#for literally no other reason than him crying out of happiness bc family was SO unattainable it never even
agathabridgerton · 1 year
hawke finding out during legacy that their last two family members are going to die early deaths, too...
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poppitron360 · 12 days
Someone sent me an ask ages ago about my Valdangelo hcs, but it somehow got deleted? I’m really really sorry bc I missed a chance of a lifetime to infodump so I hope you’re reading this if that was you and you’ve been waiting for my response- here it is. Please please please don’t be discouraged I love it when people send me asks.
This also doubles up as the third instalment of my series about “Why Literally Any Ship Is Better Than Caleo/Deep-Dive Into My Thoughts On All Leo Ships”:
Pt. 1 Valzhang
Pt. 2 Valgrace
We were robbed of Leo and Nico’s friendship. I get that there are a lot of characters and so many arcs to give them, but I wish that Rick had given them more time to interact and spent less time on Caleo, because tbh we never really cared about Cal for any reason other than to develop the men’s arcs. Because Platonic Valdangelo has so much potential that just isn’t covered in the books, I’m gonna base most of this post on what COULD’VE been, from fannon and headcannons.
1. They are Trauma Twinsies. By that, I mean they are both metaphors for different ways of coping with loss. Nico pushes others away from himself, not wanting to get close to anyone. Leo pushes himself away from others, hiding behind an idealised version of himself. Both believe that letting others in would just lead to rejection, and so they shut everyone out to protect themselves. But I feel like Nico copes with it a lot better than Leo does. He has an outlet for it- being emo. As someone who dabbles with emoism myself, I can tell you that, for me, wearing those clothes actually makes me incredibly happy. Nico is owning his pain. Leo is bottling it all up inside and then hiding it behind the jokes and the smiles. I feel like Nico could teach Leo to let it out a bit.
2. Also, their backstories match in more ways than one. Both their moms were killed because of a prophecy about them- leading them both to blame themselves for their deaths. Both have been treated as outcasts because of their powers, Nico by CHB and CJ, Leo by his family (and probably CHB as well, though we don’t really see how he was treated after revealing his abilities). Both ran away because of that. Both probably have religious trauma. They’ve both lost everyone they’ve ever cared about. They’re both being smothered with love and affection by Jason and the rest of the fandom. They both cope with feeling alone by spending more time talking to things that aren’t alive, Nico to the dead, Leo to his machines.
3. So imagine how they could seek comfort in each other! They’ve both been through similar things, so they understand each other’s pain way better than the others. I mean, Jason means well, but he’s never truly known what it’s like to be an outcast- he was held aloft on a golden shield and pronounced Preator. Neither of them would try to “fix” the other, and they wouldn’t try to “one up” the other either. They just share, and when the other says “that sucks”, they know that they really mean it. I imagine they sit five feet apart and just cry. No talking necessary, just silent understanding passing between them. They keep each other company, because they both know what it’s like to be alone.
4. They are both autistic (headcannon). Thank you to @aroaceleovaldez for opening my eyes to this one, and in fact making me realise a few things about myself and why I relate to Leo and Nico so much (pls go check out their posts on the subject, they do a much better job at explaining it than me). But it’s true. I don’t know if Rick did it intentionally or not, but I henceforth hath claimed them both as my kin, alongside Hephaestus himself (“I don’t understand organic life forms”- me neither, man, me neither). Leo and Nico communicate on the same wavelength, something Caleo doesn’t do. Calypso explodes at him for not fitting the “hero” stereotype, for being different. She has no patience with Leo when he does a social fuck-up, something I personally find incredibly frustrating. When he does something wrong, she just shouts at him, and doesn’t take the time to explain what he should do differently. No wonder Leo immediately got defensive! Here was this random woman yelling at him because he broke her table, and he didn’t understand what he did wrong.
5. They are both tiny- much like how Leo and Frank’s physical appearances symbolise their differences, Leo and Nico’s symbolise their similarities. Because all sad people are short, apparently. Valzhang is the yin and the yang, Valdangelo is just two yins excitedly info-dumping about their special interests, (Mythomagic, Machinery/Dragons). Their shortness could be metaphors for many things that they have in common, but I think it best symbolises their loss of childhoods. Nico has changed a lot since he was that happy little ten-year-old we first met in ttc, but Rick never lets us forget that he’s still just a kid. Leo always lacked the physical advantage in fights, so he’s had to learn from an early age to use his brains and his wits to defend himself. As a result, he grew up way too fast, but he still projects that silly, hyperactive little-boy energy as a way to mask. Calypso ridicules Leo for his height and his scrawny appearance.
6. Nico could let Leo get closure on his mom. Think about it. He’d be able to summon her, let him make peace, and let him realise that she does not blame him for her death. Nico could console Leo, reassure him that it wasn’t his fault, because Nico understands more than anybody what Leo is going through. This helps Leo on his arc way more than Calypso could, help him get closure, and learn to accept himself and his powers.
So, the summary of all these points is: They can understand each other on ANOTHER LEVEL. More than Cal and Leo ever could.
Like I said in my Valzhang post, it doesn’t have to be romantic. I hate that everything revolves around romance. Platonic relationships are important, y’all! We all need them, especially Leo, considering how insecure he feels about being the “seventh wheel”.
What ship should I do next? These are all the ones I actively ship, but anything’s better than Caleo. Liper could be fun, or Perleo. Maybe, to prove that literally anything is better than Caleo, I’ll do Leo x Octavian? Lmk in the comments.
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qodlysinz · 2 months
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I just wrote a oneshot for them bc im so obsessed w todokami, they are CRIMINALLY underrated
- Denki is always cold, like touch his hand and you get frostbite. So weird bc bro HATES the cold, he gets all whiny abt it. Shoto likes to warm him up tho when they cuddle. Sho’s such a gentleman!
- Shoto can’t read the room properly (thinks it’s a literal term and scans a room for things to read 😭😭) but Denki is all up in people’s business and tells him whats going on
- speaking of all up in people’s business, Denki and Shoto gossip ALL THE TIME!! They don’t judge, they just gossip.
- Shoto is so attentive and caring, listens to EVERYTHING Denki has to say and makes a mental note so he can do that one thing Den really wants. Endeavor’s credit card is just so easy to swipe.
- Denki SUCKS at cooking, like horrible, but he’s somehow an AMAZINGGGGGGG baker?? No one knows how. Bro makes better cookies than Sato and only lets Shoto taste them bc he’s unbiased unlike 99% of the class (we hate sato now btw)
- Shoto, initially, sucks at cooking, but after Fuyumi and Rei help him, he’s actually really good at it. Natural chef! Denki is a bit of a picky eater, but eats whatever Shoto made bc Shoto knows what Denki likes <3
- Bakugo hates when they’re in the same room together bc they make it so awkward with their pining. Has tried multiple times to play matchmaker by locking them in a room, but for some reason Denki can pick locks like a boss and they get out within seconds
- Mina LOVES them together. She’s like Bakugo, but tries harder to actually make them confess bc she wants to see them be all couple-y (half to annoy tf out of bakugo)
- Denki is TERRIFIED of spiders, screams like a horror movie character and skedaddles cartoonishly. Shoto, on the other hand, just kills them without hesitation. He’s not scared of anything but sudden sounds.
- They study together! Comes from Den’s below average test scores and lacking in the Quirk control department. He asked Shoto for help and thats how they became good friends! (based on my oneshot hehehe)
- Denki has freakishly good memory. He’ll remember something Shoto said MONTHS ago and quote it to him to be silly. Shoto’s confused and is like “I said that??”
- “Bakugo is lucky Kirishima can tolerate him, I couldn’t without my eardrums bursting, Shoto Todoroki, May 20th, 5:24PM.” “How do you remember that…?”
- Denki is also a very good gift giver because of that! Shoto’s love language is gift giving, but Denki’s is words of affirmation, which is funny bc both of them do the opposite to each other.
- Shoto is such a romantic, says the most gooey lovey dovey stuff ever to Denki. Denki gets embarrassed over it bc he isn’t used to positive comments on himself, so Shoto mostly does it in private.
- when they do start dating they’re so good about boundaries. Shoto knows what to not do to Denki, and Denki knows what to not do to Shoto!
- their arguments are VERY rare, like once in a blue moon. If they do fight, it’s about big things like hero work and family stuff.
- they hate arguing bc they hate seeing the other look so upset, esp Shoto, seeing people like that makes him remember his mom so he tries to avoid it as best as possible 😖😖
- speaking of moms! Rei is so so so happy that Shoto found someone like Denki. Like she’s SO happy, crying and hugging Denki. She’s emotional, let her be </3
- Denki never told his parents, scared of what they’d say, but he did tell his nonexistent older sister who he sees as a mom! She’s his biggest supporter and does her best to keep it a secret until Denks is ready
- Endeavor is hesitant about this, he literally reads stuff online to learn more about what Shoto’s sexuality and relationship is like just so he doesn’t hurt him any further. Shoto was very apprehensive abt telling him, but when Endeavor took it well, Shoto was SO fucking relieved, he was terrified about what would happen 😵‍💫
- after UA Denki and Shoto live together with a cat named Appa after atla! Mostly bc he’s Aang’s companion and the two of them make one Avatar (technically) because of their elemental Quirks!
- They partner up a lot for hero work, a dynamic duo if you will. Denki has gotten a lot better with his Quirk and controlling it, but is mindful of his surroundings thanks to Shoto’s guiding.
Funnily enough I used to be SO obsessed w Denki and my friend was obsessed w Shoto to where I shipped Momojirou bc they were “in the way” of our crushes but over time I genuinely loved momojirou sm theyre so fuyendjdjd AND NOW I SHIP TODOKAMI so it all turned out okay!!
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joooonbug · 6 months
hello fellow child of divorce- I MEAN- mullendowski enjoyer 🫂 ik youre thinking abt our lovely parents so im gonna give you an excuse to ramble, you got any headcanons abt em you wanna share??? 🎤
sorry for the extremely late response aaaaaa
since i cant think of any at the top of my head ill use some prompts from this list by @ silentshayshores-2 that i really wanted to try out!!!
How do they feel about people shorter/taller than them?
Preferred weather?
What’s their sleeping schedule?
How’s their cooking?
It’s movie night, what movie do they pick?
How would they hold up in a pillow war?
Who do they go to for comfort?
How do they feel about physical contact by others?
What is enough to bring them to tears?
How well do they take care of themselves?
Do they consider others family?
Do they get lost easily? Will they ask for directions if they are?
How well do they accept advice?
How much do they swear?
Do they like being in pictures?
even though thomas and robert are literally the same height, im gonna headcanon that thomas is shorter than lewy bc REASONS (lewy would totally make fun of him)
I feel like robert would be more of a summer guy while thomas would be more of a fall/autumn guy :D
Thomas’ is absolute shit (like 1-3am) but lewy is really strict w his sleeping so he makes him go to sleep at like 10-11pm
Thomas: absolute shit, cannot cook to save his life Robert: honest could probably participate in masterchef
Thomas would totally be like “lets watch a horror movie!!!!!” then get scared when he actually watches it and ends up cuddling with robert on the couch
Thomas would absolutely dominate with his sheer chaoticness and robert would let him bc he loves watching thomas be happy
Thomas: def manu Robert: mario or marco
Thomas loves lovesss hugging people while robert is more comfortable about physical contact with the people hes close to :))
a really bad game probably, thomas would sneak off to cry by himself, robert would go and look for him and theyll probably end up crying together in a janitors closet😋
thomas would be the worse of the two and robert would def help him w it :DDD
both would consider their teammates familyyyy
thomas would get lost, but then he wouldnt ask for directions because he thinks that thatll just show weakness and end up bruising his ego so lewy always tries to convince him that its ok to ask for help!!!
they would generally both be pretty good at receiving and utilizing feedback
thomas is literally german, need i say more??????? as for robert, he’ll probbaly occasionally swear when hes reaaally pissed off
thomas looooves pictures and robert is willing to be in any picture that thomas is in😋😋
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just remembered the dream I had last night it was super cool. basically c!dream genuinely felt awful after c!tommy towered in exile like he was mad at him for leaving until he saw that but he took the wrong idea from it instead of not abusing people and leaving them alone if they want nothing to do with you he decides the problem is that he just was being too mean about it and too lenient.
so he ended up kidnapping c!tommy and continuing to mentally and physically abuse him like in exile while keeping him literally locked in a tiny cell and monitoring him 24/7 and being even more controlling but also being incredibly polite and constantly praising and complimenting c!tommy whenever he did anything “good” and apologising profusely after “having” to hurt him (and placing the blame on c!tommy for making him do it, though in a “it’s not your fault the outside world made it so i need to fix you” way), being very calm and trying to seem as rational as he could while explaining why c!tommy shouldn’t have autonomy and how he’d thank c!dream later, constantly lovebombing him with gifts, occasionally giving him minor autonomy (like, deciding what food he was going to have or a hobby to do sort of minor), generally not requiring much of him other than the codependent toxic bond, and having explicitly laid out and clear (but still unfair and blatantly dehumanising) rules that he stuck to very consistently, technically allowing c!tommy some respite… if he was basically an obedient little doll who never slipped up and did anything c!dream arbitrarily banned him from doing.
and when c!tommy predictably ends up desperately clinging onto c!dream's seeming “niceness” bc he’s severely traumatised and was literally conditioned into it c!dream fully believes he's helping c!tommy and he’s not being hurtful anymore while being completely oblivious as to how he’s completely destroying his self esteem, or that he’s only going along with his bizarre logic and reasons that only make sense to him because he’s too tired to fight against them, or how he tends to switch from erratic mood swings and lashing out to quiet obedient automaton mode to bring seemingly the perfect friend and desperately trying to appease c!dream by acting nothing like himself to literally hiding and crying due to utter unrestrained terror as his brain desperately tries to find a response that works with the danger and can’t. as far as he’s concerned as long as he’s able to hang out with c!tommy and he doesn’t hurt himself physically then he’s fine because he thinks that the game of happy families they play where c!dream pretends they have a normal life and c!tommy is willingly hanging out and playing games and stuff with him is genuine like he’s lied to himself so much he believes it, even though c!tommy is miserable.
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takeru-tenkuuji · 2 months
Please do tell us more about your ocs Ikki and Ace bc I too have brainrot about them 👀👀👀 (only if you want to of course) -🟡
anon im so sorry about what im going to subject you and many people to (if they read this (or the attempted version 2 that i tried to recall from memory due to me losing this draft originally, neither of which is advised)
***basically i found this draft lost in god knows where?? its the same but it..sounded more coherent than the other one and i just think itd be silly if i just had both left out there...lol..the only thing updated is that i added an extra doodle. everything else is untouched)
um something something heed suspension of disbelief. like ive warned, this is basically something totally made up in my head to the point that it deviates severely from the work's original intentions and such
but siiiiiiince you aaaaasked (cry) and i am currently sick with the flu so literally sick in the head i will do this until i think oh god, i have to be put down and never come back to the internet because i put my shitty yaoi au in here so in detail
we'll start with adjustments to revice's general plot (lol)
so this is an au where for me, george rly goes for the "make the ultimate kamen rider" guy. his father stays forever an asshole dedicated to finding shit about science, and would only create shit like the weekend to clean up his mess, but not because he feels genuine remorse. this (imo) gives george more reason to continue on hating his dad(?), and thinking he's creating something to surpass him.
george's obsession is created by his father neglecting him in his childhood and leaving him with just kamen rider to watch and play with while he worked. george grows up with a growing vengeance to beat his father at his own game i guess. feeds into a potential narrative parallel with olteca? idk
so george sets his sights on potential candidates: igarashi daiji, and kadota hiromi. both seek some sort of..justice or strength, proving one's worth, (till it all goes horribly wrong via canonical events). and of course, the inheritor of revice, ikki comes into play. george gambles on this.
in this version, they also find that ikki is not just a descendant of giff thanks to his father's genes, but giff's target human vessel. the only reason vail hates vice's guts besides wanting to kill genta's family, because he's protected under giff's will.
giff creates a demon, vice, to inherit all of ikki's memories (at least, the painful ones he doesn't want to remember, but it eventually becomes just, everything lol). vice gets a consciouness, ikki's humanity that wants to protect ikki, but ikki wants to throw away his humanity and becomes an empty kind of guy. vice inherits the desires to be boisterous and selfish, instead of somehow put together and reliable, but instead it makes ikki wonder what the hell he wanted to begin with, and desperately fills in the hole by trying to help people via nosiness, etc. hence the whole volcano form convo i think. idr. LOL
so fast forward to the sorta endish of the season, they destroy giffs body, which is perfect so he can be released from his physical form and move on to vice/ikki. george knows all of this information, and decides it's the perfect setup to test ikki's will to become a kamen rider through the wildest hardship or whatever. so george goes and tells everyone that the igarashis are descendants of giff and spreads fear that even though giff is destroyed, this family exists. shit happens.
of course, happy spa's small but passionate loyal clients try to protect the family and such, but then vice becomes a conduit to transferring giff's consciousness into ikki once he loses all his memories, he transforms into his own demon and starts attacking everyone.
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(i tried lol) (sneaking in a new image)
giff has a good hold over ikki till- uh oh. huh. the demon you put all of the human memories is goin a lil crazy. vice, fueled by ikki's memories and intense emotions, alongside giff's uncontrollable power, ends up destroying giff (yay) but takes over ikki's psyche as an absolutely uncontrollable beast.
george, seeing this as a failed experiment, uses his backup plan to be the ultimate kr himself as juuga to defeat ikki, becoming a hero for the public watching and cheering him on. just like kamen rider!
except of course, igarashi family, everyone known through the season, the weekend kids, hiromi try to get through to ikki revisiting their beloved memories with him (gl daiji) while the happy spa friends try to hold back the angry mobs.
ikki begins to regain consciousness and wonder if he really was that kind of guy before
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ikki's family is the last to speak to him and of course it's like. fond memories, bad memories, things that they like and hate about him, things that make him him, etc, and give that big ol berserker man a hug.
vice finally speaks up with his piece, revisiting his own individual memories with ikki as his demon, etc.
george is perplexed and livid, but he's not sure why. this would count as a success in his experiment, but not in the way that he thought it would be. the cliches of kr fulfilled(?). and the crowd no longer cheers him on.
ikki regains revice form, no vice because vice has uh. merge merged with him now. fights george, last busybody guy to hit. woooooo ahhh (coughing hacking)
and here comes my oc, post season vice LMFAO. which is just the hbdvd design bc i believe in giving maeda the chance to be just a liddle goth and have a little dangly earring
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post canon vice is pretty much a preservation and a box holding ikki's memories, if ikki fights and forgets, he reminds him. but due to inheriting these memories and merging with ikki's messed up post canon soul, he ends up a lot more subdued as ikki no longer gives a shit about being a loud boy and breaking free. he just doesn't want to be alone. LOL (and in caption note, it's preservation vice and destruction ikki ty sorry. ikki in my brain wants to destroy memories, vice preserves them for him) yay. he switches in as easily as kagerou does with daiji, but doesn't like to make much conversation outside.
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and FINALLY this is where my other oc (jkjk) ace comes in.
the weird ass movie, revice and geats battle royale whatever, ace uses a desire wish on ikki for him to remember all the battles he's had in place of ikki potentially wishing vice back. (i guess in this au, it'd just be in place of him wishing literally anything better for himself. also vice would absolutely hate that (ace)).
in terms of au material in geats, i believe in evil parents..or more like...morally.....wack ass parents....... like you can't be the goddess of creation that was abused for a silly future man game and not go a little crazy... so to me, the mother that ace seeks is long gone, and when he finds her again before she dies, she tells him they should just fuck up the world (thumbs up) for everything it's done to them. ace is faced with 1) contemplating the human side of him that craved what he believed was family (through keiwa and his sister, the complicated relationship between neon and her family, as well as ikki's) 2) whether he wanted to do anything with his power towards the world because of his mom, what his mom put him through, what the world put them through (hence the tarot card, judgement. the power and the perspective to judge the world?)
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i love the ninetailed fox theme sorry so not only is he a white haired anime boy in god form, BUT A FURRY
so in this perspective, ikki and ace represent opposite sides of like..the demon and angel shared blood with human spectrum, and how they go about the world that way. how they see each other is a weird balance that clashes and also completes each other(?)
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anyway that's my spiel because im losing brain as we speak and starting to feel the effects of oh god, who the hell is going to read this. if you made it here, im sorry. uhhhhh i love yaoi............
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
So. Have you ever considered the parralls between HaruTaka and Hibiya&Hiyoro? I've always felt they have kind of a similar dynamic, esp I'd you're thinking pre-ayano-death Harutaka, and to me that's always added a little. Idk ~flavour~ to konha's babysitting
HMMMM not really when it comes to their dyanamics. i mean both are best friends and etc etc but what we see of hibiya and hiyori's dynamic is a little strange.
PERSONALLY i love to think of hibiya and hiyori as childhood friends instead of what the novels did (WHYYYY DID JIN DO THAT) (for anyone who didn't read them, in the novels hibiya and hiyori are just classmates, hibiya is obsessed with hiyori who he's never even spoken to, and they end up together in the city because hiyori wants a momo autograph so logically decides to run away from home to go to the city alone and brings hibiya bc she finds out he wants a cellphone so she's like you. random kid. ill get u a phone if u come with me and carry my stuff. and hibiyas like 🫡 thats it)
LIKE.... THEM BEING CHILDHOOD FRIENDS MAKES IT SOOOOOO MUCH HEAVIER AND MORE MEANINGFUL. i like to think hibiya was super normal to hiyori but entering their ~Preteens~ he gets a crush on her and starts being strange LOL which is why hiyori is so mean bc she really resents that the one person who treated her normal (bc she comes from a wealthy family where she's treated like she can do no wrong) is now different. like she's always been bratty and stuff to hibiya but she starts being VERY mean like we see her when he falls for her.
oh sorry i got a little sidetracked. well anyways i dont see much correlation between hibiya&hiyori and haruka&takane's relationships. like hiyori and takane are very similar on an aspect, both hate being seen in their vulnerable moments and etc. and hibiya and haruka learn to deal with that ig??
but for example, a situation like in yuukei yesterday where takane is exposed and she's crying all day and has sort of a heart to heart with haruka abt how he's never gonna hate her and etc. hibiya and hiyori COULD NEVER have that. like they could. but if anyone saw hiyori crying she would kill everyone in the room and then herself. lol. if that happened to them i think hiyori would awkwardly move on and pretends it didnt happen and every time hibiya brings it up she kills him on the spot.
i mean their ages probably play a part in it too, haruka and takane are evidently more mature than hibiya and hiyori who are literally 11/12 which is like the worst age to be ever and u have 0 eq. but yeah.
but if its about hiyori being mean to hibiya and takane being mean to haruka. NOOOOO!!! its NOTHING alike. hiyori's fucking horrible to hibiya because she's 12 and hibiya is also being insufferable and like, doesn't DESERVE it but also my guy how are u expecting her to react to u being Like That. especially if we think abt it from the idea that hiyori treats hibiya that way bc she resents his change in demeanor towards her.
while takane being mean to haruka is just when she's being silly abt her crush and like in the first lost days chapter in the sixth novel, sometimes she's straight up just fucking with him. LIKE aside from the yuukei yesterday mv we.... kind of barely see pissed off takane?? is that a hot take. its just. for the most part she's super friendly to haruka. she's totally normal. yeah she's grumpy/bitchy but ACTIVELY angry?? she only blushes and gets all GET AWAY FROM ME if haruka does something that embarrasses her. and sometimes she doesn't even do anything other than think it (shaking remembering the bit in the novels where haruka's eating and takane says well im glad you're happy. and haruka's says what did u say?? and takane's like NO NOTHING. then remarks he has ketchup on his mouth and hopes he gains weight overnight. for no fucking reason other than her apparently thinking he looked cute. she's so insane i love her. BUT LIKE SHE DOESN'T ACT ON HER PISSED OFF THOUGHT SHE'S JUST SITTING THERE FROM HARUKA'S POV)
like i can't stress it enough takane is so spectacularly mischaracterised it drives me crazy. like as ene there is a reason she acts that way, obviously bc she's in this whole Secret Identity thing but also it's SAID that she's that way bc now she's never tired like she used to be. ene is takane. ene's insufferable high energy and cheerfulness and good mood IS takane. erm. sorry ill stop before i get crazies.
ig its similar in like... hibiya/haruka being very kind, hiyori/takane being like wtf. whats wrong with you. that's weird. HMMM by thinking abt it like that i can see it. (i love that i start by saying No i dont see it then talk myself into it. i just start typing and then wherever it goes, it goes) BUT i dont think they got similar dynamics exactly, at least what we do see from hibiya and hiyori. thats why i started going on abt how their relationship mightve been before. maybe then yeah? because haruka&takane are besties and hibiya&hiyori too but we never... SEE them in that dynamic?? what I'd do to see it (punches wall)
but yeah i do like to think abt hiyori and takane's similar closed off personalities when i think of haruka and hiyori bonding hehe like he at least has an idea how to approach her. sorry hibiya and hiyori and haruka friendship post str (bites pillow and shakes it)
BY THE WAY. if ur interested in hiyori's characterisation i cannot recommend enough this fic (read tags before reading for warnings) it's about hiyori entering/in the daze and it's so interesting. i love it to bits because her characterisation is just SO good...
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blossom-hwa · 2 years
red thread of fate + hanahaki au where mc can see the red threads and thus has the ability to cut and tie them together and they do not advertise this ability much bc to rewrite the soulmate ledger and the fabric of the universe is a big fucking deal that requires a lot of thought but they’ve done it a few times for people who have put in the thought for it and have genuine reasons for wanting their thread cut and/or retied anyway mc’s best friend sungyoon knows about the ability and is one of the few who knows about it other than mc’s family and his thread of fate is linked to mc’s and mc is very much in love with him even though it doesn’t seem to be reciprocated considering sungyoon is dating someone who doesn’t have a fucking red thread and so mc’s world sort of shatters when sungyoon asks them to cut his thread so he can be with the person he loves and even after the requisite waiting period that mc makes everyone seeking their services take sungyoon still wants it so mc snips the thread and watches their end of the string fall limp to the floor and sungyoon looks so damn happy that it hurts and later that night is when mc coughs up the first petal
fast forward in time and mc is definitely not okay except they haven’t told a single person about the hanahaki petals that have since turned into whole flowers (amaranthus in case you were wondering, they symbolize never fading feelings) and they’ve been avoiding as many social gatherings as possible so people have no avenues to figure it out but then it’s sungyoon’s damn birthday and mc’s already bailed on him a lot so they go and it really fucking hurts so they end up in the bathroom choking up flowers and in their haste to get away from the crowd they accidentally left the bathroom door open and jangjun comes in to find them and he’s still laughing at something joochan said probably but then he sees the mess of flowers in the toilet tinged with blood and the smile immediately slips off of his face 
mc freaks and exacts a promise from jangjun that he won’t tell and he doesn’t but he also won’t stop bugging mc to just confess already maybe their soulmate actually does return their feelings and one day it all just comes out and mc’s tells jangjun everything and all jangjun can do is blink in shock because holy shit this is a mess (that’s putting it lightly) but even worse it’s a mess that probably can’t be fixed and it doesn’t get fixed it literally doesn’t get fixed bc look at the damn meaning of amaranthus flowers they literally symbolize never-ending feelings and mc’s feelings for sungyoon have always been so strong and they don’t fade even as mc starts to cough up more blood than flowers and they can’t even think of sungyoon without the feeling of petals beginning to tickle their throat and it ends with mc in a hospital bed and sungyoon crying or something nearby but he isn’t the one mc turns to in the end, it’s jangjun who holds their hand and keeps his lips pressed together as he promises one last time that he won’t breathe a word to anyone about how this came to be.
(mc never tells sungyoon that the flowers were his fault.)
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baeshijima · 1 year
Like!! I alr love them sm but after the epilogue chapters??? Im-- they own my heart. Your honour, they are in love. Pls let them be happy i will fight for their happiness. They are literally so perfect for each other id be crying everytime i saw them sobs and them as individual charas are so hnggizhak criesss i just love them sm i cant- 😭😭
THE Izek von ortega, who's normally so stoic, but when he had to face his wife who had betrayed him and his family, he was completely heartbroken (he even shed a tear and his expressions????? Also "I'd do anything if it's for you..." ??? Idk if hes alr fallen for the original rudbeckia at this time but if that isnt a declaration of love idk what is !!) And rudbeckia too!!! The way she looked-- no matter how hard she tried to make it seem like she was willing to do everything that she did to izek, her facade also broke when izek's does, apologizing for toying with his heart all this time and asking him to let her go for the last time as his wife ... it showed that she was never willing to do all those things, and she was just another puppet in the grand scheme of thing by her family (and this scene makes me think that even if izek never express his feelings for rudbeckia, she alr knew abt it all this time :((( and she might also feel the same, and thats the reason she showed that she never wanted to do this..)
AND THEIR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENTS??? literallly the best i go from i love laugh live ruby and ruby only to i now love laugh live ruby and izek they are so in love i love them for it. They are literally so sweet to each other makes me cry everytime 😭😭 the fact that now izek is more open to his feelings for ruby im- ascending to the great heavens. Im so so happy for them they absolutely deserve each other after all yhe shits ruby had to go through (and me crying my eyes out everytime smthg happen to her) its all so worth it when their relationship is fixed 🥺🥺🥺
(This ask is getting too long holy frick im so sorry wojskwjwjw BUT BUT B4 I GO did u know that orkatoon, a stepmother's marchen artist, has an instagram account and they have a couple of arts of the charas in asm and theyre all so !!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺 heres one of my fav !!! i also would like a smol shuli for emotional support pls aosjaisj :')))))
(also the one part of the manhwa that will forever live rent free in my head is the couple chapters around chap 50 that looks back into the past life ;w;;; LIKE??? I COULDNT STOP CRYING FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK THE MISUNDERSTANDINGS THE WRONG TIMINGS AND ABSOLUTE HEARTBREAK WAS SOSJLJFKSDGFKS WAILS)
i would say more in regards to ruby and izek but u basically summed it up for me KJHFK NO BC THEIR DEVELOPMENT HAS ME ON A GRIP !!!! ur honour theyre so in love and im in love with their love 🥹 the past life where izek was literally more concerned about her than the whole area being up in flames made me ugly sob... his expression... her expression.... god the artist is literally god tier with how they convey emotions pls 😭 im so happy theyre accepting one another and if anything comes between them *glares with all my soul at cesare* then i will drop kick them into the stratosphere 😤
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ballplayersxo · 1 year
Naw bc ppl really do too much when it comes to Vanessa B. I know there are certain things you’re supposed to say to ppl who have lost a loved one, but I roll my eyes everytime I see people say something along the lines of “I’m so happy to finally see her smile again” as if the woman (and her oldest daughter) hasn’t BEEN living her best life. A couple of months after loosing her husband and daughter, she was traveling the world, going to Disneyland everyday, going to these celebrity events and skinning and grinning for the cameras on red carpets and she still hasn’t slowed down a bit. Im not saying they had to put their lives on hold, but other ppl need to stop acting like they did when in actuality they wasted no time. It just boggles my mind.
And don’t even get me started on that sham foundation of her’s. It’s a well known practice that these rich ppl established foundations for massive tax write offs and use it as a vanity project, and for her she uses it as a reason to do photo shoots and post pictures of herself on social media (and tax write offs ofc), there’s tons of articles on the internet breaking down this common practice. I will never get over how during the middle of a trial where she was claiming emotional distress over pictures that have never been made public and ones she herself has admitted to never seeing before, she was promoting herself on social selling those cheap necklaces to commemorate KB’s birthday of all things. You can’t convince me she didn’t just want to do a photoshoot. Can you imagine doing that, then the next day going to a court room and putting on a performance crying about how your relationship with social media has and will forever change? Anyone else would have gotten eaten up over their hypocrisy especially bc these media outlets were writing about her making a scene and constantly walking out of the court room bc of how quote-on-quote distressing everything was for her, then you go on her social media and see that shallow nonsense? No one would have known about the pictures had she not filed the suit. And it’s likely that her emotional distress stems from the loss of her husband and daughter and not pics she can’t for the life of her even describe. I’m not condoning what those employees did, but there’s tons of pics of dead bodies of regular ppl and celebs on the internet. I have never seen the media and public give so much grace and privacy to the loved ones of a deceased person like they have with this family. TMZ and a bunch of other media outlets plastered videos of Anne Heche literally DYING in front of our eyes, and we have yet to hear from her family. The bodies from the helicopter crash were in such bad condition that even if the pictures leaked, no one would have known what is was unlesss told. They literally had to hire a digital forensic scientist to match the verbal descriptions of the pictures with the autopsy bc of how indistinguishable the pictures were. I followed the lawsuit and different media outlets had transcripts to the trial and pre-trials, some of which I read and one of the guys on trial literally admitted that Vanessa paid him $21,000 for his testimony. He was legally required to admit it to the jury. I can’t imagine who else she paid off. She got $16 million, so it was a great return on her investment. During the pre-trial, she told the judge that she filed the lawsuit to make an example out of those employees, but the judge himself replied back to her that he can’t find any reason why she would file the suit other than for money. If judges could toss out lawsuits when they sense bs, I’m guessing the judge would have done it, but V hired the best lawyers anyone could find. He even condemned and almost fined them bc her lawyers were submitting too much nonsensical paperwork and requested to have stuff be shown to the jury that had nothing to do with the trial other than to sway the jury. At the end of the trial, TMZ, who also had transcripts of the trial wrote about how she was demanding $75 million dollars—and from tax payers btw, bc she was suing the county not the individual officers. Her greedy ass knew who to sue bc those officers would have been left bankrupt and without a dime after the lawsuit and therefore be unable to give her anything by the time a verdict was read. THAT would have been making an example out of them but no, she wanted more money bc it’s not like inheriting $800 million dollars is alot, right? Smh
As for those Mamba/cita gyms she’s “opening”, the foundation doesn’t even own those gyms. Her ppl go to owners of these gyms and asks them if they can renovate it in the form of plastering her husband and daughter’s faces all over it in exchange for good publicity for their park/gym. I can tell not just by how she words the captions of her posts everytime she posts about the gyms/parks, but she usually tags the real owners who make a post about her approaching them about this idea of honoring her husband and daughter. They make no mention of her purchasing it or being the new owner through the foundation. I’m not going to blame her for it bc the cost will add up over time, but I need ppl to get a grip and stop praising her for what she is doing bc it is the bare minimum. That foundation has made tens of millions of dollars, especially with that $24 million donation from the founder of Body Armor, the collab with Nike who she came running right back to for more money after trashing them on her social media, and selling those ugly overpriced sweats and necklaces. Seems like all that foundation does is renovate some gyms in the form of repainting it and they have likely spent no more than a couple of hundreds of thousands of dollars total. The foundation has been around for years even before 2020 and no surprise, it used to be called the Kobe and Vanessa Foundation prior to its name change and they did nothing. It was literally a tax shelter and if the name itself doesn’t tell you it was also created for vanity, I don’t know what to say. Gisele and Tom Brady just got exposed for doing this exact same thing with their self-named foundation. Rich ppl are some of the cheapest and most money hungry ppl ever. I know I sound bitter but idc, it’s the truth.
no anon thank you for this
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mygotholdladyheart · 2 years
They're not killing robin or will,robin is their only queer character (that's out) and will is literally just coming out you think they're gonna be will: I'm gay them: die. I don't think Joyce is going to die either, her and hopper are just about to get together and I don't think they want to loose wynona. Also in talking about gut punches, as much as I hate it, Steve is very likely because he is the absolute fan fave I don't think there is a character more loved by the general audience and he's the one everyone always worries about every season. Sure Eddie's very popular and a lot of people are going to be upset if he goes but it wouldn't even begin to compare to Steve dying bc the truth is Eddie has been on our screens for five minutes. I've seen a few theories that someone unexpected might be mike and that's a possibility, also Murray is definitely a goner. There could also be a few characters in danger/stuck somewhere and we don't know their fate, anyhow we'll know in a week.
Okay I'm gonna respond in order to this.
1. Robin being gay doesn't give her a magical shield that protects her from being killed off. The bury your gays trope is a thing we all hate for a reason. However the writers of Stranger Things do seem more socially aware then that, plus as I said it makes less sense than the other characters.
2. Joyce is a fan favorite and that fact the her and Hoper are finally so close to being a happy family is exactly why it would make sense from a writing perspective at least, to kill her. Though I don't know if the writers are trying to go that dark/no happy endings for anyone. As far as losing Wynona, they have already said there's only one season after this and she can always be there in like flash backs or some sort of spirit stuck in the upside down or something weird like that. This is stranger things after all.
3. I agree Steve is hands down the fan fave and thus the easiest target. It makes sense, it will hurt, we'll all cry, etc. This post wasn't about how easy and expected it would be to kill Steve though, quite the opposite in fact. I'm specifically looking at if it's not Steve, who do we expect to go?
4. I did consider adding Mike to my original post. He is aggressively pro saving Eleven/Jane to the point where he would happily put himself in danger to do so. Plus it would also hurt Will and they do really like hurting Will. Mike is possibly the least liked of the kids as well. So it would let them up the stakes, the kids are free game now, without really altering how we as fans feel about the show. If Will finally comes out to him and Mike thinks he can save his best friend who is apparently in love with him and his girlfriend who Mike maybe still loves, I could see the writers building a big sacrificial moment around that. In the end I chose not to include Mike in my original post, because I just didn't find the idea of hus death very compelling, but maybe that's exactly why he would be chosen to die.
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anne-i-write · 3 years
moriarty the patriot headcannons pt. 1
| requested by anon: Can you write about all male characters in moriarty has a same look of their  children and hpw many children they want? |
william x reader; louis x reader; albert x reader; sebastian x reader; fred x reader
word count: 2397
pt. 2: 221b boys
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william: 487 words
with his whole plan to clean the world of the filthy nobles, william never really stopped to think about having children
well, until he met you
you both were in town one day and he saw you fondly watching a child speak with her mother
“i think two children would be nice”
“i didn’t even ask”
“i know, but the look you gave that mother was telling enough”
n e ways he is a simp and he did eventually give you what you wanted
fast forward a few years, you have two children: a boy and a girl
and they look exactly like their father
like,, it lowkey pains you how much they physically take after their father
you wanted to be like “oh they have your personality, but they look just like me!”
granted, your son took after you in an emotional sense but your daughter was a daddy’s girl through and through
like she looks like him, she acts like him, speaks like him, she even EATS like him
ok but the men w your children
fred is a freaking sweetheart ok
like he’ll watch over the kids when no one has the time and they love him too so they’ll help out in the garden which you are SO thankful for
tbh they only like uncle albert bc he brings them lil trinkets from when he gets back from london LMAO
louis doesn’t show it, but he absolutely adores your children and makes extra snacks for them at tea time
you caught onto this at one point bc for some REASON your kids would not stop bouncing off of the walls before bed and they told you uncle louis gave them chocolate
and sebastian loves messing w your kids bc,,, sebastian
but he accidentally made your son cry ONCE and he was at the mercy of every adult in the moriarty estate including the boy’s younger sister
needless to say, he watched his actions and words around your children after that
now, william
i’m just gonna say this straight out: most of the men never really thought about having kids (save john and albert)
but when you finally had kids, william had a different outlook on life
like fr,, this man works overtime now trying to get rid of the filth that is called nobles
he doesn’t want his kids to be raised in a world where just because you have more money than another means you get to look down on them
you still instill in them those good morals ofc
he also tries to be very present in their lives since he and his brother were raised as orphans
when he was younger, he didn’t mind it all much
but now that he had this small family and a brighter future, he did everything in his power to make sure they’re happy and grow up in a cleaner and kinder world
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louis: 320 words
it took you a week to get him to at LEAST humor you
“if you could, how many kids do you want?”
like, this guy is so dedicated to his brother and his cause it is a WONDER you somehow wormed your way into his heart
but you did and honestly, the brothers are actually very happy that you’re with them
william especially
louis rarely emotes but when you came into their lives, you got louis pissed at one point and everyone was like,,,, wtf?? he has emotions???
anyways, his answer is one kid LMAO
and when you get that one kid, he looks just like louis
yall already KNOW that he’s ready to die for that child as soon as louis holds him in his arms
the only kid sebastian wouldnt even try to mess with
he can deal with william’s albert’s or fred’s kids but louis lowkey intimidates him so he’s as nice as he can be
that being said, louis teaches his kid how to properly handle stuff around the house
you want to cry bc ur son is just so??? the little kid just loves helping out no matter how small the task and he’s just so cute it hurts
even sebastian’s kinda like,, “aight he’s the only kid i will tolerate”
louis grew up with only his brothers so he also wants to give his son a shot at a normal family
is actually aware at how he thinks he’s indispensable for william’s cause and he doesn’t want his son to end up like him
he also teaches his son some badass fighting moves
oh and louis smiles a lot more too
cried bc his son saw the scar he got on his cheek, rubbed some dirt on his lil face and said “i have daddy’s cool scar now”
all in all his son is the best thing to happen to all of you
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albert: 505 words
same as louis in the fact that it takes him a week to answer
“you know you haven’t even answered my question”
“i’m sorry, what did you say?”
“how many kids do you want?”
genuinely takes time to ponder that question
he hadn’t thought of that since his family adopted william and louis
but with you?
“i think two darling girls who take after their mother is enough for me”
pls he’d be so sweet 🥺🥺🥺
you two end up having a girl and a boy, who look just like their father
and tbh, you’re not even mad
you love them so much so when albert comes back north, the three of you are ecstatic
the happiness was short lived for albert tho
he found his son spending time with william and there’s nothing bad right????
“where’s your sister?”
“she’s with mr. moran”
his heart DROPPED
out of all the people in the manor
he sees the two running around the garden
it all happened as soon as albert’s daughter went up to sebastian and said “you’re very pretty! you’re my knight now!”
he decided to “adopt” the little girl and now he’s lowkey whipped
you found albert staring at sebastian playing with his daughter and updated him about everything going on
“but him??”
“he’s just a big softie for her let it go”
isn’t really surprised when he finds out they can fight a little
actually glad that they can hold their own, God forbid anything happens to them
otherwise mi6 has to deal w family matters lmao
“albert, she only tripped”
“you shouldve seen the fear in her eyes as she fell”
would raise hell if anyone even THOUGHT ill of his kids
william and louis are the doting uncles
william more so than louis bc your kids have never seen louis smile
now they’re on a mission to make uncle louis smile
louis was on child duty one day and they managed to slip away
omyGOD he was stressed but also,, extremely worried
so when he found them he had the most genuine smile on his face
your daughter was like (・∀・)
she loves uncle louis
ofc your son adores his dad like,,, who else wouldn't feel awesome at the age of 10 if you found out your dad was a high ranking general
feels superior to sebastian bc of his dad
lmao this 4’5 kid thinks he can rule sebastian for some odd reason
the house is always dirty bc him and sebastian always prank each other
your daughter is trying to catch a butterfly but she can’t so fred helps
instantly loves fred
“is that what heartbreak is”
“i guess that’s what happens when you try to get close to my kids colonel”
albert is kind of afraid of turning into his dad but he has you and everyone else to remind him that: no you are not your father, you are so much better than him
loves your family with his entire being
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sebastian: 844 words
“i see you looking at those kids and the answer is none”
lmao you’ll get so pouty around him bc you want kids dammit
that and he spoils you to no end so that's why you’re pouty lol
“fine we’ll only do one kid and bc one kid is all i can tolerate”
this man gives you three in four years LMFAO
two boys a year apart and a girl in the fourth year
you wanted to smack sebastian
when the two boys grew up, it was obvious they were already taking after their father in the physical sense
it was terrifying
they genuinely look like mini sebastians and you know everyone in the manor is afraid that you two birthed satan
and the satan was your eldest one
he’s just a feral sebastian moran in a tiny body
your second son, god bless him, looked just like his father but with fred’s temperament
and see, you were fine with your sons looking like their father
it was FINE right
you prayed to God that your third child would have at least some physical resemblance to you
your daughter was birthed, she grew up
and you cried
“i’ve got some strong genetics, baby”
you sulk for a lil bit
but you accept it anyway because you love your goddamn kids
thankfully, your second and youngest child are both soft spoken and it's only your husband and his tiny clone bringing hell to earth
smacking sebastian bc all of your children suddenly started swearing up a storm at each other
finally sitting down and trying to convince them to stop swearing
“father does it!”
“your father’s stupid”
speaking of your daughter
she’s his little princess and no he will not take criticism
spoils her more than he spoils you
did she glance at a toy at a passing store?
he buys more toys than he should from said store
you have to physically hide some of his money bc there is only so much you can buy
and her older brothers are so caring you want to sob
if a person accidentally shoved her over bc she was tiny and they couldn’t see her
oh boy
get ready to restrain them like chihuahuas
“little sister will be protected at all costs”
since his second son is so different from him, sebastian actively makes time to talk about what the little boy is doing and what he’s getting from it
doesn’t want to be pushy and suffocating like his dad was so when his younger kid does want to be left alone to his devices, sebastian does so
but honestly loves that your second son is so literate
lddhsajdsfk what yall dont know is that they’re all in cahoots
kinda funny to see them all together bc they all take after their father so much it's like having three tiny sebastians go around town
anyways,,,, yall know the promised neverland right
you got ray, norman, and emma
granted one of them wasn’t as smart as ray but he definitely knew what stealth was
regular sibling rivalry was still a thing but if they could smell the pudding from the kitchen, they know they have to work together
sebastian caught his eldest smuggling biscuits into a small bag
he had half a mind to scold him
but then he ended up giving tips TO ALL HIS CHILDREN on how not to get caught next time—
bc of this they beg him to tell them some stories from afghanistan bc “there’s no way a man as old as dad knows this many stealth tactics”
louis is so fed up lmao
albert is in london most of the time so he just thanks the lord that he doesn’t have to deal w the propaganda that sebastian feeds his children about how “mr. albert is a bad man”
william is fine w it as long as they don’t trash the library
your younger ones love the library so they would cry at the thought of one of the books losing any of the pages
your second and your daughter are definitely the moriartys’ favorites
they don’t show it, but you just KNOW
your eldest could care less about that though
as long as you and his father still love him
and of course you both do
and fred is definitely your youngers favorite
they like to hang out in the garden
ok they still fight all the time though
just because your second child is soft spoken doesn't mean he’s afraid to throw hands
their sister likes to join in for the hell of it
but if someone wrongs any of the children
just because the younger ones are the moriartys’ favorite, doesn’t mean that they’re not gonna hunt someone down if they even think about trying to hurt the eldest too
yeah,,, good luck to them and their families
they got the entire moriarty estate coming after them
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fred: 241 words
cmon yall are like,, young
but you did ask him bc you were curious if he thought about it
he wants one
and when yall do have the kid, you guys actually do have one kid and its a girl
since you both are young, you can immediately see a resemblance between her and her father
everyone who meets her would die for her
especially when she walks around the garden w her hand in her dad’s and he’s showing her all the plants and telling her how to take care of them
needless to say she grows up loving plants
any type of plant
the boys love giving her flowers or anything from bc she has the biggest smile every single time
no matter if it’s just a single rose or a rock
this was found out one time when sebastian gave her a rock bc everyone else had given her like,, two roses each
was afraid she was gonna cry
“thank you so much mr. moran! i will treasure this until i get old!”
she was like 4 at the time
and had the widest smile you’ve ever seen on her
guys u don’t understand she smiles a lot but this was like,, genuine happiness
but everyone was just,, i will destroy the world and myself if anything happens to her
fr it’s just sunshines and rainbows every single time she’s around
everyone just loves her ok
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moriarty the patriot general taglist: @zoehanji
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yoonpobs · 3 years
may I please request a heartbreaking angst drabble where jungkook cheats on the oc with her best friend and is completely heartless about it
thank you in advance ✨
THE AMOUNT OF JK ANGST REQUESTS I RECEIVED 😭damn jk stans ... are u ok?
anyway ... here u go bc I love me some angst too 🤣
pairing: cheater!jk x oc
genre: angst
warnings: infidelity, heartbreak, oc deserves better friends and a better man
words: 1, 235
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“Wait—can we talk—please? Please look at me—” The desperation in his voice is clear when you turn around, face thunderous while the flutter of your dress swings with the motion.
“What is there to talk about, Jungkook? You humiliated me in front of my parents—in front of everyone,” you seethe, teeth barring when you poke into the pocket of his suit blazer. Your eyes strain to the rose tucked prettily inside. 
You were allergic.
“I know, I know,” He exasperates, hands reaching out in an attempt to hold your arms down, “I’m sorry.”
The weather is too bright for you to be outside the wedding hall, your hands holding onto the heavy drapes of your dress as your makeup thaws under the blazing heat. The birds are singing a tune you’re unfamiliar with, a mocking cry to a special day turned sour.
“What the fuck is sorry going to do?” You hiss, “And you don’t know Jungkook. If you did you would’ve never fucked up the way you did today.”
Jungkook stands with a forlorn expression, his hands draped helplessly by his side as he attempts to assess your features. But the only thing you allow him to see is the vexation that plagues your skin, the usual, polished and prim girl was no longer there—but was replaced with a re-extinguished flame and he was the only person to blame.
“I didn’t mean for them to find out!” He defends, eyes scrunching in annoyance when you hurl out accusations in the open air, for the wind to breeze past and for the leaves to trickle down.
“What were you even thinking?” You sneer, pushing at his chest in hopes of transferring the ache in your own to him. Whatever transference of energy that you could ever conjure is poured out into your fingertips, even as they shake. “God—why couldn’t you have fucked Soojin after the wedding? Why before you were meant to walk the aisle? Huh? Am I a fucking joke to you, Jungkook?”
Jungkook’s jaw ticks, a sign that he was attempting to level out his own anger the more you retaliate with your grating tongue; unapologetic when you stare him down with eyes of a snake, venomous and hostile when you recall the events that unfolded.
“You said we could see other people!” He exclaims, throwing his hands in the air as a futile attempt to reason with you.
You laugh humourlessly, “Not on the day of our wedding, Jungkook.” You say softly, “Not when my parents and your parents, and the hundreds of business associates in that damn hall are waiting for me to walk down that aisle.”
He purses his lips.
“My best friend,” You scoff in disbelief, a tight smile appearing on your face, “She took being there for you a little too literally, huh?”
Your emotions took a one-eighty, the subdued tone in your voice escapes your lips when you stare blankly ahead, eyes far away from Jungkook’s face. You couldn’t bear to look at him, not when the last thing you remembered was seeing him and Soojin, in the dressing room of the bride—making love to one another like it was the very last time they could do so.
You were the villain, the person in-between their love story. The person Jungkook’s obligated to where his heart lays in your best friends palm. You were the instigator to the events that unfolded, the same person that gave Jungkook the ammunition to wreak havoc and destroy your heart. There was no way he would’ve known Soojin otherwise.
“We’re not marrying for love,” He reminds you in a soft voice.
You scoff, shaking your head.
“Did you think I wasn’t aware?” You narrow your eyes at him, taking an intimidating step into his direction so that you’re nearly pressed up against his chest, “I never asked you to love me, Jungkook. I asked you to respect me. And you couldn’t even do that.”
Jungkook’s eyes darts away, a mechanism he opts for to push aside the guilt that eats him whole.
“I’m not stupid, Jungkook. But you made me look like an absolute fool in there. While I was mingling with your family and telling them how much you’ve taken care of me, how much you’ve loved me throughout our engagement—you were fucking my best friend in broad daylight. All while I had to put on a plastic smile and pretend like I was happy.” You say hoarsely, “you found your happiness in a loveless marriage. You couldn’t even pretend to be happy with me for a day?” You finish in a soft whisper, fists clenching by your side.
Jungkook sighs, a deep exhale that has him moving forward until his arms are wrapped around your body; all while you try to level your breathing so that you wouldn’t cry. But it’s to no avail, especially when he whispers apologies like they meant something into your hair, his strong arms rubbing soothing circles onto your shoulder blades. He holds you almost like a lover would—but you would be an idiot to burn twice.
“I’m so sorry,” he croaks, “I couldn’t help myself … I just—I wanted to be in love, I wanted to feel loved.”
You wanted to scream. Because Jungkook was smart, a son to two genius’ and a genius himself—excelling in everything he did and topped medical school—but he was so stupid; that he couldn’t even see that you were trying. That you tried so hard to love him.
And that you did.
You sink into his hold even if it’s temporary, even if his heart is set on you only when you’re vulnerable. Because he would never love you at your best, never love you if it weren’t for show.
“I’m still going to marry you.”
Jungkook’s arms rest loosely around your waist, a pause in his ministrations as he considers your words.
“I disrespected you,” Jungkook says softly.
You bite your tongue because, amongst all the other things he’s done, the disrespect hurt the least.
“And I’ve told white lies my entire life, Jungkook. At least now I have the dress to match.”
You push him off and swipe at your tears, taking a deep breath as you compose yourself. It’s terrifying how in just two seconds you were smiling widely, as if your heart wasn’t shattering in your ribcage, or that you had to walk into that wedding hall and marry a man that didn’t love you and would return to where his heart laid the moment it was all over. And that everyone knew where he’d run to if he had the wings to fly.
You smile, even if your face is tight. You take the first step to return to the hall, to tell everyone that your love for Jungkook was stronger than anything else and that you’d move past this. Even as you keep Soojin by your side. Because a friendship of two decades with a woman that’s seen you through your worst is just as important—if not more, than the person you fell in love with.
Just as you’re about to leave, his hand darts out to grab at your wrist to turn you around.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, murmuring the words into your hair when he presses a kiss to it.
You smile. Again. You smell her on him.
You turn.
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kaaytea · 3 years
How about being the manager of Inarizaki, Nekoma, Seijoh and Shiratorizawa and how the boys would feel when they finally finally get a manager? :0
New Manager
⤷Includes: Nekoma, Inarizaki, Seijoh, Shiratorizawa
A/n: I haven't written for the HQ boys in a hot minute so I was sUper hyped for this! Thank you for the request, dear 💕
Nekoma has been manager-less for so long that literally the entire team was dumbfounded when they spotted you chilling next to Nekomata
Like hello??? Who are you and what are you doing in their gym???
There's a good few seconds of silence when Nekomata introduces you
Despite being cats, they greatly resembled their Fukurodani rivals as they blinked back at you with big curious eyes
That is until Yamamoto slumps to his knees and starts tearing up, blabbering on about how they've been blessed with a manager while a quiet Fukunaga pats his back in an almost humouring manner
Yamamoto's out burst is what loosens up the team and they start making their way to introduce themselves to you
The first is Kuroo, who approaches you with a welcoming smirk which was quickly followed by a gentle smile from Kai and a reassuring pat on the back from Yaku
The first years are VERY eager to meet you! Lev and Inouka are bouncing around you spewing out questions to the point where Yaku has to kick them both and send them off to warm up
Sweet Shibayama very nervously bows at you and thanks you for taking care of the team (what a baby 🤧💕)
The entire team absolutely loves you by the end of your first day (yes even the aloof creature that is Kenma, though he'll never admit it)
Nekoma's inner team dynamic is very familial and you're immediately sucked into the little family vibes they got going on
The first years love to be around you! (Specifically Lev bc you're not as mean to him as everyone else)
The first years are always volunteering to help you carry equipment or water bottles
You once caught one of the jokes Fukunaga muttered during practice so now the two of you bounce little puns and jokes off of eachother to see who can get the other to laugh first (he is currently winning. although, you got him to tear up from laughing so hard once which you've been counting as 10 wins)
The third years tend to mother hen you a bit, specifically Yaku and Kuroo
Kuroo made it very clear to you that you're apart of the team even if you don't play on the court, so as captain it's his job to make sure all his players are ok (mentally, physically, socially, you name it! He's always looking out for you and is basically your big brother)
You and Yaku bond over the fact that you're both the unofficial team moms. The two of you are very organized and have a whole ass check list that you BOTH go over at least twice before the team leaves for a game or training camp
Kai is like your calm in the storm that is Nekoma. The two of you have had numerous conversations about anything from books to cafés and he's always willing to lend an ear if you need to rant
Kenma is a fairly distant person but he warms up to you when he notices how caring you are. He even let's you play his DS on the train rides to and from Nekoma
You're a brave soul if you are willingly becoming the manager of Inarizaki
Kita is actually the one who asked if you wanted to be the teams manager
He saw you cleaning the board in a classroom during lunch break and was impressed by how well of a job you did
It doesn't matter if you said yes out of fear from Kita's blank stare or because you were genuinely interested bc now you're standing in the volleyball gym, clad in Inarizaki's signature maroon tracksuit
The team notices you instantly, particularly a certain blonde Miya
Before Kita even got a chance to introduce you to everyone, Atsumu had wandered over to you with a lazy smile tugging at his lips
Atsumu introduced himself and then started asking what you were doing here
"Are ya lost?" "Ya here to admire me?" "Ya dating one of the players?"
You didn't get a chance to answer his questions as Osamu lovingly threw a Volleyball at Atsumu, cutting off any moment you had to respond
The only problem was that Atsumu noticed the volleyball rOcketing towards him and scrambled out of the way like a startled cat, leaving the ball to hit you instead of its intended target
The silence that hung over the gym was deafening as the younger team members watched Kita and Aran rush over to assist your now bloody nose
Just as quick as it had started, the silence was broken by Atsumu yelling at his brother for hitting a helpless person in the face and the gym quickly descended into madness
Aran held a towel to your nose and gave you a few encouraging pats on the back as the both of you watched Kita chew out the twins (safe to say Kita was hard on them during practice)
Osamu approached you during a water break to apologize and, to the surprise of the entire team, gave you the extra pudding he had as a peace offering
Since that incident Osamu and Atsumu stopped throwing volleyballs at each other's heads (at least when you were around that is)
The team is also surprisingly protective of you
The glares people get at tournaments if they try to flirt with you are terrifying
You become pretty close with Suna as the both of you tend to sit back and watch Atsumu and Osamu fight (you tried to step in once but they literally only respond to Kita so it didn't do much)
Suna also pats you on the head whenever he passes you
(it's something he does to his little sister to show some form of affection/appreciation and now he does it to you for the very same reasons)
This goes with out saying, but the twins love you
Osamu still feels bad about the whole hitting you in the face thing so he always shares any snacks he's got on him with you
Atsumu truly just likes being babied by you
Any ounce of praise or happy smiles directed at him has him acting like a puppy
(does 'Tsumu have a tiny crush on you? Yep he totally does!)
Kita and Aran are absolute sweethearts!! They are both very grateful for all the work you put in and treat you to boba every other week as a thank you :))
It was a new school year and you decided to push yourself out of your comfort zone a bit
What better way to do that then be a manager for a sports team!
Apparently one of your classmates let it slip that you were looking to be a manager for a sports team because you were approached by a very buff and very attractive guy a few days after asking if you'd be interested in helping the volleyball team
You happily agreed to do a trial day that afternoon, to which the player, who you now know as Iwaizumi-san, breathed a sigh of relief and said he'd pick you up after school to take you to the gym
So the school day is over, Iwaizumi meets you outside your classroom and you're off!
As you walk to the gym he fills you in on some of the tasks the manager would have to do
The job didn't sound that terrible so you were a bit confused as to why Iwaizumi was having such a hard time finding a manager
"Let's just say that the applicants were more interested in staring at our captain than the actual job." He had told you
Ok so first unofficial rule....don't stare at the Seijoh volleyball team's captain? A bit odd but who were you to judge, maybe the guy was shy and didn't like attention
Your thoughts were cut off by the crisp slap! Of a ball hitting the floor followed by a few short yells from the players littered across the court
Your attention was then caught by the sensation of someone draping their arm over your shoulders and a tangy apple smell invading your senses
"Oh? I didn't know you were dating someone, Iwa-chan~"
Iwaizumi shoved the brunette off of you and quickly explained that you were just here to test out being the manager for the day
The player's eyes lit up and he turned to you with a bubbly smile, introducing himself as Seijoh's captain, Oikawa Tooru
Ah, Captain.... Now you knew why they were having trouble finding someone who didn't stare
Your first day went fairly smooth, just a few blunders that were quickly forgotten by the team after Oikawa cheerfully told you: "Everyone has to start somewhere, (y/n)-chan!"
After the first week you had to admit that the Aoba Johsai volleyball team were quickly becoming some of your best friends, you all fit together like a dysfunctional family
Makki, Mattsun, and Iwa would always agree/praise you when you joined in one the daily Oikawa roast session
Oikawa (when he wasn't pouting about how "mean" you are to him) was fairly sweet to you
He spent the first month helping you learn the rules about volleyball and explaining the lingo the team often used during plays
Although, he does jokingly flirt with you about 40 thousand times a week so...
Kindaichi is a nervous wreak around you the first few weeks. Eventually his nervous demeanor melts away. Now he goes to you whenever he needs someone to toss the ball up for him so he can practice his spikes
Kunimi likes you simply because you let him get away with napping during water breaks
Kyotani acts like you annoy him but if anyone made you cry or hurt you in some way he would burn the entire gym down in a heartbeat
Did I mention that Seijoh are also very protective of you?
When at tournaments they travel in a small pack with you in the middle to reduce the chances of you getting hit on
Shiratorizawa is a very nice and prestigious school so you thought why not participate in an extracurricular that would be beneficial for, not only your resume, but you yourself as well!
Out of all the clubs you chose volleyball which you're starting to regret a bit since one of your friends informed you that the team is a powerhouse school
Which means you can't make a bad impression or silly mistakes.....at all
That entire philosophy is thrown oUt the window on your second day as the official manager
You somehow managed to trip over your own feet and slam into a cart full of spare balls AND spill the water bottles you were carrying all over yourself
You were hoping that the team, by some miraculous reason, didn't notice but the stifled giggles from a certain red head said otherwise
You would give anything for the ground to just swallow you up and disappear forever
But then you saw a pair of gym shoes standing in front of you and when you looked up you were met with THE Ushijima Wakatoshi, captain and ace of shiratorizawa, offering you help to stand up
You hadn't seen Ushijima be more than a stoic and intimidating guy so you were even more surprised when he gave one of his spare shirts to change into now that you had spilt water on yourself
I guess you could say your little clumsy episode was what broke the ice for you and the team
Tendou loves talking with you
You're an interesting person to him and he finds great pleasure in teasing you (in his own words it's "out of love")
Ushijima ended up not being as intimidating as you originally pegged him to be. Instead, he was just a quiet guy who surprisingly could say some pretty funny things (whether or not he intended it to be funny)
Goshiki just loves you. Period.
You praise him and give him head pats so he couldn't be happier!
Tendou and Shirabu tease him all the time about how he has a case of puppy love for you (which Goshiki aggRessively denies no matter how red his face is)
Semi is someone who is grateful for your assistance with the team and does his very best to get Tendou out of your hair when you're trying to do your manager work. He also shares his headphones with you on long bus rides so you can listen to music together!
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binunus · 3 years
sex with bin x eunwoo (m)
Tumblr media
also im so so sorry that i keep disappearing, every time I think I have a break in school, my professors keep going like sike here’s a new assignment and group presentation 🤡, but I swear I’m still working on all the requests, it’s just a real slow progression this time 😔
but thank you all so much for being really patient with me and my works, i legit wanna cry when I think about how sweet all you loves are ❤️
→ genre: smut
→ tw: threesome, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it lovies) dom!binwoo, brat!reader, light bondage?? anal, eiffel tower, oral (f and m receiving), fingering (f and m receiving), ~choking~ bc it’s me, squirting, v-voyeurism??
→ word count: 3.3k _________________________________
oh good fucking lord
I don’t even know where to start
just the thought of getting dicked down by these two immaculate men??? at the same time??? i would sell my soul
and just binwoo are literally my biases?? im still going back and forth between them (even though I think bin is the top)
alright so how does this little thing even start
this is a non-idol au, lowkey this request is giving me frat boy vibes oops i said it
bin and eunwoo are close, they’re best buds
they have fucked the same guy/girl before, but never at the same time
they just have the same taste in people wink wonk
sidenote: bin and eunwoo as bi kings??? so much power fuck
so you are a mutual friend
you met them both in college and have stayed friends since then
but relationships aren’t for you (not yet at least)
the streets™ are still your companion
yes you have fucked both bin and eunwoo before in college, eunwoo once when you were junior, and bin a couple times throughout senior year
you don’t talk to them often, but if something comes up on your feed or a monumental event happens to any one of you, of course you’d spike up some conversation
so you’re coming back in town for a week or so, visiting old friends and family
and bin hits you up like “hey, I saw that you were in town! we should get some dinner and catch up!”
and you were not about to say no to that, bin was a good part of your college years! it would be nice to hang out with him again
alright you weren’t expecting to get action from this dinner – it popped in your mind, yes, but it wasn’t the ulterior motive
but did you try to dress up a little to impress moon bin?? maybe so
and shit, when he showed up to the restaurant looking like a whole ass man?? 
like did his biceps look more appetizing than the food you were being served? a little bit
conversation was exchanged very easily, you and bin were always a bit flirty with each other, ever since college, but you both knew it never meant anything beyond sex
and so when he asked if you were dating anyone, you knew this was the invitation, and were you going to accept it?? 100%, you haven’t had sex in a while because of your job
and so you find yourself back in bin’s apartment
bin: hm? I guess eunwoo’s not home from work yet
you: eunwoo? as in cha eunwoo? you guys still live together?
bin: yeah, we like living together, rent was cheaper that way, and this place is equidistant from both of our work places...is that a problem??
you: no, I mean it makes sense, just...what if eunwoo comes back while we’re in the middle of fucking...wouldn’t that be weird?
bin shrugging: you’ve had sex with eunwoo in college too, and it’s not like he hasn’t seen me naked before either. who knows he might even wanna join?
he said that as a joke alright
but as soon as he mentioned it, your eyes dilated a bit
bin noticed immediately and he caged you against the wall, a little smirk playing on his lips
bin: you seem to like that idea, y/n. hm? you wanna get fucked by both me and eunwoo? didn’t know you were into threesomes
your cheeks are flushing, you felt seen: would you feel weird if he joined? you guys are friends and roommates
bin shaking his head: me and eunwoo have talked about it before, and honestly this seems like the perfect opportunity. we’re all friends here.
you being nervous a little bit bc a threesome?? with both bin and eunwoo?? those two 6 foot attractive men??
you tried a threesome before bc you were curious, but it wasn’t the best hookup experience
you: should we...? wait for him??
your cheeks are flushed a little, like how were you supposed to go about this
bin smiles bc you look a bit cute right now being all shy and he just pinches your cheek
bin: you got cuter since we graduated y/n
you: shut the fuck up bin, don’t make me tie you up again
bin smirks and his hand moves from your cheek to fully grasp at your neck, he squeezes your throat as he pushes you so that your back collided with the wall: baby, if anyone’s getting tied up tonight, it’s gonna be you
and god if you weren’t horny before, you definitely are now, especially with the way bin was cutting off your airflow??? your head was spinning in the best kind of way
bin slotting his thigh in between your legs as he just crashes his lips onto yours
and he’s still choking you when he literally shoves his tongue down your throat, you have to grab onto his broad shoulders just to steady yourself
making out with bin is so hot
he picks you up by your ass and you wrap your legs around his waist, you both are still making out as he leads you to the couch
you’re straddling him oh lord have mercy
you in between kisses: why don’t we go to your room? what, is it messy?
you moan as he spanks your ass at the quip: we’re gonna need to do something about that smart mouth of yours baby...and we’re here to give eunwoo a little show when he comes home. Why, you need a bed? pillow princess? last time I remember, you were fine getting fucked in the maintenance room.
you two go back to kissing, bin’s hands were gripping at your waist now, lifting up the bottom of your shirt so that you could take it off
never in your life have you been so happy to wear a skirt, you could feel the outline of his bulge against your underwear, the fabric of his jeans giving you just enough friction
and when you start grinding on him, he grunts into your mouth and bites on your lower lip
and fuck when bin removes his shirt? he was always built in college but the definition of his muscles now?? you were literally drooling
you: holy shit bin, isn’t your job in business? where do you find the time to workout?
he’s kissing your neck now: you can always find time to workout y/n, just make it part of your daily routine
exercise evangelist moonbin™
you’re tilting your head to the side giving him more access, bin’s sucking hickeys into your neck and it just feels so good
your neck’s a sensitive spot, if you couldn’t tell
and bin knows that so he’s paying extra attention to your neck, you don’t even notice when his hands go around your torso to unclasp your bra
the two of you are literally just topless on his couch, making out and feeling each other up, when lo and behold, eunwoo comes home
his eyes go wide and he immediately covers his face: jesus christ bin, go to your fucking room
bin starts laughing, you know his laugh where his eyes literally crinkle and he smiles so wide and his laugh increases in pitch, that one
you can’t help but laugh too, you thought you would be embarrassed, but this is a bit funny
you: you don’t have to cover your eyes eunwoo, it’s not like you haven’t seen any of this before
eunwoo: oh shit, hey y/n, didn’t know you were coming over?? well...uh if you guys aren’t gonna go to bin’s room, I’m going to mine and just let me know when you’re done
bin: you sure you wanna go to your room? y/n wants you to join us
eunwoo’s blushing a little bit (he’s not covering his face anymore) when you two meet eyes: are you sure y/n?
you get a bit shy again bc shit, eunwoo in a suit coming from work with silver-blue hair? sexy
you: yeah...if you want to, me and bin are cool with it.
bin’s back to kissing your neck as you basically watch eunwoo remove his jacket and tie
and oof him unbuttoning his dress shirt? y’all he’s a tease, they both are
bin: let’s take this back to my room
eunwoo: we can go to mine, it’s cleaner and my bed’s bigger
you: i knew it
bin bites your shoulder and you let out a mix between a yelp of pain and a moan
bin: eunwoo get your ropes, we need to teach y/n a lesson on being bratty
eunwoo chuckling as he leads the way to his bedroom
bin already made himself comfortable on eunwoo’s bed, and you’re standing to the side making conversation as eunwoo looks through his closet for the ropes lol
as soon as eunwoo finds it, there’s a dark change in his eyes and he smirks at you: why don’t you join binnie on the bed, y/n?
your stomach turns in excitement, eunwoo tosses the ropes to bin and he puts a hand on your back as he leads you to his bed, and before you could get on by yourself, eunwoo just tugs your skirt down making you gasp
you lie down and bin grins as he binds your wrists to eunwoo’s headboard, usually you would put up a little fight when you get tied up, but you just stayed silent, you were anticipating what would happen next
bin: you’re being oddly obedient y/n
you’re a brat okay, but in the past when you and bin used to hook up, your brattiness increased by like 100%, like you’re extra bratty with bin for some reason
~it is what it is~
maybe it’s because eunwoo’s here too that your bratty side has suppressed a bit
bin and eunwoo both start removing all their clothes and you’re like shit eunwoo’s built too
bin settles in between your legs and eunwoo leans in and starts kissing you
and mmm eunwoo’s good at making out like he legit be taking your breath away and then you start feeling bin take off your soaked panties and he just goes right in
you literally moan into eunwoo’s mouth and your hands are straining against the ropes bc you just want to hold onto something !!
eunwoo feeling up your breasts and tweaking your nipples while bin is sucking on your clit and probing his tongue in and out your entrance??? euphoric
you’re literally feeling so many sensations right now and it’s just foreplay woo
and then the edging starts
bin??? hella good at eating out, oof what that mouth do
and with the added stimulation from eunwoo kissing your neck and pulling at your nips, you’re reaching your orgasm faster than anticipated
and suddenly they’re both off you
you: what the fuck?
you’re like gasping and glaring at the both of them and they just give you smug looks
bin: I don’t know if you deserve to cum just yet, y/n. right, eunwoo?
eunwoo chuckling as he nods and flicks at your nipple: binnie told me that you like talking back, hmmm that won’t work with both of us here y/n
your submissiveness kicking in and you’re whining: i won’t talk back, I promise
bin: I don’t know if I believe you y/n
and then they switch places and now bin’s making out with you again and eunwoo’s face to face with your cunt and he just shoves two fingers in your entrance and starts scissoring you
and right as you’re about to cum, they pull away again
this goes on at least two more times, you’re literally so frustrated tears are pooling in your eyes and you’re whining hard as hell, your wrists already aching from the ropes 
eunwoo: do you want us to untie you, y/n?
you nodding as you’re sniffling back the tears
aww they feel bad so eunwoo unties the ropes and he’s like gently rubbing at your wrists
bin wiping your tears away as he pinches at your cheek again
bin: you okay, y/n?
you: I’m so close, please
bin: alright baby, who do you want first, hm?
you honestly didn’t know, you had no preference, you just wanted to get railed
eunwoo: why not both?
your eyes go wide a little bit, your ass isn’t even prepped
bin sensing your hesitation and he just puts a hand on your waist: if you don’t want to--
you: no, i want to...I’m just...my ass isn’t ready...
eunwoo laughing cutely as he pats your thigh: we’ll prep you baby, don’t worry
you start by going on all fours, bin enters you first from behind and the groan he lets out bc you’re just so tight wow 
he literally has to restrain himself from just ramming into you, your walls just fit so snugly around him, his nails were digging into the skin of your waist
you open your mouth in a moan at the stretch and in that moment, eunwoo shoves his cock down your throat you literally gag
for reference, they’re both above average, no surprise there, I’d say both around 8 in., but bin’s girthier for sure
and so bin’s fucking your cunt while eunwoo’s fucking your mouth
simultaneously, eunwoo tugs at your hair and bin sneaks a finger down to gather some juices from your pussy before probing at your asshole
bin’s prepping you real well mmmmm
he’s literally fingering your ass while he’s pounding into you, the tip of his cock hitting so deep in your cervix
on the other hand you’re so focused on sucking eunwoo off, you take him as deep in your throat as you could, letting your jaw slack as he just thrusted in your mouth
and also the vibrations of your moans around his cock every time bin hits deep in you???
eunwoo swears he almost busts a nut when your hands reach up to play with his balls
he’s panting as he pulls your mouth off his cock: I need to be inside you before I cum
and then he’s lying down on his back and you start to ride eunwoo, and then bin lines his cock up at your other hole and you start to tense
eunwoo bringing you into a kiss to try and distract you from the pain your asshole’s about to feel
and you start hissing as bin starts to push in, you’re clenching so hard around eunwoo and tugging tightly at the ends of his hair
eunwoo starts making circles on your clit so that you could relax a bit to make it easier for bin to enter your back hole
and then the three of you just stay still for a bit when bin finally bottoms out, you’re still trying to get used to feeling stuffed full, you haven’t been fucked in so long and now you’re getting railed by two cocks??
the two of them are both saying sweet things to calm you down and distract you from the pain
and it’s cute, you know from your respective past hookup experiences with them that they’re really good at sensing discomfort or pain and would always tend to your needs
oof baby but as soon as you give the okay for both of them to move
it’s like you’re taken to another dimension holy shit
they both hit so deep, you swear to god their cocks have to be touching or something, or maybe at least reaching your intestines
when people say rearrange your guts, it definitely must have been this
you’re trying to set a pace on top of eunwoo, but bin thrusting from behind literally makes your knees go weak until eunwoo just lifts his hips and takes over, matching bin’s speed
and imagine this: bin pulling your hair, making your head tilt back and eunwoo just reaches up and covers your neck with his hand before he squeezes at your throat
your eyes are literally rolling into the back of your head, you have never felt this good ever in your life
your head’s spinning again, and you know all three of you are reaching the tipping point pretty soon, your stomach is churning, making you clench hard around both eunwoo and bin
eunwoo biting his lip as he groans, his grip tightening just a bit more around your neck
bin’s still yanking your hair back and he starts spanking your ass, he’s moaning as well
you literally scream, throat feeling raw, as you cum, you have never orgasmed so hard before, your body was convulsing around both of them and you just collapse on top of eunwoo
you’re vision literally sees white and your ears are ringing as they both cum in you
you black out for a little bit
eunwoo and bin: o_o holy fuck
the two of them start panicking like...did they just fuck you dead?? put you in a coma??
okay but just imagine eunwoo and bin bickering with each other about what to do like
bin: do we call 119???
eunwoo: what do we say? we fucked our friend into a coma?
it’s okay because you regain consciousness soon enough and both boys let out the biggest sigh of relief
you: ...what happened?
eunwoo: you passed out for a bit there y/n
you start giggling, much to their surprise, and you try to sit up
bin: ...are you okay y/n?
you: yeah, I can’t believe I blacked out because you guys fucked me so well, that’s pretty hot not gonna lie
eunwoo goes into the kitchen real quick to get you some water and bin sits down next to you
you thank eunwoo when he hands you the glass and he sits across from you and bin
the two roommates exchange a look and just high-five each other
you roll your eyes as they just laugh at each other...ugh boys
bin teasing you: I’ve never seen you so submissive y/n
eunwoo joining in: yeah, didn’t know you could squirt as well
you almost spit out the water: i-huh? no way
eunwoo: yeah, my stomach was soaked, I wiped it off when you were out
your face flushes, you’ve never squirted before
bin: don’t be embarrassed! it was hot, y/n, really
the three of you then just jump into a casual conversation about college, keep in mind you’re all still naked
and then you feel the cum just like in both your holes and it’s just uncomfortably sticky
you: uh...do you guys mind if I shower? my pussy feels gross right now
bin, with a glint in his eyes: I can clean that up for you, baby
before you know it, bin’s eating you out again -- to be more specific, he’s literally licking the mixture of yours and eunwoo’s cum from your cunt
that’s sexy...
you make eye contact with eunwoo and he’s just smirking as he sits back and watches you two, no intention on joining yet
alright but you had no idea if you could take another round right now, the first one literally made you pass out
so after bin makes you cum again, you tap out for the night
the three of you shower -- separately -- and then regroup in the living room to just chat and chill
the two insist you sleep over for the night since it’s past midnight by now
were there also hints of a round two in the morning?? maybe
you sleep in one of eunwoo’s shirts, but end up sleeping next to bin bc he’s whiny and likes cuddling
you three fuck again in the morning oops until eunwoo had to leave for work
then you and bin fuck again afterwards
happy threesome
happy comeback :)
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dr3amofagame · 3 years
Dream thought that he can bring server together, he thought that they can be one big family... Well at least he really bond them, even if they bonded to fight against him. Even if that mean he's not part of this server anymore.
right,, the one big happy family thing always destroys me
bc it’s really the driving force behind everything he’s done, the reason why he’s cut off everything he’s ever loved, moved forwards despite everything he’s ever lost. it doesn’t make what he does right, by any means, but c!dream’s longing for a better past, his clinging to a family he loved and lost - it’s so desperately, painfully human and is very much the cherry on top of his whole tragic story. it’s something that tugs at my heart every time i think about it - especially how in the end, pretty much nobody knew what drove him to the lengths he went to, and how everyone still sees him as being motiveless, or doing it all for personal gain and power. it’s reasonable, with their limited povs, but oh man does it hurt when we know his real reasoning.
this,, ended up weirdly long haha but oh man was it fun. have some dream team angst as i cry abt c!dream for the millionth time 
tws: death, grief, off-screen murder, implied mental deterioration
Two weeks after Dream dies, Sapnap asks George if he wants to come to the vault.
He almost says no. It’d be an early journey if they want to get out without anyone seeing, and he’s just- tired. He’s been tired for months even though he spends most of his time sleeping, usually can’t even find the energy to pull himself out of bed. The weird dreams hadn’t helped in the slightest, though they’ve been gone for a few weeks, and he’s not seen XD in a long time, save for a few minutes after he first heard the news. In all honesty, he doesn’t want to deal with the mental strain of anything to do with Dream at all.
But- Sapnap is still his best friend, even if they’ve grown apart ever since that fateful night with Dream, and he still knows the Netherborn better than nearly- well, everyone, now, with Dream gone. As much as Sapnap tried to put on a strong front, Dream’s death had taken its toll.
Killing Dream had taken its toll.
He’d been asleep (again) when it all went down, but he knows that somehow, Dream had escaped prison. Somehow, it ended with Sapnap’s sword stabbed hilt-deep in Dream’s chest, an unmarked grave in the forest behind the Community House that he knows Sapnap visits when he thinks nobody’s watching.
So when Sapnap asks, dark bags under his red-rimmed eyes, if he wants to come with him to see what belongings they can find in Dream’s old blackstone-brick vault- he says yes.
“There,” Sapnap gestures over the crest of a netherrack cliff above a bubbling lava lake, and George strains to look at what the other is pointing at. There, settled over a small outcrop of netherrack and gravel, a messy bridge of various blocks leading from it, lies the signature black and purple silhouette of a nether portal. “It’s just across that.”
George hums in acknowledgement, and they clamber down in sync. It’s been a while since he’s spent time one-on-one with Sapnap like this; George had half-forgotten what it feels like, to work with someone so different and yet know them so well. Years and years of teamwork means they fall in step almost without thinking, Sapnap easily sliding forward to block a skeleton’s arrow while George nocks one of his own to shoot it through the skull. It is a partnership built on years of bickering and banter and deep-set trust, of having to face a stronger, more agile opponent together through wind and rain and snow.
He missed it, though he’ll never admit that to anyone but himself.
He hesitates in front of the nether portal, pulling Sapnap back automatically by his sweater sleeve. “You sure the other side is safe?”
“Yeah, yeah- it should be,” Sapnap pulls his arm away, lets him enter the portal first before stepping into the frame himself. “Not a manhunt.”
“Mm,” George laughs, tired. “Just checking.”
The portal hums, purple creeping into the corners of George’s vision and filling it until it’s all he can see, and he rubs at his eyes to clear his vision as he stumbles out the other side. Sapnap walks out, seeming unfazed - it’s always been something that George has envied in the other, how unaffected he is by portals, but he’s also always had worse portal sickness than most- “We’re here.”
The place is - put lightly, a wreck, wooden planks scattered all over the floor and inch-deep water sloshing around his shoes. “What’s with the water?”
“I don’t know, someone must’ve come here after for something,” Sapnap frowns, points across the room to a chute leading upwards, filled with a crude spiral staircase of oak. “We’re going up there.”
George nods, letting him take the lead. The staircase is rickety, the bottom steps waterlogged; Sapnap grimaces the whole way up, makes some comment under his breath about how unsafe it all is, but they continue without much issue. The top of it is surprisingly unassuming - there’s really nothing around, just a small hollowed out space carpeted by savannah grass, shorn short. Sapnap tosses him a pickaxe.
“He respawned up here, that day - he’s gotta have a bed up here somewhere.” He gestures at the plain stone walls surrounding them, “My guess is that it’s just behind one of these walls. Just mine two or three blocks in all the way across, I’ll start from this side.”
“Whatever, Snapnap,” George takes the pickaxe anyway, walking over to the other side of the room and ignoring the protests Sapnap throws at his back. Mining the stone is simple, methodical; it’s a steady rhythm of the pick hitting stone and blocks falling into his inventory; if he closes his eyes, he can almost pretend that they’re in the middle of a manhunt, and Dream has holed himself into the wall as he always does for them to find him. He doesn’t, because thinking about manhunt does nothing but make something cold and choking claw up his throat, almost like guilt, almost like regret, and he doesn’t have the energy for that in the slightest.
His next swing rings oddly hollow, and when the block drops neatly away the wall opens to a narrow corridor. He calls Sapnap over.
“Here.” Sapnap moves with large, heavy strides, face tightening into a foreign expression of grim determination when he catches the darkness behind the one-block hole George mined, “I found it.”
“Well, obviously,” he rolls his eyes as he takes out the bottom block, looking at George from the corner of his eye. “Nice observation, genius.”
“Hey! You told me to find it, and I did, unlike you- you should be thanking me, Sapnap.”
“Whatever, Gogy,” Sapnap sighs, looking into the corridor, feet settling against the ground into a wide stance that George recognizes as the one he’d usually use in a fight. It makes something long-forgotten ache in his chest, joining the dull ball of hurt that has been there for what feels like months, “You ready?”
“Yeah, yeah, hurry up, will you?” The retort rings hollow, dying on his lips even as he says it, and George watches as Sapnap turns his head away and pretends not to notice.
“Let’s go.”
The hallway is dark, dusty, a hastily made thing as shown by the rough gouges made on either side by a quickly working pickaxe. It opens into a tiny room, similarly carved into the mountain with roughhewn walls of stone; George’s lips thin and press against each other as he takes a closer look at the room, stepping in behind Sapnap.
“This place is a mess,” he states drily, scuffing his foot against the floor and cringing at the trail it leaves in the dust. There’s a bed left in the corner, a thin little thing with the covers thrown off, lying halfway on the floor, and a few chests and furnaces scattered aimlessly against the walls and making the whole thing look more cramped. There are papers strewn over the floor and chests, piles of coal and wood left to collect dust in the corners. It looks like a whirlwind swept through the place, and it’s almost eerie to see this room, completely untouched since the twentieth, a snapshot in time of Dream in the middle of his spiral into madness.
Sapnap kicks at one such pile with a humorless scoff, “That’s an understatement.”
“You looking for anything in particular?” George jabs his thumb at the mess in front of them, “Because I’m not cleaning all of that up.”
“I guess- just look through the chests?” Sapnap’s face darkens visibly even despite the dim lighting, and George stifles the urge to poke fun at how the younger clearly didn’t plan this far ahead, per usual. “Just look for anything useful, worth taking back I guess.”
“Mmhm.” He moves to the left-most chest as Sapnap moves to the right, watching from the corner of his eye as the other strikes up a torch to place in the middle of the room. The lid creaks open, and he rummages through the contents, vaguely surprised when his hand meets row after row of glass bottles. He pulls one out, squints at the contents. “Hey Sapnap, is this a regen?”
Sapnap looks over. “Yeah,” he says, rolling his eyes when George pockets it. “Seriously- you know Sam literally has an automatic potion brewer, right. You can just steal from that instead.”
“Or I could just steal from here,” he closes the lid, moving to the next chest. “That’s just his pots chest. He really stacked up, didn’t he?”
“Well, you know Dream. Always had to plan for the end of the world.” Sapnap closes the chest that he was hunched over, tossing over something in a flash of gold, “Was just his food chest. Don’t know why someone needs eight stacks of gapples, but whatever. We can split the god apples later.”
“Sure,” George nods, distracted as he fiddles with clasp of the next chest. This one, unlike the last, seems more worn over the bottom edge of the lid, the wood almost seeming to bear dents where fingers had pressed into the areas right by the clasp again and again. The lid eases open, and he frowns at the chest’s contents; there’s no rhyme or reason to them at first glance. There’s a half-stack of stone in the top left, a couple pieces of leather thrown in the bottom corner, a low-durability crossbow, unenchanted, that he briefly runs his hands over before throwing it back into the chest. He rummages through it for another second, about to dismiss it as a junk chest, when a well-worn book near the back of the chest catches his eye.
He pulls it towards him with careful hands, breath having caught in his throat. The cover is leather, scuffed and scratched in several places, not bearing the dull shine of a book that’s been signed and preserved magically. It doesn’t seem to be titled, no ink against the usual places on the front cover or spine, but the whole thing looks well-loved, the thread of the spine slightly frayed the leather heavily creased from where the cover had been eased open again and again.
He opens the front cover, and sucks in a breath through his teeth.
“Sapnap? I think I found something.”
There, nestled between the front cover and the first page, lays a pile of photographs. Unlike everything else in the room, these are clearly well-loved, well-cared for, the corners are sharp, the surfaces shiny, despite how often they must have been thumbed through and looked at. He plucks the first one off the top of the pile - it’s one that was taken from the inside of the old community house before the floor was replaced with crafting tables, string lights hanging from the ceiling in an impromptu party, Alyssa’s legs dangling from where she’s sitting at the edge of the spiral staircase, Callahan leaning against the wall with a slice of cake held between his hands. Sapnap’s sitting in the middle of the floor across from himself, both of their faces glowing softly in the flickering light - his own face is caught in a grimace, Sapnap bent over himself in laughter- Sapnap walks up behind him, gasps at the sight.
“What are-”
George passes over the photo wordlessly as he moves to the next; there’s Sam, grinning at the camera with a newly tamed Fran by his side, tail a white blur against the green of the grass; Bad, hands clutched around a bucket as he yells at someone off the frame, a salmon head poking slightly out the top; Ponk, sitting proudly in the top branches of his first lemon tree.
His breath catches at the next; it’s dim, the sky a pretty blend of purple-pink from the last remaining dregs of light of a sunset, hovering over the dark edge of the ocean stretching out towards the horizon. They’re sitting in boats, the bottom edges lit softly from the coral sitting in the shallow waters below them, brilliant halos of reds and pinks and yellows and oranges and blues dotted with the soft lights of sea pickles painting the wood in muted rainbows. Sapnap’s smiling from one in the back, head tipped to the side cheekily, right hand lifted in a cocky two-fingered salute. George is sitting in the back of a boat in the foreground, glasses lifted to his forehead, eyes mid-roll even as he grins obligingly at the camera-
And then, in the front, there’s Dream.
His mask is pulled to the side of his face, exposing his freckled skin and brilliant green eyes; he’s smiling widely, all teeth, hair wet and sticking up in a ring of untamed swirls and spikes. His eyes are crinkled at the corners, cheeks red, arm stretched forward off-frame from where he’d held the camera in front of them to take the selfie. George’s thumb brushes over the photo, pressing lightly against the dusty mess of hair framing Dream’s face, pausing at the sight of his pure, unadulterated joy.
What had happened to them?
A soft, choked sound comes from behind him, and George tucks the photos away, pressing them between two random pages in the book. His eyes flicker to the book’s contents, finally, finding Dream’s familiar, looping scrawl written on the first page. The words are big and messy, all capitalized and underlined several times, the last four circled roughly.
He snaps the book shut.
“Let’s go home, Sapnap.” He throws one last look at the room, at the messy, desperate edges, the remnants of a man lost in his own reckless belief that he could build something beautiful out of blood and ash. He swallows, blinks back the image of a brilliant smile, freckled cheeks ruddy with laughter, at the golden glow of memories long-forgotten that threaten now to burn him with their warmth. He can imagine Dream, settled in the middle of this mess, pressing himself closer to the fire contained in these photographs, these memories, and not realizing how he’s being burned, can nearly see a ghost of him tucked in these shadowed corners, haunting the hopes that he had clung to against all reason with the promise that it could all be worth it.
Sapnap frowns at him tiredly, photos pressed against his own chest. “George,” he says, cautious, and George’s shoulders hunch defensively.
“Let’s go home,” he stands up, hearing more than seeing as Sapnap does the same. “Whatever closure you’re looking for- you’re not finding it here.”
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