#romantic love and relationships are not inherently superior; a person finally getting to be loved is equally fulfilled by familial
gayofthefae · 2 years
Please stop equating disliking El’s main ship as disliking her. It equates her to her relationship and makes it seem like there is nothing about her outside of that to make up for disliking the ship and still like her individually. Even if you don’t realize it, it does come from a place of misogyny and I would like it to stop. K Thanks :)
#jane hopper#eleven hopper#el hopper#stranger things#her entire arc is and has always been about autonomy#that has been her internal emotional and mental health arc#something that is beautiful to externally see her finally receive is love yes#but it is not required to be romantic and if anything it is actually more important that it be familial#romantic love and relationships are not inherently superior; a person finally getting to be loved is equally fulfilled by familial#relationships; a lack of romantic love does not make a person or their life incomplete#in fact along with her arc of autonomy it is very important that she not hold the idea that it is required of her to come in a pair with#someone as is incorrectly romantically and monogomously normalized#she is not required to have ANY romantic relationship; she is not required a relationship with a man; she is not required any relationship#for her arc but with herself#if outside relationships can help with that then wonderful#if they can't then you are still allowed to want them but do not act like they are NEEDed by the character#i wish for her to be loved as she has expressed desire to be loved. i wish for her to CONTINUE to be loved by MANY people in ways that count#just as much as romance would#but more importantly i NEED her to achieve autonomy#and I HOPE that her relationships assist in that#but that is the only request i have of those relationships#the nature of them has absolutely nothing to do with it - nor does the person really as long as they provide that#el hopper analysis
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atypical-artisan · 4 months
wazzup dude!
so whaddya got for Narcis Prince hcs? u said you've got quite a few 👀👀
- erporo
I've been waiting for this for so long mnbjhkgvkjhvkj
(I actually wrote 3 pages of hcs in googles docs just for this ask lol)
Anyways, this is gonna be long so hold on to your butt!
Important ones first!
He is pretty self centered, but he's not a dick about it. At least not much more than the other boxers. He's snarky and gossipy but is actually pretty amicable when you get to know him. He sees himself as superior than others not because of his looks or wealth but because he’s very skilled- something he also values highly in others.
He hates his parents, and most of the rest of his bio family too, but loves the staff at his family’s estate- the staff loves him back quite a bit.
In fact, he respects the workers on his family’s estate and most service workers over his parents or family because the workers actually have skills, unlike most of the people he’s related to, who don't do anything except ride off their wealth.
He's very passionate in everything he does and refuses to cut corners. That's why, although he could get away with it, he doesn't cheat- he's got too much respect for both his own skills and the people he's fighting.
Because of his closeness to the staff of his estate rather than his parents, he grew up pretty class conscious and aware that he got a very privileged life, as well as being aware that people who aren’t like him aren’t people he should hate.
A big theme I have for him is people having to change their view of him: most assume he’s nothing but a vain, bitchy, brat- and while he does act like that sometimes, it’s far from his entire personality. Most of the stories I want to write about him revolve around other people having to get over their own assumptions of him based on his tastes and background, accept that yes, he doesn’t inherently disrespect them because they’re poor or different from him, and open up to his warmer side, even if he isn’t always the easiest to get along with
While he is self centered, and definitely not the best at listening to other's problems, he cares a lot about his friends and will never go back on a promise to give a gift or spend time with them. He deeply values his time with people and doesn’t ever want to waste it- even if that means he has to ignore a 100 degree fever to hang out.
He also pays close attention to people's tastes and interests, he likes learning about others and participating in what they enjoy too. If he seems like he doesn’t care about something someone says- it probably means he just didn’t understand it.
Speaking of: Narcis is still questioning his orientation. While he’s sure he’s attracted to men romantically, he isn’t sure if he likes women romantically or just aesthetically. He also wonders if he's a-spec because he’s very picky about romantic partners and values platonic relationships far over romantic ones. If he had to choose between keeping all his friends and never finding love, or finding love but never having friends, he'd always choose the former.
He's also kinda frenemies with glass joe. They’ve both made off-color comments that pissed the other off but they also enjoy a lot of the same stuff and can get along pretty well when together. However, they both can get hot headed and emotional, so a bit of anger sparks between them every time they do hang out.
Now, he truly loves his fancy shit. But as much as he loves upper class culture, he’s also quite fond of lower class and folk culture as well. However, though he doesn’t want to admit it, he’s scared that if he were to get too close to lower class culture, he’d be rejected because he’s a ‘priss’. In reality he wouldn’t be- a lot of the things and people he wants to interact with would love to have him, but Narcis isn’t quite secure in his place in the world yet.
Despite that, he doesn't have many insecurities. He’s not very insecure about his appearance- he knows he’s pretty no matter what, he just doesn’t like looking (Or feeling) bruised on his face. He also rarely gives a shit what people think of his tastes, he loves himself enough.
While he will throw the occasional tantrum- he’s gotten much better from when he was a kid and has a pretty good handle on his anger. He used to be MUCH worse as a kid.
His ‘mum’ (Nanny) is still a big part of his life and they’re extremely close. She’s the only person in the world who isn’t scared when he has a meltdown or gets angry.
AUTISM- his parents refuse to admit it or tell him but he was diagnosed as autistic v young and has known most of his life cause his nanny just told him lol.
He’s got low empathy, but he still puts in a lot of work to be nice to others cause he likes people and he wants people to like him back.
He generally needs a lot of attention and people to talk to cause he’s such an extrovert- it made his childhood extremely tough and frustrating. As an adult, he's a total social butterfly and loves making friends and hanging out with people. He isn't perfect at socializing but he's p fun!
He almost never restricts himself when having fun, whether it be going places he’s never been, to trying new drugs, he IS the man of the party and always an excellent host of one.
He also loves new experiences and learning things about people. He's really curious about other people’s cultures and loves listening to people ramble on about theirs. And ofc, he's always down for trying something new.
Now for a ton of small ones:
His uncle is a baron, something narcis’ parents want him to take on over his cousin, but that he has no interest in.
He deeply respects service workers- always tips at least 50%. But though he's never rude to servers/service workers but does expect the best service no matter what.
Absolutely never takes people’s shit- he’s too good for that.
Even with his better respect of people, he does sometimes need to be treated as the specialist boy™
Loves watching people get into fights- esp over or because of him.
Super sensitive abt horror and HATES it- he can mostly handle kids horror and maybe a funny slasher sequel/parody, but nothing too serious.
He yellow under his shirt around his neck is actually a cravat.
Most of his clothes are custom made.
He has two types of shoes: White sneakers or white/pale loafers- no in between.
His taste in fashion is p tacky lmao.
Likes tight clothes in general.
Hates the name given to him at birth.
However, he adores narcissus flowers.
Fave color is red, second fave is yellow.
Because he’s usually wearing red, his eyes tend to look a little purple.
6’10- you will never be able to pry this hc from my cold, dead hands.
Yes his hair is naturally that blonde.
He’s got the cutest lil dimples :)
blushes/turns red very easily and quickly.
Has his ears pierced and has a million sets of earrings. He's the same way with chapstick and nail polish.
Really goofy laugh.
If he were to get a tattoo, it’d have to be a v on his chest- for victory.
His greatest flaw is that he’s got terrible bo
Has a 20 step skin care routine
Cries in a very pretty way (Think like ariel or belle in their movies lol)
Will use his pretty blue eyes to pout and beg for things
Giggly and flirty while drunk
Picked up a bit of cockney from not only his staff growing up, but his drinking buddies in London
Actually a big fan of beer and beans n toast
Really loves earl grey tea
Loves spicy shit- even if he can barely tolerate it
He’s lowkey vegetarian cause he just prefers fruit & veg over meat
He doesn’t know how to ride a bike anymore cause he’s so tall.
He likes playing with and petting horses but hates riding them- ofc he knows how, he just doesn’t like it v much.
His parents got him a pet ‘teacup pig’ but when it got too big he refused to get rid of it and it still lives with them.
Absolutely adores a couple of sanrio plush toys Heike gave him for his birthday- he’s got a hello kitty doll and a My melody pillow.
Heike called him narcy-warsy as a joke and got his car keyed. The only person who can call him that is a lover, and even then only ironically.
If he likes you, he’s gonna give you a ton of pet names.
He crushes very deeply and passionately- often to the point where he dips into very unrealistic daydreaming.
V much the big jakt person in any relationship he’s in.
Definitely treats any romantic partner of his not only as his bestie, but as a tiny dog he’d carry around in a purse.
Wants a chihuahua SO BAD but refuses to get one because he knows it wouldn’t do well in England’s cold climate.
Loves basketball
Jane Austen nerd, his fave book is pride and prejudice
Loves rap, hip-hop, and r&b music… even the crappy stuff
Loves horseplay, esp pillow fights- please play in the mud with him, he needs the enrichment
Loves taking pictures- he’s not good at it yet, but it’s a fun hobby for him
Has a million coloring books that are completely filled in lol
Likes the beach a lot- no matter the weather
He collects seashells, all of which he picked himself
Spends waay too much time in pinterest making aesthetic moodboards
Has a deep interest in physics. So much so that he learned the frequency of most glass just so he could cause chaos by breaking it with his voice.
Is a countertenor (Basically he can sing in a typically 'women's' vocal range)
Speaks welsh and slovak very well- though his parents don’t know that
It’s very easy to make him laugh
Dreams very vividly
Basically ignores whenever he’s sick lmao
Pays for everything- always
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milenadaniels · 3 years
Before the Night Fades, 8.6k - POV Outsider on Buck/Eddie double date shenanigans (AO3)
“I have a bottle of champagne, four champagne flutes, one engagement ring to go into one of those champagne flutes, and a note to deliver it all to table 34 with dessert,” Tomas explains, wide-eyed, throwing his hand back to the prep station where said champagne is waiting on ice next to four flutes and a small ring box.
“Okay so there’s two men and two women and I have no idea who’s getting proposed to. I’m not even 100% on who came with who."
Or, EddieAna and BuckTaylor double date and it ruins everyone's night.
The nearly-post-COVID return to normal rush is going exactly as well as management at the Tilted Cactus expected it would, which is to say it’s going as miserably as the waitstaff at the Tilted Cactus expected it would.
The owners lost a lot of money to lockdowns, diminished capacity and the general (extremely warranted) paranoia of co-mingling in public during an international plague for the sake of overpriced appetizers. And despite accurately predicting the business would boom once the doors re-opened, management didn’t feel the need to account for more staff to serve said business.
So despite owing $34k on her student loans (that’s after a generous gift from both her parents and her maternal grandmother), barely being able to afford rent in LA, and the utter lack of career prospects, Mere is taking a break in the backroom, next to the dirty mop bucket, mentally running through her finances before she officially gives her notice.
She can’t quit, she knows that.
Turns out leaving New Zealand for LA with nothing but a dream and the idea that if Taika could do it so could she was not the most future-proof plan she could have come up with. The starving artist thing was so 2010.
But Mere’s made up her mind. She’s not made for this abuse. This is bullshit. She’s going to pack up, go home, and you know, do...something else. She’ll figure it out.
Mere pulls herself up from her indelicate crouch on some empty crates and goes in search of a piece of paper — or a fucking napkin, who cares — on which to write up her official resignation.
“No, in section 3A,” she hears Tomas fake-whisper. He’s one of the few new hires to grace these hallowed halls and still thinks it’s disrespectful to talk shit about customers even in the backroom. Umida, a five year veteran of this distinguished profession, has been trying to disabuse him of this particular nonsense.
“Where the fuck is section 3A, Tommy? We have sections 1 to 9, we don’t have any letters.”
“The new sidewalk sections have letters, to distinguish them from inside.”
“You mean sections 10 and 11?”
“...Mr. Peters said they’re using letters.”
“Mr. Peters can swallow my entire ass. The sidewalk sections are literally right outside the door from 9, why would they not be called 10 and 11?”
“Or ‘Hell On Earth’ and ‘Kill Me Please’, as we call them colloquially,” Mere offers, startling Tomas as she pushes through the swinging door she’d been hiding behind. Patio dining is highly encouraged and an excellent way to dine if one has patios. The Tilted Cactus does not have patios. It has a temporary license to put tables on the dirty sidewalk outside their restaurant, where waitstaff get to weave around pedestrians, dogs, and carts like they’re completing an obstacle course.
“Yeah, those work,” Umida agrees, emphasizing her point with a dispirited index finger in Mere’s direction.
“Okay, whatever,” Tomas says with a pained eye roll. “Can you please just check it out and let me know?”
“What’s happening?” Mere asks. She’s leaving this popsicle stand (ideally, on fire as she walks away slowly into the night) but she’s also starved of both human attention and the inherent drama of the culinary world so she’ll be damned if she misses out on one final showdown.
Tomas takes a breath to steel himself. “I have a bottle of champagne, four champagne flutes, one engagement ring to go into one of those champagne flutes, and a note to deliver it all to table 34 with dessert,” Tomas explains, wide-eyed, throwing his hand back to the prep station where said champagne is waiting on ice next to four flutes and a small ring box.
“Okay so there’s two men and two women and I have no idea who’s getting proposed to. I’m not even 100% on who came with who.”
“You don’t have gaydar where you come from?” Umida asks in perfect deadpan.
Tomas glares harder, crosses his arms and juts one hip out. “I come from San Francisco. We invented gaydar. I’m saying I’m pretty sure the guys are together, but I’m also pretty sure they’re each with the women they’re sitting next to. So figure that out.”
“Like a double thruple?” Mere asks, now actually becoming curious.
“Like a ‘I don’t know what y’all are smoking this far north but I don’t understand your weird relationship dynamics and I’m still on probation and I can’t lose this job because I can’t move back in with my brother because I will murder him and I can’t be an only child with aging parents in this economy so can you please just go out there and tell me what the fuck is happening so I can throw this ring at the right person and punch out sometime before I ‘accidentally’ fall on the meat clever downstairs?’ kind of situation.”
Umida and Mere share a glance.
“Okay, well, don’t despair, new guy,” Mere says with a pat on his arm. “Save the meat cleaving for the capitalist elite. We got you. Let the pros handle this.”
“What did the note say?” Umida asks. “One ‘e’ or two? We can at least eliminate half of our options.”
Tomas does not check the note to spot whether the note-taker had written ‘fiancé’ or ‘fiancée’. He stares them down and fips the note in his fingers so the text faces them.
“It says ‘finance’.”
“We’re going to need a more hands-on investigation, then,” Mere announces.
Mere goes first, only because Umida was on her way to swap a side dressing for her table when Tomas intercepted her.
Mere carries a jug of water and makes the rounds of the outdoor tables, trying to hold in her visible distaste for the pseudo-patio vibe the owners tried to make happen out here. There’s a bike stand and a taxi stand two feet from where people are trying to have a romantic dinner. Every now and again, the LA traffic gets rowdy and noisy, completely butchering the atmosphere. There’s a shitty speaker funneling in some Frank Sinatra but it really does nothing to help.
But after this mystery is solved, none of this will be her problem anymore.
Like Tomas said, there are two men and two women sitting like cardinal points around a round table. The women are on the north and east ends, the men on the south and west ones. Two of them are brunets, one a redhead, and one a blond. They’re all disgustingly gorgeous.
And that’s all she’s got.
“The ravioli sounds so good,” the brunette woman says, casting a look at the brunet man to her side.
“Yeah, it does,” he says.
“Mm,” the blond man disagrees. “It’s got feta.”
“What’s wrong with feta?” Asks the redheaded woman.
“Absolutely nothing is wrong with feta,” he responds with a superior smile directed at the man next to him who’s preemptively adopting the look of someone ready to hear some bullshit. “Unless you have an underdeveloped palate and are simply overwhelmed by such strong delicacies as a moderately salty cheese.”
“Okay, don’t talk to me about an underdeveloped palate, Pennsylvania,” the other man responds, posturing despite the softness of his eyes.
“Hey, I said nothing to besmirch the great state of Texas. Texas is a wonder of culinary delight. I’m saying you’re...a simple man.”
“Feta’s disgusting and that’s a hill I’m willing to die on,” the brunet says with smug finality, holding the other man’s eyes until they’re both smirking and looking back at their menus.
Well then.
Mere’s a little bummed as she fills the water at table 36. She’d been hoping the mystery would run longer than 2 whole minutes, but these guys are definitely together. So the mystery will only come down to who’s getting eng—
“Thankfully Chris inherited a more refined palate,” the blond man — Pennsylvania — chirps as the last word.
“He did,” the brunette woman chimes in with a playful smile. “He loves my cooking. You both loved that greek salad I made last week, didn’t you? That had feta in it.”
“It did!” the brunet man replies, slipping his hand overtop hers. “And I loved it. So clearly context is a factor.”
Mere almost spills the rest of the water all over the lady at table 38 as she takes in the man and woman mooning at each other. Though if it’s any consolation, the redheaded woman looks as unimpressed as Mere feels.
“Yeah, I have no idea,” Mere reports back to Tomas.
“The redheads are playing footsie under the table now. That’s one couple at least right?” Tomas asks. The two of them are parked behind the bar where they can see through the window outside but the exterior tint prevents anyone outside from seeing them. The bar is still used for pouring drinks but the stools are gone — can’t maintain 6 feet between them — so the staff pretty much have the run of this corner of the restaurant.
“He’s not a redhead,” Mere mutters, looking out the window to catch the action. “It’s like a dark blond. And I don’t know, I’m pretty sure the two brunets are together, but then blond guy’s foot is way into the other guy’s space.” For a moment she’s distracted by just how damn long his legs are. “That’s certainly...familiar.”
“They’re lesbians,” Umida declares when she returns from dropping off plates at table 32.
“They’re lesbians?” Tomas parrots skeptically. “I did not get that vibe.”
“I could see lesbian for the redhead, I think,” Mere says. “Don’t know about the brunette.”
“Lesbians come in all flavours,” Umida informs them haughtily. It’s the start of Pride month and her hijab is held together by an “Ally” pin. “You can’t tell someone’s orientation just by looking at them.”
“But you’ve declared them lesbians,” Mere points out.
“Because lesbians are approaching their table and only lesbians know other lesbians.”
“That’s definitely not true,” Tomas reproaches.
“No, she’s right, lesbians coming up!” Mere watches as two more unfairly gorgeous women approach with two young boys in tow. Honestly, screw LA and their beauty standards. The parties look surprised to see each other, but they clearly know each other well. One of the boys stays with the women, but the other one breaks off to join the table.
“No, I mean you can know lesbians without being a lesbian.”
Umida and Mere ignore him.
“Okay, that’s one of their kids, right?” Umida asks. “Lesbians babysitting for date night?”
“He’s got Pennsylvania’s curls,” Mere agrees. "That's the blond guy, by the way, I think he’s from there. Brunet guy is Texas for the time being."
The boy reaches the table and is pulled into a strong hug by Texas, who then directs him to a hug with the brunette.
“Oh, unexpected.” Mere would have sworn he was a dead ringer for Pennsylvania. “But okay, that confirms the hand-holding I saw. We have a set of parents. And unless this is a super modern table, I don’t see the parents being here on dates with other people.”
“Mm, I don’t know.” Umida dithers. “That’s like an auntie hug, not a parent hug. Like if she is the mom, the kid is not happy with her.”
“Wait,” Tomas says.
The boy is wiggling out of Brunette’s grasp and rounding the table to Pennsylvania who’s waiting with a wide smile and open arms, and instead of letting go after, the boy finagles his way onto Pennsylvania’s lap to steal a breadstick. Pennsylvania reaches into the basket for another breadstick to pass to the little boy still waiting with his moms and Mere’s heart tugs a little.
Texas watches on from across the table with unrestrained fondness. His leg shifts to press against Pennsylvania’s who looks up with a smile.
“Boom, gay dads!” Tomas crows.
“And lesbians,” Umida adds.
“Redhead definitely has no part of this,” Mere notes. The woman is smiling but it’s polite and practised, not warm or welcoming. “I guess the brunets could be siblings maybe? Really close siblings?”
Finally, the babysitters make to leave so Pennsylvania kisses the boy’s temple and guides him back to his feet. Texas presses his own kiss to the boy’s curls as he passes, saying something they can’t make out from behind the glass. Brunette gets only a wave as he leaves.
“Gays and lesbians,” Umida concludes smugly.
“Okay, good,” Tomas sighs with relief. “So we know who the couples are, now who’s gettin—”
“Um,” Mere interrupts, pointing at the table.
Redhead’s foot is making its way up Pennsylvania’s leg and he shoots her a grin.
“For fuck’s sake,” Tomas spits as he walks away.
“Did you even take their order yet?” Mere calls after him. He doesn’t answer.
Mere gets pulled away because now that she’s not quitting in outrage until this table 34 drama is over, she figures she should actually get back to work. Happily, having not seen her for the last 20 minutes, Mikael figured she had left or died and had taken over her section. She agrees to split half the tips with him and lets herself be pulled back into the tide of madness.
“Got it figured yet, Tim-Tam?” she asks when she passes him near the bathrooms.
“The guys are sharing their orders,” he says despondently.
“That’s not that incriminating. I split my orders with people. I’m not about to pay full price to discover if I like something.”
“No,” Tomas glares before gesturing to the window with disgust. “They’re sharing their orders.”
Tomas stalks away to hopefully take an herbal break to calm down and Mere goes back to the window just in time to catch the insanity. Mere feels Umida come up behind her and tries to suppress her shiver when her “what in all that is holy” skates across her bare shoulder.
Pennsylvania has just finished piling some of his spaghetti on Texas’ plate, which is exceedingly normal. But now Pennsylvania is reaching for Texas' burger.
“He didn’t cut that,” Umida notes.
“No, he did not.”
They have pretty messy burgers at Tilted Cactus, ones that are hard to share because if you cut them down the middle they tend to lose structural integrity. Of course, this isn’t a big concern if you’re sharing already-bitten-into burgers. Which these absolute freaks are doing.
“Gays and lesbians,” Umida declares again, the earlier smugness replaced with an air of disgust.
But when Umida walks away, Mere watches Brunette wipe something off Texas’ cheek and frowns. One throuple and redheaded side piece? Maybe?
“I’m struggling with lesbians as a theory,” Mere tells Umida the next chance she gets at the pickup counter. “I want to believe, but…”
“Yeah, I’m doubting now too. They’re almost exclusively talking to each other. But then I realized it was more getting-to-know-you conversation and this would be a hell of a weird first date.”
“Huh, so heteros all around?”
“Well, I also caught on that they’re spending all this time talking to each other because the guys are like in their own world. Finishing each others’ —”
“Exactly,” Umida grins, unexpectedly delighted by the reference. “So I don’t know. I really don’t envy Tommy.”
“Me either.”
“Hey Manish,” Umida yells out to the other side of the pickup window, “I’m picking up for Lenore but she’s got a two-seater, why do I have four dishes here?”
“Because Lenore can’t write for shit,” Mere says, picking up the order slip and squinting at the scrawl. “These are for table 24, not 29. It’s a four-seater.”
“Alright, well I guess you’re helping me, then,” Umida says with a wink.
Umida is fully capable of carrying four dishes on her own but she’s asking Mere to come with her so Mere’s already reaching for the plates, hoping the blush on her cheek can be written off as heat from the kitchen.
During a slow stretch, Mere takes it upon herself to refill water and wine glasses in section 10.
From table 32 she can hear them talking about elementary school workloads.
“Oh, ah, I meant to let you know,” Pennsylvania says to Redhead, sitting up in his seat. “I can’t make it to the movies next Friday, can we move it to the next week? I should know my schedule by Wednesday.”
“Sure,” Redhead says with a hint of bite to her pleasant smile. “But I thought you had Friday off.”
“I do,” Pennsylvania says, his lips curving into a small, excited smile, “but Christopher won his class’ public speaking competition and they’re doing a kind of show of all the winners for the parents, and it’s on Friday.”
Mere moves around table 34 and heads for table 36 next, but catches the looks of discomfort on every face aside from Pennsylvania’s. He doesn’t realize he’s said something wrong, but the rest of them have.
“Isn’t that just during school hours?” Brunette woman asks.
Texas hesitates before saying, “yeah, but we’re taking him to Universal after to celebrate.”
Out of pity, Mere doubles back to table 34 and reaches for his water glass to fill. People tend to keep their drama buckled while the waitstaff is there. And sure enough, Redhead glances up and paints a tense smile on her face.
“Yeah, not a problem. That sounds exciting.”
There’s a bite to her words, and by the way his shoulders tense and his fingers curl more tightly around his fork, Texas seems to have picked up on it.
By the end of the entrees, most of the staff have caught onto Tomas’ predicament and one by one everyone from the table-bussers to the cooks have gone out for a smokeless smoke break to try to be the one to divine what the hell is happening at table 34.
None are successful.
“This isn’t even like a romantic date,” Mani laments. “Like none of them are that dressed up and they’re talking about like natural disasters and shit. I don’t get a proposal vibe from like any of them.”
“Who even goes on a double date to propose? Who does that? It’s so tacky!” Gabby says from behind the bar where she’s helping herself to a quick nip before she heads home.
“Who still thinks the ring in the champagne bit is a good idea, is my question. It’s a choking hazard!” Mere says. “How romantic to start off your engagement with a trip to the ER.”
Tomas ignores them all. He looks about 10 minutes away from saying to hell with his probationary status and drinking the next hour away straight out of the vodka bottle at his elbow. “I know it’s Pride and I should be representing but I could really do with a little heteronormativity right now.”
Tomas is stalling.
Table 34 asked for dessert, of course, and when he vaguely floated the idea of champagne, Texas had readily agreed, so this is happening. The champagne flutes are lined up on a tray, the champagne in them is warming with every minute that passes, and he is no closer to figuring out what to do.
“What if I put all the glasses in the middle and they have to pick which one they want?”
“Okay but the person getting proposed to tonight likely doesn’t know?” Mikael says.
“What if you pretend you didn’t see the instructions?” Shania pitches. “As if we can ever write stuff down correctly anyway. Just say it said to bring out the champagne but nothing about the ring being in a flute! Just hand it back to the proposer and let them get it done.”
“You think we don’t know who the proposee is but we know who the proposer is?” Tomas bites. “If I knew that, Shania, I could have just called them away with a phone call or something and asked them who to give the flute to.”
“Geez,” Shania exclaims, hopping off the bar counter to walk away. “You try to help…”
“And then there were three,” Mario announces as he comes back from another completely unnecessary round of filling water glasses outside.
Tomas’ head snaps up from where he’d been staring into the countertops. “What?”
They all rush to the window and sure enough: Redhead is gone.
“I didn’t see her come in,” Mere says, almost breathlessly. If she’d come in to use the restroom, they would have seen her.
“No, she’s gone-gone,” Mario supplies. “Said she had to get back to work but I’m pretty sure she just wanted out. That’s the chick from the news, you know?”
“People still watch the news?” Mere wondered aloud.
Tomas tsks. “Redhead was the least probable suspect!”
“Well we can rule out Brunette and Pennsylvania as a couple, right?” Umida asks, waiting briefly for the gathered crowd to nod. “Okay, so we’re down to the brunets together, or Pennsylvania and Texas.”
“Or polyamorous,” Mikael sniffs. Mikael is trying polyamory. He doesn’t know there’s a bet going on how long he’ll last. It’s a fine relationship style to get into but one he and his jealousy and insecurity issues are deeply unsuited for.
“Apologies, Mikael, or polyamorous. So you have...yeah, 3 of 3 options left for that ring,” Umida grimaces.
“Wait!” So-Hee cries. She’s supposed to be hosting at the entrance but COVID-19 protocols mean people don’t show up earlier than 5 minutes before their reservation so the podium isn’t very backed up. “What does the ring look like? That could be a clue, right?”
They look to Tomas, whose face is blank.
“You didn’t look?” Mere accuses him, though to be fair it never occurred to her either.
So-Hee pounces on the deep purple velvet box without waiting for Tomas to answer.
“Please god,” Tomas mumbles, grabbing the box out of her hands and prying it open with almost reckless enthusiasm.
All six members of staff currently on duty at the window crowd around, many heads bumping together to catch a glimpse. The ring nestled in the box has a slim, dainty band with a solitaire diamond jutting out proudly, with filigree details on either side.
“Oh thank sweet baby Jesus, that is a woman’s ring!” Tomas nearly yells.
“It could be a man’s ring,” Umida protests weakly, almost sad to see the drama come to an end.
Mere’s a little put out too if she’s being honest. But even if they couldn’t tell from the design, the sizing is way too small to fit on either of table 34’s men’s fingers, as So-Hee demonstrates by plucking the ring up and sliding it onto her own tiny finger.
“Yeah, get it stuck on your sweaty fingers, So-Hee,” Tomas protests almost hysterically, feeling his win come into danger. He wrestles it back off her finger and shoves it back in the box before taking a deep cleansing breath.
“Okay, I’ve got a dessert course to deliver,” he says, the picture of calm professionalism as if he hasn’t spent the last hour losing his entire shit.
They should disperse then, but like brothers in arms after battle, all of them feel the need to stand guard as Tomas prepares to deliver the goods.
Some of them, like So-Hee, stand because they’ve foolishly become emotionally invested in the upcoming nuptial bliss.
Some of them, like Umida, stand because they fell in love with their version of events and they feel the need to properly mourn for what might have been.
“They’re co-parenting that boy,” Umida grumbles. “We all saw that! They can’t deny that!”
And some of them, like Mere, stand because they really can’t be bothered to get back to work.
But stand together they do as Tomas plops the ring in one flute and carries the tray out.
“Excuse me,” comes a voice off to the side of their group.
So-Hee, ever the consummate people-pleaser, actually turns to take care of the customer. The rest of them stay fixed at the window. “Yes, sir, can I help you?”
“Maybe? I couldn’t help but notice that young man taking some champagne out.”
“Yes, would you like to order a bottle as well?” So-Hee pokes Mikael. “We’d be happy to bring some out to you.”
“Ah, no,” the man says. “Well, yes. But I’ve already ordered some. I called earlier, when I reserved my table.”
Mere stiffens, her sixth sense borne of years of customer service piquing. Beside her, Umida takes note as well.
“I asked that champagne be brought to the table with dessert, and I left a box...one that looks a lot like the one on your counter there. And I’m sure it’s just a coincidence but I couldn’t help but want to make sure it’s not my ring that just went out to that other table.”
Mere’s wide eyes spring to Umida’s.
“Oh my fuck,” Umida whispers.
Then they’re both racing for the door.
“Wrong table, wrong table, wrong table,” Mere mutters under her breath as she dodges a stroller and a dog walker trying to reach Tomas —
“Oh, Edmundo!” Brunette exclaims brightly.
Umida’s hand braces Mere like a soccer mom in a car.
It’s too late now.
There’s nothing they can do but watch this trainwreck happen.
Happily, Redhead vacated the seat nearest to them so they have an unobstructed view of Brunette’s eyes filling with tears, of Texas’ wide eyes, and of Pennsylvania’s face losing all colour.
From context, Texas is the Edmundo Brunette is so pleased with.
But Edmundo is shaking his head, his brow furrowed. “I...wha— ”
Pennsylvania comes back to himself first, though the smile he paints on his face is strained and frail. “Ah, con — congratulations.”
“Wha— Buck, no.”
Pennsylvania — Buck — stands up from the table like a colt learning to walk, his eyes darting across the table without landing anywhere. “I — ah — I should let you guys celebrate.”
“Buck, no, I—” Edmundo’s voice is firmer now, his hand darting out to reach for Buck, and Brunette starts to catch on that nobody’s getting down on one knee with a flowery speech.
“Edmundo?” she calls, her bright smile dimming.
Edmundo looks torn and trapped in equal measure, and Mere wonders for a heartbreaking moment if maybe he’s as confused about his relationships as the Tilted Cactus employees have been tonight.
With a sigh, and a reminder that she’s out of this place like Cinderella at midnight, Mere falls on the proverbial meat cleaver. Stepping around Umida’s still outstretched arm, Mere weaves herself in front of Tomas just in case there’s any physical fallout, and pitches her voice low so the neighbouring tables will have to strain to listen in.
“Excuse me, my name is Mere, I’m the assistant manager. I am so sorry to inform you there’s been a terrible mistake. We’ve delivered a ring to your table that was destined to another this evening. We apologize deeply for any confusion this has caused and we will of course be comping your meals.”
“It—Oh.” Brunette’s eyes land on the ring on her finger, and her remaining excitement implodes into embarrassment so quickly and resoundly that Mere’s surprised it doesn’t produce an audible sound. The fingers of her opposite hand grip the ring and pause for a moment before slipping it off. There’s no box to slip it into so Mere holds out her hand, the other tucked neatly behind her back.
“Thank you,” Mere says quietly. “Please forgive us for the mistake. We will be investigating what happened so it never happens again.”
“Of course,” Brunette says lightly, forcing some life back into her voice. “I’m sure you didn’t mean any harm by it.”
Her eyes lift then and take in the scene across from her. Edmundo and Buck still standing, Edmundo’s hand wrapped round Buck’s wrist to keep him from leaving, and her eyes shutter once more.
“If you’ll excuse me, I need to freshen up,” she says politely, rising from her seat and escaping into the restaurant.
Edmundo watches her go but says nothing, frozen still, holding onto the man beside him.
With all eyes more or less off them now, Mere gathers Tomas and Umida and hauls ass back into the restaurant.
The ring is cleaned and inspected by Gareth, its actual owner, who is amiable enough to not escalate the situation further. His fiancée-to-be is none the wiser on any of these happenings — luckily their table, 29, is indoors — so his proposal is still on for the next course. But, just in case it doesn’t go the way Gareth hopes and he turns on them, Mere preemptively comps their meal too and congratulates him before he’s reseated.
On her way back to the kitchen, she grabs Lenore and uses the last hour of her completely fake authority to formally bar her from ever answering the phone again, or taking notes from the phone, or writing anything anywhere ever again. Lenore, having heard about the drama at table 34 and having seen the crying woman rush to the bathroom just now, accepts with little resistance.
And Mere, heart heavy with the weight of what they’ve done to this poor woman, mentally shakes her fist at her own curiosity and need for schadenfreude. If she’d bailed on this place an hour ago, she wouldn’t be leaving with this heartache by proxy.
As if beckoned by her thoughts, Brunette emerges from the bathroom just as Mere is crossing in front of it. She looks better, her tears packed away, and her cheeks only slightly reddened. Mere is about to offer her something — a glass of water? wine? a whole bottle? — when Edmundo steps into view. Mere doesn’t break stride until she’s behind the protection of the pay terminal privacy partition where she can see them but not be seen.
“Hey,” he says softly, his frame pretty loose and relaxed for a man who looked so troubled moments ago.
“Hey,” she returns with a forced smile.
“I’m so sorry, I don’t know—”
Brunette cuts him off with a hand. “It’s not your fault. They made a mistake. It happens.”
Edmundo nods.
“But…” Brunette continues, fidgeting with the strap of her purse. “For a moment, it didn’t seem far-fetched that it...might be real, you know? I know we’ve been taking things slow, but we have been seeing each other for nearly a year now. And I thought… I don’t know what I thought, but it...it didn’t seem so far-fetched.”
Edmundo’s shoulders have grown tense, and it doesn’t escape Brunette’s notice. She smiles sadly.
“But then I looked up and you weren’t even looking at me. You were looking at Buck. You were so scared he would leave and that — that just doesn’t make sense, does it? I mean, even if the...the ring was a big misunderstanding, wouldn’t it have been better that he leave so we could talk about it privately? But you were scared, because he was upset… And if he was...I don’t know...upset that you hadn’t told him about this, you could have caught up later and discussed it, cleared it up.”
Edmundo says nothing, but he hangs his head and gnaws on his lower lip.
“But you were scared. Scared of him leaving in that moment. Scared...that he’d leave with the wrong idea? That he’d leave thinking you were — we were... ” Brunette sighs sharply. “I think I’ve been a fool.”
“You haven’t—” Edmundo tries to say.
“No, I have. It’s felt so many times like there’s been a third wheel in this relationship, and I genuinely didn’t realize until now that it was me. And maybe I’m naive but I’d like to think you didn’t realize it until today either. That you’re just as big a fool as I am. And maybe Buck is too.”
Edmundo opens his mouth twice to say something but nothing comes out. In the end, he settles on, “Ana, I’m sorry. I...didn’t realize. I don’t even know if I understand what I realize. But I...I know you’re one of the best people I’ve ever met and you didn’t deserve this.”
Brunette — Ana — smiles again sadly, and if a touch bitterly, she’s entitled to it.
“Thank you,” she says softly, before fidgeting with her purse strap again. “I’m going to go. You’ll...say goodbye to Buck for me?” Edmundo nods.
“Goodbye, Edmundo.”
“Take care, Ana,” he responds.
Ana takes a few steps before stopping and turning. “Good luck. I think…” she shakes her head before repeating, “good luck,” and leaving out the side doors.
Mere unglues herself from the privacy wall and slinks sadly back to the bar where she finds Tomas and Umida already halfway through a glass of red each. There’s a third, untouched glass waiting for her.
“We’re horrible people,” Mere decides. “Brunette and Texas just broke up.”
“We didn’t do this,” Umida protests half-heartedly. “Technically, Tomas did.”
“Ugh, you ass,” Tomas sputters. “The note said table 34, you all saw it. It’s Lenore’s fault.”
“It is Lenore’s fault,” Mere agrees before downing half her glass like a shot. Out the window, she can see Pennsyl — Buck — slumped in his chair, staring at the tablecloth. There’s a fresh bottle of wine on the table, two empty glasses at his and Edmundo’s places. Mere raises a glass at Tomas for the gesture.
“If they don’t end up drinking it, I’m taking it home,” Tomas says, “I already wrote it off.”
That’s fair.
Unfortunately for him, when Edmundo gets back to the table, he immediately pours them both a very full glass.
Buck straightens out in his chair, looking concerned and looking around for Ana, who doesn’t materialize. Edmundo says something that has Buck relaxing but looking guilty. Then Edmundo shuffles closer and puts a hand back on Buck’s wrist.
“Okay, back to work,” Mere orders. “We’ve intruded on this drama way too much already.”
When she finds her way back to the bar some twenty minutes later for a totally appropriate reason, table 34 is empty.
A year later, Mere finds herself sitting on the Tilted Cactus bar counter on a Friday night, legs swinging and popping olives like they’re mints. She ended up not quitting her job the night she intended to. Between the excitement, the drama, and the on-duty alcohol, she was feeling pretty chill about sticking it out at the Tilted Cactus a while longer.
But she ended up quitting two days later when the owner found out about how she impersonated an assistant manager and gave her hell for it. She could have stayed, he wasn’t really going to reprimand her. But listening to him talk down at her while her stomach filled with dread at the idea of having to apologize and walk back into that hell hole��nah. Fuck the Tilted Cactus, fuck the owner, and fuck two weeks’ notice. They weren’t getting a minute out of her ever again.
She took the gamble of taking out more student loans and was wrapping up her EMT certification. She’d be in an ambulance soon enough, actually helping people. Not the dream that got her to America, but one that would suffice for now. Make up enough karma to get her feet back under her.
“The lesbians are back,” Umida announces excitedly in a whisper as she fits herself between Mere’s legs against the bar.
“Which lesbians?”
“THEE lesbians,” Umida returns, pointing out the window.
“Those are two guys, babe. Three if you count the kid.”
“They’re lesbians,” Umida insists, waving her hand to dismiss the kid from her labels. “They have strong lesbian energy.”
“You’re claiming them for your people?” Mere grins fondly. It’s the start of Pride again and Umida’s Ally pin has been traded in for a lesbian-flag coloured hijab secured with the updated BIPOC Pride flag pin. She’s very pretty in pink, right down to the lipstick Mere isn’t allowed to kiss off of her until her shift is up.
“I am, they’re mine. I claim them.”
“Wait,” Mere squints, trying to pin down the familiar feeling she’s getting, “are those…”
“The guys! Eddie and Buck. I told you they were semi-regulars now. And we were right, that’s totally their kid. I don’t know how, especially since we know they weren’t together before that night, but he’s their kid. My money’s on one of them being trans because he’s literally their spitting image combined.”
Mere sighs happily and hugs Umida to her. “Well, I’m glad some good came out of that night.”
“Umida?” a young voice asks from across the bar. In the year since the reopening, a slew of new hires have joined the ranks to replace all the veterans leaving and Mere barely recognizes anyone anymore. She saw Mikael (unsurprisingly single again) a couple of weeks ago but he’s clearly on his way out too. Tomas lasted until his probation was over before quitting. Umida, in no small part because she was the longest lasting employee, was rightfully promoted to the role of assistant manager. Mere still hopes she’ll leave this hell hole soon but in the meantime, at least she’s getting paid. And authority looks really good on her.
“What up, Jerome?”
Jerome pushes his dark blue fringe back and holds up a sheet of paper. “I have a note here to deliver a ring to a table with dessert but it doesn’t say who’s supposed to get it.”
“Oh my god, no, no way,” Mere laughs and tries to push Umida away. “Let me out of here.”
Umida’s arms close around her hips, preventing her escape.
“Calm down. I created a form so that night doesn’t happen again. Jerome, did you use the form?”
“Um, yeah.” He shakes the sheet of paper in his hands. “I mean whoever took the call did. They checked off the table number, and it’s a ‘fiancé’ not a ‘fiancée’, but it’s a table with two guys so…”
“Okay, but there’s a field for the name, did they fill it out?”
“How am I supposed to know who they are from a name though?”
“Oh my god, kid, you schmooze,” Umida says. “You roll up to their table, you lay on the customer service thick and introduce yourself and ask their names. People are idiots, they’ll tell you, just like that.”
Jerome cocks his head in contemplation. “Yeah okay, but no, there’s no name. It’s blank.”
“But you made a form,” Mere mock whispers.
Umida turns on her, her eyeshadow catching the bar lights as she narrows her eyes. “This is not the form’s fault, don’t you blame this on the form! The form has a field for a name! The form provides!”
“The form is flawless,” Mere agrees quickly, running her hand down Umida’s arm soothingly. “You can’t account for user error.”
Umida glares harder before looking up to the ceiling in supplication.
Mere, who has never in her life been able to resist picking at a scab, asks, “what table is it?”
Jerome checks the paper. “34.”
“The cursed table. The cursed lesbians!” Mere gasps, squirming out of the way when Umida tries to pinch her side.
“Well it’s not like the kid is a contender, so it’s 50/50,” Umida points out. “Much better odds than last time.”
“And to be fair, if the wrong guy gets the flute, he can just improvise and propose with the ring in hand,” Mere continues. “Overall, much less exciting drama than last time. 3/10 for me.”
“Thank god. Yeah, let’s do that.” Jerome walks away with his marching orders and Umida turns to Mere. “I have to actually go work. You gonna hang out here?” She’s off in a half hour and they have tickets to the back row of the latest Marvel nonsense.
“I got booze, olives, and an unobstructed view of my favourite drama. I’m all set.” In lieu of a proper kiss, Mere lifts Umida’s hand and kisses her wrist, delighting in watching her girlfriend’s eyes soften. She blows Mere a kiss and flits away to put out fires.
Mere is usually on her phone while she waits for Umida but tonight she watches table 34. The guys — Eddie and Buck, Umida reminded her — are across the table from each other, Eddie is relaxed in his chair but Buck is leaning forward, elbows on the table as he tells their son a story that has him cackling in his seat. They’re not holding hands, but anyone looking can see they’re together. They have ridiculous heart eyes for each other, and from her vantage point she can see those long legs intermingling again, one knee occasionally jostling into the other. Little tangible reminders that they’re there and together.
She saw hints of this that night, and to see it have taken hold and blossomed...suddenly she’s really invested in them having a great night. One of them planned this night out, wanted to surprise the other, and she doesn’t want that going to waste because of a blank field on a form.
Mere’s wearing a dark long-sleeve blouse, not too far off the dress code, so slips off the counter, snags the backup apron they always leave behind the bar and ties it around her waist. One of the newbies whose name she doesn’t know watches her from the host pedestal and Mere raises a fierce eyebrow at them until they go back to minding their own business.
She rinses out a jug and fills it with water and ice and slips back into her customer service posture to make the rounds of the tables in section 10.
“Well now, I recognize you handsome folk, don’t I?” she schmoozes when she gets to table 34, picking up Eddie’s glass first to fill.
Eddie doesn’t place her and she doesn’t blame him, he was under a lot of stress that night. It takes Buck a second but he gets it.
“Oh hey, yeah! Weren’t you — “ Buck cuts himself off awkwardly and casts an eye to Eddie and the kid. “You, ah, gave us our meals for free! Because of the, um, mix-up.”
That’s enough for Eddie to place her, and where Buck relaxes back into his chair as she fills his glass, Eddie goes stock still.
“What mix-up?” the kid asks.
“Ah, they put something in our drink by accident,” Buck lies without lying. “Real choking hazard! So they gave us our meals for free.”
“That’s dangerous,” the kid says.
“It was dangerous,” Mere agrees, filling his glass. “Choking hazard was right. Could have turned a really great night all wrong with a trip to the hospital.”
Eddie’s brow furrows slightly and Mere struggles to keep a neutral face.
“It’s never a good idea to hide things in food. I don’t know why people keep trying instead of just calling us for advice. We have tons of ways to help people with surprises.”
“I completely agree,” Buck says. “We’re actually firefighters and you wouldn’t believe how many accidental choking calls we get.”
Eddie swallows, his eyes looking mildly panicked.
“Firefighters!” Mere schmoozes harder, smiling at the kid as he gets excited again. “Well I certainly feel safer then.”
“Ah, you probably shouldn’t. I was actually one of those calls once,” Buck says halfway through a smile and grimace, pointing to his throat where there’s a faint scar. “Emergency tracheotomy on the floor of a restaurant. But that wasn’t a surprise, just, ah, too enthusiastic about the breadsticks.”
Eddie’s looking decidedly gray now, eyes laser focused on the scar.
“Okay, well I’ll just go ahead and clear these,” Mere says, jokingly reaching for the bread basket until Buck laughs back.
“I’m better now, promise! Small bites, chewed thoroughly!”
“Hmm, I don’t know,” she dithers dramatically, nodding to the kid. “If I leave those here, can I trust you to keep an eye on your dad?”
“Yeah!” the kid agrees with a toothy grin.
Buck’s cheeks redden quickly but he’s still smiling, his head ducked shyly in a way Mere doubts is due to her teasing. Eddie, meanwhile, is still looking poleaxed though fondness is fighting its way back in.
“Well, I was just subbing into this section so this will be goodbye for us but it was great to see you guys! Enjoy your evening!”
“Thanks, you too!” Buck says with an easy smile. Eddie manages a “thank you” and Mere has to restrain herself from patting his shoulder as she walks away.
She’s only just returned the apron to the bar when she sees Eddie walk in and head straight for the host before being led to the back.
“Ready to go?” Umida asks, back in her unsensible heels and cross-chest messenger bag.
Mere takes the hand she extends but tugs her closer instead of following her out, before saying the worst thing she’s ever said in her life, “Actually, do you mind if we stick around a little longer?”
“Something good about to happen?” she asks, peeking out the window.
Mere tugs her in closer and leans her chin on her shoulder. “I think so.”
Twenty minutes later, when Jerome passes by with a tray of assorted chocolate treats and two overturned coffee cups, Mere and Umida find themselves bracketed by half the front and back staff. Gossip still spreads like wildfire it seems.
Buck’s overturned coffee cup and plate is the last thing Jerome puts on the table, and as soon as it’s down, he excuses himself. He keeps a professional pace until he’s past the exterior doors and then he’s racing to take a front seat at the bar.
Eddie turns over his cup but doesn’t reach for the carafe, he wipes his hands on his jeans instead.
“Oh my god, he’s so nervous,” Jerome whispers.
“The kid is so in on it,” the host whose name Mere never caught says, and they’re right. Where Eddie’s tensed up, the kid is bouncing in his seat like he knows something’s coming.
“Come on, guy,” a bus boy mutters, checking his watch. His break is almost over.
Mere’s heart is beating hard in sympathy with Eddie’s as they all watch Buck ignore his coffee cup in favor of serving their kid from the tray. Then he signals to Eddie’s plate, who can’t not lift it for the offered chocolate tortes. Finally, there’s chocolate on everyone’s plates and Buck sits back to try a piece of brownie and Eddie can’t take it anymore.
He motions to the carafe and Buck perks up, finally reaching for his cup. But just as his fingers close around it, some idiot’s dog barks on the sideway, calling his attention away. His fingers flip the cup without ever looking at it, or the plate underneath it.
“Oh come on,” Umida moans.
The dog passes with its dumbass owner and Buck puts his cup back down, or tries to, but finds something in the way. He tries again, pushing the intrusion away with the bottom of the cup.
“Oh my god,” is whined in Mere’s left ear and when she turns her head she’s surprised to find not another Tilted Cactus employee but a customer dressed to the nines, pearls and all.
“Ma’am, did you —”
“Shh,” the woman returns, her eyes never moving from the window. Mere turns back too.
Finally, Buck has managed to push the offending items off the plate and settle his cup down and it’s a nail-biting few seconds where it actually looks like he’s going to reach for the carafe and go about his business.
But like a true wingman, the little kid points directly at it, prompting Buck to push the napkin aside and pick up — the ring.
Buck freezes, holding the ring between his thumb and index. His cheeks flush and a smile begins to break over his face before he looks startled and the smile falls abruptly away.
It’s about this time Eddie realizes that proposing by recreating the night they got together was never going to be the best idea when the impetus to their relationship was an engagement ring accidentally sent to the wrong person.
Eddie vaults out of his seat and into the empty one next to Buck, wrapping his hand around the one holding the ring, and bringing his other hand to his cheek to gently turn his head until Buck is looking at him. They can’t tell what he says, but they can watch Buck’s eyes fill with tears, watch as Eddie gestures to their son who’s smiling wide and reaching out for a hand, which Buck instantly provides. His attention comes back to Eddie then, who’s saying something that gets them both looking a little fragile and it’s hard to say if he actually popped the question yet but Buck is surging forward to kiss him hard and fast. Eddie gives as good as he’s getting for a moment before he slows them with small, gentle kisses. And when they finally break apart, Eddie plucks the ring from Buck’s fingers and slides it onto his ring finger as Buck watches, his eyes wide and half incredulous.
Outside, the nearby tables break out into applause, startling the trio and reminding the two men that they are indeed out in public. Eddie acknowledges the applause with an embarrassed hand and waits until they have a modicum of privacy again before taking Buck’s hand and kissing right near the where the ring now sits. He then reluctantly shuffles back into his seat.
Inside, Mere is hugging Umida to her with a strength buoyed by love. Around them, the staff are starting to disperse, some wiping their eyes, some with goofy grins on their faces.
“Young man,” the lady in the pearls says to Jerome, holding out her credit card, “I want you to charge that family’s meal to my card.”
“Yes, ma’am. That’s very generous of you.”
The woman sniffs delicately and leaves without another word. Hopefully Jerome knows where she was sitting…
“I’m glad she did that,” Mere says into Umida’s shoulder, “I was going to, otherwise, and I’m a broke-ass student.”
“I would have pitched in,” Umida says, her voice soft and pensive. “Ready to go?”
“Yeah,” Mere agrees, sliding off the bar counter for the last time. “Oh, hold on.”
She gets closer to the window and turns the flash off of her camera before taking a pic.
“I think that’s bordering on creepy now,” Umida says without judgement.
“It’s not for me.” Mere sends the pic off with a note and three ring emojis.
They don’t make it out of the restaurant before her phone dings.
“What does Tomas have to say?” Umida asks with a smirk.
Mere pulls up the text and reads, “Gays and lesbians. Both, at the same time. Never doubting Umida’s gaydar again.”
Umida laughs victoriously, which shouldn’t be as sexy as it is, and Mere lets her drag her by the hand down the street, letting the nostalgia from tonight settle in her chest.
If there’s anything she misses from working the restaurant scene, it’s getting this glimpse into people’s lives.
Yeah, most of the work was gross, obnoxious, or mind-numbing. But every now and again, she got to be a part of strangers’ stories. Got to be there for the happiest days like graduations, or bridal showers. And even the sadder stories could be beautiful sometimes, like when she got to be extra kind to the elderly woman coming into the restaurant alone for the first time in ten years, or watch a family have their last supper together before their kid moves away for school. It’s just all so human and some kind of wonderful.
She hopes her career as a paramedic will have just a little bit of that kind of magic.
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loser-hub · 3 years
Demon Slayer general relationship headcannons. Warning: Mild warnings here and there but nothing serious. All characters are 18+ inherently!
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Mainly, dating Tanjy is a two-in-one kind of deal.
Being around him so much also means you're around Nezuko and if she doesn't like you, well, it's not going to work.
Good for you she immediately takes a liking to you and I mean immediately and by liking I mean love.
She pops out of her box when he attempts to introduce you two and she's smitten immediately. Loves to sit in your lap and hug you, it happens every moment possible. Its a lap stack. You on Tanjiro's lap and Nezuko on yours. Its adorable and makes them happy they can keep you warm and make sure you're protected!
On yeah, about that, its scary how protective they are of you. Even if you are a Demon Slayer too and are more than capable of protecting yourself, its how they express their love for you! They want to be with you so they'll do whatever they can to ensure your safety!
Tanjiro is a very patient person, almost too patient, but if someone tests him he's terrifying. He's the textbook definition of be wary the wrath of a patient man.
Secretly a fan of matching or complimentary outfits so get ready for him to show up with a haori that matches with theirs! Pink checkers or green florals all the way!
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We all know how this would begin.
Doesn't matter if you're a man, woman, it, or think you look horrible because this man will beg for your hand in marriage.
Grabbing your hand, on his knees, crying and begging for you to marry him before he dies a horrible death. He's not the most graceful or subtle man but you humor him. Does that dance behind you as he calls out your name over and over day and night, he's so happy someone finally agreed to his request he can't help but want to smother you in love!
He might be unreliable in combat until he passes out but that isn't the case in every other instance, he's got the ability to remember just about everything you say. From the date of your birth, your favorite color, and everything you love and hate. Pops on in at random times to give you thing's he's "found".
Zenitsu totally has a fear of lightning storms, the booming thunder and trembling lightning has him running to you whenever one shows up. Frankly any random, loud sound makes him hide himself behind you. It would be quite if it wasn't for the fact that generally puts you in harms way. He'll apologize profusely once its all over and promise to not do it again but what happens the next time? He's cowering behind you.
Its quite the whiplash when he does faint and his other, more capable, romantic personality comes out. Saves you, gives you a smirk, and sweeps you off your feet. Quite literally and takes you somewhere safe. Which you get all the praise for when he wakes up, he bows down before you and kisses your feet as his way of praise. Crying as he thanks you for saving him.
He's a crybaby dumbass but at least he's your crybaby dumbass with a secret side. Now how to figure to get that out outside of him sleeping!
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Feral man has no idea what's going on most of the time so your presence would go right over his head.
When he did notice he couldn't understand the sudden feelings that gave him butterflies in his stomach, stupid bugs, how did they get in there?
You're the one person who he calls by the right name. Everyone else gets theirs messed up and butchered, but yours? He gets accurately. It baffles Tanjiro and Zenitsu when they hear the un-mumbled name that you were given at birth.
Competitive as fuck. Every little thing turns into who can do it better, even breathing, you're doing your normal tasks, chores or hobbies and he's next to you trying to outdo himself. It's quite endearing once you get past the shouting match. And when he claims he's superior and does everything better than you? He regrets it a little when he sees your face dip into gloominess. Though he quickly assumes it's because you want to go another round.
He doesn't understand, the poor boy.
It takes him being shouted at by Mr. Lightning Boi to finally get a grasp of the situation and even then its a vague, basic understanding at best. In his feral mindset is that you two aren't rivals, eternal competitors for him to gload over, but rather "mates". He chuckles his mad little laugh and dashes into the woods with his swords raised.
His return is late that evening, pulling a prey item he hunted himself and its dragged to you. No one else is allowed to touch it, much less eat it. That's yours and by extension his.
From that moment on his glued to your side and being uncharacteristically quiet, enjoying your presence as he comes to term that you're his mate. Whether you like it or not but you sigh in annoyance, all the little hints you've dropped and this is what he does? Sounds about right, don't you think?
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Silent fury and annoyance.
He's so hard to read, he's the god of poker face. That hot, smoldering, poker face.
A bleeding heart and refuses to acknowledge it, he realized he had it when seeing Tanjiro for the first time in the snow, crying, begging and that's when he knew he was a softie.
Tries to ignore it to the best of his ability, tries to be stoic, stubborn hardass self but it gets harder and harder with you around.
Finds you so cute he can't function. Not like you'd ever know when he is or isn't functioning. He's too good at hiding it.
Really a low effort kind of guy.
Unless it's one of his stories then you have to beg him to shut up. Uses them as punishment.
And out of spite, sometimes he just likes hearing himself talk.
Really, truly can't handle seeing someone cry, especially if its someone he knows and cares about. Goes right to his soft side.
Especially if its you, in any way.
Seeing you cry because you got hurt to simply feeling to much and having it overflow always make him nervous, he's not used to consoling people so if and when he tries, it's less than stellar. Its the thought that counts right?
His guilty pleasure is having his hair brushed and played with. Have you seen it? Luscious but barely manageable being a Demon Hunter and all. When he returns to you after a mission, sit him down on the tatami mat, release his hair from the tie and brush it. Anything will do, a comb or your fingers though the latter is preferred since he lives for scalp massages. If he needs rest this is the most way to lull him into a peaceful sleep.
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Give yourself a medal to be the first person to actually get his attention away from Lady Tamayo.
He has tunnel vision for her that when he sees something that doesn't have to do with her is a miracle...or curse.
But now you have to deal with him following you around like a lost puppy.
Very tsundere at first...okay he's always tsundere but varying degrees depending on the state of your relationship.
Stalks you a bit too, hides behind trees and around corners, peeking around them to get a look at you and goes invisible when you look over your shoulder.
Wondering why he feels this way about you and he has to make sure you aren't a threat. Little does he know he falls a little more in love with you every time he sees you.
When you do interact, he's cold and distant. He buffs, crosses his arms and looks away...trying to hide the fact that when you smile at him his ears go red.
Finally, finally, after he stops his tip-toeing around you oh you're in for trouble. He's stepped up his game and he's more dedicated to you than he is to Tamayo.
Like most demons he's inherently over-protective and possessive so good luck talking with people aside from the patients at the secret clinic and if you have to go out, he's creating a parchment that protects you as well and of course not without him at your side as well.
Loves when you kiss his forehead or cheek, his favorites are Eskimo, he can give you affection and you don't taste the blood he has to consume!
Careful though that too many kisses does make him go into his tsundere mode.
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princesssarisa · 3 years
This article, which @astrangechoiceoffavourites recently shared in a post, is an interesting one. I've read some of Claire Dunkle's commentary before, particularly her debunking of myths about the Brontës. I think most of what she has to say is good, though some things are questionable: for example, the suggestion that the cheerful diary paper Emily Brontë wrote on her 27th birthday while her brother Branwell was deep in his downward spiral means she was callous to his suffering. (Why can't we just assume she believed he would get better at that point and didn't want to dwell on suffering that she thought would only be fleeting?) These musings on Heathcliff are likewise full of excellent insights, but again, I think a few of her assertions are worth debating.
For example, the question of whether Heathcliff has a specific aversion to being laughed at by women or if his aversion is gender neutral. I honestly think it could be viewed either way. Of course Heathcliff's relationship with women is nothing if not complicated. He adores Cathy I in her natural, rugged, iron-willed state, and as a boy he gladly lets her be not only his equal, but his superior. Meanwhile, of all the other people he knows, his most trusted confidante, to whom he reveals his deepest vulnerability, is ultimately Nelly (their relationship is fascinating!). Yet with Isabella and Cathy II, he uses his patriarchal power as husband and father-in-law to lord over them and abuse them. Although we could argue that this is gender-neutral because he does the same with his son – but then again, his son's effeminate nature is a big part of what fuels his disdain for him.
The entire novel's relationship with masculinity and femininity, not just Heathcliff's, is worthy of a novel-length analysis in its own right. I've read the argument that as a whole, the book's narrative admires masculinity and disdains femininity whether in men or in women, and I do see where that argument comes from, but I also think it's more complex than that.
I definitely appreciate Dunkle's emphasis on Heathcliff's relationship with Hareton. That essential aspect of his character arc is too often overlooked, not only in adaptations that cut it altogether, but even in commentaries on the book itself. As rightfully controversial as Charlotte Brontë's comments on Wuthering Heights are, she had insight into her sister's book that other commentators often lack when she stated that Heathcliff's most "human" aspect isn't his sublime love for Cathy I, but his unexpected regard and empathy for Hareton – which, contrary to the popular shallow reading, goes much deeper than just "Hareton's love for Cathy II reminds Heathcliff of his own love for Cathy I" – and his ultimate unwillingness to harm him. This, IMHO, is one of the aspects that clearly sets Wuthering Heights apart from the trashy romantic potboiler that it's often mistaken for; if it really did belong to that genre, then Heathcliff would never show empathy or semi-kindness to anyone except Cathy I.
About Dunkle's comments on whether or not Heathcliff is "reserved"... Well, there's no question that he's a passionate man. To deny that would be like claiming "water is dry." But it's also true that he only reveals the extremes of his passion in especially heightened moments or when he's speaking to an unusually close confidante (namely Nelly). Part of what makes his outbursts of raw rage and anguish so striking is that they're rare. And I'm not sure if I agree with Dunkle's argument that Heathcliff isn't naturally reserved, but has been taught by his hard life to wear a quiet, stoic facade. That's a valid interpretation, of course, and there's no doubt that sometimes he does put on a deliberate facade of indifference – for example, on the morning after Catherine's death, until his "May she wake in torment!" outburst finally shatters the mask. But in general, I don't see him as going through life faking stoicism like Queen Elsa with her "Conceal, don't feel." People are complicated beings: who says he can't be both naturally passionate and naturally reserved except at key moments?
Of course the question of "Nature or nurture?" is an open question that surrounds all the characters' behaviors. Could Heathcliff have ever been a good man if his life had been different, or is he inherently cruel? Is Cathy I inherently a narcissist or do her circumstances shape her too? Is Linton Heathcliff inherently weak and obnoxious because his parents were two incompatible "elements" (with all the unfortunate implications about mixed-race and cross-class unions and children of dysfunctional marriages therein), or could he have been different if he hadn't been so sheltered by his mother and then abused by his father? Do Cathy II and Hareton triumph in the end because they have inherent goodness that the other characters lack, or does the fact that Cathy II was raised in a loving home and that Heathcliff could never bring himself to abuse Hareton as much as he himself had been abused by Hindley make all the difference?
I had never though before of how surprising and strange it is that Heathcliff treats Joseph reasonably well, in fact better than Hindley did, even though Joseph was one of his childhood abusers and they mutually detest each other. Maybe this has something in common with his grudging sympathy for Hareton and lifelong confidence with Nelly. Maybe we could view him as having a fundamental respect for servants, or for people reduced to servitude, because of his own background. Even though he speaks of “crush[ing] those beneath [him]” and in large part does just that, the fact remains that the chief victims of his cruelty are people of more privileged status and upbringing than he was, even when they lack the power that he currently has.
I personally don’t see any big mystery in why he should settle into life as the master of Wuthering Heights rather than burning it down and disappearing as Dunkle suggests might have made more sense for him. In the first place, that would mean throwing away his claim to inherit Thrushcross Grange, so it would leave his revenge on the Lintons incomplete. Secondly and relatedly, he knows Isabella is out there with his son - as soon as he learns of Linton’s birth he resolves to claim him one day, even though twelve years pass before he gets the opportunity, because having his son in his power will be the key to gaining the Grange. Furthermore, he has Hareton as his ward, and is determined to insult Hindley’s memory into the next generation by shaping Hareton into a copy of himself. (A scheme which, of course, partly fails and partly goes horribly right.) But even beyond that, doesn’t it make sense that he should get satisfaction in being a better master than the “legitimate” heir, Hindley, ever was, and making the property prosper more than Hindley ever did? Isn’t that better revenge on Hindley’s memory than burning down Wuthering Heights would have been?
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I just want to say, before I say anything, I'm not accusing you of saying this and I understand that you feel how you feel. I'm just asking this in a very general way and was wondering your thoughts. Why is it so verboten to think Zuko might have had a slight crush on Katara? There seems to be a rush to not just deny it but to treat it like it's some sort of horrible thing to even suggest it and I'm not sure why that is?
Katara is presented as a beautiful, lively girl who is a powerful bender. Why wouldn’t Zuko be a little starry eyed over that? It doesn’t mean she likes him back. Idk, I’m not exactly sure where my point is, except that being shouted down for just advancing the idea that maybe Zuko had the hots for Katara is a little frustrating? I’m not saying he was wacking off in his bunk thinking about her or expected to get some while they were hunting Yon Rha.
Also, unrequited crushes happen in ATLA-verse? Toph/Sokka anyone? Why does that never get screeched on but saying “Hey, Zuko loved Mai but he was probably looking at Katara and thinking ‘noice!’ a couple of times” the worst thing in the world? Is it the Water Tribe/Fire Nation thing? I mean, if it’s that, I wish people would just say that and stop screaming at people for their headcanons and whatnot. [theend]
Lol do not worry anon I know this isn’t an accusation!! Not only have I myself never perpetuated this rhetoric, but I don’t think I’ve really heard it before! Maybe once or twice?? I might just keep to chill parts of fandom, lmao, and that’s why I’m not very familiar with it. But I’ll do my best to theorize what may spark conflict based on the info you provided me!
(I’ve talked very briefly here about Zuko having/not having a crush on Katara before, if you were wondering.)
My main guess is that it’s not the headcanon itself that makes people frustrated, but how some shippers probably treat the HEADcanon as canon-canon (not an issue exclusive to Zvtara, btw; all big fanon ships have this problem - Zvkka, anyone? lmao). I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with headcanoning that Zuko had a crush on Katara! But in that same vein, there’s nothing inherently wrong with others acknowledging that the headcanon has no basis in canon either, if that makes sense. And headcanons don’t need canon basis! Headcanons are fanon! That’s why they’re so much fun! I ship Kuzaang like there’s no tomorrow, but I can also acknowledge that there wasn’t anything in canon that demonstrated Aang having a crush on Kuzon. Kuzaang is strictly fanon, and I love that about the pairing! It means I have incredible free reign, hehe.
But yeah. I don’t think it has anything to do with their different nations! Like I said - it’s probably solely an issue of some shippers (and undoubtedly just a loud minority) treating the headcanon as canon.
I don’t think saying “Hey, Zuko loved Mai but he was probably looking at Katara and thinking ‘noice!’ a couple of times” is the worst thing in the world, lmao. I do want to make a distinction here, though; this example you provide is actually an example of aesthetic attraction, which is not the same as a crush (crushes are indicative of romantic attraction)! So saying/headcanoning that Zuko thought Katara was pretty (as anyone with a brain would say, let’s be real) does not actually equate to him having a crush on her.
But back to the crush headcanon. I mentioned that I (personally!) don’t think it has canon basis. I will admit that I am not alloromantic, so crushes in themselves are a little confusing to me (I mean,, people just randomly like someone?? based on their appearance?? without even knowing them?? hell nah), but even disregarding that, I don’t think it would make much sense within canon for Zuko to have had a crush on Katara.
Again, disclaimer: there’s nothing wrong with the headcanon! Fanon is meant to contradict canon! To expand canon! To rewrite canon! Fanon is transformative. That’s the entire purpose of fanon. Go wild with that headcanon!! Make art!! Produce fics!! Support content creators!! Hell yeah!!
So what do I mean when I say that I personally feel there’s no canon basis for Zuko having a crush on Katara? Well, for one, he joined the Gaang in episode 12 of Book 3. That’s episode 52 of 61 overall. So in everything prior to that, Zuko not only has no idea who Katara is but he is also neck-deep in imperialistic rhetoric (you know, racism, superiority complexes, all that jazz. not fun for anyone non-FN). No possible crush there. In “The Western Air Temple” episode itself, Katara (understandably) threatens Zuko. She means what she says, and I think Zuko recognizes that. A crush there wouldn’t make sense - they’ve only properly met this second time and Katara (understandably) hates Zuko’s guts for what he’s done to the Gaang and to her personally.
Episode 53 is “The Firebending Masters” - Zuko’s too hung up on his firebending not working to think about anything else (Katara obviously still does not trust him yet, either, meaning Zuko is pretty much on edge around her. again, she threatened him, and Zuko no doubt took her threat seriously).
54 and 55 are “The Boiling Rock” episodes; not only are these Maiko-heavy but also in general… I mean, Katara’s not really in them. At least not from Zuko’s POV. So nothing implies a crush there. And then after those episodes, it’s worth considering that Zuko probably thinks Mai is dead. That he left her, the girl he loves, to die at Azula’s hands. We know Zuko tends to hold guilt to his chest, so concluding he blamed himself for Mai’s “death” is not illogical. Why would he all of sudden switch his sights to Katara, even if it was just a simple crush? While he’s grieving? That doesn’t track to me.
And then, of course, “The Southern Raiders.” This episode has been talked about to death, so I’ll keep it brief, lmao. I will draw attention to only one line, spoken by Zuko:
This isn’t fair! Everyone else seems to trust me now! What is it with you?
As we all know, TSR was not a flattering episode for Zuko. He was a racist asshole to Aang and - as aforementioned - acted as if he was entitled to Katara’s trust. Obviously, Zuko grows through the episode, and we see by the end that he respects Aang’s wisdom and respects Katara’s decision to walk away from Yon Rha (which is awesome!! I adore this brief but incredibly crucial arc of his!!). But my point is that nothing demonstrates romantic interest from Zuko to Katara. If anything, his initial motives are pretty damn selfish (i.e. demanding her to trust him because he feels like he “deserves” it already).
Emphasis on “initial” motives, of course. Obviously he grows more sincere!! (Tis the point of the episode for Zuko.)
So they end TSR on new, peaceful terms. Personally, I don’t think their relationship would be magically sunshine and roses after that (Zuko did some fucked up shit to the Gaang, lmao), but I do think things are getting better between them! Still, there is nothing indicative of a canon crush.
Next episode, in EIP, they scoot away from each other at the possibility of being together, yk? That doesn’t mean they hate each other’s guts, lmfao, but EIP is meant to depict imperialist Fire Nation propaganda - who wouldn’t be uncomfortable with that? Like, the entire Gaang is demeaned in that play. There’s nothing romantic about it. It’s a similar situation later with June - this is a lady that doesn’t know anything remotely personal about Zuko or Katara. Of course they’d react in a horrified and flustered manner when this - for all intents and purposes - total stranger suggests that they’re together! That’s creepy as hell! Definitely not indicative of a crush, lmao. And considering that the Gaang never teases Zuko about having a crush on Katara (compared to how I think Toph teases Katara about Haru?), i.e. the people who know them the best, there’s no reason for the audience to think anything is going on between them.
For other references, here are a few addressing EIP, June, etc.
And after all that… Well, now we’re in the finale. What time is there for romance? There’s a reason the canon couples don’t reunite until after the war is won! (Minus Sukka, I guess, but they’re not professing their love on the battlefield, per se, lmao.) Zuko chooses Katara to go with him because she’s a powerful waterbender and the only person who’s been able to handle Azula in the past (besides Aang, arguably, who’s obviously occupied with Ozai), not because he “likes” her in a romantic sense.
All of this is to say that to me, Zuko having a crush on Katara is strictly fanon. Which is awesome! Fanon is fantastic, and I actually really like these types of headcanons (like, Teo having a crush on Aang? GOOD SHIT). Some people are just jerks about it. That said, I can still understand why people might get frustrated by those who preach this headcanon as if it’s pulled straight from the text itself. I absolutely think it’s ridiculous to harass others over a headcanon (which unfortunately you see on both sides of the ship war), but in that same vein - of course it’s frustrating when those loud few act like their fanon is canon and proceed to shove it down others’ throats, lmao. It’s an imperfect situation, basically.
TL;DR - The headcanon in itself is great, and no one should be getting freaking harassed over it. But it is strictly fanon, so when some shippers treat it like canon, that’s understandably going to frustrate the rest of the fandom. Headcanons are a double-edged sword, lmao.
So that’s my personal theory as to why people get pressed over this headcanon. If anyone else has a different idea, please feel free to rb/comment with it!
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centrally-unplanned · 4 years
During the Neon Genesis Evangelion rewatch I decided pick an aspect of the show to focus on as I watched, and I chose Misato; namely, how her arc connects to Eva’s wider themes. Evangelion has a lot going on and I don’t think it can be boiled down to one thematic concept, but if I were to try: real fulfillment for people can only come from being of value to and connecting with other people, but as an individual that process is inherently painful and impossible to truly achieve - What Do? Shinji embodies this in a very interiorized (and therefore very universally applicable) way, withdrawing from others and neglecting his potential to act out of fear of the pain and consequences. Yet one of the really interesting things about Eva is how the other characters reflect a different aspect of this same struggle, and so all combine into a grander narrative.
Misato does this as well - but in a way that doesn't jump out as much. Misato is very much the driver of the plot, making proactive choices around the conspiracy, the war, etc, and these actions can often overshadow her inner struggles. Thus, singling her out for focus - and from that process I feel she showcases a really unique take on the show’s themes.
Reflections on Misato’s Thematic Reflection
The other three main characters (Shinji, Asuka, Rei - sorry Ritsuko fans!) being all kids, tend to struggle with issues very close to home, but Misato is the adult in the room and so has adult concerns, namely the big picture struggle for humanity. These concerns are her duty though, not her passion - Misato is riddled with “base” desires that are emotionally and physically hyper-indulgent. Her relationship with Kaji is a constant temptation to escape from those duties and instead whittle away endless time in emotional intimacy - and also fuck like rabbits. There is a great showcase scene in End of Evangelion of this, where in their youth Misato and Kaji literally spent a week straight in their apartment doing nothing else:
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----For Misato, fans symbolize sex, which I love is a sentence I can say----
Note by the way that they could have communicated that they were cloistered off banging it out in a myriad of ways, but they chose to highlight the outside obligations Misato was neglecting to do the job, because ~*themes*~. But of course such states cannot last, and Kaji himself has his own duties, very similarly to Misato, ones that he will not truly neglect for her sake.
This arc is further reflected in her relationship with Shinji, who she adopts in the opening episodes as a sort of surrogate child. While the contradictions here are less evident at first, as the show progresses it becomes clear that this family is, to quote Ritsuko, “playing house”, a pantomime of adulthood over the reality. Furthermore, her desire to mother Shinji - a desire she holds strongly for reasons I’ll note soon - starts running up against her need to command Shinji as his superior officer, commands that increasingly hurt him but are for his (and humanity’s) own good. In both of these cases, Misato is torn between those outer responsibilities and inner desires, and has to walk a tightrope of balancing them.
Like so many in the the oh-so-Freudian Evangelion, Misato’s conflicts stem from her relationship with her father; a cold, neglectful man who was absent for much of her life growing up, but who was devoting his time to NERV (the core organization in the show) fighting for humanity in his own way and also sacrificed himself to save Misato’s life when she was a teen. She loathes him and idolizes him simultaneously for this duality, which expresses itself as an outer shell of heroic professionalism masking the inner vulnerability and desire for the intimacy she lacked growing up, alongside a deep shame of that desire:
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This shame is important, since I wager it would tempting to think that the conclusion of Misato’s arc is “always prioritize the big picture”, as that embodies her final moment: convincing and even *sexually manipulating* Shinji into piloting the Eva for the greater good. Its a powerful scene, and also a callback to the very first episode - where she stares on in horror as Gendo (her boss & Shinji’s absentee father) equally orders Shinji to “pilot the Eva” despite the terrible toll it would inflict on him. She judged it harshly then, but now is reprising that role under even more terrible stakes. I could see one concluding that Misato’s arc culminates in her embracing a Gendo-ian ruthlessness.
But it doesn’t, because A: Gendo is a selfish, cowardly piece of shit, not at all concerned with the greater good, and B: when Misato’s effort to Be The Adult are partially motivated by a desire to cover up for her shame in her damned sex drive, that *can’t* be fully aspirational!  She was only able to get through to Shinji because of the emotional connection they shared, which stemmed from her desire to “play house”, a choice that itself stemmed from her desire to be *nothing like* her cold, absent father and not make the mistakes he made (told you we’d get there). And they *were* mistakes, despite her father’s intentions. If Evangelion has an answer to its question of “how to solve the pain of being part of society” (It does not, I am radically simplifying right now), it’s that you can’t solve it, to wipe that pain away (AKA Human Instrumentality) would be a mistake, and instead you have to accept the pain and contradictions as the key to how you evolve as a person. Misato changes over the course of the show, but never in a way to resolve these contradictions - she only evolves to cope with them. 
And then she dies, but hey, its Shinji’s story in the end. Sometimes you gotta get Fridge’d for the greater good.
A final, sort-of side note to take this a little beyond Misato’s arc, “evolution” is critical to how Misato serves as a reflection of the theme for other characters. A huge crux of Shinji’s arc is his relationship with Asuka, namely his burgeoning romantic desire for her that he is incapable of acting on due to ~arc stuff. For Shinji, if he made a move on Asuka and got down with her it would be huge progress for him! Sex is a critical component of connecting with others after all, and it would mark his ability to open himself up to those connections. But what is progress for Shinji, the teen, is regression for Misato, the adult, as her sexual chemistry with Kaji can tip into excess - for her connecting with one person is in fact a form of withdraw from her wider responsibilities. What is the healthy choice for you constantly evolves as you yourself evolve, and its really fascinating that Evangelion simultaneously uses sexual intimacy for opposed meanings via different characters. The scene I posted above, where Shinji is judging a shame-filled Misato for the sex she is having, is one where both of their weaknesses are on full, simultaneous display - very hard for one scene to pull off.
(A final-final meta-note: I rarely write about themes in shows because I feel like everything I am saying is super-obvious; there is only so subtle a tv show can be. If you are going to do like cross-comparisons between shows or wider social trends that’s worth it, but just the show in isolation I fear it’s too basic. Would be curious if anyone who does stumble on this essay has that reaction of “yeah anyone who saw the show would know this”.)
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eolewyn1010 · 3 years
I’m salty, time to dissect a random piece of media.
So, there’s a very pretty little comic that crossed my dash recently. I’m not gonna link/reblog it here because it’s quite popular and I’m not in the mood for getting hated upon because of my negative opinion, but the synopsis is as follows:
Cinderella and her prince are happy together at first, but their marriage soon cools off because the prince apparently prefers to hang out with “younger and prettier women, daughters of nobles whose hands have never done a day’s work”, and Cinderella is bored out of her mind because she spent her entire life working and thus had never the time to develop any hobbies. She enjoys cooking and sewing, which is apparently not princess-y. Also doesn’t really take to court life with balls and representation and stuff, feeling it all is becoming routine. She learns all that nobility stuff and tries to get her prince’s attention back with a couple project, but eventually, he’s off to moon over other princesses again and she stops caring. One day, she finds the old diaries of a Princess Aurora aka Sleeping Beauty, becomes intrigued, then very intrigued with this mysterious far-off lady who loves poetry, eventually finds her, wakes her up and elopes with her. Many years later, they are two lovely old ladies running a bookshop and living their sweet married lives.
Cute, amirite?
Let’s start off with the prince, shall we? Why would he be so disinterested in her? We never get a reason for that. The story says that Cinderella did “stop worrying about a man who had gotten what he wanted from her”... eh, no? She’s his wife. He married her; that relationship should be worth something. If for no other reason, then at least for representational purposes and taking the effing time to make an heir. Why should he have already gotten all he wanted out of her? And what happened to their lovestory, anyway? He was very much in love with her once. What, was she not royalty enough to entertain him? But she showed a good will to learn - and teaching her stuff and sharing things with her she didn’t know yet would have been a very good reason to spend time together. It’s also established that Cinderella reads a lot and falls in love with Aurora over a shared interest in poetry. After it has been established that the prince wrote her poems and songs, so you can’t even tell me they had no common interests, because they obviously did. But I guess if we want to get the guy out of the equation, the only way to elevate the lesbian couple as inherently superior is by making the guy a neglectful, cheating dick. Whatever.
Then, Cinderella. WHERE’S THE COMMUNICATION, FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE? She tries to reconnect with the prince via spending time together, but at no point does she go, “honey, there’s something not right with our relationship, we should work on that.” At no point does she confront him or face her own insecurities about being not good enough of a partner. Maybe they could have worked it out, maybe not, but they sure could have found a better way of separating than Cinderella just running off into the night without ever telling her husband what the heck is the situation between them? Yeah, the prince is a dick, but we’re never shown Cinderella actively working on salvaging their relationship. She just stops caring - and doesn’t even communicate that. Cersei and Robert Baratheon had better communication than that; at least they could openly admit to each other that their marriage was garbage. There’s also the thing about “younger and prettier women”. Ew? In every Cinderella iteration, she’s younger than twenty, an appropriate age to be unwed in non-modern times. She’s also here about the same age as Aurora who was definitely a teen when she fell asleep, so... are you trying to tell me the prince is a pedophile? Or just that he’s shallow? Only that the first thing we’re told about Aurora when Cinderella finally sees her in person is that she’s ✨ beautiful ✨, so, double-standard much?
As for the “hands that had never seen a day’s work”... yeah, what is a lady suposed to do? Except managing THE ENTIRE FUCKING HOUSEHOLD of the royal palace, very much practicing the handicraft that women of higher stand are expected to deliver just the same (and no, I don’t mean pretty embroidery, I mean useful stuff, like repairing clothes, because clothes were expensive and you didn’t just walk to the next store and buy new ones whenever), administrative duties in the government (how does the prince have so much time to hang out with ladies? Doesn’t he have a country to run or something?), so Cinderella should have been massively out of her depth, not bored whatsoever.
And then, the relationship with Aurora. Which starts off entirely one-sided as Cinderella becomes attached to what she assumes is a dead girl who left some diaries. Which seems to count as love, apparently, considering she manages to wake her up and we have a True Love’s Kiss protocol to follow here. Thing is, I have feelings for people I’ve never met in person, online friends, not romantic feelings, but sure as hell the one or other massive squish. BUT - those developed via interaction. We exchanged questions, opinions, we discussed. I wrote something, and something came back. That’s how relationships are built. Cinderella gets nothing back from Aurora for the simple reason that Aurora is kind of fridged for the time being, so... how is that “falling in love”? And how is it better than her relationship with the prince? Woohoo, instead of marrying someone she’s spoken to three times at a few parties, she now marries someone she’s never spoken to at all! Great! Someone she really has things in common with, like poetry! You know, like the poetry her husband used to write for her when she still bothered to interact with him! The story has a time skip from “Cinderella finds Sleeping Beauty” to “many years later, happily ever after”, so we’re clearly expected to take for granted that they hit it off the second Aurora was awake. That Cinderella’s “fallen in love with diaries” was sufficient relationship-building. Also, “routine”? What, you think running a bookshop is never going to be routine? Hate to break the news to you, but love has to function in everyday life.
If you wanna have that lesbian princesses fairytale, why not write an original story instead of derailing an existing one? I guess I wouldn’t mind so much if the prince hadn’t been so trampled on as a character. He has to suck so the rest is great? Uhm, why couldn’t they talk about it and come to the mutual conclusion that they don’t work as a couple? Could make for an interesting fairytale to have people behave like adults.
Anyway. You wrote a queer lovestory, congratulations. I just don’t think it’s a very good one.
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its-an-inxp-again · 3 years
Idk if you ever got the answer to your thing. But I’m a person who is queer but regularly uses the term lesbian to make things simpler. I can tell you why I hate the phrase monosexual- it feels transphobic to me- I am not attracted to men at all, but I am attracted to women, non-binary folks, gender queer folks, and agender folks. If I was with a partner and they transitioned to be a man I would still love them. That wouldn’t change. Sexuality is fluid and calling someone monosexual seems to erase that and really put people in boxes. Everyone has exceptions. And as someone who has identified as bisexual and pansexual in the past and find those not to suit me and fit right (especially since I am not sexually/romantically attracted to people physically/based on appearances- it’s more about personality and what I could do with a person)
I don’t mean this in an antagonistic way, I really hope it doesn’t come off that way(I’m bad expressing myself sorry).
(I’m sorry, I know you’re not trying to be rude. My answer, however, will sound rude and upset because you touched upon some stuff that needs a lot of unpacking to me lmao. Just know this anger is not necessarily directed at you but at biphobia in general.)
Why do bisexual people may need to use the term monosexual?
A. It is descriptive
I see what you mean but as you said you're queer and lesbian is a term to make things simpler, right?
So I wouldnt call you monosexual because you’re clearly not attracted to only one gender (but if you want to who I am to stop you?). Monosexual is someone who is almost exclusively dating/is attracted to people of one gender. There are plenty trans people that are straight or gay that would NOT date a partner if they realized they were a different gender. For real: kat blaque made a video (here it is if youre interested) on youtube about this - she’s trans and she wants to date men and wouldnt feel comfortable on continuing dating if a partner of hers realized they were actually a trans woman all along. She wants to date guys not girls and that's FINE it just means A. She actually recognizes the girl gender, obviously B. She's straight af and that's wonderful! It’s not a box if that’s how her experience is and she likes it that way!
Also how is being monosexual transphobic? Cant a girl just like guys exclusively (both cis and trans) or like girls exclusively (both cis and trans)? It's not even enbyphobic since you dont need to be attracted to a person to support their rights. (Gay men arent attracted to women but can be 100% feminists.) Being open to fuck somebody is not the same as supporting their rights: fetishization is a thing. Again, I refer to the video Kat Blaque made.
Sexuality IS fluid but to some people (like me and you) it is more than others. Some people don’t feel comfortable dating people that dont fall into the gender theyre usually attracted to and thats 100% okay.
B. It helps in talking about biphobia and panphobia in society
Biphobia and panphobia are for the large part based on the assumption that you cant be attracted to more than one gender (not even non-binary and so on) and that if you do you're weird/disgusting/mentally ill/a sexual predator. I can tell you 100% that's the narrative both straight and gay people can and may perpetuate since I struggle w this kind of shit every single time Im attracted to someone no matter their gender (YES, EVEN IF THEY'RE A GUY, BECAUSE THE OTHER DAY I WAS ATTRACTED TO A GIRL AND NOW I FEEL LIKE A FUCKING ANIMAL THAT CANT CONTROL ITSELF, even though it makes NO sense because if it was two girls or two boys the actual number of people my hormones activated to wouldnt change, but it would make my experience not subjected to biphobia!). I’m not saying gay people are the same as straight people. But I do feel alienated BOTH from heteronormative society AND from (subtly biphobic) gay spaces because of my bisexuality. I costantly feel like I’m outside both of those worlds and you know how humans are: I just need a term to encompass it all easily, to say “I don’t identify with any of this” (which is both straight and strictly gay spaces: ie, monosexual). To me is literally the same as saying non-bisexual/non-pansexual.
I dont mean to say lesbians or gays have it easier or are just like straight people. But we do have different experiences and I need terms to express that. It honestly doesnt matter to me if you identify as lesbian or queer (though I think you’re implying you’re more queer than anything). But I do need a term to talk about how society at large treats sexuality; ie, as a monosexual thing. Another concept that’s been thrown around is bi erasure. A strictly monosexual society is bound to view a girl dating a girl (or girl presenting) as if theyre both LESBIANS and erase a queer person the moment they’re in a m/f relationship, because people cant COMPUTE that it may not be the case and that the girl dating a cis straight dude isnt betraying her queerness.To think so is basic biphobia.
In some ways, I think it’s the same as when transgender people started using the term cisgender - which is applicable to both straight people and queer/gay people. They simply needed a term which meant “not-trans” as they were saying “I dont identify with this” (ie the cisgender experience). Does it imply that cisgender people, no matter if queer, have something in common? Yeah, yeah it does. Does it imply that queer people are just the same as straight people, or face no oppression? Of course not. Seeing people being offended upon being called monosexual feels like people being offended upon being called cis to me.
Also, saying that the terms bisexual people use are transphobic is almost implying that bisexuality is inherently transphobic? Or reeks to me of that kind of rhetoric. I use the terms I need to use, just like any other marginilized group does, and nobody outside of that group has any right of denying me that. It’s like I’m trying to create a safe space for myself and people like me and yall come around to judge us YET AGAIN. And I'm just tired of hearing this bullshit. I could accept this kind of criticism only if it came from a trans person themselves, I guess? But it’s not usually trans people who accuse us of being transphobic, in fact, many trans people identify as bisexual and use bisexual terminology lmfao.
“Hearts not parts” rhetoric
Finally, about personality being superior to physical appearance. That's amazing but I do want to note that, not you necessarily, but many people who are into the “hearts not parts” rhetoric are, how can I say this. Slut-shaming people? I’m not sure if you are doing this but I feel it needs to be said just to be sure. A lesbian trans woman can be just attracted to a girl for her physical appearance and just want to fuck her - and THAT'S OKAY. That's fine. I am a sexually attracted to people and that doesnt mean I have to form a deep bond first. Sex positivity is about accepting that people can feel like this and not shame them for this. "Hearts not parts” rhetoric has in the past infantilized, sanitized or outright shamed other queer experiences. It's fine if you feel that way but dont start acting like you're morally superior because of that. That's catholicism with extra steps. My bisexuality its not the symptom of some predatory and animalistic thing that should be purified into something more palatable and less sexual. That’s the same thing they used to say about gay people and now gay (biphobic) people are using this against us. That’s also the kind of thing trans women (especially if they’re sapphic) constantly hear every fucking day. Queer people have a good part of their discrimination rooted in the shaming of purely sexual desires. Forcing ourselves to be more palatable and less sexual is just respectability politics. I’m tired of it. (This is obviously different from being on the asexual spectrum: but you dont see ace people going around pretending they’re morally superior than everybody else, and many are actually very sex positive)   You would still love your partner if they were a different gender: that’s great, but that’s not how some (most) people feel, and they aren’t superficial because of this, just different from you.
Also, I think you’d really benefit from hearing a trans person say they don’t care if someone has genitalia preferences. Here it is. This obviously doesnt mean that every trans person will feel like she does, but it does mean that we can’t generalize trans experiences/preferences/what they feel transphobia is. Just like straight people dont get to say what’s homophobic or not, cis people dont get to say what’s transphobic or not. The definition of those terms relies entirely on the community that is targeted by these things.
I hope this wasnt excessively confusing but I wanted to make my point clear.
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windbournefree · 4 years
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After binging on The Newsroom (and loving it) created by Aaron Sorkin I got to thinking about his reputed "woman problem" when some YouTube commenter described all the female characters on the show as "twits." That's a characterization I strongly disagree with, and will show why, but also can't shake the intuitive sense that his portrayal is rightly controversial. By that I mean it is right that it should be a matter of discussion, not that it is necessarily wrong. The people holding the discussion need to decide that for themselves.
First the bald facts. Women in this drama hold power: Leona founded and still owns the company, Mackenzie is the Executive Producer of the network's flagship news program with a male second-in-command and many male staff, Sloan is the acknowledged smartest person in the company with far more lucrative prospects awaiting her should she choose them, Maggie is promoted instantly from a personal aide to an associate producer by a woman despite her youth and inexperience. Women are in leadership roles with real power that they do exercise.
In their relationships to men, the women in The Newsroom engage in give and take.
Mackenzie may look at Will like a doe-eyed schoolgirl at times but she's in love with him and is self-recriminating about previous behaviors. She isn't like that with any other male characters. Even with Will she frequently takes charge and makes him follow her direction, which he does. Mac exercises real power in her relationship with Will from episode one on. When Will doles out his "punishments" she only takes them to the degree that she believes she should. She holds the power at any time to say, "That's enough!" which she does in regards to the engagement ring. When she does that he realizes he's gone too far and changes his behavior.
Maggie coddles Don in most of the scenes we see of them and breaks up with him mostly in scenes we don't see. I'd venture to guess that the early breakups happen because the relationship has no room for her passion and she gets tired of soothing his ego to make things work. In contrast, Maggie's drawn to Jim because he awakens and allows room for her passion. Most employees who confront and yell at their bosses as much as she does with Jim would be suspended and/or fired. He lets her get away with it to a degree because he recognizes that that same passion drives her to become an excellent journalist. And because he likes her. Both are true. Every once in awhile he has to reprimand her in public to assert authority over his team or it gives permission to his other staff to behave the same way. Maggie is no shrinking violet. She is strong and self-directed and refuses to allow a man to control her. Most of her errors come from inexperience and human frailty. None of them occur because she's a woman.
Sloan clearly wears the pants in her relationship to Don which, to his surprise, he doesn't mind. Ever once in awhile, though, they switch roles or just relate as equals. Don goes from dating the young intern who part of him wants to dominate to dating the highly intelligent, self-directed professional who no man can dominate and becomes a better version of himself as a result. Sloan's errors in her first broadcast about Fukushima occur not because she is scared by Will as a man but because she's scared by him as respected professional. His gender doesn't matter to her. When Charlie yells at her about it she tells him strongly, "Do not call me 'girl,' sir!" And that's to the head of the News Division.
Leona clearly rules the roost and fights with Charlie as an equal or as a subordinate, never as a superior. They fight the way old friends do.
In no respect are women as a class portrayed as inferior or subordinate to the power of men. So why do I get that intuitive itch that there's something old-fashioned about Sorkin's writing on gender relations?
I think it's that some of the male characters in The Newsroom tend to be the carriers of logic and reasoning while the female characters tend to be the carriers of emotional expression. This isn't always true: Sloan is highly logical (while also passionate) and Charlie is highly emotional (while also reasonable) and Neal carries both in balance. It's certainly true, however, of the Jim & Maggie relationship which is intended as a reflection of the older Will & Mackenzie one. Remember how, in episode one, Mackenzie points out Maggie to Jim and tells him that she's a younger version of her before she grew into herself and got hotter with age? And why has Jim long been Mackenzie's choice for supervising producer? Could it be because he reminds her of Will? I think so. I also think it's fair to assume that Sorkin does not intend for that rational/emotional dichotomy to typify all gender relations since he gives us alternate examples. More likely it's because Sorkin is a brainy guy who prefers an emotionally expressive woman to bring balance into his life. When he writes romance it comes out of who he is, what he likes. That's how he connects to the material at a feeling level. Some viewers may prefer a flip on those traditional associations and the Don & Sloan relationship may have been his attempt to provide that. It's not where Sorkin feels at his strongest or most natural, though, so he writes what he knows.
There ARE problems with The Newsroom, though, that I think if addressed would have reduced criticism. In no way should bosses be allowed to date subordinates over whose careers they have an influence. The producers decide what stories are aired. The career of a journalist rises and falls with the number and quality of stories they get aired. Dating a subordinate in this environment is a breach of ethics and most professional workplace standards. To be fair, Maggie was first an intern then a personal aide and only became an associate producer (journalist) as Don was on his way out so it wasn't a total breach; definitely in the gray area, though. The sexual tension between Jim and Maggie, obvious to everyone (as Sloan pointed out in the finale), often broke out into open conflict. Mackenzie should have addressed this conflict as their supervisor but instead encouraged it. As Jim points out it was Mac's idea for him to get together with Maggie in the first place. Again, it was Mac's advice to Jim to "gather ye rosebuds while ye may" that led to his and Maggie's first kiss and then Jim deciding this was wrong. Mackenzie's regrets about her relationship with Will colored her judgment and led her to offer advice that may have been okay coming from a friend but was inappropriate coming from a supervisor. She could have been rightly disciplined or even fired by HR if found out. Jim does decide that he can't date a subordinate however he feels but Mac should have intervened and threatened to move one of them out if they couldn't handle the tension in a professional manner. In the series finale Jim offers the Supervising Producer position to the woman he's in love with. How is that not an HR violation? How would Maggie's career not be dogged by rumors of "sleeping her way to the top" if she accepts it?
The other thing is the way emotional conflicts between several of the characters break out into office wide battles. Talk about an unsafe working environment! I can't see how the entire management staff wasn't fired on an almost weekly basis. And when Mackenzie commends Maggie for her loyalty by saying she wouldn't complain to HR if her hair was on fire I cringed. Is that the message you want to send out in a #MeToo world?
Aaron Sorkin says he likes to write "very romantically, very idealistically." The chaos in the newsroom is intended for laughs, not to be taken as a serious reflection of a workplace. The characters are flawed and frequently do not do what they should. The lack of HR supervision is even mentioned by a character in season one so there's awareness that liberties are being taken. I don't think there's an inherent woman problem here, just a production not as sensitive as it might be to the struggles women face in the workplace. There are good reasons why "no dating" policies are in place, why it's unprofessional to carry your personal life into the workplace. Workplace comedies routinely feature HR nightmares for the sake of laughs: Brooklyn 99 is a good example. We don't take them seriously. It's the sheer intelligence of The Newsroom and the realistic setting that may make the comedy part seem more serious than it is. Personally I see the show as a kind of joyful fantasy; Sports Night without the canned laughter. If you can separate the fantastic from the realistic I think you'll find that The Newsroom is actually very empowering for women.
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captain-sodapop · 4 years
actually genuinely curious whether destiel antis are this way bc they’re homophobic or can’t get over the toxicity of the ship bc i def understand their latter but no one even,,, addresses it in their hate??
I mean, let’s be real: for some of them, it’s definitely homophobia.  Not a valid reason for not liking destiel, and certainly not why I don’t ship it.  However, I do not know of anyone in my immediate circle who dislikes it for that reason.  In fact, I would be shocked if that were the case, considering so many of my friends on here ship sastiel, deanxbenny, jodyxdonna, dreamhunter, etc.  For me - and I think the majority of others (at least, I hope) it has nothing to do with it being an mlm ship.  There are other reasons why I don’t ship them (under the cut because it got pretty long):
1) I just...don’t like it?  Like, it’s that simple.  I’m not into seeing Dean and Cas together romantically.  From what I can tell, most of the general audience falls in this category, too.  I obviously don’t think it’s inherently wrong to ship it, and I try not to generalize.  i follow and have followers who ship destiel, and they’re lovely people!  I’m personally just not into it.  I literally cannot picture a romantic or sexual relationship between these two characters. 
2) There are certainly toxic elements to it, like you mentioned, and I think a lot of people notice this.  Nobody on this show is perfect, but it’s hard for me to look at Dean and Cas - who argue and belittle each other more than Cas or Sam, or Cas and Jack - and be like “oh yeah that’s true love.”  And often it’s Dean and his temper getting in the way of this.  Not to mention that Dean only recently forgave Cas for what happened to his mother, and that “apology” in 15x09 wasn’t really an apology for his previous behavior.  Yes, it was good to see Dean admit to having a horrible temper and let Cas know that he cares about him and forgives him, but it wasn’t truly an apology.  I just think that for as much as I enjoy their friendship, their relationship with each other doesn’t suit romance.  Look at Sam and Cas - I don’t ship sastiel, either, really, but I can see that their relationship is much more relaxed and understanding.  Plus there’s the fact that Dean (and Sam, of course, but he clearly wasn’t 100% on board and regretted it almost instantly) manipulated Jack and was willing to kill him, and Cas...Jack was Cas’s kid first, beloved and wanted, and even if Dean and Cas can be friends again, how do you even move on from that, really?  There are more examples of the more toxic element, but I’m already sorta getting long-winded here.
3) I ship Cas with other people, and so do others, so they just prefer him with someone else.  Totally cool, too.
4) I firmly and enthusiastically agree that people should have whatever headcanons they want and ship just about whatever they want (I also am firmly and enthusiastically against any pedophillic or incestuous ships, just so you know).  You think Dean is bi?  Awesome!  Sam is trans?  Love it!  Angels are on the autism spectrum?  I can totally see it!  Headcanons and shipping can make interacting with a text more personal and fun.  And text can definitely be open to interpretation, so it’s not even necessarily wrong to interpret Dean as bisexual.  But the way I read canon, Dean is straight.  I have never seen him express sexual or romantic interest in another man.  I’ve seen him acknowledge that another man is attractive, sure, but that’s normal.  I can admit that another woman is attractive, but still not want to be with her.  So for me, unless it’s explicitly stated in canon in these last seven episodes, I think it’s canon that Dean is straight and wouldn’t be interested in Cas anyway.  We can agree to disagree - I certainly welcome it! - but I’m someone who adheres pretty strictly to canon, usually.  And that’s how I see the canon.
5) One of the things I think supernatural has done better than a lot of other shows is show that families and friendships come in many forms.  To me, Team Free Will is a unit, and it would feel weird to me if any of them became romantically involved with each other, as if the dynamic had been thrown off-balance.  Same reason I don’t ship any of the boys in The Outsiders together - they’re a band of brothers, not necessarily related by blood, but a found family.  So when Dean says to Cas that he and Sam view Cas as a brother, then a romantic relationship between any of them would just feel...off to me.  
6) Finally, looking at the story and the character arcs and considering the character games, I do not see Dean ending up in a romantic relationship, or even wanting it.  Casual sex?  Yep.  A home?  Yep yep.  A family?  Yes, yes, yes a thousand times.  But a family, like I said above, can look like many things.  I also can’t see Cas ending up in a romantic relationship or wanting one (even though I ship megstiel.)  It’s just not where their stories seem to be headed.  Sam?  Sure.  I think the show is setting up him and Eileen to share some sort of romantic relationship in some capacity (which - woohoo!  At least on my end.)  But even then, that’s up in the air.  Romance is honestly the least of the characters’ - and especially the story’s - worries.  They have many much more pressing matters to attend to that need to be resolved first before any real talk of romance.
7) I feel like I should mention this even though it doesn’t have to do with the ship or the characters directly, but on the whole?  The destiel community is incredibly toxic.  Harassing cast and crew, harassing fans who disagree with them, superiority complexes, fetishization, unwillingness to listen to outside perspectives, believing their read of canon is the be-all end-all, and a dynamic that to me is eerily similar to the old Harry Potter fandom’s Inner Circle (of Cassandra Clare and msscribe fame).  This obviously doesn’t apply to every individual who ships destiel, but in general I don’t find the whole group pleasant to interact with or very welcoming.  It kinda turns you off the ship to know that’s the community you’re dealing with, and if/when destiel doesn’t go canon?  The toxicity will increase tenfold.  Hell, it’ll increase even if it does because their egos will go through the roof.  
I hope that clears some things up for you.  Once again, the fact that it’s an mlm ship IS NOT THE PROBLEM.  If anyone says that’s why they don’t ship it, fuck ‘em.  And there are many individual destiel shippers who are wonderful and I love interacting with, and are very understanding and accepting and non-toxic.  But these are the reasons I don’t ship it, so I’m sorry if I haven’t made that clear in the past.  I think a lot of people share the same reasoning, too, so I’m sorry if they haven’t made that clear either.  I know I sometimes get caught up in the wank and making jokes, and so do others, and our reasons for not shipping it can get lost in that.  I’m not trying to make any personal attacks.
But thank you for asking this, and I hope this cleared some things up for you!
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notbang · 4 years
the pursuit of happiness
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or, an examination of happiness and the chase as recurring motifs in the character development of Rebecca Bunch and Nathaniel Plimpton
rethaniel appreciation week day 2 → pursuit
I could write a small novel cataloguing the endless parallels between these two—I have, in fact, thought about attempting it many times—but honestly the list is so long and varied and sprouts off in so many different directions that I’ve yet to think of a logical way to go about it. Which is why for the time being, I’m choosing to focus instead—in some degree of detail—on this particular mirrored thread between them.
As our protagonist, Rebecca functions as a major catalyst for change in West Covina, and just as surely as she stumbles along in her journey we see the (for the most part) positive effects of her friendship on those around her. With perhaps the sole exception of White Josh, all of the characters end the show as happier and healthier iterations of themselves, with many of the major aspects of their growth traceable to their involvement with Rebecca in some way. Nathaniel is no exception to this rule; arguably, his development, more so than any other character’s, is directly tied to Rebecca’s influence on his life. The main difference here lies in the fact that he moves to town good a season and half after her—putting him that much further behind in his inevitable development.
One of the major, ongoing setbacks Rebecca faces over the course of the show is her tendency to conflate happiness, or personal fulfilment, with romantic love, and more specifically, for the first half of the series at least, conflating it with a single person. Nathaniel, by comparison, at the time of our introduction to him, has little interest in the concept at all, something Rebecca is quick to sympathise with in 2x09—‘You know Nathaniel, I used to be a lot like you. Ruthless. But then one day I was crying a lot, and I decided to flip things around. Decided to put happiness before success. And when I did that, the world rewarded me with true happiness.’ Nathaniel doesn’t verbally dismiss the sentiment, but the wealth of facial expressions he supplies in response suggest what he thinks of that: happiness is frivolous, and he doesn’t have space for it in his busy schedule.
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Nathaniel, probably: Sounds fake but okay.
In the season two theme Rebecca declares that as a girl in love, she can’t be held responsible for her actions, and the sweeping duet Nothing Is Ever Anyone’s Fault follows a similar thread of eschewing culpability. While this certainly works to help dismiss a season’s worth of questionable behaviour from the two of them—including, but not limited to, infidelity and conspiracy to murder—I’m not convinced the touted concept behind the song—that Nathaniel has learned the wrong lesson from being in love with her, as explained in post-finale interviews at the time—flies in the face of our understanding of Nathaniel’s character thus far. As a rich, straight, white, cis male whose privilege the show has only made clumsy attempts at dismantling, a disregard of consequence seems a lot less like something he needed to be taught by anybody and a little more like something that was probably ingrained in him at birth.
If we want to talk about misguided takeaways within their relationship, though, their relationship to happiness is the perfect place to start. Nathaniel begins the show with no concept of the pursuit of happiness, so it makes sense that when he does adopt an interest in it, he takes a page right out of the book of the person that introduced him and pins it all in the one place. Unlike Rebecca, though, Nathaniel’s preoccupation seems to be less wilful delusion and more of a case of ignorance being bliss—being with her feels good, so why change anything or interrogate the situation any further? For all his earlier talk, he is quick to give up the thrill of the chase under the hedonistic guise of contentment. Unfortunately, what he lacks is the emotional intelligence to navigate the implications of Rebecca’s disorder, highlighted by his belief that the mere fact that he and Josh are two vastly different people is reason enough for him to be able to dismiss her obsessive behaviour as ‘cute’ and ‘flattering’. Rebecca’s recent breakdown and consequential suicide attempt can’t exist as warning signs in their (what he perceives as superior) relationship because he isn’t planning on leaving Rebecca at the altar; he isn’t privy to the realisation that it ‘wasn’t about Josh, and maybe it never was’.
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Nathaniel: I don’t want to get in the way of your therapy thing, but isn’t the point of all this to be happy? We’re happy. That’s what matters.
It’s a shame because despite there being so much more going on with Rebecca than Nathaniel is capable of comprehending at this point in time, he actually, perhaps entirely by accident, manages to get a few things right—he checks in with her about her therapy when her appearing on his doorstep contradicts the information she’d given him earlier (even if he is, at this point, all too easy to convince), counters her suggestion that they play hooky at Raging Waters with the compromise of a more sensibly scheduled dinner they’ll both enjoy, and, when they do come in to conflict over her obsessive behaviours, takes some time for himself before having a serious conversation with her. Though it’s certainly naive of him to think it’s a problem as easily solved as getting Rebecca to promise she’ll never do anything like this again, it suggests the capacity exists (given, with great guidance) for him to approach Rebecca’s mental illness within their relationship in a thoughtful way.
(This of course completely ignores the inherent issues in their boss/employee relationship, which come to a questionable forefront when Rebecca makes the decision to return to work after having broken things off, but we’re starting to get a little off-track from the intended scope of this discussion.)
The idea of romantic love as a chase—if not already sold to us by Rebecca literally moving across the country in pursuit of Josh—is hammered home most effectively in episode 2x11, but Nathaniel actually brings it up in the episode prior; before Rebecca and Josh leave for New York, at the same time as setting up the whole ‘man of my dreams’ idea that also carries on into the next episode, a sweaty Nathaniel beseeches Rebecca to imitate a land-based predator so he can amp up his workout under the threat of chase. Within this alignment, Josh, who ends up proposing to Rebecca at the end of 2x10, becomes even more clearly representative of an end goal—love, marriage, and, as an expected by-product, ultimate happiness. Nathaniel, by contrast for the time being, is all about the chase that comes before. After his speech at the beginning of 2x11 boasting of his dogged approach when securing clients, his passionate buzz words begin to permeate Rebecca’s subconscious, with ‘pursuit’ in particular going so far as to in an echo in a similar way that ‘happy’ does in the pilot. Such is the effect of his words on her that she parrots them back to Josh when she tells him she’s moved up their wedding—‘Finally, it’s coming to an end. The pursuit is over and I just want to celebrate that’. The title of the episode title may pose the question Josh is the man of my dreams, right? but in the most literal sense, the star of her dreams becomes Nathaniel, along with his personal brand of terminology.
Where Nathaniel thinks life is all about playing the hunter, Rebecca insists she doesn’t care for the chase, which makes sense—she doesn’t want to be chasing Josh, and furthermore, admitting that she’s chasing him would only be contradictory to her belief that they belong together. She wants her happy ending. She wants to arrive at her final destination—her destiny—because thus far all her journeys (which have in actuality been more of a kind of stagnation) have been left her unfulfilled. However obsessing over an idealised future only postpones her happiness with her inability to focus on the present. Ironically, the point at which she makes an active choice to begin shifting that focus—in 3x07, when Dr Shin encourages her to live in the messy in-between—is right around the time Nathaniel starts buying into her idealisation himself.
In a similar way to Rebecca, regardless of his purported love of the pursuit, Nathaniel’s infatuation is seemingly tied to the concept of a destination—several times quite literally. In 3x04 he’s ready to whisk her away to Rome to evade any obstacles to their being together, and in 4x01 proposes a similar escape to Hawaii, causing him to lash out when Rebecca turns him down—‘I want us to just be happy and be together. That’s what I want. You just said you love me, right? So can you just do that for me? Can you just stop overthinking everything? …seems like every time we’re happy, you try to ruin it.’ He sees their shared happiness as a nirvana state he’s caught a glimpse of that Rebecca is now determined to deny him access to, to the point that he seeks to make their version of a love bubble a physical one, where no outside interference (or, more accurately, internal reflection from Rebecca) can keep them apart. Still degrees behind Rebecca in the parallel arcs of their development, he’s stuck in the mindset that them being happy and in love is the only thing that matters. His behaviour is far from flattering, but with a quick review of his history of being on the continual receiving end of her rejection, it’s not entirely difficult to see where he’s coming from.
(As an aside, Rebecca’s relationship with the destination versus the journey as it pertains to the mural on her wall is something I’ve already discussed in a previous meta.)
When she breaks up with him at the beginning of 3x09, Rebecca responds to Nathaniel’s protest of ‘but we’re happy!’ with the qualifier that she’s ‘happy, but it isn’t real’, which probably isn’t the most pleasant thing to be told, even before you factor in Nathaniel’s implied inexperience with serious relationships. While her behaviour prior to this definitely calls for some self reflection, it’s an interesting backflip from extreme infatuation to sudden dismissal, and while it does align with the black and white thinking associated with BPD, it’s easy to see why Nathaniel feels blindsided and, consequently, spurned. She begged him not to break up with her not only to then turn around do exactly that, but to also (presumably unintentionally) throw in the humiliating implication he cared more than she did.
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Dr Akopian: Maybe now you can see that your father’s behaviour in the past has set a pattern for you, seeking the love of men who don’t fully love you back. Who you have to pursue. Men who are taken or emotionally unavailable. Like your father. Like Josh. Like Greg. Like other men, I’m sure.
Nathaniel is an outlier amongst the three main love interests in that, for all his grandstanding about humans being hunters by nature, he’s the one constantly falling over himself to win Rebecca’s affection rather than the other way around; it’s ironic that the love interest that asserts himself as being all about the chase is the one that ends up later having to assign himself the title of ‘king of declarations’ based on his ongoing habit of blurting out to Rebecca how he feels, never achieving the level of emotional standoffishness he hopes to exude. Nathaniel’s unavailability—and subsequent cementing as one of the types of men Dr Akopian calls Rebecca out on being predisposed to pursuing—comes only when he enters into a relationship with Mona, and Rebecca, who supposedly ‘never cared for the chase’, with interest reignited finds a skewed sense of security afforded by the romantic roadblock, something Nathaniel seems to understand on some unspoken level, as hinted at by his eagerness to maintain the fragile status quo of their morally questionable arrangement.
As a result of this subversion of power dynamics within Rebecca and Nathaniel’s relationship, in amongst the many other parallels between them that only serve to support this, it starts to become apparent that, narratively speaking, Nathaniel is to Rebecca as Rebecca is to Josh, something that is visually co-signed by the show during 4x03, when we see the same golden glow of romantic epiphany crest behind Rebecca in the church during her speech at Heather and Hector’s wedding that suffuses across Josh when Rebecca encounters him in the streets of New York.
Nathaniel’s takeaway from Rebecca’s speech is that because he loves her, he should do everything within his power to get her back, which of course leads to his (frankly embarrassing) attempts to manipulate her and win her over in 4x04. (Fittingly enough to this discussion, the opening line of the Slumbered quote he plagiarises is ‘you are the only thing that makes me happy’. The irony of his failed use of her teenage diary to win her over is that I honestly do believe the speech is an accurate summation of how he sees Rebecca, and had he only chosen to put it in his own words, that final scene between them might have played out a little differently.) The part he probably should have focused on, though, is the part Rebecca is currently pouring all her professional energy into (and not so coincidentally, it’s right there in the episode title)—love (and therefore happiness) being about finding your own path.
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Rebecca: I don’t believe in destiny anymore. I just believe in taking responsibility for your own happiness.
This is not the first time Nathaniel makes the decision to actively pursue Rebecca while her attention lies firmly fixed elsewhere. In 3x03 and 3x04, he is forced to grapple with his feelings alone when a distracted Rebecca eventually goes where he cannot follow, putting an abrupt end to any potential for chase when she flees back to New York in 3x05. Consequently, Nathaniel embarks on a mini-arc of struggling to accept the idea that Rebecca may never come back—initially incomprehensible to him, owing to the fact that she bears importance to him, personally—to conceding that his (thus far relatively unexamined) need for her to be in his life is secondary to her own wellbeing, something that acts as a precursor to a major thread in Nathaniel’s (often one step forward, two clumsily-written steps back) character development in the back end of the series.
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Nathaniel: I just hope wherever she is, she’s happy.
In 4x11, Nathaniel’s dream world amalgamation of Maya and Rebecca begs him to let her be happy, and as the former fades into the latter we get another callback to the pilot—an echo of 'happy, happy, happy…’ reminiscent of the empty shell of New York Rebecca latching onto Josh’s description of laid-back West Covina. Unlike its instance in the 1x01, however, this is a wake up call of an entirely different kind—it is not the blossoming of a brand new delusion but the sobering dissolution of one. And unlike the speech a radiant Rebecca gave at Heather’s wedding about finding the one you love and holding on tight, this particular iteration is here to impart the contradictory wisdom ‘if you really love me, you have to let me go’.
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Nathaniel: I want you to be happy, I do.
This moment is arguably the true beginning of Nathaniel’s lesson that his happiness isn’t necessarily (or in this case, due to the current circumstances, can no longer be) inextricably linked to Rebecca—she has the opportunity to find happiness independently of him and that in itself is something that should make him happy, as someone that loves and cares for her. His assertion to dream Rebecca that he wants her to be happy manifests in his concession to Rebecca in the real world—‘I’m glad you’re happy. I really am. And it makes me happy too’—an exchange that echoes two similar moments between them back in season three, during which Rebecca expresses the same sentiment regarding his relationship with Mona, first following the cool down from their 3x10 conflict, and again in the aftermath of their ended affair in 3x13: 
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Rebecca: I’m happy that you found someone else. Mona seems lovely.
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Rebecca: I’m happy for you… I want you to be happy.
The more interesting callback here though, of course, is to Rebecca’s conversation with Greg at the duck pond way back in 2x02. After finally tracking down an AWOL Greg with the intention of breaking the news of her involvement with Josh, Greg makes peace with the situation by way of reassuring them both that everything worked out fine as long as Rebecca is happy. ‘You and Josh—you should be happy together. You’re happy, right? And he treats you well?’ Rebecca responds to this in the affirmative, though her expression—and the context of the episode—belies her answer. In contrast, her exchange with Nathaniel goes a little differently:
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Nathaniel: Because you’re happy, right? You’re happy with Greg. Rebecca: I mean, I don’t know. I’m not there yet. But I could possibly be, yeah.
The evolution of Rebecca’s response is of course evidence of her development as a character and her own understanding of her relationship to happiness, but what I find most noteworthy is not that she lies in 2x02, but that in 4x11 she chooses to tell an unusual truth. She could just have easily have said yes the second time around and it would have functioned as a clear enough juxtaposition of what she considers close enough to happiness; after all, at the time of 4x11 she and Greg believe they are approaching their relationship in a mature and thoughtful fashion, they are warm and affectionate towards one another and, unlike in 2x02, she is not having to compete for her partner’s attention. She would, by all accounts, be completely justified in giving what could be considered the normal response to being posed such a question—that yes, she is happy with Greg. So even though it’s encouraging to hear Rebecca verbalising her newfound knowledge that happiness is so much more than such a simple dichotomy of yes and no, it feels significant that Nathaniel, as a person currently knee-deep in untangling his own complicated relationship with happiness, is the one that gets to be privy to this particular brand of truth.
And while it can be argued that all the strides Nathaniel makes in 4x11 are undone over the course of the following episodes, setting aside the very real fact that human emotions are fickle, and we can’t always stick as completely to our guns as we’d like, his blessing here still comes with a telling caveat: ‘I’ve got to let you go… because you’re happy’. And who shows up on Nathaniel’s doorstep during 4x12 to poke holes in that perceived state of happiness between her and Greg? None other than Rebecca herself.
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Rebecca: You just want me to be happy, which is what I want too, and god, Greg… Greg doesn’t know what happiness is.
Such is the shared significance of this concept of happiness between them that the second Rebecca alludes to their conversation in the foyer, Nathaniel’s previously good-natured, albeit slightly confused, response to her drunken presence in his apartment quickly and very clearly dissolves into alarm bells and he eventually sends her on her way. Though he could easily have wielded Rebecca’s visit as a weapon to create dissonance between her and Greg in 4x13, he merely probes for clues by way of a convoluted metaphor, resigning himself to the fact that the issue has been resolved, while Greg, in actuality, is at this point none the wiser. It’s only once Greg himself tells Nathaniel that it is over between him and Rebecca that Nathaniel returns to entertaining his feelings for her.
Though we the viewers are all too aware (and at this point, probably screaming at the TV!) that Rebecca’s happiness is not, contrary to recurring belief, a vacant role that she needs someone to fill; unlike us, the characters have not had the good fortune of being able to watch the show Crazy Ex Girlfriend on the CW network. Nathaniel is still a fledgling in terms of self enlightenment, and it makes total sense for him to be nudged towards into pursuing her again once the clearest obstacle to her affections—her relationship with Greg—is no longer an issue.
When she breaks the news of her decision to Nathaniel in the finale, Rebecca is quick to assure Nathaniel that ‘the times that [they’ve] spent together have been some of the best of [her] life’, which is an interestingly bold statement all on its own, but it feels somewhat satisfyingly like finally giving Nathaniel a real-life answer to the ‘we’ve had such happy moments, you and I, haven’t we?’ that he throws at his Maya-shaped projection of Rebecca in 4x11; affirmation that contrary to what she says in 3x08, something in there between them was real.
‘You only get one life,’ he tells her in return. ‘And you’ve got to live that the way you want.’
Neither of them uses the word ‘happy’ in this exchange, but as we fast forward in time, we get:
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Nathaniel: Happy to be here.
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Rebecca: For the first time in my life, I am truly happy.
Nathaniel (who in an amusing reflection in 2x09, reveals that he, in a roundabout way, moved to West Covina because of Rebecca—‘it’s kind of your fault that I’m here’) has finally made the actual change that Rebecca taunted him with on their first meeting. And unlike Rebecca, he’s had a chance to interrogate what happiness for himself, removed from another person, might look like before he does so. Rather than starting with a life-altering change, he gets to make incremental changes along the way—which very much are tied to his entanglement to Rebecca—in order to make a more meaningful and deliberate life change for himself later on.
“When you find someone that melts the iceberg that is your heart…” - 3x03
“Provoking me, and zinging me, and challenging my world view. And warming my heart.” - 3x04
“You make me feel like I can be a different kind of person.” - 3x08
“You’ve awakened my heart and unlocked my soul.” - 4x04
“You’ve changed my whole life. Who I am, who I can be.” - 4x11
Rebecca describes her moving to West Covina in Nathaniel’s first episode as ‘[deciding] to flip things around. [Deciding] to put happiness before success. And when I did that, the world rewarded me with true happiness.’ In the finale, she tells the audience how he, by comparison, ‘upended [his] life’—‘You changed everything. But unlike me, you did it for the right reasons. And I am in awe of you.’ Alongside the nice progression from her proclamation in 2x09 that she ‘came to West Covina to search for happiness’ to her more self-aware announcement at the open mic that ‘for the first time in my life, [she is] truly happy’, (which feels like a subversive callback to a certain infamous butter commercial) we also get a reiteration of the sentiment— ‘I came to this town to find love. And I did. I love every person in this room’—that conflates happiness with love in what is now a healthy and satisfying way. It’s the perfect twist that she’s rewarded with the thing she was searching for all along just as soon as she realises she was looking in all the wrong places, and that the place itself still gets to play such a large part in that. And she is able to see Nathaniel’s journey as all the more meaningful in light of her own missteps along the way.
While I have my reservations on the bow they tied Nathaniel’s arc in for the finale (because despite Rebecca’s realisation that there is no such thing as ‘ending up’, there is in the sense of the scope of this series) being a well thought out resolution as opposed to leaning on a previous gag without laying any actual groundwork, the truth is it’s unclear what the true nature of Nathaniel’s sabbatical is/was/will be—mere extended vacation, permanent new career path, or just the initial spark of inspiration in some extended self discovery. That being said, much like Rebecca evolving towards a point where she can appreciate the interconnectedness of love and happiness in a less troublesome way, it is neat that Nathaniel’s resolution follows on from his tendency to want to escape to far-off destinations in an attempt to control his desired status quo. Though his fleeing town is still inextricably linked to having his heart broken by Rebecca, Guatemala, for once, isn’t about transposing his current circumstance to another place in order to cling to something, but rather a carefully selected, specific site for welcomed change.
Independent of any potential that may or may not exist between them as the show closes out—romantic or otherwise—it’s undeniable that these two characters have left indelible marks on each other, and without their respective involvement in each other’s lives, their journeys—and resulting transformations—would not have been the same.
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66 notes · View notes
sparrow-flies-south · 4 years
Put A Spell On You [1/3]
Fandom: Sanders Sides Rating: Teen Pairings: Prinxiety, very minor background Logicality Summary: Roman sighed, trying to figure out how best to explain it. “I think everyone’s in love with me.” Virgil rolled his eyes. “How do you walk around under the weight of that ego?”
Everyone is acting strangely around Roman. Thank god his best friend (and crush) Virgil seems to be unaffected, because he's going to need all the help he can get to figure out why everyone is confessing their love to him. Notes: 5 years later, and I’m back in a different fandom. Please be aware that this fic involves a love spell, and some of the consent issues inherent with that premise. There is a scene where one character kisses another under the influence of the spell.
Part Two  Part Three
Also on AO3 
Roman Prince sat in his Elemental Magic class, and tried to ignore the looks people kept shooting him.
At first, he thought he had just been imagining the feeling of eyes on him – clearly he had been spending too much time with Virgil. But hallway through the lecture, he had managed to catch a boy sitting two rows ahead of him staring at him. The boy had turned bright red and looked away immediately, but it had been enough to confirm Roman’s suspicions.
Being stared at was hardly an unfamiliar sensation. Roman had been an actor, after all, before coming here – still did want to be an actor, once he graduated. He knew how to grab attention and how to hold it. There was a kind of rush to it, having all eyes on you and knowing it’s because you chose it. Knowing you had the power to control where the crowd looked.
Roman wasn’t in control of it today.
So now he was hunched over his notes, trying to pay attention to the lecture because elemental magic really wasn’t his forte, and wondering what exactly he’d done to get the attention of the whole lecture hall.
He fought down the urge to pull his compact mirror out of his bag to check that there was nothing on his face. No one was laughing, so it probably wasn’t that. Probably.
Finally, the lecture ended, and Roman was out of his seat and on his way out of the door before anyone else could move. He didn’t even bother putting his things away, instead gathering them all into his arms as he fled the building.
Once he had put enough distance between himself and the lecture hall, he finally took the time to put his notebook and pencil case away, and then decided to hell with it, and pulled his mirror out of his bag. He didn’t have any classes until that afternoon, so at least he had time to fix whatever was wrong.
Except nothing was wrong.
Roman looked the same as he always did.
Feeling more confused than ever, Roman dropped the mirror back into his bag, and that was when he noticed the note someone had slipped inside it.
Hesitantly, Roman took it out and unfolded it.
Roman, it read. Your eyes are as deep as the ocean. Your body is like a Greek statue. There are not enough words in the English language to describe my love for you.
Roman should feel flattered. A secret admirer writing him love notes was the kind of thing he daydreamed about (though in his dreams, the notes usually ended up coming from one person in particular). Instead, the note just made an uncomfortable feeling settle in his stomach.
Perhaps it was a prank. Some class wide prank everyone had decided to pull on Roman because –
Well, Roman wasn’t sure why. He didn’t think he’d pissed anyone off lately. And it certainly wasn’t out of jealousy – he was only barely scraping by in that class, and that was with Logan tutoring him.
He shoved the note back inside his bag. Well, if it was a prank, he wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of an answer, and by the end of the day, everyone would get bored of him, and things would go back to normal.
Not far away from him, a girl was casting glances at him, from where she stood surrounded by friends. Roman smiled awkwardly at her, and that seemed to be enough to encourage her to start walking towards him, determination written on her face.
Perhaps he’d spend the rest of the day in his apartment.
He quickly began walking across campus, but was interrupted by a familiar voice.
Roman turned to see Patton jogging towards him, clearly out of breath. He didn’t have his backpack on, but he was carrying some kind of container in his hands.
Patton was always a welcome sight, but something about it seemed off, though Roman couldn’t quite tell what.
“Padre!” Roman greeted with a wave, as Patton finally slowed to a stop.
Patton laughed far too loudly. “Padre! That’s – that’s funny.”
“Um. Good,” Roman chuckled nervously. Suddenly, he remembered what was off. “Hey, aren’t you supposed to be in a lecture?”
Patton beamed at him. “You remembered! Oh, of course you did, you’re so smart, Roman! But anyway, I just had to see you.”
Ah. That explained Patton’s odd behaviour. “What do you want?” Roman asked, voice teasing.
Patton shoved the container he was carrying into Roman’s hands. “Here! I made these for you!”
Roman hesitated a moment before opening the container. Inside, it was filled with chocolate chip cookies.
“Patton, when did you find time to make these? You had lectures all morning.”
“Oh, I didn’t go to those,” Patton answered, waving a hand dismissively, “This was far more important.”
“How could this be more important than lectures?”
Maybe Patton was stress baking. But then, Roman couldn’t remember him mentioning any tests coming up.
“Because they’re for you, silly!” Patton’s expression changed to be oddly serious. ”Roman, you’re a really important person in my life.”
“You’re an important part of my life too, Patton.”
Whatever was wrong, it must be serious, because one level above baking in Patton’s Stress Metre™ was getting overly emotional about how much he loved his friends.
“I’m really glad we met. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have you.”
Roman shifted uncomfortably. “Oh, I’m sure you’d get on fine. Anyway, Virgil and Logan-“
“They don’t matter,” Patton dismissed. “Not the way you matter to me.”
Roman blushed. “Well, thanks, Pat. I’m glad to hear it.”
“I really like you, Roman,” Patton said earnestly.
Roman laughed nervously. “I know. I really like you too.”
“No, I mean, I really like you.”
“I… know? Patton, are you feeling okay?”
“No, I mean-“ Patton made a frustrated sound, and then took a step closer to Roman. They were nearly touching. Patton’s eyes were shining with something Roman couldn’t name. He gently laid one hand against Roman’s cheek, and Roman found himself frozen in place. Patton leaned in to him, and then-
And then they were kissing.
Or rather, Patton was kissing him, because Roman himself unable to react as his brain short circuited.
Patton pulled away, smiling gently at him. “Do you see what I mean now?”
“Urk,” Roman said.
Patton frowned. “Roman?”
And oh, god, Roman was going to have to let Patton down somehow, and how was he supposed to that? Only a monster would reject someone like Patton, but clearly Roman was a monster, because he loved Patton, but not in a romantic way, and entering a relationship with Patton just wouldn’t be fair, not while Roman was hopelessly in love with-
Roman pulled himself away from that thought. That way madness lies.
“Uh, Patton, that’s great, but, uh-“ Roman spotted something over Patton’s shoulder. “Oh, God.”
As if the day wasn’t bad enough, heading towards the two of them was Logan. Logan, who was one of Roman’s closest friends. Logan, who, though he refused to admit it, was in love with Patton. Logan, who must have seen the kiss.
Logan, who looked really, really, pissed.
Roman considered turning himself into a frog. Anything to get out of this situation.
Patton turn to look over his shoulder, frowning. His expression turned to ice, which looked incredibly wrong on Patton’s face.
“Logan,” he greeted, colder than Roman had ever heard him.
“Patton,” Logan responded in kind, and then his voice warmed as he said, “Roman. It’s good to see you.”
“It’s, uh, good to see you too, specs.” Roman looked nervously between the other two, who were glaring daggers at each other.
Had they had a fight? Was that why Patton had kissed him – some attempt to make Logan jealous?
That didn’t sound right, but then, none of this sounded right.
“Roman,” Patton said brightly, “Why don’t we continue our conversation somewhere else?”
“Roman,” Logan added before Roman could reply, “There is something I want to show you. Perhaps you would like to come with me?”
“Uh,” Roman eloquently replied.
“That’s nice, Logan, but Roman and I were in the middle of something, right?” Patton turned back to Roman. “Come on, I’m sure you don’t really want Logan boring you.”
“Oh, but he does want you throwing yourself at him?”
Patton glared. “Roman and I are perfect together. Right, Roman?”
“Hang on-“
“Please. Roman, I assure you, I would make a far superior romantic partner than Patton?”
“Oh, you think so?”
“I don’t think so, I know so.”
“Please, how would you know how to treat Roman right? You don’t know the first thing about love.”
“That is patently untrue.”
“Stop!” Roman shouted, and the two turned to look at them.
Patton beamed. “Hey, Logan, why don’t we let Roman decide who he wants to be with?”
“For once, Patton, you make an excellent suggestion. Roman?”
Roman looked between them both.
“Well, Roman?” Patton prompted.
“I, uh – I gotta go.”
And then, Roman decided to take a page out of Virgil’s book and boldly teleported away.
Roman landed right outside his door, blocked from just teleporting into the apartment by the wards Virgil had insisted on putting up when they first moved in. He threw the door open and rushed inside, locking the door behind him and then locking it again with magic. Finally, he leaned against the door and allowed himself a moment of panic.
“Princey, what the hell?”
Roman jumped, and then noticed that Virgil was sitting on the sofa, looking at Roman as if he’d lost his mind.
“Ah, Virgil, hello,” Roman said, glancing around the room as he tried to calculate the best escape route if Virgil decided to throw himself at him.
Not that Roman would mind Virgil throwing himself under most circumstances.
A flash of hurt crossed Virgil’s face for a moment, and right, Roman probably looked like an asshole who was trying to avoid his best friend right now.
“Say, Virgil.” Roman risked taking a step towards him. “What do you think of me?”
Virgil raised an eyebrow. “Right now I think you’re insane.”
Roman had never felt so relieved to hear Virgil insult him.
“Oh, thank god,” he said, and threw himself down on the sofa next to Virgil.
“Care to explain what’s going on?” Virgil asked.
Roman sighed, trying to figure out how best to explain it. “I think everyone’s in love with me.”
Nailed it.
Virgil rolled his eyes. “How do you walk around under the weight of that ego?”
Or maybe not.
Roman groaned, and dropped his head into his hands.
Virgil laid a hand on his shoulder. “Hey,” he said, and when Roman looked up, he looked worried. “C’mon, tell me what’s really wrong?”
Roman sighed. “I wasn’t actually joking, you know.”
Virgil furrowed his brow, so Roman decided to just launch straight into it.
“Patton kissed me.”
Virgil froze.
“Oh,” he said, and there was something wrong with his voice. “Well, that’s… great, I guess. Patton’s a good guy.”
Oh, god, now Virgil thought he and Patton were dating.
“No, it’s not,” Roman blurted. “I mean, yeah, Patton’s great, but this… Virgil, has Patton ever showed any interest in me?”
“Well, no, but I’m not exactly the guy people go to for relationship advice.”
“Right! But today, Patton came up to me, and apparently he skipped all of his lectures to make me cookies, and then he kissed me!”
Virgil frowned. “Okay, that… doesn’t really sound like Patton. He’s more of the pine quietly type.”
Roman could relate.
“Yeah, and then Logan came over, and said that he was in love with me too!”
“Okay, that definitely doesn’t sound right.” Virgil chewed his lower lip nervously. “Do you think something happened to them? Like, did someone put a spell on them or something?”
“Maybe.” Roman ran his fingers through his hair. “No, that can’t be it. This thing has been happening all morning. Logan and Patton are just the only ones who actually talked to me. Here.”
Roman dug through his bag and pulled out the note he’d found earlier. He handed it to Virgil, who read over it.
“Wow, Princey, this is…”
“I know,” Roman groaned.
“This is really bad. ‘Your body is like a Greek statue’?”
“Can we focus on the magic part, Edgar Allen Woe?” Roman snapped.
“Right. Sorry.” Virgil looked thoughtful for a moment. “Well, Logan and Patton make their own food, so it couldn’t be that. And I doubt someone would be powerful enough to just cast a spell on the whole campus. Which means… Ah, crap.”
“What? What is it?”
“The spell must have been cast on you.”
“Someone cast a love spell on me?”
Love spells were forbidden magic. They stripped away the victim’s identity. Over time, they wouldn’t care about anything other than making the object of the affections happy. And they would do anything to make them happy.
Virgil nodded. “And now everyone who casts eyes on you falls in love with you. Or something.”
“Except for you,” Roman pointed out.
Virgil’s eyes slid to the side. “Right,” he said tightly. “Except for me.”
Roman shook his head. “So how do we stop this?”
Virgil grimaced. “Sorry, but I think this is where my help ends. Ordinarily, I’d say we ask Logan, but I think we’re on our own for this one.”
Roman considered. “We might not be.”
“What are you-? Oh, no, you have got to be kidding me.”
“I’m just saying, if we asked him to, he’d probably drop everything to come help.”
“So you want to use the spells effects to manipulate our friend?”
Okay, that did sound bad.
“Not when you say it like that! Look, Logan would want to help us, right?”
Virgil nodded warily.
“And it’s not like we’re only doing this for our benefit. He probably isn’t thrilled about being in love with me, either.”
Virgil snorted at that, but he still looked serious. “Spells that influence emotions are dangerous for a reason, Roman. People under them don’t act like they normally would. There’s no telling what Logan might do.”
“Oh, relax,” Roman said, already pulling out his phone to send a text. “It’s Logan. What’s the worst that can happen?”
Twenty minutes later, Logan was stood in the living room glaring daggers at Virgil, who looked like he was trying to shrink even further into his hoody, and Roman was strongly starting to regret his decision.
“I wasn’t aware he would be here,” Logan said at last.
“I live here,” Virgil snapped.
Roman grimaced. He recognised what Virgil was doing, going on the defensive. Turning prickly and lashing out at anyone because he expected everyone to hurt him. It was how he’d been when they first met. Roman had never wanted to see Virgil act like that again, and certainly not at Logan of all people.
“Okay,” Roman said, stepping between them. “Logan, we need your help with something.”
For a moment, Logan looked disappointed, and Roman pushed down a pang of guilt. This is for the best, he told himself.
“I see,” he said at last. “Well, I’m always happy to help you, Roman. What is it you need?”
Roman glanced at Virgil for support, who just sent him a look that said this was your idea.
“This is probably gonna sound crazy,” Roman said, “But we think someone cast a love spell on me.”
Logan was silent for a moment, before saying, “I see. It does not sound crazy, actually.”
“It doesn’t?” Roman asked.
That was a lot easier than Roman had expected.
“It makes a lot of sense, actually. You must have noticed Patton’s behaviour earlier.”
“Right,” Roman agreed eagerly. “That’s what I meant.”
“Well, it is a good thing you came to me. And it is a good thing I am not affected.”
Maybe not easier than expected. Roman exchanged a glance with Virgil.
“You think you aren’t affected?” Virgil echoed.
Logan rolled his eyes. “It’s simple. Love spells do not work on those already in love with the person the spell was cast on.”
“So you think your feelings for Roman are real?” Virgil sounded disbelieving.
Logan tilted his head. “Of course. Why wouldn’t they be?”
“Right,” Roman said slowly. “Well, do you think we can break it?”
“Certainly. Although with no further information, trying to do so by ourselves may take some time.”
“Are you talking hours, or…?”
“Weeks, more likely. Possibly even months.”
Roman groaned and threw his head back.
“So we’re doomed,” Virgil chimed in.
“Did I say that? No, because we are not doomed.”
“Look, L, I don’t know about you, but I really don’t think Roman can just go around with a love spell on him for months. What if something happens?”
“Of course he can’t. Which I why I am not suggesting that he does. Yes, trying to break the spell by ourselves could take months, but the caster of the spell could break it in seconds.”
“So we find whoever cast the spell, and get them break it,” Roman said, brightening now that they had a plan.
“Exactly,” Logan said.
Virgil shook his head. “Where would even start?”
“Ordinarily, I would suggest Roman tell us everyone who might mean him harm, and we work from there. But I do not think that will be necessary.”
Roman frowned. “It won’t?”
“No. I believe I know exactly who is to blame.” Logan stepped around Roman so that he was standing in front of Virgil, who tensed.
“Virgil,” Logan continued, “You do not appear to be affected by the spell.”
Virgil shot a panicked glance at Roman, who felt frozen in place.
“I guess not,” Virgil muttered, looking away from them both.
“Specs, what are you saying?” Roman asked.
“I would have thought it was apparent. I am accusing Virgil of casting the spell on you.”
Virgil eyes widened in panic. He turned to look directly at Roman. “Roman, I swear, that isn’t true.”
“Then perhaps you would care to explain your lack of response to the spell?” Logan asked.
Virgil scowled, and looked away.
Roman swallowed. Virgil was watching him desperately.
When he’d realised Virgil wasn’t affected, he’d been too relieved to wonder why.
It wouldn’t be the first time Virgil had used magic against him, but that had been a long time ago, and Roman had given as good as he’d got.
A year ago, Roman wouldn’t have hesitated to believe that Virgil could have done this. But that had been a different Virgil, the Virgil that had existed in Roman’s mind, because that was what Virgil had wanted him to see.
The real Virgil was the one who had stayed up late arguing about Disney movies with him so that Roman wouldn’t think about how he’d done on his exams. Was the one who had shrugged and muttered “whatever, Princey,” when Roman had asked if he wanted to get an apartment together, but had turned his head away so Roman wouldn’t see his smile. Was the one who fussed every time Roman used magic recklessly.
The real Virgil could be sharp, but never cruel. Even when he and Roman had been at each other’s throats, he would never have gone this far.
“Okay,” Roman said, “I believe you.”
Virgil let out a breath, and smiled uncertainly at Roman. Roman smiled back.
“You cannot be serious,” Logan argued. “He gives no evidence to prove his innocence, and yet you just believe him?”
“I know he wouldn’t do this,” Roman said firmly. “And so do you.”
Logan scowled, but didn’t deny it. “Well, then who else do you suggest is responsible? Can you think of someone who able to cast such a spell, that would do so as some kind of petty prank?”
There was a moment of silence, filled by three men coming to the same realisation.
There was a pause, and then:
“Crap,” Virgil muttered.
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xsecretblastsx · 4 years
1x12 - School lies
I’m back! It wasn’t my intention to take so long between the last recap and this one, but long story short, I was sans computer for a few days, and doing these on my phone is no fun.
So anyway here we go. Recap after the break.
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Thoughts I had while watching the episode:
That looks like the most unpractical key ever
Nothing gives more the idea that this a party of super rich kids than the fact that they’re drinking in martini glasses, and not red plastic cups
Refreshing to see Nate being the one chasing after Blair, and I know she’s not avoiding him of her own volition, but he deserves it anyway.
Not that it wasn’t obvious but it suprised me that Chuck actually admits to Blair that the sight of her and Nate make his stomach turns.
I love Serena’s bathing suit
Someone should have told Dan that is annoying he keeps taking Vanessa to all these parties she isn’t actually invited to. 🙄
Gotta give it to the headmistress if she actually thought she could expell  2/3 of the Junior class
Blair’s rant with the headmistress is hilarious, it also sounds like the plot of a coming episode, about being innocent and then doing the stupind thing someone and the doing the stupid thing with someone else and pretend she have never do the stupid thing before 
Nate and his heartfelt letter to Blair, aww. Poor Chuck, still plotting, still getting nowhere, and I can´t help but feel a bit bad for him every time Nate makes an insinuation about his night with Blair, he ain’t pulling that indiferent face very well.
Sorry Rufus, but I kind of agree with Lilly on this one, he did send her mixed messages.
Seriously Dan stop taking Vanessa everywhere.
You can always count with Chuck to tell it like it is, though I do feel for Dan here, mostly because I can relate a bit, private school ain’t easy when you’re not part of the rich kids group.
Dan is so frustrating because even when I agree with him on principle he the way he says things to Serena, always trying to make her feel bad for being from “that wordl” annoys the hell out of me
For all Vanessa’s morals that was invasion of privacy, no but really how easier everyone’s lives would have been if Serena hadn’t met Dan Humphrey.. or more exactly if he hadn’t met her.
Vanessa telling Chuck that he’s sick, and yet she still takes the money. The sad fact of life that we can all have our morals, and yet money is still money. 
Dan and Serena really did have a variation of this conversation time and time again, it’s so tiring. Like the particulars may change but at the crux of the argument there’s always the same thing. 😪
Blair calling what Nate did the most romantic thing someone has ever done for her... I don’t even know what to say.
I feel really bad for Serena, because I just can’t help thinking how crappy every guy in her life must have been to really believe that Dan Humphrey is the best thing that ever happened to her, and a bit worrisome that she believes he’s the most important thing in her life.
For all her faults Lily does loves her children.
Nice Vanessa, you still preached and acted all morally superior, but that was nice.
I’ve always loved the scene between Blair and Vanessa in the cafe, it’s one of those moments I actually like Vanessa, and I love Blair reluctantly  doing nice things for others. Also that was a good joke on Chuck
Yes Serena! he’s making it and upstairs downstairs thing, he always does, he always will.
And so the first death of Rufly in favor of Derena on this show.
Nair is back on again... for now.
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So, I actually ended up liking this episode more than I thought I would. It’s one of those episodes that I looked back as filler episodes, with a typical high shcool drama plot, and yet there are some interesting bits here. On this rewatch I realized  that this is a very Serena episode. Sure it’s focused mainly on her relationship with Dan, and I’m not a fan of the show making it like a big part of the reason Serena leave behind her wild ways was because of Dan, while in reality that was something she had decided to do for her self and she deserves recognition for that.
That being said is true that Dan was a big influence on her, and sometimes that’s good and sometimes not so much, it’s good to have someone that inspire us, that encourages us to be the better version of ouserlves, and Serena sees Dan that way, and it’s positive for the most part, the sad part is that he laces it with a dosis of judgment and he always frames it as if she should be ashamed of having a privileged life, among other things. This episode is very telling in this dynamic and also the importance Serena has gave to the presecen of Dan in her life, and seeing her talking to her mom about it is such an emotional moment for many reasons. It lowkey let us know how damaged Serena really is, and how love has been really lacking in her life. 
She clings to Dan because all of her life she had been gettin attention, being loved and adored, for all the wrong reasons, for very superficial reasons, and for her Dan is the person that really sees her, he wants to be with her because he likes her, the Serena that’s an actual person, the Serena that can be this amazing person, the better version of Serena. She was starving for that kind of understanding, so much that she gives him the center place of her life, and she wants it to last forever, because with Dan she feels her life is better, she’s better. There’s of course a lot of red sings on this way of thinking, she stil hasn’t learned how difficutl it really is to live to the expectations of Dan and the pedestal he puts her. But this makes it easier to understand why despite everything that happened later, she still sees Dan this way, and the way she feels here is why she sees this period with rosed tinted glasses later all.
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Going back to her scene with Lily, I’ve always seen people calling her selfish for this, for telling her mom to pick Bart over Rufus, and yes it’s inherently selfish, but also again very telling of how her mother’s love life and how incosistent it made their lives really affected her, and Lily understands this, and that’s why she agrees to marry Bart, because she realizes how much she hurt her children, how Serena seems to be finally happy and in a positive way no less, and she owes it to them, and that’s why she sets her own happiness aside, because she had put it above her children for so long, and I’m glad she did, and it also was a moment of personal growth for her, and most likely I don’t think Rufly would have made it very far here, they weren’t ready yet it was too soon, and on a more selfish level the union of Bart and Lilly was the birth of another relationship I love a lot on this show. So thanks Serena.
And last bot not least this episode brings Nair back, the triangle between Nate - Blair - Chuck gets all set up for the next week episode, so I really won’t get into it now, just felt like mentioning that it was actuall nice seeing Nate put the effort for once, he’s a simply guy, a very typical guy in fact the kind that likes the girl when she doesn’t like him back, yet I felt for Blair getting the love, attention and romantic gestures she always wanted from Nate, and I’m glad she got it, it was after all the dream she had for them growing up. Their relationship is doomed obviously, even if Nate never find out about Blair’s affair with Chuck, the fact was they were getting back together for reasons that weren’t sustainable on the long run: she out of nostalgia and childhood dreams, him because he saw her as a novelty, a new Blair. Once a mistmatch, always a mismatch.
Random bits I noticed:
That shot of Lily on the restaurant watching everything around her really reminded me of that scene in Titanic where Rose is having lunch with her mother and some other ladies and she sees this little girl learning about manners and suddendly it’s clear as day how much of a never ending cycle of appareances that life is, how exhausting and how much of a prison that life is.
That classic car Rufu’s drive off was lovely, where can I get one?
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neni-has-ascended · 5 years
You Can(Not) UnGay Kaworu Nagisa - An Essay
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This is a text-version of my video-essay on the recent Netflix/Evangelion translation controversy. To see the video version, please click here!
I make no secret of the fact that the linguistics involved in Anime and Game translation are one of my primary fields of interest as a Japanologist. Compared to translation between Germanic and Romanic Languages, as the west is used to it, translating from Japanese to English is filled with a plethora of pitfalls, the likes of which can be very difficult to imagine unless you’re fluent in both languages.  
It’s because of this that my interest in any given AniManga controversy immediately skyrockets as soon as the matter of translation issues is brought up. Which brings us to June 21st’s release of Netflix’ Redub of Studio Gainax’ internationally infamous existential creator meltdown disguised as a Mecha Anime, Neon Genesis Evangelion.
1.)    Neon Genesis ADVangelion
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For those among you who haven’t yet heard of this inherently controversial work – what rock do you live under and does it still have vacancies? In all seriousness though, enough videos attempting to summarize the plot of NGE exist on the internet to make giving the rundown here an exercise in redundancy. All you need to know is that the protagonist’ name is Shinji and that he’s a mental-wreck with Daddy Issues who pilots a giant cyborg infused with the soul of his dead Mom to fight surrealist alien abominations and gains an increasingly screwed up social life doing so, all while his already fragile psyche gradually declines to world-ending consequences. For far less fatalistic takes on some of these concepts, please see RahXephon and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Good? Good. Let’s move on.
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The original ADV Films dub of Neon Genesis Evangelion and its sequels and spin-offs is… not really flawless, to say the least, but it did a good job in introducing the series to a western audience while staying entirely true to the themes and intentions of the original version. This is definitely at least partially thanks to the fact that director and auteur of the series, Hideaki Anno, personally oversaw the translation and dubbing process, and while the guy in all honesty doesn’t really know the first thing about voice acting – his performance as Jiro in The Wind Rises is one of the reasons it’s my least favorite Ghibli movie – what he does understand is his own work, and what it should convey to the audience in order to be authentic to his vision. So while I do have my issues with the ADV dub, such as poor audio-quality and hopeless cases of overacting caused by poor voice direction in certain parts, the translated script of the series was as stellar as could be expected from something created with the original author’s input, and to the very end of the original 26 episodes run, one can definitely feel the deep, emotional investment every single member of the English cast had in these characters and their journey. (I mean. Just listen to Spike Spencer’s secret rant in the end of the last episode. The dude clearly cares about what happens to Shinji.) In any case, this is probably one of the most influential, iconic dubs to all of the English-speaking Anime Fandom.
Then Netflix decided to license NGE. Not the ADV Dub. Just the show.
People were not happy.
2.)    The Rebuild of Netflixgelion
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Please do not mistake what I’m saying for pedantic. The iconic nature of the original ADV dub of NGE cannot be understated, and plays a huge role in the current lack of acceptance for the Redub, even though previous similar redubbing efforts, such as in the case of Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, where welcomed by the community wholeheartedly. The new dub cast is absolutely stellar, including voice acting veterans such as Carrie Keranen and Erica Lindbeck, and Casey Mongillo’s amazing vocal range goes a long way to replicate and convey the emotional depth of Shinji Ikari in a way previously only seen in Megumi Ogata’s original Japanese performance.However, while the Netflix dub has a wonderful cast and voice direction, what it does not have is the original dub’s Hideaki Anno-approved script.
…Aaaaand, this is where the real troubles start.
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To be totally clear, the redub always meant trouble. The original voice cast were reportedly never given a real chance to reprise their roles- despite efforts made by the main trio, Spike Spencer, Amanda Winn Lee and Tifanny Grant to at least be given a chance to audition – which is a surefire recipe for upsetting a lot of fans. However, this is a problem that could have at least been partially smoothed over after allowing the performances of the new cast to shine in their own right. I mean, even if it is incredibly scummy to not even inform the old cast of the auditions for the redub, if the new version proves to contain superior performances and direction in comparison to the, honestly badly-aged ADV dub, then Netflix’s decision to make an entirely new dub is entirely understandable, right?
No such arguments can be applied to the retranslation of the show’s script.
3.)    The End of Authorial Intent
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I haven’t rewatched the entire show in the new dub, just two key episodes. That said, I wouldn’t dream of calling the new script ‘bad’. It’s, for the most part, natural and faithful to the original Japanese source text in much the same way the ADV dub was, to the point that some stray lines received identical translation in both versions. What gives the new script away as entirely unrelated to that of the ADV dub, however, are some rather…  baffling localization choices. 
All of those decisions are rooted in the original Japanese script. They’re not incorrect translations. If the Japanese were to be your only point of reference, there would be no reason to complain about these choices.
But we do have a point of reference. The ADV script. Which was overseen and approved by Hideaki Anno. The original director.
In the making of this video, I have since learned that Anno’s animation company, Khara, was most likely involved in the translation of the script for the Redub. However, as I can’t find any evidence that he himself was involved, the point I am about to make still stands:
Back in the 90s, very shortly after the show concluded its original run, Anno personally signed off on every single choice the ADV dub made. The respective pronunciations of Nerv, Seele and Gehirn, calling the EVA pilots by the correct singular “Child”, rather than the awkward Engrish singular “Children” the original Japanese featured, and referring to the enemies consistently as Angels, even in parts where the original Japanese mixed up the terminology for the sake of a pun with Kaworu’s name. 
So, all of the ADV localization changes are within the intent of the original author. They are part of how the show is meant to be consumed by a western audience. Not carrying over this terminology, despite it being faithful to the Japanese script, thus ironically makes the Netflix script LESS faithful to Anno’s authorial intent than the ADV dub. But those are only terminology changes, right? They’re not a big deal. They don’t alter the context of the narrative itself.
Kaworu Nagisa.
4.)    Kaworu Nagisa
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Remember how I mentioned that I only really watched two episodes of the Netflix dub all the way through so far? Well, one of those two episodes happens to be one of the series’ most infamous, right after the two-part finale: Episode 24. “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door”, or “The Final Messenger” – Let’s not get hung up on which it is, Evangelion has ALWAYS been weird with titles.
This Episode introduces Kaworu Nagisa, the fifth of the EVA pilots and long-time fangirl-favorite for not-so-subtle reasons. Kaworu appears as Shinji is at his lowest point, our main protagonist’s already pretty much non-existent self-esteem in shambles. The two boys bond immediately over… the fact that Kaworu can sing ‘Ode to Joy’? Yeah, let’s go with that – And the majority of the episode consists of showcasing the growing relationship between Kaworu and Shinji, beginning with simple conversations, but quickly progressing into some more… serious territory.
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I won’t sugarcoat things, in terms of narrative structure, the episode is a mess, rushing from scene to scene with reckless abandon, attempting to successfully tell a story in under 25 minutes, that some Disney Movies don’t tell right in 90+ minutes. This is doubtlessly due to the overall mess that NGE’s production process had become at this point in its original run for reasons too complicated to talk about in this video, but let me assure you that there’s pretty solid evidence that Kaworu was definitely originally meant to appear for much more than a single episode. As it stands, however, he dies in the same episode he is introduced, begging Shinji to assist him in his suicide after revealing himself to him as the final Angel. His effect on Shinji, however, is profound and comparable to the effect Nia Teppelin of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann has on that show’s protagonist, Simon Giha. In that way, just as with Nia later, it is plain as day that Kaworu is intended to be one of Shinji’s love interests. And the episode is NOT subtle at all in portraying him as such.
A lot can be said about the exact nature of Kaworu’s affection for Shinji, from Kaworu clearly seeing Shinji as some sort of avatar for humanity as a whole on which he projects his admiration for the species, to Shinji seemingly falling victim to an idealized Oedipus Complex in regards to his perception of Kaworu, the fact remains that their interactions with one another in Episode 24 are in places obviously romantic to even sexual in not only the dialogue, but also the visuals. Even with Hideaki Anno’s profession that Shinji’s romantic feelings for Kaworu aren’t “carnal”, they’re still obviously there. Projected and skewed by their unusual psyches as aspects of it may be, the relationship between them is clearly portrayed in a way that transcends the platonic and becomes intimate more quickly than your seafood friends can start singing ‘kiss the guy’ on a romantic boat ride – It’s not subtext, you guys. Towards Shinji Ikari, Kaworu Nagisa acts and speaks quite openly like one would speak to a lover. And even if Kaworu and his ambiguous humanity are somehow not gay enough for you, well, resident violently blushing and stuttering smitten wreck Shinji Ikari will put your doubts to rest. The visual homosexual (homoromantic?) tension in these scenes is so tangible, you can cut it with a knife. The dialogue, at certain points, doesn’t even really matter. Kaworu could quite literally be reading off the grocery list, and these scenes would STILL be gay.
That doesn’t mean the dialogue is not important, and that one shouldn’t really, really pay attention to what’s on screen when translating.
5.)    The Final Angel is in the Detail
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The translation of Kaworu’s words to Shinji in the Netflix dub is not wrong. But it ignores the context of the scene, as well as authorial intent. And that’s why I understand why people are angry at it.
The lines in question are these : 
(Scene 1)
Kaworu: そう、好意に値することよ。
Shinji: 好意?
(Scene 2)
Shinji: カヲル君が「好きだ」って言ってくれたんだ。僕のこと。初めて…初めて人から「好きだ」って言われたんだ。
In the ADV dub, these lines were translated like this: 
(Scene 1)
Kaworu: This is worth earning my empathy.
Shinji: Empathy?
Kaworu: I’m saying “I love you.”  
(Scene 2)
Shinji: Kaworu said that he loved me. I’ve never... felt such kindness before.
In the Netflix dub, however, they were translated like this: 
(Scene 1)
Kaworu: Yes, you’re worthy of my grace.
Shinji: Your grace?
Kaworu: I’m saying “I like you.”  
(Scene 2)
Shinji: Kaworu said I was worthy of his grace. That was the first time... someone told me they liked me.
Which one of these is right? The fact is… both are.
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The Japanese term “ 好き ” doesn’t really have a direct equivalent in English. It holds a connotation that is meant to convey very personal, but broadly defined affection. It doesn’t simply mean “to like something”. It means to feel a strong, positive, emotional connection to that person of thing. For that reason, this term can be used to profess affection to your friends, your family, your favorite item… Or as a love-confession. 
In Japan, love-confessions using “ 好き ” are a lot, lot more common than the much, much stronger term “愛する”, let alone the implicitly sexual term “恋する”. In most romance Manga, “ 好き ” will be the term of choice the heroine uses to confess her love to her object of affection. And though, via character analysis, a strong argument can be made that when Kaworu uses “ 好き ” to express his affection for Shinji, he means general affection towards Shinji’s humanity more than personal, romantic affection, this is clearly not how Shinji takes Kaworu’s words. To Shinji, what Kaworu said in that moment, definitely sounded like a confession of romantic devotion, which becomes very, very clear when Shinji later tells Misato: 
Shinji: 初めて人から「好きだ」って言われたんだ。
With the line being translates as “I like you”, this statement of Shinji sounds like pure delusion, which wouldn’t be out of character for him, of course, but isn’t at all what the episode is trying to get across. Of course people have told Shinji before they ‘like’ something about him! That’s a big part of the reason he started defining himself through his status as pilot of EVA Unit 01; his efforts earned him praise from those around him. He had friends for most of the series, at least implicitly, these people have definitely expressed a ‘liking’ for him. So by translating “好き” as “like” in this context, a whole layer of the statement is lost, and Shinji professing that this was the first time anybody has ever said that they “like” him sounds less like a serious revelation about his character, and more like his typical, delusional whining about how the world hates him.
And I think that’s why Anno signed off on the ADV dub translating the line as “I love you” rather than “I like you”. Because the point of this line is not Shinji thinking that Kaworu is the only person who’s ever tolerated his presence. It’s that Shinji feels like Kaworu was the first person to ever have a genuine, emotional connection to him. Something he’s never allowed himself to have, due to the series’ often cited theme of Hedgehog’s Dilemma.
And, as correct as translating “ 好き ” as “like” is,  a whole dimension of Episode 24 of NGE is entirely lost if you choose to translate Kaworu’s lines that way. As much sense as it technically makes.
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The Netflix dub of NGE, by all measures known to me, is a very well-acted, well-directed, well-translated version of a classic piece of Animation History. I am not telling anyone that it is in any way bad or even inferior to the original, and I am not telling anyone to avoid it.
All I am saying is, that if you, as a translator, have access to references regarding authorial intent you should probably use them.
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orgy-of-nerdiness · 5 years
Posting this at 2:30 am bc maybe it's less likely to start controversy
I really don't want to get into The Discourse. This post is personal meant for my personal blog about a personal experience, not meant to address every aspect of nuance of every other person's lived experience
So, with that out of the way, I finally had a convo with my therapist about being aro/QPs and it went much better than expected.
Well I'd kinda tried to explain it when I first started seeing him over a year ago. But he kept trying to sort it into a category. It was frustrating. I was trying to disagree with his hypothesis that I won't let myself be loved and/or vulnerable in like an intimate relationship. I didn't return to the subject.
Friday we talked about touch (because I brought it up because I have Issues) and he asked about my history with romantic relationships. He asked me if I'd ever been in love. I made a face. He asked why and I told him I was bracing myself for the usual idea that romantic love/partnerships are somehow inherently superior to or deeper and more meaningful than other kinds.
I said that I couldn't rule out the possibility that I would someday experience it, but that I thought it unlikely, and I was okay with that, that I didn't feel like I was missing out. He said something about how I couldn't know that without experiencing it. I told him I'd never been scuba diving so therefore couldn't know what I was missing out on, did he think my life couldn't be complete without it? While I do get a little frustrated and defensive during such convos, this wasn't really confrontational, it was more of a thought exercise and challenging his beliefs and assumptions, not a debate with two opposing sides.
I told him that I'd had partnerships. That we hadn't given it a name at the time, but that they were more than friendships. That they weren't romantic or sexual. This was in the context of discussing intimacy and allowing myself to receive it without seeing it as disgusting, pathetic, shameful, to see it as normal and be comfortable with it. And so I told him about the way that these were partnerships, I told him about the falling out the last time I had a real one years ago. I told him that I'd like to someday have one that lasted for the rest of my life, that I wouldn't feel like I was missing out on romantic stuff if I had a partner, but there being the difficulty and fear as more and more people pair off in romantic relationships. That this kind of partnership isn't really compatible with either person having a serious romantic partnership with someone else at the same time. That I don't know if I'll ever have that again.
(i tried to convince myself that I could feel that way about someone else who also wanted a QP a bit over a year ago, but on some level I knew my heart wasn't in it and that it wouldn't work, that I was trying to convince myself that I had feelings that I didn't because I really really wanted to have that again. The two "real" ones that I see as such were both something that developed slowly and naturally with time, not a decision. And they were relationships I always felt secure in, that I felt sure of and never doubted that I wanted)
I told him about how there wasn't shame involved in wanting and giving and receiving those things, that it felt heathy. Because it felt like an equal adult relationship. Because those were emotional wants and needs I didn't have until later in life. It was the emotional wants and needs that I had as a child that I had to tell myself were bad and forbidden and shameful. A child's longing for maternal affection mostly. And so I feel disgust when I think about wanting that. That's different than a partnership. I didn't want an emotionally intimate partnership with an equal/peer when I was a child, that's strictly an adult want.
When explaining what these relationships were I used both the terms emotional intimacy and physical intimacy. Initially he said something in reference to it about having people I felt comfortable huffing and I was like lolno, it was much more intimate than just hugging. When I later clarified that to me these relationships are not just separate from sexual feelings, they are actually mutually exclusive and do not mix for me, he expressed confusion about my previous use of the term physical intimacy. I said "there's more to physical intimacy than getting naked and getting each other off." I described more specifics of what I meant. There was probably some tenderness and sadness in my voice because, fuck, I miss that.
He seemed to get it after that. When I said something that I can't remember other than that it was a bit defensive of the significance of these relationships he reassured me that I didn't need to do that, that he understood that now. When I was talking about how the last one had ended he was empathetic and validating about how painful it must have been, and it didn't feel patronizing or like he saw it as a falling out with a friend. Not that a falling out with a friend isn't incredibly painful in its own way. It's a different kind of hurt though, and it was like he understood what kind of loss it was.
He said he was glad that I'd had those relationships, that I let myself give and receive those things. He sounded genuine. Idk how to explain how I could tell that he really understood, what exactly it was that had changed in his tone and demeanor.
I'd avoided and kind of accepted just not talking to him about this kind of stuff. Every once in a while he'd bring it up and I'd kind of shut it down. I think he thought I just wasn't ready to talk about it, wasn't ready to acknowledge that I wanted that or something. He'd bring up it being natural or normal to want to be cared about by a partner or whatever and I'd sigh and tell him once again that that wasn't what I meant.
I think I'm probably not going to have to deal with that from him anymore. That he no longer thinks that I'm denying myself stuff, and instead understands what I'd had and what it meant to me. And that matters to me. I didn't really realize that it did. But it feels like a question of respecting and honoring the feelings and their significance, not minimizing or dismissing what I'd shared with these people.
And, last thoughts regarding The Discourse: this is a lived experience, not a stance on any issue. If you have questions about my stance on specific issues you can ask (though the answer will likely include "it depends" and could very well be that I can see both sides and I don't really have an answer). Not to be ~A Centrist~, but I feel that this is one of the instances in which any nuance is lost on this site.
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