#for me I cant wear close toes shoes. it feels like my feet are in hot coals. its reachinf the low 40s where I live and I cant wear anything-
chr0n1c-ag0ny · 11 months
ok, I have zero reasoning for this other than projecting but...Tachihara has Erythromelalgia (aka Hell on earth). I don't know why, it just feels right (I like projecting my pain and suffering on my favorite characters)
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Eric Surt Headcanons? Like any form? Also bc i am on mobile and cant read up on rules that well, do you do general hc or specific things?
I can definitely do these up for you, my lovely anon! Where you gave me complete freedom, I stuck to mostly general headcanons! But I do understand how hard it is to find the rules on mobile (and honestly, I need to update those anyway)! Thank you so much for thinking to ask.
It’s probably easier to say what I won’t do for headcanons, anyway, since I accept most requests. I won’t do canon character x canon character shipping, since I’m pretty much the antithesis to a shipper, but will write for canon character ships or polyships with canon characters and a reader/reader’s OC. And I’m always happy to accept canon character platonic headcanons or deep dive into the relationships and interactions between characters in a non-romantic sense. If headcanon requests are for smut, it’s a female reader because it’s what I feel comfortable writing, and I won’t publicly make my headcanons on character’s gender identities or sexual orientations known; and I don’t answer requests like ‘what would character think of a gay/transgender/non-binary partner’ because like, they’d adore them, just as they would any other type of person! And I don’t write yandere headcanons or headcanons where any character is abusing another or straight up toxic where it’s expected for me to treat it as okay or romantic. Other than that, please feel free to ask because I love seeing the ideas people come up with!
Moving on to the headcanons, I hope you’ll enjoy them!
So, carrying along with something I mentioned in my last batch of headcanons for Eric, he’s a lightweight when it comes to alcohol and gets drunk really quick. But he’s not a violent asshole of a drunk, like you might think he would be. Nope, drunk Eric will still be kind of irritable and he’ll definitely still insult people but overall, drunk Eric is a happier drunk than sober Eric. He gets really giggly too. Like, this boy will straight up insult someone and then straight up giggle over whatever insult he came up with because he’s suddenly grown a sense of humour and his sense of humour is that he’s fucking hilarious. He even just randomly giggles because something popped into his head that he finds really funny, and he thinks he said it out loud, but he didn’t and nobody quite understands why he’s laughing. It’s probably one of the few times people hear him full out laugh too, by the way.
Because of his light colouring, Eric blushes pretty easily and pretty noticeably and it embarrasses the fuck out of him. He hates it. When he blushes, it’s not just his cheeks either. His whole face gets really red and his neck and upper chest flush red too. It’s not just embarrassment that makes him blush either, since he gets really red if he over-exercises or gets really angry too.
Eric doesn’t like socks. He’ll only wear them if he absolutely has to and takes them off the moment he’s able to. He doesn’t even really like wearing shoes that much, to be honest, and enjoys walking around barefoot whenever he’s able to. Weird headcanons, but I feel his feet have a pretty big gap in between his big toe and the rest of his toes, which are all close together. Doesn’t affect him any, but his feet look kind of weird because of it.
Eric’s definitely the kind of guy who wears his pants more than once before washing them. He doesn’t do laundry often and probably even does this with his shirts. The only things he won’t re-wear and that he puts in the dirty laundry to be washed right away are his underwear and even then, there are times (mostly when he just doesn’t have a spare pair clean) that he might re-wear those too.
Eric has tried smoking, but it tasted disgusting to him, and he honestly doesn’t get how people smoke or enjoy cigarettes. He can’t even describe the taste, but it’s worse than food he’s been forced to eat out of the garbage in his past, so that is saying something major.
Eric calls himself a dog sometimes, but he doesn’t really like the animals. He doesn’t hate them or anything. He won’t push one away from him or be mean to one and he’s okay with sitting around while Kousuke feeds the strays dogs that he looks after. There are even certain dogs that he can be pretty cool with. It’s just that they’re definitely not his favourite animal and there are a good number of other animals he’d rather have as pets. I personally see him as having fish as a starter pet and really enjoying them. He gets along well with fish too but his dream pet, and the one that makes him happiest…He wants one of those mini, tea-cup pigs.
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slinkysquid · 1 year
Boot Season
am i allowed to wear boots in the spring? as the spring is growing in, i feel my depression coming back. i’m not sure if i’ll make it. why does spring make me sad ? the idea of the winter sounds so nice to me now. Getting to curl up inside, an excuse for the extra layers and blankets i surround myself with. i call it my cocoon, but maybe it is my armor. my shell ? my invisible cloak ? a wall i build around myself to protect me from the outside world and the depths of my mind. i stay numb and warm in my cocoon, i cant feel i cant think and oh i cannot breathe. i like the dark. the only time i feel safe in my own house, is in these walls is during the dead of night. feeling the still black air that surrounds me as i drift away. the glow of my phone reflected into my teary eyes, as i block the voices in my head with music spotify defines as "melancholy". its my chill music. i hate the cold. cant stand it. i love denim jackets piled over sweaters, and yet i will never wear my black puffy coat to keep me warm. i stand silently shivering under my jumpers and jackets because i cannot look weak. because i would rather torture myself in the cold than wear something unflattering. yet i have always hated the winter. this year was not like the rest, i fought to keep my head up, i did not give my brain a minute to slip under the icy cold water of seasonal depression. and while i was not doing well, the cold kept my fingers numb so i could not move, kept my tounge frozen so i could not speak, kept my heart on ice so i could not feel. my body is thawing as the spring comes in. the floodgates of clammy cold feelings start to spread through my body and i am almost taken under. i went shopping for boots today. it is not boot season my old boots are falling apart, the fabric is splitting from the back and pooling under my heels. there are dents in the foam under my two big toes. the backs of my feet have been bleeding and scabbing over for weeks while i neglect to get new shoes or even apply bandaids to my blisters. i find a pair of boots identical to mine and slide them on, forcing my toes to squish into the ends and i close the boots, nipping the edge of my skin on the zipper. i stand up and walk a lap in these tiny shoes. my brain wants these, the overwhelming tight pressure surrounding my feet. i want to leave in these shoes despite them being arguably worse than what i had before. i yearn for the comforting pain these shoes bring me with each step. i pull on pair of black shoes, sorta boots sorta sneakers. once again i do not look at the size, only sliding them on and pulling the laces as tight as possible. there is no pain when i stand up in these. i tense up as i hear my mother behind me. i brace myself for the wave of dissatisfaction i know will roll off her skin as she comes to face me. i can feel her judgement in her deep sigh, in the steps of her shoes, her upper lip every so slighly raised, the tightness in her arms, clutching her bag towards her. ​"really? are you sure you want those?" these were not the shoes i came in for but i did leave with them. i stand in silently in line with my mum " did you talk to any of your friends at school today? " i um well i no the thick silence returns. it is not boot season when i return home i place my new black shoes next to my black crocs, my black converse and my old black boots. these will join the rotation, my old boots will stay for when the blisters start to heal. we discuss my mothers trip to england over old take out food. "im glad im going back" me too i whisper silently to myself. itll be so nice to have you out of the way for a little bit spits a voice in the back of my mind "really ? are you gonna eat all of that? " it is not boot season.
iloveyou from a distance
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mtfstuff · 4 years
Little help
"Shit, I'm late.", Michael thought as he put on his watch. He slipped into his nice black dress shoes and corrected his tie in the mirror.
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He took his jacket and left his appartement. He tried to take the elevator but it took him too long to arrive so He took the stairs. The sound of his heels hitting the ground with every step echoed through the stairwell. He never ran down the stairs as fast as on this day. He finally left the building and walked down the street. He became nervous thinking about the presentation he has to hold in front of his boss this afternoon. The presentation could be his ticket for a seat on the council of the company he works at.
He was so lost in his thoughts that he hardly even noticed that he was stopping because he subconsciously noticed something in an alley. Michael observed the alley and saw a man waving him over. Michael knew that he shouldnt go into the alley as that would be one of the places were murder happen or someone gets raped. But Michael always wants to help people if they are in trouble and this man looked like he could need some help.
"I still have 5 hours till my presentation. I can fill up my working hours after that.", Michael thought.
He entered the alley carefully, trying to watch out for any trap. He stopped 6 feet away from the man. Michael could now see that the man was probably his age and he looked hispanic. His hair looked well-groomed but he was definitely chubby. He only wore some dirty socks which had holes, underpants and a dirty shirt.
"Is everything okay?", Michael asked.
"I accidentally locked myself out of my apartment, two days ago.", he answered with a jeavy accent. He pointed towards a door on his right side. "The shop owner on the other side of the street has a second key for it. I cant go over like this." His hands made a move towards his dirty clothes.
Michael didnt know what to do. He felt uncomfortable in this situation. "Should I go over and ask the owner to give it to me?"
"He wouldnt. He'll only gibe the key to me.", the man answered. He made a pause. "Could I borrow your good looking suit so I can go and get the key?", he asked.
Michael was irritated. He never thought someone would ask a question like this.
"The shirt, pants and shoes would be enough too. No need for a tie.", he added.
Michael was tempted to do it. He wanted to help this man so bad. "But what if the man wouldnt return with my suit?", Michael thought.
"I'm sorry, but I wont take off my suit. I'm already late for work. I hope someone will help you.", Michael answered politely.
"Come on man, just for 10 minutes and I'll give it back.", the man begged.
"The answer is no.", Michael said and turned around to leave. He was almost on the main street again as he felt a pull on his right foot. As he looked down he saw that he only wore his left shoe anymore. Michael turned around and saw the man holding Michaels shoe his hand. "Only your pants and your other shoe, please.", he begged.
"Give me back my shoe now or I'll call the police you filthy homeless!", Michael answered briskly.
The man threw the shoe in front of Michael and mumbled an okay as he walked towards the back of the alley again.
Michael kneeled down to put on his shoe again and went to work after that.
He thought alot about the encounter at work. In the afternoon, the presentation went great. Michael got his seat at the council.
Over the next few days Michael forgot about the crazy man in the alley until he walked past it one evening. Michael thought that he heard something and watched the alley. He remembered the man from a few days ago and left towards his appartement. He took the elevator and opened his door. Michael entered his bedroom and wanted to undress. He bend over to untie his shoes as he felt a painful hit at the back of his head. Michael collapsed unconscious immediately.
As he woke up Michael noticed that something was tied around his ankles and wrists. Michael opened his eyes to see that he was tied to his bed, still wearing his suit and shoes. He tried to free himself until he noticed someone standing in the shadow of the corner.
"You wont be able to free yourself,  even though you have those muscles.", a voice with a heavy accent said.
Michael knew that accent. It was the man from the alley.
"How did you get in here?", Michael shouted in disbelief.
"That doesnt matter.", he answered. "What matters, is that you didnt help me back then but now you will." He stepped out of the corner, revealing that he still wore his dirty clothes. "I lost my job because of you.  Because you didnt want to lend me your suit."
Michael was shocked.
"But now I'm here for revenge.", he said with a devilish grin. "I mixed something together while you were at work." He walked over to a drawer and took out a bottle filled with a black liquid and a glass. He poured the liquid into the glass and sat down next to Michael. He grabbed Michaels throat causing him to open his mouth. The man poured the liquid into Michaels mouth and made him swallow it.
Michael felt how his body started to feel numb. He wasnt able to move anymore.
The man untied Michael and started to run his hand over his suit. He laid down next to Michael and pulled Michael towards him So that Michael was laying in the mans lap, between his legs.
"What are you doing? Stop that!", Michael said, trying to get his body to move.
The man let his fingers run over Michaels muscular body again. He played with Michaels nipples beneath the tight shirt.
Michael felt how the mans dick was rising and pushing against his back.
The man grabbed Michaels head by the back and pushed him forwards. He pulled of the suits jacket and let Michaels back fall against his belly. He took Michaels tie off and opened some buttons of the shirt. He pushed his hands beneath the shirt to touch Michaels abs. He took them out again and pushed them into Michaels pants. He fondled with his balls for some time until he pulled his hands out again.
The man pushed Michael to the side, left the bed and walked towards Michaels feet. He grabbed him by his ankles and pulled Michael towards him. He opened Michaels belt and pulled pants and underpants down to the ankle. He pulled his own underpants down, revealing a throbbing dick, and lifts Michaels legs into the air. He placed the legs onto his shoulders and strokes over Michaels otc gold-toe-socks and his hairy leg.
"Now you will feel how sorry you are for not helping me!", the man said grabbing Michael by the hips.
"Please, dont do this. Please.", Michael whimpers.
The man pushed his thick cock into Michaels hole. Michael mourned because of the pain. The man pushed in a fast rythm and shot his load into Michael. Happy with what he did to Michael, the man now stripped himself and Michael completely naked.
He took Michaels socks and put them on, followed by his underpants and pants. As he put on Michaels suit, Michael noticed a change in appearence at his own body and with the hispanic man. Michael himself started to loose his muscles and the hispanic started to loose his belly and gain muscles. The man giggled at Michaels surprised looking face. He put on the shirt, tugged it into the pants and tied the tie around his neck. At this point, Michael had lost all of his muscles and gained a small chubby belly. The man on the other hand now filled Michaels suit with his muscles.
"And now the finishing touch!", the man said.
He took both dress shoes and sniffed them. Michael could see how the dick moved beneath the pants. He was disgusted by the fact that the man managed to switch muscles just by putting on Michaels most beloved suit.
The man put both shoes on, bowed down and tied the laces. As he got up again. Michael looked at his own face. He didnt want to think about the fact, that he could look like the hispanic man now.
"Look at me. Dont I look fabulous?", the man said.
"Give me my body back!", Michael screamed. "You May look like me, bit you still have that heavy accent!"
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The man giggled and ran his hands over his now muscular body. "Watch this.", he said.
He grabbed the jacket and put it on.
"How do I sound now?", the man asked with Michaels deep voice.
"Thats not possible!", Michael said. He was shocked as he heard himself with the thick accent the hispanic man had.
The man laid down again next to Michael and ran his fingers over Michaels now chubby body.
"I'll slightly miss this body.", he said. "But I'm more than pleased with yours Michael. Thanks to you I can now live a new life. I got a job again, where I earn enough money." He kissed Michael. "You know Michael, this wouldnt have happened to you, if you'd helped me back then. I would've returned your suit, but you were greedy. Now I'll live your life and help people. But before I start, I have to get rid of you tomorrow."
The man leaves Michael on the bed. Now standing in the doorframe, the man turns around one last time. "You have great taste in suits.", he said, rubbing his dick beneath his pants.
"As soon as I manage to move again, I'll find you and take my body back!", Michael shouted.
The man gigled, turned the lights for the bedroom off and closed the door. Michael was all alone in the dark.
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xdazednconfuzedx · 3 years
The Trip
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Authors note: 18+ only,  Should I do multiple parts of the one-shots or just one-shots? There is gonna be choking, language, very smutty, etc so please be warned :)
Anyways enjoy <3
"Bucky Come On," You shouted, playing with the car keys, sighing in frustration; holding the railing at the end of the stairs.
"Bucky!" you raised your voice and seemed slightly agitated in your tone while extending his name.
Silence filled the air for a few minutes, you caught a glimpse at yourself in the mirror and noticed your right boob was kinda poking out of the bottom of your top. You quickly fixed the top and began staring at yourself; Noticing all the little features bucky had told he loved about you.
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(This is the top, wearing a white tight skirt with white shoes.)
You decided to trick bucky and see if he was ignoring you on purpose. You stomped your feet to the front door and fake slammed the door shut, you quietly ran against the wall next to the mirror. You quickly cover your mouth hiding your laugh as you heard him start running from upstairs. Even heard him slip on the last few stairs. You tried so hard not to burst out laughing but you waited till he came into the front area, "You alright there clumsy," You said smirking at him, he darted his eyes at you, shifting his body towards you as you do the same but crossing your arms, you could see his smile start to peak out of his "I hate you look,"
"What's so funny?" He said in a sarcastic tone pretending like you didn't just hear him bust his ass on the stairs. He was starting to walk toward you, he grabbed your waist and pressed you against the wall as you both laughed. He even started tickling you, Gosh he loved your laugh. As you both stared at each other trying to catch each other's breath, you realized that you were going to be late for the flight; You widened your eyes and ran to the front door, and grabbed your luggage. "Bucky we have to go now we are gonna be late," You said walking towards the front door but just before you could grab the knob he grabbed your neck with his metal arm, Gripping his fingers around the back of your neck but not enough to cause you harm. He turned you to face him, now holding your throat.
He gave you this kinda look in his eyes it was like hate but also the desire to rip your clothes off. You turned your head as you felt the sexual butterflies flutter in your stomach. Without hesitation, he grabbed your chin making you face him, and kissed you. Sloppily making out he began Rubbing his hands all over your body, shifting his kisses lower and lower down to your waist. He got on his knees and looked up to you with these puppy dog eyes those darn steel blue eyes you said to yourself; he was practically begging you to say the words he was desiring to hear. As he kissed your hip line he began kissing between your thighs making you jump at the feeling; like it was the first time he touched you. As you felt the desire to give in to him you argued "Bucky we cant do this right now we have a flight," you whined, biting your lip as he looked at you.
"don't care, we can take another flight." He said dominantly not wanting any comment from you. " I wanna take care of you before we go doll." As he rubs his fingers on your upper thigh he goes into your skirt and pulls your panties off and shoves them into his back pocket exposing the black lace in his back pocket. He puts your right let on his shoulder, kissing every part of your body, you bit your lip trying to resist him but it felt like you could just melt into his arms. "Get up." You say without breaking eye contact as He gets up as soon as you end your sentence.
"Alright fine but we gotta be fast." Before you could even finish your sentence he Began kissing on your neck and moved down, sliding his tongue between your lips. Licking every last drop as he felt you moan to his slightest touch, He rubbed circles on your clit, getting hard as he felt your hips buck toward him in pleasure. He began to leave his love bites around your pussy; proving you were his and only his. You tightened your grip on his hair moaning his name.
"Say my name y/n," He groaned trying not to unzip his pants and fuck you right there.
"Bucky" you bit your lip moaning quietly, "Say it louder!" He said with his raspy deep voice, took his fingers out of you and slipped his tongue into your mouth, and began sloppily making out with you; looking at each other with such intensity, such tension that he couldn't take it anymore. I'm gonna fucking making you beg for more." He grunted Uber his breath; pushing his skirt up and unzipped his pants and started to rub his cock against your clit, you could feel your legs start to tremble and shake, he felt bigger than before. "Stop teasing and fuck me," you replied, agitated that he would even tease at a time like this. He smirked at your reply.
He grabbed you and put you over his shoulder, happily walking upstairs, smacking your ass in the process. You smirked; biting your lip, holding back your moan, as he started playing with your lips while walking down the hall.
He placed you on the bed lightly lifting his top off and throwing it on the chair next to the door. As he unbuttoned his pants, you began taking your skirt off so he didn't rip it and he threw them on the chair with the rest of your clothes. You both fell to the bed pressed against each other making out and grinding against each other. He grips his hands on your boobs and starts to rub and pinches your nipple. As you bite your tongue trying to hide your loud moans, He started giving kisses till he's between your legs. He shoves himself inside of you without warning; both of you moaning into each other's ears as you both feel the pressure and you feel your walls grip around his cock. He trusts deeper into you looking at your pussy, with his brows scrunched together, and focusing on his breathing he bit his lip, "Don't you dare hold your moans." He said moving his hands down your body; rubbing your clit as his right arm grips your hip.
You feel yourself getting closer and gripping around him tighter, you feel him tighten up as he tries to not drain his balls into your tight pussy at that moment. You feel your eyes shut and rollback, your head falls against the pillow; moaning his name into his neck and he keeps his Rhythm as you pulse around his dick, legs trembling as you feel your juice drip around his cock.
"Good girl," He said gripping your neck with his metal arm. "I wanna fuck you in the mirror." He said letting go of your throat and walking to the full body mirror beside the window. "Get over here." He said extending his hand out to you. You run over to him feeling his dominance win over you.
He grips your arms and puts you in front of the mirror. "Ow," you quietly whispered and jumped at the feeling of his arms gripped around you. "Sorry doll," He kisses the red marks, turning you around and picking you up By your ass he rubs his tip on your lips and slowly puts himself inside you. You both bite each other's lips; he turns you around making you face the mirror, standing on your tippy-toes. He pulls himself out as he feels himself get closer, He bends you over, Rubbing his hands down your back arch line. Shoving himself back in, Fucking you even harder, and kissing your neck. Grunting in pleasure, your name slips from his moans and pounds even deeper into your pink pussy. Pressing his body against yours gripping your breasts with his cold hands, moaning into your ear at the feeling of your walls squeezing against him as he shoves himself into you and then back out. He edges you on until the both of you feel so close.
He pulls his body back; slamming into you as his thrusts get harder and slower as he feels himself drain every drop he has into you. He grips your neck as he stiffens up inside you; you slowly circle on his dick and he pulls you and wraps his arms around yours and leaves hickeys on your neck. "Don't you dare start teasing!"
(1530 words) Hope you enjoy give me suggestions if you guys want more fluff added or other stuff <3
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peachyproserpina · 3 years
Thick like Honey
You know for someone who can't write smut this is a LONG oneshot. Also as someone who's fav isn't Paterson I sure as hell write a fuck ton of him.
Tagging my inspo forever and always @glassbxttless
Warnings: pegging, crying, general smut, not proof-read
You can feel the tension in the air when you get home, the house is scented so dark and sticky it’s almost like walking through honey. Knowing that you are only going to make it smell like sex and sweat later is making you break out in goosebumps. You and Paterson have been planning this for ages, a day where he is off and able to get ready for you, get ready for you to claim every part of him more than you already have. You can feel your pussy throb at the thought of Pat spread open before you. You toe off your shoes and quietly pad towards your shared bedroom.
You try to stay as quiet as possible, wanting to see him before he sees you.This was new for the both of you but you could tell he was just as excited about this if not more so than yourself. You peek through the crack of the door and see Pat kneeling on the mattress, reaching far far far to light a candle on the nightstand with those blue tip matches you seem to keep everywhere. You bite your lip and stifle a moan when you spot the deep sapphire blue plug snugly between his cheeks. You’re already drooling at the thought of getting to split him open on your cock, watch him come undone under you just as much as he enjoys making you do the same.
You take a step in the room and shut the door behind you, the latch clicking closed making him jump and turn towards the door. You lean against it and watch as recognition washes over his features, his breathing only slows for a moment before picking up again you can see the deep flush spread across his chest. You can't stop the curl of your lips while you watch him take you in, you’re still wearing your clothes from work, nothing fancy, you approach the bed and start unbuttoning your blouse as you go. Pat is enraptured, he can’t pick where to look, from the way your hair has messily come undone from your hairdo, to the peek of skin he can see as you come closer, to even your thighs and calves highlighted in the shimmery stockings he helped clip on you this morning. His cock pluses and drips as you get closer. He wants to grab you, bring you close and smoother you in kisses like he usually does when he sees you first thing when you’re home. But he keeps his hands to himself like you have taught him and lets out a whine from the back of his throat.
“Hi baby, miss me today?” You shuck your shirt off and smile bigger when Pat nods his head, you watch his adam's apple bob and his fingers tense in the bedsheets. “Good, I missed you so much today Pat. Thought about what a good boy you are for me, getting ready for me on your day off.” He opens his mouth to let you know that he missed you too, to let you know that he was such a good boy and didn’t touch his cock at all today, let it leak into his underwear and make a mess of himself instead of disobeying you. But the sound of your zipper cuts through the air and he takes in a shaky breath. You chuckle at him, gaping at you- “keep that mouth open any longer baby and I’m going to be using your mouth sooner rather than later.” That gets him to shut his mouth with a snap and look up at you with pleading eyes. You step between his legs and run your fingers through his hair, he tilts his head back and lets out a loan groan.
You take a look over him and rub your sticky thighs together when you see his cock standing flushed red-purple and angry looking. So desperate, you both are, this has been on both your minds all day. You give his hair a sharp tug and the whine that slips out of his mouth nearly makes you moan. Pat opens his eyes and looks up at you.
“Yes Sweetheart?” Pat asks, eyes trained on yours despite desperately wanting to look at your nipples that he knows are pebbled up under your sheer bra, or the way you've soaked your matching panties, he can smell your slick from here, the smell of your cnt already making his mouth water, you press a kiss to the tip of his nose and step back, he misses your body already. Aching to have you skin to skin.
“Get my strap baby, the pretty pink one we picked out last weekend.” You smile as he nods his head, hands shaky and he wobbles his way over to the closet where you keep your toys. The princess plug snug in his ass and the way his cock wags making him lightheaded and you haven’t even started. Pat turns and nearly drops the baby pink strap when he sees you’ve situated yourself on the edge of the bed, panties in a heap on the floor while you have your hands between you legs, he can tell with the way you’re biting back a moan that you are circling your clit just how you like. You smile at him big and wide and nod towards your feet. Pat moves towards you and kneels once he’s close enough, he helps you step into the harness with tender hands that make you break out into goosebumps. You steady yourself on his shoulders as you stand up, he groans as he secures the straps around your hips nice and snug. He can feel his mouth start to water, you trace your fingers from his shoulders up into his hair again. He’s entranced by the way the pretty pink dildo sways with your breathing, you pull his hair into a tight fist again and push his face closer to the silicone. Pat looks up at you, unsure but so eager you can see the shine in his eyes.
“Give it a lick baby, need it nice and ready for you.” You push his face closer and he gives the tip a kitten lick with the tip of his tongue. You let out a hum of approval and his eyes dart back up to your face. You smile down at him he can feel his own cock pulse as a result. He wraps his lips around the head and you gently thrust into his mouth, not wanting to make him choke on you- yet. His eyes roll back and you take that as permission to thrust that much further into his mouth, hitting the back of his throat and making him gag. Your chest is heaving as you watch him take you so deep, deeper then you thought. “You slut, you’ve done this before haven’t you?” Pat’s eyes rolls back at your tone, the question, the fact you're still thrusting into his mouth, humming an affirmative around you he relaxes just a little more and the way he gags and drools around you makes you cunt weep. You pull out of his mouth, a hand still firmly planted in his hair, keeping your cock out of the reach of his lips. Theres a string of sticky saliva connecting you two together and you clench around nothing.
Pats dazed, his head is spinning and you two haven’t even done anything yet. He looks up at your bleary eyed and gasps when you tug his hair. “Up on the bed, not that you’ve got me nice and wet for you.” You stroke the strap while he scrambles onto the bed and settles himself right in the middle comfy and splayed on the pillows. You hum again and climb up in between his long long legs, knees a pretty flushed red from kneeling on the carpet for so long. You’re drooling yourself as you can finally see how much of a mess he’s made of himself. Tapping his knees the pulls them up to his chest and you let out a groan. You hook a hand under one of his knees and stretch him that much further his eyes roll to the back of his head and he lets out a heady moan. The way he’s covered in sticky pre-cum it makes you wonder if you even need lube, it's all over his thighs and still dripping steadily down his cock.
“Do you want my cock Pat?” you know he does but you want him to say it. Want him to say it give you the verbal go ahead you need. He swallows and nods,
“P-please sweetheart need your” he takes a shaky breath “need your cock in me so bad. Need your cock so I can cum.” You moan and smile at him, not wasting anymore time you reach up leaning over him as you purposely rub your cocks together, he chokes on a gasp as you settle back down, lube now in hand. Pulling his knee back a little more you give it two small taps.
“Hold this for me baby?” you smirk as Pat nods at your request, hiking his knee up higher and opening himself up for you. You’re palming his cock, just feather light touches while you work the plug out from him. His tight pretty pink ring doesn’t want to give it up, so you stroke his cock more and he relaxes under you, letting the plug slip out. “Good job Pat. You’re so good for me.” That makes him throw his head back and moan.
You smile and grab the lube, “gonna open you up baby, so you can take my cock.” Pat is looking while you smooth the lube all over your fingers, running it once twice over your cock and he hums. “Gonna be a little cold alright baby?” You wait for the nod from Pat before you sink a finger into his tight ass and you let out a moan while he takes you in.
“O-h fuck Sweetheart.” Pat is lost in the feeling of you finally inside of him, he’s wanted this so bad and now that it is finally happening he is trying his hardest not to cum before you say so. You’re easing your finger in and out of him before you slide another one right in next to it. He groans out loud and long and you bite your lip, trying to catch friction on your clit, as just worked up as Pat is with all this teasing. He’s panting and sweating and when your fingers graze over his prostate he yelps and clamps down hard on your fingers.
“Oh there is my favorite spot baby. You’re taking my fingers so well you ready for my cock?” you ask, drizzling more lube onto your cock slicking you up so you can fit right into him. Pat is nodding and whining, his eyes trained on the way you are stroking your cock just as you do his. You catch his eyes as you slide your fingers out of him and line the silicone right up to his ring. “Be a good boy for me Pat and let me in.” You cant your hips forward and he opens right up for you. He’s panting, fingers fisting into the bedsheet and you can see his cock pulse as you slide to the hilt. You both let out moans as you bottom out. Pat’s biting his lip so hard he might draw blood and you’re panting as you watch your husband drip all over himself for you.
You pull out and the sound Pat makes is heaven to your ears. You bat his hand away from his knee and lean over him, trying to find his prostate, you’re dripping sweat onto him and he is moaning loud now, his hand itching to grab his cock and stroke himself to the way you’re drilling into him. You press that much further into him and when he chokes on his moans is when you know you’ve found it. You keep up your pace, not letting Pat catch his breath as you fuck into him, battering his p-spot over and over. He’s crying, he wants to cum so badly and the way you are pulling this orgasm from him he feels like he might black out.
You can feel yourself dripping sticky onto the comforter and you might cum yourself from making Pat lose himself.
“Grab your cock baby, nice and tight and I’ll let you know when you can cum” Pat does just that big hands wrapping around his thick base tight, not even jerking himself letting the way you are pounding into him jostle his hand for him. You reach up and wrap a hand around his throat. He opens his eyes and whines when he sees you staring back at him. You thrust a few more times before you’re nodding “go on baby, be a good boy for me and cum.”
Pat wails, coming in thick ropes that coat his torso, you slow your thrusts and still, nestled deep into him while he rides out the waves of his organism. He’s breathtaking like this, chest heaving and red, coated in his own cum and big fat tears rolling down his cheeks. You lean back and slowly pull out, he lets out a whine as you do so. So used to you filling him he never wants you to leave. You lean over him again and kiss up his tears.
“You did so good for me baby. I love you so much Pat.” You’re gently brushing his hair out of his face while you try not to jostle him too much. You make a move to pull away when his hand, still covered in sticky precum pulls you closer.
“It’s your turn Sweetheart.” You gape at him just as he did earlier and he kisses your cheek soft.
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toevenexist · 4 years
The baby moves the entire night so she cant sleep and she’s really uncomfortable she can’t find a position to sleep and the next day at work she’s sleepy and tired and with pelvic pain and Link tells her to go to sleep but she doesn’t accept she’s tired
Hey Everybody! I’m baaaack. Here is PART 1 to this. Please be nice and reblog and review me pleeaassee I need to boost my writers ego, (boost it from nothing right now). 
I hope you enjoy this. Also a Reminder that somewhere in my writing universe Amelia was having twins (I think it should have happened in the show, THERE’S NO TWINS IN GREYS) so its twins here. 
Send me more ideas for part 2, 3...80 Link to Masterpost (Binge at your own risk)
Amelia hummed softly, defiantly screwing her eyes shut. She willed the babies to still, to quit dancing, quit testing the boundaries of her womb. She took in a deep breath and released it through pouted lips, cheeks puffed.  
She was coming to the end of her effort at testing the theory that if she was calm, and meditative, the babies would be too. She’d gradually decided it was the opposite for her offspring; drifting in and out of a light sleep, it had taken the last five hours for her to prove that. 
Without even resting her hands against her bump she could feel it contorting and morphing in shape with the movement of the twins. Amelia finally gave up, opening her eyes, staring off into the darkness in front of her. In the silence of the night she could hear the flutter of a lone moth’ wings against her window, and the rushing of the night air outside, cars hummed in the distance. 
She could hear Link next to her too, breathing softly, a quiet snore appearing and disappearing from his breath. When she focused on his presence behind her, an aching, swelling feeling of comfort and love swelled in her chest and she smiled in the dark. 
Normally when the babies were so active Link would help her. He’d rub her stomach and hips and sing for them, it would calm her in a way that she wasn’t able to do for herself, it seemed, no matter how much she tried. Tonight though, she thought he needed sleep more than she did. 
He’d come straight home following a nine and a half hour surgery, that ran his shift late by hours. So she was letting him sleep. She thought she should be able to settle herself, and them, on her own anyway. 
A cool breeze rolled in through the window and she closed her eyes again, stretching her legs out and rolling on to her back. She suppressed a groan and immediately rolled back onto her side, dropping her legs off the bed and pushing herself to sitting. She sat still for a moment, resting her hands against her sides, applying firm pressure and rubbing from her hips to her ribs. He realised she was clenching her jaw and relaxed it, tipping her face up to the ceiling. 
She stared into the fuzzy darkness of the room  and resigned herself to no sleep, and exhaustion tomorrow and rolled her eyes. She took in a deep breath, appreciating the smell of the fresh night air that had become near synonymous with the air in her room. A car alarm rang in the far distance, to her it was the volume of a whisper. 
Amelia stood slowly, curling her toes into the carpet beneath her. She pressed a hand into the ache in the small of her back and stepped up to the window, opening it wider.  A light wind draped against her like a cool shawl and rearranged the hair that framed her face. She hummed mellifluously in an out breath and tipped her face to the sky. 
Link stirred from sleep behind her and she heard the bed creak as he searched her out. “Amelia?” his voice was gravelly. Amelia remained still, though the twins were yet to wind down. “Yeah” Amelia said, pausing a moment and then turning her head to him. She could just make him out, leaning on his elbow, eyes glinting mutely with the light of the street. 
“What’s wrong? Is something wrong?” he said, sitting up, sleep ebbing away from him too. 
Amelia turned now, one hand holding on to the window sill, the other rest in the angle between her hip and the swell of her stomach. “They haven’t let me sleep” She admitted, setting herself back on the bed, melting with each hand that Link lay on her. “At all?”
“Some, but not much” she said, sighing, feeling suddenly exhausted but still as if she had two hamsters running in wheels inside her. She instantly felt guilty for comparing them to hamsters, but it was short lived as she pressed her face into Link’s chest and took in his smell. She let out an “mmmmnnnn” in pleasure and shivered, feeling her skin prickle as he chuckled. He continued to rub therapeutic spirals against her stomach. 
“Feel good?” 
Her answer was a sigh and a hum, she felt the movement inside her slow, as if the twins were settling cats, now walking in small circles before they curl up for sleep. 
“Why didn’t you wake me Amelia? You’re going to be dragging all day tomorrow” He said. Amelia just hummed again, too absorbed in the blissful sensation he was permitting. The world felt as if it were slowing down finally, she felt herself spacing out. He felt it happening too; felt the babies winding down, and felt all the strain and tension leave Amelia. 
She was still, and melded into his side, one warm hand loosely grasping his forearm. Her hot exhalations warmed the crook of his neck and he allowed for calm to envelop him again. He folded himself against her and held her. She felt heavy and soft in his arms and against his hands. He lay a firm kiss against her head, at the part of her hair and closed his eyes.
The sun was still asleep, but the sky showed signs of its waking. Amelia was asleep too. Link was lying on his side, he’d awoken a little while ago, feeling rested. The room was warm, Amelia liked it that way. During the night she’d always throw the duvet away from her, only her feet were tucked under it. Her t-shirt was twisted and wound around her, up against the underside of her breasts. Other than that she wore a pair of underwear, dappled grey.  
Link gazed at her. She was so relaxed, so peaceful. One arm was draped across her torso, her index finger twitched against her stomach. He watched as she stirred slightly, turning her head to face Link. She sighed in her sleep, splaying her hand and sliding it to rest against her lower stomach. She settled again, completely oblivious of the Link’s gaze, of his thoughts. 
Link smiled tightly, pursing his lips. He felt guilty knowing he’d be waking her in a few minutes. She grimaced slightly and rolled slowly onto her side facing him. Even asleep now, she didn’t seem to be fully comfortable. Link peered down at her stomach, the culprit in all this. He reached out and laid a hand against the exposed skin. There was stillness there now, he smiled. 
“Amelia…” Link spoke softly, a creeping whisper. He brought his hand to her face and rest it against her cheek, drawing a line down her nose and across her soft lips. “Amelia” 
She whined weakly, pouting. “Its half seven sweetie”
“Mnn sweetie” She contested the word, and Link grinned, moving his hand back to her waist, massaging her tired muscles. “Why are they sleeping now?” she moaned, feeling genuinely tearful. 
“They had a long night” Link said, raising his brow, smiling sympathetically. Amelia just whimpered, opening her eyes. “You want a tea? caffeinated?” Link said, tipping his head to the side, meeting her eyes. She frowned and nodded, “Yes please” 
“Okay, I’ll go make it, some toast too?”
“Yes please”
“You okay getting up?” he asked, knowing she’d be feeling rough. She hummed yes and rolled onto the back. He offered his hand anyway and helped her sit up, moving closer and stooping down to kiss her on the lips. He held her face between his hands and they locked eyes.
 “I’m sorry they stopped you sleeping, but you’re doing amazing,” He said. Amelia smiled weakly and leaned into one of his hands, sighing. 
“Thanks” she said. 
“Alright, I’ll be back in a bit, or do you want to just come down for it?” 
“I’ll come down” 
“Okay”, he said, kissing her quickly again before leaving. 
Amelia huffed, standing up shakily, feeling her muscle protest and an ache set in in her pelvis. 
It took her a little longer than usual to get ready, so much that Link came up to check on her. He poked his head around the corner, finding her slipping on her shoes, holding on to the chest of draws. 
“Alright?” he said and she smiled, forcefully, trying to deceive herself of the utter fatigue she was feeling. Link thought to say she looked beautiful, because he always thought she was, but he didn’t, deciding it was the last thing she’d want to hear. 
She was wearing a pair of dark jeans and a plaid shirt that hung loosely on her. Her smile faded and she became more vacant as she made her way to the door. “Are you okay? You hurting?”
“Uuumm… I guess” she forced some cheerfulness into her voice as she walked ahead of him down the stairs. But her pace descending was a giveaway at the discomfort she was in. 
“I’m okay... I’m okay, I got this” she said, reaching the bottom of the stairs, eyeing him at the top of them, nodding meeting his eyes, wanting to reassure him. Heading for the kitchen she found Maggie sat at the table, who nudged Amelia’s tea towards her as she entered. 
Amelia took a sip and hummed her delight, closing her eyes. She quickly opened them, realising how good it felt to shut her eyes, and how much she’d like to go back to bed. She decided too to stay standing, hesitant to let herself rest, worried the stopping and starting would make her pelvic cramping worse. She downed her tea, sighing. 
“I heard you had a rough night?” Maggie said, standing up and taking Amelia’s empty mug. 
“Yup… it’s fine, I just need to get going…” Amelia said, arching her back and rolling her shoulders back. Link bustled in then, arranging his bag on his shoulder, and dropping his jacket into a chair. 
“Take it easy maybe Amelia” Maggie said, nodding, resting her hand on Amelia’s shoulder, Amelia met her eyes. Maggie stood before her, looking equally exhausted having just finished a night shift. 
“I will” Amelia said, nodding, unsure at how she was going to balance her day with what she felt she needed, which was twelve hours of sleep. She laughed a little.
Maggie grinned, seeing that resilience in Amelia’s eyes. She leaned down so her face was close to Amelia’s bump, uttering “naughty babies”.  Link chuckled, folding his arms. 
Standing sharply, Maggie took in a breath, “Right, have a good day, I’m going to bed” She said, waving as she headed for her room. 
In the car Amelia sat rigid, with restless legs, and hands that gripped her bouncing knees. She yawned for the third time and rubbed her face, widening her eyes. 
“Amelia? Are you sure you’re okay to work?”
“I’m okay Link, I slept some and I feel okay”
“Amelia, promise me you’re not going to push yourself today?”
“Link…” Amelia sighed, dropping her head against the headrest. She didn’t want to promise she wouldn’t do something that she was already doing. She was already pushing herself and had been the moment she’d pushed herself up out of bed. 
“Amelia” He tried to reason. 
“Link, truth is I’m pushing myself now, I’m exhausted and I’m hurting... But link” she shifted in her seat, sitting up. “I’m 7 months pregnant, I’m tired all the time, and I need to do my job”
“Amelia, I get that but you need too…”
“Link, don’t tell me what I need to do okay, I know, I’m a grown woman” she said, raising her voice. She flushed hot, her temper crackling like a fire inside her. ‘God I’m tired’ she thought, in an internal sigh that dragged her eyes closed. Link had stopped speaking, sensing her patience dwindling.
 “I’m sorry” she mumbled, slow blinking and clasping her hands together in her lap.   
“It’s okay” Link said, pursing his lips, eyes fixed on the road ahead. 
Amelia took a lengthy breath and peered down at herself. Her last pregnancy had been taxing in a completely different way. As they pulled into the hospital parking lot she held her stomach, looking down at the curve, and reminded herself that beneath her hands, were two healthy babies. At the end of all the pain and strain and tiredness, she’d have two babies, living and breathing in her arms. 
She hadn’t realised they were parked till Link’s hand came into view, resting and caressing her thigh. She looked up, finding his gaze. He smiled a warm, and grateful smile; o warm, she felt it sooth her. 
“I am your servant today, wherever I can be” 
“My slave” Amelia chuckled heartily, a lightness gracing her.
“Haha sure, I’m indebted to you for this” he said, resting his hand against her stomach.
“You sure are… you can carry any future babies, all eight of them” 
Link’s brows rose at that and he smiled toothily. “Eight? Why not ten, take it to a dozen”
“Well it’s your vagina Link” Amelia said, nonchalantly, opening her door and turning, smirking. 
“Wait don’t move…” Link said, opening his door and making his way around to her side.
“I’ll wait for slave” Amelia said, dramatically throwing herself against the back of her chair in despair. 
“Okay, come on” he said, offering his hand.
“All joke’s aside Link I do appreciate your help” Amelia said, taking his hand and standing up, turning her face away to hide the discomfort she felt grow the moment she was up. She let Link collect all their things, walking with him, and stretching and arching her back before they headed across to the hospital.
Tbc.  Thanks for reading! Please reblog and review xxx
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enigma-im · 4 years
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy
Rating: Explicit Relationship: Prince Vampire X Female!Human Warning: annoying in-laws, established relationship, oral, ball fondling, playful banter, little cum eating, just smut
Word count: 2363
dealing with in-laws suck, but it cant be all bad when you have a lover to make it worth the while
I slam the door open to my room. Nearly smiling as the knob bangs against the wall. I stare ahead at the bed across the way seeing Henley lounging in it. He is shirtless and reading, well reading before I barged in. I stare at him both frustrated and tired. Using my foot I close the door back with a loud thud.
"Well you look cheerful," he laughs as he sets his book aside.
"Your mother will be the death of me," I groan as I kick my shoes off," I can almost forgive your personality, being raised by that must have been a trip." as I near the bed he sits up. I walk around the side then promptly face plant into the bedding. I hear him laugh then feel him pet my hair. Running his fingers through the strands while adjusting his sitting.
"She isn't that bad, just eccentric. Thousand years of life tend to do that to a person," he tries to comfort. I huff against the blanket. I flip over onto my back, my shoulder leaning against his knee.
"I have had no peace since I accepted you, I knew id regret it," I rub my face with my hands. Wiping the stress from my eyes. Hands grab against my hips and slides me up the bed. I'm cradled against his chest, his arms resting around my stomach.
"Now don’t be saying the truth," he laughs near my ear," if you like I can convince her to leave you alone tomorrow, just the two of us here." he tries to lean down and kiss my neck but I push his head back.
"I want a day to relax, you would be no help to that," I scold. He grabs my hand and kisses my palm, nuzzling against it.
"I can help you relax, just ask and I shall give you anything you desire," he purrs.
"I desire you to stop groping me," I sit up out of his hold. I look at him over my shoulder, chuckling at his pout. I twist around and rest my legs on his lap. He grabs my feet and begins massaging them. I sigh, that hits the spot.
"Honestly, I'm sorry my mother is being overbearing. I'll talk to her tonight and get her to give you a day off," he comforts. I close my eyes and set my hands behind my head.
"Thank you doll," I mumble. He works his way from my toes, over the arch, and around to my ankle. Massaging my aches from the stupid high-class shoes his mother made me wear. I startle when I feel him kiss my toes. Kissing the same path his hands took. He trails his fingers up my calf, his lips following behind. As he makes it to my knee I use my other foot to settle against his shoulder, stopping him.
"Would you let me please you," he grumbles. Using a hand to pet my foot that rests against his shoulder.
"Not sure, have you earned it recently," I look between my legs at him. I grin at his arched brow.
"I like to believe I did but sometimes we have different thoughts," he kisses my toes.
"Give me an example of something you have done to earn me," I tilt my head. He huffs before grabbing my legs and settling them over his shoulders. Resting on his stomach with his chin over my pelvis.
"I brought you breakfast yesterday," he answers.
I pretend to think on it," no, need more than that."
He rubs his cheek on my hips, "how about taking you out to the garden, showering you with compliments and not fucking you on the bench. That took some self-control, especially with you in that sundress."
I roll my eyes," mostly because the sun would burn your pale ass. Gotta try harder than that."
He deadpans up at me, "How about I don’t tell my mother anything and let her parade you around all day wearing those horrid heels?"
I glare at him," you wouldn’t dare."
He smirks," oh I would. Now is that incentive enough?" I pet my foot down his naked back, pretending to think about it.
I give in," get my pants off, you are doing all the work today." Henley grins up at me before sitting up and curling his fingers over my pants. Quickly he yanks everything down, prying my feet out of each pant leg. He tosses the clothing off the bed over his shoulder. Then he gives his whole attention to my cunt.
"You know you are the only person I have met who isn't shaved," he runs his fingers through my fur.
"Not the dirty talk I wanted but I guess it’s a start," I tease. He huffs before leaning down and kissing my pelvis.
"I like it," he spreads my lips. Knowing I don’t care for teasing he licks over my clit. Giving a few open swipes. Then switching from broad strokes to the tip of his tongue then back again. He experiments with different movements, up-down, circles, arches. Then he kisses my clit, sucking as he does. I sit back and relax to his ministrations letting him test out whatever he likes.
As I began to get wet and my heart starts to speed up I figure its time to up the ante.
"Fingers," I demand as I look down at him. Watching him eat me out.
He chuckles against me," no please?" I reach down and grab his hair, pulling a handful of strands into my fist.
"you lucky you're cute," I moan as I yank his hair. He closes his eyes and groans against me, further on behind him I can see him humping the bed. "fuck, don’t cum before I can get to you," I whimper as I watch his hips roll.
"You know I can't cum without being in you," he smirks up at me. Before I could answer he goes back to my crotch, licking and thrusting his fingers. He curls his digits making the tips press against my walls. As I begin to cry out and clench my thighs he stops thrusting and instead bounces his fingers against me.
"Fuck, you have gotten better at that," I whimper. As thanks he sucks over my clit, humming against it. As I near my peak I reach down with my other hand and cup his face. Tugging on his hair and petting along his cheek as I cum. I buck against him, clenching along with his fingers. He doesn’t stop until I start to kick him away. He removes his hand and sits up with a satisfied grin.
I pant," Don’t look so smug." he crawls up my body, running his hand under my shirt as he settles above me.
"How can I not when you look so blissful," he kisses my cheek.
"Must be a new thing for you, your lucky I'm so easy to please or you would have never seen a woman look content," I tease.
He huffs," you are impossible, don’t know why I tolerate you."
"Yeah whatever, you like it. Now get those pants off and give me that cock," I push at his chest. He laughs as he sits up, untying his pants and sliding them off his legs. I can't stop myself from watching when his cock is finally free. "Best part," I mumble to myself as I reach for him. Once he gets his pants off he places his hands on either side of my head. Resting his head on my shoulder as he watches me hold his dick. I grab at the base and stroke up to his tip.
"Best part," he tries to joke. He huffs against my ear as I rub my thumb over his tip. He kisses at my neck as I jerk him off, panting between kisses.
"Take my shirt off," I whisper to him. He balances on one hand and reaches under my shirt, lifting it while gliding his fingers over my stomach.
"So soft and warm," he mumbles. As the shirt is bunched around my shoulders he sits up and removes it completely. Once it's off he tosses it to the side before leaning back down. He rests back on his hands and waits patiently for my next command. Such a good boy.
I grab his face and lean him down for a kiss. Shoving my tongue into his mouth quickly. As he intertwines our tongues I reach down and cup his balls. He chokes and jumps as I do.
I lean back," you alright doll?" I gently caress him, fondling and massaging.
"You play unfair," he whimpers. I pet his cheek, laughing when he clenches his eyes shut.
"Not my fault you are so sensitive," I laugh. Once I learned about his enjoyment of having his balls fondled I've taken to doing it every time we have sex. Loving the feeling and seeing his reaction. I gently palm him, knowing he is sensitive there in more ways than one. His face scrunches up as his lips part, letting out a whimper at my touch. Giving him a reprieve I let go and pet over his hip. "Now, you going to fuck me or what?"
He opens his eyes," was waiting on you, love." he sits up and grabs himself. He position to my entrance then thrust forward quickly. I suck in a gasp at the sudden fullness.
"I lied, this is the best part," I huff with a grin.
"I aim to please," he kisses me. I wrap my legs around his waist and encourage him to move. He catches on and begins thrusting, going quick. I lick at his lips, sliding my tongue into his mouth. I groan into him as I hear our hips clap together. Feeling his balls slap against my ass each time he plows into me.
"Fuck," I grunt when I part from his lips.
"That bad," he huffs near my ear.
"Isn't it always," I joke as I claw down his back. Digging deep to leave whelps or cuts in their wake.
"Then how can I remedy this," he purrs. Instead of answering I pull his hair and angle him for another kiss. I reach over and grab his hand, guiding it down my body. Letting him palm over my breast, glide down my stomach, stopping where we meet. I fold his hand till just his middle protrudes and place it over my clit. I guide his strokes like he doesn’t understand how to do it. Once he gets a pace I let go, running my nails up his chest. Feeling his muscles flex as my fingertips glide over his stomach. I flick at his nipples, tweaking them hard. He gives a particularly sharp thrust as I do. Oh, that’s new. I pinch them again, smoothing them with my thumb after. He pulls away from me and groans. Bucking harder into me with a punishing pace.
"Like that do you," I laugh. He doesn’t answer but whimpers near my ear as I play with his nipples. Bucking my hips into his. We both climb, feeling our mutual pleasures. He hits a particularly good spot inside me, hitting it repeatedly till I'm crying out for him. Cumming over his cock while shouting his name. I find myself reaching around and holding him closer, spilling out praises as I clench him tighter.
"God- fuck, love," he buries his face in my neck. My orgasms draw on forever as I hear his cries near my ear. His wild thrust end, burying himself as deep as possible as he cums inside me. Groaning as I feel his hot load and his drawn-out groan. I squeeze him tighter as I wait for him to come back to himself.
After a quick moment of blissful silence, Henley leans back. He rests his head on mine, eyes closed.
"You beautiful woman," he sighs.
I pet along his back," How do you know I'm beautiful if you have your eyes closed?"
"Because I'm to the hilt inside you and that’s the only coherent thought I had so it must be right," he squints his eyes open," It seems I was right, you are damn gorgeous." I can't help but smile, running my hand over his shoulder and cupping his cheek.
"You ain't too bad yourself, handsome," I peck him on the nose," now are you going to pull out at some point because I think we need a shower."
"Now why rush things," he traces his nose over my forehead and down to my throat. Trailing kisses over me, leading to my shoulder. "I rather stay right here for the rest of the night," he licks my skin.
"Well I rather not, I'm not a sock to keep your cock warm, you know," I playfully push him up. He pouts but sits upon his knees. He looks down where we are still together and watches himself pull out. I grit my teeth at the sensation, feeling the cold air hit.
"I love watching my cum dribble out of you," he cups my thigh and thumbs my lips. He collects some cum on his finger and brings it to his tongue. He moans while fluttering his eyelids," We taste delicious."
"Is that right," I prop myself on my elbows. He nods before collecting some more and leaning back over me.
"try some," he brings his thumb to my lips. I take it in, licking our combination off his thumb. Groaning at the taste while nibbling at the pad of his thumb. He pulls his finger back with a smile.
"Another reason we are so perfect together," I cock a brow. He huffs with a smile. He quickly kisses my lips before sitting up and getting off the bed.
"Shall I carry you to the bathroom," he holds out his arms.
"Of course, I did say you are doing all the work today," I laugh. He curves an arm under my knee and back. Lifting me to his chest. I trace the scratches along his shoulders as he takes me to the washroom.
I wonder if any of y’all notice most my story titles are classic rock songs. for example, this one is a queen song.
this a story i wrote like two months ago, I’m so lazy with this quarantine that i gotta look through my archives for stories i can use.
Check out Archive| Masterlist| Main Blog
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ladyreapermc · 5 years
Fic: Smell of your skin (Keanu x f!Reader)
Tumblr media
Summary:  Keanu’s coming home after being away for a press tour.
Pairing: Keanu x f!reader
Author’s notes: requested by @a-really-bi-girl​ based on #5 ( You’re wearing THAT knowing Im right here?) of spicy prompts. I kinda went a little soft on this one. Maybe my fluff mojo is coming back? Hope you like it @a-really-bi-girl​
Warnings: smut
You woke up to the feel of his lips against your neck, his beard scratching your skin, making you smile and blink your eyes open, turning to face him.
You had laid on the couch to wait up for him but fell asleep. The TV was still on, showing infomercials so you knew it was pretty late.
“You didn’t have to wait up for me, sweetheart,” Keanu said as you smiled sleepily at him.
“I wanted to,” you replied, tracing the tired lines on his face.
He kissed you softly on the lips before, snaking his arms under your back and knees and lifting you up. Even though you knew it was coming, you still squeaked startled, throwing your own arms around his neck as he chuckled.
You buried your face on the croak of Keanu’s neck inhaling deeply the familiar scent of cigarettes and clove mixed with the salty tanginess of his sweat. You missed him so much that you hesitated on letting go when he settled you on the bed and stepped back, starting to undress.
He shrugged off his blazer and kicked off his shoes and socks before removing his shirt, which you grabbed as soon as it was off his body.
“What are you…?”
Keanu trailed off when you started to undress in front of him, ditching your pajamas and putting on his shirt. It was the grey ARCH shirt that both of you loved. The loose collar from too many years of use slipping to the side and exposing part of your shoulder.
“What is it with you and my shirts?” He asked his tone a little lower, husky and it sent a thrill through your body.
“I just like them.” you shrugged as you crawled to the middle of the bed, sitting cross-legged and making sure he could see your cunt under the hem of the shirt. “They smell like you.”
You made a point of bringing the grey fabric to your nose and inhaling deeply, pulling the hem even higher and revealing more of yourself to him.
Sure he had just seen you fully naked a moment before, but you knew exactly how turned on Keanu got whenever you did this. You could see it in his eyes. They went from their familiar chocolate to a darker shade of brown.
“So, you want to smell like me?” he asked with an arched eyebrow, undoing his jeans and pulling them off along with his underwear and you nodded.
For a moment Keanu stood there watching you as you watched him.
You took in the broad shoulders and strong chest; the beloved pale scar across his abdomen, leading down to the bush of dark hair that surrounded his cock, which was half-hard already. And just the sight of him like this was enough to make wetness spread between your legs.
Keanu moved to the edge of the bed and reached for your legs, bringing them up to his chest, the movement forcing you to lie back on your elbows and pushing the hem of the shirt up to your belly.
“And you’re wearing that knowing I’m right here?” he asked, pressing kisses to your ankles and down your calves, before climbing on the bed and settling between your thighs. “Because I have better ways to make you smell like me.”
“Oh?” you replied raising an eyebrow as Keanu’s hands roamed up your body. “Do tell.”
“How about I show you instead?” he said with a wicked smile, before bending down to nip your inner thigh, making you jolt and giggle.
You felt his smile as he finally moved his mouth to your center, kissing and licking and making you moan and arch up to meet his tongue.
“Pretty sure that way you’ll end up smelling like me instead,” you gasped and the way he chuckled against your core made you curse and pull at his hair.
“Is that a bad thing?”
Keanu moved up, laying kisses over your belly and you reached for the hem of the shirt to pull it off, but he stopped you.
“Leave it on,” he said, crawling on top of you and catching your lips in a kiss. “I like seeing you in it.”
He kissed up your jaw.
“Especially when I know there’s nothing underneath.”
He nipped at the sensitive skin below your ear and your breath hitched.
“I didn’t think I was a possessive man until I met you.”
His hand came between your legs, rubbing circles on your clit, making you moan.
“Now I want the entire world to know who you belong to,”
Keanu kissed up the column of your throat and his lips found yours again as two of his fingers easily slid into your cunt.
“Ke, please,” you panted against his mouth, rocking against his hand.
Keanu nodded and pulled his fingers away long enough to replaced them with his length and you moaned, fingers digging on his back and you both paused to adjust.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, rolling your hips and he kissed you again, setting a maddening pace that had you throwing your head back and curling your toes, heels of your feet pressing against his ass.
Your skin felt electrified, pleasure sparking through your body and you could tell that just like you, Keanu was close by the way his hips faltered and stuttered. You snaked a hand between your bodies to touch yourself, making hard circles on your clit just as he sped up his thrusts, letting out a litany of curses and small grunts.
“Gonna come,” he gasped against your ear and you nodded, your hand working faster against your clit and you could feel that sweet tension reaching its peak.
Pleasure washed over you just as Keanu groaned low in his throat and he came too.
“Welcome home, babe,” you said as soon as you managed to catch your breath and Keanu laughed against your cheek, kissing you softly.
“Thanks.” You felt his nose brushing against your neck as he breathed you in and felt his lips drawing into a lazy smile. “And now you smell just like me.”
Taglist (give me a shout if you want to added.)
@poisonedjoinery, @ringa-starr, @curly-minnie @i-cant-remember-my-old-login, @caryled, @beyond-antares @kathorax @krazycags01 @meetmeinthematinee @red-pill-blue-pill @baphometwolf666
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With All Your Heart - 4
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The club was packed, it was too cramped to get up and dance. We had tried a few times and every time we'd end up with some douche bag trying to rub himself up against us. Yes, i was horny but I wasn't that desperate!! In the end we found a table and sat drinking cocktails and catching up on some girl talk.
The barman came over and placed another round down on the table and we all looked at each other in confusion "excuse me, we didn't order any more drinks..." Wanda started to say.
"The guys at the bar brought them for you" he said pointing to a group of guys who were looking over smiling at us.
"We're good thanks we were just getting ready to leave" i said getting to my feet and grabbing my purse from the seat beside me.
"Come on Y/N, this could be your chance.... their not awful looking" Nat said grabbing my hand and trying to pull me back into my seat.
"Im just not feeling it tonight Nat, you guys can stay if you like but I'm gonna head back to the tower"
"We cant let you go alone...."
"Guys i'll be fine, i haven't had too many and i know how to defend myself remember. I learned from the best" i smiled at Nat.
"Fine but text me when you get back so i know your okay"
"Yes mom!" I laughed shaking my head. We said good bye and i walked slowly back to the tower with my heals in my hand, no way was i walking home in those!
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As i walked down the hall towards my room i heard the familiar moans coming from Bucky's room so i headed straight there. Like always i quietly opened the door and was about to slip into his room but as i looked over to his bed i had the shock of a lifetime!! Bucky wasn't having a nightmare.... he was laid on his bed completely naked stroking his cock while moaning and groaning. I clenched my thighs together and felt myself dripping wet at the sight in front of me.
"Fuck yes!! Oh god..... yes....Y/N" he suddenly moaned and i swear i almost died on the spot!! I decided to take a chance.... the alcohol i had been drinking all night giving me the extra confidence boost. I slipped into his room and closed the door behind me "you need a hand with that soldier?" I asked him quietly but loud enough that he would hear....he had been so lost in his actions that he hadnt heard me enter his room, he sat up looking over at me with wide eyes.
"Y/N! Wh... what are you.... this isnt what it looks like. How long have you been standing there??" He said grabbing his sheet to cover himself up "why are you here?"
"I heard you, thought you were having another nightmare" i shrugged.
"Im so sorry" he said quickly avoiding all eye contact.
"Buck its fine, why are you sorry??"
"For what i was doing while thinking about you...."
"I don't mind that you think of me while you touch yourself.... i think about you" i said truthfully letting out a flirty chuckle.
"You do??...."
"All the time" i nodded dropping my shoes on the floor and walking closer to his bed.
"Im dreaming right??" He asked shaking his head like he couldn't believe this was happening.
"Nope, im pretty sure your awake Buck" i said pulling up the hem of my dress just enough to allow me to move my legs so i could straddle his waist.... the black lace of the thong i was wearing just visible enough for him to see. Bucky drew in a deep breath at the pressure against his hard cock when i moved against him a little.
"If you don't want this..... if you want me to leave... now would be the time to tell me to leave" i said looking into his beautiful blue eyes.
"Your not going anywhere!" Bucky practically growled at me before sitting up and pulling me into his arms as his mouth crashed against mine.
"Fuck.... your wearing too much. I need to see you" he said breathlessly as he leaned back to get a good look.
"Then take it off Sarge" i smiled at him running my fingers through his hair.
Bucky grabbed each side of my dress near the front slit and ripped it in half. I wasn't expecting it and it made me gasp, it surprised me but also turned me on even more!
"I liked that dress" i pouted playfully at him making him chuckle before he pushed the rest of it off my shoulders and leant forward taking one of my nipples into his mouth, his left hand stroking up my stomach until he cupped my free breast... rolling my nipple between his fingers. I was moaning and rolling my hips against his hard cock when he suddenly grabbed me and spun us so he had me pinned underneath him.
"I want you so bad" he said looking at me with dark lust blown eyes, his hand trailing down until he reached the tiny bit of lace covering me where i wanted him the most.
"So take me, I'm yours James" i said meaning it completely. Id let him do whatever the hell he wanted to do to me as long as i could have him. I didn't miss the look he got in his eye when i said i was his.... it was dark and possessive but it was sexy as hell!!
Bucky reached down and ripped off the lace thong in one pull throwing it to the floor before his hand reached down to cup my pussy, the heel of his hand pressing against my clit made the most pornagraphic noise escape my mouth, they only got louder when i felt him slip two fingers into my dripping hole.
"Shit your so warm and tight..... i cant wait to get my cock in you doll" he said as his fingers started a hard and fast assault.
"F..fuck!! Bucky I'm gonna come baby!!"
"Yeah? Fucking come for me!! Let me feel you grip my fingers with your tight pussy!"
I wrapped my arms around him tighter as i felt myself about to explode, when i did i screamed! I couldn't hold back even if i wanted to.... no one had ever made me feel as good as this just with their fingers.
"Shit.... Bucky i need you to fuck me! Now!! I need to feel you inside me right fucking now" i begged.
"I got you baby don't worry" he smirked as he gave his cock a few strokes before lining himself up with my hole.
"Your so wet for me baby...." he said as his pushed the head of his cock inside me. He was bigger than anyone i had ever been with before and i hissed a little at the stretch. As he pushed further in his pressed a kiss to my lips then had to gasp for air "fuck me your tight.... your squeezing my cock so good! I gotta take a second here or I'm gonna come right now!" He said holding himself still with his eyes closed, his arms braced either side of my head.
"Bucky.... i need you to move" i moaned trying to grind my hips up against him but his hand was firmly on my hip holding me in place.
"Okay im good...." he said nodding his head and opening his eyes as he slowly started to move in and out of me.
"God!! Fuck me!! Bucky.... harder please!!" I cried wrapping my legs around his waist and pulling him closer to me, my nails clawing at his back.
Bucky did exactly what i wanted, i could feel my orgasm fast approaching.
"I can feel how close you are.... im right behind you" he said still thrusting hard. I moved my hand to reach down and rub my clit but he quickly grabbed it pushed it way "nu uh... thats my job" he said with a wink.... he actually winked at me!! His hand moved between us and i felt his fingers draw circles on my bundle of nerves. It was the final push i needed and i came screaming his name, my vision turning white... then i heard Bucky's loud grunt as he came hard, i could feel his release feeling me up, my pussy fluttering around his hard cock.
Bucky's head collapsed against my shoulder as he tried to calm his breathing "Fuck me.... that was...."
"Amazing" i finished off letting out a contented laugh as my fingers run through his hair.
"Yeah it was" he agreed lifting his head up so he could look at me, then he captured my mouth with his once again.
"Are you sure I'm not dreaming??" He asked looking down at me, his eyes taking in everything.
"Im pretty sure yeah" i nodded "I'm so glad i decided to come home early!"
"Why did you come home early?"
"I wasn't feeling it" i shrugged "there were some guys trying to hit on us but... all i kept thinking about was you" i said truthfully, there was no reason to lie anymore.
"You mean that?"
"Yeah. Buck I've had a thing for you since the second you arrived here"
"What?? Why didn't you say anything??"
"I thought you hated me to start off with and then i was scared. What if i told you and you didnt feel the same?? I didnt want to loose my friend"
"Doll.... you'll never loose me. So why are you telling me this now??"
"Well the fact that your cock is still inside me.... means you like me too right??" I said wiggling my eyebrows at him. He chuckled and shook his head but i felt his cock start to twitch and then it was getting hard again. My eyes went wide as i realised what was happening "already??"
Bucky shrugged his shoulder with a shit eating grin "side effects of the serum"
"Oh god, you gonna be the death of me Barnes!"
"Never. So come on, why did you decide to tell me tonight?"
"I dont know...."
"I think you do" he said moving his hips a little making a moan fall from my lips.
"I just.... fuck you feel so good Buck! No one has ever made me feel this good before!" I told him as he slowly moved his cock in and out of my pussy, his lips kissing and nipping at my neck.
"Tell me why tonight?"
"When i saw you laying here with your cock in your hand i couldn't breathe! I got so wet just watching you.... i wanted you so bad Buck.... and then you said my name" i let out another moan as his cock brushed against my g spot making my toes curl and my hips raise up off of the bed "i decided i was just gonna go for it. I wanted you so bad i had to give it a shot. I had a little liquid courage in me to give me a shove too i guess"
"I nearly died when i heard you.... i was so ashamed you had seen me like that"
"It was beautiful, id watch you all day"
"Id rather you take part" he smiled before kissing me again, thrusting harder into me.
"I think you've ruined me for other men though Buck.... no ones ever gonna make me feel this good"
"Your mine now" he growled "there will be no other men!" He kissed me hard as his hips worked hard and fast.
"Tell me your mine!!"
"Im yours Bucky, all yours" i cried as i came again, Bucky following seconds behind me. Bucky fell besides me panting slightly, he pulled me close and pressed a kiss to my lips.
"You should delete all those horrible dating apps you have too! You wont need them" he mumbled against my lips.
"Consider it done" i smiled stroking the side of his face getting a good look at him.... he really was beautiful!
"Your amazing doll"
"Your not so bad yourself"
"You wanna come grab a shower with me? We should clean up.... we've made quite the mess"
"Sure, your gonna have to let me borrow a shirt by the way. You completely destroyed my dress.... thats two of my dresses you've destroyed"
"But i like you like this"
"I bet you do, but i don't think the others will if they catch me walking back to my room naked"
"Fine! But only because i don't want anyone else to see you naked" he said picking me up and carrying me into the bathroom.
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Tagging: @siren-queen03
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butgilinsky · 5 years
rivals pt 6 // sweet pea
warning; cursing, lots of violence, weapons, mania
summary; serpents and ghoulies fight over the near death of y/n
(pt 6 of _ )
pt 1. pt.2 pt. 3 pt. 4 pt. 5 pt. 6
sweet pea x ghoulies!reader
soooooooooooooo sorry for the suuuper long delay, but life is hard and college sucks and thats that on that
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“just try to contain yourself-”
“Malachi, shut the fuck up. I'll be fine.” y/n barked as the two pulled up to the location in the same car. 
“no! listen for once in your life!” Malachi barked back, trying to warn his sister. “I can’t have you hurt again, okay? listen, I know you went through a lot. I know you have a lot going on. but you cant get yourself killed this time, okay? I can’t have you letting your mania take control.” he looked at y/n who was slightly smirking. 
“baby, it’s already set in.” he sighed softly, but left it. he knew that no matter what he told his sister, he couldn't stop her. he also know he couldn't stop himself. when the fighting started, all bet were off. 
this wasn't over bikes, or jingle jangle, or turf. this was over the ghoulie princess almost facing death. this was about avenging the next in line to the throne of the ghoulies. this was about family. about survival. an eye for an eye. 
as the two stepped out, y/n felt her last piece of emotion love her body, a true mania feeling setting in. she locked eyes with every serpent, trying to filter out the ones she didn’t recognize from the accident. she tried to find the boy she believed was the head of the snake, but locked eyes with sweet pea before she could find him. 
he mouthed a quick “I love you” knowing he wouldn’t get the chance to say it to her before things popped off. she felt her stance soften until a serpent punched a ghoulie in the jaw, signaling the beginning of the war. 
serpents tried their best to stay away from y/n. they saw the look in her eyes. a look many of them had seen before. a look many had been told to stray far away from. they saw the way she swung the bat in her hand, and though none of them could see it, they had a feeling in their gut about the sleek metal the girl had saved in the back of her shorts. her jacket covered the black metal, but the only thing holding it in place was her black shorts. 
she sent the heel of her knee high boots into a boy that was already on the ground, laughing as she mumbled a quick “weak” and walked past him. she was looking for one serpent.
when her eyes landed on the boy, she smirked widely. his eyes widened at the sight of her, knowing he couldn’t escape from her. 
he reached behind him, pulling a switchblade out of his pocket, she laughed to herself at the tiny piece of metal, and walked towards him. as she took more steps, a serpent jumped in front of her, punching her in the cheek, to which she quickly clapped back with a swing of her bat. she felt her head throb at the impact, knowing the blow to her head hurt more than it would if she hadn’t suffered a crash weeks before this. 
one of the nails that stuck out of the wood pierced the boy’s arm. she pulled back and swung it again, hitting close to the same spot. she raised her foot and kicked his chest back, making him fall to the ground. she sent the bat into his stomach, piercing it quickly as she pulled back and knelt down. 
“if you’re going to stick up for your buddy, stick up for them against someone you’ll beat.” she put her boot on the boy’s forehead and pushed slightly on it, hearing him scream out in pain. 
she looked up to see the other boy had run off, making her laugh. pussy. 
she turned to find him but was face with fp standing toe to toe with Malachi. 
“what do we have here?” y/n asked as she walked up to the kings. 
“listen y/n, I didn't call for them to do that to you. I won't have any of my serpents go behind me back and throw us under the bus. just try not to kill the boys.” she put a hand on his chest, leaning up to his ear with wide smirk. 
“no promises, king cobra.” she whispered before pressing her lips softs against his cheek. 
she pulled back and winked at the snake, before turning and walking away with a slight sway to her hips. 
her brother laughed softly as he split from fp and knocked some serpent heads. 
Malachi found the boy before y/n did. he knew it was him because it was the only serpent sweet pea had touched all night. 
when Malachi walked up to the two, he pushed sweet pea slightly and grabbed the boy’s shirt who already had blood gushing out of his nose. 
“you think you can cut me open, and barely got away with that. you got a gun pointed at your head, the only reason your ass is even alive is because this big lug over here saved your sorry ass.” pointed to sweet pea who huffed, hearing the detail from so many nights ago. “you come to ghoulie turf, you run my sister off the road, and you think you’ll breathe a single breath after that? funny.” he whispered the last word into the boy’s ear, making his tough demeanor disappear as he shivered. 
“you're going to point to every snake that was in that car, and while they deal with me, you’ll deal with y/n.” Malachi’s face twisted up in a smirk when he sw the boy’s eyes widen. 
“who was with you?” it was a simple question, but the boy couldn't seem to speak. he raised a shaky finger and pointed out three other serpents. “let’s go pay the princess a visit.” Malachi whispered as him and sweet pea took one of the boy’s arms. 
y/n smirked as she saw her two boys throw the boy down in front of her. 
she didnt pay any attention to Malachi’s smirks or sweet pea’s silent pleas, hoping she would let the boy live. 
Malachi left to kick some serpent ass while sweet pea was faced with a ghoulie.
the first thing y/n did was raise the boy’s shirt to find the faint scar on his stomach from where she stabbed him so many nights ago. she ran a small blade across his stomach, not hard enough to cut him. he shivered at the contact, too weak to move. 
she pressed her boot to his chest, just like the last time. she bent down and put her weight on the foot on top of him. she reached behind her and pulled the gun out from her waistband, holding it to his forehead like the other night. 
she held it to his forehead, laughing at the fear on his face. 
“it’s funny, that you think you can fuck with me. you thought I was dead. you left me there to die. you thought I was a goner, and thats why you did it. you wanted me dead. you tried to kill my brother, and failed. you tried to kill me, and failed. you’re a failure.” his breathing was heavy as he watched the girl smirk cynically. 
“I hope you had fun.” she whispered as she slammed the blade into his stomach just like the other night, now twisting it. she heard him cry out in pain and let a little laugh out before someone pulled her off, again. 
she looked at pea, and her face twisted in anger. 
“you always ruin my fun.” she spoke softly, watching the boy’s eyes stare at her in disbelief. 
“you’ll never forgive yourself.” he spoke slowly, knowing that when she came back to sanity, she would hate herself for what she did. 
“I'll never forgive him.” she corrected the boy, wearing a plain expression. 
“I don’t want you to do this to yourself y/n.” he spoke softly, stepping closer to her. 
“don’t tell me what you think is good for me.” she turned around and saw the boy staring at the knife in his stomach.
she put the toe of her shoe on the top of the knife and put pressure on it, sending it further into his stomach. 
“y/n!” sweet pea grabbed her elbow and spun her around. 
she turned around and smirked to herself, reaching up to the boy and pulling him down to her height as she pressed her lips to his forcefully. 
he grabbed her hips and pressed her against a car nearby. the two kept their lips connected as sweet pea pulled her up by her thighs, before wrapping them around his waist. 
her hands yanked at the hair on the back of his neck, earring a small groan for the tall snake. 
he pulled back at the sound of a loud scream. 
she looked at the lipstick that was smeared across his face and laughed. 
“you look insane.” he spoke softly with the tiniest hint of a smile. 
“I am insane lover boy.” she winked at him before jumping back to her feet. she picked up the bat she dropped next to the boy that now looked unconscious as she spit on him and locked eyes with jughead. 
“ghoulie’s are evil.” he spoke, earning a sinister laugh before the girl sent her fist flying into his jaw. 
“serpents are snakes. inside and out. she said simply before he spit to the side of them, looking at her in disbelief. 
“did you turn off your humanity or something?” he asked simply, not believing the girl had turned into this. 
“something like that.” she said softly before putting the bat on her shoulder and walking away from him. 
she looked around until she saw Malachi and sweet pea standing toe to toe. she was about o turn away before sweet pea sent his fist flying into Malachi’s cheek. Malachi went to swing back, creating a brawl between the two. 
“mal!” she screamed but earned no response. she dropped the bat, not a single weapon in her possession. she ran to the two boys and tried to separate the two of them. 
“Malachi” her voice broke him out of his trance, which allowed sweet pea to punch him once more. 
y/n grabbed each side of sweet pea’s jacket and yanked him away from her brother, shoving him as hard she she could. he stumbled backwards, looking at y/n with pure anger in his eyes. his fists were clenched and she could still see the faint red lipstick smeared across the boys lips. 
“my brother?” she screamed at the boy, baffled that he would hit Malachi.
“y/n get out of my way.” he growled at her, looking past her to see Malachi. 
“no pea! you’re unbelievable-”
“y/n let him hit me.” Malachi’s voice was different. not serious or asking, more mocking? 
“I'll fucking hit you again and again you piece of shit!” sweet pea tried to run at. him but y/n put her hands on sweet pea’s chest. her nails slightly scratched his collarbones when trying to stop him. 
“what the hell pea?” her voice was softer than it had been all night. 
“he thinks I put you in the hospital-”
“because that fucker said you did!” Malachi cut him off, making y/n shake her head in disbelief as she spun aroudn to face Malachi. 
“mal I told you he wasn’t there-”
“then why would that snake say he did?” he yelled down at his sister who clenched her jaw. 
“so you're believing a snake over me?” she spoke slowly, making Malachi’s anger disappear as he widened his eyes. 
“no y/n/n/ that’s not-”
“sure mal.” she spoke softly as she shook her head and backed up into sweet pea’s chest. 
she let her head fall back onto his chest as she shut her eyes, feeling some of her emotion seep back into her veins. 
“I want to leave.” she spoke softly and sweet pea gave her hip a soft squeeze. 
“okay let’s go-” she cut her brother off, knowing he didnt get what she meant. 
“not with you.” she spoke directly, opening her eyes that were now glued to her brother. 
his face drained of color and emotion as he stared at his sister, never seeing her want to be away from him. he looked to sweet pea who smirked to him, making Malachi clench his jaw as he nodded once. 
“go.” he spit before turning and picking up the bat his sister had dropped. 
she turned around, pressing a hand to sweet pea’s chest before she shut her eyes. 
“I don’t feel good.” she spoke softly, making him lift her thighs up like he had done previously. 
her legs wrapped around his torso as she laid her head in the crook of his neck. he carried the girl over to his bike, sitting her on the bike before he slid in front of her. she wrapped her arms around sweet pea’s waist and opened her eyes one last time to see Malachi clench his jaw before sending the bat into someone’s car window. 
@river-serpents @topstory21, @xdontxcare, @hey-garrett-shut-up, @maggie-duvall, @centerhabit, @thewondersofmysexuality, @marinarasauce62, @dark-night-sky-99, @aframeofbones, @savingprivatecass, @disastrxlogy, @in-my-dreams-2000, @darksideoftheilluminati, @juggiecoopb, @swagmonstertoes, @deviouscharitos, @skeletalwolfcat, @finnickxoxo, @mdgrdians, @gracestickler1
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thebibliosphere · 6 years
Dear Biblio, I am finally at the point where I have to buy new clothes. For the first time in my life, I am not shackled by a dress code.I'd really like to have an aesthetic, but I have no idea how to go about picking one. There are so many cool fashions. Can you please advise?
You don't have to limit yourself to one look. I have a few staple pieces in my wardrobe (ie a good respectable black dress and shoes for things like funerals, and another black dress for more happy, formal ocassions) but if you can't pick between aesthetics? Build up a collection of things you love and wear them when you want to. I think the official term is Grandma Style, or at least that's what people have called me from time to time (always in a positive way)I've been living in long tunics and leggings for the last 3 months because I cant be bothered with anything more complicated, but I dress them up and down with jewelry/hats. It's a style that suits both my body shape, my personal aesthetic and my exhaustion levels. I'm dreading having to go back to jeans and wearing closed toe shoes when the winter hits. I like the aesthetic of shoes and boots, but they're a form of sensory hell for my feet. (As are socks and tights but not as bad).Just. Do you, I guess? Try things on, experiment. Find something you like and run with it. Just remember though, the clothes aren't wearing you, you're wearing them, and a lot of being able to carry of a certain look is feeling confident in it. So embrace your inner Carrie Fisher and say "who gives a fuck" and wear what makes you feel good.
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hrina · 7 years
Hi cass! I know ur busy rn with exams and work but i realllly want to read a blurb where youre giving harry a blow job and making him lose his fucking minddd where hes moaning so much and writhing and cant think straight UGH god please i havent been able to find one oddly enough
i technically finished this on thursday but i edited it tonight and i gotta say, im pretty happy with the finished result! i hope u are too, love :’) here’s my inbox (if u wanna leave me some feedback, it means the absolute world) and if u like this, here’s my masterlist ! 
also, this is considered a blurb even tho it’s actually 2.8k words but...the more the merrier! pure smut and a tiny bit of fluff bc who doesn’t love that. enjoy!
You’re in a mood. 
It’s not a bad mood, per say. 
It’s the kind of mood where you’re feeling overwhelmed. Where you’ve been thinking about Harry, and how sexy and mysterious and dumb and goofy he is, and you’ve been hit by the urge to love on him. The kind of mood where your heart is just so full of affection, and you know that you’re not able to use words to properly convey the sentiment.
You don’t know what Harry’s doing right now. Probably downing the last of the holiday eggnog, if your guess is correct. Your finger hovers over the call button on the screen of your phone as you debate whether or not this excuse is tangible enough to get him over to your place. Eventually, the ache in your chest (and between your legs) wins out.
“Hello, darlin’,” he picks up on the third ring. You smile unthinkingly–you could listen to the slow drawl of his voice for eons. 
“Hi,” you say, “Are you busy?”
“Jus’ finishin’ up some leftovers,” he replies, and you chuckle quietly. You know him well.
“Do you wanna come over?” you ask, holding your breath. 
“Sure,” he says immediately, and your cheeks hurt because of the size of your grin. You play with the hem of the pink knit sweater adorning your body (it’s a size too big, and Harry loves the way the sleeves of the fabric drape down your arms. “Y’got little sweater paws!” he usually coos before kissing you sweetly.)
“Why?” Harry’s voice pulls you from your thoughts, “What’s up?”
“Nothing,” you shrug, “I’m just…in a mood.”
“Oh?” his voice rises an octave, and you can nearly feel his cheeky smirk through the phone. You roll your eyes, even though his assumption–as naughty as it is–is entirely correct.
But he doesn’t know that.
“Shut up, you pervert,” you shoot him down, and he lets out an affronted squawk. The sound makes you laugh, and you sit your phone a bit more securely against your ear before speaking again. “Okay. So I’ll see you in twenty?”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” he quips happily. You bid your goodbyes before hanging up. As soon as the call is over, you’re rushing into the nearest washroom to make sure that there’s nothing in your teeth and that every hair on your head is set perfectly in place. 
When Harry knocks on your door twenty minutes later, you have to remind yourself not to rush towards the sound. You wait a whopping five seconds before your hand is closing around the knob and you’re welcoming him inside.
He looks really fucking cute. He’s wearing those Vans that he’s been enjoying as of late, and a pair of grey sweatpants. Your eyes drift up to his torso, taking in the black sweater with pink print over the breast, and you have to stifle a giggle–of course he’d be wearing his own merchandise.
“Hello, darlin’,” he smiles at you, cheekily repeating the same greeting that he had uttered over the phone. You step closer to him as he toes off his sneakers, leaning up and trying to sneak in a kiss. Except he’s not anticipating the action, so your lips end up bumping against his chin instead.
“Sorry,” you snort, and he chuckles quietly. His right hand curves around the nape of your neck, and he guides you up for a proper kiss. 
“So,” he mumbles against your mouth, smirking at you when you finally pull away, “Why did yeh need me to come over, hmm?” 
You correct him. “I didn’t need you to come over. I just asked if you wanted to hang out.”
“Please,” Harry says, rolling his eyes teasingly, “Practically begged me, you did. ‘Harry, can you come keep me company? I’m so lonely without you!’”
His voice rises an octave as he mimics you, and you shove gently at his chest, your jaw dropping. “You know what, I changed my mind. You can leave.”
“Fine,” he shrugs, grinning devilishly. A moment later, he’s slipping his feet back into his shoes and beginning to turn back towards the door. He’s stopped when you reach for the sleeve of his sweater, tugging on the fabric lightly and ushering him closer to you.
“No,” you say, a coy smile playing on your lips. You’ve abandoned your little performance, because seeing his devious smile is enough to remind you of why you’d called him over in the first place. “C’mon. Stay. Like I said: I’m in a mood.”
“I dunno, love,” Harry pretends to think about his options and tries to conceal a smirk, “Y’were awfully rude.”
In response, you simply lean up and reattach your lips, catching his bottom one between your teeth and nipping on it softly. Harry makes a surprised rumble in the back of his throat, but the sound eventually melts into something similar to a sigh. Your hands find their way to his chest, balling up the material of his crewneck and holding him close to you. Once you’re sure that you’ve successfully kissed the banter out of him, you pull back with tinted lips and a sultry expression on your face.
Harry’s mouth is still puckered slightly, his eyes clouded with awe. You take a step back, and he follows you with a step forward, his hand shooting out reflexively to clamp around your waist and keep you close. The action makes you giggle. 
“You’re–,” Harry’s breathless from the kiss, his lips parting as he finally understands the reason you’d called him over, “–You’re in a mood.”
“Mm-hm,” you nod, your fingers finding the nape of his neck and playing with the small curls that are trying their best to grow out. You give him an innocent flick of your eyes, and before you can register what’s happening, he’s got one hand in your hair and another down your pants. 
“Jesus!” You gasp when his fingers find your budding clit with little to no preamble. Harry knows your body quite well, considering that the pair of you have only been together for a few months (five months and sixteen days, actually, but you’re not keeping track).
Harry shakes his head, tilting your chin up so that he can lick and kiss at the skin of your throat. “’S not my name, love.”
“Shut up,” you choke out, your eyes fluttering shut as he rubs tight circles against your clit through your underwear. Your knees are quivering, and you feel as though they’ll give out on you any second now, but Harry’s got you pinned to the wall with his hips, and you can feel a slight bulge in his jeans pressing against your upper thigh. The sensation reminds you of why you wanted him here in the first place.
“No,” you mumble, your hands finding his shoulders and giving him a light push. Harry makes a noise of surprise, stepping back and gazing at you with confused eyes.
“Wanna suck you,” you tell him before he has the chance to question you. His breath hitches in his throat, and he squeezes his eyes shut as a pained groan falls from his lips. You swear he would have doubled over if not for your arms snaking around his waist.
“Fuck…really?” he asks, running his fingers through his hair and tugging at the roots. You whimper in affirmation.
You don’t suck him off too often. His cock is quite big, and you can only go a few minutes before your jaw starts to ache. Tears always end up spilling from your eyes, and your voice is always guttural and hoarse the next day. Because of this, blowjobs are an activity that is reserved only for special occasions. Harry doesn’t really mind, though. If he’s being honest with himself, he much prefers being between your legs instead.
“Okay,” Harry opens his eyes, throwing a thumb over his shoulder, “Couch?”
“Yeah,” you agree, your stomach churning with glee.
Seconds later, you’ve got him sprawled out on the sofa, his legs spread wide and his sweatpants pooling at his ankles. You can see the defined outline of his cock curving to the side in his boxers, and his sweater is rucked up a bit to show the ferns inked into his hips. You press a kiss to the matching tattoos, peeking up at him and reveling in the way he gulps.
“Wanted you since I woke up,” you mumble, and Harry’s pupils seem to dilate even further than they already had.
“Yeah?” he grunts. His right hand reaches out to cup your cheek, stroking your face gently as he gazes at you with adoration and lust swirling in his eyes. “Wanted me t’stretch those pretty lips?”
“Uh-huh,” you nod, shuddering at his words. Harry smirks down at you, opening his mouth again.
“Y’like it when I talk to you like that, hmm? Like t’be dirty.”
“A bit, yeah,” you say meekly, hooking your fingers into the elastic waistband of his briefs. Harry hisses when you slowly pull them down, exposing his cock to the cool air of the room. You wrestle with the fabric for a few seconds, satisfied only once his underwear have finally joined his sweatpants. You then look back up at where his cock is laying against the exposed skin of his stomach. Harry sighs when you run your fingers along the sensitive parts of his inner thighs.
“Can I?” you ask, even though you know the answer that he’s going to give.
“Fuck,” Harry curses, because the way you ask for permission never fails to make him throb, “Yeah, yeah, love. Go on an’ get it.”
That’s enough for you to grasp his cock daintily, angling the tip so that you can dip your head down and give a long, broad lick over the head. Harry’s hands fly to your hair, a strangled groan falling from his lips as the first taste of precum bursts onto your tongue. 
The sound only encourages you, and you wrap your lips around his tip, running your tongue over the tight, red skin. Harry sighs, his fists clenching in your hair as you move down and steadily take more into your mouth. You haven’t been able to take him all the way yet (at least, not without gagging), but it’s something that you’ve vowed to work on whenever you decide to treat him. 
(And in your weaker moments, you may or may not have practiced on a banana a few times, but honestly, that’s something that he doesn’t need to know.)
And honestly…how could you not? He looks so damn cute, with his sweater laying crookedly across his abdomen and his cheeks flushed a faint shade of pink. His lips are parted in awe as he watches you hollow your cheeks and give a few gentle sucks, easing your way into far more intense territory.
“Fuckin’ love this mouth, y’know that?” Harry whines, a hand slipping down from your hair and cupping your jaw. “Always so good t’me, pet...always do me over so well.” 
His thumb rubs at the corner of your lips tenderly, and you angle his cock in your mouth so that he can feel the tip pressing against your cheek.
“Bloody minx,” he gasps, the muscles in his stomach clenching as though he’s just been shot, “Gonna be the death o’ me.”
You whine at his words, sending vibrations through his dick, and Harry swears that he can feel them resonating across his entire body, seeping into his bones. His toes curl in his socks, and you pop off of his cock, holding it upright and licking a fat stripe up his shaft.
“Jesus,” Harry whispers to himself, trying to keep his eyelids from drifting shut. You smile and gaze up at him with twinkling eyes, your mouth quirking to the side teasingly.
“Not my name,” you quip, repeating his previous words. Harry chuckles breathlessly, shaking his head at your antics. His low laugh quickly melts into a moan, though, when you let your tongue trace over his balls gently. He throws his head back against the couch with a loud thump, and you detach yourself for a moment to check on him.
“You okay?” you ask, genuine concern laced through your voice. Harry groans, nodding his head quickly and peering down at you. The sight that greets him nearly has him in tears.
Your eyes are hooded and hazy, hair falling into your face. Your lips are puffy and darker than normal, and there’s a thin strand of saliva still connecting your mouth to his cock. Harry whimpers painfully, and your eyes widen when you feel his cock actually jerk in your grip.
“Fuck, you’re–you really want it, huh?” There’s surprise and awe woven in between your words.
“You’ve no idea,” Harry’s voice is high-pitched and reedy, and he honestly thinks that he’s going to start sobbing if you don’t get back on him soon. “Please, love, please just–’m so hard, need yeh to just–that’s it, there we go…” 
He sighs in relief when the head of his cock disappears past your lips once more. You’re sucking with fervour now, determined to get him to cum. You’ve had a taste of him–of the way his abdomen clenches spasmodically, of the pleading words dripping from his mouth like hot syrup, of the heady and salty liquid that bubbles at the tip of his dick. All of it spurs you on, encourages you to take him further into your mouth until he’s brushing the back of your throat and you’re desperately breathing through your nose to avoid choking. 
“Fuck!” Harry yells the word brokenly, and then you’re nearly gagging when you taste the first spurt of his cum. You stroke a particularly prominent vein with your tongue, feeling it throb lightly as Harry empties his load inside of your mouth. He’s looking down at you, your gazes locked as you take it all (just how he likes it), with watery eyes and a spit-slicked mouth and a sore throat as proof.
You continue to swirl your tongue around his shaft as you feel him begin to soften, before tilting his cock to the side so it rests against the inside of your cheek. Harry watches with wide, fucked-out eyes as your throat bobs, indicating that you’ve swallowed. 
“Fuckin’ amazing, you are,” he babbles out the praise, staring down at you and running his hands over every inch of you that he can reach. His fingers weave through your hair, then rub against your temples, then your cheeks, then the corners of your lips. 
He watches as his cock slowly slides from your mouth. You press a kiss to the shiny head, and Harry sobs from the sensitivity. The sound makes you giggle as you begin to pull his boxers back up his legs, setting his softening cock down against his right thigh.
“C’mon, handsome, help me out,” you murmur when Harry refuses to lift his hips and allow you to slide his underwear back into their rightful place. He lets out a moan of complaint, covering his face with his hands and lethargically shaking his head.
“Can’t move,” he whines, “Sucked the fuckin’ life outta me, pet.”
You snort, abandoning your efforts in favour of scrambling up and straddling his waist. You reach for his wrists, tugging on them gently so that his hands are no longer shielding his eyes. Harry slowly maneuvers your fingers, intertwining them with his and pressing soft, lingering kisses to the back of your hand.
“You’re incredible, y’know that?”
“Am I, now?” you tease, smirking at him. Harry nods, his eyelids fluttering slightly, and you can’t help but to feel a warm flood of pride wash over you. You’d made him lose his damn mind, made him cum so hard that he was about to fall asleep right in front of you.
“Yeah,” Harry sighs, snapping you from your thoughts, “Incredible, amazing, unreal…all o’ that stuff.”
“That’s very sweet,” you tell him, stroking his jawline tenderly and beaming down at him. “Thank you.” 
Harry returns your smile (albeit, his is a bit more sleepy) before melting a bit further into the cushions of the sofa. “Can we jus’…stay like this fo’ a bit? Please? I’ll fuck you afterwards. Promise yeh.”
You have to stop yourself from laughing, gnawing on your lip to keep the sound inside. “Sure, Har.”
“You’re the best,” he mumbles, his head tilting to the side as he drifts further and further away from consciousness. You watch him lovingly, pursing your lips as you try to hold back a smile. His eyes are shut, nostrils flaring as his breathing begins to even out. The last thing he mutters to you makes you giggle quietly into your palm and wonder how you ended up with someone who is just so damn cute.
“Tha’ was…was much better than leftovers.”
1K notes · View notes
just to change up the topic in case you need a little brain break.
you give the vibe you would love a lot of thrifted clothes but wouldn’t thrift because the concept of wearing someone else’s used clothes grosses you out. true/false?
would you rather have penises (5in) for fingers or toes
if two mind readers are reading each other’s minds, who’s mind are they reading?
alternate universes: real or fake
do straws have one hole or two?
thoughts on deja vu? (my personal theory is we see them in the dreams we forget)
when you close your eyes and think of an apple do you see an apple or is it just dark?
when your thinking do you hear the words in your head? (this is apparently a 50/50 split)
would you rather have 2 cats or 1 cat and 1 dog?
if you were dating dianna would it be a dealbreaker that she doesn’t sleep with pillows?
soft medium or firm mattress?
would you rather spend a weekend in a cabin in the mountains in the winter or at a beach house in the summer?
1. false! i buy a lot of stuff secondhand on etsy and poshmark and depop. i just clean everything well.
2. lmfaooo 😭 i WOULD say feet bc easier to hide. however, would shoes even exist that would be large enough to conceal that? if so, then toes.
3. i feel like they’d just hear each other’s thoughts about the other person right? idk
4. i want to say real. just because. it’s fun. and i do kinda believe it.
5. technically it’s one but def two
6. great question. i think most of the time it’s something about the moment that triggers our memories of something similar but different that happened. like, maybe there’s a certain smell that you associate w a memory subconsciously etc and youre suddenly back in that moment.
7. i know this test!! one of my best friends has aphantasia lol. i dont! i can see the apple super clearly and all the details. it’s not AS clear as seeing it right in front of me but it’s not far off either.
8. i literally cant answer this bc i cant tell?!??! like theres.. a constant voice but it’s also not. really a voice? it’s not like i physically hear it as if someone is talking to me. how is it for others now i need to know this is trippy
9. probably 2 cats but i’m down for a dog too if it’s the right kind
10. if i were dating dianna agron, it would be hard for there to be any dealbreaker period but absolutely not her lack of sleeping w pillows. now if someone else did that, i’d be a little concerned they were a sociopath who would murder me.
11. medium to firm
12. beach house in the summer. i hate winter. it’s too cold, i wouldn’t even venture out to appreciate the beauty.
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orionwhispers · 7 years
Devil Like Me (Part XII)
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(A/N hi angels!! This was originally supposed to go up yesterday but it took a lot longer to write and edit than I anticipated! I really loved writing this chapter and hope you love reading it! Needless to say, I'm not following the show completely but still keeping the basic storyline, the next few chapters will be focusing more on the past! Also thanks so much for the love of Calm Down Dexter! Stiles is my og bae lol so I loved writing for him and hope to do more in the future! Talk soon xoxo) 
The sunlight streams through the blinds casting shadows across your skin. You murmur lightly, adjusting your eyes to the sudden brightness and tuning out the rhythmic whirr of the fan in the background. You roll onto your spine, peeling the thin covers off your sweaty skin and grabbing your phone to check the time.
It's early, and you grumble as you pull yourself onto your elbows, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes and reluctantly placing your feet on the hardwood floor; now freezing compared to the warmth they were buried in.
You lazily run a hand through your tangled locks, not bothering with a comb as you throw it into a  bun on top of your head. You slip an old band tee over your frame, grabbing discarded shorts off the bedroom floor and pulling them up your legs. You pad down the stairs, passing Aunt Jean's room and narrowly missing tripping over Maple as she lounges on the bottom step, enjoying the sun. You grab a pair of sneakers and hastily tie them before slipping the buds of your headphones into your ears and pressing play.
The warmth hits you immediately, your feet pounding against the pavement in unison to the beat thumping in your ears. Its morning, but the sun is beating hard against your skin, you divert down a path, desperate for some shade from the trees. It's quieter now and you appreciate your surroundings, wiping a bead of sweat forming above your brow as you slow, taking a swig from your water bottle. It's a Thursday morning and in the distance, you can hear the bustle of those getting ready for work, a chorus of laughs from children waiting for the bus. You pick up the pace, pushing back thoughts of your upcoming exams as your feet hammer across the dirt.
The path veers slightly and you follow the familiar route, smiling as you spot the ocean in the distance. You squint away the sun in your eyes as you approach the beach, taking a moment to catch your breath, you inhale the salty air and grin at the forgiving wind against your skin. As suspected its completely empty, the holiday houses adorning the cliffs will soon be filled with families and in a few hours the coast will be covered in towels and parasols, but for now, you enjoy the silence.
Your feet move effortlessly towards the shoreline; feet kicking up dustings of sand, and you steady, taking small sips of your water and watching a buoy bob against the waves. A movement from behind makes your ears twitch but you ignore it, assuming its just a dog walker enjoying the morning.
Until you feel eyes burning holes into your back.
You turn slightly and spot a woman, you can't clearly make out her features but she's much older than you. Her hand is covering her face as she protects her eyes from the sun, but you know all of her attention is on you. You offer her a small smile before turning back, but you can hear her heels crunching along the sand, approaching you slowly. She comes to a halt a few feet in the distance, her boot-clad toes resting by a rock pool and you watch a crab scuttle away from her intrusion.
"Are you alright?" You ask after a moment of silence.
She lifts her hand from her face, and her eyes glint in the sunlight, they're a deep chestnut brown and they bore into yours. She stays quiet and you reluctantly pull yourself straighter, holding her gaze as you take a hesitant step forward. You can see her clearer now, her hair is jet black, screwed into tight ringlets that curl around her features. Her nose is sharp and angular, and her lips are thin, lines crowding around her eyes and mouth.
"Stay away from Niklaus." Her voice is harsh and laced with an accent you cant recognize, possibly European? You quirk a brow as you come to a standstill, exhaling through your nose. When you don't respond she inches closer, "I'm telling you, stay away."
You don't know what to say. It's not like you can defend yourself because you know how crazy the situation is, but regardless, you're confused. "How do you know Klaus?"
Her lip curls, "Klaus." She tests the name on her tongue, spitting it out as she tightens the floral headband holding her tresses in place. "Do you want to die?"
"Not particularly."
"This is not a joke." She snaps, clicking her fingers as you eye her long nails, pointed and ebony black. You raise your hands in defence as she twitches her nose, annoyed that you aren't taking her seriously. "I've seen girls like you before, women who are attracted to danger." She sniffs as her eyes take in your body, trailing up and down in disgust. "But Niklaus is not dangerous, he is pure evil. He will ruin you, destroy you, devour you." Her words are laced with venom but they don't scare you and you can see her growing frustrated with your lack of fear.
"Who are you?"
"Time will answer that question, my dear, but before then, I suggest you leave town."
"This is my home."
She snorts, flicking back her hair and you catch a glimpse of her pale yellow teeth, "Look at yourself, you have no idea what you are getting into, do you? Poor pathetic little lamb," She inches closer and you step back in repugnance, "I was supposed to come here to warn you, but I can tell you're already to far gone."
Before you can protest her hands grip the side of your face, nails digging into the soft flesh of your skin as you wince in pain, you struggle against her grip but she just cackles at your feeble attempt. "There's a darkness inside of you, isn't there? I can feel it, it's trying to claw through the surface." Her nails trace your throat for effect and you clench your jaw, trying to use your hands to tear her off you.
"Get off of me, you freak!"
She laughs again, releasing you and you can feel the blood rushing back into your temples. Your face is throbbing and you can instantly feel the tender marks her nails have left.
"Leave town now if you don't want to get hurt darling." Her eyes drink up your bewildered expression, a smirk pulling on her crimson lips as she relishes in the power she holds over you. "Although I would love to taste your flesh, I must follow my orders."
"What orders?" You spit, your words burning a hole in your throat as adrenaline rushes through your veins.
"Don't say I didn't warn you." She replies with a wink, turning on her heel, the hem of her dress gathering in the sand as she strolls across the length of the beach, vanishing into the trees in the distance.
What the hell was going on now?
You trail through the streets, shoes clacking against the pavement as you elongate your stride, racing ahead. You pull your jacket tighter against your skin, glancing at the city around you, but there is no time to take in your new surroundings.
Bonnie called on the house phone a few hours prior, she told you the school was holding its annual "Senior Prank Night" and you nodded at the familiarity, remembering your own event a few years ago, back when everything was different. She told you Caroline was holding a get together, determined to distract everyone from the events unfolding around them and you couldn't help comparing the bubbly blonde to Jasmine, but you immediately pushed the thought from your brain.
Bonnie was convinced that tonight was the night Klaus would strike and your heart lurched in your throat. Luckily for you, the house had been empty, the Mikaelson siblings off on separate escapades whilst you were left with Klaus' lap dogs. The spell had long since worn off and you were free to roam around the house as you pleased, but they wouldn't let you leave the grounds without a fight.
When you declared you were going for some fresh air, a man named Arthur insisted he join you. You politely declined, thanking him for his offer but telling him you would rather be alone. He protested, telling you he would feel more comfortable with him being able to protect you, and when he reached for your bicep -  fingers gripping around the muscle so hard you were sure there would be a bruise the following morning - you snapped his neck, telling him you were more than capable of looking after yourself.
You slunk away from the rest, too occupied with whatever plan Klaus had told them to fill they didn't notice you, allowing you to disappear into the night. You clutched the note of paper in your palm, Bonnie had given you rough directions to the high school and you had hastily scrawled them down.
You turned a sharp left, following the hazy streetlamp illuminating the path in front of you. You glanced forward and noticed a tall building looming in the distance, the distinctive prison-like gates and the vast football field indicated you were close, and you put your head down as you trawled forth. You approached the fence, grateful that it was left open from the previous occupants and you slipped through. A large billboard marked "Mystic Falls High School" greeted you and you smiled at the burgundy and cream theme adorning the building. Bonnie advised you to enter through a door around the back, and you narrowly darted into the shadows as a group of rowdy teens came through the front doors.
"Well, well, well, look what we have here."
You groan inwardly and spin to face the voice, "Hi, Damon." You greet with faux friendliness, certain the disgust in your eyes is obvious. You eye him carefully, watching him lean nonchalantly against the brickwork. He's wearing a leather jacket and twizzling the daylight ring on his finger, he oozes 'cool guy vibes' but to you, he reeks desperation.
"Klaus know you're here?"
"Elena know you're here?" You retort, watching as he smirks and raises a dark brow.
"I don't need a babysitter, unlike you, I'm guessing. I'm surprised Klaus let you off his leash."
"Well, I'm here aren't I?"
"That you are, but why? Very suspicious if you ask me."
You roll your eyes, unsure of how much you can tell him and you think before opening your mouth.
"Could ask the same of you? A bit creepy of a hundred-year-old to be lurking around the girl's locker room isn't it?"
He chuckles and grimaces at you, "Cute."
You tap your feet impatiently. You need to get in to see Bonnie but you can't risk raising Damon's suspicions. You don't want to goad him into doing something stupid - well stupider. His voice breaks you from your thoughts and you feel his dark figure looming above you. His whole aura is as deep as the shadows surrounding you both, but you hold his gaze, unfazed at his attempts to scare you.
"You seem very... nice, (Y/N), normal."
You encourage him to continue, you know he has more to say than just that. "So what I want to know is how someone like you ended up with someone like Klaus?"
"Well one day you can come round for tea and I'll tell you the whole story if you like."
You step towards the door, voice laced with cynicism, but he blocks your path immediately.
"I'm guessing you wanted something dangerous hm? Bored of those high school boys? Thought you could make a deal with the devil?"
You hike a brow, egging him on. He takes the bait and continues, his tone playful and sarcastic. "I bet you had no idea what you were getting into huh? Poor little (Y/N), no idea she was sharing a bed with a monster. Too late now. What on earth do your parents think?"
Your lip twitches momentarily, blood running cold as he strikes a nerve in your head. You block it out as soon as it comes, not allowing him the satisfaction that he's affected you. But to your surprise, he doesn't use it against you, his eyes take in the change in your features and he leaves it at that.
He takes a small step to the side, allowing you access to the back door, you cautiously slip by his body and reach for the large metal handle, holding it from snapping closed again.
"I don't know what you're doing (Y/N) but it seems awfully stupid."
You shrug, hoisting the door open wider and standing on the linoleum floor, the warmth of the heaters blasting on your skin. You watch him stride out towards the shadows, but before he disappears your voice cuts through the air.
"You know, if you stopped being an asshole for a few minutes maybe you would have a chance with Elena."
He halts immediately, eyes running over your face, he can tell he's put out that you know about his crush, but it's not like he didn't make it completely obvious. He smirks at you, "I think we have a stronger chance of hell freezing over."
Your eyes follow him as he distorts into the shadows, and your head feels like a bowling ball on top of your shoulders, but you block it all and head inside.
The smell of chlorine fills your nostrils as you pass the school pool, its been crudely turned pink, the dye staining the sides as it laps against the walls. You head into the hallway, grimacing as your hands twist a honey covered doorknob that leads towards the rest of the school. It smells familiar and you absentmindedly trace the metal of a locker to your left, twiddling the lock between your fingers.
A sharp yell diverts you from your reminiscing and you pull yourself together, remembering why you're here. You follow the noise, tracing the winding hallways and peering in the empty classrooms. You come to a halt as you see one with people inside, quickly recognizing the figures as Bonnie and Caroline, you push open the doors and step in.
"Thank God you're here."
You nod in acknowledgement to Bonnie, relief washing over her features and you offer a small smile to Caroline, who can't hide her distaste.
"What the hell Bonnie?"
She ignores the blonde, "I'll explain later, we have bigger problems right now. (Y/N) come here." She beckons you over and you rush to her side.
"Whats happening? Where's Klaus?"
"He has Elena. If I don't find a way to break the curse he's gonna make Stefan kill her."
"Shit," you whisper, running a hand through your hair, ignoring the sweat beading at your hairline from anxiety.
"And he's gonna kill Tyler." Caroline's voice shocks you, it's quiet and vulnerable, contrasting the brass act she puts on.
"My boyfriend. He's a werewolf. Klaus gave him his blood and killed him, if we can't break the curse he'll die when he wakes up -"
"- and if you do he'll be a hybrid." You finish, your heart clenching at her words as the severity of the situation sinks in. You curse under your breath as you steady your palms, lifting your head to meet the girl's line of sight. "Ok, what's the plan?"
You follow Caroline as she races down the staircase, her blonde hair swaying across her shoulders with every movement. You remain a few steps behind, her demeanour radiating contempt towards you. She whirls open the door to the library and you catch it before it slams in your face, watching as she makes a beeline for the mythology section, pulling handfuls of books off the shelf. Bonnie had gone to try and contact the dead with a man called Matt, and you were left with Caroline to try and see if you could uncover anything about breaking the curse.
Caroline swore under her breath as the paper tore through her skin, blood bubbled on her fingertip before her flesh healed itself. You slowly prise the book from her and steadied her shaking hands, she pulled them from your grasp hastily and ran them through her curls.
"He'll be alright."
She shot you a look, "How do you know? If not today it'll be tomorrow. Klaus will never stop."
You nod, knowing she's right. There's no point trying to comfort her, she wants to be angry at Klaus and she will until her boyfriend is back in her arms. She watches you intently as you flip through the pages, trailing your fingers across the words, hoping it'll conjure up something useful.
"Why can't you just go and talk to him? Ask him to stop?"
"It doesn't work like that." You reply, "Things are bigger than just this, we have to be careful."
Her nose twitches at your words but you ignore her, focusing on finding something that can help your situation.
Her voice is sharp and bitter as her eyes meet yours, "How are you with him? How can you justify what he's done?"
You snap the book shut, the hard edge slamming against your fingertips as you lock gazes, "I don't. I accept him for who he is, I love him. That's all that matters, I don't care what he's done."
Her gaze wavers slightly as she shivers under your hard stare, you hope that one day you can be civil with this girl, but you need them all to know your loyalty has and will always be with Klaus. She opens her mouth to retort but the creak of the door makes you both jolt around.
"(Y/N)?" Rebekah says, full of shock from the doorway, her eyes taking in the scene unfolding in front of her "What the hell are you doing here?"
You offer the blonde a reluctant smile, watching as she exhales deeply, clicking her teeth in dismay.
"You shouldn't be here." Rebekah murmurs as you push past her, "Klaus'll go bloody mental."
"Too late. This is for his own good."
You make your way through the halls determined to see if Bonnie has come up with anything but a shrill shriek cuts through the eerie silence.
Your feet move by themselves and you race across the hardwood flooring, shoes slipping on the polish as you try to keep yourself upright. You follow the noise and pry open a large door, squealing when a body smacks into yours sending you both sprawling onto the floor. You clamber over the figure as it groans in protest and you immediately recognize her as Elena. She calms against your grip when she feels the familiarity before pulling herself to her feet and gasping for air.
"What the hells going on?" You muse, helping her straighten up. Tears are pooling in her Bambi eyes as her face flushes with fear.
"Klaus is... he's making Stefan kill me."
As if on cue, the thundering of shoes against the floor makes your head snap. Elena cries in your arms and you thrust her behind you, "Run." You say and she nods, looking back at her boyfriend in compassion before turning on her heel and racing away.  
You give Stefan a look of sympathy as you watch him struggle to hold himself back, the veins thrusting from his forearms as he clenches against a locker, the metal snapping under his grip.
"I can't help it." His voice is strained and weak. "Don't let me hurt her." You nod, but the compulsion is too strong, he lurches forward and lets out a roar as he fights with himself to stop. You shudder as you bounce forward, coming into contact with him as he heaves himself free. He's determined to chase after her like a lion to a lamb, but you won't let him. You have the upper hand, knocking him back so he slams against a wall, you wince as you hear the unmistakable snap of his body.
He gives you a weak smile, "It's Ok." But you don't feel bad for long as he succumbs to his demons and lunges at you, his fist making contact with your face, urging you to move. He mumbles a weak apology but you shrug it off, he can't help it. You wrestle around the floor for a while, both of you using your bodyweight to get the most control over the other, his hands find your throat as you desperately knee him in the groin. He cries and hisses as you use it as a chance to recover your breath, but he manages to overpower you, slamming you into the floor as you let out a howl, feeling your spine crack. He crawls along the floor, hands sliding as he raises himself onto all fours before you use a spurge of power to kick his joints back to the ground.
You rise to your feet, speeding ahead and blocking his path. "I can't let you go." He nods at your words, encouraging you to stop him, but his hand's protest, clamping around your neck and pinning you against the wall. You moan and struggle as his grasp tightens, he's older and stronger, but you're determined. You claw at his hands and face, any skin you can reach you lurch at, tearing at his flesh. He snarls, forcing you back harder, your shoulders slamming into the wall.
"I must admit, I'm disappointed. Thought the chase might last longer."
You recognize the voice instantly and turn your head to face him, but Stefan is blocking his view.
"Get on with it mate."
You let out a snarl as his fist clenches and Klaus instantly comes to his senses, you see his frame come into appearance, his eyes locked on your weak figure.
"For God's sake." He mutters, grabbing Stefan's shoulder and throwing him back as if he was nothing but a doll. The vampire crashed into the wall with a thud, his head revolving before he scrambled to his feet and flew down the stairs, chasing Elena like a bloodhound.
Klaus' hands steady against your face, holding you shoulder-width apart as he studies the cuts and bruises marking your skin. "Do you insist on breaking every rule I give you?"
You roll your eyes as you steady yourself, spluttering from the attack. "Yep." A batch of dizziness overcomes you and you stumble but Klaus catches you effortlessly. You lean into his shoulder, feeling his warm and comforting hands rubbing soothing circles on your back.
"This is why you shouldn't take on men twice your size."
"Took on you didn't I?"
He snorts as you pull yourself together, his eyes are trawling over your skin and you know he's hesitant to leave, but he has to. You grasp his jaw in your hands, tracing the stubble "Go and do what you have to." The words have different meanings, you're unsure of what he'll do, but hopefully, he knows whats right, because you sure as hell don't. At least while he's gone you can find Bonnie and sort this shit out.
He presses his forehead to yours, his breathing ragged and rough. "Don't get into any more fights whilst I'm gone, I mean it. You'll give me a bloody heart attack."
"You'd need a heart for that." You retort, watching as he chuckles genuinely, the sound warming your entire body. He vanishes suddenly, leaving you in the empty hallway, before you race to make sense of what your next move is.
Your footsteps thump in your ears as you dart down the stairs, pushing your way into the main hall, gasping as you spot a body curled on the floor.
"Tyler," Bonnie says from the background and you nod, focusing your hearing to check his pulse.
"He's alive."
"He'll be a hybrid soon." An unfamiliar voice cuts from the back and you come face to face with a blonde boy, his face hardened and stoic. You turn to Bonnie as she wipes her face, tears staining her chocolate skin.  
"What happened?" You ask as she turns her head, seemingly unable to even look at you.
"I died." The blonde answers for you, you assume him to be the Matt from earlier. "I spoke to someone from the other side, she said the doppelganger has to die to complete the transition."
You breathe hitches in your throat, if he's right then you're all fucked. Klaus will kill Elena and they'll get revenge by waking Mikael. Both situations send tremors through your skin.
"Who told you?"
"My sister, but she was advised by the Original Witch."
You still. The Original Witch? Thoughts swim around your brain as you suddenly realise that maybe you aren't screwed after all. The body in the corner groans and stirs and Matt rushes towards the body, Caroline, who you hadn't even realised entered, grabs Tyler and cradles him in her arms. He grumbles and gasps, his mouth deathly dry as he comes to his senses.
"Ah! Look who is finally awake."
All heads turn to the Hybrid entering, all attention directed to the alpha. A jolly smile adorning his face, lips slightly crooked.
"Stay away from him!" The blonde cries as Klaus approach them both, he rolls his eyes as he grabs the boy by his collar, hoisting him to his toes. He thrusts a beaker to his mouth, hands clasped around the scruff of his neck as he compels the wolf to drink. He reluctantly does so, swallowing the crimson liquid and you watch him gulp it down.
"What did you do with Elena?" Bonnie yells as Klaus watches Tyler in anticipation, Rebekah arrives and pulls Caroline off the teen, she struggles and growls in her arms but Rebekah holds her steady.
Your chest clenches as you watch Tyler writhe around, he howls and moans in pain. You can hear his bones cracking and snapping,  his body distorting in seemingly impossible ways. You take a step back and stand protectively in front of Bonnie and Matt, it's almost subconscious as you block their bodies, ready to strike in case something goes wrong. Your eyes dart towards Klaus, but he's following the boy intently, he's mesmerised, everything he's ever wanted is happening, it's historical. He must feel your gaze as he turns to meet you, a large smile widening across his face. A successful hybrid.
"Klaus! Where is she?"
"She's fine for fuck's sake." He snaps, watching as the brunette shrinks at his voice.
"But the witch said -"
"That jealous bitch would do anything to stop me from getting what I want, I knew she was lying. The doppelganger doesn't need to die, I just need her blood."
The air in the room instantly changes, Rebekah drops the blonde and she crawls into her boyfriend's arms, tears running down her porcelain skin.
"Where's Elena?"
Klaus runs a hand over his face, frustrated with the questions. His heart is bursting with pride at his new creation, he turns to the teens, bored with them now, "The hospital. I think she'll be spending a long time there now, don't you? I'm going to need a lot more blood."
Matt pushes past you, shoulder smacking against yours as he reaches his friend. Pulling the newly turned hybrid up and helping him carry his weight, Caroline takes the other side, shielding Tyler from Klaus' curious gaze as she cowers from everyone in the room. They leave quickly, refusing to turn around, desperate to try and reconcile after the night. Bonnie follows them, but before she leaves, she turns to face you, her eyes are broken and sympathetic and your heart tugs. It's not the outcome either of you were expecting, Elena is alive, but she'll never be safe. It's a waiting game, and you're unsure if you'll be invited to the next gathering. She slips away, racing after her friends, you can hear her heart hammering in her body, she's terrified.
You feel a warm hand gently clasp on your shoulder and you spin, Klaus' face is near yours, his smile is intoxicating and despite everything, your body fills with warmth. "You alright love?" You don't say anything and offer a wan smile, he knows things are entirely crazy, and that's a hell of an understatement. Everything about him is intoxicating, feeling his happiness directed at you makes your heart almost burst, but you can't help feeling like this is not the end, not by a long shot.
"C'mon, let's get you home. We're celebrating." His tone is soft and warm, silky against the harsh words you've spent too long used to. "Plus, I need to have a word with a few people, I've been wondering how you got out." He winks, his hand gently reaching for your forearm, the gesture is simple but it means so much after all you've been through.
That's been a word you've despised for two years, never really feeling like you belonged anywhere, but maybe that was starting to change. You followed Klaus effortlessly as he drifted away, listening to him beam about his new creation, but little did you know, miles away, Mikael was opening his eyes.
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aggresivelyfriendly · 7 years
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~Meet Me In The Hallway~ huge thanks to @emulateharry for the beta!! Chapter One-Terminal 
That was all I wanted to do. I just needed to pass through. That was the whole fucking point of a hallway, right? To get from point A to point B? It didn’t have to be damn metaphor for being stuck, being unable to move on.
 I was there, and I wanted to be, now I’m not and I can’t move to the next place, so I wait in a long lonely corridor and wish for yesterday.
Yesterday and Tuesday are gone with the wind though. And I was glad of it. It had been years since I’d seen his face, and frankly, that was better for me. It’s how I had gotten better. I’d even managed to avoid nearly anything and everything about him. That was easier out here. The east knew his name, but it was not the brightest nor the biggest.
It was almost like when we started. His star was ascending, but his name didn’t come with a trademark quite yet.
I’d toured with his openers, someone’s little sister cum make up artist. But I was actually good, and I didn’t mind being around a bunch of gross boys either. That was what I’d grown up with, and so my brother and his band and the biggest band, idiots all, brought me right in. Gave me a spot, a job, a family, a goddamn complex with all of their teasing.
Except for him, Harry. He had not immediately seen me as one of the boys, despite the jeans I hadn’t washed in many many moons, and the vans someone had puked on, and the t shirt I’d found on the floor of the bus between stops. I expected to be one of the boys, but he made me feel like the only girl.
It started in a hallway, but of course. I’d gotten kicked out, well, shoved out, by a groupie with a killer bod and a rep for head. The sock was on the door and I knew the rules. It was late, everyone was drunk, and I was homeless.
I sat down in the hallways and laid my head upon my knees and hoped I’d had enough beer to put me right to sleep. I had not.
I sat and played music, as loud as I dared, to drown out the sound of my brother getting off. Gross. But so fucking familiar. He was just old enough to be in charge of me and young enough to know better but not care. And we were close enough in age that it wasn’t that weird. Except it was always my friends. Let me tell you, the last thing you want to hear is your best mate screaming your brother’s name.
But the girl in the hotel room was far away from my mate, she’d looked at me like she couldn’t figure out where the fuck I came from and what I was doing hanging with baby rockstars.
“Who’s she?” She’d asked like I wasn’t able to hear as my brother pulled her into the room.
“My little sister.”
“Oh,” had been her disinterested reply as I’d been dumped in the hallway. Lovely.
It was an auspicious start. I should have known with a beginning like that, an end was inevitable.
Something started that night in the corridor. I think it all started for me that night. After our first hallway rendezvous, I gave Harry years of my life. Always meeting him in the hallway, sneaking into his sheets, and trying to work it out. It ended in a hallway too. He left me and I stood there hoping we could work it out for too long, years maybe. But then, I walked away, and I got better. Seeing him here, tonight, another sparse but posh place that wasn’t, felt like I’d walked into a time machine. Like I’d just left his bedroom. His hair was short, like it had been when I fell for him. I thought I had gotten up, but I know now I was still on the floor.
I watched him, his back was to me, but I could tell by the loop of his stride, the set of his shoulder, the occasional smack of his gum, that it was him. He has yet to see me. If he did he must have been disinterested. Apathy is the worst, I hate it more that hate.
Harry had never shown disinterest in me, though I guess he wasn’t interested right away, polite and kind I’d say. But busy and charming and rolling in girls. So, imagine my surprise when he fell for me. Though it would be lie to say I didn’t fall first.
“Hey,” I looked up at the voice while I sat wishing for my ear phones that first leg of tour. He was all mussed curls and bare torso dotted with nonsensical ink.
“Hey, Sorry, was the music too loud?” I picked up my phone and notched it down.
“Nah, I heard you get the boot. I waited to hear another door, then heard the music. Figured you could use a refuge.”
I smiled brilliantly at him. I’d had a crush from the first time I’d met him that had only grown in magnitude as I watched him navigate around the first arena we rocked up to. He was in a muscle t, riding a Segway, and later, I watched him when he wrestled and sloshed beer with the other rowdy boys, the same shirt had got stretched and see through and he’d caught me trying to read the words at his hip. He’d quirked a brow.
“What’s it say?” I’d asked.
“‘Might as well.’” He quoted
“Just fuck?” I finished and slapped my hands over my mouth. But he sneezed or laughed and wheezed before being pulled back into the joyful altercation.
I could definitely read the lyrics the night he invited me in. I’d say to his hotel room, but I got into so much more than that. His good graces, maybe then his good books, and at one point, I’d thought his heart.
He’d set me up with a beer and a controller and we’d played xbox until ridiculously late.
“You’re really good,” he bemoaned after I’d beaten him for the 14th time.
“Yeah,” I shrugged and tossed some more crisps into my mouth. “Boys play on the bus. There’s not much else to do. What aren’t you better?”
“I sleep a lot.”
“On the bus?” I pointed at the tv as I selected another round.
He nodded his delight and we started in again. “Pretty much anywhere I can. Our schedule is crazy. We’re always on planes, and I hate sleeping there. So, I sleep on the bus and whenever I can—”
“Why aren’t you asleep now?”
“Another part of the merry go round, I can’t sleep after shows for a while. I’m all wound up, so then I’m tired the next day, but we are often on a plane, where I can’t sleep, so I—”
“Sleep where you can when you. So you miss out on fifa?”
“Pretty much,” he dimples at me and I felt so happy he had opened his door.
We played for a while longer, until I caught him yawning and called him out for it. “Tired? Ready for bed?”
He looked sheepish, “Yeah, should sleep, Sorry.”
“No,” I got up and grabbed my trash, “I’ll go, just let me see if the damn sock is gone,”
I’d just gotten a glimpse that the sock was still very present on the door across the hall when he pulled me back. “No, you can crash here. I just meant I needed to lay down.”
“Mkay, I’m not to proud for the couch. Looks like it’s there or the floor out there,” I gestured. I kept talking, I couldn’t seem to stop my mouth. “This is a nice hotel, but the floor is still pretty grotty.”
He scratched the back of his neck and I catalogued the new tattoos the move revealed to me. I could see no relation between pieces or how they’d fit into a sleeve. Maybe after a few more nights of video games I’d get really brave and ask him.
He must have felt braver than me, “no, um….this isn’t a come on, k?”
He paused for my reaction but my 3 am brain was sluggish and I just stared until he continued.
“I figured you could sleep with me, just to sleep. I like a body next to me, but…” he trailed off and stared at his feet. The toe of his right sock had a hole near his big toe, I could see why, his nail needed a clip.
“But?” I prompted.
“I can’t sleep with the girls I hook up with, because who knows who will find out, and I can’t handle another segment on tmz. I’ve watched you around. You’re not a big talker. You listen a lot. I like that.” He smiled a little and I returned it.
“You listen a lot too,” I commented. “You pretend to be life of the party, but I catch you hovering round the edges all the time.”
He stubbed his foot down, “I like being around people, just gets tiring to be on all the time.”
“You can turn off with me.” I meant it and caught his hand as I said it.
“I know,” he said. “I can tell. Know you know some dirty shit about all of us, never hear about it from you. Think I can trust you. Not gonna have to confiscate your phone.”
“Well good luck there, babe, not relinquishing my phone. Only line I have home while I’m out trying to keep up with you ragamuffins and keep my stupid brother alive.”
He laughed and then yawned.
“Bed,?” I suggested.
“Bed.” He pulled me behind him. “You can have a shirt if you want?”
“No, I can sleep in this.” I went around him to the unpopulated side of the fluffy white bed and sat down to pull off my shoes and socks before I slid in under the covers.
“Not in the jeans,” he shook his head, “that’s so uncomfortable. I’m sleeping in my pants.”
“Feel free, your bed and all, but your ploy to see me in my knickers is going unmet, Styles,” my laugh was an attempt to cover my nerves. “cant, cuz im not wearing any.” I laughed.
“You’re not wearing any what? Any knickers?” He blushed.
“Nope, had to rush out this morning. Sans pantaloons I’m afraid.” I’d arranged myself under the blankets and was trying to look cool as a cucumber while he’d fish faced across from me.
Finally, he about faced on his heel and I wondered where he got to. He returned with a fresh pair of boxer briefs. “You still can’t sleep in jeans, be right un comfy, an I don’t want them rubbing on my legs.”
I don’t know where it came from, but I took the pants and met him cheek for cheek by standing and sliding my jeans down my legs and slipping his blue shorts over my hips.
“You’re gonna catch flies,” I quipped and slid back beneath the overs and shut the light.
And that was how I came to sleep with Harry Styles in his underwear most nights for years.
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