of this ship. - My second choice pairing for them Probably Barry/Dawn.  For as much as Barry/Lucas is my OTP, if Dawn’s the protag, then they’d be the ones with the dynamic I like about Barry/Lucas- My fluffy pairing for themRiley/Dawn is my fluffy pairing, or at least I tend to portray them as a soft pair with little conflict. - My angsty pairing for them Cyrus/Dawn, since any pairing involving Cyrus is automatically angsty- My favorite poly ship for them Riley/Dawn/Cynthia as a more legit pairing, Cyrus/Dawn/Saturn as the angst route- My weirdest pairing for themHonestly, Cyrus/Dawn, since I have a really hard time seeing any ship with Cyrus working (but by god, do I still try).  Although I do have to give an honorable mention to Dawn/Giratina under very AU circumstances.  
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girl4music · 2 years
I love that Spike is the only one of Buffy’s significant others that does not infantilize her by talking down to her. Telling her she doesn’t understand something because she’s younger than him or anything like that. With them being enemies first that’s probably why he doesn’t. As a rival he has respect for her. So as toxic and destructive as their relationship might be as far as all that goes - he is the only lover of hers to treat her as an equal as an adult, as a woman and as an enemy. If you think of it this way - him hitting her really is just him putting her on the same playing field as him. Angel doesn’t do that. Riley doesn’t do that. They have their sparring moments but they are never equal. Riley feels inadequate to Buffy’s Slayer strength and power. Angel - well Angel tends to go easy on her to protect her even when she doesn’t need him to. It’s only ever Spike that puts Buffy on equal footing. Not because he thinks he has to or because it’ll make her feel better about herself. Because he respects her.
He respects her in every way but one… And it’s in this one way he doesn’t respect her that turns their relationship toxic and destructive. The only way he doesn’t respect her is as a hero and he actively tries to get her to turn to the side of evil - the dark side. To be a creature of the night like he is. An outsider. A villain. Because what he has seen is how much more herself she is when she is alone. How less stressed and less worried and less forced to do what she doesn’t want to do. He perceives that self-isolation as a way to truth because he is a soulless vampire. He views it as her not always wanting to be the good guy. Wanting to walk on the wild side where he is. In a sense, wanting to be alive by being dead to the world around them. He completely misunderstands this part of Buffy’s personality. That she doesn’t want to be the hero. And he doesn’t realize that until he gets his soul back. So in that way I do understand why it was necessary. But I still say that he could turn good without one. And once he eventually did - he’d realize the very same.
There is complete respect for her in every other way though. Every time they encounter one another whether it be as enemies, acquaintances, friends or lovers… there is not a single time Spike adultsplains or mansplains to Buffy and I love that about him. Every other male figure in her life either infantilizes or genderizes her. Giles. Xander. Angel. Riley. Not Spike. Because Spike equalizes her. He treats her as equal. Even if it’s in a negative way sometimes - the fact he treats her as equal means he is the only one worth her.
I’ve been thinking about it for awhile now. What is it about Spuffy that makes me want to ship them? What makes me so interested in their relationship all throughout the show that I actively reject every other of Buffy’s romantic/sexual relationships when they’re less toxic, less destructive, less abusive than Spuffy? And I’ve come to the realization that the reason why is actually because of the complexity of Spuffy. It comes comes down to Spike respecting Buffy in all ways but one - of which the latter is sorted later on. But it’s because they’re equals in every way. As I said before - they’re antimatter equivalents of each other. Yes, fundamentally this means that they will destroy each other but it will never be in an unequal way. And there’s so much poetry in that, don’t you think?
Maybe they weren’t meant to be on the opposing side of each other, but they were meant to be each other’s ending in where they will jump into and risk the cauterizing burn of the fires of love for one another. If it has to be that way… then let it be. There is so much poetry in that kind of relationship because what it means is they can’t be without one another in the sense that they can’t be who they are. And as far as Buffy goes - there is no other romantic/sexual relationship in the show for her like this because what it requires is for her to be equalized. It is the fact that Spike and Buffy defy their own nature to be together that makes them so interesting as a dynamic for me. It is the fact that they are the equal of each other that makes them so shippable to me.
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spnfanficpond · 4 years
Pond Diving - Queen-of-deans-booty
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Welcome to today’s Pond Diving Spotlight! We hope that you enjoy this little insight to our members and perhaps even find some useful tips for your own writing. Happy reading!
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“Don’t Be Koi About It” - All About You
Name: Jordan
Age: 23
Location: Arizona, USA
URL: @queen-of-deans-booty 
Why did you choose your URL: Honestly, Dean is the first person I liked on SPN and his ass is so tight and I believe all women are queens so that’s why.
What inspired you to become a writer: I remember reading a book in middle school about vampires, and it’s the first book I remember reading that made me feel all sorts of emotions that books never used to do for me before then. It amazed me to feel these things from a book, and I realized that I wanted to do that for other people someday, thus, is why I became a writer.
How long have you been writing: Gosh, since 8th grade. Might have been a little bit before that, but I remember in 8th grade writing a full book at 20k words, which if I might say, is impressive for a thirteen-year-old.
What do you do when you are not writing i.e. Job/Hobbies etc? I actually am a security guard at a chemical plant. There is some down time to this job, and I try to spend it writing. I even gush to my boss about the stories I write and where I post, and he is all for supporting me about it. When I am not working or writing, then I am either watching Criminal Minds, Manifest, and movies while in my room. With this COVID thing going on right now, I barely leave my house as it is xD
How long have you been in the SPN Fandom? Since season 11 was on TV. It was actually after season 11 had ended and before season 12 had started, so in that four-month span, I managed to watch 11 seasons.
Are you in any other fandoms and do you write for them? Yes! I am in the Marvel and Criminal Minds fandom! I used to be in The Vampire Diaries fandom, but I lost my passion for it so I knew my writing was suffering, so I stopped it. I am doing series rewrites for all three of my fandoms along with one-shots and drabbles!
Do you do any writing outside of fanfiction? If so, tell us about it?  Yes, I try to. I took a NaNoWriMo class in college that made me write my first real book, so that is exciting. I also took fiction classes that made me write poems and short stories. I do want to get into writing more original fiction, but right now, I am focusing more on fanfiction.
Favorite published author: I love Riley Sager, B.A. Paris, James Patterson, Ruth Ware, and there are specific books I adore, but they aren’t from the authors I mentioned. I tend to like books rather than authors.
Have you ever read a book that made an impact on your life? Which one and why?: Vampire Kisses by Ellen Schreiber. That's the book that I mentioned about inspiring me to write, and I dedicate my love for writing to her.
Favorite genre of fanfic (smut, angst, fluff, crack, rpf, etc):  I really enjoy reading fluff, but I enjoy writing angst because I feel I can have a lot more emotions and feels when I write angst.
Favorite piece of your own writing:  My SPN series rewrite. I am currently planning season 7, and I am in the process of releasing season 6. I have gotten so many good reviews of it, and that fuels my passion for it.
Most underrated fic you have written: I can’t think of any at the top of my head. I tend not to look back on my own writing too much. I’ll have an overwhelming need to rewrite it and fix it up, and I don’t need that right now xD
Story of yours that you’d most like to see turned into a movie/tv show: Is it bad to say my series rewrite? It’s already a show, but I’d like to see my version of the show. If I can’t pick that, then my original fiction novel that I wrote that has over 70k words. That would be pretty cool.
Favorite Tumblr Writer(s): @impala-dreamer, @torn-and-frayed, @crispychrissy, @kittenofdoomage, @acreativelydifferentlove, @saxxxology, and there are others, but those are some of the people that come to mind.
Favorite fic from another writer: Can I mention a few? Rock, Paper, Scissors by @impala-dreamer, The Curious Incident of Episode 14x09 by @luci-in-trenchcoats, On the Road by @notnaturalanahi, Cherry Surprise by @crispychrissy, A Change of Scenery by @cass-trash, and On the Case Files (Criminal Minds fandom) by @hotchnerfuckmeup​.
Favorite character to write: For Supernatural, it’ll have to be Dean Winchester. For Marvel, it’ll have to be either Loki or Bucky. For Criminal Minds, it’ll have to be Spencer Reid
Favorite Pairing to write: I only write reader-inserts so the characters don’t really matter as long as it’s x reader.
Least favorite character to write (and why): For Supernatural, it’s Crowley. I don’t know why, but I can never seem to get him right. He’s more sadistic and hardcore sometimes and I just can’t get that right.
Do you have anyone you consider a mentor?  I don’t really have anyone right now. It used to be my teachers/professors, but I graduated and I don’t see them anymore.
Do you have any aspirations involving your writing? I want to be a published author. That’s all I want. I want to see my books on the shelves, and I’d also love to be a fiction editor! I can’t do anything right now because of COVID, but hopefully one day!  
How many work-in-progress stories do you have: More than I can count right now. Like seriously, I probably have over 100. I have a bunch of bingo cards that I have ideas for, but I have so many that they all just pile on. There will come a time when I get through all of them, but I don’t know when.
What are you currently working on?  Right now? Some requests and my spn series rewrite.
“Pond Diving” - All About The Writing
What/who has had the biggest influence on your writing? Like I mentioned above, it’s Ellen Schreiber. She is the one person that made me want to become a writer. Also, all my followers on all of my blogs. They are the truest influencers because they are what gives me passion for my writing.
Best writing advice you've been given: Write as if you’re the only audience. I’ve learned that if you don’t like what you’re writing about, then your audience will certainly see it. You can’t please everyone, so please yourself. There will always be someone who loves your writing for what it is, so don’t go changing it to please others.
Biggest obstacle you’ve faced in your writing: Trying to pace myself. I’ve heard of people spending two or three days (or even longer) on a fic. It’s either all or nothing with me. I either spend two or three hours on a fic and complete it right there and then, or I don’t write it at all. Pacing is an issue for me, and I am always trying to spend longer on a fic. I guess I just type really fast, I don’t know.
What aspects of writing do you find difficult when you write fanfiction? I find that trying to keep the character as canon as possible is most difficult. While it’s not always super hard, it does have its moments. All fanfiction are AUs, so it’s okay to change the characters to make them your own. While I don’t think one should make them the complete opposite if they are wanting to stay within canon, I do believe it’s okay to change a few things around.
Is there anything you want to write but are afraid to (and why): I want to write ships. Now that I think about it, I’m not quite sure why I don’t write them. Maybe it’s time that I start.
What inspires/motivates you to write: Feedback!!! Reader’s don’t always see it, but every piece of feedback I get makes me want to write. I do better knowing there are actual people out there that are looking forward to what I write. I do better knowing that real people are reading them and judging it. I do my best knowing that there is an audience. If I don’t get feedback, then that motivation just goes away.
How do you deal with self doubt: I’m not so sure I always do. There is always a voice in the back of my mind telling me that my stories are complete and utter shit, and I shouldn’t bother writing anything. It’s why I take a step back from writing so often. When I first started my blog, I came out with fics every single day. I was always writing new stories. Now, I may get a story out per week. Maybe two per week. I know when it’s time to take a break for a few days because it gives that voice time to calm down. My best advice for someone dealing with self doubt is to just take a break. Separate yourself from the thing that your mind is telling you that you suck at. Take care of you before jumping back into it. Trust me, it helps.
How do you deal with writer's block: Kind of the same thing as I mentioned above. I have suffered from writer’s block a lot more than in my earlier years. Sometimes, I just don’t have the motivation or the passion to write, and I just get so mad at myself for not doing it. One of the things that help me is writing down my ideas. Yeah, I get ideas that float in my head about stories I’d like to write, but actually writing them down makes them concrete. Then, I am able to make notes and side notes and notes of my notes about what I’d like to happen, and before I know it, I’m writing it.
Do you plan/outline your story before you start: ALWAYS! Always, always, always plan your writing, especially if you’re doing a series. It’s good to know what is going on in your story. You don’t always have to follow it to the exact detail (you’re allowed to make changes as you go), but having a plan makes it easier to get through your story. You’re able to look back at it and remind yourself why you're writing that exact scene or if something needs to be added or taken away from it. If you have a plan, then you’re less likely to lose that passion since you know what’s going to happen. You’re able to see the finish line well before you start.
Do you have any weird writing habits: This may be weird, but I like to listen to Got U On by Darci feat. Nessly, Highest in the Room by Travis Scott, some music by Juice WRLD, and other loud rap songs. Don’t ask me why, but I find the music soothing when I write. Those rap songs sound the same to me, and their voices just drown out so I’m just listening to the music. There are other kinds of music I listen to like piano instrumentals and rain/thunder sounds, but it’s really any song I can tune out.
Have you ever received hateful comments on your fic and how do you deal with it? I don’t want to sound arrogant or snobby, but I can honestly say I’ve never received one hateful comment on anything I’ve written (knock on wood xD). I’ve only received good things about my stories, and I think it has something to do with how much good energy I am putting into the world. I believe in karma, and I tend to be nice to everyone regardless of who they are, and I think it comes back to the kind of comments I receive. However, I always think about what I’d do or say if I’ve ever gotten a hate comment. I wouldn’t encourage them to send more hate, but I wouldn’t apologize either. I write the stories I write because it makes me happy. If they don’t like it, they can go somewhere else. Though, I know those hate comments can get to some people, and here is what I have to say about that: remind yourself of when you actually wrote the fic. If you were truly happy about it, then it shouldn’t matter what that person says. You love it, and that’s all that matters.
Conversely: what’s been some of your favorite feedback on your fanfic?  I have to pick a favorite? XD I have an album in my phone of screenshots I took of my favorite comments left by my followers. I’ve been compared to John Green, there have been comments that thank me for giving them an escape from their realities, people have told me they want to write just like me someday, people have told me that my work has made them smile and get chills, that my stories are the highlight of their week, and a bunch of other stuff. I am just shocked that there are people out there who think this. It means so much to me, and I get tears when I read them because this is literally my dream. I can’t thank my followers enough for the comments they leave, and this is exactly why it’s so important to leave feedback.  
If you could give one piece of advice to a new and/or struggling writer, what would it be? Write for you. I can’t stress this enough. I’ve mentioned it before, and I’m going to mention it again. If you’re not happy, it will show through your writing. Your audience will see it based on how you word things and your flow of ideas. On another note, please brush up on your grammar. I can’t tell you how many times I read such an interesting summary, and noticed the story was full of grammatical mistakes. It made me not want to read it anymore. I’m sure it was a great story, but I didn’t want to put myself through that just to read it.
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beetlegoose01 · 4 years
Frostbite (Chapter 2- Suspire)
AN: Chapter 2 is here friends! I appreciate all the kind feedback I received last chapter! Without further ado...
Previous Chapter: https://pepperimps01.tumblr.com/post/644922844412854272/frostbite-casetello-an-do-these-two-have-a-ship
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"So, can I go now?" Casey asked impatiently, trying to flex his arm. "I've got places to be, slowpoke."
Donnie glared at him, irritated. He seemed even more frustrated that Casey had made that semi flirty jab at him.  "Like where?"
"You know...around." He gave a toothy grin.
"Very specific, Jones."
"I like to think I'm very pacific."
"Actually..." Casey wiggled his eyebrows. "Red wanted to talk to me about something. Maybe a bit more than talk if you know what I mean..." He shrugged. "Can't exactly blame her. I'm a catch."
'We aren't there yet, Jones.'
'Is it about April? Because it's not my fault, she ...y'know likes me more.'
Donnie's heart plummeted, dropping the scalpel he was holding. It crashed by his feet loudly, but he didn't bother picking it up.  "You better go then." He said coldly.
"Are you sure? Because I wanted to tell you some-"
"Just leave!" He snapped. "Can't you tell I'm busy? I've got retromutagen to work on."
"Jeez, okay. Don't get your tail in a knot." The teen raised his hands in surrender.
Casey stumbled out of the lab, dazed and confused. His arm thankfully didn't hurt anymore, but he still felt a bit uneasy and sick to his stomach. He really just wanted to take a nap, forget about everything that happened and maybe never work with Donatello again. Couldn't that turtle take a joke?
He needed a distraction...
"CJ!" Mikey exclaimed, leaping towards him with a stupid grin on his face. Casey yelped, taken aback by the orange turtle's enthusiasm. At least that was a distraction alright.  "You won't believe this, dude!"
Casey smirked. "You know, I'm starting to think everything is believable at this point. What's up? Did you discover a new pizza joint?"
The smallest turtle looked about ready to explode with excitement. "Nope! Can't tell you yet, bro.  Come on, Leo's explaining everything at the dojo! I'm just getting you and Donnie! I'm ...Mikey the messenger!" And then he was off again, no doubt badgering Donatello.
Casey shook his head, laughing. Though he was somewhat curious about whatever the leader in blue had to say.
He entered the dojo, checking if Master Splinter was behind him. He trusted the old ninja master, and couldn't deny he was a big help...but that didn't stop him from flinching every time they made eye contact. Rats still gave him the creeps.
Raph and April were already there, chatting amongst themselves. Raph was currently practicing opening and closing April's tessen.
"I dunno, it just seems a bit..." He trailed off.
"A bit what, Raph?" April's eyebrows furrowed. "Go on, finish that sentence."
"It's not very sharp, that's all." As he said this, the tip of the fan poked his finger and he let out a squawk of pain.
"Not very sharp, huh?" April swiped the fan back. "Remember this from me: don't judge everything by its outer appearance."
"Touché." Raph waved at Casey, and the pair did an elaborate secret hand shake.
"What's this about anyway?" He folded his arms.
"Beats us." Raph shrugged. "All Mikey said was-" He changed his voice to a high pitched, cruel but accurate impression of his youngest brother. "Dudes you've gotta hear this! I'm gonna cry on the floor if you don't come to the dojo right this second!"
"It must be big if Leo wants to tell us." April said. "I mean, all Raph and I dealt with was the Purple Dragons graffiting a stop sign."
"It was a slow night!" Raph protested.  
"Maybe they saw Karai?" Casey suggested. That was really the only thing he could think of.
Mikey bounded into the dojo, followed by an extremely disgruntled Donnie, who made a big show of standing as far away from Casey as possible.
"What's all this about?" Donnie asked.
The single light bulb above them started to burn out. The team heard shuffling from behind the large tree, and a shadowy figure approached them, stepping into the dimly lit middle area. He dramatically raised his head, looking grim.
"You're probably wondering why I called you here this evening." Leo said, glancing at Mikey, who of course already knew and was wiggling with excitement.
"Well, yeah. Spit it out, already." Raph said impatiently.
Leo ignored him. "Mikey and I encountered something tonight.  Another mutant. We thought we caught them all or made allies with them but..."
"What?" His emerald eyes widened.
"What is it?" Donnie pressed.
"A dragon!" Mikey interrupted. "A humongous dragon! He had razor sharp teeth and claws!" He paused. "Actually he kinda reminded me of Leatherhead but way less friendly."
"Dragons aren't real, meathead." Donnie grumbled. "They're completely made up fictional stories."
"Have you ever seen a dragon before? Huh? Have you Donnie?" Mikey retorted, cloudy blue eyes filled with a sense of innocence that truly believed dragons were real- but also with a stubborn pride to prove his genius brother wrong. A common occurrence between the two youngest brothers.
"No but-"
"See?" Mikey looked triumphedley at Donnie, then turned back to Leo. "Continue,"
"Like I...and I guess Mikey was saying, we know it's some type of reptile. Not a dragon for sure, but something."
"Any distinctive features?" Donnie asked, snark evident in his tone. "There are over 8000 living species of reptiles, so you might need to be more specific."
"Ah, shut up Brainiac." Raph groaned.
"He's got a point though." Casey pointed out. "Not that I'm agreeing with him- I mean...there are like, a lot of reptiles out there."
"We didn't get a close look at it, I'm afraid. We had to retreat. Whatever it was, it was tough."
"And...kinda scary." Mikey said, hiding behind his oldest brother wearily.
"Fear is the path to the dark side, Mikey." Leo said firmly, patting his head. "Don't let your fear cloud your judgment. We can take it on. Just like we always do."
The group stared at the leader blankly.
"Did you really just quote Yoda?"  April said, covering her mouth to stop her giggles.
"Wh- nooo..." Leo blushed, leaning against the tree in a failed attempt to seem casual. "Why would I do that? That's totally ...lame." Clearing his throat, he continued: "Tomorrow we'll hold a stake out to find this mutant. I'm thinking they may have a chance to be an ally. Any questions?"
Mikey raised his hand. "Are you sure we can't have a pizza out instead? I'm not really a fan of steak and-"
"Any relevant questions?"
"Has it done any actual damage?" April tilted her head.
"It looked more scared than anything, actually." said Leo. "That's why I think we can convince it to join our allegiance."
"And if it isn't willing? Suppose it isn't up for prancing through a meadow with us and decides to kill us all?" Raph said. "Because our track record with friendly mutants tends to be a mixed bag."
"You didn't answer my question, did it do any damage?"
Leo chewed on his lip. "So...don't freak out but, it- she- he? Er- they looked very hungry and did attempt to spit on us. With acid. Or venom or whatever." He pressed on, despite the horrified looks of his peers. "It'll be okay! I have full confidence we can handle this as a team."
"So let me get this straight, Leo." Raph said, moving forward to his brother. "You almost got killed by this monster and your next course of action is: let's be friends! Are you out of your shell? That plan works just as well as Casey and Donnie baking cookies together!"
"For once I agree with Raph." Donnie said, earning a very disgruntled look from his brother.
"I didn't say friends, just figure out their motives." Leo mumbled.
"Whatever you say, Fearless." Raph pushed his brother aside roughly. "Good luck with that. I'm gonna check out Bloody Deaths III, anyone wanna play with me? Casey?"
"Sure," Casey felt his phone buzz. An anxious text from his twelve year old sister Riley snapped him back to reality. "Ah...actually can't. My little sister is getting worried. See you guys tomorrow?"
"Yeah, whatever."
"No worries. Older brother duties call." Leo nodded.
"Don't worry Raph, I'll play with you!" Mikey
"So will I." Leo agreed, happy to relax for a little bit. "How about you guys?" He glanced at Donnie and April, the last remaining members still inside the dojo.
"Just a moment. I'll be right there." April confirmed.
"Don't keep us waiting," Raph cracked his knuckles.
As they were leaving the dojo, Donnie felt a tap on his shoulder. Spinning around, he faced the beaming freckled face of April O' Neil.
"Hey!" She said cheerfully, blue eyes bright and curious.
"Er, um, hey!" He echoed, voice raising several octaves as puberty decided to betray him. He was grateful his brothers were in the other room, babbling about the video game Raph found in the dumpster. No doubt they would be teasing him about his failed attempt at flirting.
"I wanted to talk to you." April said.
"About the new mutant? Because I didn't get a chance to see it-"
"No, no." She interrupted, nudging his shoulder playfully. He blushed at the contact. "I meant about you and Casey. Everything turned out okay?"
Donnie fought the urge to groan. Of course it was about Jones. Instead, he bit his tongue, smiled sweetly and said: "He was...okay." he waved his hand vaguely.
April grinned, relieved. "Wow, that's way better than I expected!"
Donnie narrowed his eyes.
"What I mean is, you two are my closest friends. Seeing you two butt heads, act like you hate each other-  it hurts." She explained. "So it's nice seeing my two best buds get along.
'Best ...buds.' Donnie thought to himself, analyzing each word carefully. 'So maybe she isn't interested in him. That boy with his cocky grin and his stupid egotistical-'
"Casey mentioned you fixed his arm up too!"
"His arm...he sprained it and you patched it up."
He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Oh, that." He chuckled. "Wait...he told you?"  
"Yeah, he seems grateful but obviously too 'macho' to admit that."
"It wasn't really anything special."
"But it was, Donnie." April's eyes twinkled. "It was a really nice thing to do. I'm just...so happy you two are finally getting along. Thank you. I knew you would eventually!"
"Heh, well you know."
April chuckled, taking his hand as they walked to the pit.
Mikey sprung up from his beanbag chair. "Yuck, did you two kiss?" He gagged.
April rolled her eyes. "Wouldn't you like to know."
Raph pretended to throw up into his bowl of popcorn while Leo just laughed fondly.
"Take a seat you guys." He said. "We're about to start the game!"
"Actually I think I might call in early tonight." Donnie faked a yawn. "I'm so ...tired."
"You? Sleep?" Raph snorted. "If you didn't want to hang out with us, you could just say that. I don't think I've seen you go in your room since you were thirteen, Don."
"That's not true..." Donnie's cheeks flushed.
"Aw, leave him be." April said, grabbing a handful of popcorn despite Raphael's protests. "He needs his rest."
"Yeah, you do look significantly greener than normal, dude." Mikey pointed out.  "So to speak."
"Go get some rest." Leo said, raising a comforting hand to Donatello's shoulder. "That's an order from your leader."
"Well...goodnight then. Have fun." Donnie added an extra fake yawn for added effect, then retreated to the lab when they looked the other way.
Donatello checked his very messy notes, examining each point with precision. If he wasn't exact, weeks, heck, months of research would be a waste. He wasn't going to let anyone, let alone Casey Jones ruin his process. The lack of sleep already made his work sloppy.
"Add the dose of norepinephrine, stir carefully with the calibrated mutagen..." He mumbled under his breath. "Then wait ten minutes before..."
But he couldn't get that terribly charismatic smirk out of his mind. That no nothing, cocky little son of a-
"Focus Donnie. Don't think about him."
"Talking to yourself again I see."
"Gah!" Donnie yelped, practically doing ballet leaps as he grabbed the nearly fallen canister. He turned around to face his older, but significantly shorter brother. "Hamato Raphael!" He squeaked shrilly.
"Ooh using the full name on me." Raph snickered. "What did I do to deserve that?"
"How long have you been here?"
Raph shrugged, poking the bunsen burner. "Eh, long enough."
"Weren't you suppose to be playing that dumb game with the others?"
"Yeah, and we beat it." He said, piercing green eyes staring him down with a sense of judgement. "And I thought you were supposed to be sleeping. Shoulda have known you'd be back in your Nerd Cave." He flicked Donnie's arm.
"Why are you here?"
"Okay, twenty questions, is it against the law to see my baby brother?"
Donnie folded his arms. "Since when do you ever visit me for no reason?"
"Because I'm such a kind, caring brother?" He looked away guiltily. "Who simply wanted to check on you? Is that such a terrible thing, Donatello?" He leaned forward, dropping the act to return to his usual deadpan tone. "Also my motorcycle needs fixing."
"Ah, there it is."
"Watch the snark, I need it fixed soon."
"Fine, fine." Donnie sighed. "I will."
"Good, 'cause Casey and I are gonna hit the streets with that baby." He said smugly.
Donnie wilted. "Jones?"
Raph raised his eyebrows. "Yeah, Casey Jones. Human, dark hair, lots of missing teeth...this tall? Ring any bells? Oh, right. Forgot you and him had this thing going on..."
"It isn't about that." Donnie said quickly. "We...him and I..."
"You know, seeing you two act like idiots around each other isn't gonna help the team out. Even Mikey thinks it's stupid."
First April, now Raph? And apparently Mikey too...
"I don't care about what you and Jones do, it isn't really my business." Donnie cooled down, trying to tame his temper. "And we're trying, truly trying, at least I am to be civil."
"Hmph, yeah right."
"And ...I don't care if you two spend time together. Why should I? We aren't even friends!"
"Okay, okay." Raph raised his hands in surrender. "I'm going to bed. You should too by the looks of it. After my bike is finished, of course."
Donnie grunted.
"And Donnie?"
"Who exactly are you trying to convince? Me or yourself?"
Donatello didn't have an answer.
Everything hurt. From the depths of her scaly toes, to her ferocious gaping mouth.What was she? She didn't know anymore. A monster? A freak? Any humanity she had left, was a clouded memory and there was no turning back. She struggled to move, still becoming accustomed to her new features. Four legs were harder to maneuver than two, but she made do.
She slivered across the murky water, pains in her stomach growling from lack of proper food. She couldn't recall the last time she had a warm meal. She lifted her head, silver grey eye slits opening. . In what she lost, her human form, her hair, and sense of a normal life- she had gained quite a few things too. A keen sense of smell, for one. Her eyesight had improved too. She had also gained an olive green tail, which helped with her balance.
'As long as I don't need those pesky glasses anymore.' She thought to herself bitterly.  Those horrid things were the cause of her harassment when she was a human. Now she would have the last laugh. They would cower in fear if they saw what she looked like now.
Her stomach grumbled again.
But yet...those turtles she encountered. So tasty looking...so delectable. They would satisfy her pain.
She stared at the mutant's reflection. It blinked when she blinked. It moved its tail when she flicked it.
This was her life now. She might as well make the most of being a monster.
She had work to do.
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takadasaiko · 4 years
Aftermath (a Veronica Mars one shot)
Part of my Spanning Years, Continents series
Notes: I know these one shots were supposed to be movie to the beginning of S4, but this idea popped into my head a while back and I wasn't able to shake it, so here we go. It does take place after the S4 finale, but with the exception of Logan getting to live because I'm not a monster.
Summary: In the aftermath of Epner's last bomb, Logan struggles with recovery and what it cost him.
It wasn't that the waves were much louder on the ground floor than the third, but in the early hours of the morning when the rest of the world was silent, they sounded like they were. It was just one of the many things that Veronica had had to get used to in the new apartment over the course of the last few months. They'd been lucky, she knew, to catch an empty unit a few sections down from their own and on the ground floor so that Logan didn't have to struggle up three flights freshly home from the hospital. He would have given it the same stubborn effort that he'd given everything since the bomb had gone off, leaving him clinging to life without great odds at pulling through. He had, though. Stubbornly. Just like he had stubbornly pushed through surgeries and rehab. She had no doubt that he would have been willing to climb the stairs if that's what had needed to happen, but she hadn't wanted him to.
Anyway, this unit had a washer and dryer, she'd told him when he'd rolled his eyes at her from the hospital bed. It all worked out.
It had nothing to do with the overwhelming fear and guilt she had felt at seeing him lying on the street below their old unit or the fact that every time she risked a glance out their bedroom window she saw it happen all over again. The glass cutting her face and the pressure from the bomb sending her stumbling back. It had sent him flying too, but instead of a bed to catch his fall, he'd been tossed like a ragdoll into the building itself. The collision with the unyielding wall had broken bones and given him a bad concussion while shrapnel had done the rest of the damage. Nearly six months later he still wasn't back up to speed and the doctor warned him that there was a good chance he never would be.
Not that Logan listened to him. That could be for better or worse. The doctors had also told Veronica to make sure her new husband's affairs were in order and he'd proved them wrong there.
Veronica pulled in a deep breath, the sound of the waves doing nothing to lull her back to sleep with those thoughts rattling around in her brain. She turned in the bed, hoping that holding onto him and feeling his steady heartbeat would help ease her nerves, but found only empty space and rumpled sheets on his side. She sat up ramrod straight in the bed they shared, looking around the room still drenched in pre-dawn shadows. "Logan?"
Shuffling could be heard from the other side of the bathroom door now connected to their bedroom and, for the first time, she saw the light peeking out from under it. It opened and Logan shot her a curious look. "Hey. You okay?"
Veronica squinted against the fluorescent light shining into the bedroom and Logan seemed to notice as he reached back to switch it off. She watched - noting the very subtle limp that still worked its way into his step some mornings - as he made his way back to the bed and eased himself down. "You okay?" he had asked again, his brows drawn together with the question.
"Yeah. Yes. Just —" Just what? Thought he was really gone? Thought that the last six, nearly seven months had been a kinder dream to replace a realty her mind couldn't accept? It all sounded silly now that she was actually awake, so she forced a smile and rocked forward onto her knees. Her fingers teased at his hairline and the burn scars there, gently guiding him in until he met her halfway for a kiss. She leaned into it, feeling one of his hands against the side of her face and she tilted them both over so that he landed on his back, Veronica leaned over him with an impish smile. There was one way to banish those recurring fears. "I love you," she said firmly.
His thin lips quirked up into that lazy, amused smile she loved and he brushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear. "I love you too, but I need to finish getting ready if I'm going to make it down to base by seven."
Her pre-caffeinated brain spun trying to figure out why he needed to be down at the base at all that day before it slammed head first onto the answer. "You have your physical today."
"Yep," he answered, kissing the tip of her nose and his tone a lot cheerier than she would have expected. His last physical had not gone as well as the Navy doctor - or Logan - had hoped. After about a day of moping around the apartment Logan had very pointedly brushed it off as still healing and buckled down to work even harder than before. Wanting it - needing it - had been what had gotten him through ROTC, through OCS, and continuing through one of the toughest military training programs there was, but it might not be enough to keep it now. Veronica had heard his physical therapist remind him the last time she'd picked him up that sometimes there was just no bouncing back to before an injury.
"You want me to go with you?" she asked, hoping he wouldn't read too much into the offer.
"Aren't you working a case?"
He rolled a little and she slid off of him, letting him up. "Yeah, but I can make time if you want me there."
"I'll be okay," he promised, leaning in to steal a quick kiss. "How about you make reservations and we'll celebrate good news at dinner tonight?"
"Logan —"
"It's fine. I've got this."
She watched him carefully, and damn it if he hadn't convinced himself of it. She just hoped he was right.
Slowly she unfolded and stood on the bed, stepping to the edge so that she could wrap her arms around his neck and look down on him, her fingers teasing his short hair. She took a breath and went in with him. "Yeah you do. We'll celebrate good news."
"You keep looking at me like that, Mrs Echolls and I'm not gonna make it to base," he muttered, mischief dancing through his eyes.
Veronica snorted and released him. "Then go get 'em, Mr Mars."
And on the heels of a joke they'd held onto throughout his recovery, he turned to finish getting ready to drive down to San Diego.
She knew the moment she saw him walk through the office door that the news had been less than he'd hoped for. They canceled the reservations and went home with takeout and a bottle of wine. He didn't talk. No quips, no brushoffs, not even an honest opinion or an explanation of exactly what the doctor had said or what it meant. Veronica didn't know if they were forcing him into retirement - or was it discharging him? She wasn't entirely sure - or if they'd pushed the decision down the line. His squad had already been deployed without him two months earlier - this time for a longer tour - and while she hated the idea of him shipping out to join them, the idea of him losing the job he loved so much - because of hers, the pesky thought tried to push its way to the forefront - wasn't any better. Sure, he'd be safer, but he loved what he did. He'd tried to describe the way it felt to fly his jet to her one time. The rush of an aerial dogfight, the thrill of hitting supersonic, and the way he could trust that his Wizzo Dave Riley had his back, both literally and figuratively. Even when his duties had shifted in the last couple of years and he found himself with boots on the ground from time to time, the people he trusted were right there with him. "They're family," he'd explained one time and she knew what that meant to him.
Now she was afraid that he'd lost that and she had no idea what to say. She'd never been particularly good at finding the right words to fill the awkward silence following a disaster she couldn't fix. She was good in a fight. She was good on a case. Something winnable. This…. she couldn't do anything for him besides be there and support him, but that never felt like enough. Too often she brushed past, opting instead to focus on anything tangible, but not here. She couldn't do that to him here.
Logan had barely touched the slice of pizza sitting in front of him, but his wine glass was almost empty. Veronica reached over to the bottle and poured the same amount she tended to reserve for his impromptu deployments: up to the lip of the glass. He shot her a look at that and she shrugged, finally pulling a mirthless snort that was close to a chuckle as he was capable of giving her in that moment. He reached over and she took his hand readily, feeling his fingers close around hers, his wedding band cool against her skin. He heaved a sigh, squaring his shoulders a little as he started to speak. "You know, right after I woke up in the hospital my first thought was shit, I bet that explosion just fucked my hearing. Woulda grounded me instantly."
"You got cleared on that three visits ago," Veronica murmured.
"Right? Didn't lose a limb, didn't damage my eyes or ears. I was lucky. I know I was lucky." She shifted on the bar stool and reached up tentatively, her freehand resting on his thigh. He tried for a smile and failed miserably. "I just couldn't pass the physical."
The words were like a knife to the gut and Veronica tightened her hold with both hands, feeling his own fingers around hers and he squeezed his eyes shut. He was done. They were taking his wings. They were taking the thing from him that had helped him find purpose in and that he'd devoted his adult life to.
She had taken it.
Veronica scooted off the stool and wrapped her arms around him, her forehead pressed against his arm as hot tears streaked down her cheeks. She felt as much as she heard him choke back a sob as he reached to hold onto her arm, his entire body trembling under the strain of it all. He'd fought so hard, but even he couldn't fight hard enough to win this one.
"I'm so sorry," she heard herself say, the words tumbling out again and again, faster and more desperate each time until he turned on his seat and suddenly he was standing there, his arms around her too and pulling her in.
He didn't say anything and her apologies eventually dwindled to get swallowed up by the sobs that still shook her. She felt his hand tangled in her hair, though, stroking it gently and he had her pulled close in that way that had always been meant to comfort. Even now, even after being responsible for this, he was trying to comfort her in whatever way he could manage. It wasn't fair.
She felt him pull in an unsteady breath and kiss the side of her head before leaning back. His eyes were rimmed red, the lines in his face a little deeper than usual with the strain of trying to hold himself together. "Veronica," he said firmly, even if his voice was rough. He waited until she met his gaze. "This is not your fault."
"Bullshit," she managed and swallowed hard, determined not to let another wave of sobs break free. "He was after me and he nearly killed you. I knew. Back in college I knew how dangerous this was. It's why I left. It's why I didn't come back until…"
"Till I asked you to."
"I knew this job was dangerous. Not just for me, but for everyone around me. Everyone I love. I went back to it anyway. I could have used my degree at a firm in San Diego or LA and lived here, but I was….so selfish. I knew I was putting everyone -" No, that's not right, Mars. If you're going to start, you better damn well own it."That I was putting you in danger. I did it anyway. I did this."
"No," he choked out, fresh tears building in his brown eyes and she hated that even now he was trying to defend her.
"This is my fault!" she shouted and lost the battle with her own will as she folded forward, unable to drag in enough air to satisfy her lungs.
He pulled her back in and held her close. "Don't ever apologize to me for being who you are. You're good at what you do and I…. I wish it weren't as dangerous as it is. You know I wish it wasn't, but that's for you. What happened to me is Epner's fault, not yours." She felt his finger under her chin, guiding her to look at him again. "You hear me?"
"Yeah," she said smally.
"You believe me?"
"I want to."
That pulled the tiniest of smiles from him and he leaned forward, kissing her forehead. "I love you. The Navy was everything once, but you…. I love you. I've loved you over half my life."
Veronica sniffed hard. "What now?"
He leaned down, catching her lips with his like that was his answer, and the moment she kissed him back he was lifting her off the floor. Veronica wrapped her legs around him and she could taste their tears in the kiss as he carried her back to the bedroom. He wasn't going to magically be okay with losing his career just like she wasn't going to instantly be able to - appropriately or not - redistribute the guilt she was feeling onto Penn Epner, but she could be there for him. And maybe, in time, she'd find a way to be a little better at that.
The world didn't stop just because Logan felt like it should have. There were things to do, papers to sign, and - worst of all - a call he dreaded making. Thankfully he managed to hold it together on the Skype call with his squad, even if Riley of all people looked on the verge of breaking down. Riles wasn't the only one that reminded him that just because he didn't ship out with them didn't make him any less their family or them his.
Veronica spent the first few days after he got the news close by. She didn't ask him to talk about it, but listened when he wanted to . Even that couldn't go on forever, though, and eventually she started slipping out to the office. The bombing case had put Mars Investigation on the map even outside of Neptune and calls were coming in from all of the country. She wasn't taking anything out of town just yet, but Keith wasn't able to carry to load himself, even with the adjustment to his medication that had helped his memory issues. It was fine. Probably better than fine. Hopefully it meant that she was starting to accept that this really wasn't her fault.
Logan wasn't sure how long a person was supposed to take to mourn the loss of their career, but he was pretty sure he was due at least a few more days of moping. Dick hadn't agreed with him on that and had shown up on his doorstep with a surfboard and a chest full of beer that morning to drag him out to the beach. Well, it had always helped him clear his head when he was younger.
It was bordering on noon when he and Dick trudged their way back to where they'd left their things to find Veronica had brought her own beach towel and was stretched out with a magazine on cameras. She flashed him a bright smile. "Hiya, handsome."
"Always knew you had a thing for me, Ronnie," Dick chirped at his side and Logan rolled his eyes, elbowing the other man in the ribs.
"Hey. You calling it a day already? Careful, or someone's going to accuse you of keeping '09er hours."
"Well, I did marry one," she answered him with a wink.
Dick snorted and Logan elbowed him again before he had a chance to add to his earlier comment. He feigned injury. "That's what I get for trying to cheer you up, man."
Logan's lips stretched into an almost-smile. "Thanks."
"Anytime." Dick turned his attention back to Veronica. "You got him?"
"I do indeed," she answered cheerfully and popped to her feet. "You -" she directed at Logan this time - "go hop through the shower, then I'm kidnapping you."
"What for?"
"You'll see."
He glanced at Dick, looking for any hint he might give, and the blond shrugged.
"You think I'm dumb enough to give him details?" his wife laughed. "C'mon. We're on the clock."
Logan gave up trying to figure it out and did as he was told. Twenty minutes later he was showered and dressed, being ushered out to the convertible he'd bought four months before when he'd been cleared to drive again and it became clear that Veronica couldn't continue giving up her car or all of her time to make sure he made all of his doctors' appointments. He tried to swipe the keys from her, but she just smirked as she hopped into the driver's seat. "You don't know where we're going."
"Would if you'd tell me."
"Where's the fun in that?"
They worked their way through the back roads and he could tell she was trying to throw him off, but he knew the town too well and recognized the roundabout path she was taking to the private airport on the edge of town that Duncan's family used to fly their private plane out of. He didn't bother asking why, but settled into the passenger seat a little deeper and tried to push back the twinge of pain that the roar of a Gulfstream climbing overhead stirred in him.
"Veronica…" he started, suddenly finding himself utterly sapped of energy and wanting nothing more than to go home. They had come out here over the years and watched the planes coming and going. Veronica didn't get nearly as much out of it as he did, but he had loved to go on and on about them, always teasing her that he was going to buy some little single engine one day. She had rolled her eyes at him and told him not to even try it. He'd come close a couple of times, but the judgement would have been strong if he had.
"Trust me?"
He sighed, giving her a sharp nod.
They pulled around towards the hanger and parked off to the side. Veronica kept glancing at him, like she was constantly trying to gauge his mood. He could have saved her some time if she'd just asked: worse by the minute. "I'm really not in the mood to watch them."
"Good, because I thought you might want to fly one." She motioned to where a late 90's model Bonanza sat out on the runway. "You said that you can still fly, just not like the Navy needs you to be able to. I did some research and talked to Riley to make sure I understood everything correctly. He said you had gotten certified in a Bonanza several years ago and all you'd need to do to… re-certify?"
"Get current," he corrected and she nodded.
"Right, that's what he called it."
"Yeah, I just have to do what they call touch-and-goes. Three take offs and landings."
"Super easy, right?"
"Yeah." He felt his lips quirk upward despite his best efforts. "How long do we have her?"
"Unless Riley lied to me and you don't really love this model…. as long as you want?"
Logan stared at her. "You bought me a plane?"
"Well, technically, you bought you a plane, but apparently that marriage certificate means that your finance guy was willing to listen to the crazy idea and set everything up." The beautiful blue gaze of her latched onto him and Logan felt his heart stutter in his chest. "I know it's not a Hornet and I know it won't go mach… whatever, but you'll be in the air." He wasn't sure what his face was doing, but apparently it caught her by surprise. "Shit… do you hate? Is it too soon? I just -"
He leaned in, the kiss cutting off whatever she was going to say and he lifted her up off the ground and spun her a little before letting her feet drop back down and begrudgingly releasing her. Oh. That's it, he realized as he blinked through blurred vision. Tears could definitely give the wrong impression. "I love it," he swore. "It's perfect."
"You're not just saying that?"
"No. You wanna go up?"
She flashed him a bright smile. "See you fly first hand? Absolutely. I think we have to talk to the guy in the office before we just take off in it though."
"Probably so," Logan chuckled and caught her hand in his, pulling it up to press a quick kiss to her knuckles before starting into the hanger. The aftermath of the bombing, recovery, and his eventual medical discharge had been more than he could have ever handled alone, but he had her. Through all of it and for whatever came next. They'd figure it out together.
Notes: So, fun fact: my dad has been a pilot all my life and when I was little (and it didn't break the bank to do it) he used to rent Bonanzas to fly us to different places. I have some very early and very fond memories of those flights, so when I needed a single engine for Logan to be certified in, that was my go-to.
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sbooksbowm · 4 years
Weekly Wrap-Up - 2 October
Look who is procrastinating editing the bookbinders chapter! This kid. The main body is written, but I’m trying to work in some theoretical background in the introduction to do the academicky-thing of nodding to the other writers who have laid the groundwork for this kind of research. I’m speed-reading Leah Price’s What We Talk About When We Talk About Books and trying to scrounge together some information on Jessica Pressman’s forthcoming Bookishness: Loving Books in a Digital Age, both of which foreground a lot of the points I make about the tensions between digital and print forms of texts. 
New Approach to the Weekly Wrap-Ups!
I’m only 2.5 weeks out from turning in this dissertation, so as I move away from giving regular updates about my research, I’m going to change the form of the weekly format to compile all of the things I posted about, recommend, and am thinking about in one place. That way, if you’re ever wondering ‘what is sbooks up to?’, you can go to my research masterpost and click on my weekly wrap-ups to get quick access to fun links and lukewarm takes.
Things I posted about
Casey Fiesler’s (@cfiesler) awesome video about fan migration, the oral explanation of her most recent article with Brianna Dym. This is totally worth the 30-minute watch, and Fiesler does an amazing job of tracking the history of fannish media alongside the impetuses of fan migration
a reflection on why fans are the most likely to think critically and expansively about the media they consume, in response to the criticism that fans are content with just consuming the same story over and over again (which is true, but not without reason)
Things I recommend 
Riley J. Dennis’s Case for the Legend of Korra, which is an excellent elaboration on some popular pro-Korra arguments against the naysayers of the sequel series. I love that Riley talks about Korra’s journey towards humanization via healing from trauma, which is something I think many viewers feel affirmed by.  
Penguin Cafe Orchestra’s 'The Sound of Someone You Love Who’s Going Away and It Doesn’t Matter’. What a title! And it really does sound like it.
Things I’ve been thinking about
Takeaways on writing: This has been a week of revisions, with some serious cutting and clarifying. My advisor pointed out that as I am a newbie academic writer, I still rely a lot on quotations instead of paraphrasing my sources for support, rather than evidence. Rephrasing a lot of quotations opened up a lot of room for my own argument. This process made me think a lot about writing guidance in middle school and high school, wherein I was trained to use quotations as evidence rather than as support. Anyone else learn this? That the more people who agree with you, the more right your argument is, instead of drawing from original or revisiting primary evidence and using previous writing as a framework for analysis? It’s a pretty bad habit! And it makes us reliant on regurgitating other work rather than working through our own arguments and examining how they align or disalign with others. Graduate school has been one long re-learning process on writing...and I studied writing in uni. 
Different kinds of fan spaces: I hang out, actively participate, and lurk in a variety of fan spaces, mostly in the form of Discord servers (my love) and Facebook groups (bane of my existence). And I’m in a lot of fan spaces for different media: TV shows, books, comics, podcasts, even fan platforms. Though this has been said elsewhere, the difference in attitude and behavior of fans depending on the type of space (and whether fans are masked by a pseudonym or not) is fascinating to me! I’m in one enormous Facebook group dedicated to television show, and without fail, every single post ends up with the comments off because the discourse gets too heated. This behavior is almost definitely a function of:
the impersonal size of the group. In my favorite Discord servers, the smaller size makes the conversation more personable and friendlier (I know these people! I’m not going to harangue them!), and,  
affirmational versus transformational fandom: affirmational fans tend to work within the confines of canon, and so when they disagree over the interpretation of canonical elements, the conversation turns to facts (’no, this is how it happened in season 12, episode 472’) over feelings (’this happened once in the spin-off comic and I’m cool w extrapolating this bc I wanna feel warm and fuzzy inside’). Transformational fans are less canon-restricted and perhaps more lenient, and are probably more likely to silo themselves in fan spaces with agreed-upon interpretations (e.g. I’m in a few dedicated shipping servers, and I know other shipping servers exist, but I won’t bother myself with them, because that’s not my cup of tea, so I’ll just save myself the trouble). 
This isn’t to say that affirmational fans won’t break off from the main group and form their own interpretive communities, but I think affirmational fans are more likely to want to be a part of the “official” fan spaces, because they are interested in the “official” story. 
This is anecdotal conjecture, but I wonder, have you seen differences in fan behavior depending on the fannish space you’re in? I’d love to hear about other fan-space-specific experiences!
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What usually helps me with motivation is asking myself "what is making me excited about this chapter." So I'm turning that to you. What is making you excited about the chapter to Wayward Daughter you're working on? -Riley
Thank you so much for this!!!  I have a lot of things that I’m really excited for so I broke it down to a top 10 haha!
1. Kevin and Amy friendship
Kevin and Amy have been friends since the very first chapter, and Amy has always had a soft spot for Kevin for being “Joaquin’s boy”, but a lot of their friendship has been superficial up until now, mostly because of Amy’s reluctance to ever risk being perceived as vulnerable.  In this chapter though, Kevin is the first person to really notice how not okay Amy is and is the one who goes out of his way to help.  It took a long detour from my chapter outline but I think it really developed their friendship, and I finally got to explore some elements that have been building behind the scenes for Amy but that no one has addressed until now!  It also introduces their ship tag, which is “he asked if I was okay”, which comes from the scene I’m currently writing – Amy is bitching a bit about Jughead and Toni and “their northsiders” and when she’s asked why her being friends with Kevin is different she explains that a) she’s not dating him, b) he hasn’t historically treated them like shit, and c) when she was completely falling apart, it wasn’t her partners or even her brother who noticed, but Kevin
2. After several chapters of people letting Amy brush off major trauma, they’re finally acknowledging it!  
This actually ties in the most with her scene with Kevin – Amy says some stuff while having a panic attack and Kevin has a moment of confusion before realizing that “oh hey, she’s actually mentioned this stuff before but she says it so casually that I assumed it wasn’t a big deal but clearly it is”.  The problem with Amy is that she keeps the important stuff to herself and when she’s forced to acknowledge it she’s always extremely dismissive of it, so everyone else assumes that she’s not bothered (hell, she mentions that she was raped and then just goes back to watching Glee, and everyone is like “well I guess she’s moved on let’s not upset her by talking about it”), but really she’s just internalizing it and not coping at all, but since no one ever really pushes her to talk, it also leads her to feeling like it’s not important – but finally we’re starting to lay out the groundwork for when Amy is finally forced to start talking about things and has to acknowledge that she’s not nearly as okay as she pretends to be 
3. After 75k of just not really talking about it, we finally get some actual definition on the Serpents’ relationship!
From the beginning, the narration has always used the term “partner” and the phrase “ride or die” to describe the relationship between the teen serpents, but they’ve never really talked much about what they are!  In this chapter we finally get a bit of that, which starts with Amy finding out that everyone at Riverdale High thinks that she and Sweet Pea are dating.  After that, Amy finally explains (one again in that scene with Kevin, that could really be a chapter in and of itself with how much goes on in it lmao) what exactly their relationship is, what Jughead’s involvement is, and even what Joaquin’s involvement was before he left town (finally going back to chapters 1 & 3 where Amy mentions having had some sort of relationship with him but never explaining what that relationship was).  I’ve wanted to start to explain this for a while, and while I’ve talked about it a bit here on tumblr and in depth with some friends, it’s never really fit into the story
4. Honestly just the actual writing!
It’s been a while since I’ve worked on Wayward and the last couple of chapters felt (to me) very rushed and definitely not my best writing.  The episodes that they followed weren’t ones with a whole lot going on for Amy (I’ve plotted out all of season 2 and basically every scene I could think of adding would have thrown off bigger arcs) so they were just... short and rushed and felt very forced.  This chapter on the other hand has gotten way too long just because there’s so much going on, but it’s given me an opportunity to really delve into things again and I think that the actual writing (technically and in terms of content) is a lot better than what I’ve gotten to do in a while and I’m really excited to share that!  Also, clearly, there are a lot of scenes that I’m really proud of and really excited to share with readers (hopefully they like it as much as I do!) 
5. Just, angst
So I’ve definitely never been nice to Amy, but the angst in this chapter makes me really happy (and very sad).  It’s not all big showy angst, or even as extreme as other parts of the story, but it feels extremely poignant.  There definitely are some bigger pieces of angst in this chapter (Amy falls asleep in tears multiple times, for example), but I think that my absolute favourite angsty pieces are actually two of the most subtle ones.  What I love about them being subtle (aside from just how much I love the scenes) is that Amy is a character who we see repeatedly go headfirst into danger and go through very painful situations, but she always gets through them and maintains her illusion of being completely okay all the time (even though she is so not okay someone please get her a therapist) because she can absolutely handle physical pain and she’s gotten used to psychological trauma, but the one thing that Amy cannot handle which is prominent in both of my favourite scenes is being rejected/feeling unwanted, and while she hasn’t had a lot of that yet, we finally get to see something actually break through her walls 
6. We finally start to actually acknowledge Amy’s unhealthy coping mechanisms
This sort of goes with #2 and #6.  Ever since chapter one, we’ve seen Amy having extremely unhealthy coping mechanisms (namely alcohol and sex and trying to ignore her problems) and in this chapter we see that she actually can’t ignore her problems forever, and we finally see people actually looking at Amy and going “hey this is definitely not a good way to deal with shit” instead of the usual “oh yeah that’s just Amy being Amy”, and it’s very satisfying!  Archie has called her out on it once before, but he’s the only one – her partners are so used to it that most of the time they don’t even realize what she’s doing because to them it’s just part of her personality and Jughead has generally hesitated to comment on it because he worries about pushing her away.  As a writer it’s been a bit frustrating to see how much no one seems to realize how self destructive Amy is, so it’s very satisfying to finally get to address it! 
7. Amy & Fangs relationship
So much of the story so far has been very focused on Amy & Sweet Pea, Amy & Jughead, and the poly squad, with a moderate amount of Amy & Toni, but Amy & Fangs hasn’t gotten a lot of exploration so far.  Amy and Toni also explored a lot in this chapter but it’s very much for the worse as Toni begins to prioritize Cheryl over the other Serpents.  Amy and Fangs, on the other hand, have much more positive development and we really get to see them being best friends in one-on-one situations, as well as Fangs being the one who can actually handle Amy’s extreme emotions.  I’ve always had it in my head that they’re sort of two sides of the same traumatized coin, and that Fangs understands Amy better than the others (in part due to his own trauma and in part because Amy, Toni, and Sweet Pea are all just very strong and very stubborn personalities and it tends to be a bit of a 50/50 on whether they’ll actually help each other or just set each other off) and I’m really glad that I finally get to start putting that into the story
8. Amy & Fred!!
I stan one father-daughter duo and that is it.  Granted, Amy has only called Fred her dad as a political move (usually against Hiram) and once in the immediate aftermath of being arrested and severely injured, and is just emotionally not prepared to call him “dad”, but Fred is absolutely his father and absolutely adores his chaotic mess of a daughter!  They’ve had some good scenes throughout the fic but Amy is reluctant to spend too much time around Fred because she’s terrified that one day he’s going to reach his limit and decide that he doesn’t want her anymore, so I haven’t gotten to write them nearly as often as I’d like.  But finally we get to see them interact again, and Amy finally gets the love and support that she deserves and we get a bit of backstory on Amy’s childhood post adoption!  
9. Malachai is finally back
Look, I know that I say this about every dynamic, but Amy & Malachai is very genuinely my favourite dynamic in the entire Wayward universe!  I’m super proud of my personal Malachai in general (as @lorettastwilight and I like to put it, Wayward daughter has “Mal” and Riverdale has “Malachai”) but his relationship with Amy is my absolute favourite thing.  It’s really hard to work him into the story sometimes, in part because talking to Malachai would solve all of Amy’s problems in like 20 seconds, but now there’s finally a chance to do it!  I haven’t actually written it yet, it comes right after the scene I’m currently working on, but Amy is a lot more open with Malachai than she is with anyone else, and I love it!  It’s also a lot of fun to write because it combines vulnerable!Amy, who looks at Mal and sees safety and sees the man who had a completely blackout drunk teenager proposition him and not only turned her down but protected her from anyone who might have tried to take advantage of her, with Serpent Queen!Amy who is political and cutthroat and sees Malachai as as the Ghoulie King and as possibly the only person in town as calculating as she is, and it creates a dichotomy that I really love to explore!  And even though only one other person actually knows their backstory, I’m extremely proud of it and it’s really fun to explore how to build that into their dynamic without ever actually acknowledging it 
No offence to literally any other character, but Fifi The Giraffe is the absolute best part of the entire Wayward Universe, and I finally get to introduce her to the story!  Not only does introducing Fifi make me happy because Fifi is just like, the best, but it also gives me a chance to really focus on the fact that Amy is fifteen and still a child even though she never shows it around other people, and to get to explore a bit more of nine year old Amy immediately post adoption, and her relationship with Fred and Archie!  Both of those are things that I’ve wanted to explore for a long time but that have never really worked with individual chapter arcs or with the pacing of the larger season arc, so now that I can finally write that, I’m really excited to share it with everyone!
I know this turned into a really long essay and I’m so sorry about that, but thank you again so much for sending me this ask!!! (and you’re totally right, this got me super hyped to get back into the chapter!!)
PS: please enjoy this gif of Amy, Archie, and Fifi!
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traumantic-a · 5 years
                     HOW  TO  INTERACT  WITH  JORDAN                    (  A  PLOTTING  CHEAT-SHEET )
so,  you  want  to  write  your  muse  against  jordan,  but  you  have  no  idea  what  to  do?  have  no  fear!  plotting  can  be  pretty  daunting—I  know  I  always  blank  on  ideas  the  second  I  go  to  approach  someone  about  something,  or  I’m  always  afraid  I’ll  suggest  something  that’s  overdone  or  that  the  mun  isn’t  particularly  interested  in.  hence,  this  guide!  keep  in  mind  everything  here  is  just  a  suggestion,  so  if  you  have  ideas  that  don’t  really  fit  what  I’ve  put  in  this  guide,  that  is  fine!  throw  them  my  way!  and  happy  plotting!
                                       MEET  JORDAN  RILEY                                (  aka  a  really  quick  character  cheat  sheet  )
she’s  a  college  student.  specifically,  she’s  currently  in  her  junior  year  as  a  graphic  design  student  and  is  also  a  resident  assistant,  because  it’s  the  only  way  she  could  afford  to  continue  to  attend  school  ( #justcollegethings ).  like  many  students,  her  preferred  study  method  is  coffee  and  tears,  and  thinking  too  far  into  the  future  freaks  her  out,  so  she  copes  by  screaming  inwardly  and  pushing  on  even  though  she  needs  to  relax  ( whatever  that  means ).
she’s  also  a  resident  assistant.  and  surprisingly,  taking  the  job  wasn’t  all  about  the  money,  though  that  was  a  big  motivator.  jordan  genuinely  enjoys  the  position;  not  so  much  the  paperwork  and  having  to  enforce  rules  all  the  time,  but  getting  to  decorate  her  floor,  help  freshmen  navigate  campus  life  and  academics,  and  plan  fun  programs  and  activities  for  them  is  something  that  makes  her  feel  a  sense  of  accomplishment.  of  course,  the  perks  of  having  a  room  and  bathroom  all  to  herself  make  it  extra  nice.
she’s  very  involved.  if  she’s  not  working  on  projects,  she’s  designing  layouts  for  one  of  the  student-run  magazines;  if  she’s  not  doing  that,  she’s  hosting  a  radio  show  with  one  of  her  friends;  if  she’s  not  doing  that,  she’s  at  improv  practice;  if  she’s  not  there,  she’s  probably  stress  crying  in  the  shower,  tbh.  either  way,  she  likes  keeping  busy  whenever  she  can;  sometimes  to  a  fault.
she  hates  talking  about  ‘it.’  not  the  movie;  no,  she  enjoyed  both  chapters,  even  if  she  hasn’t  made  her  way  through  the  brick  that  is  the  novel  yet.  no,  she  hates  talking  about  her  past  traumas,  she  absolutely  hates  talking  about  the  whole  rothfield  murders  fiasco  and  the  fact  that  she  was  a  target  because  she  spoke  up  about  being  assaulted,  which  is  understandable,  because  all  of  that  is  shitty.  she’s  trying  to  move  on  from  it  all;  she  wishes  the  rest  of  the  world  would,  too.
                              PRE-ESTABLISHED  RELATIONSHIPS                                 (  aka  a  starting  point  for  fleshing  out  dynamics  )
be  a  resident  in  her  building.  this  one  is  especially  great  if  your  muse  is  a  college  student;  rothfield  university  is  a  big  school  and  there  are  roughly  six  thousand  students  living  on  campus;  250  of  those  students  live  in  williams  hall,  split  across  four  floors.  while  williams  hall  tends  to  have  a  mix  of  underclassmen  and  skews  heavily  toward  having  primarily  incoming  freshmen  reside  there,  it  isn’t  unusual  for  juniors  or  seniors  to  stay  in  the  building  because  it’s  cheaper  than  trying  to  rent  an  apartment  on  their  own,  and  they  don’t  have  to  pay  for  a  parking  pass  that  they  rarely  use  because  there’s  never  any  place  to  park.  jordan  has  to  keep  in  contact  with  the  residents  living  on  her  floor,  do  regular  academic  and  wellness  checks,  etc.;  but  beyond  that,  she  genuinely  wants  to  help  them  adjust  to  campus  and  college  life,  and  likes  being  a  mentor.
be  a  fellow  art  student/classmate.  technically  jordan’s  major  of  study  falls  under  the  college  of  communication  and  information,  but  she’s  on  track  to  learn  a  bachelor’s  of  fine  arts  in  graphic  design,  and  she  spends  a  lot  of  her  time  in  the  art  building  attending  studio  classes  and  pouring  over  projects.  she  has  other  courses  she  has  to  take  to  fill  requirements  for  her  core  classes  and  the  like  ( such  as  art  history,  algebra,  sociology,  etc.);  if  your  muse  is  a  college  student,  why  not  make  them  a  classmate  of  jordan’s?  especially  if  they’re  in  different  majors  but  happen  to  be  taking  all  the  same  ‘core’  classes;  it’s  always  great  having  a  note-sharing  buddy,  if  nothing  else.
be  involved  in  a  club/organization  with  jordan.  she’s  an  illustrator  for  a  student-run  general  interest  magazine,  she  has  a  radio  show,  and  she’s  in  an  improv  group,  and  usually  auditions  for  productions  through  the  school  of  theater  and  dance  whenever  she  has  the  time.  make  your  muse  a  member  of  the  editorial  team  on  the  magazine,  or  a  blogger,  or  a  fellow  DJ,  or  someone  who  enjoys  performing;  I’m  sure  they’ll  cross  paths  with  jordan  somehow,  some  way!
be  one  of  her  professors/mentors.  chances  are  there’s  a  bullshit  course  your  muse  could  teach  if  they  don’t  fit  in  ‘traditional’  courses  of  study  like  history,  economics,  etc.;  my  university  offered  two  different  courses  on  glass  blowing;  there’s  no  limit  to  what  can  be  taught  on  a  college  campus  to  fill  credit  hour  requirements.  jordan’s  degree  of  study  requires  a  lot  of  liberal  arts  credits  and  she’s  definitely  the  type  to  take  a  course  on  analyzing  tone  and  message  in  zombie  movies  because,  what  else  is  she  going  to  do  with  $800  dollars  in  grant  money?  she’s  a  good  student,  and  tries  not  to  skip  classes,  and  will  usually  keep  quiet  in  the  back  if  she’s  not  up  to  participating.  she  also  attends  office  hours  when  she’s  not  grasping  something,  and  if  she  likes  a  class  she  took  because  of  the  professor,  she  usually  tries  to  take  more  of  their  classes.
work  at/in  rothfield  in  some  capacity.  be  another  resident  assistant,  work  at  the  coffee  shop  frequented  by  students,  be  part  of  campus  security,  be  an  event  coordinator  with  campus,  be  that  one  lady  who  walks  her  three  rescue  dogs  on  campus  every  evening;  there’s  really  no  limit  here  ( the  lady  with  rescue  dogs  was  a  thing  at  my  school  and  I  ended  up  befriending  her,  and  she  turned  out  to  be  the  dean  of  the  women’s  studies  department  and  is  generally  the  coolest  person  I  know,  ANYWAY );  if  any  of  this  appeals  to  you,  hit  me  up  and  we’ll  flesh  out  the  details.
be  a  townie.  whether  your  muse  is  a  student  who  graduated  and  never  left  rothfield  or  is  a  born-and-bred  local  that  can  spin  a  yarn  about  the  history  of  campus,  or  just  likes  showing  up  at  house  parties  for  the  hell  of  it,  this  is  another  great  way  to  cross  paths  with  jordan  and  strike  up  a  friendship.
                                THINGS  I  WANT  TO  EXPLORE                                  (  aka  a  living  document  of  my  wishlist  tag  )
jordan  opening  up  to  someone.  jordan’s  assault  and  the  trial  from  her  high  school  years  were  pretty  well-publicized;  while  her  name  was  never  printed  in  the  news  stories  surrounding  the  case,  it’s  not  hard  to  put  the  pieces  together  when  people  find  out  where  she’s  from.  this  only  becomes  more  apparent  after  the  rothfield  murders  that  take  place  over  spring  break  2019;  being  the  ‘sole  survivor’  of  a  revenge-murder  rampage  takes  its  toll  in  some  unusual  ways.  it  takes  time  for  the  trauma  of  the  murders  to  fully  sink  in  for  jordan;  initially,  she’s  relieved  that  her  abuser  is  dead  and  gone  and  she  never  has  to  see  him  again,  but  that  relief  is  short-lived.  it  doesn’t  change  the  fact  that  she  hasn’t  fully  healed  from  her  past  traumas  and  that  she  needs  to  be  more  vocal  about  her  feelings  and  emotions;  she  needs  a  support  system,  especially  considering  her  family  is  hours  away  and  the  only  other  person  she’s  confided  in  outside  of  her  parents  and  sister  goes  to  school  in  another  state.  I’d  love  to  develop  some  close  friendships  where  jordan  feels  comfortable  opening  up  to  others  she  knows  she  can  trust  and  lean  on  when  she’s  having  bad  days;  likewise,  she’d  do  the  same  for  those  she  loves  dearly.  she’s  loyal  at  her  core  and  if  she  trusts  you,  she  will always  be  there  for  you.
                             more  to  be  added  as  ideas  come  to  me
                       THINGS  I’M  NOT  INTERESTED  IN                                 (   aka......  it’s  pretty  self-explanatory   )
your  character  ‘fixing’  jordan.  through  love,  through  friendship,  through  whatever;  while  all  of  the  above  can  definitely  help  people  dealing  with  trauma  heal,  it  is  not  the  sole,  solitary  thing  that  will  get  the  job  done.  jordan  will  never  rely  on  one  person  to  be  the  sole  thing  that  makes  her  happy  and  makes  her  feel  whole  again;  it’s  not  realistic  and  it’s  a  harmful  cliche  that  I  don’t  wish  to  perpetuate  here.  she  absolutely  needs  friends  she  can  trust,  and  she  is  capable  of  being  in  a  loving  relationship,  but  those  are  not  going  to  automatically  fix  all  her  problems.
toxic  ships.  I  don’t  really  feel  the  need  to  go  super  in-depth  with  this;  while  I’m  not  opposed  to  exploring  shitty  or  toxic  friendships  or  relationships,  because  those  do  happen,  I’m  not  interested  in  doing  so  in  the  sense  of  “they’re  toxic  because  they  care!”  again;  very  harmful  cliches  and  stereotypes  that  I  do  not  wish  to  perpetuate  here.  if  I  explore  anything  like  this  it’ll  likely  be  with  close  rp  partners  I’ve  had  for  a  while  and  know  I  can  trust.
fetishizing/‘fixing’ demisexual  people.   it’s  a  spectrum,  folks;  jordan  needs  an  emotional  connection  with  someone  deep  enough  before  she  feels  comfortable  with  intimacy.  I’m  not  interested  in  anyone  being  the  ‘exception’  to  this  for  obvious  reasons.  if  you  come  to  me  with  anything  related  to  your  muse  ‘fixing’  jordan’s  demisexuality  ( which  existed  before  her  trauma  and  was  amplified  by  it,  both  of  which  are  valid ),  I  will hard  block  you.
                                      FINAL  THOUGHTS so,  I  didn’t  intend  for  this  to  get  as  long  as  it  did;  as  far  as  the  last  section  goes,  a  lot  of  that  is  common  sense,  but  I’ve  included  it  anyway  because  I’ve  had  similar  experiences  on  blogs  before  with  people  coming  to  me  with  plot  ideas  that  were  inherently  toxic  and  glorified  to  be  something  bigger/better,  and  felt  it  would  be  best  to  address what  I’m  not  comfortable  with  and  why  directly  out  of  the  gate.  keep  in  mind  that  all  of  this  is  a  guideline,  and  if  you  have  ideas  that  expand  outside  of  what  I’ve  placed  here,  I’d  love  to  hear  them!  don’t  hesitate  to  approach  me  to  plot,  especially  if  you  want  to  expand  on  anything  I’ve  listed  in  this  cheat  sheet.  <3
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The Nice Guy - Part 5 of 6
Mari = Mari McCabe (Vixen) from DC. I do not own her. I merely ship her with Sam most passionately because they’re perfect for each other.
Word count: 2092
Warnings: Fluffffffff
Tuesday came around and you felt a bundle of nerves coiled in your stomach as you and Clint left your apartment to head to Nat and Bucky’s.
“Y/N, relax,” Clint urged as the two of you approached their place. “We’re just gonna be watching an away game with our friends. What has you so tense?”
You snuggled closer to his side, arm around his waist. “It’s just…”
“Hey,” he said, stopping and turning you to face him, “talk to me.”
You sighed. “I haven’t talked to Sam since we started dating. What if he hates me now?”
“He won’t hate you. He’s your friend, Y/N; he doesn’t want to be miserable and lonely for the rest of your life just because you dated his late best friend.”
“I know…” You fiddled with the hem of your sweater, eyes on Clint’s black Vans. “I really do know that. There’s just a part of me that’s unsure.”
“Then let’s go in there,” Clint leaned in to kiss your forehead, “and show that part of you that it was worried for nothing.”
He didn’t bother knocking; no one in the group needed to knock when there was a full get-together. The door was unlocked and everyone else had already arrived. The two of you unloaded the brownies and soda you’d brought at the already overladen snack table that had been set up in the corner of the living room.
When you turned to face your friends, you found everyone staring at the two of you. Nat, Bucky, Steve, and Peggy were all smirking at the sight of Clint’s arm around your waist, while Sam’s eyes were wide with surprise.
“Well,” Sam said, finally breaking the silence that had fallen, “it’s about damn time.”
You felt your face flush as Clint laughed and pressed a kiss to your temple. “My thoughts exactly, man,” he laughed.
After the game had finished, you found yourself sitting next to Sam on the couch. He was showing you a picture of the young woman one of his professors paired him with for a partner assignment. Her name was Mari, and he was smitten but hadn’t yet worked up the courage to ask her out.
“Can I ask you something?” you asked when the conversation eventually hit a lull. “Why were you so instantly okay with Clint and me dating? I mean, I guess I expected part of you to be mad because…”
“Because you used to date Riley,” he finished for you. “It’s not like you and Riley broke up, Y/N. I know you loved him like he loved you, and part of you always will. I’m just glad you’re able to make room in your heart to try loving someone again.”
“Thanks,” you said with a smile, “I really appreciate hearing you say that.”
“Besides,” Sam laughed, “I’m pretty sure all of us but you have known about Clint’s crush on you for years. Riley was afraid to ask you out when he first met you because he thought you and Clint were already together.”
“No!” you gasped. “Why did he think that?”
“You’ve always been so comfortable around each other,” he explained, “and like I said, it was obvious to the rest of us that he’s in love with you. Seriously, as open-minded as Clint is, not even he would volunteer to stay in the middle of a girl’s night and have his toenails painted unless it meant spending time with you.”
“That’s where you’re wrong, my friend,” Cline said, popping his head up from behind the couch and cutting into your conversation. “Foot care is important. Your feet are the foundation of your body. If there’s something wrong with them, it throws your whole body off. Why not also make them pretty?”
“Man, you are all kinds of strange.”
“Yes, he is,” you agreed with a grin, “and I wouldn’t change a thing about him.”
The months went by and your relationship with Clint remained steady. Sometimes you would go out on more formal dates (usually to celebrate special occasions like finals being over), but mostly the two of you continued to hang out as you normally would but with Clint showing more physical affection. He always kept it light, a hand to the small of your back or a kiss to the cheek, never wanting to push you beyond what you were comfortable with. You really appreciated it; as much as you knew you still loved him as a friend, you didn’t want to do anything that marked too much commitment while you were still trying to sort out your feelings.
One Saturday in August, he planted his usual goodbye kiss to your forehead on his way out the door. He was on his way to a guys’ hangout at Bucky’s, while the ladies of your friend group were coming over to your apartment. In a few hours the eight of you (Sam had finally asked Mari out and you’d all absorbed her into your group) would meet up at a burger joint for dinner.
“Okay, so,” Peggy started when she opened the door, all three of the girls pouring into the apartment at once, “I had this idea. We’ve done mani-pedis before, but not facials, so I brought a bunch of different products since I wasn’t sure what everyone’s skin types were.”
“Girl, those are expensive,” Mari gasped as she watched Peggy unload the supplies. “How can you afford all that?”
“She’s rich,” you laughed. “Probably didn’t realize they’re expensive to us normal folk.”
“Hey,” Peggy protested, “I’ll have you know I specifically didn’t get anything actually expensive in an effort to avoid this conversation.”
“Little things add up,” Nat pointed up, reaching over to grab a charcoal mask and read the label, “but she’s right about these being mid-range as far as the cost goes. Nice choices, Peg, these are some quality masks for the price point.”
“Thank you, Nat. Just enjoy it ladies. I only supply the activity for girls’ night every fourth hangout.”
She showed you all what she had brought and you each selected the mask you wanted to use. Peggy was right; if she could afford to spoil you guys and wanted to, it didn’t hurt to let her. Girls’ night didn’t come around that often anyway.
You had a vote on what to do while the masks were on your faces, since they tended to make talking difficult. Call of Duty won out, and you and Mari made Nat and Peggy be on separate teams this time to prevent a repeat of what you jokingly referred to as The Great Slaughter. Mari and Nat ended up beating you and Peggy for the first round and losing the second. The four of you were about to make it the best two out of three when the timer went off to remind you to remove your masks.
“So, Mari,” Peggy asked once the masks were off and talking became easier, “how are things going with Sam?”
She shook her head and laughed. “He’s a dolt and I think I’m falling in love. He showed up early to pick me up after my last fitting for next week’s show and couldn’t talk straight for fifteen minutes. I was in a sweater! We’re showing upcoming fall fashion, for goodness’ sake.”
“He gushes about your accomplishments when you’re not around,” you told her with a smile. “All about how proud he is you got your modeling job, how amazing you look in everything, how your eyes light up when you talk about work…”
“That man has it bad,” Peggy added.
“He’d better, I’m amazing,” Mari joked. “Seriously, though, he’s so supportive and it means the world to me. My ex used to get mad at me for trying to model, said he was the only one allowed to look at me.”
Nat frowned. “I hope you dumped his ass.”
“Faster than Clint inhales nachos.”
The comparison had the four of you laughing as Nat restarted your game for round three.
“Speaking of men who have it bad, how are things with Clint?” Nat asked.
“Oh, no,” you replied as you made your avatar duck behind an overturned Humvee. “I am not letting you distract me. Peggy and I are winning this round.”
“I was actually wondering the same thing,” Peggy said as her avatar lobbed a grenade at Nat’s hiding spot.
“Yeah, girl, spill,” Mari added. “We want details.”
“Does no one care how things are going with Steve or Bucky?”
Peggie laughed at your attempts at misdirection. “Steve’s perfect, as always.”
“Bucky’s still an asshole and I still love him,” Nat said, “now stop dodging the question.”
You sighed, acknowledging they weren’t going to let up easily. “I don’t know. I still don’t feel like I’m in love with him, but the thought of living without him hurts, so I don’t know what to do about it.”
“So what I’m hearing,” Nat said, briefly interrupting herself with a curse as Peggy got the drop on her in-game, “is that you’re in love with him but don’t recognize it.”
“Hypothetical scenario.” Peggy took full advantage of surprising Nat, bringing your team into the lead. “You never see Clint ever again. You’ve got the rest of our friend group still, but Clint is gone. What’s your reaction?”
It wasn’t too hard to imagine; you’d lost Riley, after all. But…even when you’d lost Riley, you still had Clint. You’d known him since you were five; every major memory you had from growing up, every milestone, Clint had been there. If he were suddenly gone…
“Y/N, honey, breath,” Mari said, dropping her controller and wrapping her arms around your shoulders. You forced yourself to take a deep breath and suddenly realized you were sobbing.
“I wasn’t expecting my question to hit so hard,” Peggy apologized, eyes wide. “I’m so sorry, Y/N, I had no idea…”
“He’s always been there,” you gasped out around your sobs. “Then I thought about losing him like Riley, and I couldn’t take it. My world would fall apart.”
The girls wrapped themselves around you, the game still on the screen but entirely forgotten. It took almost ten minutes to calm you down from your surprise panic attack. Once you were calm, Mari realized that you were all supposed to meet the guys in twenty minutes and had a fifteen-minute walk to get there. The rush to get ready was interspersed with you assuring them all individually and together that you were okay now.
And you were okay, until you saw Clint waving at you right outside the door of your destination. You felt it then, every bit of emotion you felt for him, the gratitude and the joy and the overwhelming need. You needed Clint, you realized, and you didn’t want to stop needing him. You wanted him with you for the rest of your life so that you’d never have to face anything alone and so you could help him in all the ways he helped you.
“Hey, love, how was girls’– mmph!”
You cut him off with a kiss, the first kiss you ever gave him. It wasn’t soft or sweet like you’d always assumed it would be whenever it finally happened; you were pouring all of the want and need you felt into it, and he melted against you immediately, telegraphing his love back. It was desperate and needy and you felt like your whole body was on fire when you finally had to break away for air.
“I love you.”
The hope in his eyes almost made you cry again. You didn’t trust your voice, so you nodded.
“I love you too, Y/N. I’ve loved you for so long.” He was crying, and that did it; tears started falling down your cheeks again.
“I know.” You kissed him again, softer this time but just as passionate. “I’m sorry it took me so long to figure out my feelings.”
“Never,” Clint said fiercely, “ever apologize. You are worth every bit of the wait.”
“As touching and drastically overdue as this whole thing is,” Bucky cut in, “I’m hungry. Can we go eat now? Hey!” He jumped and protested as Natasha jabbed him in the ribs with her elbow.
You laughed and rested your head on Clint’s shoulder. “Yes, Bucky, we can go eat now.”
“Say it again,” Clint whispered to you as the eight of you made your way into the restaurant. You smiled up at him, completely taken with the light in his eyes.
“I love you.”
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the-prima-vista · 6 years
Freedom (Drake x MC)
Story: The Royal Romance Ship: Drake x MC (Riley)
Written mid-book 1.
Drake has never before liked any of the women that relocate to the palace at the beginning of the social season. Not until Riley. She’s different, although he supposes that’s to be expected, given that she’s a waitress from New York, not nobility like the others. Her actions don’t seem calculated. Instead, her kind words and her bright smile always seem genuine, regardless of who they’re directed to, and sometimes, she seems as awkward around the others as he did.
Another thing that stands out between her and the others is how she doesn’t seem to mind his presence. She’s been honest, first at the Derby, when she told him she was happy to see him, and then at Olivia’s, where she hadn’t minded being relegated to the back tables with him. Riley had sent a smile Liam’s way, but instead of complaining or demanding better treatment, she’d turned the same incandescent smile to Drake.
“I’m actually glad to see you,” she’d said, before calling the other nobles stuffy and almost managing to draw out a smile from him.
She doesn’t even seem to mind his prickly personality. He knows he’s not the easiest person to get along with - he’s too jaded and bitter and frustrated - but he rarely seems to phase her. Even his grumpiest comments are met with either a quick retort or a good-natured laugh.
Every time she smiles, every time she laughs, he can’t look away. It’s an unexpected development, one he isn’t pleased to realise, especially once he begins to notice stirrings of resentment when her brilliant, beautiful smile is directed at Liam.
(It’s only been a week. Maybe it won’t hurt anyone too much if he finds out whether or not Riley’s kisses can make him smile the way they do Liam.)
He doesn’t want to feel this way. Liam is his closest friend, the reason he stays in a world he detests, and he shouldn’t begrudge him something that makes him so happy. And she does make Liam happy. His friend has rhapsodised over how free and fearless she makes him feel, how it feels as though anything’s possible when he’s with her, as if being with her is right. That, with her, being a prince doesn’t matter.
With each word, his own thoughts feel like a betrayal. He doesn’t want her to win. He doesn’t want her to marry Liam. Perhaps she makes Liam feel free, but if she wins, she’d be trapped. Drake has seen how her beautiful smiles fade and her eyes grow tired as each event drags on. He’s noticed how she seems so much more at ease, so much happier, away from the confines of the palace.
Maybe Liam is oblivious, but Drake knows that no matter how many times she dresses up and accompanies the nobility to lavish balls and silly tea parties, the others will never think she belonged with them. No matter how good she looks in the slinky dresses she tends to choose.
He finds her in the gardens one day, when he knows the other ladies are supposed to having a prince-free brunch together. She’s on her tiptoes, peering out over the garden wall. She doesn’t look like a princess, but like a tourist, with a huge sun-hat, equally big sunglasses and shorts he doubts Bertrand would approve of. Abandoned a few feet away from her is a bottle of suncream and an open book.
“Are you lost?” Drake asks, smirking when she jumps. “Tourists aren’t allowed in the palace grounds, you know.”
She turns to look at him. Her nose is slightly pink, as are her shoulders. “I’m not lost,” she says. “But I’m not really meant to be here, so…”
“Yeah, I didn’t think this looked like a brunch.” He gestures at the grass around him. “There aren’t any mimosas. Or other people.”
She smiles and steps away from the wall, slipping her phone into her pocket as she turns round to look at him. “I told Maxwell I wasn’t feeling well. I even coughed a few times to make sure he’d buy it.” She grimaces. “As tempting as brunch sounds, I thought I should finally send my roommate a message. I left a note for her when I picked up my things, but I’ve been silent ever since. It’s not exactly the first time I’ve taken off without any warning, but it’s the first time it’s looked like I might not be going back anytime soon. I was thinking of sending a picture or something, but I don’t really know how to explain any of this.”
“You’ve done this before?”
Riley shakes her head, a soft laugh falling from her lips. “Yeah. What, did you think this was my first princess competition?” Drake raises an eyebrow and refuses to let himself smile. “Okay, not what you meant. Yeah, this isn’t the first time I’ve flown somewhere on a whim. I was sick of the snow in New York once so after I finished work, I just… threw a bag together, went to the airport and bought a flight to Hawaii. And I wonder why I’m always broke.”
“Is that what this was?” he asks. “A whim? An impulsive trip abroad where you could play princess for a few days and then go home?”
She sighs, sitting back down on the grass beside her book and her suncream. Drake hesitates and then joins her. “I didn’t even know what this was. I’d had a good time with Liam the night before and Maxwell was offering me a trip to Europe and I’ve always wanted to come to Europe. I knew it wasn’t going to be a normal vacation, but I was expecting a bit more free time. I thought I’d at least get to see the island.”
“You know that if this goes well, you won’t be going back to New York, right?” He watches her, frowning when she adjusts her sunglasses and scowls up at the sky. “You won’t be leaving.”
“Fingers crossed I don’t win then,” she says quietly. He glances at her. She’s trying to pass it off as joke, but he’s heard her teasing before and this sounds just a bit too serious. “I’m sure you can’t wait to see the back of me.”
“You want to leave.”
She’s picking at the grass, pulling up blades of it only to release them and watch them float back to the ground. “Sometimes.” She looks at him, only for a second, and then it's as though she can’t stop talking. “It’s more than I was anticipating. Everything. I like Liam. A lot. But it’s not been long and everything with him is… intense and fast and too much. And with the contest too? What if I do win? I didn’t have much planned for my future but definitely not this. The Queen was saying things about not showing emotion and making every decision for the people, not for you, and everything’s about protocol and tradition and fashion and no one ever says what they really think and I don’t want that future!”
She sighs again, falling back so she’s lying on the grass. Drake stares at her, unsure what to say. He should try to convince her to stay, shouldn’t he? That’s what would make Liam happy, that’s what Liam would want, and maybe’s it’s a betrayal to do otherwise but her smile’s too bright away from the palace, away from the Queen and Bertrand and Olivia, for him to say what he should.
Drake stands up, his decision made before he can think it through. “Here,” he says, holding his hand out to her. “Come with me.”
She peers at him over the rims of her sunglasses and then takes his hand, letting him pull her up. “What are you doing? Where are we going?”
He hesitates for only a second and then he’s leading her through the garden, further and further away from the palace. “Something I shouldn’t be doing,” he tells her, ignoring the second question. They’re still holding hands.
They skirt the edge of the maze and wander through the rose garden until they reach a metal gate. He releases her so he can turn the lock and open it for her. She peers past him at the narrow dirt road that trails away from the garden, and he watches as she bites her lip, her eyes lighting up with what he already recognises as the promise of an adventure.
“Follow this road and you can get to the harbour,” he says, determinedly ignoring the brilliant smile slowly curving her lips. He shouldn’t say anything more - he’s already said more than he should - but he does anyway. “Let me give you my number. You decide you don’t want to come back, let me know. I’ll send your stuff wherever you want it. And I won’t say a word to anyone. It might be a bit of a scandal, but-”
“Thank you,” she says, so earnestly his heart catches, as she presses her phone into his hand. “Thank you.”
“You’re not stupid enough to forget that you’ve been in the papers recently, are you?” he asks, ignoring her exasperated huff as he types his number into her phone. “The hat and sunglasses should be enough but maybe don’t take them off wherever you feel like it.”
“I’ll try to remember.”
He looks back up just in time to catch her mid-eye-roll and this time, he doesn’t bother to stifle his grin. He watches as she tucks her phone back into her handbag and adjusts the frames of her sunglasses, and then, to his surprise, she removes her wide-brimmed hat so that she can lean in close and brush a kiss to his cheek. He doesn’t know whether or not it’s wishful thinking or reality that she lingers a little bit too long.
He watches her walk away, hat and all, until the dirt road curves away and she’s out of sight.
He might actually miss her.
The next morning, he spots her amid the ladies. Her nose is still a bit pink, and when she leaves the group to talk to him, he notices new freckles on her cheeks and on her shoulders.
“Here.” Riley rifles through her bag and pulls out a slightly squashed paper bag, holding it out to him. “It might be a bit stale but I thought you’d probably eat it anyway. The less gourmet, the better, right?”
It’s a cronut.
“You came back.”
“I did.” She sounds surprised at herself, as though she really had intended to walk away the day before without even a glance back over her shoulder. “I don’t think I’m done with you yet.”
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eliamatrell · 6 years
hi i came from Narkik and I would love!!! some tomione/gin’n’tonic fic recs hahaha
hi anon!!!!!! gosh, i don’t get to talk about t/h very often, so i got really excited when i saw your ask. but firstly - i am afraid that i don’t really know of any t/g fics i could recommend, since i read about them very seldom. i am just too attached to t/h i guess? i try to be a multishipper, but alas, i am a little bit too biased ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  however, i’m pretty sure that amanda @narkik has some quality t/g recs, so i’m calling for her aid! 
but! back to tomione. as i mentioned under amanda’s post, i have a very specific vision of tom and hermione as a couple. this is a ship with almost no canon basis, so many fics tend to be very ooc (which i despise and avoid at all cost). granted, it is hard to write them in-character (& since we don’t know almost anything about young tom riddle, we have to work with absolute scraps) but not impossible. and they have a lot of potential if you’re into villain/heroine ships. i could write my entire doctoral thesis about them, but i don’t want this post to be too long and overwhelming, so i’ll just link my favourite tomione manifestos (which provide a quite complex answer as to why and how):
one, two, three, four + bonus (which is basically 4k words of me rambling why i love t/h, both generally and specifically in this one perfect fic. so, spoilers if you haven’t read nothing like the sun!)
and as for fics:
ad infinitum by speechwriter
As he forges inexorably toward the end of time, he may come to wonder if this is a world worth ruling. Science fantasy.
gosh, even thinking about ad infinitum makes me emotional - it was the very fic that made me fall for tomione. and believe me, i fell hard. it is very broad in scope and fantastic in execution. also, riley is one of the legends of t/h fandom and an incredible writer. very slow burn, believable character development, great prose, high stakes danger, two brilliant and stubborn people forced by the fate to work together and actually negotiate and discuss their messed up relationship…. god i love. please, do read ad infinitum, you won’t regret it. oh, also, magic in space. 
nothing like the sun by [redacted, since it’s orphaned now and as much it saddens me (and it REALLY saddens me, good god), i respect the author’s decision]
Hermione had never had much patience for Tom Riddle.
Riddle was a model student, ostensibly, and most everyone could vouch for him being the nicest Slytherin that they knew, but Hermione had always felt that his polite demeanor was rather insincere. How nice could he be, really, if he cornered his friends in dodgy alleys and caused them inexplicable pain?
(Or, Hermione follows the Muggle admonition that she keep her enemies closer a little too strictly to the letter.)
oh my god oh my god oh my god. i adore this fic with all my heart and i really mean it. it got everything right. every single thing about them. it’s one of the most well-written fics i have ever read (and ao3 has been my most frequently visited site for years now), the characterization is incredible and just. very caring? they’re all so human, complicated and passionate, and tangled up in something messy and terrible (hermione is so hermionish that i just want to hug her. and never let go, honestly. also - ron and harry aren’t sidelined, which happens in so many tomione and/or dramione fics. also, lavender and parvati! they are the most amusing supporting characters.), it’s clever, and heartwarming, and complex, and everything i had hoped for, and then some. and sadly - unfinished. please don’t let it discourage you, it’s still worth it. really really worth it. and i still have hope that the author will write another tomione story one day. oh, dear anon, that would be the most wonderful. 
unsinkable by speechwriter
He: a young man long since raised from poverty, now on the verge of inheriting a magnate’s business in the 1910s. She: an impoverished young woman on her way to start a new life in America. In short: Tom Marvolo Riddle, Hermione Jean Granger, and one voyage on the RMS Titanic - and how it would change their lives forever.
do i usually like no magic aus? not really, no. do i love this fic? more than you can imagine. but then again, as i mentioned above - riley just /gets/ tom and hermione. 
blood and gold by obsidianpen 
The true time-turner was slammed savagely into Hermione’s throat. It shattered against her neck, bits of glass and gold piercing into her skin. The last thing she saw before blackness consumed her was a plume of metallic dust and vitreous fragments, tiny prisms dancing behind her eyelids.
(In which Hermione accidentally ends up in 1950, pitted against an ascending Dark Lord in his prime, caught in the entanglement of pureblood politics, dark magic, and Tom Riddle’s interest)
the last chapter emotionally destroyed me lmao. they are! so much! also, i love world-building in this one and how carefully and slowly their story unfolds. it will definitely keep you on the edge of your seat. also, the prose is simply splendid.
the night watchman by unrefinedtales
#i had a dream about this#house of labyrinths and mirrors and illusions#that you can only escape if you cease all deception forever#and are 100% honest#but the house has been sitting dormant for centuries#and it’s hungry#it doesn’t want you to get out#and i was thinking what sort of place this would be#for two people to fall in love 
it it still a work in progess - there are four published chapters in the moment i’m writing this reply. house of leaves-esque afterlife, haunting visuals, lingering creepiness, tom and hermione trying to figure out what this place wants from them and learning to trust each other - goodness, i love it so far. 
i still haven’t started unsphere the stars by cocoartist (i have little to no free time these days), but it looks very promising!
When you can’t change time, but you can’t go forward, what is left? Hermione learns how to be the protagonist of her own story. [EWE] [Tomione*] [*mostly]
that’d be all for now! and dear anon, if you finish any of these fics and want to talk about them, write to me again - i love discussing tomione but alas, i don’t get an opportunity to do it very often. enjoy! ♡♡♡
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brooklynislandgirl · 6 years
❤️ Ron/Beth
Where was their first official date?
Time on her visa was running out before they ever even thought about a date, the official kind. She was stunned that they went to the legendary Ritz, and the sparkle of it all was nearly blinding. She felt so very out of place even as he took out her chair for her.Before he could sit though, they were greeted by the head chef, who clasped hands and threw an arm around Ron. Beth didn’t quite catch all of the conversation but they were greeting each other like old friends and the young man asked after Violet, and did your mum get the recipe I sent.When he returned to the kitchen and Ron met the quizzical gaze over candle light and fine crystal, he waved it away. Explained that the chef had once fallen on hard times and that Ron had simply been the one able to help him back up.There was more to the story, she was sure, but he wasn’t the type to brag.
What is their favorite date location?
Oddly enough, they prefer to spend their evenings at either the Trader {even if the pub is closed}, or his flat at Cedra Court and her own. They aren’t really dates so much as just being. There’ve been quite a few nights that they will put a puzzle together, or listen to music or documentaries on the radio while he reads the paper or she knits. Some times it’s glasses of wine or cups of tea and trading stories back and forth, and more than once a host of maladies have found them sitting at the kitchen table in the wee hours of the morning, drinking horlick, and delving into the nature of reality versus perception.Key events are always heading to the park with the dogs. She can’t be certain but she suspects that sometimes they’ve gone home with more than they arrived with.
How many dates before their first kiss? 
Speaking of time, it’s a nebulous thing. For all the months they grew on each other, weaving in and around each other’s lives like so much ivy on a trellis, it was a very long epoch in coming to be. She’d been certain he would have kissed her that day in the Trader were it not for Big Pat and the fact that she literally ran away from it. He’s certain that if she hadn’t bound his knuckles one night and salved away the abraded flesh, she might have kissed him.Claude was the one that cleaned up on the betting pool by nailing it three weeks after their dinner in the Ritz.
Who asked who out first?
Ron asked Beth after a lengthy and almost traumatic conversation in the Trader’s yard, in which she spilled out every fear and every worry from her few decades of experience, or rather, lack thereof to him. Something in Ron understood those very fears and that sense of disconnect. But he also wanted to prove, maybe to himself or maybe to her, that they weren’t always built on real and solid foundations.Because just maybe he knew that territory too well, had walked it himself more times than he could count.
How many dates before they considered each other a couple?
There were rumours long before there was any seed of truth to them. Rumours that he’d found himself an American pet, rumours that she was being kept. Rumours that didn’t see the way things really were, how deeply the pair of them connected not as lovers but something else, something that defied description. Neither of them had been looking for romance, if truth be told Ron knew from the first few minutes of talking to her that she was actually in London looking for someone else. And he’d offered to help. Because that is what Ron does.Fortunately for the tongues spreading those rumours, none of them have actually made their way to him. Well, except maybe for Reg and that’s another story. And Frances who saw things from Beth’s view, and worried about Beth being to fragile for Ron, clearly more monstrous than his brother, in her opinion.
But the exact answer is…none. There were no dates, no star-alignment, no none of that. They just are.Ma Violet says she knew the first time she met Beth in the market and invited her to Sunday supper with the family.
How many mutual friends do they have?
Beth knows most of the Firm by face and occasionally by name. She knows Teddy and Pat, Reg and Frances, she knows each and every one of the pups. Ron’s heard of Jay and Luc, her brother and John.May John rest in pieces.It’s a sliding scale… between two and two hundred, depending on whose definition of ‘friend’ you’re using.
Everyone has a story with verying degrees of veracity when it comes to the Brothers Kray, not all of them applicable to be told in polite company. There have been a few lads and lasses taken with Beth …right up until they realise she’s been taken with Ron.
Which one of their friends is most likely to get in between an argument between the ship?
Big Pat. Some would call him brave, others a fool, but in the end, Pat only wants the best for them, and sometimes what’s best is grabbing the escalating intensity {hard to read his boss sometimes} and direct it elsewhere for fear of her safety. If either Beth or Ron really noticed, they’d have a good laugh about it later because neither one would do the other harm in any fashion.
There’s also Claude, though he doesn’t enjoy telling tales on his papa.
Which one has more friends?
Beth would swear it was Ron, even if she was not considering the dogs. Ron would swear once more that it depended on your definition of the word.
Which one has introduced the other to more people?
Ron has, but that’s mostly because he’s not yet been to New York or Hawai’i with her yet, and she’s been living in London for almost a year, giving him unfair advantage.
Did they start out as friends and made their way to a couple, or were they a couple almost right away?
It started out with her breaking into his pub, and him deciding not to set Claude on her or introducing her to the river. He took the small, rain-soaked mess into his pub and put her at the fire with a cup of tea. It started with a conversation and green eyes staring up at him like he was an angel of salvation. A man of his word.It started when he gave her a job to keep her busy and out of trouble and to make sure the little lamb didn’t get eaten by the filthier kind of wolves that prowled his manor.It started with a smile and letters and finding someone who didn’t fear the Committee, who didn’t expect him to be whom he had been once, and who liked the one he was now.
It started with same-same.
What do they argue about the most?
To their recollection, Ron and Beth have never actually argued. They’ve had very intense conversations that might have appeared like this, and misunderstandings that have led to new ground for them, but because of Ron’s mental health, and Beth’s delicacy, they both tend to be more understanding of one another and they don’t push past the point that an argument would erupt.
The closest they’ve come were the afternoon in the Trader’s yard, when they both had difficulty interpreting the other and it wasn’t so much an argument as it was mounting frustration and not being able to explain themselves.
The argument was about intimacy, and expressions of affection, and the history of relationships since the dawn of ever.Also about exactly how wrong Andrew Riley was.
How do they usually solve their disagreements?
Talking. So. Much. Talking. And maybe a pinky-swear when they reached a compromise that they feel is fair and just.
Do they argue a lot or not very often?
Who admits to being wrong more often?
Not really a thing, but if it were, I think they’ve both been so apologetic for themselves for so long, that it’s a mutual thing.
{Turtle here…welcome to the portion of the meme that’s all hypothetical and I am pretty sure everyone is now looking away and blushing on all sides} 
Who is more likely to initiate sex?  
Hahhahahah.Would you believe both?Beth has no fear of judgement whatsoever from Ron, and he’s always answered her with honesty about his own experiences when they’ve talked about the subject before. So she’d be the one that would bring it up verbally, with her vivid imagination supplying ideas and questions and entire scenes ranging from the ridiculously innocent to tasteful if evocative erotica.Ron would listen, intently, and offer to fulfil any portion of that she’d care to test as a theory, but Ron is a smart man and a sensitive one. He’s explained before and would again that some things cannot be rushed. He understands his own physicality, the greater his size difference over her, and he’d sooner step away from all of it than risk causing Beth injury.
Do they prefer to do it in a bed, or do they prefer a chair, or perhaps the shower?  Maybe other spots?
It’s almost odd to admit that there are reasons practical and fanciful to claim the bed. Even in a passionate moment, it would be more about communing and reconnecting than all of the other things combined, and there’s something to be said about the ability to simply lounge about, side by side, tracing lines and exploring the feel of one another.
Do they practice any kind of bdsm in the bedroom at all and if so, what kinds?
There might be certain elements. The pinning of wrists. A blind fold perhaps. But for the most part, not really. Ron lives a hard life, an exacting and violent life with the Firm, and that has no place with Beth. Beth’s inexperience wouldn’t lend itself well to ask or bring up such things.
Who’s usually more dominant in the bedroom?
Ron is definitely a man in control of his environment and situations in as much as he can be, and that extends into more intimate areas of his life. He also has more experience. Beth has no issue with this and is in fact one of nature’s born submissive. That being said, Ron would allow her a little foray into the other side if she needed or wanted to, though he couldn’t promise her that he’d let it last long.
Lights on or off?
Beth is not a fan of certain things, and the painful shyness would incline her to the lights being off, allowing her to hide her insecurities. Ron enjoys the light, the way it plays off his lover’s skin, the way it shows him little signs of pleasure and aversion, like roadmaps. There is a compromise in candle light or other soft illumination enough to allow him to see all he likes and allows her to have security in the dark.
Do they share any kinks?
Certain things, for sure. None of them are in the realm of wild and crazy, but they don’t have to be.
Does either one have any kinks that they don’t have in common with the other?
Well, it’s not a kink exactly, but more a fact of life. Beth is perfectly comfortable with Ron’s sexuality, and at times is curious on an almost academic level, finding his insight absolutely fascinating. Which often leads to inappropriate questions, but he answers them honestly, without shame. There’s no impertinence meant, but if she’s learned nothing else about him and their situation, it’s that open communication is absolutely essential in everything.
Have they ever had sex anywhere public before?
No, and not likely to…ever.
Who would be most likely to suggest bringing in a third person and who would that person be?
Neither. Doesn’t bear discussing. If they wish to be with other people, then they will probably be perfectly clear and explain that. Perhaps the truest mark of their enduring friendship and love is that likely, at such a point, they’d part amicably, and of course each would be hypercritical of future partners, and probably become very protective of one another as they were through all stages.
When are they most likely to cuddle?
Whenever time and pups allow. Ron feels no shame in it, and Beth enjoys touch and closeness. Eventually she’s determined to find him under the pile of pups.{At last check she’s pretty sure they are up to around four hundred}
Where is their favorite place to cuddle?
Typically on the couch, or down at the park where they take the pack.
Who’s usually the big spoon?
Usually, Ron. On nights when the poorly has him, she will seek to make him the small spoon if he can stand the closeness, or she’ll leave it to Claude to watch over him. 
Do they cuddle often?
Absolutely. They often end up at one flat or the other, talking late into the night, or silently spending time together, playing games, regaling each other with stories, maybe doing puzzles. Even if it’s just a hand hold, the affection is there.
Are they married?  If not, is it something that could happen between them?
They are not, and Beth always seems skittish about future plans. Ron, ever the romantic even if he won’t admit it, thinks she’ll come around.
If they are married, where did they get married at?  If not married, what is their dream wedding location?
They haven’t really discussed this, though Beth’s always dreamed of a beach side wedding.
If married, who proposed to who?  If not married, who would be more likely to propose to who?
It would likely be Ron, despite their rather modern relationship, both of them are traditional at heart, and it would never occur to Beth to propose.
If they are married, which one moved in with the other?  If not married, who would be more likely to move in with the other?
Ron has family, has community, has roots dug deep in the soil of the East End, and Beth is a windblown seed. Aside from her best friend, there’s very little that would keep her in New York.
Do they have kids?  If not, would they consider having kids?
Beth can’t have kids and Ron is sensitive to this, so it’s a case of furry children for the foreseeable future, although he wouldn’t be opposed to adopting human keiki either.
How many kids do they have?  If no kids, how many kids would they want to have?
They are content with the six or seven hundred pups underfoot at the moment.
What are the children’s names?  If no kids, what would they name their kids?
Beth doesn’t like to think about it, but Ron has…ideas.
What are three random headcannons you have about the ship that are not related to romance or sex?
I. Beth is under no illusion that Ron will ever be free of his PS, but with proper health regime it can be managed. She has researched the situation to the best of her ability and she has slowly been building him a better support network with Reggie, and is trying to build bridges with Frances as well. She is very particular about which of the ‘lads’ are welcome around the Trader on more difficult days.
II. Ron has thought of every way to trying to keep Beth in the UK short of allowing her to become an illegal immigrant {the repercussions of which even he doesn’t believe he could bypass if she were discovered}. They make due with phone calls and skyping, with pen-and-paper letters sent back and forth, reminiscent from their first set. Time differences are terrible, so it’s a good thing they are both chronic insomniacs.
III. Despite their different afflictions, Ron and Beth have never really had difficulties understanding one another. Ron’s East End accent, ‘cockney’, has bypassed a lot of Beth’s trouble understanding, and he doesn’t find her Pidgin to be too chaotic. They’ve even adopted words and expressions from each other, with Ron learning a healthy amount of the Hawai’ian tongue, and Beth picking up words and phrases here and there as well. In doing so the pair have started coming up with a language that’s distinctive to them, and that no one else who spends time around them can quite make heads or tails of.
Which one is more likely to suggest getting pets?
Big Pat is seriously considering staging an intervention for them, and has also been looking at countryside estates.
Ron draws a line at horses.
Beth draws the line at Elephants.
Reg draws the line everything.
Which one eats more snack foods?
Ron has a healthier appetite than Beth does, and is used to far richer food. There’s times he worries about her and while he’s not overly fond of it, he’ll share toast soldiers with her should she want to steal one off his plate. Conversely, Beth will sometimes nibble on things just to prove that they’re safe to consume. And no one refuses Ma Vi’s carrot cake.
What is their favorite movie to watch together?
Beth loves anything with sword fighting and princesses and heroes of long ago. Ron has a passion for Churchill and the previous world wars. They happily take turns choosing films for one another but more often than not, it’s music or historical radio programmes that they are likely to indulge in of an evening in. Lord of the Rings|Fellowship and Dunkirk are favourites. Beth likes to tease Ron about the boy with the mouth, and asks him if he’s got another brother he hasn’t told her about.
What is their favorite tabletop game to play together?
They occasionally play poker or gin, but honestly, they enjoy putting together puzzles, or working on crosswords together.
What are your three absolute favorite things about this ship?
1. I love that regardless of the romantic status, it’s clear to see that they deeply care for one another, that they have bonded slowly over the course of the writing. Their friendship is built on foundations of trust and respect the likes of which you don’t really see a lot of in rp.
2. That they are both fundamentally damaged people with good hearts, and while nothing can ‘fix’ what’s wrong with them, they can find comfort and support in the other that they might lack in other places. They don’t have to feel isolated or misunderstood when they have the other.
3. I absolutely LOVE that they can go from telling the worst dad jokes one minute, to having deep and philosophical conversations about the nature of *everything* and anything. They might not always agree, but find ways to expand the other’s horizons without judgement and without reservation. I feel that that is something they both missed out on for a long time.
What is one thing you don’t like about this ship?
Trans-Atlantic flights.
If you had to rate this ship on a scale of 1-10, what would you give it?
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lovemesomerafael · 4 years
Destroying The Planet To Save It   Chapter 17:  They’re Disgusting When They Explode
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Dinner was prepared by Tony’s catering staff, which meant that it was a little extravagant.  By long tradition, however, it was served buffet-style.  That was for two reasons.  First, team dinners tended to get a little rowdy, and Steve thought it was best not to give the serving staff any stories to sell to the press.  Second, dinner conversation was often about strategy and other things that needed to be kept among themselves.  
Tony always disputed both points.  Regarding the first, Tony argued that he was perfectly capable of hiring discreet staff and enforcing nondisclosure agreements.  And when he did, Steve always reminded him that it was his staff who had leaked the story about his affair with the British Prime Minister and the pictures of his debauched and drug-fueled weekend with the anchor team from the top-rated morning show in the U.S.
Regarding the second, Tony argued that half the team were spies, and were fully capable of spotting a mole.  And when he did, Steve always reminded him of the bombed-out shell of the Triskelion.
Theoretically, everyone chose their own seat in the formal dining room on the residential floor of the Tower.  Steve thought that Tony had been surprisingly diplomatic in somehow maneuvering things so that Director Coulson sat at the head of the massive oval table.  Steve himself was at the other end.  That put Tony to the right of Coulson, a subtle and graceful acknowledgement, especially for Tony Stark, of the politics of the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D.  However Tony had maneuvered that seating arrangement, it made Steve want more than ever to repair his relationship with him.  
Sharon was to Steve’s left, and Bucky to his right, with Joss next to him.  Things seemed to have thawed a little between Bucky and Joss since breakfast, Steve thought. He was glad.  He liked Joss, and he liked her and Bucky together.  He also knew Bucky as well as Bucky knew himself. Steve was the only person who knew just how tender Bucky’s heart was.  He didn’t fall for women easily, but when he did, Bucky fell hard.  Steve knew the signs, and he was absolutely seeing them now.  He didn’t know what was holding Bucky and Joss back, but he wasn’t worried.  Steve didn’t know much about women, but he’d been watching them fall in love with Bucky his whole life.  He knew what that looked like.  It looked like…  well, it looked like Joss.  
Sam, to Sharon’s left, was telling a story about how he and his buddy Riley once “tactically acquired” a couple of ATVs and spent an afternoon joyriding through the desert.   Everyone at their end of the table was howling with laughter, partly because of the story, and partly because Sam’s delivery was so entertaining.  Anita was to Sam’s left, and next to her sat Scott, who was making the story even funnier with his skeptical facial expressions.  Probably the best part, however, was the way that Vision, sitting next to Wanda, who was on Joss’s right, kept interpreting Sam’s slang – both military and street – literally.  
At the other end of the table, a lively debate raged about the Battle of Baton Rouge, which the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. had fought the previous year.  Director Coulson continued to maintain that their adversary, who called himself Lumbro, had intentionally created the giant, sentient earthworms they’d fought.  Tony, however, remained adamant that Lumbro hadn’t been smart enough to accomplish that and had, in fact, been as surprised as anyone.  Of course, once he’d done it, Lumbro had proclaimed that creating an earthworm army had been his plan all along, but Tony’s theory was that he’d been trying to create a growth ray and had simply wired it wrong.
“Either way,” Clint said, “I never want to battle worms again.  Those things are disgusting when they explode!”
“They also don’t even notice when you shoot them, which is just annoying,” Natasha noted.
“Remember when the Hulk went all Dune and rode around on one?” Clint laughed, pointing at Bruce.
“Matter of fact, no,” Bruce answered drily.
Tony high-fived Clint behind Natasha’s back.  “I would kill for video of that!  All he needed was a hat to wave around, and he’d have been Slim Pickens at the end of Dr. Strangelove!”
“I absolutely insist on hearing this story,” Catherine demanded, laughing.  
Bruce facepalmed.  “I object.”
“Overruled,” Coulson said, and waved a hand toward Clint, inviting him to tell the story.
Sharon’s leg was touching Steve’s under the table, a fact that wasn’t lost on either of them.  She was enjoying watching him laugh at Sam’s story, while at the same time noticing, as always, that his laughter was reserved, as though he wasn’t allowed to just let go and enjoy himself.  She caught his eye and smiled at him, taking his hand where it rested on the table and squeezing.  She happened to be looking at him when, as conversations sometimes do, both came to a coincidental end.  Steve looked toward the other end of the table, making eye contact with Tony.
“Speaking of ‘tactical acquisition,’ I’m never gonna forget the look on The Sector’s face when his entire robot force turned on him and gave him the finger.”
Tony broke into a wide smile, filled with childish delight.  “That guy was a tool.  Nobody out-Starks Stark.  He needed to be taught a lesson.”
Coulson laughed louder than anyone else.  “It probably would have been sufficient humiliation for The Sector that his robots ended up dismantling his base for S.H.I.E.L.D.  But one of the pictures of them all giving Lumbro the finger is still my screen saver.”
“Yeah, Cap was pretty pissed at me for a few minutes for leaving the fight to take pictures, but come on.”  Scott said.
“I still have some of those robots,” Tony noted.  “They buff the floors.”
That got a full belly laugh from Steve, who was looking at Tony with undisguised fondness.  “I did only ask you to disable them.”
Tony shrugged.  “What would’ve been the fun in that?”
Bucky piped up, “Don’t take that from him, Tony.  Captain America isn’t above that kinda thing, himself. In Azzano, he tactically acquired four hundred ice cream bars.  Gave one to every guy he rescued from Krieschberg.”
“You gotta be kiddin’ me,” Sam groaned.  “Even when he’s stealin’, he’s a do-gooder.”
While everyone was laughing about that, Steve and Bucky shared a quick look that spoke volumes about the other things Steve had obtained in Azzano by less-than-pristine means.  Blankets, which were hard to come by, because for weeks after being rescued, Bucky couldn’t seem to get warm.  A blue coat Bucky came to love, for the same reason.  Extra rations, because for reasons they didn’t understand at the time, Bucky was ravenously hungry pretty much constantly.  Those things had saved Bucky’s life, and Steve’s unwavering, unquestioning devotion had saved his sanity.  And he’d done the exact same things when he’d once again rescued Bucky from Hydra.  It had just taken a little longer the second time.
There was no need for words, or for the look to last more than a moment.  
Throughout the meal, Vision was uncharacteristically quiet.  From across the table, Tony watched him.  He didn’t like what he was seeing.  AI or not, Vision reminded Tony of himself when he was distracted by a particular type of problem.  The kind where you know the answer, and you want the answer to be something – anything - else.  
“Hey, Angry Birds,” Tony grunted, tossing a crouton at Vision.  “Cheer up, will ya?  It’s a party. You’re bringing us all down.”
“I am sorry.  I am still working on some questions having to do with the ‘resource’, the missing link between the machines – “
“Yeah, I know what the ‘resource’ is.  And I’m a capitalist pig; I don’t pay overtime.  So punch out already.”
“Yes.  Of course,” Vision said, turning to smile vaguely at Wanda.  
Shit, Tony thought.
Bucky turned toward Joss and Wanda.  “How’d it go after you kicked us out of the gym?  You figure out the aiming thing?”
Wanda smirked at Joss, holding her goblet of ice water up.  “Did we?”
An ice cube rose, dripping, from Joss’s glass, floating slowly and gracefully across the table.  It slowed considerably, then briefly wavered before plunking into Wanda’s goblet.  “We made some progress.”
Joss turned to Bucky and was rewarded with a smile that rendered her briefly incoherent.  All she could do was beam at him, overwhelmed by how beautiful he was and pleased beyond words at his reaction.  The moment between them was long enough that Steve and Sharon shared a raised-eyebrow glance, silently acknowledging their mutual belief that Bucky and Joss would find their way to each other.
“Well, if you wanna talk about aim,” Sam announced, putting an arm around Anita, “This is the woman to see.  Put me to shame on the firing range a little while ago.”
“That ain’t hard to do,” Bucky muttered.
“Naw, man, this girl is the real deal.  I’d put her up against you or Barton anyday.”
“Agent Herrera is the highest-ranked marksman in S.H.I.E.L.D.,” Director Coulson put in.  “I could tell you stories about shots she’s made in the field.  Of course, then I’d have to kill you, and that’s poor manners at the dinner table.”
Clint raised his glass to Anita in a silent, impressed toast.  
“My demand for a raise will be on your desk in the morning, Director,” Anita said, dipping her head humbly.  Coulson simply smiled at her and gave her a nod.
Natasha spoke up, aiming her comments down the table at Sam and Anita.  “I want to know what it’s like at one of Jarman Arias’s house parties.  Even in Europe, people talk about them.  Some of the stories I hear...”
Sam sat up straighter.  “Agent Herrera and I were there on a mission,” he said defensively.
“A mission, I would add, for which they insisted they needed some of my best weed,” Tony noted.  “And Sam, don’t ever try to act innocent on the job.  It’s not a good look on you.”
Sam huffed.  Anita merely laughed.  “If the stories in Europe say that Arias stocks his parties with celebrities and more booze and food than a cruise ship, they’re true.  And I’m also going to have to go to Confession for some of the things I only heard about happening while we were there.”
“Such as?”  Catherine asked.
“I’m not sure some are actually anatomically possible, but I did see that rapper, the one who does ‘Ass Onna Fly’?  He was…  There were… Well, now that I think about it, if I told you at the dinner table, it would be worse etiquette than Director Coulson killing you all.”
“Was that when he was in the cabana?” Sam asked.  “And there were all those women wrestlers with him?”
“Yes,” Anita answered, blushing now and taking a long, unnecessary drink of water to cover as much of her face as possible.  
“I think I mighta happened by there a couple times.”
“A couple times?”  Catherine asked.  “Not sure that qualifies as ‘happening by’.”
Sam ignored the comment, and the guffaws that followed. He frowned a little and asked Anita, “What were they using the plastic flamingos for?”
Her head came up and she looked at him quizzically. “Those were decorations, Sam.”
The table erupted in laughter.
Steve wasn’t sure whether it was the excellent wine, or the chance to enjoy camaraderie with this group, whom he had feared at one time would never meet as friends again, or his brief talk with Director Coulson earlier.  Something, though, was making him feel better than he had in a while.  The chaotic meal, with so many side conversations and the general convivial atmosphere, the frequent outbreaks of laughter and reminiscences, somehow ironically quieted his mind.  
He looked at the group of people sitting around the table, beginning with Bucky, whose mere presence was the most solid support Steve had ever known.   He knew Bucky’s abilities, knew that Bucky would make any mission succeed or die trying, and knew that Bucky would protect him long before he’d protect himself.  Looking at Joss made him think about the three newcomers who were part of the team handling the current threat.  Each of them brought significant assets to the table that Steve knew he could rely upon in what was to come.  Wanda and Vision, of course, were known quantities, both with extreme superpowers and unquestionable commitment to the Avengers.  The same was true of Bruce, who provided both superstrength and superintelligence.  
Director Coulson’s tactical and strategic expertise, not to mention his clear thinking in a crisis, were as dependable as the tides. Steve had definitely had his share of struggles with S.H.I.E.L.D. and other authorities interfering in what had to be done, and he would never be free of the effects of the betrayal by Alexander Pierce and the Hydra cancer that had riddled S.H.I.E.L.D. before the Battle of the Triskelion.  But Coulson had always been true.  Steve trusted him, and by extension, his new S.H.I.E.L.D. as far as he could trust any government organization.  Much farther than most.  
Clint and Natasha, of course, were as rock-solid as Wanda and Vision.  More so, since Steve had known and fought with them longer.  Alone, they were formidable and nearly unstoppable. Together, and as part of the Avengers, they were a big reason Steve really needed to chill the fuck out.  He smiled to himself, thinking that.  And also because his eyes then landed on Sam, who had turned out to be the best chance meeting of Steve’s life.  Sam’s skills and abilities, and the flexibility he brought to the team as another airborne member, were invaluable.  But Sam himself was a gift to the Avengers.  He kept them hopeful.  He had the skills and compassion to help them work through things they encountered that would otherwise crush them.  And he was just damn fun to have around.
Which brought Steve to Sharon.  He looked at her and squeezed her hand where he held it under the table.  She was so much more than the beautiful woman with the irresistible smile he’d first known as his neighbor.  She reminded Steve, in the best possible way, of his mother, because she had that same quiet, unflagging strength and an unshakable belief in him.  Steve’s mom would have adored Sharon.  Hell, Steve adored Sharon.  He shivered a little at that thought. 
Since the day she’d lectured him and then seduced him, something fundamental about Steve had changed.  Sure, everything between them had changed so much that he already couldn’t imagine how he had ever maintained his distance the way he had.  Sure, she was now a constant presence in his mind.  But it was more than that.  She’d challenged him.  She’d kicked at what he thought was a coping strategy and shown it to be a dangerously flimsy delusion.  
She’d also given him the answer, and it was sitting around this table.  Coulson had said exactly the same thing: rely on your team.  Don’t pretend you can, or have to, shoulder the burden alone. Steve felt oddly emotional as he looked around the table again, his eyes finally coming to rest on Sharon, watching him.
“You OK?”  She asked.
“Yeah,” he answered, leaning over to kiss her cheek. “I think I’m gonna be just fine.”
 When dinner was over, fairly late, the team stood and began to say their good nights.  The muted ding of the elevator was heard through the din, not because it was loud, but because it was unexpected.  All eyes turned toward the door, to see Pepper Potts step into the room.  
She graciously returned all the greetings as Tony crossed the room toward her.  It was hard to tell whether the expression on his face was more stunned or relieved. Smiling sweetly at the group, Pepper then turned her attention to Tony, who slowed as he approached her, almost reverently.
“I am so glad to see you,” he said hoarsely.
“I know,” she answered, giving him a molten look as she reached out and grabbed a handful of his tie and shirtfront.  “Come with me.”
Pepper pulled Tony through the doorway, and very quickly the sound of the doors to the private penthouse was heard.  No one saw Tony or Pepper again that night.
 Director Coulson excused himself fairly quickly after that, saying that he had some calls yet to make that evening.  Everyone else drifted toward their various rooms, trying not to appear as eager as they were to be alone together.  
Soon, only Bucky, Joss, Wanda, and Vision were left in the area outside the dining room.  It was really too early to go to bed, Bucky thought, at least to sleep.  Besides, he couldn’t get what Clint had said out of his mind, and if he had a chance with Joss, he wanted to take it.  Maybe she did just need time.  If so, he’d give it to her.  But he wasn’t going to waste this opportunity to spend time with her, even if it wasn’t going to be romantic.  Yet.
“You know what?”  He said brightly.  “I’ve been in this building all day.  I need some fresh air.  What do you guys say we go for a walk?  Just to get out for a while.”
Joss nodded.  “That sounds nice.”
“Oh, yes, I’d like to do that,” Vision agreed.
Wanda muttered, “No, you wouldn’t.”
“I wouldn’t?”  He asked.
“No.  You and I need to finish going over those reports.”
“Oh, yes,” Vision said.  He turned to Bucky and said, in an oddly stilted voice, “Yes, I’m afraid Wanda and I need to go over those reports.”
“We’ll see you at the meeting in the morning,” Wanda said breezily, putting her arm around Vision’s and moving toward the door to the stairway.  “Good night!”
Bucky and Joss watched them go through the door, and clearly heard Vision’s voice echoing in the stairwell.  “I recognized the code phrase.  Why don’t we want to go for a walk?”
“Shhh…” Wanda’s voice responded quietly, but not so quietly that Bucky’s enhanced hearing didn’t pick up the whispered, “They need some time alone.”
Joss’s perplexed look told him that she hadn’t heard that.  “What just happened?”
“Apparently ‘going over those reports’ means that, uh… Wanda wants to be alone with Vision.”
“Oh!”  Joss smiled.
 Secret Service agent or not, Joss might have been a little hesitant to go walking the streets of Manhattan in the evening.  It could be a little risky in D.C., and she didn’t expect that it was any different in New York.  Tonight, however, as she stepped through the lobby door as Bucky held it open for her, she chuckled a little at the possibility of some unfortunate soul trying to mug her with him around.  
“What’s funny?”  He asked as they set off at a leisurely pace down the street.
“I was just thinking that I probably don’t have to worry about street crime tonight.  I don’t imagine anyone’s likely to mess with you.”
Bucky shrugged.  “Probably not.  But I think you’re still pretty safe.  How many?”
“How many what?”
He gave her a look.  “I’ll tell if you do.”
Joss smiled when she realized what Bucky was asking.  “Four. Three knives.  One gun.”
“Yeah?  What do you wear on the street?”
She pulled back the side of the jean jacket she wore to reveal a Wilson Combat EDC X9.  
“Huh,” was all he said.
“Six.  Four knives.”
“I clocked the S&W on your hip.  What’s the other piece?”
“Sig P365.”
That led to a pleasant conversation about the relative merits of different handguns, both concealed carry and tactical.  They covered several blocks, not hurrying or heading anywhere in particular, just enjoying the cool evening and the bustle of the city.
As they approached tiny Greenacre Park, with its artificial waterfall, they noticed a group of five girls in their late teens huddled together on the steps, giggling and looking at them.  For about half a block, Bucky and Joss simply continued with their conversation, both watching the girls curiously but not mentioning them. When they got within fifteen yards or so of the girls, they stood as a group and two stepped into the sidewalk.
Their body language was hesitant and nervous, the two on the sidewalk cradling their phones in their hands and standing very close together as though for support.  All of the girls continued smiling and giggling.
“You’re Bucky Barnes, aren’t you?”  One of the girls in the sidewalk asked, when they were close enough.
“Uh, yeah.”
The girls who had remained on the steps stood now, too, and stepped up to huddle together with the others in front of Bucky, giggling now more than ever.  They all had phones in their hands.
“Can we take a selfie with you?”
“Yeah, sure,” Bucky said, clearly uncomfortable but trying to be polite.  
Joss, backed away as the girls surrounded him.  None of them even appeared to see her.  They began to talk over one another, telling Bucky how cool they thought he was and that they were “such huge fans” of his while he stood helplessly shifting from foot to foot, grinning awkwardly and trying to keep them from getting behind him.  This was going to be fun to watch.  
One of the girls who had waited on the sidewalk was the first to stand next to Bucky and hold out her phone.  He graciously asked if she wanted him to take the picture, since he had longer arms.  She breathlessly agreed, suddenly all nerves, while he put an arm loosely around her, held the phone out, and snapped the picture while the other girls took pictures of their friend and Bucky.
“Hey, Bucky, do you have a girlfriend?”
He pretended not to hear the question as he asked the girl next to him her name.
“Who’s cooler in person, Captain America or Iron Man?” One girl asked.
“Don’t be a dork, Brianna, he’s Captain America’s best friend,” another answered for him, following her announcement with a disgusted sound.
“Does Tony Stark have, like, just gobs of money?”
“I guess so, we don’t really talk about it-“
“Jessie, shit! Of course he has gobs of money, everybody knows that!”
The other girls took turns standing next to him, with Bucky patiently taking a picture with each girl while the others whispered, giggled, and photographed the process.  
“We think you’re really great,” one of the girls gushed, and the others hurriedly agreed.  
“Uh, yeah, thanks…”  Bucky looked progressively more uncomfortable.  He shot a look at Joss, who gave him a mocking smile.  
“I bet you never get cold now, ‘cuz you got frozen so much.”
“I thought it was so cool how you took out that bad guy in Poland with one shot like that.  You have the coolest guns!”
“I liked when you stabbed that gross monster with the huge head right in his eye.  That stuff that squirted out was so gross!”
A chorus of “Eeeeeeeew!” followed.  
“Hey, what’s the Black Widow like?  Is she just a total bitch?”
“Well, no, she’s-“
“I have pajamas with you on them.  I wish I would have known we’d see you, I could’ve brought them!”
“Hey, will you take off your jacket so we can see your arm?”  A girl with a tattoo of Captain America’s shield on her ankle asked.
“I don’t really…  Um…  Shouldn’t you girls be at home this time of night?”  Bucky’s look at Joss this time was a clear plea for help.  She let him see her laugh at him, then waded in.  She was, after all, a professional at this kind of stuff.   It was a little different with the President and the public, but not much.  And a group of horny teenage girls had nothing on a pack of rabid Congressmen.
While the girls objected that they were plenty old enough to be out after dark, Joss slipped smoothly into the center of the mob.  She took a stance in front of Bucky, her back pressed against his chest, and one hand behind her on his arm.  With that hand, she began invisibly to pull him in the direction they’d been walking.  
“OK, girls, thanks!” She cried, drowning out their giggling and questions as she stepped backward, pushing Bucky into moving.  “Thank you so much, but you know, Sergeant Barnes has a world to save, so he needs to get going.”  
The girls loudly voiced their disappointment, but as if held by a forcefield, they stayed where they were as Joss pulled Bucky away from them. She kept her back to him and pulled his arm until he was free of the circle of girls, then slowed down and pushed him to continue walking while she covered his retreat.  “Thanks, girls,” she called pleasantly, still facing them to make sure they didn’t follow.  Bucky looked back and waved a little, then ducked his head and made tracks while the girls called their goodbyes to him, still basically ignoring Joss, but somehow also compelled to obey her and allow him to leave.
Bucky could still hear the girls frantically giggling and gushing to each other as Joss jogged up beside him, trying to be quiet about her laughter.  The girls’ ecstatic comments continued to reach them for a while.
“He’s so cute!”
“Isn’t he just so nice?”
“He asked us all our names!  Holy shit, Bucky Barnes knows my name!”
Bucky groaned as Joss chuckled under her breath. “It’s not funny.  It’s so not funny,”
That just made her laugh harder.  “I’m sorry, I’m sure that must be kind of a pain, but if you could’ve seen your face…”
“Yeah, I’m sure it was hilarous.  Ugh.  Anyway, thanks for the rescue.”
“No problem.”
“How come they just obeyed you?”
“Because I told them what to do,” she shrugged.  “Did you see how nervous they were?  Nobody really knows the rules in those situations, because there aren’t any.  So if you act like you have authority, people usually listen.  It only works for a minute or two, but that’s all you usually need.”
Bucky nodded and made a “huh” sound.
“Sorry I laughed.  You did kind of look like you hated that.”
“I did.  I do. But Pepper says I’m not allowed to pull knives and growl anymore.  Which sucks, ‘cuz that at least felt natural.”
“Bet it worked, too.”
“Damn straight it worked, and I don’t know how else to get out of those things.  Steve invents emergencies.  Scott just takes off running.”
“What does Tony do?”
“Tony?  You kidding? He loves that stuff.  He stands and signs autographs and takes pictures until finally the people have to find a reason to get away.  Clint seems to be really good at it, he’s really cool with people and then he just makes it seem natural to leave.”
“And Natasha?”
“No one has ever approached Natasha for a selfie.  No one would dare.  Which really pisses me off, actually, because what about me?  Aren’t I a deadly Russian assassin, too?  I’m scary, right?”
“Absolutely.  You are the night.”
Bucky let out a hoot of laughter, which made Joss laugh, too.  
0 notes
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Part One
This post contains alternate universe sbb2017 works of all sorts of genres. This post contains the following, take a look at what participants have been working hard on since June!
Band/Musician AU
Based on other media AU
Canon Divergence (sorted from were they diverge from canon)
College/University AU and also HIgh School AU
Fairy Tale/Mythology 
Also check out  Canon ‘Verse | AU Part Two | AU Part Three | Masterpost
The Alpha’s Ball by Samwise_baggins & Steve-Bucky-Stucky
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Rape/Non-con
Word Count: 44, 706
Relationships: Steve Rogers/James ‘Bucky’ Barnes, Thomas ‘TJ’ Hammond/Johnny Storm, Sam Wilson/ Riley, Nick Fury/ Phil Coulson
Tags: Omega Verse, Rape/Non-con Elements, Implied/Reference Child Abuse, m-preg, Mating Cycle/ In-Heat, Violent Sex, Graphic Sex
Summary:  The annual Alpha’s Ball, where people go to find a mate, is being hosted by Tony Stark at his mansion in New York. It is a masquerade ball, and the Avengers are among the guests. But even when searching for love, things don’t always go as planned for the Avengers. For Steve, it means a chance to forget his one time love, killed during the war. For Bucky, it means a night out, trying to pick up the pieces after having fled his former lover. What it means for the pair of them is a revelation of secrets and twisted plots - - and a chance at a possible new beginning … together.
Artist: Samwise_baggins
Band/Musician AU
I’m With The Band? by @mystrana (Ao3)
Three beautiful pieces of art by: @artgroves (Ao3) (rating: G)
“Oh Shucks Steve”
“Pre-caffeine Bucky”
“Rock Star Bucky”
(rating: NC-17)
words: 23.9k
Relationships: Steve/Bucky
Tags: College AU, Band AU, Fluff, Wee bit of angst, explicit content, no archive warnings apply
Steve Rogers is getting by just fine spending every Friday night by himself, thank you very much, until his classmate Peggy invites him to come see her favorite local band. One look at the lead singer Bucky, and it’s lust at first sight. The next thing he knows, Steve is outside making out with the guy of his dreams, but it’s never that simple - Bucky’s bandmate Natasha finds them outside and all but drags Bucky back inside by his ear.
Steve’s not sure where to go from here, but he’s pretty sure, somehow or another, he’s gonna have to see Bucky again.
Rating: Mature Word Count: 46,112 Relationship: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, Background Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff Characters: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Maria Hill, Sam Wilson, Peggy Carter, Alexander Pierce Warnings: Alcohol Use, Drug Use, Drug Overdose, Suicidal Thoughts. Tags: Modern AU, No Superpowers, Punk AU, Band AU, Veteran Bucky, Musician Bucky, Pre-Serum Steve, Artist Steve, Tattoos and Piercings, PTSD, Drug Addiction, Temporary Breakup, Happy Ending, Based on a Real Band, Rise Against Summary MAY YOU BE IN HEAVEN BEFORE THE DEVIL KNOWS YOU’RE DEAD. MAY THESE WINDS BE ALWAYS AT YOUR BACK. ‘CAUSE WHEN WE’RE ALL JUST GHOSTS, AND THE MADNESS OVERTAKES US, WE WILL LOOK AT THE ASHES AND SAY, “PEOPLE LIVED HERE.”
When Steve meets the singer of Crimson Riot, on whom he may or may not be harbouring a years long crush, and gets offered a job, Steve thinks it’s a dream come true. Getting paid to go on tour with his favourite band and create art? It’ll just take some time to get used to the rockstar lifestyle.But as he gets to know James “Bucky” Barnes, and sees what’s underneath the drugs and the cocky attitude, he gives himself a new job: Help Bucky before it’s too late. 
Based on other media AU
Ain’t Misbehaving by Revenant-Scribe (Ao3) (Tumblr)
Header art and paper craft art by @milollita
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter/Angie Martinelli, Sharon Carter/Steve Rogers (past)
Steve Rogers is an excellent judge of character. No, really! But, as Peggy puts it: when it comes to love his head tends to override his heart. When his girlfriend leaves him for a model Steve wonders if he’ll ever find the right partner; maybe it’s time to stop looking.Naturally, this is when he (quite literally) runs into Jim Buchanan, a fashion exec who (also literally) makes Steve weak-in-the-knees. Sure, that might just be the concussion but they do seem to have some sort of chemistry. Jim’s sweet and funny, walks his neighbor’s rescue dog and can do over 300 chin-ups without pausing to catch his breath (Steve’s new apartment has a great view), so clearly there must be something horrible he’s trying to keep secret.(A Head Over Heels adaptation)
Read over at Ao3
As Soon As Possible by turn_turn_turn
Art by Jessie Lucid
Rating: M
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 30K
Relationships: Main course of Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes with a dash of Natasha Romanov/Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers/Brock Rumlow, and Natasha Romanov/Sam Wilson on the side
Tags: When Harry Met Sally AU, Modern AU, No Powers AU, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, more like Begrudging Acquaintances to Friends to Lovers, seriously you guys please stop poking at each other and fall in Love already, Rom-heavy-on-the-Com Fun, please laugh at my jokes
Can two idiots stop bickering long enough to confess their true feelings for one another? Steve and Bucky will attempt to answer this question in just twelve short years! A journey filled with road trips, arguments, other relationships, emotionally convoluted hookups, borderline-salacious and pastrami-sandwich-adjacent amateur theater, and heaps of completely unnecessary, totally mutual pining! An updated re-imagining of a romcom classic, starring Steve Rogers, a bird-boned, hopeless romantic with a stubborn streak, and Bucky Barnes, a laid-back Lothario (dubious on both counts) with a heart of gold and more bad Star Wars puns than Mark Hamill himself! Also features supporting roles by Natasha ‘We All Wish We Were That Cool’ Romanoff, Samuel ‘Has His Shit Together, Unlike All of You Dweebs’ Wilson, Clint 'Are You Going to Finish That Slice’ Barton, and many more! Now showing at an archive near you.
Header by the amazing Jessie Lucid @lucidnancyboy
Art by the amazing Jessie Lucid (on ao3)
Brooklyn Bound by multifandomfics
Rating: M
Archive Warnings: Chose not to Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Tags: Minor/Childhood Death (Mentioned), Sweet Home Alabama AU, Multiship, non-graphic sexual situations, Cursing/Swearing
Summary: Steve Rogers is ready to embark on a new chapter in his life, his perfect boyfriend has just proposed and all is going well. The only problem, he’s still married to his childhood sweetheart. Steve needs to return home to Brooklyn and finalize his divorce before his fiancée finds out he was ever married. However things become more complicated as Steve arrives, it turns out that there is more to his ex than meets the eye, and old feelings resurface. Steve needs to choose, stay in Brooklyn with the man he once loved, or return to California and start his new life. Sweet Home Alabama AU.
Art by 10feetalice
Creatures of a Brief Season by @goddessvicky & @octobergryphon
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 56k
Relationships: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Clint Barnes/Natasha Romanov, Sam Wilson/Wanda Maximoff, Darcy Lewis/Grant Ward, Jane Foster/Thor Odinson
Tags: public sex, outdoor sex, magic, anal sex, oral sex, fingering, rimming, blow jobs, UST, au covenant, different powers, au magic, bisexual steve, bisexual bucky, bottom steve, top steve, bottom bucky, top bucky, au modern with magic, college, friends to lovers, smut, we tried to make it fluff, all the swears, slow burn, Framily
The Sons of Ipswich possess otherworldly powers, but they are not the only ones with this gift.
On the edge of his 21st birthday, Steve Rogers feels the Power growing within him. He’s hoping that with Bucky, Sam, and Clint, he’ll survive the transformation.
That’s not the only thing that’s changing. Bucky and Steve have always been best friends, but now, maybe, there’s something more?
Amazing Artwork by the phenomenally talented Alby
First I commit a Crime (Then You Get Blamed For It) by @tisfan 
Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers, James “Bucky” Barnes/Tony Stark, James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Characters: Loki (female), James “Bucky” Barnes, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Thor, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanov, Lucky, Nick Fury Additional Tags: Sinbad AU, Low-tech/high-magic, Sea Monsters, Sirens, Pining Idiots, Idiots in Love, Anal Sex, Barebacking, Everyone Is Poly Because Avengers, Pirates, Oral Sex, Cheating, sort of, everyone is forgiven Summary:
When Loki is bored, suddenly, nothing is easy.
Framed for stealing the Reality Stone from his best friend (and former lover!) Steve, Bucky finds himself accused of the crime and sentenced to death. When the Council doesn’t believe that Bucky is innocent, Steve swears to be executed in Bucky’s place, giving him time to seek out Loki and recover the stone from Loki’s realm of Jotunheim
Accompanied by a ship full of stalwart adventurers, and Steve’s fiance, Tony Stark – who doesn’t trust Bucky as far as he can throw him! – the ship, Hydra, faces sirens, snowbirds, and living islands to make it to Loki’s realm, recover the stone and save Steve’s life. The biggest problem? Bucky can’t forget his old lover, but at the same time, finds himself falling in love with Steve’s boyfriend.
for the ashes of his fathers (and the kingdoms of his gods) - ‘Oblivion’ stucky AU by LadyNimrodel
Steve and Natasha are an effective team. They work for Shield’s Control Station, built after the planet was destroyed in the war with the Scavs. They are left on a broken and barren planet to keep the drones running that protect the hydra rigs, which collect precious water for what’s left of humanity, now living in a colony on one of Saturn’s moons.
What Steve knows is this: the Scav attacks are getting worse, even though they lost the war nearly fifty years ago. In two weeks he and Natasha are leaving to join the rest of humanity. And that neither of them want to leave earth.
What he doesn’t know is why the Scavs are attacking again, why everything Control tells them feels wrong, and why he keeps dreaming of a man with grey-blue eyes and a familiar smile and who Steve doesn’t remember.
-Or- The Oblivion AU that no one asked for.
Art by Emeraldwolf | Art by koreanrage 
Give Me Fuel, Give Me Fire by 221BJen
Rating: E
Archive Warnings: Chose not to Use Archive Warnings
Words: 41k
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Tags: Fast & the Furious AU, Major Character Injury, Car Accidents, Car Sex, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Mechanic Bucky Barnes, Undercover Steve Rogers, AU - No Powers
Summary: Brooklyn detective Steve Rogers finds his loyalty tested when he goes undercover to investigate a group at the center of a series of high speed heists. He doesn’t know what to make of James Barnes and his family of choice, but he wants to know more. Drag races, muscle cars and intense attraction leave Steve wondering if he’s in way too deep. Spoiler alert: Definitely.
Art by faceisamess (on AO3)
Home Is Where the Heart Is by @anice-1 (AO3)
with art by MrBarnesIfYaNasty beta-read by @curry-spice-and-everything-nice
Rating: T
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 22k
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers/Peggy Carter
Tags: Sweet Home Alabama AU, based on a movie, modern AU - no powers, referenced minor character death, referenced pet death, people get drunk, artist!Steve, background Clint/Natasha, brief mention of past Bruce/Natasha
Steve Rogers has it all: He’s the hottest new artist in town, he’s dating the most eligible bachelorette of New York City, and he just got the proposal of his dreams. The problem? Steve already has a husband, and travelling home to finally divorce Bucky Barnes proves to be far more of a trip down memory lane than Steve expected.
How to Fix a Broken Heart by RockSaltAndRoll
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warnings:
Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Based on Grey's Anatomy, medical AU, Major Illness, Blood, Surgery, Fluff and Angst, heart failure, Doctor/Patient Romance, Doctor!Bucky, Patient!Steve, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Happy Ending
Stucky Big Bang 2017 Submission:Falling in love with a patient was top of the list of things Bucky Barnes would never do...until he met Steve Rogers - a good guy with a broken heart that can't be fixed. After Steve's transplant surgery falls through and his bad heart weakens, Bucky and his team try their hardest to keep him alive until they can find a donor. Over bedside picnics and games of scrabble, Bucky fights against time to save the man he's in love with before Steve loses his battle.
Identity Is Your Most Valuable Possession by assemblingbrokenmemories 
Rating: M
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 72.5 k
Relationships: Steve/Bucky
Tags: Alternate Universe- The Incredibles, Modern with Powers AU, Fake Marriage, Family Fic, Amputee!Bucky, Cryokinetic!Bucky, Canon Typical Violence, Minor Character Death Mention, Alternating POV
Summary: Steve and Bucky meet as opposite sides of a battle when the brainwashed Winter Soldier was sent to kill Captain America and ended up captured and a friend instead. This battle and its resulting damage are the nail in the coffin for enhanced individuals, and the government rolls out the Enhanced Relocation Act which rehouses superheroes into civilian life. Seven years later, the glory of the “super hero days” are over and the ERA sees Steve and Bucky masquerading as a married couple with three adopted children- Pietro, Wanda, and Peter. As they struggle to adjust to their as regular citizens, a unique and potentially dangerous offer puts their family in danger. WIll they come together? Or will this see the end of their charade? - The Incredibles AU people (sort of) asked for!
Art by debwalsh (tumblr)
Art by debwalsh (ao3)
Indiana Barnes and the Curse of the Tesseract by follow_the_sun
Art by sulasaferoom
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: Creator chose not to Use Archive Warnings
Words: 56,576
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers
Tags: Action/Adventure, Non-Serum Steve Rogers/Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes | Shrinkyclinks, Inspired by Indiana Jones, Inspired by The Rocketeer, Marvel Norse Lore, sbb2017, Stucky Big Bang 2017, Canon Disabled Character, Brief torture scene, The Real Treasure Was the Priceless Historical Sites We Blew Up Along The Way
Summary: It’s 1943, and art history professor Steve Rogers has been hired to help wealthy industrialist Tony Stark find his father, who went missing while searching for the fabled Tesseract. It sounds like an easy job until Steve finds out that his old flame, Bucky Barnes, is also part of the expedition.
Our Core is Madness by Terrenis | Art by noncorporealform
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Words: 61380
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson/DarcyLewis, Mentions of Peggy Carter/Angie Martinelli, Thor/Jane Foster, Sif/Maria Hill/Sharon Carter
Tags: AU - Modern Setting; AU - Year 2000; Serial Killers; Mental Issues; Movie Science; Post-Serum Steve; Bucky has Issues and a metal arm; Howards A+++parenting; Dissociative identity disorder, more on Ao3
Summary: When Crossbones, New York’s and New Jersey’s newest Serial Killer, collapses, when finally captured, it’s up to SHIELD Agent Steve Rogers to find a way to locate the killer’s newest victim, before it’s too late.
Enter one James “Bucky” Barnes - a psychologist and engineer, who uses an experimental device to engulf into his patients’ minds. In a race against time, Steve and his partner Natasha turn to him for help and Bucky agrees, while secretly fighting against his growing attraction for the nice blond federal agent. The only question is: Is it safe to enter a mad man’s subconscious or will it end badly for them both?
Or a The Cell! AU that no one asked for. But I wrote it anyway.
Steal The Rhythm Out From My Heart by Nori [ AO3 | Tumblr ]
Rating: Mature Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Words: 32K Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes Tags:  Alternate Universe - Destiny (video game), Canon-Typical Violence, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Angst, Humor, Post-Serum Steve Rogers, Minor Character Death
Summary: Humanity’s dwindling numbers hang by a thread and the last of the Traveler’s strange, powerful Light grows dimmer by the day. With their fearsome, unknown enemy closing in, it falls on the Guardians to defend the last of Earth’s people. Steve, only recently reborn and still learning the limits of his inhuman abilities, is thrown headfirst into an unceasing battle for life itself. Falling in love with a mysterious, reticent Hunter isn’t really part of the plan, but Steve’s always been flexible. Now if he could just convince the object of his affections to admit he’s in love, too, these long days of war might even be worth the trouble.
“You’re a madman,” Bucky informs him fondly. Steve steps forward, using both hands to grab the edges of Bucky’s hood and pulling until the material lies neat and even.
“Probably,” he agrees amiably, and hops backwards off the cliff.
Art by Emeraldwolf | Art by koreanrage
Stevie by malone78.tumblr.com
Word count: 35k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, James “Bucky” Barnes/Natasha Romanov, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Stony - Freeform, Depression, blink and you miss it mention of Buckynat, Recovery, Deception, Age Difference, Suicide Attempt, Arranged Marriage Summary:
Steve is the son of a live-in-nurse who returns home from two years in Paris a stunning young man, and immediately catches the attention of Tony, the playboy son of his mother’s rich employers. Tony woos and wins Steve, who has always been in love with him. However, their romance is threatened by Tony’s serious older brother, Bucky, who runs the family business and is relying on Tony to marry an heiress in order for a crucial merger to take place. Steve is initially elated because he has been in love with Tony since he can remember. What seems like a dream come true for Steve ends up taking a strange turn when Bucky starts spending time with Stevie. In a world of money and high society, who can Stevie trust with his heart?
Art by milkberi.tumblr.com to follow
Storm Chasers by raisedinthunder
Rating: T
Archive Warnings: None
Words: 29k
Relationships: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers
Tags: Twister AU, storm chaser au, estranged husbands, rekindled romance
Summary: When the worst series of storms on record are predicted to hit Oklahoma, Bucky Barnes drags his entire department out into the field to chase them down. When they’re joined by his estranged husband, Steve and his new fiancé it’s not just their new tornado warning system that’s put to the test. Risking their lives Bucky and Steve go up against mother nature together once more.
Art by drjezdzany
The Holtzmann-Rogers Plan of Action by krycekasks
Archive Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence
Relationships: James Bucky Barnes / Steve Rogers, Erin Gilbert / Jillian Holtzmann
Tags: Holtzbert - Shrinkyclinks - Great British Bake Off - Ghostbusting AU, misunderstandings, Rogers and Holtz are scamps!, evil twins, Fluff, dream/flashback with gun violence and killing, description of an asthma attack / difficulty breathing, description of a cut / bleeding, allusion to disturbing human experimentation, but mostly: Fluff and Crack, Fluff and Humor
Summary: Why have one five foot one-ish obstinate blond with no sense of self-preservation issues and a propensity for getting into trouble when you can have two for twice the price? Only by working together do they stand a chance of getting their best friends to fall in love with them. Throw in experimental robotic arms, ghost hunting and internationally renowned televised baking competition and a cunning plan, what could possibly go wrong?
(aka the one where Steve is an art professor in love with his best friend, the former Special Forces sniper Bucky Barnes, who lost and arm in combat and tests experimental prostheses for Jillian Holtzmann, who is in love with her best friend Erin Gilbert, paranormal expert and Steve’s colleague. While Erin and Bucky vie for Star Baker in the Great British Bake Off, Holtzmann and Rogers devise a plan to win their hearts.)
Adorable, amazing and delicious art (I’m so lucky, it’s ridiculous) by Frau Argh - thank you for taking a chance with this story, your enthusiasm (and love for Aliens) has made it all worthwhile
Where No One Goes by made_of_sunshine
Rated: PG/Teen
Character tags:James “Bucky” Barnes, Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter, Helen Cho, Wanda Maximoff, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Nick Fury Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Daemons, Fantasy, Non-consensual daemon touching, loosely based on httyd, pre-serum Steve Rogers, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Amnesia, Loss of Identity, Dragons Summary:
Three years ago, Steve Rogers woke up on the shores of Skjoldr, barely breathing, his daemon at his side. He remembered nothing of his previous life. Featuring: A war in which he is not the hero, a dragon who may not be what it seems and two boys who are more than they realize.
Art by @cloudwolfbane
Art by @inkforwordsart
Canon Divergence (sorted from were they diverge from canon)
Gweilo Gongfu by P.R. Zed
Rating: E
Warnings: No archive warnings apply
Words: 34K
Relationships: Steve Rogers/James “Bucky” Barnes
Tags: Alternate Universe, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Chinese American Bucky Barnes, 1930s, Period-Typical Racism, Martial Arts
“I can look after myself.” Steve bristled. “And how about you? You go around taking on three fighters from the Hip Sing Tong on a regular basis?”
“Sure,” the guy said, and then he gave Steve a big grin. “I don’t like bullies either.”
“Jeez, we’re two of a kind, ain’t we?” Steve laughed and stuck out his hand. “Steve Rogers.”
The guy took his hand in a firm grip.
“Bucky Dyun.”
“Yeah, unless you want to call me Pok Chi like my ma does.”
“Bucky it is.”
Steve Rogers doesn’t know much about Chinese culture when he makes a wrong turn in Chinatown. But a chance meeting gives him not only a new friend, but an entry into a whole new world. The more he learns from Bucky, the closer they get, until Bucky is so much more than a friend. But when a Chinese gang goes after Bucky and his family, Steve knows he needs to stand up and make sure the man he loves doesn’t lose everything.
Art by potofsoup (link to come)
Art by cassandrasfisher (link to come)
Red Strings and Violent Things by urbanconstellations tumblr
Rating: T
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings apply
Words: 27k
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Tags: Post- Winter Soldier, PTSD, Allusions to sexual situations and Violence, Cursing
Summary: There is an old Chinese myth about a red string of Fate, that is intertwined around two souls by the gods. The cord may stretch, or tangle, but never break. Two boys fall in love in Brooklyn, slowly and full of promise. As they fall, their string unwinds to catch them. Seventy five years later, that string finds its way back home. After the Winter Soldier pulls Steve Rogers out of the Potomac, he isn’t quite sure where to begin putting the pieces back together. Steve Rogers is spending his time pulling on threads, while trying to follow his own. Their strings will pull them through memories and doubt, until they wind up on a pier, wound together again.
Seventy five years in fits and starts.
Art by @sorrowingsoldier
Art by @starmaki
A Retelling by AftertheFall (you_took_everything)
Rating: E
Words: 20k
Archive Warnings: Rape/Noncon
Tags: TFA, Howling Commandos, Peggy Carter, Pre-Seruem Steve, Bucky Barnes as Captain America, Religious Themes
Bucky stood in a line with a bunch of other men at parade rest. All the men were probably as scared as Bucky, and, like Bucky, none of them willing to show it.
His papers had come in the mail. It wasn't like he hadn't been expecting them. His father had looked grim. His mother had not been able to stop crying. She had always been religious, but she started attending mass two times a day and three times on Sundays. She tried to make Bucky come too, but he didn’t really see much point to it. He’d never been very religious.
Colder Weather by FireflysLove
Rating: Mature
Words: 20k
Archive Warnings: Major Character Death
Tags: Alternate Universe - Ghosts, ghost au, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pre-War, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Period-Typical Homophobia
In another life, Bucky died in Azzano and Steve never became Captain America. Bucky's come back to haunt Steve. In another time two boys fall in love and learn how to live.
A Ghost AU written in two parts.
Demobilization by 743ish
Rating: E
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 41k
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Tags: Post-war, No Powers, Steve Rogers/OFC, 1940s Bucky Barnes, War Veteran Bucky Barnes, Mutual Pining, Jealousy, Angst with a Happy Ending, Homecoming, Emotional Sex
Summary: When the Statue of Liberty slides into view, the whole ship roars. It’s deafening. Bucky throws his fist in the air and yells along with everyone else. His heart is in his throat. The Statue of goddamn Liberty. Bucky wants to climb up her robe and kiss her sour green face.
The cheers rise up again as they go by her, and then die back down; most of the guys are just happy to sit and smile and watch the city float lazily into focus. They know they’ve got days more of barracks and bunks and cheap train seats before they’ll get to see their families in Pittsburgh, or Columbus, or Chicago. But Bucky’s home, he can see Brooklyn, and he laughs and shades his eyes from the sun and feels crazy with happiness, and this has to be the slowest fucking boat in the world, but at least he has a good view while he dies of impatience.
In 1945, Bucky comes home from the war.
Art by Sallysparrow017 tumblr || ao3
Beta by Dreadnought
Folie a Deux
Author: Cloud_Wolfbane
Artists: Xemsonx and Mithborien
Rated: E
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Gaslighting, Manipulation, and Amputation
Summary: When Bucky falls off the train in the Alps, Steve follows, and Russia gains two of the greatest assassins that ever lived.
Art Links:
Xemsonx’s awesome trailer can be seen here.
Mithborien’s amazing gifs can be seen here. Mithborien also did the lovely header and the time stamps seen throughout the story.
maybe tomorrow (i’ll find my way home) by obsessivereader
Rating: E
Words count: 26,361
Relationships: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Tags: shrinkyclinks, reincarnated Steve, Post-CATWS, AU - Canon divergent, alternating POV, mild gore (treating injuries), suicide ideation, past rape-noncon (brief mention), implied/referenced torture (brief mention)
Summary: A man exits the building. Approximately 5’6”, thin, tired-looking. A suitable target. He needs someone he can overpower quickly and quietly. He’s injured from the fight on the helicarriers, and weak from hunger, and blood-loss.
A streetlight illuminates the target’s face as he passes under it. That one brief glimpse of a narrow face and glowing blond hair sets his heart rate climbing. Something presses at the edges of his mind, like the wingbeats of night moths against a pane of glass. He ignores it, like he ignores the phantom voice that comes when he’s too long out of cryo. He walks towards the target, knife in hand.
What if… What if Captain America died on the Valkyrie. What if he was reborn. What if the Winter Soldier met him after the fall of the helicarriers.
Art by @this-simple-mind 
Check out my other art for maybe tomorrow here
Now I Can Only Dream (Of Being All You Need) by IndigoNight tumblr
Rating: M
Archive Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, rape/non-con
Words: ~35k
Relationships: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/The Winter Soldier
Tags: multiple personalities, hurt/comfort, implied/referenced torture, panic attacks, dissociation, scars, non-consensual body modification, implied/referenced rape/non-con, non-consensual magic, not AoU compliant, not CA:CW compliant
Summary: The Winter Soldier exists for one reason: Protect Bucky Barnes. It is an ongoing mission, one that does not change when their HYDRA handlers are exchanged for the Avengers. Except the Winter Soldier has no defenses against magic, no contingencies planned for when Bucky is ripped out from his protective cocoon and exposed to the world in a body of his own. It’s a mission adjustment that neither of them were prepared for. At least now they have back up, if they’re willing to accept it.
Beautiful art by arania
Protector by @capgal with artwork by glide-thru
Rating: Gen Archive Warnings: No warnings apply Word Count: 30k Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes Additonal Tags: Magical!Shield AU, Canon Compliant Summary: In which Steve finds Bucky, loses Bucky, finds Bucky, and loses Bucky again, and picks up and drops the shield a few times along the way.Or: the one where everything is the same, except the shield is a magical alien artifact like Mjolnir.
Winter Gorgon by @quarra 
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers
Tags: Canon Divergent, Gorgon!BUcky, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Torture, Captain America Steve Rogers, Light Dom/Sub, Switching, Internalized Homophobia, Angst
For as long as Steve could remember, all he ever wanted to do was what was right. So when he hears about his father’s old regiment being held as POW’s by the Nazis, he’s determined to put what Doctor Erskine gave him to good use and goes AWOL to rescue them.
But the 107th isn’t all he finds there. Deep in the labs is a very unusual prisoner; one with snakes in his hair and a mask nailed to his face. Despite the man’s monstrous visage, Steve can’t in good conscience leave him to the enemy. That one act of mercy will change his life, the course of the war, and even the future of the world.
Art by @lenadraws
To Split the Night by AftertheFall with art by @ivedoneit100times that can be seen here
Rating: Explicit 
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con 
Words: 20,043 
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers 
Tags: Period-Typical Homophobia, Bucky Barnes as Captain America, Peggy Carter is a badass as per usual, regligious themes, suicide ideation, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Drugs 
Summary: “It seems we all need something to kill for to seek & claim to treasure till it screams in elemental dark to argue with the Gods over–” - yusef komunyakaa
You Would Be In Clover by @chibisquirt
Rating: E (Explicit)
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Words: 126k
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson
Tags:  Alternate Universe - Always a Different Sex, Gay Bucky Barnes, Female Steve Rogers, Marriage of Convenience, Religion, Miscarriage, Period-Typical Homophobia, Crossdressing, Howard Stark/Steve Rogers (minor ship), Bucky Barnes/Others (offscreen)
Sarah “Gwen” Rogers was nineteen when she married Bucky Barnes, and she knew at the time just how stupid it was: it wasn’t exactly a brilliant move to marry a man who could never love her, even—or especially—when she knew that she was in love with him.
Neither of them could have predicted the war that came, and if they had, then they sure as hell couldn’t have predicted what would happen when Gwen volunteered for Project: Rebirth.
Art by @esaael and by @mamadonovan
A Song for Eurydice by Optimustaud @optimustaud
Rating: M
Archive Warnings:  Chose not to Use Archive Warnings
Words: 19999
Relationships:  Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Tags: cursing, torture, medical experimentation, suicidal ideation, mental illness, body horror, cannon divergence, motown and soul
Summary:  Ten years after the events of The Winter Soldier Steve tracks Bucky to an abandoned Hydra base in Siberia.  
Read the fic on AO3
Art by @riakomai / @artbyria
“Episode Two: We Hate Cats!” by @lucidnancyboy and @drjezdzany ​. 
 a direct sequel to “Episode One: Red Vines”. 
Art posts on tumblr: Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, Ch4+5
playlist here
Rating: M
Warnings: Mentions of past Torture, Depression, PTSD, Angst, Past Dubious Consent, Suicidal Ideation, Drinking, Explicit Language
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov (mentioned), Pepper Potts/Tony Stark (mentioned), hinted at past Steve/Bucky/Peggy
Characters: James “Bucky” Barnes, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov, Sam Wilson, FRIDAY
Word Count: 88k
Summary: Simply put, Bucky was different now. It had taken a heaping dose of pain for Steve to get that fact through his thick skull, but they were finally on the same page…sort of. Unfortunately, ‘sort of’ wasn’t making things easier. Like an idiot, Steve had expected instantaneous rainbows and sunshine to bathe them in happiness, but all he saw was a giant wall of stubborn and bacon flying at his head.
Bucky and Clint covering their mouths so Steve couldn’t hear them whispering? It hurt. Bucky and Tony laughing at unfunny jokes about torture? It hurt. Bucky and Nat exchanging secret spy glances? It hurt like hell. But Sam declaring himself ‘Team Bucky’? That downright sucked. Once, Bucky had given those pieces of himself to Steve…and only Steve. That was the problem: Steve wasn’t the boy Bucky fell in love with, he wasn’t Captain America, and he wasn’t even doing a good job at being Steve Rogers. Their foundation lost, the question had become, ‘Now what?’
They sucked at it, but they were trying. The fighting, laughing, panicking, hugging, sarcasm, make-up sex, and yes, flying bacon proved that. Not so simply put: Relationships are never a straight line; especially when you both get frozen and end up in the wrong century.
Read on AO3.
Find lucidnancyboy / Jessie Lucid Art on tumblr, AO3 and Instagram.
Find drjezdzany / Lorien on tumblr, AO3 and redbubble.
I Was Me by stuckyisawayoflife
Rating: M
Archive Warnings: Chose not to Use Archive Warnings
Words: 20k +
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Tags: Friends to Lovers, Sam Wilson Is a Good Bro, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Hurt/Comfort, Steve Rogers Needs a Hug, Post-Serum Steve Rogers, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Old People Love Bucky Barnes, Depression, Anxiety
It went like this.
James Buchanan Barnes aka Bucky aka the Winter Solider knocked on Steven Grant Rogers aka Steve aka Captain America’s door at precisely 5:47 am on Tuesday morning. And Steve who, despite all his training, was known to catch a case of “overtrusting idiot” every now and again, shuffled sleepily to the door and swung it open, yawning out a “can I help you?” without even fully opening his eyes.
He blinked when he noticed Bucky standing there, long hair hanging limply under a hat pulled down low, metal hand hidden surreptitiously in his left pocket, giving him a shy sort of smile. Steve had to grip the doorframe to keep from falling to his knees.
Bucky, who was much more composed, simply said, “Hey, Steve.”
Art & Header by ee-void
The Waves Above Us by Suchthingbutnever
Rating: E
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Words: 50k
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers
Tags: Antifascist Steve, Communist Bucky, Anal Sex, Mental Instability, Racism, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Attempted Suicide, Drug Use, Depression, Socialist Steve ftw!
Steve Rogers looks for death, that elusive fucker dodging him left and right. He stares at walls, talks to ghosts and smokes a boatload of weed. He has a homeless friend who sells stuff on the sidewalk. He eats greasy burgers and barbecue chips. He works for S.H.I.E.L.D., because why the hell not? Yet, unwittingly, there are several things he rediscovers: communism, sex, and then, unbowed, unbroken and very much unhinged, the only equal to his insanity: Bucky Barnes.  
Or: The first piece of Bucky Barnes that returned was, in all honestly.
His cock.
Art by Sally, as well as sundae cherries. 
College/University AU and also High School AU
It’s Quiet Uptown by princess-of-the-worlds (ao3)
Rating: Teen and Up
Archive Warnings: None
Words: 28K
Relationships: Steve Rogers/James “Bucky” Barnes
Tags: Modern!AU, Boarding School!AU, Canon Temporary Death, Brief Underaged Drinking, Road Trip, Mutants
Summary: Steve Rogers has always relied on the fact that Bucky Barnes is a major part of his life, and his burgeoning crush on his best friend shouldn’t alarm him. It doesn’t, in fact, but Steve has always had the worst timing in life. He anticipated problems but not problems like this. Enter: boarding school for rich kids, death, assassins, mutants, a road trip, and what could possibly be a government-wide conspiracy. Steve may not even make it to college.
Art by @ninjasherlock
Betaread by @lostthebucky
Lessons In Chemistry by @brendaonao3
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships:Bucky/Steve (Background Sam/Rhodey)
Word Count: 42329
Tags: College AU, Science Nerd Bucky, Artist Steve, Bucky POV, Sexual Experimentation, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Dom/sub Undertones, Friends With Benefits, Boys Who Can’t Communicate Except Through Sex, Language Kink, Skinny!Steve, Bucky & Sam Friendship, Bucky & Peggy Friendship
Summary: Bucky Barnes is having a rough senior year of college: his girlfriend of two years just dumped him for being too boring, he’s drowning in lab work and classes and assignments, sleep and free time are a distant memory, and all his friends seem to want to talk about is how he needs to out of his comfort zone.
But then his old high school buddy, Steve Rogers, drops back into his life, and suddenly classwork and studying and getting into a great grad school are the last thing on his mind.
Art by @sulasaferoom​  
of glory and of good by laure_lie (justawks) with art by barnesergeant
Rating: Teen And Up
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words:  20,230.
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, brief - Relationship
Tags: alternate universe - actors, alternate universe - modern setting, actor Steve, actor Bucky, Hamlet - Freeform, Shakespeare, high school theatre, social media, coming out
Summary: Steve Rogers cannot escape Bucky Barnes. He’s everywhere. High school was a long time ago, yes, but it’s not easily that you forget your first rival. Bucky Barnes stole the role of Prince Hamlet right out from under Steve’s nose, after all. Ten years later they find themselves in the same position - two actors, with a few scars and a few more secrets - vying for the role of Prince Hamlet in what promises to be the role of a lifetime.
Roll for Initiative by QueenoftheRandomWord42
Rating: T
Archive Warnings: Chose not to Use Archive Warnings
Words: 30244 words
Chapters 5/5
Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe, The D&D AU nobody asked for, Bucky Barnes plays the Winter Soldier, Steve plays Captain America, Fury’s their GM, M to F Transgender side character Joseph Rogers is the trans side character, no powers au, modern day AU, College AU
Summary: What happens when you mix D&D, The Avengers, with a dash of Identity Porn, a dash of fun, and put into the blender and press frappe? Hopefully this fic!
Bucky Barnes has been trying to juggle his final term in his undergrad while trying to find a thesis project for grad school by day, by night he plays table top games. His characters have a habit of dying before the end of the campaign, and all he can do afterwards is talk to his friend Nomad1974 about the games.
Steve Rogers has been trying to get though art school while his mother is sick with cancer, and circumstances have required that he move in with his mother and uncle until his mother is better or he graduates from college, which ever comes first. The best escape he has is playing table top games online with his friend Not_Yur_Side_Kick17.
Both players have started developing feelings for each other online, but when they meet in real life, they are unaware they know each other, and begin pining. When well these two figure out that they know each other in real life?
Art: by @samthebirdbae
Fairy Tale/Mythology AU
Endurance and Magic by izabelluhroze
Rating: G
Archive Warnings: Chose not to Use Archive Warnings
Words: 22k
Relationships: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Tags: Cinderella!AU, Tony is the fairy godfather, mild abuse, minor character death, cliffhanger ending, pre!war Bucky, skinny!Steve, illness, this sounds angsty and it kinda is but there’s also a lot of fluff.
‘Hear ye! Hear ye!
Know that on this day, our new king here by declares his love
For the mysterious blonde Bachelor, as wore white satin gloves
and who called himself Steven.
And requests that he presents himself at the palace immediately,
Whereupon, if he is willing, his royal majesty shall, forthwith, marry him.
Art by instagrims
I Think You’re the Cat’s Meow by daslebensmittel  
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warnings: Chose not to Use Archive Warnings
Words: 22,109
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes / Steve Rogers
Tags: Beauty and the Beast!AU (sort of), Modern Fairytale, Humor, Asshole Cat, Mostly Canon!Steve Rogers, Canon-divergent!Bucky Barnes, Pets, Cats, Enemies to Friends (I guess), Brief Sharon Carter/Steve Rogers
Summary: When Steve met Bucky, it was love at first sight. Bucky, on the other hand, wasn’t impressed; but he also happened to be - a cat. First-time cat owner Steve has a lot to learn about taking care of Bucky, as he tries to juggle his missions and hectic love life. And despite his initial rejection of Steve, asshole-cat Bucky soon learns to appreciate his patient human. However, Bucky also has his own secret agenda to achieve, before his nine lives run out. He never expected Steve of all people to help him - not at first, anyway.
Cover Art by @kikisloveschocolate Art by @barnessergeant Art by @milkberi (pending)
It Tastes Like Ambrosia by Little_Iago, myfailsafe, picoalloe
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: None
After a human soul escapes the grasp of Hades and evades ferrying by Charon, the peaceful God of death Thanatos is tasked with finding out which God is interfering. Taking the mortal form of James Buchanan Barnes, he finds himself face to face with Steve Rogers, the man who has escaped death not once but twice. Now he must get into Steve's good graces and figure out why this mortal is special enough to disappear from the Underworld. Now Thanatos must navigate the normal life of a human, feelings and all, and manage to finish this simple task. The only problem is nothing involving Steve is simple. At all.
Art by @squeakydevil and @cbolle
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angstymarshmallow · 7 years
The ship breakdown for Drake x MC? ☺️
OH BLESS YOU FRIEND. You know my weakness. I am more than happy tooblige for a favorite ship lol.
·     How did they they meet? They met at a diner in downtown New York. Liamhad been celebrating his bachelor party when they met for the first time. They didn’t like each other back then.
·     Who developed romantic feelings first? They developed feelings for eachother around the same time, not long after becoming friends.Drake is so used to being closed off and hiding how he feels that he deludeshimself into thinking he couldn’t care about her in that way. He also didn’t want to because he felt guilty for fallingfor the same woman as his best friend. Riley had developed feelings under the implications ofknowing him better, and the more time they spent as friends – the more herfeelings grew.
·     Who is their biggest “shipper?” Surprisingly Liam is. After theirfallout, Liam had spent some time apart from them. It wasn’t until after sometime where he kept arranging ‘accidental’ meet ups with Drake around Cordoniawhen Riley had still been in the country. Afterwords, he kept insisting ontravelling to New York. He’s probably one of the biggest reasons why Drake andRiley worked out when long distance was an issue. Drake never thanked him in somany words, but through his actions Liam knew how much it meant to him.
·     When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?Canonically, it happens in the Beaumont study when they ended up talking of theother night. They confessed their feelings for each other and kissed. But in myhead, it happens far sooner. During the night where Drake had stormed offbecause of Olivia’s banter about his sister, Riley went after him sick withworry. It was the first night he showed her the stars and shared a piece ofhimself with her. They kissed that same night after their hands had found and touched eachother for the first time.
·     Who confessed their feelings first? Drake hadn’t wanted to, he had keptthem bottled inside of him. Riley does because she’s so spontaneous and isn’tone to wait around for ‘fate’ or for the man the to make the first move. Afterhe shared his past with her about his sister, and his family - she confessed herfeelings for him.
·     What was their first official date? Officially it’s after Liam’scoronation. Drake had come clean to Liam after Riley had left a note and disappeared. She thought he needed to hear it from Drake and had simply toldhim she couldn’t be his queen because he deserved better. Their official first date, out of respect for Liam and Cordonia hadn’t begun until sometime after Liam was crownedking.
·     How do they feel about double dates/group dates? Drake hates groupdates, hates them less if it’s with Liam and his date. More if there’s otherpeople involved. Riley doesn’t mind them, although she prefers dates with justthe two of them – she usually has a good time either way, even though herboyfriend has the tendency to grumble about it without fail during some point in the night.
·     What do they do in their down time? Riley likes to write; she’s workingon what it was like being a suitor for the prince’s hand in marriage. Purely fiction of course. Other timeswhen she isn’t joining Drake in his morning run, she prefers to cuddle upbeside him and rests her head on his shoulder while reading a good book.Drake’s down time includes fishing with Liam and spending general time withhim, when he isn’t at home with Riley. Sometimes, that also includes Maxwell and going out for drinks.
·     What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?Drake’s mother adores Riley. She thinks the fact that she’s adventurous and an American spitfire does Drake a world of good (mostly because Riley gets Drake to try newthings) Riley’s parents had to warm up to Drake; they saw what most people see– a disgruntled and snarky man until they really got to know him and understandhim better. But they see how happy Drake makes Riley. Then, they grew to realize why Riley had fallen in love with him.
·     What was their first fight over and how did they get past it? Theirfirst fight was about Liam actually. Before they became official, theywere constantly worrying about Liam and their romance that sort of blossomedbetween them. Drake and Riley both knew Liam had feelings for her and always danced on this dangerous line; it caused a lot of push and pull in their relationship. They gotpast it after confessing to Liam and waited awhile before trying toofficially become a couple.
·     Which one is more easily made jealous? Drake is. He doesn’t voice it inso many words but his actions reflect it. Whenever they go out, Riley has thetendency to attract attention. She’s friendly and charming - people are just drawn to her. He’s jealous even though she’s only being herself. He tries to hide it but Riley knows and thinks its adorable.
·     What is their favourite thing to get to eat? Cronuts are one of thethings that brought them together so on date night they buy some as a treat and a reminder of how much they’ve been through to get to where they are.
·     Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position? Riley’sthe cuddly one. She thinks Drake feels like home and loves being in his arms.She usually ducks underneath his arms whenever she gets the chance, mostly whenthey’re home alone (because Drake doesn’t like PDA). Their favourite cuddlingposition is probably spooning after a long and tired day.
·     Are they hand holders? Yes. Drake pretty much only allows hand-holdingin public and Riley takes what she can get.
·     How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time?What’s the circumstances? Sparks were always flying between them, but theydon’t make that kind of commitment until they were in the middle of a heatedargument. Their emotions were both high and they sort of forgot the rest of theworld existed just for some quiet moments of simple peace.
·     Who tops? It depends, sometimes Riley prefers straddling him and beingon top. Sometimes Drake prefers it just so he can look down at her and watchthe pleasure on her face.
·     What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into? One of Riley’s ‘fun’night outs had ended with them running away from Cordonian guards and Drake cursinghimself for getting in this sort of mess to begin with.
·     Who does the shopping and the cooking? Riley’s a terrible cook; everytime she tries Drake without fail gets some kind of stomach bug so Drake doesthe cooking on most nights while Riley shops for all the necessary ingredients.Sometimes, she watches him and solemnly takes down notes even though she never gets it right.
·     Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness? Drake’s organized andlikes things in specific order. Riley tends to forget things and willinadvertently misplace them in ridiculous places which drives Drake crazy.Especially when it’s misplacing the house keys in the garbage orsomething.
·     Who proposes? Drake proposes. He’s not much for grand gestures; a simpledate at one of their regulars when the waiters had all begun singing. (Thetiming was off he was supposed to propose first but had delayed and forgotabout the timing). Riley had been confused at first but laughed afterwards until she saw Drake getting down on one knee. He hadn’t even finished asking her when she threw her arms around him and yelled yes.
·     Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate? Separatebut Drake’s bachelor party doesn’t last as long hers. In fact, he had Maxwell join him in arecon mission (because Liam didn’t approve and refused to go along with it), inspying how her bachelorette party (because it had been several hours later and it was still going on. Suffice to say, what he saw that night - he will never forget.
·     Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?Hana is Riley maid of honour. They’d pretty much become fast best friends andshe was the only one that kept contact with her after the whole coronationscandal had been over. The rest of the bridal party was a mix of Cordonians and Riley’s friends in New York. Liam was of course Drake’s best man but Maxwell was a close second IF Liam couldn’t make it due to pressing Cordonian concerns.
·     Big Ceremony or Small? Big ceremony. They had both. They snuck off andeloped together the first time, in the heat of the moment. That had been just for them. The bigger ceremonythey invited family and friends to join them in tying the knot a second time. That had been for everyone else, and them.
·     Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  Their honeymoon involved amonth of travelling across Europe – which was apart of Drake’s wedding gift toRiley.
·     Do they have children? How many? They have twins! And a third not soonafter adopting their first cat together. Eventually they adopt a dog as well, but Drake has always preferred their cat.
 Geez, these were so much fun! Thanks for the ask @joyfulchoices  I had a blast doing this!
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Who do ya think?
           ULTIMATE SHIP MEME! (Accepting) - @personalitystruggle
Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship!
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - With a lot of work then ‘til death do they part!’
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Chloe fell in love hard and fast, but Max took a little longer.
How was their first kiss? - Awkward as hell and on a dare. After that, then it was really nervous and cute and awkward; more of a desparation thing than anything.
Who proposed? - Chloe! She’d been planning it for absolutely months!
Who is the best man/men? - Either David or a guy from work.
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Jeez, more than likely Kate? Or Dana? And some women from where Max works.
Who did the most planning? - Max. Chloe was working far too much to get too involved. Her job was to turn up.
Who stressed the most? - Again, it was Max!
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Victoria. Victoria Chase.
Who is on top? - They’re VERY versatile so both?
Who is the one to instigate things? - Normally it’s Max, because Chloe doesn’t want to overstep anything!
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - Again; it all depends on the moods. If they’re particularly rough then not very long.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Hella YES. Unless, y’know, it’s one of their birthdays.
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - 2. They have a girl, Riley (their eldest), and a boy, William (their youngest)
How many children will they adopt? - They considered it, but after Will turned out to be a toddler terror, they put a pin in it.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Max! Mainly because Chloe has the parenting skills of a potato. Not that she doesn’t try her hardest, though!
Who is the stricter parent? - Max mostly; though Chloe is the scarier of the two. When she’s pissed, they know they messed up.
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Riley. And Max. A mix of both of those.
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Chloe! She packs all of their lunches at the same time!
Who is the more loved parent? - Both of them. But they tend to drift towards Chloe more, as she’s the ‘fun’ parent.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - Max. Max cares more about grades and stuff than Chloe does, but they do tend to do that type of stuff together.
Who cried the most at graduation? - Chloe. ‘Nuff said. Even pre-school graduation.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Statistically it’d be Chloe; though she’d be more pissed than Max would be, having done stuff like that herself.
Who does the most cooking? - Both. At the start it was Chloe, but as time goes on it’s both.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Max. Mainly because she only eats light meals. Chloe eats anything and everything put in front of her.
Who does the grocery shopping? - Both of them! Depends who’s closest to the store. But more often than not it tends to be Chloe, as she’s the driver.
How often do they bake desserts? - Not often at all.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - MEAT ALL THE WAY.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Chloe, to make up for the fact that she forgot their anniversary, like, two days afterwards.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - More often it’s Chloe, especially after the kids come along. Max doesn’t like leaving them with anyone but family.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Max, at the start of their relationship.
Who cleans the room? - MAINLY Max. Because Chloe works all the shifts she can to earn that $.
Who is really against chores? - Neither of them, really? They do that shit as a team!
Who cleans up after the pets? - Chloe, because when she takes their pupper for a walk she gets to smoke.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Chloe; again. Out of sight, out of mind.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Max turns into ‘helicopter host’. She deep-cleans EVERYWHERE.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Max, because she cleans more.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Max. She likes the steam; what can I say? Plus, Chloe’s more of a cold-shower person.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Chloe, again. Like I said, it gives her a chance to smoke a little bit.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Every holiday. Halloween, Christmas. Thanksgiving (though that’s only minimal). The Price-Caulfields really get INTO this stuff.
What are their goals for the relationship? - To keep their promises to each other as kids? To live the rest of their lives normally, and not being scared of death at every turn?
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Chloe. Like I said; poor girl’s exhausted.
Who plays the most pranks? - Chloe teams up with the kids and pranks Max. The sheer amount of shitty photos on Max’s laptop is comical.
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