#for her arc but with herself
gayofthefae · 2 years
Please stop equating disliking El’s main ship as disliking her. It equates her to her relationship and makes it seem like there is nothing about her outside of that to make up for disliking the ship and still like her individually. Even if you don’t realize it, it does come from a place of misogyny and I would like it to stop. K Thanks :)
#jane hopper#eleven hopper#el hopper#stranger things#her entire arc is and has always been about autonomy#that has been her internal emotional and mental health arc#something that is beautiful to externally see her finally receive is love yes#but it is not required to be romantic and if anything it is actually more important that it be familial#romantic love and relationships are not inherently superior; a person finally getting to be loved is equally fulfilled by familial#relationships; a lack of romantic love does not make a person or their life incomplete#in fact along with her arc of autonomy it is very important that she not hold the idea that it is required of her to come in a pair with#someone as is incorrectly romantically and monogomously normalized#she is not required to have ANY romantic relationship; she is not required a relationship with a man; she is not required any relationship#for her arc but with herself#if outside relationships can help with that then wonderful#if they can't then you are still allowed to want them but do not act like they are NEEDed by the character#i wish for her to be loved as she has expressed desire to be loved. i wish for her to CONTINUE to be loved by MANY people in ways that count#just as much as romance would#but more importantly i NEED her to achieve autonomy#and I HOPE that her relationships assist in that#but that is the only request i have of those relationships#the nature of them has absolutely nothing to do with it - nor does the person really as long as they provide that#el hopper analysis
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ineed-to-sleep · 2 months
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Blacked out in front of my tablet and woke up with sketches of my Touchstarved mc + Kuras my beloved. woops
#I found out dr. kuras is 6'6 I said hold on lemme get a stool so I can climb this man#touchstarved#touchstarved game#touchstarved kuras#kuras#sleepyscribble#oc.emma#my mc is meant to be a self insert but also like. I wanted to come up w a design and character arc and everything jkvkvk#so I ended up basing her on my personality/looks but taking her into a direction that would fit the game#she's like. me but 'characterized' and a bit exaggerated for the sake of being a character yk#the way she turned out is that she's basically a friendly happy go lucky mage who laughs at her own misery but hides#a deep layer of self loathing underneath all that bc of her curse#having been cursed all her life she believes she's a monster and the sunny personality is a way for her to 'make up for it'#but at the same time she feels like a farse. like she's only luring ppl in to an inevitable demise#and she thinks she's selfish bc despite knowing the danger she poses she still goes out there and puts herself among ppl#bc she craves human connection. even tho she feels guilty for 'indulging' in it#anyway I love the cursed mc concept in this game <3 it's been really interesting to think abt how that would affect someone#also I kept her physical features looking pretty much like mine#bc I wanted to draw myself in a cute way. teehee#but the clothing I was basically thinking like. early game simple clothing that she didn't rlly pick for herself#and maybe later I can have an updated design w something she would actually pick for herself
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kindaorangey · 23 days
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my vision for post-train grace monroe. love u 4ever bbg
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blousemouse · 5 months
Something so devastating about a god devoting themself to you and remaking themself in your image only for you to turn your back on them.
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It’s so sad to me that a huge part of the Star Wars fandom still talks about how the Jedi lost their way and one of the main reasons is that the fought in the clone wars.
Because this is a children’s show. For children. And in the Jedi crash episode they literally bring up this argument.
“It takes two to fight”
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This old man goes off on them. He chooses peace. But what does his peace look like?
The separatists come in and are like “our planet now” and he’s like “ok fine”
And then they use the planet to test out a HUGE weapon that would killed MILLIONS of innocent people and clones. So already his “peace” is just breeding more violence.
But then they decide to use his people as test subjects.
What he was doing wasn’t “peace” it was compliance. He was aiding colonizers and invaders and then they were going to kill him and his entire community because of it.
The separatists were literally conquering planets and killing and enslaving the inhabitants. You wanted the Jedi to sit back and go “sorry man. We like peace. Can’t get involved.”
I just… how can so many people in this fandom misinterpret something that was shoved down their throats??
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himejoshiangels · 7 months
cass cain is so emotive and I hate that so many of yall fall straight into the stoic asian woman stereotype thing because like, the only reason cass wouldn't vocalize a feeling is when she would struggle to find the word for it because she literally wasn't taught how to speak. that's so fucking upsetting. She has such big beautiful emotions, she feels so deeply about the littlest things but everytime she has trouble putting it into words she's reminded that she was conceived not to. her abuser did not have her feelings or her pain in mind, only how well she could end a life. can you fucking imagine
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chetney-pockopea · 1 year
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I'm feeling so normal about this you guys
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festeringfae · 10 months
It's so unfathomable to me when Juri is referred to as a "tragic lesbian" or an "angsty lesbian" (referring to her role in the narrative.) The word "miracle" is used synonymously with "hope for fulfillment." Meaning: the girl's entire ARC is her angrily insisting that there's no hope for her ever being fulfilled because she's a lesbian, and the narrative going trolol every time she attempts to prove it. It fucking RULES.
They dangle every lesophobic trope known in media history in front of this girl's face, and every time she or the audience starts to accept it, the narrative subverts it so hard that the impact is still reverberating to this day.
Juri Arisugawa stays up every night trying to convince herself that she is a scary monster everyone hates in love with a straight girl whom she should be platonically nicer to, and every day the narrative says "sorry, no 🙃 you're really popular and everyone likes you 🙃 including the not-at-all straight girl you're actually already way too compassionate towards, because you're too good for her 🙃🙃 sorry queen but you're not the villain of this story 🙃🙃🙃 you're still in your coffin but in the exact same way as everyone else, no fridging allowed 🙃🙃🙃🙃"
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seriousbrat · 4 months
actually Lily is the main character of the marauders era
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rebeccasbiscuits · 1 year
I’m thinking so many thoughts after that episode, which was wonderful and hilarious, but something I’m very much thinking about is where someone on twitter pointed out the contrast between Rupert going to the club every single day for six weeks to wear Rebecca down vs Ted coming to her office every day for biscuits and genuinely wanting to get to know her. I’m especially thinking about how this adds some more context to Rebecca’s point of view on that as well. We see her disparagingly calling him ‘relentless, and nice’, and her desire for her love of the biscuits to not make her dependent on him providing her with something.
The moment I’m thinking about most is the one at the end of episode 5, where Ted storms in after finding out she sent Jamie away. The biscuit reveal at the end has always felt crucial in this way, but even more so in this context. Her experience has been with the relentless interest and charm until the other person pulled back the layer of charm and showed that this charming nature wasn’t genuine, and in a way I think here, as Ted yells at her, it lets her feel a bit vindicated, or at least secure, in her belief, or lack of belief, in the nature of other people. But then Ted continues the biscuits, and the extension of kindness they represent, no matter how angry he is, and not only that but reveals he has been (without having told her) baking the biscuits himself. His only deceit was hiding an extra kindness he didn't even seek self serving credit for, despite knowing how much she liked the biscuits. Obviously this works so interestingly as another anti-Rupert parallel in a Ted/Rebecca sense, but I love it even just generally in the context of how it’s visible that this is what shakes Rebecca in that scene, because it shakes the view she has of how people treat people after her abusive marriage and isolation, which is allowing her to go on with the plan that will hurt so many of them. It disarms her because even when she has done something bad, and Ted is expressing legitimate annoyance about it, he will not stop extending this relentless kindness and generosity to her, even when he has not got what he wanted, the way she experienced Rupert doing once he had got what he wanted. Ted’s not only relentless, not only nice, he’s also sincere.
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ambrosiagourmet · 3 months
Marcille didn’t use illegal magic to resurrect Falin bc she just loves Falin that much, she was able to resurrect Falin bc she already knew illegal magic bc she doesn’t respect elf cops.
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bhaalsdeepbat · 2 months
Lae'zel is like a play on the "I'm not other girls" thing, except she's trying SO hard to be like other Gith girls. She's trying to steel her heart and be a perfect soldier in the collective army serving beneath Vlaakith. No will of her own. Just blind servitude alongside the other Gith who are also denying their own individualism.
Rather than gutting the companions right then and there - as any other Githyanki would do - she joins them AND promises them a cure. A cure that was meant to be ONLY for Githyanki warriors. And she doesn't know about the lies or the fact that he cure is a death sentence, but she still extends that olive branch to the group. She'll speak up when she's grouchy and try to project a hard exterior, but she's SO secretly soft.
When you approach Rosymorn, she'll stay on that part of the map if you try to leave. Upon returning, you can make her admit she missed you.
You can make the strong Gith who was raised to pillage, kill, and conquer admit that she missed the player character.
Lae'zel isn't like other Gith Girls.
Her act two scene is trying to progress the romance as though it were between two Gith raised within that culture. It's a fight to prove your worth through your battle prowess, which makes only the best *warriors* worthy of companionship. However, it becomes clear that isn't want Lae'zel wants. If the player loses, and Bae'zel beats the fuck out of them, she becomes distraught because she doesn't WANT to fight her romantic partner.
She wants to mutually protect one another. She wants companionship with her partner. She wants to enjoy the sunrise with them, feel the tickle of the night breeze, see the Tears of Selune chase after the moon across the night sky, she wants to live and she wants to share those experiences with her love. She doesn't WANT to be the stone cold Gith that she was raised to be.
Lae'zel wasn't given any role to do with the eggs, but once the egg is in the party's possession, she's instantly drawn to it. When Xan hatches, she gives him a name to represent that he'll be raised to be free to be himself. He'll have the freedom to choose his own path, whatever that maybe. Xan DOESN'T have to be like the other Gith. He could be a scholar, an artist, a warrior, anything he wishes to be. It's his life and Lae'zel is just happy to see her little Xan be raised with the freedom she didn't realize she craved until she arrived on that silly little planet.
Lae'zel isn't like other Gith girls because no two people are the same, even if raised in the same circumstances and culture. Everyone is an individual, even when they serve a collective or are fighting alongside Allies with the same main goal.
Lae'zel isn't just a nameless, faceless soldier. She isn't interchangeable with other Gith. She isn't like the other Gith girlies.
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Small Broppy detail that I’m absolutely obsessed with:
Every time, and I mean every time, Branch and Poppy are singing together, *he* is harmonizing with *her*. Even if he starts the song, he always harmonizes with her- True Colors, Perfect for Me, the theme song for TBGO, the beginning lines of Just Sing, he’s always following her. And I LOVE that because not only is it so cute, but it also totally works for their relationship and dynamic! He has room to be himself, to be loud and happy, but he also decides to spend a lot of his time supporting Poppy. Emphasizing her talent. Being there for her. And I just UGH it’s such a cute detail I can’t!!!
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leonardalphachurch · 6 months
i think season 11 wash has a really interesting arc where like. he comes to understand that the reds and blues are like. people? because like. he definitely CARES about them by the end of season 10 but he’s also very… i am the Adult here who needs to wrangle these children sim troopers because i am their superior leader and they can’t be trusted. while he’s not actively cruel to them the way he was in season 6 he still had the same air of superiority. i am the Freelancer i Outrank You. like you especially see this in his growing friendship with tucker where he’s drilling him (nice) and yelling at him and very much treating him like he was his inferior (i am going to break you) because he’s SO indoctrinated into this military mindset of hierarchy and discipline that it’s only when tucker expresses genuine emotion (he’s gone now and all i have is you) that wash goes. oh. you aren’t just this one dimensional sim trooper are you. you’re a whole ass person with complex feelings and a rich inner world and you are. hurting. and he’s able to look at caboose and see the same. and he goes ohhhh i’m doing a bad job here aren’t i. and he goes back to his own colors instead of churchs and like there’s SOOO much symbolism in this action it’s insane but for this purposes it’s very much. shedding the role of leader that he was put into to be the “church” and instead is just. himself. wash never takes a lead role again after this he’s 100% supporting. like. freckles shake is him being a self sacrificial little bitch but it’s also very much him trusting that tucker will be able to save him. this is not an action wash would have taken at the beginning of the season.
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blujaymi · 1 year
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"What about you? It's all about you!"
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onaperduamedee · 8 months
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You have to trust someone at some point, Moiraine.
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